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The Morning Record, January 21, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
OF TMM mr.
First Tmt-No. 224.
allBfad kam eaaaad to Uia uaa^ai ot
ikaaalaal. Da; aakad daaataa to tka
a«B of S1.M to tba aetioa broaskt
WV« tmo) FOft 9AKAOSS XV >t kko Uaa aMttoaad. BtoakinaB
oxBourr ooubt.
Ukaa troa JaaUee
Arrirtoir toan
JKsUotftu* Pr«MeuUi»a s»d Fate* I»- of Jatttoe Okaaa.
ObanrMI—PlaiBtUr Oos- ka daelarad toat ka aakad to kara toa
aa toat ka aoaU prapara
Btf OWb Om> ptW7 et
kk didaaaa kst, ka taatlflad. JaaUoa
«B JUldcMl OMxaplTMF to Uim Chaaa radoaa^ to ad^ra tka eaia, kat
r «b4 Vai«hterhMd ttumls.
added $90 men to toa elaim alraadp fttad
Parhapi Ua moat laiarsatiar'aad aad told klw toat nnleai the awwt
paeallaroaaawUohUa a»ar baaa to- waa paid that oirkt ka.aaat fo to >iL
Tkto iB oaMtawa ia toa atory of too
Wadaoad to tka Otraait aoart to thb
«oaBtj U Uut
r aa trial, la wUeb ptotoUB.ftotof toTcaBaeatoat lad to
•aBofiya^iaatowBaklpjkla arraat aad falaa InpriaaaBeat.
tor ullsfaMa praaen- Tkat alfkv Jolp t4. BUckataB allaraa
tiOB aad lalaa Inpriaeasaot.
to kU daelaraUoa. Oaaatakla Wpooff
Tka defaadtaato are Jawa Daja. Jaa-1 abaaad Ms pad aabjaelad kls to bbilea of toa Pawe Jp7 H. CBaaa aad Ooa-1 aaBooa tadl(«itfM Mtll aboat-l'o'fdook
atabla Nalaon WpekoS. aU of 1‘aradiaa. | tka (ollawlar Boraiaf. wkaa ka waa
WbUa tka eaaa ia parUeolaflp a^^oaa i kroackt to Travoraa Cltr to a wasoo
tram too polBt at *iaw of tor platoUff.jaad lodfod to }aU to tka eaatodr of
ttaBordafoodf(wrrilaetioBaBdapaetol|Sbertff Simpeoa. For thia ka riaiaa
iBterwt to toe mambara of toe local i damasM.
kar. BOBO of whoa ware fwiaBato ' UpoB tka eroeoasaatoattoB Mr. Pratt
eaoosk to Fat toe eaae. ' The raaaOB j oadaavorad to akow that Blacki
toat loaal lewjera kava ool kaea ra- ] arat ruiltp of aBBoyiac kla BM(bl
tolaad far toe ptolBUff U toat Mr. {aod to eaeeral wapa triad to akow toat
' RaekmaB U too wofi caneaieaat wito ! tba lodlsBUiee eefferad bp Blackaaa.
oeon preoaedare aad toa law at tka||f
warekroupot akoat by klmMlt.
•tstat* tf oqoaBdaraBT numoy f«r -Wimati Talbot waa placed apoo tba
lasal aaalaiaana
lataad aaa witoaaafor tka platotlff.wka
Aa BOOB as tka case was called Mr. | aadaarorad to show by the taailBkoay
BtoekmaB yot rlpbl dowa to bdhiBaaa I of Tklbat tkat toara waa a ooaa|dcMy
aad wboB tka Jsry waa draws bo die-1 afatosi BlaekaioB aad toat Daye waa
played klafaatUtorUy wUk local Biat-lot toe bottom of it. Talbotb taatoaotan and p&l each jaror torooch a
wot aoeb aa to directly Itapllooatae of rtyld axamiaatlaD. Two of j eato Dayt aad a aerlas of objacUcoa
toa jarors drawa ware DOl aatiafaetory i froiB Mr. Fratt toreeid BlackwaB to
.to Mr. BlaekBWB aad they were I adopt other tactica to totrodaea tka
preaipUy toritad to etap dowa aad obi. | desired OTidenoe. He was Dot strictly
aad their saau filled with Bare aatia-Ifanlliar with tba rales af arldbBoa
■ factory matarlal. ^ & Pratt, oonosel jud keeadte aomowhat ooafaaad. bathe
for the defasae. was BOt to_ partleetor i orlBoad a'delermtoaUoB wklek boded
aaddecUaed to examiBa a siacle jaror. ao gbod to the defeadaota
It resdlrad^bet a few ■-----toUtocatloMld sBoeeed to cetUac to kU taaMtte caea to atotloa aad Ur. Blaekmaa ' CBoay. Mr. Pratt showed a dlspaaltlaa
first went ca tke Btaad klawalf as toa to let Mr. BlatoaMhareaU Ike'c^ae
-oanlatolacwitanm ,Bs becaa at toa ponlble. toes to brlDt him Bp with a
k^aalac to iSl\ toa wkala stcay of bte' tarn ate ooeipal kin to bacl^all
tihaUoa with wkat te U plapaed to terai a«ato.
tka ‘•erlmtoal alamaar of Paradise
The case will kaeoaUmaed today ate
TkaamerUon that there it.a crininal tka reanlts promba to be totcreattoc.
eleaseat to Paradise eeecas a litUe tarfeteked. bst eaeb'U tke atlasaiioo. and
Mr. Blackmsa prepoaae to reraal tie
moat despicable coBaplrmey aad plan to That ia What a’Fa^ Awarded Xtesia
rain kls repatatlon aad ekai actor.
KcOUl In Oirealt benrt aad a Oele- '
Ac St fint noted, be bacaa at> tba
bratte Oan la Badad.
bcciaainc. about tea year* afo.
A jaTy in tke Clrcail uonrt last ereabet Mr. Pratt objected and asked
toir raadared k eardict awardtoc jadr
tke cemK to kara toa witnaai tartoc
neat of *100 to Llszie McOlll. who
kls taatiatoay down to
kroocht aetioa Bcatoet Aatda Koeotoy,
Mr. UtoakBsaa aryaad for the. plain
Aarnat Baltoor, saloon keapaia. ate
tiff that it was Boacaaary to fo- tkeir boodaiM. Prank Vetraba. Ji
bfick a lltUa to atew wkat rb*n tMa to
J. Dona and John A. Jackson.
toa eoas^lraey, and as toa esplasatioas
TeaUmony to tba oaaa was all la jnst
pramlsad to be leaffer tkaa tka aiory kafora dinaer aad toe arcoeaents
Mr. Pratt withdrew hU objeelioas ate
•alsbad at I:t0. The chsrre of tka
toe wltaaas reanmed the aamUoa of ceort eoteamadts mlnatcaate tka
toa iBcldaata, aoeMaata ate aUacad waat to toa jaryteS:M. U was «:»
preBadiuted aekama to brtac aboet when tte jitry raUiraed ate renders*
bis aadoiac. The tawaUa orifftotead. verdict Mfdkatte. acalnst all of t
H is nld. in tka debualntoc af oaruto
oatUr by the plaintiff, wblcb had
by' bias
they were triiipiaalac upon bit lead.
This cBpleaaaataeM oonUnsed for A | fipMUtere Who Oaenot Fite Baato to
loiwUmt TUn,. U.
o,.rt »oo. X,«l •u,. Aw.,,
that benBndaocBeofkUfsmiar ImTk^ urm of toe Ciroy^ ooart. Ilka
1. Us win foaaee cat
aacsy otoar. b a
r oTWiida of
depao klim
or Iraa lateraatod to
He elalmad to k«
on trial, or almply euriana
toraataoad ate anacyed ae lancb that
people who are laokinc for ami^taiabe was foreed to r» armed
Aad kw
lOOB toa crowd
lac aoeUnBaUx plaaffed Into law salta
becaaia ac craat that tka aUnd ipc i
lalaattoecwartaksfoaBdil was help-'
wasaaearaly taxed The akalBinc of
ful to know toe law a Uufo. ao ha look
toat aad ooatlaaal toeriac abeat bjTreBp tte attey acUealy aatll by became
ijueatly very anooytoc to%ke coart ate
familiar eaonch with lelral protoe attaraeys to the oases on trial.
oecdurs and the sUUtaa to conduct
Tba annoyaace ievllad apaclaf-^tteDhis owe cases in eoBrU The wiitlon from Judye Oorbatt ycaler^y
acss staled that when Vr-a. Fbabe ordered that wkae tka aaatt ware
tor was proaepatorha triad toVteace
filled that m etkera U admitted ■Oaaa
hinr to brtoc aettei watote too
eaUad as wltoaaaaa ar otbarwiae diraav
all^ eoDsplratan. bte Mr. Fteter' ly totaraatad. The neolt waa m
refnaed, hot eelBat»wifl toa teelea
abU. tat aa oCBaar waa kept k*i
toat It was not lafai to
f oatoff teaslttancs to nmar who daalred
TklBowanion this way. toa-witMSB taaU&ed. for aome time, ate
^ bb earmba eonilDBad to pMter
bias. aVaa ao far as te eafar* Lei^to iMsad Btoheat Saamlaatioafor West
TIUotapn by means of a *M rePotot OteetaUp.
At toa.oempetltiva axamlaation raaffalaat kl^ for destralalac tke oaatly held at Bead aty tor cteauhlp
oatUe of kb aaiebbors. Be bad at West Point. Joaapk Parke. aad Day
ktord of torsala
motr klm ate I La fforfe of Rk Bapids. laaked Arat
- had oaap reoalrad aoma poetry whlto aadaaaate. Mr. IMrki baa haa baaa
ooaveyte a aaatlmaat oalcoisiad ta oedarteto paeoate to West Potot to
make him *iBate with faar aad auffw tpte toa fftel aTaminatlon. piapaihtoiy
ted to rythmic maaaan toe terron of to aatortoc tba military aehooL
feathers ate tor. toe faatkere to *c
plucked fr»m kla
AQDlfiaat to a Voraa.
Things wont OB tob way. aceardlog
Yesterday poratofaaartouaoei
te ^timooy of toa platoUff. aatil
oeearrod wklek awy reealt to the death
mte waa raaohte oa the tftb of last
of one of a team of fiaa koraea owaad
July. Blinkmai iTii laiir|TtT'* to an
kyb. B. Oataof Haloa. WhilateaUag
acUoB sgainst kb fotkar la JasUee
icRB a tree tall tetweaa tte koraea.
HparllBg't ooart. Fbr
brcaktogtln aaekyake'aad tofllotiBr
adjournment was Wkaa. ate tnsnsedldsBimwns lajariaa apoa mb at tba aaately afterwards ka waa arraalad apoa
a warrant Imuad fram tba eowrt of JaaX>oor Bteaipta Baavy.
ties Chase, the oomplatot betoff mMa
by Jamm Days. whom, be ateaaearte
Tke daor reaaipto at tte oaswart af
to prove, was at toa bottom «f tte Ike High school leetara ooaraa Tacadav
•Uayte aoaaplracy. Day Aliafte toat avaatog ware NL-0&. This, sritb the
Vtoekmaa had tmpoatead wteeea ha- toafrvsmker of eeoraa ttokato. makw
-toteMr to Urn aad rifwal’to ffhe it a gratttytofftedlttoa to tte tttoaaiy of
mpmSmt duapmwiri|lll te tte tkpoaaiam
|K. O. T. M.. aadAiaaBda Hire. U U.
iT. M.. WUI hold a'jotot toatallatioo
I Am tofoMaal hop wUl follow aad toa
ladlea will awre a euppar.
lx filwaya a aare winoer. So are the Prusee that we are mEw
ioff. We please oar eaatomen and that always bRagraoB#
on* else. Hare yoa aeea the work we are tonaag fnit iiCTl-'g
then the New Mat Boardfc
Raxt MMday anatof Bar. Praak
Briatol, who waa to appear ia too BIffk
Braada Oabaa Policy of Prasldeat aa school laeforo eoore Dae. 6. wlU fill kU
to tka atj Opera Hi
OrlaclBC' pad Oowaidl^-WaBts
Oaly a Paw Bapahlkea Votaa to Tka aabjoet of kla leetara wlU bo
-‘Bntoa.-’ Dr. Bristol . tea
•at Oaba ^ea-He Da<dBraa toa
iBaby-Aot* Woraa Cttoa War.
aMa a*d plea
. avaalag will c
90.—After a Sllf^t be Joyed.
« of toe kill to axtead too ^b11a toad laws, too hoBao weat lato
a aommlvtea of toa whole aad raaassd
toa ooaaldMattoa of toa diplomatic aad
Svarjthiag to tka Kaato line, at tv.
W. Kimtell's new ators. iU Praat
atsbat. *o»-tf
bUl. Mr. Clark
of Mlacoeri opBaad^ tka dakata.
said la part:
^-If Spato does oot brtoc toa Cabaa
war to a ^oody oooelusioa tka Daited
Stataa-oi^t to aapel ker fron tka
Weatera kestspkara. Tbera Is ao
doobt as wkat kas beea oar traditional
fcrrirn poiley. Wkat toe foralfa pol
icy Is aader tba McKinley ndmialstraUon. like tke peaeC of God, paaaatk bU
M. 8. HOLUV, a
few, bat they ara good ones—and they are new.^
HlSiai’S BdOllSTillE.
Ifive dollars
-In toeaa daya of Mo-Baaabm. par
poiley b ao faakle. eriagtog aad cow
ardly that erea old aad decrepit ilpsln
luB*ilta oar flag, maltreats oar ellU«os
aad searckas oor skips with impunity.
The president instead of seodlng menof-war to protart oar hoaor. pasaaa tka
kat aroate ate iaritee toe Amaricaa
people to eootrlbata %>«»« for atarvtog'
ate dying Cabans.
'■it b bigb time that we served plain'
and empbatie aoUea on all klaga. am-',
perots and potontataa tkat tka navies
of tranMUaaUe powers shall not be
esed 'aa ooUacUoa bareaas ter qoeattaaable dobte as was done at Oorlato and
Haytl. Tke party of Bumaer. Chaaa
ate tewnrff which vaaated Itaalf aa
tte triote of man-kaa becema tba Uly
of paatllaaaa. anea. famlaa, devas
tation. murder ate Crimea
Hnt'a all wool OaarimereHaita, choice pattema, French
taoed to aboalders, good lining, pip^ trimmeai, and
, fine fittini;. Tb*^valae ia $7.50,-l>ut here they go at
the redicnlonaly low tignre of $8.00. W« re neariy all
aiaea, bat Oome Early If yoa mot to take odF«B*
tage of thla ofEn*.
"There is’Something
Rotten in Denmark!".
gtoe tkrongb tka heat
.________ d It ool t
There b aotolaff like baadsome. sew
aad ap-to-date rnrnlUire for general
we have the latato deekma aad atylce
to Parte, library. Dtoiag Room and
Bte Boom Pnraltare cm display for
your Inapartloa. ate at prioee that will
surprise yon.
We have
received our first invoice of
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Hoom Fomiohlng Store,
rwaator apoa a vigorons foreign policy
we are mat with toe hi storical ahriek lU-m Front 8L TBAVKBSE aTT.
that wa a^ tevMttog war.,
tree; ate sappcaa it wara,' I
aoiaa toings worse tksn war
them b to play toe ory-kaby act aaUl
We are '
aad loagaaa. Sato a oeau
pnsillanimoas pollqr b a'aougk to make
In New Spring Styles.
^ Mtd* nu Enr-isi M n«ud Ti shn n«.
. Xtaverae Uity.
fllil llulr 1 • A lUlU/lllvUa
Still Very Busy
to ikalr ceSna
-BepdbUcait frlaada." ke aald to «
weight that is bolding yon dowa, a
Bat.toara b always room for
more. TkereforreoMatoMefor
lyoar PBOTOfi. We have a fomalau
Tlae ef Plctare Moaldtogt aad wUlfill
, mUalgkt.-'
! from Aineriea ker great reBRADSHAWS
. W^will eonlributo It:
411 Boeto CakmSt.-’'
Lait Month Excelled All Part Bniinosa.
AU Dealora SeU Them for
Mana&otorad by ''
Tonneliv Block.
Frae' by act of the American <
Prayer Kpettog la Preabytorlaa Bdi
flee Vent Thursday. Opanlag Ber.
Tics Aaauary SOto.
Tba aaaaal boslaam meaUng of toi
Praabyaarton eknreb was held laa ;
evaalag after tka ragular Thursday
arentog prayer meeting.
1: ree ot-ornge
MBSwrUan or i ipalr* Suriaf tb* wtoMf. 1
<rUl vhartv ootMaa lor rat* aoo ateraa*.
OalrpiarvlatoTawtorv rvacaa pH ArtMc
Ofiicars wtue elected m fallows:
w feWRY T.HTtuntT.Hi.
Daacore J. K. Jokaaoa Bl. Parvte. Oppeaiw a. a K- A DasM.
Deaaoaeae-Mia. U. S. Stoward.
Trustoea—P. M. Payaa, Jama*
Next Tbaraday. avaalag tka pi
maatiag will be bald to tka new ah<
earaar of Watotogtte ate Park su
wklek U mow nearly oomplalte.
opedlBff regular aerviem will be held
Buteay, Janaary *0.
Are moviog oor goad*,
bat we
bare lota of good* left wfatuh wd
- wish to cloae out b^ore taking in*
There will bea^aetol eoi
voice, and we have aome specifil
of lyavaraa City Cbaptar. Ko. in. B. A. baigiina to offar.
M. toalgkt at 7:H. for eeork is tte M.
M. degree.
I of Bov. J. C
XXyx Ooffea............................ lOe per lb
Freak Boll Batter..................... ibc per lb
OaUl fnitkorBolioe.-WUkelm Brao. It bare good Weakly Soap................ SSc
wUl olaaa' their store oo Bouth Uaioa I*b Ptoal....A.............................. toenn
eireet at (I o’cleok pdery eveotog except Oalloa can Applaa.........................XOc caa
Fop Oats..................ite peak. He bmbal
Taaadaytate Baterdays.
Mbs Mtonb Oonitode. aae of tte
toa^ers to Btet Bay towaahlp. baa X>ea1 ayatoalM mha terns a aaek cf
beea vary HI for aome days ate
ackool tea kas* taispaiarily eloaodChaa. W. Fanat^ tob diy, hte bate
giantte a daerde af dlvtne from Anna
A first clam Stock of
D. PausV by Jtege Adnlt to Urate BapIda, npoB tte groote of extrema
Os hate, ate aadars fiUte to salt tte
Brysa'a Cbasedtaaa gave a perfor- parekoaar. QaUaadasaas.
manes at tte agylnm ymtorday aftarI of “A Bat Ttato to toa (Nd
Towmr for tte amasamaat of the
Ttelffkt Trevana aty Teat, Ma >71. 0«r. 7(h and -t7aioD StMs,
eoM MidaiFiDor.
Will remind you that wi^er is not yet over.
Plenty of time to wear Winter.Wrapa. You
can bny them here for 76c tu>. Special
values at this time of the year.
«HB xosvnro
TrovomOHr Varkrt.
Balow ia a lUt of the horiar aad aaUlnf prteaa of jwurday for grooartoe,
Bmt7 RMtUflyi^
r for mtoprovutooe and kkra produeU In Traaworth
•'TIm Snt Um I orer heard BUM find
aero4 thore.
(be old aoMler, "waa
Tnak Prtodrldt, Dlek Cksphell ood
atoxiB at aea. fioa troope (■ a
A. K.
- Thao
Yim- T. Batbs ajk> J. W. BAxm. WodBoaday
. -. _ mM
. n
. BMo a lot of tioope. tO.OOO orn, cb
Mra. Fannie Wlnklcinan of SL Ip-' vrMcU. bonod. on an ripwiidoo down
t. W. Banran, Editor aad Mawgor.
who ban bees vWtte( Mra. *be ooe*t. ixaddee the 'tratuporta than
OharUe Beaenthal (atnraad hove vaa-; **** » lot of naral Tewria
all aorta
And then there vm n>e reaarla in
tow. with anppliea and i
anttoOraad BapUa yeaurtlay to Met Mra. Stelnbwrr wu aboard had a ablp in t
who hae been rialUnr !■ Oelroli aad I ntbtr it wai a fleet of 60 t(wk1i or
their daofhter Irene who hae epent I tnote. We went along down the
r. hr wall.
OrrCOMtewB eereral daya in Grand Bapida. They i aloa-.nnd wy. ao aa »
' nsDtmainr.
-1 nae of geftf
d laat Bight:
UM. Bk«Ofl«Mioff.teil^UM tHr «•
mm 1
Tnxax U a good deal ef exeitatnant
in oongrcee orer the Cnhan qaeaUoa
, and demoerata aad
> foree the maltar la
the beligereni-y reealntloB.
Tbe repablicana are standing twited
and firm ar»l»t any p
la ^ta of Ue preaeure al the oppoei
«taa «a
la me
tbe pwwj
policy of the adatinitWa1^ to anppoae that
ttm. It ia ahanr
Iniry and <bia
Ftwaidant .McKinl
_____ _____
are blind
bliM to the crlUoat
aitnatiaa on the ialand. It it
paiwat that the pneent agHcUoa in
Otba demaada the moat earafal inveatigaliaa aa the part of thk goeam
aaat. It ia' altogether likely that
the praeidmt ia fnUy eagaixani
the aaaet altaatioa and when
baeaao atntiity ter tbia
Mnt to act there ie ne doubt
bat that the etUtnde of the
wiUaeet the appcoeel of ail
^ dUaeM aad that the reenlla will net.
_ be a dimredlt to tbU. aaUoo. Tbia U
mai a qncatioa whiob deaandc a di^y
c^wand earafal daliberaUea aad no
V^ne bnatetownrda Int^ring tu in a
pnrioaa intematioMl oowpUentidn.
Thaatrtoal Vt
nnoUter Tery ^ the elaw.r faenU and (h(»% that w
wing utbera
pleaedag perferataMa laat nighi
"We had me day of had wiathrr that
dtelahar^e Grand Opei« Honae. M. B.
finally worked ap lotn a rturai. Ibete
Btraeter*a*flre-a«toMnedy drawa. “A wa« a high aea all-dar. and the ahip we
nasiag Mllliea.” waa preaeeted vary
K chargMl ov^ it at ■ gmt
eredltabiy and the
etratad ita appreclailoc. The piece U niae wai In a ealli-y and her
well etaged and'the n abera -of-thethe air. ioukiug actum from her after
dkfe yon oooldn'
cooldn’t «e the lower maate
Interpret the rariout
.wi.,.. »1*
| eery acoepubly. lonight there will , <d the thip^we wi
ntnld me w*nw burtapmacu and mpgal
>le bill, a big Tandevilla olio.
