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The Morning Record, October 29, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
uriooo! the MORNING RECORD. l''g"i.M»
SmokI T»r-No i« ‘
TbfM Bl( Vew B«tUe«blpe WiU be
Completed Jeanery Fim.
demanded by Public Proae- BpeeUl to ihe NoB«i*« BeeeeB
Bttbjeot to Be Taken up Mon •pcclaJ leTat Ko«nsa Raoon.
cutor of France.
Norfolk. Oct us.—Tbe new battleLake Lioden, O.l S6 —Three
day in Paria.
ebipe. Keetneky.Keereefe ead IDiooU,
were killed by tke
) of boiler'
VaooaAnned B«port th«t aputoh No. S iu the Oelomet end Beclm mine | KarcbMid Bee Arrived <a Oeiro to will be completed by Jeoaary firU.
j I tbie moraine. They were killed io- . Fereoaelly Beport on StoetioB 1b
Pmm OommiHiODm E*d Bnic°
^ ,et*Btly. Another wee eerloMlybnraed.; penhode—BritUb Oebiaet Hea
*d BMBuae United 8ute« Betueed |
Adopted BeMtirbt Whereby
rPAabias Soaaoa Wtll Olooe October
FrecipiUtiaa of a OoafUet ia X-eft
SOUt. But Fiaheraiea Kay Have
port Oo nee From Bedrid.
iPreeident B.-Kialey Seta Apart No-1 With Fraace.
a DltUe Time to Tura.
TfjBiw 24 aa tha Date fot
Parle. OcuJs.-The American peace:
*rmber 24 aa the Date for
oct. US.-A d.maBd of the pob-! Manager Barry of the Trareme CUv
eemmlialoBere todav drew OP a memoHatical Obe-rraace,
lie proeecntor for tbe rerlelon of the:''''»*‘
__ ^ ^' that «*•
tbe cloeior of tbe fitbinc aesaon |i
Twadam apon the eabject of tb. rttUlpVVaehiajton. Oct. fid -The preaideat,
c*« .„d a plea for tbe releaae
ThtM Vra X*t luUBt SMth io th«,
Okluact Bsd HwIbKId*.
Around for Holiday Presents,
are fall of the latest novelties,
the new goods.
Holley & Connable,
« A-». O.9..
pl.« U pl.«
..............................._.r>l_____ .
U.. »p.nCKd.;k«l~..au..
rt.tnW.. V/tlk
Our counters
Come and see
220 Front Street
“Olty Bookstore.”
That when yon have your
co.p.nj -o.ld b. bllb.U 0..i;
atmadrid that the' Spaa lab oommia- to mind the cuatom of onpaneealofa.'
------------|dayaof yrace io which to diipoee of
by time aod rooted la onr ■
Major Marchaod at Cairo.
I the beginning of! Made snd hung if yon
aioaera had realaned. '
most aacrnd trmdiuoaa. of civiny Lp^,^ „t«s Ro«»i»e lUwiu..
BktNfled, bo
, Beported Prom Kadnd.
Almiyhty Ood for all the | Cairo. Egypt. Ort. 2« —Major Mm--,
epMlal teTaa Hoaxiaa Recona.
bleseinra h«...
b.-A.A . yivens
today to personally reMadrid Oev Sd.~Tbe Amerleaa
miaaioaera' refani to ahoolder tbe Cn- Obi b,«ory b.n .Aortri .oib o.o«.
s,._Tbi P.ll bl.ll O.-1
i ""I*""™ “"S'*.
b,.d.btbMC..«ilh.S|»o:.hoo...ol. |'« lb.ob.pW.ir. W. b.™ bb.o
,„ HI.
want a perfect joh and want to b#
sure we do It tor yon.
..o..i..i-^..o».u,p. lb.
port received.
Not Known ia Waabiogton.
•pedal te Tea Me
Waahington, Oji. ?s —Secretary Hay
k&owB BOlhlng of the reeigaatioa of
the Spaniab eommiafioaera.
[fully iocreaaed. our public credllha.
Major Marchaod mu»l be withdrawn Icommla-.M. declarea that, ^
(been improved and .Vrengthened. aod I
p^hoda and no ‘•dulterjliag the.r'
common country
mUk -Ub
with a
s -preecrvatlae.-T.,
"preservstlae.“f wbich. he {'
'all BMliona of i
have bora broaght togetber aad knit
ted into closer bonds pf national par- access to tbe Nile.
pose and nnity.
When Mmj.r Msreband bas wltb“Our skies hsve been tors time dark drawB It will be determined whether’ I Ute obnoxious find.
ened by tbe clouds of war. but as we tbe questions raised admit of discus-! The number of the new telopboae in I
-_-«,mp.l[rfloUk..plb....lSTRENGTH OF BUSINESS. . lh.a...oth..k«lij,
w. ...
lb. ,b.„u.„„
---------------------------yo />rci»iHm tickets issued after .Vot*. .0#A—.Voiie accepted for
EdIUA E L. bpiw.
prcmiuvu after thni date. Bring in tchai you have by
that time.
get acquainted
With the e^ial cloak valuea this store is offering. An immease line‘is
Misses'and cbildreo'e styles, and
e ia bere—Ladiee’.
tbe prices we've pat on them are lower than is osaal even, at
tbe end of tbe season.
L, |.j^
Bradatreet and Dun Beport Kacoai- ted to rejoice tibsi tbe conflict
iflicl has
been |' ^ y^jor Marcband it not withdrawn |
of brief darsUoa aod tbe 1<*'“^ ”* ^*** ; there will be no
an interference with bis
hit!i AtUai tb( KepubUcaB netting
aaing OoRditions sad XxHteioberg's Cirend this evening
bad to moam. though grevious aad Im- j
Fashoda. nor will a date
portant. have been ao fsw. eonsidsring,
wiibdrawl. Necessarily
•pw-lsl to TBS MosKlia Bteosutbe great reanlU
' ' ’
, reinforcements will not be permitted
New York, OcU 28.—Dan’s review to iaaplre ns with graUtnde and praise to I
b, treated courday slates Uist bttlaess U affected by the IkOrd Ood of hosts. We may laud t^„,jy. „ . foreign visitor.
Half silk lined, nicely trimmed, in Tan, Bine, Green, Broim,
Rbe foreign war sdhre. tbe salUng of aad magalfy Hls- holy aame that the
Therefore. It is left to Fraace to
value is really $N.50. at $8.60.
wheat from San Pranclseo. starting'
k-< - e-eaUoBofhostlliUeseame-sosooaaa »dopl any active maaaures to proriplCome tb Steinberg’a Busy Cloak Room.
gold from Aastralia
nere oein* ^
countless sora'confllcl.
Hyaeiatbbilbs Wc i
There is >0 ckM^lD
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
eninra. at Paine's Gre
disasters that altead a pro-1 The Oaseiie adds that H bas good
the domeetic
and Clothing House.
iracted war.
believe that while ftossis has
knd bank deal
•am lags haveinci
ibsrefore invite all my fellow citl- coanseted Fmnce to avoid war. she has
lags are laiger.
to tarow
throw her
weight in lae
, [
—----------------------•" r promisee IO
ner weignt
Bradstreei's sl^s the butii
.*'®V tbe 24th day of November, as tbe day :
the narnose of bringing the
opmentshowsexceptiond sclivit.vand^,„,^io„^
_^j,(,me lo-,»hole Egyptian question and the
•^nipb on account of the heavyU.elr place, of worship, for ; Brin,h occupation of Egypt to the
•iga demand for cereals.
of praise and thanks to God for '
,or seiitement:« of tbs year: for tbe ‘
iall the ■ ■
: mildoens of the seasons, the fruitful
, „
— ,
• “«vs of Ike soil; for the continned prosit ie better tliati silver plated ware a« it wears loiq^er and does
Trsverse City people will be iaierr». ».ub9.bm.., ol H,. R«l«.
estedtokoow that Elarry Luke, for
not tamiuh.
I have it in Tea K-itUes, Tea aod Coffee Pote, Pitchers
at KsUxuiUo.
I and valor of onr countrymen; for the
merly a elerk ia tbe drug store of Jas.
•eedsl loT.r Mor.ln* Reeeru
I ^,orj. of victory and the bope of rigbtRice Broilers, Dippers, etc. It will i>ay you to iovestigate it when^
U. Johnson, of this city, has changed
MaasaaiUo. Oit. 38 —tleneral Wood | eous peace, and to pray that the divine
need of any of the ab-jve mentioned articles.
bis location and has moved from I'eios■ - arrived today aod visited the ksrtaeks, ; guidance which has brought us hereto(key and esiabtisbed himself In tbe
hoepiMle aod custom house, finding : fore to safely aod honor may be F™* ■
* in Charlevoix
•verythlng faviAable lor the establish- | ciously continued In years to come.
j J
i of Congressman
nent of a government unfler the new
Wh.i.iam MrKiM.xr."
George W. McBride in
Steinbe.-g's tJrand Opera House IbU
Teatlng Port Thomsa Water.
Spe,i.iiotbr M...KI'...IU<<«D.
j evening, at tbe BepubUcau meeting,
Chiexamagua, vca
Oct.. ew
Boys' band wilt tarnish masiej
-------------- 1
.— auc -.
si ■»*
| —wj..
▼Igoroaa Protest Filed Against White ,rstigaU>ra are tMiing tbe water and land ladies are Invited.
(other features at Camp Thomas, wfaiefa | Captain Foulks of tbe vo'.ooteers of
. _____ -........... __.e we ar« the onlv clothiers on thit plan
•peels) le tbe Mussiskb Rt.ono.
| bss been practically abandoned as s • Ameries bas arrived in tbe city. Meelet, for we don't think so. but we sell clothing ■'s4lee samec.” Io doing
Norfolk, Oct. US.—Negroes have pro- ■ military camp.
j ings will be held every evening sad all
ao wr bare odds and ends left, aod there is where tbe soap comes in.
Mated to the admlnisUatlon against,
»», .
. jday .lundsy on I’oioo streel.in Cutler’s
I’erbaps your boy wanU a Reefer-If eo. we have lham at right
aulntitnUou of white otti^ra for color-' „.
Every one is invited.
The famous shoe
1 lot eblldrec's Suits, good weight, regular price 81
kdo.«lb..,r««.».p..l»• "“b'"«k,bOc.
U™.,b ^b. .«.m b.r,. All.. M .!1U b..u,hl.
One special is a
ladies' All Woal Kersep Jaclet
Copper Ware
Is Ihe best ware in the marketl
• , •;
Cold Weather Snap!
for women.
Fraser tesigneth____________
at Uorton's Bay. The m'll bss besn
New Haven. Oct. 28.-Tbe police to-;
j purchased by L K. Gibbs A Son snd
day raided the Yale scientific school on I
j g MsrUn. her sUter. Mra. will be set up nimr Summit City.
.«<.□« of lb. .U.BV of Jop-for ,f,i. j
E S. Pt.lA Mr., U. E. C j Tb. ibrokon^l Kboonor Bonof H.
t Bates. Mrs. C. J. Kneeland. Mrs. A*. J.! Badger of Toledo. Captain Bobertson.
Viviaectmn has been practiced RljCnrlim.Mra. M. K. Back.MissGertrade is loading Inmber at tbe Traverae City
Yale medical scbool.-and at Sheffield
Sprague, relumed from Lumber Csmpany's dock for Jeaka. of i
acteatlfie school, it U «ld. doge
! Manistee this morning.
Cleveland. Ohio.
The dogajj p sister of Elk Baoide ia in the city
Tbe Steamer Petoekev was in pwt
are famished by men who make it s I
■ and.to visit bU brother. J.
yesterday bound north. She brought
regq^r business to steal pel dogs of | yy
lasbslfdoun horses for B. J. Mor
good breed sod sell them to the schools ‘ ^ben Ellis Bamsdeti went to Nanisgan, besides a good cargo of other
.ifroo.*ito»a . bekJ. kcirfio, lo
u tbko the
freight, aad took away an extra fine
oobdlUon. T-coij-foor boo™ b.for. .;,4,,.|,,„l„,„Chfo«o,obhl.
thk Ume for .fTlKciioo tb. bofra.l
),e foond tbrnt the .turner wagon from the works of Cald
utted «f> blooe. rrttboot food. Ibu it,
owl« to bele, fofl, well A London to A. Edwwds la Char
U Flreo . thorooffh .uhlnc k.d nude
with fref,hA He retortted to levoix.
The Northern Michigan Transporta
ludr ter tbe eteteeetfoeltt. Wbem the |
„t, when he wfU renuin
Iktetnl boor btrl.u the de< ie tutened
tion company have made arrangements
for cheap ezmralona to Chicago
la a wooden frame shaped to iU body, daymomlng
•etbat it cannot move, aad ihe work
court Stenographer Heodeiaao will their popular steamera Petoskey and
of vivisection begins. It has sU been
Monday ChnrlevoU. Tbe rates txjr tbs round
doao very.qalslly. aad few onteideiij
with hi.family, and rstam trip will be only S3.
those sebobls know the cruelty that is y,loaday svealag ready for the reopen
tbe mill of EeUy A
being pracilcod._______
Covell. of Slights, recently burned, a
ing'3f conrt Tuesday mornlag.
load of it. was brongfat la W tbe
R. J. Archibald aad ton Giles of Elk
Wall Known Jockey Dead.
Works yesterday.
BpMiaMo the MCa.isa Rscoau.
meet Mra. -Archibald on her return
Caldwell A I»udon. carriage, wagon
Toronto. Oct. 28.—Oas Bamiltoa. the
from her vialt in Chicago.
and farm Imptei
well-known iateraatioBal jockey. U
Wm Whitfield. ckemUt for the Elk are improving tkelr plant with an adBapids Iron Co., was in the city Uat dlUonal bnUding in which to display
r SUh.
some of their finer work, and a borae
J. W. Cliffe is in Charlevoix on a hos- shoeing shop la tbs rear. They have
•pMUl to Tbe HoratttR lUvord
bc9B patting ont eome extra fine work
Now York. Oct. nt.—The joint traffic iaees trip.
aaaoelatloB will dlscnss tbe Supreme
•oartdeeiaiooatm meeUng November ped in the city to eall on Mre. J. W.
Four inches of snow on the com
Cliffe yeeierday. on hor way to Phila- ceased toe pos^muement of the bask-1
dclpb^ to aasame dotlce as profession ing bit intendpd for the e
•on. Xitehensr Oalled on Wales.
al name in one of tbs large boepttals la of the Christian Endenvor Society,
•psclsIwTnMossise Rscobd.
the Quaker City.
tbe home of John MUler, near the
Loadem. Oct. 28.—General Eitcheaer
Mra. F. A. Mitebell, wife of General
called on the Priace of Wales snd had f^asongar Agent Miteben, of^tbe M. A Lone Tree aehool honee. laat evening,
until eome Ume next week.
a long laterviowat Kartborongb today. N. E., isthegacotof Mi
B. MonteBepablloan meeting toaigbl, ,8tcda.whom she accoapan
berg’s Orud.
Next Saturday, a week from tod^,
Miss MsbclNorthrup. has been em
SpMlsI 40 U>« MoralBs Rveoed.
tbe regUtry booka wUl be open in the
WaahlBgtoa.Oct. 28.—Admiral Dewey ployed In the Herald offiee dnri^ I
absence of Mice Bates, will retom tl
cables that qnlst prevails at Pekin and morning to her home at Mt. Morris. •evaral warda, and every voter- ehonld
that there is no teoable affecting Miss Minnie Wait wUl teks the position eeeto U that his name is properly
in the office for the preeent.
.Amortenn lateresta.
f Reefer, high collar,
Uorqualfil iu relaininr rhsi
Btrvet. dress, taome or outing.
All feet aod fsacies fitted In
toea. hvels. and lestbers.
Our Childs- 3.piec« Suite for
li Full liaebor's and chim- style
and wo'kmanship have ao
.. $3.00 ;; ren's Oiercoats. 89c to $3.' • eipal.
Regular price $£.O0.
: Theii are all right.
. Cold Snag Price $1.98.
Look at them before baylag.
. : Look at them.
-yCEEN QUALITY” ftem stert
to fioisb.
the uate-
rFoerdeper’s” VicI Kid
used exclasively.
Sold exelnsively by
Popelar Shoe House.
I Sell Goal
Likewise Wood.
And dalivar orders prompUy.
Try IM En Esq Fin Umn
J. 11. URKIHS.
s tes best sa« straecMt c
~ awsfiesa PtTv el N. T . Oermsa o( Ties-
X. H. ALLYN, Agent
Fretdrich Block.
Our Cloaks
I Are On The Go I
^Tbey are tnoving—Onr trade does not giTe them a rest.
The plnma go first—Why not get yoor pick while the stock is
. yet unbroken.
Many a jacket is being advertised at $6.00, bnt they are
risky, unless of an exceptional value. Onra are of no ordinary
value—We bay for spot cash—we hnnt the markets for liv?
baigains aod generally sncceed.
£x»k at our biggest plnm—A Isdies’ Wool Kersey Jacket,
silk lined thronghont, so honest valne at $7(50—oor price $6.
Another ladies’ Wool Kersey Jacket, good stock and well
made, for $4.00.
A dollar saved ia a dollar earned.
Misses snd children’s Jackets from $lJt6 np.
Ladies Capes and For Collarettes in abandanoe.
Tonr money savers.
The Boston Store,
Fmst Stmet.
Olu, I
J. c. e;llis
Dealer in BtcHcleafSIbycle Sindi^s
“Don’t IvtkfkBf of
«mAV»»8E OIT?.
pobibbMi thi»«s«nibr;
of Xte Bio^.
Xh* fiW few mlnoice^Qf til* VTo-'
___ I'eClub yeeterdep »ftersoo* wrre
joccepled with heelDos. ‘Hte eabj rt
of Ute progran wo* “Mexicu end &p*uf. W. Huivu. Bdltor end Muaffer.
