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The Morning Record, February 22, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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or ts« otrr..
Pilot Tear—No. 251.
Two Coat*,
t vat iotr«dn«ed.' A Urf« ahaat bewisff
WaUed Xonu In Ue Storm.
a drawlof of th« faaoas chetry
Beeeral yooar men from UU cit.v
whlek wutMcioMlx ideaUfledwlth U*
weal to Blnybaid to a dpnee Saturday
life of Waabiafton. wa>. pinacd tipoa
XXSX0AT10M8 POIKT TO THAT nlrbL and wfaUe they were enjoyiny
the wall, beh osa prateat htTiar
Is said to hai-e thrown a dollar across the Ddaware,
themaelvee in lerpaiekorecn pleaaurea
an iatlta^ batc))er made of card
eome party, yirun to practical joklay. and some one hat explained it bj saying that a dollar went
boani waa IjlladfeUad
and rw
eOTXBVKEVT SKZKB THAI <)nlrad to faaua the hatchet U the STou or TEX XAurrs xm^ appropriated Ueir-'eeoeeyaaee. The farther in those days than it does now, but we say that if
riy wae not ferUcominy when Uey
aheat at the apot where eke notch waa
were read.v to eome home aad Ue boye yon trade with ns we will show von that it will go much
cot kyWaakiafftoa. Uwaa an interwere forced to hire auatker. The new
Try ns and see,
Ooasldered a Matter of Poliej to Bave jaaUng paaUwe. and the priae. a book, Oa'straaeth Of Thia Bepon Obnrt of oatflt waa not a aabctantlal affair aad ! farther.
a Ouaboat Take BUoe of the Kaiae | waa woa by Mba Helen Stoat, daarhlaqaiiy Xorried to BaVaaa Tea- before they reached half Ue way home i
—The Bi» Varahip Xaahe’iUe WUl
B*» C. T. Stout.
torday—Theory ef Xxpioaloa
It brake down, and Uey ware ferted |
The parlo« were preiUl.r draped
Sabaerved Miae la Mow Oaiaiap to walk lato town U Ue blUmrdi:
Probably Be S
with AaUoeai eoloreaad a oenoeUoo
M. 8. Hoia.£y, n-mniw
which preeailed at the (line.
Where She ie at Preaeat.
aettod (iraee chureb orcr •».
New Vork. Feb. fl.-A dhpatek to
Waabiarto^ Peb. «1__ Tbt aae.v deXsadiee, try the Blectiw-The
The Tribane Iron Haeaoa dayi; The
partwent baa aoi yet deterBlo^ def
Maine U aetanUy in ribboaa.
initely wkiek of ear warmhipa ahall re
aaoa^b •( the eeaeel rcmalna ^ wake . Ail populer Ueet maaie for Ue next
place the Maine in Uaraaa harbor, althODcb it ha>. been determiaed. ae h Bead Xaehlae SiseoMed At a Short poaalble a detenninatioa of wbeiXer *0 de.ve at half pnea. W. W. Kimball
ezploalen oacnc from withent or Oo.. sst Front atraet.
BUktUr ot policy, that aaolber ahip
XWbtThe ebokeliw between the Meav
...... ................
the meeUnr pf Ue omiDdl
|e.t j
pnbllbly diecau
■^gomtry, the enilaer now on Ue way | aijm Gooaaiaed Iwa tbaa an hour and '
«*f ■ eabmarine mine, bat it
/from Sao Domiofo to Key Weet, a«d , ^,re waa little hniliirt- to be dia-j
^ w««ht with them. They
parUcularly aa>^ for polnto to
/ Ue KaUeiUe. Ue big fuaboaV now at ^
' t'
>• examlaatieo
Oalreatoo. partieipetinp la Ue Mardl
aiy Clerk Rlckerd read' a comutuni.; ** faUered from1 Ue
Oraa feeUTldeu.
oaUon from Ue Boaiaeea F-urollure Co. 1
. If Ue latter skoald termlaato aome of Orand Baplda. aUtlnr that the com-1
•»«*btime Uia week, ae ia expacted. it te pany waa dealroo. of aztendi.r lu i*<>«• «»»*•
Wid Ue Ka^Tille will probably be the baaioeaa aad would llaten to a propoal-1
wlUoul or ooU ,
reeael aelected fer Ue trip.
' tlo. to
1. Tr,.MW Cltj W • us-,' The .naioTeor tbedamace to the port i
Moolfomery la joat retoraloy from a‘ ™iSon..w..Snorf. U s..'jo..d
erolae in Ue Wtet lodiea.
e brlh. S.UH.U thu tS. .look
‘ay« >k< l
two 0«taM ports kBd hu lud liutl,
Mk»u.lwi, » U>* {a°'* "*■
*» -"t.ni.1 upls
•wrks.bwldwb.ivoPiwtroM.tr. j .|„k ww dlrrotod to o.UIv th, .itwtd
o tbot wkllr wr k.r. po I nopfl- Si«rl». tkipk. tk, iorwtil.'
bonne to proeent. wekaraaimael erefy tlon to be made by blm will be earnUiay elto aeoemary*for Ue eapport of plated U three daym.
A diapatcb to The Herald fram Kay
Xaportad Tb^t Ba-Wal^ Troa a yood factory. Tbe oommaoieaUea
Weat mye: It is learned from, what Ie
Spain ia ia Boeeaeilea of Plane
wae raeeired aad filed.
eonaidarad a eemi-offieial aouree Uat
ReUabl> i>ry Goods. Carpet
^ Pur Vayal XMeaaea.
The committee oa tire and
'WVaehtaytoa. Feb. *<!.—On wkat portod npoa Ue prt^MaiUoa to hare Ue dlrera aent down an behalf of Ue
and crothing House.
aeenu yood aaUorhy. it ie aUted here Ue cemblaatioa boee and ladder wayoa raltad StatM to examine tbe wlpck dt
Uat benor Dapoy De Lome ie ia pea- repaid. At Ue laet meeUay V. A A.
pert of Ue reanlt af Uelr work,
I of de
Fetertyl made a priee of 96S for
eemlnf edr nary and plkae for de eprinya. repairw to brake, paintlny. eradlbla ae It may eeem. It ie eald Uat
)Ce hare aiz of the Utret etyle ismi
feat. Da.Hny tbe laet adminhtralAoc etc., and AU extra fer a ball beariay after a partial examination of Ue
lodei. and Uey arq
arp baautiea
beauUee for A1S-<M.
of Ue Maine Ue direr* r
Oe Lome, it ie claimed.*wae yiren free attachment isaet nlykt Uat oempany
Wa will sell Uem^ to yoa tail yr^
aeeeee to oertaia departmenU ef Ue eeat U a oommoaloatloo atoUay Uat, Uat tbe one to which tbe exploalaa M iontUFeb*6»f«r|iS.?S
* ^
' to bare aeearred i« Intact.
If aaroaa abouM a>k xo« just mauTleu the
mary aad it ie elated be made dnwiayi Uey had already naaked tbelr price aad
Don'twnil aad axp^L The alx will
______ lay to Ue curreepaudent'a in
«f all Ue barber defeneee wlU Ue lo- would not ebaaye It Tbe bid of OaAdba yona^fora kCadneadsy.
catioa et torpedoei aad eoaet can*; well A Loudon wae tSC SO for Ue new formant the coatanto of Uie aiayarina
aeade tmeiaye ef oat ebipa aad aeeared epriufB. repairs to brake, paintlny, etc., arennhanned. Tberefore. if Uia re
dM ae to tbelr armameata, and wren ead ASt for iiall beerinym. Ue aame ae port be mean aatlraly diffaraat aapect ia.yiren Ue terriBe explealoa
prepared by the war bid 00 by Peurtyl. A bid of AlO
Houm Fornishing Store,
TkU infor^oa. it
--------- -.s which brouybt dntnotkia to Ue
' ftr recoaetmctlay
Maine and coat eo many yallani blna JM-lJ* Front St. TBAVBBSK CITY.
itaaLaUwm. Bvrrytodx naiU tbrm.
"aald. U Ue baeie lor Ue .claim
The prop<»m<» of Caldwell A
mede by Capl. Sobral. until Paeeatly Loodvp beiay U« loweet, tbe contract Jaekete Uelr llree.
TbUrepOTtHacblny Key Weat. It U
an attache «r the SpanlU leyatioa.Uat wae awerdad to Uat Ann. excepUay
Ue etrenyU of Ue American, na^- la for reoonetrocUny Ue brake, which
wall known la Madrid aad that It ia waa aot deemed aeoepeary at Uia time. of inquiry to decide to proeead to Haand beyiu Uelr luvaatiyatioa at
i ee fannldeble. CapL
once Inatead of oryanlxlny Ue court
If Xou *
Sobral ceaeed t<rte an attache of Ue
At any rate. Ue liyhUouaa
F*"'and epaeiBcatiw
Spenieb leyation on Ue StU of laet yraared farther time to compile Ue
w,^U..;.r.o, Sr
moaU. Tbte fact ie rayarded here ae cltr ordiuaaeee and City Attorney Gil
qoiry aboard, left for Havana laat
bert ooneento^ to lead hie Stance.
blybly elyaiflcaat.
Tbe mute departaeai. in riew of Ue j Tbe'
It ef Ue board of pubpahliahrfdeatolbyUapl.8ob|»laf^llU worke ehowed an expenditure c
of Ue Intarriewa accredit
Ais* 41.
ed to blm ia Ue newepapara. and of
Aldannan Montayui
Lnmbar XnniuaM of XeUy A OaraU
Ue fact Uat he bad p
eubjaet of a atona enubar. wbleb waa ' At Sllyhto Mow in PamiBilnu <1
I will five yon S cost work la any
ildared by Ua oonncil aM>a time
eolor. Ue beat baklBy enamel and vnrSpaniah ieyation hare, baa decided <
John O. Lai^ Xatato.
stek. efraa ail Ue baariaya aad tone Tbara li ode atom U tows w1|bi« Ua Bern and
ayo. and aayye*tod Ue wisdom o^aaFmobant nm alwaya famed.
l^cra Ue matter.
wbaeU. all for Ua above price.
oepUay Ue offer of Ue Oatac Co. in
-CalFaad u* *amplta at
Cbleayo to furaiah Ue city wlU a Amt ril at ffiiybtt and bualaeaa oaamiU,
claaa cmaber.
Be stated that the
Tba’Phone NnanberfaSA.
Teatmaatar BafT wiU Bnforea kba price af atoae craabera bad yone up, Ulnyle mill. yeMral atara. ale., baa
.el. B.lldv
oeu Paira Sweat.
menitai mute <»xwe«z-.
roatoOoa Laws.
but a rata ylveaUlaeliy aoma time raoratiy eome into poaawalon of tbe
UR U.U» VnV>B St. .
tnateae of Ue aataU of John C. Lewis,
Tile conyreyatlay of lounyeta in Ue ayo wua belay held open for a Umitod
time only. While Mr. Moniayue .did 'Vbo was formerly president af \Ua
paatotSce baa
First National Bank of UU city. The
timeeand4boae who have made Ue not care to msb Ulnya he Uouyhk Ue
ktter ouybt to be looked iuto care firm formerly coaaUtod of Wallar, N.
oAce a hauyiny out place have bees
Kelley of UU city aad C A. Covell.
asked to retire when tbelr baalneCB U fully at oacnar Ue eity would have pe
who U now In California, havlny ylvea
Enlahed. Tbe desired effect, however, pay cooalderable more for a mackiae
up active interest is tbe huaineai
has not been atiaiaed in many.caaea. Uaa if Ue propoaiUoa referred to
I«m ahowiug s few BicyoleS:
ptad. But
aa Ue attoudaae at UU .Sliykto about Urae yeara ayo. The
and now Poaimaater Baff has rasolred
LawU estate held larye inUreato la Ue which I have R^Eoauu-Ied.
to enforce Ue rule of'tbe peatoffice de maetlay waa not fnllba would not arm
And all the Celebrated
property and baa now taken eharya of
Look-nt them in E. E. MiHer’a
partment. He baa also aaliated tbe Immediate aetlcm; raUer have tbe full
Ue entire buainesa. W. N. Kelley kaa Drug Ston^
aid of Chief of Police Banhie who will board couaidrr it. Aldarmru Imrdie
Aqueat Udae who have been in iba and Cook were aatUAad to have it dadavotiny bU entire attantiou to Ua
faabitof loanyiny about tbe plane to I ddad at oaea. but Aldermen HuMlmanof Ue Kelley Sbiayle Co.
dia^Dtluue Ue practice. Followlny ia tel aad Oarriaou wuntad Ue matter
whoae koldlnye in Leelanau county are
an rziruct from Ue poatndAoe laws dafareod.y There waa no actian^
248 Front Street.
quite extenalva
which tkiucbra upon Uat point:
The estote of John C. ImwU wlU
Phone 157.
I^owTAL l>^u* «Mi Bnoi-i.a-nom. Sceeontiaue loyyiny at anU la Ue vicinity
Uoa Ctl—[.ouBilrr* or eiaordvrly perof AUybUand will operata Ue nUlU
prroii’UHl ia p<at office
allow hU poet-■ Seraral Trareiae City People Haya next summer. John onito of UU city.
office to bveomp ihp raaorl for li
Xonar in tbe Xerth. Amanean
■ appointed manayer aad U
ar dUordariy paraoua or the a.............
■duetiay Ue buslneaa Tbe
^ Sarinya, Loan * Xoildinff Co.
AUpute or controrprvy. aad wbenarer
neecMary be. abouM inroka Ua aid of
Tbe NorU American Havlnya. Loan concern U on a firm financial baaU and
Up civil auUoritiev toazprl vioUia
lUuae the masnfactars of lom'
yonaaf UU rule______________
into tbe hands of a raoelrar, and mem- her and ablnylas on a larya aoala
The truateea referred to are C. T.
I of the amoclation in UU city
and M. B. Oovan of WbilahffU. baU
waUJraown. old-time lumberman, aad
Patfr Plaoa a Ohanniny Xven^
Amoay Ue membem in UU city aii|^ C A. Hammond, eaa'hler ef Ue Pirat
Don’t Write
.Tour letters on any old thing when you
jean get the latest in Wnting Papera at
■arkbani Bloot.
J “New Idea" Paitaias Are Besl-lfl Ceals Fat Aar Style, i
Our Half Price Sale
Budraom Suits.
HE WHO SMOKES *PP'ecia,asa6..dCigar
^ Diamond J.—10c
Bicycles Boilt to Order.
tnamel Tour Wheel.
Or the Traverse Belle—5c.
------------- ------------------- ------
I ,
l.°?.'sear„_ Fleisclwiaies CoimiresseA Teest
. local Ageei For fimoiis Pillsbery fleer.
Pickled Pigs Fe^
Deviled Ham,
Potted Ham,
Matji Dffierem Styles. ■
Club House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat
Gonl lailnr iid Eqwt Euaelv.,
Ta Take Adtaataga of Oar Gala.
The Waaklnytcw's birUday r«:ep^6n Ue amonnU which Uay -have in Ua
in Ue parlor* of Park Place lavt uiybt, caiieam.arc
John Barry. A400: Q- HTXZ 0BA1VLBS8 BIOTOLX
waeaekarmlay eocial event and one I Bouyhry. A«00;
^uykay. AtOO:’C.
wkiU pvaeantod new featnrM ef parlor i M.^Bell. A400; John Oraillck. A«0. The Ayan^farThis Ouw Tafcan by Jaa.
a. Johann.
autarUinmenL The roome were filled |exact dandlUoa of Ue affalm.of Ue
w chalnleaa Oolambia Ueyela
WiU yueeta, each upoa aateriay bt^ i «,mpaay am not yiren out and it la
iny praeantod wiik an envelope taaia- [ not known to what extant tba
ly daeorated in water eolom with aa'berv wlU reoavw what Uey bavai Oa yesterday at Park Place waa ^
apeetod by a yreat many qrclUU M
Amartoan flay. A card oontataed in paid ID.
■ymi." Tbs contriTanee
Ue envelope bore an appropriate
te aimpU and eambinea atrenyU wlU
' and a bunch of cherries, also dene Id
dty. Tba popular Ida* af a
water eolora, while upon anoUer eard
ebalnleaa wheel U a<
wae painted a mUiiature hatokeL Sev
but tbU U a liyht. eerapact arranmBebeoU Taatarday.
eral of Ue yueeU wem drmsiA in atit not more weiybty than Ue abaln
taaclive and eorrect colonial oastnmea.
In Ue public ecbooU yeatmday the
hirUday •
As enjoyable pruyram.
ry of Oaorye Waah- year. The ayen'ey for UU eUy ^
mkaaby JammO. Johnaon who
aintiny of a pUao eolo
[Ue Oar- inytoa waSkobearvod wlU apprt^W
raeaiee a fall line ia a few Aaym
trade Montayue; Laosa Tltna. reel'u- axarelaaa.. which included eoaya, readUra; DaUy Boland.
X X inya aad racitoUooa Today bal^ a
Prae Ol_________ ..id adrioe wm
WhIU. solo: M. B. Holley, neitatloa. leyal boUday U« aeboala wUl ba elmad. ba
.. ____________________
yiven a Italtad nnmlibarfer a <aw
ily by Sr.
Of. Von Doleka.
Ua oala•ad tricks in Juyyleiy by n;Uoo. Ua'
IM Badlay yirea Blaeoo Oabinat< brated inventor of Ue Electro TharaUiiMlea od^w
IB at Park naas. Over 100 fclndai
- ' '
-BaU. CUil
at fUU
A eeip niiqna fata of a
»a nit tba variona patianta.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
In good ahsm, bat we can tnppH
your waats for soom time to ooml^
Anxious to
Lower our stock.
And are offering some Bsr^siss
which yoa will & well to take Ad
vantage of. A choice atock-of
Bakery Ooods always on bsnd,
and we woold not have yon lota
sight of the fact that the
i« the beat, and that it will pay
g^to^try a Mok if yon have never,
A Now Bank Just Starieil
In the Grand Traverse BegloiL^^ <
wEiGOK BErasiroRs.
Will Fij UU to Cat litGRUt Oi Tan Iiiotiiatl
We. win gnarsntee^ Moder government
bonds, if necessa^.^anir Cape or Jacket
for Ladies, Misses or Children, any
Overcoat for Men, Boys' or Childrea,
purchased of ns within the next week a
saving <A50 per cent, on yojir invest
Oor. 7th lUd ti;aloa Si^tiL
^t an a fara of -MO
w'kfaA bo has
Artksr DonUe. in BMt Baj towuklrTk«
«aUwl UatrlU 1‘wk.
iB boBor of old Mr BewUL The paHc
raoa T«» «VK9 •r x»»
will ke pnMdad witk aU •orta of doOEAHB TBAVEE8B BEBALD.
rieas for ploasBroaBd plesk parUaa,
TM. T. Batw am 9. W. BAvna. Inaladiac swlaca. (deaic eoBToaleseea,
The Enterprise Grocery
an Today.
ThlahelB( WaaklBloab. Wrthday. a
lefal hollda.v, tbo foatoffieo wlU Uopam
only BBtil 10 a. n. and fnm four aaUl
five o'olodc p. ■- Tbara will ba one
deliTory nada b;- th» cairlan ia tba
As to bafkinp. there are a crest b
of differtot aoris of baita the
lag of caoh one of which is wellknoara.
rzBUple. (brre is the barkioc
wbk-b^ nidbt b larabt tooall oastar’s
attcBlfuo to tbe fact that Kuae boiclar
or ocher erUdoer b bowitic aroood
the pfembBA WbcBltMarny
.................................. or ny ■plendid
‘ Klld Be Ber
Bard ciritutwamiaa ia this way. I tarn
9. W. BAm«.. Bdltor BBd -MaBacer. will be a delicti to bkyciitu and otbon »y other nde and do bnt sleep tbe
an. Boothe for tba aale of eaBdlas asd
•ODBder. well knowinc (bat no rrildoer
woold datw to pter ny pretobes or
aoda water wUl be a portioa of the ar-1 arriead yealarday botsIbc.
area my ktusimIa SonMiytnrsacoerery
I^Bat wUl alao
Tbo moat brUliant society
iaf for hlnaalf the aeaaon will be the party circa by boose in Twyfurd was entered by bnrma seoa*.b7*aU.
sand tha L-Blfora Rank. Knickia of Pythias glars ezerpt aiy own. With jlatmiai IM ibe Bofar, Gw
and asaka a bnaUfnll >
OwTOor.brwoU. they had^already opened a lower win
e Ib'era U the Bcor fa- in the City Opera Bobbc toaiflii.
dow of ny Tilla w^ l,beT>ad to fly!!
fly! [ 29 ibeSoi^r;C.............
Tbe recnlar BmaUnc of Tritrarse
tnra. C. L. DomlBo has beaa aBcafad
Tbelart of SrnpingbasdoabOemde-lcojfg^ per pnckhjfe.,
U clear off tbs naderta^. tear down City Uidca. O. M.-P.. wUl iia bald thb
\b» old DeOraw alll on tba property
to be preaeat prepared tor thamteaU S^^a^d'it,
and prepare it for
• at Trowfot Olij,
^□g suacpler. as the bogle of a regi-1 Brooms.............................................
Ibe MO acres pnrebased trow Mr. Mn Baetor. Imder.
