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The Morning Record, May 05, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
nm Ye^—No 314
ICoba *X>ectro7«d HnlTroad Property and Bnldeaoee—II
Two Conte,
Decorate! Decorate! Decorate!
'WMbiortra. tiUr 4—The Preeideet I
W eppolDted CepL P. II. BUm. Ute Kartial Law for Key Waat-Amerioaae Said t« Be Is Spanlah X«. .
B<Uui7 etu-.be et Medrid. U
plap WiU Ba ArrmUd.
eeomtwlerj depertawt wlU
aperl&J Up Ta« Mub<i»p Kamaa.
tial I<aw In Madrid Oanaes Menaoing
WbehtarUB. Map 4—Tke dUpeuh
bpei McCalleeb be* arrived at Hln bap
Tbe Briilth emUer lamortaliu baa
iUrted forMaaQa baariaf eommnai.
eatioDi U Aduiial Dewep.
Oonmodore Dewey’s Report Becelred In Washington Testerday—It Ooatsins Complete Detail of Battle of
LoDdee. Map 4-U U reparted bare
that the Spaalah Cape Verde fleet baa
retoraad to jela the CAdlr aqaadreo.
New York. Hap 4.—A Special froa
KepWaataapa; --Rap West will probablp U plaoad sader eurtial law ea
rridap aad tbe miUUrp aetbarlllea'
trat aup will bt to arieal a baU dosaa
knawa u ba is Spasisb ea-
- We have just received a large stock of the Caban
flags. Bay them at once.
230 Front Street
EoUey ft OonnshlB
BaUread OommiaBieBar WaMalioa
! WaabtsfUD. Map
Haa. Leakad AfterOaaa Straat
Is called a team, but what
: I^alep tadap somlaated a loof Hat of
wouldn t look well in print.
Ooetaeta of Baport Hap t>e Oiees to tba PubUe Todap-Praaidaat Solo au},r
Citp Clerli Riekeid received peetarMtaa Stewail With AmmosiUos asd Coal for War Furyoaaa Ha TYoltad' aad other armp oSeen but
day afuraooB a eapp of aa o-der fivia
Bay Base Ball Goods at
BUtia ACTreaaiva Move af Vavy zrvpartmcat Isdicataa Bif Haval Bat-! Hichifao.
SUM Bailroad UommiMiaDer Weaaelisi
I euwpelliap tba C. A Vt. M. By. to place <
tU Withia Two or TbM Dapa Batwaas ripisg Squadros. Horth Atlaattc
Waahlartoa. Map 4-Orowlor eon-1 a flaropa at the Cate atreat eroaaiar. HarkhaiD BlOCt
yiaot aad Spais's B« Warshipa.
plaiaU to the booae of repraaaautiveo ^
Y a^ n»_U 7 p. ■. dallp. Soadape ^
Madrid. Map 4.-|SpaeUl|—It U believed tbe :
•at la lastiaesL EioU bave.Mcarred atTalavara.* Tbe raUroad aUtioB waa
. ^
w_. u
I wlthfb uo dap*.
i.urv.n* ted have reached U. WhlU|
•alaad. ean bnrsed.aad aaveral bouaca aet oo Are. Martial law declared Ikrostli'
is tbe dtp.
«st tba provitice of Valeaeia asd farther dUtarbaace is repwled.
asd Ue actios of the railroad eommiaLaados. May 4.—]SpaeUI.|-Tbt SpaaUb capital was ts the basda af a mad
aloeer will be mocb appreelatad bp Ua
nob laat atrht.
prooeedisr »• die U Ue actios
UtawidUarSeaarSacaaUhaafled forbUIife. aadltia balioved that ha Baa Mo Coal asd ld^w*fity^o® *« 1
SbortiaBsr Ore*
fo Udlv iB ^ BriUab embawp.'
Bit da Jaaairs Taa^j^p.
The polioe are poweriaae aad tbe wildaet ooDfoaioo prevalU.
i'rice A Northrop, ^proprietors of Ue
BpeeltltoTai aossissBaruBB.
Madrid U wUdIp excited todap aad tbe preaaat ceveramoat la aald
Amaricaa Steam Lassdrp. will
isrUB. Map 4—The navpde- j
‘ tattariaf. There have bees bread riota at Talavarm.
.t bu raeelved a oablerram
* aeliver, wacoo
' ManiiaBay Witb Listof the Victima.
the team calls the umpire
cui. u...
..a U..ITJL"* T“
liaittY i DOZEN
OffsTMl EAwaii With All Its Wsr SappUes.
Platu. Argsatiac. asd sot at Blade
The ratrslar isoaUIp meetisr of Ua
Waablsrus. Hap 5.-f8pecUl.l-Prealdaat Dole baa aSeiad to traaafe^ tbe Jpaairo aa reported Ula moralar. D She
I'amas’s Cemetery laprovsi
Bawallaa laluda to tbe nsitad Sttlaa. tofetbar with all tbaire^, am
baa so aoal asd U twastpHUa bus______________
___ ia
will be held this afUraooe
aad anppllaa for war psrpeiu.
•bort. It U expected that she cas aslp
Ladie*- Library parlon,”sTs;30.
Admind Deweyte Report is Here.
,' Ue eommar's work will be disesesad
Jaseiro. where It will be impeasibl
I. Map 4.—|Speeiai.|—Tbe report fzam Admiral Dewep iaai
ret more coal. The dspartmeat has
the haads of Ua aaval aotbenUea. It is a loac doesrneat. baaidea beinr Sritaa ferUer fear of that vessel. The I
tes ia saval cipher. It CMtaiaa a camplcu lUt af the killed aad wobbM-4»
''Orccos 'leti Rle de Jaaerie tor Ue j
Ue asfaremest la Maalla bap. Isformatiod comm from a reUaWe aontee tk^
tka departmest U withholdlsy tke report frem the presa bacasse #f the dcai^ aarU Uls monlsrto foraUb the foil detalla U tbe reiativet of the mas killed asd wosadad. It
will ba remewbered that afur the Maise diaaiUr taora thas 74 boon wara re
paired ta aaearUla the aaaae af the nearest relativaa of tbe aes. Tbe ealy
reeevdakept are the ladividoal auawr papers of tba aeseerapcalsr tbe erewa
of the vesaels of the save.
Tba departsMat will make the report public at qnlck aa possible.
Tbe two veeaals iejored were tbs rsveSDe cetton HoCalleeb asd Petrel.'
Washiactas, Hap 4.—(Special |-At 4:au Saereurp Loaf left tba aavy dapartmeat for tbe dap. Be tUUd that tbe delay ia bearisf from Admiral
Dewep probably aroae ffOB the fact that the HeCslIacb bad arrived U tbe
sirbt asd aoeborad farty mllea from Bosff Konr. which wanld have U> be
reacked bp asiaU boaU
Wasbiartos. Hap S.—(bpacia1.|-U Urivsi ont Uut Dewey'a report will
Bot ba isada pablie osUl tomorrow, wboa tbe i IdreeMi aad Ibt of Ue kUlad
aad woosded will ba aaearuiaad.
The Citp af Pekla af Baa FraBciaeo baa baaa charured ta briar
Dawap> wosadad. also to carrp a load af mllltarp atorea asd 1.000 troopa. '
It la believed bare that a rraat battle wUl earalp be fa^bt ia Wmt Isdia
waters wltklp fartp-alfbtAosrs.
Kasy Live* Xoatis naatroetloa of
Armoor’a 01»a PacUry ta Chlcaro j
Cbieara. May 4—A •eroa fire brakes
ost is Ue foor-etery maim boildtar df :
Armomr rise warka, eorser af'
Thirty-first aad Basaoo streeu. It U
reported that aa ezploaioa killed asd |
Isjarad eight or ^s peraasa.
200 pairs Ladies’ Fine Kid
t V. Thorapaos’a Loss at SooU
Boardmas ia About B18.O00.
Fife Uke. Mich.. May 4-B. X ;„,
Tbo.paa.-i Broom Basdie A Woods. [ Biack an<^ Tan. pointed toes.
Bowl factory at Sooth Boardmas <
6ne fitters, good
Hardware. 146 Front St.
If you
going to nuke garden do ndt fkll to aee o
complete atock of Flower, Garden and Field
imm V,
•' “Wi—•
no 80..1-0. „„
i r.wo,«xi. p..-™wr ,..—1.
on now.. r_.W‘r
“ “'“'o!-bf™ w.wn_ ti.
i.d. i
u b-n
r~> l~ .. tb, sp...: r.«: .1 ih. r-.bor w._ b«..rh, i.,;s-r."—r-
. Prsita, Ptoo
freak aad eleoA.
. etva
Urribla havoc and scatUring dead bod- BattmaW Shows That $161,000,000;
Will ba Baqaiiwd.
. iea ia every dlrectiaD.
Tbe oBBber killed Is uakBOWB, but S|x-ia] u, Tn Muaaisi. Biux>ai>.
•aas of tba WilmiugUo Brongbt
tVskbiugUa. May 4—.SecreUry Aiger
Us officers af boU beau believe ilut
Buddan aad Tan^bia DaaU M
there were at least 7txi dead badiea laft \ baa aeot copgraas aaeatimau of
fer Ua army. |
800 of Them.
on Us
^ w_n n., i.-Tk,.
me a calL
Regular S2 Shoes
iarda. kUIlag TOO or »90 of Uem.
[ to play aad la a half a, dob-a sbou Ue
The Wllaiiagua waa erulalag wiUln j Doaa; batteriea were^at
two milas of Ue ahore Urea imilea west j The guaaera retreated U tbe oadar«f Havana. aceoDpaniad by tfie torpeda bras
LCk in Ue bills.
boat Brlcason.aad while off Ue batUry
The uoublf at Saatago de Cabae
af Oojima, a big traop at Ua Spanish liDuek aad Ue laaargeau are ia poaaavalry was sees riding from Ua bills eaaaioB of Ue eastern portioB of Cabs.
down to Ua waUr'a edge. The bfaapoun XAdOB Om&ALB
SOB, Which waa fortber ia Uere. air
•sled Us appraack ed Us aaldien
Of Which Flu Hugh Laa ia Ua Meat
tbe WilmiagtM.
The atarbaard batteries and ooe aad Bpaetal U Tai Meaxtse Rsnosn
BBhlBgtBO, Hay 4.—All Ua :
twa^ond guna were brought to bear
«■ ^ Bpaalards who were baddled U- InaUma of mayar generate eanfii
gMBarac tbe abet*. kraadMdag Ueir by Ua aaoafio Mwto Lea. Wbe
awaida aad firing riflsa at tba Utpa. to- WUasB aad SawaU.
A teat voU la Uaaaaata today ahawa
mq}arity of Urea la fovor of Ue laBaddealy Ua Wilmlngtaa let go two
■bats ia rapid aaocaaMaa. JpU laadad
8aw» Pole WUl Oa Xoma.
Iba fliai abot ima ap Ua aaad fittaqti/ aadar tbe feat af'Ua botam.
^lUagmsay uea and aaimaU. Iba dar Pola-a ataS la gradimlly balag resaeaaA whiek was a iovlaek gun. daaaA It la probable Ua ooaat Um•tradk dltaattg iMa tba«nap. anatiag aaU wOl «mTa at BM for MadrU.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Hoo^e
Wheel*Enanieled ForS2.5D
muiBlfVii gpLosioii. i
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
THE LADIES. in the city, at >
bsraed early laat eaesiag. Tbe arigia i
of the fire iasaksowa. The factory
BampBon’B Fleet to Join Flying Squadron.
bad aot been rasBlsg for aeveral days
WaabtsgUs. May 4.—(SpeeiaLI—It U learaed from abeolutely reliable I asd
D was up. Tbe loss l»
sosreee Uat Captaia Bampetm’s priaeip^ veaseU which coaled at Key[»lS.ooo. partly covered by insorasee.
tVest yeaUrday. ata^ for Ferto Bioo today wiU lastrscUoas ta asBihilatelTtaa plast was sew. having baaa fin-1
tba SpaaiU fiaat bafars iBvadlsg Csba. His fleet haa sailed from Barasa. asd | Uhad last fall It was Ua flaaat plast ^
it b ballavad Uat UM ia preliataWy to aaoUar aaval aagagamasL Afur tbe | of iu kiod la Us auu aad e.ployed |
floei baa made a JaacUos WiU Ue fipisg aqsadroa. sisall Uipa will eoaUsua ’ fifty .cs. It will set be rebsilt.
Ue blockade of Havaaa
At 36c, eoc, 75c, $1.00, $1.35, $1.50,
up to $2.50.' Handsome styles, and ^annente that
fit perfectly. .May we show you onr offerings?
In package or balk.
^ Proat Street.
The Popular Shoe House.
OaUolie CalabrsUOB at Vorfolk.
Norfolk. May 4,-No: since Ue lay-j
lag of Us eornar sUoe of Sv Patrick's |
OaUedral in 18S». has a cal
amoag Ua Bomaa CaUoliea beaa equal
ta Ua eaa bagna taday ta aelsbrmU
Bemember I have s fall line of
Ua tweaty-ftfU aaalveraary of Arch- cle tlaiUri^ snd Bepalra. 1 ste<
plenty af workmen to do yoor work
btebop Corrigan's elevation ta Ue epte- promntly. I gusjantee sli vrark to be
e^ta. Papal OalegaU Arckbiabap the -best ead Ue leweet in price. 1
MartinaUl is praaant..
Eaamelii; and Decorating
in the latest Stjles.
Washlagtoa. Mar 4—EtopresentatiTs
Brazing bf_^l kinds. Uraavnleantead.
Mawlaada (Nav.) Intredaead a joint made
aa good as saw. Tba cals ap-tontlaa today providing for Ua an- dau shop ia tba city. All work goard togivamtiafaetidBarBoUarfa.
ntlon af BawaU.
ite^d M assy paymenU. BleyMight Hava Bean Warea.
atreat, aaar FrcMU
WbUa Mtea Frmaoai OreiUek waa
driving along Frost stzoat yaetarday
aftarMoe. hwbaraabaeaaaa trightanad
at tba flying baasera in frant of Ua
antUa aampaayb atara. and backed
natil Ua baggy waa overtarnaA LaUUy Hta Orril^ waa not Injured. Fred
Pratt ntOiiindUahceea
N. E. GIBBS. Propr.
IQinballfiaBos and Drgais
at Faetanr Prices.
Which axoete al proeUns eSarU. Bvaryaae knows what a apaeial mlA
./ u.
it maaaa Uat ws have markad down eloUlng. wblU
o^aally was boaght asd sold at prices below maaalaetnrad oeaL
Qaan. aew. wril mads sad raliable OaUing. Valaa gaaranued or
moaev rataoded. How do wa do it? We mm oorOr eeaviaea voo. lotv^na^
exsaaiaa Us 'oUawing prlem. Uaa eoma. aad ww-tot
Men’s basiness saits, sold everywhere for #A
$4.25. oar price it...................................
Men’s Uoioo cassimere sait, retaileGsit $5
everywhere, oar price is.................... .\....
We give yon your choice of a
dOses ft J- ftft
styles of all wool suits worth $8, for.,.... vArtuO
See onr special, all wool, clay worsted suits
Other bargains to* nnmerpns to mention.
Call early at
Front Stepet.
Ase at.
*Tjne kosinjro RBOOBD. THITBSDAT, KAY 6. ii9>.
vn KosxriHo
«ao». T. Bam axt> S. W. BAMna.
' s. W. BAXxn. Edit<ir ud Mamcot.
. . ...
Ib-BwtU. BokAld:
JOB ore coiled to tbo
dot7 u did tka vcMraw baold* jeo. oiw»7« roBemberiAK tbot TOO ora AnericAB eltiMBA. ficbtiag lor Old Qlarr.
tba proadwl bo^ar of tha praadaat '
•alioaoD eortb.”
Ez-Mo7or B. C. Darii poTa oa bU
erotrol Ihoocbt -Nol eor<ja«al. bnl
Cheap^et and most reltabl* plac« to eet yoar bic^clr reiaired and
put in go^ ninninB order. Haro bad aereral yeara t-iperieoce and
know hoar it should bo done. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 am selling
; bicycle anndries at abont coat. Sew and aocond band wbeola for aale
cnirltj aad IraoroBca M oootroatad
with AaerieoaiaWlliceaee oad C>riaenad PMde of TotoroM ood Tooof
tiaiit^Abd propbaaxed a apaedy osd
OltiaOA Boldloro—Citjr OpormB'
ictbriODt andiaf of tbe alrifA
Poekod to tb* Deon-BUqDcnt oad
RearJ C. Car»andalichtad tbe onPorroot Addr*oo«o ood ‘ Olowia* lieaa with o breeiy Ulk. followed by
TributM to tb« BoBOAb Eiflao—
eoto which'woa (all of iaapintioB
Bob. P»iiy HosBoli'a
ood fire, the worda bclDr bU ewo
far to TroTaiaa eity'a Boya in Bloa. ^odaptaiioB. Tbia waa'rechired with
AXmbTcWa C.o\ie.TS.
Vu\ ott «Ytt^
0^ bVV qraAtb.
•213 Front St.
Fletcher's 0|stei Depot ud Restaeriii.
--------- Twl«X>3Si
.7-.11 -.....
they bronybt alany a bAodaome rock-,
I as ready as the boys of todsy.
tayehalr.a.ileerBeati fork
f.rk and a
r,,. n.-Cocblia yase a splendid talk . I-.;.. 3..
adayatar forka which they praaaaiad wiu flag.andbc.tlay aada caaaon from the suadpoi.t of the ^.«ter,
;--------------tolbA Barry in behalf of Ue hire as a
- con-ludiny deoiariay Uat Uod has sent------------tbe stage gave a hint of grave reall.
heatiaonial of Ue eataem ia which
us aa a nation to set all tnra fme.
tlulr friend to held and as a antaUatlal tiaa nnderlyiag U( eatbusiasm and
taeoyaltion of;Ue eaeryy'displayed fever of tbe war spirit which permeat-1
pad Ua iaUreat maailaatad ia Ua
call ta pautoliaa HeaaidUal if we
woi^ef Un L. U. T. U. Tba ladlea Ue hallway before Ue doom ware' should prove recreaat U anr
^eata daliybtfnl afteraooa and Uay opened war aoags were auag with a light well expect that our ancestors, Attention is what 1 give U ^per hang
«ad MfA Barry Uaronybly enjoyed via, aa iapreaptu featum of Us wbo fonyht and died for freedom^a ing. That's why I waal to hang yonr
aveaing which was aone Ueleoae^
cansc wonld rise from their graves to paper. U will be a aaliafactory deal
jeyable and appreciated.
take onr placnn la the lAttle'a van.
for both of ua
While Ue ball waa fllliny Ue speak
Thu prograa was inu-rsperaad with
ers af the evnniay aad Ue city conncil
natriotic aonga by the audience under
BaratAl Oood PeopleBFfaa How Biaaw eaa. upon Ue nUy. Hon. Pnrry Han-:
Dpp. EegleJ-Hflce.'i
of Dr J. A. bnyder, li: Freni Sl.
atb.UegwlfaUeraf Ue Hannah Si'[
t? » J,
Them to a Binyela Ordtoasoe.
fiteSias acting aa accemflsa.
Tbe enforeeaeat of Ue Ucycla ardipsaial and ia ceaclusioa all joined
, !». 1»,..-U. . ....rne. ..
-u ...... kj- ih. heartily '-Aaerica."
.1 „.»„. .iU™ ... ...
.1 ,-W.U.
Tbe speeches ef Us evening were
ta»;)i.r ean.teatify.
