The Morning Record, September 28, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 28, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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S«eoad T«ftr»yo 489


T*ddy Booaevelt No^nlnftUd
For Gov«raor.
2>e£Mted O^vmor Blftok Di
Naw Tork OonTantlon..
CbMasr « ]

i u»

Xnfiiitiide of the Amp.

• member of Coapu/ B, Thlr^*tblnl
rerimeni, bM died from feror ooa troet
•d In Cnbn. TbU mnhee' the (ovrth
member of Comnenj B to fell • eieUm
to the Cnbea fever.
DeUolt. Sept. S7.-Be»ry Myen of
Gompenp A. Thlrty-arth rerimut, died
nt Gr»M beepiUl tUe monlnf of
photd fever. Be ealbted »t Shelbp,
bet bU home «m et Temehewh, Wit.
vet bronfht to Detixdt from Chmp
Bbtoi oa Bept is.


Bank In Flora, InA


arognd thie dedeloB of the oommitice
or not remalM to be eeen. tml If the
CtovelaBd’briehie'not foraUhed them
wfllprobaWp be eomethlnp more iaUrcetlnc for the committee to oouid-i

Claims of Oontrat^ Not Al.
lowed by Oommlttoe.



If You Have Lost


It eeeme that the ooatraetor bad '
Sxpeits Appointed to Invaa. made overtnree to the Cleveland ompaap after the reeoloUoD dlrcctiapj
tiffate Bxtra Work.
him to nee their briek wae pecMd. bat!
there wae an apparant Utah la hb ne-1
OUleep e aod Konltoe to Bde If the rotbtloae with them that led to the!
Uad of
Olaimt arePut—OoBuaittee t—
UpoB Oleeelaad Brick, Bat Oea-i
traetor Oibeoa Wanted to Vbrmbh
Bomethinx Slee-Ar«bltept Ordered
to Farabh Clad Bpeeifled:
»o Lat«e Boroe WtU be Aa<
The conrt bonee bnlldinp committee Any One Polntla Onba-Twe Brly.
adee Oettiax Beady.
BpMlel M Tu noans • Kaooee.
the claim* of the eoutraetor for utra
Sept. K-Oeneral Siwork and matorial. which the com-1
mlttee had refneed to allow: the other!
Snyder will eoamaad Ue dnt


s, to™


220 Froot Street.

HoUoy A OonaaMB'

Always in season-window curtains.
Always the best made, and best fitting,

•p«sui MTU Hunu ReoBB*.
-------------8et»toc>. Sept.
The BepebllcM |
•UU eoBventlon re^nvened «t feor j
Oeehier Xmaon-Bloodo'eloek tbit efiernoon. after a reeeae !
honndt are oa the Trail.
tekeaatl:t5. J. Bldrr Cbdp, of Hod- bpeeiei m
•on. took the pUUorm to nominate t Flora. lad.. Sept. *«.-Xo doe b ob- i
the metier of the kiad and qnality i ^^*’**‘**‘^'~ **■
Ooventor Blade at 4:t5, mM tamDltotu j wined peC to the robb^ri who blew of briek to be need la the ooaetraetloq
' I OcLU. A tovalrr briynie b slae
I open the aafe ef the Parmer*- bank oftbebuHdlny.
»ay it. General
Chaaaoep U. Dipew preeented the ui. m»ralar. feteUp ehooUaf Ouhler
mmard wUl ant leeve nntll
I mtt behind cloned!
> of Theodore Baaevelt, payiap Lennon, aad eeeariay
November. No Urye foru wiU he aeto dbenw tbe'p
an doqnent tribnt^to him aaedvU
Oaebier William Lsnnon. wbe wu which it 1* eootronied aad after de- umhled at any one print aad only i
eervlot oommbelo^. police eammb- aronaed by the Bolee of the azploelon,
cidiny npon their conne they admitted few troope will he located ia iUvaaa.
aioaer, eealstantaecretarr of the navy, appeared while the rebber* were atlll
the reaertera and eent for Contractor
aoldieraad eiUsK. In doalay he eaid: at work, wae ebot aad It b believ­
Olbeon to acqaainl him with their
•'tot thb pear, tor thb erbb, for ed that he will dU.
acUon. The matter of the extra
pooap men of the ooaatrp aad the opA poeee followed the yaay eome dle- ebaryee wu token care of fleet.
m/ •••• handsome colors. GarmenU nre
erard aad oetward tread of the Ualted tonoe,b*t they yot away on a hand ear.
The committee at opce notlfled the
strictly tiilor made thronghout-v-|9.00 to 116.00—
Uee Ritt Wm Sneceed AnBlateatbe candidate of eandidetee b Bloodhoaade are oa their traU. There
ooBlractor that they had decided
Cheaper ones. too. “Anything" in Capes.
the hero of Saatiaco, the Idol of the were two terri&e exploaktaa and the
appoUt a committee to Itok over the
m>rk ridera.'
Wuhinytoa. D. C . Sept. 37.—Beprohank bnlldlny waa almott wrecked.
work apeclfled in ale clalma for extru,
Reliable Dry Goods, Cair«t
. Beoeevdt waa aomlnatod on the firet
each committee to meunre np the work eeatoUve Bobert B. Bitt b etUl ^ed
and Clothing Honse.
' haUet, reeelviar 7SS to 118 for Black.
aod to determine if the ebaryee made by the kaowlny ones u the praepee
At the momiair eemlon Conrremme
are juL The appoiatmenu for thb
flereao B. Papaa who wu cbeeen tem­
BtoeTwer OoIombU Oaoyht la a Ty­
•k are J. F. UlUeepie. aa experiea- Hay, former Ambemedor to Grtot
porary ehalnaaa. addreaaed the eoaoei local contractor, and Thomu Monl- Britain, hu yone to aevcland. Ghfo)
phoon and Bveryeae ea Beard
.▼Mtkm. Dnrfaff hb addrem the menton. enperinteodent of the hnUdlmy. to vblt hb mother, who b Ul. but he b
Oeve 17p in DiepAlr.
ttoa of Preaideat McElalep'a
who will be reqaired to yo over the upeetod In Waahlayton eome Ume Ub
•eeetel MTu Haume Raoeu.
the al«nal for wUd aad e
work with the ooalraetor aad report week, when be will at once eator apoa
Ibooma. SepL 37.—The etotmer Cel- when they have flobhed. There wu hb datiea u Secretory of Slate. The
SpcaklBSoltheooBdnet of the war omnia arrived lent alybt. after eaeome dbenMloa betwua the bnildlay eomlny ef Mr. Hay bu revived the yoeMr. I^pM told: -To properi
Bn* tas wry MmbW n
cenatorlBy a meat torrillc tj aboon off eemmlttee aad Contractor Olbun. who •Ip ahont hb eoece*eor at the eonrt of
UcancMleestMMisttoeltf. :
and erpanlta aa anoy of SOO.t
the ooaet ef China. The aeoape of the Anally expreeeed hlmaelf aatbfled to St. James. The Preeldcat b kaowa to
and place them la the held within ebip wae a miracle, everybody aa board
have several namea eader eoMlder*have thb eonru adopted. •
•iaety daye b a tremeadoM nad

haviny yfvea np hope in dtopalr.
When the brick qaeetlon wu hrenybt tioo. hot he bu yiven ao iet^metioa u
lar- MUtakto no denbt have beea
np there prombed to be eomethlny in- to wbe wl'l be appointed to thb Immada OSoer* and men
BPAnr DBMAHDB PHIWPXVBB. terenliay. At a former mcetlny of the poftant poeltioD. He sUll hu Be
the aeeeeeltr for eaniUry r««nlaUona
mlttee a reaointloa wu paaud prp •entotive Rlu in mind, bnt be needs
We wonid yladlyheve poetpoaed the Waato Maafla Baetored Before Treaty
vldlny that inetoad of the “J. B. F." Mr. Hitt ia Wuhinytoa. more, pos­
war natil aatsmn. bat evento tbraet it
brick whieb the kpeeifluetion* called sibly. tbsB in London, for hb position
■pOB oa Bnt when the record of the
Madrid, Sept. 8«.—Aa latorvlow pnr- for. the Qevelaad No. 8 Bydranliethe Bswailaa oommbsion mskes it
war U made np. It will appear that no portlny to have beea had with Doha
Prem briek ihpald be need, the eeoaty slmcst imperative that he shenld be In
ertotor army wa* ever oryaclzed aad Almodovar de Rio, forelyn
to pay the difference in eoeU $8 SO per the Boom when the reportof that eemcqnippcd eo well, aad ao comple
eondrme the report that Spain wUl de­
Band. Thb ution wu takes be- mbeion b token op for eoaeideraUoa.
with ao litUe privaUon aad leee nffer- mand that ebe retola her
canee the brick epeelfled wu not of the
iay than onr own volnateer army in In the PbUippine* and have Manila requality la kuplny with the plane.
ScBtiftry-Blrb yrade at moderate
the preaent war."
otored to her before ahe nlifle* the
Dr 8s.wv*».
Oontraeior Oibeon bad not bonyht prire*.
H. L. ACo.'s block.
treaty of peace.
the brick called for in the reeolntion,
The eablaet today anthoriced Cap­ and the matter remained at a etoadtain Geaeral Blanco to draw u the •tUl natU thb meetlay. that the oonIreunty for 40.000.000 poMtoe to be
are only pooondMt
SeoretAry Alger Qipen a Liet aud toward the ooat of withdrawlay trutor ooald fernbh camplee of brick
which ae eoosidared Jnit u yoed u
troope from Cnba.
of Qaestlona.
that called for

from the best material, at





Thlnss of
Jackets for Ladies.
Large lot of the finer garmenU
-«cei»ed yesUtday. AU of the




When Leaders Speak f
^e People Listen •

^ talk today is about a line of Men’s Floe
Suits and Top Coats.



