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The Morning Record, October 25, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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ww the morning record. [^
SeooDd tflw-No 460
War Betwaen Franoa And
Bngland UnUkely.
▲JiAaoam aubstbo.^
rr«e»Qtiosa w Prouet Oanua Sn>
p«T«r ftt PtlMUae.
■p»el«l I* tw N*Bn>«
BftifK. P^mUm. OeC S4.—Th« poU«c
ude «B iMvorUat uTMt lf0d*7Ofa
Xmrrely Bdov Aeeiato Bat Xlchiraa
Sbowe 0p Bell
PUylng For More Time In
Peace NegotlatAona.
Chlcafo, Oct. S4.—The Oraare Judd!
Makes the nicest kind of a present. We hare
Farmer tomorrow will nay: “Tbeap- ':
some new ones, the finest erer shown, or we will
pie crop la the Uaited Butee to emallcr i
for yon. .
than any time kiaoe relitble autietlce;
OoanU oa Donooratic Tic'ery lathe hare been eollectod. The total aopply I
ttftt* PMboda Bst Or*»t »rllto»’i
iu«r« the eefety of the EinVaitod Butee to Bneoararo Boro- from the 1891 crop to *7.700.000 ^r*'
«»V7 Belas Prepared for Buriaeia- j perer aad Bmpreea Aas<au VIctorU of
P9aa Za tareeattoa—BeUaeea Bepab- rele. compared to more than 40.eu0.000
220 Front Street
“City Bookatoro."
lloaa D feat Wonld Further the Xn- lait year and 70.000.000 faarrele io the
SatiateoUry BeWleBeai of BlepaU ««wih«yreoent breaklaf mop of 1890. The fall. >
tereeta of apastoh Ooeenmrat.
are reachee from the Pacific to Maine,
Waahlarton. D. C.. Oct. M.-«pala to la ttae rreat apple eUtea of the weet
Spertal to The Meralnit Rwerd.
Mttf Seoter Waa ooaattns apoa Oemocratie enooem aad the fallare to almoet abaolaU.ailhonsh
Londaa, Oct *5.-4 Parte oorreepoad- O^tsia of
Kepubllcaa dafeav la tha Impeadlasl the altaatlon la Mlehlsaa to bettor thai
>eirle olaliae to beee au«et to the Chroairlc
Srowaad Veer Jfiobalooa’e
Cenrremlonal aleeUene U enable her' etaewhera. that aUU harlas about
baa already
ebortty to eay tA
We hare it—BIBLES—New lot and price*
to Mcaae the peaaltlee of failure In j two-thlide the map of 1W6."
Beea aade by tb^<
Klantoh. Oat.. Oct. S4.—The Caaa- war aad to obUln tha InUreaitloa of |
. to epaedUy eracnaVe Faahoda, aad that
are a suprise, they are so low.
the French forcirn mlnle- diao tar Walker liee eaak ia Lake Ot>- othar Berapean powere to oempel the
lelaad. aad her L'atUd Sutoe to rellnqotoh the luat
ter. win do bU otaoet to briar hboot.
E. S. Jemee. the sroeer on the corner ^
I by land
• pacific eltnatlon. It to the rrowinf , barree, the Klldoaan aad Hector, raa
of Bandolph etreet and Elmwood are-1 MarkfiaOl BIOCL
belief in diplomatic clreleeloaleht that!
*1* ailleeaboTe Wemnstoa. near
The praaident knows tble aA ao do
"»1 enlarre bto etere room and
the Ftoboda dtopn'u will eooa be eaito. 1 the eame tolaod. CapUia La Fraaee of
11 bto adrtoars. Tha toene to plala otock aad make a firat claea famttbe Hector wae drowned, bat the erewa I air
iaetorlly arranred.
of tbe other boate all eaeaped to the and atralybl before tha Amerlcaa pee- 1y grocery of tbe bcali
Holley & Connable,
Actirtty la BasUah Vaey.
London. Oct. S4-—The Brittoh admlrml0 toened a aamber of alrnlflcaat ordeia thto momlaf. The dock yanto at
Portamonth. Dereapart and Chatham
«ack raeeirad Inetmctloa. to prepare
thirty-knot torpodo boat deetroyera
ioroommlMloalBsaethat tkey wUl be
able to put U eca wlthla tweaty-flur
hoara. OrorUme work waa befna on
the firat clam emtoera Borepa aad An4romeda ao aa to hurry them 'for aea
Tha Cnard line and White Star line
hare raMlrad from the admiralty latloatloB to hold anhaidtoad ateamert ia
taadiaeaa for tomlac orer to the nary
Halifax. Out. 84.—The commandtre
■of all wanbipaof Ua BrtUab Kortb
Aaterieaa equadroa bare reoelred or*
•dera to mobUtoeat Halifax.
Tha Pallaa, Talbot and ladefatifabla
•' will ooma bem at onoa. wUb two tor
pedo boat deatroyara bow at Bermnda.
Tbe torpedo boate at the dockyard aid
abore in safety. Tbe two barpee were
laden with ooal fram Charlotte to
Captain La Fraaoe leares a widow
aad family. The tug and bargee are
owned by the Montreal Porwardiag
oompany, aad are rained at $100,000
Saveaty-Two OaadM.tee for X>emoiB Detroit.
Deteeit, Ock 84.—There were teram^•two eaadldaua for the Demoeratie
nomlaatlOB for the ten Detroit repreeeateUrec la the lertolatare la the
Democcatie cl^ coarentioo today.
Tbe eenteat waa apirlted, but go^
aaturad. Dr. Darid Inglto waa bmIaated to bead the repreeeatetlree
Fira in Dndartakar Aadaraon’a Aooau
Tbeerew of tba fias«bip Banowa waa
Cauaed $SM Damage Baaday
•eat to Lawlers tolaad tbU week
Held praeUee. Tbe Benowa want
A strong smoke from burning wodd
•ea thto momlay for, heary rca praeia hto bedroom early Saaday momlag
awoke Will 8. Anderdba, the under-
pie. The queetioB to be derided at
The funeral aerrlces of Mrs. Weettha polls next month to whether. In the Innd will be held at tbe Swedish
eplaiea of the people, the war with Lntharlae church thto afternoon at 8
Spala wet a sneceaa or a failara. Tbe: e'clock. The Ber. B. A Bue will offlJedgmeat of the world to that tbe war riate.
Elee can sell you clonks or fan (new howIa of this aes*
a sploadid eooeeae tor Ue Dailed
The proeeuof filling in for a aideson’s latest Styles) at prices as i
» to yon,BB
walk on the aBrtb side of Fifib street
-what m are offerint;. Remember yon get np-tc
But if the people fail to eneteia their from Oak to WedSwortb, to going on.
Preeideat In hia efforte to'raap the Jest
A. L. J.iyce has purchaaad the hotfruit* of the herotom of Am <riean *ol- tliag works of Barber Brea, la Cadillac
by buying yoar cloak wants at
diers and seamen, U they tail to bold aad mored the plant to Uto city.
upthepreeldenfehandaby electing a annpliea Cadillac with eoft drinks frma
coagreaa la sympathy with bto policy, hto work* in thto city.
thea thto judgment ertll be reD. Oarltole braugfat to thto offloe yes B ■onBere Ulchlcae.
rerseA. The American eeople wUl be terday a big bunch of ripe raapberriee
•et dewB by all of Europe aa a hye- front deorge Beitoer'e plaea.
terieal mob, which does aot know Its
The notice girca of a meeting of the
own miad.
Baetera Star for last Friday ereaiag
"Tha Spanish peaoa eoatmtoatoaera
wae aa error. The meeting will he
arsaalagerarypratextaaderery dip
held this erentng as per notice glren
lomatic maaeurer known te postpone
the dieeassion of the future oontrol ef
Tt is better than silver plated ware as it wears longer and doBB
Os seconst of tbe meeting of tbe aid
the Philipplaee matU after the clecUoa
society of Ue Methodielebureb on Wed- not tAmish.
I have it io Tea Kettles, Tea and Coffee Pots. PiteberSi
ia thiseonatry.
Thto to the calm and daliheraU state- aeeday afternoon, the sewing eoetoty
of j ““
i‘ »>■«> <«
meat ef one ot the higbeat dlploMtic ot ... M.rc, ... U.lp
auihoritiea la Washiagton. OtBelal aU- the '..earuc will meet with Mrs. Brtotol, need of auy of the above mentioaed articles.
qnette does net allow tbe use of h|e
name, but btoatatemeau represent aecarately the rtews of tbe preeidenL
■ The Spaatoh peace commtosioaera
'Tsith—Without plates. Dr. Bawrer,
arc among tbe abrewueat politiriaat in H. L A Co •* block.
Spaia.*'ha eoBtlnaed. "and they not
mly ^
bars ^
eeuetent adrioee
from Fre-
BStbk Dn Gedi, Cm4 ul CMUU Iim.
Copper Ware
j. a. montague.
Uk.r. ..d
..MtU., ..y ll«. 1. tdl.
1^.____ 1.1____ 1.^_______. .!1
,^let making he seat a _qaick
InriuUoB ael of aome
of Uetbrewdett pellllriafit
Militia are Frcptrlng to Xmave aad to bit frianda of the fire department, pf France.
Tbey intend to keep from
who promptly rceponded. The chemi commlttieg Spala to any eoneeaeion in
Mlaera am Fleaaed.
cal extlngaithed the fire which was la Ue Pbilippiaet antil after the cleetiont
Paaa. 111.. Oct. 34.—The anion min- Ua ceUiag, about midway of Ue lower
ia thto country, with tbe hope Uat an
mrsclalmu feel more buoyant Uday'■ room and on UeaorUaid'e amoageome advene mtjirlty in coagreat will en
than at aay Ume tlaoe tbe etrike wat ^nrlal caaaa.
able Uem to aay to Europe that Fretilaaugnrated.
Henry Stepbena. tbe
,oll of tmoke,
negro who led the riot three weeka ago
oq, ^f the firemen to auppoM Uere
bto peace oommtoalonerB. do act repreMae left for Alabam.a. ateting that be wat fir* there site, and turned on a .sent the mtj >rity sentlmeat in Utt
bad had eaongh of Pana. Other negroes •t,«.U«.rfw.Uy. .llohCklrfE...|^„„
•eoompaalad him.
Btoaaytwae agalatt bit ordem. and ,Ue
k. i-.’i,.*
United HUtea arc «
so dividei on the
.ked the farnltnre in Mr. Andemon't great toaua of. the war it will be ppproTbe militia It to ateted, will lean
living roomv
priate for the nations of the old world
The fire originated fromaa iaeandee- te intervane to protect'Spain from Us
cent lamp that bad aoeideateliy been grasping ambition of Ue modern Na
pnabed againet tbe poet, which it char poleon.
jteridMt to a Boiler Besolud Die- red aad finally igaited.
Tbe flame
climbed tbe post aad. . reaching a
Alpena, October *4.—The erowaUeet lot of bunting and oUer iaflasmable
«r the boUer oa Ua tog Arthur D.. Cap- material, eommnoieated to a pile of
aad AaoUer on Trial•
tain LlUto, blew out today^klUlag Ar. caakeu in Ue north tide of theroom.of
Ahnr Pontwood, Ue flremaa, iaatently. which it bnraad two small osca and
The Clrenlt oonrt eoaveaed agalB
aad badly acatdiag a deck band named rnlaad a large one.
yeaterday momlag to dispose of aevTbe totel damage was Mtimated at eral cases on Ue calendar.
Peppl«$300 aad waa promptly and aattofactoriIa Ua liqnor violaUoa .oaee of tba
ly adjasted by Us local agsat John People vs. Howard Whiting, a motloa
To Frotect Miebigaa Oame.
R. Santo, of the Westchsater.Iaa. Co. ot waa.made to qnash Ue iafonaatioa.
. -Grand Bapidt. Mich., Ost 84.—D. O.
New York.
but it was denied by Ue eourt. Tba
Baary ef Uto city, prealdeat of tbe logame protective astoriatiou. baa HOVOKSD THB1& OOHMAMDX& case will go over tbe term.
A motion for a new trial was made
baan selected by Oame Warden Oabern
to bave charge of tbe entire warden
t Bnrprisa Upon Mn. V. B. In Ue ejectment ease ot John Strooach
vs. Henry Taber and granted by Ue
force in Ue upper penineuladoriagUe
Aeer8eaK>n. Be will go into Ue woodt
The members of Timverae Bay Hive.
The trial of Ue case of D. B. Carter
narly in {iovemberand remain there doNo. 71. L. O. T. M.. surprised tbelr va. Emma H. Perrin, el al. waa tekea
iU JaaoaryWIiB^inB Ue enfercement
oommander. Lady Thackar. last evea- np and eoaUnned daring Ue day. It
of the law.at alTpSate. Chief Warden
ing in Montague Hall, and made ber will he resumed Uto morning. Tbs
Brawater vrill bave charge ot tbe lower
presents of golden souvenirs to Ue cate u a bill to enforce a lien.
pMinnIa deputies daring U« deer
Befrsabments were
MMn, aad will alao omtoe around Ue value of $15.
served and a good tlma was enjoyed
aniet Sunday Marriaga.
great lakes to aecnre a rigid eaforcetill lu o'clock., A ftae program was
A very quiet wedding took place
weat of tha closed aeaaon for white
nicely carried oou
Sunday noos at tha realdenoe of tbe
bride'sqiarente. 6SS Bast Front atreeb
Xmok Out For Tour Sanaa.
Mr. W. F. Sitob; and Mrs. Olm MsniF1VDIHO AFFBOTBO.
The auditor generu has in prepara- gold wore tbecontrsctlng parUea. On
Immadiate ralativM aad a few
m Action Oeiirt Mar
Ue ananal tax sale to be held at Ue friends were present. Tbe happy event
tial DIsmtos'ag Ohaplala MeZatyrs.
eoonty treasurer's office on May 8. was marked by a bosnteods dinner,
apectei u> Tse
1899. and all who btve not paid Uair presided over by the brlda A hoet of
Washiagton. Oct. 84.—The Presideal texCB for 1898 or any prior year should friends join in wtohlng Uem bapploee*
thto attsmooB approved ef Us tadlag pay Uem at once if Uey do aot want aad a long life.
«d the ooart martial in UseaseofChap- to bave Ueir lands advsrUsed.
IsAn McIntyre of Ue battleship Oregon,
Imet bv Trios.
Bsedar'e Tex
r^Oy dtomtoaed from Us service.
Wai Satobnry of Oraws. arrived in
There was a large attendaaee at Ue Ue city yeaterday oa hto way home
Belatyrs waa found guil^ of the naa
«« toagnags rHieeUng apoa Ue eoa- temperaece ooaeert la Ue Second
from ladlan Territory, wham he went
£. chareh Saaday evealag. AU acato
Aaet ef hto superior ofTietia.
last fall. Throsgb diphtharla aad
The amlarlal fever he lost hto voice while
pragiame I admirably carried eut.
____ '
London Oct. $4 -OonoraI MorriU
Md tet— imnra Williame of Chlengo
^rommsnfodat $ o’clock Uto ovonlag la Uo brtdae’ moUerisnpnrtmoate
at Uo Savoy heloL
It to ateted Mtoa WllUems* bonlU pra•vnntedUo
ta BAAi
•Oonocnl NarrUt« « olvUinB Arosa.
by hto dtoeamion ef Ue eebjeot of Uo
ovoalag. and reaowad Ue eMiaga
of Uooo oagagod ia aaU-oalooa w
mony wUl take plnoo in Sb Fraaeto
church, which wUl nnlte Mr. Jeha $.
AU and Mtoa Oatrto Bsaker. boU waU
kaowa and popnlar yenng ponplo of
Uto city.
Baetera BterMeettag.
There wlU he a ragnlar meettag ef
UeOifor ef Ue Beetera Star Uto
evealag at 7A0 sharp- Any of Uo
■ imlimhi-lirr-r*~*~r toUe way
of hoAdiag or towato they wtoh te eeatribate to Ue Keeoato kerne, la Oraai
BapUa. an leqaatoad to briag tk«i to
IMoRBif Saving Sale No. 2!
di; fi oBff tk foDoflU Bugtttt.
I i!^SpSSs::EE;E|
• 10 yds/liMt Pink Print...............................................................d6o
a 6,yd8 White Shaker Flannel
dro Sbeetintt..
• Remember
• tbe place.
The famous shoe
for women.
Uorqsaled in reteiolng shape,
wear andlsstre. Fsabionable for
street, drees, borne or ooUng.
All fMt and faocies fitted in
toes. bsel*. and Irstbera.
TlirTiaU of virrllvor..
Oar prize baking powder at 50c per ponod can, 10
per cent off for cash. A large line of prizes and
choice of White CrOSS or Lynch BakingPowder Quality of powder gnaraateed.
Phone 157.
S48 Front StrMi
AurY" ftom start
»Foerderer’B” Viol Kid
Sol^ exrinslvely by
Popular ShoB House.
I Sell Coal
Likewise Wood.
-?=rst- zaiums.
Very Gratifying!
Fine Bargains
Are being appreciated by onr oommanity. Onr SpoolBl
Monday Sale sc 36 per cent, off on Cloaks hai kept tha
t-Tovd of e^r bnyera from early morning till late at night,
j Tme merit is always a winner.
We do SB we sdTertiBe and the people are finding
I naont
Tbrongh Itek of apeee we are oompelled to move back eor
entire stock of cloaks in tbe originsl clo^ department on tbe
second floor, where ooarteooa clerks will meet yon witfaplear
ore whether yoa boy or not
Fhf $aie eontitme$ Jor two day mor«~ Don't wnss file
ekemu to buy a garment od reduoedratm at Au wiy date.
Tonemoney savers,
The Boston Store,
Vmn Btur.
OIm, Blodk.
Ee prafen tb# i
•B0*. T. Baw AMD 2. W. WiWWI.
BW ■HD ■MvraonkT,
TaiVn^B oi‘tt. •
Ohai Babv^ In to iaaBlpHlati
CBehr^Mr'hf the Bryan PreaManUal
boom aad. ha.thto eapaflty he haa
the aafinalllad ladoraemaat e< Oaloaal
Dealer in DkyeMisiDicycle ^inidftes
At Oakland, Oallfomia, one of the
honset of the Jndsoo dynamite works
blew ap Batardaj. Tha explosion
killed two men.
