The Morning Record, April 26, 1898

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The Morning Record, April 26, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


the w>kning record.

FMTmt-No 905

Passed Both Houses Yesterday Altemoon and
the President Signed the BiU at 6
O'clock Last Bvening.


SscM Itu
»i~t TO S..
. 4*., to B™.! Ih.
Of Katms.
M rai Hsoais Raeasn

Wsaturtas. Aprif
A tarrite
uvAi oM«iet to wpsstsd otf Folio BtM
wl^la B few dapv jSta Kputob flotuis to tAoocht SOM la bnok ths
IdoAodB TAm Iks KTMlMt tatUo Is
4he lUBtMp of Ute worm wm take pUoe.

Was Becognized When Declaration of 'War
Was Announced, and Spain's Fleet Oiven
48 Hours to Leave Cape Verde.

Italy and Oantoda Hava Isaned Neutrality Proolammtloiu
Bat it la Said OermaBy WiU Not-Oabla To Spain
Haa Been Ont-Croiaer Detroit Made an Im­

m\i IS cuTs
Keane hi OoBunaaleatiw
VtUi Oaba ScMted hy Ualtod
Btatea Varal OfBeeta.
OparUl toTsa Hoasiaa Esroan.
Taw|^ Finrida. April U —Tbo Celt
ed BUtre bee cat the Bevaph-Eorope
cable tee oUes from HevaDa.
Tbe aeaibira utf of th^eeble to now
OB the llybtboaae tender Kaayrove,
ylvlBy this goraraMeat tbe eselasive
eable end eettlar Blaaco off froa

Waatolaelea. Aprtl n.~D»rtac ^
aart «WMtr-fear hours the wertd kas
towtod itosU with Ue war befsaa ttos
Oa»^ aiaiM aad 8*^ to Um ^a«toe«fo*afTOttoorsak}oiit. .
Dariar the aftaroM Um awuU bad
kM phased UMoSelal srar AeelarattoabOL At alg o'ekMk PresMot -MeSfator airaod Um Ma ‘nMaotfoBwaa
aadoaModlj- jMstoasd hj tbo loplp of
^gaafal to Uo alUMtiaa of UM proaMeat that Um Ualtod Slatos aot havlar
dtoatorod war. Psrtafal eoald aot rofnso
the aanhi. fleet ahelter at Cape Veide

w raaatndorof tho Ualtod Btatoo
aqaadron haa Left thto peel far the
PhUUppinM They are tbe oratoore
Oly.aphia tad BalUawa.

Valtnd Otatea Will Bead Araw aad
ABtaaaltieB at Onoa.
Sfoeia] tsTb* Xsanss KaeoBii.
Waehla^o, April is.—The yoraW'
aeeat haa'eompthud arraayaaeate U


ffbatisBoport that Oonaa Throaffb
BriUab OoDBul.
apeelai to TgS Hoasiaa Beraan
Of leering sad l.O^O aatal efigaa*
'Few York. AprU fi.-A eopyrif
aUeriaM froa Hevaae via Jaaai
prtoe: oeea batteoa aad thraad have Um Maw ToA . Joanal taye tkat the
toMBia OMlmhaaearBwadaUthe Brittoh eoBBai, aeUay ee e repnaeata'
M*al battoaa la Uo esarkoL.
Uvoof Die Ualtod Btatoe, bao haen
UAoi that the eity will ha boakart


OanadaJDoUaraa SoottaU^.
toda Talaable
name OraiaarOa
Ottawa, Oak, April IS -A
BpmM W Tan Hosnae
the Canada Oawtu wbieb i
Key WMt. AprU U.—Mam OiaUa
opoaad fin -oa the FIrkUar Sqaadrao
at closaa o’clock Hataiday airkt.
I abota ww« trad bat aaae «


They bear inspMtian. front and back, ituido an^ out Toti 'ean Had
no faalt with oar work.

For Facial t
wrlaklos, blae
M IB. Mark]

Now Uaa Pattsras grow la ptyelarlto every day.
Any Btri* fto TBB OBVii

We've the etoieeel, Itoeed

—AU at prioM that are not oapontlve la to toond in the
dty. We ask yoe to look at tboad we offer at SAe., ASe..
60e., TBe. and 91.00.


ole., call

Wheei Enameled For $2.50

The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at


Milk Shake. Soft Drtoki
Clean and Takaeeoa A, ._______________________
South Side OoofoettoMry and Totoeeo Btora <Hv«
MaeeU. Teentraiy.


Bring Your Feet With You.
We Do The Rest.

Sitisfactory aad Saasibla.

The Biss does not Wrbobls os. Vsw goods, bsw style,
new Issts, new toss.


Frank Friedrich,

Alfred V. Friedrich

Tla.e Old. Seliatole-


Dry Ggods DepailnenL


ee dozen Lsdles Kid Qloves, In blsok snd
assorted browns, in lace snd,^o.olasp, a reg­
ular $1.00 glove, we have pi^d on sals, bsginning Xondsy morning St 78e.,

ii tin imt Stiles.
Brariay of aU klpda. toes v«1 wntorf.

jr^ siTivsIs every day. Tbe latest found,
here. For low prices ws cannot be surpassed.
Dome to tbe busy store to do your trading.

■pde to rtod ae new. The only ap-toSmt Tork, April a».~Tbe dynatotte
ntoto VcMvtM nUled at 44* p. to.
ito EirilaiUin to net know.



The Right Kind

OoMval While has closed e CMtoacl
with Horyaa, FaU A Mcerto of Uito
St. Ttocent. Oape Verde lete^, AprU
ty tor army eecrcaata, 1.000 blae *$,.^AA0 ^ iD.--lbe BpanM Aa
, Sanpriabtota, B.COO MMece. lAOO paisa attU h«a, bet It to npertod that tbe
^ troasers. 1,000 kavevsaeka. l.OOO viiiito wOl aaU troa the tolaadi
capa. 1,000 cawmisB hate. 1.000 paba

Rellabls Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Honse.

Hsrdwsre. l46 Front 8t

EENEBU I. C. S»mi.



Ladies’ Skirt Waists

rinyAold. DI.. AprUH.—At aovaa
e’rtoek Mniyht Oovoraa Tkaaa rop of the troooary Btora of OivU War Sclcrtcd Ftom calved a call frea Waahinytaa
Oraad B^lda for Osneral
troop and at 7-JO o’clock Adjatant
Xiles' StaK
Owcral t. 'K. Beoee waa at wertf yct^ M tbo rastdaat at it^A It
Uay out ordora.ea1Jtayaittbc Mtlrc
Waaklaytoa. April IS.—Oeaeral
imi» offoetae aooo ao OMTcatoiU
aaUenal guard of Illiaoto.
yer baa eelaeted froa Mtohlyaa aa tar
Oacwal L C BatUi of Otaad Xatdda
. UtoloaraedtbatUebattleUiip Oro- who will kk epoa Oeaeral Mila' ataff.
et tbU evaatay tooaed a proetoiae
4(M haa peweil the StralU af Marel- Be sraa once elated la tho ooaaand Uaa ealUay epoa tbe tadtoda yaaid to
ha. It to baliorod that CapUla Clarke of the MtokVa^ »UiUa kriyado.
■hie ia tola city.
bbsearaed aad ready for aa ettae^ by
Medtoea. Win. AprU <S.—Upon the
aaoaaeeiadatefecaUfroto Weri
la ths eaaaM Meevaa latrodne
EUchiyaa Kaa Scca Asked to FaralA
MlaUoa reecvalsi^ Uia Bopahlie of
That Vnmbor.
Itoeed e eUrriay paUtotto proriav
Aba, bat ItfaQodtopaM. Lator tha egiijsl to Tbs HosstSV RSaooo,
to the people ef Wtoeoeela.
aoaato pa«od tbo M«al apprepriattoa
Waklaytap. AprU ___ Miehiyan haa
DwMolBae. Iowa. April ».—‘-Movo
MU pracldlar toi eeoaral mora battle
to thia elly witheat delay." was tka
M her qaota of tho 1S&.000 volBati
ablpo aad torpedo boata.
order aeot to tha Ksttoaa) Uaard eap.. It to reported thtooeealBC that OeaBriny Uood Fairly.
I by AdJaUnt^eaeral Byare Ip' ora) Shafter atay be plaaed et the heed
apxU) to Tu HosiRM nacess
alyfat Tbeyaardsot theeUUare
.«(the iasadUf troops la Ceba.
Wesklaytoa. April «S.-Tka war dA egeelleat shape. . .
' Word was reesieod toatrhl that the
partaent haeaeetoct erdara ta. each
srareUp Oolambta tee arrived at Haw
atato to yet Us quota to DaiAlay or­
der. .OMcrel Oorkto aayc the report
Ike PaMaie ktt beea ordered to pr»
Torpedo Oaaboat Tamerafio to Ibe
teet Ue JetUM at the taoath of tho that Miebiyaa is briny ased oatairly to
Only Weiobip of Spain oa
Opes Sea.
Waahtoyton, AprU
Mavy dopartHot At Fort Wayna
apOTlsl to U* Moesno nacMB.
mat oAtototo any there to aot m
Wasklurtoa. April U.-Tho NMF atoylo Bpontoh war vaoari known to he
OatboMt of PatrleUon la Ml^lfaB i
can troops ^nrt repdetvotM at Fort .ea tbe open aaa eaeept tha torpedo boat
tbo Boldlor Boys Xareb Away
Wayne. Oeaeral OorUn Mya. as the oflorario. The Tetoorarto to aendto Um Strifa
apeetal le ^s MwaBiss BacMM.
Scare aad BMClenan their pan
dl^ for botoo across the Booih AUnn’
Detroit, April U.—From ovotyqaa
Sho toiykt attoek tho Or^oa
mreoMthooebo of tha dayaoTSt.
a. but would to no toateh tor tho
wboB tho aoldiore left for the war.
loebip and hv 'oMoort, tho Ifa•aciaaw the oily to eMOMof brUUaat
s to That Zflbet
«olor ead the air to Ailed with the
Twterday. (
e« hrewUL At Uaelay. Um
flea. OalBBMb FUat aad Maay other
I That Oertoany Wm I^M
Bom. AprU SA-Tbe Ottetol Oa
.,flao« the popoleee taraed oat to ehec has pcbltohod a proetoMUon cajotolay
Mtober 1 have a fall llne-of Bley.'
laadrtoo aad Brp&a. I alee tore
UktoMldkw boys’departura. The we M all Itoltoa mhjeoto etriet aeatratlty
» ef werktoan to do yoer work
Kew Yorif, April t&.—Ckkl^cana
^MilB the elate to toaly lamaai duriay the war betwnM tke United
yeotoPeraad Beptfe wUl have
dea BtotaeaadSp^
Bcnt Ineptood organ, deolarra that Osr- toOd wtokto to order, they erotoatrttoa. QaU and aoe them.
■any will net aaka a deriaraUnn ad
Bapptla far«tob<taa Boya.
neetnlity.__________ .
BpsoisJ to na Mcmms Bsooso.
Wm Sril Ftea Oapo TeeSa SU



