The Morning Record, January 16, 1898

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The Morning Record, January 16, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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weleomad to their hone a aoa. who
BorthaUtera railroad p
lolshia two brathera. and
aorad a rapraaeatatire of
add aaother rap of anpahlpa to the'
OB 'Ifoadap laat that tha^Oaakam
srrmomM vskd wout v btaaeh of that road will ba extended to BIORXS nOOKX rOBOB AMD tuailj borne o. 8Ule aUeeU
Bear Lake if the people dMlra It aad
| ft wlU be l.tereetlhr to the friend.
Btiafaeten arraare»eata cmn be made
of tba lau Mra. Flm BitehMck WilBopOTTiaon PkM OtoiM «f V. K. aboal U* rirht of my, »»4 mM thar* (^eral BUnoo Boama Afraid U
who died of dlpktheria la Ipdlanwoald
extas^lia. to knew that her twe ehUdrea
'TMeW Mid S. O. Oeaptoa, »«t
cvptad bp ArtUlarp-Paaeafal Baai- have not
Tbm • XmU-Bout^ aioa baiar ballt U tha pa^a woold
cat tofathar. aaa wbatthar ce«ld do
A mas aamed Carpeater came to the
AUowad tor XUU»( hfax ud
denu Baato-Btrickaa aad Kora 8oHdtp pealarday from Lmke Ana to have
oaaSiovbla-te Baarad.
c to fa down I
a place of matal removed from
Tk* boMd of niiMTia
Baaaaa. Jaa. 1&.—rU Kap Waab—In leftepe. Be' met with aaaeddaatia
The road weald be pvt throdfh ia i^te of the ofBcial dpaaiah deelaiatioaa
thatr boitaaai yaatarday foraanoa aad
a mw mUl and nfferad the tajerr
•djonrsad. Tba aaimty eoort boMO Uae to handle thh paarb eropa phob- that the dtp bqnlat. whiefa are ttie named. It waa p nairew eaape. a
■qaaaUaB aattlad. it ra^ulrad nry Uule aUj- before tha fliat of Jalp—aada oalp report. aUawad U ba amt bp dimetal.almoat tonchod the epohaU.
Ubm to cloaa ap other Battara paadiac- aatletactocp ttaia aarriee woald be pat! root eable, the
rrrp aeriooa and the dtp ia la the
• Tha Boat Importaat bqaiaaaa waa the
BrerTthUp in the Kado line, at W.
fraataat aadiaiBeab
laportof Ue eoMittae OB eUiaa aad
W. KlibaM<. aew elota. m Fnmt
Moouata. Whaa thu wae aabialuad'
All the atratecleipoiPU U the d^ •treat. M»-U
are ooeopled bp artlllerp foroea aad
tba eoBBittaa refarrad aavaral bUIa to
tha hoard tor aetkia. Amoaf then Bveband and Vile Bmp^ After earalrp detaekmrata of drll faarda.
awordei^hand. the dtp preaenU tha
arara the WUe of W. B. Plateber and
duppeeinf Bach Other to
oaoet terrible aapact of alUtatp dla& C. GomptoB for aiaaU for jorora
Be Ztaad.
The Elk Baplda Profraae telle
!■ a^te of the freat millMip dkplap
racardtaf the claioe.for maala aerrad I
to Jaran while deliberatiaf


Kaap ameta of riolera have
made, aad usoap them are wealthy
Bpaaiah nerrhanu. OenervI iilanoo
' I ahotUp after their Marriaro. Piaallp.
aeoida aaloir the arUllerp apalaet tba
nlttec for farther recximmeodatlao.;
' i deriof one of hi. protracted epreea, he rlour. beoaoae he h afraid thaU if the
revolt h not quailed, bp that nn-ao. It
n^tioaa ware nade In aooe of the
mbnin* huband aad will aaaame anch proportioD*


TSro Oe&ta.

You didn’t get a book



M. B. HOLLEY. TlI ilinMR

xJiist Try!
W. mnn, whew yem wuit ^ OOOD PlotBl. Fram* to.

Haskell’s Bookstore.
Do you thii^ you will have a
list of wants for Meuday morning P
Jmt think for a momeaL Are you oat of Toilet 8aap. or don’t you
tklak poor Tooth Braah haa ootlived Ita nufelaemT Or have jim dadd^ to try Bath (perf ame) Tabieb it tsc or 60e a box-> Tbeae and mmmj
additloaa that may be made to ponr Ibt we eaa anpplp with rnxb that are riph*

Thi. actio, pr^tloallp eetUM the t-iter ooold he fonnd. Ue wile
k aad tha On.
baafamlliea are paaie etriekea. feardbpate over thh oncb dhciuaad quae.IrtOTldd o.
thw aad
povertp. cariaf for her little ftmUp-i...,-______ _
thonfh the hoard wilt are that Bo ex>
Ate tedl*, . 1..
i. K, S.P- n. rtote », te, tb... -.dl..orbilaat eharfe. are made.
Ida and afurward ia Traveraa Clip, abc
teem .ad Bpanldi ietail merebantA 11. qoleklp
Amoaf other elpimt referred te the
came to Elk Baplda abonl a pear apa
’ hoard were thoee of J. V. Boblneoa for
ThaperewcU armed, and. U not par- ^e of ear
la the mMAtlme her two eon. bad ■tmdad bp arfnmeat. to keep the pcaoa' .b.b.k.d .
bonatp of S6 for kllliaf a Ipax. aad of,_______ _
• 08 a aloe amp eoaeb.
d aad were eoairihat- ibep are brave esosph to atooUp r», H.11 B..W. udS. D. V„tor
Obt Mae of rockem b ap to tke limit la
oaeh booat.v for killUf Wildcat. Thhlhdp-to their taetherb eap- .1.1 any .mbIU by the Uoop^.
•tple aad qnaUtp aad ear pr^eee **dowa
bonatp h aathorUed bp the eute aad
at Ue heela." Notklap U vo roof
Ae ber hoabaad had been a aoldler in
with that when Capuic Ueaeral Dolce
«ha bo^ .Mowed tbe eUlma.
tbe lata drU war. Bra. Oarr applied for wa. deported toTipala by the velBnAll of the auporvhan eeemeil la exteemialMV. Tbe dacraa Jiwl kned bp
the, JL|^Hyoflhepeadon..fonlaiW..hliir
thev had doae
aomethlap they
, ““v
f^aaniiif. General Blaaoe afaia.t the pram ia
pedUve proof of hit weakacaa. aad he
>Bld mMt
meet th#
apMPkal of their conctiUtMih. In fact, there waa a better and wbareabooU after a eeparatlon of haa promalfaled it to moUifp the
. HOOM VnwnfaMwy StOrO,
14 pc
oodal teallap amoqp them than baa
Br. Carr had drifted around for two
hMa maalfeated la maap montha.
pear, after leaviar home, fiaallp lacmtTO KdWKIffH VATX FOWBB.
inp la Emporia. Kan»aa. where, eaatipf
toff old aaaoclatlMk and hdbiu. he be- Bdlaon tpriapa Another Oifaatic
rtr..ri. . i!ni nf w._ T
Today be U the ownScheme oa the Vortd.
IdW..,y Club,
, ^ ddbrUbt, fn,lv fu.. I. te
New York. Jaa. is -Thoma. A. Bdiwaib.oo»pi«ddj.bu.n.g8. „d„rt.-;ik.p.ri.:
w»B. Jr. ha. toveated p maebin# for
The prapoeiUon th orpaaiM a liter-: tipen Icamlnp that bit wife waa lieBtiUdapU. wave pow^ of the eea.
arp dab amoaf tbe pratlemen Of the inland located la Eik Rapida ba baaWbea ia place the BMchia. will U
dtyiacllaed that way ha. met with U*ned there ai-onoa aad biuband aad
tweBtpmilmoBtataea aad will oaa^j
prompt ^iroval. IabvI aipbt a aam- wife met laat week after aappeainp
•iki of a aerim nf pifasUe air pampa.'
bw of yoBop men fathered at the !
«,u»er dead for U yearn.
The air eompreaaed bp thme wUI be!
heme of A- W. Peck and diacnaeed tbe
have a aom^eu
amd to roa dpaamoa.
line of Pietore Movldlap. aad will in
anaUar. Tbepias waa reoeived with
For he eaa eoa.trnet a
pUp, Uwehavetot
mat favor aad thoae preaeat at aaoa
plaat, be mpa. that will farabh 1.000.eatared into the idea with aviditp.
1000 berm power, eaocipb to aapplp tbe
After anpreaUona aa to the formnla of
! eabre *UU pt New York. lU eaya
erfanixaUoa the paatlemeB epeot two
At a reoent meetlnr of tke c
hoar, la dUcominp eerraat aveat.. of the M. A. N. Z. railroad the follow- {that a apadleate bat the matter of im- «II BoaU L'aioa BL,
etIoB of Ue plant i
Afterwarda Mm. Peek aerved appetlx- lop oBcera wme appointed bp prmlder eoaalderaUen. Bb plaai are mM
dent -Backlep and approved br the to he pracUeallp oompleie.
The aedt meeUap wUI be held at the
i of dlr^tora to carve fee
roaldeaee of Mr.' Peck Jaanarp
' .ninp ,
Blei^ride and Bappor.
wbea the oiraaUaUoa will be com-! WlUbm Dovplaa, Gcal b'npt.: Z4A iarpe eompaap ea}oyed a al^b
pletcd and officer, elected. The aab- ward McFadmn. Aa»i. Oea'l Sapt:

a quarter povadpackap^ free.

Jas. C3-. .TriT-i 1-1 tan-p

Tliat Tir6d Feeling


We are
Still Very Busy

We are Showing a Ladies' Fine Shoe

at $S.OO
that we know you wiU approotste.
erer offered at tbe price.

Ths Best Shoe we h>TV

o* Kouew ox Tami wj.em Oaa*^

Gaining in Popularity—«=TRAVERSE RELIES
Lut HoDth En»ll«l All Put Btuinte.

All Dul.n Sell Tfaeo ter

MBnuffictured by


win be -Japan, pa>t. preaent aatl .ij. Uea’l Frt. and Paw. Apeai; tl. O.
future" There will be throe paper, j Andermn. Comaiereia] Apeat: J. M
opon thU kubject aad everp member b I PeUrioa. Parehaalop Apeat- J. J. Hahoxpee^ to read ap OB Japan in the | bell./chief BapiDeen O. L. uarwa;
maaaUa^ aad be prepared te eaUr the 1 C^er; Wm. N. Natull. Supl, MoUve
There are now tweatp Power; H, E. Bla*. Car Acet nod Train
mben oa tbe Ibt.
Dbpateber; Bdw. Webv UaeUr Mechaaici S. J. Scott, Bond Mattel
Ba Van Batpriaed Laat Mipbt bp
^naUia aad Their Vlvee.

Bebekah pffieei. InrtaU^-

At the repalar meetlap of Qrpad
Traverae Rebekab lAod^No. IK. laet
Imat nipfat when Georpe StcLellaa
retornad from tbe braaeh atore of Mr- eveninp. the offieera rece.Oy elected
were inkUlIrd and the followli^ were
lAellan A Aeb.oo -Cnio^.treat, be
found hit dweiliap fllled ^Hb-^ortmWarden—lib. Mary Strobm.
«n and their wlvea, who had 6pme to
Coadnetrem-Mb. Myrtle Hookefl
aorpriM him. ‘ Tba aurprbe nyp com­
1. O.—Mra. Anna Lnmlep.
plete and Ur. McLellandld not kaow
O. G.—Mb. Aapa Bauble,
wbercLbe wu for a few aiomeata. Bat
cihaplala—Mra. Myra Fox.
be recovered aad catered Into the
E. A to N. O.-Mim Mlaale Smith.
ppirit of tbeooculea vrith bb jolly
L. S. U N. 0.—Mre. A. A'CrNiml.
pood bamor and ail preaent had apoodR. 8. to y. G.-Mra Martha Brown.
Oamee and eocbl. vblUnp wn.
L. H. to V. U.-Mra Hlaab Laa
the order of tka evealap aad refreeb- a.ter.
mepU added ta the plearare of the oe>
Orpaabt—Mba Mlaale Brown.

Mow Beat for darp Lake.
Teaterday waa the birthday aaalvcr.
Frank Frindricb, who
peneral mrp of MaroeUnt A. Fas aad hb
■apat for tha Wolverine GaeoHne en- frienda naixed the opportaaitp to dem' pine oompaap. for the terriu^ north oaetrau their hipb r^ard tor him aad
of Grand Rapldi. ha. nold a .Ix-horu hb taaRly. Mr. Fox b a mamber of
power eapine U Oeorpe Meitner of i the Home Foram and It wa. hb fellow
Fonehc. for hb new boav to run on \ memben of the order who Invaded the
Carp-Lake nest ummer. The enrihe : privacy of kb^omcaUcclrtaeaBawaraa.
will be delivered AprU let. 8. C. Dm- There waraa aoore of them aad they
prm ha. haen enpnfod by Mr. Pried- all. bad a jolly time. Oamm aSoi4led
rid^ to look after tke notielUap aad 1 plearant puUmm aad Mra Fox carved
placinp of eaplne. la tbb part of the aapread whlek provnd har aklll la thn
atote and he will devoU hb enUre at-1 caliaary
iMtloe to tbe boiiaem.
H. dtM. B. Will Oornr Kora Good
The ra..owtnp intermtlap plaM of
Mwi b Uken from the Bear Laka BeaF. A. Mitchell. Genera] Pi____ .. .

Alphent Pierce, formerly one of the
firm of th. EnUrprbe Groernp. ba.
leaaed the •mall bolldiap formerly oeenpied by tbe Cblneae Uandrp. wbera
he vrlll ant ia a fine Mae of fancy
proearie. aad aaUona. T%e etord 1.
beiap fitted np aad Mr. Pierco
wm be ready to open it aboot next

,a<rr,l<hlM~l u UaVtelUM* Mater

TonneUer Blctek.

Free Storage

Don’t Buy

eoBtbwcatof town. Tbe evealap wA.
very pleaa^Gy tpent with muaic aad
eojoyable' oyater ta^m
i __ ________ _
ilBp'. ea!
“7* *^ ‘“ “**


Kim Wait Ha. BoMpaed.
Mbc Minnie Wait, who ba* Unpht In' Oolr placr IB low. wtanr fou «•> (ct Aniakir
the A Pint prade In tbe Oak Park etri.iBB asC OrBewcviaUm.
acbool buildinp, hm reaipned her podtioa OB aeoDnot of poor health. The
vamacp b bMap filled by Mim Edith
Somera, wbo ha» filled' the poeltloo of
cadet in tha A aad U firat pradaa.