While leetnrlay on IlqorSrd ^at
the Brooklyn. N. Y., polytechnic IneUUte, red phospboras exploded d>etroylay the eyceiyht of Prof. W. Irvlay Pay. _
The emperor of Germany aad lbs |
anltan. aide by side, reviewed IS.OOO!
Tnrkisb troopsatCoBStantlaople. Tbs;
German and Tarkiab sailors were very !
Tbe steamer City of Seattle arrived
A KatterofKiai
atSeattlr from Skayua with 200 ptssanyere, of whom 123 are from Dawaon.
Last Satnrday J. B Woodruff of
Bat one more steamer U to leave Daw Urawn. was arrestod by Sheriff Bimpaon before aavlyatton on tbe npper •on DpoD a civil warrant sworn ont by
river is cloeed. Travel wiil then close Dr. Miny.. It was alleyrd that Wood
until December when it will be re- ruff borrowed S2.U of Dr. Miny npon
ebraed over the lee.
the repreaentttiaa that Tom bhane had :
promised to lend him the money ialor j
Snow has fallen throoybont Baropeai
BoiaU. except in tbe CkimeaandCan in the day, therefore be wantod it only
CMOA- KaviyaUon of tbe Volya has nniil Mr Sbsne yave him the money.!
waa ebaryed that Mr. bhaoe bad not
been partially antpended. bat Baltic
•o promiaed and that the Joan waa ob
porta are etill open.
tained under a mUrepreeenuiion. Tbe
Tbe Cntaan yeneial Beyo bae arrived
accused was taken before JnstiM
at Havana from Pnerto Principe and U Brown, where the matter waa adjnstod.
ly in the Havana safee and tbe
Dr. Miny ayreod to psy the eoeU In the
inenryeat ramps near tbe ci'y a holy
ease if .Woodraff wonld retnrn the amwar ayainst the Americana Be has
oont ef the loan. TbU was done aad
ly of the leadars of tbs
Dr. Miny bad 23 cents 1-^ft after tbe
Cabans and haa nryed the earrriny on
lean was relorned Tbe veterlnarydld
of war ayainst Ameriesna if independnot care so mneh for tbe mmey as to,
■ee is not at once yranted to Cnba.
briny the aeensed no with a round tarn <
AtWlaalpey. Man . the weather has for mUrepreaeallay tbe matter
atlastbMome settled, and it is now
hoped that some of the ontaUndiny Cheap Bate to B. 8. Oeei
crops may be saved in a marketable
The State Snnday School Coi
coodltioB, thocyh yenerally '
will be held in fiayinaw. November,
The fnU ezUnl of the damaye done
isth. Kith. iTtb and letb. .
will not be known nntil the yrain can
Tbe Miebiyaa Railroad Asoociatlon
be thimsbed, bat it U known that at
has yranted a rate of one fare for tbe'
O. H. nAer, a private la Onmpaay
a Thlrtr-tbird Kleh.. of Sarlaaw. U la
tlwelty. Private ruher waa ia the
ftret expeditiaa of N
to ye to Caba aad waa aader Are at Ue
memorable iBcidant at Aynadoraa, aad
01 der Are seven beara
Praak Priedrieh retaraed ycaterday
> B«».ui>wf>wt
pbM«a from Chleayo by the ateamer Cbarlevelz. ImmedUielyopoahU arrival he
weat to Cadillac and retaraed last
Tf^rrrm Oily. aiyht.
Mrs. A lx doyee and her daoybter
wUI yo to Grand Raplda thU momliiy
to attend the carniraL
A L. Joyoe retained Saturday nirbt
from Debvit.
^°SjSS^ PmoRm «f W*y»e.
Oapu J. V. Hclntoeh weat to Detroit
yeeterday on bosineca in oonnectioa
"• *SSr.???f"SSSS5-K «,
with Company M. Be wUl spend the
*’*' "JS^? b! m^KMB of MMOn.
last days of the week at the carnival at
Oraod Bapida
Of Borrieo.
8. C. Darrow was in Hapla eity apd
BOUCB M. OE>14»f.CUPP**^
vielaity on boslnew yesterday.
CUnd McDonald and WUlle PdaU
went to Grand BapUU yesterday mornnr •DpcrtousOt-Oraf PubUr lo»irurtloBiny to vUit friends and take la the
jUoN a HAMMOND Of HiUadoU.
B A Lanyworthy U dotnybaalaoM
in Williamsbory today.
nrHevbor Buie Board of IdoooUoo <«ho<
UbeCapltoU Vader U vUitlnyreUtlree
and friends la Grand Baplds.
r. iOHNeftw of w»rttooo».
A. B. Brown went to tbs carnival
nritaber Btote Booid of BdocoUoo flow
city yesterday moraiay.
***^^ FfcATToftfdBOOoe.
Miss Mlnoie Beitner is aasonyahe
Tlsitors in Grand Bapids Uls week.
MUa CelU McGee U entertalniny
her friend. Miss Hand Woolpert, of
Albert Oiobensky, one of Dmyyut
Johnson's popular elcrks, U helpiny
lival people bora red fire in
mUJAM A FOtn-KB of Or»sd Trororoo. Grand Bapids tkU wnek.
Mrs. Koah WeiU left yeetaiday
for a week’s vWt with bar
mother at Grand Bapida
eon who deeirra thto advantaye mast
M. Vinton and wife left yesterday polntt.
eeenra a eerilficate dniy oonoteralyned
afternoon for Grand Bapida to be yone
Tbe board of offieeiaof tbe ordinance from M. B. Beynolds. 8UU Secretary,
department, which were directed by Owoera. Mich.
W. C. Nelson and Badolph Baff of Oensrai Playler to inqnlra into tbs
Leland were in the eity yeeterday.
condition of the SpaaUb small arms
MUs Nellie Brooka of Bnffslo. ar eaptnredat Santiayo, Ands that abemt .......... -............. — _________ __ liqnid.
rived in tbe city laat niybt on the three-fonrtki of the SpanUh Mansers leaves no odor and can be need while
For sale
C. A W. M. train on her way to Cedar eonid be ntilitrd by Uklay paru of tbe (love U on tbe hand.
by James G. Johnson, the drn(
Ban to vUit barparenu.
the remsinder end sapplylny drficicL* only
*** *to5uaM B. MOO!*.
Walter Mnrray left yeeterday mon- elas in the best srma This wonld
inytoUkea p^tloo as dmy clerk in make, et a ronyk estimaU. 7.000 ManLake City.
aera available for nee in tbe army -f
Tbb FBte of mortBlUj from *11 obMa
A. H. Menalny, of Ckeleea. was a needed.
MpBriBBced b7 onr Army io th« wat
yneal of Mr. aad Mrs. U. L-Oadyover
Berions tronbleis brewinyamony tbe
wilb Muiiea WM •ae'balf rrMUr Uu
Comanche. Kiowa and Apache In
it «*M iB tba WAT of tha abalUoa, iod
Superriaor Cleveland U la Imke City dians.
Kor thirty years, since the
Ml tke BritUh troopt la the PaaioanU
today on bosineea
Medicine Lodye Geair. the yoveronon Uwa dooblo. aod in tba BritUh
Tbe Miesee Clara Carr, Lillian Down- ment baa fed three Indiaae. bat that
mr of CriBea nora Uiad three UmM
icy and Lereaa Pennlaytoa, Mr. and treaty expired July 1. They havecom•hat experienced b/ the Uoioo anniH
Mrs. E. B. While and M. B. Holley re-need killiny cattle belon^iny toIB the war of the rebelUon. Toancn
tamed from Maaeelooa yeaterdey Tvxas cattle men. and a crUU is near.
•p from abatracU of miliUrx itotUlica
morolny. wbm they attended the an These tndiane have no crops, fewcat0t the United StAtee, the deatba in tha
anal convention of tbe Blevcnib dUand have bad no m>ney f«r
VBtiBtwr foreet of the United Stetea
triet ChrUUan Endeavor Union.
Men who know predict
PebroAry ie«) ander
yreai aurvation amoay them tbU win
noralArorAble condltloM tbAn tbOAC
Kisfoituaes Ola Detroit Xloctor.
ter sod serions tronblA There are 1,300
BsparlBoed by the eolonteer /orc«A of
Tbe followiny U a ellppiny from the Oomaeebra, 1.30U Klowas and 600
•jyyment Army, were from woonda Sas Praacisco Chronicle:
lAdire’ deets. bcokrases sod comApaebea.
fseelndla Action fi.« par cent, dU•‘J. C. Joeeelyn, a^bysieUn, from
blnstlon cases, we have a laryeline
jMaa and aocident 44.6. or a tou: of Detroit, was locked np in tbe City
A wreck on tbe Rock Island near
from tbe cbeapeei op tn tbe beek A
'M.V TI>6 anniial death rate In both Prison last niybt. ebaryed with petty Port Worth resulted in tbe death of
yood polished oek ermbinsUon case
Baropa and Amarica of dvlUaaa of tha laroany.
Three others will die and
for $4 3n. a fine polished oak. maboyany
jpUitary aye U nearly one-half tba
-AtUred In a silk bat and frock coat, two wereaerionaly lojnred.
or blHseye maple ladiea' desk for a
Aaath rate axperlanead In the army of
■ally triffimed beard. Joeaelyn walked
Harvard ooUeylans will erect a mem little money.'Orode stored nntil i
United etataa in the prenant wai iaio Cooperb book store on Market orial to classmen and yradnatea who
ChrUtmav free of ebarye.
tnm all eaaaaa. Durinf Ibe war with street isst niykt aad parchased a book. died in tbe war with Spain.
Mrxioo the morUUvy waa Ui per Ihoa- As ba was leavioy, Oeorye W. Hoadley,
Tbe poaU>fi<« department haa order
nad, U from woonda raeeloed in ao- a clerk, saw him slip anoihsr book no- ed tha esUblUbmeniot smillury pusttion. inclodlar killed In batUe.aad IM der his eoat. Boadley yrsbbed him by
120 FroDt St.—New Store.
sUUon at Cavite, Pblllpiae UCrM dUeaae and aecidenU.
^S arm and drew from its plsce of lands. near ManiU. It will be known
ooncMlment a copy of “Sbrewsbarr,” ae Military SUtion No. 2 of tbs San
iB diacmatny the meriU of earione
by Stanley J. Weymaa. Policeman Frane.sco posteffiee.
•udldatMfor Important offlcea on the
Alvaree and DrUcoU were called in and
The yeoloyiral snrvey department
BepobUean ticket, the name of Uaorye
tns aUiinyaUhed lookiny enlprlt was
has received almost perfect remains of
W. Clyde. |weaent traaanrer of ibe
plaesd neder arrest.
Muirkirk, near Su
MOBt;; U one which will be fnTorabiy
"At the City Prison ht yave bU name
Thomas, Oak Part of one of the fore- |
OOBAldered by eoten of every party.
as "J. C. Chaatar." ■ j have no delense
leys U mUsiny. but aU tha other paru !
Mr. Clyde baa been an efficient officer
make," he said " "1 wanted the
of the skeleton are in a yood eutc of j
dnriBd the paat two yean and the
book, and not haviny moacy enonyh to
ion. Lswrence Lamb of tbe
party renominated him wiibooloppo.
spai e for it, 1 took, iv Today I broke
aurvey le enyayed at preseni pnniny
aition twcauae hU record and ability
my last AS bill and I did not know
tbe b-jnes in their proper order.
hare proven him to be a fluloy candiwbers I wonld yet more money. About
4aU for the office. Mr. Clyde la aa
two weeks syo I cams here from De^ One of^tbe heaviest rainsioriiu in
able aocountanl. reliable oi^Ecn and
trait. I am a reynlar yradnated pbys- yeais fell at Havana Friday aa, a con-1
the tonda of tha oonnty will receive
idao, and, haviny yood lettera, ex tlanation of tha siorra of tbe last three i'
the aama eeiefnl atteation dorlnf the
pected to lad an openlay here, bat days Every eiream in the' vicinity of'!
•axt two yeara aa they have in the
notbiny has preaented itself. Mr. Ln- the city overflowed, floodiny iu ser-. <
Tbe atiueU of Uavi
eaa. thadetacUve, U a friend of mian
Ail I can hope for now Utoyetontof aented tbe appearaaue oi runniny : f
thU as wait as 1 can. I offered Cooper rivefO. Tbe water waa orer four feet | 4
has been placed npoD i
deep at many of tbe croaslnya, ewarap-: 4
Oniaa-SUver-PaopiCa party ticket, for
lay houses and atorea aad damsyiny fur-! j
nyUter of deeds, in the place of Willie
Biiurc and otber property. Toe fire bri- j 2
Wlyhlman. who declined the nomina. Mlllkms Otvan Away.
!t U certainly yralifyiny to tbe pnb- yade was called out sod many sicu and
tloo, was a candidate before tbe Beayid people were carried to places of
poblican county ooaveaUon last year le to know of one concern in the Sand
who are not afraid to be yeserons to safety. Traffic was delayed on every
• for the nomination of connty oommis. the needy and sufferiDy. Tbe proprlerailroad rnnniuy out of the city. Tbe |
Moser of schools and at that time an-' tori of Dr. Kiciy's New Discovery for
yhter bouaee and paddocks were
Bonneed himself a Bepablieaa -froi Cuosumptioo, Couybs'and Colds, t^ve
•ntireiyanbmeryad. Many balls sneyiven
bolway-back." Mr. MeManns basanui
slesof tbis yi^/ medicine, and have eeeded in eacapiny and ran loose
Aoabted rlybt to allow hU name to be the satUfactiosjdf knowiny it has abUironyb the streete of tbe cl^, addiny
plaeed upon the DemecraUc or say toluUly cured tbonsands of hopelesa
Asthma. Bronchitis. Hcarsc- to the panic prerailiny.
Other Ueket. bat It U a sadden cona all oiKws of the Throat,
About fifty Cuban patriotic clnbe
omsloii—snd ttast's all.
Oheel and Lanya
anya are sorely cured by have been oryanlsed in Jiavana under
it. Call OB the Druyyists S.
S. E W,
maaayemeni, in » larya msiurity
••TjiXBB were jw hardsblpe that
and J. G. Johnson and yetatrial
trial b..
botUe, Kieta. Reynlar slse 30e and |l. of oases, of physidana, lawyers and
anoBia euispiaiB
B of."
w>, ucubtvu
■ •
ir professional man. Many of tbe
Oeneral Joe Wheeler. The hardsblpe
ibers of some of thara clubs attend
•ra lalliny on the Demoeratie poUUcled the first meetlnys weariny the Cuban
•BS who BOW realise that they w^ not Opiten. OfiUn. Oyitan.
When yon want dystera call at the and American flays crceeed. The pro- \
captnre many offices by tbelr war eriti8jnlb bide coofeciionery siorcL I sldioy cfficers oi seeeral of the clnM.|
receive them direct from BslUmore, notieiny tbe iBsl(Bla In tbe bottonbolce '
nice and freab. I sell yon oysters,not of tbe coats of tbe membera, ordered j
vrater.and asAneaatock ssthere Uis
the city .el prices thst are riyht. Call that In fnlnre only tbe Caban flay |
Aldate for yovaraorof New York. Mr.
and see me. M. E Tbtman,403 Union a^nldbe worn. In many InslanoM,
Ctovelamd Mver bad mnch mm lor war
1. «. 1
m. Sditor Md lUMfw.
E-g^Sr- -• ■• ••!!.
My work k first claaa ana price* that are in meh of all J A»
orppared at all time* io toko f-air of tbe trade. I nakr a Bpedslty in
brazing. Vnlcanizing and EnameJine. A fine line of wheel* fur «le
and to rent.
J. O. BlilS, 311 Front .treet, east.
U tbe beat dyar in the markM for
_Five Cents.
Moet popnlar dyar la Northern Mtehiyas.
Every dealer selU it. Made by
A. W, JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Bloct
IADc \ivl\
_ OTV saVe \odiaia
I a VvTvc 0^
liladivata aadi Vv^\v\
TcdiS—SmaVV assoT\Taea\ j
^oodi ^
^of 'BadidivaQ, a\ |
I .
a ^atd.
AD. KIv\\.\.k6xv. j
J.W. SLATER, Honse Fmislier.
Corn meal, made by improved machinery, is
not as good as tbe old fashioned
Johnny Cake Corn Meal.
We make the old kind, as well as the new—
Some like one and some tbe other. Yon pay.
^nr money and take yonr choice.
: We are stili taliiag 10 you
about onr.^
I Bargains In Furniture! I
This time it Is Parlor goods. We offer a fine upbolstered Parlor Suite worth $30.CO for only $22.00. Nothing like
it to be had sOiywhere else.
We have some beautiful three piece Mahogany suttee, In
all the latest designs of upholstering, and at prices very low,
considering the gooda
We have about 60 upholstered odd Chairs and Bockers
on sale at greatlv reduced prlcea
Come in and make a selection and wo will set it away
imtll you are ready for it. In case you don’t want it at once. :
No trouble at all to us. We want to help you to get the best ;
thing for the money.
The place—
ne diatriets. In lu day. la the j
eeyte^.. The pine-baa. aU
been cot ont,aad thia year *rSU see Ibe
laatofit. ltia«atlmatedUuittU.O0e.Oneiday In Novasaber I was croaMaf
OOO feet has baan eat in this diatrla^ a Bald in tlaryland with cut and d0|m
whteh la ^ont bwen^-tve Bllea when I saw Marii« mbore ne ■ Jatge
hawk, which •eenied oblivloaa cd ny
A $lb eheek with the name of t. S. preaeooe nneii it bad flown within conTIm abathar^MieUcu rac swiidlm BUaabinr«ltn>VwnnpaaBed In Sect venieot loaga
r bad finlsbed. Than be
The crest bird awnoc frfioefnl.ly siksT* toMB wToatod. Tb«7 mn Haarr nawbyatnaalnhiaabirtaleavea,' «fho
from hia I
JahaaoB Mid W. T. Brown of Bottir stored to have jnat ren ont of an rrf- moel directly overhead, and ai 1 threw
and, inking a pair of
Creek. The two4oen elelned to raPto doetoenahlk
the can to my sbonlder it lansad. ss if ^e’lHnn
aaaiePbi'.ede>phi»r«reeBpes7. Tbr;
lealiiing Ita mistake. In that eecood I 1 ,i,oei: tbm. witbont aayitng a word, be
fired, and the bird reeled in tnidalr. it . retnoonted end oonciDned
a^nrUeedfor wotMn to make race,
The sboemaksr. si fir»t atnpefl^ soon
aad tkea.H U allered.eotd them worth Vew Beau Ibr Baeond If. ». Chnreh. msite s few half ftrokea forward with
wiug. (ell a foot or two, and tbao sarted after tbe taoraeman. crying: .