flarUiam BlatL

ffoarod That Spantoh ToryMAa Boat
Oatt Ker.
WaehlBCtOB, April St.—Tho navy departmrat has paaitivc latofattoa that
Bpaatok aklpe are in ctosaa of Um Parle
andooeof kwpareaavnto the 30-kaot
terpeda beet deatroyor jaet repaired at
an Bayltoh ebipyard. The eratoota
Btoaa^to and Ootambla. by good aotkorlty are beUavod to be hsadod for
tbe haaki of b’owfecadland as a likely
place for the Bpaatok to try to Utooeept tho Faria


Neatly «nd property

TiMyara a
paring to land la Caka 30.000 Spriay-.
Held Bidea. end aevetal arUltety kattwia aad rapid Are yaaa Tke daUv
cry wUl only ke Made by Oaaoral Go■oslapereM. ,




SO xoucp xKeraasRB.

Itoe S.OOO toa Spantoh steel
a of war MU. Portacal favo Chtallaa. which m salaod at half a
KaUonal Paaid of lOiiuda. Indiana,
..BowotaiT Sbarwaa. forMally ro- by the erutoar Detroit.
Merro 'Ociitio opoaod firo hfala BaaWtoMmatn and Iowa Ordssed Out
airaad at UMceWaot aMollaK taday.
Laot Kl^t-Soldtora In Boadi
vXadcallaywasappointodtahto plaoo. day oa Um Aeot, bat srtthoat
to Start at Om and will Kobcltoe
Bo wlrod aeeeptaaM fioM Ctoatea. alicbtcct effect. Ko ebola ware
at Yaiioaa PoiAa todi^.

adtor a oarrleo «t onrlforty yoarm, am-

Another big lot of
Wall Paper just received.
From 3 to 3 l-4c
a Double Roll and up.

Xtoihoftkov. B. BqaadronXMttSwiC
Scat iMt Klgtok
•paclol w'Tn HonRis nseoBO.
Bony Keay. Apri) ».-7:>0 p. a Five Uolled Btatoe watakipe and two
oteco^ipa iaft Bony Bony Uito a
iny with oNlod ordeea. UtoeaU UMy
areyeloytoaelaacrblooktho FhUllppiae lalande.

portant Oaptnre of a Steamer.
apstUIW The Itecslnc EsMfA.


FOOTn Fxn.uFPtnB.


Boston Store.
aiass Block.

Front Street.

Tfi* MuMmro MOOBD, TPMDAT. ibtoi ae. i$m.

•aa. V. VMpa Aafei Vkm tha Obnt


•■n. T. B*wi *ro 3. W. 1
/. «»HAna. aUMrwA 1

Om yi>.>y»»u.

—iiwl «i «K



.ja abeaiH aaari b aaw aaaapM
wtththaaaaaat Qaarga W. Phalpa at.
tkaa A W. X.
Oa. Mr. Phalat
•at lajarad aa tba roa4 aaar Pateakav
at«a tea aca. barlar baaa ptoeha4
tetwaaa two tralght aara wbM wara
Mac awltoha4 at tkat pataiV wbUa ta
tba aatploy at tkat eoatpaaj. Ha b
aaalac Ua raUraa4 aoa»pav M9I0.000. wnuaa AMaa Satftk b tha attanap ta tka aoBpaap. bat ka b la
Waakl^taa aa4 kb aoaaabW aaaaatf
aratCTUftkaaaaaatatka 4afaa4aab.
M art Pratt * Darb at tkb altp a»)
Jadra H, J. Hart at Maakar»- Hr.
Pkalia' aaaa b ta tka kaada at Do4(a
* OoaaU. It b proWbla tkat It wiU ba
a loac trial, aa tka plalatlffb eaaa b

aabaeriptbaa aaaaad tka aataaet at tka
b(w4a.aabUba9t» ^ tka aaaa, tka
«taaHiir-4awa" proeaaa wlU ba applbd
aaly to tkaaa whaaa bUa ara abara om
Tn Bfecb baa adopted tka BBfcaatta
ad tka BaooaD aad kabtad ita «af.
MW apbrmlda the Baooaz> ta aat
lac lb ewa adrlea. Tka Ba^a b paaaud that la a taw daya Old QlofT wUl
ba flaatlMf akora'tbe Baooai> oOea.
ttaoaly raaaoa tka cnlara hara aat
baaa aaforlad bafora b baeaaaa a fbc
atatfblaekiac.aadaaaoaaaa oa.
ba taaad aoibkla la bb^t aad la Uaa
with tba alBB of tka Bi
«kb« wUl ba M fortkar aaaaa ta

MiTbd teat ^t at tka raridaara of
tka brldab paraab. Mr. aad Mn. W. & 1
Tbaahar, aa Mata atrpat- Tba,betda b.
Hha Battb Tbadrar. who haa loag'
bald a poaiiba la tba aeBpottag raaa
of tba Dally Bagl^ aad tka giwaB b
Wm Bbaar. ata af tba priatlag ffra at
Balk ara popalar aad
tkatrtrtaadawtUwbklkaB aoatlaaad
Tba oaroBaay waa
Bar. O. Ooeklto,

OaL tni Graat waab ta ba a briga4ta geaaral. Bot It b aot baUarad ba
wfHc«taayUtoc bdttar tkaa a ataff
Jaba B. Moora af CoIobM Oalrar'rity. HawTark. wlll'aaeaaad Jadga
Day aa ataatoa^ aaeratary of atata.
Waabtogtoe. April tt.-It b ropert:
ad Ub atiaraaoa UaT tba praaiaBit
orlU toUaw Spatob lead to oflartog
uarabaat Toaaab of tka appMbt **■
bw aa opparUBlty M Itara |
gpato kaa glToa Aaiarbaa TOMria Ulrto daya to gat away. Tba Oaitod
Btataa win baaa a Uke praelawa
It b tad Ua Spaabk raatab aabw
Jeaeaa today wiU be relaaaod. bat aat
pat. Tbay WlU ba bald aa boatog
toawa good falU of Bpato. U (
aay dbptattoaaa tba. part of
BpA to riatota bar agraaBaat Ua aap
bmdakipatriUba aeU aad tka pra-

BrtaiMtwfll Ota ao Kora

Will elrao it tborongblw, traa Uie vbMb, nre any .^olor ornanonUl weak yoo wish, wbbbmI or varakb yoor nm for abovt prioa.
Call and aw wmple.
Wa a3ad BaOd WRasls to Ord«r, do it rbeaper aad gire bet............................... ; than aay
io Uw«ity. E^tb had aareral


Rixis, 811 rroBt flt, East,



■\D\va.\ S\\e

the loab rafarmawry laat areatoc at
by Judge Oarbatt to tba Ureoit
t. They ara Gay tnaraa, Praab
Babar aad Praak J. Saaadara.
Gey Pierea waa eoarlewd ot araaalt
aad bauory. Ptaee b Ua yooag Baa
who' had the aaeooator wlU Boaw
atoar BaaaoB m Proat atraat oae
»tog aoBa tlBa ago. aad wbo waa
arroatod apoa a ebaiga ot araaalt wlU
latoat to do grut bodUy bars ita
Uaa Ua erlBa of Border. BaaaoB. It
waa taarod woaU die frOB Ua to)arlaa
karoealTad. botba roaararad aad Ua
ekarga waa rodoaad to tkat of auaolt
aad battery. Pierea wUl go to laato

Barber Shot Mb BalpwM Throe
rimaa Thea Triad It oa Slaurlt
WiU Probable Fatal Batata.
apodal tote HoaauM KwMa.


