The Morning Record, July 10, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 10, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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9«eond Tev—Ko 371



A. Miles and staff, and 1,700 men in­
tended as reinforcements for ' General
Shafter before Santiago, got away at
2 o'clock this afternoon.
Spaailh OommaBdar‘(Hran Ona lAap Miles and suff are on the Yale.
Kor^ for XTnooiidltloDBl

smsTA sirs more war

If Linaraa Daddaa to Hold Oat Ban
tiaffo Will Bo Attaekad At
Moon Today.
lonavaloatlOB With Bstm* u4 lUdtM U la
Pipgrtaa and Xaportut DaralopBaatt An
■ iliitiUl Thia Keniinc-ainaU Tton Ba a
ir Xt Win b« X>Mm«d a Bora Towaria
: P«aM Vacattatioaa.

Bst •psaun Papm ttata VbM.t a Wma
■atabHiM aa AmiatlM af Tn
Baya Is la Pwaisss.
Madrid, July 9-{Special)-The Lib­
eral says that the cabinet is considering
the signing of a ten da>’s' armistice
to facilitate peace negotiations. The
Rome correspondentrof the Imparcial
a ten days’ armistice is
coming, but thinks -that the powers,
with the Vatican, are engineering the
movement and considering the proper
form which the armistice should as­
sume. Senor Saggsta declared after
the cabinet meeting that the rumors of
an armistice are without foundation
and that the government is 'discussing
means of prosecuting the war.

, Washington, July 9.—(Special)—Genorat Shafter, acting under Washington
instructions, has given General Linares
tyitil Sunday noon to surrender without
conditions. Twit* today General Lin­
ares asked Shafter to stipulate terms,
Shafter replying that no terpis would
be offered.
I Pk7 Kirb OompItaBMts tp
Unless the Spanish forces in Santiago
Ov aiiipM of War aad SkUmil
surrender tomoirow it is expected a
battle will follow. They are anxious
to escape from the city without yield­
London, July 9.— [Special.]—The
ing themselves up, but nothing less British newspapers, in discussing the
than surrender will be accepted by war, are loud in praise of the American
General Shafter.
navy and the gunners' skill. They ar­
gue that the performance is in accord­
TTnoo&ditiOBol Bnzrandar.
Washington, July 9.—(Special)— ance with the best traditions of the
Secretary Alger says that Santiago has Anglo-Saxon navies..




It is an Every Day Strife

WbU* Bpoia KokM loqoiflM Tknmgk Propor
OhMBolo Bwv«Abv Twn* o(
New York, July 9.—The Sun’s London
cable says the Spanish government has
made direct inquiries through the
proper channels, to Washington, asking
upon what terms the United States will
conclude peace, and suggesting an
armistice during negotiations.
Senor Sagasta denies any official
action has been taken, but there is high
authority for the statement that inform­
al peace negotiations are now proceed­
From another source it is learned
that one of our foreign ministers, pre­
sumably Colonel Hay at London, had
wired Secretary Day that he had reason
to expect Spain to sue for peace very

To aaa who will get the moat for the leiwt. AnycM .
that gets aoow of oor Wall Paper will aee at a glane*
that they are geftug the noat for their money that
tbeyerardid. See the new goods that we are offeri^
at theee remarkably low pricea.

• <

BeUay A OoBBAhto

890 Front Street

Wall Paper,.

. /

It will pay yon to aee onr Paper and
get onr prioee before yon bay.



Macb Is Said
Aboat Ice Creaia aad Soda Foaataia Driak

Therefore we will ^ that you will find onr Ice
Cream delicious, our Soda Water true to flavor, our vari­
Frmidnt KotiBUy Bm MmAW tb* K« Sw ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to
tb* impertut OeaaiMtn.
list from time to time.
Washington, July 9.—(Special.)—In
Fountain open week da^s only.
accordance with the Hawaiian annexa­
tion resolution, which has become a
law, Presidenr McKinley has apppointed the five commissioners who are to
recommend to congress such legislation'
at they regard necessary and proper
for the goveniment of the new posses­
sion of the United Sutes.
He has selected Senators Shelby M.
Cullom of Illinois and John T. Morgan
of Alabama. Representative Robert R.
Hitt of Illinois and President Sanford
B. Dole and F. W. Frear of Hawaii.
The resolution provides that at least
You can examine our bargains in Cloth­
OBKVX&A'B TXB8XZA OOWYAATBP IVTO two of the five commissioners shall be
ing Free Gratis. Consult with us as to
residents of the Hawaiian Islands.
what style of garment ^on want.
costs nothing but your time and a very
TbrM af Tbrn Kay Tat Ba of tiaa to tba Ooltad
little cash if you buy.
Stataa VaTy. Bst fhaXMhar Sbipa are


not surrendered nor a battle taken
place as yet, and indicated that nego­
tiations for a surrender are progressing.
As'a result of advices from General
Shafter he expressed the opinion that
no battle would take place today.
Secretary Alger and General Corbin
refused to make further sutements as
Xavaa of Vaalaaa Bolka.
to the nature of the communication
Off Santiago de Cuba. July 7, by As­
they had received from General Shafsociated
Press Boat Dauntless, via
tet, but it is understood here that the
town offered to capitulate upon certain Kingston, July 9.—Copyright by The
conditions, which have not been accep­ As.s>ciated Prgss.—The vessels of Cervera's squadron, converted into wrecked
charnel houses, are littering the Cuban
<fi Delay.
coast, and the scenes of desolation, ruin,
Washington, July g.^Special)—Cabhorror and death baffle description.
l^rrams from Shafter said General
At the entrance of the harbor,of San­
Linares was tel^raphing to Madrid
and Havana and not getting answers. tiago lies the Retoa Mercedes, sunk at
He said nothing about bombarding, midnight on luly 3. Westward five
and Secretary Alger when asked this .miles is a torpedo boat destroyer, fast
afternoon if fighting has been resumed in the rocks. She is close to shore and
- at Santiago, replied, “I don’t think so.” battered by the surf. The rocks jut­
Cablegrams have been received from ting out of the water in front of where
j General Shafter since 2 o'clock. Gen­ she lies hide the hull from view. Her
eral Corbin carried them to the presi­ davits and the top of her conning
dent but they were not gi«en out.
If tower alone mark her resting place.
Visible from the sea, a few miles fur­
there is delay it is important.
matter has been referred to Madrid ther on, in an inlet embraced by two
' From many sources the department mighty arms of black rocks that extend
has been informed that Spain is about half a mile into the sea, are the re­
to sue for peace. Many things prove mains of the twin crusiers InfanU
. this and suggestions have come from Maria Teresa and Almirante Oquendo,
foreign powers as to coaling stations. formerly the pride of the Spanish
The United States has responded that navy.
Beyond lies the Vizcaya, a mass of
there must be no dickering and bar­
gaining as to coaling stations until the ruins, and forty-two miles away the
United States’ ownership of the Philip- Cristobal Colon lies on her side, the
ines is recognized.
Then dickering smokestacks being under water.
The Infanta Maria Teresa and Almi­
may begin.
If General Linares is instructed not rante Oquendo sund upright, fast on
rocky shoals. All that is left of
to surrender it means that Spain has
stiffened up a bit. If he surrenders it them is the outer hulls. Their boilers,
and magazines havg been blown
will be the best step towards peace.
into unrecognizable masses of twisted
But the most ghastly sights in these
silent ^eel coffins are the mangled,
• with PrwldMt'i Pn
scarred and charred bodies of hundreds
St. Paul. July 9.—(Special)—In ac­ of sailors, sacrificed for their country.
cordance with President McKinley’s The buzzards are feeding off the dead.
proclamation that the American people On the beach fiocks of vultures sit in
offer thanksgiving Sunday morning' for silence waiting for the sea to give up
the victories of the war, Archbishop its dead, Every tide adds to the tale
Ireland has issued instructions to the of horror.

Jas. G. Johnson.

' and Examination


churches in his diocese.
Washington, July 9.—Sampson cables
that in his opinion three of the Spanish
Ooneral Idea on the Tale.
vessels may be saved. The Colon is
Charleston. S. C.. July 9.—(Special.)—
certainly in good condition and there
JTht transports Yale and Columbia,
are reasonable hopes of saving the
having on board the commanding Gen­
ual of the Unit^ States army. Nelson Maria Teresa and Vizcaya-


Popular Clothing House

Tin is s nr».ttory BaUdUf C«u«d Z>wtb of
Bovorsl Ponooa.
Cleveland, July 9--(Sp«lal)-This
afternoon the five-story brick. bufl<^ng
occupied by the Britton Printing Co.,
was destroyed by fir*;. Several em.ployes were killed by jumping from the
third floor. It is feared that others cut
offirom escape have perished.
kglMW Tbomu of Dotrelt to to BUod TrUI
Tor XouUofbtor.
Detroit, Julv‘9.—(Special.)—Thomas
Thompson, engineer of the Journal
building at the time of the explosion,
was arraigned today on a chaise of
manslaughter. He stood mute. The
indictment has hung for three years,
and now the case is set for trial.
Big ElBotrie Company Formed.
L&nsing, July 9.—[Special. [—Thg
Western Electric Co. of Chicago has
been incorporated in Michigan, paying
a franchise fee of $500. Their Michi­
gan headquarters will be in Detroit.
Good •Tobtbr Editor Conger.
Detroit. July 9-—(Special.)—Congrssman William Aldeo Smith is reported
to have landed a $3,600 place for Editor
Conger of Grand Rapids, as a member
of the Industrial Commission.

BMUm MtaUd th« Oolta
ta » OasM !■
Wbicb BbU sad Hut Oava Oeod
Manistee. July 9.—{Special.)—In a
hot game today the Hustlers tied the
Colts in the series. Six gamei apiece
the Pine Stump League now stands.
The Hustlers made all of their runs in
the fifth inning. Following is the score:
Manistee .... 2 i 100000 0—4 8 2
Hustlers ,f.. 00005000 x—s 8 3
Batteries, Gleason and Hunt; Buffinger and McConnell. Hunt and Hull's
home runs in the fifth were features.



$6.98 and $4.98

rr. 0", sosT,
! 124 Front Street

Friedrid) Block.

Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired
vitbsc. lka«va«ehM«n-M)>c


Rememlier Mr New Place12 SogtR Uaien Street, Opposite C. A W. M. Depot
MIMsuiTutatilitf. H. E. QIBBS,Propr.

Hastings’ Real Estate Agenct

f«T oalr n

* WH ftCTM 1 bU* vcwl.
. vOI t
sp. OttMwpiMMjutMMrMtorsOTwae.

1 doz Lddiee’ Fine Silk Ctpes, elsbontely trimmed with wide
•ilk ohiffoD, silk h'ned, etrictly up-to-date, good value from
$6.50 to $10, we give you choice for $3.98. 2 dos ChiMren'a Wool Jackets, uioely braided, worth from $1-60 to
$2.60, all go at $1.25. Another lotoC better doth, better
trimmed, worth $2 to $2A0, to eloee at $1A6.

25 per cent. Reduction
on all Ladies Suits.
8 doz Ladiee' Silk Shirt Waists ia chedn snd plaids, also
plain taffeta; well made, good qalues at$6AOBad$6AO^ at
thU special Bale they wiU go at$3.90. .


The Boston Store,


• >>-- '5


THB KOSHXVO H»OOK>t8Tnn)ATt JWt 10. 1696.

Wm TmkM BlMoTklalfoatik at Xo>
ya4V»6E0nT. » MICKXOAll
ite. T. Batm


J. W. Eawo

Ir W. hAXaa. Editor wd Maaoffv.




mm Joly b tko
d»ta o( tke ladiOB Caar MMttat «t
KowadliL Tb* ladloa fTMokm ~
art OfMtod to ko proMot ar« I
Mookow, JoMph BodMrd.
lifbtaky, WUlioa PoUokoy, Job*
KowakoUlk. Tbe Nertkport lodlu
ehoir wilt koto eborr* of tko otorlnrProoeUoff oorrloM wUl bo eoodt
iB both tbe KorlbbaadladiMtoarMa
Soadoy. Jily Mtb. wlU bo blf 8oadoy. the aorrloe* wlU bo U eboiro d
BOT. Jobs Joeobo. Brorybody to toTltod to otUad Uto aootlag. To bolp
dob«y the rualor orponoaof tbo
aootioc 10 onto wUt bo ebarfod f(r
a to tbo ptmndo.
ttoorcc W. XtoTto Uo Vtottm of as
Aeddoat toBdlltococto XIU.
Goorca W. Darla, who waa Injnrad
to BoUtocar'a Bill at Maple City toat
Moaday, died yMtorday from Ua affacta of bto waaada. Aa afod father,
a wife aad trraaBaU ckildraa are toft
U Bonra bto Icon
Doeoaood oraa a BOBborof tbo ladco
af 1. O. O. F. of that place aad that
aadoty will hara cbarfc of Uo faaarai,
rbtoh win take ptoco Taeoday at S
o’etoeap.^______________ _

Tton wiU bo tbe baobor year (or
«n^ to MldiiiriA. »# crop roport
^teatoo that tbero wlU bo »oro tbaa
dwoaty-olfht BlUka buboto of wboat
•hto year and that tbo barroot wlU bo
two wooko oarllor tbaa toot year.
MtoUgaa eropo af all ktodo will bo
toaaryaadwlll eoBmaad tbo birb«t
Vara Wynka.
fctow to tbo Barkota. Witk tko afriKtocatoy.
aaltaral eoadlUom prMomtod to Uo
Wyakoop. dancktor of D. B.
Oraad TraTono reftoa tke todooo'laaato of the Padfle ooaot are aot oo Wyakoap of Kiapaloy. onfforad oorora
lajartoo Friday. She wao ridtoc boroaaUariaraatotbopait.
back whoa Ua waa tbrowa to
ItoB to tbo day tbe pnoldoatbao doo- craned, la Ua aaelWDMnt Ua bona
icaatadao a tiBoaf tbankorlTtoC for trad npon bar and canaad a broken
thoototariaoattatoodby the ABorteaa and a dinleeated Uonlder. Dr. Brawn•HM to tbo proMat otrllo, aad frwa
d Ue paUent.
a« to ooa dowMt arayor. of tbaakfal>
■ MM asd pratoo will aooead troB
Bvatcfol. patriotic UbOTty-lortoc pooW. L. Brown to kaildiac two new
fla, wbooo Blootoa to to carry freodoB eottacea on Webatar atreet.
datbo Cabaa patfiotofroa tbo tyraaay
Charlts W. Beater roprcoi
SUto-BIaek CloUtor company wiU bo
at ■amiltoa'a elatUnc atoro to eablbit
til caoda UBorrow and Tnaaday.
Jaaapb Baton of Kow York, rrill kopa, bare bocaso tirod of tbo poaoe aad
teotirlty of tbo cawp aad baro ar(aB- Cin bnatooM tomorrow oa Eaat Front
atraat. ia Ua atand forBorly oecnptod
toad baoo ball teaaa Thay i
A. S. Fryman. Be will open a ahoa
tooaad to cot into oeao oort of troable
atora and repair akop.
imrty eosolattoc af Ua Mimoi
Psaaon tbe Baaben of the otratocy Grace Morcaa. Oertrado Eoatacne.
tooard will yet bare caooo to rocrot Clara Posad aad Marion BobMta took
•bat Biebard Bardtof Daria wao aot tea at No-ah ta-waats toat oraaincBm of tboir aaabar.
nay droro boBO aftorararda.
If Uere to a anSetoat eambar of
I to wamnl, Ue M. A N. E.
. U MantlaUo today wUl
AiTMtod ia Ztofatoy Oharcad with
deter Uo ratva trip natll after Ua
Aaaault and Battaiy.
ball coo*- Tko train will toare bora
Aaraa Maaro wao arrootod by Uadar- at 6:M a. m.
Awtf Aabtoa la Eiapaley yoaterday
Tboioapraam ooeial to hara baoa
' Moratof aad tokoa baforo Jaatlee
ClroB toat aiebt by Ue toeal lodce af
, Valy OB a eharco of aaaatilt aad batGood ToBptora. did not lake ptooo aa
tory prefonod by Earl BaU Ho plradd. It waa deddad to poatM aot c«Uty aad wao ralaaMd on SIOO
poaa it natil aaxt Satnrday araaiap.
Ml far bto appoaraaoo for trial oa tbo
AlaaSleiaba^will go u Patoakoy
tftb. Dr. K. 8. BrowaMia farmtobod
•bo BceoMary eocarity. Is the bou- today tosposdafaw days wiU rato•liM Pinobeator Twaddle will torMti- Urea.
A. W. RaU. af Grand Bspida. who
CaU tbo eaao rory eloaoly aad rc^airo
•bo oomptotomat to famtoh eocarity tor iratobad Ue ptoae ter Ue now ooart
•we. to la Ue dty.
Mala. BeU to aao of tbo Boa amatod
dar beiar dtoordorly. aad who plead
Prat Fraada Ctompbdl aaOed orer
^ty aad paU a flae. tarethar with froB bto camp oa Martoa totoad yeaUr.
Erewer, Blaia and Kreiwor, tbe tottor day afUrmoea to Ue yacht BUal II.
ler oalUfiC Uqaor to Btowar.
- d by Dick Baaaett. Be sriU
ratnra Uto uominc wlU Victor oad
Bacto Baatoaaa Tenomw.
J. A. Maattocaa.
J. to- BUkMlaaand J. C MoOarBiak,
Tbere will ba a reentor moetlBC of
arhewiUharo ebarro of-tba braaoh DaebaM Camp, No. S8«S. Modara Wood
jErr. to tbto city, of Ua Ualtad SUtaa
of Amwiaa. Moadoy siebt to
Edtocrolaat Society, of Soctoaw. hare
A tnU attoadasea to
MtoVlotod their arraacoaoDta end will
«pM the ofBoo oa MoMay. to tba
Ber. C W. Oreaae af Oorbto. Ky.. will
MB black. Tba rootlamea aamad
apeak at Ue ConcrecaUmal eharah
- Bboo raatad two of Ua pratty now ootUto ereatoc- Bto aabjaet will be.
iifii OB WebaUratroct.jmtcoBpletod
Work Amanr Ue Uonnuto Wbitea.
^ W. U Browu, and are takioc poo- Ue Hicktosdara of Aiaerlea.''
Ptele St teWBMo Boaob.
Ttoo ooacrccattoa and Ssaday oebool
M tbo Oraco Eptoeopal ebareb wUI
Mraabaakot plcato oa Tacoday at
<trarorao Bcaeb. All veBban of Ue'
MBCi^tioB aad t^ eblldraa arc capartadu oUend aad aa}oy Ua day.
0mmm wfil Icaro tbo ebareb at B:S0 a.

ocbtaa trba
At Ua eaneaa la Pootoanto townablp
yMtarday. Ua fotlowtor delacatoa
arara aloetod to Ua ropnUteaa cooniy
MBTsattoaaad otbor oonfoattoiia of
HiBry Lordle. F. B. Biwwa, A. W.
■ni. P. L. JohDooa, ]r., A. t>. Gray.
Mb LoralU 8. K. BrtokBU. P. F.
iMdto aad O. £. OeOtaw.