Tha city ooBBcn will meet la rapnlar
•eaeba Moaday ntpht.
Mr. and Mra. Walter Sterllspef
Rapid*, were In lie dty yeateidsy.
Tbe wlater terp of the amlt a
will bepln la Oraapa hdl Monday
Dr. Browaaoa of Rlnpde.v b praparinp U aUrt a weekly paper ia that
place la a ■hart time.
'nnriew Weed of Beat Bar. a veter­
an of the ^vU war. aad who b 87 yearn
of np^ b eertoualy iU.
John E. Carlble of Baat.Bay,
fromnloadof Icpnaday or two apn.
hnrtlnp bb Jep qnlU badly..
Tbe '8oath Side ^ Sbakebpeare Clnh
willmeetVoadnr'afUrBoon with Mn
R. L. Oerbeuoa Bant Ninth etraet.
PoUtom In the local market rmehad
the hiphmt price of the aeaaoa yei..
day. Tbe price raaped from 48W83
Mn. Anna
a few day.
to -a
apo, b raeoverlnpaad b ahleNo bn
nbent the hnoatTheOatbdlccharchnt Pravameat b
bclat eappUnd with name vmy fine
aeau and other oharab faralahlap. by
Mr. aad Mra W. C. BeO paMmdap'

In Order to
Rednce Oiir Stoct..


Patent Rights, but buy the right
Patent Flour, which is

The "BestV
Hannah & Lay Co.

Day. at

Greatly Reduced Prices. 3.49

For Bilk onoufh (HandBome BQtIm)
forft Shirt Wfiist. Xh«x«11 be BothiB«
better thl8 eeMon then Bilk Shirt Waieu.
Why not make them up BOW r


We Keep Oysters. DON’T


iiseMi itdiiniD.iN:


Oor. B. Uiiloa ^nd 7th StMStB.







THi Kosiaira bsoobd, buvdat, jajuaby la, ibbb.


On TnMdny. Jnn. lEtb. w •tall
ta*« on nKbiWUoB an rxVn Cm lln« of
Bleyele Goods, dlroclfrow s Innre o»nnMr.MdMTB.L.W.11abliMBWdM«|«wtrieUo» ud Prwrwtti®* at Oca nf*cTariBf booM.
Gone Md «M Ibem. If yon sbonld
mimlcBbUIW>iMnto »• Twigbt
ifflUiyBBaS CITT. .^lflCHI9A)l TMxMtarocd iMt Bi(ta( ft«a» loaf
•ftieet»Bait of ••
*Wi In JIItMBrt.
Al«>*ffccu«f AinohoL
for fawre delltfry yon i
M™. r. M. O^MT, »ko ta. 1»™
TI.. 41u»i.l o( th. Hlik -cho.! !■ BO. If you do not. yon easy like to ••• TTT ^
In eol- •» ''
rl.lUi«k~f«e.U I>m,ta. rwniv* p„f.,in, to pro.o.1 U Ik. «4ool .
^o». T. Batcs AJfP J. W. BAiinEn. • toUiud tUpLflk
jT.lnoW.widfltUorfifl iBUi. ftwki of
M*B. J. J( 8h*w. »o|b«>r Of Mr«.
b.,i ©f Bo»e fomoat AtoorIcM. Vw tb- foods wheUJor yoo
To I'ill Prescriptions. We will fill yours in the
1, ff. HAnnnK. Editor nnd Mu«^.
A.H. Bomday.»»snwl«d traa P«rt.
p,™.© of MUeiton and nUondlmf j Mtshortest time possible, with ' perfect ease, and the
BsMO-Ton CLununo Co.
Porry. Ont.. to spend tAe wtntor wlU | ^
frtnUi la tke Mttor n ooMmlt-'
price not 50 cents for 50 cent prescriptions.
Wc tta fsmUy of Dr. BoUldny.
BStaUaf of
Itoe tai b
Beotybody IlMds Them.
Chnrlee Bock. 1 1. Walt nod Mta Mabel
Ueorye W. BaS has reoelred a quanThMtrtonl Voien.
Utr of B^l receltern. for which a
Ibe Newt U nlwnys pleneed t
yrwt Bany bare been watOay. They
are sold at the roodente prioe of troo
ts to 74 oeou each. Call aarly before
Cm C«Bceu»T«B
they are all yoos. ii*-4t
PtoMtt Of the Bryan Con
pieiurea la the Centnl b^dlay. The
lay tbep^eof l'ontwaWr. old. nidTnUl further aotiee the HaBtltoo
addition of the portrait of the flint
dU are aad yonay alike this week;
uayor of .Traeerae City and the plooeer
•< St tb* Po
they are "ont of slyhu” 4>entwaier to
of this f^oB will be a fitUay adornMich.. BBM
not noted for <U patroosye of the aTer*
Bent to the walls of.tta taUdlay.
aye troupes, but these people hs»e InAt the meeiii^ of the eooncil Monsnoceedlny
Behfnrrsto for the "^yaflc Midyeto'
Any nlfbt it to protable that the qnes-' alyhtsofar; noUl for toalyht
■bt .aad to-1
.. are proyretoiay
- - - -aloely
- . _aad th* reenlt
iton of the new chemkal eayiae will ]
U,e tidkatlons are jhjil; will ta a hMoUfui spectacolaraad
To the Udi^ TfiTfnt Ctt) td Tldfllti.
beaetUed. Whether* aaw n»pnTnl«» [ a hcraBble for aeaU. are-.alcal productlan by the children of the
••f 1^ lUMcrauB UxlUirtes t SrrYb^
WUl he pnrchaawJ to yet a Batter
other lompaay plsylayjaahiw.
llick (lis> I SB XIII Is >h*
r soil HhcBpo.) Inixnroat
liopa hare j
j^r a solid week has been able to : The second semestor of the tllyta
.. M WMtsneii •*'^been praaanUd aad aereraJ eayli
prr|isn-4 l<>dc.Sr«<«-l
" do fsrlayenemllon. The company toj
, have been bronybt before oomposed of , fine lot of
and there will be a larre iaereaae
the eooacll. Tbare are dlSereni-ea.
unlike Id tbe enrollmeDi. There hare bean
bowerer. In tha prloB aaked. , U. <i. many other*, are not n
>ed for auc- •Drolled Bany atodents from out of tbe
Miliar, ayenl for tfib Holloway enylaa cetalnyrnlybU-eTery proyram so tsr
city and the number will be laotoaaed Hslr Work sn<9 Holu-bes s ••amsiti.
bah been anerycUc In behalf of the ea- bs» been so staolnU snd oonpleto
SI ta* f*>tdY*
to orer 400.
rina .fdr which he to ayeat; p doable rhsaye-Bol a slayle repellUoo unlw
I in the
tank eheBlcal which baa bb^ to lec- by nryent special request some of the
The half-year •
•BBeadlt. Id. K Gibbs baa prewatod pieeedlay numbera are ayaln callad tor. Iliyb acbool will Uke plaoe npst
^i«d> a propoaltion tor p Baelae an- Another yreat aecrel of tkalr ancoesa In Wedoeaday. Thnmday ata Priday. aad
yina. -which to arynad aa> a Aral
‘"J pleaalnribe people, howerer. Itoe In new olaeaea will baorynnitad January
ylaaa aacblne aad worUy of earel
ilsh tbara 8»d.________
tbs fact that from start to finis
pooMdaration. Tba priee of the anyiae Is not a dull BOBenl—BO doll walUny
Tba last laylalature pamed » law reoSaiedby Mr. Ulbta toOlift. That of to ahlft scenery, no Inyyiny—from ta*
qnlrlay that iha nature, leairl.:
the Bollowiy enylna or there- yinnlny to end. Eraryihlny to fall of
tlon and prerentlon of cammanlabonla. The apectal eoBOhittea. boo- life frttto rise of onruln ntll it yeeh
oable dtoeaaea aball be tanybl In
d a Cbamplon macblae, down at the close. Tbe Nawa cheertbe public aebools. also that InsUtie93U KO&Sn^O BBOOBD; B*pldi

U> »tuad » apel*!

It Is Our Business..

"Srsit‘5f.‘pS™’rsu.»'w ^




E3^i.i^'i;..dn,d B.,; ^



The Play’s th? Thingj


.aiderad. but these three aeea to ta the
on« aallUad to the Boat attontloB. It
>as'b^ aryued that it to net wtoe to
pnrtaata s Bacblae for SHOD whan one
toaaawerUe.^ae(!daof the city caa ta
benybt for much Ie« Bonay. Tbe
eoBBlttea deem tba CtaBpion aaeblna the bMt. ereu at tbe prioe named.
Wbauw may beAhe dutMina. It la
bopwl that If a macblae to pnrebaaed it
•ball ta a rood one. , If tba «UM
machine U tba best fw tbe price.
coBslAarlay lU merita, than that
ahould ta pnrehaata. bnt If. np<B
iBTBtlyation of tba Bvita
pt all tba anyinta offatwd it itaU ta
-faund that one of tha anyinaa offered
at a leseer priea to tniubla for ear
needs, than tha aatter of price abould
be yiran liertoaa oonaldamtloB. In
MBMderinytha sntter thereto mneb
toreeoBmead a donbla tank eayina.
WKk one of these. Bacblnea It would
seem that tatter aerrloe cao be seoniod
thaa with a aloyla Uuk apparatus.
For tbdreamm that-while la uaa if it
should M necetaary to dm the enyine
lor a conalderable time, one tank
could ta refilled whUe the other to
la nae. This acema to be s atrony
arynment in furor of a double Unk
machine. In the caaa of the Holloway
anylna it to stated U^at an engine
has been used for faur hours at a time
without ironbla or delay. Thto could
not be done with a aloyle taaV eoylae
asi what U the btotory of one double
tank machine ahould be tbe aama with
another. Wbaterer tba result ef tha
present ceairerersy, there to ao doubt
«tat the oonnell win take all these
things irito eotaideration. If It shall ta
Aaeidad to purchase s e^miosl enylna
It to also Incnmtant upon tbe aouneU
to ejccrctoe econoBy In malriny tba
proposed purchase, while not lealny
nlyht o( the merlia of tbe 'raiiona anfftn**-

cause they ars deaerrlny of Ib-^nt- „{,renoe ifa tbe effaeto of alcohol aad
water Newa.^Mby 7.
narcotics upon tbe bnmsn aystaei.
a a wMk'a
Tbe Dry
drawn to arranylny a
eayayemenl atlStolnbery a Grand Op- erllabudofemiynmeatoof work for each
Moaday. yrade. embodylny thto* featnrta of loJannary 17. Prioes lo. 30 aad SO centa. •trnetios.
Mixed KaxlMa
Thrlaek of|inoney la the root of all
All that.a man hath wUI he ylee to
AbMntha make* tha heart yraw
It is not rood for man to ylre a loaa.
Tha warm of ||n to debt.
Beery duyma moat haea Ito day.
A man to known by tbe trumpeiy he
Jterer put a-yifl«lyarln your mouth.
Where wladom to hltoa 'Ua folly to be
A pitch la time aared tbe nlna
Chain up a child and away he will ya.
Virtue to Ito only reward.
Tbe oonme of|tiec lees neeer did run
A bird Id the band lays no eynMaoy bands like llybt work.
It's a wise child that owee hto own
The rolling atone eatebea tbe worm.
A thirsty man Wll catch at a straw.
Straws show which way the yin yopa.
-Bmeen Itoe about ua In onr Infnney." and thto world Ilea about us
rbeu wc are yrown up.
Tba wemaa wbo collaborates to -laeL
CauoLTS Wxua. lo tbe "Chap Book.”

will commenre a work's

SteiDbtr^'8 Gnuid Open House
Xond^ Ev.»l.g

WUlioYooto'a Birthday.
A merry party of boys aod ylrls met!
In the tiraat Uuyfalny Sooeeeo
*t,tb.hoB.ofWUll. R Footoof Woat J.
ffroDt atreet loot erenlny to celebrate "■ IIAT TlUr

bto fiftoeatb birthday

Thm ereulay | ft nU I

dy with, fnusic
andyaBca. after which llybt refreahBCBUWeteaen



HsHcMws Km

One of tbd-iu.which n-liiriom
ret ival hasslnuilr kImiwu tiArii* of' it*
eontins i« in tb<- Krowins n«-<ignitinti
of lb<- m-ix] iiii-uuiUKK "f tvflyiiB.’
HithtTto t> ligiiBi ban Kivm iiim-h 'if iu
thonglit to the fnturv. but now it is
anil tu'>i»- to Uh- po>bleni*
of tbr |ir«--iit auil ■ .i'-d-jallT lo tbr Kforl td. unify aod iii-inr.- x.«-ial lift- Tbr
yn-jil Mid-ial lUR-d of Ihi- jiOM-tit. as w*-ll
as tb<' rrllcv’us mtd. U for unc-h
acauv|iti«D nf life aud lu nbligatiatu ;
as will briuK lui-o into bannuoy with
meb utber, mi that iln-y way nmliae
that all their Udereats are luntnal mud
enuiuibn. nie bmtherhnnd'of writ to
much Spukea of now, and wo find tbe
rnmlahod by tba BanpacUea Obarch•• oaitiment a noble and inepiriny cno.
but we mun oome to aef that it .baa tbe'
uK*(-K Krisourai. (m aLti.
|N«t and wideet mtwnlnys which todanM
tasrin T. aioui. Vi-cter.
Corner Boardman-araane and Wasb- other----- ------------ -------------------- ,-------bly
mesn. and to put it into nctnal life,
Inyton street.
to the one prom toe for rellyicm in the >
Holy Comannioo at 9:-l4 a. b.
Morolny aerrloa aad aannob^at IDiSO dlulnre.—Ohririton Regiater.
----------------- *
In tbe New York directory for ISU
Tbohas A.-EmsiiN haa immortallaed
Saoday acbool aad Ulble clam at ^ to tbe auitry, "FetiT Uooper. mschlniri,
hto naae thronyb his
Brenlny aerrloB aad aermon at 7,
W taw ,utreeL" Kim etreet
la cleetrleal dtseorery. Now
A oordlal iarltatlon Is extoaded to
of the puurrr l»rsKlH-s.
eomeo forward with a fraslble
tiootbbMasatba-ara. by which
TraeetMOlty MarkoC
a to aopply power for tbe wl
-a**. D. Osesua. poner.
below to a list of tbe buTlay and sell•totoof Sew York. This will be an­
Senaon by tbe pastor at iO:to a. m.
of yeeterdsy for yrocertrs,
other addition to tbe yreat scientific
Bubieet will ta -U CbrUtlanlty Fraosnd farm pAjducU In Travfeats of the nlBeteentk century. Tbe,.,^,.
This win be the beyinuay of erse City:
sxMJNO nunic.
the wnves of the ocean to fnrnlab
tianlty i
power promise* another long ktrlde In
the pmyress of modern manafacturiny
tbe hyiD
Short Cut Fork per It
order to fully enjoy tbe whole service, j Flour^ 11 ' ACo. beat
MoMc by the gneen City quartoU
Thto Will bs a Troat.
ACo. H
When the Ladtoe' Ariel (iexUlte. the
SmIU Sister*, shall appear WedaemUy
•eadlny. the bolder* of Uckets la the
Blyheubool lecture aad music oeume
■prUl enjoy a floe enteruiomanA Tbe
(otlowlatfromH. S. Hull, to a teatiBMial which will imprem tbe public
r bu...........
C. T. OaswB. Eeq.
o»ce and be piepaf^ for every meetX)tor 2><r;—1 wish to coByralulate you
a emriny
Buvixa.aarrnorTaAVBmmcrrT ukal■torsi as oos of theattoilc. (bmlth Stoterst
e High SchoolI lecture I p ..
traeUonsfor the
eooias. Them ladica have beea
won the I
WhMt. old.
KTaxoKucai.caunca. .
proyram at Lakesidr. Ohio, for
fo four!
coaseeutJve yeara. yivlny three eater-1 lUr. s. uoUbrty. Pswsv.
Onto. ■■
tainmeals there last year, aad have alSunday serriceaCora.
ways drawn the taryeat andlesceeof
Freaehlny. 10:40 a. m.
anyone on the proyram- hast year at
Sunday school, It.
each of their eolertaiaments the Isrye
srr WUO
iouK people
people, . Young 1‘eople's BkMUny. 6 p. m.
Freaebiuy. 7 p. -a
_thto nnmbec of ths
All arc welooma
leetsre course wiU mtos a raia Mat.
riMiT ■rntoOtsT.