1 tripl
ElephanV The low ariom which ha*a Bjfarote tbe efawm.T . bow woilU be in
prettied alt tbe weak wfll oontinued. , the eir and her luum Irariid. and then
' louking at tin* utaip ae-ehe ixm* op
' gix-at ware bohiud bj you could an
I f<ur fool. A minota later the rtramer'i
Br"”. e-..
,,OT »».I( b. it. lb. .Ir wnti,. ua tb.
a rfatar to to. BtoA Hawk wu ud to. .b.p
„ jm,.,
,b, tou n
tola , to b. to. Ctoto tototob, d toto i u... U... toto ,b. toii.T, II ..tom to
• Uicugh it wa« aboat the Unit of tow.
Horace O. Burt, the new preeideDt of ; ing. end 1 alnunt wmdenid they didn’t
tbe Union Pacifle Bailway eunmny. | oni U r loom.
began hU imilroad oatwey In 1M7 ae a
"A« the day wmt co tbe weather got
rodsBU on tbe Vaadalie Unm
WcTw.aixi night ahnt in early, with the
booci. who reocniitly conpleted bii ehy erercekt a'ud the wind bluwlng a
__________ public
►*'* rougher than ever and
publicfan in Btuse, ha*
ebmained from food in hie perfannaueee - *«'wel« all arouud ui rolJ.iiig and «■*•
fear S.'WHJ day* of bU lifa—nearly term ; '“*•
<*<* < >• *»
’ Ix-uaw dnrk. when the blatoU of wind
Mmior A C RnaticTane a vomlBeDt ' **•’’'
®P “ !*•**'■» •ouf'lt of Hring to
'mannlacto^w of Kvan.viiU krf nad ‘
knew tben-niMt
bto .11. to-". ,bv.. .totoplwSJutop 1
pm todtoarUi to,a ,«aJcto,ib^tol!"‘'•“
Saab of tbe goua the yollry^firing of
bppx^-utly‘l“kn up in line on
P^emor Henoon. an agent of the egIt wamTT^r place to help them.
toto.lto.to d.p.to.^. .to,.].bp to Tto. xb.to to,to toto.j tototol. btoto. Tb.,
The amall nanbar of railroad bank- ktoUb. btodtoktotom . .ptoPtooi muto.! ..a to,
Pto„ „
iwptden in l«r7. and the great progteae n.im wbH-b ftouUtoM VM|.b. u to.cta |
l».w .ba. ntovl, all
Mda In tba rMtoratlon. of
— *0 pounds.
; J,,
reaarl were mred. There w«*t
Uorener Marria now living in Oe- ebmii fS kwt.
already ia the baPCa of raeelTen to a
When wr came on deck on our Aip
aolreat baaU through tereeloeare and troit. Ua
Bufaert Mewria. wbuee fiuauc^ tmkiug the next mutniug. we aaw tumetbiag
taarranlaniiuB, ianclear
to make the rictorloua tertninaat
mneh. • The up
a of the gweral
liou of Jbe Berolution a pmaability.
per (art uf tbe after chimney—tbe
wotthaooantry. AcoMtrnated
Tbe Priaoe of Welea it mid to intend ateamt-r had two xmukaetacke, ranging
•telM in 18pe. the
pith the 1
carried away
eUitiug a niunber of tbe niinof cathenhowing la a highly aatiafaetory
draUof England tbia year. It it only (xaupleteiy, and it lay <m deck urer co
In 1«9T there were oaly l!i railroad within the leu ytwr er two that tbe tU- port Hide of tbdtehip. On tbe wartell area iaeolelag l.ssTmUei of road prince bs* mkm touch tnierem in meb Utttd tide aft a Uiat banging on darita
bad'been amaebed and tbe. eteamer'a
and iPi.MO.Opo capital, ae Mdlott
s.sodftoo in*
M«1 Bile* of road and KTS.&O
(foem Loniee of Dmaark !• the old- rail cut down to tiw deck. Th'iedamage
eel ocenpant'of a throne, with the sin- bud been dooe by the etaip we bad in
Her jib boom bad p^ed off tbe
gle exeeiHioB of thd Grand Duke of Luxtack, and
embutg. who is her amior by aome gix uppttf erctiODji of tbe m
weeka Tbeee are (be only two octoge fa<-r cutwater had aunebed the boat and
tbe rail. Anxirding to tbe
narian aorereigna. .
«i«y abqard. we bad otcaeiuu in the
•ny Oi^ Plaat Olaaed Doem to.Fight
Sir WilliaiB Harcourt ie the ton of a night to led:. Tbe nory waa that tbere
tbe Vaioa.
cluntyinaA end the graotiaon of a bii£- wwe bruoKcr* ahead. When we went
He we* trained for the bar. and aft a>^t*n. ih« ship kept coming and came
Bay aty. Jan. 80.—^e entire plant
al Whcoler A Co. citned down Ihli
aboard tf us »u Um etorUoid qnaficr.
meribe at luliHlor general bocaina
h>*r loom as eouna* thtoV could,
aomlng for ao indefinite period. Tbe
of intematianal law at Chinurn on the ship made sail on
n—pney eayait wiUopen itaynH with taldga.
Sbe hadn't done ne very much
an entirely new foree of men. The
Edward Roar, the man who wrote tbe damage. 1 have Mouetimee wcedowl
yivelere would prt^bly bare accepted mage veridonaof "Tbe FrieonerofZen.what would bai-e bappetMd if abe bpd
the rate of the wagea offered bad they da" and "L'nderShe Bed Kobe." tegan struck UP a little hardrr blow.
not been inquired to atga an iron clad hie career by msding law. Hr wnn . "W( Wi-nt uu twkUy eouugn with one
ngTwemeat net toartae eae body of
It for Che atage, bowerer. long and’iuw^hort ubij
and it now dramatic critic of the Lon going plow, aud wc didn't need Ibe
■aa, but ac Indiridnalt and oeoeeni
dnift that we Icwt thrvugfa tbe •ii}tting
tte» reteining by the eompany of lo per dm Bonday Timm.:
D'l pink
amt. of their wagee a> a forfeit far -0011 Bfaodee baa never been known down of cmeof tbvm. We didn't
tb>- ship Dp tgaih. but we
■r a lew
^aiUlag without iti. oonaaat.
laler at^r
About TOO men areaSeated by the
be habiiyof coatmnaUy onuenlting
' aiming of the yard. Whedtr A Co. »atct.J»»rb V--..........rhiTithtd
. .. ..
brt to ba c
looee in ibestorm. In
wat hie B»M
axpect to rdpryanize the force of em- pumttdun. Ur. Khud<e k<v}ie a diary— fact. 1 hare t > doubi that ebe liked it
or need to keep one—written ih an in much betur :o be penuitiMl (a make
bar own way. —New Turk bun.
The labor anlou are e
tricate cipb<-r kdown only to hinetU.
I ter a atrvggle. Orer 900
The Cblnea- njinieicr. Mr. Wn Ting^
mm Joiaed tha Knigtau of Labor laat F^. ia mid tu be a mflr nneai-y about
the affect the freedkxu of Auimoan wo
. the well
men may hare upud hit wife, fi-ap- known chemist to the
pean that Mre Wv it' much pltwerd 'railroad. recruUy
. .ga^ n
itrrealWith the Ufa Ud by Ammiomr women. ing lecture before tbeBranklin institute
Tbe miniater. bnweVer. it a gr<at ad- <« "Tbe VtwtiUti’iD of Paiocugu-Unre
mirv cd oar women and mye they Gm <10 Raitraode." Afbc reterriug to tbe
Lorn of About »7fl,00pr
-Amoic^Ai^ "the moat beaui iful in tbe world." * 'Audy. which hadt be^ given to the
Ionia. Mich.. Jaa.l»>.-A
<iacMioQ be said
< trooe fire itarted hare at midnlAt.
"Nutwitbstanding (be stud
oaa bJuek ^
ibe ^'ebber brown etoae
>_____ I__________
gutted, tnelndlng WebbaiH
the cry Ibal is in the tecbuteal papers
atbre. Van Alloa's drag ttare. UardalU'e them twiDSoTW.—Punena
BU<i aometimee in ibt- ciaily pliers in reIrulteiote. Van Uoutaab jewelry atore.
Owting into debt i» getting into a gaid lotl»ev«ntiUti<«iaf pwamagcrcart.
1 nni very sorry to have to mr to von
Bradley -A Ca.'e fermlture atore oa taogleeowe oc't.—FraBkUn,
. .aDdhwieKl
Mala ttreet. and aeraral awraa aa SacTy> lireienoi to UTeftronmelf'aloi
iilfrat the prmKut time t<i pniperly vrnaad ttract. LTha city aleetrle Ilghta Let tti help tumaaetbw.-Mmander.
igm <»r oh a railway. So
We inherit aotblng tmly but what
ware cbl^ft.
aysirm U
present kwjwa by Whibh
After raging furloaaly lor aa boor oar aotiooa make aa worthy of.—C^p- this can be sumatfully
and a half the fire wu gotten oader
Anentacy is tbe twin brother of btmoaatrok hut the
e«iyr inaocnracy, of disbooeMy.—O.
of Main and Second etraata U a harraa Sinimoaa
waaie of emoldeiing mlna.
When we are oDt of aympatby with
aaat wind prevaUad aed fanned the fire ttw young, tbm 1 think oar werk in
.Into- a rouelBg furnace, which the fir^ (hie world la nvi-z. —G. Maodonald,
department wae utterly.anabta teetop
LetsabarOf good cbrtx. i
■Oltll it cxbauatad itaelf.
Tbe totel loaa ie aefimated at
geo.WD to r&.000. with an
.Hake but few cxplanaHcins. Tbe
probably «>&,«»■
eijaracter that cannot defend itaelf is
BM worth Tindientblg.—F. W. BobenOf IntaraM to Trampa.
piBB LOSS nr toaxA.
^tatOM!^ bn.
Bt’vua aiTKtoPTaavi
Clothing, Dry Goods, -:
Gents’ Furnishings, Dress'Goods.
50 Cents on a Dollar
' Bnekwheat
Eggs, per domn .^
Ohlcdgo Market.
ary. »7c; May. 89c; July,
?to; . >1.,.
The Fair,
Brosch Block,
Front Street.
Grand lUpide. Jan. te —Wheat. 8Se.
E.W.Hastin^. BYSTERS
213 Front SL
Real Estate *»„
Fire liLSurance.
Money to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
Johnson Block.
Baltimore Btoek Reoelred Three Tlmca a Week
f^unU. fiOe p«r quart
„1id Meets
Fleichtr's Opter Depot aid Resturaik
*PhoBs 78.
Caulkett & Co
niirmgsold tbnr Meat Departmeot
k El
liott of Man
iniatee, 'will cootinae to keep
A Foil Line Rfleats
until eoch parties take poooeosioQ, •laiiuHT}' 15th.' *
Don’t fall to call at once aud
take adi-anlaiirc of SpecUl
.Also Full Line of
Reduced to Lowest PoBaible
Don't Fail to Pro6t
by This.
Caulkett & Co.
Cor. Ninth and Union Sts
Steinberg's M 0;«t Honse
this week.
The demand for Improved and Unimproved City Property ia bec<nning brisk. I have
Two or Three Hooses and Lots
and a Humber of Wep I.ooated.^
Vacant Residence Lots
Oruid Triple Bill.
2 Comedies and Big
Vaudeville Olio.
“Bradford’s Tronbles
Baby Elepbant"
in Traverse (31ty that will be sold
At Low Prices
PRICES, 10c, ROc md 30c.
Seata on Bale at Box Ofltea.
the InghM coeniy boar<l-i, m-1
?. WilUu
vlUtioB to meet here Feb. J nnd draw
Wbru n man haa here guilty of fipy
ap n bill doing nway with the tramp vlot- or folly, tbe bea( atni-ment be emn
make for Jt in u. waru otbenSM to fall
laufthi- like.—AcMiaua.
Tbe tueanett. most oootmptible kind
of prune is that which first apeaks wWl
ct a nmn and* (ben qualifies it with a
(B of OonemMh. to (he
It is a Md thing to begin life with
- ciMBt of Brt. E HnUbory.
Bar. B. Snlebery ton* been enlM to. low ceoceptiene cf It It may not be
poMible f<jr a
Tmamm to eondnek n tttnmi adretoe
life, bat it la ptmdble to
"I am re-
■.tennaclyaf Uding-
ilskr:::;:::::;::-:::;:: -S
Dreat Bankrupt Sale !
to Itt Mohltm and bem
ii aoldNOW. Come abd ask about
them, if you Va^t a home or a^od,
investment. ^
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
tesla* W* ta a wfclrL
—Front Street.
Phos.T. Bates.
R*e«nt Cvcrit* in Cuba All tha
' RmuK of tho 'Rolicy of
the Prooidont.
thm MkW
D.WS. IkUm
M,nmr WmMmf
^ 017 !<*••
Jn'uhlnaton. Jaa. 20.—AH <Ur yealerIT tba qocttloo of arwulos ^tetnamct
'riftau to the Cuban Insurreota
araru«l U> tb* hbuaa. but as on Tovilar
tbe tciooMir burled llaelt
•tone wall. On (hr 00I7 vole takenr^'
tarOar—a muno« Osdgned to overrule
<be decliSloo of ibe speaker and diiwi
tte comltiee on turelss aflaln to re
port witbooi tartber dela; tbe Cuban
naolutlon [wiwd by the seaBte al -tbe
aad voted to sustain tbe chair. The saltertsa as on Tuesday, were -banked td
tbe doora. asd there was
aacliemeni thronehout ibe early part of
tbs riMSlon wiirn fbe membersjof'tbe
ntlDoTlty. a-err^urceaitvely ptisslnp all
sorts of amendmeois beartnr
; the mal -rliy.
Oaiins the seneral debate Chairman
Mitt, of the f-.>relin> affaire committee,
made an ImpresaUe (|f-e<-b eypUlnlns
tbe altuatloD ahlrb rtutde artton b>■ inadvts^lc. He si-oke
aympathy with tha strucxie
ladependence and the ar hievemenu of
, tbe present admlnUtrailin-releaae of
’ Americaa prisoners in Cuba, the re
call of W«^er. the abandonment of
tba POUCT of concentration and the a'utanomy achen.e he atirtbuied to tbe
•Urn attitude of tbe president, and con
trasted ibeae results with the"lnac(luo"
•t tbe last administration.
Be awrred that belUftereal rlflits
eould not aid tbe iMurpenl cause, and
perbapa the ibosi •eramailc porHon-of
Us Bprech came w hen be d^hred Ibdt
'tte Inaursentr onl> wished for beHiyerant rtahu In lire hope and belief that
this connin' would be embroiled la a
war with Rpala whlrlfwould «1ce them
tbetr freedom with our triumph. He
------- — *(hai the prewldent rmiai aaaame the peapoasibiiUy c* any a.-tioa
which mljcht eventuate ta war. and ap
pealed to both sides of the chamber to
patrtoUcally support ibe executive if a
crisis shall come.
Appeal, dm sappan (se MeKlatey
He cortcluded with aa eloquent appeal
to the members of tbe bouse to drown
all other votoca as they did In the Vea•suelan crises'and stand by the preaident and the countn. MTille he could
DoC prophesy as to the future he selomaly aaured Ibe bouib that the pres
Ment Would not dliaptwini the fX^^
ttoos of hta couBirymen. Thi
Hill's speech he
listened to with
tbe cloaesl altenlloa. Uembers rtoirted
about him and the thr»njrad galleries
' leaned *ver to catch' his woeda As be
concluded a roar of approval swept tbe
Boor and ibe aallrries.
Win Bare s VlMT Xs.1 TUday.
Dlaamora.of Arkauwas. the teadinc
minority member «f lh>- vontmlttee on
foteUn affairs, replied to hUd. and
Adams tKrpi of PennsjtTania. Chair
man of till- CiUwii auU-commltlce of
tbe same c.-mnilller; Btyry tT»em.» of
Kenlueky. sn-l Wheeler (Dera.) i f Ken
tucky also addreesed the house durlns
the gerteral debate. The •h’bate w III
cluer today at * o'ckwk under tbe nrTwacement made yesterday, when a
tlaxl |••S( will Iw made on a motion of
« which M'iniams 0>em.l of MIsWaaIppI
gave nntiee. to recommit the bill with
• ■iBrtrta-tiiiii-. to report, back the Cuban
reuolutlon as sender.
maks a utile mMd-Baaalag toauM Do
I s Oood. Aaybow.
During the debate Dlnsmora of Ar
kansas declared that the time had come
^ for glTiag the Cuiaiu the m^>snltiun
they Aad ao toad anUghL He arraigiMd
Hitt and tbe Hepubliran side fursalleged incoBslstcoiT. rltlag Ibelr Cuban
speeches under tbe Cleveland adminis
tration. and then branched oC to^arift.
dTi: s> rvtoe. biraetalllsin aud igr^s
other toplis. Kelurnlnt to (Sitia'W
det Ar«l that nu act liy this roveronteHt
- could bnne w-si w Ith Spain, tor a haal^
rapt monarch) which eunid a«t put
dwwa r-tSM raxsed Cuban soldiers
^ srould nm enur upon a contest with
Ibe rnu-d S^i<s. A-tams (Rep.) of
. Pcansy.Tsala <-nt<asled the "ibarUon
aad apathy"
iBe laai admlDisiratlun
toward Cuba wiiu the srhlevemeats of
furer uf letter camera In aevnal etllea
of tke counirr. Huar deeUred Ural tbe
order had had the oBert u( a d^itajatte
White api«
07 tbe poaiufllre department a'as an appnpiiaUoD of
fulfp to taain^iB
•tbe elQvlrBey uf tbe ramer aervke.
The deliate look a wide raare. Wol‘
oti liialstlfiE that 'manr Nea EnrUhd
br the aenaior
HaMcbus-------------—-- ----------— —dcBcienry In the funds of the poemmoe
deranment. because tbe>- Insisted that
tbe .evvemment sttuuld carry secund
tin* mall at aa enopnotis lusa. ant
Allen «t Nebraaka ebarcinr 1
Coxjrnmirnt vat aniuialUr defibuded
out of mlUkoDS of donars throurb tbe
HBderaelrhlnr of tnall matter.
" Veol rave notli-e that he would
tMay tu take up- for oonslderaUu
Teller resolution reiMrted by tbennanev
Of the
------- ----------t'
---------------------------United Btslee ma# be palJl« ataadara
dollars. Vest's noll« seems to
indicate an Intention on tbe
Irt the OIrvetien of an Agraai
Botwaan thaI boat
ton and Minan.
•fii&ioim DAT HggfH n
« Ooe ef Etfbt or
- CblcasOi Jan. »—I.ittle araa done
ytoterday by the i-onferepte of opera
tors r.nd mlneta no* In session here.
Work In tbr aecret'conterence of tbe
,eale rommiuee Is proceedln* sloaly.
Yesterday’s debate hliired principally
tpe elpht-bour oue.il. n. The min-
is evident, as White, of Callf..mla sali eUrhl-hour i.ay. bnt auuybl to brlnr
that the ronsideratfon of the resolujlua: about a plan of nntformuy In tbe matwoalii ' ri-rr-i.li>liale some eUrht die- ter of hours titroiVhrHit the aotl -ctyO
cuaatnn.*' U<><«a» rave anotfaer
Seld. While the operaii
Hawaiian spoevh to the aenate the stales u.Vd^fer thal the lenpxei'utlvr session.______
; ||„m- ■‘ystrm In IVnnrylianIa and llllBartal at Braiarala BstMmHb.
j aols mnaUi In f<ir<-%-. ibe>. as a whole.
-■Wartfnrton. Jan. te.-FunepSl. aer-Twere wlllU-K lo asroe Upon h .-ompro.
Tices over the retruilns It tbe latr hla. I mlia- of nine boura' laUir. This much
Jor Beniamin Buttei-a«T:h. o.iinmlsri..n- sained establishes uni«..rtr.Uy of boura
er of i-teoia acre held .»wsterday aft-, of labor and hrlrucs the .oJl mlttee face
erac-m at the Oiur^-h of the Covenarit. ( I- Ui-e with tbe dimcult problein of
Ilev. Teunls 8. Hamlin, the pastor, con- ; dmerenijals. The llkht «eklvb has Wen
ducllnit tto- eseK-lses of the Preabyle. I was-d bet a .-en ,OhW aad Hennsylvanl*
lias church. The t huri-h «as crowded, for »-eara % airain before the committee,
those pMent includlnp ITesIdent Me-!
Ohtasad Pewasylvaala WUMraw.
Klrtley and all the niemiiera of his cab-' To fariliwte action th“ oi<en>tnrstn«n
Inet except SeiTetary Alyer. who U Ul ' those two nates «ilh ln-w from tbe
<-»mmlUer n>«m to try to patch uplbeir
dlffen-nces by -themselves.1. No
WjUlnma of,
questlon hsvtns l>eeB taken thr
«*. I
s a mattV
—........ -......................
of H>*YUlati»n; but li was coostdertel
minister «rf the United 8UISU to Cuba.
Uiai a uMfurm system of
r fcrelkn. slfalr*.
e also Introdu.-ed another
unlsalon lo DcgOUate a poliita'd rt'mmtllec* lo arranse a lualr
of dlfrereollsls for this Mate, which will
United Smes and Cub*.
bp presented .to the conveMloB for Its
approval. Jhls matter srtll probably
All Oalrt at Havnaa.
Waabington. ^an.
tleneraf Lee i^uee considerate v|i|s'altlon on the
cabb-d.the state departraeni yesterday part uf the Indkam peuple. whose dlfafiemoon that aH was quiet at Havana. frrrnllalK-det.nd to a lairae extent up
He also reported that the d«-ive lasurd on Ih.*.- obiqlnln* in lmnol».>
Permaaesi Artillrwtlws 4'MMSslnM.
