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The Morning Record, June 18, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
That Is the Fat^ of Spanish Buie in Philippin
es. While Insurgents Gain
Dewey's Beport Shows 2600 Spaniards Cap
tured and the End ‘of Spanish
Dominion Near.
With Hmt7 AitillaT7 to Bmu
GbmUbubo, tU KiBCBtOB. Jusaies,
That roint Kay be Made Base of OpJahelT.—ItUeTldMt that the Bpaoarattana tar War In Ouba aad Torto
Ur4s d*
iatud to ahandoo the paKloo—rood aad SappUes will be
olbaaa they took when Awerlcaa aat Among Oabans—Thm
rioM war* laadad aa Cufaaa a^ aix
Kay be Ohaage U War Da]
daja ace. Th«y hara baea driaaa InWaahlagton, Jana IT.—Tha praaident
Uad day after da}-, hut ara aMamhllar
aad Secretary Alger appear to hara deaddiUoaal foraaa and ara pteparlac to
ddad to make Santiago a haaa of opeiaake a fraah aaaanlt npaa tha Amariatltas for tha entire Cuban war. It to
Tbara la lltUa doubt thaaa troopa ara freely given out by army offioaiu today'
halac aaat to a oaainaa raadaztout tor that raiaforcemeau will ha aaat Ueaertad attack, either in nwaa or hj aial Shaftcr and th^ will ha ■enough
aicht Burprtoaa. Thedefaaaaa of tita to make the fall of Saatlaga apeady,
>p are balag straacthentd hourly. and to stand off aay help Blaaeo may
Troop, at Manila Haro BMn Thlrty-SIi Hour. Without
Pood-Th.In.utg.nt. ar. Firing Into th. City Itaalf w... mu.i« i.r...iuck .n o.mp
and Further Beaistuioe Beemt Usele/u -Oaptaln>Oenar. HoChlla. and that they
tryiag U
■ al Beslgned and 1b Saperoeded hy Second In Command. bring field arUllary to bear aa the
lAmarieaa position.
Who Countermanded Withdrawal of Spanish Troops.
The Americana bare placed a tbreaTbaia- iacb field gna and a CoUb rapid-fire
Ticca from MaQila via Hodr Kong, aargaatsara gaining erarywhara and menataia battery on tha hill during
state that iBsurgeaU have cap ara bow Sring tato UaaUa Itoall. T%o the tomporary eaaaatioa o^hoaiimiea,
tured the family of (he governor
had now are prepared to glra tha Spaagenena. Aogustl.
laat^ht at which it waa propaaad ta iarda a warm sralooma.
aumadar. baeauM restotaaaa to clearly
epacUl to <nu Moaane Bacoaa.
tseodon. July 17.->-{Speeiai]-Ad.
I. After the capture of Saatlaga
qnaaUtiaa of foodwill be aaat Uara
for dUtribnUon to the reeoaoeatr
who will be fad as far aa Ucy can U
reached. Saattogo wUl atoo be used
Tvo Oenii,
-Anoexation of--------Hawaii
Is the qaeeUon that is taking the attenUon of Congreas; saS
oar attention ia all taken np with the great stock of Wall Paper thsi
we have just reoeived. and the prices we am making is tMHng fba
tantioB of all onr cuBtomerB. Be one erf them.
290 Front Street
“And the Gat Game Back,”
Bot when yon get Window Curtains or Picture Frames of
ns they never come back. We make them up to stay, and
they are warranted.
} Call and Gel a ‘•New Idea" Fashion Sheet, for Jnif.
that are interested
Oeaeral Rfilea waa called before tba
cablaat U report ea tha coadiUoa of
tha army la tha Soath. He atroagly
oppoaad tha
coataforiahie dram
la ooaWforuhie
for sumaMr wmt ahunld sm our stock of
Onba la force. Serious differ
oplaloB as this point may eansa aensaV
tloaal changes la tba war dapartmaai
aoaa. Tba cahlaet has agreed to aead
Oeaeral Snffiald’a Brigade to Leave e,000 more men to Oeaeral Shaftcr at
Oamp Alger Within Twaaty-Toar
onoa. Tba lack of traasaorts was
Xante ibr tha Ooaat.
rcaaaa for soadlng only 17.000 moa on
damp Alger. Va., Jaaa ty
tha first azpadlUoa.
Paffield'e Mgada will leave for Bawport within twaaly-tonr boara. Ibe
HaaUa, via Hoag Eoag July 11—
Spaateh power to eruMhUag to The of blood aad harale aSaeie wenld be
PUUpplnee lalanda. Oaaaral naa and randered futUa by tha lack at tralaiag.
ey of auppUaa aad tha amatla tkoeaaad Spaatoh aeldiart hare uartha forea. The aonaell <
reedarad at Saata Crus. Similar aut- aaaa
rcidm have takaa plaaa at LaOuaaa furi^at thto -hummathm by ■
aad at Pampaaga aad la each case tha ^Uraa" aad ha (tha captaia-canarBl)
raaignad aad waa aaparaadad by >to
loaa waa amaU.
erdate have eoata to move. ThaThlrW’
It to roparted that Rasr Admiral aacoad la aomaaaBd. who eoataraaaadad
fourth to BOW raealrlag tha laat of iu
Deway to uaabto U reaUmia tha iaanr- the sritbdraseal of troopa from the
eqnipmeat aad amtrihnlUoa aad srUl
waata. bet their eemduet to aattotaetory.
Thaytpropeaad ta farm a republic uader Anirle-Amaricaa teUlaga aad hare
thraateaad to vtolt aarera penaltlsa
npon laanrgaata who have baeoBe {
teraeoata. aapactolly la tha caae ofj
Madrid, June 17.—[Special.]—The g^eneral
<-k.i 1.1 op'jilon hors is that a protracted war is ahead,
n u. ..ukiru .1 ik. oud it U uuofflcially announced that the govtownwltknoi».Uiri.lM.uli..lUiim.k!.-------------. ^Qgg
j--------------- . ----------. on the
.f-'- any
power, and that Germany, in spite of her great
uptMioB wkick klUMl
upuiud. u.
IU.; ou.«. j interests in the Philippine lalands, will do
Tk. ».<.«iikk oi Ik, 8,«i.rd. I. nothing in favor of Spain.
ntUrly natreatworthy bacanae It li
old, rettea and has never been tasted.
Tha Spaniards are impotoat with rage,
bewiidammat and deapair. The cafes Xaportad that Oamarab Oadto Ftoat
tealght are crowded with offioen with
Haa Ballad With aa Avrful
Furpoaa la View,
thalr bands la their pooketa, gaping
to Tai MoBiiiTv Bacoso.
vacantly while aa iaUnaittent fusUada
Madrid. Juae 17.—Admiral Camaia'a
to aadlble in all dlroeUoaa
Oarloads of food have baas atCMd ia- fleet is said here to craaist of
side the waUad citadel with the iatontloB ofataadiag a aiage aad dafyiag
tha Amarieaa waiahipa. Bet the Idea
‘ to ridlcuouslyprapoatamafortie dtadal. aa eaUad, to totaUy naabla to
ataad agalast tha fire of a modens fleet
•f warahlpa.
aom be in fighting trim. Ibe Mlchlgaa troc^ are preparing to break camp
under,orders for a foread marek to tha
Potomac. These orders are
U cover tho real louatiotia of tha i
Both tha Michlgaa a
Oeaeral DaSaMbeam
vtamto. It to reported that It has bean
^Irldad at sea and proceeded to different tbamararagimaaubv
deaUnaticas. Amoag tha rai
It hare teday to one to tha effect
that Admiral Oamara’a fleet to baadlag
for Boatoa to. be
that locality.
oaelsl Beport From Dewep.
k*wb xzpsorxn bviisat
•peetsl to tos Monsixu Bscosd.
WashiagtoB, June 17.—Tha navy da- When Shafter«s Amy WUi Be Pre
pared for Actlwi.
partmeut has raeeivad tbs foUowlag
SpselsI to Tbs Hosstsa Esoose.
firas Admiral Dewey:
gton. June IT.—Little aawe
“ChTlle. Joae 17.—There to'litUe
tha West ladles
ehaage la the aitaation aloee my talan of Jonas. The iBaurgaats eon has raaebad hara today, though word
tiaue hoaUllOea uad have pracUcallv j
**‘“^**^ tomasporta being sighted
They have
ovmor ef Baatiago Btataa That
Three Wore XUlad and TwaatyOaa Wouadad U Battle.
BpscUl to Tut Uouuie Esoosu.
Madrid, June 17 —The goverasr of
Saatlaga has seat a cable dispatch
tha Oavammant deacribiag tba bom
bardment yaaterday la which ha aaya:
“Our loaaaa are three klllod aad twaaty-oaa wouadad, lacladlng two ofiicare.
Tba Spaatoh squadron waa not dam-
J.500 Hpubk pri-ur.. -kl,fc
tk.lr IWDZn Off OUBAMS XUnx«ATBX>.
Korribto Attrodtiaa BttU ffiaetioad
r<" >«»*•
By Bpaalards.
upon their arrival. Sunday haa ^^tD
eat time. Twelve a
lo Tu HOMUS BaoosD.
an Importout day ao far U Ua war and
■ad la the bay with r
New York, Jaaa 17.—A Jouraal Kay
board, under guard of tba aautral a
West epaetol aaya the
some lively davalopmaato.
of'war. This to with my parmtoalo]
The news of ths ealUng of to war patch beat from aarthera Cuba hriaga
"Tha health of the aquadroa cm
that OansnJ MoUaa to haeribly
from Cadi* to hardly craditod
^ wM axeelleaV.
mutUatiug the bodlaa af dead CobaM
........................ that they
“The U
aftw every eugagvmaat. Buadrads of
ara headed fmr Boatoa.
: firtd today. Three •armaa, two BrltSpaatoh regulan and velaataoiu an
lah, one Preach aad one Japaaeaa mea•kith will bs ka/ok.
«f-war are now la this port. Olhar
OimfroaimaB ffrom Fifth litomct Of-1
Oermaa man-of-war are expected.
forad a OommtoalOD.
“Tallewlng to a oorract list af SpaaThalr Fay Ml be Faid.
apocls) to Tu Meuuo BscoMt.
tob vesaato captured mod deatroyad: Da- Bpvcisl to Tu Mosnse Rkohd.
WaablegtoB. June ____ It has baoa
Oamp Alger, June 17.—Adintaat Lm
atrqyad—Two protected cmliar*. fire
■eoaetrusuport sutod ia. private latten from an afflear L. Ilarray called 6u Kajor Bogvn. payaad one atsvlag veaael.'beUi armed. of tha valuataar army bow la Waahlng- maateraf the brigade, at Wasblngtoa
-The foUowtag were- captured: 'The toD. thal.Congrswmaa William Aldaa reatorday aad was asstuvd that tha pay
would be attended to la a oaapls of
liaasport MaaUa aad tha guaboat Cal- Smith has bees offered a
aa major la the Thirty-fifth Mtohlgaa days.
No Peed for ibiitr-SIx B
" apMisl toTa^Mosjctse Sacoap.
KanUa, June 17.—It to ae«
volqptearu. aad haa left for Detroit to
Paris. June 17.—It to a
A«epL Oongraasmaa Smith had Uti- M.Babet has asked uatS
mttad to Oaloaal Irish that ha wanted
dadda whether ha wUl or wUl .aM at
ga to tha freaL
tempt to form tba aahiaat
aa low aa dOe aad upwards to SS.M at
On acaoBBt ef aa aceideat to tbo
electric power system used to oparmia
the preaa of Thu Morxixo Bccobd tha
paper was delayed la balag printed
- morning.
Sxooraion to Laland.
Tna slcaamr Tiger will
euraion to Lalaad Suaday, oaaaaetlag
with tha M. A K. R train Icariag hara
at 8:io la the mqraiag. Tba round
trip on the lake will be fifty oenta.
Tba boat will leave Lclaad la time to
>t tba train raturalag from Hi
tee in tbe avcnlug.
For This Week.
200 pairs Children’s Tan
Shoes, lace or button, size
S}4 to n. Compare with
any SI.25 shoe sold.
200 rairs of Misses’ Tan
Shoes, lace or button, sizes
1114 to 2. Better than lots
of Shoes at ^1.50.
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.
Regiflar $3.50 goods,
Many other special prices
on good shoes.
We want yonr trade.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe House.
Wa an again ready, with a laig*
stoMc bf lee. to deliver tha same to any
pan of the city.
Maple block wood atoo for mla.
TetophOM No. M.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honse.
nUI V ^On
Ulf 1^ I
Niagara, Roanoke or
B^cle. Elegant new line
119 Front Street.
Strong Points
Are our $6.98 suits—competition price is
$9.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong point
stock is going down, but there are many bargains left.
Tbe sooner yon come the better selecttons you get
T. J. HOvST,
Friedrich Block.
124 Front Street
With aU Ue U
WUIhe«SaoBUl-Bkwawv«.<««ai«elbeO.*W.M. Brnm-vtore IvUJ totMdp
fcrbastDvuTite-ctaT. JuM4.
All Work Guarantocd-Prioaa RIglit
150 pairs Men’s fine Shoes,
in Vici Kid. $3.00 goods at
$2.-50 .
HoUo7 & OoBiiBUf
H. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle Mail.
A Slangliler Sale
Summer Capes and Jackets.
We do not wait until the aeaaoa to eutiraly over, but we are nady
now to give the benefit of ear reduced prteee to oar patovas oa aeaeemable goods.
1 lot of foney Braided Qapea, reduced from BS.OO to fil.TS. Fine
hl^ art imported Silk Ohwb. alahocatoly trimmed, reduced frem $6. •$.
$Uto«S.S5AOandBn. Broadcloth aad Serge Oapta, ailk lined, ivdooed
from B4 and SS to sum. Ladies'Jaeketo reduced frem BS.bO and S4.W to
S».$5. A lot of old style Ladles'Jahkeia, forumr priem from S5 to Sio.
aU go at ime. Mtoaaa* Jaeketo redueed from S4.M aad $6 to BS.75. Spec
ial rodneUoaa made in CbUdran'e Jackets.
We muet figure os apace for full arrivaU aad we do sot wtoh to
carry over a Slagle Bumaaer garmenv Oall early before the aeleetioa to
The Boston Store,
Pront Street
raetoriMatOadiUaejnrtU Bhat Bvwn
Bad (ha Bmpleyaa wiU Onaa to
Ttavana <»ty Jnaa SBrd.
nut m c»*n •» n*
OaaUlac la entering Into the ^lU of
Ikm W««
Bldd«^ Th~ .f Baocahoa Day with tha right Uad of
tel. T. BAtm~A^3. W. HAOn. Thm Vrom XmT«rw City—Xapin enthnalaaaa. aa the following, froa tha
WM tb* W
Hawa and Bxpreaa, will teatify:
A W, SAMm, Kaiu» Mtd Muttffw. BUtw o<
B«t VM Having a Boa4 Brcparad
The Billa and faetiwMB pf thia eity
ndUd to Oat tba JoO-Woik Will will be eloaed on Theraday of next
week, Jane 83. ia order to peralt their
B««tn in a Waak.
employee U attend the Maoeabea eelaTbe eoatnet kaa baaa let for tha
at Travarae City on that day.
MMttmotion of tba naar eona^ bnlld- bratloB
An exenraloB wtU be ran from thia city
toTraverwntyonrthaABB Arborroad
CadUlae at 7:45 la the ntoming,
lag oosmiUee yeaterday and tba fal learlng
for oaa dollar for the roaad trip, which
lowing an tha aBMoato of the aariaaa will be aoeompanied by Harrington’a
J,-T— at tM rwuSM M .TnmM cnr. btdt and Ue blddan;
Band and the Maccahaaa of thia city
A. E. WUaoB. Tnreraa City. S».7S1 00 and rielnity. Oar band will he a ooa0««. LaUer, TnaeraaCity.. ».M3 00
I Kaylre SUtea. Kalkaaka.... td.8«4 00 teeUnt for the prim offered for the
Pranae A Mohska, Grand
and tfte OadBapida....................................... S9.909D9 UlacdagrM team wiU rateat for the
T. limltOB. Tramaaaty. ■ ■ S0.0W 00
Jaa. Bowaon. Grand
S6.990 00 prize offered for the beet ialUatory
work. It ie qnit^ prebeble that Ue
J. E. Glbaon. Loganaport,
ll.«..................................... 38.74000 ananal oelebratloa will be held ia Gad.pira SUtea waa tke lowaat btddor, Ulae next year.'*
by >«8&, bnt^ he did not bare hla
The Wylie Cooperage Co. of-lntCrboada igjwrfa^ with hia bli. tha ooatract waa awaidad to tha next lowaat loehen will enapend operaUoSs for the
bidder, which waa J. E. Utbaon of day also. U permit the workmen to at
tM awarding a ooatraet for aaek an
Ind.NMr. OibaoD had Ua tend the c<
ntewira ^eee of work aa Utat of Ue bond, to the amoant ot *30.000, with
The mUl at BlUworth will alao ahat
popyonad ooaaty ooart haoaa it la not him, aad preeeated it with hia .hid. down for the day.
I that there aheald ba
WhUe Ur. SUtea had no regalarly exeeated bond, he named the aarcUea
It la
lathe I
.Id effer. Proeecatiag
eoaa^ waa Attorney Tweddle. bowever, maia- *ehn Aah Haa Sacorod Bxpart Baker
itraet far »4«S trined that the call lar bide expreaaly
Ohllged to award the
•ore thaa the lowaat bid. Bot aa the etipniated that the head ahoald aeeoatJohn Aah, who recentiy psrchaaad
•ram of the call were aot atrieUy com- pany Uie Wda and to let the ooatraet the City Bakery of Jacob Cals
|IM with by the lownt bidder. Ur. to Ur. etitea, apoa the p
made maay aUraeUva impn
Btllea, there aaey be ao alUrnatlTe.
