The Morning Record, July 23, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 23, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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8«eond tear—Ko 883

exH. ani.Bs 8nAPn.T xpraoAOBnro pobto moo.



. OV TKAjr8P0XT8.

anrrandar at tha Spaniah army and
toa toklny paeaatslen «t the dty by
yonraelf Inter on. I only knew
boto aranto by pnUle raporta.
•<I wna naltoar honored, dr. with a
kind word tram yen inrlUay myaalt
any afBaer af my atoff to rapraaant
toa Cuban army an that memo
•nanlly, IkBowthht^ ham left
in potrer nt Santlaya tha aaaaa Spaniah
autboritiaa ttet far thiea yaaia I hnra

fouyhb anamiaa of the indepaadanoa
lUV of Cnbn. 1 bay to auta that thaae nuthorltiaa hnra aarar bean alaetod>at

SantinyobytoaraaidanU of toa dty,
■pl«Mur« *t tba BeUr
arara nppdnUd by royal daeraa of
As Arrtval of th* Oooitractloa Oor^
aad TeUffrapBaA ITu Daputamt tha quean of Spain.
*'I would nyrea, air. that the army
to Bwtaa Bapartar* of Ba&alodar
under yaur eommnsd ahould bare
n pcnaaaalon of too dty. the yarrl■p«U» «o Tm Bea»i»« a««>«a
WMttlarton. Joly ».-«asaral KUw sou and tha forte, but whan the ques­
niiaaa of nppainUny Spanish nu-'
Bm paaaad Kola St. NiohoUa a»d haa
aaot Ua foUovrlBg to tlta aavy depart- thoritlea in Saatlayo de Cuba, aodar
BBani: ‘■SeeraUrjrotwar. WMklnrtoa, the peenllAr cirenmaUncaaofour thirty
yeara' atrila ayalaat the Bpanlah rule.
1 am diaappolaUd U tha aoB-arriral of
mot aaa bat wHh tba da^>aat raColonel Haekar with the eonstnieUoo
that ancb autberiUca are notoleet* eorpa. CaUmal Koek arrirad without
anar boato or Uchtara Baeae aead 'at ad by toe Caban people, bat are toa
i ooaa aalaetad by tha quean of
hMt foar atronr aeafolBr ataam Urktata and ta(a. Alao Oanaral Stone'a Spain, and hence are mlnlatora to de­
baata at JaekaonTilla; U not alraadj fend nyainat tha Cabana tha Spanish aarardynity.
“A rumor too absurd to ba bdiarad,
Oaaanl, aacrlbaa too reason of yaur
maaauraa ‘and af the orders farbiddlBC
my army toe
maaaaeraa and rarenya ayaiaat the
Spaniards. AUow me. dr, to protest
aydnat eraa tha shadow of anto an.
Idea. Ws nra not anrayaa, iyaarlny
the rales of ddlliad warfare. Wa nra |
n poor, myyad nrmy. aa rayyed and aa

aant,aaooeaaapaoaikla. Waaramo'

Baeora Oanarri MUaa aaUad paatardar attarnooa bo aaat tha foUawinr
“Piara del Bata. Jnii ».
-Saeratarj «*<
ioUawlaf traopa are with ma abaard
toaMporta, ta OnantaBamo karbar an
route to Porto Bioa: Fom li^bt hattarlaa. Third and Fourth artOlaiT.
Loonla' battory B. FUth arUUery.
Sixth nUnoit. Sixth MaaaaehuaatU. <79
taeruiU for the Fifth eorpa. aiaty
od tba airual eorpa and Sereuth boapl-

(6ir>adl KiLua.

••In riew of all thaae leaaona. I ainThe cabinet aaarion today occepiad
eerdy reyret to be uaabla to fulflU any
•a hour and a half anil waa daroted
loayer tha ordera of my yorernmaat.
almoataxclualrely totha Porto Bieau
sad tbcrafora I hare Uadarad U
axpediUon and laetdaatal aefra
to the oommaadai^ia-chief of the Cuban
otapa in tha eampaiffu.
army. Major Oanaral Maalao Oomat.
my raalynallon aa commaadar af thU
aaedoB of our army.
•‘AwaittoyhiareaalstioD, I withdraw
with my forcaa to tha latorlor. Vary


raapactfnlly yours.
Ba Tbarafore Xactcna Command of
Army of Xaatam Cuba —Oanaral
Weed, Oommandar of tha Sot«b
Bidaa. Kada UUtnty Ooraraeraf
FUya del Bata, Saotlaeo da Cuba,
July S2.-tiaBeial Wood of tha Boorb
Bidera baa been appcdatad mUltary
gonraor of Sastlata, aueoaad!
oral UeKibbea. who ratuna to bla old
duty, and who U on tha aiek liat.
Squadaotnatlmahaeabcan aaat ta
elaaa the atraata and bury dofa
hamaa. wboaa ramalna hare
b— lylac there for weeka. Other

Cauxto GsnciA.*'


good in hammocks
.'At 85c to t!.60-Better
$5.60. Warm colors for these oool
fYsys—Close knit, firm toots «*88jgt them oat is nin or snn or losd 'sB
down with kids—wont hurt 'em—So*
the bsoimock for invalids—“the Ist*
est thing whafs ontJ


220 Front St


Xau of Faanaylraaia Bayimaat Parttdpatad in Outrayeoua Oeudnot
Which Oanaad Oittnaas to Orgaaiae Second XxpadiUan of AmeAenn Saldiara Baft Traaaporta Under Oorar
to Protect niamadTaa-Xattar to
of Ouaa of Orulaar Beaton,
Ba Baportrd to Sacratary of War. j
apreiai loTaa moshm bm«u.
Manila, Jnly 83.—Tba dlaambarki
Saalt 6(a. Marie. Kieb.. July 88.—
Uoa of toa American troopa compeaha paodemoaium that rdynad In
fny toa aaoond expadlUoa U belay
toa ei^ last aiybt was apparently
paabed with toe utmost eocryy. Tba
subdued by tbaoryanlzatieu of clllseoa
Colmado reyimeat ia alraady in toe
to protect aaeb other from the rouyh
field near Paranajo and the other rayidement af toe Panniylraaia raylment
imenu will ba transferred without loaa
that -atUmptad to create a ralya of
of time fram the trauaportt to toa
Varioua aerapa lad niyht
camp in naiira boats.
The United
draw larya crowds and a number of
Stotaa orulaar Boston baa baea dataUad
afallawiayaaqBad of yuarda
tocorertoe landlay parties and now
wba ware forcibly aaoortluy priBauera
eeeuplaan poaiUan almoat within ranya
to toa fart, when without waratny, a
of tha yuan of Fort MnUto.oalx,n f^art
oorporal of the yuard turned nraond
distauca tram Manila proper.
and ahonUny for the crowd to dtoparaa,
The arriral hare of toa U. 8. moaltoi
toward the people wha warn walkMonterey la anxiously expaetad.
iny OB toe aldawalk la aa orderly
and jabbed rieioualy into tba
crowd wito bia bayonet, Ha waa fol­ Xaportad TharFour Bpanito Friaonan Got Away.
lowed by otbara of tha squad who did
Atlanta. July 33.—It U repented that
ils outrayeoua aaaanlt waa foUaw- fonrof the Spaniah prisonara coafiaad
ad by another in the atraat, whea WU- nt Fort MePheraon aaenped last nU bt.
awny darUam Garrett, bound far bte home, waa It U said thmi toa man
Mraek orar toa back wito a dubbed yna. lay toe riau of a number of ooafadarate
GarraU turnU aranod aad waa met

About tola time toe yuarda were raInfbroad by a detaebmaat from tba poet
aad for a few mlanlaa a yeaeral malaa
betwaea earayed elUuaa aad aoldlara
waa imminent. Tba latter, howarar.
repaired to toa fort aad aarioua trouble
waa arartod.
Tha offiean apparautly bare no aoatrol whatcrerorer their men. It haa
been unsafe for woman to walk in tba
atraata after dark duriay tha last few
araaiaya aad dtizcas are tborayhly
Tha eondlUoa of afaln
^ be bronyht to the attcatiou artba
aecntaiy of war.

The BaXtlaCre^ baM ball team, one
of toa beat teams ia the aUle. will be
hare Monday and Toaaday for two
yaxaaa. Thaae will ba yood ynmea and
toU u toe faataat that baa been here
tola year with the posalble exception
of ManUtee.
Jobs EeUay of Detroit, manayer of
toe Detroit Atblatic team waa In the
city yesterday eonferriny wito Mansayar Kehoe in rryard to a aarie« of
aa with the Huatlera. Tha datre
fixed are Aoyust 11 and 13 and It U pos­
sible that two mors yamea will be
played bare toe followlny week.
Manayer Kekoa U alao In oerrrapondenea wito the Paye Pence -OlaeU,

a aarica af yumM but no daflnlta daiaa
have yet bees fixed.
Wito these prnapaeU nhrad yood
bsae ball b nasured for toa balance of
Sixth lUtnota Sailed Tastarday.
lesaon. Travers Ctly'e taum te al­
pedal lo Tua Ifomme naceas.
ready eoBsidetod toe fMtaat IndependCbarleatoB. W. Va.. Jnly 88.—Trana- •at team in tha aUU aad a yood many
pert No. 31, with the Slxtaaato Pana- first clnaatoBBM will play here dariny
aylranta aad two compaalaa of
■ad lo Grand Bapids.
Sixth niinoia. 800 mnlaa, wayona and
The rematnaof the late D. A. Wooditona, put to sen today.
worth, who died at Sammlt City Wedaeaday. werebrou^ttothlaeityyeater.
day, after a funerai aerviee at the fniailT residence. The body will be token
to Grand Baplda today and placed ta
AOUXKALDO SHOUTS KOBTILX a receiviny vault preparatory to buriaL
The arraDyemeuu wan eoaduetod by
Undertaker Apderaoo.
ZHapU^ Arbitrary ladepeadaao
I>aa»By Wito Aaiaricaaa aad-Xs
MlaaOraeeJobuaoa of Grand Bapida
DiapeawA To lyaoro BfBrrta Hade Za
la toa yaeatof Mrs. J. R. Saato.
Behalf of iamergaata.
C. J. pouyberty of Ckleayo. who has
Waabinytoa, Jnly as.-^lbafellowiiif been vbltiuy with M. D. Gates. rcUracablccram has just boea reoalvad at I to Cbicairo yesterday.
Frank Hamiltoa ia at Norlhport for
the war departmeat:
••Hatiy Xoay. Jnly 88.—Ayniaaldo a few days.
Mias Amalia Laraaa k ia Maaktoe
haa declared a dietatoruhip aad maill.
riaitiny Irieada.
al law aUever the Islaada. Thepeople
Aldermaa A W. Jaharu left yestwday OB a bnaiaaaa trip to WUllanubury
•■AmMcaaonaad Elk Bapida.
Daa Goodaua of Bak Jordan waa ia
Oarite, Jnly 10, via Bony Kony. July tba city yesterday.
88—Since the arrival of the troopa aaMias Luella Arory of HoraelkviUo.
T.. ratoraed to bar bomb yeatorday
dor Oaeral Oraeae, AyutaaUo, the
ryeut leader, has abowa a dadtol- after a few weeka' visit with Maada in
tbk city. .
ly boaUla spirit. Ba has baea axtramaly
Mra. W. J. Moody want to Bast Jor­
raUcaat as to bis own eonrae, ^tooayb dan yeatorday fora week's vkit with
be ia diaplaylBy tha kaeaeat iaterast kar danybtor.
la She a^aa of the Americaaa. Thera ^CD.MaakyofSuttPB’BBaywas ta
kceoaiderablecaroaltyaato wbat tba toe city yeaterday for a few bonra