Are fou kebened of jonr ecUoB, or leb BISUH7 la liexico.'' eod wm aoder
Ike leodeitbipof Mr». Pewblo.
„ I wkot
*not jroor fellow towDemen
en tok:
• »e whet joo ere doieg?
A paper Id which ell were istereeted.
k T. Batm akd J. W. Bunn.
It «hh like *eel
My work is Bnt cUm aotl pricM that
in nweb of *11. I am
propar«l at all times to take rar- of the trade. I make a BoecialtT in *
* c—.. II___*
« •
BrsEiiig, VulcaDiEing aad
fine line of whM-le
for Tbb.I©
and to rent.
J. C. BIXIS, 311 Front slreot, east.
iwer u
I It U eefe to np tbet Mr. Gilbert
•'^•.elrlkee the key note of the poeltiOB
taken by the Eagle lo iu refaeal to
■ ipriot the letter la the dally edillos,
' whea be eoggeeta that the paper U
•rcosdrlM* netwr.
asbatned of Ite owo actlop. aod that
the editor doee not wanjt bU neighbor*
in town to know wbal be Is doing.
The editor of the Eagle la too aenaiSTATEble to circalate hU eeiKational atucka
BAZKN t>. PINOBES ol Wepir.
freely Id Traveree City, wherethe peo
of Boogl
ple are BO tatailiar wi b the altutlon
*"SS5rCKK*ntitR>C8olll»«>othat they woold coodrmwvueb a eoune
wABdltoM.iT nrrel~
in polltlea or any other costroreny.
H unan
nBOE'a\^nnL of ntc
ItuAM A^EWCH off
»fI>reM]OT I«le.
sni of PubllT loetruriloe-'
lAMMOKD of BiUodale.
»l .Warae.
Mr Bcanol of tbr rolfFnltr Oeaa urmi. ^ i. BYRON JVIWINM of Bent.
Merkewber State Board of BducMton I
***% P. JOBNSON of Waokteoa*. '
Mwlfewber Slate Board of Edoeatlon
A PLATT of Oeoeoea
Irtbe prealdent la a« fortunate in
appoioting other goeernore for pro*ineea taken from Spain aa be baa been
in the appointment of Genernl Wood aa
df tbe proTiooe of Santiago,
then American rule will be welcomed
by nil their people.. Ooreroor Wood
•pende the rereanea In the interest of
tbe people and In tbe mo«t praetloal
and ecoDomieal way. TberaJgMateal*
ing. no favoritUn. no nnaeeembglai'
proeemenU. bnt whatever la done la
rBopreoeolallTF Id C<
VILUAM S. MBtli(CK of Aoirla.
Ma Choker bae rrqeeeted Leader
Mr Statr'Sesator.JA11E8 W. MILLIKBK. of Greed Trareroe. Joe Bailey to ro to Ibe relief of tbe
Dmooata of New York by doing all
in other eUtea.
g^M^weretatlw in IM State Le»UfatBre.
WUXIAM M. FOOTER of Oned Treterw.
PaansLY LI Bang Chang feele that
be to able to dominate the OhtnMe govfBrBhwflf. OSCAR SlMroON.
eming power witboat eloping witb it.
*’**WT!£lAMt*-. KEWTOM.
The majori^ of tbe Snabelal inatl^ ^AANliTC^aorFATT.
tntione that an talllnr three days are
VvOonDtr Treaaorrr—
OBobuE w. Clyde.
the Tietime of dtoboaeator incompeunt
ofBelato and not bad tlmea
MrOfrCBli Court C'oBWfualOOOr—
Xbjnry to Joe Wallet.
trip tbro^ Mexico. She said that
when they entered tbe bonndarln of
UfXioo tbey were told to set tbeir
waicbea back 36 boura and tbeir calen
dar*. l.UOO years. Sbeapoke of tbe
many bnngry and ragged ebildnn, al
to of tbe peculiar food and melhoda of
eating- Tbe parka lo tbe cIUm afae dekcribed aa
beauUfnl. Tbe grand
eanona were spoken of. which an eery
Cirauit Court Boniioe
beautlfnl but tbe journey throngb
In Cirenit coart yesterday the t
them to eery dangeroua
of Brown vs. HeCrsy i
iniemting deacription of the
witbont costo after a trial of about
uaUoomba and the enatoma in regard
three daye. Tbe dsfendanl was repreto bnrial was also given. Tbe city of
ited fay Patchiq A Crotser and tbe
Mexico >fe very beantifnl. Tbe bouses |
uplainaDt by Pratt .t Davis.
an built of atone, in Sponiab arch!- '
In' the case of Payn v*. OUley, tbe
lecinn, around an upper conn and plaintiff »
witb a flat roof- While then, Mrs.
of biaoek v» .Stanek. the*
Bull visited a beantifnl esthedrn'.
bill was dismiasid witbont coata.
wbiob coal S::.WM.uuo. The beanUfnl
flowers nod delioioua frniu were much
Co. vs. the Traveme City Lumber Co.,
enj lyed by the party.
the plea in abatement was denied by
An Interealing deacription of the la
tbe coart. apd eouneel eniered demnrboring clnaaee of Mexico was a portion
rer to denial and tbe case is ordered to
of her remarks.
Many famous and
trial Taesday, to which lime the coort
beantifnl cities were also detoriNMl.
"Mexico under tbe bpapiards’' was
Standard tiavinfs and I.MB Aawieia-'
tbe title of an instructive ' paper
UoavsEmma Broadfoot etal. Fore-'
read by Mra. U. C. Davis. She spoke of
cloanre. decree granted.
tbe cobtiueat of Mexico, in ISiu, by Cor
tes, of tne boepiuUty of the Mexicans
Bucklento Ann ca Salva.
bestowed upon tbe Spaniards and ito
The Best Salts in tbe world for
treaetaerons aod cruel return, and bow Onto. Bratoea, Sores, ~
tinally tbe Empln of Montezuma was Ebenm, Fever Sores, Tette
overthrown and Spaotob sovenignty Banda. Chilblains. Corns, ai
Bmptiooa,and poeitively
Ively carca
aaUblmhed in Mexico.
It It I
of Mexican
curioaities was shown by Mrs Uuh and
aaie br J. O. Job^n and?. I Walt
Mrs. Davla.
A rvcitotinn entitled "Where is Annett." was given in a very nice manner AtUsatbsEs]
Grand Ibto <
by MIsB Daisy Boland.
and Itoteo to addreaaes by CongrevsMrs aillispie read an intereaUng
man Mesick and Boa. George W.
paper on "Bpantob Ouloniea in Mexico".
She spoke of tbe Spaatol^ loasee. those
Ladies, clean yonr kid gloves with
of the present century equaling C.UUO.- Miller Qlovehne. It to not a liquid,
OOusqnare miles of tcrriiory.
leaves no odor and can be nsed while
For cale
MrA Patetain read apaperoB “Current tbe glove is on tbe %and.
BvealA,’'lo which all listened aUentiv^ only by James G. Johnson, the drug-
Is tbe beat cigar in th>! market (or
Five Cents.
Most popular dgar lo Kortbrm Miehtgaa.
Every dealer sells IL Made by
A. W. JAHRAUS. Tosnelier RIoct.
w.«, o,..j gg Interested.
In our new display of Jewelry. Havilaod Chlnaware,
Silk Umbrella*, Strin^d Muaical Inatruments, uad
Strings for all Inatmmenta. Complete lines and '
everything new. A personal Inspection ia anreto.
pleaae you.
mWE are
Joe Wellet. employed with C. H.
Gerdaer A Sone, who en drilling en
ertealan well at tbe teat of Baraee' fnr- iy Mrs. Relgaard of Ann Arbor, gave a
niture repairing ebo^ on tbe corner of err iDtereating talk to tbe ladir* and
•otne auestiina tor the Bagla.
Union and State atmta. enffered a
few words from Mr*. Custard of MenP. C. Oilbert wrote a cornmnnlcatlon
pa’nfnl icjory yeaterday afternoon by
*0 the Eagle referring to the atiUof^ thealipping of a ratcbet that held tbe don were Usiened to.
•f 4a Weekly edition and Ita attaoke
A Little BUse.
ih to tbe wlndlau being lued to
I peraoH whom the paper ten
A fire alarm call from box 34 at 4:60
niae a pipe embedded in tbe annd. *nie
ih*‘*OOnrthonBeriBO.'' Thepnbliiber
crank. 'ben released, flew hack with j last evening was from Frea zicDrsder.
s totter with »Be I
the j ^1 Wist Front street. Abambeiong-i
ha «Bt relr out of I
___ .,
James UuoQ was
the scene
'' top of bi* heap, hatting a gash three I lag
!- 15. l)..iy
lo,.a small hlsz« among »jme bsy and
SV *
. oil..,...*
tkat paper J—
does not
dlkcius party poli
s'.iaw which was started by a number
Ten •titebe* *
Man. .TdIk is a rather amueing pro- the wound.
of boys smoking tbercsb uta.
(BSadleg under tb*
Mrs. .Schrader beroicsi-y and akiUolMealariy as tb* writer es|McisUy rely ac.«d as a bucket brigade and extinHe Osed to Live Brre.
^seeted lb*t tbe communication apgoUbed
the •
• conflagration ;
Sc^'nater of Reed City.
.^me In both edllioo*. Btpecially also
member of the Ninteenlb Rvgnlsr In- almost before ibe alarm was inroed in.
M Mr. Gilbert fearlcMly signed bis
N J damage to speak of.
fAnivy band. *ho will be rememD OnrtAin Polea.
M. M. Conlon. traveling represeotar
t a few days ago. He was suffer- live tor William Beitoer in the curtain
matter* seem aabamcid to do. And bto hot
pole bnsiaess, relumed yesterday (i
in IU «i-11“ •"
trip through tbe east, where
»ri.lnol..n.U..K«l,bun.ul.urhe visiu-d the large Cities. Mr. C..d1jo
MAtic aliatlons to tbe Dingley bill
bad a heavy bosinesa and reporu bustaepobllean
unre: aod
iMB»d aentifflsnts unfavorable to the
) pronounced in, ness conditions very encooritgiog.
a M lio sosxiclwwlyr ThU was his best trip for Mr. BcUncr
Bepnblicsn admioistration and prinei*]as; while there has never been a n^gd iievriqiaiaiv in Hlrii-i carxi >vliito|
v'hiln'and tbe ranian pole factory will be
reference mghinst any Drmbcralic , w«a>u ii lov .lamliug ougljt in kn»w tlmt
butv for some time lo eome.
u»nr. or nnndld.u.
| Ihn
I,.. r.----------------------------- -- Tb* Feninrula Mutual failure.
» dangiTims (^ow.
In order that the sentiment* of Mr. •
, ,
, ; There i« u cliLss <>f 4Mie\c-». i,vhui«Uy
E II. Atiyn. uf tue IVoih-nla Mutqal
Ollbrrt may be kpoi^n id the-city the
„ Bi.muzx.ns mI«. always
ln*.ur«iice C-i.. which has just dtsconB
“ rcueii prinu
' the
‘ leuei:
' sNperHf.-ill
i uTs ibropgl! Ilio ni'rii- I tinned bu«ioessj deain-s to’stsic that
T^he piitiisher^qf Weakly and Daily . atn .if Ill-^vx]RIplT'. TIky wnrk
' Tl.. ...v,.,rv
1, io 1. «. ..biJw; ■"
*lb y*.ur
weekly edllk.n ' j_ i.j.
Drab SiB-»"lb
daUd 0.iwWr21(.t. Iri.h- you pi.).1lsl. Iw
x^b< chin «if s man m ar
he did not know that the insuranc
(ass r-r i-r o'. ,> 1 veb.t.you call "Mr.
^ _ .1
Uondrioh's rrsul-i^i< n <4>-b>eskii
king Ibe liini nud n ]> liiw t.rnrf|>tuwhile iliplomaiiSKioaer bad ma<ie an examina;.
t uu luiiuu isss by ,ib:s *taufsway with lion id iQec uipsuys sffa rs noli', after ^ _
____; “The *t>-v, sguifii-anl retolu- thf'Jiii'. At olb. r lim. w jlii- iiiHTiwUri | the sixty percent, aasea-ment -wis' fl^—
Mon wts j.nR-1 tul by Mr Gordrieb, r<-fldi-r nilin\>
*li*< 1 of lln-l>a)wT to' I| made u.,yo
u^iuQ the premium ooU'S.
V'aroe •ri'*h*
r 1 .v'avoe
»h* .Kepublicsii
riiyr r flu-' lap nf a wouiaii Who liaii licr'
------- --------- --------«
i-rver 1“ en doubled, .to ILL ik(«1:>-Itox>k
ilic?**. null lb" p-vk' ii** kj
H«*lowe‘i n Event
I. K puc.icsij i^vubiy^cunvFiitic n, ^
ciisu)q»-arA — Philadeipifia | i-j,, juuiur tV,.rkers of <*raot Episco1-ojiL
________ '
I pal church will give a Uailoive'en
-- briiker.
A ................................
'P«fy to their fri-ndt next Mood
__ _____’•Didl.v.Tt.U yon bowl got licked ;i-.eii‘ii.g in tbe lecture room
of U e.'!
SLvc.ii.,.u*^ bi Mr OuoJrlrh nor ary,
1 ebur-b. <»!d lime games and fun nenal-;
oce «i e, ami you s’ate a faUebo d
‘^**j ly irduiged in (oxe-pt the moving cjf]^^—
when y«i clsim it was presenuri. Why
“W.-ll, I got it. Yon see, balfa dowm : bnUdiDgs, signs, eie.) to enJebrate Hal-1
^ t you wish to ten tbe truth about
j towe-eU vrlll be the or-ler of the eve
Our prize baking powder'at 50c per pound can, 10per cent off for cash. A large line of prizes aod
choice of White Cross or Lsmch Bakmy
84S Front Street
Couch Sale
Quality of powder guaranteed.
Com meal, made by improved machinery, is
not a.s good as the old fashioned
Big Bargains!
Johnny Cake Corn Meal.
large Issortment!
We make tbe old kind, as w’ell as the new —
atJ.W. Slater's Honse
like one and some the other. You pay
your tfioney and take your choice.
furnishing Store.
120 Front St.-New Store.
IW L.JO,...,,.. Ito!■P"”"""— W- m.
ne aie dBems lur.
* Tber.nly person on the Republican **^You°w"w Uw mto <«»rthai jninp- ^
county ticket this year to whom such a adf
refer is
j "Exadly,!”—Oblcngo Ibrcord.
II ,.'.r
et the pr.
pd ex t-se l-jr a
t* f -ne tar er.-ech
tnte 1
have fti)- lU-li..
if *
Cl,-,r.r.. .--...il.;...
spilt io your alirc*
TJ nimseltuib:- U
e .tax
he timicd the
ui<4iiigni<|«..\<-rieiKvl <'uiilx»i.ir> bv dlevtlh-
li ircn^'in oVr ci-y ab-^ jToflneeaCent* A Week.’
I .t.>''7-'e,'d !'i ihi.m a
Si ndsy Sch xil library fund.
bow to PrtV. nt Croop.
»> h... l.o . hltdr. o who
Ml! ■hi.......
**1’^ 'Tt..r,,- bM»i
l| eie S''J O' n.irM’ rn 'ti e Repub-'; siMit i-<n»i f'iir rmtj- 'p. r ee< k . m»U1 courty t4ck«t inciodid in .wori '-'inc oiJv 14 c-^if p-r week f.,r the
brut, psner in t<"r»i''-m Mi--li'r*n and
*r in the
Alfred Doige’s
Celebrated Felt Shoes,
Slippers aod Insoles!
uec<-»s'ty in lt'isc«ioiitryaod
's a.u..-i. Dr'moilv.
M .cc,-of
.aL’of U U
*"‘^ ' “..1"'^^
I r-iiu'iie. NicV.lcv.tle. I’a.
j j(^-
These goods are made from pure ■wool, are
waim and healthful.
FeurUes Cents A Weak,
KT.-rvb dy w i n take- ' liK MoHMxo
Hi-ralU delivt-rtd lo them also
adiiii'onal four^eiA* prr week, mak
ing only 14 cent-* per week for the
bust paper in northern Michigan nad
the best metrepoHisB paper in tbe
siata. Telephone S3.
»r U».
Oaee a Pleeaant Paograa end 0la- rlred in the city Tbnraday aren
waa hi^ kix^Bg aner blit^te
oonmged Aa'Bbint«ia^
- h* llAdiag Ariby.
> w IOM of TravorM Olt^'a neat oopnlar
grcM for ihU-Atriot on tbe JfoMOerat; ^larga naiahh# attandad jihe. ragn.
* ood boat attdr»r7a,arriTed from Frank:
;’e party tlehat. Or.
i of tb« m- *ar Boalbw of rtia Beeior Lycaam at I KicboU waa. a few
ago. a can"’ma^-iT^lTia aU allF^ nr. ahrml. In 1
fortoaal* ladj
portent Snbjecta DiaentMd at X«at the Central echool buildinr laat eren- did^te for gorei__
tbe People'a
Bobi^bb-dmeantBlaetod aatlFa^ fngand tbeaeeMnblyWMB-waapacked 1 partr Ueket. Bebaaaapy friwdi'ta
non Selectee an tha Hext Blaoa of to iU capacity.
. tbe city wbo were pleaaed to meet
Col bo bo. Jlocrad I. AUwb
i,„„ U„„„, t,
Tne memnere of tbeeociety barepow bim
obbW. . I.mer .or D.^Io.trlbl.b,
Tr.ra., .for >birb .
MtUed dowp to good working order
Uanietce. Oet. :n.~The afternoon
a thrae-foov rein In drUllnjr a well.
Throe Doetora in C
ana thoae participating in laaterening'a
aeaaioo of tbe Womaa'a FederaUon yea.
Tbe coal i» of l>e aofl mriet;.
’njm BevjkBik rruklls.
