The Morning Record, September 21, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 21, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Bnddm Death af A Dow B.aeoA *d


The Body of Frimte BalMll
Oampairr ■ and XoPhanoa Poat Mat
S«n Mtckt and OampUtod Arnaitmian fbr PanaroL


> Drowned Danac
a B.ary Stom.
Mialtsthe Hsaane Bsonaii
Metnel, Praeria. Soph SO.—A
of flaklac boata erera wrecked ta toe
Baltie eea dnrinc
etorBy weatber
yeatarday orralac. Oaarto

CHBAN comsaoi^

Th* Mtobar* of Compaay M and
HePbaraaa Paat. G. A- R-. atat laat
naaaiar la Foraataia ball aad
Have Settled Down to Bosi
platoi to* ana*r*B*ata far to* taaeral
•f to* lata Private Cloyd DalMlI *f
OMB*aar M. -Zbirty-foartb Mieblcaa
ValBBtoan. who dloi Baaday aftar- WotkPn
S*fua IB Barnaa aM WUl Ba
Tb* toaipaaj will tara *at aad do
Prasaad Tacy Bapldly.
fltttac b<»ar to to* masry *f tbeir
Baraaa.B*—Tb*AB*rieanaecaOaad •asrada, aad toe nenbara of to*
pation hae b*rB» The etars aad atripea
Baaaab Bit** who did aot c» to war
ware orar th* mIm of tba Batal TraV
will aarU«lpatolato***le»a
eba, a trae-«Bh*w*r*d rilla la tha aabalto atuadlac tbe last rlto* to b* p^d
■rb of Vedaldo.
to *M who did Us doty nobly ia toe
Tbe whole eoBrnbaioo party
taaha aad who at laat oaoeaabad
Bored tr*B the Beoolato to tbe Tr*tilstoii
cba. ThepartyiaelndeatoreeeoBBleIt Is arraaend that all BOBbaia
atoaera. Beeard Sacratary Olao*. tblr*
toe eaapaay who ar* abl*to aadnr*
taan arByofBoare, as* aaml aid*, ra*
abort aiarBh.aball Mot at to* araiory
oanaaaUor. hta two aailataat*. flftaaa
at It o'doek aad at abont lt;4S sUUod
typewritIhsawnlTfa with tbe O. d. B. at the
sacars aad
■aaad dark*, tor** i
avaar of Ualoa and Front atreeU.
where to* fnneral preewsienfrom Blw
Tba wbol* plaa* b new ta th* baada
»• eonnd wiU be meV Tbe lia* wUl b*
af toe eoBmbaiae at a east of 81.400
la ebarc* at Captain Meintoah and
a week. Brea the pabllo bar
Uaatoaaat Elaaaaa. Pr*a tbar* to*
elaead for a eaah eoapaasatioa The be­
' nmalu will b* ooeortod to toe Coocr*tel b crarded by to* ardaa pabUcoe
cational ebarcb where the aerrieMwiU
acatoat poaeihte fo*a. Tb* eoamb
bn bald. Bar. D. CoeUinaadaUncwin possibly post Bsarta* ssaUasl* as a
. Tba preuMlnii wUl b* led by
prateeUra from poaalbl* ***r-intra*i*s
r M a
wrald-b* frieada
Tb* eotawbaloa will b*cin Ua
Po*V G. A. B. aad followiar, to*
•lea U Its a
tfstsday.wkea Habar* of'to* A. O. U. W . of which dccaaaad wsa a Bowber.
Tba pall bearer* were appointed
tram aacac toe eoBTadr* who eerred
Tbe Brat work of tbe
wltoTrieato Dalsell at Saatiace
will be to prepare • second s*rt«s of
are as f^ws: Dan B. Morran, Jeba
propodtbas srawwlaf the Upaabh
Scott, esand Vaaderrorm. Blwya HUI.
reply to to* flr*t •erlss aaat a weak
3 Thtaan. a
Prank 8. B
amJ. BeBicaal aad W. J. BrUthanpL
SM»t*ry OirauU
to* Spaabb
Tbs pal) baarara wilt pfMaad dimet
eoBBbBlm was abrat to Uk* the
to tb* resideaoa and aoato with the
daroo* daoatnaat to to* Bcaolnto wbaa
bady to toe city. Boaorary pall bearer*
Majar Ooas oaUad aad to* raspraaa
from toe 4. o. O. W. wDl also acwas clraa to biia. It soBawkat db•oBpany toe body.
pleased toe ABariean asBaiisslra.
Opon to* encreatioa of Jndc* Bobpaeially th* data sat for to* <
•rts dt was dacidad to ask B. D. OsBppleUm of to* araoaatloa. Fchraary
ball, A. V. Priadricb and 8. C. Da*
to take ebarf* of toe detail* at
The plan aacireatad that toe eracoaAnrto. lonk after carriacea aad *toer>
Urn ehmid berin with Olham. .Nenrlwlae SBlat U toe
Us. denlnaro* aad flaraaa, la the or­
rroB to* ehnrek tbe Company nnd
O. A B. wiU ennort tbe body to tbe der aaatad, tboacb la coasoaaao*
to* ABeriean Idea of axprriaeB
•toMtery. Th* naMlera will rid* in
enrrlafe*. as many of thaw m atUl too
was rsfarded as Indleatir* af a -dealr*
Tb* WoBan** Eeilst Carp* bn*n to act accordiar to ear.
kindly Tolnauemd M nmlst nnd they ta ellac U toe mala aonraa of rarsaas
as lone as posaible.
wUI attend in n body. Th* ladle* of
The SpanUh reply oaks ala* that th*
top eorp* will r*enlT* aad arraac* toe
saldiars be allowed ta depart tally
fioral oSerlDC* at toe ebareb.
aqaipped. with flics flyla*. Th# Aae8enu in toe obnreb orlll be
rleaas ware sorprbad at tb* auBhar af
for toe tn»Uy of deeeneed. toe bscbben of CoBpnay M and toe O. A^, troops helacplaeadataoUrcaa flew*
a* m.OOO. harlac eipaetad f*<
also to* A. O. V. W.
Thar* baa bean no Spaabb
Obis is tbe flrat d
UoBpanyMtoba bnrled at boBcnad yet to tb* eaoead demaad af to* A*Bericaa eoBBbaiaa la .-ocard t* the Canal,
simryoa* will Join la pnytac the lofty
which to* laadlac af aapplle* datribnte to bU »*B*ry that Us loyal
paada The Costal b sUU at Key Waat
•enrle* tor to* naUon deaereaa. It baa
bean anevasud ton#toe stor«a olos* awaitlac ardara to ratcra.
dnrlhf to* faaerml droeeeelao aad aer.
Ttea aad toU ^k of wepeet wlU
SoMbtlMB be anlTaraal asonc th* baal
Mea* boaacB aad oSoea.
Sapartad to Antaa la DatroH Today.











DON’T sx.;



asBe plaea. Anotoer abler liras at
Tamar, while a rary yenny abtar b ia
tos aoalbam part of the sUta.
The yenay aoldiar was aaa of toe
Bslaatays of tb* faaily aad bb «
Inya want far tawards eariay for bb
bratbsr aad aUter* aad their Botoer.
Tbe eaa* b am of md fsatnrea. as the
family bar* so particolar plara they
call bostr. la riew of thb, at the re: qaest af to* Bestbars of toe faaily tbe
banal will Uka place la Oakwood aad
OB* at least of toe sbters wUl a
tob city her heae.
Tk* faaeml will b* held with fall
BilitarTboBoranadertoe aaspieaa of
CoBpany M aad toe aeaory af the
brare aaldler will be fltUayly bone

Onaen of tba Lake* Destroyed b
Kra la Baato Xanitan Harbor
•usday Miybt
Qian Haran, Kept, to.—Tbe etaa
Qaeea of the Ukes. awaed by Oaptaia
A B. Johnatoa of Old Mbaloa. oao '
a wraekad balk a half b11* off ahem ia
Soato Maaltm harbor.Th* ataasar
was OB bar way from Trarerae City to
Oraad Harea, whem eba was
bayia apoa a rant* in Orud Blrar. The boat was forced ta pot
in at to* Maaltoaa f*r ebsllar dariay
toe heavy gal* and on Saaday erealay
ah* eauyht flm and waa homed ta toe
water’s adys. There b aatolM left
hot BselaB Bachinery and her itra
bttU. Tbe emw eeeaped safely hot Uaat
aU of their posnaslras. satUflad t*
ranch ebare with their lira*.
It b tooarbt that tba Are oriyiaatad
arraod th: amokeauck. Tbe beat wa*
insured for about SS.OOO.
Tb* Qaeea of the Lake* bat an lataraattay bbtory. bariny formerly |
toa water* of Imk* Mtebiyaa many
yearn aya. She was leceoUy eaenmd
by (bptoln Johnaton, eotimly reflttad
aad dariay tb* paat aommsr bat bara
aayayed In exeeralon baslaass at Tmr« City aad Charlerolx.
•aM H* a Pinyme’s Oboleo Ar Urn-

SpMtaltoTn Heaaua namas.
Datrolt, Sept. M.—Tb* Wy B^bUBaramoUoa opena toBorrow. Tb*
batal aorridore toalyht am <
The ymataat latarAaa Arbor, Hapu to.-Th* 8tot* aat eeatera ia tb* eratoat for toa Ua*.
Oalrardty will reeeirs fron tonaat-yoTaraoraUp. It is bUiarad
to* estote of Dr. Bilsatoto Bataa, to that Uarritt J. DtokaBa,of HeUand. baa
aaUbUto a ehab fw d
Pinyraa'a ai^rovaL
aad oblUrra.
Bryan WIU Maks Bpeaehsa.
apwlal to Uw HoasTM BacesD.
JaekamrUI*. Fla.. Sapt. M.—Wilapaetol wTraHcaaim Xsseai..
llsB JaBBinf* Biyaa will shortly reIsland Uka. Sapt la—lb* Thiiiy
alfa fron nUitary daty t* ioa«B* ton

Btotutry-airb grtob at BOiaml
Da. Sawraa.