By AnaapdU aad Wnqp.
apeeUl leTui HMXirr Baoesa
Waahlnyton, July ».-Tke followlny
meaaaya has baea raeelrad at tha aary
dapartmeat: "Playa dd Bata, July 88.The expedition to Mipa was aaUraly
aneeeaefnl. althanyk tha mlaaa bars,
not baaa reaDorad for want of time.
Tba Spaalah cralaar Jorya Gnaa, dafandiay the place, waa deatrayad rrithsot loaa on cur part.
The AunapoUa aad waap afterward:
reeaaded fram Nlpa to aadat la tha
rndlny of the cemmaudlay yaaaralb

nupa to iatprore tha aanltary eondithmawUlbe token.
Oanaral Oarela haa withdrawn fait
army tram the ontakirta of Santlaco ta
tbainterior. tokiny the road to JiyuanL Be drat held a council of Ua ofi- nrmy on tha arrival at Porto Klco.
eara and tonderad to Oanaral Oomaa,
toe Cuban ooaumnnder-in-ohiaf. kia
rMiynntioa ns comanndar of tha Cu1 Time Kada As tba G
bns nrmy of tha East A apaeinl sourOircuit Xraata.
larwnaaenttoOaoaml Gomea'a handepccLa] tc tkv Hoeatae BiOBan.
Another Inrye crowd witaeanad
Oaaatal Onrcia has aani the foUowyrand Circuit racm today. Tba M aad
iny eoaauidenlian to Oaaatal Bbaftor:
taaoUUQaatakewaathe latoelpal
■ The yoraramaat af toe rapubUe of evaat, fiaaliy w
a by -Mite'' Aa»:lV
of Cuba ordered me, na commander of Gsraraor Bolto raaaeeewl aad QuartoeCukan acmy in tke Beat, to aow»- tarataff third.
arato witk toe American army, fallow
Tba Abbott won the 8:10 trot
iny toa plaoa and obaylny tfaa ordata' threa alraiyht baata, belay prtolbltad
•af ita eommnuder.
I hnra dona my Aapaols. Daa Cupid aeooad, Pilalt Boy
heat. air. to fulflU toe wiah« of my third. ladiaBB wus a hot tavarfto for
yoTarament. and I hare bean natU toa 8:13 paca, bat waa aarar ia it.
DOW ana of your moat faithful anhor- Midi took first moaayaad a mark af
dinataa, honariny myaelf in catrylay t;ll. PlBawoodwss aaooad. Wiafield
out your ordera and luatracUoaa, ao far third.
na mypawwahare allowed me to da
**Tna dty of SanUayo earrandarad ta
toe American army, and nawa of that
impTtoateraut waa ylre. to « by
paraona eaUraly foreiya to your atofl.
I hare not beau honored wito n aisyla
word from yonraelf intormlny me
about toe neyoUationa for pesaa or the
lanm af tha cnpltulnUon by the SpanJaeda. Tha important oaramony of toe


poor aa waa toe a,my of your forafathare la their nebU war of indcpandauoa,
but. nadMtoaharaaaafSarntoyn and
wito a bayonet threat ia the knaa.
Yorktown, wo raapeet too deeply oar
cnuae to dl^raec it with barbarism and Oairattoaayrabbad toa aad of the BatUa Creak Kant Weak aad D. A
yon aad kaockad a aoMlar down.
Ob Xar^ In Anyuat

tal eorpa: l,4i5 maa all told.


amntad to bif* homaa and edrtn to yet
tha aqatppaya and atoran aaared.
fosnd tost ba oonld yat noththy with­
out an order from Ayuiaaldo.
Later, Oaoeral Andataan aaat a short
oommnalcnUoD to Ayulndda. aUUny
that ha needed man. carU and ani­
BSIOK OF TB&KOK ATKBTSB AX mal a. also that it was tha purpoaa of
Amark^ to aM tha iBaaryauta to aatablkh a atabla yoraramaat. addiay
that tha presant latoatloaa ware to
that aod. At toe data of tola diapsieh
TIOIOU8 ABSACI/r UFOK OITI- AuylBaldo had aeai no reply to GanZBKB IK TBX STRXKT8.
aral AndarooB.


Kada a XUa la 2.-0114 AsaiaatTima rabal yenaral will decide to da
ia Datrait Taatacday.
Oeaaral Aaderaon yesterday aftorW. KlmbZil'’^K. E. Stra^. mirasyer.
PtneiU to Tax KwwiM nacoaa
ooa^toek actAoa that will, it k ba- 885 Front street.
Detroit, Jaly 88.—Star PalaW' ^ Uaved, oompeJ Aayiaaldo to show bis
pa«iBy klny. weat a mUe ayaiaat time bead.
at toe Gr«M Polat track today.
Major Jonea. Ue ehief quartanaaa.

Tranm Gitj School of loiic!

toe beat he could do was 8:01K- Xba; c^waatMBaraaaqoefartoa purpoaa
track waa la ftaa eoedltlda, bat Folatr
ar oonld not yet at faimaalt
partotion of toe troops to camp. Ba

csor rvoii s*4 omv au.
Altov M. OravteC. Ittov AUto T. Betocta.


. Are easily cancelled with-one of those cbaagcable
dating: stamps we are supplying-can be had for 75c—
with initials, etc.


RlarUiam BlocL

j These Are The Prices

We an now making on


S9c, 380,49c, 590,700,800 and fl.ia Bargaina, ewoiy


one. Values 45o to $8XX>.

0 I LinDCnU U

Dry Goods. Carpet

and Clothing House.

Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
mu roo


• am »i»— ar* *ki
bum to order or («

Remember 1^^ New Place-

South Union Street, Opposite C. S W. M. Depot

In VtMb tm Tudm to Imt

H. E. OIBBS, Propr.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the Traverse City Lumber Comphny.
We bare for «tle Good,

Sound Henjlock Luniber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Mill Maebiaeryof all descriptions, indoding Two Engine*,
Het Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.


Hastings' Real Estate Agancy.
S arw* I wllf
wll* wtm aU iwpron^ wUl to cola to so*


A StarfllDg Announcement.
1,000 Remnants
Of eveiything coneeivable in oar Dry Goods department,
coEudstiag of csshmeres, serges, fisanelA saitings, silks, ooting
fiaonels, ete., etc.
No credit to os to soch an aceamolattoi. It involve* a
lot of modey. W..- are deaerate to dealt np the mess regard­
less of cost.
most of them are fresh, new merdisiidise, ia tsir
lengdis, which are pat op in paoksges or folds, st oast, stgl
many items below cost, bat in order to (xmvert these goods in­
to ready cash we make an extra reduction of 16 per cent, on
them. This is the greatest opportanity ever offered on s repre­
sentative lot of merchandise. It means a redaction of 16 to
26 per omit on wbdmle prices.

The Boston Store,


^ J


THB KOBama bxoobd. batitbdat.

23. ism.


FUe Lake last eeeaiaf. bariag ia eatV
ody Oleaa Biddleeeah. who it aoenwA
ipfielty ia the rehbary of BoliHaUtfee edHra MU» Of Oedar 1
aeritmwmilL Be foaad hit man loar
;IBAVnsxonx^ kichioak
es ^ Iowa %bea Oerreea’a
mllea north east of Soath BoaHsaa. |
fi# WM ledcod ia }ait aad wiU yo he-'
Tke foUewiar are extraete taken fore loatioe Brown this moralny.
CbeflpMt and mort reluble place to get yoor bicycle repaired aad
freae a latter written >y Bdward O.
WUIMb Biloy and Sidney Cosa plead |
to disorderly eoadnet before'
X W. HAnM. Bditnr »sd Uuafw
put in good nmniog otder. Have had aeTero! yeara experience and
oooela. Mra Fred De Hare of (Mar:
Cobb paid'
know how it abonld be done. Sotufoctiem gnaranceed. 1 am aellmg
SS One aad eoota while BDay took tea ;
Saatiace de Oaba, daly U. 18»a.
I AM BOW ^tiac oa a srater kef
bicycle snndriee at abont ooet Kew and second bond wbeeb for aole
^ A. Dean, the m
UhMaa orwhile eittlar ba the deck. Bare aot
and to rent. Please give oa a tii^.
nt oa aekalraor elept ia a bod or der for plaas for an aaaex to Ue Ceatral aoheol bnidlay at Bast Jordac.
haBBoek elaee I left TaBpa. Fla.
Braxing a specialty.
We left Tampa oa tke City of Key He also will make plaas for a
Won where we Bet Saaipeoa'e fleet, I store balldlay wMeb wUl be batlt by
>e BMt Jordan Laffiber Compaay.
beidir drafted on the Iowa. She la a
Mra. Ella BrosUr hM Bled a hill for
tha rosuara mt tTramsc Civ. ftret elaee battlaebipaadoaB pat apa
hard Orht. She sraa there at BaaUaco a divorce from her hnsbaad. (Charles W.
de Cuba, eo SH of at were pat oa board Brastkr. The oomplalat is aoa-eeppert
dMertioB. Gilbert A Ostea are
the raaboat If arblebead aad eteaBod
away for Oaba. Reached the Iowa in her Bttoraeya.
The Qaeea of Ue
fire daye aad oa the Mth of May we
’ored the Spaatafa fleet at Saatl yMterday ftwm the MorU Maaitoa Uaro. Thia oeaalated of (ear ran boata lead aad breayht forty head of eatUe
over for Joba Patteraon.
aad three torpedo boata.
Teochen at the ZnstitaU are ProfitE. A Holdeaof Laasiay. 1
We boBbarded the feria aad the- Are
lay by tbe OoarsM of Study
waa retaraed. ahelU (alllar near at. tay the MaMaehnMtts Mataa
laoeCo.. is in the city, acoompaaied
bat we were not toadied. The Texaa
WiU UecloM of yesterday's work
aad ladiaaa were hit. oae maa belar by bU broiker, B. A Holden,
te normal iaatltate saw tbe ead ef
. ToSBaraladbstioMlAAt Ua CbI- hilled aad dec wounded on the (ortaer. eral years soperinteadeat of Ue HUls. le of Ue four weeks' work. As the
The channel te tke eatraaoe srat ao dale pabllc schools, bat who hss now days pase, Ue Uaehen on Ue earoHliad Btkta* wlU kATB iu kud* full with
«ther MU«n beaidM tba Afkt »iUi narrow an effort to bottle op the fleet res'imed Ue poslUoa to aMst bis mfOl become more and more interest- - _
brother la Ue iDsaraDce'bosIoeee.
before tkU trouble ti ended.
•d and the clsisee beyia now at fi a. m.! *
The goeea of the Lakea yave an exACalnelde, iceder of the UnrveaU el to aiak the Herrimac aad of oeaiae we
aad do not fleUh till 3 p. m. Tbe • ■Phono 167.
£48 Front Street.
eanloa areead Ue bay last eveatiur.
the I^^lnee. t» mw •‘eetiac op-” all Tolnateered, bat only elybt ware
acholam arc even aiakiay efforts to use
■e dederee hlueU dletetor ead if‘pooriiiy la" proeeae without Ue
■one Aoserlcen entberl^ ead effone
effort of dixesUoa and
iBbobalfefkUfolIosm. He eeew to thoaybt Uey were aU killed, m no oae other'exearalOB will he yiven toalykt. Ukiny ap aix and eiybt etadieo. bnt
I back, bat they wm eaptared, Alto oae tomorrow afternoon. Kext whenever Ue tasu-octor* find a typical
thlBk tket kie rijrkte ere beiar asar|Md
w^ktbe boat will iro to Charlevoix
hr. ehrlltuu of OrOBd Bo|>Mo
■<1. O. •. T. Mectiay.
hr tke Aaerieeae end mekw ao beei- and ware exehaayed' a few daye aye. aolB
tse Uey break it ap.
Dr. A. J. Shellmaa. Ue aeted optleaa
The arsMBoe of all memben of
totioa la reeeatiar tke efforte nude by They arc looked npoa now by aa aa: C. A. Kathoo, Ue Dlodoo mayieiaa
Tbe work in BnylUh Grammar aader
tko Oaited Slatea offioere te briar troea
rofesaor Oemey is yiven by oatUaee of Oraad Rapids, arrrived la Ue city lYavene City Lodye No. 431. L U. G. T.
who exhIh‘’od bis arts here come time
At 0:37 a. at. while at qnartefa and ayo. arrived Id U« city iMt evenlay issned by StaU Saperiateadent Bam- yesterday for a short time U recreate is desired at Ue reyaiar maetiay, whtU
•boat a better order of thiacn It te
ooeon this eveaiay at eiybt o’clock.
,H«1U probable Usat tkU difficulty ae laapectloa the Spaaleh fleet came oat Md will be here fo^iom^Uma He hM
Tbere are two clasace in civil aad at Ue same time serve his pat
I ManisAeetioa of delcyatee to the district
wall ae that ia Caba wUl be bridfed nader foar bellt, which meana fail
ly ia the latriea- here, of which be hu a larye aamber.'
L The alarm wm eoaoded aad we
He hM arranyed te be at Dr. Lm- ooBventioD svQl take place aad oUcraa
mnt, bet it will reraire cndderable
ciM of law, elecUons and the ballot
doo'a dental office from 2 to 4 o'clock eqaally Importaat matter is te cose be­
Mieaey te tnaornrau operattoae all roabed to oar ttalloat aad 1
Ue iodye. Usual Lodye proyram.
whtek will eatiefy tke leadere of tke iaithfally aader a ttaady. fire of abet
The lemoaa on psyeholoyy yiven b^ •“*'
*»»• •
iMarreata U both plaota sritkeo^ a and ahalL We' were kit niae timee,
■>rota.or Goroo; oro o> oUooUoo. orI" •
eheU explod lay oa the berth deck.
John Koch, as aadertaker ef Oraad
Hefartare froB the eririaal pnrpoae of
der, aad q
u ef yood yoveraThere U a familiar soosd notioeaUe
Preabytorfaa Servieaa
It went clear throayb the tide. Maay
Baplds is Ue yaest of W. 8. Aadenoo.
Tbs sabjeet of attention
in the story told by tl
of Ue cbellt exploded eery near aa.
__________ _
There will be as eveaiay eerricee
viewed flnt. from lu
Beetcm Browa Bioad—The nol,
I do act know how it waa, bat I did cd Che resolts of ^ p
. Btoaa bit eeaata may be expected
I of Uc miad in
Preebyterlan ckoreh tomorrow. yeaaiae article, made at John AahM
i. e.. Uat a
Aariar the eaBiar week. Oeaeral
la Ue abMDoe of Ue pastpr, Bev. Da- Bake)
which Ue eaetyy of 01
UeexperieBOeeof a mnch biorw
. amea wm reach Porto Bieo la a day or had ao time to Uiak of danyer. We try slnoy the mme line—a oonoiiy ultlee ie divided apeo aa abject
rid Howell of Imastay will preach at
flwoaad^eratfoaawUl he b^aawith- <mly thoorht of Blaklay the whole whose export trade fass iucreased nearly acBM or tbooyfat. This Uoayht is Ue reyaiar memloy service. The Bl«rt delay.
latereatiar happeaiara Spaaith fleet. Tbit we did ia 43 mla- M per cent in tbe last tee year* and made tbe basis of sevea eabdirisioaa Me echoed will take place et asm aad
■ay alao oeear at MaaUa within the atee aad when we ttopped flriay a wbiNC imports for ten itMathsof IBM
L AttraaitetteBtiOB by makiay Ue Ue Y. P. 8. C A at «:1S p. bl
woeh. at AdBlral Dewey ia beinf rap­
itfal aiyht met ear eyea At the were less than tne-half tbe valne of its
idly reiaforeed aad wlU probably pro- Spaaith flaya were takas dewn. the expurte, leaving a favtaable trade bal
Tbe reyaiar eae dollar cxemnioB
t. Excite iatercot by new aad anMd to abell the city with at little de­ ■hipa eoald be teea barainy, or alakiny an.« areragiuR man than flSO.OOO.OOfl asaal ways of pattiny thinya.
Why Uoald
will bo ma oa Ue M. A N. A railroad
a nuBth. or at tbe rate of nevly ffihlay at peaaihle. The corerameat U aad .^tbea fcartol exploeioat oa all.
8. Wia atteeUoB by a pleasant aad tomorrow to MaaUtoe. The train
OOU.OOO for evety banness day. The
Men ran here aad tkert throwlay AcstiaUsian colony's demaastracion cd
4 tooarry m aa arpreewill leave at 1:30 a. m.
jlva oaBpaita at both polntt aad that their haade ap la deepair. aome Jomp- tiio valnu of pruteotioa ia on a teals
4. Invite attention by aelf pceaes
. doreo flpaia to make teraw U poaalbla iay orerhoaid, ethen haayiay oa till very ninefa mailer than that of the aad eneryy.
ZteUyhtfal Bxearalon aronad Marioa
Iklliny la thU Wateoa'a fleet will aaQ reacted alive while aome ewam United Stetca. i>nt iu the matte* of proIslaad,
Sunday eveaiay, steamer CelOF GAYLORD, HICH.T
3. Eooosraye aUeatioa by favorable
nmbla. Mnsic by Crescent band. Boat
We porti<ui and perrentaxe tbe fcinuer duue
■ do the Bpanitb coast aad force the Mne Mbore to be ehet by Cabaat.
if yoa are rick 14 days or
lowered onr small boats and aaved S40