Uet macbiaea for as ezarbitast
There ia a movement on foot to rr"Yonwretebi Why bave yon been
eeet the $«eo()4 M- E. chnrch with por i60OTm:fl irarlf. OeewInR waa injnred, soonel? I am poor. I bare neret done
Miai lie&a Jarrla haaaeoaredthedoa- table chain. The leaders of the move
yon any harm. Why baVe yon mined
were vtBoroo* and ligbtninclika
tract to carry the mall betwen E'ale ment have already met with some
Ai it rcacbed oat in vain for aomeMd Bldceroad paetofBeea.
oonracnnnnnt. It la a Worthy eanae and
Tbe Cavelier replied tranqnilly:
The dsing to grasp it showed every sign of
‘*My triaoA yon are angry with me.
Ibe Lloyd WUlUma of Paw Paw. eo- one that will sorely soeoeed.
tMiing filled with rag.- at tb« onknown Yon aay I bave done yoa a greet deal pf
mte to Ooonee, Ga. waa robbed in pastor, the Bev. Reoaefa. U nntirlaf
harm. Come with me to tbe king. Be
OUeaco of all her money and railaray in his enerplea in behalf of his eharrnwhen. asA fledge!
fledgeling, it had
and as a cooseqnenee the eharch and left tbe neat, ita wlog* bad
pant. The thief eeoaped.
Hra. John Marti of Grand Bapida. Snnday achaol are growioc in member- it till tbe present tno:i.eut. They bad
tarried it up tuto rtnrmelouda They
fell nnder a G. B. ^ 1. (relent train at Bblp.
bad bathed it in aanligbt far siMve tbe
Weat Bridra atreet eroaelnc. and her
aartb. Tbi-y had boruf it awooping.
‘left arm waa eat offKiniau-rial Meetingwith open bi-ak and exti-nded claws
But though badly scorched we are still prepared to dfh
At the report c1*nn nt the. BapUat
The ancDSl meetinc °f
Oiabd from tbe beigbta of tiw« upou iir prey,
atate beeveetion It waa foand that the Traverse District Ministerial Aisocla- or in awift flight and rapid tnmings na
do ever) thing required of 6rst class
cenetalofferiDcewerefl.uno is ej«
tlon will be bald in the Pint M. E. it followed its «inarry iu air.
But as it«bad flown from iba woods
of last year: that In the patt aia years ebnreb on Monday, Tuesday and Wed
the net coin in membetahin baa bees nesday. November ?. 8 aed *. A c«>^ yonder, aiming at tbit lofty tree, from
which it boptri to look ont for qnail,
nearly lO.OOO; offerloct to all eaaaes in program has been prepared.
of a man. a
the name time has been over $8,000,000;
id somehow
eorrent expennee of the BaptUtcbarcbthose broad, rirong wings conid fdlot it
as of the state per year, ftso.ooo:
no longer. Now there was an awfnl
318 Union SU, Traverse (Sty
amoant ciren to buerolenoes per year,
pTMinre. bearing it acaaer and nearer to
avtha UUIe Wblla lUtUo Cams *• Betbe groond.
Mivs Bar Oowr Kama.
Its Ktmggle is in vain: im deapemM
1 do not think that tills ii Pawy
Tbs old* rerease enttor Andy Johnstrokes with tbe wounded wing fail to
aon, whom Traverse recioa pioneer* Oat Miew, do yon? She baa no petti support it: lower and lower it eomea,
will rrmember. annk la the river at coat on. at any rata, bot abe bae a bean- with rage flaming from its eyes, its besdt la jnat Yon vsM maka-yoor onmplaint. {
Cleveland the other day. and her days titnl enit of anow white far. -wbicb la wide open, ita claws spread. Aa it falls i and.............................
Iwiir explain
I *y
prettier on her than anybody'apTOiooet it paaars clow to ma and atrikea oat king will judge which of
•f nsefnloeas are pomibly
j ri|rt>t.''
The larce herd of cstUe belonrlnf to of lUk. Yon can see vi-rr eerily that vieionriy
Clorreepoiul with the TnTem (Sty Lumber'Coupsny.
Wbra opon tite groand. where it esn |
Tbe aboemtfcer
Vf. A. Heartt of Oaro. was acaln tested
loaxiag her with a plate of milk, and stand npon Us feet, it makes ready to
We b«ve for ule Good,
last week and »6 cows destroyed tor'
figbt aa I step toward it. it bolds out
tnbcrcalaeU. These anlma’a were near
It* oninjnred wing, and with unfalter
ly all terribly diaeaaed- The w<wk baa
nrd my shop ibis morning and witbnut mying ga*e looks upon and makes toward
alt the 1
ma One <d tbe doga dashe* in. to «»• &g a word cot my aboes in pieces He
bad DO reesnn for so doing, as I bave
bcive a atmke that makes bim bowl.
There is nothing for it bnt tngive never done bim any barm.”
Creek, who was assisted by J. J. Wood
Tbe king said: "My poor man. you
this fierce thing annther cartridge- It«man of Paw Paw. and the stale vetergret that it has been shotal all. Elawka are right. This man is very cruet Sir. {
InariaatOr. O. W. Dimpley and hU two
are usually k> wise in keeping ont of why were yon so unkind to tbia poor
MsistaaU. Three batchers have workrange, so
to take care of ibem- man? Defend yoaraelf.”
ad two daya^ alanchterlnc the
"61ra” reaponded the man. "will
eelvea. that ooe gets into tbe habit of
demned eowm and poatmortemi were
firing at them as tbey fly oyer with lit
tle expectation of tbe shot’s Uking ef
held on each ^ by Dr. Dimpleyand
fect. So that this tjme 1 bare thought ' Tbe king signified hia asaent. abd tbe
Us two aaalataata. The excitement in
Min Mschioeryof all deacriptioiifi, including Tvo EDgiaet
cavalier mid:
letsly suoceeded in making a cripple.
tbU eohnty ia intense. Larce crowds
Ret Works, Carriages and Sfitra. A complete Saw Mil) Pln«t
“Sbomnaker. what wer« yon tdoing
Be is too badly hurt to learn bim to
Cathered around Uia bamaaad the field
pine and starve. Tbe dngi canuot kill wbeu I stopped at your duorl"
for sale.
whm the eareaeaee were plied after
"1 was making a pair of aboes (or a
bim. ap 1 find myself reluctantly <
pelled'to finish what bar been bri?gnn.
Ed. Oerne of Three Bivets, who dis
The bird is eo brave, dpuntU-i-b and war
appeared last Monday, ean still be
a pity to <
I do not eing
.? of ibis wi
fonnd BO trace of. thongb large bodies ...... ..........
thinks that tbe cbildno mean to catch :bis empire exteods for many farms as well os the birds, bpt I sing well
•f men are oat searching for him. It,-------enottgb to amnse mywlf and that is
is BoMmaed now that be mav bave shot: bet while the ia bury drinking tbe j around Tbe (inail. tbe mice, all
I milk. Very likely that ia what Ibe . intiectB and ieswr animals and biiirds. •nffirient."
self and lies in the woods.
"That is not snfBcieot for me. What Larger Store—Double StockI children intend to do, for ahe
ebe is a
t very | fear bim. His flight ii eo lofty and
aoog were yon singing?"
■astera capitaliaU have been proa-] preUy kitten, and they would
swift, bis eye eo piercing, his beak
s^ng’Tbe Silence In tbe
peeling gt Batavia with tbe idea of j mocb
much like to have ber for s
s]pel They j etrong. bis tabais so sharp, that wbei
Elegant New LinesKting at that point extenaivecement {do not know whom ebo brlonga to, bat . Ins shadow fails apon a field tbe hearts ^ Forest ' ’
viebin tbeiu.
"Very well. It waa 1 wbo oompaaed
the aebeme
B(-hame seems
aeems to bave
have \' 8be
She knows very
Very .wolL bbc
Bbc lives, not
ttot (or
(oT ' ol uU mat
matcn-s fill w:
works, and tbe
tbe mnsic of that ballad.
been favorably looked aC
I! UUUJ .UT; ut.ua.-- „ UV*.u.
y..u see h,T. with
|a kind lady, wlm l<>vw to wash and ' bL-fore a luigblier. this kuigbt ti bora 1 stopped becaure yon were singing my
Tbe body of William Divine, who dls-' comb hvr and tint pretty ribbons on btr decombst inibran'nu W bat»portu tors eon g so load rbat evtry one in the
Incri*aBed display Fine Watches. Fine line Silk UmbrefiaE.
from Cambria,(lUlsdale
count; neck.
tboso that tmve______
him are look- street
but fbenlbeard)
"ty, Oct. 8.
8, was found in the Niagara; But pnesy is not vutmly ctmtented to ing •m- HavriuhtTcrcaTumi in tliD tope how iwdly yon sang it llx-ceme angry. StriOfed Knstoal laatromenta. String for all ilUtnimenU. H«vi> '
0^ iktAereA. J
Funeral Directors
ai.li Practical Embalmers.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood I
Jewelry, Silverware!'
.Ml. dwi-«-!
■ •‘"Idi-n arrowing of t'le hawk s flight
^ Sbepler fell di^ while digging .being very mouiritrie.
and of bis d-sik-mt-fall?
inquisitive, and got into ;and
d-si>on»ti'fall? Pit.loldy
Pttdoldy they
S-ditch near Milan. Heart disease
' noigbborv' boast*, nud mako tbe ac- {bavi-ikvir own way of coniuuiiitAfiiig
tbe eanse.
] qnaimanreof the children there, and os- ineweof tbi-tlesirnctionof their enituivs.
.. '■ nroiaiiT of tli« rwts. if them an. anv. 'and if mar ntiw be known to ull things
The body of^^nnknown^min^^*^
khv mtcis a d.^ bnt ^ 'for half a mile aboitt that tfaegroat bi^
*hat hooRo and never ;ba« been smitten from tboclonds
Twoorthree; it will bi- no mercy to leave this
tte b^y bad l^D exposed to tbe
nairowly escaped with proud spirit to nifferwitb his broken
ther for some time.
____ He cannot t, .
wing and to
The Maple River Farmer's club baa | tbougbt, bnt possy thinks that a dog is ' well,
deliver bim trom bis
bean working to seenre mral free ds- j s very rIow and clumsy creatnre and pain. I step away a few yards in order
not tear hu body t
livery of mail InMhlawasae county .sad ; fe*l*«l»i«e «« that no dog in tbo world
r one did. sbe mueb.
tbiuka sbe would teach bim to let oat* ' How fierce and nndannted be locdul
biseym! Be
... ............. I
lyloTW tovisit away from vhnws n<> fear of the ditgsorof tbe mss.
and three-quarters milea, and another | home
inch that her mistress bas Be wstebes my movements keenly, and
aoutb sixteen mile*.
! given ber tbe name ] of Viritar.
AniDWre*Ungr*llcoflbed*yswhen!Thal’sannddname for a cat ain't iti
tbe ren
red men held sway
ssrav in this
thU ^
nart oi
of I
w„ ,„.d .. C_ C, ...
do™ oped,
It was a musical pipe each ,
decidwi to step in sod m*ke a call.
SB the Indian hunter* used So attract Tbe children saw her and at t
to get a .plate of milk to entertain ber
A cablegram from the parent com with, hoping, perhaps
well trested sbe wtiulcl
pany in Liverpool. England, ineiruct* let them play wiib her. But «be will
the managers of tbe Norlhern Chemio' al company to begin at once to doable •
.thealuofita immenae plant at Bay b<uue to ber miKirea^ wb<
jmneb.—Lnclnds in New Orleans FioaAt Bsatoa Harbor at an early morntng fire batardsy aty Firs Chief John
Crawford lost a bam and contents,
which Ineloded a vslnable horse and s
gras* of fire extinguishers. Tbs greyhonud Maud, tbs msseet.whicb follow
adOompaayl. Tblrty-tblrd regiment,
thraurb Cubs, was raacued trom tbe
The bens ap in Cbeboygsn -county
lay elastic agg*. White soms oats ware
being thrarbed In Grant towoifaip the
otiier day aben'aegg which era* lu a
buodle WAA fed iulo the mseblne and
cam* through without the shell being
Frank McGuire, a <
kiUed in a Inmber camp north of Standiab Saturday. A Umb fell and atruCK
him o* the bead, causing almoat in. gtant desU.
Msrrin Gates of Gsiesbarg owe* Us
Ills to a good, stoat vest button. The
Tillage msrabsl was examlnint Oate*'
revolvar with s view to purchase wbea
iiwas discharged. The ball psssed
throsgh Gates' hand, then struck
the vest twtton. Infiloting a severe
This year, it te tbonghi. will be the
Isetln which any Umbering will be
flooe on the Fenat rtfor. nos of the
laud Cbioa Ware. Everything new.
Take « look tlroogb our elegant oew'qnarterB.
Thr aterr •( a Oaefc.
shoes, for that song v
as weil as tbe shoes wore ynnrs.
Once upon a lime there waa a little
On bearing tbese words the king be _______________
dock. Be did not know mneb sbont tbe
gan to laugh with all bis bean and said: : (ncki ot Ibe s arid, and be was very
, "My friends, you sre IsMh tight, bnt - nocy.
t good freab
as it i» not fair that this poor aboemak-i His motber wanted bim to learn to
ersbonld lose the price of bis shoe* 1 ] *y-Qoack,” bnt be thought that ward
will pay for them. Neither ia it right ' ofiittie aooonnt
TET •g''mi-lTg‘»g
that ' eputatinuof
amoriciausbonld j (jm. day he eaid to bis mother
South 8
enff*T. M> I invite you to ring yopr song very Ksney tone, “Wbai is tbe nse to Union Street.
St my cvnrt tin* cveuiup, and I promire leani to say ‘tjaack. quack!' " So his ,' ■
, yon that every <»e will be tb«e to bear uiotBw began to tell bim a story:
jbow beautiful it is."
, duck. He
I The judgment of tbe king plyased |ean>od to say'Quack!'and one momliolb the men. and all (be courriers de- jog tbe fox came peeping around Ibe
' clarrd that their king wsr ss wise as f^rnivard sod caught eight of the duck.
Solore.iuandthalhis judgm-utws* jort He caught it end was aboat to carry it
as iviparkabie. ^ Coutes el Legende# .
^ben u cried, as loud as it ooolA
(Trsuslattd Prom the F'rencb by Mrs : '(^n^ qoack!' and Ben, tbe farm boy,
H. A. tiawyerl.
{ beard it and nved it. ” Tbe little dock
Quack r—Marie
KiM-w a ■■Bulirrdkr.'
I Kens lu Baltiraore Herald.
i little boy spi iit a boiiday
,________ ______________________
innuy at Ins grattdiuotber'H. Such a
■d time------------------------------------------„
as he bad. miming and racing , What the Banks and Ltadlof I
good----Vlt»li,»e Air at....... ........... ..........aud riiODiiug for all hi-wus worth. At J
rTtrecUoe M treth.
Man of Katamasao think of the
(er enraetlM o( u
last night came, and. (iml and tlorpy. |
pnio seed. LateM seS
the litlle bur sought repoae. “Ob.
pscMloB vet a«d tor ■
grandma." be cried aa be kissed ber
good nigbt. "now I know what a buUerday really and truly i*. forl’vctaollered
all day long."—Detroit Christian Ber
_______ ... J, hereby rentty Ui*t that I
Hicbigan Accent Assodatioa.
Ano'ber Fine Volume.
Stsudsrd books sre ever weloome
when they come to us in forms end
bindiagf re-praseotiug all tbe embelUsbrnenuof the art of bMKmskiag.
tiueb s book a% -Nsval Rstties." pnblished by Tbe D.vniulnn n->mosuy. Cnij^go. s copy of-vhich hsBjuaeome to
our desk. The ooteots sre well ar
ranged. the muAfrations sre fine, the
prim iA clear snii neat sod tbe bindInga sre superb. The DoraioioB Compaoy is forgiDg ahead aa tbe leading
You have complrtely spoiled my
If yoa had sung it iuride your ho
would not have mid a word.
mug it iu the street, and in singing it m>
incorrcctiy yon have lessruMl my &ms
Now. as yc.u have marred ray song. I
ih, conpin; ,n !
-nMor,. In lb. ..mxi, buo
i. is helpless st lost)
liberality towards iU sgenU mud fair i He is very gracrful. even iu death,
treatmrDtofthem.au agency in this' and onerennoi hut w<md«rattbe«(nnge
mity for the above book, or some Iranpubllkhed by this company,, .^tore shadow rent a sbnr'
>er published
John R. Santo,
Gaieral lasaraaca.
Tmtssfi Ossts A Wask.
rr W AS ... \nv To rioftT.
Travaaas Ctty. ■
Bvervbody who tskea Tna Momiko JJ*
Rkciikd can bave tbe Grand Rapid*
Herald delivered to them sUo f- r so
additinnal fnnr.reou per wrrk. tusk
ing only H cenu per week for tbe
beat paper to northern Michigan and
the beat raetropotlian paper in tbe fair ..
■Ule. TVIepbone SS.
Staowi Dr. Mlavr-a
p. Thivremvdr
.UBv-trkd; Wears
Plret KaUMBl Bask.
E.C. Davtds.
V T. Btaaaa.
Caebk-r BemeSavUgsBank.
Jas. Mossos
I miles ol sir. now a motionlesa bonch of
featber*. tbe sharp clawa incapable of
1 will leave Traverse aty. with the barm, tbe ttens- In-ak a* innocent a« a
steamer Ooekema. Nov. i, for tbe child s finger, the revage (pint all subnorth shore tor tbe accommodation dnad.
bl bnni.n( pnrU^
wUl W
] Tb. d*. bn, n»II of bbb »ltbobt
tS'p ‘g-ri n’;^t.b-.'":?ra'rge^n'^ '
will he made for return.
c*gT. &WBr.
Ev«r Burned (hdf
dt wiibesi a
. tt cares Csa-
! »P«
-Cmlvl® D. WUijsou
*»“ ii Uppiucojt . Magaztna
BlibV JVioStffjBSslfc. '
A. P. Sam.
cure it.
j'TJi______ _
Wholesale Btatlcners.