„„,;..^..^.h.„orU -dl o.. .•
you ar« aiek, wl
▲ Penn»ylvanla sjndleate baa obtain—
ted. Which made for them a rcry faw aty
and the eateemed eonple will deleeobn
(trertnre given
a qaarbeat to be ehoaen for a medi
I on 10.000 acrek in Tnaeala i receltn the ainoere confratnlatlon* of tatte eompoaad of Mre. Lem Cohn. Mra. rorable imnreaaion with the aodieoee. tbe first plare: wbat experience tells
An oration entitled "The I'eace 'ypa la beeC to te cboees in tbe M-cond
oounty and will noon bwiDcoalmlninffitbecoBmanitr- Tbej-will reaide at (iuatav Kiialnger. Mina Canfield and
Movement” was splendidly given by > place: « bat reaeoall. e.. Theory) lays
Ipreaent at the Hotel WhiUnr. anttl Mr. Cbaffera.
Leslie MeWetby. and showed moeh '‘^e lest place
him Winnie Bofla, daujhtar of Frof. they hare aelected a reald«Doe.
Dnt if
vnn ran
..ari get
dw.b fb,. Tnalii.alina r>w
Tbe builncaa of electioo of ofBcen
, But
careful thought and study.
TttonMa A. BOfie of Ana Arbor, fell { LAateTeoiorthrBoya' UaBdpFeaent“
d I),
ig aa foliowa:
on the atepalaadlnF into the recitation I, edlhemaelrea at the entranee of the
By a alight miataka. it waa announc
■ give '
Present hlrv. Martha A. Keating.
boUdinr on the c I...
H.,.1■ »UU......d I...
Mr. ed Dpon tbe program that Urace Has you tbe beat advice that can be tal.ken." 2
. a bed cold Dr. Icinjbred her apine.
. .Iddddt
..d rood dlS.~ Edw.ri U Wl». ... ll..l.rid; .«»«! tings wonld give a declamation. Tbe
reoommend Chamber- ^
overaigbt waa discovered too Uu to be Uink Tool.
tb. —i-—j, H. p....,
The Michigan Standard Coai Compa ....
"ougb Remedy Ibecaoae it la ^
it Bod safe to take.
ny baa been incorporated at Bebc^ng
I Eaplda; recordingeecretery. MiMABble rectified, therefore, to save diaappaintMtoe would reeammend it becan^ It
lU Mika Hastings kindly
and 3S0 aerea of coal land* aecured.
® m < Pierce. Yosllanti: eorresDocdlng aeore-1
faiU to effect a speedy sad
Onone-qaarterof aaacreof ground
. two Litabfield man ralaed iXVS kquaah
Priddy, Adrian. Uirectors; Mre. Fior-I
thiaaoaaon. welgbiog altogether over
The Home of the Bed Cross" was{lure's plso
L. Buleon. Jackson, and Mrs.
three tona.
(he snbiect of a verr loslruclive ab-1
bonis Psiker. (hand Rapida
Arthur Jobnaon.aged 1b,of Manistee.
.uLt lnwhi2a .7emh^
to a na.uml and brnltby ]
WU etruck'by an M. A N. B. tratn and
will not be occupied by the
itude were pawed for the ro^pl way in ] Miss Claia L. Barton, founder of tbe
lantanily killed.
L’oited fitatee atUilary forees anttl tbe
which the federaUon bad been enter- Bed Cross .Society, was given by Net- feorteen Onto A Week.
Artbnr Woodirtrd. a motorman at dateaei for the ending of Bpaniab eovlie Oleaeon.
Everybody wbo mkre T"x Moaxixo
Ann Arbor, was aererely bmiaed in a ereigety in Cuba.
A touching decIsmatloQ "Home
KxroRii can have tbe Orsnd Bapids .
Mra. Moeber of Hillsdale.gave au adOolliaioD between two street ears.
Tbe diatribntion of free retiona Id
Herald delivered to them slso tor an :
reaa. "Bibics of Club Life." but which Sweet Home." was very nicely rendered
adaitimal fonr emu per week iBsk-'
Two years ago a Jonearilleman went Bantlago Province U demoralixlng tbe light be called "club politics.” fibe by Anna Oriatt.
ittgonly l4ceott per 1
A violin solo by LsurX^Vegea with
eonth and aeenred a banana bnlb.wbicb
said our club polities will somelimee be
by Clara Rut' he planted. Now it has grown to the
The boundary dlspote between OiUi determined by tbe poeition we Uke to- In tbe
amte. Telephone SS.
height of aizteen feetand le bluaaoming and ArgenUnn, which baa threatened wnrd eveniK bappeniogaronnd OB. She aer. was eolhusiaatically encored and
and the frnit forming.
to involve the two conntriee in war. nnred debs to nse judgment in elect another pleasing teleetion given.
"Oar IStandlDg Army fibould be
For tha first time in tbe hletory of will be aettlea by arbltrallon.
ing such oWcers as shall best fit tbe
Largely Increased,” wm tbe snbicct tor
Impeeroonnty a colored man has been
New Bagiand tobacco growers fear place, irreepective of personal feeling.
4>ver HcNtaUin'* Bbokttets.
Tbe aBri
"Let u meesure oorselves not by i
ehoaen to eii on the jiirr of tbe Clr- Mial their tndnatiy will be eerloualy
bands of Bva Thacker and Hilda
onU Court He U Joe Knight of La affeeUd by tbe competition of Porto men. or others, but by jodgmeot, kind-'
Orswn, while Lnelle Theobald and
Bican. Cuban nnd Philippine plantere. new. and jnetiee. When sincerity and
Margaret Loudon had tbe negative. In
Wrnum baa 'designed a eourteay prevail in politics they will tne general dikcusXioD. Bert HonUgue
Five years ago a fanner loet bis
watch white plowing near Concord. marble fountain, which be pnrpoaee to clothe in sweetness, law and gov-i spokejn favor of tbe mgative. After
LMt week another man. while plowing erect in Constantinople as a gift to emment, acd the Ume may ocm when muen delibersUon tbe judges decided
imemorate bis visit and Uiat of the theurm "politician" sball become a a favor of tbe negative.
on the same ground, tnmvd It up.
Utle of honor and not opprobrium.
Other plessing tmubera Were;
wna In almoei ^ good dondition at empress bo tbe sultan'k capital.
"Where Christian
most piano solo by Bebf Dean, Biograpbical
when lost exoepVtke balrapring and
UeroniMO. tha famoos Apache chief,
ea»ay. "Tbeodora BeOMTcH,” byAltnon
’ handa
escaped from hngoards while g^ag abonnd. there will be \ke purest dub Boiler and a development by LetUe
l«r sMohitc pktB I j
Asa raiser of pompkins Mrs. KaU, irom B1 Reno. Okie., to Fort fill], and
. of trrtS «ttboM I)
Tbe subject was further dlaettaeed by
The Imprcmpln subject. "HoMttal
of Union City, eeems to be a ebining te believed to be making for faU old
pais u«r<l. LalMl asd W< M ajtttkfkCtMT p>«
several ladies. Miw Clara Avary of De Expenence.” was given to Mias {Sane parstlns m um-O for maklss vs'rsrilcn rsv*
aneccea. She raised elxteen on one bannu in New Mexico.
(Hge, wbo b^ged to be excoaed fro
troit. wbo led in tbe disenaaion gave
nine. The largeev of the sixteen weigh
Terrific stomas have swept over some practical ideas aa to tbs'methods spet^king at that time, but promised
give B belter acconnt'of her experien
ed 134 pounds and. tbe amaUeat sixty
on enormous amoont
at kome future meeting of the lyceu
' pounds, tbe total weight of tbe whole of Aamage and cansing considerable
She aald, antong other things. "Most than she was able to glre on soeb a
Jet b^g 1.018 -ponnda over half
loss of life. In one instance a caravan women are idealism, but Bepublicanism short nptiee
Miss Downing gave tbe <9-1110% reinsisting of 47 persoDs and loO
is an ideal.
Mrs. Fred Remley. aged 30. living s were engulfed in the river Qaiiee and
"Experience teaebea. bat exparlence
mUc and a balf west of Royal Oak. all were drowned.
Oyateia. Standsi
only oomes with tbe recognition and
while milkiag a 90W was kicked in tbe , At Havsne. the Matorra. aa asylum performance of duly.
*w. SECT’S,
.asn or.halsiBaroo iblak or the
; faee, breaking berebeek booe. It U for tbe Insane, wbkh u
"it IS tbe duty of each one to help
Union street.
feared she will lose tbe sight of one!; boapiul. appears to bare been disgrace- j <mrry the federation to greater perfec
*y*i fully iDsasged. Tbe records of the Uon.
KaUmaiou. Mlrb . JiH>« ft. UWi.
William Leonard will donate a two-1 last i:. monthk show there were 638
Mrs. Clam Denton of frrand Bapids.; tdTer rBLi •
iiiid'r>leu<-<l. bi-rv),,' erttif; ibat ibki j
Stoiy brick boildiog u> Leonard, a vil-1 deaths there out of 700 inmates. On a fine parliamentarian. maJea plan for |
lage named after bim. the Maccabees baturdsy next a nieeting of ibedirec- "doing ail things decently and la oriocmu.nTf".'b.V‘:.
to have use
; of tbe whole second loia, presided over by tbe civil gov der." as in this way beet resulu -were
■arrj oU|<o^br ]<
ernment. niiivcuciu
will be held lor
for tbepnrpoec
^ ctuiueua.
.uejiurpuoc etmiUrO
atminrd in
In Utr
ihr IDOrtesi
ifaortesl ume
lime euu
and espe- | ttoo, ili-yn.aj
The soldier.* home at Orand li.pidk of inveeiigaiing the condition of tbe cMlly urged tbe lad i-S w speak x-lesrly ^ tBa^.m «h»i
: is already filled u> or;i;rdowiDg ibik fait UnsiituUon and to make new appoint-^uod loud enough to be beard—a point
sad an addition to'lhe buildings adf menu si.d impPovemenu.
| well iUuktrsted by her own clear and
aoon be a necckkitj.
j Three years ago Pans beguo to dis dlstioet enunciation
Tie norlbero Michigan maehera* as-ipotcnflm sewage after the manner of I After more discus.
■ociation will bold iu annual meetingBertio. by turning it iMo field* plant-j brilliant plaro solo was given by Mrs-[
James Dempsey, Jr..of Manistee.
C r. li.vTut.
at Cadillac tbe Friday and lieiurday «d with orcbaids andvegetablea. One- "
V T. Btasn.
Mrs. M. E. C. Bki-s ("Our Mrs. ;
nftar Thanksgiving.
Five huudred fourth of tbe fownge.K already thae
Ok>lil>-r Hoar hannx. A
Js* XoseoL
teacbert from the northern part of ] diapoaed of. and it is hoped that in two Bates”) of Tmverse CUy, was intro-{
A. U
Michigan arc expected, and the best more yearn the whole of It will be.
Amcvt W AkITU
meelU.gtheh»kocialionbaaeverhad ikj Tbepsoicin Virona and other parts fine addrres on "Our Newspapera."1
•nUcipated. Tbe program is almost of Aosu-is canard by tbe fear of an epi which held tbe tboogbtfol stleotion ^
A. P Sa.-n,
Deed. I
oompieled and many p.vmineov educa-jdemic of tbe black plague isaskamlog
not quote from this address, as I hope |
tom will lake part.
< I wide pruporUona
it may be given before our own club by ]
In tbe vlclbiiy of NUe* the we*iberi ai Nyon, io the csnioo of Vsg l,
Mia. Batek herself.
propbeu k»y lust all iodicaiK.iih on' berigerian. bis kerrno Highness. Duke
It is ueedlrss to e.y th^A It was fol'y ‘
M - 1whicn great relisnoe tk alwsy. pi.c.o de Litu. Vikcouoi l«,-. x, was ma---'
by otbeik, since several,
Sr.--, A M,ir
pomi to a long aud severe wiater. lo ^ir<x to Miss Jsnr .I-.hoson Perry.;
ireit to preI .
iLive Agenta Wanted in Unthe firkt place, there .. U« goose b>be. | dsughur of the ,.te A. .•*. J. Perry, of j
their own mem> er*.
For the lital time in eighl y.eiis .1 is | chkriestoo. S.C.
1 a'di-.s’ahAi'.n foilow-dried br Mrs. j
occupied Te» Htory.
very ...tte and nearly al; ah.u-. which |
,hal the (Jpr-1
M. Perry of Chsrlotu-. who spoke Iis a tnre sign of ear-y soow. deep siiow >
.»rk Sstisfectioo sane durii g the i bri. fly of tbe work being so well d, .»•.
and snow vM.jug duraiioi.. luea there
,,,, North Sea. Tbel in tbe stale by newspsp. r wom-n. and'
istheriigwc-.d, ^ It .. “Ofkua.iy m.l-.
crew of nine vsp,eisllj of tbe Michigan W.iman*k^n.doe.bs.urc,.r„rU,ofortue
, „
O.ra. Ai.eo U„rr . ^ ^
, A«>ni.l «"lo *J—. by Mr. Ch.ff-i.
IdK Bbtarw BLmbW is rnskf<-rt
Olrea Fed«ratioE^,pf WornYMtordnf Ktml&r Mnity C. Dod|^
ai^€i«te At Sa&istM!.
■ V
0^ ttte AOoM.»
Oysters! Oysters!;
‘Sot 'DoohW
I l&otWv
Nicblp Accident Association.!
8 J.W.fflilliken
„Uonri«,rub.„.bb.u., .b»ri U.~
U>.y«. Uda...l„
,«ridhd.k, riritubd......
, C.a«bTbusl.,.;"'
—-i-ri ri-. b.h ,,.
I "Wl,ri t« r, Wra. ..d I.,or.d .1,.
Cheap Rates
to Chicago
jStrs. PeToske)f and Charlevoii. -
f... d»U,.d.lv ... i
-nib" ri .lbd Irimii.d
Round trip $3.
B-rlli riirs.
Toe r<ic*pl<dn. lo th-^ t-reriog. giver.
tbickntaw. That ik a sign luki qevvr
»«». 41 »: t»rth»,
etiing the inmaM and esuaing great in the armory, waa a very brilliant affails, even when ouicrs
tsiod rviorsiPir A. nr Uklksre <d srani#Tiu.
fair, attended by three or four bub-1
H. C. Boogers of auirinsn was a very j TheAusirlan Minister of Agricallncc
dred Bpople. --Toe ball was tutefu'ly |
Horthem liCbi^U TcU^ttlOa ۥ.
mneb surfirised man the other day. He h,., sk„eiir.qe-l an aporaprisliao for esand Isrisbly decorated with ropes of ^
B^POPE. Agen
was crossing iBr D.. (i. K. .V W. trscss ul.Hshing ifi.rtyihiw sUlions,
’ evergreen and ground pine. One end . Phone sr,
.1 Howard uiy. wnenhc kud J«.H|„B,rbihesrmrl. to supny guns and' of the ball was banked with the bsoiu
font.1 himseif silling an the cow»Wh-:„n.nu.iiU)n u. the people for drir and tbe letters "H.-S. K. W. C. ‘<li6nrofafast freight. (1.. «as carried .
It is considered
*^4 ll,.,' p'syed tnrre.ru in yellow. A magoifi'' cent bon<iuet of Aaiericmn beauty rrMcs
■ His injuries were only tr:viaL .
clouds of s
. rlv®. U. .h. ,lr ,f. I
Tbomsk ,WUUsms.p<*lmssler
at ...
Dry ■ f«i th» atrad-pSeri.stale of
of hu
hu didiiy
didily , ..hp,,fleer* of the fedcialioo received
. E
den, bad bis right bmid soiputaWd by
i, .rernor Mi -ael li-.-ro. of New M.-xphysicians tedsy, gaognue bsviug ic>. in bisauTiiia repjn-to the »eereraled by
made lUappcaruDM.-. Hr bad previous- Ury of the iat>-rior. VMor.iU'ty renew* evergreens, disroomed lively mas<c,
ly lust botu Ibg* and hiS left biod fr.rin-bis repr^iseatsii-ias for tbe iesrfv ad, and elegrnt refr.-shmeni* werewervrd
tlu'sMi.*- CSU-I-.
: . nr-.M'->n of New -M -t’ci to sl.--**n-ri>.l (l-.ri»i^ ir* PV-'fii*-*:. '^he hrilM»-l
... Si;;::
AlAipeus I.- aL-fcre, Storm.w-oi-n u” - p-rt
••■1> *d-F--ai-o.; j .h'>.' Hi.
»r.i*.lr:i8. cii-geat ..
^ed csa«-d much more dsuiivc loeii "f ‘W t-ryiiory aws-ring cpit.i.. ife.
»„d bright faeve made a p-ctrire!
was at tir>i siippri-od. Thonmndk of -w.;im*U-* that me 1;.mI pnpal.ilon
.,.,^>0 toA>e forporien by th.wrsr.:
ac«»i.lorcbkrtlsu...rip the shore abVi. H'-^ territory now i- -'■^•‘*"0. iii'-:fi iing,
he prvkcnt.
aevorwi miles once-.v.-.-i- .Uui4gdd, and
foJi*" ■'maistiivi of SS.u.».. Th-I -phe •bell of tbe evetiiog" wasi aej
hundred* tJ men-S:C-iiii,.U -.y iajoed. fFp >■ * la^vs sp-ci»l>tress do '*’ * f”’*''} captured by the Manistee voluntcr*!
' In ms.,y,ln«tsnci--7t.v
were. bilftie* of irngsiion and »».v a;i the :
____ _______________
si SsDiisgA.ncd
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with tU«* Tmwrse City Ltwnbtr Cobipan;. .
Wc Lnve for enie (j(«d,
Sound Memlock I.umber,
- .Maple ]-'Iooring. ■
Short Maple Wood
Steinberg’s Grand
youngs^dooluii.gi.Uti uii.ktdb^
forongh many vlci^iudra, J
If^Tl -J.
tho«.ldcrorobard.mu.-t.fru,iws-. still ,abortly he 0Ul.xs4,,v>.the highest
It .