A Beward. attenUoa by proper ap­
from Ue Viscaya. Mme belay very
that her nuonrK nt-iyfabar and oiKter proval and sayyeetioae.
u aoeldect. all for 81.00 p
IfoTBnia hat lately been heard of badly wounded. We have buried
7. Deserve attention by caaolae eneohmy. Kew Soath .Wales. bM adopted
month. I will call at yoor rveidcai
thoSpaaiih aqnadton ie eemiaaad of
It My for tbe Spaaiards, that Uey £r«e trade u a puliry. Acrordiny to the Uasissm aad competent instraetioa.
and settle yoor claim in fall
case of
all la a
CkBira aad ita whereabonu remaias are yame and will fiybt to Ue Uat rales and doetriD)-* of the (lolideniM
eiUer sickaeM or aecldeal, and we^* .
• ■yetery, which la eharaeterittie of ditch.
I ed have Ue money to pay yoa wlU.
Uniry tbeonantrypraoticiny the defenMew Deaiyaa in Faacy WotA
■ i Uinb- ^Ik with as before
ffipdUith fleets. Fearior a fatnre of
They have a battle every day oa ■ivc rysteni Kbould moixhtwsy line Ue Uat oar may yovem well and sMlIy.
MIm Grace Johnson of Grand Rapids | yoa yet iasared and yon will have no
abore. Oar beys have U flyht every laryiT portiuu of its tanina trade. Bnt
will be in the
with oUer.
. - city for
...------L Suony common MBse.
Apaia hat reiaforeed her pnat eoator. inch of their way aad it ia very hot. it has not happincd so. (Ja the e-Jitrary.
a Urye aad beaatifnl Use of fancy
S. Koewledye of baman naUre.
work and eumped roods, la all the
. which may acconai for the lack of ia- btUyaad boahy. bat now that Ue fleet txotucted Viotorta rhows a ranirieina
District ayeal for NorUweeto a Miehl3. 4JuUk MBsea.
inmsuip in that dim.t'iaii. ^ittdnas
doUlfeaee rayardinr her warahipa.
bdMtroyed I Uiak SanUayo will aooa eiportK of 100 articlw which sbe priH
ysn, Traveroe City, Mich.
4. Toettn removiay raneee of dis­
dii<--K at b«iue and wlls to her free order.
Thia is ear bill of far*.
ials aad ytve Instmctieos ia embrodertrad- neiybbor bare inereavdfrom #LBand Ooaeert Toolcht
BrcakfMt. < a. m.—Cracker hash, tMi lvKi in 1W5 to fJi.O'Xi.OW in 1887.
Mr. aad Mra. B. Moatayae ara aa- iny Uem. at 118 Bast BiybthstreeL
333 8L
Frofeowr Boret has bees rehcaralaff (small dish) one bottte of ooHee aad a a (Bin of more tlian 100 per cent.
Orer McYieiifi's SboeflUta
terUlnlny S. A Sears and wife of
tbm Orceeeat baad oa new matic dor. haadfal of hardtack.
In this way Victaria's protected fa- Oraad Ba|rfda Mr. Sear* Is aaaayer
PMt t*o woekt aad toalrht
Dlnaer IS m.—Salt hoiae.. hard tack dnstries are enabled to flnnrisb and ex­ of the New York Biseall po. in Oraad
dke baba will gire aaother entertain- aad black coffee.
pend at a fine rate. TbiTc is a steady
inenase in her oorput of ayricnltoral
Inc oonoert npoa the portiee ef tht
Bice aad aaaoaya. (all.yoa want) aoft
Is. srearinir apparel, biscoita.
Boetoa Broom Broad—llte rool.
■otel Whitiar. FalWias wiU bt tke tack aad vrater.
•team boiliTB. bnnU and yenoine article, made at John Aab's
Sho^ CT
Bakery. 331 Front stiect.
i. The Famont Oarlet
hay. pro
I.! ti I ♦
. t^itforth.
Barney Aadereoa wbe bM been 111 mddluty, eoap starch, Btationey, rege». Owtnra.‘'NewYerit”—SoathwaU. for a few days, U back ia bis place of tebles. earriaftiK and wayooa faaixaia
We have a I kinde of sewiey mafrefsbeslete
needlei J. W. 8i.sTaK'e honse
boBlaeas ayaia. Dsriay kU UlaeM Ue aud hams, nianafactare* at cirtals and
Shop Opporite Eofflo Offioo.
store WM closed, m hia men-were all ia twina
4i “Battle of Manila’'—Bolst
It is DO wnoder that Viotcris is tfacrUe
Battle Call-Prayer befOie BetUeooyhly pleased srith tbe proctica] wortOeorye Bachaat of Chase. broUt
Battle-TriBBphaat Jfaroh.
tnys of protection and Chat idie
ArUur Bachaat of Ue Merebantile fccily mtisfleii
A “Bealerard.’-Twe-elep-Qieami
Co.'e shoe atore. arrived la the dqr last Dcichbcr mto
«, “American Patrol’-Mewham.
surplus of
, Appreaefa aad Departare of the aiyht to take a positloa at Ue M. A N.
Victoria caa staad it if JNew atonU
nffaV-foarth Michiyaa Voluateera
B. depot M assisiantop'
eral all aronad maa.





SLUB.Sn Front


We are
Strictly in the

H* Hi HlTl

Business and can keep yonr live stock
alive for months if you will ^ve us a

Hole Protectlw issoditioa

Geo. R. Winnie,.
Up-tiHlate Paiiter
aad Paper Haapr.