I).p.ty .i» th.1 broi»k. .p-i-lJ »e»ori» of interrupted every few iDomenla by
a^ool teacher
Ue days long gone by and roused the
• Bbariff Marvin baa beea patrelliagr Ue
TOnriu- i
burst* of appiaose aad tbe
I ue i Unaiaam of everyone
•Meta where riding wheeli
'spirit of patriotism dwelling in Un
walks to prohibited and yesterday a, aioD Rev. .I.A. Bready iavuked lliviue , heart of every resident ef Traverae
, bleaing.
—Bateh of violators of" Ue
City was never more plainly shown
a. T. Betas, ebairaan af Ur
were required to appear befere Jndge
Usd daring Un enthusiag program.
«.k«U.,b.l»p.....k...Ul.p..llkS .pok. kr,,..v .1 U..
»pk. Tk». ,k. w.„ », ..»p.i».- wkkb »... Ih. ....... po».W.. .k.
ip P.prl.»k.»l
C, K.
T. I Ik.™..-. - *k. kr.' .k»k„
Lim,. C. ». V»l.,. will EUl... Bkrk.j
Bi>. r-rr, H..».h. »h.
Ak.n»>.. J.k.*Un..i ... «l» •“ «i"« “ .™u..
kn" k.
Tk. p.li/..p.r.»..ll“l'—Vk»-~>l.t«'.lfkl»....ta.
.ril...»|ok.lr.U.. .1 Ik. ..«.(!.» -hi.h
S .tH.llj.k~r... ...
».r. ».k« p».lkl. th. m..
1.. Ir^
~.l.ll..I..lk...p.rI..~.(U....W- ■'•U.
-k« Ik..
Hanaah Rifles were oryaaiz^ad some!____ ALSTEB
yearn ago. that they would be
>n call^ upon to help flyhl Us{
nation's battluA They may be in-j
X>r. B. B. Oanier Has Pnrehaaed Tal- vlied to ye to Ue front and Uey will,
oable Property on BiyhU fitreM. ‘ walk np boldly and face the atuic. I
Sapported by
Yeeterdsy Dr. Uaraer purchased ef VTe have got to wipe fipala oS Ue
Mia Marie FViedrich Us fine lot oa weeumbeatophere." Ia eooeltisiaD he I
Bast BigbU klreel. east of Ue mai- aalili •Hannah Eiflto. yen wanted an |
ef A. V. Friedrich. Tha property abject far which to drill. Now you “
is flaaly located aaiJiaB aeveaty feet have it. It will be a yraad expprience.
fiAAUya. Dr. Hamer to prepariay w and you wlU ba a anceeas. If yon _gt
arce* a haadaome residence upon Ue to Ue front 1 will place 81.OU0 in Ue
let, which will make anotker valuable bank to your credit, and trust It aay
And attractive addition u Ue aUer ba a help if yen ceae to any sharp cor.
dwelUags os the struct.
Hto speech waa greeted wlU cheers,
and it wa* same Ume befom Un apPtaak Baalltoa rettumed from planse died down aufficiaatlj to permit
tbe introdneiio^ of the next apcAker.
C. A. HsmaoBd tosUadily improving Jndge Loren Roberto, who looked every
from hU reoeat illnea. Be wae down inch a soldier as be rotarrad to Ue war
vivid in Ue memory ef many and
town for a abort time Toriorday.
gave words of eaeeniayement and lovIhy ehear to those who may iooo go to
Tbeboardof .
- fcrthor npon ptwpaaed oonrt hones engags in war for a holy eaaae.
Mayor W. W. flmiU eallad for threa
On Friday~4vemlag. aaeh lady parAeaia tor ••PlghOag Dewey aad Ua
rlT« wilhAaoavaair^aoA od tbe ■‘Malaa."
atazTEiid atripu. which
Baiatnorc Suck BMieed Three Tiaca a Woeb
■unta.' ^
fiOc per quart
jQst RecelYCd Spring Styles, Hew Designs
Hr referred to tie Hsmi
...med I »“«' praphesied that if in later yearn i D-*-. Mr. i.o.i.
"?aA.tTv\ ^d,\Ms\a.b\t
; July. ■ 34t,r,r»kc:
Uawbiph destroyed U. Spantob fleet |
c^huaf-i Kitles. 1. beh.lt .f the company “e
«ticdemoastraUonsofadmlrBlionand|P‘«*r*^ U tbe people of fraTerse Cay
July. :>ic; Septaa'interest
Ue snrTonndine country Ue loy-1 ber, “3 , -.c.
; July. 811.3U.
Lony befome Ue boar
hour appointed for ‘“f »»
oryanizatio. and spoke of : Fork-May, f 11
of Ue oryanizatio
Bur-iUnmeeUny -eyery seat in‘ Ue■ i.ryfe
l.ryfe ,
biediny all ole.
« Bay
IKambaiatif Tra<
d iCaniil-. May 4 -« heat, fl.l
Ihallwasoi^adexcepl'Uoee maere-; Frank Hamilton spoke feelicyly of •
ar Kambs
priaed a Popular
ed for UeU. A. R . Hannah Rifles and ' Ue yrand cause of universal brother.
List of Latter^
. hood which made snch a war a- this
YepMrdayaftnrQaonMrn JahD Barry'
^Unu and within five-ala-:
Bin Na 71. .L. O. T. M. There ware '
ELL18. S11 Front flt.. But.
’\3D^a^[\v^T Xe\»s.
Tire eery Bower of tbe AtaaricaB
■ary U Dow In aearcb of tbe SpoaUh
Wane and Blue." waa beartily apHoot aad a (rreat sea fiybt nay bd ex
with tbe
to hie bou«e OB 17.j.'ht kireet.
■ .'
's footed at as.v time. Tbe rletory of (tYTOa. ofBcca aad rcBideai
\OemBodore Dewey baa ioapired Ameri- Ba'lioaal colora
‘ i
•’ "
Krerybody was erlhoeed with the
Tcei.d«y «i*bt a
«aaa aritb abeolute rcUaoce opoo oar
I called in Trarerw
ahipa of war aad tba skill of onr cob- spirit of the patrio'.H-fhlly fc
The M. N S. p,rl» wi!! fire a select'
axf.), comparinr . • with the. preeeol
Banders. Bat the expected battle will
srty next Uenday aigblat Uortaaybs >
B acadeBy.
te .........» U»l t..rh« 1. u»;..».ub.o. w
ib»........ wo.ld
nnSpplaea. Tbe eaemy a reaaele are time for the atarlinf of the parade the
l-'re.l Kyrli. Jr. and hliaa Aaaa^
tbe very best in tbe Spanish nary, and i walhs on Kront street were Ihroared. *
K^iaber were married Toeaday afUr-!
anparior aad aore powertoJ than those ' The air was rest with the soul-slirriiif uB. IhjblT h.-lp mother
t St->‘r»nc=A church.
Beatroyad by Oawey. They will coo-1 maaic oL aational airs and eotbusiaaa
ibastaoB in bis ulk.but bruertil'
VufIc.Of Elk Rapids uailetl f'raak
.HU. U.. b-. WU-bL,.
i. .1, ...» ..
mptly at .:30 tbe rneuben of Hea la tbe world. In the An
baspeke feeltayly of bis Vby aad the i city. In aarriayr yeaurday
While liawey'B fleet per- ] fbereoe I’oel. No. 1'. <i A. R . formed
B Martin will cBodoct tbe
itotnod a wonderful feat and the ele-|on Front alroel near Cass and aooa af- boy% of other pareaU prwent who
bay was ona that will go down Into I Ur the Hannah Eiflea ntarcbedaat from miirht be called upon U die for the i pri*, coolest of tha W C. T. f. in the
i Urlboditt ebnreb Friday oirbt
Rteury amoag tbe braTcai and acatltbeir artery in full anifora abont caase of liberty.
p™. r T u».. (.»
Aartny daeda of naral warfara. the ' fifty sirony. Tbe line staa toon formed
declariny that there oerbawaa ■ '
‘•J Coeyreasmau Meaick U be poatMBtny battle will be flarcer pnd more ; with tbe eeurana at tbe head of the
AnauVctlre. bedanae of tba imaenae ' colaaa. led by Ue Beya’ Baad. Tae
•P'cucle than tbia: ••where* *_
aaaur at .S.iyfala in Ue place of W. N.
■osrar and capacity of tie eocioea of Haanab Biflea came aaxt. than tbe
tb^Uct a Kriley, recently reaered to this eity.
race toe weak to protect itaelf
Aaatb aad deaUwclien on both aidea.
The annual cireniar ot tbe Ne-afa-MSenaUr J. W. Milliken irsrc a breezy
Bdwerer there la no fear in American Cadeta
waoU reaort osaociation lor l»9r ban
Tbe Itae pf march was aa annenBeBd little Ulk eodiac with a faany sUry been to*aed. It is'a booklet ef twcaiyBnaata aa u the feaalui and it is bat
preriaosly. and wa% Baceaaarily abort that was particularly applicable U foar payes acd cqpuina fifteen fallthe praaeat siau ef tha fipaaisb aatioa.
08 acceant of tba 1ob( proyraB
Itrpresealatlee Vi._ U. Foater spoke paye half-tone pictures ef Ue boul.
risen is the City Opera HaU. When
eottayeu. driees. boat ooeaea. etc. of
the line paaaed Park Place'Y.ha air waa in rlowiny Urms of our war for hu- tbe reeort and iU sanwnndiaya.
declariny Uat Ueday' that
brUllanUy lUamlnated with red fire
Ue I’rasideat sifned Ue war proelamaIUt IV A. Frye left yeaUrday for,
rs in fipain hare planpod j
that nation inu a turmoU which
'.t other pelnu. All aloay tbe route tien will be kaewa Urodyta all tbe R^llalre. where be delieered bis iecwre;
•aae tbe fatore of tbe throne; aad |a-1
eeurana and yeanf soldier beys ayes aa Ue ••ladependeaec l>ay^' of on' Ue Hamaolb Care la>.t aiybt. Tonlybt be will speek at NerUport and
' were rreeted with applanae which In Coba.
' Friedrich yaee a fin* triboU
•w niybi be will yiee tbe
spired the tbronfa an tbe atr^eu as
spirit of fraurnity which to briny tindiny lecture in the liiyb School
Armada which to W aaBitaiiau Ue wall as tbe mareben with a more in- ’
bisUecioreCenrse at Elk Rapida
Aaariean nary, may be sank before tacae patriatlc oaUnslaaa. Arrlelny j
that m^iwaeat diaenrera lu real at U. City Opera Bonu Ue Uriay ‘-'T efU. world, aad railed out frw
Obicayo Karkat.
ymat Ual it wee beeeaaary for j
““ "I'™-**
tbaee who participated Id tbe oarade to,
Cbicayo. May t —Wheat—May.
' eater Ua boildiay Ureuyb tte rear eaP. C tJilbert elicited hearty applause July, v-r^e; Septeaber, »3-,c
* ®V
Pleaae giro ua.a trial.'
Frank Friedrich.
I Once More
Steinberg’s Grand.^
I Washington
E. B. Barbour,
^ Has invaded the ^and in tbe interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of those who intend getting
IA New Carpet Or a Floor Coveriog |
Theatre Co. yNew Specialties,
g:iisn3 V
We mention the fact that we offer the beet, (have the
largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better sat- -S
^ isfaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
yLet us convliice you.
ten. wne fetemc n
•peMb to tbc mvnt vote of Cummlnn
of Kew Tort la rapport of the war fevenue bill, wltb lU fneorporateil bond
feature. He made reference to Cum^
minaa' aaaerUon that thU peMod waa ^
lime for placin* countir above part>-.
iBUnallnc that tbe New York member
bad wrved the Republican party and
perhaps ceatrtbi
o the aatlefBCtlOD
of nnpairtoUc d
Change of Cowemment Some
thing in the PoMibilitiet To
Be Reckoned Wi^
nrmiAL qtuatiov
is bebioue
Don't Need
To Talk Back
n of Spain Seek to Find
Solace for the Manila
aome sarcaotlc commenli that tntenalBed the interest and called an out|>nurInc. of members from the cloak rooma
Clark of MlMourTeDtcred the llets and
proceeded to criticise unreecrvcdjy (he
elk Democrat* who had voi.-d for the
revenue bill on lu ilnal puease and
Cable to Maalta tmt aad Xolhlaa Beeelred Queatloned ibetr Democracy, magvrald of Uassacbuecita and klrAleer of
paleb Ua. Oera I
Pennsylvania, two other Democrats .who
Ited.for the bill, were heard in defense ,
ll> Captaie-Hlui
of their Voles anil In rvfulallon,,o.
of ...e,
(he |
•wa. bal ^br *,
Impuiailons of ihe Mlsa’un m.-mto
r. I|
a UlptonM4~lt«>e wo
Dailey of Texas s{Kike brli-tl> In lle■•rc• I
Tery Henw.
eatbm i-f the spc-chesof the IVniis ratlc '
Laindon. May t.—A- aiK-dal dlsnatrh , members as lielng subj-fl .......................
, trom Hhdrld aays ;he Internal aituml.ia ' slnirtlon.lndlratUe .if mot.- wrlour Jlf-
Ataoet aa Bad aa ft la EateraallT
end CiviBff as Mach
EepabUaM aad Cartlsto Hart insalllBS
For you wriU readily agree with us that our assortment
of patterns in Hen's Suits at popular prices are even
better values than we claim for them—$7.60-$10.00$12.00. See them.
Laeae Maiorlly—MSh rrlee -Down ■
(he Uweea Keceal"—Nee .paper. Cl
elMi tbe iViadiUoa at the HpanUb
MadrldSMny «.-ln the conBress yeaurditr a ^rescluilcb ..f h.niiaBe" In
‘'••"‘-r .^ihis.- klllKl in <he nn.al mpascrcf-i off Ca\ li.> was ail-plrd unnnfmourly. Tin- n.vs-sec from the nu-—n
resent was iben a<l.ii<lvd. the K.-publlc.
and l'oiiser.-ailves vollne
— n.-gatlve. Thi ■•■■iicreti.................
laeauslBir the«paoiKh itovemtnrni alwUhln (he l any than r.-ally
.tiiid ai.iH-s of wild t-xiltem-nl un-:
the lusi twoiii. y.-ara.'
mcmr. aa much uneasiness as the c.b r- ^ '’“iVl^ie niah. --slon iwen.y-.wo pen- '
cn-al crowds pri seiii long ,
BsL Tbe demonstrai.iis Uonday nlimt Kon bills and a i
........... ................
iM'fnrc the deputies came together ami ;
«p«i1y showedrevoluilogary leii Icm lea. i Ins (he mllliary
the gnll.'iiea and lobbb-s were thronged, i
*>^rtn« Weyler abd
1 aoldtert Were imss.d.
Intense -xclieinent pivvail-d. and so
A total cabinet crisis I* imminent. It T IN'Ajaox oK « I n.t nkxt WEKK.
Drobably will end In a cmslderable Vbal X* la.llciled .l Tampa-Cabas E,
raodlflcaUon of fbe pn-sent povemment.
paJiitua iia. Man.-d.
It may poaalbly lead to iheConnatton of [ Tampa, Kia . May (.—It Is barely pos.
*fc.. presiden_______
• aatlonal Oltninrv under the
ex of Campoa
ITie i-ouniry ..|.»-.sea
the Idea of a republic. .11 bad enoupu
«f tbe
ll>a« 'h- rmu d (ilalee fi.n-es w
Parliam-nl Is o riali-u^
.be cloeed aoon.
In isri.
IluL four
necessary tmnsime are-as yei on hand'
pn.lm^iiy be liunduy before
'Waabiarton. MBy4.-reeienUyp!>ss>d
VltbODt a Blnple W..rd fr.m. thican fleet la the rblll|.plnes. and In \
Of the. lons-coBiiburd Intirrupi >'i
(be i.rtli-iais
beirlnnlng to Tcsicn ihrmaelv.-sb.thebc. j
Uef that they muai wall for ibvir ofll-l
tial new* until a boat arrives at Hon*
Kong. This w ill not necessarily W a |
' MvalveaseL lor It la not believed that |
Commodore Dewey—*wbo will be ad- !
ttlral a* aoon a* he can be reached by ;
rtble-could liove spared any of hla i
eelved coal and other supplies.
Key West. Ftfc. May (.—The povem.
Hcyd'en Irfi Key Weal
o'clock yesterday afiemnoD carrying
Culiaii expeduion under g..vermn«tt
auspice* to establish
le Culuin force In Havana
a provime. Tbe expediflon is coi^mai
Lieutenant Daldemere Acu^
him are Launne ITado ^d
proalo DIaa.
other Cuban*. All are thoroughly famlliar with the entire province of Havana. Colonel Acosta f-rmerly I'omtbShdi^ « cavalry troop In the western
"f Havana provln.-.. and I* a man
Bhlpa. even the McCullwh, to carry die- 1
patrtee before ihw bombardment U
ended. In ordinary time* there Is plenty
<rf communicailou by steamers, and the
.eOdals will be rather surprised If some
aeWB la not at hand by this means today. If Admiral Is-wcy/uunls troop*
to.bold what he may gain In Ihe PhUIpplnes he will be s.-n» as many aa he
aaed* d1re. tly from ban h'ramlwo. and
n )■ v.-n Hkely Wa! state volunteers
arfn^ make up the ouota. The cabipet
tall^ about this ycaicrday. and la
«nly-walling to hear w hat Cemmodorv
X>ewey wants.
rraaer Ha. ReporU from MaaUa.
, .
^e French eirlmasy 1
ion which
j ,
'laadlU *Vta“ef'
,» „t^hi at a thorougbly aafe
, place already selected. Acosta and.Dlaa
. will ride al once- to the Inteiiur. where
! they will >oln Acosta's ..:d command
'And fnim this camp the Imiuirtani dlspatches will l>e carried to all parta of
| western Ojiba. Other -Cubans of the
\ party ex|-. i t.. be able to e.tatdUIr a
] line of communica«l..n from the coast o
\ the interiiy-. The expedllton will le
' landed umlrr the direction nf J. R
I Cartaya and was filled out by Oenera:
i Emilio .Vunex. Another e*i>e.llilon
j 'eying dispati hes In HWwral Onrae*
will 'ana ■•n me norm ciaat or
Puerto Prlncliw In a f<
il <Us|«lche*
the I
battle of Kanil'u. The*.- came (ror
riwnch ambsesador atMadrid.and
HMadrid.and were
dtan from Siwntsh rep.,rts.
It waa;
fr>,m III rllD that the foreign of- '
there had labh-d r.-iHins to all the
German eml«ssies. Init iht^ nermaii
Mb^y here had not received a w i.rd
*‘^. *"*'*»
Sr«»o Fatally «b~u ab-wh-r
Ljavh l.ea Hand.
-U- bile, Ala.. Hay 4 —A dispute
the iwiymeM for a Uuile of a-Kla »
w-iwe.-n a negro n>m.-J Is-dla IWud
^nd a number 'ar members_,.f .•omi>any
'Third regiment. Alal«m. National
but the cable Interruption cuts them
‘■'•mpany fiv-m comii i.. th
from any contmunlratluB wiUrihetr •'* Ihe.lispuie who came ul a r
I -Hovernmem. Who has cut the able la
• P'»V'l
aperulallon. .
cmnstances would Indicate that the
enttlng bad been de'm- by Siianlah otll. eUla on InatrucUons from Madrid. In nr4er to nop the transmission of further
. ..e
pursu.ll by half a thousand
Bewa nf the dlsaaier. and In that t
iilon «ld'-rs«nd.ltiten. . nd noally located
calm th- storm of popi
p..pular Indlgnai
unler a doorstep on So\iih Carolina
• day to Ibe efleep that ,
the British emhaspy had been advised
«f tbe fall of Manila Just before tbe ca- I
ble rommunicatli n Woke. Sir Julian’
- • wl'ihat.....................................
