The Morning Record, May 22, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, May 22, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



■trw 1WW«.

■TAinABBS Amx A PPM* >0

xsx ssPAmTxzvr-

Attwnptto Xa»n S»,K»-1b Tk*t »»«t Wt Bottlo
irm Oopar >nw»«a Aoy WM aad
Vortb OoMt of Oaba—lodloat'
That Vow* pfaBatUo WiU Oo*m
Alm«« A*7 Soar.





iHl MW the Bo{s lud ire ii it,

Saa Praaetaoe. Hay fl.-Tka orataar
Wlio BmI IM»U«d FUm SM^Tofk
Ibariwtaa wblek loft Mara lalaad Ut*
Btfbor BalMMM AddPMMd te
BMnlac tor Maaila. wtU otop at Bod
A Spwlati OcoaaLNeitbar caa we om tba quality aad prieea of Wind'
Bock to eoaSrm Ue adjaatmaat of bar
iMlal «*m Mmkm
ow Oartaina that we are makii^. We carry ril
N«w Y«rk. Jl»7 S1.-A SpMitk ««x
wide gnoda ia atock, and make aad bang all widte sf
M kMB HTMto4 bj —errt MrrtM
t«*U. B*WM » d«Mrt«r fTMt U«
Ua aBaet that Uo Spoatah oqeadroa
DalMd SUtM MtUUr7. WkU* Mat
iterad to Oowaor% Ulaad h* VOW FATOUD BT TKV VATAS.
290 Front Street
Holley ft OodbbUV
throw a paekofo of papoi* lato tko
Mow Ywk. Hay <1.—A MadrU speobay. Wbaa roeooorod tbo7 proood to
That Oonrao Vow Dot
lal oayo that tea fBOB ware kiUad aad
be a dotanad plaa of tho Kew York
To Draw Oerrara Tram HA* Poator difoDwa. oditrowod to tho Spaa*
ttaa-FUa to VtOla* tk* Koalton aaay woaadcd at Ua exploaloa of a
■at at Meatroal.
Tar That ruipoaa-Samo Deabt aa' powdw BiBeaslBo at Cartaarca.
Yon want to keep cool and be comfortable. The best
10 Wkotkar Spa&lah Flaat it BtU
way to obtain both is—bay a book and a hammock and la^
At Saattat* do Oaba.
yourself ont in the shade We have everything needed—*
BpKiaJ w tfet Ifowina BKoaa.
St. lioat*. May *1.—Harry Daka wen books—hammock—and shade.
Hay !>.—Saetatary Hlatimlppl valley ttakm today. ElaeAiJMle Sqaadroa.
r racolrad I
tor oaooad. tbe kaodleap. wpa wee by I
•pMtal w Tat Uouiir* Modbb.
. Sllfo loraad- The bUo daah
Waehlattoa. May tl.—Tko aery do- mlrU Sanpaoa toairht *iatiar Uat|
Ckpo Tarda Sect U atilt at Saatiafo.
oa by Poaad. Bella Ward toopartaiaet pwtod Uko foUowlac baUoIt 1* balierad Uat a batti* betwaea
Ua at 4 e'olocktkUaftaraaoB:, “Tbe
SampaoB aad Orrara wUl take plaeo
Oaitod Statei otoaMor Moatarey kao
Baaa BaU Beerea Taataiday.
imoirnn or Moaday.





Ko7 Vfoot. V*7 <1.—Aeo(
tab war akipo. laolodiaf tko Vtaoaja.
(ktatobal 0o»oa.. Marta.
nooiBC weot'ward atear Uo aoatberB
tkor* af tko Caribboaa Sea.
Bo[tM fraat MoU. St
Aa early bombardBeat of Haraaa U
^tiea aad other potato Make It
St. Paul 19. DetroU i.
BOW favored to aid brlariac Cervera
aeeai probable that a
eat of Ue oover he baa ekoaea at SaaBootoB 4. Oeetaasti S. Clovelaad &.
the Mioadraa. probaUp laaladiat tko
Uafo do Caba.
OKidlaat Creaaoro*. Polayo aad CbrtaTho plan 1* to take the owmltoro Pbiladolpbla 1- Svoond c*»*.
tiaa fi^aatatofaUowtatUtke wakojSAWAB miFlVI RATS USV dewa Uo eoaot oomo dtataaeo aad at- lead 0. T^hlladelpbla 8__________
of tko Si«t By kea^ ^eac tkei
ladc Uo bauarioa oao by oao. proeoodaeatb okcwe of the Ooribboaa aaa the
lof (roa Ue eaat toward Havaaa aatil
TboyAip Vow ta UaVarrtoaof Cacla
Oponlonti aocddad aay ekaaee of aa
Bam aaV Barer far Actioa
S Porto Bta
It tabUieved Ue aioDltor* wiU be
Tba V^-uimBitaatoBad OAo
OUpOota here aay the Ur •
''Sy;_7likalm Dotallad U Okarsa of able to deaoUab Uebettaitoo from Uo
«at boeoBli|r'tarr>ta for Uo
tka Baapttal—Vast Kora ta Waal
•Wlh Jaat aatald# Ua trUr* »< Boy*
Spaalak gw.________
«a tk* Mooqalto ooaat withwit daac*r pwUl to Ta*3toosTs» aoBOsa.
MadrU. May 91.—Aa efilelU dlqmtek
of dtaeorery bofor* th*y omorte fro*
OampBatoo. Ulaad Lake, May IL
frao) Havaaa my* tk*t oovoral Amari'
’ Ua ao^ of tlM Yaeataa akaaaU be- Tba H—BlSoe ware maetarod la to
«aa watahlp* have arrived la U* bay
twaaa tho
aad af Yuoataa Ua Uaitad State* army today a* Oomla freat of Merra Cattle.
aad tba woat aad of Oefaa. rnaa Uto paay M. Iblrty-foorU B*ri»oa* VlokIt 1* ■tiitTlr* that AdBiral Oervara*'
pUat Uv woald b* almoat eqaally
aqaadroa lall Saatiafo do Caba at mU4tataat tro«‘ Key Watt aad HaTaaa,
alfki. eoaUar aad taktaf aa provta■ot HO KUaa althar way.
appalBted by Oaptala MclatoUi a* tollaaa.
U tkaobjaet wa* ta break the Baoa- iws:
WaUlartoD. May tl.-The report
M Waekad* UoyooaU do lt aa^Uy
SoiraaBta—Oaorra Tarbaek. Oa*rr«
Uat Admiral Oarvera dodfad aet of
they arrttad bUora Sehlay or Baspw
Doyle. Otto Kyoalba, Sort Uafo. (MSaatiare wiU kta baakara dJiad wlU
Tba faeliar ben 1* that the aand bO^
coal and provtaloa* r^laatahad, ha*
bkbUa a( the war nay be foarfat begoarUriaaitor—0*oar Tkoma*.
caaaad aevara criticltm at Uc Bsaaralirii- KeyWiaiaadtha aoHk Oabaa
Owporalo-Thiriby, J. A Mabla*.
BUBt af oar aaval foraaa.
Oeotfe Davo, Hartia Wlnala. Balpk
' aoMt
It U feared that Ua Spaalard*. have
Brcrythtat t* at .a kteh taaeloa. HaotiBc* aad Jelta* Jakaaaa.
mad* Ua Wtadward paamra katweoa
BoU ottoar. aad oc»ra*paad*Bta ara
Caba aad Haiti.
{or a dl^teh boat tai
Ed Mawtaa.
tka Uiaaaal at aay hoar wiU Aawa
ArtiSoara-WUUam Batoaoa. Wa«oIt Ul* move, bat it li ballavad Uat
a baatUa Seat baa baaa U^tad aar aad Chaa. Sladw.
ha 1* atlU at Kay Wmt awaltiaf ordara.
wttkia atrilria* dlataaea of
Thera ara ao flaakaia la Uo eoM'
paay aad evwy maa 1* ••
urataa, Jaatalea. May >1.—Tka
It ta Impowiblo to faraeaal tko ateOa^ active tervioa Theaaxt
: wUl be
eaUa I* la worfclar arder. bat private j
mmU of alUar Baapaaa or SUlay toWaablartoPtal^rapk laqalria* eoaeereiBC Ua |
■ Tte auppoaltiao amonr aaral
Dr. WUbelB kao boea detailed
liohaqaaain. aaUtoba at SaaUtIUtardenfrM Waaktnrtoa wiU di- ckarro af Ua hoapltal.
aro, raealva ae n
net a radtatrlbatioB of Teanlt, feraiar
Are proDooDced to be tbe nioeat io
• flyiac aqaadroa u make a qotak
town. All the lato petteniA
Madrid. May 91 -The Spastok fovaaaad-ap oo Ua waat Cabaa oaa*t parlUectrietcBt cecrah^a* far aroaad aa Ctaafaafoa oa Two Koadrod WiU Leave Ohleairo ter
mbeet* of tba <topa
tka Boatb, loarlar a eaVotaat
Kay Woat Moaday.
Vardoflaek It ofioaUy daolarad that
nawu at Key Waat aad Uiawlar Ua
If Ua AmaricaBBcatUa Cabaa eahlaj
stiaarU of Ue SrhUar foroa ta from
Cbleafo, May 91.—Oaebaadrad a
Spate wlU ratalUate by eattter Ue
Of Barmaa. where attar alf a fraat bat- na af Ua nilaata aaval raaerrm «
OalvaMoa eabla. aiopptef *aaU PaalSe
tlaHaybefoacbt. Thta aftamaa Ua ■worn iato aarrio* today by Om
.hM«y aqaadroa off Bead Kay* wtn Hawley. SOD wUI leave Meaday for
by Urea blf traaaport*, U*
Wmt. U«a r> dlraetiy to jate
Inta. Iroqaol* aad Cberokae. Work- Bakpwm'a Beet.
■MB warabeally aacayad poltlaf la
immaadar of Orocoa Vot AfiaU
lowr----- j beaks, bat do oae
It pays to treda here and pec^le
cf tba Vatira Spaalak
lowed U board Uea> ud aa tataraaBquadroa.
Tko Ofletel Axo Booy te Vow TaiB
finding it oi^
ttaa a* to Uelr •aUlar palat or daatlWaaktegtoa. May 91.—It to kelievwl
ntkra aoald bo firea eat. It i* aader- apeclil to Tu Kovivv Ssoomo.
ky U* navy departmaat that Admiral
•taod. howooer. that Uay ara ftaa New
Now York. May 91.-Mayor Vaa Oervara wiU Ua Spaatoh fleet to aftor
Takk, kaTlar MarUd tor Tatapa to Wyek today ramovad Police OoBuntoUo batUaUlp Oragoo. bnt Oaptala
qnutar troopaa traU a*o. wbaa tU •ioBoia PhUlip* oad Haalltin, appoiatdark .wiroa: -Doa't tangle mo ap wiU
tanUao of Coba by a lead force
inf Jacob'Bom teauad of Ue teUor.
■aetioa*. Am not afraid of Ue oaThe board orraalaad wiU A J. Y*rt tiro Spaatok Soot.''
Tho St. Pa*
as prmldeat Thca U* board rotirad
aealter ^ /ooalvat. ]
Chief HeCallach oa aa aaaaal paaaioa
of S9.000 WlU Uo mayor's appn



" Wheel Enameled ForS2.50




Great Renval Sale
WemakeappedAl effort in onr obiUrea’a atoek cd Canth*
ing. We do not wUt to take onr duldk snits with na as we are
going in men’s clothing ezelosiTely, bancs we're concluded to
knife prieee right and left.

lottorsj Nib tbisi yricR Hd tbii MM
ii4 iiinlH tiilit;.

Are Handsome.

Boy*'wool oalta, vary otyltoh. Jbrmar prloo* tLU............BatepetaoS M
Boy*' clay oalto. very gaod. fiwmmprtom gIJi................. Bala|ttM IM
Boys' Oaitimora saito. all wool, fmmm- price SI.Op..........Bate p^ 4 FT
Boyo‘8afJoraoy*aito.8aaarcaUar.termH’prtoaS».tS..SBteprtM 1 <8
Ctoaaot qaou mora prioo* ter waat af ^aaa.

Our Hen

bny or not


A spectel inritatian is ezteodsd to mothers to call end «ssmine tbase good*. WiU be pleased to show yon wfaetbw yon

We do not
belong to the comlnnation
And we are not obliged to aaU meat at war ptioas.
36S. We bare
have •
car load of tbe b«t western oorn-fed stock and can.............................
fornixyoo the
beet Chicago beef killed at home.



Bingham Bros., I^t Stmt

FRIEDRICH. to be Undersold.
and Sundries.

I have jort arrived from Chieago with a new let of Bicyclea and
Naw and aecond hand.
Tbe cheapest place to get a good
aza OB Uolr aopka. Aaotker ap•earelty of Pood te' Baraaa OaoM*
bMval af the aatiro poUco departmaat ^Mareoaat Monkattan Bcaek (o^y. triieel.
woa by Toai Batter of DatnM.
Bieycks from 116.00 to 895B0.
Titea 9:11 9-S.
Gall and aee the ba^ains.
doa romlvad by Uo war departNew Wheels and Tsadeas to
It My*oorlaa*rlaUncte Havaaa to
rent, at
tiaaat. caornd by a oeareity of teed,
Okattonara. May >l.-The irate
*oyh» Uo ftat Mtoaoori telaatiy from
Yoatorday tkadapptat Boltoar wa*
the el«y to Chtokamaafa park wa* loaded vfm a flat ear aad stortad oa
the C. A W. M. fer Van Barm wkera U
BnUBoad. laA. May 9).-Aa oa wraekadteaaeT1totoaatBaa*»m* ato- wiUkeatiUmdaaaatatiaa. Tka work
Mn Mate load of ambate^coo wao too.
to te ekarge of TraekMatar Deyla aad
Tivo privataa wara kOM aadti
AijyiJ eouU today for the army.
DwtagUapaM thirty daya Stadcbak- plaraA««ahl^lM oarTkai^taiy tralawaa ran tatoky
InmaSateUe Urgaft teeSoty tette
we^ tomatod te Cktaga. Br^
Kay tL-fbr taww

Bjonvo AVDX






TBATEB8E OITT. MlpH. KUNDAT, kUY 82, 1898.

8Mond T«f-Ho 8»



A Bapablicaa vatalaa of Uo treakle to Waa Matioaal Oki
atonal Baba te 8:118-6.
to Uo eSoct Uat HeCoUark eppmed
eerttia fambllor aad po^ raemi. BpMtol to Tax Msansv Bacouk
Now Tortt. May ll.-Tko oac
whioh eaaood tko briagiar of Ua ate-

ll|,'lliioi St, Reyair Worts.

No utter what to being mU or doaa wo oot-do aad i
tioo te the State. Comparo oar priem wUfc nay a
WlU aay mtalogae W
or Wori-Wo load thorn aU.
Oar goed* ara of hoUoruterial. bettor pat together Uaa over botere, aad s«r
priooa. for qeaUty, maot bo aaea to be ap^pctatod.
CaaftnaattoB Day to ooaa at kaad. We an a^y aapfdiod wlU Us
larged etoek of (Aildrea'o OoUteg amU cd Orsad Bapite Hod famatas fl

Saving of 25 Per Gent,
on Grand Rapids Prices.

termorprica. 10to910 aBgeto..^-................................................. .


8i.«tott.n.9ft............................................... ............................................



nans aitl OrpH

Catahlfh ntoa(ipaa4.

The Boston S|ore,
FrontStreet '

Glass Block,-







Tunan onr, -


tfc* 1»
hMM .Jl
*Mf .* tk.

TM. I. amTuSl. w. unn. tan «f ^ Boj« BMdwbO WMt n
». W. BAOP, MH» ™»ium».

MM W bM#n* •
. hnrtk nfiBMt UU.U »*
tntar ttot tk* ta»d taj* wn« MMlBT
ta^taMM* tk.yokjMnd to btoM


cmvmam mrv^ TVM.



tar nt»4lBr tk* nattor tan U tke
<s»f «»»*»«■ olty. WkMtkatajanWrMiUtoal^
dlkeaitwUMi. B«n

4ttri>( Ikdi ctoj. WtaB tta nrinton
wen mmlTiTf tka oalj om i«>«etodWM Bert Btakdr kfur Ike exemlM.
tkM ereato led Uie kor* I* bellare tket
fifteea »M were reqelnd. tat Iktar
tb#7 wen MttBed tket 00I7 tons
r tbe reeoeld be need, eet

at tOd» a. B. on ‘*Tke ivy of
Srif-taerttea'- At tkie ttne a ftnprdtodewlUtafflnB ea -IVa
tafaatoeOovrteadthenMattu tlUe
''«^a hearty part la toe etortea
Shake haada with the atnacer.
Baaday nkeol at n;W a. m. Bartatom rnnk elpM to tbe etady.
Jaaler Chrtatlaa Badeaeor at 8 ^ m.
T. P. A C. B. at 0:U ». aa for tbe
yoaag pmipto. Be aaoaff .the flnt to

Seb)eet at 7:W p. m. wQI be “Tta
Jodgmeatof Natioaa.’' All an larttod
to tbla enaiag
Be*. J. C. Oemea. -iOKK a m. Coanmttoa aa^ pnyar
oa a deeper apiritaal Ilfa
_10;30. PobUe woreklp Bemoa by
tbe pactor. “Voloea of Sprlag." a. ef
A t:h. If.
ll:«S. BlWeachooL
6:15. Yoeog People’e aarrloa.
T:30. Ooapcl meeting. Song aerTiee
Sermon: "New Koowledge ea e New
BomA" Oen.«:«Tbe poblic eerdleUy inrlUd to all
keae ewieea.
rataaoe' cBcaca.
■ Md Kerr Been. PaewrA
Ooraer Oak nnd Fifth atreela.
Bible eobool at 9:*5 as.
Parenla eoma and brtng yoar ehll:ren.
MoraiagaerrlM 11 a m.
tabjeet: "Trae Onataeto." Matt
16. 4.'
Jaaler maetlag f JO p m.


Cycle Works.-

W £IrB.hoaki b. i»«. 8.Uri.cli«>


.bicTcleaaadiinAfaboatoaat Ne* and Moaod bitol wbMb {or mm1»



Asparagus, Lettuce. Badisfaes, Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.

Then. 167.

2*8 Front St™a.

Prepared By XePbenM
Tnntee aty'e metoorlal day
Tieea will be tnnetcd wiU e peeallar
end aolemalty tola yev.
k and UUai
Mingled with toe ntonMrtea of aoUior
not eoU tk^b^. thoo»k aa effort wee
OitatotlM BMota-i
away wm be lorlmg
eu^r to neoaeUe tkeea to Ue eltaatbonghta of the bmre aoldior boya aoea
Tta foUowtoir «e M aeeenw reond f tlaa. Borne of IkeiB finaUy aneed to
to win toelr lannU on ter away tootb«< tke teta of ike Nonne Baoon for go tat aa tbe aitoatlea waa
wlU mot be •• mochaf
deeidMta de^ iMt WMk:
.As osnml we are to the front witL the outpst froan oor.aoda fooBttbe biterity tomt hme bM gndnally
ed motto naiala- Tke Beaaah Klflea
ofMpioc m and tomatomlmg to doawny «in, girioK to oor pat«»s tbe bert fiaTOre, the best ice cream, the moei
mot ^ceeedwItbtbaMititUafB
with tbe true Ideal of toe day. for tba sparkUoff pboepbatee. Don't forget that refreshing feeling enjoTed
bad takea aad thia added to tbe aaeeraervfem wlU be Imrwtod with a daep
tolm^ of aa airaageBeat belag nada.
laat season after patronizing oor fonnUin. This season onr soda apaad trae maanlor that will make Ufa
Wkeo nUUrd CaapbeU waa aetlfled
paratoB will not be open for bnsinees Snndaj’s.
man wn^ toe living.
that oalr aena woald be
at the aaa»e One lafermed of the
Arrangemmto bare bean
MePhenoa Boat. O. A.
to atumd
aeleetlona hade for that perpoee. TkU
C E Bsaltoget6:IS.<dirtme aarvleaiat toaFlrrt M. B. ebarek
eeleetioa Imeladed WlUaid (tanpbell.
Bnalag aerrlea at 7:30 o'clock.
Snnday morning. May ». and Uaun to
WalUe OaapbeU. Oberlaa O
A cordial laTitattoa to all wbo will a memorial aermoo by Bor. J- A.
Charlee Broadfoot. Waltor Blakeley
Albert Beeeaka aad Will Oetty,
Moaday mMlmg. May 80th, the Poet
While tbe eeleotloaa wen appar
amd eittaeaa will
IBOO eatly fair to tbe head tbe na}oriky
Brntday, Kay SS.
ag'etlO:taA m.
wen dl«eetlafl«L Not beoaeae of tke
when tbe grmvae of
Sunday aehnol at tba claae of toe
will hedeeanwd aad toe ImeelaeUoaa,
dUappelBtTn OaJtod Steiee bn tkne ter bed
pcoMlve O. A.' R- ritaal earrfed
tke beet of tke war. tat the etretefte ■eat beoaoee ef tbe feet Uat tke ea«. Ass MeMSA kh eewc <M he toashi 6w MB
la toe afteraooa. wMlfcer permlV
MoeotoOBto of tbe Spaaleh fleet ead tin aaBberwko paned wen led to Lngnemt»:l5 p mt.
M <SM M. essd 4<rsUiBC- ■
ting, toe nenal «xerrieee wUl taka plaea
bellen that they woald be aeeeptod.
' dtanTetarlawdlnvpeereaeee ead
Mormlmg inbjact: -Ita Biddam Won- oa toe eomaty granada. amd
cBarC nataeb»r«sls6wsalrnrt
WUlard etawd that bad the beya
ftamnei nf nrlnii ikip -* war
deraoftoe Bible.” and In tbaennlng
»H seres I mUs west. aU Usprov
M tke belief that BpeU ke esereielar her beea aooepted Uen woold ken beea we will talk abont tbe gnat Intaraat- raia. la toe Cltytlpma Hall.
UA 0*awpUsesJsstss*sslTAb»tsr
The addreae ef toe day wiU ta daae trooWe ao matter when they, wo
fMan of maeoToHac te bn adi
ional Bpwerto taagne CoBranUon held Uverod by P C. Gilbert. Tta mal'
flifa. Fioto^nfortaaow at bead itap> •eat. tat tbe fact tbataftar peealB(
fean that tke 8M«>wda an grUaall; flnt claw examlaatloa only eena wen League aombend aboet two mUllopA WiU be la charge of Dr. J. A Sayder.
The order ef irernlim la m toUewA
jmlif lato a padtlea to tax tbc «t- •elected flUed tbe entln aamber with Laat Snmday wm the nlath aanlveraary
Attar an
Readlag of ordetA
•Mt ekill aad etrafolr
kiaerimen enable to otaaerre It oa acSalntlBg toe dead.
. «M aaral foroea. HaTaBa-aaena to be hil-Sort to f-t toreU«r «> th»t ■—«“ eonnt ef tbe nnlen eerrleae la toe
flta bb^eetire pel>4
Addiwae of Weleeaa by the
laileatkiM tke
VeMe fleet laa; finally daelded to eome b«aA Fear.
Ed. Ndwtos waa
ta la ebape to atrlke a deatneUn
maalclaa of toe Hnamab Btflea m. aad narmal dam at the eleee
Sckley. aad Walter Blakeley. Ben Cb
tt latorocptod by Sampaoii
AddrM by F. C Ollbcrc
abroad aad wm Oetty remained to Join toe
«tan la an
•eeond and nty band of Ike reglmeBt.
fltat than
The aluatloB U nafortnute and the at}- yeatorday.
an ganuDcg*8 gicBtot coop
Baaed ictloB.
fleet followiag In tke
Mildred Steffeat of Lelaaddimta
At toe Ja« meetlag of the Peat the
. wake of Oemin’e aqaadron, wklck reanlt to be regietted.
Now is dm txme to
the WhiUnir yeatorday.
lellowing eommUteea were appoipkd:
if bevoght to ninforee tbe Aral
Will Banna left yeatorday for toe
boy yoor oxfoed tics. Dai*t
OvOBods-BamlU. Otwea. Skllllaf
wm form a powerful adveraoatoarm
^ flitopfertba Amerieato enleto'^ooe of
wait ontil tbe snmmef is
BHIto a megnlar Happy
Dr. and MrA G. W. Frallek of Maple
Dfooratloe—Tbacker. Mcmgaa
' toam MB be ddatnyed beform'a JoncCity were In the dty yeetorday.
half over befon yoa aecme tbe comfct of Vnr ibocte
Pamily and Hmjoytng Thernnh
If, bowenrT CarW. L. Bammoad of Ladtagton U in
Plewera and deooratiag giavea
•yraa U atill at Samtipgo, Sampba^,^
Camp Eptoo. lalaad taka. May
toe city riaitlag hb hcether. C. A. Jame^A Wright. OarUale and Dlpiey.
' ta arte to bottle him op aad nltimatoly Uoanao E*co*D>-The reerniu
dtoirij kli nuiT Oaapite all nporm. Boya Baad arrived at enmp at 5 p. m.
Ralph D While ef WUliarnkburgh
Tmasportation-Ge----------:-"r —
It to pretaWe that Sampaoa la fully yeeterday and received a hearty welAH oew mi bright, black og tSB,
witmcaaed toe performanee of Faust in
Invitation—CurtlA Keith and Irish.
taqaaiated with tbe aitimUon and 1
eocne from toe boya amd wen ewsortod
g-e Grand last aighc
Flags and marking gravea—Smith.
Mcsae wirii fancy tasting tc^s—tafy
pmnd tobet at toe pr^wr Ume.
to oar ■qnarUrA ^yfaff aeTeial artee^ Mra. E. J. Wagley and Mn Chandler
Solldting fttads—Moma and RobtiooA after'Which tbay wen eeeortod
degmit, very dmibku TheyTl wz
Elk Rapids were in toe mly yeatar- ertA'
to toe
tomt and ate heartily of a
PATAl. MSVLTSday OB a shopping tear.
yoo aU stnmiier mid then be in good
gead meaL
Ralph Aaderaoa went to Ulaa Baren
I have been a enSerer from efaronie
91a. VeUla Oardan Mod From taDiatrtel Attorney Covell rlalted eor
condition. Onn cost yon very link.
eamp aad waa heartily ehaerta and yeatorday w look after toe faneral ar- nsrt all kinds of medidnm for It
Joriao br a BtoyolA
raagemenu of Lonto Lerdte.
1 fouad oae remedy that baa be
Mn. Nellie Gardner, rtator of Hta J. wall entertained.
Riley Bweera came from Petoekey ___ jceae ae a care, and that la Cba
a.1. Ontland wee a rUltor In camp,
Ff. Maanem pf toll rtty. died Friday
the g»Mt ef Oaptnu Melntoah.
. plgbt at ber heme In Ka^nmn
Bamedy.—K E. Ousbau. Oaan MIUa
The eacoad regiment baa laftMmp Uaited Siatot navy la toe quarter- ta For ole by & B. Wall, dreggiat.
dta naalt of Injerica neelnd from
mMtcr'a departmeak
Wmg nia into by a bycyeUat abmil for TampA FIa. and great cheering
Mia. A. S. King left yeatorday foit. ttna waaka ago. Uta Gardner rertded wna tbe order of the eveatag nnUI toe Bratoa Harbor and Chicago. She wUl
K ta tola city for abent a ynr.
palled oot for Detroit, all nlealy qear- •peak at Beaton Harbor ef her experieocee m a missionary In
terad In Pallmaa alcaplmg oaaehee.,
XKaloeatod Bbonlder.
Mra J. V. Mclawsh and son Donald
f ‘
Yeetarday mormlag a gloom wee caet
X>r. C. J. Rneelata erne called npoa
went to Manistee yeetordsy for a short.
ta Ifire Bunrieal aaalataaee .Friday over toe camp by toe abaance of the afUr which they wUl go to Quap
sight to Mlm JoakeTnvla of Orawa. merry Second.
Estoa to visit Captain Helntoab.
taat night waa a nioy ene bat the
'erho anFered from a dUleeated akeolMr. and Mn. 3. M. Twilllger. Mr.
new reernlta were nlealy qnartend
^mennaed by a fall from ber bicvcle.
and Mn. J. J. Ring and Mr. and Mm.
tbe eompaay'a teate and toe Boye Band
L- Oiegtiry came over from Fife
1 in » >»rfa barn, to they were mon lortake iMt night to wluews Fanst
adioorned taeaaioo
"-— tonate than ^
the company U the tentA
wUl bean
be .an adjonrned
SWlnberg’s (inad.
1 Moaday.
Mr- aad Mn. B. J. Morgas. h
exeepUooA lach as ooldA headacbee
d aa IndepanGrace aad Theron wUl leave tomorrow
aad aore throatA
Ulea. near Watoingtoa
-' d
The new recraita wUl be
wUl attend toe gradnatlag
and we WUl probably be mn----------Dr. A. B. Holliday has porebased of the United Slatoa army tonight or ii»- axerelsee in tbc National Park Semlfm- 8.'Hodges a test driving mare ef merrow and asalgned to the Fighting aary and retsm with Miss Evelyn,
aftor an extonded tour for plcMare.
Fifth Regiment
Tbe fuaeral of George Lvdle will
Our measuremuta for
iy tata place tr« toeOgd«abnrgchureh taka issl night and will be supplied
ta* O'clock thisaftemoea.
today when we expect to make a bet­
The remalas of Loale Lardte, wba ter abewlag. altboogk we raoeive prnlae
e at toe
w toe hardeet kiad of a
lad with
gnsklUedlaaMwmUlatOlea Arbor. from alt officers ea toe groaads.
w frequently troablad
Onr meaa is one^of ths beet. 1
L "I____
had a
aevare attack
- aevare
vlUbebiwairhttotolaeity for bari^
ber of toe eompaay. private Berkaer. Utoly." he myA and proeared a bottle
t.- : TraretMCity LodgA No. m. F. A
-Iain’s Paia Balm. Udidao
belag aa axpertoeek. formerly ef toe of Cbae
. iL M.. wUr bold-------------BQch good that I woald like
Mylnm kitobea.
what you would ebarga me far
_ moB Monday at 7:30 p. A for work
The boA kart all
ta the Third DagroA
. both for bis own ose and to supply it
J. w.o»«i oi E«di.,..p...
b,p„ to bis friends aad aeighbon, as every
•ativvd last evening to Join tbe City family.. Sotoing has oocmyed to mar family should have a boiUe of it In
their borne, not only for rboumalism.
gtawa Bowse orebcatoA He takce the
>leaaiireA and every ewe is ready but Lsme beck, epraias. swelUngA cula.
gnahktr of idnrUetlst aad will loMta
wUliag to aaeiat aaothar aad
ban. B. A. Laagwortoy U at the baad et
. u argaaixatloneaUed toe taUto sharp
•ood Ontoh ofTroot
tanil— Tbare am ninety a
OaeottoeflncetMtobeeof Um>t for
JhUad aad arteetlng wUI be bald la
be temaom wm krought U
2«dMlows baU Mowday night.
by Smith
' T L. CMdy of Lodlagton. wbo baa
Gao. B. Wlanie before yaa aagage a
tahm a porttioa la tba First NaUoaal brotben aad Dan OeorgA m tbe reoalt paper baagtr. and be will aea that toa
—a eniadhomwttoblatemUyyep- of twMty-IOBr boan’ Sebiag. Itam
wark bdooeifghtaadatatlBkaMaalt
wwe botwaaa fortr*n
"^ **^ **^ ^ ^ panada
aad too Sib warn airimga, Sat yoA
H. DtaakMb oottaga.^ Wrtltagioa

Tiesdar. Mar H........ I.SOO
Wadaesdar, May 18......1.3S0
naraday. May 19....... 1,450
May May 20........ . 1,350
Sitarday.Mayll....... 1.315
Tatalfortkawaak'.. 8,525

A Few Seasonable Facts

About Seasonable Goods;—

Jas. G. Johnson.