T. EsIaBSiee Psb. Ca.
If so JOB know
tire valns of
I the bottle wiwrerUsrsUe
Live Agente Wented In Dnoconpied Territory.
iMWantAds S.
tHs KOKimra bboobd. tdbsdat.ootobbbw. ims.'
TimraraaOty Matata.
Onen opon • tlm«, mur tbooMtidf of
. 9B>n •»>. wl>eu telrie* w« bot«DhIlBi
tBtebitadibeof^r'Ibtm Uved In the
' tow*y lutaBd/of Tokyo, which, yoo
kMW. it • poft of Jtpui. « poor boy
■who aoppaned htuaeif tsd his old fstt«r and mother by woodcoitiDg. He
•0ml * good boy ud worked bsrd all day
OB the noniitali) tide.' in the foreats
j Che cool, ahilady
. tnm, that he
night earn food for himnlf and lored
esM. but toil as be wottld be was ns»*»i« to bring home mote than a tew
pennies each day.
becann of tbie be remained
How. becanm
▼try poor, and be grieved mnch at the
■ of Gte.
fate, which denied him the
V ttf providing for bis old parents
M they wonid like, for be was a kind
and afFeotiocata boy.
a»Mh Ww B«r ««k ■sstsT.
In a neat cottage on a aide street
Used Mr. and Mra. Calvin Sloctun and
Betty. They bad enoe kept a colored
man nuncd Bob, bbt now Mr. Sloctun
bad bt«n tick a long time, besides being
qnlteold. Hit little mrings bad been
spent, and poor Bob tad been obliged to
go eltewbere for wort, leaving behind
him only Betty,
a tame cbieken. which
he bad tanght wanderfnl trick*. antU
—.od.a.tbeyaii mid.-jnsMike
an laavaloM Devtee Tar OI daa a I Below U a tiet of the tayiag aad aal ■
I lag prieea of yaatarday Ipr groooriat.
Gat* Aatowstteailr.
The Sdeotiflc Atnerioan daierll
tnvtatiaa neently patented, in which ««Cl^_________
a simple and ingeoloas device if pro
vided for cldhing e gate anhansdeslly.
1, ^
Befetring to the aocoapanying en
graving it will be obeerved that ca the
4 001
top bar of the gate a roller'i* joomaied
which is engaged by an inclined rod B,jt F
•edac Us lowe r end on a fired I
anppert aet at a proper dittance from I
tb* hinge port. A weight ii held on the
rtri and^ii^ fasten^ in any dadrod Lardper#
Sbe coold Btand on one foot and
daonlder a wooden mnsket with the
other, jnmp a rope, jiunp tbroagh a
faoop coveted with paper, walk a vrire
many other things that Bob told
her to da The old cosple had no chil
children, and hardly knew whether they
e food ctf Bob or Betty.
Aa it was. Betty staid and
d .Bob/ame
' see them every day.
i At last Mr. Sloctuu eeemed to be imBidding him t(
I^t ” e.*
for better tlmm. Hia #«fW^'
father. . proving, and the doctor told bloi one
however, was dlOerent. Being of a .^ne nice chicken broth.
• aalfisb.................................
----------- -------------- „-------------- ^
Ab. me! That aonnda vei^ pleaiant
of a ert
at having to go to bed with nothing bnt | toAhoee who have n lot of fine chickens poMtioo by
leaving (the relies
a meal of rlee and cold tea.
or money to boy them.
piwent the rod from leavli«
••If I conld onlr tare a little aakl it
The old conple looked at each other,
opening and clcelDg the gate, the
U icomaon.yDaTeaimieaan.it,
moment bmoket in which the rolJ« la Jonmaled
A Olsvar Trick.
,enp««.do me g«d. *'j ^
Betty came ia singing a contented ewjg. if £«"idod with a loop.
It eerUinly looks like Iv bnt Uie*« is
he nsed to asy
ily DO triek about it- Anybody can
“ b^«
d Kill,
«111. facing
faei^ ^b«
^ben ‘be
him ud saying ^at w^ »• »“ ,thebed. Then
it who has Lame Back and Weak
. prafonnd
idneys. Mai
yonng be always bad mki f« every
clocked a weloome. The sick
tlon roner and
Bick man
----- il if be wished it.
week, and the tears roUed down position. Ai aoon ai ibegaieitreleased, | ^ »• •» he ^
Tbeee roproachet grieved the boy ■ yg obeoka
*be weight of the rod preaaing against;
•orrly. and he went abont with, heavy, "We can’t spare Betty,” he mid the roller close* the gate.
«b*nging i
t to the Liver
heart, althoogh be Mill toiled diligent-! feebly, "Kever^d the tatMh yet”
tbe posirian of the wefRbt the gate can ; KWaei. hi bl^ ^rifler ^ ae“.
ly, saving t»> himself: •*How ran 1mm
| Bnttheneatdaythedoctarwasqnlte beclosedwlthmoreorlesiforoe.
j tonic. ’ t cures ConaUpattoa. HemJ.
Biore uduey- How can 1 get for my i angry,
acha. Palntiag Snells. SlemU
poor old faibei. the mki be ao much
' Melancholy. It te i ,urely *
be mid
•ars of a Vtm Oaa.
a mild laaaUve
> sharply, "audnothing won)dd be
t ao good
Kow it tappened one day es -----------for yon
' ae chicken
• ••
Yon will be
Uttla OerUe-.Mamma, laH ma a fslry | system to its aatomLvigor. *rryEIeej trie Bitters and be omvinm
loed that they
,hillside be
I hmrd .longtime gening well wUhont it I
taudly cboppingontbebillBide
—1 don’t know any Ort your arc
a miracla worker.
Every bottle
gtaaoondofawnterfaUtnmbling^CFwn fe,r." Then he went away. «>d Betty.
laid out so late gnaraoteed. Only sOe a bottle at tbe
among the stone.
I who wasoe the stoop jostontside, look- fST.
York JoumaL
dmg storm of 8. E. Wait mad J. 0.
••This seems strange,” he said. **1. «d at him with ime eye, her head oock; Johnson.
tave been working here f« eome time,, ed on one side. As be drove away she
yet than never was a stream here- did not sing. Then she ml down in the
Fogg oells it
rswUnOegUA Week.
son indeed to sleep.
lady with goldflUed ^ qmka InrtlEverybody who lakm Tbe Momuso
Dropping bis as for a
Bbookd caa have the Orand BapidB
Balf _______
an bonr_________
Inter the
door behind vssT >c«ant.—Boston TranserlpA
Berald delivered to them also for an
walked in the direotion whence the her opened genUy, ud Hr. Blooum.
_ ofThwh.
ndditloaal four eenU par week, mak
Ifteppedlntothelittle tack yard. Sbe
Card (rf Thaake.
ing only 14 eents per week for tbe
j was pale, and tears w^crirkling down
During the lllnem and anbaeqnent
bmt paper In noribern Michigan and
her furrowed cheek- Sbe did not look
of our daughter Mabel many
tbe beat metropoliun paper in the
I at Betty, but imebing down picked tbe
friends extended aid ud eym- -etate. Telephone S3.
; ben up under her left arm. Betty look- tatby which we desire to acknowledge
I ed pp into ^ mi^' f-oe a^clnok“ - ,nd*d
’ -In onr; E- It. IvM Teilst Letieu
It carried an ax I
Mennwfaile Bob was in bU gloty.
trained animal .bow tad come to town.
Jnst what be loved. Re tad already
planned to ask tbe owner for a steady
Job and was working like a trooper and
making himself generally nsefnl with.
that end in view.
"Idone tell him abont Betty,’
're 'long. Sbe cboly hate to
part with Betty, bnt dey’s mighty po*
as HAFT1LT FiLten vkk noma.
•onndcanle, and soon came upon tbo
___ ^___________________________
just then the monlug show__be-'
canseof it. a bmuUfui little oascade mw. and
was carriwl away by tbe
id he
which bnbhled from the ground and tell gnoA entry of trained A(0k and ponies,
in a tiny stnauu from rook to rock down misaceya and cron catK. Bob looked and
toward tta aea.
, laughed until it wa* ovw; then he slipThe clear, cool water looked ro re-i ped np to the showman and mid:
fretaing that he stroped and. taking np "gcuse me, bnt I done got a pet
• little in tbe hollow of bis hand. ^ cbick'n what ran do a mighty hmp o’
tbiuga De yain’t no obick'n in yon
To bis •irrpriBO it wai not water, bnt ■ *U’s show. ”
the meet delicious mki he tad ever | ‘‘Wberois your chicken?" mid tbe
teted. The diKWvery overjoyed him. man. smiling. "I* it in town?”
I mki and now bit old fathw | "YaHair—ebe ain’—ain’ lactlj
mctly my
would be pleased: ea hastily filling tbe cbick’n. »««. but 1 drwe trainn 'er. It's
twetlo which becairiedonbisbelt.be dw'bout two blocks frtim here,
bnrried born.
. |
Bob and the riiowman left tbe tent
Tbe old man was delighted at tbo ; together and lurne.1 into a side rtrwt
Bnd and drank rup after cup. and it did i Tb.w eonn reached the Slocum cotfcim eo mnch good that a neighbor who mge and wvrt- jn« entering the gate to
Happened to eell was told of tbe die- the back vard when Bob mw that Hra*
novery and given a taste.
I Slocnm stevi there, with Betty under
'•Good news spreads like water m a her arm. Then bi* qnick eye notioed
aatmooe.” In a abort time every one the ax. For a moment be could not
In tbe village bad beard of tbe wuider- apeak. But the showman did not nn. fnl rivw of mki. and tbe home o( the dontand. and Bob mw that ton He b»poor family was overran with visitare > gan talking now at a great rata
all eager to hear the tale of tbe magio | "Howdy, Mis'SJocom. howdy? Die
fountain and taste of its wat«. This : yere't a showman v^at I done be’n :
latta. however, was denied them, fv a-tellih ebout dat rfankett, an 1 wants :
tbe bottle was. alaa now empty.
{to show him 'er trick, an we faring 'er ,
Tbeneri morning bright and early beck eafely. ease I knowe yon Mio'ly I
tbe young man was np and hied him at' bate to part with 'qr. ”
anoe to tbe place. Caking with bima)
As Bob talked be bad opened tbe gate
larger bottle tban before.
. I and taken Betty is bis anna TbeafaowWtat was bis surprise on bis urriv^ ‘-man bowed politely, and Mva 8locom
at tbe fonntsiu to find it suiroiinded was left alcme with bw ax and her
by bis neighbors, who bad preceded t««ra
him and oome to test the trathiof what,
Arriving at the tent, Betty was pat
- be bad said, all carrying bucket, pitch-1 thrungh her trick, to the delight of alL j
era and some even small barrels to oanyi -a clown made a little capand Anck
off the precious liquid.
1 it on her bead and took a frill off hG '
Each man looked abashed at being *i«-ve and pinned it about hc^nock.
discoveitni. but at length one mid. "Let
Then Bob shoved them bow she,
as fill onr rowels and depart, for we mid jump throogh a paper oorered |
have all com« on the mue errand, bat hoop and all . tbe other things that sbe 1
firstlel as taste af tfaewondraasaakL”
could do, and'did d,.i. over and over.
With one accord they bcntAnd. dip- ■
When Boh ivtureed to the HJocum. i
ping their faces in tbe stream, drank. I he carriod iktly on^er hG am. bnt be 1
Toibeir dimnn it was nothing bnt 'also carried a roll ed money in bG '
water, and bitter at that. "Wo have pocket And whi-ii he came away be
faecn tricked—made fools of," sbonted still carried Betty and was trying softly
<me "WbcreU the yonag man wta^to himself.
And tbe old peopG were crying, toa
at weing Bob and Betty ga though he
r aager, bu prudently hidden bad left with them $50. which was like
mfely in a tree top and of ooarse ooald a fomme to them ia thuir time of need.
not ta fiwd.
Orenflneg qpdob
chagrined, tbe crowd
4»e l7 one alinked a'iway to their oooathey bad all gone
young man came down tram the
"Obd it be tbatitwasoDlyafananr’
Hamid. "I will taste it again,” on.
banding, he agsia drank.
Ttne enough, it was the mmeoooUag
mki that he bad taken home the day
totore. and ao it alwqya remained to
the good and dntifnl *on. wblG to all
settars it was only bitter watei.
Bearing of this strwige foantain, tbs
jnlfcado, or empocr of Japan, amt for
the boy that be might l«m tbe trath
Tram hU own Up. He then rewatded
Mw yanng mao for hG kindnaw to hG
pmmt. taMring him a nobG and dteaalagHiminoost^ garment, m aa exMpG to aU futon cHlUtm to bonm
mid otay tbeG paimle asMto always be
AmlfuL—Brook tya Bigla
Bv taeOet.
GW* tnv ■ tilt ct frw
fsB ntttac bar.
Bsbr d«r.
arithmetic, nensaanship.
■bortband, or any of
branches vrilT be
Oysters! Oysters!
Agala we epar Ibe orncr
wMcn eitb oar
Famous Baltimore Couots,
Selects and Staadards.
FMckefs C«)gnUu BaUmH
fnrtMB OsatsAWeek.
Everybody who takea Tax MoaxiHO
RxooBD can bare tbe Grand Bapids
Herald delivered lo them also for an
adaiiioD.I four oenu per week mak PputeehOentsAWcek
ing only 14 cents per week for tbe
Everybody who mkm Tn Moaxnn
RxcoRoeub.ve the Grand Rsmida
best paper in nortbem Michigan and
Herald delivered to them alee for an
tbe beat metropoUUn paper in tbe
stAtc. Telephone 83.
addJUoaat four oaola per week, mak
ing only 14 oenU per week for tbe
be.1 paper in nortWn MicUgaa u4
dltan paper ia tbe
(, DmiM. O «en U.t^kba
Show Leak!
Get’em meaded by N. W. KeLeoil.
Lalon atrmt opposite G A W. M.BM-----lag boose First eUa* woricimeal
balf-eolea. 50 and M eeata; women*!
____ ■
enSewviirMelDc- SltPreBsW
I ILBKKT A OATI________ _
unsRB usieniiURU
.mtssrQOUIO wonCT
Everybody who lakm Taa Mea.viao
Bemember that I do all ki^ of tw
nalring and enameling, and that 1 eaa
and do give yon tbe bmt wdrt of aag
one in tbe city ter tbe money. Don*i
be dreeived by what otbeim tell yoa In
tbe eontrmy, tat oome and Me far
I guarantee all mj work to be rlgtatt
and if it dom not prove ao I make H
Stop in till« o'clock every evenlag
Bnckleo<a AnUea Salve.
Tsa BssT Salta in tbe worid for
Onta, Brulaee. Sona. meera. Salt
Tetter. Chapped
aU Skip
pUona. and poaltlvely enrm PUea, i
orno parroqaired. It U gvarantned I
to give csrfect aatlafaetlon or money]
refunded. Price taoente per box. Fori
mle bv J. O. Jobneon and 8. B Wait. I
ftarfan OiaU A Week-
Of Bnalnem College will open at the
Bicycle Riders.
Aooardiog to «m flgwm.tm the
proflls of night Inncb eartp, ibmo ia a
good d(«l of money lo be made In that
indhttry. ^
and mndwiobesin dlystreetsaftordark
has Jnst declared e dividend of 18 p«
cent tm a capiul stock of 6,000. This,
bowerer, it said to be a onall proftl in
compatiMB With
with Ibat made in tbe
the early
of tbe iudiutry, 800 or 400 par
cent on tbe investiaent being then not
at all nnoenmnon. One of tbe piooeera
in the lunch oart line brnned that be
started without any capital and in a
verv few years be tadaconmnlsted over
glO.OOO. Be foniid o«t afterward that
be would have been vriee to fcmp his
secret, tor otbere etarted in to compete
with him, to tbe material impairment
of hi* snbaeqaent profit. Before tbe
held times in 1093 . limch can bar been
known to take in $50 night after ni^t,
with an ln<7«Me of from 10 to 60 ps
oeni on Satnrday night. The number
of carts, however, baa nearly doobled
In many targe cities and $10 to $18 is
■ a good average night's
9 proenred of Mr. C. B. Beetor
at 144 Lake
44S JOl
g our sincere appreciati'm.
: Svesiag Seheel
.'■.;. A-.-' -'.' V
raid delivered lo tbera also for an
Mlditioaal four eenU per week, mak
ing only 14 eents per week for tbe
^t^per In nortbera Micalgnn and
aute. Telephone 83.
The Morning Record
M‘K £.”SS2iJ,'S’SS4-i,
X- A MUlikte Block. Heon. S lo II . w.. 1
• - >.m. T»l»pboo«.n-_______________
rpBAINKD imtaa-WI»
ntaa-wi» emviiv
EMvIIv HoieoBti.
HoleoBti. •I
A imCufti* o'
if tb«
' OBlT«rsllvBo«p>tol. Abb
i'SS'..-”"”'mdtocolU for BorBisc-
; and : :
Grand Rapids Herald
XiioB 8A1JC—OvBcrrt s)
r ot GrrUIrSTlIlc. 1
oo rood irrsiB Othvr IraotocM dvauBAo nr.
.^^sttoD- WoltvrtirBlUck.OrelluiTiUc.Mleh
A rrm aoucrrou wanted
‘Tbr Worv oMI
l,r UsrBI eoUirod. •
vrnwrai so on«i»l I
k a-M Brrlurti I.
UMtarat _Tk«
FiwortMw. oo tlw P»<
___»- eon
Ocerrs) UrrrltiU. Id the bOBpnolBBt e
r. In lb* A-----—
•Bd is ibr raor of tb* b.ttl* kl Uw faU «4 lUnil*. Boooe^for Bxra'*- Brimlal oto(lsl-
Delivered By Carrier
In the City-
1 4c A Week.
and IkMr to Plortd* lor lb« irlBirrvaod wmtm
ITOSaAUt—I boro a kuod looktss. otricU
P em
ea.1 *(0*0 lor ulr »> > Mrcna.
O g. Bni* IM Praot M. 4»4t
Ut iuttr at
•f OkAawa 3BBetlen, uko Iblo
toW.1. teUyau
F°:«kSS5S.r‘.s;£',rKrK firud Ripidi» IndlUi 11
F^or* old. Oood irnrvltv
A.B. Cook.