Bev. B. H. Breiady will preach
H. e. Hvlu
lay and sroalny.
Eeeniny subject;
OammueUay at »;10a. m. Suaday
. DaffMcItonaldtoiaPatoskay.
Btaelatltm. Jaalor L«ayasat»:M ^“jto^k^Muary. tn.ta; My. taM.
-WUtar F. Gill of GUIs Ptor. «
aad Bpworth Lcgyaa at »:W y. m.
AU an eamtWly iaHtod.
, Qfwsd BapUa, .Jas. ».-W^ Ita
Onm Clovelata WMt lo-Blk


The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property la becom.' iuK brlsA I have


'• Two Taluabto BetM* Daad.
IM) Unyba in 1«0 alnutoa
Idast nlyht 'a ralnablo baraa owned 1
by Winiarn Beltaer died after n short'
blU BlybUy.
Prioe* jOe. tac and
Seals on aala
Tbo aotod ^ouny atalllm. “Palero.”
owned br Or. I. A. Tbompaon. died kt Boa OfflM Saturday Mornlay.
A SactsI


Gaulkett & Co
ifir Meat
Havitte Bold their
irtment to Hrlntoeb A& El­
£1liott of Manistee,, will oon.
tinne to keep

A Fall Line of Meats
.ontil Burb partiee take panaea- „
«on, danuary 16tb.
Don't fail to rail at once and
take adranthge of SpeiUl
Price*. Also FVII Line of


Two or Threo Hooses aiiiHjits
and a Number of Well Located

Vacant Residence Lots
in Traverse City that will l>e sold

At Low Prices

Uedured to-Lowest Pbsnihle
Don't FsiiUil'rofit
by Thin.

Gaulkett & Co.,
Uor. Ninth and Union 8ts.

if sold NOW. Come and ask about
them- if you want a home or a good

—Watch tiepairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

THos.T. Bates.

$1.88, $1.98, $2.48

i^OO. $3.60, $400 an(C$460.
Tbe Old Eeliable Shoe Man;

118 Front Street, Wurzburg Block.

TBS xoBsnra bsoobd, stnrDAT, javtjasy le, isee.


Nominttion at' Suprama
Court 4u«tte« l^oatponad
for Ona Waak.


cwMda'i BMiitac am.
J^lvtoh. Jan. U.-Alm«wt the as, «t« four hourm uf the rzrcutive aeaalcB
At the eroate ynlerdar **tV deiMtcd
■■ ./to the lndlre<-t con*lderaUoBofthe nom*
toatloa Of Joeaph McKenna, now aiior*
a*T aeoerml. lu lie aaaodate jaatlre of

the award of tb« cotaimlwloaM* la M71.1S1.H. which I recgaimend ba^ppro*
Ihsrreiarr ftbermaB’a report aeia out

Chleaso. Jan. lt.-Dlr«t temlmony oii
the part of lb* atau asalnat Adolph X-.
laMtitert. the allesed wife murderer,
waa flnlahtd yeaierday after IH hour*


la court. Dr. Doraey waa tb* laat wltneaa. and hla crtMa-ezaminatlon by At­
torney Bartoon reauUed dlaaairouajy to
the detenac. the aaneacemaker'a lawyer

'-..ican^nd U.e ,K,pe. ad.

siS r;:r; ::,r:.rr



brlnrlnc out emphatic relteratlona of
matter maiertal

et-ldence and teatimony which had been
offered by the ataie. a motion which
the court OTeyniled. and then the law.
yer. after eacerUnic. anked that
pul Loulal.urt«ert on the atahd
Hla contenUon waa that Loulf name
was-on th> Imrk «f the IndlclTnunt.
Aattaiant State'* Altornyy McBw^ re­
plied that when a« a lawyer he ptvdu<-ed a wtliiex* he \-quched firr hie
mithfulnea.. and that as he muld not
vouch for the inteitrliy of Loul* lAietaert he declined to put him on the
oland. Court ajrtwl with the pro-e^u-

man maae.
«e point
inom 4n , Qufrinal
-------------------------- -------------------------■ ea the
ihe ce'nbllehmeni
of - n Italian--:
the treaty under wWuh-' republic. Tl.e article, which 1* baja-d I
_.a letter
.* trade rMuIre*
.v... (•otie'a ('hiUlina* .H.ieutlcin.
allocution, do. 1.
the anard* wvre
rwquliea that
that Ih’* '
*|.prv|irlnt<un ahall l-e in.tde to i*ay
lar^ I hat Ihe thinr wLieh etaiida op- '
iL.-in w-lfhln al« tnoalh* after the anrwcTio papal*!-depcn.len,:.. Ik not Italcertalnmcnt of their amount.
• the fjKM'lal.Bitd concrete
ian unliy.
■» OIT.
MUA M'KI>il.l:V t
I.ini* wherHn that unuy i»
i„re dlk.
Oom' .1 the ; maintain*-.! with r<»ulie much
T»«.P»-lde.ia.a Wlfw
aelroua t.i.lhe wtate than P.
Ik-The «ce prewl. aee. " It pnJ.i*eda'
dent and Mr*. Hvlwn entertained Ib^ eaDleiioe of the VailLan and the llkllan
preRd' rl and Mra. UcKlpley laat rtvn- mnnatrhy le Iniposelble aiid that oiv or .
the other must go. It then euggesu'Ihi: |
init at a b*wuUfully appoirted dinner
9un*tliution< of
n fhrltacriand and Amer- '
of tw enty cover*. The draw In* room*
........... —1
nd llbrwry.of the vice prewldenl'a

) alun. the fonnet home of twnator CamI enm. wer* fragrant with roaea. uhlb- .
I the Uble* *1 which the icurwia were
r»e*ied were euperbly drctirated with
I hrldi-amaid roaew. and lighted wtih tiny

ATiosasT arvTHAL M'anou.
pMtppaement tor two weeka in the
•ad a eomprotnlae waa reached d«(•rrhur cdnalderatlon until a week from
yMterday on the c*ooditivn that Cbe Ne.Mmka aenaior aljouid a*«V to allow a

l•earl gray brocade, trimmed with rare
old larrw with wblcb ahe xwre omats(*nia uf p*-arlt and diamond*.
Thip wa* Mr*. McKinley * niwt appe*rance a»a dinner ^««t in \Va«hln^Inn alnce the 'Inamrurallun. and was
cin»eouently awaited with great inierit. She wore aevery rltt*-tvi'et of

vote to be taken on tbat day. The JIaeaiy, «a^ rt
r e^lan. r
KcKenna'a nomination w as precipitated
by Hoar, chairman of the commUt** on
■ judiciary, who ewHed up the nomination
Is accordanrr with b#notice «f TSarwday aod asked for Immediate action, in
doing this Hoar *poke brtetly- of the opposlUon to McKenna, saying that Ihe
judiciary cvmmlttee bad jnreatlgated
* * '*
ft of the chanrea

bad wav.

euc8:*«tod ty an Articid That Has
Hs Author in tha Vatican

list or the awardi made ahoalac
oetall the amount allowad on art«nnt
of each of twenljr-oee veaaela Tbe^
were alao allo*-ed
fourteen peraonal
Halma. The principal of the clalma for
veaaeli allotted amoubta tv tM4.1U.*l.
and laterral on thka auin la allowad to .
the amount of tlU.TW.St. maklna the]
loUl allowed MU.*7V.77. The petwmal j
clatma with interaat aweU tbu total to
B of the Mind of CWedlaal
Then the correapondeitce
ehowi that a further allowanee waa
mp.Ua -Rial .r TdMibto ft
made on account of the Black Plamond
dV/-KHh>r tbe rwp^ Ih
and OB the claim of Jamea Oaudln.
-Japan Piepnrtnc lor 1
mate of the Ada. tw'o clalma which
r>wnee Oeer anl 'Nwn.
had been orialnalir thrown out by Uw
f.<mdon. Jan. Ik—The Rome ciwr
<%fnmlaahinera on ihe art.und of Uck
Jurladlctlt.n. - but.
were apbndent of Tlie Dally tlrt^nlcle In
atterwardi admlltcl to cvnalderatlon I alanllna atalmtmt tbia mt-rnlna ouotea
on the joint applUutJ- ■sf
; Inraely from an article In CU lUa (»tolOlney
and Sir Julian Pauncelote.
dc-larea U dlreclly In-

the aupreiD* court. The dlacuealon waa
ttia reaull oT an efcort on the part of Altan or Nehraaka (PopulUt) to iMura a

LUETocfrrs case m a


Ih.n. atp* then, notified Marnum that
he muai be r^dy to pcoced thl. momInf.
rhteaa. be».w O
Chlia'Eo. Jan. Ik—'n»i- a«mate commit.
re inx'aatJaatlTUC the Iwal polkv has
The evidence
adjourned until Monday
erne the hIMOry of
<-Ptel1y .........

Ihe TMcago police dei*arimenl which It
was .lalroed l» a private enlen.rl*e of
Chief Klpley '^Tbe chief asked to be put
j,n,. ti,, ,tory. but
|;rallflri. He denies the
imaltlve manner, and
g,y* the 1«-l< Is hems fold for ihebenep,.,|,e Benevolent *»*oi-latl*'n.

thouah dlfferlni frtjm that of
|rt,.duced nothin* but

As l<* th-■pvti*'- |-*n«lon Hat <h** m<*mherw .if Ih- ...n.nilitee announced that
they-»x* re ■a*ii ''l-d ihul p.any men
• aiMtlde of di.lPK IP live p-.l.-e work
w ere *l>la**ed ..j-n'11-) I-nic.m ll»t to
make r*-«. tor n -M^h*.-pulL"

The.article xT.nclude*: “Without -the
aM of forelim bayonet* Ih- true Italy
TWw Mwedere-. |L g Ma^w .m»n.
will And for li-.-lf It* ow-n way andwill
Wo*-bt.*.V 111*. Jan I& -Mr*. Annie
rlke again, let o* hoj.e. fr**ni-the Igno­
Wollerl. **l Atgonoita. III*., who I* held
miny, In p-hlch It nil* Ilea pnaiirate to
in the w.o-i.u-i. jail for
true grraine**." The Dally Chronicle'*
the murd<T **f her Mepdatlghter laat
t thU I
Thureday. ha* h-c* nV violently ln»ane
aiianiie- action* were al
feigned mental
4'anllnal RampuIU'' [papal aec. ‘ thought

tr ’'’L-'sr.'i'



e mania, together with her
rambling apeeeh. are admitted proof of
ahatleted menlamy. The grand jun'
i* aim receiving evidence against Mra

Mra BlfB, Recretary WUwm. Mra San- j re*"- »Hh the king Is l!iip>n<Rble It
poaalMe with a repulillc. The
find itjie guest of the boune) and Sena- might
r Rewep. of h
toundlng p
Ma— MUeeaOffa Cukwa Talk.
mvmem 1*
WaaotDgtun. Jan. 1^ —It wa« the In- mlnUtry
lenUun .of
K-ed >1
eeed w1ltr the diplomatic and contular
appropriation bill yeaierday. but owing

If You Have Logs to Sellr
jDorradpoDd with the TWeree City Lumber Company.
We have for nie Good,


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Mill Machinery of all del
Fct Works. Carnages and Sa«n^
for BBle.

g; Two EngioM.
A complete Saw Mill Plant



New Locatiori..
1qcreated Facilities^ Lar^r Stock of

Groceries of All Kinds.
Also Hay and Feed..
I bavc porchased tbs huiiineRa of £. L. Raosoiu & Sod
sod moved tbe Enterprise GrfX'ory stock, to tbe old Raasom
sUDd on thv SoQlb Side of Front Street, on the comer of the
alley opposite Steinbere’s Grand. I bare also puirhased the
interest of 0. Pieroe in the Enterpriae Grocery, and Till con­
tinue the buainess with a fine stock of Groceries, etc.

The ArMMt*.


> sluuetbereR

lie an luexbaastiblc ctMrgv ol worldwride expanMtxL Tbe natlcgis of Chxia-.
teodom are svecTwberti artdtcnof tbe
(ate of Doo-Otristiaa aguooa.—W. E.