HastiRgs' Real Eslals AgeRcy.




We have

ttie RIglit Thins.



Once More

■ 1^-



: Has Invaded the land in the intereet of humanity, and once ^
more in the interest of those who intend getting

A New topet Or a Floor CoYoriiig|


We mention the fact that we offer the oeat, have the^
: largest stock to select from, eeU cheaper and give bettertsat- ^
: iB&ction than is to be obtained elsewbere.
Let us oonyince you.




OppoilM X*Cl« Offlo.

zn Munura uoosD. suvD^T.xiTai, ism.


«n doobt as to
M a prlaa of a

TUe pragrara srlU be dlwtdad


JiAa W. Vagal's big eotorad eoraWaa- tba two ewaaisca.
tloR. ••Oarkeat Araarta*.'’ wbkb eoaI over halt a bawdrod real nagroea.
and wbieb eoraaa to Btelaborg-a Gtaral

Rtpert*d to H»v* 8aiM Away
from Santiago da Cuba
Vary Promptly*


CoaM Hat/Baca Doaa bj a
' ;





WWaiii«aM OMetato n»«
K««s at
iHud amt nsr Ar> NM LaoalB«fara;-a>J«h»Va»T*»-» *ry Wm»
Bo*rt* TUB! Both 0«r Ii|u4ra» Ha»a
Com. la Baa WIthoal ImtIbc TbaU l>aaMadrid. May 21.-U Is aasertad that
Admiral Oi^sra i squadron has left
BanUaco «s Caha.
HadHd. May n.—Tb* corentmaBt, tt
to aaid. haa received a dispatch from

"aiinoUBrlBf that tbs rsbsU

bass proDoonesd in favor of epaln and
I to dstcM tbs


Waabisfton. May n.—At tba 'eo«elaStOB o» ysstsrdars asasloB ot tbs
asaats tbs raadlnr of tba war fsvseito
ncasuiw bad bsss coiBpIstad. Atoat'
stvan-stobtha of lbs amstidmsBU propoaad
acTstd to.
Tboas rsmalBlnc ars tbs moat ImponaDt In tbs
blU, aod will provolts a deal of dlstussloB. ns principal amcBdincBla yst
to bs aaassd upon ars tboas rslatiny
to lbs Isaac of bonda and csrtlflcatss of
iBdsUsdnesa. tbs tobacco tax. tbs tax
OB prupHslary artlclsa, lbs Isaus of
tresBbacka, tba •colnass of tbs silver
aslimlorairs, tbs Isaus of sllssr csrtlflcalss. tbs iBbsiitanes lax aad tbs
on ro-poratluna.
Tbs action upon soms Of tbs am
msBta will bs dsi-cndsnl upon iba
otbsTB. Aldrich uiTcrvd as a sulwtltuis
for lbs paraitraphs rrlatlec to ths coinmgt of ths s-'||tnl<mss tbs Isaus of sil­
ver esrtinriiss and ths lasus of Isas',
tender ootss. the bond provliion pv-'parsd by lbs Kspubilean minority of
ths commluss on flnanos. If ths bond
provision should he accepted by ths sen.
ate tbs amendments offered by th>
Democrats In lieu of It will naturally be
rstoctsd. Iisniel dsllvrrsd an extended
speech atronyly opiuslnc an. Issue of
Tlw senate adjourned to Monday.

Fir^ of th« Orand Army That Is to
Maka Troubla for Spain


l Bslssdler ar tWe J(M 1

the Tolaaleer Ouape—AfiSenls orTrwoy.
—MUltary b'alM. •
Chlckmauga National Park, Ga.. Hay
General llmoke baa completed the
lorrr.allnn of the first provisional army
mrpe. tVilted Stales volunteers, as (olFlrsi division under rnmmand nf Ms|or Gehrrsl Wilson, three brigade*,
folloaa: First brigade. General A.
Burt, commanding—Flrut Ohioinlantry.
Colonel Hunt; Third Wla^nsln Infnniry. Colonel; Fifth Allnols infan­
try. Uol-nel Culver. Second brigade.
Colnnel C. E. Compton, commandlufr—
Fourth OMo Infantry, Coltmel Colt;
Third lUlnoia infantry. Colonel Bcnnltt:


tbs DomloluB Ubs stso

p DnnlBloo

at s late hour last nltbL
asited early thla momliajc.

"Tberaupoa Geveraor


at tbe Omd last aigtat. from aa andlenee that fllled,.tbe eeau and occupied
meat ef tbe ataadiag room.

Dr. WUbelm la a yradnau of


raing OB bis
aray westward fn.m New‘ Turk and
■pent, most of the day In
in coBsulia'tlon
arltb Use offlclala nf the del
fuagliig the details of the expedltlnn.
Another transport was secured yester­
day. and the depanmenl is showing



icept tba eomatandatloas wbleh were
iulegrapbod from Traveraa City when

Tbera are tUU. U

Irayed and

Napoleon's raying, nalnowis piiras Is
the blanket roll of a privau."
Tbs appolatBest of




they wera a abort time ago.

tbe stagiag, though


full of tbs harmony and melody pc-

elob laet Bight with a Dateh luwebM*.

eallar U tbe race."



;ly laid upon
Wnr IVEvr Itl.i « iTIt HM M-TATTOX. I arid vas finaily
■nie .-venlng s--a*li n '»a* devoted
nsasa Uarv Len There au.i i.real Sea* u p, pular meeilngs In the interest of the
i-ooked f..r —....
heard of puMI.-ailon
Key We*t.Fna.,May il—Tr.* ir-.logne srn.e.l work. Addreas.-s were made by
has been spokm, and the .ui:»io )a nufslonartea of the board latx>rlng In
About to rise on th- fitst a. t ,-f the lh«
fframa. This Is the unaavenoE ■-I.lnlon
Heaem an the Irtamoad.
Of naval mer h.-re, Dew.-ys hniiur.i
rhiraso. May «—League record* tt
ACbiwemeni at Manila to regarded a* ha*, t.aii yesterday were At BaltlmorA separate epia-HJe, San Juan la s;. —l-f'-urc :. BalUmorr 1. at aeveUnd
yflTdy a memcry . and the *p..rBdlc_*n- ' —I’hil-i.l- Ivtuo «. -Cleveianu 9: at ChlAMintere along the Cuban coast are ar- '■aa-- W»eliinet. o C. Ch.cgo I. at Cin-

. L.iui>m;|.— Uri.ln.
w..t-rn I,.,.co..:
4. I.,,roll l
j Kansa.- Ciiy
.-oiumhL. :: ai 1.
| di,nai.oiis_-.n-Bh» l Ind:anai«lls J.
■ Mllwnok. e-W-i gr.
Illlv.l* Miner.and Oi^^osa.
SpringTl-ld. Ills. May 7t--'.>\cr O'
buadrrd mln.-rv and stiiy nie-raiors a
here attending the j.ilni r. t.f.-rvnre
rninvrs and operators --f Illim to. T
conferehce hss h-ard cmplBinu of i:
Pourib district oi».tntors', w-h.. aay ih
cannot pay the scale and cmi-eie w i
DanvUle snd Grape Creek In the Cl
eago market.
Tbe conference last'

waaed. and the ranks of naval i
; ASbore were conslanUy thlaning u
At dusk there was scarcely one m
Tbe newspaper disiuti. h be
Mmye aearly all departed. «i!h i
' i looe alghi .
nominated by President McKlBley to be
Watt; bat whither Is the question
AAA Answer. Otberariae yesterday was a lieutenant and aide on the staff of
Major Gen-*" Fi-r'-ugh Tg-.
dyO Aad empty of avU'in. Borne little
to was creai^ by the discovery of a
mei chamber la tbe bold ef tbe Span.N Y., May n —The work
b prise steamer Argoneuto euatalalag
sunken balr of tbeGrvsbam
ftoaii cases of ammunlUoB.over a huna be a 49c Job. Tke divev
EAd Maunr rifles wad oUwr war etoret. has retovered th*
e forward gna

^ ’Ttod" waa made by tbe -United ,
m aarAaTe oS.-er«. and dimpates {





TravanaOi^ Mazfeaa.
! la btelaberg's Grand last Hgbu was a
revelation to maoy wboae coaoeptioa
of a devil Is slMgetber dlSeruaf from
that portrayed.

Hr. White's Inurprw

Below to a IIM «t tba buTiag m
of WAtevday for m



tatioB may be termed that of. a genUeman satan in every aenae of tbe word.’
except as to tbe underlying aeatiment
ef evil which dominates the ekara

Tbe clese

Bmllh: Sixth Ohio. Colonel McMarken. Original entrance kat been lorn onti"!
) bUtrloniu ability and aatThird bHgade. Colonel C A Van t’uz-e and the main entrance la now where
^ t^lnralgenlaa Mias Olga Verae gi
commanding — Fourteenth Mirne*oia.
entrance loathe atairway
Colonel Van DUSi-e: S.cnd Ohio, Co|.
.-a-, from the nmant
. I charming and forceful portrayal of tbe


a,,. K.,n. nr., P„„„,v.n,.. Cu,.
.Id, I. ... . 1.^. ck.r«M,r o< M.rid.riU ..d k.r r^k
■I Good.
iBvlted fotbnalaatlc approval.
Tb S
Pew Wetera Men In ihe Tiilrd.
glaae frent, affording more room aad a
Third dlviifiun. Brigadier Geni-ral J 8. better light. This waa made possible ebancter i* one wbieb demaada a pe- Potatoes, par bn..................................


i ««
*“ referred to cummlllee. A resolu!
»«;«'■*» »»»*'
I "rtv «b«« •«»work be done
P"*' ,


bs girls ef the Tbrra Qoarters B. B.

the p^ be latrodncea a peraonalUy all
One'‘Hundred" and wilieVh’ Indli'iia', I *»d cramped condiUon bat been iranaColnnel Gunder. Second brigade. Colonel I formed into a more modem and coo- his owu which la uadoubUJIy the aeB. D. Spillman, comar-dlng-,Flral W.-ai „oient arrangement which a rapidly orat of hU aueeeaa. U a word, his MeendlUoB, made

T'M»r««0‘-'vh Body a.~OM. Down M the ; Unola. rd.mel Turner. Twelfth Minneeota. Llvulvnam C.4„nel K.
M.. ny;
^e compl.fnts of the sboele,,
\ Ind.. Mar n.—The Fifth I’emifyivsnla. ivi.-nei lii. hfield.
the 'rolunteem Jupt iT-jught Into th«*-__
pcmbly yesterday began I Becond hrigsdp. <'ol..nel William A.
n be Pllencd-l. ea
l placed ord-ra f • Mtr.ow with ball-hour devotional service led
galra of aoldler*' ahi>es.
by Rev. Mr. Barrlny, of Drlroll. The
one] Thomos G. Fitch: T» . ,(tb N. a
chairmen <1 standing cotrmlueea to re­
Thai AUeend OpnaUb ConUng StastoB.
Tork. Colonel JL w. beoimr'l. Eighth
Official* here Alsmlsa aa pure Inven- port on «n,rk of le-ards ol church were
Massachuw-tu. Ueutenant C-lonei E.
«OB the story coming from Montreal announced. Oivenor James A. Mount,
that Former Hlirtater Polo has »uc- of Indiana, nos named aa vice modera- S’.
oeeded in mining for Spain a coaling lor. The time was then devoted
sylvanls. colonel r. B. j>ourherty:
atatlon on one of (be Frent^ Islands of reading repori* of cmmlltrea. Tbe con- Second MlBsouri.
rdonel W. K. CaS.-y:
Siderailon of r, rorts on periodicals was
Rl Pierre and Miquelon, off the New­
« Ha
■ampahlre. Colonel Uobert
made t;.- aecoud order for Monday afifoundland coast. At the French emUolfe.
baaay the report la tivated with ladlg- erncon next. A report on the memor­
Until the
1 of •'Gaadlers
Bant contempt, as the Freneb decree of ial to congress praying for a thorough has been appointed each brigade a
Beulrallty Is binding on the French gov­ iDvestlratlun of the liquor traffic was Ip command of the senior colonel Tbe
presented, end no conrfeaslonal action
ernor oi these Islands and effectually
Me^\>-nts the grandng of inch ^xcep- reported.
__ _
_ was
__ Jor General John R Brook'-, who will
One ryaolutlon that was
't'hal "ibV Omaha eVpu.lii«o

Bad a I>«tcb Xmaeheos.
Hra Frank Tomllaaoe

times rather aelay or powerful, eras


keep 'the Sabbath day holy,
aoucunce al oai-e that the show will

Rebecca HacEeSXle. a lyrio


aad eceara in th( South were well per-


carries with It the rank of major and a
pmaptn omaaL roan u. wtlsoa
aalary of tl.FOO a year.
Foortb HennaylvanU Intanto'. Colonel
Cane. Third brigade. Colonel Hullnga
Infantry UeuL Col F. FIcharda; Sec­
ond Wisconsin. Colonel Born: One HunCrv-dundFiny-Sevenlb Indiana. Colonel
Btobiag of Hotel Whittag.
Oompasllloe of Ute Bseoad Dletetae.
The rntraaoe snd waltibg room of
Second division. Culorel A. K. Arnold
brigade. Colonel tbe Hotel Wbltlag now praeent S very
Oardoer, senior oIBcvr, ••ommandlng— much Improved appearance to -bat

Royal Opera -House. Stockholm. Swe­
aeprano. for a soag recital to be. given

Tbs popular pastimes of tbe aegroee


j ease is one of fortaneb owa working


tba news Ihal Admiral Cer-vera’s squad- j
gCB has reached Santiago de Cuba. The 1
lateUlgvni e iud..- yesterday, and ff it:
did aot afr.-ct the situation it waa a !
i. inci.lcnce
activity '
mmOM our slUbs was height. I
AAOd aad the work of .ouhng and pro- |
Vtodoalng those in ihharb.>r was '
yaabed-witb more il.^n usual haace.
.TU* ablpo were creep- i

I bad BO iDflaeaee to work for kla. cx-


Benard. the dramatic aopraoo from tbe
den. and

Ueaday weaing. May 90. la tbe City
Uonae. Mme. Renard appeared
of them ara almost while: but color
mpany about dva
dees not eenni in ibelr ability to an-1 ^
' rears ago and ae pleased ber aadlenee
u.. U. rtU k.
certainly well quallded whettaer it be
graeted wlU a large audlaaee at her
ia drama, farce, eomic apera. miaatrelest ef Americana by any means

ar anapeeted that It waa obtainable aad

' the geveraor tolidtad a report,

The mam-

beraot thecompaay are aot tbe dark­


' that tbe poaiUoa of surjfooa la moeb:
i aougbi for. aad that WUbelm bad aev-

Kxplosten In a SpaeUb W
CarthsBvta. 9ieln.\^y Jl.—An «
ploslun ..cturrvd at l>i*^baieau B
Julian. In the prujevtllt factory. FI
aolfilprs and fivv wurkmen were kill
outrlEbt. and tUxiy-lwo persons aevei
C them the go'
V explosion was accl- |

bli force.
. wanes guard nn one vessel undei
f tJeni-ral

yean la praetiee.

harbor' on May 14. tbs anniversary


o great hostile fleeu
which ■
iat a few days, perhapa
boura. will bring theiff together Is the
Mlv.-rsai view here at the base of


eored tbe aerrlera of Augusta Ohiinrem'


pointed Prtvato Wilhelm to tbe paai-


Victoria s
'Waahlnrtop. May n.—All of the news bauquei
of mltUary and
that was *lvsn out yestsitiay at the for the number
nary department was comprised In tbs notable for tbe mimber nf military aad
eas short bulletin posted si the rloSs of
Every olDcer In tbe United Suies aer.
the day atatlnc that lbs departtrent
tbe rankpye&ptaln at pre
bad Information, believed to be aulhsnent liA'ampa. o9Mn of the naval ««
tie. that Admiral Cerx-sra. with bis i eels here, and ^Itary attaches of I
caa at Santla- dllferant Euro^n ----------------------- o confirm the arc bifre to follow
f of invasion
invaaion in
In Cuba, will be among
aswapaper reports and also tbs MadHd arms'of
I d..
invited to
d honor lo Queen
oablerram published yesterday—tbe lai- Iho^
otoiia. FourVnItrd
FourVnlte States reftmenlal
tsr a rather onntusl circgmaiance, for Vloloiia
tbe Bpanlab buUetlns have been notably ^da will furnlah tl
dsespuvs ever since tbe filing
’ toft Cadis. Acceptlns this statement as
s yearly .Aaathee SIOB.Aad Alcer
fee Wai
eorrect It Indicates that there la little
OOOMdo by Jane I
probability of a boatllc meeting oetwcaa
WaahlngtoB. May n.-‘-Secretary Alger
BampaoD or flchley and Cervera Imme­
The experts noon dJacovered has sent to the aecrelary of tbe treas­
that Babtlago de Cuba harbor would be ury fur transmission to cun^reas sup­
a wertlble rai trab for ihe Bpanlafdt plemental eatlir.atea of approprlaUuna
witb Its narrow entrance. In which a aggn-gatlng m.UKHO required by tbe
toaclc American monitor could bottle war department for tbe support of the
. «p tbe whole Spanlab fleet.
regular and volunteer armies of the
United Stales for tbe flrat' alK months
I of (be flaial year ending June tO. im.
I Up to this time the estljnsles nnd ap-


The ladlra of Grace eborab hare ee-

He wma touad to be fully qaai-

IBed in every reapedt for the poaltion

tbe Peanaylrania onllege aad baa baen

Ths ssnor

It generally known
peraes ih.s. .mall. .r....ue
Islands ... u.r uu.ko
nvs un
When the
the French
Canada and Newfoundland
rollndll^d to t^e Bril___ ..
,,..,ded in the ireatv of
Ctvech. Ihs, ihoufd r^^aln the
taro Island, 't Si.'Virrr'- nd Miquelon
VUch ha'e . nr*
unllscd .. coal-

Oraoe Obarcb Song Beeital.

U. S. A., aad Naaorede, of tbe Thirtyaeeond.

Uoc of aeatotant turfeaa of tbe Thirty-

tsfuaed to ulk with reporteta

A. PW—
Tba •aataato

eainlira by

amiaed by Sargeoea Moaday, of tbe

I foortb.

The ship


Ida Democrat aays:
'That Vtvel'a 'Darkrat Amerlea' lag and OM at Oak Park.
-A Btairulw^ laatMM of fortuea dempaay U all right was abowa br tbs
Friday evealag tbe Alamal wfll Mold
TglopBd Uat flirbV Ab UBax|«ewd. or applaeae pradaoed by Ue pertermaaee a raoeptlon at tba City Opera Bsaae
at any rata, untraew* wBCBBCy at aawhich will be baadramelT decorated
alatant snrraoB in tba Tbirty-fourtb
for tbe oeeaeloa. Charlra P. Beek wOl
rarimaat. was dlaeowBred, Aa unlBtargive the Alnaal oratlos aad a abort
aatad party, sritheataerioiu tboafbt in
literary program will bo gives after
the maUer. suggMted that tbera waa a
which refreabmeats will be asrvod.
doetar eslisted aa a private In tbe BanTbe evealag will oooclode wlib aa ia<
nab Riflaa of Traveraa City, one of tbe
formal reo^Uen aad social tlma. Ow­
eompanlea of tba Tbtity'^'tA.
ing to the rapidly inerraalag member' I
"ColOBel Peteraian mentlanad
isbip of the' meeeeiatioa it baa haea
mattar to Ooeerner Fiagree. Tbe gov­
load a.......... ..
u> limit eaeb mambaf
ernor asked tbe colonel to keep quiet
F tbe aaeociatioe te One extra lavitw'
uaUI the doetcir-i atandlDf tvuld ba
aeeenalned. He lalcfrapbed to Perry
Tbe Alumni reevption will eowelade
, Hannah and others and soon was an>e weeks' program which promiira to
awwed by atroaf
be one of the m-wt enjoyable oaes la
tron Traveraa City. Tba foveraor then
tbe hUlory of tbe acboela.
Beat for tbe private aod bad btm ex-


t OB board


worthy bsdag

eighth grader
of Dr. J. W. WilbalM of this efty as ceived tbo followlag favorable wottoe who wfU boeosae fall flodgad High
aMtouat sarriMa of lbs Thlrtr-foortb from Fridey-e laaoe of tbe Oraad Sap- •ebeol paplla. Tbera ara three 4Mw
tba Urabd Sap- kdaOeraocrat:
loaaof tbla grade la tbe Ceatf^ baOd-

iMoBtrsal. May 0-—
Bcraa^ and his salts

Oa Friday

tkas srm tafea plaea

Opera Bnaac for cme nigkv May r>. re­


• task.
Tbe other
members of tbe caaf
• very clever.
' t*«»ty fwv The basement has beeal^“**"°' *“• *“*
I! effecu are spleadidly arfitted op now with s Isrg* snd commo- *b*“«»*« snecu ai
dious lavatory and sample reoiut while ’aod operated with striking
realism. The brockca scene witb tbe
i■ -................
rain of fire waa a striking representa­
»veal«r coavenieaee Ibsn ever.
tion of tbe old idea ef badea and a
At tbe bead of the first stairway
I leading from the offiie there to a Stair - realistic view of tbe borrora created by

■--"■k,».-..*..,.0-.. o.«.,

the evil ena

BVTuef aana OF nsTSUB onr
1 to
t to



There was a large

eacc praaeci aad many from out of
to a pleasing improvement, aa It
the city.
permits gaeata to eater the
The eew orcbeatra nader the leaderwithout going through the office. Tbe
-.Ita .1 ,1.-miU.,-™.
c.™i .blpolPr.1 C.E Bor., ... . l.U«b..
_____ .w-L. .T._ fnl aeqaisiUon, and the overture and
' with a rich pa per which affords a very
prettv effect, and <be woodwork to new aaccMdlag aelaclioaa were no meriwrt-

Horse Hotel.

well flnUbed la oil. Tbe oBdb has oua that tbe sadlaaoe showed iu apb«.
rt.nk.k*l ..d .|br.«,..ld-br..U.u.l...l..pi.l.—.

Lifer;, .Sale and Feed Ban.

v^tnirmnd ot the army of tbe

-------------------------------- T

haadeome cigar eaae added, while the ]
floor to roverd with linoleum

m M as la Their Mia



EverTthlBg •««


effect thai three imn had heeti
with ars-nir on th.-ir EM'Twons w lih which ;
uew a.
uj caiu
w.ka . r uiorao.e : V

cain cua..a
It'wu «ui'i--svd they '■vre >u {»lson new
waier- used by the tp'.'i« is a fake. Crimson cusblona The dialog room * Elaborate Preparations of Com- «
and d'nple. and was vv.ilvrd from has been sepplied
lepplied with
with an
an entire
entire f
manoemvat aad Aitminl
Indulglrg It. U
I, and a h
There Is

1 gla»s-J«
t h.-re as alloeed ror- »»«»• K*’*’
Md butter l<
.-. rill In
n-w si«p<T*. placAd ie tbe hAsemeal, giving...................
sli, htvsi foimclation two more tables, makieg tea tablet Id I

aste of water.


bn nnusnally varied aad ioteresUag

<>'«, r^th'“
fou.-teenth annual co-nmercemrot ex-

M. Heady, at one lime,
. died


Tbe balls on tbe


floor have !«•=>•«•

Traverse City


Ne*'’ycrk^''clir7.*r"'nrer''Uiv become,
adequate ,„d ' "U1 be tie itaccai.orvau sermon which
iLsBdlord Compton to la belter shape wU> be delivered by Be*. W K Wright

.-r-7^'7------------ .



‘be comfort aod conveo-

Bight It was announcod at the adjutant
genc-rars uITlte that lOt.uOv volunteers
bad Deen
mustered Into the United
Bute* army. It to oxp.-cled ibat fron.
now until Ihe remainder of the Itl.OOO
men called fur have been mustered the
l.ruceed very alu>vly.
prubIrmatKal whether tbe government
will await the slow motions of acme of
the statea The protuajlllly to that If
the mustering of the required quota to
not rnmpieli-d by Ihe flrst of next week
the call, so far a* tbe dcUnquent states
are concerned, wilt be canceled and
vniunieers will be acevpud frum otbar


bn Terfaside of Port Oneida, a well
ve merchaat and boaMing-kouae
keeper, haa puntbased tba City Eeataa-




The commeDcement exercise wUl
copy both Wedaeaday and Thnraday


•veniBgt. aad will




.1 ...W .kd U- IB. -l"Kk«ld „rf...k.
o.WkMo.d., mdn,.,


„a U. ..Irfl.tdr, b, F^d B...

---- -----------------------------------


^ proffram
Therefore those who wiehte »W“he ;^2^
Baan^ Biflra before They ^


frost for SB Indefiaiu time, |



Friday, May 27.

