The Morning Record, April 12, 1898

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The Morning Record, April 12, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




aad ftortoM aad mm offtwa of oar
a MMfipbtobar. wwa bM ta^
daatb, aad griaC a^ waal wwa

MMiimFT Bxm *T0> at mb

Oa tba aabfaeiaf tba ttopfaffbOttp
ter tba Kaiaa dteatsr. tba piMldato
daetoMB tba aagaallfiad iMtitoari af
piTicaaMat to tba baaifi «< tagat-



artnad oot of tba pnblta ArnaaniT
to sapplaaaat^ ebarltj of oar olU-

“Tba tasna ta aoi
IsaaoIaouiraapoaslbUUy. 1 have aabaastoo 00117 effort to niiara toe tetoterabla esadlUoa of affatan wbtab ta
mr. doon. Crnpaiad te aMaata
7 abUgaUoa iapoaad a^ bm
b7 rivUlmltea aad tew. I await
Tba fallowlag. nlaUag to tba s
•od at laagtb tba meat aettaa of Spate, was added to
■iatUa effort of Praaidaat Clerolaad ia tba MMffn: ••TaaM(da7 oBcial teAIM toward briagiag aboat
dbraafib tba vadiatloa of tba United daerne of tba gaaaa ngaal of Spate
«Mte oa tba baala of aom aaba«e of diraeta that Oaawal Blaaaa. te ordar
oaUfforaraaaattar Ooba aadar Spaas of boaUlitiaa. tba
fabaoeatriira^. wUabaSortfidlad baksof srinebbaaa not
oaaae SprOa lafsaad to parodt aaab nataatod to Bsa. This
Tba sneMadiBr aMottatkoa aad 'tba
iaportaat araau ia tba bbter •< tba aidaratloa will, lawaara. bava poor
auaatioa. If ihta
Oabaa difiaaltj ware rariawad
son atiatea a aoMaastal raaalt,
Jaaftb aad wttb patriotla farror aad
tba ralatloaa of Spain aad Oaba witb tbaa oar aspirattaos aa Okrtattaa paaM
' tba Uaiud State warn dwrit apoa. U lovlag paopla wiU 'ba roaltaad. If U
fails. It will bs oal7 aaotbar JasU'
ariiag faaolWa
ttaa ter aar onataaiplaMd aattea.
taeofaltlpB tps praaidaat mid:
“Nar fraa tba ataadpolat of axp
Iaae7 do I taka U woold U wtaa
pradant far tbto fs|roramnt ta')M
ogaise at tbaftaeaat liBa tba Ind^
peadanaaof tbaOifaaa rapo^ Snob
a roeatfBttloa kaot feoeaaarp to aaabla
tba Ualtad State ta
OMBsIt tbia ooaatrp aow to a raear
sltlM of as7 partianb
Oaba aigbt aabjaot as to tba asbarrMsinf aoMUtloaa of UtanaUoaal abItfaUoa toward tba
• lo ease of tetMTaatlOB car ooaauet
woold be aab}aet to tbe approval pf
aneb rovaramaati wawonld ba raqairod
ta subuli to iu dlraoUea aad to aaaase
to it tba mere ralaUoa of a frtaadlj
allv. Wbea it shall appear haraaftar
tbarr !■. wlibla tbe lalaad a foraraanbni capable of perfonatag tba faaetioDS of a sepente aatioa, aneb
Meat eaa be raadlij raeagaiaad dad
oar relalioBs with it adlosted.**
Hf aammarised Uc grenade ter forOtbte iatarraBUon as follows: “Flfst.
to tba eaofa of bnmaaUj and to pot aa
«ad u tba barbariUea. M^bad aad
asiaariaa BOW eafst\ag, aad wUeb tba
partlaa to tea eonfilet are altbar aaabla
oranwUliBg to ssltigata.
"SaooBd. wo owe to oar ritlsaas Ig

Tbtaa Vow Wator Wbnnto mU Ba

Smith, who ta aaaagar of tbs
HsSbah A 1*7 Oo. Soar mill, ta propar^ to Osaka estiva' ImprovamaU
wbiek wfU tesrsaae tba oapaalip of tba
mm. Ha kas arraagad to plaoa tbraa
arw water wbarU la plaoa of the aavaa
rbeols aow te aaa aad tbe
be oom^etolp everhaatad.’
Tba flame rataads aow about twelve
fact nader tbe mill aad this will be
set bsek. wnslde, allowteg room for
tbe aaw wheels wbtab wUl ba eonnaeud with Ua flame bp Iroa tnbaa.
-Tba aaw amngamrat will greatlp
ioeraase tba eapaeitp for feed grtedteg*
for whiob pnrpoaa tbe present stoaea
will be replaoad bp aaw roUa. Tbe mlh
will also be straagtbaaad bp baavp Iraa
pilUra aadar the eeatar. Improea
maato will at tba soma time ba made
an the ehate'aad’otbw tbtegs will be
ooBsidarad wbtab wUl add to tba aoaaadoapaeitp of tba (flaat. Aa
of &a Lafall Water Wbaal
Oa baa baaa aaat ter aad ba wili be
ban te a few daps to ooasalt Mr. Smith
aboat tba aaw wbaata. Wbaa this Imtba am wm
wd lBda*alt7 i
Stole. - Tba amoaat to ba axpaadad
wbtab M^l-----will r^ak atlaaatflAflOfl. litaaxpaet-.
ad-toat tba work will bagte wp 1
aad to ton
aad raqatra aboat twa aaaths to •
"Tblrd, tba right to latstvoaa ia ]iu- Plato.
fitftad b7 tbs iaJaiTto
•ad bnatoaM of oor paopla. and bj tba WZLUH ■oOt.VSXn X* XnlAB.
waatoo daatraaUaa of arapart7 aad
Hta SariOM Bi^rM XmA Mflap Vara
iba.davastaUoa «f tba lalaM.
Broraa- TWaL
/ -ptoartb. tba 1
wtofarpeaes WtUla MeClnb^. t»-Sra pear eld
Oaba is a e
aoa of Mr. aad Mn. dames MoCtarierp.
'TbaMatateatanf 4aa«af aad dla- arba wn ao ssnralp iMutaad lasttfridap
ocdaranstriklaglgUlMliilad M tba white pteptegaroaBdabarategT^ah
tMgta dasteatX* af ovSAtoablp hasp, died Sasdap. Tba taamflbald paatordapaftertomatnmtbe
Matea ta tba barbM of Havana.
Pmaata efcareb aad tba tamatea tel
: darifdattaa baa fittod tba bMm

atoSMVew Tmt>


One PlacsInTown To
Seve^Money By Bluing Wali Paper.
lOomdonbls roll

p/maa wttXBSavx«r vob,
M. B. Braakatt. WUUam ?. Barkan aad

WIU ba fffsasatad Qnsatioa Vow

0mm u«a»A^OoaKnMMAa> barborof Havana.
ttntat tt* Om ar Ara^ m4 Varitl OeaOaalag tba pTMldMtaaid that It
ta BOW prevaa that tba o»aet ter wUri>
Spaia baa wa^ war Maaoi bs aV
WaaklaftM, Afrit lL»Tta frwt* taiaad. a^ it ta ptola tba fin of tba
Ami's MMMt* M Ua OaMa altsatiaa
«M faa4 »t aooa todar mU tba i
•Tba aal7 bopa of raltaf fraat tba
U VMaioafud faD’t^AB aapifiM oadittaa' whSab spa aa laager be m«< Ua poaitiM of tUa car«n«aBb A docad ta tba aateread paelftaattoa af
Oaba. la tba tasm of baBwalt7,- to
tba abograM af Oa Vaitad tba aam of oivUtaattaa aad to baOlMaa: Obcdtoal ta that praaafl af balf of oadnagand AMtieaa lataraata
tha aaaaUtattoMwbleh eWiBiada
whiah give as tba right aad dat7 to
pnaUaat M gm fra* time to U»c act. tba war la Oaba Mast stop.'
toaCWM taMmattaa of ika aula of Aa eloalag tba
view of tbaae teats aad aaaaldaratlaas
tka uiae. aBd-ta TOaouMBd Ue
1 ask-ooagraaa ta antboriaa Um praai­
3aifa .........ary aadaapadlMl. H ia *7 daat to taka ■aaaaraa to aaaan tba
Aatjr aow ta oddrMa 700 rttmi:dlar tba final terateatioo of baatiUttaa batwoM
«m«a artaU that baa ariaaa in tbe rain- Spate aad tba paopla of Oaba aab to
M ter that tabtad tba oMabltabttoM of tba dnitad State and gfata b7
.tof a
naaaa of tba wartara that fur aora
Btoiatolatef ordar aad obaarvtbaa tbraa TMTs baa lagad la Oaba. I
Ao ao bMaaaa of tbe iatimaU eeaaao4 lag Ita tetoraattaaal obUgatloaa.
«iaa «l tba Oabaa qai
teaariag paaaa aad aaaarit7 to
a^ta oi oar owa antaa. aad tba m*a Its cititaas aa wall as to oar owa. aad
lUoB of tba aoaraa wbtab It la
to aae tba wUlt^ aad naval fomaa of
BbMi apao tba aatton to adopt tba Ualtad Stetaa if mttmmrj toe tbaaa
amt aosda bte to tba tradlOoMi poli07 of oar goearaBaavU U ia toabaord -la tba igtMHSt of bntoaaitp- aad to
witb tba praoapu laid do<ra.b7 tba aid te pnaarrlag tballvaa of tba atorv.HaandMa of Ua rapablkaad raU|toaal7 lag Oabaaa, 1 raaeaMaaf that tba dtaobawrid b7 aaooaadi


tateUgbtUfpteak Tmtoidapadate
fattea team tba naert aHg aama to
look over oar spatomaaf ateatate iUa>:

stota of tbii^ la Onba that la iBlaliBa•f OBbn lm6mpmmA‘ bla. It U aaab. that tba Spaoiab for-

oaid. baa baaa wocaa is all raapaeu
tbas Ita ptadaoaMora. Ha platarad ia
fT^la lasroBfa tba oppraMtoa aad
A^radattoa of tba Uaanr«ata and noaooaabatanta. tba waau of tbair fields
aad ocbar prapirt7 and tbs daaUtatka
of tba paapta. tba toaaaa aaataiaad bp
A*Mleaoi aa^ tba oarMtyOnfaadarad
aaeor ow owa paopla. wbieb is laiparmine and prerontlaf oor aoa aatioaal


TBAYmn Qin; iooe^ tuesdat. apbil u, im.




alga Halattaaa
Vapatto Win ba V^Oal^.