BaUtoc•totoart CoBBor of Oadnioe
ArewBod Friday aftomoea while batbilWto LitUa CtoB lake, to an at
tBBpI to owiB a diatoaeo to a boos be
waatakaa with a cramp and
dl. ■ Hb companiona called for help
4Md thirty mlaatea tour U. body waa
tohoalroa Uo waUr. bat Ufo
.BStfaet. Tko
• of aca aad
•be aoB of J. W. OaBBiar.

Dr. W. F. Wbito asd Ismily. st
Wstsrtews. Wto.. psansd tbronck Uto
dty yesterday on Udr way to Sanlt
BU Mario.
Ber. J. C. Oannea and family are
roeertiag at KorUport.
Barry Coek went to OadlUse yestarday. •
a. G. O. Oorell west to Marqaeite
yeaterdry an tocal bwtoeaa Bto fam­
ily aecompaaled him aad will remato
aereral days.
The Mlwea Bboda Battoabarf and
Marcaret Londra bar* retanad from a
tbieeweeka' rislt at Grand BapMa.
They were aooOBpaatod bama hj Miaa
Loadonto atotar wba wUl rtoit bar par­
es ta, Mr. aad Mra WBa.London af Eaat
BiChU atraat.
Mra. W. F. GrlBa will attend tba
caap Beattoc at Bay View. She will
laaratemomw Baratoc aad will be
aeoompaniad by Mtoa May MUlar. who
will apaad aoma ttaw at that ptooa.
Witltom Whalaa to apendlocj few
days at Petoakoy.
Mra. Boy Pickett aad Mia. W. H.
Whalaa made a trip to Elk Ba^da aad
uk on Ualr Meyelw toat week.
F. W. Wilton of Etocatoy. waa to Ua
dty yaatarday on baatoeaa aad rtaittoc
A. W. Kilaar was a rtotlar to Ua
dty yaator4ay ftow Cedar.
Fr^k Dana. aaMCvet Ue pteroof

Ue J. C. Lawto wtota at SU^to, was
to Ua dty yesterday.
B V. Darto eama to yaatariaj frsa
Ber. J«baJ.>«aakaBtnd of Battoaa
3. H. Jaeobaoa caaa down fraw
NarUport yaatorday aad traaaaetad!
beatosMto Uadty.
U. Q. NIckeraoB of Baanah, wM bars
Bobart Brown arrirad toat ai^t
from Omad Bapida and will opead
aoBs ttaaa ia Ua dty.
Tba Miwaa Mabel aad Clara Sotea
rataraad yaatorday from a week's aatincatOld Miadon.
C, E. Marakay aad wife arrirad troa
Barinaw toat nlcbt aad wiU apaad a
few days at Park Ptooa.
U J. Orobben of Dolaad
bnaiBSM hero yaatorday.
A. Rest af Baadea. ease np ywtorday and apeat a few hove to tbe d^.


Cheapest sod moat rehabla place to gat you:
pat in good roBDiog order. Bare bad eoTeral yeara axpetiesee sad
know boir ii aboold be dose. Satisfactiob gnai
bicwcle soadriea at a'boat coat
and to rest. Please give os a trial.
Bncing a spedaltj.

Only 60 cents
For Half Soling Shoes,
and Heels, 50 cents.

Bar. S. CoeSlla. naatar.
Ear C W. Oraana of Corbto. By.,
will preach at I0:S0 a. m. Oira each
aUor, aad aapecially Ua atn
cor.itol baadabakc.
Bnaday Boboot at I1:U a. m.
Vounr people's aodetr of Cbrtotlan
EDilearor at e;lS p.
At 7:30 p. B., Bar. C W. Oreaae will
epeak npos kto wark amonc tka Bonatala wbitea. Tbeaa hlchlandera of Ue
United Butea are Ue aunt
portion af oar tobabllanta. Mr. Graoae
bMbcaa ameac Uem as a otoeloBary
ofUo Aaiericaa Mtoaioaary AaeodaUos.
Alt are oordially Inritad to hear hbn.
BCT. a oalatorr. mater.
Churen OB Ua ooraor of MlaU and
WadaworU atreetn.
Snoday aerrioea aa followa:
Inc at 10:10 a
Suadayaeboolat 11:10a. m.
T. P. A. at 0:10 p. B.
Prenebtoc at 7:10 p. mtMldwoek prayer nMatlnc at 7:30 p.

Ber. Banaeb. pwtor of Ue Second M.
B. cbnrch of Uto dty will oeenpy
pnloit in Ue Bmncelieal cbiircb, Bnndoy moraiaf. Jnly Uo lOU at 10:30
nasT MKnoDiar.
aa*.J.a.Bne4r. paaier.
DSanday—Ber. 8. Balabary will proneb
to Ue Bomlnc at 10:30 a. m. and to
Ue erentof Ue EpworU iMcne will
b^ra eharco of Ue eerrlce.
Claaa meatlnc at 0:10 a. m.
Bsnday aebool at doaa of moraine
Jsaior Lencnent8;B0p.B.
Ttanraday prayer Bsetlnc nt 7:30.
Ererybody srelcoma.
accoxn nmioNST.
a«>'. U. a. Beiirrk. PmIot.
Prmebinc at 10:10 a. B. Dart PenBtorton.
Baodarackool IS m.
EpwarU Lancna 0:30 p. b.
p. m.. paator.
All are welcome to Ueae aarricaa.
onacK (ni-iBCOi'Ai.) cbi-bcb.
Oernrr WaabiafUMi ciraet ud BoartBaB An.
Brr. caaa T. Otost. KMer.
Holy CoBBoaloB 0:43 a. m.
Morntor tarrioa and aermon at 10:30
Bcnday aekool and Bible clnan at IS.
Veapar aerriea at 0 ^ m.
Offarlnc by Miaa Crawfer^.
All aracordlallyinritodte Ueae aerteas.
Finer Bai4iR
Tkara will be no preachinp aerriea nt
Ua Baptist ehnreb today. Tbara will
be Bcnday aebool aad B. T. P. C. mast,
tor aa ssoal. Members are aaked to
tor Uelr chrelopes to Sunday aebool
band Uaa to Ue ebareb traaanrar.
oa Ua Paalnaala Are Baa- '
aflttod by Tbto Hetbod.
Tbe stoamar Ooekama U already doiac eoaaldainble bnatoaaa oa her ran
batweea Old Mtoalon. East Bead asd
Elk Bnpidi.
Tcatordny the bent
braarbt to Enet Hend 314 ef«tw\ of
eberriea, oonalynad to Chionco fnitt
dealera. A part af tba earco was
picked np nlanc Uc abara an rente.
Tbto BcUod af qalck tranaportoUaa of
trait to betoc appreeiatad by Ua farmera on Ue peainealn aad the plan of
tarlBclBC Ua fralt ont to Ue atoamar
la asall boato to prorinc of rnat
Pearlle MlUar waa plaaaanUy anrprlaed^'yeatardsy afternoon by abont
twenty of bar playmaica. who raBembared that it waa bar tenU birthday
BBairaraary. The rldlon bronckt Bar
Bsay tUaaa of frtem
folks enjoyed Uemael I playtoc rar.
loaa camee. Later, a
aarrad, aad all want bama wtoblnc
Paarlta aaaay mora aaU happy WrU-

^ ___

dolly 881^100 oa

'Mtoa Br^lyn Wmiarna of Maatotaa.
rUo tortoltl^ bar anaU Mra. 3. CtoBpball, waa cirao a aniprtoa oa bar birUdsf by a nambar of lltUa frlanda. B»
trsabBeato ware aarrad aad maay Jolly
enmaa wars plpyad dnrtoc Ue after-


BuBsar Gnuu an Bejoytog
Cbamtoc Baaart.

For Tops

Cutom Made Shoes a Specialty.
Ret^Stor* and B«p^ Shop.



314 E. Front Street.
Old MlMloB waa Bcrar moca baaaUfcl than it to Uto anmaar. The late
aad abendaat mtoa hare kept aeery. .plraMBtaeaaoDattbera«>rt.aad wiuj **“«»•
wiU dlarrhaaa will
Utocfraahandcraaa.aodUecRBSdlboatiac. flUlaf and bnUlnt *.4. nU ^‘“*^**^ *■ **« «*P*'**«* «* »rnndar Ue plnee that shade Ua resort Ue rarfad amoaetnaBU that anBrnarj'^- “• B*U. clerk of Hotel Darranee.
to oaa lone bank of lloweia, craat Ufa ena fnratob. Uoea who oom- early I T’»®ridenee. B. I. He aaya: "For aarasbaeto of bioeat batr-balla. nuT yaldaD aad linear anUI tke feoau tarn Ua {F<*n 1 kara bean almcat a aautnnt
eoraopato by Ue sera lormtoc brlUiaat wpoda inta-aBtamDal piory. will Bed aoffem from dlarrboan, Ua frequent
laaaea of oolor.
It to no wonder that wlU ila yallow
ipon Ualr eb(^
boUL About two ynra ago a anlcnaad binr, Ua traa nalTerrity colon.
maa kladly pare me a aaalT botUa of
Old Mtoalon at Uto time of Ua year
Cbambi rule's Colic. Cholera a
rboeaBemady. MoUte ay
abanid be a fsTorlto spot wlU Ann Ar­
it ..
its eflaela were to
bor people. Dr. aad Mra. Breaky of V. O. T V Oloaad a Fiofltabla Oon- aad deUghk
Wbeaerer I felt ayaptoms of tba <UAna Arbor bare been oocnpylnc Ualr
aanac I wonld fortify myaelf agalaat
oaat^ TMtorday Korntog.
eattaca for aereral weeks with Ualr
Ua aliaek wiU a few doaea of Uto rnl>
Tbara waa a rary amall attondancs aable remady. The reaalt baa been
Cneata. Profaaaor aad Mra. Adaau aad
Jadca Green and wife, of Lnwranea. at ymtarday aarninr'a maaUaf of tba ton aattotnetary aad almost coBpIeta
H g.
ket Ue bMlasM antllaed ralfcf fromUaefBIction." PoriSa by
The famitieaof Barant
B. B. Watt, Drafgtot.
Dean aad Dr.Vancbaaof Ua Unlranlty

r npon Ues



Onr ba^ baa baoa eontton^y tronblad WiU colic and cholera tofantoB
aisea bto birU, aad all that wa aonld
I do for him did aot aacB to gira i

rboaa Eemody. Binoe giriag Unt raaedy ba baa aot bean troaUed.
want to.give yem Uto taatUiKBlal aa an
•rldaaca of oar praUude. not Uat yon
bare baaa aoenpying their benatifnl
Tbe foUowlog officara ware alectod:
Qaaan Anna eotuge for aereral weeks.
E. Gertrude Minora.
Ua arrirala who are expoe- Ceni.-al Uaioa.
tod daily are Hr. Flerca and family of
Seeretary-Un. A. C. SmiU. Willard
Chicago, whose collage to to raadlnam. Union, Went Trarene.
SararnI of tba eotUgea are aot opened
Traasnrar—Mra. Mary Obartog, Old
but in a Uort time naarlr all will ba Mtoaiaa UaUa.
occnplad. and the qniet raaort life
Tbe rice p'ceidenu are eoBpaaed of
Wa are again ready,
wbieb U tbe charm af Uto farored Ue prcaideaU af Ue eariasa anion.
reaort will be in foil awing.
«k of lee. todellFcr t
Mra. P. B TrarU waa elaetad rlaa pan of Ue eUy.
Around tbe enrre of the ahora. wlU- praaUeat at large.
Maple block wood also for sale. .
to half a sUe of Ue cottages are lo­
Tba cenrentioB adjoarped at noon.
cated Uc pretty Old Miiaion bomes Tbe place of Ue next nuaUag wilt be
Uleb aac^ aaniBar opea Ualr boa-1
Telaphona No. 34.
eboaaa by Ue axaeaUre eommUtoa.
plUble doom to gaaaU from all orrr
the United States. Hadden Ball to | Oban. W Banter will taka orders for
Uto aummer in charge of Mtoa B. toord.' Stela-BIoeb fall and wlatar garmeou.
of Cbleago who ia an ideal koateaa. *1-1 amU cr orercoau. at Hamilton'^ Cloth-


u.. —w


>sef Ue
of her atiaBer family. She I tailor's art 871-*t
has Mly been ia ebaige for a few
------------daya but expeem maay raaarton to Ue j
nrar fntnra. AnMng Uoaa who .areip
planning to cotne are a jolly party of
yoeng Udlaa from Daa Molnaa. Iowa.
Record Want Column.
Mr. and Mra WlllUm ButterworU of
Chicago, spent a few days at Ua Hall
ifyon a
Ue drat of Ue week.
Tke Raakmora Boasa wi'l be flUad a
little later to Ue aaaaoa. aad a large !
party from Denrar hare engaged all |
Stone's raaldaoce. This '
party spent an Mjoyabla aanaaa nt Mr.
Stonas' a year or two age asd eoaaldar
for their
Mm aia* n. CravlBrd. Miaa AJk« T. Botona
Mtm Motol^. way. Him ioMta
AH todiehtlcina point to an annanally


R. Winnie,
aad Paper Haager.

Shop Oppoeite Basle OAo*.

One HeKaam'a 8bM Bum.


Tnnnc Citj SdiMl of liisic!

«e P t

Whichever you may wish when suitlnx yourself with a pair -•
of Shoes, you will find in otir handeome an/i up-to-date stock ^
of Men’s Bhoee. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th'a aeaeon of
the year, and wo have themin all.ehades for Walking,’Bicyole Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable ^
and the





IHB Uoajnro bboobi). strsnaT. roi,T lo; lass.


siwwdsd nronnd thstpe.ksra stand nd
joined the atossra aatii within • abort
time it oseasd that aU tbe mombars
piaastt wera aldioc In swriliny tbe
eolama of aony. Brasently a volee hero
and tbcra la the yallerfea jalaed In and
Mwnbftrt et tht Houm SIgnalin It was not long oatu memben and
wore a'l s nylnc the patriotte
Adjoummant with an ** IIhymA The____
. lagant" Dhraraion.
tlott from the many parUaan domontuwtlona which had been srKnenssd
iu^ a abort time before. Doroocrata
ftepnbllcanB were now alnglng In
accord tbe national anthem.
When tbe song ceased sOmc membor
proposed three cheers tor the nation’s
Wa^ C«ruml7 Ravt ''Fit" If It president, and the roar of aonad that
Hadat Bc«a for Other. Suteo*
foUoered gum from a united houaa.
Tbon. north, sooth, east. west, a unltsd
men ud the -Muc.
country, was proposed; ud tbni In