^ulrrof Tr^tre* J.C. Levto bUtr. Mllskl.
. «. wUl
iB^uifryrThoB.T. Sales Boeord eS
Mbv* U.
^InKVlsLK PLANK —TvB lot* aUrvalk
P^kforaalo. Trav.re*ai, t.^Co.
WiB ekta-aoeB* .ad lo> on ibe Bast Wdo;
non BALX-Tws whorlad *rratm and Its
f ilnksn Tis~nr ~ *'*IT 1 nm*—r^n dH-tf
For Three Months.
The News Of The World!
Particalarljr Tnvene
VottM to las Puyem-
OrAod TniTene B«gian
and all Hidugui.
Best Coibined News Serfice in the State.
SeooDd tflw-No 460
War Betwaen Franoa And
Bngland UnUkely.
▲JiAaoam aubstbo.^
rr«e»Qtiosa w Prouet Oanua Sn>
p«T«r ftt PtlMUae.
■p»el«l I* tw N*Bn>«
BftifK. P^mUm. OeC S4.—Th« poU«c
ude «B iMvorUat uTMt lf0d*7Ofa
Xmrrely Bdov Aeeiato Bat Xlchiraa
Sbowe 0p Bell
PUylng For More Time In
Peace NegotlatAona.
Chlcafo, Oct. S4.—The Oraare Judd!
Makes the nicest kind of a present. We hare
Farmer tomorrow will nay: “Tbeap- ':
some new ones, the finest erer shown, or we will
pie crop la the Uaited Butee to emallcr i
for yon. .
than any time kiaoe relitble autietlce;
OoanU oa Donooratic Tic'ery lathe hare been eollectod. The total aopply I
ttftt* PMboda Bst Or*»t »rllto»’i
iu«r« the eefety of the EinVaitod Butee to Bneoararo Boro- from the 1891 crop to *7.700.000 ^r*'
«»V7 Belas Prepared for Buriaeia- j perer aad Bmpreea Aas<au VIctorU of
P9aa Za tareeattoa—BeUaeea Bepab- rele. compared to more than 40.eu0.000
220 Front Street
“City Bookatoro."
lloaa D feat Wonld Further the Xn- lait year and 70.000.000 faarrele io the
SatiateoUry BeWleBeai of BlepaU ««wih«yreoent breaklaf mop of 1890. The fall. >
tereeta of apastoh Ooeenmrat.
are reachee from the Pacific to Maine,
Waahlarton. D. C.. Oct. M.-«pala to la ttae rreat apple eUtea of the weet
Spertal to The Meralnit Rwerd.
Mttf Seoter Waa ooaattns apoa Oemocratie enooem aad the fallare to almoet abaolaU.ailhonsh
Londaa, Oct *5.-4 Parte oorreepoad- O^tsia of
Kepubllcaa dafeav la tha Impeadlasl the altaatlon la Mlehlsaa to bettor thai
>eirle olaliae to beee au«et to the Chroairlc
Srowaad Veer Jfiobalooa’e
Cenrremlonal aleeUene U enable her' etaewhera. that aUU harlas about
baa already
ebortty to eay tA
We hare it—BIBLES—New lot and price*
to Mcaae the peaaltlee of failure In j two-thlide the map of 1W6."
Beea aade by tb^<
Klantoh. Oat.. Oct. S4.—The Caaa- war aad to obUln tha InUreaitloa of |
. to epaedUy eracnaVe Faahoda, aad that
are a suprise, they are so low.
the French forcirn mlnle- diao tar Walker liee eaak ia Lake Ot>- othar Berapean powere to oempel the
lelaad. aad her L'atUd Sutoe to rellnqotoh the luat
ter. win do bU otaoet to briar hboot.
E. S. Jemee. the sroeer on the corner ^
I by land
• pacific eltnatlon. It to the rrowinf , barree, the Klldoaan aad Hector, raa
of Bandolph etreet and Elmwood are-1 MarkfiaOl BIOCL
belief in diplomatic clreleeloaleht that!
*1* ailleeaboTe Wemnstoa. near
The praaident knows tble aA ao do
"»1 enlarre bto etere room and
the Ftoboda dtopn'u will eooa be eaito. 1 the eame tolaod. CapUia La Fraaee of
11 bto adrtoars. Tha toene to plala otock aad make a firat claea famttbe Hector wae drowned, bat the erewa I air
iaetorlly arranred.
of tbe other boate all eaeaped to the and atralybl before tha Amerlcaa pee- 1y grocery of tbe bcali
Holley & Connable,
Actirtty la BasUah Vaey.
London. Oct. S4-—The Brittoh admlrml0 toened a aamber of alrnlflcaat ordeia thto momlaf. The dock yanto at
Portamonth. Dereapart and Chatham
«ack raeeirad Inetmctloa. to prepare
thirty-knot torpodo boat deetroyera
ioroommlMloalBsaethat tkey wUl be
able to put U eca wlthla tweaty-flur
hoara. OrorUme work waa befna on
the firat clam emtoera Borepa aad An4romeda ao aa to hurry them 'for aea
Tha Cnard line and White Star line
hare raMlrad from the admiralty latloatloB to hold anhaidtoad ateamert ia
taadiaeaa for tomlac orer to the nary
Halifax. Out. 84.—The commandtre
■of all wanbipaof Ua BrtUab Kortb
Aaterieaa equadroa bare reoelred or*
•dera to mobUtoeat Halifax.
Tha Pallaa, Talbot and ladefatifabla
•' will ooma bem at onoa. wUb two tor
pedo boat deatroyara bow at Bermnda.
Tbe torpedo boate at the dockyard aid
abore in safety. Tbe two barpee were
laden with ooal fram Charlotte to
Captain La Fraaoe leares a widow
aad family. The tug and bargee are
owned by the Montreal Porwardiag
oompany, aad are rained at $100,000
Saveaty-Two OaadM.tee for X>emoiB Detroit.
Deteeit, Ock 84.—There were teram^•two eaadldaua for the Demoeratie
nomlaatlOB for the ten Detroit repreeeateUrec la the lertolatare la the
Democcatie cl^ coarentioo today.
Tbe eenteat waa apirlted, but go^
aaturad. Dr. Darid Inglto waa bmIaated to bead the repreeeatetlree
Fira in Dndartakar Aadaraon’a Aooau
Tbeerew of tba fias«bip Banowa waa
Cauaed $SM Damage Baaday
•eat to Lawlers tolaad tbU week
Held praeUee. Tbe Benowa want
A strong smoke from burning wodd
•ea thto momlay for, heary rca praeia hto bedroom early Saaday momlag
awoke Will 8. Anderdba, the under-
pie. The queetioB to be derided at
The funeral aerrlces of Mrs. Weettha polls next month to whether. In the Innd will be held at tbe Swedish
eplaiea of the people, the war with Lntharlae church thto afternoon at 8
Spala wet a sneceaa or a failara. Tbe: e'clock. The Ber. B. A Bue will offlJedgmeat of the world to that tbe war riate.
Elee can sell you clonks or fan (new howIa of this aes*
a sploadid eooeeae tor Ue Dailed
The proeeuof filling in for a aideson’s latest Styles) at prices as i
» to yon,BB
walk on the aBrtb side of Fifib street
-what m are offerint;. Remember yon get np-tc
But if the people fail to eneteia their from Oak to WedSwortb, to going on.
Preeideat In hia efforte to'raap the Jest
A. L. J.iyce has purchaaad the hotfruit* of the herotom of Am <riean *ol- tliag works of Barber Brea, la Cadillac
by buying yoar cloak wants at
diers and seamen, U they tail to bold aad mored the plant to Uto city.
upthepreeldenfehandaby electing a annpliea Cadillac with eoft drinks frma
coagreaa la sympathy with bto policy, hto work* in thto city.
thea thto judgment ertll be reD. Oarltole braugfat to thto offloe yes B ■onBere Ulchlcae.
rerseA. The American eeople wUl be terday a big bunch of ripe raapberriee
•et dewB by all of Europe aa a hye- front deorge Beitoer'e plaea.
terieal mob, which does aot know Its
The notice girca of a meeting of the
own miad.
Baetera Star for last Friday ereaiag
"Tha Spanish peaoa eoatmtoatoaera
wae aa error. The meeting will he
arsaalagerarypratextaaderery dip
held this erentng as per notice glren
lomatic maaeurer known te postpone
the dieeassion of the future oontrol ef
Tt is better than silver plated ware as it wears longer and doBB
Os seconst of tbe meeting of tbe aid
the Philipplaee matU after the clecUoa
society of Ue Methodielebureb on Wed- not tAmish.
I have it io Tea Kettles, Tea and Coffee Pots. PiteberSi
ia thiseonatry.
Thto to the calm and daliheraU state- aeeday afternoon, the sewing eoetoty
of j ““
i‘ »>■«> <«
meat ef one ot the higbeat dlploMtic ot ... M.rc, ... U.lp
auihoritiea la Washiagton. OtBelal aU- the '..earuc will meet with Mrs. Brtotol, need of auy of the above mentioaed articles.
qnette does net allow tbe use of h|e
name, but btoatatemeau represent aecarately the rtews of tbe preeidenL
■ The Spaatoh peace commtosioaera
'Tsith—Without plates. Dr. Bawrer,
arc among tbe abrewueat politiriaat in H. L A Co •* block.
Spaia.*'ha eoBtlnaed. "and they not
mly ^
bars ^
eeuetent adrioee
from Fre-
BStbk Dn Gedi, Cm4 ul CMUU Iim.
Copper Ware
j. a. montague.
Uk.r. ..d
..MtU., ..y ll«. 1. tdl.
1^.____ 1.1____ 1.^_______. .!1
,^let making he seat a _qaick
InriuUoB ael of aome
of Uetbrewdett pellllriafit
Militia are Frcptrlng to Xmave aad to bit frianda of the fire department, pf France.
Tbey intend to keep from
who promptly rceponded. The chemi commlttieg Spala to any eoneeaeion in
Mlaera am Fleaaed.
cal extlngaithed the fire which was la Ue Pbilippiaet antil after the cleetiont
Paaa. 111.. Oct. 34.—The anion min- Ua ceUiag, about midway of Ue lower
ia thto country, with tbe hope Uat an
mrsclalmu feel more buoyant Uday'■ room and on UeaorUaid'e amoageome advene mtjirlty in coagreat will en
than at aay Ume tlaoe tbe etrike wat ^nrlal caaaa.
able Uem to aay to Europe that Fretilaaugnrated.
Henry Stepbena. tbe
,oll of tmoke,
negro who led the riot three weeka ago
oq, ^f the firemen to auppoM Uere
bto peace oommtoalonerB. do act repreMae left for Alabam.a. ateting that be wat fir* there site, and turned on a .sent the mtj >rity sentlmeat in Utt
bad had eaongh of Pana. Other negroes •t,«.U«.rfw.Uy. .llohCklrfE...|^„„
•eoompaalad him.
Btoaaytwae agalatt bit ordem. and ,Ue
k. i-.’i,.*
United HUtea arc «
so dividei on the
.ked the farnltnre in Mr. Andemon't great toaua of. the war it will be ppproTbe militia It to ateted, will lean
living roomv
priate for the nations of the old world
The fire originated fromaa iaeandee- te intervane to protect'Spain from Us
cent lamp that bad aoeideateliy been grasping ambition of Ue modern Na
pnabed againet tbe poet, which it char poleon.
jteridMt to a Boiler Besolud Die- red aad finally igaited.
Tbe flame
climbed tbe post aad. . reaching a
Alpena, October *4.—The erowaUeet lot of bunting and oUer iaflasmable
«r the boUer oa Ua tog Arthur D.. Cap- material, eommnoieated to a pile of
aad AaoUer on Trial•
tain LlUto, blew out today^klUlag Ar. caakeu in Ue north tide of theroom.of
Ahnr Pontwood, Ue flremaa, iaatently. which it bnraad two small osca and
The Clrenlt oonrt eoaveaed agalB
aad badly acatdiag a deck band named rnlaad a large one.
yeaterday momlag to dispose of aevTbe totel damage was Mtimated at eral cases on Ue calendar.
Peppl«$300 aad waa promptly and aattofactoriIa Ua liqnor violaUoa .oaee of tba
ly adjasted by Us local agsat John People vs. Howard Whiting, a motloa
To Frotect Miebigaa Oame.
R. Santo, of the Westchsater.Iaa. Co. ot waa.made to qnash Ue iafonaatioa.
. -Grand Bapidt. Mich., Ost 84.—D. O.
New York.
but it was denied by Ue eourt. Tba
Baary ef Uto city, prealdeat of tbe logame protective astoriatiou. baa HOVOKSD THB1& OOHMAMDX& case will go over tbe term.
A motion for a new trial was made
baan selected by Oame Warden Oabern
to bave charge of tbe entire warden
t Bnrprisa Upon Mn. V. B. In Ue ejectment ease ot John Strooach
vs. Henry Taber and granted by Ue
force in Ue upper penineuladoriagUe
Aeer8eaK>n. Be will go into Ue woodt
The members of Timverae Bay Hive.
The trial of Ue case of D. B. Carter
narly in {iovemberand remain there doNo. 71. L. O. T. M.. surprised tbelr va. Emma H. Perrin, el al. waa tekea
iU JaaoaryWIiB^inB Ue enfercement
oommander. Lady Thackar. last evea- np and eoaUnned daring Ue day. It
of the law.at alTpSate. Chief Warden
ing in Montague Hall, and made ber will he resumed Uto morning. Tbs
Brawater vrill bave charge ot tbe lower
presents of golden souvenirs to Ue cate u a bill to enforce a lien.
pMinnIa deputies daring U« deer
Befrsabments were
MMn, aad will alao omtoe around Ue value of $15.
served and a good tlma was enjoyed
aniet Sunday Marriaga.
great lakes to aecnre a rigid eaforcetill lu o'clock., A ftae program was
A very quiet wedding took place
weat of tha closed aeaaon for white
nicely carried oou
Sunday noos at tha realdenoe of tbe
bride'sqiarente. 6SS Bast Front atreeb
Xmok Out For Tour Sanaa.
Mr. W. F. Sitob; and Mrs. Olm MsniF1VDIHO AFFBOTBO.
The auditor generu has in prepara- gold wore tbecontrsctlng parUea. On
Immadiate ralativM aad a few
m Action Oeiirt Mar
Ue ananal tax sale to be held at Ue friends were present. Tbe happy event
tial DIsmtos'ag Ohaplala MeZatyrs.
eoonty treasurer's office on May 8. was marked by a bosnteods dinner,
apectei u> Tse
1899. and all who btve not paid Uair presided over by the brlda A hoet of
Washiagton. Oct. 84.—The Presideal texCB for 1898 or any prior year should friends join in wtohlng Uem bapploee*
thto attsmooB approved ef Us tadlag pay Uem at once if Uey do aot want aad a long life.
«d the ooart martial in UseaseofChap- to bave Ueir lands advsrUsed.
IsAn McIntyre of Ue battleship Oregon,
Imet bv Trios.
Bsedar'e Tex
r^Oy dtomtoaed from Us service.
Wai Satobnry of Oraws. arrived in
There was a large attendaaee at Ue Ue city yeaterday oa hto way home
Belatyrs waa found guil^ of the naa
«« toagnags rHieeUng apoa Ue eoa- temperaece ooaeert la Ue Second
from ladlan Territory, wham he went
£. chareh Saaday evealag. AU acato
Aaet ef hto superior ofTietia.
last fall. Throsgb diphtharla aad
The amlarlal fever he lost hto voice while
pragiame I admirably carried eut.
____ '
London Oct. $4 -OonoraI MorriU
Md tet— imnra Williame of Chlengo
^rommsnfodat $ o’clock Uto ovonlag la Uo brtdae’ moUerisnpnrtmoate
at Uo Savoy heloL
It to ateted Mtoa WllUems* bonlU pra•vnntedUo
ta BAAi
•Oonocnl NarrUt« « olvUinB Arosa.
by hto dtoeamion ef Ue eebjeot of Uo
ovoalag. and reaowad Ue eMiaga
of Uooo oagagod ia aaU-oalooa w
mony wUl take plnoo in Sb Fraaeto
church, which wUl nnlte Mr. Jeha $.
AU and Mtoa Oatrto Bsaker. boU waU
kaowa and popnlar yenng ponplo of
Uto city.
Baetera BterMeettag.
There wlU he a ragnlar meettag ef
UeOifor ef Ue Beetera Star Uto
evealag at 7A0 sharp- Any of Uo
■ imlimhi-lirr-r*~*~r toUe way
of hoAdiag or towato they wtoh te eeatribate to Ue Keeoato kerne, la Oraai
BapUa. an leqaatoad to briag tk«i to
IMoRBif Saving Sale No. 2!
di; fi oBff tk foDoflU Bugtttt.
I i!^SpSSs::EE;E|
• 10 yds/liMt Pink Print...............................................................d6o
a 6,yd8 White Shaker Flannel
dro Sbeetintt..
• Remember
• tbe place.
The famous shoe
for women.
Uorqsaled in reteiolng shape,
wear andlsstre. Fsabionable for
street, drees, borne or ooUng.
All fMt and faocies fitted in
toes. bsel*. and Irstbera.
TlirTiaU of virrllvor..
Oar prize baking powder at 50c per ponod can, 10
per cent off for cash. A large line of prizes and
choice of White CrOSS or Lynch BakingPowder Quality of powder gnaraateed.
Phone 157.
S48 Front StrMi
AurY" ftom start
»Foerderer’B” Viol Kid
Sol^ exrinslvely by
Popular ShoB House.
I Sell Coal
Likewise Wood.
-?=rst- zaiums.
Very Gratifying!
Fine Bargains
Are being appreciated by onr oommanity. Onr SpoolBl
Monday Sale sc 36 per cent, off on Cloaks hai kept tha
t-Tovd of e^r bnyera from early morning till late at night,
j Tme merit is always a winner.
We do SB we sdTertiBe and the people are finding
I naont
Tbrongh Itek of apeee we are oompelled to move back eor
entire stock of cloaks in tbe originsl clo^ department on tbe
second floor, where ooarteooa clerks will meet yon witfaplear
ore whether yoa boy or not
Fhf $aie eontitme$ Jor two day mor«~ Don't wnss file
ekemu to buy a garment od reduoedratm at Au wiy date.