•nly. wohld be Ulegal, there aboat the premi■laca and added facUiUce
adrieor of the ooaaty decidod fore the ooBtraet waa awarded U tha tor a oeaalderable laereaae la the bnalSkat ta aoeapt a bid which wae naxt leweat bidder, aa daacribed.
naaa. Mr. Aah wea formerly oae of the
ly the ragelrad
Oikaon atoted to the Bxooap trm ef McLellaa A Aah. ooa
the latter of the that he woeld leave for Legaaapert and ia a profeaaioaal candy maker.
It for blda, woald bo Ula- today and ratarn U aheat a week, baa added the maanfactare of coafec
BBl. thaafora the eommiltee waa wbea he woaU begta the preUmlaary tlona to tha baalaeai ef the City Bak
obliged to let tha oMtraet U the aexi
to Atari work on the ery. Be makaa every kind of eaady to
J. E. Glbtompt the fancy of old aad yoaag. and
atm, the ooBtractor who aecnred the
i the new oOart the bakery part el the '
>h, ie aboUderof loagexperianoe ia
M Win be oomplated aboat
>Iy added te. He haa
jrfiBilar work and than ie every raaeoa tret of next March.
aecnred the aervleee of e ftrat cleaa. ex
•0 axpeet that the connty will have a
pert baker, la tha peraoa of Joha May
elaaa atrnetare. Ia tbte eoaacoer. who served aevea yean la the big
Sian, theca are aereral bat elaaa praola Chlo^e, aad
Stanl baildera la the eity whoae experalae employed eaveral years tt the bak
iMoe ia aaloable, and the eeleeUoa of
ing bnaiaem of Eohlaaat, wbaae baking
ia eempata^ to aapariat
is the largeat la the weak Mr.
: baaiasaa
She eofwtrneUaa ef the bnlldlag ahoald ;
Meyer k a ekilled artist la faaey faakiag
feO the care of the cea»lttae.
i of every deaeriptioa aed there is aothtag tor the table which he canaot de
WANT COLUMN, j vise aad there U ao elaai of baked
iTUnowpcaeticnUyaarethat Spain I
will gat ao help from the powera of I JfyMioateaewbMTvewaBt
J goods which the Caty Bekery ceaaot
■nrepe. Thia aeeua to ba f^ uaderTrjifutaTMiMiL ; I eapply at short notice if it is not al
Jlaod la Madrid, now that Oenaaay
ready on hand. Ueoda are delivered
hit derided to remain atrieUy nentrnl.
prompUy. end Mr. Aah ta ao eanTetlc
a rigilanee ia t^
that his chief aim is to pleoee bU
tatareata ef German aabjeeu in
tomere. A visit to the City Bekery. 331
miiy^nea. With thia hope gone it
Barry Wataoa of Holland is la the Front street, will be both a pleaeore
«PBld teem that Spala oaght toeabmii eity.
and a profit to everyone.
Ip the iaeViUble and eooa eoau to the
Joha Tenish came ap from Honor
Dr. Frank Merritt aad J. F. Celllna
•Pflnal n that ahe can ooaelade
with a etriet regard to her | Mrs. G. B. McLeUan went to Inland of Charlotte, passed Ihroogh the city
yeeterdey ea-roaie to Keab-tt-wanta,
Mr. Bat Spaia beetas to|Thnraday.
I farther reeiatnace ia ad- j T. G. JewiU of Chicaga la regiatered where they will eajoy tke aceaon wUb
tbi-ir families. They will havaflnkhed
Ptable. However, if the Uaiied Sutca! at Park Place.
F. R. WaUia of Uread Bapida, is ia baUdiag and some repairing by
Wto send a Beet of warabipe
«p nttockSpaalah coast citiee, that na- thv city.
first of Jaiy.
N. C. Hickey errived ie the city frem
Bop may flaaliy he brongkl to her seaggp and Ua^t that farther resktence Chicego yealerdny.
JBnlsat a righteoaa cnam k falUe.
last Bight
Mrs. Fraak Winnie went to Bingham
Mki GlUett of Old Mkaton k in the For year toonoy? Tkafa what yoa get
wbea yoa employ Geo. R. Wiaale—
of Bnttona Bay Waa
H. Baekee ef Barker Creek was yonr moaey'a worth ia good honest
Shrown Fren Bis Wkeal WbUe
la the city yesterday.
OeeaUng and Serionaly Bart.
Wm. Cole of Bingham waa ia the
Opposite Eagle Office.
On Tkareday evealag Carl Baathaa. dty yaaterday.
kookkeepar tor U £. Bakle of Sotteas
E. W. Bnbbell retaraad tram Interaerionsly iejored.
lochea last night
popatlng down the biU from Omeae
of Otaad Bapida.
when he wae thrown from hk whael k spending a tew days ia the rity.
By Boue obetracUoa and
M. E. Strong went to Eiagaley yeaOB of Ue brain. The latest re- terday on baatawi.
parte from Sattons Bay yesterday were
Miss Perry of MaahvlUe. k the gaeat
to the effect that he waa aUU aaeca- ot Mr. and Bra. A. D. Sqairea. She
pctoaa and waa aot expected to recover.
I wae anmarrled aad
Joha E. Beau and wife of Lalaad
were In the city yeeterdey.
Geo. Parkka came ia from KorthVAITIHa FOB XB8T&U0T10VS. port yeaterdsy on boslncsa.
A. L. Joyce and Alderman Jahraiis In consequence of the enor
a Iriab WUl Ihreet 1
went to Elk Bapida yesterday.
mous success last
of Becnittog Squad.
S. D. Penatennaeher aad wife ef
Kingilsy. were ia the eity yeaUrdey.
Big Bapida, Mich.. Jaae IS, 1808.
evening of
bCon-Mno Becoaii—Wa are nicely! O. J. aad Otto Powers came over from
.^aertered here In Big Baaids awaitiag Elk Bapida to attend tke theatre last
iPPtracUoas frem Geaerel Irieb. Oar
«pders were to eomc to Big Bapida aad
ftoinn to Ueaeral Irish, which we have enjoyed “Mlsa Fiaaeia of Yale" ta
dema, and ka woald give os further ia- 8tetoberg-s last night.
Mrs. B. P. Eltoo will leave today to
Ptnotloaa, which we have act as yet
ypcalved. ao we de net know whether join her hoshasd at Midland, where
Ihe reeraiUag detacbmeat will go to they will make their home.
M. a Dodge west to Klagsley last
toe towns separately or in a body, bot
Bight and delivered a leetare in the
wiU probably receive
Any or tomorrow. The detoU coaakta Blackmaaeckoel hoaae, near that place.
J. J. Jamesoa. who went to Port
at Lieateaaat Milner of Big Bapida,
Tr^ of Haakegon, Nalaoa of Kaais- Bareo a* a G. A. E. delegate to attend
ton, Beech of BiglUpids and Wood of tke re-anloa, retarned leal night.
Mr. aad Mlaa Wlllook, who have been
frinveiee City. Lieateaaat MiUer's
toother died last night, ao that haa eijeylagefewdayevklt here, retarned
elnppriT ear work here to aoma axtoat to Ihefr heme in Chiesge yeaterdsy.
2 extr% performances will be
hat will probably be able to fill op bare
' hy Monday or Tnaaday of next week. from Calkinsville. where he was called
WUl wire yoa whee we rvoelve oar L
A. W. Bash. Ihe architect, arrived
totsolleas from Oenaml Irish
from Gyaod Bapida yesterday to look
JoHK A. Wood.
after tha plana of the new court
Mrs. Joaeph Elbe, who baa bees vieOne Paid, the Other in JeU.
Hiag with her ekter, Mn. Fred Finch
YMterday moralag Fred Avery and i.f t'aloa atreet. retarned to her home
! Judge ia Grand Bapida yaaterday.
m aad plead gaUty to 4
J. L. Gibbs aed ebildrea. Marion and
_____ They fiaad *5 aad *1.36 eoata
Harold, came op frem Mayfield yeater•Hh. Jihnaen paid hla fine, while Av day
eervt^ 10 days la )aiL
tm&TXBeE orrr. •
. *. aBartfor nroiuTA wttL
Want Work
Special Notice!
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
and Night.
Cheapest nod mo«t relubla {daee to get yonr bicyele repaired and
put in go^ nmning order. Hfive had Beveral years experience and <
knoir bow it sboald be done. Bntishetiem gnaniiteed. I am eeUing
8 St about cost. Nr and se^i^ hand wheels for snle
and to rent. Piease give a* s trial.
ELU0,311 Eront 8L, Xm».
"PooxiVe Caxv
S\vvt\ YDaivsts.
%AVt thtvT own
Oneea of the Lakan ViU be Provided
With Sevnnty-Fiva Xacandeeceata.
Dpoa ika arrival ot Uie ateamer Pe-1
toakey oo her next trip north aa engiae
and electric dyaaoM will be received by
Oapt. A. B. JohneloB for the ateamer
Qneea of the Lakea. Thia wlU make
a great ImprovviaeBt to the ateamer
and afford aa electric ligbUag capacity
ef 76 llgkta. Ae the ateamer will be
M her
need fer daaelng parUra largely mi
excainkma Uia aammer, the elec
Ughu win make a deligbtfal' -Hd.
te the ether coavealaacea of the boat
Captain Johaatea i» atroogly eonaideriag the plan of keepiag the (Jaeen
ef the Lakes here thiaaamsaer for the
rakia beaiaeea. fnatead of taking
After Foarteea
•aa Teara
xaara u
ia tne
tke nnoe
Baal I
E. HeNamam.
are. tbe
the shoe
ahee dealer,
dealer. baa
deeUad to dlaeeatlane the aboe beataad ia preparing to eloM <
H. Will Di,c™to».
tk^ ijkon AT* sntVi * ofitc tM evn *Vov tgon some
pT^\et^ SHVt\ >0*1*\ KUlerUV ^ V&ne seen
^\s sesson. bVs s Ume ^kt nVeert
\6 andi \&c.
nAten ^ see
s*^ ^
VY 6 (lO UOt
to the combination
And we file not obliged to «eU meet at war prices. tTe bsT* •
eorn-M stock *od enn fernub yon th*
14 yean. WkUe he will eloae oat
Ua shoe baaipeaa ha will net leave
Tmvsiee Qty. He haa etber laterasta
here which will occapy hk atteaUoa.
Bingham Bros., Frost Street
J. M. Tsrwilliger and srlte, accempankd by aevarel friewk, attended
''Mina Franck of Yale" la Steiaberg’s
last BighL
In the
u said of people wbo
are np-to-date and are
recognized wherever
lbe>- gofortbeircorrect
Ige of life and
P^le in the swim
people wbo
Teacher ef Violin.
idto M at«
Oprra Hoobf,
b^'i Ursa« OtPTTS I
hecaose they axepoited
on what is best for the
Orw HeNwMn-. She Stare
t t
lam otrenioe
Astidutai. for
■*ML wUihovt
S^oaad. LmMaad^i^m^itrtrwrpi
«uae >at«aaatcmUBcextnrtuiB«^.
feet There are lots of snch
2,559,817 pairs of 5BLZ s
made last year alone.
In offering yon these shoes we dedaie
them die
in the world for die
money, no mattwr whether
prirw |g
,1.50 ot I5.09.
In the way of Summer Hardware is our Ice Pichs, Lemon
Squeezers, Grass Hooks, Garden Trowels, Ice Tongs, Axes,
; Watering Pots, Foicelain Door Knobs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors, Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and '
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you will
find in our
Hardware Stock.
turn Uni£CHP8EM
ala* tnm> b*r *
tiwer tbu am
of ■ totol Wrtftt
La*t nicht tb* Voonrlu*
fwolllon n**r obore ood ari
poBRd chantM or aunfoloa over Mom
€no» Mer* on th« Spanith Bat- cuUe. aimed to de^roj tb* Spoblak
torpedo boat* moored bchlod tbe bin.
tariM That Guard 8anti*
Both cbanree dropped Into tbe w»ur to
ai^ do Cuba.
tbe ploce de»lred. u no m>ort of the
,explo*ioD tras beard, erhieb It the case
alM guDootton explode* In water. Tbe
DEATH I other of the three charge* hit Csio
Bmlih and exploded. When K exploded
■---------------tbe enlraoce to tbe harbor looked. Is
..w o««,k»»«.. F,..., ww.,
- Reply in Their Ueaal ls>
cSectiTC Style.
It’s To
Your Interest--^
XaddOU Volka Bsppj bf Tbalr ]>•.
lifhtfol Xstartaiommit at tb*
Womaab dab TaMndajr.
Many brirkt and
Vrama have been r>*«B doriac tbe past
jcsr by tbe WeBaab Clab. bnt eertsia
»®“* *•*« *>“0 more enjoyed than
^ Ibe ose aivcn yeaUrday by tha *' clnh
cbUdrea.” Imat
Lsat Jnae the club for Uh
flret tine obserred ChUiiea*' Day. sad
it waa each a aacceat that it waa dea crater big enough to hold a church ddadtonakelta pamaaeat featnre.
bloa-n out of tbe elde of tbe Caro
Tbe brighuieee of the day aeeiasd to
be refleeled in tbe faeee of tbe cbildrea
yeatcrday, aad a prwuier aad bapplar
lot aerer fathered aaywbcre- A double
of anall chairs waa plaoed
I fttr them in tbe front of tbe hall, and
ii» I
June l-.-In the way of ; the reet of the r«on wai filled by tbe
To look up the offer we make to close out^odd sizes in
suits worth from ten to fifteen doUars—Many of them
going in the seven-fifty and ten doilar lines-If you find
a fit among them it’s your luck and saves you money—
Look it up.
ir. ?,isT s's
“sLiir i v“
aelalster of roaDne. has ntumed Cram
Cadis ard ha* started for Cartagena,
n Is asaerttd that an '-ironcUd" which
baa set yet dgtirvd tn any published
llxt. form, pan of Admiral Ca*na*a-e
; gpettlve wau of »-ar gave «** to d<j T^^i apprehension. The offida:* are resting t Tbe profram of nuaic and recita' aecun In the beil. f that the madnee at t<ona wa* carried out na given in yea, Onanianamo can easily maiouin ibem- ‘ terday'e (Ucuai> and
perfecUon and
‘he m.«p* arrive and the 1**,* shown by the little parUdpaaU
1»“riu.!?rto'Dew*,*r“i^ tV “*
Parla June 17.—A dispatch to The , Urd* m the city. The ota.ui* in the
ngaro from Uadrtd nays: ”Captain » er deporunent do roi give ..ut any
Aunon'a visit to Cadlx waa with a view
Infoima’l.iB ax to when Oeneral
g at sea with a
‘:r‘U”,c«n«. exhiJ^Te"
by them It U evident they w.gid not
I be surprised to have some veo' UnporParts. June !7.-The European edlUon '
There was
■ •" -rhlMiin of feverish activity at the
New York
~ tbe ...r.O.., Herald .a,.;
-The ;
department, ao pron-.unct-d
•uncid as
as to
saasdroa saUod at stinnse on atitwct attenUon ewn in these stirring
Wednesday, but returned in the c
renewed elTofto
j were making I comnkte tlie vqu
Admiral Sampson Issued ordi^rs last
aigbt for another botubaidment of the
Spstslah batteries this morning. Cof.
Sse was served to tbe men at 3;S0 this
t for the actual movement, snd what has
’ been and is being done in that dlrectlnn
| *• merely preparaioiy. If General Miles.
I •"
ihoughi to be pr. lwbi.', recom-
.lih u. n... b>u.h 01 !
• '“r""-
the south' m scab nrJ the n»w camp
at Prmandina. Fla., will be made ready
for the reception of the additional
tronpa. The offlclala have been fore
handed aa to this camp, profiting by the
experience gathered In the esubllshmeat of tbe two great camps at Chicksmruga aad Camp Alger.
The navy detartment haa aest to tha
battleship Massarhusetls
breach mechanism for one of the
big 13-lncfa gun* of that sh'p. This wa*
The Vixen snd due to *-report reaching the depart
Seorplon took up poalUons on opposite ment about s week ago that the breech
flanka. clo*e Inshore, for the purpose of one of Ihe gun* wa* out of order.
of caflladtag sny Inlanin' that might The new mechanism will be delivered
Ora «poa tbe ahlps. When the ahln*
idllV subgot lato poaltloa It was still too dark
Ssr aay flrlag.
dawn they were called quietly to quar
ter!. The ships steamed tn a S.OOOyard rang!, when th y closed op Iw.adalde on until a distance of three csbio
lengths separated them. They were
atmng out in tbe form of a crescent,
the heavy fighting ship* In tbe center,
the fiagshlp nn the right flank aad the
MaasBchusetts on the left flank. The
‘o prophesy that
la the year* to come tbe Woman's Club
will not lose In Iniereat and force with
To Leland
Is just tbe iLInr
honest and up-'
have reduced tlx- .
a few oay* oa *
celebration, aud if i
Ibis liae come ia anu
We can plesae you ic - yle. qn.. y aad
pnea. Our SI IS Vlci Kid thee* are wihaers. Oar (1 34 CboeolaU cloth top sboea
are beauties. Our Ttc women'* Oxford!
aell all over for SI 50. and our Ofieaboes for
men and women are warranted all eoUd
good wearer*. Come and buy tbeeg
‘ ‘•^gbl- and altogether ebarmin,
»«*rrve to fall back Upon.
Ooa of the irat delightfol fcatni
,f ihe aftemoAi was a
*“•** l>“rf** of Chicago, in aouiuon
11* being among the foiwmost kUderI gartners of that city Mias Durfoe has
experience a* a home mlaalonary
worker atnoag the children la Trxaa.
and she gave a little talk from her kin
dergarten experience* there that kept
the smiles and tears of her anditars
cica* at haad aad was enjoyed by
young and old alike.