.10, 28. U.SteBBch
Mn Mary taceraoU was plaaaaaUy
Doalae will be at
Kelt there is tbe tnrk of joj- ^rba a j Keroeene Oil, per' i^tnoo..
at her home Satarday eeenTn« aaUaa i« todaj awalUBf Ib ino set oat with SOOO cherry trees. Ust
dog. for instance. lueeu again a kind Bnlk CoB^........
aaalTarpoBoe Ike roealt of the iorwUcat ion fall Mr. l^Bot porebasad 500 aeroa of
and loving master who may
mry. A roekar was pramstad to her 1
tofardiBC Uie dcotnietioB of the bat- land at the forks of the ' ' '
j thb." It b ^e^«k‘rfpl.«"
ex* ' Roar, ja-i wck...................
(leokip Maine, and la the waiUac a^pa- rirer. ^kleh be srill nlUnately lara by bar basbanA
Into a sheep tasch.
bla witk a peopole wbooe daalro
Mr. LcHolhasia
..................................... 4. .-76c
•motae of liberty aad joatiee towards iatrodacUoa of a oe-y ii
all men- Therels a preoalliBB aentl- priae which will be entirely new In this
Wat that the Maine disaster
Seeallty. but which
. reanlt of aceidrat; and !«(
a sad buett
Tbs tVomanb Au»iliar> of Uraoa: ••Wbvdidn't yoo^eiWwith
«oeh U proTsa to be the case ' ^ tbu aeeUon. He Is dclirbtod wiU
: people of the Usited SUtaa
bay loeatioa aad exoeets other
raporb wUl Iw gieaa. and j.l «n happy now; Ikin’t ever, ever leave Jfo. 238 PTOllt St
/ will trnst
be CT-'
Helen again. •—Gordon Stoblee in ;
to ozercise lta;wisdom In deallny with
t thara.lB the not disuat fatnra.
•! Onr Animal t>UadA
________ i
the case. Shoald it tiaupire that the
BlBLk 6tust CXJLSB.
The Empire Leader aanooncad last;
deatracUoa of thewarocseel was doe to
ik that Bcv. Willard Heatk of Travdeaicn it U Inprobable that the blame
d is the Baptist Obnrcb Xnat arM City, would oocapy tbe palpU of;
Ueograpbical Magastoe. tbe ftaest
eaa be flaedXnpoo Spain. It ia more
Ukely that-jt was the act of reecBcefai
the Methodbtebarch^ Empire 8aa-' firee (rf tTanadi are p uHrally casaed bv
dey and ClUnd 2o "baptism or any-j lightning. In tbe gnat funA between
BpasUh faoatka. Ib sncb a
A union Bible class a
t be held the.BapOst chtifch last nicht, ^ d«a- thing partalalag td the work #f an or- i Aladca and the strait of Bell lab tbe
Corr*«p6ud with the TravrrBe City Lumber Company.
: puKio^
e. thooch if it is ao pite the nnpleaianl weather then wa». daiaed praacher.stricUy a
We hare for sale Good, .
Tk* Coortaay A Morgan Co. ‘ which
proran the prealdeat wUI in all prob a rood attendaaec aad preat intarest
apearad- here last year, has been i I?*""
ability damaad IrepanUos npoo the
lifeatcd In the work. Tha
Tbe fire rosbes
..tiaohe almig with ttMi spmrl
grooad that the batUtshlp was aot af- j
formally organised and tbe atody j booked for a week’s
of a galluping
forded the proper jsafegoards for her
the book of Matthew of tbe New !Cny ttpera Be horse. Tbe tavoefaw aud dead leaves oo
protection. In any event thU disaster
teken op. Tbe t
the ground liorn like cum1>.t. and the
will nreclpitab a erbia in>he Cuban will be studied at the 1
pine wuiide bum fattest, one of than
eratrorersy. Vbe condilioas will de Monday nlgkL Mr, Beadle of CbtroiU coma with a repeftalre
extended ifiu luilo io t<* boon. Tbe
mand some dccblve action npoa Ua brother of John T. Baadla of Ub city,
All membarn of Ttavme Bay Hive i
reiuura (or nearly a ecu•
part of thb govemmant. and bte de;- was praaant and eSrrad many helpful
OQggmtiaiu regarding the book of sewiag drcla are raqaastod to briag or |
that tbe admlnbtratba b ]
ta;MaUkew. Mbs Keboa was cboaan aaad. Ub aftomooa. two or mon P-j ^ „«pbiuiotm bav, . cha,__________
............. “«
Try Our 2Sc Tea~lt is a Winner.
.Opposite Steinberg's.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
ShorL-Maple Wood.
tbeir Uvea. After tbe fire a few i
tokMB nabasItaUng.posItloB taadl^laoeratary.
It was arraagad to bold oes of light calico three iaebae wide
to tbe ending of the arar balwi
_ I every Monday nlgku For by eight ia lengU, to Ue aecreUrj- of, trunks of Ibe largest trees are leftand Bpais at once.
' the flint moath the clam wUl meat la Ue circle to further Ue prugraee of a.-Keit qiring roots b^in to spnmt and
quilt to he Uad at Ue next meetiag of' seeds to grow. lays at Sit ytars tbe sail
Bantbt chnreh. then tbe
i I* ookered srith poplaia. witicnrs, etc^
Tn reported emtas
month la tba Praibytarlaa church. Ue circle. Kortb Amerteaa Savlagm. I
Thvrsday night will occur Ue big which shelter ybtmg flraandotgeAuek.
iting each month beIn AO yinre Ue cooifars are
Building (Co. of St- Panl. in which twees the two chnrchea Bev. i. C.
aavaral peraens In Traversa City have Carmen was choaes leader for the Aral *ai. b« muy UOm- ™1i- “d
i .«u. .b, p,» »ood. A U.W « lb. '
put money, ought to be a foreilQe lew maeUag aad Bav. W. K. Wri^t tor The particlpantt are prepared to intro-; foreet n-Kion of Abskabse cnee of 60
~ might alao be timely to enggeat, the aezU. Ua leadenUp to aTtaraato duee aome Uing hatter Uaa ever pro- i years old. aoqtiHr third uves of 6o 10
ere are several relbl
rclbbte as'
ttet there
I weakly
batweaa ikaac two paatoi^ aeatad in Uat line hare before aad Ua' too yearn and ibe rwt trwa over
"Id. Tbe lire Peemf to suit the
and loan asaoebtioas in Miehlgaa,!
-ma for the adTanmmleindlcateaacrowded boose. I
- whlsbwa know arc nibble and which : Btady of Ue book of MaUhew far Ue
in Ue advartbemaDi of Ue "Bagtr” 1 ^ksian piue. as itxipeua the pines and
free tbe tituins. Witbdml fires this
,t for Mickigaa cap- j
bicycle in tbe Rmv>Ki> Boodav it ap. I
w<mld tiardly irprodorv, itielL
ital. Traveni^ City people need net go: claiming the prombed guidanca of peaiad that Ue "Eagle" was
1 Such fires look plere < ven io tbe 'plebout of Uestau to find good lovmt-i
eold far fTSandjtoO, but bow adver;
epoch of gwilugy.
lata. BvcDia have proven that'Uoae! Hi read tbe (loapel tbroagk without ti^ed at *.’>«. Aa error was made, as
toelined to tok* anyUing Uat comee
; Ue first figures were meant for model
along from mbrqB^ have bean "bittea." .^n a aeo id readinganalyxe Uechaprs and TO. The former price
key ward or fin-o..
! Tbe Board of EdooatioB will sell tbe;
Tar.Asritv figures are
*«ch:e.g. 1..
' Eaat Htateetreat scbnol praperiv. eoa-|
brlgbtar and more mlisf
! II .The Wise Mae; lit.. B<
Hiu. Marx Lamkin of Tbompsoavillr ' •‘•ling of lota 18 ud »• block B. Bm- (
than. Beceiptt Ub moaU Una tar;
vrtiat are MatUew's sMat ebaraeter- ... I. u,..,.,p-ni.,
have averaged aver a mltlion dollara a
ping expadlUon.
, si^e for *700. For farUer InfcrmattOB':
day and prospeeU are Uat next maaU ;
J. Aadrews af Big Bapids. basi apply .to
.,ilb.....b..»,. A. u» U.U1
City Clerk.
a Ue iah denartmeBt I ***
-n.t-tb.1,1. o,
kit.,.Ullobd.llm..Uy. II -ill
nthatUe neW Uw has already _
' oj.
XoUee to Taxpayara.
E. Taylor arrived from Charlevoix
J y^terday. Be bs« beaa working
Thlctty OdudcU bss axtended Ue
time,, tor Ue colleotioa of taxaa to
« new Llaeoin Park hotel.
M«*«h 1st. litOT.
"J q—Uob* -'■I'll P”“
All delin
! have not been able to answer from Ue i
Below b a Ibt oftbe buylag aad sell(Baokitaelf.
y for groceries,
Tbe membership of Ub clam b not
B as Feb. rou, llvs.
odneta tfi Trav. taxpayari will please i
BmHh Bros. A Co. Are Preparing aa 'denominational, everyone being iaylud cruc City:
s matter Immsdbte atteatioa.;
Attractive Display of Lawn Ohalre, ; to participate.
ffiUJKu rttirK.
Clear Pork per bbl. new...
O. KrlJ.v
»«llb K— a|
W«t «W.
Clear Pork per
p In.
Co. .mn...oo.i.ibiu..i.u„w».;
„ „„.o a.. hUortCot Pork-..
men, of Ue ckapel on Ue W«t Slde,;^J lad e.tertainment in Ue West Bhort Cot Pork nor B.,...
Floor. •'
II L. ~
Co. .....................
wf Ueir lawn chair golUB up by 1). H.
, ,wi,'..-.-i-- .b<Uv ti,» --------
Uill dMaebioeryof all deacriptioog, including Two Enginaa,
-Set Work*; Carriagw and S4*a.
for Bale.
A completf* .Saw Mill Plant
213 Front SL
BalUmore Stock Raeeivod Three Tiaaca a iVeek.
CounUp ,40c
40c jwr
per quart
Standards, 30c per quart
Solid Meats.
Fletcher's Oysur Degii ant Resninit.
The Wants of Men
Are Many and Difficult
To Attain
The Wise fin Seeis tlie Best Rmsptpg;
Is the Oirfect Mei^iiwi.
Try the WANT Dfej^ARTMENT.
«,au. .po...i.A.p.«.ti. .ppii.a!;::i;“":; Si
,pc. Tl..r-rtll .1.- ..k.bll
UP P.Wo.r C.ll.A.d
UP.! ^
„ .a™, n. p.n« .1 iki.
^Ue proepaeuforboildjngupqolu aa,j.j^
axteasiva factory, aad in time aae that,
ipki!».».... .1 u., lupm
uipprpo.. or r.WM r.irf. P.W.' II. U A Co
A : E«-' P-l lloj................................
«i ,«|. 1
childrea will (orm'ao amail 1 Creamery Ibrttor.Ib..'............
evealng's .
a... p.1 ta ,Mi:.
ll Do You Want The World?
goods and eaoouiage SmiU Bros. A
Co. id Ue^ efiors to eaUbUah a factory
Butn Tel
in Ue west part of Ua city. Tbe fold-, Manager Harry of Ue telepbo
ex-.Btrvm- KATMorritovi
iag lawn chair referred to b aald to be , change has Jast received a supply of'
Ue finest ckslr of Ito kind aa Ue a
I s™;■■
jof ever, Mlephane bclHa the.'state. ' Com’, per bi.......... ................
t fdr Attnetiue and Im
Improvements By Okafif'LaBot
of Detroit. -
I h«v« made arranffemeBtt so yon caa own it and
Hanllj Miss WMt It Cost Yon.
Everybody Knows That the "World” Bicycles Are FirstJass
taaoa service and save the exUb dai; ,
-Charles LeUat et Detroit. reUraed
hame yesterday afteraooB. aftar^^mad- directories to local subaerbera at aaea. j ft,'x,Vii
lag a week vbitiag bb eoo^. C. L.
DaaUorW.«.Pray. '
DomlBle of East Bay. and looking after
important baslnaas iaterosu la Ub lo • «^M. ,-r., di.a .. hi. ho.,. ., »..
beltialurdayof paeumoala.. Decaaaed ......................... ■'*
cality. Mr. Lebot it a wealUv prop,
, , •o'rk—i'etowy.
And Strictlji High Grade, and Ton Can Bu|i it for $50.00,
Oss)i or Psymonts.
May. *11.00.1 ^
-Whe^ B
tocamy. Be
He comnleled
completes a
a deal
aeai y«Ver-1._
Aay WiU the Traverae City Lumber (
Ca. by which be has become owaar of, "Xystlc JUdgata** Bahi
1 Today.
aleven aad «ae-balf acres of
F. U. Itaeker. Ue Uaiaer for Ue
fronting on Bast bay, one mita ■MyaUc Midgeta"
Mt af MltcheU'a He has ^ bought arrive la Uix city last algkt tram New
' 41 acres of Alexander BawUt.adi^Uig York, tavondaet rakeanabaf the pm-;
Ue pleoe maatteaeA.making
aerm dueUan^ There beiag no school today
ta all oB -Ua key and axtaading a rabearml will be bald io Ua City
lata Ueenmof Uebayahora. Thb
Opera Haaaa at lo a'cloek.
axeallaat property he will etaata Ua
BraekMa'ramiaad. aUo~«Uar UeUI
iatralaid out wtU fiBvalcd roads. Ua fta^
wUU ba wm pcoeara from a
Ohroaie itr.
Voo Dolcka’e
.'Ubd. See him now at Park
Oonsultallon sad ad viee free far a
tima only.
Faaa mamaaa aad baaaUfyiog cutluia as practiced by Mba Badley at m
Park Place akaald ba triad by evar,Ttaaaa are Oaod Dn
Ladies will find it praltabla to call
oa Ue aaw it iimilliaklag firm compeaad of Mia. Caara Stata aad Mia
kiaab Laaeaatar. Tbaj have op*»U
attiaeUve partora over Ue atavs of
Then we havS the “EAGLE” Models. Nos. 76 and 80. They
are not merely “good bicycles for $50.00,” but they are absolute
ly the very best bicycles that can be produced in large quan
tities They are the highest possible grade at the low price of
$60. We have a full line of cheaper bicy9les.
We can suit any one’s fsney or pseket book on bicycles.
Look over our line before buying.
128-132 E’lToii.-b S'bTree't-
Th» PrMsnt One May Prove in
the Hietory of America
j ^
and the Worid.
fK.ru ihat the atmU arpenmrat nwa*
nich A reeoMt ft (he Spantita tenbon
Salurdar art Incom^t.
Nuihlna ba«
been dncie tboa tar, and aa nBexpMed
dpvflopm«-nt of jrealerdar ao chanaaa
the aat«e*-( ot the Sobrai ca*t tha{ Uia
■Ute department may not t.el It eeceaI aanr to pnicced further; ind-cd it la dlf>
AXPIBEBE ABE BETEEAL EXFCBTB i WanhmKton uere oiD. uiiy terminaied
by Spain about lour weeks apu.
] came. from
Senor t>u JJoac. ebaree
d'affatria or the SpanUh li-sallon. wbo,
. Wha Win Be Pr«eil <• Ba«* ft
l a-hen hla attention wm< calli-d to (he
BOhad Throaph Their Bate, ae ft
Far the Beal. rraeUfal KaaailaaiMa M i
dad Keep IlMh Hoe
a "Blder^ Is (be 4
"A* rvpat
tkeBaUafihe Balae TTUl Bepta Tafcy , ported Inlen lew I know Boihlop abOUl
hr l aele Mai AV>ae -UlplMuaUe •laef- ■ It beyond n iiat 1 have sees In Ihe paAetrt .Hilled lathe Bwt—apaaBaCrvBar per*. 1 ahoutd tmaplneXr^Sobral tmr
loo prudent to eay anythtap calculated
Waahlnpton. Feb. rt-The navalccun
or Inquiry appmmed to iBveatlote the
Ifalne dlaaater wiU bcpln iiM work at
/Bavaaa today. Captain Slpabee was
beard from late Saturday nlpfat. but the
leiepnm was not delivered at the naV7
«|c bay -yesterdey eftemuoo. arrivlnp In the Nar-
- aiil
It Is the praeuw on busrd of inen-ofwar to assipc a few mep. always volunteera on accuant of the hazardous nat..
are (rf the work, to duty as divers, in
connection with their repular work, ^e
soiipe of theh- work is the exploration Of
.. the ship's bottom penerully. the dlsentanpllnp of cwblee from the propeller
.. for a
shafts, and sometimes the search
e lackhat torpedo or anchor, They
’ t» entap In that kind of skill neces*
* P"l*"* Ibe American
^^p from the nmin truck, and precedetl
by.the picam pilot boat New York. Ot
srrlval at-thr Narrows a aaluteof iscn
V*one puns was^red. As euon As the
“'“*c was flbished the AmerlowiT^e
hsuled down.
Two tups loaded
»ews,aper reporters accompanied
^ vessel throupb th« Narrows
Huno* people
lltn-il the
. shores. The soldiers at the furls could
throupb the Intern^ parts"*/ a*"shlpi»‘*^ ^uffs at Fort nVn<lM*cTih
*om and dismembered ii''>*caya
like the Maine, /om
' »*'>• »fH
huret off Tompkinsvllle.
Staten isUnd.
Island, at
i>. ni. At 4 p. m
as she U. This work Is blpbly danper- t' »«»ten
Creepinp throupb narrow ironsaluted Ihe Spanish vruliwr with the
bound paaaapes and proj.lnp for tht
cualomary twenty-.dle puns
do6rs of the numerous water-tlphibulkbeads which divide the holi Into
0 many
many !. The most exira.irdlnary vipilancc Is
slimy floors and In )
*xerelw-<l by the amhurltleo here
eompartmema t
I p^vem
perfect darknt
requires the highest j
( people benepert skill.
0 (he Maine,
ded by
Newspaper reproductions of phoR>.
graphs taken of the wreck were studied
with much int-resi by the na
here yesterday,
pmaed .f
at the
the eetb*,
extent of
of the wreck, .oa
the vast mass of steel and Iron heaped
Id (hr forward^pan of the ahlp w;as a
particular object of aliemlun. The ex-
rnpaped In this ef.
»' povemM.-ni arc enpap<-d
prevent some American from
blowTnp up the vessel. And it Is boped
that with Ihewe preiAUtluBs the Vlp-aya
»«. -b. b.,«»p.";.*;',',,','; pLp:,'.'"”
of a horalinp boiler
of tb«
oesiruciion claim to And strong rein
forcement In the pictures f»r that be_____UM- The KTrtt mass of metal appears
to be thrown up over the bollec sparw
and not freer fhe forward mapasine.
while the fiFcini^ apart of the forward
body of the hull, they say. might Have
been ac<imi>iished by the cn.>nho«s ex
pansive power of the high praasure
steam earned In these bnllerw with lhc4r
shells more than P^loch thick.
r>elc Asm reeCersta 4ta tl Alewe.
A question of Intematlonsl Importame ctimcs up In th^matier of the
It war aa to bks Jurisdiction
over the wreck—the fniled Ftwtes or
Spain. The Spaniards conceded the
wreck to be extra-terrllorlal and there
fore under our Jurisdiction. Which sets
a precedent hi an unsettled matter of
International luw. The i.lavana officials
desurd to Join the fniled Stales
tloti of the hull of the
...r Maine?
that Its in.
vesllxatlnn woiild he
.l*lnde;i<-ndem, ly, hut thal the T'lillwl StalM would
give P|iairf every f*i iUiy for an Inv-stlgail.m later.
sure of'pettint: a vute at the time fUed.
a week from today. The expectation
Is that , (be UII miking approprutlon
for the coniular .and dlploniallc
tet-ce of Imptlwiiuneru (or life,-in aecsordance with the.verdict rendered by
the Juroia. was pronounced The court
lafused to petliloB Slierllf Fcas* to sUy
th# **«-<-utlen of the law and it Is prob
able the i-onvlcted sausagemsker wlU be
taken to Joliet eatly this week
days Were alluwed Aitomry Hamon
to prepare tats Mil of exccptiona, wbtcb
will be presented to the supreme court.
B«w AIImH A«ne.dw*at Will Bs TrsatsA dem^KidiDC a third liial of the caaa.
As Alien's ainendmeni wss adversely
The at^ment for a new trial was
reported trom the committee on furrtpn hosed cnBreiv on* alleged errors In the
relations lisle will raise a point of or record and on the Judge's treatment of
der against It. This Ihe vice (inrsldent (be. counsel for the defense which. It
will siislalii. and Allen will appeal, was plainly charge, was such ,as to
which may open the oratorhwl flood- prejudice the Jury
the de
Independently of the Cuban fendant's caae. la rttptwae to tb* usual
amendment the dIplumaUc bill U Ultriy question of the court Luetpen said:
to cause debate on other questlona. St
I have to say la aa 1 said on the
atldom get* Ihmuph the senate without ■lial aa a wllnesa. I have not committed
belrp made the liasls of mo're or leas
Ime. 1 am innoeenl.. I believe the
general dls'-usalun of the country's for court did not give me a fair ulal. That
eign lollry The advisability of amend- Uw|l 1 have to.aav."
Ing this apphbpiiailon biU with -a pro
vision for the annexation of Hawaii,
which was at one lime considered by
thr suPiHirtrr* of the Hawaiian treaty,
appear* to have been abandoned,
secure the imorpurwUuc In the b
an amendment uf his pruvislon fo
recosi.Uion of Cu^>aa belUperemy. and
if be should Riake.lbls elTort the result
might Iw ,a general dUwussloo at the
Cuban question.
