The Morning Record, August 31, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, August 31, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



V# Boyort Mm Booa SaoolTad aad
tbara VUl Probably bo «om
tmrml Bejs of OompMBsr X
apooial to *n Heaaiao Motaa.
Waablaftoo. dayaat M.—No raport
Btsrtdd Tastordsy.
ot tboSfbt botwaaa tbo Toaoalto aad
List of ThoM 8tm in the
■toatob ruboata, oror a tnaa
Md oadal In^ticfttton BoarSaaJaaa, Porto Ue^aroael yot
raealrod by tba aary dapartoaoat.
tbm«h tba Tooaaito bad aeoaral b
Eorfaaat Bart Oafo aad Prtrate ZUaBaCM«l*t ■ttMMta Had* by
la wbtob to aoUfy tba baraaa of aarlvortb KaU WUl Vet ba Able to
Ml SUM XooiMac «h* Oaadwt
tatloa, otOllhoaafaitiaaBtwai prob­
Mora With tba Boot. Tbeacb
«r lb* antiac* Qaapa%aAU tba Slek Jm Oetec Wall-S.
ably loo auQ to ba worth r^artlay.
Mmttm Mmr t»a lB«alra« Xm by
W.BaotfacaTatacfopbad tba OoaIt baabooa toe loaraew, aad the oow
■aadar la ebiaf baa roaebod aortb aad
Tba feUowlac briaf MU
atUl aoraporttoaaatla. That aakoa
aetloally ovtala that tbay wm aot aaca fros B. W. Haatlaca. who to at
acal MUaa mam to Waablaftoa bo
at Gasp WykoS. wIU prora of froat
cat oaa
orUlboaBkodforaaexplaBatbMOf hla
lateroat asd be gooA aowo to oeoryraoaat UMrrtow, Wbalbartbo Umbody ia thto loeallty. arho wUl bo «lad
«iyatlon«m-lakotboaoamof a am­
to craaa ooeo mora tba baada of tba
tary eoart of laqalry or a yrifataUMr- •at Saofotaiy Alftr Seotoa Otbtr hoyo who war* tarraU for SpaaWi
tomnaadoro for Xtoplerablo
vtow botwooB tbo praaldoat, MoraUry
CeadltooBo of Tblafa. .
o( war aad Oaaoral Itlloo. ramlaa to
Oasp Wlkoff Moateak. N. Y-.bayaot
btaaaa. DaUl tbo arHval o< Ooairat
so—Moaaura Bcoo8a.-Parka. Corbett.
MBat tbo war doyaffoet wUl aot
Norllapar. Walton. Boetsaa. MoMaokMOtbaaattar.
aaaad Cbaa. Bsltb atarted for ibolr
■oMaUry Algor tayo that tbo dopart- t^arfoa of aoi^ laado arataat hla. OM today.
bolda Ooaarala l.oa aad Shaftor
mat wOl aot oatar aay caateororay
Oaptele Melatoah, Bala. Oapa. Tbablaaalaoo for tba d^oraMo eaad^
arltb aabordlaataB aad bo daoo aat pt«saa, Bariuar. Slade. Biiey. Harfram
^eaa to dlooaia aattan afloettaf tleaa. bat aya that other ooaaaa
aadWrlcbtaro la tbo hoi-piuU
did aot proparly oaa tba aappUca tarOoaMl MUoo darlar bio abooaoa.
oaa sera with tbo eompaay bat Bala
id. SacrotaryAlcardafoada Oaa­
Ktloaayoetod tbo ooatromay orUl
aad Oaca, aad all aro'dUac walL
actaad to bstb boaaoa af ooacraM aad oral Bhaltar, bat aeera other cwacala
E. W. BasTuoa.
It to (oarad wlU ha*o aa admoo ofloot
Mta. a. V. MeUtaah wM OapMa
ayoaloftoUtloa wbtok will bo aokod
aaUac h^ if it
wpald ba boot far bar to r> to Oaaap
Tbo Xatorriow la OaeatioaWjkoff. Tba oaptala wind baiA that
raw 0OKPABT Win dsoo.000.
Tho Komoi City Star yoatorday
■raa batter aad woaU frotebly
WaUInrtoB^arui M—Wbaa Oaa



■aftanooa prlatad a tbrooealaata
«i^aatoa dlayateb frrn J. D. Wbaly
Uy. too ^oolal
oocmyoadaat. wbobaojaatrataraad fraw Porto
Bioo, boariar nyoa tbo Mtloa-Al«ar
■ooatroTony. Mr. Wbalylay taboo oo«aalaa to doay tbo ataMmat that bto:
roooaUyyabltohodlaterrtow la Parto


aaaaUdattOB^KlaBeoota Zrea 0».
ZUlaada Stool Oo. aad JDcia. JaUet
A Baaura BaUway Oa.
toodal MTto Mormloo aowrt.
How Totk. AncaM to.—Iho ooaooUlatioo of tba Mlaaooeta lioa Camp
EUlaoto Stool Oo. and Blfla. JoUot A
Boatora railroad to praetleaUy aSoeUd
kt a saaUairhoU boro today. Tba re­
port wao fteoB oat that it baa boon doUdad .to orcaatoo a aow oos]


*r to Bee Aoeber. tbo AUrfed
Porte Bieo eoapUfa to leak oat U
Zlotrtdt Kordorar.
aaek an estoat ao to reader tbos Oflal leToa Meaaia« ■oeaaa. •
oMlMO and daaforoa
Dotreil, Aoimt SO.—ltd ward Am
*‘Tbeoe cbarroe are tba aas aad oabotaaco of bU Intorrlow, aa prlaiod la object ofmorWdeur^tyee tbo part
rosn. Sooro^olt tbo jail tor
dirioB to on Us


7600 l^ableU and one ton of Slates today.
Watch this space tomorrow.

what nma of tbaea^ooaa aay
faaalaa oaaaa of yellow jaok.
Goaornl tawton'o report of bI^oms
aaao aad Baatb at Saatlaca Myo that
tbo total BOBbar afok an aow
fanrenaa. til; now eaaoaof fenr n.
Oaerca Brlcco, a private of Oospaay I.
TUr^fonrtb MleUcaa. baa died of
Pin oaaoo el yellow fovor bav«
roadyAovolopod la oa battalloa of iho
rath racalan, whioh neoatly o
frosTanpa. Tbo aatln battaUoo
boon qaarastlaod..


S90 Front Street

BoUejr dt

All the late Magasin
assortment of Paper Corered Books.


Just Part
of the Price




Hastings’ Rsal Estate Ageniyi.


alflod tbatr wUllacaaoi to aaU to tba
••Be ebarroa 4)aaaral Oerbla with
aur Boaaoko Arrived at B aUla
It to aj^aeted tho now «
aaadiar a aaerat dtopatA to Ooural
With aa Imnoaoo Tnwan
Bbaftor oontrary to tbb.
. Prom Uo Xloadlka.
bcrlo baMaos Oetebor 1.
opwial leTu Hoanao Iteeoaa.
ebarcca tba war
. with watuatlac aad
Ctaloife. Aocnet S«.-Word to loooir
Vttb «1.000.000 Sapitnl Kaa Pilod ed ban today by tbo North Aseriwa
Artleloo of lacorporatioa.
TnaopertatiOB Oo. of tbo arriral at
■■■Pel w*■> MMvnM BaosBo.
ibai potOar Us aad bto ralatioao to
Laaotef. Aoraet SO—Tbo Dotrolt
tbo Yaboa, with ti.OOO.OOO in yUd
^ arsy in a falw Ucbt to tba paoplo
DUry Co., with aeapltal atodc of 11,- dost fros tbo Klondike.
m.«00, Clod artleloo with tbo ooorotary
“Br ^ryeo that bto
of state today aad paid a traaebtoo loo
tloaa >B retard to owriaf ^ troapa
of S»00. The iaeorporaters are B. O.
frosStatlaco wore dtorMrdad, tkto
AppaUlay OeaditioB S^tortad at
bcMoa. K. D Pallor. W. D. MerOUckamayaa PaA.
dtorarard teadlay to praro eoaoetea, traatee. Loo. M. BoUol aad Albert ■t«dal to Tn JKoanao Baooaa.
4)008000. Bo roelioo tbo tact that OeaiToo. Thto to tho taUk troot BOW ocaelCkiakBsaaya Park, Aayaat sa—A
oral Shaftor diaoboyod ordoro la ooealac a haadrad tboaaaad doaar baUdier few dayo aye Oenorat Bnekoai
pylac foTor-iafoetod beam aad aUowCPMOUS WOMBN.

We are ucpackiag

..aabUfftaa. Aarwt ae^daMav tba
artaoa ooUiora wba dlad at Ca«p Wyko«, Maataak Polat, yoatorday. wao

Two moa dlod

•SBk West of Boua Zalaad and
Bar Orow Vow Sato at
b wlimt yoa-U pqr now If yon wut m
CterUaad. dacaatM—M. A Brad
lay, owBor of the ateaater Saporior. moaivod tba foUewlac tUacras today
fros thaeaptelaef that nsaol: ■■The
t^Co^, (*U UU aaaaoa*o atyU)« at ynatt^ eat prlM
Saporior has bocBeaak oo tbo west
0170. Valaoaantl.l5toS4.«>.
oido of Bello Ulead la foar fatbos. of
water. Tba mambara of the anw an
ReUable Dry Goods, Carpet
aUaafeatCbarlavolx. Tkaotaas
a total wrack."
Tba Sapartor waa loadad with Iroo
ora. aad booad for Talado. She
towlaf tbo aohaooer Saadaoky, aad la
a baavy falo bacama waUr-locfod.
droppad har'tow aadalittU Uteraaak.
Tba Saporior wao a waodaa boat of
the otdorelaaa, bariac baaa bnUt la
im. 8bBractotaia»MtoBa With tba
Tba report that Sladcr waa alok Saadaaky tba otaamar wao boaad fros
frond to ba orrooooao, ao a tatocns Baeaaaba. She earriad a enw of foarsterday otatad that bo waa all rlcbt.
Mtoa Aaaa M. filtoa of Joeaarillw
Cbarieo ^ Hale rooolnd the aewa
MIeb.. bao baea aalootad W tba eostbatAto brotbar BUaworU wao nry
ilttoa oe teaebara. to Sll tba vaoaa^
atokaadbo wm probably Inn for 1 tba Ook Park UadaryarteB d^pbHGood for #mft Batolay.
Maataak Polat today.
«at MlmBltoihaakadapaolallralaOeod for Stoek RatoS.
Good for Oaosuikr^.
Yaoteiday Dr. I. A. Thospaoa loft iac la tbo Siata Normal aabool. Mtoa
Ceaway. who forsorly bold tbo poolfor Dotrolt to vtolt Uororaor Plafroo
tloa.roolcaodoBaeeaaatofUI baaltb.
with a view of tandoriaf kto aarrlen
niB-natt asd laku-Paku Batoo an
troa of ekarffo to aaotot la eartac for
aot at base in tbto iton. Wo Inn
Bosbera of Oospaay M who an that to tbo other tollowo. If yea an
miaOaiap. Ba wm aska tba ioaraoy looUar for trot clooa aotblac FnrO.Q.BAIK.B.
Btobla^ Bata. etc., oome to a«. well
at bto owaaneaaa.
- -latboprloa- If lo year ew* jodpe.jt yea think yon eaa better yearself, do It! A Boada A Oo.. Paahtoaawas Tory alek and the t
Haatlaca oooftnaa tbo report,
tboncb It to otatad that aD tbo elck an City Nov