and Wall Paper

Lay ta aSSi of bath at ansa.'
today. B. L. KUlorc of Trarora* Cl^.
oratinaea aa yraaldtof ddar at toe
Oraad Traroraa dbtrlet- Tba fellowlac are
290 FroM Stnnt
HOU07 *^OombbUaIraw aty. Bar. Moatcoawry; Maabtaa.
A T. Farcaam: Tmreto* City. J. A.
Trnreme City Is acata eaUad apra to Brandy: Went Ttsraraa Ci^, W. B.
Boara toe death af one of bar aoldiar*
who has aacritecd hte life for bb oonatry's sake. Tapa ware soBadad acaln
Bade Pictam fruB* by to* w
yeatarday aftemeoa aad at fire o'clock
aattoe M* of ooTBakar TWAt Leak at toa adyaa ra ear Bata-*Booto an
Biraas A. Dlekeaaoa SaUbad the Icbt
silk. Look at toe bask af oar tmatm, neat aa warn W* daall Uwekaa af toa
far life wbish be had wared for two
work aa it ahoaU bs dan*. Tty aa.
BIOS and Two-Thirds af fcland
week* acainst toe dread typhoid ferar.
Ooenpied by Amariraaa.
irate OiebeaaoB was one of toe
Speelal isTn Meanse haaoBO.
n Jnan. 8ept. to —Tb* eraeasilon
CaBjnny M and who. wbU* worn aad
aaaoiatad by hardship and sallerinc, of to* oaUylay paets oeeapled by toe
aat sariaasly 01. Hs went to Lo- SpaaUrds brngam today at Ayaadm*.
enat Oror* Cottay*. where be had 8aa SefaastlaB and Lama warn abaadboarded for a faw waska prerlana to 'oaad-and Oaaeml Oarrbaa'b troapa
bb aalblarat. H* waa focoad to sae- hristad to* ABarieaa
Fall Jacket or Wrap befm eaelay
ewnb la a faw days and alace than be to* blaad of Vrlfaea wUl be abaadoaad
has had a alar* af typhoid ferar wbleb by to* Spaabb aad oaeapiad by OaaMfaU*'
lid tax tbe BtfoncBt oraatltailm, aral OraaL Tba Spaabb bow aeea1*B than oaa-tolrd af toe blaaA
mrllarbyaU took
1st alone on* wbleb had passed throDck
Coaeeqamtty. styles o
I early by daalwa am aat tba np-to-data
! health of to* ABaneaa troow
dreadful ordeal nxp^eaead by toa
tolaya. StoUbaty’* a
warn aU plaead aftor to* Inal daabtra a* to
aoldbra who aarrad toe flip ia Cabs.
to* eoaiaet atj'
m*m Bf* In aala^ay ft«B bb stoak. -Hia
iaapeetiaq abraiFridayar Satoiday-anab
All day yBterday It was a flrbt for
of It b rrady a
life, bat dltaaa* (alaed to* rietory aad
anetoer hero. Baklny six In all from
Coapasy M, had com ta bb raward. Bnaiaam at a Btand StUl Owtoy ta
Tb* d*oM**d was II years af aca. aad
had fwBtrly llr*d In to* mmmtmrm part
araeui le Tat naaaiBs Saaaaa.
af to* etau, tboacb joatbafora
New York. SapV M.-8ra Xaaa adrar h* bad made tob city bb boB*.
Hb Botoar b a paUeat ia to* asylam vlcaa state that baslaeB b at a ataad
and It waa to b* asar bar that bs csb* sUn at ParVj Blco.owiay to flaetnatioBs
la loaal catraacy. Spasali
Goad flat Fruit Bablny.
hero. Ha laaras fonrsbtara and
Goad for Stoto Babiay.
bratoar. Mend, ayad 1?. srrirod bar* are effemd mortyacM tar laana at
Good for Oraaral Farmlny.
a faw days ayo froB Bay City ta SBbt aiybtaaa par eaat, bat they are afraid
Ia larya or SBoU paroala. Duay imata batay la yaod wtUaBrata; aU
ia mmriat for him. Chrbta b yoonyar
witoia abart dbtono* from railraada
aad lira* la Glaanl*. Alaona era
WUlbeaaldatlawprloaaflarraabtar.ralanytlBa with
Bento aad vary law inlamat.
aad a brotbsr II year* of ay* Ursa ia

Baqaaat of BUmbeto Bates.

DatrolU dept. M —Oeaaral Sbaftar i*
. expected ia Detroit toBorraw afterMooa. oa hla way to his old hoBe kt
. Mleh., toattoad tbe r«■aim of toe'Niaatoeeto MSaUfu.
Be was ealoaal of that reflmat In too dbeawim of pabUe oaaatiou.


Bra. j. A Brandy and Bra. W. X
BanaA Bsraalb in Tmawram^

DaMi. Sept. M.-a Dow Mwood,.
preaUImt of the Waym oaaaty saalasa
haak. leaf Utaattfied with Saannital A Tlatla of Typhoid Pa««r After toe
imtltatioas U Detroli. died laU tola
HardaUpa «i Var la Onba^Tha Ptt.
The aad was saddea aad
aeral WUt be Bald With Poll XUwholly aaexpeeted. Be waa at too
liaty HOBM Under tbe AtoPlM* of

SpMUl M Tn Moan • Smms.
ICulU, 8*pl. M.—TwmW Spukb
Two ■ta
vwMla. iMladlMf tw*lr* Btoamara,
Otbar With Xaiveo oa toe
i th* tnaifar to tba AmmriMlBlsaippl.
MM Sac Mi » toaiontx of thtm proa—i*il m to—t1*e ray—*• Iteyra- apsaui isThsMOTatBc BaearS.
portoS tt«t saUv* erawa mm POiaiM
8V Laois, 8*pL M.—Adesperatadna!
oeeorrad ra tbe Mlasiaalppl ■to*war
aUaactoaai too Boatoa. BalaUrb aai MayBowar laat nlcbt. Mata Park Doris
MaatU aaU*4 today aaiar or4*r*~lo aad tbs aifkt wat^Baa foaebt
protod oommmrom. Tho Britlah gmm- with kairaa to toe harror of tospaaasa
teat BatUcr haa roam ta Caba. That* f«* who war* aaabl* to Iptarfarn Ull
•ra ranon that taawvaata art attaah- to* BOO Mk dead aid* by slda.
lac Gab* and UaUo.


FrtTBteHiruiA. OiokenMn
of Company X, is Deed.

Tw«ii^ Spanish Vsas^ XXn*

Vemal Maafw Ua*» »t KtatU
' TMtaiSay-TbM Thmf War* Bnt
VpM OasMlaC ▼P7»t**—Tfcr**
WuiUy* MpatAaS M PratMt
•oBmm* tm PhOtyptu >TaUrB.

tir 1,080

* Invltatioa of tba fdUxaaa
» to parade In Oatmit thb

•eemtary of War Deaiatw Tht
Va Trato la toa Baport.
Lesiayta*, Ky.. Sapt. Ki. ftaeratary
Alyar taformad aa. Aaaeiatad Press
maorter thb afteraooa that thara b
not a woril of troth In tb* mport that
h* bad raaiyaed.

Oa O. B. A 1 A A



Flaa to Baiiat Oabaa Troops.
SoBVa Thb> raa be bmixat M * bamala If ubva at era*.
•SMlel w Tbs Uessnrs ftscoBB.
Wertb toaktoa as tor aa lavMtmat.
Sept. SO.- Oaneral
Lawton ka* raeommeadad to to* war
dapartBant to ealbt Caban troop, not
fer paliee porpeea* hot ia to* varioa#
work oftoaUaitodSutoeatSanti^


OnrftU Opeaiay dayi ar* Sept. is*d,
Music la atuadaaet
araniBca, Smvsniia in BitUnary deThe Rostoa Stom.
fbt Wood fliltan wUl have tosir fail
opeaiay oa Friday aad Saturday, la
- new parlor*. «S Frost street.

That Talk.
Hava 3Ton ever hoard of
shoes that talk before? You
n6Tet’'have. Well, here artshoes that talk. They will
tell you that they are being
sold at leas than it cost to
nuke them—many of them a

They formerly belong­
ed to Benda A Co., but that
firm not wishing to handle
abosa in omnection with th^r
clothing, aold tbeir entire
stock to ns et from 40 to 60c
on tbe dolUr.
Tbe aboea tolk—«o dd
tbe people who boy them, in
fact half of onr enstomera
oom« in aztd say, ‘HHve me a
pair like eo and eo boogfat.”
Now ia tha time to boy
ahoee. A look meane a sale.

Popilar SNh Hiito.




Batioo than wrer
before, and ^LZ may have to bnQd another factory to
furnish pboea for tbe feet of our increaaed
popolafioa. There are five SELZ
now, turning out 2>4 million pairs of shoes
s(yeBr, becnuac “Selz Shoes make yottr
feet glad”; and we have these shoe* in onr
stock because we have found them to be the
shoes which wear longestandgive beat aady
&ctkra. One trial will convince yon. They
cost DO more, even leas, than other aboeA



A $3.00
Choice of 100 boy's all wool caaaimere aaitB......................$1.88
Choice of 25 dox. heavy weight all wool knee peats each M
Choice of 26 dosen all wool boy's caps, each...................... .19
A good boy’a overshirt.................................................................17'
Choioe of 10 dozen silK taas, each................................ .
A good pair of eoapeadera or bdt.............................................. 10
Pair seamleae stockinga, wanantod ataialeea..................... M

Total.......................... ..................... uS
Oombiiiatlona are mteleadtng tmleea itemiaed. WiU
gladly sell you each individual item aeparstoty and aave yon
Look at onr men's and wumen’sall solid shOM at|$1.00
Also onr fine up.trMUte footwear for $1.00 below Talae. .




SHB Koxnao sboobd, wmiamaBAr, i


vmooMs>. TitiWg|nMp£SISlBI;

.«UT*moriT. . MXOBOAII

totftoad^Sarim &JarptototoBaitiaottoa.
(aa praetlM bhm to toto toU at
Twalftk atrato park lata paatotow •fb
i. Lawto Haijraa mat Witt aa aa- ,
artoab wUl eaato Ma to toy ap
•aatna. toanattoa^ to raa

' teM. «•
A»1> >. W. iuinB.
l^lf. kA»inaf. -»aitor
•trwto of Dm «lv
‘ Uti tM» *1«kt
teBMUOwh. -OaAiMttvlW *k«
4«M1« •< tka «Mh «l iaMT>»ttar4b«

•L« MW tn>*^ >r maCiM tor tk« r»skaMti »o)M mA «tkw praUMlaMT
rtf— it waaiffwi to at a«aa
iMaaallakia ofiow aaA twa alaf»
as V^lawaat art ta <


■ totCHyoaato.

