The Morning Record, January 18, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 18, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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I’ ’•'


Rwt T«»iv-No. 28L







of the oUeced oflenee woe la 1
I and sold that the oompoay ww
with ordeto. The onaere of 1
townehip ood the infonnetlea c
1 the prop
ted thatpolav The eoart oterraled
BUST «Uin) BKOUV Bxro&x the eh}ectloB. and the Utet prooe
TKATWASTHZLSVOTHOPLABT to this dty and stated that the | price
JVOOS OOMSR imWAmpAY. with the followiaf Jery; C D. Keayoau
VXOHTM ooinrozz. xnnvo. : cina woe the Tery lowest they ^Id
offer. Whoa Mr. OreiUek hod flatehod
.Oeo. W. HeWethy. B. C. B<«a8. Riahto talk there w
-Xitel ot ^ s«M. ohwv«d yriit oldo raller. D. C. Benoe. Bert BrOwn. Two Vow Are Liidsto
Vergwyi Vow In FroiroM—Vd. Ool- Adolph Welliae. P. Fox, W. U Joaeo.
Yira Hydrant-Ohaace Ooet «M^-eoi< maAoqviUad-VovrVnwSi. Andrew Neweoinb. Ladwic BoMrMi
Itoere wan Hathtotc Dona Abeat a motun te odjeani m I reeeived wiU
had Frank Shwiaerhom. The iafor*
Okaadeal SnetD* bat the Bnard wlU
!«lMt BOrr
tarteatioa allecee that Bworti w^
■wMn XMnmlMod. Anotenr B^mn.
Purehaae Two Oi^ D
There will te a joint iaetellatl^
Tko JMonrr tem ^ the Omit Pika, whom he hmpteyed to aeetot him
Ihenweiaao^atostoapare in the M oBcereofTiaveneOI^ Taat.
«Mrt opnod 7«t«tey ■omlBfc tho ia c«ttti«
Chrfitoue treee tor eoeaeU room laatai^it, (thocaareoely lU. K. O. T. H. oad Hive Ro. 71.
hrtter port ot Um leronooo boii«
the oeleide amrkei. Pike reqaeated half a desan anyway, baetdee what T. M.. Uto eveniac.
>d to the iniomnl jMdinr ot the paymeai for eerticee rMtdarod and ore reqalred by tbe 4
ndnr. Aere wm n Uir* ntt
« in odtonoe for board,
itertebla ploete t^ stead were
«nee ot epoeteton who oxpootod to he oe ha ■oa a uroBcer te him. ' It to oaacht by
who attended the teaetiac
ootertelaed. b«t the opeaiac ot%ho olleced that Bworte prodoeid a


You didn’t get a book
to read loot night; don't let it happen again. W«
the latest boou in paper oorera;- all the new fitoriffL,"'
Tben if yon wnnt soais of the boand books, we have aQ
the new ones pahlidied.
. .


M. B. HOLLEY. Mom—li

Just Try!

W. maan. whbi y<m wMit a GOOD PIctuia Fimme to
, which he oCerod oe aeooiity. denbUem expected te bear
Keortp ntl of the OMee prored reodj Blade ont te hto own order and pnr~
ter trtel end It to not prahohU tfaot porUnc to hate been elroed by A. A.
d ^emieal i
'Maj will go over.
McOoyA Sen. The check woe for y?» they did they were dtoappoiated. The
After the reodief of theeeleader two and woe drawn ea'^e Plzal National
abort. So short that nU
or three ot the onoraeje Introdoeod Bonk, where it woeprotea afterwords previone rseorde for aldermaale brefoeTenlnewcoteatohe edddd. Jndce that MoOoy A Boa hod ao oceoaet ity ia official eeselon were Urewa
Oorbett etotod thot ee the
Pike to eald to hare broocht the bheeb late shadowy laelcniBcante. The
BOt.^Ueed en the colendnr before, they
meetiac woe ealled to order at 7:M) oad
the city to M if it was C»><1
idoBldbe peered orer,' bat efter ti- leaned that It woe not worth oay- at B:Su oeverai of Ue oldermea mickt
Men^ all wool Caammere Suite, choice pattern*, Ftencb
plnneUoai he coBeented to nUow the >1^. tor. MeOoy WUiac him that it have baea aeea hoatealac towards
faced to abooldera, good lining, piped trimined, aad
' St^berc'i Oread Opera Uonae, where
oneee to be p)oeod aooa the celeader osb foryery.
fine fitting. Tbe tAloe u $7.60, bat here they go fit
thto tiM b«t arfod tiM MMbere of the lecaaeoe printed la the Baouu> at ’■A Hot Time in Ue Old Towa” woe
t^e redicnloosly lo,w figure of $6.b0. We're nearly all
loeolber to uke epeeUa efforU to
aiBee, but Come
if yon went to tako m6vnno
hsre el! their caeee reported before the of bworu. William Kka woe Uie firtt
tfigfi of thia offfir.
Oktoader wee priatod. end taoe not witaeee. oad Uio teetimoay which he
Before Ue board adjonmed howdlyae abote stated.
eiotote the ralwof the eoarb
ever, a cud ertet of bulaeee wee dtoNe
hewUroree Como Added.
AMc-the eeeee added were dltorae thsooort odjecraed for the dey.
Oe. petltioaed the conaoU te permit
aetioae of Ceanor re Oeaeor, Maiy J.
Owpte aafi COotUaf iMifia
Ue ploelac of five new poles for a telVtbhinntok n Walter E. Mlahlnnlek.,
epboae Has to the f
wof A. ~
Chonpaej veChoeipaey. Atoo a bk»*
The peUlloa
tkw to extend trial la Ue eaoee of
ooatmittoe oa ------ letcxelalme. P
IWUac «t Jterld Btott of Imi
^.Ooreaee 3. MorUa re Atel«y B. Cartto.
ateeete oad walks wiU power. A re­ COM tbroorh Ue i
'Xmka. Paatroyed With aU ite
choir, oad fonad it o
ell of theee were added by C. 33. Torport te be mode at Boat moetiac.
Ooataate Snnday Vtchb
There to boUIbc like
ap-te-date >nraib
>OTitw for cm rol
a OB ways oad mesas and ^y-te^te
Proeeeetw Tweddle rate aoUoe- that
Tbe dwelllac of Darld fitott, near
he -wonld nolle proethe cote ot The Ue head of Loac Lake, baraad abont reported theta mpleu exomlaatioa we Imu^'lMeit’^ilrTBAet;
J.ibrary, Diaiac Rmna ad
«MptoeeC,M. VaUeno. eh*rced with 7 o’clock Saadoy cteniac. with the eaBed
oa dtoplay
•nrer oad thatUe rsoorde had bees
tevety. Tkto to
1» which Vol- Hre oonteato. fnraltare. beddlaf, cloUand at prices that
laaa woe ehatred with horinr chanced lac and protean. Mr- and tofo. fonad in a perfect eoadiUoa, Ue octhat wo know yon w0I approoUto. ' Tho B«Bi Shoe w* hav*
the toec 9t oa order tor eehool eap- Stott wenata neichbor'a ^ Uc old­
evfir offered fit the prloe.
est bey was also sway from. home, lea*'
■e e credit te TteoenrThe eoee of the Oonaty Seperlntea- iac Uree yonacer ehlldrca, the oldest
deale of the Poor ti WUlian L. Uaoa- eboat ten. la Ue bones, sad Uey were r Wiaaie oad te Ue city.
dlnc, on action to eonpel W^lloai L. Daable to mre aaytbinc. ^he Are
The committee on fire sad water, to
at nsnel la each eeeee. from e
ISS-ts: Proat St. TRAVERSE CI1 Y.
aaoediac teeapport__________
bto tather.wee
whom was referred Ue matter of ooadded I
ilendor by Praeecstor | etore pipe eSlmaey. . Tbe loee U a
oertelnloc Ue terms of Moely C
Tweddle. Palchia A Crwteer will ap­ beary ooe to Mr. Stott, oe he to aeorly
Dodee for oa lavmticetieo of Ue water
pear for the
blind and eeoroely able to work.
:t ef B. D. CompteU A Sons, isla Ue cea
potiod that Mr. Dodee would eerve Ue
next friend. ElizabeU McOUi, re Andty at' Ue rate of flO per day. The
cast BeiUer. Frank Votrpba. Anion
Tbe West Side tmprorement Amoimittee eteted also that Mr. Dodee
NotoUj Sr.. AMoa Noeetay. Jr. oad risUoD will meet at 7:10 Uto eraainc.
eooeldered Uat Ue work would r^
Jokn A. Joekeoa. Pratt A Oarto ob­
there wUl be a special review of qnire eboat ooe or two day*.
jected ee one of Ue dafeadoau woe Traverse City Test. No N7|. K. O.J’.
IabI Month Excelled All Past Buitinees.
All Dealere Sell Them for
Dodee hod atoo ocreed that if the city
deodtoad no formal aoUee of deaU M.. teaichU
'Uosld Bead hto eervieee for a loacer I
had been ci^ i» the oaea Tbe obTbe iioanah Elfim will bare oaoUer u.. p..d>v u..
jeciioo WBeovemled by Ue coart.
drill la t’orceters' HoU toeiebt oad a
. -if that all ordera promptly. If we have to wl ric
Frau A Itorto mede a awUoa
fall attendoBce to mqweted.
le a year or more.
Haanlhctured by
qnaeh Ue writ of capiat la Ue oaae
Bomaet lackl. arid aeven be woold choree 1100 for Ueyev. AlEdward A BoaUy re. WiUto S. Bead,
fantaoa ef Hr. and Mn.' Prank Locki.
on the gTwmi that the
of Bohemia sMt, died yeatenUy of- that Ue limit of omoant eacruted 411 8o«U I’atea fit.
Tonnaliar Blook.
by Mr. OempbeU. IlSOO. be fixed la
Ue personal kaowledce of Ue affiant- taRtooB St fonr ffclocA
I Mr. Dodee woe employed. This
Mtos Jemle Odmm^ was oarprtaed
C. O. Tamer orened la behalf of Boaton aakiad retoreaoe te the recent
Cj and Ue coon orormled Ihe motion. Satordsy eveaiac by a aamber of bUl of Eaciaeor Rafter.' oad Alderman
Itoe ease rrill probably not coou np friends. Ue ooeoelon b«W Him UUMentecoe sncpated Uat It woa ont of
ffiore'e blrUdey aaaivereary.
dniiac Uto term for trial.
order. He movte that the report of
There will be a mMtiac af Ue CalIn Ue ease of WtUtom Blaekaai
mmminea te received oad filed
James H. Days, ct si, in which Black­ form Be^k. K. of E. Uto vrealnc. All sad Uet moUoB preveiled.'
man ecee fw damoces for ts'ee imprto- committee ea Ue oomiac eoclel party
oniaeat. PnAl A Dane mode a m<
ore arced to be pmeat and report.
,e eommluee oo fire sad water recUof Blackmon te roqaired to fnmtok
Mtos Ads Montcomery entertained a
eaded that arc U^to be plocte on To Ueor vbo Imtt 0
aoearity for casta, which that fcntle- number of frieads at a taffy poll at her the corner of Bay and Cedar etreeto _____________ .. leoelro dariac «b«
man screed 'to do. He will arena hto borne Saturday nlcht. Drcealnc dolls sad OS Ue cmer of ElchU and Proak- wtUrearxomwMnxtoreaiv^ am
•WB case. '
fahned a portion of a pleomat even- iln etreete. The committee atoo InPatent Rights, but buy the right
Tbe ease of Us People ra Peter Boe- lac's procram.
qaeeted furUer Ume la fixioc Ue leeatram lar rlolalioaof Ue llqaor Uw.
Patent Flour, which is
Twenty-five cor laefis’of lore were, Ueaaof UeoUerUreewhleh were pro­
woe pat orer lempororUy oo ooqoont
broacht la on Ue*H. A N.'tt. ymter- vided for Uto year. The leeommeadaof Ue iBneia af Ue dafon^v
Uoas were adopted.
day for Ue Traverse City Lnmbat
Tbe lofs were bronchi from ^^ia
Wbea. Ue report of the« board
t of dofeets In tlietefor- Menateln and peinU.Uto side.
of pablk works ‘ woe preeeated
matioB. Ue
le of Ue Poc^ie ro^l
A lame concreesUon Itotened to' ^ Ue chief item of lateroet woe the OppodlM ■. A B. %. Depot.
I. charred wiU forcery by ll.\ U.
pewerfnl c<»P«I telk lost evealnc by OoioaBt ef tbe ooet of Ue chance la
Alley. woe diamtmed.
Immedis-ibly Rer. E. B. Steady at tbe Fint Met^
the fire hydreat at Ue comer o^ Com
afterwards Alley swore onl a
dial chorefa. The text chooea woe” Te
oompUint before JadfO .Boberts oad Moet be Bon Acatn." The speaker oad Front eUeeto. which haa eaaoed oo'
. Swerrs was reorreeted. He w^ed ex- waa iB^lrad wlU hto Ueme end moay mocta eoBuneat oad ‘iovited eo many
effootene from Intereeted porUm te- Ue
amlasiioe sad wo. boaod Ua profesaed to have experienced the
circaU luurt in tbe een of SM» ball, Urth. Tberewlllbe eaotber ameUnc papers. Tbe east of Ue chance woe
•36. ’The total omoant of Ue report of
«)diAi-was fsmtobed.
of eqoal Inlermt Uto eveniacUe board of pabllc works woa tloKM.
Id. Cnicord AMniitted.
City Oerk Rlckerd stated that M.
Tbe first coxe called after dinner was
Prlattnc Offioe Ohoacm.
Pohmey. who to c«Uiac oat a directo­
' that of Tbe People rs. Ed. Ooleord.
Will Henna, *he hoe heea employed ry for Ue city desired Ue coeneil
ahorced wiU bastardy byNelUe Armla
pnrehaae eome of Ue dlreeterlee oad
atresic- The tmtimeay oocapled abont
- one oad oae-bolf boars and the jory Traverse Herald for tea yeoio. bes re- offered a rsdncUoa ef H oeatt each if
trqtamed a rerdlct of not callty abont ilcned te accept a poeiUes oe faretnan two or more wars teheo. Oa aurtkm It
whe Jeeidad te porcbom twa -Aldere:M o’clock late ereniac- The Jory of Ue job depertmenl of the Moa:
News. V.«A. Stroac. foreman of Tax
V«ry Owloe StylM.
. Wte. MeOoi^ to. L. Moore. J. M. MoMOte Raoonu. will take Ue ^oce
tted by Mr. Boane sad WIU Brawa.
Oompbell BiehHd Beyaolde. A. P.
oftUe clei^ It was XXX^ffe^perpmtad............
Oroy. K. B-Ohoifin. E E. Chempion, for aevemlyeMf WiU Ue Eaclo. will decided te cloeelfy the
HerbertOUbert, P. D. Tbylor. Jobs B.
Ue aty pnpamlory to printlBC U
Bocer. Oootre W. Boll sad II. M. hee been eacnced to fill Ue vaeoacy in’ The matter wee referred te the •
Pront^ W. H. Poater eoodaoted the ! Ue Becle office.*
oad Uey <
led te report at Ue amet laeetOonnty Oon fitend It.
Two ibe ^ TmHHUnce............
•warts oa Ue Book.
L. SwsrU, who hoe been in jail some
Oeaerol Frelcbt A«eat Davie of Ue
time mwol^ trial oa a eham of fory- C. A W. M., come ep from Ufoad Eo»Tbe podieBee wiA ortMseA from Ue
ety, pr^ei^ by A A MeOqy A Boo, Idi yeeterday os a wltaem in the Riley leUorcy which had become Uonlfeet,
was arraicned. HeoaMrod a plea of Hwrere eeae. Hto teetimony
when Alderman Johroae ravivad Ue
not ruilty sad teiac wlUoat amans te heeded, bet Ue coonty peid hto mUebya
amnloy an attoraey. Hoaly C Dodee ore.amoaaUnctefili.Meade wltaam Caetion Uat Aldermos Orelltek tell Ue
Woe appointed by tbe eoart to defend feecffil.
eonaetl aboat hto visit te Ue focteiynf
him. Mr. Dod^ objeeted to Ue
Ue.Chemteai Fire Exttnenither Co. ef
( latrndnctlon of- erldeaoe npoa the
PotmFten Ate Oysters.
Cbk*^ dvrinc hto reeUt vtolt to that
CTOBSd that Ue defeadant was exom- After the meetiac of Ue Poreeterc lost city.' Alderman OreOiok eteted that
' laod U the JnsUce's oonrA. apea ^ht C. 8. Oevto laTited Ua
he went te Chieece on private bnelaem.
Ue Uorfe of two offeaate, atteriar at Ue lodes te Pletehorh Odambtaa bat srbOe Uwn duUed to elsU
M«ad p^ and (erewy.
Be also
acood the fire eaclM pHat. He was ■
ftrwd that la Ue complolat Ue plaee
•eeted oad tnllf^Vntf by hto vWt Oor. 8. ITiilon «nd 7tb Strwrtfi.