aUdslooe._______________ ,

to theearlied condition of affair* lb ihl* !
^ -----------• A Dally IfaMh
Havana ementea
K A. P. A. Olgocttes*.
No Christiaii la an atudy geoerena,
lagvrwied reports atlMt Jun. li.-A sperUI dispatch
t the greater number of I
they decided to avoid the poaaibiUty of
melflah. true and joR that be doe* noa
from Shanghai aaya It la reported there
■ had been made for
openlnit up a Cuban debate by rellndaily need to 4iwa*ure bimseJf by tbe
f the Atnrclcan f*ro(ectlve A*y_>- the day to the o.mmlltee nn that, the French demands’as -to Hatfoldenml^—^»re*byt(Tiau Raanre
elation, and as they had been founded claliw* in charge of bills on the private Nan bav* ctvaled general uneaslcalendar.
B-fore thl* order waa en­ neas In Jaian. Admiral Tang Tu baa
tered u|mn (he agricultural
been ordered \o anaurae peraonal com­
mand of Ihe Wo-Biing f irta
The Tupakiwd.
turned In a nml.e against a hill-to : Kun-Tlah 1* .-aiabUahrng cvnacidpllnn
lengtb upun thi* point.'earuitallng any
pay the publlahlng'bouae of the Metbo- i m ceruUn diaincla of Tangste. Wo Hu
men who would attempt t«. inject a
dl*l Krlxoin! rhureb south, al Nash-Tao T»i. and ha* iwlSed on all
uuollon of rellKl-n Into a i-ontrov-rwy
Mile. Tenn., frsJOOO for the »el»ure and.;aPi^.tKMlled men lUlit- to oervice. Lu
over a man’* lUmw for ortce. He said
use of the pr.pjwrty "f that <iirvot*tlon ; Yang t* imported to l»- raising a large
tbat aui-nan cfTon wu entire nn-AmerduHne the war
The <>|i|w>*llinn
| force la Kwung Tung, while be it also
Ican and un|«irlr>iic. aid should not Burned the time until 5oVl*wk. when the [ entrusted
for a moment rereHv the cnrlderatlan
house adJou'riii-1^_________
suutbem iLquadrDn. *lt la that
sf fair-minded m-n.
Jaian will e nd a aquadc-n eoulh on
rrmmtag as A»«l-W»lr‘«* Bm*
White of t'aUf* :nla alnwspoke of the
«ci-.iuni <if chv French tbreaivnlng Hal
•'effort of (he A. P. A. to Interfere with
Wastiinglen. ‘Jan. 1^ •'-The house com­
the course of the senate In giving prop- mittee on .nienusie and foreign ertn- .San
le>nd*>B. Jan. Ik—The Ma.Irld corre*r atieniion t*> a nue*i|on ihedeiermln- menv bad th- sWi-srwli'liig bill un^er
opond. nt ..f The Dally Mall saya: "It
atlon of which should depend upon con. discussion y.*ierda>. Tv. Importfint
WHS (gilnteil out at the <ablnet counalderatl-m* of nineiui en>l/justlce.a* be- amsndmenis w*i*re gflop'.ed. (Uie Impcwcs
cH Vr-Sterdav that the menthers of the
tween man and it:an rather than upona I a twnnliy on xilrojx'* nfusin* to rSnew.
g**vernment had strongly
k I dc-m unused [wrlb n* of li. k-t*. This
r-rwleeied against the attacks made by
r> pdlrloltkjn.
] pnivlsiot. Is la. fcinc l.n the original bill,
Ihe Havana
psp-r* on Ihe R|ianlsh
land th*- nltT*-ad Inier.sti* that have
4«-hlW Altark* theOrganlnltsa.
army- Tbe c.vbinet res.dv.-d that the
„ ! >.-*« rri-r-s. nied fnxor It a* an eamett
He *poke'of ihe A. P. A. a* fiKil*
'dloorder* In llax-aba sboul-l not affect
re.->eiL*eu .n "1 S’"’'' 'alUi
-Ml amendment also was
could p-'i be i*roi>eTly cbaracierlted
the recent reforms , 8tr1. t mllliary dlstbe aetmle, H.jl.' had n*. patience. he]a''"i't.d (.i.iAUlng that pasaengery ap- cit.llne will lie rdliforced imlh hefv and
.said, with men who held the opial.m ! 11! ing/-r n>defr.ptl. n of tlckyU should
shruad. and If n. rtaasQ- measures wll
that Roman r„ih 'tire-musi m^-esaarily I r-'l b- idve,f. th*' l-nelll oT the through re kuiRnllted to tbe crie# for reform­
-oSBauU the i-a*.. or gome -iher high 1 «»rir bne-f r .nly Ih* r-gular rsire tv
ing the aimy laws.
fuhctlonary *.r ibe Roman Catholic ! Ibe t--'nl wV.-re Ihe j*.urn.') ceasrt.
Senur Morel, (h- minister (or the col­
churrii In ev-ry Impurtani iratuurtlon 1
« a.t era, IMe in «lw keaaie.
onies. ann.>uu.'ed ihnl (leneral Blanco,
of their ll\c». -nd added that he was 1
nai- the g.*\ern*jr L>f Cuba, had offered
Washli.gtvn. Jan
li. — '
cottvinred that the Amerliwn a^ate I aiwnt most <*f yeareplay 1
other tl.WSi for Ihe relief of peasants
would not be mun-nced for a moment
kl numerou*
discusr.n* ' the
by Mtrt,*e..i«tlon* as an order of '
„.|i..n. of Judge M. Kenna
pUir-s The geneia) sttuallon In Cuba.
the chgipvtvr
‘he A. P. A. wou d : ^ ^
„f ,hc supreme court OutImproving In ensequenre
makt. McKennas .-.mflrmatlvn sh*.uld ,
Huaroffe-edWoamendnHiii qf resumtal-.n of «»rk. The .-uuncU
depend entirely upon
.„r:*tliutlon making Inaogurallon
cnstilutc a c»uimil**lon-c.meretlon*. As for hlmarif. while be><Sd ^ ^
^ ^
„„.,uaing April slstlag of Henor-'Irrilcard. iniaUter uf
not crmlcnd that McKenna wws a giant . ^
offered a res*.lutlon an- justice: ilcneral Currea. minister
In hi. legal attelnmentt. .till }lf W- pe„peuilng t».W-s f*.. the capture a% iMir. and Admlcal Bermejo, minister of
man. a
hiarine. .'hargeil .to prepare
itsvlon lu the .-orte* a projer l for the
f should supism hi* conArmat
•foiD of letirtatlon dealing w ith newaAiuw ri
pBjM-r ..flena. a agalnit the army
. a* brre that Allen Inlerpoaed an ! juurn.-d U. Mon ley.
yjkd >f (tie »:4gtaret« Mrtka Cl


Order by Telephone No. 146.



W. J. BOBINSON, Prop’r.


The ent&e stock formerly owned by M. Savlan-stpre
better known as THE FAIR-must
be sold at

50c onzL -th.e 3Dolla,x*.

- whi-h M< Henna had been i pum Workers' Coi
gJt waa a |*la.e
e which be ’
-o t'ealk. ..
I prohalHy during the re- .
.•oliimhu*. O.. Jan. U.—The I'niied
I.N Ilf.-. II.- .
Hoar dfLd m.l.e a. to the a PeA-. bui'L“‘"" W. rtere' centrnUon had a llvely
aifte^Te ..II! o(hrr charg.w whKh I ««■“'''• weaMon yvatert.y afternoon,
w^ to his mliirt »T-Ti serious, and to conmlderlng the refeirt - f
prove that such was ih.- reae he read | mlltee. Before the
at length from teit.-r* an.l n.-wgpapera > th*'' >vnv. nllun


Tiw gr.-ater |.*n
of AMeo'a speech was d.-'..l-d t

ial .-f k

aald was deserving of more *-nitloy ' waa a livcb' debate over the gueatlon
than had b*en ^ea_lt;
nf the-differential, tbe ITUabBr* dele­
gates (.(.posing It. The convreitton adgKAl. AWARD «CKT T« fOS«R»S*
jeurntd fur the day wjlbvui taking an>
ai'il.'.n on (he re|iort.______

Two Men Killed aa leMWaod.

WR*hln*t.*n. Jan. Ik—Tbe president
yealerdkv S'jbmltted - te congrea* the

.*nd<ui. Jon. 1.'.—It !s-admitted on
good aath.inty ihal th* -nd of the
Bineer-.' strike 1
yeaieidaye 'um..!*' whl ,
RloUIi ralitxay *«-uiiile*. w.-re pre­
mature. It atd*.*arB lhal .the l-.nd-.n
ngl'neers have oonsetilrd t<* alsind^
the fnrty-eiglit.hnar demandf. hut *u
far the n.nh *ff Knfland
have hot .In-s-Tted, which jn*(IA*Hl Hr,*'
Itarnei. («*-. .-larL ..f the Amalgamated
a»g-le'y of Kniinerno In lefualng to
JolD Ihe .••.min'ileia Ihal have yielde.:,
Tapag U'aqi'sa RBreedro Uswl*.
JUpdui.) Lake Wla.. Jan. U -Marian
Redpaid.' giged Ir empiuvl
la the
house of Mr* Devine, uf I'as.-ade. nine
■mllce from here,-, met with a horrible
ilcath while engaged In U-IIln^ 'ooap.
manner ihr ^
•■airei ■(. her dree* end bvfurc^tsat*tsoc<‘
.-uuM Iw r-n*l*rw*l the girl was *J sert«U»‘V 0UIII**I that sh- died In a few

____________ _____ •

/.si.Uii l.
»U..e Jan.
Arm.m.- and Lawrence Chlara were ac­
awvrd* and .report of the
cidentally killed yeaterday at the Iron
I'.tod under the terms of the treaty i King mountalh at truawood. While rldabs/i la a skip several drill*
1. adjuat the clalma of British
skip .-aught'in Ihe sides of jh.
aubj-cu for loss** suatained through ,
upitirniiig the skip. The nfen
the aelsure of their acallng veaaela la
uian-.ged lu hang
liehrliiB reiu
In hi* letter of tranaAlnione an*l n l.ira. wh*. were hanging
mttlal (he prea.deiit saya; 'Tbe repurtj
on th- T*>i>r* u-;.jw were shakea off.and
of the accicTary of stale presents a.J
they fell to the iMtium. several hundred
d«*r epltunir of tha award, and
■anecew.-y any extended vlwei

i'Briuwe RxwiidiilMi riiimiliag.
Jeffrieun Clly. Mo. Jan- U.—(lover,
tior Stephens yvaterdtj^fuaad jo boour the rvqulaitiiro of ginverinr 'taancr.
uf Illinois, for thejOxtradltWn of Dr..
.WllJani■Smith, of ibc R,bool of Osteo­
pathy at Klrkaville. wanted la <3hlc*Eo
for l»idy-Baatehlag.\ The papers .pre­
sented 'rbarired Rralt^ wUbsieallBg four
ataeru' w-urlb M. a petit larreny-charga.

tloBB demand |.r..mpi
aeUBD by congua*. which 1 lUgaRtly
hope may be taken, u ihc eM tbat

, Barbourmlllr. Ky.. Jan. -U -=-NrtW
has rearhrd h-re of a b1c»>dy “SreE" at
a “bllpg tiger- on Sandy FmT. LaaU*
cooBty. Id whkdi Rob*n Cmtwea Smith
Helton. John WllUama and Tom Wltloon. all colored. »ar* killed and Wm
Burgesa mortally woondod. Wh
wo* the c«u*f of the ArhL


Tb» total amuuni oeceaoary t

L»B1S have arrived here with
prlBonar. tbe alleged murderer of old
man John Doeriog;, 8r.. who was Craad
with hi* akall cnished sod his throat
rut from car to wtr on New Y(

Now is your chance to buy goods almost at your own price. Come
early gnd have your choice; every article must bs sold. Our price*
are so low it -will be metpey saved for you to buy now your Spring and
Summer gooda We have a large liqe of Dimities, Organdies, and all
■White Goods'that must be sold for 60 cents on the dollar. All Dress
Goods, Flannels, Outing Flann6lB,,qalicoes. Cottons, Yams, Silks, Silt
alines. Laces, Handkerchiefs, and all Notloim (pust go for 60 cents on
the doUar. The prices on Corsets, Bibbous, Astrkchans, Eiderdowns,
Ladies' and Children's Underwear, and all Hosiery are cut to 60 cents.
rnthedollsr. There is also a largo line of Ladies', Misses’ and Chil­
dren's Shoes and Bubbers that must go foi* 60 ceut^ on the doUac.
Hen's and Boys' Underwear, OVorshirts, Sox, Cuffs, Collars, Neckties
and Suspenders, must be sold for 60 cents on the dollar. Now is your
chance to buy Ladies' and Children's Jackets and Cloaks, for those,
included -with overytliing in the store, must be sold for fifty cents on
the dollar. Goods after bemg sold cannot be returned.

Brosch Block,
244 Front Street.




<Kh«r. BacAVM c
1 th* Inrvlwbir
author. t<». «ra* *trlkie*. tbougb I
Mtlrr 8r>h. "r sarar. «r8'< r8i»d J«r l
mi*. J Uan)*8 only th* apwl)
0»» had Ddter faafore arm U. .1 op*o«d f>«'
ftindiKW •* - youcuc <«td and had m book at random and boffan to cUae*
' ham Bngtlnh later, pre^laely as ] had
nfty rents! It Seemed In*, to lean German and Preneb. Hut I was
itedible. but It was true. We did ihelaeat to an tEngHsh arhonl In tbe-Hlma- yim. I bnd found Ui the thin vohiM
work and gA the money, ,but we weiw i layas when only a little lad. and I kapw | the a-orh erf a man who knew India. RM
linaltlryly so weak that It’toak both of Kngnah IWore i <ame tu America.''
etortee aremed like lovtgiirating whlfls
us to lift one boa."
Mr. WyrtcoB aisdkd for college at rnma the very bUla themaejvra to ma
Ur. Wyckotr 1* of good old roloalal ^nwhntl. N J_ and other |■lace«. en- and hla charaxei^Moteaney and tba
stock. As Mi fajnlly name luC.cate*. M tered (’rincetea lo J«M. <• as graduaied other*—wefe oeaiiy ail Add f^nda I
Dutch deseem on hi* father'* aWr. Wn !fc«» and then Mudied.the.d<ay at the did n*.t put do*v» Hialn Thlra Prtan tba
------- ►-----' Hills' till 1 hml read-even Hue between
tbe ArM of the Had In.. America
Ueng^^ncvlun *...r»o.divinity ....k...,
arhool r.u.
one Peter Wyckoff, who cams aiTvM with the Preabyterlan ministry (n view. . itscorera. I c»n«IJ*r Kipling today
the Atlantic In IfM. HI* mother t* of j While In college be partially aupporisd In Ibe line of auccraaloo to tbe great
KngUsh deaceni. Bbe was bom John- j blmaelf... ^ after graduntkm 'be did I Cngllah poets, and I *liall be euredlnzBan. and her tamtly aculod in. Con-! some pflvate teaching.
in' snrrHiaed If hr doea not .turn out
nectlcut In th« middia of the i
•Mr. Wyckoff has traveled a good deal., aome tblnga of even grantar nres^
teentb CCBtOi?.
aaldc from hta Joumeylnga In aearrh of ; and beaaty than anytUac b* him -r**
Nerrrtbrlem the a«t
work In America. Twice or thrice he smtten. Me has already Wde sdii»
Eanii^ Hk Own U»ing For Two Yoww-Sutfefing From Hunger li Chia«o—He h Weetrrs" Is not a natit
baa bw.-n*a round thr world, and nneehe conirlbutlimi to llteralure
Hla father And mother
spent a considerable period In Oennnar
• N«in of Indu, Like Kipling, k>om He.GreXIy Admirew
mMoBarlen lu India year* agu by the studying
- -fng tbe
- •language.
foretsn board of the Presbyterian
•1 was pretty backward as t..
chvrb and
an were located a
I edge of current literature In
Kk Vkwt of Eikting Sockl ProUemn
._The whole kxdu like the U*t t___
a ^rriaon town In the no|-|hwe*i prov- ! at that Mmr." he aald In the ct
"hwho might be moved to undertake aaeC^.
there that Walter A-‘ his ulk ullb the writer, "and
a task as he baa written of. He dreaaee ■ more
tike a young bualaeas man (
Walt*r A. WyekoH. author of Thr dlnruaslntiar^remlotribek-aseoamlnr I pioTWent at Weal Point and worked
one abo is living lb* acadnak
- TVutlcrra.'' vhtch baa mad* a double claaa He had hti^f worked bu way my way to Chicatto. rcmalnina ip each
Whil* In college be gave apecMl atte*>
hit. fltot ■* a oiacaaln* aAtal In Sertb- up rrotn the ranks of Ibe wa«e earn- altuatloo I secured Iona enough to suit
physical sHeuce as well as eooe*
»*r-a and now lu book form, aat at tbr era and wa* Ibe Arat man nf hla'type 1 my double purpuae nf learning anmet. Ib the Junior yrwr he aag
Hi.ruo table Jo hla apartment*
had ever aeen. I K>on |■e^t'elv.ed that IU8 thing and earning enough money to
ighi ebbaen annually by tb^
PMnrwUwi the other day and
graap of the aubjerta w-e talkej about' belp me akmg on my weotem way. 1
W<^ily*of hU aurcMA Mr.
was murh atn>nger than mlnei He had made elkliurate and'volumlnooa manu*
by tbr way. la a metniw-r of1 tbr aiair I personal an^ prai'lleal knowledge, he scripi note* every day. Thrae note* I
of Piiurelon unlveralty and Irolurea, had................
Irantedby rkpeiience and-eoniaclt ragularly seat on to New Tark
tu-Ira a week to the aratora 1 aocl- j while I had only
r knuwled|.-e that < I have tbem .typewrlllen. and I do n
I may Iw gained
from tHmke. One day hcoltate 0 Bay that they have seemed
.-e* that lad. iBelribe told me 1 ought to gw out and earu . of grc«t ,-alue to me In prepnriBg my
tfnnuuy. to the prvduoilo
of The i my own living with my banda batora lectures. AU tbe material of. Th*
Workers’ has been drawiLfrem these
same oolci. though, of roffrac. I have
made use of the moat striking porUona."
Il should be Imderstnod that Mr.
WJrkolT actually coaaoed'bl* personal
ezpendlluiea to a-hat be earned from
the berinnlng to the end of hi# capert:
went and l6st one of the two inierruptiuna tnenliohed was made n,-cv-aNtry
by the nine** <if a friend, ahlle lh>- >.in.
rr wa* lauscd by a v.eddlnc
time during thr Aral feu inonlh* «f hi*
*xiieriep<-e as a Journeyman ialmrer^
paa^il li. the ea« and described In the
volume nli.eady l«ue<l, wa» he unable to
And work. TtU* was of onurse becau**
bt would lake whatever he <~.cld get.
whether II were digging a dllrh. 'j-ir- '
Irring-' At A summer bolrl or working
io a lumber ramp. But lo the ae*t he
met with much harder oinditlona Th> '
winter of lise found him In rhlcag<i.
and there be really suffered from lack
Of fobd.