«raa MadaattkalHt eoaaaU aaaUaf
•tetaUtcaaatoba pmaia* tor tka
«tm«a asA aato kaaftof at tkaaa. Tkia
lakpraparrrMMtIoetetaka. latkia
—kainlltwi tke Kcoobb kaa a aacpwt'
iwtomka. towUlkaaosattoM
tm tkaa(t7«lUbaraadr u kaOA •
aiirhaUaaehMwaanffktta kava. *
• tortha alt7 i
a^riJ la saw obUfad ta Maat to tka
•ItaakaMBta. It ia raalaaaaat. ta aar
tka laaal.aart Ua Ira dapartiaaBt naad
#U tkaraea tkara iato tka buitotoc.
na ftKsn aacraau tkat a tot ka
kawkt aa Fraat atraat, wkara
MB af tka akaay waad
MW atoato. tkat aaah kaltotof
•avad at and a aaltaWa briak baUdka araotad. tba towar flaor ta
BMkd tor ail tka ailj aflaaa. tka aaeaad
andatkvoddaaafortka aaa of
•ha ofty. That tka baUdtor ba
toHlaalaal/taraltriMUfoaaa. and
tOr aaakttmaaatkaeltr to tolly prafvad to pat ap a aaltabla dty baU.
tUatoBporarykaUdtoroaaUtkea ba
•aid tor toatfaeaa parpoaaa. Wltk tbla
to ^aw tka tooattoa akaald ba aastral
•ad tba balldUf aa ptouad aad
•tonatod tkat It eaald aaaUy aad «kaap)y ba aMvartod toto a atora ar ofBoa
htoldtoc. Tkara waold probakly ba
■a ttaat dlStoaltr la aaaarinc aaah a
toaattonnow. torckaiaaraa aoar
rnf\m lra». Tka rity wmid tkaa aapar* proper ofiaa raoM for a noeibar af
japto toaoMBkad tka toraatoBaa
■iMa woald be a aaleahla property at
aat tin
•ad tkaI oOcaa laaaaad baton wtotor.



My wor^ b first elan asd priceo tbat are io rracb of aU. I ao
mwpdaialttUDwtotAk* oaroof tbetrtolc. I sake « cpedal^ fal
Bnsing. VnlcAuizing and Enamelins. A. Im Uoa of vheeU for Mb
0. SliLIB, 311 Front atreat, east

arftt tba baU ba waa tackled and ,
kroapbt to Ika froand. d aup wm'
kaarddtotlnetlyaadlt waa diaacaand
ttai Haicaa waa tojarad. A rip waa
and ka wai takaa to
ktokaM «a eaat Ktott atnat.
ar waa ctolad aad pronaanaad tta
tofta boaakkanttaanUato aaa to


Utton, kat wkiak aM wlU ba aalaeiai m§itoltoaA at «MMM.
r all Ika territary at aartkara
MlAiCaaaortka<OUIUaa.wltk laoal
•zakaacaa, wkUa law Aktaaaa aaa.
aacUaoa a*a ta ke frarlded for man
AlatoBt folata; tta kaadgaartara ta ba
to tktoai^.
Tkt aSaan af tka aaspaay aaa aa
lUawa: .

Tfca aiy rHBTto aai WalM aaA Slat

Dealer in Dicyclesl Bicycle Sundries

I to dto ta
I to MaaaXina



r 8. Shepard. Who baa baaa tta
Stoaaaand of kla nottar,
Mra L. A. Braff. baa niarasd to kla
a to Dobaqaa, Iowa, wbara ka la
raaeral aaentary of the Yobbc Maa’a

J. W. Mllllkaa laft toat alffkt far Da
troUta attaad tka BapakUcka atato
TkewUa and daocktor af aoaaty

aoort kBMe aoatraetor Bowar.wha kad
_______ .Ik klB at tka Hotol
L i. Uuto. BatUa WklUartortte pact two waeki, ratamod to tkolr koae at Mk neaaaat
I Oaaa, Tkaaana yeatarday aftoraooA
Mta E. C OoBiptoa weat to Maatoa
yeatarday foraakart rialt with rato-

rntTr-r *— w. W. taltk. .Traa.

Tba ayatoM wftt ba aenatoaetod
The Amatraaff Onatraatton C^. to
wUah trank Amateoac la praatdanV
Tka totUraanpanywUl baud tta Itoa
aatoMtob tta ayatan. and if tour
m Tranraa Oty dtiMaa daaln to aa•toak aa epportaaitp wiU ba of.
farad, ttaafk at praaaat no aaltoltoUoaa ta lUa dfaaaUan w(U ba mada
Back aotoaribar aaatiaafa to naa tta
pbaaa for An yaan, wbitt ftraa tka
Bawpaiy a caaraataa fortotan I ‘
. tkanby oaabUw tkam to fo
obnd Witt tta aaBstraettoo of tta
Itoa: and if Tranraa aty eUtoana daalra to oaaUol tta eyaUto ban ttay
uy do ao at ttalr plauara.
Mr. Amatranc atatad tkat ka weald
•Md a raat to naa kan ta aboat twa
waaka. If tka patoa aaa ka pcwrldad la that tlua. aad ba axpaatod that
tta work waald ba waU aadar way bafon tta Middle af Jfonaibar. aad tta
aystoB la tta city ready to opa
early to Daeasbar.

oBar. Blalla Saatnood kaa yeaa to
Praaqaa lale oamsty to kold apaeial
MaattofA Ska to tka pMtor for tta
rnanda at Maple City and Oadar.
8. I. BarnaU af taka Aaa waa to
ttto aty yeatarday.
E 1. Davto laft Uat aifkt tar Boyaa
City OB a baatoaB trip.
Alexaadar Maaoa waa to towa yaatorday fiwB Lalaad.
WUltoB Cato, of BtoykoB. wko ewat
ooa of tta torraat lanaa to ttto aaettoo.
aBoay yaalarday'a soaata at Uatol
0. ToBpktoA of Old MlBBiaa. waa to
; tka dty yeatarday oa b
; MinZ
ZaUa Griday. wbo baa baaa rtoittof kar atotar, Mra Balpk CoaaaklA
ntoraed yeatarday to bar boBa at Pa
taakay. lUw waa aoeospaatod by bar
Uuto atoaa. Darotty.
Ba*. A J. Ednd kaa ntaraad fns
Uaatof wkan ka attaadad tta M. E

Tka WoMBk OaUd to Sraae akarak
wUl Meat Witt Mlaa Laa ttla aftoranoa
at two o'atodt.
Uat alfbt m
Weyela balawl*r to Dadortokor W. B.
Aadanoa. Aa Mr. Aadatooa to a Uttla
lama be woald like to bare tta wkaal
rataraod baton lafal proooodtofa aro
foaad aoaaaoary.

fim Skapard Ptod Sia BtoA

la Manary ofOaaiva ObIbbb.
Bar. Pr. Saaar kald
bipk Baaa at St. FTMcto akarek yaatar.
day Baralat to Baaory of Oaarf
taa of CoBpaoy M, wko dtod to
CabA A larfe eoofrafot
placoeeaad to a W<
Aootb r ^nat
lady la tkto
madA aod tint too. ,
eontry. ‘-Ptoeoee futooed1 tu elutekaa opaa bar and for tan; yean aba
wltksbAd ita aeremt teau. bat bar
vital oiTone were aaderBloed asd
death veenad iBBlnaaL Far ttree
naatta eb« eoorbad lacaanaUy. aad
eaald aot atoap. She dBally diaoovarad
a wry to recovery, by pnrebaator of o»
a botUe of Dr. Kinf'a New Diaoovery
fer OoDaaBpUoo. sod was as Bncb nUavad oa tak of tba flnt doae that the
slept aU alitot: aad witt two boutoa

Thiw oisis A dsy.

'Kcmt Vtt VKe co«ne*«^ ^
j U tM\X
\kt\T WA.U.
^St Vam a \ev ^ooff ^AmeiAs tit ^oor
} 0^ Aub&VAtv^V. &uTikU (oo&» a\ mo&enle
it.OO. Ifi.OO, ^.00 AA& Ifi.OO.

For Any of thorn whoa it c
We*T0 Fot obont—well, an
•nit OTorybody. Frloooroi

Ladies, e'eau your kid flove* witt
Miller Ulovelloe. It to oot a Uqold.
_ DO odor aad cap
ean be uaed
tiaed while
e flove la on ike bai^. For talc ouly
M U Jobbaos, Oracfiat.

■ to ooUtsc Oookloo.
y enooF^ grodoo to


-4 Fanilf Roir.


-t« boiest old firffl.

MICH. -The Ificatloi.


Wbea in donbt think of this
adrice—^It’s pren for
your good.

House Famisbiog Htore.
ItO Front street

g Our Offerings

^ "Furniture

eta ta Una sUUaaty.
draifnaand elefantatylea. Wood
will receive the IsAlea st tbelr
psrlore. M3 Front itraet. Friday and «
Uaterday. tbelr fall opeelnf I.^lea 4
wUl tsd ssytktof to eait tteir faocy.


Oosene Unusnal tneatiog.

Tbm MBta A day

Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
and Paper Haoear.




Laid to tta Onea.


We Don’t Have .To
Take a Back Seat

Has Been Here.

The faaanl of iba tote Joha Oriellek
took plaee yntarday aftemoaa from
tteAoB# at NorrtovUle aM wu one
of the larirnt aver bald la ttto aectloA
Rev. D. CocbllD offlelated. A loap pre-


Hon. Tom Jones


Shop opposite Eagle office.

No Comparison.