Baskell^s Bookstore.


Ofmeo RT FUMfS.

"Ihere is Something
Rotten in Denmark



We are Showing: al«adie8' line Shoe

at $3.00



Wfi are
Still Very Busy

Gaining in Popularity—


3 OE3ST*rS

________ __

-A.. W.


Free Storage
for Bicycles.

Don’t Buy




In Order to Rednce Onr StocL..

Greatly Reduced Pric^.

Hannah & Lay Co.

New Spring Prints


Spring Plaids


We Keep Oystei^. DON’T







MUBVUra aaobBD, T1T»B day, JAgPAAT lA
ns xoEvnro bboobd.

Mtha: plambm. fi.M. tMBoatha;
Md boatMken. r.t7. alae Boatiw
BUora, «1.U. alae BMtha; paper sale
^■nuvxasB city; . miobioaii era, |l.87, aleTea BMthb: atoae eatts.te, airfat Boatha; laaadir
workwa, both aeaea, ate, aleeea
itha; BlUwrirtha, B.U,teB BoatU;
tt.36, aleraa BMtha;
«MA T. Baw AMD 3. W. HAnn.
mlllera, 91.6B. eleren Boatha; haraeB
J. W.-BAavn, Editor Mid
era. fl.iO. aleraa Boatha; firewera,
>walre BMtba;. artteta, tt-SO.
Tha arerape Bumberof jmn at all
BpIorniMB WM alerw aad Me-balf;
arerape aamberof Bontha work par
rear. alas, arerapa wape of all par day
:pl 68.
There were 7,<7S aarried Baa, with
a total ef 1».W8 cbildrea. Baklap tha
arerape S.6 <^U'draa to caek. The
BOBber of peraoaa depaadeat m eaeh
orfcinaBb aopport waafeaad B be 3.'A
Hcnnee were owaed by 8,846 laea,
while 4.800 were reatera; 1,583 ay
their homea are free froB debt, 1.780
that tbelr bop>ea are iaeoBbered. 4.815
1S.000 UbtMTt Mtd trUmeii >■ Mi
that they an able to eare beyoad the
ifu. TbCTWoIt U'isterMtisreoet ofilrlap. 6,668 that they M aoi
M Ahown that the . wa^ e*
able to Bare aaythiep.
cn of Michlffaa an rMeUiar better
par thas the departOMBt anppo
tbooBb laaar are rettlar emaller par
thaa thr onrbt. It U ahown that
while 4.8W aaea rest bonaea. 8,346 owe Bzpena of the O. B. A X. will Bap»
bomea, and l.S!S Mate that their hoaea
Werfc Today aad Oe Orar Proare tree lr«m debt. Thia ia an axeelpoaod Boatae to Vorthport.
Jpat Aowiar Aad prerea that MicbiThe work of earofol laapecUoa ot the
pub ^orkiBf aes are prorldeat and
propoaed rbatea for the projected, ralliadnatiiopa It alao prorea that pea*
«ead throapb Leelaaaa coaaty by way
e^llr the aaaafactarm and eapierof Sattoaa Bay. will bepln today. Sar•ta of tha atate beliaea la fair wi
veyor Bnraa of the O. B. A I. railway
la the face
the bard tiam which are
. diaappeariap gtadaallr. , Ula report compaay, C. P. ClnpatoB. apeat of
the compaayat Moakepaa. wiU. anira
awr be eotaaldered at am Udieatioa^
kare today to bepia the
C. B.
aa era of a Bare praaperouk fatore''
Marray. airent at thU eitr. will aceoaworkiapaaaa.
paay the correyere to eoaiptl e aUtUUcB
8arThAt’CMK Cm- people a<
fael bad beeaaae they are MBpellad reya will be.Bade alonp the BlaphaB
to pay Uceaaea for thair dopa.- Tbe route, east of Carp Lake, alio aloap a
Apeen of BapUad baa a pet dop which aappeated route weat of tbe take. The
thte city aad
Mfkt te hare rrora a laoula bat dlda'C
Ik* k*f w» na*»i»;i SorUpori will be looked orer and tha
HpoaraeasM peppraphical ooadlUoaa
^before a laapiatrale -aad tbe qaMB
aBMaedfire ablUlapa for keeplap aa reported to tbe ooapaay.
aBBaczled dep. Tbe Baplstrate Mated
la raaderidp bU decien t^t tba bite
•f the dop of a ^aaea waa Joht U daa*
Baciaaw FraaaaB a Qaadidate far the
Bareua ha the Mta of aay eoauwo eat.
BM^era Borne by Banwwa.