"I shall never forget that eaperi- *
nce.’l be aald to JJ>e ariler. "I had '
ph-fced up a . naralihg coniianlon. a ,
atui:dy.' *<irTn>|M-eting skilled workman |
er .l^fore tveen out of em- '
ployment. Wv agreed lo travel Pjgetber and to helj. one another. For the
lime *ln<v beginning my travels I
entirely out of n«>ney. and i
sleep In pnll^ stations
ThaV meant many .thing*, cme of wbUh
you win un lerstand when I explain that
my tanner
a iwosi
• »*»a1*'Ul to be la
foreman 'saw
lie man * neck Theie wa* no j
place foi u« In wash our band* and
fki-e* exivpl on the lake front, and we .
ti*^ to go there for that purpose. As
the water wa* fre'Slng odd. we bad hr
towels and could g-> noTbere tu warm
ouraelves after anshing. «e bad to slap
our.hands and rub our hmSis and fai-es
vliMeniJy ft> keep the skin from <hap-.
1^1 koff'Nvas bonb on April It I
"After-going ajthoul food for nearir is iherTfurd-^tt.y:esra old
« hours and bavtag falUd to flad regu-1 left India." aald Mr. ' Wyckoff. i
Ur work we set out one morning to 'when only 10 year* old. but I «lll,bave |
were so weak the most vivid m.vm.Mes of my
actually hard there If you are proiwrty,familiar
................. .. ........ -iptlng you know that lodl
Worker*. "' said Mr. WyokoP. 'arr , 1 uliowod myarif to reach settled c
i> In the marketing district
into plain and hill country,
brteny described In the preface. In l»l. : vt.-tlons I had tv- ver thought of dnlng ;
e could see food all al-»ut ua. and
a la on the plain, whet* the
Ihrev jears after 1 wiis gradated. I that, but 1 ad-o-led the suggesUon a1lb- '
heat la Intense, where the chol.
aaa Speofflag tbe summer vacation, lout delay. A feu days later, as I bava ;
pLace «• wi-nt. era vl*Ua the nailjte
nailye qi
quarfirra every
Along ullh some other guests, at the told In ray book..I aecupi-d my Aratt Job I every* her.
s. If (hey c;
country Home of a friend I CunneclU
I Hoint. s
alth awera. Ann
_____ I my ' I
. ...s they we.-w iieraiiire-to Rlmla and oib-r mountain
best way I1 could with
wllb .igiven nlth evident regret, but we had resorts.
a living the beat
[ return I picked up a thin volume la- , ClloaopUr and American Whig soHeMM
/ hand, aft ihnmgh the ta- years ; lo gel beyond caring al.iul mere wortA
"My father and mother were much de- Ik-W FlaVn Tale. Vom the HUM.' by ! u. ^SSrirfor the "rap.rt^^Iw
myself for tbr • ImmedUiely following.
Finally. Ju»l as wc «ere about to k.v» voted. to ihetr missionary work, and Kudyard Kipling. wUhirat much Inter- This is ^e highest honor Ihal can bw
n aiming my J ’.tfler a week of tramping and odd j up ^drapalr.^a iMn offen-d
native longue at all jest.Jhough 1 mu»t omfes* that the title conferred on a student b
y ijnlie I secured, i ' first regular t
» load sosm- truck* with busraliimr*
I whin I
. Hitter* pivclhly r

Walter A. Wyckoff, the Young Princeton
Lecturer Who Became a Laborer
From Choice.



T-wo!'Hoosier ScientisS^ho Manufacture
Rare Brilliants.
\ .
ne making of diamond* by artlAclaJ
mease »o that the Anlsjied article will
-dia*# the mow critical e*p. rt a* genuine
aeenie to offer *14 h * leamv'iftHje Held
ffiT tbe aequlaltlon of ucallh
can I- wcuaed for ahuuini
Up I*eh1ud cloae barred
rred dffi* and la»e ling |i. solve tbe problem''
mblemSaUijiU the
of the alAeinl»i
c-Ti-. Hiined blallfe In
A vain
Vain M«Vb for
til- f l.ii-.t-.i-her'a
•nr. Prtun ftkne lo
* made


that where most 1


tai^e Ilf our "un. hnd when
eSgieclBlly prepared
In and In working order
clay w mix ohemicala. the cumimneac I
Ihal our exi’icrlmeDI*
pan* nf which
' Intend
losely^crowneil with glorious suiw
guard, and tbrn
ahead wl
Ala- [advantage that ibis' m-a- fur
le process necesal- be to ua In

NatuTc Call Be Forced to Perform a
Double Duty.

HIni-e electrlrlty became a acicnqc va- ; complete test, tbe >lectric currvbl was
rbiu* cfftina have U-cn made to deter- applied to aecdt that awn allowed to
I effi-i-t. if any u ha* upon the'» Ihcground for.4* hndr* ft was
of planta and vegetablra. Many found that » per eenOaore-seeds hs4
hrali-d dlacusaltma have' attended the BTmm'qted lo tbe elecirlngd ground
irats by those who have entertained
‘n ***e soil ahere the seed* hgd
i-PI>«Blie (beertra. and U Is therefore ! *’*'”* left,to sptoot under normal con-.- ii.n«ie
particularly Interesting to know tbat ditlons and .M
hour* -iifthis pereentags
d dropped to *. Uio* sbowluf tbat th*
the expcrhsenla carried on for some
c of the.current for the purpose of
Urae past at the government agrtcullunl *latloa at Amherst. Maas.. Indl- , "tltnulatlng |
------------------cate that the use of electricity by the , *»•*■ *•» • decided auccesa
• dlatln.-l Mlnmlus lo nature
subjei ted to only a icraporaiT ,‘
____ the* ^
aeeda and the growth |
effect for a few houra and
th* dlfferaace.
of farm produce.
1 then resqme their normal growth.
"A. C. GAIT. .
The A n C of the aclenllats' argument I AmHher tniereaung experiment was
"A. F. WRtOHT, M. D."
In favor of tbe uac of electricity on the ' n*de by plantlag In two aecttons of
So .nanr revolutionary diat-overiea
id loose %n around, the aofl In both of wlilcfa had
have been made during tbe year that lat fund^tif bera carefully selected to Insure It bebaa Just tloaed tbat It la well re-'; Hectrical forre. which, by
Ittg exactly alike, seed* of tbe following *
celve the aliove atatemenU trilh unhe.......................
▼arietles: Farasip.. lettuce, carrot, tur­
devtw-d anpsralua can be a
Uet liefore seeing lust what the coming '
nip. rmdiah and onion. To one section
ted to earth ailldlstribal

n bring forth. If Meattra , ,he ,rrouBd in which the farmer baa * gronnd a mild rarrral of elecutcttr
Oaul and Wright succeed In revolu. |
The apparatus bp mean* ' IB applied. Thr foliowing day th*
tloatilng tbe Industry they , of which tbe-electricity is caught and Plantt
plants lo the electric plot began
bagan to'apto'ac
will l>e ratllled to all the wealth and I harnessed for the uar of the farmer ha# I»aF- «*>e turnip* sprouting Arat. “
glory that will come with such aa Imim-1| bera thoroughly teried
terie at Amherst and 1 rapidity of growth of those planted
lo '
porlsnt discovery. But thre quratlon
question la. na,
ba, proved to be^ a compJele stKwera. , the el*ca*ally treated grosod was far
Win thejr dlicwveTT bring wealth in Ua
Uaii BrteAyMascrlbed,
BneAyMascrlbed, U ranaiata
of a num- ! »n advance of those planted la the ory
A. r. WRiaUT. K. IX
readily as hairpins and chewing gum. at
, the lnf> of a SO foot pole. These aplkee broke Ibrouah the aurtac* la both plota.
eerlaln brat our material Is embedded tbr DTObabUlty Is that they will los gather tbe eleotric Auld and conv^ey It j those In '
the eyas Of tbe public.
tbe foot of the pule, where It la I omaldrri
caught I hrlres
llage was rank, and aben bararlres buried a few'
few ffeet be. I the folia
nratb lb
I vested a-aa oaarty laloe as high as Ibst
u.u.« ,. [ The Rg~hUo of Ae gerfd „
I of the nonelectric plot. The rofia also
b nf ^
the rarih a* the far
-rk I* that it la capatde Of stand-I There sue « republlra. a* follows: U turra Bo tnueb eb-vlricUy U there Anlarger and showed a
vere brat with
a minimum , North America. United fUated; Coata , dering around loora in the aii
• ' ferenc*
c* In »avor of eleciricUy. On* peof expanaio.n. The clay pra-l-iticn
Guatemala. Haiti. Honduraa 'tbat one of these poles ran catch and , cultarlty
u*. afterAmiah4e*ring and •*- ' Mexico, Nicaragua San Domingo. Sal.........
Sal-i dlWrIbtue
enough to electrify aeveial '[ -for every, pound of n«.w very nrariy
illon. gofers from most clay*. ' vador: In South Amartca. Argsnttna.
tna. - acTM of ground.
' \
j a pound of ft-pa a-as produced.
aa tbe Utter eipand to such [ Bolivia. BraaU. ciiii*. Colombia. Eci:uaWith tbla apparatus eXperintenU { Next to the |>araolps. tbe radishes gava
aa extent as to permit the gas that Is dur. Paraguay. Peru. Uruguay,
which may bAsuouna- tbe licat resaUC"^ey g*ea rapidly.
iguay, Vene- , bar* been made rrhich
formed by the t^^kal* 1tbns auela: In Europe. Andorra. Franca. San
Ban j| Fined
ri*ed as foUosa:
foUeaa: After seeds
aeeda ^
ba}^ bera
been j tbrae In tbr ^tri'e
Hactri'c ganlra
alimrifylng effect <
SUbJected 10 the electric trostment for { ways ahead. The top* sere rank, and .
cbemIcsJ* upon (he carbon. This Is the Orange
a pgriod of ft hours ti was fotad that the toot* wer^ ertsp. When the best ,
rock upon which all tboae who bava public; in Oceania. FrancavUla. Ha- over «> per cent more aeeds were gcr- j cf the radishes te each plot were pulled 1
tried to make dlamobds bare gone to j won Thel'nited Slates Is the Utgest ra­ ndnadM by the aid of electriclly thani washed and weighed. It wa* found tbag ’
in. With our day tbe gaa ascapra] public; Prancevllle. in Oeennla. tb* In a like quantity of seed* sown m , the six largest roots taken fratn tbe I
through the pora* of. tbe clay when It' amallqst. Tbe tatt<-r has aa area of ground that lacked the eloetrical *t(m- ) electric fdoi weighed two oiutcra mar* ' '
mas brated. and wa can even mrti only M squara mllet and a papnlatltm of uiant. Al tbe -setrauste in chairn of ‘ than th* six largest takan from tb* Bate
elamrais inside tbe eUy wltbooi It t but AM.
the expattmsnu wiabad to rngk* a ssiy‘alactrle p>ot.

e maaa I* heated 'with
l- 1 art amount «f b*al required to crystal• moig rare. s*i tbat It doe* not crack in . llai- the rarhon. We have tr-adi
ful mv.rd of our “Xperiraenls and are
aefully prepared and hasted t
having the' furnace coniiiructed upt«j
BUi-h a plan that It will bent the ma­
and ktnefonA
terial to the exact degree obtained by
they Slmuld lie left |.i cooL It **8*5 la
u» In odr cnicUiles at the time t
ascertaining the unswera to theac-f^duiain the dlamdnd maklng-aeccet. Thus
dle* that we found our most dtfBcult
we slta]l be able to make c
t large
and hHBrtbrealcIng work.
scale ttw atmc paHIrle* that .
"First of all, let H be known that lb*
been exhlbltlnr. and
have emnarad with at.vnes taken from
be burned in a vaeuSA


WI>-V il.oni frtmi Mother Barth's do**
Hut thi-we Claim* when inVratUHii^d ItMVe simmered down to
.^-iSAUtlng • Tlie utevt tlaliTi lo having
, ^itsriiveri-d the pr-i. .-an oT diamond mak, inff rtime* from Indianapolis. wber4
rrwfvraor Oaut and I»r. A- F. Writ
cimipeleol Jpdgrr luoiiounee to be *0
near bke genuine dtaimm-lii tbat it Is
InuHtaalble to delect thr dlffeSwnre Tbr
^tuo men have been exiHrmunttng for
* *• veral years, and wbathr-r or nut'they
have dtacursfed a say lo Imwi nmurv ag
her bualneai of ■nanufs'-tunn*. diaiiiiinda II la- interesting to b*-*r fmm
ibri'i Just what they claim to have ae•-viillsbed. Hera Is the algutil staif.
iii-n' of l*nfrestor Oani and Dr Wright.

I- -'ri. e-new way of our own to raanuiei tgrr cllamunda. but to atudy dose*
V manner In which nature herarlf
' (tu-.valuable
lit aBtoar k and. having
PBOFi:880R A. C. GAtIT.
liWv rt-aerve Ui* right lo give
— I y* ’ va-1 (ai'ia In our maoner of mak. dio- II, - ri-.p.-i we are ahuaTng here, liut
Mil- luirtioulsra so far aa we
«t;ek th-y interest the peopia without
. Aeairoyim. -ur ehanra of iwpIhgA At
reward l..r ..ur long uu.ra
~Wc found early In our akpwlaeata

.J..expnndirg tc
der the wvirk ........ ..
le^ the *ecret of a ^ "It I* ii.ii p<i|b-y Tor us lo revearmorr
prmv-B* that iiuriAe* aad'-^dleel* the pffm>'<ilarl.v our ticia-ess. We do not
carboti at Ibe name time. The material j claim lo Imv mon- than on Ihfr Ibrcsh-ild
We use ia a clay that we made after a j of ih-- dlatiiond making dliovivery.

treated al a c-rialn brat, and poHAsd
in a certain dvgree of coolnraa Then
you have your carbon, crystatllacd and
collected. At present our labon are
concediraied upon cdllactiag th* car•fur It haetnnw crraUlUaad. or.
rather, at the same ume U cryatanixes.
BtdaaUau who bav* ta.ilad and |.ro-

*j:- .