Derrrit. April U -WlUtoB Saadoaby, a barker, taalght akot kb wife
Urea ttaaa,, totally. .Uaa ahot bit
bot raa away, bat waa eaptarad.
HalUar^lllta. The aoapla bad aap-

Shta TsVb 10. \t VI, \0. the or mora ah& stU «aaB>.


If You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreapood with the Iharorw

Mba Bwtowb waat to BU Bapida
EaMe Lewb of Blk BapMa apaat
Saaday toUarikyN. B Btroagiaaaiat tka al9 oa a
. W. H. Stoffaaa rialtod at kb koraa to
Praak Prladrieh toft today fto a trip
aiwaad Ua ••Hera."
Bi. GraUlakaadaaa Loab toft yta
tar^ ta Lra AagtaCbUfOniia.
d O. Tartar waat to Datratt yaatorday Boratog to attead a Baattog af tba
board of part
OatoftbepraffttotUaoopraeaM at
Potar B. Bogart ot SBoad ayataB
baa baBiexpwdadtaboaba. pariodi- faBO. paarad Urowk tka elty yaotoraab ata ptebtraa ta tba ■cbaalt. toav day oa kb' way to Ckabaypaa.
togabatoaeaoabataofSIl St.
City Barrayor H. &' KarUfW kta ra-Then an aUU oolitaadtog ratarw toraod froa Koataeky. whm ba haa
aad loaattoga raHnad.
pto. wbkb. added to Ua dgaroa gttoa
LoU Trarana, wba b i uliyid to
abara wUl ahew a aat prodt af ataly Mn. P. M. AUtoah BlUtocaT atora.
epwt Baaday wlU bar partata at Bav
Mba lABraek, wba kta bald tba pw
•f Mr. aad Mia. Saga Byta by far9- rittoa ot flaahbr to tka Phb dry gota
ata rioUtog atara, haa rarigaad aad
Uraa of the Modora WoddBW
Boyal Holrkbln of Aaerka. tba oe- win loara today ta Applatoa. Wb.
aarioa batog that of Mr. Byoah Ulr^-

Watatogua. April »t.^t b poaltiraaaraod. ffhaparty ooattoaad «atD U
o*alook, aadtag WiU Baay good w^-ta Ua fataa___________ _

torr*‘*~ a tal I

Thta wfll ba a Cibriillaa Sriwii
ttawhl Baattog ia B.a«.M. h|Il
I Iriday aeoalag.




‘Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W'ood.
T,i.Ta-n« SX3B
Mill Maohineryot all daaeriptfoaa, iadsding Two Eagioea,
Ret Works, Carriagea aad Sawa.

JL ocN^dete Saw MiU PlaBt

Ifyou a>« goiny to sutkr gardon do“ot*Cha^*aoe
oemploto Btoek of nowBT. aardaii BBd FMd

ehaa by Ua nawW tolttotod eaadldata, a aeog to Cbtoaaa by Lea Tea.
radtotiaB by Batoad Trararoa, laato
PBtoMap Bara Baaekad SS Oaau
toaatal ado by Odto Tbaataald, aad a
Patatoaa ara ateadny rbtog' to Ua foaal ado by Laa Baytoeta.
lata aarkat aad bayora ara toktog all
Uay caa gat. Yeatarday akaot AMO
Btoetric BaUa If yoo hara eolda.
■aU ware raerirad to Ua dty aad
aad Ua priea raagad frWB MUM Moralff^ar taa^ao^ ^
aoar rariato. try aa Etoetrie 1------eaab per btakal. Ua klgbaat potot BeoM »A Harfchaa Ble.. a trip} kaU
raaekad hero toyaaro. axaapt ta aa WlU aawriaea Ua Boat akapUta.
data toad of toaey atoek.
JbPta XorataDaad.
JPM l<rMb. wbw taa baw wry
ata WiU oaMPBpttoBL. dtod at S JO

LoBbar Compasy.

We bare for aale Good,

Will BESjjjJUT 2ND.

Drlagataa to X • B. T. Ooarratioa
At ft maaUar of tba Good Tta' p'a''<
lodTftWd tatardar aooatog Ur totlew toe dalagataa wera alerted t
toad Uia-dbtriet-aearaatira to be bald
at Sooth Boardaaa Totaay
Wadaeadayof UU week: Bara*y Aadaroaa. OUa Portaek: Hbaaa Play
Theobald. Prada Batoaa aad TBly

Kst eVahs ah4 all
^fLar Vi.\eraT^ eutt".
Ver Mual ciVl
ha a vnm a&«!&.
T )tCT oU
Vtaoa 4^
mas ^vramaaT \o \a\k asi fUcA.
Vm. ilha hast Vn hMa."


Waaklagtoa. April M.-Maabwa at aaoaat wiU Ua proper party, bat
KOBioAX, oovmnov.
aat lOliara kta ot Ua artatoal r«tka aabtaat dberadtt tka rapart tkat
Umltad Btataa aaaal aOean hara bkaa
Tba piataen wlU be takaa ta toab B. OUrh Mokbard ot Oktoago Map
poaMBkM of tka Hawaiba blaa^ UbBoratog oa Ua 1I:U bato by
Ootaoet Oaa to Thb City
Doabi b aba aaprawad at tka traU of
R. dark Hobbard of Cbtovo. b to
by TOB
ttadty today aad arraagoBaala will
Ua abliBiiat tkat aar Aabtfe aqwdifcobably
ba aada ta kta ta aoadaet
r«B wUl at OWN attaak tka Spaabk to
t to Ua ■
Hr. Habbard
BaaieatUtoad Park, Cbaataaqaa,
Xtaa Bckadoto imaged te tba Ool- UattaaaoB. aad b
Iiodal tota* KaearaeBaODaB.
Mbia aa Ua Patoakap aad
oMraattoa at CbdUlae. Ba b qalto
Blgbtoad Ugbt. Maaa.. April

Bekoel Xwetara OoBiaa Bni
aBiafttofVaartpBlMyear tba
aabool toetara
totoaaaaa to popatorttg aad aaoK
wwaaatowaaaaafproBto. Tbb
paarb aearaa haa baaa Ua toaat
MMtal ftaaactaly of bay proriaaa
Moraa, tka proBta batog aaariy IIU,
rUU b aatlraly dawMad to baoki '
UaaekaalUtoaryaadpiatoioa far tba
pUad by Sapartotoadaat Orawi

T)q bit '9ft.


Praak Baker gala eDk^attStka ta
borgUry. Ha waa aoorieM af ijraakot Xittto Otora Algaaa.'
tba Maiaa to ffgbtadaal. Tba Uao- tog toto a atara at Orawa aadjttatog’
A aad aaeMaat oaeorrad at SeoU
a aait at elatbea.
Praak J. Saaadara wUl go to tka Graat Friday. roa^Uog to the daaU of
Oara. tba Uttla flra-yoatowld dao|
aaldbakadaaBtkbaballragatba MU
aad if badoaaaatbaw troB Cat
Blgatoa by tka MU ka will braad bUa
Ua wooda, bot ba aaipoiii aba had
for Jaka
•aaaoward. Skaald.CbpUto Sigakaa
aBploya of a lasbar eaap ootUda Ua ratarsad to Uc booaa. wbaa. oa atarirdfaaa, Llaotaaaat Cbiraada wlU ekal'
Thadrattwaa oaed to paytoeat tog to otaaaora a tree ba bad Jast
fellad. ho waa horrtiad to fiad Ua
leaga Onml OaiMral Lae.
Swoaaa giraa to «aah. Lata a body of Ua child lytog aadar Ik
Ufa WBibad oot by tba torrihia waigki.
Baaa X>aiUt%beat SawaH.
ratotlra of the aeeoaad aatUad t

Tta aaparbotacrtBBltaralpradaeb
to tka eight uaatto aiaaa the Dia^
/kw waat tato oparaUaa ara Bora tkaa
/ tkoaa of aay fall year dariag tka op«atiaa of tba Wiboa U^. dwpita tka
Oaptoto B. J. Wabb baa f
awrtba tkat tka kigb tariff rataa at ilaaBtog rapidly ap t^a oaaak pi
the Waglay Uw weald daatray a«r tabare at A4S taal^t, haadad to toward OatoBbto oa Ua roota betwaea bare
aad Patoakay Ub aaBaer, to toMh aU
alga Barbalt to ABarbaa prodoeb.
bay potow aad Korwood. Charlraoto.
Pawakay. Say Vftw.'Waqoatoaatog.
Brief kbtory of the Var.
bdoto WiU Oradaata Today.
Barber Potot aad Harbor Sprtoga- The
Oaeb 8aB; "Git.'"
toaebl w *aa HanM kaeaaa.
OolmaMa wlU bagto oa Ua roate May
Sagaato: "BUr
Waaklagtoa, April U—Tka Aral ctoM tod aadleaTaTrararaaatyatta. b.
had toaa tkay flk
Toeadaym.Tharadaya aad Satardayai
ratoratog, laaaa Barber Sprtoga at 7
»w Boratog toatoad ot to Jt
—Baataa Globa.
ft. Moadaya. Wadaradayi aad PriIbata b aa taaaga M to the ear
daya. Thb will ba a graat eaaraabaee
to Ua TravoiM City pobUe aa waU aa
•fltoai to tM PiaoUaat 'to .Bight
roMctora froB abroad.