At the oonolaaioa of the program
•onveair bag* of delicious borne made
eaady were distributed amoae the ebUdr«n, to be Uken home with them as
funhar ramladen of a happy after-
Ercursion via M. & XI E.
conaectin^ with
A. S. Frj man,
BtpUiliif Don Eon. 'TS'g|“st“
Str.TIGER. Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
On Carp Lake.
If im Francis of Yale " is decidedly
original and tu lu^ieroms altaaUoac
aad auggeetioBS were eajoyed by a
in bUlnb^’s Orand
evening. Mr. Glrardot U the dentrwl figure, but not ao much ao aa to
distract frt» tb* very clevar work of a
oarefully aeleetad eompaay of talented
people. The piece 1* decidedly new,
both in iu eoDoepUen and aeatimenl,
At (:S a. m. the New York opened ferod rather sev.rely during the first and it is bnllt cxpresaly to aainse.
With n hroadslde from her main l>al(eiT action off SoBiisro. and that two of tbe ; In thU regard It U what ajar
nt th* works on the east of the en lilg gun* were disabled and a gunner
t-rmsd > hnwiln* ______
a howling sueceea. a*
trance to the barber. All the ablpa Ulled. There wa, no iwsla for tbe i “
followed la red alreaks of flame. It was ruii>or Vyond The disordered breech
» <»»•»'
a magnlDrent spectacle. Though the met kanism referred to. .
| exploalre atat« of
gun Captalrs'hsd been cautioned not to
I* dealgned
waste ammunitioB. but lo fire with de- SUK-KAI>E
____ UATca rOKT. i
ig pui
Bbetatlon. the fir.- was ao ranlJ thal 'called male. r-Mxal Fall, to Have the
as th* ridicnloui aitoalions which crowd ;
there was an almost continuous report. i
Authoisiie. Map iler.
A Strong land
shore esr- { jnnxstpn. Jamaica. June IT.-rndhy- one upon tbe other atv cal'-ulated to
tied the (traoke of the ships seaward. right. l»S. by AsBoclatcd PresH.]_The iaviu tbe keenest appreciation from
While it let down a thick curtain in
Wont of the fipjinl.h gunners. The .Spanish steamer Ihirlslm* Concepcion mirthful standpoint. While the action
llo, left of the piece cxcitca the moat intense
J>0Ba responded aplrif-dly at first, but '
with food
thelr,frenxled. half-erased, fire cou*d j Klrgsloo ai I o'clrxk yesterday mom- I eDjpyment. it is of the kind which
aat match tb, cool nerve, trained sge* ' log. uklng a westward ciutse. Tbe call* for the higher cla»» of comedy
aad akltlrd gunnery of tbe Ameriiwn jcolonlsj auibnrlllr, ignored tbe protrwt ---i, <rh, nirere wni k. «r—
aaltorslet i:„i,ed Fiate. Consul Dent a* not
. \7.
EUtssa Mlaatm Data for One Battery,
based -m SulTulent evidence, end gave •***“ **** »**«*'■«*
• matinee at
Our fire was much more effccUve , «hv ship her clearanre. The Hurisiraa *:«>•*« this evening at popular prii
^n in preceding bombardments. In ! Conrejtlr-n arrived at Klnfmton In tbe
.sTteen minutes onswestem battery was I latter part of May from Mantanillo.
rr the dtrecUoa of '
•ooipletely ayecked. Th# Massachu-!*'“• a ei«nl*h eo-uml#a*rlat officer
Prnf. ilont is an additioDal attraction
a*tt* tare a gapIngWole In the emplace- i diagulse sckina supplies. She had alatent adth a LlMD-p.>tlad projectile, and : ready on l-ruird a large amount which the audlenca is quick to appreciate,
tbe Trxar dr ppsd a shell Into th* pow- , hsd been obtained elw-w here. Hut at least night the new mosic admirably
fier magaxlne, Tbe expktlon wrought K g-ton si e tegan ai once tu Ukef1«ur. execBled invited eathneloallc applaote
Urrihle havoc. Tbe frame was lifted. I eom and rice, purchasing In all t.WKI after every aeleetion. The oroheeira is
the sides were b1na-n oat and a shoaer I ‘‘Sg* of '‘orn from Jamaican merchants.
Of debris flew In every direction. TVte | The cukmlal authorities were IB- also a material old la tbe aucoeasfal
of the atUacOon* at the
lose of life must have been great. The • formed by her owners that clearance
haileries on the east of Uorro were | peper* would be asked for a non-block- theatre.
fearder lo get at. bnl tbe Nes^’Wleans : aded port, like Slanranlllu. on the
crosaed Ih. Inws Of the New Toric to : south coast, t'nlled ftlate* Consul Dent
eriUiln po yards of ,h ;re and played a ' tn*d» repre«-nt*tlon# tn the government
Bargain matinee of Miss Francte of
tattoo with her long 8-Inch rifles, bit- ivf the Island agalnsl the vessel, and a
ting them re-p-Biedly. striking a gun careful Inquiry was Instituted, the an- Vale in RtaiBberg'a Oroad at f:S0 thU
aqtiarely trurzlr on. lifting It off lu thorities i.rnmlslng that If Dent could afternoon.
tranlonsurd srnd'ng It aw'-epingaumer- furnish specific pnmf that her captain
Dr. Oiunaa, who vislu this city every
aanitf high in ihr air,
Untended to run for a blockaded i«»rt
I-.______ I they would refuse to alh.w her In load.
«etb, srin leave bis home in MaskemttT KFAWIHH r.i N WANHii.n(CeD. This Dent .».u1d nm do. although he was
gOB in a few day# for a moBlb's recrealull silli Hill rtreiili Amsae ths Km. tburallr certain the vresel «as hAded
Ba.1 H.veAp,reJM.;.
1 With food for rcanco. There I* little
Train leaves 8:30 a. m. Boat
retaming leaves Leland aboat 5
o'clock p. m.
Fare for round trip on boat
60 cents.
John R. Santo,
General Insureece.
eo tost lot. small boass. fias localloo. tab street, raa b* boagfet for W.
to foot let. good dwsniag. pwrswaod. m dewa asd «K psr tmth aat’l paid tor.
44 acres three mllsa sooth aad west frew the city. Laad good. wvU watarsd. ysaag or
chard. TbIsUaWgalatareBlySljee.
Baltimore Suiek Broeived Three Times a Week
ojal*. «Oc p«r quart
Standanls, 30c per ^art ^
213 Front St.
FletcHei's Ofster Depot eeil BestieraOL
Traeara* City, Mlah
Pi McNamapas
I Great Shoe Sale I
I Going Out Of Shoe Bysiness!|
fc„„. „„„
will lie run to Nc-oh'
xg tn order to allow ih- sno.k.- to cl.wr detail- d a fast auxiliary crulaer lo eapl- ta-«raau tqiaorrew nftersooa by the
ro« the batteries. Wh-n the order I ure her.
gneen of the lAke*. leaving the dock
am* at «:» to reasr firing evr>' gun i The rariUln and nfllcerB of tbe auxllS o'clock, retuming leaving
«f the enemy had been alb need for ten i"0' 'rulrer Tusemltc f< cl foolish and raaort at 4:3o. There will be ai
lalnute*. but as the r<;itp* drea off some ,
thoreugbly vexed. As the Yosemtte
Of the Spanish courage returned and a aprr<«i«iTr<«>' hei1
he.1 ISrt
isn lloyai *h<int S o'clock oheatraoB board.
, yrelcrday morning sbe pnased a large
"Mlm Fuaela of Vale” wit] be given
balfdosen shots
ucre fired stritefully
uhusctls and Oregon, falllnv
going out. No attrmpi wa* at! matloee thia afternoon, at 3:80.
tn tbelr aakia At the dose of the *< - '
J'* as<vria1n her name, hot on artiee a Btreara of muIU-colored flag*
^'■■'‘ '>»-V..#emlie captain learned Pricte will be S5 cente to all .parU of
Snated from the n*w York genernliy ‘h**
"ni.-r ua* ibe FurlslmaCon- the bo(M. The performaace will be
ting the ships, and espadaJIy
The Yosemllr, with utber repealefi this eveBing In Steinberg’a
ig the work of the tTexos and t Amcr.can - rulreiw. had been especially Grand
popular prices
Kew Ortrem.. The men of the New Or- 1 Jar’ll-*
««*mcr a* she
Jeans raised a cheer, which
aewUS aad llowa* la llrM
qaSckly on from ship lo ship, ur.lll every
Jackie In the licet was bowling himself
Kius-hed n Fort lo l-lsem.
Waslngton. June 17.—After devoting
Kingston, Jamaica, June IT.—The Tex .n hour yesterday to the dlM-uasloo of
Tbe dcsinictlnnand death el the west as. Jlarbleh.nd and ffuwai..-.- w.nt up the MU restoring
loring the annuitire
annuities tu tbe
ern baltcrlM must have been appalling. the channel lo the Inner bay at
1 tVah|«ton band* of Sioux
Ilaay of the guna liul bren mounted
lUBwd the coBsldao days. Prom this It
> Inccrporate tbe
«• . . . . . . . . Admiral Cerver* hud , imu oroiu, me
anu eirlhw'ork i ‘O'cmsiionai Ani.-riian hank, A test
given up all hope of cxtHcniing himself at tbe tertnir
<■ niiatitiinamo I
anMndment ciesriy Indhated that
Cron the trap In which he la caught. I railway. It la
majurily rrf the senate favor# the
known w hether any
and had removed th.- guuS from aome Of SpaBlards
Spaniards wcp
were killed. There were nu it.carure. The liawallsn ivaolutlon wo*
............Ml our aide.
received from the house. Some kills of
Admiral y.vmpson la highly
no general Importance were passed.
Whaa Did TbU UappeaT
gratified with the rrsult, of the bom
The deficieucy bill wasconsldered yes
Uadrtd, June 17.—Cerveru caldes that terday by the house, but was not dia
bardment. He think* the wci.m bat
teries rrarUrally deroallKhrel. A, ,cm, a shell from an American warrhlp at a ler, vl cf. It protobly will be taken up
of tireguh* on th, eastern batteries did high clevattou atruck the Vltcaya, but to.lay and parecd, uifle** the private
fire he think* it puasl|lk- they were owirg to her excellent armor the Span calendar la urged.
ish cruiser was nut damagt-d. [Acttirdthat Ing to the must uUable dispatches there
Is n.. cunimuniciaon belwem Cuba and
XiesteBani HobsoB a
Plltsburg. June 17.—The annual scale
conference of th* Amecluan Window
OUa, Manutacturers* aas>KrUUoB aad
CMteei* of Uw Kaigbu of lloaaa
WashlBgtnB, June 1*.—The Kalghta the Natloftal Window OIam Workers'
kBcwn when this dlspslrb It of Hunor yvsterday elected officer* as aaaoclatlon began yesterday oTleraocn.
____ Judged frem a pcatUlon nior tbs
Supreme dictator. J. W. ^ early eettlement l, not expected, as
gagahlp. which during the bombard- Ooheca. Phltafleliibia. ra-elect*d uaanU th* worker* are demanding on advance
' with aeTtrallnterrupcloBafiredtai xnously; suprome vice dleutor. John P. of from 10 to IG per cent., and th* man
thirty-five from her l-lnch gnna
Elberton, «
Ga.; aupresa* r*> ufacturer* have Placed tbemselvea on
record agaluat any Inowaa* ever th*
at Crum bqr 4-lnch guna and thirty- | porter, tt F. Nsiean.
wages of tbe past year.
I wi'l cwmmence to close out my rntire rhoe stock, and
^ to that end wm make prices that wiU insure a quick sale.
Ky Btock Is deairable. The repu-ation I have gained
re- since in businesa is I believe of having good reliable goods,
Today it is made up of goods made by many of the beet
1^ known and most reliable manufacturers in the country, and
re- purchasers will not be subject to imposition in the way of
buying cheap shoddy goods, supposing them to be the best.
A great sacrifice I shall make as the determination to
close out my business at the earliest time Is sufficient reason
for me to make these closing prices within the reach of all,
and hence these
great reductions.
-re '
Everything goes—Hen's, Women’s, Misses’ and Child- :
ren’s wear, including Rubber Goods.
To early buyers the certainty of getting just what you
want will be the best.
Goode to meet tbe wants of everybody—the farmer, the
mechanic, the laboring man.
Worthy of mention is a large new line of Ladies end
Gentlemen’s strictly up-to-date new goods which I will sell
at greatly reduced prices,
: One Door East of Hamilton Clathine Ca.
That ta to Say tha Sti^ Un>
ploacantnatt of Thirty
Odd Yaare Ago.
VoBlffomcry. Ate.. Jana 17.—On Twa.
day nlctat. a«%-en nllea north of Watiimpka. WUiiam Cardan and bte vlfc,
an old eoapla, and WUUam Carle, also
an old man. ware murdered and their
house burned to conceal the crime. C*r>
den hoarded hit money and the thies
were murdered to secure It. Wednesday
8ol Jacknon, t<ewli Bpair and anothsr
B were STreated for ihe ciiine. LaU
yesterday afternoon a ens d »f 6M men
■, niM Alaaota* OU Oimrr from the nelybborhood of the crime
M»M Ttrmpt Oa BMar U • Cathered at Wetumpka to mob the pris
llaaanaBl — Laa
Laa^ oners. Eince thej: had been in Jail two
of the murderers. Jackson and Speir
Carla Maoi'a T*aap. aad a
eonfemod and told where they burled
a Oraat Harra I'adar tfaa <
the money, tl.aw.
OaaMarMa Oaaant.
The moh broke Into the )ali about B
W«ibtn«ton. Jucr 17.—A apwlal
o'clock, bat was unable to c«t into the
Sbc F«»t trfm Ten i<r„ PIa., aay«: At 10 care where the nrtaoners were. The
O’clock last r.t«bt S.coo he»M aad mnlea sberirr telerraphed the rnvemor for
troopa and about ninety of the fomer
; hroke from tbelr corrala and otampeded
members of the mllUifrcompanies here
throofb tbe eatnpo tf Ocnerai Carpen- left on a special train. A few mlnutaa
ter*. lirlnda. It waj impoMlUe to lean after 1 o'clock word was received that
Otiff It ta to ana n» It -Ihat gtfiiuda
would be more imelUgllds were them
any evidence that Spate te making ef
forts which night place her on more
•qual terma srlib her advenary.
' tt’hlle In Vienna the- hope is held out
to her that by making peace Immedlately ahe might main (be PhlUppinrs
with the escepilun of a naval base for
Ameiica. It seems to Iw thought at
Madrid that tbe pTrmreci of inum'aUonal difflcuttles about the I'hlltppini
cannoAVT oeapieb dt eotobt
If ftrr man wri» hurl. Tlie panic amons
• tbe irn> «a» vriilolr. ('(Brera tried to
m t or '-.nihanl.a Into Use. but ttat
armi ul wild liorac* nadc tbat Impcaal'
Many mm Uran sbootlnc at tbi
eadted animate, but tbte only eadted
them more.
Tb« boraaa aaemi'd to be aiuacicd by
tba tents and they ruabad tbroneb tbc
. brlcada of ibrae n«lmaoU and tbaa
back asRlD, taklns a different couna
«acb ttma
aenl here yrelcrday marked a ebatuer
In history strau^e im oincldenrcand rw
markable In surroundlncs.
yean ngo on the plaaxa uf one of the
hotels of this city aat a aoldler es-preaIdent. while the eitlsms of Jackaonvlils
paaaed and re-paaaed.marking ihepres.
cnce of a statesman who bad made tbc
laurels of a victor unfading forever by
proclaiming over a sea of Mtumen
“L*t us have peace." tateiday
ffrandwn, as a member or tbc staff of
General bee. stood within a few feet
of tb« earns sjoi, reviewing an army of
soldlen la blue, veierans who had op
posed each other on the batUeMda.
and thousands of Pleiidaaa marching
to do honor to a Confederate soldier is
braose who viewed with tbe cold eyes
of tbc past s living chapter of our
current history.
A regimental band
from Ihe lrr-1 of tbs 'old Tankees"
aiepped pr
y to the atralna of a
march ani^ • JI Glory waved la tba
•ontbem b
te Old Glory.
The new l.;.kee» from North Caro
lina and Virginia dad 1b blue. too. took
up the echoes with ths spIrit-stlniDf
refrain of Dixie. Behind trooped
«1d Federal velerans.and then came tbe
old Confederatr* under (he Elars and
bars, floating peacefully beside i
surs and stripe*. A federal army
Jacksonville marched amid tbe plaudiu
of tbe people of an extreme southern
sUte past the reviewing stand occupied
by a !.ee and a Grant, under
of a lUrriaon. whose father was «
federal general ai>d a Rej'Uhtlcan prestdent and of a nephew of the vice
president, to unveil a mo
rated by eK-Cc^fifederaiea to tbe Confi derate who I* dead except on tbe
pages of history,
nummary of:
ThrsuEh the streets of a euulhere City
tramtwd an airay tn bluv. Ivd by l.e«
hi whose ium<- and fame te cuncen. trated soulhem history fr-m the begin;nlng, and at Ihe foot of a pedestal that
lifts up the typical southern soldier it
tbe reverence of the ages stood a Sartrrla who l» a Grant to us non; and a
herrliuin at home with the people from
whom his anceiiore sprang. The south
and the west and the north marched
thre.ugh tbe streets—the boys in bine
flom llllno'*, New Jersey. lo«-a Wigs’
conaln. VIrgInis and North Carolteabrolber* all Mve as they are rivals for
tbe first plare In tba chsrge and tbe
last In retreat when they face the en< miet of iheir native land.
rtae Weather PIsaM Ike OflIeafS Gate
UranI I’laualag AasUter BaUla.