It be had aliaulutAy a
KAVAL rtnnr <i
r KT.
Jus$m Edon to
Valai. th* PBh*r«n.n. PtorMa Ra* Tabes ,
-To-el pThnWay.
U John's. Nd.. May 4.—The mlegnph
j Aperator at Ti.-i«sw-y n-ports eoni-.-mI Ing the mvsb-il..us lannoiiadlng off that
iron Faitir.hiy as f.dlows: Al.tui 10
I H-Clork y-iit.rrtay night heavy ilrtng
by Colnncl Hlgshould •
e civil authorities, and (hal
The isillce rushed In at thl»
Tuncture and eiirr.i-d the man off in th.
pairol wi
(•obinel Higdon has m.tlRed all th*- ofR'er* of. the Thli.l
Impcewupor the n
Ihey ar* sw.u-n supponerw of
could be dlsttm tly heard in Ihe
rauth Of Tr..,a.ssey. tasting about hfV' SU .tr’ntaT' '*'
teen minuba
The shits caiae veev
I .HUtckly aff r ea. h .th. r, some be|^
y loud and heavy, suillol.-iit to cause
I tbe house, -here to irenbie
- -------- --------------' Thefl of. JWb af.leetets.
Belvid. p-. Ills . May ( -^Tli- night leth.J'-a.h..s her.- «n the
' ooefc.i aou Northw.-sbr
• nn.-rianing
Kumlay no.t
ht snl l<pfof* itaybuiik on
h-.yle.i mall of i
In-i.-d atb>u( ^twenty
I Crowds ..f people arous.ilI i'l>; n ""il'r“"»l '•>* t-oslolirte aulhoniles
I yeport's dnckii]
_ _ ___.
Hay tie As.oher 'w'ar.
Vsliarals... Chill. May 4.-Bzcllement
awamhli.. She waa tw-o-ma*tid. has Isen i-s.us.il hen- by the arnounceurllb two funr.-ts and high In Ihe mldriie Tlempo of liuenus Ayres
gk. She WBS a'-.iu eight mOek off *h..r*. , that riuii has residved to d-r^d from
celag dead slow and Is.und west
answer Is-f.^ June U.
. an art
Bearly an hr.tir si
t sight. -In
e boundary «UMSaturday night's ei
0 sixty shots u
DiCh la
ertaen i
f TreiMisscy. con.Ma> t.-AdvIecs from Ha• report of .......
VH« Mr. Oladstone Is resting
r lo th* tiring of jruns Itetween
eSsier. He Is suffering little
JP and II o cl.s k-Saturday night. He
••aert* lha; the firing was heard by
both himself and his brother.
> weather was not foggy at the
I tbe firing
I that tbe abou wer* different from and
|••■o bcary for explosive rockets.
•1 have drlfu-d atbor*
I 0per then Jbraiuse
I ^ tbs UnA
Who baa been appolMed'*ui»-rlor
icy made by the
fudge to fill the vacann
death of Judgw'Groggln.
brother of
Trade, both Well
A. S. Trtide and F. 1
ises fotfiiataea a good example of its
During the debate K
editor ..f Heraldo. said ii
lo give Cuba itid.-ts-mbtng on a fttrelgn war
pp-paratli.ns. Sagasta.
reply to cHilrtsm. de.-lanil><^mi»ip- '
tiv.- that gpunlards sh'w th^-selv.-s j O'
enereeiic and united. In the rtsW of |
perr tb* •oioDer girl lb* bar pin bat
Idlers and the falhertand heurg.il taken oo new favor abd it feen in all
the Chainber to adopt the m rewtary w ar 'aporting de«Kna mclndtug i
credit* Kalmenin renewed his d.-maml.
.. M.irW iLJIuu
mne* MnaT i
Kfuuch *uroo*obtn« b^’^ aod Will staod the climatc of Northern Michigan better
;tha„ hor^s brought bom hnher south:
Weight from 1100 tO 1600.
Oan be seen at the Cutler Sam.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with tbe Traverse City Lnmber Company.
We have for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short M^ple Wood.
rrowd nnl sh-iiilng 'I'.iwn wllh the
Amnsea«ni Votaa.
rtv-en r.-geni ' More than wee they led
Owinr ^ tb' Riff r*’l7 'lakt Dipbt lha
the m.ib toward ibe r-»Vl iwlatr, but
each time the police rtrov* them back.'' sltcDdanccat tbe perfensaace of "A
Kachrlor'a WrddinK" by the Rarbour
Theatre Co. was amall. Tbe prodnexraau to Know Wh.r. (he Fort. Tbeie tioB. however, was well given. Tp.
Here Not Hrepsred for M ar.
eight tbe four-net pastoral cotnedy,
Madrid. May >4. ,-The'*.-eiis..rshlp of
the pp-ss Is loudly rump aln-il of by all
the newF|«pi'fs, v:i Nanonil crtllt-ises
"Tbe Country
Ulrl,"will be tbe play.
It rays ihi
y u^.-j
U^i-J II PoM«r J- White'* Detroit enragemeot,
(be .a’k of
1. i>rrpsratlun and to it baa taen found necessary to make
-.11 i.ubllcamnilon to the immense bla date at Traverue City a week laUr
ovrra*.|u.idronol wisKlrr. veasrls.ilned'ji
Mav 14. While tbl* will
those taiitudtii. Spain
unl.jul.tr-lly secs therein .thi- herulam ba aornewbat of a dnappolnUDeat to
of our marlnrs. but the s-ca also-and many, in lhat it poalpoan the expecalK'Vi- all the nefanou* crime i-r iheguv. lent pifuaure Ibis fine prodoclioa will
ernmvat. It la unfair to bluno- lb.- car- afford local ttaeatr*:roer*. still It will
my fur {HisseesJng forces auprriur x«
ours: bui what la wurthy of being not mke ary material dlffereae
hqpughi al-.iil ihi llrsi vl.-t.iry and In
6r»t vlctmia.” .
El Her.iJilir de Madrid saya: "It was
no <aprbe of the foriun.T of war. From
the very flrst cam.m sh..| out fiaciK
'Ships wen- at the mmy of the (ur.hlr* hostile Muadron. They were
lundemniil to fad, ..ne after ar.olhcr,
under the lire of ihc American battcrjKiw. riers
fi-.'ded only by Ihi- valor In the breasts
of their sall.'rs. W hui has l~-en gained
by ihi- Illusion that Manila was fnrtl
ned? What ns was made of the fa
Island of Corregidor? What Wat
di.ni Kith.Its gunsf Where were ihi
li.risdiN-st Where were those defensivi
priparailons i-oncemlng which we wen
vcavinthd In keep alincer'
:i UlK-ral dimands that parUatneni
let on having light (hmivn upon th.
ses of the Manila disaster. It says:
•''Tlitae of wbom In these columns s-r
hav* requested an explanation of ih«
wculi muses uhlih br.iught.aliont the
catasin'phe of Manila hav>
dimands with Bllance. Tbey
oroe to alienee i
let*, I
:lora of oqr grat mlstonune. and for
s have proclaimed a state of siege.
• • rnfortunately we are all sir.
pressed with a iiresenllmefit that the
dihi'strr of Punday will be repeated In
otber places owing lo the rame cauaea."
iba Interest moaileated aa heartily la
apprraialioa of oa attraetioa of tbi*
Mr. White and
his ao^rtioK «o«-
poay have received the favorable eadorsemenl of
pi^ and
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
throoKhout this counti^ and it is con
ceded by
Faust os pot on by
B. J. ilOEGAN, Prop.
bim is OB artistic and scenic production
of great power.
FOlt SATsin.
Hill HsebiDeryof all deecriptioiui.iDclndiDg Two Engioaa.
Ret Works,'Carriages and Bawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Owing Im 4 chanire br tbe date* ef
s.ui'-rl'irilv of « ai'jadrun of IrunvUuls i than previously arTCeged. (hat ia. May
blami'd wltb all pi>aslble vebi-mence la
thla Intam.nis g.iv.-rnmrnl. whi.-h aJliiwVd our Inferiority wlihi.ut neuirallsIng It b> iiK-ans of pn-parattun"
Wllh refcicii.e III the catastrophe El
Naclonal .-.nllnuc*
"A good liatteiy
on Curi'.'glil'ir tstimd. with great reIl.'Cli.rs ilna guns callable of aw-ecplng
the svas for mii.s around, woubl hav.kept the American squadron oul of ;he
bap. oln t'.irtvgtdor tere w.-re only a
few wrr.'Ul.i.l guns taker. fr..m Ibe warshirs a few iliiya ago. Tills Is the (rath.
Our sailoiw have i--en lAsely il.-llvered
graiieshot of Ihi- Yankees, a
atiij more wi.iltiy of respect
Hoisis.Here Ntit Satnrtij, li;».
If you want horses come and see me before buying
elsewhere. I can e^ve y^u money.
These horses were purchased at Monroe, Wtscohsih,
The ttepubllran end I'arlist gruiiiis. Saf. Solar.
meron continued deploring the unpa-.
----------------------- -----------trlolle altitude of th. C.iiieervatK^
and Btlrihuted tbe n untry r ills lo ’the
"Ob, Gaorge." abe oriad after b*
worn out nwlme unilei which w* live."
fciasedbar, “yon'll n«*er tell any on*,
-Itowu with the tiaeea Megent."
■ London. May 4 -A st»i tal dispatch will yon?'"
from Madrid via HsVurik- says: "In the
'Never have (be allghten fear on
mob Momlay niahl were ..ffl.-ers In that scure." he replied, and it muM
mnfll Iciviv.an dressj who w.Te fore bavu (>oeu tbc way he aaitl it that made
most In Im iiing the pe..ple to attack th*
her angry,—New York World.
niinlsT*rs' reaulenres and were loud.-sl
.In calling f .r i-heere f"r Weyler. Tin re
« 111 Celebrato II a* -I: •sey Day.»■ ........... .
ihea,. men desir. dtopr .V'.ke
New y.irk. May 4.—A
................... .....
: Ulmn i
ctssed yesterday tiy th* hoard of alder>r Its dov
fa I
>,r ip-rr wep- urn-sb-d. but j R"'" •*“’ •**" '
wef* r it--:i,i.t-nily relj-as,-d. Ihe govern- j f*''"' 'R** ■" ’
mei-i t.-urti.g to 11 1 It
knew n lha I ..ITl- j 1^*’“ •
cert. ..t the army fcrij>-d a i.ari ..f ihe' «buld
moll *n.* -Hei.iibllians werv: even in. re
and state. He am have
of being the youngest man who ever oc
cupied the beneb
He Is but r yearn of age-^S^ wa* horn
•••ajdilngtr.n. Hay «.-Wbal promised
T>w«r>on. N. Y„ but has lived in
^•n be aa uneventful and uninteresting Chicago f.T tbe past twealy-Rve yearn.'
Omaha. Neb.. May 4.—The conference
I of the hous^ wa* tbicwn_a(fd. The appointment did n^ come as a sur between (hr engtr.eers and officials of
after three bourn' tvWisideraUuB prise to him or to the Iraders of eltber the I'nton rarlflc over wage* and rule*
party. It was deftnllely de- ended yesterday after a seaaion ef sevg l«tva(e tails. Into a araatoo of apIRled
elded weeks ago by Oovarnor Taasar
makla* that aavored at 41me*
that U be made an appointmant to fill
fa give
' the vacancy caused by Judge areoiB'a
e •Uteneat that It do*
. DemoeraL} set aiB«r i tarlatly tnm tbe old.
•ala raietotUi
^ .bo....„alpe.rlformn..uo fur»irtm
alrengih o| th- dly was pui bmi.-r
ceulml ornament,
rvuulnil'.n. and (be tr>—ps u.-re k-i-i in
Old Itlury acarlpios are provided for
faarra. ks iin.l-r arms
.i.-anilal-us In- Ihe • patriotic, and
tniniature Kona,
clilonis .s-ciiired duHiig and after Ra- '*worda. etc., ftiruisb tbe decaratioa of
gnsias ai-...ii, aienes ihat hll.d the bull* foMbe wntUke.
mo.b+nte membetw wllh shame. The,
-.c ,
yi ,
j j
Itepub.icnna. ami
^rieked ^
Tbe India st^fo lend* iMelf mo« *p.
lahiglcs and taraoeleta. A
abonni:nbl.- a d liisulHnKd-nunclali..rji.
wouM |
Prtfer J>on Carlos to such
Cam«M sr« aeaio falkod of
tlroce church has secured tbe aervicea
of Prof. W. H. Steffena. who will take
ehoTKC of tbe mnaic of the ebureb tar
the seat six aon^ba.
Palace Bakery
Twenty head this week. All good ones '
Size from 860 to 1600. Well ma^lhed Pairs
Single Drivers, good blocky 1200 weight horses
for the farm.
r can fit you out in the horse line if you
will give me a calL
I also have several cheap horses that I
have taken in exchange for good ouea Some
of them are good ones.
Is the piece to boy your Cakes aod
They sell the biggest loaf
of Bread in town for the money.
Rea Se Btapid.
Hopeful Mother (to benigoant geotletuoDi—Oh. my poor ton 1« not bright
■a y«L Hu iw.-=i». indted. to be very
deoaa Yi t 1 do imi d-.spatr J trust bis
inieUeotuBl powtffs will lucroon with
BenignaDt Geotleiuaa—My dunrmfidBBt, do not doubt it. uften cblldrca
Also pnre Home Hade Maple who are preeoviouidy brigiit loab ibeir
oa tboy grow oldtt, and. in
Sugar, 10c lb.
tncL braome stupid as men or women,
Fall stock first cIsh Greoeries while tbe dull youth grows mgro aonu
always on band.
FuU -Weight.
Tbulell fi-Gane,
boy yo« BOM have bMot-Jady.
Bicycle Riifers.
^member that 1 do all kluda of reBoiring and eoataellw. and that I can
»» deceived by what otbera.taU you to
tbe cmtaoiy, but obtoe aad aee for
1 ,
I ruaiaatee all my work to be rigbt.
Itdoeanoti^ 1 JZ it
Bvap iu tni 8 o'clock emy eveolag,
Brtratt 9rm *iem ar Sriboaa d*, •lud Bi4>ids Banld or 2>m«ns
Uvered fer lOe pw wwk.
Oil, Hews Cm
OwnM Om 1h« VetuntMT* in
PiffMirtCun^k of State
We •* ta aet her free, to ftre
on paople that whlnb are hatred
and cMb. abed for ourecivee. • • •
tartta BMeM
We do not deny dominion to Enr<m la
A coTTWcreidaDt Wriwa- “Tbe tbaory
order to aelae for ourarlveA
think. In the Weet Indiee ed the origlh -f flowen by tbe aeleottal
may Jually. I thi
tea—where___ of Ibseoti U <»« which hia attnotad
and In the far e
gallant navy haa won ao apfendld a mueb atlenfloD both h> aciaDilAodrvictory—hold aome little unpeopled barclos and from die general peblic.
bore where our rrutalng aarahlia may
by Darw&
In tbe ‘Origin of Spe
coal and And a refug^when In Mreaa" .forth
ll baa been Urgoly dereJnped in a
--------------- ----------------------, .
Over a HealaHty tW.
ftpfinrfl-ia.,Ilia . May 4.~Mealea have
Br oaw I'PM W R« Amr»V>^
broken «ut at ramp Tanner, and an U**!•*> Aay*i*7 Aflar Tbvr
-■■ilMWl !•.*
Wm IW !>■«- olatlon boapital haa been eatablMied.
I, in
•tmMMr TMrrAar-JoA WIU lAkrTra Tbia la kej i rtooely guarded, and Is In
remote part of tbe gruunda
Xlv* >• C*apM«—Mvw
- l>y-
baa arrived
Ubent. Proferaor Pli
(be ccncioaioa that insaeta are indiSerT,
eol 10
e guided to tbOT
There a
le way by sight
ales In ihe hospital.
Mount CrvinA. Pa.. Mur *-—*«. «*• ' A serious question has arisen as to I Ths.expeflments on wbicli the Uelgian
iMnied Ute Urt ofAbl ibAt BAtli-O' A. whether t'vlonel J. 8. CulvA-, of Sprlng- I tmfesaur bases bis farruBcbiug
biug c<
cuDCln! the Fifth Infanlry.
briefly tbeae: Having coverud
CAptAin DarrliDr H. Wart>unon. had
■ Colonel Fred Bennett.
the brightly oolnred flowen of single
bMD diroctod br the war depanment lu
the Third Infsntcy. Is tbe senior colonel
is garden vrlih bits at grew
ba pmMwad to Irave bare arithln fortr- of the Illinois National Guard. The post dablias in bis
loif. be fonnd that lhi>y were sUH visit^rbt boura. recruited uploa Cull atand- win protwly be turned over by the govr when the mustering Into the ♦d by Insecis. This -rented ao much «
IBC or a battery on a irar fooMns.
United 8U(es service Is completed to variance with tbe gaicraUy received'
WaahlBdloB. May t.-AecordlM to ad- the ranking coloneL snd as this will be view that inaeeti are attracted to flowTlcea heretofore received by Adjutant quite an honor both
I PlauandniUttitad a prolonged series of
Oetteral CorMn the nui^eHac In ut the like IL
___ observations to pnt—•
Colonel Bennett's commission .datey j experiments and
■oMtere of the volunteer army wa» to
from Oct. SO, I8S3. but part of that time i -latter
Inrlber to tbe proof.
badn Id moat I'f the eUtea yealcrdar.
he was without a command. He use rrenlt has b«.-u to oonflnn and strengthAf aocio ae tbU tonuallty la acconi............... .. en tbe conclosiona drawn from the tint
pllahed they
become regular United
etalea tmupa. available for any aer- elected to the command In llA. Culunel' wpmmeutA Onftlug off tbe br.gbtly
n --------issi. oolored onrollat of socb tinweii as loTie« «blch the prealdeni may cAtl upon C^llver’s rank dates from Aug. ...
them to i>eifonn. Up to the cloee of If the question Is referred lo Governor bellA evening primrosA ioxglovA etc..
ofBc* houra. however, reporw od that' Tanner It is understood that he will de-1 be fenod tbe remaining green parts
aubject had been iwived only from cide In favor of Coktnel Culver. Tbe i were still visited. Again tbereare some
:nln?l Stniee army offleera alho ray brightly oolmwd ftowere which are eel-'
Maaaachueetta and ArlaonA tVlih tbe
lat promoilona wllTbe made according
visited ■- ------------------- *"
limited force in. ebarce of thia w<irk
at the varioua rendeivoua.n* t«olnt» the
mualerlng-.ln ne>eaaarlly wlU tahr from
two days to ten or mure, acoirdinc to
-»»»>»» -k.
riders of this city who will form part of
regiment now being organised In Missouii snd Arkansas under tlte leader
ship of William P. Cody (Buffalo Bill)
met In this cli]’ yesterday and com
pleted their organisation.
naval rJin tha
evening for Norfol
In addltiuntotbe SS already wait
ing at the Norfolk navy yard to be en
listed for service.,
Des MolneA Ia. May 4.-Teslerdsy
the m>n at Camp McKinley tn comimnles unanimously voted to Indorse
James H. Unculn. Inspector general
and commander of the ramp, for an ap.
polntmenl ns brigadier general lo com
mand the Iowa m ops A leiegram to
that effect was sent to Prvsid-m Mc
Iowa Boldlern boys will not he sent te
the battle without a good supplv of
"the sw ord of the Spirit " Tbe MMiiBtertal sasoclstlon. of this city, has d>
tided to aupply tbe mtlltlamen with
____ ___________ _
the sUr of that stale's quota
regiment 'a day Is considered very fi
progress. Kuw that the mustering wo
is under way the ofOclals are giving
their sttrntlon to quest!, ns of molnllaatlon. trsnsj-ortatlim and sul^lstence,
and by, the time the soldiers are reafy
to move tbese queetlons wlll'have been
vm Wear Ike Wats 1‘rvbahiy.