Tbe rcBtea looked at her.' file ayae
wwnwd to rtMupnhBDd bw look, and erlth
a euddea doctded mornaoM be enteted
U>eid>o|i actr be were iwkdy forma anKk.
-Medame, 1 wUb to apeak to yoB,”h(
-iM-HikMl." Sb« ptwbed a chair
the »>abt«Bny nontor.
“kladaBic. yoa kiok tike a Wry peed


The aew potmt crflloe ralee to affeet
«B all eawa filed after Jka. 1. 1666. proride that uo ioreiiTimi ectmiittedia pat-

Great Bankrupt Sale!

ed pati1i>ali>uirtw»<r nuTn-ym
rl ***"”
tbeflllnp of ibpaiM'li Jtiiw. H«
if a -fnri'ipn pnbiit had been U tea oat
befcar an Amfric ] pei^t tl
ed in till-*

elgti paM
aol moke tbi* iimitatioa. bni if
nod be(wi«n -the two patenta
eeren moutlu no *....... ttbr bowed. Satteted l>y the enmpllnmt. be prantrd, A failnre t.. proaroDe an
“Aad yoo will. I aui euie. preDt bw » appllcaiion hir one year will te held to
fetor. ThU >• What I went- '- He took
from hU.deep
ket a flank wrapped In
paper. I'aeoTrrinp U be hold It up, re•eoUnp U>e oonieoM in tbe eua. whieb
ilthy cni
TheiW are a aunber of wcalt
■hoDe Into Uauehop "ThUU aiy wlaa
BolofriKti ia Baplaod who owa
It U puud Wlm- which they pive ua'>^
"Ah. to much the betu-r.’’ abc aald. to ooUeutiqp* of botterfllee ralaw'
'Bake nue reply. for.a)ie mold aol make war fnta IIOO.OUO to fllOO.i■OOCT
out what tbe old aoldhr had In rlrw.
UQ^t c.wtJy aad probably the »Wt per­
"I—du yuuaufwl preferwiiipaBd beef." fect culleciUao ia tbe world, prlrate or
"Hare >-uu eone at 1*e* luvalldckV'
pablic, ia owned by tbe Hoa. Walter
"Ye».’ Mild the brnn mae abaahed, Bothacblld aad ia kqit in blejpriraie
"bat tlial d<aw utit hlnd<T me—If you will
mnaeoni of Triup. in Benfi4d|>birB.
takemy wliirowr)day‘;'— iScrpraatToliM'
Tbe collerUoa baa probably ooei b own­
BUinied. Jl.- ipMtedlbli
er, aerrra] hnadrod tbomand loUara |
exact earn can ooly be gnea ed at. |
Tbo women looked at tbe toldler. Pha
pie MMlU undrmtand each oiImt with hall —Sciutdiflc Aamncaii.
a word Tbebiwrt ban a lan«iuape nf lU
own, n Ipnpuapr that It blwaye andcrCoal miaiac by Been
Tbe Opi-ratore at the Croar MtknUin i
"That oan lx dona" *be aald Mowly.
"lalllplve you a ii.iwourvof wiup. Tcry eoal nines in tbeJellioae n-Klcti* ofj
pood cunMiiiinir, rnil irivotr. aad apound tteneeaex are'prepariug to put
Icioal Bpparatai fur mining coal.
OfvrmUbk'* VUilUuWdol"
And hr
IT 1 bad
Traeerae City JCarkab
n*'| tliiiupbt of that.'
'■ Du iHit worry. Wawin
m pat the ami
In a iKiwI w lih tbe
U WiU keep but.
Id I olll wrap It ap waU."
8bc tuok douUo paper and Hod tba pack
aKLUhO iwica-

AUinycpIara la truly nm of I be i
foriiiddlng In 1 arlA and Ibe eun n
M.lii>-> Into It. .ta the Fztrrme end U a
turlurn Inuklng I*ooiw t'pna the priiny
wall tb.-wurd>--Grand ltu« l of tba Ab
L. A<
Uoi-' atend out In tilark letter*, wbItoniTl
Id apuu Tbt luuihledown door*
u]vli hall* reeking with tnUety and
Lard per lb..
torTliable writeltruama
The Acrgisat uiade bU way to a eulrway. tbe loUcrlne Mop* of which bad for,
railing a .wnriioiit Tope. HU wooden

_ aoutKled upon the iBiya. making
thick doit flv. . At tbe top of tbe staircase Cora per bu.,c
with a satUfltd smUa He bad Salt per bbl...
adropof tbeprtoloiuBan{,r,. Braa per 100..
Hr knurked et a lyw dpni and a (waet Buckwheat...
. . , 'Come InV At tbe sa<
BomsfilaB angillr bnad. whb tong laaled ourla appeared la tbe half open door-'

Clothing, Dry Goods,
Gents’ Furnishings, Dress Goods.

50 Cents on a Dollar
The Fair,
Broscb Blbck.

213 Front St


•aew candidate for taabUrial BmPwaaaaL
^tt M DnelaAntolBa." cried atyBrhaa appeared ud bia eahdldaey
Howard Gill tad C B. ReU drore
wUl atlr'wp the repaWhMU of tbe oMItchild.
was the worst raon le tbe wtelebed
«eer from SorUporl Snaday.
■BUBtdbtBhbtbaibt bay other man lodgli«. yet ererythlag was orderly.' A
Coon BBOoprapher HeadaraM eaaie
who coaW b<C"bBied. ItlaMaoaaoed psl« woman »at nursing a cbtld. and aba
pp IroB OadlUac ysterday aeoa.
that Bdh. Saaton Haacbett <A Sapiaaw aUillid a* she saw Urn old soldier.
M. S«aUey and wife of ShaniBB.
"Jly good Muu-. UIdier. ' said tbe brnrs
hae decided te eater tbe nee, aad that man. -al> will ga well. Here U some hot
ware la (tha dty yeaterday. rUUap
he alreadyehaa Uaea pretty well Uld. .Miopendineat—rwyhi^t-doyoubear? -So
Bor. B.I8aUbery.
.Ohloapa Kaikat.
aet la a atricUy pdllUoaU rray, but la iMsl <if rbarcwl niid wah-lHsi, for orecy
Ooaaty .Clerk W. A. Ktwtoa apd
we will have jumX aa mueb."
tbe matter of perwBal frieadihipa «la>Ite
TTie young mother Ilooked at tha reterae
Jtoeob h'ortaeh hare pane to Oraad Bapihroaphoat tha atote.
MM to attead tbe Graad Chapter of.
Hoyal Areb;MaM»ia.
ig ionic* w nKn acapew in
Theatrical Motea.
3. C. McBaraey of OadUlac. ooe of
••Kerry ds.v jual a* muchi
"*! Youare*4rja
ToBterawsplpht tbe Ladlca' Ariel
the beet koowa aad Boat pepalar traroGudfor buanu uirnT IHare X aui the **”l^^aBuar7. tH.SS; May.te.4H
•Uap meo iD’Michlpaa. haa retaraed to Sextette. < the Smith SUtera.) 'sriU ap­
kM aorthera UiehlpaB territ^ after pear la the Bipfa acheol leelnre eourwa.^
Giaad Baplda. Jaa. jT.-iTheaa
aa abeeace of fre Boatha Ha la aow Hare is another flatteriap teatimoala'.
of the axeellence-ofthU ealertalnment.
ia tbe city ealliap oo hU trade.
from J. W. Bashford. preaWeat of the
'( aaribl
Ohio Wooleyaa-l'nlrermity.
if It—B rung
••Theme ebtera bh*e remarkable Bat­ time slnn-wc beVI-bad anything llkr IIIbiil.
Come aad see tbec
umi abllUy.fcThey always dmw eery
lab to eelrclatua—------Jlaport »f Later OommiMiOBBr Oox
Im-ie Tolue i wiab
large andleaem In Delaware, aad their
- Vpattern for future deli
delivery you caa
Bxhibita S«Ba lataraMiBp
ao. If you do not. you may like to
eonoerta- are ^markably popular at
Uu-.quar Iwt monlb. That »b*iw* you
baBe. I base talked with eerr ukany
-ings aaythtap la former
vt- aol < hA>i«.’'-d much durtng yuur ml*Laasinp. Jaa. 17.—L^bor OobbU- Biaislera la whose chnrchee theme aiaWe aball Uh« pleasure
Duller, hv we* a hrwvr
MMer Cox baa made a speeial caaeaM tara have pieea coscerta. aad they all J-.-rtum-;- -\h,
le poods whether you
of bl» father, my good tbe
boy. tbe true
Dearly Uadcaateu and later apeak in the blpbaat terms of thatr sue- ohltrlcBd! Is
HAMii.-rog Cg
Ml* la Mlchipaa. the object beiag to ^c«M la atUaetlap aad delipbUnp large
McertAla a* aear aa poaaiblc tbe aTar- audieacM. Their ebametara are above oihur. _____ _ . „ ,
Ilf.' You young people have lived yours.
Brarybody Heeds Tbafft.
•po waper paid iu the atate. The re- repraat^. and I am sure they will offer And now we Bnd «a.-h .rtbrr agala—but
Ueorpe W. Bafl has reoeived a
mU ahowte that Ibe men were raceie- a *e*y attractive and merilorions pro- what ae«»—Dldler dead, the widow alek.
Utr of mail reveivera. for
iap more pdy thaa waa expected by the pma to aay who may Jbe fortunate two children to .wn- lip-. '
piMt many have been waiUsL

Moparuaent ia most employmeata. The eaonph to secure their serricea."
are told at the moderate price a.
snw steut to die when you found Ibom. 85 to 75 cenU each. Ckll eariy bcjtore
«aact number of retaras on which tbe
Rryaa's Commediaaa made a hit' in U. Tolim
'■Km.ugfa. Unte IHdIer. iwough. It U tfaer are all gone. 8l8-3t
6 o'clu'k aad 1 mux go. That b the rule
tomorrua 1
loodl? (Ill tonio!
-llui all lue".
"I'rtKXlhy—a I
' I audlcBce and they teetifled ’
Malm, his wood<>D !.«
re of the a:
. [appreciatioa of the ahow by
| wmn.l^" j.^^u^ly'^n'^tteV.lwn
Of tbe day laborera l ,i<74 i
"A EoVTime |
1 hluitolf: "Flftocm
waed. and ike average wp^es were ;

.u ..‘LIS'

SteinberA'8 Grand 0|ien Heii»

M.!i p.,d.r Th,,
tDOnlhsemploymeel per year: M«erw, Ipma* g pw;
n, !^,' Hut what a Hup lu.a *if (be gov•84«perday eight moeths' emVloygiven by the capable “•*• cruu.uuiiu proUdt-good win.lor Uh-i*-nBent-per year: cabinetmakers. * 40.
of the cempaay. Mr. -Bryaa aad ; *h.n.f. If i «.uld onl, add a glax-of
and gnwsy anup.
Sr* Z*L machiav bands, »l.:-5. > “I*
rememterte a. iaU^ 1 wluo to the
oil!'.: he rried suddenly.alae mobths: elgarmakers. Sl.tV Bine'<‘j>'='‘>A *
i rulit.lug Bis lorvh..,Ml
i.iuk "T'hr.vceiilaailay
awntbi-vall aronaAhelpers make •>!• thU city last year. They are experivn-,
,.,r a gbis* uf .-Idrr.
•"■'I 11- l-'l-l •• I".- ■">“
...... one
__ whirb 'Eie had laktti froiu hi*
tt srlth a company of j Vatb<v


a . 1
to. to. ito.toto .tog Vtoto >h. totoi : poi keC and a* hly hstul loupbcd (hcplH.rl
first class ealerulners.^
for the P"i