Taatorttoy JIb Sbapard paid a di
tba dof kad beaa stolen and stortsd ss
TheCalled StatoeBesevolentBoeiety
•loandeaauaBoaattof to RU. and , toveatifsltos. Ba foasd tta dof to
of SafiDsw doee not tell yon what they
tte poeaaeeloB of a party near liaet expert to do. They refer to wbat they
Day. wbo fsva Mr. Jsstp tan dallsn to have doDc aod are datof daily in TraviaU. Be fa one of tte qnartal wka tat tke BBitar drop.
saptorad Monday befon Jndfe Bobby etnera. We are bare peTmMeniiy
aruasd aaeb were ^vas It dayt tor TuUmU* sStoti to ftoa sUltony, aad oaa back everytttor we say. Yoa:
dfaordariy easdaet, to datasU of tta aieatdeeifas ssdelefssvn.Tlce. Woud deal dlreoi wUb ua to case of aeeideat
towravriU reaalve tta Isdlae at tbelr ordtokaeM. WBre 4a ao noaparisM
pa^Baat of tta Aaea.
•atora. m Wont atreat. Friday bd witt otkar oompaDtee. Look in» oar
for ladiea batarday. their taU opaatof. Ladb atoadtof tkaa eoanpare ttaaa. Battar
wUl SM saytttof to saU ttalr taaey.
taka oat a polley: h doesa't eort Back.
€sUM?>«lBaatNtottsttMt. Mrs. E
____________ «»n Biamiaa A HoCoaaica. DtoL Magra.,
Btaaak oStoa Jokasea Uott. Trav-



toM^rtatber Lnta."“Thaa wdt^W

C. HaBBtok A Oo.. of Skelby, N. C
Trial bottin 10 eta at ttadraratorea at
8. B. Wait and 3. U Johasoa. Berv*
botUe faartor air. SOe aad *• Every
Oaoar Frladrick want to Onnd Bap- aaieed.
ids yeatarday for a rlslt witt ratotivea,
baton aatanac the uivaralty at Aaa
Dao SotoBoa baa ntorned (fob Lir
ieator. lodlana
Oaarya Dewitt of CoMpanp It. to
qolu dob at the koBe of Ato panata
ao Weal Sizlaeott etraet.
AbO Nerliorer aod Bupkeo Lardle
wlU leave tbit Boralop for Aas Arbor
We are not all aetUed in onr|
where they will aatar tta SUte Col- new building yet; wben we are I!
will 1ft you know; but we are doC. G Taroar will attaad tke Bepobing bosioew right along just the
line state ooBveotion ia Detroit to
aame. I should have cloaed the
Mrs. B Hobto of 8tau etraet to ea- doors DDtil we were moved and
tarialnlBS Ur*. Q. L. Ivea af Eslsas- setUad, but it would not have been
right, aa there were dozena of
Joha lleAlIislar. ao atteadaatst tte
people who wanted their bonsee epeadlaf a few days vlsIUnp
famished and wanted it at once.
at Detnit.
Lorto Helatoak arrirad yastarday If I bad cloaed np for two weeks
traB Baasoala for a etoit witt kar ato- it would have coat them bundre<ls
tor. Ufa A. 3. Doyle of Piflb street.
of dollara extra. We are giving
Mtoa Catls Travto retoraad yeatarday
some exceptionally big bargains
toOnadBapldA Ska has baaa the
r»aat of 3. W. TroTla aad foBlly at on odds and ends.

a9»** mUX «sb\


Tke al’k qoUt raffled by tke W. B. C.
for tte bamafll of tke Baaaak Biflea
Manday nirbt waa won by aoMbar ill.
whtob tobald by Saaao Paqooa-fay,
wbo aaa aaaan barr prUa by to>p)7iaf
nu. XaStLL* xmur
at Haakell'a
Tl - ■ tka Amto af Sdwto 9. Hap- It to tka pi
MbfulaatoMaa tkat aU tta atorea
ktoa an Otintoal Chantaakoaldbaatoaadatlaaat batwoaa
•dwto I*, toipklw waa armtod
of 1 aad I o'alott today, oat af
Waafardyaatarday ky tbarltSlm
St for tka dead bora of Oonpatiy
aaa toar^ of Ularat paraatafa, pra- M. wkoaa foaeral wOl Uka plaee aboat
tmdby Miaa Uaad VeBUl, dao(ktor
tkat tiBA
mt lia MeBUl. af Maydald towaabip.
toapktoa waa broafkt bafan Jaatioa Atur taktor Mnral toOBlhaa PytoH bM raaatood bto paalttoa to
tta tno*n dapartmant of tta Mareaa
frVekwwaat far Mzt Taaaday.
tOa OoMpaay’a aton aad to rary aaek
am rataaaad an tUO kaO.
•rua aaaa to tka aaaeal to tka arraat iBprond to kaaltt.
ad Mr. MeBUl aoma Una tfo oa a Tkto aftoraaaa at t:M o'clock tte
of I- O. P.. Na «, an to
^rpaet atoaalt wlU totaat to aea
Mi MBrdar. pretarrad by HepUBa ■aat at ttalr kaU to tta Breaeb bloek
man an alatoaata to kotb eaaaa JlB Kahoadaclareattatlf tta lawarkkk will prora tolaraatlaf. McBIll Ina aata of braaktoc iato tka baaa baU
fa naw an baU awalttoc trial to tba park an not dtoaostimtad than wUl ba
VpaitAPartoatkaeharraBantioaad-lMrtoaa troablalB which the aalbariU tte piwtoaa na# Hopktos allapad ttoa wUI ba aakad to participate.
•hat MoUU find a nvalvar at bla
Tba City Boakaton baa a v«ry aparltt tount to do aeriaaa harB, wkila
propriata dl^lbl »***•" *■ *•■*7
KaBUl stated that ha Manly flrsd kla at tba bOTa of tadtpany M wbo ban
tpvolvar to tta air to Bake Bopktoa dlad to tteir ealtotrv*a aarrloA A fraat
no U><wwiaw. aa ka waa to thal white eroaA aBballtobad with aanax
•at of raBaias-away from him. ^ The
•Itofad ntotloaaof Mopkiuwitt Maad toau tottaaantnptoea, wkltoapprop
HeBiU are what bu lad to aU tba liato plctana add to tba aSaet. Upon
aaaaan tka aaBaa of tta Uz dead
aaaf SanttofA
raaabaa and a *'Bl#b TaA*'
Mota“recal“board Baattof.” bat
■ajoyabla and Profltabto.
Ma af ttoaa dalirbtfal lUUe aa
Tba aaelal fives last aveslpf at tte
•hat fa to sake Ufa toUreatiar far tta koBC of Bev. C. T. Stoat aa (
mBban of tba aaaeatin board of tta atraat by tba Ladiea' Qaild af Oraae
Ladtoa’ Library AaaeetoUoa waa
ekarek, proved a very plaaaaat affair.
•aaok party flna that body yeatarday A prof
rofraiB eoaalitlBf of Bnaie aad
•faorpooa by Mn. O. P. Oarvn at tba
eaa af tke deUfbMof
Oarvar trait lara oa tba peBtoaaU. ttaaraalaf. A ooUcqUap iw takes
for the basafft of ths ekuiU asd a
seat asB waa sddad to tte treasury.
•ka faUtwlaf. bat
tp oaa af Mra Oarvar’a neubto “bifh
•atttod far Ton DoUsia
toBA" and that a ntaat plaaaant aoaial
Mbb wm an}oyad by aU praaaat freaa
SaBO time sfa a koosd balosfli
arUh-ant aaytof.

-irom K \e \fi \fbvct

Brad Ovtto aad Oharita Oarrar Oa
Tbalr Way Soba
Yartarday aftaraopa Mra Fbad D,
Cartla raaaWad a maaaare from kar
aad aad Ckarlaa O. Carver, auttof
tkat tkay kad Utt Alaaka aad wan to
WaaktoytoB oa tbelr way koBA Tkaaa
koya toft toat aprtoff for tka Ooppar
Binr ooutry after pold. bottte lataat
pnriaaa reporta todteaUd tkat tkey
wan aot nry Booeeaafal.

exclusive with uB.that ^

We make particular mention of SEED and BATTAE FUE; jirrtJEB. Aside from a floor full of beautlflit creations in
: this material we make prices equally as attractive.
Whether you Intend to rofumiah your hoiue this fall or
; Just oohtemplate the addition of s few pieces to make your
; rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the oppbrtunlty
; to do so at a very Uttle coat We want you to see the goods
in any event.







i#Jt nii^wlHt



Some Good Stories of Fact and Fancy Coi
For Busy Readers.

AtMii««biUMiwiUft»M«uwa*>.bMnr it i*


se win »

.^iiPiiaiiPA-r. MirwUmjn- >«»»

I tie Uirm, a prirOece
batatolB** mrigtad to etala el
Tb* faitart adkt mnadi that
onato bt randarad to tb*
of tb* faMyt* aad *■•
rerywbar*. aad that ib*a*
aoaanto b* yabUabad. Tb* mpwm
that tb* adfet* b* pMtai
tbraachoat tb* eantty la eidar that
tb* paoyl* aay a** tb* aMaaran to
pTOMte tb*lr rraUan vbteh be i* mak-