Adjuunl General Cnrtiln bad a con
ference with the jtresldent yesterday
SsMMss Ihe TUII Field '
Chicago, May 4—Scores by L-esguc
base ball clubs yesterday were as fol
lows: Al Wasblngtiiit -D.ston 7. WashInelcn 1: ai Brooklyn-Philadelphia A
Brooklyn »; at Cleveland-8t. I.«uls tClevelsnd 6; (Bec.nil game) fit. Louis I.
Cleveland !: at Piitsburg—ClncInnatP
s' Pliisliiirg t. at Chl.'ago—leiulMlII-'
IP. Chicago »; at New
York - Wet
Western League:, At Milwaukeeanlumbus «. Hllwauk-e 7; at Detroli—Indlanatsilig r-.'neirnii 1; at MInnsap-.IIs—
Omaha t. MlnneapT.lls (: at St. |vaul—
Kansas Citj^l^e^ Paul 4 _
tentlona will be sent to tbe senal
OenerwJ Corbin took with
to the While House a full list of thos.DewsyvUls Has m Might lo ilowL
nominations which had been agreed
FIndUy. O.. May 4. — Prolmbly the
upon lip the war department onriaUT
people in the United
After a twenty-minute conference w1tb moil JuWlint
Slaws are -(he cltlsens of the village
tbe president CorUn returned
Of Deweyvllle. fifteen roWeS n-nhdepartment to make some alteraiioi^s
eaat of here. This town was lorsted
la the lUi gpggcsted by the presidenL
C..mmodore George
It Is understood to have been decide
tXwey w hen he was a young man
to name General Shafier. who has 1>ee
deslgnalrd 'o lead the army of Invasion
Ows>di4 Asalher Powder Hill.
into Cuba, and General FTtsbugh Lee . Valparaiso. Ind.. May I -Spanish spies
and General Joe WbeeKr. of Confed- are thresienlng.ihe destruction of the
crate cavalry fame, as three of Ihi Aetna luwer mills at Miller Slatioti.
major genejwls. H Is regard, d as prob- near i'heslerlon. Ihli county. Guards
Able llisl Ihe president may also nom- are on duty day and night Ip pn-vei
toate General Wo- <l(oril. former mlbls. tbe blowing up of Ihe large supplies <
.ter to-Hpatn. to le a major general.
Brigadier. TW Me ReguUrw
Concerning ihesn>oinlmenls of hrigadler generals
' Veneauela has Issued bar deelarallon
Ute president. S*.
of neuiralliy.
lake iheVandIdi
The French caWnel has approved t
ranks ef csdonelp
auppresfiion of the wheat duties un
This V
t commands The, July
e made, will be In
a Mr. Holy, of Jefferaon county. Mo.,
favor of those sutes which furnish on- I was arrested lor disturbing a religious
m m-in- brigades of tr,K»ps. In such ! meeiing.
eases. It is le lleved. the president win ;
xhe Illinois State TnKMrTapWCAl' Unappolnl as bricadb r generals olflrers
l»gan lu ronvenllun In Peorta yaarecommerded i.. him by ihe-govera-.iK ,..^4,5 morning.
of the elates from which the lr.«.|M' j,,„n ^ Brown, treasurer of Chicago
come,__________ '
,.an ,-i„b.-died of Bright's disease
OEN. HAMKI-srtN XAK»N A KI-EISCH. ytslettlay at ChlcjgO.
('hnkrannuga and Washington have
Oraiwr St the I'reeeiMailoa of s y'tag b> ai> . u.<.n ahniluH-ly de< Ided on as volunteer
ladlsaa RatlerL .army rtmceniratlon points.
Indlanaprils, Maj 1—Yesterday sftAdvices from Cul« say famine
ereo.ii'r«i <5amp W-.uni. wheri- &.000 In- mln- ni and food Is more «-SBenlla1 now
dlans t..l,.cte,-re are ns.-mt.i.-d, Gen-’ than ate arms and ammunition,
eral Harrison rnnde hie tlrsl i-ubllc utC-uniesa leitlla B. Iti'lla Pretlora.
leran.-e -n th- war.
a flag Finnish subject living at CWcagu, has
r. In
In presenting
bebaif of amlety Udlew- 'taken out her flrst clUsene Jtapers.
to Iluitcry AM
The municipal election al St. I’aul re<
his S|a-ech h- sab
In tbe cour«e
•nll.-d in the .-lt-clb>:- ,-f r-1..nel A. It
lery busy ' I eoul
though he w.
Kiefer, BepublU-ati, by, about 7,000 plu
the (frutiflcaH-n of a
prceiltig. of
of con:mcn<l.yll--n
con:mcn.l_all.-n_ a
and a
be^n m^ssibU- tor a word P
you and to all of tbe brave . ,
young Wlows who teve^so promptly • ,,,^‘ph“rince'H..n
ir country's call
: light artillery has
General Stewart L Woodford, f
_ i.ard I
Tourelne. which
leo ail competuorw .
You have wot; tame for tbe state. As
Indlafialatis we are proud of you.w • •
You have heen fltwt tn peace: you muat
not—cannot—w ill not—be aecond inwar.
"Our foes now are not. thank Ood.
tboB of our own bousebold. That 'was
a war tor tbe life of the Union: this a
>r bumanlly. Thai for outwelve*;
if another race.
le opprei
c dare E
pressed the world
Annenlans we could eend only the eucecr of a taltb that overcomes death and
■' ‘ '
te and the
AT)’ can give- But t:
Cobans and their aUrring womeo and
children arc knocking at our doom:
thalr cNea penetrate ourMumbera. They
am ehwely within what we have deflaed lo be the iphwe of AineHcai
flaance. • • •
"We bare dlaclalned In the fare at
tbe Mlloiw of Europe—who are now divldtBg roettlneau ratieb as hangry boys
ialchi divide a melon-lhat we bavrno
e ta aelae and aivcaprtaaa C
■n Havre for Se^Tork.
According to a re(>ort al London t
British ambassador at Washington. I
Julian l*aunrefole. Is to be succeed
by Sir Thomas Bandereon.
An dincBitles which bare extetad t
tween the city of MenaabA WIa. and
Ibe Fox River Valley Rallvay company
Gas eecaping rtom eighteen Jets jiul
an end to the llfeoTEf W. Keely. a Chi
cago painter, after be had opened the
vmleen In every pipe In Hopkins r
paint More, with aolctdal intent.
Boys discovered tbe body <
W..W In B ditch In Seventy-!
ftreet. went of Vincennes read. Chicago.
There were no marits of vtoience and
oonld Identity the
was tound.^
Jsmea Jobnaen and Michael B
flebernien. rowed two miles into tbe
lake at Chicago, to rescue, at they anp-
How tta boated at Ik
daMMAWUhla Talb Why He IWngrMi
“If tbere li • wsr,” abb raid, “1
with tbe outer darlatw
teali volnncaer, bni not M h nnnA “
BpHngAefd, ills.. May t.-Jusilee Wil
“Thao bow will yon goP*
has Aled a dla«.tl.ng optnjon In th,
“At a viTandiare.”
npporUon^t cue recenUy derided in
“Bnt. my dear girl’*—
“Ob, yon needn’t Oy » dlmooiog#
1 think ibe vivandiere ooaMUM
would be BDcb man beoaming to nw."
Tben he recalled that twice wilbln
•trlciB In se<-i|on 6. artb
few niontbs be bad taken bar
conrdtiUon. That jc. Hon. he says, docs
»tee a comic operA—CInoago Post.
}ohn Lubbock and Mr. UlWl Allen.
,„„..„ver th- g.n. ral assembly to
8aaa-tresb and intereatlDg light baa
ap.K>rtl«nmem laas or docs lis
now been thrown un it by a aorieacd language
in do so. It only de
_ ige P
by. clare« Imw the poe.er already eslsllng
“Have yo
tbe University at in the legislature shall be esen laed.
gradnatioB «
Ever Burned Ovtf
them it tbaer
of oor gar-!
little boney was placed
bees came to tbam
at (MKie, tboae blossoms which had not
raoelved bemey heiug pssaed over.
“Other eoDspicDOUsflu^sB wen tried
in A aimiUr way witffS^n^IU Tba
experimret of removing kbe fa<Bey bearing parU of a flower abdJbaving tba
“Vea It it'The Injnribui Beatraiota
Ie«»!sGve 6^, «f the ...te 1. provided
.or in
m tbe
toe (..nslliullon.
o.n,u.uuon. Is
IS the
tne creaiurr
crws.ure cgSuperelitiim. Ancient «Kl M^erri.’
conatltullon.' in any way give.
“Tbafa very interesting. Y« mnat
,uppon lo the assertion th.i amioc « is gat right to wtwk on if
-creative' of the p.ds-rr in ihai Usly to I
“Ub. dear, no! Yoo wouldn't bavaBa
apportion tbe stale. It Is Inherent In begin it oo Friday, would yonP'—
the general assembly and c
Waablngfcai btar.
c»*d hy it at ^ueb times and l
"““nev «• “ >"«y 4
*■*““» >» hin“*-a by
eaoe from one color to auotber of va-■
at. new. par bn..................
OatA No. L par bn. (new). .
1!! «* ♦ «
returned from wchool at 8 o'clock, and
was sent t.. awaken his father and (he
children. The chamber door was fas-
ilvra nxUaetion of kaath.
itt palal
' W.r.^aUfr
Again. Profe.wwFl.MaoiD.de artificial discovering Ihe butchery
wl*! through a
flowen with pieeea of green leaf, each
Gramm lay on the floor and
booey. Tbora the thre<- children upon a bed. Tbe chll.
1 wiib a iittle ho
freely vidted byinsocta Bnt.nlreightruny .slashed with
ficUl fluwi
fluwersmade of oolurodBaterlal
rn-ir faiher had uused a bread
with honey.
: tv-nrelh the bloody ax. written
'In further snpport of bis ripws Pro- Grsirm. Indtrsied Ihsi his an w
gjT PUteaa ii able to bring forward caused by Jeal-tusy -f his wife.
the foUowiug Urts as lo tbe babita of.
iseecta in visiting flowen: They will i
pass freely and with apl»reul indiffer-,
Or. Higgins,
, Cora iJer bo., old...................
j Bran per im
Bnekwbeat Flour.
,Gramm told a nylghbor woman whohad
been left In chsrge of the children that
tis would take them upsjaira and put
•ttrirrim's ton Edward
Lot Ukaa in exekango.
Alao gooff bonae aad 50 foot lot, Oak
Park. WaabiagWB street.
11 Ml
Lard per B..................................
Batter per t». Dslre.............
lu,.” «
poMd to be I
with tbe xiogle dabliA In inc r floreU
were rt-moved, leaving C
ontcr onea a piece of yellow
leal being
No ir------------------Ibera boneyleaa flowere. Bnt as soon
a drop of nectar was placed cm them
ibey viiilcd tbem at freely xa before.;
50fllotonl6Uiatreet.waat7 Areryda-
CUar Pork per bW. new..
dear Pork p-r »...................
Abort Cot Pork .'...............
Short Cntfhvrk pertb....
Plour. B L. A Co. beat..
Bye F4our. H L. A Co. BMeal.H.L-ACo. Beat...
Peed. H. L. ACo. Beat...
ihe Tl-ectnnlng with the
pr„MbB the i«ssage of
than once In each ■•erlnci o
New York. May 4.—Jacob Gramm, a
shop keerer r-0 years oH living
Btreei. yesterday murdered
two of his children, mortally wounded
a third, and Inflicted fatal wounds on
himself. The children are Klla, t yesre:
John. 7 yearn, and a baby.’Frank. U,
yearaof age.- Ella and Frank are dead,
Th* f«‘h«r «««1 ‘he lad John are In the
Well, Now!.
Wbal atn I offared for a good bonae and
ly paymantA
Is a
-very t»ower not delegated to aome
er de|«rtmeni or en-^ly denied
by the .•on., tuimn ' Theguesii.n
Warattarg Bosk.
aixable place, wn ba bought oa maetk
Trerana Otty JUrkat.
Below M a Hat of ite buying and aelltag prices of ycatardajL-tecjrroeerieA
provHioaa and farm prMoeta in Trav-
‘rf,l.'’„'‘ ,--cn said by thi. court
i. letter ^-.tled
than that a state
John R. Santo,
Eeieril Insurance.
Attorney, at Law.
Acm Is Hontagne aiock, Traverse my.Xnek.
Grud Sqiidi t liidttu JLI
Blaachwed will Handle the Ttmiaa.
kMareaoilI* 0». Blaeh.
Washington. May 4-The problem of
rieti«-of Cbewanie apucire growing to- handling
lere are many amsll aiid in^.s been thei by tb.
ooospicnons flowcrsarbich are also freea^p^nment hy the selection of W
ly visiled. hvcb H. a l>rief oolliue.of
BUnrhar.!, president of the Join
Proferaor PlaK-an'sobservttimiH and ex- Tnltlc asMi iatton. as chief executive
imeou. from wbicb he lielieTea bio- ofticer of this branch of
aelf jnatified In drawing 1
that tigbl play
plays a v
ing insect.
i flowere. Their j
Aa Ordiaan.
outbetbeuTTuf IbL-tum-ctoriginl
a isubviuBa"—Loudon Timaa '
owing 'rabb^ln*lbe B*Uteu!^^ey*.
of tbe city.
blie p.i
The Old Haa Waa Cared.
OBces. CTty Opera Honae SIX.
.(to U ab™ t
Trains arrive fro a OlaelsaatU. Oraat Sap
^tralB arrive at HHB a. sa
-T Other pnblie apace or place within I
___ ________________£____________
him the wonit of it. Tben.he wcmld ran the city
e City. MIchigwi
tLAaidtCKWOOD O.FA.OrS^fctMS^^ •
np utMrs and bang unt of tbe second and in a e any inch runbiab or
or I •»« •'<»• the br«are« Irew (he eagtne la akad
Story window, bolding to tbe lisige. fonsire • UDwhales.-mr aubaUnce
' •
'la Traverse City ’—
a in
ahontlDg like wildfire that be
to drop and kill bituaelf.
! .at
rat np a nmra
wife wonid relent and
aat woold brtog out tbe neighbors
nelgbbort for
blocks, and tbe man wonid be pnllad
in tbe window by frieoda
“Tbiigut tubeoonittig toofreqocntly,
and rumc-of Ibe Uits wbo lived near.
andwhobadloore,...lwveral juinti in
tbelr apinra at different times polling
^ the owner
or ac-1
iball be the duiv‘of
copani of the lot or premises in front I
of which or adiaceut lo which |nch !
rubbUb. snbat^ce.or Ihisg shall be j
tuunn. Ui remove the ramc, forlJi.n’iUi |
' upon receiving notice from 1^0 EhiiN of
remove tte
"f not removed
hiJara after
,0 nop ii. 0««o. d.p “'f.'™;—I
it tame ^ain. The oltl fellow bung out
of the window, about,ug that bo would
irely jouip and cud It all; tbe wifa
caiuo rushing into the street in hynerics.
and Ibe ncighburs ran as before to pull
o up. Tbe fim man wbo get there
or rearrai bouvew
^ Hwe.iwamei B< Dae. E. RihBt. awtr
TTTANTgn-'To ei
W W;,.hi«f" »ir-e»
_________ __________ I------------
1 teacher trow
removed at public expeaae and the oost ^ Rapid., w.ii lake
removal akari be coUecMd and 1
p,,d by special ux npoa tbe premises
VruDi .ireet. Thotyay, lace
■I nailer pleaae liarr al B
adjxvni thereto
Sec 7. No person ekall per_..
____ _
allow any of the prohibited lh‘ntre.ar-|/^IRL WsWTBD-l^ seo..^-
tbe man’iflugr-rewitbn Mick. mak- .‘>':‘''- orsutalancea
-U 1...
bte buhl. ....... ... ,b.
.ironwS lo tbe bard
iruf all. be
ment.uned in tbajyf
triMe ter
luism UD wKnsimu li
^laoe'claeka ra.
OssAiM Jet
Chkar Lake .
,dly hnrt, bnt it rared adj-u-eni to or
faimof'tbatbad habit.''—UittaborgUta- ed. Ieaae.1 ore
Bat^ Or^
• ^ nujncent w> wni. u ; ij—Manceluna f BaUes* (root AlhA Ha Tiareres
of Iboyonug qneen of'such rnbbiab or anbatasce aball be ^13,,
raiir<.ad: 40
<u acre,
aerea -ell
well 1improrrd. OrelUekvtU* .
wllea (r..» ranr«.ad:
ding to a found, to remove the tame forthwith ; tte.-J (cace aDdo.y-hara._aod re- d-Mi^
Holland will lake place.
tepl. 6
upon rtoeiving notit-a from the Chief of
an with
to remove
On that day tbe yooug womau.
- the aama. aad if Ue
^ wauskv TO U>AN-
Ibe following formolA which ia a
strange oontnbt to Ue oaUt adminiatared to the Barabn and Uettnan amperan:
noUee then Ue same shall
b, re,^r^ at public expense a»d tbe
| eoa?orr^oral*eban te'^Uected and
: p-M by ipeoial tax npoa such adjaoeal
5BSS- . . .-.‘T
S Kuaas-Mte RslcUc Bofaorab. a
sale at ths Cslrareltr Boap<inl. ass
01 rrapoed to (wUa tor BBimag. Bl aasra-eOnaalad
u»p«.pb,o,,h.a^.e I..Sb^i.yt.-L
isproper rabbi
obsarve and always tnainuin
• tking. tf perfe-------"
mant>l taw. 1 nbotaa m-aslf 1 *0>M<
and tbe righti of all my aubjects and to
aball ’be
........... ..
ct iadividul and _
prespsricyall Ua tneanaarbich Ue U«s
place at my disposal as tbe dM tf aa
njffigbt (jneen. And may God aid me ia
my wodt.'’
work at pnblie a
•eniTtey Tiirap
All bat foar staire in Ua Ualoi fasT*
tramp lawa England aaadi Ue treunp
' to Ue wotkbonsA Pranoe makes him
: do omtviot labor. Oennany and Balgtas
pnt him tm praaal tana* Bat la aU
rhich had eoantrisa and ia aD atatas tba ttasp
.-BoaWB Olota.
IS and of t
. OrdlaasM aambsraix. tclaUve to tba B.hlie.healU.-hsreWrfare
aaetad aadia hsm In Ue Villars of
Mk^lfaB. M bareby rra
tee? *. ThUtidinanoaahaUukeel.
fact la twenty days after Ha pnblMa*
Oneharaajal. .
Hack, 6h£M
Whan in Bead tf .aayUUff in Uia
Iva do hvahy eesttty that Ua fore- Uae reraamber UR to Ua place to laaee
teii« erdiaaiiea was piratd ky Ua
Ooa^ of-the aty of Trevaraa Catj aa
Laaea year ordare at tfks or aaU ap
Ue t*U day tf ApriLans.