Big Ifro Imerjcan Eilratagaazi


ToaKust DoSoBATly Tomorrow If 1 City Opera Ball, no admiaaloa being
charged. Ia place ef haring an adToa Want to 60 to Oasip Baton
aa baa been tbe practice for eevJames Keboe, agent for tbe C A W
yeara. each member of tbe claaa
M-. haa Bot yet aecured anffibient guarwill eoDtribute to tbe p’-ogram. Tberv
aatce for tbe exenraioo to Camp Baton
tweaty-aine membera

City KMtourant told,


Steinberg’s Grand


II' "" been relaid with new earpeU alac.
■ wbieb w.ll oocnpy the week begianiag
rum K..W.V1II.- lo the camp
tl.ese ImBrvTementa the Whin Setiday. May mb.
The fliwl event
ground In t

Brodiiln 4 Vstniskl,


will reoelve their
1^4, ^ uayor


iBGiati Gnuat ari

Tb-raday alghu
.^ti tbe exeretoee a

rwnt building of P. Boodreao. also tbe

fine mualeal program will be given, <a-

lot upon wbieb It atwBda. of tie Han-

elndlag two aeleeUone bv the Queen

i; BIG SH01£^0IIBIRED_||
W “eSSSeSwilfcie^SSSSr*' V

from Elk'^“7 quartet, eoloa by Mtos Wilhelm
A large party ca
and Mtoe Crawford, guitar and maadoBapids teat night to attend tba perIln ealeetioat by Oharlet and LotUe
formanosof Faust, by Perter J. Whlte'e
Helm, ptokBA ealo by Mtoa Jorophiae
esmpaav. They wetA Mr. and Mra. H.
Wni SaU Bicycle Girt.
Vader. twe namhera by tbe
B. Uwto, K. D. Lewto. Glen Pewsr,
WUliam Higgias left for ChleAgo «a
eehool ehoros of fifty volcsa, nader the
Find Aalett. Mr. Bennett. A. B. Dongh’tUa Mocslngwitk a J.
direetioA e<
nw srty. Mtonm Kate and Lnatoe Dougherty
PrtonHe, SSe.MeandTae. fiatooyi
eUM eong, lor which MJm brawfotd
TMuday MMlag at «40 o'ainak.'
has wyluen boU worda and aiMle.

Doibk Qurtetti.
Solo OnMn.
BK Pitido it M.


MIehlgvi Youth Soeurod Appeli
mntt in Amy and Navy.

Mr ttM cn

Ml Sit n.

svnnn ovnooK m mt.


Ever Bvnied 0«tt

8m«iaa. K. T.. May ».-T*a flffht
Mew Turk. May O- - BratatratM
here lass night brtsreen "Kid" McCoy
nya: Tbe excellent foreign demand
Slid Qua Buhlln rwited In a elotory
good price, for moat preducu of An»
for McCoy after'twenty rounds. Tbe
tcaa agrtcultt« «oa«ltuies-a. i
H.r W..* India
showtng mutle by Rohlln waa a anrB low rtnee. Ormaually the Und olaome time paM-qw leading feature
prtae. Hr ato-Hl a I« of pHnlMim«t
flcea Id Dll of Ui* we«*rn imd bo^the country'e Irade. Second only to t
and waa always ready to come back for
wntrrn »ut*« are being rfoort.
and of necessity forming an Important more. He was apnirrotly strong at the
Mine hM practically gone By for DlnBlick In the chain of good trade may b- dnlah Theie waa a great difference In
Ins tbe ooc* popular aong; "UDelo Bam
mtnllonA the almoei uniformly good the weight of tbe men. MeC.-y weigbing
1* Rich Koough to Olv*
crop MtuatloD. furniahlng tbe beat evl.
17 pound* and Huulln
lipping the
Farm - The ttar of a«plr«
desec that foreign demanda now ecu
wMta-ard. and (here U no longer an
mles at, IM pounda
OrOetUagtoM A
In tbe future will be adequately r. ri
Ger.rse F ler, of Chicago, acted
undeeelcped fronller.
referee. wiuB he n n.ler. d bU derision
Tbe immense taiance of trade already
mlag Cp Agalil.t nampMOnaataawea la Ifce Army.
plied up In this country's faeor cocatl- Jim corbeit
'I into the ring
elcment of .gfrenglh which in asked McCoy i-. fight h.m. but the
gaMa Again rwy* It U War -a Toot
oo the money markcl can
Oatraxe” — Kea.paper Ccw^
hardly be exaggerated.
ly been agitated
neat eo apaatak Naeal Miatcgy.
An increaaed wlillngnesa lo regard
the exiptnig wer si mtrrlj an Ir Idiot
'WAoopiag Oouc»iIn the country'! business Ftcins f 'di nl
llule boy who waa noarly
But the wording of the ccmaiUutlon l» yealetday. Owing to tbe circumataacts in ths trade reports received this week
from an attack of whooping
.arable of mire than one conatructlon., the new eapinet la already nicknamed The volume cf bank cle.-.rtrga. reports
ntUI caMnel."
Fennr of railroad earnings. Ih.- movement '
Two or three rei'reacntatlvea of the
prices snd the repiris received from
former yeara 4
houae I
tblak that asy modlclae would
Iron and sie.l t:ade» all leem lo com
lo Inilli-otlng a rntxunumvolume. f bus­ helpI him. bat aftar giving him a f
IS of that rvmsdy I noUemi a» I
iness for the pe-l"d of the year, w-ltP
rement. and one bottle eared b
P Van K*« wh^ name b« b^^e,
how •'Epaln did
ren greater hopefulness manifested
hlatorlc In the DIatrtct at ^
,h.n. to avoid war until America.
tan for some lln.e paai as to i
ance of favorable cendilinna
’'vlouiing all recngnUeJ diploma.,-, at.
I. Pa. for Bale by
termination of bill Urked Plain with an ln)uatlce ulipre.
E. Walt, drnrgtal.
umber ni. a falling off of » from last

(1 soyonkBOw

Spain Think! of th# Admiral of Her Weet India

O. P. CARVIR. A««l


■ thooapuoiciiy.
Wachlngton. Hay «.-Wbere aU of
tbe grabbere are grabbing, and ahera
the demand for honora and emolumenU
la nnprei^edenced. there aeema u. be no
rcaaoo why the Michigan grabbera
, abonld not grab ai greedily a» tbe moat
greedy grabbera from oihar partt of
tbe country.
James Q.
Maine U Is tala grave.but taU aon.Jamet
O. Blaine, baa been appointed captain
in the Folunteer army That being the
i*ae there appeared to be oo raaaoo

Why Ru.~ih Uarr.aotb .on of Benyamlb
RarrlMn. who la living In IndUna.
volunteer army.
tlDgulahed men being thus pruvided fur
thtie waa no reason why the son uf
RuBseH A. Alger of Mienigan should,
not be appoIntM a captain tn tbe vul- i
usieer aniu ..particularly when bis fa*
ther la aecretary uf war and^bas indu.
tnce enough lo secure bla appointment.

John R. Santo,
Geieral lisaiacs.

Dr. HlEgins,
•wwr agoWTnmwm’D MMow •tot


cek. cimrarlng with «6 In this week
a ytar ago. lie in UK and ZvL In IkK.


of the houee and aenale;
“Forfeited ^-nh war to war,'wblch Spain would
la seat Jan. If. ISM. he having ac, e<,nUnue a tout ouiranee Jid iLe utpted and exenlr.-d the office of ma- toon] unlU an honorable peace la ob*
gait at Mllwaakea Tlial U to Derlds Tb
jor of mllltla under authority of the tamed."
Beer ttaeeliea.
United Piatea within the territory of,
-rhla.~ the premier continued. •,#
VluUxed Air BdBiiBtstersd foralBo
Milwaukee. May 11-—An Importai
| alrong policy, and the new government
Ism pslnl—I exiraeUoD of ikat^ ■
The next caae waa during the UexI-' wui alw. enerx. urally conduci negi ila
suit, of Interest to the brewers of il
AbtidcUr, for cxtrseUoo of tMife
ran war. and baa been lookM up by uoni with European and other atalea.'
rnted Blal.'S, was cummct.ced I
pain naed. Lateat mod
Major General J.'aeph WTieeler of Ate-;
CongrataUttun. U> Admiral Cri^rrm.
United States court yesterday.
ccmmlsi-aiy during this w...
saUafaetory preparation yet nnad far
bought to beparallel
count Penaramlro pti-poaed the sen
Bull was broL-ghi by tbe AnfaeuserBy tbe same token Senator McMillan hsma.h
BDklBff agtneUoa eMf.
__ .
of Repreaentallve
coograulailona to Admiral Cer- Busch Brewing company, of Ft- U'Ub
baa a nephew In me naval t
against the Krcd Itlller Brewing com­
Paul Bagley. auo of the «x-gover»or.
•ni IM* There la no evidence that Major
cuha. and
cleverly dodging 're pany. of MllwBukee, over the right i"
rvCflted, I
Tell resigned, but Mr. Thomas W. Ne^ American aquadrona" Captain Aunon. use the w.rd "Budwelser." When It I* SB* eoseejaBClag. til Fl
Truman Newberry, aon uf e*-Congresawaa "elected to flM the unexpired jhe minister of marine.
conclnded It will have settled several'
mao Newberry, also baa been honored
lertn.” Majjr Tell yealated this method
lavy. highly extolling A
que'tions of the greatest Interest to
a-lth a commisalon. Thus the mlUlun. ;
of ousting him from legislative halls.,
u In so doing
. he slid I
Tbe ts*e la looked u|«n s*
sdres are mixed with the cummoii peo- |
contested election case was tbs' arrival of tbe Bpanlsh squadron
being one of the moat Important to b*
[de. all of them It Is buiwJ having real.
Ine.l._resulL Hon. Hannibal Hamlin
of Maine.
waiera -....M
w,,u!d ........ot
'o nient the
tbe friendpatriotic purposes In going to war.
. deetded In yrars.
afterwards vice preildem of the United , .^Ip cf ll
The Milwaukee brewery In quertlon
Fowad Vaagaalai IS^UiiNra
Stale*, waa chairman of tbe elections; prove trf— -I formerly bandied the product of
Moreover. In the naval reserve tbe
cemraittee that reported on the cnnlcsL ,bandt>n Cuba
Bt. Louis concern, according to
aona of the moat dUtlngulabed and InBeerr Member a ColeaeL
I try retains her vitality." The congrat- pleading, but In im began the m
Sucotlal men of Michigan have found
lb hu report Mr. Hamlin made the nlallona were voted unanlmoualy.
facture of the beer at tbe teewei
cucgenlal pualtlona. and tbe war baa
anppo*lilon that every member of the
aagaxa Kpaah. le the BepwUra.
this city- The 6l Louis company
assumed a high-tuned and arlaiocntlc
(be chamberfFagagla repeated bis
leged unfair compel
development. Tremendous pressure baa houae was a colonel. If such a thing
should happen. -Mr. Hamlin argued, tbe ornate speech. HeWdlheeablnrlfound
ifringement of s labeU.
been b,..ughl to bear upon tbe tenalors
confronted with warior dl*honor
ard representatives of HichigaBsto In­ prealdenu who la commander-in-chief
TTT B. rOBTER. Attorasy at
of the army, could appear on tbe floor
arcepted the formar. addings-lemnW . auwiaos to tssUtlsa
duce, them to secure commlakiona for
and order each member to return to ,y. -The Punish govetnJiiem will never
» Budwrliwr process and that ll
tavorite aona, and our WolverineaUlesmilitary duty at once, under penalty accept peace if tbe territcrlai integrity
man have been doing fairly well in ibla
llaobedlence of orders. Under such
gpsm Is net mainulrt-d. and otherw-.umatanrea Mr. Hamlin thought the
Spain I* determined lo fight a tout
Bwnieaae la Asitralla.
This war began and will be oondueted
lowet branch of th* legislative depart-1 o„trance - (Loud cbeeraj Bagaata de­
Vaaoouver. B. C, May n.-Auatraon a hlgh'mUltary plahe. The cl'-"
ment of the government would have no dared that the
o* ‘he new rateisn advices Kat* that a hurrieane
war In this ouniry waa earned on pi
independent existence whatever. Along
«ouid be guiclrd by cltcumsun—a which swwpt the shores of Australia
Byaiily "lo make men trwe." Tbe resi
the same line he argued that a mem- ; <ybe Liberal party's programme, he aald. has wrecked many small craft It
of that conBIct was that '.OOO.OOU bum.
ber of the houae, holding a commla-; |,»a uen "auai^nded by the American
trad* Th* Wakatlpu ran Into
beings were made free. It la now l
tion In the army, could not freely crtt-'| guns" but It still existed and was gtv,ark Lalra In Punedlb harbor. The
lonoed that l.guu.000 of oppressed pi
agTttfrPf.t.ANKiiUB WJlBTBisise the policy of the execuUve with- jpg results In the "rcBlstance
I was .truck between tta fore and
pie lo cubs aball be made free as i
' Tbe chamber
___ danger of having to answer fur
, masts and foundered.
result of this warfare. Of all the <
speaking dUreapvctfully of hla ~mProi
songs, so often sung In camp and
dre»s lu coDgratulatlnna to Admlra
tbe lield. there la one wjtlch waa pop- mander-ln-chlef. Tbe houae voted to
Cervera and ths officers and men of hi
Ular a generation ago and which Is ap- uaaeat Major Tell, and while that «nLara Will Pool Up Abaol g*SO.«nO-WaUb
piicahle ar present. U la called ''Tbe tleman eerved hla country on the field squadron.
Pall- Three Plremea Mls-lag.
of battle. Ur. Newton served Id a leglaBattle Hymn of the Hepubllc.' ant
Toledo. M*> n.-At « o'clocklastavwoUUve capacity.
tnoat popular verse is the foUuw.i
Madrid CoreaspMMleflt nay* Be Has Olsbad ing a lire broke out in the grlndlngtoom
Tn the iwButy of tbe Ullea Chriat F^as
of the cuflee departmrnt In the £)ow A
QDlte. d
. tsfsitoie tor ■s:,i”wiSw^L^
born across the sea. •
With glory in Hi* b,.s..ra which tranaLondon, May *L-The Madrid t
bviidlrut. corner of Superior and Jef­
figures you and
the civil *
Since He died lo make men tauly, let as
ferson streelA and raged for six hours
the Tblrty-aevcntb congreaa show that
die to make men free.
iH-fort the firemen had It compltely un­
As we go marching on."
der control During tbe fire the east
landlgbam of Ohio offered resolutions, ,
Uunlltou CoiuplHaented.
wall of the burning Dow-Soell building
e government alone,
Representative Uaimllun of -Sllea. In the house Inquiring Into tbe quell- ' formation o
fell with a terrible crash. earrTlng As>th sad Mlsik.
acre that the Am*ria
flcatlons of several members to retain If pointed c
qtbc la serving bla drat lermln con■tsiam Chief Mayo and Firemen Barseau Th* resolutions recited that
•t command o
gnas, has received many cofhpUmenls
man L Bishop Klxer Trepiitakl and —
_____ .____ .Ii>
following member* of the house' ^ ^ condition to future tnovemenls- ■Wllle with lU
«n a speech delivered by bl?h in March
Mayo escaped, but th<
were reported lo be boldly
. Admiral C rver*'* brtUUnl mova-re- three men are mlraing and are supposed
«n tbe Teller resoluUon Tlje
to be buried under the debris. Tb# To­ pop ga^^Top bugXT loe —*»•
traded considerable a<
jam*. E. I ni'bd'"K»'
ledo Bisde Publishing companFs build­
ttme and waa brought , Uie-hiai^
. . (
tbe Republican cungressloeal caufpaigp
French—deprives ing and newspaper plant had a rioar
distrtci; EdwanfMcPherson of Getty*- escape
ralL and was deluged with water, mak­
eommlliee ae stating the Republican
h.irw Ps • Charles J. Biddle of Phlla- , America of the ■.
Suiirloe on Onance lo a particularly demhliT^d Samuel B. Curtis of Iowa, and demonsiraie* to the world lh*t^e ing It impossible to operate the plant for
^Trae^l*^ BMhlgan arewu. ar aS^
affective and iiupular manner. It waa
a week or two.
^ere waa only a brief debate on Mr.. blockade of ^b. la merely nominal.
.. Tv.w-Pnell stock of grocerira and
decided by KelH^eseniaUve McCleary .of
vlSandUhsm'. resolution., but aome
"Admiral d^eha
FtailOD MssOar a
-e 1* s total loss, retlmaied at t»C,Mlmeiota. wbo la the bead of tbe lit­

things were said Representative to iwu powerful fleets that have bee i.
erature eommlliee. to distribute the
ler kln*U
at thti oMee.
Lo^oy, the aboUOoutrt. sug- .couring the ocean for a forin'ght In . I uu: inaunnce on the stock and fixtures. k,y^“*nD!er
kindly leave
aieech widely as a campaign docomenv
"VallanJlgham could endeav.-r to catch him. All ihe Amei I tTti.OM; building. »».<W0 Iona;
Over ».0W cuplee have recently been grating
eiamlne into the validity of his . lean schemes de|wnd thereupon. A<
wit to Osegou. Where there will be an
cre-lenllsU, Mr. Vallsndigham re- ; miral Cem-era. with four crulsera and
election for two tvpnreeDtallves lo cunI O. « T. Ranolutlona.
ror^ed warmly that he would have no ; Tew dcstroyera.
grest within a few weeks.
the ' Ignoring events In Cuba and In Portu
controversy with that gentleman
Boy Chapin of Lansing waa tbe Incky
eray BJeo and Ibe position of tbe American
WngititAa Oar warlby, brave and
ra.ei out uf a doseo candidates for tbe flour, but If he wanted a contr
ask• ----------squadron, has out-manoeuvred, dlaur- heioved b'othera. Ellaworth Hale, C. 0- •C*Og aAL^-Or eicksage lor
.» -ther tusre he bad only -- euMUon in tbe weather bureau at LaoCorbett, Edgar Kaivb. John O TaWnao.
L He said he was aaaureU of hi. ganlsed and dispersed the latter,
amg. w hlcb pay* US per month
AU of ....
,h, Ab..r,»,bi b,u...
—- Eugene Uargra»v*. WilUain Clone. Eabthe candidates were gdod men and the he was fully prepared to follow the ihresimed on every side,
art Walter. J. B. Smadly. Clare Bockchief Dnalb selected Mr Chapin
gr Mmthera, Clarr. JnllosC
nir of the t^um^T Some of the gen- ;
Admiral Cerrera-s manoaoviT exc^s
fl!ler 1, w^omThe nraoluuon. were the keenest specul.Uon here. In
o ra
^u„icra the whole story l» regard^ as
Benn M. hose, pnvaie aecvet^ to tlemen St
a in tb* war
Sebalur Burrowa arrived here on Sat- aimed apoke ll
a ruse designed I' hurry up the Bpan- with the Bannata Blflea. In the anp a^r£«rahliur«.om.Tr.Tvr-eCltr»if
gidai. the 14th instant, and remained
apresdlng of It prnaioD of the tyranny Inflicted npon
tl^'g^vernora of the stales. Rep- lab government and il
from tne gw
Wi-raAr-.., II SUtloOSC
IB Washington during the past «
tbe tnn'went and helplra* cltlseat of
Be came heie to consult
had ' rinlster move.
The bulk of opinion. Ooha. and U. aranre the dralroclioa of
Benslor Kuirows coacerning the i
■ -ilp .Maine, and tbe
United however, regards the new* as authentic our nation't baUWbIt
torial esmpaigti. Mr. R<se Is^not
!•« of th* Uvua of onr beloved rttlaena,
Uie private secretary bui the confiden­
and to advanea the eanae oi liberty,
tial friend of the Junior senator from dighi.
right and )a*tlec. Be U th —*—
IS paid by
FveryiklB* abosi
Michigan, and on- -t the siroke.
Rraolved. By tb* Brothu------------ ^
1 they were In
I'.Tll.d fltates. and

-...............— directs tart, mambera of Travwrae Cltv Lod^
lo the enure le.bthal car-er uf Scnatoi
Untied Blate* .. Santiago.............. ........... reality officer* of
Burrows was the selection of this able
attention to the great secrecy preaerved Ko. 4tl. ledapandant Order of trood
about what Is hai-a-ninx at the Can- Templar*, that we do hereby extend lo
mpeie— shrewd young
Ithful friend for th* |k»H
arle*. wbere the <ati'.'-' have been *el**5 onr brother* abd tb tb* Hannab Blfira.
our oOBBieDdatloii. eatcem and appeeet and fills
nils so i redlisoiy.
and cnrorshlp I* sever*.
i»enal«r Uuirows was
eiatkm of the »tep by tbaia tair
The w ile uf Sen
It sera
■Th* question now
;he iiasi
lUng m New Turk during tl
Whether the r*« rvladron
week* and la existcted home In w aahour'^tlon and?^** deatruction -- Cadi* I* not al'-c'lv half way
id toadllva* of our beloved eUi**n*. and
U) ad­ Dept. 11.0*0
Inglon within a f-w days. H-r health w-ilattre Curtlt r«*1gned Aug. 4
th* Atl'ol c. "m t'-tii: seeemi
vance the cause of Liberty. Klgbt and
la Very greatly lifipr..ved and it Is prob­ Ici'ing. but. according to Ben r
B, - - -h FtrsUvlsts have
JuaUce; and now as we tart with onr;
able that she will partlclimie In many Ui ,r«-, ihe uiher* served out their
a'lotii wh
social fiincUons 1* fore the final ad- m '.ingress.
' *en f. re-d hy clrrum- beloved Urelhren, we do *o with pride
11 1* said at Ihe Capitol by men
Ir I r* vr altitude. How­ Bioglad with our uara. blddlag you a
jounfmem of congress.
e. that
lU tl
ls 11 ftantlogo de Cuba, Godapeed and a tafe raUrn to yaur
•The members ______ Detroit post. O.
______ .f Oregon, who held a
handaome thing when
ae* and loved onea, leaving the em- The stoU tbe triiiss »rc
he difflci!!' for AdrolnU
It re'-* commission in the CaUforiiia
ndhi-i Thus ll I* poral- . JW of Liberty, the Star* and Slripea,
'they resolvrrf to lake care of tbe fainOmenl.
ble Uera moy be a Mg light within a flooUmg to .tb# fonr wind* #f beaveh.
ilira of mu wbo Have gone to the
melalmlng to the world that peace
front.'' »ain Ir. WllUam R. Binne of
the battle of Kali's Bluff and that hla few day* "_____________ _
and trredooi abonnd, and tbatCubaU
the National. 'The old
neral took place In,the r------------- —
Lm- Dev'lne* Tbal CbaigW.
(roe. Be It further
■veterans of tbe civil war did ihla In a
r. the body having Wsshlnsirr. May n.-MaJor General
BeMlved. That Travraae City ,lfd^•erica of gracefully worded resolutions,
through th* Stf^ta of th
Fitzhugh I-ec. who 4s to remmand tbe
e. 4S1. la In deep sympathy with the
which wound up with a promise of once
Bea-enth srnty rorr* now being mobil­ relat'.vos and friends who Danrn
mora donning their uniforms If they artillery wagon.
Now It th* time to prqve th* boaated ised at Tarroa. left tVnahInglon ye*ter
departure of *nr Brother* asd
•TO at any Ome
advance in aanltalloc. medicine
day for Richmond, Va„ whence he wll
Bannab Rifle*. Balt farther
atjiiggle. Tbero la no doubt of tbe alnaurgery. Rapid lines of eommuolratlon prwreed In a day or two to Florida, m
Beaolved. Tbot a copy of tbafl* i
SI?5r of the pledges given by ^
with an army are w. numerous that has declined the gift of a wealthy atock Intlons be prraanlaii to each of onr de­
Grand Amy
Amy rmen. and H wmM a gtx*
hoanitals can be placed at healthful lo.
parted broUer* bad to tbalr faaUIaa.
Iblng to do. 'for when a man knowa cations. The dlaeaa* to which soldlen breeder of North Carolina of
Btallics for hi* -ura -lik the Cuba
rife and children behind.
are subject are well underato'id. anf paign. Tbe ganerwl aald thal atalUont will look afi«r tb«n
medical •‘a"*
** expected by Ihi
were all right lor politic* and great rw.
be can do hit duty with a UghUr
surgeon gyneral to show
ndes but for practical aerrlc* In
field 4>e preferred two tiorara that wi
the govertimect about ttoo aplc
Tbe Mlary of the naslataBt Cnitad rivll war.
Bullet* can be located with
Paar CMlMrea
itesra attorney for wealern Mlcblggn tbe X ray*, and antiseptic dlncovclra
wan raMd from lt.B« to 2LC00 per
•Wheeling. W. Va.. May n.-Thor*d*g
have been numerooa
Hkrtofore many
BU after a spirited dlafusalon of
more aoUier* hara died of dlaraae than evening lour cblldien were drowned In
raatler and In b;4W of rumerooa
Every tick man reduce* the Fishing creek, a abort dlalance abov*
which were raised by ofllclala effective fighting force, and It pay* for New Martlnavllle. A party of nine
aty at 7;» a.arriving at Man^
IS, i?k,Tto give th. Cloaertjmentlon children attempted to.croa* tte ^k
I »l lOKM a. m.; iMvn HasUteo
to tbe health «f ‘be troopa Tbe aanl- In a “John boat" It eapriaed and aU
M and WM* of th* position tbe ad- Urian ahoulfl be aWe to do mote fof were thrown Into the water. A aon and
•h. inny «w.« (Nw sutgeon. - In tb* daughter of OUver Cochran, a aon M
genera)'* office It in claimed BewT King and a non of Henry MAm»a war* drowt-d. 7
hat everything U In »*adl»




» <

B. J. Morgan,


On K. * H. B. & K.



AH bffggage. bos asd back voill
for aaid road abonkl be left «i4>
ae. Office 239 SUte atreat. tdephooe 3. All Olden left with mo
will receive p*Dpt attmtion.

emu RifUi t Iidliu LI






“r;kn-If*;*^‘^ ie^'Vork! th. West Indira to Trafalgar

luina 10 BinuRBi li

,.7iv', era.

lywtlitsifn “



A ^5 SSL'S”!