W.&Sp^. IthadbaM.apggasMd
Ibat a p^baaatobltabadwllk aafir far eommarotai aats aad the <
rea hare bp tba
Boardmaa Blm Bleetrta Ugbt A ttowar Oa. Tba dslagattea waa Maortad
aad Mtortotesd bp Treak friadriek.

tboh noon ctobt wxvbow.
Waablagtoa. April U.-Tba toMtfa XmeOa VaUd^ Vad,a Bi« Van aad
raUttaaa af tba Ualtad State wttb Vflirow Btoapa Vnm SartoM Xajnry.
Spate aad Oaba aow rant aritb ooa- taatarMlag Caaite. dOMbtorof Dr.
•naa tba rapramtetiva badp of tba aad Mrs. A H. BoUltep. tori a aarrow
aaeapa from aartamnaja^. Bp aama
aaaidMt aba tell (ram a srMaw of tba
. What aoaiwtba mm eompaala
aaoaad atorp of tito BaUtdap rraMaan
will paiaaa eaMOtba teratpiA Tba oa Waablagtoa stnsk bat varp lortaaIga aammittoa of both hanm
atrip ao boaaa ware tookes. Sba was
bava it te their onatrel aad after daa badlp braUad. bawaw. aad oaa af bar
•aratioo tbep wlU report to tbair bipa wpa wraatbaA Tba acaaaqaaaen
reapacMva braaebaa jwbat tkrp aoMid- will aotto .aerlona.
ar aboal4 ba tba atiiteda of tba Ualtad
Slntrii bp a VIpteg BoarA
Stetaa oa tba ^reqaasttaa prtoMtad, Obarlea CTBIal mot wlUi a palatal aaBarip aettea bp tba eammlUaas ta ax- eldaat la Falghamb teatorp pratoifiap.
paetod. bat aaotlp wbaa it map
A fipi^ board from oaa of Me tows
eiraak him above tbe left ape tefltatteg
lookad ter ta not datamtesA
a palatal woapd. aad brntalag bta teoa.
Ha mtaisga-te rasMt paan. :
bat tba tejalp ta.aat daagareaa.
eraa that of l»mldaat Otovatead ee

uaate aar af Preatdaat Hsrriaaa
oa Um Cbllaaa, mattor. arar eaaaad
widatarid'a^ -tetoaaa tetaraat.
aeanga sraa avrr ItatMad to wlU
lelMaattoattea brbotb gaUartaa
aad mambtaB at both aada af the oof
Ftoalaagtlmaa lW« toajorltp of
boU beam tererad tba reeogaitten of
tadapaadaaoa of Oaba: ter more
than twa poars as vtaead In tba roaalattoas pasaad bp aangreae, baa reaagnlttaa of baUlgaraaep baaa tea^i ter.
Bath tbaaa propoaHloea an aaugeateadte tba liiiisSk aad aaaawiaaaUp
te tbit regard tba maasaga did aot aaaerd witb tba ma>oritp sMUmaak
The mmaga loft aaagrem ratp n
at aaa baaaaaabf tba dtapangamai
riawB botwooa it and tba aaaeaUva.
Tba ahstoote ta baid to aormoaak
Tba aMBto csmmlMM, oa terriga re-

tba teat that tba
bald aaaasoltottaaaftor tba mat
adjoaraad. aad from wbat wm said regardteg It iho lafareaoe ta drewa that

aabFfe Batba-If poa bare enUa.
raewmatlma, paralpata. aap (arm to
aanrelgla. dr akte traablsa of what-'
vaHatp. bp aa BlectiHo Bath.
. .asiA Markka* Bla . a trial kaM
WiU oMriaea Me meat akaptleal.


Cl?® Will You iidB This rear?

Mirnan IInL

rtb* M

m fntisi Steels'

teas ilpsctels" Jast rsarirsd aad pteoad aa sate te ow Qtoib.

$iW 5&SbS;5* ®*~“"*~**^


Saaateg Asaambtp.
Ibare will be aa asaembp te-^lrere*
Jaaateg Aeademp this oreataur
Udlre admlttod ^ gnaUamaa U

Wheel Enailieled For S2.5JI


ordar to mnp ^ aattea bp tba •
sslttoe tbroOgk tba aeaato. A drilbarato war ta tolk*d-of and a deotera
Mat tba people of Coba sboaU ba free,
iaoapled ' witb aatborteaitea to the
Piaaldaat to brtag Uta aboat bp armed
tetorreattea waa aaggretod. It ta trail
kaowa Mat aap prapoaltioa adva
will ba mta te Me bmiIi with aa


I hfivs A Bun'bsr of oMsrm^ onds la ths grooary
I rooentljr bought of Mrs. l>sii(sls, 896 Frost stros^^
which I must dispoM of to mskoroom eornsw stook

Th«7 Will bs s(dd out At towprlesA.


Try a Pair Of Ovr School StOKi .1
Good solid leather counters, soles and up­
pers—that is the kind that wears.

404 Union Stro^

daaee of tka prment Oabaa govarB'
s also taat tbto
Is always dMirable, especaftoraooa aad «
are the new slylea that
aap redtaal measare if it aboald ba re*we
are now showing.
portod bpMa seaataaommlttoeaa ter­
riga rriaUons. ^Bap wlU opfWM bp j
Ba snib'and see these beandabato a raeognltlM of tba tedapaadties, only st
aaaa of ^ praaaat goveramant aad
daeterattaa to war aad wUi eaaseat to
aettea oalp along tba Uaaa of Me pnatdeafa raaataiasadmonB '


AprO U.-Braretprp
' > dfuraoea that ba
tboagbt Ukalp that MtetaUr Weodfard
weald leare Madrid todap baten Uta
ra^pt tb«pa at tba praaldMt's maaMga. Ba hadrenlvadae ward team
tba mtetator m to bta Imriag. aad It
waa a mattor to hta «
A dtapalA (ram Maalte. capital to
Me rbmindsa kteada. aaaflrmt the npmi Mat Me Ualtad Statoa w

Bicycle Bepairing!


toft Maalte.


213 Front St

South Bids Bhos Btoite
Stotta Baerivad Three Timm a Weak
Coanta. 40a par qaeul

Flettler's Ofster Depot eel Resteiieit

Miliinerif - DeparW.

Ha Win VaMto EUs Boat at Bta


sS.isStSSg ■” ‘

XtokVoctWnsrsOa A Wav V«Hh I da au htods to Brariag. ValeaateTitaMfdap.
Boft tempo, ns.. A|wn u.><OMani teastmoaig.
Lm aad bta paitp ImM tern tba OMMteaadAMMmplM
OUretaa todap. aad beardtothataate
USOalM SS.aMt|toPt

war Fou aHOUU) bxtt toub sum of ub:
1st*- As this is our first season we hire no old diestunts. '
dnd. As we bnj in lar^ quantities for ca^ only, we
undersell anj competitors in this viemitf.
3rd. As this is 4 side issue with ns an ordinary day goods
(irofit is all we ask.
We do hot charge for trimming, and make eTei>
^ hat subject to rejedtioiL
5th. We reuil manj artides at wholesale prices, rii:
▲ Largo 8 Soso BuMoh of t»lk snd Velfto in all tfaadH tor 86e
A Urgtf bnndh of 3 Preach Boaaa sad 8 Bodi, dfflply «xq.dsito
A a bemoh SUk Violate, Urge •u^ in ah Aadfls, t()t'18a;
Call on Yonr Money Savers,

The Boston GhXaaa
TnocHM ^ y

Front BM*.

TH« «oa2nva aaooBD, TU»»)BAT.AFBii. i% int
■tSKOn^n^ II


pMMfatl? into tbfttilMp ohm w»k-

M. Ai^bif, Mark
BroMA,ib.nd«Booa, «iw<aan>, Jm
Cwii^ Jmte

toe I. to
0..-.nk ..n
‘-- ----------""

Hi lirtn. JM, tonii J.
-------- „
itoTSto, AinB-ito.
J. „
B „8-«lto,


SiSHto' • ■ ■ ■

Tmx boscj Is dtvsUtloB is tbe
UmlUd SUtM to sow «tb«9 per MptM.
SB iBereeMefteeMlbutl MtMeeeh
tediridasl is tbe oossItj tisee
sdeptte ot Ibe Cbtoefe pJetfoeM.
e^eb t^ted thet tbere mid be so
teensM is esr eireetoUes wltbost ibe
ffse ssd bsUtolted eoUsc* s( aUeer.
Ibe seetst* »»•
toierMee Msm l»«
bee bees 1l.000.OQQ.per Msstb.

mhM Mi aiMto OnmkAr.

jMt M IbeMtaartUac iMt «T»»lar

' eujrz) TEAvnsB anAU).
k T. Eatw abp J. W. ]

FOR ONLY $2.50


ib« ▼«*«•• V»MtUk»t Md ViWMV
»MP«fBU7 XMt
U«te«. B«f7 BfmM. OUT* Wtelw
SiCM M tamn*.


L UolsMn
ItodU ciard<». KW;
ru*. B. X iMktrk. Will-


rmblla. FU« Lak«i

oitad wMre «mU ms M*«r sgsls.
Hmm wbo MW U>te Twiersbia ^rtatisi ts'UM* iMidaj-* wbM be be*
Mls>7 weitisr tor bU Mil to
wUl arrer ferfH b<e b»p|>7 feltb,
hki tMTlMMeaik is Tiew of dMtb. bte
AmIm todeMrt
be witb Ike Mvier
be le*e4. Mr. Ae'darm'e Ufe bad f«r
MU7 loBf Tesre bees oee of eeftisebtar dcrottee Is bie reliiriee ssd bile
bl. fMrieae edberesM to wbicb be beUered to bebbrbt to It. i«*oi^ laterpceutloa.
Durlsir hi. rrsMesM is
Tcareree CII7 be wee e areiber at tbe
Oeacrcfstloeal ebarob. saUl tbe srfsaiMUoa of tbe Preebytertoa ebsreb.
wbea be aeited-wlth tbet body ee belea la eeeord witb bit,early ^arcb
■embereblp add prefer^
There to se udoeM'ls ebraaldlar
tbe dMth of tble aced basbaad aad
rife wbe after the toito aad oprMsf a
leac life bare bees m qaiokiy malted
la the beaeealybeBetewblebaUtbeir


Bdtt^ WebMer, Elafaley-

Tbe ftoreetera
bs -eajeyebto
part; U tbeir baO last alrbt.
Aurmst f>eUB^ sow baa a ■ telepkoee la his btolyele repalriar shop.
&rlT;leraadnerbert;8eaien rode
w to Bib Bapi^ Saaday aftaracee.
Mia. C B. Ml^ hae ,'beea earn
wooed le bv farmer bom VMS&bb;
Ue lUaem of her mother.
Tbe refalar BMeiiarodTrarerbe-dt;
Codee O. M. r wiU be bald Ihto eeeeIBJ. Mia. Bale, leader.
Tbe Bebeatoe Imdto. Mdet; jam a
peed eatertalameat aad daaee la Oeja^ttoa haU toet ereaiaj.
Tbe Me Blaetial thorn Frida; aljbt
wlU be'pieced
tbe aftenaoe.
Tbe .tMa baifM CbarlM Wall aad
Jobs CTMeU are kmdlaf lamber from
tbe Trewec.Clty Lamber Oo. for bsadaU;. O.
Tbe twe ;ear eM aoa of Mr. aed Mi*.
Jobs ttardea of Oak Park, died bead.;.
Tbe feaeial will take plaee la bL
tVraaeto ebareb toda;.
. Tbe MImm CbiToll Mtertalaed a few
triced. Satarda; erealar at a fboat
part;. Flae ■reffiebeiiam were eer;
pleealBf te tbe pbM^ preeeai
Tbe'Gotham dab wm eatertalaed
aaterdej ereBiar b; Mr. aad Mia K.
tmwto of Stau etiabfc
Darlair tbe

Will cUeui it thorpOKblT, tn» tbe 1wbeele, pn an;' color omamaatal worit yoti wiab,. daamel
or rarniab
----------._miah your nw for abort pric*.
Call and aae aaxnple.
------. nple.
^------We aleo Baild WhaelB to Order, do it cheejM
and _
^ire. bet­
ter BiatoriAl end work than aay ebop iu the city, Have bad aexeral
year*’ exprrieiice and gnaractoe aatiafaettoo.
neaee give ss a trial
ELUB,S11 Front fit.. East.

