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The Morning Record, March 24, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
teAVBBSfe OITt, MCH, THUB8DAT, MAECH 8*. 1896.
mm tai sth.
n^osxM vxxx nuAxm
n azmiD nr AvmxL.
fropu; Ola B.
M to wb»t to'do Wlto th* •
•ext ;
Itee ««>U be kboet eightr to tbe
nxMi wblek fmild In man tbM «mU
be cwed ier by the toMbef% The pettor p*
bet the upvtatoadeet ei^
toet eves If tbet wwe doee there wee
Ktre room to tbet beOdtor- i%»
dUtoel^ free ntened to Ue ooulv
toe ee Mtoeeb eed feeehm.
by the eepertoftodeetthete_____________________
the ulr^
eHy woeld fkil the l(faX aebeoU
ftizvs SZBA^k
■oMtox''* Aah'wiil Dtooohttoi
totmlbeto Ae a Fim, Today,
Teato^day by mataal eoMeat
firm at MoLellaa A Aah, daalera to oneby ^------MeLellaa wfU ocmttane the bitoneea at tbe ad etoad.
cerMraFtoMandParfe etraeto. aad
Oeoqp fidhtrlUtt^tbe etora heretotore aeaspled by the *om, tm Sooth
OaloB etroet, to the rear a the Meeoaie
bledt. The ehaacd takae cfieet thto
(aoratof. Jobh Aeb hM sM idaelded
The matter of a t]
it day whe dladtoead aad
^ i^MBtiiWy graak
a O0b-.».». a. «WU|.
r, Oeafvo A.
iktone from the Fifth ward, wee pree>
4hi tor hto toittol expertaeoe.
^ The moat importeat matter diepoaed
pt wee the re-epptoetmeat of PrafeMof
^ T. Orews ea aoperteatoadeat.-et a
.dilery of tINOperyaar. tor a term of
two yaeie, with the prorieo that U
^tothar Mr. Oreira or the board daelre
to mete • ebun at the ead ef the
fthael teem th>M mohthe aaUce ahal)
. be ctrea. It wee Mr. Moore who
WopThttha eeb)eat np. eooordtor to a
itoeeetefPratoeMrOreweattbe preJnim meattoc. tor a deel^ rerardleT
^ dta wtahee of the board to bit ceee.
/ frima Mr. Mcpre mofad that Mr.
«ehwa bo rwaaraFod at a Mlary of
iUto. aame aa at praeaet plld. Mr.
bto that the datory be fixed at SltOO.
' Mr. Baaad had bo eepporteca and whi
the eoto ea. the oriftoal .taeUaa wae
.pat heeiwt the paly ae(aUr». Ihen
waa eome dtoanmlrm r^ardlar wheth
er aa todafialta pdriod with' a thrae
■Mathe'noUeectoaleahoald be decldwd aptm. ZiN throe moathe aeUea
1 aad the
t waf Blade ae etafed.
ewneiiw ef tba preoaat ayetomt aad
the hicb etoadard Of oor eebooto, made
•0 larcely by tbe eaerritle eSorU aad
•hUi^ of Profepeor Orawa.
. The prep peed ameadmeate to tbe bylawasMleedat the preriew meeMaf
.by Mr. Mecrr, proridtoc that
mU beempleyedto thrmoatb
It April toetead ef May. wa« totro- AMidfm-aetioBanditpreraDed.
t to Sl.tst.se Mere
allowed aad warraam'orderod drawn
elded that tte exereiaea ehoaU be aappiled by >he ciadoattoc elaaa.
Oaadidatoe for Ward OSeea aad Me••tae Ohaaea to the City
Thme wae so exeltomeat at the Otipeaaedoffpleawatly. There hatbeaa
eome apecolaUoa aa to the paealble
bet there are few who are
eairer after peblic boaoca. Oeorre tV.
Hall ie Mid to be the probable Bomtoee
for mayor eed Petar Werxbory to maklay a caafam for the aomiaatlea of elty
The aty oonreatioa will be
held toairbL Pollowinf are tbe caa
didatee for ward ofBern aad the deleCatee to the dty doareettea:
-B. B. Kaeelaad.
laapeetor ef Eleetloa—Tltae Stover.
Bmrd of Bdaoetioa—C. A. Badrboe. '
-William *WarxbBrf.
Delofatee to City deareetloa—I. A.
Thampeaa, W. P. Cboteer, Joha Bafer,
Cbu. Llmprieht, A. T. Peek. E. MoM. W. Gaderwoad. B. E.
MlUer. C J. Eaaelaad. B. L. Spracn*.
P. .Wdnbarr. W. T. Bexbotvh. R.
Braekeo. E. Laatoer. Geo. Bine, B
r. B. Moaaa. J.
-A MeMamara. W.
Delccmtoi to City Coeveatioa—WU|.
iem McDonald. Tbomee Partach. Jeeeph
Sleder, F. A Dma. Freak Etdred.
Aumt Bow^, N. Shadak, Frank
Gaanett. A A. Lnarwortby, Frank
Bokoa. H. A Steward. Joeeph Pomaxel.
M. Utoey, Joha QmUe. WUliam Cola.
worn# town thp.ta^ eehetore. The Ward Committee—H. A Laarworthy.
F. A Dtaa. A A Steward.
ltdrd WerA
the rmalt at Tory dillyent work, aad it
Sfiperrieer—Leri Soaly
abewa that the U^eehool to praetfeAldermaa—Emaaari ;WUhelm.
ally Ball eBetaiatofi eo tar aa aoa-reailaapeetor of BleeUoa-A D. Jehaaon.
dent popito are coaoeraed. The ooet
* Beard of BdaeaUoa-A P. trilhelm.
par year to ftoea ae foUowe;
_________ _____ bBUI
Primary «ndm, Slt-«: tnaamr
City 6oayentian—F. I.
Delecatoet to tiity
«radm. tlAfil;.
aeheot. SU.7A
Whlimen. Bmaaael Wilhelm, A
Batoa aow ehwfed:-Bertak. J. M. lafrif. miltarn Bradley.
frimary fmdea. SIO-SO;
Aatoay Boeoral. C A Bale. Oeerfo
Bradoe.S14.40; Blfbeehool. SIt.oa
Bill. John Fartach. 3. A. Johaeea.
TbeobJortef tbe report wae th«t it Frank Wilhelm, german Bill, Arthar!
he ehown whether the aoa-reeUeat
Jolteaoa. IhomaaGilmcre. Charim Van
m^toareimylat their ]axt aharn ef. Broeklto. BertWUhelm, A F. WiUmlm.
taltMto. The rmalt wae hlfhly patlaWard Oommittoe-C. A Bale, J. M^
lafrif. Antony PebmnL
Feerth Word.
• of Don A Dean, tor-John WUheli
mar member from tbe Fifth ward,
meeiTod from SpAana. Waabtoftoa,
1.0. Shilaadaeeeptod.
. At the prprieaa aMotiV yr. Pyboa
'"aim mpraiaVti to eaeertnto for -the
hoard the nor ea^U eoet per papll of
hfinaaOim to tee 8lcb eehool. Mr. I^hni iaet nlcht rendered a eomplete aad
iatoftettof report ehowler the per cap
ita eoet to all deperaeato «ad the to-
ealpu of BOB reeldent tolUem amoaat-
' taf wSto.es.
ttoai witbdr»wal a all lie
are in Havaaa and the abaadmimtot at
the wreck of the battlmhip Matoe.
Heoretary LoafaeU be aaw no rMaoa
for the olBsereto rrmale to Bafaea
moeh loafer. It mlrbt be
Uentepaoil Coaiaiattder Watowrifbt, who hae epe.da cbarfe ef the
wrecked rcieel. to' romale there onlil
it to BeaDy eettled the wreck caeDot br
raieed, aad that there to he preepeot
for the reoofery of aay other portioae
at the ehip er iu c^olpmeBla.
The aary deportment bee pBrchaeed
o mhre ehipi ebroad. aad the aryotietleae are aot immtotoy. It wee defldey that tbe Chli
eaa batUeebip O'Hiprt^'eoold ant V
•d. Commaader Browaano io to
day to Parle, eftor barinf laipected
the BraxUtoa ahipe beBdla* at U
. WbUe thaed mi|ht he eeeared.
ttoy w« a leaf wayvf^
A ftaal eSert tor Ubm appeare to ba
tbe policy of the prmldeBL With Ue
be to tryiac to ataad 'e little loafer
Bfatom it. The prmideat to drter
mtoed that the Cobaa war moat stop.
bat ba appeare to be aaable to reltoqatob the hope that by a little mot«
delay be may pmeafally attain that
enA Poaaibly by flriaf tha Bafaato
mtototry a ebaaoa to fot a TOM of ooaSdaaee from the Spaatoh people at tha
ecmiaf riecUoae by a preteaee ef e
rmoar Yaakaa iatorfereaeii
Caba. 8e4to«to will feel eeeare
onoafL to atte'aipta eetUemeot with |
the Cabaa iaeorfeala. bat almoet every•dy here deabu it.
w-B. A Steward.
That to the Oidalsn of VerelfB Aflhisn
Oommlttoe Bofardiaf PraeideBt
MdKtoleyk Prilay.
Weahtofton. March St.—Tba aenato
committee OB '
toformally diecnieed the (tohaa aitoaThe doaaeawa of optotoa of tbe
W. KlmbaU Oo., SW
We Can Show You
How a Dollar Will Go
•11 ®Ti“ *
leawhippineB with it.
S« Iht new“go(il8.
oity bookstore,
At our liur of Wheel* before you buy^-We hi« pit
"Onttht,” the easy nmning bicycle of 1898
New Things
In Dress Goods imssesrera.
RelUble r>ry Goods, Crpst
and Clotbinft House.
Wheel EnawRted Far SgJfl
Bxainlpe tbe good work
and Bon nanplen at
Elay SMUia
Has his ideas about a good
that the best for Tlve C^tb'is the—
Traverse Belle.
Diamond J.
and for Ten Cents, the—
A Ihsgn nnd hnndnotne new
npring ntock now o» sale.
Them are othen, bot you
will miM tbe bent if you fail
to nee our liae.
'>r A. W. JAHRAUS,
from tbe admtototonttoa.
tbevtbe pr^eat to pumatof a i
aad rnamnellie werm.
A aumber ef the committee mid tbe
oonrea of the proaideat waa aarely ...
rinotof the foterameata aad totelli.
fnatpaopte of the world that the Onlir
edStatm to josUfled to lU policy aad
woold have tbe moral aepport of Burope whea the crtoto mma.
It Waa tba Opl^. bowarer. that the
If you •
mey was toward a rapyeei order aad apeci
tare with Spain... aad that
United Imve year
myjtooi^^|l ennwtoe• to ealt yoa
Statm- poeiUoa to beeamtof etrmfor
WilheloiBros. TryaMftOiSliliHSIlilE
Good BoUd leather couiitors, iol^ tod np-
Bicycles Built to OHer. pers-that ia the kind that weara.
404 Union Btiwet.
Oiir $i.uh
Eoamtl Tonr Wheel.
■tTpimeieai ef Judfe Adroeata Vartx
' and MembeteefBia Party
Miami, Pta.. Mareh SA-UeaL Comnader Maria of the Malae ooart of to- Bleb, etoaa all tbe baartofa aad. trae
tbe wbaeto, all for tbe abrtre prtoe.
qalry, beertof the report of the eoart.
CeU and sm mmplm at
with the followtof party, arrired thto
meratof from Kry Wmt: LleaU. Bood
aad Jaafor. Boftoeers Morria aad
Bower, Cedeu Broaeea. Boyd, CBrpentor aad Balm. ■
They left by the Meat Ooart raBway
for Waabtoftoa.
Marlx wm very roUeeat, bat whea i
Ceaewble-Oeoiwo O Neal.
Del^tae to CIW Coarantiaa—T. q.
ShOaM. Georfe ’^bdek. W. D. WUcox.
OeowfeO-Neel. J.^.JBaelliaanWl. Jao.
A Santo. S. S. Bomem. P. Barden, A
M. Mobto. A T. Friedricb.;
Ward Committee-JitoB Wilbela^ O.
W. BalL-J. M. B«
like war. be replied:
•.It eorely does."
Othert ef the party ^
Natie in expramlou a
H. £. GIBBS,
Bide were raoeived hem J. A Orel
Uek Oo. aad A. W. Watt fm a Mi|,book
caad for the Ceatral bnOdtof.
forawr wae SSS ead the latter SlAtO.
Aa there wae eridrnUy e diflereaoe In
.the enderetandtar reyerdUic what wee
rrqaired it wae decided to hare tha
•n^faretob detailed
fimUona at whet wae reqaired and thet
tha jaettar ba deferred oetil tba aext
maettof. Sepertoteadaot Orawa axEOPTM OF CTOA.
pUtoed that the caae wae to be paid for
from the proflto of the reeeat eaterConetable-Oerk Witkop.
lo^ XTaitod statm VaiaUpa Off
arly |».
-Detofatm to City Caanaiiam-3. 3.
the Zalaad.
•tatetf atoo that a enpply at aew boaka Berdan. Aiaea Laafwtethyr-. A N.
Watolafton. Mareh :s-Tbe navy dewere to be prorided tram the rnanneat bee bepa notified of tba arri
val *f the eratoar CiaclaaeU aad tha
SanertotoodeaV Orawa etotod to the
fBBhoato Qeattoe aad Wllmtofton at
Tan weat a earrUfa thet to dlSaraat
board that the ktoderfartoa'de^ Oarry. L. Mocrto, O.'O. Millar.
PortAatteb. Ja^aka.' Thto to abtet toomwbet
mean to the Mreral ward baildtafi
t.dirtaBoa from tha aaetk ohm beva thorn. Thp
e over-crowded aad aeked for ^ oberteoa. A Lanfworthy.
of CahtoaiCayWmttolrom tkeaorth
fthe admlmkm of
l maka tham
aoy more pa pUs thto term. Be etatod
Qellto and look them
that there to ataaelatriy no m
over end yoa will my thet they are the
bat room would be made by p
Itoettf BehyOaWucaayea «
.. NO taat the new pafrito coal
eoald be cared
mw, aad the petoa to no higher than <m
fortothe^alL A motion that no more
Laet eight Mr. aad Mre. A 3. Falthem eommoa mrriegm yqa have aaaa
. paplla be qdmlitod to tbe b
fbam entortaleed aeompaay of frimda
Aepartneat thto epriaf prrnlUd.
la a delifbUel atanaer. The aveatof
Mr. Orawa atoo apoksofOa crowded
epaat to the enjoyment d warm
- Nandltina of tbe room to the Boardmaa eager end laeple v
•Mme balldi^ Wbme the fovth and
aad other ptoomat
{entaine mede the onmriea etoe to be
mbns Ba wae ccmzroatod ay a pfobtem |
Tvd Ueotii^
You iiove
the prettiest
in town.
South Bu^aboiatka
Staple md Fancy
xi-v-xian;sii!r& *«ans^.
Phims Bo. 84.
ID Dijis Moll
AM Till Poliir)i
datoar a
April irt.
Bsr Is
ra aot laiar than
for school girls.
844 Front St
wv.,* J.
TEB ifoumio aaobao, thtoipay. kaboh >4. iwt.
im mm^mjmrn Mm. TmvM, M
te kv hMHMmIvNrmMik
Ttfc Lake
dMC* te MImM «ad Km. 9aMM Memlttea
___ »taMt Ooattmwmta w4 «UI»
a of rite Lake, dki
•«t«7 k*
Be ata«M ikat Ae MTpodddMlpat tto leaUaBoa of
I AMS 3. W. 1
BMtk It dMlMlylMklMfMS fMUl7 tao' Fred, ikroo^vtarten of a mUe
poatoflea. Ttoaday
s( MW ud kmllky
t. W. Hammbm. Idlwr Asd-Mi-rr. u4 kwdmdt
a are kaiap etmUkked apoa
Maa. MamUtoe haa aaCered
kaadatlooa. Ttot ooatorp
wlA heart AoaMe tar aeme pmra. tot
oiAklBr TMt tthte la MMMdol
been Carilap betuc Ana aaaal tor
wmlU ooA wUk aartkva
time paal. She areiaTBeedap
Md oofltal it wUl matlaw to Isfism memiap ea waaL did aoaM Iraalap
U a.mry ■•Mial waj. Ikt tmU- aad aendiap. asd a few mlaatm beiB <A«cr of «*r wltk
ten dkaer eApped ant AA tto yard
iioMmiro iaooBz>..
____looBdo U Ooku HAttort It (row-
• oB.Tio«»M 09.
■ Cttj TmM.
MkrO^OUrii- .
fv Momkort Ucui-ct PakUo Wo^
Vkr Jaotfet of tbo Pooat8AHCRL M. BBOWB.
• ■
Mo looldoot of Ike o
Moo of lodmkrloi koo a
■mn*'— ud koto tko oeoiriow of
MM oouaot tooo tkot iMotior to
OMMo oeod. erklA io oaU-kollko dajt
■Mt the kooe of tke Soolkero fomer,
tot sow krloft klo Uiyo not ol
M^. loMood of pUtor It to tkt
tout to IM. or doapiac U lato
MrMMi, itiaopwaUUMdiatto
t ofa
m. ferUUMTB. eatUe fted, toap.
«oU.aadolkarartfelM-aod krlnn
' BtUiaot of doUart to
tke aoetlae of tkt
pooBtrj ia wUiA it it pndaeU.
'ta**MMrtwkokaUo«a tkot part/
' foUtlM kata oo pUoo U
Mttlatt Bifkt aad imoiaatod eoadltotM te ward oOoaro aad dalatatM to
too ••ailMOf" oitT ooowotoo.
Ak nfoar-llmi k It aot MopaUr that
FOR ONLY $2.50
want AMP that lAm notAatoA maoulator. I armr beopht or eold a ekare
Of etcsk A Wall aircei. 1 do ao( today
own a alaMe Aart of atoA la anp raUroad or
(boot wtA whlA my doom haa boM
pabHdy' tdeatlAed ato A wMA
tke bm now exeeed #0,000. 8kp Oldt
aape tto pororaer aeear had eaoopk
TotM M pa« tto bUl tktoB^ tto eeaatp
la Ik praaeat form
aeear wUl kaea
them. Ht admltt tto
patriap It if ameaded to take Ae pow
er to appoint from tto poearaoc.
My. Bemk of MoatMlm oftawd a ree
el a Iks AataeommlUeeofdee po A
Okie .^de like o
%o Aeeetlpate tto meAode of taxlap
aad report not later tkaa
Mareh »a Mr. Cbaaberlala moeed to
A laelade (kUforak. Ben OelAaatraUeaad Alatka.
redefMtad, aad tto erlpiaal «
dttrictl7to'l>eM»BOVTS AMS B0«B.
«toot—■“----------hMta taffMtt Ikat to ka O ImdiM AM Bock^ 1
a “CatiyToot. «a*t ke 0
IP spndlcate
1 have rrMoeotlp
( to be esuUoOB
M and ncK to Interfere wuh
'WafblnytPD. Hareh Zl—WbeeAek Q.
Teamp. of V.
tor of the
.Weel fnlc-n. la.. March St—The Jory
epeat kp maap of tto pood k
onetlmeeme Cttp at tto Mettop of
^aU Boeletp
Tto aabjeet aader <
eoapa aad eppa. aad Mra. 8. C. Bmprii
kad ekarpe of Ae
Mrv A Klap tMd of eoap oAek. Mra.