W. W. aanra, Mayor.
A. W. Baanao.
Thon^Ho. 8.
nm Ye^—No 314
ICoba *X>ectro7«d HnlTroad Property and Bnldeaoee—II
Two Conte,
Decorate! Decorate! Decorate!
'WMbiortra. tiUr 4—The Preeideet I
W eppolDted CepL P. II. BUm. Ute Kartial Law for Key Waat-Amerioaae Said t« Be Is Spanlah X«. .
B<Uui7 etu-.be et Medrid. U
plap WiU Ba ArrmUd.
eeomtwlerj depertawt wlU
aperl&J Up Ta« Mub<i»p Kamaa.
tial I<aw In Madrid Oanaes Menaoing
WbehtarUB. Map 4—Tke dUpeuh
bpei McCalleeb be* arrived at Hln bap
Tbe Briilth emUer lamortaliu baa
iUrted forMaaQa baariaf eommnai.
eatioDi U Aduiial Dewep.
Oonmodore Dewey’s Report Becelred In Washington Testerday—It Ooatsins Complete Detail of Battle of
LoDdee. Map 4-U U reparted bare
that the Spaalah Cape Verde fleet baa
retoraad to jela the CAdlr aqaadreo.
New York. Hap 4.—A Special froa
KepWaataapa; --Rap West will probablp U plaoad sader eurtial law ea
rridap aad tbe miUUrp aetbarlllea'
trat aup will bt to arieal a baU dosaa
knawa u ba is Spasisb ea-
- We have just received a large stock of the Caban
flags. Bay them at once.
230 Front Street
EoUey ft OonnshlB
BaUread OommiaBieBar WaMalioa
! WaabtsfUD. Map
Haa. Leakad AfterOaaa Straat
Is called a team, but what
: I^alep tadap somlaated a loof Hat of
wouldn t look well in print.
Ooetaeta of Baport Hap t>e Oiees to tba PubUe Todap-Praaidaat Solo au},r
Citp Clerli Riekeid received peetarMtaa Stewail With AmmosiUos asd Coal for War Furyoaaa Ha TYoltad' aad other armp oSeen but
day afuraooB a eapp of aa o-der fivia
Bay Base Ball Goods at
BUtia ACTreaaiva Move af Vavy zrvpartmcat Isdicataa Bif Haval Bat-! Hichifao.
SUM Bailroad UommiMiaDer Weaaelisi
I euwpelliap tba C. A Vt. M. By. to place <
tU Withia Two or TbM Dapa Batwaas ripisg Squadros. Horth Atlaattc
Waahlartoa. Map 4-Orowlor eon-1 a flaropa at the Cate atreat eroaaiar. HarkhaiD BlOCt
yiaot aad Spais's B« Warshipa.
plaiaU to the booae of repraaaautiveo ^
Y a^ n»_U 7 p. ■. dallp. Soadape ^
Madrid. Map 4.-|SpaeUl|—It U believed tbe :
•at la lastiaesL EioU bave.Mcarred atTalavara.* Tbe raUroad aUtioB waa
. ^
w_. u
I wlthfb uo dap*.
i.urv.n* ted have reached U. WhlU|
•alaad. ean bnrsed.aad aaveral bouaca aet oo Are. Martial law declared Ikrostli'
is tbe dtp.
«st tba provitice of Valeaeia asd farther dUtarbaace is repwled.
asd Ue actios of the railroad eommiaLaados. May 4.—]SpaeUI.|-Tbt SpaaUb capital was ts the basda af a mad
aloeer will be mocb appreelatad bp Ua
nob laat atrht.
prooeedisr »• die U Ue actios
UtawidUarSeaarSacaaUhaafled forbUIife. aadltia balioved that ha Baa Mo Coal asd ld^w*fity^o® *« 1
SbortiaBsr Ore*
fo Udlv iB ^ BriUab embawp.'
Bit da Jaaairs Taa^j^p.
The polioe are poweriaae aad tbe wildaet ooDfoaioo prevalU.
i'rice A Northrop, ^proprietors of Ue
BpeeltltoTai aossissBaruBB.
Madrid U wUdIp excited todap aad tbe preaaat ceveramoat la aald
Amaricaa Steam Lassdrp. will
isrUB. Map 4—The navpde- j
‘ tattariaf. There have bees bread riota at Talavarm.
.t bu raeelved a oablerram
* aeliver, wacoo
' ManiiaBay Witb Listof the Victima.
the team calls the umpire
cui. u...
..a U..ITJL"* T“
liaittY i DOZEN
OffsTMl EAwaii With All Its Wsr SappUes.
Platu. Argsatiac. asd sot at Blade
The ratrslar isoaUIp meetisr of Ua
Waablsrus. Hap 5.-f8pecUl.l-Prealdaat Dole baa aSeiad to traaafe^ tbe Jpaairo aa reported Ula moralar. D She
I'amas’s Cemetery laprovsi
Bawallaa laluda to tbe nsitad Sttlaa. tofetbar with all tbaire^, am
baa so aoal asd U twastpHUa bus______________
___ ia
will be held this afUraooe
aad anppllaa for war psrpeiu.
•bort. It U expected that she cas aslp
Ladie*- Library parlon,”sTs;30.
Admind Deweyte Report is Here.
,' Ue eommar's work will be disesesad
Jaseiro. where It will be impeasibl
I. Map 4.—|Speeiai.|—Tbe report fzam Admiral Dewep iaai
ret more coal. The dspartmeat has
the haads of Ua aaval aotbenUea. It is a loac doesrneat. baaidea beinr Sritaa ferUer fear of that vessel. The I
tes ia saval cipher. It CMtaiaa a camplcu lUt af the killed aad wobbM-4»
''Orccos 'leti Rle de Jaaerie tor Ue j
Ue asfaremest la Maalla bap. Isformatiod comm from a reUaWe aontee tk^
tka departmest U withholdlsy tke report frem the presa bacasse #f the dcai^ aarU Uls monlsrto foraUb the foil detalla U tbe reiativet of the mas killed asd wosadad. It
will ba remewbered that afur the Maise diaaiUr taora thas 74 boon wara re
paired ta aaearUla the aaaae af the nearest relativaa of tbe aes. Tbe ealy
reeevdakept are the ladividoal auawr papers of tba aeseerapcalsr tbe erewa
of the vesaels of the save.
Tba departsMat will make the report public at qnlck aa possible.
Tbe two veeaals iejored were tbs rsveSDe cetton HoCalleeb asd Petrel.'
Washiactas, Hap 4.—(Special |-At 4:au Saereurp Loaf left tba aavy dapartmeat for tbe dap. Be tUUd that tbe delay ia bearisf from Admiral
Dewep probably aroae ffOB the fact that the HeCslIacb bad arrived U tbe
sirbt asd aoeborad farty mllea from Bosff Konr. which wanld have U> be
reacked bp asiaU boaU
Wasbiartos. Hap S.—(bpacia1.|-U Urivsi ont Uut Dewey'a report will
Bot ba isada pablie osUl tomorrow, wboa tbe i IdreeMi aad Ibt of Ue kUlad
aad woosded will ba aaearuiaad.
The Citp af Pekla af Baa FraBciaeo baa baaa charured ta briar
Dawap> wosadad. also to carrp a load af mllltarp atorea asd 1.000 troopa. '
It la believed bare that a rraat battle wUl earalp be fa^bt ia Wmt Isdia
waters wltklp fartp-alfbtAosrs.
Kasy Live* Xoatis naatroetloa of
Armoor’a 01»a PacUry ta Chlcaro j
Cbieara. May 4—A •eroa fire brakes
ost is Ue foor-etery maim boildtar df :
Armomr rise warka, eorser af'
Thirty-first aad Basaoo streeu. It U
reported that aa ezploaioa killed asd |
Isjarad eight or ^s peraasa.
200 pairs Ladies’ Fine Kid
t V. Thorapaos’a Loss at SooU
Boardmas ia About B18.O00.
Fife Uke. Mich.. May 4-B. X ;„,
Tbo.paa.-i Broom Basdie A Woods. [ Biack an<^ Tan. pointed toes.
Bowl factory at Sooth Boardmas <
6ne fitters, good
Hardware. 146 Front St.
If you
going to nuke garden do ndt fkll to aee o
complete atock of Flower, Garden and Field
imm V,
•' “Wi—•
no 80..1-0. „„
i r.wo,«xi. p..-™wr ,..—1.
on now.. r_.W‘r
“ “'“'o!-bf™ w.wn_ ti.
i.d. i
u b-n
r~> l~ .. tb, sp...: r.«: .1 ih. r-.bor w._ b«..rh, i.,;s-r."—r-
. Prsita, Ptoo
freak aad eleoA.
. etva
Urribla havoc and scatUring dead bod- BattmaW Shows That $161,000,000;
Will ba Baqaiiwd.
. iea ia every dlrectiaD.
Tbe oBBber killed Is uakBOWB, but S|x-ia] u, Tn Muaaisi. Biux>ai>.
•aas of tba WilmiugUo Brongbt
tVskbiugUa. May 4—.SecreUry Aiger
Us officers af boU beau believe ilut
Buddan aad Tan^bia DaaU M
there were at least 7txi dead badiea laft \ baa aeot copgraas aaeatimau of
fer Ua army. |
800 of Them.
on Us
^ w_n n., i.-Tk,.
me a calL
Regular S2 Shoes
iarda. kUIlag TOO or »90 of Uem.
[ to play aad la a half a, dob-a sbou Ue
The Wllaiiagua waa erulalag wiUln j Doaa; batteriea were^at
two milas of Ue ahore Urea imilea west j The guaaera retreated U tbe oadar«f Havana. aceoDpaniad by tfie torpeda bras
LCk in Ue bills.
boat Brlcason.aad while off Ue batUry
The uoublf at Saatago de Cabae
af Oojima, a big traop at Ua Spanish liDuek aad Ue laaargeau are ia poaaavalry was sees riding from Ua bills eaaaioB of Ue eastern portioB of Cabs.
down to Ua waUr'a edge. The bfaapoun XAdOB Om&ALB
SOB, Which waa fortber ia Uere. air
•sled Us appraack ed Us aaldien
Of Which Flu Hugh Laa ia Ua Meat
tbe WilmiagtM.
The atarbaard batteries and ooe aad Bpaetal U Tai Meaxtse Rsnosn
BBhlBgtBO, Hay 4.—All Ua :
twa^ond guna were brought to bear
«■ ^ Bpaalards who were baddled U- InaUma of mayar generate eanfii
gMBarac tbe abet*. kraadMdag Ueir by Ua aaoafio Mwto Lea. Wbe
awaida aad firing riflsa at tba Utpa. to- WUasB aad SawaU.
A teat voU la Uaaaaata today ahawa
mq}arity of Urea la fovor of Ue laBaddealy Ua Wilmlngtaa let go two
■bats ia rapid aaocaaMaa. JpU laadad
8aw» Pole WUl Oa Xoma.
Iba fliai abot ima ap Ua aaad fittaqti/ aadar tbe feat af'Ua botam.
^lUagmsay uea and aaimaU. Iba dar Pola-a ataS la gradimlly balag resaeaaA whiek was a iovlaek gun. daaaA It la probable Ua ooaat Um•tradk dltaattg iMa tba«nap. anatiag aaU wOl «mTa at BM for MadrU.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Hoo^e
Wheel*Enanieled ForS2.5D
muiBlfVii gpLosioii. i
The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
THE LADIES. in the city, at >
bsraed early laat eaesiag. Tbe arigia i
of the fire iasaksowa. The factory
BampBon’B Fleet to Join Flying Squadron.
bad aot been rasBlsg for aeveral days
WaabtsgUs. May 4.—(SpeeiaLI—It U learaed from abeolutely reliable I asd
D was up. Tbe loss l»
sosreee Uat Captaia Bampetm’s priaeip^ veaseU which coaled at Key[»lS.ooo. partly covered by insorasee.
tVest yeaUrday. ata^ for Ferto Bioo today wiU lastrscUoas ta asBihilatelTtaa plast was sew. having baaa fin-1
tba SpaaiU fiaat bafars iBvadlsg Csba. His fleet haa sailed from Barasa. asd | Uhad last fall It was Ua flaaat plast ^
it b ballavad Uat UM ia preliataWy to aaoUar aaval aagagamasL Afur tbe | of iu kiod la Us auu aad e.ployed |
floei baa made a JaacUos WiU Ue fipisg aqsadroa. sisall Uipa will eoaUsua ’ fifty .cs. It will set be rebsilt.
Ue blockade of Havaaa
At 36c, eoc, 75c, $1.00, $1.35, $1.50,
up to $2.50.' Handsome styles, and ^annente that
fit perfectly. .May we show you onr offerings?
In package or balk.
^ Proat Street.
The Popular Shoe House.
OaUolie CalabrsUOB at Vorfolk.
Norfolk. May 4,-No: since Ue lay-j
lag of Us eornar sUoe of Sv Patrick's |
OaUedral in 18S». has a cal
amoag Ua Bomaa CaUoliea beaa equal
ta Ua eaa bagna taday ta aelsbrmU
Bemember I have s fall line of
Ua tweaty-ftfU aaalveraary of Arch- cle tlaiUri^ snd Bepalra. 1 ste<
plenty af workmen to do yoor work
btebop Corrigan's elevation ta Ue epte- promntly. I gusjantee sli vrark to be
e^ta. Papal OalegaU Arckbiabap the -best ead Ue leweet in price. 1
MartinaUl is praaant..
Eaamelii; and Decorating
in the latest Stjles.
Washlagtoa. Mar 4—EtopresentatiTs
Brazing bf_^l kinds. Uraavnleantead.
Mawlaada (Nav.) Intredaead a joint made
aa good as saw. Tba cals ap-tontlaa today providing for Ua an- dau shop ia tba city. All work goard togivamtiafaetidBarBoUarfa.
ntlon af BawaU.
ite^d M assy paymenU. BleyMight Hava Bean Warea.
atreat, aaar FrcMU
WbUa Mtea Frmaoai OreiUek waa
driving along Frost stzoat yaetarday
aftarMoe. hwbaraabaeaaaa trightanad
at tba flying baasera in frant of Ua
antUa aampaayb atara. and backed
natil Ua baggy waa overtarnaA LaUUy Hta Orril^ waa not Injured. Fred
Pratt ntOiiindUahceea
N. E. GIBBS. Propr.
IQinballfiaBos and Drgais
at Faetanr Prices.
Which axoete al proeUns eSarU. Bvaryaae knows what a apaeial mlA
./ u.
it maaaa Uat ws have markad down eloUlng. wblU
o^aally was boaght asd sold at prices below maaalaetnrad oeaL
Qaan. aew. wril mads sad raliable OaUing. Valaa gaaranued or
moaev rataoded. How do wa do it? We mm oorOr eeaviaea voo. lotv^na^
exsaaiaa Us 'oUawing prlem. Uaa eoma. aad ww-tot
Men’s basiness saits, sold everywhere for #A
$4.25. oar price it...................................
Men’s Uoioo cassimere sait, retaileGsit $5
everywhere, oar price is.................... .\....
We give yon your choice of a
dOses ft J- ftft
styles of all wool suits worth $8, for.,.... vArtuO
See onr special, all wool, clay worsted suits
Other bargains to* nnmerpns to mention.
Call early at
Front Stepet.
Ase at.
*Tjne kosinjro RBOOBD. THITBSDAT, KAY 6. ii9>.
vn KosxriHo
«ao». T. Bam axt> S. W. BAMna.
' s. W. BAXxn. Edit<ir ud Mamcot.
. . ...
Ib-BwtU. BokAld:
JOB ore coiled to tbo
dot7 u did tka vcMraw baold* jeo. oiw»7« roBemberiAK tbot TOO ora AnericAB eltiMBA. ficbtiag lor Old Qlarr.
tba proadwl bo^ar of tha praadaat '
•alioaoD eortb.”
Ez-Mo7or B. C. Darii poTa oa bU
erotrol Ihoocbt -Nol eor<ja«al. bnl
Cheap^et and most reltabl* plac« to eet yoar bic^clr reiaired and
put in go^ ninninB order. Haro bad aereral yeara t-iperieoce and
know hoar it should bo done. Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 am selling
; bicycle anndries at abont coat. Sew and aocond band wbeola for aale
cnirltj aad IraoroBca M oootroatad
with AaerieoaiaWlliceaee oad C>riaenad PMde of TotoroM ood Tooof
tiaiit^Abd propbaaxed a apaedy osd
OltiaOA Boldloro—Citjr OpormB'
ictbriODt andiaf of tbe alrifA
Poekod to tb* Deon-BUqDcnt oad
RearJ C. Car»andalichtad tbe onPorroot Addr*oo«o ood ‘ Olowia* lieaa with o breeiy Ulk. followed by
TributM to tb« BoBOAb Eiflao—
eoto which'woa (all of iaapintioB
Bob. P»iiy HosBoli'a
ood fire, the worda bclDr bU ewo
far to TroTaiaa eity'a Boya in Bloa. ^odaptaiioB. Tbia waa'rechired with
AXmbTcWa C.o\ie.TS.
Vu\ ott «Ytt^
0^ bVV qraAtb.
•213 Front St.
Fletcher's 0|stei Depot ud Restaeriii.
--------- Twl«X>3Si
.7-.11 -.....
they bronybt alany a bAodaome rock-,
I as ready as the boys of todsy.
tayehalr.a.ileerBeati fork
f.rk and a
r,,. n.-Cocblia yase a splendid talk . I-.;.. 3..
adayatar forka which they praaaaiad wiu flag.andbc.tlay aada caaaon from the suadpoi.t of the ^.«ter,
;--------------tolbA Barry in behalf of Ue hire as a
- con-ludiny deoiariay Uat Uod has sent------------tbe stage gave a hint of grave reall.
heatiaonial of Ue eataem ia which
us aa a nation to set all tnra fme.
tlulr friend to held and as a antaUatlal tiaa nnderlyiag U( eatbusiasm and
taeoyaltion of;Ue eaeryy'displayed fever of tbe war spirit which permeat-1
pad Ua iaUreat maailaatad ia Ua
call ta pautoliaa HeaaidUal if we
woi^ef Un L. U. T. U. Tba ladlea Ue hallway before Ue doom ware' should prove recreaat U anr
^eata daliybtfnl afteraooa and Uay opened war aoags were auag with a light well expect that our ancestors, Attention is what 1 give U ^per hang
«ad MfA Barry Uaronybly enjoyed via, aa iapreaptu featum of Us wbo fonyht and died for freedom^a ing. That's why I waal to hang yonr
aveaing which was aone Ueleoae^
cansc wonld rise from their graves to paper. U will be a aaliafactory deal
jeyable and appreciated.
take onr placnn la the lAttle'a van.
for both of ua
While Ue ball waa fllliny Ue speak
Thu prograa was inu-rsperaad with
ers af the evnniay aad Ue city conncil
natriotic aonga by the audience under
BaratAl Oood PeopleBFfaa How Biaaw eaa. upon Ue nUy. Hon. Pnrry Han-:
Dpp. EegleJ-Hflce.'i
of Dr J. A. bnyder, li: Freni Sl.
atb.UegwlfaUeraf Ue Hannah Si'[
t? » J,
Them to a Binyela Ordtoasoe.
fiteSias acting aa accemflsa.
Tbe enforeeaeat of Ue Ucycla ardipsaial and ia ceaclusioa all joined
, !». 1»,..-U. . ....rne. ..
-u ...... kj- ih. heartily '-Aaerica."
.1 „.»„. .iU™ ... ...
.1 ,-W.U.
Tbe speeches ef Us evening were
ta»;)i.r ean.teatify.