Beaert Votea.
J. T. Elliott A Sob. roofers of Grand
Mlat Helea Grace Thomaa, who hM Baplds, have Ue eoatraet for potUny
baaa ttaylay at Trarerae Beach, re- a new yrarel roof oa the Uaanah A
Mercantile Compaay's brick block.
Mukod U her home ia Cblcayo yeeterTbey
AnmiriBa owea iu aamos to the Ml'
KUe Alice Beanley of OUeayo, ar* Friedrich block and Ue Browa balld- vcr>' prflections of its rivtira
rtrod at TraTeree Beach yeeterday for lay.
A Welshman hM aaonmplirbod the
W. & Anderson retaraed yeeterday
feat of sralkiny 4,0C>J qoniter miles in
from Petoekey
4.000 inoocMdve periods of 8(4 minntee
Mr. aad Mra 6. C. Brooka arrired aadertakers' eo
sach Bt Leeds, a world's record. Twen­
^■terday from Chicaya They trill
Bev. Mr. Severaaoe of Ghie, wBl ty thonsaad povons looked oo at the
■foad come time at Omeaa.
fini-h. He had prrvioosly walked the
preach U Uc BapUei ehnrch Saaday.
D. W. Johns aad wife caaM ap from
disunee in intervals of 834 minotca
A earye of Btaiyeoa bay stoae for
Otaad Bapidt iMt ereaiay aad etepped
A local ycnioa in a Maine town ha*
. M the Park Placa. They will eajoy
pat Ue followiay ago oa hi* bam:
will arrive here Tneeday aad Ue work "Jofi printing, tigns lettered, hamIke cool weather here for a whila
<m Ue baildiay will Uen be paUed nook* tepoired. hauunocks uianalaoW. B- SlBondt and wife arrired loM r^dly.
tored. CRtamwMl iwintiny, haniM*e*
^ OTHtiBy from Chiaayo aad wUl yo to
Will A Haaaa hM accepted a peal- pulitited. fnreitare painted, wagon*
Od M^a thb moralay.
tion oa Ue PetMkey Democrat for Ue pai-SRd. tnrpot* duted, banjo-tnition.”
Mr. 'dad Mia. A. J. Maker and Mra
maoB. Be weat there yesterday.
«>• TakM BMte ImMMsMe.
^bomM B. Deavey are late arriralt
A hoToe belonylay to a party of Ind­
A Bperial eonrier arrived at Dyea
Am (Mkayo for Old Mlstioa.
ians campiny near Us We-qao-toay
ocntly from Dawaon, -*ent oot by
elab hense, had la fora leyscatoffand
Oaa^ Ksu Btea.
le of tbe trading companies, wiU inhlad oae broken by a G. X. A 1. frxmatiao to the effect that in
J. A Loraayer aad Mim Cora Trarit
ypoM ^terday at Uke Aaa, the trata yesterday Btominy. Oilef Bea- qneooe of Ue low oonditioa of tbe wa­
ter in Ue YnkoD river it is very doohtaie
- yaettt of Mr. and Mra M: L. Lake.
Sonday evenlay the tteateer Oolam- fnl whether any riva- itMineci Will be
BMdee' belay oordUUy eatertaiaed
able to reach Dawaon this year.
■ flhey enjoyed a day of excitiay sport bia will yive aa excaraloa aroaad Ue
Upon Ue strengU of Uis report tbe
. Bm ftehlay. Their catch aambered tslaad. Masievrill be famished by Ue Oanadian aaUariUee bare placed la
ikir^-aix flae tpecimemt which wiU be
feroe an Oder making it corapnlKcy
Dr. 8. 8. 8. Fhippco and Attorney F. that all peracos going down Ue river
F. Bomps of Oweeeo. pasted Urongb eball have #00 poonda of p
l>r. A. J. BbeUataa of Grand Baplda,
city yeeterday on Ueir way from tbey WiU not beaUowed to
This pate an tntirolyh
y. BynqaMtof Uafrleadswlll tire two
klaaw and a trip throoyh Ue «h«i«
boon of hit time each day t* the
on tbe Interior travel Uis jmr. Tbe
;;'V afhiittoa of cjm, I to 4 p. m. at Dr. of lakes between Cheboyyaa aad Petoo- only way the miners can get oat with
iMden-e office la the Markham Bioek key. They same here to visit Attomsv any comfort WiU be by way ef Ue pony
M. A Gates OB Ualr way
war heme.
Uadmlterifl Ashtea raiaxmed from

' j5?y ^ **





Iblackandtan I

I -■

■ =:

I. fA^

Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
^ of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock ^
of Ken’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at this season of ^
^ the year, and we have them in aU shades for Walking, Bley- ^
t cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable 5
and the




•' - r;»lFr


MUrd. B«t for th* look of tru




nrCharlei Oordcm'i "Be«»neolicM
at Tbiny-ntoe Teare In tbe Anny"
la die afforu mhde by tbe ctMtonu ocouiua tbii uecdote: “In 1660. at
Tlen-tain. tne two Gonkaa when aeekWith 3.000 M«n H« Hu Gen* to
CommedDr* Has a Uttia Targat iBtbaltio* to awcmln the dutiable ittg f<ir hogpital eicea. name acrom ■
th« Ntxt 8c«n* of th« Wv
ralne of ourttia urtlcleaaf foreign manPractioa with Spanish Vaannioy. Oe^iSie tbewara-'
wlll, bowerer. follow aot lattr than OatBnddhl-t anutuiry.
Agolntt Sp^n.
afactnn wbldb are Imported on the inga of OD« of
ttrdar. aod by chat time the arrantaiUwl
Uto inniatca, wbo appearaols u tha Mark.
ocQsifned plan It baa been found n««eemaDta will bare baaa completed for a
I boy’e olothea, they enlareri tba
■tradr tno%-rmrnt dar hr day until
wry from time (o time to examine in- building and found that tbe Inmate all
town, where >« srill ‘
bteoot ooitot
wore male oloCfalng. The Buddhlsi
<or one da? only to glre tha
1 While General Brooke 1 paraon had LATEST VIOTOBT OF THE 8ATT.. I»™*» "Oder oath. Hu
wen greatly aboefced at tbe in- hick an opp
iBctur of tbe questioUB asked and tbe perthat cannot a
Artency with which anch queMiont bare '
of tbe moat iwomlneni and beat posted
omcers of the First brlrade admitted Sahaats TMIt naasaallla and tMsa I----------- aome importhia ^
Bghl Wracks af hpaalsh Beats la lha and Jed Uwsn
tucagoi. We chronic
diaeaana that be wiU
wiU ^vc —,
---------- ------------------------e
Wap »® the Utaad of Parts Btea-Wot- that It waa the purpuae to move the
prottK throngb ooonscl
entire corps, which aumbera about K.Day-Doas Lass 100 Men. Dacia
aaol Bqaadraa WUI Get OdT to Spala a*
against what they are moved to desig­ vlthln adopted mala OMtumri as an In- month's treatment and medione free.
omeera and men. The reftiniento of
AtaoraEKscaciCALoinnATtoFaTa .
■aaato P.
nate as “an unjust Inqninuon.'’ Apro- dioation that they
the corpa are; Fifth Iltlnois, Third Wle___ __________ _
lag iato the Caealry la Fear df W.
▼laws af the >
at—Dewey HahM conyln. First Kentucky. Third nilnola,
*' this nature has
J ' boon
pauMid the world, but with It the emblems of .
IS jubt
---------------Caamra Hide* ream
a Brtaf BapaiC tM Manila.
upon by Assinam Secretary W. _ their sex. Wo wero 'teodved' by tbe •wyi»t‘~t w,lj,tat« to their (rienda

Fourth Ohio. Six
Playa del Elate. July ft—(Copyright. UoweU of the trearury departmeni In :
vaiUa, Second Wlaconaln.
. Jair 2r—General Unea, teenth {
hIs treatment,
9*. by the Aasortated PreaB.l—The maimer pregnant with common sense
iaeases and doiMdlnc the mlliurjr eap.ditloD aculnat Third Kentucky, Thirty-flral Michigan.
foUowing la the ofllclal account of the
in this
i'Brto Rleo. BUrted at J o'clock y««|a.imm..l iovMtt
u .Ui tnejpmate
lifprtTMU c^psO.'
clupO,' Bute
baa had such extended
tardar afternoon from Slbonep, Cuba. Georgia. Sixth Ohio. One Hundred and latest naval victory—that utUanxaiilllo log of tbe spirit of the law.
and . finally we parted from tbe *to rieoce In the treatment of CATARRM.
FIRy-elrbUt Indiana. First West vir-j-n
told by C<
lore Todd,
A lawyer representing ncrtaln import­ Ugieuaeaao tbe beat of tema."
tmr tbe point u^tbe Island of Porto glniita. Second Ohio, I
Bice where It la Ihe inteoUon that the Foiurtenlh Minnesota. Twelfth Min­ of the United Sutes gunboat miming, ers wrote to the- nociuiary of the trea*|015BASeSaatbedoctor.
. . aatbedoctor. He „____
troope ahali i^ it te expected that nesota. First South randlna. Fifth ton, In his report to Admiral 8am[»son; ury. claiming that tbe prorisiotHof seoOenenl Ulles will wait at aome ap- Pennsylvania. Eighth Masaschusetts. "At 7 o'«l<«-k on the morning of July tioQB le and 17 of tbecuftoms adminU{Slated apot on the route for tbe ex- Twenly-llrst Kansas Twelfth New 18 tbe vesse s nn blockade duty^n this tratirsact of June lO. 1800. which give Island, dunday evcnlug, steamer Col­ tke; after that lectured as I
NIrth Pet
Seemd Mia- ?*<dnliy — tbe Wllmingb.n.
pedlUona from Tampa, Newport News
the local appmisenantharity to cite be- leavea 7:B0.
of Anatomy and Physiology in Detroit
i Scorpion. Hist. Hornet. Wampaiuck fceu.ibL-m aod examine upon cnih any
Homeopathic Medical Collcjre for S
and New Tork to fall Into his ooluma. aonrl and Flrat New Hampshire.
yeara; was 3 years Buperinteadeot of
naae axpedlUons are already
OsceoU—appTc^i h<d the haib .r »f ownrT. Impcaw. agent or consignee of
Alma and YpsilautI Ssni
-----' ManaanUio from the westwarrl. At 7:80 imported merchandise, were uneenstiThis experience, combined with
basKnrlya.^t.pMtorU> tor Pmos the Wtlm>n..ton and Hel na entered the tutional. Tbe lawyer submitted a brief
years’ study la the'best hosplUla I t
—Wtohlsgtoa views.
) northern chai.ncl toward the-city,
in which he nmlertook to abow that tbe will run ou Baat Bay aa foUowa;
«;30a. m. foecountiT. aod examining aod ti
n ashlngioD, July £L—No progress haa ~
{woviiiiaoB Qomplaiued of were repug­ Leave Old Himiod.
e mid-cl
chronic eaaea, ha-.
Arrive Elk Raoida
. 7:10 a. in. ing foonaanda of chronic''eaaea,
been made In the dlr<-ctl<m of peuce.
d Warn
nant to tbe letter aod spirit of both the Leave Elk
B<k ERapids.
. 7:40 a. m. prepared him to cure when foe general
John W. Poster, ex-seae.ary of state the sooth channel, the movefneoiN
fourth and fifth ameodmants of theoon- Arrive Old Miislon..
. 8:30 a m. praniUouer fails. Have yon been sick
and an expert in Spanish diplomacy the vessels being no timed as to bring stitution of tbe Uoibd Siatoa '
Leave Old Misslo
0:00 a. m. for years? Are you diacourared?
and polltlca. is of opinion that the out­ them wrichtn effertlve ranye of the ship­
Atoislanl Hemtary Howell replies
It Hea<
.11:30 a. m. CoU aod ace ns, we will tell you whether
look for iwsce U atlll pretty remote.
we can cure yon or not. If we eaonot
that it is not within the province of tbe
P ^ tore yon. we will tell you what relief
"I Io«)k for pence some, time next win­
treasury doioirtnieot to pass upon tbe Arrive OldMisaion..
"At 7;M nr.' was npvied on the ship- oonstitntionaKiy of any an of cvin- Leave OIdMi«a!os.<
ter." he said. 'The men wbo are now
S:30 ^ m. we can give yonS^Remember, one mouth wtl! be
at tbe bead of the government of Spain ping and after a deiibirBle ftre Usiing greaa The departmoit. buwerer, hSta Arrive■ Elk
<1:40 g. m.
Leave Elk Rapids..
are not disposed to sue tor peace nr about two and a half hours three Span­ be Mtya. Bjvta careful
. 8:4(1 p
take the Initiative In any way under ish transports-El OlorU. Jose Garda the pbaece of tbe law rvbitiug to tbe Arrive OldtllMion.
La Pi
'Bus will leave tbe MercauUle Co'a skiU to on who ore
g condillonx
conditiona Tl;e cabinet situs- r*"' JT
Conce^on — v
raetbods of treat
pertinunoe cd qucMioM asked importers BlocI
lock. Hotel WMUug and Park Place
such that some dei ided changes ‘‘"TT*
The pom
by tbe local appraimr during tbe course at 3;
,p. _
ake Place In local affalm
affair. before
“»• “arbor guard •and s
m. 'Mna will also coabret known by all tbe schools, with tbe aid
of bis InvcsrlgaticgiA and upon the ad­ with bMt at 11:30 a. m. Fruit car will sf electricity, that most wonderful of
tlw^ first lYwl ateps will l« uken toward
in Paralysis. Loss of Power,
vice of the Bulicitor of tlie trtsucury it is be at East Head oo Tneadara. Tburemclnsloi: of hosiimii-s."
Kbeuraatlsm. and al! diseases of the
were deslroyrd. 0;ie other was drive
Mtisfiod that such inquiries are within days and Baturdaya Passwgers and nervous system. Oo early, as aiy
ashore and sunk, and the Bftb wa
the scopeand iuust of tbe statute when fruit will be takes on at any point offiiM^U^ways ywde«L_^^
the optimistic expreimoni'"«fl
they are domed to be uatorial in tbe aloag Peninsula above by coming oat
In a beak
flcials to the effect that an ear.y peace “7"
,77ie firing was male
i of tbe foreign value of
might bs l.«ked for. P.aslbly this
« »>^l?ved t
intemporary depre-rt.-n la explainable by be beyond the range of the shore arpropounded by the local
the fact that private advices, entirely
unt" after _
cr tbe authcrii;
unofficial in characur. fiom sources Ph4ual closing (n the shore balierles
1 by switions Id and 1
of Information In Europe. Ird cate that
• comparatively short
}*•* '“‘P*
recalled, qulsitorial. not pertinent to the matter
is no present hope of overtures from '•>'"“JT* «f thsexpedUlub baMng been in band or do not' have any
Remember, we give a written gnarOommaodsr of the GI>>Q<wster.
upon tbe foreign market valae of tbe .OOLOntA AMD LCD A. OVM- anteetoenre every case of nLSSand
way. aome «f them with two or ttatue SpMu. II is appsrent to the ofllc.als •ccmpllshed.
that the pea.w party In Spain still fael« I
hpaalsh Loss IIM, Osrs Not m Man.
RUPTURE. Also, we
?e h 4ve
ive a lying-in
bedeterdays' start of General Mllds. ao that
Itself loo Weak to Insist u|a>n demand- * 'TCo oas'.iaitlrs occuired on b.rarJ aay miiiod by ^ ia
department1 1It oar Banltaw
Going north daily egoept Sunday.
the delay should not be very great Ing peace. It Is probably working In a <Jf our eqaBcIa Great care was taken
ium. Send for Jot
raverse City..
r After all the difficulty about the naval quiet way to educate the l^p..niah people In directing the Are that as llti'e*dam- taking an dppmi to the. board of gener^ Leave Traverue
..8:40 a.
“ Neabtawao;
...»:40 “
eonvoT. .and the Orat ocncluaion of the up to the point where tl ey can ton- age as larsalble should be don>- to the appraiscra bhuuld foe gtcttctal appraisOmena....
i-. uaval antborltles that none was neoea- res gnat.ontbeaccept.nie city Itself, and so far aa could be ol>- os fihd foal foe questinus <>f tbe luotJ
..13:80 p. m.
{£' uarr. the strength of that now fur- Of the minimum {wace conditions that serrd little If any was done All of our appraistT. objeefod to no bohalf of tbe
Norwood ..
...1:45 “
eht be expected to form the basis of vessels were handlrsl with sound dls- impnnors, an irrelevant aud not pertiulshed U surprising. There Is the bsltleCharlevoix
...1:15 “
cretlnn and exceUeni Judgment by the ocut they will pnsxvil to reappraise
& nblp Masracbusettatheprdie^edrruiser the United 8UU-S d-manda
. - .4:00 “
F Onctiinati. the gunboat Annapolis and
The warning nr.ies from Euorpe. om- several r ffle rs. which was
inqmwtion. On foe other
Bay View
...6:10 ••
|b four efflcleni vessels of the auxlllatT vejed tl.ruufih lenulahle oewspapers. to have he-n expected Xroro the men band, gays Mr.
Ir. 1Howi II, should tbe gmWee
. .5:80 “
& navy—the Gloucester, the Wasp, the that the rnlleij Siatei la not to be left commanding them. The ffpanlah' loss
chai tbe qouatioos
Harbor Point....