Qvx &oodi Car^ds'?

^9nit to a Bm KUL
Werd was reeaired here jMterda;
thet-Gd. Arautrow wm ••’T bedl;
hart to tbe mw mill si Bor's Beck, bet
the details ef the eeetoeat ersre set
blerde eeleeted tram tbe I
kelb Bookatora.

> to H.e-

MWtok tSe'fiel^
Omcob JaekMo wua rer; piou tmt
rm; detanu>B«d old todored dtiSMd
Owl Creek Taller Be bad a yoaag
I buy* wme
bilore to toeak tbe aaioebetbe
detemlned to ride it bimaelL Be wea
bowercr. 00 eouaw kamtod 00 it. back
thu be was tbrut.o toto u edjdnlog
lot. where be wa. picked ep with both
togs tookea aad bis neck badly ^Miaod.
‘■Wb>t oa esrtb did aacb aa old maa
M you mcui by ttytog to ride a wild
yoaag mole like tbktr'atoed tbe doeur.'
'■Waal, sob.” mid Umooa Jackaoe.
»a WaibbMiM ef Mew ToHt A Mew
**J aerer doe* aodertake to do aothto
Jama; Vmdnee Oe. Mew BMd;.
srldoat fust ooaMitto or de Imwd aa
seeia wbat be du tbmok erboat bit I
axed bim ef 1 orter tide dat male wbat
pM lathe M. A K. B. yard, tor tbe
my iriflia no eraoant boyaeoaidn't ode^

Terk A Mew Jarm; Prodaee Oo..
an de Uwd be eed. 'YmmIi.’ jm’m
Id the larfeat ead amt oowpleto U
ptoto es 1 am talkia to you.”
Tfcrtbere Mtoblgaa. It to 68 a m feet
-■WeJLtmtbe m«Bs to baregira
/ todlMeaetamaad adaUteW; aiTsated
Mto. &eM Sbadek bee beee mm- yoa bad adnoa”
J dm tbe eterace of petateM aad other
ameed tram tbe YpeUaaU Normal
“Mo. doctiw. bto Jadgment was aU
membtoe. Ibe lower etot; wUl be
ecboul te take Ibe-. place raMtad b; right, fw de Lawd fcaowe dis ole aigger
aerer eeed de day wbea be wa. afeered
Atrided late Me* tor tbe eMortlac ef
Mim Ooawa; to the Oak P^k aebooL
to straddle acythiag tram e citcator mw
mMIom aad tbi arMBjeateat fM qatok
Tbe elMmer Cbaitocoto loMbad bera
awiae^baallBctoperfeat. Ibe etdM
'tost Bijbt OQ ber iiat soathward tdp
aad took aboard 8.000 beabels of poto
amd the daoim aad wtodews arc
tOM aad a ^aaaUt; of mtooaltoaeoM
Amble, which wlU eaeble tbe
ou aa iWBk^
0i beth hMt aad eolA Baaator to
Old Ab Drake wa. ooe of tbe ^odd
The ease of aUe«ed amaalt aad bai­
sHokf - toet doiuytoed in a Van
lor; eralMt Wto. Ji
>1 bledcr. wa. adjoaiwed yew reral neighborbood a good meay ymn
_______ _____ '■ JLIwbc bsram>tslthfeilr eared IM them .*^ W.
ago. Bto wife sras a meek, obedienl.
I to thdrdedto1or;~rea.d wbo wiul^^ntoy to ;je^ Bcberto' cMirt aaUi spirittom sromsa. arm whom Ab tyraaBised lor M ymts, when toe qaledy
that IbTiar Mre which
a aide tmek ea eaeb aide ol tbe baud-1 imr
slipped oat of totoworlA UU Ab's
ri«eb« .as that ataek too; be .leaded with
rnncytyrics on bis dead wite'e vlrtoee
Teaa; Womee-e CkrtoUaa Tempei
Utile dels; dartor the mob.
IS bora to Cbm- Uatoa to tbe cOee of Pmu A Oerto. ware tuod aad kmg. dtolore tb« faaerml
thtoeompaajkssboarbtto tUe MIty. Pa.. tbebosM of
_ eresler at T:H'sharp. All yemmg be mtd 10 one of bto peifbbacs; “bbe
atoi^, throactothair loMi areott. A. Taylor, Marche, mo. (o isle be losras U>« beet women oa tbe lop of tbto
1 fmo tboegbi toe worid and ell
A. MflOe; A Boa aboat *00 car toads MWdtoOblD. BeearredsaapmaUee-t
th. aart. of the
-yes. 1 aid ■ 1 alsrs*. tfaoaght it.
MSM the seaaeaoimeei tost fsU. The
“ii BW ion.. -U
IB. inA.- sad banged if there sras't times wbco
gambeme was baill aadar the eaper1 oome mighty a«e; tolling berm—yea'
atotoa ef Jaame McKeaaa. eaa of the he atteedod as aecademy. «oee after
t«os aad tbtowUlbeoaeof Ibe Tory tort And 1 woBld 's' told her m. bb^
aiMpirj- who bM apeat all wtoler
teWMtCMitole. O.. aad bep eeeeateal aeetol tmacUoM of tbe aaa- I've alsreys beld. and 1 suU bob), that It
fsa bMlaeea, aad there be met aad
ain’t Mfe-to ixsuse anyibing that w'ars
|rrtTb-nW *CepUn for that 1 sroabi ‘a*
maiTi^ Mies Marfarel Taaber. wbo
Ttw ImdlM* AM eeetoty of tbe Oea- told *Lisy EIIm whsi 1 tboogtai of bar
was bora to that dl> Oetober.lRT. aad
Bteay e ttom—yea I wunldr—Botooa
. TbesexI aad tost aamber la tbe
kfr firlbeed them, la tm
BfbaAoelleetaroeeaioe wlU be m Mr. Aadereoa ealtotod lo tbe arm; aad dav alteraoea at I oUeck. A fall M- Joaraal
^eadaaoe to leqaMtad aad them ladtoe
AprU W to tbe at; Opera Beaee. Oo).
who have bad eencirt tickats to dtoQueued wm rim his oelebretod ef iU •health be abewed bto |
I poae of are arged to report.
laataia “Beetof tbe Wepheat." which by re-Mltottog'eeeocmesbe *
to ecMethtoc-sew.Ae tbe lectata leMar
At tbe doee of tbe war be was| Joaepb BarwlM srUl begto toe eraemmoplo ot t^ dtj. Ooleael Cepeiaad emptoyad to tbe elrU eerrice deparv; turn of Ue sew photograph gallery ea
toMll^^ “totaM ot orataea.” aad mmt for a yearaad to 1866 mme to! tbe eoiser of Cbm aad Wasbiagtoa
toeaeeaajadrobytbeaamberof lee- Trmrene at; with bto tamlly. Urtog atreett today. It srUI be 18x80 feet to
Opposite Eacle OITtos.
«BiMbaba.clmBqpd tbe-aamberof for s abort time oa what to wow the 0 x«. aad srUl be rmdy for oeeapaaey
Mmm be has bees recslled it to easy to Weet BMe. He eoos opened a wagoa to aboat tire waaka. Mr. Berwlae ex*
••• bow he became oatiUed te tbet ea- shop to tbe beUdleg <m the eoiaer psete to dt toegeUery apsHih tbe bMt
ptoble dtoUactkm. Belmeantodmdto where Tbartell aad Ga^ bakery bow apparataa
the tonreat eittos to tbe eeaatr; aad to
It sras tbe Bin bolidlag to
asMa samlier. sad to raore. ef dttooba be ereetod on tbe Swath Bide aqd was
H. A Ball sreat to Oiaad Baptda yab^ bees bmafht back for aaotSer ap- pat ap by Jobs Braadfeet aad George
A. w. Clark has goae to Carp Imke
g^oimaoo. to- maa; placM three Uibm Trarto for e tFradO”
before a
^4 la maa; awoftaa ee dx Umee aad bridge sras pat eorms toe rtror. Mr. to ^
la eeme as mm; ee too UmM If aad Mrs. Aadetoea moved tolo the
^ was aol a more tbaa wdiaarUr buUdtog wklto to stUl their hbiM
elftod orator be ooald aoi bare
wbea it srarlbe flial aad only dweUfseerd as tbto. elt to safe te etale that tog oe that aide of the river.
Oeloael Cepeiaad will be eordtolly
W. r. Park'tos of Norsveod, stm the
la >«?a Mr. Aadereoa etarted toto
^tml aad appreciated la Tramme toe .aadcrteking baslaese, which sras goMtof Ue mrtoer ever Baaday.
J. C. Vtoeb baa aeoeptod a poaiUon to
ae new one for him. as to early days
eoBas were made by carrtage makoa a iDMt market at ttotums Bay.
ThMtitoal Motea.
Icag before factortoe tor each parpoem -Mias Joele FUska weat to Maple at;
for a waek'e.vlsIL
Tern Moore, the wdl kaowm tbMt- srare thooght of.
Mia. B. A. MUm of CUeago, is vtoityears coaflaed bto work to thto Itoe of
At the Abbott Opera Co., to to the city badaoM. ably emtoted by bto eoa. W. > tog Mr. aad Mri. Thm. Bayea.
aadMrortog to make arraagmmeaa for A Aadmaoa. aad htoaame to a fami!-: MIm Bdlto Tboams has retnraed
Bgnad prodocUoa>ei« SaMt Moada; tor one tbroogboat toe tagioaom epeadtog tbe Belter varntton to
Of the celebrated opera. “BaU -Pasha.:
Mr. aad Mia. Aadarsoa bad twelve Aldsa.
which has mi^ia farere Jw'Ml tbe okUdrm. eve of sibem are aaw Uviag.
Mre. Dema^Ooehlta aad toUdraa toft 1
large eitlos tor dre yadn paeL “Bald Barv^V.. a pramtoeaiCblMgo bmi- yaetoide; tar a moato*a otHt to Ola- <
fpahs’'to one of the UusI aad best asm maa. Mtos Margaret, ef CUoego. otoaaU.
MM linns of tbe grMtost opdra writers, wm A aad toe Ntoam Jenaie aad
Htoe toft tor L« ii^lre, OaL. |
npbmt A Bolllraa. aotbors of “Ptoa- Apgto of thto dty. There are oi^t
«trip ymtor^ i
^rs." “Mikado.** aad a desea other gr^ebUdroB. the bldmt being li
j day.
aaeoaesfal eperas. c“ttold Paeba** to tbe
Easeky^OadUtoc. epaat j
Tbe faa^ srill take plaee from toe
. graatMteacoeMef aUaed the Abbott
tnrdey to the Sty vitottog Crtoada.
Opoia Oempaay preoeau tbe Mece to
wUl ratara tod^.
aa admiisW^ maaaer wUh a, graad
OresraX. O.T.K.BectoL
gampasy qf 80 people, with propor
, wberaabegaveaa
MMory ead oMtamtog. It has bc«a a
Tbe L. 0. T. M.' btve of Orasra has
laagtlmeetocea imal good opera has
for a aoetol
barn'eam to this dtyfisad tbto wUl be
t this vvealag. Mias Mtoato Beb. afprerlilfil The eompwy wiu play bell of toto elt; bes been aagegvd to abort vitot with Meade to tbto city.
to M^ltooe fiawrday sight aad Maa- give a recital to aloceMea, aad a very
WUttomJ.Oarkwbelmabaeaiatbe \
Aay^to an opea ds*e whieb they srprftu
'sMte of WeabtogtOB tor toevaa yeara, 1
toilotobergtoOtaad it proper ebeoarto Vtolttog A. W. Oark ot Mearoe Oea- <
Rpment to glraa by tbe poall^
tomm neetosd titoae Ibe JobMaf
bossM ssdMsssIselsmedesMtsdt
dels Ibel they ere sfrsU of, tbe
•Vaele of war apoa Ibe <rade throMbsdl Ibe wart. aorthWMt sad eeathweal.
Bbe Jebbiac booeea of aU tbe grooi
Mtlee were crowded wiU buyer, toet