(I*. .- ..I.IS.
1-u*—. . ,
onfoctrec.. -WhUe it L-abta.WUl
Sle.nwhite fnnieido.l
of honor in
In tbelr
their armory
smiory -od
sod vrill
wilt be .
prlM-is creeling a mnli^tnde of wind-I
mill* throiigfaout tbe >>'rrit«ry.
damage.__________ •__ '
The iBsoriotioo on tbe b< 11
shows it to have been cast in Barcelona
Attend Uu SfijiubUcu mt ttlBg
Attend the BcpnhHeen aeetihg
in mi.
.Music by Boys' Band. Io fiteinberg'e Urand (bis evening
Tbe next annoal meeting will be
Everybody invited. X<adies
M. K. B.
will be cordially welcome.
Mill Marbiaerjof sll Uescriiitiana, iDcIadlng Two Euirioefi
Pet "Works, Carriagee and Saws.
CODgressiBaB W.S, Mesick.
A eoroplete Saw Mill Plant
for aale,
TH^ MioMmro JUiopmp« batuepat, ootobmab. i»m.
The Morning Record
n pen <d Ireland near tbe
'toBM mar buMen lodar tbe rutn* ota
MKB large and noble caaUe. Tbe hoot of
itbeowl ali ne I> heard , from ctooe wall
and tried cMteuent which onee (omied tbe
;*fcode e( one of Uw mowatoted famliUe of
ilreUnd. In tbe year ITK8. which datee
peebatw themoat noted uf Iridi retwOlona,
rl. 1-&
iu till! life. We depend
opoo God, we act independeDUy for
rarxdeefi, and we altn dt-pcod apoo one
Motber for mneb in life. “Ko men
»hn«. wh ■».
him In ‘
: : and ; :
Tli.l.mllrb.11 An.1,1110. .. B.Tb..lto,
<.od m>,«
While Moeei bold np bit band I
tbe lact rc|>mi'DiAtlve of tbl« lllnnrloui
fanillr had left hii homo to engnae In the
national uptiMna of hi« oounirriiieii tin-'
der tbe l»ider»hip of tbe dlKlngulKhod
. Smiurt. who with mi man}- other patrlota
died a martyr nt Jlla-rtr * ilirine. Some
dMance to lb.- mirth might have bitni neon
another Imt !.•-« ptwenti»u« mumdon.
became wear?-, and thi:n Aaron and Uor j
held them np. Mhm« wan depeudenl j
np<w U»’“ for ‘“•IP- The?- wt»e
pendent npun Uom-h. afUir r,nd, formecm. l;nTO.-*e nr Atilnre wat M important Ui one e> to enofluT. end br their
bnmpbt moccas. Be
JmleOI>onnellwaenotodfarandwlde thue tuotnally dejandeut nponopeanfer I..T tioauty. llloe «7cd and golden «ner in all the tvlatioua of life. In tbe
halml. ber rtwular Iiwiurue cxpraetlng bouie. in ibe Rudi-avur oocietr. in tbe
that Integrity and piirliy of character ao clinrcb. iu eocietf. in. the btuiiieaB
. ebaraeterlKtlcol the Irish lady, ahe wae world, we nerd tbe help of Aie auoUier,
without a rival In the north of Iteland, ^n,.
Pbe had l«n.toreo«»,tiioe botrotbi-dto
Aaron and Hor benefited tbeinealvea
Robert Mac Mahon, wlio woi ui every way
‘-"'“‘‘•R «P
wortliy !^f
of h"To":
hiT lo\
It is Dot m.lr «ot«l policy to help ooe
thtotwth lack ofm^eonutonandvartoutl
another iu life, but it ia al«n arvligioiii
other nilsfomini*. were defuntod and
Dcd ' duty. '
irntl. and the
lilthi-rand thlthurlh
I tbeUland ta iheci
"Be willing
ill tlutlr attenipta toi i-apo. in which few to lay dotni ronr llvre for the brethren”
I is tbe praclioel coiniiumd of Ubrixt. and
■ I in belpiug nuf auoUuTwe tbne foUlU
1%OM«notio«rcliangvstoo humble and {be law of ChrixL
obaenis-catiln mtir the bouieof the O'UuD-I w„),..in
«nntl,ne i,. i^—,
to be untenanted. In this gWi.y cottage
•m two women, one sitting quirtlj. In a
- - - pacing up ami
down the
mer. the oiner
bln In a nervous. cxcJud manner and
siting like a bunual animal at every
-.nail. The UtUir 1. Jt».|e O lJoohcU.
the belle
UMle of
of the
tne county,
county, who
wt.o hw
nae oome
uifinnitiw. iU error* and ita etna,
i Tt»f ubj<*^ of helping others to bear
I their DUS is that thoy may be reclaimed.
t bniibiT be uve-rtakeu by a fault,
r that are ti]iiritnal restore aocb a oaa
e spirit
lit of tUM-knesB. ” Ueetoration'
| u the obiectof allhclnfuliiM. Another
ftirmeriy bergoverneiw.
l»»hility to eia, "Comadering
”Ob. why dose be not emue?'' tbeglri I tbyxelf lest tbooalioba tempted.” and
- iking iIm-sili-oce I being teraptod proramablylall. We are
Grand Rapids'Herald
Delivered By Carrier
in the City--
Can be procured of Kre. C. H Rector
at 14< Lake Avenue.
448 26t
Ever Bamed Ontf
A fine
Mle a
If so you know
tbe value of
O. P. CARVER. A«mt
John R. Santo,
Geteral InstraiM.
Travere* CtA. Mlafe
n-nrytiaA Block.
St. unsm UD NtnusiEU ti
bu-k.. -Pba... hou. •
14c A Week.
.. .....
soale Black.__________________ _
T A. THOIIP80S. M. D 0«i»A., A HillikroBlock. Hoers.Sto
;n4p. n. Trtei'boor.B
rpSAINXD HTRSK-MIim townr Holeowh. a
X rraCuatr
ol tor Celvcrmlly Boep>tol. Ann
-'tocall* tor eurslag. »l
or. will
grgf-.. a
TraweiM Olty Marteb
Wu hiding in tli.-vlHitiiyoM d,.v: but feed.H.
f S?'...............
. aid not dnn< to come souoer. the suidkn
and spli-s ore BO uiiiuetous.'■
' "Oh. iKe suapeOw.- eras terrible,” aald i
lArd per !b..
Ihcyoung gin. "Ptid until 1 rvwHed your
n n-i—
! Creamery BnUer.fi
bark for France u.nlglit- Bui. Jwnle. ;
when Miavuwuu forni.vsulf atiaiuoamotig '
tbe vine clad bills of Prance will you keep
your troth wllh tin- hoiiieli-esexiluV
-•Y<«, BoIstv 'she replied. "You bare
•nly to eetid for me. and I w ill owne.”
At that tcouicut a nisillug noise waa
bmrd In fruut of the cabin. It was not
>o|si)ml. but It was Runirl-nt to put the !Com, per bn
wary puirlutit upon thrlr guard. Quickly I Ere. per bn........ .
eslingolshliig. Urn llgbl, ibi-y eagerly He- i Butter, per tb.....
teool fiir a repetition of tbe eouod, but i Eggs, per dosoo ■ ■.
PoAtoca, per bn... .................. IB to 80
• My darling." said tbn young man to
-------------------- ------- ,
■ fete Isjtrvlbod. "I fear I must go."
OJsoowed by a Woman.
Another great dtsoovery baa beep
•and be plaoid hur. alni-B.1 unconscious.
by a Indy in this
In tbearms of l»-r fnllhful connaiilon.
. iL. elotohTrusty UnriieT with hi. stick lu hand bad eountry. -Dtaeaae fattened ita clutch
alruedyoiicui-d I Im hack doOr. for In those ! ea upon her and for aerer yean abe
Irish bouM» ihetv art-always two doors— j ^{ih.tood ita aerereat testa, but bar
MsoiwDlng to tbo north and one to the ‘
organa were ——<t
~->utb—and was (s'criiigout Inuittiodark-|hm<k seemed '
. 1__^. ..I..
Bicycle Riders.
g.m^r a ustia. Aiio^is-^ap«t^^
, Below la a Uat of tbe baying and eel'| ing pHcea of yeeterdey for grocenee,
! prowUionaand farm producta in Trav
eat-Lue raiua.
Clear Pork per bbl. new............. Ill 50
dear Pork per !b.............. .........
ShortCnlPork........ .-..................
dbort Cot Pork per fb...
FMcto's CfiiDBbiu Besti^
T H UH-l'DOK, Oauttet. O Wees la M^bj
J . Block.
siiu and errora It ie easier to give food
to the bnngry and clothing to tbe naked
than It ia to gire a belpiag hand to annfnl, fallen brother, b^t CbriniaBiQr'
that we aball do all three.
Kotbing will bring g
”Ab. that 1 do!” And abe oomlnoed
as ibe mniRicd her troubled walk, "liod ; and gruitor blecsing into oar own livee
giant tliM be tuny nut have been uikenl” < tbaii CO coltirate the bakit of helping
"Taken, my chiidr rmiponded her com-' othun. It ia mote blw«d to help than
.panloD. -• Hubert Is
Is etrong and active, ItoOebelpod.
and tbo rcdciuit docs nut live who ta able
Cs.->Denn i. S4-S8; iil.
to toke him.
’n^Jew«. low, hurrlid knock, and
USam^ri. WiUChn,
tbe door of tbe cabin wgs push.d open. | »»• >•*:
aad two uicD eniciyd Tbi-v iwre is>ib <kvi, 8S: 1 Cor. zii. 88; U Oor. 1. 11;
euielo|«d In lung, hiavy frlra-roais muen I viii. 1-8; RiU. iT. 18; 11 Tim. i. lfi-18;
an Mark rwelveU by vxpiiw ilit*n tiau
RcuieaibeririMcbrr'.Oysi.rHintm te to
sly Ixadqaa/ten f rased, flrutclaaaeyaton
BtrS/*‘EbS tMKDS.
snii m'sT tin- dis..
Mand ibetiiUicuUlesibatUelnble
ui tiM) hauler iK-iiig open,
diaolascvl a suit of finer U itun beneath.
The new errivaU wer»' Hobi-rt .Mw.Mabon
and blarcnnnt, Hartley. I'rom the lal
Ur'a ooat (irotrudcd Ireburd's national
we^D.tbo uever fulling abillnt.Hi. MacMahon dn-w his la truihed to his Imawt
Wblle IheoihorBWlliiiliev. lo^lii,. sl.lo of
' the eotlugc- anil v<
"My diirllTig." Mid Uio ymiiig Iriibliiao. "1 kui.w It was stipn-niely tu-Jllsh In
riw to ask you to leave your hoii;.- and
stint nni In tills dsuL-rted spot, but it was
Famous Baltimore Coiiats,
Selects and Siaodaifs.
Tallow JauCiA Ootwd
SufCcring humanity should be snpp’.iod with every means poAlble for lU
relief. It I. witb pleasure we publish
thefoUowiug: "This U to certify Aal
Ido all kinda of rA
WM a terrible sufferer from Yellow
.meling. and that I am
JaupdiA for over six montba. aud wm and % .
give .you
the •bimt work of
tbe city foe
for the money.
treated by aome of the beat physicians one In the
city and all to no avail. Dr. be deceived by what otbeiU toll yon.
contrary, bat come and see for
or druggist, recommended Klee- I yourself.
trie Bitters; and after Uklng two hot-, I gnamotoe all my work to be rtgbt,
tlA 1 WA entirely cured. I now take *»<1 if U doA not prove ao I make U
great pleasure in recommeBdinr them right.
to aoy person auff -ring from thi*. tervi-, J^top ia till 8 o'clock every evei^
ble inalady. I am gratofuH, yours. *xee^ Sunday, in tbe Caldwell .4 LcaM. A. Hogarty. I,cxiiigt.m. Ky " Sold Aon boilding, at north end of OaiM
byS K Wait and 4. G. Johnson, drug- atreeU
a. L. Jtm Triltt Letlons
Oysters! Oysters!
A gabs A a abgsims Caavt.
idip- Borlingatne baa a joke on tfal
Micbigan gnpmne eourl In ordering a
new trial for J. S. H. Holmeat oanricted
cd murder in the find degree and wbAe
defetue waa insanity, tbesnpmne ooart
tnok ncoasion Misrply to critieiae Jndge
Burlingatoe'a charge to tbe jniy. amertibat itt<«>fallyezptoeiiedtbcooort'«
opiuioa (tf tb«- merits of tbe case. Tbe
chaivc tn tbe Jury in the Bolinee caw
bappiVM to be a verbatim icpetitiou of
a charge to a jmy made by Judge Bur
lingome fire years ago in a trial wb«tv
iSMity was lie- dt-fenae, and in anatain
Ing the Turdict at (hat time tbe aapn-ov
court fuund fnall witb the chargi- b»
B it did not go fai
Chicago TuBA-Ucrold.
B I <o 3
tl. B. HoUry.aijBoot»lorr,
OOtMO aoCT*.
IHO. s'Ho llHe. Slfii
TTTAVTKD -A roo.1, tvllel.lr lady or arntir.
W m*Diotwprr-rn. a .iai.4 -'------ *Co. on
«n .Blary
„>lary or moibImi
lurioaI to>.
Liss! isi
1^Rr«ALK-4iooil air-Urbt
C ts: WavbiQglon i.lrvrl.
Hesses Olty.. ..
• aiy. Oepewteb-----oi> giboO Irnn- Othrr bunlww
r»lirr ilrrllirk. OtvlUi-krUlr. ■Irh Lwaoelake. ..
wuretloe W»lirrilrvl
Keplc Orovs. ..
-Tbr Story of
10 M' 4l4l.
'* iSi::
luHotir Koiic. lo ibr Aarrlrae treerkr*. el Cawet.......
iDrargrDi i-seipa with
Ami. Hew^4...
MeniU. In Ibr
ibr------------------r ilrrk of tnr Olympls with Orwry. r.op. H.i>cptt..
oaMo. on ibrilr
aar of Ibr baltic »t Ibr fall of Ha-
For Three Months.
Gnad Ripidi ft indlm 11
tol. which was his only weopott. In hU 1
^oj.jeep. She finally diM»»ered
band. Bilenily and oamlou.ly they su-ppoi ,
to rtreosery. by purehaalag of ns
forth. Hardly was their exit acconiplteb j,,„t„, of Dr. Eing’a Hew Diaeoeery
-------—. -..-.1.,-..
„ r-„, ^ ^ coneumptloa.
jinptioB. and
and waa
waa ee
oe mneb
mnea rereIlgred on Aking tbe flnt doae that abe
slept all uigbv; and with '—3 bottlm
lastanUy levellDg his pistol at tbe bend baa been abeotutoly pored. Her aaAe
ef the tprakvr. MecMabon fired and is Mre. Lotber LuA" Thna wriMn W.
hRNtgbt down bl* man. Bamoy with a C. Bamalck A Co., ot Sbell^. N. C.
lapSdity loemltble to one who has never Trial botUm 10 c A at thedrugaloree nf
mmm the cblllalab In use In a trioe had
Walt aad J. G. Jofeneon. Begnmrvekand knaeked,down two of tbe ene
my with tbe etlck - that never mlsaBe
giw." TWn the two man. eeelog their
opportunity and bearing re-enforoeiuents dUawSaendLUtBulbi
Hmlng from around the nbln, made a
Only 10c each, at PiHne's Oreenhotae.
tadd dash Uiruugb (be ranks of their tM____ _____________«l-4t
They troeweded In gvttlDg
thtvngfa, but at an utdneky moment Bar
ney eau^t bis foot In eome andisrbmab
who AkA The Mobmiko
aad tell to tbe gruniid. Before be eonld
Baoo»> can have tbe Grand Bapids
. rtsBOoe of (be soldiers bad thrown hlmmlf
Herald delivered to them also for an
upon him. MacMehon tamed, and, pick
cento per wMk. mak
ing tbe felkiw up bodily, burled him with
ing only 14 oeato per week tor tbe
bennloan strongtb right Into the foee of
bAt paper In nortbera Michigan aad
fela advancing cuiuradM. and wlA Uaruey
paper in tbe
atblaBidocootlnuod bl« Sight. Bering
atoto. TelepfeoaeJS.
atborougb kpowledgoof tbooouDtiy. they
aooo suooesded in dodging tboir pursuers,
and bufure ntorolng dawned raaebed the Eyadaths.
Tulina. Crocut, etc., in variety of eol.time wlA a number of otbeii they
m, atPaine-eGreenhonae 46Mt
were token on board a ship waiting tbers
for that purpoeu. and that day tliry bade a
Ad fatvwoll to tbelr nsilvc Uud. Mao- BrningSelieel
Of B»lneA College will open at the
Mahon, baring Hoed tbr Irish brigade,
Orange ball Monday eveniiig, Oct.
dlatlngulsbed blma-ir In several engago81. 189B. Tboaa dAiring to take
msdU Aseooo a ixMlblo Jumie O'Don
spelllag. arithmetic, pebmaaBbip.
nell joined blffl In U bale Paua
book-kAplBg,^aho^tand. ^or My of
They never a^n aw Ireland, but tbelr
dseoeodaDta baro formed one of tbe mott
Amlltes of modem Freneb bISMiT.
roBrtA&Onti AVHk.
The NewsOf The World!
ewOB 8ALBf slitaher*
P.rticiiUrly Trmvene atj, Grand Triverae Bngioii
and *11 Hichigan.
IwUIkele ay eBer nUl Kevewber
WAfor toe perpcee ot.reUectiA
Teceday aad Prlday crielate efeoch wAk
October tot esUtr —
Best Gombined News Semce in the State.