f* Leyden and the Dixie.
free to conduct a caresalgs In Enrnpe. Is believed to havr been In the neigh- object^ to and not azuwaru] by foe
Barbor Sprlagu..
" *ISB Thtxmand Men There la Tbne Days.
interpreted In some quarters as borhnod of l» killed. The gunlvMiis imporUTs wen pertinent sad proper.
really the only hopi-ful signs visible destroyed or driven ashoiv were thi
made by foe local
Going aoutb daily uxcept Sunday.
Ifllea on the Yale will arrive ______ looking toward the loginning of peace Delgado. Gunntannna. Ostralla, ConappraiiwT will beoamo final
al and oew- I^ve Harbor Springs..
destination Bundey morning with IrOOa acgoUstlons. Oenrirg in mind the well- tlnnla and Guardian."
..7.-00a. m
of foe
The romraittre appointed by Admiral elusive, as proridul by aoctiun
men under his Immeditce comnfUnd. A recognlted reluctanc-e of the European
Harbor Point___
...7rt» “
act of June 10. 18»0.
day later will come 4,M» men
nations lo a low ,-ny Interference with Samps-m to examine the wr-rk
Traverue City. Hieb, July Ufo.
ports, and the day following
In this iosbocu. aa npoo pnerions oothe balance cf i<owvr in Europe II la Relr.a Mi-rred** rei«rts ihnt t*-- vessel
...7:85 “
Blakealve A Hatkirmlck. District Man­
assumed ihsi the neuiral nations may can pri>bably be raised and 'nlcUd
more. Whether the tard'ng will be
oaontm. foo cnwsnry department upPefoake7.''.’.'.J.'.'
...B;00 “
agers. Traverae City, Mleb.
ferred until the arrival of this
spuiT^ on by know] dte of the American navy. Her gucs h.te been bolds foe local appntMa- inhisofforts to
Gentlemen: Allow me tu thaak ran
force, or whether General Miles will approach r.f Watson's eastern squadron recovered by th.Norwood...............
..ll:l5 “
obtain foe infarmatiru] ncoeiiiary for a
forcheck tor 540. for loaaof finger. I
take the Initiative and hoist the flag i
make the virrnueM representations
proj;er<inror«-meot of thccmiioinslawa
wish to say that foe settlement
himself on Porto Rican soli Is left to I ^ Spain in the direction of peace.
Tbe (iffioTs jit fou govunuDout are u
sfactory. as I ea
“ Neah
^ dlawt:on of that officer. General |
MIHS JKNnlKoklji:R»:o auMK.
«ai»|H-4eJBtolh*c®uBtey«toiofB.„ge- titlod to foe facta
Ar. Trave leCity........
Schwan a brigade, romj.rlsing tbs Firth.
-----Camara's Fteei In Hiding.
- SB always willlogtoaay
foe Eleventh and Xlnetei-nth United Tea., Womon Who Wa. Going to ton
London. July 32.-A dlspsu-h to The
y®'"’ M-tspauy aad
Standard from Corurn. gives a lively
think them superior to all otbera.
The jiresidcot and foocmumyaswell
Going son Ik dally except Sundav.
Yours very truly.
thorociLeave Northport........................ 5:80 i b
Mi„J..n.s.hl.r. tr,-. o»l».
,h. r„„ „t Ih. -.p.
Jobs Kavkb..
priwityagny-ment jn« entered into be“ Omeua. . . . . . . . 7:80 “
5(13 Seooad street.
uu it-t mTm tW
"i" J"."'
P—Am.-plcp AiP.dTO," Th. twoou Franco and foe United Bttha end
“ SnltcnsBay. . . . . 8;i5 “
preparations for dispatching the Wat- i
«meBpondtnt say* there is a dally
• by tbe lavrideot ye*te»day.
“ NeabUwanU. . . . 5:45 ••
aon squadron to Burot^an waters were 1
bagastm in stream of bul'iocfc cans with furniture
Beduceh Mate* on O. B. * I
Ar. Traverse Cily.................ui:«s “
ent is made under antbority
; suing OB unlmermpted.y. but that foe ;i an
•“ endeavi
«n'5«'*v<-r to about peaie be-' ,na the town is oearly deserted by the
* departure necessarily w'.ijid a'walt the |
0>e t
•d Slat s and Fpaln. bar better class of Inbabllaiits.' The local granted by tbe Dingley law. It is not
dal except Ssnday.
■ scopo as migbt be desired,
------- --------vement of the warships
at Porto ,
home Immed alely by papers iherv have frightened foe people aa wide In its
but it is an entering wwlga In ninrn Leave Traverae
.Rlro. foe Mosaacbuseiuand otherships [ herfather. Charlc .‘v-hb-y, who Is a so much that the captain general sum
*:«)p. mDetroit, one fare for round trip. Sail
belv required for convoying the troops , ecus nof re Sci.ley. In a letter mimed the edimrs and threatened them for tbe admitoion of French nill wines
June 37tb and S8th returu Jnly 4th.
SuttoBs Bay.....................4:80 ••
to Porto Rleo. Neither the slate nor - wr Uen to Ms lauKhler Mr. Schley told all with ImpHscnmenl If they printed and certain other article* at ruIooMl
Ipdlasapilla. one fare for round trip.
Omens................................ g;!# ..
navy department looks for any em­ her that her p.sri was not '-uiy l.-nprac- another w..rd about Commodore Wsl- dune* foe minimnm dnties are to be
Sell August Btb. returu August 15th.
Northport..........................5:16 “
barrassment from European quarters ITable. but so absurd as to be tarolaL son's squadron. The exiaJus, however, Imposed by France on our winds, fruits
DgtOD, ons fare for roni
Luo ingtoD,
round trip.
outside of Spain as a result of foe naval j wrme her. cx.nllnued Mr. Schley, nbows no slga of diminishing. A pampbBell Jnly 35fo to August 3th,
and. ptirie Beciprooity tmiios with a
•that Iwr action would eml«rraBS foe let has been dlsirlbuud among the number
the DmUy Morning Bxeuralona Fron Angus'. I5fo.
of natiom wen made under foe
commodore, bring about no go.d re- workingmen urging them to demand
Saratoga, one fare for round trip.
TraTurae Olty.
D adfflinistratirai and abrogated
•nits, a
and give her a noUmlety which peace at all cost, owing to foe terrible
August 1st. good to return AugMt
Take steamer at 8:40 a. m. for Neah- Sell
would not
only be unpleasant to her distress and Che lack of work and food under that of Mr, Cleveland. Now
to foe reciprocity pilicy again, UwanU where you will coanect with
ooA .o us all.
X special diapnlcb from Madrid says:
Toronto. Onurio. one fare for round
a grave mistake to have ever Aeamer Crvaoent returning to Trav- trip. Sell August 34th. 86th, aad r?fo.
I am very sorry that her unwar- 'Tlveryfolng Is done to keep U

