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The Morning Record, August 28, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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' TT^^7T-' '■
Awfliil Prtr«tloBsBiidar*d oa
S7 Sdldioni on Tholr Wap
From SantAago.
Walter Kacoe of Cospaar S. Uad
MMtCaa, died tbta asoa of a eonpUeetlea of braio aad Kalarial fooara.
Mofoe had boea aiUar eereral dare
Msy Bs SnfaroBd by War.
thipf in oiinn.
British Kinisstr Insists npon
•pmW «» Xh* MorabM Bmv«.
Hew Tork. AacMV S7.-3imm of U«
ia*am«lBth« ftMni kMptlol «t
Ckap Wykoff on raXoriof from dj»oate^. Ordm fTMO honed tedny tku
mwnB nwsAr«wvoB4«ozt
Fom DMDZTone.
mea were eoCortnr froee ben•araadwon aMe to lean the hoe^tal whoa fedThej repeated
iBf np boa Catap aad eajre that it erae
ia^Mnlhlo to CM food.
OreroMbnadnd fifty ana la Ue
(oaetal boepltal w«o allowed to fo oa
‘••odiye fnrlonch today, harlaf laiP«wd.
Kaay Baxlod at Oea.
Moataak Point. Aacoet W.-Whoa
- day aad beraa to dboharce ala oempMiUeeftboeenathlataateT. it erae
|«*raoa that eerea ia«i had died oa the
paeeace aad that more died laet alcbt
while the ehlp Uy in the bay w^tlnc
her tan to unload her human cnrco.
Ihe Tnentan had »0 eiak men an
It te alleced that the ehlp left SaaU
ago wlthoet a eufteieot «nanUty ef
aappUeeforthenlek. and reached here
orfthoutaay food bat am^ ralloaa.
which the elch troopere wore aaable to
oak When Genernl Wheeler leaiwed of
the Btate ef effelre ho at once eeat on
bomrd prepor enppUea. The elolr mea
aio'etUl oa board the tomoI. waiUaf
aatU thoro hmom for thorn lo tho hoe
PriT«U Wattm MMtm DM M Y«r-
•ad wae ro^ond to the recl*«»»l And wm Br^nire Ohlaaaa Bmplio to
ho^Ual TMtardax taoralaf.
Obaerre Bafacemeat to Syadisato
When the Brhtb Ohio t*ae loaded.
Morly too nportad elck nod wen eeat
' to the cwwhlbeepltal. bat mot the
on or TKB vKimTmoon.
HBBdnteflCaidKWaB Bstend *«rTon or Fw With x«.nfflei«t ^
»d M<dMl a«ppll«—HwngT a»d
DtaM caatMUrlMd tto YFfac*
Fm Oate.
‘ thoT be
aolvM la wUeb to «3cerdM bathe aad
Sifforal B««imoate Ordciod Beliorod
From Daty at Varione Camps
w Ten HoBsm* aseean.
Waehlajrton.Anrwt fT.—The followlac ro'.aatoor reclmoau won today
Fimt aod rtfih MIeeoari. aow at
Chielcatnaaca, aad the Third Mimonrl
aow at Klddleuwa, Pa. They wlU
more to the Jeflereoa barraelte, Me.
Tie Oae Bnndred aad Elftyalatb
lai!lana,aowatMiddletowa. wUl fo
to la:llaaapolU.The Bifhth New Tark
BOtr at Cbkkemaaca, wUl RO to Bom•toad. UI.
Gereraor Taoner kae lodnoad Adje. toat Ot-neral Oorbla to mneter ont tho
Phet. Fifth and Seneth UUaoU.
ViU Bail oa the Seneca, WhSeb WlU
Be Traaeferred to the WoTy.
aficUlMtonHa—w Eeceno
Weftbiactoa. Ancntt r:.—The Porto
Bieen mUlUry oommlaeloa wiU call for
Porto Bivo oa the (kaoea. which wUI
bo traaeferrod to tho nary. Admir^
Sehley will holet hie flat on hm. whUe
ofOieatBrlUla to Begard to too
A ObUd ef Bariter Ore^ Bora Wftt
Two Bxtra of Bach.
A poeallar freak of aatore hM ap
peared at Barker Creek. A child of Mr.
bora with six perfeet and
oa each foot aad
eii flagen on each baad; the fingers
sweUderelopedRRit did net keep
la Uae with ito tellosra, so it stm
tbenght beet to remora ttem. which
doaeyMtordey at Blk Ba^ by
Dr. I. A Tbompm. Tho ehUd te six
week! old. and thsra la erery proepeM
now of lie lirlag to a ripe old age aad
gatng throagh life srith t^va ton.
. Bnptare Soema Immiwrat.
towlel w Tnneerse Bee me
Aacnet >7.—AntherltaUre
a hae been reeeired of the Xm^ B« of Good Things Seat to
Hannah BiflM at Oamp Wykoff,
n to the J>eUy
Hontonk Pelat. L. X.
aad Dlaepptfaaoe.or Va’uable Tim; eMerUng.thal the relaUone between
When County Cleik Newton and E
bar Bald to Kake Thluc* . Bbf Thane U Temea and Sir CUnd Mac
W. HMtiagn left for Montenk Point
Donald. Britinh mlaUtor to China, are
yesterday moralag tkey were Joieed
toeetol !• Td Hoenao Btooao.
to the p^nt ef rnptnre.
by Judge Loria Roberts who errattged
Detroit. Anroev «7.—Fieher A Tnrner
Sir aende bM iatimatod that Great to go at tbe iMt momenk They wUl
of Bey City. whoa, aem- han
j Briuio will reyard a. a
belli say arrire at Camp Wykoff thUcrdnlag.
imlttoeof ibelrl
been examined by a
In rMpottM to the naggeetlon in tbe
feUnre on the pa^ of China to ofaMrra
anem of payRxcoao ymierday that peckagM -be
her wlsbea They dispatch Mys the
prepared to send to Company M bays
iaenp. Tbe hlc ahrinimee In the pro
ritoatlen betwMn Great Britain and at the camp, there were dosens of
perty of Jemca U. Bt-ret. hold by A O.
China is amte. Sir CUnde MacDonald peckagea sent to the store of Prank
naher. Ueaidtobepertof the oenee.
iMisUae that China ehaU Friedrtck, where they wera^aeked eeA let of rainabto Umher hee Ala^peer■ eacacaiMau to British aaraly in a box by E E Gibbe and aeat
by expram to Camp Wykufl In care of
ed from other land* and 8M aerea in
,ayndkatae end d
W. A. Newtoo. who wlU eee that the
Wayae ooanW M appralead at flOO.
explaaattoM with racard so the Pekin box la properly dellrered. Tbe packwhere an acre te anw worth only *60.
to Indirid"Hankow" BnUwny. If areemary. toa
Mach depends oa the atUtode Canada
aals. bat there were many sent to tbe
Britisk eqnadroa
may aaeame eoaneralae PUher’e holdcompany to be disiribated generally.
War. Hal. WM. wiU'enpport the Brtttah
mg tbs artielM shipped were delllace orer Uera. AttocMher the raenlt
adnietorb demanda
eeelM and little odds aad ends whlA
of too iaoaaticatloa Is eery dlaeoartbe boys wUl fiod nsefnl and vary eoofenleat after Ueir long absence from
home. Tbe beet of ell wUl be that It
Xt is BsUeeed That Oompaay H. S«th is-eomathleg from bom*." and the
fac^ihat they are remembered by lorKichieu Came From Cnba oa
lag friends will eerre more t > raise the
i by SnpertotoBdaa^
Xbie TeaeoL
spiriu of the b>yt than a great deal of
MoaUnk. N. Y.. Anenst 37.—Tho
medicine would do.
troMport Saaliago hM arrired with
The box WM shipped throagl. by
the Thirty^oarih Miehicaa. She bM
Laadac. Aoenst 87.-Statirttce
Hon. O. G. Corell, who arranged that
mneh iatoresttoMiohlcaaolUaeaebare
there would be no czpenM to the
Jost beea prepared by Bnperlatondeat tOM snty sick la the shipb srarda. 180
on the daily elek report. Prirato Bobof FobUc InstraoUoo HammonA.
The total primary eeheol fend on art McKallnp. Co. L. Marqnette, was
which the aUte paid eeoen par cent, in- barled from the ehlp Wednesday, aed
wreet for the laat fioeal year wm B3.- Prirate Albart OUbeolay, Co. B. Maaie817.170 75; the toUl fund on whleb fire toe. on Tacodsy.
CondoMoa of Work of the
per oent. iatoreet'ie paid wm $A8«, of Pert Boron, and Palmer of Hoaser,
Fence OommlMloa.
0«e.58: tbe total of both fnnda wm to, end Captain Waleh ef Port Hi
toe.140.18. Tbe expesees ef the pahUa oa board. CapUin Fliege. Llcntanaot
eeboola. Inelndiac pay of teaehen and Thielman. Calnmet. and CapUin Falnrrepairs oa balldiacn. were more thaa dean. Bly Rapids, arc ill on the ho^t- ter Jaei receired here from epromlnent
tal ship at Baatlairo.
diplomat In Na 'rid correct^ reprrersta
The transports Yneetan, Hudson and mettera, wUl find iu work exprdlied
The total iaeomc etattable for the
nee of the primary achoole. ti.017.871 Catalina arrired yceterdey with eereral by Ue etUtude eed desires of the qaeen
hundred men from SaaUago. The ar- regent Tired of tbrViot end tcmalt
^'‘Ttae aniveralU fend, oa^toleh tb riral ef the ahips stm reported to the of war. which here hroogbther nothstate paya intoreat. la SStO.eSl 59. The war department ImI nieht by General leg but trouble, the writer Mys that,
iateroetpaidby theaUte for tbe Uat Wheeler In eemmend of Camp Wykoff. eoetrary to the nsaal praeUee of Bpanyear wm SS7.985 95; inUrMt paid by Dorinf the royeee fonr dMths occurred Uh diplomets ef trying to enlarge or
holders of Unca. Sl.435.55; peaalUes. oa the YneetnD, one on the Bndson modify the operations of the eommieCto.to; total ineome for the year. $58.- and nine on the CaUlina. Ai
aioB to gain Ume. she wiU use her indeaths on tbe Teeatee w.*re Prirato fieeaee to bring them to a speedy eon507.81.
TbofollowlKC cenerei eUUetiee rdeV. Charles WheetM. Company U. Thirty- elMioa.
iec to the primary eeheola are latereet- third. lllchlean, and Piitata B. A.
Ont of the forty-Mraa applleenta
Jonas, Company I. tblrtyrthlrd, Michlac n»d inatrnetire:
who iMt week took the eza
Namber of towashlpe end eiUes re-. IChO.
for eertificetee. twenty-eeroa of that
porUnc. l.$$fi: anmbarot ended school
namber will reeeire dtplomes. Tbe
dUtrieU. M$; nembor of aacraded dieeonaty axMeiaen met with Coea^
triote. 6.509; anmber of towadiip nell
dletrieta. Ill: eehool eeasas of ended AU Ears Vow Boon AppMaUd aad CommiteiMsr MIm Nettie C. Gray
dtetrteta. W7.95S; censH of aacnded
it ia Oampoeed of Bepreoeatdlatricta. MS.89S; toUl anmber of pnatiTs Men.
Great Gone!
pUa la oanent, 701,8««; eorollment la
Wenhlactoa. D. C.. Anenet 37.-The
Bat yon ehoald see them. Here
eroded eebooU, 881.DU; •arollnwat in
pemse oemmlseion la Mttlad. aad the eorker which takes the little speak
nac^ad eehooU. 110,801: total aamail amaeptod. l%e Of Ue old time fogy elothlera. ft'e oar
hor papila eerolled. 491.811.
asaortmentof elegant, stylish perfeet
iMt aceeptaece wm fra
fltUar Mea’c 810 cults. B Bends A
anmber of toaehem employed, 15.601.
JnsUee White of the Snprem
Oa. FMhloBsblr entflttora.
TbeaccrecatowacMofall teae
Tbe eommlMion ia m toUows:
to ended aehoola wm $5,708,990.43; ecWUliem .E Day. praseat secretary
ereeate waeea of all toaebere in oaof state, ebeiri
einded nchooie. $1,840.645 39; total
fieaator CnshmsB E Deris of Mlaaeof all toaebere, $4,050,835.85;
iNBt 10 tai 11, B«dli B«L
sota; ebelraian of the forcieo ralations
Cor. rniGt coC flu* Sus
ereraee monthly weeea ef male teach
eommittbe of tbe SenaU.
lUMAIlMH.OrsarrarC. HIM SIMT Bok
ers in ended aehoA^$7l 10; ereraee
Ml-«Msbet P. Wiiltr. MM Joule
Senator WUUam P. Frye of Maine,
monthly waeee of mbte teoehers in
H. WllbrJni
senior member of the oommlttoe oa
nneraded sehooln. $56.01; arrrnc*
Hammocks From 1-3 To 14 Off.
S90 Front Street
Holley A OoxuutUs
All the late Magaziae. and Periodicals, riso a laige
assortment of Paper Covered Books.
MarUiam BlocL
Mach Is Said
About Ice GreaiQ and Soda FonDtalJi
-Ther^ore we will say that yon will find onr Ice . ^
Cream delidons, our Soda Water true to flavor, onr van* J
ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to
list from time to time.
Fountain open week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson. I
HastiRgR’ Real EM AgUBCif.
44 setee thrumUuMSibsMweu tram UecUr. Laos icoS. well msiuek yMg e»
Goad far Fruit Raising.
Goad fer Stock Raking.
Good for General Farming.
monthly wane ef male teachers la
ail eckonU, $45 65; arernee monthly
United 8u
srafe* ef femsle uaebere in graded
Wbiwlsw B«M. editor of tbe New
etoooU. $43.96: arerage monthly waeee
York Tribaae and former Minister to
of female teaehrm in nngraded eebooU.
$54.56: eremge monthly wnem ef feIt
is r^rded m on exceedlagl.T'
. the Brooklyn wUi fo into dry doefc for SMle teacberf.lB all sehooU. $34.95.
ctrong eommlMlon. aad one that will
OOWXOTBD OF ICAHSLAUBHTBB aatlsfy tbe American peopls regarding
the Pbillpplnea Thera are at laMt
three membera of the commieaioa whe
Bote Braeely a T rtitde brdeat. In Beary Hornier Senieneed to Knrarain faTarof bolding the most im
qnetu by Ja^ Oorbatt.
WnehlnCtoa TenUrdby.
portant part of the Fhlllpplnea and not
Jpdee R. L. Cm;Rirtt eed E. a Pratt afraid of claiming tho whole gronp.
•foeUl io Tan Mouse AaMBO.
Waeblactoa. Ancnml *7.-Admlral hare retnned tram Bellelre, where ThsM are Senator Davis nnd Frye aed
rielted the aery department to
WbiUlaw Reid. Both Senator DarU i
Hanry Bernier on a-cberee of murder. aad Frye expramad themMlras m la
day aad wne eathndaetleally leoMred.
The aoeoMd stm defended by Hr. favor of axpansioa of torrltory before
BewaeklmedbyabmituUdy oUrka. PraU and C. E Denemore of Belleire.
they ware Mleetod M peace commlstdd aadyoMOf. Be bore the ordeal Bomler wm tonod eallty ot mensUn- eieaera, and the New York Tribane
rhtorandeeatracedto Karqoette for hM in Ita editorial eolnmns laaiatod
hetoleaUy. ,
fire yearn. Theeonrielod man wMac- that thie govaraoMnt dhoald retain
XDtTOB DXWOLBT WOKVASBD eeaod of ebooUae a man named Benoel
tbe PbUipplnM. President MrKlnley
after be had beea oonrletod of eeeenit knew weU the view of thcM three Been
By the *opoblicaae“’of Salami
end battery oa complaint of the TteUm. when he eeleeud them, aad hie aelaetap*et»3 to TU Moenee Bwou.
ing a esajority of the eommhnioa who
EeUmaue. Ancnet 87.—BdUor Dlar
bold thie view ia regarded M aa evl-,
some time after midaigbt
w that he It not ave • to kaepiag
ley of the Telecraph waa today aemharine on board Ua Boys' baad. Tbe
iaatod for the lerialAtoro by the BapnV oeearioaisaaexmr^oatobena from
Uaaae. who Mdonod tbe eaadldaey of Imlaad ead Good Bmrbor to the MenlSzsanisB liekiti bengbt and aold nt:
City Newe Stand. P. oiBldg. 413-tt ;
tOM today.
Trafene Cit; ScIiihiI of lose!
On O. R A I E E
Special Sale On Clotiiing
Extended Odo Week More
JCo-^ve onr country customers an equal chance'
wi|u onr city people to take advantage of onr great
The rush in this department on Saturday wat
tremendous. We never before sold so mneh clothing
in one day. Tbe good work goes on. Come every
body and take advantage of the greatest offers of
the season. They will not last long.
We offer you your choice of 10 lots of men's
medium and light weight suits for $6.60.
This sale embraces fine cassimeres aad serges,
strictly all wool and nicely made: many lots are be%^
ing retailed elsewhere at $10 and $1Z
Do not neglect this money-saving opportunity,
aud give us an early call while selection is large.
Tnvntse <Mty, Hkh.
Summep Shoe Snaps!
74 pslrt‘^Pisgree'’$8.00, $3.60Aad $4A0 lAdiss*8hosS
St $1.98.
69 pairs -PingTM” $4.00, $6.00 sad $6.00 Ken’S Shoes
60 pairs •Plngree” $8.00 Ladies Jolieta st............$1.96
llS’pAin •‘Pingres’’* $8.00 sad $2.60 Lsdies’ Oxfords
at $1.48.
00 pairs Ladies $160 and $1.76 Oxfords at..........$1.00
78 psIrs:Kifiaes’ $1.00 and $IJ» Oxfords St............76o
Children’s and Kissss’ Calf Shoes at....................... 60e
Rad manr other lirotea lioet rodeoed ie price.
•T-OjO Ox(3. XieL±al>Le Sla.oexn.ShTi.
m Moumro moo», sukdat, apou^ », is»a.
: Moumro saooBD.
Mre. B. B. Braat aad oMUdraa mat
»o WtUIaaMbarr yeataiAay.
Oeotfe Qalrt aad wife of BeUvUla.
Hleh..an tbera«teot J. Jawlana.
Bov. O. Voelqaer of Botaay. Mtaa..
who baa boon hero la tbo Utar«t at
the Bvaaralloal ebareh for tbe paat
Hy work is firvt clan aod prices that are in rescb of all. lam
week left yeeterday for Potoekey.
Bia. Beddy aad ekUdren of Sistb;
prepared at all times to take care bf tbe trade. I mske a speculty is
atroet retaraod yeatorday fro« ai
Brszing, Valcaaiziiig and EnsmetinB- A
wheels (or sale
oath'a vialt aw Nowayfo.
J. O. ELLIS, 311 Front street, east.
Frank Meada, oaa of 3. G. Joham'a
dray elarka, wiU bertn a sontbb vaoa*
tloa tbu aorniar Darlaf hla ataoeaoe
Vormal Saaday School Wetic.
Clarenoe Meakald of Latker. will teke
t tbe mecUny ef tbe Coaaty
Haanyer Ladyate Gave Bla Xa
hU p’aoo. I«r. Meada will Join hta
Baaday »eboeI AmoeUUoa at Kiayaley
Tba aaonal aiaettarot thaatodAoW- aother at Maalatee aod aeeompaay her
last week. Bev. J. C. Carman of this
ata of tba Haaeah A Lay Maraaatila to Mllwaakoe. froa where ahe will go >
Tbe Travers* City Lacaber Company
city was elected Coaaty Movml BoffbaC:------■
Oonpaay «ook plaaa Friday afun
baa flalabed eaUlny lumber tor this Inteadebt. Tbe eboiee U an aaeenant^’4S^J
U Bedfleld. DakoU. tbea ha wUI jola 1
Jaiaaa Morraa aad A. Traey Uy aoa bU wife la Chlcaro.
season aad tbe mill is shat down aatll oae aa Mr. Carman has already taken a
rcaldaet atoekheldara wer« praaant.
Uey commeaee to oat hardwood this deep Interest la normal work aad was
W. W. Fairchild and family of Staa
The report of tba aaeratary waa rlTca atreet will enjoy a vlalt from Mr.
- wiater. The employto of the milt aad
ai la the oryaalsa*
aad all the old diractara raalaotad
I tbelr families eajtved a pleenat. aar- lien of tbe •aeeeeafni normal class eon•hUd*a alatar. Mra. Albert .Wlckett CXMT&AL 80B00L BVlLDUia.
priae at tbe baada of Manager Led- dgetod here last apriny
aad ehildrea of Niarara Fall^
rtry Haaaab, A Tracy Lay. Jai
>-:fat*, ef an eacaraioa oa tbe bay.
Bev. D. F. Bradley aod family reMr. Carmaa artll open tbe work for
Morfaa. wmiam Xoriaao/ Califaraia. tnraed yesurday to tbelr boaa at
Plenty of frail and Aallaaclea were the aeaaoB at the Baptist ebapel-on
paratoiy te Fall Tana.
aad H. Hoatayaa.
Grand Bapida after apeadtar aome time
For Uie flnt time elaoe It waa ballt provided by Mr. Ladyeto aad be went Monday evaalny.at 6 o'cloek.ln tbe Old
TbadlraeUr'a aecUag raaaltad la at their oottace at Omaaa.
tbceealral aebool baUdiey baa been
Teatameet end Baaday aebool .aiadlsa,
Aaelarlay a dlridaad of S par aeat aa
Mra. Le Fevre of Maekeroa U tbe newly varolabed tbroayboot the la- party. Tbe boat atopped at Bowera Tbe elaoa will be atrlcUy aon-o&Urlan.
eapltalotoek toretud. aad raala
(7 Coavantlon.
raeat of Mra. Aaa Bale of Beventb Urior. Tbe deeka have been almllarly Barbor. Ne-ab-ta-wan» and Elk Bap aad all Baaday aebool workera and ^
tba tallowlatr offlaara:
treated aad the effect U yraUfylng. ida aad retaraed last eveniny aboat thoae latenmted in tbe work m eardlatreet.
PraaldeBt—Parry Baaaah.
Mr. end Mra. J. C Bloe aod daaybter Jaaiter Cartla baa devoted eoaaider- 7:30 o'clock.
ally iavlted lo be preaeaU
Vloa Preddeat—A. Traey Lay.
Baby who have been vlaittar Mra. E able Ume te tbe bnUolay dnrinf the
Tii^Krar—E. P. Wilbaln.
B. McDermott of Waabtngtoa atroet. paat few weeks la prepartny for the
'Tbc fart tbst I was a good
Baeratary aad Oaaeral Maaaiiai
retaraed yeatorday to tbelr borne at fall term of aeaool. Now be ezteada a
Thankful words writtea bydCra. Ad»
sldan,'’ said (be lady from Joboatown,
cordial levlutkw to the pabllc to call "wap tbe nieana of savhig my Ufe dar
Cleveland. Ohio.
t. of Irotoo, 8. & • Was
wbieb settled e
Joba Bickey aod Mim Vina Biekay aad loapeet the latertor dartny tbe ing tbe flood in oar town a few yesia with a bad
Oralaa of tba Xattla Bradvall.
laaye: ooayta aet la aad flaally termin
of ManUtee will be tbe yoeate today of omlay week.
Foar doeto*
ated la r
---------MlM aara Seymour of Beooad street.
yaro me i,.
4tk W.T4
W. J. Miller and Miaia Miller retaraed
are aajoyinf a. aaUiojt emlae in the
“I bellere," mid tbe fanny boarder,
abort Ume. I |
"When tbv water sttock <wr beam., ^rior. determli
yacht Battle Bradwall. They arrlrad yeaterday to Grand Eaplda after spendthat tbe landlady baa been won ovw
my bnaliand got on tbe foldiny bed and frith
b my
ir frieada 00 oartb, 1 would k
lo tbe anti-Bbakeinware crowd.”
latbUport yeaterday after apaadlof . lay some time at nelybborlny reeorU.
rnt oare
ones above.
aWve-_ My bosbaaff
Boated dev.n tbe 1
aase tlma aaoar tba Bearer Ulaoda,
Hr* A. E Johavlon of Old Mimtoa
rlaed to yet Dr. Eloy's Hew DieO. O MOrrATT, 8»er«»iT.'
Barber Bpriafa aad Petoakay. Tkay took diaaer at Park Plaoe yaeterday.
to Coasamptioc. Cooybs aaS
breakit a trial, took in aU
Mr>. F. A. Earl of Waablaytoa atreet
Colda I yav
BapvbUow Sautoriai ConTaatlon- leave bare today aad aaU aroand
tot every moenldgnow. yoa will
aaa, aad
eight bottii.
tbroarh tba -atralu to DatreU. The U eajoylay e vlalt Irom her brother, ^PbiladeJphia Nmb '
led I am saved aad am now a
yaekt la la charfe ef Ooa»B»odora A. C.
eaaoa Gates of Fremont.
well aad
d kealtby
bealtby woi_—
womaa. Trial boUlca
Landlord aad Mra. E C. Comptoa
G. JohnWalla. Ua otbar r>«*“
The Bev. W B. CoaUey. of Btoek~Leyalu
Walla, atayor of MeaMBlaM. C. B. have retaraed from Indiaaapol
Tooag Mn. Tnrkina bad been o|reto- brirlye. Ga.. while atteadlay to hla
Jerry Balllvaa of Cedar traaaacled ly ttadyiny a pictare wbieb showed tbs pv-<nrUl dalles at Etieowood, that
Uw. A. F. Walla. W. B. BarMoa. Mra.
eewtamM ot the tireeh and ToricUb eol- SUM. was attacked bv cholera morbus
A. Keefe, aad tka Miaaee noreaoa baalerea here yeeterday.
‘■Bv ebaace 111bappraed to yet
Walla, Ella Crawford and Abbie MoHlae Mollle Qalaial. who baa been
bamberlln's OoUe.
bottle of Cbai
Tialttoy Mra. J.W.Haanea fora month
lera aad
«medy. aad 1
md Dtarrboea
__ of eaviay my
bisk it was
retaraed to Kalamaxoo ymterday.
It relieved me at oooe." For
Mra M. B. Gates will yo to D:trolt
you referF’
sale by E E. WaitMonday to rtalt.
"TbeEntopean aitaatiom Itseemsco
Dr. Tbompeoa weal to Elk Baalda be tbe aame old qaeatioo of which It's
•rttteiam «f Uu Ooadaot ef the War.
Sheet Vnalc at Half Prico. also
yaeterday to perform e aurylcal opera. to be akirti or blootaera”—Wasbiar every piece of tbe lateat popalar masie,
la daallnr with tba aevera eritieiaau ^ GaptalnJCoIataab WiUaaof the T
ton Star.
W. W. Kimball Co., sis Front attooc
Afternoon and ETsnlnc.
0t tba eoodaat of tba war aad tba mK. E Strong, maaayer.
Mie. B. C Beroard cf Bollaad. and |
Xa t aoBraoftbeToBBC
tiffMt of Boerelary Alcar. the D»Soldier.
t J. T. Boteley of Jeolaoa. who have
There is ao oae aafferlay frma Uta
«Kit Froo Preaa ooaolodaa;
been eWUayJ. M. Larkina of Fifth readfal malady. If yoo will ooly yet
ima^a atreet. returned yeeterday to tbelr ae right remedv. You are baviay paia
••Tbora have boea emwa. faUaraa.
SlaJedyaoBU aod «lainaaaceroaat
Baatlayo. Cuba. Aayast 10.'M. .
all through your body, your liver U out
a doobt; bat certalaiy they
Mary J. Bartwick of Cbleayo. arrived of order, have do appetite, ao life or
Mr. Jacob Oulmaa. Traverae City,
bav a -jad cold, in f
AaVa aet oatwalybad aU tbe earseat Mieb..
la tbe city yesterday. She will leave
unpletely aaed .ap. Electric Bitters
Torch Lakprtoleb ,
that baa beaa acelltdoa# aad tbe
Mr Dasa Baoran-lt la with Ue this moralay oa Ue steamer Petoekey
tbe only remedy Uat will yiv yon
BukKRanCiA McCoauics.
___ rood that baa beaa r*l>aatly meet profoaad reyret that I have to in for a visit among tba more'nortbera prompt sod sure relief. They aet di Maosye*-^ Travrse dty. Mich.—I hav
rectly oa roor Liver, Stomseband Kid W«£'a member of Ue Uolted Butre
«ablarod la tba hbort aad florloavly form yea of tbe aieknem aad death of
neys, tone ap tbe whole ayitem aod Bcpcvolebt Society of Seginaw for
Wfaapbaat atrarrle with Bpala. Evil your sea Gemre- He yol peisoaed oa
Mra. MarUa Slayer of Grand Bapld« make yoo feel like a new Winy- Thev
•—is years,
«ra, and
ai bav always found
•ad laaBciaacy hava act docalaatod tbe bands aad face with aome kind ef and A. B. Wllmarth of Detroit av are yaaraoteed to care or price refoadt and jeat. Accept tba
•be areay'a part la tbe coateat,
ed For sale at tbe Dray Stores of 8- for cbvl
ir 841 TH la Mttlemeai
a poiaoa weed and it broke oat pretty yueeu of L O. Fuller and family.
mv accident e.claim.
avitbataadinr tbe rravalliaf toae of bad aad ke waa dectoriay for that for
J. 8. Putmaa aad aoa of Omeaa.
tv bave Iborn boldlr swindled by ac«H
atitMaai aad ooade*aatloo. Whea about a week, and tkea ke wta Ukoa were in tbe city yesterday for a few perbotUr.
id eirkness corapaaire. bnt Ur
dent and
iBveaUfaUoa aed tbe inparllal with a malarial fever, and I bad him boun.
l-nlW.. S
A. V. Friedrich end wife hav nBiftorlaa deal wllb tbe eveou of tba Ukea lo tbe hMpilal where they bad
no to fnlfil tbelr rontraei. I will al
ways etaad ready U help yon when
pact foar awatba It will be foaad that alee beds for him aad lady auraea; aad, tnraed from Indianapolis.
voa oome here.
Mias Mabel SeoSeld muraed last
Mob that baa provoked iodlraatioa by tbe way. tke doctor la oharye of
Bevpectfellv Y’<-—
«addlaparareBeatwaa anavoldabU la Urn waa a K. of P. aad be did every- eveaiay from a visit with vUllvee si
Wm j. HcL.ACBUtX.
p aw earried oa aader tbe eeaditloat tblay be eonld for him bat waa naable Mantua.
Mat were eaeoaatared la oar adi
to briny him tbrooyb.
•ara with Bpala."
Tbe oompaay yoco over today to ta was a vltUor here yeaterday.
OrrrtlcSwnaie'* RborBccre
Shop opposite Kagle office.
ap bU yravo and miarlf it ao it can be
’X>l^oza.o 1«8.
Wna tbe arrival of every troep ablp foaad. Wo took a large aoeet of tU
- ,^nm Baatlafo eome freah borrore and aad cat bU aame. realdeaoe aad com moatba in tbe city.
^ereaaed evideneee ef erimlaal nerU- pany aad tbe daU of his death la it
The World's Best Trsined
raaoe wbieb devaad tbe Boet rifld la- aad nailed It lo a board so as to keep it
OiTSB Free I/eseons
Beae one la
Animal Exhibition.
and erected It at Ue head of bla ^va
ibr tbe alekaeee. aafleriaf and ideatta
We took the oartridyee oat of bla |
ja^iw bow to go aboat
aaoar the brave ntea wfad eeeaped bal- bait aad stack them U tbe yroaad oa
read books ot> the sobjert and
lata 08 tbe battle fleld only to die ef top of tba grave la the shape of a eroaa ■ongfat inftmnalian from aioa wbo bad
Ift------haorer and aerlaet. Tbe satGeorge died oa the moralay ef tbe erpe-ricooe, and while the tbeorioe wwe
*f iM<b #ihbaet
ABtidoUr. (or rxtn
' «ar eboald be probed to tbe'bottom, Mb aad was bnried that evesiny. I admirable la every laKance be foaad
MaaaaatUa OoMyMTTba au«al maaMat *f tba Bauah
* iMj Oeapaa; waa haU la tto ^aa
althaTravana OUp atata Baak yaa' «Ht- T. «AT»» A«P J. W. W»OT. tatday attanooa.
Tha ofioara
' ‘ ^
A V. Haxxu. BdItOT and MuacwBaaaah. PraaMaataad Uaaaral MaaSUBBCMPTIOMS.
•car. A. Tracy Lay. Vtoa PraaUaat: 3.
T. Baaaah. Traaaarar! B. Uariaad. Baaratary.
Tha beard of dlrartora aoartata at
Ua abora aaMd ofiatfi aad Ji
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
Monday, Aug. 2B,
I- ^
Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
and Paper Hanger.
Miss Doyle
III Ms nflmbrnlileri
and Mndern Lane Making
aad that qalekly, aad wboa tbe blaaee
haa been placed where it beloap let
the paolabmeat U aare aad ao aevere
that laconpeteBey aad Iraoraaoa
Be oUalaated forever troB tbe United
them toyoa. wllb an lavatory Of the
^ thiog*.
same aad Ue amoant of pay be bad when bar aboe became nntied.
tbe yoveromeal. We ex8be stock oat her pretty little foot,
pect to leave here la a few days, and wiU a snile, and looked down at it He
wbaa we get U Ue BUtea I wUl aead fell cm bis kneeo to tie tbe laoe. Tbeo
be walked on with her. The shoe beWt are eelllay more lo foreign cooa- them U yon.
antied again. Tbe third time U
The oompaay. as well aa myself.
•rlee today than we are parvbaalny
ready as befora.
*ltt j=.n.lt. Mr.
.toKd a»l
tom Uem—jHt what tbe Bepabiioans d.q,l,
M>. -i
pramlaedla IdM- Let tbe good work
1—1., h.r. tor
lyooa, oalaryooar foreign trmdq, aad
V.-Aed np at her teoderlr
tot Uo aaUoa grow rich by reason of wlUout Ooorye- Be was a good aol-1
dler and alway* ready aod wUllay to
know a b
the prosperity that oomea lo oa
do hU doty, ao matter wkat It was 1 be to..
"D coo want him l tleitr' I
00ma of President Me- j U do aaythiay all
T«a.”be replied.
Slal«7 aa having npbeld Ue honor of
She jerked her foot away. Be mnUad
Now. Mr. aad Mrs. Caiman, don't tobimseU.
-orry aboat him or bis barlal plaoa. as
•■IfstbeFaiaooL.-'be mid. And be
that oaa be foaad at aay Ume. It is yam to bis feet and flniahed tba proSABOU) WAUCXB’B MOAPA
upon a hill la a lltUe grove. I will toU
yoo aU aboat It la detail wbca 1 yet
Brtdavf* rtore.
a Horse.