I).p.ty .i» th.1 broi»k. .p-i-lJ »e»ori» of interrupted every few iDomenla by
a^ool teacher
Ue days long gone by and roused the
• Bbariff Marvin baa beea patrelliagr Ue
TOnriu- i
burst* of appiaose aad tbe
I ue i Unaiaam of everyone
•Meta where riding wheeli
'spirit of patriotism dwelling in Un
walks to prohibited and yesterday a, aioD Rev. .I.A. Bready iavuked lliviue , heart of every resident ef Traverae
, bleaing.
—Bateh of violators of" Ue
City was never more plainly shown
a. T. Betas, ebairaan af Ur
were required to appear befere Jndge
Usd daring Un enthusiag program.
«.k«U.,b.l»p.....k...Ul.p..llkS .pok. kr,,..v .1 U..
»pk. Tk». ,k. w.„ », ..»p.i».- wkkb »... Ih. ....... po».W.. .k.
ip P.prl.»k.»l
C, K.
T. I Ik.™..-. - *k. kr.' .k»k„
Lim,. C. ». V»l.,. will EUl... Bkrk.j
Bi>. r-rr, H..».h. »h.
Ak.n»>.. J.k.*Un..i ... «l» •“ «i"« “ .™u..
kn" k.
Tk. p.li/..p.r.»..ll“l'—Vk»-~>l.t«'.lfkl»....ta.
.ril...»|ok.lr.U.. .1 Ik. ..«.(!.» -hi.h
S .tH.llj.k~r... ...
».r. ».k« p».lkl. th. m..
1.. Ir^
~.l.ll..I..lk...p.rI..~.(U....W- ■'•U.
-k« Ik..
Hanaah Rifles were oryaaiz^ad some!____ ALSTEB
yearn ago. that they would be
>n call^ upon to help flyhl Us{
nation's battluA They may be in-j
X>r. B. B. Oanier Has Pnrehaaed Tal- vlied to ye to Ue front and Uey will,
oable Property on BiyhU fitreM. ‘ walk np boldly and face the atuic. I
Sapported by
Yeeterdsy Dr. Uaraer purchased ef VTe have got to wipe fipala oS Ue
Mia Marie FViedrich Us fine lot oa weeumbeatophere." Ia eooeltisiaD he I
Bast BigbU klreel. east of Ue mai- aalili •Hannah Eiflto. yen wanted an |
ef A. V. Friedrich. Tha property abject far which to drill. Now you “
is flaaly located aaiJiaB aeveaty feet have it. It will be a yraad expprience.
fiAAUya. Dr. Hamer to prepariay w and you wlU ba a anceeas. If yon _gt
arce* a haadaome residence upon Ue to Ue front 1 will place 81.OU0 in Ue
let, which will make anotker valuable bank to your credit, and trust It aay
And attractive addition u Ue aUer ba a help if yen ceae to any sharp cor.
dwelUags os the struct.
Hto speech waa greeted wlU cheers,
and it wa* same Ume befom Un apPtaak Baalltoa rettumed from planse died down aufficiaatlj to permit
tbe introdneiio^ of the next apcAker.
C. A. HsmaoBd tosUadily improving Jndge Loren Roberto, who looked every
from hU reoeat illnea. Be wae down inch a soldier as be rotarrad to Ue war
vivid in Ue memory ef many and
town for a abort time Toriorday.
gave words of eaeeniayement and lovIhy ehear to those who may iooo go to
Tbeboardof .
- fcrthor npon ptwpaaed oonrt hones engags in war for a holy eaaae.
Mayor W. W. flmiU eallad for threa
On Friday~4vemlag. aaeh lady parAeaia tor ••PlghOag Dewey aad Ua
rlT« wilhAaoavaair^aoA od tbe ■‘Malaa."
atazTEiid atripu. which
Baiatnorc Suck BMieed Three Tiaca a Woeb
■unta.' ^
fiOc per quart
jQst RecelYCd Spring Styles, Hew Designs
Hr referred to tie Hsmi
...med I »“«' praphesied that if in later yearn i D-*-. Mr. i.o.i.
"?aA.tTv\ ^d,\Ms\a.b\t
; July. ■ 34t,r,r»kc:
Uawbiph destroyed U. Spantob fleet |
c^huaf-i Kitles. 1. beh.lt .f the company “e
«ticdemoastraUonsofadmlrBlionand|P‘«*r*^ U tbe people of fraTerse Cay
July. :>ic; Septaa'interest
Ue snrTonndine country Ue loy-1 ber, “3 , -.c.
; July. 811.3U.
Lony befome Ue boar
hour appointed for ‘“f »»
oryanizatio. and spoke of : Fork-May, f 11
of Ue oryanizatio
Bur-iUnmeeUny -eyery seat in‘ Ue■ i.ryfe
l.ryfe ,
biediny all ole.
« Bay
IKambaiatif Tra<
d iCaniil-. May 4 -« heat, fl.l
Ihallwasoi^adexcepl'Uoee maere-; Frank Hamilton spoke feelicyly of •
ar Kambs
priaed a Popular
ed for UeU. A. R . Hannah Rifles and ' Ue yrand cause of universal brother.
List of Latter^
. hood which made snch a war a- this
YepMrdayaftnrQaonMrn JahD Barry'
^Unu and within five-ala-:
Bin Na 71. .L. O. T. M. There ware '
ELL18. S11 Front flt.. But.
’\3D^a^[\v^T Xe\»s.
Tire eery Bower of tbe AtaaricaB
■ary U Dow In aearcb of tbe SpoaUh
Wane and Blue." waa beartily apHoot aad a (rreat sea fiybt nay bd ex
with tbe
to hie bou«e OB 17.j.'ht kireet.
■ .'
's footed at as.v time. Tbe rletory of (tYTOa. ofBcca aad rcBideai
\OemBodore Dewey baa ioapired Ameri- Ba'lioaal colora
‘ i
•’ "
Krerybody was erlhoeed with the
Tcei.d«y «i*bt a
«aaa aritb abeolute rcUaoce opoo oar
I called in Trarerw
ahipa of war aad tba skill of onr cob- spirit of the patrio'.H-fhlly fc
The M. N S. p,rl» wi!! fire a select'
axf.), comparinr . • with the. preeeol
Banders. Bat the expected battle will
srty next Uenday aigblat Uortaaybs >
B acadeBy.
te .........» U»l t..rh« 1. u»;..».ub.o. w
ib»........ wo.ld
nnSpplaea. Tbe eaemy a reaaele are time for the atarlinf of the parade the
l-'re.l Kyrli. Jr. and hliaa Aaaa^
tbe very best in tbe Spanish nary, and i walhs on Kront street were Ihroared. *
K^iaber were married Toeaday afUr-!
anparior aad aore powertoJ than those ' The air was rest with the soul-slirriiif uB. IhjblT h.-lp mother
t St->‘r»nc=A church.
Beatroyad by Oawey. They will coo-1 maaic oL aational airs and eotbusiaaa
ibastaoB in bis ulk.but bruertil'
VufIc.Of Elk Rapids uailetl f'raak
.HU. U.. b-. WU-bL,.
i. .1, ...» ..
mptly at .:30 tbe rneuben of Hea la tbe world. In the An
baspeke feeltayly of bis Vby aad the i city. In aarriayr yeaurday
While liawey'B fleet per- ] fbereoe I’oel. No. 1'. <i A. R . formed
B Martin will cBodoct tbe
itotnod a wonderful feat and the ele-|on Front alroel near Cass and aooa af- boy% of other pareaU prwent who
bay was ona that will go down Into I Ur the Hannah Eiflea ntarcbedaat from miirht be called upon U die for the i pri*, coolest of tha W C. T. f. in the
i Urlboditt ebnreb Friday oirbt
Rteury amoag tbe braTcai and acatltbeir artery in full anifora abont caase of liberty.
p™. r T u».. (.»
Aartny daeda of naral warfara. the ' fifty sirony. Tbe line staa toon formed
declariny that there oerbawaa ■ '
‘•J Coeyreasmau Meaick U be poatMBtny battle will be flarcer pnd more ; with tbe eeurana at tbe head of the
AnauVctlre. bedanae of tba imaenae ' colaaa. led by Ue Beya’ Baad. Tae
•P'cucle than tbia: ••where* *_
aaaur at .S.iyfala in Ue place of W. N.
■osrar and capacity of tie eocioea of Haanab Biflea came aaxt. than tbe
tb^Uct a Kriley, recently reaered to this eity.
race toe weak to protect itaelf
Aaatb aad deaUwclien on both aidea.
The annual cireniar ot tbe Ne-afa-MSenaUr J. W. Milliken irsrc a breezy
Bdwerer there la no fear in American Cadeta
waoU reaort osaociation lor l»9r ban
Tbe Itae pf march was aa annenBeBd little Ulk eodiac with a faany sUry been to*aed. It is'a booklet ef twcaiyBnaata aa u the feaalui and it is bat
preriaosly. and wa% Baceaaarily abort that was particularly applicable U foar payes acd cqpuina fifteen fallthe praaeat siau ef tha fipaaisb aatioa.
08 acceant of tba 1ob( proyraB
Itrpresealatlee Vi._ U. Foater spoke paye half-tone pictures ef Ue boul.
risen is the City Opera HaU. When
eottayeu. driees. boat ooeaea. etc. of
the line paaaed Park Place'Y.ha air waa in rlowiny Urms of our war for hu- tbe reeort and iU sanwnndiaya.
declariny Uat Ueday' that
brUllanUy lUamlnated with red fire
Ue I’rasideat sifned Ue war proelamaIUt IV A. Frye left yeaUrday for,
rs in fipain hare planpod j
that nation inu a turmoU which
'.t other pelnu. All aloay tbe route tien will be kaewa Urodyta all tbe R^llalre. where be delieered bis iecwre;
•aae tbe fatore of tbe throne; aad |a-1
eeurana and yeanf soldier beys ayes aa Ue ••ladependeaec l>ay^' of on' Ue Hamaolb Care la>.t aiybt. Tonlybt be will speek at NerUport and
' were rreeted with applanae which In Coba.
' Friedrich yaee a fin* triboU
•w niybi be will yiee tbe
spired the tbronfa an tbe atr^eu as
spirit of fraurnity which to briny tindiny lecture in the liiyb School
Armada which to W aaBitaiiau Ue wall as tbe mareben with a more in- ’
bisUecioreCenrse at Elk Rapida
Aaariean nary, may be sank before tacae patriatlc oaUnslaaa. Arrlelny j
that m^iwaeat diaenrera lu real at U. City Opera Bonu Ue Uriay ‘-'T efU. world, aad railed out frw
Obicayo Karkat.
ymat Ual it wee beeeaaary for j
““ "I'™-**
tbaee who participated Id tbe oarade to,
Cbicayo. May t —Wheat—May.
' eater Ua boildiay Ureuyb tte rear eaP. C tJilbert elicited hearty applause July, v-r^e; Septeaber, »3-,c
* ®V
Pleaae giro ua.a trial.'
Frank Friedrich.
I Once More
Steinberg’s Grand.^
I Washington
E. B. Barbour,
^ Has invaded the ^and in tbe interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of those who intend getting
IA New Carpet Or a Floor Coveriog |
Theatre Co. yNew Specialties,
g:iisn3 V
We mention the fact that we offer the beet, (have the
largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better sat- -S
^ isfaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
yLet us convliice you.
ten. wne fetemc n
•peMb to tbc mvnt vote of Cummlnn
of Kew Tort la rapport of the war fevenue bill, wltb lU fneorporateil bond
feature. He made reference to Cum^
minaa' aaaerUon that thU peMod waa ^
lime for placin* countir above part>-.
iBUnallnc that tbe New York member
bad wrved the Republican party and
perhaps ceatrtbi
o the aatlefBCtlOD
of nnpairtoUc d
Change of Cowemment Some
thing in the PoMibilitiet To
Be Reckoned Wi^
nrmiAL qtuatiov
is bebioue
Don't Need
To Talk Back
n of Spain Seek to Find
Solace for the Manila
aome sarcaotlc commenli that tntenalBed the interest and called an out|>nurInc. of members from the cloak rooma
Clark of MlMourTeDtcred the llets and
proceeded to criticise unreecrvcdjy (he
elk Democrat* who had voi.-d for the
revenue bill on lu ilnal puease and
Cable to Maalta tmt aad Xolhlaa Beeelred Queatloned ibetr Democracy, magvrald of Uassacbuecita and klrAleer of
paleb Ua. Oera I
Pennsylvania, two other Democrats .who
Ited.for the bill, were heard in defense ,
ll> Captaie-Hlui
of their Voles anil In rvfulallon,,o.
of ...e,
(he |
•wa. bal ^br *,
Impuiailons of ihe Mlsa’un m.-mto
r. I|
a UlptonM4~lt«>e wo
Dailey of Texas s{Kike brli-tl> In lle■•rc• I
Tery Henw.
eatbm i-f the spc-chesof the IVniis ratlc '
Laindon. May t.—A- aiK-dal dlsnatrh , members as lielng subj-fl .......................
, trom Hhdrld aays ;he Internal aituml.ia ' slnirtlon.lndlratUe .if mot.- wrlour Jlf-
Ataoet aa Bad aa ft la EateraallT
end CiviBff as Mach
EepabUaM aad Cartlsto Hart insalllBS
For you wriU readily agree with us that our assortment
of patterns in Hen's Suits at popular prices are even
better values than we claim for them—$7.60-$10.00$12.00. See them.
Laeae Maiorlly—MSh rrlee -Down ■
(he Uweea Keceal"—Nee .paper. Cl
elMi tbe iViadiUoa at the HpanUb
MadrldSMny «.-ln the conBress yeaurditr a ^rescluilcb ..f h.niiaBe" In
‘'••"‘-r .^ihis.- klllKl in <he nn.al mpascrcf-i off Ca\ li.> was ail-plrd unnnfmourly. Tin- n.vs-sec from the nu-—n
resent was iben a<l.ii<lvd. the K.-publlc.
and l'oiiser.-ailves vollne
— n.-gatlve. Thi ■•■■iicreti.................
laeauslBir the«paoiKh itovemtnrni alwUhln (he l any than r.-ally
.tiiid ai.iH-s of wild t-xiltem-nl un-:
the lusi twoiii. y.-ara.'
mcmr. aa much uneasiness as the c.b r- ^ '’“iVl^ie niah. --slon iwen.y-.wo pen- '
cn-al crowds pri seiii long ,
BsL Tbe demonstrai.iis Uonday nlimt Kon bills and a i
........... ................
iM'fnrc the deputies came together ami ;
«p«i1y showedrevoluilogary leii Icm lea. i Ins (he mllliary
the gnll.'iiea and lobbb-s were thronged, i
*>^rtn« Weyler abd
1 aoldtert Were imss.d.
Intense -xclieinent pivvail-d. and so
A total cabinet crisis I* imminent. It T IN'Ajaox oK « I n.t nkxt WEKK.
Drobably will end In a cmslderable Vbal X* la.llciled .l Tampa-Cabas E,
raodlflcaUon of fbe pn-sent povemment.
paJiitua iia. Man.-d.
It may poaalbly lead to iheConnatton of [ Tampa, Kia . May (.—It Is barely pos.
*fc.. presiden_______
• aatlonal Oltninrv under the
ex of Campoa
ITie i-ouniry ..|.»-.sea
the Idea of a republic. .11 bad enoupu
«f tbe
ll>a« 'h- rmu d (ilalee fi.n-es w
Parliam-nl Is o riali-u^
.be cloeed aoon.
In isri.
IluL four
necessary tmnsime are-as yei on hand'
pn.lm^iiy be liunduy before
'Waabiarton. MBy4.-reeienUyp!>ss>d
VltbODt a Blnple W..rd fr.m. thican fleet la the rblll|.plnes. and In \
Of the. lons-coBiiburd Intirrupi >'i
(be i.rtli-iais
beirlnnlng to Tcsicn ihrmaelv.-sb.thebc. j
Uef that they muai wall for ibvir ofll-l
tial new* until a boat arrives at Hon*
Kong. This w ill not necessarily W a |
' MvalveaseL lor It la not believed that |
Commodore Dewey—*wbo will be ad- !
ttlral a* aoon a* he can be reached by ;
rtble-could liove spared any of hla i
eelved coal and other supplies.
Key West. Ftfc. May (.—The povem.
Hcyd'en Irfi Key Weal
o'clock yesterday afiemnoD carrying
Culiaii expeduion under g..vermn«tt
auspice* to establish
le Culuin force In Havana
a provime. Tbe expediflon is coi^mai
Lieutenant Daldemere Acu^
him are Launne ITado ^d
proalo DIaa.
other Cuban*. All are thoroughly famlliar with the entire province of Havana. Colonel Acosta f-rmerly I'omtbShdi^ « cavalry troop In the western
"f Havana provln.-.. and I* a man
Bhlpa. even the McCullwh, to carry die- 1
patrtee before ihw bombardment U
ended. In ordinary time* there Is plenty
<rf communicailou by steamers, and the
.eOdals will be rather surprised If some
aeWB la not at hand by this means today. If Admiral Is-wcy/uunls troop*
to.bold what he may gain In Ihe PhUIpplnes he will be s.-n» as many aa he
aaed* d1re. tly from ban h'ramlwo. and
n )■ v.-n Hkely Wa! state volunteers
arfn^ make up the ouota. The cabipet
tall^ about this ycaicrday. and la
«nly-walling to hear w hat Cemmodorv
X>ewey wants.
rraaer Ha. ReporU from MaaUa.
, .
^e French eirlmasy 1
ion which
j ,
'laadlU *Vta“ef'
,» „t^hi at a thorougbly aafe
, place already selected. Acosta and.Dlaa
. will ride al once- to the Inteiiur. where
! they will >oln Acosta's ..:d command
'And fnim this camp the Imiuirtani dlspatches will l>e carried to all parta of
| western Ojiba. Other -Cubans of the
\ party ex|-. i t.. be able to e.tatdUIr a
] line of communica«l..n from the coast o
\ the interiiy-. The expedllton will le
' landed umlrr the direction nf J. R
I Cartaya and was filled out by Oenera:
i Emilio .Vunex. Another e*i>e.llilon
j 'eying dispati hes In HWwral Onrae*
will 'ana ■•n me norm ciaat or
Puerto Prlncliw In a f<
il <Us|«lche*
the I
battle of Kanil'u. The*.- came (ror
riwnch ambsesador atMadrid.and
HMadrid.and were
dtan from Siwntsh rep.,rts.
It waa;
fr>,m III rllD that the foreign of- '
there had labh-d r.-iHins to all the
German eml«ssies. Init iht^ nermaii
Mb^y here had not received a w i.rd
*‘^. *"*'*»
Sr«»o Fatally «b~u ab-wh-r
Ljavh l.ea Hand.
-U- bile, Ala.. Hay 4 —A dispute
the iwiymeM for a Uuile of a-Kla »
w-iwe.-n a negro n>m.-J Is-dla IWud
^nd a number 'ar members_,.f .•omi>any
'Third regiment. Alal«m. National
but the cable Interruption cuts them
‘■'•mpany fiv-m comii i.. th
from any contmunlratluB wiUrihetr •'* Ihe.lispuie who came ul a r
I -Hovernmem. Who has cut the able la
• P'»V'l
aperulallon. .
cmnstances would Indicate that the
enttlng bad been de'm- by Siianlah otll. eUla on InatrucUons from Madrid. In nr4er to nop the transmission of further
. ..e
pursu.ll by half a thousand
Bewa nf the dlsaaier. and In that t
iilon «ld'-rs«nd.ltiten. . nd noally located
calm th- storm of popi
p..pular Indlgnai
unler a doorstep on So\iih Carolina
• day to Ibe efleep that ,
the British emhaspy had been advised
«f tbe fall of Manila Just before tbe ca- I
ble rommunicatli n Woke. Sir Julian’
- • wl'ihat.....................................