«M«St Wtly ftt 8nlt St*. lUrto I «or«r.
'whlAnulUdl* iU im»k.
It Ml
Jmm* B. B*y*«. IvidlOTd gl th* ia Madrid tb* payaeBt ef the ooaaoa*
«kll* «»IU*« B* tb* •ia*w*lk. *aA » Waya* at Datrait, and tb* Oraad at of lb* Oabaa d*bt i* aaMiad.
Mil «bl*k WM stteklar «* Ura*^ * itoekla**. had «aBr**tt*a of tb* ttaM*
ntaratac tram a aall )a*t
b«(d rlMMd ita igc*bwd. m*Ic1*c »
Tharaday. *ollow*d by forty bean of
t»Ml trend.
«awaiMP*k*fM.ttf tb* P*u*> kioeonrhl*r. Tb* do*ton workad
It H Deolarod That Me DMilhMa to ho
tt»«*M* ladin*. WM **U*d t* KU«* him aaiU h* reoowed.
The Seapefoat of the
J*ba Wllaoa. aa Oalrtaad eoanty
Mndi^.einenied by
faraur, b*a aa apyl* lr*e laadad with
■Mriltn*. wbo had Ik
Mew York. BopV Mt-Tho World
btatBr*rMdtotti*«l»bi«ttbe I»di- b(r appl**. and alto bloMoms la graat
prtntaShe toUewlar andar a Weahlnr
»m,1M Mr«* «t<»k*(e Uad.
tb*t tb* ■eeietary of tb* latarior
SMtvtary of War B A. .Alfor ha*
bu d*«td*i tb»t tb* r«d uUn bM * yaar-otd daa*rbi«r of W. R. Baker,
tttl* t* tb* TkluW* tr**t e( Ind t* terribly eealded by ynUlaf a>ot of plaoad hH rmiobtlo* at th* praMdMith dbpomL Tbi* wa* hU laat of­
dtant*- Tb*o*ly ntet Mblwt tb* hot eaSee orer o* her.
act befon Uariaf Waahl&rt**
ladUMte tb*t tb*y b*** not bad
Oerporal Fred O. Oeykaadall of Con
■ S0t May y*an. Tb* «bM aaay F. Thirty-third raflieeat. died MB day* are. A m*mb*r at Ue eaWVM **k«l toairkt for oorroborw
Mp*elatobeabl*teeff«ei a coatee- Monday nlcht at hie hem at Port
ttoa of th* laporv H« mid: '-It wonld
Mae with the piaeeet oi
Berea, Oorporal CsykeadaU
. dona with the terer wllbfa two day* aot b* «aa*taral for Alyer to *Mt u b*
Ml*. Bra 0.
l. of C*lai
r*UoT*d. la riawof tboclrenmstaai
died M**day aoraln frx« iDjerta* i*- after hi* retem homa At SanUace
Wbaa Soeratary Alfw eallad at tb*
eelrad whU^ «macainiBf a fit* la*t he wa* one of the Port leree boy*
•naentlr* maaaloa oa* week ayo Imt
Friday. The deawed wa* »e yean of that pobUebed the ftrat BocUah aewapaper ie Cnba. the Compaay F Eater- Thnnday alykt and pnaaaMd to PrmIdant
MeKlnlay a lattar aaklnr for an
all boaU that prlM. Cnykeadalllear** a widow aad
larmtiyatHn of th* war departmant
•e child.
paaaadaptbreacb the lock* Moaday
Prirate Albert Lanoa, Compaay L, and iU rarlom aabdlrlriMU, h* latiadapaltbor tbor* or la Wkiiofioa
formad th* pr*rid*at that b* would
■ay, awaitiaf bettor weather.
The Tbtrty-fo*rth r^i
Imr* tb* mWB«t at any Urn* tha pr*adaaee eoaek* aad beery weeterly yale dlod Moaday oraalay at Barpor boeIdaat mw fit to r*ll*r* him. Tb* raaformed a aombiaatioo that eaptalae ^lal In Oomlt *f malnrla. BU moth­
er wne at b la bedside whea death lynatloB wa* aot m*d* out la writlor,
did not earo to faoo.
bat wa* Madarad to tb* prmidaat rarb
Tba laat two Miebl(aa eoldiore to line.
PrlraU MrOrofor of Oomposy D,
laaroOebawor* Altrod Aab and John
*^ftmtary Alreri* deeltlea to tak*
MoKaa, boU of tbo TUrty-tblrd. who Foarth Oaitod State* lafaatry. ha* thU etep waa net tbe rmolt of keaty
dl*d la the Calomel A Beda hoepltai.
Teacbod Dotroit Suday.
aeUoo, bat tba loyleal aotaome of
__ _^*l*itiay Mead* aad wa* takaa
At ■eatea -Barber Monday a local down Mth typhoid ferar.
week* Of enfarerebl* eritUlam f
fralfbt traia aad a fnat train eolllded
A *ad death ooeond eear MV Merrt* tka pram aad pablU oa tb* eondnet of
eaailnya Urn to tba
Snadey. The family of Frank Bllykt. tbewar. AUboayb bo hm eadmv
of SM.OOO. The a&jriaoor aad flramaa a farmer, wm* In e earrtare alartiaf to m^ataln aa oetwerd ealm, it U
barely oaeayod death.
for chereh whae U* horaa kiaked WU- known that he ha* •nfierod aeverely
Mre. Sarah J. M<
lie. e aerea year-old ooa ia the head aaderfira.
■araa, waa the eioUm of a raaaliaa ea- eattiar him terribly aad eawlar death
Whether or aot th* rmiyaatieo wUI
. nloaloa Snaday. The hair
I aeeapton M aedetormtaed. Th*
la a abort time.
httraedeif bar bead aad ahe
At PlalBwell at a Preehytarias taa- Praeldaat hee th* klyheat reyard for
Alyeraad hcllerm him to he
meetiar on Friday laat, preaaed hoaf
wa* one of the Hem* oa th* blU of a worthy and eompetant cAeial. Da­
Same for tk* yarpooa of filllhf the
na InrmtlyaUoa datermlam to tb*
* are new eiek
, tb* womaa enUled oil *b tb* I
-.uar Iv
■m - TbaaUtn
* B« *u w tk* ma
«aa lfaitedaad |^^
^ toTa-moment a* entire i
William B. Uarrin,
Mtb. MeMartia amde her m- wbo baa
^ bmn is tb* far wmt for
Itlakoowatbat SecntaryAlyarex'
«ape from tb* room by Jnmptay Wen year* and waa mppoeed to be peetotoberiadlmtodby aaoMciaUnthroayb e wladow.
dmd. arrieed borne Momlay, beriay ▼mtiyatloB. "A aeapeyoat to what tk*
• waatt. and it bm takes aa.'
FraakB Feaaeread hi* twohrmb- joined th* Boayk Rldere la Arisoaa aad
tb* Baerrtory a tow daye batorr
era Briny ia Bcorm w«at
Aant-. yoB* tbrooyk with tb* SeaUaye
bl* dapartar*. “Bet I rafam to b* tbe
lay Snaday alybV The
atoned. *bov and atur falliny to the
Frait mea arooad Beatoa Harbor
yroaad Frank etorted t* «l«b him with were aerv ia bettor aplrite. Tb* re­
hH yna. when It ran dHcharBedaod.tvrmferpeaehmabowlBmaay
tb* yonay man
mortally woended, n*t *redt of StOO pm- aara.
On Their Way Mom* From Moetoak
dyiay In a f*w bobr*.
Several li
, fia* new pablir Itorary ha* heaa'j^i,.*yoi*f to * mbla* aad
Montaan Volnv Septomher to —Me]
opened at Oalomav in * yood lotottoo __________a___________.
. _ i I* *om*
or Manerede h*« aeot In his rmiynsaad tb*expmMc*of rmolay It wiU
hemm caabaeb- Uoa aad haa heard that It wUl be eobor***qnallyby th*Calam*t A H*cl* miaed tor-tb«ir eoplayeK
lerye mpted •bon;y. Be will be In Ann Ar­
mad t^aebool board, fn addUkm to ^roaod. lor the plantiWlt aad <3
bor when tbe nntearsUy opeaa.
tb* library tbar* will b* a baU re—V
An*faaC*, may b***toetod •*
with Msj IT Tomllaoia. here bee* th.Madlhy room. MtertahMay ball **d ,j,e*ta Tb* paopie of U* lav principal aaryeon* in th* yemeral hoe«MN for 4:fl«mat forma of *mwajiopo *o.
The tollawlny Miehiyan man left for
I Of Uto ymi* tbe raMay of plam*
Some npper paalaaala papera orela^^wnvjbeeblylodmtryaloayUe New York oa tb* Bhlnarc'^ck l**t
OCalB ayltotlay «b* ar^ect of dtoUtoy i Mlobiyaa Aor* of Lik* H«r*n aad bly niybt: 0**ry* Bowe, Oompeny F.
into two atoM, with tka Mralu of ,
year tk*r« Thirtr foortb; Bay Kramer, (toorye
Macklaaw ea th* boaadarp. it i* ng- to tk*ma*lbiy crop, bnt tb* prim* to enmity. 0*ory* UtIo. Charlm Bor­
ymud that fWoBebe be made the oep- baohlalaod are vary law and yrower* er of Ue Tblrty-tblrd. Albert FiUow
ital of tb* “BtMaof S^artm.”
ai* maklay Httl* proflv AU UH ha*. nf Company C. Tklrty-Uird. to *UI1
qaito aiek. Tka oUera are dolny well
At Staadtobtbemadplpatoibehea* U the ri- and wtU probebly yo >»»* tbto-wmk.
or of a D. BitMkdh «htoyU mlU at
Omer blew oat, tbrowtay ataam aad oiaity to tak* ear* *f tb* »*rptoi frniV
Bay Tlew Olab.
hot water over J***ph Poqaatto, wbo to b* ylma m«r* mrioe* «*o*id*ra
"The Bay Vl*w Clab" to the nam
wa* workiny ae*r. *eaUlBy Urn reiy tbaa *T*r bef*r«.
of a aew eryanitaUoe formed Moaday
o-eniByet tbe borne ef Mr*. Biyyln*
jakm* «f onr paopl* aad yo«r* barn oo Waahlnyton ctreev
Voim of Uairetml ^
ooaUom to b* of the
Tbe object of the club to for lltorery
« uaireteai
jrtendly netore. and w* here
etndyanda eery letoreaUae wietor U
wHbdrawa *v forem froae tb* eab- etpectod. Be*. B. L. Eelloyy
> war* oaeaed
nrha of Maaile aa aa addiUoaat «ri- eleetod preeldenV
Bfoaday by Uaartormmur Hyde lor tbe
deem of oareeMdram U tbe yreat
i to eapply tbe corernamai
wlU 10.00* ytareetonee, ebie nnmber
tend s ymr* ro­
Th* B«pablim Fillpiaa of Haall*____
belay Ant^act to An innrmeii* daercaae
of town, were
of to peroent.
arriral of a faAt Bradford, Bgg., aa electric Uiwet
tbey were esliny a
“ *»W«d, saw a S^M>
Tbe train mme la. hot
Aarwm dmdUad wbU*
Dognanappm^. to the Liumdimpbill Monday. Fifty pan
doariy laJarmL S*««rml of tb*m ar*Jfpeedom. makcaw
iP*Ar*dlik.umpertat----------------------At damp Mead*, Middletown p^. |««P Utond-d for Ayriwldo. wh^pyon think Uitole
ar* <orm 100 Uphold torar
Eleven Fran- Med oaybter.bomef”
la and U*'
ttoal* 1* tbe A
Yoa mnato't myr onsJiter;
onuhter; aay
friana t alleyad to have, been
Bad cum ward* bar* bma inereaaad
Mtood*r.'*pat in tb 6-year-oid, with
•ayayad le tb* ooneplracy. Th* pap- all tbe dignity that raoh a eorteoUem
ia doable their
alam. Itto farther said. attompUd to woald Inply.^Kew York Tribona
modeto Uto clam of pattoata. Tb*
lynch all Ue Bpantoh prleanera. bat
aoetoiy ha* Ulrty-fir* traiaml tomal*
e* BwltohAoe*.
isurveaad. Soup
BBJ*** oa th* yroaad takiay *ar* of
for Ayaiaaldo to aow subjicted. It to
MoUer—Why don't yon playwiU
' lb* moat *«rion* caac*.
atotod. toachemteal aoaiysU before that Amerian boy?
A dmtractlre knrrlma* Monday
tell* Morim
belay preaeoted to the isaaryeat lead­
awapt *T«r MmUeni Seain, dolny yreat
Mother—He domf
er, and Ue bpantoh prledner* ere kepi
damay* la tb* prorinam of SeriUe a*d
Boy—Ye*. Be ceme from Mew York,
Closely ooefined. .
sad be mye be oerer mwen ladian or a
Otaaadm bi* p*no*e were kiU*d aad
A remarkable eerlce *t edlcu be*
many injarad. and a aamber of balldPrkie, China, darley
taya war* destroyed at fierilla and ..
The, emperar ha*