Tommy—Come. Bridget, play wiHi
Tbe compaey eed oSeore Join me la
Harold Walker la ■oScrlay from a lev end sympelby tor yqarealf and oa We’ro playing aoldier.
yo* Uttle top 01
yavayo kick by a horse, which oo-i|^^jiy. Yotiu la F. C. B,'
ain't no aoldier.
- mrod yesterdey moralay. He was takJ. V. MrIVTX>*a.
Toaimy-Xo. Bridget, bat yoo'ia a
' 4ay oare of Ueaalmel. wlilcb la owned
Capl Co. M. 34U Mich.
' 3um oatto—Bsrper's Bamc.
if bla aad*. Dr. H. B. Aaderaon, when
ambtsg M • WhMt.
. tba animal adminisUred tba kick,
Tbe Beat Bomedy for Flax.
"They say it is nc« to Impoaribla to
•triklay klm on Ue bead. inflicUny s
Mr. John MaUla*. a well known
4oap«a*b. Hcrbort-Johaaoawaapree^ BOkeon a wbceL”
”1 wlab 1 ooald ccevlima ay lamp tt stock dealer of Pniaald, Ky., mys;
ast aod dragged Us boy from beasaU
"After anffering for over a wvk with
that. ".-Dacrait JeoasL
^ bores’s feat, oUerwIso he might
flax, and my phyaiclsa having fall
reliev me I was advbed to
tova Waa killed. Dr. Aadereoa took
Cbamberiio’a Colic. Cholera aad Diar
ffve aUtebre la tbe woaad.
Pertop* Joe Bailey's
rhoea Bemedy. aad bav Uepleesiira ef
was Jealous of aaUaoal expansicn.— ataUag that half of oae bottle cured
SoiTrtsed Laadlord and Xie. Dill.
• • •: E WelL
Mem^ia Oommeroisl Appeal (Dem.^
Yaeterday wao tbe 4SU birthday aalBuy « Bcbolarehlp.
Faria Green—The pore aUff- No
oanary of Leaolord aad Mre. Dill ot
Tbe Trevree OUy Baaiarea
4be Benny Bank hotel.
In honor of cheap adaltoreUoaa, *S caata a poaad
at Walfe Dreg Bure.
and Normal lasUlnte offer*
era a 75
,tWevnt aboat twenty frieada yav
eebolsrahip for n e-third off Ue reyo^;lb*mapleaaaaiaarprtaelast eveniny.
Bzoutln neklU boaykt and aold at tar rates. If yoi dcalre one ef three
Aftor eome time was apent la card City Newa Stoad. P. O. Bldg. 4W-tf
sebolareblpa attend to U at oaee.. aa
a Ue
offer win be for a abort Ume
^aylay andthe dtaoaaaloa of ae elaboAmaodaHivKo. tn wara piaaaaud; Dreg Store
■ jathaWmoredaeaple.
C. E Docxaaar. Prop.
Iltdi to tke 6fud FmStmtFinte
Our Offerings
- Furniture
-Oeserte Unusual Ittentimi.
U/[ ARE PUnUIIUp Uany pieces exclusive with us, that
HL HnC oniminu for beauty havs not been equalled.
We make particular mention of KEED and RATTAN FUR
NITURE. Aside from a floor full of beautiflit creations in i
: this material we make prices equally as at'ractive.
Whether you intend to refurnish your house this fall or '
■ just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your ^
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity '
: to do BO at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods ^
■ In any event.
THtf Mourure jtaooBD. smroAT. AOounM itse
nun AT QAn wtaoff.
' JM ■■ertttay Algw >M Orwt^ •
t»v««feto ObUft «t Koa.
tuk Taiat.
mnUtf. Maap frar that tk* kow
pilUaklpkatbaaa oaaghtla a aterm
orbaaa deeiropad hpaa aoeldaaL
A great neap aaval antboritf
tbia dtp tboaght that tk* inaiihaii
wa* BotUag bet iafaated artlelat that
bad baea tbrowa eearboard bp
the mnniog
aoldlara to Moataak Poiab Bedding
MDoag tbe
debrla, aad tkla gave atrangU to that
theorp. bnt It alao glvea atrengU to tbo
tbeorp that the wrecked abip. If tbar*
waa a wreck, wm tba Sotao*.
Bwria Cterh. the bwo of Uto Uatek,
«as DsHber wloa uaefnl cragwaablTJ
h^Uv^bo yarn* aloMwbM be mlgb*
hate been bka^ wtU -Ood** bmt gift ■
euli. a* dark wa* deridedly a wmiUy
" “ * \rUnrOould Ihengiit b*
loellmit binhapd for his
lightly on Ue shady side
«d ta So one evonliw. floding him in bla
ooUteiy vmrUDMU, looking downcast and
* Moataak Polat. M. T., Aafut «T U a panoaal laMw to PrwMaat M«>
lOaloT. Oweial Joa WkMJcr baa wrli‘■BTisl makm yoo Utnk a^lop al’v
Ma tkat tka rail o( 9*vnfry Alfar
m«r • gniffly inquired Clark.
kara kaa aaaoapUahaa atora
•-Because ran are not lively s.d lunqiv.
fca eaa aapreaa In taat paopk who
Too ore lon^ and want aooMy No otm ' ^
mn enjoy life wiUout oompBa'. iialilp. tn ifl
kaaa anppnaaad ibelr anapaiaUoa at
Unit, yoii need a wife"
It of affair* at Camp
-'I'rt. got along all these yeart alihouk - ^
^nkoff arabaamiDg with gratlfleatlon
one. and 1 gums 1 oan «ni.h (>..
ai tka kaantifol taaaaar la whiah Seeway.”
■■Oeoanseyonhavebesaatn-l all Uem
talaiT Blfar la ripplog no the i«d tana' II Xattoi* of Intoraat From AU
. m Is DO rtaaonwhy yto!*..^eim'
Farts of Kiekigan.
aad trampUng down tba anap rag«l^ I
ttaaa. Siaea tala arrlaal hat* the eon- ■Kmwm'm'mwmwm'wmwif
■ Tnio.”-aaldCUri(: ”B d 1 takon a
dttion ol affalra haa improved la a moat
wife 9U yoois ago, I sboold L -- been hepSix poang ladies of Grand Bapide be pker today. But wbo would iu... r.r an ^
; aKtonordinarp aaanv. Ba baa don>
like tou Dowi ’
kaaor to hlmaelf aa wall aa good to
"Many a nkoo giri vonld Jnmp i.t Uo
otbara. bat baa borrlStd the martlneU phonaea'a oonvaot. Blahop BIcbtar ohancc.”
9t tba armp aad haa eat an example of prarlded over the aolrma aepvlee. They
"Idontw^int an old maid.''i: ;S
Vkat tkap eall "Inanberdlnatloa’' and are; Mlmee Norn Wall and Anna Dyer paKkular old bachelor. --Same t-retty,
itraffalariip that thap fear will rain of Grand Bapide; Mayma McDonald of bright glri iubtbt toiurt toe. But. then,
Emexvllle: iUtle Rlae of Berlin; Vic- Ul* courting buKincer I know nothing
about, you aoc.snd. taking Uonthewboka
leaarak Alger haa bean at torU banzoo of Mnakagon. and Verona I might pay too dearly In advoMc. ”
-Well.’' said Oould Uni*UeD«ly, ”<»
’ work la Bbakiag
tkiag ^r* np in tba boa- Krapp of WrighL
tbe whole. If UetruU was known, lUlnk
pltala aad U the aoamlaaarp
and qnai
you ate a trifle too lav to live.”
tarmaadr'adapartmrB', Co'oaal Beat ton, 111., arrived at Marquette an a
-Why. I'm all ivady for a tmcgaln.
arof Oatroltha* been raring Ilka a ep- trnla Friday at UKW. She aeemed to Show ihu somooftheaenleeglrUyoaBDem
I think are an plenty.”
eloaatbroBgh other portioaa of tba ba all right whca aba tell the trala.
-If you pkease to \-lslt my temtly yon
•amk aad ha* mada a repataUon for
will hate an opportunity of tnorttog many
■aargy aad exaentive abllhp that will bad lung tronble and west U
ladkm. I will' Introdooe yon to my sister
•aver ha forgotten bpaoaa old foaalla thlaking that the climate woald bane- torona She wlU Intndoee yon to oU«ra
kokaaooUidai wt«. U win:d have flt bar, but tbe axeiteaeat of the Jour- and”—
-Goodl ru mend tommiow evening
, kaaa a bleating if the a-ereiarp had aep proved too much for bar.
wlU you."
made hia vlait two week* ago.
J. L. DavU of Waterford, bos shipped
They parted, and Clark's Ukk bead
One of the moat aatoniahlag of hit some Bamboolette ahaep to Africa. B*
a* full of new tdeaa At e o'eloek U*
» wbleh mada him alao Mat Ihre* rama of tba asm* bread next night be steed before bis mimir try*
■ora Indignant than anp othm.i* taat to Oregon to head a B >ck of over 4 oon. lag necktie after neektle
htle and oaiefuUy
d of his hair. At
aa order which ha imnad to Borgeoa
W. 3. AUaa of Dowagiae. a mat
nipped and
Oaaeral Btaraberg oa Aag. 10 laat. aa- of Um Twantp-aeeoad iafaatrp ragnltkorlat^ aad diraeting medical ofioer*
of Ua armp tobnp proper food aad deUelad
ladle*, gmssod a pkauHtnt evening,
tthed cTciy movement of the yo^ger
UeadM tor antletad maa in the koa^ial* from Cabs to Monteok Pc^ni. He aspa
' aadartbalr charge.waenever raoaivad the ftlU on «ke boat U ladcaeribi
bar*, aad. what waa won* wa* aarer that there wee no pare water or eoap, ehamlng Mim Oould oould ? pervaded
to become Mrs. Clark, iihe was anraMlve,
oammaaicatad to aap of the hoapitala aad that Inaaollp relieved many a i
Tkaaacratarp ia tborongblp exaeperatad Soldlen Mt up In eote. elntebing wild pleaslDg in oonrensiion and gramfnl la
ever thia aaglaet. if It la net a daflaaee ly. wlUi the death rattir ia their throata
Sb* Is tbewemaa for me.”Uaagbl
«f hie aathoritp. particnUrlp baeaaM Bight privates and one offlosr were Barris os be said ” Good night. ” promising
tkU order waa leaned at the ii
borladat aea.
went borne f»m hit sncsid vl*»
Of tka preaidani. aad when h* told the
waa on informaUoB of Chief Boyle bappko- than from Ue first, for. Id DddJ■awapaparain'Wnahlngtaotbat avarp- of JackaoB aad Bberiff Bnow of Kala- OoDtobU locreDsIng admltatkoo for tU
thing naoaaaarp waa being provided tor masoo tbat Oeorge Wagaer wa* arrest, lady, bo felt aasurM. by her erident oxerthe Blek aoldlara Seeraiaip Alger waa ad in Cnicago. Wagner has a bad rec Sons to cDtavteiD him. that hi* fedlngs
are wet prorated.
andar tha Impraadon that It had bean ord. having Mrved Uma la Slag Slag
One uofortunate dreumstanoe must be
tarhnrglarp. Ue wa* la Kalamatoo
TB* mpatarp of the eamp hokatp haa aad Bear Btehlaad at the time of the
g Ue ladkes as bis wlfeand sister nieiely
%a*B nnravalad. The araiatant aar- haak robbsrp. It U alleged that Wagd partly Clark's oonlusiun Id controDtgaoo la charge told Bacratnrp Alger aar'a wife dlaappearad mpsterional* a
g two women at on.o, be had mistaken
that tha rnanon why tba ai^ aoldlan
oDo for tbe oUm and ralion In lovo with
Mrs. Gould, deeidodly tbe pw-nW of the
bad ta go tki«* dape without bread
two. and who. perfectly InDooent of bll
waa that tha bakery wa* aot erected
Mra Mary A. Jllbert of Chlnmat baa error, strove to make niatu-n idmsan* In
In Um*. and tbe tanli w*a laid apoa
behalf of ber sister-ln-biw Shr mXioed
Qaartacmaater Oeneral Kimball, who la racalved a letter from Dr. Tbomaa B oD«u cirtwka-tbu hv addn-mMl her as MIm
d«Oould; but, knowing bim to bo a some
the peiehaalng agent in Kaw Yark. Bp
Oaaaral Algar'e dUecUoaa Kimball era* aoribing her son’a death. Thoraaa died what illiterate man, k« It gam tma slip
oottrageooa death, tbe doctor writes, of Uu tongue.
ordered to aend a foil baklag ontflt to
lid hte last word* were; -If I had a
evening be found Hr*. Gould
■ooWak'Polatbptba dm train. Be
« Inforniid that -AnhoraDd
talngrapbnd in reply tbat tan dapa ago thoaaaad lives I woald give them ati
or more be chipped to Camp Wikoff a for my oooniry." H- seat a farewell to
his mother aad sweethearL
baking ontflt to eopplp bread for le.ouo
rowMtlirir alweiKir.. Now wo* hi* ttino,
Tba ladepeodeat Colored Veterana’ be thought, sii. sunimantng all his eoor. and lt;«l«bof Ann A'bor met Thursday algbt age. beoomiurnre-dr
Thia eanaad aa li
"My duar buly. forgive me for speaking
Utm out that the bakery which Dr. and elected i flloara A o
my mind franU
tnkly when I asauro you that
d uvpitesndidates for eota- tbe hnpplt-st ho.............
BaUmaaa has baea watching *o i
houK of my life here beSD
your suvlety."
lonely for haa been lying in the freight
you for tbe eomf
bonM tor over a weak, aad there ia ao Uem ia tbe matter of appointments of
Mrs. Gould "U give* i
evideaaatbat b* baa ever Ukan tba depntlet. Colored men claim tbvy bold
tronbla to inquire tor lu This iUiie- Ut balance of power in tbat coonty.
exlsionoa you
trntee the Ineompeuaep of tba
ha* a dorp Intcnsl In you. and 1 MuUl al
who bar* baaa charged with the enre U Ue attorBey-geueral that Ue ineor. ways br iiknimd to eutenalu you to Ue
Of *0,uo0 lives.
porated aamrtery aeoociatlon la com- bust of my ablHlIos.''
Tbe secretary has diseovarad that patiDg WlU Uem. eontrary to the stat
"Thank you. " sold Clark. "I fwl tbat
there U no laundry here to wash the ute nader which it wm organited. Tbe a alDgie life Is an unhappy uDo, and if Dot
too late 1 pruiiuw- to aiuond."
■BMU and pillow aaaaa from the boa- charge is Uai Ue aaaoeiattoe seeks not
-‘liid-vd’ Thro you think of marrying?
l»il*): that Ur. Porwood, tbe anrgaoo- only to fureUb graves but flower* to X ootigraiutete you May 1 oek who is to
be thu bonunvl lady?"
ta-ehlcf. ha* sever mada any aiyaaga- eover Uem.
"That d>-p.-nd« upon yoo. I have oerer
■eati to provide hot water tor faaUlag
At a bMiBrea aesoion of tbe (%ain mvt with om- Wlio Insplml me wiU suob
the paUeaU in hia hospitaL Them Lake Baptist aaSoelstton at Lsuelag estemi, surh !■•%<•. os youm-lf. All 1 hove
■oat important proviakona will
Will you l>c niy wife?"
rtaolntioM were adopted which stroog- I lay ■■ your
ill- iisiiwd and wl|ad Ui- prnplration
from bis fon-brod . Mrs. Oould. nttcaiy
eorted to Ue eoorU to eollect claim*
X to ber feet, exclaimhare are both packed ao fall of boxes, agalnat Ueir eburebe* that failed to lug;
kale*. barreU and basket* that ao pay Ue)r debt*.
-Me your wUel Why. Mr. Clark, ex
plain yuurwltr
naor* can be Ukea in. Most of tbe
A bacteriologickl t**t baa beea made
Jli-r husband, last entering, eangbtUe
packagaa are addrwaed to private aulof Ann Arbor's city vrater by Dr* Novy iMt words.
Aiera scattered abont tbe camp, wbiob
"Wbai Is the matter?" asked be. gazing
sod Corbusier of Ue nnivaraity,
alternately fruni his wife to Clark.
cover* an area four or flve mUes square
they find it is M full of disease germs
From the odM it i* apparent that
as Keoswt Is foil of P.ipollste. A cubic
■aay of them oonuia supplie* of trait
ceDtiBMier of city water wm mUed slslcr appuars to have ukvn fright at
aad othar food that has baea seat by
-I don't undemand whaL '
wiU OB equal qoaBlUy of pure beef
limy wtfei"
Ua lovad ones at faoM and is lying
rl \\*hy.
After Ue dbeam germs bad
Clark. "Mhy
kara epoUing. Tka axproM oompany
thrived npoa Ub aad beoom* aeUve have you deceived
In this matter?"
kaa a* faeUltlw for dallvariag tk*
deevired you. my dear
I of Ue fluid WM iajeetod lato a
goads aad Ue
»ow. Yon must haiu deceived yourself.
Twenty-Uree hours later Ua rat
trola Ue tranaporutloa rafnaa* to do
WM foBBd dead and It wm avideat that
da *0 without a special order, becauM
It had bean dead four or flve boars.
Ue packages are private aad aot pub
Poor Harris was struck domb. lie lusa,
lic preparty, and hie borate aad wagseised bis hot. made a low bow and aimlPope's Oonditlan Beiiona
bllated spam betweon Uv Gags and bte
aaa. nader army regulatlona. caanot ba
Vboobeior's bell,” wbse In a sboK
tmad for private buaieeM; but Oeaeral
time be WM sooted faefoie a Are bnih of
■using fancy
Alger ba* lasaed aa order to aeize Ue twice today. Bis feeUv
neckties, m.-het bog*. Ugbt glove*
Bret wagoBS that be can Bad aad dte- anxkty. _________________
and otbtT eopprfluoas arUols of an old
hadMdor's telfet.
. iribnte Ueae things among Ue troopa.
Bnoklan'a AnjU B*l«aA* to what bo thought, said or did atlm
Tn Bear 8ai.tk in Ue world for thattlm
ate. Brnisea, Sores, Uloera, Salt Oould V
jUenm, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped
BaBd*,ChUblaUte.Coraa,and aU sCS
■ad Oroaa mospitel Ship Imag Over
pa^^nl^^l^ ^rnarwie^
Oa* and it is Feared She
r*£^al.'~FriMt5eantoBerbox. Fcg
Has Bean Wracked.
aalcbrJ-O. JohnsonnbdS.^ Wall.
Kew York, Angtwt *7.—A World speeial from Boalommy* that tba Bed Cross
Mot OnUty.
koapiul ship Solsas was dee Um* on
Of ernrae yon woald not b* gnllty
9aMlay. So Udingtof it have b»en
a'fall hat not
of 8.
raeaivad atnea itleftOnha and gravs I Bend* Ado.. U* sew store where
wh*r< every
flaars have ariaan for lu aafaty. 'Ph*
Mao* had on a number of atek and
aver a* mneh lower Uaa
aaavalasoant mllon tnm Admiral
tuMpacn** flaai, who ware ta ba takaa
^h* Uteet imrfuma* at WklU Drii^
Tka reportad Mgbttag of wnakaff* g«^.
-DM iUm Prlnker aoU te
fled wiU Uem?
Clcrii—Ob. yn. sir; delimited wttfc
Uem. I b«id her ssy Uey didst knk
OM Mt Alka ber.-Bottou Tiaiiaa1|A
radeo and Norway fisd Ue Onltad
States a good onatomer of ood Uv« oU
aad matohas, Uom artiatei behw Ua
prinelpaa item* of expert to Ult eou-
■aar NareOdiars ia TraasiiStflisli laakiagPaifact FilliaBBest Waariag-
wOl be oar ploaanro to oholr
OB ABoortmont of
Of which w« BTC jofftly pnmd.
No pains were spared in the selection oiT these
suits—Bought of the most experiencedland >reliable manufacturers, they are stylish,”perfect fit
ting, and as near as may be
All sizes from three to siiRoi. At •auseellr fine assortmenl of coiors anil luneroa.
Deabie keees, doibie seats. Retbing omittBii that eagbt to
be iacaiporiteil into a bofs garmeet.
Men s Neckwear
Commaods a jrnod deal of attention just now. Our complete fall Hoe in and on
sale. Step into our frontdoor and see for yourself what ao incomparable assort
ment of these furnishings we cairy.
A Flyimr Top. which will fljr
rRFF About 200 feet in the airr i__
i spin
terikin^rthft groaod,
free with every purchase in oor boy'a de
partment all next week.
It's 111 ast lit inU nv. II lu tmi so Ii on oa, ud u 111 feUn a)Z
“We Govern Blhers By flnr Oim Standanl.”
No use talking, people know value, and k is folly for any other clothier to
think otherwise. Our aim is to figure out how much mon^ we can save you —
not bow much we can charge yon without you knowing it. There is a big di^rence in the principal involved. Yon can rest assured that when we ask. you a
price for a garment it is worth every cent of it, and not a cent less, and we won't
deviate from it one iota.
Let’s Talk About School SuitsI
Boy’s Knee Pant SuitsI Boy’s Long Pant Suits!
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50. UOO.
Cot right, trimmed right, fit right. AH the
nobby patterns, and the prices are right.
Kiel Puts at 17c, 25c, 35c acd SOc.
$1.00, $1.25, SI.S0, $1.75, $2.00.
Ironclad Stockings at S6c.
Hang on to your dollars until you have seen ns.
Sc OO.
^ '
niB Mft]Bn|to Mopm. bwidat apopbi; n, urn.
a9Udcullo.mE.AA.M. wUl ha
haM Monday night nt T:M.
tobbor. «-CM8b»«r aad oz-bUcmb kwpm. opaaod ap a baak at Gold Crnk.
- 'ooibKaBM applicanti te po-
BlU*Mboolftt«:«S». m.
Maniac MTvto*. 11 »• m.
Btioia. Mr. Wi
(trar. that ba rroold only aro one appliJaate mMttoc M >.-00 *. Ml
mst at a time and erdered them to fall
C E.MetiBfat«:«s. in line and take tnnit oominc In. ftaiMnatacMntoaat TiM p. B.
rie Pete happened to bead the crowd,
MnMoonwUlpnaahta Ua onaand at be eutend the banker'e prlraU
office tbe Uiut rome down to bnateeM
A baarty waiooma to ail.
Cbareo oa tha oonor of Klath aad
Wadaworth atraata.
Suday aarrlaaa at tMlowa:
Pnaebioc at l0;ta a- at.
c ■! T;ta D «. t>r Bs*. M. B-ai- •
Thru good baU gaaro wlU
»( dit daeoad M. M
An BaaUan ud Oolu ooBWnad wUl
aodrorortodown tea teao«a oolorad
Page Fenea Uluta.
tearoylna aojoyadn ploaie
MU«aak|aararaMatiac at 7;M ^
AUara wataoM.
wierbecbiilnliBbt&lnoocountin 'amr
••Come to think o'it, ao ye did. Ac
other thing I’m pertickler about la thia:
Sersao at Hh*0 a. m. oa "Tba aoaraa
•fTntUberly." Soioby MiaaBobarta
Tbla ta tba itat aarrlce aftar Tacatton.
My oatbier mutt know bit bitaeat an
Plaaae lavila yoar aiaiaar (rlaadt aad
not be botbrriD me erery mtelt. Kow,
Mraacara. and latrodao. tbam to tha if ye
caabier mu
an mmum
aosM mumm
kuB walked
—------, .
1_ U JO waa OT«ii»oi
paator. Join with foloa and hoart ‘a , 4^
b^ld ye op what would ye do?”
raadlafa aad
And after tha aarrioa a eardlal
Beboal at aoon.
»«••• elaat meeU to tha atndy: yoonr
sea'a^aat la the last row of aeata
Ptaaaa M thb ahUdroo with tha taaaoB,
^ ob
cn flggerin
flggerte with a
)d an pop him orer with tea other.
ahake will be ia place,
the teacher cannot do it all.
•““‘•‘T <*<
Badoarobate:lftp.B. Bob}act: ••With
7:>0 p B.
coapal BeaUnc at
Make airaneaBoaU to
A Chloago BU rbiud fflaterb fmmi-
H»w 1> your timo to got it Ton wlU l
f/gf yCUTB.
Everything Goes at Cost While We Are levihg.
Time Is short •• we muBt be movwd by Beptr 1.
(VexC Thuredey.)
CTba oompuy of ednenud don
try. are eoatidared to be not uly tee
beet edneaud. but alao tbe handaomeat
eoUaetioa of dogt ud poniro erer tron.
ly gone orer with a ifine tooth comb In
March oi nteiDbera for' teU eompuy
of uimal eelebritlevwod the reeult b
teat Prof. Gentry now onjoya tha db-
l«*ctioa of pororoalng one hundred of
tbit town who would bo wilUn to gioj
^^.pacUnent of tbalr
yo a bang up lottero' reoommendaabnn?’'
••Thar are. Bill, an be't Tetaa Jadi. mrioot klodeerar brought together.
tbe teal route mu. Jack knowa
like a bocA—wa apent tbraa y'a» la
' 1 togecber—u ba'Il gin me tea bigb^
rafeiencro in tbe land.
n ye’d like to aakT*
■Ka teat'a all, Pota, u ya kte her
tbejob. BuRua ma fur adn ao many
qneBiaot. bnt a Wiker can't be loo
Bt thia praeUaaloarrlea.
the day with prayer at ho»a
and all tha aoretea will ba
ponioa owned aad tmlnod by Prof. Gan
Tbat’a bioHMa, Pete, an 1 like yer
Kow. one more qoeatlaa.
Hain*t tear eume eolid btanaB man in
Year Ml«h,t.” Ba ready U taka part
aaonf tha dtak
Sunday aranlnc
a« Beat
Bay yrourday.
uraatoroyeatordayaad parobaaadafina
with yon?”
*'T«. thaf'a a fade, Feta. Taallnt jaidiatore. whleb ha arat by esprcaa to
acted like an hooeat man tboro daya hb borne. Traraiee City b a good plaea
Vow. bow about oountte aaabr Kte ya for Chicago people to do their trading.
oount party factr’
"I kin.
When we wm tamin out
Inwdtateo' eoontarfelt dollam didn’t I
Prot Oantryb Bbow.
Iba rcapnnilTTi
tun Monday. Tnonday ud Wadaroday.
tee banker a little anxiootly.
•'Why. orrt 1 an*.
When we niter
lob amcaa. didn't 1 allna dirida aqnar’
P A at a:S0 p.
plananre of bar fruBda.
y« bonaat. faaln't yaT* nM
8«ada<r aabo''1 at n:M a. la
Maggla Ohaapagna and aha ealaWnud
thaooroaioabyglrtegadaBao for tea
at ocoe and tuid
An But Side tana dalantod tea
••Kow. Pete, tbar'e only one Job yere OmUtekrUla bua bnU nUe yaaUrday
that tBinH fiUed^tbat of oaMUer and
hgBOooroof »toA
tha man 1 hire bbm hc**!*^* ™d
bantaL Dlyakao'
--------t»nHn bnttiWBr*
“Waal. 1 artar,”‘anw)ad Pm, with he hro eoaaenoad to Bora bb eioak u
a ^ond look. ”18010 aabow rra robbed
B«« tenkt than any salool in thia
A noBbor of tea tamale natlaate
TroterdnyrrnateoMrthdny <X Mba
They me to exhibit tea r beauty ud
tnlub In teb ^ty under n teorongbly
wutarproof tut u
ms Dn SMI nt onuie
ThbexhlUtlon b aatUy the beat of
iU kind in tec wortd and
prioaaof adabalon
Souday World.
Monday. Angnat» both aflamom and
BBooni ucraoDiar.
••My wUe oouldn't go to the oooetrt
Be*. K. A Bmeb. Pwler.
hw beorU of Xrftnayb
laguall alua and prtoaa
laat Digbt beouee tea baby teiaataoad
10:00 a. B-. dnaa Baatiac-
AMpB.: Epworth Laarua
to bare caonp''
‘•That wu too bnd.”
"Yu aad BOW tea b hopping mad
,0:»a B„ SerBooby tha paator.
bManro tee baby didn't haraotoopaftar
Braatac aerTloa.paelor wUl exehanca
ali.”—Cbtoago Kewa
Itn., Sunday aduMt.
: '^tt'a Drug StOTA,
pnlplU with Ear. Salabery of tha BranTraTTOMOtty Matbat.
T M-iocooir.
Below b a Ibt of tha baying nad anil- J. moct.
Ing prloaa of yroUrday for groaertaa,
Calieal ehureh.
»Bt>K.O«CUtB HerUu
Br*. ChM. t. Bteov Beeur.
Comer Waahlaftt* atroet and BoardULUxe raiOB.
■»*p arannA
BoiyooBBunlonalO:!©. A B.
Monlac aarrioa and aoraaon at 10:J0.
bonday achool and Bible elaat at
A aarrlM of Mor«S aonc at 7;U p
All aro oordlaUy tented to throe aor-
Ber.r.a-BrMdr. I
^’oaB^rottacat«:so ora^ Sabbath
tef aarrioe.
Junior Lencua nt l:»0 p B- and
worth Laagna at e:15p a.
,Sto It e.B. ]
■imno nama or TUTnuBcrTT
Moralac anbjaet. ”Wbo b ay nalgbhorf
Erealnc aabjeel,
”Tba Second
and •nilrd OoBwiandwantt.. Tharaday-Pmyar Baottng
• s
Suday aebod at oloaeoftban
H fpp
^ .19
*' AU are oordbUy tarlted.
Bew.J-C.Cbmu. PttUT,
Bor. A. Q. Sloenm D. D. of Kalaaa-
•oldm' Eaonlon.
sw 0^ lege, and one of tea moat noted
On aeeonni of tec Soldlen' Bennloa
olargyoieD in tbe aUU, will preach thb at Arcadb tee M. A. K. E R'y will eeU
Boralng' and arulng nt tea
MckeU on Anguet». to. tl. ud 8-i>hura. at the BapUai ahurch. It rrUl tembar 1 at tl 48. retara limit Beptembar td u traiu at V:45 a m. ud 8:40
ha a g-aat plauara to our people to
They unnect at Copembb with
great Dr. Slocum.
CcwnxoaaM, Agt.
Otear urriero u woal.
- --Vi-.
eT*rfW>wU>« ■’IUh»wllle«>'-*tl«>nn
Com MlKn HoiXInc Ilk*
eoUu Ji»rT*»i»i>r eutX^
Coxmr. Jurern.1 tarr.
For Bala—Bouaabold gooda
TOBllnua. M6 But
ruBbar fur Ohair Stock.
WQlbm Beltear bu bought a cargo atroet
Oar $14 Bedrop Sait for $12.50, and EYerM in Proportion
’ yvaelauee*
iNTKD—Tor peaarel
of the Empire
dumber Co., which be will munfac
tare into chair atoek; etc.
Tbe drat of
tea porchau wu brought in a law
4aya ago ud the ba^ UaiUe B. Perua
rrUI bring la the
next trip,
it U not often teat
ber !• eklpped
to be
thb city
nanally theothrr rr^.
diarrhoea eccompuied by romiting. I
geee It neb remadiro U are neuatly
giru in aneh caua. bnt u nothing
g»ra lullef we root for a phyelelu a^
n waa under hU care for a week.
teb time tee child had been kick for
abut tu daya ud wu biTlng about
twuty-fire operatlue of tee bowel*
♦eery lwet« hour*, and we were conrlneed teat unlroa it com ebtalned re
lief it would not ll*A
C->Me, Cholera ud Diarrhoea Bemody
' wMreooamudad. ud I decided ,to
try It. I com utioed a change for tee
Itt oonUnaed nu a oompleta
ur* wu brought about and it b P«f
A E. Wait, druggiat.
Wa Urge Oomparboa.
low. 8. Buda A Co.. FaebiMabla
- te elec*
tb« nerocU efll**
«tmu lo. i.
A R*|>uUk*ei. raocu for W»»e
iMld ei C K. K. r. a U^l. tbN-oed■ otreet. e»
«>UBt>.d>t *r*oiae. Auc. 81. IIW. M • o-cleck.
WSSKiSlI-'GUeiaaWaat A<
a (trl
Xa. 414 Volae
If. Aae II. HUB.
Mf^elork. to*l«rt Itdelecailie* •• MUD* ’be
aw babaU aepL
one. BOYT,
WkU kO. 4.
TUs liM Ur» Coidi tl Ciidinir fir ;M5. «li
CottM Tipstiy for H85.
S WOHBM vuitu c
We hsTe B nice aseortmeut of etovee yet. Bemember, e oook stove, fully
ffuaruateed tor $8.60. Hesters from $8.60 up.
Itempe, Dishes, Jerdinieree, end such foods wswOlsellut l-doffritther thus
handle them. You can save from $16 to $al0 to ftumiah yoar hones now. We have
everythingr to famish it.
A Tr«*rrw CUT Lembrr Co^
no TOU WMT gr.u'.?;
3.W. otoartsR
House Furnisher. 1S8—132 Front Street.
M0BHIH6 BBOOBD." XaAVMtW^OTg. JCOH. aWq>^. .»PgP8T 88. 1898.-PAHT TWO.
Dicnlt ProDMs Meli Must Be Face
ly tie Repeatatifes of tie ’
yaiteil States.
delay, no parleying with a atau of an*
areby. It says to the tewbreakere.
••Put down your gnaa. and then well
reason together."
Three Umee In a half century United
Sutes rnmuty rule has bald away over
vast terrttoTlM Inhabited by rlcb and
proaperoua people, and In 00 Instance
did that rule leave a mark of deaolaUct or of oppreesion. In the conquered
oountiT of Mexico, the hotbed of polit
ical anarchy, where tbe govemincnt
couW be uptamed at the wlU of every
thc^-nmmsndtr of ti
- _nnj- m*y
hy proH«m«tioB modify thlo rule and
allow iti» local cDvertimoDt to «o od aa
In time of peace until be aeea <iccaelnii
to order ethcrw lae. It will be aeen that
martial law la a moat perfect deepol fm,
bul in the raae of our Weat India
queata th'a unlimited power win b. _
reeled aoleOy to the foundinf or endnra*
ble npnbileas IsatUntJona. It wiU not
be military op|>reaalon. and the moi«
readily the Inbabitanta of any city or
dlatrlct abow cbeir capacity for self
Korerament the sooner tbc rigor of
martial law win abate.
Our attitude In the Weat Indies la
this: All the functions of tbe Spanish
crown In tboae lalands. wbetber leglala*
tlra. administrative or exeentlve. have
ceamed. and tbe dethroned power la to be
replaced aa soon a« poaaible by one convoked acrordlng to our ideas of popular
Temporarily the conquer.