It be had aliaulutAy a
KAVAL rtnnr <i
r KT.
Jus$m Edon to
Valai. th* PBh*r«n.n. PtorMa Ra* Tabes ,
-To-el pThnWay.
U John's. Nd.. May 4.—The mlegnph
j Aperator at Ti.-i«sw-y n-ports eoni-.-mI Ing the mvsb-il..us lannoiiadlng off that
iron Faitir.hiy as f.dlows: Al.tui 10
I H-Clork y-iit.rrtay night heavy ilrtng
by Colnncl Hlgshould •
e civil authorities, and (hal
The isillce rushed In at thl»
Tuncture and eiirr.i-d the man off in th.
pairol wi
(•obinel Higdon has m.tlRed all th*- ofR'er* of. the Thli.l
Impcewupor the n
Ihey ar* sw.u-n supponerw of
could be dlsttm tly heard in Ihe
rauth Of Tr..,a.ssey. tasting about hfV' SU .tr’ntaT' '*'
teen minuba
The shits caiae veev
I .HUtckly aff r ea. h .th. r, some be|^
y loud and heavy, suillol.-iit to cause
I tbe house, -here to irenbie
- -------- --------------' Thefl of. JWb af.leetets.
Belvid. p-. Ills . May ( -^Tli- night leth.J'-a.h..s her.- «n the
' ooefc.i aou Northw.-sbr
• nn.-rianing
Kumlay no.t
ht snl l<pfof* itaybuiik on
h-.yle.i mall of i
In-i.-d atb>u( ^twenty
I Crowds ..f people arous.ilI i'l>; n ""il'r“"»l '•>* t-oslolirte aulhoniles
I yeport's dnckii]
_ _ ___.
Hay tie As.oher 'w'ar.
Vsliarals... Chill. May 4.-Bzcllement
awamhli.. She waa tw-o-ma*tid. has Isen i-s.us.il hen- by the arnounceurllb two funr.-ts and high In Ihe mldriie Tlempo of liuenus Ayres
gk. She WBS a'-.iu eight mOek off *h..r*. , that riuii has residved to d-r^d from
celag dead slow and Is.und west
answer Is-f.^ June U.
. an art
Bearly an hr.tir si
t sight. -In
e boundary «UMSaturday night's ei
0 sixty shots u
DiCh la
ertaen i
f TreiMisscy. con.Ma> t.-AdvIecs from Ha• report of .......
VH« Mr. Oladstone Is resting
r lo th* tiring of jruns Itetween
eSsier. He Is suffering little
JP and II o cl.s k-Saturday night. He
••aert* lha; the firing was heard by
both himself and his brother.
> weather was not foggy at the
I tbe firing
I that tbe abou wer* different from and
|••■o bcary for explosive rockets.
•1 have drlfu-d atbor*
I 0per then Jbraiuse
I ^ tbs UnA
Who baa been appolMed'*ui»-rlor
icy made by the
fudge to fill the vacann
death of Judgw'Groggln.
brother of
Trade, both Well
A. S. Trtide and F. 1
ises fotfiiataea a good example of its
During the debate K
editor ..f Heraldo. said ii
lo give Cuba itid.-ts-mbtng on a fttrelgn war
pp-paratli.ns. Sagasta.
reply to cHilrtsm. de.-lanil><^mi»ip- '
tiv.- that gpunlards sh'w th^-selv.-s j O'
enereeiic and united. In the rtsW of |
perr tb* •oioDer girl lb* bar pin bat
Idlers and the falhertand heurg.il taken oo new favor abd it feen in all
the Chainber to adopt the m rewtary w ar 'aporting de«Kna mclndtug i
credit* Kalmenin renewed his d.-maml.
.. M.irW iLJIuu
mne* MnaT i
Kfuuch *uroo*obtn« b^’^ aod Will staod the climatc of Northern Michigan better
;tha„ hor^s brought bom hnher south:
Weight from 1100 tO 1600.
Oan be seen at the Cutler Sam.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with tbe Traverse City Lnmber Company.
We have for sale Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short M^ple Wood.
rrowd nnl sh-iiilng 'I'.iwn wllh the
Amnsea«ni Votaa.
rtv-en r.-geni ' More than wee they led
Owinr ^ tb' Riff r*’l7 'lakt Dipbt lha
the m.ib toward ibe r-»Vl iwlatr, but
each time the police rtrov* them back.'' sltcDdanccat tbe perfensaace of "A
Kachrlor'a WrddinK" by the Rarbour
Theatre Co. was amall. Tbe prodnexraau to Know Wh.r. (he Fort. Tbeie tioB. however, was well given. Tp.
Here Not Hrepsred for M ar.
eight tbe four-net pastoral cotnedy,
Madrid. May >4. ,-The'*.-eiis..rshlp of
the pp-ss Is loudly rump aln-il of by all
the newF|«pi'fs, v:i Nanonil crtllt-ises
"Tbe Country
Ulrl,"will be tbe play.
It rays ihi
y u^.-j
U^i-J II PoM«r J- White'* Detroit enragemeot,
(be .a’k of
1. i>rrpsratlun and to it baa taen found necessary to make
-.11 i.ubllcamnilon to the immense bla date at Traverue City a week laUr
ovrra*.|u.idronol wisKlrr. veasrls.ilned'ji
Mav 14. While tbl* will
those taiitudtii. Spain
unl.jul.tr-lly secs therein .thi- herulam ba aornewbat of a dnappolnUDeat to
of our marlnrs. but the s-ca also-and many, in lhat it poalpoan the expecalK'Vi- all the nefanou* crime i-r iheguv. lent pifuaure Ibis fine prodoclioa will
ernmvat. It la unfair to bluno- lb.- car- afford local ttaeatr*:roer*. still It will
my fur {HisseesJng forces auprriur x«
ours: bui what la wurthy of being not mke ary material dlffereae
hqpughi al-.iil ihi llrsi vl.-t.iry and In
6r»t vlctmia.” .
El Her.iJilir de Madrid saya: "It was
no <aprbe of the foriun.T of war. From
the very flrst cam.m sh..| out fiaciK
'Ships wen- at the mmy of the (ur.hlr* hostile Muadron. They were
lundemniil to fad, ..ne after ar.olhcr,
under the lire of ihc American battcrjKiw. riers
fi-.'ded only by Ihi- valor In the breasts
of their sall.'rs. W hui has l~-en gained
by ihi- Illusion that Manila was fnrtl
ned? What ns was made of the fa
Island of Corregidor? What Wat
di.ni Kith.Its gunsf Where were ihi
li.risdiN-st Where were those defensivi
priparailons i-oncemlng which we wen
vcavinthd In keep alincer'
:i UlK-ral dimands that parUatneni
let on having light (hmivn upon th.
ses of the Manila disaster. It says:
•''Tlitae of wbom In these columns s-r
hav* requested an explanation of ih«
wculi muses uhlih br.iught.aliont the
catasin'phe of Manila hav>
dimands with Bllance. Tbey
oroe to alienee i
let*, I
:lora of oqr grat mlstonune. and for
s have proclaimed a state of siege.
• • rnfortunately we are all sir.
pressed with a iiresenllmefit that the
dihi'strr of Punday will be repeated In
otber places owing lo the rame cauaea."
iba Interest moaileated aa heartily la
apprraialioa of oa attraetioa of tbi*
Mr. White and
his ao^rtioK «o«-
poay have received the favorable eadorsemenl of
pi^ and
Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
throoKhout this counti^ and it is con
ceded by
Faust os pot on by
B. J. ilOEGAN, Prop.
bim is OB artistic and scenic production
of great power.
FOlt SATsin.
Hill HsebiDeryof all deecriptioiui.iDclndiDg Two Engioaa.
Ret Works,'Carriages and Bawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.
Owing Im 4 chanire br tbe date* ef
s.ui'-rl'irilv of « ai'jadrun of IrunvUuls i than previously arTCeged. (hat ia. May
blami'd wltb all pi>aslble vebi-mence la
thla Intam.nis g.iv.-rnmrnl. whi.-h aJliiwVd our Inferiority wlihi.ut neuirallsIng It b> iiK-ans of pn-parattun"
Wllh refcicii.e III the catastrophe El
Naclonal .-.nllnuc*
"A good liatteiy
on Curi'.'glil'ir tstimd. with great reIl.'Cli.rs ilna guns callable of aw-ecplng
the svas for mii.s around, woubl hav.kept the American squadron oul of ;he
bap. oln t'.irtvgtdor tere w.-re only a
few wrr.'Ul.i.l guns taker. fr..m Ibe warshirs a few iliiya ago. Tills Is the (rath.
Our sailoiw have i--en lAsely il.-llvered
graiieshot of Ihi- Yankees, a
atiij more wi.iltiy of respect
Hoisis.Here Ntit Satnrtij, li;».
If you want horses come and see me before buying
elsewhere. I can e^ve y^u money.
These horses were purchased at Monroe, Wtscohsih,
The ttepubllran end I'arlist gruiiiis. Saf. Solar.
meron continued deploring the unpa-.
----------------------- -----------trlolle altitude of th. C.iiieervatK^
and Btlrihuted tbe n untry r ills lo ’the
"Ob, Gaorge." abe oriad after b*
worn out nwlme unilei which w* live."
fciasedbar, “yon'll n«*er tell any on*,
-Itowu with the tiaeea Megent."
■ London. May 4 -A st»i tal dispatch will yon?'"
from Madrid via HsVurik- says: "In the
'Never have (be allghten fear on
mob Momlay niahl were ..ffl.-ers In that scure." he replied, and it muM
mnfll Iciviv.an dressj who w.Te fore bavu (>oeu tbc way he aaitl it that made
most In Im iiing the pe..ple to attack th*
her angry,—New York World.
niinlsT*rs' reaulenres and were loud.-sl
.In calling f .r i-heere f"r Weyler. Tin re
« 111 Celebrato II a* -I: •sey Day.»■ ........... .
ihea,. men desir. dtopr .V'.ke
New y.irk. May 4.—A
................... .....
: Ulmn i
ctssed yesterday tiy th* hoard of alder>r Its dov
fa I
>,r ip-rr wep- urn-sb-d. but j R"'" •*“’ •**" '
wef* r it--:i,i.t-nily relj-as,-d. Ihe govern- j f*''"' 'R** ■" ’
mei-i t.-urti.g to 11 1 It
knew n lha I ..ITl- j 1^*’“ •
cert. ..t the army fcrij>-d a i.ari ..f ihe' «buld
moll *n.* -Hei.iibllians werv: even in. re
and state. He am have
of being the youngest man who ever oc
cupied the beneb
He Is but r yearn of age-^S^ wa* horn
•••ajdilngtr.n. Hay «.-Wbal promised
T>w«r>on. N. Y„ but has lived in
^•n be aa uneventful and uninteresting Chicago f.T tbe past twealy-Rve yearn.'
Omaha. Neb.. May 4.—The conference
I of the hous^ wa* tbicwn_a(fd. The appointment did n^ come as a sur between (hr engtr.eers and officials of
after three bourn' tvWisideraUuB prise to him or to the Iraders of eltber the I'nton rarlflc over wage* and rule*
party. It was deftnllely de- ended yesterday after a seaaion ef sevg l«tva(e tails. Into a araatoo of apIRled
elded weeks ago by Oovarnor Taasar
makla* that aavored at 41me*
that U be made an appointmant to fill
fa give
' the vacancy caused by Judge areoiB'a
e •Uteneat that It do*
. DemoeraL} set aiB«r i tarlatly tnm tbe old.
•ala raietotUi
^ .bo....„alpe.rlformn..uo fur»irtm
alrengih o| th- dly was pui bmi.-r
ceulml ornament,
rvuulnil'.n. and (be tr>—ps u.-re k-i-i in
Old Itlury acarlpios are provided for
faarra. ks iin.l-r arms
.i.-anilal-us In- Ihe • patriotic, and
tniniature Kona,
clilonis .s-ciiired duHiig and after Ra- '*worda. etc., ftiruisb tbe decaratioa of
gnsias ai-...ii, aienes ihat hll.d the bull* foMbe wntUke.
mo.b+nte membetw wllh shame. The,
-.c ,
yi ,
j j
Itepub.icnna. ami
^rieked ^
Tbe India st^fo lend* iMelf mo« *p.
lahiglcs and taraoeleta. A
abonni:nbl.- a d liisulHnKd-nunclali..rji.
wouM |
Prtfer J>on Carlos to such
Cam«M sr« aeaio falkod of
tlroce church has secured tbe aervicea
of Prof. W. H. Steffena. who will take
ehoTKC of tbe mnaic of the ebureb tar
the seat six aon^ba.
Palace Bakery
Twenty head this week. All good ones '
Size from 860 to 1600. Well ma^lhed Pairs
Single Drivers, good blocky 1200 weight horses
for the farm.
r can fit you out in the horse line if you
will give me a calL
I also have several cheap horses that I
have taken in exchange for good ouea Some
of them are good ones.
Is the piece to boy your Cakes aod
They sell the biggest loaf
of Bread in town for the money.
Rea Se Btapid.
Hopeful Mother (to benigoant geotletuoDi—Oh. my poor ton 1« not bright
■a y«L Hu iw.-=i». indted. to be very
deoaa Yi t 1 do imi d-.spatr J trust bis
inieUeotuBl powtffs will lucroon with
BenignaDt Geotleiuaa—My dunrmfidBBt, do not doubt it. uften cblldrca
Also pnre Home Hade Maple who are preeoviouidy brigiit loab ibeir
oa tboy grow oldtt, and. in
Sugar, 10c lb.
tncL braome stupid as men or women,
Fall stock first cIsh Greoeries while tbe dull youth grows mgro aonu
always on band.
FuU -Weight.
Tbulell fi-Gane,
boy yo« BOM have bMot-Jady.
Bicycle Riifers.
^member that 1 do all kluda of reBoiring and eoataellw. and that I can
»» deceived by what otbera.taU you to
tbe cmtaoiy, but obtoe aad aee for
1 ,
I ruaiaatee all my work to be rigbt.
Itdoeanoti^ 1 JZ it
Bvap iu tni 8 o'clock emy eveolag,
Brtratt 9rm *iem ar Sriboaa d*, •lud Bi4>ids Banld or 2>m«ns
Uvered fer lOe pw wwk.
Oil, Hews Cm
OwnM Om 1h« VetuntMT* in
PiffMirtCun^k of State
We •* ta aet her free, to ftre
on paople that whlnb are hatred
and cMb. abed for ourecivee. • • •
tartta BMeM
We do not deny dominion to Enr<m la
A coTTWcreidaDt Wriwa- “Tbe tbaory
order to aelae for ourarlveA
think. In the Weet Indiee ed the origlh -f flowen by tbe aeleottal
may Jually. I thi
tea—where___ of Ibseoti U <»« which hia attnotad
and In the far e
gallant navy haa won ao apfendld a mueb atlenfloD both h> aciaDilAodrvictory—hold aome little unpeopled barclos and from die general peblic.
bore where our rrutalng aarahlia may
by Darw&
In tbe ‘Origin of Spe
coal and And a refug^when In Mreaa" .forth
ll baa been Urgoly dereJnped in a
--------------- ----------------------, .
Over a HealaHty tW.
ftpfinrfl-ia.,Ilia . May 4.~Mealea have
Br oaw I'PM W R« Amr»V>^
broken «ut at ramp Tanner, and an U**!•*> Aay*i*7 Aflar Tbvr
-■■ilMWl !•.*
Wm IW !>■«- olatlon boapital haa been eatablMied.
I, in
•tmMMr TMrrAar-JoA WIU lAkrTra Tbia la kej i rtooely guarded, and Is In
remote part of tbe gruunda
Xlv* >• C*apM«—Mvw
- l>y-
baa arrived
Ubent. Proferaor Pli
(be ccncioaioa that insaeta are indiSerT,
eol 10
e guided to tbOT
There a
le way by sight
ales In ihe hospital.
Mount CrvinA. Pa.. Mur *-—*«. «*• ' A serious question has arisen as to I Ths.expeflments on wbicli the Uelgian
iMnied Ute Urt ofAbl ibAt BAtli-O' A. whether t'vlonel J. 8. CulvA-, of Sprlng- I tmfesaur bases bis farruBcbiug
biug c<
cuDCln! the Fifth Infanlry.
briefly tbeae: Having coverud
CAptAin DarrliDr H. Wart>unon. had
■ Colonel Fred Bennett.
the brightly oolnred flowen of single
bMD diroctod br the war depanment lu
the Third Infsntcy. Is tbe senior colonel
is garden vrlih bits at grew
ba pmMwad to Irave bare arithln fortr- of the Illinois National Guard. The post dablias in bis
loif. be fonnd that lhi>y were sUH visit^rbt boura. recruited uploa Cull atand- win protwly be turned over by the govr when the mustering Into the ♦d by Insecis. This -rented ao much «
IBC or a battery on a irar fooMns.
United 8U(es service Is completed to variance with tbe gaicraUy received'
WaahlBdloB. May t.-AecordlM to ad- the ranking coloneL snd as this will be view that inaeeti are attracted to flowTlcea heretofore received by Adjutant quite an honor both
I PlauandniUttitad a prolonged series of
Oetteral CorMn the nui^eHac In ut the like IL
___ observations to pnt—•
Colonel Bennett's commission .datey j experiments and
■oMtere of the volunteer army wa» to
from Oct. SO, I8S3. but part of that time i -latter
Inrlber to tbe proof.
badn Id moat I'f the eUtea yealcrdar.
he was without a command. He use rrenlt has b«.-u to oonflnn and strengthAf aocio ae tbU tonuallty la acconi............... .. en tbe conclosiona drawn from the tint
pllahed they
become regular United
etalea tmupa. available for any aer- elected to the command In llA. Culunel' wpmmeutA Onftlug off tbe br.gbtly
n --------issi. oolored onrollat of socb tinweii as loTie« «blch the prealdeni may cAtl upon C^llver’s rank dates from Aug. ...
them to i>eifonn. Up to the cloee of If the question Is referred lo Governor bellA evening primrosA ioxglovA etc..
ofBc* houra. however, reporw od that' Tanner It is understood that he will de-1 be fenod tbe remaining green parts
aubject had been iwived only from cide In favor of Coktnel Culver. Tbe i were still visited. Again tbereare some
:nln?l Stniee army offleera alho ray brightly oolmwd ftowere which are eel-'
Maaaachueetta and ArlaonA tVlih tbe
lat promoilona wllTbe made according
visited ■- ------------------- *"
limited force in. ebarce of thia w<irk
at the varioua rendeivoua.n* t«olnt» the
mualerlng-.ln ne>eaaarlly wlU tahr from
two days to ten or mure, acoirdinc to
-»»»>»» -k.
riders of this city who will form part of
regiment now being organised In Missouii snd Arkansas under tlte leader
ship of William P. Cody (Buffalo Bill)
met In this cli]’ yesterday and com
pleted their organisation.
naval rJin tha
evening for Norfol
In addltiuntotbe SS already wait
ing at the Norfolk navy yard to be en
listed for service.,
Des MolneA Ia. May 4.-Teslerdsy
the m>n at Camp McKinley tn comimnles unanimously voted to Indorse
James H. Unculn. Inspector general
and commander of the ramp, for an ap.
polntmenl ns brigadier general lo com
mand the Iowa m ops A leiegram to
that effect was sent to Prvsid-m Mc
Iowa Boldlern boys will not he sent te
the battle without a good supplv of
"the sw ord of the Spirit " Tbe MMiiBtertal sasoclstlon. of this city, has d>
tided to aupply tbe mtlltlamen with
____ ___________ _
the sUr of that stale's quota
regiment 'a day Is considered very fi
progress. Kuw that the mustering wo
is under way the ofOclals are giving
their sttrntlon to quest!, ns of molnllaatlon. trsnsj-ortatlim and sul^lstence,
and by, the time the soldiers are reafy
to move tbese queetlons wlll'have been
vm Wear Ike Wats 1‘rvbahiy.