Local brmacb uwto arriree at l«A a. M.
taiw Petoakey, MMktaaw,
SmokI T»r-No i« ‘
TbfM Bl( Vew B«tUe«blpe WiU be
Completed Jeanery Fim.
demanded by Public Proae- BpeeUl to ihe NoB«i*« BeeeeB
Bttbjeot to Be Taken up Mon •pcclaJ leTat Ko«nsa Raoon.
cutor of France.
Norfolk. Oct us.—Tbe new battleLake Lioden, O.l S6 —Three
day in Paria.
ebipe. Keetneky.Keereefe ead IDiooU,
were killed by tke
) of boiler'
VaooaAnned B«port th«t aputoh No. S iu the Oelomet end Beclm mine | KarcbMid Bee Arrived <a Oeiro to will be completed by Jeoaary firU.
j I tbie moraine. They were killed io- . Fereoaelly Beport on StoetioB 1b
Pmm OommiHiODm E*d Bnic°
^ ,et*Btly. Another wee eerloMlybnraed.; penhode—BritUb Oebiaet Hea
*d BMBuae United 8ute« Betueed |
Adopted BeMtirbt Whereby
rPAabias Soaaoa Wtll Olooe October
FrecipiUtiaa of a OoafUet ia X-eft
SOUt. But Fiaheraiea Kay Have
port Oo nee From Bedrid.
iPreeident B.-Kialey Seta Apart No-1 With Fraace.
a DltUe Time to Tura.
TfjBiw 24 aa tha Date fot
Parle. OcuJs.-The American peace:
*rmber 24 aa the Date for
oct. US.-A d.maBd of the pob-! Manager Barry of the Trareme CUv
eemmlialoBere todav drew OP a memoHatical Obe-rraace,
lie proeecntor for tbe rerlelon of the:''''»*‘
__ ^ ^' that «*•
tbe cloeior of tbe fitbinc aesaon |i
Twadam apon the eabject of tb. rttUlpVVaehiajton. Oct. fid -The preaideat,
c*« .„d a plea for tbe releaae
ThtM Vra X*t luUBt SMth io th«,
Okluact Bsd HwIbKId*.
Around for Holiday Presents,
are fall of the latest novelties,
the new goods.
Holley & Connable,
« A-». O.9..
pl.« U pl.«
..............................._.r>l_____ .
U.. »p.nCKd.;k«l~..au..
rt.tnW.. V/tlk
Our counters
Come and see
220 Front Street
“Olty Bookstore.”
That when yon have your
co.p.nj -o.ld b. bllb.U 0..i;
atmadrid that the' Spaa lab oommia- to mind the cuatom of onpaneealofa.'
------------|dayaof yrace io which to diipoee of
by time aod rooted la onr ■
Major Marchaod at Cairo.
I the beginning of! Made snd hung if yon
aioaera had realaned. '
most aacrnd trmdiuoaa. of civiny Lp^,^ „t«s Ro«»i»e lUwiu..
BktNfled, bo
, Beported Prom Kadnd.
Almiyhty Ood for all the | Cairo. Egypt. Ort. 2« —Major Mm--,
epMlal teTaa Hoaxiaa Recona.
bleseinra h«...
b.-A.A . yivens
today to personally reMadrid Oev Sd.~Tbe Amerleaa
miaaioaera' refani to ahoolder tbe Cn- Obi b,«ory b.n .Aortri .oib o.o«.
s,._Tbi P.ll bl.ll O.-1
i ""I*""™ “"S'*.
b,.d.btbMC..«ilh.S|»o:.hoo...ol. |'« lb.ob.pW.ir. W. b.™ bb.o
,„ HI.
want a perfect joh and want to b#
sure we do It tor yon.
..o..i..i-^..o».u,p. lb.
port received.
Not Known ia Waabiogton.
•pedal te Tea Me
Waahington, Oji. ?s —Secretary Hay
k&owB BOlhlng of the reeigaatioa of
the Spaniab eommiafioaera.
[fully iocreaaed. our public credllha.
Major Marchaod mu»l be withdrawn Icommla-.M. declarea that, ^
(been improved and .Vrengthened. aod I
p^hoda and no ‘•dulterjliag the.r'
common country
mUk -Ub
with a
s -preecrvatlae.-T.,
"preservstlae.“f wbich. he {'
'all BMliona of i
have bora broaght togetber aad knit
ted into closer bonds pf national par- access to tbe Nile.
pose and nnity.
When Mmj.r Msreband bas wltb“Our skies hsve been tors time dark drawB It will be determined whether’ I Ute obnoxious find.
ened by tbe clouds of war. but as we tbe questions raised admit of discus-! The number of the new telopboae in I
-_-«,mp.l[rfloUk..plb....lSTRENGTH OF BUSINESS. . lh.a...oth..k«lij,
w. ...
lb. ,b.„u.„„
---------------------------yo />rci»iHm tickets issued after .Vot*. .0#A—.Voiie accepted for
EdIUA E L. bpiw.
prcmiuvu after thni date. Bring in tchai you have by
that time.
get acquainted
With the e^ial cloak valuea this store is offering. An immease line‘is
Misses'and cbildreo'e styles, and
e ia bere—Ladiee’.
tbe prices we've pat on them are lower than is osaal even, at
tbe end of tbe season.
L, |.j^
Bradatreet and Dun Beport Kacoai- ted to rejoice tibsi tbe conflict
iflicl has
been |' ^ y^jor Marcband it not withdrawn |
of brief darsUoa aod tbe 1<*'“^ ”* ^*** ; there will be no
an interference with bis
hit!i AtUai tb( KepubUcaB netting
aaing OoRditions sad XxHteioberg's Cirend this evening
bad to moam. though grevious aad Im- j
Fashoda. nor will a date
portant. have been ao fsw. eonsidsring,
wiibdrawl. Necessarily
•pw-lsl to TBS MosKlia Bteosutbe great reanlU
' ' ’
, reinforcements will not be permitted
New York, OcU 28.—Dan’s review to iaaplre ns with graUtnde and praise to I
b, treated courday slates Uist bttlaess U affected by the IkOrd Ood of hosts. We may laud t^„,jy. „ . foreign visitor.
Half silk lined, nicely trimmed, in Tan, Bine, Green, Broim,
Rbe foreign war sdhre. tbe salUng of aad magalfy Hls- holy aame that the
Therefore. It is left to Fraace to
value is really $N.50. at $8.60.
wheat from San Pranclseo. starting'
k-< - e-eaUoBofhostlliUeseame-sosooaaa »dopl any active maaaures to proriplCome tb Steinberg’a Busy Cloak Room.
gold from Aastralia
nere oein* ^
countless sora'confllcl.
Hyaeiatbbilbs Wc i
There is >0 ckM^lD
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
eninra. at Paine's Gre
disasters that altead a pro-1 The Oaseiie adds that H bas good
the domeetic
and Clothing House.
iracted war.
believe that while ftossis has
knd bank deal
•am lags haveinci
ibsrefore invite all my fellow citl- coanseted Fmnce to avoid war. she has
lags are laiger.
to tarow
throw her
weight in lae
, [
—----------------------•" r promisee IO
ner weignt
Bradstreei's sl^s the butii
.*'®V tbe 24th day of November, as tbe day :
the narnose of bringing the
opmentshowsexceptiond sclivit.vand^,„,^io„^
_^j,(,me lo-,»hole Egyptian question and the
•^nipb on account of the heavyU.elr place, of worship, for ; Brin,h occupation of Egypt to the
•iga demand for cereals.
of praise and thanks to God for '
,or seiitement:« of tbs year: for tbe ‘
iall the ■ ■
: mildoens of the seasons, the fruitful
, „
— ,
• “«vs of Ike soil; for the continned prosit ie better tliati silver plated ware a« it wears loiq^er and does
Trsverse City people will be iaierr». ».ub9.bm.., ol H,. R«l«.
estedtokoow that Elarry Luke, for
not tamiuh.
I have it in Tea K-itUes, Tea aod Coffee Pote, Pitchers
at KsUxuiUo.
I and valor of onr countrymen; for the
merly a elerk ia tbe drug store of Jas.
•eedsl loT.r Mor.ln* Reeeru
I ^,orj. of victory and the bope of rigbtRice Broilers, Dippers, etc. It will i>ay you to iovestigate it when^
U. Johnson, of this city, has changed
MaasaaiUo. Oit. 38 —tleneral Wood | eous peace, and to pray that the divine
need of any of the ab-jve mentioned articles.
bis location and has moved from I'eios■ - arrived today aod visited the ksrtaeks, ; guidance which has brought us hereto(key and esiabtisbed himself In tbe
hoepiMle aod custom house, finding : fore to safely aod honor may be F™* ■
* in Charlevoix
•verythlng faviAable lor the establish- | ciously continued In years to come.
j J
i of Congressman
nent of a government unfler the new
Wh.i.iam MrKiM.xr."
George W. McBride in
Steinbe.-g's tJrand Opera House IbU
Teatlng Port Thomsa Water.
Spe,i.iiotbr M...KI'...IU<<«D.
j evening, at tbe BepubUcau meeting,
Chiexamagua, vca
Oct.. ew
Boys' band wilt tarnish masiej
-------------- 1
.— auc -.
si ■»*
| —wj..
▼Igoroaa Protest Filed Against White ,rstigaU>ra are tMiing tbe water and land ladies are Invited.
(other features at Camp Thomas, wfaiefa | Captain Foulks of tbe vo'.ooteers of
. _____ -........... __.e we ar« the onlv clothiers on thit plan
•peels) le tbe Mussiskb Rt.ono.
| bss been practically abandoned as s • Ameries bas arrived in tbe city. Meelet, for we don't think so. but we sell clothing ■'s4lee samec.” Io doing
Norfolk, Oct. US.—Negroes have pro- ■ military camp.
j ings will be held every evening sad all
ao wr bare odds and ends left, aod there is where tbe soap comes in.
Mated to the admlnisUatlon against,
»», .
. jday .lundsy on I’oioo streel.in Cutler’s
I’erbaps your boy wanU a Reefer-If eo. we have lham at right
aulntitnUou of white otti^ra for color-' „.
Every one is invited.
The famous shoe
1 lot eblldrec's Suits, good weight, regular price 81
kdo.«lb..,r««.».p..l»• "“b'"«k,bOc.
U™.,b ^b. .«.m b.r,. All.. M .!1U b..u,hl.
One special is a
ladies' All Woal Kersep Jaclet
Copper Ware
Is Ihe best ware in the marketl
• , •;
Cold Weather Snap!
for women.
Fraser tesigneth____________
at Uorton's Bay. The m'll bss besn
New Haven. Oct. 28.-Tbe police to-;
j purchased by L K. Gibbs A Son snd
day raided the Yale scientific school on I
j g MsrUn. her sUter. Mra. will be set up nimr Summit City.
.«<.□« of lb. .U.BV of Jop-for ,f,i. j
E S. Pt.lA Mr., U. E. C j Tb. ibrokon^l Kboonor Bonof H.
t Bates. Mrs. C. J. Kneeland. Mrs. A*. J.! Badger of Toledo. Captain Bobertson.
Viviaectmn has been practiced RljCnrlim.Mra. M. K. Back.MissGertrade is loading Inmber at tbe Traverae City
Yale medical scbool.-and at Sheffield
Sprague, relumed from Lumber Csmpany's dock for Jeaka. of i
acteatlfie school, it U «ld. doge
! Manistee this morning.
Cleveland. Ohio.
The dogajj p sister of Elk Baoide ia in the city
Tbe Steamer Petoekev was in pwt
are famished by men who make it s I
■ and.to visit bU brother. J.
yesterday bound north. She brought
regq^r business to steal pel dogs of | yy
lasbslfdoun horses for B. J. Mor
good breed sod sell them to the schools ‘ ^ben Ellis Bamsdeti went to Nanisgan, besides a good cargo of other
.ifroo.*ito»a . bekJ. kcirfio, lo
u tbko the
freight, aad took away an extra fine
oobdlUon. T-coij-foor boo™ b.for. .;,4,,.|,,„l„,„Chfo«o,obhl.
thk Ume for .fTlKciioo tb. bofra.l
),e foond tbrnt the .turner wagon from the works of Cald
utted «f> blooe. rrttboot food. Ibu it,
owl« to bele, fofl, well A London to A. Edwwds la Char
U Flreo . thorooffh .uhlnc k.d nude
with fref,hA He retortted to levoix.
The Northern Michigan Transporta
ludr ter tbe eteteeetfoeltt. Wbem the |
„t, when he wfU renuin
Iktetnl boor btrl.u the de< ie tutened
tion company have made arrangements
for cheap ezmralona to Chicago
la a wooden frame shaped to iU body, daymomlng
•etbat it cannot move, aad ihe work
court Stenographer Heodeiaao will their popular steamera Petoskey and
of vivisection begins. It has sU been
Monday ChnrlevoU. Tbe rates txjr tbs round
doao very.qalslly. aad few onteideiij
with hi.family, and rstam trip will be only S3.
those sebobls know the cruelty that is y,loaday svealag ready for the reopen
tbe mill of EeUy A
being pracilcod._______
Covell. of Slights, recently burned, a
ing'3f conrt Tuesday mornlag.
load of it. was brongfat la W tbe
R. J. Archibald aad ton Giles of Elk
Wall Known Jockey Dead.
Works yesterday.
BpMiaMo the MCa.isa Rscoau.
meet Mra. -Archibald on her return
Caldwell A I»udon. carriage, wagon
Toronto. Oct. 28.—Oas Bamiltoa. the
from her vialt in Chicago.
and farm Imptei
well-known iateraatioBal jockey. U
Wm Whitfield. ckemUt for the Elk are improving tkelr plant with an adBapids Iron Co., was in the city Uat dlUonal bnUding in which to display
r SUh.
some of their finer work, and a borae
J. W. Cliffe is in Charlevoix on a hos- shoeing shop la tbs rear. They have
•pMUl to Tbe HoratttR lUvord
bc9B patting ont eome extra fine work
Now York. Oct. nt.—The joint traffic iaees trip.
aaaoelatloB will dlscnss tbe Supreme
•oartdeeiaiooatm meeUng November ped in the city to eall on Mre. J. W.
Four inches of snow on the com
Cliffe yeeierday. on hor way to Phila- ceased toe pos^muement of the bask-1
dclpb^ to aasame dotlce as profession ing bit intendpd for the e
•on. Xitehensr Oalled on Wales.
al name in one of tbs large boepttals la of the Christian Endenvor Society,
•psclsIwTnMossise Rscobd.
the Quaker City.
tbe home of John MUler, near the
Loadem. Oct. 28.—General Eitcheaer
Mra. F. A. Mitebell, wife of General
called on the Priace of Wales snd had f^asongar Agent Miteben, of^tbe M. A Lone Tree aehool honee. laat evening,
until eome Ume next week.
a long laterviowat Kartborongb today. N. E., isthegacotof Mi
B. MonteBepablloan meeting toaigbl, ,8tcda.whom she accoapan
berg’s Orud.
Next Saturday, a week from tod^,
Miss MsbclNorthrup. has been em
SpMlsI 40 U>« MoralBs Rveoed.
tbe regUtry booka wUl be open in the
WaahlBgtoa.Oct. 28.—Admiral Dewey ployed In the Herald offiee dnri^ I
absence of Mice Bates, will retom tl
cables that qnlst prevails at Pekin and morning to her home at Mt. Morris. •evaral warda, and every voter- ehonld
that there is no teoable affecting Miss Minnie Wait wUl teks the position eeeto U that his name is properly
in the office for the preeent.
.Amortenn lateresta.
f Reefer, high collar,
Uorqualfil iu relaininr rhsi
Btrvet. dress, taome or outing.
All feet aod fsacies fitted In
toea. hvels. and lestbers.
Our Childs- 3.piec« Suite for
li Full liaebor's and chim- style
and wo'kmanship have ao
.. $3.00 ;; ren's Oiercoats. 89c to $3.' • eipal.
Regular price $£.O0.
: Theii are all right.
. Cold Snag Price $1.98.
Look at them before baylag.
. : Look at them.
-yCEEN QUALITY” ftem stert
to fioisb.
the uate-
rFoerdeper’s” VicI Kid
used exclasively.
Sold exelnsively by
Popelar Shoe House.
I Sell Goal
Likewise Wood.
And dalivar orders prompUy.
Try IM En Esq Fin Umn
J. 11. URKIHS.
s tes best sa« straecMt c
~ awsfiesa PtTv el N. T . Oermsa o( Ties-
X. H. ALLYN, Agent
Fretdrich Block.
Our Cloaks
I Are On The Go I
^Tbey are tnoving—Onr trade does not giTe them a rest.
The plnma go first—Why not get yoor pick while the stock is
. yet unbroken.
Many a jacket is being advertised at $6.00, bnt they are
risky, unless of an exceptional value. Onra are of no ordinary
value—We bay for spot cash—we hnnt the markets for liv?
baigains aod generally sncceed.
£x»k at our biggest plnm—A Isdies’ Wool Kersey Jacket,
silk lined thronghont, so honest valne at $7(50—oor price $6.
Another ladies’ Wool Kersey Jacket, good stock and well
made, for $4.00.
A dollar saved ia a dollar earned.
Misses snd children’s Jackets from $lJt6 np.
Ladies Capes and For Collarettes in abandanoe.
Tonr money savers.
The Boston Store,
Fmst Stmet.
Olu, I
J. c. e;llis
Dealer in BtcHcleafSIbycle Sindi^s
“Don’t IvtkfkBf of
«mAV»»8E OIT?.
pobibbMi thi»«s«nibr;
of Xte Bio^.
Xh* fiW few mlnoice^Qf til* VTo-'
___ I'eClub yeeterdep »ftersoo* wrre
joccepled with heelDos. ‘Hte eabj rt
of Ute progran wo* “Mexicu end &p*uf. W. Huivu. Bdltor end Muaffer.