Not last admlttlnc fw Iraiiurted calAn attempt tp sevurw_the caUhllshmeni of a permanent tvunmlftee of coal
operators and mln>-re In thlssute to arUtraie hereafier all question* arislnx
from lbs dlfferanlial raira en]l«si>ed the
epei.lng session of lbs day. The delate
whKb followed the appeal for such *
yesterday lnir«>dure.i a JolnL resulu- Joint committee waatbe wartnestwhlch
Uiui fur the apiKuntment at a.cooimla- has yet dlsturt>ed (be delegates. Hre«Sion to make a survey for a Ship canal Idenl HaUTford favored tbe moilua.
from the lo«tcy sbure of Lake Michigan
of hla
Wabash river___
elded sund against li and derlared that
tt wnul<{ l>e unjust to Indiana and other
states lo t>erinlt ope. stale lo take such
a «er wMhtiUl a<-«ordlng tbe same priv
Charles Page Bryan, mtntsiar to Urasll. ilege to all the other slates. A mot loo
t. H. Conger, of Iowa, minister to to table the vole wm* •■arrled.bl a role
of :« to 12. but und«r the rules It Is nec
Chlpa. • _ ^
essary |o have a unanimous vote lo
earry any motl.m. The beat way out of
n w'as t» ask mirell towlihtoiamr. tad.
Ms Balldlag. aad Iba ! draw hts motion ond that was prumiuly
Chicaco. Jan. SC.-''n’tde-opeD Chic*.
Bo" is tbe UUe of aa exhaustive article
which will appear In this week's num
ber of Harper's M eekly. 'The article
Is wruten by TvwnkUn Hatbewa wbo
clly la December H •MSI “The invesUcatlon was what midht be called
ifesslonal. in that It was
from no morbid motives,
aad was conducted- as any newspaper
man of stsiidlnc would make such an
InqaliT- We found an api>aillnB eobdltlon of aflalra tn tbe toleration of tbe
lowest Tin—a tolentloa demanded by
tbe extsnncleo of politics and the dealr*
to levy lilaekmall, M'e found that a
system of police bIsvkmaU ts ta exlstr norlB Chicago, which matches '
■luKTUpaioua nature and cxien
worn phases of the police .
that aas levied In New Tork Under the I
palmy days of Tammany mis.
“We found, as the result of all this. {
ample JuBtincatIcn that neither life i
nor im»i>rTt> Is safe In Oilea«o-a fwb
tnade plain by the diaiaichea In ihe{
r-wspapers'uf.the coamry f»*r a y«ar
or more. mV fmind that New York's,
•Tsn<!erioln<<-th* TVndeylolli' of the
past—never pr»>ilt!'t«i open lawlessness J
so flacTsrt or 'irir* r; tlty so bold as ex. ’
! Ista at present In M-airo. This la .the!
list .if rales a* ttlvrn to me by this au- |
' Iborily: GunHiny Otousee. tU> and up-I
; WanK a mcnih. |«<rel>boUsrA
nfonth: lalnons where music Is played.)
cooirao' i» law. HM> occasionally; Im
moral pUo-s. ^ t- CO* ajnonlh."
lti^Bap..U». Jan. -»-At 1;» tto
mauresusu la Ike maris MsU.
morning lofurmation reached this elrr TtefcTi the eesslon was opened Dalsell
that a i-unlUgratloc was raging
handed Hat'h'ord a <-«)>v »f • scale of
sApt-er. Imt.. which was ihreaientar-J differential rales sr*d the dlsu-k-w In
to deetioy the I lly As the long distance a Wch they were to be observed, sgreid
' -- ,nol* oiH-rato
telThonr abd lelegraplih- iiinimuDicathe basts
tlon w as > 01 off 11 ws» Impuaalble to get
drnnite laii*.. »*renc-er to a town of pf wages the scale upon wfarh
let* iBbsi'itum*. tiie ifunty seat «t the cornmiltoe In session fn the ad)>>iciOwen county, and i-w-aiM on the In- Ing room to debating V<rr the m^dlanapulhi 'and Vinrriine* r^trvtod. tng sc-vion the minul* delegation of
aUiut flfty-Ih-e pil^ southwiwlPf (Us miners ass-mhlrtl In tbe hall and app»iati-d a f arrjnlltec of twenty-one del.
Aome m>a*-r f*ets wiwe lenmed by egktes to met the rtunmltt-e of 0|«rrathe train ditl<atrlier of the I. and V k>- tgrs. -We are ready lo meet the llllratid here h-f..re remmunlrsllun was nils 'miners' wnmlltee as-wosn a* excut off. Hi* infirrmatton wss thsi the pedleni.*' said nakselL 'The npeeaiar*
‘ ihr slate have piacUcally agreed
gr.T-ei> More ■ wned by U. H Allto.i»r. A.
e of siirJ. lledrK-k'y shoe store, ffadler ------- iMi.'n* ihemselvea upon g
Hardin's sahwe and |f->vrttato whirh_>le have sul-mltted I
two cl>Hhln«\«l
I another ial>s<n and store, w h'su-uwmrs I (hr Illluuis lesders."
------t-ould -;'<d ^............>eu..
l.amed, were *uUM- No) .jt'reet railway MOVf'ON FOOT.
lnf<;minTiuD a« to tbe protislde l.is*
origin of tbe fire could l<e obtained. At j
Ml M Kates* rrast«toe> to M to
» o'clock the fire ww* stID raglug. Tbe
Bmk.Tb.si M-ety-Ms. Trant
block where the Are originated was n
Chicsgci. Jan 2*.-The street railway
new erne. &d the Onrwl In tbe city.
Inlerrsts of Illlquto. banded t< getber at
Jopla. Mich.. JaiL yo.-i-nre broke out lbe<SrT»t Surlbem hotel on Jan. t as-'a
In in* city law night and forra time
. . V«to hi .ek
to d.nrer At • a '
-aseo. latU-n. have prepared a hill
I. ■"make the I
MV»,ber hhwk a twn-siery sapdBone
railway fram-hlae I
► stale
building. I» a rt-mplele lora. Theo-ctlre) ; Mi-eet
ninety-uliu years. The bin was itt. nee w-m be fTLiW sith ' nlncU-tiUK'
ln«to^ '
C- ^ B..m»ej. of the fhl.-sgo
■------(esriers! TSectrtc Hallway ximpsoy.
nilsoto 1*
>la sahinitling e«i|tlea oil tbr bill (u-the
8prlngne(d. til*.. Jan. 2e.-Nofa«'s bill' ‘ membera of Vie luimd* ftirevi Hallway
authinltirr the state board »f oiualiaa- •EaMNiklioe Ronney^sends a letter In
tkin to asses* -foreign corpt rations the whlrb be takes the atvimd that Ibe
same as dnjr^lf coriKiratlurts «a* rs^ street railway ci-mi-aatr* being IneoP-
uif* of the state,
l-Kbdature ewa ax•rttod r'Sdlpg. tend the franchiser
Ul tbe rtwenue
As Ih. fed. tal rt^stllUth B
adopted with- nnlY the nxilen sod-'tbe indiv-tdcal
stalni. and the stale i-oiMlItullna m-ig'^n'thThnu^ tbe McBniry gas bill and nlaes only tbe state sod the rountW
‘^%ld you nut vote fur beltitersBcr la the
... 1*1 .........
tnunlH|*lltu-«—In Kne hla an^umenl-^
Monte _gralh tax niesaure
' tbi last comcreekr asked Sulscr.
everw^lnitngiy defeated The re<
revMiue have nnuiiim ii> do with gninUng
‘TdlA-.respuudedAdsms. butlban uverwVlnilnrriy
tending n ftuiu hlse. -Tbe-munietpaUiy.
srs were wekmg to proievt AmerKon rommliiee's Mil .sns ivpotted ailB or he nuilninlii-. lias only thr power
• property; that ' profTny i« now Uc- dered to first readier_____
enforcing |>«l|ie regulations aa to. 1
Tls* VtrsiWrasr Jsassry.
atruyed. We were seckiiiK 1.'free Amer
running <f 'Wis ihKwb ib- atreet*.
ican priaunerat they aiv Du« all free."
PtiWTtOn. Ind . Jan- Jti-U
j U |s reported .hat immediately
In r^ly to a- dirwt <iue«tiun a* to «unilnue**Ui.ydld>^^d*> ihel^
com-Icriun ..f the taesK-m ape. 1
why-nia sub-onmtnitu-e had uui re- 10 proitorty In Knok. t.llmon
„f ,h. iegi-ig,ura Oovernor Ts.
porfsd Ike senate reaoiutinn he said the couRilv* '*W'
over tlMtoo. The j
- .^1,
qommlttoe bad called tor oflivUl 'in- Patoka. Wbbe *Bd M abash rivers .are
furmatlon. "We cannot rely on cew-s- now rtttn* from iso lo four laches an '
hour. fhoussnd* of bushels of corn ar* ,,
Traskw with Ksllss, rtrerasa.nou IB bins ibai wllllwgrrunydamagrd.f ClnriuiisU. Jan. » — <i.rsad Master
- by dUfersot ne*-|pniwrss''
add frn.es will be washetl away. The I Raraeni. of Ihi- Ilroiherbood of LoooBerry aaM tn»t after MB.UM Cuiatn*
ee beaylly.' Hundreds of i motive Firemen, to In the rily In secret
bad gone down As tbeir dtoth durln ;
.vrnjt out of the lowlanda qonf. rcnce rrilh eraph*ye» of the C1n- lnUr last four yeara tt was absurd f .r ; ..............
bsv to driwnd on dSsr- nail. Il'aqilllunand Dayton ros>t toiwr,tntvOdeat Waldo, of the C. H. and D..
aHinberalo aland cm the floor ofllbsays thi-re la^no pro^toct of a strike
boue- and deny that 'a state of war ex
Pny se ts <»at of PsUttoa.
among their employes. He says ihejr are
ists on ib« Island today.
Milwaukse. Jan. SO.—Henry (X Payne all k>ml and that altfa^jucb ih^ bar*
"1 don't fear war." said Berry- 'T
think a little blood-rttsslug would b* announi-e* that be I* letting iMillibw .preweoTcd grleraocsw s sk>^ will be
good tor us. Let 8pa.n lire oa tbe alone and attending sirirUy to hqgl' to g1\y them eftisfactloa without
refused to talk about ‘
Amrii'sii tisg juat one* and the flame
dllng ibem to vraori U. a strike.
caodldM r lor tbe United Stales ssa.wui be kindle<l Hist will free Cubs."
"But what wilt happen to osT' asked atorwhip. and he disclaimed any knowl
Mabany. s ib. we iso take care of our- edge of what AVB* guli.g on hare la . Springneld. lUs.. JA M—CorFontloa
Thornton, of Chirmgu. yesterrvferer.CT lo tbe ||omlBaUoo* In tbe.
aatrea." re(iU.-d Berry
dsy ruotTitiSk' petltloBcd the supreme
court for a writ of error In tbe civil
Hrvtoe casM decided by tbe-suimiBe
iackaoBvtlle. ills.. Jan.
eourt aoroe time ago. Tbe court de
dpal feature is tbe Draper trial was cided that the law was coostituctonal
the Introduction of William Jennings aad also that there were oaly dr* beads
Bryan on tbe stand to testify to Drap- of dcpartniaoU wbo do net come uader
•today by the Introduction of a natdu- •r's good record while the tsro «e*u In
mm by Bear prundln# for as taautry' tba asm* eOce tram Itc u Uff. Hryan
br tb* Mtointitae on poaiofflcaa And Hid tb* defendant was a good man.
wnlng tbs incrat oidar ratber IrvlUble in tympor.
bltl ws* ywll-d up on
0>mmlS!ee axiehdincni
hill Offered Tuesday wi
«an* Bsek lals tbs Arms- J BU Wlfc
While »;ac«a«d ta BeTtB«.
ToenBstown. <X. Jaa. ».-Hobart O.
Haxleit. a pnrrainrnt clUaeB. was shot
l«ck into tbe arms of bto wiM expiring
Blm<«l inswntly. Halrfrit was engaged
lo moving
anuttiertosidence and BaJ’i
employed Lee tu asstol iBshardlng hi*
bousetoild-goods. Lee was haoditng *
largel rifle wtoen tbe weapon was dto- I
charged, the bulbl str>klM Haslett. |.
wbo aavlalmed "M> Ood. I'm fhi.t,' and |
Ming lack would have sinick the floor i
._id not hla wife caught him After a
brief atruggle he expired. The autcment made by Lee tbit the shooting ;
was accidental was curroburaled by i
Mm MaatrU and also by her daughter. |
ance ofU-sbooimg, star and rapidly)
dropped fnun tbe scnltb toward tbe i
horlscit. but floany reuolved Itself Into j
three lumlo<'Us sphere*. Ohe of these ,
was much larger than thr other I
Aner remslnlng stallonso for w
time the}' faded away.^_____
of ex-Judge Donahue as referee, reclendlnt that * decree of absolutd
divorce bArnamed (o Nellie R Ooodwire dt Nat C. Goiidwln. tbe actor. ,
The -dlitolte wa* granted On atatotory |
grounds and Ootslwln .-cannot msiry j
again in tbi* siat^tbougfa bto late « '
WowM Own tbe BMeel Mallmys.
tVtnUl. Jan. 26.—The Detroit
council has -deslded to prepare a
nei-ure il■•psnace during the ape- ,
c-taf aewslun of the Uichtgsn legtolature )
next monh sUowlng Detroit lb uwn and
cntun’l all the stm-i mllw^ track* In
the Hiy.
• '_____________
Caitoa Deteuto Uptuka
Chh-age. Jait. 30. - (TaUun defeated
Spinks > e*l»rday afterf«s>a In the third
game of the hllUard Tuninament: ScoreUaiiun. 3*0.‘ SpiBh*. 24» In the game
gl night between Ives and dullou Ives.
won-aoo to !**._... ______ _
(Alcago negro citt^na ray that no
one of,U>elr cidor ever gel* on a Jury
Aucuat Kallgreo fetl under a tooring
train at AsbtasA Wla.. and waa toatanll) kllh-d.
UJ<-)cIee are now making t twealymlle trip from AsbUnd to WaqJibaHL
Wls.e-over the Ice.
Nicbcilaa. tbe S-year-oM- acai *t 8M'
phen Uri**ike. of LaCraase. WU_ wag
killed by the Idrk'of adAvroe.
UairUlB Murphy, of the nutorious dllbtuier Ltooradg. baa t<eoc wcqoUted of
(HlbuMertng by a Detowaxv'Jonr.
The Ud ukolverwary <'f the Urib 0<.
Oeneral Robert K Lee waa duly relebrwled an i«-er the south yeaiertUy.
Ml* KInora Andrew*, of KvaMvOle,
Wl* . I* * cgndidale torjoaamlatrrH-at.
IbSl plara. her rival bel^ W. T. Ilcyd.
Il.-tiry C- Lylioh will give a Dtodiamuiid rina to the UlUardtot making tbe
b-tl nili-handlc*|. conwldered-^n'Ab*
•Chicago inarney.
Mm Nam v VsBre. a tSiafleToix In
dian aged 1«. who rert-nily passed
tfae-ush Sagtna*. M|<-h. tblnks that abe
owe* her health and »ig-w fo amoklng.
B. D- Conger ka* lenigbl the tIT.WO
intsresl of the l^te Professor Sweuabsrg
tn the (Jrxiul lUpU- <Mirh.) Uexald.
giving h^ W.oto of
Mo.*to atock.
A iVimsylxwnls life InMiraiu-e com
pany Is fighting the payment of a pul
ley on the ground thal accWenlal death
by pniauBiog i* not arcidenial death.
In the home of Herb Ourtoaa. who
was arJealed at Dowwglac. Mich., fur
dronkenneito. ofBecc* found moM*.
stamp* and other cbunlarfeUlng utanThe ransolldatton of the New Tork.
Amerlran and TJnlted Riate* Biscuit
«omi>*|ile*. with a capRaiis, '
John J. Brezina
fickitIes.Sweet Pi(dUee^ 10c per doses.
Sweet MlxPd Ploklee, 20c per qaert
Soor Flcklee, 7c per dos
If You Have Logs to Sell
CoTTWipond with the Tr»vcm* City Yumber Company.
We have (or sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill. Machinery of all de*criptions,incloding Two Enginea,
Set Work*. Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
• v
we are Selling
Fancy Dairy Butter
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 18c per Dozen.
Enterprise Grocery,
Opposite S(«inb«rg*R, ’Phone 146.
Uttl* drop* of watar -'
Byt little draw of prtalar* bik *
TwA tha tM* yoar wagr.
; Y
“Where are yon ffolag my pretty mdldr*
■Tm golag a ahaftotog. kiatl Mr." ah* wid.
"Aad wbo gffts all of your valuable trader"
"TheadwerUeera. air, abeaaM."
a '
Howe’to tl be. It •aatw ta ma
TiB\toly prudaaL right -aad wto*
I( OM w«aU boUd hia baaloawwii
To regalariy adveriiaa.
W. U DohrtnaBL of Holland. Mi^
Michigan AUd Indiana to tbe Ktondlke
gold flew*, died before reaahtnc 0^
mining distiicis* '
John G. Brady, gorrmor of tbe dlatrin of Alaska, baa Just sent to Mtos
noreora King, of Chicago, a roll of
which makes bar commlaBiofler of deed* of AlaWt*.
Tb* foreign eommetce of tbe United
fftMe* for the year 107 breaks all reeordt In volume and valaea. Fee tbs
enlL** twelve meatbs tbe txeem of aa*
ports over imports of msrctaawdlH
amounw to ISC.ML***. aad adding ML*(e.*M net export* of aUver’. glvM a
grand txadtt baianoa fur tb* yaax of
. ?
• ...
* '' '
"V^ .
The r»ia geta all tbeCiwdU
Pw^tk* «gaps of graib aad hay;
' 'i
la it's steady. aaOliag way.
So (he aalaMU'e wlary to ratoad
Per tte foode aaU to tha atora.
Oeaaw ttada Mda tha daar.
. . ...ii
tas XOSJOTW B»00«p.
Ohio Bt'bMy tnv««Hc*tion in Cel*
lition w(th*e Stfsg A ,
the Vary ^tart.
»l. »«?«■
n«* HaiM Mm> D« tte Warh.' 4>Mk A Maw rvaba
Btato batcm rtmm
IkMMltM • a«ig M< «M A»mr.
Wh(A ■acb U eapak'
UiBft. O.. Jm. <0.—a't ma eart) bow
When • bolkl ha* p£mai tolo a
yw(«t«ar moraiBK flv« ma*«S mm «ti- man'a hniD. the nbaneM are that iU
t*r«l tb«
or Un. Aon*
Oreia, two mllm ««ai o( Beavor Dub. tiach wiU baTe collaiwd Mora tiM
thU emint}-. ud at the .point «f a re- Mi'tkjm «tf aaargwat are aTailabta. The
TObrar bound and aasned ar«T member kniii h. aoft. made up rf^aaBy aeetioea
or tb* bouaebold. ctnaUUlv of Mra. 4rf irray mama.,Joined toueiher in a
maanw nnl uuUkc the parta <d a
•ponjpi aed eepanitd by hnmlnda of
. J<4ui Habensti-ln and Adolph ToUalt tJhy oaonU. ' The illphteM deriatios of
A cold M«a home dmeld be boUt
with the mma care and oo^faeMBa
methoda b( aa. ioaboam. a* to heap cold
In a hexsm nqnirw the mtue niethade w
to keep heat out. llie waili «b<mld be
aud while tba ioa b ant
fctpt in the bouse, hot in s rwsptaela
shorn it mads like n kxbtioss, ye* to
wain the oooluem «if the ks shore the.
cold chsmber tbe mode of ctmsObctlnic
Ibis must hetbessmeasforaD ieehom.
it IOCS witbnnt asyttut that rcsdlb-.
tiuh is wbully fatal tb tlie
Ever B«r^ OatT
■The rnltsd SUMS ooQSul at CrcMd
mj*. I have ttaaboarw to report an ihipnnaht disDortey which, it baa beaa
ilaimed. wlU In Ume do sway wuh tba
pnsent tQutemaf illuminatittii pubUe
.piacr*. etc., with the alsctric aic UgbL
TfaerWtaUs. briefly, are as followsr
Mr. f-lneet 6als««ibenc. dirwH<ir at
tha «*s works of the dly .rf ^>vfeld.
.flS* IhcFatM an InpruTruMtiT lu iuuan-.
dtucrai m» bnruot* which rriates to tbe
' based
B.l«r-4bly Inesumud upon tbe tacsodseoenc body tbe
Mid bodr emitt a golden yi-Uow light,
vrry agmuble to the rye. di^daytiig
Ohj^ In their natural ooloru.
The gas is rapplied to I be baratr at a<
m^^'about B,S
tand this
hi^ p
\ h
If ao t<>!B ^taqm
the raise of
,0. P.CARVZB. Afliat
Suits to Order.
Its proper eotum. sad tbe probe enter*
the teal* mati.r It ma.r need ..dly the
-eai near tbe fMtiaii
aUcMmt puBoioriiic to twuse issunl point as poaeltale sad yet not
death -at impair tbe Iwsin. Fat years fiuadnk. Any method of hcBtUatiim
bSB has Uxp tbe'irmtaet danker in krill .III -ri----"T\f fatal to this So that
brain suceey.
a* ihwporpuee of reutiUtian is to I»eCotumbua. O.. Jaa. S0.-Tbe Inveetlca*
A new pmhe is now inrean^ with Mwr the purity of the air in tba oouhi.
Uou Into tb* ohamm of bnbery ^t the
a spherical 1»p inimctjd ujni s alettdrr and this may hr dooe kj other mraos.