Adjuunl General Cnrtiln bad a con
ference with the jtresldent yesterday
SsMMss Ihe TUII Field '
Chicago, May 4—Scores by L-esguc
base ball clubs yesterday were as fol
lows: Al Wasblngtiiit -D.ston 7. WashInelcn 1: ai Brooklyn-Philadelphia A
Brooklyn »; at Cleveland-8t. I.«uls tClevelsnd 6; (Bec.nil game) fit. Louis I.
Cleveland !: at Piitsburg—ClncInnatP
s' Pliisliiirg t. at Chl.'ago—leiulMlII-'
IP. Chicago »; at New
York - Wet
Western League:, At Milwaukeeanlumbus «. Hllwauk-e 7; at Detroli—Indlanatsilig r-.'neirnii 1; at MInnsap-.IIs—
Omaha t. MlnneapT.lls (: at St. |vaul—
Kansas Citj^l^e^ Paul 4 _
tentlona will be sent to tbe senal
OenerwJ Corbin took with
to the While House a full list of thos.DewsyvUls Has m Might lo ilowL
nominations which had been agreed
FIndUy. O.. May 4. — Prolmbly the
upon lip the war department onriaUT
people in the United
After a twenty-minute conference w1tb moil JuWlint
Slaws are -(he cltlsens of the village
tbe president CorUn returned
Of Deweyvllle. fifteen roWeS n-nhdepartment to make some alteraiioi^s
eaat of here. This town was lorsted
la the lUi gpggcsted by the presidenL
C..mmodore George
It Is understood to have been decide
tXwey w hen he was a young man
to name General Shafier. who has 1>ee
deslgnalrd 'o lead the army of Invasion
Ows>di4 Asalher Powder Hill.
into Cuba, and General FTtsbugh Lee . Valparaiso. Ind.. May I -Spanish spies
and General Joe WbeeKr. of Confed- are thresienlng.ihe destruction of the
crate cavalry fame, as three of Ihi Aetna luwer mills at Miller Slatioti.
major genejwls. H Is regard, d as prob- near i'heslerlon. Ihli county. Guards
Able llisl Ihe president may also nom- are on duty day and night Ip pn-vei
toate General Wo- <l(oril. former mlbls. tbe blowing up of Ihe large supplies <
.ter to-Hpatn. to le a major general.
Brigadier. TW Me ReguUrw
Concerning ihesn>oinlmenls of hrigadler generals
' Veneauela has Issued bar deelarallon
Ute president. S*.
of neuiralliy.
lake iheVandIdi
The French caWnel has approved t
ranks ef csdonelp
auppresfiion of the wheat duties un
This V
t commands The, July
e made, will be In
a Mr. Holy, of Jefferaon county. Mo.,
favor of those sutes which furnish on- I was arrested lor disturbing a religious
m m-in- brigades of tr,K»ps. In such ! meeiing.
eases. It is le lleved. the president win ;
xhe Illinois State TnKMrTapWCAl' Unappolnl as bricadb r generals olflrers
l»gan lu ronvenllun In Peorta yaarecommerded i.. him by ihe-govera-.iK ,..^4,5 morning.
of the elates from which the lr.«.|M' j,,„n ^ Brown, treasurer of Chicago
come,__________ '
,.an ,-i„b.-died of Bright's disease
OEN. HAMKI-srtN XAK»N A KI-EISCH. ytslettlay at ChlcjgO.
('hnkrannuga and Washington have
Oraiwr St the I'reeeiMailoa of s y'tag b> ai> . u.<.n ahniluH-ly de< Ided on as volunteer
ladlsaa RatlerL .army rtmceniratlon points.
Indlanaprils, Maj 1—Yesterday sftAdvices from Cul« say famine
ereo.ii'r«i <5amp W-.uni. wheri- &.000 In- mln- ni and food Is more «-SBenlla1 now
dlans t..l,.cte,-re are ns.-mt.i.-d, Gen-’ than ate arms and ammunition,
eral Harrison rnnde hie tlrsl i-ubllc utC-uniesa leitlla B. Iti'lla Pretlora.
leran.-e -n th- war.
a flag Finnish subject living at CWcagu, has
r. In
In presenting
bebaif of amlety Udlew- 'taken out her flrst clUsene Jtapers.
to Iluitcry AM
The municipal election al St. I’aul re<
his S|a-ech h- sab
In tbe cour«e
•nll.-d in the .-lt-clb>:- ,-f r-1..nel A. It
lery busy ' I eoul
though he w.
Kiefer, BepublU-ati, by, about 7,000 plu
the (frutiflcaH-n of a
prceiltig. of
of con:mcn<l.yll--n
con:mcn.l_all.-n_ a
and a
be^n m^ssibU- tor a word P
you and to all of tbe brave . ,
young Wlows who teve^so promptly • ,,,^‘ph“rince'H..n
ir country's call
: light artillery has
General Stewart L Woodford, f
_ i.ard I
Tourelne. which
leo ail competuorw .
You have wot; tame for tbe state. As
Indlafialatis we are proud of you.w • •
You have heen fltwt tn peace: you muat
not—cannot—w ill not—be aecond inwar.
"Our foes now are not. thank Ood.
tboB of our own bousebold. That 'was
a war tor tbe life of the Union: this a
>r bumanlly. Thai for outwelve*;
if another race.
le opprei
c dare E
pressed the world
Annenlans we could eend only the eucecr of a taltb that overcomes death and
■' ‘ '
te and the
AT)’ can give- But t:
Cobans and their aUrring womeo and
children arc knocking at our doom:
thalr cNea penetrate ourMumbera. They
am ehwely within what we have deflaed lo be the iphwe of AineHcai
flaance. • • •
"We bare dlaclalned In the fare at
tbe Mlloiw of Europe—who are now divldtBg roettlneau ratieb as hangry boys
ialchi divide a melon-lhat we bavrno
e ta aelae and aivcaprtaaa C
■n Havre for Se^Tork.
According to a re(>ort al London t
British ambassador at Washington. I
Julian l*aunrefole. Is to be succeed
by Sir Thomas Bandereon.
An dincBitles which bare extetad t
tween the city of MenaabA WIa. and
Ibe Fox River Valley Rallvay company
Gas eecaping rtom eighteen Jets jiul
an end to the llfeoTEf W. Keely. a Chi
cago painter, after be had opened the
vmleen In every pipe In Hopkins r
paint More, with aolctdal intent.
Boys discovered tbe body <
W..W In B ditch In Seventy-!
ftreet. went of Vincennes read. Chicago.
There were no marits of vtoience and
oonld Identity the
was tound.^
Jsmea Jobnaen and Michael B
flebernien. rowed two miles into tbe
lake at Chicago, to rescue, at they anp-
How tta boated at Ik
daMMAWUhla Talb Why He IWngrMi
“If tbere li • wsr,” abb raid, “1
with tbe outer darlatw
teali volnncaer, bni not M h nnnA “
BpHngAefd, ills.. May t.-Jusilee Wil
“Thao bow will yon goP*
has Aled a dla«.tl.ng optnjon In th,
“At a viTandiare.”
npporUon^t cue recenUy derided in
“Bnt. my dear girl’*—
“Ob, yon needn’t Oy » dlmooiog#
1 think ibe vivandiere ooaMUM
would be BDcb man beoaming to nw."
Tben he recalled that twice wilbln
•trlciB In se<-i|on 6. artb
few niontbs be bad taken bar
conrdtiUon. That jc. Hon. he says, docs
»tee a comic operA—CInoago Post.
}ohn Lubbock and Mr. UlWl Allen.
,„„..„ver th- g.n. ral assembly to
8aaa-tresb and intereatlDg light baa
ap.K>rtl«nmem laas or docs lis
now been thrown un it by a aorieacd language
in do so. It only de
_ ige P
by. clare« Imw the poe.er already eslsllng
“Have yo
tbe University at in the legislature shall be esen laed.
gradnatioB «
Ever Burned Ovtf
them it tbaer
of oor gar-!
little boney was placed
bees came to tbam
at (MKie, tboae blossoms which had not
raoelved bemey heiug pssaed over.
“Other eoDspicDOUsflu^sB wen tried
in A aimiUr way witffS^n^IU Tba
experimret of removing kbe fa<Bey bearing parU of a flower abdJbaving tba
“Vea It it'The Injnribui Beatraiota
Ie«»!sGve 6^, «f the ...te 1. provided
.or in
m tbe
toe (..nslliullon.
o.n,u.uuon. Is
IS the
tne creaiurr
crws.ure cgSuperelitiim. Ancient «Kl M^erri.’
conatltullon.' in any way give.
“Tbafa very interesting. Y« mnat
,uppon lo the assertion th.i amioc « is gat right to wtwk on if
-creative' of the p.ds-rr in ihai Usly to I
“Ub. dear, no! Yoo wouldn't bavaBa
apportion tbe stale. It Is Inherent In begin it oo Friday, would yonP'—
the general assembly and c
Waablngfcai btar.
c»*d hy it at ^ueb times and l
"““nev «• “ >"«y 4
*■*““» >» hin“*-a by
eaoe from one color to auotber of va-■
at. new. par bn..................
OatA No. L par bn. (new). .
1!! «* ♦ «
returned from wchool at 8 o'clock, and
was sent t.. awaken his father and (he
children. The chamber door was fas-
ilvra nxUaetion of kaath.
itt palal
' W.r.^aUfr
Again. Profe.wwFl.MaoiD.de artificial discovering Ihe butchery
wl*! through a
flowen with pieeea of green leaf, each
Gramm lay on the floor and
booey. Tbora the thre<- children upon a bed. Tbe chll.
1 wiib a iittle ho
freely vidted byinsocta Bnt.nlreightruny .slashed with
ficUl fluwi
fluwersmade of oolurodBaterlal
rn-ir faiher had uused a bread
with honey.
: tv-nrelh the bloody ax. written
'In further snpport of bis ripws Pro- Grsirm. Indtrsied Ihsi his an w
gjT PUteaa ii able to bring forward caused by Jeal-tusy -f his wife.
the foUowiug Urts as lo tbe babita of.
iseecta in visiting flowen: They will i
pass freely and with apl»reul indiffer-,
Or. Higgins,
, Cora iJer bo., old...................
j Bran per im
Bnekwbeat Flour.
,Gramm told a nylghbor woman whohad
been left In chsrge of the children that
tis would take them upsjaira and put
•ttrirrim's ton Edward
Lot Ukaa in exekango.
Alao gooff bonae aad 50 foot lot, Oak
Park. WaabiagWB street.
11 Ml
Lard per B..................................
Batter per t». Dslre.............
lu,.” «
poMd to be I
with tbe xiogle dabliA In inc r floreU
were rt-moved, leaving C
ontcr onea a piece of yellow
leal being
No ir------------------Ibera boneyleaa flowere. Bnt as soon
a drop of nectar was placed cm them
ibey viiilcd tbem at freely xa before.;
50fllotonl6Uiatreet.waat7 Areryda-
CUar Pork per bW. new..
dear Pork p-r »...................
Abort Cot Pork .'...............
Short Cntfhvrk pertb....
Plour. B L. A Co. beat..
Bye F4our. H L. A Co. BMeal.H.L-ACo. Beat...
Peed. H. L. ACo. Beat...
ihe Tl-ectnnlng with the
pr„MbB the i«ssage of
than once In each ■•erlnci o
New York. May 4.—Jacob Gramm, a
shop keerer r-0 years oH living
Btreei. yesterday murdered
two of his children, mortally wounded
a third, and Inflicted fatal wounds on
himself. The children are Klla, t yesre:
John. 7 yearn, and a baby.’Frank. U,
yearaof age.- Ella and Frank are dead,
Th* f«‘h«r «««1 ‘he lad John are In the
Well, Now!.
Wbal atn I offared for a good bonae and
ly paymantA
Is a
-very t»ower not delegated to aome
er de|«rtmeni or en-^ly denied
by the .•on., tuimn ' Theguesii.n
Warattarg Bosk.
aixable place, wn ba bought oa maetk
Trerana Otty JUrkat.
Below M a Hat of ite buying and aelltag prices of ycatardajL-tecjrroeerieA
provHioaa and farm prMoeta in Trav-
‘rf,l.'’„'‘ ,--cn said by thi. court
i. letter ^-.tled
than that a state
John R. Santo,
Eeieril Insurance.
Attorney, at Law.
Acm Is Hontagne aiock, Traverse my.Xnek.
Grud Sqiidi t liidttu JLI
Blaachwed will Handle the Ttmiaa.
kMareaoilI* 0». Blaeh.
Washington. May 4-The problem of
rieti«-of Cbewanie apucire growing to- handling
lere are many amsll aiid in^.s been thei by tb.
ooospicnons flowcrsarbich are also freea^p^nment hy the selection of W
ly visiled. hvcb H. a l>rief oolliue.of
BUnrhar.!, president of the Join
Proferaor PlaK-an'sobservttimiH and ex- Tnltlc asMi iatton. as chief executive
imeou. from wbicb he lielieTea bio- ofticer of this branch of
aelf jnatified In drawing 1
that tigbl play
plays a v
ing insect.
i flowere. Their j
Aa Ordiaan.
outbetbeuTTuf IbL-tum-ctoriginl
a isubviuBa"—Loudon Timaa '
owing 'rabb^ln*lbe B*Uteu!^^ey*.
of tbe city.
blie p.i
The Old Haa Waa Cared.
OBces. CTty Opera Honae SIX.
.(to U ab™ t
Trains arrive fro a OlaelsaatU. Oraat Sap
^tralB arrive at HHB a. sa
-T Other pnblie apace or place within I
___ ________________£____________
him the wonit of it. Tben.he wcmld ran the city
e City. MIchigwi
tLAaidtCKWOOD O.FA.OrS^fctMS^^ •
np utMrs and bang unt of tbe second and in a e any inch runbiab or
or I •»« •'<»• the br«are« Irew (he eagtne la akad
Story window, bolding to tbe lisige. fonsire • UDwhales.-mr aubaUnce
' •
'la Traverse City ’—
a in
ahontlDg like wildfire that be
to drop and kill bituaelf.
! .at
rat np a nmra
wife wonid relent and
aat woold brtog out tbe neighbors
nelgbbort for
blocks, and tbe man wonid be pnllad
in tbe window by frieoda
“Tbiigut tubeoonittig toofreqocntly,
and rumc-of Ibe Uits wbo lived near.
andwhobadloore,...lwveral juinti in
tbelr apinra at different times polling
^ the owner
or ac-1
iball be the duiv‘of
copani of the lot or premises in front I
of which or adiaceut lo which |nch !
rubbUb. snbat^ce.or Ihisg shall be j
tuunn. Ui remove the ramc, forlJi.n’iUi |
' upon receiving notice from 1^0 EhiiN of
remove tte
"f not removed
hiJara after
,0 nop ii. 0««o. d.p “'f.'™;—I
it tame ^ain. The oltl fellow bung out
of the window, about,ug that bo would
irely jouip and cud It all; tbe wifa
caiuo rushing into the street in hynerics.
and Ibe ncighburs ran as before to pull
o up. Tbe fim man wbo get there
or rearrai bouvew
^ Hwe.iwamei B< Dae. E. RihBt. awtr
TTTANTgn-'To ei
W W;,.hi«f" »ir-e»
_________ __________ I------------
1 teacher trow
removed at public expeaae and the oost ^ Rapid., w.ii lake
removal akari be coUecMd and 1
p,,d by special ux npoa tbe premises
VruDi .ireet. Thotyay, lace
■I nailer pleaae liarr al B
adjxvni thereto
Sec 7. No person ekall per_..
____ _
allow any of the prohibited lh‘ntre.ar-|/^IRL WsWTBD-l^ seo..^-
tbe man’iflugr-rewitbn Mick. mak- .‘>':‘''- orsutalancea
-U 1...
bte buhl. ....... ... ,b.
.ironwS lo tbe bard
iruf all. be
ment.uned in tbajyf
triMe ter
luism UD wKnsimu li
^laoe'claeka ra.
OssAiM Jet
Chkar Lake .
,dly hnrt, bnt it rared adj-u-eni to or
faimof'tbatbad habit.''—UittaborgUta- ed. Ieaae.1 ore
Bat^ Or^
• ^ nujncent w> wni. u ; ij—Manceluna f BaUes* (root AlhA Ha Tiareres
of Iboyonug qneen of'such rnbbiab or anbatasce aball be ^13,,
raiir<.ad: 40
<u acre,
aerea -ell
well 1improrrd. OrelUekvtU* .
wllea (r..» ranr«.ad:
ding to a found, to remove the tame forthwith ; tte.-J (cace aDdo.y-hara._aod re- d-Mi^
Holland will lake place.
tepl. 6
upon rtoeiving notit-a from the Chief of
an with
to remove
On that day tbe yooug womau.
- the aama. aad if Ue
^ wauskv TO U>AN-
Ibe following formolA which ia a
strange oontnbt to Ue oaUt adminiatared to the Barabn and Uettnan amperan:
noUee then Ue same shall
b, re,^r^ at public expense a»d tbe
| eoa?orr^oral*eban te'^Uected and
: p-M by ipeoial tax npoa such adjaoeal
5BSS- . . .-.‘T
S Kuaas-Mte RslcUc Bofaorab. a
sale at ths Cslrareltr Boap<inl. ass
01 rrapoed to (wUa tor BBimag. Bl aasra-eOnaalad
u»p«.pb,o,,h.a^.e I..Sb^i.yt.-L
isproper rabbi
obsarve and always tnainuin
• tking. tf perfe-------"
mant>l taw. 1 nbotaa m-aslf 1 *0>M<
and tbe righti of all my aubjects and to
aball ’be
........... ..
ct iadividul and _
prespsricyall Ua tneanaarbich Ue U«s
place at my disposal as tbe dM tf aa
njffigbt (jneen. And may God aid me ia
my wodt.'’
work at pnblie a
•eniTtey Tiirap
All bat foar staire in Ua Ualoi fasT*
tramp lawa England aaadi Ue treunp
' to Ue wotkbonsA Pranoe makes him
: do omtviot labor. Oennany and Balgtas
pnt him tm praaal tana* Bat la aU
rhich had eoantrisa and ia aD atatas tba ttasp
.-BoaWB Olota.
IS and of t
. OrdlaasM aambsraix. tclaUve to tba B.hlie.healU.-hsreWrfare
aaetad aadia hsm In Ue Villars of
Mk^lfaB. M bareby rra
tee? *. ThUtidinanoaahaUukeel.
fact la twenty days after Ha pnblMa*
Oneharaajal. .
Hack, 6h£M
Whan in Bead tf .aayUUff in Uia
Iva do hvahy eesttty that Ua fore- Uae reraamber UR to Ua place to laaee
teii« erdiaaiiea was piratd ky Ua
Ooa^ of-the aty of Trevaraa Catj aa
Laaea year ordare at tfks or aaU ap
Ue t*U day tf ApriLans.
W. W. aanra, Mayor.
A. W. Baanao.
Thon^Ho. 8.
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