Jcaot of Adonia BzprM OMipoop
Hero Ttatordap to lamotisato-' M. K. BaA paee tor mettod of mak
iap noddle aoap. and Mra H. Cwtk
paee a talk on epater wap Mra DeaItBoaaM ThkOttr.
tke makiap of peUA
toaurdav A. D. Brotlat. roata tcaot map, aad Aeant^ectof tomato aoap
of tko Adaan BxpraM Oa. wat ia the
to iBraotipate tke ajratertooa dbla tto akaeaea of tto ladp wke
>e of $1.0W. tko loMof wklek A piea a talk cm tka art of makiap
woe diaoererod kj tke Bute Buk 8aV
Mia Kaoalaad aad oApra
ordap. Tke faaak raeeivcd a paekape
od raelpM. Mra C J. Shser
Batardoy ky eaprttt. froat the Ftot Aid of a metbod ato mw trnod In tto
Matiooal Baak of CUapo^tappooed to ooolrinp aekeol la tke Wemaab baild■ ai0.0001a earreBey...‘Ike pack- lop at Ae WerMb Fair. Mra HoGasph paea herreelpe for
a opened eppa aad eeee^ reeipee of epecdal
Ood tke Beoep oooaUd la tke praaaaoe dlake# were pleea. The ladiea aU Aok
Of OMkkr J. T. Baaaak. Howard part freely A tto dkeaaakaa wkkk
Irkk. C. E. Bate aad Boa GarlaaA followed aU tto eokjecU broapbt ep
fVkaa ^aed (t wat fonad to be 91,000 aad tto aftersoea waa oee of tto meet
Aiurt ^ the wrapper loaldo tke peek- kelpfal aad laArMtlap of aap aiaee
ape tbowed tlpat of iotartereooe. The Ame pra^eU aob}eeU toee boon tekomUdp wax wbieh taeUaed tka paek- an ap.foc monthly dlaeamioa kr Aa
itef har* aodag^'.
lap beoo br^aa aad aa eftort made to
Ton# Aboat Oeod Sem«.
ceaeallL The wax ef tke oriplnal aeel
Tto Rhx»d k A raealpt of a oopp of
mm of dark red ud bore the Impriat
Steinberg’s Grand
For One WmJl
Begimog Monday Nigbt
Comedy Co,
Of tka ChleapD hank. la:i«0MUap tke
toMmpe the tklef had aaed e UpbUr
OOlored wax wUek partiallj eorered
dtoeOMraad ia taataaiap tke edpea
Ao wrapper wm aot oTenip Maod.
Tke oridetoe akowed that w^omr
liinptreil wlA tke boadle kadomde a
toM^iap Job of It. Tka .mtoep wat
0 ea roaU tromN%kapo
tore. Fartker I
siwn IS niospaiNG.
j i. W. Traek lotaraad pottorday bx>
The Salvatka Army willaerae a TOoMt Mpper FriAp ereaAp.
Popilir Dnna ud CoDedkA
The BamUtoaaoAApOa. hu added
aew akelriap tOr their tot ato aaUea
Bl&sr-'iRE GOOB.
mpuip of
1. BmM haart
Raaaak Xiam* Good Tima,
toot aipktAe Baaaak Riflea had a
pood driU aad faUmaetlap. After Aa
aam waa di^eaed of Aa eater
Mim Rebneea KUtf of PnapM lola
oOoa^. k TklUap tto AmQp ef Bee.
Joriak FeaaApAn.
Depntp OUted 8A(m Marahkl/MA.
CDomaeU ef Onto RapiA; wu A tto
Oaatml toto atoMra. OaUa
of Herwood, .ar* TkfB^ tto famiika
•C a a MoHaU ato A. F. CAMmam
3«r «t» supBorl ^ «Vut.
\adUk Vik« \o
- ^
VbBs co^
ynuiL OHM ior cemmoR «v tmr% U% vmf. >!>• iUc»
0R.u\8lUk«Mk R «aMasA\kX.
toRb. Vrm triaoR*^ wtulL ^
Exceptional Values
Onr bnjer has just retufued from t^e east where he
has secured great bargaias. in Dren Goods, Faa<7 Ging
hams. Percales, Lawns, Silks, etc.. etC4 tipon which we
baye placed ezceptionallr low priceiR
We will place on sale a job lot of Silks, of a large
range of patterns, width frOih 18 to 27 inches. These silks
are pure and of fine fabric,worth frtnh fl-OOto $1,25. For
tbis special sale we have placed them within tbe reach of
all. only 39 cents per yard. Limit, 10 yards to each
Such exceptional values as t^ese have never before
been dftered in this vlanity. We know yon are interested.'
Call and inspect them.
Your money savers.
The Boston Store,
Popti^r girkce ef 10, 20l aud 30c. W«w OlRM Blt^ek
'Mra. C. Ppkna. The event waa A konor of kor blrAAy aanhwraary.
The BBlpbta of FpAka wUl ooafer
Ae rank ef BM^nire AA arealap npoa
Area caadkatea. jimaileaat bMla*M
»k itpaMUd.
tto Upoaler Leadar. from that bsat- bar.
llw town where LaoBoAaos'pete tto M. B. Oetmre
boTM wkkk to kriopa A Ak
Tto kaaa k laip«lp Aeoud A Aa Oty AVATsep P. t OUkart loft pMhorae iadnatrp wklek k tto meat im- ArAp for Detroit A
portent U that part of lad^aa. It k Dr. Marie Hertea kM pone A Orsto
fiaelp UlMtraAd wlA ’
RapiA bariap noU her effeek A (to
traltaot well-known horae dMlera-imd •l(p.
kraedera af Bae. aAek aad k fl^y Fraak ForAa. who kae been apMdprinted. Aa eatlre pope ef olpkt eiA tap Ae arAAr at BaxAa, WA. toa reamae k deedted A mattora of wAreM
A AA dtp.
A Aom wlio aae boraea aad akowa tto
---------------------------- A Oatoral
perfeetAa Ae kaUama
r a Tklt wUk Mra.
fi. MoatapaA
^ Otcepk. WUk nwap to apeat
^ ottorpoedCmtorm. TkiM i
MmM—atAeftmw twrtkmi
to^ AAeefik. B. (X. wton kAdai
WaahApAa. Marek SA-CharAa R
Dya waa toAyapooAtad peatmaatm- at
Moaroa Center, Grand TiaaeiM eeoBtp,
Mick., rice wmu Wipbtmaa. reaipaed.
Aeoeklpartp A beAp pMparto by
Ae ladle* af the Eaatara Star chapter,
to be piraa April IS.
Hr. ato Mra. Fred. P. SAarM
irAlniaf a bripfat bdp-baky wko ar
rived at Aalr heme Taaaday
There wlU be a AU ttoesraal AA
ereniap for tbe oomAp mlnetrel per,
fermanoe. A Mortanph’a academy.
ProL C B. Hors wUl dalieer kU Atrmuap Aetara. "Naaaaa' and tto
North Pala.** A Aa WaBaab cAk
'^RTVia &R&.Ve&
"VDeRT e-OTsrts
tarday moroln* bitmxhi In a cerdAt
pulley of mmauU wlU Ateat to onmaril
yreat bodily Injury._________
Mkt A plaaeo'oMT tl
)1,IW0 DlSIFmiHI.
'K«v-'h» wvwnmunOuv
w a *Obr
Aartty baylaa bt borne, bat 1 .ana mj
poattlralp Aai 1 harroartr bdeii Inflnencad bp any (AaaelaJ
advance cf le per cent. In the wapm of
For BatAr I
the to rmt>x>ye« at tbe Carrie fnrndoaa
AapaalMeUoU wfU iMte AA mora- ha* been ordered to take cSect
Ap tor a Tklt A Ionia, LaaaAp. Owoe- April I.
ao. Saplaaw. -Bay atp. Detrolb JaALAtofTtotara
Battle CraA, Ealamaaoo. Nilea.
M> tear week*. Ar to
Baatao Harbor, ato Oiato BaplA A
Ito. Oee «eavam m
Aa latatMt of tto MiAlpaa 8uu Aw
lor aap of toe* lMU*a
aoekUoB ef Muter Horaeaboara.
avUm4. mite
Pavele. W. A
wkAb wUl meet A coOTeatko April it- Ckaadtw. a*rr*rvc Bep*e'd.T f“
Kn. K»SA ■ndvvKs.a
aad u at Bay dtp. They Aaat u> paaa I
Mr*. A
■opt. AX.
wiMomn. Mr* P.A
PIchercIrne. A
a Mil A kara all
aapaloe. Ferry
ebmlte. Ben.
aaatoaatloa bafora tbap arealAwed A Ctekha. M A
Tto Mme MU k A effect
A New York. Ullaok, MlaaeaDA, aad
.1 tto next aaaaAn ef Ae lepAla-
Tto Blmea Oemedp Oo. opened a
WMkab eapapuaeat at Ladiaptoa. ea
Mob Ay alpbt. A e)
Oraapo adopted a rMolatka demaad- Taeedap aipht tto atAadaaee wm
^ Ae paampe, attkkaetaiaou of Uwo apalB to Ae capacity of tto Opera
ThA bMpMka *arp atroaply
Axatteei aad makiap
Maaaee of propertp kear Aolr Jaat for tto meriu of Ae eompaay. They
bepA aa eagapemeat tore next Monahara. It
Ay aAbt at BAlaborpb Orsod.
domaod tto Ftapree MU.
We alpo Build WhMls to Ordur. d« it
and tdn bet
tor maArUl sod wort than any ahep in tb# d^. Bare bad aeroral
yeatp' experience and guanuilM Mtirfaetion.
PleaM giTo aa a triaL
BLLIB, 811 FroalBt, 1
any arap
tka Caltad SAtaa 1 hare narer krpad
Aa prceldent of Aa Unliad Btaiea a
oattla Aa Caban oaaatloo oa anp flaaa-
toil odopkH » ralo prondloM that wolp
.MO w^nt^muA Iho Ckkofo olatiM to im tk^ kt pormiMtd to por>
^oto lotkt O
o4kLk AotenolMltoo bat drirea oat of
Ito poriy o lor*« oomkor of ttroof
kapllj drtvo tkoB Uto tko BtpobUaoo
por«p. wklek kot 11(0047
•» rw OoveU aad Preetan wonU to ooralp
Mly io Tmm that Mo^foorlk of tke
.OOMo frOM tke tUta wmeoit for tko
It of tto two kegiiite
mtotuo reooBtlj pot whom tto PlapMt Mil
■poo tko Motato book*. • ftlap «o* will plee tto Jolat paMk
-kMrd of bofare to Dfocotlc poUtko. Tkaradap al^W Tto pel
aad waHcad aroaad aome. Retarmiap
Alto koaee. Ae romarke^-'itot. ato
WM kaapry, aad, dinner bdpp r^dp.
MtAwa-attto mbUaad prkppnd A
eat It WM MtAad ttot Ae pat tor
haada ap A her tSM tor amomeot,
ttoa taklap Aem down ato took a pet^
feaUap, of wklek tke tka of food ato plapad it A bar moaA.
bat ^ did »oi awaUow it. Bto pare
Bm)ori9 —, pettlac
------- wearp
eoU of wor witk Spoio. Mr. TroTit a Uttle pMp ato bar Mb wUa, aeedap
»hi-w. that Ut North ud f|ooU wffi
went A
he M finoly oalted la » «ammo» eooM
, .Bto wpa pUoad-to a
thot the £tr*or upltoMatBMi trUl ko eoacb ato efforta mada A nllaVa her.
bat abe neaer- epoka ato died Immedi
Jaee Dnffe^ wm her* A Oeaatp AaMm. lrelaad.(bBke waa mairiad A Mr.
HamllAa at Ito apa of akbteea. aad
Batllap to i
iriA Urn A Cbaada when Aa
grtok Bttl k Mot Matitolp
waa tt paara eld. wkara ato raaided
■■til aboni eipbt paan apo. wtoa, brr
hoabato bariap died, abe caaia A r>A
k keiap oeorod far aot po
wbeia Aa haa riaM raride^
, OoreUtoeitMatpatoiMtttoat. Laka.
She waa Ae;moAar of eleaea oUldraA
titade ef tke latter oa (to HaptM MU oeeea of whom era llriap. Jaa E.. JAa
to Uid ap apalaat tto aaaator.' WkUe ato'Fraal BamUtoaof Pita UkeAwa(to OMUap af Coeall. Preatoa aad ehip, aad Mra. Ira Llaloa of Klapalry.
Bnpkee to be ecaeammated today wlU Bto aim kM a d^apkter Itriap at
to tto leM of e
BoopkAa. MAh., aad'^wo AapbAra
rM’dAp U Canada, Ska wm 7# yemra
tto aatia map eHA to take ea aMrma- ato 10 maatka of apa. Faoeral from
U?e aetioa. ia Ak eeeat tko eotM of tto M. B. AarA at S p. m.
ia( Md Ikt oootlMrsora or* Isroi '
. tad are rafp eaxtoat
tp to detaad-tto hooM
o< tUfl^. Ikoy
wkkk UUF oea reto wlA prida tod
emaatkiBO wkkk wiU ekUterate tto
I The KingsburyC:
Colon-Black, Kaduro, Selaa Steel, Pearl, Burgundy, :::
Salmon, Beal Brown, Cuba, Kyrtla
ITha Gulpupper SWfHats^
Colon-Black, Brown, Bodla, Hapla
These an Ae latest styles, best makeK and altogether the nobbiest Ate offered.
■ ■■
Tu Houroro asobBS. thtteboat, kasoh 94, ises.
BefBire teavtaf.li* «m la • •
throafh with' the tedlOBs wnrh and o
the <^baence frocn Kcr W
towaaeati oa which the eree of< tl
w«M «n fixed the cooK
of Inqali
- -..............
eenuanca la exMeoee. tboach faaetlre.
Should the BB>7 departmeat raaulrc
*................................ and ucpreii dto-
motild'be obilccd to in'
toTB to Eavana. .
Within the Uet few dam a ailnorlir
Hanilsoinest Tifie
Of Spring Suits
I thsDMp 8m St ths Vsry Outsst of Thsir Joumty to ths
Aretie Eidora^
Ml MiKirWMt M.n 1
that the court ttM teen uoal
IBlae deHnltel]- the cauee nf the eiplo- 1
1 «■* wtu M a
Mon. 8UU It to true that a najorttr bold <
to the ron\tetloti that the report win
find and prove that the Maine waa
blown up iBlenUonally. Ae la natnml,
all who could (peak authortiatlvetr
Wuhlttvtoa.’ Mirek a.—Th« mMmI eontlBUe to maintain the lUeaoe which
t fqfert oC the Milne
eoBR of inquliT la pirtlculir. The tone
of the diKiuaiioct «ni verr &nn and de- mortuapr rerHiri, ahlch dbowa that »7
to the jimut Mite of iffiira ta C
•eereUiT Lm uthorUed the ititeMt that the nadentiadlac before the
eataatrophe. efx eureumbed io their In*
Jnriea while Iftnic In the BanrAtnlwoelo
hoarltal at Havana, one died on the
Bpanltb tmnaport Colon; ITl bodin
have been recovered from the wreck,
of which tlxn-one have been Identified:
m tiave been burled In Colon cemeterr
and eleven at Ker Weet. Tlito to the
official report, made pablle after care
ful oorrectlon. for the flmt time.
Madrid. March tk-The
tlttdependenO expremea the opinion
thbt the action of the Vnited Statee bai
oompletelr checked the advanta«ea
which Spain mUrht have derived from,
prantlnp aulonomr to Cuba, andallepea
that the 1'nlted Btatee "haa pracUcallr
atranxled autonomr at Ita birth-*' The
Iraparrial ihinka Spain failed dlpl.mm[ Ically In not bavtac obulitrd the rei movaJ of Cenaul Oener^l.ee, "nor the
I withdrawal of the ahlpa from Cuba."
and erprcaaea fear that “altbouKb nilnary action will be keener than ever."
It will not auRIce to pacir) Cuba,
••owibit to etreumetanrea cr>a(ed by the
, rmted Stale*." The C. rr.t> (Carllat)
J-'rlday that ^ doei not expect help from Buroper-bbt
a and tmiwmlaaloo
fit'Mi would not occur until next Mcni'
day or
or Tueaday. aa the preeldent would ; »|^,ed on him yeaterday that the reIre that much time to plve the doc-1
Bp,„i,b court of tnquW
It the mature cvnslileratinn that III ' would not be known'ai eobn at bad
tt expected. He aald he l>elli
--------- ------------. miicrlcan report would not be aa favorOther cabinet oRlcerv iiated that the!
,, gp^^t dealred. Oiinit de Villa
■eneiM plan included the aendln* of a j ooaxalo, Spanlah ambaaaador to Baapraldentlal mraaaye alonx with the re-1
Iiort. aUUnc that Bpaln-had been called
.w«ww ivi^ewivewtnw
upon to make aultabie reapanae to the
BH4TAWT pucanicATton.
caac preaented by the court of Inquiry. I -___^ n._._ arme mt inaauata
•WhllTthe cabinet aaaoclate* of the,
*?■/_- ***■**•*■
SMlbanOoDa U wa* conceded that tl7e «»»>«"* ™mom are reapt^lble for a
n the theory that movement which will have an Inde
tba coalns report would abow that the pendent army nf 100.000 men In fishttny
Maine cxplaeion waa not the reault of order In the ataie of Pennaylvanla with
•B accident, but waa due to ah external in
fix roontha. They will be a .......
cuaa. Tbcre la n. doubt that nibaun-| the Atneiiran Bltlea a patriotic orvam.
ttol nnaalmltr exlata on the part of the) tatlon which It atrunyeat In the wen
praMdeni as4 alt hU cpblnet both aa to and whirh la now devuiinc
•voUn* every p
the- Maine question and the ccnenl pi* moment to onranliatlon and extenCubaalon. Major Robert Qrimth. of ChlcaPlltabunr with ordcra from
Itoa paMblHiy of a rwourae to inter- heddquarterrHo oryanlce the ■
v--TMtloa Is caat Bpain declined to make Pcankylvar:*SMtublr reaponae to the repreaenmUona
HebaaeauMItotedthecenter of operaura anil make mttfr recelvlry the Maine: tlooa In Plltebuts and after completlnx
teport baa "bm fully dlaeuaat-d-Tal-1 hit dutira here will m-ve eaalward
“ ••
It •ha* •been,
aa ab-l
ab-1 alowiy mtuterinir In ei>tn|enlra and
Ptmet dtocuratSn thna farr-and no eon- I Imenta Three •-ompantec bare been orcMon haa been iwached. nor to It pot- [ yantoed here with full Complemeou of
MMa unta tbe vHufequvFtlan aa to the | men. Mayor GHflllh fiyuret that Penn,
enun'a Sndlaya la before the prealdent [ aylvania ahould yIeW at leaat loo.ooo
•Bd tbe cublncL At the aame time there' nwenbet* tor hla purpone.