Chlckamogus Park. Ga.. June 17.—
Tbe commanding offleers of the amy
tlvely of the Une weather to pm the
commands through various drills and
Insiruitlon exercises and every rcglBienl al ih' park was drilled yesterday
from Ihn-e to Hvc hours, t'olonel l/et.
chief uuartern-aster. has In-cb a verr
busy in»i! rince Ih* tmop* Is-gan to ar
rive at the park, and yet hi* work te
only fxlily under wny. lie suiti’d yes
terday ihat nnlwUhstandlns the numer
ous Rhipmi niH of wagons and inulesthat
have arrl\<-d, the reglnu-nt* are only
partinlly providad for..al W»l one-hslf
tbe waiton* and team* alioMct the regl*
of the TMviftb Ulnnt-s<-(a r>-r1xiii-ot.«h"
was i-n W--dne*ila>' nnirlnuu-d by th<lusloniM* ..t Hlniie*ota for Kovrreor.
did n>.l know of the actloii'-f ih-cmvenlion unill he **w the puiK-rs ye*ti rday
morning. He has not been ofBclally ootined of hit nomlnauon. To an Assortaied Pros repn-seniaUve he aaid tbat
he had ivilred from poUtHs with hli
mind made up never again l» seek any
pollU'Sl honor. He added that his aeccpinr. <• of the honor »<iuld depend up«n the reason* for his nomination.
Brlgsdler Uen*ral Grant ha* not yet
been irnnsfem-d lo the First army
corps, since no one has reported to re
lieve him of (he command of the Brat
dlvteon or the Third rori«. Antlctpallng
(hal he will remain to comn>and of the
dWIsJon for some days yi-t be ha* begun
to pVin another bailie iiroMem which
he bnpe* to have the division execute
withlx a few daya Gemral Grant has
enUrvIy recovered from ihemneaawhldi
has kept him from active work for tea
_________ :
tea Wba IWaka halter D. Wsrdea SbMild
ter Haagod.
Pawturket. It L. Jure 17.—Patrick
Oarke. of OntrsI PbIIb.. hr.* eppajtcd
attorney tn . nter objection to the
commuling of the ai-nicnce of death on
Saner p. Worden to life imprisonment
. Qov^erRn<U.rfCal0.rnla. Clurfce's
son Patrick, a ntrmlwr of Battery U
Firth anllirry. of Califurnla. was killed
g a wreck nt-ar Sacramento In lltei.
Tbe train which be and.-olhcr soldiers
.m- guardlni- wa* netted ly tbe
striking employ • «'f the Souhi.rn PaeWe Railroad «-omiiany. Cntain striktried for » retklng the train, i
____ ...I_______C_....L
TT*______ .L
who was con\irt(
worked to save iVordeD. and President
Cievelsud wrote* Qoveraor Budd la
Worden's behalf._______________
boie^oe iteieibt.
PrasIdMil Gate Na 1 uf Urn laitas M«w ta
tke Maefcsa
Washington. June 17.-The ffrat bond
issued under tbc new loan will be regietered In tbe name of William McKinley
and will be for tl.OOO. The president has
tlied bte application, and although It te
not the Brat received It will be the flrsl
honored. The aecmary of the tTvosury
will use his dlscTi-ttonary power and
bond No. 1 will go to the president «f
tbe United Butea_____________
_________________ _____
I_____ ...U4^______ ___________ Jl
Fata otVas of HI* Geaeiwls la tbe rblllg-
SravenrOlty Market.
_________ "
fit 72
WasUngtoa Bo long
« as
M Ii«>e iwo |ww-1 c'neese per m ........................................
era t-oncerned understand
rstand one i
another I OaU per bu (old)..................................
there Is nothing n
e to be said. There , Core per bu., old.................................
te an amusing audacity
.city about the at-]
at-, Sait
aall per bt____
tempt madeau Berlin to show that the ] Bran Mr 100..................
auapitious entertained at Washington : Potatoea per bu................
are due entirely to the malicious at-{ ourue kSTESOPTkan
tempts of the English pres* to aow dls- <
senston icifcen the two cxmntrle*. Thla I Wheat, old, per bn....
te an old (rick of congneutai powers 1 Wheat, new, pe''^°--shen they find It diflIcuK to explsia {Oata. No. l.oerbu. (ot
awsy either thrir words or their ac-icora. per bn........................
tions. • • • Ourdear German frieaite I Bye, per bu................ ..
really presumv K- far up-.o the world s Buckwheat..
Ignorance o^credullly^______
WIU Nol'lMy 40 (>B1* for Digging.
Bpringfli-ld. Ills.. June 17.—The operalurs of Vlrd*n and the Chicago and
Alton mltiea south of Eprlngncid. will
dorr their mind* raiher than i>ay 40
cv-niB per ton lur mining, under the
drcirlon of the state ImsnJ of arbltrsThe opersturs and miners of tbe
istriet Imih made aitplicalloa lo
laard for arbitration on tha
wage question. Tbe only way for lbs
operators to escape tbe payment of 41
cents per ton was by <'ioslng down tbelr
mlBCB. and thla (hey did>HUdle-or-4hs-lt
Hlnnea polls. June I7.-The “mlddle.*.ih..raad•-road"
Wednesday from tbe sute convenllou
met yerterdsy under the guidance of
Ignatlua Donnelly and decided to put
a full state ticket tn (he Beld In oppoaltien to tbe fusion ticket. U. C Long, of
Magnolia was nominated for governor.
Msavy Pallsre at Wostss.
Bootoa June 17. — Announcement to
made of the assignment of the Boston
Woven Hose and Rubber company. UaUlinea. UJW.008.
Bad maaaffemeBlkt
I people
and plan
ahead eo that
Ohteaffo Harksa
'•Senor Sagasta dlsplayrd great agiutlun while reading the telest disjiatcb
from Manila
tbe contents
spondpnt of The Blandard says: ‘The
news from Manila te most unfavorable,
and has rosde a cnrre*i<oodlng Impres
sion. Serious misgivings sre felt regsrdlng tbe fate of General Monet, st
the head of A strong column operating
at M-me distance from Ihe coast. It te
said Ihat many foreign rewldents, with
tbelr fatnllies and valuatlea have taken
Horse Hotel.
Liierj, Stic and Feed Ban.
Hr. R Retebam of Pike City. Cal.,
says: "Durinff my brother's late sick'
neesfrom sciatic rheumatism. ChamFiraPelaaa Riga. Bverytbisff new
Beriain's Ikiu Bala was tbe only reinedv that gave him any evH-f’’ Many and ncaL Rates aa reasonable as any
others have teatiCed u tbe prompt re Aret-claas bare in tbe city. Give naa
lief from pain which this liniment af call and get onr pricea
fords. For sale by S. R. Wall. Drur
Bndbun t Vlsebinn^.
Attoreeya at Law.
B. J. Morgan,
On M. dt N. E. R. fi.
Cough Remedy, bya frleud, who. know
ing sue U be a poor widow, gave It U Q M. BKOWN. Attmwey ass Ueaaaausr at
ma I tried it. and wltb the moat grati O. Lav. Bpaetal at-aauas H. eaOaeUaai
‘ ioaTsraaclBg.'liirrMlBt
fying resnita The ftrat bottle relieved
me very moeb and the eeoood bettle
hae abaoluuly cured ma I have not
lUao te Prebatr praetles. nsawsi
had as good health for twenty yean. to, Here!
Reepectfutly. Ura. Mary A. Beard.
yxODOg A oov
loraailav. <
Ctty Opera
.Want Column.,
if yon dost see w Sst you waal
Tf) t.Vut Ad. TNTUIf.
All baiggage, bug and baek worit
for said road ahoold be left witii
Office 239 State atreet tele
phone 3. All orders left with me:
will receive prompt attentioD.
6fud Ripidi ft iBdlut L I
btesGa, 'Ptow*. faoaas asd s
..The Record..
HrrWTTBB. A««^ at Lav. Bpsetel
ottseUiw total titla*.
f-\ f. MOFFATT. Abwnrto of nUa I
t./. KwaloSDdCoi
soaif Rl-wk.
T A. TKOMPflON. H. n OSm Is BsmilMs
±4 A
BIwk^^Hoors. » lo II a. n., t
g •cibstroet at tf
If You Have Logs to Sell
•yofwa i^^rwgnPLy^FP-We cm help
of which
have not yet been given to the public."
London, June 17.—The Madrid vurre-
tbe VBlM of
Bicycle Riders.
OAes* Is MoatagM Mock. Trsvwrasntr.MM
London. June 17.—The Madrid correPost aaya:
If Boyooinow
and really Intended lo kill an Ameri
can oAclal and not a German. He bad
a notion that he bad lieen Insulted by
aoms Americans, and psprra found U
bli helonslngs after his arrest show
that he inlrrded lo harm Colonel John
Hay. the I'nited Riatea amhasoador.
whose residence te situated near the
Gorman emhaasy. Trodd mistook this
teller plare far Colonel Hay's bouse.
Remember that I do all kinde of rm
He found that it was an embassy and
apparently concluded Ihat It was tbe Mlriaff BPd enamellnff, asd that I eaa
and do give yon the beat work ^any
baadquartsis of (he AmeHcM ombaoBy.
one iB tbe dty for tbe mosey. iTlae't
n^ftstea la Kaasaa.
be deceived by what otbera tell yon to
Topeka. Ka*.. June 17.-Tbe Popultet tbe oontrary. but ooma and iM fsr
state convenUon yesterday renominat
ed (hr wbole suu ticket from govern
twkrantee ail ny work U be riffbt,
asd if it doea sot prove eo I make It
or down.
AirbiBon. Kas., June 17.—Tbe Demo rlghL
cratic convenUon yesterday received
Step is tUI 8 o’olodt ererr avaoiaff.
the Tvport of tbe committee- mpv..n.ni. exocFt Sunday, in tbe Oaldweil A Loor with tbe Populist committee dos boUdlnff, at north end of Dnlo*
p of the
state ilrk-i. TbslalreeL
on the make-Up
t Popullstei
cemmUIre reported
Kfused to allow them tmre man me
Ueutcrant govein-r. It was at obm
moved tUst the rules he auaie-odrd and
that all the Populist state nfflrlals. In
cluding IJeutenufit Governor Harvey,
be nominated. The motion r*fried. Sft
to Cl. and the popull*t olllrlala wero
declar.d n.-n-inat.d.
The cuDvenUon
than adjourned sine die.
1 was eerlooaly alBioUd with aeouffh
Bsoagb to Have TbHr llnaoraad Haves
Good rbaae* ta -<illatb Uowa"
tbat TTOdd (not Toddl. wbo obot and
wounded Ooufit Arco-Valley. te li
June 17.—Wheat—June.
S(«c: July. 7iHe: Augnak WHn SepUmber. B8>*c; December. (UK«4Ulila
Core—June. SlSc: July, 9lNC<f3Sc;
SopUmber.kfHe: Deermber.
6ats-Jnna stKc: Jnly. UXc; SepJ.ir.paiehuir
Umber. SOHa
Pock-June and Jnly. W.dA
Grand Baplda June 17.—Wheat, 8»a
Erer Burned Out?
London. Jana 17.—Tbs pollca boHevs
table tine.
[iaa win keep a
in's Colic. Cholera
bottle of Cha
and Diarrhoea Beaedy ia the bouea
tbe ehlftlesa fellow will wall uatil aeoealty eoBpele It and them ruin hie
best boru going fur a docUr and have
a big doctor bill U pay. bealdee;
nara out 32 eshu, the other ia ou
d doUare and then wonders why
plan'l* la Doobi -|lo|>e« of Oermaa
spondenl of The
Xha MBS Wha Mat I
'Phta^OMK ur_____________________________
itself he te ready b
Below is a list of tbc buying and selllnff^giw^:gaterdBy for
bring the I'nited biBl<t> Inin a mood CTMClty:
BBLune Pkick.
more favoraUr for. negotteilons
hope of trouble about the Phlllpplnea te Olear Pork par bbl,
fostered by the action of Germany in__________
sending a fifth wamhlp lo Manila TbslBhortCat
Short Cat Pork...........
oonsnlar reports are singularly Inade-j short Cut Pork per ft...................
ouale. bat so fsr as can bo gatbersd i «©*,. H L. A Co. beat..............
German shipping and comraeroe,though ByeVloar. B. L. A Oo. Beat..
incrraalng. have not attained dlmcn-1 |fen), H. L. A Co Beat...............
slons which would explain thU ; great | paed, H. L. A Co. BwL..............
display of German strength.
I Bgge per dos
••We are SJwured. however, that Ger- lOodflahj
many has nothing in view beyond tha | £«rd per
mm RAD NEWS zv
Heart Scmathlng from Manila
That Makaa Him Faal
Cnieago.June 17.—E*-Oovemor Fran-|
ds M. Draka. of Iowa baa resigned as
rresMeni of the IndlanA imaote and
Iowa railroad. A apedai meeting of the
dlreclnrs elected Oenetal Manager T. P.
Bbonts lo succeed him. Drake te under
stood to be in III
Correapond with the Traverse City Lumber Company.
We have for sale Good,
Trvteaarriratioa OlaelsoaUl, Oraa« Baa
Ids aad Feieekey at I iW a. b.
rr«.n.Warae.OmifBapUa.Oewe(i aad
yasTKo-rifieso v
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
refuge on BrltlMi. French and German
war veasells, while other have left for
Chlaa end Japan.
O.L. LOCKWOOD O. F. A-.Oraad Bastie
uniRi lunnnuiui LI
as taka asset Saaday. Jobs m, lOT.
oo»o aonTW.
Madrid Kditor* Are Barprised.
The Madrid press expresaew surprtas
that the archbishop of Manila should
Imve tett the rlty at aurh a manent,
unless It Is true tbat he wlabes thereby
to signify hiB disapproval of thereform*
Captain General AuguHi has promised
tbe natives la the boiw of checking tfai
spread of the InEUireellon. Most of the
paper* express a f<«r that tbc neziBew s
will be the fall of Manila The whole
question In the eyes uf tbe Epanterds te
whether Admiral I»ewey can prevent
Agulnaldo from pushing on bostlllUtw
agalnxi Manila until the American retnforeeinenis arrive since, otherwise. It
Is suri>“»ed he will hsvr to allow Eun-t-esn war vesa«'l* to roHiperate In ths
<!iiiir-m task of malutalhlng order and
v.iving UsitUa from tba excesses of ths
(■rriMM iRl-rrealteD Is Fodtag Avsv.-Pl.le Ii-dsa I* the fact that
,...--io,'..,.f R.,<
ran Interbua- . . .1 Unjr<^l.,-c:
hoegh there te a
kiwnlla 1 regret
to a.> 1' :i- Ih- |jt-«* campHlgu against
the I n-r. i ,. .if i ileg.fl Amerlcsi) eorrespon-hm* am! I.n-..iih <-".rivSi>->ndeOW
In B|U In *■ -ns i,- .l-*ve found an echo In
hiph quart. ». It Is hardly fair or boaorable. h..» -ver. to dm- tine- them aa
•gple* in ertlfv lu , *. u«r ir.-Mm B t which
neither Aiwul.-a n.-r ihigiand ever ex
truded (u any S|u-nlvh .v>rrvsi>ondeBt. El
Imparc-tel a*y* ihe government will
BbMtly take steps agslnsl -A-nertcan
gples residing In Madrid and the pro
vinces who pretend u> be I:tigll8b cureeanond.-nts ‘ *'
Mill Machinery of all descriptions, inclnding Two Engines,
Het Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Ice Cream Friers, Screen Doors
and Windows.
.“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
(>l4MlMloB.forMi>. WlUia^uolao-l
<>oorgeBod<l«v. Call <w or aAdre— F. F. H*4Um. m Wasklagloo wt- Tra»viqe Ctty.
BB if
a rgW OOOD U»0 M
A CTtyLiuaborCo. 1
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badishee, Bhuharb
Freeh Every Day.
■Phone 167.
K vaawa. Tiwivts*
T^B BALE—A gocnl «0 arriv or vUI
f elty Tvoporiy- J. W-PaioblB-
•mi-1 rropoMla.
146 ITront StrMt
170R BALE- Ob* mi eal
J ot Bov»ni Whlltag.
Igwmaat Advaaeed Thai Hpaia Mm Now
IlWM- Kawagk (w- UasM,
Lond.m, Jiini- 17. - The Ttmes this
New CbapbilB Appsiale
morelBg In an editor al which emb d ea
BprinirfleU. Ills.. June 17.—lov. TanBtr has alnavintvd
Rev. Horace W. I the view* of its roreign
Bm m. Chicago. U succeed Kev. Frank oays: "W'hlle in Vienna cenatn prom
IvWi-t Talmas* as chaplain of tba inence Is given to tbe argument (hat
F«xmd reglm-iiL illluuls vuiuntiera Bpaln bat dc-ne enough tor buour and
now -endfxvi u«*d in Jat-keonviil.-.n»,; Might now to sue fur peae« upt<u tsrma
, Cbsr;*!' P. Wright, captain of cviuqmny wtalrh It U peri aiis loo baatUy
B. Becond reglmetiL and J. F. Brbeync, tbs Unltad Buua would grant, tba
adJatoBt of the Flral battalloa Baoond
Notice leberohy steea that Male _
v(U be **esl«*4 uaUl July II-• F *-• *w all la*
her av4 aalarial tor a nrhool boose al OM
— doa. according IB pUae aaSHvciaraUoas
on Bleat my sIBro at OM Mleslea. Ta*
right to rvjori aaj sad all bids ta tsopreed.
BBbbt UatMX. Dtrorwr.
Sr 7"
S4B Front Stroot.
with Bari, ttia Jwwsiw.
tf oShatM Juweuo^ taka UlTwtfrS
That Is the Fat^ of Spanish Buie in Philippin
es. While Insurgents Gain
Dewey's Beport Shows 2600 Spaniards Cap
tured and the End ‘of Spanish
Dominion Near.