wvkt gr IVvTtg
<}M.Uk^\A CATpc\B
comm«A&B B a\«suU.T&
(Jot tixm.
TWil 0^ St,™
6U»« «.CT imb
0^ WttktB, lAteit BaV\ IA& B$V \0 BBC tttoU

^ ^^iBTB
^ \Wb

B &om\Xt
aa^9 bbbaV U V\1 M «o «B Ubb SbOjA





IfyonATAgoiiiFtoinakg CArden do not fdlto ooe oar

In pmekAgo orbnlfi.


MS Fnm 8WM.

- iBA cBUAto^


If You Have L,ogs to Sell
Comspood with the TtAvetw Oi^ LuDber OompABj.
We bhTe for aele Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple V^’oold.
T./VTa-TM X-OS BAT.1C-Mm M«;hiiwf7 of bU dew»vtio«iA iaelAding Two Ettguep,
8et Worke, OerrUgeg and Sewn A eoaplete 8ew Mill Pint
for ealA




awaits the person who examines our new

.Stock of Carpets..]
We have surprised ourselves asweU asdoneonrselvee proud ou our selections of Value and Oual
Ity.and at the prices we have marked them they
■are bound to go rapldiy. No one has yet gone
away diBsatisfied.

Two Mew Kea bare been baCMpsd
» leek afur the srork to my blefoe

■ SghjftMk. «eato Dtocm (ttreek

Tae oobool baOdtagto Dtotrbd Ka.'l

Mleetito Batoa. Tarktoh. Bamdaa.
Beama. haaUag. aeotolag. madlMted.
partamed aad loxartoas. glvm to a flaa
—^ Ka. M Markham Stock.
atltweatbewockef aa toreadtuy,
a wU) rwalve dalkate aad
atopyad by Bra to ihaidMtriM.






pr«i«*.4 annltUc*. whiofe coMitSon
tba I'liUad Statn wnulfl «arcty h>Tp n~
JKUO witboat thi? irouM* <rf eoBalOcr«ttDn-tb*y woold not hAv« nea*«d

Offer of «n ArmiwtiM In Cut
Makw No Chang* in th*
K«aid*pt*s Plana.

To ronipt«le tb« bfatory of tb« i
•m dHBi-ulty It mill b» «rH1 tu i
«bat hat htpprnrd M Uadrtd «lBe«
Friday nii^t- Saturday th*- rtprttaBUtivaa of ihr pooMu at Hadiid calM
|iB forer on Bnn-r nuJitn and utrod that
■ a^i
aovrmnyBI 1b ciiba......... ................
of tbt pope wai alto txerird
aamt end thmuah the nunrto
arat ctroBK uppotitloo In the tablnel to
thU oourte of prooedure. hut It «M
Aiially adopted at a n>neMe1<«) to Ku>
rope and the popr oT what ftp.iln would
not. at It irat aaid. roneede to the Unll• •(«*• a^bik ed atatea. The repreeenUtlt-e of Rue*
•« M.4
ala. It U aald. .declared ihe armlttlra
would not he dliparamnc to Bpanltb
armt. The deejtloti to crwBt tbe arinla«>.|U TiMt 4r w*
-* unaolmoua
« ta AmiM apMa
The dlapatchca frtftn Madrid rave tha
urCMU Wtli
’ followlna ax the cimdltlon* allachcd
tbe armixi'ee with a final cUute that
WaahInptoB. April IL—Al the olooa■ mlabt be V rfmou*- Thtl the I’nlted,
^ nlstat Of the aevoBd oablBH meet. i SUteo ahouM Immedlale1> rwaae to lend ,
lag It eraa aaaounoad that the praat-} moral and material aupport to the C.i-1
4«t*B itirmruti undoubtedly would co. ban Inxi-rrenla: that

*^t *• «b>r.« Spantah
trIA. They
to p«t ua btfora the
AnsTtcap pMple la tha attitude of bf
IBS Bnreaai^ble
Bat wa do oot baUeae the American people will ao ronalder ua. for we tbipb Ibey know it la
merely a laat aSarf to force oome kind
of Bpaalsb home rule on ua We ba«a
fouafal for three year* for lltdapcDd*
aoce and |va win got «lf In now.*"




simply *p4U4cr.|A Sutiai

Mda. the
____ lnaur«enta Balurday
Aaned irtateinent to ahow that ihe InBuntenla have a ravulariy otvanlaed
dvll covrmmenL wheoe IndepoBdeece
can be recosnlac-d
The atatenmi
dre« the ronetltulioB In full and (hr
penonnelol the rebel yavomtneat. wHh
a hiaiorr of It* election from the Aral,
aHth .iiraeit from fipaniah .dhrial doeBmcola,conta'ninr the eM r.-m»l«n» "lii.
auraent civn mveinnieiii." "Ituursenl
aovcrnmeni ofllclal^ etr

ChV*d>. April ly-Klaieen member!
... the I'hlraco Va^al tteaerve* fed by
fjet.eml John M. XullB. i.r-wi.lenl
ih* Nacal Kem-rtc «ae.w1ail..n.
Ited il,. n—t of the B.«rd of Trade
uniform and made

to coaunuBB at noon ipday. • On Ihe beat
uihoritr bualnau. it vaa BUiea-tbati
,he'Philippine lalanda
the meoUng wa» drvot*d wholly to the’
.^ould be withdrawn
«wmldar«khoft.headdltiootoUiemea-i, ,h, ,Tnu«j puiea derllne theae
1 by the racelpt of Itaa condillona. It I* declared thai the
‘ era of Eumpe will tmeniy lend their
IBM Boll tram Spain advtitng this


able to ioimt nearlV^ tues^

pen. Ameen •• the r-oetrr.

Key West Fla., April 11. Conau! Otneral smved her* on Ihe Kem a)
•DMBBot of the decUrailon of an uncJi-, aupport to 8|Wln.'
T « Sunday mcrmlng
»e le/i Havana
dUlBMl armlatlce. The ouRIx lo the
evrniiig. There «aa a large
tnataeafa Bieaaape merely give* ti«
crowd of 1—-pie pre»HTil lo aet- him off.
nfaatanea of the Siianiwh nuteand 're< tleneral sailed for Tsmpa at
omtnend* it to the earnest aitenil. n o(
Wa^lnglon. April 11 -.Thedrote of yetlerday* and will go tium there direct
Alter (he mc^n| the Rpenlah gorernment conveying to
the Cnited Statae tbe Infonnattoa that
OM ntember of the caUinei said:
an armiallce had been derided upon In
merely what Spain has > een aaklnc
<7uba. wae currvunded with the uaual
*n aloag—mora ttm. . ti dee* r. i to
thc.sStuatioB. and tb< pi.eld. ni'> n
guards to prevent Ita publlcatloa prior
■Bga la left preclael.,' -* :t was brt»rr. to being Belli Into eongresa. but the fob
.merely Mating the fart of thU
toainc Bummarr of lu cuntenia baa

rAwe* or

» nlW Mews
member of the rabirel aatd.

ar4t(i»H worm

been aeevred:
The Spaulsb mlnlater in Waatrlngton. deeply tmprea'ted by the uumeroua
•rrora which aeem to have


meaawc which win be eem lo engr as,
tbe Cuban queoUun. cunaldbemotrow. It 1* a strang stale paper.,
era It biB duty lu rail again tbe atieoand will coei»tn a review ^ tbe londi.
lloB of the aecreurr of aUte of the
thma extoUPg Ib Cuba for yvara pom.'
United Siatee tu tbe following polnu;
There la ho ohangr in tbe tone of llw
in Iba
t^rat-Hcr majesty, tbe queen of
from I


CblLOgo, April U —DrcJalone
corpus cOBce Inrolvltis Ibe c.meUtutlunatlly of the buttcriBc lao pa*<vd by the
ItVlsUVire laat year were read
urday by Jttdgte Haaecy. Brealano and
»:hHlaln. Judges Knnecy and Urenlanu expnaard the oplrliin ibai the law