Are fou kebened of jonr ecUoB, or leb BISUH7 la liexico.'' eod wm aoder
Ike leodeitbipof Mr». Pewblo.
„ I wkot
*not jroor fellow towDemen
en tok:
• »e whet joo ere doieg?
A paper Id which ell were istereeted.
k T. Batm akd J. W. Bunn.
It «hh like *eel
My work is Bnt cUm aotl pricM that
in nweb of *11. I am
propar«l at all times to take rar- of the trade. I make a BoecialtT in *
* c—.. II___*
« •
BrsEiiig, VulcaDiEing aad
fine line of whM-le
for Tbb.I©
and to rent.
J. C. BIXIS, 311 Front slreot, east.
iwer u
I It U eefe to np tbet Mr. Gilbert
•'^•.elrlkee the key note of the poeltiOB
taken by the Eagle lo iu refaeal to
■ ipriot the letter la the dally edillos,
' whea be eoggeeta that the paper U
•rcosdrlM* netwr.
asbatned of Ite owo actlop. aod that
the editor doee not wanjt bU neighbor*
in town to know wbal be Is doing.
The editor of the Eagle la too aenaiSTATEble to circalate hU eeiKational atucka
BAZKN t>. PINOBES ol Wepir.
freely Id Traveree City, wherethe peo
of Boogl
ple are BO tatailiar wi b the altutlon
*"SS5rCKK*ntitR>C8olll»«>othat they woold coodrmwvueb a eoune
wABdltoM.iT nrrel~
in polltlea or any other costroreny.
H unan
nBOE'a\^nnL of ntc
ItuAM A^EWCH off
»fI>reM]OT I«le.
sni of PubllT loetruriloe-'
lAMMOKD of BiUodale.
»l .Warae.
Mr Bcanol of tbr rolfFnltr Oeaa urmi. ^ i. BYRON JVIWINM of Bent.
Merkewber State Board of BducMton I
***% P. JOBNSON of Waokteoa*. '
Mwlfewber Slate Board of Edoeatlon
A PLATT of Oeoeoea
Irtbe prealdent la a« fortunate in
appoioting other goeernore for pro*ineea taken from Spain aa be baa been
in the appointment of Genernl Wood aa
df tbe proTiooe of Santiago,
then American rule will be welcomed
by nil their people.. Ooreroor Wood
•pende the rereanea In the interest of
tbe people and In tbe mo«t praetloal
and ecoDomieal way. TberaJgMateal*
ing. no favoritUn. no nnaeeembglai'
proeemenU. bnt whatever la done la
rBopreoeolallTF Id C<
VILUAM S. MBtli(CK of Aoirla.
Ma Choker bae rrqeeeted Leader
Mr Statr'Sesator.JA11E8 W. MILLIKBK. of Greed Trareroe. Joe Bailey to ro to Ibe relief of tbe
Dmooata of New York by doing all
in other eUtea.
g^M^weretatlw in IM State Le»UfatBre.
WUXIAM M. FOOTER of Oned Treterw.
PaansLY LI Bang Chang feele that
be to able to dominate the OhtnMe govfBrBhwflf. OSCAR SlMroON.
eming power witboat eloping witb it.
*’**WT!£lAMt*-. KEWTOM.
The majori^ of tbe Snabelal inatl^ ^AANliTC^aorFATT.
tntione that an talllnr three days are
VvOonDtr Treaaorrr—
OBobuE w. Clyde.
the Tietime of dtoboaeator incompeunt
ofBelato and not bad tlmea
MrOfrCBli Court C'oBWfualOOOr—
Xbjnry to Joe Wallet.
trip tbro^ Mexico. She said that
when they entered tbe bonndarln of
UfXioo tbey were told to set tbeir
waicbea back 36 boura and tbeir calen
dar*. l.UOO years. Sbeapoke of tbe
many bnngry and ragged ebildnn, al
to of tbe peculiar food and melhoda of
eating- Tbe parka lo tbe cIUm afae dekcribed aa
beauUfnl. Tbe grand
eanona were spoken of. which an eery
Cirauit Court Boniioe
beautlfnl but tbe journey throngb
In Cirenit coart yesterday the t
them to eery dangeroua
of Brown vs. HeCrsy i
iniemting deacription of the
witbont costo after a trial of about
uaUoomba and the enatoma in regard
three daye. Tbe dsfendanl was repreto bnrial was also given. Tbe city of
ited fay Patchiq A Crotser and tbe
Mexico >fe very beantifnl. Tbe bouses |
uplainaDt by Pratt .t Davis.
an built of atone, in Sponiab arch!- '
In' the case of Payn v*. OUley, tbe
lecinn, around an upper conn and plaintiff »
witb a flat roof- While then, Mrs.
of biaoek v» .Stanek. the*
Bull visited a beantifnl esthedrn'.
bill was dismiasid witbont coata.
wbiob coal S::.WM.uuo. The beanUfnl
flowers nod delioioua frniu were much
Co. vs. the Traveme City Lumber Co.,
enj lyed by the party.
the plea in abatement was denied by
An Interealing deacription of the la
tbe coart. apd eouneel eniered demnrboring clnaaee of Mexico was a portion
rer to denial and tbe case is ordered to
of her remarks.
Many famous and
trial Taesday, to which lime the coort
beantifnl cities were also detoriNMl.
"Mexico under tbe bpapiards’' was
Standard tiavinfs and I.MB Aawieia-'
tbe title of an instructive ' paper
UoavsEmma Broadfoot etal. Fore-'
read by Mra. U. C. Davis. She spoke of
cloanre. decree granted.
tbe cobtiueat of Mexico, in ISiu, by Cor
tes, of tne boepiuUty of the Mexicans
Bucklento Ann ca Salva.
bestowed upon tbe Spaniards and ito
The Best Salts in tbe world for
treaetaerons aod cruel return, and bow Onto. Bratoea, Sores, ~
tinally tbe Empln of Montezuma was Ebenm, Fever Sores, Tette
overthrown and Spaotob sovenignty Banda. Chilblains. Corns, ai
Bmptiooa,and poeitively
Ively carca
aaUblmhed in Mexico.
It It I
of Mexican
curioaities was shown by Mrs Uuh and
aaie br J. O. Job^n and?. I Walt
Mrs. Davla.
A rvcitotinn entitled "Where is Annett." was given in a very nice manner AtUsatbsEs]
Grand Ibto <
by MIsB Daisy Boland.
and Itoteo to addreaaes by CongrevsMrs aillispie read an intereaUng
man Mesick and Boa. George W.
paper on "Bpantob Ouloniea in Mexico".
She spoke of tbe Spaatol^ loasee. those
Ladies, clean yonr kid gloves with
of the present century equaling C.UUO.- Miller Qlovehne. It to not a liquid,
OOusqnare miles of tcrriiory.
leaves no odor and can be nsed while
For cale
MrA Patetain read apaperoB “Current tbe glove is on tbe %and.
BvealA,’'lo which all listened aUentiv^ only by James G. Johnson, the drug-
Is tbe beat cigar in th>! market (or
Five Cents.
Most popular dgar lo Kortbrm Miehtgaa.
Every dealer sells IL Made by
A. W. JAHRAUS. Tosnelier RIoct.
w.«, o,..j gg Interested.
In our new display of Jewelry. Havilaod Chlnaware,
Silk Umbrella*, Strin^d Muaical Inatruments, uad
Strings for all Inatmmenta. Complete lines and '
everything new. A personal Inspection ia anreto.
pleaae you.
mWE are
Joe Wellet. employed with C. H.
Gerdaer A Sone, who en drilling en
ertealan well at tbe teat of Baraee' fnr- iy Mrs. Relgaard of Ann Arbor, gave a
niture repairing ebo^ on tbe corner of err iDtereating talk to tbe ladir* and
•otne auestiina tor the Bagla.
Union and State atmta. enffered a
few words from Mr*. Custard of MenP. C. Oilbert wrote a cornmnnlcatlon
pa’nfnl icjory yeaterday afternoon by
*0 the Eagle referring to the atiUof^ thealipping of a ratcbet that held tbe don were Usiened to.
•f 4a Weekly edition and Ita attaoke
A Little BUse.
ih to tbe wlndlau being lued to
I peraoH whom the paper ten
A fire alarm call from box 34 at 4:60
niae a pipe embedded in tbe annd. *nie
ih*‘*OOnrthonBeriBO.'' Thepnbliiber
crank. 'ben released, flew hack with j last evening was from Frea zicDrsder.
s totter with »Be I
the j ^1 Wist Front street. Abambeiong-i
ha «Bt relr out of I
___ .,
James UuoQ was
the scene
'' top of bi* heap, hatting a gash three I lag
!- 15. l)..iy
lo,.a small hlsz« among »jme bsy and
SV *
. oil..,...*
tkat paper J—
does not
dlkcius party poli
s'.iaw which was started by a number
Ten •titebe* *
Man. .TdIk is a rather amueing pro- the wound.
of boys smoking tbercsb uta.
(BSadleg under tb*
Mrs. .Schrader beroicsi-y and akiUolMealariy as tb* writer es|McisUy rely ac.«d as a bucket brigade and extinHe Osed to Live Brre.
^seeted lb*t tbe communication apgoUbed
the •
• conflagration ;
Sc^'nater of Reed City.
.^me In both edllioo*. Btpecially also
member of the Ninteenlb Rvgnlsr In- almost before ibe alarm was inroed in.
M Mr. Gilbert fearlcMly signed bis
N J damage to speak of.
fAnivy band. *ho will be rememD OnrtAin Polea.
M. M. Conlon. traveling represeotar
t a few days ago. He was suffer- live tor William Beitoer in the curtain
matter* seem aabamcid to do. And bto hot
pole bnsiaess, relumed yesterday (i
in IU «i-11“ •"
trip through tbe east, where
»ri.lnol..n.U..K«l,bun.ul.urhe visiu-d the large Cities. Mr. C..d1jo
MAtic aliatlons to tbe Dingley bill
bad a heavy bosinesa and reporu bustaepobllean
unre: aod
iMB»d aentifflsnts unfavorable to the
) pronounced in, ness conditions very encooritgiog.
a M lio sosxiclwwlyr ThU was his best trip for Mr. BcUncr
Bepnblicsn admioistration and prinei*]as; while there has never been a n^gd iievriqiaiaiv in Hlrii-i carxi >vliito|
v'hiln'and tbe ranian pole factory will be
reference mghinst any Drmbcralic , w«a>u ii lov .lamliug ougljt in kn»w tlmt
butv for some time lo eome.
u»nr. or nnndld.u.
| Ihn
I,.. r.----------------------------- -- Tb* Feninrula Mutual failure.
» dangiTims (^ow.
In order that the sentiment* of Mr. •
, ,
, ; There i« u cliLss <>f 4Mie\c-». i,vhui«Uy
E II. Atiyn. uf tue IVoih-nla Mutqal
Ollbrrt may be kpoi^n id the-city the
„ Bi.muzx.ns mI«. always
ln*.ur«iice C-i.. which has just dtsconB
“ rcueii prinu
' the
‘ leuei:
' sNperHf.-ill
i uTs ibropgl! Ilio ni'rii- I tinned bu«ioessj deain-s to’stsic that
T^he piitiisher^qf Weakly and Daily . atn .if Ill-^vx]RIplT'. TIky wnrk
' Tl.. ...v,.,rv
1, io 1. «. ..biJw; ■"
*lb y*.ur
weekly edllk.n ' j_ i.j.
Drab SiB-»"lb
daUd 0.iwWr21(.t. Iri.h- you pi.).1lsl. Iw
x^b< chin «if s man m ar
he did not know that the insuranc
(ass r-r i-r o'. ,> 1 veb.t.you call "Mr.
^ _ .1
Uondrioh's rrsul-i^i< n <4>-b>eskii
king Ibe liini nud n ]> liiw t.rnrf|>tuwhile iliplomaiiSKioaer bad ma<ie an examina;.
t uu luiiuu isss by ,ib:s *taufsway with lion id iQec uipsuys sffa rs noli', after ^ _
____; “The *t>-v, sguifii-anl retolu- thf'Jiii'. At olb. r lim. w jlii- iiiHTiwUri | the sixty percent, aasea-ment -wis' fl^—
Mon wts j.nR-1 tul by Mr Gordrieb, r<-fldi-r nilin\>
*li*< 1 of lln-l>a)wT to' I| made u.,yo
u^iuQ the premium ooU'S.
V'aroe •ri'*h*
r 1 .v'avoe
»h* .Kepublicsii
riiyr r flu-' lap nf a wouiaii Who liaii licr'
------- --------- --------«
i-rver 1“ en doubled, .to ILL ik(«1:>-Itox>k
ilic?**. null lb" p-vk' ii** kj
H«*lowe‘i n Event
I. K puc.icsij i^vubiy^cunvFiitic n, ^
ciisu)q»-arA — Philadeipifia | i-j,, juuiur tV,.rkers of <*raot Episco1-ojiL
________ '
I pal church will give a Uailoive'en
-- briiker.
A ................................
'P«fy to their fri-ndt next Mood
__ _____’•Didl.v.Tt.U yon bowl got licked ;i-.eii‘ii.g in tbe lecture room
of U e.'!
SLvc.ii.,.u*^ bi Mr OuoJrlrh nor ary,
1 ebur-b. <»!d lime games and fun nenal-;
oce «i e, ami you s’ate a faUebo d
‘^**j ly irduiged in (oxe-pt the moving cjf]^^—
when y«i clsim it was presenuri. Why
“W.-ll, I got it. Yon see, balfa dowm : bnUdiDgs, signs, eie.) to enJebrate Hal-1
^ t you wish to ten tbe truth about
j towe-eU vrlll be the or-ler of the eve
Our prize baking powder'at 50c per pound can, 10per cent off for cash. A large line of prizes aod
choice of White Cross or Lsmch Bakmy
84S Front Street
Couch Sale
Quality of powder guaranteed.
Com meal, made by improved machinery, is
not a.s good as the old fashioned
Big Bargains!
Johnny Cake Corn Meal.
large Issortment!
We make tbe old kind, as w’ell as the new —
atJ.W. Slater's Honse
like one and some the other. You pay
your tfioney and take your choice.
furnishing Store.
120 Front St.-New Store.
IW L.JO,...,,.. Ito!■P"”"""— W- m.
ne aie dBems lur.
* Tber.nly person on the Republican **^You°w"w Uw mto <«»rthai jninp- ^
county ticket this year to whom such a adf
refer is
j "Exadly,!”—Oblcngo Ibrcord.
II ,.'.r
et the pr.
pd ex t-se l-jr a
t* f -ne tar er.-ech
tnte 1
have fti)- lU-li..
if *
Cl,-,r.r.. .--...il.;...
spilt io your alirc*
TJ nimseltuib:- U
e .tax
he timicd the
ui<4iiigni<|«..\<-rieiKvl <'uiilx»i.ir> bv dlevtlh-
li ircn^'in oVr ci-y ab-^ jToflneeaCent* A Week.’
I .t.>''7-'e,'d !'i ihi.m a
Si ndsy Sch xil library fund.
bow to PrtV. nt Croop.
»> h... l.o . hltdr. o who
Ml! ■hi.......
**1’^ 'Tt..r,,- bM»i
l| eie S''J O' n.irM’ rn 'ti e Repub-'; siMit i-<n»i f'iir rmtj- 'p. r ee< k . m»U1 courty t4ck«t inciodid in .wori '-'inc oiJv 14 c-^if p-r week f.,r the
brut, psner in t<"r»i''-m Mi--li'r*n and
*r in the
Alfred Doige’s
Celebrated Felt Shoes,
Slippers aod Insoles!
uec<-»s'ty in lt'isc«ioiitryaod
's a.u..-i. Dr'moilv.
M .cc,-of
.aL’of U U
*"‘^ ' “..1"'^^
I r-iiu'iie. NicV.lcv.tle. I’a.
j j(^-
These goods are made from pure ■wool, are
waim and healthful.
FeurUes Cents A Weak,
KT.-rvb dy w i n take- ' liK MoHMxo
Hi-ralU delivt-rtd lo them also
adiiii'onal four^eiA* prr week, mak
ing only 14 cent-* per week for the
bust paper in northern Michigan nad
the best metrepoHisB paper in tbe
siata. Telephone S3.
»r U».
Oaee a Pleeaant Paograa end 0la- rlred in the city Tbnraday aren
waa hi^ kix^Bg aner blit^te
oonmged Aa'Bbint«ia^
- h* llAdiag Ariby.
> w IOM of TravorM Olt^'a neat oopnlar
grcM for ihU-Atriot on tbe JfoMOerat; ^larga naiahh# attandad jihe. ragn.
* ood boat attdr»r7a,arriTed from Frank:
;’e party tlehat. Or.
i of tb« m- *ar Boalbw of rtia Beeior Lycaam at I KicboU waa. a few
ago. a can"’ma^-iT^lTia aU allF^ nr. ahrml. In 1
fortoaal* ladj
portent Snbjecta DiaentMd at X«at the Central echool buildinr laat eren- did^te for gorei__
tbe People'a
Bobi^bb-dmeantBlaetod aatlFa^ fngand tbeaeeMnblyWMB-waapacked 1 partr Ueket. Bebaaaapy friwdi'ta
non Selectee an tha Hext Blaoa of to iU capacity.
. tbe city wbo were pleaaed to meet
Col bo bo. Jlocrad I. AUwb
i,„„ U„„„, t,
Tne memnere of tbeeociety barepow bim
obbW. . I.mer .or D.^Io.trlbl.b,
Tr.ra., .for >birb .
MtUed dowp to good working order
Uanietce. Oet. :n.~The afternoon
a thrae-foov rein In drUllnjr a well.
Throe Doetora in C
ana thoae participating in laaterening'a
aeaaioo of tbe Womaa'a FederaUon yea.
Tbe coal i» of l>e aofl mriet;.
’njm BevjkBik rruklls.