..a I

a Aanp* ■mmt**i Pinm* no* I* Brnr
Etimm I* »mt—A
All chroosb tb* pmmnt Mtuy fUlonto odUm hap attaobad to th*
voiddntwaUopac. bnt It moat aot b*
fmgutimi that lb* old
mt cf mmdi that wai
la ^UMi bictory. Tb* pottHdlopm
trm an Inbabitont of a town who prorided and dreamd hi* own mmla la
otbm word* bo wa* a fremnan and
owned no lord.
Before tbe lofonutiaa, wb«n tbm
wee* pnblio IdtobiB* attaobad to many
of tbe pariah obnobea tbe potwaUo|Mr
took hi* food to the ebnreh kttobea to
dram It and eat it tbere, to order to
toow bit net^bon that be prorided hi*
own food and waa DOC eocnpellod to go
to tbe table of any lord or ma*t
bit mmla
Law on in tbe MxMetia and
toeotb ocntnriaa when the pawn
Btei to add to e man** Kcial and
Bomki Impocunc* in a town, tbom
eleotor* wbo roted on tb* potwtU


New Line of—

W. L. Douglas Shoes
lliey MMuiet of Bo* Calf, Willow Calf, Kangaroo—in blade
and tan and patent enamel In all the latoet •tyles and tbe
bent dhoM In the world for vhe pries.
Why inveet in ehoddy footwear when the very bed cad be
bad for the same money.
Pncee are $1.76, $2.00. $2.60. $8 00 $3.50 and are
atamprtl on tvery ahoe.
C«ll aad inspect them.

135 Front Street.

;e at Ue {mrltameocery el
__9«si«eooeaf*Uto old <
well deacrlbid in ecTwal ef Ue local
htotocie* cf Taentoo. In the YqUUira
horangtai Ue people followed Ue mm*
cmaom. and when tbe potwalloper
moved fnat «m hooee to anotfaer be eri
oot a table la tbe eaeet and took a meal
Uemtomark Ue

erally eejoy^ and wbm* tb* ftaBcAl
was In tbe taaada of bnrgage twldent
tn thorn of freemen or ia Uom of Ue
aldermen. Tbe only diSeraoae wm that
it aenslly oori moob lea* to boy the
VDU:ui uv .^-.-Uoper tfaan that of a
bnrgage bolder or an aldennan.
When Ue refora ari wa* pm
potwalloper* were not dt-prived of Ueir
I**. Mo


If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with tbe Trarerae City Lumber Coupany.
We have for sale Good,

what it inmoV One of
that it wae intended by Ue
iMaDi of making Mead*
their neigbban. Tjere to, bowerei,
BOW BO donbi that mtlag at a meal
la Ue aweet in Ue YevfcUtoe bonagha
wa* fee Ue mme penpem m tb* etmitor
oaatom in Tanatoo. Theta, aa stated by
Oe Foe. it waa aolaty tor Ue pnrpam cf
mmriim Ue right to vom.
Tbe mmt gebetattoa know* cd Ue
ponralloper a* a venal uear who wm
alwaya ready to mil hto to*a bat la
UU iwpeot b*wa* aowetm than a
large proporttOD of Ue bouogheleetan
of U* eightemiU emnry in Wvra*
where Uece were no potwallopma

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
X^JLXTJ^ 70£l «AX.wi
•ryof all d wiptioi
Wn^a, OarriAgea and Saw*,
for aal&

ing Two Enginea,
: Saw UUlPMt


Watch This Cplmnn For Bargains!
t of Tbartoll*
on«p»*wuiiD»Doa,*. ivtomio. »aod«om,u


For Your Schwl Boeli
geaeraUoo or BMC* aftor IbbbUepoV
wallopet* went regotorly to Ue poll*
Firm they went In compaay with Uo
£10 boasrbnldep.; tbec, after 1867, vtoU
Ue bonsebold enfftagtou and tbe lodger
Oradoally. bowever. in
after atMtber lb* potwallo,.___________,
PmnefTBct mitil a ywwcr twomnoe bad !
■gister. bat n

Guard Chains

^jFurniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant


Lonebe* in tbe wtvld for IV.
U seems so lc«ut ago that Ue name of
Tbrodore Tilion was pramioently before
tbe peblie and evenu more so rapidly

“le Tbeodom Tilton alive now or
notr* to a .qaettieo which only «ne mao
in a groopid bsit adoaoa well infocated
man wbo write for * Uring eoold an■wer tbe other day. Yet Mr. TUton to
only 68 year* old.
Did. li 1 good bmlU aad


Open all niybv


Thi OfiUbntad 8p*:lfilifU.

Hotel Whiting,

The toot Uat be has lived in Europe
Taatxbu Cm.MicB>
tar Ue pBri eight years to one of lb*
reesoDi why be it parually forgottcu on
this siiie of the Water. Hr. Tilum lire*
In Farii. A rnlonir of bto complet*
puetioal «<irka baa bees toaned reoently
in Lcuidou and bai U«n weU reocired.
Tbo }>ocf* life in Fane ii meUodimI
OonAulUtion and Bxamtaatioa Ftm and Strictly
end (limpla Uu rtot» at 4 a. m. tbe year
tonod and pn-parea blmaelt a taw egg
and a tx>v 1 of cuSee. By 6ba
6 ba U*(BtBd
it *eBted
ims a *.*.* oo 4m(*tb«lra
*t bli de^ wbere be work* «mdljy : jl2?rJLS?^Jj5S5*l?d2eb*SJ^"ib« E
mitll 10. Tbi-o be Mope wuU for tbe | r>-*vfa.m«aBd r<
Iw.— .
day. Ue bu dinuer at uuuo end Hipper I
at 7 p. m. bKg«Hud milk form bto
awvKPaY oa
»«!«, m»L A. ,« p
h. ,0- 1. ! .
bed.—Mew York Frtva.
or aamtiOB fraa tom«ve. an« witboel U« aee «f knit*. eauatte
eauaiM or ligaien. <
lem comp, lied to lea*# Trarerae
City Friday morning at tl A m. »ad
caeoni enme again la ,year*,
ear*. Any oee
wasting to
know aboat "Tbe
___ . Leetaraa'’will
be ebeerfally
farabhed each Information.
can ba pieced now for Imatadiato or
Telephone Park
Plae^Uotol, drop a card or call la tb*

Saturday and Sunday,

FUly yean ago Atutria had mvm
efUee wlU mere than M.O00 tataaUV To^ Ucn are 8A

» aavy regatattena at Ua
Onited »aiea


To Young, Middle Agedj and Old Men
Segrriatfrem ai

, ***** flrBoVraaQaat raliaf.


we Mcfj
eea* efDrw^Pla.

airk - baadam*.
tVm. Tap. Weme, «M
w« vtll rirr apMlal aUreUoo to diflU-oIl rear, aad le eaaee oi*w Dkrtodaaa kan
wl are aeabUtoeaU rae write toll par
Tboar vhe

>r* at their eaaeaae bar* medWae seat


DRS. H. S.&
Lock Box 160.

fbove Dr. 1

la toating fmu Ue sect of Jaiiu, la
Indie. ii far abend of all rlrala Fame
of from 80 to 40 day* are not onocn-


Thm o<Bti A day.

many peiaowe tell victim to Ue storm at I
OaadU, im tho prorinoe of Uraaada
Otoe* fnltowe; Tlia Fi
gpTcnimeBt deeirm to Inform Ihelttop
ndopt it*
ktorm end
Amei^goverameat end people that:
u* had ea
■n* moat rad•he BvaByraaMieeiivalated regarding
I a^pmtAlBerrio*
U* atmlned r*l»tk>aa heiwean Ue FU. Uroaghont Ue empire la H tb* em­
4dao and Amartoaa farom
peror eaks U* people to eo-aperato
maUsioM eUadan mt U* eacaiy to wlU Urn ia maktag tb* aewlyeeubhoU perttoa, er* wUboai nay WaU Itobedeystemaeaee«w. amartagUam
aad are rirealaMd te tb* pnrvaaa mt that they will tboa aid la etraagtheaii'^adieiag U* appeal af tb* FiUpiam tag tb* neoarem at tb* empire
«*g Uair tetoam <r«a U* opptmA ftoeb edict followed, f
atoa aaderoeltypfSpelB. The relemly to'Vre^body Ue'^

are Winners

.he* «e* ter it
bVeeoTrni er a
cuedi witheal a
Rcri. n cvTcv tte
rmTTnnnii ihir.i

__ .ArfpiV-rAwbr man.


I>er Burned Out?

If Boyoekaow
tbe ealae of

O. P. OAJtVZa. Ag*v
Th* Wood Bftan wOl have Ibrir fell
I tor ihioleto mu <T^»r «a Friday end Setgrday. la
!*»Hr aew pw-tom. tn Froat miimi,
cwtrm ef
Aniadtoataritad. 4U^
•dm rw aaad tor wektog estnedm «aw-