CCS charged the enterttinmenl is very v'
be id|.’h<sl d.t-id.T.
good aad worthy of the large audien"K li» lawn a h
UOiC. Ihal w.- ban- liked lokU'tb'T«»U»;H.l.h.~.>l.:.T. .In,
frh nd. and y<iu liavu glicu me maru- .nd -1«1» n«
|bill will to pi... _V..l,hb wkloh , ;tt uionuvii*—ah. wclL wrmust M-iarstp."
will centre around a fre-act oamedy, n.,
blin He would im.vw
clerks. Dl-xt. With eleven months:
have (lie luwri to tbrow thU faithful
entitled "The Diamoad Myatery."
Hien aad tiakrrs. SI.US. eight,,aion(hi;
aelllar}' boar* into tbe
eleven meaUs: shoestn'ei. bow qisny tlnMw, thanks to hi*
'y>lp>'. Lad he rvk-ielted la imagtHaUun tba
Bskara. seven meaUs: painters.
foot of tbo gray
»i:68. Bine taoBibs:'woodturaeru and
Jurs* and the.w inding rued down which
carvaia. Sl.t>U. eight moatba: aiill Meport.of Xiaaieaary. Work of Bev- hi* uioUhv ucdi lur water.
. .
hnada,S] .35. eight moatbs; blaekemUha,
liuthi* iDliid ua*n>adi-up Be would
anth Day AdvaatleB. >t k(v|> the pipe, and tu avoid tenipUtlou
$1.68. ua mouths: eapiaeers. autioa-'
At the service of the Seveath Day heuiade hl> way to the Snlnu. LeanlaK
A fiTfk-Act Comedy Dramft.
•ry. fl.»7, eleven moaths; stove^keru. AdvantteU SIlD^ the librarian Bade
hi-giilckiy <ln.pped the box with its
$8.12. eight Boatha; taaaers. $1.42. tbe fallowing, report of missionary
F^e SpecitUiee.
elav^ BMtha; poliehera. all kiada, work for 1897:



BaltiBoee Stock Booeivad Three Timte a HVoak
Coanta. 40c per qnart
StuKtarda, 30c par f^rt '

Hetclier's Dr$nr Depot <gd Nestanmt


The demand for Improved and Urn
improved City Property is becom­
ing brisk. I have

Two or TlirBe Houses and Lots.
and a Number of Well Located

Vacant Residence Lots
in Traverse City that will be sold

“ThB DiamoDil
Mjisteiy” At

Humber of bible readings held. 88;
MlBionary vlaita. 40: papers dUtrib- flutu on* wave a> atxabuLB lA the green
wiwere ptvm teUtelth it. bodutod. 8.298: pages of books aad tracB billow*
distributod.- 14.706: doasGou «b ike dealy^lt
Hr'mowd awsyToy quickly, hie
es mealbt; firsBen. aol
poor, one box of clothing and oeva^
liegU-aUag top time, but tbe andante
.tha; toarriape •«'ker^ i
Id changed to y>e aUsgra—Ftnoi tbe
BMtha; pattern
a,. ,Lr mum.
s BMtha; teokblndOld Cat Wto Co to note,
etaae year, ago an EagHte lodywte
AU ia Om $60008.
eraa tn Egypt twugbt.a ttfre cooe eat
The flna of BlodpMV Cumaei
white ate with ber own eyee saw eacBTatadMm a pile of ruin*. Ste was very
■mkora. $3.13. niac moatba:
piaa of OadUUc. shipped 4B.OOO,
of ter paesMlau
aad took tbe best
$t.TI.klx BMtha; bieyela malma,flAA of InBber Uat Maaoa. the
••leeareof ; . A Unto while ago U
Biao BoaOrn; eoopora, $1.$$. alpkt aasMBt la aay one aeoSM ia i
1 end • •
BMtha: tUaara. $t.7«. tea asMtho; toey of the firm. Thesl
a wfU te M. a aUU h
flBB werlteta. not blowBa, $1.48, alao

Front Street.





PRICES, lOc, SOc aod
■j—Watch Sepairisg.
. —John Verly.
—Front Street.


Low Prices

if sold NCW. CIpme and aSk about
them. If youN^ant a home or-a good
. '

Th-os. T. Bates*



Ifoumro BiooBD, tubidat, jaktiabIy is. i


1. JAH- 17.-A BwlAl toThA
OotnmerelAl-TrUniBe from <^oit

' 8«n>ter Blackbum’* Pmtnt to
His Daughter Plays H*r a
Daadly Trick.

who has been lU At Plney Woods bout
here ^enl wrekA. died At 3:16 r*Ater>
dAT AReraoon. the end was peAcefnl.

r«ts • BallM IMA Brr Lvft Itna* Wklr
lAWklU ClAMM Hoax) > aik-«h(«k •


But Thsrs U Peril to Peaae in the
Undart»« At the Cuban

Tbs CBiwmUst and UsHprlttl l^asdaya. 'Ws4aM«aja
fftnrcbcs look with Bson Uror on wo- ioaty.
than any oebar doDOiBlr to ChtDA. tn the dained. while in the Vntarian ohorch
course of ad lowtlcA with the l
there are 80 woomb paMon astUed Ot«

stst Chins to llqoldele the jApaoese Ipdemnlly and
pn.viar a lusm »t
£i:.(m.Me at par tv run arty yemr*. the
SetA-tev to be 4 per eenl. DeU Imdudltif
slnklnir fund: mt-lul-ine as folloew:
ir AAd TAlealaen Bay Jala U aBmMI nret. tbe op-nlvc of three treadr
porta-Tallen-Wan. FUne In and Nan
iiABol LA»tWMkkltlM»-X»
Nini;—tberebr Incresein* the custoaiA
la Asf l>eacer OsrlAA the T
levenues: second, a dertarstlon that bo
^.ajal <MBep>« 1
pnrtloR ot the Yanceie-Klanc valtsy
shall be aUfOateil U. any other powdri
■al'awartbx Th*<i
UavarA. via Key Weet. Jar 17.-ID*. third, the right to esiend the Burmph
lATMt Id irAnsmlAAlon-l-AltbiHifh o»t- railway-thmuirh Hunsn province (the
mobt southaeMern Id Cblnn).
arardl) order U reeiored »r« irreat
.-'In the event of her default China,is
'cltemcRl contlnuee airti' vRlees ' t
tD place pertain revrnuto under the
ne»r»rAt>erA e«enl*e ifteet ^rodenee
eootml of the Imperial vtuaoras. Cn
Keoeral -revolt 4a probabl.' silb much this basis tbe Derotlatluns will proreM.
bluvdebed, tiecaUAe Id «uc-b an event <3ilns nqtards tln-m as ad«anta«eo|ia.
the aniiy and vuhinteen sv-uld fra but fears the threatened opiaisUlonjof
Krsree and Rw>>a. ei>|>e>'lany
terhUe. (><-n< ral Ulauco'A p<wl|l<>n'|i___
innredllflrtiUAjeiAUAe'VUklld metbods o|we,in« of Talen V au aod'NAD .^.np.
Of erarlAro disuoAUlT him to u»e an- I'ft'*- 'OnJea corr.Tnenllnf SD the rv|iMt,


Data fvthor anttw the HaMUiMt
Oothlar On. srOl bo opn eecaiaci »
and Satardaya



LoTcrs Of Fiction
Will be pleased to know
that we ha\*e secured
short stories by the fob ..
lowisg famous aUthorst