Warktogtoa. April tA-Jaha Xaook'
AataaaltotoaPrMdaiit MoKtoly ta.
Aayaadataa^ ta ba appototad oa the
toaff at aaraa gabermt atoair wba will
baaaattoOaba. Ha baa taadarad ka
■aa af bb yMt KaarBabI ta Ua gov


Vm BbaOTMtoXbaibltb 1

XsOMM* TMMrdin
VimWbc »t «ft •MU-pnatar
^MpU an «acv tar Uta war 4i»
•a aa4 aa tka Sacoaa b aapplrlaf a
rood ftwrioe trom rallabla aaoreaa It b
•aa^t troB aU ai4aa. Tbe laeraaaa ta Opaelal ■•TBft ■ean*» Kacoaa.
Ua i^alar aateeripiioa Ibt paatardap
Haw York. April tS.-Cbptala dlgabaa baa bab ebillangod b flgbt a daal
Hu Bapoblbaa badara bi eoa«iaM Vj Uaotaaaat Cbiraaea. lata Spa
aaral Waakiogtoa. Tba
a ta tka pra- greeada ara Blgabaab aoaoaattea tkat
ptaa4 aaw war laaa. ma la whlek a»- Spaabk oBaara bbw ap the Maiaa.
«7>aBwke kaa fttvrdoUarato iaaaat
M7 nbaeriba. Ike boMt ara ta be
Toraato, OaV. April »S.-Uaataaaat
taaadiaaasiaat 419 daUan aa4 ap- bnBin of tba aalU at Seaar Polo Barwar4; caeh taeiUUM ara ta ba clraa
Aba waa aaaa ralaUra ta tba ropert
throagb paatoffaea. 1


t mOMlW WMBinSB.

<l8.DMMM6tSBIT. ''


346 Fnwt Stfwac


I Once More




ta Has invaded the* land In the interest of humanity, and once ^
more in the interest of those who intend getting

I AHew Carpet Or a Floor CoYoringf
OS' A.3sry TCTT-rp
Wa mentioii tba fact that we offer the bask bare the ^
Z largest stock to select from, seU cheaper and give better sat- ^
~ Islbotlon then ia to be obtained elsewhere
Let ns oonvlnce yon.


THB xoBrara bboobd. tumdat, apbzl m.

Whwv th* Houm Cof
Way* and Maana Prop^
to Find tha Svna.


ketpsed to be kko.
10( UirM r«u«. M cMts;exe«^br UMt


aasRE THAN one man has spgRwco

MO and «.««. B; between Y&.OM and
*10.*00. 10; betwe«j-n#.OM, and BI.OOO,
fU: far eaeb additional tM.MO. BA
Panaare ticket for a foreln port, if