Sioo wHb Oaa. MOoa, wboroAe tbo
ayoB tbo war dapartaaat, woo Mt
CoaatBa. aad la aayport o( tbo atatasoata alroady wada by tbo Star. kaowa aa tko Fodaral Stool Oeapaay
aador tbolawoof New Joraay. Tbo
Vriata tbo
I tbo war dopartMoat
eapital atoek to fSOO.OOO.OOO. oee-half la
I MOao aad Shaftor «a tbo profarrad aad ooe-balf la oos
■oayo: •‘OoaoralMaw.labtolatorrraacoscBta for the parobaaa of
wtow la tbo Star. mkMaamraldtotlaot atoel plaaU at Loraa aad Jebaat
«UtaMaoto,«eaU tba aSoet that bo bare baaa eoBoamsatod. Tbo si
Ity of tbo atoekboldora of tba Miaao
It to quite prokabU that tbo ontln
cn«*l •<
;ABartooB aralaa. drat, laat aad aU tba Iron Oonyaay. tbo nUaoto Steal Om- easpaay wttlatartfa bonaMthla a
tiiaa, la Waobiactoa. la Tbapa. la pany aad tbo Blcla, JoUot A ^tera fawdaya._________________
Bailroad Cospaay, haea alroady MfOaba. la Porto Ktoo. o

iacCabaarefacoootostowitk di
leao troopa. Flaally -bo olalsa that
Waokiartoo allowed the plaao of bto

Bapocw PioB Booptato ai
VykeffaadylB Oaba.

ordered Moj-tr Parker. oaBltary laspow
tOTOB kUotaft, W sake a rbport. oB
^ eoBdiUea of UlaysatCblekaiBaiifa
Park. Tbareeeral tolareeelptof the
i^ortaod it ropnts ooadlttono
B Usaat lacrediWe. Tbo ean
opaothoUaad baa been for moatba.
It to la enry way aaflttod for troopa
aad Uaknaaa reealUar to appaUtay.

•oaprcMd ^bbor of Btehlaad Bosk ber. They an net allowed to opoak to X3w Baanb of Waltor WMlmaa Haa
Pivoad ltoa*mIIiBy.
bis. Bo to not dtotarbod by tbo at>
OnetaiwTBo'Haaatn Baesn
toatioas he recoins.
•paalal w TOB Moaanu Baoeaa.
Trosaoe, Nororay, Anynat M.—AU
Chieaco Aaroat ao.-Ooa WUtaoy,
aaareb for Aodroo prom aaaoaUlay.
aUaaOoo. Wacaor, waatod la Bleblawd. Mioh..oa ebarro of bank robbary. ProUdoat KeVlaley aad Pi^ to bo Tbo WUtor WoUmaa aapaditks ^
arrind ben. briaylay the aad aoora.
nton Toro Deya.
waa takaa to Laaatac today oa roqatol- tks. byShoilB Snow, of Kalawaroe.
PItteboty BaU Toam Bold.
it SO.—TSte proaldtamrUltoTaa Hoenaa kaoraa.
tUl pMW wm nsaU ban UU TberanreChtofXlBett Sy;BC.
Plttaboiy. Aayaot 80.—W. W. Karr
day. vrhoB tkoy fo to Oaatoa. They
of thto city haa panhaaad Wos P. J.
Dotrolt, Aafaat to.—Cblot of Fire vrm nawlB than bat thno been.
Aateaof CUeayo. the oootrblllay UOopartsaat BlUettU dylac aad tho tboB ye dinot to Mew York aad opoed
toroat tn the Pitttbary base toU olab
^ wiU pi^Uy oama baforo laoro-; PridaT aad Satarday at Camp WykefL
aad oriU atnaythoa lb
■iag. ThooaaMto c«eral oahaaetloo Tbo pnoldoBt wm taka a oaeatioa
Zsdtoe an capoeiaUy tortted to W
proaaat at tho Bspablkaa ooaaw-onto
natlM toba bald laStetoharybOnad


TntKrse Git; S(^! of Music!
Oer. rroalaaeOaMOs.

We are sbowiee .
all the new shapes
and nes in


Fb Shoes

Ertrjihiij Hew.

of; Hie

is the craft that is bon>
ored as the headqaarters of the com­
mander and all other f,
abtps, big and little,
look to the swnais from
the flagahip for ordera.
fiagshtBoftheahoe____________ ____ _
first and best,Seue Shoes load tile rest, ai^
while many try to foUoWtfew succeed. More
menqria imtUUoaSBLZ than in others, bat
tbej coat yea no more bccanse the makers
reap a amaller profit by reason of their immeaseoa^t of 2M millioa paira a year. Wf
have the SBLZ and want yon to wear t^em.



To Work OS.

$2.50 Shoe
For 4adies has no equal
V They are-handsome. Tiy a pair.

The Leader
in New Shpes,

Beginning with Theiday, Aiig. 30th, we inaom-'r
rate the greatest mone^-saving sale of the season. .
Ererything seasonable has beM marked way '
down. Every department in store full of bargains.
Every item advertised an extraordinary valne. We
must clean np odds and ends to make room for onp
tremendous stock of winter goods now arrivinir
$1.50, ZOO , 2.50 Udies’ shirt waisU red^ to
98 cents.
$1.00,1.25 ladies' shirt waits reduced to 58 cents.
5.00 and 6.00 silk waists reduced to 3.98.
Men’s colored sbirte, soft bosoms, white bands
and two collars reduced from 75 cents and 1.00 to 48c
Choice of all our straw hats, indnding our #1.00 r
and #1.25 goods go at 25c.
Sommer millinery 50c on the 1.00
Summer capes and jackets at a mere Mmcr.
Onr #SA0 men’s snits are hummers.
We cordially. invite yon into onr departments
whether yon buy or not

ffl-. Block.

Tr.wn. City. Mich.

OlOM Work ■* TaotardATM
•outorial OoBTo&flon.

J, e.


OealeriD licycless Bicycle

Vr. KUUhsolo apMtaa>

OoTontor Fingroo ond «on-

My wtA is first class sad prices that are fai reabb M ^ ' X am *
preparadAtalltiiiMatotake enreof (betrade. I make a apecialty is
Brazing, Voloanizing and Enameling. A fine Una
wheels for sdlw
J. 0. SlXIt, 911 FVont street, aaaU

Me. Millifcaa aad Mr. Hanris teen
seat for asdapfaarad Wlora the ooahoatioo.
aaptodtha boaor. Uaalclac the ooa.j
aaaiioa aadyladirlar Me bast afforU,
Beak WllUa» Hants of GharioTots. forthOBOododklsdlatrtet Me,Barrta
aooaptad hSs dafeaV
By Two Votaa-Tha
pUdflar hiMSir aad bla trIoBds to a
Oaadidata nodfod Ba Aappattia
loyal aad baar^aapport of Mr. MIUIAn HanaA Addraaa.

Ator BprrowA ^dorMd.


riwiMn M yrtwi— ottr.

HaUattp-n..-----------------ealtodteasdar. to (ha abaaaoa of (ho
ehalmaa of tha Hswotrclal Caaatttar.
by C. C. Jsaitoa, of Kalhaaka. who
asked Fred. A. Myrtos of OadUiae. to
Ua ahalr. tsmpararUy. J. L. Olbha of
Orasd TraTeiaa was ehooaa loaporary
Oa MttOB. tha ft
. A. Uraacar. Oraad
Traroras: WUliaat Mean. (
WUUaai DalMlI. LaaMBsa.

irJ. W.KUUkw.
4lMa, MM of



Special Sale.....

stal oamnn-

L B- Doorharty. ABOrlat A.
L. ThintoB, Oraad Trararaa; O.
Mash. Cterlaealx. ..
sparry F. Powera, OaV
Qlac; M. W. BawUrk. Aatotn; Bnpira
AUtM. Talkaiki
Attararaonof UMlaalaatho «on*
Mlttoa oa eradoottoU raported dalafataa aa follows:
Aatrtm->M. W. Itowldrk, A. B.
Dotwbarty. Ba
Daaaw,fl. W. Boaaltar. L J. Djln.
■Wniton Bnchat aad C. A.
aaa ware tha only dalacatha
>t;aBd had BO. nodootiala hw
nettop they naraaltowadasau to tha

with paraiartaB to CU tha
dal^aUaaorhleh they did by aantoy
C. B. (Aka aad Bd. ChtapbaU.
Ma^ WOUan
Maata. F. J. MoMh, A. J. dtraad. F.
W. Mayas
Oraad Traraiaa J. A. ttriayar. W.
W. Balth, A. L. Tbantoa. B.O. UaA,
O. W. ayda. J. H. Moaroa. LowaU
Soars. F. U Daall. d. L. Oibbs.
Kalkaaki>-Bairtra ddiaa, T. O. Aa*
moa, JanM A. Drake.
Laalaaaa-WUllata DalsaU. A. B.
BalUayor. WlUtoai F. Mrtaoa, donaa
Waafeid.. Fkod. A. Uyytoa. A F.
A. fl. Wabbar. doa^ Brisboia,
B. B. Baaktoa, P. F. Pawan, D. F.
OaaaottoB tha raport was aaaaptod
Tha oonnittao oa porakasaatoryaBk
latioa aad order of bwatana roportad
seat, aad the order of botlaaoo at
Had eat
A. B. Ooayhhr^ aad d. A. Leraa«or
wars appoiatal teUan aad toa offiean
look the oath of offioa.
Tha coanlttoa oa m
ad bs follows

aetad as follows:
Aatrin—K. W. HowUrk. Oaatral
BeoEla-0. B BoUor, Fraakfort.
Charlarola^F. W. Mayaa, Charts,
Oraad Itaworaa J. B. Monxoa, Tnwaa a^.
Kalkaaka-C. C. Jaaeka. Kalkaska.
ne baby show will be yiraa Bapiam'
Laalaaaa-WiUlaB Dalseil. Trararaa ber tad in the Ladles Ubnry baU.
Tba doors will be oomed at two
Weaford—A. B. Webber, OadilUa.
0*0101*. All aMtbera with babin aro
Oo BotioB the eeeeaatioB adJooraoA
raqoaatad to ba thara as proeaptiy after


Less Than Factory CostI
We hare received from the Friadtieb Hnaie Eooee of Orand
Bapida over one bondred Violine wbir-b will be placed on aale at W,.
W. Kimball’s Music Btore, 385 Front Street, for^

16 Days Only.

eiiNiSTOOK mm

- ^

All babln nader tba aye of throe
year* eu compete (or prts*a. An oil
patoUayof tbepnttint baby wilt be Somr of these instruments sre store worn and alightly damaged bgr
sbipplng and will therefore be sold at
cbibItioB a few waaka taftar tha
show to.tbedUpUywhidowof Ba'keU's
Booketore. Tba aamaeof tba babiea
Xho OoBtast FlUad wHh Ffaa Vastaraa kwardadprimwd tba semes of the
Bafon a Otiod Orowd.
yiveta will be pabltohed. Oeaeral adry.fBaBaUaad Mas'
Amoey them will ba
A ynod atoad crowd.
loa will ba tea casta. Mothers
ekdtao nSaOod from fii to ITS ai cab. Tbla ia a ran op>
stoaal Moflrta. T%ane
aoecod ball lane batwoaa tba Payo with babiae will be admHiod (raa.
_______ J modal Bead by the Old maa«
Faooa OiaaU aad tha BsatlaraColu
fiiat olam playtoy coodtttoa at UtUa a
tealntdalWith tha axoapUos of a
few error*, the yana aaa riyhtly be ayataa to the eoanty eoanaUoa to
fact oaa. Althoeyh tha takapUce Friday aftaraoaa. will ba
OUuiU woa, they had to w^ for it. bald to ibe aamal wat^a tkls analay.