• a«iw Vr»w«r.
Jail IT.-Mn. lAtellle
lA*. jrouBcrst dAu^ter of «x>RAMtor
^ BlAckbum. of Kenlucky. Ahot h«s.
In her Ai«rtR»em At Ute Wcniiwtus
/ tootcl SAlur>lA>' RicbL Arcordloc to thA
Tbe inimitable, stfao says be nevet
f nBieRiAOi civen out br the (Amllr the
bs^ a manuKtipi rejesud.
AbooUac WAS AretdentAl. Both of Mm.
Xaba'a pbjrAlciani refuAcd todiAcuAstbe
MhlACt. eTru ^ the cxtAnt of AA7I0C
whether or not the wound would prove
Aolhorof ■•The Slickit Minister.’'
- faub but from tbe best Utst van be
tearasd she win probably recover. sP , ^
- Tbe Men of the Musa liaca." etc.
his bedalde. Ue eame here to , iRteod «otnr in a iddOc
ai*ic error. . nd
.tboVEb now suffe_rtn« from shock. A | rccDpenU from an attack Af pneu- ner tv the^ paUt* to request Oen- ,
..nh^r FIark YAtu:. »0 Ho- VI
Wend Of tbe family Dominated to »t« )
t^ve^d «P.ffly’';iir,V« . iml........................................
Wn"eo*'l7. r;iea,e. *;norpT,rt-in^.
ior BUnt-Taiir. In HorJfsn
«ut a AtAtement pf the occurrehre said
wh-n he aufferod from ‘ Trillo. a prominent allc«me>-. who has'! _,rovlnce.
that About mldnlRhi od
uraemic •Cfinvulsions. From that re-, pevu uoiustly chsr»vd hy political In-j
The gifted Geerpa womafi wba
Xatae was prepartns to retire. Her.hiis- lapse He never lecuver^ Uis.body will irUtuerTwllb (<-ni. n!liiK m«b violence.'
wrote " Tbe Quertjor Siofilua'
bead at the time was In the adjolnlnc be sent to WaahlnstuA
, 1 Up to tbe time this dlNwtch it sent no
luokinc otter Abe papey. 3CraLane opened a b'ureau drawer
Philadelphia. Jan- i:.-Tbe body of
kni-w him 'beat dutins his busy
•<*> b»Sl*le demonaWatlon
a taandherebief. and picked uff a band- who
career a.e unanimous In win* that or shouMnR a«aln« them, nor have any
fol of«lovea and l»rvs which bad been tals dally Ufe was as exemp'ary of the. AmerUans Uk.n refuire at the Iplled
- on-Krtday nii
, teased tocetber into the drawer. Under leneu of that tailh as that of any ' Stattw <-onsulaie Consul General FJta- by lk-year-«Id 6amu*l Henderson,
this BnSy tnasB w as a Uoy l«dy'a plq- public, offlclal
He waa bom tbu*b the- lltUtah c^-nsul. and other yesterday found In the bottom ot Bid
toL a sift to Mrs. Lane from ber fatb. in Wairen county.
-Oct. St 1S37; was , cvnsnlar ..OPers wllnessedihedls-irdera dle-a creek. Fhcth and Catherine Mfseta.
ar. and a poasrqsion of which she waa ! a member of the sUle senate of Ohio : frvm. tbe balrony of tl« Hotel ln«laand there seems Ilule doubt that yofw
Sanicularty fond.
lleoderaon Ucuiliy of ihe crime. BiU V-*y yV 00110X1
I ft\>m Warren and Uuller evuntlea
ttTS-T4: was elected from the First Ohio
now locked up In a«ll af police beW-Hr. Wsem.o
Warreaa hhas a
of bN
It caurbt in 1
On the first dsy <■( the rluls. when
Fvrty-wsib.-Porty-M-vquaners. The body.^f the child w^n
own. and be is master in iL'-laiaed her band;
tonnd waa weighted by two ta«
^ lenih. Furiy-nlnth and FlftleUi con- art-wd of 5.(«ai men that had inaaaed 1
weiftat struck the hammer ] the rdee
Ccntinl i*ark l■■eaIl stunins windows
Pfaiiadelpbia ITcM.
t-eiecieu III toe cia- . c.c.iiiai
r. and was re-elected
ploded •_a tbe ball penetrated her left 1 IllF
un above
• war he attained the rank of i Weyler, ' and 'Down with
What became o£ It Is Impossi­ i major-in ; 1 Ohio reitimeiit.
'General Fairado. General Bolanu and hearU and slmUar w oui 4s on his brafsl
ble to aay. Accordlns to tbe statement r He u’aa commissioner of patenu Aral Oenerai Ganiuhs rode up, and 0«t- Bide and forehead, whi e 00 one Sid.
Kfvsn out 11 struck a rib and raDsed
.Ilf Gardeld eral Solano ordeied the carolry
hU face was a long < u exteiKilag fi
, anmnd beneath' the lert shoulder, roak- and Artbur and hU r>s-ordI made
charge' tbe mob Tbe cavalry c»
below the eye to the • hln. The
Inc only n auperAclal wound. At the and aubae>jnenlly bad great w eight with .roander leptled:
-Whom shall I char
aame time U u aald that Mm. l^ne
•Kinley tn aelei-ttng him
IB •uBerins so from shock
made secre
_______ potdtlJn. !fe
^^-phyaidans have devoted U" tfielr ener- tary oY the Wotld s fair project early In
o kill lK>lh. but Aoder
mounted and endeavor«-d «
o dcflnltoly ascertain tbe extent
W and the mob. in which were a number of |
iBfury. The >mo«f precise staietimni |i
to his reputation in “Tha ObstielDi lenlly In that cepacUy until ofllccHi and Several ~
<tbat ellher physIrU n wonid i^e 1« |
chll«ren tire. General GsiTlr'bs.
naic Juror."
Bight waa that Mrs. Lane would •prooa- survlvi-. one of the chlldPen
chlldreci Itelng Win- noble Cuban whose loyalty his> never {cfaallegned Flu and Corbett 1
bly lire tli: morning. At the requaat I lam. who married Hiss tteere.
j for the heavyweight
led tbe leaders
been doubted. enfronteC
of the family the bl^ in whi.h tbe'
e.JMa Frank is a root ball player of of the mob. Major Fuenlea end Captain 1 the wortd. and prated II.W
botel Is situated hkr been roped oK.
MBJ^r Fuenles match Me decUrea that he wUl Bghl
iliinal repuutlun.
but Corbett or FUxaimmona.(aad
I. Jan. 17.—General CbrtaSenator Bikklurn Is deeply affected topher ColonI Auger. If. B. A., retired, rlChs. infuriated, snatched several dev ihHt : - .an defeai either of them. ,
by the occurrence. Be
He does not live
lire j1 died <ot old age at bis home In West orations from the breast of the offber.
With tatt daughter, and when the affair 1 Washi'niHon Usi nIghL General Auxer saying: "lou have dlabonored. the- Washlngum. Jan. IT.—Amor.g the bills
aoeorred was summoned from hlx n»om I w«a one of the three snyrtvlng mem- armyIntrodm-ed In the house Saturday
«B New Y-ork avenue. I.ucllle was the . beta of the rUss of 'it at Weal (Point,
•SIAM'S award
the following: Tv eatablUfa the
pponger of Senator Blackliurn'S two | tb, rlaas with which General Oram waa
Oenwal Folsno. is .v.— - - , pour
hour law in sii
sUtea anu
and terrlb
datuDHem. She waa married In ISH I graduated. timerBl Auger served with Interview, has dented that he called the J pp(,i,lbitlng the false brandii
Will Buy you
to Thoa. F. Lane, a prominent bualnesa | Grant In Mexico ami a(;terward
rioting bfAcert drunkardt. but he coo- ;
requiring railroads to n.mvi .uvsD and politician of Bummllt. N. J. I distinction through Ihe civil
flrma the report that he cbararieriaed
wbk'b have been tranafeGed. j
At the me qf the marriage Lane waa
them as "unworihy of the nnifonrs 1
• A—
a chief of divlBlon
lion In the ireasun'
d*- ' ncltve service In
they" Home ..f <h» papers hsv- |
Ing .Title sad this latiguaxe General Fo-I BerHn. .'Jaa l..-The affrartan press
partment. Subsequently he aarpted a ' op the frontier a
place with tbe Maxim Arms Company,
various departmenu of the army.
l”o said
-J used those woida and I baa slifred a^ampalgtl against A»erOf New Yo^k. as (heir ageol In Wash- |
am willing to sustain them al the point : lean wines. A hlgher^ddly on Amertcan
UlgtOD. The position Is repAted n good j INDICTMENT OF A COAL •TRUST."
of my sword/' Wedti.-sday and Thurs- wines Is demandea on the gro^d llhat
and the Lanes had apparently al- 1
aoy night. Ihe th-s>r.-s and <wfes were .these wine. ^m|Cal;
'.CeiBpaBles <ie< late TroaMe I
248 Front StrMt,
abnn&ance of money. Their |
closed and the n.ilUary band did O-l ' Ifornla. aiv directly comt^ting
cMe They KaUed the I'rtro af
: ciuse la»er-s marl
waa one of t
s usual When .German wines li
__ ____ __ ________
house witi; alT wi

bu Wife and. bPdi^Di?h


Bret Harte'

S. R. Crockett


Belle Moses

Robert Barr

Caulkett &cCp
Hariue sold their Meat De­
partment to McIntosh i El­
liott of Manistee, will con-

' tiane to ke^

A FnU Line of Miats^^^-4
until Bocb parties take ponession, January 16tb.
XtonH fail to call at once and
take ad<
advantaw ' of Special
Prieea Also Full Line of

ileduced to Lownt Ponible •
Prires. . Don’t Fail to Profit
by Thip. •

Caulkett &. Co.,
Cor. Kinth and I'c

E.W: Hastings.,
Real Estate
Fire Insurance.

Izora C Oianifier

MonBy to Loan

.Herbert D. Ward

-ONImproved Farms and
City Property.

20 Cents

Johnson Block.

Thone 78.

One Gallon
of Good
Table Byirup


BroMh Block.