>■’ -1

Xtbno man
a to baaorafuMdaouam. Tbsn is jEobably not
osa map in a miUloa wbo would decUa*
a kiBfdon If it warn oO«ed bin. In
spite of tbo rastlns* nigbM and faarfnl
d^ that are ecMamoaly Mpposad to be
tba lot of aykiug. Bros UXomwall ia
ciween Sioo.oao sad «ad to hare lUased tbe crown of Eng­
and SIM.MO.
IlSO.eM. -K*.
land more ^m fear cd others thaa treon
il tt-Beretofore tha IM.OM. rc: proteal apalaat
«alast any qote. any other motira
check, acceptance, etc.. S cents; wsi
Bat there bam twen many men alaeo
alpt for gocids In mercbandl
Craowdl wbn ^rO mfusad to wear a
ate., bald Id sloraxv. » cania
bra yean
The bill also Imposes a s>atam of t«
ago. wbno the throne of
ton not
anppljrtntt the alnewa of aiar. Baturdajr axe tuxes of S cents□ per
per year upon cant, mpra than one great English j-araa Introduced In tbe buuee by Iba
warn and tneana committee a war reve­ the raoelpts from ih-se duties rrso.OM
nue blU catrylns with it a bead laadt ot{
appropriated for tbe marine hospital dilDeqltiea lu Ibe way u
9. but prorldlns no tax on to- pervtcv.
Mr. (Iladitoue's name wai fmdy moo-:
» Wt7B2BV&0’8 BSO^
Senatbr Teller expresaed the opinion Honed
incaa.' Bepublk-ana and
lo connection with the crown of 1
Da^rau tin tbe botioa bald widely 41- hat the house war revahur bill could
Venant viewa at to the melheda by not the aenaie w ith the bond propwr of tbe gomrouisDi at tbe
arWrfa the revenua to earry on thh war
time, tbe pittpoml new cook deflulh! Sotas af tbs Aldermea lasioted Vpoa
obonld be raised. Bat bare there U not ise tbe issue of- K^r.M.
bonds." h«
be ui
Mid. "It may ibape.
- azpected to be vtcoroua qxialtloii to tbe
that It will be nrcessaiy to (trant
The late Lord Derby, bnwrver, wbo
! report of the cemmlttoe Aldermen
bU praparad provided tbe
such authority later If the war ahould bad Mroug sympetbica wiib Ureeea. was
s tor Balof
By 1
a parmlued to offer
be prnlonimd. but crrUlnly with tSS.- offeed ibecxowu and refused it.* In cash In the treasury wa do not
voted-DO.'' Nmneo—arily that the
Boatacaa TniMetsA
t to Incraasa the bonded Indebtedanratlro were net worth tb# required
Ibo Uiw ttaw a man
eoaneU m3 in adloarMd
___ untU w-eubaolulely know that such badd«iIlDed >boi
to Ml on the chroM of , The cOTnoii m3 a M^rn^
a course Is necaasan'. » compelled to
pairing aad ana—1^. and that I eaa
secure more funds It w ould be better at Uraooe. rtlnoe Leopold, lbs father 3 »■•» ■»«»»* •»«
aad do pive yon the best work -ot may
I .Ala time to resort to some temponry the prraent king a* lbs Belgiai*. bavTbo annual report 3 the board 3 one in tbe city for the money.- Don't
Jabn T. Bgadla, agent (or Ue baiU''^expedient aucb as the Issuaucaof rreen- lug refnaed tbe crown whan Uiaaee uraa
be deoeived ly what otbara tall yon to
aeoapttreasury notes,
daolared a kingdom in IKSa Prlnoe Ing oecBplea by George HeLellan as a
tha oontrasy, bu) eo— aad sea (or
at wrhicb were cenaldered at different
aad trait atan at tha ad.
a PES CEKTM AtTTEOBIUCII. Laopold'a raasoo tot refnsing tba crown
ttaaoB as aubjecta for taxation, an ....
that tbs proposed faoniidariw 3
<a FtmI and Park aUMta, was
-CODcbad m the bill Tbe revenue to be
d Minuss te
and if It dose not prove ao I —be it
tha oountiy were tusnOoMa^tbp-M- granted prrmlmioii to repair aad. rederived Is distributed as lollowa: Fertnented llQuora. t».00li.(l00; tobacco; 111.- . Thcl. n i^revlslout of the bllll are as
ahiagla tba atmrini*.
Stop la till • o'clock every evoatag,
Arrangaanmta Begna aad the ^aaoelcara..
t«ri>arco ll- follows
Bast Eighth stnwlrvsIdaaUuksd (or
axcept Soaday. is tbe Oaidwril ft Lon­
One 3 Oman VieUrU'a soaoc-jbe
cenaea. tAMI.eM: stamp tax on docudon btoldiag, at north ood 3 Union
That the Bacrctary of tbe treasury la Duke 3 Ed Lnburgh, baa also been offer­
la passage ot an ordinaaee prohibit­
r.oa» W
Btenia telcframa etc.. t».«oa.OM: tonhereby authorised to borrow
aaca ^ nmiU. Tba amount 1
ed the Grecian CTO urn Heuraa appeaiod ing tba me 3 tha uralk (r*M Unloa
nlaed by aUmp tax on winaa. mineral credit sf the United BUtee tbe
to in tbs BixtiM M tbs time Lcrd Dwby auoet to BaUread avenne to wbealmtn.
watera. ebesHne fum.
halt not beta 300,000.0*0. or sf much ihareof as may daolipod lbs ordura. bui was oonpoUsd Tba petltiaa was referred to the oombe neceasary. and to prepare
t Meeeabee msedag. Tbeye were
r3use tbs offer owing to tbe stUtad* mittM on etteeto aad walka
■—mm Owe at Iba mattaa.
tberefor at not less than par coupon or
3 tbs powsra wbo scrongly daoiaiwl
Otty Clerk Eieksrd read's eominnal- proeeat A. V. Prledrieta. prerideat 3
noearlnif are the Urma of taxation
Ibeir oppoaititB to PrtM* Alfred being
theK- O. T. M. and L O. T. M-. Ams■ltd amounts asseasctl; The tax on brer
cation from Ballroad
Tbs tbmos
orpwned-king 3 Ui
ea 3 Oentral and Nortbaiw Miebwktben
___tbsD offered to tbe praseBi kln^ <■ Wemeilino ackaawladging a noUoa igan: M. E' Holley. 8eei3ary, aad CL
d beer and destroyed stamps ts al­ the pleasure of the United Ststes after whom bobalf it uraa aooeptad by bu to- that the crMslag at tbe & ft W. M S. Veder. 8r. treaenror 3 the amoriaand Case etreeU needed aUmitioa aad
lowed. Tbe tax on tobacco and anuff ten yaara from the da) of their Isaac, tbsr. tbe king 3 DsMiark.
T. J. HaM and J. A. Mnnt«rM.
la Isereased to U cents a pound, ppon and payable twenty years from nuA
Tbe crown 3 Ansma-anngaty uraa peomislag ta make a periaaal iaapac
Whao in need 3 anything Ip i&ln
■aadeta 3 the loeal tonta aad Mra. Uaa
dears to M per 1.000 welstAnx more than Bate and bearing mterect payable quar­ ntfnsad m tba mldflls 3 tbe usneary by Uon and to nae effarta with tba oomremember this ia tbe plane toUava^
tljree pounds per I.OM. and tx on clears terly In coin at tbs rate of I per <
doko Ftmk KarL tbe tatbar 3 pany to have »ri^ pretertloa pro­ E. M. Jriinetoa. lady rnmmendw aad
wdcbiBC taaa than thrde pounds per 1.- per annum-, sod the bonds herein__
tbs praMtaopsror. King Ferdltund 1
Mm. One Monroa. IlmiMaaat lady
MO, M Upon ctearettee wel«
thewued shall be exempt from aU ladea abdMBted in Deosmbsr. Ibtb. tbstbrooe vided.
eocnmAader3theleeal htvea, aad H- Leave yonr orders at office or call «p
than three pounds per 1.0«
or duties ..f the United Statea as w<"
tbsa dracendiag in tbs ordinary oonraa
CtearetCea welchlnff lass than three as from taxation jn any form by or ui
A. ODoanar. Diatriet Dspa(y.
neommeaded replaakiag Eighth v
peanda. and a compeasotlnc
der aule. mnnlcl^ or local aulhorU; ■to Arehdnke Praoi Kari Tba areb- aad ProBietreet bridgaa. Tba ra
i*ropnrkUowi lis*e aetlbely bagna tot
half that amounL Vhidi Is tbe
dnka. bowsusr. deoliosd tba crown,
provided, that the bonda authorised k
tba great event, which wlU eall logcthof the iBcrease. upon tba stock of dcara UUs section shall be first offered as
whieb be baadad over to Ua oob. wbo
iw the Mggen erdwd 3 Maeeabeee
•ad dsurattas on hand. Tbe followinff popular loan uoder such ngulalioaa '
stiU urearsrit.
Tbs ways aad m<
Beenaca ate placed on tobano dealers; be prescribed by the sceretary of tbe
Travevee City theatre r
'■ wblob has bota aor* ported against an a
n (or tha their friends earn- seen In norl
tianitra In leat' tobacco whose Bales dt ireakuty as will give opportunity to the
■ot exceed t».000 shall pay a IXt Itccase clUsens at tbe United Sutes to psrttd- than can r3nsrd U tba otown 3 Uon—
oamanla uraa declared
The exeenUve nommittae urill
those whose sales exceed tlO.OOO Ml: pale In tbe subtuiptlona to suchioan;
Peter Wnrzbnrg’a bond far SM.OOO
was ''amtied that tba
aad aplaador. wbaa Fortor J.
dealers in tobacco whose aales do
and a sum not exceeding one-half of I
with A. V. l.'rtcdricb and Prank Votra.
d «1(l.e00. M.W;
s of that
WMU a company will preaaat ‘’ybaelr ceriL of (be amount.^ the Iwnds tbnma abo3d deauead to Prium Leo ba as anroUaa, uraa approved.
paid, toe aldsM brosbw 3 tbe tban
r T. J. Host aad J. A. Moa- InUisAtyaaMnyltth.
Also tba bonds 3 eeostabla Geo.
.mp TwzM
rsigaing fciug Tbs gkinoa. bowever.
Tba Brntoeater K. T. Dameerat toys
Tbe protiiloni of tbe stamp tax Involoumrily yielded bit ri^ti to tbs Armstreag forgiooo with E J. Morgan tagaeaadL.O. T.H.6
3 Mr. WUUi
W. B. DaekeramlMrB E B. J
cinde propitelary medlelbes ud similar
crown in tovor 3 bit son. PrtoM WU BBserety: Tbomaa Mo3Ua,
. preparuUona.a ux of I cent on aQ pack­
That tbe aecvetary of -the treasui
helm, the rsnnneiantB being raglatered 3 ibo board of poblk urorks. with J. M. B. HoUey will ba aaeretary 3 tba ftnctlan of Fanat. ertordad Conk's <^nra
ets. taca. bottles, etc., which retail at Is authorised to borrow from time
eemmittea aad C. 8. Vi '
Bonaelaatai^b Aa-Mephtote.''Perla tkw senate in Oeoober. IMO. Prinoe A. Moatagne for sarety.
M cents or leas. X cents between 3 cants time, at the market rate of Interest, n
Wilhelm remained faeir apparent fur
nrar. aab-eommittms wUl aaoa ba ae- tor J. Wklto to (ortanato la | iiiMlaf
and M cents. X canu between M snd TS exceeding X per cent, per annom, tu<
oight yeara. bnt tourard^bc snd 3 1(188 ameuat: and the draggist’a bood 3 lacud and Travene City may eoant tbe v3ea;- pkyriqoe aad tbe pnwer 3
eents, 4 cants between TS ronu and tl.
tbe Hannab ft Lay MercanUla Co. with
and for each M cents or traction there- be necessary to meet public expendl be formally refsaed to aoeept tba crown
ooaSdaatfy oa lha grealmt fraternal grliMoa, which eomWae to giro to tba
d. above that amount an additional I tures. and to Issue ttierefnr certlflcales aad bis brother became bsir sppatont.
ebaraetm tha niemmry devOtohaM*.
Chief 3 0^ Kire Department Beanie gathering ever «
eeats. Tbe mme schedule appllea l< of Indebtodn— In such form as be 6ta) bang BOW Prinoe 3 BonmaoiA ^e
proving hlaarif anarttot3 ram abil­
aptfnmcTT and coameilca. Chewinc pum prescribe and In denorrirallons of SM priDoe faw etnoe married Prinaesa Marie, eras granted permbekm to reamage
Is to pay 1 cent for packeU aelllnp at I or autnc multiple of that sum. a
a gnnddaoghtv 3 (<oron Vletoru.
tbe stalls ia tbe englaehenen toes to
eents and X cents for pad^ets exceedlnc certlAcale so Isnied ahsll lie payable
N3 many ymra ago a nephew 3 tbe
Tba next mtraetiaB at Stelnbergto
Mlsa Uxsie Boyd has neeepted the
S centa.
W'lth tlie IrKerest uieroed IktereOb at groat Kap3eoa died in exIlA^terrw mska room (or tbe aaw ebemleal. at a
for Tbarun ft:
Barhenr Tbaatra
east aol to exeaed SU.
ainper ale and mineral waters are
such time, not exceeding one year from
pay I eeot per pint and wines X eenU tbe date of Its Imne. as tbe secrelary of Tnamg a crown. Prlnoe Mapoleon. oiekOaa.
Ob moUm 3 Alderman Cook B. D.
'Pioa-Picn. 'KB 3 a brother 3
par piBL Booda debentures or other the treasury mas prescribe: provided,
Both jtro
invited to Bit CTSiGiTrft'B^'^rbe-adUfiod to lay with Barney Aaderaaa.
eertllleatea of Indebtedoeas aftt^ June thattbeamoum cf such certificates out.
. the throne 3 Bonmania as tbe first tbe uvater maina an Tth aad etb strset. stndaau from tba Beslaam (MOMfeX laaued by any astdclation. corporation, standing shall at no lime exryed tlOO..
ate-aretopaytcenuoneach nooorfrae- 000,000. and the pnsrlslona of rxtsllnilt biag3tbat eonntry. bni be declined erdered by the oooneO attbe last meat Will Hcollhan left yaaurdsy for Indi­
Uoe thereof Issued and on all tranafera
tbe offer, believing at tba t^a ibac be t,,.
^ ana toaoeeptapoaiUoauriih the lad.
Portia Oab BaUrtatoed.
of aharM or certificates of stock X cents
1 the first noUfleatlen
Bead Machine Oo-. alee a atadent.
on each tlOO of face. On bank checks tended to the bonds and certificate* of tbe birt in tbe band flew away and tbe J
m—bare 3 tba Portia Qnb and
The mayor aad eierk were aether
and drafts cxcecdlixJM. X eenla
bud In tbe boafa urasnevm oangbl. Tbe
D wbu bad hoped to faearournto king ised to purckaee seven new fire alarm
Joha BUtnr to riding a BaUsMl W- tartala3 by Mrs. J. B. MeOeagb aad
boxes to be placed wbaa tha new an­
Mye. A. J. Deylaat tba ba— 3 tba
raa—MwB—seat rh. Draewt
gina te In
solitary exile He bad menDoed
the I-—»deat - Walthall’S PaaerwL
Mra. M. H. Oriffittiaad Mtos Olive lattar Satarday evtoing. odabvatii«
ocowD ia tbe bope 3 reaeiviag anotbor 1 A. H- MUler. wbo kiepa
t sl^l <
Washington. April 3 — The Ospltol
Elmwood avenue, was graated perntiey reraU ara eadi ridiagaa Eagle biey- tbe birthday aaalv|tvMry 3 William
was dropped in mourning Rsturday. and Ion both
Literary ooaaadrn—
axeeeding nM. ( cenls: between tUO Flags ware at balf-suil and througboul
, and mo. 10 cenu; between tXOO and tbe aenate wing etidences of grief and
WUHam Bmith from Barbor Spri^ wera aa aatartalDlag featara 3 the
HM. U cenu: between tSM and IWO. » sidness- were at every hand. The ra.
was la town ttotorday and bongbt a •vaalag. A. L. Baebaat oaptnrod tba
cenu; .between »»0 and gTM. M cenu: maliw of Senator Walthall had been
prtza, a bound copy 3-AUb urell that
unaror bad to (era a naitoD iu arms totoOod that tbe vnratiea oq Ue liqoer Worid Weycto.
between »T» and Jl.OOtl^ 40 «nu;
cedi well.*' Very pretty eeuveeire ow
. lying In BUie in the Marble room sad bowew, aud never look tbe tbron*
| bond of R 0. Elllt be not aoeeptod and
LIbeni K. Jeffereao brought a Imd which were eagraved a qnotetton from
tween tUOM and fX.IM. II. between 3- af|*r they had been brought
l^ie story <>f Lord Buaoousfleld'tKOld the Idlowisg bonds and earetise were of corn to the city yeaterdsy eontalnMO and 3.000. »LW. and for
------" 340* aenate chamber the aenate was called
in excess of 3.000. II.
to order and the funeral aervlreo of the an cTowD ptuTiaee us wilb aootber in- i approve oa reoemmandatioa of the isg IM bnabala
Foreign Mils of exebange. letters of Bplscopal .-bufOn were performed by stance, tboogb tbere was no throne with 1
Barry Eneeiand to aaatotlng in tba
.asedii. including express nlonry orders, Rev. L0-. McKlm, rector o
ibis strange crown Tbe man lu wbusa \ LeoU dleder. enretiea yaoob Culaaa
to |o> the same rate as Ulj uf-ex- and bishop Tfaompsun. of
Pint NaUaaal Beak dnring the UIbm
(be idm. 3 ^wuiug Lord- Boa spd Beni
rbanxe or |.rr.m1ssory notes, except
'Ices the remains were oonrtcld crtgiDsiod IV uuw oeaa. not as
ttarsboig. snrctii
the eompany with musical aelaetiena.
KIchelaa of Cbebler C. A. aammosd.
when drawn in aefs of tluer or mope, pot on b<«r(l s train for Holly Springs
The reeerv3 seat plat (er tbe eeaPetortyl.
arben f>.r eaih bill of each set whers MIsa. Alt the members of the bouse lung as be lived be nerereeoovered from RoellBanivl and Anthony
Emery U Daily, anretiea
------iretiea Uovrard cert of tbe Qneen City Hale Quartm
the sum pa/sbie <1<ms out exceed tIM. were present, as well as several of the the blow of Lord Beacoovfield's rvlosal
t cents. Above that (here Is a grad­ cabinet, l>mldent McKinley. Justices of 3btitnbete Tracy TnruKrelll roootv
will be placed at ibe City News dtaad
uated scale running i| for »J.**0 and tbe suprewie court and members of the 3 rabacnptions from bo.ouu people to.
kius and John I* Matsea.
m cenu (or each
diplomatic corps. Tbe-senste did n •ivanl bis gold laorel wrealb. bat id
The poats'ffide has neat set seven mail
Bourwd WhiUeg, surettoa Wm JackBills of lading, re. elpu for gooda.mer- business.
Jana. IS7«. wben be fomally offered aoB
and John T Ssnshall.
bug! o( arboMs. deatinsd to ali paru
ohandtse. eu.. for ei|..rt. 10 cents each:
The house passed tbe army neorgan' tbeorown to bu idoL It uras rriosed.-Phillip
t upon all soeb ■atlOB bill at the urgent truest of tbe Pbiladalpbia Times.
3 tha Daited Stataa TVaveree City to
Whitiog and Henry Tonpaller.
to exceei
iwesldent .and secretary/of w ar,
- Dreormler ft L3oatoa. anretiea Al­ netad far these fiovren.
3 ceM and 11. X cents, in exteas of bill will nul go to tee prealdent
fred Chmnao and Edward Imutaer.
Wright Broa are makiag auraeUva
3 i cenls: indemnifying Isrnds, U .^u: aome time this week. Some fear, was
Frank Beltsvr, aefetiee, August
all oUwr bonds required In legal pro- axprassed op the Democratic aldr
Baltaer and Tbos 6 Oillaan.
ecedlaga, 3 cents: teriincsies of proflu. the Wll might incresoe tbe reguUr
..................... luratlea Autos W
on aseb 3M of face value, X cents; cer- In time
^ of peardt
^iat Iscreaelng tha aeata— ef the
• ••
ttflcataa of damage or
, prepaisd by Bailey, which' removed all
Bieh ft Balbarg. •
...........« to
r this aeore < I accepted by Wrido Emereoo and Dr. Uliver Waadall and Chas M Parker.
WUliam Hileheoek oame ap from
Uolmw Tbe latter mid that taany 3
Ivan Dunb. torntiaa. Dominick Dnns
Lanai ag Satnrday to eomploto arrangatbe n mllto taymns were mee toeom 3 and Jammy Dunn.
army Into tbe three battalion foimatlcn mbtnet urerfc. Tben bis
AntomOinvatar- eartoim Nlebolas manta to move hto famUy to tbe etata
and Buttaorlma a total of ft.OOO enlisted
eym sboo«. aa we remember him is Hnrllmaatol aad Jameay Dana.
mpltaL They wiU leave tamorrow.
During tbe debate Hull amid
Loren Feller, sbretiea. WUltom Mebis uoblmt momenta, m be mid. ‘One
bymo 1 ibiiiksBprnme.' Bmereon threw Donald and Prank Brtatotake a poniUoo ia the andltor gaaaral's
cxceeAUig ■* tons. HO: memorandum
bU bead baok. as be always did when
of aalc Of goods, stoefca. bonds, real
-faU acuotloe was artwied. and waliad.
aatau w property of any kind Issued
Madlion. April 3 - Adjuuni Oen- lto.'H3ra3 rapeated tbe firm verm:
By brokera, 1# osnu; oonveyancea when
kl Boardtnan baa perfected a plan for,
thaflUng 3 property etatomeato by
“Bay, 1 hav«a't m« yon at tbe nteb
bsddve Ien3 0«d. wbeaebsmU.
__ ______ __ __
la 3M and docs