Mcent e1ertk>B of t'nilcd State* araalor
shaft, to dimlniwb'friotlun. Atloyseale these must be taken, sad ssitrenesof air
reachi-d a criau iaea nlaht. bio matter
te taiMhd upno the handle, lencding fnim tbe outsldb w to be aroidsd.
p-bat mar K iln- ttnal rceott of the in*
in fractions of au noure tbe-e»(«: As tlw tnipurii
It Jet o< the ordinary am.
veatlaatlon there win likely bt aefeial
amount of fieun br_ln* rserteO. it is i « eool chamber will emsUt of moisture
The klrv laswewv^^t^wiysto^
ooBtndled by a sprimi. morMl by the dertTfd from tbe omteaU
wtlneMva am'drd for contempt. Tbe
cold ; cun emit _I light
. at
- nsoch
. ,more
. ^ tbaa
? rwx» aMr^wie etassM A sisawta
tam of tbe ptoba U is aaid that a closet any method of
this 1.000 landlc power. The light isof ee
comniittee had erven witneasaa aab*
V lsTt*»wms CUy,
pcobe ap a qumtcrlof ah Inch in diam- aad gitwtww i( will he eqniruiBrt to I Intensity that a pereou is enabled to
poenaed* for la« Bl»ht. but they weib
^ e.Aiw»y ww»n.ti>wi, as u read tbe fioeet print at a distauee of lOO
etn-heed* ftum f, to a ouhece weight
Ml aU examined berattm pane of tbam
to peuettBt*. aud from Ito f nnnoee will; purify the air by ukitic
would teottf;.. Tbe
Tb« inreator claitas that the met at
wegauEO muwk
Ttieeday nlahi examined Samuel Pent H. fhaw tar Atorm la Rh CoadMoa Aw* to pesi hetwivu onarolntitin* TV pre- tM imp^Uea with the moUtare of
lighted J.OOOiai^
amonni of force being khown. It it This is dime BOB rffrctirely by Ute
land. Prank P. Kona. W. F. Traendats,
U ouly 4S o«to per boor, while
and Shi-pbefd kl. Doalap. who then
I.nnA«n, Jan. 9.- An nfBcial medical folloA* that with this iustrumeut the { use of tnah st<me Ume. which
___________froB tbe air that of tbe ordinary eleetric light of
asked to confer with their altoneysabd sUlemeni issued Usi bl*hi reasserts
pamuatiag brain . »boot it apd as drr air Is par* and frr* ; <00 candle power U(in UerBSOyi H.
were excused UU last nUW for ibsi I that there la no cause fur alarm as to
t^l B«ay -V eoR»eided ; cwu per boor.
When they appeared last Oladstone* he^th. altbou.h It la not
from all
In the appacatn* o
nhtht theyaald their aitorae>s held that Lbeaefiied as mu<h at had been hoped at
in it brfore it i* driedI the
the senate; had nu JurtadirChm In the Cannea. Tbe facUl neuralKla pains
nfed ^ this oJTS lime. A [ mberg a hydraalic pmsewh-td a.S atclosH is
the allem-d Urli*r> of | persist with dally nurtusiioiw. owins
anpply <Tf fnwb lime ie tbertdcr* all that | moepheroe and even m«« may V ft
a member of ilie house, i.n l t.»d ad- | to the eold winds and wet weacher. hui iBg«xrsaienladvicea*|ntbe_eilocstt«t.
for ftis purpose. As it be-I Ibwugh the lm|»oved Aher burner.
-elsed them not to amwer nny f Lrfler [ the cotrplalnf Is quite local Hi* physl- at ebUtirt*:
as P«*'blc a hme.|
i The invTOtitm .is. however, only ap-1 .w^salaadteam.wVraweeM
quesUon* bef.ire the .ttniiiU"- Tli.yj«-al power* have not euffered: his of nature sboold be airl.v and ernttna-1 ,o ,
ott* Beuwa.to elm tw t. tme.
all followed the aJviix^ of :i...r alter-i sirenyth Is c<M>d; faU appctlU-ex.-elleiil:
w>|.i4.wA hy * fseah ‘ halBaberr has already studied for let- iTr^^-a' , r'j.'T.r
*mi s * e-a.
srj-s. ^Jie Joins tbe famHy at meals and taken oosly iiimlraicd Nature is. in a phy*
ical »n*e, tbe father and motberef a§i^^ ^
I UBpatart in tV Unuedbtatat
...... -it lej » a Ttw*.OUj
t *e im
Why Be WhseMes Retsw •• Me^y.' I recular drives, wvwiber permlitlnsI
] .
if ta, «* Watm* I ... e*^«m
• When the comrr.mer f . i rt- ihal the ! H l» not true that the family bas been all. aud achild that iJhuwiupt.>inBj|^*2*VBM—CoewGMtleman.
•dvlce of ati.wneys «a» Ink p.llowed , summoned Mr. and Mr*. Henry GUd- tonty with a ponioe lore of recks aitrt
trees.-flot^q* and iuiects. aulmaltaod'
Wawarh** LaBhsr Isaostay.
uniformly b> all wllnease* .-kflpa Uxe Slone will po to Canne* •D ^lurday I
plant*, storms and SDnshiua, cold and | ■A fanKias-hsTal aKhitoct Wka. tba i Tuer* an lall.v 13.00U Luirs tanned :
Ptusrt Hendel f
fasat, freth m..
air 'W ....
tbe V.-.ocean wave, of ee- .gnemef
nsillt-c WCUl IJIX*. r»C U.I.V
«Uj — • ■ ——
■ — ---------MSW..
a pcioc*-of tb« OAinan iin^ ' weekly in Newark. N. J. About half
ptan* for further j nw-edurv The w :i.-; whom Oladiafinc I* vLlUrg) tc e^i*.d ^ varying Uudecapr and
ai mood of\ ua-1.
I rial family, and whan oat walking with of tbam beowne sbae tipping and samp ,
areee# did out dscllnr I,, tell til. nsmes Ust nieht at B:» »hat GladsionV*^
d ua.
ha. I! hi. 1,^
hn»t uhsurad
ti>—svssl that th idde
of tb*ilaithor.
the remainder carriage. da*h. \
health was unrtianged.
«f thHr cdunael and
t* not oaly s befier c
be accupiad was mnoolber and I raniiii.rr and lau< .v haather. MorebaB:
that most eminert lawyer*, had been
Msety BXIMst* TS B* Hsaesd.
««»i«T chau
Utah that
lhai upem
um which the
tha lattB >i ^de* are
ore taaoed
tanned tUao
than iu
in aoyatbtg
anyotba plaea
engaced in tbe case. The ebarre* of
Chlcako. Jan »,-The ca*.- .if Chris
was walking. Tbiaking it to V oaly i to this enntry. Cordovan Tamps ata
bribery were made by Hepreseniative Merry, and Jam«e Smith a1ll go tp the
OtI*. and the reeolBUesi In the libuae Jury today Merry- expect* no Inert >. opposita bus been tbe i»sk I am not at urdiBsiy pc^teaesA he changed fm i the product Chrome taiumd side lor bi-was adupled b>'
Cfly-feur aArina- Smith doe*. -Ths Jury will hane me." all-in symphtbT '^•b *“7 systtuu of «d- tbe left to tbe right ^ Tbea V no-1 eyaie hbne* ia made aad the maxmfaetive vote* a majorli}- of a quorum only. Merry'rei«»*U-d many lime* j.-seerday. acalitm which takes cbildreu far away ticed Ibsi tv imtablto whom they met! lare cif tougaron mod kangaroo kid is
There aiv W» mertber* and any mea*-. He made prarllrally n» defense, and troth Mturv. Naiure i* a book, a gnat minted tbe priM with prcdoaad re- ‘ an importam tutecast. AH kiada eft bag
ure requlrins the expenditure of money was dsaf to all tbe arguirmt* of his libtary rt booka, wbase antborahip is speet. bat stand at him as if they war* i and book leather are prodoood. Tbe
requires fifty-Dve affirmative vote*, or attorwra. He said repeaisitly: "1 don't tba Eufintte. Our little werks, our libra very much snrprlsed and woodered who I taaoers an Mid to grt mote mccr^y oat
a majortt/of all As tbe house «.mwho killed Polly. 1 did not see ries. vast and vmloable a* they ata. t-au- he was. lo a ebort time tbe priaee mid, I oft a hide «hsn anywhere else. Tbree
siltiee <-atK>l employ a stenoifraiiber or
L\w never w«a her—stmv be^ not b* oompaferi with it. Tb^are^ *' Did yon observe that after yoa changed uil aaucliiDee loor spliU are Bade and
do anythinc else causing' the expendi
«'ej«* PWday ktierpoom BMiacrlpta at beat of tba tboagbts id to my right side the peo|de whom we! flaisbrd. It it estimated that A16 la
ture of money. It is unable
jKov. U." Hot he'anuM
Bta looked at yoa in gnat sarprisu.'"
' - ------■
tiflo Ameritsa.
*'Yca," was tbearrfailect's reply, and
The Senate, by t
"" "
ler. Are«Jat*«.
tboi be ezplaiiwd why be bad ebaagsd
- Mlgh Pisssasi Msam MsUse.
Boston. Jsn. ».-The, third day of the
A Btegm builev oarryii^ a presnre cd
TMal body has thlrl.v-tlx members and Strikeeln the Ne» Rnglahd cotlcn and
"Ah, yes. Just so.” laugbad the
IS* *b4 resesbsg as IB a ■'
rrw yv Wayae- OrwsS tsiSSs DsttaU aai
Is a He pomfeaUy. By Borke votin* in
AOOO pcmntls per aqnars is^h wag showa priooe. "Well. Iwill explain why-they Mr.pawhm.
ths affirmal'.ve the resolution «ws
Those w ho wetv at fhsl at the Htnrkbolm eibibition by Mr. Da looked so bitently^t you. Itit aruleof
arrtvs.«IIeea •
PATCHIN & CROTSER, taarosatl *. w.
adopted-]!, to IT. These reodollons | inrllaed to bellex-e that either IV I .aval, the ismticrof tbe well known tbe t-iomas court *»»*« tbe persuw of tbe
wars offered In both boffie* on the day t mriksv* or mill
ner* would hold oat fiwim turtiine aud tVocnirifngal cream
of Harina'v ele«-ilon. They were offeesd |
, {..*
have now eome to the.
baVside. AU tbe peoplewhamwe met
before any ballot* were taken, and I
lUat tbe matter has s. tiled
were i-xpcv-ted to i a use-a deadlock oi |
^ (r.n( nf endursm-e. There kr« beiiig Rietvly a kaig coociutric spiral IcMw me. tat wbeo tbey bw ^ <m
a l-sprcstemrtii of the election... It is l^o slgr* of e.ioeea*l->n by either side. . tbbe. l<«s than ah ihcb is diamajer. mv right bend tbey supp^ yoa to be
tbrosgh which tbe waiff is pamiul, cs- a^Ug Bod wemdered who yoa ooold
not deolod that th# house ha* JnriadlcBCSIKSSS CARDS.
tupiuf as Keam at tbe end. where it is ta:’tlon, but attorttey* have told the iritLouis. -5an.
tn f»ply to the used to pgripW a swwm Inrlnoc. Tbe r' Tba^guest promptly got back oc the
nsoses that the senate has no Jarltdlelh.H -•00 thpl they need not rvt*lj’ » chtHen«e Issued Tuesdsy b> Jay Bvon. writer supply U aaMgnatfcsIlTrvgaUnvl left aide..:^dgaDd Eads.
the champion lndo..r bicycle rider.i.lTer- by the detnand-ftir Ream, as-is alsi. tht
I in* to ride against anyl-wly in ibo
iworld a telegral* wa» received by Rat air supply In ihe furnace. XotbwiibTo peeveal bof cbolrea or ewinv
•tasdiiig tbe extremely high prsmirv,
Ir Go. B
Bat the WHaesam Have Oaly On* Be^- on last night from J. W Morgan, the tbe builtr is beUered to be a very mfe plague
mahage yw hogs »s to I**im
ReWe>4 Is the T—-constructioD <ai aocnnni of tbe smisU vctii ttom txnuiug ia contact with other
The mem) ers of tbe house Inrestigat- newspaper in match B ride with Baton.' diameter nf the pipe abd of tbe fsA bugs, taap thfun from aU sraW mve
larvommlltee were present on lovltathat if au < xplusltai should take placv it tbst from deep wells, protect them fraa
PMmCS My Fssnd la the Aivsr.
Uon last nlgbt and they were requested
visiu of stnngen end dog* and before
Bt. lymls. Jan- B.-A dssd- body. would Involve onl.v a small portica of
ta ask questions, but none of them
as that of Fkther WHUam tbe Irtigifa of tbe pi|ie and asmail quau evt^ aach bo^ ,____ _led ia a a
took .any part. Judke Rol*rl*on. who Identined
tbonsn c'athollc priest tity of water.—Enginwwitig News
has sen-.d with dlstlncllonon the l.«nrh | from mm ,Hill. Ko- *as taken from
cd pea to itsaKelor BO days It gewt
at Clncinnsti. Is a member of the senate tbe ttver yroierday. The body was t-Ud
cure be axtreised -la these particulars, ■pkreroscam. u*
cunmlliee and Is prosecutor. Be wore In a blaei^ch suit. The ^unr- think
three diseasB can oaly tasch yoar herd
Aniostaocrot oxideol irtmamoctatod
hlmsrtf out I
I the pr1»wl wa* thrown inle ihe fiver with bacteria •mrritig m a large wwle by iceaas of bamards sr tbe air—the
leas likely of all meaaa
1ms UvB lon«igai<d by Pnfemur ManIf tbe disreae otiioe finds lodgmeat ia
aba Mivciahi. who bolds tba chair of
the hertk-^piomptly bum every dead
______ ___ _
MIIw aukee. JanV Se.-TJie fAfly Mar.
SDimal aad dlRoftrt and remove tbe
nesse*. l>u( to no av-alL After Ihv fou-| calves of tbe WorM *111 bold It* aurepbrating them into email
otbnr* tojk Ibelr tarn* Srnat.g Osrflcld j nual coaventK-n In this Hly this aff-r- glhOBs mod frtim the Vt sprioK* of, well ixit*. ?
the rtek mire ia the old
would <lo*r i-arli .examination hy ssk-'nooa. Ab.-i'l ion drl-eatr* are exi-ecied Ikan. -^i* mad rtmsvrsnitirely of tacr]
lug -I* >ou diellne to *ns»-«i qu<-*-[to^ In attentUn.-.-,
tens The bacteriasi-emtoreeemble the I ,,
,,y use perm, w botlc.ns-he-aosi; your Bltorney* My tni*4_y
Lepinthrix txhtaeaacf Kuta tat faithet i
mlrviDor* oovgu. AmwMrv
eommkt~ ha* no juriislU Hon te this i
----------- -------------caai.-vnil havr #o advised you." The.
reply was m the affirmative, and ih, I
AmMM BsMb.
onBwotasea s
Wltiie« wax Bxcti-ed
j Bjdloar vredge brick* were »ied by
IS ere that
Ka.-h witoese w-a# toM that b- »”}
Bomane f-:r coosirocting areh.-s g| made with liv.irocbl.iric acid
about tM lb money, two cold aatrhM
and aome jewelry, after which tber
tied to the kitchen and cooked
tbemaelve* a breakfast. •
A«ee eaUns a hearty meal they de
parted. leavlnx tbe family atlil hound.
About an hour Jaier one of the -family
snrreeded In (eltltv free'aud Ka«« tbO'
alarm. It was aecertained that the rob
ber* had MAea a hand car on the Lake
Rrte and Westenrraad. Bloodboaode
were acut from this city, hut when
they arrived there the trail «-** too old
and the hounds were unable to follow
it Micieaafull}’.
firud liplii ft lifiut R. R
Chicago^ “-iv—
West Michigan.
.ill, b.
.. w
,»“ ;XeS;.‘r w ^ w«.. i vu—...
,w ,
of irou is Dig deposiceit un the walU ol
, ing to Tbs
soonei 4f called for. Amunc fbe case*
the oells. bat is Bore or Ire* intimately
■ ■ Dalioi:.
~ ' !. who
"u- was
------------------------------------------- —- —
cited Isjlhai jit Daniel
i-d with them. Nu othwi m
In ittfttp bPlngf<..)ged tally
>• iftances
I stance* with
wit; flat briek arcbca. sod a*
abret* iwt.ifv a legislaiive cramiti-e. ' tb«*.w(iald have fslleu ih by ihftir own
DalHrn refused and waahjrougw before w,n:hi if onnuroctrd in ths, urdintry
tb. boo*, lor comsmpC Hation was nuuucr: hollow Tounnirs w<ft^ mulded
auhfwvns'ed to prDdugVsaWlc rssv.^
^ g^tqyUndriral proj^t^ off
csusly. and ^
last .
a sewi'-yliodpital
cavity tooarmpoud Oh tbeotba^ Tbe
O. .ibi .pi»ob at . a>im*«.iOT.n
woe al-'Ut <«e font long from
irtlal report 1
• a i«r
mlitee sill 1
tea ioebes wide
e luday a llvel:
aadtbetvotsof theaneodanUL Wtaito- FY
wash end crude carttoUc acid are taBp O. IJ^atoi'and g'ud dieinfectauta—Ur. W. £.
Niles of loaa Lx|s-n&>etit tRatioa.
Assoc Stsssi re* WHadlsc Orels
J. A. PewetB reoKitJy disugmed and
secured two BfMt perfect. prehlstBic
ga,aa-„i.ui~ HaaOt
sS- -f; ^15
IS 75
Tsej tee
... ... bunlsb the witnesses for eon-laud ajparm.Uyaf fire banil ordinary
tempt and to give the investigator* ftaU | £i,y
* I
tbecartciu !• tssid on ___ ,___ _
A Satveat P-r CellaMd.
[ eoending the,
la- juijsta
■ Th. o jamltlee was In executive aev
u_. four leddcre plaopd M
ad<H>te4 by
torvah fromtbebamtotbetopoft Ibeicvrory. *are*K«o*U. eWAJ
I p. oia
'wlon from »
foroorTviugawity ibetk, .
.t k-otTWiyRowly
castle, ,
e iutaaoe
distaaoe oft 100
tOO toei.
feet. The met
-- . ^
inawire A K,
, *!opniM!*opi ihit la l.OBO el is aboai t fret low. by 1«
matt.-r iwk to ib< aensie and ask for : ,j]„„
.THtjug them into shredi and .............. ci..«:xtu by IJgbtniag d.B wide, is rf blae flraaito sad muR b.re
further insiru.-Hons and powsc.
| suakiog tbtuj in alcohol. WbeaswcUcd cbotcbiseiui i .Siaillstavebeenstmek. been nsed fer years, si tbe
. ImsMssIOtsIW
and grown soft, as gelatin does iu oold while lb-tint hr .i Uctoty bUBDegrd down so that tba outer edges are isiTarwater, add ether, aud in a few miuutra luia tally bv.u U.ff.
al laobre blgbR Niaa the baRan of tbe
tbe liquid beoames flaid and of Che coogroova in whhft the smaUer etooa slid
a rou< us last night for the purpose eft aistency of landlage. ThU oeateat can
Cares hr a Davglas.
up aad down, tnebiag tbe giain. Tbe
homUiatinc * t'ntted Btale* aenalor :he applied to gtoeral as well as micro
E'mf'ssor Nmcanlel. tix a recemW ■tmilsr Rooq. at grinder, was touad
. The hell .>r reptescntallvsg-WBScrowdrd acopfto naus. but it mast not be used to. tars.r>lari<I tbe fi Ilnaing caeei'A maa near tbe larger.—AriaiMOac. Bl LobIs
aodgreai iniriFsi «** manifested. Ex- Duar the fire, for oellalold bams like had a puaryii^wl aleoeM, so deeply
Benator-Turlev. RepreaentatUU McMIlaiwted tirai bii ihedkal attcadant was
Un and O vernur Taylor were placed in ,
straid lo nmldh-nith it. One night e
nomination. The first ballot wasi Mcgeneral Omt seliber orenaUmatad
taigUr bruki’ into tbe boAe, mod on tbe
Mlllln.-S: Turley. 88: Taylcr. l». Seven
sick maii.oaUtug fig help tried to Uint- BordimmstedhiBseU. Aaaaaedote rebatloi* were taken without easentlal
(Ie blmr The alweew borR. delnging Uud by Mrs. Sbwwond tn ber "EpiRle A OOOD tAtM Im tfsOs a
changea and the caucas adjounied until
NlonlghL Forty-llv-e ,voi»* are ivquirrd
tbe targlar with ims sad renslng him to INjRfcmy" sets forth bis' dlspoRtion
to oomlBaie- Tbe last lalloi was tbe roll gin. no wvolnng mws bqiag
to bret e tepid retreat. Uis intended to amonl to otbem their dne and to
rbich oat Ihahbsr. tba aaed baing ftonad
rAKTBX-AtaU re ev eftMme as ths flrst.
TiatlB I'sporuBeed i^Mf and mads a clain Uttle for btBselL
Dt by a stTsping blade close lo the
la 1M6. Jwt after tbe olose of tbe
WB. Oenertl Otaat viMtoa West Polai,
wm de
bsvs caused a deadlock in tbe aenatorat
election because of their Taciiunal dls- clared to be worth 16>^ crau a powid
Alteogli the I
t oaiiBot rea4y Mis. titank
"We wem to Abe likeaiy,*' wrltae
.puu. tn the final baltot yesterday H<- ggaiaat 6 oenu a pound when nut bear tba aouad it oaa readily ImI wy
KraSberwood. "Xke rxaminaticai was
Comas ted with M for the Hepubneana tfaruagfa tbe oM Ryle gin.
acUuui are cd- goteg on. aad PreftMeor Bartlett M» tbe -TraMLOOX UMBBiat^a^'si Haw MB
while 0.irmsn had H Oemocratlc votes.
Fustmastex .tieneral OaiT U talked oft
rooB, oomi^ back with Grant oa his
tbal tu bearing ieeoiyaoata. In r^ard BIB. TbeiatfBecestaeetoraeaftveblBi.
as a dark horse. ___________
A reoeotly pahllshied report oft iBveb
tigatioQS at the affeots of ttAmoCD dor* to aaditory otBans tba Bake ranks-low I Atsk poor Oenoat Otaat acarly sank
Bt of aU tke memben oft the great class
Krn- York. Jsn. »■—AtlWHlf th* paa- tag the apldemto of obiden at HiRi- of repttUa. It Is do* oaly dealtata of tbioBgk tbe floor. Bewinoed asbeasr.
/ sssasesrewm^rererew#, rejBaeair eemre
jangrr* arriving on tbe Hamburg- taq sMtas Ctat tbM w«e ao live b1‘
kr ted dsM to toe (are oft tbe fMi^.
ABencan lloer Furm BMaarabraaCbr- orohMeftBr 14 iBBeiothe oivn Bade aa BglenBl ear. tat aim lacdn tbe cym"•TSMBdMWIed profcBBa iWag ..
n. B ear dram, wbldi ia otbet
day wereClittoaR-B
Bp with wmtw ooBtaialng 1.M0.MI0
AowbeMrl Wi^. I fRt toe«n«M Mr>
okolBa BiBotM^^oSlo csntlBehr aritawi Newa
“■Kk—Money to Loan
OF TMM mr.