With Hmt7 AitillaT7 to Bmu
GbmUbubo, tU KiBCBtOB. Jusaies,
That roint Kay be Made Base of OpJahelT.—ItUeTldMt that the Bpaoarattana tar War In Ouba aad Torto
Ur4s d*
iatud to ahandoo the paKloo—rood aad SappUes will be
olbaaa they took when Awerlcaa aat Among Oabans—Thm
rioM war* laadad aa Cufaaa a^ aix
Kay be Ohaage U War Da]
daja ace. Th«y hara baea driaaa InWaahlagton, Jana IT.—Tha praaident
Uad day after da}-, hut ara aMamhllar
aad Secretary Alger appear to hara deaddiUoaal foraaa and ara pteparlac to
ddad to make Santiago a haaa of opeiaake a fraah aaaanlt npaa tha Amariatltas for tha entire Cuban war. It to
Tbara la lltUa doubt thaaa troopa ara freely given out by army offioaiu today'
halac aaat to a oaainaa raadaztout tor that raiaforcemeau will ha aaat Ueaertad attack, either in nwaa or hj aial Shaftcr and th^ will ha ■enough
aicht Burprtoaa. Thedefaaaaa of tita to make the fall of Saatlaga apeady,
>p are balag straacthentd hourly. and to stand off aay help Blaaeo may
Troop, at Manila Haro BMn Thlrty-SIi Hour. Without
Pood-Th.In.utg.nt. ar. Firing Into th. City Itaalf w... mu.i« i.r...iuck .n o.mp
and Further Beaistuioe Beemt Usele/u -Oaptaln>Oenar. HoChlla. and that they
tryiag U
■ al Beslgned and 1b Saperoeded hy Second In Command. bring field arUllary to bear aa the
lAmarieaa position.
Who Countermanded Withdrawal of Spanish Troops.
The Americana bare placed a tbreaTbaia- iacb field gna and a CoUb rapid-fire
Ticca from MaQila via Hodr Kong, aargaatsara gaining erarywhara and menataia battery on tha hill during
state that iBsurgeaU have cap ara bow Sring tato UaaUa Itoall. T%o the tomporary eaaaatioa o^hoaiimiea,
tured the family of (he governor
had now are prepared to glra tha Spaagenena. Aogustl.
laat^ht at which it waa propaaad ta iarda a warm sralooma.
aumadar. baeauM restotaaaa to clearly
epacUl to <nu Moaane Bacoaa.
tseodon. July 17.->-{Speeiai]-Ad.
I. After the capture of Saatlaga
qnaaUtiaa of foodwill be aaat Uara
for dUtribnUon to the reeoaoeatr
who will be fad as far aa Ucy can U
reached. Saattogo wUl atoo be used
Tvo Oenii,
-Anoexation of--------Hawaii
Is the qaeeUon that is taking the attenUon of Congreas; saS
oar attention ia all taken np with the great stock of Wall Paper thsi
we have just reoeived. and the prices we am making is tMHng fba
tantioB of all onr cuBtomerB. Be one erf them.
290 Front Street
“And the Gat Game Back,”
Bot when yon get Window Curtains or Picture Frames of
ns they never come back. We make them up to stay, and
they are warranted.
} Call and Gel a ‘•New Idea" Fashion Sheet, for Jnif.
that are interested
Oeaeral Rfilea waa called before tba
cablaat U report ea tha coadiUoa of
tha army la tha Soath. He atroagly
oppoaad tha
coataforiahie dram
la ooaWforuhie
for sumaMr wmt ahunld sm our stock of
Onba la force. Serious differ
oplaloB as this point may eansa aensaV
tloaal changes la tba war dapartmaai
aoaa. Tba cahlaet has agreed to aead
Oeaeral Snffiald’a Brigade to Leave e,000 more men to Oeaeral Shaftcr at
Oamp Alger Within Twaaty-Toar
onoa. Tba lack of traasaorts was
Xante ibr tha Ooaat.
rcaaaa for soadlng only 17.000 moa on
damp Alger. Va., Jaaa ty
tha first azpadlUoa.
Paffield'e Mgada will leave for Bawport within twaaly-tonr boara. Ibe
HaaUa, via Hoag Eoag July 11—
Spaateh power to eruMhUag to The of blood aad harale aSaeie wenld be
PUUpplnee lalanda. Oaaaral naa and randered futUa by tha lack at tralaiag.
ey of auppUaa aad tha amatla tkoeaaad Spaatoh aeldiart hare uartha forea. The aonaell <
reedarad at Saata Crus. Similar aut- aaaa
rcidm have takaa plaaa at LaOuaaa furi^at thto -hummathm by ■
aad at Pampaaga aad la each case tha ^Uraa" aad ha (tha captaia-canarBl)
raaignad aad waa aaparaadad by >to
loaa waa amaU.
erdate have eoata to move. ThaThlrW’
It to roparted that Rasr Admiral aacoad la aomaaaBd. who eoataraaaadad
fourth to BOW raealrlag tha laat of iu
Deway to uaabto U reaUmia tha iaanr- the sritbdraseal of troopa from the
eqnipmeat aad amtrihnlUoa aad srUl
waata. bet their eemduet to aattotaetory.
Thaytpropeaad ta farm a republic uader Anirle-Amaricaa teUlaga aad hare
thraateaad to vtolt aarera penaltlsa
npon laanrgaata who have baeoBe {
teraeoata. aapactolly la tha caae ofj
Madrid, June 17.—[Special.]—The g^eneral
<-k.i 1.1 op'jilon hors is that a protracted war is ahead,
n u. ..ukiru .1 ik. oud it U uuofflcially announced that the govtownwltknoi».Uiri.lM.uli..lUiim.k!.-------------. ^Qgg
j--------------- . ----------. on the
.f-'- any
power, and that Germany, in spite of her great
uptMioB wkick klUMl
upuiud. u.
IU.; ou.«. j interests in the Philippine lalands, will do
Tk. ».<.«iikk oi Ik, 8,«i.rd. I. nothing in favor of Spain.
ntUrly natreatworthy bacanae It li
old, rettea and has never been tasted.
Tha Spaniards are impotoat with rage,
bewiidammat and deapair. The cafes Xaportad that Oamarab Oadto Ftoat
tealght are crowded with offioen with
Haa Ballad With aa Avrful
Furpoaa la View,
thalr bands la their pooketa, gaping
to Tai MoBiiiTv Bacoso.
vacantly while aa iaUnaittent fusUada
Madrid. Juae 17.—Admiral Camaia'a
to aadlble in all dlroeUoaa
Oarloads of food have baas atCMd ia- fleet is said here to craaist of
side the waUad citadel with the iatontloB ofataadiag a aiage aad dafyiag
tha Amarieaa waiahipa. Bet the Idea
‘ to ridlcuouslyprapoatamafortie dtadal. aa eaUad, to totaUy naabla to
ataad agalast tha fire of a modens fleet
•f warahlpa.
aom be in fighting trim. Ibe Mlchlgaa troc^ are preparing to break camp
under,orders for a foread marek to tha
Potomac. These orders are
U cover tho real louatiotia of tha i
Both tha Michlgaa a
Oeaeral DaSaMbeam
vtamto. It to reported that It has bean
^Irldad at sea and proceeded to different tbamararagimaaubv
deaUnaticas. Amoag tha rai
It hare teday to one to tha effect
that Admiral Oamara’a fleet to baadlag
for Boatoa to. be
that locality.
oaelsl Beport From Dewep.
k*wb xzpsorxn bviisat
•peetsl to tos Monsixu Bscosd.
WashiagtoB, June 17.—Tha navy da- When Shafter«s Amy WUi Be Pre
pared for Actlwi.
partmeut has raeeivad tbs foUowlag
SpselsI to Tbs Hosstsa Esoose.
firas Admiral Dewey:
gton. June IT.—Little aawe
“ChTlle. Joae 17.—There to'litUe
tha West ladles
ehaage la the aitaation aloee my talan of Jonas. The iBaurgaats eon has raaebad hara today, though word
tiaue hoaUllOea uad have pracUcallv j
**‘“^**^ tomasporta being sighted
They have
ovmor ef Baatiago Btataa That
Three Wore XUlad and TwaatyOaa Wouadad U Battle.
BpscUl to Tut Uouuie Esoosu.
Madrid, June 17 —The goverasr of
Saatlaga has seat a cable dispatch
tha Oavammant deacribiag tba bom
bardment yaaterday la which ha aaya:
“Our loaaaa are three klllod aad twaaty-oaa wouadad, lacladlng two ofiicare.
Tba Spaatoh squadron waa not dam-
J.500 Hpubk pri-ur.. -kl,fc
tk.lr IWDZn Off OUBAMS XUnx«ATBX>.
Korribto Attrodtiaa BttU ffiaetioad
r<" >«»*•
By Bpaalards.
upon their arrival. Sunday haa ^^tD
eat time. Twelve a
lo Tu HOMUS BaoosD.
an Importout day ao far U Ua war and
■ad la the bay with r
New York, Jaaa 17.—A Jouraal Kay
board, under guard of tba aautral a
West epaetol aaya the
some lively davalopmaato.
of'war. This to with my parmtoalo]
The news of ths ealUng of to war patch beat from aarthera Cuba hriaga
"Tha health of the aquadroa cm
that OansnJ MoUaa to haeribly
from Cadi* to hardly craditod
^ wM axeelleaV.
mutUatiug the bodlaa af dead CobaM
........................ that they
“The U
aftw every eugagvmaat. Buadrads of
ara headed fmr Boatoa.
: firtd today. Three •armaa, two BrltSpaatoh regulan and velaataoiu an
lah, one Preach aad one Japaaeaa mea•kith will bs ka/ok.
«f-war are now la this port. Olhar
OimfroaimaB ffrom Fifth litomct Of-1
Oermaa man-of-war are expected.
forad a OommtoalOD.
“Tallewlng to a oorract list af SpaaThalr Fay Ml be Faid.
apocls) to Tu Meuuo BscoMt.
tob vesaato captured mod deatroyad: Da- Bpvcisl to Tu Mosnse Rkohd.
WaablegtoB. June ____ It has baoa
Oamp Alger, June 17.—Adintaat Lm
atrqyad—Two protected cmliar*. fire
■eoaetrusuport sutod ia. private latten from an afflear L. Ilarray called 6u Kajor Bogvn. payaad one atsvlag veaael.'beUi armed. of tha valuataar army bow la Waahlng- maateraf the brigade, at Wasblngtoa
-The foUowtag were- captured: 'The toD. thal.Congrswmaa William Aldaa reatorday aad was asstuvd that tha pay
would be attended to la a oaapls of
liaasport MaaUa aad tha guaboat Cal- Smith has bees offered a
aa major la the Thirty-fifth Mtohlgaa days.
No Peed for ibiitr-SIx B
" apMisl toTa^Mosjctse Sacoap.
KanUa, June 17.—It to ae«
volqptearu. aad haa left for Detroit to
Paris. June 17.—It to a
A«epL Oongraasmaa Smith had Uti- M.Babet has asked uatS
mttad to Oaloaal Irish that ha wanted
dadda whether ha wUl or wUl .aM at
ga to tha freaL
tempt to form tba aahiaat
aa low aa dOe aad upwards to SS.M at
On acaoBBt ef aa aceideat to tbo
electric power system used to oparmia
the preaa of Thu Morxixo Bccobd tha
paper was delayed la balag printed
- morning.
Sxooraion to Laland.
Tna slcaamr Tiger will
euraion to Lalaad Suaday, oaaaaetlag
with tha M. A K. R train Icariag hara
at 8:io la the mqraiag. Tba round
trip on the lake will be fifty oenta.
Tba boat will leave Lclaad la time to
>t tba train raturalag from Hi
tee in tbe avcnlug.
For This Week.
200 pairs Children’s Tan
Shoes, lace or button, size
S}4 to n. Compare with
any SI.25 shoe sold.
200 rairs of Misses’ Tan
Shoes, lace or button, sizes
1114 to 2. Better than lots
of Shoes at ^1.50.
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.
Regiflar $3.50 goods,
Many other special prices
on good shoes.
We want yonr trade.
Alfred V. Friedrich
Popular Shoe House.
Wa an again ready, with a laig*
stoMc bf lee. to deliver tha same to any
pan of the city.
Maple block wood atoo for mla.
TetophOM No. M.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honse.
nUI V ^On
Ulf 1^ I
Niagara, Roanoke or
B^cle. Elegant new line
119 Front Street.
Strong Points
Are our $6.98 suits—competition price is
$9.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong point
stock is going down, but there are many bargains left.
Tbe sooner yon come the better selecttons you get
T. J. HOvST,
Friedrich Block.
124 Front Street
With aU Ue U
WUIhe«SaoBUl-Bkwawv«.<««ai«elbeO.*W.M. Brnm-vtore IvUJ totMdp
fcrbastDvuTite-ctaT. JuM4.
All Work Guarantocd-Prioaa RIglit
150 pairs Men’s fine Shoes,
in Vici Kid. $3.00 goods at
$2.-50 .
HoUo7 & OoBiiBUf
H. E. GIBBS, the Bicycle Mail.
A Slangliler Sale
Summer Capes and Jackets.
We do not wait until the aeaaoa to eutiraly over, but we are nady
now to give the benefit of ear reduced prteee to oar patovas oa aeaeemable goods.
1 lot of foney Braided Qapea, reduced from BS.OO to fil.TS. Fine
hl^ art imported Silk Ohwb. alahocatoly trimmed, reduced frem $6. •$.
$Uto«S.S5AOandBn. Broadcloth aad Serge Oapta, ailk lined, ivdooed
from B4 and SS to sum. Ladies'Jaeketo reduced frem BS.bO and S4.W to
S».$5. A lot of old style Ladles'Jahkeia, forumr priem from S5 to Sio.
aU go at ime. Mtoaaa* Jaeketo redueed from S4.M aad $6 to BS.75. Spec
ial rodneUoaa made in CbUdran'e Jackets.
We muet figure os apace for full arrivaU aad we do sot wtoh to
carry over a Slagle Bumaaer garmenv Oall early before the aeleetioa to
The Boston Store,
Pront Street
raetoriMatOadiUaejnrtU Bhat Bvwn
Bad (ha Bmpleyaa wiU Onaa to
Ttavana <»ty Jnaa SBrd.
nut m c»*n •» n*
OaaUlac la entering Into the ^lU of
Ikm W««
Bldd«^ Th~ .f Baocahoa Day with tha right Uad of
tel. T. BAtm~A^3. W. HAOn. Thm Vrom XmT«rw City—Xapin enthnalaaaa. aa the following, froa tha
WM tb* W
Hawa and Bxpreaa, will teatify:
A W, SAMm, Kaiu» Mtd Muttffw. BUtw o<
B«t VM Having a Boa4 Brcparad
The Billa and faetiwMB pf thia eity
ndUd to Oat tba JoO-Woik Will will be eloaed on Theraday of next
week, Jane 83. ia order to peralt their
B««tn in a Waak.
employee U attend the Maoeabea eelaTbe eoatnet kaa baaa let for tha
at Travarae City on that day.
MMttmotion of tba naar eona^ bnlld- bratloB
An exenraloB wtU be ran from thia city
toTraverwntyonrthaABB Arborroad
CadUlae at 7:45 la the ntoming,
lag oosmiUee yeaterday and tba fal learlng
for oaa dollar for the roaad trip, which
lowing an tha aBMoato of the aariaaa will be aoeompanied by Harrington’a
J,-T— at tM rwuSM M .TnmM cnr. btdt and Ue blddan;
Band and the Maccahaaa of thia city
A. E. WUaoB. Tnreraa City. S».7S1 00 and rielnity. Oar band will he a ooa0««. LaUer, TnaeraaCity.. ».M3 00
I Kaylre SUtea. Kalkaaka.... td.8«4 00 teeUnt for the prim offered for the
Pranae A Mohska, Grand
and tfte OadBapida....................................... S9.909D9 UlacdagrM team wiU rateat for the
T. limltOB. Tramaaaty. ■ ■ S0.0W 00
Jaa. Bowaon. Grand
S6.990 00 prize offered for the beet ialUatory
work. It ie qnit^ prebeble that Ue
J. E. Glbaon. Loganaport,
ll.«..................................... 38.74000 ananal oelebratloa will be held ia Gad.pira SUtea waa tke lowaat btddor, Ulae next year.'*
by >«8&, bnt^ he did not bare hla
The Wylie Cooperage Co. of-lntCrboada igjwrfa^ with hia bli. tha ooatract waa awaidad to tha next lowaat loehen will enapend operaUoSs for the
bidder, which waa J. E. Utbaon of day also. U permit the workmen to at
tM awarding a ooatraet for aaek an
Ind.NMr. OibaoD had Ua tend the c<
ntewira ^eee of work aa Utat of Ue bond, to the amoant ot *30.000, with
The mUl at BlUworth will alao ahat
popyonad ooaaty ooart haoaa it la not him, aad preeeated it with hia .hid. down for the day.
I that there aheald ba
WhUe Ur. SUtea had no regalarly exeeated bond, he named the aarcUea
It la
lathe I
.Id effer. Proeecatiag
eoaa^ waa Attorney Tweddle. bowever, maia- *ehn Aah Haa Sacorod Bxpart Baker
itraet far »4«S trined that the call lar bide expreaaly
Ohllged to award the
•ore thaa the lowaat bid. Bot aa the etipniated that the head ahoald aeeoatJohn Aah, who recentiy psrchaaad
•ram of the call were aot atrieUy com- pany Uie Wda and to let the ooatraet the City Bakery of Jacob Cals
|IM with by the lownt bidder. Ur. to Ur. etitea, apoa the p
made maay aUraeUva impn
Btllea, there aaey be ao alUrnatlTe.