«of the Ptadtoy Uy
dranlle-Preu brick, which the commiv
ten did BOt dum u yood u that they
called for. Mr. Oibeon wanted
to wail nnlU certain other
•amplto shoald arrive, bat Caairmaa
Parry emphatically declared that there
•honld be oo more waitlny and that
-IheCleveland'hriekshoaUbe used or
at all.
V. Bsldwyo, repreunUny
Clevelaad coneem. wu preeeal and
made overturu to Coatmctor Oibeon to
ototo hb roaaoa for hb atUtade toward
. with the war departmeat.
the Cleveland oompany, bnt the conTravoUay Bdnth ef the Ohio.
'Beoretary Alyu wpe reqaectod to
tiaetor wanted notbiny to do with the
faralab a hUtory of t^e eampaiya. My SptoalioTnHMaiac RaMan.
aeveland man aad insbtad that the
why certain camp* were eeleetcd aad
CBleayo. Sept. 36.-arder* have been
oonld not compel him to
to afford the eommlMlon mlaote detail iMnedoB all lailrcada that pereou
of the condlUoae earroundlny Ue var- travallay eoath of the Oblo%iver mui bnr brick of the Cleveland company.
The eoramiilee did aot care where the
toae departmeaU at the beyinnlny of
ovided with health certlfltotaa
brick came from so lony u it wu the
the war. Amony a lUt of epedai quue- they will be detained.
brick called for la the resolnUon. As
................... • Secretory A Iyer
it seemed that the oaly way to yet ths
were the fonowlay:
Loog Omlne Tar Bnslya Bnma.
brick specited wu from the company
"Firet—What plan
>palyn wac •pMlal M Tu Moune Ra^.
Mr. Bsldwya repreuated, there^prom.
ly after the deelaweahlarton.Sept- 3^—BnaiyaBorM
Wu it intended to the popular effioer oTUe Toeemlto, haa laed to be troabla akead. aad there wu
Of the Benda stock which
a temporary hitch. Perry and Walker
I Havana, or wae that I been
I to the Oolher Iwhe
of ike committee held toyelher aad
eampalyn to be poetpoaed nntU an- for a lony emiee. Coi
we bought rery cheap and
would not recede from their determiad aad made a memher
-Second—When waa the Saatlayo
aUon. bnt Mr. Pnicipber wu In favor
are dewing out at such re­
of the board of inepectloe.
of waUiny for more mmpiee.
markable low prices.
• Ibibpa eeleeted
The condition wu nnpleasant. u acMayor Hopktn* ia Oritieai Btate.
M a base of open
cordiny to the way the reulnlion read,
apMisl to Tat Kouiiiia Kicou.
There waa never anything
-Four—Why were eammm eampe ordirectiny
St. Clair. Sept. 37 -Mayor Hopkine
yaaized at Femaodlaa. Jackaonville
like it. People know good
liec la a critical condition and it in be­ Cleveland brick, be wu not compeUed
aad T*mp»?
todoeo. However, H wu eayymted
barguns and are taking ade.-Five-When wae the Porto Riee
privately to a member of the eomi
tew boar*.
tompaiyn determined npon?
that the reeolntion wu all wrony any­
vantage of them.
•be Ware Toboaed by Ohuse.
how. u the dlrecUoDS ftf malarial
•peetol M Tss Moutse Bseosa.
should yo to the architut. lutead
Bartford, Mich., Sepb 37.—Hemtoa the eoutraetor. That diffioulty
tlnmth’s fi• illy of sU
I. by a new orby totiny ehoree aad were uvedoaly der. addreased to the a
, and it
by uvaral hours yreat i tervlon by wu siyned by Perry and Walker. Mr.
ICete of Oar Soldiers Rave Bno- physicians.
Paleipher mfnsiay to piyn it.
cambed to Dbeau.
Poreiye Wanhlpe Hava Lott Haaila.
apKtel u Ike Horatm. RrcM d
BO far u the committee wu coaceraed,
Gamp Wilcoff. bepL 37.—Gtrporel Smclel M Tks Maniac Bwers
aad the order wu banded to Architect
Popular Shoe Hooae.
Ranlla, S^t 37.—All the Britbb.
Jjooa Lewia. Thirty third Michiyan rey
Bowman, who uid that be would ao
imeat, of Owotoo, d ed today of diph­ Preach aad Owmaa wanhlpa have left direct the eonteaetor.
theria, after eofferiny nntold mbery. Manila. ___
The reason In the hitch on the briek
Mb father eoatruted the dbeau but Piattyldak
qnesUon wu that there wu aa ill fealwu caved bfonU-toslD.
enfl ball
iay betwun the Clevalaud Company
bland Lake. Mich. Sept. 37.-Wm76c, Si 00. S1.W. A Beada A Oo.. ISt aad ContTMlor Gibson; Mr. BaUwya.
-Bard or soft.
Proat streeb
lam Mania ef Oompaay I. Tblrty-fltth
however; la the face of the order of
MleWyaa. died at Ao'eloek thb mom' ximmUtee for hU briek. wuaailay «f eerabro spinal mmlayltb. Bb flaytaeOuct.
butobavetbeatoUaruttled, aad It
Brer eu aaythlny
—All for bnralay.
betoc wu at Novar. Maskoka oenaiy.
Utart styles, aeweet toea. Jatoat eolafter a private enofereane with the
Oatatie.Oaonda. HemUatedat Maam and fltsMt Uae ia the eifo la ^iteet that the erdm- atenUoaed wu Abo ths Always Beady Fire Kladlan
to start your flrw.
P^k Priedrtnhb atom. Wmbary ~raed.
^lliftoi I Sapt 17.—Piaak Bbajeeakl.,
Wbellw the eontrutor eaa yet
Baked to B^Iaia Why OerUla Oampc
Wm Ohocea, Why Troopc Were. Oboeea fa Vlath Obtriet C
Held oa Traaeporto at Taaepa aad
By AeeUmatloa.
ASMtiap Oondi- Speriel M Ta» Moune Suou.
Uoaa Dniiat the War.
ManUtee, Mich , Sept. 37.—The Be■btltoo eonveatlon ef the Minth db'WaahiartoD. Sept. 30.—The' war
vetU«aUonoommbeoareenmed iu la­ trict thU afteanooa re-aomlnated Coabor* today, prepariaf a nnmber of yrctoman Bbhop by aectaoMtion.
docameote beariny oa the work aa
token. They were principally reqaeete

Shoe Up
The Whole Familp

Such materials
Such qualities
Such fashions
Such low prices

S. Benda & Co.
124 Front St;reet.

We Don't Have To
Take a Back Seat
For any of them when it comes to —THwg OooktM.
We*ve got abont—well, anyway enough gradW to
suit everybody. Prices reesonable.

durio; oer

Great Shoe Sale




k .iu


S4S Fnmt StTMt

ClothiDg Deprtment,
Read It! Items of InterestI
Meu' flne Impertod unflnbhed worsted suite, cut by aa artbt. npoa
the Uttot patterns, flnbhsd by experimowl tailors, bmt of trlmmlay*.
Skhutsr’s utln facings, doable breuted, a rival to aay SU.oo
made snlt for *14.60. Thb lot b No. 6IM.
An all wool Se 'tch Tweed mens' suit, well madA Preach foelays.
donble bruited, we wntore to say ne better salt
«t at *7.M to

*10.00, for *4.08. Thb lot b No. 4417.

Cloak DepartmeDt.
Ladies' all wool blade Kenev Jaheeta. Uttn rhadesu UnlBy,
•trieUynptodaw, ter *5.oo. Ask for No. 407. A ladles* «ae doth
Astrikaha Juket, Ksruy strap omibs, toUn rhadema Unlay throaykoat, special *8 SO. OaU for Na Itos.
Tbs above two depsrtmeste are fiUed. with new and stylbh novd- ■ d
tba We eoUdt yonr lupeeUoa.

OlBM Block.

-‘M u -...Jsih



vmATxmsxorrr. -


«■» T. B&1M UCD J.

J. W. BASm. Bditer ud

Bo8b»d » WMt 8ld« Omomt
YMUrday Kornlsc

Bajdbk. Aflw Sia Pwud BtaMlaa aad ^eUa
Baeltal—Ha Vaa Hot Druak. Bat
Orasp aad la How ia JaU.