U-XMmt u otTM hr th- lutMta Hm- Anally the turner repreaenutlve. Ocn.
a-ill- CUM *llh • B-WMhaU- ou- Wheeler, was named, ud tbe hall re9tar or rMMe amrne»tmm-Uemnmn noonded with ehsera. IlsanUme flergeut-at-Arms Russell had brought in
mm Piwtd-at. Orfhtr. oa4 Vavol Md Wt small Ameiicu flaga. and every
MUItwr H-roM os4 alar Aa-rk*. IMito member was now wavihg one. 'The
Star {^angled Bannar'- waa suns, while
aad Taohe- tuodu,
WMhlncton. Joir l.-Tbe end ot thle l^r*fo'^wtl^”Tuk!i'''D^te"^^
OHBloB of conciraa In the houac vae "Dixie.” the latter perhaps for the Brat
aiarlnd br two notable Incldcota. One UffiC in the bouse joined in by memwa* aenaaUonajDr partisan. weH.Dlsb bars from every sect.on ot tbe oountrrCheers for tbe speaker were given,
reauitbic In perional conOroii vpon the
floor of the houa^ the other waa nota- a half hour and than the members be­
bJy patrioUc and swept awar all al(ns gan 1e«\ing. saying farewell to coU
of the former. Ir. tl.< forw^r ;tar (Rep.) leagnes. "Home. Sweet Home." uO
of New Tnrk, Haadf (IVm.) of Dela­ "Anid Lung Syne” suppluted tbe
ware. CaimonvflllincU am) i:UI (Dem.) patriotic airs ud Impressed more
of Team* were the pHnelralrartlctpanU. strongly upon tbe hearers that another
was ended, aerk McDowell,
IB the latter all the memb' rs joined,
e slnglBB cea ~
fircopeetlve of party afhllit jtia After eierk'B stand
the rather atomy •'b*i< n of two hours
aelsatppi bad opened a recruiting
the boose, when sdiourr.mrt was sn- ofDce la the ways ud means commit­
nooaccd joined In iheer- f>.i the presi­ tee room, ud a few mlnutet'lAter Aldent and war heroes, and th< slnytac of leA popularly kirown as "RrlvaieDoho."
. patriotic aonn» fnaklna i'«-haps the arose and aald: "Tbe coagreaslona)
rooft notable'endtr« to a edii^ since rough riders will report to me in tbe
the civil war. The only me;.' -jre of Im­ committee room ud enlist for Cuba."
portance passed was a t "i to rrlm- The unouccement was suggesUve of
bsrae states for er;.^c:t.‘ .;.curred In hta speech delirared a number of days
AldtBC the orpanlaatlon of the volunteer ago In wbich be proposed that a compuy of congreeamen be recruited.
Sandy Ih—lpISsaM th-Sow.
Handy of Delaware by mutiny to
; atrlhe from thy record a part of the ■eegaa Dtaapproem A
speech which appeared as IhatofRayor
New Tork predpliaced the dispute
which brotvht on the cloalny Incident
of oensstlonal nature. Handy decUred
that the part In .oaestion was not .utread from reporter
his asaertlon. Bay declared that be bad
uttered every word. “Mr. Speaker.” re­
named Handy, "a oueotlon of veracliy
baa arisen here. If tbe yentleman from
New Tork aays be ottered the words In
oaestlon 1 declare upon my honor hr
did not, and 1 hold here the reporters'
Mtcs which show that he did not. and
I rely upon tbe memory of members to
natetanUate what I say."
k Opens Fir®.
^ vote."
ovar tbe bouse, who clung to the hope
. that htalr biUi might be pasted witblh
the tcmalnlng hour of tbe sessloD ud
wera In haste to hare tbe Ka>--Budy
Incident cloned. A vote was taken. The
bouse declined to atrlke out-4he speech.
A dlvlalon woe called fur ud the nega­
tive vote again prevailed. Cannon was
Btnaang just across the center Isle, face
flushed and eyes Dsed upon the mlnor> Ity, growing apparently Ridlgnant.
*T call for tellrra.” said Handy, and
with that tbe evleru member from 1111nets stepped Into the'aisle,
•Too are dellberatly obstructing
pnbUc business In whieh tbe whoJecountry Is lntrrested~~ tbe test of bis re­
main were lost In the jeera of the mi­
nority, calls for tbe regular order and
.the resulting confusion as Cannon
,charged up the aisle, pouring out aflood
of TlguTooa denunciation.
CoUMsawithsI oUCram 9
Be had reached.
Ban of Texaa Cunon
called for
the yeas and naya, sayli
was manltet tbe D
for them.
and bad repeated Ui charge of obstruc­
tion when BaU, Udresslog the'RepubUeu side, as It subsequently drvek^wd.

I atieodut open tbe adjot

had been agreed when (be senate con­
vened at nuon that the houac resolution
providing fur the adjournment of con­
gress at : r m.. should l« adopted, and
that u executive aeoalon s ould be held
to confirm the poninat'ons In the millUry and naval estshlUbmohts. No oth­
er buainese ex<epi of tbe mereet routine
nature waa to be transacted. Tbe ar­
rangement was carried outko tbe let­
Morgan opposed the propeaed ad­
journment. maintaining that It would
be far more desirable for congeeaa to
take a reeen until the first Monday ta
September. Morgan said; ‘There Is ab.
neoiwKy for an adjournmeat at this time. It Is a baaty.lmprovldent and dangerous step. It seems lo
me that the war with Spain U drawing
to a roaclitslon. The ending of tbe war
wni bring to conyresa queetions of the
highest lrop<iru»nce. of the gravest con­
sequences In our history. 1 ahbnld not
be saUsfted to go away In the clrcumataacea, leaving the
supiwrt. We do nut know what emer­
gencies confront us. what dangers lie
Just ahead."
In response to a question by Allen as
to whether It was not likely that peace
neeptlaitons. In tirw of the dlBiatcfaea
pitblUhed yesterday morning, might not
require the altenth n of congren aooA
I Morgan raid the sur gestlon was correct
1 and apt. 'Tbe ver}' moment." aald be,
“that the treaty of peace Is signed by
the prvsidenl and the government of
Spain the mllllarr power at the preoldent will cease and (lelrglslatlvebranch
of the gi vemment must provide a govemmenl for any territory we may
quire by the war. The power of «
gress comes Immediately Into effect and
strugglingtorwacbeatb other, whilemany wc ought to be here to exercise It.”
But the senate was bent on adjOURiotherw were pulling and struggling to
oentmi ihrm. The house was upon Its
M declared by the
feet. Marsh of Illinois seised Cannon
and thrust him aside and when Ball
maked Cannon to “come outside." and
the latter was moving to comply Leals
wf. Washington look charge of the BuTenne-aee Prohll lU. nl*U nominated'
Bota memlier and nwiralned him.
W. D. Turnley. uf CUrksvlUe. for
Tbe Third Iowa ecngresslonal dis­
trict Republican convention has reitamr^ly and Msg rstitoUe keagw
Inated D. n. Ilenderaam
Charm Norton, of Hanland. WU.,
Meaiittme tbe speaker bad been
pounding hard.'and the sergeanl-at- died ot a sunstioke w hile atwurii paint­
armt had seised the big silver mace ing at Bearer Uke. Win.
Chief of Pcllce Lon Pemandet waa
and -was moving ammig the member*
where the greatest disorder ptevallsd. killed In a atreec fight at Rogersville,
Order was restored slowly and a roll Tenn.. by an onttaw naned Bradley
call pnx-redad. wbl'e the gal comI'arkcr PiUsbury died at his home In
meated upon wbut they bad seen in _
the Schcv.l sirvci. Concord. N. H. He was
Gourae of a visit to Waal

- The
Cannon cx,4.taed tfmt
Ball bad addressed

him personally, and therefore he deolred to/wiUdraw bis offensive statemenL The house then passed tbe blit
to reimburse tbe states for expenses
Incurred In transporting, fe-d ng. clothtag acd caring for soldiers In aid of
organlxaiion of the volunteer army. Tb*
. gpesiker named Henderson. Hopkins of
,;ilUnola and Rlc^iardsun of Tcaneasee
n» a committee to wait upon tj>e preat^sdenu ta company witb'a senate cma>i;tal(tee and cnr.otfhcc the readinem ot
kgoongreaa to adjourn.
K “Mr. Speaker.- said Hendeni..A after
rriurn and reiort that the commltbad discharged its duties, “the
dl.-evU the cummluee to aay


r«it*s to congratuUte this congrees up.,a
I'lU patriotic and^ faithful work. " The
jtepoii was applauded. The remainder
epf the BMlon pasaed wttbont jncldent.
• At 2 o'clock when Speaker Reed anjtoounced: ThU second aess'on of this
Aungresa adjourned ./Itbont day." a
great cheer arv-oe. and then began a
beene which surpasaed In entbuBlaam
sod good feeling any similar episode to
.be semoty of the oMest memb-r of the
Tb* occuponu of itae galleries why
tad risen to go panoed as they heard a
laH dosen member* begin singing
•Axssrtca.” Other msmbers burrlcdtv

Dispatch Sajrs That Shsftar Has Aaaoaacad His lateatiu ta Boa- '
bard lha Otp.

Suits and

nms nr Ouim-Mnsat U Hm,pmmm4 to
•sTadny-tMaeosslen of Penas Wltboat
idrld Tnksa .


cabinet counefl
evening considered tbe uuesilon of
rsMcs ud ■fiilUary measures ttecsssary in view of u American attack
upon FpuUb porta. AU rumors as to
peace n
A dltpat'h f
after the Herriingr priscaew ■were ex^ngvd General Shatter again de­
manded that the
declaringthai oiherwlee theuttack would
recommence at noon. The dispatch gives
BO date for the lime of resumpcion,
which It believed to he noon today. It
concludes by saying that altbough SanUago lacks pruviMnna It will defend Itself until the end. ‘
OtM-B-Oo— mi Paaee WHhewt BssalS.
London. July t.-Thc Madrid correspottdeni of The Tliree aaye: “The fre­
quent cabinet discuasluns of the peace
question have be»n without result, ex­
cept that the mlntaiera who had moat
strongly advocated war have aatumed
a slightly more conrilUtory attitude,
and the field of diwusslon Is aomewAat
narrowed. The Idea Is that owing lo the
Immense dlfficullies of the campaign m
Cuba the United Fuies will probably
abandon the system of storming forti­
fied place* and will adopt the plan of

the whole
would probably prefer aulng for peace
lo ouSeelng an Indefinite blockade, but
It fears the yarge body of patriotic
oplplonTn favor of reelsUng to the Ut­
ter end If Cuba Is blockaded."
Advise® Spain lo Umkm feamm.
London. July S.—Tbe Times M>a ed­
itorially this morning: "Spsln should
make peace before AmMica has hardened ber beart. Referring to tbe anneg'
atlon of Hawaii. The Times aays: 'The
annesstton suns the republic upon a
new course of action; yet the American
people i-- not so enamored of tbe Phil­
ippine* CA to refuse to conidder tbe
quetuon of leaving them In Spanish
banda. Later on they may be lest com­
plaisant. and wbat la even more serious,
they may find It Impossible, even If they
wished It. lo leave the Island to Spain.
If peace were concluded now Spain
could transport the Cuban army to the
Philippines. If she elects to sUnd a redocUoB of Cuba by blockade she will
lose that army: and it would then be
Impossible to leave tbe PhiUpplnes ta
Snaalsh baods"


Monday and Tuesday, July II and IZ
■ Orders taken now will be delivered for fall.
An invitation to all

at Taachara for Oty
(Thartor of Traverse Oily govoroli
public acboela. the Board of Bga:
vein bold a apodal examinatioa in the
Central aehMl bnildlag Uoaday. Augpurpoae of axamiatag
loatea who may wish
.. eaata for paoiUoaa to
teaeh^totbe pablie aehoola ot Traatlon ta regard to gnallflcaUoaa of teaebera. anriteanu aiu re­
ferred to ifoe. VIII of tbe Bylaws of
she Board ofEduoatioa. copies of which
may ha bad at tbe City Clerk's office.
By order ot tbe Board of ExamLneia.

Tmerse Bij Line otSleaniers.
bU. unleM y
— -WaU,
yoo are pee-------------9d to pay this bill
biU when 1 call aroond COLVlIBlA AJTD fJOV A. ODVonow ni abow yonthatlo I draw
« oat of a lieaL —Exetaaom.
Beoaption to W. B.«. Draaidant.
lira.^Tie E. Beaaatreat of Bellair*.
dlgtricOAaident of tbe W- B. C.
tbe gueat of Mra L. Soale for aevval
days last week, retaralng haM# yaatarday. PrUay arealng a deUgfalfal
reeeptJoa eras tendered ber at tbe b«
of Utm. Soale by tbe lotml W. B. a
Delieioaa refreahMU were served
a^ tbe evening apeat la
better aeqaainlad with tbe dixtriei
Took Polaon latendad for Bata
A few daya ago tbe fiv* year old i
of Morria Saekrtt, Ilvlag
aarrowly escaped death by
Heawallowedaqoaatltyofpolaoo which
bit moiber had prepared to exterwlBate raU. Dr. Browuaon waa called
and pumped the boy out t> that he will

Kora Baemita.
Albert Novotny and Warren O. Hnataisger wera Mastered la the United
: p,.,Mii,]y ,he last of the old time "AboU- States asrvloe yMterday by tbe reeralU
ingaqoad. This makes twenty re1 Uon" reformera
at Bradford. Pt_ Oeorgh R. MeCal- erulta from bera. alnea tba recral
j „h,p.. a well-k„own IRSllcn tSS- offina cama They srOI have baan bera
clan, commuted suicide be<aase of bus­ ooe week tomorrow.
iness reverses.
The rnited Flates senate has con­
firmed the nomtaationof David P. Jonas
to be United States attorney of tbe
western district of Wise as n.
Judge Petf-r 8. Grusacup wa* named
by the preoldent as on*- of the members
I Bsl< 0 to revise and amend
the patent laws of the United fttaieo.
Tbe funeral of l^lward Ashworth, a
member of tbe Danv:i:e (Ills) battery,
who died of fever at Cblckamvoga, was
conduvied at Mait'kin. Ills.. In military
The Flxth dlstrct De noiTst* ta conventloB at Colby. Nas., refused to In­
dorse the candldgcy of N. B. McCor­
mick. the Populist nemlD«* for eneigresa
Assistant Trwagurer WUHamt at Chi­
cago has anuounred that no further
loan will be
accepted at the local BUb-traasttry after
non next Tuesday.
Richard Votaw. of TFashlngton
conmy. Ky.. who ahot four peroons
fatally at a tent moellng In Mercer
county Snnday night, has been tastantHy killed by the sheriff.
Prod Rodman, of W«stf.*4. Wla. shot
his wife through tbe heart and at­
tempted Is shoot hi* brother. He was
arreried. pleaded guilty and seatenecd
for Ufe la tweuty-foor boura

Ohas. W. Baxter will
will exhibit the latenst
productions of the tail­

Rumors «s to Nsgotiationt <•
That End Art 8oml-Officially Dsnitd.


Sir. KebaH Baatos the Tosng Bag•
Uah Pa'mist and tclen'lfie Ufe read«
hsB removed from the Whiting botal to
quiet and retired parloea at tba Soaay
Bank kotel Uatoo atraek where be can
be eoualtcd daily and Sunday froa






6 M
4 M
I 60



Has a vonderfal nan aritbla iU
limita, in the peraoo of

Of Lexin^n, Ky,

KTxixa EATaaopTaavKMaicnT i


Not a clairvovant or fortune tellsr
but A SciHDtific Palmist.

The Mlic't Maes Adilw.

Bedoead Bats* on O. B. B X
Buffalo. N. Y., one fore for roaod

Torooto. Ontario, one fat* for round
trip. Sail Aagoai Mth. fotb. and t?th.
gm^ to rctara SapL Oib.
Vermfllioo. O.. ope fare for rooad
trim Sell Aagaayl^ good to ratora
Bay VlewCbm/ HaeUng. ooa fare for
~ -

d rates ta oibar polata. Pbei
Murray, Agent.
C. L. Lockwood, O. P. A..
Oread Barid

eonaeet with steamer retim­
ing ta Traverse City at 4M p. m.'
Afteraooa exenraioot from Traverae
City, taka tba
Crieiaat every
afteraooa at 1:00 far Meabtawasta
where yoo will eoaneet arlth etaamer
etaraiag to TraverM Oty at 4ri0 p.
Tepartimof fivaer mare a rate of
CM fare for tbe ranad trip wlU be


TlieToang Engliib Pilmlit mi
SlentUc Life Reader.

ILoa____________________ _
d Utb returo July 4U.
iA ooe fare for ftmnd tri
. ..... Hh. retara Aogaet Ulb.
Laelogton. ooe fare for rooad trip.
BrU Jaly<6tb to Aagota 6th. retara
Aogoa’. 16th.
SarategA one fare for roond trip
Sell Aogaet 1st. good to retara Aogast

Ar. Northport.......... ..............0:»

lemovod to qnitt and retind p^lore at tbe Sanny Bank Hotel,
214 Tnion Streefv near rirer.

Sir Richard Easton.


Cbicago, one fare for rooad trip Bint
ts eeata ScU Jaly mh good to rctara
Aognat 10th.
Clodnaati. one cm I per mila Sail
^umbar Sd, good to retam October

Record Want ColnaiD.
tmaaonradforasait for fall de­
livery. Oa ta BanUtaa OotUag 00.**
Mead^or Taeeday and leSTat the
~ ' i-Blocb cxbibH. .«?l-tt

«ll 7S
40 TS

"Ibave naad Chamberlain’a CL-.Bamedy la my family for yaara and
always with good rasulU." mya Mr. W.
B. Cooper of fa Bio. California.
amaU ehlldrea we find U eapaeially
euve.” Per Mie by 8. £. Wait.

Oraaoont Band Ooneart.
Daily Xteaiag Bn
A large crowd enjayed as open air
eoMart given by tbe Creecant ^and (M
Taka otaamer at 6:40 a m. fer Beabtba varanda of tf a Park Place Hotel tawanta where yoo will eoanaet with
to Travlast nigbu Tke boya have Improved
at I0:4S A m. Tbia wlU give
wonderfallynodertbe abitlfsl leader­
‘ It ride of S4 mllM on the
ship of Profeeaor BoraL
PrarkPriadneb’a Ta^t Ashore.
The Bacea 8. Piagrea, Jr.. Prank
Priedrich’s yacht, broke looae ftocn ber
tags yeatarday daring the high
wind, nod drifted opos tba beaob. Tba
CraaeentpnIIadbaroTaadno damaga

Travatas City KarkaL
Below ia a ^t of tbe bying and eell

ProffeoMr of Aatronomy, Aatnl- OR7, Fbj-siology, and Character expreaaion.

Palmistry Taught.
The 14 linea aod Moanta and Ffaa.
lani^ for M2.50 for this
week ofily.
^ banda, Baad.
ing in Palmhitiy or other
* Sdencea 50c and opmiKla

Next waek Chaldee will be bu^w.
Have yonr palm read ana .

Hie secret of aoeoeaB ia to know
arhat yon are best Adapted foe.
Baaton can tell yon.

Tbe kii^ Palmist
Honra, - 9KM a. m. to 9:30 p. OL

iriiion Street, ne«r riper.
AU baalMM privata. CbU aM
ad palmlatfT taaghk prtvataly. For
nricaa ate. call. Oradaata of La Bna,PalmiayT Bebool of Parte. Pr.