The demand for Improve and Un
improved City Property is becom
ing brisk. I have
(fawwliaa AaweaaUM Trvwly.
The treaty wlU. however, receive indeperoent ailenllon during the week If
BPlwopnstlon hill* and the Ciirbetl
< dll. nul .n>«d It ••ijI
l>avls, who
chB>itnan of the committee on for
eign rvlatlon* has eharg- of the treaty.
be absent from the senate during
the first half of the wor k, put Frye, who
will I
CWrWIs Mlllla^ Movew
(•at TbbTI
lis.MirWews War.
larssM wf I
Itts Him
Chicago. Feh. 21-Adiilih ,L. Loetpert's mnilon for a new trial was drolej
Saturday by Judge Oary sod Ihe aen-
____ Tete ea IbaJIalter.
WaablnplPB, Feb. 21. — Referrliip -to.
General Miles' mcnl order i» General
Meimt. rommaiider of the department
of the east, to Immediately detail nen
and oflleers to all.coast defence points
I'm. traverwlnp
eipht Great State*
»( the KoominpithDth. deeiras t& &U'
tke attaolinn of the HeAlth-ae«ker. the
le PIrtSurw-eeeWer. tbe
l•^ofllWv^^atldtbci•'i^l.ie■ Trtvellnpl
- to the man.T a^seuPMi. tbe
beani|(Dl snrnrry. vbe ri^ sad fertile
land sod tbe ■
: nm>ru wbieh lie
alonp its lh>«->.
Go toFl.irlHaa
toFl.irlHaaod e«_,
the Bany
cold s"d dlsarrwcabV.A.e, of winter,
BDd Stops
■»f the --kr.
AMKIdCA. where hesren sad •arth
« to meelsiBOBjffit tbr many of tl
ititirs of ostnre. See ths rraDdsst
in America and
Areerica'* os'v Halaee.
Chateau of Gen. tV. Vanderbilt.
Two or Throo Housos aod Lots
A*'^nBVILLE. “TbetAnd
passiap Lookout Mrmotala. and aerpas
manv Rattle field*, which
the tale of the strife between tbe Bine
ce-t Route, tbe Snutbere Railwsy
forms tbe Great Throoph-TnjnV-I,lBe
to ths South sad KloHda.
vesiibulsd trainv iw-rvinf through
sWpitie. dininy and chair nar*. Tbs
I.inr (‘^tccUence of the South.
For msps Slid information, apply to
yonr^»varr*i coupon ti.-kel agent or
Wu B. TavuiR.
Asst Gcn'i. ^ss Agent.
No. Sir. Foiir-h A-one.
Iy>nlsvill-. Kentncky
and a Number of ‘Well Located
Vacant Residence Lots
.■ ^
in Traverse City that w?ll be sold
f.f, fool lot. with ebnneh bonding,
Humphrey on the diaasti r to lb- M-t e. Ii |, cipsldered
charge ef nitgjnptirc to d-rtuud the ! ,.r„h,hlr ti ai the an-w r ..f th- swie Elmwood Avp. Buildinp o-uld be peBl* AUra-l 4 rtiHiM„ ^ nar Navy No* govvmtti.nl by ai.plying f-.r a pension <j..,*,„„eni will he withheld Mr several Bi.ideled talo Ktnrr with tilGc expenaa.
n hr made a
In thy fai-.- c.f the' cstastmpbe Can he bought cheap.
( alllaa (••rslinwiaii„«a«.^
fool lot. g..-d soil, with a very fair
whieh .................
... ..................................
.... .. .if the
us .wTurred
the ni-mber*
Washington. V, 1,. ;i, _ jt
Ding, siinated ou VadiwMi atroet.
h'lMj*.-, Who Itave usually pushed
Duunred In K n.iirl.r of apeclato to Jufy in ball of ('..lid. and lieinv' unabl>
f.m- on the o^-asion of any srnssiinnsi ^Id ua easy terms, oo >,v $4^o
tDetropolUan joui.;.*> ih,,. the guie d*; to keiure bi.Ddsinen was w-nt t.Oail.
dev-I.ipmi ni cither In foreign it domes
partronM had demamjed or would deHe ha-I i—11 erapioj'.vl al the Blplr. tic afralre. were •un)nously silent last
inand th. remevi.i ,.f i7|.'uln 8.*ral. TVatrti fs- i.iry for nearly a quarter of A, week.
supposed Spanish n..val aiin.n'e rfh ai- century, i* -old to lie <-nc*^ the oiganlsci* of the Grand Army tuisl at
lepcd words sj-a-n n.
I Ihe f*r-i»
that jda..e. and has h-M a numbes of barty or iU-oiR*1t!-i^ a.ilon tended
erUlclsmp tbe Atnvr„*n naiy^Wbeo
prcitr.trent oflfees In the •d'gunisat^^,. dissrt- thorn.- but at any time during
Secretary Long's aliemioi) wasQaiicd to
I fiumham appIlMl for k pension
Ue >»n<blei illon of .the ai.pmprtstl-n
the reports the s-creiar)- said itevbnd It was this fact that >ls. bill-whiTi the widest latitude Inifohate
JiadjBlIed the subject to ii.r unentWm
ewused his downfall.
' ^ ts eJlow.-d- a stlrrtrg debsio involving
ot the slate deparAinenl. ultb a «
the ivo-n: sensaiicnml eceni* in connec
having an Inquiry made Iq that Urai^
tion with. ih-'evpUAl-n of the Maine,
Tbe particular espresston to which the
th- reran of (h- Fparisli minister and
MCUtali' bad directed the aUvtit.i.n of ' ^.^le f^sson has Issued (he call
the state'lepantnenl ws* the tol.-iwluv
Judicial -lections winch are to be held Ih- Itt-si -develniunt-pis In Cuba may
,be pr—IpItaied.' Ilut those In authority
attribuled tn Chiptaln Fobra:: "it wmi <>» Airtl S. The call Imiud-s
by keeplnc th* at-[i.epiii.tlon
riftht-iif-WHy. c,.n eas ly prevent aciua:
Ship, which look place
toiwkrd mapaxlnes. The fact of the ‘ Ge F->urlh Judldsl (irculj,‘and a circuit aetior, by th- house If U-y SO deslrv.
and the prevailing opinion of the <^^icr U that lb* dlscIpUne and tlic ' Jt’lki for the Slxteemb clrcuU.
servatlve leader* on lioib sides (s that
vralch observed on the ship were very ]
A tied at Ameriewa Mewrt
telh actliw and agliatlCin are out ot
.lax. This, aa one ITapliah newapar-r |
_ other _
Berlin. KcU. 21. — A roertlnp of. the place until the fact* upon wbirh a calm
day declared. Is tbe c
Judgment car tie predicated arc knowrtj.
When yra want lu uke ai' ride
*•*',! mncnibt'r the IregfTjInce to ,
I have a large bpLa iioa. a a aeat
aleUili aod a top bus. All vary
cotaforlabte for
caaions on Amerlcaa war
Neither Long nor Day aeemqjo attaU> much IroponaDoe to tbe matter,
however, owing to Sohral'a minor poaltt<ra At the same tiro* It was felt that
■ he should not be making such rcmartis
: as are aitributeid to him. As Oocretajy
Long had called oflldal atlenUon to
them the department weald doahtleas
have taken steps to lean wbetbec the
tatervlew was socuraie by Btaklap a
rsqseat on ths SpaMsb legatlOB. It oan
be s(a<^ poMUvety. howevar, »*>-« rs.
pressed,-exretit to the end viT having tlw
s-wc-chea a<> fur d;in>osed of aa to make
The piesent Iht prion of thr- frtenda of
he treaty* la to secure a teat vote as
_r>oo a* this run be.u!>nveolently done
and for this pune'lse Hatvm's amendirnl providllig for submitting thfkly to a r-ile of the |»-.>ple of Hawaii
w b^Te modern puns are mouni<il. It was
111 be UlilUed.« If they And Upon Ihl*
the war department yesterday
ole (bat 'the treaty cannot command
that while the order was Issued as re
(he siipfs'ii of iwo-ihird* oT the aenported It was Doth ng more tjian follow.
they wrlll move to gjin Ihelr ends
lap out thr plan »t thr war ilepartment
„ Mil
The . fnvnis yf (he treaty
fornfuijiltd s-'t-ia! year* ago a ben the 1 regard the Hanvn amendment us^ntlrrpresroi sys.iem of . .w.st d- fmae was In , I> oBfrfenclIy
The .ir ler .-a is for,at least
IN THB nursE.
iwtmy men vi.d iih- nn-ssary offliers
to take chnrce <>f <‘Jvh -i-ast iJefFete
I May 4tsl tat. a M-u Cwbaa UelM. a
emi iaccnieri>*.is M\r le-rn (vimpleird
Alw, Bar Nat.
and lorneit - ter to the dar departmtriu.
’WAshlngK.n, Keh. :i.--I'r.Vas the
.... ....
dcfriKe w,i.ks are planned and
,; constructra
eoeistrucied ri v\ tne
thr -ngtw
-ngineer cor,-,
eon-C and . *"
lJhA»*v.f'bc Maine
t I*, rtn. /urnlahA by the nrdnan-e j
•‘"•“'•1 .x.tnc before the h..uw
[''deiBrtrrenl. A* s-im as Cumplned they !
the sxreptlon
of today I wbieh under an. arrangement
made last week will Jbe given up
iprks and ordnance. It ronsideralinn of private blUsi
, i*
,1 a detail „f twrnty .men so devoted; notnl'ully at least, lo-i
A fact that knocks <>ut a barrel or eo i far ftx
being an etlenlc* Aghtinp dry Htil B|ipro|TlBiion bill.
uf ihr-cin-s ..f mine explosl.ma Is that | f.irce .1
Isiretv sMlfli lent to' pr«p»lic
This Mil will Is- reiorted Co the housk
there*were no dead flah In the Havana
e for the p.|..[,erty.
been {lixlay. It Is a verj\olumlnnus measure,
Jrnrbor after Ihe explosion.
a miii.ie-r ot th-se ,o
work* containing all the odd* and end* of ui~
DWpMrta ftm. t.pcat. Itlgsh»«w
o-n pirtely recently and
iirdei de- pi.-prlHltiin*, as U* name In'tVwles.'and
Captain SIgsbee has sent two lelee fur them la nietvly
•r>*>du< ilvi-'cjf more pmiractt-d
Crants to the navy dsparirrent on the ;« routine
roni.'siv :han ani of .the oihi-r nppi
subject <d’ Interview* with him.
The '
prlatlon Mils
It I* underslisid that I
Aral merely said: "I have rotislatcntljw!
InfoT.tiiiic-.n Mcanling the situaflon
refrained from expressing any opinion > BasmwMlMleh IsdrsMl Anay Ctr^ ter Cu1« n-k-4 for-iaei week tiy Ihe house
of the Maine' disaster." luier In the '
aha-ber-f Ve«*.
hn« b-en prep-ir-d by the «;ate d>|<anday he wired:-"N<> nVwsi«|ier diver*
for transininal.
Chhago. Fell. “L — David Burnliain,
hay- been tts-d on tbe wr«k of tbe
.who for mutrly tw,n(y4*lx years has * s-ome'.if the i-onr-jlar rvjiniis l■eariDg
Maine, fine roan engaged by
on the''sltusnoi. hai.- be-n'.-llied In
-* ‘**’5'' K nf-nilr r of hla Kwai p..ai
subsequently bought w'bf a newsro^ I
hot U'IrmiiJ Ihai (h-sltll-'
Nubae- j ♦*' *'*'■ Grand Army of Ihe Keimhlic and
P*et «I«-Hned M* service*, ______
iwid^sbly vill .,11 f.<
quenily.-oil his being unrnndlllonally [% r''rt-e-(ed viiizen of Elgin, Ills., ciiit
ixilun le-lori- the infoltiuiti- o goes.
r>-Iees<-d. } might hare us-d him fn [ fessi-tl Saturday (hat be had
liou*e ihis WM-k. For .till* reSMin.
chaige of an officer iBrecov rlng bodies.
........ ....... ............I view of/ttie r indllloii of pul'ilt
ri so
Any Inter
-r jal^ any part In the
war. s. nliment i-nTfint the 'r«nl( ..f the speview* tilth me. If pclDied, are untrue.** Burnhany'waa a prUnner-l-fure faUed clal liiv-liy-uil-- Into th- cause of the
PrwsesdtnB* tiTha-aamsi.
Owlnx bi Ihe ruyul r
vice will be made the basis for consider
able debate.
It ts u^erslood (o be
Alien’d inuiiilon to ni^e an effort to
belonpltip to the nav y.
deb Krqalrm Ihe
1. Keb( 21.—After four days
consideration tlm, boiise Saturday
passed the bankruptcy blll..reporled by
WaeblnptoD. Feb. 21.—The d^matlc
the house eommitue oo~3udlclary as a
^Sd rtateTb.t'on Z and constilsr aad the mllilary kcademy
•ul'SUiute for the Kelson bill passed by
j„,j ^ January Urt Capiain SobraJ nppn>|>rtatlon bills will be t-oniUdrr-'d
the srpate at (he extra session tsrt
a member of ihl. lepatlon. and |«'n-ed b]
summer. Thr bill Is known aa the HenaCLvrdlnp
t- royal decre.-a., which ; week: Tr.ero w
dtrsrii b.ll and (ootalits both voluntary
eaxetted ae hie surveaaor Ueotenani la executive a
end mvolunt.-ivy fealureal A motion to
Unmon Coitm.i y Querra.'
strike out the involuntary fenitin-s was
drf. aied Iry u majortty of IS an l the bill
seat In the senate on ihr appolnlinani w«s pvssed by « majority of a. tbr vole
sUndlQfl-ay-i*. liH; nays, US
of the sovenior uf Oregon.
Xh^ Corbett matter w
Upper works I can us* semice divert. .|h*i .mlnp to the ex.-ltlnc events .if reWd. aome work t.^sy, bat with little ,eeni days this notlOiuibui of the l*pansucoees. Will do belter lomorrow. Parts i ■f'l •iecree was hut i-vinveyed to the
W the ilktP*, espe. lally the superstnic- suthcrltus here
tsre and coniiecilona. are one confused curred
aaki Of metal" The
heaatry. had a hearinp Saturday before
the way» and means cyirmnlttee ot the
houre on the Pearce bill toprevestadulteniUon of pure wbeai Oour with lower
pram products without brandlnp. The
only way to prevent fcdulterwtJoo that
seems to find favor la to prevent abso*
luiely the aale of fhe mixture or tax It
out of existence. The Idel of senUlnp a
man to the penitentiary' who sells a
tnlxtor* of wheat and cum for wb<wt
Hour does not seem to be considered.
e of ABttIn U
“• ‘ v.l. n.l-n. II I. . ..U.I I.,m,,lll,- .»
e> «tt«Iv. »«» m Ui. aun.. II. lb.
,„.b . "b.™..
rhit Week in the Halle of the
National Congress at
department could
ac tartber with the matter.
Tbia. development «-aa that f^apeata
Sobral'a eervicea ai naval attache
•(.SM a year, ^nd alas aclentlfic dSpaha
gorernmenl t« subject all American
horses to six w ecks quaranilne and to
indellby brand them The society also
decld.-d to pr<i4irr staiisllcs regarding
huisr ralrtnc In' America-,
A charter for the organlgkUon of'Us
FarmerT federation of Bpringfleld. it
* to Vabfkct a fr«t««al bsB-
A Him*
Wsstilnpton. Frti. 21.—Rrpn-senutlve
Hlti. pf Illinois. Irurodured a Julnl resolulluo tlalurday appropriating tl.tXKi.OM
for thr repres-iflallon of the X'alted
Ftates at the Farts expeMInn In
It requrtts the governors of the several
■lates and' terfitortc* to invite their
the prope'r-reprsr Ihdustfl
and of tbe natortl resources of the
connciT. It also aatbortscs tbs proai.
dent tR anmtnt alas oomralaalonert
with aalaries of from fiUJW down ta
Sleighing Parties,
At Low Prices
if sold NO'W.
' ' - ,
Come and ask about
them. If you want a home or a good
Also a lot uf the rdry best Portlaud cuttars, two aod tbrae eeat^
I can fit you oot with aoy Vir>d
Pla**4r liTaty lUa.
Thos.T. Bates.
jShbemaiW mtcrta).
The aen lee waa'
ton and Uuincr and Chl^VV^nnwaahae {
i eUnn the anow fBna
a jud„.
judttr, ^I
and boicai
K. P.,„
sethr • at roll apeed- '
n. Co....
jAindoB. Prli. U-—T»e fulloalnr tp[esram haa U-en (acatved from Akanaa.
Prenrh <-T{M-Jiiion<> urf advanclos l>»w«rd Kikoiu. vap'tal of ihr Sultaeate of
•okolo. on U>e_Kokt>t.i river. In the eaticiDa Bortb of (he Hauaaau atalea. and
that ala Preoi h offlce.a. with a fon* of
-SM men. havr arrived at Arvuoaii
<Arrunidt-«nd Taaca.'The former (own
la ao 'itnportani *i>la<-e uo ibe Sukoto
Hvor,,Ab<'uf halfway between theaiiltan'a
apRal and ili<- -KIver Nicer, and .>
altbln -the nntiab arUierr. The anltan
f Sukoto hae catdinanilrd tbe Frenth
/ fbtr* to ba)( ahum forty mllea from ihcapital. Thr Royal Ninr roai|>ari>'e
ity Acent William
ic the coni|<any'a
ftme. with ai .munlfi'll wild-etoree. In
.rmdiMaa. anil IS aw Arli.s-ln«;ru-’llone
to aaaUt the ealtaii of y.ilj.;.. ami to a..
core French •rva.uatioil . f r-.tirU i-:-
»„™w „di
broken and Ifja feared waa Inwhile
lie It win be ti
Cn'elDeer Frai.k EulnRer, of tha-Rurth».Rurat fhutrhvllle,
and hU Unman, f). ICjiat
blrth-plare. The linal funeral -.......... .
had narrow <
Will be field Thnraday aflem.«n in the
a tha W ay or »->*• Trad*
’ OB the Nlprr ooaai of Went Africa;
"J&taliiu. nce haa arrived bere that lao
tl>*> aldrwalks in
full* I
«d while nmiioK to obnrcb ibi* uoni-!
thp—latt iba biatbfni who ary ntcb bo,b..'. .i,.i,.111...^
------------------------------------------ -■^
to Rqpertj Holdtn!
>imr ai»ul thla
wttff'wwhrplp' 1
' ank nerer Irailnc^ibr h-iuw exre|it to
1 bunt or tub
Ho dvyr r Mxkc many mie.
. and <i\<rr rnomluK
uoed to piwctloe
rau-s etM rensli
■ sTrsserseCIty.
n ' Idk. Bib-r b
inductor on the train had hla beadjartiiH'
1 could Iram nnih.ns almii him
twdly cut. Of the twenty-fire paaaen- eztrpllbal hU Daiueww f-lr-lohn Kiiwell.
Cera on the • BarllnCtoo train, hardly 1 I had him olwcly watrbed. Mit notbinit
■t of lloral Irtbulea had been .
«.|iho.itn. I Oh* eacaicd wUbbut twine rat or »u«plcloge waa reer repnrud to me. One
C^^ lidZ^rKno^.a^nl^ec^mITh
althoufb none aerlou-ly hurt, evenlna, lopawlna. I oloerrcl him amok
Ruefi nan-.ee ae Ihoae of Busan 8. An
thony. Rev. Anna Rhaw. many of iha I mUCTr gnmni Atm TT.T.TUnTB ' 1*^'*
"a |•^u^llnent world rcpre- '
^ : tntwt euuBocusIy. and we ebsUed phasid Helen I'.ould were writ'
•• ‘••laotle—
1" eool«too.e
H.WIW OMal.^ by the WMk 0«.
'ten un the cards aitaefaed in the floral
ilfts. In pnrwuance of a rablerram by
Bprlncflcld Ilia.. Feb 21-The ataU ihal be h«l been oirrml traveler In Alrka.
I^dy Henry Somerael a liuncli of white hoard of Ul'or ctwAiTuaaloners has Just - ip«- Indlcsand Atityrtra
! auain spnke erf
ruses was plared <irer the heart of tbe
a lone report on the coal min- bunting, and boSrlatad sonieof bIsndtwBdead lemperai
of the ' '
*ra' strike of last year. The report may* r Hires In
... hla
— pirrsuH
Mlsa Wiiiarda rraueut that her fu that there were Involved In tbe alrlke ! Iho UgtT, tba okpbaht and even tbe foneral aervire he simple was carrted «ut.
KT mines, and S».m
in liUnols
Fiirliuns of (he, sCrlpltre which Ulas
more men and mlhes conllnoed lo ac
am *11 ^ tlanguroua briMa.
WlUard loved.mist were rMd. her faIlveservlceln the recent strike than in
Torlte hymns were suae, and thr Mcihodist Epiacopal funeral servl.-e was im. a. W .tS llkew-ue the case ,n • I ^*■^V T
nwmiier of oi her states—notalitv ln tt'em '
all l« man.
And be bagbed a good
read. Rev. E. S. Tipple, pastor of Rl.