Jinlx-iMtT o{ tfar tMiTlal u(
«aMimr«> ««v Ibc. lA IHM- TIm colefenUoB wlU4« oiKln tbe lotordlaia auafkCT of (be grBiul >dK« (d (ba DUtfiM of
Ooloratala. bot wlR be |«rtMratNl In tqr
mp>t «roBd loSgre of Ibr t'ollad ><ial<«.
9^ rrlrbrathi# trill t*fce pUee at 3l.>iinl
VeraoD aod trin rerlrr a* rloaelr m ]K>vtIbc burUl wteinotir. llie luoteweM

We AIwbtb Meet Their Best Prices, and


KIV—PriABdlB Oitpa.
]<idsi-> nlMc ■ gT—Wt j
-atRfl or iTcaperUx Iban riarwbm Ia Um !
order iImt bare madr larger galDa—aodj

Wa«tagt«« M Mr Cawii^o


■ ^'7


We barr }»e%iunal7 bad roioethi&g I
Rijr refiardinit «be ■
• ■•lo* Rich Waa«^ Itarh. A

B In (»»trr- !
D<A<« «hr l>
nal e.icl.AI<« il<-r bean Ir....................
and trbelti ci-n<bbe ialtml aUdea goud'
hccUaaRlj lollmr.—Iowa Odd Felkw
AtnoDC hie brrihien (bt>roDveltrdiB««i*
brr4> huipMnL bai allb the ReUekab abo
Taumetb hlirrelf trllb liB|iuiiltr.
drrUnd that when (boe le an apparent
prwol. bul w maojrarcdlequallfiud from
III totluc
totlug tbit tbete
tb>.-te U nvl
not a
ouorttDi of Toilnii rueoilicr*
mt«il<cr> prraoot.
pr<«e>)<. a>>
•bodniaii of ernT Llnd andrtianrtertnni•rwd at sorb a luerilnc U al

of nil. '
whK-bwrre oommoo at rarioue
lita up and down t*r outrt. and tbe ae- ’
phaltSm from Lie
!l^,r«du«oc«dt.ppotQf t^S>falom.
f<iriD«d an important f
bold wxmotnT of ibe aurieota In al-1 bind ibv pbteattd ie reourtved praoci- |
lUy uiiiiijmvd—In tact, almnal if
nuiKl ereiT boriei place- oo Ibe cnaetM- i
. ■

baxa fuuiKlnl a h

„t r«-rl


k« ~

plate ieWnii trrted. It wltbetaDdr
elirll mod 1» erartvly injurrd Tbt
i» lliendpre "ejMiJiudi'ry.
(act that Ibr pmjf. tile i» rbatlen-ddoa
not GDSut aftainet it. taiwoH-. bl«
■ you.
Jn ibe'!
a pr<.^-tUe » u> oo ^
« t—Ur pu-r.,* tbe pboa^ i
‘k* latter w«w nf cn«i

' m..u. -u.a U

:..... .


‘ Go brie Better
A Woman’^ Shoe. m the City, for $1.00.
Misses’ Shoe » Wth $1.75 for OKc. Men’s Dress Shoe^
solid, $1.15. Prices reduced in Warm Shoes.

:pajr:eci?]:r, beos.

B«.' P-*“ - '-•'““'I “ f“”7
<■ «'« ™««'l
"* ■“» “

7T. «■»«

i 3.


Fault Undliiir in Ibe halci-la hxi ufteo i Till' iiBtim <1
dooe fay thoM.' »bo bate dotir tbeka^ W tb< ir eupplc from the wout, aid lotlay ingftfouiid. iburt-was a ttwt Ql an debt
: inrb plai^if arwur. f«iir.e--utiii|i iOO
sustald and build up tfar lodce.
tbe pii'ke at t'arioui pbu-ei
Tla> OnencJal wvneary ....a
efaduU chant*;
will, .nalu...
»Himix-r ea.xe>uut1 drifted
_____ _
tumrte <if ibi- battLeJ.1).. ktip aegaarter'a diii« to e ini-mbor'eaivvuul'
at Uu- end ut tlw quaiuw, ae dun an not { ,, ,t,.T ,« -A Si.
-la. r'7 ■
T... ™i.l ll.. h ;
inijfclilii ...1
.A. loll..
e Lr'il at i
orelcn imiiU lu.l|p- tu ri patr the «H.U-y


and Ithk-vly «n.mumcni» In HsUliuare lie.
dreidrd tn allow tbe tnatuc to n»t until
txi pluto.
plutf. I>ci
Ii kdta wi-re i>aror oracki-d tlm
d 4)to
tpto it
It Ihe i-'et wai r>-! tially w •■Idtnl
A» the law 1U1W rtadti tbe urn of tbe
I gardtd us Jtiiin-ly •atisfariioT Olid
afliclal rrrripl le iiumdatory only wfafo a
Ibe armnr,
M a rrc-lpt "
brutbes ••►bjiltr-.....—..................
Aiuc till, (iflli-ial imt of Uin artuur
' plaio. the nnliisn>-e nfHoials fin-d a
It waaa
AD Ibe world: metutarvhlp m.Otl
rapped «1h 11 and wa* f1r«i in this au<e
. Ti> work, hmhnw, and uuike tbr bllla
to 'slifiw Ibe |v»etnitiu{t pnwi? uf tbe
and callcyi
Icjre irl
i-cbu with ibr nii^'ic of the
projn'tilv. Tin- slKdLiirt^ at a bigh vp(aorluc boet* ■R.-khut ml In thelcaudf
lis-ity, weui tnlirtirljir-iiotb tbe plaliT
tbe Paulanb of ibc l>atrtaM'ba
and tbe mcnlt in this ca«- was ulwfl-Ai-'
nrrnry of ibr borial of i
»id(Ti-d wfrdKtU'i-'t?'.—iri.m Ibe rb-11
Its uhs
about two
Waeblnfttao bad ns
-ikiud aooutiwa:
H»As)i-mK->-> At! SAXTA pouit ofv^vii .tiid tlif tw<i tests, token
yrurs b«u !n the A’rsnd lodc>’ nf (okindci. >
tOBfcber. Hs-ui i<r dPtiiooArah! that we
HlDce then one after anoiber n( tbo gfand
. Mill! laieca u|A . >u fmjiim-.
u. MMm make inipnetrable anuurgilatn and irin's family I Atipvln- OnuulF. it Is rkUviiM'ly Irunble- n-siKiMe projectiles —American Uarob-; wiuu'. WWUK
wunm |mt
tmt «il
of Ibe Koud uffsimre efamieb
luir }}ari«aictlOBSil»aKbitl* |uot.rttou dors not Jiirttfy rob-j
r tbeir Mswiulr
a Sanu blimica
tonal niocrmrot. Initiated by Ma- - bine <>»' iwmle-rwbo k<-r|» hU oblifatiaD f ati-l dnniDK in. Betroree .r th« am
s eiuiiibd to all patrlotlo and i and i^-jr lheW« for urn-who does not. laud Lo, ^d^clre tb
The tr>-tuf-uit»fu fiirra' nf tbe sea was
ir duty of
Uw offleer anil n
mlhsl |oefcr> clty.l«wn.
nicjjibcrio depoeils
deposits add n;Ilf -Konia Barlatfa
_ ________ _i_. 1______ '

sii]uviiir ii-iituf
ell vlulatbuu of■ eereral
alllace and bamlct
a aainiwlal
aervtoe > --y th<e
•s. TUal owned l-.v illuKtraitd by an idijeot Icsmki asboni
awa or pniiiiptly susprad or
Will bPheld po nk-. 1ft, tew.
city rss-etitly, wbm fire
tbe Mart- iwtate •-zii-ads emiHi distance
1 itMUilwr fruKi the trot. Tlw 1
aocent nasoos why this tnovri
large iBUks. bnili to cnouiin l-.'0,uoo|
«t) oau- •Ifuip'bnrc. an that;TesseU rod .........
luateuis his h
If Ibis ! **"' a.idialiiuu is ebm-.-lid aUard. Tbo putuids of s-ap. but wbirb wcr>- tempo­
-tsrtiould li.rt !«• pnar
a I qodlty. It iawld. is <|uUe equal m-tbat rarily filled with WBlir-nnd ettculisl nn
tegtao's death and burial is bnoilfolly | was doiav 1 i■•llpT<■ srIbe loortb fldur of a large tmildiug, unlt«l tbe iM
i. of itaotamoosTriuidad varietyuf Peons
.k( iiMita Ponla oil wells were laag lapsrd and cnmpleiely wreck'd tbe
Joes and ebarity w
tbarof HlstVumi
i Tbr Isainl of irustm Is rtmip>-llrd to In- bd- developed, and later tbe oil prodne- whole building, killing tbna- nis-o and
4.000 KnlcbU I wsd all sHrtilns fuuda of Uw onbe in flor- iUR twit wes f.mud ai Puente and apaiD doing a lalg*- ainooni ctf damage. The
In Canada iborr ai
ersment hoods only.
at Snmnierlaud. b> low Santa Barbara, tanks were roub lo ft«t bigb and abbot
Tbere'is a geoutal bustia oo amulig tbe wbero BAduKOlAr etau- of aSaire may tK 13 f>wt diaon-lor and oontained 161.TUS.
Tbe Hmoos of New Jrtwy bore per•
elmmi a handeuine pn>perty in Buriloc- Mlnmapollsteoia.
Men. That Ibe oil lawritiR strata ruaebed poonds at tbe fluore and npIf you are a Jlareabee. act like one. talk out into Ib<- <a-ean snim became apparent
llkeone and let }<>ur frh-odi know tbal at Siiinmerland. and Ibe drill araffold. quate i Aland tbe strain. A ware of the
•wo aUffio hlKfa. has a maUMni root and yoB are proud nMndng ooo.
«. of .«e <tf tbore tuuks is not {
iups.' tookinii like wlndnnlls witbuiu
eonlaltis M nsuna Then- an- alaoa larfe
Or.. DOW bas a Mareabee
at all Qunraal at ■«. and when aocb i I
■one stable and a Bate lodgr. In all three loniplr. a Buwt sdegant plaeeaf tnretlng life wbra-1. liegan in a short time tn ex­ wave lc«laks-uii a vosswl's det-ktbe force
tend d-isru tbe litile (wuynti widHi tbey
■re about Ti'wmof land tn Ibepjiic TbF and unrui bsl by bulb tbe lent and taiio.
. bail bllesl and to creep up tbe abur« in of tile id”/' OBU only be esdiuiatsd by
place U to rtndleot omdlUoa and bas lU
i the direetioo of Santa Barbara At first tbeaimiwsii Ilf daiiiagt-it di>-s. lu spile'
) tbi-y kept afotMt tbe »i<lia nf tbe bills of- tigw clastictty of tbe water beueotb
Tbe fttapd lodge of Tezaa decided Chat
I wbicb brvM tbs- ucaa here, bnt gradn- tbe t-e-sel i^seasp bcriii reoeiring tbe
tbe adnrivkm or n-jection of |aesnns rn l,
•aK«d In tbe iiduur buslneas iboobl beJ-VuM ad
*’|ally tbey tnruesl auaward nntil one abock. —SH'itwiKe-Ainerican.
(WuUKd l7 subinllMte todg.*V adTemomoa tiian Ibe nwt rose
n 'tn 107S
Arrangemcois a
j tbe walsY- T>i<- work was etan-d
Illy, 1KV2. the lesrl rale <if aareaaDp n> Jii
. .\lpiw>-xnvni>- low tide, and finally tbe
Uiwd. that Is fRiUi sm-s- Cl to 4&
wnnisnsaryoi uic grano coa|nt-r, wnwo ••-•••
dtfBcoli cliuiMug exc! ltd or 30 feet
lit-riald tl an assa ims-nt and
•ccors Mareh It, lel» As ibis dale falls ' ca>-h
e is Ml for
corsKBis an i
abure. wiumiugly rising fro
0 U (hr me was graded. In
.wwt>ln IK to MI aa.
July. ttslC. a graded rate
. eu.->l foiata. Jill many wb<- iii-v.t luui b
- ap—
Tbrt-e wells at low liilo an* ,
. ua-iuorlal niedat - 7**f*
ails^ited and iiiadc to
•0.-I1 ibinga at lionH- .It-iiwor large <|Ci>uai.-r and at fisx>d tide
.Will Ir airw-k In boom of tbe oc-a.I.m,
1 P'> «» •« •
mrn.bura after eahl
Wtokiiig <n plai­ tili<«i>r tbreii <ui tlx-ac tuure. Tin-PniaThe grand lodge of AUfn.a n-wlrelrf
0 w m«- wa. m l^rui'l"”
«r ►Iklingw...
nt Tariflai bcighta wbi<b lh«*y st- ^an war office rercntK expcriiucuted
«1I Us (ifiks-ra. A silrtr
With augar jud Nic-bariu.’ NVh.-u a
m-nledlo Past Grand
.. .......... mla-rdifti in Malm- are IJtrJH-:
►irm tOTwi that an-built in lb<-m-a large auinon't nf. inuH-ular work hod
loyal.nddcvut.dt...K-nnj0. Aram.
Ualn. ,
U-cn p-rfiirin.-d, it wax fonud that a
At the annusl mocUna of He John'* . rV' ■°V«'<»"<iunut.wmt^-o>U0.
Jodgrof .Nr*i«,rt. K. I -onc-uf Ihonldral ! >«*»••»*■ »»»''> »u»|«Ddc«l.
gnwter qtiAiiuty of w(wk cuold be got
and i ■
UaBBte Wire In AtiK-rkw. OHicr H. V. ] t P »” »*«■ ><n«nUro. had
tbniDgk nn Ib<< .lay. wU-u the Ktigsr
StdoMpt wa. i-lfcu-d
clrcK-d aunlur wardwi.
.i dlib ai.d *** bad U-cn (wld to
wui>giveD tbuti*'cu Ibedayt when hicrbarlu waa givro. Tbv «y.tem bad be1| la m-irr iu la- fuig..ltcn that proariyV !
tribe <atlrrbaa
„g 1* forbidden in l>rrnm«mry.
During the paR yrorl_.
---------- mad.
. . : bT no rtigiu.- Ul Ibe btwdi. ibr furl U- I
><r iu BUgar iu onuiwqucnce
^■■*7' ,pwT
tbv MViTo ■■■■
uiDM-Dlarcffirt wbiib bad
Jbi. rogiuc .....................................
;b»! ,bc «tl
■ lJbmi»*d'up.
lodge which
• alatlon
- - or idR. in s ' *-a». ,.r-ui.m.i bccti g.ini- thrmu^, anil
f.w lha ordre tn the Te.a. :
aercral wolla At pr^t l^
. Soidrd bj
. . .
.. I- - - TuJX.k
- - ' onnpars-;
kiih-w iii<-ui- m<aa.ilanng
inwt .
un..a w.
>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- „{
..a_ ...a
r hail tbo |
i ta-n hiivliig bnw wldcd dui
luring tb. I
■acd oapi
Wlity |(.r wurk;—Kiiglinb Mu-bania
pu.bial out iuto Uiuolisllnw