•nly. wohld be Ulegal, there aboat the premi■laca and added facUiUce
adrieor of the ooaaty decidod fore the ooBtraet waa awarded U tha tor a oeaalderable laereaae la the bnalSkat ta aoeapt a bid which wae naxt leweat bidder, aa daacribed.
naaa. Mr. Aah wea formerly oae of the
ly the ragelrad
Oikaon atoted to the Bxooap trm ef McLellaa A Aah. ooa
the latter of the that he woeld leave for Legaaapert and ia a profeaaioaal candy maker.
It for blda, woald bo Ula- today and ratarn U aheat a week, baa added the maanfactare of coafec
BBl. thaafora the eommiltee waa wbea he woaU begta the preUmlaary tlona to tha baalaeai ef the City Bak
obliged to let tha oMtraet U the aexi
to Atari work on the ery. Be makaa every kind of eaady to
J. E. Glbtompt the fancy of old aad yoaag. and
atm, the ooBtractor who aecnred the
i the new oOart the bakery part el the '
>h, ie aboUderof loagexperianoe ia
M Win be oomplated aboat
>Iy added te. He haa
jrfiBilar work and than ie every raaeoa tret of next March.
aecnred the aervleee of e ftrat cleaa. ex
•0 axpeet that the connty will have a
pert baker, la tha peraoa of Joha May
elaaa atrnetare. Ia tbte eoaacoer. who served aevea yean la the big
Sian, theca are aereral bat elaaa praola Chlo^e, aad
Stanl baildera la the eity whoae experalae employed eaveral years tt the bak
iMoe ia aaloable, and the eeleeUoa of
ing bnaiaem of Eohlaaat, wbaae baking
ia eempata^ to aapariat
is the largeat la the weak Mr.
: baaiasaa
She eofwtrneUaa ef the bnlldlag ahoald ;
Meyer k a ekilled artist la faaey faakiag
feO the care of the cea»lttae.
i of every deaeriptioa aed there is aothtag tor the table which he canaot de
WANT COLUMN, j vise aad there U ao elaai of baked
iTUnowpcaeticnUyaarethat Spain I
will gat ao help from the powera of I JfyMioateaewbMTvewaBt
J goods which the Caty Bekery ceaaot
■nrepe. Thia aeeua to ba f^ uaderTrjifutaTMiMiL ; I eapply at short notice if it is not al
Jlaod la Madrid, now that Oenaaay
ready on hand. Ueoda are delivered
hit derided to remain atrieUy nentrnl.
prompUy. end Mr. Aah ta ao eanTetlc
a rigilanee ia t^
that his chief aim is to pleoee bU
tatareata ef German aabjeeu in
tomere. A visit to the City Bekery. 331
miiy^nea. With thia hope gone it
Barry Wataoa of Holland is la the Front street, will be both a pleaeore
«PBld teem that Spala oaght toeabmii eity.
and a profit to everyone.
Ip the iaeViUble and eooa eoau to the
Joha Tenish came ap from Honor
Dr. Frank Merritt aad J. F. Celllna
•Pflnal n that ahe can ooaelade
with a etriet regard to her | Mrs. G. B. McLeUan went to Inland of Charlotte, passed Ihroogh the city
yeeterdey ea-roaie to Keab-tt-wanta,
Mr. Bat Spaia beetas to|Thnraday.
I farther reeiatnace ia ad- j T. G. JewiU of Chicaga la regiatered where they will eajoy tke aceaon wUb
tbi-ir families. They will havaflnkhed
Ptable. However, if the Uaiied Sutca! at Park Place.
F. R. WaUia of Uread Bapida, is ia baUdiag and some repairing by
Wto send a Beet of warabipe
«p nttockSpaalah coast citiee, that na- thv city.
first of Jaiy.
N. C. Hickey errived ie the city frem
Bop may flaaliy he brongkl to her seaggp and Ua^t that farther resktence Chicego yealerdny.
JBnlsat a righteoaa cnam k falUe.
last Bight
Mrs. Fraak Winnie went to Bingham
Mki GlUett of Old Mkaton k in the For year toonoy? Tkafa what yoa get
wbea yoa employ Geo. R. Wiaale—
of Bnttona Bay Waa
H. Baekee ef Barker Creek was yonr moaey'a worth ia good honest
Shrown Fren Bis Wkeal WbUe
la the city yesterday.
OeeaUng and Serionaly Bart.
Wm. Cole of Bingham waa ia the
Opposite Eagle Office.
On Tkareday evealag Carl Baathaa. dty yaaterday.
kookkeepar tor U £. Bakle of Sotteas
E. W. Bnbbell retaraad tram Interaerionsly iejored.
lochea last night
popatlng down the biU from Omeae
of Otaad Bapida.
when he wae thrown from hk whael k spending a tew days ia the rity.
By Boue obetracUoa and
M. E. Strong went to Eiagaley yeaOB of Ue brain. The latest re- terday on baatawi.
parte from Sattons Bay yesterday were
Miss Perry of MaahvlUe. k the gaeat
to the effect that he waa aUU aaeca- ot Mr. and Bra. A. D. Sqairea. She
pctoaa and waa aot expected to recover.
I wae anmarrled aad
Joha E. Beau and wife of Lalaad
were In the city yeeterdey.
Geo. Parkka came ia from KorthVAITIHa FOB XB8T&U0T10VS. port yeaterdsy on boslncsa.
A. L. Joyce and Alderman Jahraiis In consequence of the enor
a Iriab WUl Ihreet 1
went to Elk Bapida yesterday.
mous success last
of Becnittog Squad.
S. D. Penatennaeher aad wife ef
Kingilsy. were ia the eity yeaUrdey.
Big Bapida, Mich.. Jaae IS, 1808.
evening of
bCon-Mno Becoaii—Wa are nicely! O. J. aad Otto Powers came over from
.^aertered here In Big Baaids awaitiag Elk Bapida to attend tke theatre last
iPPtracUoas frem Geaerel Irieb. Oar
«pders were to eomc to Big Bapida aad
ftoinn to Ueaeral Irish, which we have enjoyed “Mlsa Fiaaeia of Yale" ta
dema, and ka woald give os further ia- 8tetoberg-s last night.
Mrs. B. P. Eltoo will leave today to
Ptnotloaa, which we have act as yet
ypcalved. ao we de net know whether join her hoshasd at Midland, where
Ihe reeraiUag detacbmeat will go to they will make their home.
M. a Dodge west to Klagsley last
toe towns separately or in a body, bot
Bight and delivered a leetare in the
wiU probably receive
Any or tomorrow. The detoU coaakta Blackmaaeckoel hoaae, near that place.
J. J. Jamesoa. who went to Port
at Lieateaaat Milner of Big Bapida,
Tr^ of Haakegon, Nalaoa of Kaais- Bareo a* a G. A. E. delegate to attend
ton, Beech of BiglUpids and Wood of tke re-anloa, retarned leal night.
Mr. aad Mlaa Wlllook, who have been
frinveiee City. Lieateaaat MiUer's
toother died last night, ao that haa eijeylagefewdayevklt here, retarned
elnppriT ear work here to aoma axtoat to Ihefr heme in Chiesge yeaterdsy.
2 extr% performances will be
hat will probably be able to fill op bare
' hy Monday or Tnaaday of next week. from Calkinsville. where he was called
WUl wire yoa whee we rvoelve oar L
A. W. Bash. Ihe architect, arrived
totsolleas from Oenaml Irish
from Gyaod Bapida yesterday to look
JoHK A. Wood.
after tha plana of the new court
Mrs. Joaeph Elbe, who baa bees vieOne Paid, the Other in JeU.
Hiag with her ekter, Mn. Fred Finch
YMterday moralag Fred Avery and i.f t'aloa atreet. retarned to her home
! Judge ia Grand Bapida yaaterday.
m aad plead gaUty to 4
J. L. Gibbs aed ebildrea. Marion and
_____ They fiaad *5 aad *1.36 eoata
Harold, came op frem Mayfield yeater•Hh. Jihnaen paid hla fine, while Av day
eervt^ 10 days la )aiL
tm&TXBeE orrr. •
. *. aBartfor nroiuTA wttL
Want Work
Special Notice!
Steinberg’s Grand
Opera House.
and Night.
Cheapest nod mo«t relubla {daee to get yonr bicyele repaired and
put in go^ nmning order. Hfive had Beveral years experience and <
knoir bow it sboald be done. Bntishetiem gnaniiteed. I am eeUing
8 St about cost. Nr and se^i^ hand wheels for snle
and to rent. Piease give a* s trial.
ELU0,311 Eront 8L, Xm».
"PooxiVe Caxv
S\vvt\ YDaivsts.
%AVt thtvT own
Oneea of the Lakan ViU be Provided
With Sevnnty-Fiva Xacandeeceata.
Dpoa ika arrival ot Uie ateamer Pe-1
toakey oo her next trip north aa engiae
and electric dyaaoM will be received by
Oapt. A. B. JohneloB for the ateamer
Qneea of the Lakea. Thia wlU make
a great ImprovviaeBt to the ateamer
and afford aa electric ligbUag capacity
ef 76 llgkta. Ae the ateamer will be
M her
need fer daaelng parUra largely mi
excainkma Uia aammer, the elec
Ughu win make a deligbtfal' -Hd.
te the ether coavealaacea of the boat
Captain Johaatea i» atroogly eonaideriag the plan of keepiag the (Jaeen
ef the Lakes here thiaaamsaer for the
rakia beaiaeea. fnatead of taking
After Foarteea
•aa Teara
xaara u
ia tne
tke nnoe
Baal I
E. HeNamam.
are. tbe
the shoe
ahee dealer,
dealer. baa
deeUad to dlaeeatlane the aboe beataad ia preparing to eloM <
H. Will Di,c™to».
tk^ ijkon AT* sntVi * ofitc tM evn *Vov tgon some
pT^\et^ SHVt\ >0*1*\ KUlerUV ^ V&ne seen
^\s sesson. bVs s Ume ^kt nVeert
\6 andi \&c.
nAten ^ see
s*^ ^
VY 6 (lO UOt
to the combination
And we file not obliged to «eU meet at war prices. tTe bsT* •
eorn-M stock *od enn fernub yon th*
14 yean. WkUe he will eloae oat
Ua shoe baaipeaa ha will net leave
Tmvsiee Qty. He haa etber laterasta
here which will occapy hk atteaUoa.
Bingham Bros., Frost Street
J. M. Tsrwilliger and srlte, accempankd by aevarel friewk, attended
''Mina Franck of Yale" la Steiaberg’s
last BighL
In the
u said of people wbo
are np-to-date and are
recognized wherever
lbe>- gofortbeircorrect
Ige of life and
P^le in the swim
people wbo
Teacher ef Violin.
idto M at«
Oprra Hoobf,
b^'i Ursa« OtPTTS I
hecaose they axepoited
on what is best for the
Orw HeNwMn-. She Stare
t t
lam otrenioe
Astidutai. for
■*ML wUihovt
S^oaad. LmMaad^i^m^itrtrwrpi
«uae >at«aaatcmUBcextnrtuiB«^.
feet There are lots of snch
2,559,817 pairs of 5BLZ s
made last year alone.
In offering yon these shoes we dedaie
them die
in the world for die
money, no mattwr whether
prirw |g
,1.50 ot I5.09.
In the way of Summer Hardware is our Ice Pichs, Lemon
Squeezers, Grass Hooks, Garden Trowels, Ice Tongs, Axes,
; Watering Pots, Foicelain Door Knobs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors, Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and '
everything from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you will
find in our
Hardware Stock.
turn Uni£CHP8EM
ala* tnm> b*r *
tiwer tbu am
of ■ totol Wrtftt
La*t nicht tb* Voonrlu*
fwolllon n**r obore ood ari
poBRd chantM or aunfoloa over Mom
€no» Mer* on th« Spanith Bat- cuUe. aimed to de^roj tb* Spoblak
torpedo boat* moored bchlod tbe bin.
tariM That Guard 8anti*
Both cbanree dropped Into tbe w»ur to
ai^ do Cuba.
tbe ploce de»lred. u no m>ort of the
,explo*ioD tras beard, erhieb It the case
alM guDootton explode* In water. Tbe
DEATH I other of the three charge* hit Csio
Bmlih and exploded. When K exploded
■---------------tbe enlraoce to tbe harbor looked. Is
..w o««,k»»«.. F,..., ww.,
- Reply in Their Ueaal ls>
cSectiTC Style.
It’s To
Your Interest--^
XaddOU Volka Bsppj bf Tbalr ]>•.
lifhtfol Xstartaiommit at tb*
Womaab dab TaMndajr.
Many brirkt and
Vrama have been r>*«B doriac tbe past
jcsr by tbe WeBaab Clab. bnt eertsia
»®“* *•*« *>“0 more enjoyed than
^ Ibe ose aivcn yeaUrday by tha *' clnh
cbUdrea.” Imat
Lsat Jnae the club for Uh
flret tine obserred ChUiiea*' Day. sad
it waa each a aacceat that it waa dea crater big enough to hold a church ddadtonakelta pamaaeat featnre.
bloa-n out of tbe elde of tbe Caro
Tbe brighuieee of the day aeeiasd to
be refleeled in tbe faeee of tbe cbildrea
yeatcrday, aad a prwuier aad bapplar
lot aerer fathered aaywbcre- A double
of anall chairs waa plaoed
I fttr them in tbe front of tbe hall, and
ii» I
June l-.-In the way of ; the reet of the r«on wai filled by tbe
To look up the offer we make to close out^odd sizes in
suits worth from ten to fifteen doUars—Many of them
going in the seven-fifty and ten doilar lines-If you find
a fit among them it’s your luck and saves you money—
Look it up.
ir. ?,isT s's
“sLiir i v“
aelalster of roaDne. has ntumed Cram
Cadis ard ha* started for Cartagena,
n Is asaerttd that an '-ironcUd" which
baa set yet dgtirvd tn any published
llxt. form, pan of Admiral Ca*na*a-e
; gpettlve wau of »-ar gave «** to d<j T^^i apprehension. The offida:* are resting t Tbe profram of nuaic and recita' aecun In the beil. f that the madnee at t<ona wa* carried out na given in yea, Onanianamo can easily maiouin ibem- ‘ terday'e (Ucuai> and
perfecUon and
‘he m.«p* arrive and the 1**,* shown by the little parUdpaaU
1»“riu.!?rto'Dew*,*r“i^ tV “*
Parla June 17.—A dispatch to The , Urd* m the city. The ota.ui* in the
ngaro from Uadrtd nays: ”Captain » er deporunent do roi give ..ut any
Aunon'a visit to Cadlx waa with a view
Infoima’l.iB ax to when Oeneral
g at sea with a
‘:r‘U”,c«n«. exhiJ^Te"
by them It U evident they w.gid not
I be surprised to have some veo' UnporParts. June !7.-The European edlUon '
There was
■ •" -rhlMiin of feverish activity at the
New York
~ tbe ...r.O.., Herald .a,.;
-The ;
department, ao pron-.unct-d
•uncid as
as to
saasdroa saUod at stinnse on atitwct attenUon ewn in these stirring
Wednesday, but returned in the c
renewed elTofto
j were making I comnkte tlie vqu
Admiral Sampson Issued ordi^rs last
aigbt for another botubaidment of the
Spstslah batteries this morning. Cof.
Sse was served to tbe men at 3;S0 this
t for the actual movement, snd what has
’ been and is being done in that dlrectlnn
| *• merely preparaioiy. If General Miles.
I •"
ihoughi to be pr. lwbi.', recom-
.lih u. n... b>u.h 01 !
• '“r""-
the south' m scab nrJ the n»w camp
at Prmandina. Fla., will be made ready
for the reception of the additional
tronpa. The offlclala have been fore
handed aa to this camp, profiting by the
experience gathered In the esubllshmeat of tbe two great camps at Chicksmruga aad Camp Alger.
The navy detartment haa aest to tha
battleship Massarhusetls
breach mechanism for one of the
big 13-lncfa gun* of that sh'p. This wa*
The Vixen snd due to *-report reaching the depart
Seorplon took up poalUons on opposite ment about s week ago that the breech
flanka. clo*e Inshore, for the purpose of one of Ihe gun* wa* out of order.
of caflladtag sny Inlanin' that might The new mechanism will be delivered
Ora «poa tbe ahlps. When the ahln*
idllV subgot lato poaltloa It was still too dark
Ssr aay flrlag.
dawn they were called quietly to quar
ter!. The ships steamed tn a S.OOOyard rang!, when th y closed op Iw.adalde on until a distance of three csbio
lengths separated them. They were
atmng out in tbe form of a crescent,
the heavy fighting ship* In tbe center,
the fiagshlp nn the right flank aad the
MaasBchusetts on the left flank. The
‘o prophesy that
la the year* to come tbe Woman's Club
will not lose In Iniereat and force with
To Leland
Is just tbe iLInr
honest and up-'
have reduced tlx- .
a few oay* oa *
celebration, aud if i
Ibis liae come ia anu
We can plesae you ic - yle. qn.. y aad
pnea. Our SI IS Vlci Kid thee* are wihaers. Oar (1 34 CboeolaU cloth top sboea
are beauties. Our Ttc women'* Oxford!
aell all over for SI 50. and our Ofieaboes for
men and women are warranted all eoUd
good wearer*. Come and buy tbeeg
‘ ‘•^gbl- and altogether ebarmin,
»«*rrve to fall back Upon.
Ooa of the irat delightfol fcatni
,f ihe aftemoAi was a
*“•** l>“rf** of Chicago, in aouiuon
11* being among the foiwmost kUderI gartners of that city Mias Durfoe has
experience a* a home mlaalonary
worker atnoag the children la Trxaa.
and she gave a little talk from her kin
dergarten experience* there that kept
the smiles and tears of her anditars
cica* at haad aad was enjoyed by
young and old alike.