rawed action has cre,ited so much pub- gbouts of Admiral lamars's
iven it up It did nut imim>Te forvigs erseCity at 10:45 a. m. Thla will rive gold to rsUrn Sept. Cfo.
llclty for her. and. no good can come g ..-cret. but there U no doubt he
feelilings toward ua and it did isjun you a pleasant ride of 34 miles on foe
Vermillion. U , one fare for rou^
bsy and can be made every morniog.
from It. • • • My daughter is of a Carthacvna, which Is the salr-t
Ku* trade Now that a beginuiog has If you wish a longer ride tbe boat will trip. Sell August 1st, good to rMwa
warm, sympathetic naldrt. and while sin-ne..*t port of Spain In the Medltertaade with Franco other Eoropcaa ! laid
laud you St
st Omens
Omen's or Northport w
where August 81st.
alroad She gut in with one of foe peace
The tohabttints. however
Bay View <^p Meeting, one far* for
DStinns will follow. Perhaps tbe com-1 yon will connect with steamer retornSell July i:
llfo to Slat.
“Trytendency. All
She has alwgys lieen enlhuslasUc^ for ihe Spanish vessels are hurrylug away pleliou of this treaty will tempur ibo ing to Traverse City at 4;<i0 p. m.
to rotnrn Aug.
(. SSOtb.
r philanthn
rent, but I do fr,,m I'adl*. owing ...
s.,..~iiusr aaimoniios that bare Just sfprung op I .Afierooon excursion* from Traverae
EedneM rates to other polnU. Pheao
steamer Crescent every
C. E. Murray,
irray. Agent
regard to folk that most of the gun? on ih.- forts sir between tbe two ouuuiriea.—^nriiig-1
afternoon at 3;00 for Nrabtawaete
i.<me Immediate.}-.
useleas In consequence „f the corrui- field iMaiai'Unii*
X L. Lockwood. O. P. A..
.Where you will oonneet with stMmer
aieh aod tVoaBded ftoldiera.
tion of the g.ivernment dciiartmems It
returntag to Traverae City at 4:00 p.
N.-a York. Juir SL-Ara-mg foe sick
believed (hat r^milnr etau- ,,f thinr*
Delightful Bxennioii around Marioa
and wounded s..;0ier8 brought bj the
«f»'.rr port*. The aouih
The argameut of Scnitor McEncry of
>re B rate of Island, ^ndsy evening.
ty evening, steamer Col-'
•neca an Ihe following:
folluvring: H. 81ms,
Hare,I, na are oell Lnoigiaui that foe aiincxation of Ha­
trip will be
“y CWMsadt haaA Boat
iiinr-thlrd Mk-hlgan; CapiajnWilliam Prt-iected. hut the north side Is prac- waii add ib« adopticG of a
tnoreneBt agaln'st the iwoinsula. Rad
Enriish. U, S. A., of Indiana' H .
under nded. as arc *cver«l of foe
by the Untied States wfll keep
n able
‘ -if Plain.
-fourtb Michigan: Usu- »o«heni p
Porto'Rloo with.
naval cenvoy the j te„gni**'l^v,iraa. Th'irty-fvurth Mkhl■‘Oenvisj Mar(in<-x d- Camros, inter.
•WatKon squadron txiuld have
— g..t. awa?
------- j
H. I-:,.on.
l-laton. Thlrty-thirl M chlgsn. ' '"iv^vdat
'"ie^vdat Run Sebs*i'"“
Rebartlaa. >1* rV^rraented
srlthln the next few daja. Tbe drier C. M. CN>ur.t'le.
• - ,iga„; as
that Ranilago's fate
Thlrly-ih rd M:chl«an;
“■ (toying
' ' Wauon squadron is Incident,
and1 San Juan de
IV^IVaifamoo-l.TWrty-thlrdJIl'-hlgun: - ilted "*
however, to eonvoylng of foe troops to
by • majority of the
Porto Rico, and duet not mean that foe Haight. Thlrty-fi.unirUkhigan: B. EL "<•» <rf pruvialon*. He advocated peace, Doder tbe le
p of such BCBSS
start will t.c pustjKtncd uuUl the Porto Bryan. Thirty-third Michigan: J. w
“’ •og unequal"
Bico oierailoni a e ocncluded.
Bodt*. Robert Smith. J. I. Munihan and i • ComnieMlng on the American dlsg Powell. Thl'y-tMrd Michigan.
' patchei. El lmj«f«ial aa)-t; 'AH Spandelighted to see the hour of ing^P to foe lodorsomont (J popniar
Maoefactarod by ED. GILBERT. Best Five Cent Cigar Made.
ttoyv Mtorire foe 8(e«
r. ‘expiation fast approaching foe Cuban
Bprincfleld. Ills.. July 32.-A1 noon rebel*. Tbe Amertrtms must Inevitably
With Frantic DrilgUL
yealerUajr there wa* not a eoTdler, offl- awaken to th-ir utter wonhleasuea*.' oeaeod to be party ImMs, and U this
uga Park. Gt., July
private In lamp al Bprlngfleld ' Other newrtwperrc^rr.m.niuponthe dls- policrfor facpitig foe Republican party
-last night It looked as if at least-twothirds of foe tr.«,i« at Csoip Thomas foat wa* not a part of the volunteer patches In .the same senser while the in power u to be ooudnuMi it would
that foa L.
•were to be ordered tb ihe fmot as an f^^n*wn*(he
ap- prisoner* has (n*dc m
a profound
,iruAuuuu ,Impreo- cboosn foe exact method to a
! •xpedlilonary force to.go to Porto Biro pointed by Governor Tinnerweresworn
*ion In Spain and Is malerislly
it^Jhicago Tribtmo.
1 ander General The movement In l>y Major Ha! ou. Th - < erc-m. ay wn* ing the prospect of peace.' ”
«1C. will Mil to get room, at 3I40. W. W. KIMBALL 0(X N. £. STROVO,
wUl begin t'^day. when the 8-cund bri­ performed In the do
bulldli g and
- ------------r. 335 Front street
gade of foe First div irion. Flrat corps, wa* w jtne*e.-d by a large ofi
Judg. Dirk tor ttoverwro.
Tbe anbnitutiets of foe Din^ blU
uommsnded by Ifrigadler General people. At foe cunrluBloa of for cera-' Mnwaukee. JuJy 31.—D
. .
BaWnr Powder 8c. Ot
Haines, will leave for NewiMirt New*. muny <he colored band played "The d'datr* for governor have *hown a fiw foe WiliMn bUI and foe eertainty of
35. 30 and ISe. Full
This brigade received marching orders 8Ur sq>an*!rd Banner" and "All Hall woodrrful lncraa»« of Uts. The latest mcoey of oniveraal valae have started
h( COOK. Star Oraeery, 345 Fiwat Straak
, • few miBoteogefure 5 u'eXovk last even- to the Chle.V
name----to '■
be mentiooed
---------■ ■
■ ■to connection foe oonntiyan a newroad to prosperity,
with foe head of the ticket Is that of and Uregon is well oantmt to oontinne
era. IraOMd To Bo Orat norar.
blboant i lavors i
Judge J. J. Dick, of Reaver Uam. now
Washington. July XL—Instrutfdona ocrupy'ng the liench of the Thirteenth in foe good work. Oregon is not differ- V/l[UUUIdU;b anywhara. Alse eholee ooafrottorori aUnSndT^imdr^
have been sent to General SbaftA- to Judldsl rircult J. E Ualnne. of Beaver tot from foe rest of foo oonntry. Free pramlsas. GEXI. B. McLBLLAN, ooraer Prontaad Park eta.
have Brlgadlrr General DuffleM sent Dam. brought in with him s fresh boom silver, like free trade. wiU baa Jest by
yells of frantic delight, and north to the United fiiates. the medical for Colonel Gabriel toi^k. of (Mikosh. 1900.—Fitabarg Times
^e regimental bands discoursed as- reportilndl:a:la|t that hisconvalencence
TypWM AbaUag at Ctap Algar.
would lie ven- much hastened by a
,'«toaaJ etrs.
TU. ureridu Cradttor.
Washington. July S3.—The surgeons
Tills brigade It the only organtaatlon cooler temperature.
Tbe fact still remains that Astcrlea
at Camp Alger report a tempoiAry lall
'-that srill leave the parit today, but if
only two new canes havlnx it creditor ut foe world by an enonDOOS
foers Is sot a sudden change In for
Ana Arbor. Jnly
.All typhoid amoont and iu babnoeaBnenfoandlM Baktsy. ooTMT DoIm and 7fo atnota.
gtans as they
patients at Fort Mym are reported to and specie aocount in ten nxmfoa bat
this writing foe entire Firm corps will
ronventlop ; be dotng well and It U oxnected that already grcrily exceeded foe anoRnoas
toDow. tbe different brtgadeo gofog out
Wh« W. H. PLBtCHSK oanm im
■s axpeoded in war and
-go rapIdlF as transponatton caa be arr.—Naw Yocfc XribUM.
tlrhi ortKlcrr *n<l U>t oiinua oorpa
to<Ur. Thr tettMica an A of IIU-

ttopanm Thwartod la Their UWW M

Nkw Departurei


ims a/m /

, Sr"..:; .


Triierse Bij Line of Steamers.


A Prompt Settlement!

Tte Diftad SttUs Besnoleot Soettf
CtftiiiljLeidsnaa •


aSSSSWalcIi This Column For Barsaios!
SB'ST-2S;S 5 *iat!-SsHe Cracto Jacl Si8m-8 euti
Guard Chains

Fine Piano for $140.

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c ,71


. ____ _______ _

Furniture Bargains sfoi

^ Pickles- S5:''iiESTE“i:rro5srtsr.:

£73.'“ S3 S

' X-TL."

Columbian Restaurant

Tflat MumirurQ aBOogp.sATirBDAY.

flGW IIT MMim:
:Wi!l Prob^ly Bvgfn Thi*~WMk
Ufiltti Augufti ConciudM
- to Surrender.
AppelBto a

ai;r the PhiUplao S»

pabUe-aaJh# ProepeM far Caloa Beu h'aU ve TribM—UalwA



T r F rat

bound Santa Fe passenger train due
here at 10:» last night was held up

e Inienl la al-

near Saginaw, eight mlla north, by
laaked men. The robbers ordered the
aberilf ■ po-ae,
city omclala and arm<d c taeas went U
the scene on a >ard engine.
Rei^orta reachfd here that some teveoty-five shuu «ereexchan;ed between
the rubbers and offleers. Uwing to the
Utenesa of n,e hour no dvOn.U d.UUs
can be leam<d

hope that the C«dlt Beet, due bifta on
the Uth. would arrive aoJb but the
t»wa of the di-atrucllun of Admiral
Oervera'o squadron, iviuftbt yesterday
_ by tbe Japaneao cruiser Nanolwa. may
lead tbem to aurrender. Tbe inaurgenla


to • «»a...................

Goveanor achofleld of Wiaor»i.ln haa ' Charles

Maodo E.

Pnocetoo, ii U»i


Tbnmiwmi of



the ftrmere.

»-■«•« to death.

>; tbe dusk, but there
a were atiU imany.
trety numy. more. It
t waa a nmma
camp, and there were) anywhere
Idlers I

... ..................................................... .

to chtlaet. U. '

nomtlT complotod.
sab Tat Vs:

I .
.1. ! arsD..<iiie. two
1.. .« .ivi.. Manila. The spanlarda ara
• ' repmed to have been bunged np by the


Fbrt Worth. Tei..July a^The aoutta-

bombard the forUfleatlona of Manila
Ly tbe end of thia week, provided the
er. reidy in take poaeeaaioB


Ha men ahowed up lor work aith-i
Sndd.mie wrri. .
PenweU or Rana •ha.n*. but two tamn- i
»tarted for the Bpringtleld mine.
met by union men, who. apthe isvcachik a whip to wbe^
proaching thtin. aaked for an inter-t**® !’>*“ hclow. It
aoswend by , Waa white with tenta. How many there
atandiog there 1 shall never know.
makes ! crowd.' Tbe mir r who wmi'aimed at aa tbe evening closed in. and when f
hard fur a Btndiqit'to follow.
... with poad T. bad coouted 1,000 I lust
had hit face badly
Iwt my 09
eonnt in


U—Unleae tbe Spanlarda eunender in
tbe meantime Rear Admiral Dewer will


Manila, hemru^ i

foilowlDg day there
was renewed heavy nghUng ammd tbe

Manila, Jaly II. via Hong Kong. Xulj'