In a very evident Inivrtlon to ronaldt r
r the recourae
an emntnaltlle
I, tbe recoynitlon of Ihd?pendenea. and other meiboda which ap- Vtieaad Babe MilardM^ Cb
pear to Mltably meet the reqnlreroenta
Bt. Uouia. March s.—A special to
The piwi-Ulepatch from Texarkana,
to briny abont a very matertaJ and aat- Ark., saye; %e«erM weeks eyo Hra.
tafactary condition In Cuba by wbat John Cux and one of her chlldmn were
aball aeem te be the be«t and moatprae^ burned to death two miles east of here.
a end.
tlcable method of
It waa reported an an accident, la
Wbirii Mmiw Cl
which Mm. Cos had fainted and fallen
Tt U the hope
lope tof the admlalatraUoa 4nto the fireplace, where the embers
reallte the •et fire to her clothlny and burned ber
that Spain heraeU
■ the neceatoiy foranch «p. The naaea were aupp<i»cd to have
^jttaallon aa
her pan with re*pet* also Icnited a cradle and burned the
to Cuba aa tball command the approba baby. Now a» the result of a story
tion of thto country, and Ihua at once told by an older child of John Cox. tie
pot «» end to all dirferencea Pendlny huababd and father ha* lieen arrested
a dectolon on the povemmm a final
policy no overiurea or mumatlon* have muider of the woman and her c
been conveyed to the Bpanlah yovrmTrtol mt Haahy !• P
ment and there la no offlctal knowledge
Decatur. 111*.. March B.—The iotroaa to ho* Spain would tvyard a recoyBltion of rulian Independence or Inler- duClIOD of terilmony for (he prosecu
The Spanish minister. Benor tion has beyun In the case uf Jue. MauPole. r-«iue*t«^ yeaterday that a atate- ky. charged wKh tbe murdcruf Matthew
ment b. msie (hat rvrnn* atlrlbsUnK McKinley In l«iM Benealluoa] evidence
to him eiioeniioni on the aublect of In waa xpffercd wheb Mrs- Alice Wlaaen
dependence wer,. unwamnted and ni>- Bhuwt rs teatliud. She swore poaltItli-ely
true. Fenor P-.l.. aa>-s he baa not dla- that It w-aa Mabay who killed UcKiBeysaed this or any other of the pendlnff
BY ys
■aasdfiiye tbe M.Iim--. CW U the Mato
P-cwllar I. Bbaary.
Kay Wean March =L- The eaaa of
tbe Ha'ne irlBoat pe<-uliar. perhap. the
BOM peculiar which has ever (icrurrvl
la tbe blaury of the world.*- Those arc
the words Admlrml KIcwrd
U and puttiny
soma dlber exprcaalonsiopitber ibecor.
-iqspdSacst a inference wa* that the
nonrt bad not found out how the warp blew up. and Ibe matter to a^my*.
rever. and
tery rret. It may remain so forever,
ly -bf Wived by a leaa aei
plnalaB ob scene oibar Alp.-ai ^ppenvu
4**urw »»
tesUllfd tA t'
ice is aerviny a
I. ft U BOW ai-
Chlcayo, Marcb S.-*rbe alx-atory
bmidln*. UI and IM Monroe street,
copied by the Monroe JCaieiiny qempany and the BoUdlns Trades* club,
was destroyed by fire yemerday. Four
women employed by the dat«rlaff com.
pany who were In ibc top story asleep
barvly escaped with tbeir Uvea. Tbe
follow iny were burned or oiberMce
Inluiwd duHac tbe fire, but nose
rtoufly: John -P. Bunia. firemair;
Herry Breitb.
• BiR tbe rypqrtda Bndobuledly cWi- Blelmen. potter;
-- - * • Martx left Wre UT. The total loaa to IM.WO.
pleUd.peaterday aftemoca for Waahlncioii
oarrytay fhe doeometit with him.
Will probably arrive at'WaablnBtcB
r cvrclnc.
I Coannander Martx
’ Georye F. Graves, ofi Saline
tty. 111*., ayainst the county of Ba- MBdJwcmBbt off tbe OBdlncfi After a
. a suit in aiaumpelt tor He4W
. jWlWBed eonfereoee wttb Bear Adlayea. Judye Allen l '
. - mfat Bleard certain altcrattooa were
for plalniW for the amount ynsd.
'AMiW and than Rear AdmlimJ Bleard
Unu to un Uaued bonds In aid
' yMnBMM.elBBatBre efappeeewL Arter
. DanvlUe and Cairo ntUraad,.wnw
BIT Foor. PialntlS
itl« parebased
.«MlM On suamer Gtty-cC Kay West
ittMN.wortbataTT per eaat. rau
ay detultod pa
priacliialaBd Intsreat.
S »vm
thimie ef • tMw Cim
Saa Fiaadaco. March a.—tlMn
amyal of the PaclAc CocM Bi^]£»hlp
c-umpaar'a atcnmer Santa Ruaa from
San D
oaivod of another borrlblc aoddent.
dlrectlT aUrtboted to. the Alaaaan (old
excitement, which to believed to have
coat tbe Uvea ot forty piaaenyeru and
Captain Alexander.
Santa Rosa, reporreo mat early jmwterday momlny. while nine mlick oit
Point BoDfla, at the mouth of.the Oolden Gate, he elyhted a derelict bottom
Dp Tbe iux Sea Wttrh waa Imtne
dlalely dtopeiched to the point Indi
cated and found tbe dervUet te ne tbe
berk Helen W. Almy. Ceptain Beynn.
which sailed hence Tor Copper rtver
polnu with twenv-es'
ana a crew of thirteen on Bunday tasv.
T atom low doam ll
hamper badly wrecked an^
'crwl planks of bar bull washed loose
by the sea* which' broke over her.
. bTMewc* mm ft U m Bmrwm*.
Wbne there were no alyne of boets
amony the wreekaye. It to not believed
ihs( ber pasaenyera and crew eaeaped
(Sm UioMat $7*0.)
JamiltoD ClotbiDg CompaDy.
with ttotrwe Nema.
Waetainyton. March 2S.—Tawner baa
Introduced In the hotue tbe aubaUttitc
anU-ffour adulteration bill which be
waa Instructed to prepazv by the ways
and meanc cammJltee. It was drawn
after coctoulUUon with the cemmleslon-'
lows; "Mixed floor sbaH t
food * product made from
wheat mixed or blenaed In whole or in
part with any other yraln or material
than wheat.'*
-err heavy se*
for several days past. Furthermore no
word baa b*« mvived frum tbe aurvivon. It any extot. altbouyb the de
relict waa liyhled .within ten mllea of
to exceed IM pounde and a tax of 1
cents per barrel ahall be levied, arllh
fractlonBofa barrel In proportion. Bvorr
package mnat be branded with tbe
wordx "Mixed flour." and give tbe
weight of package, where manutaetp^
or packed and tbe name of tbe partier.
Accordlny to the tuyhuel men there A notice tomiiarly marked muat be pot
waa a pretty aUff brt.ese when the in each pa^kaga.
Almy nailed out of tbe Golden Gate on
Sunday latt. and b^ noon It waa blowOltp J
Iny a yale.. She left bere ubder topaallB, and when last aeen wa* atandlny
BtOow to a Hit of Ibc bu^ and aellout tor an offlny- There wa# a hea\7 inf prleee of ycaiardaj for (rtmertoa.
aea runnlny. and It Is auppoaed that prorUlone and turn prMocto la Travaome time durtny the nlyhi ahe was
struck by a aqiiall and turned turtle.
Ual *rine I aM i»pa.>ayer*.
Clenr Pork per bbl. n
•11 00
The followlny 1s e Hal of ber paaaen- Oear Pork per Ib...
yerm A. Anderson. David Anderson. abort Cot Pork..
10 T5
A. Beach. O. D. dnetto. Theodore Creber. E- P. Gurrlcr. Oa«-ar D. Keraandr*-. Fiour. U L 4<S
A fV< '
Fred Franks. JuHua OllH. J. I Ootsky. Bye Flour, B. L. i.
Gun Jourmer. M R. Lemley. John L,e- Heal, ij U A Co. Best.-..
vlck. William McCray, B. N NIchoto.
'Jsmea Kunaldn. J. T. Reason. Jamea
B. Faycin. John SnelU WllUtm Snedun.
C. B. t-pllle*. Charles H Smallwood.
John Vance. Adolph Waldl. John Wal
ker. John Wevtwick and an unknown
men. Of Ibe crew W. C Hopkins, the
steward, waa an Illlnoto man.
We heve nioe Apples, Oran
Dried Aprioote, Peaches, Pninaa, Figs, Dates and
legetables. Cabbage, Bagas anil Reels.
2*6 Proof SU-Mt.
213 Front St.
Baltfmora,"^ Stock ]
t ‘Thiaa TteM • (Teek
JMks Oftl^egatln^Mraat,
If You Have Logs to Sell
CorreepoDd with th/Timvene
Lumber Compaoy.
We hare for ede^eod. i
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
, Maple flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
an old veasel and perfectly aeawortby.
Bhe waa on tbe dry dock* some day*
before belny put on the berth id ber
owner* spent »a.000 in rvpalrlny her
She bad a temperary house no deck.
When fhe Almy left port she had
twenty-live ton* of, Iwllsat In ber be
sides tbe provlalona of tbe paasenyers
and their uuiOla. She waa a.veseel of
only S60 lona and wa# iherefote ballaaled sufficiently to make hex' **sUff **
«crrr iwai,-
■avae-Waeklay I
■ la Mb*esrt-Tw*
Obtotoco >
ly lajama. Kansaa dly. March n—A special to
The Star ears: A elorm wrecked fourand deatruyedmanyamaller
buildlny* at Blue Ullto. Mo., a Uitle
^te^J^b.TSH^nWe: May.tSXp
vKlaye near the eummit of the bill
about tea miles north of Independence,
larek, fB ta-. May. IRTa
un the Mtaaourl l>arinc road, yeaterday.
The only bouse occupied, that of Mar
Grand-Baplde-Marek M—<Mb«t. We.
tin Huyle. was carrltsl a dia*.ance of
1» feet. HUKle *as loiemally inlured Aijofa TAX ok^t~Eiobwat
and may die. NcItber.Mra. Huyle nor
(he children were Injured. Tbe prop
erty damaye «a* nomlnaL
South of Liberty. Mo., several besaea Te Fkirtda TU '*1110 Itoad at tha
Fere blown down, fences were acattered
- Sky-"
and trees laid low. One man. WIlUam
Archer, wa- aeiiotBilr hurt In tha deThe Micbty Bouthara BaUanaj Byp
rtrurlioti of hla house. Arcber*e wife Mm. tnveraioy. the alsht Great States
of the Hoorainr SonU. deeiree to call
lar. reertviny but allytat bfutoea.
tha attcotioo of Ue HeWtb-eeekcr. tbe
Throe mile* Inim Liberty the Ruth tmad-acefcer, the Pleaeura-eeeker. the
Bwiny echool houae wa# destroyed. U
tbe Fickle Trsveliny
wee unoccupied John EUlotfa booee FoWie. to the m------- ----------« blown down. Ibc roof wee tom off bcanUful eeencry,
. Ullltu'e house, while Mrs. Hard- tend and the nsany reaorto which He
-k's and John Llchtburns houses along Ite lines.
re mure nr less badly damaged. It
Go te Florida and eacape tbe many
eold and dleayrreahle days of wiater.
and stop at A!lUfhViLL& "The Land
of the Sky." TBB8W1TZBBLAKD of
AMERICA, wbara beavan aad earth
■aem to BMt atoonget
■Bongat the many
. of
iture. Bee the grandeet
Butte, Mont.. March tX—iSe mahaye* h^Uae of nature.
ment Of the Hale Huuac claims to have ecesery In America and BmworaHonse. America'! only Pateee, the
accounted fur all but four of thuee aup- Chateau of Oeo. W. VanderbilL Or
poBcd to have been asll^p theta at the the tnvelar. who to In a hnrry
time of the fire. They aia Frank
Ida. ead go eia Chatli
Krleybatun. Daniel Sulltvan. Martin
Lookout Mouniaia. and
Rooney and Tom Htarr. BUrr arrtved
In the city from LcadvIUe only tba dv
prcvlona to (he lire.
He bad been diinklny oa tbe evening
of the fire and had reUred to bis room eaut Boole, tbe Southern Battway
Krteybanm forma the Great Througb-Trunk-Une
came bera only two weaks ago from to the Booth and Florida. Elmnt
Park City, Utato and was working as veetibolad trains, carrying throagh
a nrfnef at tbe Moonlight mine. The alaeplDg, dining and Aair cart. Tha
other two ware teSdknu ct Butu bnt Line Par-exeana(to of the Booth.
and iafoRoaUon. apply to
yoor nearoat-ooD^w Ucket agabt.or
Ixaato. ware at » tnaeffiL ona.
c.| KiNG^ Gte Maslic
Op-™*l«ic SeecsviST.
A. Podiaaiik’sArt Wall'Papers.
railck OpOcsl «a*U*».-
Over Two MDHon Bolls.eairled In
Eteper ever ahowo in Amerlirt :
Come early to- pteec your nedar mad
I get your first pidc.
Bicycle Riders.
itldo^Tkinda of ra-
All prtesMirna
4l^imke Awsbim,
lU «Moot fraat, on Weband do give yoo the bast woyk of any
etwaaa WalHurton and
one in tbe city for tbe money. Don’t
D be haoght for MM tem
be deeaierd by what otben toU yon to
the ooatrtty, but ooma and aae for thna cash vsloa If taken before Aaril
let. Look thto up at OBto.
One SO-foot lot, Barlow street. Oak
I guarantoe ail my work .to be right,
and If it does not prove so I
Heights, at almoat your own price if
aold at oaoa.
.in till 8 o'oloek svury aveuing,
Bunday, In tha Caldwell A LoolUding. at Berth end af Udon
1W. Hisnius,
—Watch Repairiag.
—John Verly.
—Frflnt Street.-
Hack, Bos
rWhen in 'aaed.-of aBytbiog la thla
iaa raaiamber this is the plaea to iqa*«
•our ordan uad grt pwant irork.
’Phone No. 8.
John R. Santo,
Gmril Igsiiriact.
apartner of W. A. Olmsted, of tbe Olm
sted Sclenu'fle oompany, and A. M. PeUtaon. a oJertt In “'
V Wlau Marcb 2L—White
tha oldpr rnembna ot tbe taaDr aC
KoUath. Uvlny te the toem^
Mill Mfichifieryof all deBcr^itioafi, mdodiiig Two Eoginee,
Ret Works, OfitTiages and Sews. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for eal&
dslreata^ool property, aato-
____ _______
* Onto Ttb addition, tof^
Ever Borned Ontt
BbbHbb without a LaCtar Bay Plato
e» your horn i^yfitoaowW them
iarUOMiM. AiowBoraMb_
aaobiia. tkvmoat, ttAwim m, iiii.
Itafaat Aiii
Chtea«B. Marefa *t—Aa
to. Him
' FOOT CP EAIf i lOLW)!.
L PmI, iCAtek n.-4. Q. SoBthftU.
U six aoetbs a«a ebla(«l«rk In Utr
( the UAtM«
cevenu9«>t foe tbe upper ut»-
M hla baem
. •
ia.t4. Aattaoajr
one «f t|M «ttr« Mtartic (wte
«teffe at m tfeMctiee. •itboutfa li U
Mate4 Uuu be haa Bot bMO ronnaUr
jmsuA. and the. eharxe BCBlnat blm
I - amooBt rarlMiBlr
hior* than doaMe that flcurc. It waa
part or hla doty to Uawa a«eh- chetiu
ih payma*! for woih oa tb* rltwr, hat
U eharaed that of tha total cbacka
m anknown proporttoo waa laaoad to
Octlllooa oaiDca. and that Southall
partonaUy rcA|>e4 the bepaBt.
Tbeee rbccfca* were diacouoiad by
aaany tndlvidiiaia and *ome banka In all
oarta of the oouatry, and onill a full
> baa. been made by the
tfoveramrot' It will be
taow )n*( how aresl
the paat
mootb* Soucbail bai been i
----------------------a decided calner from daau
y logB In variBu* aiocka. To add to hli
pyeot uaforiunate pre^leaineat hi*
Wife la reported aedoualy til.
About three waeka ayo
banka, which flrot became
throuyh aome Haftford. Conn., boldan
of tha paper.' befM an InveaUyaUon
and betwme tatlafled that the amount
of checks out was far In exeew of tke
BMMter appropitalad by tbe Bovemmeni
' to carry on tbe work of the upper HlsM ^ver.
Proceedlnf with their
I 10 behalf c
and their correspondiniU out of tbe
dtr tho local haakaru called upon
SoutbaB for aa explanation. After sevccal loierrtewA In which It la claimed
that be tried to prove that there was
•othlnf In the cUlmA It U said that
b* Bnally admitted that fully » per
oOft.' of the ctaecka that are now outatandlnr are e-oriblent. Ab the checks
arc alike, end
n ffclltlout nainea.
aay tfc' MvOTwawwt fsUaM*.
To protect ibemarlvea the h««ke at
spec took the aund that the covemmeol haviDK adopted a scheme tor the
payment of the workmen employed by
K that enabled an employe to defraud
tbe banke and other Innocent purebaacn of the paper It aboold be oompciled
to stand the hioa Tbeir aryumeat tor
tbU was that these cheek* wm tb*
same kind of a claim acalnst tbe (oea eertlBwi check laaoed t
moeh at a
JUMard aa Maw in tU* dir thla
bare U>t «sbt and (Ahti
tbrourb the aoutbweal, la Kaiuaa. Teaaa. Ulaaourl and
la In
M^ibar with'lha ho^ o<
ol® tCd Tmww OM»t9, abaU ha?*
. .. aadit*haUh*lhi&d*trtop?»
ida. nataUla and aaitahljr taralak a
ilBca tor the draaMett** of
____ of ib* Eeeordar^ Ooart,. wU^.
piaae akall haea aaeh
roMM and
' toataaanar h* deoMod ayproand ahaUatao (*rB}ih the aaoe*............................................ '
Ua thattbaooai
if ____________
Grand Traven*
ly. ahaU
p'np* by
la aay other Manner
Ihla act; Previdad
wlUI C
half nf all tbe cotta
p*Maa ia the ^tatola^y^
Md pm*^
I the petttius wee laid ea
TnmneOtly. Mleh.. MarMi II. IBM.
tb Om SoworaU*. (Ji* Jfover end OMv
«tf. the eUv of tVowree Otlp,
•SCO 00
_____________ f—Wa year eommlttan i*
whom was referred tba psGUoa of
ed by AMen
Bmdbeceo reUGv* to erect
tb aide of State,
dio draft aav
Btrwt, resneetfsHy report
eport that
w aad other like
have had the matter and**
corporstioas ta pay a Ifeeaae to tbs city
ation. Bl*^ tbe peUUan wi____________ and ijBpeafBf a penaitr for iu riolaas M.i.^%itidba|«n ba* armed to Uoe and
pareaat at nextmrilM
--------------------------------------meetw t^eenilm bnlldlar with irea.
SETTiES imoDS Bununcf.
It of the Wyetem bonadary of
afnci extended. North t* the
oitylimlte shall be ieclnded la
UU* lo^oeotkiB 'Btty-oneof UUe aim.
of t......................
UUe stvee. aectiona elyht
Jt of
and alee of title twestv-foar and _ .
Uoa tbirty-aevea ot Gila Uidriy'thne
oflocAl actaamber tour kendiw^ tweafour of tbs aenalon of tha leyteUlnro
nhuadrad aiBety B
Btc. be and
« Brie hernby amcBded to mad
aafter act forth.
Sxmox I.—At the flmt elaetloB held
l8 aaid city there ahall be elected on
ticket by the qaall
ih*s ciry
the whole city, via: A Mayor for
oae year. CUy Clerk aad City Treaeaier
for two year* each, three aebeol iaapeetera, anc tor oae year, oae for two
'year* and om lor tbve* yearn. B v* mem
her* of the Board of Pablle Works, ob*
MoUor'earried-b^Vea and Say rate
_____ Aldermen Parker. Honuene.
OralUek. Goodrich, Cook.
Urdle. Bmllmaatal. Uarriaon and Jah- **T*a^ideni>eB Parkm, Montayn*.