Bny the

lOc for
Any Style

jf- ■


a, PPU-J'"-



«ngao DrmaaSa m>Br»cac» la tM Tart. <


' »e,wl Mrdraallc Air t^umgr-rear.
A nN^-mly iwicntcd'air <Nmipre*aor
cmiirteof an eudli-M. chain 111 imeketa
wnrkiuV 0)1 and down in a v< nical colamii ol water. Ti»e belgbt of the oolBDia of wat.-r d.-tenuiu,-* ibo pnwnmi
of lb.- air. The bti< kclii niter Ibe walijr
Bpnde down and un|>iy or full of air
A. they dcwi-ud thcuiriKoom-

tbia viatatulc. of tbr grand domain of':
For Ibe j.wr eniUng Jan-sJ. IHWfl, tb# nutty uverliM oil prolDi-iUit .irata.
knany au|>n-m>' balge n-lli-f tioerd aulRud liw Off wbat t« Icoowu aa klxrc^a wbarf.
tBbk |o a falgbcr <inr uuill bn .hall haiu JuriMlli-ti»n of N.-W
N,-w York
Vu I.. ilK cxt^i of; iKilfu mil” ..Ut. naw to tbe aurfac*
SOOiiniUNl t« hii-iiniT? Um obllgdtgin and |l 411,1.1:.. Vrnbi^
I > an in to tb.- rxwfe <.M
.jiriugof water
■Efet w«ifV lit ihi- pn^idliig nb-^r until , *t;..ii7T. UTanmaln t« tbo
aocb TPlooiiy
U» linbwniahfS opbero,with
. lahall
' ba
ahall hair iiawrdancxi
rr^-n- •:» and 1 airf.^nia IlLtwriil
barini . t**"' It «m t» takra up and uard if
. OB tb (dam lodge eZBv]d by apectal
" j”'
“„.r .a, tbcrl
\ »■>. «'« -iM ....•ni.i.Mm.
ib> )■ a ^.tcoi-wilj lug l«-»^ilMant» fur ivib-f I K-oi. A .rii.lar »pnug l« kuuwu .n tb»-.
. * Ur tbe ,J IKWT. .u It r.. fur m-n- -auall
cu.1. WU.-.TV
wb.-re II
it i>
i. rani
l-lil ii«n
that a ,
Jl COJ-.X.
, 'T.1^
wl....|. ft r^ievK
. .«u.t--V.<l In
’ a v-tetu thatve-rce»l !vu
wl.u-b ft t> couveyed bJ
<wu 111*’ slimaxid.-Che -groat
rn.h ebamU-r. from 'll'"’?
•i.rk .iii-li rl.giig*. Ill-ula acddurnfanl

Tl..- l.u.-kci*
wuii-r ima fill 1
'-r -itiT. and SK tl«i-y tnra i” deuftsid
..................... itu -•
toU-rtbipuf 4L- Juri-Uil..i...l1ki
tbn* i.^hy<rf »»«;drii.l;ii«waterpotof
.....of other )uH«l»ctl.«hB
^ . P„,ubl,
M-tlie I
iu U«
Raibbunv .'(|•ler
lyjax TUy an
Augrlei. Oil
oil wa.
was lirM
fiivl dl.
dlx'^irrroil illlbe —.\ni>-ii<-au Mai-fainii-t.
) Auado.,
idia> of w«Huan'*i<i
wndoTU pnriion, in w bat wa* (nadaerod
New rmuturrapkte PlaUa.
.a rboi''- ivwtdcura) part nf Ibo city, but
Captain Colxob. an l^gli>>b anuy of­
lirauuli tlu- inOiH-nre and aeel
1 nitii lato pulltlra and all public I F
ib<-d>gft« of bouorU genoally like uisgiv Ibe Ugbtboaeuiike naffold- ficer. ban d< Tln-d a pmiuieilig mcjoi qf
* «aalrw
mvignired by ibennire.
dlmiuikhiag tbe time rj cxpianm* of
Aaalal tn keeping upafimriaiw cei
ed tiiirly lolniKtb'wilbtbfm. Kioerea- pbotograpbio plalt^ in order t<> get a
fny of tbe nnllKnii rank. The lodi j It ,M>te icM u> kn-pupyovriucmbBreUp
amrer lean a meodier arbu U an aeeiie ilB tlw A. U. r. V. than it *1<«wId psy tbe Idi-uw* w.-n- roiued bytlir proximity good iiiuigu. He fiuda iluti wum'of tbe
ot Ib<- niiMglitl.r objeroi. aud ttoBUy (be Ugbl'gvaw tbrnugb tbe gi-latiu Irrouxide
n M.««u wunbofiirupiBty.
fmbrt- of an active sumpaDy w tbe vnlgiven nvet- to them and plate and ri'firqte it back into tbe fiitu
ra'oeruiu enctioui of tbe by a arreen of white paper or (wrd-.
Cbaaro gVftaSa
■- given JaS. ST by oil regioa iu Fetmeylvania.
board clore to the film, lie i»ropo» ro
Aopraw Mqnbal .-NUtclrt* of Tex ^ I tbe eulviydlba-e niiinciU,
California tawilboat ucpoxilenf cnal, fret evcjx belter n«i]tK by making the
|irou■mlng pracitcwl «nd eurreaefol ro
uf tbe kind unpatnl- _ wv.i'zccpt lignite bed*, wb’it* crop plalea with a tfam. w-bile opaqav layer .
hie’«i-jgu(*c wurk In that iuriedlc- '
oaf iu vurioua plaoea. ro that oil ai fool on the glaoi and flowing ibecmuluonl
SloB by gcttlog newouuiwlU wannl and • j
ni.oiry idtbeo
■iMlfrllig tnuiaare la IbcreraLtbWnluM.
T**” "rt gala.for the whole oedtr W wilt eoiiiilya long fi-lt want and fae- over them.
Runr a larlur in tbe rapid development
of tbii growTug city.—Scieutific AnitfOnboi* ii^ abowD that Ibe principal
jr,!! ii'
’ finnUra, we are on tbe rtgbi aide. Let Iran.
___________ _
(andtian of tbe npransial bodies ti to
Indooa otben to
deetioy toxlnee pruaiiit in tbe rirenlafioiniBeGoanellar Moras bae wrttMi a
•^■erially tbore roeulting from
•t cbOTlng letter to tba gi
. ____
s. Mari^
'■ffleere of -tbe good work U-log dune la U.t abuwn lireir . lu aemal parteof New faetweni lakoa ^prnnr aud Huron, in mtmlar and nerroo* aniviiy. Tbe
•rery dejartimmt of »br order Id tbr dif- Jrnry. Thai it will rumiuur iti aia'eaSall the quantity of freight wbicb (waea gUndt oceitain a pexmlur ferinent
laaait JOrligvUoni. lURjueHi
which i* rapable <if mnditylug (gganio
(brut^ it. Tbextotal. (rora tbe opimiug
Wblofa ha. pMTfd 00 rffoottva. b BltrmB- »**"• teJnl lb" "«ypoitoiu Jevelujad by tbe ti>gmra ur of
I'M (irand Kcueut nun. J. A. Baraag Ct navigatiiai in'May up 10 S*>vctul«-r bacterial origiii. A oouxideratile quan­
tlV great ati.nlinn from tbe tbuugbtfta
1 tbia yi-ar. was ^Ib.SVS.TSn tJuTt
tity of puinaiooB liquid* it funod in. tbe
an iiicTdaae ot 14 peg rant over U*
glauda—Pxqiolar Sv-ieaoe Kim-*.


SI dlRNM la full Iona.

Senata Serralary Mycra rtatca that tbe
mDlacloO of an Saa<Bniu-nt In Norember
r Uadrw of Stnttfixae tbe number (or tba year I Ml? at tan.
Tbe order b in ao gxiadleQI oondlUoa
. with all aupfureddaalbclaluM be bopee Umi be bae fdond s laktia«
«4d •KT.bWoobaad U emre for tbe dlRrnra —adMtUte Al—

It ie rrporied that Ibe Ameriran Bx.prcei emnpany and tbe Kaiokerbooker
lee campan.T in Cbiqgguwill
natudon tb^ delivery tr^ka
tnu-1 now banUfi
by bograe. and aafa*
fer tbeat blao-

Tlic ‘•New IilAa” are the ntjual of any pattemi joade.
They lead in aiyle, fit, ecimomy of (p>M6 u»«d, aSmpHe.
iiy of eoiutrDctioii. etc., and the coat in bat tO Cants.
Get ii Kew Idea Fashion Sheet Free.

We Want to Sell Quick
the iMilam-e uf our atock uf Ladies' and Miaaes' Wiotar .W-keU
and Co|»-b. Prices have been treated unmercifully, for we are
Ixiuad to cicMie out erery carmeut if poeaible. See bur .Tacketa
at t&BO. $3.26, $4, H
$7S6 and $8.B6. and Capes A
$2.26. $3.36, $4.60. $6 60, etc. It’U pay you to inwest
In these, if you've any need at all of a
Cloak. '*

Any Short Lengths of Dress Goods
Flannels, Linena, Outioga, Carpots, etc., will be sold you at a
half to a quarter off regular prices, to close.

Oome and See Our Bargain Values.

■•••••a ••••••••••<


Tee Kettle or Serwiog Dish-

Price fcom 00 Cents Up. Calland SeeThem.

14»> Front Street,


Trareree City, Mick.


One Gallon
of Good
Table Syrup

20 Cents
\7iU Bay'yon'
----------- AT-


948, Frwil Sta^t,

Broach Block.

We carry in slock every style
of Gospel Hymns that is published.
I and —music
^ od
j1I<y 1
- - in both
Nos. 1. 2, B anil 4 in word?
le iiwe
tbe type edition; No. s’by itself; X0. 6
byitaolf; N-is, 5 aud (TooniDiBed; all six books inwisbot^
in teth word ^tion and the mnaic edition. Pentaoostal ,
Hymns in th»e styles of binding;; Finest^if the Wbeaf;
Triumphant Son^ iithr^ style* of biiflUng; Sacred Songs.

Special Prices in Do^n Lots
to CbuK-hi^ Sunday BobooU and Toan* Pronles’ Soeletiee.
. In Bibles and Testaments, Prsysr Boob and Hymuala, ws
have a full oasortmenL and tbe prices are right.

280 PiOTt Rtnet.

^ ®- HOLLKY, Xanagvr.


began to light the Tor^nda Ueee for a few ritort mcatba
Innpa. Their tinted raT* aMOMd qhi'v-'
Tbe gray and dinnal ride 1
•rtBgvlth a«eeit Ai Wibnot-Rrode ONaywitb thetbongbteaf both,
oat into the abadow be tagan to nnd«r- wae impelled by a new feeling in which
ttand the old tmcaUqr that ooold uudst AO thoogfat of beneU etiired. and which
npoa a iati^tioD wboM uediom «w grew into a tntiUe ctotainty that omte
made ol gnnpavd» o'
nuknown erril encompaned her belorad,*
Be had gut bal a mtle.dManoa bolding him in thrall.
erhen hiii band mu aeWd I7 aootbtf
When they reached MoAhted'i to'band, and be era* dragged eritb-aU the tile land, th^ rode ntore elnwly notil
■trwgtb (A a roothfnl figure oot beyond they came npon a (tream. Been they diethe eiuTtiug (tf rtirtbWry into the pale znoonted. and the yonth Maid to water
J the boaete and to tethfo- them behind a
elnmp <A bnehea. wbm they ooold
trown the juicy gram npoo the boedatn
When CraymM-, left her. OB tbe day of tbc- ctnam.
brhuT-'tbe laiiiee eame'^n the raucheua.
lann ! wefit ewifUy fenrard along
lumrej areut with him tii (be edge of the xtaadrd drire. Tbe nm waa gout ,
ibi' litUe «leared epot Irnai which «be but tbe afterglow epmd in radiance
cgnld wntdi him all the ^y down the
Widi • eltjw. »a««>n kin. i»» »b» inl«ht bill dud intu (he trail that Fed ihnmfth OT<r tberarth. Aa ibetnaivdtbc ranctaUtb the Kxind of lupi^ voicta greeted
baie-h gnuCasuM the anu of the gnat bor. She el.ipped noclUi-nly at if deiu-.
red from her imrveee, Utit her bead
Hu li|» hud opc i-r ItiocKi-w bird* «K toa&d in tbi* deaolate and peeruHR-iwecn tbe Uancht* of a
had oetfr lirfore lourbnl him. H<- had
lo. hut one w;» caUtng to il» mate thitk abrub.
. ,
bo fair a Tieinn of life bad nerer lieair. 8be toe gr>ytfd. biT eycii.- nnc bod tt <-ott:rlaat ntli)-a «d fai r ho|ipitJi-> dri'.-uiiic She cnnglM her
rbbli n awiftlv iiiln <be eueireliug brvuib u»
tiaiL--!' ut iho long vi nm-



J^\ lioH#..
^ -f»«


tnrloiw M be mined biicioaiaui-

CKtdaiBod indalptutly to tbe o(B<t tfaM
Iwanppoaed it watthe mj-with aitlita.
tbooRb lx* bud alu-aja thought thU far^
tioiUar wtim wn'too food of aodetj to
a|a«id *> much time ■](«■«.
great di'^.'uicee'uud mighty bii
TfaecaitU- king bufd bi»
and looked out toward the

woeiii-iiT SIC'


,u*' iii'icTv I,** ■

later v|«it» hi'hud cortiliirtul b>ui. I
............ hnr,,. 1.. I 1.^



--------- ...
them all



McAlvonl wet on .0 look afu* hi. i

Sn. b. im» «.»rr brllli ki™ll ’ •« il-l»-lu Tb~ «*■--..J bj
lorblm 10 bb bo-. B.»-.
c»b. bib,-!! .bUni'-i|^«»*. »iib b,™^
plld .Sbbl dp »l,bm (b-w>ll. <d . l>.C™ul->-»l«.«wltlp~-.»JTOh
..... ..
____ eopiiti tbe Iceigv
EBiutu aif (hi-cdd rauebrim.
e had cuoct-irvd biuua-lf Co ba t
«na.. He could work there, in a |ul,1^ ; AftiT a time ijraynn-r ie««*ie leetlem
-wa^> and could think llerc he.' • and complaiu.'d (bat 'he uio-i do anmo___
_ _______
thing U-Mile l4c>■I^biug iiiiiry pi-ople in

•TB to arnomamy her. •
a waT til l» gay with '
I life, and tbe Cfainewi who bed ]
onnaul began P

It in iu final Strength

to‘^ich astuuishm eeorv Auicncwn toiaaii. t>«ymerdid uot-uvui to notioe
Imttnm-d toward bubew^ 1-Ui^ ’ trotbed.Tbo luukwl at him kindly,
onbaMe and rather with tbe air of erne f
half Uier the two men Mood
M leiamu than of «e burdened with
1 for speaking." aaid Wtl■ that 1 wirald warn you. Crayling of theUYoa are an attractive fellow
L His sketchdice Craymer dimppuared.
ackle waa dutifally eba)


pli-." »M tta ^

.Pd ,.dm. .-p, oTip.