I of neotral powers
are aubyect to Ms martial away and ate
atsumed to be credited to the goveniUanlal
tOopyrlgbt. ms'
otal corruption and li
wltb graUtadeto the li
as an example of what
ba The American am
I navy h
a of hM
a bint that tbe work of a
for tbe purpose of haring a leapeeiBlble
power to treat witb for peace and tn
doing 00 estabUabed a Tepubltr aecosd
only to our own. on this continent at
least. In point of efBcleney and purli
diatrtcU conquered from U
and annexed as United States terri
tory the military away continued for
Unde Sa’s Aim Win Be to Permit
Me as May Be Consistent
With the Salepardlnj
ol Oiir Interests.
v-irona are eonaiderec the bast gm arwa
tnunleipal district In A> lertcs. If anatf
of our clilas shaU become a UtUe weeW
are today, tt wUl b«
ble leaders the v
IS of New
CliromU -n,
lard without friction between the con
quered i*oplc and tbe government.
After the overthiow of the Itoutbem
Confederacy In 18CS the federal power
cope with the peculiar proNem
lory. The several
I a code of mllltarr law*, but ttw arWirao' enforcement of tbe common la»-a
of mankind accordliig to tbe American
standard of human rights.
It la easy to believe that the American
martial rule will be better for the people
of the late Spanish colonies than the old
regime at lu test, and they will ball It
even (hough It be a rule of Iron. Tra\-el>
era In Cuba declare tbat the dlatrtcta
controlled by the Itinerant and a
loodlf Inanrgent'govemment are i
peaceful and pmaperoua than they ^
when Spain had her o
of peace. Spain almplyeougbl
taza and Impocta out of the
set up a hostile federatloh. it was these
A refractory people, such as Oertnany
found In her conquered aubyects of Al
sace and Lorraine, must feel the full
rtgor* of martial tew. In cases of tbat
kind it becomes a question mith the
ooaqueror whether cruelty la not klndneas In dlagulse. and vice versa. Oermany forced her language upon the
conquered folk In order to obliterate
tbe fatherland from the nailnnal meir7. Oermany in this case was simply
tend grabber and seised the terrliary
merely Co gee a heller rmntler. Her
banded the United States martial tew
took the relna of power, and the county
and municipal governments were con
tinued In forre wherever ft was found
that they were able to give the people
protection and security. Provisional
riate goreminenta aueceeded to tbe old
Confederate stale govemmenta and
sanctioned tbe acta of the mimaryeownanden as administered under martial
tew. By popular eiectiona new state
_d wfrb
exception of eeruin districts .dflnurb-d
by the race question the mlBlary a
d been created by tbe people li
Blanco's regulars. Cuba and Porto H.-.
are to became pearls Indeed la th*
American crown and 1
he new south «pa«
1 gave ^ us aa uartvaliC
empire beyornd tbe I
What ie termed In exaggerated tea*
|gssge mlllUry domlnaUos will be
' nominal In tbe West IndlM after
i only ezeoae for the use of force will h«
strife between tbe Spanteb loyal*
and tbe Insurgent rlemcnt Chtef
citlea will be occupied by a form tn
rlaon In tbe fortifications, with a gaai#"*^^
located In the town. SenttnaU will
stationed at tbe govenment officea •
for a time at the railway atiUona
aleamer Isndlnea The Idei'wiirhe~tS
^ *lve the peoile^ s^ rt^ecurtty^bS
to overawe them. Tbe potlUcal dte
vlsionB of territory, called prorlaea^ .
will each have a force la camp or gnr>
Hson wtthln Its borders
After the tepee of s few weeks CM
United States troops will not be mpim
1 M
onned mllltte la tlma of p________
they wiu be on hand wba. neadadU
>ada«. '
which la tbe resuU
' aeught
for to mBIe
a aa a safeguar^tor thr
enimeat tbe part played by tbc mltte
tary wiu be great or smalt, as the bonp .
administration may elect. If tbe moM
of Great Sritata. tbe mort iiiniaafdt
r In tbe world, be adopted. Ihs
With tbe tread of armed men tbe ts*
labitanu of Cuba and Porto Rico arc
iMUUar. It may be said tbat on tbe
i actual mlUiary woilt of
T»boJa the Bpaniab army has been con- tbe soldiery will be tbat of a reserve to
gtdarad tbe safeguard of paaoe and wel. tbe police, much like tbe service of our
Ca^aren while It has acted aa tbc In state mllltte. EvriT town, city and
proriace of
in both Cuba and Porto tUco tbe catabllatament of United States military
vewer Wiu be hailed aa tbc dawning of
• new ersL for the reason that in tbis
oase military occupation will be direct«d solely to tbe good of tbe people. The
Ughter tbe government can with safet:
■troy: tbat It shall foster and not stifle:
that It aball elevate, not degrade, hu
man aapIratloDs^
Conquest like that now going on te
quite new in the history of tbe worid.
Starting out wltb the highest ideal of
human rights, tbe government dom not
make war on lustllullons with which
tbe people are eonteci. providing they
do not cteah with tbe fundamental Idea
of -tbc gnairm good for the gfeaten
number." We bav<^ before conquered
and occupied territory as truly Spanish
aa are Cuba and Porto Riew. and bow
gentle the aplrlt of iconorlaam bar been
la ahown in the fact that today, generatlona after Spanteb terrltorj- became
United SUtes domain, there are comt>
a atranger
JT the ;
Military occupation In Gul« and
Porto Rico will be tbe name in char
acter M the outact—that Is. until Its
ewsy li generally accepted by tbe inliabltants and tb* lime.comes tn l.«k
. to tbe future destinies of the peopla
Than tbc sltnaUon in Porto Rice will be
likr that of any of our newly acquired
URttoiy. whua in Cuba it wiu to miU-
llgent people of Spanteb blood living
and owning property in the colonies
have long since forsworn aUectence to
Spain and become *ub}eets of other
ftega Spain has been as dcsirir hated
by her own children aa ever Boglaad
under George in was by American eolonlata and under succesalTe z
for the last bundred years fay Ireland.
MUlcary role under the United States
army la the most orderly, safe and butl.
iwurilke tbat can be Imagined. Much
as tbe horrible aaoeaslty for aslag mlll------force Is deplend. It caanot be dathat tbe people turn insUnctlTely
ahd with feeungi «f nUef la ttmt otda-
and BoM effective raetbod of govern'
ment when aysi<m and equity are tbe
eaids In view. It la of course enervating
te the people because of lu paternal
character. It created tnduatrtal and ao.
aa It la todsv. W)
id It
king ridden and war curaed country on
lu feet as a self sustaining common
wealth. be brought the full power of the
army to the task and founded Instltutlcma which have stood the'test of a
oeatury. England In India has shown
worthy of study. It says:
-------------------and naval 0:
be employed, la eld dO}s 1
-sr te ti
.jd In every dlsttlet tt tom
help build up a tradUhw of
good eervlce.
The Spanish regular and volnatenr
army In Cuba on a peace footing wu«
M.m men and In Porto Rico l.«n. TW
government was In the highest oaaae •
retllury one and the capula generai
tbe autoeraue ruler o( the peopte'n
nubility and ordar were the preraqui- desHnlee. After the Isteads am paMSad
I for progma. The government of
.............................................. tto OuHad
the District of Ctrinmbte by a select
board 1a an inaunce of what arbitraiy
rate can do. for Washington and lu an.
tbdr conatry. whether in lento
or In trenchea. Lri tu all remember
Hot^na adds another eentt.
TtaMMoatoUTwaf IMn* wmbm Oevbmor Pingn
mBt wtateb tbe writer applauds. Col.
^ tOtiMWBrid . «ffl0tall»^»
Nbvbl R«t*fv*«.
liopUna eaya; **8o atoo were tbe eoltba bcMilM «l tta*
and b«M dvr*
Thlrty-nret and ThlrtygaU theay lt^l
eetond regimenu her*).-* They mm mn well
lleted to figbl. and they were anxloue
MMlwUl eooaD«i to per- \
front, and win glory on
pMuMc iueU ikfoutfli •« «8o.la«
r Old Mot «a*e aa Oppar
tim. Tble. udtiae •>!»•, rf»nld otMlB ;
/he field of battle. Instead of bcinr
rent to tbe front they were kept tn
r That Oava Loaraad -a «»mp. They chafed ai« remonetraied.
«Dl7 wbo H« wdl Mil ttrUr PMpwed,
woMliT end wea qatOlfled for telttMloB
They begged 8-trelary /Iger lo send
Mtehlgaa 1‘aaple la teaehlBgtaa Horida* (),en> to Cul>a. but no •tale favorlllrm
rioearaar Plagraa.
cunld be ehown. Coi.wquently. thow
Waahington Am «.-By. expreae Michigan aoldier bo>o obeyed oredra f•nd to pwfmwt with dMfer of tte wc^
u.™ bour.
(ana to tbe laetowtloii end *onM n»eto
«ttb tl» Joto wd fl«n> li«U*n^ o< *U the national eaptiwi to the city of Phllaheroea. no l.«a
IKBCM ond elBowr K«OM.-EasfcMi*e.
dciphla. and alncepeopJewhopayorhav* ;
of pUudIta than thta» who n<»
tea may ride. I ran orer lo aee Pin- p^d aervirc. Every man who odered
K>nto temple at Clnclnnatt, to pretmiing grt* and the Hlchlgaa navaJ rraerves. hto life for■ bla country
la a hero.'
Pa. ee-.r>aa| rrity.
UeoK-oani* Wilkea. formerly comman-j
but Who haa been ‘ The war la ended and all nncerulnty
der of tbe r
on duty with the cruiwr I-”'-au*eu,i-c. .i.T*
«r leler
. to make a decleloB during bU M
.. .i, nuinju a.po. -a
"pr.o..K.n. JTU,. P-I.^
to ao nnnanal that It has eaoaed gen- >h.
eacoried him lo League toland. where ,
country ar* about to enter upthe
coromerDe Molay and Lot
Tuur correapoBdenl accompanied tbe :
prosperity that haa not been aurd a boauUful Ind3 ot IS itesaa aMtlng forth the adraa- governor and
an atalr. and entered League |,au>Hl In the hlatory ol the present
them. Tbe captain's gcnmlion.
___ of lamtovUto aa Uw nc« aweiins , jaland yard
, of f^*Tlah Inpla« of the triennial eoDolare In ItlOI.
'■ A )I gig and the ateam launch of tbe ToaeIt will not
copy la faring nest to all the........
mltc awaited our party, and we were flail"". There
of atlmuiatrd values to bring tbe Intbe trWimtol at Pituhprg la
will attend..............................
evltablp aequci of deprcaalon and divaaler. The Inivinrse improvemvnl that
as lodgee
Em.Ty. V
muat now be frit in every channel of
part lo a^pwaaetoa o
Industry and «ra> ha* a mure aubauntlal b*»l* Ihan haa ever be- n preaenled
In •diteeiilinniWa a rialting brother
any of the prosperoua aeutona of the
BUBt be Idanttfled byaome known Maaon.
In Britt. Him., then to a Maaonle
lo^ named Bunker HIU lodge. Na 811,
of whtoh dx of the eight ofitoM era of the
W« will close oat a few broken lote of Shoes, ^ sn
espeeUllf low 6gnre. They, are all solid IsaOisr and
Kood wssrera. We carry a larRe etock in all styles
and ail prioes and can please yon. For a good wearmg shoe get them of
^MOberof ‘h^pfenw lodjo- eltM^SSS.
Atoned to that
Ze at the eMetoo lo WoefatnctoD la 18M.
nan later at Clerelaad be traa eloetjdraprwaeTloechawJdkr. aadattbeaeailOB to be b«M thto Bxmth at lodianapolto
probably be deoted roikotao cbaaOTikr of tbe order.
Ttesraad keeper of laeorde osd nal of
to to alcbth la n
tS »4 «raad doBt^a
tbededleaUoDof Uto Rathbone non«'
^eot wblob wae to have taken plaee at
tldoa laet month bai been poatponed.
Vbe aranlto wnrke at which a portloo of
•be monoBteBt wa* brine boUt trae de*royod by fire, and ti*e oootractor wae BBa»At to fnlflU the eontraot on chne. Tbe
•anoactor haa been granted an extenaloa
«( rime anUI Oet. IS lt> whlcb tooesiptota
•be moaniaent. and It to hoped that the
dedtoation wfU oeror on Oot. fiS. Prepa•aMoae had been made for the Urseet and
Boat tetlltont parade <d the nnUortn rank
«w iilliitotel to the domain of New
A UrRe detefatloB from the New Hag-
among those who hew the roogh
whose ttgil eaester to the worklog mol.
Tbe brother who never goes m lodge «sipt m wateb tbe ttvatory or hunt teonMe
ould do mwh better to day away at aU
Oompma lodge of Loutorilto reoroUy
dedlritoed a memorial window In the Kentacky MMoato Rldowa and Orphana*
NocMag to bring left undeoa m make
tbe meeting of the grand enoampment <d
Knlfbta Templart at Pluebnrg nnt Oo-
nor Plngree delivered a speech wblcb
*a* heartily applauded. He thanked
tbe commander and oIBcera of tbe
Toaemite for the work they had done
tn dleriplining the Miohlgan naval re. serves, and in abowing them
Of actual naval w.rfa,.. Tbe governor
then walked down the double rows of
•allor lads shook hands with them and
thanked them for their aervlvva.
Waa a Swell lalaaer.
Emory then enlertilned
the aovernor. hla atafl. and the lorre-
«,undeat baata Our national credit
aec<nd to none in the world at
i home or abroad, and f rivaie credit, aa
I a rule, menu the conildence <if bus a as
; rirolea.
The war ha# opened up new and im
portant tiBCT of ecn«umptlon, all of
• win be supplied by our own peoi
of mllltons of money
tn seek tnve‘tmenl in legltlrprlae and In aatltfacb.r) aecnritles Oui
tbe largest i
“Ktw Idea" Pattens Ire the rqual ot Her Pattens Made.
Ten Cents Bars la^ Stfle.
To prices tbrnt ere leee thea the eoBt
of the xBRterUl, on
....Shirt Waists....
(All this MMon’s stylei.)
JustS^irTv?^ 49c, SDc^nd 89c.
49c tofs 75c to SOc Waists.
63c bcfs $1.00 end $1.25 Waists.
89c iinifs $1.50 to $1.75 Waists.
natvoal party went to Waahlngiot. and
the writer had the pleasure of eecortIng them about tbe city. They then
toft for Michigan, to be In time lo wel
come the boys back lo Detroit and
-----------------8a«;iia*- They
did not-------------------have opportuBliy CO render conspicuous arvlc* durIng the war. bill they learned a heap,"
and Uietr beat leeaun was. that sailor
work, as well aa fight;
To Heap tba BeaaBta
The wise bualreaa man will set hl«
Th. lot IncJudM nMurlr U1 .Um.
house In orde.- at once to reap the larg
est benefiU from tbe now lnevltab>
of prosperity that moat fnllom
He who alu down in ldl*o-ar
[ qqa walu for prosperity lo stumble
over him will find himself behind l.i
' u,* race, and those who moat IntelU(Allaraaf U&a MasM'g Mtoka.)
g*ntlv and energellrally
opporcunlty •..........................
At theeo prioee to oloeo out qidok:—9So to $276»Tnl*
service ; tufir reward.
lime of war. no matter how much i Oeneral prosperity must speedily
nee $1.85 end $1A0 to $4.00.
inSuenoe they may have in ordinary come, whether It shall be aided os hio"Danghten of Bebekah" to "Robekah pout,cal affalra
■ dered by those who are to profit moil
• of BaiMr Matas.
lodgm." oenaeqoeoUy tbe emla need by
While you are at home enlnying tbe •
|t. but prompt and unlt-d action Hi
Xo fxteuraal ben^t BTdw ought toctolm simh lodges should oonfonD to their style
to lepKaent trae fraternity if they do not
jer with the home folk, while you van ; come bustneas Imrrovemrr.t would
eroride ftp tbe nondrllnqoeniy of me«■ a eealwl
Gn wbito rick or dlmbled If 1b good
9 Itaaltn I before the name go to enterialnnienta and visit neigh- ' qnickm actlvUlea at once on every
bore, while you can go to church and ‘ ,!•».
before the akkneea or diaabUlty
U* s.--lablea. while yvu can See your
mere Is no place now for those who
afow In the A. O. T;. W. a brothri'oaabeat girl and kiss your sweetheart or i,^],
cro.nk and grumhl- a«theworld
toproenra i
Mt become deUnqnent aa to dnee or bro- _____
the devoted lover, you can t reallte „ove* ,.n. There are those who run
•SMidU while be to sick or diaahled. If be teoper name and tida
und-rstanrt or appro.late nail.msl
Special values at 89c,
Light caasimere puits.
«rae In good emndlog prior thereto, no
Oaneral O. E. P. Grnndon to »ow eoni' away from home to run acros* the ' prosperity, even when Its beneficent
astterbow long It cunUnoee. That to w>»,wW of Mlmoort I>atriareha Militant.
$1.38, $1.79, $1.98, val
gove-o-rf and SUIT, and to meet somany ' blesslrgs are diffused on every hand.
well made, value $5.00,
itl^enal pro««tlom-Bad Crom Oamttn.
Michigan people all In a bunch. There's but they have no plaee In ibe duties and
$1.25 to $2.76. .
Thera aranow
grand lodgceof tbe
at $3.75.
" - 'prospects of the present, while the
lobringtbeUteatad- ........................be located between 8t. Paul
- or.OBo.................................
Strong men who have faith tn roanSltkmtotb
and MInDtapoUaaod baa an cetdowment
limes, and ' try. In Industry, lo progn-ss and in
of gai.wu.
be away , home, will now come to the front U‘ aid
* fellow humealck
OiiR line at 35c Knee
SddedtotheDegraeot Honor daring tbe
and enlarge the must substantial ard
Tba PhOadrii^Odd Prilows’torapto |
greater psrt of the year,
.Star H»7. making tbe total number at the baa oot yet been placed on a pnylnt karia. j ^hecriore Willson of Marquette waa
Pants at 25c.
Batten County lodge of Hackenaaek . trr* last week. He la a around courin
Twrita thonaand two bnndrad and
_Iri«atad Its golden aanlvcreary with a : of Itev. Theodore Wlllaun of tonla. who
esty new mmbrit of the Degree of Hi
BetterTHae Taktag Cities.
banquet and dance. Thera to but otto t
, classmate of the writer at Tale
was admitted during 1807. and a net gain eharivmatnbwllring.
It waa long ago observed by a very
Icollege some twenty years ago. He la
tna made ova and afaDveall loaMo Ind
'toe man. after much experience In
The Virginia Odd Fellowof July apeaka not aa handsome-as his reverendcoualn
and military,
4ait to attopanalone. deaths and vrlih. . ... ...------ .
.J, reiigtona, but be Is a good
4(MQ Whfi nwmbaablo to
spirit Is belter
ls°of 4,(
to bell 164 mala and 86.478
than he that taketh a city It maj
Old DoMlnton state.
1 has doubled hla money. Every square , ycmtirked Jiial her- That amid all
f.K.t of
ground within ten
miles of the K.,r.d»i and
------aM tM
tad nMMsd
neetinBoflon and vicinity are Odd F
RlUlMe DTT oMt, GOrpi
rrlTii^ hs'» ronirived to raise
dome of the Capitol will be worth
dollar or more durini the progreaa w. atslUl the war department,
Snbcfdlnaee lodgM mnat pay aftmml
Tura-vox^e Oi-ty,
who stands with unaullird honor aa
1C next two decades.
bcoafitof at toast 880 and funeral extumara
-heller than the mighty" la Nelson A.
Best riBla aoUrtsl la Coamaetleak
to tbe amonot of 800 U they aoioont to
By the way. speaking of Rev. Will- Miles
that gum, and any bylaw pioridlng for in
By virtue of hi* rank, which is fairly
torn amoonta would be Illegal.
won by long and h'-norable «ervlc«. be
at college, be
I>aBt Grand Bepresentative K. C. I^tlt.
la tbe malor. general cor
HcenUr of Waldo. Fla., has toft thto eonn- often gave performance* for charitable ; army. He waa egpected
tiv and taken up btorttadence la San Ntoo- AbWla He wa# also a good performer i It. but Mr. Alger preferred
las del Ora. Satado de QiMgMn. Mextoo. In tat deuvery of aermirna. bring quite ; to tala own way. Neverti
a natural elocutionist. He was Just r went on quietly attend-ng to hi# buslIn a Bebekah lodge. a vine Wt lealous. however, when the | nesa, aa be was allowed to do. and
- ptCMof tbeofderaa I
tri’.W c^uS the pulpit for Rev. J. 1 when tae army got Into a
MysUs Bhilaa.
Morgan Smith, at Grand Kapida. during , bad tangle, was at
a college vacation. That was quite a [out. When It «aa necessary to send a
I can hol’d a good one ebtap. nlao repair at
dlrilncllon for a "boy preacher." hot It j cerpa to Santlaeo be was eqoatly ready
aetlea. Call and see what you ean ga?a- WJf. la belter and mere Influential to preach i to take it himself, or to send anoth-r,
m new.pS^r^>lumn. than In pulplia. and the expedition n.^ would h.v- FBTTBBLY. «i: Monroe atre< -U Want Side.
of riewaa to the wvlfare of tbe order, and .
oomntoting arrangemeota tor becsuse'^iwre hardened alnnera are (got off from -tampa If Oeneral Mile,
vrttb a rranltant baitnoay of action tn In[Sd not gone down and airalghien-d
reached that way.
taOlgcDt srark.
______ of 1 ont tae eonfualon Into which Incompeeirclea. Invttatkma bare been aeol to all
Ex-Congreaaman Mark-----M.iwe oounelli wera atlrrad up tost. the f'hrtnere In the United Suuee ^ J»«ntl:
doing himself Justice as , tent people had brought It.
ftaybyW. H. BrtneatancTpeneeof |1,- Canada, and the tueedDg will be awendtd
commisretoner. because [ On that terrible »d of July he tele- Swra. IS7 Front atraot.
IIL Tbe rrault was fairly eatlsfaotofy.
by HhrtDere from all parts of the coontry.
. rtoliig Justice t.. an employe of I graphed to Shafter
- issaton named Bailey, who is i gratae, and the promise to be •with
Tbe order was poslMd In Quebec tori
the visHore etoboraCcly.
booke. -r removal on account of evl- him" lo a few days. A rioiT 1* Prtnt^Mgat an exponae of ISilSB.
before a senate InveatlgaC. ed In rar
one of the
tae pa(.ere
pa(-'re that Mile#
Mile wrnt
Expenaea Ineumd In booming the ordar
drorewtven before a sen----------^a
fia„,togo by tbe dealre of the
Beat F1f« Cat CIrar Ifada. THE GILBERT CIOAB 00.
Maybe Brewer U no lo Planttogo hi- tbe dealre of the preelIn Kentucky amounted b> IMIO. R. H
lut found hlmaelf beaded off by
Ogntetod of North Carolina did tbe eroric- order are prinid. Tbe utber Syrian
woree than tbe mbere. but aa a matter dent, but
on order from the secretary that he
---------------Mncb Intonri waa awakened In tbe or.
«gk not to Intei^ere.
to tbe state of Vasbington tori yiar
Mad a Chrariag Effret.
and AUaghany Sbrinore propeaa «> g tnsre. Tbe clril service law. aa
•igC F. iDgvraoU. Expenses wera $1,404. burg
make tae third lem^ in tba ataco BUportar mli.lstered. la a ocreomlng farce. The
Be this as It may. there I* no Indlcw.
pe..plr are hombuggrrt by It and the tion that be desired to inierfere in any
Mbfisra Woodrasa.
Uw ought to be repealed The con way except to relteve a critical situa
Bg arttoto of the world.
AM. 1 Oie Modern Woodmen at Amertoa
gressman and twnatbre say that they tion. which he quickly did. Hla very
M $467,074, MO of Insuranoe In forae.
presence bad a cheering and hripfnl ef
If yon happen to die while In riwptafect. and though he was olfictolly tbe
eomroander-tn-ehlef he toft Oeneral
0OC. yonr bvnullctorii* will not receive
lug Goods. 01
AM penny. You cannot afford to be dito- a iwnnanent fraternity ..............
Bhafter free to carry through the cat
to sad Ostote ats.
Loyal Saxenntors rejoloe In tbe wonderful
be had ao bravely begteu. and
vitality of their organlxaUon. In leu and wemer oot of office, but It la vio pafg*
late.) every day. and tae undeserving hla <
VMM' rimn it ha* dlEtinnari ora
;««. of which all but IS0O.0O0
this better than 'our Mtcklgan civil Then, evidently resolved that the rale^ paid to liring mambem.
a.11 sight.
ce a boM upon yuu.
- *—*- S. Brewer. take be had observed should not he Lnnehta is tae werls for l&e.
aerriie c
' ■
‘ -----repeated, be took tbe command of the
«oIy aafo way la to never suspend
Ob tba Moll of Baaoe.
Our luembw* may safely antlclnam the
‘The boys who died In the treuchea expedition to Porto Rico blm#t^ and.
d Batss M O. S. * X
MfjOng of anutber aatwaiuent Iwlore the _______ «d tae Oder wlU be grand and In aui tae boys who died in tents are dlaregartlng the plan# of the war de te—ratra.* Vmb tba toBta OB tbe
O.AAlMroloaaa. making a reoord again of ooly time will oreitBke and leave far In tba aqrally heroee." aaya Becreiary Alger. partment. sailed away to a new point,
, oMoeat par Mia.
from which he ♦ffecled the occupation
Tbe 0. K. A I. will bare axewrioM
1, good to raters .Octobsr
safoarmoatbraltayfrauau. Tbe -The Michigan men who fell before
Kanymembos are anxloua that WOHMD ...............tbe aitady growth It to making Spantob bullet* deserve our teat* and of the toland with a ayateraatic rapid InUTravoraoCityaaioUawa: „ ^ ^
ity that compelled artenowtedeement
In tbe faeeor sonianydiffieulttvaasdwlta
of fever la tbelr even from tae moat unfriendly crltlca.
trip. Bell AsgMt Mta. Sdta. sad f
so many other and older oedera in tae fiidd the beys who died
been Mitaer
In all this there i
good to ratars
rstars Sept. dta.
l*nie I
to ainiidy amaxing.
____ ___
BimMta fromft|M^^pc^J3ta- Badseed rstaa ta otaar.aabila. FhaM
mdlnx. but 1 iir loyal aervloe and the quiet aelfI 0. B. Msrrsy. Agmt.
lodge. Pine Bluff. Ark., la In a
tat battle- poaiearion of a man maater of hla tallllte#
a L. Laekwood. a P.
EoartoblDg coudiUon. ard It* ririnlimexThe National Prorideot Union, haring
in tbalr tenu. tag and of hlmaelf. He haa "ruled hla iDdiasapoUa, Terra Haute. Sk Losla.
peca loBsakelttbe bannri lodgeof the
Ob the roll of honor, the Michigan n« |
*»# lint five omrstoria ttobato goeA
___ .. __ eridrnt
who gave their lives (or their country
Save yoBMMcNd Utot aOttr anctrilman
iMdataasad PMsa. iMtmust not be aeparated. Tnoae who died tbruat him arid*, and haa abown that
patttng around tnourwarri doing ixuil• -' of tbe loyal-----In tenu must be honored as tnoeb as
may uffer vbaaper rate* for a
Ices of otbere that to,efaaracterlBtto ot g^ M days. ^ ^ jiBpagT. Agsat> number for aevera) tbeae who died on the batUrficld."
•Ms whOa. but they artU all hare to
That to a patriotic eeDtlmcnC U
Mtav* ttoedtatoonltoot roougb moo«
•P iny ter Aaatba M tary oecu.
•be tmlform raak at .
•pedal tialB wOl be need.
Tbeeeeeleaof tbe rapreme todpe wm
THpte Uak Metaa.
einritine about ten daya. leeting eercral
Qrand SbaCarieton baa luuJawd tU
kmrrthan the nnUerm rank en- (oDowing deotolon: Q. The legal title of
Bebekah lodge# baring been fixed aa -Beas of Chartea bakah lodges" by togtolathm eaiacted In
Indiana ppeaaDts tbe
%, Shively aa the oandldate
jgmiln itw enpron
$4.50 for $6 nines.
Bargains la all lepartmeals, at
Watch This Column For Bargains !
Fifty Cents
Do Ton Want i Boat?
6 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Clgars-6 cento
Guard Chains
Furniture Bargains i
Columbian Restaurant
THB Moano aSOOBlk, suvdat. avovt m. 18M.
wUl •xpHtaMBBioodft
•Qiiddiv the Tiger" b « Patoc^
. itePMtiiw.
- ----------- r
DawaoK. Jnaa 1.
Va«a fa ttaenataatailBlngoaBp
ta tta anrid. M^dnato aiaT baTO
talgat nt too aoBib«-j»t^
aMtal !■ vtoijahBa. It it praeoeaUr
.to the—I
mj the doninnioft
WMBmrdmnMdlMlTMt Tbaprfo*
of BMta At riiHwiMW it ft.M Moh,
wbUespa* tk* sitsM itl••«.60, and
Itet for food wkiobvovld b* Mmd te
IS o> SO oMti la me» <t tbo Bwf
HotMiic to aolS ortr the tar IB Damon
tvtaM ttuB SO OMS^aod
tkmto BotUae la Mock batwktokr
thing etoe that <a»aow to be aralUbl^
I bars paid «l ap at tbe adaw te a
(laa of to eaUad root taatarradlaa
Pan Wtaa a
la tUa land of mow aad ioa aad
«*« P«» ■»•*»
^ taann. At thia nniim dar to mo-
e»»al?e rariety. A apedea <d tbuharb
i, the ooly tbin« of the kind worth
ii*SSh •boot Ihe
^ Alo^ Ob. If »«oo.
fiad them. Bot tbe -tSTS
wbtofey tar, m
the oolrUt^cSou
itariaetonand tta goid. OfgaiBe
daaoe ball and the gambling room an i
. rf gah iar lem ♦*««" to
latbefonfrontof tb. bodaemorntm. ; gSl to
ItaTuk-of dmUar
I f* i ToluM elaewben. 1 nDdentand that to
Um th-------------------- --_
hto report Captain Ray of tbe United
m. kbd then an ao many <t tbem
^tapeoa of tbe oonatry.
ooner) »amla. Hn»e are eomel^ ^
tn two
doacB or mOw gambling placea whore
dinetton—aoil and ellteo, ronlettS. pokar. keoo. etc., are be- j
^ ftoadlr
at.^ total
fag pUyed night and day. openly and ^ Broadly aptaktog. Alama tooaa
rather pcominesUy. Tbe mtorr oomta
- ------- , - - . tooiitadowB at tta W “i*“l Of obniaeit to a Ug
1 there an ttllaUe epoa and Am daya
towatohtbeweigiaiig P»^ _*«
; S^hann daaert. Bat tbe otdy tbtog
Oot.o-tl.po,. boo, oobo-fouj.
ta Inoky. be may open a few bottlea of Ifae Btoeqnita And right bate let me
Champagne at »40 per ho«Ue beto aay taat if 1 hare mid a^t to a locmer
If nalatay. be takM it pbilo- lettat ac> oondoDa. tbe moeonito
__ or ■nmtM.tbeoMUdC mta
tbe toft fork ap and over tebUL A two
aaUawnlk litingi me to the
tinr tank, wbenee I am tot
la a boat Camaned toataapee
tope, tbe tootlva poww batog tbe
onrrenl. manUwlatad fay palleya. Ona
bandted doUan a day'
Mvetardlytatn'toon taae aecantad.
Bat tba anma of opmalfng Ibam
atamtate grwtor Ibaa tba oatdde
pabUe imaglm. SUatee'wagmataaow ASaOloUTE N*CO OP A PROTICTIVI
tl.Mpwboar, andevaa at thtoSgafa
tfaen an oamptolati that tbe ooatof Dv-
Erer Bnniea OatT
If aoyoatapw
I WWW wwramB
awtMi 1
7«wi ■
Bmiatotei varyaad range from
..,000,000 to iso.000.00a Itbtnktbey
O. P. OARTXB. Ageu
• PwTaMletot
Tlie Way Tbej SetUe! ■'.1
1. i. b,oo
Ban tbe Ball toada into tba wooda Boat
and throogh manby groond, wbrre tbe »wr
Manlataa, MIeh.. Aag. 1. lOM.
liiitoililaii aometiinea itoka tobMcoeei. >
BomaProtaatlTeAaaa..Oaytor<.Mita. •
In a little clearing Joat aa Is riketbe
Daar Wra:—I raaalrad *oi*r thra^ '
yaer dtotriel managar, W. B. Hardy,
famoH BosaitM creek I mee Jui':nto aj <. tan.
aebeekaf SM^. to fall aattlamaMaf
UUler. who agatoft hto will ...<!< awn
Tbe wealth of tbe world, gathered vr- ary aceidmt elaln.
baa been ahot np to the oou::;rT dmn
Of ihto
toat nmnwr. It ia 10 o’clock .4 lo^.'rct. wh.-%-ont of the oonniry thto year. arywhere. bee acenmnlated to tbe baadi | Thaaktogyi » for the fair and prsanpt
manner in wbieb ym have aettled wHk
and tbe
tbe aonlight
imnligbt atrikea
atrikea tfc
tk-:: >'g^
rt'^tta wealtbTl^e'owijere pat ol tbe navigating and
«. I ramato a member
year aaaa>
Oaoaos BAmsm.
«««. 5ctbto,totbeworidb..m»noh eiattoa.
TigmattiiR that walktog w •.;•! to aj
iSOI Vine etraat.
I power ar tbe modern Blip. Hopowarln
poBtive ideetwewen_^
AletaMol'.nald. tetortaoee, to tavern: ^xtotanoe
aiirtwree to
be take, from l-toprtatat A mmitime Batamnripo-e-iBilpptog.
Oooa-oooiiy.! “ 11^:
^anerttat a
faoxaa ISO «r mote feat below. Jnat be-:
Ion 1 reach tbe point of diaeovery I'
fanild a fin faeaide a little creek wbeta I
tbe water to yellow aa mffron from ito I
atratoing tfarongh moaa and other vegetable matter above. A fire la qnickly
taiU and coffee made to tbe taking
powder can. Then bread, etewed fnit
and dried beef, all taating never aogooi
make what 1 caU my aepper. altbongb
it to 6 o'clota to tbe moraing. Fpor
aflEka aboM three feet long an atnok ia
tbe groond four feet apart to form I
aqnare. Over thto 1 have my moeqnito
neettog and tben cnwl nnderaad en>3y
litartita pnjpdloe tbe rigfato» impair jyoamW.^
Otaec ta tta Ptena
portance and tbe fall and ««)m1 proteoOodaon to vary patriotic. Wbee tbe tiCB of tbe totenata and toatltntiona cf
ftnt call to arms reeonnded thxoagfa tba In oittoau demand Imperativaly that
land, to eras eonramed wi:b a bnning tbay Biall Banaaet tbeir props Bian of
daBn to basten to tba bost. bat tbe mermntlle hnaineat. do tbair fair pro.....................*
and lota
that be liad a
- pertion Of tbe catiytog I
npon tain bade him pat
to ft that fceeign^ tb
With tbe aeocod call for croopo eamt fbetr aUpa take
tbe old desire to flgbt fca bia coantry. In onr early hiatt^ it waa onr good
fast bedtdnot dan taoe tbe learaand fortnne tbu to have been governed by
I of trade.