XMM nOMMOM MMOOBSi WTOCTIPAT, ■yi:ptt1|«Jltn>l,.lW«>^

> •« m» aM» I


Balew In • Uatodte bntaVMd^

Flint Wndo bM M lUno.
BTBwuof • iMOBOatar
omtkM Mr. J
Ton it able to' tntod

•It 00


tl 00
Moonta d tUa frantdln.
noth! are W7 aaocb addlcMd to drink.
« 00
In a pap« pobllabed in tba “snoMd- Prefaoacv Mona, tba inreotor <d tba
In Paria wb«B tba
Inga" of tba Sootb Loedon Entonolog. , Mlagnpta,
ioil and Natnna BUtotr aodatg Mr. ’ waa pobUi
. and at
It ti «M tUac to «Uob o tbM nd it Tati aar« ttaen can ba no do«M that. O^narre’a vondarial plotona. Inda' !■ Mtb«r tblBg to boid Urn. Darlaito ______
tban to reqnlrad aolblag tban aftarward ba aald tbat
MotlBC Id tb« flhUfaof poUsoed *U tbo
" ! by theli tiaaoaa tudar any poaaibU ooD- noting objarta ntada no tnpreaalon on
iBSwettiMod the UalMd BtMM b»d I Utiotu. Ba baa known Ptdytuaraa tba piata. (or a piotBta takan of a
GHMte. wMebiwuuiiod ot Jliti
danou to ait (bt incve than an boor mo- orowdad bonloTard abowad it aatfanti«lmesoaptte tba alight aotanant tlnlr deaartad. with tba axoaptios of a
baring bia aboca pallataed. Iba
o^mre and of eacapaa irbicb bcndand gf aoAing np and dlaobarging tba
___________________________ _______________ I'a faet, ba nid, was-well dafinad,
dorelp npoo tba miraonlma.
Wbat tbit Internal batb may really baoaoM tb^ wan kept atatlnnary, bot i
“Tba Doal remarkabla aaoapa frotn
Vltboot band or body, for tbaaa
iniaan tbatl oan rereU." rekt WUllam
A. Knkartoo. “Naa that of Frank portantfaetcraatotbia drinkloghablt---------------- ntmn nan
Tbs boosymoai lasts wUb a oonpU to
Amariea baloega ttw bnoor <d
e one. tba “tniraty aoolA”
B tba 8an Qoeotio prtaoo. It a at
long as they oan ril alone tagetbre and
___________ rli yoo------- ---------- -------- ,------------------------------------ . ------------..
•M took t»^->toMfOB Globa
U John Glaaa. wbo
Staadman , nmat entirely
. . oangbt
. „
. malea Pomibly
. if asaet tba artim bail
n^ aret blm back to San Qaeotln."
obaarratiana ooald be made it might ba a profemar and afterward the .
BMklaa^ Anua Mra
ChM Glam tba brown
im- fotmd that femalea in nail nnmban of tbe Gniraraity of New York, xua
Tn Boot Baatu in tbe world for 1
parial on hU nnderlip reflaoUraly for aim riiit poddlaa, pools and atnama tiorim waa bto alatac. Miaa Qalherina
Outa BrolaM. Sorea OUora. Salt I
Bt before beteepondad to tba ! (or driakittg pnipoaea. bot ai ter aa Hr. Drepar. Ha powdered bar face, that tbe
Utaam. Farer Boroa TaUar. Cteupad
lotAa of Inoiiiry bant npon btm by tbomI rntt baa been able to dlaootar it le tba Ukenam might ba mate qnickly ImBanda CbUbUinaOoma and all SVln
malea alona wbo indnige tc tfaeaa oopt- prewed on tba aaoritira ^Ma. and tor
net temiliar with tbe atory.
___ __________ poriUralT «n
raper .
“Tbe eaoapa Co which yoo nfer,4*ib. ona libatiooa, while tbe femalea are 80 mlnotee Him Dn|
orno parmqnl^. It U t
T l^lng
Motba end batter- lenat, triad to ait—aa
kwtiB. waa made after leant Staedman awsylr.
. ..
toglva cerfoet eatUtecUon <
refandal Prlee ss eanto par t
to 8an i^ncntin mad not before.
lure I1 wre
am fliea
uiea in
of umo
both a<u«e
aexee riiit
tibi angBr, virTripe aiatne.
aUnnTbe flret dam in tdwtograpby waa
Mt tbe fortonaU one to get him after . trntt and aimiUr dalndea. bot they do
. .
to ba termed in Borion in CMaprlng of 1840 ed and iiriteted defmrdora of tbe anoleot
laat woodsfoi
brea£ And to tall ' ao for food. Tbe malaa alone
order. Tbe reoooatractioa of tbeology
tba Mth. 1 bare nerer taken to myreit i attraoted by pare water, and Hr. Tntt ^ DBtnerre'a agent, Oonrad of Paria.
on' reriaedand oriticBl rem^ credit for taking blm tbe tiioal ' m«gaete tbabCbelr extra aoUrity bar- ^ Bay. Edward Brerett Bale, tban a
Tiewaof tbe Seriptares b boond to go ' ing originally glrai
• ■ ideal ii
M. LOCDON.Dretlet-O
dlA for it waa to a conridenble
on. Tbe only sane thing for tboae wbo
tter of gwd
which waa at aarie member of tbe dai* In bli diary.
a matter
g%od fortune Yon aee.
aee, we !| io thia direetion, a habit
foal tbat faith is enitaUK«-r>-d thereby to
- —— —
... jsat at t^ Ume keeping onr eyee drat a nocead^ baa become eo pleaanrdo b to engage with e<4ua] earneotneai
open for a banlTMiber by Ute name of able tbat exoemiTe drinking baa literal- try: “On my way home ! mopped at tba
aelBc. tllfreatai
abop and got my dagnerruotype tbar- and knowl<-dg« in tbe nm-arch. And and
Bamea. wbo bad gone into uae of tbe ly beoame a rice,
mometar. There aeema to be a great de­
banka ont them, covered tbe one man I
mand; there were tfarae orfonrotbeia prtawd In tbe intioret of nwolo
wbo happened t%be alone in tbe place
cbeoriaa. and thoe. by tbe loly effectire , ig —reanMU Oe. tooek.
ai tbe time, lorirnd him op in tberanit, |
la, enpplr tbe infonnaiioa oo which
and tboQ ooolly aralked oot of tbe bank
a ealid rlew can tret. To answer InTHE RICH RUSSIAN.
and ont of aigbi with all tba fnndi ba
▼eatigatiai by byiterics and heresy
noeld get hit banda on.
tetrOs U os impotent e> it b irraUanaL
“One day a man anewrring cioaely
tbe deaeriptian are bad of Batnaa atepWe were a family of 6. o
ped off tbe train at Loe Angeldh. We
took him in tow at once, bat foond
are did not bare tbe fated are ware afu*. rirnll nerer forget tbe look of distrem Tba Atlantio. bnt 80 i
Bowaret. are masaged io bold bim with which a famoos < gaalst cawa oaid cow. and half aa man
B.POSTKft. OMorewK
pliad with arary maaaa pamible ter Ita
etMaUeulot* dtlaa.
long enongfa to find ont tbat be waa to me tbat wbenarer be beard a set of : ooutry,------ --------toattmidadoase reiial. It la wOb alaaaure we pabUsh
Frank Steadman, wbo bad beoame no- obimes be wbhed be ooald pat bb earn' many. F>
IhefaUawing; “This it to aore^ tbat
boreea. three ooaks for tbe
Coriooa eren at tbat time aaa aaoaewfnl In bU pocket
n a tarriMa aafforar fro* Yellow
In tbeae days of |1 aUfcal watebea two mote for tbe Mrranta, a doaen men
Wl breaker. He bad fonr or Are enwpea
a for orar dx a
irm ptiaoo in aontbern Indiana eredit- balU are no longer needed to Inform to wait npt* aa at dinner time-one treniadI by
b some of t
<d to bim. twd .got away from Joliet peoide when tbe aerriM begins. Tbsy man. pUte in band, manding behind _____ dty aad all to i
and bad atlll or«en year* to do at tbe are. moraurre, a dacMsd nniaaneo. and «arfa person seated at tbe table and Bell, oar drarrUt, r
JHinoia priaon: M alao been at Ban often a dangreooa one. for they bare I glrU Immmeeable in the
trie BiUan; sad oftar tadcUg two botI
tlea I was ontlrely caiW. I sow take
Qnentin. and bad eacaped tram there UUed many UraUdawboae life
ed open a few boon- rieep. which tba Um
Urn than ttaiaf
great plaasare la reeoaigMsdliir tba*
With flea yearn tmflniabed.
to any paraoa eaffartag from ibta tarriBeoidea. the a
“Btendman waa a maofainiat by pro- belbtDVdend. .UKewYorkbeUrittgteaaiao, and a borglar by iadinatiaD. ing bos bemrfreqoenUy otoppad on ae- proprietcr waa tbat everything reqnired bia Bolady. I a* graufally yoan.
Bemambor tbat 1 doaU Uoda of ro­
MIUOXU-WIU rvaaaaS to c
oonnl of eompUlnte to tbe board
i for bia boorebold toonld be made at M. A. Horarty. Lextagtoa. Ky." Bold
When be waa oant back to San Qoentin OOODl
aring and enaaaallag. and that I cm
by 8. £ Wait and J. G. Jobaaos. dragtoflniah bia time, be waa pot to work health.
id do fire yoo tbe beat work of aav
eto bare as
eritb other oonelcta in tbe engine room.
OM in tbe city for tba mooey. Dont
wocabipm to obnrth, - toned. I aappoee Besr Scfalmmel most
un«tf!ir-t.t.Avncnnit WAWTE.
ba daoeivud by wbat olbert toll you to
It area bare tbat an idee came into bia
- aid
jggj tonerr' one of tba Tisiun USB Asnsl iBUMlau rU «. E AI
tbe aontrory. bn eomo and aaa flof
brain tbat for elMolate daring and fear- why not adopt tbe
soo Oerlamnedi was typical of ibe man. He bad that U atill oboerred in some sootb
Tmureutaa all my work to ba right,
'ilUgea and in tbe -Hty of StoOnoticed tbat eeeiy ereniog at tbe time
ad If It doM not prove SO I make It
the men working to ibe engine roum gart? 1ba« fou trombone pUyen aaThe O. ft. A I. will give tbeir aaaoal
were lined op to be marched away, tbe oeaid a oharob lower ttarea times a day tbe oomot thing.
I'eloek every avaolaf
Wbat beantifol ...
paaorl" tbe goeota exeormiaa to ElcbBOsd on September
• machinery Waa mopped at exactly tbe and ploy a rolemn oborale.
... a tbeQaldwaU A Lou27tb. eeu
and vo
W lietroltaad Chicago one W Oood *a«re. ]
In all my innsiml experiaea I bare woold exclaim when a work of art
oame aoment Be bad obrnreed aa well
-. ut north and of OnkM
•roek Uier. October 4ib. Tickeu i
tbat a window leading to an adjavmit nerer beard anyibing mow thrilUng ocanpoaert of ioea and pamrj, appeared be eold at the rat______
PLAirx —Tve I
roof waa uot tar from tbe top of the big than tb<ne ma}retio barmenUa in tba toward tbeendof ttaedlnner. "OonfeB, and Detroit.aDd8A.0Uto Chicago. Chil­
drirlng bdt of tbe engine. From tbat air. which seemed to oome ateai^t prince, tbat it ooreei from TrembU" dren aader it yeara half rata- .Tickroerf it waa poaaibie to reach tbe cater tram bearen. If oar eboxeboa woold (tbe teabiooabio paatiy oooki.
eie wUl be eold from all eUtioaa. IfaeWXtfaie
laaw City to Big Rapida inclaalre.
wall of tbe priano Beyond tbe wall
ids became awnciated withreligioas of Trouble, wbum i bare allowed
good for retara oa rogular traias ter
He bad eecaped ao many
irieBoet they might aronae tbe dcto abow what be «an do." waa tbe reply
aSLB-^MiM mS Im aa Ibv
‘or Strait, eboiesof two--------- — non
mant detoUonof many Booewbooebar- ; which elicited goieral admiraticn.
r MieMra.* par waoU aad U
To bare emhroldoTiea. barnewea. for- be rirea: Oee via F. A P. M. railroad W PwWfelB. «S-U.
__ ____
11 of tbe ««iDe room. Apparently it wioe would tnas tbe churah door by.—
le other, via D..O H.
ererythlng—made by from Boed City: the
waa beyond aU poaalbllity of being
‘own’’men was tbe ideal cf I
readied. No Udder was to be obtained.
Ore^. WtWreklngwatnwt to
' rich and rrrpected landed pwsrietor.
Bad aneb a thing been even standing
It was in an arintoeiatie Hyde PaA
in place against tbe wall, to break bom& Tbe weU trained Englinb boUer
k M Or. gekrtl.
I81|M TriBfltt OserisTi «t Rttokot.
from tbe line and ooale it with oatUka bad left and tbe newly engaged man. aageata or a
dmerity, altboogh tbe work of bat a
Om tore for ruond trip. BeU Get. Bto
«wpde. was to pro^ d b^ina In. tn»pnod tban that
to lltk retora Get. 17th. Cob axtand to
few aaoooda, be well knew woold be
Oallen came, and be took the oaras to
Biimarak <rf prirate life and
m m_________
Get tlat. Meatdireot uNta, abertaH
tntile. poodbiy teta). Bnllete ttard
bis mittrasB in bU ungloved banda tbe Bismarck of politica “In tbe borne
teatet than IsgB and tbe goarda were learing tbe rilret card tray reaung eirala" writes a ctwreapoodent wbo
Ananal Obis Ezeonloa
a E Mcubat. Agent.
not bad abou Bot daqwrate deeds deVU Aaa Arbor railway. Wedareday.
L. Loexwooo, O. P. A T. A
qnieUy in tbe balL
- ^^w bim well, “be was perfectly
deqwrpfe mem Some minds
“Wb« yoo bring tblnge hi bem charming, rosy going and goodnatored. Oetober Sib. IB9e. Tbroogb eaacica
knay workVitb an iagaenity born at Bweatson." Mid Hm. “eae tbe tray. It He waa paaaioDalely fond of children, from Trararea City Leave M. A N. E.
despair, bat Steadman's was of a differ- is not prapsr to Uing them in yonr .od 1 hare ae* blm orer and oaer again railroad depot Bt9;t5 a. a. TlekeU to
Toledo aod retora $5 00; oee fare fro*
OBt caliber. Bis plana were tbe oatbare a game with tbe linle <mea of bit Toledo aad pole* oa tbe Wboellag A
BT towm to orgrawihof BteadfartoptimlMi.
gardener, wbo were rery familiar with take ErU. Bocklag Valley. Ohio Oa“One day there came to him as if by
d a new toy «
barn. Clnclnblm and woflid not beoltate to climb tral. Detroit A Urae Nortb
tospiration tbe tbnngbt tbal tbe big belt
IbU Bfirecil. ru«««25
lowe it and ri
laU. Hamilton A Deytnn between To­ f te«et-s> gacoBxi
imigfat ba tbe mcaoi of reirying bim to
n to fetch it
ledo ard Lima and Oble Central and
Big Pour ronte between Toledo i
re was a wceaatloo of
oato yrips and wbinea Tbe docs open­
Ifolly op
«.... 1. ... .w—