Tonemoney savers,
The Boston Store,
Vmn Btur.
OIm, Blodk.
Ee prafen tb# i
•B0*. T. Baw AMD 2. W. WiWWI.
BW ■HD ■MvraonkT,
TaiVn^B oi‘tt. •
Ohai Babv^ In to iaaBlpHlati
CBehr^Mr'hf the Bryan PreaManUal
boom aad. ha.thto eapaflty he haa
the aafinalllad ladoraemaat e< Oaloaal
Dealer in DkyeMisiDicycle ^inidftes
At Oakland, Oallfomia, one of the
honset of the Jndsoo dynamite works
blew ap Batardaj. Tha explosion
killed two men.
While leetnrlay on IlqorSrd ^at
the Brooklyn. N. Y., polytechnic IneUUte, red phospboras exploded d>etroylay the eyceiyht of Prof. W. Irvlay Pay. _
The emperor of Germany aad lbs |
anltan. aide by side, reviewed IS.OOO!
Tnrkisb troopsatCoBStantlaople. Tbs;
German and Tarkiab sailors were very !
Tbe steamer City of Seattle arrived
A KatterofKiai
atSeattlr from Skayua with 200 ptssanyere, of whom 123 are from Dawaon.
Last Satnrday J. B Woodruff of
Bat one more steamer U to leave Daw Urawn. was arrestod by Sheriff Bimpaon before aavlyatton on tbe npper •on DpoD a civil warrant sworn ont by
river is cloeed. Travel wiil then close Dr. Miny.. It was alleyrd that Wood
until December when it will be re- ruff borrowed S2.U of Dr. Miny npon
ebraed over the lee.
the repreaentttiaa that Tom bhane had :
promised to lend him the money ialor j
Snow has fallen throoybont Baropeai
BoiaU. except in tbe CkimeaandCan in the day, therefore be wantod it only
CMOA- KaviyaUon of tbe Volya has nniil Mr Sbsne yave him the money.!
waa ebaryed that Mr. bhaoe bad not
been partially antpended. bat Baltic
•o promiaed and that the Joan waa ob
porta are etill open.
tained under a mUrepreeenuiion. Tbe
Tbe Cntaan yeneial Beyo bae arrived
accused was taken before JnstiM
at Havana from Pnerto Principe and U Brown, where the matter waa adjnstod.
ly in the Havana safee and tbe
Dr. Miny ayreod to psy the eoeU In the
inenryeat ramps near tbe ci'y a holy
ease if .Woodraff wonld retnrn the amwar ayainst the Americana Be has
oont ef the loan. TbU was done aad
ly of the leadars of tbs
Dr. Miny bad 23 cents 1-^ft after tbe
Cabans and haa nryed the earrriny on
lean was relorned Tbe veterlnarydld
of war ayainst Ameriesna if independnot care so mneh for tbe mmey as to,
■ee is not at once yranted to Cnba.
briny the aeensed no with a round tarn <
AtWlaalpey. Man . the weather has for mUrepreaeallay tbe matter
atlastbMome settled, and it is now
hoped that some of the ontaUndiny Cheap Bate to B. 8. Oeei
crops may be saved in a marketable
The State Snnday School Coi
coodltioB, thocyh yenerally '
will be held in fiayinaw. November,
The fnU ezUnl of the damaye done
isth. Kith. iTtb and letb. .
will not be known nntil the yrain can
Tbe Miebiyaa Railroad Asoociatlon
be thimsbed, bat it U known that at
has yranted a rate of one fare for tbe'
O. H. nAer, a private la Onmpaay
a Thlrtr-tbird Kleh.. of Sarlaaw. U la
tlwelty. Private ruher waa ia the
ftret expeditiaa of N
to ye to Caba aad waa aader Are at Ue
memorable iBcidant at Aynadoraa, aad
01 der Are seven beara
Praak Priedrieh retaraed ycaterday
> B«».ui>wf>wt
pbM«a from Chleayo by the ateamer Cbarlevelz. ImmedUielyopoahU arrival he
weat to Cadillac and retaraed last
Tf^rrrm Oily. aiyht.
Mrs. A lx doyee and her daoybter
wUI yo to Grand Raplda thU momliiy
to attend the carniraL
A L. Joyoe retained Saturday nirbt
from Debvit.
^°SjSS^ PmoRm «f W*y»e.
Oapu J. V. Hclntoeh weat to Detroit
yeeterday on bosineca in oonnectioa
"• *SSr.???f"SSSS5-K «,
with Company M. Be wUl spend the
*’*' "JS^? b! m^KMB of MMOn.
last days of the week at the carnival at
Oraod Bapida
Of Borrieo.
8. C. Darrow was in Hapla eity apd
BOUCB M. OE>14»f.CUPP**^
vielaity on boslnew yesterday.
CUnd McDonald and WUlle PdaU
went to Grand BapUU yesterday mornnr •DpcrtousOt-Oraf PubUr lo»irurtloBiny to vUit friends and take la the
jUoN a HAMMOND Of HiUadoU.
B A Lanyworthy U dotnybaalaoM
in Williamsbory today.
nrHevbor Buie Board of IdoooUoo <«ho<
UbeCapltoU Vader U vUitlnyreUtlree
and friends la Grand Baplds.
r. iOHNeftw of w»rttooo».
A. B. Brown went to tbs carnival
nritaber Btote Booid of BdocoUoo flow
city yesterday moraiay.
***^^ FfcATToftfdBOOoe.
Miss Mlnoie Beitner is aasonyahe
Tlsitors in Grand Bapids Uls week.
MUa CelU McGee U entertalniny
her friend. Miss Hand Woolpert, of
Albert Oiobensky, one of Dmyyut
Johnson's popular elcrks, U helpiny
lival people bora red fire in
mUJAM A FOtn-KB of Or»sd Trororoo. Grand Bapids tkU wnek.
Mrs. Koah WeiU left yeetaiday
for a week’s vWt with bar
mother at Grand Bapida
eon who deeirra thto advantaye mast
M. Vinton and wife left yesterday polntt.
eeenra a eerilficate dniy oonoteralyned
afternoon for Grand Bapida to be yone
Tbe board of offieeiaof tbe ordinance from M. B. Beynolds. 8UU Secretary,
department, which were directed by Owoera. Mich.
W. C. Nelson and Badolph Baff of Oensrai Playler to inqnlra into tbs
Leland were in the eity yeeterday.
condition of the SpaaUb small arms
MUs Nellie Brooka of Bnffslo. ar eaptnredat Santiayo, Ands that abemt .......... -............. — _________ __ liqnid.
rived in tbe city laat niybt on the three-fonrtki of the SpanUh Mansers leaves no odor and can be need while
For sale
C. A W. M. train on her way to Cedar eonid be ntilitrd by Uklay paru of tbe (love U on tbe hand.
by James G. Johnson, the drn(
Ban to vUit barparenu.
the remsinder end sapplylny drficicL* only
*** *to5uaM B. MOO!*.
Walter Mnrray left yeeterday mon- elas in the best srma This wonld
inytoUkea p^tloo as dmy clerk in make, et a ronyk estimaU. 7.000 ManLake City.
aera available for nee in tbe army -f
Tbb FBte of mortBlUj from *11 obMa
A. H. Menalny, of Ckeleea. was a needed.
MpBriBBced b7 onr Army io th« wat
yneal of Mr. aad Mrs. U. L-Oadyover
Berions tronbleis brewinyamony tbe
wilb Muiiea WM •ae'balf rrMUr Uu
Comanche. Kiowa and Apache In
it «*M iB tba WAT of tha abalUoa, iod
Superriaor Cleveland U la Imke City dians.
Kor thirty years, since the
Ml tke BritUh troopt la the PaaioanU
today on bosineea
Medicine Lodye Geair. the yoveronon Uwa dooblo. aod in tba BritUh
Tbe Miesee Clara Carr, Lillian Down- ment baa fed three Indiaae. bat that
mr of CriBea nora Uiad three UmM
icy and Lereaa Pennlaytoa, Mr. and treaty expired July 1. They havecom•hat experienced b/ the Uoioo anniH
Mrs. E. B. While and M. B. Holley re-need killiny cattle belon^iny toIB the war of the rebelUon. Toancn
tamed from Maaeelooa yeaterdey Tvxas cattle men. and a crUU is near.
•p from abatracU of miliUrx itotUlica
morolny. wbm they attended the an These tndiane have no crops, fewcat0t the United StAtee, the deatba in tha
anal convention of tbe Blevcnib dUand have bad no m>ney f«r
VBtiBtwr foreet of the United Stetea
triet ChrUUan Endeavor Union.
Men who know predict
PebroAry ie«) ander
yreai aurvation amoay them tbU win
noralArorAble condltloM tbAn tbOAC
Kisfoituaes Ola Detroit Xloctor.
ter sod serions tronblA There are 1,300
BsparlBoed by the eolonteer /orc«A of
Tbe followiny U a ellppiny from the Oomaeebra, 1.30U Klowas and 600
•jyyment Army, were from woonda Sas Praacisco Chronicle:
lAdire’ deets. bcokrases sod comApaebea.
fseelndla Action fi.« par cent, dU•‘J. C. Joeeelyn, a^bysieUn, from
blnstlon cases, we have a laryeline
jMaa and aocident 44.6. or a tou: of Detroit, was locked np in tbe City
A wreck on tbe Rock Island near
from tbe cbeapeei op tn tbe beek A
'M.V TI>6 anniial death rate In both Prison last niybt. ebaryed with petty Port Worth resulted in tbe death of
yood polished oek ermbinsUon case
Baropa and Amarica of dvlUaaa of tha laroany.
Three others will die and
for $4 3n. a fine polished oak. maboyany
jpUitary aye U nearly one-half tba
-AtUred In a silk bat and frock coat, two wereaerionaly lojnred.
or blHseye maple ladiea' desk for a
Aaath rate axperlanead In the army of
■ally triffimed beard. Joeaelyn walked
Harvard ooUeylans will erect a mem little money.'Orode stored nntil i
United etataa in the prenant wai iaio Cooperb book store on Market orial to classmen and yradnatea who
ChrUtmav free of ebarye.
tnm all eaaaaa. Durinf Ibe war with street isst niykt aad parchased a book. died in tbe war with Spain.
Mrxioo the morUUvy waa Ui per Ihoa- As ba was leavioy, Oeorye W. Hoadley,
Tbe poaU>fi<« department haa order
nad, U from woonda raeeloed in ao- a clerk, saw him slip anoihsr book no- ed tha esUblUbmeniot smillury pusttion. inclodlar killed In batUe.aad IM der his eoat. Boadley yrsbbed him by
120 FroDt St.—New Store.
sUUon at Cavite, Pblllpiae UCrM dUeaae and aecidenU.
^S arm and drew from its plsce of lands. near ManiU. It will be known
ooncMlment a copy of “Sbrewsbarr,” ae Military SUtion No. 2 of tbs San
iB diacmatny the meriU of earione
by Stanley J. Weymaa. Policeman Frane.sco posteffiee.
•udldatMfor Important offlcea on the
Alvaree and DrUcoU were called in and
The yeoloyiral snrvey department
BepobUean ticket, the name of Uaorye
tns aUiinyaUhed lookiny enlprlt was
has received almost perfect remains of
W. Clyde. |weaent traaanrer of ibe
plaesd neder arrest.
Muirkirk, near Su
MOBt;; U one which will be fnTorabiy
"At the City Prison ht yave bU name
Thomas, Oak Part of one of the fore- |
OOBAldered by eoten of every party.
as "J. C. Chaatar." ■ j have no delense
leys U mUsiny. but aU tha other paru !
Mr. Clyde baa been an efficient officer
make," he said " "1 wanted the
of the skeleton are in a yood eutc of j
dnriBd the paat two yean and the
book, and not haviny moacy enonyh to
ion. Lswrence Lamb of tbe
party renominated him wiibooloppo.
spai e for it, 1 took, iv Today I broke
aurvey le enyayed at preseni pnniny
aition twcauae hU record and ability
my last AS bill and I did not know
tbe b-jnes in their proper order.
hare proven him to be a fluloy candiwbers I wonld yet more money. About
4aU for the office. Mr. Clyde la aa
two weeks syo I cams here from De^ One of^tbe heaviest rainsioriiu in
able aocountanl. reliable oi^Ecn and
trait. I am a reynlar yradnated pbys- yeais fell at Havana Friday aa, a con-1
the tonda of tha oonnty will receive
idao, and, haviny yood lettera, ex tlanation of tha siorra of tbe last three i'
the aama eeiefnl atteation dorlnf the
pected to lad an openlay here, bat days Every eiream in the' vicinity of'!
•axt two yeara aa they have in the
notbiny has preaented itself. Mr. Ln- the city overflowed, floodiny iu ser-. <
Tbe atiueU of Uavi
eaa. thadetacUve, U a friend of mian
Ail I can hope for now Utoyetontof aented tbe appearaaue oi runniny : f
thU as wait as 1 can. I offered Cooper rivefO. Tbe water waa orer four feet | 4
has been placed npoD i
deep at many of tbe croaslnya, ewarap-: 4
Oniaa-SUver-PaopiCa party ticket, for
lay houses and atorea aad damsyiny fur-! j
nyUter of deeds, in the place of Willie
Biiurc and otber property. Toe fire bri- j 2
Wlyhlman. who declined the nomina. Mlllkms Otvan Away.
!t U certainly yralifyiny to tbe pnb- yade was called out sod many sicu and
tloo, was a candidate before tbe Beayid people were carried to places of
poblican county ooaveaUon last year le to know of one concern in the Sand
who are not afraid to be yeserons to safety. Traffic was delayed on every
• for the nomination of connty oommis. the needy and sufferiDy. Tbe proprlerailroad rnnniuy out of the city. Tbe |
Moser of schools and at that time an-' tori of Dr. Kiciy's New Discovery for
yhter bouaee and paddocks were
Bonneed himself a Bepablieaa -froi Cuosumptioo, Couybs'and Colds, t^ve
•ntireiyanbmeryad. Many balls sneyiven
bolway-back." Mr. MeManns basanui
slesof tbis yi^/ medicine, and have eeeded in eacapiny and ran loose
Aoabted rlybt to allow hU name to be the satUfactiosjdf knowiny it has abUironyb the streete of tbe cl^, addiny
plaeed upon the DemecraUc or say toluUly cured tbonsands of hopelesa
Asthma. Bronchitis. Hcarsc- to the panic prerailiny.
Other Ueket. bat It U a sadden cona all oiKws of the Throat,
About fifty Cuban patriotic clnbe
omsloii—snd ttast's all.
Oheel and Lanya
anya are sorely cured by have been oryanlsed in Jiavana under
it. Call OB the Druyyists S.
S. E W,
maaayemeni, in » larya msiurity
••TjiXBB were jw hardsblpe that
and J. G. Johnson and yetatrial
trial b..
botUe, Kieta. Reynlar slse 30e and |l. of oases, of physidana, lawyers and
anoBia euispiaiB
B of."
w>, ucubtvu
■ •
ir professional man. Many of tbe
Oeneral Joe Wheeler. The hardsblpe
ibers of some of thara clubs attend
•ra lalliny on the Demoeratie poUUcled the first meetlnys weariny the Cuban
•BS who BOW realise that they w^ not Opiten. OfiUn. Oyitan.
When yon want dystera call at the and American flays crceeed. The pro- \
captnre many offices by tbelr war eriti8jnlb bide coofeciionery siorcL I sldioy cfficers oi seeeral of the clnM.|
receive them direct from BslUmore, notieiny tbe iBsl(Bla In tbe bottonbolce '
nice and freab. I sell yon oysters,not of tbe coats of tbe membera, ordered j
vrater.and asAneaatock ssthere Uis
the city .el prices thst are riyht. Call that In fnlnre only tbe Caban flay |
Aldate for yovaraorof New York. Mr.
and see me. M. E Tbtman,403 Union a^nldbe worn. In many InslanoM,
Ctovelamd Mver bad mnch mm lor war
1. «. 1
m. Sditor Md lUMfw.
E-g^Sr- -• ■• ••!!.
My work k first claaa ana price* that are in meh of all J A»
orppared at all time* io toko f-air of tbe trade. I nakr a Bpedslty in
brazing. Vnlcanizing and EnameJine. A fine line of wheel* fur «le
and to rent.
J. O. BlilS, 311 Front .treet, east.
U tbe beat dyar in the markM for
_Five Cents.
Moet popnlar dyar la Northern Mtehiyas.
Every dealer selU it. Made by
A. W, JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Bloct
IADc \ivl\
_ OTV saVe \odiaia
I a VvTvc 0^
liladivata aadi Vv^\v\
TcdiS—SmaVV assoT\Taea\ j
^oodi ^
^of 'BadidivaQ, a\ |
I .
a ^atd.
AD. KIv\\.\.k6xv. j
J.W. SLATER, Honse Fmislier.
Corn meal, made by improved machinery, is
not as good as tbe old fashioned
Johnny Cake Corn Meal.
We make the old kind, as well as the new—
Some like one and some tbe other. Yon pay.
^nr money and take yonr choice.
: We are stili taliiag 10 you
about onr.^
I Bargains In Furniture! I
This time it Is Parlor goods. We offer a fine upbolstered Parlor Suite worth $30.CO for only $22.00. Nothing like
it to be had sOiywhere else.
We have some beautiful three piece Mahogany suttee, In
all the latest designs of upholstering, and at prices very low,
considering the gooda
We have about 60 upholstered odd Chairs and Bockers
on sale at greatlv reduced prlcea
Come in and make a selection and wo will set it away
imtll you are ready for it. In case you don’t want it at once. :
No trouble at all to us. We want to help you to get the best ;
thing for the money.