Bleak. BoieLWktUag and Park Plata
at >:U p. m. ’Boa will also eoanaet
wHbbostatlI:MAM. FraitoarwiB
ba at Bast Band on Toaadaya, noiadayt and SatordayA IbMingiid and
trail erill ba taken on at any point
ya^^ftaninatfaatob by noSag oat:


ProtectiTe AssociadoD
iMBMtba moat liberal SirinaMSad
Aeddantlnaarance Policy of tbs day.
Aotheriaed onder tba SIM t-------^
DnstftMMt of Mieb.

U woman treabM oitb____
■■lift**' d|te«rklWt<Mdf vMdo.


or Boi b* m»y
rcmblas to be
and oDMe of Uw •«*»
.*«—-»»el»e—*«• <»»»*»—.,
«B« V«T
be eeee away down bare la Waab- >
8l Louia. Julj l.-A apeciaJ to Iba
I BepobUc from Cuba. Mo., aara-. A oour.
DWel Km>« II Wm a La«r.
i ler froB Bleelevine. tbc cosBU- aMt of
The rtaht of petlrtoo rcmalDa vn- Ctairford eoimty. bn>n*ht tbe Urtlhle
The Mlcblaaa aeaatore aad sew* rMterdar that the toon had aW
even oa the ere of con- aaoot been wiped oat br a rraierapout
reoelved pati.
thma from all orcr the^ Mate
oa aS
are: Mb. U>« Tocher and babe,
aorta of leptea. Many peUUon* farorad bl Loolt; daujhter of Charlea Abrana.
the adoption of a banknjptcr Uw. after at. LonU; Mra. Joba Wooda aad two
Oat Uw had been adopted.
ebUdrm Steelertlle; Mra. Jamea TaB
In ihla glow of victory haa It oe-1
throe children. BteeUviUe;
eorred to our auteamen that we owe' TfmJhm Leaeui
onr tunmpha to the forbearance of tbe ' Bioogb. Bteelevll.
Had any one of them j known, MIdUnd.
WaablnatoB. Juij a.—Vemont haa great poa-era?
raleed a Unger we could not hare de- I
Ai aoon • - the nerra waa rerdred a
her z>ever. North Carolina her HobaoD.
airoyed the ManUa fleet nor main- r^H,f p»rty aUrted for tbe aricken
MM Mirblaaa ber Bhafier. We men of
-------- ....
-------------- tattled the AnUUea blockade, la U In town
Tbe town waa In rulna Few
aneblaan airc honor
wnor to tte ber^ of
naUonal aelf reaped ] building* were Uft'atandlng.and groans
• 'other autea, bnt we are not dear to me that we abonld have been rotting in of anguUh were heard oo all aldea as
aaeomlama of tbe nation which
the canker of a gmefatton of unreadl- aearcbeia ooogM for lovwj ones among
ahowered upon onr aeldler boy and neaa lcn:iring ercry aaegewttoD ofpra. tbe debria. The'waterspout occurred
dence. wasting our auhstanee. aad get, oatside the town bat ewelled Tartkin
have expecting In a sadden flash of war to j erreh. which came doa-n in a mighty
• »r frit mo proud When etaadlag la
even Spa n. The aardcmlc Irony | and deoirocilve flood, aweeplBg aU be.
' Ihi' In the
**'' •Peeche* In ooBgrasa—j fore It.
tip to last evening thirteen
the pr^tdenu IB the to whip aU.creatlon In fifteen I bodlee had l-en recovered, hot It U
• ■- “
nen onar- mjButear We now see where we would thought ftat more have perished.
1 have ba\a been had the hysterical counsels,
Bt. Loula, Jnly
A special to The
been proud of the I
t. the de>
of Cleveland prevailed In (be Vene* : Reputillt-from Bunberry. Ma. lay*:
vMopment and morality of
our people,snelan buslneai and we had plnnged In- { heavy rain at i o'clock Thursday gnerwhich was prevented by tho' noon b<camc a flood of water a'ong-the
«Bd of tb«|r patriotlam.
BuL In all
] valley sout
B*«a( events *K>iy centers around tbe •tt“«n«nlmltr of l«rd &
lag t'p «r tbe miipplam.
Some fifteen -tHmlUrs with their housea
leader, and BfaaTter'is a Michigan man.
We know that erenta go ta^d inhand were carried ai< ng by thf s.vecplng torWe ataou'd s'l be proud of him for be
with -debate.
Take these Phillpplnea rent.
are: Mrs.
bas nobly no uitted hlmicX**
for Instance. Did any one want them <»r«y
Coagre<^n..n SpauMliic eayo; ‘T’ell three moet:i* ago? They were as un-'
tbe peoTlc of Michigan at home that known as Cnmta to our English friends OB Uhh *»»> »•«* gallons of oil was
the Mlchlgai
In tbe national cap- In isk. Thiy gave us hemp which we earned a mile. Thpe miles from Miry............................................
h* swollen
are sterling higher tBsn usual, and
no* eaiieclally need, and tobacco vlllc.
the house
iwcy '■ Nodaway
e swelling tbeir ch.*U as
they walk »hicb we d.d not smoke. Tbe Dewey
* they
- Nolan, a fanner, and Mra.
7<l,c ' of
Not only
Crimea to the Nolan and her mother, Mrs. Phoebe
B with ns.' M
' tsOencrr.i SL. fter c
g out vlcdosl5m. were drowned.'

th« OMdt or tho
WolTtrifl* Boy*.



Mn reg:men:s then. Knd those sturdy
Volvertne boys were In the flght aU

b Btory of valor and bomlrm which
aast sUnd fbrever.”
Snsvw Bcliem There Are Olbm.
a first
. aald: ^ -Qlve all
• in the field,
t forget J
our Michigan
U who stands at the bead
of the war diriment. He Is iu the
qounelU of the president, and paniripates In Uie direction of the army. The
! frofu f

is a greal war secreiary.
rv 1‘r- column could beflUed with
Ot Ukh'can
. all of
.d of our aoldlera. the
W* do not expen them to be better
than othefAmerican soldiera. but they
•re smong the best.
s regarded as exceedingly
ngly uBf(
e t
t Beereiaty
Alger ahould
oo tesme of coolness with Mafnr Oenoral Miles, the senior ofllcer of the ann}’.
Because of this fset General Alger
B-the administration of the
r department. He dues net seek the
lasei of
..f Gent-ral
Mliea and hence he
Is deprived of the advice of the ablest
A*hen the battle
lago began.
and until Us close, the Alger' sad Mc-Mltlan families were exceedingly apieral Alger's ano
and Senator McMillan'
the front, and under Are. There . _
■anxietr In thousands of homes dnrinVt
, engagemeat. and there ta deep
grief loday ,
' hearthstpnes.
tton to the fact that the battle
begun bv a Michigan man. Tlie olTleUi
T^rts shew that It was General l>uffield who ilE&Alid to Admiral’Bampaon
when to begin the ■
Mom esel’e. At that signal the fleet
, *“
forth deatructlon. ____
“ belching »—•--tbe aoldlers under Duffleld went for­
ward at tbe same-time.
LMhiag Atler Hichlgaa Mea.'

MTOinoajH Ecaias.

Ipplpee. that
would tall at the ftist shake
te of the tree. i Pavwrabis Pssism Oo Not Lsatsa aM
The pear fell We were hetpli
Uoot PWII Tmde Is Bsportod.
Nearly two raoAUie
Nev Toik. Juiv * -Brsdetreet's nnys:
1 home the fatal While the tone of general buriness par­
blow to Spanish power In the Padfle.
takes of tbe usual midsummer stockand yet we have been unaHe to follow
Lps the UBdeaired. found us unpre- i
Other nations flock towards'
Manila. Oemanr already has a fleet I

featuiws coming to hand baa nM
lessened and confidence In a.
buslneas is still widesperad.
speculative elrclee ts ro“
etricted, and tbe new war Use* have
bad sn appreciable effect la reduring
the volume of ep^uletive aalee by aocaUed soalpers in grain aad scouriUea.
The tane of pricM. partieularly for
eereala, bas shewn a slight Improreand which *stiU meeu with the advo­
for the week, and deiMlad eor.parcacy of eminent and venerable eutcamen. The policy of paralysUI What (sons vrith recently precoding periods
other name can we give It* TVnrrsna are stm oulW Uvoiuble.
I in (he Iren trade ■
must be averted.
__ " patiently awaited, but d^ong the
t doira what I fsvnrsble features migtat be instaiuod
stand atllL
Improved demand for .pig
has been
by the vigor and valor ‘i '
. Iren and
that might bid us go no further, and I
‘ •beat to be hoped
1 for
for la that onr ad
vnnee guard win enable Dewey to hold
bU own.
All this is a part of tbe fruits of the

people. The MvmxaUon which
changed California from a struggling
- -..........................
empire; «hlch cunveried the In­
dian bunting grounds and prairie iaadi
of the Upper Hlaslsslppl into Illinola.
Wisconsin and Mlaaouri: which traasformed tbe wastes of
Kansas inte wheat fields and gardens
of roses: wM>b dared the perils of de-|
vastlnc war. to do what 11 would with'
Its own. must be averted because there 1
leprosy cases la Honotulu.
lysis Pmalto.
If the pollsy of paralysis Is to pre­
vail. If the repubUr Is to gland still.

If we __________
are nameless
and dare not keep
our own. If we are to faa^ e
army and a ,sumted

‘“'•7^^ inquiry at higher ^ee* for
pl»tea at some e^m p-.'nts, while
the western aceountd continue quite
rable. Itatber more Is doing «
the deanand for our cereals abroad
is quite sat Istaclory. Tbe crop osndltlOBs I* In tbe main very favorable, al­
though the tendeacy new la to dloeaid
estimates of yltld of
wheat dfn
and C7K.0M.0M to Tse.sei.sfe btmhel^estlmslcs
Business failures for the seek number
24J as against 173 last, week SU In tbli
week ago. in two gears ago. M( In UN
and 8S In ItM.

naorn oa tbe MasBoad.
Chicago. July >. — FoUoaing arc
League records at base hall yesterday:
At Baltimore—Washington t. BalUmore
It to hold our greatness ai
2: at Philadelphia—Bosida C. Philadel­
ce of other powers (hen lc
phia S; at Clevelaad-St.
______ ________ ___________________ _
land 6: at New Terk-Brooklyn ^ New
there be 00 arveptaoce of Hawaii,
Tork •: at Pittsburg — Ls>ulsvllle I.
luardlng of our Interests in tbe ! Pittsburg 14; at Chicago—Cincinnati 11.

gentle, sudorific ae<iUleMnce In the fie- !
Western League:
At IndU
„f o,e irasta, the extension ofjSL Joseph 4. Indlanapslta >.
•rawwell^ Wl<» Also M
Dubuque, la. July t. — Mra

The Michigan sute association of this___ ....
l lesson of the nineteenth at OehrelD. died at tbe home ot her
elty bas been engaged In raising funds cefitury.
paruaU here yesterday. After shooting
for sending delicacies and luxuries to
Read It In IndU. from tbe time of his wife -Bsownell killed himself. Her
tbe aiefc and wounded Mlibigap men. Wolseley to that of Dalbousia
Rad wound waa not eoasldercd fatal at th.
Tbey will also send two trained nurses It In tbe Burmese policy of Dtrtfertn.
to tbe boepltal ahtp. It It understood Read It In tbe fonodatlon of tbesc
that another hospital ship will soon go Australian commonwealitas. with their
to SantUgo. and that the ship now oc- Already world-wide Influence.
Read It
.eupled by our stricken aoldlera win in tbe LouUUna purchase, the Floridaa
come home and be located at some ceOI the annesalhm of Texas.
Read K la
point along the north Atlantic eeast.
the El Dorado empire, and In the gold- ‘
kina Henry V
The Bom'r.all-n rf TriPlam Alden Imbedded hyi>erlK.rean '
Smith, of Grand Rapids, for a third Alaska. Read- it
I the guise of tbe fc\ John C. rne*. Brigadier genemlt;
Iconard Wood.
Wood. First
First regiment
term. Indicates a growth In political South African confederation, the ad-i ColLViel leonatd
wIsAom on the part of the politicians 'of vance of England towards the equator ^''*'**^ BUtys volunteer cavalry: Lien.
Grand Rapids.
of sending and the Nile. Read It in the vlotorlekCoicne. Cfatabeta UcKlbhln.
gheeu bendy down to Washington on wl
every two years or every four years, siroyed Lee.
Read It la the rcstotlc..
they have conctoded to keep one man mart*
of science,
adventure gnd :
to the front oalll be alUlas position of achievement.
Read It In the sure, t
number of minor
leaderahlp among the men of long ex- steadv growth of the Brltlih-American
gaielled. The acBate
pertened. The people of (be eouibcTw conf-derallon. soon IlkewlH to he a po- )executive sewUon confirmed all these
mates have more gumptJod tent factor In the affalra of manklnt j
Iban to be constantly ehanging tbclr And. thus lllustoited. put aside the {
lews'* kenis I* FaU.
evtatlvcs. but the people of tbe puny, whimpering policy of paralysis
Mnines. Is . Jul>' S.-Iowa't quoU
Borthcni sutes mske many changes, all and despair aad accept the advance'
uie tori apjK«rUonm«nt <rf the
of them unaise.
Into the PaclOc Md the Antilles as a ;
„,i , as fllM ye«tcrtay evening
_ of .w..

,r for you to pan
that high duty which provi-j
*j,en the ll*hi hsuerie* of arllllv
.. ......... ..
say very soon. aa>-* Senstor Burma-s. dence seems to devolve upon the Amer- . p-tfo, frun Cinlar Rapids and the Sixth
-■J pey
Ma.a-a*—*____ . .m..ka *a—i-. a. —I .
attraUon to csUlcltins and toan remnaot of the Anglo-Saxon race, frem Burlington, were mustered iu by
ilpc reference to 'Jim and his
jcaptaln Olmsted. Th* ballertes have
• ' But my record
Let 01 drink in the Inspiration of our not jvt been equipped, and as Captain
vtcrnUy been criticised In
American «Jvlltoatlon, Olmsted bas been Informed by tbe demanatv. and'l am Inclined
believe means creation and growth. The Unit- ‘ partment that It will take couMdrrable
that 1, should asy
w pub- ^ states has touched nothing she has Urn* to equip them It to aet expected
Mcailon. If 1 conclude to do so I shaU not Imoroved. Tike this flrat cenwiry that the batteries will get sway from
•end for you •rat."
Camp McKlolfy for a roontb\
Dace snwetoi** Fttisaer.
WsIvrrla«sko«Te tor gabs.
Judy •.—Twen­
ty-live recrulU left thto city Thursday

ty commtolooer of pensions, this evenIngaald: "I was a captein In the Nine-

what we have done bas bam well done.
Therefore, why shrink frolb these op­

eras maior.
MI'S fiution.
Teoa., Major Shafter not only led our
SWT reglT^crr. hut be went to the aid
rf an Irdtc-.vs r^CU'-Tr* tpd rescued it
from a i» i -.s ii r
.';t that aame
b'itle Sr., occurred which sritt
irl rest you. The Nineteenth Mich- ’
igan was captured. Shatter with It, by j
the rebels under command of Ucuten- •
ant General Joe Wkeeler. Nos-, after
an these yeara. tbe sMI Oeoerai
Wbselcr Is a major general and Is pn- ]
4er the commaBd of Sbeftcr. the Michgan eoldlev whom he captured ao many
eingulsr. Isn't llT'
Judge B»n A. Harton. of Kent county. ,
aays: "I belteve that John Patton was
a good aeuator during bis short term,
and t believe that .^e would make a
good senator for a long term.. Bring a
Kent county man I would naturally be j
»- fellow be ;
ivlag favors
eeartesles Truin him
Benator McMillan it taking nt> part '

llchlgan volunteetA now to Cuba, la
squalid Phi
We could so reto tneraasc the cempaay to Us
g^erate. eo Improve them that our
fuU quota of lOS men. Tbe man were
government would be a blessing. To
in Miarge of Private Henry Schwellendoubt thiA to question our own energy
bach, who win take them direct to
and MU down Into a poUcy of paralysto.
Camp Alger to be
would be to dishonor the ennobUng tosBanitogu de Cuba.
sons of our rues.
To our statesmen In congrem let ua
say In the frimdUest spirit, that herein
Charlestown. 8. C.
July t.—Tbe
net tbe sonl of honest debate—men
Tutsers Talc and Columbia wl«i tbe
speaking to eneo. to ao'-fear of thessaxtb MaoHckosetta and one tetlalkm
selves—and to accord with desUny. The
nluctcentb century brought us a new
duty to the development of the magnlflcent Jefferann purefaese.
The nine-'
teenth century closes with even _
graver duty, namely: tbe cooelderatloo
of our power In the Antilles and tbe Patec's official repoi
clAc. Tt'e did net fall then. We shall
BastlagA Osaeral Wheeler’s iepsrt yet
not fall now.
to come, says that (be loss ta UOed
yimt "no man Uveth unto himself' was 182: tesanded. UU; mto^. Bl;
wt have learned from (be Beripturea
That no nation Uveth untoita^ wears
leamlpg I
nation has a mtosloD In tbe fireat plans
of provldenoc and avoluUon. to appar-

to the senatorial fighv nod be srin take eaL

ll~i iiiil lie I

iilT I

to tbc et^tb rtHBBd.



am cTZciisMMt. OpOifc


n tor Ward Pa I win be

Em Baraed 0«tf




M. a Dooog.




Bicycle Riders?^

>testtrf.d tbe RepebUcaa

■ tWAiSS.