__ _





with B«l, Uw J*w*lw.

deg* and battla.__________ I

.... Z


Episodes la the Careers of the
Two Distinguished Navaipommanders Which Reveal Their
Dominant Characteristics.


r in chemistry hs had anotbsr man. who thoroughly knows evert
branch of naval th-ory and practice.
Quite dlfTerent In bla way la Com­
modore Winfield SiMt Bchley. a natlva
to ItM be was su. of Maryland, where be was bora In
peiihteudent of the S'aval academy ahd Fteierlck county at (be vUla«e of Rich,
was then In eommaad of the San Fran- field, near FrederlcA OcL *. ISlt. HU
dsoo for two yeara He was flven a entrance Into tbe Naval academy was
captain's commission on March M. UO. on Bept. SO. IIH. CoDseQuently both be
and Sampson matrtculawd into tbs
naval serrlcc at tbe a«e of 17. But be
of I was a prankish boy, while the work- •srooISm*
itll ' man'e eon was quiet and ttudlouA
be transferred his flax to the New York Rtranye to say, both men have married
itly. He has for years been capsid, their alter
ered one of the ablest sad
i antithesis
tiOc officere In the navy.
There le a tradition about tbe navy |s as Jolly as' the mmodore. while Mra
{Caprns^t, IM.]
I which they inuat bhTC iDherlCed tma
men were both mas- dtr of fistatu
IRS’perMDhJ elde of the meh vho«e him by abooUiut cncken mad esplodhir department that tbe ordnance bureau la Rampson la as
date In U«L lleuten- youth, but there U a plethora of assoe
rlxld of ail the elxbt bureaus .| tain.
boataeee It Im to Bcht for the b^dor ] torpedoee with the boy* mad their
anu at the
UC and
dotal matter rriatlnx to Behley. EmT
. .. Bchley
___ _____fixhtlQx
or the Itmc la a matter of
to i menda. aa a vlaKor remarked, "the blc*
oat u abandons old poalUona with I impulrive son. while BamiipsoBD U aatrodff lenaot commander* at tl
bp obtained hU first eoaBDaad M aa
deliberation than any of the ochry Amertcaa. Tbe public, bemrins Keel boy of them all."
•as date Id IWt Tbe
brave, with tbe Judicial mind,
aattsinx epiaode.
of the martial achlevemenu of
The captalo and bla boy* are exceed- erA The chief has a multiplicity of du- former la lithe In body, with Jet black
After belnx detailed from the Mlaaas
taeroea aaauclatea them extJualTe- inyiy fond of dofn. mad for aome year* tleA He must atiand to the manufac. hair and ereA the mustache and xoalee
I March IL lUS. and a
rs be received hU UsateDaat's turawnla*
6 of tbe present year. Bhortly/kft- Blen and was asslxiMd to the Owasat
of havoc mad db«true. thHr freat delict «raa In a macnlB* tur* and purchase of offensive and de> streaked aith xray. He looks ae If
UoB, ao that
Bofterwide of tbcir'nf^ cent Enflleb aetter named Andy, who fenalve arms and apparatus and all ma- there mixht be a ttnxe of French blood er ne was placed In command of the
tsra la enureir lost aixht . But there wan a bouaehold pet-hnd rotiatant com. chloery. apparatus and equipment need­ In his veins. There Is a Oalllc daab and flylnx squadron.
la a vcatle pbaae In the character of panlon. BUI early thia year the doTe ed in their usa ■■
nerve In hli movement that alreoxthena
He saw much active aerriee durlax inx'bowl and periodically bad to rstlra
. tbMc STtm ftsbiera. for they are brave fehlal nature underwent a eudden
be carried by vessels, tbe the belief. Sampson la about as tall as the civil war flret on the fiixate Poto­ to th* "aeclialoB that th* eahta '
aea. mad aU brave meo are ceatlc aua chance. He apranc upon Ralph without maunal. Und and qualities of ship ar­ Schley, belnx * feet « Inches or
mac and then oa tbe xunboat Winona' XTaatA" when be weald Tsmala M
aa well aa centlemen.
eaaee and bll tbe youth oeecTely la the mor and (be dimAalohs of pun turreU. lo hctxht, with the full broad cbe
In (be west Kulf (Mexico) blocfcadlnx aevcral days The Owaseo Was sta*
Two of ohr naval commaaders wboae face. Tbe canine met a )uat death for He bas to Indicate the dipirthullon of tbe Anxlo-Saxon type, llxht blond
squadron and In the enxaxeil
Honed off-MobUe bay and was ob* Of a
(oadneei for domecilclty le pruverblal hie Inexplicable treachery
betnc the welthts to be carried 1-y the ahlpe and close cropped, full beard, now
which led to the captore of Port Hud­ small SQuadron of which Captain Jama*
Are Actlac Rear Admiral Sampaon asd chloroformed to death. There ere atlll when IbHr earrylnx power Is dnermin- erally sprinkled wfth Xray. and the :
son In lUS. He commanded tbe Aler AldcD of the Richmond was sMtor s<*
Ooeunodore Bchley. They are typea ‘ ucly aeare oa the youth'i face, and poaIraa look In hla calm, xraylab blue
on the aui,i.i,eiful Qreely relief expedi. fleer.
the men who. have made tbe Unit
albly aome of them
of some Northman ancestor.
tion In im and the cruiser Baltimore
Alden was.notified o«s BiarBlap tbal
State* fraU amow the aauou. but the paar.
armor aa to have It thickest where U U
Captain BampAin bas hot till ver
when ID November. JSfl. one of
the fix of the Owaseo was appxoaciiliifc
softer side of their oatBre U as loraM*
necessary and yet not Interrere cently been ao prominent In tbe i
crew wae killed aad many of Me
The two dauKhlere of CapUln Bampwith the captain's peDmaat flytap. Are
aa tbe sterner side is admirable.
(he raovementa or stahlllty of tbe of the world as Schley. Hlaauccew
Iowa were injured by a mob In Valpa- rayinx blmaeU In ^1 mnitarr dri^
aon'a drat wife are married to two wa*
Captain William Thomas Sampson.
Alden ordered up the snjebork
Lieutenant Roy C. Smith
th. mme amount of special knowi. portUDlty that five* tbe rlxht i
and Enaln H. K. Jackson. The latter for the
iipaent and rvcruitinx from Utt
and the boatswaln'a rasM mad* rtadF
DOW by special deeicnatlon
edxv on (he part of lu head nfficlA and fame. Tbe chance did not oime
- r hU three pip« «m
dent actinx rear admiral
which there la so much depend. Oeorxe Dewey durinx the dvll war.
- cadet on one of (he vessels ' l^bt “
MU father was Jobs T. Schley, for the'whlat
tbe north AUamic Beet, popularly «,« hurricane that wrecked tl
. on a pcuxieaalve chief tor steady Manilla baa placed bim amonx the list many rear* a leadlnx member of th*
When the Owaaeo's xlX came aJoayw
known aa the "Cuba
of naval immortalA
United States mea-of-war la
Frederick couhly (Md.) bar. He died idA the man who raa up the rope lad*
for this rcaaon and because of
Thouxb Schley xvaduated from tbe lo Baltimore In IS7I. bul was burled in er was Lieutenant Schley.
bar of APIA SamoA la ll». be led a
on Feb. t. 1S40. Many'
body of acamen to the tops and fo
Me famlllartiy with the use of lorpedoea Naval academy a year la adraaoa of bla home city of Frederick. Tesre latar
T expected to aee the eapulh of
•till Uee In th« vicinity of
and tbe resistance of explosives to beet
the famous "human sail." which
the widow aald of her eoe: "Bcott was .waaco." said Aides, with aarcastla
town. The love of home If
venfbd ble ehip from ifolnf on the rockA that be was made president of the
always fond of the sea from boyhood* hantear. He was nsturaUy offendsA
stronx charscterlBiics, and
Fbr this xallanl art younr Jackson, whi Maine board of inquIn'.
tbe tbouxbt that be bad been tridle
and never seemed at home upon land.
opportunity p,-rmlle he vla|ie (be
Bampann'e xrvai virtues are coolness
into si
otherwise would have lost a commlaHe loved hi* wife firet end hU ship
■ • ■ 'wyho.*.
peapl* ' ,ion throurh (he lack of
and axxresslveneas. coupled with delib­
next. I remember beartnx him say the a subordinate o«cer.
lovlnxly and familiarly refer to him aa remioe n tbe femes by a spectal a
eration With Lieutenant JosepbRi-au'S
last lime I saw him: 'Uo board ship I
Tof theOwasek >
BUly Sampaon. tiui there are no anec of^ni
be de*lxn»d the novel double turret sys­
feel at home. On land I feel as If I was
dotes related of him. He na* a Quiet.
"BiDce when, may 1 aakT*' Tbs m
The fatber of Captain Bampeoa. nam­ tem which has been adopted for the
pood for nnihlnx ' HU fatber was alStudious boy. and Inday hie only weak- ed Oeorxe. was a day laborer, and the latest constructed l•at(leshlpa. the Kearwaya when a boy, anxious to enter the casm betxbiened.
nasi le tennis playlnx He nuns (he youth helped la the ordinary work of aantc and the Kentucky. Ita chief pur­
"An hour aXD. *lr;“
Xrwndfafamous HormoD Hill farm.
’''"‘'•n the little farm. The tyv was studious pose la to avoid tbe difficulty In tbe way
“Where u your captain r
tber. put bu foot down on It. and be
Is the embankment a here ]• wpb hmlih. and enxBxed the Inleleai of Squire Wil­ of concenlratlnx the fire of the hea»T
____ .-d UP In tl
never pot to sea WItb hU tons It was
liam H. Sootbwlck of PaImjTA who ae- 1 _ Be. which (a a troublesome problem
different, for three of them entered tbe
cured from Repreaeautive E. B. Mor- on the IndlanA He U a keeA shrewd
■1 did. I flr*i put him BDder afrstf navy.
"Book of Mormon" was printed i.y - xan his appointment (i> the Naval at-a.Iemy at Annapolis from Frederick by and (hen shut bIm
the lau Major Ollbert. beartne the name
which he entered on Sept. I. IKi.
t the ship, and
Conxrewaman Henry W. Hoffman."
of Bcbert B. OraodiA on an old hanJ ana was muly puduaied with hla
•rilera *•
married Mias Nannie FrankllA
^nUnx press which *(111 exlsli la the class In lUl. Just as tbe country w ae oa
dauxbter of Georpe R. Frwnklln of An­
vlUaxa of Rose, Wayse county, N. V. the verse of civil war. Promotion was
(he ludicrous side of the *(•
napolis Tbere are three children. ThomA brother. Oeorxe BampsoA works the rapid m those days and. Jumpmx over
as inclined to Uuph. bat hx
aa Franklin. VirxInU and Wlaifield ,
(arm. Two eou^loi also live there and the xrade of enslsn. he was made maaBcou. The dauxbter In 1S» married said as sternly aa posslbie: "The flfW
arc employM In tbe cemelefr.
ler <a xrade since abolished) In AuxosL
Iph Orwnrtlle Montaxue Stewart order I'll xlve yon U to lower th* pea*
Tbe old bouse where Captain Bampson ltd. on July U, im:. be was made x
Wortley, a nephew of tbe Earl of bant lo that xlx. fo back to year shift
dm saw tbe llpht of day on Jobnsou lieutenant and on July K. IM*. a lieularncllffe. In EoMand be would be sir. unlock that caMa door and rsstorff
street. St the south end of Prospect hill. lenaot commander.
swell, but be prefer* to *uy In Captain---- to duty. Then report to m*
_____ _______ ix. Althouj
Burtnx the war Bampson served oa
tbe United Bute* aa a raltroad man lo wrtUnx If the captain * Ulhsaa still
repaired and t
boardthe practice ahlp John Adams and
and financier, with besdquarter* In New incapacitate* Mm. aad I wUI know wba(
on the monitor Patapsco. It was on
Tork dty. One of tbe boy* U In tbs to da Don't be In too xreat a taurry to
t^ Utter that he won -hu first tamA
xvt command of a ahlp, Mr. Bchley.The monitor was one (rf the blockadlnx
Bchley to rtaolutA rre
mpaoA a sister of the naval coth- squadron off Charleston. The Fe.l-r=l
* very pleasant and
mander, resides there and U aa bichly
tbe harbor was full
amiable character a ho le always in
r her many vtrtius aa for of mine*.
rood humor, and It U alteped that be
an enerxvDcy a«d with perfect dM«
ders came for the monitor to xo In adbas never been known to be "out of fldeuce In blrasML Hs to a -»-« of AM
vanev of the fUet aad pick up and detemper."
lltorary tastsA erwre FrehcA BponUB
Captain Bampeon has been twice
•- stray all explosive# there was no demur.
Bchley wax a mUebievou* boy, al- aad Italtoa flusMIy and to famous la the
risd. Hla first wife was Marparei Alxre "trylnx to break bU neek." ao- navy aa a ertt and after dlnasr speaker.
driefa. the daurbter of a prominent
It Pal-,
err was on (be brldxe. and. ordentix the
to the traditions extant In the Hto bonhomie to Irresistible. He wear*
a isn. msriDe* and sailor* behind Iron bulvicinity
fine xMd watch that was voted him by
( conjuxal ]
warkA aloB* oo deck, amid shot and
nreu or playlnx prank* on the woolly the Man-toad It
. laavlac two dauxbte
shell from the forU and a rain of bulheaded old African *^idc1a" who never­
t Orcvly. bat i
CapUlh Sampsoh'a second wife i__ lets from aharpabooter*. tbe Patapsco
theless Idolised him. He was a flfhter value* tbe ebony cane
IOm Mary Burllnx. a preceptrta In the ,Steamed eteadlly ahead. A few mlnuUe
by Instinct and never a clone student. Xtvco him by tbs e V oMb* Baltimore,
X*ahDjrra Classical Uulon school.
later she was rent Into frwxmeuu by a
n at tbe time et
He xraoualed near the toot of hi* elasA
Tbe famUy at pressst Uv«* m a mod- ____ torpedA
_ _
ke <3ran(. a^le Sampaon. wUh *ti1pea
e the foDowlBX halva
sat brown cottaxe M 117 Clark ,*tr.-i, blown Into tbe air and (cased Into the
arm. was Dear the b^ of hU speech. Touebliw hto hat and serapioA
<H*B BldxA H- 1. There are two boyA water IWTeeC away, with 21 of the c
hit foot with uh* nautical (srvto. hx
RslpMEarL axed U. sad hla brother atrasKtlnx about him. Tbe r
The founder of the family In Mary- said. "Fog kno^. Mr. that wbsB y«W
flarald. Who u A There are also two more than 70. had been tom to pleeeA
ind was Thomas Schley.'who aettled th were our oaeer Kb* rvxstodens wouM
dauxbtatA Tbe sons have "xrand times" The men In the
e w
were aU rescoed.
near tbe beplnnlhx of tbe last sot allow da to tin you s WSSCUt bad
^----------------- .j Home, for I ■
now that ypa bare Mvan sp tha eem*
th* rMatioB* betwt fi them are of tbe serenely reported for duty.
vesant aaval hero, fooxht under Boon
' of th* aMp you are Jmt a xsatlre
ast Fourth of July
in iXtS-T Bampeon m mi tbe flaxsMp
D th* war of UU and another andsr
>* ha* ever wutredHt*
, be wae tsllh them and dsvotsd boure to Colerado of the Suropsaa squsdrtm.
tamsnr______________ r
he mtm» oommander la Mezleo.

s( paMoUM Aflar asrvla* at tbs Naval irailMiir ■■
Than 1a as has bsaa sfatad. sxrare
AKl'ItUB mi'YUMBi .


Tki iwitlrtri^,B)tegiR «OTfeATx:^

"IcdBaea thfoncta tba lAola
tea BtoMt,''ald tb* bnatbaTI i .
b«rt. kMw tb. tmic Mta. “BratTbody knowi that oMrf
»o« Irtnoatint4fctoga cm aarth la
poutiof outtewtiM H>d
, wboMMl of bU tobofdlMtM to ai^ It oonaa arisbty okM IQ b ' ~

Hot kBC «■<> tbeOw
M ftnUih Pblator,


wd Smmwt KhUw «( «••
^•UOM *M Wt*la *t« rmn «>•
tbm tfatBfiwill oeeor Is (beofte:
••Flm. Mm BonipM» diton* ofttofUbskiih bTMMb of ibe «d« £i«u Mm fob^
dlMt wd crud KkUm. w. MRWdljr. tb«
nf—rlttf ntora ol tbe Kobefcab lodgM to
tbsMMi of nMouid HibardlMM lodcw. >
^NbMl}.tb«*dtsl«kn of woumo «o Um
mbordlDOM kxl/r oa on eqoalltj with tb*

Kntobtt r
18S8. tolsBt bo

at Mw lUbekab lodg«* a* abrsDobof to*

Tbt M foari^ Mid

bapBtin. HawatobM
wb^ boste. bnt »e--------

awaited him.

" Yon don't like tbia roomT* mM tb*
baiter baton Bany mtostea bad elapaad.
Wbal aort of a roofa would job UkeT"
"Ob.” Bid tbeartlat. "a mnall mm.

A k>d«* la sot enUtM to any foitb*
a are bal^ drlUad
proof tnat a member la a peat craod toes
to CMBtog nrcc* on a notal *art of tma sard tbowlng bit faDk.
prOTited bridge. Sara or eight Usob
Walker lads* of OensaotowD. Pa., ha*
................tbe handle* and top*
ktolWof It* uember* by death duHne dldo'tohooaetbUroom.” They thetj to­
aad are held
Hi to yean of *al***Dea.
uted rooiBt togetbor dll tbaaittot ___ .
Idle*, buide*
MlDiMbaba eaeaio|UDaat. Ko. 1ft. of
■ BtiiSad. n«i Ml* dttlbg began being tied together with forage rope*.
Provtdesoa la- ------------------------A dnten eacb bnndloe faau-ued together
■Now.” nid tbe katasr a few isio- form OB* aeotlQo of a raft or floating
bridge and are capable of anatalning
and iBOrtTod tb*
aif a ton of weight. A aeoUoo can be
eoDlMdl di.
imendadoD that toy
HamUton ouoncU
Dt wcetber to aft mtoole*.
,pp^| ^ brtore BT-pipa"Bld
’_il| luTiahtS'*^ “**^“* “^ toe iBdldary and ajipeal* tbe artlft teraely.

Sdei^*aS I ^ member who paye bit doat to adexnotly bow 1 abould like yoa to palot.
bt. Elmo ”•>“• •“<> tokea an offlcUl eonlflcaie or
wwa* aobarMr me liber • ’mtm
Now, do make yoaraelf at borne and
all rtittlDg card or a member wbo taka*
BMaaday. Meriden, and Mr IUnm
wltbdrawal oard U entitled to tbe aoood oumfortablu. and we will talk aboot
raatamloaot comtiu
England. "—Today.
I tbeIgtasd
grand ttavellBgp
y of OoBDeotlDOt lb lbT7, bar-I Tbe man wbowaiulor--------------___________ _
do wbai be ean end ought to do blmaelf
Mm l^nolal oonclareof tbegr^ nerer attato* to enytbtng.
A raeent ootsberof tbe Peklag Oaml of the United Itoitae b^ et
Jodge O J iteinmm of MohlM ha* been
iDlStM be waa elected grand ra«leel«l grand repreeeotstlr.. Tblalto aette. tbe ol.iesi paper in tbe world,
of tbet
■t body, wbleb poeltlon
poaltlon be
ba <gat
jgat kwxwiiUloe
kwimtiittloe of tbe n
of oneoft
one of tb* ani Inr k.OuO yean the oClcial organ of
tbe Cbmoee gorcnmiaot. oonuio* tbe
Jim bold*. Mr. Une* bet alto moelred tb* uHia able and tnOoeotlal
tuUowtog edict of tbe emperor, TbIftblftr-t^led and laaldegTee IslbeSeOttUh torwagn gwid hxtga. and o.>
BIM and M a DoDber of tbe Boyal Ord« that body U oateeued atid l«i
highly that Mr. Sammea
"W* bare reoelvrel a memorial fron
Most Emlneat Oiaad Muter Wanea { Ooktrado baa bot ooa Rehekab lodge Sbib Nien-ten. poremor of Kiangil.
laBoe Tbemaa ol Baltliser* b*t_beaa erorktog Is tbeOerman UnguagB. Uartba. noBBOtog tbe ooo<lact of Pies Yn
ob'nu, ex-uiagirtnte uf
bo*t oojotnandery, >
John O. Delta, grand tecreUry of Oeoe- Koangal pruTtoea, wba baring retired
■narly 7t year* ol aim He ^ from bi* t»wt. wu dUoorered to ba oooPreoiler Bagatto U
___ __________
MdenLly id aman In tbe paymant uf
^n&d maatar of tbe ordar to Spain.
»od bat aarrad ag grand aeoretery tor W the taxee oolleetad by btn. Wban i.pWedo notaaka bnilber tofoiBkebla
plied to for tbf repaymeot qf tbe Bid
M for bit lodgn. bot w* do aak btni to
u »ba«, oniMde of tbe order rroold to­ tana by tbe proriucial tre* .ry ofOlUy, keep up bit doee and qolra Into tla prlooiplat. It
ll »would be realeg'tnagittTate paid oo bead
ellow U a little eiala. tbe aX'tiuigitt
look out for bit family by kroptog op hit uad mat to be as Odd Fell
owing a o
oontempt 1
a iklodiMnrong their deinanda abowlng
Ismeat in tbe good work that ineaDt an aggitton to being a man—a
wld be poi
pBOlebed. \
tbe law wbiob eboold
"oniKM of prreastio U bcetor than i
pposdtif oure ' to tbe time of
that the Bid et-mag■t-------------------------week to Jon* I* eei ___ .
• In Indiana toe ---AnburnParklodgeof-Cblcago,lnwblab aeUaat borne week lor Hobekah lodgea. ieiraie tw caabtorad and .jtmatod and
K^or Cerur war ralerd receocty. baa a and erery lodge in tbe Mate U expeotad to pitoed In prieoo nntil be nfouds tb*
Swmberablp of about Zfto and- bai one of g^^e aume kind of an entmtalnmant for whole of birlDdebtediMB totbe goeeralb* flneat lodgeroom* oo the Soow SW*
u., beoMIt ol the borne fund.
meot. Wefortberoamnimnd IbetorarnThe aocrenlr tor tb* triennial Knliibt*
or of Yonnan. the native prorloee of
ooDcUve to ba bold at P1t«^r*
the aocQeed. to iDreetlgate and ouollt-


I suits.


Tbe length of k Maaon'e aeb
Baaanred by ble own ttandard. and be
akme U nepunelbla l« that Ml of jodgBant
Aoooal dnea are to the »MWkl Maaonie
srpnluUoni what tbe direuleUcm of tbe
tilood le to the body. Their flrompt and
' ftU payment lioqulenleot to Hhcwitbyclr,
colatloo of good, rich blood, • hicb uanioa
ABitb and rigor to tb* teuioteat ertr«islyv»
A member ehould bee* only one ob)«t
ts view to all Ma doing* In mnneoiloD
with fait lodge, and tbat for cbe good of
AM lodge and the craft at lervt.
-----------------------UNITED WORKMEN.

Tbwe ba* bees aunie inquiry ragardlng
tbe requirement of the new law In rola_____
tlou to withdrawal card*. Tb* exeeotlr*
oooooll had the quartloo of UmeonatnMg/ y,i,
u^n> doling their
February ineaUng and ruled that membne dcetrlog a wltbdrawal oard mort
make appltcaUoo
ibefeeol <ft oenu. Tl)e application for
Miecard luun be read In open camp, wben,
|{ (he oeiutHr l> clear on the book*, all
(faa end BBwimimU paid and no chargoa
pending, lb* oard eball toue wltbout earn
Tbe Woodmen of Rookford ere elready
arranging for tbe annual plonie to beheld
«( Hocklord by tbe hortbero llllnoU —‘
s^lbern Wlaoooato Woodumn Ptailo-

and other town* Id Yunuau. Let not
luciai treaBory euffor tbsougb
tbe proriu
of tbeoffluiala. "
tbe dUbos.

The uaera ef Bollaa*.
Tba qoeeool Holland iia yonng lady
with eery independeut idea*. A tburt
time agoitwaaauied that ibe bad pnailively detormiued never to marry aort
tbat her intention wae to emBlste tbe
example of tbe great Englisb Qneen
Elizabeth. Probably tbit i« mere goadp
and bai no fonudatiuo in fact. Now,
boweeer. we are told today that the
yontbfnl mouareh hat bad tbe coorage
to declare her diatastef.Trnioaic. if we
■ that the Oolcb are not ntorded at
U tbU
perbape not eurprlciug.
dinro ; teapeoc
‘‘ .F
A Work Dew* by tbe AdeMery OeB*
D^g Febrnarr
abe It not potaea^ of thebenditary predUerilooe which nue migbt
I bare ezpeclrd, teeing tbat her father.
gte advleary eummlttee wbl^ wg* to _Hon. Slla* A
. Koieomb aovenior of i ‘be late King William 111, w.e an enthe'^tML-K^h^aka now boldt a oertitou to tbe ' tboslaatic moalciao. Indeed bl* drroIte
ol Amarloa.
Uou to tbe emotional art wat eueb tbat

tal.. » ito al.k. ta...

1, ...rjtol, ™ .„ U». 1» —U , 1» !■ “«■

bB dotM tbe order a vaat t,ve long enough to Bn tba amount '
•Bount of gt»d In rarlon* way*-—WMeos______It for Id tb* Woodman, there
might Ibean ezeuae tor not taking adrantag* of
Forty new lodgea bar* beao
Hklaoe are btfmw tbe eamp. tbe
Is CaUltnla during tbe paat yw.
gl tbam to Sag FtaOolMO.
arigbt torotawbetberatleor
MaBbare to good ttaBdlng at laB i
IMOtbly iwpoM. ktr.VTS.
OraBdRaaonlerTlogleaftbaDewtort*AMoB of Oklaboma By*. “Our InHadloglos It at tbU time maktog apkodld
fsowib, and w* will r
----- -—“■

i bare. diiguimd
blmavlf In
. - .
. order to ~play
teooodviolm to Malibrno'i c
to lore with Ualibmn at tbe time. U.
bowerer. tbe !■ not a mnnclau, Queen
[ wilbelmina payi atuotiou toother
Mbetlo taetot. Sb« takei tbe fTMteei
lutereet iu. painiing and toBlpture and
bat beraelf a pretty taint tor akatoblug —St. Jamei tiamtte.

grave of Dt.
Llrtogeumc, nnder tbe old mpusdn
tren. to Afrioa. fonod tbat an oroamen­
ta I teaca, apparently not many moatbt
old. bad beeu creeled aronnd tbe tree.
Wban Mr. Clentbe aaked tbe native*
wbo bad done It. b* waa told that "a
wbtle man and bit donna," wbu bad
oume from tbo uorlbwetl of tbe LutpBIt. bad Tltited tbe grave and caneed tbe
to Lw nrade. Mr. Ueulbc'a diaoorery bat eteltcd great lulcreel among
Ibe Europeau oommoully at I’.umte and
Blaucyr*., aud epvoulntluu It rile at to
a rank, bavo tb* IdoD-.ity of tbe myeterloni aud ungtuu lor tbelr ezpa&M
t at Indlan- known coople from tbe mher tide of
tbeLaapaiawbo tmrrledan far in ordir
to do bonor to the metnury uf LivingwilaUmtofi

aat,ri,y. Grand RmoriC^P
"W# bar* twq depuMat to tb*
ooorenttotM. For In
> member U e
appMt tarlral of
SSdtnd' Ibere li
for from 6 to 16 tutoule*
• "jeold
tor« bring adroHtad to tbe anteroom, xna
leave tbe ball,
urn or uke to____
«lngi tberenflar—
OalltonilB during tbe year, entailing i Enlgbl't Sword and Helmet.
MabUity of t^d».(wa
Twenty two busdred ipplIeatloDi for
meiuljrrttalp lo the eodowmoot rank wore
Ufloatae laued
refuDdbeealabUabed .
Ag every oounoll. ibo tuembere paying |l i„ ancsding d
pm year lor Uie porpoar. tbit fund tote ,poji,*odwUI
sMntcly aepaiote and dittlnet from Ibe
•■DetBl or loan fund* of Ibe oounoU and


^Ia«e In ibU
tbU way
war a council
oonncll oonld with- ^
to a very lew ymrs plaoe llaelf where It*
Bamliiri Woold know of a oertototy that

1 •96.40ft i>» toneml and alek baa-

There WM a meeting tbe otbor day

re of tbit ordar wbo barn It*

•or. Hob. June* K. Gowao. aud tb*
hkewiae patriarebal aenatar from Ver­
e to tb* auppott of tba mont. jMboaored Mr Morrill An intereatlog Interrlew incurred betwMD
tbe KOtcweDarlsna Mr. Morrill referred
Mam. and tb* time and money tbot Brad ,
to bi* fomoore and eight year* with
can te pDi to good uae to tbe etlrring up
tome pride. Ur. Gowan ia foor year*
^ IboaeaaoDOlltwfalebwre tocllnedto lag.
ble Jonlor.
Omnd Regent Hmiitof North Carolto*
"I esppoB yoB bare so Bemter of
Bneed hU eecood tarm me grand regrat *• ^
> of_ tbe
to,Oregon yoBT MBat* wbo it my eqoal in ye«Br
irttb *U
*U new
new asuanu
oounellt to uwuiw.e
hleoiodll. e
a «wu
- - - - - —---_ _ •
BBmdwbenwerceaUUMdlffloiiltMoftb* dniingtb*
eU monlb*tea I
qaeried tbe Vermont ■atamnan.
^Htkwo yearn
oreaaed over 900.
"Oh. yea." toplied Ur. Gowan. "oo
A membm I* eonatdemd to dlatreB
P*itOT*at.8aob*mO*Olf* I^lM of OBt aeuator* it M."
r at Redwood
wbaa through acoldeni or IUo*B be Uun- bean appi
The reteptloo of thli b•U* loattoud wbU regulardoUea. and City. CaL
_______ partlonUrty pleafing to Ur.
•IWwteD be U orerwbalmed
Uorrill. and be began to talk td otbor
srdaetblnblt (amlly
tbamea—WaAlngtoo Pott.
gbe mpreae krtetiny emoBOte i

:r Bicvcie Riders.

Ad old eolured BtiaBi. baaitog Uw
nmon of war wttb Spain. i^pUdd for
too poaltiac of cook to tbe army.
"Wbat experlenoe bare yoB bad?" b*
"I WBk cook to de Oonfedrlt army,
*Bb," be replied. "Dat it, I bad de poMtion of cook, bnt tor toll de tnitb. I
didn't wok at It."
"Dey WBzn't nnttto ter cook, fobl”
—Atlaola Couetitotiou.

be deoelred iy wbat oibaw teU you to
Ue oontrBiy. bnt eont* and aea for
^'l^g^ratcM all my work to b* right,
and if It doB not prove *0 I tsake it
Stop is till 8 o'clock every nresisg.
except Sunday, to tbe CeJdwaR A Lon­
don boUdlng. at nortb end of Onloa


Who are the..

of the arand Traverse Begionf
Who le it that have gained such a wide
reputation for popular priced, finely tail­
ored Suits at $10, $1S and $16f
What firm had such tremendona sales
from their fine assortment of STmCTLT All
at $7.60P
I nnu for the name of the firm which apLUUIt pears in this advertisement—out
it out and bring to our store—you will re­
ceive in return a bandeome colored pic'tnre of the battleship “Maine.”

We are THE
For all manner of 8POETING GOODS.
We carry the largest line of Base Ball Goods in Northern
Wo are already fitting out Ball Clubs with entire euppUoe
—Clubs, Mitts, Protectors, Masks, Balls Etc.

or anything else, we have them, and our prices
always sell the goods.