Ever Burned Out?
If ao yoa know
O P. CARVER. Aceat:'*

«,ui»anaaatanea at
Cairo a newspaper entitled Kordistan.
tbe flm «K*
printed in tbelaoall around. On July U there a-aa heavy ' ****
*W printed
tago of
flghiln* around Fort Mtlato. Oeneral , f«g»
of 6.000.000
6.000.000 Ktuda.
Prtrfttianr Vnn.«.i-.«
« of the Pint Call- I
foma volunteerv. u
nacot wnter. u said to a

r.b.11|.«, o.
On a.
Otd Olorr Bo(M«« «


t KlkolakoTe. atnot 70 mils fron
MawWIwWaatotoWaak OeM«ha««>4 tbe Paetflo, 1 atoppod for tbe eight It
Oete B^lr rm-n
great militarr oeater and alwsji
Pena. m«., Juir a.—An attempt to
Operate tbe,»!noi wlik aon-unloo taca
reaterdar came verr near reau.tiof in a and d
dilapidated, ost upon tbe'prairie
trairedr. t'n:on minora and their aivea <
which have been pen*

of Tamer-

Tbe I>ake OoiiBusbt tae been ■Bpoiiuod ta elder bmtlMr of Triaitr
Bonae. to moMod Mr. G^adMcae.
O Brien Moore, one of tbe noted
.Wadifneton onmmibndentk hae been

kli. t found Uveli
“The eurslrml «Bd fnedicml tmtnnit
pr»» prioiUlvr. Since the erriral of
SenerAl Aaderaon'e brlsede. however.
Ihe prlaonen beve b*n emplor«d In
eleenlDs end other unlUrr work, end


-tott 00.0 ty



Mayer Phelan of San FraneiKO is to
bnild at bis pwn expooK a library and
recreatlan boilding at the dty slins-

ard at least SCO men forced to slay at.stupacted. where they
home, being fearful lest their abs -nce [cloded as aomewbere in tbe taoart of
aubieci the llm of their families to; Africa. I afterward learned that thia


the will ef tbe atr:kers.______

The strnctora, with the boiAa,

Bicycie Riders.
Bemembar that I do all kindt of
,oiling and enameling, and that I cas
and do give you tbe beat work at any
iu the city for lie moB^.
DonHleeelved by wbat others tell yon to
contrary, but eoaa-Bad..Baa for
I gnarantea all my work to be r
and if Itdoean^tproraao I

j was bet one of tbe three intrenched

will oast aboot lIO.OOO.


Madison. WU- July a.—A writ of *“Se«** Tbe men wure loading tbe life
mandamus was seized on Mayor Whe- 10* loldicre on active eorvioe and were
Ian and city Clerk Nursman yesterday ready for mobUiiatian to tbe Uet botMatne of Brm^n Fruklln by bcnlpto compel them to Issue a ealoun llcenae too.—Harpcr'a Mngazina
It ia to be set up in

,,, • — • to Albert I.arher. one of the five aa-t
-------poetoffioe and will oast loonkeepem whom a majority of the II- 1
♦ lO.DOO.
■mrtmn council I
r license, but '■
]« Pawtucket. R. L. has offered to prek‘
Mr. Jostos StiBWbridge is to present
to the city of Philadelphia a bronce

l*8ter.—Two men Just brought in the '**1 *o the ottyafrec library in raemoty
er-gine of ti e he;d up train. The cab U , of his wife, Deborah Cook tiayloa. and
llieraJlyperfuraii-dwith bullets and cov. : has ptii
a 62^.600
e for tbe
ered with bl od. The engineer Is fatal- bnildiui
ly wounded and the nreman is m asini

do for him did notaecm to give wore
refused to approve ihclr lM.ndi. and the
then temporary relief, until we tried
Ibunsea have b*.eo wlihlicld. This la a
determine u,.
the mayor's ,1.*,
right i


j. io.

John R. Santo,
General InssrsDce. :
H-srxberg Bloak-

Txavaraa City. Mletii



is granted by the council,
waul to give you thisiestlm .Dial aa an
bre'n'’kliw 'i^th “ m.-"^
rebb" re
has Jnst bran prantod a patent Vui ,
' niat Ulww Hee n«ct oneer*.
evidence of otir gratitude. But that you
ipto the safe, but they all *
Is said to be the oldest
failed to get Into
oldest ,
x«ne»\llle. O., July tt—The twentyIt to advertlae your tneritoHoab
esniped-alx In numi>er.
, P°*op to v hnm a
right has ev«g first annual convention of the Flint '
M. Law. K.-oltdk, Iowa.
We are again ready, with a largBiS
bt«it u over bO Glare Workers' union was concluded j'Of ••I®
« E Walt, Dru#cl»b
stock of lee. to deliver the lama te UK
: yesterday after « ten days' aesslan. Of- ]
part of tbe city.
OreUiMaf IbearMtratan
la uw XiM I
« arbitramn la
and his family live like
elected are:
J^ple block wood also for atia
I. *. PatekiB.
Wag* DiScolty
DIScalty ai
« Pww.
Tlwo^s" dressing
d^e^Llng in Smith. ?•“*»»«>»:
PltUburg; vvice prreldent. The
peareuia the count alwo.Vi
---------- „-flrid. nis.. July n.-The sUte !a coarse blouse aj;d dark troai«a.
Smart. Alt. nna. Ills.; seer. tary. John




Talepboae No. M


board of arbitration last night decided < mail ii to reormoBa that thegoveni- I u"?
the case of Ihe striking mlnere at Pans ment oenadh has given nptrringto read
by awarding t|»e mlnere U cents per ; his cretw
•r tk* UllMla c
I weight, and i
Jcdin A. Franklin, a vetecan of tbe
that certain order* w hich tbe coal com­
<■ war.
wai, In
>u which
wiiico be
ue wm
wna a soldier
awaier in
panies at Pane have been Issuing to clril
ted the
the followtoi
»lng o
mpany H. Third Missouri cavalry,
and then discounting
> of the Ehgtlth regiment^ Illinois
to ia DOW drawing a pcnsliB of |10 a volunteera colored, mustered Into the
«tb, la going to give one-tanth at it L'niicd flutes aerriec yesterday moreare ceratscUy l.arraaatng the.Bpanlarda
The scale aw arded by the board of nr- each moatb for tbe aid of dertinta ins: CMenel. John R. Marshall: Ueuon-both Mdea <-f the city, but they are.
bltratlcm t* 7 cents per ton leas than the famlllea of Tolniiteera
tenant colonel. James H. Johnsan;
checked by tbe big guna uf the Malate
•cale adopted at the Springfield con­
Jor. Robert R. Jackson: adjvunt, Har­
Mr. McKionnti Wood, chairman of
and 8a-iU Mlaa fo Ca. The aecond de- vention. and 7 cents more than what
vey A ThempsoD:quarterTnaster.jBmsi
tachm.nt of the American expedlttan- the opereturs were paying when the tbe LmidQQ county council, is tbe bead B. Netaan._______________________
ary fone irrtveJ In excellent condition, mines shut d-.wn last April before the of a large firm of proristoci murchaiita
WIpto OM the BosJasM Ponloa.
though four died on the voyage.
He took a degree with bonora after a
Bpringfietd convention,
AgdioaIJo P^raw a ChblaM.
Coopersvllle. Mich.. July 2h - Fire
diftingalabed career at L'nivernty oolSeem ew
Letter* received here from t^vlte.
which BUrted yesterday le C3eland’s
lege. Lemdun. and was engaged in IHChicago. July a.-8cores made yesgeneral store from
dated July 18. say that the American
eracTWork before senliag down to bnai•C. have
nme-e holsteJ
no.swa the
me American
Araerrcan j terday at base bail by League cigha
wiped cut tbe hua;Bess portion of the
lAdelphIa —
- Chic.
Icago 1.
an Uland supposed to l>e Watu I
*« PhlAdeiphia
tea-n. Fifteen tmlldings were destroyed
: at Baltin
ilmore — Clevetalai
General Agulnxldo has organ- I PhnadeipbU
Yosmg Lord EeveUtoke. wbn has been with must uf the-r contents L- as
ll'more 8; (second
game) elected a dlrertor of the Bonk of Eog
$50.00(1. Innirence about 830.000.
iaed (ha Philippine cabinet 'at Baco.>r,' ‘•"d «. Ball
Cleveland 7. Balilinpre 1: at Bronklyn— lanA ia a wide awake man of 85, an
with the fol;owing personnel: Presiflamea were checked ly the aid of ap­
. dert of tbe ounell.
ounell. General
Agulnaldo; lioutevine 8. Bipoklyn 2; (second gamei aihleu and a pireon of considorabie paratus Crow Grand Rnpids.
aecreiagy of war. BaWiimlro AguinaJdo, Louisville 7. BnnJtlyn 4; at N’ew Turk
CoBwty Qaaraallaed tor a
-Pittsburg 2, New York 1; (second
nephew of Oen-ral Agu^aldo; secre­
' hge 0*1 the death of bis father last yaor.
Lonlsvllle. July 22.—The Kate board
tary of the Interior. Leander Ibarta; game) Pittsburg 7. New Y..rk if; at
Washington — CinrlrnaU 12. Washing- El- ia also hood of the hwtiiHiig flnu of of henlth Issued a prfxlamatlun yester
secretary of state. Marian.. Tria*.
game) (Tiscinnati 7.
A Cavite letter datedJuly 17 uya that
I earh of Its Inhahiunis under I
at Boatun-St. Louts L
General Andenam haa quayi.-red the ' Washlngti
California laiial on nt Pararaque sev- Boston 7.
’ ^''^3Vo^n/7h'"..'^'hcre’hV^^ '
eral mile* fr m Mani a. The blockad.- It
t IndlanapJls- W«

Attorneya at Law.
OSeca Is Moslagsc Black. TrsTerar OKr.lfleh.

Grud Sipidi i Udiui K. B

*. Ul(n»g. DretMi. O Vrea la h

* .rererasri^'tril^

. 88

a oaTMV attotwys.^P^aUt-

lO.BarSaUlIfS'wortr******' *"™*’“*
U iktas.TonwioCalvwaitr. J. B. Wilhalm.
H.D. OMeeodri P*an. OSoalB Uonaua Bldg.



SSESflS £8SS 888

pass a a asaasSOsaaa


: «Cas8SSS&S888888S
i -g~gwwsg**»w«-'

; w.
cawr. kemher B.

Friadtisb hlDSka. ']

’ W.


jainncapoiis «. ina.anatmHs 18; at Dctrolt-6t. Joseph f. Detroit 8; at Dubuque—Columbus 1. St. lUnt 2; at Mil­
waukee—Kalitas City 7, Milwaukee t

effective and mails are not allowed to
enter Manl.a esiept by warshipa
Will >'t-*vr Helan to Spaalab Bale.
A Spanish aleam.r. the Voaul. hav­
ing or iKMtd a nallve crew from the
the hands of the Insurge.ns.

an old man 7t years of ace




«*«'»• •*<» i Monday afternoon with his wife V.’ pi^
^bed Tavalwo In the eouthern part i berries In -the vicinity of

of the tiuand of Luron. but there they i g,ounda. He and his wife
e be
became aepowrreled wUh TaKalon Insurgents and 7,to, «nd she rdurnnl b<
•bout! dcoahle ootuhinaUaM of color.


st'nlnrblifnV^tr^J 1

Jmtd “fri"'


Knife plaited friUaof neL rilkand
nnue piaitea mutol net. mlfcond

furUiuch for a few days, will at ChiekaSaturday marr> Mls> Hrew-e

Plre la a Whlta Lead ««are
t Inf'-mied peojlc here. Is foreign
New York, July S.-Flre yesterday
iwie, Ameri'an or lirit th.
laat night that John Harvey Myere.iec-1
A bi«)mliM«eature of fashion ia tbe did 8»:l000 damage at the AtlanticWhIto
It !• Frwbably -riTake- UlaaA
reiary of the Home Putldlng and Loan ■ *»lt like the material of the guwn. or
^ompony a
BrookLondon. Ju:y 22,-A d.sp-lch to The ‘■•'K-iatlon. of this city. Is short lo hit i uf cbiffoo of the reme color tether than '
n Cavite
s to tbe island ! accounts to the amount of I»,ooo. The to iibbno in nontnst.
mono- li
over which the American ______..____
Tbe hat which tom* back fran the
. ore sal'! to have hoisted the American lo unfor
■■Ibave need Chamberlain's Congb
(onunale real estate iranascUona.
fane is acloserival to the otbur extreme Remedy In my fs(nily tor years and
flog as Wake Island, which la In tbe
Idueh Ua^^ by Urn Moem.
srbicb tilts down ovir the ejto and ia
ralu.“ sdyt h
Marshrll group in Mlcrt.nesi, compris­
Nelllsvill.-. Wls., July 2t-As the re­ ehnnuingly becominR to many focca
ing tbeRadack an! Ralickcfaalna. Prob­
lotus -if Tuesday's stortn “■me In It beably
Is e_cah> en-nr.
find U
Cherries mixed with their own Uoecvm. s anr.ari-t.: that 4he damage resuUFor Mie by
aoms devorsto red straw hats, and to
BATtVUi HAVE HWBIXKD BKAOBB tug U aimest Incalculable.
perfect the sebeme to color a acarf to

Loudon. July 22.—The cnrrvapiondent
to The TImis at Cavite, telegraphing
July 17. via Hcrng Kong. Bays: 'The dc

red silk spotted with white is efferttvo.