One-Half to TfO-TiuMs of tlie


W. W. Kimball Co.

•one doobU ware aaprtiatl oa a
eoapta of Dtaplre Kelly's doelaiona of
^ K.mbaliOg'a. ,411-St
fair aad foal balls. Bowenr bwl hia
«ftio:«od olw^v'hM bMBidntUod
t, he yot two rery hard
.^ItoUtnwttOl-BorUm MIehibwape dariay tha yaats
•M. Ver tkirty rmt» ha haa Jtrad
la the eereath Ualay WDhelm at
. k«o. oMirdy «o(a«ad is arorT food
taspted to throw a naa oot at hotea
4Ppk te tha arksla nclas. Bit tsUr
Tbreh Lska. Hkh.. Any. M, 'M.
puts, bat jast aa tha ball left Wilhia. shUitr Ja
BLszasLa A McCobmice. District
halta a head tha ampiresteppad to ito
•BaftMt^sUihrasd alsdad. Ubaa)
path aad tha baU etraek btoi to tba
^«Mtad. Uir haartod. trsa aa atoal.
back of the bead. The blow felled
BtaiMSlahto panj asd hto Irtasda,
him to tU yroaad toataaUy, b« baton
iNttaaa ymt oaatiooa, qalak^o ctsap a
tham'procBpt and jeat. Aaaapt (haaka
water aoald be bronyhi be wm oa hie for cheek for ftl 7« la eaUlemaat of
<l—lluii asd rsadj MaeV ^ «rlU do
feet ayato ready ta Saleh tbe yaae.
my aceldut claim. Maa la this rtstolAMarboUda^aaddoUaralL' U U a
ty ban baaa boldly awladird by aad
-y—aonisaUas aad irlU mmt a
tntbanaafaly oa a bard Ut ball dmt aed elcksMs aompulaa. bet the
a^aaat osdotsaMst atikapoUa.
Ualtcd States can alwaye ba depaodad
wbiA etraek anpire Kelly aad ylaae- oa to folfll their eoBtract. I will al­
•feuuuu ihs So^iab atatiattciaa.
adootof raaehofaayof
if say of the playara.
. .
waye etaad nady to help yoa whoa
la tlM daeiarad. “It arlU ba
Ataaotbaratayaof thayaBa a baU yoo come here.
is hictory a parallsS teltha pfOBopeetfolly Vonrt.
aa pnt iato play which pUehar MUlcr
Wa J.McLseuLsa.
^WadthanaltodStatsafar tba iaat
didaotUkato throwr Be asked for
aaethor aad wbaa it waa yirea him,
ka throw tha Snt ball orar the fsaoe. DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
Otw MeNsBsrm-c SVaftwa
rvyt«>» Heat iafoimad lha fresh pitch*
ar that ha. MlUar, aoald oithor yo attar
tba ball, replaaa It with aaotbar oi
pay a doUar aad i qaartor tor the prir
olayaofthatoxtoa aliny. Hr. M<Uer
gimtf aad hoaar to lha whoie satton
stated that be hardly thonyht the baU
Mi«lf Whi^ is a laoUsf andlt to the
to bs worth a dollar aad a qaarter.
Bat the ooadlUeae were aachaaced.
Some rery pretty featwn won ia«B nm who eoUd tha BapshUaan
trodsaad dt^rtey the yame«MtM la ossa have addltloul fat
BeUer npde aa eaeapttoaally See
ji(gr aottsy t|« aasa way tUa yaar.
aaolay catch of e fool 8y attar a hard
bare maaatoblad do
Odf lacraaaad eoeA- res la tha Snt laalay. A doaUa play
j^BsAMAS Josaa yoaa rt^t ahead
by BanpbiU aassietad to Borotay rcvtthhiaptadiotiaas.

af tha BapaWteaa party aa sat farth to tind two of tha OlaaU la tha saeoad
^^ aoMbaaadaetlttoUM.
Two a»on were pat oot la the
Oiwas Free Le—om
F»rgl.Am OgtfFl.B 1WBPBBP.
of oS'SSSlty
proadat wofre^ third by Whaalar to BanphUl to N
la behalf ofthV
Of tha' waya
ways aaraera
of tha rotoy. Boat Biadoa aaataatehof
----IK---Itayma OrtaU aad Ohadas Xab- p^oan
.______ 1 of tha Ualtoi .
|oal Sy la tha Slth laalay. In order
t Katiiad last Htyht.
Sadye eOattsoad aflorta la behalf of U yet It ba had to na from tha yraad
the Aneriaaa protaaUra tariff ayetai
be oretUaat waddiiiyi of tha aad tha u>alateaaaoi"of the yraaai etaad to tba pUyan* beach, aad thee
eateh It orar the beach.
I (Hrtotl aad Mr. Chartea LaaWilhelm yot na^ a dlfionlt one le
to and loyalty to tha a
lha alath aad But yot aaothar foal la
to aa taka arcane tost oraalay.
Md* U.
US adrlsoca:
daat MeEtaley aad
tonoay took plaee at e o»rtoek aad pride to aad lore
Dnrlay tba aext laalay BamphlU
for the
a parformad by Bar. D. Ooeklia.
made uotkbr doable play
^narriad^^ABartesa Say M rtcWUbalm. Johaeoo. the ahortAtop
tory spoo toad aad eea la oor w wHb
foUOraa abont thirty friaada were Spda.' ud oor ynUflaattoa that paaee for the oppoaloy
--------- r------------------ - hlmaelf la the r^bt field by poIUny
Tberooew were beaaUfally
Aoaantad with feraa ud eweet peaa,
down a biyh fly fram the end of Bempmmt the eonaer where the bridal party
We alM daslra to aataad to Goearaor hiir.bab
alood waaa aaUd maaa of ynu ud Piayree the deyree of rnUiode prop­
•labbed for tha Tlsilw*
yiBkerly doe him for hk efforts sad uotyy ud allowed hk oppoaeou only earu
Tba brida won a lonly yowa of
aaekiay the welfan of the nlantoer biu . .J ttntck oat three maa. BaUer
Idler* of Mlcblyan. aad tor hU uecgaBdie beutUaUy trimmad
box for the local team aad
wwed daelre to aaek only the beet
With whltoioaea.
yoad of the people of MIebiyu to hi* ^tchc 1 rood ball. Ba wa. op ayaia.l
jdttle Mile Ooorylatto Sbaer aemd oSeialifforta.
baavy ' .ton, thoayb, ud wa.
toS Bower ylrl aad waa datotUy anirad
Wa daelre farther to wta oar i
down for IS hita.
d of tba H<
urtwal of the offidal i
FoUowlay are ihaeammary ud aeon
J. C. Barrow, a. Val
d dortny the eTealay.
by laalay.:
aad to reqaeat one . .____
The bride isese of Trantae Otyb tbl. aanatorlal dtotrict to vm
asd popolar yoaay ladka EepadaUy rffon. to aeoore taen-ali

aa a osaadutfona worker in tba Cos- Barroar. aa hi. .itopdaaor Ila the Ualiad
chunk ha. bar lafloeaea
Pebbt F. Powaat. •
£. Brim
of the eommittaa.
r for muy yuan was
I banby e^om tha^ abtin report

Good Words.



N. E. STRONG, Manager.

235 Front Street.

Good Horses
"'From Indiana..'
I bare jnst received a carload of fine farm and
draft horses, which I will sell at pr icesthe lowest fo^
first class aniaals.
See them at once at the bam of Brodhagen &
Wischnewsky, State street



We Would


Like to Call Yoiir Attention

Miss Doyle

To Uie nice Bacon and Picnic Hama w» an
selling. We never bad any nlce^ nor did anyill Kiris Of EmMery
Body 6ls6
Bod Maderc Ian Mckias

I Our Offerings

I ._,N Furniture

i *.


Uare wan ylad to know a short. people of MIebiyu la hi. official aeto.'*
Mmaayo of his
stork to the post office of thi. dty.
D. C. Uaah offend the foUowlny aa
: Maay woddlay yUtowen neeind.
to the report of tba
aoakmltoeaoB naotottoor
■ ofohtoaaaddlnr.
Baeblnd. That it la tba maaa of this
Mr. and Mre. Lucastar will yo to
that member, nf tba Isciw
r immediately la a
heua already prepared far tfaami..M
Ho. SO* Booth Dlrtmon stmt.
Bmlrad^ That wa call a'poo tbalcywOl ba at borne to thalr Mead, after ietatara at Ito next aaukm to pea. a
t law pnblbiUBy tba iatolay
•optombar sth.
Tba Baooaa. with muy othara.







On motion tba raport of the aommlttoe on neolattou wa. accepted and

Geo. R. Winnie
Ul-a-litBPdituBill Paper Haipi.

- ■ MSVMntemM.