A oorreapoodeol of tee London Obraiil*
deal Uautoue my* tbat tbe oloalog
eoeoB lo Aobtey BeMdaley't lUe were
0 (out lor tb* pftpat. eioeadlagly patberte. He aoffered gTBt
pain, bot wat iorariably genUe and pa­
tient. When r«7 near tbe cod. be mid
I. teln, warmlr . Tb* Morm equailBtton plan a. uete to be wat reiT earry to leave tbe bright
world ao ywoK •od
loogmpiete; bot. atooe it wm Ood'i wUl. b*
bUlbBbeenlntrodneedtotbeteglatotiire wat raady to gt>- Ba watfnllod proj1 i»rir i "i |-rf--'-------• them- than to amend tb* totntano* towa eo b •eu of fnwraworh aimow grltbln a
dm et tbeatma known mjbeAUasiB
|Bv day* of bte dBtb.
ay aad lagMamwn eleBBU
. P. Crook of Umate lodga of I]pteaBt grand tromae of tba ofdm I
taSMUiInllad Stalea wUi tea—

t>MB BbrMlr fn^. RdcAar'a Oyatnr

lagttm Star.

aaU tare to d**p*r«le a

Is Mari^ lode*
and WM olacMd
iBMMr Is te^t.
WM oxaUedtstbO
d«ci«e of Boyol
Areb Mans '

“Wbat U tba difBenllyr'
*'Jati at aoco a* w* ton

Uaw TwU OioMw.
I SB riialrlsg dtao* from How Tetfc

0±ty^ BooDsis-bpre,

jHiijiujjltiiig «ww>ia>xTOnrtAT, |u.» as, la^

;B SMWSIWEfcsi.-^
1 Hnr It Amoiol a Kloo-

<»e of ^



(be Btotot f««kM of (be «e«. boptog
to nCriave Ua tetoae end nekliig a
•olwaD teoBln sever to letem wtU be
bed dose w. Tbare were teen to bli
voioe end teen to bU eree ee be nld to
»e toe bent odwsMiee ;
■*8ok Mb. I beve lefta notber. a ela...............
end a eweethewt to Soetb Ctowltoe.

bMi kUghtad sol two fodi tram wb«n
wo wen. Id toot punDtconi o^oni Or
tU wheo ourtod Bt> bj nip. Wb«b«
It U thnegb leek «f ecicat tfor or l»o(>a «noc<(Mii
c« w«>b tbe
boDM i^oo 1 kuow . . bet oi.« wm*
' kllM with 0 eloh ur pol- tbc Mber <Uy. i «od IM dw
■■d to eWHbrr nn I kuow «d a ons to^toal'<
wbo toot one wltb a revolver.
1 took wbat I oooaldared


I aima seouid a m.%'-

[Ptwe Oer Speelal Owraeoatmt.]
Iked nj Ant reel adveDtore and oar-



u wltb a


1 ptoB op to
r ^lTl

tat J do oot wito --------------- dsoe learned IS qoiteagood day swork

aesd of Uee
it Jobs'u Wc
id 4fi MliMD. a N. Twelve <
ed nai eoDirtaed bar pnaoi^ CbM

aod give tbe offloan tb« beseAt of t
dee. He wae to Mated by Colo.
Cbwob to bU “Ufa at
art W. C. (.
n •• "tbe
'>th« only
nn)> ntuww hnard

I XtOKxSnnntn, Alaeka. Haroh >s.

Bdvri»->ToQ would so* tohe thel
d tea me nsola of istoo to be a friHee ptaM M


lay tooldesta cropNot «> loo* itooa

iRermao we. eaantotog a witHanenoap
BM to Judge,Uam' divliloD aod was
dng to 'tbow that tbe man tbes
on tbe euad bad as ulterior isotive to

Sdwto—WeQ. be to At
toeto bin asd be oloaaa «p ti
ly.—Otonmetl Bsqslnr.

prind wbca bis adversary'a nbareratoto down os Me abwJL
"Tdoa'Ieee that be seed beve ban

b a tbtog bad nry for pasaeagen
oever cBiered bis b«wd before.*’—Pick aboTc meetioato Urn
ttoe <dtbe^ veesBl."
Tbe voyage to Bamptoe Eoade «
He Op.
ear line betw>
aveoiful. and atoKto eodad tbe can
" .Iw anii with II the fato m
Rapids arv Vsiparwiso. Soutb Besd aad
>rd yoa growUag aboat 'MUbmwaka. led . Vickebarg, Kalans..vw.—.
— -____ —____________ “1 baves't bnrd
jsooaad Platowell. Wlcb
vrvaiber was esoouatend. aad water ' Dabuey'i rooster laialy."
The voalpatcel used la providiag tUt
broke overtbetmoke aad blowertrunka I
"Ao. Be told me ell aboet tbai

teatifytog. A B<«ro bad baas hurt by a
Dearly pstttog out tbe Aree aod Slopping
tbe other day; Uoori «U."—
•sowtooat whatever agaisM .
Tbe piarnilgaii rvntodt me very moch
.^a a big negro doctor froia
tbe pomps from lack of steam lor four Cbioago Beoord.
ive uo grievance
i of a white pigeos. exapt that it Is a :
,b* «*te line bad a great deal
or Ave boars oa ooe nocasioB. Loss by j
aad Is allghtly
.boot the 1
oinrolug. U bad elwavs htevier____________________
this season ________________
Us Aush tastes
Uoly •T^to

with a aubposna Iff a ,
<,aaat«y of w.i
a ny proud ambition to go sboottog enmewbet of the reclDoue built wbiob It depoiy sberiL.
e<ii Into
ltit« the vewBl
TM«I under
nndar the twee
I thel
that got
Books on tbe (entin of Alaska
"Wbu was tbe deputy sheriff wbo
of tbe turret and tbroogb tbe bawao j
apeak of tbe pu
belDR mpri *erve<l yoo?'*nbe atioruey asked.
pipea Tbe blowers Mopped beoauw tbe j
BbaadaDt, but from my ownI observation
Wirnnw replied ibal be did aot know
belts got wet eod tbe eagtae aud Are- |
inquiry among tbe ladl
rooms blled with aasioai gas from tbe I
Area aad bad to be absiidoaed. la try- ’
But eonoiib of tbie. This greet enay '
uswer. "Be was
Ibet is eotaiug into Alaska—e rpeeiaole f,
rwlou. aad bis aaslstoDts !
! tbe world bas
witaeseed befota,
has never
were overoome ly the gas and w en oar-;
aad one that to bumaa InU-reM approzii,im cm the stand "
rled to tbe top of the luirei, where they \
imert from
xbi. did aot Mrike the anion yet
revived, though tbey were tbongbt deed ;
utlous wluina aad wilb aa air of sowbec dragged out of tbe engine room. |
Trouble and danger ala reeaJtto from ^
the wheel ropes Jumplag off tbe steer-,
tog wheel aad beoomtog jammed.
Alter two days <f toil and peril tbe!
Moultor eecapto from tbe dangers of
tbe era into the pteeeaoe at e new esemy. Late to tbe aftmoon of March 8

labould perhaps esl^laia that 1 beve sever prMnI tnyseJr
■ os my proweas as a spoitaman. but tbis,
I to oblwAy owing to a lack at opportaoity
I SSd exp^eaoe rather than to aval aad
lafforb Tbis likewise was my ArM usIpbriesee wltb taowsboea altbougb ray
lootopaaloD was to tbe tnaaner born id
llbi regard aad started off wiib loug
■ asd easy stridn wbicb 1 endnvored to
IwBulata. I fouod. bosrever. that about
■ Iha osly r«qnitw«>t was to nTiug along
■ Mly es pnsibla aligbtly
w feet to prevoal "luierferle we were no tbe level I
d DO dlfBculty whatever; my snowI nemtd to every way well bebav■ ad, docile and amenable l» reasnn aud
I todnsoe. Batwbeawe sitock tbe billI tide beyond trouble twgiD
My eomI flBBloa look the lead, and 1 atlempied to
I IsUow without gi'ttiug too far bebiud. |
I Uddenly and wbeulwasoot lookiug i
I ay left SDOwsboe took ocnasiua to dig '
1 ae to the side of the right shin. Souu I
I tt toy bold of a twig aud bcug so fast I
I that I was tbmwp down, thus sltgbily I
I abattertog tbe usual Arm tooDdacuKi nf |
I ay petieooe. Meaatinie my companloa |
m stridlag aloug ahead nuly aud re- ;
mitog toe with stories of the delights !
.fptannigau sbootiug. I fiually asked '
I bin to proceed a bit slnwer, uot ou my
I aocODUt—ob. u«—bnt benosc Ibsdread
I that old purmigau buoiers always go
I Aelibenialy, so as to cover tbe ground
I UKWoogbly.

" "

I ff'u

s—uv "
• —irw.—.
^toally my left eaowsboe tripped me |
affala in some way. tekiug me naawain
n before. When tbe geailemaa wbo
vsaewitb me lunted around aod smiled,
1 can swear there was a wicked leer to
Iti face just where a tbong was brokea
sear toe tue. but even tbeo 1 was aot
iseltoed lo be renatlnL Tbe air was
crisp and frosty, it bad regiritml 10
degreee below sero at T o'clock, wewse
«s a mtodoh of sport end ttawra was no




lie gave^Amarioaas eoctrol of the
nbuilt of steel.

i pnr npoa tbe waters Tbe eogtoeer's
I to face
: maebtue
■jlueof Joba Ulrica

toe Aaiericsm soata.
9%y teut as far as viriCB caa peaetoe enounater would
! o moviug Hue of |m>pte winds US tog away I
loAiot fright upon tbe romasoe of tbc
"IkaiD'tdiacribe him. mb. All toeea
wey Dortbwurd. fur the day la Aue aad
sea and traaMulD tbe masted navies cd
all desire tutukeacivautageof It. tbcnigb yere while main look alike to me."
tbe world intotHkiem rcHos to a day.—
That broke up Hagenuan, and tbe
B Is very ii.tle to be gained by tbe
F. M. Beanet, O. & N.. to Oamler's
iDce at pr«M-ni. There arv all sarts wllUMi was exsused. -wKsams City
of sleds aud l^ads aud motive power, Timm.
but man blmseir preduiutoaKw aa a
dnft auimal ami bis beet frteud. tbe
asBri in my spoiltog the day t>7 getting dog. eouiee nezL la some cases sails are
telliug I
Dad tbe very Atst boar, it waAaot unsd ei Buxilianea, but tbe wind Is
til 1 bad been aaaoyed again aiiB agato, not frequently to toe right qaanerta of
a eodln
having been two or toreetlmea tripped toe-right toroe to be of much aervloe.
tbe old French eouairy daoeea It rep.Stepping CO the front of tl
00 quickly tori 1 was throws to the From too to 800 ponaiVa is s gtiod
rvseuti sevviwl of ihom to form. Prom
cround. that I resolved to have it oat load for an average niau oa tbe lake, , form beforv t^ Urge end.eaoA be mid; |
urlrsus it spread over toe entire
than aad there aad lean wbiott was where toe tsow i« pecked hard and toe ,
••^‘e.audgen^mea.webevewllb „oto aud tbeace north. It was fooad
nnier. 1 placed my goa against the rrail is won smtsnb. Witb tbe aid of ttstbit evvuiog Prolemor Blank who.
oonvenienoe D toe plaomiion Mlimb of a tier sad gave my l^t foot
mils tbis arnoont ruay oftea be doobled. , I nudenitauri. ha* a Bner Aow of laD- ^^ Tbey were not wedded by llcvmm.
u„i ibe aervicea of a
lu gulag aeiiiaa cuuoiry
wl ____________ toege than I have ; 1 will not' ^ j,
■ the loft now- grades ■
drag but abont half
“T rrmirk*. bet « HI ask toe | p„„cber were called to.
Mmm bwug uu qi .aud scoietimes I was
profemrgliioomrlorwart andeviaeomej
Ai,„kowalk a man might legltl«n top myself riually 1 nuk down
for a wornA CM* aaeker at ttxty.
haustad and was willing to osH it a
quite ezbanstvd bi. own •'Anw of Un-1 „ ,xid too* publicly claim ber fora
drawn battle. Meantime my oompoaion
gnage and leaving tbe profero to beto effect toe <wk« walk wae not
raced with iBuguier and fairly rolledi"”'"
ajlaatog diflerunt frvan toe old SoWeb marriage.
W.I at their o
to toe now wito delight. After that
s -.1— —Dviruii
........... I'ree Preea
which required only public aiinowledgwi snestod to get along all right eaoiigb
I from Uic (xiuiTurtiug partioa.
re tea greaiar per
—toat ia I and tbe laowsbiai. allbiingb
(bis festival tH-c-BUr ia *oiue seam a
svui (if ezperieaoed miner* toan ibere
■acb was disposed lo resptet tbedigmty
wooing, an soa-ptaure cr rvyoctiun sad
wu a year ago aod tu aome of ibeir
•ad pecoiiailtiee at tbe other.
livui there is material for toe maet
Tbui fur we bad seea uo ptarmigan.
tbrilling romaooca I have ooe such in>laboi
rtSDue in my miod. It is tbe oaw> ut e
wbicb IS oumpeteul el ail titueeW oommand uugro support.
track ri bird c»to»^D^D
. ^ ib.-toweriug piae of bis own bvlnvrd
Cake walking bas Imptyived. as do
most toings tbal are ooostaoUy pnotio
Don 001
ed. It ba* loot lUold siguiAoaooe in toe
> sooto. Negroea uow get married, when
from 80 to 80/pousda. aad toe fur
they marry at ell. to toe wnite folks'
Dakm very light aud pretty garrseau'
(aebiun. It baa moreover.
todeed. Bear, are also seen oooaiiaaally.
I paoiomirae dattoe. Properly pvrf<irn>ed.
Tbey are ettraoted to tbe trail by toe
I it is a beaoUful 00a Tbe osk« is aot
todies at dead bortm, .^t fartbet back
' mnob of a prlaa. tooogb the aegro bat
to toe oonatry, as far as 1 oaa learn, lit­
I a sweet tooth.-New Orlmas Timeetle signs of auimal life are found, aad
^me is so scaroe to toe oortfa tori to
ggne plaoes Uie Uaoadian oAtetoU beve
' Niaaty-Btoe wesnea la a hundred
to feed tbe ludiaas to keep them from
maklag madwiobee tor ooDpaay ex­
■toistog- 1 am speaking, of oourna of
pected lu tbe eveatng. and waaltog
tbe OOadltion* a* tuey exist at this aaatoem arustlms, wlU cel toe cruri off
•on. This vast territorv is a breeding
kfwriHeiag toe bread. Take a whole
•rood at uniuberlem ducks aud geme,
loaf otbrwri. out tbe sidm aadtoporuri
aad to summer tbe song of tbe tbnub
off, leevtog the bottom arust on. Tben,
aadtobta can be kcard. while, ftrsnge
kl tbe lines'a
beving squared bff cme srad. sptwl oa
to my, hamming bird*
your deviled haob mrdlae paste or
■IsBty than to milder cllniateL
bUvoioa He bod b
cat a toto eU« back to
oeeaeian lo verify tots latter report toeStoteete tbe past
t tea ysstiu. but
toe bottom crust. Brimm toe eU« by
a UtUe later, 'bat ft bee oooturvd t>
vritooat sDoosaa He Anally maBOged
that tbe so ealled bumnlng birds may ^
mooev few oa outAt and be
"Ibai's ariOBBtog aictog oreceost ronatog your knife 'dowu fuai tosida
toe botkao erost.
Tbee aeitbar tba
_b0BDdf«rtbs cdBixbie'a"
"Tato Had bisTnxedodyad ytUow. braad aw your tetopar is oraattoad.—
' mat
ooantrv. Hot
great Dortb
Hot imBtototoly.
Haw Totk TriboBA
, bet aftemne days of father etow ae- tomibmkDow. "—New Tmfc JoaraaL
__ It to Rtura tomy muttoa,
______ qoatotaaee. was 1 eBatted In fri aa lanther
to ay ptarmigan. Finally we deoceuded Blgbt toio bis aarwr. His aothm was a
Flo—Oo yoa tovama. swestf
ivlM where toe riunied Are sUveowaer. He toWtsd tbs Omfsdm
im to toiok at to be bIdooi trapeae- su army aad served tbroogb tbe Wto.
Hbe—Ob. my Aavit,,, i will trra
Flo—WoaM yoa 4ia tor aof
«i^ Julaswe bri) abovt lost our At iHriomsaoagbvaaMtotspriaes«MM«« bted bad derided to trim to ly retsM for bsis gubristaaes te Wt
gMipAileto fllfwarAvsBewup traa
that tbOB watt my taltec.—Jadv.





to. .U.I


wm—Ha. my pwrioaagbi MtMti
a oadytog lovA-FbUaAtlpiha OaU.

aebea. Pnllmas ba^
I tba Utestdealgnof
.tibuled. iruvlightod.
wing room tleeptoff
an. It is believed that tbe character
of this «<jnlp<DcBi aad toe eonvealcan
of tbe scbedelev will be sueb as to
merit a libvrvd patronage ty toe travelet parlor cai
>UllBaD Wid

^be foltowtog U a coadeaaed aebedLt Grand Bspnis T.'e s B.
a. tie ». a PJar.w •
B.eior a
tras a
Sr i.randhsi.
»* r a
Cea’l t'maa'raad Tteket Agesk

£'. ’i\';ss;;.


a. A M. B M. to Aumamr Mxeurefaaa
Trwwfwe City to MaaHte* oa Saaday,
Hay t3sd, aed every otoar baaday
toervafter. Train leave Traveres City
Haaistee at &:4U p. m. Uai
:aaal tow ratee.
Bound trip fare aot a
aay dlsUace.
good <
day of sale aod not traaaferable
F. A. Hrrcwxix.
Ueseral Paaaeager Ageak
H. W. CnrgiauHSW Areat.


a large Aeet of suppuaes
l;a ..f war ss belptess a
sallod liy a wolf.
Aock nf sheep
Nigblfell before tbe Moaiur came
op to tbe seemlDgly doomed Union Aeet
Hsmptem Hoads Tba Merrimac bad
ber tblrat for btood for the day
s at aaobor aud at rvA. but to
I aud
ber iileace to pr«wence of toe «bipa that
•be meant to alUok in toe moruiug sbe
stoorl for all that men Dndomaad by
of tbe W.WS Ughled
ted by
the barniug wreck of tbe frigate
ie Con.
greSK. tbe Mouiiur movMl Op toward
Newiam News aud auchored arar tbe
Mraudtd Miuneeota. opoo which vessd.
It was urrtsiD, the OrM blow of toe
morrow a*oDbl fall
From eilher s blst'irical or a theat­
rical pniut Ilf view tbe stage settings
were uow c^irupli-te Wltb tbe uigbt tbe
cortaiu bail tallea apno toe last of a
luug aenee of gltwioos deeda perfarmed
under an ord« of seomansblp or an
tactic* that bad airvady loug paaed lu i
meridian, but wbiob for rnmauue and
otovairyexoalltd any that bad preceded
it. and, it most be admitted, excelled
that which was now. to rudely supplant
, it. A aew type of sea wariior aod a
I Since then toe Mian- j ne«
wriahtp were abodi to sp-

D id^n

New B—to to Obtoagw.
May utb,
liw. a
tbtoerb ear Uaa will be erieblltoed
hetweea CUeefo aad Orwad Betoda,
eperwtad by tbe Oraad Trwsk Ballway
eyewto a^ tbe Oraad BapkU A ladW
aaa BaUway, via Vitoebwrg.
Train wQl ai rive at asd depart fnn
Dearbors eiatioa. Aleafu. TUe etaW
toe te OD Polk stmt, hetweea Btato
aeo CUrk streeu. la ealy three btoehs
aoothof the Pntoaee.asd aear tbe
down town hoetone aad hotel dietrieti
Other railreade e.l«g tbU lU'loeare
AtebtooD, Tonka A 8aBU Fe. Wabaeb
Chlniro A Barieva tUtooto CbieaM,
* LoalsvMle . ‘ ^

Mew Idea Faabioa Ibaata for Juaa are aow bare.
OaU aad gwt oaa Free tor tbe aaktag.

This Store is Full
New Gheice Goods


Silk Waists
Received just receatly from
the QisDofactorera. -A large
variety of stylrw. Kot a one
of them bat is strictly tailormade Ihrongbotit. Cut right,
made right—and will fit right.
PriceA are l2.7o to $6.50.

Bicycle Skirts
For those who don't care to
have tbe bother and worry of
niaking their own costumea,
w of biringthem made.
Skirts, fiOO. » 25, $3.75Suito 14.00 and 15 5a

Street Suits
Of fine flanntlA wool cov.
ert cloths, etc.

Prices start

Men’s Black
Clay Suits
That wonld be termed low
at $7.50, for $6. Sack style.
At «8A0. of fine sU wool,
pare worried clsy. Extra
quality lining, cot, trimmed,
aad made right in every way.
Ton’ll rmx $12i0 for tba
equal oMoeae suits in other
stores. We rightly call it
our - “ World-Bnter. ” Any
style yoa want—sack, eataway or D. B. sqoare eat.

Caps-Men's'bsfj boy's—the very
latest ideas in clothe and
shapes. Prioee 35c to 50c.

Colored Shirts.

at to 00 for s well made flan­


nel salt, then others at $050,


$7.60, $10 and 112.

Shirt Waists
To salt tbe ladies—to salt
tboee who like pretty things
to wear.

»«Wash Goods
In all the Uto bandaoiM
effects, at priees that will
pleaae yoo.




oms. all oyer colored, and soft
Kew effects, new col­
Every shirt will fic

From 50c op.

Kid Gloves
Black and cololed, in the
eeversi gradec, 50c to $18$.

Still more keep a oomiag.
Onrall wool Ingrains at iBc
and 6Wc. in s
variety ot
patterns, are proving great
trade bringets to this departmeni Good Ingrauis at 37$
and 45c. Cbeatm' odes at io
and Wc.


xna Koaanro Uoo>s. iinmAT. mat aa. liw

- 'SfflSi'&'S.s
ifca «»• « tb.
Gh£kM» B«««r Mdliw pnjw^



Id bb Uttle tan room. Bkit- began, bat Bartaall mood at flm mo*
maimm p^vitfiOUj. ttUiBg tte Morr tioBlem. bb heart bald Is Ifaa graap ot
«MT to bliDMlf tor ttw boodradtb tiae. a deathlike tear. Ha ooold noall no
II Moad Dlinoct too good » ba boa, Doae cd tbe air vhlcb be koaar ao well
' Md'ba oaold mrcelr noliie that hia


once. bU violin had been bb
flrlfsd. llatening to him, (peaking
him. la aympatby with him alwaya.
Among toen be bad b«n a failure,
bb ahatraotlou of mind, lagctber with
an extreme diffldenrv', rendering him
Bnflt both to follow and »> lead. With*
la hltuaelf be mfgbl lay plana for vlgor001 action, (or forcing tbe world 10 tec*
ognbe tbe genioa wbieb be knew waa
bia, bat when tbe time fur action came
ba alwaya ahrank and waited outU It
waa too late.
And ao tbe dreami of hb yoong daya
bad aeTermalerialiaed. and be waa atill
almoat wbcae be bad began, an onideolifiable part of that great wbole, tbe
grand orcbeatra of tbe Bypeiioo.
Never at eaae In tbe company of Mb*
era, be bad drawn further and further
away from bia fellow men. finding bb
only ooanradeahip and tbe cleareM esprovioB of hia tbongfati In tbe clh«ing
■weap of tbe bow upon the atrlnga Be
tell Into tbe babft of patting all bb
doobta and bopto Into tbe mnsio wbMi

trance, be mw tbe eandaetor glee the
bgaal wbieb waa fatal to him and bb
bopea Tbe acoompaniment atopprd abniptly. and be felt tbe wondering faoib
which came oeer tbe great andienoe.
In fab dlmppolDtmeol and bopelmaoeaa be eooJd ban cried alood. ThU
waa tbe moment for « bleb be bad wait­
ed K> many cnel. long ycwra Thii waa
bb iTinmi^! Tbe tear* crept down bb
withered cbeeka and bb Uia moved
cmnaloBaly. Be made no altemi
leave tbe stage, bat atooil with bowtd
bead, while tbe Itopes and •dnomi of
bia wasted life pamtd in review befoiti
blm and cnimbW away in tbe iigbt of
tbe conaclootniaa that be bod been
tbe-bow I
across tbe strings inaiinctlvely, onbetdIngly, la onwinlDt disregard of bb '
liig tODcb of tbe violin seemed to an­
swer fair vague longing for espreadOD.
Afa r awhile be notkwd dimly that
tbe mcmbcTa of tbe orcbestni were bend*

throogboDt tbe boose. Bedid not know
or care what was tbe reason, tor ba
wai lost in tbe distant land of nxiDory.
draping tbe farigbtnea cf every recol*
bodon with tbe blnek of present bope*
boditsi: Burkibg tba vainnesa of every
hope and tbe tedllty of c
The tboogbte
tboogbta wbkth -were
tbnqgh bla Bind tooDd aa added blttoi^
new In the oospeiowetew that albonlght
have been ao diffreeat If bia cooruge
bad not (ailed blm; if be ctMld have
shown to tbe world whal be knew to be
his real puaet. Vw there yet timet If
be eoaM oaly bare aaotber trial—ooe
Awared him.
Itoama to pam that ba tartly apoka UtUa oppertonlty—pcrtiaps be ooold re­
In any other way. bat went tbioo|B> bb deem this raifkw Be was sore tbai ba
work silently, anbeeding tbe piituce
«f otbera. ananaweringtbeirwonb. Hb
cb asi
telkrws in tbe orcbectra called him era*
locked aboot blm appealingly, mately
—ki"g fuiglvesKJs and aympatfay tram
BOBM nntoiowii sooree, tbra half sCam
oertaducyof time and atrengtb and por- bllng turned to leave tbe stage.
A muRDUr followed blm. fast graw19 of tone wbieb tbe Uttb old man
ovoked. and wbea tome one mn« be Ing into a raar. Tbe boow ae«med to
(ODDd to take the aolo part In tbe great tremble and rook again and again in a
butticaoe of cbeenng. Be beard bia
tfcbeotraticm Hartoell waa eboaen.
‘‘We'll give yon a chance.” tbd fa- name called by many vodeea and faced
abont in otter bewUdenneat. bla veins
D bad aaid.
yoor time and don't burry, and I am tingling strangely. He ww a wildly
•ore yoowlU gel tbtongb all right." tossing SM of faces Tbe aodienoe b^
and Elartorll had dnmbly bmfvd bb riwo to its feet and was crying ems to
thanks and gone borne in a edbrnuen of him—to him I Tbe webeetrs, too, waa
dreamy exattaBon to teU tbe glaa'im applauding madly, forgetfal of dlsciever a^ over again to tbe only friend
wltb shining eyes. Wbal did it sU
vboae «yupatby be cared for.
Tbe distant peal of tbe tower elook mean? For a moment be stood daaed
nosed bim at lost, and be basmwd and uncomprebending. tixn toddeoly
tbroogb bb dmple toilet and went oat be knew tbe tratb. Unconaelaaaly be
into tbe cold, driaaling rain of tbe an- bad been jilaying tbe IboagbW which
tema night Tbe streets were crowded wen in bia mind, and tbe eobbing, viwith pM^b on tfaelr way to tbe variooi bratibg notes cf tbe violin bad told bis
ftoiy to every baman bears in tbe vast
plaawaf amoaeaieat and
I way and that like a frail nis theater.—Leland IngereoU In Looker
nog larger ooft, bol be noticed noth*
|3ig. (or in t ho glory of hope be was as
earn triiimpb.
la tbe dim orcbeatra foam midw tba
•tag# HnttocU r«ce;Trd bb final inatraottoaa from tbe loader, and then, mooat'iag tbe dnsty ttairway, found a quiet
oonter in the wings anil rat down to
wall bb Cura, bogging the violin to hb
From tbe aoditbriam came tbe faint
famr of many voieva, mingled with a
■nbdaeri restliug aa tbe ian- urivala
Wttlad tbemselvee la comfortable anttolpatlaD. Snddenly tbere waa a bosb.