First Tmt-No. 224.
allBfad kam eaaaad to Uia uaa^ai ot
ikaaalaal. Da; aakad daaataa to tka
a«B of S1.M to tba aetioa broaskt
WV« tmo) FOft 9AKAOSS XV >t kko Uaa aMttoaad. BtoakinaB
oxBourr ooubt.
Ukaa troa JaaUee
Arrirtoir toan
JKsUotftu* Pr«MeuUi»a s»d Fate* I»- of Jatttoe Okaaa.
ObanrMI—PlaiBtUr Oos- ka daelarad toat ka aakad to kara toa
aa toat ka aoaU prapara
Btf OWb Om> ptW7 et
kk didaaaa kst, ka taatlflad. JaaUoa
«B JUldcMl OMxaplTMF to Uim Chaaa radoaa^ to ad^ra tka eaia, kat
r «b4 Vai«hterhMd ttumls.
added $90 men to toa elaim alraadp fttad
Parhapi Ua moat laiarsatiar'aad aad told klw toat nnleai the awwt
paeallaroaaawUohUa a»ar baaa to- waa paid that oirkt ka.aaat fo to >iL
Tkto iB oaMtawa ia toa atory of too
Wadaoad to tka Otraait aoart to thb
«oaBtj U Uut
r aa trial, la wUeb ptotoUB.ftotof toTcaBaeatoat lad to
•aBofiya^iaatowBaklpjkla arraat aad falaa InpriaaaBeat.
tor ullsfaMa praaen- Tkat alfkv Jolp t4. BUckataB allaraa
tiOB aad lalaa Inpriaeasaot.
to kU daelaraUoa. Oaaatakla Wpooff
Tka defaadtaato are Jawa Daja. Jaa-1 abaaad Ms pad aabjaelad kls to bbilea of toa Pawe Jp7 H. CBaaa aad Ooa-1 aaBooa tadl(«itfM Mtll aboat-l'o'fdook
atabla Nalaon WpekoS. aU of 1‘aradiaa. | tka (ollawlar Boraiaf. wkaa ka waa
WbUa tka eaaa ia parUeolaflp a^^oaa i kroackt to Travoraa Cltr to a wasoo
tram too polBt at *iaw of tor platoUff.jaad lodfod to }aU to tka eaatodr of
ttaBordafoodf(wrrilaetioBaBdapaetol|Sbertff Simpeoa. For thia ka riaiaa
iBterwt to toe mambara of toe local i damasM.
kar. BOBO of whoa ware fwiaBato ' UpoB tka eroeoasaatoattoB Mr. Pratt
eaoosk to Fat toe eaae. ' The raaaOB j oadaavorad to akow that Blacki
toat loaal lewjera kava ool kaea ra- ] arat ruiltp of aBBoyiac kla BM(bl
tolaad far toe ptolBUff U toat Mr. {aod to eaeeral wapa triad to akow toat
' RaekmaB U too wofi caneaieaat wito ! tba lodlsBUiee eefferad bp Blackaaa.
oeon preoaedare aad toa law at tka||f
warekroupot akoat by klmMlt.
•tstat* tf oqoaBdaraBT numoy f«r -Wimati Talbot waa placed apoo tba
lasal aaalaiaana
lataad aaa witoaaafor tka platotlff.wka
Aa BOOB as tka case was called Mr. | aadaarorad to show by the taailBkoay
BtoekmaB yot rlpbl dowa to bdhiBaaa I of Tklbat tkat toara waa a ooaa|dcMy
aad wboB tka Jsry waa draws bo die-1 afatosi BlaekaioB aad toat Daye waa
played klafaatUtorUy wUk local Biat-lot toe bottom of it. Talbotb taatoaotan and p&l each jaror torooch a
wot aoeb aa to directly Itapllooatae of rtyld axamiaatlaD. Two of j eato Dayt aad a aerlas of objacUcoa
toa jarors drawa ware DOl aatiafaetory i froiB Mr. Fratt toreeid BlackwaB to
.to Mr. BlaekBWB aad they were I adopt other tactica to totrodaea tka
preaipUy toritad to etap dowa aad obi. | desired OTidenoe. He was Dot strictly
aad their saau filled with Bare aatia-Ifanlliar with tba rales af arldbBoa
■ factory matarlal. ^ & Pratt, oonosel jud keeadte aomowhat ooafaaad. bathe
for the defasae. was BOt to_ partleetor i orlBoad a'delermtoaUoB wklek boded
aaddecUaed to examiBa a siacle jaror. ao gbod to the defeadaota
It resdlrad^bet a few ■-----toUtocatloMld sBoeeed to cetUac to kU taaMtte caea to atotloa aad Ur. Blaekmaa ' CBoay. Mr. Pratt showed a dlspaaltlaa
first went ca tke Btaad klawalf as toa to let Mr. BlatoaMhareaU Ike'c^ae
-oanlatolacwitanm ,Bs becaa at toa ponlble. toes to brlDt him Bp with a
k^aalac to iSl\ toa wkala stcay of bte' tarn ate ooeipal kin to bacl^all
tihaUoa with wkat te U plapaed to terai a«ato.
tka ‘•erlmtoal alamaar of Paradise
The case will kaeoaUmaed today ate
TkaamerUon that there it.a crininal tka reanlts promba to be totcreattoc.
eleaseat to Paradise eeecas a litUe tarfeteked. bst eaeb'U tke atlasaiioo. and
Mr. Blackmsa prepoaae to reraal tie
moat despicable coBaplrmey aad plan to That ia What a’Fa^ Awarded Xtesia
rain kls repatatlon aad ekai actor.
KcOUl In Oirealt benrt aad a Oele- '
Ac St fint noted, be bacaa at> tba
bratte Oan la Badad.
bcciaainc. about tea year* afo.
A jaTy in tke Clrcail uonrt last ereabet Mr. Pratt objected and asked
toir raadared k eardict awardtoc jadr
tke cemK to kara toa witnaai tartoc
neat of *100 to Llszie McOlll. who
kls taatiatoay down to
kroocht aetioa Bcatoet Aatda Koeotoy,
Mr. UtoakBsaa aryaad for the. plain
Aarnat Baltoor, saloon keapaia. ate
tiff that it was Boacaaary to fo- tkeir boodaiM. Prank Vetraba. Ji
bfick a lltUa to atew wkat rb*n tMa to
J. Dona and John A. Jackson.
toa eoas^lraey, and as toa esplasatioas
TeaUmony to tba oaaa was all la jnst
pramlsad to be leaffer tkaa tka aiory kafora dinaer aad toe arcoeaents
Mr. Pratt withdrew hU objeelioas ate
•alsbad at I:t0. The chsrre of tka
toe wltaaas reanmed the aamUoa of ceort eoteamadts mlnatcaate tka
toa iBcldaata, aoeMaata ate aUacad waat to toa jaryteS:M. U was «:»
preBadiuted aekama to brtac aboet when tte jitry raUiraed ate renders*
bis aadoiac. The tawaUa orifftotead. verdict Mfdkatte. acalnst all of t
H is nld. in tka debualntoc af oaruto
oatUr by the plaintiff, wblcb had
by' bias
they were triiipiaalac upon bit lead.
This cBpleaaaataeM oonUnsed for A | fipMUtere Who Oaenot Fite Baato to
loiwUmt TUn,. U.
o,.rt »oo. X,«l •u,. Aw.,,
that benBndaocBeofkUfsmiar ImTk^ urm of toe Ciroy^ ooart. Ilka
1. Us win foaaee cat
aacsy otoar. b a
r oTWiida of
depao klim
or Iraa lateraatod to
He elalmad to k«
on trial, or almply euriana
toraataoad ate anacyed ae lancb that
people who are laokinc for ami^taiabe was foreed to r» armed
Aad kw
lOOB toa crowd
lac aoeUnBaUx plaaffed Into law salta
becaaia ac craat that tka aUnd ipc i
lalaattoecwartaksfoaBdil was help-'
wasaaearaly taxed The akalBinc of
ful to know toe law a Uufo. ao ha look
toat aad ooatlaaal toeriac abeat bjTreBp tte attey acUealy aatll by became
ijueatly very anooytoc to%ke coart ate
familiar eaonch with lelral protoe attaraeys to the oases on trial.
oecdurs and the sUUtaa to conduct
Tba annoyaace ievllad apaclaf-^tteDhis owe cases in eoBrU The wiitlon from Judye Oorbatt ycaler^y
acss staled that when Vr-a. Fbabe ordered that wkae tka aaatt ware
tor was proaepatorha triad toVteace
filled that m etkera U admitted ■Oaaa
hinr to brtoc aettei watote too
eaUad as wltoaaaaa ar otbarwiae diraav
all^ eoDsplratan. bte Mr. Fteter' ly totaraatad. The neolt waa m
refnaed, hot eelBat»wifl toa teelea
abU. tat aa oCBaar waa kept k*i
toat It was not lafai to
f oatoff teaslttancs to nmar who daalred
TklBowanion this way. toa-witMSB taaU&ed. for aome time, ate
^ bb earmba eonilDBad to pMter
bias. aVaa ao far as te eafar* Lei^to iMsad Btoheat Saamlaatioafor West
TIUotapn by means of a *M rePotot OteetaUp.
At toa.oempetltiva axamlaation raaffalaat kl^ for destralalac tke oaatly held at Bead aty tor cteauhlp
oatUe of kb aaiebbors. Be bad at West Point. Joaapk Parke. aad Day
ktord of torsala
motr klm ate I La fforfe of Rk Bapids. laaked Arat
- had oaap reoalrad aoma poetry whlto aadaaaate. Mr. IMrki baa haa baaa
ooaveyte a aaatlmaat oalcoisiad ta oedarteto paeoate to West Potot to
make him *iBate with faar aad auffw tpte toa fftel aTaminatlon. piapaihtoiy
ted to rythmic maaaan toe terron of to aatortoc tba military aehooL
feathers ate tor. toe faatkere to *c
plucked fr»m kla
AQDlfiaat to a Voraa.
Things wont OB tob way. aceardlog
Yesterday poratofaaartouaoei
te ^timooy of toa platoUff. aatil
oeearrod wklek awy reealt to the death
mte waa raaohte oa the tftb of last
of one of a team of fiaa koraea owaad
July. Blinkmai iTii laiir|TtT'* to an
kyb. B. Oataof Haloa. WhilateaUag
acUoB sgainst kb fotkar la JasUee
icRB a tree tall tetweaa tte koraea.
HparllBg't ooart. Fbr
brcaktogtln aaekyake'aad tofllotiBr
adjournment was Wkaa. ate tnsnsedldsBimwns lajariaa apoa mb at tba aaately afterwards ka waa arraalad apoa
a warrant Imuad fram tba eowrt of JaaX>oor Bteaipta Baavy.
ties Chase, the oomplatot betoff mMa
by Jamm Days. whom, be ateaaearte
Tke daor reaaipto at tte oaswart af
to prove, was at toa bottom «f tte Ike High school leetara ooaraa Tacadav
•Uayte aoaaplracy. Day Aliafte toat avaatog ware NL-0&. This, sritb the
Vtoekmaa had tmpoatead wteeea ha- toafrvsmker of eeoraa ttokato. makw
-toteMr to Urn aad rifwal’to ffhe it a gratttytofftedlttoa to tte tttoaaiy of
mpmSmt duapmwiri|lll te tte tkpoaaiam
|K. O. T. M.. aadAiaaBda Hire. U U.
iT. M.. WUI hold a'jotot toatallatioo
I Am tofoMaal hop wUl follow aad toa
ladlea will awre a euppar.
lx filwaya a aare winoer. So are the Prusee that we are mEw
ioff. We please oar eaatomen and that always bRagraoB#
on* else. Hare yoa aeea the work we are tonaag fnit iiCTl-'g
then the New Mat Boardfc
Raxt MMday anatof Bar. Praak
Briatol, who waa to appear ia too BIffk
Braada Oabaa Policy of Prasldeat aa school laeforo eoore Dae. 6. wlU fill kU
to tka atj Opera Hi
OrlaclBC' pad Oowaidl^-WaBts
Oaly a Paw Bapahlkea Votaa to Tka aabjoet of kla leetara wlU bo
-‘Bntoa.-’ Dr. Bristol . tea
•at Oaba ^ea-He Da<dBraa toa
iBaby-Aot* Woraa Cttoa War.
aMa a*d plea
. avaalag will c
90.—After a Sllf^t be Joyed.
« of toe kill to axtead too ^b11a toad laws, too hoBao weat lato
a aommlvtea of toa whole aad raaassd
toa ooaaldMattoa of toa diplomatic aad
Svarjthiag to tka Kaato line, at tv.
W. Kimtell's new ators. iU Praat
atsbat. *o»-tf
bUl. Mr. Clark
of Mlacoeri opBaad^ tka dakata.
said la part:
^-If Spato does oot brtoc toa Cabaa
war to a ^oody oooelusioa tka Daited
Stataa-oi^t to aapel ker fron tka
Weatera kestspkara. Tbera Is ao
doobt as wkat kas beea oar traditional
fcrrirn poiley. Wkat toe foralfa pol
icy Is aader tba McKinley ndmialstraUon. like tke peaeC of God, paaaatk bU
M. 8. HOLUV, a
few, bat they ara good ones—and they are new.^
HlSiai’S BdOllSTillE.
Ifive dollars
-In toeaa daya of Mo-Baaabm. par
poiley b ao faakle. eriagtog aad cow
ardly that erea old aad decrepit ilpsln
luB*ilta oar flag, maltreats oar ellU«os
aad searckas oor skips with impunity.
The president instead of seodlng menof-war to protart oar hoaor. pasaaa tka
kat aroate ate iaritee toe Amaricaa
people to eootrlbata %>«»« for atarvtog'
ate dying Cabans.
'■it b bigb time that we served plain'
and empbatie aoUea on all klaga. am-',
perots and potontataa tkat tka navies
of tranMUaaUe powers shall not be
esed 'aa ooUacUoa bareaas ter qoeattaaable dobte as was done at Oorlato and
Haytl. Tke party of Bumaer. Chaaa
ate tewnrff which vaaated Itaalf aa
tte triote of man-kaa becema tba Uly
of paatllaaaa. anea. famlaa, devas
tation. murder ate Crimea
Hnt'a all wool OaarimereHaita, choice pattema, French
taoed to aboalders, good lining, pip^ trimmeai, and
, fine fittini;. Tb*^valae ia $7.50,-l>ut here they go at
the redicnlonaly low tignre of $8.00. W« re neariy all
aiaea, bat Oome Early If yoa mot to take odF«B*
tage of thla ofEn*.
"There is’Something
Rotten in Denmark!".
gtoe tkrongb tka heat
.________ d It ool t
There b aotolaff like baadsome. sew
aad ap-to-date rnrnlUire for general
we have the latato deekma aad atylce
to Parte, library. Dtoiag Room and
Bte Boom Pnraltare cm display for
your Inapartloa. ate at prioee that will
surprise yon.
We have
received our first invoice of
Ladies’ Fine Shoes
Hoom Fomiohlng Store,
rwaator apoa a vigorons foreign policy
we are mat with toe hi storical ahriek lU-m Front 8L TBAVKBSE aTT.
that wa a^ tevMttog war.,
tree; ate sappcaa it wara,' I
aoiaa toings worse tksn war
them b to play toe ory-kaby act aaUl
We are '
aad loagaaa. Sato a oeau
pnsillanimoas pollqr b a'aougk to make
In New Spring Styles.
^ Mtd* nu Enr-isi M n«ud Ti shn n«.
. Xtaverae Uity.
fllil llulr 1 • A lUlU/lllvUa
Still Very Busy
to ikalr ceSna
-BepdbUcait frlaada." ke aald to «
weight that is bolding yon dowa, a
Bat.toara b always room for
more. TkereforreoMatoMefor
lyoar PBOTOfi. We have a fomalau
Tlae ef Plctare Moaldtogt aad wUlfill
, mUalgkt.-'
! from Aineriea ker great reBRADSHAWS
. W^will eonlributo It:
411 Boeto CakmSt.-’'
Lait Month Excelled All Part Bniinosa.
AU Dealora SeU Them for
Mana&otorad by ''
Tonneliv Block.
Frae' by act of the American <
Prayer Kpettog la Preabytorlaa Bdi
flee Vent Thursday. Opanlag Ber.
Tics Aaauary SOto.
Tba aaaaal boslaam meaUng of toi
Praabyaarton eknreb was held laa ;
evaalag after tka ragular Thursday
arentog prayer meeting.
1: ree ot-ornge
MBSwrUan or i ipalr* Suriaf tb* wtoMf. 1
<rUl vhartv ootMaa lor rat* aoo ateraa*.
OalrpiarvlatoTawtorv rvacaa pH ArtMc
Ofiicars wtue elected m fallows:
w feWRY T.HTtuntT.Hi.
Daacore J. K. Jokaaoa Bl. Parvte. Oppeaiw a. a K- A DasM.
Deaaoaeae-Mia. U. S. Stoward.
Trustoea—P. M. Payaa, Jama*
Next Tbaraday. avaalag tka pi
maatiag will be bald to tka new ah<
earaar of Watotogtte ate Park su
wklek U mow nearly oomplalte.
opedlBff regular aerviem will be held
Buteay, Janaary *0.
Are moviog oor goad*,
bat we
bare lota of good* left wfatuh wd
- wish to cloae out b^ore taking in*
There will bea^aetol eoi
voice, and we have aome specifil
of lyavaraa City Cbaptar. Ko. in. B. A. baigiina to offar.
M. toalgkt at 7:H. for eeork is tte M.
M. degree.
I of Bov. J. C
XXyx Ooffea............................ lOe per lb
Freak Boll Batter..................... ibc per lb
OaUl fnitkorBolioe.-WUkelm Brao. It bare good Weakly Soap................ SSc
wUl olaaa' their store oo Bouth Uaioa I*b Ptoal....A.............................. toenn
eireet at (I o’cleok pdery eveotog except Oalloa can Applaa.........................XOc caa
Fop Oats..................ite peak. He bmbal
Taaadaytate Baterdays.
Mbs Mtonb Oonitode. aae of tte
toa^ers to Btet Bay towaahlp. baa X>ea1 ayatoalM mha terns a aaek cf
beea vary HI for aome days ate
ackool tea kas* taispaiarily eloaodChaa. W. Fanat^ tob diy, hte bate
giantte a daerde af dlvtne from Anna
A first clam Stock of
D. PausV by Jtege Adnlt to Urate BapIda, npoB tte groote of extrema
Os hate, ate aadars fiUte to salt tte
Brysa'a Cbasedtaaa gave a perfor- parekoaar. QaUaadasaas.
manes at tte agylnm ymtorday aftarI of “A Bat Ttato to toa (Nd
Towmr for tte amasamaat of the
Ttelffkt Trevana aty Teat, Ma >71. 0«r. 7(h and -t7aioD StMs,
eoM MidaiFiDor.
Will remind you that wi^er is not yet over.
Plenty of time to wear Winter.Wrapa. You
can bny them here for 76c tu>. Special
values at this time of the year.
«HB xosvnro
TrovomOHr Varkrt.
Balow ia a lUt of the horiar aad aaUlnf prteaa of jwurday for grooartoe,
Bmt7 RMtUflyi^
r for mtoprovutooe and kkra produeU In Traaworth
•'TIm Snt Um I orer heard BUM find
aero4 thore.
(be old aoMler, "waa
Tnak Prtodrldt, Dlek Cksphell ood
atoxiB at aea. fioa troope (■ a
A. K.
- Thao
Yim- T. Batbs ajk> J. W. BAxm. WodBoaday
. -. _ mM
. n
. BMo a lot of tioope. tO.OOO orn, cb
Mra. Fannie Wlnklcinan of SL Ip-' vrMcU. bonod. on an ripwiidoo down
t. W. Banran, Editor aad Mawgor.
who ban bees vWtte( Mra. *be ooe*t. ixaddee the 'tratuporta than
OharUe Beaenthal (atnraad hove vaa-; **** » lot of naral Tewria
all aorta
And then there vm n>e reaarla in
tow. with anppliea and i
anttoOraad BapUa yeaurtlay to Met Mra. Stelnbwrr wu aboard had a ablp in t
who hae been rialUnr !■ Oelroli aad I ntbtr it wai a fleet of 60 t(wk1i or
their daofhter Irene who hae epent I tnote. We went along down the
r. hr wall.
OrrCOMtewB eereral daya in Grand Bapida. They i aloa-.nnd wy. ao aa »
' nsDtmainr.
-1 nae of geftf
d laat Bight:
UM. Bk«Ofl«Mioff.teil^UM tHr «•
mm 1
Tnxax U a good deal ef exeitatnant
in oongrcee orer the Cnhan qaeaUoa
, and demoerata aad
> foree the maltar la
the beligereni-y reealntloB.
Tbe repablicana are standing twited
and firm ar»l»t any p
la ^ta of Ue preaeure al the oppoei
«taa «a
la me
tbe pwwj
policy of the adatinitWa1^ to anppoae that
ttm. It ia ahanr
Iniry and <bia
Ftwaidant .McKinl
_____ _____
are blind
bliM to the crlUoat
aitnatiaa on the ialand. It it
paiwat that the pneent agHcUoa in
Otba demaada the moat earafal inveatigaliaa aa the part of thk goeam
aaat. It ia' altogether likely that
the praeidmt ia fnUy eagaixani
the aaaet altaatioa and when
baeaao atntiity ter tbia
Mnt to act there ie ne doubt
bat that the etUtnde of the
wiUaeet the appcoeel of ail
^ dUaeM aad that the reenlla will net.
_ be a dimredlt to tbU. aaUoo. Tbia U
mai a qncatioa whiob deaandc a di^y
c^wand earafal daliberaUea aad no
V^ne bnatetownrda Int^ring tu in a
pnrioaa intematioMl oowpUentidn.
Thaatrtoal Vt
nnoUter Tery ^ the elaw.r faenU and (h(»% that w
wing utbera
pleaedag perferataMa laat nighi
"We had me day of had wiathrr that
dtelahar^e Grand Opei« Honae. M. B.
finally worked ap lotn a rturai. Ibete
Btraeter*a*flre-a«toMnedy drawa. “A wa« a high aea all-dar. and the ahip we
nasiag Mllliea.” waa preaeeted vary
K chargMl ov^ it at ■ gmt
eredltabiy and the
etratad ita appreclailoc. The piece U niae wai In a ealli-y and her
well etaged and'the n abera -of-thethe air. ioukiug actum from her after
dkfe yon oooldn'
cooldn’t «e the lower maate
Interpret the rariout
.wi.,.. »1*
| eery acoepubly. lonight there will , <d the thip^we wi
ntnld me w*nw burtapmacu and mpgal
>le bill, a big Tandevilla olio.