At the oonolaaioa of the program
•onveair bag* of delicious borne made
eaady were distributed amoae the ebUdr«n, to be Uken home with them as
funhar ramladen of a happy after-
Ercursion via M. & XI E.
conaectin^ with
A. S. Frj man,
BtpUiliif Don Eon. 'TS'g|“st“
Str.TIGER. Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
On Carp Lake.
If im Francis of Yale " is decidedly
original and tu lu^ieroms altaaUoac
aad auggeetioBS were eajoyed by a
in bUlnb^’s Orand
evening. Mr. Glrardot U the dentrwl figure, but not ao much ao aa to
distract frt» tb* very clevar work of a
oarefully aeleetad eompaay of talented
people. The piece 1* decidedly new,
both in iu eoDoepUen and aeatimenl,
At (:S a. m. the New York opened ferod rather sev.rely during the first and it is bnllt cxpresaly to aainse.
With n hroadslde from her main l>al(eiT action off SoBiisro. and that two of tbe ; In thU regard It U what ajar
nt th* works on the east of the en lilg gun* were disabled and a gunner
t-rmsd > hnwiln* ______
a howling sueceea. a*
trance to the barber. All the ablpa Ulled. There wa, no iwsla for tbe i “
followed la red alreaks of flame. It was ruii>or Vyond The disordered breech
» <»»•»'
a magnlDrent spectacle. Though the met kanism referred to. .
| exploalre atat« of
gun Captalrs'hsd been cautioned not to
I* dealgned
waste ammunitioB. but lo fire with de- SUK-KAI>E
____ UATca rOKT. i
ig pui
Bbetatlon. the fir.- was ao ranlJ thal 'called male. r-Mxal Fall, to Have the
as th* ridicnloui aitoalions which crowd ;
there was an almost continuous report. i
Authoisiie. Map iler.
A Strong land
shore esr- { jnnxstpn. Jamaica. June IT.-rndhy- one upon tbe other atv cal'-ulated to
tied the (traoke of the ships seaward. right. l»S. by AsBoclatcd PresH.]_The iaviu tbe keenest appreciation from
While it let down a thick curtain in
Wont of the fipjinl.h gunners. The .Spanish steamer Ihirlslm* Concepcion mirthful standpoint. While the action
llo, left of the piece cxcitca the moat intense
J>0Ba responded aplrif-dly at first, but '
with food
thelr,frenxled. half-erased, fire cou*d j Klrgsloo ai I o'clrxk yesterday mom- I eDjpyment. it is of the kind which
aat match tb, cool nerve, trained sge* ' log. uklng a westward ciutse. Tbe call* for the higher cla»» of comedy
aad akltlrd gunnery of tbe Ameriiwn jcolonlsj auibnrlllr, ignored tbe protrwt ---i, <rh, nirere wni k. «r—
aaltorslet i:„i,ed Fiate. Consul Dent a* not
. \7.
EUtssa Mlaatm Data for One Battery,
based -m SulTulent evidence, end gave •***“ **** »**«*'■«*
• matinee at
Our fire was much more effccUve , «hv ship her clearanre. The Hurisiraa *:«>•*« this evening at popular prii
^n in preceding bombardments. In ! Conrejtlr-n arrived at Klnfmton In tbe
.sTteen minutes onswestem battery was I latter part of May from Mantanillo.
rr the dtrecUoa of '
•ooipletely ayecked. Th# Massachu-!*'“• a ei«nl*h eo-uml#a*rlat officer
Prnf. ilont is an additioDal attraction
a*tt* tare a gapIngWole In the emplace- i diagulse sckina supplies. She had alatent adth a LlMD-p.>tlad projectile, and : ready on l-ruird a large amount which the audlenca is quick to appreciate,
tbe Trxar dr ppsd a shell Into th* pow- , hsd been obtained elw-w here. Hut at least night the new mosic admirably
fier magaxlne, Tbe expktlon wrought K g-ton si e tegan ai once tu Ukef1«ur. execBled invited eathneloallc applaote
Urrihle havoc. Tbe frame was lifted. I eom and rice, purchasing In all t.WKI after every aeleetion. The oroheeira is
the sides were b1na-n oat and a shoaer I ‘‘Sg* of '‘orn from Jamaican merchants.
Of debris flew In every direction. TVte | The cukmlal authorities were IB- also a material old la tbe aucoeasfal
of the atUacOon* at the
lose of life must have been great. The • formed by her owners that clearance
haileries on the east of Uorro were | peper* would be asked for a non-block- theatre.
fearder lo get at. bnl tbe Nes^’Wleans : aded port, like Slanranlllu. on the
crosaed Ih. Inws Of the New Toric to : south coast, t'nlled ftlate* Consul Dent
eriUiln po yards of ,h ;re and played a ' tn*d» repre«-nt*tlon# tn the government
Bargain matinee of Miss Francte of
tattoo with her long 8-Inch rifles, bit- ivf the Island agalnsl the vessel, and a
ting them re-p-Biedly. striking a gun careful Inquiry was Instituted, the an- Vale in RtaiBberg'a Oroad at f:S0 thU
aqtiarely trurzlr on. lifting It off lu thorities i.rnmlslng that If Dent could afternoon.
tranlonsurd srnd'ng It aw'-epingaumer- furnish specific pnmf that her captain
Dr. Oiunaa, who vislu this city every
aanitf high in ihr air,
Untended to run for a blockaded i«»rt
I-.______ I they would refuse to alh.w her In load.
«etb, srin leave bis home in MaskemttT KFAWIHH r.i N WANHii.n(CeD. This Dent .».u1d nm do. although he was
gOB in a few day# for a moBlb's recrealull silli Hill rtreiili Amsae ths Km. tburallr certain the vresel «as hAded
Ba.1 H.veAp,reJM.;.
1 With food for rcanco. There I* little
Train leaves 8:30 a. m. Boat
retaming leaves Leland aboat 5
o'clock p. m.
Fare for round trip on boat
60 cents.
John R. Santo,
General Insureece.
eo tost lot. small boass. fias localloo. tab street, raa b* boagfet for W.
to foot let. good dwsniag. pwrswaod. m dewa asd «K psr tmth aat’l paid tor.
44 acres three mllsa sooth aad west frew the city. Laad good. wvU watarsd. ysaag or
chard. TbIsUaWgalatareBlySljee.
Baltimore Suiek Broeived Three Times a Week
ojal*. «Oc p«r quart
Standanls, 30c per ^art ^
213 Front St.
FletcHei's Ofster Depot eeil BestieraOL
Traeara* City, Mlah
Pi McNamapas
I Great Shoe Sale I
I Going Out Of Shoe Bysiness!|
fc„„. „„„
will lie run to Nc-oh'
xg tn order to allow ih- sno.k.- to cl.wr detail- d a fast auxiliary crulaer lo eapl- ta-«raau tqiaorrew nftersooa by the
ro« the batteries. Wh-n the order I ure her.
gneen of the lAke*. leaving the dock
am* at «:» to reasr firing evr>' gun i The rariUln and nfllcerB of tbe auxllS o'clock, retuming leaving
«f the enemy had been alb need for ten i"0' 'rulrer Tusemltc f< cl foolish and raaort at 4:3o. There will be ai
lalnute*. but as the r<;itp* drea off some ,
thoreugbly vexed. As the Yosemtte
Of the Spanish courage returned and a aprr<«i«iTr<«>' hei1
he.1 ISrt
isn lloyai *h<int S o'clock oheatraoB board.
, yrelcrday morning sbe pnased a large
"Mlm Fuaela of Vale” wit] be given
balfdosen shots
ucre fired stritefully
uhusctls and Oregon, falllnv
going out. No attrmpi wa* at! matloee thia afternoon, at 3:80.
tn tbelr aakia At the dose of the *< - '
J'* as<vria1n her name, hot on artiee a Btreara of muIU-colored flag*
^'■■'‘ '>»-V..#emlie captain learned Pricte will be S5 cente to all .parU of
Snated from the n*w York genernliy ‘h**
"ni.-r ua* ibe FurlslmaCon- the bo(M. The performaace will be
ting the ships, and espadaJIy
The Yosemllr, with utber repealefi this eveBing In Steinberg’a
ig the work of the tTexos and t Amcr.can - rulreiw. had been especially Grand
popular prices
Kew Ortrem.. The men of the New Or- 1 Jar’ll-*
««*mcr a* she
Jeans raised a cheer, which
aewUS aad llowa* la llrM
qaSckly on from ship lo ship, ur.lll every
Jackie In the licet was bowling himself
Kius-hed n Fort lo l-lsem.
Waslngton. June 17.—After devoting
Kingston, Jamaica, June IT.—The Tex .n hour yesterday to the dlM-uasloo of
Tbe dcsinictlnnand death el the west as. Jlarbleh.nd and ffuwai..-.- w.nt up the MU restoring
loring the annuitire
annuities tu tbe
ern baltcrlM must have been appalling. the channel lo the Inner bay at
1 tVah|«ton band* of Sioux
Ilaay of the guna liul bren mounted
lUBwd the coBsldao days. Prom this It
> Inccrporate tbe
«• . . . . . . . . Admiral Cerver* hud , imu oroiu, me
anu eirlhw'ork i ‘O'cmsiionai Ani.-riian hank, A test
given up all hope of cxtHcniing himself at tbe tertnir
<■ niiatitiinamo I
anMndment ciesriy Indhated that
Cron the trap In which he la caught. I railway. It la
majurily rrf the senate favor# the
known w hether any
and had removed th.- guuS from aome Of SpaBlards
Spaniards wcp
were killed. There were nu it.carure. The liawallsn ivaolutlon wo*
............Ml our aide.
received from the house. Some kills of
Admiral y.vmpson la highly
no general Importance were passed.
Whaa Did TbU UappeaT
gratified with the rrsult, of the bom
The deficieucy bill wasconsldered yes
Uadrtd, June 17.—Cerveru caldes that terday by the house, but was not dia
bardment. He think* the wci.m bat
teries rrarUrally deroallKhrel. A, ,cm, a shell from an American warrhlp at a ler, vl cf. It protobly will be taken up
of tireguh* on th, eastern batteries did high clevattou atruck the Vltcaya, but to.lay and parecd, uifle** the private
fire he think* it puasl|lk- they were owirg to her excellent armor the Span calendar la urged.
ish cruiser was nut damagt-d. [Acttirdthat Ing to the must uUable dispatches there
Is n.. cunimuniciaon belwem Cuba and
XiesteBani HobsoB a
Plltsburg. June 17.—The annual scale
conference of th* Amecluan Window
OUa, Manutacturers* aas>KrUUoB aad
CMteei* of Uw Kaigbu of lloaaa
WashlBgtnB, June 1*.—The Kalghta the Natloftal Window OIam Workers'
kBcwn when this dlspslrb It of Hunor yvsterday elected officer* as aaaoclatlon began yesterday oTleraocn.
____ Judged frem a pcatUlon nior tbs
Supreme dictator. J. W. ^ early eettlement l, not expected, as
gagahlp. which during the bombard- Ooheca. Phltafleliibia. ra-elect*d uaanU th* worker* are demanding on advance
' with aeTtrallnterrupcloBafiredtai xnously; suprome vice dleutor. John P. of from 10 to IG per cent., and th* man
thirty-five from her l-lnch gnna
Elberton, «
Ga.; aupresa* r*> ufacturer* have Placed tbemselvea on
record agaluat any Inowaa* ever th*
at Crum bqr 4-lnch guna and thirty- | porter, tt F. Nsiean.
wages of tbe past year.
I wi'l cwmmence to close out my rntire rhoe stock, and
^ to that end wm make prices that wiU insure a quick sale.
Ky Btock Is deairable. The repu-ation I have gained
re- since in businesa is I believe of having good reliable goods,
Today it is made up of goods made by many of the beet
1^ known and most reliable manufacturers in the country, and
re- purchasers will not be subject to imposition in the way of
buying cheap shoddy goods, supposing them to be the best.
A great sacrifice I shall make as the determination to
close out my business at the earliest time Is sufficient reason
for me to make these closing prices within the reach of all,
and hence these
great reductions.
-re '
Everything goes—Hen's, Women’s, Misses’ and Child- :
ren’s wear, including Rubber Goods.
To early buyers the certainty of getting just what you
want will be the best.
Goode to meet tbe wants of everybody—the farmer, the
mechanic, the laboring man.
Worthy of mention is a large new line of Ladies end
Gentlemen’s strictly up-to-date new goods which I will sell
at greatly reduced prices,
: One Door East of Hamilton Clathine Ca.
That ta to Say tha Sti^ Un>
ploacantnatt of Thirty
Odd Yaare Ago.
VoBlffomcry. Ate.. Jana 17.—On Twa.
day nlctat. a«%-en nllea north of Watiimpka. WUiiam Cardan and bte vlfc,
an old eoapla, and WUUam Carle, also
an old man. ware murdered and their
house burned to conceal the crime. C*r>
den hoarded hit money and the thies
were murdered to secure It. Wednesday
8ol Jacknon, t<ewli Bpair and anothsr
B were STreated for ihe ciiine. LaU
yesterday afternoon a ens d »f 6M men
■, niM Alaaota* OU Oimrr from the nelybborhood of the crime
M»M Ttrmpt Oa BMar U • Cathered at Wetumpka to mob the pris
llaaanaBl — Laa
Laa^ oners. Eince thej: had been in Jail two
of the murderers. Jackson and Speir
Carla Maoi'a T*aap. aad a
eonfemod and told where they burled
a Oraat Harra I'adar tfaa <
the money, tl.aw.
OaaMarMa Oaaant.
The moh broke Into the )ali about B
W«ibtn«ton. Jucr 17.—A apwlal
o'clock, bat was unable to c«t into the
Sbc F«»t trfm Ten i<r„ PIa., aay«: At 10 care where the nrtaoners were. The
O’clock last r.t«bt S.coo he»M aad mnlea sberirr telerraphed the rnvemor for
troopa and about ninety of the fomer
; hroke from tbelr corrala and otampeded
members of the mllUifrcompanies here
throofb tbe eatnpo tf Ocnerai Carpen- left on a special train. A few mlnutaa
ter*. lirlnda. It waj impoMlUe to lean after 1 o'clock word was received that
Otiff It ta to ana n» It -Ihat gtfiiuda
would be more imelUgllds were them
any evidence that Spate te making ef
forts which night place her on more
•qual terma srlib her advenary.
' tt’hlle In Vienna the- hope is held out
to her that by making peace Immedlately ahe might main (be PhlUppinrs
with the escepilun of a naval base for
Ameiica. It seems to Iw thought at
Madrid that tbe pTrmreci of inum'aUonal difflcuttles about the I'hlltppini
cannoAVT oeapieb dt eotobt
If ftrr man wri» hurl. Tlie panic amons
• tbe irn> «a» vriilolr. ('(Brera tried to
m t or '-.nihanl.a Into Use. but ttat
armi ul wild liorac* nadc tbat Impcaal'
Many mm Uran sbootlnc at tbi
eadted animate, but tbte only eadted
them more.
Tb« boraaa aaemi'd to be aiuacicd by
tba tents and they ruabad tbroneb tbc
. brlcada of ibrae n«lmaoU and tbaa
back asRlD, taklns a different couna
«acb ttma
aenl here yrelcrday marked a ebatuer
In history strau^e im oincldenrcand rw
markable In surroundlncs.
yean ngo on the plaaxa uf one of the
hotels of this city aat a aoldler es-preaIdent. while the eitlsms of Jackaonvlils
paaaed and re-paaaed.marking ihepres.
cnce of a statesman who bad made tbc
laurels of a victor unfading forever by
proclaiming over a sea of Mtumen
“L*t us have peace." tateiday
ffrandwn, as a member or tbc staff of
General bee. stood within a few feet
of tb« earns sjoi, reviewing an army of
soldlen la blue, veierans who had op
posed each other on the batUeMda.
and thousands of Pleiidaaa marching
to do honor to a Confederate soldier is
braose who viewed with tbe cold eyes
of tbc past s living chapter of our
current history.
A regimental band
from Ihe lrr-1 of tbs 'old Tankees"
aiepped pr
y to the atralna of a
march ani^ • JI Glory waved la tba
•ontbem b
te Old Glory.
The new l.;.kee» from North Caro
lina and Virginia dad 1b blue. too. took
up the echoes with ths spIrit-stlniDf
refrain of Dixie. Behind trooped
«1d Federal velerans.and then came tbe
old Confederatr* under (he Elars and
bars, floating peacefully beside i
surs and stripe*. A federal army
Jacksonville marched amid tbe plaudiu
of tbe people of an extreme southern
sUte past the reviewing stand occupied
by a !.ee and a Grant, under
of a lUrriaon. whose father was «
federal general ai>d a Rej'Uhtlcan prestdent and of a nephew of the vice
president, to unveil a mo
rated by eK-Cc^fifederaiea to tbe Confi derate who I* dead except on tbe
pages of history,
nummary of:
ThrsuEh the streets of a euulhere City
tramtwd an airay tn bluv. Ivd by l.e«
hi whose ium<- and fame te cuncen. trated soulhem history fr-m the begin;nlng, and at Ihe foot of a pedestal that
lifts up the typical southern soldier it
tbe reverence of the ages stood a Sartrrla who l» a Grant to us non; and a
herrliuin at home with the people from
whom his anceiiore sprang. The south
and the west and the north marched
thre.ugh tbe streets—the boys in bine
flom llllno'*, New Jersey. lo«-a Wigs’
conaln. VIrgInis and North Carolteabrolber* all Mve as they are rivals for
tbe first plare In tba chsrge and tbe
last In retreat when they face the en< miet of iheir native land.
rtae Weather PIsaM Ike OflIeafS Gate
UranI I’laualag AasUter BaUla.