James Episcopal churrb. was the prin
cipal ofllcintln* cleronien. He was aswere the prlnUpal
flmarfns. The «.Vs.n wo.
slied by BtMipP Jr^n NVw'man an? olhers. Presidents-of state ontantisatli>ns
bun* with blnek silk. fRtibroldned with
of whlrh Miss iVlUard w as Ihe ftCTlE'lial
Japabesrcliitb." beasid.
bead were the honorary patl-ia*arer>,
But a strange obysrt In lbs CMricr of a
' Oilcaeo, Fel* n.—By (he terms of Ihe
hree panti aught my eye. It was tilark
will 'of kllas Frances E. Willard her eS'
nod Mood *01 clenriy on a sguare.id led
I spirfcMoksd. It wM a band—a
secretary. Ml«s
laaa . bond:
the price has been made. Tbe averace
Ann* flordon. and her sister- .
and eleau.
duraUan of (he strike in lUtoola
Mra Mary B. Wlllartf have-ai'fred. Tbe
Sllwalloa |e r;c1fviao.|. Crnre.
It ta aee. rt-d on r<' ■! k nh. i ty tha;
. tbe Royal Nlce^ct.mreny oa- leyn in
•trocted— after try inc ah
Wiear.e—In <->irriiel the r* l'r m-.iit oi tSPVeneh fr->m iiflUith territory by for«v.
Tbe aultanat.' «f t>okol>' Is o f’>u<1it:.>rv
«f thrnnnipany.and waa le enH)f a.^-d
vnder Rrlilidi pr»te<-i;oii. The aliua;l<in
property ta talued at aN>ut fV.OOO
ta ^carded aa .^lrrm<-l> c>u>e.. tln-st
ruM-them part
Eiiinlb'e foh'ca In the |>-oin't»ra'e dUalong the recloa of tbe Rock Isl
trlel number belwei-n iPOO and e.ooo men
read, where priees bad been lowwt
undv Briitah <ifllcen> In Iac«» and ih-' rvtoads Uape They Usee Fawad Aheller
MUted ta > Hawdy AUaoa.
Odid Csart hlntetiaod.' and at the
lAporle. Ir-’.. Feb. II.—A man named
Kartneue. Wia, Feb. :i.-No(h1nc Im*
Jirltlah and
Hand was merdered In the
a—Iloria. Wae' been-heard from the twelve lishenncn • J*'
»vM of Ill-fame of Seboof
who sianed from Oeeen Island for this
A Bark- lbt» city, at an enriy hour Batcity Saturday. The storm has continued
imJng. hM biKly bride ruund In
that no one ha> ventured
yoW of the jiaiw
The neck
Pmiww (W» Bare War IfM
the ice. Friends of Ihe ndssing Asher, ; of the V
s Iwi'ken by tbe forre
The TJn.e*. c umineoUoc editorially on men believe that (bey musi hace 'uund
- bead puppMcdly dellvtbe nrwa, says It cannot credit the re shelter tn anne of.the^sh shanties
' ered by Schi«f s Irh a beer bottle The
port, and reproves the levity of the the luty. The Rlurgeon BsyMage.which
‘ proprleibrs, witfi William Dnst. Bertha
Er-iich press retard Inc a crave situa left here Raturday for the east shore.
>- Eew'is
and Blawbc (‘'lade
Krull. Moy
tion. The presenre of a Preni-h force'al has not Uen heard from.
It should
HcTlelUnd was a married
Arcunev, The Tunes deelarea would have reached Its drsllnatlon Saturday
be so flacrani n i>rea< h uf any poadble night. There were live passengers and !
-----------------------------•onstructlur of the n>y-Burua actee- a driver.
' «M<wrEtll»dby ■etgt».
tnrnl I'f 1S90 (Anclu-Fnmh treaty at
tnaevo. PVb. SI —A aerere hOnaard ,
Findlayu <►-. Feti sL-fifllcer WI’Ham
Buaah) that --imthlnc >'ut Its Imnedt- met ta early this morning at this point.'j Hi lly, of tbe MndUy pull.e force, maw
ate withdrawal could avrn the moat the Brri and-Worst real tdicsard of the shot ami killed last night whUe attleUoraWe conae<jueoees ‘‘ «'>thar pa|>er« seaadh It sAema In be genera] alt over | tcmptlnc to arrest iwe burglars at
"'“^Mish similar artuhw. unrinc. t-or<l, the eiorthwesl.' Rallr\«d trafflr Is bsOly I FtnartsvIKe, a ritlsge five rnlUs n.<nh
Sallshun t.i Intimate plainly that Oreat tied up In mirtbern Michigan. At Osh-I of this
One borglar.
Britain's lli)ilt .6f ••saueeseahllHy''haa kosh. Manliowot' and other placet In ] Pratt, a glass warkeT...was iwisured at
been 'es-hed. The Morning Fuel sCyw Wl»v.B‘ln the-worm is drsirtlbed at Iha «,nce. The inurdervf was .i-augnt later
■-ir Fran - le really maklnic deliberate
c is Prank farmrn.
plane ■<> annex British terrHory by.mlllta y •—I'Ui'ation'thle - anonly Imply that
Hath Week «f the aiHke.
jjew York. F. I.- a.-Wllllatii X R. an.
,ahe d-wlrea war u'nfl Knciaiid. In that
Xew'• Bedford. Maas.. Feb H —The
the'alrjt-r and Irish charart.-r accase her Wish will doubUrse be grailalath week dr the cotton mill strike | |br. died late Frklay night of )<ar<ala
opens aiihout any Indications of tbelfa BIcomIngdale Asylum Tor tbe tnaane,
opening of the mills on the pari of the ; agwl U yeiYv. Ht bad been aB-pimatg
There is a f<ding. nf the asvlum Tt six yearw and had
BMel rbil polDI
^ _
ta wife. Maggie Jor•miBiior. Is not the prws.-w>loo xtf teWl.
botb dan.
tnry hut ihe fivedutn of commerce.
Wherever the French have oi riipted the
birterlsnd uf Bnilsb coast mlonlee the
taller have been shut oat from Interior
trade. In the yeeserl ‘relem-e the cenMay wheat went to M.W af Oilcag"
trol of the Nle^r and the free nacica-' Saturday.
Hon of that .n-ai waterway ae an ava.
ft is siated-al Lond-n ihmtOladstone'a
-hue nf ti Ude for ibV world Is at atahe.
t^tum to Engtand fn-m Oaimea Is only
«D die.
oiHb WLi-a vicniAV x»- china.
I Eaminga of tbe Chl< ago and Alien for
AU Ah «B-a leliawd Waters r«
Opaasd iKT-were IMTASQ6; operating axpriinen.
le tW« Narlcsonw.
liondpB.' F. h n —The Fekin «orre•pondent of The Timee aai's "f'Mna
Ever Bqrned Out?
If ao ron ItMTW
n ihia city hy ibe cjfhclal d
Vmy Hart n dMia MaUh Tm*--ba^aa
*‘Tb# ooUeetKB ttat* ndrainR. bratb*
m." mid Uie Bee. Or. F>«rtblp.
N«w Tork. Peb. Jl —The funermJ acr-
WaHIhe Oaa Paal.
■«r»lw. ltoU «tW>w Vorti-Kur
ral rVFral THbaln I* (k* Ik-ai.
Of_.W«r Th«t I E. WlllBrt tcMtk place In Ihr Broadway
- .
Will Invtfve Craat
*^«nd Franc«.
ofjcbs willais.
et. sbowcel dark stair*
tbs -ri* of this humble r»etuUt. fsateuIng it to th.' wall liy h riug riruOK enwigh
*D bold wu elephant.
•'Why. ' 1 egalaHaed, -wbal U that?"
"ll la ray grmicat msmy," ibaEtigUabAnwrtoa. lisras sKSW«d toy aaaUw. akinnni with geiiarp BioglaDd dried in the enn,
lar eight dtys "
-■ t
I to'Urb-sl Ihe fitimoe rrllo. It nasi
base bvlunimd to si.Iim* gMm
The Ongn
leely long and wm belt^hy
..I wba-h pksomofsl
still edhreed lo-eonm pi.»-TS
tfaos. tbi- thing w-i(> frigbtftil lo ««
-Tblj nuusman ha..' hwm rufystron*.'
••Ob, yce." be rrpiled. ••but I ws
smmgrr. 1 batd bsd'riiMebalD madst
•‘Tfaia nhaM is tM.-inm-<Mrw." I mU
thlnkiog be
Joklngi -tbe band can
Haek,BQSiuid Baggage
in need of anything in
" WgJl* mtiini*.
r*wmmb*r this is the plaee le imiee
1 tri] you about me uttlr l«nr. Willie. J
i.. ..iil rtt nmmm rrmrlf
Kemt ihen. in ti,; ebair and him thI r>Tord«r.a«d »et prt»pi wnrk.
guaranlMd or so charge.
and arbiir all <ir< r with tbe menilcs.
Laae^oor <gdera at o*ea or eall gp.
•* Hro tn l^ri,'mys I. 'Rurp yoa'ra
bmdin a hand m yncr owo rieoi'h.’
••Then I wmt to the moguborp and
^ Thone No. 8.
•pa pnoeb for the llult lad. tboagb 1
WMafictrail noythiOK like that'ud Ui
laaviuff ths Uuw in bis moutb aftbsc.
And « beo I lirinp it in be myi:
—Watch Rei»airing.
when tbe Irmoti bus bre« sUBdin in K
n little
biln,'«iyBl. Ondfotgirame
fur me
tfant-g Ubm»thin a big
adv.'says be. •ye i*a gr< n
a bonanad
GOUDeet me vitb a bairel o
be. thcdarlioA. "—>lkikeyFiBai»lin«.
-Joho Verly.
-Front Street.
Hboy people gather th«r«a by faUiag
to heed tbe warning sent •at by dieeaaM9>fdDeya-coated tongue—parched
akin—fseerlahaats—dull dragging ^in
■ g of wearioeat-is
eeidemie of kid»ayai>l bladder troubia.
Take TUh KUnar Beans at oaoe-they
will care von—they have cared
car* * thoua.....................
pgn.ands of olbers
tah Kidnec Baana
■i( lll.smsa C'weir.
sHt-S-e'il.:. iwlseUllS'Sssa. uasrrrssssis'tecr—
Grad Kipids & liiiliui R. R
Jab. li. J
TearisriS Xduta IMr 1
plackl and hnprnctrablr aawri lorfcti, my
gwndiiiig I'kA. 1 ebaiiged ihasubAxAaixl
Wan to ediulra his weapons
I citwrawed
«t.n.e iomlrdmvulvers lybtg at hand In
" --- --------------------------^
••omasil *ha iiinn liv-M-lnwinaani Icar ! J-h-l^aHatB
ttmea. and tbeu my vlalWcoMw-d.
AU bad i
' i
, ,i... .i r . w
and aatKrtiiK-ed'that Sir j------------------------------------------------------------tracu BMo-matixi daring j
017.S/h*E.s.S C'AKDh■s laier i w
w the door. At|!
■rat 1 susimitMl-.thjw»an. but be wasen- ^ILSkV A Uid
Thshady(rf.<lrJ^waa 'jwatl^icM
Trtol Nw «w>. I. Drager.
a.neral R 8. Bragg.
the famous Irun Brigade, eras TI y««n
old yegterday.
Sam Jones has
candidate f-r governor of OcorgU on a
plsiicm, of bla own
Mary had a llltlr bnb.
Ih- .bln a. while as snow.
* ■■Uslwayswaniatogueaway.thotudi.
toswecodgravely. •'Th
>vaierloo- la.. Feb Il.-Kx-tJoramor
Dots will l-e laued agninri CflIoaoi Da
vid B Hendenem by (he tyermcrats of
thiA.the Third, cmgreaslonal district
as their candidair tar cnngresaiaan ikkI
SpriagfleM. 10a. Feb. n.-Jiriga Shipley. at Jacksonellie. Raturday granted a
ta «tee (be ettiaass ol (bis
-orb rerfoethw. oerf Ibair
rtwemv-two leadux aarf rw
- •- tbe middle of the ae- J^***"*"' C* *
lyiDK ou It
struggle bad Uki:
Ihe-ii etraagled. I .
I discolored and bore a look uf dradl;
Idwnnetblug hrtw«o blecllnnhcd W »
I He held
^Orals'wads. DMrrit aarf
acre -4 I" open all her Inland maters
‘2i O.L.LOOEWOOD 0 .P.A..Orwarf kMUm.
10 nartcntlon by stesiu'-n. whelflw for.
•ben or I'.BtlTr. under regulailons to be
UradSS yeara
yaara I waapim-od by flvehohw.wblebseetu-'
whali Liivea'M
framed ,ul»equentl>. ll nut Teatrlrted
li.t. ma! tevenm' collections for Jan- j l» the city and dct« Tuduin a trolley : bnve baen ludc with sonic sharp
by ih-s.. -recolaUihis the- acreemenl.
P'lma. A doctor arrived AfMrmndul
whiih is to come Ihl" operatlun within uan' were over a mlUlpn la eacaas of oar?
for January, m:.
** •
-Koie. I’va always had; (ixamioing the tvaM
four mortl.v ta sailsiatbiry and prom
ct McKiniry
McKInIry has been iittfted
iiiBited 1«,
I«, ride 00
on tbe
the plaifom-—SyracnMlLirplalfon
ises a wide ejrj>*»‘»l‘-n "f fureten trad.‘ OOlJtO NOKT8.
njTiv^^^Aiwsi^ W eowito'attend the TaAina
-aAms nwe
now festival
festiva’ next i aid.
Ohlns bos
jfr.d r:.-^, dhynaksMec
_____ _ .
... province of Hu-Nalt ! June, and will go If be can.
1 >iiDd<l<-««d and glaoorf al the si*)l ,_____
Aunmsr at law. Spseial
within iwr years, aad. propoaes Yo- I
The oimmlitee rm rivem and harbors
where I haa lorwrlj s««n tbe bonftle
•■What is the. iuvaniwi of thr wiwd
Chau, neai the Tung-Tae-Klang. on the I of Ibe heuse of represi-nUtives ts at
drkal hand
It vsas rm tuiuier tbore. Tba \___ . *________ ______
border of the jir.Alnr.-.
j Chicago inspecUng the Chicago river.
■Inkewann'r’ •■ asked thatoiclHr. "Jolui- chain was banglog In its place, broken
I fO|U\R u/TUKtl
.'Th»,tsoii( -li->*n'-'n's resson for the
..Th.3V iirbrrmen who were «arried-[ ay Cbruiu. you may nnswar. •'
■ I knelt over the Daly and fonod between!^ itu* * M.lbke_____________
dela. In op riRg Is thal llie central u'l-'
igu Wedm-sday
-■'•Writer is lukrwarui when it looka ihecliuebsd lerih a lincevvrf tbe missing ; ^ , MOFFATT. Ataearis d TMa Esa!
.niy as pr-smi is t«>u.-rtes* to »n- r.«sl of the Gulf of FliiUnd. have bean
Ibt.teaad ('oavsyaariag. Bnam 1. Haand isn'o/'—Naggets.
c- ih. I.iiini-<5i.ie..to.-nin*of anyr-m yescu-d. )
ond pbaksBX by tbe vlrilm's
Be . soolc Wwk
tb- i-n vlni-e ot Iln-Nnn or to prote«i
Th.- Wular spring meeting of the
Tte <aM> •( iba ri"-*
Ua-n made an ioturfimrtlen.
louMUnrilen. hu*
nui oothlt^f
ootmng :
iiumiiin i- w n Mbe la HaiaiUia
fon-ic»-r> Ibcre. Chinn has given oia.-irarri. of the National Base Rail
.\eliArr diairs tMWwIn-.J, A ■UUkwi
Usarweso n a au. t
First Fair Ouv—Let m« rfae.
Who if
Greav HrlnJh 'satltfai tori' aiouiraiv'te League will Ik held in 8t. LouUobMoH- tbeolde«prrM*intbEllible?.
i d..- nor furniture bad 1«h. umpt-rvd m^----------------------------thai eht will not alienate to any other
p^h. Bi.
baoood Fair Uno—ton’ra down ia !
__________________ ____________
pou.1 any |-rt)on nf the Tang-Tse,, ...pinnatlon of Its recent cut'In
Ki«n* valley.''
to the l•aclflc emvst. (he Canadlah your iMBily Hii'le. nrru’t yoG. dedi?— [ sKantb past bis m^rr bad appealed «eTbe Tlin.-s. commenllng •dltortaHi^ 1 p^,., alleges v1rjbtl..h of
Kcm lock JournaL
.1 >M«cd
soy k-nrrs. ;
j( ,^,t> (-Mle T»a*wrwClW
Hi- for<B"lng -UBpatrii. says:
"wt „,7„, by w-si-rn lines
. i which babad at owe.luimrd. Often tn a iXL berCo ttJ il
.______ ______ _
> the Cnited
the Brinsh minis- flUt'A
Tbe Bala.
let erf anger that lotikrd itke m^t^ ta '
ter u1 -F- kli. ««'n thcar lmp<.rWBt e
tnr a good s-«Me rfrtriag k
Judge Emory Speer, h
. (he band chained to the erali
Hoalwsv. : la^altvri C. C.gaea. tweraywaa. lt»-t
Bcc-i tod en luvItMlon to dajiver tbe poetry?
tuMial <'r;it.t blr-ldsy address
Rr-I Hi*. Jiolge R|ieer was a t'DAfeder'
London F. ti. H —The Cape Ttyi
ale e-ilflli-r.
rswp-.'niieyvt of The Dally.
humever, be made no eoODd. Ik wws onty
H All- n Ln Faut:-. nf Chicago,
•Thi- Trnnsvaal govemiDenl ih.^ouotOsSOag Been With ■
OB oomlog to open tte windows -that ta
riid VI'S l.ii.t.|e'iilll- nf Michigan, fn
tng cons ai J.Omnn.wburg and
found hw master «(ad. He sospsrtrd no
the w.-elher bureau. U.p oj,
.fng ^laxIn.K sli.-lls, rifles and canrii
OPS. AUbotwb a minute aearihwarflnsWthe CM'-VC, AU'Wlcriiim tower. In a
to that ~Hit in an' uffentlve and
tuud tbrowuhoBt the wbola Itlsad. noth,
tatlous mann.-r. During Ihe laSl week,
log whs ever discovmcd.
.mi s V r i.-r ai d Ko
eight rallwa) trucks of war malcrial
qell, one night, three ntontta after tto.
kr arr-M at Warhi
were paraded through the strevU of
crime, 1 bad a Irlghtfol nlghtmaer 1 saw
Johann.eburg and carried to tbe fort
thal horrible haodrunnlog like
llran <-dngr—i onal commlllee apd aellon the hill uuisidi the t^'^'
oraspIderapprMldeWD-----------ig then, fm H i»r I two
Tbs bkleows i
l>.e.slaa la • Tmt Casa,
Or-ri'-ral Maiutger Blssell. of the FIbdruond Tuy *ooa>. using
^waukee. Feb. fl.—Judge Sutberlay Port Wayne and Wesicra. has reMmd.'af the superior court, has made algned. I«. lake etTcct April 1.
n devisiun knuvking ou( the plumbers' confirms ih- report that tbe rpad la t»
license law passed al (hr last aesrion
change bands and he a part of the Moe
The (oraflDgfT was BMDg.
Of the leglsUiure. Thr de, ision Is a
pys tem.
"Tbu. tadlw."wM tba Jud^a •• he
' pevere Wow to many ruascer plumbers
Aaa Hodgsenan. charged wtth robbing
aimcluded."iaBiyiU»y. 1 know Bothlog
and (0 many uade* unions which f^
Chicago tradve unl.'lis of tfl.ooe. who
verej It. the case decided, a (rsl one.
also (being a marrlrd man) rwn away
was that of Jacob Winkler against the
with Relma Hiker, has been captured
board of public works of MlTwaukse.
nnd brouThi hack ir. Chicago. Blrf par.
Winkler failed to pats the axamlnamour stayed at Calgary.
nIadHa. "WaabaS not sloeptanlftit^
tlon held by the boivrd of axamlnera
tern yra kail w at leaw bow yonUinkU
The 4i-saib«r Ws May Expseb
- and was consequrntly reftmed a Heeose.
Ht brought sul; on the ground that ths
law was Invalid. Te cane «1U dftablleas be tarried to the aopreme
WashlEgum. feb fl—Pvdlewlog ars tha
jsgtbar Ibrflcwtlani far iweety-foar boon
■Magas's Jl
Irma. Mich.. Feb. U—Joalah C. Ji ^
Plate commisaloncr of banklna. ^1^
sorfdritlr of heart dlaeate In hk bom*
bare Friday night. The dmraapad was &
yean of age and eras a bank cAosr of
PWthwIy »to^_ret^^er Mlchlgaa CkssrfbK-.sUglllySadveto extreme s-ulh-.i
portka: asrthwty gsMs. For I'ptwr goio tCX let tu«
-------------------- --------
Bba—WeU. y* wa. Jowph, I'vp ari
lu.~K«w lorkJoutfL--
"^Oh. I think." Mid be. with a Jodirial
gBlle. "riiDply thal the logWn>«**
•I tbe bemi was not dead, bat ttat ta
came ko fetch it with hta iwnalBlnf
".Vn. no.'
tBOl tare bM thatr^
»ii cold
, "Ahr• Mid tta Jtaiga amiUngly. “t
■y theory WOBM Mt MlMtj JM-"
iinsiu UD KfflHusnai li
or ts« otrr..