Beeaw, tha aiaa who oa Koadap
ahoat midaicht. creatad exeitemaa'
Front atreat bp floariahiap a reeolrer
aad fflriaf aa opea air eioliB recital,
ia BOW loekad ap for aafe kae^af.
dftar takiap Baaaw’a reroirar. aad
thlakliir tha laaa waa oalp draak,
Mfht OSoer Orapaoa told him to take
hla Mepela aad go home.
From Float atreat It aeamed that
Beaaw weat to MlUer'a groeerp atare
OB tha coraer of Baadolph atcect aad
Elmwood areaoe aad with t te aid of
pUak broke Ouwtgh the door and proaedad to help blaiBelt to the eoatenu of
the bnildiag. As he ‘■•xpectod
paap" that day. he explained later, he
only took what he thought woald he
Buffideat U eatertaln his gneau a 1th.
Several eaoa of core, paa^ peachM, aad
admoB. about a half cbtat of tea. half
a docBB loavee of bread, a dcsea cooklea. the same amoBslof egga. a qaantUyoferaakeim.twopoaBdsofriee. all
Tka Bafla now adintta that the eoart the eaady U the eatahliahaaeat, a large
Iwte aoaaoway to not aa* of which supply of tobacco, a can of ealphnr.
>0UUoal eapUal ahoold ba made, had package of aall, tkree paekagaa af
«ha nanlt of jraatarday'a saailar $f the atarah. two klada of soap aad a boUla
hw»diBf ooBBlttoe proVaa what the of lemoa extract,, beddaa tha store
BBtODhaaewteadedtrom the atari. acoopa. aad empty eaaa. aa empty jar
Chat thaelalBBiot the eoatractar tor aad aa empty jog.
Ha OOPceded a qoaatlty of eagari
aatra work aatd aaatarial hare aot beea
flowed. Bat tba Eafle anracs that seme tea aad the ^ga aadar hla shirt,
BUt,tOO haa beaa aapaadad aad that tba which was mada to raaembla a blouse
: ayoa ^ baildiaf baa aot war> bp plaelag a belttigbUy araaad his
>d that Vpanditara. Rarardiar waist. The rest of the goode be placed
Chto erataaUA. It ia aot Ukelj that la boxei aad ooaeaaled them, aadar tha
aldawalk. Dariag these traaeaeUona,
Cba eontfaet eaUa for. a^a front the however, the egg*, coaeoaled oa hla
«Ktraa which the aaperriaora ahall aae person, broke aad becama mixed with
the tea aad aagar.
§l to allow for work which the
After dispoaing of Ue groooriea be
Bittaa haa daamad aiBWiary oa aetamed hU attantloa to the bicycle
coaat af the chaafea la the alia.
which greaUy seeded r^alra.
« That the eonalttae haa made
It waa while ha was aagaged with
mlatahaa, the Bjccowj eoaoedca, aad the
this that tha owner of tha sandlaa.
Mberoof tha
adaUt. It baa aot boM aad U aot Mr. Miller, came to opea tbe store and
’ aow tha parpoaa of the Baroan to ex- diaeovered tha sad cosdltion of things.
Chief of Poliee fiaaala wms aoUfled
Baaa tba oo«fliit«ea far thoaa BUtakaa:
«■ the «aatrai7 eevare eritielaa U war- and ha took earn of tbe man. Be told
BeaaW to come with him. bat the Ut­
laatad. Bat tba poaStloa that
BacKtao took St tha befianlac of the tar, thseirisg the oOeer for hte kind
oiMtrofaraj-waa that tbie wsa aot a mat offer of koepitallty, decllaed. eaylag
Car to faraiab political capital. Tha that he. himself, waa expecUog compaay.
Paaaeraw atartod oat with acsaai
Upon being aaeared that 'plenty of
' oharrea ia thair platform, which exawaiUag him. he eonIMiac oondi^oat tailed to anpport.
ited to go with tbe pblieemaa, bat
The BxoosDateaaatobefair.butooDAma ^ crldsnt parpeec of the Bafle declared that it waa boys who had bro•ad the Demeciau to make aaeatailoa kea Uto the store, lie also said that
tha things la the boxes found under
oalof at
the walk, ware oUthM, which he re­
•ra deeply li
Chare be earefol oooaideratlon of the ceived at Ue aaylnm.
Tbe bkpele fouad la bis poeeeeeioa
pstaal tacMI. aad if the facta warraot
to Juerph becor,
ae iBTetUcatioh- Ibeo it la rl^bt that belonged
Cbopaoplechould be made foHy a>. had bean atoleo from the lattor's realof Oak aad Second
maJafad with the coedlUona. Bocanae j'*”“ «*“‘**
. mUiak,
..d U


. £


That thia hill for axtraa whlA haa
asB preaeatad. aad aU similar bUla
e^leb maparlae darlag the oOBatraotkM of the eeartboeee. U a eUim'
last tha ooBBtp wiUlB the atcaalag:
aal prorUtoa abora
of Ui
qoot4>d, raaeot be qaeailoned; a«d be-'
fwre It eao be a legal charge agaiatt '
itp. It'maatheaadlled aad at-i
lowed hp the board of saperelaora as a [
bodp. Tbe people of this eeaotp are i
eatit'ed to hare the Jilat Jad^eati
aad diRretlon of the eatlre hoard ex-1
ercia-'d ia the allowxaoe of thla clxim. |
aad aot almplp the lodgmcat of the {
balldlog committee aad architreta. ]
whose compeaaation Is a pereeatage of
the amoeatof tbe claim.
The arehltacu aad building comaalt
tee map recommend tbe amnaat at
which the bill in tbelr
abonld be allowed, and that b as far
Xb Three Siratt-b; H-ata
aa Uelr anUoritp extends. Tbe board
Biepcia Girl won a great race at Bast
>at lu'regular meetlqg
Jordan peatrrdap afternoon, taking
mspWoptor rrj.x-t th^.recoeimendafirst menep A three airsight bcata.
tlon of Ue architocu and budding
e. 2:l»S
ee. aa it sees fit.
will objrct to papiag tha con­
tractor a fair aad i
aation for all areeatirp cxtiaa; hot It
b to Ue Uterest of all tax paper* U*t
U* county gats full valae for Uc
ep expended, and Uat whatever b
done b done legallp. Geo. B. Caona

nsem ahem.
Ever are aopUlng better? See Ue
lateet style*, neweaftoea. latest col-


Watch This Column For Bargains!
Prieea 10. isaad roemita

For Your Scbaol Beaks
Fifty Gents
Guard Chains

foppKe* of all kinds a<
'ost Office Ballding.


Columbian Restaurant .Tir.


Open all night.

r meab for «Se and I

4U St.

Hannah & Lay Go's.

and see

22.00 Bedroom Snite.


we are solUng

It’s a beanty—larg? aixe, dooble' J
top, dost proof drawers, patent' t '
caslets, fine Sniali, 18xi0 bevel, 2
plate glass—In (pet it is a hand- |

e anite.
Sarveyor J. B, Barnep.GarSrH.
Coroaem—John Blghlaad. Travertc
dtp; Mr. Green, Acme.
lire waa no aomlasUoa for pma«eating attomep.

Hoose Forclsher.

Has been on the market for a nnmber of
jears. There has never been a move
backward. All efforts have been towards
making ihe best fionr, all the time, in the
belief that the consumer appreciates hon
est goods. Try tt


New Store 120 Front Street.

Jeiame WUbalm WiU Ooacb a Hew
I those intersstad in foot bsV
ahonld meet this evrniny In the build­
ing adjoining Shaav's livrr? stsble.
A cha"c? will be giv-n every one to
play on team. The conditions are Uat
;'<di<lataB for placee on Ue team are
to pricviee under tbe insimctlona of a
eosch, who in a abort time, will pick
ont men to make a good atrang cue.
The boy* have already procared tbe
aervlcea of Jerome Wilhelm aa coach,
and they hope to aooo have a strong
eleven In Ue field.
Teams from other towns aroond are
aaxloaa for dates aad it b proposed to
get np a team which will pat all preTtoos records in Ue shade.
If it can be arraaged. some outside
team will be here soon for one or more


Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-tlate Painter
anil Paper Hanger.

Prompt Payment
1 Clreracteristic.

thm ecatt s d*7.

My work is first cUss mod prices that srs in rnefa of «J(. I bid
prepared at all tunes to take care of tbe trade. I make a special^ is
Braxing. VolcanUing and Enameiing. A fine line of wbeela fur Bale
find to rent.
J. 0-BLLI8, 811 Front sttoet, eaat.

Mis* Taeksb rrp will reeeire her
friends at the opening of her new
parlors in the Smith bo‘ldinr,gViday Laachm la tbe worla for Ite.

Oandidatea Hamad for Tarioas OfBora
From Coagressmaa to Oeroaara.
Thy prohlbilloabtv of thb saeilon of
Michlgammet la coaveatlca peaterdap
George W. Hall called Ue mceUng to
order and E. V. Osvb of Long L»ke.
alaetedehai-mao; T. E Carpenter
of Wl
Tbe foUawiag
PorCongrem. BleveaU dbtriet-B.
M. Lowell. Read Oty.
Fee State eenator. S7U senatorial
dbtrfot—Prentbs E Whitman, KorUport.
For rapreaontaUve, Bearia, Grand
Traversa aad Lo^aaa dbtriet—Gao.
W. Hall.
For 8hariff-Mr. Wehatar, WlUiam*barg.
CoBBtp derii—Idcvl en8aiagtOB,Trstree dtp.
Begbter of Deads-A. J. McMallen.

Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries

Furniture Bargains

«!». b>n b... dbwd lor work ool
"P**- •'•1'
It is aUtad Uat Bsaaw has bean oat
jmided la Ue ooatract. It doee not
follow that Ue. lax payera are belag of bb mind for Ue past two weeks.
whom It b said hb atgwtofled, as Ue Eagle eo pUinIp laUfecUons warsoeatered, Uft.him some
Mme ago. but a few weeks aiaee wrote
Ihare iras a mUtake at the start in
him a letter from Bap Citp aad toM
Axiag the site of Ue baUdlag eo far
him she was oa her wap hooie. Thb
ThiM mistake aacemitaMd a
b supposed U be tbe canae of naaelMiarg- aad axtraa ia labor aad ma Ulag hb mind.and she waa Ue-'cempatariaL
To what exteat Ue peopU ap" for whom be vraa making each exyrllT have to pep lor these ebaagee
taaaive preparations.
M pot to. be dotsmlaed.
eoBtrector baa roadared hla hill for
Cho oxtraa. The eommittae refaaea to
allow it; but aamea a committee of
Mmpeteat peteoas to Uveatigate the Thap OeDBOt Xtelegata U Ue BnlldUg Vflthiag Osft
enter oor stock of mNS' sells bnt
evoU done aad detcrmlae what It b
Onmmittee AnUoritp U Allow
Ue very be*t- To deocrlbe each an t
warth. The matt*^ will then go to
OUiBi for Bxtiaa
or overoost woald take too long—
the board of eBperrlaare and wiU them
Urv aro boat
We haw Urm ai
Mb. Enrrox—Much has been said of
taoo., $10 00. $!$.»
will rest Ue question as to Ue smuaat Uta ia regard to tbe court hoate qaee$lt 00. $te 00. and keep them in good
evhich will be paid. At pmeent Ue tloa, and aepedaUp the oontmetor'e
obspe fur }oo free of charge for one
seditions do not warrant Ue UUma- hill of $C.TS1.S0 for extras; and in refpear.
S. Bxxns A Co .
Cioa Uat Ue Uxpepete are beiag ewio- erenee UoraU I wish to call alteaUoa
134 Front atTMU
Blad; Uab aaggeetlon on Ue part of
to a eoBsUtutlonal prorbloa which lAtart Stplat
Cho Eagle >s made parelp for poUUeaJ j seems to hsve beui eatireip
•elp overiooxea.
Newest tort and popnlar colors In
ines *re being displayed in Frank
L Bp Ue terms of Ue conUacl and
window. See
'.—<«-iUoDS. tbe arebitocu aad baildUcm.
lag committee are appareotlp doUed
wlU fall anUoritp to fix the valae of 8iw JOUiaaiy parlon.
NiM racksbeiTp will receive her
Tbap Will Xadairor to tadace Daal- labor and raateriab claimed as extras,
friends at tbe opening of her rnw
Urir deurmlaatlon to be fiaal and
ora to Handle Hore Home
parlora in tbe Smith buUding.Fridsy
Matnrdap. Elegant pattern bats,
Had* Booda.
Hut thme provbioDS of Ue contract
a-ilofs and the latest beanOfnl efTba regnlar mcetiag of Ue anloa
f. eta 43‘1-St.
im epedfleaUoae are directly la eoaCigar maker* was held last nigbt with fllct wiU Ue provbioae of the cooeti• foU altondance. The member* db- tntloa of Ue State of Michigan, and b
Time oanta « dej
•aneed Ue matter of a erasade la Ue aaaUempt to give to tha
dtp against aon-Baioa cigar* and the and buOdlcg committee anUoritp
. erofh will be taken ap. Their object b which eaanot be legaltp delegated i
Co iadace Ue local dealara to handle
■era home made dgai*. At present
Bp the CoaetltatioB of Ue State of
there are tonrteen anloa cigar makers Michigan. Artide 10, Section 10, Ue
la Ue dtp cmplopcd la four aoion board of sapervbore "sball have exclnnhopa. There are two DOB anion *bc^ dve power to prescribe «ad 6x Ue
The'dgarmakefawiUaek Ue dvalvia
ktioB for, and to adlust all Shop opposite Eagle office.
Co favor onion goods aad Uoae made daims against their reepeeUve oonnU Ub dtp. Bp Ub mean Uep hope Uee." Tbep are expressly made an
to he able to Inacaae Ue aamber of aadiUag bodp, vested wiU fell and vxdgar manor* cmplqped la Ue dtp.
claslve power to andit and allow all
elaim. agalaxt tbe eonotp, and froi
Vhat’i Vsvwt
Udr decision there b no appeal.
Ladies' S...........................
Kor b U wiUla Ue power of Ue
____ »l Steinberg's Cloak _
Tbep came la peeterdap aftomooa. hoard of nperrbora to delegate UU
aad are be*atlfal garments. Prices anUoritp to a bulldlog committee,
are lower Uan pou'd thick.
to Ue architaete or to aop oUer pery heartfelt thanka for check tor
laon: for wheree a power b axprwaly
n napment for
>r Ur dvnU
deal claim Li
Ladies, e'eao pear kid glove* wiU
tjL body aaUe
f mp law hnaband. F. B. GUi
Hiller Gl' velioe. liU nol a liquid, board of a
Tlaon, or Ue common am eonvlneed Uat your most excellent' j
leevM no odor aed eaa be need white
wiU Uelr \ 4
the glove b oo ibe band. For asle4»alp
CBBBOtba dalegeted, b a mte of law m membeta and I ehverfnlly
chMrfally reoammend
hp James O. Jobhaos. Droflrbt.




Not How Cheap,
But How Good.
Cheap goods are not what we build onr bnsihess
on—Its good reliable goods at prices that are with
the times that do it- Compare them with others in
quality and you will see they don't undersell ns.

FRINK FRIEDRICH. The Old Reliable Sheeman.




We are making very low prices on Fumi^ ture and you can’t afford to buy elsewhere
^ without looking at our stock.
Here are just a few items:
Sii Cane-seated Oininj-rooai Chairs for oal)[ $3.50
RfineCane-seatedRockineCliair. only $1.25
t No. I Waien Wire Sprine (fall sized) $.85 5:
Mull sized Mattress, oely $1.40
A full sized Bed, (casters ioclodad) for only $1.40
A oiae Couch, with Koataoteed Springs, for only $3.75
No one can or will, match us in prices for
the same quality of goods.




««»«««» ««««»»«



98, 1896.



8w«pt Tbro«cb OanftSft ud Xdl«d UH«BKOh» tia Acalx Oattlsr on
Six Vamnt Vamr JTi4c«n aatf
laparixl edict
OrMiad D«TMt*UOB
Some Good JStories of Fact and Fancy Condensed
Baffelo, 8«pc t7.-A opodol (r«a
pr^tie.!!/ r»elpde tbr
Ml»r»nFp1l».Oat..u;«tb»ttl>eBo«t ««nt refonnpttrrr «dHw. Md «rder»
For Busy Readers.
tbet Cbeae-T'D-Utras.
• f<
■torn ia the bUtor; of Ht*c-.
i« CbiotM forel^ oflee eader
******il*^^<l**ife**»i^***il**jfelSA iftrmpMlfuoUpMMdorer
b c tbe otrip of


The I >oar o d eblld of &. Breseh.: LeDclaf oo WedoMdey. OetoberK.wi.'
who life* ebMt three nilee Bort-i of ' be nede eo eveei in tbe bUt«t7 of the
WUtiuuton. died Moedej eifbt by [ctote. TbeerreerecoeDUereoUboreta.
diiskiaf cerbolle odd.
I Neet iovltetioae have bean U«oed to-3.^me tew weeka p(o Leourd J«i«. OOO promlDcat men of the etef, mod it
lieiiv four milee weet of Hi*hlend Su- *• e«peei«i ibel the ettendeoee will be
UoB wee throwo fro® h<« wheel end -«>or»o«e Tbe Greed Army of the
kto eketl feotared. Theyooaemea ie B-pablle ii ^niceierly loterroted to
r lanee, dee. it ie beUered. to the I
«*»t eod Depeni
led aa apeeial order to
Petrtdc bu icraed
Dr C B. Brcleeoe, a Marabat) dee- eeteresa thronehoet the aUtte.
ttot, wai aerereiy boreed ceeeptly by
Qaite a remtrkab’.e eoeideat hapUa raleaeiecr ezplodisy.
peoed at BatUe Creek daring an elee•latcnTUitcd thrir two bmthem is !the bam of Lathe' Laening op in
Whitehall laat week. The qneer ptrt! *ke air. «tmed it eeverel roda end de­
ed ihb Item U the fact that tbe fire bad >o''lUb< d It. A borar in the bam wav
BOt met since before the beginning of;f«f^ aunding on the fl Mir in lu own
the eiril wer.
i traeke and never moved. Tbe manger

we cannot doWe cannot offer yoo abjt
aboddy footwear for eny prioe
becAOse w don't gell that