<« prio« to^u,^amo,ijo
I, I, u»
At 18 o’clock Um
U-uolooM Oot,
,htol. loOoiooO Uio OIIOW ptooeatbawoTto.
ae 1 have ever eeen it anywhere el this
and a two bann' feat to tba with patriotic
aedved to delay no longer. Be felt that freight a farrigo Blip, bot the emblem
Blade follows.
bii ooootry needed blmmonttaaa hto of cooitnerctol power to in that sbip'a
Bag. Tbe ouimtry cf tba cargo to not
wife did.
' ' aa tba bomeef a polmant
To fortify
dtoooeery on Bonania and v
abetotabargentlytobtoArmaaDd j.
. lotbetM
>e taip o
d by the El Dorado,
^ ooau me 13. SO.^ >-rtattoc her boB npon bis breast, when ttoa off tbe glory, and perhaps
.mp.«lt taojutt- .. dtaoe. u > I i, „,„ia „„ „ h-CT.. I, uU b, of tb. prolb II b ptol b,________
c'ok^ib tbo bltrambb fbl.ll t~l.!tt«b,™polbg toU,Iro.t It tn. lobtub bor d» obrr> "iW bdo« to
ubblUi.b>tbl. i..pob. It rtbil~
,d„Bb.bTOlb, bitooobt.7. b«»li b« on,, utl tb. Alplt. lib.rb,b
kinds of tbe togredienu whereof u, ptowiwi the gloriona life of tbe ml- may amid nme. Thna an i^ve and,
deponeot doea not core to Invo
dicr figbtieg for the flag be lovee an peritotimt commaroe cannot be coaidaet_
^ jWelL He bade ber be brnva Heabowed ad by tbe employment of fomigD sbipbnt any ottoj tar bow the oonld do her duty at i^ima ptog. Tbe merebann wbo
maat to almost ooC of tbo qoeatiao. Be- •
tbe Bede cf tbe world own tbair own
sue u>; very atill and qniet to bto abips. Thto they mnsl do tonmBql tba
of bread, aome atewta fmU, U«a--m-1 ^
tad flntohed. Dodacm marimta It to the cargo to a hired veaevUabto beaaa--gota tnolamiv ^ • ; felt it waa a solemn boor for both <d ael ttat arrivea too late. It to tbe connpiece cf pie, artd and attennsted to ct- i ^tam. Sril! he would do hia dnty,
try that has no veaseli wboee prodocery directiem. A good |»ioe for tbe din- ,
pjntjiy bia wife raised her bead from U«ta are tarried abont from port to
ner. yun say. Bot
Bot yon
yon most
m^ am
abe bad pillowed it and looked port, boogbt cheap bnt aold dear at tba
Oat it ooato 4u centa a pmmd I
John R. Santo,
Giitial lisiraice.
6pd Bipldi f litliu K. 1
tail Mfl
anas eaa
naa aaeaaeasea-asaa
’ ticD wiUi veaaeli to i
aiooa are marce and high in Dawaon
abips as tools of Bade. Tta rblpping cf
a oonntry works for it to avery port
and on every voyage Tta fanner mtotta
*«*»» toming ooi bfr^waraado not aerva
Uielr ooonuy'-BRtor ibaa the ahip
Wbstitea^ earn goes mostly to ita own
people:^ What it oan mve „-n™
lya coUectod in o
1.000 people throng tbe water tract flog* •» roantog tta town, bowling, |
Hataiiaa Wi-upsaea WsweiaS
New York on bannea* ooe afternoon. ^
•Beet at all UmM, and many will re- flgbling and sttaltog anything Uiey can j The wash np bad not been completed waa anddeniy confronted on Broadway ^ ,
tani to Uie Statea at tta flrB oppor- g« fr«»> •» oh* hoot to a Bde of bacon. ;
any of the mtoea, ao far aa I could: by a dapper, black eyed little man. who faults. Thrao^ ba lifeUme tta ownm
taiUty. when tbeir optoimia will be A fond draft dog to easily worUi |100 , team, and beve and tbem It bad hardly i grasped bim by tbe band, exclaiming: 4.ttalaB creditor to moeiv* bto dna.
beard later. And 1 tUre noUoed that bam. and tta beat bring «1.000. They tx«na te lack of water. Reliable to- —How am yon. Mr Decker? I am glad
Ibaae who were aptauxutly the meat am wcalb it. too. for a strung draft anlFT f^amation aa to tta amonntof gold that | to am yon. '
r fnniiabed
... by
. tag
I away tack on tta tnU— nal can earn glS a day for bis tnastta ,
being taken ont waa likewiae im-. Mr. Decker looked tbe litUe
boilding and running. Tta conntiy eff
e that worked tardeat and straggled
Biipbnildtog matertoli and sldU taids
•a., BiwaBi
g.i____ .______
moB to get in qnickly—am now tbe
mine owner to between tta rock and tbe[ swerrd:
nahually to bacome tbe baUint cf tain_____________ A- A. Hna.
”yoa aoam L bat I don’t know yon. ptng
moat anxiona to get oat. Many make Uone.
■pool. If be makes too low an osU-1
BO effort whatever to g<-t work, uor do
____ of tbe apjonnt of gold be ia taking! air. Good day.”
ont of tbe gronoO, it depmciai
bold np.” said tta other. to Um primary element of potaottolity
they visit tta mtoea. Some go np tbe
value of bto property, and if be makes
creek aa tar as tbe discovery uo Boeianm
11 yon Geo^Detaertf Margaret- in navigaUoo. Uonatant pnedee givea
too high nn estimate tbe Cnnadian anand retorn with a Bory uf disappototym- thai'a all
•«' right ” teapond" d^rlopmeat and power. A ne
' tboritieanre Ukly to make it a basis ^6b, yea:
mant te listening earn Ncr are tbe
uewuMuean the only ones onxiuaa to A Tour Throttgb tbe Heart Ol te tbo oollecUon of tbdr lO per can ed Decker,i- i.i—“"*■«>
the mnicrtol, tbe
royalty oo tbo grasa ontpot.
I out. Old mtoen wbo have done
be uKervit^cd
“7 Brill and onpilal of iu own people am
the Klondike.
Um force of mi.o at work varies greaUy friend. Yon have
fairly well ont bem withstood tta wintar. M»«k tta wruna «timly otBcamed to bnildtog and macn diffotcot claims: tbemfore tbe rich-,
tar’t fright of oold and Um anmir
nlng Iti vemeto and to handling Ita aiDCM
ontponr at beat and' moaqnitoet
looUng forward anxionsly to an empe FZEF8 HTO TEE KHEBff OABHB. by tta total ourpot 1 flod, however. ^
. Onlytbetofericranddi
from Usmldom. Ttare to no neefl wbnt- j
Uiat Um rirheet gronnd on Uie variona know mer'
oonntriea oan afford to do ot
aver of paying too mncb for a gold I
oeakt to as follows:
‘ and all K briplem as to have
El Dorado, front Na 1 to Sfl.
took yon fi
aina. Old nitoem will mil at fair prioat | ^
•, ebanto cf tbair own or ao Bslp. „ . .
t Oat ganaaae Uve m4 Talk
and in some —for leas than raise, j
Bonanm. fmm No. 13 belowto 40 adalpkla Prasa
what to hired and no taipbolldtog of
above discovery.
qnenoe^y dearly for tbair
tawkHunker, from Na «8 below to 4
Dnwaoat to now dongeronBy nn-1 ^' oatma of OB4.
Iwaya export
above diseovety.
benlthy. With flo dminage and no I
valna than they
import to balaiwa
Uwnox. Jnne IS.
Bejr ortek )»a Ifior 16pnyingelaima. mao cf wealth, ” explained tta reportar, BanaportaUan aa well aa trade: aooept
•ewerage, it reeks with ftltfa and poUnaa
Bkorknm envk has tonr or five good
tion. If aa epkleralc of dtoenoe andJ am off te Um minra,
minca the
Um mlnm
low prioea and pay high, atooe foraigDdentbdoetDOtsweepOTerttaonmp-be- that have beee
tbe ulk cf Um whole oMims.
botb caaea, and laber
bolptanr onefc .baa aavea or eight
fore cold wcatbur, it will be solely dna oonatry, that bare made this gmol
me bow yon got your ft
to a special dlapdiaatiaa of Prorldaaoa. town ao rich and ao wanloo—or pa^|u good claims.
verty and igoct
Dominiiio cmek bids fair to be vary lifer ■
Them are beiwccn fiO and 70 ensea at 1 ahonld ny apurUve and mrelcas—and
-‘KotatnlL not at aU." replied tbe ,
nil times to tbe hospital, and the other na tgodigal to her benevolence as rise ia rite—aa nch aa El Dorado or Booaasn.
, 40: rid man pleasantly. "Do yen want tba
h,,.. i..„„
day three little funeral cortsgM panwd beoevoleot to bar prodigality.
Imn mUiorU»w^t««,,,.iW,^ .g Stol SiSSSl
onr teot to tbe cemetery back on tta
With me Iwill take teirloavnof
’ It'aimitoly revealed daaiUag proapaoto,
JUU. Incnacnae good Father Judge, bread,,____
jerked beet a little migu. \
tto Jesnit prieot and anpertnteodmt of
sat aealeef the few getting riofam at tba
been done on Use oraek.
the bo^tnL was tbe only parson to fol
axpenaa of tto maay, of peoples by tbe
riM BkO—aaliOlBtoi
low tbe fear pnllbenrara. MoB cf the aball mosUy sleep by day and trave
ig undnly to omata
preaeet fUness aitoM from something le- sight whan it to oooL so I will not a
Soma of tta bench olaima. notably
M** In
Moobltog aonrvy. bot malaria to pteva- blanketabnt will take along a moaqnito toooe of French grieh, am proving
lent, and tbem an occasional oases of bar. On my lirM trip I oarrtod floor; Ifienamanally rich. In fact gold tsH
and bacon along with sandry other pro-: been teiad far epootbe billtopa, wtare
The pnmnt amket prioea bem am visiansandaookingntenBla. bnt I arid rid proapecton wonld aaver deign to ooRied. and tboae wbo ora n
n and dl^aoetal oa it to to on
Ugh. wiUi tba Bngleexoeptian of those the previaicxu and threw tto ootaiag aeek it, thus opeetting all* tta tbemies te its oondnot te aapperted loyally and _
ansmaot, cair own prood cnwaBy
«t a few ataples Uka flonr and bnoon, things away ooon aftrirletrata tbe Bril, of mining experta. In fret, gold to not
finds its place of late to thto lagioriona
•befonner bring worth gflperaackof leaving tbe pair of blaakets acaminer’a only "where yon And lt.’’aa baaracategory. Wa am at this
t» ponnda and tba Inttir fiO omito per cabin to to oalled for latrr, glad
oBsUy ao often teen said, tatittowbea
._____ ________ ________ ____
BoonA liemooa «U te dO per doaen; to get rid of a pnta Uwt mi
yoodonot ftad it aawell. D aboold Foett Blocs. It ia caliad tta Oxand. U emtdnri cf a miacw war with <
gnagBi. Glenohi aoodanaed milk. 11.60 weighed fnlly M pooadA te at tUi not be tegottan that wfaila a faw of tta reaticm plan net ia tta ocaalmri wtare Spain.
I olaima have already tan w^ wcahed
yfimattwnaariffBBfito tta na, oar tooopa woaM tarn to at^
I baaty taken as a whole UMenUmmiaiagdla,
.Than aeg two jlTal fraUate * ' ■ ' • .................................................
tbeprfvitoge.^laown people. Mnai I gnarantae all my work to be i^t.
> than half Ita foreign tnde to alwaya iti and if it doea not prova ao I i
Bored sndcr tba table or nnder tba
Stop to tOI e o'eloek ovary avaobiff
■ity. tbe defeaae of in
A. A. Rat.
lependenoe cd fonign except SoDday. to tba CkldwcU A Low
Tba is- don baUding, at north and of Oalea
aoctUoally. Attempt to ooortooe him of aitto aa to noiober. atae or toftnwiBng
tbe CRor of bia ways and be tellt yon a capacity, 1 deaiie to lake avery word of And on and on i«
to suy at boma
it back, f«l hate-nao^ttoextennate aevea highroonalatoafrom which a fine
and nangbt to Kt down to malice.’’ 11 view can te had of the enrronnding ^AlfBott rn>e freea
A CItr eS Tmta.
There are aboot asOOpeegde to Oaw- am afraid this poky little devil it ^ oonntry. From tbo anmmit El Dorado
aon when we arrive, and tbeee aremoai- about aa black aa hecan be painted. He | creek looks like a little Biter thread,
ly faonaed to log rebtoa Bnt day by to omnipimtut and in the wooda nod i Then cornea famed Bonanta. followed ____^
__________ _
by Bear, f^tgley, Hnoks. Too Mncb
day aewomneri float down tbe river ewampa omnipoteoL Keitbar boat n
Gold. All Gold, Gob) Bottom, while far ’
m»v a Boaka iriatar.
and pitch tfaeir tenn wherever they
down on the other side ere Domtoion. j Once when tbe tote Jay Oonld
find a farmnUe mpai. In ten days U»
toe baa left tbe lakea, and there «ome kim in tbe swai^ if bto face and hands :
boat and aoow to swanua nndl every be unprotected. 1 tare atan tbe liule.............. ......... _
available tmt qite to oocnpied. Thcen peatt drive my shaggy dog Into tba local fame and i
me aoan mme than 10.600 sonto in
town, and a city tt tenta basartocB like
Umtu to tbe dog peat. In winter they
DUnopaurted and dejected tbe new- take goods np to tbe mines on Beds,
». too. as a mle. Some admit and to anminer they am loaded with
Bicvcie Riders.
eoao woBTii.
MM MOMtIKO «»00«1>. gpyPAT AtrOUIUMf^
BisVtefrt Gtlned Fron m PlO*
ace Car Window.
4tton«»hriB aa
: rihlinrl»af ietMnlithin
Site teUB M'av^ rncM
' Ths tthtMBe&tt mhda hr Mr. Bryso
nooB atwr his zWotn home (rom'Ui
' «Mt to MwTino nrj aowidelj (rom
t' ‘ •tctttsi bctp M Aej foitt tods^, ad1 - < Rri Hiown b7 all, TCfMdieM o<
^ i.,. i; ta I'uaritaUe to aooepi
Um Bsplanattao nuufe to the writer if
m OQodaotor oatbe UeilcaB Oeaeal rail. maj that
*o Mesloc
WM iBlra PoBin palaoe oar tow.
‘Wtaentrw be went be was met br gor.
wsmcDt hands and feasted and|fiattend
br^taetemmeQtatpbUls and rewiwoiitattTCiof Mexican inreatmeot intamta
Be refm to the labo>ineola«eaaC Mesfcn h«t wfaat be mja at them diowe ha
' loond out nothing ahoot theon. He was
astrara^anUr «teetolj^ in Mexieo,
and he cetoms the favor by an extiaragant mlsrepreaentation of oondidatis as
beooold iMve fooi^ them if be had
toied to find ont tbetratb abont them. ”
• .Shat^WteimtftiMeondnctar's expUnatioci as to the statements
atade by Mr. Bryan, oeetaia it Is that
some of the mote important of them
hear little or no zalstita to the oonditioM tbeyaaaoiBe to pnaeot. In my
I wOl not prMt indivit
' tion or pscaunal doiial. tat wiU make
«as Id tbs aatfaoritiss sHikh Mr. Bryan
himself would pcobnbly have aooepisd,
ana thongh hs nd^ not have defied
tomakeasaof tbses. More thaaivdiaaiy intereat ■**“*■»>*■ to Mr. Bryan’s
toatament «<wwiBi«itig is^tw, besanas
of his parition aa the aooepted kader of
the free sUver l«3ttom ofetbsUnltod
etatto. in whiofa intmt his views ware
avidoitly indncad, and bacanm of his
mtqnaliflad etatamit that wfaat be had
assn and Itanad In Mexico woold add
tokiseffort to mam the adiqitlooof
Ibe Mwci.^ free silver gyatam by the
Amartcan people. TUa atatement was
MMUtUb ^ognh«<tl
VfaW* tl MB* IMBMU tD|
iMof theta '
t Ihet win hi nMLtn far the tai
tactheltollBi ddlarita pmmwM
T€«u4ta^l*B.lt«««U be i>a M |nAM
Itet IteprtoemyBMraithermAeQMUthi
MakWKlaUan wo M ires ^
tWMh atter of gi»t« cosoon. which
otnfol oouUantlaa hWon
■ rcMcbed Ibht Ifaxloo
riionld oODtlnoe to Wand bj Mrrt. The
brat that the free ootaage of Mlear i«daoea by bsH the price <d labor and
thereby inritm cs«dtal desiring to taka
advantage of todt oooditkBs was prob
ably the detemlning factor in the prahIsn as to whether or not Maxioo shoold
stand ty diver.
la order, however, that there diall be
no qoaation as to whether Mr. Biyaa't
etatament that the oonditkais perpeMta^
efi by tbe tree eoltiage of MlTtrata "en
tire^ mdaCactocy to the people of Mex>
loo’^UataU Jwtlfied are give tbe fol>
lowing iiaotation tram an editorial poblidied in Tbe Mexkaa Herald, rile lead
ing daily paper of Maxfan, a paper «stzmnely friendly to Mr. Bryan and, as
will be noted, aa advocate of
tinnanen of hta peoD^ jtai^ poii
in Mexico for a time U leiA. In an
•oe of the last week in Fcbma|T, sa
time after the visit of Mr. Bryan to
llexioo and after the piibUoalion of his
views ~aT to^afiaim lMr^ The Herald
swill ptoh I
7 tod tbe «
iiStrOTXS: ssTSsr.
tamaty. Bm tbe Uae wlU eomewhto H win
be Mrabto thM ser aoHT toell be toedi
mod BMtoyabrtod. Intaw etodMBM hws
wlU slowly ebam*. end the ehOdito «f lbs
PMC. edcBted la tbe peUto ekootawai dw
vriDptboBwuts which ere at the bads <f
wtotwehaowaseleHtoatIto WbmthBaehUdrea banaae Bcs. they wUiao* work, aathta
tottaen beea,ta-aBaaU weeeaadbeccelaat
There is no potabUity of mtriakiag
tbe meaning of this daolsratirm or of
denying ita jaatiflnaticaL The free coin
age of bUtw In Mexioo with ita attend
ant feanlta oan exist onlyimtU those
wanta are deveU^tod whid ate at tbe
taris at dviliaatfan. Tbe childnn edMtoted in tbe pobUo eritooU wiU not
endue the effects of toe silver as tbeix
lathees have endued them.
Mr. Bryan says tbe Maxican doUu
will bay almost as mneh at it wotOd ia
Ifi78, and he lefers to a yard of cdotb
wfaidi could have beat bought with a
MexioawdoUar in
Urebiwvttloe wwdai mrtmma M
■s to WiBi ttot Ihi aw or Bl*«r hu bWB cf
——-----‘-ft to Kntoo. tai 1 un bm>o the bad effects of tta mooettry standard
Md tketthtbM talipot of tta ootride world tsttar than that
of Mexico. BotwlthttasUveriawhfah
ted taiUalMd eola>t> of toU «
this cloth price is to be |nid now being
ntaw it the iMSt tael ntloof U (e 1 wli
eol weltlac itr thi aid or ooBMet of OB7 nth
profitably prodnoed for from 80 to 40
oenu ner oonce. mearaied by the same
Mr. &yan's pmeonel intaeet in the gcOd Standard of valne
is tta doth,
matter involved evidently has mncb whereas in 1878 sUver
« held ly its
todowlth tbefarmatiaoaf bis opinion prodnoers at fil-OS. bis
M to wbas ia for ”tbe best interesta of
ohildtih play npon words
aorpetyle’’ Mr. Bryan further mye:
with evident deadre to deceive.
Xht ft«i Riame <a nhvT it mtlrclj bOWl.
Hu toys that wages are higher on an
tetytotbeiwirplrcd Mexieo. Tfacr benbad
eetoeeetoten Ihdr «7«teB tbaroesi^ utd average in Merim than ever before and
Bdll rising. 1 have a Mesicaa poblitato ooBjiaTi U wtth Che ertaou ot the Co
•Catet.Esstaad.nBtn end Oenotar. ei
don before me which qsota from an
•adaedtaBlttae sttber sTMsjcthto&c
official report eddivemd to the Belgian
erWMDS tht ptople to ttvor ibr roU itaod
ard. Tttetedenl toverBiiKBltwMelwocM,- department of foreign aSaira to the
StasnasooeUr to soU obUcsOose. Bad. wbik dTvet that labor in tta most profitable
II to cnopelM to eoUeet or.r ti:.UU.au Is .11 ittviating and {aodndng distriett of
Mexioo “rarely exoeuda 86 eeutavoa pqt
workingman per day." and Mr. Bf^
Mr. Bryan’s tefcnnce to "the people knowa that tta rate of wages which is
it nsnally above tta av
at Mexieo" and his snggesdoo as to
^^perteto with the United States and erage. Twenty-five aenttvaa per day i(
affter aooutriea wereld be amosing if worth between li and 18 tents in
1 was told at tta
^ anbject was less errioos in view of
- the feet that ".the pi-ople of Mexico’’ 7,a,mtA>raM nOnea and at tta Agnas Chliare in the most nnssUdaoiary oaodition enu> smeltu and at La Anm wool'
dty. and
and tbe
af anyoif thsaviUsud nadoot cai the en faebay in tta same city,
globe, jadgcd by any of the elementa of mae infotmadon has been many dmea
life which dvilisetion woald accept as repeated in tta City of Mexioo, that
tatiidBctory. They ate the pooreet paid, wages for tta mme line of empioymsnt
the poormt clothed, the pomtst boused haul nut inemsed in Mexico dating dm
■Id fed of Any of the people of the lead pasttmiytonL
bag BstiauR of the world. Altboogh
Mexieo had what hittcrions refer .to as
Mr. Bryan mye he foond tta psodno■a advanced civiUzation ta'fore the rionsof ottr protected numofacnirenicv.
' Unifod Statee gnrremnust was formed t«ywb<-re in Mexioo, selling in catnpetithere an- today «0 states of the Union tiun with their Enropean rivala He
either of which torpassi* all of Mexico could have further said, had be been
well. infocmad on the snbject. that
' rieoltnrml and (
Amuiceu protected prodnetions have
and in every rcep(«t save popnlattoo. invadvd Europe twett recently incroasaatnral reaMuosa and extent of tercito- iug ou exinrle in that line to totals
m-vtr befoni attained, and that. too.
■utter of Oia«o Ceaeora.
without tta aid of tta altnoxt prohibi
If campstriansu am odiiais. iiowever. tive uonre-voune prodnclng "wall to
in the present iustati'-e. parmit mo to ktt-p oat foreign corapetirioo’” whicdi
gnoto from Tbo Mexican Financier of Mr. Bryan app*ringly n fen. to as
the first week of Fetowary of the proa- Tvenlt of true coinage in Mtocico.
snt year nslatlve to Mr. Bryan's assnr- •ays that Mexican expertem have a
jUMe as to the govorumeut baviag "DO gnat advantage over (xmi]wUlan living
dUBcxtin gold standard conutriuh. They most
aioiiredly tare, and that gruat advanAsCi:3lis.ecUnir drom-oO eo toarply wrrrr
tartecBC bet* wa» atrc*i«d. »i>d tb* tomwe?
aoBttto-wM e metter of ante ctoerra to the
vtr. U k« an advantage not kbarvd by
Bir'ahKad.' Tta- yottiut sod cepel'ta taeaoe tta Mexican prodnour who sells fu siltototoler oJ Ihto rvv<iW.e. LUsutonr. «t* eU
• byttta Mexican laborer who
hto tta>e to a OUMSI coneldrratlto of the melor sU'
Ssr.aad the conctuloD «u StoUr tsached
. ShM Mrxk« Boei itend by sUeer.
Here we find it stated ly the leading it boys silver,r/-* be would tobacco, at
»B«i«eB joarnal of Mexict^ itroU an ad ita lowest mukot price and doles it
vocate of free silver, that every tnterett to tta labors and small prodocs.
was aSocted ly a fall in the price of sUTcr and evidently the qocetian as to ia Maxioo who etay them.
wbetbur or not Mexico ooold louger cn-' Iffobably sot a doam Amsicana _
Ann its free silver system beoame a ed in any form cd comtiwn labs in all
er of grave conoera to tbe govem- ofMexioa They woold ttarve to death
. IfnfaUlntheprioeorsilverde- ou the wages paid and could nS eqaal
liaaa evsy intcreet and cusaa a Mexican labors in psfermiug tta latar expeoted of them s in eodoting tta
cmoon to tbe
maiy privariasu now—rUy incident to
__________^ te qtwted as to bow
Wilting and prostrating wonld be any tta livu of tee wortlng dam in this
ataauge in tta cqtpcaita direction, which landof ttatoeand.....................
wonld make tta canancy of tta ooantxy of sUvs at tta ratio of 16 to 1.
And this is tta land and than are the
. mneh dtnrer and hards to get la
tertbs rafscnce to Mr. Bryan’s state- cendirisii and this is tea eystem observatloB of wbicli from a paiaea
and infarmatioiof white gi
ing tta extra berdons created by fees
brtaage. 1 quote fnrths from The Mex
ican Flnaocis. from an uticls which
tee Utts iunrnal had ttesi tom tha Bryan that tta toe coinage ot rilvs
Ismdaa Financial Kaws and *ipcoTliig- teoald te adopted by tta AmeriCHi psaPanar F. Pdwba
fehtaded.”Fav(aaUeOtdnioB<d a Lob- plo. City^CHaxioa
: flOB Joninal;'’
s- *»
As?k£^.^miS^<£w^»Bh to awsto
We asto'to toCBpto tot iM'mrtaa.
aaSaawthsyVsetoiafaa^l Alsw
Are toy-a las w ana <w two.
atow tot <to tod tta la*
------- —
1dt''to^ftetota tae^
ItoBto they-re earte back. BoS w '
-thuKlty held tbs Sfa
Well make wbto they ton ap er’ls.
aieaMd tr we won't aetavray «oa
A ttawal t*ne <n’r* done.
Jtrtariiwith'amttoyenbtt- Ha's tot ahatobty latoad sad wal.
1 twtan. ta tato traatoB thBe
At Buttose. bet be'd seaefe
HUbK erstaM all hliHidoB eema
AedtovorenMal. Ai>d he 81 eoBa.
to Idd by tbto B pattosd hto baas
Wber* be |M sbot. Ob.be-ssUBta
Is one of the most seductive tbiugs on eaiih, and I offer you
a cbauoe to make your home attractive for less money than
you will be able to again in a long time. This large aud
S well assorted stock must be moved by September 1st, and I
2 intend the public will move it f»r me if extremely low prices
will do it. Come early and avoid the rush.
Ilisseil Carpet Sweepers $1.60.
Tot CM make foci owi pice oa Hansuekt, lawi Chiirs uf toctns.
«ta Mara.
tad foatht bate* (MM.
Blowe the doiM to Utde Utsj
I J.W. Slater’s Honse FomisWiig Store
128-132 TzOBi-b Sta?oo^
Be bad aerer (eared DOT (ettwad.
Be bed aerer fcaowa defmt.
Bat thw aule or totals was sltwad
By a makm BsaU and Stoel.
And (i4 aev,« Mths lUs b«e
thrthn Ita S^Sdte B°toe^
UtoadWaV Buwar'-TearAWaia af to»B>
Bta seldta beta on Ua pOlov relBd
Uko a lof la a btnewy saa.
AndaekBreoMabaalfaaM atoawn
BeWana* bat eaa*t eared ta.
-» nl|^ wea bA bat ha knew tt aei
lfcr& aeb <S tta dylne erlad
Ibr. tar away, by a trople tay,
Htotofcad la a taak BB*B.
Ba Ite Is Us droBi by a brackl* Maaw
ot yaUew toar and tnsa.
A few minutes spent in eating our
Aaasto Tkto la tta StaSSan Ths« Wt Cn»»B Beta Itota ■■yens tan.
The war has dirpoaad of «nS seat*OOWB Whit* have dOM doty for many.
Wheat Goods
°^terign fleet which wm toanter
ov pona and riteU ou ciUet orsmlght!
be benefloial to both your health and
BO admiral will vantue to taka battlS'
ffripa far tom their tarn into a miaad
harbor aetranca or oadar tta ritort raaga i
flra ot high powu gnna Under Bw;
pramoraof wu a few weaka soffioad to
pocket bork.’ A large line on hand.
rsm’auto'oBt itomsaA
ffesn eat cf Ita s>oto of Ita learta s
And with a blada that a Talk bad aada
Btraek tha dnpar to (ha aooL
At the daadly atroke (ha slaspsr w*B
Vnh a torlek of wUd daspab
lhdddt.bBito •
A BOtqaSto faaslad Ibate.
feaae hu beeo tta awartloo that votantamoonldnot te got ready in rise.
Mon ptaparariOB is aaedsd than tta
bet it is pwfeetlF dsr
that a modirato army—aay 100,000
taara they wonld be ready to act wtth
the legslan at once, wonld give abaoiDta protection against invasiesL
“I gnasa,’’ sid tta Madrid
■tto-we msyaswcllpBtiBta; An^w soarat^ gmia is tta fau
aimaratalatiaa tta tmbUo cn
holding lauds beyood era woold
alter this cowitty. h'o ooa fears »h*
riw speed davaloptd by ow boata'
Bnt they couldn't |
geatad tta aaristant
“That’a all right Horteoatol tailing and stands parfecUy ready, if It
ditoi't happen to be their qmrialty, tast to taka all tta Pbilippinaa—PhQBnt think of tta rapidity of their tw^ adelphUPnaa
tkaldeacent”—WariilngtCB Btu.
• Onr tWtta •» F
1 in oonnaerion with rito
fact that tta ooontry baa been engaged
*» w for a ooondwaUe portion of tta
3^- ttaruoord of foreign com
»bjoc oonid hardly be more stistao*«7- Itisalsoto be nmem bated tt^
. the ycu was tta first dnring wbich the
--------------------------Dingley tariff law was in operation. It
I U traa of coww. that a largo ritare of
—^ttar—My son. this matter la coa the great total of axporu was doe to
ia white oDtxldSB have bo latm* tta foreign demand fs breadstnffa
Wbatevs. It is strictly a boms qaew : It is a Uct, bowers, that onr exports
cd manufactnros exceeded previems raceboold act as a luit in its deairioa.
| orda thos rvloting the old time predje8(m (with a aattrieal side ^anoe>— tions of free traders that a high tariff
Then we bad belts go right bons and is fatal to mannfssnring fs fon-ign
smmlt (he nnit—Bicbmand Dimatab. markeia This year, in fact, bos mure
' than vindicated the faith of tbe BepnbUcM party in (be tariff wbich it estabHriicd as soon as it assnmed control in
WaxhlugUm. Tbe best of it is test tbe
yes appears to have, been only tbe beginning of a iong period
’ * of’ iexpsmding
foreign tiada—Bntlalo Expn
ths Folter Wsska
In tbe Six montbs ended June 80.
1888. British exports of hardware and
ontlerv to tbe United States feU to
$199.24S agaiut $640,476 in tta os(sponding period of 18V7. Meanwhile
we have not only bem ttuning uuuoi
inseased quantity of ttiuw jrouds to
make up fs tee sbrinkago in imports.
^ay tee Amerioan policy wska
A Formw CUocM FlvR.
It oonsipted chielly of old pinks which
bad ns tac;i in thu a-ats for more than
SOyemra Dnring tiiistaigtemed period
tta eea bod ttxwdui. aud tin- land had
formed to (be extent cf more than a
mila tee osiseqaRMe being that them
anoimt vesi-els were high and dry. their
maHa, calls and gun tad rocud away
feomttalsig axpusniv to the sun and
“Bonaday." mid tta baUboy whom tain, tta paint tad pecird tom teedr
tee betel okte had discharged aaae- aldta. anil in soDe eaiAS. the vsy
csnnt of Isrfntri “i riwU be ia a pori- plonUeg tad 6em sttdes fs firewood.
rioB to kite down on yoat’’
w. i
Be kept Die word. Maxt day he was Pictaring.
a snpe la tta root ^rden ri^ls oo
top of tta botoL—Chicago Tribans.
fsiiMd a tot at Biamatte. tf. U.
Fassir fh«r
“Biteard Eobacn Orwey tablv Jaofe- whlota has nrvar befon been equaled.
soo," cried tee Uate mammy, “kern It tote tbwu an mrire year to make
right latoilakitrbiu yrra. Whnt yo* terir prepanrions. and whan all was
by oasrin ’lleotinas oo yo' pr^ ready they moved a pierof ttaKarttani
cosnameB. playiu wif dat mis’afaU Jim Faclflc railway bridge. wsfgUDfiAOMlJoBM teUaT'—FhUadelpbla North 0(W poonda, ahoat fou feat tea
have o
eBoar* dsaUng-Wa
neaiiag- v
quota valaaa th^
Wa eaa help yoa tto Uva wall.
Bsa a
3 bonier Ne. Pnx.no Vmxw 8b>™, S22, for 07.60.
4 bomer N«» Procea Vooor Slow, $36, (or $1&W.
1 Manitt Brfrigorolor. 38, lor.......... .............. t $J0.
1 ChSioot Betrigerolor, $10, lot.................... $
^-^CBitkoot Bebigentor, $12, lor...................... tlODO.
am sorry yoa (Udaotnaka
“Sir r mid tbe haegfaty raittrata <ri
the tew-** “Of what rirT"
“This oMokfin. ma'am. Aa Ilia, il
ia rather deutiainM—that ia to lay-ar
-downintta month."—Philadelphia
falj bne each of the above left. Firet come fiwt served.
W. I: HOBBS. Hanlwara.
CelebrBttd ChiMpi Cuihs.
E BMdle Boilding.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreapood with the TtBrene Cit7 Lumber OompaitF.
We baf6 tor Mle Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
x.^Li«nDs B-os BaT.Tn.
Mill Mgehtoeryot all deaeripttaia, ladodipg,Two Baginea,
BetWoI^CarnagMandBawa. A eompleto Saw MiU ^burt
Awfliil Prtr«tloBsBiidar*d oa
S7 Sdldioni on Tholr Wap
From SantAago.