u*T* *


other and She. while ,.fsllRhl Khyalauc.
to'd-frau-l. The. cal compaalro .l^ hu. did nut know tbe leaders
.boura demand:
iS in excellent btalth.
Undlrted am: ITie Ilia, k. Diamond CMal
,be ihit. ITiey offered to do ewry
I and Til* company. OIU' n* Coal Min- '■ ,hm* |n Iheli |«mer to calm th* agl
I Ing compatij. Sprirgtleld iron com^ny. : tBtion. but i«.|r.ted1y snegeaied that
Kx-Alderman John Hepbt
«7-r Its l-*e as Observed by tbe Ba. . FpHngtteld C—l Anifig and TiirT^- I General .\r-lae sh.>ald try to calm hlroeswasf AalsaallMliwiry.
' paity. Sprtngii-ld Cu.(>i.erattve Coal | ^Jf als... as he Was ' IncTeaiang the dU- cago. formerly of Jlockfvwv:
■Waablneton. Jan. IT.-The chief «f th* : Mining ■ u.i |. ny.Capllal Coal o-mpany. i turl.anre* 'l.y his inlemiwrate and In- at Fan Frwni-lsc.i Fatnrday.
• Gray Gable*. ex-l»re*ldenl Cleveland a
suiting language/'
bnrenu of anlmnl Industry. T)r. U. K. ■.
numnter home, harbeen looted
jany. Jumtloti Mining-<-•
Balfc-n. has auumllted toSevretan Wll- ; ^
thing of value li) burglars- West End Coal Mining
•oh a h-p-rt upon the exjwrimenu t-.p.pany.
Whlierappnut la Invading Great
made'in the treatment ot hogs for hog
•Hie .“mpahies formed the Fpringfleid |
aln A roui'le «f
co,i axs...iaih>n. and adva:
ebolera' with antl-ioxlne serum. This Coal
advanced the \ l»aris. Jan. K.-There was 'a pnpuUr and ffoggetl
U insijt upon I e same piinHpal ■ prl.-e .if Mjil -••4>
There wrr eight negTvw* killed
diphtheria. By that thsi*''».-re .7imi-e|k-d to advan. r I oemvtie
In a ' llnd ■•ig" aaluin on
sa the a
mllllar) oflltlafa. soldiers, Aghl
le-caus* thev | wsston
erum the resist- i Ihe price i..................
: Fi'Ht.
feed I' ,..vmt>. Ky^Frldsy.
veterans and gyninaBiu>nd olljer ass raised tv the
■nages of their
The plant of the Bartlett Mllllnj
soclatliin* In honor of General Fell* patty al llo.-kf. rd. IIU. bunted i atur
highest pn
employes » as TS_«nl* ywr ton.
Fa|i*sler. now retiring •from the mlll- daj-.. I.M*. Sro.OOO Insurance. tl<LSM
nnder the skin of swine the
bin found tv
both a pr-vvntlve
,.i. VI
; jij,
i-ranklln ivtso^a of
^ glalaHa's AtlM lAhesr Sww.
And enraliv* action.
lief of the Fren. h • ^j,lte«ai. r. WIs . last week cel '
Torcnlo. OnL. Jan. i:.—Th<- Ontailu i-ommanO'-r
ThU aerum w.a flrat wrted upon letlslaluic adj.iiirtved Friday night, ami
.•-sussler. vh„ waa liir,^^^^j,j.f,„,„h.*,ddlr.gann(.
amall »mmals Jn the tabvral .ry., and
iinit.inii and sucrv.tin.b-d by his.
probeing found efB-acioua uaa last
1,-id in the window of bis r»^l- ; ,,i,‘’,7urrterf.-Vl’'sllvv7«-rGfW‘alro^
shaib^be emaevtral ’
teated In Page county, la.,
herds of swmr. ,-fmtalnlng altr»g*lh*i
rttlmate:y lands Of.stuJenla paraded
*.„meelead at
tn snlmals' Leaving
aiiy nitmiry w hirh has
fruni whl. l. 4*llB(te returns aa
m, .,r~«
. va~,n.j-i w
ixath Id in. Jewa atm ,
Tw,.e-.s A Bdlson'a father
iiyment on put.,
works Ui-rein. The b-gls-.
1 and the wlnrtuas ..T *
issed timber fgitUtlon*
•f the Republic
broken. I
■' .which i-eqtilro all sawl-ia> .ut In «tn.
c s-hows that o
,»-t*ed the rloiviw !
Chlcsr., J:,n G . Alfred T. Greeo-MaHo heraafte. lo be, ma-le Into lumber Th. |-!i-«
ah-.ul tiilrly n.ajorlty for
,----Ijne .Ivlt S.TVI.-.- law:
leaf hiiiip.)l Kaiiir.lsj m.-rnlnghy In Catiada______ ________
I.rlnc h's.rut.k 1* *Vadl"
plunging (r--m lb. si>te, floor Of lb« I
|»w Xo< Wwnh hwUHag.
WashliiKton. JaU. IT.-Se. rcitiryof the ,
h-alih H* l« agamg-sl-huttfired
!l.r..iigl-- the Inner re- ! Washington. Jan It.-Dunng the exand ha* .-xprcasi-d afi.rr.val
tunda. WrlVIrv the Iron railing op H>«-Tamlhailon .,f McKeitxle. the widely- Naty ..
accond fl-oi in. Hying l«>d> smashed : jj^own tl. ket-brok*r. RalurUay. by romrreas Katurday fur an appropHati-.ii ,.J .of Klao-f’hou 1«1)
tte Theial In'- a n |.le<.t«r struck :
. ommitles invratlgaUng the of cc.iAll f-i rtuprovemeota in lb. ladRx-Gi vertuw I'riik.- beds good
.julacr Vbl'-ag.i._ and atM„itn* Falunluy and
• nd left fun his
tha marble shattrrtng «he (
busin-**.’ he was asked if
r.-nteriHl.- prevlnus to retlinv
marUe slab, and fell ..i. the land^ ;
h-eded lb. llllnola Uw lhal no .-oi..|.«nytng. II .. s n-purl ..f 'ASslaUnt
Between th* l.rel and s~-..nil tb«ru. Ut .
u.krls shxtl be a->ld exi*pt by
-waa a bookHeeiwr ..ut ..f v.-rk.
agents of the rallroadi*
no'aUentl.-n lit that law."
•au Cade* »aw feel...—
d McKvhsle- ' ie',-ati*F w. don't
Umdon. Jan- IT.-Tl.e lU on furera' | "lav i.'i'.'- rood ta»
sWa-lire gun* anil tbe Mea la to glvct
naaeclatlgn of arvat Ucltain anA.Jre-----a twri
land-haa voted a fund -f IJi.CKS. for the |
' OnUege Alhletle. Mertlwg.
pnwecutloD of atcuekeeia rs found seaChicago.*Jan.
The graduate com­
■» Kllnuls
. l»-sl batterii-a b b. bad
ing Amcrteah hams and-lascon bratSded i mnirv of Hat- Wretera Inler-OillegtaU
crosUng earl of Hockfotd. IDS.
jwith Kngtlsh or Irish trafl.-n.srks. .\thleilc ara-H lalloc net her. Raturday
Thera has been born t..
to Ur. and Mrs.
Thia action Is due to the fa.1 ihat the
ata.-uased the preliminary arraiige.
Naslivllle. T-im.. Jan. It.-G.wvrnor ; jienry Blochbergcr. of7,lma.O.. ateby
use ot talM trade-tnarka In American nrent* lor the annual ttaijc meet whjch
pro-lucUona 7ms become ao general as
pu,.,. m i-bluago next aummer.
• fectly form^ and apiiarenily heaBhy.
Th.......11-g.s 'r.-Mespnlrd w-rv
One of Queen Vlciorin'a aerv ama 'was
v.-rslllfw of ClilJgo. llllnola. Wisoonsln. Jh. t'nlu-d FUIKS
floed at WIndaqr for Idadlng an nnwaa. MliinesoU and L«ka.ForeaL DePauw
tvTjm a ■
today. There will be, thrae candidates Xled dog Ihrengh the ftrecl In rioUllon
. and UHnn.ll roUegea. .
before the ,Demo<«tlr caucusT-SenXtor at the ordmanes. Tbe queen paid tha
ClnGn^l. Jan. 17.—Th.
Turley. RepreaeniaOeg McMUlaft and flne.
this pvmi at-lfl o'clock last alfin >
Washlngivn. Jan. 17.—The houac Bat- ' Oocernor Taylor.
urdav d.V'd.d two hours tn g.-ucrar4eper b-ur. It iiiay m
«,r*a*.ys Dra»b*Hl — fblaa.
. Jaa t7.-roDoa1i« ar#' ths
bate oa th. army ai'pti.prlatU.n tUlU
"danger line" -f 41. . .
Peklii.' Jan. jWSermany baa «ecedes The dlinccr at U feet and es-en and- the Tcmatiid.T of th* day to <
p a. yratetdar: Pur Indlaoa sad II
let^feh - year leant wX
ling tbs Ilf* and puldic service of the
at » feet Is merely Mmlnal. At the
latter stage a few <-ellxrS will be lauBBlagas
u noethern por
offari (
seatheely vlads For boarsr g«hiBiiB'‘Talr
dated, but navigation wUl not be «n- Of Maine. ..ho served for fourteen
y for Bi
yean In the lower branch of congress
-bar. tallowed br III TiasiM stag dW sad
Barrasaed in the isasL______
va. m..... rcsta Tbe Qermana InaJal
In scfcthara pa-Uun; an
OM-tVem U BMMb lar Him.
on tite rigbt to build railroads and
work Wines whenever they Wlabto traA saasriy wlada Pv Vlieaa^s-wiiaper PubUsbarT
bs a oatidldat* for re-election. One wm
___ taUon baa decided to aaad a rapWaAtlngtoa. Jaa. I7.-A prtvAta BlaMMtaOve to Mexico to invMtlcata wa> haa bMn amply auSlcleni. and ha de- pateh reoelvad Bara aUMt that L^
S a#ACM of the operation of the u- Mna to raaumc Us private busiMa- * carnal*, and sM of eg-*a«**U»T Car*
ilsle, died la New Tork yaatarday;


...... - ......

r"..7.'irnV.i'u."«biarni^^ 1



If You Have Logs to Sell
-Corr«pond wi* the Troverse City Lomber Compeoy.
We h»Te for sale Good.

Sound Hemlo(;k I^umber,
Maple FlQoring,
Short Maple 'Wood.
Mill Maebineryof andescripHcJhF-inclndmg Two EnKineB.
Pet Workg, CtrriRge* aad Srwb. A (ximplete Saw Mill^ Plant
for gale.


we are Belling

Fancy Dairy Butter
AT 19 c PER
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per Dozen.

Enterprise Qrooery,
Oti^oBite 8Mnb«rg^ ThoBB 14&



SBB KOBraro aaooBi),


• ^nrn <rf K«« IMtord thai Um rc*
«utUdO b« pMtpgD*d OM «-«k' wlU
Xh» a««rt« HlMC
The N«w Badford rnffl b»adi will t>«
br Ptber renters.. TM vprm*
tlveo to the BIMeford. Me., mflto have
to *tar MU aad tt le poMUe aevAction «r tho UpitMl IHm work- voted
era! mloar rUlkre wlU ucur In other
•rt' Nstteoal Cwt^nion
pUceo. A portion of (be Qoe«n tntr
ihlll operstivee at BurUhjcti>n. Vt.. are
at Celumbua.
airradr om. (taturtay notice, of a U
per reol. rediK-tlon were pealed
, I
ataT Paelflc ronwrationa, «fj
lawrenee.- A dlapaf*- *------■Uire that the other rotion mm» Iherv 1
wOl undouMedIr follow . The 1—wrenre |
mine are the laei to come Inlullne. They
la the Prtfv Ivr lilgalBB deal—Fasr Mea- employabouin.AMhande Theredurtinn
ae^,«tp.ita» aad UwJew la Caal Wfll< In moet of the New Knataad rnllH
Mpia lima at On Wtadr CMp'aad Try t> amotmie either to l« or it l-» per ceai.




W. »9g.



a ti Pv1»
are Jtut oinr ooiaifBd in the
<t -an aiiciffrther oorel (ORn .of food
adnlteratiou wbtrh i» aaraniog jii»Btabeual proponifliu. ape the Now.
Vor^ Trihana Raat ojrrtos are oxpaasive ir Psrie. and •». vitb the object of
loaded oar at the r«e rf B«*r»y ^ung aloniicr phreea. artiflrlal oraten
,t, n,ji„ „ hour. ThU drnj.mrtniW
half XtellJmee lett. iov«.t.d
.hoot flee aod iw. irho war aajliv ehat a rimlUrpow'er might bo;
whit'b are add at >0 e«nu a dnnti. and
. ...
_ ___
in the _____
In _
other wae a da«t.
^^er -out middle aped

Ever-Bmr^^ Onff

n WM nHwaUBn testtBe Mbw TowPnotioal t«ta «t Mount iRoUr. K. J..
M, sot Utr nongb (or tbe iwnpa Hot nomtly wtreod that ■ profxJlor wcAfnAoiend) dtfk to makrttw flrslouk T«y inv ngsinx «hc roMMim rf^tboair





UH B p-BAJTC3af.
O. P. CASTER. Atmt.


Suits to Order.