Mediml dk'lcye for i
ThU experieace. combiiied with many
years' study la the best buqsitaU in
the eonatry, and eEamiaiayCaad tmatiay tboosaodr of chronic caaea.'lms
prepared him tocarevriwaOiefnaenl
aracUGoaor faiU. Bar* yon been sick
tw yeara 7
Are yon diaeonrac*dr
Can and eeen,wc WUl tenyoBW
rt you or not. If vm
ere you. wewmteU
we will
r^nn ffim yon.
r. one month
operatiOBs. and the benefit of aU onr
Bkill to all wbo are too poor to my.
Onr metbodsof treatment is aU that k
taow^^^U the echoolAjn^^l^nsd
ailhRcots ini Paralyula, Loeao^tam^
Rheamatism. and aU diaeaaea «f tb*
pervona system.
Go early,
r, an my
office la always crowded.
A A-Caae*cB. Tawort, Btool mat Ma
DtaaaoescarrdbysoovtoaUM. Pttoscsisdm
liooi AtoAB days Wttboei tba ksUs. roeuw
«sd pri^vst* d laossa* of *11 torws tsomsdsm
a bowd esa to earod SI ar BsslL
AlscbArTaot tbsStot o< imdlrs
tbs dociorb dlreciloe. T>rw* ti
Imstwswt t^jBwaa^gdjay i—'*
Moved by Aldemaa Jabrane that.
that the
WtaM» te acoep^^J claim* be
Beelion twn of Titte-four,
SecUoa dflv-onc of Title alx. Section
nine of TIUe twenty-four, and Seetien
of Title
Tillt ihlrty-lhrM
- ...____ , ot
)ca] act number four hnodred twyntyanr. ef the seaskm of tbe leytalatnie
tety-Bra ,
f eiybtocn hundred hinety-Bra
>le ef tha ■
wlia cisCrrs
ity r
Tbi* act shall b
Moved aad <
. mod bUi M p
OnC iioNTh srCb.
coBsinf to yoer town, where la wiU
Tetaaiaforoaaday only to ^v* tba
nick as opportanity to eonsnlt him
that canaot
caaaot nee him at his Banitarinm.
Thadoctarhaa ao mach.faHb in tba
axparienc* be ba* had. in treaGsr
Motfan earritd.
ohraalc<Ge«n*«thnt be will
Mevad by Aldmoas Oeodrteb that
Bosth’a I restax
> beitdiar witbla the dre UotUe does tba Mayor be ae<)iimtad to aoJfy
Also ranx stTroicix orsnAtiana «o
at leelad* balldlap*'bat are simply Rally In clear tb* fatter* from ire
_______ I arir
itb iron
• Mdinc. tb* Bbliaoo Boom an Santh Uaian AU. THOSE THAT AES TOO POOX TOSAT.
All that be asha In retora la that
and aa aaveral peUtlon* af a.almllsr Btrmt.
rery patient wm state to thmr friend*
natam have been daaied. we wnnid
Mat}on carried.
M manlts obtalised by his tmatmenb
rccommead ttist tt* petition be aol
Moved by Alderman Maesafes that
. UforiBBof ehroBiediaenaea and darvaatad.
tbe propoaad Charter AroendmeaU ba
rormitM* treated. Ho man In this
fwwardsd at onoe to BepreseDtativa
Gno P. Gaanmox.
Foster with tbe rwiasat ta rifaraosly
rieM i^betreat^t^fcS^
oTfatbepaaanceot tbs blU.
Cnmmltianoa Firs and Water.
Motion MrrM.
The tirera la aD iheoe aute* are
boeariac and nanr town* are (iQodc
Rate alao all poured doa-n In Ulaaou
and the Mlaalarlppl rtvi-r It rttlnc rap
idly. At Carllnx-me. tlla. nearly all the GMd Tremraa Gnaaty., Tbe total ^
brldfea are *eoe and everywhere rall- aneb expense* lnclBdlarW<ebnrd*rhi
waya are roueta cmbamaaed and iraint aalary sbMI be preperl) l^a'sed and
are delayed. At Pltlabura. hoaei-er. eertlfed to b.v-eaid Oenrt ^ ^ tha
the flood baa readied It* rulminatlen aty Clerk, prseanted to tbeWrd af
and la recodlPK.
Beparriaora of eaid oaeety at eaeh anmvw^ BsMioD of taM hoard, aad if fennd
oormeu they shall at the same eeaalea
'WaabiBCtoa. yareh
The dttte la
aadUaad allow the same aad order
the aenate *re*te|day wa* devoted to
tha,payment of one-half thervof from
Moved by Aldervaaa Goodrich that
On Botion
of Alderman Lnrdl*. d*ty
dtlonal quarantine
eebe aocept- carried, Oonocil adjourned.’
tb* Coonty Treasary l« the CUy Clerk
t of tbe
and Alaaka Kovemincnt bllU. without
d and adopted.
who aball depoait tb* earn* la tbe City
A W. Kicnno.
Tresanry, to be planed to tb* aredlt of
WotioB carried by van aad any vote
City ari«.
maktnK. A few unimportant t
M follow*:
MoUnfnat fOada of tbe City.
Veaa—Aldermen Parker. Montaree.
Tbe debote In the houee waa .oti
Gmlllek. Ooodriefa. Co^ Dransond.
conteated electlcn. tbe naval appropi
Sxenox t7.—SnVJwt to tb* proviso
InvesUfation show* that mee who
UOD belns reported, bul not Uken u
bereta CMUiaed. aay road or aay part
sacceed am men of bralna—stroaf
tfaemef beretafam laid oat or any
narvee—freat wiU power.
Travme* City. Mich.. March 1». INt.
:ta or pnrta of atmeta wli_._ ..
people with active brmins and
eTArcmirT or nosmn or I'l'Buc woUKa
city or within any territory
bodies reanire
Bleela HUl feed tb*
Of tho Otty OminoU irftba Otty of Vtmvuervea—make the mind briybt. mnscle*
of said city that tbe followiarU an aehmiu. may beern
.*(•• Oity.
stroac-malm fliash aad bl<nd aad rivs
bridre aader tha provlaions of aot eomte aeaoant ot the east of repaln on
perfect health to'Mcn nnd ^omen.
Rer**Br mnettoy of Cit? OpobcU b«ld aomberone bandred and fartynin* ef street* sad the caestraeUim Ibereot.
TMkTvRxnis or PHiLsncu-itu make
tha aemloB lairs ot eirhtae* handrsd tb* amount nf material used and tb*
In pMnoU room. Unroh tl. IN*
Meeilnjr wm called w order by bU aad alaety-Uree. with the OMsentaad expense tbermf. aad the street
Bonor, iMyor Smith
approval and apoa saeh term* and con: Pioaent—Aldermen Porker, HooU- ditioBs M tha council of said city may
rs" kl« ytaCerfui rrllef-hs tsM^
yoe. Grelllek. Goodrich.' Cook. I>ee- by ordlnaace or raaolatioa dslermiae: day* ot labor pkrformad oa sdld stmat*:!
moDd. Lardle. nnellamniel. Oorrison Previded.—That wo street, part of j
Ja*. G..JaHnao«, Drayykt.
street nor bridfe aor bifbway In that'
and Jebna* and Mayor Smith.
Hinolea ef iMt
read and approved.
H'wed Irt Alderman Goodrich that
the mite >w aodseaded and that the
ant-Jeetof CbaYttf Ameadmesta be ta
ken np and acted epo^ to nnabla tbe
printers to
New DEFAirruREi
BSOVW, nuof-M* a
lal auasum *e i
- tiirramm.
/XH-OWPO u*i
Lardie. Bnelimanul.
\T MBIUW Is Pro!
M. HsroAouM Oa. I
c. (he jfovnr sad City
Council of the CUy of TYavtrwt CUv;
Travans City. Mleb.. March SI. lEM.
That tha city purchase
OKKTiJiesac:—W*. lbs nadstalmed
ettUena of Traverae Ciiy and raaldnnu from tae Oatea Iroo Works of Chlcay*.
of tbe Sth ward, do pelltioa roar Hob- one of thrir No ICOstoaee
pfet*. with trucks, elevator, rotary,
oraWaBorty to h
ler of 8Ula serve* and ail tools and c^aipmenu
trie arc Ilirht at
ready for ase. aai
tame to bo dc
dellvared la
h ward.
aad Bopc luweu
____ elty.. ... np by them and fully
r reapeetfully.
A. B. Baason. P. Lindquist. L- teeted before the ooooeU. When aneh
shine ba* been found snUsfaetofr
1. A Tantpka,
the eeunUl and ha* beya approved b/
them, tb* city ahall pay *:so. F. O- &
. ^
rbarica Plehell. Chicayv for tha m**-
Roember, w« gilvna w rllteu
ritten roanantee to enm every cl- -_________________
RUPTIA& Alto, wej tm a Ijris^
£nM tifUi t IifUil L I
lopted and paaacd.
MoUan carried
d by Yen and Nay v
as follows:
Yes*. Aldarmen.
Parxer. Hontnyun.
Urel'iek. Goadrleb. Cdok. _____
Oarriaon and
Moved tiv Aldarmaa Hoetayae that
Umlor. Peter LarsoB, A 8 FrvmaB,
>• for three yearn; foor Juatloee i
Than. T. Usiea. Bivib L. dprnyas and
» for one year, oae for C Vaadarlip. A Barper. 8. M. Bllar,
- Ell_________________
^lar. Carr Roed.__C E. Boat.
Peter Beary U Campbell be appolntad clce_
two year*,
for three Tears aad oae B.
P. UoB rommlsaloecr* tor the AnsMl
for roar yi
yean; aadoaeJodra of the 01*08. Esmeat Day. Albert Diea.
Robart. tihoBbervar. John
Beoordrr's Coort for a term of four
veer*; and at each anauai city nlactioB
tharaafter. Umre ahall he eUetad oa*
Mayor for oo* year, om School laapec______________seod DoiRHi sbfs: alFaircbild. BaoaTmmatA John
ipok SAUtOSBAPf Ms'wartOi
s'wartilr 1^ wwh staad. »*«*>» a>
Bepklna. Jmac Well*. B Sommer. R.
Ayai. B Oyd*. Geo. Staama. U K.
bet* otihe^aanlotPaMki Warit* for
three yesn and at aaeh aeaood aanael QlevelaBd. A. J. Moflanry. Gao.
Bayistritlon MoUoe.
mlu ai lb* (NwerexaihUn. Ed.
eiecOon thereafter th«fe ahail be alrei- Rtaaraa,. ^
Ta the
uf tba aix ot TrawOrMS* BsU. S I
City Clerk aad oae Cliy Traaa Peowae, Onory*
orltblMUs*. Pibd
Moved by Aldarmaa Cook that tbe
r tw* year* raeh; aad , at eaeh
basil haunab anln sstlsss o* Itse
NotlM U asTvbr ftrm that ik* noofOs ot loertexM nscoaix
inal eleetkw tb
' peUtlon be lafeirad to the aammltte* Bsrlatrsuao ol rs^ ot iSr err wsrUs of A*
rl» VIU br la wortos at ikv foUovtnc *■■■«
oa Pablie Llfbtlaf.
pla V* M SslarUsy. April M, SN*. fium rteSt 's^AjrmnMbtiea
' '
o atom la lbs toivusos outU ot*Si eVlerk *a
U* snrruooe. lor iSr psruasa el Ibxkuwlac
sU coalllM rlnruira witbls lbs CUy. wbo arc
CouncU of tbe ettvof
U>AK—We bora sa dapaoH
a *ao0eaaioa.
JfteWoon.s^ inr«s Ware, lb lb* 0»y OosarU Poows
rd oily aad
a Cwlor. AtaasU*obooionbeeUa,tem»,mi,
Ware.lBibsC E. K T * BsU
atldesk^ga m.
II.—All ooauact went for resideat* ef tb* elty rmpectfally peWtbr
V Third
iB .tbe Madok SbIMIbx.
Gob yanr hoBoraU* body to order the
. . of OBkwMBxtb SI
rialoa -----------------------m*
Wei*, is ibi
Bontb Daloa stmat Iknawa as Beofhey
tbeeliy eeonell, et
a At Kpor Uee
vldad by thh net.
ihall eMbuiS bill) at as vnrly adqle aapomlMa. at
• City
aad keey
. dourm from a ooat aot to exaacd seveBty-fm AmIsisslIwsaxW
oex wborveT I bora base
MsrrS. M«
elovaUeas aad Jara. Ala* to eompUta the elayisf and baod Ibis mb
of tba Olir o{ TrsToror
Apply to BsrM-d Onor.
MCoaoir. niebitsb
Q. E Bo't’oi
Bkxj Boro
BJaeUon Votlea.
R. F. BoooBXT.
flora of tbo eux^of Trurvroo CUy.
Ball4lMt*xaa. iwootortoa sod bosro;aml- Aloa
—>0 Ooeoly. Mirhixss
foor kdA. roravr Hib and Oass airroto. IflBlool
Moved by Alderaea Lardle that the
no Is br ruby *!*•* thoi tbr ssssolebSS- Irwol to ini fool drop. SD IB lb* boan o« tbr
I raiaed In adAltSoa to other school fande
wUsa wUl ho brM Istbl* CUy on lb* rity. Addrom Potor BoudraiM. tt* Proel BL,
peUtlon be referrea to the CemmiUae
. for tbe eatlm aapport of the pnbUe
, leerlta dbrot April. A. D IMA lor ibr psrposo Trerosaa City. Bleb. Mp-U_______________
. JtreeuaBd didewalka
pilsy ibo ssTvrat Oily sad Ward »■«*>*
, inelndiak fael. pev of teacher*.
Motkm carried.
repair* aad <
'loctlus will br ciibdiwird I:
Traverse City. Mich.. March l«. ISO*.
drabi acroo* atrval B B AUys »:«
To the HonomMa 0M Mayor and COy
Counril of tke tHtyo/ •.
**airfSrllnn wUI bo bold Is lbs (aUevlsy
of eebool bntidlap and aappert of tb*
piano IB sold rliy
xbrary, aikd for all porpaaea af ex
W*. the nodmifard property ewapeadltare
which tbe board U aathoris! p
C. n. AP.a. Ball ea
ei or rw^olied U> make dariwr tb*
____ __________________jeris-lamber. aad
enanlncyear. apeottviac tb* dtCeroat
TbM Word, la Ibr
^bo^'vWmpoM to
Ition to have It removed,
ol Calea aoC B xib su
B gmsw«t me-a________________
ob}enr' **
partlealarTy aa may be:
she Qnalfe. trastaek Bohert Barney,
Poertfe Ward, la U«
which anm as reportad, the eonaeU tnulee. Iserease Chahe. Fmnh Cook.
OoMa Olson.
may at lu diacretloa oaaas ts ba Joha A. Cook. B Nichola, A Waltan.
PVib VsTd.tathrPriwsry oebsel boUdlsf
niaad by tax npon ail .tba taxabi* pro A A. Reid. J. F. Pollen, P. W^nd,
Tbr pMh oltMsels
perty Id tbeeliy, la tbe taiM maasar Leri Is
Mrs_L Beymonr, w. A.
a^ at tba same Mm* aa tba fenerel Barrincton. Del. LePenUW. Jr. Gonrye rarra e'rtoek
Trarvm city tsiabor O
efts taaee are levied.
Provided.that Owatkin.
____lO, S.
J. \a.
C. >lbCK.
Vlaek. M.
thaamanataoUh* raised In any oae Cbas Beckman. Frank Bardy. M. M.
AI sorbrloa
rMsHM th< foUewlac
veer f< r tbe aarchaee of rreeed* and Quait*. W. A. Belm, Duncan Mclmeb- bool
tbe emotion of baildiBf
lin. John UUnsko, John B. WhUnry,
Arihnr Ty or. Tbomaa UeGarry. FraA
therein Inearred foe froanda and Whitney. Barry Whitney. JfAa OanA
belldtasa shall not axoaed eak:.Mr Fmnh Bokot, Dr. P. Smith, Hn. A. “
eeau Aodthei
And the amooat
for U* aaMbri
‘“*1 lorw.
>B* Jnatfe*
ot tb* rasas. Ml u
Moved by Alderman Montnynn t
lUoned aball aot exceed one i
the petition he referred to the Comi
la osekvard o« ibortl)
tee on Fire and Watmr.
Motion oarried.
Oaa Al£marte'twe 1
real aad perbesBl property la tb* etiy,
b the BananbU, the Moyor oHd CIRr
a* shown by tbe tax mlU of the preOOHiinU of CA* City of Tyaoene Cttf.
barles Ai sreoa. \j rtjsrxmso. i
Up. LI. Nord.
- .. . Aorust Uedlai
Bvbt7 jJ SBOhr. B. Wevo
________jBri. Bn}B»B Haltud. D. f
Wamej-. IMrk WItkop. Jnba W. Pieke
J. H. Southall has boM employed by
tbe yovemment 'Mr a period of more
tban Stteen yeara. up to alt months ayo.
At that Urn* he rcMcsad tha poatUon of
Milet clerk of the enslne^ departmant
In this rtly, belny succeed by J. D.
• ylven oul at the time
that Boolhall mired fn.m ihe-pneKInn
of derlL. that be had made cvpaldernble
money in speculation In com. and that
he Intended In the future to devote bl*
r to tbe atork market. HI*
duUsB while be wm actlnc aa clerk
were to keep the lime a* turned In by
the foremen of Ibe pay that waa dnetbe
workmen ard In time U> pay then off In
r cbertf \
e ciften bauyht
p B
0- Coehl
B o.r.A.,!OtssewiJ*
iwRi m 111111811011:1
iltunce dlrm from Washlnyton
would then depoaJI tbe numey in
own name and lake up ibe checl.a
h hla Individual checks
By dofnc
tn *11 tlie banks In t
credit, w Uh the mo
paper thel b
puod *> ■ xnvmurenl'bond.
The check* were alwav* met on Hm*
end this feci M rMp»n*iblryorttaelink
er* not bec«j
Ahen (heir check* were not fortbeom-
flourIrhiBX coadlllon. Sloe*
e then minor*
have been corrmi that the
been rsuxht on the lone aide ot the
wheat marl^l. Whether this mad* It
Impoaelble f< r Southall to take up all
the oelatondlnx thne ^echa cennoi be
It la onderstood that Hu«h**
wItMrew from the firm last weak, tabInc out a larct
Of the
them for Ipdlvlduala.
which .failed flfteea montha aco. held
over ChOn and nearly *s mdcl
1. Cofui^bank.
WlaconUn whnee^hm*
eould not be laa^nsd had bouebt |M..
m worth of tbm cbacka aad *^«*0
P. p. BocNnur-
ia tbe week aad bead of a larce iUbosrapbk compaar In ttita city died yes-et^r- He was a direct dweeBdani
K Marila Luther.
Oevelaad. Marth tt-Tba cpecattv*
MSimltu* ef tb*
that so cba«s* .•hoold he ■
VMM «f lahn ealian thia ■
If Toil WutToir lies Eiunliitl
OBmnwxE—We, the nndemlyned
‘Sacnox a —The Baeorder shall mand tazpayere of tbla city
oelv* aaeb aaenal aalary payahia ^earMn%*OBM£*SS^Sa^
’. aa tb* ooottca
of the eUy
aad tbe baaed Of aa
of Grand within H) day* on tba npriA aid* oi
TmvtrM Coeaty. aball by ordinance or
Me iiBM**tbaaiBM|s*vtMkrnMHBmraaolatioa preaorfbai Provided, that
aee-kalf af Mid salary aball be peM
Tbe eosscU «f Ib*
■ fc. O. a. OlBord. W. A Dean.