Dasam Unisaal Knaatiaa.

i WE ME smifiNG



t: Wo make particular mention of HEED and EATTAH PUB- ^
^ NITUBE. Aside from a floor full of boautifu' creations in ^
t tbis material wo make prices equally aa at-ractlve.
Wbetber you intend to refumlab your bouse this fall or
E; lust contemplate the addition of a Tew pieces to make your ^ ;
r rooms look rlcb and bandeome we offer you tbo opportunity
t to do BO at a very Uttle coet. We want you to see tbe tooda ^
E in any event.


v'r?vT>:^:; ■.'■*'>■.,



■arahad a* to tha ladt far the par^
of pattiap oa la tha IrBwhte; bat Ihh
Tha uolheraada
Mr. aad Mm. Jame EMsrwn «a
fiilBpwM tao hat; w* eeald aot pat
Up- musmtiip U* doaU of tMr UMa
• will be t
Uata. Wo told oa a aida klQ la Ua
Mra. Jolla WbarlaU aad oob of Ctod- daaphtor.AUoa.wbopaanadawapat ■
OOTOBU 4. 0 AVS «.
with totenet byeU who ken looked
bet oaa far fear hoara, whoa tha Bpaa.
iarde pet a raapa oa at aad Uap eoB- waiar. araUapnsam of Mm. Wheatoeheapreletor te solee the ptwbloM
Ulnae* of aipbt d*}*-wiU salarrh and
Ortelac Oab Bold a Heetiap Itoot BOBcad to poor la their leed ea to. aad loekh aoeslB. Mn. Ck*tar.
or ^
tt BmU to Biepcwtof or whet ^11 bo doM with <
Mre. F. T. O-NeUof BatoTeaU atract iafiassatlon of Ue risMseh. The ItotoMkoT Borthen MtohlfeB.
wa had five mb ehot la ahoat M nlaHtphtaadFerfaetod
PtnrMMtcfHattoM to th«
Hr. oBd Mr*. J. E CoBBclp and
A CMd SMeiitea eedetr le that
—Fotato Will beHada ^ Heat ate*. BOB* fatal. 'We wv* ordered eat
ZatoMM «CP«M.
oU. Tbearraaci
of there aad placed hekiad Ue Slot danpkter Maa of . 'S^iaaw, neat wUI he mad* todap.
BoM, AttrutM.—The pope todej which to betor orvaalaed et Ua>M Clt;
to Patoekap to spend paaterdap.
repBlera to aappert Uem.
wtreAwtoemperaref Rueto » mae- far the relief of ufarteeete pw>pte
Thai* WM a teMUap of Ue TravMtoa
MC* e*pw*tor hie fiMi&eetto* »t the who et* eSIeud with pbj*ieel dtoeba•pbool HoBSe Defiuem Ftasd.
ree CItp Drirlap dab toot aroalap la
aod also of U*C. of M. to rtolttac
•elm of the Cter le foneoleUiif e»d l%j end eaeble to pey for -treeueeeV Ue parlor* of the Hotel Whltl»- to whaa wa were neat baek to
la Jostle* Brown'* coort pwtssdsp
Uat to fix eotepaaloi Mim Marion Bobarto.
iMstor hta propaaal for ueiTenel peeee. A feod will be creeled to eeelet le de- pr*par« far tha tall BMtiap. It w.«
Thomas Bases of Moatpelicr. Ind.. the- fonr her* Tmiia SmiU. Heal
eapported hettorlea aad 'the other eix
tnyinr the rzpeeee of treetioeet ead
decided to hare a three dape’ d-'obc.
were takea to eat roada Bp Ue wa> to rtoitlop Mtoa Cbell* MeDorsnaa, end Rmnts. Bob Ben aad Aadp Hipplaa.
(MdoB, ’Ae(M»M.—OeMn) B«rth. other ezpeoeee.
Oetober «. 5 aod «. The lato up w ..
who were arrested some Ubs ape <m
Cota^Bap M did aot hare to do map Oeorpn Wilkin* and famllp.
the heed «( the telvetlon Army, hee
Oa Hoaday Freak boaae of rilat be Ue date apoa wUU the
Tk*^ OUlU hs* arrired from Chtoapo the Sharpe of dofaelap t
»o(h. Wa reotelaed with the
eeel e telc^iaphie meeefe to the O
ea OBBaeot
la the Brpaa district, plead pnlltp to
for a rtoit wiu frieade aad reUtiraa.
t to lot*, et
Mim Gsrtmd* Moatepae 1* enter Ue charp* aad wore each fined II and
NeweTfo O. A. Neleea, * proialeeat addlUonel attraetioa to eaUrttIa oat hau-nea ware at weak aad ehalle
tetalnp Mtoa Balenu Mid of Mattoen, ecets amoonUap to
eUtcea. took perto ftwea bMenee he of town Ttoltor*. It to dae’70 -d to plre iapfr-t-,, the cacBp** peat I Utah
wae dieercad froa hto wife, ead et St. the beet aane* of r»e*e Tneerte Citp *19. of U-.B wtobed Uep *
» and familp who kar*
ABonoMoat Hoteo.
'■Xeaaaotrvfretofroa aaeartof 70a deeepb Mt*. 8er*b Balth drowaed her- -Tcr bed end epedel *Scri« aM b.-lap eatUBpiK'dabatl as proed
»» NotUport.
..pi piBok^- i, booked for a par^ • of Ccwpeop M showed U*
of the *d«ln^a« of BalUtadre of eel fie the toko. Of the three, the lady Bedelopetbertop*U*rt.,e'*wt trcl- that