IdoaUldoda of i»
A kepsbUeaa oaoes* tor Ward Ra > wlU be oMriacaadr
dine, and that I «MI
hsU to lbs ibedek BsUdlns. eomarr Uelaa and do give you U>« bMt seork of aay
sod Hstb eieasU. os VedowAsr emtog. Isly
Don't .
U.tM. all o'clock, tseteet UdelrssiM to sv one In tbe city for tbe moaoy.
deoeived ^ wtant others t«U you to
. I eontrMy. but ooom and om for
I cuarantM aU my srork to be rickt,
and if It does not prave ao I mako It

^ '

I Win be
i. W. ttordlCO po<o(e---------------------------B WedsradayovoolBc.Jali II, MS. M
.tooloctddrieSBtnloeUoed U« Be> county egormiPw 10 bo bcM Jely U.

Stop to tOI 8 o’do^ every oecator
eseefA aundny. la tbe OaldstMl A Lon­
don boiidtos. nt north end of Ontoa


bold Is tbe Ik
o'clock, to etoet k 4

Dr. McDonald:

weue-so an^ tbc go-







Horse Hotel.
Liieij, Sale ud Feed Bira.

Attorneys at Law.

Hotel Whiting

OMee* Is Mootags* ■loch. Taversa nty.lOM.

flret-etoM bam in the city. Olv? ^ enUandretoorprkieA

BaBlIfS!/a CAJtDS-

meittB > tbttndqr,

iw eoltoctlsai

oadeonrayeBClas. tllProotOi


Monday, Jnly 11

*• H


Monday, July 18, j


ABoaaa aaoo oco


SS8S88 58SS S88

Offlo.Ho«.:eam.to8p m.


■a a a

a aaaaaa











R g

Dr. McDonald has fer years made a
»f ehrouii
ehrouie and UnBtudy end specialty of
aaln akiUfnl
sartor diseases that reqalr
■tedioal maunent for their c

larly aolleUed, eapeefaliy tboae <

sf-nsr jrss.=rs?:

I from tbe v^Uble '
cauae of the disease and iastrncU hto
•B or by ran
paUenla the way to health and bappl-toTriSIrll
Dr. HcDouald
:DouaId can show boaoaiatoiD Us band writof t«
tog of gmtefol patlento who have
Be WTTAirrgD-AlOM irtiwlnB. Brook sod Baasarad by nlm w^u oUera tailed.
I*na systom
system ^ „d Sirt. <>11 ~ Rra. Pmd Brddea'B.
is ao familiar with Tbe buman
ot «i WoBbtogwo *1- M»4«*
Uat be to able to ruad all dtoenaes ot




B a
s a

aa R8BS a s

•7 to be

»=SS = -


nasaa «

ssss* 8

«»«»vr-g g-


^s«:asseB8S££sss 8



the mind or body oorrsetly at a glance yOEOALE-^all^ito^ JgebnU tjyWr. 1| oA
wltooot aeklng any queatlosA Tbouaand! «f InvaUds are being uentod dally
for dtotoseu that Uey de not have.
of medictoe dlreetod
while a few drn
to Ue seat of'the dtoeM
would give
OnsdBapUs8*A m. nUsplBg aa* atotog
speedy relief, and permai Dt cure to a
very abort timA
Good healU to tbe
moat brecioas Jewel in onr crown of
banfioeeA With It Ue world to bright;
without, mtoery cleims us for ber own.
If you ar« a sufferer you should weigh
well these wordA
A person who nog'■
O. kUMKWOOo'lK lK*?A!cttS'»
lectahto benUh to guilty of a great
1 a
wroeg to bimaelf aad
i grave injary
e of Dr. McDona
-hamknltir. Tbe name
St to Ue care
Of ehroaU and llngertaLr dtoeaaea. has
become a houaebold word to U.
atlMBe'etoeks m.
of homes wbleb hie skill and wander» have made bapfiy
atortog dear ones
bepea were lost. Tbe doctor to a grad aato^ the higbast and beat medical
eoUegea. aad hto advaaeed theories to Xv
XV iKal
IKal SB* popotor tvBon,
tVBon, BrOOre
the traalmeat of chronic dto*aaee sur- ^ Ktoilos.
|tto^e meat akegUeaL
AU chronic



I--. iimiB in mnutim ii j


eetoatificallyAnd eoaceaatully treated.
Dr. McDonald bat made a special
etody of all diaeeees of tbe brain and
r*t*m, nod all delicate aad
obscure dteesBSs peculiar to w
r. McDonmld-i Special Bet


barrraeOlty LbbI


henmatk aad paraTytie cripples made
wa)k; catarrhal daafnea* poMUvejy
ired>nd many mads to hears whu- btiDs rour afao*a: vetkaoM whUe yoB wait;
AU aches aad - ■ • are 40 SB* eecMU; week *oec first altos
per in a f<
patoa fade:
J .
Special i
I to oatank aad diaaaaee ef the
i sedsTB lah thsee or



Dr. D. A. McDonald,
■ealad PropoaalA

S'ffta=SS75,“ff.-ri*. CST
iSrscrsyjsliT si assrs
V SB* ■Bterial Aw s aebMr bosse at Old

213 Front St

1ss>B*i*lss BB* filsB^OBof tbs eysorby
-heaBtorata*M is s wafilasl celtogeT.
wUlbeertthEBriibejBwMwaaMl Oeiobs
•mss be via retora to eaUag*.

Jolia R. Santo,
Genrfi lisaruiik
TsavssOB City, Mlab

suck Bn»l~d Tt™. Tl™. • W«1

RiRlw's Otsiv Depot uf lli$tiinet




■ r-


Moau i
Is Territorial Extension to Be
the Policy of the United
States Government?
sST isj«!ss"4s>sr ffte
to oar pruTtdeatlaJ tot to drive the cruel
epanunu out of the PhlUpplaao. u well
aiUoa that It la our thidc to prwvtde a

. The Arguments For and Against.
Several Important Questions
Raised by the HispanoAmerican War.

We manexed the ImmeBae Spuleb u4
rreneh pownloni alone the eulf aad
wnt of the UtwlMlppI when the repob■ras rounc hod weak and that withthe co-operation of the aborletnee
and Kuropean aettlera la that domaia.
- without national
dlsaeter and with leee friction than haa
been cauaed la the aiUustment of more
local dincultlea. The people* ao annexed were not Invited to take part In
ruvemlna u
II they- bad been
»n titled

fxMslble impertal desttny. l^ls does not
DM-essartIr me«n that the people of the
. rnlled State* are fickle minded.'It may
be held to show that they are too honnt to aasume that there Is virtue In
mere sympathy, too practical to make
a aa-eet Indulcence of ertef. aad'are re­
solved to wipe e
• for alL In other
' worda successive shock* of emotion
bred a fierce whirlwind of Indignsilon.
Bpsln as tbe Viceroy of divinity has
grievously sinnsd. Tbe edict has been
spoken—Bpsln must go. After that.
' What? Reveralng the old adage, the
aallon. almost as one voice, cries: ‘Tbt
'evil .cannot be endured. It moat be
«nmd." Who shall be the doctor? By
the netloB et laws as nataral as those
compelling water to run down hill tbs
minds of many praceical and conscien­
tious tUlesraen leap forward to the con­
ception that tbe process of cure In­
volves on our psn an extension of em­
pire. political If not territorial, perhaps
boihtemtortal and political. It will not
do to say in decryl^ the so called ImperUl movement that lu adherenU
have Just made the dtscoveiy of virtue,
hence dItpUy the eiiciuble seal of nov­
ices. Nor can It be said (hat the ques­
tioners of an Imperial policy are uiuble
to appreciate the beauty of goodness.
Bdth classes sre honest, the one finding
«n outlet for snreharged force In giant

i ever enlenall^
tip to a few months ago he w.ould have
been a rash adviser'who would have
•oggesied that the station go ouuide lu
borders to extMid the beneflu of lu s>
torn of government. Gnll It the band
fate, tbe mendacity of Bpsln or t_
mllng of Divine Providence—R U one
aad the Mne in effect—s bold step haa
been taken, one wfaicb the prognaslvtsU say oaanot be r«raeed without oonfessloas of wesknea* which strike at
root of our naUonal pride. Tbe rose
Uon at Ute FaaeuU hall msetlsc protasttng against the Imperial movoneat
BteMa thU very lasoe wlthovt evaaloa.

mays: ,

Bcsolvrd. That
vQi In our aoi


perlty In the eoUs of Boropean ambi­
tion. rivalship. interest, hunior or ca­
price T' They point out that two-Uiirds
It territory bas been Ac­
quired since Washlncton’s time from
fotcln cnveramvnts and that without
cnnsolllnx tbe people occupylnc the SOU
nnezed. except In tfi* case of Texas.
WsshInctoD's farewell address also
conutsed much upon tbe European
.. wblch bas bad little bearing
ir affairs until this lime. In one
place he said: “«»er« can be no greater
error than to expect or calculate
real favors from nation to nation. It la
an Illusion wblch experience must cure.
Which a lust pride ought to discard."
Hls'suggestion as to a European policy

In the conquest of Mexico we had *1
same problem that will confront i
when we have driven from the Spanish
Islands the present rulers. The milllary occupation of Mexico b-imr In
U4C and was complete In September,
JM7. Tbe Mexican Toveniment was

The New Tork Bun facea the dlfflcBlttaa of conquect and iu aequel in
the usual vtrlle manner and says that
the queaUon of the hour la not one ot
future rovernment. 'Th« pssaent duty
of the country,'' 11 concludea. “Is to put
a stop unre'and for all to a state of af­
fairs which iK^-ame Intolerable lonx affo.
It will be lime mooch to consider
tM^*sdd^’to »eUnll>d^!uusa'ibM £*o methods of administration uifer our
very- different affair. If the question of
annexbic the Philippine* were one which
hsd to be answer^ ImraedUtely with a
brldre till you come to it,' is
yt'S or a no. then rould be .mly one an­
swer and that a moat emphatic nrcativc. dIntIRctly American. It Is useless to
Hut the question do<s not require ImmedI- kick aninst tbe prick*. The tbina
that are beinr swept away were bound
to iro. They had outlived their use­
fulness. If they ever had any. It will be
the duty of the United Sutes to famish
soinethlnt which shaU be a aafe and
lasting substitute for what bas be^
i with all forms of ann<^lo
| n** York t'venin* PosL i?.es Issue
^ m the strantest terms. In an edftertal
of June If It says'
eiiber the mctaphy^oal or the pracUial
Bsprru of (he relaUoa of this mlllian' »ccnpaUoB of the FhlUpphus to our constllutlonaJ ■rslcm. It srlll not hurt the oonalttutlon of -tlw Vnited BUM la the
small-el decree U we shall enter without
hcsttsilan upon the duty of Improvinc (he

Tot a period of elsht months the TTnited
Sutes occupied all Mexico as a military
order, executed

f making scqul>t lightly hasard
tUon; when we
(nay choose peace or war as
u. guided by lusUce. shall c
modest llmlu of whst U vaflouslr calM
As U In ansn-er to tali ow
*<ei>mm^al sxpanUon and of the overthro' .. ..
onsly existing goveniment did not pre___
d^/M^'^lcySre are
els red before ittsmi—i
rent the restoraUon to the properly' “ur-d
‘Hiking care always t
' suitable esp
onle*. I* an emslie.
g to the people.
m rich aiid'
able defensive posture, we may nafely
The BltuaUon of the United Bute* In .^rh
temporary alllaaesa for ex- the Mexican business
ry emergenclea.*'
Bo is the present on*, yet there are
onlsu do not fall to dmw ns preeedenutntheoldwnUd of _ .
up to dau ooaclnslon from tbe prw'i'jm mlllUry oceupaUon aad admlntetraUoii
prUatJ uS^!M°bbiraMrs bM*iau't
aet forth by Waahington and to u-ulnr* of government wuhout
nexatioa Bosnia is nom
Infl- ....
point out that the position of Isolation BrtUsb subjection before It
so long mnlnuined has left ns without Into clooe rrlatlena with the BrtUah
editor of-tbe Loodon
training adequaU for tbe roera. Egypt It ruled by Orvat Britain,
dy forced upon os and that ut is not a British pose Melon.'
in Older to claim the respect and privThu country has in IU history * small
Ueges due to our bUtoiical and com- but useful example In the rMstrlcl at
uercUl greatness we tbouia accept th* Columbia. Like all United States prop.
onalbimies wbl^ belong to power
' and territory. It has remained untake our place among th^ family of
ibe oontrol of cinwgraw. ns th* eonnations. Mr; Otoey say* bhnioy that tt Ptltutlon provides. Since lu establish­
U Ume
ment the form of government bas twice
been changed, and it is now admlntoshall set has been In a measure decided tered as a corporation tn th* band* of a
by Spain. Orave responslblUties have board consUUng of two dvlUan* and an
already been assumed, and tbe altua- army officer. The present system baa country apprats to Be to be as dark a
Uon amply lusUfle* the alarm is oertain proved the most effecUve of na Dr. Al­ mSSTii2S;"“
eslsud u the
bert Shaw, who assumes the rote oi an
There U a cant of patnotlMa. a cant of
Those who taks the ground that we Impanui crlile, makes this commsBt
■bnuld go the whole length and strip upon tbe general sltoaUon hi The BsBpsln of her colonies say rn«r tt will b* vlew of Revlewe:
Ume to discuss plans for govsrnlng onr
acquuiuona when we have thwn to deal
with. 'Ihalr confldRie* that aO win
come sot for the ban la founded, they
nsBsrt. np« past ckperlsaoe ta that itoa.


ass," 5S,

tS.ulWB.'TS nIU be tlsM to cutudder wbetber

I' ssiriJircL.";


fa the eourae of Its «
convention dtsd the “wiae policy of
priar bed and wbUA tmUl now we have
T» (lie Washington policy ao tong rev.
ereued by nil ciissss as an emanaUon
uf genius (he Ateoslonleu make sn.-swer that the Utuntlon haa changed
. ^in.'v be spoke the Aords, “Why. by in­
terweaving ear dasUny with any part
sT Europe, entangls ocr psua


ed lands Is oonceded. and that at
Involves 'forelm entanfflemenu.’'
tbe eyes of all ouuidera the protsrtsr
ii responsible. The lostcal outcome ^
this poeiUon Is foreshadowed by Urn
RiAiard Olney la his paper upon
"InteroaUrmal Isolation of tbe Ut mS
Bute*." While not arffuln* upon
apeclfic case In hand, his UxnixhU ara >
very applicable at ibis Ume. Mr. Oinsr
compare* the nation In WasblnffterlB
era to a pioDeer settler “with a roof to
build over hls head and a patch of
rroond to cultivate aad wife and el. .•
dren to provide for aad secure nfalcsx
savBce beasu and sUU more oavacs '
men. Tbe nation of today." be says,
"Is like a modem mlttlnnalre. wlw %a»
icire nlnvie^hs
ail be possesses to
tbe poor and net miss a slncle comfort
or luxury of life. It behoove* the naw
Uon." he contlnuss. "to recoroixe tbs
ebanyed conditions and to realise It*,
great pla-e among the power*' of tho
earth. It behrrove* it to accept tbe coiy«
manding position belonging to It. with
all IU advantages on the one hand aad
all IU burdens on the other. U Is not
enough for It to vaunt tu greatness ao4
and call upon the rest of tho
world to admire and be duly Impressed.
• • • The mission of this country. H
It has one. and I verily believe that It
haa. Is not merely to pose, but to act,
and. while always governing lurif by
the rules ot prudence and eomme*
aense and making Iu own special Istsvs


SS"“„T'iriS'5«; -.SiKL-uSS

““s;? ja.'.'gg -sa a°^r“is:

RufZoSS iS

battered down to the music of the gnna
or by mure peaceful racane."
Dr..Lyman Abbott esHy placed him­
self on record by declaring that the
WM tbe An
the query,
in reference to the question whether
this country ehoold annex aad perma­
nently hold the PhlUppioM and other
territory conquered In the war sriih
Spain thr doctor recently said: “I think
thle war U one for humanity and not
for conqoeet and lu purpooe Mmuld
not be diverted from the generoua
tbougtau that Umpired IL It was becun to ttberate an oppreseed people, not
add to oar territory provlncee and
We may be obliged <

esu tbe first and p
farther the pioftia* c
. _____
practically as well as tbeoretlcatly by
timely deed* a* weli os by eloquent
'There Is such a thing for a nation M
a 'splendid Isolation.' a* when, tor a
worthy eanse, tor its own tndependencs
and dignity i
f to a boetils
a ablrklnc of tbe p_,______________^
place aad great power is aimpty igna>
It U worthy of note that ex-Prmfdent
aevsland now bolds opinions quiu Jw
opposite to those bet* set forth by hls
eecrelary of euta
WUI* editors and dtvlaen aad diplo­
mat* and sutesmen are weighing and
co(ulderlng. tbe peoplecoatlnue to shoot
ss they have done oil along. "Remembw
the Maine!" aad add to th* «y ^
Ou tiesaur* sunk In
»d tbe Phi_______
U their treasure and their Mood, aad K
their treaeure and Wood irtileh
shall cUneb th* Impending cengnesL
They may forget th* trsasar*. hot owry
drop of American blood poured out on
Bpanldi eon endear* that eoU. la thetr
mlnda to the flag of nberty. Besides
the insurgenU who fl«ht tor that flog
are deemed to earn thereby a right t*
- With

Uon aad human progress and noA of
oonqacsi aad arbitrary fule."
While advocating a vigorous psbs
Uon of the war to the bitter end and tbe
eetabllsbment of proteetoratea. tbe New
York World thunder* da|ly agnlnst
what It terns "land piracy aad conquest."
It wtll be Been that tbe -above e«afllctlng optnions aceume as a faot that
IntorveaUon has already extended what
nay be called political or dlplomatie
mnptra. and Ute questloD mow reste
largely upon adopting into th* body pelitlo of Strang* peoplM or of leaving law of «
them to their fau/ The ■nsamam of
: sort oc psMectorat* ever oaaqaer-

Tra Komaiaa kaao3ttj|Binn>AT, >bi.t io; mss.