^ »d

almoal parellet with the Welland canal,
entting a ewath too feet wide throegb
the oenlnanla. A p vtlon of it branched
aUnuM at right angle# with the main
path of tbe cyclone and took In Tona>
Wanda. It etrack Sv Catberlnca, Mar
liton and Qranikaa, Ont-, tbe hardrat.
Early tbU morning tbe nnmber of
lieet loat wa* cetiraated at alx. At
leaat eiz more were fiUlly irjured
Tbe death Uct may reach fifteen.
Ak far at koowtt the dead ere: Ine
Moffatt, n yeara old. killed at the col-

ednatil forlfacr police.
The edict, howeeer, abeole** bin.
from comp’.lr-i-y in tbe aaeged plot to
ateoaiinate the emperor. .

cuDdlti<Mi of aii the riiel organa ..
the .l*er be inaciiee. yon have a billr-aa
look: if yoor atumacb be dlaordered,
yon have a dyapeptic look: if yoor kidnryt be afficted. yoo have a pinched
look. Nernre good beahh. and ytra
will auraly have ei-ti lodkv. ••Electric

Clara O’Ntll. 27 yran old, kilted at tbe kVdncv..
□' vhr
mr blood,
n.««, ci
kidney., .i’arlflca
fall of the Lineolo paper mill. Mrrri-lplea.
plea, blotchi^
and bolla. and giv.
Mra John Blekley. kUlpd
K»»ry bottle g.
led Vy
hy the iI
lie Drag Sloree of
t Ufall of delrbfrom Orange ball Her —t/-ed. S..M at l*'*'S“>™«
Wait and J. G Jotewm. SO ernu
riton. Two yonag girla named AUen per• hnM

bolt a
were killed at Grantbam by the fall of

Benry Smith, a lanndrimao of Port!
**“ ‘‘f**''’ **“'
Hnron.wav cleaning a nrvjlvlng wring-1"'” eerried oat in the field,
er. when hU arm waa ca.ght in the >«>"•»•»« rri^lved a «:retch.
have been killed at Stamford while
machinery end broken la two placea.
At Petoakey on Monday. Mra. Ch'arlre
picking grapea.
Work on an elect'ij line between l^y'.or, wife of a reaUurant man. tried
Oread Bapida and fielding will be, be­ to fill a lighted gaaolina atovn and
gan very aono.
■There wHI be a meeUng of Ormee
Heavy rain atorma in tbe vieinity nf in the block waa narrowly everted.
Chnreh Gadd at the rectory, tbia after­
Stnrgia Saturday darntged a greet deal
A ManUtlque woman tkinka aka baa noon at i o'clock A large aUeadanee
ed young wheat It ia aaid that thoaa- atmek a Eionnike claim In bar ben b desired aa there b a quantity of
eedt of acrea are roined.
eoop becanae in drcavlng one of her work to be dona.
ehlekena tbe other day abe found
Tbe trial of Jacob S -Hv«ik •>» N’
Jake Birsbkowitz of Saginaw, a
BeSilo.oharjMvHtb tbe mardor of penny In the gUaard.
rived in tbe city last evening froi
Derinuey. bm^en oommeneed at St. j b tbia true? Dr. E Mortoo. of Mas- Alma to accept a poaiiino In the dry
Jnaepb. Sebwenk threw Derlnney out I los. elaima the dietincuon of being the good* department of Steinberg’s store.
ofaaalocm about three moetba ego | only veteran of the civil warnowlivThere will bea danoe at Steinberg's
ead when be felt etrack hb head on a lag la Wexford oenniy. Be haa 11^
dance halt next Saturday nlghV The
atone, which oenaed hb death.
in the coeniy for over thirty yean.
mosic will be fnislshed by Silvers' fall
W. B. Riehl of Cleveland, aged ».
Joaeph Uwb. of L mg Rapida. Mont- orchestra
determined toeommitneleide by ficet- Borency ennety. dropped dead while
J.*A. Clement, the Osas street blacktsg over Biagra Falla. Be wrote to vralking from bb hern to hb henae.
amilh, is anlfcring from an injury re­
Ua aoa in St. Oalr from B.ffilo. ia'
A pnblle meeUng waa called at Mar- ceived Monday by a piera of iron strik­
forming hi® of t le acheae hot the po­
ahall for the pnrpaea of arranging for ing him Jest above the right eye, leav­
lled were wired to prevent it. Tbe old
ing two bad ecu. Dr. EneeUnd sewed
_________ ivUed.* 7oong Riehl
“‘'Chronicle the only pm>- up the gasbea and Clement went back
^ w siu.
ouBuo to
to anng W.
au fath’J
to work.
I nmetlng were the nayor. one alderman
Yesterday 152 p isengen left on the
Nkk Tkompnos of JacobevHle. 11 and tbr Jvnl-or of the dty ball, where G. R. A. I. vx(
1 to Ricbmoad. Ind
muea eoethOBat of Hongtatoa. ia ia the
maeUng waa to be held
Thb exceeds any namber daring past
ooanty jaU and IM of hb townamen ^f.
The Silvers family, who gave sscb a
tbe lake far Mra. Ttaomp-onb ramaina. I *** •"♦re
*® *
good enteruiuBent here for the bene­
fit of the Bannab B^flea eoae Unc ago.
wii.„a b„ .d„«i
will appear again in tbe City Opera
(ppeared last Wedneaday and theopinEddie Sonle, living near Borneo, trird Uoase on the evening of Wedneeday.
ion of TfaompMD'a neigbbon b nnaul-1 to extract a cartridge fm® a abotgnn "next wn-k.


Otaes FTidsy Kight
Profes^.r .li'vere has ratnrned to
the ei^y sn<l aSlI give so opening
dsnreai hb e'.Mdemy over McNao
ara's ab e M-re thb we. k. Fridsv
nighv AH avb invited to Btiend and
have a goon oM time. Admlaaion.
^nts, 25 c<rnu: ladreafrec.
Vw Toss. Kev Stylfs.
.n> See them In Frank
Friedricii-s bqr dbnlay wiadev.
where the fiseat shoe* are exhlbitod.
Oomplsta new stock and stylss.
Mbs Tackabrrry will have her mil­
linery openieg Friday and Satarday.
in her fine new ster.-In the Smith
bsilding. Bleganteffeets from latest
fasbionsble centres. All ladi-s in­

we can.doWe can aell you tbe mot
abopety and but fitting aboce
ever made.
We can give yon folly BO per cent more Wearing qaality
than any other dealer in town. Oar coatomera know it.

What we are doingWe wariBut every pair of ahoea we sell. If it don’t wetf
aa repreaeiiitsl it meana a new pair wiibont extra charge. Come
and try a j«ir and be etJHvinced.


It You 1 lave Logs lo Sell
Corr*«paad witli the IVsverse City Lumber Cohipnny.
We have for oale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Mill Machinery of mil (leacriptioQx.iocJiiding Two EnsioM,
Set Worka, Carriages and Saw*.
for sale. >


A complete Saw HiU Plant




woout that her hnsband b reaponaible j and bb right arm waa badly lacerated
Tbe bastardy ease of Mand Mcltill
lor her dbappearanee.
I by the ezplcalon and may have to be against Edwin Fi Hopkins farabbed
estcrUinmetilforagatherioruf mor j
The war mnaeom at the aute capitol | ♦“P»tol*‘lhid'y
curionh people ltfJa>.tice Hrown'a [
Kt Lanving. baa received an addiiioc in I Mra. Oiler of Nile*, widow of Eibert
yesterday. The elemaota cf the {
tbe form of a copy of tbe inangutal | Osier, the wetl known horseman, h-ia
message of Oov. Henry W. Allen, of! received word ibvtabe b one of tbe cave are intereaiiag to those serkiiig
Lonbians, delivered January zfi, IMt. Iheln to a vast Rngllab etuu left by sa-:h pastiuip aod it will be oa'inurd
and printed on tbe back of a aheot of ' her nacle. WHlam Lambert,
mall paper.
One firm at Charlotte have shipped
Tbe poaiufiiee at Parkdale. Mmnbta* between fi*e and six milMnn of eggs t»
eonnty. Mich , haa been dieeonUnned. New York daring tbe aommer.
. _
Iterdsy. ac-ompanied hy M »» Gsl a
Mall will be aent to Manbtce.
M-. A,.™-. .1111..
The unveiling of tbe autae to Miehi- ^ .. Il U..l. rf.l,..l.a., h...i
j ».i u
ganb war goveraor. Auatin 6'air. at been a rea-dent. neartv srven*y
^ ^
and Mbs Hurrowa to aecnre the lauai

some way* ^

} TsA)orc\«.\mVivq\oVuov V
i \.Vve tsAuVs 0^ ^ts comI muult^.
'\Dt \\tVuV xot ATc vreI '9ATC& AS TttUCT be^OTt \0 |ff

Horse Auction Sale!