Pilot Tear—No. 251.
Two Coat*,
t vat iotr«dn«ed.' A Urf« ahaat bewisff
WaUed Xonu In Ue Storm.
a drawlof of th« faaoas chetry
Beeeral yooar men from UU cit.v
whlek wutMcioMlx ideaUfledwlth U*
weal to Blnybaid to a dpnee Saturday
life of Waabiafton. wa>. pinacd tipoa
XXSX0AT10M8 POIKT TO THAT nlrbL and wfaUe they were enjoyiny
the wall, beh osa prateat htTiar
Is said to hai-e thrown a dollar across the Ddaware,
themaelvee in lerpaiekorecn pleaaurea
an iatlta^ batc))er made of card
eome party, yirun to practical joklay. and some one hat explained it bj saying that a dollar went
boani waa IjlladfeUad
and rw
eOTXBVKEVT SKZKB THAI <)nlrad to faaua the hatchet U the STou or TEX XAurrs xm^ appropriated Ueir-'eeoeeyaaee. The farther in those days than it does now, but we say that if
riy wae not ferUcominy when Uey
aheat at the apot where eke notch waa
were read.v to eome home aad Ue boye yon trade with ns we will show von that it will go much
cot kyWaakiafftoa. Uwaa an interwere forced to hire auatker. The new
Try ns and see,
Ooasldered a Matter of Poliej to Bave jaaUng paaUwe. and the priae. a book, Oa'straaeth Of Thia Bepon Obnrt of oatflt waa not a aabctantlal affair aad ! farther.
a Ouaboat Take BUoe of the Kaiae | waa woa by Mba Helen Stoat, daarhlaqaiiy Xorried to BaVaaa Tea- before they reached half Ue way home i
—The Bi» Varahip Xaahe’iUe WUl
B*» C. T. Stout.
torday—Theory ef Xxpioaloa
It brake down, and Uey ware ferted |
The parlo« were preiUl.r draped
Sabaerved Miae la Mow Oaiaiap to walk lato town U Ue blUmrdi:
Probably Be S
with AaUoeai eoloreaad a oenoeUoo
M. 8. Hoia.£y, n-mniw
which preeailed at the (line.
Where She ie at Preaeat.
aettod (iraee chureb orcr •».
New Vork. Feb. fl.-A dhpatek to
Waabiarto^ Peb. «1__ Tbt aae.v deXsadiee, try the Blectiw-The
The Tribane Iron Haeaoa dayi; The
partwent baa aoi yet deterBlo^ def
Maine U aetanUy in ribboaa.
initely wkiek of ear warmhipa ahall re
aaoa^b •( the eeaeel rcmalna ^ wake . Ail populer Ueet maaie for Ue next
place the Maine in Uaraaa harbor, althODcb it ha>. been determiaed. ae h Bead Xaehlae SiseoMed At a Short poaalble a detenninatioa of wbeiXer *0 de.ve at half pnea. W. W. Kimball
ezploalen oacnc from withent or Oo.. sst Front atraet.
BUktUr ot policy, that aaolber ahip
XWbtThe ebokeliw between the Meav
...... ................
the meeUnr pf Ue omiDdl
|e.t j
pnbllbly diecau
■^gomtry, the enilaer now on Ue way | aijm Gooaaiaed Iwa tbaa an hour and '
«*f ■ eabmarine mine, bat it
/from Sao Domiofo to Key Weet, a«d , ^,re waa little hniliirt- to be dia-j
^ w««ht with them. They
parUcularly aa>^ for polnto to
/ Ue KaUeiUe. Ue big fuaboaV now at ^
' t'
>• examlaatieo
Oalreatoo. partieipetinp la Ue Mardl
aiy Clerk Rlckerd read' a comutuni.; ** faUered from1 Ue
Oraa feeUTldeu.
oaUon from Ue Boaiaeea F-urollure Co. 1
. If Ue latter skoald termlaato aome of Orand Baplda. aUtlnr that the com-1
•»«*btime Uia week, ae ia expacted. it te pany waa dealroo. of aztendi.r lu i*<>«• «»»*•
Wid Ue Ka^Tille will probably be the baaioeaa aad would llaten to a propoal-1
wlUoul or ooU ,
reeael aelected fer Ue trip.
' tlo. to
1. Tr,.MW Cltj W • us-,' The .naioTeor tbedamace to the port i
Moolfomery la joat retoraloy from a‘ ™iSon..w..Snorf. U s..'jo..d
erolae in Ue Wtet lodiea.
e brlh. S.UH.U thu tS. .look
‘ay« >k< l
two 0«taM ports kBd hu lud liutl,
Mk»u.lwi, » U>* {a°'* "*■
*» -"t.ni.1 upls
•wrks.bwldwb.ivoPiwtroM.tr. j .|„k ww dlrrotod to o.UIv th, .itwtd
o tbot wkllr wr k.r. po I nopfl- Si«rl». tkipk. tk, iorwtil.'
bonne to proeent. wekaraaimael erefy tlon to be made by blm will be earnUiay elto aeoemary*for Ue eapport of plated U three daym.
A diapatcb to The Herald fram Kay
Xaportad Tb^t Ba-Wal^ Troa a yood factory. Tbe oommaoieaUea
Weat mye: It is learned from, what Ie
Spain ia ia Boeeaeilea of Plane
wae raeeired aad filed.
eonaidarad a eemi-offieial aouree Uat
ReUabl> i>ry Goods. Carpet
^ Pur Vayal XMeaaea.
The committee oa tire and
'WVaehtaytoa. Feb. *<!.—On wkat portod npoa Ue prt^MaiUoa to hare Ue dlrera aent down an behalf of Ue
and crothing House.
aeenu yood aaUorhy. it ie aUted here Ue cemblaatioa boee and ladder wayoa raltad StatM to examine tbe wlpck dt
Uat benor Dapoy De Lome ie ia pea- repaid. At Ue laet meeUay V. A A.
pert of Ue reanlt af Uelr work,
I of de
Fetertyl made a priee of 96S for
eemlnf edr nary and plkae for de eprinya. repairw to brake, paintlny. eradlbla ae It may eeem. It ie eald Uat
)Ce hare aiz of the Utret etyle ismi
feat. Da.Hny tbe laet adminhtralAoc etc., and AU extra fer a ball beariay after a partial examination of Ue
lodei. and Uey arq
arp baautiea
beauUee for A1S-<M.
of Ue Maine Ue direr* r
Oe Lome, it ie claimed.*wae yiren free attachment isaet nlykt Uat oempany
Wa will sell Uem^ to yoa tail yr^
aeeeee to oertaia departmenU ef Ue eeat U a oommoaloatloo atoUay Uat, Uat tbe one to which tbe exploalaa M iontUFeb*6»f«r|iS.?S
* ^
' to bare aeearred i« Intact.
If aaroaa abouM a>k xo« just mauTleu the
mary aad it ie elated be made dnwiayi Uey had already naaked tbelr price aad
Don'twnil aad axp^L The alx will
______ lay to Ue curreepaudent'a in
«f all Ue barber defeneee wlU Ue lo- would not ebaaye It Tbe bid of OaAdba yona^fora kCadneadsy.
catioa et torpedoei aad eoaet can*; well A Loudon wae tSC SO for Ue new formant the coatanto of Uie aiayarina
aeade tmeiaye ef oat ebipa aad aeeared epriufB. repairs to brake, paintlny, etc., arennhanned. Tberefore. if Uia re
dM ae to tbelr armameata, and wren ead ASt for iiall beerinym. Ue aame ae port be mean aatlraly diffaraat aapect ia.yiren Ue terriBe explealoa
prepared by the war bid 00 by Peurtyl. A bid of AlO
Houm Fornishing Store,
TkU infor^oa. it
--------- -.s which brouybt dntnotkia to Ue
' ftr recoaetmctlay
Maine and coat eo many yallani blna JM-lJ* Front St. TBAVBBSK CITY.
itaaLaUwm. Bvrrytodx naiU tbrm.
"aald. U Ue baeie lor Ue .claim
The prop<»m<» of Caldwell A
mede by Capl. Sobral. until Paeeatly Loodvp beiay U« loweet, tbe contract Jaekete Uelr llree.
TbUrepOTtHacblny Key Weat. It U
an attache «r the SpanlU leyatioa.Uat wae awerdad to Uat Ann. excepUay
Ue etrenyU of Ue American, na^- la for reoonetrocUny Ue brake, which
wall known la Madrid aad that It ia waa aot deemed aeoepeary at Uia time. of inquiry to decide to proeead to Haand beyiu Uelr luvaatiyatioa at
i ee fannldeble. CapL
once Inatead of oryanlxlny Ue court
If Xou *
Sobral ceaeed t<rte an attache of Ue
At any rate. Ue liyhUouaa
F*"'and epaeiBcatiw
Spenieb leyation on Ue StU of laet yraared farther time to compile Ue
w,^U..;.r.o, Sr
moaU. Tbte fact ie rayarded here ae cltr ordiuaaeee and City Attorney Gil
qoiry aboard, left for Havana laat
bert ooneento^ to lead hie Stance.
blybly elyaiflcaat.
Tbe mute departaeai. in riew of Ue j Tbe'
It ef Ue board of pubpahliahrfdeatolbyUapl.8ob|»laf^llU worke ehowed an expenditure c
of Ue Intarriewa accredit
Ais* 41.
ed to blm ia Ue newepapara. and of
Aldannan Montayui
Lnmbar XnniuaM of XeUy A OaraU
Ue fact Uat he bad p
eubjaet of a atona enubar. wbleb waa ' At Sllyhto Mow in PamiBilnu <1
I will five yon S cost work la any
ildared by Ua oonncil aM>a time
eolor. Ue beat baklBy enamel and vnrSpaniah ieyation hare, baa decided <
John O. Lai^ Xatato.
stek. efraa ail Ue baariaya aad tone Tbara li ode atom U tows w1|bi« Ua Bern and
ayo. and aayye*tod Ue wisdom o^aaFmobant nm alwaya famed.
l^cra Ue matter.
wbaeU. all for Ua above price.
oepUay Ue offer of Ue Oatac Co. in
-CalFaad u* *amplta at
Cbleayo to furaiah Ue city wlU a Amt ril at ffiiybtt and bualaeaa oaamiU,
claaa cmaber.
Be stated that the
Tba’Phone NnanberfaSA.
Teatmaatar BafT wiU Bnforea kba price af atoae craabera bad yone up, Ulnyle mill. yeMral atara. ale., baa
.el. B.lldv
oeu Paira Sweat.
menitai mute <»xwe«z-.
roatoOoa Laws.
but a rata ylveaUlaeliy aoma time raoratiy eome into poaawalon of tbe
UR U.U» VnV>B St. .
tnateae of Ue aataU of John C. Lewis,
Tile conyreyatlay of lounyeta in Ue ayo wua belay held open for a Umitod
time only. While Mr. Moniayue .did 'Vbo was formerly president af \Ua
paatotSce baa
First National Bank of UU city. The
timeeand4boae who have made Ue not care to msb Ulnya he Uouyhk Ue
ktter ouybt to be looked iuto care firm formerly coaaUtod of Wallar, N.
oAce a hauyiny out place have bees
Kelley of UU city aad C A. Covell.
asked to retire when tbelr baalneCB U fully at oacnar Ue eity would have pe
who U now In California, havlny ylvea
Enlahed. Tbe desired effect, however, pay cooalderable more for a mackiae
up active interest is tbe huaineai
has not been atiaiaed in many.caaea. Uaa if Ue propoaiUoa referred to
I«m ahowiug s few BicyoleS:
ptad. But
aa Ue attoudaae at UU .Sliykto about Urae yeara ayo. The
and now Poaimaater Baff has rasolred
LawU estate held larye inUreato la Ue which I have R^Eoauu-Ied.
to enforce Ue rule of'tbe peatoffice de maetlay waa not fnllba would not arm
And all the Celebrated
property and baa now taken eharya of
Look-nt them in E. E. MiHer’a
partment. He baa also aaliated tbe Immediate aetlcm; raUer have tbe full
Ue entire buainesa. W. N. Kelley kaa Drug Ston^
aid of Chief of Police Banhie who will board couaidrr it. Aldarmru Imrdie
Aqueat Udae who have been in iba and Cook were aatUAad to have it dadavotiny bU entire attantiou to Ua
faabitof loanyiny about tbe plane to I ddad at oaea. but Aldermen HuMlmanof Ue Kelley Sbiayle Co.
dia^Dtluue Ue practice. Followlny ia tel aad Oarriaou wuntad Ue matter
whoae koldlnye in Leelanau county are
an rziruct from Ue poatndAoe laws dafareod.y There waa no actian^
248 Front Street.
quite extenalva
which tkiucbra upon Uat point:
The estote of John C. ImwU wlU
Phone 157.
I^owTAL l>^u* «Mi Bnoi-i.a-nom. Sceeontiaue loyyiny at anU la Ue vicinity
Uoa Ctl—[.ouBilrr* or eiaordvrly perof AUybUand will operata Ue nUlU
prroii’UHl ia p<at office
allow hU poet-■ Seraral Trareiae City People Haya next summer. John onito of UU city.
office to bveomp ihp raaorl for li
Xonar in tbe Xerth. Amanean
■ appointed manayer aad U
ar dUordariy paraoua or the a.............
■duetiay Ue buslneaa Tbe
^ Sarinya, Loan * Xoildinff Co.
AUpute or controrprvy. aad wbenarer
neecMary be. abouM inroka Ua aid of
Tbe NorU American Havlnya. Loan concern U on a firm financial baaU and
Up civil auUoritiev toazprl vioUia
lUuae the masnfactars of lom'
yonaaf UU rule______________
into tbe hands of a raoelrar, and mem- her and ablnylas on a larya aoala
The truateea referred to are C. T.
I of the amoclation in UU city
and M. B. Oovan of WbilahffU. baU
waUJraown. old-time lumberman, aad
Patfr Plaoa a Ohanniny Xven^
Amoay Ue membem in UU city aii|^ C A. Hammond, eaa'hler ef Ue Pirat
Don’t Write
.Tour letters on any old thing when you
jean get the latest in Wnting Papera at
■arkbani Bloot.
J “New Idea" Paitaias Are Besl-lfl Ceals Fat Aar Style, i
Our Half Price Sale
Budraom Suits.
HE WHO SMOKES *PP'ecia,asa6..dCigar
^ Diamond J.—10c
Bicycles Boilt to Order.
tnamel Tour Wheel.
Or the Traverse Belle—5c.
------------- ------------------- ------
I ,
l.°?.'sear„_ Fleisclwiaies CoimiresseA Teest
. local Ageei For fimoiis Pillsbery fleer.
Pickled Pigs Fe^
Deviled Ham,
Potted Ham,
Matji Dffierem Styles. ■
Club House Canned Goods
and Mince Meat
Gonl lailnr iid Eqwt Euaelv.,
Ta Take Adtaataga of Oar Gala.
The Waaklnytcw's birUday r«:ep^6n Ue amonnU which Uay -have in Ua
in Ue parlor* of Park Place lavt uiybt, caiieam.arc
John Barry. A400: Q- HTXZ 0BA1VLBS8 BIOTOLX
waeaekarmlay eocial event and one I Bouyhry. A«00;
^uykay. AtOO:’C.
wkiU pvaeantod new featnrM ef parlor i M.^Bell. A400; John Oraillck. A«0. The Ayan^farThis Ouw Tafcan by Jaa.
a. Johann.
autarUinmenL The roome were filled |exact dandlUoa of Ue affalm.of Ue
w chalnleaa Oolambia Ueyela
WiU yueeta, each upoa aateriay bt^ i «,mpaay am not yiren out and it la
iny praeantod wiik an envelope taaia- [ not known to what extant tba
ly daeorated in water eolom with aa'berv wlU reoavw what Uey bavai Oa yesterday at Park Place waa ^
apeetod by a yreat many qrclUU M
Amartoan flay. A card oontataed in paid ID.
■ymi." Tbs contriTanee
Ue envelope bore an appropriate
te aimpU and eambinea atrenyU wlU
' and a bunch of cherries, also dene Id
dty. Tba popular Ida* af a
water eolora, while upon anoUer eard
ebalnleaa wheel U a<
wae painted a mUiiature hatokeL Sev
but tbU U a liyht. eerapact arranmBebeoU Taatarday.
eral of Ue yueeU wem drmsiA in atit not more weiybty than Ue abaln
taaclive and eorrect colonial oastnmea.
In Ue public ecbooU yeatmday the
hirUday •
As enjoyable pruyram.
ry of Oaorye Waah- year. The ayen'ey for UU eUy ^
mkaaby JammO. Johnaon who
aintiny of a pUao eolo
[Ue Oar- inytoa waSkobearvod wlU apprt^W
raeaiee a fall line ia a few Aaym
trade Montayue; Laosa Tltna. reel'u- axarelaaa.. which included eoaya, readUra; DaUy Boland.
X X inya aad racitoUooa Today bal^ a
Prae Ol_________ ..id adrioe wm
WhIU. solo: M. B. Holley, neitatloa. leyal boUday U« aeboala wUl ba elmad. ba
.. ____________________
yiven a Italtad nnmlibarfer a <aw
ily by Sr.
Of. Von Doleka.
Ua oala•ad tricks in Juyyleiy by n;Uoo. Ua'
IM Badlay yirea Blaeoo Oabinat< brated inventor of Ue Electro TharaUiiMlea od^w
IB at Park naas. Over 100 fclndai
- ' '
-BaU. CUil
at fUU
A eeip niiqna fata of a
»a nit tba variona patianta.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
In good ahsm, bat we can tnppH
your waats for soom time to ooml^
Anxious to
Lower our stock.
And are offering some Bsr^siss
which yoa will & well to take Ad
vantage of. A choice atock-of
Bakery Ooods always on bsnd,
and we woold not have yon lota
sight of the fact that the
i« the beat, and that it will pay
g^to^try a Mok if yon have never,
A Now Bank Just Starieil
In the Grand Traverse BegloiL^^ <
wEiGOK BErasiroRs.
Will Fij UU to Cat litGRUt Oi Tan Iiiotiiatl
We. win gnarsntee^ Moder government
bonds, if necessa^.^anir Cape or Jacket
for Ladies, Misses or Children, any
Overcoat for Men, Boys' or Childrea,
purchased of ns within the next week a
saving <A50 per cent, on yojir invest
Oor. 7th lUd ti;aloa Si^tiL
^t an a fara of -MO
w'kfaA bo has
Artksr DonUe. in BMt Baj towuklrTk«
«aUwl UatrlU 1‘wk.
iB boBor of old Mr BewUL The paHc
raoa T«» «VK9 •r x»»
will ke pnMdad witk aU •orta of doOEAHB TBAVEE8B BEBALD.
rieas for ploasBroaBd plesk parUaa,
TM. T. Batw am 9. W. BAvna. Inaladiac swlaca. (deaic eoBToaleseea,
The Enterprise Grocery
an Today.
ThlahelB( WaaklBloab. Wrthday. a
lefal hollda.v, tbo foatoffieo wlU Uopam
only BBtil 10 a. n. and fnm four aaUl
five o'olodc p. ■- Tbara will ba one
deliTory nada b;- th» cairlan ia tba
As to bafkinp. there are a crest b
of differtot aoris of baita the
lag of caoh one of which is wellknoara.
rzBUple. (brre is the barkioc
wbk-b^ nidbt b larabt tooall oastar’s
attcBlfuo to tbe fact that Kuae boiclar
or ocher erUdoer b bowitic aroood
the pfembBA WbcBltMarny
.................................. or ny ■plendid
‘ Klld Be Ber
Bard ciritutwamiaa ia this way. I tarn
9. W. BAm«.. Bdltor BBd -MaBacer. will be a delicti to bkyciitu and otbon »y other nde and do bnt sleep tbe
an. Boothe for tba aale of eaBdlas asd
•ODBder. well knowinc (bat no rrildoer
woold datw to pter ny pretobes or
aoda water wUl be a portioa of the ar-1 arriead yealarday botsIbc.
area my ktusimIa SonMiytnrsacoerery
I^Bat wUl alao
Tbo moat brUliant society
iaf for hlnaalf the aeaaon will be the party circa by boose in Twyfurd was entered by bnrma seoa*.b7*aU.
sand tha L-Blfora Rank. Knickia of Pythias glars ezerpt aiy own. With jlatmiai IM ibe Bofar, Gw
and asaka a bnaUfnll >
OwTOor.brwoU. they had^already opened a lower win
e Ib'era U the Bcor fa- in the City Opera Bobbc toaiflii.
dow of ny Tilla w^ l,beT>ad to fly!!
fly! [ 29 ibeSoi^r;C.............
Tbe recnlar BmaUnc of Tritrarse
tnra. C. L. DomlBo has beaa aBcafad
Tbelart of SrnpingbasdoabOemde-lcojfg^ per pnckhjfe.,
U clear off tbs naderta^. tear down City Uidca. O. M.-P.. wUl iia bald thb
\b» old DeOraw alll on tba property
to be preaeat prepared tor thamteaU S^^a^d'it,
and prepare it for
• at Trowfot Olij,
^□g suacpler. as the bogle of a regi-1 Brooms.............................................
Ibe MO acres pnrebased trow Mr. Mn Baetor. Imder.