> «g IW THiiilil OiBileee
■Mt. WaM eed •



n ad Mahayhar aad HaraaBorclDg. lurede and ti
plated by a o'elook p,
I 'JiaBBiL mteof 8t«ettoa. great
tapdontotbe grand ofliem of thegraad
l^lfce greet etmadl <rf Pencil' iole,WM iBoampmeDV to be (ollowed by a baU to
adopted Into
.. . xht
glren to the vUiting
g Kfllghu
ai their
ordnr Id Oetorwe ladkal aU Knigbu la full IVup)
tribe of Rerrle tonu (without aworda) are eordUD; la- Batbeea groop. and. running the entire

fM»l Bhlirt tWk*.

er Ml remorel to
SteehoB bedepoetted bit card is
Oo U-ing adult'
tod Into the gnat
ecuorll bU
\tve w«irk In ad• raacIngUieUitor.
ui the broth-

18.-^>>upetltlve and ashibittoa
aitda to tbe veet and outm tbe ialand
Wednoaday. Thntiday and Frlity wUI be
daroted to aigbtaeeing and amoaeB
Tbore are 10» Rival and Seleet
ly tbroagb btqaijcr or Fin
la OrugOD to three ooanolU.
land. * With wrenl actlre r(jcaiKiea in
la Maine there are 8.06Smenbera of the tb- Baabew ialandi and that of Gagna
Eactmt Star la K cdianten. Mr*. Nina at tbe nartbeaaten eittcinlry of Lttaon
V. A. Talbot la grand maatv.
Ibc-vnloanin force ae
Bxoapttng in IVoDiylmDia. HaiylaBd,
niitil tbe ricinity of Manila ia reached.

di-icrved t^NitaPor ' tre
1 Panaog
Se in the great counrll. and tn appreci­
ation of hli amirea wai appointed great
gHid of wigwam. Br tcrrnl ibive yean
aa depnty great i>u:l>cu. and waa liutro_
tl In arganlring a nuwbiT of nrlbca.
Mr. Rlte-was deeifd groat Jnnlcw a«pkWre a oonple of y*ar» ago. wm adranend

tlreof « g~~i
Ital ii tbogreat dond capped cone of
IMabaybay, etanding off to the aoolh.
InltenewB the lodgea generally met
It appoare to be now citinct. Uie
on 8l Jobn'i day and cxempIUied tboir ,iahi emption occurring In 1780. It la
dntyaa Manns by eonirlhutlng to the or.-r 7,000 feet high, bnt tbe crater bai
Masonic borne.
Ilatl'ii in. and tbe whole mmimain li
The grand aecretary of tbo gnad lodge'ari-rgnTwn with Inxnriaut rugotation.
I Toward the top this eowists. in grtnt
The eqoere aa a working tool of tbejpart. of tree fcma, with their tronka


y jm sr: ST.S I

i o..-,., u.- obM

------n Virginia la
■Mt pMuUIn*. The order hai now a
larger nMub^pilumevarbefotv. The i


.. ___ _ i
**“' pw^inoe of Batangaa and al^ ^ u,rt duo aonih of Manila, at a dlataoce
"“w® *®
«=*!'■« rcHnao
It stands In tbe middle of tbe

«. u^b...
lor .

'i.00«I,«to betebtbbd
.mlflernt rvKiiltaand <
t to have over 4.UU0 to^iats at t , angSr^rlaonnaa and tUundlet^ ,taui:.ll of a great Toloano which bM
bat It baa little respect and no nae for mnk in tbe lake, and there are native
atBt annual meeting.
material that la crooked or onrved or that tndit tuna to this effect. At prawsit Its
Iconi to one side or that caiTlce a >ag. It .only rign of life is tbe oolnmn of wbito
V membect during tbe tact u
demand* that aU lu mausrUl should be limoko which onmiDBally rise* from iu
Tbe great ll
«*“'::lt. bnt It waa in active emption
„„ ^

City on Jane IC
_______ In publbdtlng tbe doings of 1
, land (.oalalaaa refwrt net tonlebodlMli an evil, aan Om>d M
•alns for tbe pa« great sun.
6oott of BllaoU.
Baymaken am alive and growlngi and
dR la erWenoa aU tha time.
Bep^of tbt pw chief! of MatyMnd
M the twervation.
Ctivulars have been aeat oat by tbe
Knlgbttut Bythlaa esecuUre committee,
wbl^ la ananglQg for the
OsUeettag Bstsa Am^manu. to be h^ at Indlsnap
to Auguat. da«s«ea W Utmmu
I nying emphatloaUy n
tbe 0(«nl
otiakm at tbe eoinsne bmncireulatad by mtari
Wbessvcr in the
mme »mary
eu^^ .| the «ff^ that tbe «
arv and antmoe
account or tbo war. Nothing
On tbe eonj rftteklnd U
K tor the widowa a^ i t~T. »he
atphans* benefit fttod to moot any requite^bright, tbe Ansnrial comM£it7hirmfuunu_iditt|,MV<
Imittro. which ia raising subscsipclona,
mSe wTlCtaD deda- i having mat with the most liberal tnat-

, lestroyod tbe little viUagea on tbe shon
Of tbe lake. Tbe clondeor aabes reached
Manila and tbo water of tbe lake it
mid to have boiled with tbe great beat
At tbe sontbem end of Lam are a
snmber of volcanoee, bnt tbe most oalebrated of tbcsc. both for ita aise and
beanty and for tbe destroctiveneas of lu
lenptionA U £1 Mayas. It riaeafrom
tbe fertile plaint of Albany to a height
;)f orer 8.b00 feet, an aliniMt pofeet
Tb^ lower thitd of (ha nxwtain
U deneely covered with vegeucion,
•rhicb dwindlea to bnsbm and, oo
immea above Tbe npper half 'of tbe
tone to of bare aand and lava and other

Interod gmwa In the Knight of l*ythlas
MorlginaL which abaU be filed with tbe
anpeeme mreetaiy. who abell make record
' of snob flUng. The sutweme mcietaiy
1 atonce notifyemyoonneU toeol-

___It year not needed to pay tbe benefit
amimiuHagolntoaDcuarBency fond, the
Brest of which U secumulatcd to propreIt tbe nniDberof
beyond 81 a year. Tbla emergencyy
fn^ oan never bo nard for any other purpom thao to
pay tboae death faesieflu. Both
^ a and tbe prtoelpal n


brrrvtary Frank Bowi

' A beaoUfnl caim> ground, sttoaud on
' Fall creak, within tbecltyof Indianapolla.
I bsa txwD
Itocn celucted
celuAed tor tbe nnUum rank
Ij eosampmcai
ensampmmt Aug.
Ang. ss
tS ana
and namco
named Camp
I Colgrove la botror of Supreme Chs
; Colgrove Fully 80.00U uniform rank
" ■ ‘-




us arcurns chcbch inji-bed bt
---------------------------------I oiannaw
arrangemenu are nsiqg
belijg maoe
made eolcauic rocka. Mavoo
Marco la OOnetantlv
Etaborete anangennsu
When the d«v for the payment of an «► at Indianapolla tor the anlfanTSnk en^«n“rTnd

BaROW nvisea about tbe
.of the day next Ilmdiugeltisens are doing eaiM andefffcttve work to make tbe eveou memo- tninnilt.
retJe In tte'hlstuT^' l^iwtam.~OaIn ITM tboewst a terrible eruption,
oalJamea B. Kma Udialnaan and Prank fertroying many rillagea upon the
Bower* soeretaa.ufthecRcutlveoomm^ pUtos below, and in lWW4t was again
made up of five rv
in vraption. bot with lore deotroctit
Tba total iwenoeof tbe onpreane lodge toe,
board of trede,.Coi
band tbs ^ i,(o.
1814 tbe most memorable of
perhaps appearLegal esvsneea for leat year beyond aal_i_t l-l-Llr- I.L iiiLlf.Tji., Its eruptions coctured, »«»u«ja*pp.»rmr at aapresna adviser waa g4,8IA
Bet espeosea of tbs sapRsna ennndl tor
1807. •180,l«e.88.
fig. BrUes have been offered ranging from tnoowiord the night fatfon by toeqoent
Tbeavoage deration of
I metnUa* for 1W7 was 10 yrera glOOtogl.MU. For Ibereow
' '—■'------ -----------------------------------.------RdMdaya
lodges have
Belief waa extended to 4.8SB membare ga^ to some heavy [neUoe drill a
law year; the grand total of the eniiu so
ly throw out an imtuenae pyramidal
■tpendod araa gK.Ml.VT. In addition lo
:kr.;d of smoko, black at iu base, but of
the 8t.000.uu0 paid lo faeoMlelaiies'at demany colon in tbe
where tbe
■* ^tays of tbe morning si
l>a*s Bril-THpIv Uah Kotaa
i *sd osby gray iu fu aj
After'iurtber terrYble * earthquake
of Ullnol* for
tbunderia^ the volt of duus the past year—more
nasUns riisili Khavtag*.
ten luembeia dropped every day. nuiovtanited fclreatns of lava. Tbe atilydark, and tbe
Tbe Kansas grand lodge has adopted a marly on* member dn>|9^ for evury two
•aw gystisu for the eWtlon of offlesrs to i hour* during the isitire year In the state
Bo totoeffoct next aasslao—vii: AU Dom- of llllnolsalotMc \Mk> con soggesta lem-iBbcu. in tbe darkness, great redbot
inatlnns aball be made on first day and , sayf—Odd Follows' Hemld.
sbiutw and Lot asbta beinui falling.
whloh the ,i In CsUfoniU depuUes eaonot grant dU- those ruoobcd tor many miloa
feaUotalerw s prtouil, upon
alKnt tbe
s hUeholofL
The baltott
pmsatloii. u, nominate,
.w ____
■ ' IwntMl""
eleot and install bCM- of tbe mountain, and bones and

^a, ..*> «, I
anyone o
aaother ballot ihaU be taken In
manner. —ProUotor.
Mlmonri offen 86 for new membare, 8*
8e te paid by tbe snhnwllnaU and 881?
Ike grand lodge.
There are 718 Dnlted Woekmea In SritMh OdimiUn.
Ibe last ymr were more tlmnthcRef the
fMrtoas year, being tor tbe tormer n,466
na egalnw >the latter of. 81.016. a nettow for 18V7 of 1,680 over 18MS.
Tbe half rate membm proved very
•ableto Indiana toet year. Out of 1.966
«f this riasa. who paid In tl6.8IS.60. then
9 bot tour iWha, drawing 81,000.
--f 811,818.60 to exeesB of dreth
Brother Wo^en. H U now to order to
JO "guns
lodge, Oegrre of Uooew. of MlfaU one of the largret Intgea^
at 800

_ Itoa bj u> adho.

eaidowntfae mllrege altowanoea paid to toning, and the people were ornsbed or
grand and sn|»ame Rf«aacntoMves.
I Kiffocated ae they atuonpted to escape.
The MlDtMapoiU widows' and orphans' j tbo rain of hot stotua and asbea latted
borne fund amounu to 896.100. and tbe .for tbree boon and tbe darkiM fc/five
location of tbe home U now to order.
aantnem ur nve
>_u.«. ^ »n..wnttdi.1 people were
n toot to bold a killed and many floarishing viliagea de-

tnlely aonaiccbulic trentment The
ralu have Nx-u moot j.’r.tlfying and

icb it sAmitimu rcqulrod in dlsoese,
bat this po^t If alwaye gained at tbe
expnuw of some
somF vitality and
a later re­
laxation. Even in casus wbcti inflammatiun* were relieved the advantage is
uffret by tbe fact that while prodocing
thi* offect it bas a deleterious inflnenco
on the other tiiones. Aloobol is coe of
tbe worst tfaingi to iroUbe wbtre U is
nwwMsary for tne body t^ withstand
great cold or fkiigue. The arctic ex­
plorer Kantcn showed tliat tbooe who
drank aloobol coold uoi bniT tbe nortbetn cold,'and no cue of bis staff kss al­
lowed to-partake of it. Auuibur illuBtrati'iu of the DDdeBirebiUty of nsing
alopbid in trying UUindu* to given by
Or. Ltow. wbo notce that as an ex­
periment a nnml<er of regimenU in tbe
English army while in tbo Sadan re­
ceived certain qoaotitiua of alcnbol.
while other reglmenu' went without.
Tbe rtvtnU riwwed that the latUtr coold
bear tbe strain <d long marches far (et>*
ter and were belter preeerved than tboae
to whom spirlu were given. Dr. Lemer
also remarks that be bas fnand aloobol
injurions to digevalon and delcterloui in 1
rejiiic cooditiooa Tbe noolu of tbe
and obBcgrationa at tbe
Red Crow boepitali are slrifci&g and
Buggostive and arc receiving tbe carofoi attention of the medical prafmaon.
BpSdsr Web MIk.

It would appesu from all aocoonu
that M. Chacot's enterpriae at tbe
mauafacCnre of spider web silk ia to bo
punned on a la^ scale, a fuciory in
Pant bating been taken fur the porpioe. Mere the spidera will be to pt and
worked at regular boura and, when one
of them to used bp. be will be fed and
helped ba<^ to condition again. wbQe
another will mke bis ptooe <n tbo bob­
bin. An expert, fnlly aoqoainled with
tbe habiU of tbe insect will be in con­
trol of tbe tpidar d^iartaent of tbe faoC. eto. In obtaining the n
ply. if the lattor exceeds what to n




A Mngular accident has been reported
Portland. Me., to mid to hare iron Odd
Fellcnir* to jreportton to population t^ Iran n cbmuical factory, wbere a wmkman’s ctocbes beoume mtnnted with
any (diy to “
------TbeOddFdtows-UbracytoSanFma- dust fran the grinding of chknta cf
sro has been ctooed for lack of eappmt, potiMiiim. A
smd lu 40.000 books and eolhetlaa
tt pipefeU ------------------------------------------on tbeelotheo. when the anvriUtamiU.. TbeUlmyi

M'mtab iBreaBit tawtant^ flariwd into flaaR
'ptodneing fatal bneoA

Lot Morrow

Or TtModny. will be received of that popular

In all desirable colors.' Price Is
twelve and a half cents a 7srd.
Oome early if you want some.
Plcu. everyone who hne once tried tlein. There
NEW IDEA are no brttnr pntt«nu mw3e. oo matii
attier what tbe
Jew Idea” at 10

Call for August Fashion Shoe

To Mcl You
To Leave Your Mdeey
With us. we’re making rerj' tpecial prices on many
lines of merchandise—^all desirable styles and quali*
ties. Here are some of them, from the ready-made
garment nepartment

Silk Gapes--



$5.50 for $5.00 values.
$4.50 fM- $5.00 values.
$5.00 for $650. $7.50
$7.50 for $10 values.

Ladies’ Suits-$4 38 for $6.50 values.
Xavy Blue.

ma^ with a view to aaoertaining
which of thediffsentvariecieB|s«doo(n
tbo finest quality of silk, and in this
way those not favored with a fine web
wiU be welded uDt. TrialewiU likewise
be made with different dieU. in order to
det> tmine whether or not to is pogsible
i« train tbe spider-to give furtb a web
Chat >• an improTemunt on the erdinory
product, tbe espectatiun being that
persevuranoe in this respect will resnlt in
arenriug a quality of slUc bitbertu nn-

In tbeir war pr^iaraUans tbe great
powers (if Europe an rumored to be
paying particular attention to telephoto^^y ae a means of supplying informatian both at fortifleationa and otbor objects on tbo frootiera in time of
peace or of tbe movemenu of tbe enemy
in the event of bwtilltiea Ttre tele]^
Uo caiSere has a



em-rgios of tbe body, may Increaae itt

$5.25 for $8.50 values.
Also (irern Mlnaraa.

$6.25 for $9.00 values.
$8.50 for $12.00 and
$15.50 values.
rsner CusioCres. nae Btook*.

At 79c, worth $1.00.
At 9&, worth $1.35.
At $1.19, worth $1.50
to $1.75.
At $148, worth $2J»
to $2.25.

Silk WaistsT«j htiiMM AdL
Gimati UBir bMl
53.50 value at S2.38.
$4.50 value at $3.25.
$5.00 value at $3.75.
515.50 value at $4.25.
■$6.50 value at $4.75.

Tour doHtrs to heat) laty wkea )oa
briag Ihem to

Beliible Og Goedi, C&rpet ud Ck>tUB| Boise.

*r3?eKv-a3?8e 0±1;3r,
similar to tbe Image In a teleso^o. Experii^ta have also beets made With long
focus lenaea and they have been found
wuU adapted f« this pnrpoea and If
tbto branch to develop^ aa raiddly as 1
bsa been Ibe case in otlu-r fields of pbo- [
tognphy bot only will tbe iutolligenoe
bunnua of war offices be pnt in peases- ’
Sion of many intoresting tseta but tbe
raaden of illnvtnhd paperi will be
givw aocantorcpn*eouti<ssaf battlm

Very few people are a«-aro of tbe feat
that io a watch they are always prmdd-!
ed with a oonspaoi. with wblrb, «rben '
the sun is ahinitnt. tbe (aidiual pointoj
can lie detenained AH tme has to do to ’
to point tbe hour band to the sun. and .
south is exactly half way between tbe,
bonr and the figure 12 on tbe watob.-!
This .may aeem atnuige to the avenge
reader, but ittoisMlyex^inod. While
tbo sun is poming over 1 DO degi«M (east
loweMI tbe boor band dl tbe watoh
passes over 860 degrees (bOBsSo'dock
to 6 o’clock). Therefore tbe angitoar
movement of tbe sun in case boor egrre-

, tain that tnea were buried out of sight, we point tbe boor hand toward tbe sun.
atuac* eanums from all ovif tbe countiy. | Tbe erupMona of Mayon are mid tv tbe line from thi point midway between
jUmnatlTe* io be prabeded by under- (be bonr band and 19 o'clock to tbe pivponnd nolaea nnd mntteriugs hire dismmttgsmthe bortaltotof (he Odd FM-1tantibunda. TheRareaocam^nnied by
tows borne to Hope eameiery, B'nwaWrr. | trembling of tbe earth, while the birds
NoUegrandsof Befaeksh lodges to CbU- 'ind cUier animnls flee from tbe_____
Pr^bly tbe largest canal in.tbe
foroia are not allowed to wear tbe reimlla , |gu>.
nfaBoUegiandofasubordtoatelad^ | un?of to Icndnaarb of tbe central wocld, a diaiinctiuo of some note in
Tbe total relief paid by subordinate'phUippiMais tbe great voloano (d Mn- them days of

, Aa Oaasaal AaoMrat.