ABjTDAXr inoniro
Ohioaio * Varih HmUb
teAVBBSfe OITt, MCH, THUB8DAT, MAECH 8*. 1896.
mm tai sth.
n^osxM vxxx nuAxm
n azmiD nr AvmxL.
fropu; Ola B.
M to wb»t to'do Wlto th* •
•ext ;
Itee ««>U be kboet eightr to tbe
nxMi wblek fmild In man tbM «mU
be cwed ier by the toMbef% The pettor p*
bet the upvtatoadeet ei^
toet eves If tbet wwe doee there wee
Ktre room to tbet beOdtor- i%»
dUtoel^ free ntened to Ue ooulv
toe ee Mtoeeb eed feeehm.
by the eepertoftodeetthete_____________________
the ulr^
eHy woeld fkil the l(faX aebeoU
ftizvs SZBA^k
■oMtox''* Aah'wiil Dtooohttoi
totmlbeto Ae a Fim, Today,
Teato^day by mataal eoMeat
firm at MoLellaa A Aah, daalera to oneby ^------MeLellaa wfU ocmttane the bitoneea at tbe ad etoad.
cerMraFtoMandParfe etraeto. aad
Oeoqp fidhtrlUtt^tbe etora heretotore aeaspled by the *om, tm Sooth
OaloB etroet, to the rear a the Meeoaie
bledt. The ehaacd takae cfieet thto
(aoratof. Jobh Aeb hM sM idaelded
The matter of a t]
it day whe dladtoead aad
^ i^MBtiiWy graak
a O0b-.».». a. «WU|.
r, Oeafvo A.
iktone from the Fifth ward, wee pree>
4hi tor hto toittol expertaeoe.
^ The moat importeat matter diepoaed
pt wee the re-epptoetmeat of PrafeMof
^ T. Orews ea aoperteatoadeat.-et a
.dilery of tINOperyaar. tor a term of
two yaeie, with the prorieo that U
^tothar Mr. Oreira or the board daelre
to mete • ebun at the ead ef the
fthael teem th>M mohthe aaUce ahal)
. be ctrea. It wee Mr. Moore who
WopThttha eeb)eat np. eooordtor to a
itoeeetefPratoeMrOreweattbe preJnim meattoc. tor a deel^ rerardleT
^ dta wtahee of the board to bit ceee.
/ frima Mr. Mcpre mofad that Mr.
«ehwa bo rwaaraFod at a Mlary of
iUto. aame aa at praeaet plld. Mr.
bto that the datory be fixed at SltOO.
' Mr. Baaad had bo eepporteca and whi
the eoto ea. the oriftoal .taeUaa wae
.pat heeiwt the paly ae(aUr». Ihen
waa eome dtoanmlrm r^ardlar wheth
er aa todafialta pdriod with' a thrae
■Mathe'noUeectoaleahoald be decldwd aptm. ZiN throe moathe aeUea
1 aad the
t waf Blade ae etafed.
ewneiiw ef tba preoaat ayetomt aad
the hicb etoadard Of oor eebooto, made
•0 larcely by tbe eaerritle eSorU aad
•hUi^ of Profepeor Orawa.
. The prep peed ameadmeate to tbe bylawasMleedat the preriew meeMaf
.by Mr. Mecrr, proridtoc that
mU beempleyedto thrmoatb
It April toetead ef May. wa« totro- AMidfm-aetioBanditpreraDed.
t to Sl.tst.se Mere
allowed aad warraam'orderod drawn
elded that tte exereiaea ehoaU be aappiled by >he ciadoattoc elaaa.
Oaadidatoe for Ward OSeea aad Me••tae Ohaaea to the City
Thme wae so exeltomeat at the Otipeaaedoffpleawatly. There hatbeaa
eome apecolaUoa aa to the paealble
bet there are few who are
eairer after peblic boaoca. Oeorre tV.
Hall ie Mid to be the probable Bomtoee
for mayor eed Petar Werxbory to maklay a caafam for the aomiaatlea of elty
The aty oonreatioa will be
held toairbL Pollowinf are tbe caa
didatee for ward ofBern aad the deleCatee to the dty doareettea:
-B. B. Kaeelaad.
laapeetor ef Eleetloa—Tltae Stover.
Bmrd of Bdaoetioa—C. A. Badrboe. '
-William *WarxbBrf.
Delofatee to City deareetloa—I. A.
Thampeaa, W. P. Cboteer, Joha Bafer,
Cbu. Llmprieht, A. T. Peek. E. MoM. W. Gaderwoad. B. E.
MlUer. C J. Eaaelaad. B. L. Spracn*.
P. .Wdnbarr. W. T. Bexbotvh. R.
Braekeo. E. Laatoer. Geo. Bine, B
r. B. Moaaa. J.
-A MeMamara. W.
Delccmtoi to City Coeveatioa—WU|.
iem McDonald. Tbomee Partach. Jeeeph
Sleder, F. A Dma. Freak Etdred.
Aumt Bow^, N. Shadak, Frank
Gaanett. A A. Lnarwortby, Frank
Bokoa. H. A Steward. Joeeph Pomaxel.
M. Utoey, Joha QmUe. WUliam Cola.
worn# town thp.ta^ eehetore. The Ward Committee—H. A Laarworthy.
F. A Dtaa. A A Steward.
ltdrd WerA
the rmalt at Tory dillyent work, aad it
Sfiperrieer—Leri Soaly
abewa that the U^eehool to praetfeAldermaa—Emaaari ;WUhelm.
ally Ball eBetaiatofi eo tar aa aoa-reailaapeetor of BleeUoa-A D. Jehaaon.
dent popito are coaoeraed. The ooet
* Beard of BdaeaUoa-A P. trilhelm.
par year to ftoea ae foUowe;
_________ _____ bBUI
Primary «ndm, Slt-«: tnaamr
City 6oayentian—F. I.
Delecatoet to tiity
«radm. tlAfil;.
aeheot. SU.7A
Whlimen. Bmaaael Wilhelm, A
Batoa aow ehwfed:-Bertak. J. M. lafrif. miltarn Bradley.
frimary fmdea. SIO-SO;
Aatoay Boeoral. C A Bale. Oeerfo
Bradoe.S14.40; Blfbeehool. SIt.oa
Bill. John Fartach. 3. A. Johaeea.
TbeobJortef tbe report wae th«t it Frank Wilhelm, german Bill, Arthar!
he ehown whether the aoa-reeUeat
Jolteaoa. IhomaaGilmcre. Charim Van
m^toareimylat their ]axt aharn ef. Broeklto. BertWUhelm, A F. WiUmlm.
taltMto. The rmalt wae hlfhly patlaWard Oommittoe-C. A Bale, J. M^
lafrif. Antony PebmnL
Feerth Word.
• of Don A Dean, tor-John WUheli
mar member from tbe Fifth ward,
meeiTod from SpAana. Waabtoftoa,
1.0. Shilaadaeeeptod.
. At the prprieaa aMotiV yr. Pyboa
'"aim mpraiaVti to eaeertnto for -the
hoard the nor ea^U eoet per papll of
hfinaaOim to tee 8lcb eehool. Mr. I^hni iaet nlcht rendered a eomplete aad
iatoftettof report ehowler the per cap
ita eoet to all deperaeato «ad the to-
ealpu of BOB reeldent tolUem amoaat-
' taf wSto.es.
ttoai witbdr»wal a all lie
are in Havaaa and the abaadmimtot at
the wreck of the battlmhip Matoe.
Heoretary LoafaeU be aaw no rMaoa
for the olBsereto rrmale to Bafaea
moeh loafer. It mlrbt be
Uentepaoil Coaiaiattder Watowrifbt, who hae epe.da cbarfe ef the
wrecked rcieel. to' romale there onlil
it to BeaDy eettled the wreck caeDot br
raieed, aad that there to he preepeot
for the reoofery of aay other portioae
at the ehip er iu c^olpmeBla.
The aary deportment bee pBrchaeed
o mhre ehipi ebroad. aad the aryotietleae are aot immtotoy. It wee defldey that tbe Chli
eaa batUeebip O'Hiprt^'eoold ant V
•d. Commaader Browaano io to
day to Parle, eftor barinf laipected
the BraxUtoa ahipe beBdla* at U
. WbUe thaed mi|ht he eeeared.
ttoy w« a leaf wayvf^
A ftaal eSert tor Ubm appeare to ba
tbe policy of the prmldeBL With Ue
be to tryiac to ataad 'e little loafer
Bfatom it. The prmideat to drter
mtoed that the Cobaa war moat stop.
bat ba appeare to be aaable to reltoqatob the hope that by a little mot«
delay be may pmeafally attain that
enA Poaaibly by flriaf tha Bafaato
mtototry a ebaaoa to fot a TOM of ooaSdaaee from the Spaatoh people at tha
ecmiaf riecUoae by a preteaee ef e
rmoar Yaakaa iatorfereaeii
Caba. 8e4to«to will feel eeeare
onoafL to atte'aipta eetUemeot with |
the Cabaa iaeorfeala. bat almoet every•dy here deabu it.
w-B. A Steward.
That to the Oidalsn of VerelfB Aflhisn
Oommlttoe Bofardiaf PraeideBt
MdKtoleyk Prilay.
Weahtofton. March St.—Tba aenato
committee OB '
toformally diecnieed the (tohaa aitoaThe doaaeawa of optotoa of tbe
W. KlmbaU Oo., SW
We Can Show You
How a Dollar Will Go
•11 ®Ti“ *
leawhippineB with it.
S« Iht new“go(il8.
oity bookstore,
At our liur of Wheel* before you buy^-We hi« pit
"Onttht,” the easy nmning bicycle of 1898
New Things
In Dress Goods imssesrera.
RelUble r>ry Goods, Crpst
and Clotbinft House.
Wheel EnawRted Far SgJfl
Bxainlpe tbe good work
and Bon nanplen at
Elay SMUia
Has his ideas about a good
that the best for Tlve C^tb'is the—
Traverse Belle.
Diamond J.
and for Ten Cents, the—
A Ihsgn nnd hnndnotne new
npring ntock now o» sale.
Them are othen, bot you
will miM tbe bent if you fail
to nee our liae.
'>r A. W. JAHRAUS,
from tbe admtototonttoa.
tbevtbe pr^eat to pumatof a i
aad rnamnellie werm.
A aumber ef the committee mid tbe
oonrea of the proaideat waa aarely ...
rinotof the foterameata aad totelli.
fnatpaopte of the world that the Onlir
edStatm to josUfled to lU policy aad
woold have tbe moral aepport of Burope whea the crtoto mma.
It Waa tba Opl^. bowarer. that the
If you •
mey was toward a rapyeei order aad apeci
tare with Spain... aad that
United Imve year
myjtooi^^|l ennwtoe• to ealt yoa
Statm- poeiUoa to beeamtof etrmfor
WilheloiBros. TryaMftOiSliliHSIlilE
Good BoUd leather couiitors, iol^ tod np-
Bicycles Built to OHer. pers-that ia the kind that weara.
404 Union Btiwet.
Oiir $i.uh
Eoamtl Tonr Wheel.
■tTpimeieai ef Judfe Adroeata Vartx
' and MembeteefBia Party
Miami, Pta.. Mareh SA-UeaL Comnader Maria of the Malae ooart of to- Bleb, etoaa all tbe baartofa aad. trae
tbe wbaeto, all for tbe abrtre prtoe.
qalry, beertof the report of the eoart.
CeU and sm mmplm at
with the followtof party, arrired thto
meratof from Kry Wmt: LleaU. Bood
aad Jaafor. Boftoeers Morria aad
Bower, Cedeu Broaeea. Boyd, CBrpentor aad Balm. ■
They left by the Meat Ooart raBway
for Waabtoftoa.
Marlx wm very roUeeat, bat whea i
Ceaewble-Oeoiwo O Neal.
Del^tae to CIW Coarantiaa—T. q.
ShOaM. Georfe ’^bdek. W. D. WUcox.
OeowfeO-Neel. J.^.JBaelliaanWl. Jao.
A Santo. S. S. Bomem. P. Barden, A
M. Mobto. A T. Friedricb.;
Ward Committee-JitoB Wilbela^ O.
W. BalL-J. M. B«
like war. be replied:
•.It eorely does."
Othert ef the party ^
Natie in expramlou a
H. £. GIBBS,
Bide were raoeived hem J. A Orel
Uek Oo. aad A. W. Watt fm a Mi|,book
caad for the Ceatral bnOdtof.
forawr wae SSS ead the latter SlAtO.
Aa there wae eridrnUy e diflereaoe In
.the enderetandtar reyerdUic what wee
rrqaired it wae decided to hare tha
•n^faretob detailed
fimUona at whet wae reqaired and thet
tha jaettar ba deferred oetil tba aext
maettof. Sepertoteadaot Orawa axEOPTM OF CTOA.
pUtoed that the caae wae to be paid for
from the proflto of the reeeat eaterConetable-Oerk Witkop.
lo^ XTaitod statm VaiaUpa Off
arly |».
-Detofatm to City Caanaiiam-3. 3.
the Zalaad.
•tatetf atoo that a enpply at aew boaka Berdan. Aiaea Laafwtethyr-. A N.
Watolafton. Mareh :s-Tbe navy dewere to be prorided tram the rnanneat bee bepa notified of tba arri
val *f the eratoar CiaclaaeU aad tha
SanertotoodeaV Orawa etotod to the
fBBhoato Qeattoe aad Wllmtofton at
Tan weat a earrUfa thet to dlSaraat
board that the ktoderfartoa'de^ Oarry. L. Mocrto, O.'O. Millar.
PortAatteb. Ja^aka.' Thto to abtet toomwbet
mean to the Mreral ward baildtafi
t.dirtaBoa from tha aaetk ohm beva thorn. Thp
e over-crowded aad aeked for ^ oberteoa. A Lanfworthy.
of CahtoaiCayWmttolrom tkeaorth
fthe admlmkm of
l maka tham
aoy more pa pUs thto term. Be etatod
Qellto and look them
that there to ataaelatriy no m
over end yoa will my thet they are the
bat room would be made by p
Itoettf BehyOaWucaayea «
.. NO taat the new pafrito coal
eoald be cared
mw, aad the petoa to no higher than <m
fortothe^alL A motion that no more
Laet eight Mr. aad Mre. A 3. Falthem eommoa mrriegm yqa have aaaa
. paplla be qdmlitod to tbe b
fbam entortaleed aeompaay of frimda
Aepartneat thto epriaf prrnlUd.
la a delifbUel atanaer. The aveatof
Mr. Orawa atoo apoksofOa crowded
epaat to the enjoyment d warm
- Nandltina of tbe room to the Boardmaa eager end laeple v
•Mme balldi^ Wbme the fovth and
aad other ptoomat
{entaine mede the onmriea etoe to be
mbns Ba wae ccmzroatod ay a pfobtem |
Tvd Ueotii^
You iiove
the prettiest
in town.
South Bu^aboiatka
Staple md Fancy
xi-v-xian;sii!r& *«ans^.
Phims Bo. 84.
ID Dijis Moll
AM Till Poliir)i
datoar a
April irt.
Bsr Is
ra aot laiar than
for school girls.
844 Front St
wv.,* J.
TEB ifoumio aaobao, thtoipay. kaboh >4. iwt.
im mm^mjmrn Mm. TmvM, M
te kv hMHMmIvNrmMik
Ttfc Lake
dMC* te MImM «ad Km. 9aMM Memlttea
___ »taMt Ooattmwmta w4 «UI»
a of rite Lake, dki
•«t«7 k*
Be ata«M ikat Ae MTpodddMlpat tto leaUaBoa of
I AMS 3. W. 1
BMtk It dMlMlylMklMfMS fMUl7 tao' Fred, ikroo^vtarten of a mUe
poatoflea. Ttoaday
s( MW ud kmllky
t. W. Hammbm. Idlwr Asd-Mi-rr. u4 kwdmdt
a are kaiap etmUkked apoa
Maa. MamUtoe haa aaCered
kaadatlooa. Ttot ooatorp
wlA heart AoaMe tar aeme pmra. tot
oiAklBr TMt tthte la MMMdol
been Carilap betuc Ana aaaal tor
wmlU ooA wUk aartkva
time paal. She areiaTBeedap
Md oofltal it wUl matlaw to Isfism memiap ea waaL did aoaM Iraalap
U a.mry ■•Mial waj. Ikt tmU- aad aendiap. asd a few mlaatm beiB <A«cr of «*r wltk
ten dkaer eApped ant AA tto yard
iioMmiro iaooBz>..
____looBdo U Ooku HAttort It (row-
• oB.Tio«»M 09.
■ Cttj TmM.
MkrO^OUrii- .
fv Momkort Ucui-ct PakUo Wo^
Vkr Jaotfet of tbo Pooat8AHCRL M. BBOWB.
• ■
Mo looldoot of Ike o
Moo of lodmkrloi koo a
■mn*'— ud koto tko oeoiriow of
MM oouaot tooo tkot iMotior to
OMMo oeod. erklA io oaU-kollko dajt
■Mt the kooe of tke Soolkero fomer,
tot sow krloft klo Uiyo not ol
M^. loMood of pUtor It to tkt
tout to IM. or doapiac U lato
MrMMi, itiaopwaUUMdiatto
t ofa
m. ferUUMTB. eatUe fted, toap.
«oU.aadolkarartfelM-aod krlnn
' BtUiaot of doUart to
tke aoetlae of tkt
pooBtrj ia wUiA it it pndaeU.
'ta**MMrtwkokaUo«a tkot part/
' foUtlM kata oo pUoo U
Mttlatt Bifkt aad imoiaatod eoadltotM te ward oOoaro aad dalatatM to
too ••ailMOf" oitT ooowotoo.
Ak nfoar-llmi k It aot MopaUr that
FOR ONLY $2.50
want AMP that lAm notAatoA maoulator. I armr beopht or eold a ekare
Of etcsk A Wall aircei. 1 do ao( today
own a alaMe Aart of atoA la anp raUroad or
(boot wtA whlA my doom haa boM
pabHdy' tdeatlAed ato A wMA
tke bm now exeeed #0,000. 8kp Oldt
aape tto pororaer aeear had eaoopk
TotM M pa« tto bUl tktoB^ tto eeaatp
la Ik praaeat form
aeear wUl kaea
them. Ht admltt tto
patriap It if ameaded to take Ae pow
er to appoint from tto poearaoc.
My. Bemk of MoatMlm oftawd a ree
el a Iks AataeommlUeeofdee po A
Okie .^de like o
%o Aeeetlpate tto meAode of taxlap
aad report not later tkaa
Mareh »a Mr. Cbaaberlala moeed to
A laelade (kUforak. Ben OelAaatraUeaad Alatka.
redefMtad, aad tto erlpiaal «
dttrictl7to'l>eM»BOVTS AMS B0«B.
«toot—■“----------hMta taffMtt Ikat to ka O ImdiM AM Bock^ 1
a “CatiyToot. «a*t ke 0
IP spndlcate
1 have rrMoeotlp
( to be esuUoOB
M and ncK to Interfere wuh
'WafblnytPD. Hareh Zl—WbeeAek Q.
Teamp. of V.
tor of the
.Weel fnlc-n. la.. March St—The Jory
epeat kp maap of tto pood k
onetlmeeme Cttp at tto Mettop of
^aU Boeletp
Tto aabjeet aader <
eoapa aad eppa. aad Mra. 8. C. Bmprii
kad ekarpe of Ae
Mrv A Klap tMd of eoap oAek. Mra.