Walter Kacoe of Cospaar S. Uad
MMtCaa, died tbta asoa of a eonpUeetlea of braio aad Kalarial fooara.
Mofoe had boea aiUar eereral dare
Msy Bs SnfaroBd by War.
thipf in oiinn.
British Kinisstr Insists npon
•pmW «» Xh* MorabM Bmv«.
Hew Tork. AacMV S7.-3imm of U«
ia*am«lBth« ftMni kMptlol «t
Ckap Wykoff on raXoriof from dj»oate^. Ordm fTMO honed tedny tku
mwnB nwsAr«wvoB4«ozt
Fom DMDZTone.
mea were eoCortnr froee ben•araadwon aMe to lean the hoe^tal whoa fedThej repeated
iBf np boa Catap aad eajre that it erae
ia^Mnlhlo to CM food.
OreroMbnadnd fifty ana la Ue
(oaetal boepltal w«o allowed to fo oa
‘••odiye fnrlonch today, harlaf laiP«wd.
Kaay Baxlod at Oea.
Moataak Point. Aacoet W.-Whoa
- day aad beraa to dboharce ala oempMiUeeftboeenathlataateT. it erae
|«*raoa that eerea ia«i had died oa the
paeeace aad that more died laet alcbt
while the ehlp Uy in the bay w^tlnc
her tan to unload her human cnrco.
Ihe Tnentan had »0 eiak men an
It te alleced that the ehlp left SaaU
ago wlthoet a eufteieot «nanUty ef
aappUeeforthenlek. and reached here
orfthoutaay food bat am^ ralloaa.
which the elch troopere wore aaable to
oak When Genernl Wheeler leaiwed of
the Btate ef effelre ho at once eeat on
bomrd prepor enppUea. The elolr mea
aio'etUl oa board the tomoI. waiUaf
aatU thoro hmom for thorn lo tho hoe
PriT«U Wattm MMtm DM M Y«r-
•ad wae ro^ond to the recl*«»»l And wm Br^nire Ohlaaaa Bmplio to
ho^Ual TMtardax taoralaf.
Obaerre Bafacemeat to Syadisato
When the Brhtb Ohio t*ae loaded.
Morly too nportad elck nod wen eeat
' to the cwwhlbeepltal. bat mot the
on or TKB vKimTmoon.
HBBdnteflCaidKWaB Bstend *«rTon or Fw With x«.nfflei«t ^
»d M<dMl a«ppll«—HwngT a»d
DtaM caatMUrlMd tto YFfac*
Fm Oate.
‘ thoT be
aolvM la wUeb to «3cerdM bathe aad
Sifforal B««imoate Ordciod Beliorod
From Daty at Varione Camps
w Ten HoBsm* aseean.
Waehlajrton.Anrwt fT.—The followlac ro'.aatoor reclmoau won today
Fimt aod rtfih MIeeoari. aow at
Chielcatnaaca, aad the Third Mimonrl
aow at Klddleuwa, Pa. They wlU
more to the Jeflereoa barraelte, Me.
Tie Oae Bnndred aad Elftyalatb
lai!lana,aowatMiddletowa. wUl fo
to la:llaaapolU.The Bifhth New Tark
BOtr at Cbkkemaaca, wUl RO to Bom•toad. UI.
Gereraor Taoner kae lodnoad Adje. toat Ot-neral Oorbla to mneter ont tho
Phet. Fifth and Seneth UUaoU.
ViU Bail oa the Seneca, WhSeb WlU
Be Traaeferred to the WoTy.
aficUlMtonHa—w Eeceno
Weftbiactoa. Ancntt r:.—The Porto
Bieen mUlUry oommlaeloa wiU call for
Porto Bivo oa the (kaoea. which wUI
bo traaeferrod to tho nary. Admir^
Sehley will holet hie flat on hm. whUe
ofOieatBrlUla to Begard to too
A ObUd ef Bariter Ore^ Bora Wftt
Two Bxtra of Bach.
A poeallar freak of aatore hM ap
peared at Barker Creek. A child of Mr.
bora with six perfeet and
oa each foot aad
eii flagen on each baad; the fingers
sweUderelopedRRit did net keep
la Uae with ito tellosra, so it stm
tbenght beet to remora ttem. which
doaeyMtordey at Blk Ba^ by
Dr. I. A Tbompm. Tho ehUd te six
week! old. and thsra la erery proepeM
now of lie lirlag to a ripe old age aad
gatng throagh life srith t^va ton.
. Bnptare Soema Immiwrat.
towlel w Tnneerse Bee me
Aacnet >7.—AntherltaUre
a hae been reeeired of the Xm^ B« of Good Things Seat to
Hannah BiflM at Oamp Wykoff,
n to the J>eUy
Hontonk Pelat. L. X.
aad Dlaepptfaaoe.or Va’uable Tim; eMerUng.thal the relaUone between
When County Cleik Newton and E
bar Bald to Kake Thluc* . Bbf Thane U Temea and Sir CUnd Mac
W. HMtiagn left for Montenk Point
Donald. Britinh mlaUtor to China, are
yesterday moralag tkey were Joieed
toeetol !• Td Hoenao Btooao.
to the p^nt ef rnptnre.
by Judge Loria Roberts who errattged
Detroit. Anroev «7.—Fieher A Tnrner
Sir aende bM iatimatod that Great to go at tbe iMt momenk They wUl
of Bey City. whoa, aem- han
j Briuio will reyard a. a
belli say arrire at Camp Wykoff thUcrdnlag.
imlttoeof ibelrl
been examined by a
In rMpottM to the naggeetlon in tbe
feUnre on the pa^ of China to ofaMrra
anem of payRxcoao ymierday that peckagM -be
her wlsbea They dispatch Mys the
prepared to send to Company M bays
iaenp. Tbe hlc ahrinimee In the pro
ritoatlen betwMn Great Britain and at the camp, there were dosens of
perty of Jemca U. Bt-ret. hold by A O.
China is amte. Sir CUnde MacDonald peckagea sent to the store of Prank
naher. Ueaidtobepertof the oenee.
iMisUae that China ehaU Friedrtck, where they wera^aeked eeA let of rainabto Umher hee Ala^peer■ eacacaiMau to British aaraly in a box by E E Gibbe and aeat
by expram to Camp Wykufl In care of
ed from other land* and 8M aerea in
,ayndkatae end d
W. A. Newtoo. who wlU eee that the
Wayae ooanW M appralead at flOO.
explaaattoM with racard so the Pekin box la properly dellrered. Tbe packwhere an acre te anw worth only *60.
to Indirid"Hankow" BnUwny. If areemary. toa
Mach depends oa the atUtode Canada
aals. bat there were many sent to tbe
Britisk eqnadroa
may aaeame eoaneralae PUher’e holdcompany to be disiribated generally.
War. Hal. WM. wiU'enpport the Brtttah
mg tbs artielM shipped were delllace orer Uera. AttocMher the raenlt
adnietorb demanda
eeelM and little odds aad ends whlA
of too iaoaaticatloa Is eery dlaeoartbe boys wUl fiod nsefnl and vary eoofenleat after Ueir long absence from
home. Tbe beet of ell wUl be that It
Xt is BsUeeed That Oompaay H. S«th is-eomathleg from bom*." and the
fac^ihat they are remembered by lorKichieu Came From Cnba oa
lag friends will eerre more t > raise the
i by SnpertotoBdaa^
Xbie TeaeoL
spiriu of the b>yt than a great deal of
MoaUnk. N. Y.. Anenst 37.—Tho
medicine would do.
troMport Saaliago hM arrired with
The box WM shipped throagl. by
the Thirty^oarih Miehicaa. She bM
Laadac. Aoenst 87.-Statirttce
Hon. O. G. Corell, who arranged that
mneh iatoresttoMiohlcaaolUaeaebare
there would be no czpenM to the
Jost beea prepared by Bnperlatondeat tOM snty sick la the shipb srarda. 180
on the daily elek report. Prirato Bobof FobUc InstraoUoo HammonA.
The total primary eeheol fend on art McKallnp. Co. L. Marqnette, was
which the aUte paid eeoen par cent, in- barled from the ehlp Wednesday, aed
wreet for the laat fioeal year wm B3.- Prirate Albart OUbeolay, Co. B. Maaie817.170 75; the toUl fund on whleb fire toe. on Tacodsy.
CondoMoa of Work of the
per oent. iatoreet'ie paid wm $A8«, of Pert Boron, and Palmer of Hoaser,
Fence OommlMloa.
0«e.58: tbe total of both fnnda wm to, end Captain Waleh ef Port Hi
toe.140.18. Tbe expesees ef the pahUa oa board. CapUin Fliege. Llcntanaot
eeboola. Inelndiac pay of teaehen and Thielman. Calnmet. and CapUin Falnrrepairs oa balldiacn. were more thaa dean. Bly Rapids, arc ill on the ho^t- ter Jaei receired here from epromlnent
tal ship at Baatlairo.
diplomat In Na 'rid correct^ reprrersta
The transports Yneetan, Hudson and mettera, wUl find iu work exprdlied
The total iaeomc etattable for the
nee of the primary achoole. ti.017.871 Catalina arrired yceterdey with eereral by Ue etUtude eed desires of the qaeen
hundred men from SaaUago. The ar- regent Tired of tbrViot end tcmalt
^'‘Ttae aniveralU fend, oa^toleh tb riral ef the ahips stm reported to the of war. which here hroogbther nothstate paya intoreat. la SStO.eSl 59. The war department ImI nieht by General leg but trouble, the writer Mys that,
iateroetpaidby theaUte for tbe Uat Wheeler In eemmend of Camp Wykoff. eoetrary to the nsaal praeUee of Bpanyear wm SS7.985 95; inUrMt paid by Dorinf the royeee fonr dMths occurred Uh diplomets ef trying to enlarge or
holders of Unca. Sl.435.55; peaalUes. oa the YneetnD, one on the Bndson modify the operations of the eommieCto.to; total ineome for the year. $58.- and nine on the CaUlina. Ai
aioB to gain Ume. she wiU use her indeaths on tbe Teeatee w.*re Prirato fieeaee to bring them to a speedy eon507.81.
TbofollowlKC cenerei eUUetiee rdeV. Charles WheetM. Company U. Thirty- elMioa.
iec to the primary eeheola are latereet- third. lllchlean, and Piitata B. A.
Ont of the forty-Mraa applleenta
Jonas, Company I. tblrtyrthlrd, Michlac n»d inatrnetire:
who iMt week took the eza
Namber of towashlpe end eiUes re-. IChO.
for eertificetee. twenty-eeroa of that
porUnc. l.$$fi: anmbarot ended school
namber will reeeire dtplomes. Tbe
dUtrieU. M$; nembor of aacraded dieeonaty axMeiaen met with Coea^
triote. 6.509; anmber of towadiip nell
dletrieta. Ill: eehool eeasas of ended AU Ears Vow Boon AppMaUd aad CommiteiMsr MIm Nettie C. Gray
dtetrteta. W7.95S; censH of aacnded
it ia Oampoeed of Bepreoeatdlatricta. MS.89S; toUl anmber of pnatiTs Men.
Great Gone!
pUa la oanent, 701,8««; eorollment la
Wenhlactoa. D. C.. Anenet 37.-The
Bat yon ehoald see them. Here
eroded eebooU, 881.DU; •arollnwat in
pemse oemmlseion la Mttlad. aad the eorker which takes the little speak
nac^ad eehooU. 110,801: total aamail amaeptod. l%e Of Ue old time fogy elothlera. ft'e oar
hor papila eerolled. 491.811.
asaortmentof elegant, stylish perfeet
iMt aceeptaece wm fra
fltUar Mea’c 810 cults. B Bends A
anmber of toaehem employed, 15.601.
JnsUee White of the Snprem
Oa. FMhloBsblr entflttora.
TbeaccrecatowacMofall teae
Tbe eommlMion ia m toUows:
to ended aehoola wm $5,708,990.43; ecWUliem .E Day. praseat secretary
ereeate waeea of all toaebere in oaof state, ebeiri
einded nchooie. $1,840.645 39; total
fieaator CnshmsB E Deris of Mlaaeof all toaebere, $4,050,835.85;
iNBt 10 tai 11, B«dli B«L
sota; ebelraian of the forcieo ralations
Cor. rniGt coC flu* Sus
ereraee monthly weeea ef male teach
eommittbe of tbe SenaU.
lUMAIlMH.OrsarrarC. HIM SIMT Bok
ers in ended aehoA^$7l 10; ereraee
Ml-«Msbet P. Wiiltr. MM Joule
Senator WUUam P. Frye of Maine,
monthly waeee of mbte teoehers in
H. WllbrJni
senior member of the oommlttoe oa
nneraded sehooln. $56.01; arrrnc*
Hammocks From 1-3 To 14 Off.
S90 Front Street
Holley A OoxuutUs
All the late Magaziae. and Periodicals, riso a laige
assortment of Paper Covered Books.
MarUiam BlocL
Mach Is Said
About Ice GreaiQ and Soda FonDtalJi
-Ther^ore we will say that yon will find onr Ice . ^
Cream delidons, our Soda Water true to flavor, onr van* J
ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to
list from time to time.
Fountain open week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson. I
HastiRgR’ Real EM AgUBCif.
44 setee thrumUuMSibsMweu tram UecUr. Laos icoS. well msiuek yMg e»
Goad far Fruit Raising.
Goad fer Stock Raking.
Good for General Farming.
monthly wane ef male teachers la
ail eckonU, $45 65; arernee monthly
United 8u
srafe* ef femsle uaebere in graded
Wbiwlsw B«M. editor of tbe New
etoooU. $43.96: arerage monthly waeee
York Tribaae and former Minister to
of female teaehrm in nngraded eebooU.
$54.56: eremge monthly wnem ef feIt
is r^rded m on exceedlagl.T'
. the Brooklyn wUi fo into dry doefc for SMle teacberf.lB all sehooU. $34.95.
ctrong eommlMlon. aad one that will
OOWXOTBD OF ICAHSLAUBHTBB aatlsfy tbe American peopls regarding
the Pbillpplnea Thera are at laMt
three membera of the commieaioa whe
Bote Braeely a T rtitde brdeat. In Beary Hornier Senieneed to Knrarain faTarof bolding the most im
qnetu by Ja^ Oorbatt.
WnehlnCtoa TenUrdby.
portant part of the Fhlllpplnea and not
Jpdee R. L. Cm;Rirtt eed E. a Pratt afraid of claiming tho whole gronp.
•foeUl io Tan Mouse AaMBO.
Waeblactoa. Ancnml *7.-Admlral hare retnned tram Bellelre, where ThsM are Senator Davis nnd Frye aed
rielted the aery department to
WbiUlaw Reid. Both Senator DarU i
Hanry Bernier on a-cberee of murder. aad Frye expramad themMlras m la
day aad wne eathndaetleally leoMred.
The aoeoMd stm defended by Hr. favor of axpansioa of torrltory before
BewaeklmedbyabmituUdy oUrka. PraU and C. E Denemore of Belleire.
they ware Mleetod M peace commlstdd aadyoMOf. Be bore the ordeal Bomler wm tonod eallty ot mensUn- eieaera, and the New York Tribane
rhtorandeeatracedto Karqoette for hM in Ita editorial eolnmns laaiatod
hetoleaUy. ,
fire yearn. Theeonrielod man wMac- that thie govaraoMnt dhoald retain
XDtTOB DXWOLBT WOKVASBD eeaod of ebooUae a man named Benoel
tbe PbUipplnM. President MrKlnley
after be had beea oonrletod of eeeenit knew weU the view of thcM three Been
By the *opoblicaae“’of Salami
end battery oa complaint of the TteUm. when he eeleeud them, aad hie aelaetap*et»3 to TU Moenee Bwou.
ing a esajority of the eommhnioa who
EeUmaue. Ancnet 87.—BdUor Dlar
bold thie view ia regarded M aa evl-,
some time after midaigbt
w that he It not ave • to kaepiag
ley of the Telecraph waa today aemharine on board Ua Boys' baad. Tbe
iaatod for the lerialAtoro by the BapnV oeearioaisaaexmr^oatobena from
Uaaae. who Mdonod tbe eaadldaey of Imlaad ead Good Bmrbor to the MenlSzsanisB liekiti bengbt and aold nt:
City Newe Stand. P. oiBldg. 413-tt ;
tOM today.
Trafene Cit; ScIiihiI of lose!
On O. R A I E E
Special Sale On Clotiiing
Extended Odo Week More
JCo-^ve onr country customers an equal chance'
wi|u onr city people to take advantage of onr great
The rush in this department on Saturday wat
tremendous. We never before sold so mneh clothing
in one day. Tbe good work goes on. Come every
body and take advantage of the greatest offers of
the season. They will not last long.
We offer you your choice of 10 lots of men's
medium and light weight suits for $6.60.
This sale embraces fine cassimeres aad serges,
strictly all wool and nicely made: many lots are be%^
ing retailed elsewhere at $10 and $1Z
Do not neglect this money-saving opportunity,
aud give us an early call while selection is large.
Tnvntse <Mty, Hkh.
Summep Shoe Snaps!
74 pslrt‘^Pisgree'’$8.00, $3.60Aad $4A0 lAdiss*8hosS
St $1.98.
69 pairs -PingTM” $4.00, $6.00 sad $6.00 Ken’S Shoes
60 pairs •Plngree” $8.00 Ladies Jolieta st............$1.96
llS’pAin •‘Pingres’’* $8.00 sad $2.60 Lsdies’ Oxfords
at $1.48.
00 pairs Ladies $160 and $1.76 Oxfords at..........$1.00
78 psIrs:Kifiaes’ $1.00 and $IJ» Oxfords St............76o
Children’s and Kissss’ Calf Shoes at....................... 60e
Rad manr other lirotea lioet rodeoed ie price.
•T-OjO Ox(3. XieL±al>Le Sla.oexn.ShTi.
m Moumro moo», sukdat, apou^ », is»a.
: Moumro saooBD.
Mre. B. B. Braat aad oMUdraa mat
»o WtUIaaMbarr yeataiAay.
Oeotfe Qalrt aad wife of BeUvUla.
Hleh..an tbera«teot J. Jawlana.
Bov. O. Voelqaer of Botaay. Mtaa..
who baa boon hero la tbo Utar«t at
the Bvaaralloal ebareh for tbe paat
Hy work is firvt clan aod prices that are in rescb of all. lam
week left yeeterday for Potoekey.
Bia. Beddy aad ekUdren of Sistb;
prepared at all times to take care bf tbe trade. I mske a speculty is
atroet retaraod yeatorday fro« ai
Brszing, Valcaaiziiig and EnsmetinB- A
wheels (or sale
oath'a vialt aw Nowayfo.
J. O. ELLIS, 311 Front street, east.
Frank Meada, oaa of 3. G. Joham'a
dray elarka, wiU bertn a sontbb vaoa*
tloa tbu aorniar Darlaf hla ataoeaoe
Vormal Saaday School Wetic.
Clarenoe Meakald of Latker. will teke
t tbe mecUny ef tbe Coaaty
Haanyer Ladyate Gave Bla Xa
hU p’aoo. I«r. Meada will Join hta
Baaday »eboeI AmoeUUoa at Kiayaley
Tba aaonal aiaettarot thaatodAoW- aother at Maalatee aod aeeompaay her
last week. Bev. J. C. Carman of this
ata of tba Haaeah A Lay Maraaatila to Mllwaakoe. froa where ahe will go >
Tbe Travers* City Lacaber Company
city was elected Coaaty Movml BoffbaC:------■
Oonpaay «ook plaaa Friday afun
baa flalabed eaUlny lumber tor this Inteadebt. Tbe eboiee U an aaeenant^’4S^J
U Bedfleld. DakoU. tbea ha wUI jola 1
Jaiaaa Morraa aad A. Traey Uy aoa bU wife la Chlcaro.
season aad tbe mill is shat down aatll oae aa Mr. Carman has already taken a
rcaldaet atoekheldara wer« praaant.
Uey commeaee to oat hardwood this deep Interest la normal work aad was
W. W. Fairchild and family of Staa
The report of tba aaeratary waa rlTca atreet will enjoy a vlalt from Mr.
- wiater. The employto of the milt aad
ai la the oryaalsa*
aad all the old diractara raalaotad
I tbelr families eajtved a pleenat. aar- lien of tbe •aeeeeafni normal class eon•hUd*a alatar. Mra. Albert .Wlckett CXMT&AL 80B00L BVlLDUia.
priae at tbe baada of Manager Led- dgetod here last apriny
aad ehildrea of Niarara Fall^
rtry Haaaab, A Tracy Lay. Jai
>-:fat*, ef an eacaraioa oa tbe bay.
Bev. D. F. Bradley aod family reMr. Carmaa artll open tbe work for
Morfaa. wmiam Xoriaao/ Califaraia. tnraed yesurday to tbelr boaa at
Plenty of frail and Aallaaclea were the aeaaoB at the Baptist ebapel-on
paratoiy te Fall Tana.
aad H. Hoatayaa.
Grand Bapida after apeadtar aome time
For Uie flnt time elaoe It waa ballt provided by Mr. Ladyeto aad be went Monday evaalny.at 6 o'cloek.ln tbe Old
TbadlraeUr'a aecUag raaaltad la at their oottace at Omaaa.
tbceealral aebool baUdiey baa been
Teatameet end Baaday aebool .aiadlsa,
Aaelarlay a dlridaad of S par aeat aa
Mra. Le Fevre of Maekeroa U tbe newly varolabed tbroayboot the la- party. Tbe boat atopped at Bowera Tbe elaoa will be atrlcUy aon-o&Urlan.
eapltalotoek toretud. aad raala
(7 Coavantlon.
raeat of Mra. Aaa Bale of Beventb Urior. Tbe deeka have been almllarly Barbor. Ne-ab-ta-wan» and Elk Bap aad all Baaday aebool workera and ^
tba tallowlatr offlaara:
treated aad the effect U yraUfylng. ida aad retaraed last eveniny aboat thoae latenmted in tbe work m eardlatreet.
PraaldeBt—Parry Baaaah.
Mr. end Mra. J. C Bloe aod daaybter Jaaiter Cartla baa devoted eoaaider- 7:30 o'clock.
ally iavlted lo be preaeaU
Vloa Preddeat—A. Traey Lay.
Baby who have been vlaittar Mra. E able Ume te tbe bnUolay dnrinf the
Tii^Krar—E. P. Wilbaln.
B. McDermott of Waabtngtoa atroet. paat few weeks la prepartny for the
'Tbc fart tbst I was a good
Baeratary aad Oaaeral Maaaiiai
retaraed yeatorday to tbelr borne at fall term of aeaool. Now be ezteada a
Thankful words writtea bydCra. Ad»
sldan,'’ said (be lady from Joboatown,
cordial levlutkw to the pabllc to call "wap tbe nieana of savhig my Ufe dar
Cleveland. Ohio.
t. of Irotoo, 8. & • Was
wbieb settled e
Joba Bickey aod Mim Vina Biekay aad loapeet the latertor dartny tbe ing tbe flood in oar town a few yesia with a bad
Oralaa of tba Xattla Bradvall.
laaye: ooayta aet la aad flaally termin
of ManUtee will be tbe yoeate today of omlay week.
Foar doeto*
ated la r
---------MlM aara Seymour of Beooad street.
yaro me i,.
4tk W.T4
W. J. Miller and Miaia Miller retaraed
are aajoyinf a. aaUiojt emlae in the
“I bellere," mid tbe fanny boarder,
abort Ume. I |
"When tbv water sttock <wr beam., ^rior. determli
yacht Battle Bradwall. They arrlrad yeaterday to Grand Eaplda after spendthat tbe landlady baa been won ovw
my bnaliand got on tbe foldiny bed and frith
b my
ir frieada 00 oartb, 1 would k
lo tbe anti-Bbakeinware crowd.”
latbUport yeaterday after apaadlof . lay some time at nelybborlny reeorU.
rnt oare
ones above.
aWve-_ My bosbaaff
Boated dev.n tbe 1
aase tlma aaoar tba Bearer Ulaoda,
Hr* A. E Johavlon of Old Mimtoa
rlaed to yet Dr. Eloy's Hew DieO. O MOrrATT, 8»er«»iT.'
Barber Bpriafa aad Petoakay. Tkay took diaaer at Park Plaoe yaeterday.
to Coasamptioc. Cooybs aaS
breakit a trial, took in aU
Mr>. F. A. Earl of Waablaytoa atreet
Colda I yav
BapvbUow Sautoriai ConTaatlon- leave bare today aad aaU aroand
tot every moenldgnow. yoa will
aaa, aad
eight bottii.
tbroarh tba -atralu to DatreU. The U eajoylay e vlalt Irom her brother, ^PbiladeJphia Nmb '
led I am saved aad am now a
yaekt la la charfe ef Ooa»B»odora A. C.
eaaoa Gates of Fremont.
well aad
d kealtby
bealtby woi_—
womaa. Trial boUlca
Landlord aad Mra. E C. Comptoa
G. JohnWalla. Ua otbar r>«*“
The Bev. W B. CoaUey. of Btoek~Leyalu
Walla, atayor of MeaMBlaM. C. B. have retaraed from Indiaaapol
Tooag Mn. Tnrkina bad been o|reto- brirlye. Ga.. while atteadlay to hla
Jerry Balllvaa of Cedar traaaacled ly ttadyiny a pictare wbieb showed tbs pv-<nrUl dalles at Etieowood, that
Uw. A. F. Walla. W. B. BarMoa. Mra.
eewtamM ot the tireeh and ToricUb eol- SUM. was attacked bv cholera morbus
A. Keefe, aad tka Miaaee noreaoa baalerea here yeeterday.
‘■Bv ebaace 111bappraed to yet
Walla, Ella Crawford and Abbie MoHlae Mollle Qalaial. who baa been
bamberlln's OoUe.
bottle of Cbai
Tialttoy Mra. J.W.Haanea fora month
lera aad
«medy. aad 1
md Dtarrboea
__ of eaviay my
bisk it was
retaraed to Kalamaxoo ymterday.
It relieved me at oooe." For
Mra M. B. Gates will yo to D:trolt
you referF’
sale by E E. WaitMonday to rtalt.
"TbeEntopean aitaatiom Itseemsco
Dr. Tbompeoa weal to Elk Baalda be tbe aame old qaeatioo of which It's
•rttteiam «f Uu Ooadaot ef the War.
Sheet Vnalc at Half Prico. also
yaeterday to perform e aurylcal opera. to be akirti or blootaera”—Wasbiar every piece of tbe lateat popalar masie,
la daallnr with tba aevera eritieiaau ^ GaptalnJCoIataab WiUaaof the T
ton Star.
W. W. Kimball Co., sis Front attooc
Afternoon and ETsnlnc.
0t tba eoodaat of tba war aad tba mK. E Strong, maaayer.
Mie. B. C Beroard cf Bollaad. and |
Xa t aoBraoftbeToBBC
tiffMt of Boerelary Alcar. the D»Soldier.
t J. T. Boteley of Jeolaoa. who have
There is ao oae aafferlay frma Uta
«Kit Froo Preaa ooaolodaa;
been eWUayJ. M. Larkina of Fifth readfal malady. If yoo will ooly yet
ima^a atreet. returned yeeterday to tbelr ae right remedv. You are baviay paia
••Tbora have boea emwa. faUaraa.
SlaJedyaoBU aod «lainaaaceroaat
Baatlayo. Cuba. Aayast 10.'M. .
all through your body, your liver U out
a doobt; bat certalaiy they
Mary J. Bartwick of Cbleayo. arrived of order, have do appetite, ao life or
Mr. Jacob Oulmaa. Traverae City,
bav a -jad cold, in f
AaVa aet oatwalybad aU tbe earseat Mieb..
la tbe city yesterday. She will leave
unpletely aaed .ap. Electric Bitters
Torch Lakprtoleb ,
that baa beaa acelltdoa# aad tbe
Mr Dasa Baoran-lt la with Ue this moralay oa Ue steamer Petoekey
tbe only remedy Uat will yiv yon
BukKRanCiA McCoauics.
___ rood that baa beaa r*l>aatly meet profoaad reyret that I have to in for a visit among tba more'nortbera prompt sod sure relief. They aet di Maosye*-^ Travrse dty. Mich.—I hav
rectly oa roor Liver, Stomseband Kid W«£'a member of Ue Uolted Butre
«ablarod la tba hbort aad florloavly form yea of tbe aieknem aad death of
neys, tone ap tbe whole ayitem aod Bcpcvolebt Society of Seginaw for
Wfaapbaat atrarrle with Bpala. Evil your sea Gemre- He yol peisoaed oa
Mra. MarUa Slayer of Grand Bapld« make yoo feel like a new Winy- Thev
•—is years,
«ra, and
ai bav always found
•ad laaBciaacy hava act docalaatod tbe bands aad face with aome kind ef and A. B. Wllmarth of Detroit av are yaaraoteed to care or price refoadt and jeat. Accept tba
•be areay'a part la tbe coateat,
ed For sale at tbe Dray Stores of 8- for cbvl
ir 841 TH la Mttlemeai
a poiaoa weed and it broke oat pretty yueeu of L O. Fuller and family.
mv accident e.claim.
avitbataadinr tbe rravalliaf toae of bad aad ke waa dectoriay for that for
J. 8. Putmaa aad aoa of Omeaa.
tv bave Iborn boldlr swindled by ac«H
atitMaai aad ooade*aatloo. Whea about a week, and tkea ke wta Ukoa were in tbe city yesterday for a few perbotUr.
id eirkness corapaaire. bnt Ur
dent and
iBveaUfaUoa aed tbe inparllal with a malarial fever, and I bad him boun.
l-nlW.. S
A. V. Friedrich end wife hav nBiftorlaa deal wllb tbe eveou of tba Ukea lo tbe hMpilal where they bad
no to fnlfil tbelr rontraei. I will al
ways etaad ready U help yon when
pact foar awatba It will be foaad that alee beds for him aad lady auraea; aad, tnraed from Indianapolis.
voa oome here.
Mias Mabel SeoSeld muraed last
Mob that baa provoked iodlraatioa by tbe way. tke doctor la oharye of
Bevpectfellv Y’<-—
«addlaparareBeatwaa anavoldabU la Urn waa a K. of P. aad be did every- eveaiay from a visit with vUllvee si
Wm j. HcL.ACBUtX.
p aw earried oa aader tbe eeaditloat tblay be eonld for him bat waa naable Mantua.
Mat were eaeoaatared la oar adi
to briny him tbrooyb.
•ara with Bpala."
Tbe oompaay yoco over today to ta was a vltUor here yeaterday.
OrrrtlcSwnaie'* RborBccre
Shop opposite Kagle office.
ap bU yravo and miarlf it ao it can be
’X>l^oza.o 1«8.
Wna tbe arrival of every troep ablp foaad. Wo took a large aoeet of tU
- ,^nm Baatlafo eome freah borrore and aad cat bU aame. realdeaoe aad com moatba in tbe city.
^ereaaed evideneee ef erimlaal nerU- pany aad tbe daU of his death la it
The World's Best Trsined
raaoe wbieb devaad tbe Boet rifld la- aad nailed It lo a board so as to keep it
OiTSB Free I/eseons
Beae one la
Animal Exhibition.
and erected It at Ue head of bla ^va
ibr tbe alekaeee. aafleriaf and ideatta
We took the oartridyee oat of bla |
ja^iw bow to go aboat
aaoar the brave ntea wfad eeeaped bal- bait aad stack them U tbe yroaad oa
read books ot> the sobjert and
lata 08 tbe battle fleld only to die ef top of tba grave la the shape of a eroaa ■ongfat inftmnalian from aioa wbo bad
Ift------haorer and aerlaet. Tbe satGeorge died oa the moralay ef tbe erpe-ricooe, and while the tbeorioe wwe
*f iM<b #ihbaet
ABtidoUr. (or rxtn
' «ar eboald be probed to tbe'bottom, Mb aad was bnried that evesiny. I admirable la every laKance be foaad
MaaaaatUa OoMyMTTba au«al maaMat *f tba Bauah
* iMj Oeapaa; waa haU la tto ^aa
althaTravana OUp atata Baak yaa' «Ht- T. «AT»» A«P J. W. W»OT. tatday attanooa.
Tha ofioara
' ‘ ^
A V. Haxxu. BdItOT and MuacwBaaaah. PraaMaataad Uaaaral MaaSUBBCMPTIOMS.
•car. A. Tracy Lay. Vtoa PraaUaat: 3.
T. Baaaah. Traaaarar! B. Uariaad. Baaratary.
Tha beard of dlrartora aoartata at
Ua abora aaMd ofiatfi aad Ji
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
Monday, Aug. 2B,
I- ^
Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-date Painter
and Paper Hanger.
Miss Doyle
III Ms nflmbrnlileri
and Mndern Lane Making
aad that qalekly, aad wboa tbe blaaee
haa been placed where it beloap let
the paolabmeat U aare aad ao aevere
that laconpeteBey aad Iraoraaoa
Be oUalaated forever troB tbe United
them toyoa. wllb an lavatory Of the
^ thiog*.
same aad Ue amoant of pay be bad when bar aboe became nntied.
tbe yoveromeal. We ex8be stock oat her pretty little foot,
pect to leave here la a few days, and wiU a snile, and looked down at it He
wbaa we get U Ue BUtea I wUl aead fell cm bis kneeo to tie tbe laoe. Tbeo
be walked on with her. The shoe beWt are eelllay more lo foreign cooa- them U yon.
antied again. Tbe third time U
The oompaay. as well aa myself.
•rlee today than we are parvbaalny
ready as befora.
*ltt j=.n.lt. Mr.
.toKd a»l
tom Uem—jHt what tbe Bepabiioans d.q,l,
M>. -i
pramlaedla IdM- Let tbe good work
1—1., h.r. tor
lyooa, oalaryooar foreign trmdq, aad
V.-Aed np at her teoderlr
tot Uo aaUoa grow rich by reason of wlUout Ooorye- Be was a good aol-1
dler and alway* ready aod wUllay to
know a b
the prosperity that oomea lo oa
do hU doty, ao matter wkat It was 1 be to..
"D coo want him l tleitr' I
00ma of President Me- j U do aaythiay all
T«a.”be replied.
Slal«7 aa having npbeld Ue honor of
She jerked her foot away. Be mnUad
Now. Mr. aad Mrs. Caiman, don't tobimseU.
-orry aboat him or bis barlal plaoa. as
•■IfstbeFaiaooL.-'be mid. And be
that oaa be foaad at aay Ume. It is yam to bis feet and flniahed tba proSABOU) WAUCXB’B MOAPA
upon a hill la a lltUe grove. I will toU
yoo aU aboat It la detail wbca 1 yet
Brtdavf* rtore.
a Horse.