•eOaat tti Daa.
A nport OB •

aigtuneat In famr (d tbe dirud of alco­
hol in the tiratnieat of dii'aioe. PrwideW Ward well in thia n-v-jrt nden to
tbe objection whicb her bts held io t ie
boeplt^ from ita foni d;.tion to tbe aJminiMiBtlcu of alcotiol is cdtber nrcfdiweae. {teataioa'
' gica
^ ' puaitirely that tUo medical and nrgical

M (olknrt; SoBdar. »—Be-



intbenortfawestprurincutff India. Its
breadth it 800 feet, with a main ebanI miles liosg. while tbe
have au aggregate
principal braoclM
length of S.OOO'milm.
and tbe village
will extend, when oom[det«d.
romekOOOmileaadditiaoaL But. apart
from iirigMicfib tbaiongeat canal in tbe
wndd le that wbieb extends from tbe
froDtiw of China to tSL IVttrsborg and
to 4,672 miiw :in length. The -itoa^

to 800 mita kav. and in aU 1
are I4.00U * - *
9,000,900 me


Tlie Price ef Toliaciei
Has gone up—So has our stock. We have a fresh
clean stock of. Cigars and Tobaccos and our prices
are reasonable.

048 Front Stroet.

Ice Cream . Freezeo-s, Screen Doors
and "^indows.

i4rFtottt 0tTMi

THE MOMmrO MO<»D. WnTOAT. JITLY, 10. 1698.
TM| UFt Of THE RO$t.
*0t«* Uno «r*r«

ClOawaak. I
yon will bara •
M •oecaM.'* “On nooHa faQ.”banld.
tuning 1e tbe orAetra. wbo graoetel' WbrrT^ tb* teul tb« M*. tb* bar- ly waved
fiddla, bowed low and iwTh*
Mihibc. a»4 Utt and « mm. pUed. "eandoote." Bsor wonao. rita
locdmd into tbeir eyes to we if they w
for croMing tbe channockiiig ber.
ooorlaoed of tl
_ in nllisg on a bridge,
to tbe depth of lb meters beTbt «Dd M PothtoK. aad'tli* and to bmt.
and.-wkb ibt nrahge Kuglng aCiiltB fowlow
•m bow
mndrop alnstoo wllb Um ber ears, railed, eaid “I tbbok yoo.” fona «t
above tbe water.
Mark how the ace devours each passlNC tnnied qsickly and ledi tbe tbnater. to be propelled by electricity and cs4«>tbr!
fiow abe gotbomewaa alwoyaaxnya- blo of carrying fmmilwaytnitu. The
Tbe epd to BotMnc. and the and to iMar.
tcry to ber. Martha beard a faint pnll tails on tbe paatfora join tbe mils on
rums arise and trow and wane and dto- at tbe bell, hastened to the doer and land at tbe departure and arrival, so
found ber minrew pale as death, bst that the trains will simply stesm on to
tbr IlFe alleued ttx* U bow and berawith ber ayeawide open and a wt emlle tbe platform and steam off it when tbe
on ber lipa She pat ber to bed. held platform reaches tbe opposite ooest
ber qoivetlBg bo^ CU by degraea tbe
Tbe new project has jost. formed tbe
tonored aoal began to etill ilwlf and sabjeot of cuefnl stndy by the Oomtbe overwrought brain fonnd relief in pegnie de Pives-LiUe, whose hlgb repoeach healing tears as bad not cone be­ utios is a gnatmucee for XDocetot That
Tbe bolt bad faUca that nunlBit. ud fore in all tboai- strained days of trial.
study has shown tbe practicability, tbe
sritb Bnmb, fcl«M baadt and di7. ter­ And now there was jncticing and ptepfacility of execadoa and tbe relative
ror flltod eyes sbe aat in tbo dark«Mear­ ataiioB of ooetunMa, then tbe first ap- econoruy of that method of transit by
ner of her gay little drawing nooi, be­ peannee and tbe many aoeceeding, all nil between France and England. This
neath tbe gbaaUy obamber wbenoo were jntoifying tbe acnmen of bor friend tbe fobeme has tbe advantage over its predGradnally all prrssiug soessors at being very simple and of
toon to be Urve tba earthly reaaina of itnprosaria
need, tbe iodebteduom, tbe griodiug poaaasing abeolate safety both dnriug
ber bnaband.
care, dinppeand. and she oo^d have its eztvmtion and in its working. That
What was sbo to do7 Bow was abo to
irely happy.
solution has also tbe advantage of es­
protsatc not the Inntrit^ wltbont which
All day.w • for
r tbe UKmlng bou of caping tbe principal objections raiwd
ri>r aca^ imagined ber child eoold ex- rehearsal,
trsal. the
Ill kept Haiaio ts-side ber. Vgidnst the project of the bridge above
i«. bat tbe Uira Deceaaitin of life? Er- It war Maitie wbo made a daily bbV>' the water. No obstacle to uavigstion
cry piece of fnmihite in the boose was eanst of nnopened billeto dons
wonld he created by it, and the Insalar
nrortpa^'d to its fall vuloe : nd bv last adorned ber nnrwry wi^ tbe flowers citaatian of Kwgivtwi would remain in­
Jswel bad gone l*> pay the r« .it Thank j *“« invanawy aocompanied tticm. It tact.
Heaven, they conid have thU haven for »““»****’''‘*®
Thia new work oculd be
in flve yeera Tbe total cost would not
«.»niD«.ocou..i SU,
I«l«l bcr-reooi nun,
exceed 860.000.000 francs, or three
ladnotbad »1»
a sew pair of gloves for it.oi tba SbiL in ^ artistio cosramea Every evenii^ times less than tbe bridge above the
lingi bad bccviDJc tl»' hasi>- cf expraU- abe*k'ft tbs child with a new pang, water. Three rolling pUtfarma, worktbougb she oonld not bat fed ber safe tag I
MOkly and
torew gairn-as bad Ish-u hiittma.
In the Ufoming friendt with good Martha, and flew on tbe the <
tons of
. amnx^ to support and assist her tfaroogfa wings of lore to ber bedside on ber retnm.
Kd Ukc a
which wonld pro­
an that displeased b<n^ in ber new sv- duce an annaal inoume of over 60,000.-.
.said over und, over, “bot i;:y heart Is
000 franca, or a n« income of 60,000.strmg. ■’
000 franca ConsidcTuig the faciUty of
Vbeo, a month later, abe sat with was on tbe Mage all else was forgotten. brilll^Uy iUtuaioating tbe platfcras
Ooaslu Salina in tbe same room, in tbo Her grief fell from ber like a diamal frith electricity, they could abo travel
nme diair, listening again to tbe goaty garment, and sbe stood tbe personiflea- at nudit Tbe great English company,
inia as it beat against tbe windo^ it tkm of langbing yonth. grace and joy. tbe Tbamea Iron Works and Shipbaild- la Btdtor dOTpa tbv BtoBtobl dtonee tratet.
tb« dar, th* rarlh low IjIbs ilmia
was to ber as if DO appreciable tiine bad
company, limited, u in aooord with
VhlU Ihoashi iBTBdw Ih* vuraal nUtwhH.
ttatervened. Dreamily she took np tbo gsttsy. winglike scarf—1m Paloma they
French Oompagnie de Fivee-LiUe The (Mltor teora
ttuead of ber tbonghto where she bad called ber after ber first dance—abe for tbe grouping aronnd tbu project of
dropped it that sad nigbt. and tbo floated in an atmosphere ebaste and po­ tbe prinoipd woriclng firms and com- rtoeU. froB • port U-r«ed tbrczplarw'* fcaa.
ItelMUe BbTo, (Ml *rvu<l» of llshv
etic. too delicate to be misaodersto^
strange conoeit came back to ber.
lies of the two countries into a vast Up troa th» Miter vote* naknowa ot ora.
Women less brilliant, bnt stolid and and, u before, even tM woma were
anadcagl oaosortrain, which, with
And mtm tte nielit.
idodding. were euenniccd Ml iottiMls obnrn>ed Yea, abe might have beocme tbe present Channol Bridge company,
A tsahwBT aown with tbtoilo down of Mara
wbese the bad disdained even to allow oouieot, bot daily Maisie grew weaker will demand tbe onooesaian and aeoare
Apatevrsr whltateUthiraia b*4lro«
o appew. With voices in no and more fragile, and ber bnart failed
cf the work.
<te* wheat wlBfod teat mm isatar to totSt
way comparabl
rable to ber. abe saw others within ber. Sbe would take tbe child in
despairing arms and bold ber so
MonsUaf toOed.
noceed, while abe. wlm anng
m that tbe Uttle one would cry out,
—bat like a bird, too, onlyr twhen inA gnn that am fire wltbont a Sa*h. BrMca tba wsala traa roUlag i
was happy tritbal in tbe embrace, with Dosoond and with noreooU, woald
. _
o inipression. And
■be loved ber “mnmaio’'withade^ be prmty ckae to perfeetioL Bo far no
Spate U>e Uw tMt of allrtev. ahore t« mere,
so, duaeiail ss Mre was. abe was poorer
- -|riiiBpbv'rr(tepna*16aik
and more belplcaa than the hnmblest devotion and seon^ with a strange
1 gun baa ever been Inveoted, bnt
reacienee to anderstand mack.
tbe Froieh are trying to make one. and
wooisn wbo oonld conscieDUomly knit
a pair of stockitige or embroider a tea. omiD Oolooel H,
li. lb. ; ‘
h awifi. eartooa hand threva opte
New York Evening Peat as bsring ap«td*
Tbe pretty face aeemed pinched and ligbUT of heart than asaal Maiaie bad prcacLc>' that resnlt. Hia gnn makes e ' Into a «
wnaiy. f^o deep linoa begu to inclose been feverish that day and bad grown flaaB that k; hardly visible and its re-' WberrabadeartfUd*.
tbe drooMcgtnrinlh. "Ismile en |toreu- qoictrr toward evening, and they bad port is ooffiparatively alight His intfaese,” abe aaid to Oonsin Selina as abo had a royal game of romps and a "big,
npon the cadisary gvn oonBoSm the eaaae with larvag. taeuBl
tonied from the niirror, where abe was big hog and kiss" when abe K-ft To­
trying to change tbe espresnon of those ward tbe clone of tbe evening she began
qaivering lips, that even at tbe moment
aperture tbe mme as that ct the gun. In
tbeemter of thia anenure there is a Otbooshv iwinral TberaentfiBs bfUowa loas
oniTed apuud, a Cnpid'e bow. at Che
changing ber costnioe, sbe left the thea­ ■bbtirt pi-Mni u o... ...i ,i,irb
qnaiat oonceit.
More sorely than ever ebe knew ab« ter bnrriKilT and, jatnpiug into a baa- dinorily lies in a boiisnotal porition in 1 Toflad'thawari
driven home in all baste. 1 >e arcceaa. At tbemomeiii of diiv-barge of I.
eoold ask no favors, bat most pat ber
owntboolder to tbewbM'L Bot wbat to front door was open. From tbe faaU
do when all else failed? To dance on the came the vrlce «f her physician:
which is still at high prcteure. flows g*ui, find. «fr eachonsr. m alsbl of land. 1
"Go quickly, or she will not know
stage! Why not? She conid dance. All
nndtwthUshniUTand miMT-it up.*oas
In «riu» ci»n-1
to ptvw-nt the exit of tbe flams and tbe -&n»-HcTruxw*rttoTeo-Ji-*0(»np*Bite.
bu life abe bad loved to dance. In ber
greatest joy abe bad ever foond faJlcst
gua Tbe gas
csoane tbronnh a '
exprewiiott in dancing to her own re.flecnnmberof
small apertures 4M
at bUC
the lAi
a .
Mans before tbe long mirror in ber Uin
*’”*** “ ***• of the mnmle bloek, with a diminished
We will cloee oat a few broken Iota of 8boe«, at an
wuiked qui> kly iiinto till honse.
a Mala VThmvte 8to
doir. A hnodred times ber darling '
velocity, and a small shield at a sliort
eapeeially ItJw Bgrnre. Tiiey are all solid leather and
distance behind on the bam-J «ops it i
——boon lulled to aleep. eased of her
. u . - ,i.
completely. For a musket a ball is rub^
by tbe dancing of ber “preny mninaie.I
u '•ri.. j
good wearers. We ca-ry a Urge stock in alt styles
Chicago s swell boteU.
Om. wtib be, bb,b,b0.
b«l «oi .:“T"'*;
?"* stitnted for tbe ahnttcr. and an advan- ^
y tbe wings tage of the invention oon^iws in its dre»d in cravchng «»tnme and earryand ail prices and can please yon. For a good wear­
fetnons actrtas ■ woman ebaste as ber- littlo face, already fannid by
teUptebUitytoallpattcrnsofonlnaDoe.>8.«**“ ^ a ope rf plmd cloth.
aelf—dance ao gracefully, yet with an of tbe augi ‘n, flashed soltly.
ing shoe get them of
■bandoneoperleet. aatooa. '
ible. disposing of it with aotna care, as
‘ dlenoe eocuslomed to ekbihitieu Cram
which abo bad turned in loathing—to will yoo not?"
For tbe more perfect printing of fab-1 “ J*
Bhe fe ll 00 iH-r knees beside the ooocb ricf
--------- J .by
- -a 'I Then abe gave her a
his asnoyenw, tdsoe bis taRe grew
a methodI.—
has.---------U«a invented
and lock tl.i lirUe out- in ber
yearly less refined. Even then. "the P’T
"ttwieL lovely mnmtie." mid tbe The Journai' of that city, it has some
if it," she had rigbed. And bow mi
even then was implied that abeabcaid child, kioti g her bare arms, "yoo will
be a n-al doiv in biarrn.''
mj, tnmiag to bin:
dark ground patten on the fabric and i
a hasty glaw*
"That 1 wold do. I am oertain.
wailed tbe tnuubliug woman.
printing upon it a patten of bright ool-;
^ • “U T*>“« Angcm cat mot­
"May yoo never need." be be
"No, mumsie." aiHweTtd tbeehilA or tbe flgnres of which do not reglrtcr
gmoefnlly <* thvacant chair at her
ewered fervently, tor be loved ber
and was prond of her. tbongb bis paUhs "Yon aball come too."
with or fit tbe bUck. and the bright,
Tbe mother gated at her, epeecbleM patten figures do not show in tbeir en- (
Bismarck, you dreadful oat!
la life were deriont. tbon^ be would
tiretyon the finished fabric, but-ouly «ho-W. m tlw b.^ waiu-r apf»^«l
not follow be?. It ell oeine back and wild with alarm.
'‘Mnmsie."mid the little one, trying tnfragmenu. parts of tbe bnihtflguma,»“5*
to ber vlvMlr—the gay eoene, tbe
^ hi* eye that boded no
eager faces, tbe murmur of deliglt,
tbe applause that rose again and again ■hurt, golden cnrhi in damp ringlets on best effect is aaid to be obtained by re-1
out madam, •• be
Sist printing, in this case the fabric be- •
asMuwice that goea with
and could not be staid. Her heart bent
tan. Tea. abo would dance. It might dance. Perhapa tbe angels don't dance, Ing first padded with aniline black Ihjuor
ooM ber the few friends she still pcs- and I love it ml''
and dried and any desiKd fignita ^
clicked ber fingers
With a great sob and a sopreme effort printed with a desist npon tbe padded
aemed. bnt as long as ahe beiped berself
disappeared. Every eye
■be rose from bar knees, threw off tbe fabric
yet no
no ^
one saw
saw him
him go.
go. The
■hs eouM maintain ber pride.
black is then
abric in a machine. Tbe hlatA
Next day became a tinumne round of beavy cloak wbiefa was still about bar developed
nndcr it
leveloped by aging, and the cloth treat-. T"”'
^ .®
. ck*«afid
. .
and begun to danre Wat ever anekmar- ed in tbe usual way. a black ground bo‘vanished like
toterviews with impuHeui
or impertinent mauagen, with a heart *'7***!
with-white flgonabt^ thus produced '
"Find tlie cat—be is in tbe pUture
H-r days c
iiigdailybeavierandahruinsharp:t tun through a print- •omewhero." remarked toe owner of tbe
ofuw ;
lightly w.
pet as she buttovd b«x toast Bnt tbe
ing esaohine and
ily Hi dcu!
it: tbm it is stasmed and
back, and it v
= BaadU Baildiof.
BUtil tbe woman badliuisbul ber break­
..pnaurt ut
o( br... m an
b« !' .
.itb—.b.^ washed ,Sl
uie caiucmMiw
iMU>r utaiiiair
. ““f. . -l-o*!..
--------------------anfl finished.
fast and was Kwving the table, with
hungry cyca, granted Inn-a trisl. flAin* '
her traveling OBI*.-thrown oi-cr her avm.
an boor at the theater <m tbe foliowi-.g
bwtvtly the child railed, lifted
day in the early forenoon. Amid a «m- i
as if to t^nfc bw,
made with
*1»« ®y«**7
the animal's disapUu-n (be flult<ring eyelids cIomxI. tbe
Intb tei
was explained, and pnssy'a
•eouree of women, some 1
double stacks for 1
2^^ bead Was allowed to peep from a oathis country