Jcaot of Adonia BzprM OMipoop
Hero Ttatordap to lamotisato-' M. K. BaA paee tor mettod of mak
iap noddle aoap. and Mra H. Cwtk
paee a talk on epater wap Mra DeaItBoaaM ThkOttr.
tke makiap of peUA
toaurdav A. D. Brotlat. roata tcaot map, aad Aeant^ectof tomato aoap
of tko Adaan BxpraM Oa. wat ia the
to iBraotipate tke ajratertooa dbla tto akaeaea of tto ladp wke
>e of $1.0W. tko loMof wklek A piea a talk cm tka art of makiap
woe diaoererod kj tke Bute Buk 8aV
Mia Kaoalaad aad oApra
ordap. Tke faaak raeeivcd a paekape
od raelpM. Mra C J. Shser
Batardoy ky eaprttt. froat the Ftot Aid of a metbod ato mw trnod In tto
Matiooal Baak of CUapo^tappooed to ooolrinp aekeol la tke Wemaab baild■ ai0.0001a earreBey...‘Ike pack- lop at Ae WerMb Fair. Mra HoGasph paea herreelpe for
a opened eppa aad eeee^ reeipee of epecdal
Ood tke Beoep oooaUd la tke praaaaoe dlake# were pleea. The ladiea aU Aok
Of OMkkr J. T. Baaaak. Howard part freely A tto dkeaaakaa wkkk
Irkk. C. E. Bate aad Boa GarlaaA followed aU tto eokjecU broapbt ep
fVkaa ^aed (t wat fonad to be 91,000 aad tto aftersoea waa oee of tto meet
Aiurt ^ the wrapper loaldo tke peek- kelpfal aad laArMtlap of aap aiaee
ape tbowed tlpat of iotartereooe. The Ame pra^eU aob}eeU toee boon tekomUdp wax wbieh taeUaed tka paek- an ap.foc monthly dlaeamioa kr Aa
itef har* aodag^'.
lap beoo br^aa aad aa eftort made to
Ton# Aboat Oeod Sem«.
ceaeallL The wax ef tke oriplnal aeel
Tto Rhx»d k A raealpt of a oopp of
mm of dark red ud bore the Impriat
Steinberg’s Grand
For One WmJl
Begimog Monday Nigbt
Comedy Co,
Of tka ChleapD hank. la:i«0MUap tke
toMmpe the tklef had aaed e UpbUr
OOlored wax wUek partiallj eorered
dtoeOMraad ia taataaiap tke edpea
Ao wrapper wm aot oTenip Maod.
Tke oridetoe akowed that w^omr
liinptreil wlA tke boadle kadomde a
toM^iap Job of It. Tka .mtoep wat
0 ea roaU tromN%kapo
tore. Fartker I
siwn IS niospaiNG.
j i. W. Traek lotaraad pottorday bx>
The Salvatka Army willaerae a TOoMt Mpper FriAp ereaAp.
Popilir Dnna ud CoDedkA
The BamUtoaaoAApOa. hu added
aew akelriap tOr their tot ato aaUea
Bl&sr-'iRE GOOB.
mpuip of
1. BmM haart
Raaaak Xiam* Good Tima,
toot aipktAe Baaaak Riflea had a
pood driU aad faUmaetlap. After Aa
aam waa di^eaed of Aa eater
Mim Rebneea KUtf of PnapM lola
oOoa^. k TklUap tto AmQp ef Bee.
Joriak FeaaApAn.
Depntp OUted 8A(m Marahkl/MA.
CDomaeU ef Onto RapiA; wu A tto
Oaatml toto atoMra. OaUa
of Herwood, .ar* TkfB^ tto famiika
•C a a MoHaU ato A. F. CAMmam
3«r «t» supBorl ^ «Vut.
\adUk Vik« \o
- ^
VbBs co^
ynuiL OHM ior cemmoR «v tmr% U% vmf. >!>• iUc»
0R.u\8lUk«Mk R «aMasA\kX.
toRb. Vrm triaoR*^ wtulL ^
Exceptional Values
Onr bnjer has just retufued from t^e east where he
has secured great bargaias. in Dren Goods, Faa<7 Ging
hams. Percales, Lawns, Silks, etc.. etC4 tipon which we
baye placed ezceptionallr low priceiR
We will place on sale a job lot of Silks, of a large
range of patterns, width frOih 18 to 27 inches. These silks
are pure and of fine fabric,worth frtnh fl-OOto $1,25. For
tbis special sale we have placed them within tbe reach of
all. only 39 cents per yard. Limit, 10 yards to each
Such exceptional values as t^ese have never before
been dftered in this vlanity. We know yon are interested.'
Call and inspect them.
Your money savers.
The Boston Store,
Popti^r girkce ef 10, 20l aud 30c. W«w OlRM Blt^ek
'Mra. C. Ppkna. The event waa A konor of kor blrAAy aanhwraary.
The BBlpbta of FpAka wUl ooafer
Ae rank ef BM^nire AA arealap npoa
Area caadkatea. jimaileaat bMla*M
»k itpaMUd.
tto Upoaler Leadar. from that bsat- bar.
llw town where LaoBoAaos'pete tto M. B. Oetmre
boTM wkkk to kriopa A Ak
Tto kaaa k laip«lp Aeoud A Aa Oty AVATsep P. t OUkart loft pMhorae iadnatrp wklek k tto meat im- ArAp for Detroit A
portent U that part of lad^aa. It k Dr. Marie Hertea kM pone A Orsto
fiaelp UlMtraAd wlA ’
RapiA bariap noU her effeek A (to
traltaot well-known horae dMlera-imd •l(p.
kraedera af Bae. aAek aad k fl^y Fraak ForAa. who kae been apMdprinted. Aa eatlre pope ef olpkt eiA tap Ae arAAr at BaxAa, WA. toa reamae k deedted A mattora of wAreM
A AA dtp.
A Aom wlio aae boraea aad akowa tto
---------------------------- A Oatoral
perfeetAa Ae kaUama
r a Tklt wUk Mra.
fi. MoatapaA
^ Otcepk. WUk nwap to apeat
^ ottorpoedCmtorm. TkiM i
MmM—atAeftmw twrtkmi
to^ AAeefik. B. (X. wton kAdai
WaahApAa. Marek SA-CharAa R
Dya waa toAyapooAtad peatmaatm- at
Moaroa Center, Grand TiaaeiM eeoBtp,
Mick., rice wmu Wipbtmaa. reaipaed.
Aeoeklpartp A beAp pMparto by
Ae ladle* af the Eaatara Star chapter,
to be piraa April IS.
Hr. ato Mra. Fred. P. SAarM
irAlniaf a bripfat bdp-baky wko ar
rived at Aalr heme Taaaday
There wlU be a AU ttoesraal AA
ereniap for tbe oomAp mlnetrel per,
fermanoe. A Mortanph’a academy.
ProL C B. Hors wUl dalieer kU Atrmuap Aetara. "Naaaaa' and tto
North Pala.** A Aa WaBaab cAk
'^RTVia &R&.Ve&
"VDeRT e-OTsrts
tarday moroln* bitmxhi In a cerdAt
pulley of mmauU wlU Ateat to onmaril
yreat bodily Injury._________
Mkt A plaaeo'oMT tl
)1,IW0 DlSIFmiHI.
'K«v-'h» wvwnmunOuv
w a *Obr
Aartty baylaa bt borne, bat 1 .ana mj
poattlralp Aai 1 harroartr bdeii Inflnencad bp any (AaaelaJ
advance cf le per cent. In the wapm of
For BatAr I
the to rmt>x>ye« at tbe Carrie fnrndoaa
AapaalMeUoU wfU iMte AA mora- ha* been ordered to take cSect
Ap tor a Tklt A Ionia, LaaaAp. Owoe- April I.
ao. Saplaaw. -Bay atp. Detrolb JaALAtofTtotara
Battle CraA, Ealamaaoo. Nilea.
M> tear week*. Ar to
Baatao Harbor, ato Oiato BaplA A
Ito. Oee «eavam m
Aa latatMt of tto MiAlpaa 8uu Aw
lor aap of toe* lMU*a
aoekUoB ef Muter Horaeaboara.
avUm4. mite
Pavele. W. A
wkAb wUl meet A coOTeatko April it- Ckaadtw. a*rr*rvc Bep*e'd.T f“
Kn. K»SA ■ndvvKs.a
aad u at Bay dtp. They Aaat u> paaa I
Mr*. A
■opt. AX.
wiMomn. Mr* P.A
PIchercIrne. A
a Mil A kara all
aapaloe. Ferry
ebmlte. Ben.
aaatoaatloa bafora tbap arealAwed A Ctekha. M A
Tto Mme MU k A effect
A New York. Ullaok, MlaaeaDA, aad
.1 tto next aaaaAn ef Ae lepAla-
Tto Blmea Oemedp Oo. opened a
WMkab eapapuaeat at Ladiaptoa. ea
Mob Ay alpbt. A e)
Oraapo adopted a rMolatka demaad- Taeedap aipht tto atAadaaee wm
^ Ae paampe, attkkaetaiaou of Uwo apalB to Ae capacity of tto Opera
ThA bMpMka *arp atroaply
Axatteei aad makiap
Maaaee of propertp kear Aolr Jaat for tto meriu of Ae eompaay. They
bepA aa eagapemeat tore next Monahara. It
Ay aAbt at BAlaborpb Orsod.
domaod tto Ftapree MU.
We alpo Build WhMls to Ordur. d« it
and tdn bet
tor maArUl sod wort than any ahep in tb# d^. Bare bad aeroral
yeatp' experience and guanuilM Mtirfaetion.
PleaM giTo aa a triaL
BLLIB, 811 FroalBt, 1
any arap
tka Caltad SAtaa 1 hare narer krpad
Aa prceldent of Aa Unliad Btaiea a
oattla Aa Caban oaaatloo oa anp flaaa-
toil odopkH » ralo prondloM that wolp
.MO w^nt^muA Iho Ckkofo olatiM to im tk^ kt pormiMtd to por>
^oto lotkt O
o4kLk AotenolMltoo bat drirea oat of
Ito poriy o lor*« oomkor of ttroof
kapllj drtvo tkoB Uto tko BtpobUaoo
por«p. wklek kot 11(0047
•» rw OoveU aad Preetan wonU to ooralp
Mly io Tmm that Mo^foorlk of tke
.OOMo frOM tke tUta wmeoit for tko
It of tto two kegiiite
mtotuo reooBtlj pot whom tto PlapMt Mil
■poo tko Motato book*. • ftlap «o* will plee tto Jolat paMk
-kMrd of bofare to Dfocotlc poUtko. Tkaradap al^W Tto pel
aad waHcad aroaad aome. Retarmiap
Alto koaee. Ae romarke^-'itot. ato
WM kaapry, aad, dinner bdpp r^dp.
MtAwa-attto mbUaad prkppnd A
eat It WM MtAad ttot Ae pat tor
haada ap A her tSM tor amomeot,
ttoa taklap Aem down ato took a pet^
feaUap, of wklek tke tka of food ato plapad it A bar moaA.
bat ^ did »oi awaUow it. Bto pare
Bm)ori9 —, pettlac
------- wearp
eoU of wor witk Spoio. Mr. TroTit a Uttle pMp ato bar Mb wUa, aeedap
»hi-w. that Ut North ud f|ooU wffi
went A
he M finoly oalted la » «ammo» eooM
, .Bto wpa pUoad-to a
thot the £tr*or upltoMatBMi trUl ko eoacb ato efforta mada A nllaVa her.
bat abe neaer- epoka ato died Immedi
Jaee Dnffe^ wm her* A Oeaatp AaMm. lrelaad.(bBke waa mairiad A Mr.
HamllAa at Ito apa of akbteea. aad
Batllap to i
iriA Urn A Cbaada when Aa
grtok Bttl k Mot Matitolp
waa tt paara eld. wkara ato raaided
■■til aboni eipbt paan apo. wtoa, brr
hoabato bariap died, abe caaia A r>A
k keiap oeorod far aot po
wbeia Aa haa riaM raride^
, OoreUtoeitMatpatoiMtttoat. Laka.
She waa Ae;moAar of eleaea oUldraA
titade ef tke latter oa (to HaptM MU oeeea of whom era llriap. Jaa E.. JAa
to Uid ap apalaat tto aaaator.' WkUe ato'Fraal BamUtoaof Pita UkeAwa(to OMUap af Coeall. Preatoa aad ehip, aad Mra. Ira Llaloa of Klapalry.
Bnpkee to be ecaeammated today wlU Bto aim kM a d^apkter Itriap at
to tto leM of e
BoopkAa. MAh., aad'^wo AapbAra
rM’dAp U Canada, Ska wm 7# yemra
tto aatia map eHA to take ea aMrma- ato 10 maatka of apa. Faoeral from
U?e aetioa. ia Ak eeeat tko eotM of tto M. B. AarA at S p. m.
ia( Md Ikt oootlMrsora or* Isroi '
. tad are rafp eaxtoat
tp to detaad-tto hooM
o< tUfl^. Ikoy
wkkk UUF oea reto wlA prida tod
emaatkiBO wkkk wiU ekUterate tto
I The KingsburyC:
Colon-Black, Kaduro, Selaa Steel, Pearl, Burgundy, :::
Salmon, Beal Brown, Cuba, Kyrtla
ITha Gulpupper SWfHats^
Colon-Black, Brown, Bodla, Hapla
These an Ae latest styles, best makeK and altogether the nobbiest Ate offered.
■ ■■
Tu Houroro asobBS. thtteboat, kasoh 94, ises.
BefBire teavtaf.li* «m la • •
throafh with' the tedlOBs wnrh and o
the <^baence frocn Kcr W
towaaeati oa which the eree of< tl
w«M «n fixed the cooK
of Inqali
- -..............
eenuanca la exMeoee. tboach faaetlre.
Should the BB>7 departmeat raaulrc
*................................ and ucpreii dto-
motild'be obilccd to in'
toTB to Eavana. .
Within the Uet few dam a ailnorlir
Hanilsoinest Tifie
Of Spring Suits
I thsDMp 8m St ths Vsry Outsst of Thsir Joumty to ths
Aretie Eidora^
Ml MiKirWMt M.n 1
that the court ttM teen uoal
IBlae deHnltel]- the cauee nf the eiplo- 1
1 «■* wtu M a
Mon. 8UU It to true that a najorttr bold <
to the ron\tetloti that the report win
find and prove that the Maine waa
blown up iBlenUonally. Ae la natnml,
all who could (peak authortiatlvetr
Wuhlttvtoa.’ Mirek a.—Th« mMmI eontlBUe to maintain the lUeaoe which
t fqfert oC the Milne
eoBR of inquliT la pirtlculir. The tone
of the diKiuaiioct «ni verr &nn and de- mortuapr rerHiri, ahlch dbowa that »7
to the jimut Mite of iffiira ta C
•eereUiT Lm uthorUed the ititeMt that the nadentiadlac before the
eataatrophe. efx eureumbed io their In*
Jnriea while Iftnic In the BanrAtnlwoelo
hoarltal at Havana, one died on the
Bpanltb tmnaport Colon; ITl bodin
have been recovered from the wreck,
of which tlxn-one have been Identified:
m tiave been burled In Colon cemeterr
and eleven at Ker Weet. Tlito to the
official report, made pablle after care
ful oorrectlon. for the flmt time.
Madrid. March tk-The
tlttdependenO expremea the opinion
thbt the action of the Vnited Statee bai
oompletelr checked the advanta«ea
which Spain mUrht have derived from,
prantlnp aulonomr to Cuba, andallepea
that the 1'nlted Btatee "haa pracUcallr
atranxled autonomr at Ita birth-*' The
Iraparrial ihinka Spain failed dlpl.mm[ Ically In not bavtac obulitrd the rei movaJ of Cenaul Oener^l.ee, "nor the
I withdrawal of the ahlpa from Cuba."
and erprcaaea fear that “altbouKb nilnary action will be keener than ever."
It will not auRIce to pacir) Cuba,
••owibit to etreumetanrea cr>a(ed by the
, rmted Stale*." The C. rr.t> (Carllat)
J-'rlday that ^ doei not expect help from Buroper-bbt
a and tmiwmlaaloo
fit'Mi would not occur until next Mcni'
day or
or Tueaday. aa the preeldent would ; »|^,ed on him yeaterday that the reIre that much time to plve the doc-1
Bp,„i,b court of tnquW
It the mature cvnslileratinn that III ' would not be known'ai eobn at bad
tt expected. He aald he l>elli
--------- ------------. miicrlcan report would not be aa favorOther cabinet oRlcerv iiated that the!
,, gp^^t dealred. Oiinit de Villa
■eneiM plan included the aendln* of a j ooaxalo, Spanlah ambaaaador to Baapraldentlal mraaaye alonx with the re-1
Iiort. aUUnc that Bpaln-had been called
.w«ww ivi^ewivewtnw
upon to make aultabie reapanae to the
BH4TAWT pucanicATton.
caac preaented by the court of Inquiry. I -___^ n._._ arme mt inaauata
•WhllTthe cabinet aaaoclate* of the,
*?■/_- ***■**•*■
SMlbanOoDa U wa* conceded that tl7e «»»>«"* ™mom are reapt^lble for a
n the theory that movement which will have an Inde
tba coalns report would abow that the pendent army nf 100.000 men In fishttny
Maine cxplaeion waa not the reault of order In the ataie of Pennaylvanla with
•B accident, but waa due to ah external in
fix roontha. They will be a .......
cuaa. Tbcre la n. doubt that nibaun-| the Atneiiran Bltlea a patriotic orvam.
ttol nnaalmltr exlata on the part of the) tatlon which It atrunyeat In the wen
praMdeni as4 alt hU cpblnet both aa to and whirh la now devuiinc
•voUn* every p
the- Maine question and the ccnenl pi* moment to onranliatlon and extenCubaalon. Major Robert Qrimth. of ChlcaPlltabunr with ordcra from
Itoa paMblHiy of a rwourae to inter- heddquarterrHo oryanlce the ■
v--TMtloa Is caat Bpain declined to make Pcankylvar:*SMtublr reaponae to the repreaenmUona
HebaaeauMItotedthecenter of operaura anil make mttfr recelvlry the Maine: tlooa In Plltebuts and after completlnx
teport baa "bm fully dlaeuaat-d-Tal-1 hit dutira here will m-ve eaalward
“ ••
It •ha* •been,
aa ab-l
ab-1 alowiy mtuterinir In ei>tn|enlra and
Ptmet dtocuratSn thna farr-and no eon- I Imenta Three •-ompantec bare been orcMon haa been iwached. nor to It pot- [ yantoed here with full Complemeou of
MMa unta tbe vHufequvFtlan aa to the | men. Mayor GHflllh fiyuret that Penn,
enun'a Sndlaya la before the prealdent [ aylvania ahould yIeW at leaat loo.ooo
•Bd tbe cublncL At the aame time there' nwenbet* tor hla purpone.