Tommy—Come. Bridget, play wiHi
Tbe compaey eed oSeore Join me la
Harold Walker la ■oScrlay from a lev end sympelby tor yqarealf and oa We’ro playing aoldier.
yo* Uttle top 01
yavayo kick by a horse, which oo-i|^^jiy. Yotiu la F. C. B,'
ain't no aoldier.
- mrod yesterdey moralay. He was takJ. V. MrIVTX>*a.
Toaimy-Xo. Bridget, bat yoo'ia a
' 4ay oare of Ueaalmel. wlilcb la owned
Capl Co. M. 34U Mich.
' 3um oatto—Bsrper's Bamc.
if bla aad*. Dr. H. B. Aaderaon, when
ambtsg M • WhMt.
. tba animal adminisUred tba kick,
Tbe Beat Bomedy for Flax.
"They say it is nc« to Impoaribla to
•triklay klm on Ue bead. inflicUny s
Mr. John MaUla*. a well known
4oap«a*b. Hcrbort-Johaaoawaapree^ BOkeon a wbceL”
”1 wlab 1 ooald ccevlima ay lamp tt stock dealer of Pniaald, Ky., mys;
ast aod dragged Us boy from beasaU
"After anffering for over a wvk with
that. ".-Dacrait JeoasL
^ bores’s feat, oUerwIso he might
flax, and my phyaiclsa having fall
reliev me I was advbed to
tova Waa killed. Dr. Aadereoa took
Cbamberiio’a Colic. Cholera aad Diar
ffve aUtebre la tbe woaad.
Pertop* Joe Bailey's
rhoea Bemedy. aad bav Uepleesiira ef
was Jealous of aaUaoal expansicn.— ataUag that half of oae bottle cured
SoiTrtsed Laadlord and Xie. Dill.
• • •: E WelL
Mem^ia Oommeroisl Appeal (Dem.^
Yaeterday wao tbe 4SU birthday aalBuy « Bcbolarehlp.
Faria Green—The pore aUff- No
oanary of Leaolord aad Mre. Dill ot
Tbe Trevree OUy Baaiarea
4be Benny Bank hotel.
In honor of cheap adaltoreUoaa, *S caata a poaad
at Walfe Dreg Bure.
and Normal lasUlnte offer*
era a 75
,tWevnt aboat twenty frieada yav
eebolsrahip for n e-third off Ue reyo^;lb*mapleaaaaiaarprtaelast eveniny.
Bzoutln neklU boaykt and aold at tar rates. If yoi dcalre one ef three
Aftor eome time was apent la card City Newa Stoad. P. O. Bldg. 4W-tf
sebolareblpa attend to U at oaee.. aa
a Ue
offer win be for a abort Ume
^aylay andthe dtaoaaaloa of ae elaboAmaodaHivKo. tn wara piaaaaud; Dreg Store
■ jathaWmoredaeaple.
C. E Docxaaar. Prop.
Iltdi to tke 6fud FmStmtFinte
Our Offerings
- Furniture
-Oeserte Unusual Ittentimi.
U/[ ARE PUnUIIUp Uany pieces exclusive with us, that
HL HnC oniminu for beauty havs not been equalled.
We make particular mention of KEED and RATTAN FUR
NITURE. Aside from a floor full of beautiflit creations in i
: this material we make prices equally as at'ractive.
Whether you intend to refurnish your house this fall or '
■ just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your ^
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity '
: to do BO at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods ^
■ In any event.
THtf Mourure jtaooBD. smroAT. AOounM itse
nun AT QAn wtaoff.
' JM ■■ertttay Algw >M Orwt^ •
t»v««feto ObUft «t Koa.
tuk Taiat.
mnUtf. Maap frar that tk* kow
pilUaklpkatbaaa oaaghtla a aterm
orbaaa deeiropad hpaa aoeldaaL
A great neap aaval antboritf
tbia dtp tboaght that tk* inaiihaii
wa* BotUag bet iafaated artlelat that
bad baea tbrowa eearboard bp
the mnniog
aoldlara to Moataak Poiab Bedding
MDoag tbe
debrla, aad tkla gave atrangU to that
theorp. bnt It alao glvea atrengU to tbo
tbeorp that the wrecked abip. If tbar*
waa a wreck, wm tba Sotao*.
Bwria Cterh. the bwo of Uto Uatek,
«as DsHber wloa uaefnl cragwaablTJ
h^Uv^bo yarn* aloMwbM be mlgb*
hate been bka^ wtU -Ood** bmt gift ■
euli. a* dark wa* deridedly a wmiUy
" “ * \rUnrOould Ihengiit b*
loellmit binhapd for his
lightly on Ue shady side
«d ta So one evonliw. floding him in bla
ooUteiy vmrUDMU, looking downcast and
* Moataak Polat. M. T., Aafut «T U a panoaal laMw to PrwMaat M«>
lOaloT. Oweial Joa WkMJcr baa wrli‘■BTisl makm yoo Utnk a^lop al’v
Ma tkat tka rail o( 9*vnfry Alfar
m«r • gniffly inquired Clark.
kara kaa aaaoapUahaa atora
•-Because ran are not lively s.d lunqiv.
fca eaa aapreaa In taat paopk who
Too ore lon^ and want aooMy No otm ' ^
mn enjoy life wiUout oompBa'. iialilp. tn ifl
kaaa anppnaaad ibelr anapaiaUoa at
Unit, yoii need a wife"
It of affair* at Camp
-'I'rt. got along all these yeart alihouk - ^
^nkoff arabaamiDg with gratlfleatlon
one. and 1 gums 1 oan «ni.h (>..
ai tka kaantifol taaaaar la whiah Seeway.”
■■Oeoanseyonhavebesaatn-l all Uem
talaiT Blfar la ripplog no the i«d tana' II Xattoi* of Intoraat From AU
. m Is DO rtaaonwhy yto!*..^eim'
Farts of Kiekigan.
aad trampUng down tba anap rag«l^ I
ttaaa. Siaea tala arrlaal hat* the eon- ■Kmwm'm'mwmwm'wmwif
■ Tnio.”-aaldCUri(: ”B d 1 takon a
dttion ol affalra haa improved la a moat
wife 9U yoois ago, I sboold L -- been hepSix poang ladies of Grand Bapide be pker today. But wbo would iu... r.r an ^
; aKtonordinarp aaanv. Ba baa don>
like tou Dowi ’
kaaor to hlmaelf aa wall aa good to
"Many a nkoo giri vonld Jnmp i.t Uo
otbara. bat baa borrlStd the martlneU phonaea'a oonvaot. Blahop BIcbtar ohancc.”
9t tba armp aad haa eat an example of prarlded over the aolrma aepvlee. They
"Idontw^int an old maid.''i: ;S
Vkat tkap eall "Inanberdlnatloa’' and are; Mlmee Norn Wall and Anna Dyer paKkular old bachelor. --Same t-retty,
itraffalariip that thap fear will rain of Grand Bapide; Mayma McDonald of bright glri iubtbt toiurt toe. But. then,
Emexvllle: iUtle Rlae of Berlin; Vic- Ul* courting buKincer I know nothing
about, you aoc.snd. taking Uonthewboka
leaarak Alger haa bean at torU banzoo of Mnakagon. and Verona I might pay too dearly In advoMc. ”
-Well.’' said Oould Uni*UeD«ly, ”<»
’ work la Bbakiag
tkiag ^r* np in tba boa- Krapp of WrighL
tbe whole. If UetruU was known, lUlnk
pltala aad U the aoamlaaarp
and qnai
you ate a trifle too lav to live.”
tarmaadr'adapartmrB', Co'oaal Beat ton, 111., arrived at Marquette an a
-Why. I'm all ivady for a tmcgaln.
arof Oatroltha* been raring Ilka a ep- trnla Friday at UKW. She aeemed to Show ihu somooftheaenleeglrUyoaBDem
I think are an plenty.”
eloaatbroBgh other portioaa of tba ba all right whca aba tell the trala.
-If you pkease to \-lslt my temtly yon
•amk aad ha* mada a repataUon for
will hate an opportunity of tnorttog many
■aargy aad exaentive abllhp that will bad lung tronble and west U
ladkm. I will' Introdooe yon to my sister
•aver ha forgotten bpaoaa old foaalla thlaking that the climate woald bane- torona She wlU Intndoee yon to oU«ra
kokaaooUidai wt«. U win:d have flt bar, but tbe axeiteaeat of the Jour- and”—
-Goodl ru mend tommiow evening
, kaaa a bleating if the a-ereiarp had aep proved too much for bar.
wlU you."
made hia vlait two week* ago.
J. L. DavU of Waterford, bos shipped
They parted, and Clark's Ukk bead
One of the moat aatoniahlag of hit some Bamboolette ahaep to Africa. B*
a* full of new tdeaa At e o'eloek U*
» wbleh mada him alao Mat Ihre* rama of tba asm* bread next night be steed before bis mimir try*
■ora Indignant than anp othm.i* taat to Oregon to head a B >ck of over 4 oon. lag necktie after neektle
htle and oaiefuUy
d of his hair. At
aa order which ha imnad to Borgeoa
W. 3. AUaa of Dowagiae. a mat
nipped and
Oaaeral Btaraberg oa Aag. 10 laat. aa- of Um Twantp-aeeoad iafaatrp ragnltkorlat^ aad diraeting medical ofioer*
of Ua armp tobnp proper food aad deUelad
ladle*, gmssod a pkauHtnt evening,
tthed cTciy movement of the yo^ger
UeadM tor antletad maa in the koa^ial* from Cabs to Monteok Pc^ni. He aspa
' aadartbalr charge.waenever raoaivad the ftlU on «ke boat U ladcaeribi
bar*, aad. what waa won* wa* aarer that there wee no pare water or eoap, ehamlng Mim Oould oould ? pervaded
to become Mrs. Clark, iihe was anraMlve,
oammaaicatad to aap of the hoapitala aad that Inaaollp relieved many a i
Tkaaacratarp ia tborongblp exaeperatad Soldlen Mt up In eote. elntebing wild pleaslDg in oonrensiion and gramfnl la
ever thia aaglaet. if It la net a daflaaee ly. wlUi the death rattir ia their throata
Sb* Is tbewemaa for me.”Uaagbl
«f hie aathoritp. particnUrlp baeaaM Bight privates and one offlosr were Barris os be said ” Good night. ” promising
tkU order waa leaned at the ii
borladat aea.
went borne f»m hit sncsid vl*»
Of tka preaidani. aad when h* told the
waa on informaUoB of Chief Boyle bappko- than from Ue first, for. Id DddJ■awapaparain'Wnahlngtaotbat avarp- of JackaoB aad Bberiff Bnow of Kala- OoDtobU locreDsIng admltatkoo for tU
thing naoaaaarp waa being provided tor masoo tbat Oeorge Wagaer wa* arrest, lady, bo felt aasurM. by her erident oxerthe Blek aoldlara Seeraiaip Alger waa ad in Cnicago. Wagner has a bad rec Sons to cDtavteiD him. that hi* fedlngs
are wet prorated.
andar tha Impraadon that It had bean ord. having Mrved Uma la Slag Slag
One uofortunate dreumstanoe must be
tarhnrglarp. Ue wa* la Kalamatoo
TB* mpatarp of the eamp hokatp haa aad Bear Btehlaad at the time of the
g Ue ladkes as bis wlfeand sister nieiely
%a*B nnravalad. The araiatant aar- haak robbsrp. It U alleged that Wagd partly Clark's oonlusiun Id controDtgaoo la charge told Bacratnrp Alger aar'a wife dlaappearad mpsterional* a
g two women at on.o, be had mistaken
that tha rnanon why tba ai^ aoldlan
oDo for tbe oUm and ralion In lovo with
Mrs. Gould, deeidodly tbe pw-nW of the
bad ta go tki«* dape without bread
two. and who. perfectly InDooent of bll
waa that tha bakery wa* aot erected
Mra Mary A. Jllbert of Chlnmat baa error, strove to make niatu-n idmsan* In
In Um*. and tbe tanli w*a laid apoa
behalf of ber sister-ln-biw Shr mXioed
Qaartacmaater Oeneral Kimball, who la racalved a letter from Dr. Tbomaa B oD«u cirtwka-tbu hv addn-mMl her as MIm
d«Oould; but, knowing bim to bo a some
the peiehaalng agent in Kaw Yark. Bp
Oaaaral Algar'e dUecUoaa Kimball era* aoribing her son’a death. Thoraaa died what illiterate man, k« It gam tma slip
oottrageooa death, tbe doctor writes, of Uu tongue.
ordered to aend a foil baklag ontflt to
lid hte last word* were; -If I had a
evening be found Hr*. Gould
■ooWak'Polatbptba dm train. Be
« Inforniid that -AnhoraDd
talngrapbnd in reply tbat tan dapa ago thoaaaad lives I woald give them ati
or more be chipped to Camp Wikoff a for my oooniry." H- seat a farewell to
his mother aad sweethearL
baking ontflt to eopplp bread for le.ouo
rowMtlirir alweiKir.. Now wo* hi* ttino,
Tba ladepeodeat Colored Veterana’ be thought, sii. sunimantng all his eoor. and lt;«l«bof Ann A'bor met Thursday algbt age. beoomiurnre-dr
Thia eanaad aa li
"My duar buly. forgive me for speaking
Utm out that the bakery which Dr. and elected i flloara A o
my mind franU
tnkly when I asauro you that
d uvpitesndidates for eota- tbe hnpplt-st ho.............
BaUmaaa has baea watching *o i
houK of my life here beSD
your suvlety."
lonely for haa been lying in the freight
you for tbe eomf
bonM tor over a weak, aad there ia ao Uem ia tbe matter of appointments of
Mrs. Gould "U give* i
evideaaatbat b* baa ever Ukan tba depntlet. Colored men claim tbvy bold
tronbla to inquire tor lu This iUiie- Ut balance of power in tbat coonty.
exlsionoa you
trntee the Ineompeuaep of tba
ha* a dorp Intcnsl In you. and 1 MuUl al
who bar* baaa charged with the enre U Ue attorBey-geueral that Ue ineor. ways br iiknimd to eutenalu you to Ue
Of *0,uo0 lives.
porated aamrtery aeoociatlon la com- bust of my ablHlIos.''
Tbe secretary has diseovarad that patiDg WlU Uem. eontrary to the stat
"Thank you. " sold Clark. "I fwl tbat
there U no laundry here to wash the ute nader which it wm organited. Tbe a alDgie life Is an unhappy uDo, and if Dot
too late 1 pruiiuw- to aiuond."
■BMU and pillow aaaaa from the boa- charge is Uai Ue aaaoeiattoe seeks not
-‘liid-vd’ Thro you think of marrying?
l»il*): that Ur. Porwood, tbe anrgaoo- only to fureUb graves but flower* to X ootigraiutete you May 1 oek who is to
be thu bonunvl lady?"
ta-ehlcf. ha* sever mada any aiyaaga- eover Uem.
"That d>-p.-nd« upon yoo. I have oerer
■eati to provide hot water tor faaUlag
At a bMiBrea aesoion of tbe (%ain mvt with om- Wlio Insplml me wiU suob
the paUeaU in hia hospitaL Them Lake Baptist aaSoelstton at Lsuelag estemi, surh !■•%<•. os youm-lf. All 1 hove
■oat important proviakona will
Will you l>c niy wife?"
rtaolntioM were adopted which stroog- I lay ■■ your
ill- iisiiwd and wl|ad Ui- prnplration
from bis fon-brod . Mrs. Oould. nttcaiy
eorted to Ue eoorU to eollect claim*
X to ber feet, exclaimhare are both packed ao fall of boxes, agalnat Ueir eburebe* that failed to lug;
kale*. barreU and basket* that ao pay Ue)r debt*.
-Me your wUel Why. Mr. Clark, ex
plain yuurwltr
naor* can be Ukea in. Most of tbe
A bacteriologickl t**t baa beea made
Jli-r husband, last entering, eangbtUe
packagaa are addrwaed to private aulof Ann Arbor's city vrater by Dr* Novy iMt words.
Aiera scattered abont tbe camp, wbiob
"Wbai Is the matter?" asked be. gazing
sod Corbusier of Ue nnivaraity,
alternately fruni his wife to Clark.
cover* an area four or flve mUes square
they find it is M full of disease germs
From the odM it i* apparent that
as Keoswt Is foil of P.ipollste. A cubic
■aay of them oonuia supplie* of trait
ceDtiBMier of city water wm mUed slslcr appuars to have ukvn fright at
aad othar food that has baea seat by
-I don't undemand whaL '
wiU OB equal qoaBlUy of pure beef
limy wtfei"
Ua lovad ones at faoM and is lying
rl \\*hy.
After Ue dbeam germs bad
Clark. "Mhy
kara epoUing. Tka axproM oompany
thrived npoa Ub aad beoom* aeUve have you deceived
In this matter?"
kaa a* faeUltlw for dallvariag tk*
deevired you. my dear
I of Ue fluid WM iajeetod lato a
goads aad Ue
»ow. Yon must haiu deceived yourself.
Twenty-Uree hours later Ua rat
trola Ue tranaporutloa rafnaa* to do
WM foBBd dead and It wm avideat that
da *0 without a special order, becauM
It had bean dead four or flve boars.
Ue packages are private aad aot pub
Poor Harris was struck domb. lie lusa,
lic preparty, and hie borate aad wagseised bis hot. made a low bow and aimlPope's Oonditlan Beiiona
bllated spam betweon Uv Gags and bte
aaa. nader army regulatlona. caanot ba
Vboobeior's bell,” wbse In a sboK
tmad for private buaieeM; but Oeaeral
time be WM sooted faefoie a Are bnih of
■using fancy
Alger ba* lasaed aa order to aeize Ue twice today. Bis feeUv
neckties, m.-het bog*. Ugbt glove*
Bret wagoBS that be can Bad aad dte- anxkty. _________________
and otbtT eopprfluoas arUols of an old
hadMdor's telfet.
. iribnte Ueae things among Ue troopa.
Bnoklan'a AnjU B*l«aA* to what bo thought, said or did atlm
Tn Bear 8ai.tk in Ue world for thattlm
ate. Brnisea, Sores, Uloera, Salt Oould V
jUenm, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped
BaBd*,ChUblaUte.Coraa,and aU sCS
■ad Oroaa mospitel Ship Imag Over
pa^^nl^^l^ ^rnarwie^
Oa* and it is Feared She
r*£^al.'~FriMt5eantoBerbox. Fcg
Has Bean Wracked.
aalcbrJ-O. JohnsonnbdS.^ Wall.
Kew York, Angtwt *7.—A World speeial from Boalommy* that tba Bed Cross
Mot OnUty.
koapiul ship Solsas was dee Um* on
Of ernrae yon woald not b* gnllty
9aMlay. So Udingtof it have b»en
a'fall hat not
of 8.
raeaivad atnea itleftOnha and gravs I Bend* Ado.. U* sew store where
wh*r< every
flaars have ariaan for lu aafaty. 'Ph*
Mao* had on a number of atek and
aver a* mneh lower Uaa
aaavalasoant mllon tnm Admiral
tuMpacn** flaai, who ware ta ba takaa
^h* Uteet imrfuma* at WklU Drii^
Tka reportad Mgbttag of wnakaff* g«^.
-DM iUm Prlnker aoU te
fled wiU Uem?
Clcrii—Ob. yn. sir; delimited wttfc
Uem. I b«id her ssy Uey didst knk
OM Mt Alka ber.-Bottou Tiaiiaa1|A
radeo and Norway fisd Ue Onltad
States a good onatomer of ood Uv« oU
aad matohas, Uom artiatei behw Ua
prinelpaa item* of expert to Ult eou-
■aar NareOdiars ia TraasiiStflisli laakiagPaifact FilliaBBest Waariag-
wOl be oar ploaanro to oholr
OB ABoortmont of
Of which w« BTC jofftly pnmd.
No pains were spared in the selection oiT these
suits—Bought of the most experiencedland >reliable manufacturers, they are stylish,”perfect fit
ting, and as near as may be
All sizes from three to siiRoi. At •auseellr fine assortmenl of coiors anil luneroa.
Deabie keees, doibie seats. Retbing omittBii that eagbt to
be iacaiporiteil into a bofs garmeet.
Men s Neckwear
Commaods a jrnod deal of attention just now. Our complete fall Hoe in and on
sale. Step into our frontdoor and see for yourself what ao incomparable assort
ment of these furnishings we cairy.
A Flyimr Top. which will fljr
rRFF About 200 feet in the airr i__
i spin
terikin^rthft groaod,
free with every purchase in oor boy'a de
partment all next week.
It's 111 ast lit inU nv. II lu tmi so Ii on oa, ud u 111 feUn a)Z
“We Govern Blhers By flnr Oim Standanl.”
No use talking, people know value, and k is folly for any other clothier to
think otherwise. Our aim is to figure out how much mon^ we can save you —
not bow much we can charge yon without you knowing it. There is a big di^rence in the principal involved. Yon can rest assured that when we ask. you a
price for a garment it is worth every cent of it, and not a cent less, and we won't
deviate from it one iota.
Let’s Talk About School SuitsI
Boy’s Knee Pant SuitsI Boy’s Long Pant Suits!
$2.50, $3.00, $3.50. UOO.
Cot right, trimmed right, fit right. AH the
nobby patterns, and the prices are right.
Kiel Puts at 17c, 25c, 35c acd SOc.
$1.00, $1.25, SI.S0, $1.75, $2.00.
Ironclad Stockings at S6c.
Hang on to your dollars until you have seen ns.
Sc OO.
^ '
niB Mft]Bn|to Mopm. bwidat apopbi; n, urn.
a9Udcullo.mE.AA.M. wUl ha
haM Monday night nt T:M.
tobbor. «-CM8b»«r aad oz-bUcmb kwpm. opaaod ap a baak at Gold Crnk.
- 'ooibKaBM applicanti te po-
BlU*Mboolftt«:«S». m.
Maniac MTvto*. 11 »• m.
Btioia. Mr. Wi
(trar. that ba rroold only aro one appliJaate mMttoc M >.-00 *. Ml
mst at a time and erdered them to fall
C E.MetiBfat«:«s. in line and take tnnit oominc In. ftaiMnatacMntoaat TiM p. B.
rie Pete happened to bead the crowd,
MnMoonwUlpnaahta Ua onaand at be eutend the banker'e prlraU
office tbe Uiut rome down to bnateeM
A baarty waiooma to ail.
Cbareo oa tha oonor of Klath aad
Wadaworth atraata.
Suday aarrlaaa at tMlowa:
Pnaebioc at l0;ta a- at.
c ■! T;ta D «. t>r Bs*. M. B-ai- •
Thru good baU gaaro wlU
»( dit daeoad M. M
An BaaUan ud Oolu ooBWnad wUl
aodrorortodown tea teao«a oolorad
Page Fenea Uluta.
tearoylna aojoyadn ploaie
MU«aak|aararaMatiac at 7;M ^
AUara wataoM.
wierbecbiilnliBbt&lnoocountin 'amr
••Come to think o'it, ao ye did. Ac
other thing I’m pertickler about la thia:
Sersao at Hh*0 a. m. oa "Tba aoaraa
•fTntUberly." Soioby MiaaBobarta
Tbla ta tba itat aarrlce aftar Tacatton.
My oatbier mutt know bit bitaeat an
Plaaae lavila yoar aiaiaar (rlaadt aad
not be botbrriD me erery mtelt. Kow,
Mraacara. and latrodao. tbam to tha if ye
caabier mu
an mmum
aosM mumm
kuB walked
—------, .
1_ U JO waa OT«ii»oi
paator. Join with foloa and hoart ‘a , 4^
b^ld ye op what would ye do?”
raadlafa aad
And after tha aarrioa a eardlal
Beboal at aoon.
»«••• elaat meeU to tha atndy: yoonr
sea'a^aat la the last row of aeata
Ptaaaa M thb ahUdroo with tha taaaoB,
^ ob
cn flggerin
flggerte with a
)d an pop him orer with tea other.
ahake will be ia place,
the teacher cannot do it all.
•““‘•‘T <*<
Badoarobate:lftp.B. Bob}act: ••With
7:>0 p B.
coapal BeaUnc at
Make airaneaBoaU to
A Chloago BU rbiud fflaterb fmmi-
H»w 1> your timo to got it Ton wlU l
f/gf yCUTB.
Everything Goes at Cost While We Are levihg.
Time Is short •• we muBt be movwd by Beptr 1.
(VexC Thuredey.)
CTba oompuy of ednenud don
try. are eoatidared to be not uly tee
beet edneaud. but alao tbe handaomeat
eoUaetioa of dogt ud poniro erer tron.
ly gone orer with a ifine tooth comb In
March oi nteiDbera for' teU eompuy
of uimal eelebritlevwod the reeult b
teat Prof. Gentry now onjoya tha db-
l«*ctioa of pororoalng one hundred of
tbit town who would bo wilUn to gioj
^^.pacUnent of tbalr
yo a bang up lottero' reoommendaabnn?’'
••Thar are. Bill, an be't Tetaa Jadi. mrioot klodeerar brought together.
tbe teal route mu. Jack knowa
like a bocA—wa apent tbraa y'a» la
' 1 togecber—u ba'Il gin me tea bigb^
rafeiencro in tbe land.
n ye’d like to aakT*
■Ka teat'a all, Pota, u ya kte her
tbejob. BuRua ma fur adn ao many
qneBiaot. bnt a Wiker can't be loo
Bt thia praeUaaloarrlea.
the day with prayer at ho»a
and all tha aoretea will ba
ponioa owned aad tmlnod by Prof. Gan
Tbat’a bioHMa, Pete, an 1 like yer
Kow. one more qoeatlaa.
Hain*t tear eume eolid btanaB man in
Year Ml«h,t.” Ba ready U taka part
aaonf tha dtak
Sunday aranlnc
a« Beat
Bay yrourday.
uraatoroyeatordayaad parobaaadafina
with yon?”
*'T«. thaf'a a fade, Feta. Taallnt jaidiatore. whleb ha arat by esprcaa to
acted like an hooeat man tboro daya hb borne. Traraiee City b a good plaea
Vow. bow about oountte aaabr Kte ya for Chicago people to do their trading.
oount party factr’
"I kin.
When we wm tamin out
Inwdtateo' eoontarfelt dollam didn’t I
Prot Oantryb Bbow.
Iba rcapnnilTTi
tun Monday. Tnonday ud Wadaroday.
tee banker a little anxiootly.
•'Why. orrt 1 an*.
When we niter
lob amcaa. didn't 1 allna dirida aqnar’
P A at a:S0 p.
plananre of bar fruBda.
y« bonaat. faaln't yaT* nM
8«ada<r aabo''1 at n:M a. la
Maggla Ohaapagna and aha ealaWnud
thaooroaioabyglrtegadaBao for tea
at ocoe and tuid
An But Side tana dalantod tea
••Kow. Pete, tbar'e only one Job yere OmUtekrUla bua bnU nUe yaaUrday
that tBinH fiUed^tbat of oaMUer and
hgBOooroof »toA
tha man 1 hire bbm hc**!*^* ™d
bantaL Dlyakao'
--------t»nHn bnttiWBr*
“Waal. 1 artar,”‘anw)ad Pm, with he hro eoaaenoad to Bora bb eioak u
a ^ond look. ”18010 aabow rra robbed
B«« tenkt than any salool in thia
A noBbor of tea tamale natlaate
TroterdnyrrnateoMrthdny <X Mba
They me to exhibit tea r beauty ud
tnlub In teb ^ty under n teorongbly
wutarproof tut u
ms Dn SMI nt onuie
ThbexhlUtlon b aatUy the beat of
iU kind in tec wortd and
prioaaof adabalon
Souday World.
Monday. Angnat» both aflamom and
BBooni ucraoDiar.
••My wUe oouldn't go to the oooetrt
Be*. K. A Bmeb. Pwler.
hw beorU of Xrftnayb
laguall alua and prtoaa
laat Digbt beouee tea baby teiaataoad
10:00 a. B-. dnaa Baatiac-
AMpB.: Epworth Laarua
to bare caonp''
‘•That wu too bnd.”
"Yu aad BOW tea b hopping mad
,0:»a B„ SerBooby tha paator.
bManro tee baby didn't haraotoopaftar
Braatac aerTloa.paelor wUl exehanca
ali.”—Cbtoago Kewa
Itn., Sunday aduMt.
: '^tt'a Drug StOTA,
pnlplU with Ear. Salabery of tha BranTraTTOMOtty Matbat.
T M-iocooir.
Below b a Ibt of tha baying nad anil- J. moct.
Ing prloaa of yroUrday for groaertaa,
Calieal ehureh.
»Bt>K.O«CUtB HerUu
Br*. ChM. t. Bteov Beeur.
Comer Waahlaftt* atroet and BoardULUxe raiOB.
■»*p arannA
BoiyooBBunlonalO:!©. A B.
Monlac aarrioa and aoraaon at 10:J0.
bonday achool and Bible elaat at
A aarrlM of Mor«S aonc at 7;U p
All aro oordlaUy tented to throe aor-
Ber.r.a-BrMdr. I
^’oaB^rottacat«:so ora^ Sabbath
tef aarrioe.
Junior Lencua nt l:»0 p B- and
worth Laagna at e:15p a.
,Sto It e.B. ]
■imno nama or TUTnuBcrTT
Moralac anbjaet. ”Wbo b ay nalgbhorf
Erealnc aabjeel,
”Tba Second
and •nilrd OoBwiandwantt.. Tharaday-Pmyar Baottng
• s
Suday aebod at oloaeoftban
H fpp
^ .19
*' AU are oordbUy tarlted.
Bew.J-C.Cbmu. PttUT,
Bor. A. Q. Sloenm D. D. of Kalaaa-
•oldm' Eaonlon.
sw 0^ lege, and one of tea moat noted
On aeeonni of tec Soldlen' Bennloa
olargyoieD in tbe aUU, will preach thb at Arcadb tee M. A. K. E R'y will eeU
Boralng' and arulng nt tea
MckeU on Anguet». to. tl. ud 8-i>hura. at the BapUai ahurch. It rrUl tembar 1 at tl 48. retara limit Beptembar td u traiu at V:45 a m. ud 8:40
ha a g-aat plauara to our people to
They unnect at Copembb with
great Dr. Slocum.
CcwnxoaaM, Agt.
Otear urriero u woal.
- --Vi-.
eT*rfW>wU>« ■’IUh»wllle«>'-*tl«>nn
Com MlKn HoiXInc Ilk*
eoUu Ji»rT*»i»i>r eutX^
Coxmr. Jurern.1 tarr.
For Bala—Bouaabold gooda
TOBllnua. M6 But
ruBbar fur Ohair Stock.
WQlbm Beltear bu bought a cargo atroet
Oar $14 Bedrop Sait for $12.50, and EYerM in Proportion
’ yvaelauee*
iNTKD—Tor peaarel
of the Empire
dumber Co., which be will munfac
tare into chair atoek; etc.
Tbe drat of
tea porchau wu brought in a law
4aya ago ud the ba^ UaiUe B. Perua
rrUI bring la the
next trip,
it U not often teat
ber !• eklpped
to be
thb city
nanally theothrr rr^.
diarrhoea eccompuied by romiting. I
geee It neb remadiro U are neuatly
giru in aneh caua. bnt u nothing
g»ra lullef we root for a phyelelu a^
n waa under hU care for a week.
teb time tee child had been kick for
abut tu daya ud wu biTlng about
twuty-fire operatlue of tee bowel*
♦eery lwet« hour*, and we were conrlneed teat unlroa it com ebtalned re
lief it would not ll*A
C->Me, Cholera ud Diarrhoea Bemody
' wMreooamudad. ud I decided ,to
try It. I com utioed a change for tee
Itt oonUnaed nu a oompleta
ur* wu brought about and it b P«f
A E. Wait, druggiat.
Wa Urge Oomparboa.
low. 8. Buda A Co.. FaebiMabla
- te elec*
tb« nerocU efll**
«tmu lo. i.
A R*|>uUk*ei. raocu for W»»e
iMld ei C K. K. r. a U^l. tbN-oed■ otreet. e»
«>UBt>.d>t *r*oiae. Auc. 81. IIW. M • o-cleck.
WSSKiSlI-'GUeiaaWaat A<
a (trl
Xa. 414 Volae
If. Aae II. HUB.
Mf^elork. to*l«rt Itdelecailie* •• MUD* ’be
aw babaU aepL
one. BOYT,
WkU kO. 4.
TUs liM Ur» Coidi tl Ciidinir fir ;M5. «li
CottM Tipstiy for H85.
S WOHBM vuitu c
We hsTe B nice aseortmeut of etovee yet. Bemember, e oook stove, fully
ffuaruateed tor $8.60. Hesters from $8.60 up.
Itempe, Dishes, Jerdinieree, end such foods wswOlsellut l-doffritther thus
handle them. You can save from $16 to $al0 to ftumiah yoar hones now. We have
everythingr to famish it.
A Tr«*rrw CUT Lembrr Co^
no TOU WMT gr.u'.?;
3.W. otoartsR
House Furnisher. 1S8—132 Front Street.
M0BHIH6 BBOOBD." XaAVMtW^OTg. JCOH. aWq>^. .»PgP8T 88. 1898.-PAHT TWO.
Dicnlt ProDMs Meli Must Be Face
ly tie Repeatatifes of tie ’
yaiteil States.
delay, no parleying with a atau of an*
areby. It says to the tewbreakere.
••Put down your gnaa. and then well
reason together."
Three Umee In a half century United
Sutes rnmuty rule has bald away over
vast terrttoTlM Inhabited by rlcb and
proaperoua people, and In 00 Instance
did that rule leave a mark of deaolaUct or of oppreesion. In the conquered
oountiT of Mexico, the hotbed of polit
ical anarchy, where tbe govemincnt
couW be uptamed at the wlU of every
thc^-nmmsndtr of ti
- _nnj- m*y
hy proH«m«tioB modify thlo rule and
allow iti» local cDvertimoDt to «o od aa
In time of peace until be aeea <iccaelnii
to order ethcrw lae. It will be aeen that
martial law la a moat perfect deepol fm,
bul in the raae of our Weat India
queata th'a unlimited power win b. _
reeled aoleOy to the foundinf or endnra*
ble npnbileas IsatUntJona. It wiU not
be military op|>reaalon. and the moi«
readily the Inbabitanta of any city or
dlatrlct abow cbeir capacity for self
Korerament the sooner tbc rigor of
martial law win abate.
Our attitude In the Weat Indies la
this: All the functions of tbe Spanish
crown In tboae lalands. wbetber leglala*
tlra. administrative or exeentlve. have
ceamed. and tbe dethroned power la to be
replaced aa soon a« poaaible by one convoked acrordlng to our ideas of popular
Temporarily the conquer.