& A. TocAar ot the cbambml daiart.
meat o( Oalnmtda oolnRiiy aald that
tba flrd appantoe te Uqoalytbgalr
tevntad la I890. bat iiaanoi mada
kaowh to tba potdb ostll abont a year

haM man. wbcM cbaa abaean tee
WMatecolcblldlAinaxptamloo mb
•load than. oamMaly «albnt. ~
mU aow a iblnmarbc, obangteg
boo whidi ball


Utobad happ»
araa really ooly a trifling Incident,
the liidiqnltioD of the great aoldat
wd Iba Mbatitnclon of Bartarll. bat to
the brakoi down HtUr man ft aaetaed
the asrering vrdgc at totnie fame, and
the melody be «ai playing that after*
Boon thrilled with tnnmpbaot praniae.
Bla life bad Ucs almoat patbetie is
lla BBeraoifnlueea, marked (7 ooly 00a
dbUngniibing eharacterladc. bU lore
tor mntJc. Erer dnce ihe flrat retnea*
daya, irbni be atnod eblTeiiog


tta ttrodnotkm In bla wtnbar. and bo
•lara^ to fab taat eoaeotalvaly aad aaa^
9ad<Atleiotfaacl»*<>< ttehMligtatt


1%e lactcrat bad two ortbraa gaUema
cd tba enriaoB llqald In a tank, and ba
preeeadad to tbow Ita peealbr qaalltiaa
to bb aDdbooa. 'Wban tba liquid waa
ponrwl Into a baabar. li b^aa to bed!
and obaage fmo a gaa bat ft gndnally
aebaidad onill ita lorteea limply gara
oot a gahtle ataam A glaadal of tba
Uqaid wbao ttarown 00 the Soar did not
wet the floor, bat ebaagad lato anpor
Immadbtaly. Wbao a hand waa di^ad

Id it. BO <
tm tba •
lion dipped In tbe liqald ab
easily broken In pleoaa in tba band.
Oopper waa not at all aSeolad. A pleoe
of rubber tube baoameaf brittle aa glato
wbea plaeed tor a mcmeni in tbe liqnld.
and a row when wbmerged in it ablv*
wad Into bogmeota when dropped oa
tbe floor. Ab onlcsh however, proved I
maob more atnbbors. It became aa-'
tremely bard and coaid only be bnken
with s hammer.
Tba lectorer wld that tbe explodve
power of liqoid.alr was tremeadoos.
and that no apparatoa had yet been dlaoovend In wbieb U ooold be oonflned.
It blsw a oork from tba mosib of a
Huall oaDDOD Instantly. It waa abowa
to promote oombnatiun with greet te­
pidity. and a piece nf eottoo betting .
naked In tbe liqaid and placed in a
blase diaappearad In a aingleflaab Tbe <
leolorer wld kbal in time liqnld nlr (
wonld donbilew be pot to great |»*oti*
oal oae. A plant was now bailding at
Alx-ls-Cbap^le for ita a>aanlaotnre oa
a large wale. Imow in daenaalng elec­
trical reslstsDoe and in increasing tbs
oopdnetlvlty of copper migbi prove ax*
trumaly valoable In Inoreaaliig tbe pow* 1
er of electricity. In tba faiura. be wld,;
tbe c.vok might go and get her pailfol'
of liqofd air and pnt it in tbe refrlgen* I
tor and make ioe erwm la 40 seooada <
topography and tadltkBTof iBdlcy of
It might be
Its qoalitlw aa a bigb explosive might tbe doges. With aeorly all tbe eat
be WM bM
be foobd nxwi asefnl. It might also ba
fDood to t------propertiet, be edd^ o
te doalBg yeorsof bia life Mas
I aetad as light parser or raew^a
. tbe Lioeo ForoarinL
tmoog tbe


We carry a fine line and are selling them •
§ close. We have the following: Barnes’ Famous |
S White Flyer, Steams, Eagle, World, National 1
g and Pyramid, besides a cheap wheeL
We have a few of the ’97 Eagles left—They |
are bargains. I got an order from one of the |
I clerks^ the senate chamber at Lansing for one ]
^ of them.

IJ. W. -Slater’s Honse Fiiralsliiiig Store |

128-132 Fo70i3.-b S-bx«©-b.


Nobby Line Of Shoes

teg in a playful mood, pound a few
b. has u
drape oa bii fell bat. Wbwi be dropped! Jacob Soboatag. for 40 ywre fai
bia bat a moment Ular. tbe top of it the elaqna at tba Via
------- ----------------- I npwtury by bean, knew tbe wrong
A <toaw Waetiwe fva4i««ua.
| and wwk points ot all tbe anlwe and
Dement Wragge. tbe •overnmeet bald a robearwl of bU euboedioaMi te
meseorolc«iw of gaetosland. Australia, tbe aftarnooe before tbe produedoB ef
Ofleg nailed •‘lRr;ement .Firrcge” and aa onwfa^lpn
drUlad them w the

[ytotogaadar. .
White area
s a»d aae tiy »ew Broodwiy
atyla of abMa. They are wade wlte
Bilk tope atid aOk atitafatev- TW prieaa .
•rete.H.^ otidfaMte Tbay
ora }MtM good tetitikaaadateto uad
qaoUtyaayMwUlptiytetoto b pate
•laewbaro. Alas, wu pte OB sole te*
foUowteg goeda;
Wamaa'a Tba (faaaaUto. «iolb top,
Woasaa-i Potigoteluaaarkatwp, iiTB *-s%
toe, for Me a pair. '
Wowoa’a Box Cfalf aboM, fM< wufar.
Ukaw'lha or Bteak. atea » to a. bU
•olid, for Tie.
Mtate Ptebla giBlB or Itefuto. la­
ke 1. tar sae.
lad all aatld or wo wUl fix tfaata but af al

ISe Front Stroot

teiWitb Hr. F. a Car-

tenns of tbe Bnira-Turkiab peace was
then iltong. Said Mn. Grant:
Tbe chamber wai emprty at tbe time,
and be pointed out tbe chain in wbioh
tbe diSereoi oammiaakmtn sal. abow*
tog me bla chair, that of Beaooadleld
and others. As be did so I asked him

Tbe Ajax is ooe of the old tingle torrvted mooltore built during tbe etvQ
war. but teatead of being allowed to atlck In tbe mad witb tbe otbsre of bar
claw fbe wae uwd by tbe naval militia of CAmden. M J. Sba bat been pal te
oommiialcm and bar armamoit W sntODibtxna sapplemetilad by>tkW(l tea
rifles of wnaU caliber.

laeoatX tbe sivtiiMnw of tbe Bolal Baleigb. now oectipied by Mi. PUUp
W. ArtraSt, la e remarkable telte
white bae a blatory of great telareatIt it nothing mere or ieaa tbM tba tna
•sroBg box cf Tbowaa, Lord Fairfai,
flm lord tropriasary of Virginia. Tba
box or ebeet is made of heavy wraogbl
troD, teto wbiob bare been welded Ins
•irapa. craateg aate eSbar at right aaglea Tba alight rrunmsntatfaw oa the
tract of tbe box shows U to be of ISal-1

Fhaip'WUltems ef nqgtete'UtefnMr
Ufettew, and prerUed tbat it teooU
tbesi daanred to Mn. WUlteaa* bMa,
ametif wbm waa Mn Artfettvlto^
Jter Bmr. Jamea R Avtoatt, teowtly of
BUvwSpatageatidaawef McHkCbteItea
Dartef tba teto taw tbaabstiw
iteto btiitod by tboaa who fatol It te
to WteafaMtor. and a large
qaantlty of valntete tilver pltee was
piaead te It te otear to protoot it teem
poatibla sateBra by tbeaoldlen Several
years ago tba box wre dug up agtei. ita


•*^Wet wragge," it ao odS gdoTSa. Tbia

< rattle of
•d apprebenaivtay a
alauM.' wbieb
which followed
bard oposi

r twivn tbe Bowiant and tbe Turks, b_.
' I foold not are whal tbe Germans bad

ware of aervonanow swept <»ver bim w ^ jj
ur, hot his month noo aofteaed into a
smile, and be replied. “To toll you tbe
truth, madam, Rossia has taken ^
too ;
» :
krigbtly ]igbto«l dressing
suoma and nodded smilingly to Hartaell
as tbe faueed. Hr envied her tbe eoafl"Our cat has joat bad cbickena," redesKa which sbe showed K> plainly. A
tew mourenta later ber glmioua vukti narked Mr. Toadbule.
“Netitimac. Mr. T------" snomd hit
- long oat aa steady and clear aa tba
rtrfmltiB of 4 belL bat to him It was pause. “Ton must be teebriaicd. I
aa9 aa (be ronntog of tbe sand in an nppow you moan our cat baa bad kitfaanr glam, tor wbon it oeosed be must ™*F’
“No. 1 deo't,” mwkly munnured tba
tefce bif stand oa tbe brilliantly lUo*
>. befoo tbe gem of l.<« pm fellow. “I brought beme s oouple
cf ebtekftie for temerrow'a dinner, but
Sarah tpUs me tbat tba oat baa aottn
It Ids breast, ai^ b
them."—Pick Mo Up.
te Wfaiob be bad looked forward ao coaMteUy. Vague tbnughts of possible
Every lore affair U Uke a isagntere
Stefat fli^ed tbraogb hia brain, bat be
»cf cards. Tbe plsyen ban moved
. fniTli'i tbat it was too Iste, and vainly
■ teM to atoudy bia nerves for (be ordeal up frtan another table where tbey bad
partnen but tbe game ti»y
sAg^ and again tbe aiq>laoae rase
is tbe esme. witb the aame pointa
Md fell H tba loot notes cf tbe woodsr*
differs Iram |
M eootralto died sway, andtbetolo* and tbe same bluoden It dlfien
of cards only to
te tbe
te( bad to bow ber admowledgment revalaableM
fact tbat tbe prlas Ito't
Sf'toSteeTa^S'tolSToi tbe prim girea at
S£ AtliWtbttat orebatirapteTtil Oloba.
Sa bla

work waa to be pat in. He watebed
them daring tbe performanoe from a
In progreal Ail tbe people cf AastralU seat tbat emnmanded s view of tb«
and New UaledooU are the andleoea. wbole honsa. bat never applauded him*
Yet not all con bear alike tbe great par- wlf wve te despwmte coaea.
furusnceteiUtoQieuwmble. Tboaa te
advaaoe between Bondaberg arte Bei­
Oewaek rtelmatita are baring ririUad
lina wUl anl»y tbe Wlrring moalo. Tbe
te crossing rivars oo a ooval sort ot Im­
sw. in sympathy, adds Us stsakoi
provised bridgw Sevaa or elgbt taneoa
baw u tbe whirring of tbe wind, a
are pawed beaweoa toe handlw sod copa
rearing aronod 1
fcettlw and on held
tbM> loafateg
laofalns tbe
the cliffs
te angry Maw ef a doaaa
Witb scpenial oaaeadei of majsatio firmly te ptaoe by sbe handlea. beoldee
bsanty, wbUe modulating tba scoata te bateg tied togatte with forage ropes.
fastened togetber
turn to tbe blsting. ssetbteg aokea ef
of a raft or fieatiag
babbling foam. But onr (rMuds te New
Oaledcmla oocopy spaelal (aniaaiU te
tbe tbeater «f Eteg JSoloa Tbere. un­
der tbeir eyea. wiU Sana, tbe atona ampram ef tba Paclfio. raoa perfonn ber
laarvelooe evolntione and danea bar
A well kaown pubUo laetorer iated
wUdeat step."
teltlng bow be waa anca tetrads '
to 19 apdicM by a man maalfeatly

wndy of bis Ufa. He had raealve
edacatioti. bat by dint of reading tba
great Flerenttee over and ovor agate ba
aoqaired a sort of Intoltire tetigbc tett
tbe subtle meaning of tbe poet teal

i mteeof IntateBtleagB tea

qpn Stepping
fen before tbe large aadlaooa, be wld
•odip lameo. we bare with
ufeaeor Blank, who.
ns this • tiling
finer flow of teala
, _ itaaa Itaaveitbarefore ISsIUimI
eotiCtene -my teawrka. bat will ate tbe
profMcr to dome fnard aad eeoso
tbe tima." And be wl down taavteg
quite axbauited bis own "flqw of lobgnage" and leering tbe prNewnr to be­
gin as bast be ootOd after snub a daatog

-*---------------------------- **— Tbe key*
beta 1s te tbe oeotm of tbe nmatire Ud,
and a latga, heavy kay, hlaek with agti
torus wiUy te it A wostderful thing
abont tea loek in ttes tba key te nm- {
teg seoite alfaUag btoli ooi tram aU
aldw of tea Ud to ollag beoaate heavy
•Xteoskmiof tee to«r aldaa of tee box
iteelt npoti paeoiealy tee some principle
as teat upOB wbiob tea mori» bi^
lodi te unlTwml uw today Is raaoi«ad.
Tha blstoty of tea nUe U toBwatto.
The ettimg box waa burlad by Ired
fbtrCax to bis bona, Omeaway Ooart.
Bsar Wlaehwkst. Va. wbsn fan died.
Tba rsoaen teal Fairfax btirlad It was
ktothafandfliladittritemcwayo^swad by him te tee tiwpe of iwvreaw te
tee crown, but be died betee be bml ea
opportunity to lake it np and ssi>>y tbs
Baasun Tba only pmtim who knew
•boat tba bortel of tba bn waa IM.
Thomas Woodeoekof ffloebsaur. After
tba daate of Ixml Fairfax. Or. Woodeonfc dag it op aad took it to FbUadalpfaia, wbanbagavaU totbaagntaof
tba ttraib of Eaglaad. who s«bI It to
■aglaad. stOl flUad witb moony aad
munlmwitocd title. Wbn (beeoBtsaH
bad been nmovad, tbe box waa girea
to tea Fairfax berira te Riigland
Tbe Fairfax betre neat It book to Dr.
Woodoook filled wlte aUrer plalu sad
tea streeg bn avatitasaiy po^ from
De. WoodoDcA to Mn Hanaufa Dimon
of Wbobtote. At Mn Dunbw'adsMfa
*• «UM.tbu bcfttobar^agfafate Mm


talBsri te tea atrotig bn at tea timatt
was buriad dmteg tbs law war snafi
miniature pmtnlt of tba teto FblUp
teaqmriat oval Mlvm tectai, aad te
ateo te tea peaamtin M Mr. Avitate
Anteocittea on nte taafikam bare oxM optefam thte teemtelatem
• sitielmaacff Ftele^ asarvMooa art ta atintetore perttalt putettiff
w tesn te niBBi.—WatelafiMai amt

“Wbm fated «va I
~ii this
-Dn’t By to pofaa taa as yar fateig^
toy.. ThntetoonuMBwaiefax AMfite
I'm alteK.‘'-Xa«

Pto Oaa faocBdmd fieUara term*


in Estimate of me Grand Old Han
Dy John______
QarE RidpatD.
T6e Krentlnl Carier ol tie Greatest Statesman In
tie EngUsl Speakln? World—His Famllj
and His Friendships.

relatiaa wttb the Brtdah empire and 1 eanead a acrene rspoM for his
with the world, but the boose of lords ’ ed body in tbe sllaat boose to wSM
that dllaptdnted roost for tbe crt>skln« they have home him. and ter his mMB
birds of tbe middle aces, came lo tbe ' some elevated m>bcre out of wUbb M
rsecoe of the put. e
borne rale of Ireland wi
Thos neeu- tbe end of bis c
WUUam e. OladstoM we
Uve over tbe prelect of home rale a
_______ itly to retire' from the ■

t to tbe wan In UTt. sad •

recUfylitf eccleslaatleal abuaas and
ooseded to tbe reform of tbe system
land ownerahlp now cams to tbe cru­
cial te« of rstormlng tbe poUUoal con­
dition. Qladstotie may be said to have
Bsvmcd tbe last so year* of hla Itfe
electrical flash. ferUls tn teaon
tbe atlempl to reform tbe polldeal
with a talent for eomblnaUon
deflabce not only at the hmiae of lords. '
atiatacr wtdeh amounted to aealua In estate of the Irisb ra^
This was a work smrtlir of tbe blfb- tot et that whole system of artatoeratle
all of these reapecu be waa a '
at fenlua and tbe talfbest devotion. MWanitailon and ancient prlv1le*e s-hlch
val. but the latter had i
U represented by that boose and held
. and In tbe lone run he
I u In a keep unto the lodsmeni of tbe
tbe better of the balGe. For a period
* Ur,
cerpool. :
last day.
of more than M yeaf<a tb« two leaders
w u api
For several years tbe worid ha* await- Bismarto a _ ..
were set acalnst each otber in tbe
new baby stB
tentlon for the premiership at Orsat which have existed la modern clvltlsa- ed the event. The <
was Imrnlnc Otsefc. al M
Britain. This poMtlon la. U we except
and baaid' often In bu
tace to stacc of rational pro»r«aa
tbe presidency of tbe United Btatca. tbe
pearance. *u° walT^raSn? 5 "S
the pTonnda of
mama*e when arorar Clsvelaad snM
rreateai political «irtae In the world. dome, a* wa bclleva. tbe best to could to
ihU relation
no character of modem
dell«bt the hearts of hU parsntA
Pot this Oladatoac and Dlatwell battled. tlve a last autonomy to IfOand. He
umea hu told a more enviable place. ^ chancellor of tbe cxcbcqiMr when •
Three timea In the flfbt tbe latter was fonebt tbe
Bucceesful and tonr times the former. tbe world linn with hla eloquence and Hers Gladstone enloyed the aunscl days j
was bora In Oermany who to*
It was in the vtclaaltudea of this eon- brnnebt tbe world to hla aide of the con­
I atwre become Kalaer Wlllfam.
teat, enandlitc from about the middle tention. Qradually hla coaervstlve and purpose which are rarely attained by j
a falber w
__ i »-e.ithy mercb
of tbe century to ItT*. that the political alow movlns countrymen rallied to hla the sons of men.
We hear him apeak at Intervals We
„ bualfiem B Olaavow. about
policy of Great Britain waa chiefly banner. Their ahoutinpa were heard as
removed i------------- -------- -shaped and determined. Tbe Influenee tbe voice of waters. H waa In the Mid note hi. threatened bllndncu and
fortune In the Bast ladM
of tbe one leader and then of the otber Lothian campalfb of ISSe that Oladatonc Jrtm St the result of the skillful raryery
n back bU alxhi
alyhi We note
, bamoe
waa as potent as may well happen In appeared In hla moat heroic aspecL He that Blvee him
Ihe case of any personal acency In de> bad been out of ofBce alnce irt
be send* forth at iniervala
lermlnlnx the course of historical victory and the Mclury
whlle there'esre promise of tbe epIsB*
nlaru We appUud bis denunclaTteU of hla iKrlltlcsJ
It.was In this contest that Oladslone
Oxford, from which be yraduatad ad
h of tbe Turk. We n
-y. He came throuyb the <^onteal
rose to a stature whlrb has ctren him
a* double On*
Chiiaichorch I
For the third time prime
e philanthropic exprewlon* of the
hlybeat honor and one rsi^
a luatrpre-rmlnence In the history of
frreai reformatory
nister of Great Britain, be went Into old hero _ .............
Then to became a fenow cT
• bouse of commons as a conqueror. ; amon* all nations We admire the visor
measure wa* with respect
stormy arena be nun« out the of hla old a«e. We surround the wood,„vrllrutt for a abort pceiod b*
fm«e In Great Britain. In
Ireland. The chopper, a yroup of hoys and youn*
pouaed the cause of auffrasc reform, pennon of borne
ent 1.
in TJecembdr.
He Icxck the xround that'with respect ikailuns were In expectancy,
rtcla. men ysthered from all nation*, and ^ member for'Newark, a nomlutloa
shout as the bareheaded weran awlnxa
helonslh* to tbe Ehike of Hewto Ibe auflraxe England should be mod. . altudea Of the eonteel were
hla ax. We read and re^llrt^a ex^^Icb he coaUnond to upaasewt
quisite bit of little son* addressed to hla ...
yrunddauiThter. Itorothy Drew We K'B
i, „ , mark of atronr ehaructsr whe«
the play
■ n -U headed tb th*
1 who finds he

story of


toS ■

matorr, waa alwaya predominant,
waa couraceooa In the conflict of
CiMVlac a m> In Um clouda aad. with
debate and audacious at a dlatance. No
Uw Bbock.
lloeklAC tbalr Alpine brethren."
In fnrelpn affairs, none was ever
radical as It respected condlUona li
eaau- but none was ever mure prudent
In Dwember of l»t. when Wim«m alnul dlaturblns nrillah society with
Ewnrt GiBdstosr was boro, the palm actual radicalism, except when niillah
society had already reformed itaelf
tn tbe world. Ttus far and no farUirr only called for some one lo dellve
pad proceeded Ibe solution of bumao puri-oae In aurda
It was In this frame that Gladstone
paaaaxe by waierwarB and livers. Tbr
netPudf of proaer\tnx life and tbe In IMS entered public life. He wa*
mean* of deatroyma li vere acareely
Improved or modified alnce tbe mlddlr
a«ea IL .abuary of that year BIr Abn
xMoore. at Coruna, woo hla fatal victory
Peer the Prencb wUb lUotlock muakeia
All Ibe arta of modem life were allll In
^ rudimentary ala«ea.
InOreai ftnialn li co«t 14 pence lo aend
a letter 300 mllea. and In Ihe I nUed
BUlea i: cvnu for tbe aamr aenic-e.
»bere wa* not an iron bairod tramway
on the face of the iclobe. Men hopi-d to
fly throurti the air. but had no eapectatlon of belnir propelled by atearo
that year, after bta aixty-alxlh aacen.
men.died Francola Blanchard, flrat aero­
naut to cro*. the Enyllat .................
the farm aheda of the wi


bails of Hawarden eaalle
We visit
the old man's library. We yo wlih blm
to Holland to &leod Ibe cpenlny of tbe
Kiel csnaL We return and note with
anxiety the lenythenin* shadow, cast
-.............•«“•*» throuyh tbe fowl
« U4W
parka of
hla anelant M****

v-fc. '

I Is tbe booM was la tto detou upoB

bai^'eat hands I
tbe Whealfleldf of all countries from Po­
land to the Alleyhante. cut their irraln
erllh ilckles The most rapid transit on
the earth or sea was the aaillnc vessel,
and that mlybt be surpaaacd In speed
by race boraes
Han's knowledyc of nature was only
”tod? m^het of the ivclar ayetem.
The Aral four asteroids had been dlatovered In the ten precediny years Blr
Humphn Da'T
from the nervous fever with which he
was proatraied on bis diacovefy of
dlnm and p->tnaalum. Tbe yreaieat 1
eecope of the world waa the » fc»i
fleeter of the elder Herwchel.
Fraunhofer. In Ihe ln*iliute of Munich,
wto experimentlny with hla leoae* aaci
. pHsma. ininy to analyse the solar
Tbe ecvial anci domestic life oT raan»
kind wa* equally far away. In Great
'Britain the eyni.-m-of servitude was
•tin protected, only a year before Ibe
Slave trade in the United fltate* had
been openly prscllced by ihe merchants
at Boston under the constitution. In
the home life of- Enrland Ihe liybt of
husband* f> wblp thoir wives a* freely
M they mlyhl whin thelf alavea waa
denied by a few aeffera who bad no

and lead* In. Ihe other dlrectJoa. Otad*
atone, when he waa flrat elected to tto
bouse of emmona. Just after the pas«
reform bill that made Cnye
repreaentallve yoverament. prwrt.
, mockery.......................................... .

. in





re of Newark under i
g Duke of -Newcastle

In the political stale of the world blahad apieinled Franc- and France,
revo-. I linck the al.ollUun -if *lav<
■ Napoleon
luUonan *iortnlnic party ayalnai the and Demrrara a* luny a*
atoleot order m Europe. Th- European | showed how i-lerahlr
^UBlrtei were cn.uchln* down clos* lo-i when ihe lash wa. he
■the walls hoping that ihe storm mt»it lanthropisl and planter aa hi* fi
.'paas and that th*y mlyht asaln en-erxb^-iShl* akcich can Indudo n-r m.
to alt OB thrones and hunt In pork* and A shadowy outline of
ystbsr beauty of doubtful reputation i laimical Influence
iBtn courts where fashion rrlyned and , wa* atrmixly Bumrirted
a laryi- talent*
nnue waa not e
1 viriDiry U
i preaideM had
lad In 1 e precedlny qgently waptiny In t
lylstracy of bla tlma*. Gladstone
aprtny c<
t federal sidnous In appU.sllon lo i ■ studies
I'nuny republls Qar brief
the ynut
He was
aa<cndeney bad rWdM to a moderau and to his pollllcal duller.
.dcmo.rary imperfonated In Uadtaon rather silent In hi* aml.ltlona hut he
and hla secretary of state. RamIKoo prvsarKl forward, slowly It I* true, but eraialy revoUitlonlsad *o that a much
wa* flve yrarw dead. HeiuT tHay waa surely, to eminence. In IM* he was Jun- larger proportion of her citiaen* might
Bobloader of the house. The alder Adams
peel: then. In September. IMl, h- be admitted 1.. the governing body. If
wa* conirli.utinc io the Boston Patriot
vice preaideni o( Ihe Wrd of hla pulley waa not democratic. It was
letter* In dcf.nae of hla policy while
le: then. In IMJ, he was i.r-*ldriii at Isaai IllwraJ and lend-d ii> democpreaideni
cniidren horn on the day of
rucy. on thi* Issue Oladst.-in* rose to
the death
tVaahlnxton were com- of that body and had a neat la 'he cab­
the flrat ofh.-e in ihe kingdom. He bepleilns ihrir lemli year. Pitt and Fox inet of Sir Boberf. Tw-o yesra afterward
he reelptied from the ministry (mirablle
In Diw-ember of Its*. It was at ihl*
July Naix-lci-n fnucht hi* Erval battle dirtui on a question of conscience- In
time lhal niaraell. when sbont »o fall
Of Wurram and -m ih* Ifth of De<«m- the same year, however, he became seeretary of state for the colonies. Glad­ and fall before the Oladstonlan forrea
ber he divorced J.i*c|ih>ne.
performed his great c--ui>. by which he
It was unJur il.c*. ix.ndltlnn* and stone r^lonred to the faction known '
t extrem*. wresi.-d tbe Inurels fr-m hla rival and
these "lara thnl WMt.nm E- Gladstone
for a season himaelf Ito leader
o see that he would
was born. His Ilf- line ha* be.-n drawn
of the party of reform. He even went
prraenlly alflllate with one of the dom.
lenythwlsr tbroUKl. ihe r-crilury.
beyond tbe Gladstunlan proi>oaal* and
Other yrvat line* arc Ih»r- *:x- Glad-. Inanl parties In Ihe state. He did not.
.....................................■ Ihen-fnre, make himself .onsplcuou* aa broufbl tbe suffrage to *■> p.>pular a
Biage aa to render It virtually demoysar 180$ was aa conspl'uou* for It* a member of the Adullamite faction,
human producta a* bad been thai for- life gradunlly veered over between W4* nratlc.
In like manner the two men were
' tleth precedlny year which brouchi Into ! and 1K5S. to i.rnyrraalve and moderate.. beinc the two world oonquerora. Hum- ' 1y radical ;«ill--le*. Dy dolnr so he of. pitted against each other oo the great
question of dlaeslabllshlng the liiah
toldl and Honaparta
The planetary f--nded Giford. Oxford renounced him,
That institution had beevrae
tur was powerful In UW. On Ihe r:ih , wnd he renounced Oxford In one of the church.
the absurdiBi ana.-hronism of the cen­
of February In this year, and coin. 1- • mo«t couraceou* paaaajre* of hi* life,
Nevertheles* It waa upheld by
dentally oo the aame day. came into ' .Meenwhi:., in IKJ. Gladstone became tury.
the worid Charle* Robert Darwin in rh»t,e,.ii„r ..f the exchequer under the Ihe Conservative party and waa de! fended in tmtb fact and principle by the
England and Abraham Uneoln Hi : Earl of Ai-rdeen. In this ofllcs It de.
manage Ihe flnaacee ablast laadera of lhal party. Dlaruell.
Ameiito. In this year also waa born I v.dved m-.n hfm
during the Cri- himself a Hebrew by descsnl. a strong
itlsh ympli
..Alfred Tennyaon. chief aloger of the • of the untlsh
AberdaM on aeconat of la- eombluUoB of Asian mystery ' and
Victorian era. and Edgar A. Poa. the
overthrown. hut western science, led the force* of Con•saber spirit of tto west In this year i effl. lency.
to th* oab- asrvallsm tn this confllcL
also came MsndelaaobB Ibe great apd
He Isd thsB to vic­
of I’almerstoii. This wa* In Pebra- led the Uberais.
OUver WendeU Holmes, tbe ehlst wit «f
aeeured the
gning from omcc.
.-.u-* —
of inss. ItMlgnlni
oltlce. Belter.
he tory H*
the new world.
a* a epecial commla- Irish church.
A* prime minister 1
CemraJ in this group of inmorUU
. .
. .
-_______ impllshed
——11...—* the great

- - —Si—HI
reform. nBe *.
damer, t" the Ionian Islands. Returning
waa the son of BiL John Gladstone,
the following year, he became for the tarmlned also In what manner tto eonbora In Liverpool oA>ecemb«r n. ItM.
to to educated at Btotk. trained pri- second time ehancellor of the exchequer seqocDces of the reformatory leglalaunder Lord ralmerston and Earl RtM- Hon should be oontrolled la the Interof prtoreea.
In like manner to
<aftarward bishop of Calcutta} and flu- selL He new roee to the place of leader
lihga sebolaatlcaJly by the ualvrralty of the bouse of commont But before went forward lo prepare the land acL
AUClpUne at Chnatchurch.
Oxford, this he had broken with oxford. Hi* bavlag IB viaw a revolutleB la tto sys­
Ha be­
liberal tendencies had gone ao far that tem of Irisb land ownership.
ftua which he wua graduated tn liU.
humane U Ms dehe
OUdstone began public life a* a Conaerratlve. He was the am of a merchant the rtoak of the past. He threw off all termlngUon to rellsre tto Irish peasBe laharUed that wmmerclal aplm the old traflltlong wlth conalderabl* au­
wUoh ragard* bualnea* aa the first con- dacity and appealed to flouth Lancansra of human life.. It la doubtful ahlra. Be left the theologian* and went memnrial.'
In thle srerk he wae batnpervd by
srirttber aiaflgtone ever in bU career lo the merchanta. He abandoned the
estoidsrefl any great quaetion witbnui phlloaophers apd aongbt coroferc with th* conservauve temper of th* Britlab
It was one thing to knock
flnt aMImatlng its bnalneat elTecta on tbe mamifactoiwra. gir John Gladatone nation.
OrsU Briuln and Ka commercial aa- revived In hi* son. H* now berame a down tbe effete ecclealasUcM eMablUbpaets ta relatton with tto aSaira of tbe leader of tbe mercanUle and half dem- ment In Ireland: It waa pnothar thing
He was •ttieUy a buMnea* ocxullc growing party of Llbarali tn to dUestabllsh the UbdlonU Th* Utter eonautuied a “bnalneat latcrseL"
gUtesmaa. Hla temper wto cautinu. OraarBritsIn.
It eras in this rMstloti that OladgWto and to him who attempts to ra*
uBd rtoerred. Be beUeved in disturbing
tUhg»-wlth words, and In reforming was brought into eenuet and flares fora toslnera' Tbe OUdsteaUa meas•ntagousm with Ms briOUto rivaL oraof UTO STM se stravty Mta«oeUe«
. Tto eoBscrvatlve spirit of OUdrtoM. BsBjbolB JMsraatt. Tto Utter was fonc that aftar a parttsd victory segfl
, III thoM pMts <M Us
aehurad ter lisUce tto ubanl aaoan^
■egardsi to ndkal sad














Brlilab cnlonlee and waa a defense o
the slaveholders against atlbeks mato
by radical alw>lltlonl*ta. For oaarty V
yetra he waa one of th* ablnlng ligtaW
of the Conservative rarty and tto foiw*
moat Ueuienanl of Sir Robert PeeL It*
It Jeader. Then to gradnallr drlfufl
Lito-rallani. and.
. after
or less *h fiv* lancn.*
be. became a member at Lord PaliDer*
alon'a cabinet In lUS.
Al Ibe death of that suteaman hg
succeeded blm a* leader of the UberaW
In the b6ase of commons and when hW
party regained ofScr tn UU. aftar DU*
raell's Aral goveramenL Gladaton* at*
Ulned tbe premiership. He bald U CcT
six rears and again from ISW to Ulfc
when he declared blmself In favor t€
tbe Irish demand for home role, wbieh
up 10 that Gme he bad atrenuously «R*
poeed. The result wa* the aeceaaio* at
a large body of tit* supporter* and bU
defeai al Ole poll* In l«S*-a daCSM
Whicn the dauntlea veteran afterward
rvUieved. Gladstone perfectly racOgv
filled the fact that his mental hlstorr
dev^'pment rather thas
■ "I waa ednoated.*
he U rep^ed
--------------■ saying In eenveraa'
regard liberty as an evU. I
have learned to regard It aa a good.
That I* a formula which suadenUy ato
pUlns all the obanswa of my poUtMl
atovlctluns'* A gtahu* at the foUowtnH
chronology will show tto prttolpa
•J InOladatona'u carear a# a states
end author:



if the treatoiy.