„„,;..^..^.h.„orU -dl o.. .•
you ar« aiek, wl
▲ Penn»ylvanla sjndleate baa obtain—
ted. Which made for them a rcry faw aty
and the eateemed eonple will deleeobn
(trertnre given
a qaarbeat to be ehoaen for a medi
I on 10.000 acrek in Tnaeala i receltn the ainoere confratnlatlon* of tatte eompoaad of Mre. Lem Cohn. Mra. rorable imnreaaion with the aodieoee. tbe first plare: wbat experience tells
An oration entitled "The I'eace 'ypa la beeC to te cboees in tbe M-cond
oounty and will noon bwiDcoalmlninffitbecoBmanitr- Tbej-will reaide at (iuatav Kiialnger. Mina Canfield and
Movement” was splendidly given by > place: « bat reaeoall. e.. Theory) lays
Ipreaent at the Hotel WhiUnr. anttl Mr. Cbaffera.
Leslie MeWetby. and showed moeh '‘^e lest place
him Winnie Bofla, daujhtar of Frof. they hare aelected a reald«Doe.
Dnt if
vnn ran
..ari get
dw.b fb,. Tnalii.alina r>w
Tbe builncaa of electioo of ofBcen
, But
careful thought and study.
TttonMa A. BOfie of Ana Arbor, fell { LAateTeoiorthrBoya' UaBdpFeaent“
d I),
ig aa foliowa:
on the atepalaadlnF into the recitation I, edlhemaelrea at the entranee of the
By a alight miataka. it waa announc
■ give '
Present hlrv. Martha A. Keating.
boUdinr on the c I...
H.,.1■ »UU......d I...
Mr. ed Dpon tbe program that Urace Has you tbe beat advice that can be tal.ken." 2
. a bed cold Dr. Icinjbred her apine.
. .Iddddt
..d rood dlS.~ Edw.ri U Wl». ... ll..l.rid; .«»«! tings wonld give a declamation. Tbe
reoommend Chamber- ^
overaigbt waa discovered too Uu to be Uink Tool.
tb. —i-—j, H. p....,
The Michigan Standard Coai Compa ....
"ougb Remedy Ibecaoae it la ^
it Bod safe to take.
ny baa been incorporated at Bebc^ng
I Eaplda; recordingeecretery. MiMABble rectified, therefore, to save diaappaintMtoe would reeammend it becan^ It
lU Mika Hastings kindly
and 3S0 aerea of coal land* aecured.
® m < Pierce. Yosllanti: eorresDocdlng aeore-1
faiU to effect a speedy sad
Onone-qaarterof aaacreof ground
. two Litabfield man ralaed iXVS kquaah
Priddy, Adrian. Uirectors; Mre. Fior-I
thiaaoaaon. welgbiog altogether over
The Home of the Bed Cross" was{lure's plso
L. Buleon. Jackson, and Mrs.
three tona.
(he snbiect of a verr loslruclive ab-1
bonis Psiker. (hand Rapida
Arthur Jobnaon.aged 1b,of Manistee.
.uLt lnwhi2a .7emh^
to a na.uml and brnltby ]
WU etruck'by an M. A N. B. tratn and
will not be occupied by the
itude were pawed for the ro^pl way in ] Miss Claia L. Barton, founder of tbe
lantanily killed.
L’oited fitatee atUilary forees anttl tbe
which the federaUon bad been enter- Bed Cross .Society, was given by Net- feorteen Onto A Week.
Artbnr Woodirtrd. a motorman at dateaei for the ending of Bpaniab eovlie Oleaeon.
Everybody wbo mkre T"x Moaxixo
Ann Arbor, was aererely bmiaed in a ereigety in Cuba.
A touching decIsmatloQ "Home
KxroRii can have tbe Orsnd Bapids .
Mra. Moeber of Hillsdale.gave au adOolliaioD between two street ears.
Tbe diatribntion of free retiona Id
Herald delivered to them slso tor an :
reaa. "Bibics of Club Life." but which Sweet Home." was very nicely rendered
adaitimal fonr emu per week iBsk-'
Two years ago a Jonearilleman went Bantlago Province U demoralixlng tbe light be called "club politics.” fibe by Anna Oriatt.
ittgonly l4ceott per 1
A violin solo by LsurX^Vegea with
eonth and aeenred a banana bnlb.wbicb
said our club polities will somelimee be
by Clara Rut' he planted. Now it has grown to the
The boundary dlspote between OiUi determined by tbe poeition we Uke to- In tbe
amte. Telephone SS.
height of aizteen feetand le bluaaoming and ArgenUnn, which baa threatened wnrd eveniK bappeniogaronnd OB. She aer. was eolhusiaatically encored and
and the frnit forming.
to involve the two conntriee in war. nnred debs to nse judgment in elect another pleasing teleetion given.
"Oar IStandlDg Army fibould be
For tha first time in tbe hletory of will be aettlea by arbltrallon.
ing such oWcers as shall best fit tbe
Largely Increased,” wm tbe snbicct tor
Impeeroonnty a colored man has been
New Bagiand tobacco growers fear place, irreepective of personal feeling.
4>ver HcNtaUin'* Bbokttets.
Tbe aBri
"Let u meesure oorselves not by i
ehoaen to eii on the jiirr of tbe Clr- Mial their tndnatiy will be eerloualy
bands of Bva Thacker and Hilda
onU Court He U Joe Knight of La affeeUd by tbe competition of Porto men. or others, but by jodgmeot, kind-'
Orswn, while Lnelle Theobald and
Bican. Cuban nnd Philippine plantere. new. and jnetiee. When sincerity and
Margaret Loudon had tbe negative. In
Wrnum baa 'designed a eourteay prevail in politics they will tne general dikcusXioD. Bert HonUgue
Five years ago a fanner loet bis
watch white plowing near Concord. marble fountain, which be pnrpoaee to clothe in sweetness, law and gov-i spokejn favor of tbe mgative. After
LMt week another man. while plowing erect in Constantinople as a gift to emment, acd the Ume may ocm when muen delibersUon tbe judges decided
imemorate bis visit and Uiat of the theurm "politician" sball become a a favor of tbe negative.
on the same ground, tnmvd It up.
Utle of honor and not opprobrium.
Other plessing tmubera Were;
wna In almoei ^ good dondition at empress bo tbe sultan'k capital.
"Where Christian
most piano solo by Bebf Dean, Biograpbical
when lost exoepVtke balrapring and
UeroniMO. tha famoos Apache chief,
ea»ay. "Tbeodora BeOMTcH,” byAltnon
’ handa
escaped from hngoards while g^ag abonnd. there will be \ke purest dub Boiler and a development by LetUe
l«r sMohitc pktB I j
Asa raiser of pompkins Mrs. KaU, irom B1 Reno. Okie., to Fort fill], and
. of trrtS «ttboM I)
Tbe subject was further dlaettaeed by
The Imprcmpln subject. "HoMttal
of Union City, eeems to be a ebining te believed to be making for faU old
pais u«r<l. LalMl asd W< M ajtttkfkCtMT p>«
several ladies. Miw Clara Avary of De Expenence.” was given to Mias {Sane parstlns m um-O for maklss vs'rsrilcn rsv*
aneccea. She raised elxteen on one bannu in New Mexico.
(Hge, wbo b^ged to be excoaed fro
troit. wbo led in tbe disenaaion gave
nine. The largeev of the sixteen weigh
Terrific stomas have swept over some practical ideas aa to tbs'methods spet^king at that time, but promised
give B belter acconnt'of her experien
ed 134 pounds and. tbe amaUeat sixty
on enormous amoont
at kome future meeting of the lyceu
' pounds, tbe total weight of tbe whole of Aamage and cansing considerable
She aald, antong other things. "Most than she was able to glre on soeb a
Jet b^g 1.018 -ponnda over half
loss of life. In one instance a caravan women are idealism, but Bepublicanism short nptiee
Miss Downing gave tbe <9-1110% reinsisting of 47 persoDs and loO
is an ideal.
Mrs. Fred Remley. aged 30. living s were engulfed in the river Qaiiee and
"Experience teaebea. bat exparlence
mUc and a balf west of Royal Oak. all were drowned.
Oyateia. Standsi
only oomes with tbe recognition and
while milkiag a 90W was kicked in tbe , At Havsne. the Matorra. aa asylum performance of duly.
*w. SECT’S,
.asn or.halsiBaroo iblak or the
; faee, breaking berebeek booe. It U for tbe Insane, wbkh u
"it IS tbe duty of each one to help
Union street.
feared she will lose tbe sight of one!; boapiul. appears to bare been disgrace- j <mrry the federation to greater perfec
*y*i fully iDsasged. Tbe records of the Uon.
KaUmaiou. Mlrb . JiH>« ft. UWi.
William Leonard will donate a two-1 last i:. monthk show there were 638
Mrs. Clam Denton of frrand Bapids.; tdTer rBLi •
iiiid'r>leu<-<l. bi-rv),,' erttif; ibat ibki j
Stoiy brick boildiog u> Leonard, a vil-1 deaths there out of 700 inmates. On a fine parliamentarian. maJea plan for |
lage named after bim. the Maccabees baturdsy next a nieeting of ibedirec- "doing ail things decently and la oriocmu.nTf".'b.V‘:.
to have use
; of tbe whole second loia, presided over by tbe civil gov der." as in this way beet resulu -were
■arrj oU|<o^br ]<
ernment. niiivcuciu
will be held lor
for tbepnrpoec
^ ctuiueua.
.uejiurpuoc etmiUrO
atminrd in
In Utr
ihr IDOrtesi
ifaortesl ume
lime euu
and espe- | ttoo, ili-yn.aj
The soldier.* home at Orand li.pidk of inveeiigaiing the condition of tbe cMlly urged tbe lad i-S w speak x-lesrly ^ tBa^.m «h»i
: is already filled u> or;i;rdowiDg ibik fait UnsiituUon and to make new appoint-^uod loud enough to be beard—a point
sad an addition to'lhe buildings adf menu si.d impPovemenu.
| well iUuktrsted by her own clear and
aoon be a necckkitj.
j Three years ago Pans beguo to dis dlstioet enunciation
Tie norlbero Michigan maehera* as-ipotcnflm sewage after the manner of I After more discus.
■ociation will bold iu annual meetingBertio. by turning it iMo field* plant-j brilliant plaro solo was given by Mrs-[
James Dempsey, Jr..of Manistee.
C r. li.vTut.
at Cadillac tbe Friday and lieiurday «d with orcbaids andvegetablea. One- "
V T. Btasn.
Mrs. M. E. C. Bki-s ("Our Mrs. ;
nftar Thanksgiving.
Five huudred fourth of tbe fownge.K already thae
Ok>lil>-r Hoar hannx. A
Js* XoseoL
teacbert from the northern part of ] diapoaed of. and it is hoped that in two Bates”) of Tmverse CUy, was intro-{
A. U
Michigan arc expected, and the best more yearn the whole of It will be.
Amcvt W AkITU
meelU.gtheh»kocialionbaaeverhad ikj Tbepsoicin Virona and other parts fine addrres on "Our Newspapera."1
•nUcipated. Tbe program is almost of Aosu-is canard by tbe fear of an epi which held tbe tboogbtfol stleotion ^
A. P Sa.-n,
Deed. I
oompieled and many p.vmineov educa-jdemic of tbe black plague isaskamlog
not quote from this address, as I hope |
tom will lake part.
< I wide pruporUona
it may be given before our own club by ]
In tbe vlclbiiy of NUe* the we*iberi ai Nyon, io the csnioo of Vsg l,
Mia. Batek herself.
propbeu k»y lust all iodicaiK.iih on' berigerian. bis kerrno Highness. Duke
It is ueedlrss to e.y th^A It was fol'y ‘
M - 1whicn great relisnoe tk alwsy. pi.c.o de Litu. Vikcouoi l«,-. x, was ma---'
by otbeik, since several,
Sr.--, A M,ir
pomi to a long aud severe wiater. lo ^ir<x to Miss Jsnr .I-.hoson Perry.;
ireit to preI .
iLive Agenta Wanted in Unthe firkt place, there .. U« goose b>be. | dsughur of the ,.te A. .•*. J. Perry, of j
their own mem> er*.
For the lital time in eighl y.eiis .1 is | chkriestoo. S.C.
1 a'di-.s’ahAi'.n foilow-dried br Mrs. j
occupied Te» Htory.
very ...tte and nearly al; ah.u-. which |
,hal the (Jpr-1
M. Perry of Chsrlotu-. who spoke Iis a tnre sign of ear-y soow. deep siiow >
.»rk Sstisfectioo sane durii g the i bri. fly of tbe work being so well d, .»•.
and snow vM.jug duraiioi.. luea there
,,,, North Sea. Tbel in tbe stale by newspsp. r wom-n. and'
istheriigwc-.d, ^ It .. “Ofkua.iy m.l-.
crew of nine vsp,eisllj of tbe Michigan W.iman*k^n.doe.bs.urc,.r„rU,ofortue
, „
O.ra. Ai.eo U„rr . ^ ^
, A«>ni.l «"lo *J—. by Mr. Ch.ff-i.
IdK Bbtarw BLmbW is rnskf<-rt
Olrea Fed«ratioE^,pf WornYMtordnf Ktml&r Mnity C. Dod|^
ai^€i«te At Sa&istM!.
■ V
0^ ttte AOoM.»
Oysters! Oysters!;
‘Sot 'DoohW
I l&otWv
Nicblp Accident Association.!
8 J.W.fflilliken
„Uonri«,rub.„.bb.u., .b»ri U.~
U>.y«. Uda...l„
,«ridhd.k, riritubd......
, C.a«bTbusl.,.;"'
—-i-ri ri-. b.h ,,.
I "Wl,ri t« r, Wra. ..d I.,or.d .1,.
Cheap Rates
to Chicago
jStrs. PeToske)f and Charlevoii. -
f... d»U,.d.lv ... i
-nib" ri .lbd Irimii.d
Round trip $3.
B-rlli riirs.
Toe r<ic*pl<dn. lo th-^ t-reriog. giver.
tbickntaw. That ik a sign luki qevvr
»«». 41 »: t»rth»,
etiing the inmaM and esuaing great in the armory, waa a very brilliant affails, even when ouicrs
tsiod rviorsiPir A. nr Uklksre <d srani#Tiu.
fair, attended by three or four bub-1
H. C. Boogers of auirinsn was a very j TheAusirlan Minister of Agricallncc
dred Bpople. --Toe ball was tutefu'ly |
Horthem liCbi^U TcU^ttlOa ۥ.
mneb surfirised man the other day. He h,., sk„eiir.qe-l an aporaprisliao for esand Isrisbly decorated with ropes of ^
B^POPE. Agen
was crossing iBr D.. (i. K. .V W. trscss ul.Hshing ifi.rtyihiw sUlions,
’ evergreen and ground pine. One end . Phone sr,
.1 Howard uiy. wnenhc kud J«.H|„B,rbihesrmrl. to supny guns and' of the ball was banked with the bsoiu
font.1 himseif silling an the cow»Wh-:„n.nu.iiU)n u. the people for drir and tbe letters "H.-S. K. W. C. ‘<li6nrofafast freight. (1.. «as carried .
It is considered
*^4 ll,.,' p'syed tnrre.ru in yellow. A magoifi'' cent bon<iuet of Aaiericmn beauty rrMcs
■ His injuries were only tr:viaL .
clouds of s
. rlv®. U. .h. ,lr ,f. I
Tbomsk ,WUUsms.p<*lmssler
at ...
Dry ■ f«i th» atrad-pSeri.stale of
of hu
hu didiiy
didily , ..hp,,fleer* of the fedcialioo received
. E
den, bad bis right bmid soiputaWd by
i, .rernor Mi -ael li-.-ro. of New M.-xphysicians tedsy, gaognue bsviug ic>. in bisauTiiia repjn-to the »eereraled by
made lUappcaruDM.-. Hr bad previous- Ury of the iat>-rior. VMor.iU'ty renew* evergreens, disroomed lively mas<c,
ly lust botu Ibg* and hiS left biod fr.rin-bis repr^iseatsii-ias for tbe iesrfv ad, and elegrnt refr.-shmeni* werewervrd
tlu'sMi.*- CSU-I-.
: . nr-.M'->n of New -M -t’ci to sl.--**n-ri>.l (l-.ri»i^ ir* PV-'fii*-*:. '^he hrilM»-l
... Si;;::
AlAipeus I.- aL-fcre, Storm.w-oi-n u” - p-rt
••■1> *d-F--ai-o.; j .h'>.' Hi.
»r.i*.lr:i8. cii-geat ..
^ed csa«-d much more dsuiivc loeii "f ‘W t-ryiiory aws-ring cpit.i.. ife.
»„d bright faeve made a p-ctrire!
was at tir>i siippri-od. Thonmndk of -w.;im*U-* that me 1;.mI pnpal.ilon
.,.,^>0 toA>e forporien by th.wrsr.:
ac«»i.lorcbkrtlsu...rip the shore abVi. H'-^ territory now i- -'■^•‘*"0. iii'-:fi iing,
he prvkcnt.
aevorwi miles once-.v.-.-i- .Uui4gdd, and
foJi*" ■'maistiivi of SS.u.».. Th-I -phe •bell of tbe evetiiog" wasi aej
hundred* tJ men-S:C-iiii,.U -.y iajoed. fFp >■ * la^vs sp-ci»l>tress do '*’ * f”’*''} captured by the Manistee voluntcr*!
' In ms.,y,ln«tsnci--7t.v
were. bilftie* of irngsiion and »».v a;i the :
____ _______________
si SsDiisgA.ncd
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with tU«* Tmwrse City Ltwnbtr Cobipan;. .
Wc Lnve for enie (j(«d,
Sound Memlock I.umber,
- .Maple ]-'Iooring. ■
Short Maple Wood
Steinberg’s Grand
youngs^dooluii.gi.Uti uii.ktdb^
forongh many vlci^iudra, J
If^Tl -J.
tho«.ldcrorobard.mu.-t.fru,iws-. still ,abortly he 0Ul.xs4,,v>.the highest
It .