suvpVii Wxe'tT


30-HORSES "30

j axvdi SjackeV

•ry'rs in bairdrcaaing.
reaUng place sioce Jsn. ]fi. 1.7C. whan
h’rsnl: P.rka went to Northp>rt t
they were b--.ugr>t fr.xn ^ant.■ t)oi.'-vsovnt yesterday to vUit fa
Sonaral Mem Mutas of Vnlv.nal ®ln^. tha> b'vDI having been ccdwl tbe
t<> France by Sp«i
It-r J. PenniugtOD went to Iridiana ;
Cdl. W. 3. Bryan, late prMldential
Mi-a L->at». Kiug. wbeao myaterni-a- .yeaterdav aa n delegate to the yearly !
<».dUl....l.m I. Wuh..,....!... .,dl,.pp.„.a
bu \A&lts qATmeulsme
larial fever.
| weeks ago. was imt droword i.i th-; Cnn-Hsn t-dvavor anc‘*iy of ikb r-itv.
Tbe war department haa raceived a; surf as was suppu.d She had fled to! J„»..p, j.-,ier. vl Cv.lsr. tran*ac:ed i
dupatch from Maior-Ueneral OiU%. at Pbitadeiphb. uouUv-rv. J. i., cmup- a'iiti«<r. a-here yraw-'sy
Manila, reporting the condition of tbe: obtaatefu. suitor, wboru hrr falbe.- inntu F'snei’ Ogden ‘rvnroed ymt’er- '
troop# in the Phiilpplnea. He mys the | sl»t«d she ahcul-f ma-ry. Somebody jd*v
uvr bom- at lioffalP. N Y. ‘
fa-alth cl tbe men generally b good fioaliy identifi-d her. and there csba- after spending some time to thb city,
and that tbe percentage of alcknoa* b ; fro® her pareot* a fa'l and gener-wa | t ie guest of Mra W. H. Faster.
•*“1j fo-rivioesB. Sbe left for New Y«,-k[ Misses Oondia and Amanda Zimmer.
6t toote.' Some etAte
The steamer Rfafnibins collided off
parei.u’ approve'. wsK'msn went to Winchvtter. Isd.'... yvster- j
Cape Villano with tbe Spasbb ship
** mi-ieighi M-nday. at the <jay
j Wteum toe WmVat
OarUgess. and sash. The cutaia asA Waldorf-Avtori., to S Lioyd ChanbcrF. Tltna will o
ooe aesBao were rescued ».y -.he sp .n-;
kcr and wl
we-ht'vacation today, lie will leave
hbe had long loved,
bh vessel.
for a vblt at Buffalo and citlea lu Viritr irge Caarltoq.-(tving near Kenton. g-MS.
Tbe peace
of the
Onltcd SutM arrived at Faria Monday 0 . h-arlog awo'ise in tab coickvo coop
tYIllian and R-lward Earl were vbltfrom Lnadoo and was met at the rail- nboui midnight, wrrt ont tu invesu- ors.hrr.' \reivrday from Wexford
road Button by the United S-a*re rm- r*te Ub aUter heard a ac.ifB- and
J. F. Giijerpir hasgoev to R.«kvillr,
basey, a onoiber of Americana and firahhiog an ax rao tn bb a-a’siaei; . Ida., fora rbit at btaold home.
jP 'Bctttr a\ moTt moRA^. |
many reportera.
aa she supposed, tbe thief on
Mrs. Ororge Bine h visUing at Mont
Soldbra of the Spanbh-Awfrlcan
Wo-lpeiUr. blra''leit yesterday.
war. when so dlaahled that they cannot
Hb sknU was foraybit.
SR «t itm\ wmX
kdmltUd brother she had hit
C. B. Marray and wife left yeaterday
to tbe National iioldlera* homea. Ken- cniahed In and be may die.
j Vado
A cyclone tuuc-k Uerritoo. three for a visit at Grand Rapids.
ator John L. MitahcU sayi that while
the law provides that the naUoaal
homes are for dbablad ooldiera of the tOTTlWe violence Monday. alteronon, terday to her home at Montprlier. Ind..<
civil war. some dberetion b given the killing three peroona and icjnrlng
weeks In thi» i
{city visiting Miss AUle Wilkina
board of sanagen of the homes in a
Gordon WQlbma of Saranac Lake,' Mbs Maade Bnman arrived yeater- '
elanae which permiU such other aoldieni to be eared for aa ie tbe jadgment S. Y.. was insuntly killed in the base- day from Maneelona for a vblt with I
mrnt of his father-, store sitnrday | Mlm Kate Viack of Second street,
of the maeagera la deemed right.
night by coming ia contact with a live | Hits May Mon
ery retnrn.d vea- '<
On Monday SelU Bnx.’ and ForeBb brotner. Uiy Wmi4ma,went' terday b
. N. V., after en- i

by Brrl j>yiDg * with her slater. Mbs Ada’3
I Umimm mnH WlK J.,KnA««n
Ka,.li Im.U..._________
.wpbi.. „d K„uo. Kip„. o, V,.
finia. were fatally iojured. PatPora- tara nudorlook to pull the others from j Ed. bmitb and family left ymlerday
pangb waaaeriooaly hurt. A car with the wire, bnt all were txanafixed in | for an exunded vKit at Mlddlebnrg.
graap. The father, bearing Ind.
elephanU rolled down an embankment
Over HeNuMv.-.
and the anlmab were injured, bni mme their erica, rnabed into the cellar and I Homer Fnighnm b taking a vacation
by swperhnmao rffjrtt enooeedaJ in; from the ea»bler's dwjt at MlUlken's
Lemle Kankl oommitied snlcldtbv pulling three of the men fro® tbe dry goods •tore. Be left yeeterdar fer
Uking oarbolic acid at Chicago on wire. The current wat qulvk’y tamed IndianspoUe.
'd’notAfflrd"! off. but hb eon was al^y dead. Boy
. Sunday beeanse ahe eonld
brother-in-law ! Williams b badly bnr^. but will re- 8. Bsofid A Oe
sew cloak, and
keep, all mans' nlotking boagkt of
made fun of the fit of her old
tkvm U good order free of charge
Minnesota Indians are thrMtenlng
which .be endeavored to cat over.
for one year.
tronble. Tliera to mnch naeasineea
At Havaaa the remains of Chrbtoamong the oetUeva, and the govora- IntartStylM
pbor Oolambne whleb on Monday monimeat will Ukely be reqnssted to toNewest tooa and p^ntor colera to VitelbedAl
tog were removed from their nkbe in vrettgale a< nnev.
ahoea ara being dtoplayed to Frank
•b- 'athrdral preparatory to thei- «h>p.
r-’-*.l.-h'e dbpby wlpdnw. See
mieewA L
Thm etnts a daj.
meki tu .'peln, bed laid in-tn-ir ia v
vUoc;v< uwi<


Itt VOOT wckrt tooVt tot jg




I axv^ ^6.00.



«» I %

Saturday, Oct. 1, ’98,

Consisting of

Choice-Parm Mares, Heavy and
; ' '
Light Draft and Driving Horses,
4 to 8 years old. weighing from 900 to 1600
pounds, at Oeo. Koir's Barn, opposite Park
Place HoteL Traverse Oity, Hichigan.

Sale Commences at 1:30 p. m.
TEEMS OF SALE:—Four month.’ time will
be given on approved bank notes, real estate
or chattel mortgagee at 8 per cent, interest, or

5 per cent, off for Cash.
Every Horse will be warranted as represented when Bold‘
and satisfaction guaranteed, and will be sold to tbe highest
bidder, and will be tried on the day of Sale. I have 20
Horses for sale every day at the same bam. Come and
see for yourself before buying elsewhere.