OeinUoatote eU over the world, whoee wee toe
tine aad aedac etoek ia thl*-to - t' •« of **'‘''*‘»*
prajeia wUl eeeead te ALwichtp Uod pltohlar Ue dwired reealtpUlap that thep were detailed
Gleason came up peaterdap ‘
StokC^^JUS^teiTa^^Jtovt^l froBaapUlapUattbep,
farjaaraejeatj^ead the trtuaph of
Grand Bepid. to pet rld^J;
Be*. E J. Sleeof Moaterae hee e hee* been nede tor eatrp hUaha. ' ^* todo,aadwe had bm oa tha o*t- fro.
' i bj J. C. Lewto- The piece to wnU
poete Uat Ue eltaeUoa would keep ferer.
fir«td*p wUl ha ladlee* dap * ■ . m
pot that ocirii
in Uto dtp. nad 81 and hto
Boet aapoa* froai poiap to elrrp mi
dred dollar*. It to ea old bell farmer- oharp* will he Bade tjtbe^aez oa
hto beat.
ia(, ead which et* aortorpoa u eeok
Ir heloarlor «o the Motbodtat efavrah, tut dap. Oa Ue laet dap epeelal efthe tree w«Uer« of ett
There baa heea «oa*M*r»hla eiek lap a rtoit wiU their aoa L. M. Bob- ! crowd.
ead M e rMcptaele for thriftj- bloooi- fart* wUl he Bed* to Intareet U* fera--------------------------aea* aBonp Ue tra^ almoet froa BoUofFIfUsuoet.
**Thto (iwet eel of irood wUI—meet
*1* ahoat the reploa aad ecfrtal featiac pleat*, to ea *ati<* bbocm.
Mtoi Soria Banmbeipnr came oror
Mtoe Beeris BrtBe. wbeha* hesa.'
farevar add hoaor w yoar Mjeet^a
U* Um wa landed aad It eeeBe to he
aepoclallp InternaUar to them
Bead Beach to to here e atreet fair
«ea>e, reite. eadeoaBir/.*'
iaereatlap. Aleaadria wa* Ue fiiet te from NorUport peaterdap to meet hrr pnest of Alma Dsapma. mUraa^ to' -i
wIU be oa Ue propram. Ta* dtoplap
friend Mtoe M. E Gtoens wbo jest ar-' horn* in Grand BapMa pssterd^ Mmh^
The'Z/jadoaevaaur pepere ezpran Septowber SOtotL The feh- wtQ he
pie* oat Ha had to faU eat U*
of U* Kalphu of Korhaetoa; laelndtap
lap we Marched ap wiUia two aUwol rirad from SonU Bead. IdA
<*11 ooaftdeaea le the peraoeel etoeeri- held to the two Beto etfweta of the
The Son La Oripxe Oora.
Ua preat parade ia Ua erealap wlU
Mrs. LihWe Chadwick arrlrod last
«7 of the Cser to Beetap hie prapoeel nileffe. the hoothe oecapplaf the
Ue firiap Uae aad U* next dap I aeat
T^cr* to ao nee aoffertap from tlito
offer a doable atlr*etlow.
hoMdoebt wheth' ter of thethoroarhferee
a detail hack to Ieoh biwap and Uep eroatnp from Qmnd Baplda fer a tew dreadfnl malady. If poo wiU onlppfa '
At Ue meetlap leet alpht Ue followAt Adrlaa dertac the t
Ue ripht remedy. You are harinp pain
•er Oerateep ead Fraaoe. aad eepeelally
foaad hlB ia Ue aataa place. Hastinpi w*aka’ rtoit.
L. M. Bennett aad famUp ar* Mter- aU throapfa poor body, poor Urcr to oat
•Fraaee. eea be broefht «e aap atocei*
r. e l«c eabto wUI
end Woo^worU. warn wlU kla al
L E. MeCop. Prad B.
' order, bare no appetite, no life a
talalop E Clark aad aoa Irriop
be «reeiad oa the ffroaade, each lac te
aappgrt of Ue CcerVprapenl,
UtotlB*. Tbe detaU toak Itfa hack te
Bitten, barenbad eold, hi faelan
Pratt aad Id. Leal
be the meacto of ooew ptoaeer. The
Ue hcepital aad U* doctor Uore mi
The at. Jea««. Uecetie eape:
A L. Jope* transacted borinCN la eempietelp oaed no. Beetoic Htten
BbHeiUap-B. C. CompUa, Aapto Meto Ue oafp romodp that iriU pirn pen
woaidbe aajeM to avtrikete U«e Curh eUerBoraiartwoBilceotteeM ear- OoU. Bd. Laauer. Fred B. .Prett had hiB ia Uo aBholeaoe to dlboaep aad
ThompaonriUc peetordap.
ipt and• aare relief.
net i.
• ‘ “
r net
few dape toter t waat dewa ta *e* bla
udeetoMeaetmtc petOdp.. It woeld lytor Ue lofa. paraded Ue atreete ead B. E.MeOep.
Mtoae* BUel Pope aad Vida B
reeUp on poor Uw. Stomaehnid Eld'.
te he a Wf faatore
ha inatloaal te deoUoe te aeeat Btoeto Ue i«atrp
A* there wdl he ao felr Uto paar Uto aad foaad Ua la Ue paaeral hoepila hare retoraed from a rtoit wlU tricada Bepa. tone ep the whole apatom 1___
e( Ue fair.
or doaht her ttonwity.’'
WlU Ua tpphold ferer.
I bad
make poo fad Uke a new h&p. Thw
at Rapid
B*i ■ • City.
wiu he aa ereet werUp of Bor* Uas
M. e. Keraa of Batarto, hae ««
Mtoa Webb aad L«eUI* Oaraard of are pnaraateed te cni* or price rofnadThe PaU Mall Vaeetta oepe.-- **Tbe
ordinarp atteatlon, aad if tha pi*ipii.te traaefarrad to Ue Eed Cre« koaaita]
«ee for aa ABirtcaa bop thaa CIuihb
a and A E UlpMOB of St. ed. For sale at Us Drop Stores ef E .
EUalaa EBperer to
whet* Uat* wera oob* ladp anraw
E Writ nad J. O.. J
“ * 40n.
po for aapUUp Uto will k* the brat
too Wiu BOt wieM hto eeepter fa eato. aphaa. While aiaadtof ea a tall lad­
and expeeted wiU Uekr ear*. Uet be Joesph. took dinner at tho Botol Whlt- per bold*
eerie* of reelnp ereate erar held here.
der patottop a bare, a hep <aoM aleap
Ttoe droaler toeeed hf the Cur
woaMeooBbeoat, batUeaextiheard Inp peaterdap.
The pataee wDl be aad* ap next week.
ofO. B. Cook. T.
of Um he had beea takaa to the fern
warUp «f a eoretcica who wlelde,
topaUer wlU Ue pr^rraa.
ttoaorutoallp, the rreeteii aaloeratto palater who fell to Ue ptaaad.wbere U
htopttal aad 1 have aot heaa able te Secce. aad J. M. Bains of Montpelier,
took eowe tl«e to pick wet Udder,
power, ■ietatp hae rarelp
heartrtoBhlaeiaeesiaea. Oorep wae iad., E Simmon* and J. A Middleton
of Martin. Ind. and F. E Plytep of
tahe* elok oa Jalp isu aad be
aapthtof toon itopreaetoe. aad eo^ ■aaa. bopaod patolpotaadtoll which
* Id. O. arrirod last eredlap on
auUaa aad ^ateiea
Mat to Ua diVtoioa hea^tU in the
atoearl^ oa Ue pert e< the Ckar. EeeThU 1* a earlatioB oa itoe rep«1
aad 1 went down two dep* Ue C. A W. M. e
ale hee the power to heap peeje, 00 whp deh Karp, ead to Uet^ere rehnahlap:
after te eee klH ead hahed beea ti
Beta Xaa Flushed Vadar Ue i
doaht tovetoeart^rboBe p«etiraiea.dehtopBear Teheaterrad hatto where I
Bet Fir* of the
t to ea Uee eha wwe frlphieaed aearlp oot of their
laara. aad hare act heea able to find
Half oar nistri
wife bp atooaetereaahe Uat caepht a
aap tracto of hia elnee. Be to either la
^ praetieal aad rcaltoaMe eahhioa. The asaUdepU iucotleead eraUed H leThefoUowlap letter to prohaUp the Ue MOOBtaUu or sw a heapitU Uip
etoealertoathaadaholt from e «lw to aehapelcee maae «toe ana attached leet writtea fena Seatiepo hafare Ua
Fnller wat tick In qnartera far *er<
akp. hat whet eheaea hee the idee to the reptdeaad after e fierce battle Heotok Hides leftCake. OaptaUMc- al dap* aad 1 had the doctor eead hja
Try to learn the hard lewm of eondaraloptote aqrlhiac Mr* Ue
killed-it. it«eaeered aipht-feat aad lateshpteaeabrlefreTtewoIthaeiU*- toUeeowtatSibaaepoa JUp
onatmtica withont nboorptiaa.
ptoae aepiretfah for a aeeaUfal hat ae- Blae iactoee to lenpth.
seef UeoaatoMkp.aad whUei
1 Ulak he to OB om of U* boapita
Aisnredlp a cere and entitle temptaAltetoeble
the taatoc'e bodp epee that* were foead of it has akeadp beaa teaehed apon, hoai*. CeiBaahad U*
ti<m ot middle ape to 10 norae wreppa
•'Thdach Baplead to for#eeea,FTeBee tweatp'loar eMaU asahea. Ue
• to aitoh Ust wUl pftoc later- patUap ptoaoned bj aoM potooa weed
The end
life to hot peraexml taapplapriep of Ue oM «aake. which
to wTwiiic froB e periodical ettae
ead it broke oat oa U* kande,ei
bsna It to tbe imape and plorp of God.
Uewod when the haMe hepaa.
^ Seati^ de Caba. Aap. 12.
fee* aadowAapoetletlbadUa a
If it to a repmach not to bare friends.
While wriltop 1 will plve poa * few
A Cbtoapo apeidel e( Ifoedap telle
Ue hcapltel hat be <
It mop bs em a gmnter not to hare
“lttoaet^aac.«lUer.ttoat Oertoe«p of a ICehIpao Baah took.
It eepe: detalto ahoat Ue hope for Ue haaedt tpUold ferer wltn It and died Aapaat
tooachealdeof tbo* epile oT Oeccpt H. Leather* of fiepteaw. of all ooBcecBed. poiap hock to tho »U at «40 a M. aad wee karied Uet
eas do asotber's wok tor
ttfae w* leaded la Caaa.
the faataetfa i^ert 4hU Ue Otar* Utoh,
ereUnp et e o'clock. Wrlpfat wee taken him. If it to not dooe bp caeb cos far
Weanieedia Ueaerhewef dihoa*p down wiu U* MeaUee bni to pettlnp hlasell, it to not dooe at alL
elBllar oae where h« bad hecBtoC weelthp. The
■ Ue Boraiop of Jalp isl, aad
which the Xaieer had iateeded to to-|
of Ue hfpp««!paa which he
It to not preatneaa bat UttlansK
better. Slade hae bMn elck ia U* bool|LB.hat pUal for aereral dap* hot to
aaefroBUeMocatof Ottrae oe the waUedwa« eehlWied Ueadep athu:
that can sarilp dispense with
oeceatoaof htortolt te UeHolpiaad.
hotel. Ihepeld le wofU «ie aed wae net withouaBaeeldesk Oerboetlaid
The reet of the oompaap to ia lor* aad eoldlp prefers to onffer nlcDe.
‘■ABBtrtoBdpktfail to itoe.end JteU'aecared <0 tea wloetn' work on the oet CroB ebere ahoat owe nil* aad we reip pood healU and aro all aaxioa*
A pentternsn’s firri Instinet is to pat
ia OBaU boate. There to leer* tor U* etatea
ertrp one at bis ease and espettailp
alee hat whatatMBt the Ctoted Htet««* [haakeor Ur C»ppar rwer.Mr. LwiU<
7 to
“Whaterer the oaieoue. 4be iBperaroid pirinpBnnsceawpain.~Btobop
AaC tamt nrj CMl>sbl* sarra
the owaer of two rich elalB* wto* leap pair of eulr* deeped aloar
The boet here to
M>t •irrri aad
i thirm,
iel aether of Ueprepoeal hae coaler- in lb* Copper mar distrlcL aad UcaUe of U* heat, reechlap troB the j The teMporatora rw froa lis w 1»
AIM a f-« rrrf rataabtr lota '
s-h. au. na. nh. sis aad laa swotm
red laeter aaea btoBtof aad hto
he to BOW oa kU wop *e hto boBe, her. eaeonddeUdawa to wiUia Urec feet Inthael
Tba'oalp Ulnp «
/"iBort Oars.
lap left «D*weoa Oi«p Urea week* ofU* watM ferae to walk dhwn to do in Ue beat of Ue dep to to keep
Ws doa'tieare what their x
The Glohe aapt: “The
hto apo. Mtoe Uea a pear wae epeet hp Ueeteeli heata O* aoeenai of Ue of Ue eon. It raia* more or lees emrp rwherett----------■ere thep are dolap baslBM. '
a paUttoal
the tirrlen aain.*r Id faaitleee preapeeu heaep eerf ranalap it waaecrp difflcalt dep aad we bare *om* rory hoary eleo- slmM -date oae and all to match <
woaU haee dtoi^ud Alapaleoa lU. lap. Btffpio tbeoprtop, howerer. he to Aald Abe esiJl boat* cteae oaeopi. to trie Btorma. bet 1 bar* not heard of any pradd. aasortmrat of clotblap, fami
There to aorttoea to doabt -the eia- J liurd e eaepreliep perip pelap to the Abe atelt* for the bop* to reach thoie—
ef UcB had to Make a leap for
eeritpwf thepropoealto fer Mtbe-Cear Ooipwr riter dl-trlet. aad located two
Weespeettob* beck to U* etei
taahiosable ontfitur*.
ArUar beott eaeoeadad la U a few dape aad Ue boys wUl tell poa
rich elelB*. More thaa fiU.uw hto U* keaV
tl to aaliketp been estraewd froa tbeec dariap Ue aaUnc U* beat all rlpht. The next aU abost Cabo. The bop* to all I am
InuvlsB Tickets hooebt and sold at
aeleee it ehaald he j
Oltp News Stand. P. 0. Bldp. tlt-tf
Abet saM* fell, etriklnp Arthnr Interoeted la aow. Toor* frioad.
ledbpa coa- eoBBer. Mr loathcM wlU rewra M
Aloaha wiU maohlaeip for werklap aad fanocklap hin orer. Ha praepod
J. V. MclxTons.
“ItUdoabaal wh
irCosBt MataCapteln Oe. M. MU Mlehlpen Voinnetoft beltoree la Ue )
Jaataeuo.two boat* cam topetber, uere.
r at fhe
InHoBor of Hwe IfetHtftB
dalfiliaeatof Ue proJeoL
oae ef fato flepere.
daet nlpht lire W. B. C. OerBatae
•Uto phtleaUiapic eeatieieat doto aol
■eated falB froa polnp to Ue
abaape Beplaad'e attUode ia the Back" awrtalaed 1a honor of her pneel. tolee Crewt wiu ae. After etepiop ia U*
On Monday Mr. aad Mr*. E. OoBnelly
LenelUtttoaanfAtlaate.Oe. at the hospital et Siheasp for sereret daps aad deophu-r Men. of fieplaaw. end
sapatahoaed ehoaplul heat aad
Mre. F. T. O Neil of Baet
Ue leet (heard from be had eaUed tor TeaU btrert apent a delipbtfnl dap
J( ; ed with patte who were deilphtfallir Ueeutu.
autne at Cedar Bon. where Uep
AfterlendiapatRlhoaepwe piubed cenpht sixty nice Wont. Mr. Oanoellp
j Hatter* of laurwt From A
ed te Ue eveaiap’e epjipneat with
landed two which welphcd two poaade
It nepro dielnet reeiCatloae to ognoBe. teato aad U* hop* bepen U cook
Forte of Hiebipan.
Baxter, which ccaaieted ef eeffe*. herd- each.
I'rof. C. B Horei ferorad wlU jne tack end eeraed beef, i pot order* to
The rcpnlM MMUnp of Ue Ladir*'
erleetlone oa Ua rMla. Mtoae* White take e deteU dowa u the laodiap and
teat ita qsriitp of tone. W. W. EIMBALL 00., N. E STRONG.
Aid aocletp of Ue First M. B. ebereb aed
Oraadma Ball who died at Ttoreh
285 Froet sUeeU
anH tor>uter*e reader*') otowo wlee.
Lake raceatlp, at theerc of vn pean I fa R Hollep aad Lroa TIM rcMied pel ISO rosed* of amioaUtlon for sack wUlbeheld Ui* sftemooa at2:S0 la
meo ead dr*w ratloas for Uree dape. tbs parlor* of Us cfaarch.
and I tooaUe. wu Ue oldeel reotoeai
aad Boose Fnmtohlnp Good*. OBa W‘
and oUers eaetoted. Deoctap formed Bp the time we cot Ue raUon* beaed
THOMAS, eoner SUte and UnloB rin.
la AatiiB oooatp.
At Ue party W be pimn by U* la­
a perlloa of the proprem andthepnaeto
WkUc at Ronolu Lori^ Blpelow were refraehed bp a dalatp ioasbeoa w* pot order* so Btnke tea u ead pro- dies of us We-qse-ioap dob toseed te U* frost. W* left Ubensp
aalehretod hU nlaotp-eeeoad blrUdep prettilp eerred.
nipbt Uow who WM* preaent afU*
s for 2Se and Bail
aheet M o'clock Uat nipbt; aad to
oa Hoadep.
Be bee beea reBorkahlp
prertoaa parties are larltad to be Lanehea in the world for l&c. Open nil nipbt.
ahow poa what Uc bepa had to eenp I
' apry. aad ever etnee Ike rllle^ hat
WUI Lears Friends Ohnreh.
preaent. No tiekeu bare been prswiU
heea orpaaUU bat beea called it* mapThe peetoreof the Friends ehaiwh.
paredonaceaentor tbs ebort time al­
Ber. flowerdaad Mr*. Me^ Moore, are Ur*o daps’ reUooA; ceauen. fall of lowed,-'
Baatew Barber to firm fa the fUth ahoat to leare Ule dtp end will reside water or eoffM; blanket roll, which
The membareof tba'Ladiss Aid soeonteined
Uat a heel aaper feetorp to Ue one la Ue aoaUara part dfUe state,
eiatp of Ue MeUodiet ehsreb are reUiap It neede. The meehlscrp aad a farewell taklap UW eaurtolDed a Manket, doable; half of e pap teol. be- qneated u attend Ue rspalar mMtlnp
UI Uep
boUdlap for Uto Indnetrp wUI cool at Bomber of Uelr poaap frieade Mondep
Uis afUmooB al 2:30 In Ue parlors of
e of Ueir roll: so pen the church.
OornmpoDd with the Trarerw City Lumber Oompsoy.
laaot fitU.OOO. bnt a ttronp preetnr* to erealap. Thep wilt iearc *ob* time
imopiaewbota lead Urp bad to.
helap broaphi oa the proBoten to pat oext aoaU fw their new bom* It U
A nambsr of Us resldsnu at Slipbta
We Ure tor sale Good,
nnkaown wbo wUleacoeed Uew in Ue
in a mack lerprr pleat.
ar* prepsrlnp to mors to Bopas City aa
aad dowa, and wadlnp creaks and hop
■OB s* Us Inmbsr bos lass cloans Uto
At Flint, on Hoadep. Here Moa* wak pnlpit of Ue Friend* ebareh.
bole*. The rosd wound arocad Ue
bilua bp a lareotUe eoocaeled in eomi
A Ml
mountain Ifaroupb a hcarp prowU of
Yeatordap at Bast Bsp ooedmd Us
faraipn fralt be ww nnpecklnp. aad
Thankful word* writtea hr Mi*. Ade aaeta* aad all kinds of tropical plants
aanaal plcnie of Us Flret M.B. ohateh.
lie* la a critisU eoadiUon wiU hat lit­ £.Hert.«f9rotoa, S.a •-Wee teken ead rlaee.
wUb e bad cold which eetUed on mp
A tarp* nnmbar wen preaaat aad aU
tle hope of reeererp.
delayed coostdambip by anjopad a pood time.
Ivape: coopb eet in aad flneUp termtn^
NII-w to aader a relpB of terror. Dor- eted U ConaamptioB. Poor doetore
A party ef
lap Ue parade ef Fewarc Bill-a Wild pare me ap. fapiap I eocld Ur* bnla
Ue etasmer Onekams and came orer
Wait ebow at that piece on Moodep * •hMt time. J p»re
dead eoldlcr*. That wae an awfol
from Old Mtoaloepeetardap afternoon.
' Med drp bit Ue d pcar-old eon of B. P. Serior. d
reo^te, bnt
Bp friends oa earth. I wool
They took sapper at Park Plaoa aad
Obemben aad U* ft-pear-oU bob ef wiU
mp ebeeat oars abore. Mp baebaad man kept in tine and SMcehed on to the
Oaerpe Merritt. Tha dop raa Uroapb we* adriaedI to
‘ pet