National^ -Tboo
Jh— Oviah. astithemod, ns ■aakBoWB, Ut eaiwtim 3 tbe above boada Aldm- faratortnigbt Wbai's tbematMrF* not exceed UOA H cenU: between 300 Guard as soon as tbe existing rc3menu
troB tar thy bmatoooa UgbS.
••Jam now I'm Maytoi'M boB* a
•ad n.*M. tl; between 30M and 3M0. are aeni to the fronb Tbe plan prolaly I suk fee thy rvpcss
3: between 30M and 30.000. tlO; be- video for (our new rqglmenta. whieb
By bmn u patavd. asr ma it he
eonndi te tbaaeOoa at th«'‘UM meet­ gooddeaLtureen 30.0*0 and 3*.***. 30: (or each arm probably be called tbe Fifth, Sixth.
At nmtUl It fleds rues u thss
ing. wkieb provide that all bond—ea
additional tlO.OOO. 3A
Seventh and Eighth rcglmenU of la•• 'J k90W>-l know. • •KlaloNfi te- ahoold tie each a etatamtofc Be was “Tm Mywitoli vldtlBg bar^
Telegraphic maaaagaa. except press fai.try.
mtla “-GaBiota___________
news dispatches. 1 eeni on tnakasgea
Mi naUsflnd that the eemmium bad
iMlow the charge of 3 cefiU and t cenu
•MtbnBabyto Ptatavn-Vron.
net rnqdired nneh ntahensMta. Tbe
Galesburg. Ilia., April 3-Knox oolv
where the ebarge Is above 3 cenu. On
yhadinqalrJoaenh Barurtn*
3»e entry of goods at cnatom booses (or lege will nlae two companies for Ibe
Tbe laignei beU Id Franpe bat been oA oar3nUy into t^ ( .
eeasomptlen not axceoding 33 in urar. Her uadergraduau oorpa
u^ baroyalde. 3 eenU: between 3M and 3M, •tronf has asked (or a ptaoe In a ragl- bang In the nsliry 3 iba Ubonta 3 tba tha narmtoa and were urril aatinind
gtaadt—atagaextThainiay. AUba# -ceaU; exceeding 3M. 3: entry (or ment baiag organised by Oaacra] BMr3 Baan in Ptfla it welgbi 86
with them, and stated that they knew Wm udm tbe age 3 tour yaare uriU ba
wttbdiawn] of goods from boodad ware- ClendcanlB. m Moline, prealdent J. H.
they were werth all the law roqaired.
tod tone 3 eba<^ A great
lMMsa.40 etau; life uuaraaee poUetaa Finley wlU organise s company of gradHgga, par doaaa...........................
uataa aad (fmer cadeta.
When tU toodM'toM to Msnpt the
rent or leaae tbe oame. II: probate of
wlH or lettera of adtnlntftntlan where
the eatate doea not exceed ILSOO. M
eeau; betwean ILICO and U.OOO. II: botween M.M0 and l».0». tt; between

BT3-Z- 03STE.



accepted liqdor bonds.

*“ SSSs.!"
213 Front SL Fletcher's Ojsier DeNI aed Restaerett.
Bicycle Riders.




Hack, Bfls and Baggi^
’Phone No. 8.