Chlckamogus Park. Ga.. June 17.—
Tbe commanding offleers of the amy
tlvely of the Une weather to pm the
commands through various drills and
Insiruitlon exercises and every rcglBienl al ih' park was drilled yesterday
from Ihn-e to Hvc hours, t'olonel l/et.
chief uuartern-aster. has In-cb a verr
busy in»i! rince Ih* tmop* Is-gan to ar
rive at the park, and yet hi* work te
only fxlily under wny. lie suiti’d yes
terday ihat nnlwUhstandlns the numer
ous Rhipmi niH of wagons and inulesthat
have arrl\<-d, the reglnu-nt* are only
partinlly providad for..al W»l one-hslf
tbe waiton* and team* alioMct the regl*
of the TMviftb Ulnnt-s<-(a r>-r1xiii-ot.«h"
was i-n W--dne*ila>' nnirlnuu-d by th<lusloniM* ..t Hlniie*ota for Kovrreor.
did n>.l know of the actloii'-f ih-cmvenlion unill he **w the puiK-rs ye*ti rday
morning. He has not been ofBclally ootined of hit nomlnauon. To an Assortaied Pros repn-seniaUve he aaid tbat
he had ivilred from poUtHs with hli
mind made up never again l» seek any
pollU'Sl honor. He added that his aeccpinr. <• of the honor »<iuld depend up«n the reason* for his nomination.
Brlgsdler Uen*ral Grant ha* not yet
been irnnsfem-d lo the First army
corps, since no one has reported to re
lieve him of (he command of the Brat
dlvteon or the Third rori«. Antlctpallng
(hal he will remain to comn>and of the
dWIsJon for some days yi-t be ha* begun
to pVin another bailie iiroMem which
he bnpe* to have the division execute
withlx a few daya Gemral Grant has
enUrvIy recovered from ihemneaawhldi
has kept him from active work for tea
_________ :
tea Wba IWaka halter D. Wsrdea SbMild
ter Haagod.
Pawturket. It L. Jure 17.—Patrick
Oarke. of OntrsI PbIIb.. hr.* eppajtcd
attorney tn . nter objection to the
commuling of the ai-nicnce of death on
Saner p. Worden to life imprisonment
. Qov^erRn<U.rfCal0.rnla. Clurfce's
son Patrick, a ntrmlwr of Battery U
Firth anllirry. of Califurnla. was killed
g a wreck nt-ar Sacramento In lltei.
Tbe train which be and.-olhcr soldiers
.m- guardlni- wa* netted ly tbe
striking employ • «'f the Souhi.rn PaeWe Railroad «-omiiany. Cntain striktried for » retklng the train, i
____ ...I_______C_....L
TT*______ .L
who was con\irt(
worked to save iVordeD. and President
Cievelsud wrote* Qoveraor Budd la
Worden's behalf._______________
boie^oe iteieibt.
PrasIdMil Gate Na 1 uf Urn laitas M«w ta
tke Maefcsa
Washington. June 17.-The ffrat bond
issued under tbc new loan will be regietered In tbe name of William McKinley
and will be for tl.OOO. The president has
tlied bte application, and although It te
not the Brat received It will be the flrsl
honored. The aecmary of the tTvosury
will use his dlscTi-ttonary power and
bond No. 1 will go to the president «f
tbe United Butea_____________
_________________ _____
I_____ ...U4^______ ___________ Jl
Fata otVas of HI* Geaeiwls la tbe rblllg-
SravenrOlty Market.
_________ "
fit 72
WasUngtoa Bo long
« as
M Ii«>e iwo |ww-1 c'neese per m ........................................
era t-oncerned understand
rstand one i
another I OaU per bu (old)..................................
there Is nothing n
e to be said. There , Core per bu., old.................................
te an amusing audacity
.city about the at-]
at-, Sait
aall per bt____
tempt madeau Berlin to show that the ] Bran Mr 100..................
auapitious entertained at Washington : Potatoea per bu................
are due entirely to the malicious at-{ ourue kSTESOPTkan
tempts of the English pres* to aow dls- <
senston icifcen the two cxmntrle*. Thla I Wheat, old, per bn....
te an old (rick of congneutai powers 1 Wheat, new, pe''^°--shen they find It diflIcuK to explsia {Oata. No. l.oerbu. (ot
awsy either thrir words or their ac-icora. per bn........................
tions. • • • Ourdear German frieaite I Bye, per bu................ ..
really presumv K- far up-.o the world s Buckwheat..
Ignorance o^credullly^______
WIU Nol'lMy 40 (>B1* for Digging.
Bpringfli-ld. Ills.. June 17.—The operalurs of Vlrd*n and the Chicago and
Alton mltiea south of Eprlngncid. will
dorr their mind* raiher than i>ay 40
cv-niB per ton lur mining, under the
drcirlon of the state ImsnJ of arbltrsThe opersturs and miners of tbe
istriet Imih made aitplicalloa lo
laard for arbitration on tha
wage question. Tbe only way for lbs
operators to escape tbe payment of 41
cents per ton was by <'ioslng down tbelr
mlBCB. and thla (hey did>HUdle-or-4hs-lt
Hlnnea polls. June I7.-The “mlddle.*.ih..raad•-road"
Wednesday from tbe sute convenllou
met yerterdsy under the guidance of
Ignatlua Donnelly and decided to put
a full state ticket tn (he Beld In oppoaltien to tbe fusion ticket. U. C Long, of
Magnolia was nominated for governor.
Msavy Pallsre at Wostss.
Bootoa June 17. — Announcement to
made of the assignment of the Boston
Woven Hose and Rubber company. UaUlinea. UJW.008.
Bad maaaffemeBlkt
I people
and plan
ahead eo that
Ohteaffo Harksa
'•Senor Sagasta dlsplayrd great agiutlun while reading the telest disjiatcb
from Manila
tbe contents
spondpnt of The Blandard says: ‘The
news from Manila te most unfavorable,
and has rosde a cnrre*i<oodlng Impres
sion. Serious misgivings sre felt regsrdlng tbe fate of General Monet, st
the head of A strong column operating
at M-me distance from Ihe coast. It te
said Ihat many foreign rewldents, with
tbelr fatnllies and valuatlea have taken
Horse Hotel.
Liierj, Stic and Feed Ban.
Hr. R Retebam of Pike City. Cal.,
says: "Durinff my brother's late sick'
neesfrom sciatic rheumatism. ChamFiraPelaaa Riga. Bverytbisff new
Beriain's Ikiu Bala was tbe only reinedv that gave him any evH-f’’ Many and ncaL Rates aa reasonable as any
others have teatiCed u tbe prompt re Aret-claas bare in tbe city. Give naa
lief from pain which this liniment af call and get onr pricea
fords. For sale by S. R. Wall. Drur
Bndbun t Vlsebinn^.
Attoreeya at Law.
B. J. Morgan,
On M. dt N. E. R. fi.
Cough Remedy, bya frleud, who. know
ing sue U be a poor widow, gave It U Q M. BKOWN. Attmwey ass Ueaaaausr at
ma I tried it. and wltb the moat grati O. Lav. Bpaetal at-aauas H. eaOaeUaai
‘ ioaTsraaclBg.'liirrMlBt
fying resnita The ftrat bottle relieved
me very moeb and the eeoood bettle
hae abaoluuly cured ma I have not
lUao te Prebatr praetles. nsawsi
had as good health for twenty yean. to, Here!
Reepectfutly. Ura. Mary A. Beard.
yxODOg A oov
loraailav. <
Ctty Opera
.Want Column.,
if yon dost see w Sst you waal
Tf) t.Vut Ad. TNTUIf.
All baiggage, bug and baek worit
for said road ahoold be left witii
Office 239 State atreet tele
phone 3. All orders left with me:
will receive prompt attentioD.
6fud Ripidi ft iBdlut L I
btesGa, 'Ptow*. faoaas asd s
..The Record..
HrrWTTBB. A««^ at Lav. Bpsetel
ottseUiw total titla*.
f-\ f. MOFFATT. Abwnrto of nUa I
t./. KwaloSDdCoi
soaif Rl-wk.
T A. TKOMPflON. H. n OSm Is BsmilMs
±4 A
BIwk^^Hoors. » lo II a. n., t
g •cibstroet at tf
If You Have Logs to Sell
•yofwa i^^rwgnPLy^FP-We cm help
of which
have not yet been given to the public."
London, June 17.—The Madrid vurre-
tbe VBlM of
Bicycle Riders.
OAes* Is MoatagM Mock. Trsvwrasntr.MM
London. June 17.—The Madrid correPost aaya:
If Boyooinow
and really Intended lo kill an Ameri
can oAclal and not a German. He bad
a notion that he bad lieen Insulted by
aoms Americans, and psprra found U
bli helonslngs after his arrest show
that he inlrrded lo harm Colonel John
Hay. the I'nited Riatea amhasoador.
whose residence te situated near the
Gorman emhaasy. Trodd mistook this
teller plare far Colonel Hay's bouse.
Remember that I do all kinde of rm
He found that it was an embassy and
apparently concluded Ihat It was tbe Mlriaff BPd enamellnff, asd that I eaa
and do give yon the beat work ^any
baadquartsis of (he AmeHcM ombaoBy.
one iB tbe dty for tbe mosey. iTlae't
n^ftstea la Kaasaa.
be deceived by what otbera tell yon to
Topeka. Ka*.. June 17.-Tbe Popultet tbe oontrary. but ooma and iM fsr
state convenUon yesterday renominat
ed (hr wbole suu ticket from govern
twkrantee ail ny work U be riffbt,
asd if it doea sot prove eo I make It
or down.
AirbiBon. Kas., June 17.—Tbe Demo rlghL
cratic convenUon yesterday received
Step is tUI 8 o’olodt ererr avaoiaff.
the Tvport of tbe committee- mpv..n.ni. exocFt Sunday, in tbe Oaldweil A Loor with tbe Populist committee dos boUdlnff, at north end of Dnlo*
p of the
state ilrk-i. TbslalreeL
on the make-Up
t Popullstei
cemmUIre reported
Kfused to allow them tmre man me
Ueutcrant govein-r. It was at obm
moved tUst the rules he auaie-odrd and
that all the Populist state nfflrlals. In
cluding IJeutenufit Governor Harvey,
be nominated. The motion r*fried. Sft
to Cl. and the popull*t olllrlala wero
declar.d n.-n-inat.d.
The cuDvenUon
than adjourned sine die.
1 was eerlooaly alBioUd with aeouffh
Bsoagb to Have TbHr llnaoraad Haves
Good rbaae* ta -<illatb Uowa"
tbat TTOdd (not Toddl. wbo obot and
wounded Ooufit Arco-Valley. te li
June 17.—Wheat—June.
S(«c: July. 7iHe: Augnak WHn SepUmber. B8>*c; December. (UK«4Ulila
Core—June. SlSc: July, 9lNC<f3Sc;
SopUmber.kfHe: Deermber.
6ats-Jnna stKc: Jnly. UXc; SepJ.ir.paiehuir
Umber. SOHa
Pock-June and Jnly. W.dA
Grand Baplda June 17.—Wheat, 8»a
Erer Burned Out?
London. Jana 17.—Tbs pollca boHevs
table tine.
[iaa win keep a
in's Colic. Cholera
bottle of Cha
and Diarrhoea Beaedy ia the bouea
tbe ehlftlesa fellow will wall uatil aeoealty eoBpele It and them ruin hie
best boru going fur a docUr and have
a big doctor bill U pay. bealdee;
nara out 32 eshu, the other ia ou
d doUare and then wonders why
plan'l* la Doobi -|lo|>e« of Oermaa
spondenl of The
Xha MBS Wha Mat I
'Phta^OMK ur_____________________________
itself he te ready b
Below is a list of tbc buying and selllnff^giw^:gaterdBy for
bring the I'nited biBl<t> Inin a mood CTMClty:
BBLune Pkick.
more favoraUr for. negotteilons
hope of trouble about the Phlllpplnea te Olear Pork par bbl,
fostered by the action of Germany in__________
sending a fifth wamhlp lo Manila TbslBhortCat
Short Cat Pork...........
oonsnlar reports are singularly Inade-j short Cut Pork per ft...................
ouale. bat so fsr as can bo gatbersd i «©*,. H L. A Co. beat..............
German shipping and comraeroe,though ByeVloar. B. L. A Oo. Beat..
incrraalng. have not attained dlmcn-1 |fen), H. L. A Co Beat...............
slons which would explain thU ; great | paed, H. L. A Co. BwL..............
display of German strength.
I Bgge per dos
••We are SJwured. however, that Ger- lOodflahj
many has nothing in view beyond tha | £«rd per
mm RAD NEWS zv
Heart Scmathlng from Manila
That Makaa Him Faal
Cnieago.June 17.—E*-Oovemor Fran-|
ds M. Draka. of Iowa baa resigned as
rresMeni of the IndlanA imaote and
Iowa railroad. A apedai meeting of the
dlreclnrs elected Oenetal Manager T. P.
Bbonts lo succeed him. Drake te under
stood to be in III
Correapond with the Traverse City Lumber Company.
We have for sale Good,
Trvteaarriratioa OlaelsoaUl, Oraa« Baa
Ids aad Feieekey at I iW a. b.
rr«.n.Warae.OmifBapUa.Oewe(i aad
yasTKo-rifieso v
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
refuge on BrltlMi. French and German
war veasells, while other have left for
Chlaa end Japan.
O.L. LOCKWOOD O. F. A-.Oraad Bastie
uniRi lunnnuiui LI
as taka asset Saaday. Jobs m, lOT.
oo»o aonTW.
Madrid Kditor* Are Barprised.
The Madrid press expresaew surprtas
that the archbishop of Manila should
Imve tett the rlty at aurh a manent,
unless It Is true tbat he wlabes thereby
to signify hiB disapproval of thereform*
Captain General AuguHi has promised
tbe natives la the boiw of checking tfai
spread of the InEUireellon. Most of the
paper* express a f<«r that tbc neziBew s
will be the fall of Manila The whole
question In the eyes uf tbe Epanterds te
whether Admiral I»ewey can prevent
Agulnaldo from pushing on bostlllUtw
agalnxi Manila until the American retnforeeinenis arrive since, otherwise. It
Is suri>“»ed he will hsvr to allow Eun-t-esn war vesa«'l* to roHiperate In ths
<!iiiir-m task of malutalhlng order and
v.iving UsitUa from tba excesses of ths
(■rriMM iRl-rrealteD Is Fodtag Avsv.-Pl.le Ii-dsa I* the fact that
,...--io,'..,.f R.,<
ran Interbua- . . .1 Unjr<^l.,-c:
hoegh there te a
kiwnlla 1 regret
to a.> 1' :i- Ih- |jt-«* campHlgu against
the I n-r. i ,. .if i ileg.fl Amerlcsi) eorrespon-hm* am! I.n-..iih <-".rivSi>->ndeOW
In B|U In *■ -ns i,- .l-*ve found an echo In
hiph quart. ». It Is hardly fair or boaorable. h..» -ver. to dm- tine- them aa
•gple* in ertlfv lu , *. u«r ir.-Mm B t which
neither Aiwul.-a n.-r ihigiand ever ex
truded (u any S|u-nlvh .v>rrvsi>ondeBt. El
Imparc-tel a*y* ihe government will
BbMtly take steps agslnsl -A-nertcan
gples residing In Madrid and the pro
vinces who pretend u> be I:tigll8b cureeanond.-nts ‘ *'
Mill Machinery of all descriptions, inclnding Two Engines,
Het Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Ice Cream Friers, Screen Doors
and Windows.
.“New Process” Vapor Stoves.
(>l4MlMloB.forMi>. WlUia^uolao-l
<>oorgeBod<l«v. Call <w or aAdre— F. F. H*4Um. m Wasklagloo wt- Tra»viqe Ctty.
BB if
a rgW OOOD U»0 M
A CTtyLiuaborCo. 1
Asparagus, Lettuce. Badishee, Bhuharb
Freeh Every Day.
■Phone 167.
K vaawa. Tiwivts*
T^B BALE—A gocnl «0 arriv or vUI
f elty Tvoporiy- J. W-PaioblB-
•mi-1 rropoMla.
146 ITront StrMt
170R BALE- Ob* mi eal
J ot Bov»ni Whlltag.
Igwmaat Advaaeed Thai Hpaia Mm Now
IlWM- Kawagk (w- UasM,
Lond.m, Jiini- 17. - The Ttmes this
New CbapbilB Appsiale
morelBg In an editor al which emb d ea
BprinirfleU. Ills.. June 17.—lov. TanBtr has alnavintvd
Rev. Horace W. I the view* of its roreign
Bm m. Chicago. U succeed Kev. Frank oays: "W'hlle in Vienna cenatn prom
IvWi-t Talmas* as chaplain of tba inence Is given to tbe argument (hat
F«xmd reglm-iiL illluuls vuiuntiera Bpaln bat dc-ne enough tor buour and
now -endfxvi u«*d in Jat-keonviil.-.n»,; Might now to sue fur peae« upt<u tsrma
, Cbsr;*!' P. Wright, captain of cviuqmny wtalrh It U peri aiis loo baatUy
B. Becond reglmetiL and J. F. Brbeync, tbs Unltad Buua would grant, tba
adJatoBt of the Flral battalloa Baoond
Notice leberohy steea that Male _
v(U be **esl«*4 uaUl July II-• F *-• *w all la*
her av4 aalarial tor a nrhool boose al OM
— doa. according IB pUae aaSHvciaraUoas
on Bleat my sIBro at OM Mleslea. Ta*
right to rvjori aaj sad all bids ta tsopreed.
BBbbt UatMX. Dtrorwr.
Sr 7"
S4B Front Stroot.
with Bari, ttia Jwwsiw.
tf oShatM Juweuo^ taka UlTwtfrS
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