Bdtolon'U Ito






IS»~Leader ol tto-------------to^ B

stvera. How tto maasurs Called ter a
Ume in IKO U known to all: bow tto
brtef reaacendency of tbe HarqulB at
flallsbory followad Is also known. Ttoa
the Grand Old Man appralcd again to
bla countrymen. HI* appeal was beard.
They rose Hike aa army with bannera.
and agaim the veteran statesman re­
turned victorious to tbe scens at Us
own batflas For the fourth time he
bseame prim* mlnlaUr. ifow U was Ih
August of UML that Us great speech on
the home rule prelect, tbe supreme ef­
fort of hie old age. waa delivered and
was esMed acrom teas sad conUaents
U the waiting nations. Now It was that
tto trtMs eama.' and tto maasurt was

trimflhaBtiy oaiTiad tkraugh tto touM
___________ Forth* boor
X Xntaad would b* UfUd


wait wttb aympathr for th* final eraat
We aee the conclusion of tto eightyeighth yeer of this marvelous human
We mark the tottering
tup. the Blow incoming of decrepitude.
the deepening wrinkle*
'' It on the farrowed
face, the blossom of $.
Jhe almond trea,
. light, the setUIng
of the darkueaa. the Incoming of tto
Anal night, not tmrellered. however, by
tto benignant star or hope hanging t«tnlnouB In the western sky.
Death has taken the Grand Old II
tbe world. Tto drama la a
dudad. Tto last act ts dooA Tto;
a funeral nernas tto ana; tto am
are tto manrtora. • Hnmanhy h>a M years dd. Bto altod ato kamsrad hm
toi^.aadjnato «•
a friend, asid tto aaOsM have te« • MM
Tnoiaai X. QMdgWi ky tto family rim that to tosdd aevm to

iH> Kuaauia uooio, nnoAT.KAitas, im.

It la • bftttolp oold ntgbt aboM tba
pear IBCO. Aroud tbe cracM. «npQl>
McdkllebM atoeeat cm of PtiMcnt
bmatfitot bcM are boddlad a man. bit
Ammt «M tt to M Atav* VM» to wife and taalip. Tbe
A Mto tr«k* <M «( MM Oto* to

' Dm (MtIb—it la fwawaad 0»lGfc .«! iUltkDd, Mo.. U CM «f tba
. Mttto bwoM at DwtbWMt Mimrt. ■
of ocMtrj wUlh bM » l«|c
. MMbto of oMtit
Ai 0 bMtlto
^•poteOctobM fMT oqiHlaoiid
mo Mparttoi, aixS vbat bcdoMOot know
Mboot ci«U woold not bewoctit tiMag
Omiaolwnytaolmcr knklB|oftor
Ma conic lotcnata tbot be aeldon boa
_______ _________
, _
"dM op"
In bU
MtRbee. add ot fiici ciEbt a atnnger
«oold take bln for an ioaooaot Etonr. ««nr to b«7 a gold brtok or llkelr
n blow oot tbe gaa




aa Matpad taataad a< ■


(ring anptbing ata pawnabo|>. b^i d
cvidane of aqaalca and want then U
Bbondanea. Part of tba two ranainlag
obalra baa )cft baao broken np'tokeep
tbe fire from dying oot. and aa tbe
fianaa crackle with • renewed Ufa tbe
nan pioka from tbe floorbAaik laoking
' atiiwith B loogiDg
that U potbetio. Ha bolda It op
■tadlto It with non? a aicb that
tbe beortof bit faltbfni wife and bli
lopal oblldns. In ebanglng tbii aobctoooc from ooc band to tbe other It
I drope opoo tbe hot etove. Tb«v 1i a
! andden filling of ibe room with a pnn|
offenalTe odor before tbe nan.

EbV7 wbo hare rvareed to aned aaeag
Tba bto asd alrkty cd >ka aartb.
Wboaa tod. aatitnar aonla ara wraag
Vltk amrUto koo* aad heUom mlrtk.
Who dla e>nh aiv^ daj. yat Uva ____
Vboaa awauat ii(ki la to hagtT*
Abd Bdla dlyuMtr thrcogh Ikali Mata.
Thar are (ba aobla. tbay tba elteag.
Ibrr ara tba mad. Iba tMad aBto.
AeO iboQtb tbair war W bard and la^
eualgbt to tba ptirtiw Ood tt rsaa.
-Harpar'a Vtohty.



1 knew then waa yoang-obll•ran ia tbe bonae.-lt waa pot tb«e to
If yon hare read Mane Corelli’a great work you can­
keep'em from talliog down ataln. It
wae low. 1 gnoM ebuat two feet and a not help bnt admire thh character of tbe heroine—“Thel­
bail blgb. and li avmugwbeo eloaed
ma.’* This is also true of tbe latest perfume named “Thel­
trcB tbe

ma." Yon cannot fail to admire its exquisite and lasting
"I noticed ibla gate when I wdni np. odor once you have Tried it. For sale only by
particnlar. becaow e maa in my badnoto Botlcva everything, and beoanae I
tboogbl that ibla wonlfK be a bandy
thing to abot in cbm anybody efaonld
get after me In the booM; (bat abetting
that gate la trail of ’em migbi etop 'em Trav^rae City,
long eaongli to let me getewayeomfortable. it waau'l more'n a ytor bafore I
bad a ebanee to try IL
"Tbere waa a long ball on tbe eeeotid
floor of tble booae. with tbia auirwey
pretty near at tbe front end of It. I
went into a nmni way beck at tbe oth­
er end. and while 1 waa looking eroond
tbere I o|»Kt roaietblng oti tbe bnreao


My Line
of Silverware

Bot there li a marked change on tbe
man'a face aa he examioee' tbe homed
Bpou. He tmia tbe lobatanoe with a
MwdofL Yon ongbt to have
; oowV And 1 didn't welt in beer any
new and inu nae InieieaL la he near tbe tbe oake my niutber made. That
1 didn’t even earn tbe light on
{ end of ycara
ycart uf labor. enSering
anSering and dladlt- oakel"
him. I didn't nrvd to. Yon oonld I
; appoiotmoni? Tbanka to tbe oold oot••
weoted”?o know .”t!>nThim by | Is tho fliiest In Northern Michigan. 0oih6 and
aide, U will not take long to dedda
Tbe bnrned nbaUnoe la bong ontaide
tbe door. In an boor tbe oold baa not
affected Ik In two bcmre it cUll rtoalua
tbe propertlee moat dealred. In tbe
•pri»i«S •long tb* ball, throwing my
BOCDHit andaeked tnornlng no change baa taken plana A
looked el him
great dlaoovery la oompieta Cbarlee
monsos block
L and a good one,'’replied Oava. Uoodyear baa fonnd tbe prooeM of mak­
ing vnlcanlted robber.
down I
Here. then, waa tioodyear, altar yeart
*’Oor ratee are filO a day. and we re- (f. varying hopeeand nnvaryltig 111 fork aa be bad el«oire oaMi in adTonoa truu nnknown tone, to poaeeaaloo of a aecrel that waa
‘“Bnl it'a all rigbL' I Mye to mytber to inrreoder nnoondmcaally cr t eeU: ‘the gate’U atop blm long enoogb
fortlea.’' Mid tbe clerk.
eet niobe of tome. Bot tbU knowledge make good bis boaek He bad nevw
____ for mo logel ont eaey.’ But. byeneki*.
did not taring him immediate fortnne— made reake Id biallfe, bad noidea bow it didn’t amp him it alL On the oooin fact tbli be nerar aeenied. Re bad
’■AUrigbt. Ten dolUri. pleaae.-'
blm. Jnii ai 1 woe
eDara ran faia band in bia pockeL bat IcM Ibe oonfraeooe of ell wbo bed belp- knew wbat wae In them.
aupplng down from tbe laei eiep on to
"I’ll maha Ibe cake." He aaid.
•Ubeeoold flib np waa fit.71. This
tbe floor of tbe hall below Ibe man fell
"Well, oome Into tbe kitoben and
onm waa node ep by a cUrer dollar,
my lack. He'd been eomlog along
make It." propowdbla wifa
gwo tlWer balf 'doUart. two t|oartera. a
bell above eo ta« that be eonldn’t
••Wbat. oowr
go cent piece and a pamy.
atop hlmaeif. and be fell over ttac gate,
- ‘Ob. —•
••YeADow. I’ll get tbe ttalngi (or
, enmmereel In tbe air on tbe
« monilBg.'' yoo meet e men wbo bee on en India
ni pay.yon in Ibe
gold Deva.
eve. toning
to go to tbe aleratcr.
, Mairoaee aad a le down a bMpfaaiw'n
with an India robber pone, wltboot a
» clerk knew e thing
Bmitb took off blio^1>toao|lw and ,
landwl <m ma Innewl of
m bleablrt'eleevea treaking bia own Pack ba pretty n
Be wee oot to be cwagbt that way . not cent in it. that U Goodyear." He bad necktie and rolled np
to pawn all bla tnnltnre for food, and Tbey walked to tba kltebenAogetber.
"Tbete 4e no derlaciao from oat be pledged an tunbrella with Vaoderbilt and Bmitb Mid
We rolled ovw and over on Iba floor
1 mix il tor’
gnlae. Mr." tbe clerk Mid politely bot to aeenre a few (wry ticki-ta to tbe elty.
At toll enongb intmey wet Hcored to
yon f» doing it. Mra Smith
tely. “Too moat pay in advance."
“Than I'll give yoc a check, "aatd pot bie Igveeitlan on tbe market, and
: Bm(U« Bgilding.
tble will da "be Mid. taking
BMvin. who waa rapidly baotmilng an- Goodyear’e prooeag very iood made tbe
mapatoonn of robber gooda one of tbe npabowL "Now bring me mme water.
-He never once tbongbt of Moppli^
**^e etepped back to tbe daek. filled principal indnetriaa of tbe world. Bni DOW nme raielnA and oonanu. engar ^
ba w
gnt a obeok for gsoo and handed It to altbongb otberemaie inuDenae (ortnoee
all into tbe
•be olerk. Set tbe clerk waa not a oot of Tolcanlied robber tbe Inventor will do.
stock Baeelvnd Three TImm a Weak
^Mnbcrn. He wai a New Yorkv. be got little ebare of iL He vreat to Eng­ bowl and mixed them with a epoon.
------------------------oma. He wonld not accept tba obeok QB- land and Ftanoe exhibiting bli prodocta "They don't Mem to itiok lc«elber. "
ouote, SOc par quart
Standanla, 80c pnr qnart
' laMoertified.
beMid. "Looke more like a thick euop
than anything elm. Fancy I've got too
-----------By tbli tine Dave waa mad. He eald
mneb water.’’ Smilb drained off wme OHvm Msto* eed ewrtaea to tba taw
• few wceda in Latin, or In a laagnage
of tbe water and wai abooi to pot tbe
aure* bren bum.
tbat aouded like it waa of a foreign bcoor to tbe wor
cake into a pan. wbeo bis wife toid:
Not ciuly do tbe Ynkon mcaqoltoee
"Didn't you mother nee Sour? "
atlick men and ovarwbeim them, bot
“Ocmloand yonr ralaa. yon blaeted
Ohnmpl 1 eonld bny and eell yon ten leop HI. Vet with all three bonon be
no plgbdeded. pimply teoed died a eompantlvely poor man at tbe
a If yon
n ddon't think that check U Fifth Avaaoe hotel to New York Jply
1. lend it on r to tbe Ubcmioal Ka- 1, 18S0.—Cfaioago Poet
tbie oake ronnd
I tbe big brown beat, that U
Il baked pruperly. ’’ He etarted off. aad otleu tuieraJtod a grixxly. baa encenmbwbeo be reached tbe baker’a be told.
ed tu them. Heare come down to tbe
“Will yoo joM throw tble ttoff away river from tbe billaide tn the early lull
■I. with anoia aaktog U a check of SfiOO
end pot In lie ptooe one of yonr beet to gel eome of tbe aalnioo ttaelare often
I by David Galvin <ff MallW
pinm eakea?”
thrown opoo the banke when tbe "ran ”
That nigbt at nppar Mre. Smitb bad to brevy.
ele knew It wae not, bat Dnve' valnaUe ralee for boilli
waaflgbti I mad. and tbe clwk YeMlabar mother end aiater with ber. Sbe
If brolo rani fool of arwerm of moabad told them of tbe cake, and tbey qnltoea and baa not hto wlu abonl bim
aere upecung great fnn el Stnltb’a ex tala day baa come. Tbe inaecia will
penae. Tbecake did ooloome onlil aop- allgblall over blm. Hia (v proteou
ba wonld gel into tronble. While tbe wnler. Mited and frrebly boill
per time. Smitb took U from tbe boy bia body, bot bia eyea rera and noae
■iMipgw wae ahaaot Dave walked tbe rapidly nntll aofk Tbe time
Boor of tbe BMgnifloeot oSoe and talk- opoo tbe age or tbe tnahaeailtd tbe vag- and Mid;
will aooo be awollen np end bl'eelilng.
"Tbli to my oakn—acenetfalng Ukea and anlea be geta into a river or a
abeiled beana. | ika" He orried to tba oake and atrong wind be wlU be driven mad and
placed it on tbe taUa.
. blind. jK> wander abont bopelraly nntll
«ltb an anrwar. It read, "Mr. Gelvto'a
aob tiM aa llnla water ai p^blp and
"Uwa'a a note to lbapap«."Mid be itarvee to deatfal
jBfipk worth $500 U pwf^y goo^"
iM it bofl away. iMvlng jnei eoongb to Mr*. SmUb. "I’ll read U;
' Altbongb the Alaaka rammer to ebon.
fben wae nothing too good for Mr. . moiaten, and tbni Mve all tbe deMreble
■Okaa 6ie-l aa aorry ee «•reelloalef two broodaof moaqiitoea batebonteaob
raka. to i aad yea a poand
year, and are ready fu bnaineM from
Balvto of MUmuI.
caall“Well, glva me bat
flower nnooverad. to a large kettle of —New York Ledger.
•id Dara. “I’U go O'
iBdoaablt myeelt.'Tre Mack Calwre.
Tba obeok wee banded fo tba Irale
“Annt Penelope Wiggicx" aa every- bide ooder Irevre and branebee
•nn. and be marobed oot and never rnbody railed h«, waa vIMled ooe ram- (be tbower to evur; then they coo>e oot
gntned. Tbe olerk wai evidently filled otbere cook to water enongb to
(ran tbe eait a Vaamr boiling with rag* at tbe lime tbey have
end drain it off after cooking. Green
«ltb onrioMty abooi The
annuner equak. cabbage and other wa- collage gradnale. Aont Penelope waa been ftwoed to aprod to idlimeax and ibe
____ It a letts toCbarley Donovan,
MMkier of tbe Maitland bank, aiklng if ttoy vegetablee eboold be |o«aaed to a one of tbe mot boepluble eunto alive, miner baa a bardvr time than ever after
ftrainer and wall drained.
Oatvto’e oback for yi.OOO wee good, j
. bot tbe waa nut greatly impraaaed by hia reapiie.
Mwicltoee and tnowfiakre are not
Charley wrote took that Oelvln’e check
P«P>e *»«» attempt to cook tbe aoperior learning of ber yooog rela- --- •
■ - t HI
forget that there It • wide Uve, and one day abe (reed bu mind ecotempuruiea in the SMMi. bet in
abont ber tbni:
Alaaka It la dlflmnL Snow doe* nql
'boillDi water,' and that tbe (reehneae
Talk to me aboet what a college edn- bother them ao uincb at rain, pud an
flh tbe bank. "Yon dod blanked fool." to luat by long boiling. eoUmI tbe aooo- ratluo doee (« a girl I What do you euly anow may toll wbUe ibev are mil
nmte OcDovan. "if Gelvto ukes a do- er water la oaed after II bae reached aeppoae Matilda Mid tome Uw flm day on the wing. Fog do)a not choke tbem
ellber. Tbey appear to Uke It Tbey
•ka to bny yonr third rate baabery and tbe boinng point tbe more Mtlxtoelory abe carnet Sbe mid:
tbe oooklng
cooking will be. If
if water eupde
"I’m ao glad to meet yon.aoaiyI fl.nt atwoi to II aa in emboab aod take
tfvaaobeckfulkUkeUqniok. It’e “»•
M good aa tbe gold."
after boiling, it loaea lu vluUly and Tooaoeeotyou name on tbe Annty (be unwary proepectw" by rarprtoe.—
Dviver Timea.
teve decUrre ttaM tbe ambitioo of ; caoaot be need wiib good renlta. That Prnnliimate, dcB't yoc?"
Did yon ever bear racb nonaenm? I
------------------------Ma lUe to to go back toNew York aome ,
*“ “■>
» treqw®‘ly
•< •
•Ine and daxxle tbe eyre ot that botal'
IKeleea wltboot epukle or bad to tell ber my name wara'tt Aonty
Away to tbe
A oorreepoodout wn
Mmk. He inatote that when tbe lime '<>•»«;«»«♦«»«» the iMvee and her- Pvnolliuate. bot Anpty Penelope, and
' aoBM be to going to drere like a king. I rtre ere not good, bat beoaOK tbey an Itbongbi ibe wonld die a-langbtogi— nmibweetof SooUaod aomewbere there
bu being a little
Mreaoorpaof fdDtmtm. adoaaDTaletA ‘“P«>I>«ly made with’boiled waire------------------------' girl named Me
Untbe flnt
d treably 'bolUng watai.’ "
.daycf March Mona waa laletoamvd go down to New York and throw
Thue are tome amokert wbo do not
at aobool and deuiled off to wriu
•hat hotel olerk Into flu.
taafc waa
TUe wiU explain why Galvin it eoMi
m ttreicM worker He baa eoongb
Do yon believe tbai tbe AtbwiUn wom­
Bvn on to tontf^ earn aU tba i
«• hto life, tant be bai oot yet aoonmoana of tbe HartbeooD (rieae or like
The bade.” ’^oo naughty girl, that'a not
' 0 make, that New York
who Ml to
Uat year oaodfiO.CKKi.- tin
» M*** jonr oanm^8t^ It
«8p to wbat be oooMden tbe proper tbe triengnlar pedimtoia of Ibe
••yla. DntUbedoeabewiUwcikhaxdbnildtogf If yoo Jndge from tbe art. wbidb they burowed." Tbere to almoM “PIm
«than aay bind man on bto ptooo.—- tbey eertainly were lO. But read an aoaa mocb tratb at fnn in that amartion. odly my 1
CmbIm Wold-Herald.
tborlcy Uke Ariatopbaore. fu tomanaa. —Cbioago Ubiceiola.
wlU Uve I
Ton WiU find that tbe Atbeniao todiaa
“ ebe mid reprartog- tooed Mgbtly. wore high beeJed iboea
dyed tbeto hair yaUow, painted and
r, VtoM Ton do not alwayi bm wor^ ronged ibelrfaoM and were exactly Uke
•Ifi^Bmy. lei me have eooM water te
- ^c^ardtetbetoamottMan- any elUy, faabicnable u tallan creetora
wrong M maka fnn
onr own day. Tbe taei to tbat we
Ja bowed with beomnlag bnmiUtylook book on tbe agea intimiy tbrongb
“Kom to Fido bad blaen yon," aha tbe madinm cf on, aad art, vary fottn"Well, let .pie
wWfM.«araiMBgMiedog, “yon wonld nately, baa aevaronoa wUh tbe nth.
SonWtom ba aagry, and ba might be
Beantmr baa bara added to tbe Uat
cfepidemiei Uke bay fevu aad torn
Betook hto head.
Gold wae known mnob aorUw than
be npUad with anek Ceallng, diver, and wae at flm tbe dMapu of (era by a German doctor, wbo bni den are required to walk n
bto dtoeoverx "Fivtomne. "
IW ka ted M inat tore te tba dog. “ ha tbetwoMOtato, bnttbe inlaeof Mlrar
Miia ho« ka Md: be wonld be dad." wat lowwnd by tbe dimoveiy cf diver
MtoM to CUleto. Spain, and Unrinm.
■ OklwgnFote_________
In MMCd tbe mndwkh
“TiMal" to dtetvid (me tha lotto r "
AUtog tbem rntonkawv
tethnawiffiindMMnithiptoVfM- ^
«f topon cattle from Meitl
M far aa Kew York with them. When
Me arrived in Hew York, be looked like
gha logged and of porerty, trat be waa
Coo boay to aeenn a change of olotblng.
Be bad come bnaineto to crannct and

,jjk. b,,«, a*. ...c

ornamental Clock or a fine-Gold




I' r-


F. A. EARL, Jeweler.


To Cure
[That Spring Cold
;i)se Rose’s Pine Expectorant


^13 Front St

Fletclwr's Otsttf Depti Hi Ristlirilt







I, and R> Mtok to II li


Is taking many bookkeepers, Bten- i
ographers and Teachers from their po- i
sltions. Some one must fill these plsoea ]
If you are not prepared for this work i
enter the Traverse City Business OoUegu,
at onoe and be ready to fill one of these M
places. For terms, address

. iI


ram Moamo


nMANOIAL torn*-

ammty Oti$».. ti u mctmi. ii
flMa Vtft tb« SOTmMBt’lfiMDOl*!

—rtWMi nictMllBg iaV)» nrpcl*tat. ftoAprUtbMtetb*tMR>r7i»

A aaa oto at BcfM park teatoUa
a law aMsUw actk and la tba aatflac
tbadeew wda am Mlaaaka, «r alaa
tba pariwi waa at fnlt, forwbaa it aal
tba boba jataad lapnfiorlp, bad wbaa
- MaaMto aralk to toasd that
_.)«waaaaaand Inabaa toocMa tto%
it iboald ba. Ba waa aatarmUy
■ato ineoaTaaimwdaadbeMaDadtto
fact that to waa to be a artppla tor Ufa.
Ooa dap wbUa ba war alotta at the
boaaa a woman book majtmrn waa ad­
mitted. Aftwtoabadfalladloaanfaim
wbat ifae had toa atoad him what tba
matter waa. Ba told bar aod raid that
be woald be acrippla for Ufa

M|«i m MI7 ap 10 tlM a*«n«« «t
morn at lUfek. U ibM moath. ii wUl
to MMBtaNd, FMMipM W« »<*« tbU
ttooo.000 iB «S0M ct HiMsditarM.
•SM cf (IM fwieipu. bomnt.
f^MMMflatto P»elfio nilnadMlM. aoUMa U dolns ao moob."
“I bare beard a great deal aboat
mi mm* tS tto upeodltorw w« for
ObriatiaD aeienee." aaid tbe man. “bat
Md« OD bo«k cidM of tli* aoaottBk to 1 oeaer beard that It ooald enra a troattoa* OMai tbe niplBa fee Hank U In ble like mine."
• aolV atoed tba
tbaBaighborbood of «&00.000. On tb«

ta^ff the ardiMTT rcTana* In Uarch.
dap. Yoawonld tottergoaeaatoaler.
ttoia^pute IfmoattowooMannad
‘•Bat there U none tore.- replied tbe ;
tba ajM^ltarai of rntj ymt alnee ib«
•irU war period, the ttmtiuT oOolal*
“WelL" mid tbe woman, "rn eomekritara lhac tbe taealpli woald bara tolng ofa l^m mpealf. 1 ~ t i|V
tom IS.000.000 or M.000.000 higbv I bare, bat I'll toll 70a wbat I'll da I'U
give poo tbe abaent treatment. Too joat
atap where poo are, and I'U eoxe poar
toortleg.” And toe arant awap.
Tbe man amllad. bat be tboegbt there
la rermnaa baa to ba tokm Into tba might be eometblng in it after alt
wooBl bp tba traaaorp offlcUU. Tbeia to began to bare falUi la ttobeaJer. In
Imaa tom laporta raomtlp that if war a few dapt. bowerer. to bad almoat far•omm tba treaaotp will ImmedUtalp gotten all aboat It and joked with bU
■eU booda totbaaxunt of •600.000.000. wife aboat tbe matter. At tbe ^ of
Ttoaa atoriea map aafatp todlaregarded two weak! be aroee to a ataading'poaiVo mob amowit of monap would be lloo and ditoovecad to bU great aaton-,
towowad at tba ootaet. ft U probable labmeot that bit abort lag waa aaarlp
aa long aa tba otbw. Ba waa daUgbtad.
«tot •too.000.000 or«900.000.000 UaU
“That wosnan waaall right.’'to aaid
that would to naaded in tbe drat few |
^lU ^
bare dma bar
la of tbewar. aalde from tbeavaU- j
injnitlee in HnUlag to mp diabaAble mab aUeadp In the tiaaanrp.
" la aI fortnight more both lega
“ • - Uroom
•tiOB. Saoretarp Gage elrendp baa tbe
prondlp abowed
mt to boHi
■atfar <d new toaee in mtod. Tbe
U and told evaip
I. lag to aU hU triaoda
Otaglap act. like tbe original BorrlU
wof tto
bp wblob
•arlS. waa framed to
peace eoodi- be raoovarad. Everplblng went weU
«k«A In the extra •
of oongrtm ; tot a Umn bnt pramnUp tto man made
VUab began on Jnlp 4. .....
ie«<l. datiea
Ubtngditooverp that tbe owed
wndtr tba UorriU act were increaaed in limb wae atUl growing. In anotber two
- maag naara and new tazee, extemal weeks it waa fnUp two UKbaa longer
and internal, were deviaed. Coogrem than tba one wbleb bad not bam brokm
wlU provide new taxaa in tba praaeni and that It ^ tba weU 1^ on which
mmion U tbap are Deeded, for it will tonuwUm^
TbU utataUp worttad blm vaip
moob. Toe me. tbara waa no taUlng

« arar began, tbe treiunrp waa vlrte■Upampip. Moreover, tbegovemment'a
nredil vraa low. aad. a Iobd which tto
traaaorp tried to dual in tbe Utter dope
of Bnobaiian'iedmuiiatratioc broogbl
In onlp a tridlog amuont of luonep.
That part of tbe ooootrp wbieb was
lopal to tbe government oomprteed onIp aboat a foarth ot tbe popeUticn of
tto laneent onitod natiao and leea than
a dftb of the prneent naUoo't wealth.
Tto treaaetp U in batter eonditloo now


legopardent'* credit, abroad ai well aaat
hdibe, wa. never bigbw than ill.[to
(dap. It U aa high in tto London mo4ep
' >1 aa that of England,and U biglK
,'m than that of anp otber goveti
tba world. Gold U flowing Into tbe
mnotip in a flood which waa new apgnaebad in volnme at anp time In tbe
yaatattbUamaon. U war iboold ocme.
> tto trmanrp antboritim wonld not to
' teead to emplop tneb toifu to gain
.arve oampelled to reeort to in I8«l-A
>41. LonU Globe'DauocraL

•<WaU.'- mid BUgga wbUa dtUiig op
tn bed talking with tbe lamilp Uwpor,
*'X’1I tall pon aU aboat It. bdt act a
word to anp one else, mind poa. I'm a
Mgbt aod scarred op like tto hero af a
Oermao aDlveraiip', bat 1 mppom It'i
■ametbiog to be alive.
“Too know tbe governor baa bam
aBging me to .tnfce oot and aee wbat 1
«aoM do lot tnpKlf. He'd advanoe tbe

.0 fc ..a

u. p., o.

dhat a reprodcctioii of tbeir mill woald

... mj M1.W
bird tonod, and while
“AboDt tbi- third
wa were gvitlng aitog awimmlnglp.
there wm an ezploaiou Ilka tto btowing
«p of a dpnaciite faotarp, tba aaleot aa-

beal« waa, o
Be oonld not
d tbe book tto waa trping to aeU. And
that ia bow tbe matter now atanda Tto
man', leg U mill growing. Tbatwoman
U aUU gadding aronod tbe eonnirp tel!
ing bodtt and giving bim tto abaent
treatment. If be doea And ber. tbe will
have to begin on tto otber leg. and arm
tbm the mao will onlp be fit for tba
dinie maaanm. Tbe mao', faith in tbe
new aoimnr U ttUl an broken, bat ba
feels that tbe toalen itoiald be moarelp
anebored and kept witbin
bnonda.—Chicago Cbroniole.
Down oo Booth Clark itreet, aboat
100 feet Death of Madison, there la cm
tto weal tide of tbe atreel e ooel bole
.pb^ied like a coffin. Originallp tto
opming waa nofdifierant from anp otber
coal bole It waa i.f ordinarp aiaa. and
waa cloeed with a bezage^ cover.
Then a large piece of tto atone wai
broken off tbe aidewelk. enlarging tto
bole to a great extent. When tbe atone
waa replaced bp a abeat of Irom tto
waa elongated.
that tto shape of a coffin waa formed.
Then tto pedeatriana along Boalb Clark
•treat had tbeir troabJea
ft U aaaerted that aitmtlon wm dm
eaiud to tto cmlDoaa bole In U>e side­
walk when a man bad hU lag sprained
bp a miaatep cm tbe oover. A onmber of
pemni witnond tbe aocident. aod at
tto mme dme noted tto pecaliar shape
of tto oover. It waa not long before everpbddp seemed to be aware of tbe oaakeUike dgare. Now, anp one wbo
watobks tto crowds that dailp pam
along Clark street, near Madiaco. will
ba attraeted bp tbeir actiana when tbep
walk near tto cnaJ bole. All the men
keep a mfe «»»»»"~ fran tbe aare in­
spiring object, while the women carettop 'walk
To tto
obaerver tbeae pecoiar anbea are tmexplalnabU. bnt tto men and woaien
tbe bimorp of
evil rpa."—Cbieago Iniar Oeaan.