SZKtlsrb.:;::::; “.S


ms=^ 1



' /



' T^itaMDre-awoom,


It te ih* Intoatlon at ufdaparimot to r-nti tb* laxac of paaaw u tha
naUeot poadM* aiuabn’ at am. mat
Omy an at all Uates to be a«b)Mt to
aa tbe a«acTml mar

eaooiu Miwi! rai mn. Say I


Vni Probably Ba Mada tealrwt
Spain by tha UnltadStiteB
am of tte POM.
Right Away.

Renting ^ Quaatierw of Pr
vataaring and tha Saizura «f
Contraband Goods.

wmintiMT IiHiTftTa BOQE AOnOI.


to tha ficau tlnra waa aoir
nant. that biodtadioa Havas
captmad aavaral vvaoeU. tha
BooopInK * BsblQit boat Dctit iladrr tbr
kuai vt Mom> Caatle. TOa loial tiiUDbar of rrlaat lo d.i(a by Admiral Samp*
WnU to Prereat Aaj Min
SOD'S flact is a.z as fullaws; BCaamer
HueDa Vastora. steamar Padro. Dabb« oa the Part o{ Foreiga
iDd orhemnar. schnonar HaihUda. and
tha staamar Ulini<-I Cnvar and tha
staamar Catallra. Tha ravanue cottfr
Winona has rapturad the aleamar Sa>
turamlna at 8hlp IiHand. Mina
At Fort Honn*a tha apaedy ships Minnespolia and Columbia oant In sas Bat>
nrdsy n «I t In tba tavtb of a cala What
(balr mission iraa oubudy rxcepi tbc
navy oflU'Isls hnous. and anybody U
eompaiant lo apavuUle tbaraon.
Tha story of tbc lo*s of tha Topalm
provas uninia as tba veasal In collision {
Kejr Wnt. Fla.. April ».with tha Attiutrors haa ar.lK-ed ss.aly ID I
M dtw>atcli boaU vbicb have )uat port.
taacbcd tb^4>ort rran tbc Uaitedsutca

. PNU.S ts l^r u. V
Sever*! AmaMcan o
tbs Sad ea
minuter of Unsorc. s
his budrat to tbe eo(l
cblaf fesiuras will
ample author- '
vanunant to raise such '


It so yea ksosr ‘

WiaconslB Whole. sale arocars'sas «tatlon. Th.-a
war aypanaca
«re all rsToarltsbly alike, apd lead to the
Tha lirpsrclal prints a 1
infepanc^ thi
Amartoui ships In the Had
upon by tha members of t
polmin* out that they >
e SpanUta warahlpa. There tlon. All the answers bee tl
and say the assoalallon Is

Assistant Aimmay
..... U) nay. and klaslnc Iheth 1
at the stations. Krnatnrs. deputies and < Otiaral FrCalt says, is wmne. It does
a oumarous rapn -aetaKon of tha noblil. :
b» *•>'»■ »h. tbarr the assoty. InaludlDS mMy ladles,hid the troops 'l»tJon Is a cal'.,ration
Madrld. A|<rll :&.-The followini da- farawrlL Tha Kovemmanl Inlands to
area w» Kaseiled yasiarday: "Dlplo- allow tha fullest lll»ny of pubIleaUoa
up prices?
mailr relations are brukan off batwaan of news, rood and bad. In order to en­
Bpain and the rmied BUlea and the able the puhUc to form lu own educa­
slate of war bvlns begun baiween the tion in the habit of self-rellanta.
Tha cabinet roondl yesterday apnaetric Baths. Turkish. Bnasiaa.
™«W«riaB non.erou. qua.uur. «»*
penaral hudxat. Despite Knman. healing. ~sacthiag. medicated,
Intaraatlonal Uw ulac wlibh must ba |
perfumed aod luxurious, gieeu in a dm
pracisely dafliiad. rhielly bcuauaa
daclsrad bare that ■nlle of rooms. No. 18 Markham Block
injusuca and prxivocstlon coma from
Spim'sK navy Is folly supplied with where ladles will reevive deliesie am!
il. The govarnraant has received no eonaSderau- auenlloo by lady operator
and boys by male operator.
the capture of
their d.iestsble conduct have
was seen standing In
[any Ameriran t_essera_
this grave connict.’'
tba Kesr Turk with o
Th<- royal eecrec then mya tl
all I
Spaslards Keftsds frawi r«p«atT.
Htangad. Contrary to reports prarieualy diataly started fer h
Madrid. April ti. — It Is announced
>hlp ond
brtli-vad treaties «llh the Tnlted Slates a
rscelved these boau say that not a abof to be Bpnnish. The New T.
I’nltad here that .Spanish warships Friday reprel'Urrd nulled, five days irc given
Buiips imps to lea' e Spanish p>>rts. and fralnad frum the easy capture of two
has rot b« flrad by altbw side.
fora fight. baUivlrg
I iilisarva during the Amrrteaa , merchant vessels, because
Attorneys st Law.
Itultiin nag ' tba rules Spain
On Board TToliad SUtes Flasshlp. ' ^>Fa
e outlined In Pva clnuias. rover- war was not di< larad. and they desired
t. A fe«' mlnuirs li
OBcre Id MoDtagDe Bloek. TrsTrne Otr. KIrb
Kew Tnrk. off Havana. April B.—Uorm j ^Val
utraldUgs and goods, contraband Ic rSfpect micrriwtlnnal law.
•, what will he cooilderr.1 a block- j
castle batlarias agsin opened fire on the | pi^> >
>o£don, AprtI B.-4ohn DlUon. chair-

, ‘ "'*‘^sT' "


-1,.. I"

aut affeet.


' for the hsrb.e after her

CNota.—This dUpairb Is In

day mornlag early, and at seen


man of the Irish parllamcmary party.

cnimsiA declares that

kraping j returned.

foimal decloraiiiir. of war h^s raised a

Ul>erly of action
right li
rheo w conalder


Palm Beach, F;a.,. April I5.-.II 1. be.

Q'irs S4IS SSE'.”

iradleu tba previous dlspaich-1
ilots;.sting polm shl.n Is le^nv
) debated In the d plomatir <i>n'S. The
washlninon. April tt—A yasoIoHoo" owners of tba vessel In New York have
that i without founi<ailon. Veversl reap'mslble i H. D. UeUmtr'P^. OBeela Kansoa BidsfomilUy daclartng war apalnst Spain 1 aoncunral Ihair lo appeal
■■ HS. lu. in.
ImproUUa th.t s vlr-r- SpalD has not t-JhereilfrtT> ihc declarmc eilltena from that sertlonweie here and 'Fbtww
wiu be intmducod In the congress of
demand for,redress ftv rr ihls gov- tJoD of Paris.
tlm United Butes today. The decUUm eromaat may' be pruasculad. They have
D Bsaminen a
IdiMo*. ‘Pboa
notified the French emhaasy here
hberatlos lo order to aafaguaid the In- through the French con-ul el New to be observed, the foUowlngrtgulaUoBa
tsrasta of tha United States- Ail the ar- Toi* of A profast rcatmt the drlng up- of maiittme law:
gumantr pro and run were discussed ea and seizurs of ibalr vessel, and the
-Neutral flags rover the enemy's
yesterday aflemoonattbe White House French amlisssy In this my expects to merchandise except o
SMdHlMot UM PeapW There BsprsasatM
St s conferonre In wbirb President Mc­ fecelvc a formal profest from them for
Kinley. Attorney aencrsl Ortggs. As- mbmtssbin i
ne mambe
e dlfriomatlc o
the enemy's flag.
Springfield, flla, April S.-l>r. J. A.
slsisnt BacTetary
>ay and Senators |
' they beUeve I
"T—A blockade to be obligatory mnat Egan, secreury of the state board of
Davis and Hale panlclpalad. and on Its
r. MOfFATr. A
be effective—vlt..It must t>e maintained
health, and Dr. F H. WIr.ea. secTeiary \J. Estate sad Coon
breaking ap announcement was made
w ith sufflrtcnt force to prevent acceaa to
of the stats Uard of charlUeo. have
that congress today would be' asked to
the enemy's littoral.
returned from Shawrneetown. Dr. Wines
declare what It Is held already ezista.
Will Try tba Asslllarr Navy PIrst.
baa been in charge of the relief wc0i
The presMmt will send s meesaga to
”4—The Spanish government, npholdsines the flood occurred. Or. Egsn has
Thg Its right to grant letters
eongreas today to be delivered Immedi­
will SI pre»*
ately after ila convening setting forth
Uon of the place.
the faeu la the esse and asking con­
The condlth.s of the people of
gress i» formally declare war In order Chicago and Milwaukee marched down martne
' Rhaw-neeiown U reported by them to be'
which will co-operate
that there mar ha do mlauDdrrsundlDg the smooth asphalt of Jackson boule­