.10, 28. U.SteBBch
Mn Mary taceraoU was plaaaaaUy
Doalae will be at
Kelt there is tbe tnrk of joj- ^rba a j Keroeene Oil, per' i^tnoo..
at her home Satarday eeenTn« aaUaa i« todaj awalUBf Ib ino set oat with SOOO cherry trees. Ust
dog. for instance. lueeu again a kind Bnlk CoB^........
aaalTarpoBoe Ike roealt of the iorwUcat ion fall Mr. l^Bot porebasad 500 aeroa of
and loving master who may
mry. A roekar was pramstad to her 1
tofardiBC Uie dcotnietioB of the bat- land at the forks of the ' ' '
j thb." It b ^e^«k‘rfpl.«"
ex* ' Roar, ja-i wck...................
(leokip Maine, and la the waiUac a^pa- rirer. ^kleh be srill nlUnately lara by bar basbanA
Into a sheep tasch.
bla witk a peopole wbooe daalro
Mr. LcHolhasia
..................................... 4. .-76c
•motae of liberty aad joatiee towards iatrodacUoa of a oe-y ii
all men- Therels a preoalliBB aentl- priae which will be entirely new In this
Wat that the Maine disaster
Seeallty. but which
. reanlt of aceidrat; and !«(
a sad buett
Tbs tVomanb Au»iliar> of Uraoa: ••Wbvdidn't yoo^eiWwith
«oeh U proTsa to be the case ' ^ tbu aeeUon. He Is dclirbtod wiU
: people of the Usited SUtaa
bay loeatioa aad exoeets other
raporb wUl Iw gieaa. and j.l «n happy now; Ikin’t ever, ever leave Jfo. 238 PTOllt St
/ will trnst
be CT-'
Helen again. •—Gordon Stoblee in ;
to ozercise lta;wisdom In deallny with
t thara.lB the not disuat fatnra.
•! Onr Animal t>UadA
________ i
the case. Shoald it tiaupire that the
BlBLk 6tust CXJLSB.
The Empire Leader aanooncad last;
deatracUoa of thewarocseel was doe to
ik that Bcv. Willard Heatk of Travdeaicn it U Inprobable that the blame
d is the Baptist Obnrcb Xnat arM City, would oocapy tbe palpU of;
Ueograpbical Magastoe. tbe ftaest
eaa be flaedXnpoo Spain. It ia more
Ukely that-jt was the act of reecBcefai
the Methodbtebarch^ Empire 8aa-' firee (rf tTanadi are p uHrally casaed bv
dey and ClUnd 2o "baptism or any-j lightning. In tbe gnat funA between
BpasUh faoatka. Ib sncb a
A union Bible class a
t be held the.BapOst chtifch last nicht, ^ d«a- thing partalalag td the work #f an or- i Aladca and the strait of Bell lab tbe
Corr*«p6ud with the TravrrBe City Lumber Company.
: puKio^
e. thooch if it is ao pite the nnpleaianl weather then wa». daiaed praacher.stricUy a
We hare for sale Good, .
Tk* Coortaay A Morgan Co. ‘ which
proran the prealdeat wUI in all prob a rood attendaaec aad preat intarest
apearad- here last year, has been i I?*""
ability damaad IrepanUos npoo the
lifeatcd In the work. Tha
Tbe fire rosbes
..tiaohe almig with ttMi spmrl
grooad that the batUtshlp was aot af- j
formally organised and tbe atody j booked for a week’s
of a galluping
forded the proper jsafegoards for her
the book of Matthew of tbe New !Cny ttpera Be horse. Tbe tavoefaw aud dead leaves oo
protection. In any event thU disaster
teken op. Tbe t
the ground liorn like cum1>.t. and the
will nreclpitab a erbia in>he Cuban will be studied at the 1
pine wuiide bum fattest, one of than
eratrorersy. Vbe condilioas will de Monday nlgkL Mr, Beadle of CbtroiU coma with a repeftalre
extended ifiu luilo io t<* boon. Tbe
mand some dccblve action npoa Ua brother of John T. Baadla of Ub city,
All membarn of Ttavme Bay Hive i
reiuura (or nearly a ecu•
part of thb govemmant. and bte de;- was praaant and eSrrad many helpful
OQggmtiaiu regarding the book of sewiag drcla are raqaastod to briag or |
that tbe admlnbtratba b ]
ta;MaUkew. Mbs Keboa was cboaan aaad. Ub aftomooa. two or mon P-j ^ „«pbiuiotm bav, . cha,__________
............. “«
Try Our 2Sc Tea~lt is a Winner.
.Opposite Steinberg's.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
ShorL-Maple Wood.
tbeir Uvea. After tbe fire a few i
tokMB nabasItaUng.posItloB taadl^laoeratary.
It was arraagad to bold oes of light calico three iaebae wide
to tbe ending of the arar balwi
_ I every Monday nlgku For by eight ia lengU, to Ue aecreUrj- of, trunks of Ibe largest trees are leftand Bpais at once.
' the flint moath the clam wUl meat la Ue circle to further Ue prugraee of a.-Keit qiring roots b^in to spnmt and
quilt to he Uad at Ue next meetiag of' seeds to grow. lays at Sit ytars tbe sail
Bantbt chnreh. then tbe
i I* ookered srith poplaia. witicnrs, etc^
Tn reported emtas
month la tba Praibytarlaa church. Ue circle. Kortb Amerteaa Savlagm. I
Thvrsday night will occur Ue big which shelter ybtmg flraandotgeAuek.
iting each month beIn AO yinre Ue cooifars are
Building (Co. of St- Panl. in which twees the two chnrchea Bev. i. C.
aavaral peraens In Traversa City have Carmen was choaes leader for the Aral *ai. b« muy UOm- ™1i- “d
i .«u. .b, p,» »ood. A U.W « lb. '
put money, ought to be a foreilQe lew maeUag aad Bav. W. K. Wri^t tor The particlpantt are prepared to intro-; foreet n-Kion of Abskabse cnee of 60
~ might alao be timely to enggeat, the aezU. Ua leadenUp to aTtaraato duee aome Uing hatter Uaa ever pro- i years old. aoqtiHr third uves of 6o 10
ere are several relbl
rclbbte as'
ttet there
I weakly
batweaa ikaac two paatoi^ aeatad in Uat line hare before aad Ua' too yearn and ibe rwt trwa over
"Id. Tbe lire Peemf to suit the
and loan asaoebtioas in Miehlgaa,!
-ma for the adTanmmleindlcateaacrowded boose. I
- whlsbwa know arc nibble and which : Btady of Ue book of MaUhew far Ue
in Ue advartbemaDi of Ue "Bagtr” 1 ^ksian piue. as itxipeua the pines and
free tbe tituins. Witbdml fires this
,t for Mickigaa cap- j
bicycle in tbe Rmv>Ki> Boodav it ap. I
w<mld tiardly irprodorv, itielL
ital. Traveni^ City people need net go: claiming the prombed guidanca of peaiad that Ue "Eagle" was
1 Such fires look plere < ven io tbe 'plebout of Uestau to find good lovmt-i
eold far fTSandjtoO, but bow adver;
epoch of gwilugy.
lata. BvcDia have proven that'Uoae! Hi read tbe (loapel tbroagk without ti^ed at *.’>«. Aa error was made, as
toelined to tok* anyUing Uat comee
; Ue first figures were meant for model
along from mbrqB^ have bean "bittea." .^n a aeo id readinganalyxe Uechaprs and TO. The former price
key ward or fin-o..
! Tbe Board of EdooatioB will sell tbe;
Tar.Asritv figures are
*«ch:e.g. 1..
' Eaat Htateetreat scbnol praperiv. eoa-|
brlgbtar and more mlisf
! II .The Wise Mae; lit.. B<
Hiu. Marx Lamkin of Tbompsoavillr ' •‘•ling of lota 18 ud »• block B. Bm- (
than. Beceiptt Ub moaU Una tar;
vrtiat are MatUew's sMat ebaraeter- ... I. u,..,.,p-ni.,
have averaged aver a mltlion dollara a
ping expadlUon.
, si^e for *700. For farUer InfcrmattOB':
day and prospeeU are Uat next maaU ;
J. Aadrews af Big Bapids. basi apply .to
.,ilb.....b..»,. A. u» U.U1
City Clerk.
a Ue iah denartmeBt I ***
-n.t-tb.1,1. o,
kit.,.Ullobd.llm..Uy. II -ill
nthatUe neW Uw has already _
' oj.
XoUee to Taxpayara.
E. Taylor arrived from Charlevoix
J y^terday. Be bs« beaa working
Thlctty OdudcU bss axtended Ue
time,, tor Ue colleotioa of taxaa to
« new Llaeoin Park hotel.
M«*«h 1st. litOT.
"J q—Uob* -'■I'll P”“
All delin
! have not been able to answer from Ue i
Below b a Ibt oftbe buylag aad sell(Baokitaelf.
y for groceries,
Tbe membership of Ub clam b not
B as Feb. rou, llvs.
odneta tfi Trav. taxpayari will please i
BmHh Bros. A Co. Are Preparing aa 'denominational, everyone being iaylud cruc City:
s matter Immsdbte atteatioa.;
Attractive Display of Lawn Ohalre, ; to participate.
ffiUJKu rttirK.
Clear Pork per bbl. new...
O. KrlJ.v
»«llb K— a|
W«t «W.
Clear Pork per
p In.
Co. .mn...oo.i.ibiu..i.u„w».;
„ „„.o a.. hUortCot Pork-..
men, of Ue ckapel on Ue W«t Slde,;^J lad e.tertainment in Ue West Bhort Cot Pork nor B.,...
Floor. •'
II L. ~
Co. .....................
wf Ueir lawn chair golUB up by 1). H.
, ,wi,'..-.-i-- .b<Uv ti,» --------
Uill dMaebioeryof all deacriptioog, including Two Enginaa,
-Set Work*; Carriagw and S4*a.
for Bale.
A completf* .Saw Mill Plant
213 Front SL
BalUmore Stock Raeeivod Three Tiaaca a iVeek.
CounUp ,40c
40c jwr
per quart
Standards, 30c per quart
Solid Meats.
Fletcher's Oysur Degii ant Resninit.
The Wants of Men
Are Many and Difficult
To Attain
The Wise fin Seeis tlie Best Rmsptpg;
Is the Oirfect Mei^iiwi.
Try the WANT Dfej^ARTMENT.
«,au. .po...i.A.p.«.ti. .ppii.a!;::i;“":; Si
,pc. Tl..r-rtll .1.- ..k.bll
UP P.Wo.r C.ll.A.d
UP.! ^
„ .a™, n. p.n« .1 iki.
^Ue proepaeuforboildjngupqolu aa,j.j^
axteasiva factory, aad in time aae that,
ipki!».».... .1 u., lupm
uipprpo.. or r.WM r.irf. P.W.' II. U A Co
A : E«-' P-l lloj................................
«i ,«|. 1
childrea will (orm'ao amail 1 Creamery Ibrttor.Ib..'............
evealng's .
a... p.1 ta ,Mi:.
ll Do You Want The World?
goods and eaoouiage SmiU Bros. A
Co. id Ue^ efiors to eaUbUah a factory
Butn Tel
in Ue west part of Ua city. Tbe fold-, Manager Harry of Ue telepbo
ex-.Btrvm- KATMorritovi
iag lawn chair referred to b aald to be , change has Jast received a supply of'
Ue finest ckslr of Ito kind aa Ue a
I s™;■■
jof ever, Mlephane bclHa the.'state. ' Com’, per bi.......... ................
t fdr Attnetiue and Im
Improvements By Okafif'LaBot
of Detroit. -
I h«v« made arranffemeBtt so yon caa own it and
Hanllj Miss WMt It Cost Yon.
Everybody Knows That the "World” Bicycles Are FirstJass
taaoa service and save the exUb dai; ,
-Charles LeUat et Detroit. reUraed
hame yesterday afteraooB. aftar^^mad- directories to local subaerbera at aaea. j ft,'x,Vii
lag a week vbitiag bb eoo^. C. L.
DaaUorW.«.Pray. '
DomlBle of East Bay. and looking after
important baslnaas iaterosu la Ub lo • «^M. ,-r., di.a .. hi. ho.,. ., »..
beltialurdayof paeumoala.. Decaaaed ......................... ■'*
cality. Mr. Lebot it a wealUv prop,
, , •o'rk—i'etowy.
And Strictlji High Grade, and Ton Can Bu|i it for $50.00,
Oss)i or Psymonts.
May. *11.00.1 ^
-Whe^ B
tocamy. Be
He comnleled
completes a
a deal
aeai y«Ver-1._
Aay WiU the Traverae City Lumber (
Ca. by which be has become owaar of, "Xystlc JUdgata** Bahi
1 Today.
aleven aad «ae-balf acres of
F. U. Itaeker. Ue Uaiaer for Ue
fronting on Bast bay, one mita ■MyaUc Midgeta"
Mt af MltcheU'a He has ^ bought arrive la Uix city last algkt tram New
' 41 acres of Alexander BawUt.adi^Uig York, tavondaet rakeanabaf the pm-;
Ue pleoe maatteaeA.making
aerm dueUan^ There beiag no school today
ta all oB -Ua key and axtaading a rabearml will be bald io Ua City
lata Ueenmof Uebayahora. Thb
Opera Haaaa at lo a'cloek.
axeallaat property he will etaata Ua
BraekMa'ramiaad. aUo~«Uar UeUI
iatralaid out wtU fiBvalcd roads. Ua fta^
wUU ba wm pcoeara from a
Ohroaie itr.
Voo Dolcka’e
.'Ubd. See him now at Park
Oonsultallon sad ad viee free far a
tima only.
Faaa mamaaa aad baaaUfyiog cutluia as practiced by Mba Badley at m
Park Place akaald ba triad by evar,Ttaaaa are Oaod Dn
Ladies will find it praltabla to call
oa Ue aaw it iimilliaklag firm compeaad of Mia. Caara Stata aad Mia
kiaab Laaeaatar. Tbaj have op*»U
attiaeUve partora over Ue atavs of
Then we havS the “EAGLE” Models. Nos. 76 and 80. They
are not merely “good bicycles for $50.00,” but they are absolute
ly the very best bicycles that can be produced in large quan
tities They are the highest possible grade at the low price of
$60. We have a full line of cheaper bicy9les.
We can suit any one’s fsney or pseket book on bicycles.
Look over our line before buying.
128-132 E’lToii.-b S'bTree't-
Th» PrMsnt One May Prove in
the Hietory of America
j ^
and the Worid.
fK.ru ihat the atmU arpenmrat nwa*
nich A reeoMt ft (he Spantita tenbon
Salurdar art Incom^t.
Nuihlna ba«
been dncie tboa tar, and aa nBexpMed
dpvflopm«-nt of jrealerdar ao chanaaa
the aat«e*-( ot the Sobrai ca*t tha{ Uia
■Ute department may not t.el It eeceaI aanr to pnicced further; ind-cd it la dlf>
AXPIBEBE ABE BETEEAL EXFCBTB i WanhmKton uere oiD. uiiy terminaied
by Spain about lour weeks apu.
] came. from
Senor t>u JJoac. ebaree
d'affatria or the SpanUh li-sallon. wbo,
. Wha Win Be Pr«eil <• Ba«* ft
l a-hen hla attention wm< calli-d to (he
BOhad Throaph Their Bate, ae ft
Far the Beal. rraeUfal KaaailaaiMa M i
dad Keep IlMh Hoe
a "Blder^ Is (be 4
"A* rvpat
tkeBaUafihe Balae TTUl Bepta Tafcy , ported Inlen lew I know Boihlop abOUl
hr l aele Mai AV>ae -UlplMuaUe •laef- ■ It beyond n iiat 1 have sees In Ihe paAetrt .Hilled lathe Bwt—apaaBaCrvBar per*. 1 ahoutd tmaplneXr^Sobral tmr
loo prudent to eay anythtap calculated
Waahlnpton. Feb. rt-The navalccun
or Inquiry appmmed to iBveatlote the
Ifalne dlaaater wiU bcpln iiM work at
/Bavaaa today. Captain Slpabee was
beard from late Saturday nlpfat. but the
leiepnm was not delivered at the naV7
«|c bay -yesterdey eftemuoo. arrivlnp In the Nar-
- aiil
It Is the praeuw on busrd of inen-ofwar to assipc a few mep. always volunteera on accuant of the hazardous nat..
are (rf the work, to duty as divers, in
connection with their repular work, ^e
soiipe of theh- work is the exploration Of
.. the ship's bottom penerully. the dlsentanpllnp of cwblee from the propeller
.. for a
shafts, and sometimes the search
e lackhat torpedo or anchor, They
’ t» entap In that kind of skill neces*
* P"l*"* Ibe American
^^p from the nmin truck, and precedetl
by.the picam pilot boat New York. Ot
srrlval at-thr Narrows a aaluteof iscn
V*one puns was^red. As euon As the
“'“*c was flbished the AmerlowiT^e
hsuled down.
Two tups loaded
»ews,aper reporters accompanied
^ vessel throupb th« Narrows
Huno* people
lltn-il the
. shores. The soldiers at the furls could
throupb the Intern^ parts"*/ a*"shlpi»‘*^ ^uffs at Fort nVn<lM*cTih
*om and dismembered ii''>*caya
like the Maine, /om
' »*'>• »fH
huret off Tompkinsvllle.
Staten isUnd.
Island, at
i>. ni. At 4 p. m
as she U. This work Is blpbly danper- t' »«»ten
Creepinp throupb narrow ironsaluted Ihe Spanish vruliwr with the
bound paaaapes and proj.lnp for tht
cualomary twenty-.dle puns
do6rs of the numerous water-tlphibulkbeads which divide the holi Into
0 many
many !. The most exira.irdlnary vipilancc Is
slimy floors and In )
*xerelw-<l by the amhurltleo here
eompartmema t
I p^vem
perfect darknt
requires the highest j
( people benepert skill.
0 (he Maine,
ded by
Newspaper reproductions of phoR>.
graphs taken of the wreck were studied
with much int-resi by the na
here yesterday,
pmaed .f
at the
the eetb*,
extent of
of the wreck, .oa
the vast mass of steel and Iron heaped
Id (hr forward^pan of the ahlp w;as a
particular object of aliemlun. The ex-
rnpaped In this ef.
»' povemM.-ni arc enpap<-d
prevent some American from
blowTnp up the vessel. And it Is boped
that with Ihewe preiAUtluBs the Vlp-aya
»«. -b. b.,«»p.";.*;',',,','; pLp:,'.'"”
of a horalinp boiler
of tb«
oesiruciion claim to And strong rein
forcement In the pictures f»r that be_____UM- The KTrtt mass of metal appears
to be thrown up over the bollec sparw
and not freer fhe forward mapasine.
while the fiFcini^ apart of the forward
body of the hull, they say. might Have
been ac<imi>iished by the cn.>nho«s ex
pansive power of the high praasure
steam earned In these bnllerw with lhc4r
shells more than P^loch thick.
r>elc Asm reeCersta 4ta tl Alewe.
A question of Intematlonsl Importame ctimcs up In th^matier of the
It war aa to bks Jurisdiction
over the wreck—the fniled Ftwtes or
Spain. The Spaniards conceded the
wreck to be extra-terrllorlal and there
fore under our Jurisdiction. Which sets
a precedent hi an unsettled matter of
International luw. The i.lavana officials
desurd to Join the fniled Stales
tloti of the hull of the
...r Maine?
that Its in.
vesllxatlnn woiild he
.l*lnde;i<-ndem, ly, hut thal the T'lillwl StalM would
give P|iairf every f*i iUiy for an Inv-stlgail.m later.
sure of'pettint: a vute at the time fUed.
a week from today. The expectation
Is that , (be UII miking approprutlon
for the coniular .and dlploniallc
tet-ce of Imptlwiiuneru (or life,-in aecsordance with the.verdict rendered by
the Juroia. was pronounced The court
lafused to petliloB Slierllf Fcas* to sUy
th# **«-<-utlen of the law and it Is prob
able the i-onvlcted sausagemsker wlU be
taken to Joliet eatly this week
days Were alluwed Aitomry Hamon
to prepare tats Mil of exccptiona, wbtcb
will be presented to the supreme court.
B«w AIImH A«ne.dw*at Will Bs TrsatsA dem^KidiDC a third liial of the caaa.
As Alien's ainendmeni wss adversely
The at^ment for a new trial was
reported trom the committee on furrtpn hosed cnBreiv on* alleged errors In the
relations lisle will raise a point of or record and on the Judge's treatment of
der against It. This Ihe vice (inrsldent (be. counsel for the defense which. It
will siislalii. and Allen will appeal, was plainly charge, was such ,as to
which may open the oratorhwl flood- prejudice the Jury
the de
Independently of the Cuban fendant's caae. la rttptwae to tb* usual
amendment the dIplumaUc bill U Ultriy question of the court Luetpen said:
to cause debate on other questlona. St
I have to say la aa 1 said on the
atldom get* Ihmuph the senate without ■lial aa a wllnesa. I have not committed
belrp made the liasls of mo're or leas
Ime. 1 am innoeenl.. I believe the
general dls'-usalun of the country's for court did not give me a fair ulal. That
eign lollry The advisability of amend- Uw|l 1 have to.aav."
Ing this apphbpiiailon biU with -a pro
vision for the annexation of Hawaii,
which was at one lime considered by
thr suPiHirtrr* of the Hawaiian treaty,
appear* to have been abandoned,
secure the imorpurwUuc In the b
an amendment uf his pruvislon fo
recosi.Uion of Cu^>aa belUperemy. and
if be should Riake.lbls elTort the result
might Iw ,a general dUwussloo at the
Cuban question.