j nnder the dmrtliai of J'^emflr'fi. P. r,i,cgar ban Ue«J added they cohutiC be
I Langley. aeoretarT of lbe, B
diaiingautaed (nan the n«l anldo. «•
iB-lrataoD. m’a<diiBatan. j
ptciallp vbw white wise .fat talu« In
Pretoaor Elftvlb WatblDt trf Wash- oaoseetioti tberrwilb. Tbeonl.riteanina Pine Merchmt Tailortig.
wlU. the Xotshs
ington oundaetnl tbn uparimenta at
that It only three mile* off. ■> be ran east- Monnt Bolly. Tbe Medford twasQh cd thing alwdt Cbeae oratar* it the MieU.
boTiait ««wl bh«»
' ba* Imt little abelU at a rmaU «M nod (aatvlng tbe
Apn* aa a arale.
icBteek. tradeagwaac.
tnfllc. and pnmiiMdtiB «w*«l.iainad tn apuilosa oyatnr in plane wKh a (oateleaB
Braatl. JiA, Jan.
mare meet­ Tbiiisday."
••It U vwry kind of yuu. I-dy KIder. m
!. The mnnicipal laboratoiT baa not
Colomlnia. o'., Aan. 17.—Tbc queatto* ing of the mine lainrere waa held here wMb me to BH-sthlaMr. Krtvleigh. " said omit. An old band oariwaa prtminjd
wuodan Imniework llaatened to iL yet proolalmed tbe ingndltstaof wbicb
mt a il'-fpDse fund cattaed a Uv>ly d'rbate Baiurday attended by «M lahorvre and Kdithl-wllhaialnt'anllc.-and 1 ebobld
n large nomt>er of miners At Ibe outla Uf roDTenil9R of tbc I'ntted Mine aet the m.Inve were dpd-rvd to wlU.- like to, as It wcMid bs InterasOlig to see On this waa plarvd a mudl gaaoUoe at- these liogna oyata
______ .
> -■ —_____ a..
trior. A abaft nu to ibe m of tbe car.
draw, and they wUlidrew, The labor­ any uoe wbo hw Ira^eM so much. Be- where It wa* bnoed. and oa tbe end of bw a'lnoooced that they are
ers eelecled a delrgstioii to the miner*' Mdea «bs name icvaM faluUlar to ma. I
convention at CbKago today. They In- b^ aeme friend* ouee wbo knew some itWMtbe propeller, a two bUdedaflait.
■Irooted tbte committee to demand the bodyeftbat nanw. I^»«rp.”
CTMied. the food to re
apo* certain elaasMef propaety •.
mining prlA- of three tone of ooal a* the
tuitU tluv.«W bad -ao
Tbc dww opdked.VaBd the buthw apcoadiitoD provoked a elorm of discua. laborer^ d»ye wagea Jnatead of the Mtineed;
Km aeae* eg Bamee.
oloo. the oppuiiiiuD (n it corolna chleflr
i ••Mrs Moiwm."
Booth had a keenaennof bBtnor, and
I Sbewsstbettear's wife and bad piraty
Iron nilDoU. Mfaere there arc aeveral
■ this con- ' «n my tv Lady l-adr-r almui partirhlnl
nnog bis intitaalea be was anytbtag
aulkee nos la iToirreee.
It ai
bat tbe sad and gloomy nan wbons tbe
lera. ta EdlG> V.-mon. having flnlibed her
claimed that each a tjrovtsinn
givs tbe cUltea* a
Ua. qnUily wilhiln w to beer
wmld aasmiatad a]wa.TB with
t>r«vent mloera now on elrihe r«-eivin«
Who was IhU Mr. Kngtolgta, sod wb«
BBoag iwentT-two leading aad retbe riuiracter at tbe melaiMdKily T
old from the natiooaJ
TTir-- Wm reallnae to Tbik Hawall- dM Us mime rrcall Ui bfV iiitiidT Then It
oftbreiBgr. Hla poblUhed lettena
all Clime Ive k to her A ha|>|iy lime long
■•av Likely Ta He Wam.
hrn she Boci Iwv mother
'erllIhed down
TCashlngtun. Jan. IT.—The TUwalas
In his familUr iwreapaidrapa. and (be
In tkimnwitshln-, at K<mo Court
annexation irealy will thtr week again
(oUnwing rhyming epiAle is worth
Hbewm just IT. and bsr moiber
orenpy the major porilim of Ibe time of DOttfaetnvalul she U-eame two Joan
jgiBliug here as an esample of bia not
lliuon. aad it was rvferred bark
the netiale. There Is a unanimous lom bcc d.wtK
inheqnvnt uffnts in that peculiar Una.
•omimtleeto formulpte l>y-laue
agreemeot to vole upon the Immlgrw
Kiwr Rose Court there
It name wicb an onginved potnit.
‘ «m the uee of the drtVne.
inU. rni» j
,„<j |( I, altngetherproh- and an old hll*.blllu»i luuk U.-m-eiiiii
neaUy fcamad:
. plan will be eutmililed lo t
b, preceded l-y j nxn • and mme, aepomianlMl by her neph
Tksrixo TjiK am igtnPKUAii.
in Chlesio.
Daaa R-:
' -— -------'-n of the merits of tbebUI. i ew. to ••nyiy ibe air.
Think aol that 1 forget.
Or tbst larwaie tbewwlktsV wst,
nir I.U* ma iw luaiJe of Marf foWng. oiwwd with oaD■ *h«ip *kliml»li over the 1 tV, has aUm noti.-e of hi* Inlen- 1 Ing
}« Why 1 haven't <allad as ysl
removal of the national r.iadquarler* |
addrees the senate today, w he-n .ml
and klr|in.-lly ncdglii
rawer I* pipe. OB rtaarwte.
(be prnnellv
BhatL4ndl«f tlie organl»utWn_Iiom I'iduiubus, ls
, report t.f the tranaac- preal frteud* Kililh
how mw I ear axle, andr1 f'--------—
rh rumemherod
(rt of each
M b»»• 11'reMileni 'itaioMc.rd. i |jnn* of (hr recent Intemallonal time, j aftarlKi
ling ]ihol<«M|>brr had I caurttheapo^
TUUu1w<w»l Iwrem try
fknw- otlier U> beforo tbay^ dr
When the eenale re- |
round ami iihnIagispM Ibmn a>
flcrvcnil tvetawc
itawero mide, andlVirnwUllk
•nu. only u lb* r«a*«i why
but a (-omlilaatl..n was mad-- which led
conald-iniinn of the HawrUUn , tb*T made a group ouiaidr Kami'oen.
eg Watklna and hla aomciabs w tge iL'
My friend. I do uot bars •<«.
lo Indlanepull* beltip ■ hoii-n as (hr '
Sbew«-ni m herr desk
‘ ‘ and• unlurkMl
- •
It H^rodwrith tbe rraoti. Tbn car and
take the floor Th« re
treaty Morgan
I rwn't aUw cbes vooa
cation (or the be«l..uaii.-iic. The B
dleci'aaloa will be apdtenk
nia deadbewd I prtarol In Ilea
eogioa cunpli-ie weigh'd nearly 4.000
ui bwowu flgureln Ifcr ponDds, but It wa^ driven along tbs
lunng the week.
w«r of thdlanapnlis lu Ut (or CUumbue.
pUpiuma Wa* ....................... .
- The headquarteiw have been located. In
Then- was a little round Imie Ml In tnok agalDsi a omng bead wind at tfaa
i graerai rtpeinorton tif out forrlgn
Or tb* old oa* gttiw* B
ColuintMia ever since the t^nlled Mine relaUoh* In connection with the ct.neld- the card. Jai-k bad done it before br wcsil rate at bH milrsi an boor, with tbe pfoBut I know pot, dear Bat
pellw makiRf SfiOrevolntiatii a mlooM.
■Workerr wa* ontanixed to thia clly In
on of the diplomatic and cnnrulnr
U y«n1l «arw a battoB
IM. The ciinvrnlloii .oted to appro­
opi^ailon . bill during the rrearnt *^'had a*k(d tm Ibr pMora. and when TmIs niider varrlhg emditines abowed
For mts iDBf «' ny tarn i
priate t?M to aaslu a eirtke of engineer* week. Tbc i'ul»an sliuallf.n. ihr annex- BdUb made excuae byaayiog sbe wabud eanali.v saUidaciary mralu rurftanat
. Tbeugbtbi told we ••»««“ .
of Him Mliton ba then Watkioa «id that wicb a (ew aodlflooand rwilw ay employes In Kogland. It allon of Hawaii, and the dealgna of the a MiwmbipiMvof
(May be Oait'ry. tosoolbl
allowrd lo
to have part
|siri of IL to
waa 4rv**«^/«o
t*”' cunventlon European powers toward China will, of hBiM toII in allowed
by tbe
requert Hw-g<
Hw-gare pednlmlu
• Ih Pmifhur* the aecond Turwday in
iree, be the principal itjpic to at- whichh rrqu.iM
fliotfg and pmpeUer would be ndaptoble
Where waaibi>b«vid
January. IMtract BtteltlloB. The hounk manaarr*
m u> iheVlegaM ta ChMagie
do not want an extended def«le on ebd where wn. Jaokt He usid lo ■ Od her to the airabip—New York Herald.
Cuba prerlpltaled a ............................... '------------^ lliroosh Ml** Mllioa, and
About J80 In tt4|piber'..l*ft today for Chl. minority I. dnermlned to pna.^ the
dled^nd^ Ve^
Tbe beak n( tbe mwinito i* eiinply •
cagti lu attend the joint conference wilb
Ornwak It by puituimrutea.
Dnanytklng-Talbct tbaahaagtL
tbe operator*. There wa* an effort dur­
tool box whrrviB the nKa^ntto keeps
If yun don't Itkall. ddarButtoo..
.VeveeThelcia eb* wa* aoiv *be bad hswd ■is minlnttiro auTgltjal laatrnmenta tn
ing tbe uiuvVDiJtin'Ju adupt a pulk-}' to
NOW yPe cam breathe EREELV.
etther Jack or bU auni anme time or BD- prsfKt working otd^. Two of tprwe —Laarenca Hnttan in Haiper*a MagaPc followed In the Joini mnvenilon, but
other w*«itkm Mr. ErcrlXgl). and. if an. lustra men ta are egsl roamegpana n(
It faHed. It wa* pr. jeised to *. lect cer­
why. there was now a ebanoe of Ifearlng
tain .lelegates to *■ t a* *|iok*#mrn in
arrive.atllMa. O.
some new*.
tbc oonfervner. but objection was ral»d
New Verk. Jan IT.—After an inter­ . ThaicvnnlngS
OB thraniiind that IhU wg* akin to gag
at-LOOgWOOD O-P-A-OiaadlaWda. rule, and the pnijeisHloo was pn*roptly view between fteneral Wllllayn Bomh. ,b» bad met Mr K.erlelgh tbsl day and
_ pump going to tnoke up tbe odbiifle»oud down- All the drlrgatew will now of the SslvallvnArpiy, nnd Commander bad asked blm to come up to ibe T<i<
to dinner
The spear U tbe Uigead of the
have the privH»i< --f apeaklng tn the fUlllngton Booth, irf the VolutWeer* of to shoot OD Thorvdaywnd stay ia nmd for making tbe
f. The drlcgaia* wjll go America, yerterdey aftcehona at the Be bad acrrpujd. ami whw the day oaiDv
ng Brat. 1
^to II
Wlnd*or hotel, the following etatemrni
pniKTuro. y-xt the lance, or
ofllc-r* xallnnad loth* ^
into play to «um
n thk
>• Prtcv
was given out by those ah« witneased There WWW (wo
W.P.OroWWif mining, and eecond an elgbl-hMr tb" Interview: ••Oeircral WlUiam Booth
work, day. Tin- whole question of dlf- and -.'onimander HalUnaton Booth to­ touw <rf <bc jainy
Hb« tgupased to walk In IauUiii. Ibrae
ferenilii* la left open, and will probably day at the WIndror hoiH rr-el In Ihr
Attomeys at Law.
be seul.-d bj the ■girralora. a* there U. presence of "Rev. Dr. Joslab Strong and
la greairr conlrsi among them o.-er the' Bet. Charles Cuthben HaM.
tOees Is Boetague lleek. Tiaverwe City. Ml^
Tlagf. hut *hc declined, saying she would
gJLestl-.n than among the miners.
'The Iniervlrw w as -purely a* be­ enjoy the walk, a* It waa a o»ld. fresh _______ irrction in ibe victim’s fleah.
father arid aon N.ahlng traaa- day. h'hc aa-.^dliiglywl tiul.dldbrrabop Tbe punui. tbe tunst' dulicaie o( all aix
•joint coNrEmExrr. at Chicago. tween
plred calculated to lend to any qmkls** ping and sa* ndurnlng. wnndcHng morh of tbc iiismnitmiK lis uaed in TramfrgaiTSlSESS C^RDS.
nation of tbc two movefncuU. It was If Mr. ktrrirtgh rvald gfie bernewaof ring tbe blond to tbb innet'
agre^ that all public controtersy Jack.
»Sciroca Guwip
a m. BBOtne. Atler-aw •
the pren or otherwise between the
Chicago. Jwn- IT.-Mnrv than 4W own- In
O. Law.
—two movemenu should as far sa poa- _
fSsal Mtatag