..IlSO Jlrnca riw
slipped off bit Anger into tto floor.
nnseHt-d to be greaUp ezerritad ovat tto
loaa, got, a notice in tbe local paps, bat
flaaUp anooniiced witb a Mgb that to
woald bare to give it op; that tto ring
wm in tto floor aomewbere: that to
nppoaad it wonld tnm ap in a aaok of
doar, bat to bad no idaa wbM one.
I set that calloloid 0
WaU, poa oagbt to bare aesi tba boom
gMalaabmatbeorp. Jam ull tto gov- that fBilelas mao bad in tto floor
•■BOr (bat 1 made a tad Uvmtmmt”-» trade. For tba n<xt week be bad to hire
ezua help 10 All tacks odt of that bln.
VifatdtVMe Praw.
Pm man wbo mvs boogbt a sack tern
blm baton oama in and laid in a win.
tstaanilp. And tba HDOOtb merchant
OMfamm (at optician's)—I'm afraid aAUtled anAlpaatoAUad tba mckaand
Mma ^adaaa woald be too old for ma.
Vtw AmUtaal-Ttop might to at
•tA tot after poa have aaed tbem •
MMa wUla I'U (1
Moths-Wall, pnfams. do'pm
will Bat so tbap’U flt tto gUmm aU think poa wUl bo nbfa to mtoanamM• tlcMaMBogb.—GblmgoTilbBM.
Profass—Alan madam. ICsMfaot. '
Mottor—Wbpdo pan mp tbm, prom—Jaat tm bow hard DMmm fa
. . --------- « at famtiag tbat narpat.
Pwfams—gtraosBoti and tan fa
I; .
Jdca. dotxam—Taa Hm. Dobam aafa
ou’a aUottad noteof pmm mdl
'Mm ttwoffcataanathfagaf tba ktod
n nowM paarsold. Tbatfastfafae
- “ ba ratoa
ww Bswa^ tto
xrt. laidim —q^^ama Hewn





mat »,


Aa wa Udl Bandp Oateb far Btobg
■ ail m^.

«km. to^alaoM
glaa ^ toilowtn t
fM lUA"Hia' Uta~U Uwo^iN^
Ufa that baa bam Urad, and maat ba
takaa aa a modal bp all wbo woald lira
In aaob a wap aa will plaaaa Ood tba
tooald baa medal for all ObrlatlaBa.''
HU Ufa U ataiad to to an axample for
aa,a»dwaare eommandad to do aa Ba
did wan .to tore tba mma mind aa
ObrUtlmd. Afterwaablngttodlaoiplaa’
feet, that Be night tooeb tbem bnmUltp. Jeaoamid, “I bare given 70a an
exanple that pa aboald do aa 1 bare
done to pon.” In John zr. IS. Be tapa
“ThU Unip
that pa l<m
anot^ m 1 have loved poa.” In
--------------------«a..Au.«--------w) auu*.
---------ai. liavlog naan ea-'
tooold follow Hi. atepa."
tjoriptnra gbo. boocloflrelp prorea that
chri«-. life wa. Intended to to a model .
far *]] cbrirtiana Bow
follow in HU
qoainted with
ood? Bow can we do wbat Be did anlesB we know wbat Be did?
Hat we are not onlp to oar acciona to \
lake Cbrift as our model, bat we map
also expect to be treated in tba world m
CbrUt wm traaicd. Tbe world parseoeled aod abased Christ It maligned and;
ridiealed Him. Gan we expect leas from |
it?. Katnrallp not aa Cbrixt
tm. we are dimiplaa; CbrUt wm Lord,
wa are aarvaDta dan dUclplea axpaot

Christ demanda an open lopaltp. £v«rp mU of Hu U a call lo cmftaalOD of
Kim. “Polluw Me " wm tbe msaage
which tto fiabormen of Galilee beard
and heeded. Tbep left tbeir oeta end
followed ibi-ir Mmts. it wm open tollowing. DOC aecrel love. Matthew at tbe
poblicnn'a beqeb beand tbe mme
mge. and Capifrnanm's eaatom borne
bad a vaoaot office after that oaU. “He
teaook all and followed Him” U tbe
simple pel tignlflcmil ipmbol of eonfmtt<m. “Couw afts Me, " mpa Christ to
eveip dUciple. Show poar oulon, de­
clare poar cooviotloBa maaltoM poor
love, cocifeos poor lopaltp. Cbnat de­
positive allegianoe at a proof of
“Mo locAiog took" If pon woald to fltted for tbe kingdom ot God.—CbrUtlaa
TM rattov
, There u Nit ooe God. We mast bold
fast to that tratb. Tbit God U love.
Id oar bnicmi iboogbt love impUes
I tto Son. wbo is tto expres Image of His peraos. la tto begin­
ning this expresioo of Himaelt axitted
—thU Lagoa, which we trmnaUtO Word.
It U the sU revealing ai; jct of tto di­
vine self. It U that in liim wbieb enn
be miDifeMed. We know that tto ondivideo rap of lipbl cu. wiiboat cm ring
to be Hgtat 'or effnlgeaice. manifeet itaeU
mools. Vet ligbt aad cols are not two
tblnga. bnt one. So Paths and Son are
not two eeaanoea bot one.—American

prap. and appaientlp notbing eomm of
IL Bat m tbe dapt go poe And that
sorelp sonetbing bm eoane of ik Tto
slowip psbapa, bot steadUp and reallp.
Ton have besi answered, tboogb at tto
time poa knew it not—Wspland Bopt
1 will aenoont no sin Uttfa. Mma tto
learn wo^ oat tba death of tto aocL
It U aU oM wbetbs 1 to drowMd la
the eU) im sboce s in tto mlM d Iba
deep aaa.-BlMiop HaU.

Obrlal la tbm tbs bepa M gUtp.



Styles to be found in our stock

and looking aboat m tto rniiwgin to
aeUeaed a mDall. pale taeml man and
invited blm lo ellmb ap healda blsa
WbiU tto pals taoMl man wm eUmbtng
tto driver wbUpmed to tto rest cf as:
“1 ploked him eat la mdag- lo mare
bUn to dmtb. Toa faUowa faUl aaa a
heap af faa bafam wa-va gone tm
Two rntMlaa weal of tto galeta tba
toad aaada a aaddm tarn, with a atom
tall of 100 tarn down to WUd Cat cmek.
and tto driver pat bta bomaa at tto gallop and mid to tba man:
“Wa map gat aroond aU right, or wa
(Mob op down below. Bold pear
tnatb aad mp poor ptapera."
*aoe pamengm
de no
ui move and did
and alter makMuseall riabtti
_ ttodrivar
lodlgnaotlp demanded:
"Didn't poD aaa ibatttooff wbaal
ran witbin a foot of tbe edge cf tba


oMvad or wrvanU than tbeir lord? Ttop
woaldbofouliibiodoaa "TtodladpU
U Bot above bUanaater, nor tto «mnt
above hia lord.'' CbrUt ttoo tooold ba
onr model ia tto raoeptloa of tto adverse traatmtail and aUrepieamtallou
of tbe world.
Tbe aim of avarp Christian BDdaavaim aboald to to be like C»dC Cta^llkeoem U CbrUUanitp. Ttomoraiike
CbrUt we are Uw battm Cbriatfam we
an. A Cbriatlan lUa U a CbrUt Ufe.
How can we become moM like CbrUt!
Bp baring CtoUt dwell witbin m and
make oar livta HU Ufa. When pamUd
m to bow to act. we map weU Up to
dad oat wbat Chri.t woald do. aod
tbea do that, bat tbe beat wap to Uve
like Cbrift U to pat self ootof onr Uvea
and to let Cbriat Uito them, tc mrraoder
onrselvas so abaolntalp to CbrUt a* to
DO longer Uve. bat to bare Christ live
to na. if we get CbrUl'a spirit witbin
lu. wa oanuol bot tore a CbrUt Ufa
wllbont tia. Let na take Him m oar
pattern and modeL At werp tiep of
life let at mk, "How woald Cbriat
wnlkr' AteverpmocDentofdecUicolM
neaak. “What wonldcbnat dor' Then
let na do It.
Bible Bmdinga.—Math. v.
rl. V-16; xi. tb-80; Luke vi. 40; Jabn'
XV. Mt. ib-ti: ICor. xi. 1: 1^.
81. Si: V, 1-6; PbiLii. I ll: iii. 14CoLili. 1-7; IPet-ii. J ; XW
JobnU. 1-6.


Always New

within alz UhAmb. Mr.” wm

A new stock of New Koolding just received.
We do the finest work in the City. Try us.

Karkham Block.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Corregpond with the TmTerae City Lnrober Gompnaj^
We hare for aale Good,


Bepo^ tto corva wm a down grada
d a miU. and witb a pall and a floa^
Ubef bUwbip tto driver argad bU
boimi to a dead ran. Tbe dve of m inMde had to bang on for dear Ufa. aod
averp baU mloato tto stags seamed
boond to go over.
“Did pon
poa know
know tbto
tU If wa’d mraok a
^ bean dead mm ia no

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.

"And poa wam1prv»i«F’
Thrss s toer mils fattbs on tto
Mvs Uiad bU man witb
In bU dmarmlnaUoB lo maks a eloss
oaU of U OM wheel rmi off tto edge of

Hill Mnchiiieryof nil d«ocriptiaBn,iudodingTwo Eagueo,
Bet Workfl, OnrriAgea nod Saw*. A oompUto Saw liiimoat
for sole.

dsib. bat tto man bsalds ttodrivu
nsvs lost a paff of bU dgar. Wtoo
things wse mte. tto dries miMd «■
blm with:
“That sarMp wm tto Ifink of (to
‘‘Gass II woA ” wm the qalat taplp.
“Tto elosua sbave poa wlU avs bav
UU tto last aMeosDM.''
“Bee bsA now. bat what sort of a
CTlKsarepoa?" wmtbeqasp. “Dmt
poa know 'naff to git ikaartf
“Nothing bm bappsnsd' pet lo ssoia
“Bat mebto poa want me to drive
plamn ors a precipice 1.000 feet bigtar’
“H poa oonveDifmllp can. Tto fact
U. 1 oame off np here intending to com­
mit saicide. and if pon can damp tto
whole of as ovs aome cliff poa’U oblige
me. “—Atfaom CoBstllotiatL
«—Ob. mp darling. 1 wUl 1
tbee fotevs.
R»—Noble woman, woald to bei
Ibai tboa wait mp uilpr—Jadp.


The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at

Hardware. 146 Front St.

Fpom 95 Cents
to $5.00
In Ladies and Gents’, Children'Si Misses’, Boys’ and
Youth’s—All Styles and Prices.
You can see them for the asking, at

We are in the Shoe Business.
Got lots of them. Up-to-date in Style and Work­
manship. Chocolate, Tan or Black. They are for
sale in limited quantities, and we say the BEST
VALUES we have ever ofiered. Ihices run

We Have No
Apology to Offel.

I Koumre MOOBD, TOTOA'*.

««. 1»W

I aimitg 6ow l nonld ttks yoo to pAU.

MotiM af MiiBig «l Msaatf iff ■«>

8DCfa U Maior WaU of Her
lUiettsr^ Cofcrmbent

amnuioB or


the bttuitioi.

Major WaM U o( the opiaioa that
AJada naede moat at inaeat ia
tba »«na d aeoarln* ^anrlaimi. at de
nf mriiDBPr nnaOCrt^OO. Be'
aUttfalnke thia «U1 be e
tie later by tbe OanadlaL ..
by »«BBi ct tba railroad fron t^eocn
into tbe interior, and that the eoatry
vdl then baa good oDetetboprovadarwbo la aatlaSed with a modeat tsDOBia. mj bom «S to $10 a day. He
atyt that while it may be doobtad that
many more rich alrUtea may be made
there an field* capable ot npporting
bnndredt of tbooeanda of people ptortded tbe ooat of liring cao be ndoced eo
ttet the iDdepeadent mine may find it
lb waab oat $& per day.
A* to tbe boondaiy line qaestioa, be
raid. tbeCbilkooi paaa Hoe, when tbe
moeated police are now matlaoed aod

(TrcB Ov eiMCMl On' I^KK BiNxcn, A]Mk». M«i«b IS.
I Ut« }«at b»d • k«i« telk with JUJor Wa)di. adoiBlmtor of tb«Tokoo
*te«b«OaBwlUB aormuieDl. I toaod
ilM at- bia own baadqaanen. a HtUa
teek traa tba taot«l town ot L«fca BaeMtt. aod bo»j with
ritory. “Tbe
le impraeMd me hr bl
mdaooa. He:
bearingg aBdamodeat and aae-1 be oootlBned—“yoorgorenitDaDt meae■BBliig maaiiar which U ocoally
anall; tbe'! nree bom inland water* and core bom
ditaat of teal merit.L Pew men , tbe aea: or. U yoo plead, yoo may pot
.-—.-...a ..l.ana
lltina bare bad a mon rarled as- > <•
it aIn .a.a._.___
tbUv..^ _
» tbe eea and
mee in frontier life or with boetile that tbe inland
are not. Tbii is all
He spoke in oomplimeotary ' we claim that they
of Oeoer^idllw, whom he knows tbe dirpote there U or ever can be con»ally. endVlso refraied feeUngly bernlng tbe boundary qneetim. "
• "
Dbwmm City Bl^ mm*.
. to tbe late Geoetal• A.
H. Terry
We ate already beglonliig to seta
Oettaral Pbll bberldan. whom be Uketaste of DawMO City bigb prioea, beViee knew on tbe border.
\iiajor Walsh aramed a bit nrprieed noee from bare on. when tbe toe breaks
trbM be learned my wUe was with ma. np. U U an onbrcdcen waterwa/ to that
“Bat yon are not going to take her plane and the cost of trancportaUoo is
. to Dawson City with yon?" be asked. : not esorbltant oonsiderlog tbe dista&oe.
“•rbatls myplan." I cepUed. "snd For inimooe, meals oonststing of beans.
Why not?"
tread, bam or tmouo'aod coffee.
"Simply beoenee If yon doyon will-arell.SOeaeh. Lodgins ins bonkbonse.
be Impaled on one of tbe three borsa of where all sleep In one room and each
•n unoomfcrmblc dUemma." mid be. prosidea bis own tdaokete. le from 60
■•Von will either be obltge.1 to hire In- oante to $1 per I bad ooeasion t*
dlan gnidm to either drag you np tbe boy an ordinary cr^t hand mw tb
Tokoo from the sboie or pole yon np to . other day>nd war^iged to pay $8 ft
tbelekm, wbiob mnst be dooe late, my wbat wonld probably oort $1,60 in tb
In October, andat.oonslderableerpedse, Btatea. Plonr is worth $46 per tetrel
tor you can oes« get np that swift cnr- : today, or rather $18 for a mck of 60
rent yonreelf. cr yoo will be obliged to potmdt.
«and yoot cbence of going borne by the ; Imke Bennett Is one of the moat lieethat ly mttleinetits we have seen tbos far
way of St. Mlohael‘i In
le trail, ll bat two c
yon wonld not imst yoor life iu. for a
beasy bcmms. mUed botali, tb'e aoiqniconi mntniMDi «n tba ocean, and


tbePaUng (
____ ______ AfWMBt nn^berof
a of tba ksl-:
tba oldaW papa r la tbe wm
am. Tbe artist pratwred ter tbefirW and to S.OOO yaars
Bttinn with nme
drmd. i «ba Cbinem goven . . .
to army large room iyiowHw «Uot of tbe ampmor. Tmlin tbe iwlaoe. KBStUy tonUbed in
Aeerlem spleodm, wbm tbe bate
“'^y^dSn like tbUroom?" mid tba’ioonclng tbe iodoot of PtenTongknlaBrbMareaanyminotmhadeaapaed.Jch’iin, e>-magiatrate
Wbat eon of a room wonld too Uker- Koangrt laorlnoe. wba haTlng retired
“Ob." mid tbe artist. "aamaU tomn. ] ttca hla poet, war dlaDorerwl tobaoo^
ggy ^ oomfortably fomlahed."
i aWermbly in amati in tba peymwt <d .
'“Itbonghtao." mid tbe kaimr. “1 tbe lama ooUeotec
didn-tobooaetbUroom." They then ta-, P**-* tototben
apeoted rooms togetbw till tbe artist
was mtiatol, Tb«i
fining began
Ibeir damaoda. sbowing ■
“Now." mid tba kaimr a tew mln- tbe law wfaieb sboold be poaiabed. Wa
lato, “yon don't paintlike that hereby oommand that tba mid as-msg-.
atbome. Vonaieoatoomfortabia. Bow ittrate be oasbiered and arreaud and
placed ia pneoo ootil be tefoodi tba
do yoo Ilka palarlBgr’ '
« bole of his itidebtedMm to tbe gosem~ “Weil, ooat off—bate
meot. Wefortberecaumandtbegoeamor of YnoDao. tbe .nailTe proslnoe cf |


tba city of Ttweasea City erOl ba bald
ta tba OoBaeUtxamAOam sBwat, ta
mid eity. noimaclagaBlIoB^.
Ord. tma. and eoatlnoa la smatim fiobr
daya ia saeaomle* or more. laUaMabIng will ba ia iiiilaa aa aaeb aff mid
— —-------- „------- ------------idaya from •e'eloek a. m. aatU UJ*
look 'me. *Ow tbe deaea do yoo axpeot e'eioak a «. aad from 1 o'eloek p. m.
p. ot.--------------------—
Aay panm a.
tbern pomtorn to grow? Yoo firm mla jntU *M> o'clock ----'ms in two. and tbea yoo bory 'em m pamoop daairtag to do ao may appaor that tboyooD get nattbmligbt nor taalr. at tbte mooting and examine bla. bar
------- oa aaU cAla. and
Miko—Pbwal wagm do yoo ba gmda
tow. Pat:
Pat—Oaa booDdred dollara.
Mika—Pbwat? One bocsdred amontb?
Pat—One booodrad dollars tar

Tbe H. A M. B. traloa Imslsg Traeerea OUy at *:U a. m, ated >;«a |t m


“What kind a* a oannon dew yow
eall tbiacoa, Beobr'
B. W. CmnaoBAJS. Agonb
'•Tbai'aa 11 poondm. tetbm."
“Oon't try to poke fua at ym tetbm,
Orand Bogrida Hamld^Pnmnnt
boy. That tbar osbooB weigha a ton m
deltored to lOe per week.
I’m a liar.
Kew lork Troth.







MONDAY, MAY 23,1898.


244 Front Street

Broeoh Block.

This is oif great interest to you—Save your dollars by purchasing
at ‘‘The Fair.”
Look over our price list and wonder. For Ten Days Only.
15 dot Ladies’ Oalieo WrapH-ra. well made, Uiia sale

Ladies Wrai.pera, former
I-OO, for...................................

Felt CnrUina ander this sale at--------8o
A big job of Pocketbooks, wifnl»r
valna 54c, for........................................ 26o
Lediee’ good Belts, regular value
25c, for....................................................... lOo
Cbildren'a fast black Hose, aizee 5
to 84........................................................... S4«
Table Oilcloth, a yard ........................... lOe
30 pi^ Toweling at..............................IJC
(10 yarda to caetomer.)
Merricks & Brooka’ Thread at.......... 8^

U da Ildus' Snsm Cmss it... .S4c

Calicoes and Dress Goods.

Tb. ,b,ri h.,n. «,
tbll dilcnima is wioieriog in Dawwm,*---........ O.T. -bicb. bo bo.
rbb ,m

‘bS~I quite!

“T !b.“. brf bim to bi. .d.i™, bb,;


Men’s Clothing,


Gents’ Furnishing.

r $10 Summer Suite must go
"Aito Kvtttog in or'o« ^ D-nrai ;
City." c-outinowl Majnr Walsh. "Ibem ,
. la yet an Bstoc^oR srooMt irf
annoeaptcu* sctusl diffionlti.-s, swll


. .n,..bma ito

tean icEtant Of
• ao celled snow stid ice cuginu
of tbe qoMtioo. and, as for bereet
ainlm, after they bavc been packed
tbe 600
Imrn wWeb cen be
tbelrr «i» to Dawson City, and the food
and blankets aod camping
tu tbe man. who...
tboy mnnet I* «
Magle pmmd for relief, indeed I 90m-

.‘him—not| Our fine, black, all anoi bfia, SoiU
« l.rtls adilitioo to whst it, ralaed at $12.50, this Bale, they
il.t,eotbeontflt is
pjoceu.„l or oomplcie w wbomto- Come
and see our Silk and Satin
sme and
•Ter may want it aod st a bsodionM
Lined Suite, lh«^ are Uie niceet
YOU ever saw. We will sell lote
of them
We moat reduce nr Clothing StucL
aiuly make oaosiderable tnooey


Boys’ Clothing.

wsTtbu‘^*^u cr^wsy et shrewd
»,id quite a. daring m any perpetrated
mstanoe. there may
Ckildreb’. blKk or blo«, .11 wool
tie a abormire in floor or ooffee- or oandie* or kerowaie oil or any otbm article
of prime n«e-dty. Tbe ahrewd •pecnqnieUy aroand and bay* op
all be can get bold of. Then if no more
I comet, to be «dls oat at abont any
I profll he cbocsea to aafc.

^ Timber and wood promise to be aoarce
I erticlea here ero Iuor if tbe rate of dee.
aiiatioo aantiooes. Unr party hai cart­
ed ritewoud three mile* for ok in our
tent, and timber to boacbnildlng is befnming aliDoetextinct. LumbiTat pne«at is wortb $600 par 1,000 feet, and a
rmill camjwoy
ipaoy baa reoelved a grant
We have aome left, Blthoagh our aizee
large portion of tbe timber in the
lomlity. Tbe price of boats thns far is are broken, which will go at theee prioea;
tram $800 to $400 each, bat no raticoal
pw. Childron’a Sliwra, gizee 12b*ing wonld care to trust bis life in any
134. rognUr price <1, at...................
iff those wbicta kU at tbe first named. 24 prs. Ladiro' Slippan, tan or black
««>Tea. Two ateamboats ate to ran on
4-5J. at..................................
lake this eaaM. but teem preamt
y wUlnotbeclsaiofioe 24 pta. Hendaraon’a Ta* SUppere,
needle toa. aizea 24-6, regular val-,
«Ddm two moodis st least
oe 1.50. at............................................... • '8»c
lutoar. K.WA1
deatinatiao of tbe majority of tbnm
Hmi wbetbm any cne can eame not iff tbe
wbc are «a their way to tbe Tekoo and
Damn City » tba ooa« « go in dorSag winter nnlem be mrikei a apall «ff find that a large numbs intend going
througta to tbe American side. Tbete
$be mote tevorable weatbm.”
“Bat people have come <Rrt Um pMt
Big Salmm and Staait rivaca, an
♦ *^Tea, bnt bow did they do U? Ja ev. good many, perhaps tbe majeoTty. base
fixed ideas wbaterer at to tbeir dcagey oaee. ao ter at I know, they wm*

Shoes and Slippers.

on reoeatedly pick ap aaggeu sOmote aaywhere. Hi*
r^ty tbirt saobaioldeadraammate

paira for


ilSi= :
”arsS"S^' «.
Meo-e white, latmdried Shirte, good

Extra heavy onbleached 4<4 Sbeetia^
fine and soft, thia sale, a jaid................
(W yarda to cnatomer.)
Extra fiad’^iiiia heavy, donble widUi
Sheeting valne 20c a yd. for...................
Fruit of tbe Loom Cott^ bleadiad....
(10 )-arda to enstonur.)
Skirt Lining, (10 vda limit) a yd............
Sateen finis Bileata Waist liining,yijd
wide, per yard..



Wash Goods.
French Percales in new styles ot ebeeks
and plaids, per yard.................................... 8o
1 case Laoe, stripM and fancy figured
Organdies and Dimitias, value ISJc,
sale price..................................................
TJe •
1 case Scotrib ZepbjT Oingliama. aU'new
patterns and colorings, per yard.......... de
All colon in Chambrey................................. 9c


1 :


Children’s Parasols for................................ I4c
10 doz Ladiea’ Umbrellas, regnlar prioe
50c, at................................................................874©
Good, pen Silk UmbraUaa, fotinar prioe
1.26, at............................................................... 76e
A good Umbrella, former prioe lAO, at 96o

At Cost Price.
BemaiDber, we sail what we advertiM
and under no oondituDa will we be ODdar>

NOTICE ;~Bring this ad along
with you and select whatever you
need.____________________ _____ _
EexcLexELtien? -fciL© I’lao©,
244 Front St, T raverse City, Mich.


AU Laces and embroiderieB will go st ooat
ladies’ Oapes and Jaekate ariU go at coat
daring tbe sAe.
A big line of Steaw' Hate juft zeooFedi
will be sold at tbe lowest fignre..


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