(I*. .- ..I.IS.
1-u*—. . ,
onfoctrec.. -WhUe it L-abta.WUl
Sle.nwhite fnnieido.l
of honor in
In tbelr
their armory
smiory -od
sod vrill
wilt be .
prlM-is creeling a mnli^tnde of wind-I
mill* throiigfaout tbe >>'rrit«ry.
damage.__________ •__ '
The iBsoriotioo on tbe b< 11
shows it to have been cast in Barcelona
Attend Uu SfijiubUcu mt ttlBg
Attend the BcpnhHeen aeetihg
in mi.
.Music by Boys' Band. Io fiteinberg'e Urand (bis evening
Tbe next annoal meeting will be
Everybody invited. X<adies
M. K. B.
will be cordially welcome.
Mill Marbiaerjof sll Uescriiitiana, iDcIadlng Two Euirioefi
Pet "Works, Carriagee and Saws.
CODgressiBaB W.S, Mesick.
A eoroplete Saw Mill Plant
for aale,
TH^ MioMmro JUiopmp« batuepat, ootobmab. i»m.
The Morning Record
n pen <d Ireland near tbe
'toBM mar buMen lodar tbe rutn* ota
MKB large and noble caaUe. Tbe hoot of
itbeowl ali ne I> heard , from ctooe wall
and tried cMteuent which onee (omied tbe
;*fcode e( one of Uw mowatoted famliUe of
ilreUnd. In tbe year ITK8. which datee
peebatw themoat noted uf Iridi retwOlona,
rl. 1-&
iu till! life. We depend
opoo God, we act independeDUy for
rarxdeefi, and we altn dt-pcod apoo one
Motber for mneb in life. “Ko men
»hn«. wh ■».
him In ‘
: : and ; :
Tli.l.mllrb.11 An.1,1110. .. B.Tb..lto,
<.od m>,«
While Moeei bold np bit band I
tbe lact rc|>mi'DiAtlve of tbl« lllnnrloui
fanillr had left hii homo to engnae In the
national uptiMna of hi« oounirriiieii tin-'
der tbe l»ider»hip of tbe dlKlngulKhod
. Smiurt. who with mi man}- other patrlota
died a martyr nt Jlla-rtr * ilirine. Some
dMance to lb.- mirth might have bitni neon
another Imt !.•-« ptwenti»u« mumdon.
became wear?-, and thi:n Aaron and Uor j
held them np. Mhm« wan depeudenl j
np<w U»’“ for ‘“•IP- The?- wt»e
pendent npun Uom-h. afUir r,nd, formecm. l;nTO.-*e nr Atilnre wat M important Ui one e> to enofluT. end br their
bnmpbt moccas. Be
JmleOI>onnellwaenotodfarandwlde thue tuotnally dejandeut nponopeanfer I..T tioauty. llloe «7cd and golden «ner in all the tvlatioua of life. In tbe
halml. ber rtwular Iiwiurue cxpraetlng bouie. in ibe Rudi-avur oocietr. in tbe
that Integrity and piirliy of character ao clinrcb. iu eocietf. in. the btuiiieaB
. ebaraeterlKtlcol the Irish lady, ahe wae world, we nerd tbe help of Aie auoUier,
without a rival In the north of Iteland, ^n,.
Pbe had l«n.toreo«»,tiioe botrotbi-dto
Aaron and Hor benefited tbeinealvea
Robert Mac Mahon, wlio woi ui every way
‘-"'“‘‘•R «P
wortliy !^f
of h"To":
hiT lo\
It is Dot m.lr «ot«l policy to help ooe
thtotwth lack ofm^eonutonandvartoutl
another iu life, but it ia al«n arvligioiii
other nilsfomini*. were defuntod and
Dcd ' duty. '
irntl. and the
lilthi-rand thlthurlh
I tbeUland ta iheci
"Be willing
ill tlutlr attenipta toi i-apo. in which few to lay dotni ronr llvre for the brethren”
I is tbe praclioel coiniiumd of Ubrixt. and
■ I in belpiug nuf auoUuTwe tbne foUlU
1%OM«notio«rcliangvstoo humble and {be law of ChrixL
obaenis-catiln mtir the bouieof the O'UuD-I w„),..in
«nntl,ne i,. i^—,
to be untenanted. In this gWi.y cottage
•m two women, one sitting quirtlj. In a
- - - pacing up ami
down the
mer. the oiner
bln In a nervous. cxcJud manner and
siting like a bunual animal at every
-.nail. The UtUir 1. Jt».|e O lJoohcU.
the belle
UMle of
of the
tne county,
county, who
wt.o hw
nae oome
uifinnitiw. iU error* and ita etna,
i Tt»f ubj<*^ of helping others to bear
I their DUS is that thoy may be reclaimed.
t bniibiT be uve-rtakeu by a fault,
r that are ti]iiritnal restore aocb a oaa
e spirit
lit of tUM-knesB. ” Ueetoration'
| u the obiectof allhclnfuliiM. Another
ftirmeriy bergoverneiw.
l»»hility to eia, "Comadering
”Ob. why dose be not emue?'' tbeglri I tbyxelf lest tbooalioba tempted.” and
- iking iIm-sili-oce I being teraptod proramablylall. We are
Grand Rapids'Herald
Delivered By Carrier
in the City--
Can be procured of Kre. C. H Rector
at 14< Lake Avenue.
448 26t
Ever Bamed Ontf
A fine
Mle a
If so you know
tbe value of
O. P. CARVER. A«mt
John R. Santo,
Geteral InstraiM.
Travere* CtA. Mlafe
n-nrytiaA Block.
St. unsm UD NtnusiEU ti
bu-k.. -Pba... hou. •
14c A Week.
.. .....
soale Black.__________________ _
T A. THOIIP80S. M. D 0«i»A., A HillikroBlock. Hoers.Sto
;n4p. n. Trtei'boor.B
rpSAINXD HTRSK-MIim townr Holeowh. a
X rraCuatr
ol tor Celvcrmlly Boep>tol. Ann
-'tocall* tor eurslag. »l
or. will
grgf-.. a
TraweiM Olty Marteb
Wu hiding in tli.-vlHitiiyoM d,.v: but feed.H.
f S?'...............
. aid not dnn< to come souoer. the suidkn
and spli-s ore BO uiiiuetous.'■
' "Oh. iKe suapeOw.- eras terrible,” aald i
lArd per !b..
Ihcyoung gin. "Ptid until 1 rvwHed your
n n-i—
! Creamery BnUer.fi
bark for France u.nlglit- Bui. Jwnle. ;
when Miavuwuu forni.vsulf atiaiuoamotig '
tbe vine clad bills of Prance will you keep
your troth wllh tin- hoiiieli-esexiluV
-•Y<«, BoIstv 'she replied. "You bare
•nly to eetid for me. and I w ill owne.”
At that tcouicut a nisillug noise waa
bmrd In fruut of the cabin. It was not
>o|si)ml. but It was Runirl-nt to put the !Com, per bn
wary puirlutit upon thrlr guard. Quickly I Ere. per bn........ .
eslingolshliig. Urn llgbl, ibi-y eagerly He- i Butter, per tb.....
teool fiir a repetition of tbe eouod, but i Eggs, per dosoo ■ ■.
PoAtoca, per bn... .................. IB to 80
• My darling." said tbn young man to
-------------------- ------- ,
■ fete Isjtrvlbod. "I fear I must go."
OJsoowed by a Woman.
Another great dtsoovery baa beep
•and be plaoid hur. alni-B.1 unconscious.
by a Indy in this
In tbearms of l»-r fnllhful connaiilon.
. iL. elotohTrusty UnriieT with hi. stick lu hand bad eountry. -Dtaeaae fattened ita clutch
alruedyoiicui-d I Im hack doOr. for In those ! ea upon her and for aerer yean abe
Irish bouM» ihetv art-always two doors— j ^{ih.tood ita aerereat testa, but bar
MsoiwDlng to tbo north and one to the ‘
organa were ——<t
~->utb—and was (s'criiigout Inuittiodark-|hm<k seemed '
. 1__^. ..I..
Bicycle Riders.
g.m^r a ustia. Aiio^is-^ap«t^^
, Below la a Uat of tbe baying and eel'| ing pHcea of yeeterdey for grocenee,
! prowUionaand farm producta in Trav
eat-Lue raiua.
Clear Pork per bbl. new............. Ill 50
dear Pork per !b.............. .........
ShortCnlPork........ .-..................
dbort Cot Pork per fb...
FMcto's CfiiDBbiu Besti^
T H UH-l'DOK, Oauttet. O Wees la M^bj
J . Block.
siiu and errora It ie easier to give food
to the bnngry and clothing to tbe naked
than It ia to gire a belpiag hand to annfnl, fallen brother, b^t CbriniaBiQr'
that we aball do all three.
Kotbing will bring g
”Ab. that 1 do!” And abe oomlnoed
as ibe mniRicd her troubled walk, "liod ; and gruitor blecsing into oar own livee
giant tliM be tuny nut have been uikenl” < tbaii CO coltirate the bakit of helping
"Taken, my chiidr rmiponded her com-' othun. It ia mote blw«d to help than
.panloD. -• Hubert Is
Is etrong and active, ItoOebelpod.
and tbo rcdciuit docs nut live who ta able
Cs.->Denn i. S4-S8; iil.
to toke him.
’n^Jew«. low, hurrlid knock, and
USam^ri. WiUChn,
tbe door of tbe cabin wgs push.d open. | »»• >•*:
aad two uicD eniciyd Tbi-v iwre is>ib <kvi, 8S: 1 Cor. zii. 88; U Oor. 1. 11;
euielo|«d In lung, hiavy frlra-roais muen I viii. 1-8; RiU. iT. 18; 11 Tim. i. lfi-18;
an Mark rwelveU by vxpiiw ilit*n tiau
RcuieaibeririMcbrr'.Oysi.rHintm te to
sly Ixadqaa/ten f rased, flrutclaaaeyaton
BtrS/*‘EbS tMKDS.
snii m'sT tin- dis..
Mand ibetiiUicuUlesibatUelnble
ui tiM) hauler iK-iiig open,
diaolascvl a suit of finer U itun beneath.
The new errivaU wer»' Hobi-rt .Mw.Mabon
and blarcnnnt, Hartley. I'rom the lal
Ur'a ooat (irotrudcd Ireburd's national
we^D.tbo uever fulling abillnt.Hi. MacMahon dn-w his la truihed to his Imawt
Wblle IheoihorBWlliiiliev. lo^lii,. sl.lo of
' the eotlugc- anil v<
"My diirllTig." Mid Uio ymiiig Iriibliiao. "1 kui.w It was stipn-niely tu-Jllsh In
riw to ask you to leave your hoii;.- and
stint nni In tills dsuL-rted spot, but it was
Famous Baltimore Coiiats,
Selects and Siaodaifs.
Tallow JauCiA Ootwd
SufCcring humanity should be snpp’.iod with every means poAlble for lU
relief. It I. witb pleasure we publish
thefoUowiug: "This U to certify Aal
Ido all kinda of rA
WM a terrible sufferer from Yellow
.meling. and that I am
JaupdiA for over six montba. aud wm and % .
give .you
the •bimt work of
tbe city foe
for the money.
treated by aome of the beat physicians one In the
city and all to no avail. Dr. be deceived by what otbeiU toll yon.
contrary, bat come and see for
or druggist, recommended Klee- I yourself.
trie Bitters; and after Uklng two hot-, I gnamotoe all my work to be rtgbt,
tlA 1 WA entirely cured. I now take *»<1 if U doA not prove ao I make U
great pleasure in recommeBdinr them right.
to aoy person auff -ring from thi*. tervi-, J^top ia till 8 o'clock every evei^
ble inalady. I am gratofuH, yours. *xee^ Sunday, in tbe Caldwell .4 LcaM. A. Hogarty. I,cxiiigt.m. Ky " Sold Aon boilding, at north end of OaiM
byS K Wait and 4. G. Johnson, drug- atreeU
a. L. Jtm Triltt Letlons
Oysters! Oysters!
A gabs A a abgsims Caavt.
idip- Borlingatne baa a joke on tfal
Micbigan gnpmne eourl In ordering a
new trial for J. S. H. Holmeat oanricted
cd murder in the find degree and wbAe
defetue waa insanity, tbesnpmne ooart
tnok ncoasion Misrply to critieiae Jndge
Burlingatoe'a charge to tbe jniy. amertibat itt<«>fallyezptoeiiedtbcooort'«
opiuioa (tf tb«- merits of tbe case. Tbe
chaivc tn tbe Jury in the Bolinee caw
bappiVM to be a verbatim icpetitiou of
a charge to a jmy made by Judge Bur
lingome fire years ago in a trial wb«tv
iSMity was lie- dt-fenae, and in anatain
Ing the Turdict at (hat time tbe aapn-ov
court fuund fnall witb the chargi- b»
B it did not go fai
Chicago TuBA-Ucrold.
B I <o 3
tl. B. HoUry.aijBoot»lorr,
OOtMO aoCT*.
IHO. s'Ho llHe. Slfii
TTTAVTKD -A roo.1, tvllel.lr lady or arntir.
W m*Diotwprr-rn. a .iai.4 -'------ *Co. on
«n .Blary
„>lary or moibImi
lurioaI to>.
Liss! isi
1^Rr«ALK-4iooil air-Urbt
C ts: WavbiQglon i.lrvrl.
Hesses Olty.. ..
• aiy. Oepewteb-----oi> giboO Irnn- Othrr bunlww
r»lirr ilrrllirk. OtvlUi-krUlr. ■Irh Lwaoelake. ..
wuretloe W»lirrilrvl
Keplc Orovs. ..
-Tbr Story of
10 M' 4l4l.
'* iSi::
luHotir Koiic. lo ibr Aarrlrae treerkr*. el Cawet.......
iDrargrDi i-seipa with
Ami. Hew^4...
MeniU. In Ibr
ibr------------------r ilrrk of tnr Olympls with Orwry. r.op. H.i>cptt..
oaMo. on ibrilr
aar of Ibr baltic »t Ibr fall of Ha-
For Three Months.
Gnad Ripidi ft indlm 11
tol. which was his only weopott. In hU 1
^oj.jeep. She finally diM»»ered
band. Bilenily and oamlou.ly they su-ppoi ,
to rtreosery. by purehaalag of ns
forth. Hardly was their exit acconiplteb j,,„t„, of Dr. Eing’a Hew Diaeoeery
-------—. -..-.1.,-..
„ r-„, ^ ^ coneumptloa.
jinptioB. and
and waa
waa ee
oe mneb
mnea rereIlgred on Aking tbe flnt doae that abe
slept all uigbv; and with '—3 bottlm
lastanUy levellDg his pistol at tbe bend baa been abeotutoly pored. Her aaAe
ef the tprakvr. MecMabon fired and is Mre. Lotber LuA" Thna wriMn W.
hRNtgbt down bl* man. Bamoy with a C. Bamalck A Co., ot Sbell^. N. C.
lapSdity loemltble to one who has never Trial botUm 10 c A at thedrugaloree nf
mmm the cblllalab In use In a trioe had
Walt aad J. G. Jofeneon. Begnmrvekand knaeked,down two of tbe ene
my with tbe etlck - that never mlsaBe
giw." TWn the two man. eeelog their
opportunity and bearing re-enforoeiuents dUawSaendLUtBulbi
Hmlng from around the nbln, made a
Only 10c each, at PiHne's Oreenhotae.
tadd dash Uiruugb (be ranks of their tM____ _____________«l-4t
They troeweded In gvttlDg
thtvngfa, but at an utdneky moment Bar
ney eau^t bis foot In eome andisrbmab
who AkA The Mobmiko
aad tell to tbe gruniid. Before be eonld
Baoo»> can have tbe Grand Bapids
. rtsBOoe of (be soldiers bad thrown hlmmlf
Herald delivered to them also for an
upon him. MacMehon tamed, and, pick
cento per wMk. mak
ing tbe felkiw up bodily, burled him with
ing only 14 oeato per week tor tbe
bennloan strongtb right Into the foee of
bAt paper In nortbera Michigan aad
fela advancing cuiuradM. and wlA Uaruey
paper in tbe
atblaBidocootlnuod bl« Sight. Bering
atoto. TelepfeoaeJS.
atborougb kpowledgoof tbooouDtiy. they
aooo suooesded in dodging tboir pursuers,
and bufure ntorolng dawned raaebed the Eyadaths.
Tulina. Crocut, etc., in variety of eol.time wlA a number of otbeii they
m, atPaine-eGreenhonae 46Mt
were token on board a ship waiting tbers
for that purpoeu. and that day tliry bade a
Ad fatvwoll to tbelr nsilvc Uud. Mao- BrningSelieel
Of B»lneA College will open at the
Mahon, baring Hoed tbr Irish brigade,
Orange ball Monday eveniiig, Oct.
dlatlngulsbed blma-ir In several engago81. 189B. Tboaa dAiring to take
msdU Aseooo a ixMlblo Jumie O'Don
spelllag. arithmetic, pebmaaBbip.
nell joined blffl In U bale Paua
book-kAplBg,^aho^tand. ^or My of
They never a^n aw Ireland, but tbelr
dseoeodaDta baro formed one of tbe mott
Amlltes of modem Freneb bISMiT.
roBrtA&Onti AVHk.
The NewsOf The World!
ewOB 8ALBf slitaher*
P.rticiiUrly Trmvene atj, Grand Triverae Bngioii
and *11 Hichigan.
IwUIkele ay eBer nUl Kevewber
WAfor toe perpcee ot.reUectiA
Teceday aad Prlday crielate efeoch wAk
October tot esUtr —
Best Gombined News Semce in the State.
Local brmacb uwto arriree at l«A a. M.
taiw Petoakey, MMktaaw,
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