1 tripl
ElephanV The low ariom which ha*a Bjfarote tbe efawm.T . bow woilU be in
prettied alt tbe weak wfll oontinued. , the eir and her luum Irariid. and then
' louking at tin* utaip ae-ehe ixm* op
' gix-at ware bohiud bj you could an
I f<ur fool. A minota later the rtramer'i
Br"”. e-..
,,OT »».I( b. it. lb. .Ir wnti,. ua tb.
a rfatar to to. BtoA Hawk wu ud to. .b.p
„ jm,.,
,b, tou n
tola , to b. to. Ctoto tototob, d toto i u... U... toto ,b. toii.T, II ..tom to
• Uicugh it wa« aboat the Unit of tow.
Horace O. Burt, the new preeideDt of ; ing. end 1 alnunt wmdenid they didn’t
tbe Union Pacifle Bailway eunmny. | oni U r loom.
began hU imilroad oatwey In 1M7 ae a
"A« the day wmt co tbe weather got
rodsBU on tbe Vaadalie Unm
WcTw.aixi night ahnt in early, with the
booci. who reocniitly conpleted bii ehy erercekt a'ud the wind bluwlng a
__________ public
►*'* rougher than ever and
publicfan in Btuse, ha*
ebmained from food in hie perfannaueee - *«'wel« all arouud ui rolJ.iiig and «■*•
fear S.'WHJ day* of bU lifa—nearly term ; '“*•
<*<* < >• *»
’ Ix-uaw dnrk. when the blatoU of wind
Mmior A C RnaticTane a vomlBeDt ' **•’’'
®P “ !*•**'■» •ouf'lt of Hring to
'mannlacto^w of Kvan.viiU krf nad ‘
knew tben-niMt
bto .11. to-". ,bv.. .totoplwSJutop 1
pm todtoarUi to,a ,«aJcto,ib^tol!"‘'•“
Saab of tbe goua the yollry^firing of
bppx^-utly‘l“kn up in line on
P^emor Henoon. an agent of the egIt wamTT^r place to help them.
toto.lto.to d.p.to.^. .to,.].bp to Tto. xb.to to,to toto.j tototol. btoto. Tb.,
The amall nanbar of railroad bank- ktoUb. btodtoktotom . .ptoPtooi muto.! ..a to,
Pto„ „
iwptden in l«r7. and the great progteae n.im wbH-b ftouUtoM VM|.b. u to.cta |
l».w .ba. ntovl, all
Mda In tba rMtoratlon. of
— *0 pounds.
; J,,
reaarl were mred. There w«*t
Uorener Marria now living in Oe- ebmii fS kwt.
already ia the baPCa of raeelTen to a
When wr came on deck on our Aip
aolreat baaU through tereeloeare and troit. Ua
Bufaert Mewria. wbuee fiuauc^ tmkiug the next mutniug. we aaw tumetbiag
taarranlaniiuB, ianclear
to make the rictorloua tertninaat
mneh. • The up
a of the gweral
liou of Jbe Berolution a pmaability.
per (art uf tbe after chimney—tbe
wotthaooantry. AcoMtrnated
Tbe Priaoe of Welea it mid to intend ateamt-r had two xmukaetacke, ranging
•telM in 18pe. the
pith the 1
carried away
eUitiug a niunber of tbe niinof cathenhowing la a highly aatiafaetory
draUof England tbia year. It it only (xaupleteiy, and it lay <m deck urer co
In 1«9T there were oaly l!i railroad within the leu ytwr er two that tbe tU- port Hide of tbdtehip. On tbe wartell area iaeolelag l.ssTmUei of road prince bs* mkm touch tnierem in meb Utttd tide aft a Uiat banging on darita
bad'been amaebed and tbe. eteamer'a
and iPi.MO.Opo capital, ae Mdlott
s.sodftoo in*
M«1 Bile* of road and KTS.&O
(foem Loniee of Dmaark !• the old- rail cut down to tiw deck. Th'iedamage
eel ocenpant'of a throne, with the sin- bud been dooe by the etaip we bad in
Her jib boom bad p^ed off tbe
gle exeeiHioB of thd Grand Duke of Luxtack, and
embutg. who is her amior by aome gix uppttf erctiODji of tbe m
weeka Tbeee are (be only two octoge fa<-r cutwater had aunebed the boat and
tbe rail. Anxirding to tbe
narian aorereigna. .
«i«y abqard. we bad otcaeiuu in the
•ny Oi^ Plaat Olaaed Doem to.Fight
Sir WilliaiB Harcourt ie the ton of a night to led:. Tbe nory waa that tbere
tbe Vaioa.
cluntyinaA end the graotiaon of a bii£- wwe bruoKcr* ahead. When we went
He we* trained for the bar. and aft a>^t*n. ih« ship kept coming and came
Bay aty. Jan. 80.—^e entire plant
al Whcoler A Co. citned down Ihli
aboard tf us »u Um etorUoid qnaficr.
meribe at luliHlor general bocaina
h>*r loom as eouna* thtoV could,
aomlng for ao indefinite period. Tbe
of intematianal law at Chinurn on the ship made sail on
n—pney eayait wiUopen itaynH with taldga.
Sbe hadn't done ne very much
an entirely new foree of men. The
Edward Roar, the man who wrote tbe damage. 1 have Mouetimee wcedowl
yivelere would prt^bly bare accepted mage veridonaof "Tbe FrieonerofZen.what would bai-e bappetMd if abe bpd
the rate of the wagea offered bad they da" and "L'nderShe Bed Kobe." tegan struck UP a little hardrr blow.
not been inquired to atga an iron clad hie career by msding law. Hr wnn . "W( Wi-nt uu twkUy eouugn with one
ngTwemeat net toartae eae body of
It for Che atage, bowerer. long and’iuw^hort ubij
and it now dramatic critic of the Lon going plow, aud wc didn't need Ibe
■aa, but ac Indiridnalt and oeoeeni
dnift that we Icwt thrvugfa tbe •ii}tting
tte» reteining by the eompany of lo per dm Bonday Timm.:
D'l pink
amt. of their wagee a> a forfeit far -0011 Bfaodee baa never been known down of cmeof tbvm. We didn't
tb>- ship Dp tgaih. but we
■r a lew
^aiUlag without iti. oonaaat.
laler at^r
About TOO men areaSeated by the
be habiiyof coatmnaUy onuenlting
' aiming of the yard. Whedtr A Co. »atct.J»»rb V--..........rhiTithtd
. .. ..
brt to ba c
looee in ibestorm. In
wat hie B»M
axpect to rdpryanize the force of em- pumttdun. Ur. Khud<e k<v}ie a diary— fact. 1 hare t > doubi that ebe liked it
or need to keep one—written ih an in much betur :o be penuitiMl (a make
bar own way. —New Turk bun.
The labor anlou are e
tricate cipb<-r kdown only to hinetU.
I ter a atrvggle. Orer 900
The Cblnea- njinieicr. Mr. Wn Ting^
mm Joiaed tha Knigtau of Labor laat F^. ia mid tu be a mflr nneai-y about
the affect the freedkxu of Auimoan wo
. the well
men may hare upud hit wife, fi-ap- known chemist to the
pean that Mre Wv it' much pltwerd 'railroad. recruUy
. .ga^ n
itrrealWith the Ufa Ud by Ammiomr women. ing lecture before tbeBranklin institute
Tbe miniater. bnweVer. it a gr<at ad- <« "Tbe VtwtiUti’iD of Paiocugu-Unre
mirv cd oar women and mye they Gm <10 Raitraode." Afbc reterriug to tbe
Lorn of About »7fl,00pr
-Amoic^Ai^ "the moat beaui iful in tbe world." * 'Audy. which hadt be^ given to the
Ionia. Mich.. Jaa.l»>.-A
<iacMioQ be said
< trooe fire itarted hare at midnlAt.
"Nutwitbstanding (be stud
oaa bJuek ^
ibe ^'ebber brown etoae
>_____ I__________
gutted, tnelndlng WebbaiH
the cry Ibal is in the tecbuteal papers
atbre. Van Alloa's drag ttare. UardalU'e them twiDSoTW.—Punena
BU<i aometimee in ibt- ciaily pliers in reIrulteiote. Van Uoutaab jewelry atore.
Owting into debt i» getting into a gaid lotl»ev«ntiUti<«iaf pwamagcrcart.
1 nni very sorry to have to mr to von
Bradley -A Ca.'e fermlture atore oa taogleeowe oc't.—FraBkUn,
. .aDdhwieKl
Mala ttreet. and aeraral awraa aa SacTy> lireienoi to UTeftronmelf'aloi
iilfrat the prmKut time t<i pniperly vrnaad ttract. LTha city aleetrle Ilghta Let tti help tumaaetbw.-Mmander.
igm <»r oh a railway. So
We inherit aotblng tmly but what
ware cbl^ft.
aysirm U
present kwjwa by Whibh
After raging furloaaly lor aa boor oar aotiooa make aa worthy of.—C^p- this can be sumatfully
and a half the fire wu gotten oader
Anentacy is tbe twin brother of btmoaatrok hut the
e«iyr inaocnracy, of disbooeMy.—O.
of Main and Second etraata U a harraa Sinimoaa
waaie of emoldeiing mlna.
When we are oDt of aympatby with
aaat wind prevaUad aed fanned the fire ttw young, tbm 1 think oar werk in
.Into- a rouelBg furnace, which the fir^ (hie world la nvi-z. —G. Maodonald,
department wae utterly.anabta teetop
LetsabarOf good cbrtx. i
■Oltll it cxbauatad itaelf.
Tbe totel loaa ie aefimated at
geo.WD to r&.000. with an
.Hake but few cxplanaHcins. Tbe
probably «>&,«»■
eijaracter that cannot defend itaelf is
BM worth Tindientblg.—F. W. BobenOf IntaraM to Trampa.
piBB LOSS nr toaxA.
^tatOM!^ bn.
Bt’vua aiTKtoPTaavi
Clothing, Dry Goods, -:
Gents’ Furnishings, Dress'Goods.
50 Cents on a Dollar
' Bnekwheat
Eggs, per domn .^
Ohlcdgo Market.
ary. »7c; May. 89c; July,
?to; . >1.,.
The Fair,
Brosch Block,
Front Street.
Grand lUpide. Jan. te —Wheat. 8Se.
E.W.Hastin^. BYSTERS
213 Front SL
Real Estate *»„
Fire liLSurance.
Money to Loan
-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.
Johnson Block.
Baltimore Btoek Reoelred Three Tlmca a Week
f^unU. fiOe p«r quart
„1id Meets
Fleichtr's Opter Depot aid Resturaik
*PhoBs 78.
Caulkett & Co
niirmgsold tbnr Meat Departmeot
k El
liott of Man
iniatee, 'will cootinae to keep
A Foil Line Rfleats
until eoch parties take poooeosioQ, •laiiuHT}' 15th.' *
Don’t fall to call at once aud
take adi-anlaiirc of SpecUl
.Also Full Line of
Reduced to Lowest PoBaible
Don't Fail to Pro6t
by This.
Caulkett & Co.
Cor. Ninth and Union Sts
Steinberg's M 0;«t Honse
this week.
The demand for Improved and Unimproved City Property ia bec<nning brisk. I have
Two or Three Hooses and Lots
and a Humber of Wep I.ooated.^
Vacant Residence Lots
Oruid Triple Bill.
2 Comedies and Big
Vaudeville Olio.
“Bradford’s Tronbles
Baby Elepbant"
in Traverse (31ty that will be sold
At Low Prices
PRICES, 10c, ROc md 30c.
Seata on Bale at Box Ofltea.
the InghM coeniy boar<l-i, m-1
?. WilUu
vlUtioB to meet here Feb. J nnd draw
Wbru n man haa here guilty of fipy
ap n bill doing nway with the tramp vlot- or folly, tbe bea( atni-ment be emn
make for Jt in u. waru otbenSM to fall
laufthi- like.—AcMiaua.
Tbe tueanett. most oootmptible kind
of prune is that which first apeaks wWl
ct a nmn and* (ben qualifies it with a
(B of OonemMh. to (he
It is a Md thing to begin life with
- ciMBt of Brt. E HnUbory.
Bar. B. Snlebery ton* been enlM to. low ceoceptiene cf It It may not be
poMible f<jr a
Tmamm to eondnek n tttnmi adretoe
life, bat it la ptmdble to
"I am re-
■.tennaclyaf Uding-
ilskr:::;:::::;::-:::;:: -S
Dreat Bankrupt Sale !
to Itt Mohltm and bem
ii aoldNOW. Come abd ask about
them, if you Va^t a home or a^od,
investment. ^
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
tesla* W* ta a wfclrL
—Front Street.
Phos.T. Bates.
R*e«nt Cvcrit* in Cuba All tha
' RmuK of tho 'Rolicy of
the Prooidont.
thm MkW
D.WS. IkUm
M,nmr WmMmf
^ 017 !<*••
Jn'uhlnaton. Jaa. 20.—AH <Ur yealerIT tba qocttloo of arwulos ^tetnamct
'riftau to the Cuban Insurreota
araru«l U> tb* hbuaa. but as on Tovilar
tbe tciooMir burled llaelt
•tone wall. On (hr 00I7 vole takenr^'
tarOar—a muno« Osdgned to overrule
<be decliSloo of ibe speaker and diiwi
tte comltiee on turelss aflaln to re
port witbooi tartber dela; tbe Cuban
naolutlon [wiwd by the seaBte al -tbe
aad voted to sustain tbe chair. The saltertsa as on Tuesday, were -banked td
tbe doora. asd there was
aacliemeni thronehout ibe early part of
tbs riMSlon wiirn fbe membersjof'tbe
ntlDoTlty. a-err^urceaitvely ptisslnp all
sorts of amendmeois beartnr
; the mal -rliy.
Oaiins the seneral debate Chairman
Mitt, of the f-.>relin> affaire committee,
made an ImpresaUe (|f-e<-b eypUlnlns
tbe altuatloD ahlrb rtutde artton b>■ inadvts^lc. He si-oke
aympathy with tha strucxie
ladependence and the ar hievemenu of
, tbe present admlnUtrailin-releaae of
’ Americaa prisoners in Cuba, the re
call of W«^er. the abandonment of
tba POUCT of concentration and the a'utanomy achen.e he atirtbuied to tbe
•Urn attitude of tbe president, and con
trasted ibeae results with the"lnac(luo"
•t tbe last administration.
Be awrred that belUftereal rlflits
eould not aid tbe iMurpenl cause, and
perbapa the ibosi •eramailc porHon-of
Us Bprech came w hen be d^hred Ibdt
'tte Inaursentr onl> wished for beHiyerant rtahu In lire hope and belief that
this connin' would be embroiled la a
war with Rpala whlrlfwould «1ce them
tbetr freedom with our triumph. He
------- — *(hai the prewldent rmiai aaaame the peapoasibiiUy c* any a.-tioa
which mljcht eventuate ta war. and ap
pealed to both sides of the chamber to
patrtoUcally support ibe executive if a
crisis shall come.
Appeal, dm sappan (se MeKlatey
He cortcluded with aa eloquent appeal
to the members of tbe bouse to drown
all other votoca as they did In the Vea•suelan crises'and stand by the preaident and the countn. MTille he could
DoC prophesy as to the future he selomaly aaured Ibe bouib that the pres
Ment Would not dliaptwini the fX^^
ttoos of hta couBirymen. Thi
Hill's speech he
listened to with
tbe cloaesl altenlloa. Uembers rtoirted
about him and the thr»njrad galleries
' leaned *ver to catch' his woeda As be
concluded a roar of approval swept tbe
Boor and ibe aallrries.
Win Bare s VlMT Xs.1 TUday.
Dlaamora.of Arkauwas. the teadinc
minority member «f lh>- vontmlttee on
foteUn affairs, replied to hUd. and
Adams tKrpi of PennsjtTania. Chair
man of till- CiUwii auU-commltlce of
tbe same c.-mnilller; Btyry tT»em.» of
Kenlueky. sn-l Wheeler (Dera.) i f Ken
tucky also addreesed the house durlns
the gerteral debate. The •h’bate w III
cluer today at * o'ckwk under tbe nrTwacement made yesterday, when a
tlaxl |••S( will Iw made on a motion of
« which M'iniams 0>em.l of MIsWaaIppI
gave nntiee. to recommit the bill with
• ■iBrtrta-tiiiii-. to report, back the Cuban
reuolutlon as sender.
maks a utile mMd-Baaalag toauM Do
I s Oood. Aaybow.
During the debate Dlnsmora of Ar
kansas declared that the time had come
^ for glTiag the Cuiaiu the m^>snltiun
they Aad ao toad anUghL He arraigiMd
Hitt and tbe Hepubliran side fursalleged incoBslstcoiT. rltlag Ibelr Cuban
speeches under tbe Cleveland adminis
tration. and then branched oC to^arift.
dTi: s> rvtoe. biraetalllsin aud igr^s
other toplis. Kelurnlnt to (Sitia'W
det Ar«l that nu act liy this roveronteHt
- could bnne w-si w Ith Spain, tor a haal^
rapt monarch) which eunid a«t put
dwwa r-tSM raxsed Cuban soldiers
^ srould nm enur upon a contest with
Ibe rnu-d S^i<s. A-tams (Rep.) of
. Pcansy.Tsala <-nt<asled the "ibarUon
aad apathy"
iBe laai admlDisiratlun
toward Cuba wiiu the srhlevemeats of
furer uf letter camera In aevnal etllea
of tke counirr. Huar deeUred Ural tbe
order had had the oBert u( a d^itajatte
White api«
07 tbe poaiufllre department a'as an appnpiiaUoD of
fulfp to taain^iB
•tbe elQvlrBey uf tbe ramer aervke.
The deliate look a wide raare. Wol‘
oti liialstlfiE that 'manr Nea EnrUhd
br the aenaior
HaMcbus-------------—-- ----------— —dcBcienry In the funds of the poemmoe
deranment. because tbe>- Insisted that
tbe .evvemment sttuuld carry secund
tin* mall at aa enopnotis lusa. ant
Allen «t Nebraaka ebarcinr 1
Coxjrnmirnt vat aniuialUr defibuded
out of mlUkoDS of donars throurb tbe
HBderaelrhlnr of tnall matter.
" Veol rave notli-e that he would
tMay tu take up- for oonslderaUu
Teller resolution reiMrted by tbennanev
Of the
------- ----------t'
---------------------------United Btslee ma# be palJl« ataadara
dollars. Vest's noll« seems to
indicate an Intention on tbe
Irt the OIrvetien of an Agraai
Botwaan thaI boat
ton and Minan.
•fii&ioim DAT HggfH n
« Ooe ef Etfbt or
- CblcasOi Jan. »—I.ittle araa done
ytoterday by the i-onferepte of opera
tors r.nd mlneta no* In session here.
Work In tbr aecret'conterence of tbe
,eale rommiuee Is proceedln* sloaly.
Yesterday’s debate hliired principally
tpe elpht-bour oue.il. n. The min-
is evident, as White, of Callf..mla sali eUrhl-hour i.ay. bnt auuybl to brlnr
that the ronsideratfon of the resolujlua: about a plan of nntformuy In tbe matwoalii ' ri-rr-i.li>liale some eUrht die- ter of hours titroiVhrHit the aotl -ctyO
cuaatnn.*' U<><«a» rave anotfaer
Seld. While the operaii
Hawaiian spoevh to the aenate the stales u.Vd^fer thal the lenpxei'utlvr session.______
; ||„m- ■‘ystrm In IVnnrylianIa and llllBartal at Braiarala BstMmHb.
j aols mnaUi In f<ir<-%-. ibe>. as a whole.
-■Wartfnrton. Jan. te.-FunepSl. aer-Twere wlllU-K lo asroe Upon h .-ompro.
Tices over the retruilns It tbe latr hla. I mlia- of nine boura' laUir. This much
Jor Beniamin Buttei-a«T:h. o.iinmlsri..n- sained establishes uni«..rtr.Uy of boura
er of i-teoia acre held .»wsterday aft-, of labor and hrlrucs the .oJl mlttee face
erac-m at the Oiur^-h of the Covenarit. ( I- Ui-e with tbe dimcult problein of
Ilev. Teunls 8. Hamlin, the pastor, con- ; dmerenijals. The llkht «eklvb has Wen
ducllnit tto- eseK-lses of the Preabyle. I was-d bet a .-en ,OhW aad Hennsylvanl*
lias church. The t huri-h «as crowded, for »-eara % airain before the committee,
those pMent includlnp ITesIdent Me-!
Ohtasad Pewasylvaala WUMraw.
Klrtley and all the niemiiera of his cab-' To fariliwte action th“ oi<en>tnrstn«n
Inet except SeiTetary Alyer. who U Ul ' those two nates «ilh ln-w from tbe
<-»mmlUer n>«m to try to patch uplbeir
dlffen-nces by -themselves.1. No
WjUlnma of,
questlon hsvtns l>eeB taken thr
«*. I
s a mattV
—........ -......................
of H>*YUlati»n; but li was coostdertel
minister «rf the United 8UISU to Cuba.
Uiai a uMfurm system of
r fcrelkn. slfalr*.
e also Introdu.-ed another
unlsalon lo DcgOUate a poliita'd rt'mmtllec* lo arranse a lualr
of dlfrereollsls for this Mate, which will
United Smes and Cub*.
bp presented .to the conveMloB for Its
approval. Jhls matter srtll probably
All Oalrt at Havnaa.
Waabington. ^an.
tleneraf Lee i^uee considerate v|i|s'altlon on the
cabb-d.the state departraeni yesterday part uf the Indkam peuple. whose dlfafiemoon that aH was quiet at Havana. frrrnllalK-det.nd to a lairae extent up
He also reported that the d«-ive lasurd on Ih.*.- obiqlnln* in lmnol».>
Permaaesi Artillrwtlws 4'MMSslnM.