Dr. *Kinp% Hew Dw front, Uinkinp Uet they mipbt be co- OBjopad U* r*tBT« trip bp moonllpbl.
ail de«»i)tioDa,iitdadug Two Eogiafia,
ah* etreete. Ue froU aad blood drip- corerp for Coaeamptloa. Conph* ead lap in Ue earn* manner Uc ncJct nipht.
Mrs. J. W. MlUlkea will entertala
Ret Woifa, Cirriagee and Saw*. A eompleto Saw MiD Plast
tor' in
Bp at arerp Cold*, t pare H e trial, took
W* baited nl s a. no. for hraakteat Ue kindMpartea clam al (he Ooneipht bottlea It has eared me. aad
aw* U mat. It wae fiaUlp ehok
tbeakCod I
__ _am _
eared and
bow _
a and reeted for an boor, then wn took
Thr aarlp treat to pettlap is ito dead- well aad healUp woman. TVlal betUm np U* merek apain and arrired within
raocn, at bar raaldane* on Washeta at A. B. Wait's aad J. 0. Jeha- u yards of Us firiap Uae ahoat noon, inptsn straat.
Ip wsric in maap perta of U* etate.
D. Boreh, pabitoher of Ue Ameraad Uep let ne htot there loop anonph, ^S^Baska aUkinda. atatpjfawn
kaa Bheep Broader, at CblLapo. ha*
t neder corer, w eat a Inneh, when Shop


COliriirFsBECORB. t

Grand Traverse
Land Company


M 11 It Prta tl M Ik nm


-.JSfiS.iJVSSS.'llSSS*; •“ ■

Watch This Column For Bargains !


Fifty Cents
Guard Chains


Haie You Tried The Kimball? KS£'."Lr£fo,‘r„‘:s.r's;^


Furniture Bargains

'olumbian Restaurant

If You Have I^ogs to Sell

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple WoodJ


ram xosmo mmoomsy. wjpwmdat. apothm »i. iw.

nflon, and ft vw ibe who waned tbe
cOens (d tbe ansy at tbe trouble bmrtag. Her inflwmee with ber people ba.


HOmtwm Be Oat. «b intncttUe Modoc
^ibeBtef. «t» loM bit Ufc in u nttMk
«■ • peity at vhitee emlfMtinf to the
ftetU comt in >860.
Abnw ntaont
186T. when ■'

yantovaaeae tbeir nge afalnattbe

too. tbe WBfber hnaband.
rfon b(«i
Modoea, and
Her food
in «co«t


plaoea for fear of death fran ber a
farotbeia and rdativea for ber n

DdDe liking
Ookaiel A.
•ediar cold.
Modoc Ut« M i^lan by tbe eercnl ecanmand of tbe miUtaiy poat, arm a
9 that bnmane man and did all in bia powat
doaky warda.
I. »
Tbii man Wl-oe-ma revered, and when
bad bem an atny aergeoot etatkntrd
tte pMidio, in Ban Fntndno. He a
fnak Hiddla. He bad retmhsieiite at
the nieeimble bone od tbc etjoav Vidov,

points Mic did all in ber power to pre­
vent him frcaa attending tbe eoim^

Be Cot, and ooon took a fancy to b«
Baa^tec. Wi-ne-ina. then 16 yean old. by tbe bridle, begiiog'^teKbaan and
aadfuMoe in that nfrton at the bkat Ganby not to meet Jack and bia band.
bnkictt and mart agncabte Indian gbl When ahe foond entreaty wai In vain,
f "rvlitaniia Biddle yot money is gold tbe devoted woman mnouted ber pcaiy
1 .
r <v >T-BtlHTn On-yon and non and rode with tbe iU fate^. party to tbe
?T^ Mf.*oc girl Jbe place of meeting.
Tbeatoryef that meeting baa been
ii.,.1 ;.Ude near tbe
< a

and tbe yoangvlfa be­

an to Seen ^ baMMod’e lanyoega.
■betieiad ber Mreye t
■naeiMen ocedi^neUy and bote then
flfte ebe becan>e weaned to tbe life and
Ifaoayhl of white people. Bnt ebe new
teed. OB pain of amerinatkn or ptdmato reveal ber dtanye of faith <r to
abow that ehe really loved awhile
In 1660, when gold wae diacorered in
large qtiantitiee is tbe Klamath region
and tbonaanda of
a rwbed tbrongb nnrtbfn Cal:
and acroM tbe Uva beda. tbe anger of
tbe Modoea waa rooaed to fnllcet {dtofa
by tbe Uwleeancei of tbe isvading
wUtea. Is Jnne. I860. Ibe Modoea Inred
14 gold misen Isto a narrow ennyta.
and tfaere, afts sn^cnfcable cnelBea
nxt«g>ding over two daja let tbe white
SKOdie. Tbenewaof tbe foudenby
Ibe Modoea got abroad a ntontb Uter
' and aet cat Sra tbe wtaole white popnla-