In a very evident Inivrtlon to ronaldt r
r the recourae
an emntnaltlle
I, tbe recoynitlon of Ihd?pendenea. and other meiboda which ap- Vtieaad Babe MilardM^ Cb
pear to Mltably meet the reqnlreroenta
Bt. Uouia. March s.—A special to
The piwi-Ulepatch from Texarkana,
to briny abont a very matertaJ and aat- Ark., saye; %e«erM weeks eyo Hra.
tafactary condition In Cuba by wbat John Cux and one of her chlldmn were
aball aeem te be the be«t and moatprae^ burned to death two miles east of here.
a end.
tlcable method of
It waa reported an an accident, la
Wbirii Mmiw Cl
which Mm. Cos had fainted and fallen
Tt U the hope
lope tof the admlalatraUoa 4nto the fireplace, where the embers
reallte the •et fire to her clothlny and burned ber
that Spain heraeU
■ the neceatoiy foranch «p. The naaea were aupp<i»cd to have
^jttaallon aa
her pan with re*pet* also Icnited a cradle and burned the
to Cuba aa tball command the approba baby. Now a» the result of a story
tion of thto country, and Ihua at once told by an older child of John Cox. tie
pot «» end to all dirferencea Pendlny huababd and father ha* lieen arrested
a dectolon on the povemmm a final
policy no overiurea or mumatlon* have muider of the woman and her c
been conveyed to the Bpanlah yovrmTrtol mt Haahy !• P
ment and there la no offlctal knowledge
Decatur. 111*.. March B.—The iotroaa to ho* Spain would tvyard a recoyBltion of rulian Independence or Inler- duClIOD of terilmony for (he prosecu
The Spanish minister. Benor tion has beyun In the case uf Jue. MauPole. r-«iue*t«^ yeaterday that a atate- ky. charged wKh tbe murdcruf Matthew
ment b. msie (hat rvrnn* atlrlbsUnK McKinley In l«iM Benealluoa] evidence
to him eiioeniioni on the aublect of In waa xpffercd wheb Mrs- Alice Wlaaen
dependence wer,. unwamnted and ni>- Bhuwt rs teatliud. She swore poaltItli-ely
true. Fenor P-.l.. aa>-s he baa not dla- that It w-aa Mabay who killed UcKiBeysaed this or any other of the pendlnff
BY ys
■aasdfiiye tbe M.Iim--. CW U the Mato
P-cwllar I. Bbaary.
Kay Wean March =L- The eaaa of
tbe Ha'ne irlBoat pe<-uliar. perhap. the
BOM peculiar which has ever (icrurrvl
la tbe blaury of the world.*- Those arc
the words Admlrml KIcwrd
U and puttiny
soma dlber exprcaalonsiopitber ibecor.
-iqspdSacst a inference wa* that the
nonrt bad not found out how the warp blew up. and Ibe matter to a^my*.
rever. and
tery rret. It may remain so forever,
ly -bf Wived by a leaa aei
plnalaB ob scene oibar Alp.-ai ^ppenvu
4**urw »»
tesUllfd tA t'
ice is aerviny a
I. ft U BOW ai-
Chlcayo, Marcb S.-*rbe alx-atory
bmidln*. UI and IM Monroe street,
copied by the Monroe JCaieiiny qempany and the BoUdlns Trades* club,
was destroyed by fire yemerday. Four
women employed by the dat«rlaff com.
pany who were In ibc top story asleep
barvly escaped with tbeir Uvea. Tbe
follow iny were burned or oiberMce
Inluiwd duHac tbe fire, but nose
rtoufly: John -P. Bunia. firemair;
Herry Breitb.
• BiR tbe rypqrtda Bndobuledly cWi- Blelmen. potter;
-- - * • Martx left Wre UT. The total loaa to IM.WO.
pleUd.peaterday aftemoca for Waahlncioii
oarrytay fhe doeometit with him.
Will probably arrive at'WaablnBtcB
r cvrclnc.
I Coannander Martx
’ Georye F. Graves, ofi Saline
tty. 111*., ayainst the county of Ba- MBdJwcmBbt off tbe OBdlncfi After a
. a suit in aiaumpelt tor He4W
. jWlWBed eonfereoee wttb Bear Adlayea. Judye Allen l '
. - mfat Bleard certain altcrattooa were
for plalniW for the amount ynsd.
'AMiW and than Rear AdmlimJ Bleard
Unu to un Uaued bonds In aid
' yMnBMM.elBBatBre efappeeewL Arter
. DanvlUe and Cairo ntUraad,.wnw
BIT Foor. PialntlS
itl« parebased
.«MlM On suamer Gtty-cC Kay West
ittMN.wortbataTT per eaat. rau
ay detultod pa
priacliialaBd Intsreat.
S »vm
thimie ef • tMw Cim
Saa Fiaadaco. March a.—tlMn
amyal of the PaclAc CocM Bi^]£»hlp
c-umpaar'a atcnmer Santa Ruaa from
San D
oaivod of another borrlblc aoddent.
dlrectlT aUrtboted to. the Alaaaan (old
excitement, which to believed to have
coat tbe Uvea ot forty piaaenyeru and
Captain Alexander.
Santa Rosa, reporreo mat early jmwterday momlny. while nine mlick oit
Point BoDfla, at the mouth of.the Oolden Gate, he elyhted a derelict bottom
Dp Tbe iux Sea Wttrh waa Imtne
dlalely dtopeiched to the point Indi
cated and found tbe dervUet te ne tbe
berk Helen W. Almy. Ceptain Beynn.
which sailed hence Tor Copper rtver
polnu with twenv-es'
ana a crew of thirteen on Bunday tasv.
T atom low doam ll
hamper badly wrecked an^
'crwl planks of bar bull washed loose
by the sea* which' broke over her.
. bTMewc* mm ft U m Bmrwm*.
Wbne there were no alyne of boets
amony the wreekaye. It to not believed
ihs( ber pasaenyera and crew eaeaped
(Sm UioMat $7*0.)
JamiltoD ClotbiDg CompaDy.
with ttotrwe Nema.
Waetainyton. March 2S.—Tawner baa
Introduced In the hotue tbe aubaUttitc
anU-ffour adulteration bill which be
waa Instructed to prepazv by the ways
and meanc cammJltee. It was drawn
after coctoulUUon with the cemmleslon-'
lows; "Mixed floor sbaH t
food * product made from
wheat mixed or blenaed In whole or in
part with any other yraln or material
than wheat.'*
-err heavy se*
for several days past. Furthermore no
word baa b*« mvived frum tbe aurvivon. It any extot. altbouyb the de
relict waa liyhled .within ten mllea of
to exceed IM pounde and a tax of 1
cents per barrel ahall be levied, arllh
fractlonBofa barrel In proportion. Bvorr
package mnat be branded with tbe
wordx "Mixed flour." and give tbe
weight of package, where manutaetp^
or packed and tbe name of tbe partier.
Accordlny to the tuyhuel men there A notice tomiiarly marked muat be pot
waa a pretty aUff brt.ese when the in each pa^kaga.
Almy nailed out of tbe Golden Gate on
Sunday latt. and b^ noon It waa blowOltp J
Iny a yale.. She left bere ubder topaallB, and when last aeen wa* atandlny
BtOow to a Hit of Ibc bu^ and aellout tor an offlny- There wa# a hea\7 inf prleee of ycaiardaj for (rtmertoa.
aea runnlny. and It Is auppoaed that prorUlone and turn prMocto la Travaome time durtny the nlyhi ahe was
struck by a aqiiall and turned turtle.
Ual *rine I aM i»pa.>ayer*.
Clenr Pork per bbl. n
•11 00
The followlny 1s e Hal of ber paaaen- Oear Pork per Ib...
yerm A. Anderson. David Anderson. abort Cot Pork..
10 T5
A. Beach. O. D. dnetto. Theodore Creber. E- P. Gurrlcr. Oa«-ar D. Keraandr*-. Fiour. U L 4<S
A fV< '
Fred Franks. JuHua OllH. J. I Ootsky. Bye Flour, B. L. i.
Gun Jourmer. M R. Lemley. John L,e- Heal, ij U A Co. Best.-..
vlck. William McCray, B. N NIchoto.
'Jsmea Kunaldn. J. T. Reason. Jamea
B. Faycin. John SnelU WllUtm Snedun.
C. B. t-pllle*. Charles H Smallwood.
John Vance. Adolph Waldl. John Wal
ker. John Wevtwick and an unknown
men. Of Ibe crew W. C Hopkins, the
steward, waa an Illlnoto man.
We heve nioe Apples, Oran
Dried Aprioote, Peaches, Pninaa, Figs, Dates and
legetables. Cabbage, Bagas anil Reels.
2*6 Proof SU-Mt.
213 Front St.
Baltfmora,"^ Stock ]
t ‘Thiaa TteM • (Teek
JMks Oftl^egatln^Mraat,
If You Have Logs to Sell
CorreepoDd with th/Timvene
Lumber Compaoy.
We hare for ede^eod. i
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
, Maple flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
an old veasel and perfectly aeawortby.
Bhe waa on tbe dry dock* some day*
before belny put on the berth id ber
owner* spent »a.000 in rvpalrlny her
She bad a temperary house no deck.
When fhe Almy left port she had
twenty-live ton* of, Iwllsat In ber be
sides tbe provlalona of tbe paasenyers
and their uuiOla. She waa a.veseel of
only S60 lona and wa# iherefote ballaaled sufficiently to make hex' **sUff **
«crrr iwai,-
■avae-Waeklay I
■ la Mb*esrt-Tw*
Obtotoco >
ly lajama. Kansaa dly. March n—A special to
The Star ears: A elorm wrecked fourand deatruyedmanyamaller
buildlny* at Blue Ullto. Mo., a Uitle
^te^J^b.TSH^nWe: May.tSXp
vKlaye near the eummit of the bill
about tea miles north of Independence,
larek, fB ta-. May. IRTa
un the Mtaaourl l>arinc road, yeaterday.
The only bouse occupied, that of Mar
Grand-Baplde-Marek M—<Mb«t. We.
tin Huyle. was carrltsl a dia*.ance of
1» feet. HUKle *as loiemally inlured Aijofa TAX ok^t~Eiobwat
and may die. NcItber.Mra. Huyle nor
(he children were Injured. Tbe prop
erty damaye «a* nomlnaL
South of Liberty. Mo., several besaea Te Fkirtda TU '*1110 Itoad at tha
Fere blown down, fences were acattered
- Sky-"
and trees laid low. One man. WIlUam
Archer, wa- aeiiotBilr hurt In tha deThe Micbty Bouthara BaUanaj Byp
rtrurlioti of hla house. Arcber*e wife Mm. tnveraioy. the alsht Great States
of the Hoorainr SonU. deeiree to call
lar. reertviny but allytat bfutoea.
tha attcotioo of Ue HeWtb-eeekcr. tbe
Throe mile* Inim Liberty the Ruth tmad-acefcer, the Pleaeura-eeeker. the
Bwiny echool houae wa# destroyed. U
tbe Fickle Trsveliny
wee unoccupied John EUlotfa booee FoWie. to the m------- ----------« blown down. Ibc roof wee tom off bcanUful eeencry,
. Ullltu'e house, while Mrs. Hard- tend and the nsany reaorto which He
-k's and John Llchtburns houses along Ite lines.
re mure nr less badly damaged. It
Go te Florida and eacape tbe many
eold and dleayrreahle days of wiater.
and stop at A!lUfhViLL& "The Land
of the Sky." TBB8W1TZBBLAKD of
AMERICA, wbara beavan aad earth
■aem to BMt atoonget
■Bongat the many
. of
iture. Bee the grandeet
Butte, Mont.. March tX—iSe mahaye* h^Uae of nature.
ment Of the Hale Huuac claims to have ecesery In America and BmworaHonse. America'! only Pateee, the
accounted fur all but four of thuee aup- Chateau of Oeo. W. VanderbilL Or
poBcd to have been asll^p theta at the the tnvelar. who to In a hnrry
time of the fire. They aia Frank
Ida. ead go eia Chatli
Krleybatun. Daniel Sulltvan. Martin
Lookout Mouniaia. and
Rooney and Tom Htarr. BUrr arrtved
In the city from LcadvIUe only tba dv
prcvlona to (he lire.
He bad been diinklny oa tbe evening
of the fire and had reUred to bis room eaut Boole, tbe Southern Battway
Krteybanm forma the Great Througb-Trunk-Une
came bera only two weaks ago from to the Booth and Florida. Elmnt
Park City, Utato and was working as veetibolad trains, carrying throagh
a nrfnef at tbe Moonlight mine. The alaeplDg, dining and Aair cart. Tha
other two ware teSdknu ct Butu bnt Line Par-exeana(to of the Booth.
and iafoRoaUon. apply to
yoor nearoat-ooD^w Ucket agabt.or
Ixaato. ware at » tnaeffiL ona.
c.| KiNG^ Gte Maslic
Op-™*l«ic SeecsviST.
A. Podiaaiik’sArt Wall'Papers.
railck OpOcsl «a*U*».-
Over Two MDHon Bolls.eairled In
Eteper ever ahowo in Amerlirt :
Come early to- pteec your nedar mad
I get your first pidc.
Bicycle Riders.
itldo^Tkinda of ra-
All prtesMirna
4l^imke Awsbim,
lU «Moot fraat, on Weband do give yoo the bast woyk of any
etwaaa WalHurton and
one in tbe city for tbe money. Don’t
D be haoght for MM tem
be deeaierd by what otben toU yon to
the ooatrtty, but ooma and aae for thna cash vsloa If taken before Aaril
let. Look thto up at OBto.
One SO-foot lot, Barlow street. Oak
I guarantoe ail my work .to be right,
and If it does not prove so I
Heights, at almoat your own price if
aold at oaoa.
.in till 8 o'oloek svury aveuing,
Bunday, In tha Caldwell A LoolUding. at Berth end af Udon
1W. Hisnius,
—Watch Repairiag.
—John Verly.
—Frflnt Street.-
Hack, Bos
rWhen in 'aaed.-of aBytbiog la thla
iaa raaiamber this is the plaea to iqa*«
•our ordan uad grt pwant irork.
’Phone No. 8.
John R. Santo,
Gmril Igsiiriact.
apartner of W. A. Olmsted, of tbe Olm
sted Sclenu'fle oompany, and A. M. PeUtaon. a oJertt In “'
V Wlau Marcb 2L—White
tha oldpr rnembna ot tbe taaDr aC
KoUath. Uvlny te the toem^
Mill Mfichifieryof all deBcr^itioafi, mdodiiig Two Eoginee,
Ret Works, OfitTiages and Sews. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for eal&
dslreata^ool property, aato-
____ _______
* Onto Ttb addition, tof^
Ever Borned Ontt
BbbHbb without a LaCtar Bay Plato
e» your horn i^yfitoaowW them
iarUOMiM. AiowBoraMb_
aaobiia. tkvmoat, ttAwim m, iiii.
Itafaat Aiii
Chtea«B. Marefa *t—Aa
to. Him
' FOOT CP EAIf i lOLW)!.
L PmI, iCAtek n.-4. Q. SoBthftU.
U six aoetbs a«a ebla(«l«rk In Utr
( the UAtM«
cevenu9«>t foe tbe upper ut»-
M hla baem
. •
ia.t4. Aattaoajr
one «f t|M «ttr« Mtartic (wte
«teffe at m tfeMctiee. •itboutfa li U
Mate4 Uuu be haa Bot bMO ronnaUr
jmsuA. and the. eharxe BCBlnat blm
I - amooBt rarlMiBlr
hior* than doaMe that flcurc. It waa
part or hla doty to Uawa a«eh- chetiu
ih payma*! for woih oa tb* rltwr, hat
U eharaed that of tha total cbacka
m anknown proporttoo waa laaoad to
Octlllooa oaiDca. and that Southall
partonaUy rcA|>e4 the bepaBt.
Tbeee rbccfca* were diacouoiad by
aaany tndlvidiiaia and *ome banka In all
oarta of the oouatry, and onill a full
> baa. been made by the
tfoveramrot' It will be
taow )n*( how aresl
the paat
mootb* Soucbail bai been i
----------------------a decided calner from daau
y logB In variBu* aiocka. To add to hli
pyeot uaforiunate pre^leaineat hi*
Wife la reported aedoualy til.
About three waeka ayo
banka, which flrot became
throuyh aome Haftford. Conn., boldan
of tha paper.' befM an InveaUyaUon
and betwme tatlafled that the amount
of checks out was far In exeew of tke
BMMter appropitalad by tbe Bovemmeni
' to carry on tbe work of the upper HlsM ^ver.
Proceedlnf with their
I 10 behalf c
and their correspondiniU out of tbe
dtr tho local haakaru called upon
SoutbaB for aa explanation. After sevccal loierrtewA In which It la claimed
that be tried to prove that there was
•othlnf In the cUlmA It U said that
b* Bnally admitted that fully » per
oOft.' of the ctaecka that are now outatandlnr are e-oriblent. Ab the checks
arc alike, end
n ffclltlout nainea.
aay tfc' MvOTwawwt fsUaM*.
To protect ibemarlvea the h««ke at
spec took the aund that the covemmeol haviDK adopted a scheme tor the
payment of the workmen employed by
K that enabled an employe to defraud
tbe banke and other Innocent purebaacn of the paper It aboold be oompciled
to stand the hioa Tbeir aryumeat tor
tbU was that these cheek* wm tb*
same kind of a claim acalnst tbe (oea eertlBwi check laaoed t
moeh at a
JUMard aa Maw in tU* dir thla
bare U>t «sbt and (Ahti
tbrourb the aoutbweal, la Kaiuaa. Teaaa. Ulaaourl and
la In
M^ibar with'lha ho^ o<
ol® tCd Tmww OM»t9, abaU ha?*
. .. aadit*haUh*lhi&d*trtop?»
ida. nataUla and aaitahljr taralak a
ilBca tor the draaMett** of
____ of ib* Eeeordar^ Ooart,. wU^.
piaae akall haea aaeh
roMM and
' toataaanar h* deoMod ayproand ahaUatao (*rB}ih the aaoe*............................................ '
Ua thattbaooai
if ____________
Grand Traven*
ly. ahaU
p'np* by
la aay other Manner
Ihla act; Previdad
wlUI C
half nf all tbe cotta
p*Maa ia the ^tatola^y^
Md pm*^
I the petttius wee laid ea
TnmneOtly. Mleh.. MarMi II. IBM.
tb Om SoworaU*. (Ji* Jfover end OMv
«tf. the eUv of tVowree Otlp,
•SCO 00
_____________ f—Wa year eommlttan i*
whom was referred tba psGUoa of
ed by AMen
Bmdbeceo reUGv* to erect
tb aide of State,
dio draft aav
Btrwt, resneetfsHy report
eport that
w aad other like
have had the matter and**
corporstioas ta pay a Ifeeaae to tbs city
ation. Bl*^ tbe peUUan wi____________ and ijBpeafBf a penaitr for iu riolaas M.i.^%itidba|«n ba* armed to Uoe and
pareaat at nextmrilM
--------------------------------------meetw t^eenilm bnlldlar with irea.
SETTiES imoDS Bununcf.
It of the Wyetem bonadary of
afnci extended. North t* the
oitylimlte shall be ieclnded la
UU* lo^oeotkiB 'Btty-oneof UUe aim.
of t......................
UUe stvee. aectiona elyht
Jt of
and alee of title twestv-foar and _ .
Uoa tbirty-aevea ot Gila Uidriy'thne
oflocAl actaamber tour kendiw^ tweafour of tbs aenalon of tha leyteUlnro
nhuadrad aiBety B
Btc. be and
« Brie hernby amcBded to mad
aafter act forth.
Sxmox I.—At the flmt elaetloB held
l8 aaid city there ahall be elected on
ticket by the qaall
ih*s ciry
the whole city, via: A Mayor for
oae year. CUy Clerk aad City Treaeaier
for two year* each, three aebeol iaapeetera, anc tor oae year, oae for two
'year* and om lor tbve* yearn. B v* mem
her* of the Board of Pablle Works, ob*
MoUor'earried-b^Vea and Say rate
_____ Aldermen Parker. Honuene.
OralUek. Goodrich, Cook.
Urdle. Bmllmaatal. Uarriaon and Jah- **T*a^ideni>eB Parkm, Montayn*.