Not last admlttlnc fw Iraiiurted calAn attempt tp sevurw_the caUhllshmeni of a permanent tvunmlftee of coal
operators and mln>-re In thlssute to arUtraie hereafier all question* arislnx
from lbs dlfferanlial raira en]l«si>ed the
epei.lng session of lbs day. The delate
whKb followed the appeal for such *
yesterday lnir«>dure.i a JolnL resulu- Joint committee waatbe wartnestwhlch
Uiui fur the apiKuntment at a.cooimla- has yet dlsturt>ed (be delegates. Hre«Sion to make a survey for a Ship canal Idenl HaUTford favored tbe moilua.
from the lo«tcy sbure of Lake Michigan
of hla
Wabash river___
elded sund against li and derlared that
tt wnul<{ l>e unjust to Indiana and other
states lo t>erinlt ope. stale lo take such
a «er wMhtiUl a<-«ordlng tbe same priv
Charles Page Bryan, mtntsiar to Urasll. ilege to all the other slates. A mot loo
t. H. Conger, of Iowa, minister to to table the vole wm* •■arrled.bl a role
of :« to 12. but und«r the rules It Is nec
Chlpa. • _ ^
essary |o have a unanimous vote lo
earry any motl.m. The beat way out of
n w'as t» ask mirell towlihtoiamr. tad.
Ms Balldlag. aad Iba ! draw hts motion ond that was prumiuly
Chicaco. Jan. SC.-''n’tde-opeD Chic*.
Bo" is tbe UUe of aa exhaustive article
which will appear In this week's num
ber of Harper's M eekly. 'The article
Is wruten by TvwnkUn Hatbewa wbo
clly la December H •MSI “The invesUcatlon was what midht be called
ifesslonal. in that It was
from no morbid motives,
aad was conducted- as any newspaper
man of stsiidlnc would make such an
InqaliT- We found an api>aillnB eobdltlon of aflalra tn tbe toleration of tbe
lowest Tin—a tolentloa demanded by
tbe extsnncleo of politics and the dealr*
to levy lilaekmall, M'e found that a
system of police bIsvkmaU ts ta exlstr norlB Chicago, which matches '
■luKTUpaioua nature and cxien
worn phases of the police .
that aas levied In New Tork Under the I
palmy days of Tammany mis.
“We found, as the result of all this. {
ample JuBtincatIcn that neither life i
nor im»i>rTt> Is safe In Oilea«o-a fwb
tnade plain by the diaiaichea In ihe{
r-wspapers'uf.the coamry f»*r a y«ar
or more. mV fmind that New York's,
•Tsn<!erioln<<-th* TVndeylolli' of the
past—never pr»>ilt!'t«i open lawlessness J
so flacTsrt or 'irir* r; tlty so bold as ex. ’
! Ista at present In M-airo. This la .the!
list .if rales a* ttlvrn to me by this au- |
' Iborily: GunHiny Otousee. tU> and up-I
; WanK a mcnih. |«<rel>boUsrA
nfonth: lalnons where music Is played.)
cooirao' i» law. HM> occasionally; Im
moral pUo-s. ^ t- CO* ajnonlh."
lti^Bap..U». Jan. -»-At 1;» tto
mauresusu la Ike maris MsU.
morning lofurmation reached this elrr TtefcTi the eesslon was opened Dalsell
that a i-unlUgratloc was raging
handed Hat'h'ord a <-«)>v »f • scale of
sApt-er. Imt.. which was ihreaientar-J differential rales sr*d the dlsu-k-w In
to deetioy the I lly As the long distance a Wch they were to be observed, sgreid
' -- ,nol* oiH-rato
telThonr abd lelegraplih- iiinimuDicathe basts
tlon w as > 01 off 11 ws» Impuaalble to get
drnnite laii*.. »*renc-er to a town of pf wages the scale upon wfarh
let* iBbsi'itum*. tiie ifunty seat «t the cornmiltoe In session fn the ad)>>iciOwen county, and i-w-aiM on the In- Ing room to debating V<rr the m^dlanapulhi 'and Vinrriine* r^trvtod. tng sc-vion the minul* delegation of
aUiut flfty-Ih-e pil^ southwiwlPf (Us miners ass-mhlrtl In tbe hall and app»iati-d a f arrjnlltec of twenty-one del.
Aome m>a*-r f*ets wiwe lenmed by egktes to met the rtunmltt-e of 0|«rrathe train ditl<atrlier of the I. and V k>- tgrs. -We are ready lo meet the llllratid here h-f..re remmunlrsllun was nils 'miners' wnmlltee as-wosn a* excut off. Hi* infirrmatton wss thsi the pedleni.*' said nakselL 'The npeeaiar*
‘ ihr slate have piacUcally agreed
gr.T-ei> More ■ wned by U. H Allto.i»r. A.
e of siirJ. lledrK-k'y shoe store, ffadler ------- iMi.'n* ihemselvea upon g
Hardin's sahwe and |f->vrttato whirh_>le have sul-mltted I
two cl>Hhln«\«l
I another ial>s<n and store, w h'su-uwmrs I (hr Illluuis lesders."
------t-ould -;'<d ^............>eu..
l.amed, were *uUM- No) .jt'reet railway MOVf'ON FOOT.
lnf<;minTiuD a« to tbe protislde l.is*
origin of tbe fire could l<e obtained. At j
Ml M Kates* rrast«toe> to M to
» o'clock the fire ww* stID raglug. Tbe
Bmk.Tb.si M-ety-Ms. Trant
block where the Are originated was n
Chicsgci. Jan 2*.-The street railway
new erne. &d the Onrwl In tbe city.
Inlerrsts of Illlquto. banded t< getber at
Jopla. Mich.. JaiL yo.-i-nre broke out lbe<SrT»t Surlbem hotel on Jan. t as-'a
In in* city law night and forra time
. . V«to hi .ek
to d.nrer At • a '
-aseo. latU-n. have prepared a hill
I. ■"make the I
MV»,ber hhwk a twn-siery sapdBone
railway fram-hlae I
► stale
building. I» a rt-mplele lora. Theo-ctlre) ; Mi-eet
ninety-uliu years. The bin was itt. nee w-m be fTLiW sith ' nlncU-tiUK'
ln«to^ '
C- ^ B..m»ej. of the fhl.-sgo
■------(esriers! TSectrtc Hallway ximpsoy.
nilsoto 1*
>la sahinitling e«i|tlea oil tbr bill (u-the
8prlngne(d. til*.. Jan. 2e.-Nofa«'s bill' ‘ membera of Vie luimd* ftirevi Hallway
authinltirr the state board »f oiualiaa- •EaMNiklioe Ronney^sends a letter In
tkin to asses* -foreign corpt rations the whlrb be takes the atvimd that Ibe
same as dnjr^lf coriKiratlurts «a* rs^ street railway ci-mi-aatr* being IneoP-
uif* of the state,
l-Kbdature ewa ax•rttod r'Sdlpg. tend the franchiser
Ul tbe rtwenue
As Ih. fed. tal rt^stllUth B
adopted with- nnlY the nxilen sod-'tbe indiv-tdcal
stalni. and the stale i-oiMlItullna m-ig'^n'thThnu^ tbe McBniry gas bill and nlaes only tbe state sod the rountW
‘^%ld you nut vote fur beltitersBcr la the
... 1*1 .........
tnunlH|*lltu-«—In Kne hla an^umenl-^
Monte _gralh tax niesaure
' tbi last comcreekr asked Sulscr.
everw^lnitngiy defeated The re<
revMiue have nnuiiim ii> do with gninUng
‘TdlA-.respuudedAdsms. butlban uverwVlnilnrriy
tending n ftuiu hlse. -Tbe-munietpaUiy.
srs were wekmg to proievt AmerKon rommliiee's Mil .sns ivpotted ailB or he nuilninlii-. lias only thr power
• property; that ' profTny i« now Uc- dered to first readier_____
enforcing |>«l|ie regulations aa to. 1
Tls* VtrsiWrasr Jsassry.
atruyed. We were seckiiiK 1.'free Amer
running <f 'Wis ihKwb ib- atreet*.
ican priaunerat they aiv Du« all free."
PtiWTtOn. Ind . Jan- Jti-U
j U |s reported .hat immediately
In r^ly to a- dirwt <iue«tiun a* to «unilnue**Ui.ydld>^^d*> ihel^
com-Icriun ..f the taesK-m ape. 1
why-nia sub-onmtnitu-e had uui re- 10 proitorty In Knok. t.llmon
„f ,h. iegi-ig,ura Oovernor Ts.
porfsd Ike senate reaoiutinn he said the couRilv* '*W'
over tlMtoo. The j
- .^1,
qommlttoe bad called tor oflivUl 'in- Patoka. Wbbe *Bd M abash rivers .are
furmatlon. "We cannot rely on cew-s- now rtttn* from iso lo four laches an '
hour. fhoussnd* of bushels of corn ar* ,,
Traskw with Ksllss, rtrerasa.nou IB bins ibai wllllwgrrunydamagrd.f ClnriuiisU. Jan. » — <i.rsad Master
- by dUfersot ne*-|pniwrss''
add frn.es will be washetl away. The I Raraeni. of Ihi- Ilroiherbood of LoooBerry aaM tn»t after MB.UM Cuiatn*
ee beaylly.' Hundreds of i motive Firemen, to In the rily In secret
bad gone down As tbeir dtoth durln ;
.vrnjt out of the lowlanda qonf. rcnce rrilh eraph*ye» of the C1n- lnUr last four yeara tt was absurd f .r ; ..............
bsv to driwnd on dSsr- nail. Il'aqilllunand Dayton ros>t toiwr,tntvOdeat Waldo, of the C. H. and D..
aHinberalo aland cm the floor ofllbsays thi-re la^no pro^toct of a strike
boue- and deny that 'a state of war ex
Pny se ts <»at of PsUttoa.
among their employes. He says ihejr are
ists on ib« Island today.
Milwaukse. Jan. SO.—Henry (X Payne all k>ml and that altfa^jucb ih^ bar*
"1 don't fear war." said Berry- 'T
think a little blood-rttsslug would b* announi-e* that be I* letting iMillibw .preweoTcd grleraocsw s sk>^ will be
good tor us. Let 8pa.n lire oa tbe alone and attending sirirUy to hqgl' to g1\y them eftisfactloa without
refused to talk about ‘
Amrii'sii tisg juat one* and the flame
dllng ibem to vraori U. a strike.
caodldM r lor tbe United Stales ssa.wui be kindle<l Hist will free Cubs."
"But what wilt happen to osT' asked atorwhip. and he disclaimed any knowl
Mabany. s ib. we iso take care of our- edge of what AVB* guli.g on hare la . Springneld. lUs.. JA M—CorFontloa
Thornton, of Chirmgu. yesterrvferer.CT lo tbe ||omlBaUoo* In tbe.
aatrea." re(iU.-d Berry
dsy ruotTitiSk' petltloBcd the supreme
court for a writ of error In tbe civil
Hrvtoe casM decided by tbe-suimiBe
iackaoBvtlle. ills.. Jan.
eourt aoroe time ago. Tbe court de
dpal feature is tbe Draper trial was cided that the law was coostituctonal
the Introduction of William Jennings aad also that there were oaly dr* beads
Bryan on tbe stand to testify to Drap- of dcpartniaoU wbo do net come uader
•today by the Introduction of a natdu- •r's good record while the tsro «e*u In
mm by Bear prundln# for as taautry' tba asm* eOce tram Itc u Uff. Hryan
br tb* Mtointitae on poaiofflcaa And Hid tb* defendant was a good man.
wnlng tbs incrat oidar ratber IrvlUble in tympor.
bltl ws* ywll-d up on
0>mmlS!ee axiehdincni
hill Offered Tuesday wi
«an* Bsek lals tbs Arms- J BU Wlfc
While »;ac«a«d ta BeTtB«.
ToenBstown. <X. Jaa. ».-Hobart O.
Haxleit. a pnrrainrnt clUaeB. was shot
l«ck into tbe arms of bto wiM expiring
Blm<«l inswntly. Halrfrit was engaged
lo moving
anuttiertosidence and BaJ’i
employed Lee tu asstol iBshardlng hi*
bousetoild-goods. Lee was haoditng *
largel rifle wtoen tbe weapon was dto- I
charged, the bulbl str>klM Haslett. |.
wbo aavlalmed "M> Ood. I'm fhi.t,' and |
Ming lack would have sinick the floor i
._id not hla wife caught him After a
brief atruggle he expired. The autcment made by Lee tbit the shooting ;
was accidental was curroburaled by i
Mm MaatrU and also by her daughter. |
ance ofU-sbooimg, star and rapidly)
dropped fnun tbe scnltb toward tbe i
horlscit. but floany reuolved Itself Into j
three lumlo<'Us sphere*. Ohe of these ,
was much larger than thr other I
Aner remslnlng stallonso for w
time the}' faded away.^_____
of ex-Judge Donahue as referee, reclendlnt that * decree of absolutd
divorce bArnamed (o Nellie R Ooodwire dt Nat C. Goiidwln. tbe actor. ,
The -dlitolte wa* granted On atatotory |
grounds and Ootslwln .-cannot msiry j
again in tbi* siat^tbougfa bto late « '
WowM Own tbe BMeel Mallmys.
tVtnUl. Jan. 26.—The Detroit
council has -deslded to prepare a
nei-ure il■•psnace during the ape- ,
c-taf aewslun of the Uichtgsn legtolature )
next monh sUowlng Detroit lb uwn and
cntun’l all the stm-i mllw^ track* In
the Hiy.
• '_____________
Caitoa Deteuto Uptuka
Chh-age. Jait. 30. - (TaUun defeated
Spinks > e*l»rday afterf«s>a In the third
game of the hllUard Tuninament: ScoreUaiiun. 3*0.‘ SpiBh*. 24» In the game
gl night between Ives and dullou Ives.
won-aoo to !**._... ______ _
(Alcago negro citt^na ray that no
one of,U>elr cidor ever gel* on a Jury
Aucuat Kallgreo fetl under a tooring
train at AsbtasA Wla.. and waa toatanll) kllh-d.
UJ<-)cIee are now making t twealymlle trip from AsbUnd to WaqJibaHL
Wls.e-over the Ice.
Nicbcilaa. tbe S-year-oM- acai *t 8M'
phen Uri**ike. of LaCraase. WU_ wag
killed by the Idrk'of adAvroe.
UairUlB Murphy, of the nutorious dllbtuier Ltooradg. baa t<eoc wcqoUted of
(HlbuMertng by a Detowaxv'Jonr.
The Ud ukolverwary <'f the Urib 0<.
Oeneral Robert K Lee waa duly relebrwled an i«-er the south yeaiertUy.
Ml* KInora Andrew*, of KvaMvOle,
Wl* . I* * cgndidale torjoaamlatrrH-at.
IbSl plara. her rival bel^ W. T. Ilcyd.
Il.-tiry C- Lylioh will give a Dtodiamuiid rina to the UlUardtot making tbe
b-tl nili-handlc*|. conwldered-^n'Ab*
•Chicago inarney.
Mm Nam v VsBre. a tSiafleToix In
dian aged 1«. who rert-nily passed
tfae-ush Sagtna*. M|<-h. tblnks that abe
owe* her health and »ig-w fo amoklng.
B. D- Conger ka* lenigbl the tIT.WO
intsresl of the l^te Professor Sweuabsrg
tn the (Jrxiul lUpU- <Mirh.) Uexald.
giving h^ W.oto of
Mo.*to atock.
A iVimsylxwnls life InMiraiu-e com
pany Is fighting the payment of a pul
ley on the ground thal accWenlal death
by pniauBiog i* not arcidenial death.
In the home of Herb Ourtoaa. who
was arJealed at Dowwglac. Mich., fur
dronkenneito. ofBecc* found moM*.
stamp* and other cbunlarfeUlng utanThe ransolldatton of the New Tork.
Amerlran and TJnlted Riate* Biscuit
«omi>*|ile*. with a capRaiis, '
John J. Brezina
fickitIes.Sweet Pi(dUee^ 10c per doses.
Sweet MlxPd Ploklee, 20c per qaert
Soor Flcklee, 7c per dos
If You Have Logs to Sell
CoTTWipond with the Tr»vcm* City Yumber Company.
We have (or sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill. Machinery of all de*criptions,incloding Two Enginea,
Set Work*. Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
• v
we are Selling
Fancy Dairy Butter
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 18c per Dozen.
Enterprise Grocery,
Opposite S(«inb«rg*R, ’Phone 146.
Uttl* drop* of watar -'
Byt little draw of prtalar* bik *
TwA tha tM* yoar wagr.
; Y
“Where are yon ffolag my pretty mdldr*
■Tm golag a ahaftotog. kiatl Mr." ah* wid.
"Aad wbo gffts all of your valuable trader"
"TheadwerUeera. air, abeaaM."
a '
Howe’to tl be. It •aatw ta ma
TiB\toly prudaaL right -aad wto*
I( OM w«aU boUd hia baaloawwii
To regalariy adveriiaa.
W. U DohrtnaBL of Holland. Mi^
Michigan AUd Indiana to tbe Ktondlke
gold flew*, died before reaahtnc 0^
mining distiicis* '
John G. Brady, gorrmor of tbe dlatrin of Alaska, baa Just sent to Mtos
noreora King, of Chicago, a roll of
which makes bar commlaBiofler of deed* of AlaWt*.
Tb* foreign eommetce of tbe United
fftMe* for the year 107 breaks all reeordt In volume and valaea. Fee tbs
enlL** twelve meatbs tbe txeem of aa*
ports over imports of msrctaawdlH
amounw to ISC.ML***. aad adding ML*(e.*M net export* of aUver’. glvM a
grand txadtt baianoa fur tb* yaax of
. ?
• ...
* '' '
"V^ .
The r»ia geta all tbeCiwdU
Pw^tk* «gaps of graib aad hay;
' 'i
la it's steady. aaOliag way.
So (he aalaMU'e wlary to ratoad
Per tte foode aaU to tha atora.
Oeaaw ttada Mda tha daar.
. . ...ii
tas XOSJOTW B»00«p.
Ohio Bt'bMy tnv««Hc*tion in Cel*
lition w(th*e Stfsg A ,
the Vary ^tart.
»l. »«?«■
n«* HaiM Mm> D« tte Warh.' 4>Mk A Maw rvaba
Btato batcm rtmm
IkMMltM • a«ig M< «M A»mr.
Wh(A ■acb U eapak'
UiBft. O.. Jm. <0.—a't ma eart) bow
When • bolkl ha* p£mai tolo a
yw(«t«ar moraiBK flv« ma*«S mm «ti- man'a hniD. the nbaneM are that iU
t*r«l tb«
or Un. Aon*
Oreia, two mllm ««ai o( Beavor Dub. tiach wiU baTe collaiwd Mora tiM
thU emint}-. ud at the .point «f a re- Mi'tkjm «tf aaargwat are aTailabta. The
TObrar bound and aasned ar«T member kniii h. aoft. made up rf^aaBy aeetioea
or tb* bouaebold. ctnaUUlv of Mra. 4rf irray mama.,Joined toueiher in a
maanw nnl uuUkc the parta <d a
•ponjpi aed eepanitd by hnmlnda of
. J<4ui Habensti-ln and Adolph ToUalt tJhy oaonU. ' The illphteM deriatios of
A cold M«a home dmeld be boUt
with the mma care and oo^faeMBa
methoda b( aa. ioaboam. a* to heap cold
In a hexsm nqnirw the mtue niethade w
to keep heat out. llie waili «b<mld be
aud while tba ioa b ant
fctpt in the bouse, hot in s rwsptaela
shorn it mads like n kxbtioss, ye* to
wain the oooluem «if the ks shore the.
cold chsmber tbe mode of ctmsObctlnic
Ibis must hetbessmeasforaD ieehom.
it IOCS witbnnt asyttut that rcsdlb-.
tiuh is wbully fatal tb tlie
Ever B«r^ OatT
■The rnltsd SUMS ooQSul at CrcMd
mj*. I have ttaaboarw to report an ihipnnaht disDortey which, it baa beaa
ilaimed. wlU In Ume do sway wuh tba
pnsent tQutemaf illuminatittii pubUe
.piacr*. etc., with the alsctric aic UgbL
TfaerWtaUs. briefly, are as followsr
Mr. f-lneet 6als««ibenc. dirwH<ir at
tha «*s works of the dly .rf ^>vfeld.
.flS* IhcFatM an InpruTruMtiT lu iuuan-.
dtucrai m» bnruot* which rriates to tbe
' based
B.l«r-4bly Inesumud upon tbe tacsodseoenc body tbe
Mid bodr emitt a golden yi-Uow light,
vrry agmuble to the rye. di^daytiig
Ohj^ In their natural ooloru.
The gas is rapplied to I be baratr at a<
m^^'about B,S
tand this
hi^ p
\ h
If ao t<>!B ^taqm
the raise of
,0. P.CARVZB. Afliat
Suits to Order.
Its proper eotum. sad tbe probe enter*
the teal* mati.r It ma.r need ..dly the
-eai near tbe fMtiaii
aUcMmt puBoioriiic to twuse issunl point as poaeltale sad yet not
death -at impair tbe Iwsin. Fat years fiuadnk. Any method of hcBtUatiim
bSB has Uxp tbe'irmtaet danker in krill .III -ri----"T\f fatal to this So that
brain suceey.
a* ihwporpuee of reutiUtian is to I»eCotumbua. O.. Jaa. S0.-Tbe Inveetlca*
A new pmhe is now inrean^ with Mwr the purity of the air in tba oouhi.
Uou Into tb* ohamm of bnbery ^t the
a spherical 1»p inimctjd ujni s alettdrr and this may hr dooe kj other mraos.