Bob of Dortben OaUlonia and aontfaen
Is AngMta band erf T6 wUtaaWt
Treka. CaL. to pnnUi tbe Modoc

agea for tbe aet Tbe avengen were led
by Banjamis Vifgbt an old n
net. who bad basted and fon^ Indiana
with Kit Oom. Jim Beokwith, tern
Soott and Jim Bridger. Aflac a long
ebaae tbioogb tbe nagh oonsoy, wbicb
via not pradoctSve at good Raalta, tbe
ehiefa were invited to meet tbe wbHaa
end make a treaty. TUa they agiaad to
do, and tbe trarring parte went into
asnrp near each otber on Lott river, tbe
Indiana ontBsmbering tbe white
three to one. Eti^
tbe eonfafenca a ytmng Modoc aqnaw.
breathleaa. fa» elotfaing ton and bv
tet Ueeding, <ne into tbe «
camp and aaked to aee tbe leader,
bad ran and walked aome nine isika
acroaatbe cogged motintais traik Her

treacbery. The nigbt before te learned
attbecoonci] fire that ber people intended to annOand tbe while
Ing tbe oonferenoe and pot tbtm to


deaBt. Wright and biamenmetconning
with ctmsing. They west into amhoab
near tl e plade of ocoffaenor, end wboa
tbe oiiMiapeoting Mo<lore fell into tbe
' trap l-nttwoeecoped freas tbe ibmfditer

tbatcnined. This affairiaknown is tbe
biatory of nonbera Califonua aa tbe
Ben Wright maanrre. Tbe aqoaw wbo
ctmvcyvd tbe dmely waming to ber
white Irienda waa Wi-ne-ma. the wife
of Frank Riddle. Thia fact waa nev.T
fonnd oat by ber people, elae bn life

told many Hmca. When Membam waa
Mtaekrd by the bloodthiraty Seooohtn,
beraelf on tbe ravage
and begged him to apart the life erf ber
wfaite friend. Otben onmingnp, Wl-namaran firrm warrior to warrior, tonIng aaide tbeir wrapom. At laat one of
many balleta etrack Mearbam aatarlem,
and tbe gnw-k witted aipiaw toned
aaide the weapm aimed to ftuiab bU
life, with tbe warda. "Blm dead; no
abook" Secncbin tried to aealp
ebam. when Wi-ne-ma graepod the
knife. Tbe ennged buck atrwk ber a
terrible blow. almoM knccking ber
aenaelem. Again the wit of tbe wtmtan
came into play. "Tbe aoldieta are com-

were lepeiitedly brnki-n. T%c tribe waa
-the prey of inat txadera. contrarloea and
«rf aimoat evesy white man who came
in coptaci with it Tbe only cue erf the
bated whitea in whom tbe Indiana bad
> enufidrace waa tbe late Jodge Elijah
Btcelc. To tbii man they vent for ooanael god Biivic^ bot in ibe lapae of time
they evtdi coaCtenplalcd taking bia life,
' aa in the Indian mode of reaaoning tbe
tethof a Fiuglc white man craaea tbe
wresrga perpetrated by many.
• ' '^len atfimondertbeiriitjarieH, tbe
Morion wen- awakc-ned to fn^ and de^red vengeance « tbeir crpnaacira.
. Tbe memory (d noy detail of the Wright
affair was nevtf allowed la fade. At
every coorrcil Captain Jack or Soar
Faced Charity called upon tbi- vmgifnl
Modoea to rememUv tbe Angun day
when tbejialcfacea bed killed tbeir fatbera and Inotbera. Atla«t. in Jautrary,
10T8, the wbltcain nartbeniCidifciniiB
knew that another Irdian war
Shortly atttr

a peace oomniaaioapr to confer with Ibe rcbclhoiii aerb
flkina and endeavor to make pcoc«. In
tbe moantimo Biddle and Abtr aernaw
men on tbo reoarvatica ooed tbeir inflnCDoe toward a aculcment of tbe diffl•nlty, bat to no effect. Tbe torbuleiit
warriora led by Captain Jaok wear
eo a alaaghtor. When Uw prwee
mlrdoDcr arrived on tbe gruand, tbe
Indiana tefnacd to truat with him. They
did, however, fnaly agn-r la mmuder
toJadge Stecieand two otber

totbemMitaiyoamp. Steelrtbeuagreed
to go alone and InUaricw tbe warc^kt
That nigbt Bterle west throogfa an experienor few men havMaidnacd. White

la AaalnUa the wlM banH are mU
pacing, la anid to
bathe faatMt bona aver bred in AlaA gneB

trottar named Otetoa. by

Obarteaton, S:1A dam by Don Ooamck,
ban abown a mile in
Tbe paear named Devetw by Dtnok
owned ia Canada, te mid to be nry
Mat and ekMoly nanblea bia aha.
Driver Jamea Golden flrat movrtad
tbe aniky at Myatic park Joly M. 1871.
vbao be drove Xrady Allen. 9:861rf.
Mr. Timothy Anglin rateed throngta
Betty Brown and bs irodnce not laaa
than aoven trottera with teoorda below

tbcmr* Then came from tbe nmka tbe
wtoda of an enlieted man, "Tbe man
wbo barma berm kill"
Tbe aame day Wi-ne-ma’a baaband.
Riddle, wai riding bmaeback and ww
ibot dead fnan ambnab by a Modc&
Tbe body waa dragged many mitea ow
tbe trail by tbe tri^tened borae. When
tbe boiae atopped, te bead and dmolderaof tbe copras were eo borribly mntilated that Ibe body

they alept and tbeir bodiea boned in
tbe rade family dwelling. Wi-ne-ma,
oDder tbe cover of darkarae and eladirv
Ibe boatile ntembera orf ber race and
family, made ber way acma tbe deao-

in'l:10H'. wd will proUbly ba the
first t^mwntotive of ber dead aira in

rdanoeand Bariii«.—Fhiladelpbia

tbiag, yon moat moke it.


■me Bevtrai SgteH.

and Pilot. Jr. back, te mid to be the
ben one of tbe age that baa riiown in
Kutnoky.—Toif. Field ud Fbnn.

wltb tbe bat atapding agaiiw tbe «pot
where tbe voice te, and tbe modnUted
■ fareokhig agalnnt it. bow ia
Bttentiw to be fixed opoa tbe aeBnoaf
Tbe mind growt Ux. tbe qniet and
■avrtnes of tbe aaoctoary tend to dtetractiun. tbe bat filte tbo whole vMble ouivoee, and invohiuturily one’s
tboogbta culler npon iL It te awonderfol constneticai. There is a yellow tone
trembling on a long Mem with every
erf tbe wvarvr'a bead, and one
Uiginx to cakolate tbe esn-nl of its axo.
There rar t-nnebee at ftatbaa diatnaed,

oolls. ">4Ddiuapolte JooniaL

nadertaku to manage a ttieater in CiaBobertThberte to pUy Maodoff in
Forbm Bobertaon’a London prodeotion
of "Macbelb."
te reported ne baring
left ftrla for Italy, wbera die will re­

WUacc Barren te to play John Btatm
in tbe dmmetlntion <rf Ball Oaine'a
novel, "TbeChrtetian."



that fate


In New York by tbe 1

yoo am then ie so little of it
left that they have to."—Philadelphia

Kaiftit.- c


um -lyiM,

■•1 vrriM tte Moral ri awa aoradln wlw."
-And SB 1 la ilV- (jereteil Jorkra.. -Kiqie.*Tte BBiM xnrakd. Ttea AUjo IoM ell tepa,
Bnt mid. "Pray, wriu- at Irani ttet 1 festras
To taark tte prratdral to ran tte nr.Tte aasM aroi* and lAlpiiad. Bot tte ami
Be rame aesla and Mwired te IMtos tMpM
Tte aaa>ra uMbom «te vrara by wtedoB tdraC

Bran rar 100.............................

Memorial mawlotiona.

Idoall kinds of rellag. and that I cna
pairing udepamril
ud dogiveyootbe
« best work of sa^
one In tbe city fa t________ .
be deoelved by wbat otbera toll yoB to
toe oontrary. bot eome and tee tor
I gnarantoe all my work to be right,
ud U U dom not prove w 1 make It
8km to till 8 o'clodi every '>vniiRt'‘ka4
exo^ Snndky. ia toe Cteldwell A Los-^
don bnildlag. at north rad of Onlsm


John R. Santo,
Geiiril lisiraict.

Traverse cy, Mto

erui MfMirf Iidiui 1.1

reearded oa the miaotee ef Utemartisg
ud a copy be seat tc the bateavsd temlly and tlut It U psbUsbsd to tbsdaUy
Jdua ScBtxon.
Thtsssa HwgXSUSTKte

Boy a a

ZtoMmi Jely a. IM.

fcnptioas, ud poBltivsly enraa PUes,
orao psrreqoired. It is rnaraatoad
to give prefect estiatoetion or mossy
iWuded. Pries 85 oasts pa bom For
sale be J. O. Johnson and 8. E Wai*.

■■fiflil •All
aeaaaa aae*













b 8




M- lOUPOK. PBettet. Ofccra te l^tem

Tbe Traverse City Baeinam OoUage
ud Norsia] Inetitote offera s 7S deeeka
ecbolaisblp teose third off tbe regolar rates. If yoo dralre ooe of tbsM
aebolaishlpe attend to it at oner, as the
offer will be for e ehort time oely.
Bebool «mne ffeptomber mb at ISO
Ei^tb street.
C B. Dockuat. Prop.
408-e. n.o- D l w.____________
Badnoed Batea on O JL * X

Toronto, Ontario, one fare for round
trip. Sell Aogttf18itb. tstb. ud I7tii.
good to telorn Svpt. «Ui.
Badneed rate* to otber p^ta. Phone
C. E Morrmy. Agent.
C. L Lockwood. ». P. A..
'liaod Rapid

kt tew- oaera aty Op«» BearaBte.



B8B8 a 188888188
aaaa a «a*a«4eea


SES!: 8 8R8S88889


wt-ea o

KOFFAT^teo^ e
OntebMteesrnam. Hrplst ate Stetsg

From tbe ffontb



^‘rraite'^re tram w—cit^, ratraker.

e &. A L

Tbe G. R. A I. will have exesratone
Into Traverse Ct'y as follows:
*a< boMcar (ramDriralteBUn trate.
ADgost SOth from nolnU eo O. B. A
o.a.McnnAT,A«Ba<r By. bttween Bicbmoad and Fort Art^^^rragM»oMltofer»ar*tes- »
srith fatary bnekita are moob favored.
Aagsst lOth from Pesoa. points ClnTbe lawn nfairt walsta are pretty ud
elnosti. Devtoo. Sprinsfleld, X--nla.
dremy over silkormuliateatelaof rad.
hep. 3rd-Ttta Penna. points LooHtvUle. gOUH^WORK WACTSD-ay tte
pink or bine.
Indiraapotl*. Terre Hmnte, Si. Lonia
Tbe Aral five excorslone tickets good
Small ebecka in silks are popolar,
aikd those wMb muy colon are ibe tor tra days
t(ekmost aoocptablc.
good 30 day*.
Black taffeta is ecaroe not beoaooe of
Olaar Amb* U(r «( Orao. aed otter ccraM
exlenaira mlue. hot on aoooont of tbe
Bl*,. E. H. AUya-FrimlriBhBlofk.
prasent cram for oolore.
Q^rrmns WANTBD-lMtra or OoBIte
O Bi»ii(oroBT«omriHrovtoo(3BTrBH.Boote
811k mem* to be the most mpalar for
Tbe shirt waist Mill contiiniee to
worn with skirte of every maletiaL

iinsfu iUKnBttRiii.1

The newoM thing* in



silks are in tbe wsumer tiula, tboae of
tbe "ncntreil" tureing u otep back dot-ing the coming scatxm.
The lAi* bangL'Ts for bolding tbo
back of Uiu i-kirtDicuow made to match
the Is-li. our or two Uing worn, according to tinr « oi.;ht o' the riiin.