The place—
ne diatriets. In lu day. la the j
eeyte^.. The pine-baa. aU
been cot ont,aad thia year *rSU see Ibe
laatofit. ltia«atlmatedUuittU.O0e.Oneiday In Novasaber I was croaMaf
OOO feet has baan eat in this diatrla^ a Bald in tlaryland with cut and d0|m
whteh la ^ont bwen^-tve Bllea when I saw Marii« mbore ne ■ Jatge
hawk, which •eenied oblivloaa cd ny
A $lb eheek with the name of t. S. preaeooe nneii it bad flown within conTIm abathar^MieUcu rac swiidlm BUaabinr«ltn>VwnnpaaBed In Sect venieot loaga
r bad finlsbed. Than be
The crest bird awnoc frfioefnl.ly siksT* toMB wToatod. Tb«7 mn Haarr nawbyatnaalnhiaabirtaleavea,' «fho
from hia I
JahaaoB Mid W. T. Brown of Bottir stored to have jnat ren ont of an rrf- moel directly overhead, and ai 1 threw
and, inking a pair of
Creek. The two4oen elelned to raPto doetoenahlk
the can to my sbonlder it lansad. ss if ^e’lHnn
aaaiePbi'.ede>phi»r«reeBpes7. Tbr;
lealiiing Ita mistake. In that eecood I 1 ,i,oei: tbm. witbont aayitng a word, be
fired, and the bird reeled in tnidalr. it . retnoonted end oonciDned
a^nrUeedfor wotMn to make race,
The sboemaksr. si fir»t atnpefl^ soon
aad tkea.H U allered.eotd them worth Vew Beau Ibr Baeond If. ». Chnreh. msite s few half ftrokea forward with
wiug. (ell a foot or two, and tbao sarted after tbe taoraeman. crying: .
Uet macbiaea for as ezarbitast
There ia a movement on foot to rr"Yonwretebi Why bave yon been
eeet the $«eo()4 M- E. chnrch with por i60OTm:fl irarlf. OeewInR waa injnred, soonel? I am poor. I bare neret done
Miai lie&a Jarrla haaaeoaredthedoa- table chain. The leaders of the move
yon any harm. Why baVe yon mined
were vtBoroo* and ligbtninclika
tract to carry the mall betwen E'ale ment have already met with some
Ai it rcacbed oat in vain for aomeMd Bldceroad paetofBeea.
oonracnnnnnt. It la a Worthy eanae and
Tbe Cavelier replied tranqnilly:
The dsing to grasp it showed every sign of
‘*My triaoA yon are angry with me.
Ibe Lloyd WUlUma of Paw Paw. eo- one that will sorely soeoeed.
tMiing filled with rag.- at tb« onknown Yon aay I bave done yoa a greet deal pf
mte to Ooonee, Ga. waa robbed in pastor, the Bev. Reoaefa. U nntirlaf
harm. Come with me to tbe king. Be
OUeaco of all her money and railaray in his enerplea in behalf of his eharrnwhen. asA fledge!
fledgeling, it had
and as a cooseqnenee the eharch and left tbe neat, ita wlog* bad
pant. The thief eeoaped.
Hra. John Marti of Grand Bapida. Snnday achaol are growioc in member- it till tbe present tno:i.eut. They bad
tarried it up tuto rtnrmelouda They
fell nnder a G. B. ^ 1. (relent train at Bblp.
bad bathed it in aanligbt far siMve tbe
Weat Bridra atreet eroaelnc. and her
aartb. Tbi-y had boruf it awooping.
‘left arm waa eat offKiniau-rial Meetingwith open bi-ak and exti-nded claws
But though badly scorched we are still prepared to dfh
At the report c1*nn nt the. BapUat
The ancDSl meetinc °f
Oiabd from tbe beigbta of tiw« upou iir prey,
atate beeveetion It waa foand that the Traverse District Ministerial Aisocla- or in awift flight and rapid tnmings na
do ever) thing required of 6rst class
cenetalofferiDcewerefl.uno is ej«
tlon will be bald in the Pint M. E. it followed its «inarry iu air.
But as it«bad flown from iba woods
of last year: that In the patt aia years ebnreb on Monday, Tuesday and Wed
the net coin in membetahin baa bees nesday. November ?. 8 aed *. A c«>^ yonder, aiming at tbit lofty tree, from
which it boptri to look ont for qnail,
nearly lO.OOO; offerloct to all eaaaes in program has been prepared.
of a man. a
the name time has been over $8,000,000;
id somehow
eorrent expennee of the BaptUtcbarcbthose broad, rirong wings conid fdlot it
as of the state per year, ftso.ooo:
no longer. Now there was an awfnl
318 Union SU, Traverse (Sty
amoant ciren to buerolenoes per year,
pTMinre. bearing it acaaer and nearer to
avtha UUIe Wblla lUtUo Cams *• Betbe groond.
Mivs Bar Oowr Kama.
Its Ktmggle is in vain: im deapemM
1 do not think that tills ii Pawy
Tbs old* rerease enttor Andy Johnstrokes with tbe wounded wing fail to
aon, whom Traverse recioa pioneer* Oat Miew, do yon? She baa no petti support it: lower and lower it eomea,
will rrmember. annk la the river at coat on. at any rata, bot abe bae a bean- with rage flaming from its eyes, its besdt la jnat Yon vsM maka-yoor onmplaint. {
Cleveland the other day. and her days titnl enit of anow white far. -wbicb la wide open, ita claws spread. Aa it falls i and.............................
Iwiir explain
I *y
prettier on her than anybody'apTOiooet it paaars clow to ma and atrikea oat king will judge which of
•f nsefnloeas are pomibly
j ri|rt>t.''
The larce herd of cstUe belonrlnf to of lUk. Yon can see vi-rr eerily that vieionriy
Clorreepoiul with the TnTem (Sty Lumber'Coupsny.
Wbra opon tite groand. where it esn |
Tbe aboemtfcer
Vf. A. Heartt of Oaro. was acaln tested
loaxiag her with a plate of milk, and stand npon Us feet, it makes ready to
We b«ve for ule Good,
last week and »6 cows destroyed tor'
figbt aa I step toward it. it bolds out
tnbcrcalaeU. These anlma’a were near
It* oninjnred wing, and with unfalter
ly all terribly diaeaaed- The w<wk baa
nrd my shop ibis morning and witbnut mying ga*e looks upon and makes toward
alt the 1
ma One <d tbe doga dashe* in. to «»• &g a word cot my aboes in pieces He
bad DO reesnn for so doing, as I bave
bcive a atmke that makes bim bowl.
There is nothing for it bnt tngive never done bim any barm.”
Creek, who was assisted by J. J. Wood
Tbe king said: "My poor man. you
this fierce thing annther cartridge- It«man of Paw Paw. and the stale vetergret that it has been shotal all. Elawka are right. This man is very cruet Sir. {
InariaatOr. O. W. Dimpley and hU two
are usually k> wise in keeping ont of why were yon so unkind to tbia poor
MsistaaU. Three batchers have workrange, so
to take care of ibem- man? Defend yoaraelf.”
ad two daya^ alanchterlnc the
"61ra” reaponded the man. "will
eelvea. that ooe gets into tbe habit of
demned eowm and poatmortemi were
firing at them as tbey fly oyer with lit
tle expectation of tbe shot’s Uking ef
held on each ^ by Dr. Dimpleyand
fect. So that this tjme 1 bare thought ' Tbe king signified hia asaent. abd tbe
Us two aaalataata. The excitement in
Min Mschioeryof all deacriptioiifi, including Tvo EDgiaet
cavalier mid:
letsly suoceeded in making a cripple.
tbU eohnty ia intense. Larce crowds
Ret Works, Carriages and Sfitra. A complete Saw Mil) Pln«t
“Sbomnaker. what wer« yon tdoing
Be is too badly hurt to learn bim to
Cathered around Uia bamaaad the field
pine and starve. Tbe dngi canuot kill wbeu I stopped at your duorl"
for sale.
whm the eareaeaee were plied after
"1 was making a pair of aboes (or a
bim. ap 1 find myself reluctantly <
pelled'to finish what bar been bri?gnn.
Ed. Oerne of Three Bivets, who dis
The bird is eo brave, dpuntU-i-b and war
appeared last Monday, ean still be
a pity to <
I do not eing
.? of ibis wi
fonnd BO trace of. thongb large bodies ...... ..........
thinks that tbe cbildno mean to catch :bis empire exteods for many farms as well os the birds, bpt I sing well
•f men are oat searching for him. It,-------enottgb to amnse mywlf and that is
is BoMmaed now that be mav bave shot: bet while the ia bury drinking tbe j around Tbe (inail. tbe mice, all
I milk. Very likely that ia what Ibe . intiectB and ieswr animals and biiirds. •nffirient."
self and lies in the woods.
"That is not snfBcieot for me. What Larger Store—Double StockI children intend to do, for ahe
ebe is a
t very | fear bim. His flight ii eo lofty and
aoog were yon singing?"
■astera capitaliaU have been proa-] preUy kitten, and they would
swift, bis eye eo piercing, his beak
s^ng’Tbe Silence In tbe
peeling gt Batavia with tbe idea of j mocb
much like to have ber for s
s]pel They j etrong. bis tabais so sharp, that wbei
Elegant New LinesKting at that point extenaivecement {do not know whom ebo brlonga to, bat . Ins shadow fails apon a field tbe hearts ^ Forest ' ’
viebin tbeiu.
"Very well. It waa 1 wbo oompaaed
the aebeme
B(-hame seems
aeems to bave
have \' 8be
She knows very
Very .wolL bbc
Bbc lives, not
ttot (or
(oT ' ol uU mat
matcn-s fill w:
works, and tbe
tbe mnsic of that ballad.
been favorably looked aC
I! UUUJ .UT; ut.ua.-- „ UV*.u.
y..u see h,T. with
|a kind lady, wlm l<>vw to wash and ' bL-fore a luigblier. this kuigbt ti bora 1 stopped becaure yon were singing my
Tbe body of William Divine, who dls-' comb hvr and tint pretty ribbons on btr decombst inibran'nu W bat»portu tors eon g so load rbat evtry one in the
Incri*aBed display Fine Watches. Fine line Silk UmbrefiaE.
from Cambria,(lUlsdale
count; neck.
tboso that tmve______
him are look- street
but fbenlbeard)
"ty, Oct. 8.
8, was found in the Niagara; But pnesy is not vutmly ctmtented to ing •m- HavriuhtTcrcaTumi in tliD tope how iwdly yon sang it llx-ceme angry. StriOfed Knstoal laatromenta. String for all ilUtnimenU. H«vi> '
0^ iktAereA. J
Funeral Directors
ai.li Practical Embalmers.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood I
Jewelry, Silverware!'
.Ml. dwi-«-!
■ •‘"Idi-n arrowing of t'le hawk s flight
^ Sbepler fell di^ while digging .being very mouiritrie.
and of bis d-sik-mt-fall?
inquisitive, and got into ;and
d-si>on»ti'fall? Pit.loldy
Pttdoldy they
S-ditch near Milan. Heart disease
' noigbborv' boast*, nud mako tbe ac- {bavi-ikvir own way of coniuuiiitAfiiig
tbe eanse.
] qnaimanreof the children there, and os- ineweof tbi-tlesirnctionof their enituivs.
.. '■ nroiaiiT of tli« rwts. if them an. anv. 'and if mar ntiw be known to ull things
The body of^^nnknown^min^^*^
khv mtcis a d.^ bnt ^ 'for half a mile aboitt that tfaegroat bi^
*hat hooRo and never ;ba« been smitten from tboclonds
Twoorthree; it will bi- no mercy to leave this
tte b^y bad l^D exposed to tbe
nairowly escaped with proud spirit to nifferwitb his broken
ther for some time.
____ He cannot t, .
wing and to
The Maple River Farmer's club baa | tbougbt, bnt possy thinks that a dog is ' well,
deliver bim trom bis
bean working to seenre mral free ds- j s very rIow and clumsy creatnre and pain. I step away a few yards in order
not tear hu body t
livery of mail InMhlawasae county .sad ; fe*l*«l»i«e «« that no dog in tbo world
r one did. sbe mueb.
tbiuka sbe would teach bim to let oat* ' How fierce and nndannted be locdul
biseym! Be
... ............. I
lyloTW tovisit away from vhnws n<> fear of the ditgsorof tbe mss.
and three-quarters milea, and another | home
inch that her mistress bas Be wstebes my movements keenly, and
aoutb sixteen mile*.
! given ber tbe name ] of Viritar.
AniDWre*Ungr*llcoflbed*yswhen!Thal’sannddname for a cat ain't iti
tbe ren
red men held sway
ssrav in this
thU ^
nart oi
of I
w„ ,„.d .. C_ C, ...
do™ oped,
It was a musical pipe each ,
decidwi to step in sod m*ke a call.
SB the Indian hunter* used So attract Tbe children saw her and at t
to get a .plate of milk to entertain ber
A cablegram from the parent com with, hoping, perhaps
well trested sbe wtiulcl
pany in Liverpool. England, ineiruct* let them play wiib her. But «be will
the managers of tbe Norlhern Chemio' al company to begin at once to doable •
.thealuofita immenae plant at Bay b<uue to ber miKirea^ wb<
jmneb.—Lnclnds in New Orleans FioaAt Bsatoa Harbor at an early morntng fire batardsy aty Firs Chief John
Crawford lost a bam and contents,
which Ineloded a vslnable horse and s
gras* of fire extinguishers. Tbs greyhonud Maud, tbs msseet.whicb follow
adOompaayl. Tblrty-tblrd regiment,
thraurb Cubs, was raacued trom tbe
The bens ap in Cbeboygsn -county
lay elastic agg*. White soms oats ware
being thrarbed In Grant towoifaip the
otiier day aben'aegg which era* lu a
buodle WAA fed iulo the mseblne and
cam* through without the shell being
Frank McGuire, a <
kiUed in a Inmber camp north of Standiab Saturday. A Umb fell and atruCK
him o* the bead, causing almoat in. gtant desU.
Msrrin Gates of Gsiesbarg owe* Us
Ills to a good, stoat vest button. The
Tillage msrabsl was examlnint Oate*'
revolvar with s view to purchase wbea
iiwas discharged. The ball psssed
throsgh Gates' hand, then struck
the vest twtton. Infiloting a severe
This year, it te tbonghi. will be the
Isetln which any Umbering will be
flooe on the Fenat rtfor. nos of the
laud Cbioa Ware. Everything new.
Take « look tlroogb our elegant oew'qnarterB.
Thr aterr •( a Oaefc.
shoes, for that song v
as weil as tbe shoes wore ynnrs.
Once upon a lime there waa a little
On bearing tbese words the king be _______________
dock. Be did not know mneb sbont tbe
gan to laugh with all bis bean and said: : (ncki ot Ibe s arid, and be was very
, "My friends, you sre IsMh tight, bnt - nocy.
t good freab
as it i» not fair that this poor aboemak-i His motber wanted bim to learn to
ersbonld lose the price of bis shoe* 1 ] *y-Qoack,” bnt be thought that ward
will pay for them. Neither ia it right ' ofiittie aooonnt
TET •g''mi-lTg‘»g
that ' eputatinuof
amoriciausbonld j (jm. day he eaid to bis mother
South 8
enff*T. M> I invite you to ring yopr song very Ksney tone, “Wbai is tbe nse to Union Street.
St my cvnrt tin* cveuiup, and I promire leani to say ‘tjaack. quack!' " So his ,' ■
, yon that every <»e will be tb«e to bear uiotBw began to tell bim a story:
jbow beautiful it is."
, duck. He
I The judgment of tbe king plyased |ean>od to say'Quack!'and one momliolb the men. and all (be courriers de- jog tbe fox came peeping around Ibe
' clarrd that their king wsr ss wise as f^rnivard sod caught eight of the duck.
Solore.iuandthalhis judgm-utws* jort He caught it end was aboat to carry it
as iviparkabie. ^ Coutes el Legende# .
^ben u cried, as loud as it ooolA
(Trsuslattd Prom the F'rencb by Mrs : '(^n^ qoack!' and Ben, tbe farm boy,
H. A. tiawyerl.
{ beard it and nved it. ” Tbe little dock
Quack r—Marie
KiM-w a ■■Bulirrdkr.'
I Kens lu Baltiraore Herald.
i little boy spi iit a boiiday
,________ ______________________
innuy at Ins grattdiuotber'H. Such a
■d time------------------------------------------„
as he bad. miming and racing , What the Banks and Ltadlof I
good----Vlt»li,»e Air at....... ........... ..........aud riiODiiug for all hi-wus worth. At J
rTtrecUoe M treth.
Man of Katamasao think of the
(er enraetlM o( u
last night came, and. (iml and tlorpy. |
pnio seed. LateM seS
the litlle bur sought repoae. “Ob.
pscMloB vet a«d tor ■
grandma." be cried aa be kissed ber
good nigbt. "now I know what a buUerday really and truly i*. forl’vctaollered
all day long."—Detroit Christian Ber
_______ ... J, hereby rentty Ui*t that I
Hicbigan Accent Assodatioa.
Ano'ber Fine Volume.
Stsudsrd books sre ever weloome
when they come to us in forms end
bindiagf re-praseotiug all tbe embelUsbrnenuof the art of bMKmskiag.
tiueb s book a% -Nsval Rstties." pnblished by Tbe D.vniulnn n->mosuy. Cnij^go. s copy of-vhich hsBjuaeome to
our desk. The ooteots sre well ar
ranged. the muAfrations sre fine, the
prim iA clear snii neat sod tbe bindInga sre superb. The DoraioioB Compaoy is forgiDg ahead aa tbe leading
You have complrtely spoiled my
If yoa had sung it iuride your ho
would not have mid a word.
mug it iu the street, and in singing it m>
incorrcctiy yon have lessruMl my &ms
Now. as yc.u have marred ray song. I
ih, conpin; ,n !
-nMor,. In lb. ..mxi, buo
i. is helpless st lost)
liberality towards iU sgenU mud fair i He is very gracrful. even iu death,
treatmrDtofthem.au agency in this' and onerennoi hut w<md«rattbe«(nnge
mity for the above book, or some Iranpubllkhed by this company,, .^tore shadow rent a sbnr'
>er published
John R. Santo,
Gaieral lasaraaca.
Tmtssfi Ossts A Wask.
rr W AS ... \nv To rioftT.
Travaaas Ctty. ■
Bvervbody who tskea Tna Momiko JJ*
Rkciikd can bave tbe Grand Rapid*
Herald delivered to them sUo f- r so
additinnal fnnr.reou per wrrk. tusk
ing only H cenu per week for tbe
beat paper to northern Michigan and
the beat raetropotlian paper in tbe fair ..
■Ule. TVIepbone SS.
Staowi Dr. Mlavr-a
p. Thivremvdr
.UBv-trkd; Wears
Plret KaUMBl Bask.
E.C. Davtds.
V T. Btaaaa.
Caebk-r BemeSavUgsBank.