t about prikcc In
beea-or^r^ 'w | prohlUllag the nale and'm^apfariuie uf
___ __________________ ______vd to maurr there
piwlatm today an >rmlallce ■ without buuerlne IB Ihle atale '
/a BtaWe govcramcnu An oAutnem U
emer»d ortere relearing forty -r.gtal
(vndlllona. He will delertnli
/mode ngnlnst the rrcugnltlao of Indcptrtrns « ho had te en arreaie-. f r virt delalla of I
pendfbee of the Inaurgrnie r»r the mUllunaor the gw JUugeCbrilal mainao aa lo carry out Ibe gen
•a* two* (here Is locking the eesenlUl
lalned (hat ihv law w«a ib aiwnlan.e
Hun* ol her tnajewty and t
batarea of an
independem people.
nllta the «-«-i>!tltullOB. but ajeu d«yeed
the frVBdi of peace.
There ore quou«P>ne froin
that tbe prleuntea wbnltBdWusbi re-Secohd-Hcr
iarmer prealdenta. who argued
... Cuba la- I leaae from him through habea. r. rpue
the raeogoltiun of Ibe Teiane when In
„ liberal m ibuar
rucvedlng* ehruld be dUaharged.
tobelUon mgnlhM the Mextean rnernThe butlerine law baa been bitterly
amau and from the oplniooa expreaw^ |
“* ™
foarth I amlla-d from ihe lime of lu poaaagv.
tT^Preetdent CleveJand and Berretary j
Dvrarimeni amrea. amall grocer*, and
I privilege I
butlertne manufarturers declared Ibelr
addition to I Intentfim m teat tie ealtdlly. Accord, velop thee.
•o anggegtioB made lo the Inaiirrenu
m Madrid.
. ..
by thM government wllha view to their;
-Tblrd-Publlr oplnlnh In thla cons- | rened. In addltlun to tbe arreat of ol.
coBBMeriag the prnpoallhm f«r an try appear* lo Ignore ihe fari that tbe ! meat thirty men. ihuw tn;ereeted In tbo
graalgUca aatboTiaed by tbe Spanlah loa* of Ibe Maine wa* Immediately (oL . buttei end of the ewntrover*)- aeeured
•oeefWncBI. TbI* gov.rnment hae n< v- lowed by official and reiterated eiproa- I ir.dlclmenta ngalnei
or had anything to do ulib. the gentle. oIobs
rordulc nre ffv>m her ma)e«iy. I Theer Indktmenla are atill pending in
mCB compoalng the Cuban JunU inNew the queen; fn.ra her government, fimm ! the criminal court* and prahaWy will
Tor*. 1 4b not think the artBigOce Idem i,„ charge d aff»lr-e In Washington. | be puahed to a ronrtuaJoB *o.m Ihe
will iMve tbe Uaii effect on any ariioa and from the auihoritie* in Havana: i purp>,ee of making a further itM at the
that may be coatMnplaied.ln eongreo*.''! all of which tended affirm the hufmr j lav's validity.
It la BoM that Borne mrinl>eTy of Ibe which Ibl* dlasaiec ha* rau«>d to arise
Judge* Rrenuno and Hanecy held
eafataet recommended
further delay m.Spanljih heart*, a* «l*o the *ymoa- I tfat the state has »> right to Inlerfeee
mmpir to MMerve the practical effect ’'tby fell for the I'Tiliei wiain govern- { vp), u,* mfflr la barmlewi artl< le* of
«g the armlatk*. but Ibry were oM- meni and navy amt f.*r th. Ameriian j
The) looked upoi
ategHtnt had watted long enough. The
*.SE.l held two aesri.m. yerierd.,«*t at aoon. bMore ihe Spoalsb note
was received, and one at nlgfai lo dedde what aboaU he done about that.
•OU. '
CUageisi oaS tbv DtaWoMM.
TIM httltnde of coogreua • the r*"erol Bubiect la problematic, and it
•ft whether


Just what we have been looking aftto^nst what therwearer
wants. See them.-^Bead: hr can m.uio m-m the coortsey aad ser*. of justw. m the mited
states government to -nlltiiieu publle
oplaion upon this subjeet
-Pmirib-A* m the r*u»e «f this, lamenUWe di»*»ler.
tesolvas Itaelf
Hitti a question of fart* which can onlv
he aettled l.y
malertal proofa
TSpantah mln'.virr relleraie* the asa
------e that h:» government »* ready

To tbe Wearers of tbe Berksbire PaDts;

The Berkshire Pants are war'ranted not to rip, and we an*
ihortte the merchant selling them to mSke our warrant good, viz: *‘By paying
12 cents ior each suspender button that comes off, 60 ceuts if tbe waistband rips:
or a new pair if they rip elsewhere within two months from date of sale.



joituLL I I nm HORSES.

His Pot'CY as to China R*e«iv*s
th* IndofiMm^ of th*
Ctlestiafe. <

^lal in aevuring the Influence of thel
pope, and Joined the-^rrhbvhop In ex-,
I of oatWactlon. Tbe Uriilab
been moat a/tlw in

cation liself Ih- .»« had added mi^
*si as-an evidence of a renewal of dtplomatlc negotiatl»na, ttata lirinc hia flrgi
rap at the Jei-rtment In ten dav.
•------- ------------- r>u Boac, Srql levretary
oaring that the arilon of tZe power* did >Mter
snrfther call at
not aaaume a menaring alrtiude toward of 'hr
th* rmtad Suie*. but 1# hopeful that the d^Mm»Bi
' , 1 aubjecl. B'-'-*—
tb* annlstlrc * ill Hear, 'be
____permitted a peiaotial .•xchangs
tween Ihe *e-7e«*r) of alai. and tbe
Spanleh official* gf an .agraeahi* char.

Carload of
Horses Here

•ewftbe Hrilwa Policy--TblalM It Be.

7 at tiM Mouie of Alabars.
Pekin. A|mU U--:-The effect of Great
Dritain'i action ai Wei Hal Wei It a,readyaeen her*. TbeCblncoeihorcugblycvenprebendnow ihedlalBlrivatedi><.ae

Come and see them before buying

Of Iceland, and h,r prcatlge is imw
higher than ever. The Chinese regard
Gr-at Kniain * action aa a Mep which
aavi-d the empire from dlamembcrmenl
No dcAnlte arrangemenu have
yet been made regarding the eglenl at
lerrltory go Iw cHvupied In cunneqUon
wlih Wei Hnl tVel. bin pMbably it wll


be Ibe aome dlstriri «* U held by JB'
pan. ten mll.-e Inland and parallel with
the IndeniaUcna of tbe «oa*t- The< p aIng of W>Ki Sung w ill ■ jaiexlbly I

A ■mey of Pa MaarlM

gHgbt degree arcc-i Shanghai, whir
a few month* w ll ur cunBccied by rail­
way with Woo Sung. Kumeroua Indleailone are reixined of a growing Ctilr
dlatruBl ul HuaalL

Obb day. while taking hid favortM
walk about tbe bmtb. Db Maorier aaw I
a gatfaering of people co tbe bonlem <4 j

Bdt acevpud. at least ‘not aoon enongb
London. April IL-AJueqn Vlnorla
to satisfy the mftcorial artiM.' So, de­
lui the mlnlsler* «f ,l!he khedive of
hearty ‘^.'i li^ tbe doctor, into tbe pood roabed
. tbt> tbin iM until berracbed
< Ing dtmgie. wbitdi be scind in bis arms
I and broogbt asboao, amid tbe cboen of
. tbe bytianden.
Bii only
now was to nai
. tbosgbt
He wa* overuktai. bowaw. by a man.
who prrmed him to aeoepi a pieee ol
niODty by way of reward. Da Manrier
declined wdtb (banks, and pawned m
^Mwad vigm. Tb* man.bowever, aould oot be discouraged in bia

legtsUtur* recommenffiog IIM auihtvl-I




vtotna recruiting tbe Nbiioi.bI Guaid
and volunii-er mllliu cempanica lo a
Btrengtb noi exceeding ]U men per
le of
uf enlhunaaDi
emhunaam fol
A w-ene




bT*dooTkiy on tbe boot au-pacf bia
own lionsr.
Betwero tbi* and tbe tniaerable chilli(if bU ganneuts Do Hawii'r.flaaliy

'rAKTBiAP'a *trreR4xrwMrKTa.

, ■ ..... . “• ^ ?„rrtr'SUr£.”'J2,:.T,;r-’s:

ST: -


JenrsaL rfitaiTiBg to a ruoeot edlwrlal
I Tbs HtmtasmsB co typo^nipbical sr-

lUA and died"— ^l^lne bU di«Bst
wbsn it sppmrud is Tbe Joanal, “Dr..
BsUyacbe ale 74 years at aon Jaiy SA
isn. and died.*'—Autia BtataMBia.

It ts etoinMd tbsi Uw X nys are HR' statbs bswassbl^a.
proosss diseoTssud by Pttott Woods
sapsriDMBdcDt olstbs cB|db>l s*
iagum. wbtabUrolvuepssMBg
shitmgb fold led spssisnyiNai

ashBd wb«i be thc-abt of Ihe Spoolsh

VMalimd Air
UU palmlaaB aglraetloo of loalh;

for eatracUon
of tatah
__________ - of
Wooble Tbe annoyanco at IcDglb grew wItboBt pain BMd. Latest and mask
bevoud even Dn Jlaurier's fondnem for Baii«fselnrv preparatioa yet used for
a )nke, for tbe well meaning patron Up
alsttd Upon potting * Up into
Du rivr'a
wEile be wat tombling f<»

Cairo. April n.—The Anglo.Rgyptian '/argot that courtliiieaa wfai^ was bU
[force returned to Atbara Friday even- j dl.tmguUbtng mark and Mupped out,
Wllh reference
ranwaj- taxation
•■Damn it, gn lo tbe dcviir ,
ISe bouse (aaoed Ibe trill
Kill providing
oe,„..dio- for
for ^
the tn»o- . |
"Oh. 1 l*P .VOW pBrilOB. gtt!” BBid
I* Use ArustMtoe.
an Increase In ihe taiB'lon of rallroxiis
We-hington AprO ll.-Th* Fpaalsh
wiu rviuni tu quarter* uii
ar tbc utiw bloshing penwcukir. "Ididiuit
under the |ire*«-ni «pe<-ltlc tag '
g<,( through It* m>nl*l«r al
r >hiiillo Cao- which now aonasPv provides about ! ^*w- •m- fuivee of Mahmoud i*e dia know.too Woe a gonUentan."—Harper's
V,**bli.ri..n' S.o..r Prto de Bertwhe.
the dmlngulsSird SpanUh liepub- (TUM* Tbe senuie wiU priibaWy pam are eomi'i.i' i) broken up; pan of Loem Weekly,
are HcinK toward XThara and ulber* .
lOM night •1.1(1.rwl an Important ‘'W'ljjciB trader, haa conlributed an ariiclr
Ramutn hill providing for a com
rial doeum.hi l.. th. state depoitmei-t. |
wiener Tageblait. Kenor ! inlwlor. lo Inve.tigste the whole aubJeiT ta the dir-iion of the NIU.
Major Uen- ral u*iiu.-ia led the British
riallBg that th.- armlellia which, the
U,, amerhan crillc «>f *L.t. taaatlon and.iep.*ri to th* next
brigade, and ocvumpanled by Privatv
it of S|*lli *>«H eommandsd' ', wbe otlribhied
.. -......... .
-------- -------------quean regent
OcneraJ* UU(
• i.r,e-.aiiti )-ene«Uy I ftBg gtyie of i.dsy
f« mt RMaml U*a.
.Intellectual dnline or that pe<iple. Fot'
Cros* bayoneted * »ig dervish who pi«« <» l*>o bottom thereof teMi oat
-US. N. T.. April II —A special
Jaeir'a government bad granted liberal; Ms pert. C.ttiriar regard* tb. artlr.n cl
H'l-i-ll fr.*n Haldwlnavltfe says was aiming point i.lank at Gsnerol Gat- eaoagb glam lo allow the iDMStioB of a
laaUtuUofi* to the IMstid of Cobv.whKAI tb* Americana, to whom he refer* I ,ft,,
Fu-er riieuari. «hiie leading Ihe j oandls A hammer can be n^ farjbis
mammoth poricel of natural gas
the coming Cub* |ariiun..i,i -«ould de- i throughout an -'Yaaken. aa evirtence was struck ih.r. Saturday
II I* estl- Cameron Hlghiamletw, was^llMl.
pBrposa, if a JitUe oars be taktiL Tb«
mated that the well will yield W.SS«.Sb> an bulMs lam^ns t‘ir..uch hls body,
wrap a pices td ruby pspsr all aronad
cuhir fret a <lay, ,»
Il •.
Is ooie-ee-mv
Impooalble to
,w •!—
ap- nper Uo'kei’at,. of ib> Scafoith Ulgb- tb« botUa aoeortog mme' by pasta or
W 1 proarh within SCO feet of th*