•rs of coal minra throughout the coun­
cune to an end. " This Impor |
the library and the'gmUOne of Ibe immediate effrett of the rt lLB*gT A OATBi. Aueeaty*. Spaelrt aP
try and representative* of large dealen Xble
tam bulletin I- -lened by JnXab Strong , i^,|j „.,orn.-d fthc bad jual rua
reoeiit Arike in ibr-rjoel fugiuo ba* been LT vwtHa ta Prebsu praettee. mwtaad
-and opery .or* in ' bUck dinjuouu*' tnei and fharlee Cuthben Hall, wbo were 1
Xie waw a apsek of wbl
tn convention In the auditorium ruon prescat by She demand, practically, cf
ing marbiuory. and alao (o siininUte
of the Yoong Meit* Christian asaocla- BallIngKm Booth, who would not sec >1* ' Knowing Lady Kldcr w
father alone for *-••—------->s>n. r--e—'
rteneral I - «luD th.* morning. In consider a nII pick It up—only I tbe iuvibtioQ of imfroroiuBits in
deivwtung ' maobineL It is profaaUy
nririlw ™rd ' >bc turup*! U o
srage soale and to taken other meiIS- ^ih arrived.from l-bigiairt Baturday. j
BT« lending tv priecr.t a recurrence of
Kspsrt ^ iat'^ a^tten.
j her hand—a face, and that face ber «sn not a boxafflou* prudirtiun to my tbal
thesKik'* ol Ust summer. The opejWanhlnglon. J«i IT.-The mcm.hty ' «'7
Her heart almnrt etopprt wiibiu the uext ten |yuars nearly all ol
•tor* are alarmed at the ouL-~4i and itat- mcnl of thr^port* and Imj-.rU.
door upm.d. sod t*lr tbc oaI juiue* will! be fully ^nip7>ed
'tave come ti. the ronciusum that some- IMued by tbc bureau of XsU*ilc*. sh-<
! Willi c.ixl • utting wacbio-TT. in which
thlna mun Iw d-me-linmedlately
niy df»r, you bwri Had
do tb© wort of at least
•hat Ah* export* of .lcim*-tt<notcA*
u. tiu and .-.Ilcflaln Uiv ,
minevw with the niii. The
r Dcieu-.W



Seal Bipldi t iDdiut LI

West Michigan.


umra UD Hmsunn lj

with n


; waps will, it ti caMrolated, eoable pro-1 (■•
I door «illl <n> n
-'* the Increan*
to i——place co^
■•Ooruo In. K«lllb. ' eallcd
miru Lady
lasiy Kldivlducvis
uie-i ■

- —at tide- Water
- - - .- - - W10M.II00. Tbe import* of mer I from
tbc Iiildx .tlagroupgailH-rvd round : aotuewbai lew coet
it is delivCTud '
DecembW ' He
t tbe mouth <if tbe Uine under prisoni
:a*t eti.k' It I* said that amounted t.. ASriH-Tri ,.f which tTi.
method*.—I’biladel^la Record.t VuT.nU.ii—rsiorsicslIscd IM.r-n
fre- "f ou^^
duty Tbts
(• - v.-c
r;< ^
1-} lel-..rlig
lo »lde with

Bcverar«r the largest opecaturw of the «.MC.oun
Msl arv now In favor of giflaUng lb*
■ WHsMwtwY New Cao*a> law.
au-aiv foi slili-h
ulilvh the men atiuik
*tTUck las*.
u.dl*.n wia,. Jan, iT.-ItQ^ame
year. Tnl*
I* will W an adt'*"^'*
cents overr the preeenl *Al<-. riome of ko..w.i Silurdey that the new>aucu»
rti op«-rator*.
hpLeier. arc op law iviaaed by the l*«t icglsUtups oiay
she western
up«-imior;r*ntinc *o larg.-a ctMcewilnn. tirovc dsngerou*. iwcsu.e nf ibe-li
poeed t/. xrsniinc
wad It t tsiaainic the c.iiverufon may
» olhcera
n Th- iaw provid
ppbt on Itiai p-ii.l- It Onr
is*u'cundv.l tbe LB'
wage- I
>n or' before
IB a t
year must he i
pnai^ for an sKTwement b..i«ccnrn.*
pk>y-crs and men i* dubious. U 1* said ; u,j prove
tbe miners' unl<qn are pr*i*rlng to i
s affected by the Uw.
snake demaud* even greater than they.
jflM I.-»l summer. *nd will not lie con-**
^-v- kenl v.lrh mll-1 com-vssloiiw. Tb* ft*eadWn.hlngto*, Jan. IT.-The celebrated
/' . 4y ciperstur* wnll exm every t-llort to
adopt *-ne course ol aeUon that will tvnaion case of Judge Charles D. Long.
.Mkhigan. pied. ---------- —
oovc 4.V
^ov,epialpie lo aU. B'halever an-iHV bulor* the pension ofllc* In tb*
tion i* takci) will, be binding: on as
shape of an application to Commlaaloonied.
4be c..rporatl»r»s'lepreaeni*r Kvabs to vsieate the order redodng
tbe judge * penaioo from »T1 ti. « p«
month. The claim la that a penaton ts
Hew BedfetS M«a Oivw U a Mart and
a ve*ted right, and once granted can
M* HIU raltew.
\ - not be reduced.
-_______ _
___ _
ate* . .-a—d to be paid under
tbe old acheduU vf pricea when they
left Ibelr work Saturday. This morAu
the geoetwl policy o^ the mamitocturers
to reduce Wage* is lo effect In ntorly
ayery mill center in tbe *ix etptea. The
^uctloD ha* become uperattvr tn the
cotton mill* Of New Bedford, Isiwell,
the Pawluiel and Blackslone valley In
Rhode laUnd apd In the euiesof Maine
and New Hampabus. TbA Vail Rivet
mill*, with the exception of three cor­
poration*, cut wage* «arller In tbe
month a* did also tbc Amoskeag com­
pany, of Manchester, and tbe nUIlt in
Bakem and a number Of anmller placM
Mew IX-dford cootinuea to be the storm
ceoter. Tbe Indlrwtlon* are thx
. for ain

_ _
nooD 6
s had been 'chaaen
will begin here Jan. O. and over 1«
more atoeptowcee bad been recelred,
but the dHegate* have not yet beeh wlacurt. Tbfrv will probably be M d^
•gale* to the convention, as agalhf **•
delegate* at the first convenUon.
._lUbon. 1UB-. Jan. IT.—R. B. HiUsap.
a teacher tn the Taylor acfcoo&Mx rolle#
northeast of tbit clly. was asaaultedaad
beaten at night by six large boy*, some
o( whom used brass knurklea. The asaault was eomnltted In revqpge for the
pnnlrttment of aome of their number In
*»—«V of a.Well-KaewB Ml
BrocevUla. HU. Jan. IT.—R. Ramsey,
gapetiniendent of the Chicago. MUwaskec and 8L PauT mines at Brucei'iUe,
OB dwldelr kBow-n tti

• UtO* IK
ebaaee-tbat tb* requeA of tb* «ty]


Te take effeeigeadar. Jaa* K. U*7.
o(IUee<cleeka ta.

AtnrriiMD mactaUi^ tools by tan&dreda
"Stia (rroon, win
of Unoauidt of dnliars' worth are
me," toM'lody RMcr.
i (ti-igbt laid. f<ir (Luutaud* of
TIh- tut.o howtd. Mr. Bveririgta
ckmii hi* horn
hwiip- but turtied bU acrow the ocean to t^tgriand. Cfermany,
-faced a* Isvlx K.ldrr «p<.ke
I k'niKX). Bosaia. Japm and CbliM, and
Homrtinw Kllih felt bewa*
eoeneetedlit 1* diflicoli tr> waist ibo ooatentioB
IV, tne reiKii wt* mihvr. dark: ahe did
nwn’PbUlatvdisIliK-tly. lady Kldiv rang
for light- In ll.r tiinimliiM- kkllth took a
awt uffi-r>vl (o lev by niii- of Iht mllllao'
(ricniL*. wb«*wn-trying lo get upaoonmwallan wttb ber.
"Mow M,i.i*-fliulllti..dror*" said Udy
EldtT M .hito g-t themJrotii Utur--U r tm and pave tlani h> Mr Everlolgh l.i IvwmI l-i i.iT.
IV ;U |.ri
|.r> III* 1.I«1 with the dbta and Mond
•l.r A. Iww
standing the
ibr rsbed bar
lamp- w.'iv Idiotphi In
rym otul
n lace loiklng dmn at tur—
■ r*. Ha- kiw-w. cul> older than when
last liicr
A kma gate and Ibwi—
n-JarkT .he fahered.
Yv lailb!" heaalA
" Ann I.OW nri> you Mr. Sverteigbr" tf

TlKTe are c.o«s pieoea in tbe modani
bigb grade looonuMhe
A singl'' nunfloww staJk at Barn*.
Kan., burv Slid Vicuna at oue time.
Dwable brick, fonued of ofaipTwd
granile and day. la a roowit Boocmb
AU tbe hmd atiovo m level woald
Bot till op mow tbafi (me-tbird of tbe
Atlantic ooeaa|
Od -tbe Arel tonwayaa oaadle atnok
in a Htttkw boose vH»*h>w meant atop.
Its ab**«ce was a oigtiBl to go on.
Il.-eet down bwste bw, ttUl bo)dll« ' A cremated adult hmmm bo^ Invee
Uh^ mulDa ultfa. looking A har all tbe A reddanm of gray mabeS whiob kltoV«tb<T doM not weigh men* than aboat
^hr and hr Ungbfd. ••beoai
two (SoundL
^ exhlUrion ol acdyleoe gaa 4* to
\ abould take*l
beWld A OatUMtatt. Wnrteufberg. and
yon know, and had bottear inaUret. Bat wUl indode m exhibiticn of Tarioua
I bavm'l fu^utU-o yoo 'olrt Boae Court.
Ihougfa It-a #0 IoomE”■oeieihlng." X ^—'
Ue opened kla poekM^nok, lady EldtT
and the othefi. looking o» at wbat wat marble dort, with enffleieat |
Bditb opvut^ bw bond
wbat it brtd.
•■Itouiid It in tbe paaaBge,''the oaM,
___ _______
eould not tbink bow It bad got
UsMa. but 1 iboogbt apnieboW U b^ to^
wttb Mr. Srorleli^ faecaMte I tbought
air. Evcatelgbbad todowttb Ja^r'
Wbvii Mr. EverM^ neat went atattnrt,
tte other^« of tbe jdiubu«ra«*
^‘i£^«Mbad beetOB* MUI

One pound of flowers d enliibiir end
one gallon of linae^ dl bdled logethA
until they are tkorongUy oombined
Una a good waterproof va^ab lor
any toxtile tabgia
Tbe odor of ti

to Tbe MedfaMl
to fliM tbiit it srUi drive tbtn oat of
(fat ftokroam. tfatftik it is not tuaali
to tke ■

teeM. Pau-hla A Orotaer. Altym.

-Honey to Loan
. OstaprovetcityprapcrtyMAMRZMdtO



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