Tbe war has cr«t m3.O00.0U to date,
en regent of 8pi

Banglea of oxidised (diver, '
d wiUi



from hbakwpiart- iu old EuglUb let­
ters, are one to thenovelliesin jewtory.

Ill Kingston. Jamaica, but r

V(?ry prttty waisu etassed with thin
Ifiram wagons are to be used to haul waists are made of Uucu latists with
ore from the E> tie mints at Tuocarore
bonds of looD inaertinn hciwi-cn groups
likely to cause trouble to the Ameri­ I to Elko. Kev.
of tucks down die frout and bark where
cana whose preparetlons keep this conA ic-year-old messenger b<.y at ChlSltgency etvadlly In vlyw.
It Is re- I tago has eloped with $3.4W belonglDg tbe warn fastuna The collar is Mmply
a treuNpa'c'it hand of lace with uordt
gtorted that In an attack upon Malato : tu bU employero.
-today the rebel* h-st fifty killed during
long enougb to fie lu a bow.
Of twenty-eight cities In the I'nlted
* charge. A party were surrounded bj- States cunialning over lOC.WO InliablEamogx
^niards and alauKhterto to the laat tanta tbe death rale of Omaha la lowman."
roiNtlUi; IS calhd “.iir flurue" They
Ihe Bong Koag corri-rpondent of The
K. P. Getty, to Wilson. St. Ool*
Xtetly Mail says: 'k>DeraI-Aguinsldo's
county. Wla. commlttto suicide by
niMiOi, sl ufs
tuuoN'r.iufltc tbo curvtw
cdlilriH luok the oath uf effire at UacoOr
drowning himself Jn a fish pond near
of The Ic A .,1 iHi-«ur at.'] fastened in
bn Sunday in the presmee of S.CW na­
tives. A frewerks display fullowto.
•l yvict . I - wav vuich unotvMlTbe wound of General
Linares la
Agulnaldo is restltre under American
much more serioua than reported. Hia
resirsir.t and kanu to oapture Manila.
left arm baa been ampuuted. and be is
United Fiates Ccnsul Wimatrs. who la
' hna^ara <^>r«,
In a serious condllloo.
at Cavite, has written to United Slates
Fcrfnj:i»c(j: »t.’ f frero aunbuni
The jneQjl<ers of the Hawaiian eomConrtil Wildman h<-re. strongly UTglhg
him to crime to cpviie and retysun with mlsslun—CuIlom.Morgan and lliu—wUl fresh ercaj.. ibk'sj freai. cow's milk
Agulnaldri, with whom he-has great In- sail for San Pranctaco for Honolulu on •liduW U fr.-.:u.nily apilU'd nntll tbe
■maniug ecu L-s. To reiu<n-.i m speedily
fhlcDce. Wlldman atarta at the end of the oteamer Mamon Aug. 10.
Ofliecr Kant, of Oshkosh (Wls.) Ibeol os ponnUu the rsdiuKs of tbe lAin as
uaxt week."
The Manila commxndeni r>f The police force, received a dispatch from
ell os r
' '
IHJly Mall undor date of Jufr 18. «*.- Charleston to tbe effect that tala Urotber
i r«:ni»dy handed down from
mentlng on
the •■alnle of anarchy Olio, of company F, Second rcgtiuent. U .ontliinity
To nbiniu tbl* lotirm. dtp a
among the rfbfls.'" rej-s: "Each local desA
grn|H« In wnteruntil (be
ft Is aald the fad that the Bessemer
tortrf dttirv* to beewme the supreme
surface is tiinronglily wett thoi sprin­
ruler of his Island. It Is rltlful to think pig Iron trust haa ordered an advanoe
that a natl.n Tike tbe Frsnlsh has been of $0 cenu per ton. effective Aug.L may kle tbem with powtkred alum and floe
■firm (he

«.• liMi.

haatea by aucb mlserelde apecitrwna of
bumonlty. Ameriisn Inartivlly Is telltog on (be natives in the rebel districts.
Pood Is plentiful, but there is
to purchase It and no way to dlstribuuII."
The iv>TTespondr-Dl of The Time* alto
•ajs- "I visited On rrl«len(renrt>m-nta.
whifh are pse li ar a mile outside the
Bpaolsl; lines, at Malalu. I found the
rebels we« arnw-d.^ They are provided
with Mauser rtHts and have two field
ptcres. They are gradually forcihg the
BpamaiJ* »•''$'
"The Fpanlsh iwleonera are weD
treated by the rebel*, but they ore all
terflbly exhaaated.and tmarlated. B«ae

TravorNOity Morlut.

..zr'iL «, -ill. ji.-1 p:tirp.7ik n.,;;:

mlt mixed r^’tUir.

Wrap tbe bunch


TWAWTKD-OIrl to eo-k al tb* Ballrmae'el
W^Hooa*. CsUaloaec. M Basl^|^th

pggJPgKCg PBOPBKTT le Ibr <


.E —A grat*at*eiw lor bows mirr
>ei or rrblMtloa parews wUh a
wtAL BDqolreefMsTT A Tavaas.
A OB TRADE -Oewslll marhliM
bunr powrr rnrin*. Baqelre o
■(BUi Oaaassota. MB A groei^



a easaeasaa


8 8fiS8S«e8S
g to5W-i..wKW

la arrtrr fros Bt. LaoU. LoriartUa, la>IU. CltM^MoU. CUrago Ottnilt aad
Oraa«BaplAs»dta. B. (Uerpiag ato Atalag
car oe thlr iralB.
Traioa arrlre freBMarklaac aiy. Pnaakor,
' BapMa, 1 :W p n. Chair

lUDTSB UD lOBTiaunU 11
(• take BgaetOwBAay, Jao* ai, Ugt;
oxIODe'clMka a.

booro MORn.

OB^BEN 'rotlBg^ royW

prraoo or lo rorTvapoeUrerr wUb stawp for
reply-to 7X4 Sixth alrert. nwrrrer City. ** tu OaaXaBa...............
OBckaaa Je*....
OhlBt Lake............
MaalalMCromlag.. ••
I /“yonx WANTEO-PDriacrwniBc. Appir u>
, O TrwrersrCityLaiBtMkOe.






rk!S2i7Sii::::: -

Lake Baa................
’ A MARINE BOILEB for aala. loqhlre of
' A TraTfrar rny LushIwtCo.____________ mni OtoarEaa..............

. rbu(old|...
Corn per ha.: old...
Potatoeo. per bn...
Bolt per M
Btnmre Kom or TRavncK
Wheat, eld, perbu......................
Wheat, new, perbu.
OaU, No. 1, par bn. (new)..
Com. per bn................................
Rye, ner bn........................................
Bnttor. per lb...................................
Eggg. per doaan..............................

oouro pocra.
OM MWoo^a^^inuka a
r propmy IB asrheagB, <r

is SbISSjS’sS"


--------, ■■
A OUyLuwbrrCo. SB tf



Biuustior use andwttJ
(BMg.—Brooklrn Login


o. a. MtmKAT.Agcr'.
: O.L.U>CE:WOOOO.P.*T.A..OraB4*«

rxrhiBir for ^wrer.* (1<r rsellirwr*
rrty Ea-jelr* A K A. Bari-_____________


rt to Artolo. Ills..



g’l.Sia?-*""' “

city propmy. J. W. I
Pereops troubled with diarrhoea will
W(X)D(oraala. TraverseOUyLaw
W. M. Bosh, clerk
Hotel DontuKW,
aaya: "For Mve- WWDB ikfig txiwkar
eth ato •
ttaasooatedm paper and bate tbegnpea •ProvMeaee. R.
1 have
ive been almost a eomtont T TraTerwatyLewberOe. U»-tf
A ledge of free-miUing gold ore haa iobotasboa When oouk«xl. aq'neeMtbe
rererfrom diarrhoea, the
been discovered on the south fork of the Jnice in a gloaa dish and apply to tbe
Flathead river, thirty-five miles from face and handa The "lenK* cream*' is attacks completoly postraUng me and
Kallspe) and twenty-two mites from •Iso good for renKJving tbe abnormal rendering me unfli for my duties at tbe
hoieL ..
About two years ago a ealreCoram. Mont.
1 wasttblrlr iBlfsof aboaa te half ao)» ercolor from a mibnrn.
Put two (aide-. man kind!
sdly gave me a small botUe. of
Postmaster General Emory Bmitb
spoonfnls to fn-Fh cream into half a Cbombtrb
rlatn’s Colie. Cholera and Dior
says that the United fluies d'.inealic
(dut of new milk.
Hqneuxe Into U rhoea Remedy.
*medy. ______
Much to my surpriee
postal service wbl be extended to the
A. a Prymaa, USI^t auerL
Hawaiian Islands as soon as the flag throujtb a straiccr (to keep o« tbe and delight Its effecu
I felt
felt symptoms
seeds) Uw juice of a tomnn. Add half a Whenever
ver 1
of the dlla raiaed there.
Mcsis Kaufinan. thr acknowledged winegUos uf hnudy. a little alum and
religious and polICcsI head <if UieAmlah two (w three lnni|w of sugar.
• alow fire and skim treU. When oool.
follnwtnB In DougUsand Moultrie'
be the cause of diarupUun of that organisatltei.


^ifiaMKV TO tOAN Oe aepmrto aewrity

Below la a list to the haying and aell
ing pricea of yastordmy for grocerleo.
P^“'«»Mdfannp-olucto In-TYavSKLUhO PUCK.
(Tlear Pork per bU. t
Clear Pork per#....
Short cut Pork..;.................
short Cnt Pork per #i....
Plonr.H L.ACo.beat..
Rye Flour, H. L. A Co. Beat...
Meal. 11. U ACo. BesV................
Toed. B. L. ACo. Beat.................
es per d(*...........................................
Iflsh per Ib...............
Lard per ft...

“ii i:
SC28SS888SS£«SS 8

^^ANriED — M^Me w«an for ge era]

July 21—CAptala
--------It nilnols-csvalry. who hat been here

yourg woman of this city.





■rito la Camp.





ST" f**
= "?•>»• ‘hM 1» cases of smallpox In the |
coon*' of the l<uig lirayw.-We prey • county,
thw. Lord, to lihws the prime miuister |
■Use Mrlkar* Wla *krlr PalBt.
of this great nation, who ia now warDacvllie, Ills., July 22.-The drivers of j rpRantgD wuBag-MU.*.t-iie a«ie«wb
■biping under this ruof ii the third pew j
I tbe Pawnee coal mines were successful | 1 gnsdoau- of ibe OBlveratty BMpUal. A
from tbe pulpit. ”
I in their strike.
They were out two *ri>or, will re^odtoeoUs tor DurslBg- :
opereiors granted the f
ragre. It Is the Aral strike
that proved succebarul here in a i
Mauve and red form one of the fash.
btr of years.

Old Maa lAMt in the Woods.

The crew


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