well, and landcro.-bewra'iht- tn • ** iif *ix bul­ uuoilage. The lamp is bow rsady tor
tbe engineer* are at a lorn how to con- lets. bul Is praclkahy
use. nsd by *taoding tbe,bottls on a
Nunbera of ntbivio. amonr them Colotriangle tit burned matebeeabd Ugbtini
dtoanter bad occaaloned in Spanish
,ft^ negllgrnce of ibeuffiBCl Money, of the Camer.iti Highland­
bssrts. and appealing m the „„
the oaOdla will bam witboei any Wlmer*. bad Bulleu ibroiigii tbelr belmeu
and aenee <rf Justice <<
«Br I mi.d
ca.lelir proteeds to arguethal "noibThe laal word* qt Caputa Urqubart. taing at wick and oibcr oH lamp Idoobgovemmeht »«! Ins t.ui Ibe helgbi of iaromprehenslble become the olI-abKohlng topic of eon'- of the CaRierim Hlghlandeia. wbu wa* VMiieboea. Tbe little wbita Ugbt eota”

that'tb* Maine. veiOBlIno In the rapita'i city alnee the among those k.llcd. were "Never
tudng tram tbe top will do abaolnt^
Hr de- local elections of Tuceday. It aeetiw to
lads: gn
The sirdar afiec tbe ( sobarm.—M«w Ymk Mail and Kipress
tab govcmmenl to submit Ibr
i eUn-that-never wa* a ............
Tiorv thought- .....................................—
be a
batUe said lo Colune] Honey, refemns
qaesiloB (o eipfcru dwlgnMad by ihe
arruhailbn ralsril by American aa- j cK* that HavKi 8
to the' Blow, steady advance of ^the
msrittffi* powara of U>e w^.
maemiliier* Ao hide tbeir own incomne* '
"f Milwaukee, i
Camernu Rightanderu under the iritba tbe offiriai BotlOcratic (Wadldste
candidate fw
far ggovernor.
gf^e Minpi*
imirie fact
fail la
la that
that tbe
tbe offloffi cratic
aring are: "H was one of tha Baast
at their posU on tbe aitfeate perf'
leal night."
In ronchffiing CaaMiar
ought lo I .
Weal Superior. Wta„ April IL—Naval
saya "There la no Justtflcaitcn for the
Tbere was an imprwaalve arene Satur­
..otHcefB under Instrwottan* from WaabInterferenre of America ta Cuba
It ts
day ^rteranun when three British offlington have cumplelrd aa eumlnslton
Blgin had briefly aUted the fact
oppoped to the mool.-primlGve eoBoepcee* and eighteen men were buried In
Columaa artnittke had been agreed upon, ttona of International law. The Ameri­
froBi of the sitlba. where they fell.
bua with B view. II I* said, of aatplorbat It w«
can anny will find u» ready to defend
All tbe available gifficer* and deum.
lag her aa a passport, fffie Is Ucenaed
tbe gratea of our fatbars at the altar
meats tram ibe various baitallona were
to carry .CSSS peopis. but has carried
of Independence."
preaenU Tb* Soudanese band and tbe
•Mriy aouWe that eumber.
nibe most vital point «f
Madrid. Apm ll.-Tbere were maay
Hishlaiid piper* played a lameut. The
wion. namriy. that tha ■
I troop* celebrated tbe vie•
April 11.
. matt oos recrived by tbs atst* departlUvs Edward U Merritt car*
IBMt after ibc (Itot oatalaM iiiUrilgS.
Tied the UomoeraMc priihaTtes for scaaaM was oa* of tbe mala MhJseU «f
tor la this district, and Stanley P. V.
Waabtasioa. April IL—Ssoer Qu
AnoM and Dr. John A. Vtaesat tsr
do. tb* dtptooatle repnoaotoUrt M
g haU tasi aigbu
, CSbaa brnwgrata In Gil* city, a____ rspiMiBtaGvaa Arnold ts secrotary s(



| nrgud our arti.i to Btwpt a tip for hi*

11, - Plspatche.
I from Sagaaaki report that a conision
taken place beiweeo Ihe engllah
.ft, Russian*
Rurirtan* *1 IW-Uen-Wah.,
, „s (fte
The Thcae rumor* are uncvnflrmed,

Dr. Higgins,

1 booM rapidly in ordor to preventacUlL

•»f* that th. meeting between
Mahmoud, the captured

Reas* fwoM a laee bill-As a* «IS Pro-I dervlsb grnerai. after the iwiile was
poMd RaiNray TOseua* tteSaew,
| Very dramaiJc. Mahmoud w as haughLansing. Mich . April « Gov.-mor | «r and sullep. When th. sirdar naked
Ptngree Saturday sent iBwiesaag. to tbe
•’* wa* making

x •••T tbe BBp-


tbe abollow popd which u a partwalart
to HampBtead. A thin ooat-1


innwinaH P&SPASSS FOft WAS !

:,adtng (n the hnuar

Bicycle Riders.

gwu-iog uu rpameuag, asd that I CBS
tag of ice oorered tbe.............................
aad do give yog the b«dt woric of aftr
ThI* -feeling Is ahuwB bj- I
where a little dog bad broken throogh
“«®«"‘o*e la Ibemty-forthe
totally uni'riw'denled ^-Uon
and was iDclIcrtiiaUy,i
.tOgM:bedMelTedbywba(othBfsUllyoB to
Student* now in Pekin for ibelr nomloat again. Tbe ice i
.. ..................
tbe oootrary,
--------bat ooma had see far
weak that wbehever tbu little creatare yoaraelt.
Btl^ng. They haw memuraiued th. ; drew it* from paw* op over tbe edge it
I gi^aW nil my work
I if It doee not 5*w*a
prm at
ao 1 mak* It
thron., urging vlgoruu* eriion against I broke OBder hi* weight and foroed him! ^
Ruwetan aggreoslon. end euting that • (q yppmt this
convinced of tbe and again, nntil
a. while they rvcognlsc
Bid becosne exhausted in ^ boUdlag, at aarU oad of UaiM
of iingland. Thoogb
this attlon Is n .1 likely to have a
- Do Manrier was in delioata health at
rial effect. It li cmsldcred by old
tbe time. god. knowing that tbe water
denu of Cblns
was Dowbere mote than three feM deqi,
lllnony lo ihr awak.n'inc “f th. Chi­
to the Idlm In tbe crowd,
nes* Blind III the deceptlveuess of Rua"Here'* half a (Town for tbe man wbo
ala's promise of friendship.
fctchra that dog astmre.” Tbe offer WM

j t^*iaiecopld'notiBierp<aw.Therar-iibat j Ti,?
dlwulnted from this
,___________ .... —.................... Albaro.
„ mages It lmr««elhle-------------------'
I peror Wlillaht. through
the German
, ,a, eaae to * blgh-t court, and
ambaaaador. Count IUtsfei<it. has tele­
{bullerine men aoy they will hi
graphed hi* (vingratulallonB to Lord
men arrest. d on a* lo gel a case before
iSei.eral Sir Herbert
| ,g.. *upreme court._____________
Klirhener, the sirdar. A dl«pauh from

lit by the aJJi’la
Uee win suffice to altay tbe war feeling .;nated by .maritime p<-wer». whose cob• Icloaloo* are m advance areepied'•
In dipt'-matic <SrcM> It i
.lellvered th. doumeata
e for ealmar
armlsttoe al leut gave
’ In {vrvm to the stale deisirtmeDt. and
oounaels. Tbe
> Ireland, who waa inMru-. j aolde from the Interest In the communl-


TraTarse Oity KatbeU

Below la a list of tbe baviDg and sen* '
top priecs of yesterday for giwjestss,

Qear Pork per bbl. i
Ct«ar Port! per B>..,
ebortCut P(Tk......


E;e; ■ s

____ i].B.L.A0o.6asi..
Peed. 8. L. AO ~


Oesmery ButUr.ffi....

Balt per bM..................
Bran par 100.........................


Bbtaar.ptai..... ............ r.


Cbwacta April 11—Wheat-May,
Bsptambsr. TTei Da- ’

Perh—IprU. «B-rr; Ksjr, fSJO.

KOunsa nooBP. tuwpat. AMm i«. i«««.

ThttMueh h Known of tht Herrer in ttw Chilkeot Fuo,

moon emnn i ■■■■■■■
laKbaa Fwany —a KnnalM sad TbtM
■m Asa oaad aM «ss llptnaXaesrUlt. Tsna. AwU U.—801117
ad Erassi CIsward. broUiors. and
Amss Mart, brro kniad Salurday by
foba B. and Joa MeQbas. fathor and
aoe. and Tbontasdloward rao-ueJ teial
wounds. Tho McGbocs. hoavily arnird.
Sod and bars Bol boon fwpturrd Ttars

. utrorm un kit moEioa

father's wtsbw. Brassi Howanl. Ucary Howard aad Jamss Hurr.hoard Sal*
srday that «bo MoObsaa tbrowtanod
.»»—ly.Ot— Is Om LatoI UsHm^ ^ Tom Howard's Ufa.
tkM «nw
m OsMs 0>4s* «is
Tboy wont to ibo tailor's botaa. Tboy
roia ertapollod to pa« MeOhea's piaeo.
Tom Howard aasursd tboai Uwi ht and
(Blbor*la-Uw woro on trlradly




Satsrday mnrtlas thr rematao of Franeoo E. Willard wore ry^beed to asbaa In
soa la OWsa eoun^------------------------ tba pnaehce of only her accretary aad
Taa,MbibawM. Be |as‘dsi aMchalty ilfo-loBa friend. Mlaa Aaaa Oordon; her
iMoetal taadf Dt. Alloa fi. BtocHiam <mry dot bo obo' buff oasblon't Is bab
proaldsat of tbo National
baaa allotrad to lib ta ~
Bat I W. C. T. U.. Mrs. L. M. N. Bteveaa
aod Dr. Perry, of Oanwtt Biblical la*
I was kaowa to tbeae srbo
d Mias ..WinardW book.
iBilDSMons tiumpses of Fifty Tc
." that N was
tba souatiy rouad aboak
AbMrtll' bor dmire that this
tethia aft bar
tba bprtaod is a »«e taddmil la tbs Atoaaly
Im wM ante baa ^ •to
' oRbo* romaias to mada^
............ ..
his bM
astaetaUo aa8 abastaia. 8ba vtaa or ;
tba belMf itotttodooUsogM
«i*c*oasabasto«blwUL ebetetBSslBM
Chicaso. April .11 .-Mrs. F. X Zas. of
______ .
Ornaso Orove, Ula.. dropped dead ta
BratooOrUDea bad fsaebad •• lbs . Carsna. Flrie. Scott a CUs store whDs
I aelocttas weddlas praasnts for her sea
tba paoTMiy. wbk* bo may
Bot owa. tbo riosfioU U 1
iliQsnsd byaU Itod
BNu. aad U

Ever Banted OotT

O. P. OAKVSK. Aftel

John R. Santo,
GmviI iKiniM.