Mediml dk'lcye for i
ThU experieace. combiiied with many
years' study la the best buqsitaU in
the eonatry, and eEamiaiayCaad tmatiay tboosaodr of chronic caaea.'lms
prepared him tocarevriwaOiefnaenl
aracUGoaor faiU. Bar* yon been sick
tw yeara 7
Are yon diaeonrac*dr
Can and eeen,wc WUl tenyoBW
rt you or not. If vm
ere you. wewmteU
we will
r^nn ffim yon.
r. one month
operatiOBs. and the benefit of aU onr
Bkill to all wbo are too poor to my.
Onr metbodsof treatment is aU that k
taow^^^U the echoolAjn^^l^nsd
ailhRcots ini Paralyula, Loeao^tam^
Rheamatism. and aU diaeaaea «f tb*
pervona system.
Go early,
r, an my
office la always crowded.
A A-Caae*cB. Tawort, Btool mat Ma
DtaaaoescarrdbysoovtoaUM. Pttoscsisdm
liooi AtoAB days Wttboei tba ksUs. roeuw
«sd pri^vst* d laossa* of *11 torws tsomsdsm
a bowd esa to earod SI ar BsslL
AlscbArTaot tbsStot o< imdlrs
tbs dociorb dlreciloe. T>rw* ti
Imstwswt t^jBwaa^gdjay i—'*
Moved by Aldemaa Jabrane that.
that the
WtaM» te acoep^^J claim* be
Beelion twn of Titte-four,
SecUoa dflv-onc of Title alx. Section
nine of TIUe twenty-four, and Seetien
of Title
Tillt ihlrty-lhrM
- ...____ , ot
)ca] act number four hnodred twyntyanr. ef the seaskm of tbe leytalatnie
tety-Bra ,
f eiybtocn hundred hinety-Bra
>le ef tha ■
wlia cisCrrs
ity r
Tbi* act shall b
Moved aad <
. mod bUi M p
OnC iioNTh srCb.
coBsinf to yoer town, where la wiU
Tetaaiaforoaaday only to ^v* tba
nick as opportanity to eonsnlt him
that canaot
caaaot nee him at his Banitarinm.
Thadoctarhaa ao mach.faHb in tba
axparienc* be ba* had. in treaGsr
Motfan earritd.
ohraalc<Ge«n*«thnt be will
Mevad by Aldmoas Oeodrteb that
Bosth’a I restax
> beitdiar witbla the dre UotUe does tba Mayor be ae<)iimtad to aoJfy
Also ranx stTroicix orsnAtiana «o
at leelad* balldlap*'bat are simply Rally In clear tb* fatter* from ire
_______ I arir
itb iron
• Mdinc. tb* Bbliaoo Boom an Santh Uaian AU. THOSE THAT AES TOO POOX TOSAT.
All that be asha In retora la that
and aa aaveral peUtlon* af a.almllsr Btrmt.
rery patient wm state to thmr friend*
natam have been daaied. we wnnid
Mat}on carried.
M manlts obtalised by his tmatmenb
rccommead ttist tt* petition be aol
Moved by Alderman Maesafes that
. UforiBBof ehroBiediaenaea and darvaatad.
tbe propoaad Charter AroendmeaU ba
rormitM* treated. Ho man In this
fwwardsd at onoe to BepreseDtativa
Gno P. Gaanmox.
Foster with tbe rwiasat ta rifaraosly
rieM i^betreat^t^fcS^
oTfatbepaaanceot tbs blU.
Cnmmltianoa Firs and Water.
Motion MrrM.
The tirera la aD iheoe aute* are
boeariac and nanr town* are (iQodc
Rate alao all poured doa-n In Ulaaou
and the Mlaalarlppl rtvi-r It rttlnc rap
idly. At Carllnx-me. tlla. nearly all the GMd Tremraa Gnaaty., Tbe total ^
brldfea are *eoe and everywhere rall- aneb expense* lnclBdlarW<ebnrd*rhi
waya are roueta cmbamaaed and iraint aalary sbMI be preperl) l^a'sed and
are delayed. At Pltlabura. hoaei-er. eertlfed to b.v-eaid Oenrt ^ ^ tha
the flood baa readied It* rulminatlen aty Clerk, prseanted to tbeWrd af
and la recodlPK.
Beparriaora of eaid oaeety at eaeh anmvw^ BsMioD of taM hoard, aad if fennd
oormeu they shall at the same eeaalea
'WaabiBCtoa. yareh
The dttte la
aadUaad allow the same aad order
the aenate *re*te|day wa* devoted to
tha,payment of one-half thervof from
Moved by Aldervaaa Goodrich that
On Botion
of Alderman Lnrdl*. d*ty
dtlonal quarantine
eebe aocept- carried, Oonocil adjourned.’
tb* Coonty Treasary l« the CUy Clerk
t of tbe
and Alaaka Kovemincnt bllU. without
d and adopted.
who aball depoait tb* earn* la tbe City
A W. Kicnno.
Tresanry, to be planed to tb* aredlt of
WotioB carried by van aad any vote
City ari«.
maktnK. A few unimportant t
M follow*:
MoUnfnat fOada of tbe City.
Veaa—Aldermen Parker. Montaree.
Tbe debote In the houee waa .oti
Gmlllek. Ooodriefa. Co^ Dransond.
conteated electlcn. tbe naval appropi
Sxenox t7.—SnVJwt to tb* proviso
InvesUfation show* that mee who
UOD belns reported, bul not Uken u
bereta CMUiaed. aay road or aay part
sacceed am men of bralna—stroaf
tfaemef beretafam laid oat or any
narvee—freat wiU power.
Travme* City. Mich.. March 1». INt.
:ta or pnrta of atmeta wli_._ ..
people with active brmins and
eTArcmirT or nosmn or I'l'Buc woUKa
city or within any territory
bodies reanire
Bleela HUl feed tb*
Of tho Otty OminoU irftba Otty of Vtmvuervea—make the mind briybt. mnscle*
of said city that tbe followiarU an aehmiu. may beern
.*(•• Oity.
stroac-malm fliash aad bl<nd aad rivs
bridre aader tha provlaions of aot eomte aeaoant ot the east of repaln on
perfect health to'Mcn nnd ^omen.
Rer**Br mnettoy of Cit? OpobcU b«ld aomberone bandred and fartynin* ef street* sad the caestraeUim Ibereot.
TMkTvRxnis or PHiLsncu-itu make
tha aemloB lairs ot eirhtae* handrsd tb* amount nf material used and tb*
In pMnoU room. Unroh tl. IN*
Meeilnjr wm called w order by bU aad alaety-Uree. with the OMsentaad expense tbermf. aad the street
Bonor, iMyor Smith
approval and apoa saeh term* and con: Pioaent—Aldermen Porker, HooU- ditioBs M tha council of said city may
rs" kl« ytaCerfui rrllef-hs tsM^
yoe. Grelllek. Goodrich.' Cook. I>ee- by ordlnaace or raaolatioa dslermiae: day* ot labor pkrformad oa sdld stmat*:!
moDd. Lardle. nnellamniel. Oorrison Previded.—That wo street, part of j
Ja*. G..JaHnao«, Drayykt.
street nor bridfe aor bifbway In that'
and Jebna* and Mayor Smith.
Hinolea ef iMt
read and approved.
H'wed Irt Alderman Goodrich that
the mite >w aodseaded and that the
ant-Jeetof CbaYttf Ameadmesta be ta
ken np and acted epo^ to nnabla tbe
printers to
New DEFAirruREi
BSOVW, nuof-M* a
lal auasum *e i
- tiirramm.
/XH-OWPO u*i
Lardie. Bnelimanul.
\T MBIUW Is Pro!
M. HsroAouM Oa. I
c. (he jfovnr sad City
Council of the CUy of TYavtrwt CUv;
Travans City. Mleb.. March SI. lEM.
That tha city purchase
OKKTiJiesac:—W*. lbs nadstalmed
ettUena of Traverae Ciiy and raaldnnu from tae Oatea Iroo Works of Chlcay*.
of tbe Sth ward, do pelltioa roar Hob- one of thrir No ICOstoaee
pfet*. with trucks, elevator, rotary,
oraWaBorty to h
ler of 8Ula serve* and ail tools and c^aipmenu
trie arc Ilirht at
ready for ase. aai
tame to bo dc
dellvared la
h ward.
aad Bopc luweu
____ elty.. ... np by them and fully
r reapeetfully.
A. B. Baason. P. Lindquist. L- teeted before the ooooeU. When aneh
shine ba* been found snUsfaetofr
1. A Tantpka,
the eeunUl and ha* beya approved b/
them, tb* city ahall pay *:so. F. O- &
. ^
rbarica Plehell. Chicayv for tha m**-
Roember, w« gilvna w rllteu
ritten roanantee to enm every cl- -_________________
RUPTIA& Alto, wej tm a Ijris^
£nM tifUi t IifUil L I
lopted and paaacd.
MoUan carried
d by Yen and Nay v
as follows:
Yes*. Aldarmen.
Parxer. Hontnyun.
Urel'iek. Goadrleb. Cdok. _____
Oarriaon and
Moved tiv Aldarmaa Hoetayae that
Umlor. Peter LarsoB, A 8 FrvmaB,
>• for three yearn; foor Juatloee i
Than. T. Usiea. Bivib L. dprnyas and
» for one year, oae for C Vaadarlip. A Barper. 8. M. Bllar,
- Ell_________________
^lar. Carr Roed.__C E. Boat.
Peter Beary U Campbell be appolntad clce_
two year*,
for three Tears aad oae B.
P. UoB rommlsaloecr* tor the AnsMl
for roar yi
yean; aadoaeJodra of the 01*08. Esmeat Day. Albert Diea.
Robart. tihoBbervar. John
Beoordrr's Coort for a term of four
veer*; and at each anauai city nlactioB
tharaafter. Umre ahall he eUetad oa*
Mayor for oo* year, om School laapec______________seod DoiRHi sbfs: alFaircbild. BaoaTmmatA John
ipok SAUtOSBAPf Ms'wartOi
s'wartilr 1^ wwh staad. »*«*>» a>
Bepklna. Jmac Well*. B Sommer. R.
Ayai. B Oyd*. Geo. Staama. U K.
bet* otihe^aanlotPaMki Warit* for
three yesn and at aaeh aeaood aanael QlevelaBd. A. J. Moflanry. Gao.
Bayistritlon MoUoe.
mlu ai lb* (NwerexaihUn. Ed.
eiecOon thereafter th«fe ahail be alrei- Rtaaraa,. ^
Ta the
uf tba aix ot TrawOrMS* BsU. S I
City Clerk aad oae Cliy Traaa Peowae, Onory*
orltblMUs*. Pibd
Moved by Aldarmaa Cook that tbe
r tw* year* raeh; aad , at eaeh
basil haunab anln sstlsss o* Itse
NotlM U asTvbr ftrm that ik* noofOs ot loertexM nscoaix
inal eleetkw tb
' peUtlon be lafeirad to the aammltte* Bsrlatrsuao ol rs^ ot iSr err wsrUs of A*
rl» VIU br la wortos at ikv foUovtnc *■■■«
oa Pablie Llfbtlaf.
pla V* M SslarUsy. April M, SN*. fium rteSt 's^AjrmnMbtiea
' '
o atom la lbs toivusos outU ot*Si eVlerk *a
U* snrruooe. lor iSr psruasa el Ibxkuwlac
sU coalllM rlnruira witbls lbs CUy. wbo arc
CouncU of tbe ettvof
U>AK—We bora sa dapaoH
a *ao0eaaioa.
JfteWoon.s^ inr«s Ware, lb lb* 0»y OosarU Poows
rd oily aad
a Cwlor. AtaasU*obooionbeeUa,tem»,mi,
Ware.lBibsC E. K T * BsU
atldesk^ga m.
II.—All ooauact went for resideat* ef tb* elty rmpectfally peWtbr
V Third
iB .tbe Madok SbIMIbx.
Gob yanr hoBoraU* body to order the
. . of OBkwMBxtb SI
rialoa -----------------------m*
Wei*, is ibi
Bontb Daloa stmat Iknawa as Beofhey
tbeeliy eeonell, et
a At Kpor Uee
vldad by thh net.
ihall eMbuiS bill) at as vnrly adqle aapomlMa. at
• City
aad keey
. dourm from a ooat aot to exaacd seveBty-fm AmIsisslIwsaxW
oex wborveT I bora base
MsrrS. M«
elovaUeas aad Jara. Ala* to eompUta the elayisf and baod Ibis mb
of tba Olir o{ TrsToror
Apply to BsrM-d Onor.
MCoaoir. niebitsb
Q. E Bo't’oi
Bkxj Boro
BJaeUon Votlea.
R. F. BoooBXT.
flora of tbo eux^of Trurvroo CUy.
Ball4lMt*xaa. iwootortoa sod bosro;aml- Aloa
—>0 Ooeoly. Mirhixss
foor kdA. roravr Hib and Oass airroto. IflBlool
Moved by Alderaea Lardle that the
no Is br ruby *!*•* thoi tbr ssssolebSS- Irwol to ini fool drop. SD IB lb* boan o« tbr
I raiaed In adAltSoa to other school fande
wUsa wUl ho brM Istbl* CUy on lb* rity. Addrom Potor BoudraiM. tt* Proel BL,
peUtlon be referrea to the CemmiUae
. for tbe eatlm aapport of the pnbUe
, leerlta dbrot April. A. D IMA lor ibr psrposo Trerosaa City. Bleb. Mp-U_______________
. JtreeuaBd didewalka
pilsy ibo ssTvrat Oily sad Ward »■«*>*
, inelndiak fael. pev of teacher*.
Motkm carried.
repair* aad <
'loctlus will br ciibdiwird I:
Traverse City. Mich.. March l«. ISO*.
drabi acroo* atrval B B AUys »:«
To the HonomMa 0M Mayor and COy
Counril of tke tHtyo/ •.
**airfSrllnn wUI bo bold Is lbs (aUevlsy
of eebool bntidlap and aappert of tb*
piano IB sold rliy
xbrary, aikd for all porpaaea af ex
W*. the nodmifard property ewapeadltare
which tbe board U aathoris! p
C. n. AP.a. Ball ea
ei or rw^olied U> make dariwr tb*
____ __________________jeris-lamber. aad
enanlncyear. apeottviac tb* dtCeroat
TbM Word, la Ibr
^bo^'vWmpoM to
Ition to have It removed,
ol Calea aoC B xib su
B gmsw«t me-a________________
ob}enr' **
partlealarTy aa may be:
she Qnalfe. trastaek Bohert Barney,
Poertfe Ward, la U«
which anm as reportad, the eonaeU tnulee. Iserease Chahe. Fmnh Cook.
OoMa Olson.
may at lu diacretloa oaaas ts ba Joha A. Cook. B Nichola, A Waltan.
PVib VsTd.tathrPriwsry oebsel boUdlsf
niaad by tax npon ail .tba taxabi* pro A A. Reid. J. F. Pollen, P. W^nd,
Tbr pMh oltMsels
perty Id tbeeliy, la tbe taiM maasar Leri Is
Mrs_L Beymonr, w. A.
a^ at tba same Mm* aa tba fenerel Barrincton. Del. LePenUW. Jr. Gonrye rarra e'rtoek
Trarvm city tsiabor O
efts taaee are levied.
Provided.that Owatkin.
____lO, S.
J. \a.
C. >lbCK.
Vlaek. M.
thaamanataoUh* raised In any oae Cbas Beckman. Frank Bardy. M. M.
AI sorbrloa
rMsHM th< foUewlac
veer f< r tbe aarchaee of rreeed* and Quait*. W. A. Belm, Duncan Mclmeb- bool
tbe emotion of baildiBf
lin. John UUnsko, John B. WhUnry,
Arihnr Ty or. Tbomaa UeGarry. FraA
therein Inearred foe froanda and Whitney. Barry Whitney. JfAa OanA
belldtasa shall not axoaed eak:.Mr Fmnh Bokot, Dr. P. Smith, Hn. A. “
eeau Aodthei
And the amooat
for U* aaMbri
‘“*1 lorw.
>B* Jnatfe*
ot tb* rasas. Ml u
Moved by Alderman Montnynn t
lUoned aball aot exceed one i
the petition he referred to the Comi
la osekvard o« ibortl)
tee on Fire and Watmr.
Motion oarried.
Oaa Al£marte'twe 1
real aad perbesBl property la tb* etiy,
b the BananbU, the Moyor oHd CIRr
a* shown by tbe tax mlU of the preOOHiinU of CA* City of Tyaoene Cttf.
barles Ai sreoa. \j rtjsrxmso. i
Up. LI. Nord.
- .. . Aorust Uedlai
Bvbt7 jJ SBOhr. B. Wevo
________jBri. Bn}B»B Haltud. D. f
Wamej-. IMrk WItkop. Jnba W. Pieke
J. H. Southall has boM employed by
tbe yovemment 'Mr a period of more
tban Stteen yeara. up to alt months ayo.
At that Urn* he rcMcsad tha poatUon of
Milet clerk of the enslne^ departmant
In this rtly, belny succeed by J. D.
• ylven oul at the time
that Boolhall mired fn.m ihe-pneKInn
of derlL. that be had made cvpaldernble
money in speculation In com. and that
he Intended In the future to devote bl*
r to tbe atork market. HI*
duUsB while be wm actlnc aa clerk
were to keep the lime a* turned In by
the foremen of Ibe pay that waa dnetbe
workmen ard In time U> pay then off In
r cbertf \
e ciften bauyht
p B
0- Coehl
B o.r.A.,!OtssewiJ*
iwRi m 111111811011:1
iltunce dlrm from Washlnyton
would then depoaJI tbe numey in
own name and lake up ibe checl.a
h hla Individual checks
By dofnc
tn *11 tlie banks In t
credit, w Uh the mo
paper thel b
puod *> ■ xnvmurenl'bond.
The check* were alwav* met on Hm*
end this feci M rMp»n*iblryorttaelink
er* not bec«j
Ahen (heir check* were not fortbeom-
flourIrhiBX coadlllon. Sloe*
e then minor*
have been corrmi that the
been rsuxht on the lone aide ot the
wheat marl^l. Whether this mad* It
Impoaelble f< r Southall to take up all
the oelatondlnx thne ^echa cennoi be
It la onderstood that Hu«h**
wItMrew from the firm last weak, tabInc out a larct
Of the
them for Ipdlvlduala.
which .failed flfteea montha aco. held
over ChOn and nearly *s mdcl
1. Cofui^bank.
WlaconUn whnee^hm*
eould not be laa^nsd had bouebt |M..
m worth of tbm cbacka aad *^«*0
P. p. BocNnur-
ia tbe week aad bead of a larce iUbosrapbk compaar In ttita city died yes-et^r- He was a direct dweeBdani
K Marila Luther.
Oevelaad. Marth tt-Tba cpecattv*
MSimltu* ef tb*
that so cba«s* .•hoold he ■
VMM «f lahn ealian thia ■
If Toil WutToir lies Eiunliitl
OBmnwxE—We, the nndemlyned
‘Sacnox a —The Baeorder shall mand tazpayere of tbla city
oelv* aaeb aaenal aalary payahia ^earMn%*OBM£*SS^Sa^
’. aa tb* ooottca
of the eUy
aad tbe baaed Of aa
of Grand within H) day* on tba npriA aid* oi
TmvtrM Coeaty. aball by ordinance or
Me iiBM**tbaaiBM|s*vtMkrnMHBmraaolatioa preaorfbai Provided, that
aee-kalf af Mid salary aball be peM
Tbe eosscU «f Ib*
■ fc. O. a. OlBord. W. A Dean.
ABjTDAXr inoniro
Ohioaio * Varih HmUb
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