I of neotral powers
are aubyect to Ms martial away and ate
atsumed to be credited to the goveniUanlal
tOopyrlgbt. ms'
otal corruption and li
wltb graUtadeto the li
as an example of what
ba The American am
I navy h
a of hM
a bint that tbe work of a
for tbe purpose of haring a leapeeiBlble
power to treat witb for peace and tn
doing 00 estabUabed a Tepubltr aecosd
only to our own. on this continent at
least. In point of efBcleney and purli
diatrtcU conquered from U
and annexed as United States terri
tory the military away continued for
Unde Sa’s Aim Win Be to Permit
Me as May Be Consistent
With the Salepardlnj
ol Oiir Interests.
v-irona are eonaiderec the bast gm arwa
tnunleipal district In A> lertcs. If anatf
of our clilas shaU become a UtUe weeW
are today, tt wUl b«
ble leaders the v
IS of New
CliromU -n,
lard without friction between the con
quered i*oplc and tbe government.
After the overthiow of the Itoutbem
Confederacy In 18CS the federal power
cope with the peculiar proNem
lory. The several
I a code of mllltarr law*, but ttw arWirao' enforcement of tbe common la»-a
of mankind accordliig to tbe American
standard of human rights.
It la easy to believe that the American
martial rule will be better for the people
of the late Spanish colonies than the old
regime at lu test, and they will ball It
even (hough It be a rule of Iron. Tra\-el>
era In Cuba declare tbat the dlatrtcta
controlled by the Itinerant and a
loodlf Inanrgent'govemment are i
peaceful and pmaperoua than they ^
when Spain had her o
of peace. Spain almplyeougbl
taza and Impocta out of the
set up a hostile federatloh. it was these
A refractory people, such as Oertnany
found In her conquered aubyects of Al
sace and Lorraine, must feel the full
rtgor* of martial tew. In cases of tbat
kind it becomes a question mith the
ooaqueror whether cruelty la not klndneas In dlagulse. and vice versa. Oermany forced her language upon the
conquered folk In order to obliterate
tbe fatherland from the nailnnal meir7. Oermany in this case was simply
tend grabber and seised the terrliary
merely Co gee a heller rmntler. Her
banded the United States martial tew
took the relna of power, and the county
and municipal governments were con
tinued In forre wherever ft was found
that they were able to give the people
protection and security. Provisional
riate goreminenta aueceeded to tbe old
Confederate stale govemmenta and
sanctioned tbe acta of the mimaryeownanden as administered under martial
tew. By popular eiectiona new state
_d wfrb
exception of eeruin districts .dflnurb-d
by the race question the mlBlary a
d been created by tbe people li
Blanco's regulars. Cuba and Porto H.-.
are to became pearls Indeed la th*
American crown and 1
he new south «pa«
1 gave ^ us aa uartvaliC
empire beyornd tbe I
What ie termed In exaggerated tea*
|gssge mlllUry domlnaUos will be
' nominal In tbe West IndlM after
i only ezeoae for the use of force will h«
strife between tbe Spanteb loyal*
and tbe Insurgent rlemcnt Chtef
citlea will be occupied by a form tn
rlaon In tbe fortifications, with a gaai#"*^^
located In the town. SenttnaU will
stationed at tbe govenment officea •
for a time at the railway atiUona
aleamer Isndlnea The Idei'wiirhe~tS
^ *lve the peoile^ s^ rt^ecurtty^bS
to overawe them. Tbe potlUcal dte
vlsionB of territory, called prorlaea^ .
will each have a force la camp or gnr>
Hson wtthln Its borders
After the tepee of s few weeks CM
United States troops will not be mpim
1 M
onned mllltte la tlma of p________
they wiu be on hand wba. neadadU
>ada«. '
which la tbe resuU
' aeught
for to mBIe
a aa a safeguar^tor thr
enimeat tbe part played by tbc mltte
tary wiu be great or smalt, as the bonp .
administration may elect. If tbe moM
of Great Sritata. tbe mort iiiniaafdt
r In tbe world, be adopted. Ihs
With tbe tread of armed men tbe ts*
labitanu of Cuba and Porto Rico arc
iMUUar. It may be said tbat on tbe
i actual mlUiary woilt of
T»boJa the Bpaniab army has been con- tbe soldiery will be tbat of a reserve to
gtdarad tbe safeguard of paaoe and wel. tbe police, much like tbe service of our
Ca^aren while It has acted aa tbc In state mllltte. EvriT town, city and
proriace of
in both Cuba and Porto tUco tbe catabllatament of United States military
vewer Wiu be hailed aa tbc dawning of
• new ersL for the reason that in tbis
oase military occupation will be direct«d solely to tbe good of tbe people. The
Ughter tbe government can with safet:
■troy: tbat It shall foster and not stifle:
that It aball elevate, not degrade, hu
man aapIratloDs^
Conquest like that now going on te
quite new in the history of tbe worid.
Starting out wltb the highest ideal of
human rights, tbe government dom not
make war on lustllullons with which
tbe people are eonteci. providing they
do not cteah with tbe fundamental Idea
of -tbc gnairm good for the gfeaten
number." We bav<^ before conquered
and occupied territory as truly Spanish
aa are Cuba and Porto Riew. and bow
gentle the aplrlt of iconorlaam bar been
la ahown in the fact that today, generatlona after Spanteb terrltorj- became
United SUtes domain, there are comt>
a atranger
JT the ;
Military occupation In Gul« and
Porto Rico will be tbe name in char
acter M the outact—that Is. until Its
ewsy li generally accepted by tbe inliabltants and tb* lime.comes tn l.«k
. to tbe future destinies of the peopla
Than tbc sltnaUon in Porto Rice will be
likr that of any of our newly acquired
URttoiy. whua in Cuba it wiu to miU-
llgent people of Spanteb blood living
and owning property in the colonies
have long since forsworn aUectence to
Spain and become *ub}eets of other
ftega Spain has been as dcsirir hated
by her own children aa ever Boglaad
under George in was by American eolonlata and under succesalTe z
for the last bundred years fay Ireland.
MUlcary role under the United States
army la the most orderly, safe and butl.
iwurilke tbat can be Imagined. Much
as tbe horrible aaoeaslty for aslag mlll------force Is deplend. It caanot be dathat tbe people turn insUnctlTely
ahd with feeungi «f nUef la ttmt otda-
and BoM effective raetbod of govern'
ment when aysi<m and equity are tbe
eaids In view. It la of course enervating
te the people because of lu paternal
character. It created tnduatrtal and ao.
aa It la todsv. W)
id It
king ridden and war curaed country on
lu feet as a self sustaining common
wealth. be brought the full power of the
army to the task and founded Instltutlcma which have stood the'test of a
oeatury. England In India has shown
worthy of study. It says:
-------------------and naval 0:
be employed, la eld dO}s 1
-sr te ti
.jd In every dlsttlet tt tom
help build up a tradUhw of
good eervlce.
The Spanish regular and volnatenr
army In Cuba on a peace footing wu«
M.m men and In Porto Rico l.«n. TW
government was In the highest oaaae •
retllury one and the capula generai
tbe autoeraue ruler o( the peopte'n
nubility and ordar were the preraqui- desHnlee. After the Isteads am paMSad
I for progma. The government of
.............................................. tto OuHad
the District of Ctrinmbte by a select
board 1a an inaunce of what arbitraiy
rate can do. for Washington and lu an.
tbdr conatry. whether in lento
or In trenchea. Lri tu all remember
Hot^na adds another eentt.
TtaMMoatoUTwaf IMn* wmbm Oevbmor Pingn
mBt wtateb tbe writer applauds. Col.
^ tOtiMWBrid . «ffl0tall»^»
Nbvbl R«t*fv*«.
liopUna eaya; **8o atoo were tbe eoltba bcMilM «l tta*
and b«M dvr*
Thlrty-nret and ThlrtygaU theay lt^l
eetond regimenu her*).-* They mm mn well
lleted to figbl. and they were anxloue
MMlwUl eooaD«i to per- \
front, and win glory on
pMuMc iueU ikfoutfli •« «8o.la«
r Old Mot «a*e aa Oppar
tim. Tble. udtiae •>!»•, rf»nld otMlB ;
/he field of battle. Instead of bcinr
rent to tbe front they were kept tn
r That Oava Loaraad -a «»mp. They chafed ai« remonetraied.
«Dl7 wbo H« wdl Mil ttrUr PMpwed,
woMliT end wea qatOlfled for telttMloB
They begged 8-trelary /Iger lo send
Mtehlgaa 1‘aaple la teaehlBgtaa Horida* (),en> to Cul>a. but no •tale favorlllrm
rioearaar Plagraa.
cunld be ehown. Coi.wquently. thow
Waahington Am «.-By. expreae Michigan aoldier bo>o obeyed oredra f•nd to pwfmwt with dMfer of tte wc^
u.™ bour.
(ana to tbe laetowtloii end *onM n»eto
«ttb tl» Joto wd fl«n> li«U*n^ o< *U the national eaptiwi to the city of Phllaheroea. no l.«a
IKBCM ond elBowr K«OM.-EasfcMi*e.
dciphla. and alncepeopJewhopayorhav* ;
of pUudIta than thta» who n<»
tea may ride. I ran orer lo aee Pin- p^d aervirc. Every man who odered
K>nto temple at Clnclnnatt, to pretmiing grt* and the Hlchlgaa navaJ rraerves. hto life for■ bla country
la a hero.'
Pa. ee-.r>aa| rrity.
UeoK-oani* Wilkea. formerly comman-j
but Who haa been ‘ The war la ended and all nncerulnty
der of tbe r
on duty with the cruiwr I-”'-au*eu,i-c. .i.T*
«r leler
. to make a decleloB during bU M
.. .i, nuinju a.po. -a
"pr.o..K.n. JTU,. P-I.^
to ao nnnanal that It has eaoaed gen- >h.
eacoried him lo League toland. where ,
country ar* about to enter upthe
coromerDe Molay and Lot
Tuur correapoBdenl accompanied tbe :
prosperity that haa not been aurd a boauUful Ind3 ot IS itesaa aMtlng forth the adraa- governor and
an atalr. and entered League |,au>Hl In the hlatory ol the present
them. Tbe captain's gcnmlion.
___ of lamtovUto aa Uw nc« aweiins , jaland yard
, of f^*Tlah Inpla« of the triennial eoDolare In ItlOI.
'■ A )I gig and the ateam launch of tbe ToaeIt will not
copy la faring nest to all the........
mltc awaited our party, and we were flail"". There
of atlmuiatrd values to bring tbe Intbe trWimtol at Pituhprg la
will attend..............................
evltablp aequci of deprcaalon and divaaler. The Inivinrse improvemvnl that
as lodgee
Em.Ty. V
muat now be frit in every channel of
part lo a^pwaaetoa o
Industry and «ra> ha* a mure aubauntlal b*»l* Ihan haa ever be- n preaenled
In •diteeiilinniWa a rialting brother
any of the prosperoua aeutona of the
BUBt be Idanttfled byaome known Maaon.
In Britt. Him., then to a Maaonle
lo^ named Bunker HIU lodge. Na 811,
of whtoh dx of the eight ofitoM era of the
W« will close oat a few broken lote of Shoes, ^ sn
espeeUllf low 6gnre. They, are all solid IsaOisr and
Kood wssrera. We carry a larRe etock in all styles
and ail prioes and can please yon. For a good wearmg shoe get them of
^MOberof ‘h^pfenw lodjo- eltM^SSS.
Atoned to that
Ze at the eMetoo lo WoefatnctoD la 18M.
nan later at Clerelaad be traa eloetjdraprwaeTloechawJdkr. aadattbeaeailOB to be b«M thto Bxmth at lodianapolto
probably be deoted roikotao cbaaOTikr of tbe order.
Ttesraad keeper of laeorde osd nal of
to to alcbth la n
tS »4 «raad doBt^a
tbededleaUoDof Uto Rathbone non«'
^eot wblob wae to have taken plaee at
tldoa laet month bai been poatponed.
Vbe aranlto wnrke at which a portloo of
•be monoBteBt wa* brine boUt trae de*royod by fire, and ti*e oootractor wae BBa»At to fnlflU the eontraot on chne. Tbe
•anoactor haa been granted an extenaloa
«( rime anUI Oet. IS lt> whlcb tooesiptota
•be moaniaent. and It to hoped that the
dedtoation wfU oeror on Oot. fiS. Prepa•aMoae had been made for the Urseet and
Boat tetlltont parade <d the nnUortn rank
«w iilliitotel to the domain of New
A UrRe detefatloB from the New Hag-
among those who hew the roogh
whose ttgil eaester to the worklog mol.
Tbe brother who never goes m lodge «sipt m wateb tbe ttvatory or hunt teonMe
ould do mwh better to day away at aU
Oompma lodge of Loutorilto reoroUy
dedlritoed a memorial window In the Kentacky MMoato Rldowa and Orphana*
NocMag to bring left undeoa m make
tbe meeting of the grand enoampment <d
Knlfbta Templart at Pluebnrg nnt Oo-
nor Plngree delivered a speech wblcb
*a* heartily applauded. He thanked
tbe commander and oIBcera of tbe
Toaemite for the work they had done
tn dleriplining the Miohlgan naval re. serves, and in abowing them
Of actual naval w.rfa,.. Tbe governor
then walked down the double rows of
•allor lads shook hands with them and
thanked them for their aervlvva.
Waa a Swell lalaaer.
Emory then enlertilned
the aovernor. hla atafl. and the lorre-
«,undeat baata Our national credit
aec<nd to none in the world at
i home or abroad, and f rivaie credit, aa
I a rule, menu the conildence <if bus a as
; rirolea.
The war ha# opened up new and im
portant tiBCT of ecn«umptlon, all of
• win be supplied by our own peoi
of mllltons of money
tn seek tnve‘tmenl in legltlrprlae and In aatltfacb.r) aecnritles Oui
tbe largest i
“Ktw Idea" Pattens Ire the rqual ot Her Pattens Made.
Ten Cents Bars la^ Stfle.
To prices tbrnt ere leee thea the eoBt
of the xBRterUl, on
....Shirt Waists....
(All this MMon’s stylei.)
JustS^irTv?^ 49c, SDc^nd 89c.
49c tofs 75c to SOc Waists.
63c bcfs $1.00 end $1.25 Waists.
89c iinifs $1.50 to $1.75 Waists.
natvoal party went to Waahlngiot. and
the writer had the pleasure of eecortIng them about tbe city. They then
toft for Michigan, to be In time lo wel
come the boys back lo Detroit and
-----------------8a«;iia*- They
did not-------------------have opportuBliy CO render conspicuous arvlc* durIng the war. bill they learned a heap,"
and Uietr beat leeaun was. that sailor
work, as well aa fight;
To Heap tba BeaaBta
The wise bualreaa man will set hl«
Th. lot IncJudM nMurlr U1 .Um.
house In orde.- at once to reap the larg
est benefiU from tbe now lnevltab>
of prosperity that moat fnllom
He who alu down in ldl*o-ar
[ qqa walu for prosperity lo stumble
over him will find himself behind l.i
' u,* race, and those who moat IntelU(Allaraaf U&a MasM'g Mtoka.)
g*ntlv and energellrally
opporcunlty •..........................
At theeo prioee to oloeo out qidok:—9So to $276»Tnl*
service ; tufir reward.
lime of war. no matter how much i Oeneral prosperity must speedily
nee $1.85 end $1A0 to $4.00.
inSuenoe they may have in ordinary come, whether It shall be aided os hio"Danghten of Bebekah" to "Robekah pout,cal affalra
■ dered by those who are to profit moil
• of BaiMr Matas.
lodgm." oenaeqoeoUy tbe emla need by
While you are at home enlnying tbe •
|t. but prompt and unlt-d action Hi
Xo fxteuraal ben^t BTdw ought toctolm simh lodges should oonfonD to their style
to lepKaent trae fraternity if they do not
jer with the home folk, while you van ; come bustneas Imrrovemrr.t would
eroride ftp tbe nondrllnqoeniy of me«■ a eealwl
Gn wbito rick or dlmbled If 1b good
9 Itaaltn I before the name go to enterialnnienta and visit neigh- ' qnickm actlvUlea at once on every
bore, while you can go to church and ‘ ,!•».
before the akkneea or diaabUlty
U* s.--lablea. while yvu can See your
mere Is no place now for those who
afow In the A. O. T;. W. a brothri'oaabeat girl and kiss your sweetheart or i,^],
cro.nk and grumhl- a«theworld
toproenra i
Mt become deUnqnent aa to dnee or bro- _____
the devoted lover, you can t reallte „ove* ,.n. There are those who run
•SMidU while be to sick or diaahled. If be teoper name and tida
und-rstanrt or appro.late nail.msl
Special values at 89c,
Light caasimere puits.
«rae In good emndlog prior thereto, no
Oaneral O. E. P. Grnndon to »ow eoni' away from home to run acros* the ' prosperity, even when Its beneficent
astterbow long It cunUnoee. That to w>»,wW of Mlmoort I>atriareha Militant.
$1.38, $1.79, $1.98, val
gove-o-rf and SUIT, and to meet somany ' blesslrgs are diffused on every hand.
well made, value $5.00,
itl^enal pro««tlom-Bad Crom Oamttn.
Michigan people all In a bunch. There's but they have no plaee In ibe duties and
$1.25 to $2.76. .
Thera aranow
grand lodgceof tbe
at $3.75.
" - 'prospects of the present, while the
lobringtbeUteatad- ........................be located between 8t. Paul
- or.OBo.................................
Strong men who have faith tn roanSltkmtotb
and MInDtapoUaaod baa an cetdowment
limes, and ' try. In Industry, lo progn-ss and in
of gai.wu.
be away , home, will now come to the front U‘ aid
* fellow humealck
OiiR line at 35c Knee
SddedtotheDegraeot Honor daring tbe
and enlarge the must substantial ard
Tba PhOadrii^Odd Prilows’torapto |
greater psrt of the year,
.Star H»7. making tbe total number at the baa oot yet been placed on a pnylnt karia. j ^hecriore Willson of Marquette waa
Pants at 25c.
Batten County lodge of Hackenaaek . trr* last week. He la a around courin
Twrita thonaand two bnndrad and
_Iri«atad Its golden aanlvcreary with a : of Itev. Theodore Wlllaun of tonla. who
esty new mmbrit of the Degree of Hi
BetterTHae Taktag Cities.
banquet and dance. Thera to but otto t
, classmate of the writer at Tale
was admitted during 1807. and a net gain eharivmatnbwllring.
It waa long ago observed by a very
Icollege some twenty years ago. He la
tna made ova and afaDveall loaMo Ind
'toe man. after much experience In
The Virginia Odd Fellowof July apeaka not aa handsome-as his reverendcoualn
and military,
4ait to attopanalone. deaths and vrlih. . ... ...------ .
.J, reiigtona, but be Is a good
4(MQ Whfi nwmbaablo to
spirit Is belter
ls°of 4,(
to bell 164 mala and 86.478
than he that taketh a city It maj
Old DoMlnton state.
1 has doubled hla money. Every square , ycmtirked Jiial her- That amid all
f.K.t of
ground within ten
miles of the K.,r.d»i and
------aM tM
tad nMMsd
neetinBoflon and vicinity are Odd F
RlUlMe DTT oMt, GOrpi
rrlTii^ hs'» ronirived to raise
dome of the Capitol will be worth
dollar or more durini the progreaa w. atslUl the war department,
Snbcfdlnaee lodgM mnat pay aftmml
Tura-vox^e Oi-ty,
who stands with unaullird honor aa
1C next two decades.
bcoafitof at toast 880 and funeral extumara
-heller than the mighty" la Nelson A.
Best riBla aoUrtsl la Coamaetleak
to tbe amonot of 800 U they aoioont to
By the way. speaking of Rev. Will- Miles
that gum, and any bylaw pioridlng for in
By virtue of hi* rank, which is fairly
torn amoonta would be Illegal.
won by long and h'-norable «ervlc«. be
at college, be
I>aBt Grand Bepresentative K. C. I^tlt.
la tbe malor. general cor
HcenUr of Waldo. Fla., has toft thto eonn- often gave performance* for charitable ; army. He waa egpected
tiv and taken up btorttadence la San Ntoo- AbWla He wa# also a good performer i It. but Mr. Alger preferred
las del Ora. Satado de QiMgMn. Mextoo. In tat deuvery of aermirna. bring quite ; to tala own way. Neverti
a natural elocutionist. He was Just r went on quietly attend-ng to hi# buslIn a Bebekah lodge. a vine Wt lealous. however, when the | nesa, aa be was allowed to do. and
- ptCMof tbeofderaa I
tri’.W c^uS the pulpit for Rev. J. 1 when tae army got Into a
MysUs Bhilaa.
Morgan Smith, at Grand Kapida. during , bad tangle, was at
a college vacation. That was quite a [out. When It «aa necessary to send a
I can hol’d a good one ebtap. nlao repair at
dlrilncllon for a "boy preacher." hot It j cerpa to Santlaeo be was eqoatly ready
aetlea. Call and see what you ean ga?a- WJf. la belter and mere Influential to preach i to take it himself, or to send anoth-r,
m new.pS^r^>lumn. than In pulplia. and the expedition n.^ would h.v- FBTTBBLY. «i: Monroe atre< -U Want Side.
of riewaa to the wvlfare of tbe order, and .
oomntoting arrangemeota tor becsuse'^iwre hardened alnnera are (got off from -tampa If Oeneral Mile,
vrttb a rranltant baitnoay of action tn In[Sd not gone down and airalghien-d
reached that way.
taOlgcDt srark.
______ of 1 ont tae eonfualon Into which Incompeeirclea. Invttatkma bare been aeol to all
Ex-Congreaaman Mark-----M.iwe oounelli wera atlrrad up tost. the f'hrtnere In the United Suuee ^ J»«ntl:
doing himself Justice as , tent people had brought It.
ftaybyW. H. BrtneatancTpeneeof |1,- Canada, and the tueedDg will be awendtd
commisretoner. because [ On that terrible »d of July he tele- Swra. IS7 Front atraot.
IIL Tbe rrault was fairly eatlsfaotofy.
by HhrtDere from all parts of the coontry.
. rtoliig Justice t.. an employe of I graphed to Shafter
- issaton named Bailey, who is i gratae, and the promise to be •with
Tbe order was poslMd In Quebec tori
the visHore etoboraCcly.
booke. -r removal on account of evl- him" lo a few days. A rioiT 1* Prtnt^Mgat an exponae of ISilSB.
before a senate InveatlgaC. ed In rar
one of the
tae pa(.ere
pa(-'re that Mile#
Mile wrnt
Expenaea Ineumd In booming the ordar
drorewtven before a sen----------^a
fia„,togo by tbe dealre of the
Beat F1f« Cat CIrar Ifada. THE GILBERT CIOAB 00.
Maybe Brewer U no lo Planttogo hi- tbe dealre of the preelIn Kentucky amounted b> IMIO. R. H
lut found hlmaelf beaded off by
Ogntetod of North Carolina did tbe eroric- order are prinid. Tbe utber Syrian
woree than tbe mbere. but aa a matter dent, but
on order from the secretary that he
---------------Mncb Intonri waa awakened In tbe or.
«gk not to Intei^ere.
to tbe state of Vasbington tori yiar
Mad a Chrariag Effret.
and AUaghany Sbrinore propeaa «> g tnsre. Tbe clril service law. aa
•igC F. iDgvraoU. Expenses wera $1,404. burg
make tae third lem^ in tba ataco BUportar mli.lstered. la a ocreomlng farce. The
Be this as It may. there I* no Indlcw.
pe..plr are hombuggrrt by It and the tion that be desired to inierfere in any
Mbfisra Woodrasa.
Uw ought to be repealed The con way except to relteve a critical situa
Bg arttoto of the world.
AM. 1 Oie Modern Woodmen at Amertoa
gressman and twnatbre say that they tion. which he quickly did. Hla very
M $467,074, MO of Insuranoe In forae.
presence bad a cheering and hripfnl ef
If yon happen to die while In riwptafect. and though he was olfictolly tbe
eomroander-tn-ehlef he toft Oeneral
0OC. yonr bvnullctorii* will not receive
lug Goods. 01
AM penny. You cannot afford to be dito- a iwnnanent fraternity ..............
Bhafter free to carry through the cat
to sad Ostote ats.
Loyal Saxenntors rejoloe In tbe wonderful
be had ao bravely begteu. and
vitality of their organlxaUon. In leu and wemer oot of office, but It la vio pafg*
late.) every day. and tae undeserving hla <
VMM' rimn it ha* dlEtinnari ora
;««. of which all but IS0O.0O0
this better than 'our Mtcklgan civil Then, evidently resolved that the rale^ paid to liring mambem.
a.11 sight.
ce a boM upon yuu.
- *—*- S. Brewer. take be had observed should not he Lnnehta is tae werls for l&e.
aerriie c
' ■
‘ -----repeated, be took tbe command of the
«oIy aafo way la to never suspend
Ob tba Moll of Baaoe.
Our luembw* may safely antlclnam the
‘The boys who died In the treuchea expedition to Porto Rico blm#t^ and.
d Batss M O. S. * X
MfjOng of anutber aatwaiuent Iwlore the _______ «d tae Oder wlU be grand and In aui tae boys who died in tents are dlaregartlng the plan# of the war de te—ratra.* Vmb tba toBta OB tbe
O.AAlMroloaaa. making a reoord again of ooly time will oreitBke and leave far In tba aqrally heroee." aaya Becreiary Alger. partment. sailed away to a new point,
, oMoeat par Mia.
from which he ♦ffecled the occupation
Tbe 0. K. A I. will bare axewrioM
1, good to raters .Octobsr
safoarmoatbraltayfrauau. Tbe -The Michigan men who fell before
Kanymembos are anxloua that WOHMD ...............tbe aitady growth It to making Spantob bullet* deserve our teat* and of the toland with a ayateraatic rapid InUTravoraoCityaaioUawa: „ ^ ^
ity that compelled artenowtedeement
In tbe faeeor sonianydiffieulttvaasdwlta
of fever la tbelr even from tae moat unfriendly crltlca.
trip. Bell AsgMt Mta. Sdta. sad f
so many other and older oedera in tae fiidd the beys who died
been Mitaer
In all this there i
good to ratars
rstars Sept. dta.
l*nie I
to ainiidy amaxing.
____ ___
BimMta fromft|M^^pc^J3ta- Badseed rstaa ta otaar.aabila. FhaM
mdlnx. but 1 iir loyal aervloe and the quiet aelfI 0. B. Msrrsy. Agmt.
lodge. Pine Bluff. Ark., la In a
tat battle- poaiearion of a man maater of hla tallllte#
a L. Laekwood. a P.
EoartoblDg coudiUon. ard It* ririnlimexThe National Prorideot Union, haring
in tbalr tenu. tag and of hlmaelf. He haa "ruled hla iDdiasapoUa, Terra Haute. Sk Losla.
peca loBsakelttbe bannri lodgeof the
Ob the roll of honor, the Michigan n« |
*»# lint five omrstoria ttobato goeA
___ .. __ eridrnt
who gave their lives (or their country
Save yoBMMcNd Utot aOttr anctrilman
iMdataasad PMsa. iMtmust not be aeparated. Tnoae who died tbruat him arid*, and haa abown that
patttng around tnourwarri doing ixuil• -' of tbe loyal-----In tenu must be honored as tnoeb as
may uffer vbaaper rate* for a
Ices of otbere that to,efaaracterlBtto ot g^ M days. ^ ^ jiBpagT. Agsat> number for aevera) tbeae who died on the batUrficld."
•Ms whOa. but they artU all hare to
That to a patriotic eeDtlmcnC U
Mtav* ttoedtatoonltoot roougb moo«
•P iny ter Aaatba M tary oecu.
•be tmlform raak at .
•pedal tialB wOl be need.
Tbeeeeeleaof tbe rapreme todpe wm
THpte Uak Metaa.
einritine about ten daya. leeting eercral
Qrand SbaCarieton baa luuJawd tU
kmrrthan the nnUerm rank en- (oDowing deotolon: Q. The legal title of
Bebekah lodge# baring been fixed aa -Beas of Chartea bakah lodges" by togtolathm eaiacted In
Indiana ppeaaDts tbe
%, Shively aa the oandldate
jgmiln itw enpron
$4.50 for $6 nines.
Bargains la all lepartmeals, at
Watch This Column For Bargains !
Fifty Cents
Do Ton Want i Boat?
6 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Clgars-6 cento
Guard Chains
Furniture Bargains i
Columbian Restaurant
THB Moano aSOOBlk, suvdat. avovt m. 18M.
wUl •xpHtaMBBioodft
•Qiiddiv the Tiger" b « Patoc^
. itePMtiiw.
- ----------- r
DawaoK. Jnaa 1.
Va«a fa ttaenataatailBlngoaBp
ta tta anrid. M^dnato aiaT baTO
talgat nt too aoBib«-j»t^
aMtal !■ vtoijahBa. It it praeoeaUr
.to the—I
mj the doninnioft
WMBmrdmnMdlMlTMt Tbaprfo*
of BMta At riiHwiMW it ft.M Moh,
wbUespa* tk* sitsM itl••«.60, and
Itet for food wkiobvovld b* Mmd te
IS o> SO oMti la me» <t tbo Bwf
HotMiic to aolS ortr the tar IB Damon
tvtaM ttuB SO OMS^aod
tkmto BotUae la Mock batwktokr
thing etoe that <a»aow to be aralUbl^
I bars paid «l ap at tbe adaw te a
(laa of to eaUad root taatarradlaa
Pan Wtaa a
la tUa land of mow aad ioa aad
«*« P«» ■»•*»
^ taann. At thia nniim dar to mo-
e»»al?e rariety. A apedea <d tbuharb
i, the ooly tbin« of the kind worth
ii*SSh •boot Ihe
^ Alo^ Ob. If »«oo.
fiad them. Bot tbe -tSTS
wbtofey tar, m
the oolrUt^cSou
itariaetonand tta goid. OfgaiBe
daaoe ball and the gambling room an i
. rf gah iar lem ♦*««" to
latbefonfrontof tb. bodaemorntm. ; gSl to
ItaTuk-of dmUar
I f* i ToluM elaewben. 1 nDdentand that to
Um th-------------------- --_
hto report Captain Ray of tbe United
m. kbd then an ao many <t tbem
^tapeoa of tbe oonatry.
ooner) »amla. Hn»e are eomel^ ^
tn two
doacB or mOw gambling placea whore
dinetton—aoil and ellteo, ronlettS. pokar. keoo. etc., are be- j
^ ftoadlr
at.^ total
fag pUyed night and day. openly and ^ Broadly aptaktog. Alama tooaa
rather pcominesUy. Tbe mtorr oomta
- ------- , - - . tooiitadowB at tta W “i*“l Of obniaeit to a Ug
1 there an ttllaUe epoa and Am daya
towatohtbeweigiaiig P»^ _*«
; S^hann daaert. Bat tbe otdy tbtog
Oot.o-tl.po,. boo, oobo-fouj.
ta Inoky. be may open a few bottlea of Ifae Btoeqnita And right bate let me
Champagne at »40 per ho«Ue beto aay taat if 1 hare mid a^t to a locmer
If nalatay. be takM it pbilo- lettat ac> oondoDa. tbe moeonito
__ or ■nmtM.tbeoMUdC mta
tbe toft fork ap and over tebUL A two
aaUawnlk litingi me to the
tinr tank, wbenee I am tot
la a boat Camaned toataapee
tope, tbe tootlva poww batog tbe
onrrenl. manUwlatad fay palleya. Ona
bandted doUan a day'
Mvetardlytatn'toon taae aecantad.
Bat tba anma of opmalfng Ibam
atamtate grwtor Ibaa tba oatdde
pabUe imaglm. SUatee'wagmataaow ASaOloUTE N*CO OP A PROTICTIVI
tl.Mpwboar, andevaa at thtoSgafa
tfaen an oamptolati that tbe ooatof Dv-
Erer Bnniea OatT
If aoyoatapw
I WWW wwramB
awtMi 1
7«wi ■
Bmiatotei varyaad range from
..,000,000 to iso.000.00a Itbtnktbey
O. P. OARTXB. Ageu
• PwTaMletot
Tlie Way Tbej SetUe! ■'.1
1. i. b,oo
Ban tbe Ball toada into tba wooda Boat
and throogh manby groond, wbrre tbe »wr
Manlataa, MIeh.. Aag. 1. lOM.
liiitoililaii aometiinea itoka tobMcoeei. >
BomaProtaatlTeAaaa..Oaytor<.Mita. •
In a little clearing Joat aa Is riketbe
Daar Wra:—I raaalrad *oi*r thra^ '
yaer dtotriel managar, W. B. Hardy,
famoH BosaitM creek I mee Jui':nto aj <. tan.
aebeekaf SM^. to fall aattlamaMaf
UUler. who agatoft hto will ...<!< awn
Tbe wealth of tbe world, gathered vr- ary aceidmt elaln.
baa been ahot np to the oou::;rT dmn
Of ihto
toat nmnwr. It ia 10 o’clock .4 lo^.'rct. wh.-%-ont of the oonniry thto year. arywhere. bee acenmnlated to tbe baadi | Thaaktogyi » for the fair and prsanpt
manner in wbieb ym have aettled wHk
and tbe
tbe aonlight
imnligbt atrikea
atrikea tfc
tk-:: >'g^
rt'^tta wealtbTl^e'owijere pat ol tbe navigating and
«. I ramato a member
year aaaa>
Oaoaos BAmsm.
«««. 5ctbto,totbeworidb..m»noh eiattoa.
TigmattiiR that walktog w •.;•! to aj
iSOI Vine etraat.
I power ar tbe modern Blip. Hopowarln
poBtive ideetwewen_^
AletaMol'.nald. tetortaoee, to tavern: ^xtotanoe
aiirtwree to
be take, from l-toprtatat A mmitime Batamnripo-e-iBilpptog.
Oooa-oooiiy.! “ 11^:
^anerttat a
faoxaa ISO «r mote feat below. Jnat be-:
Ion 1 reach tbe point of diaeovery I'
fanild a fin faeaide a little creek wbeta I
tbe water to yellow aa mffron from ito I
atratoing tfarongh moaa and other vegetable matter above. A fire la qnickly
taiU and coffee made to tbe taking
powder can. Then bread, etewed fnit
and dried beef, all taating never aogooi
make what 1 caU my aepper. altbongb
it to 6 o'clota to tbe moraing. Fpor
aflEka aboM three feet long an atnok ia
tbe groond four feet apart to form I
aqnare. Over thto 1 have my moeqnito
neettog and tben cnwl nnderaad en>3y
litartita pnjpdloe tbe rigfato» impair jyoamW.^
Otaec ta tta Ptena
portance and tbe fall and ««)m1 proteoOodaon to vary patriotic. Wbee tbe tiCB of tbe totenata and toatltntiona cf
ftnt call to arms reeonnded thxoagfa tba In oittoau demand Imperativaly that
land, to eras eonramed wi:b a bnning tbay Biall Banaaet tbeir props Bian of
daBn to basten to tba bost. bat tbe mermntlle hnaineat. do tbair fair pro.....................*
and lota
that be liad a
- pertion Of tbe catiytog I
npon tain bade him pat
to ft that fceeign^ tb
With tbe aeocod call for croopo eamt fbetr aUpa take
tbe old desire to flgbt fca bia coantry. In onr early hiatt^ it waa onr good
fast bedtdnot dan taoe tbe learaand fortnne tbu to have been governed by
I of trade.