5='^«T=SS’ ■S^a


Have added another pair of fine bicycles to our ’
g large line of high grade bicycles. It is the Cy-'
(• cloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cycle Co., of Sj
I Grand Rapids, Mich., and is one of the best and
^ most simply constructed machines on the mar-!
■ ket. They have patented a‘ bell ringir
out of sight.
Come in and look them over,

i J. W. Mr’s HoDse FurDishlDg Store I


My Line

of Silverware

' I la the finest In Ifortheru Michigan. Come ^4
secure an Ornamental piock or a flue Ool4

F. A. EABL, Jeweler.







Celebrated Chicago Caidies. I

How nim-al it 1
_ _____________
«op ahmpUy Iw slie sJioald I ^
Britiah lo-H
*** **“
which she would waken in a meunentt
Sbe La« kept her. glance straight bv
separate chambers by a taariaontal ’ *” for fear d being found, but be is
tou ber, trying to abot out the crudity ibro^h tbe house, and rtugsoow in cue
outride tlKi |
near hi. jouroey'send n.«r ««1 is geteff tier suRxmudings —the "■ets" all ear, of the t^ wbo
awry, the gliupsca of hnsr carpenters
U hU private
and scene shificra. tlio fla^ily dMud angel. -od jbc brave hiart broke.-D and women waiting for rehearsal
! in omU over tbo tim of tbe aiiigle stack,, « "-Chicago Time.-Herald.
and fainiiiariaiug in a way thnl. gave
j and it is probable that funber and
Otwer Cra4B<a o
Bltad. M VMrtatta.
berameiital uaomta. A row of raw girls
I exteusivo experiments In this direction
In soiled duiK'ivg sh> te und BubiLgi.
"Wby has that blind beggar ahifted
An nuunial incident ormimtl in tbe will be ouried on.—New York Post,
their upper halves clothed in
timber near Fossil, Or., tba'other day. j
his pQDtioQ. 1 wtaider? He stood at one
irdly thmigb
Bcaber and Ftvuch aiw ed through a tree I
mate ta LMSaa.
plaoe for nearly mveo yearn nntii abont
matutinal driU. Tbo odor of dan and
' g j8 feet in cireaniference, { A paper wm premted recently to tbe a week ago, when 1 noticed that be had
oU and paint began to overppw«-r her., and, though
igh they gawid
gawi d nncil the teeth . Bnyal
Society of_______ movadabont half a Uook down this
tbe verge of losing her i of tbe saw came tbrongh on the opposite - Britain deallng’with tbe "Fluency cd
•elf potecasiou u beu tbe kind voice of {aide, tbongb the tree top was free from Rainy Days In tbe &itiab laUnda "
"Tea, be had to do It Be oouldn’t
tbe manaser.
clan behind her.
ta<-r. aaid:
-all sanuort.
—-* —

- - s of.....
„ f. close
support, tfaoach
tbonph thev
they Dried
pried and
40 stations for 20 read tbe war buUeCina Cram where be
"Your turn, mndnuie Will you tell chopped and wondered and talked, trill years from 1676 to Iboe were need and
brftau."-LClevriand Inader.
aewbat made yon deoiivf" Tbe or- that tree stood there, and sriU tbe mw the obi
_____ _ __ced to peroentegus
tdMatra, cempoeed of one violin on tbe nmeined pinched in ao tightly that it | for each month. As might be expected,
Wat Tteh Sanaa Ptooa.
itage, began tbe awinging atcompant- e«ld not be moved. At lost they were the greateet frequency uf itbrmy days
A oolored "oolunel”. wbo had been
sentof ' LaJ>aIama.'-'and at theesd. oWiged > go bom^ leaving the tree wae fonnd on tbe extreme norm and. vying to get up a regiment in tbs nunl
and while tbe blood beat and surged in •tandiugon
» iu stomp,
stomp. Naas
west ooaeta
and tbe numth of Ji to'diatricta. reported sa follows; “No. ssb
------------------------------------------deafening throbs ip bet heavy bead, tree was down. It had apparently
free from luisy weather. The! iT'i n-utr Trjinl Itms iasnitiisil lei
ogafei she beard tberoioaof tbe mana­ sprung sr slid from the stomp, steiking
amximnm of retn ooenn in j sneoeed in geccin men enoogh nr jine
ger. aeealngly a great dtotanoe att:
arlyintbeannAyaotl atfirsLtinly'
OctobexU a dedMlyHwwsr whendewatemiUioneBaeoncone long
"‘Aenspt my emnidimeate. madama
bole Svu feet de^ and asfwimwth
*has "
- .broke
xjmwtb. bath -------*
^graatato- «n
op de
lalnU ba giadtoofln youamlaiycE
nnmbta of rainy days

iK-rti.'r.x'fH.'f;:;:; i

“»■» »“•

i-i ^


If You Have Logs to Sell
OorrespoDd with the Traverse Cify Lumber OompaBj.
We hare for eale'Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple 'W^dod,
Itajvus IH3K asojni.
Hill Hachiseryof all daaeriptinaa, Including Tvo RngrtMto,
Ret Works, Oarrisgee sod Ssws. A complete Ssw Mill Pleat




Ctaanc Jwt, u,
k a. i>erU.
> el ebiutr.-an.
ti. I-*; Herk au.
(Prayer for tbe iDtenadooal Obriatfaa Bndnvcr ooBveotioo. Yf
All haTe aot tbe woe taleote and
abiUUee in lUa Uod faue placed aoine
r HwOiiM
la bi(b poeition and aome in low. To
Be baa given great wealth, to
■tnucerlUteBed to otbera poverty. To one nanHegirM
power and Inflaenoa: to aoottaer Ba
tine tn dlraM
done oot.^ Soma man ban five
Be ItncMd onm ibej-bad
nne but two. oobm
•nc7 feature of tbe oampaign, attcriy rbetber mocb or little bae bean given
tenolisbed Cbe policy of tbe leaden and it baa all oome tram (iod and aboold be

Ot Whleb PoatUvalr App«ra Ite nioMflena ChM aad Pneamar. the Temfm Sent, tbe Pin(& a


and all tbe ottaen in miUtaiy anthority :
1. AbUity *0Bld be oonw
ware clearly In die wrong. Then ba Ood bacaiue it la tba gift of (iod.
: tbtnge belong to Ood and are gilta troen



r Him.
Stead of landing at Baiqaiii. Ubaftar
eilvcr ii mine and tba gold U
*onJd baveewnngaabflraatlbjababo.” mine, mitb tbe Lord td boeta.” “Tbe
“Wbat plaoe la thatr' inqnind Ibe , cartb u the Lord'a and tba fnllnam
I '-I' : <rn>uvu<t
i tberaof,’'aaitb tbe paaliuttt. It it God
be could bare imdi- : wboasaiteib one man and defaaaetb an«
........ ..
l>c.oajayabo, with hie otbar. Tbe man who bat fin ulenu relei. nwutig on Bcmoo and hU right oelved tbam from God. They tberefore
wing encircling Pradenda Thie would belong toGodandehonld be ooneoorated
have brooght hie oesier at Mogote with- to Him. Great talcnta poMcea a grrat
In aaey bailing dietaboe of QtiecitBiiw danger We era apt to be prond and
Inragna. Do
yon follow me?"
; aelfiiit. to imagine that tbe gmueae ie
“Ye-e-a." nmrnared
nmrwored tbe etralagiata. inherent in oureelvee, and that we can
- “Then be

flentm cbarply againet

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


aad Keaeoaad Afl^^


An><w«e»Oe aad Combet-tOO Bentetga Chieto aad Warrlet» e< tbe Oae* au Pownni Sioai-

^_ _



TK--------...9t. Ana and
^ .talanu
Amy; U»Cear~»Bec’to~
aadeafmol at Pirmem.
a»4l ty. let ne_________
Altaree. .\re yon with me etillf”
that all come* Iram God, and thank]
a ■
. ; Him by Being all oor gif u for Him aad ! 2 O
“TbUwtmld ban thrawn bU akir- Hi. oanee.
FiCbUscOaot n uui Eisbi POvatM Pinet Oea: tb* EeU ot War
aiiibera acroa. the Bio Jtuuaa and giv- ' A Ability aboold be oonaecnted to !

•nhima abate •oolJet at Pnnta Jolla. Ood. betsanec it bring, grwireepon.ibil-^
i ity God will dema-jd of n. an aoeuont ^
Tbe wrategtFto faintly nodded.
| for all He baa ti> eu oa Tbe man who j

“Thai by ewimming tbe RiuOoampa
five talenU bad to aooooDt for five
SOdeBfll.0ding tJ e Gtao Hem be ooold tolema We often'envy tbwe who are
have brought op hi. mervoe from biaa ; rlob, tboae who <«copy blgb poaitione j
com OIAM
Dermjagabo and hnrled them at San In life, and with we bad timilar ricbee '
Joan. San Pablo aad San Pedra Had and poeitiona Lmt « ben we think wbat
be done tht* at tbe proper moment bU great reapoodbUlGo oome with theae
•dvaaoe wonld bare been lartied j ttainge bad we not perbapt better thank
>r artKO 6BOT or tbs vohld.
t force ; God that He bae witbbeld them from
. to land it at Bom VoUno, SoUdad. and na Think of aoeonnting to God for tbe
wren Hoogoloeango and of ootaaa tbe saetd $1,000.0001 Tfaiak of aocoontlng
I rigittr
' day wonld be oora An
to God tor
abiUty to Ininlor tbe power and ability
’ whiepered (be patalyaed flnenoe f<w good or erU bondreds or
. and (be etianger aaode
of hatnan beings, pcimeeeing
Bway—OleTaland Plain Dealtt
r of abiUty,
grsat or wnall. is to eonaeente it to God,
**«rbat's tba matter, snolaf Bad a to Dse it not as belonging to oataolrea.
btst to Him.
8. Ability sbonld be oonseerated to
Ood, because it is a div
Coseh^Bet Barstaak sad Bsddl* B
that ow aU sbonld be given to him.
KMUeas Soeth Aneneus Ante *>d Coe
» by ^ttin me toe put op
di flag on my hooae by
"Tboa sbalt love tbe Lord tby Ood
de flag o* de Onbtane, I
with all tby heart, and with all tby
lygwine toe git be'ebioMemend knock­ aonl, and with all tby mind, and with
•T vrruiAMb fbom the paiious vixth weoimcnt u. b. CAVAUtr.
ed pltim off dee as aoon ae I gitd ober de all toy stroigth." This, mys Chiiii. U
o’ de visit 1 got fnm my neigh' tbe flrw oommsDdment. WUb heart,
bora Yon beab mel"—Cinciiuiati Eo- aonl, mind and atrengtb. t.ito onr en­
tire beicgi, we are to lore and aerve
God. Tbie ii His
Abilities of bead, heart and band am to
Talking aboot oobl mai on tbe gal- be osod for Uod. bowevm great or bowlows-a morderw while aacending to ever small they may be. All that we
the death trap was offiwed s dgar by a are. all that we may hope to be, all that
Uan in tbe crowd. Reaoceptedit. when we have, oumes from God and ahonld
■Bother man sliooted:
be owd tberefore fur Him.
“Oon't yoo want a match, pardner?"
Bible Ueadiuga. — Dent. rL 1-6;
“Ka thank*.-' was the reply, as tbe Judges vii. 16-28; 1 Sam. rvil. 45-54;
■beriff was adjattiug tbe black cap U 8am. xxii, SB. 85. Pa xcri. 7-13;
rarUstpaMd ta br Bern* ol U» I
<“1’U light It wben 1 get tberal''—At- civ. 84; czxi. l-g; exxiv. 1-8; Hath.
lama Oonstitation.
XXV. ]4-S0;Lakexvi. 19-91: xix. 11-27;
Bom. xli, l; I Cor. vi. l». SO; x, 81;
Epb. iv. 11-16.
Betnm el Wud CbsrcM, 0«er«m* MrsM. sed Konsl Comtast A Colsesal
“Toddles, I'm m a twrible fix. One
Ltvtag Pieton «f BopalM* Tslor ud Sxaibiuuo* Bcccsitag
AU CrwnpUoB. sad CoBcIrdisc wi\8
flf tbe wheels of my new trap broke
Wben a anal i* born anew, it is “a
down U*t eight, and there m't time to
fix iL ru have to go to tbe tacee in babe ol Obrut.'' a;id as nch is an ob­ A SUPREMELY REALISTIC TABLEAU
ject of mterest, graUtnde and expeouthat little top buggy of mina”
“What'e the differenoe, Looglake? U titm. Tbe hope is that it will not al­
yon go there in a little top boggy, ways be a babe. Birth itself is a great
that’ll be tbe fatoiem bmafter.“-^3hi- eveoi only If it u tbe anteoedeut of
BOTietliiug greater Tbe family does not
exist rtmply that > bildren may be born,
bat chiefly that they may be trained
into matore and symmetrical men and
pzarxor nwtxonov rwtoM »dxb era abd
wouren. that tbe raoe may be advanced
in strength and weU being. Tbe eburab
of Spaaito names. ''
doe* not exist siuiply that men may be
“What's tbe ose* The ebana
bon again, bat chiefly that toey may
Oat there won't be any Spnoish n
devaloond into “foil
“fell growa
be developed
in a monei or twa’’->-lndiaH
attaining “tbe itatore of tbe falinees of
Christ "-Gonimonwealth. Bsptist
ir> ParMigfct.
A-r »o A.
e;/ da-jt o*=- EXHiEti-r-ioni. raiiw or shine:.
Xstkefront—Did yon oocioe bow OearA
Wben B»eo get into traoble, they are
iNra's UtUe chUd mema to abrtnk ten
L»d by tt» Wortd rtcaoA, Bopt^My Mimii--d Covoor Bind. A* Ii
« Bwt DMpUy id Bdv* tPmMe<r7SsdBlUtsrrF«mp. Aa ■qOMOlBaItsrah« P
eftmi anxions w M nved from toelr
Wafaasfa—Yes. poor fellow I Too sea, trooblea. tboagta toey were oawilling
Jw named her Enlalie daring tbe iiifan- to take advioe before. It is oar dnty to
ta'a Tiait bme In 1898.—Mew Ytgk aak Gud to keep as from rnaning into
as well as to ask Him to
i help. ans oat Tbe best time to ato God's
Mef M
Ip oat of crooble it before ene gets
- -----------------------—............... -in* eom»b»er-»Criipr a AU at ChOiiee Do HR toe
nmee has to be at least 86 into it Many a child cries louily fo rdf* That II I* Uw or
years old!"
Tbe brave girl qaailed.
mottaer and stay away (rum
“They mast think we’re daad anxions it It utrae“msn * extremity u God's
oppurtoniiy. *• -Botmaa bad better not
tBTbed.—Detroit JonniaL
wait tor lb* extremity, bat take oonneel in time that be may be toved (ram
Am ASbsatVB Flliet
tbe extremity.—Cbristiaa '
“When I go to eee Dorothy. I
la ClMcur.
We certainly shall (eel grstefnl. a
L Maad. why don’t yoa have
b1ea*ing will come Lack opon os. if we
sr visit yoo?
“TbeadM nevargoas bome."—OU- snooeed in any degree in evoking e fresh
ooarage, a new hope, a wiaar reaolatioo. Let as, let all remembm, as oar
greatest eff philwopbm baa ail chat
tbe eaenoe of life is not in oomptoeationa bat in character. U( this no one
If yon have read Mane Corelli’s great work you can*
can rob as. tbi* none oan dlminiab or
make lea pecions, if in every triaL in
n^t help but admire the character of the heroine—'*Thdevery loa, in every mitfanaiie, we an
As to have a spic span, clean house, Sometroe to ooraelvea—Cbriatian iauler.
ma.*^ This is also tme of the latest perfmne named **Thd>'








Grand Introductom Reriea ofthe Grant Eqnntriitt



lumKMKnviBtEtTniiavsK ERIE ran ETQ

Pa H( 111, 1118 fti m, I (caituiit ti % imuai




ssjiSTi. 5.'£fBs2r




.*rr.=^’.;,:r~DiiTicnimiiiiia c>iiira,,E.‘;;uimMa

Ho Eawilm My, Bill or stioo.


Nnmliered Gnipoiis, Actual Resened Seals fill Be Sold Oa the Daj Of EiMbitioD, at the POST OmCE HEWS STAND,

I Nothing So Pleases
A Woinan.^

“Here, air. ’’ exclaimed tbe Uttle man
In tbe gray enit. “I want to show yoo
tbe lateA war atlas “
"Toolate,’’crinnad tbe manatifae
dak. “I bought one last wtA. ’’
The UtUe man laagbed in tarn.
“That's not too latnt,’’ be aaid.
“Onr* is ssicUy np to date. ’’
“Yoo don't moan to my.” cried tbe
man at tbedeak, “that year atlas U any
more correct «hsn tbe one 1 boogbt a
week ago?"
“Oertainly 1 da ’’ mid tbe little man.
“Onr atlas shows tbe cxsrt changes in
tbe ooact Mpagra|hy after the Veanrtna.
eeaaed filing. “
Ba aold a copy.—Ctevelaad Plain

times it so happens that jou do not always
have all your rooms papered at once, but yon
can this season, for the p'ic^ we are making
on onr New Goods have been so ' low that it
has taken nearly all we had. but we still have
enough for you.

2» Front Stnet.




ma.” You cannot fail to admire its exquisite and lasting
odor, once you have tried it. For sale only by


*13 Front St

Koel. s.^ Tb™

. w«k

Heichtr's Ofsier Dapoi aid Resmnit

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