Here is where you gret Bargains.
Wood and all Unds of stock taken in ex­




CmwanaOt^ HnilM.
Maw Turk. Sepb ST.—A privaU dlaTha Bpwerth LaagM of the Ftfto M.
dow ta a Uat of the buying and aall
patok eaya Faeny Darenport. tba nntod
A inrea-qaarter tadc ie to ba boUlel B. cbnrch wUl oa Wadnoaday at • p. ■■
«M8 fMtkte «• rnmmmt— (»•
aetrwe. died at 10:M o'clock last night
Uke Ooatwy, near 8t. JoMph. Mo., extend a wnleoma to tbalr ratnrnad
ntD* tba boMOfhar
paatv, Ba*. J. A. Braady and wlfa.
' A MW applioktiati of tto Z nym by Palmar Claifc.
basbaad. McDowell Sbe bad batn
Star Polntar’t mile at Charter Oak toi alao tha toaebara of the pablie acbaala
vfiM mta» 80 obTtow (b«t ooe wond*<kinr slowly for weeks' ' imwk^it bw Bol ocramd to mom IKXM, la flgnrod by many good jndgaa who are masbenof tbe laagna, and
e bori of bit oaraw.
" «M b^oR. 1b tbat b7 nwnt d vbioh
Cbarlaa KlpUngv of Company M. wbe
. aol oelj tiK booM of tbe bodf. bot tb«
All of llie races at OkM Ftlli wen has ratarned from Cuba. All Uagnm
VilM and artoriM are rerealod. Tlw
uD in anigbt bcala. axoeptlnff tb) and tha eongregatioo of tbe cheacb an
iAm oamo dm. U it aid, to Dr. Harold STlOanda:I»clamea trotting. .
eordlally ineited.
■ rl«o of Edloburgb, and tbe flm exa V. BBOWM. as»or-»«r
wore made br the Medical
and at
o. ba*
OpMld etMtue u. <
•ling fiOiaU 8b->Bld be Barred.
^ _.wcUtian tmder tbe dJrecUoo la tbe ohampioB S-ycni old of tbe year.
‘ seecrmKiec- Slimein^
While retaming from echool yeeter-,
d Dr. Emeet OmUla. U wae tried
0.«bnx*T * «*™. anwf-jfs. nperui ^
Boott Hndeon won foor oot of aix
hit io tbe eyeli^^^^
lx wetMa la PtvbAie ameUcA. BoMsteaC
pww OB tbe ampota&d band of a (•yeari^co^ in
■torta at DnLoqae. la.,
»O.II«TCMtU«Oc. Bwk-________________________
m obUdL which allowed ontain experiwith an aeom. thrown from a aling
XMBte tbat otberwiee ooold not have oae and bebiud tbe mooey in the other. ,
8 of bboi
L. V. Barknem Intcnde todlsioasof
heeh madu For inetaaoe. at tbe top of
Ike fourth dl«ii a ligatore bad been all bit yoong trottera and boraea In thongfi not a aeriooe Injury It wiU be
tied and tbe oOBtoata arinened ont of training thle oomiug wintur. about IM *ery tore lor tome time.
tbe veMela Tbe arterr whiob feeda tbe bead in all.
Jodah White of MspleCif, baagone
bOMiieeeB between tbe two boneeaf
Hiawatha, Enn.. bat a norelcy in tbe tolodlMatoBitand tba ycn>'> meeioaPe.«e
. tbe arm. giTing off a braoch to <wofa dri*erD.K Babhiu He is'fit y««rt old lag of tbe Frieada._________
bone. At tbe onde of tbe ftn«er booea. and baa bnt one arm, but be ia dri*ing
next to (bo palma Htile fiat bonea can tucoa this eoaaon,
IMdat lee Tb7iu.
Waeat____ __
-ha eeen. aeparatrd from tbe main parte
Hand Empen-T, tbe paring mare InHe bad net at tbe otber «:d of tba Data. No.
bn. (now)..
tfftbeboneabjamallapeoea. Byobeerr- Jured last June at the Bradfccd (Pa.)
tag wbetber tbeee'flat platce are oaited m«8.-ting. eirpped a mile at laixingtrm, aofa fa- abont an bonr.Mnd she was
C®ufm4 Mlink^a^dCrraJl^'raty.
gotting rather tired of lb
to tbe larger boneetbe minimnm age of Ky., recraUy In S:ll?a.
“It would belittle lam." abemldal Bnttoe. per
a penoB wboae bod; it nndcr tbe Z
Tboae who rlsit Nutwood park. Do-'
the oar'a propomi
njra can be determined, bocasnee medicutow eiokBlock.
rur;.-o nex Mistoatuk
bnqne, la., next year will aee many —^aj^etoiorinde you."
Dutewortby impmveiiK'uU.amotig wbiob ‘ ]( aometimea takes aomettaing of tbia
Backlan<B Amiea fialee.
will te a tiew g35,000 grand eland and nntnre to jai*a young man into
Tux Bear Sautx in the world for
plexnt or network which i
Mlea Xatelta Bnteci
Out*. Bmiaea. Soroe, Oleein. Unit
Del Norto. 2;0K, made bU flrat ap- for nee.—Chicago Poeb
_. JaleeraKyFaapU.’,
• aerreB at tbe ti^ of tbe finger; alw)
Bbe-m.Fe*er Soma. Tetter.
toe eerslwr
avh€«,>. Come, and aU Sirin I
n tbe pwniior rings or liloopa peanoce a* a gnidelem pacer Sept. 1 at i
KpneetUB •» (he Xmu.
Brut tW. and poaiUrely curee PUea,
.Jd tbe extei7 leading to the tbomb.'
x-bT Indepondonre. Or., goingamile iu S:16. {
rr-t«d •"
Tbisritbe firrt Uio agnldriees barm! He—1 aw t undaratandwhy mym
orub/ par required. It U gnaranteed
wbloh tl.e tbamb ma; be cxt<
has ever appeared on tbe comb
I f*cbe doen't grow nndet my none
[torm^er^t eatlefnetlon ot money
Witbcnt b-eakittg tbe blood remeii
Tb. d.m o.
bf 1.1. bbW i r'”“
Tbe aeMniabing progreeB neenti;
made iu Oer"»enT in tbe graphic diag» bUnbnDb
b. «. ..«* .b«l.._
aiwnR of
i r Roentgen ra;t ■pob, i Eb>b<b.„ .
wall Vwa-x*.
a. Mrs W.P.
TiimO«&tlAdb7DO iba; jtey will Kate, by Man brino Pateben. The Year
Book glTee tbe dam nt Bc£per«asiMt
Hard Lnek. ladeM.
Annual Ohio Ezevdoft.
"Wbat'e tbe matter, aid mao! Yon
Via Ann Arbor railway. Wednesday, Pramariaet.' AJtoed UeheaSolb.
look in bard lock."
etober tth. Itof Tbroeeb eosenea
"I am. Jnst mored to Harlem, and
BOW I're goue and fallen in lore with n ..wn Traeeree CUy. Leaes M. A N. E
railroad depot at »:M a. m. Tlekete to
Tbeneweat fed with dr
Brooklyn girl."—Brooklyn lAfa.
Toledo and rctam »5 OO; one fare from
tbe artistic oombinalion of
Toledo and polets oa the Wbaelli
erttlax 1
Lake Erie. Hocking Valley. Ohio
"Ton look p
Tbe newest truTellngor dn«(daafct
"I'm mad.
i. Uanlltoo A Dayton between
are made to repreeaii a gown with tba
ledo and Uma and Ohio Central aed pyonw
Bnasian bloom affect and are of black tobaTS that t
W.XtrUb aUML ■sr.-.i'■san.HCL
taffeta, opening in tbe front and basing . nad then get mad jnst becaombegata Big Pour ronta between Toledo and
On SnaMv wiu. at ar HortL
a bread belt of mtio folda
Tickete good to retom on any regu­
Ribboia are to be otilimd in ormy
lar train nnUl Noe. s. ItBS. For full
Be* BIX J.
way for dram trimming tbia fiUL Tba
"MilUe." mid ber ait foot hnaband. nurtieuUn and raws rome early and
narrow. one.«igbtb to tbreewixteantba
iaquira of H- W. Cunniagbam. Af *
1 area'jewel."
of an inch wide, ia nmd fa embroidered

effects OB Tclvet. latxai. cloths and eUka. sritb a 1^ J."—Indi:
wHaJonmaL OpnAUVigkt
We bare thrown away the ReyA new eleere ia tight fitting, witb a
mofre locking tbe door at toe Ook .
mall poff at ibe uboolder, which ia
blun BeeunranV Lanehes arnred
edged with natrow ribbon. Tbe sniat
"b be mneb of a borer’
all Uu>ea of aigbt. Mr. Prank Na*.
part ia rtwnded ora tbe band and fin"labould mrsn Wb;
by. if y«m aay,
our Digbt clerk, will eaUr to tbe
r'll actually tell
iabed witb laoa at narrow ribbon platt­ How are yon todayr be"
srUbmof the hungry nnlll daylight
yon.’’—PbilmlelpfaiB Pram.
Serwssd n VI
after toaat«w<
e*ery moming. W. H. Fletcher.
Traverse CHy. M
Yard pumementarim and narrow )eta
besriaa Diaewrd.
-4Ru oot be uaid dnring tbe ooming
Tbe cenamente appear in tbe form
ZBlgbt Templar OescUTt at ntUburg.
One tare for round trip, a.-,; Oct. 8to
to JSth return Oct ITto. Can extoad to W“SS^~ '■
jeiB. obloogt and ctriking dealgDa
OcL xisl Mmt direct route, abortart
in oola.
'"1rieretw. cmule takes 18 cEvksax*
mi iw
Unlem all aigna fail ralrat sriU ba
r«»«» and daw efrau •
Boat at tbe introdnetion of the opbttaal pcqislartbiseeakan. Plain, mltodr. cod'
moKope did in opbtbalmology. With ml, aritebed in fine pUite laid in croei
of folda. it will be
*’*" I takvk bras'ifiiliae I
toe help oT
•Dcr or EWkik aeS Basra ■
ThiM orntB a day.
fact will
tha Innga can now M otagnaaeo. eren ', Tbia —■
-••• be
sidewalk ta I
Mr Cbrpa-I’*a aoen cucb a paatty
girl tbia momingt
■aSrmmC&l"" "
Obanllle will be much nmd on tbe
Both the Mimm Plaine—Ob, youflafr
______ ____ I be diatingnisbed on
D plaaklors
bri^t aauen to clearly as to make U winter bats. It appenre on fella, formed ttmr'—pjck Me Up.
gobble to atate exactly wbat part cf into arabesques on olotba and fa tba
TTTAWTBD-Twrany ehnumr^
toe Inngeia diseased and witb oonaider- aiffi caosroa of tuques. Cbenilleduta era
CKo-l oil llmrsi r h-re smta;
on cstricb tips and qnlUa. and
nble exaotnem to say bow mneb <ff them placed
Cunnon n-As..
ruCf rt frma;
Tiatstm axT....... An
—~t <•< wbat d^ree. Dr. Hocowitx riitoille braiding with fluted mtin ribPiiKlIlMs •ome (onh and <Ura
• '
• used
1 to fam eoft ctosma, marU<«i <o (lent then anywhere;
■polnta ont alao tbat tbe carame whiob
bon it
W. Paifkla 4B-ri._________________:________
T>pr Ihst (oM ut war wr *ee
an formed when tbe affected Innga be- j qneee andI pouf eflecta.—New Yorit
U.'n;iii ItiE Mx- K1^(rk!D r t,«;