deplorable. So (ar llO.OIKi worth of aupCD tha part of other DalloDS. Tbr most vard to the Pennsylvania station, en according te the ncciU of the campaign, plies have been received, but they are
and wlU be under naval conifol.
J] ba gtraa foe tba feta
all ezhausied.
Twemy-four bodies
route for New York to enter active ser­
"t—In order lo capture the enemy’s
neatf point of vies will be the aahave been recovered and the town la al­
vice. Notwlcbaiaodlng that the eacon ships and confiscate the enemy's mer­
nouncemenl that Spain has made for­
most a complete wre.fc. The total prop­ wtllbr psM lor tbe apprrhenslea of the perasatamegu. R S. Htwes. MUI____________
mat reply to the ultlmmlum. This reply of too blue-lachels of the Illinois naval chandise and contraband of war under erty loss Is estimated at fUO.IKO.
kaa not been given to the public and U
Bepoit am (hs Hsawa GUsa.
exercise the right of oeareh on the
waa Bupptaied that none ^d been Te- UIBI tbe atiwIDs of the "Star Spangled
watera under
Columbus, (
Danner*' were resounding from agorge- high
notwIibstaodlRg enemy's jurisdiction. In accordance with
SHayed band
lee Satiir-ay reported that evidence
114 recrulW was intemallonal law and the regulailons
The document Is s formal seknowl- : »»« "»«7 ">■"
which will be published."
I taken by them showed a conspiracy to
adgement by S|«fn and also an accept- j
Kale That Mill Ure d TraabU.
; elwt M- A. Hanna United States senascs by that country eg the i
Rrgulatlrn Nn 4 define* whsi Is In-' ator by brlheiy. and that the attempt
as a virtual declaration of w
eluded in rontralwnd of war. naming hy General Boyc. to bribe Kepresaniagress will iherefc-re I* asked to recog­
weapima Ammunition, etjulpmenl, en- live Otis wus known to lUihbone. Dick,
nise this ooDdltkm of affalB and to dr- tcls. clubt. tfaeaires and board of trade.
glnc* and In general all the appllaacei' lUnna an-1 other workers in Hanna's Must have teats: t farnUb ssad. Writ*
cure it to the tvorld. uting Spain's oon- EverylAody watched one figure lb black.
Senator Gar.Right among tbe marching recruits asety In war!* RiViUllon NV 7 declares : Interest at Coluinhua
eesMon as s reason tor It. The war reaa airap- that lo be reganlrd and Judged as: Oeld s minority rej-ort sayi Otis and bis
alutlon haA been prepared, and II la tuitow. j attorney. T. C Campbell, testify that
-gerstood that the two commilttees hav- I P'>»« Toung fellow In S-JIght overcoat
Bbyce dltolaJmed to them cunne«Uon
tag in charge the foreign atTalrs of tbe **»« »»» carrying a SMil leveling _____iplairs, masters, officers and two- . .
workara. _______
t woman of fully 40 years.
two hiHign of eongreas w ill be prepared IS dressed in mourrilng.
and being American, shall commit acts, of but that he iBo>-ce) was sent out by ytow POB BALK~WlUb*
to report upon It vary apeedlly—nrob- ! ***^
ply w Laasder Polaateer
provided New York psrtle*. whose Identity be Aa> ph
r agalnM Sgaln. <
hushed as people
I hurrah w-i
' refused to dipclose. IPe aenau adop
tbe Biajorlly report—1» to 17.
iiher personal. ; Vailed States."
made to have the resolutton taken up ' widowed, gray-hslred
lUlssla Trseellsg Mss.
and passed forthwlUi. and it to not now
‘•““S herwon Into tbe rank and file OTOKt d - THkCAMLS FBOM MADRID,
believed lhai there will be any formlda- »* the boy. In blue. She kept an arm
Decatur, ilia. April
city property.
ble opp^Uon to this course In either j »««>nd him. and her head bowed, notlcd I. UwMmembers of the Travelers Protective


O- F. OAKTES As-Bt '

John R. Santo,
, General Inseranc*.
M'srsbarg Rioek.

TMeafO* cny. Htofe

Well, Now! .
Wkst am I offared for a good bossa oad


airsbl* place, esn be.boseht on mcMUiIj paymcbta.

Lot tokan to exekoBg*.

Also iwod boose and M foot tot. Obk
Park. Waafaiogton street.


Dr, Higgins,




I- ^







any •taUaa.lB eSeet Veb. S.H


gjplis, PetreM sat
1 lag ho uof
F^fbaps iweniy
Association of ininole
■rVtR SALg-D> elllbg ear Itlb aad Pme BU.
women end glrts-raolhers.
wives end i
Madrid. April »-There were alight muIoD We Satui
turday. The treosureFe J! Mroows: oe. sod lo good ^luo^

iMolbraMk uw
.by tbe sweeihetrts-welked
recruits. | d«,„onsiraUon. early yesterday m'orn- report showed »t
as reported ihst the ef— --------Gaceta as to the stlltudc
ernirent regarding privateeHng and tpe
was lost In (he distance.
auestlon >vhelher nr not •<.*■ rhatJ bt
held omlraluiiid of war was discueeed J
r-iP> Mi___

- . i-nM, «„
out the day was the capture of the
Peoria; aecretaiy-treasurer, FYank
by the stete department omctals yester- ] y,a„ra Falls,
. April
Buena Ventura prior to a formal decto- ^ jhiinam. Peoria. DaovUle w

. ’r
P“‘ ‘® p^in’y lieniabe land his entire staff toft
pVto BALE —Ope rtrt^sr eld^cet^md^w
mealing place fo^ll
htmJudgelYir.. !,. Prnfleld. thesollcltor here for Toronto Saturday. Senor Polo
polo ratJan of hostliUlee or the la|«e of the
r limit In the American t Urnatum.
e departmenl. sold that If lists of tntlmaled 6 that hlr mail had
eoBtrsland articles should be prepared
ipered •wiih: I. tiers from Spanish
by the tinned Biales and
ind Bpain they conaulr St Chlragu oiid the French amr rwtilaa. Trseeios
may l>e Idu iti nl
} be nicely <11- basnador at Wa->hirgi"n had DolTeachcd
him. He aatd he had not heard from a
single Biuuiiah c-mauI ID ih- L'nltcd
entment will bind only llself and Its own Btalea.
prtse eourU. and neutrsla The question
Oedee to HtrhlgSB Owards.'
whether centraband or not might ihircIMS*. Is-iwlre of K. C Weler, KSBCS
Mirk. Kl-P><«
fore depcM on whether the capior was
Michigan National Guard e
s or Spanish.
LOAK-W* here on di.
Issued froln miliiary headquarters at
1:S0 vesirrdiiy etlvtnoor: as follows:
4ramrse Olty.
ss-Mar 14--------lars'i Becond. Third and Fifth I
Praytamtoloa c.tllaa y»_tsa.»oc Magpirai god s-c«..d Independent
IBAIMID NCIton-Mlas Estelle Bnieeab. Aew. rram to. rtwis.
. Uatuiione; field -laff lands. U. N. OWoshlngton. April M—Tbe president
j.ijnd Lake Tuesday,
•atnrdsy called upon the people of the ^ ^prti j*. |p h.-a^ y marching order."
Vnited BlA^ for the Aral Uroa In thirty ,
Has r ol



..... .. ..... ..

WIU be coDceqtrated at »a*bliigton, ■
Richmond and Al.anU. where they wl.l
be beU until they are propvr.y trainedand diadpUnnL II Is understood that
FUshugh 1e-« will have a majojr genFltxhugh
aroJ's command In ihti
troops the following are five atale
quotas: Illinois, 4.SeS; Indiana. 4.4ie:
Iowa. LTT2; Michigan. kW; Wlacoosin.
t.m- Another lni|.orlaai act Saturday
was the creaUoo of a new regular army
corps, wbicl. n-.vans that Cuba vOI be
Ihvaded by the regulars very soon.
,Tbe house peasod the Hull army rs1 bill, which tncrcaeei the
regular ormy
V to n.OM •nltoted men land
pemu-a the use >( the National Guard
as organitevl.
regular a
and lelegrams

tbe RedCross
flying. I’OuBd tor K

Texas Is 1uade<
the reconceniradna In Cuba. Twelve
K.'d Craas nurser are aboard. In charge
of l>r. J. B HubbelP___

umu iM HHiBiraa li

Tbe Cdlebrkted Spadallstt,


fRIDH, APRIL 29, 1898,
ooura aooTB.

ConaoltEtioB and Bxanunatioa Free and Strict)(|p

Chicago. April
Father Maurice J.
Dorney. pastor nt St. Gabriel's Roman
CaiboUc church, has secured a eommla,en>DkaBas.*
siun (tom the rmied Biatei
V tD AMkoaewdCtoto*
ment os chaplain, and left today
Join the flgbiing men with CaptoUi
- ••
>,Qn tbe bai
to front .afHsvai•na. ----------

IfYoBWastTourEies lim\wi

1.1. GtntkO, lltk Eiri, ttl Mv.


Reprs- ;
Deanaboro. Ills., who offered to resign '
In congress

hU «*U from tha mlUtary
munlcatlcns that tbe seereury bos tbortUes.
asked the press to notify the peopla
that Mseh comraumcatlona should be di­
rect^ to tbe govspfbra of their reunusv.4 before
msuiv the
uc s».n.ipisf
BpeeUve siatoe no lemiuriew. Sa hi so ptvsem bimself
■ o authority under the tow to me- physicians fur enltoiment In company



Travebse Ctrl, UtcB-

On* D*7 0nl7 Xaeta KonU.

IM..1 WUm trill tie as Cbaplala.

tact itui war ezUts by the establlah- coin, ef Chicago.
Rient of tbe mtlluir enaoHshlp at tb*
B Of tb*
Bpttogfleld, Dto. April
. . h ofBc* at Key
- Wc*
Wtot, I
to cable being abandoned. A |
tt gDv«n<tng tbe lonuuK* ef


Hotel Whiting

w ef kaifs. eaectic or Ugauns. Com a


To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men

I A^l
BeUdto* e
ny Is DOS p

gefleriez from any w
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