Jas. Mossos
I miles ol sir. now a motionlesa bonch of
featber*. tbe sharp clawa incapable of
1 will leave Traverse aty. with the barm, tbe ttens- In-ak a* innocent a« a
steamer Ooekema. Nov. i, for tbe child s finger, the revage (pint all subnorth shore tor tbe accommodation dnad.
bl bnni.n( pnrU^
wUl W
] Tb. d*. bn, n»II of bbb »ltbobt
tS'p ‘g-ri n’;^t.b-.'":?ra'rge^n'^ '
will he made for return.
c*gT. &WBr.
Ev«r Burned (hdf
dt wiibesi a
. tt cares Csa-
! »P«
-Cmlvl® D. WUijsou
*»“ ii Uppiucojt . Magaztna
BlibV JVioStffjBSslfc. '
A. P. Sam.
cure it.
j'TJi______ _
Wholesale Btatlcners.
T. EsIaBSiee Psb. Ca.
If so JOB know
tire valns of
I the bottle wiwrerUsrsUe
Live Agente Wented In Dnoconpied Territory.
iMWantAds S.
tHs KOKimra bboobd. tdbsdat.ootobbbw. ims.'
TimraraaOty Matata.
Onen opon • tlm«, mur tbooMtidf of
. 9B>n •»>. wl>eu telrie* w« bot«DhIlBi
tBtebitadibeof^r'Ibtm Uved In the
' tow*y lutaBd/of Tokyo, which, yoo
kMW. it • poft of Jtpui. « poor boy
■who aoppaned htuaeif tsd his old fstt«r and mother by woodcoitiDg. He
•0ml * good boy ud worked bsrd all day
OB the noniitali) tide.' in the foreats
j Che cool, ahilady
. tnm, that he
night earn food for himnlf and lored
esM. but toil as be wottld be was ns»*»i« to bring home mote than a tew
pennies each day.
becann of tbie be remained
How. becanm
▼try poor, and be grieved mnch at the
■ of Gte.
fate, which denied him the
V ttf providing for bis old parents
M they wonid like, for be was a kind
and afFeotiocata boy.
a»Mh Ww B«r ««k ■sstsT.
In a neat cottage on a aide street
Used Mr. and Mra. Calvin Sloctun and
Betty. They bad enoe kept a colored
man nuncd Bob, bbt now Mr. Sloctun
bad bt«n tick a long time, besides being
qnlteold. Hit little mrings bad been
spent, and poor Bob tad been obliged to
go eltewbere for wort, leaving behind
him only Betty,
a tame cbieken. which
he bad tanght wanderfnl trick*. antU
—.od.a.tbeyaii mid.-jnsMike
an laavaloM Devtee Tar OI daa a I Below U a tiet of the tayiag aad aal ■
I lag prieea of yaatarday Ipr groooriat.
Gat* Aatowstteailr.
The Sdeotiflc Atnerioan daierll
tnvtatiaa neently patented, in which ««Cl^_________
a simple and ingeoloas device if pro
vided for cldhing e gate anhansdeslly.
1, ^
Befetring to the aocoapanying en
graving it will be obeerved that ca the
4 001
top bar of the gate a roller'i* joomaied
which is engaged by an inclined rod B,jt F
•edac Us lowe r end on a fired I
anppert aet at a proper dittance from I
tb* hinge port. A weight ii held on the
rtri and^ii^ fasten^ in any dadrod Lardper#
Sbe coold Btand on one foot and
daonlder a wooden mnsket with the
other, jnmp a rope, jiunp tbroagh a
faoop coveted with paper, walk a vrire
many other things that Bob told
her to da The old cosple had no chil
children, and hardly knew whether they
e food ctf Bob or Betty.
Aa it was. Betty staid and
d .Bob/ame
' see them every day.
i At last Mr. Sloctuu eeemed to be imBidding him t(
I^t ” e.*
for better tlmm. Hia #«fW^'
father. . proving, and the doctor told bloi one
however, was dlOerent. Being of a .^ne nice chicken broth.
• aalfisb.................................
----------- -------------- „-------------- ^
Ab. me! That aonnda vei^ pleaiant
of a ert
at having to go to bed with nothing bnt | toAhoee who have n lot of fine chickens poMtioo by
leaving (the relies
a meal of rlee and cold tea.
or money to boy them.
piwent the rod from leavli«
••If I conld onlr tare a little aakl it
The old conple looked at each other,
opening and clcelDg the gate, the
U icomaon.yDaTeaimieaan.it,
moment bmoket in which the rolJ« la Jonmaled
A Olsvar Trick.
,enp««.do me g«d. *'j ^
Betty came ia singing a contented ewjg. if £«"idod with a loop.
It eerUinly looks like Iv bnt Uie*« is
he nsed to asy
ily DO triek about it- Anybody can
“ b^«
d Kill,
«111. facing
faei^ ^b«
^ben ‘be
him ud saying ^at w^ »• »“ ,thebed. Then
it who has Lame Back and Weak
. prafonnd
idneys. Mai
yonng be always bad mki f« every
clocked a weloome. The sick
tlon roner and
Bick man
----- il if be wished it.
week, and the tears roUed down position. Ai aoon ai ibegaieitreleased, | ^ »• •» he ^
Tbeee roproachet grieved the boy ■ yg obeoka
*be weight of the rod preaaing against;
•orrly. and he went abont with, heavy, "We can’t spare Betty,” he mid the roller close* the gate.
«b*nging i
t to the Liver
heart, althoogh be Mill toiled diligent-! feebly, "Kever^d the tatMh yet”
tbe posirian of the wefRbt the gate can ; KWaei. hi bl^ ^rifler ^ ae“.
ly, saving t»> himself: •*How ran 1mm
| Bnttheneatdaythedoctarwasqnlte beclosedwlthmoreorlesiforoe.
j tonic. ’ t cures ConaUpattoa. HemJ.
Biore uduey- How can 1 get for my i angry,
acha. Palntiag Snells. SlemU
poor old faibei. the mki be ao much
' Melancholy. It te i ,urely *
be mid
•ars of a Vtm Oaa.
a mild laaaUve
> sharply, "audnothing won)dd be
t ao good
Kow it tappened one day es -----------for yon
' ae chicken
• ••
Yon will be
Uttla OerUe-.Mamma, laH ma a fslry | system to its aatomLvigor. *rryEIeej trie Bitters and be omvinm
loed that they
,hillside be
I hmrd .longtime gening well wUhont it I
taudly cboppingontbebillBide
—1 don’t know any Ort your arc
a miracla worker.
Every bottle
gtaaoondofawnterfaUtnmbling^CFwn fe,r." Then he went away. «>d Betty.
laid out so late gnaraoteed. Only sOe a bottle at tbe
among the stone.
I who wasoe the stoop jostontside, look- fST.
York JoumaL
dmg storm of 8. E. Wait mad J. 0.
••This seems strange,” he said. **1. «d at him with ime eye, her head oock; Johnson.
tave been working here f« eome time,, ed on one side. As be drove away she
yet than never was a stream here- did not sing. Then she ml down in the
Fogg oells it
rswUnOegUA Week.
son indeed to sleep.
lady with goldflUed ^ qmka InrtlEverybody who lakm Tbe Momuso
Dropping bis as for a
Bbookd caa have the Orand BapidB
Balf _______
an bonr_________
Inter the
door behind vssT >c«ant.—Boston TranserlpA
Berald delivered to them also for an
walked in the direotion whence the her opened genUy, ud Hr. Blooum.
_ ofThwh.
ndditloaal four eenU par week, mak
Ifteppedlntothelittle tack yard. Sbe
Card (rf Thaake.
ing only 14 eents per week for tbe
j was pale, and tears w^crirkling down
During the lllnem and anbaeqnent
bmt paper In noribern Michigan and
her furrowed cheek- Sbe did not look
of our daughter Mabel many
tbe beat metropoliun paper in the
I at Betty, but imebing down picked tbe
friends extended aid ud eym- -etate. Telephone S3.
; ben up under her left arm. Betty look- tatby which we desire to acknowledge
I ed pp into ^ mi^' f-oe a^clnok“ - ,nd*d
’ -In onr; E- It. IvM Teilst Letieu
It carried an ax I
Mennwfaile Bob was in bU gloty.
trained animal .bow tad come to town.
Jnst what be loved. Re tad already
planned to ask tbe owner for a steady
Job and was working like a trooper and
making himself generally nsefnl with.
that end in view.
"Idone tell him abont Betty,’
're 'long. Sbe cboly hate to
part with Betty, bnt dey’s mighty po*
as HAFT1LT FiLten vkk noma.
•onndcanle, and soon came upon tbo
___ ^___________________________
just then the monlug show__be-'
canseof it. a bmuUfui little oascade mw. and
was carriwl away by tbe
id he
which bnbhled from the ground and tell gnoA entry of trained A(0k and ponies,
in a tiny stnauu from rook to rock down misaceya and cron catK. Bob looked and
toward tta aea.
, laughed until it wa* ovw; then he slipThe clear, cool water looked ro re-i ped np to the showman and mid:
fretaing that he stroped and. taking np "gcuse me, bnt I done got a pet
• little in tbe hollow of bis hand. ^ cbick'n what ran do a mighty hmp o’
tbiuga De yain’t no obick'n in yon
To bis •irrpriBO it wai not water, bnt ■ *U’s show. ”
the meet delicious mki he tad ever | ‘‘Wberois your chicken?" mid tbe
teted. The diKWvery overjoyed him. man. smiling. "I* it in town?”
I mki and now bit old fathw | "YaHair—ebe ain’—ain’ lactlj
mctly my
would be pleased: ea hastily filling tbe cbick’n. »««. but 1 drwe trainn 'er. It's
twetlo which becairiedonbisbelt.be dw'bout two blocks frtim here,
bnrried born.
. |
Bob and the riiowman left tbe tent
Tbe old man was delighted at tbo ; together and lurne.1 into a side rtrwt
Bnd and drank rup after cup. and it did i Tb.w eonn reached the Slocum cotfcim eo mnch good that a neighbor who mge and wvrt- jn« entering the gate to
Happened to eell was told of tbe die- the back vard when Bob mw that Hra*
novery and given a taste.
I Slocnm stevi there, with Betty under
'•Good news spreads like water m a her arm. Then bi* qnick eye notioed
aatmooe.” In a abort time every one the ax. For a moment be could not
In tbe village bad beard of tbe wuider- apeak. But the showman did not nn. fnl rivw of mki. and tbe home o( the dontand. and Bob mw that ton He b»poor family was overran with visitare > gan talking now at a great rata
all eager to hear the tale of tbe magio | "Howdy, Mis'SJocom. howdy? Die
fountain and taste of its wat«. This : yere't a showman v^at I done be’n :
latta. however, was denied them, fv a-tellih ebout dat rfankett, an 1 wants :
tbe bottle was. alaa now empty.
{to show him 'er trick, an we faring 'er ,
Tbeneri morning bright and early beck eafely. ease I knowe yon Mio'ly I
tbe young man was np and hied him at' bate to part with 'qr. ”
anoe to tbe place. Caking with bima)
As Bob talked be bad opened tbe gate
larger bottle tban before.
. I and taken Betty is bis anna TbeafaowWtat was bis surprise on bis urriv^ ‘-man bowed politely, and Mva 8locom
at tbe fonntsiu to find it suiroiinded was left alcme with bw ax and her
by bis neighbors, who bad preceded t««ra
him and oome to test the trathiof what,
Arriving at the tent, Betty was pat
- be bad said, all carrying bucket, pitch-1 thrungh her trick, to the delight of alL j
era and some even small barrels to oanyi -a clown made a little capand Anck
off the precious liquid.
1 it on her bead and took a frill off hG '
Each man looked abashed at being *i«-ve and pinned it about hc^nock.
discoveitni. but at length one mid. "Let
Then Bob shoved them bow she,
as fill onr rowels and depart, for we mid jump throogh a paper oorered |
have all com« on the mue errand, bat hoop and all . tbe other things that sbe 1
firstlel as taste af tfaewondraasaakL”
could do, and'did d,.i. over and over.
With one accord they bcntAnd. dip- ■
When Boh ivtureed to the HJocum. i
ping their faces in tbe stream, drank. I he carriod iktly on^er hG am. bnt be 1
Toibeir dimnn it was nothing bnt 'also carried a roll ed money in bG '
water, and bitter at that. "Wo have pocket And whi-ii he came away be
faecn tricked—made fools of," sbonted still carried Betty and was trying softly
<me "WbcreU the yonag man wta^to himself.
And tbe old peopG were crying, toa
at weing Bob and Betty ga though he
r aager, bu prudently hidden bad left with them $50. which was like
mfely in a tree top and of ooarse ooald a fomme to them ia thuir time of need.
not ta fiwd.
Orenflneg qpdob
chagrined, tbe crowd
4»e l7 one alinked a'iway to their oooathey bad all gone
young man came down tram the
"Obd it be tbatitwasoDlyafananr’
Hamid. "I will taste it again,” on.
banding, he agsia drank.
Ttne enough, it was the mmeoooUag
mki that he bad taken home the day
totore. and ao it alwqya remained to
the good and dntifnl *on. wblG to all
settars it was only bitter watei.
Bearing of this strwige foantain, tbs
jnlfcado, or empocr of Japan, amt for
the boy that be might l«m tbe trath
Tram hU own Up. He then rewatded
Mw yanng mao for hG kindnaw to hG
pmmt. taMring him a nobG and dteaalagHiminoost^ garment, m aa exMpG to aU futon cHlUtm to bonm
mid otay tbeG paimle asMto always be
AmlfuL—Brook tya Bigla
Bv taeOet.
GW* tnv ■ tilt ct frw
fsB ntttac bar.
Bsbr d«r.
arithmetic, nensaanship.
■bortband, or any of
branches vrilT be
Oysters! Oysters!
Agala we epar Ibe orncr
wMcn eitb oar
Famous Baltimore Couots,
Selects and Staadards.
FMckefs C«)gnUu BaUmH
fnrtMB OsatsAWeek.
Everybody who takea Tax MoaxiHO
RxooBD can bare tbe Grand Bapids
Herald delivered lo them also for an
adaiiioD.I four oenu per week mak PputeehOentsAWcek
ing only 14 cents per week for tbe
Everybody who mkm Tn Moaxnn
RxcoRoeub.ve the Grand Rsmida
best paper in nortbem Michigan and
Herald delivered to them alee for an
tbe beat metropoUUn paper in tbe
stAtc. Telephone 83.
addJUoaat four oaola per week, mak
ing only 14 oenU per week for tbe
be.1 paper in nortWn MicUgaa u4
dltan paper ia tbe
(, DmiM. O «en U.t^kba
Show Leak!
Get’em meaded by N. W. KeLeoil.
Lalon atrmt opposite G A W. M.BM-----lag boose First eUa* woricimeal
balf-eolea. 50 and M eeata; women*!
____ ■
enSewviirMelDc- SltPreBsW
I ILBKKT A OATI________ _
unsRB usieniiURU
.mtssrQOUIO wonCT
Everybody who lakm Taa Mea.viao
Bemember that I do all ki^ of tw
nalring and enameling, and that 1 eaa
and do give yon tbe bmt wdrt of aag
one in tbe city ter tbe money. Don*i
be dreeived by what otbeim tell yoa In
tbe eontrmy, tat oome and Me far
I guarantee all mj work to be rlgtatt
and if it dom not prove ao I make H
Stop in till« o'clock every evenlag
Bnckleo<a AnUea Salve.
Tsa BssT Salta in tbe worid for
Onta, Brulaee. Sona. meera. Salt
Tetter. Chapped
aU Skip
pUona. and poaltlvely enrm PUea, i
orno parroqaired. It U gvarantned I
to give csrfect aatlafaetlon or money]
refunded. Price taoente per box. Fori
mle bv J. O. Jobneon and 8. B Wait. I
ftarfan OiaU A Week-
Of Bnalnem College will open at the
Bicycle Riders.
Aooardiog to «m flgwm.tm the
proflls of night Inncb eartp, ibmo ia a
good d(«l of money lo be made In that
indhttry. ^
and mndwiobesin dlystreetsaftordark
has Jnst declared e dividend of 18 p«
cent tm a capiul stock of 6,000. This,
bowerer, it said to be a onall proftl in
compatiMB With
with Ibat made in tbe
the early
of tbe iudiutry, 800 or 400 par
cent on tbe investiaent being then not
at all nnoenmnon. One of tbe piooeera
in the lunch oart line brnned that be
started without any capital and in a
verv few years be tadaconmnlsted over
glO.OOO. Be foniid o«t afterward that
be would have been vriee to fcmp his
secret, tor otbere etarted in to compete
with him, to tbe material impairment
of hi* snbaeqaent profit. Before tbe
held times in 1093 . limch can bar been
known to take in $50 night after ni^t,
with an ln<7«Me of from 10 to 60 ps
oeni on Satnrday night. The number
of carts, however, baa nearly doobled
In many targe cities and $10 to $18 is
■ a good average night's
9 proenred of Mr. C. B. Beetor
at 144 Lake
44S JOl
g our sincere appreciati'm.
: Svesiag Seheel
.'■.;. A-.-' -'.' V
raid delivered lo tbera also for an
Mlditioaal four eenU per week, mak
ing only 14 eents per week for tbe
^t^per In nortbera Micalgnn and
aute. Telephone 83.
The Morning Record
M‘K £.”SS2iJ,'S’SS4-i,
X- A MUlikte Block. Heon. S lo II . w.. 1
• - >.m. T»l»pboo«.n-_______________
rpBAINKD imtaa-WI»
ntaa-wi» emviiv
EMvIIv HoieoBti.
HoleoBti. •I
A imCufti* o'
if tb«
' OBlT«rsllvBo«p>tol. Abb
i'SS'..-”"”'mdtocolU for BorBisc-
; and : :
Grand Rapids Herald
XiioB 8A1JC—OvBcrrt s)
r ot GrrUIrSTlIlc. 1
oo rood irrsiB Othvr IraotocM dvauBAo nr.
.^^sttoD- WoltvrtirBlUck.OrelluiTiUc.Mleh
A rrm aoucrrou wanted
‘Tbr Worv oMI
l,r UsrBI eoUirod. •
vrnwrai so on«i»l I
k a-M Brrlurti I.
UMtarat _Tk«
FiwortMw. oo tlw P»<
___»- eon
Ocerrs) UrrrltiU. Id the bOBpnolBBt e
r. In lb* A-----—
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