The demand for Improve and Un
improved City Property is becom
ing brisk. I have
(fawwliaa AaweaaUM Trvwly.
The treaty wlU. however, receive indeperoent ailenllon during the week If
BPlwopnstlon hill* and the Ciirbetl
< dll. nul .n>«d It ••ijI
l>avls, who
chB>itnan of the committee on for
eign rvlatlon* has eharg- of the treaty.
be absent from the senate during
the first half of the wor k, put Frye, who
will I
CWrWIs Mlllla^ Movew
(•at TbbTI
lis.MirWews War.
larssM wf I
Itts Him
Chicago. Feh. 21-Adiilih ,L. Loetpert's mnilon for a new trial was drolej
Saturday by Judge Oary sod Ihe aen-
____ Tete ea IbaJIalter.
WaablnplPB, Feb. 21. — Referrliip -to.
General Miles' mcnl order i» General
Meimt. rommaiider of the department
of the east, to Immediately detail nen
and oflleers to all.coast defence points
I'm. traverwlnp
eipht Great State*
»( the KoominpithDth. deeiras t& &U'
tke attaolinn of the HeAlth-ae«ker. the
le PIrtSurw-eeeWer. tbe
l•^ofllWv^^atldtbci•'i^l.ie■ Trtvellnpl
- to the man.T a^seuPMi. tbe
beani|(Dl snrnrry. vbe ri^ sad fertile
land sod tbe ■
: nm>ru wbieh lie
alonp its lh>«->.
Go toFl.irlHaa
toFl.irlHaaod e«_,
the Bany
cold s"d dlsarrwcabV.A.e, of winter,
BDd Stops
■»f the --kr.
AMKIdCA. where hesren sad •arth
« to meelsiBOBjffit tbr many of tl
ititirs of ostnre. See ths rraDdsst
in America and
Areerica'* os'v Halaee.
Chateau of Gen. tV. Vanderbilt.
Two or Throo Housos aod Lots
A*'^nBVILLE. “TbetAnd
passiap Lookout Mrmotala. and aerpas
manv Rattle field*, which
the tale of the strife between tbe Bine
ce-t Route, tbe Snutbere Railwsy
forms tbe Great Throoph-TnjnV-I,lBe
to ths South sad KloHda.
vesiibulsd trainv iw-rvinf through
sWpitie. dininy and chair nar*. Tbs
I.inr (‘^tccUence of the South.
For msps Slid information, apply to
yonr^»varr*i coupon ti.-kel agent or
Wu B. TavuiR.
Asst Gcn'i. ^ss Agent.
No. Sir. Foiir-h A-one.
Iy>nlsvill-. Kentncky
and a Number of ‘Well Located
Vacant Residence Lots
.■ ^
in Traverse City that w?ll be sold
f.f, fool lot. with ebnneh bonding,
Humphrey on the diaasti r to lb- M-t e. Ii |, cipsldered
charge ef nitgjnptirc to d-rtuud the ! ,.r„h,hlr ti ai the an-w r ..f th- swie Elmwood Avp. Buildinp o-uld be peBl* AUra-l 4 rtiHiM„ ^ nar Navy No* govvmtti.nl by ai.plying f-.r a pension <j..,*,„„eni will he withheld Mr several Bi.ideled talo Ktnrr with tilGc expenaa.
n hr made a
In thy fai-.- c.f the' cstastmpbe Can he bought cheap.
( alllaa (••rslinwiaii„«a«.^
fool lot. g..-d soil, with a very fair
whieh .................
... ..................................
.... .. .if the
us .wTurred
the ni-mber*
Washington. V, 1,. ;i, _ jt
Ding, siinated ou VadiwMi atroet.
h'lMj*.-, Who Itave usually pushed
Duunred In K n.iirl.r of apeclato to Jufy in ball of ('..lid. and lieinv' unabl>
f.m- on the o^-asion of any srnssiinnsi ^Id ua easy terms, oo >,v $4^o
tDetropolUan joui.;.*> ih,,. the guie d*; to keiure bi.Ddsinen was w-nt t.Oail.
dev-I.ipmi ni cither In foreign it domes
partronM had demamjed or would deHe ha-I i—11 erapioj'.vl al the Blplr. tic afralre. were •un)nously silent last
inand th. remevi.i ,.f i7|.'uln 8.*ral. TVatrti fs- i.iry for nearly a quarter of A, week.
supposed Spanish n..val aiin.n'e rfh ai- century, i* -old to lie <-nc*^ the oiganlsci* of the Grand Army tuisl at
lepcd words sj-a-n n.
I Ihe f*r-i»
that jda..e. and has h-M a numbes of barty or iU-oiR*1t!-i^ a.ilon tended
erUlclsmp tbe Atnvr„*n naiy^Wbeo
prcitr.trent oflfees In the •d'gunisat^^,. dissrt- thorn.- but at any time during
Secretary Long's aliemioi) wasQaiicd to
I fiumham appIlMl for k pension
Ue >»n<blei illon of .the ai.pmprtstl-n
the reports the s-creiar)- said itevbnd It was this fact that >ls. bill-whiTi the widest latitude Inifohate
JiadjBlIed the subject to ii.r unentWm
ewused his downfall.
' ^ ts eJlow.-d- a stlrrtrg debsio involving
ot the slate deparAinenl. ultb a «
the ivo-n: sensaiicnml eceni* in connec
having an Inquiry made Iq that Urai^
tion with. ih-'evpUAl-n of the Maine,
Tbe particular espresston to which the
th- reran of (h- Fparisli minister and
MCUtali' bad directed the aUvtit.i.n of ' ^.^le f^sson has Issued (he call
the state'lepantnenl ws* the tol.-iwluv
Judicial -lections winch are to be held Ih- Itt-si -develniunt-pis In Cuba may
,be pr—IpItaied.' Ilut those In authority
attribuled tn Chiptaln Fobra:: "it wmi <>» Airtl S. The call Imiud-s
by keeplnc th* at-[i.epiii.tlon
riftht-iif-WHy. c,.n eas ly prevent aciua:
Ship, which look place
toiwkrd mapaxlnes. The fact of the ‘ Ge F->urlh Judldsl (irculj,‘and a circuit aetior, by th- house If U-y SO deslrv.
and the prevailing opinion of the <^^icr U that lb* dlscIpUne and tlic ' Jt’lki for the Slxteemb clrcuU.
servatlve leader* on lioib sides (s that
vralch observed on the ship were very ]
A tied at Ameriewa Mewrt
telh actliw and agliatlCin are out ot
.lax. This, aa one ITapliah newapar-r |
_ other _
Berlin. KcU. 21. — A roertlnp of. the place until the fact* upon wbirh a calm
day declared. Is tbe c
Judgment car tie predicated arc knowrtj.
When yra want lu uke ai' ride
*•*',! mncnibt'r the IregfTjInce to ,
I have a large bpLa iioa. a a aeat
aleUili aod a top bus. All vary
cotaforlabte for
caaions on Amerlcaa war
Neither Long nor Day aeemqjo attaU> much IroponaDoe to tbe matter,
however, owing to Sohral'a minor poaltt<ra At the same tiro* It was felt that
■ he should not be making such rcmartis
: as are aitributeid to him. As Oocretajy
Long had called oflldal atlenUon to
them the department weald doahtleas
have taken steps to lean wbetbec the
tatervlew was socuraie by Btaklap a
rsqseat on ths SpaMsb legatlOB. It oan
be s(a<^ poMUvety. howevar, »*>-« rs.
pressed,-exretit to the end viT having tlw
s-wc-chea a<> fur d;in>osed of aa to make
The piesent Iht prion of thr- frtenda of
he treaty* la to secure a teat vote as
_r>oo a* this run be.u!>nveolently done
and for this pune'lse Hatvm's amendirnl providllig for submitting thfkly to a r-ile of the |»-.>ple of Hawaii
w b^Te modern puns are mouni<il. It was
111 be UlilUed.« If they And Upon Ihl*
the war department yesterday
ole (bat 'the treaty cannot command
that while the order was Issued as re
(he siipfs'ii of iwo-ihird* oT the aenported It was Doth ng more tjian follow.
they wrlll move to gjin Ihelr ends
lap out thr plan »t thr war ilepartment
„ Mil
The . fnvnis yf (he treaty
fornfuijiltd s-'t-ia! year* ago a ben the 1 regard the Hanvn amendment us^ntlrrpresroi sys.iem of . .w.st d- fmae was In , I> oBfrfenclIy
The .ir ler .-a is for,at least
IN THB nursE.
iwtmy men vi.d iih- nn-ssary offliers
to take chnrce <>f <‘Jvh -i-ast iJefFete
I May 4tsl tat. a M-u Cwbaa UelM. a
emi iaccnieri>*.is M\r le-rn (vimpleird
Alw, Bar Nat.
and lorneit - ter to the dar departmtriu.
’WAshlngK.n, Keh. :i.--I'r.Vas the
.... ....
dcfriKe w,i.ks are planned and
,; constructra
eoeistrucied ri v\ tne
thr -ngtw
-ngineer cor,-,
eon-C and . *"
lJhA»*v.f'bc Maine
t I*, rtn. /urnlahA by the nrdnan-e j
•‘"•“'•1 .x.tnc before the h..uw
[''deiBrtrrenl. A* s-im as Cumplned they !
the sxreptlon
of today I wbieh under an. arrangement
made last week will Jbe given up
iprks and ordnance. It ronsideralinn of private blUsi
, i*
,1 a detail „f twrnty .men so devoted; notnl'ully at least, lo-i
A fact that knocks <>ut a barrel or eo i far ftx
being an etlenlc* Aghtinp dry Htil B|ipro|TlBiion bill.
uf ihr-cin-s ..f mine explosl.ma Is that | f.irce .1
Isiretv sMlfli lent to' pr«p»lic
This Mil will Is- reiorted Co the housk
there*were no dead flah In the Havana
e for the p.|..[,erty.
been {lixlay. It Is a verj\olumlnnus measure,
Jrnrbor after Ihe explosion.
a miii.ie-r ot th-se ,o
work* containing all the odd* and end* of ui~
DWpMrta ftm. t.pcat. Itlgsh»«w
o-n pirtely recently and
iirdei de- pi.-prlHltiin*, as U* name In'tVwles.'and
Captain SIgsbee has sent two lelee fur them la nietvly
•r>*>du< ilvi-'cjf more pmiractt-d
Crants to the navy dsparirrent on the ;« routine
roni.'siv :han ani of .the oihi-r nppi
subject <d’ Interview* with him.
The '
prlatlon Mils
It I* underslisid that I
Aral merely said: "I have rotislatcntljw!
InfoT.tiiiic-.n Mcanling the situaflon
refrained from expressing any opinion > BasmwMlMleh IsdrsMl Anay Ctr^ ter Cu1« n-k-4 for-iaei week tiy Ihe house
of the Maine' disaster." luier In the '
aha-ber-f Ve«*.
hn« b-en prep-ir-d by the «;ate d>|<anday he wired:-"N<> nVwsi«|ier diver*
for transininal.
Chhago. Fell. “L — David Burnliain,
hay- been tts-d on tbe wr«k of tbe
.who for mutrly tw,n(y4*lx years has * s-ome'.if the i-onr-jlar rvjiniis l■eariDg
Maine, fine roan engaged by
on the''sltusnoi. hai.- be-n'.-llied In
-* ‘**’5'' K nf-nilr r of hla Kwai p..ai
subsequently bought w'bf a newsro^ I
hot U'IrmiiJ Ihai (h-sltll-'
Nubae- j ♦*' *'*'■ Grand Army of Ihe Keimhlic and
P*et «I«-Hned M* service*, ______
iwid^sbly vill .,11 f.<
quenily.-oil his being unrnndlllonally [% r''rt-e-(ed viiizen of Elgin, Ills., ciiit
ixilun le-lori- the infoltiuiti- o goes.
r>-Iees<-d. } might hare us-d him fn [ fessi-tl Saturday (hat be had
liou*e ihis WM-k. For .till* reSMin.
chaige of an officer iBrecov rlng bodies.
........ ....... ............I view of/ttie r indllloii of pul'ilt
ri so
Any Inter
-r jal^ any part In the
war. s. nliment i-nTfint the 'r«nl( ..f the speview* tilth me. If pclDied, are untrue.** Burnhany'waa a prUnner-l-fure faUed clal liiv-liy-uil-- Into th- cause of the
PrwsesdtnB* tiTha-aamsi.
Owlnx bi Ihe ruyul r
vice will be made the basis for consider
able debate.
It ts u^erslood (o be
Alien’d inuiiilon to ni^e an effort to
belonpltip to the nav y.
deb Krqalrm Ihe
1. Keb( 21.—After four days
consideration tlm, boiise Saturday
passed the bankruptcy blll..reporled by
WaeblnptoD. Feb. 21.—The d^matlc
the house eommitue oo~3udlclary as a
^Sd rtateTb.t'on Z and constilsr aad the mllilary kcademy
•ul'SUiute for the Kelson bill passed by
j„,j ^ January Urt Capiain SobraJ nppn>|>rtatlon bills will be t-oniUdrr-'d
the srpate at (he extra session tsrt
a member of ihl. lepatlon. and |«'n-ed b]
summer. Thr bill Is known aa the HenaCLvrdlnp
t- royal decre.-a., which ; week: Tr.ero w
dtrsrii b.ll and (ootalits both voluntary
eaxetted ae hie surveaaor Ueotenani la executive a
end mvolunt.-ivy fealureal A motion to
Unmon Coitm.i y Querra.'
strike out the involuntary fenitin-s was
drf. aied Iry u majortty of IS an l the bill
seat In the senate on ihr appolnlinani w«s pvssed by « majority of a. tbr vole
sUndlQfl-ay-i*. liH; nays, US
of the sovenior uf Oregon.
Xh^ Corbett matter w
Upper works I can us* semice divert. .|h*i .mlnp to the ex.-ltlnc events .if reWd. aome work t.^sy, bat with little ,eeni days this notlOiuibui of the l*pansucoees. Will do belter lomorrow. Parts i ■f'l •iecree was hut i-vinveyed to the
W the ilktP*, espe. lally the superstnic- suthcrltus here
tsre and coniiecilona. are one confused curred
aaki Of metal" The
heaatry. had a hearinp Saturday before
the way» and means cyirmnlttee ot the
houre on the Pearce bill toprevestadulteniUon of pure wbeai Oour with lower
pram products without brandlnp. The
only way to prevent fcdulterwtJoo that
seems to find favor la to prevent abso*
luiely the aale of fhe mixture or tax It
out of existence. The Idel of senUlnp a
man to the penitentiary' who sells a
tnlxtor* of wheat and cum for wb<wt
Hour does not seem to be considered.
e of ABttIn U
“• ‘ v.l. n.l-n. II I. . ..U.I I.,m,,lll,- .»
e> «tt«Iv. »«» m Ui. aun.. II. lb.
,„.b . "b.™..
rhit Week in the Halle of the
National Congress at
department could
ac tartber with the matter.
Tbia. development «-aa that f^apeata
Sobral'a eervicea ai naval attache
•(.SM a year, ^nd alas aclentlfic dSpaha
gorernmenl t« subject all American
horses to six w ecks quaranilne and to
indellby brand them The society also
decld.-d to pr<i4irr staiisllcs regarding
huisr ralrtnc In' America-,
A charter for the organlgkUon of'Us
FarmerT federation of Bpringfleld. it
* to Vabfkct a fr«t««al bsB-
A Him*
Wsstilnpton. Frti. 21.—Rrpn-senutlve
Hlti. pf Illinois. Irurodured a Julnl resolulluo tlalurday appropriating tl.tXKi.OM
for thr repres-iflallon of the X'alted
Ftates at the Farts expeMInn In
It requrtts the governors of the several
■lates and' terfitortc* to invite their
the prope'r-reprsr Ihdustfl
and of tbe natortl resources of the
connciT. It also aatbortscs tbs proai.
dent tR anmtnt alas oomralaalonert
with aalaries of from fiUJW down ta
Sleighing Parties,
At Low Prices
if sold NO'W.
' ' - ,
Come and ask about
them. If you want a home or a good
Also a lot uf the rdry best Portlaud cuttars, two aod tbrae eeat^
I can fit you oot with aoy Vir>d
Pla**4r liTaty lUa.
Thos.T. Bates.
jShbemaiW mtcrta).
The aen lee waa'
ton and Uuincr and Chl^VV^nnwaahae {
i eUnn the anow fBna
a jud„.
judttr, ^I
and boicai
K. P.,„
sethr • at roll apeed- '
n. Co....
jAindoB. Prli. U-—T»e fulloalnr tp[esram haa U-en (acatved from Akanaa.
Prenrh <-T{M-Jiiion<> urf advanclos l>»w«rd Kikoiu. vap'tal of ihr Sultaeate of
•okolo. on U>e_Kokt>t.i river. In the eaticiDa Bortb of (he Hauaaau atalea. and
that ala Preoi h offlce.a. with a fon* of
-SM men. havr arrived at Arvuoaii
<Arrunidt-«nd Taaca.'The former (own
la ao 'itnportani *i>la<-e uo ibe Sukoto
Hvor,,Ab<'uf halfway between theaiiltan'a
apRal and ili<- -KIver Nicer, and .>
altbln -the nntiab arUierr. The anltan
f Sukoto hae catdinanilrd tbe Frenth
/ fbtr* to ba)( ahum forty mllea from ihcapital. Thr Royal Ninr roai|>ari>'e
ity Acent William
ic the coni|<any'a
ftme. with ai .munlfi'll wild-etoree. In
.rmdiMaa. anil IS aw Arli.s-ln«;ru-’llone
to aaaUt the ealtaii of y.ilj.;.. ami to a..
core French •rva.uatioil . f r-.tirU i-:-
»„™w „di
broken and Ifja feared waa Inwhile
lie It win be ti
Cn'elDeer Frai.k EulnRer, of tha-Rurth».Rurat fhutrhvllle,
and hU Unman, f). ICjiat
blrth-plare. The linal funeral -.......... .
had narrow <
Will be field Thnraday aflem.«n in the
a tha W ay or »->*• Trad*
’ OB the Nlprr ooaai of Went Africa;
"J&taliiu. nce haa arrived bere that lao
tl>*> aldrwalks in
full* I
«d while nmiioK to obnrcb ibi* uoni-!
thp—latt iba biatbfni who ary ntcb bo,b..'. .i,.i,.111...^
------------------------------------------ -■^
to Rqpertj Holdtn!
>imr ai»ul thla
wttff'wwhrplp' 1
' ank nerer Irailnc^ibr h-iuw exre|it to
1 bunt or tub
Ho dvyr r Mxkc many mie.
. and <i\<rr rnomluK
uoed to piwctloe
rau-s etM rensli
■ sTrsserseCIty.
n ' Idk. Bib-r b
inductor on the train had hla beadjartiiH'
1 could Iram nnih.ns almii him
twdly cut. Of the twenty-fire paaaen- eztrpllbal hU Daiueww f-lr-lohn Kiiwell.
Cera on the • BarllnCtoo train, hardly 1 I had him olwcly watrbed. Mit notbinit
■t of lloral Irtbulea had been .
«.|iho.itn. I Oh* eacaicd wUbbut twine rat or »u«plcloge waa reer repnrud to me. One
C^^ lidZ^rKno^.a^nl^ec^mITh
althoufb none aerlou-ly hurt, evenlna, lopawlna. I oloerrcl him amok
Ruefi nan-.ee ae Ihoae of Busan 8. An
thony. Rev. Anna Rhaw. many of iha I mUCTr gnmni Atm TT.T.TUnTB ' 1*^'*
"a |•^u^llnent world rcpre- '
^ : tntwt euuBocusIy. and we ebsUed phasid Helen I'.ould were writ'
•• ‘••laotle—
1" eool«too.e
H.WIW OMal.^ by the WMk 0«.
'ten un the cards aitaefaed in the floral
ilfts. In pnrwuance of a rablerram by
Bprlncflcld Ilia.. Feb 21-The ataU ihal be h«l been oirrml traveler In Alrka.
I^dy Henry Somerael a liuncli of white hoard of Ul'or ctwAiTuaaloners has Just - ip«- Indlcsand Atityrtra
! auain spnke erf
ruses was plared <irer the heart of tbe
a lone report on the coal min- bunting, and boSrlatad sonieof bIsndtwBdead lemperai
of the ' '
*ra' strike of last year. The report may* r Hires In
... hla
— pirrsuH
Mlsa Wiiiarda rraueut that her fu that there were Involved In tbe alrlke ! Iho UgtT, tba okpbaht and even tbe foneral aervire he simple was carrted «ut.
KT mines, and S».m
in liUnols
Fiirliuns of (he, sCrlpltre which Ulas
more men and mlhes conllnoed lo ac
am *11 ^ tlanguroua briMa.
WlUard loved.mist were rMd. her faIlveservlceln the recent strike than in
Torlte hymns were suae, and thr Mcihodist Epiacopal funeral servl.-e was im. a. W .tS llkew-ue the case ,n • I ^*■^V T
nwmiier of oi her states—notalitv ln tt'em '
all l« man.
And be bagbed a good
read. Rev. E. S. Tipple, pastor of Rl.