Hick, Bus UHl Bi^i

. SMtUs. WMh-. A«HI U-—Mrtes* rv.. tbo MrObooa Uttod all ihrm mto In- proTlai bimssif oapabU of a
rite bS when -de bty mesUa" niatmCsIltsd ad
Btaatl). Tom Howard bsarlasobota Ian
Cloo OslaTnyk>iwastbma.Mdtowss
to the rooeuo. bol was otoppod sriLb.a
a of aUfibIs jrsan U woosd aad woa Itotarsot (or all eyes, but to bdd bis bead
■rlBo ball la tho hiad and will dla
debaiiUy blyb nsd looked aa bold ass
WbcB U need of asytblag to tkk
if our eooatrr.
W«b M IM. Stsir-AlM bodtM M*«
la ia tbs plaas to Isasv
Tba Impraprm^uf taaBlfastlBS afleo* cbaseasr
' Oasa rocovf
so fsf. sbd tbo wort of
tiw f(SA wisaan bafM' it ta anlioitsd I b^k a Wc boat eowia. ar oiatla. or oomlai
ouwVAtifiv U Stni proKrrtslsc T*s
Ib^^^Uateunia’ aiwscmaia rasa
pkseo wb^ lbs sildo rrtrbod ibs ktsworlSm^offies^ovsilll?"
food flOBDot anpply tba rital <onm
UkAMatad Salurday John CwOa Moi and
SSI dspU bas BM Tst be^s tooettsd.
wblcb people with aetice bralM and
klUsd Mrs. Hoary Carter and then rwma aainnl tmidaDrlei and aattona)
roanlr^ 81mU PUls load tha
Ust-ribs Ksowo 0«^
takods psaptodepaoslate bodies ^nlro.
tnatom mar acaaotlBiMainnaA tba aa* 8to?r^wier
Bcrrm—make the mind brtgbt. maaetaa
Tbs fotlswlsc U a llsS|iT lb* dssd: fclUad bimaolf with tba oamc weapon.
■a tnsjnitfbla mOot. to
yield DeaaU^^o-Ustoos
aosple ta-dsaapaa da atroag siako fioob and blbod aad gica
Andrsw Andsrwn. Isn Fimae^: Sd Coils, wbo was won ksonn as a local Cats of aa
U rata aad btt5liiS0MMm|»n^
norfoet hoalib to Mm and Fomra.
Atwood. Now Tort;
Idabo: pomictan. and tfts woman Woro soaud
y«' UrhsU ready, eh msdy fo' to aet Tn TvMncaa or PsitAOBJiUA amke
tlble baob^ moA await aa AS
at a w IM laiilo lalklna. when suddenly Tbs aUclble
Albsn An«lii»d. TSMts: A. O.
of lova and ^oi«^d auffsr in I bsab dsi beats irtea Sto'aa saaptamibiy BlMUrmt. '
ba drew a revolver and shot bor svowat of
•sUUsi C. Back, baatord. Fta.: Wsllsr throuab lta» bead. She foil aacunaciuut
MImos it
It it ba-toas
ba tons withbald. Tba
CbAMisr. New Tort; TbsiBss Clsrt. and ba dropped -tbs rovoloor and ran MaianaNof- '
Msbo; Tbomas OaUtss. BortlMd. Ors.; IBM ah^adVilntaa room- A pbyaleUn
: Bs'stsikti
What bm 1 sOsrsd lor a gMf boass ate
Tbomss CvlUmdor. KIrklosd. Ors.:
MftlstoaieUatrsat.wsatT Avtsydste
WUUam Carroll, ban FraBciaeo; W H.
BirtbU plasa, oaa to boaght oa maashPobsutrom. Uncolo..K«b.: — Dirbrr. ''ueailBS barReoMs him C
ttvaaebOQlaars fonnd bare than alas* Dma^'jm- 1»f*>atto«alaV ataa npaada
SddrMs snhnown: A. Itoran. Taroma:
ly.P87Bsata. Lot talma la exobanfa.
wbsn in ladU. aad a aorprialDf dagm Asc»yo’ildmrasdyl Olt ready to'to as!
Oso^s Ecsrrf- Portland. Orr ; R. L
oont a .bullet ibroufVbIs loft aide. Both of domwle oantaatSMat.—eorlasbeld - Cain )olacd1a the sobs la a Inacy votes
Ato> good booss aad W taat lat. Oak
■ eatsrlm«*k.bsatU*; Wtllani ‘ralks. 6aa ware removed to tto bospltal. where BainbUoaB^__________ that soundod Ukp a Mwbosi wbUUa. but
rtsiKisoo. T. O. Olmn. bpufcaiw. laior they died. The woman was Idea*
Fork. WasblagtaKatroat.
bmrt sooumd as'bwrd and esIhMised as
Waab.; T Oiyim. Porttond. orr.; Cun tlAod as Mrs. Henry CaHor. wits of a
aver. While U« prvscbm aot in brown PATCHIN & CROTSER.
OsMwrt, SralUr; W lirtcnrs. AUUaa. travoiiaf aalesrean whtk'bad soaa to
bU btwln oslls for a>lsSdabo; 8. U. (IdIMs. Taroma; F M. SprlnsSeld. III., on a trip.
Wtoa tt OHstoatod. It Aim Mood Foe a ,
wteked. the
Attorneys at Law.
Otbnra. PairaiBeDto. I'ai.; 'Prisl
Maovtac* OsrimsM.
,h,p agalo Uunobed forlb In Suits
UQHTT-nn TXW MABBIZD. Tba cakewalk
propwly bod lttori«ln ! q
<wst aa dr wlad
wiad blow 1
Da, wuul uow
blow <ast
OlOsat Voapla la the Wartd. ffrsbsbiy. aSMSMI ibo Freacb nesroea of Loalstana An it bkPW
Isk' ds Mciarat day.
WparoNdby Death.
uoretbanaoeatocy oca Than U lit*,
'NIKa Mleh.. April ll.-Deatb Satur­ Ua dembt tbai it Is an offaboot of soaw I
day s'paraied the oldret ' manied of
g ■ MtOWir AMorwtyM^
.. .................................
tbo old iWiob eooatiy
. danoaa ____,______
twupio in the world. Mrs. HlUor. wife wmbles asvmmi• of- tbom

oM ' dowh
Id tm. FV
•iBMhtabulsPtototoof Jamb Hiller, passed away at Etk*' Mow Oricana It aproad over tbp eatlm |
too. Ulch.. after a shnrt Ulnoss. and tbo
■ . It waa found of
Qrom LswiA bpokaor; O. J. MMIna. durture said her death was duo to o|d
■i-ftul; J. a. Morsan. Bi^poiiA idait.; aye. she bavins seen IK yeam of this
.. atio' mak’ deik ...
Mrs..Annls Motor. Jrfforaon reontr. Ufr Her buaband, who Is Its yoara
Bwi dr in- oo'ry Wnaab Is wwr das Am al
I anldoia that tbs mrvloea of b
'IPa.; John Horcbaat. Roddmd.Cal.:B.F oM. la very low and b'U doaU U sk.
Fa- to sts-l set ds stow del day tod.
MillOT. Vanrouror. Wash.; Frank HU- ported at Aby moraont Mr. and Mm. SMober wan oalUd in.
Jbr. Butlo. Mont.: C. L. HcNoU. Elk Hiller wore undoubtedly niarried lonsor
Atsoakewalka mao nistat Isgltl* An ds lawd tob driitwrrd po'twmsl.
As vby DM drbUr po' mrt
Riror. Mlm ; Sanford MrKoU. Port- than any other <nu|do yvt known, bav­ aatftly abow-bU imfwsnco tor a wom­
dr lawd br rlSBaklsb <do Fbarmktbnd. Orr.: J. M Murphy. Dtion. M. D.: ins booti mined In wedlock at Eatnos- an and tbu poblloly olalm bar for a
Droward hto ladrsao.
Austin ProatoD. Iodine, i'ai.: 3 P. town, Caijada. on April IS. l»«*i Tboy wile. Id sSeal tbooakawalk waa not
Dammu ktBWstkaDdswwlBli.fe'doy'aA
ysaroa, Taonma: 3. Rroas. Wtstonalni eamr to the I'ntlod Pistos ahortly aftrr tdlSmsnt from tbs old S
do atom dst dr send folb. weak.
«M>r«o Rlrbis. Chkaco: Mrd W. 1, Ibo yar of HlI. sotiuns at Mwrtne aty.
bDi do tiBMk door MDk la mad is his aad
.Jtlloy. Soatilr; Mrs Ryan. Baltlmorr: aad from tbort wwbt to Blkton.
ru- bo alB'l tot so rhnass auwhsb
I pnitlaa 80
Mall Sehona. bl Paul: Joarph bmalltkUfsatival
wood. PortUnd. Or».;<lua Bcal'om. CbiAa dr Lswd hab doUtorad po' fiaSM.
tsooiag. an aSbspknoe or njoclioa and
As why BU denbar po’art
. sado: RtoTo birvrnson.' boaiilr: Frank
Aa dc Lewd to staasbtsh Us JVaiato
Rprapus. Seattls: O. brelth, Taci>ina: Odmpora. prcMdsM .
Urwsad him ta da mo.
3. W. bmitb. Woelsy. Wash.: Jsff FVdorwiinfi of tabor, whojiaa broe bare
lioKy. Idabo: O a. fTIrr. Wooloy.
-At ito oorialoateB of tbU aons H waa
Wasb.; J.. Woldlln. Kanaaa City.
aio. wbiob la oeanpotonl at all timea to plain to be seen that Cnin was daoply
Mo.: N W Wararr. ban Frtnrtan>:
toixtod. WbctbR II waa tto weoUai of
the wind or
or the abocalbat
— WlUhrrt. Mralo Tart. Cal.: (1m aad tho local labor untons. and U la
Oake walking toT^provad. aa do I broke Ux tew. as It wen. It
asrred that the boycott asalnst AtSobartb. Sralllr
most ibtaga (bat an oonaianlly psactio- - dsdte Howreer. }odalns from «tas
mour-a produeta aball bs Hftoik
Poll Nawbor May «o«or Ro Knows.
bis old
A fan tbai tonda bwror to the fosrflHateCanirwi Brsratofw
aootb. Magroas nuw get married; when absurbod baton itoy wok on a
Tul (rasrdy It that It may noror bo
known sMin any dopfoo of arourary Of Ibo IlUnoU Ontrwl for the moatb of they marry at ail. in tbo wbiu folks' mtfpemntM, i am Isrilned lo think tbs
wm deeply
- Just haw
Hvoa woroMrrtficod.a V Marrb were K4J5.*«. asalte •l.IM.tll
tboy aro or abooo ihoy <an)-- frum. fur lbs same i&oalh last year. From tomimo danoa. Pfiiperly perfotmad. It
That wm evMook
* Maay • poor frliow iios bnrtod wbv* July I sroaewanilnsa of the road wore U a bMoUfal«r^4k^n« mU
' »o human aid ran rasrh him. a^ hli ea.TW.Otf. aawIMI tl<.KI.4ll for
rsmains I now rsat wMll thr ansimor rcapondlBS period of tbr prrccc
Mow <>lasna Ti^ws-Osmoorat. bin. for tbo prsaclaer ansa. and. allpplnc
rain taoRa the Iona of an»w and loo on'
hU band la bU pocket to aeeertalo whstiidor wifirh ho uos baritd. Upon tho
er bU rater eras In proper laaltton. to Mad
omwdod (rail so racasd was kapt of Ibo
Milwaukee. Wla.. April U.-A aumber ; Tbo misers aa wall as tba mine ownfaurnanl
and fanna doaih
of bankrrs and other business isaa wbo I tn operating in nortbem Idaho an pofor sold la Ibo proroasian that dally
imrrvlew arc nnanimoua In any* eaUartj iatmatod in ntlonal aad afr of war they wilt bold fooiivo motbods of teaal prometloa to
paasod woro paopk froti) wU parts of
•ho wooM sakneva to eno aaolber. Tho
wbat ranains of the pablle timber lands, on masbodsof pt^urlng tbs a
wort •>( loanio Baa eontlnsad nlffht and
and aa prodsoen of national -wealth ll ,wm IBM uf bis Mn>ug poinls.
day rror sinro yoataitlay woek. betna
bars a tigtat to demand It. Tboy ban | After
Robori Riraiton died Saturday nsar tbo rosnh of yaara of wanton forwt do* I doz;
Thus far wert'haa boon cuoAnod to thr Rntlodfc. TVnn.. asod lU yean, with' atmoUon befun (boir aym and can see <--«lp sod .scRnojed: -Mow.
tbomaalvas oonfraoted with a timbm
• •^W ■tows, you
oulakiris of ibo Midi- in tbr ho'po <>f smail(oix.
. Imairs af Kfw *
Is. do you seflllnl an Muffsd up wit van■-----toarulni Ih'wo who aro Injurod bul aul
The National (loard of the 'oentnl abormge bufon mauy yaart ibai threat- hy and strut Uk' a pncioek. But JU' you anptaewreet. So-tf
pot doad
' '
' aad Indnatrial Ufa ___ You broff BH-r Wtoa dal grsat day
stated' calird Into the frdoral