come deficient in timne allow tbe raya Tril
« Uiji ihnr-I •'( >i>ta
Orawa.mWasktaftmatraat « «________
to paaa through and ao a Inminoua patch
Lid thair honored b.«ds once moew
appears on the aaecn .oarrespondiug to
Each r,noth rider rslma his Beal;
tite image of tbe oarema Tbickening
etc.aboel^ t
mile and amlle and be a
days soar
Of toe plenrunnde*oryde*Ut»on from
Politicians patfse M n.*rr. which waaldlaasrv,
toe normal condition lilmmedUtely In- rillaln ai
Hews rrua the N.-a
> EnichiDd
rairacUoa cwerweM
Bas. hall p«-opl»- l.
Dr. P
_ nothing aa much at tbs. and
- dieand. Tbe dlamaes of tbe beart ate
and)yUwCB (uraiaked.
W hat the nob wUI do n-xi ymrj
moni beroiam- ia oompleta.—C.
not lem ammiable to tbia means of indievery Iten mak<-s II plain
On too
Good old lines ar.. h-r> acalnt
-Waahlngloa 8tX
fays show tbe rim and positioB of the)__________
Good bnma ia cne of too beat articlm
began. Tbe changes in tbe aorta are' ^
sr in acicie^.
As *nt«prtelnx"D*uxxlat.
aaaily lerugniaed. and toe dlagnomioian TbacAony.
B tall which of tbe ebambere of toe |


nan! -



o. SiSSEfa;




■inn^ lu MiiBiran Lt




SSSt;’,:.::::.:: - -fS






Specialist ia Diseases of thtEfC
At The Cottage Home.

.. .. ,;k


Oysters! Oysters!

is tbe bUdder can alto bedlagnoart.^,,^
toe best of cTerylblag In
with eurtoinly aod shadowgrapbsot tbei
ugbty and amoming line for their
tbeii many cnslomera.
bladda are now oousidered neoeamry
Notoing ia
self conceit aeunp now ba*e
ba*e the
lb *aloaWe agency for
bMoce toe treatimnt of toe aSecUoa U ••
. .
Make yonrarlf an baoeat man. and
lywteraatte Bpeed.
tom yon iniiy be aure tbera ie one »a- such a furor all o*e
A atriklng feaWire in the managmeot nar Urn in toe walA—Oarlyle.
many atarUlng cu
of tbe oew undergruDDd Loodoo rail-,
pcrfeotly fnnisbed cares Astfama, Bronchitis. BoarMneaa
and all affections of the Tkroau Chest
iS^^'^^'aneS' f« m,“imeSt ^ims'tbcre ii a child la and Lungs. Call at abore drug storm
old andakittenof fl andgetutrial bottle. incU.oraregnrrioeboing car-;
laralsefortOoeutaandfl.OO. Gnaraud on by »8 trains of aryen osiu ea^. I
________________ „
It ia cm- of the mort benntifol com- teed to cure or prim refauded.
gSB paamngen. Tbe aVeiuge epeed of, penmtious of tbi. lUu tout no man can
Oaid ofXbanka.
toe trains is to be 14 milns an bonr, in-1 clnccroly try to bvlp anotbm witoout
alnding 80 eepoad stops at mch stutioo. helping bimrolf.—llabert.
We wish throQgh the oolumneof ll
toe maximnm speed between stations to | a man bsa no nuwe right to say an Rxodro to exprem our grateful thanks
be #0 miles an boor, the running at onoiril thing toan to art eme—no more and eppreciatloB for the many klnd’ a in our recent afll.cibeing on aSH minule headway. I right to saj n ladt- Uiiug to auotom
first; bi
id death of Rlrara A.
s, ig
• r to olitaln theae ypeede (ban to knoik bicu down.—Ji'
it otdt-r
Dickinson. We eepei lall* desire
illest expenditure <rf oost,
b tbe
God ncrer accepu a good inolluatioa
.nk toe Woman’s Belief Corps. —
bas bacB ra- instead of a good aclioi where that ao- hers of Company H. and all Hi
~an Interesting; expedient
je construction of the ton- ties) may be done: nay, sc much tbe Blflra, memtora of the U. A. B , Bei
sorted to in tbe
t ia. inctead of building It oo contrary, that, if a gc^ iudiaatiun be W. K Wright. Dr. Garner, aod aU kin
a lerel ot with cotmtant grudee from
kind frienda wbo aasleted na
atnCiaB toatutioi. toe mporato ttmoels
Mrs & A. OiCHsaMi.
wbicb curry too trucks are mn In a criminal and ineionmble.—Houto.
Mavd Dtcxweox.
asiiee of dlpe. tbe train upon ImTing u
IebBK.»ma4 0e..
iRutioo Immediately etartinfe down an
of Chicagr.. are h«»u eraetlag *
inolilM, eo tbat grarity sball add to tbe
Boodaratiao of its speed. Each train
—The ocnliat
NotSmwu 'l^lgM Aayinm, and
witoout tba locomotire will weigh, it
—Docking a bene.
ia astifnatert. as many as 106 lung 1
and erito tbe lacourotive eomo 147
aons. but with tbe dipping traoke
• too borsepower will be snquind tor
each train—New York Sou.
0**xlup««* •» Upwmae*—■
M- Bpoon. in bis "Becharabi
rienees d’Antique." Asm too d
1811 and mys tbat Alexandre de Spina,
Bariug eera a pair made by acne otba
petaon. dlsoorared tbe secret and made
it public, balian antiqnviaus say that
toe parson was EbUino, who died In
181S, and quota from an ancient mai
aaoript bis epita)to. which mys: "Hara
lim Salrlno Ammu de Armitl of FloeooA toe IttTeuta of i


A miiMT alsraye hae to get down to

Aram w* opes ih» oj»er

Famous Baltimore Couats,
Selects call Standanis.

Sooa •rllvrs. Hotkioff ilk« Ihea. Pour
poisra bsrrrwdor •aergMIe warfetra.



John R. Santo,
Geaeral lasuraece.

Bicycle Riders.
Bemamher tbat 1 do aB kinds of ra
aaid enamdUng. and tbat I ea>
toe beat work of^^
and do gi*e you----------oae in tbe city for tbe money,
be decelsed by wbat
-bat others tell
tail yon t>
tbe contrary, but come and •*• fo-


fiiud Rifitii t MiuiLI
n'SSJr-V-*' '"“5«

rararw CTlr Lsmbar

• 8I8I

Tiuwaraa Cttp. BM

I guaraateeall my weik to be right
WblUng at
ai onoe. as tbeywlU and if Itdomaetprorean 1 mAke 1
bebureuk few dure
in tm 8 o’eloA every ereolag
stock aa&itirlee.
except Seadey. in toe Caldwell A Lo*
Him Taekaberry will
rill hu*e ber mll- don Riding, at north end of Oaidr
1).^ noenleg Fridey and■ Saturdsy
In toe Emit!
iB b
eta froe
faabionaWe centrea.
438 51

Bas great psnetntiOB—Aa m
piercing sbeU. .
bas many weigiity
queadcqs to deal wli
to (BllacbeckIt might be .
book a ctaup cell
Tbe shut of tbe
gon cannot be brard aroond tbe worlA
Newcolwr*. Bee thorn in Frank
No, DolHe. tbe freeboard of a reauel
FHedrleh’e big dbplay
where toe flneet eboes arc exhibited.
hae DoUiiag to do witb gnraitoos lutigHlijni* Bm* Tmtawt ««
Of toe leonis players H may be mid
------. _ at
ariw Beet Nletb etwet. Mra. B.
toey laactice lu the court*, yet u» id* | <^
Uew-PblladelpbU OaU.

(«r Utri* earn ta grows up ttks X^

U Bteek raewlraS by txprts* i





aaaaa aaaaaa da# d«
fiS8=8 SSfiSSS a=8 SB

Vot'ce to Tax Payera

8888888888888 88 8888*
aadadddddddde *e saand

ass=8a88sse8« 8s saaae



ssdcKrWErawS sprelal a»a>« oulevied

o-elaek _ ..
(raw I a-elark la
..—87 asS Prtdsr r<
fraa r a-elaek ta 8 a'e' dera Ovtaber lal. nm.
Oa sU (asm.paid
tkera w-m hr eharpi^
rwUreUoa aadra^
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Ever Burned Out?

tlt^^ biUdlse



Brsim arrire trem gt. teiela, L

ifiMJ^ahf tha



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