James Episcopal churrb. was the prin
cipal ofllcintln* cleronien. He was aswere the prlnUpal
flmarfns. The «.Vs.n wo.
slied by BtMipP Jr^n NVw'man an? olhers. Presidents-of state ontantisatli>ns
bun* with blnek silk. fRtibroldned with
of whlrh Miss iVlUard w as Ihe ftCTlE'lial
Japabesrcliitb." beasid.
bead were the honorary patl-ia*arer>,
But a strange obysrt In lbs CMricr of a
' Oilcaeo, Fel* n.—By (he terms of Ihe
hree panti aught my eye. It was tilark
will 'of kllas Frances E. Willard her eS'
nod Mood *01 clenriy on a sguare.id led
I spirfcMoksd. It wM a band—a
secretary. Ml«s
laaa . bond:
the price has been made. Tbe averace
Ann* flordon. and her sister- .
and eleau.
duraUan of (he strike in lUtoola
Mra Mary B. Wlllartf have-ai'fred. Tbe
Sllwalloa |e r;c1fviao.|. Crnre.
It ta aee. rt-d on r<' ■! k nh. i ty tha;
. tbe Royal Nlce^ct.mreny oa- leyn in
•trocted— after try inc ah
Wiear.e—In <->irriiel the r* l'r m-.iit oi tSPVeneh fr->m iiflUith territory by for«v.
Tbe aultanat.' «f t>okol>' Is o f’>u<1it:.>rv
«f thrnnnipany.and waa le enH)f a.^-d
vnder Rrlilidi pr»te<-i;oii. The aliua;l<in
property ta talued at aN>ut fV.OOO
ta ^carded aa .^lrrm<-l> c>u>e.. tln-st
ruM-them part
Eiiinlb'e foh'ca In the |>-oin't»ra'e dUalong the recloa of tbe Rock Isl
trlel number belwei-n iPOO and e.ooo men
read, where priees bad been lowwt
undv Briitah <ifllcen> In Iac«» and ih-' rvtoads Uape They Usee Fawad Aheller
MUted ta > Hawdy AUaoa.
Odid Csart hlntetiaod.' and at the
lAporle. Ir-’.. Feb. II.—A man named
Kartneue. Wia, Feb. :i.-No(h1nc Im*
Jirltlah and
Hand was merdered In the
a—Iloria. Wae' been-heard from the twelve lishenncn • J*'
»vM of Ill-fame of Seboof
who sianed from Oeeen Island for this
A Bark- lbt» city, at an enriy hour Batcity Saturday. The storm has continued
imJng. hM biKly bride ruund In
that no one ha> ventured
yoW of the jiaiw
The neck
Pmiww (W» Bare War IfM
the ice. Friends of Ihe ndssing Asher, ; of the V
s Iwi'ken by tbe forre
The TJn.e*. c umineoUoc editorially on men believe that (bey musi hace 'uund
- bead puppMcdly dellvtbe nrwa, says It cannot credit the re shelter tn anne of.the^sh shanties
' ered by Schi«f s Irh a beer bottle The
port, and reproves the levity of the the luty. The Rlurgeon BsyMage.which
‘ proprleibrs, witfi William Dnst. Bertha
Er-iich press retard Inc a crave situa left here Raturday for the east shore.
>- Eew'is
and Blawbc (‘'lade
Krull. Moy
tion. The presenre of a Preni-h force'al has not Uen heard from.
It should
HcTlelUnd was a married
Arcunev, The Tunes deelarea would have reached Its drsllnatlon Saturday
be so flacrani n i>rea< h uf any poadble night. There were live passengers and !
-----------------------------•onstructlur of the n>y-Burua actee- a driver.
' «M<wrEtll»dby ■etgt».
tnrnl I'f 1S90 (Anclu-Fnmh treaty at
tnaevo. PVb. SI —A aerere hOnaard ,
Findlayu <►-. Feti sL-fifllcer WI’Ham
Buaah) that --imthlnc >'ut Its Imnedt- met ta early this morning at this point.'j Hi lly, of tbe MndUy pull.e force, maw
ate withdrawal could avrn the moat the Brri and-Worst real tdicsard of the shot ami killed last night whUe attleUoraWe conae<jueoees ‘‘ «'>thar pa|>er« seaadh It sAema In be genera] alt over | tcmptlnc to arrest iwe burglars at
"'“^Mish similar artuhw. unrinc. t-or<l, the eiorthwesl.' Rallr\«d trafflr Is bsOly I FtnartsvIKe, a ritlsge five rnlUs n.<nh
Sallshun t.i Intimate plainly that Oreat tied up In mirtbern Michigan. At Osh-I of this
One borglar.
Britain's lli)ilt .6f ••saueeseahllHy''haa kosh. Manliowot' and other placet In ] Pratt, a glass warkeT...was iwisured at
been 'es-hed. The Morning Fuel sCyw Wl»v.B‘ln the-worm is drsirtlbed at Iha «,nce. The inurdervf was .i-augnt later
■-ir Fran - le really maklnic deliberate
c is Prank farmrn.
plane ■<> annex British terrHory by.mlllta y •—I'Ui'ation'thle - anonly Imply that
Hath Week «f the aiHke.
jjew York. F. I.- a.-Wllllatii X R. an.
,ahe d-wlrea war u'nfl Knciaiid. In that
Xew'• Bedford. Maas.. Feb H —The
the'alrjt-r and Irish charart.-r accase her Wish will doubUrse be grailalath week dr the cotton mill strike | |br. died late Frklay night of )<ar<ala
opens aiihout any Indications of tbelfa BIcomIngdale Asylum Tor tbe tnaane,
opening of the mills on the pari of the ; agwl U yeiYv. Ht bad been aB-pimatg
There is a f<ding. nf the asvlum Tt six yearw and had
BMel rbil polDI
^ _
ta wife. Maggie Jor•miBiior. Is not the prws.-w>loo xtf teWl.
botb dan.
tnry hut ihe fivedutn of commerce.
Wherever the French have oi riipted the
birterlsnd uf Bnilsb coast mlonlee the
taller have been shut oat from Interior
trade. In the yeeserl ‘relem-e the cenMay wheat went to M.W af Oilcag"
trol of the Nle^r and the free nacica-' Saturday.
Hon of that .n-ai waterway ae an ava.
ft is siated-al Lond-n ihmtOladstone'a
-hue nf ti Ude for ibV world Is at atahe.
t^tum to Engtand fn-m Oaimea Is only
«D die.
oiHb WLi-a vicniAV x»- china.
I Eaminga of tbe Chl< ago and Alien for
AU Ah «B-a leliawd Waters r«
Opaasd iKT-were IMTASQ6; operating axpriinen.
le tW« Narlcsonw.
liondpB.' F. h n —The Fekin «orre•pondent of The Timee aai's "f'Mna
Ever Bqrned Out?
If ao ron ItMTW
n ihia city hy ibe cjfhclal d
Vmy Hart n dMia MaUh Tm*--ba^aa
*‘Tb# ooUeetKB ttat* ndrainR. bratb*
m." mid Uie Bee. Or. F>«rtblp.
N«w Tork. Peb. Jl —The funermJ acr-
WaHIhe Oaa Paal.
■«r»lw. ltoU «tW>w Vorti-Kur
ral rVFral THbaln I* (k* Ik-ai.
Of_.W«r Th«t I E. WlllBrt tcMtk place In Ihr Broadway
- .
Will Invtfve Craat
*^«nd Franc«.
ofjcbs willais.
et. sbowcel dark stair*
tbs -ri* of this humble r»etuUt. fsateuIng it to th.' wall liy h riug riruOK enwigh
*D bold wu elephant.
•'Why. ' 1 egalaHaed, -wbal U that?"
"ll la ray grmicat msmy," ibaEtigUabAnwrtoa. lisras sKSW«d toy aaaUw. akinnni with geiiarp BioglaDd dried in the enn,
lar eight dtys "
-■ t
I to'Urb-sl Ihe fitimoe rrllo. It nasi
base bvlunimd to si.Iim* gMm
The Ongn
leely long and wm belt^hy
..I wba-h pksomofsl
still edhreed lo-eonm pi.»-TS
tfaos. tbi- thing w-i(> frigbtftil lo ««
-Tblj nuusman ha..' hwm rufystron*.'
••Ob, yce." be rrpiled. ••but I ws
smmgrr. 1 batd bsd'riiMebalD madst
•‘Tfaia nhaM is tM.-inm-<Mrw." I mU
thlnkiog be
Joklngi -tbe band can
Haek,BQSiuid Baggage
in need of anything in
" WgJl* mtiini*.
r*wmmb*r this is the plaee le imiee
1 tri] you about me uttlr l«nr. Willie. J
i.. ..iil rtt nmmm rrmrlf
Kemt ihen. in ti,; ebair and him thI r>Tord«r.a«d »et prt»pi wnrk.
guaranlMd or so charge.
and arbiir all <ir< r with tbe menilcs.
Laae^oor <gdera at o*ea or eall gp.
•* Hro tn l^ri,'mys I. 'Rurp yoa'ra
bmdin a hand m yncr owo rieoi'h.’
••Then I wmt to the moguborp and
^ Thone No. 8.
•pa pnoeb for the llult lad. tboagb 1
WMafictrail noythiOK like that'ud Ui
laaviuff ths Uuw in bis moutb aftbsc.
And « beo I lirinp it in be myi:
—Watch Rei»airing.
when tbe Irmoti bus bre« sUBdin in K
n little
biln,'«iyBl. Ondfotgirame
fur me
tfant-g Ubm»thin a big
adv.'says be. •ye i*a gr< n
a bonanad
GOUDeet me vitb a bairel o
be. thcdarlioA. "—>lkikeyFiBai»lin«.
-Joho Verly.
-Front Street.
Hboy people gather th«r«a by faUiag
to heed tbe warning sent •at by dieeaaM9>fdDeya-coated tongue—parched
akin—fseerlahaats—dull dragging ^in
■ g of wearioeat-is
eeidemie of kid»ayai>l bladder troubia.
Take TUh KUnar Beans at oaoe-they
will care von—they have cared
car* * thoua.....................
pgn.ands of olbers
tah Kidnec Baana
■i( lll.smsa C'weir.
sHt-S-e'il.:. iwlseUllS'Sssa. uasrrrssssis'tecr—
Grad Kipids & liiiliui R. R
Jab. li. J
TearisriS Xduta IMr 1
plackl and hnprnctrablr aawri lorfcti, my
gwndiiiig I'kA. 1 ebaiiged ihasubAxAaixl
Wan to ediulra his weapons
I citwrawed
«t.n.e iomlrdmvulvers lybtg at hand In
" --- --------------------------^
••omasil *ha iiinn liv-M-lnwinaani Icar ! J-h-l^aHatB
ttmea. and tbeu my vlalWcoMw-d.
AU bad i
' i
, ,i... .i r . w
and aatKrtiiK-ed'that Sir j------------------------------------------------------------tracu BMo-matixi daring j
017.S/h*E.s.S C'AKDh■s laier i w
w the door. At|!
■rat 1 susimitMl-.thjw»an. but be wasen- ^ILSkV A Uid
Thshady(rf.<lrJ^waa 'jwatl^icM
Trtol Nw «w>. I. Drager.
a.neral R 8. Bragg.
the famous Irun Brigade, eras TI y««n
old yegterday.
Sam Jones has
candidate f-r governor of OcorgU on a
plsiicm, of bla own
Mary had a llltlr bnb.
Ih- .bln a. while as snow.
* ■■Uslwayswaniatogueaway.thotudi.
toswecodgravely. •'Th
>vaierloo- la.. Feb Il.-Kx-tJoramor
Dots will l-e laued agninri CflIoaoi Da
vid B Hendenem by (he tyermcrats of
thiA.the Third, cmgreaslonal district
as their candidair tar cnngresaiaan ikkI
SpriagfleM. 10a. Feb. n.-Jiriga Shipley. at Jacksonellie. Raturday granted a
ta «tee (be ettiaass ol (bis
-orb rerfoethw. oerf Ibair
rtwemv-two leadux aarf rw
- •- tbe middle of the ae- J^***"*"' C* *
lyiDK ou It
struggle bad Uki:
Ihe-ii etraagled. I .
I discolored and bore a look uf dradl;
Idwnnetblug hrtw«o blecllnnhcd W »
I He held
^Orals'wads. DMrrit aarf
acre -4 I" open all her Inland maters
‘2i O.L.LOOEWOOD 0 .P.A..Orwarf kMUm.
10 nartcntlon by stesiu'-n. whelflw for.
•ben or I'.BtlTr. under regulailons to be
UradSS yeara
yaara I waapim-od by flvehohw.wblebseetu-'
whali Liivea'M
framed ,ul»equentl>. ll nut Teatrlrted
li.t. ma! tevenm' collections for Jan- j l» the city and dct« Tuduin a trolley : bnve baen ludc with sonic sharp
by ih-s.. -recolaUihis the- acreemenl.
P'lma. A doctor arrived AfMrmndul
whiih is to come Ihl" operatlun within uan' were over a mlUlpn la eacaas of oar?
for January, m:.
** •
-Koie. I’va always had; (ixamioing the tvaM
four mortl.v ta sailsiatbiry and prom
ct McKiniry
McKInIry has been iittfted
iiiBited 1«,
I«, ride 00
on tbe
the plaifom-—SyracnMlLirplalfon
ises a wide ejrj>*»‘»l‘-n "f fureten trad.‘ OOlJtO NOKT8.
njTiv^^^Aiwsi^ W eowito'attend the TaAina
-aAms nwe
now festival
festiva’ next i aid.
Ohlns bos
jfr.d r:.-^, dhynaksMec
_____ _ .
... province of Hu-Nalt ! June, and will go If be can.
1 >iiDd<l<-««d and glaoorf al the si*)l ,_____
Aunmsr at law. Spseial
within iwr years, aad. propoaes Yo- I
The oimmlitee rm rivem and harbors
where I haa lorwrlj s««n tbe bonftle
•■What is the. iuvaniwi of thr wiwd
Chau, neai the Tung-Tae-Klang. on the I of Ibe heuse of represi-nUtives ts at
drkal hand
It vsas rm tuiuier tbore. Tba \___ . *________ ______
border of the jir.Alnr.-.
j Chicago inspecUng the Chicago river.
■Inkewann'r’ •■ asked thatoiclHr. "Jolui- chain was banglog In its place, broken
I fO|U\R u/TUKtl
.'Th»,tsoii( -li->*n'-'n's resson for the
..Th.3V iirbrrmen who were «arried-[ ay Cbruiu. you may nnswar. •'
■ I knelt over the Daly and fonod between!^ itu* * M.lbke_____________
dela. In op riRg Is thal llie central u'l-'
igu Wedm-sday
-■'•Writer is lukrwarui when it looka ihecliuebsd lerih a lincevvrf tbe missing ; ^ , MOFFATT. Ataearis d TMa Esa!
.niy as pr-smi is t«>u.-rtes* to »n- r.«sl of the Gulf of FliiUnd. have bean
Ibt.teaad ('oavsyaariag. Bnam 1. Haand isn'o/'—Naggets.
c- ih. I.iiini-<5i.ie..to.-nin*of anyr-m yescu-d. )
ond pbaksBX by tbe vlrilm's
Be . soolc Wwk
tb- i-n vlni-e ot Iln-Nnn or to prote«i
Th.- Wular spring meeting of the
Tte <aM> •( iba ri"-*
Ua-n made an ioturfimrtlen.
louMUnrilen. hu*
nui oothlt^f
ootmng :
iiumiiin i- w n Mbe la HaiaiUia
fon-ic»-r> Ibcre. Chinn has given oia.-irarri. of the National Base Rail
.\eliArr diairs tMWwIn-.J, A ■UUkwi
Usarweso n a au. t
First Fair Ouv—Let m« rfae.
Who if
Greav HrlnJh 'satltfai tori' aiouiraiv'te League will Ik held in 8t. LouUobMoH- tbeolde«prrM*intbEllible?.
i d..- nor furniture bad 1«h. umpt-rvd m^----------------------------thai eht will not alienate to any other
p^h. Bi.
baoood Fair Uno—ton’ra down ia !
__________________ ____________
pou.1 any |-rt)on nf the Tang-Tse,, ...pinnatlon of Its recent cut'In
Ki«n* valley.''
to the l•aclflc emvst. (he Canadlah your iMBily Hii'le. nrru’t yoG. dedi?— [ sKantb past bis m^rr bad appealed «eTbe Tlin.-s. commenllng •dltortaHi^ 1 p^,., alleges v1rjbtl..h of
Kcm lock JournaL
.1 >M«cd
soy k-nrrs. ;
j( ,^,t> (-Mle T»a*wrwClW
Hi- for<B"lng -UBpatrii. says:
"wt „,7„, by w-si-rn lines
. i which babad at owe.luimrd. Often tn a iXL berCo ttJ il
.______ ______ _
> the Cnited
the Brinsh minis- flUt'A
Tbe Bala.
let erf anger that lotikrd itke m^t^ ta '
ter u1 -F- kli. ««'n thcar lmp<.rWBt e
tnr a good s-«Me rfrtriag k
Judge Emory Speer, h
. (he band chained to the erali
Hoalwsv. : la^altvri C. C.gaea. tweraywaa. lt»-t
Bcc-i tod en luvItMlon to dajiver tbe poetry?
tuMial <'r;it.t blr-ldsy address
Rr-I Hi*. Jiolge R|ieer was a t'DAfeder'
London F. ti. H —The Cape Ttyi
ale e-ilflli-r.
rswp-.'niieyvt of The Dally.
humever, be made no eoODd. Ik wws onty
H All- n Ln Faut:-. nf Chicago,
•Thi- Trnnsvaal govemiDenl ih.^ouotOsSOag Been With ■
OB oomlog to open tte windows -that ta
riid VI'S l.ii.t.|e'iilll- nf Michigan, fn
tng cons ai J.Omnn.wburg and
found hw master «(ad. He sospsrtrd no
the w.-elher bureau. U.p oj,
.fng ^laxIn.K sli.-lls, rifles and canrii
OPS. AUbotwb a minute aearihwarflnsWthe CM'-VC, AU'Wlcriiim tower. In a
to that ~Hit in an' uffentlve and
tuud tbrowuhoBt the wbola Itlsad. noth,
tatlous mann.-r. During Ihe laSl week,
log whs ever discovmcd.
.mi s V r i.-r ai d Ko
eight rallwa) trucks of war malcrial
qell, one night, three ntontta after tto.
kr arr-M at Warhi
were paraded through the strevU of
crime, 1 bad a Irlghtfol nlghtmaer 1 saw
Johann.eburg and carried to tbe fort
thal horrible haodrunnlog like
llran <-dngr—i onal commlllee apd aellon the hill uuisidi the t^'^'
oraspIderapprMldeWD-----------ig then, fm H i»r I two
Tbs bkleows i
l>.e.slaa la • Tmt Casa,
Or-ri'-ral Maiutger Blssell. of the FIbdruond Tuy *ooa>. using
^waukee. Feb. fl.—Judge Sutberlay Port Wayne and Wesicra. has reMmd.'af the superior court, has made algned. I«. lake etTcct April 1.
n devisiun knuvking ou( the plumbers' confirms ih- report that tbe rpad la t»
license law passed al (hr last aesrion
change bands and he a part of the Moe
The (oraflDgfT was BMDg.
Of the leglsUiure. Thr de, ision Is a
pys tem.
"Tbu. tadlw."wM tba Jud^a •• he
' pevere Wow to many ruascer plumbers
Aaa Hodgsenan. charged wtth robbing
aimcluded."iaBiyiU»y. 1 know Bothlog
and (0 many uade* unions which f^
Chicago tradve unl.'lis of tfl.ooe. who
verej It. the case decided, a (rsl one.
also (being a marrlrd man) rwn away
was that of Jacob Winkler against the
with Relma Hiker, has been captured
board of public works of MlTwaukse.
nnd brouThi hack ir. Chicago. Blrf par.
Winkler failed to pats the axamlnamour stayed at Calgary.
nIadHa. "WaabaS not sloeptanlftit^
tlon held by the boivrd of axamlnera
tern yra kail w at leaw bow yonUinkU
The 4i-saib«r Ws May Expseb
- and was consequrntly reftmed a Heeose.
Ht brought sul; on the ground that ths
law was Invalid. Te cane «1U dftablleas be tarried to the aopreme
WashlEgum. feb fl—Pvdlewlog ars tha
jsgtbar Ibrflcwtlani far iweety-foar boon
■Magas's Jl
Irma. Mich.. Feb. U—Joalah C. Ji ^
Plate commisaloncr of banklna. ^1^
sorfdritlr of heart dlaeate In hk bom*
bare Friday night. The dmraapad was &
yean of age and eras a bank cAosr of
PWthwIy »to^_ret^^er Mlchlgaa CkssrfbK-.sUglllySadveto extreme s-ulh-.i
portka: asrthwty gsMs. For I'ptwr goio tCX let tu«
-------------------- --------
Bba—WeU. y* wa. Jowph, I'vp ari
lu.~K«w lorkJoutfL--
"^Oh. I think." Mid be. with a Jodirial
gBlle. "riiDply thal the logWn>«**
•I tbe bemi was not dead, bat ttat ta
came ko fetch it with hta iwnalBlnf
".Vn. no.'
tBOl tare bM thatr^
»ii cold
, "Ahr• Mid tta Jtaiga amiUngly. “t
■y theory WOBM Mt MlMtj JM-"
iinsiu UD KfflHusnai li
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