On aeeoant of tbe Snldler*' Beunlon
at Arcadia tbe M. A N. E R'y vrlil sell
tickeuoa Aagoitra. 30, 31. ud tteptember 1 at 81 43. rvim l|mlt Septem­
ber Sd oa train* at 0:45 a. m. ud 3:40
p, m. They conorct at Copemlsh with
tbe A. A R. B. B y.
Caictoe_______________________________ _ __

Brpablieu Ward 0

toiT'c* *”.ir*n *Iin wral^
dlymnlM. Aar Si', UtS, *t*o>ieek. to *lm»

Cnuckswiu, (•reriiteiiUof yellower
white oreemouE Iht-(eetiianable styles
in g:ur»umx
Piam Isltioe chedcs are

Tbe maslmnei aonoal ntlotall at
All ooght to tty to find out what they Huilate ](» iuebe*. tin miniimm 88.
Tobooeo aeede are so minotc that a
w«re made fur. Every one has a plaoe
Ttr to flaS Oat.

A BrpobUrae caaco. (or W.rd No. 1 Ml] t
krli *> C. K. B. P. S fteU. teroB* nrnei. M

CiOl »t» Wrai.SoTseteinnmr


aMm — Oa>

B W. RAirnwOS.
C. L.OBCt< lOB.


BBUlpel*. Bra W. P. Oretaor. MMA

t *<>|^k. to yt



repire^ttt wjtbrarral^vjy^

tbimblefiil will fsruteb plaula for u
ae of ground.

aaMraa pomiUe. Every mred mu4a
Tbe Imp slate aensH of UasoMdiaaetta
eased te same apeaSe servioe beridae abows that WoncAer is tbe. aeoend
talking to blm in paAc terma in tbe
fate own bappinom. God made no mu < largest eky in tbe elate.
Gbinook jargon they weae diacm—„ _
simply te bte own bappinom, and He
ll te a curiovB foot that tbe buueybee
. tbeir own tongue tbe adviaafaili^ erf
mvee no mu simply that be alone may
roi never knawn4o tbe Ontted Btalaa
. mnrdfriag tbeir vialtar. Steele nndwbe happy in beavon. He had a nobler
ill imparted fram EngiuA
atood nifflciently tbeir langnagr toi
end in both casco tbu tbe gratification
pveboid hia danger, bot did not betray
Tbe vMo« <rf tbe gnlA eUver ud oopof a mlfltfa spirit. TbereteaDmeearviee
bis knowlealge. Tbe.^>iefafinaUrdeefdte evesy ono in God'a vineyard. Idlers par coined b^ Mexitn daring tbe UM 17
«d to apore bia life 4K oonditian of bia
an not wuted. Let os find wbat God yearsdvamgeaaboot88C.000.000a year.
bringing tbe oommueieoeTa and oomTbe wagm of a Cbinamu in Amoy
wanu oa to do and de it. Let oe do it
manding ofSeua erf tbe troche to oonte
in earaeat ud do it well. Then God are 86 a mceth, wbicb te 10 pa
with them.
will OBJ."
done, good and
Bat far tbe efforla orf the brave eqnav.
«Bt." Oh.
bow glad that wall n


Tpii;; li

At a regolar meeting of Braneh 8t«.
S. C. B. A., -^versk City. Mich., held
OD Wadoeaday. tbe 17tbof Aogaet. the


I bavetettetoM

Nutetoa. Mlah.

Bicycle Riders.

BBADie rmcB.

Ite riolaa Wt«S to n>*l» tte old (btat work.
Bzeowhos terablre mMo tee JorUas otaoks.
Bot to (te sarty aasd aoTi te nuka,
>t vTlMK thoar Tte vtaoD Upped i

ftabicnabte goods for tall wear.

XaBhi‘w,t-le sui^ ut; tbo silk dMigncre in
Daring the middle ages so heavily
bordfiH-d wi-EP tbe Ikhscs of tbe knigiita
A puwu that p;-umlcc* to be among
with tbeir ow-n armor mu] that of tbeir
riders tbatonlyth^largest aMMemgeat the fathUbdUf cure is uf bine serga,
itiiii wiiite uchocs and
animate could b^empl<y<d. Frntemit aprdiqoid
tay* that betweni 6b0 and 7<X) pnnudr wiinoMsI with militsry bmid of tba
senior.—Hew York Tribom.
weight waa oairsod
by a knigifat'a

and poniam in God's plan. That porprae al^d be ondersnwd ud folfiUea

"^^M^'j^l^tbe fatr^prompt
muna to wbleh yoo have setttod with

la TravAboo Bm Jarktea, may hu trite tacream
Voditod oM Btsht «viv bte rite of pmm
Aad me wIHiIb U>««re UtO* dni

Warp priate In light eolm will be

Tbe MPptaida wHl t» in modi larger

Tvared a« If be hud ntw been. Tbe
cniyibingviriUcwbenche hotteranted
tor a UH’tuent teanesher bat of tbeaame
kind larfbvr on.—brw Yotk (ibaervtz.

Dear Sira:—I reeatved today thio^
,nr dktriet managa, W. B. Brndy,
a sbaek of 8» oo. to foU sttUsmant U

U a minteta'a eennons ard too dry.
-.eoangr^tion sboold send blm to a
watering plaoe tor tbe samtna.—Chira-

WHxnxAa. Death has removed from
the family of eor beloved sister. Sophie
Cnlmaa. a brave soldier, wbo died far
away from boma, asd a beloved
ud brother.
Mantfeid tma been atodying OoqneBeeolved. That tbv members of .
Un*B "Cyrano de Bergerac" la Londoa. society trader their beartfclt sympathy
Clara Thrapp te to take ibe road wltii '

bereaved parenUud relatives
Asd be It far­
Leopold Jaedu'a*‘Wben'a KatUdaf’ _______ boor of sadneae.
The widow of Tbomaa W. Keene baa ther

blocks tfau are worn juM now, and lem
erf tbe plaid will be apparent.

tbe preacher as it ix Mirtebed ont is
grotK-viatioD, teit it Htnu a mere d^

If yon woold treak root nelgbbar orf
borrowing yuiir lawn mowa, try borrosrlag hie wbeeL

It mama BUu Terry ia not to leave

atylisb gowuh. as its mle far eswede
that erf uy otbiz material.

«nri tbi-bcrucri. Oecarioimllyticogoca
a m<aneBtaiy glimiee of tte- hand of


The Way They Setflel

Sir Henry Irving. Tbia te good Mwa


with view to


"And te why?"
"Be oalte bia rnoniBg delivc

Twuango Mnga In Mibw atLaScaU
dwing tbe flrat part of next amaon.

ibtre are MalaetiKe uf riLtem. nprigbt
end iiumovable. whwh Mill fonber ob-


O. P. OAHVEB. Affmi

Ton'll neva

yoo on always d^^ npon its being

'Onx baka’s boy lilii^inai
ia his job nowadayt."

-pv.. •• — ■ I•■M'U MWI

A yearling named Sonata, by Bad
Chute, aon <rf Gny Wilkes dam by Bow
Bella. Md.wltb Lead BimmU. Belmont



If yoo do a tUag yoo an ashamed of.

tor aome time bafoe bia apaed waa dia-


dmil Dotbing remainf bot a vtaoe. And

It yoo srant time in whieb to do a

uy other animal on the tmrf.
Kick, cbeatnot gelding, 8:18Ji. by
West Wilkm, dam by Yaaoo, wbo baa
beu winning fraqoutly Is New Eng­
land lately, waa naed aa a saddle borae

Erer Burmed Orntt

find time.

Below te a list Of the boylaff

Lady Pipea. ebeatant mare, fay Du
Wilketa, bra won moreraoea tbia aeoaon
arithoot faentlng ber record of a:14H>
oltbnogh eqnaang it revera! timea. tbw


If totbe pnnall tblags am pom,
only tba immoral paopto kick aboot tba

JXIto, aUo.”lSwRnn. JWc.

Vtx Bia Bra la Cbor^
Thte te what bappeu to tbe man be­
hind tte.- bat Tbe

bdkh (rf nv colored

bbeaao Uak

Marcella Sembrleh atoga a abort
leave hia bed. ^ that lime Wi-ne-ma aon In Berlin tbia mentta prior to brawae aimoat a faelplem invalid. Sbe waa departore for thte eooucry.
on hsportant witncaa for tbe goveraGeorge W. Monroe baa a new play,
m«9it in tbe trial of Captain Jack and
"Her Majesty tbe Conk." by tbe aalbor
" mbcpdlsatecbiefafortbeiiKirderof
ofAiUit Bridget's baby."
Oenenl Oanby and otlm crfBoen, and
Lassen ie writiog u opera for tbe
te tbia abe beiBGlf waa abot tfanogh tbe
cbeet aa abo aac cmc evening by a win­ Monicb Opm Hooee. Tbe Ubretto wae
dow at ber lonely borne. ColooclMraob- written nearly a outniy ago.
am gave tbe little waman chief liberally
frean fate mrana and tbe toldien at tbe
poet raw that abe never Imked medical


men got mafrlod. Jim married a qnadnon, Jofanu

Paacata, by Palo Alto, waa beaten by
a neok by Tommy Brittan at Cleveland

main nntQ Ootober.
latelavabida to Ibe government peat
Tim Morpby wiU star in "The OarSbe waa eiek and taoken hearted at tbe
borriblc fate of aU ber ftenily. bat obe pMbagger.” a new play by Opto. Bead
uevfstbeleaa tKCame the ooaatant and and Frank a PUl^.
devoted naias of Oolonel Meoebam aa
be lay in tbe boqrital leooveriug from
bit aix gnnabot wonnda. It wan II
weoka before the colooel wm able to

nnff Xtondiko-le CUlbool Cbl vary
M tbaengaienMal ietank*aCttM
Beoood Ditto—Very ricbr Say, be wadding Mite to eeme off.
owns tbraa doge In prime oudltiOk
If a nan is Igoonnt and kaowa it. ba
fbnrcBMOf uened be^ almeatbalfa ia u tba rand to wisdom.
bvtrf flovandflO ffoldmlnaa.—Vte.
U a mu gets swiadlad. ba always
ba axpeOed it from tbe start.

• :1A


that regroa and anaugid to give op
tlwir anna tbe following day. Wben
Bieele and hia ooiupauioQa went to tbe
agreed place of tbe wirreoder. net an
Indian waa id eight, and they retained

Bttelft t:10, teatraiabtefAOM
tea yw in AMtria.

ii« opt" abe crird. and tbe nest mo­
ment a deCaehment of Iroopa did appear.
Amid careee from tbe enraged troupers
OataUbaa a 1
a doaen weapeam were leveled at tbe
breaM erf tbe laave ectoaw. Looking tbe' tbepuaont month.
It te mid that Hoyt ia ugagf
moonted men atraigbt in tbe face, the
ezied: "Ho eboot mel 1 tried to aave writing a play far Anna BalA

would have been forfeiled.
Eleven and a half yean pamed. Tbe
Mcdc**t bad bees oonfined by tbe govconment to a djffned nnervatkn. and
treatira were niSl tritb


bent w Ibe deMwtioa of aetBentatte

u (or WbM No. 4 -wW
hrirnuoNr. Lardic'BpoUio wsrabmira.'CBte



wOltewM Baritk
vteete •••

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