ed. .
* "
-----------------------------------------------* act and While bolding tbe poor telber
ir tetber's
lar train uoUl Nov. 6. im. Fbrfull
with tbe surer tray in bi« left bendand
Mira for be was very
^st^iafa as a rortef blur aa it passed a tiny dog tereire held firmly down on food of tbe child. He klaawi tbe little nartlealUre and rateo eoae early and
Ineolre of H. W. Caanlagham. Agent.
a given point For days and days be it with tbe other.—Loodon UlctM.
gorpae and biroaelf placed
troneb of
R B.LR-TWO ..HI.. .
ooootrd. and in bia cell at niglit be
always eager
I rases in Ita band. He<
Bpeni bis time in ealcalatioct. He diato amlst bis poorer oeigblxira end «neorcred tbe exact nambeeot reroloriaas
I. while txaraling
iraling on a joyed chatting
gwitb them I
tbewbeelmadepirininnie. Helmm.-d certain goilway. got cat at a stati* | j,^ bat politica Three be never men- r* arrival aaS 4a*antraef wauvatUre
out SvaUea. la a«a« fair *- ItSO.
also by eonatant oU«rTatl«i jBrt bow
jhe train stopped for a few min- tinned.“-^-London Cbrouicia
My timea tbe
«>««l a**« j atea and mitered the refrMhment room.
leesES esfli
' tbe engine was abut down. ^
.. |u» eyes rreting on a basket oentoining
n piBtr cT<Bre.Mtrb .l
'One evralng. vrbon the line h^ j
be eaddeoly buret into taara The
SS6S«« S88S SS8
Tbe stern pretcaaor oT^be feminine
__Life M Ores. saS a._
bean lofiDPO ai aaiHii ai vno Ci.iee w MW evmpatbeUc attendant gently
. E. e- Aiire. »ri«eriea nireii.
acboni sal at bia desk tryry acbon
day's work and aa tbe big wheel began i
was tbe matter and clioitod , C ^
orobl.lem when
ravel .a koottr
OOUrtTOna WOirrUD-WIre ot <^eur
a aaaeaa
10 lose it.
tbe following tooebing expUnaHon:
htliJ mireof^S^S^bed.
yict sprang fT>.m the l.oe, leaped to the , -Pray «atmae my emotion. Twoyaars.^ “Pleeae. air. ” ebe began io a tremo-5 z=»
belt, wilb oo..<rrtclied erma KraVpltog ^
travelmg on this line on my
-will yoolS!?t me prrmia_______________



•= SiTtisa":::


: e=»ffi".Ja-sar.

8. ■!


w. 'jss'ossns.-i.'^.rs:

J\SSA‘SS3 ” “•


DB. SPIMETff^if&rsa:

Bicycle Riders.




John R. Santo,
Eeural lisgraict.

ujDsm ID NRBinm li


6iu(l Hiplit 1 lidlm R. R w"rT^Krs''.“.i's

caltulsti-d Wllb« «r wrh that wonU ;
n and aoatebed oar Uibe rc.oJnr'l. l"i* tliv terrilic wnteob did
a bon vAiob I oee in ttali boanot lo'-rcD bin pre^p < otward and np i ^
beg yoa to let me bare it as a
ward I 0 ri-ruf un-l be reaebed ^ ]
oarenir. Here la half a dollar. “
Icpoiret [.< ii'icf lU.-urcuujfcruice. Tbe —New York Ledger.
kiiuty <d 1 '> cal' oluiioii lii-d r<nped its
rewnrl 11.. bvlt rt. .,-.•0 lUieapedlo
The editor d Tbe Clarion was a rery
bis, rji :p tliiocgb tbe wltsJow
and vrasf'.opb* fire eoLTii ta or goarda patient man. A startling ciaab frotn
d In.ui '■
' ■ ' *‘*
* tbe dlnotion d tbe comparing room
lie oeaghi up a granl'i i t and hat. eansad blm to posh hU spectacles npon
dropped fnmi tiw wi-ll and got away in hU brow and oaaae writing. When be
tbe dosk of tbe evemiig 1 am inclined foond tbat the M bad let tbe flret page
tobeliere ibataa amatlitmiatical propo- femn fall on tbe Boor, where it Uy In
Moberent msaa be sfaotf hi '
' aition tbat waa about a. i-iirfta i a ]>ieca
of work aeany man ertr at^Bnil'l‘ri>«l-"
“And did be gel away wilboat an^nn>r' some <aie aA?d.
“No. 1 am almori ec^ry to My. be did —WaafalngtuD Star.
mat." amwend the Lot Angelre cbiyC.
Mare UaltBie Mllt.ol »n<*» *1017. wbk-b
fcioea so tnacb of daring end civvei
BModman was taken again
• Miort
, rime and pot to »™k at Wa old ^
T«brre are bare orrr that lilgb window
above the big dnre belt now. Not icAig
tbif htre<mun eei audnearlykill. -ed one of tbe c.iher wiuvicu aud is
bervlttgoot an addUinnal ainujiee for
' ' onurptod mimUir nt tbeFoUotnpriMO,
urUebisritnawdaome M milea Ikm
^Chleago Inter Ocean.


rion to go oat riding with my braiber
Now, tbe old man bad oot foxgotwo '
tba days of bit yootb. oeilber waa be a'
tool, and looking over bia apactoclaa be |
slowly said:
"So yon want to go riding with your 1
brotber, do yoaf By tbe way, la this ' bcotbo- of yoan any reUtioai to yooT'

fl BE E B6

« S988S8

..S-iK.S'., SSTSpS-^.

Ores ireiT* t fret Wmapa fc» yav*to Pftfb
of Ik* BOBUre klore. Dim all Ware om4 floor



tbemaalrea m girU ere
are always balpad
Uat, aod may sot rit downanUddM to
tbe pwaaooe of tbe men.

“It U a oolama thing,’’ Mid tba
There are only 8.8481ritof tbeAlnoa
yooag mn. “wba a woman tenataa
of Japan—tbe “Indians” of tbat connman with bar aSeotiona"
“It ain't aa •olmBn,“'mid tbe man try. Nearly all of them Ura on the
island of Yeaa
with tbe dry goods uecktia “aa wheat
the wont trust bim wlA bia own
It boa beau eotimated that it would
w»gre."-lndianari»lls Journal.
ake a man 8,000 yean to read all tba
U tbat laenlty whlrii dbabUs
on airt to tba pearenoe d nr
k year by npolaimed raonay erder*.
lly.—GUoago Beooed.

Vorioa to Tax Fayaie.

elB8 B 8BBSI
fi. eaeaeeaai
tsat: 8 888B«S8tS
w-S- S




Oraae m»ri*a.VM»
ir trra DWettreIhlB IretB.
o. o. nmsat. Agee-,
roori a. P. •*. A.. OreaS Beuria


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