aomeo. w bab will yoa'mbe* You’scwlll
Tbe Iwsi mrdl<Al oplniuB to llul
tocalllufuds btlUaa 4s tnonntaln'i so
Aa«r, Klaytasa Kowia Kwriah-Kaaolaat ml (llAdslonr's dtsrasr must rouh a fatal
Tbe tistoBt of bornad fomt land tbo briebbouses 10 (aliasyon an
tcrmliislioe within seven or elebi past idytaip
rtaip aa developed in tbosa re- ; you aa btos you Com evabbody. But to W city I.BBtor
8S laka oSaai aaBSar. Joae aa. IM,
Tbs main body of tbr avalanrhe. werka.
gtona U an STldraoe tbai roqulrm 00 : o>i. t awinowlall. IXn you wont hab
J. J. Hill, of ilto (Ircat Northern Kajl*
wtalrh l> cailnislrd li> br Afly (001 d««p
igaiguwoutio make ogootlva : M.uw. Bmwby you will toab a pow 1
and Itn yaiUB liutp. has not yoi boon »av company, nas a paaaanier on the
tourhrd irthorr aio an» u^dloa undef> Luranla, which asiiod ter Banpe 8ai*
aralh ibry raiuiui br rm urd in (Mur ti urday.
UoVomor Tanner boa refused to taaavr iKo Four, two wrrr taken on
torloro is the cam of Chris Merry, tbs
alloc aflrr they bad beon|bor1od fc Cblraac wife imfrdefor. and be will br oondltioDf two or tbreo dry am«»a , when bs amlicw yoo sluosbs on de bald da |
ainotron buurs In many inaiancrs th< 'duly hsaaed. '
wosid suffice to wipe emt tbe iargsr I Land bow do wnuCb.111 Oawr
|mwlee^TW.bodies of the drad are hot. bruised ii
Ihtth the pHnioiV ato carpeniora- pnriKiU by far of Wbat iwmainaof Ibo i By tbli time allthe atau-rs were rucking |
tbr slldbiosl. and appear as natural a
_ Joniaulh ihispanuf ibeatam Tbe« i to and fro abd tbe biwbors w«» aroanIn Hie. .hdiratlns that Ibey wey. auf(.. elrlk.-a at <‘hlcas‘' have'been piarllcal*
Mtod In' Ihe anou As a-'On as re.elin
Iho leAlra arr rarrlod to Hberp I'awii'.
The fumliuremanufarturcrs uf ('rand
Whrir an Inipixvlaod mursur lias !>■ en
ItBI l.U. MIrh- arv .-.•mi.iamliia i<( ibs Funster. __________•
jtouvd lu aioglag- .
r shipmonr homo ' du'l""" *ba« pr-talts In trade cirelea
asu Mads aisa sffMkee ttoys.
♦ Wtoi kind ob .bom Isdww yo’w.
U.^ah'filmuscd. I
A putou ptrrilna waa told and ooin- '
’»••• ‘“h
>J..'1.1 luedir faU'MUMoBlI
tnllirs uoro aH«>lnlcd Ito lake oharye : At Holh-Kd*n.lnW(nscoiicoui»ty.Ml»B»
Tbe aelt taade man ii by no meaM . xa, ,« k,s walk uj^e d». aih i
i)u> lei amdir isk
of^he deed and 'ooh tor the woig.d.d I '»<■ "'«> **'«■
»’>•’ drapemlaly solely tbe pruduot uf inudi-ru Uiites. Oo-l
r to n.llcve ‘ wounded, aod a third man and a worn- lutnbos WU «>«avtu, Fraokllu
way do
dowB'Is Errn latol
■ baa' beyi. ! *n *■“><' S*
rwsull Of a feud.
yoaroi^mau priotor. I’ope nikioa V wu
1.11 ole i'hanonn IS hi
si .miners
millers of tba
j I he strike of ibe cual
the amployed In bis .loong days In kceptog
■ use that (PuM nut Kaiiewha Vallo Is .-er. II was de* awlae. Bobm Bonis wu a pluwmaa,
JBaop was a alavs. Homer was a beg­
l-tow roiB
* that le IMielV til hkpiien a
(Jw !« B
like eiuidllinns rzUl. II 0 ataled that
Mr. and Mrs. A O Tuttle.'of Bara- gar. Danlol De Foil wu appn-nticod to a
mee uamlKc of
< ito imiwnding dims- iiuo. Wis., bad been married alaty years botier. DeniuitbHOus wu tbs son o« a
Memsaa Phsnoh dey du'l ss
I nae alien by ibe nslK'e IndlBiC Saturday. No (CieUralloe was belA et*
<Jla' MmsdH Ink'Vummi'
patkera a In are said to have desi-ricd | cej.l ihat a lew trteade and netatabure Ben Junmn wue bricklayer. Corrantm
the (rail a ben Ihr beavy anow of Bat- | called.
vat a ooaimoo auldier, Canova'a falbcr
urday and Sunday nlghc ael In. They ' Leave has been gtanled to tbe SB- waa a ttoneonitai. Oaptaib Cook osm
BytblsUiuaCWBwulB tba tbiek <g
refused lo work for fear of slides The I ptvme M>un of tltlnbls tc Cle petition maBoed Hfe u a oablu boy. Haydn, tba Uiellabi. aodyou.cuuld have baard bbn
work dr sraechtni foLJtbe dead will be 1 fur mani^us In tbe i-asa toatiag the maakdan. wu tba aon of a poor wheal- atouiiug all
Oblou county. Hlacons luhk SI (here la any hope coBstltutlSnality of the aeaatoital ap* wrighL l*imrfw initead of going to
T?* ’oomplsU. aod be waa tiwnosof i-ecoverlnf any ore. tbauab It U piirtloonient.
fertb a-ablalng light to tbe oboreb.
•ebool. was sent to ksep boga Kicks
fmred that II moat be dlseonUstiad toWblle’a
fore tha treiib Is known.
Evans in
pony, it If undemood, baa rsetiesd
from tba United Staiee goTommeat a r ^ .
oontiact for famishing ttt.aao.tM York tea.
alive when taken out. but they died ( wortitef powder.
iWana VaSoe tosttim
ahortly aflerwarda Mrs. Moian was I pr. ^ggs will rctala bla plaee aa an
Before entering tbs dining rou^ a atald
___ ______
Wsifittld improm vpon tbs elmiF_____
In of the aroall slldra whiob pre-1 taatroctor la Union
Semiind among ibe^nosts wUb a
reded tbe large one. and w as on her; mmrj area after bs lakes
nrdan 18-the tto aoosssily of Uving ito waits warm- |^o»of
acopal oharch. as a , sd. Baptiam. it U trae. U atidom or
s,birh sneb woman
'by tmmassiQO. bat oos that picamd bar bmt and mrrM or
troop# at Dyrt took an active part tn | q,.mtwI Jamas Ronald’ Chalmora sol-IsM when aHMoa ia'amd |toooauot
-...................... to tbs ubia. wbam iw dupllcsm,
basMis s piau. IndlcBiad bw plam
‘’’•M^tor. siat^an ind aiholarr dlid at' ol ted waisr wiffi a dbl’ldi bond mlgbt
were uaclaltnrd have been burled near ! M^Bbla Saturday aato M of eomnlU ' tolaplMislv mITm md with am
AUaebnl- lotbeblussomwuaeardwitba

■uoBan'ni i whni book.

nnui laiNs ununci.

Tbone Ko. 8.

wi-ia5s?rD-c?iiifirt^to^ u. ~


Will, Now!


-Watch RepaMia^
-John Verly.

—Front Street.



1 2S9J-S“~-5s2-S£,^?

su S.K

grtp. Be was a brigadim .general la
stsameis City of BaatUe aad Ausiraiia. the Oanfedevate armyTboy were those of X U Emeibrook.
: at tiu. Ai
a a Blavsnaoa. 3. R. Moagaa, O. A.
tnar. a MeNcU. A. F. <ti«. a
Pittsburg. Pa.. Apt)r lL~At a maat*

Wbmitto aoltoa of TnrteyatMnto toafasrt
tbs Friday midday jsayer at tbs masQar,
Oftama. C. F. Harrlsoa. I. Waidal'a. I log of the sdviaorr board of the Amal* la Ooiataaiinopla, tba gairiaua of SO,Harrr BsR. Ou BaMutb, C B. Stetb gaawicd Aaaoctatloo of Iron
Iroa bad
aad Btsat OCC
OPC men ia atatiemsd atoag tbs roam_______ _______________
Workan Baturday IbaodoraXebacBto.
Tbasdors^bacBto. la aaeb a way that to toali ba safely Ctm toad kg Matibew ArwoM. Itwaa aab
Pfuabarg. wu teoisd to tewsia

................................msk it aMgbt frsBi Dsas dwUb
Ttof* bavs baaa asvdr^utbqaato of
U. Oartand u ptte

(mkia dBtpmiBtto
■!*>»»*'' tt te“Ttok
atoalB bi «to vwaity af U^otoswita, «B»ed
tsesatir m a .
aarvsyor of tba port, Ula sUy.

(femyw^ Tiwvecm

MbtouB ai t p

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