<« prio« to^u,^amo,ijo
I, I, u»
At 18 o’clock Um
U-uolooM Oot,
,htol. loOoiooO Uio OIIOW ptooeatbawoTto.
ae 1 have ever eeen it anywhere el this
and a two bann' feat to tba with patriotic
aedved to delay no longer. Be felt that freight a farrigo Blip, bot the emblem
Blade follows.
bii ooootry needed blmmonttaaa hto of cooitnerctol power to in that sbip'a
Bag. Tbe ouimtry cf tba cargo to not
wife did.
' ' aa tba bomeef a polmant
To fortify
dtoooeery on Bonania and v
abetotabargentlytobtoArmaaDd j.
. lotbetM
>e taip o
d by the El Dorado,
^ ooau me 13. SO.^ >-rtattoc her boB npon bis breast, when ttoa off tbe glory, and perhaps
.mp.«lt taojutt- .. dtaoe. u > I i, „,„ia „„ „ h-CT.. I, uU b, of tb. prolb II b ptol b,________
c'ok^ib tbo bltrambb fbl.ll t~l.!tt«b,™polbg toU,Iro.t It tn. lobtub bor d» obrr> "iW bdo« to
ubblUi.b>tbl. i..pob. It rtbil~
,d„Bb.bTOlb, bitooobt.7. b«»li b« on,, utl tb. Alplt. lib.rb,b
kinds of tbe togredienu whereof u, ptowiwi the gloriona life of tbe ml- may amid nme. Thna an i^ve and,
deponeot doea not core to Invo
dicr figbtieg for the flag be lovee an peritotimt commaroe cannot be coaidaet_
^ jWelL He bade ber be brnva Heabowed ad by tbe employment of fomigD sbipbnt any ottoj tar bow the oonld do her duty at i^ima ptog. Tbe merebann wbo
maat to almost ooC of tbo qoeatiao. Be- •
tbe Bede cf tbe world own tbair own
sue u>; very atill and qniet to bto abips. Thto they mnsl do tonmBql tba
of bread, aome atewta fmU, U«a--m-1 ^
tad flntohed. Dodacm marimta It to the cargo to a hired veaevUabto beaaa--gota tnolamiv ^ • ; felt it waa a solemn boor for both <d ael ttat arrivea too late. It to tbe connpiece cf pie, artd and attennsted to ct- i ^tam. Sril! he would do hia dnty,
try that has no veaseli wboee prodocery directiem. A good |»ioe for tbe din- ,
pjntjiy bia wife raised her bead from U«ta are tarried abont from port to
ner. yun say. Bot
Bot yon
yon most
m^ am
abe bad pillowed it and looked port, boogbt cheap bnt aold dear at tba
Oat it ooato 4u centa a pmmd I
John R. Santo,
Giitial lisiraice.
6pd Bipldi f litliu K. 1
tail Mfl
anas eaa
naa aaeaaeasea-asaa
’ ticD wiUi veaaeli to i
aiooa are marce and high in Dawaon
abips as tools of Bade. Tta rblpping cf
a oonntry works for it to avery port
and on every voyage Tta fanner mtotta
*«*»» toming ooi bfr^waraado not aerva
Uielr ooonuy'-BRtor ibaa the ahip
Wbstitea^ earn goes mostly to ita own
people:^ What it oan mve „-n™
lya coUectod in o
1.000 people throng tbe water tract flog* •» roantog tta town, bowling, |
Hataiiaa Wi-upsaea WsweiaS
New York on bannea* ooe afternoon. ^
•Beet at all UmM, and many will re- flgbling and sttaltog anything Uiey can j The wash np bad not been completed waa anddeniy confronted on Broadway ^ ,
tani to Uie Statea at tta flrB oppor- g« fr«»> •» oh* hoot to a Bde of bacon. ;
any of the mtoea, ao far aa I could: by a dapper, black eyed little man. who faults. Thrao^ ba lifeUme tta ownm
taiUty. when tbeir optoimia will be A fond draft dog to easily worUi |100 , team, and beve and tbem It bad hardly i grasped bim by tbe band, exclaiming: 4.ttalaB creditor to moeiv* bto dna.
beard later. And 1 tUre noUoed that bam. and tta beat bring «1.000. They tx«na te lack of water. Reliable to- —How am yon. Mr Decker? I am glad
Ibaae who were aptauxutly the meat am wcalb it. too. for a strung draft anlFT f^amation aa to tta amonntof gold that | to am yon. '
r fnniiabed
... by
. tag
I away tack on tta tnU— nal can earn glS a day for bis tnastta ,
being taken ont waa likewiae im-. Mr. Decker looked tbe litUe
boilding and running. Tta conntiy eff
e that worked tardeat and straggled
Biipbnildtog matertoli and sldU taids
•a., BiwaBi
g.i____ .______
moB to get in qnickly—am now tbe
mine owner to between tta rock and tbe[ swerrd:
nahually to bacome tbe baUint cf tain_____________ A- A. Hna.
”yoa aoam L bat I don’t know yon. ptng
moat anxiona to get oat. Many make Uone.
■pool. If be makes too low an osU-1
BO effort whatever to g<-t work, uor do
____ of tbe apjonnt of gold be ia taking! air. Good day.”
ont of tbe gronoO, it depmciai
bold np.” said tta other. to Um primary element of potaottolity
they visit tta mtoea. Some go np tbe
value of bto property, and if be makes
creek aa tar as tbe discovery uo Boeianm
11 yon Geo^Detaertf Margaret- in navigaUoo. Uonatant pnedee givea
too high nn estimate tbe Cnnadian anand retorn with a Bory uf disappototym- thai'a all
•«' right ” teapond" d^rlopmeat and power. A ne
' tboritieanre Ukly to make it a basis ^6b, yea:
mant te listening earn Ncr are tbe
uewuMuean the only ones onxiuaa to A Tour Throttgb tbe Heart Ol te tbo oollecUon of tbdr lO per can ed Decker,i- i.i—“"*■«>
the mnicrtol, tbe
royalty oo tbo grasa ontpot.
I out. Old mtoen wbo have done
be uKervit^cd
“7 Brill and onpilal of iu own people am
the Klondike.
Um force of mi.o at work varies greaUy friend. Yon have
fairly well ont bem withstood tta wintar. M»«k tta wruna «timly otBcamed to bnildtog and macn diffotcot claims: tbemfore tbe rich-,
tar’t fright of oold and Um anmir
nlng Iti vemeto and to handling Ita aiDCM
ontponr at beat and' moaqnitoet
looUng forward anxionsly to an empe FZEF8 HTO TEE KHEBff OABHB. by tta total ourpot 1 flod, however. ^
. Onlytbetofericranddi
from Usmldom. Ttare to no neefl wbnt- j
Uiat Um rirheet gronnd on Uie variona know mer'
oonntriea oan afford to do ot
aver of paying too mncb for a gold I
oeakt to as follows:
‘ and all K briplem as to have
El Dorado, front Na 1 to Sfl.
took yon fi
aina. Old nitoem will mil at fair prioat | ^
•, ebanto cf tbair own or ao Bslp. „ . .
t Oat ganaaae Uve m4 Talk
and in some —for leas than raise, j
Bonanm. fmm No. 13 belowto 40 adalpkla Prasa
what to hired and no taipbolldtog of
above discovery.
qnenoe^y dearly for tbair
tawkHunker, from Na «8 below to 4
Dnwaoat to now dongeronBy nn-1 ^' oatma of OB4.
Iwaya export
above diseovety.
benlthy. With flo dminage and no I
valna than they
import to balaiwa
Uwnox. Jnne IS.
Bejr ortek )»a Ifior 16pnyingelaima. mao cf wealth, ” explained tta reportar, BanaportaUan aa well aa trade: aooept
•ewerage, it reeks with ftltfa and poUnaa
Bkorknm envk has tonr or five good
tion. If aa epkleralc of dtoenoe andJ am off te Um minra,
minca the
Um mlnm
low prioea and pay high, atooe foraigDdentbdoetDOtsweepOTerttaonmp-be- that have beee
tbe ulk cf Um whole oMims.
botb caaea, and laber
bolptanr onefc .baa aavea or eight
fore cold wcatbur, it will be solely dna oonatry, that bare made this gmol
me bow yon got your ft
to a special dlapdiaatiaa of Prorldaaoa. town ao rich and ao wanloo—or pa^|u good claims.
verty and igoct
Dominiiio cmek bids fair to be vary lifer ■
Them are beiwccn fiO and 70 ensea at 1 ahonld ny apurUve and mrelcas—and
-‘KotatnlL not at aU." replied tbe ,
nil times to tbe hospital, and the other na tgodigal to her benevolence as rise ia rite—aa nch aa El Dorado or Booaasn.
, 40: rid man pleasantly. "Do yen want tba
h,,.. i..„„
day three little funeral cortsgM panwd beoevoleot to bar prodigality.
Imn mUiorU»w^t««,,,.iW,^ .g Stol SiSSSl
onr teot to tbe cemetery back on tta
With me Iwill take teirloavnof
’ It'aimitoly revealed daaiUag proapaoto,
JUU. Incnacnae good Father Judge, bread,,____
jerked beet a little migu. \
tto Jesnit prieot and anpertnteodmt of
sat aealeef the few getting riofam at tba
been done on Use oraek.
the bo^tnL was tbe only parson to fol
axpenaa of tto maay, of peoples by tbe
riM BkO—aaliOlBtoi
low tbe fear pnllbenrara. MoB cf the aball mosUy sleep by day and trave
ig undnly to omata
preaeet fUness aitoM from something le- sight whan it to oooL so I will not a
Soma of tta bench olaima. notably
M** In
Moobltog aonrvy. bot malaria to pteva- blanketabnt will take along a moaqnito toooe of French grieh, am proving
lent, and tbem an occasional oases of bar. On my lirM trip I oarrtod floor; Ifienamanally rich. In fact gold tsH
and bacon along with sandry other pro-: been teiad far epootbe billtopa, wtare
The pnmnt amket prioea bem am visiansandaookingntenBla. bnt I arid rid proapecton wonld aaver deign to ooRied. and tboae wbo ora n
n and dl^aoetal oa it to to on
Ugh. wiUi tba Bngleexoeptian of those the previaicxu and threw tto ootaiag aeek it, thus opeetting all* tta tbemies te its oondnot te aapperted loyally and _
ansmaot, cair own prood cnwaBy
«t a few ataples Uka flonr and bnoon, things away ooon aftrirletrata tbe Bril, of mining experta. In fret, gold to not
finds its place of late to thto lagioriona
•befonner bring worth gflperaackof leaving tbe pair of blaakets acaminer’a only "where yon And lt.’’aa baaracategory. Wa am at this
t» ponnda and tba Inttir fiO omito per cabin to to oalled for latrr, glad
oBsUy ao often teen said, tatittowbea
._____ ________ ________ ____
BoonA liemooa «U te dO per doaen; to get rid of a pnta Uwt mi
yoodonot ftad it aawell. D aboold Foett Blocs. It ia caliad tta Oxand. U emtdnri cf a miacw war with <
gnagBi. Glenohi aoodanaed milk. 11.60 weighed fnlly M pooadA te at tUi not be tegottan that wfaila a faw of tta reaticm plan net ia tta ocaalmri wtare Spain.
I olaima have already tan w^ wcahed
yfimattwnaariffBBfito tta na, oar tooopa woaM tarn to at^
I baaty taken as a whole UMenUmmiaiagdla,
.Than aeg two jlTal fraUate * ' ■ ' • .................................................
tbeprfvitoge.^laown people. Mnai I gnarantae all my work to be i^t.
> than half Ita foreign tnde to alwaya iti and if it doea not prova ao I i
Bored sndcr tba table or nnder tba
Stop to tOI e o'eloek ovary avaobiff
■ity. tbe defeaae of in
A. A. Rat.
lependenoe cd fonign except SoDday. to tba CkldwcU A Low
Tba is- don baUding, at north and of Oalea
aoctUoally. Attempt to ooortooe him of aitto aa to noiober. atae or toftnwiBng
tbe CRor of bia ways and be tellt yon a capacity, 1 deaiie to lake avery word of And on and on i«
to suy at boma
it back, f«l hate-nao^ttoextennate aevea highroonalatoafrom which a fine
and nangbt to Kt down to malice.’’ 11 view can te had of the enrronnding ^AlfBott rn>e freea
A CItr eS Tmta.
There are aboot asOOpeegde to Oaw- am afraid this poky little devil it ^ oonntry. From tbo anmmit El Dorado
aon when we arrive, and tbeee aremoai- about aa black aa hecan be painted. He | creek looks like a little Biter thread,
ly faonaed to log rebtoa Bnt day by to omnipimtut and in the wooda nod i Then cornea famed Bonanta. followed ____^
__________ _
by Bear, f^tgley, Hnoks. Too Mncb
day aewomneri float down tbe river ewampa omnipoteoL Keitbar boat n
Gold. All Gold, Gob) Bottom, while far ’
m»v a Boaka iriatar.
and pitch tfaeir tenn wherever they
down on the other side ere Domtoion. j Once when tbe tote Jay Oonld
find a farmnUe mpai. In ten days U»
toe baa left tbe lakea, and there «ome kim in tbe swai^ if bto face and hands :
boat and aoow to swanua nndl every be unprotected. 1 tare atan tbe liule.............. ......... _
available tmt qite to oocnpied. Thcen peatt drive my shaggy dog Into tba local fame and i
me aoan mme than 10.600 sonto in
town, and a city tt tenta basartocB like
Umtu to tbe dog peat. In winter they
DUnopaurted and dejected tbe new- take goods np to tbe mines on Beds,
». too. as a mle. Some admit and to anminer they am loaded with
Bicvcie Riders.
eoao woBTii.
MM MOMtIKO «»00«1>. gpyPAT AtrOUIUMf^
BisVtefrt Gtlned Fron m PlO*
ace Car Window.
4tton«»hriB aa
: rihlinrl»af ietMnlithin
Site teUB M'av^ rncM
' Ths tthtMBe&tt mhda hr Mr. Bryso
nooB atwr his zWotn home (rom'Ui
' «Mt to MwTino nrj aowidelj (rom
t' ‘ •tctttsi bctp M Aej foitt tods^, ad1 - < Rri Hiown b7 all, TCfMdieM o<
^ i.,. i; ta I'uaritaUe to aooepi
Um Bsplanattao nuufe to the writer if
m OQodaotor oatbe UeilcaB Oeaeal rail. maj that
*o Mesloc
WM iBlra PoBin palaoe oar tow.
‘Wtaentrw be went be was met br gor.
wsmcDt hands and feasted and|fiattend
br^taetemmeQtatpbUls and rewiwoiitattTCiof Mexican inreatmeot intamta
Be refm to the labo>ineola«eaaC Mesfcn h«t wfaat be mja at them diowe ha
' loond out nothing ahoot theon. He was
astrara^anUr «teetolj^ in Mexieo,
and he cetoms the favor by an extiaragant mlsrepreaentation of oondidatis as
beooold iMve fooi^ them if be had
toied to find ont tbetratb abont them. ”
• .Shat^WteimtftiMeondnctar's expUnatioci as to the statements
atade by Mr. Bryan, oeetaia it Is that
some of the mote important of them
hear little or no zalstita to the oonditioM tbeyaaaoiBe to pnaeot. In my
I wOl not prMt indivit
' tion or pscaunal doiial. tat wiU make
«as Id tbs aatfaoritiss sHikh Mr. Bryan
himself would pcobnbly have aooepisd,
ana thongh hs nd^ not have defied
tomakeasaof tbses. More thaaivdiaaiy intereat ■**“*■»>*■ to Mr. Bryan’s
toatament «<wwiBi«itig is^tw, besanas
of his parition aa the aooepted kader of
the free sUver l«3ttom ofetbsUnltod
etatto. in whiofa intmt his views ware
avidoitly indncad, and bacanm of his
mtqnaliflad etatamit that wfaat be had
assn and Itanad In Mexico woold add
tokiseffort to mam the adiqitlooof
Ibe Mwci.^ free silver gyatam by the
Amartcan people. TUa atatement was
MMUtUb ^ognh«<tl
VfaW* tl MB* IMBMU tD|
iMof theta '
t Ihet win hi nMLtn far the tai
tactheltollBi ddlarita pmmwM
T€«u4ta^l*B.lt«««U be i>a M |nAM
Itet IteprtoemyBMraithermAeQMUthi
MakWKlaUan wo M ires ^
tWMh atter of gi»t« cosoon. which
otnfol oouUantlaa hWon
■ rcMcbed Ibht Ifaxloo
riionld oODtlnoe to Wand bj Mrrt. The
brat that the free ootaage of Mlear i«daoea by bsH the price <d labor and
thereby inritm cs«dtal desiring to taka
advantage of todt oooditkBs was prob
ably the detemlning factor in the prahIsn as to whether or not Maxioo shoold
stand ty diver.
la order, however, that there diall be
no qoaation as to whether Mr. Biyaa't
etatament that the oonditkais perpeMta^
efi by tbe tree eoltiage of MlTtrata "en
tire^ mdaCactocy to the people of Mex>
loo’^UataU Jwtlfied are give tbe fol>
lowing iiaotation tram an editorial poblidied in Tbe Mexkaa Herald, rile lead
ing daily paper of Maxfan, a paper «stzmnely friendly to Mr. Bryan and, as
will be noted, aa advocate of
tinnanen of hta peoD^ jtai^ poii
in Mexico for a time U leiA. In an
•oe of the last week in Fcbma|T, sa
time after the visit of Mr. Bryan to
llexioo and after the piibUoalion of his
views ~aT to^afiaim lMr^ The Herald
swill ptoh I
7 tod tbe «
iiStrOTXS: ssTSsr.
tamaty. Bm tbe Uae wlU eomewhto H win
be Mrabto thM ser aoHT toell be toedi
mod BMtoyabrtod. Intaw etodMBM hws
wlU slowly ebam*. end the ehOdito «f lbs
PMC. edcBted la tbe peUto ekootawai dw
vriDptboBwuts which ere at the bads <f
wtotwehaowaseleHtoatIto WbmthBaehUdrea banaae Bcs. they wUiao* work, aathta
tottaen beea,ta-aBaaU weeeaadbeccelaat
There is no potabUity of mtriakiag
tbe meaning of this daolsratirm or of
denying ita jaatiflnaticaL The free coin
age of bUtw In Mexioo with ita attend
ant feanlta oan exist onlyimtU those
wanta are deveU^tod whid ate at tbe
taris at dviliaatfan. Tbe childnn edMtoted in tbe pobUo eritooU wiU not
endue the effects of toe silver as tbeix
lathees have endued them.
Mr. Bryan says tbe Maxican doUu
will bay almost as mneh at it wotOd ia
Ifi78, and he lefers to a yard of cdotb
wfaidi could have beat bought with a
MexioawdoUar in
Urebiwvttloe wwdai mrtmma M
■s to WiBi ttot Ihi aw or Bl*«r hu bWB cf
——-----‘-ft to Kntoo. tai 1 un bm>o the bad effects of tta mooettry standard
Md tketthtbM talipot of tta ootride world tsttar than that
of Mexico. BotwlthttasUveriawhfah
ted taiUalMd eola>t> of toU «
this cloth price is to be |nid now being
ntaw it the iMSt tael ntloof U (e 1 wli
eol weltlac itr thi aid or ooBMet of OB7 nth
profitably prodnoed for from 80 to 40
oenu ner oonce. mearaied by the same
Mr. &yan's pmeonel intaeet in the gcOd Standard of valne
is tta doth,
matter involved evidently has mncb whereas in 1878 sUver
« held ly its
todowlth tbefarmatiaoaf bis opinion prodnoers at fil-OS. bis
M to wbas ia for ”tbe best interesta of
ohildtih play npon words
aorpetyle’’ Mr. Bryan further mye:
with evident deadre to deceive.
Xht ft«i Riame <a nhvT it mtlrclj bOWl.
Hu toys that wages are higher on an
tetytotbeiwirplrcd Mexieo. Tfacr benbad
eetoeeetoten Ihdr «7«teB tbaroesi^ utd average in Merim than ever before and
Bdll rising. 1 have a Mesicaa poblitato ooBjiaTi U wtth Che ertaou ot the Co
•Catet.Esstaad.nBtn end Oenotar. ei
don before me which qsota from an
•adaedtaBlttae sttber sTMsjcthto&c
official report eddivemd to the Belgian
erWMDS tht ptople to ttvor ibr roU itaod
ard. Tttetedenl toverBiiKBltwMelwocM,- department of foreign aSaira to the
StasnasooeUr to soU obUcsOose. Bad. wbik dTvet that labor in tta most profitable
II to cnopelM to eoUeet or.r ti:.UU.au Is .11 ittviating and {aodndng distriett of
Mexioo “rarely exoeuda 86 eeutavoa pqt
workingman per day." and Mr. Bf^
Mr. Bryan’s tefcnnce to "the people knowa that tta rate of wages which is
it nsnally above tta av
at Mexieo" and his snggesdoo as to
^^perteto with the United States and erage. Twenty-five aenttvaa per day i(
affter aooutriea wereld be amosing if worth between li and 18 tents in
1 was told at tta
^ anbject was less errioos in view of
- the feet that ".the pi-ople of Mexico’’ 7,a,mtA>raM nOnea and at tta Agnas Chliare in the most nnssUdaoiary oaodition enu> smeltu and at La Anm wool'
dty. and
and tbe
af anyoif thsaviUsud nadoot cai the en faebay in tta same city,
globe, jadgcd by any of the elementa of mae infotmadon has been many dmea
life which dvilisetion woald accept as repeated in tta City of Mexioo, that
tatiidBctory. They ate the pooreet paid, wages for tta mme line of empioymsnt
the poormt clothed, the pomtst boused haul nut inemsed in Mexico dating dm
■Id fed of Any of the people of the lead pasttmiytonL
bag BstiauR of the world. Altboogh
Mexieo had what hittcrions refer .to as
Mr. Bryan mye he foond tta psodno■a advanced civiUzation ta'fore the rionsof ottr protected numofacnirenicv.
' Unifod Statee gnrremnust was formed t«ywb<-re in Mexioo, selling in catnpetithere an- today «0 states of the Union tiun with their Enropean rivala He
either of which torpassi* all of Mexico could have further said, had be been
well. infocmad on the snbject. that
' rieoltnrml and (
Amuiceu protected prodnetions have
and in every rcep(«t save popnlattoo. invadvd Europe twett recently incroasaatnral reaMuosa and extent of tercito- iug ou exinrle in that line to totals
m-vtr befoni attained, and that. too.
■utter of Oia«o Ceaeora.
without tta aid of tta altnoxt prohibi
If campstriansu am odiiais. iiowever. tive uonre-voune prodnclng "wall to
in the present iustati'-e. parmit mo to ktt-p oat foreign corapetirioo’” whicdi
gnoto from Tbo Mexican Financier of Mr. Bryan app*ringly n fen. to as
the first week of Fetowary of the proa- Tvenlt of true coinage in Mtocico.
snt year nslatlve to Mr. Bryan's assnr- •ays that Mexican expertem have a
jUMe as to the govorumeut baviag "DO gnat advantage over (xmi]wUlan living
dUBcxtin gold standard conutriuh. They most
aioiiredly tare, and that gruat advanAsCi:3lis.ecUnir drom-oO eo toarply wrrrr
tartecBC bet* wa» atrc*i«d. »i>d tb* tomwe?
aoBttto-wM e metter of ante ctoerra to the
vtr. U k« an advantage not kbarvd by
Bir'ahKad.' Tta- yottiut sod cepel'ta taeaoe tta Mexican prodnour who sells fu siltototoler oJ Ihto rvv<iW.e. LUsutonr. «t* eU
• byttta Mexican laborer who
hto tta>e to a OUMSI coneldrratlto of the melor sU'
Ssr.aad the conctuloD «u StoUr tsached
. ShM Mrxk« Boei itend by sUeer.
Here we find it stated ly the leading it boys silver,r/-* be would tobacco, at
»B«i«eB joarnal of Mexict^ itroU an ad ita lowest mukot price and doles it
vocate of free silver, that every tnterett to tta labors and small prodocs.
was aSocted ly a fall in the price of sUTcr and evidently the qocetian as to ia Maxioo who etay them.
wbetbur or not Mexico ooold louger cn-' Iffobably sot a doam Amsicana _
Ann its free silver system beoame a ed in any form cd comtiwn labs in all
er of grave conoera to tbe govem- ofMexioa They woold ttarve to death
. IfnfaUlntheprioeorsilverde- ou the wages paid and could nS eqaal
liaaa evsy intcreet and cusaa a Mexican labors in psfermiug tta latar expeoted of them s in eodoting tta
cmoon to tbe
maiy privariasu now—rUy incident to
__________^ te qtwted as to bow
Wilting and prostrating wonld be any tta livu of tee wortlng dam in this
ataauge in tta cqtpcaita direction, which landof ttatoeand.....................
wonld make tta canancy of tta ooantxy of sUvs at tta ratio of 16 to 1.
And this is tta land and than are the
. mneh dtnrer and hards to get la
tertbs rafscnce to Mr. Bryan’s state- cendirisii and this is tea eystem observatloB of wbicli from a paiaea
and infarmatioiof white gi
ing tta extra berdons created by fees
brtaage. 1 quote fnrths from The Mex
ican Flnaocis. from an uticls which
tee Utts iunrnal had ttesi tom tha Bryan that tta toe coinage ot rilvs
Ismdaa Financial Kaws and *ipcoTliig- teoald te adopted by tta AmeriCHi psaPanar F. Pdwba
fehtaded.”Fav(aaUeOtdnioB<d a Lob- plo. City^CHaxioa
: flOB Joninal;'’
s- *»
As?k£^.^miS^<£w^»Bh to awsto
We asto'to toCBpto tot iM'mrtaa.
aaSaawthsyVsetoiafaa^l Alsw
Are toy-a las w ana <w two.
atow tot <to tod tta la*
------- —
1dt''to^ftetota tae^
ItoBto they-re earte back. BoS w '
-thuKlty held tbs Sfa
Well make wbto they ton ap er’ls.
aieaMd tr we won't aetavray «oa
A ttawal t*ne <n’r* done.
Jtrtariiwith'amttoyenbtt- Ha's tot ahatobty latoad sad wal.
1 twtan. ta tato traatoB thBe
At Buttose. bet be'd seaefe
HUbK erstaM all hliHidoB eema
AedtovorenMal. Ai>d he 81 eoBa.
to Idd by tbto B pattosd hto baas
Wber* be |M sbot. Ob.be-ssUBta
Is one of the most seductive tbiugs on eaiih, and I offer you
a cbauoe to make your home attractive for less money than
you will be able to again in a long time. This large aud
S well assorted stock must be moved by September 1st, and I
2 intend the public will move it f»r me if extremely low prices
will do it. Come early and avoid the rush.
Ilisseil Carpet Sweepers $1.60.
Tot CM make foci owi pice oa Hansuekt, lawi Chiirs uf toctns.
«ta Mara.
tad foatht bate* (MM.
Blowe the doiM to Utde Utsj
I J.W. Slater’s Honse FomisWiig Store
128-132 TzOBi-b Sta?oo^
Be bad aerer (eared DOT (ettwad.
Be bed aerer fcaowa defmt.
Bat thw aule or totals was sltwad
By a makm BsaU and Stoel.
And (i4 aev,« Mths lUs b«e
thrthn Ita S^Sdte B°toe^
UtoadWaV Buwar'-TearAWaia af to»B>
Bta seldta beta on Ua pOlov relBd
Uko a lof la a btnewy saa.
AndaekBreoMabaalfaaM atoawn
BeWana* bat eaa*t eared ta.
-» nl|^ wea bA bat ha knew tt aei
lfcr& aeb <S tta dylne erlad
Ibr. tar away, by a trople tay,
Htotofcad la a taak BB*B.
Ba Ite Is Us droBi by a brackl* Maaw
ot yaUew toar and tnsa.
A few minutes spent in eating our
Aaasto Tkto la tta StaSSan Ths« Wt Cn»»B Beta Itota ■■yens tan.
The war has dirpoaad of «nS seat*OOWB Whit* have dOM doty for many.
Wheat Goods
°^terign fleet which wm toanter
ov pona and riteU ou ciUet orsmlght!
be benefloial to both your health and
BO admiral will vantue to taka battlS'
ffripa far tom their tarn into a miaad
harbor aetranca or oadar tta ritort raaga i
flra ot high powu gnna Under Bw;
pramoraof wu a few weaka soffioad to
pocket bork.’ A large line on hand.
rsm’auto'oBt itomsaA
ffesn eat cf Ita s>oto of Ita learta s
And with a blada that a Talk bad aada
Btraek tha dnpar to (ha aooL
At the daadly atroke (ha slaspsr w*B
Vnh a torlek of wUd daspab
lhdddt.bBito •
A BOtqaSto faaslad Ibate.
feaae hu beeo tta awartloo that votantamoonldnot te got ready in rise.
Mon ptaparariOB is aaedsd than tta
bet it is pwfeetlF dsr
that a modirato army—aay 100,000
taara they wonld be ready to act wtth
the legslan at once, wonld give abaoiDta protection against invasiesL
“I gnasa,’’ sid tta Madrid
■tto-we msyaswcllpBtiBta; An^w soarat^ gmia is tta fau
aimaratalatiaa tta tmbUo cn
holding lauds beyood era woold
alter this cowitty. h'o ooa fears »h*
riw speed davaloptd by ow boata'
Bnt they couldn't |
geatad tta aaristant
“That’a all right Horteoatol tailing and stands parfecUy ready, if It
ditoi't happen to be their qmrialty, tast to taka all tta Pbilippinaa—PhQBnt think of tta rapidity of their tw^ adelphUPnaa
tkaldeacent”—WariilngtCB Btu.
• Onr tWtta •» F
1 in oonnaerion with rito
fact that tta ooontry baa been engaged
*» w for a ooondwaUe portion of tta
3^- ttaruoord of foreign com
»bjoc oonid hardly be more stistao*«7- Itisalsoto be nmem bated tt^
. the ycu was tta first dnring wbich the
--------------------------Dingley tariff law was in operation. It
I U traa of coww. that a largo ritare of
—^ttar—My son. this matter la coa the great total of axporu was doe to
ia white oDtxldSB have bo latm* tta foreign demand fs breadstnffa
Wbatevs. It is strictly a boms qaew : It is a Uct, bowers, that onr exports
cd manufactnros exceeded previems raceboold act as a luit in its deairioa.
| orda thos rvloting the old time predje8(m (with a aattrieal side ^anoe>— tions of free traders that a high tariff
Then we bad belts go right bons and is fatal to mannfssnring fs fon-ign
smmlt (he nnit—Bicbmand Dimatab. markeia This year, in fact, bos mure
' than vindicated the faith of tbe BepnbUcM party in (be tariff wbich it estabHriicd as soon as it assnmed control in
WaxhlugUm. Tbe best of it is test tbe
yes appears to have, been only tbe beginning of a iong period
’ * of’ iexpsmding
foreign tiada—Bntlalo Expn
ths Folter Wsska
In tbe Six montbs ended June 80.
1888. British exports of hardware and
ontlerv to tbe United States feU to
$199.24S agaiut $640,476 in tta os(sponding period of 18V7. Meanwhile
we have not only bem ttuning uuuoi
inseased quantity of ttiuw jrouds to
make up fs tee sbrinkago in imports.
^ay tee Amerioan policy wska
A Formw CUocM FlvR.
It oonsipted chielly of old pinks which
bad ns tac;i in thu a-ats for more than
SOyemra Dnring tiiistaigtemed period
tta eea bod ttxwdui. aud tin- land had
formed to (be extent cf more than a
mila tee osiseqaRMe being that them
anoimt vesi-els were high and dry. their
maHa, calls and gun tad rocud away
feomttalsig axpusniv to the sun and
“Bonaday." mid tta baUboy whom tain, tta paint tad pecird tom teedr
tee betel okte had discharged aaae- aldta. anil in soDe eaiAS. the vsy
csnnt of Isrfntri “i riwU be ia a pori- plonUeg tad 6em sttdes fs firewood.
rioB to kite down on yoat’’
w. i
Be kept Die word. Maxt day he was Pictaring.
a snpe la tta root ^rden ri^ls oo
top of tta botoL—Chicago Tribans.
fsiiMd a tot at Biamatte. tf. U.
Fassir fh«r
“Biteard Eobacn Orwey tablv Jaofe- whlota has nrvar befon been equaled.
soo," cried tee Uate mammy, “kern It tote tbwu an mrire year to make
right latoilakitrbiu yrra. Whnt yo* terir prepanrions. and whan all was
by oasrin ’lleotinas oo yo' pr^ ready they moved a pierof ttaKarttani
cosnameB. playiu wif dat mis’afaU Jim Faclflc railway bridge. wsfgUDfiAOMlJoBM teUaT'—FhUadelpbla North 0(W poonda, ahoat fou feat tea
have o
eBoar* dsaUng-Wa
neaiiag- v
quota valaaa th^
Wa eaa help yoa tto Uva wall.
Bsa a
3 bonier Ne. Pnx.no Vmxw 8b>™, S22, for 07.60.
4 bomer N«» Procea Vooor Slow, $36, (or $1&W.
1 Manitt Brfrigorolor. 38, lor.......... .............. t $J0.
1 ChSioot Betrigerolor, $10, lot.................... $
^-^CBitkoot Bebigentor, $12, lor...................... tlODO.
am sorry yoa (Udaotnaka
“Sir r mid tbe haegfaty raittrata <ri
the tew-** “Of what rirT"
“This oMokfin. ma'am. Aa Ilia, il
ia rather deutiainM—that ia to lay-ar
-downintta month."—Philadelphia
falj bne each of the above left. Firet come fiwt served.
W. I: HOBBS. Hanlwara.
CelebrBttd ChiMpi Cuihs.
E BMdle Boilding.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreapood with the TtBrene Cit7 Lumber OompaitF.
We baf6 tor Mle Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
x.^Li«nDs B-os BaT.Tn.
Mill Mgehtoeryot all deaeripttaia, ladodipg,Two Baginea,
BetWoI^CarnagMandBawa. A eompleto Saw MiU ^burt
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