Mcent e1ertk>B of t'nilcd State* araalor
shaft, to dimlniwb'friotlun. Atloyseale these must be taken, sad ssitrenesof air
reachi-d a criau iaea nlaht. bio matter
te taiMhd upno the handle, lencding fnim tbe outsldb w to be aroidsd.
p-bat mar K iln- ttnal rceott of the in*
in fractions of au noure tbe-e»(«: As tlw tnipurii
It Jet o< the ordinary am.
veatlaatlon there win likely bt aefeial
amount of fieun br_ln* rserteO. it is i « eool chamber will emsUt of moisture
The klrv laswewv^^t^wiysto^
ooBtndled by a sprimi. morMl by the dertTfd from tbe omteaU
wtlneMva am'drd for contempt. Tbe
cold ; cun emit _I light
. at
- nsoch
. ,more
. ^ tbaa
? rwx» aMr^wie etassM A sisawta
tam of tbe ptoba U is aaid that a closet any method of
this 1.000 landlc power. The light isof ee
comniittee had erven witneasaa aab*
V lsTt*»wms CUy,
pcobe ap a qumtcrlof ah Inch in diam- aad gitwtww i( will he eqniruiBrt to I Intensity that a pereou is enabled to
poenaed* for la« Bl»ht. but they weib
^ e.Aiw»y ww»n.ti>wi, as u read tbe fioeet print at a distauee of lOO
etn-heed* ftum f, to a ouhece weight
Ml aU examined berattm pane of tbam
to peuettBt*. aud from Ito f nnnoee will; purify the air by ukitic
would teottf;.. Tbe
Tb« inreator claitas that the met at
wegauEO muwk
Ttieeday nlahi examined Samuel Pent H. fhaw tar Atorm la Rh CoadMoa Aw* to pesi hetwivu onarolntitin* TV pre- tM imp^Uea with the moUtare of
lighted J.OOOiai^
amonni of force being khown. It it This is dime BOB rffrctirely by Ute
land. Prank P. Kona. W. F. Traendats,
U ouly 4S o«to per boor, while
and Shi-pbefd kl. Doalap. who then
I.nnA«n, Jan. 9.- An nfBcial medical folloA* that with this iustrumeut the { use of tnah st<me Ume. which
___________froB tbe air that of tbe ordinary eleetric light of
asked to confer with their altoneysabd sUlemeni issued Usi bl*hi reasserts
pamuatiag brain . »boot it apd as drr air Is par* and frr* ; <00 candle power U(in UerBSOyi H.
were excused UU last nUW for ibsi I that there la no cause fur alarm as to
t^l B«ay -V eoR»eided ; cwu per boor.
When they appeared last Oladstone* he^th. altbou.h It la not
from all
In the appacatn* o
nhtht theyaald their aitorae>s held that Lbeaefiied as mu<h at had been hoped at
in it brfore it i* driedI the
the senate; had nu JurtadirChm In the Cannea. Tbe facUl neuralKla pains
nfed ^ this oJTS lime. A [ mberg a hydraalic pmsewh-td a.S atclosH is
the allem-d Urli*r> of | persist with dally nurtusiioiw. owins
anpply <Tf fnwb lime ie tbertdcr* all that | moepheroe and even m«« may V ft
a member of ilie house, i.n l t.»d ad- | to the eold winds and wet weacher. hui iBg«xrsaienladvicea*|ntbe_eilocstt«t.
for ftis purpose. As it be-I Ibwugh the lm|»oved Aher burner.
-elsed them not to amwer nny f Lrfler [ the cotrplalnf Is quite local Hi* physl- at ebUtirt*:
as P«*'blc a hme.|
i The invTOtitm .is. however, only ap-1 .w^salaadteam.wVraweeM
quesUon* bef.ire the .ttniiiU"- Tli.yj«-al power* have not euffered: his of nature sboold be airl.v and ernttna-1 ,o ,
ott* Beuwa.to elm tw t. tme.
all followed the aJviix^ of :i...r alter-i sirenyth Is c<M>d; faU appctlU-ex.-elleiil:
w>|.i4.wA hy * fseah ‘ halBaberr has already studied for let- iTr^^-a' , r'j.'T.r
*mi s * e-a.
srj-s. ^Jie Joins tbe famHy at meals and taken oosly iiimlraicd Nature is. in a phy*
ical »n*e, tbe father and motberef a§i^^ ^
I UBpatart in tV Unuedbtatat
...... -it lej » a Ttw*.OUj
t *e im
Why Be WhseMes Retsw •• Me^y.' I recular drives, wvwiber permlitlnsI
] .
if ta, «* Watm* I ... e*^«m
• When the comrr.mer f . i rt- ihal the ! H l» not true that the family bas been all. aud achild that iJhuwiupt.>inBj|^*2*VBM—CoewGMtleman.
•dvlce of ati.wneys «a» Ink p.llowed , summoned Mr. and Mr*. Henry GUd- tonty with a ponioe lore of recks aitrt
trees.-flot^q* and iuiects. aulmaltaod'
Wawarh** LaBhsr Isaostay.
uniformly b> all wllnease* .-kflpa Uxe Slone will po to Canne* •D ^lurday I
plant*, storms and SDnshiua, cold and | ■A fanKias-hsTal aKhitoct Wka. tba i Tuer* an lall.v 13.00U Luirs tanned :
Ptusrt Hendel f
fasat, freth m..
air 'W ....
tbe V.-.ocean wave, of ee- .gnemef
nsillt-c WCUl IJIX*. r»C U.I.V
«Uj — • ■ ——
■ — ---------MSW..
a pcioc*-of tb« OAinan iin^ ' weekly in Newark. N. J. About half
ptan* for further j nw-edurv The w :i.-; whom Oladiafinc I* vLlUrg) tc e^i*.d ^ varying Uudecapr and
ai mood of\ ua-1.
I rial family, and whan oat walking with of tbam beowne sbae tipping and samp ,
areee# did out dscllnr I,, tell til. nsmes Ust nieht at B:» »hat GladsionV*^
d ua.
ha. I! hi. 1,^
hn»t uhsurad
ti>—svssl that th idde
of tb*ilaithor.
the remainder carriage. da*h. \
health was unrtianged.
«f thHr cdunael and
t* not oaly s befier c
be accupiad was mnoolber and I raniiii.rr and lau< .v haather. MorebaB:
that most eminert lawyer*, had been
Msety BXIMst* TS B* Hsaesd.
««»i«T chau
Utah that
lhai upem
um which the
tha lattB >i ^de* are
ore taaoed
tanned tUao
than iu
in aoyatbtg
anyotba plaea
engaced in tbe case. The ebarre* of
Chlcako. Jan »,-The ca*.- .if Chris
was walking. Tbiaking it to V oaly i to this enntry. Cordovan Tamps ata
bribery were made by Hepreseniative Merry, and Jam«e Smith a1ll go tp the
OtI*. and the reeolBUesi In the libuae Jury today Merry- expect* no Inert >. opposita bus been tbe i»sk I am not at urdiBsiy pc^teaesA he changed fm i the product Chrome taiumd side lor bi-was adupled b>'
Cfly-feur aArina- Smith doe*. -Ths Jury will hane me." all-in symphtbT '^•b *“7 systtuu of «d- tbe left to tbe right ^ Tbea V no-1 eyaie hbne* ia made aad the maxmfaetive vote* a majorli}- of a quorum only. Merry'rei«»*U-d many lime* j.-seerday. acalitm which takes cbildreu far away ticed Ibsi tv imtablto whom they met! lare cif tougaron mod kangaroo kid is
There aiv W» mertber* and any mea*-. He made prarllrally n» defense, and troth Mturv. Naiure i* a book, a gnat minted tbe priM with prcdoaad re- ‘ an importam tutecast. AH kiada eft bag
ure requlrins the expenditure of money was dsaf to all tbe arguirmt* of his libtary rt booka, wbase antborahip is speet. bat stand at him as if they war* i and book leather are prodoood. Tbe
requires fifty-Dve affirmative vote*, or attorwra. He said repeaisitly: "1 don't tba Eufintte. Our little werks, our libra very much snrprlsed and woodered who I taaoers an Mid to grt mote mccr^y oat
a majortt/of all As tbe house «.mwho killed Polly. 1 did not see ries. vast and vmloable a* they ata. t-au- he was. lo a ebort time tbe priaee mid, I oft a hide «hsn anywhere else. Tbree
siltiee <-atK>l employ a stenoifraiiber or
L\w never w«a her—stmv be^ not b* oompaferi with it. Tb^are^ *' Did yon observe that after yoa changed uil aaucliiDee loor spliU are Bade and
do anythinc else causing' the expendi
«'ej«* PWday ktierpoom BMiacrlpta at beat of tba tboagbts id to my right side the peo|de whom we! flaisbrd. It it estimated that A16 la
ture of money. It is unable
jKov. U." Hot he'anuM
Bta looked at yoa in gnat sarprisu.'"
' - ------■
tiflo Ameritsa.
*'Yca," was tbearrfailect's reply, and
The Senate, by t
"" "
ler. Are«Jat*«.
tboi be ezplaiiwd why be bad ebaagsd
- Mlgh Pisssasi Msam MsUse.
Boston. Jsn. ».-The, third day of the
A Btegm builev oarryii^ a presnre cd
TMal body has thlrl.v-tlx members and Strikeeln the Ne» Rnglahd cotlcn and
"Ah, yes. Just so.” laugbad the
IS* *b4 resesbsg as IB a ■'
rrw yv Wayae- OrwsS tsiSSs DsttaU aai
Is a He pomfeaUy. By Borke votin* in
AOOO pcmntls per aqnars is^h wag showa priooe. "Well. Iwill explain why-they Mr.pawhm.
ths affirmal'.ve the resolution «ws
Those w ho wetv at fhsl at the Htnrkbolm eibibition by Mr. Da looked so bitently^t you. Itit aruleof
arrtvs.«IIeea •
PATCHIN & CROTSER, taarosatl *. w.
adopted-]!, to IT. These reodollons | inrllaed to bellex-e that either IV I .aval, the ismticrof tbe well known tbe t-iomas court *»»*« tbe persuw of tbe
wars offered In both boffie* on the day t mriksv* or mill
ner* would hold oat fiwim turtiine aud tVocnirifngal cream
of Harina'v ele«-ilon. They were offeesd |
, {..*
have now eome to the.
baVside. AU tbe peoplewhamwe met
before any ballot* were taken, and I
lUat tbe matter has s. tiled
were i-xpcv-ted to i a use-a deadlock oi |
^ (r.n( nf endursm-e. There kr« beiiig Rietvly a kaig coociutric spiral IcMw me. tat wbeo tbey bw ^ <m
a l-sprcstemrtii of the election... It is l^o slgr* of e.ioeea*l->n by either side. . tbbe. l<«s than ah ihcb is diamajer. mv right bend tbey supp^ yoa to be
tbrosgh which tbe waiff is pamiul, cs- a^Ug Bod wemdered who yoa ooold
not deolod that th# house ha* JnriadlcBCSIKSSS CARDS.
tupiuf as Keam at tbe end. where it is ta:’tlon, but attorttey* have told the iritLouis. -5an.
tn f»ply to the used to pgripW a swwm Inrlnoc. Tbe r' Tba^guest promptly got back oc the
nsoses that the senate has no Jarltdlelh.H -•00 thpl they need not rvt*lj’ » chtHen«e Issued Tuesdsy b> Jay Bvon. writer supply U aaMgnatfcsIlTrvgaUnvl left aide..:^dgaDd Eads.
the champion lndo..r bicycle rider.i.lTer- by the detnand-ftir Ream, as-is alsi. tht
I in* to ride against anyl-wly in ibo
iworld a telegral* wa» received by Rat air supply In ihe furnace. XotbwiibTo peeveal bof cbolrea or ewinv
•tasdiiig tbe extremely high prsmirv,
Ir Go. B
Bat the WHaesam Have Oaly On* Be^- on last night from J. W Morgan, the tbe builtr is beUered to be a very mfe plague
mahage yw hogs »s to I**im
ReWe>4 Is the T—-constructioD <ai aocnnni of tbe smisU vctii ttom txnuiug ia contact with other
The mem) ers of tbe house Inrestigat- newspaper in match B ride with Baton.' diameter nf the pipe abd of tbe fsA bugs, taap thfun from aU sraW mve
larvommlltee were present on lovltathat if au < xplusltai should take placv it tbst from deep wells, protect them fraa
PMmCS My Fssnd la the Aivsr.
Uon last nlgbt and they were requested
visiu of stnngen end dog* and before
Bt. lymls. Jan- B.-A dssd- body. would Involve onl.v a small portica of
ta ask questions, but none of them
as that of Fkther WHUam tbe Irtigifa of tbe pi|ie and asmail quau evt^ aach bo^ ,____ _led ia a a
took .any part. Judke Rol*rl*on. who Identined
tbonsn c'athollc priest tity of water.—Enginwwitig News
has sen-.d with dlstlncllonon the l.«nrh | from mm ,Hill. Ko- *as taken from
cd pea to itsaKelor BO days It gewt
at Clncinnsti. Is a member of the senate tbe ttver yroierday. The body was t-Ud
cure be axtreised -la these particulars, ■pkreroscam. u*
cunmlliee and Is prosecutor. Be wore In a blaei^ch suit. The ^unr- think
three diseasB can oaly tasch yoar herd
Aniostaocrot oxideol irtmamoctatod
hlmsrtf out I
I the pr1»wl wa* thrown inle ihe fiver with bacteria •mrritig m a large wwle by iceaas of bamards sr tbe air—the
leas likely of all meaaa
1ms UvB lon«igai<d by Pnfemur ManIf tbe disreae otiioe finds lodgmeat ia
aba Mivciahi. who bolds tba chair of
the hertk-^piomptly bum every dead
______ ___ _
MIIw aukee. JanV Se.-TJie fAfly Mar.
SDimal aad dlRoftrt and remove tbe
nesse*. l>u( to no av-alL After Ihv fou-| calves of tbe WorM *111 bold It* aurepbrating them into email
otbnr* tojk Ibelr tarn* Srnat.g Osrflcld j nual coaventK-n In this Hly this aff-r- glhOBs mod frtim the Vt sprioK* of, well ixit*. ?
the rtek mire ia the old
would <lo*r i-arli .examination hy ssk-'nooa. Ab.-i'l ion drl-eatr* are exi-ecied Ikan. -^i* mad rtmsvrsnitirely of tacr]
lug -I* >ou diellne to *ns»-«i qu<-*-[to^ In attentUn.-.-,
tens The bacteriasi-emtoreeemble the I ,,
,,y use perm, w botlc.ns-he-aosi; your Bltorney* My tni*4_y
Lepinthrix txhtaeaacf Kuta tat faithet i
mlrviDor* oovgu. AmwMrv
eommkt~ ha* no juriislU Hon te this i
----------- -------------caai.-vnil havr #o advised you." The.
reply was m the affirmative, and ih, I
AmMM BsMb.
onBwotasea s
Wltiie« wax Bxcti-ed
j Bjdloar vredge brick* were »ied by
IS ere that
Ka.-h witoese w-a# toM that b- »”}
Bomane f-:r coosirocting areh.-s g| made with liv.irocbl.iric acid
about tM lb money, two cold aatrhM
and aome jewelry, after which tber
tied to the kitchen and cooked
tbemaelve* a breakfast. •
A«ee eaUns a hearty meal they de
parted. leavlnx tbe family atlil hound.
About an hour Jaier one of the -family
snrreeded In (eltltv free'aud Ka«« tbO'
alarm. It was aecertained that the rob
ber* had MAea a hand car on the Lake
Rrte and Westenrraad. Bloodboaode
were acut from this city, hut when
they arrived there the trail «-** too old
and the hounds were unable to follow
it Micieaafull}’.
firud liplii ft lifiut R. R
Chicago^ “-iv—
West Michigan.
.ill, b.
.. w
,»“ ;XeS;.‘r w ^ w«.. i vu—...
,w ,
of irou is Dig deposiceit un the walU ol
, ing to Tbs
soonei 4f called for. Amunc fbe case*
the oells. bat is Bore or Ire* intimately
■ ■ Dalioi:.
~ ' !. who
"u- was
------------------------------------------- —- —
cited Isjlhai jit Daniel
i-d with them. Nu othwi m
In ittfttp bPlngf<..)ged tally
>• iftances
I stance* with
wit; flat briek arcbca. sod a*
abret* iwt.ifv a legislaiive cramiti-e. ' tb«*.w(iald have fslleu ih by ihftir own
DalHrn refused and waahjrougw before w,n:hi if onnuroctrd in ths, urdintry
tb. boo*, lor comsmpC Hation was nuuucr: hollow Tounnirs w<ft^ mulded
auhfwvns'ed to prDdugVsaWlc rssv.^
^ g^tqyUndriral proj^t^ off
csusly. and ^
last .
a sewi'-yliodpital
cavity tooarmpoud Oh tbeotba^ Tbe
O. .ibi .pi»ob at . a>im*«.iOT.n
woe al-'Ut <«e font long from
irtlal report 1
• a i«r
mlitee sill 1
tea ioebes wide
e luday a llvel:
aadtbetvotsof theaneodanUL Wtaito- FY
wash end crude carttoUc acid are taBp O. IJ^atoi'and g'ud dieinfectauta—Ur. W. £.
Niles of loaa Lx|s-n&>etit tRatioa.
Assoc Stsssi re* WHadlsc Orels
J. A. PewetB reoKitJy disugmed and
secured two BfMt perfect. prehlstBic
ga,aa-„i.ui~ HaaOt
sS- -f; ^15
IS 75
Tsej tee
... ... bunlsb the witnesses for eon-laud ajparm.Uyaf fire banil ordinary
tempt and to give the investigator* ftaU | £i,y
* I
tbecartciu !• tssid on ___ ,___ _
A Satveat P-r CellaMd.
[ eoending the,
la- juijsta
■ Th. o jamltlee was In executive aev
u_. four leddcre plaopd M
ad<H>te4 by
torvah fromtbebamtotbetopoft Ibeicvrory. *are*K«o*U. eWAJ
I p. oia
'wlon from »
foroorTviugawity ibetk, .
.t k-otTWiyRowly
castle, ,
e iutaaoe
distaaoe oft 100
tOO toei.
feet. The met
-- . ^
inawire A K,
, *!opniM!*opi ihit la l.OBO el is aboai t fret low. by 1«
matt.-r iwk to ib< aensie and ask for : ,j]„„
.THtjug them into shredi and .............. ci..«:xtu by IJgbtniag d.B wide, is rf blae flraaito sad muR b.re
further insiru.-Hons and powsc.
| suakiog tbtuj in alcohol. WbeaswcUcd cbotcbiseiui i .Siaillstavebeenstmek. been nsed fer years, si tbe
. ImsMssIOtsIW
and grown soft, as gelatin does iu oold while lb-tint hr .i Uctoty bUBDegrd down so that tba outer edges are isiTarwater, add ether, aud in a few miuutra luia tally bv.u U.ff.
al laobre blgbR Niaa the baRan of tbe
tbe liquid beoames flaid and of Che coogroova in whhft the smaUer etooa slid
a rou< us last night for the purpose eft aistency of landlage. ThU oeateat can
Cares hr a Davglas.
up aad down, tnebiag tbe giain. Tbe
homUiatinc * t'ntted Btale* aenalor :he applied to gtoeral as well as micro
E'mf'ssor Nmcanlel. tix a recemW ■tmilsr Rooq. at grinder, was touad
. The hell .>r reptescntallvsg-WBScrowdrd acopfto naus. but it mast not be used to. tars.r>lari<I tbe fi Ilnaing caeei'A maa near tbe larger.—AriaiMOac. Bl LobIs
aodgreai iniriFsi «** manifested. Ex- Duar the fire, for oellalold bams like had a puaryii^wl aleoeM, so deeply
Benator-Turlev. RepreaentatUU McMIlaiwted tirai bii ihedkal attcadant was
Un and O vernur Taylor were placed in ,
straid lo nmldh-nith it. One night e
nomination. The first ballot wasi Mcgeneral Omt seliber orenaUmatad
taigUr bruki’ into tbe boAe, mod on tbe
Mlllln.-S: Turley. 88: Taylcr. l». Seven
sick maii.oaUtug fig help tried to Uint- BordimmstedhiBseU. Aaaaaedote rebatloi* were taken without easentlal
(Ie blmr The alweew borR. delnging Uud by Mrs. Sbwwond tn ber "EpiRle A OOOD tAtM Im tfsOs a
changea and the caucas adjounied until
NlonlghL Forty-llv-e ,voi»* are ivquirrd
tbe targlar with ims sad renslng him to INjRfcmy" sets forth bis' dlspoRtion
to oomlBaie- Tbe last lalloi was tbe roll gin. no wvolnng mws bqiag
to bret e tepid retreat. Uis intended to amonl to otbem their dne and to
rbich oat Ihahbsr. tba aaed baing ftonad
rAKTBX-AtaU re ev eftMme as ths flrst.
TiatlB I'sporuBeed i^Mf and mads a clain Uttle for btBselL
Dt by a stTsping blade close lo the
la 1M6. Jwt after tbe olose of tbe
WB. Oenertl Otaat viMtoa West Polai,
wm de
bsvs caused a deadlock in tbe aenatorat
election because of their Taciiunal dls- clared to be worth 16>^ crau a powid
Alteogli the I
t oaiiBot rea4y Mis. titank
"We wem to Abe likeaiy,*' wrltae
.puu. tn the final baltot yesterday H<- ggaiaat 6 oenu a pound when nut bear tba aouad it oaa readily ImI wy
KraSberwood. "Xke rxaminaticai was
Comas ted with M for the Hepubneana tfaruagfa tbe oM Ryle gin.
acUuui are cd- goteg on. aad PreftMeor Bartlett M» tbe -TraMLOOX UMBBiat^a^'si Haw MB
while 0.irmsn had H Oemocratlc votes.
Fustmastex .tieneral OaiT U talked oft
rooB, oomi^ back with Grant oa his
tbal tu bearing ieeoiyaoata. In r^ard BIB. TbeiatfBecestaeetoraeaftveblBi.
as a dark horse. ___________
A reoeotly pahllshied report oft iBveb
tigatioQS at the affeots of ttAmoCD dor* to aaditory otBans tba Bake ranks-low I Atsk poor Oenoat Otaat acarly sank
Bt of aU tke memben oft the great class
Krn- York. Jsn. »■—AtlWHlf th* paa- tag the apldemto of obiden at HiRi- of repttUa. It Is do* oaly dealtata of tbioBgk tbe floor. Bewinoed asbeasr.
/ sssasesrewm^rererew#, rejBaeair eemre
jangrr* arriving on tbe Hamburg- taq sMtas Ctat tbM w«e ao live b1‘
kr ted dsM to toe (are oft tbe fMi^.
ABencan lloer Furm BMaarabraaCbr- orohMeftBr 14 iBBeiothe oivn Bade aa BglenBl ear. tat aim lacdn tbe cym"•TSMBdMWIed profcBBa iWag ..
n. B ear dram, wbldi ia otbet
day wereClittoaR-B
Bp with wmtw ooBtaialng 1.M0.MI0
AowbeMrl Wi^. I fRt toe«n«M Mr>
okolBa BiBotM^^oSlo csntlBehr aritawi Newa
“■Kk—Money to Loan
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