“'^rpOi™d|htT«ISn. wmiplpi ;;Sa.n»U^^Ujr.


Arnold's. Diamond. Thomas. BtafTbrd's, Paul’s. Carter's^Black. Bins.
Bed, Crimson, Violet, Green, Gold
and White.
Vucilage, Liquid Glue and White Paste, at


That Old Leaf


, *""T **'*'*
1 >
tiiinmaiti. Mir n-uciiiO -ut

akai(c "U I Wc«t> to aay Iwn- lung,
hoaaid. “and did net brcsilemiu lb<- n
my dtjtiea and ii> cntlir



m kirn Bright rugs were sirtnin
• the llnor. liaski'is tif liiiWcr* ile- j
pwidi il truui (be iitAiT niiif Unc. Ixiug
Tines swung sluttly tu liieeteuinK air.
Hniiiaii fiimu were the jewels in ibis
enebaiKlug scene^—aenmg , inch and
grui^lulwomen. Uerswiftglaiici'fimnd [
tbeoie she snughl.. "Th' tgU uu" waa
nM there til divert her.attention.
Bbe n-ad with uuciuuji e.rea. but aaw
no line of <nrv or illness upm tbe gay
futlons she had learned so well. Hr
was the «TUb-r of the group and leamd
laaily boek in a grvo* anachair, look-

ilsTieixv. N-i girl fii'iiil
made her a «<«li'uu(: tK> tssdc had
otaiMT iii' her way w id. h
th" itnsleni k'lti uimlysis-it .«:i<-uileti's lieuit
when tirst it f<.*-is
'mid of .lovr^
If mrb a uie luKi
it would not hgNv el it; iitcii »l in . ^ h•
could not read the simidist wonlis lie
few rude folk iu .b* r iHiV-e liad netm
who stood bi-side^bimaAd whuwor^!
ooniilnf her name witiiilutof imy < a piwn. a» soft and white aa tbe one !
the swarthy bimters wna ait inierviih wm by tbe xiuw mo'fuiam.
of tnauy weeks, bnd lUii.lwat the luuui.
lie f««n\l to ament to something
tain path. How iV-aiiuic^siio had b(vi' this oue asked of him. fir she wiwt
Without kiiowlug II!
through a diurway. upid iqtber sitle of
Ibe child come nwki'jg Iter,. It pu
'' ‘ ' Dg 'flerxy' eortains, and rvnp its arma and cried piteiiwdy.
ly. Shi
b a strange sumetbiug in h<r
Clasped it to her heart and canted tu ae; that abe held
the path.
- '
, him a»td tbut be took'with abothor
Tbe tt«l tuoming
to l»er j
heart. "He Iswnt
wmt <5>ml
-ygnln it«Uy. Hm as I .^,,5..^
ir wfat-n she used to b<ar ^ao lo»'.
Si, n-p, ij..
lu it-Tpoi ~J-t ili"
„ urrM
iilaMeri pine wlivnvv she voald m oat carelessly with Che atiange instrument
over tbe level waste beyioid.
and. muring lii« fingers aertos iu drew ‘
"He beaut thar. 'abe wid. hat sbe firth a tender wioud such as hwl never I
iled oT«r at the tuinuilaiu and ap at b^ire been beard ty tbe nuws-u listen-;
tbe acift. bright aky.
w. It was nut like a binl's ruice, uir a I
The next mnrumg it was tbe sa
cboir Ilf 1-irda It was urn tike the adgfaand Ibe next, and m <m fur many
tug itf Ibe wind tbMugb the firs. It was ;
Lunging gains strength by delay,
dars ixinld nm <kio« fast eaungb. Mie 1 .
looked u«erly aiToss the liiwianda f.r ; ^ and snfA-oed untU fitted to minlsier I
harbeaH I
gime that way. and her ' ^
lie t-egau to smg sonte words in
unkudwu MnpH- which thrilled

is rather blaek. Belter
tarn! over: «. Your teeth are in
about tbe mme shape. You can't
turn them orer: but we would
draw your attention tooUreoaplete liof of Tooth Bruabea—
10. IS. ?<i. ■Si. 30 and io eenta
each—all guaranteed.
Also a
fall line af Toalb Howderm
l%otea ao.d Koapa. It'e are iead^CTu <a Daatal Suppliea.

A ■pT*-9'


because uy-iKe leek npeai tbe face (d
that ut^ girL Isiunl knew be was
hinging^, ber oniof gU that happy
girl yonng like b«r- '
•elf. toll and sligbu with proadly car­
ried bead, bat Uir inMMd of dark— i

213 Front St.

Baltimore Stock Reeelrwi Three Tltaee a-iTeek
Counta. 40c per quart
SUndarda. 30e per quart
' '
Solid Meata.

Fletchn's Ouster Deiiot and Restauraat.

A Few of Them Left
Those pretty t»lid Nickel Qaadrople-Silver Plate


Get One Before They are- All Gone.

F. A. EARL, Jeweler,
Munaon Block,


temlsT Ihi-n;”
en any
"Fir this rwiism: With that answiT
le chilli •
Iwaiit you tiiA'linqnUh going wbetv
Ibe frw
yon intend M pi iiuiuifTiivv."
•I alioat
"Atiil IMvvbat i:g!ii iHi yiioaakit?
I It's about tiliie Ibat vimr volduteer e»
I pionage sWiiild. isi%e. 1 slmlldo as 1
and strayed ovi-r the lair fon-bead
r hanged pliw-r in this aii't evi-ry »cbur
- little waving liiMo.
I matter " He iiimeil amt -walked away,
. Then- must Is- Munetbpig to moke a
j Wiliuot by a stn-ug I'lTort sRK^iT^
I biort staiul s-till at tfao first idght of a
I the indignatti'U that sTirtvd
- {Be ai-ald trnirti. him oB the «eay doua face crowned so shiniugly, (me may
following liiin. laid a baud
the hllL
I love tbe linsky mames better. Imt be it
ahonldiT uiid «iid ill t,i utle m
___ lo be amMid at Mgbtof-ttae u
ji.o will w
yiinr ]aiidmi. If
Bbe w-init 1 If ihe''Sngltah teally received tbe ci
tbe sab>Tl a little M.-rioos ; yet
1 her life Ilf loll and -jwivation. ; .pii,inat of which Hie;
tbuugbi. ly i.l1 nut tnmble vi'u again.'■ I ■*"'
.t'ruymrf^ ',7..- - .1
■ w hen. in tbe slave
..........her heart waafiUedwuu u*ctedd,-viben.
•dliketm a— uf Wilmot aixwpceil it. <lt>>et
Bunu. tin-gnsi Bt. tlregory Was so stir
Kud was tuniiug aWBV. wbi« the otlxr
Ouee conld Ant pity b« even when s,,] m sight i4 afalruurthuiauastooall
,.laiiivi-ing Ibe nutruth In Ibe oljivi of j j,in» ••i,<,i Angle, but an angel." then
her-lbnngiit. It was nnt |iMisibli'. To ^-iut-winst have thrilled the iAtturent
iiu’l ]
tmst as sbe did was tu walk the Umli-ta- being .wbuae heart -was au iu sym|mthy
of limith*.-'ldi~.
limith*.- lili~. It cviald
mold hardly ovar
mvar 1i «i,b
^i,b all
ail beaetv.
bsaniv. wbi theriif
ihwiif lanbir
‘ '
• , ,
, .. ... :roonduigs': You bavui't Uvn ftsilis'li <>f
laliont l'f ^yUntu- UiMHi WhhT j
i.jua vontwU to au» .afe- t» her to
«tm-siion. Kvi-ry iiionnng
iiiuniing and
and' The
xue liwks
looks and the dnss
dress of this girl! ,
•trenm waa to hts la^
Tberu ate ways of gittiii* .A.»iiliu. .-v-ry evening sb. smiled us -do-a a^re like tin** Iniin another wrrld than I*R(iV. C. R. DoCKKKAV:

What Those Who Kiiow Say

^ The Traverse City Business College
City, Mich., SepU 17th. 1807.

-I^arSi^r.-Wcare noU-,mployin«ayo„^^«n•tftmd'simi tbewningAdeirf tbij^aiigi-Till- wieu, ^jggisi by. A new. |bjo. is-haigi-d. H.irndfwasib.-aiii-uluit. ographer who has recently been under your instruction, and


i-sM-d her
lii-r heart
that «* wbu-h_ fliiwid iuyla^r
^IL I sav.-beinsiate<l^"»UV"^I“«*'-«vl
As sin-l.s.kid and as slie lisU-md I
pleasdl to say that his work evidences carefill and
abtfer—ilie mighty Columbia
with u s.« of forv. "wbv dm'i yim do’. PmitUlic. I.;rr*a.-l.hig Y...k w.t,t opt u,* tender music sbe began to valuer-;
tea wbiel
«-fifem iiT.-’
-Ho ksik'd at the fair fata
l-itoiibi-r vvi-s. The gissi nigfal (>■ tbe
- SKilltul trainfliK OH yonr part.
wiitioni lijs iMnarionMieM, waagrowU
have al»a|-s looked upon your institution with favor.
a Dece..iiv to blm. He lifted the Ipug doner.wrbesi tuuuikeiiimpuMdUe.".lt«*'‘‘>‘J“.”™'»^n>K: light- sbiaie oaf fruu an inner, lair i
, .

• ,i
braids that .fell below her Waist and hfaii'--wi'twiL
Om-micuiug si>cw™t much i-arMer
(»m- hr taw tbe otbi-rs w-sut Iwml believe that Its inlluence Will rapidly cxientJ as the work
like a rrovtii about isr
- %raiaiveU,'uUin.«.tu<’«ym,T'.i(«d e^ix-amiwu,11X11,w^.»i,mmiwtti;« t^r,^
, bccomcs known.
The foundation for a ROOd business life
bead. U- .bisiemd tin tu lIs re with tbv Ups. hot
mt Tt.q.^or loitx,
lOim to-grew
be grew luauly,
tumuli, ''I ‘ t-ven 'b«*
ih«i «b^
tbe ►>«b,
slab, that sh.-to- gave
g*ve wa»
wa* musu-leaswi
musu-tx-ascd. He laid._tbi
hii<l (to iu<raiueat ....
poli-li. -I . >. :i,v !iaiidl-e I't j:i> iirusbia.
- ■Ihtw'•II. esniit-tlnug w^^buMing
• •••
audiystand yim.” be said "1 haven't '| »"'» to
„ ii,e. fog beside him aiui held oot should have an early beginning, and 1 know of no better way
Tb"i ii- I's ( h-r!yi ■ idi<iutdiT«
-xm-Hy njiiare in this iliiug. but i l>>tu- be could no! v>.nie.
you em­
■nd le-kL-i.' - . I um.'s 1 ..gUi h* nudy
-r hiT
The bright <aie amw aud nat apaU
isalw-jivs asking alsiui you and «er
b.T thought
ilKoight that'b.-might
thal b.-might not ci.uM
the>fr.--i. .-.-.-I -1-!- -Iim^gt Mien'- trying to gel me to Ulk'aUiut.
Frank H.xmii.ton.
volt 1 even if tin. •bniclbutg hwl Iniki-u >», bnaail ami »T bis chair and laid1 berar
Ulk aU
■Uh (if hi> -d. I' dr I-., i 1 l.i- 'ii.x'. Pres- told you id iu If you'd gun*-. 1 would , pv-rp- Her ualnivwas ui-i of itvsi. All ; abutii his uiVk. He iMied ber other baud
e»tly son s-l-o >1i.. .^d there— have'staid away. Htn—I'm fnuik uow-. i this waitiirg did uot btdp h.W tu learti ,
his lii». lusbiadwas against her
oaiuitlitug v.-’u I
: :.i. girl in thrall. Believe lue for umv. never till that last'“«• letter ■l|■•li.:llbt.
l■haald<r. Hisw.«iswervlmv.b«tiainkaikaska. Sept. ()th, iSq;.
.Bat «die»m; it v»t:’. ,i.ailT-i-yi-s. Tbe day dill irtewiwd toss iiivlij*. that m-ed 1 "l|elx-si.-. 'she assirted with-end rel's bi-art ihterireied tbe uaie. HiriuiniKici-uiv of'IST-OVV u
l.i.idli hir v«x nm. 'Tliou then-was Mmu-ibiug ui,o<xvictlon. "I h'Jnng Ixat. it U-oilers
I commenced attending Dockeray's Business College in
stuug. A aniseofcrutake on adtinitv «■! i t. .. u.ic.r.d tbe ber look os 1 was ptaiiuing to paint ber ' brihgiu fiwers" Tlxit she atreivlicd : eliy sliurtvtu-d Inr breath. (Rid be mer1 at- '
Bian|s<ort h.i II. I jji,
n'ali-f- tbat riunie me 'my that I wauhvi ber j oot brr liaud<. aud, iboogb she did imt ! cilot tu a yuoug bcort wlna it Itonia tSqf}. taking up a course in shorthand and typewriting.
wnnrtblugol pintv.v • U-iuid hanily with lue alwam.”
tended about nine months and'shortly af^er secured a posi­
I kn-iw (bat U ndiOg Ibe knee meant !(. tina Itwsoi lu tbe nnrrutb of life.'
t|ioagbt »-trdfa Ibe a.:..l>>is
WilmiM uwiiidfienvlyaway. "tspan-; »o.' »lMug. sli-km lt. Her eyes mvi-red [ sb« sank apiin ber kuewi and with a tion in the Kalkaska City Bank, which position 1 now hold.
•• lie wid, "a recital li mm of your ; tbrnwlvea with a. mist of tmrs and-re- faint cry would have fallen bat that the
"lAaroL" he _mld auilib uly, ".roa
1 know* Frof. Dpekeray to be an able instnietpr. and his
■TC a gnddem. tiriat biaveii, why rou- «aimra." ^
“■ *®* ”
•***■ ‘“'toed nsmatain. ; yimth ^ugbi btt abooi tbe waist aud
.But this lime Cfoyiuer foHnwwl oAd j The next day i«ss.«l witboat his ocm- dmawd ber almig the turf beaida tbe school one of the best in nortliem Michigan. Any. one desir­
nnc I have you always as I liave you
Her tboogbls greW somb.'r. Her ariv.. aoJ that
ttot their
tbei lootslL-p»
made so
aeJy and ccmreutnuia]iii<->. laid a handupon bistihimlder. "Hiar I
ing a business education cannot do better than give him a
it ■■ im
iArr.rt.sL "Fres
then I bright manner intenniiied In tbe late I soond.
what bosh tbeyare! Slmplicityuud dig tk„
---------- --------------------------------------abewas
happr I Afiernam^aheeall^ tJieyimih toher. • U* nntetbered tbe btmaa and lifted trial.
nilT (smsUtate manner. And youwonl-' j ahi-said (bat she tltmight abe
was happy
Mary Dlnn.
win lioiilage at tbe cooTtof any qeis-*- ' . i-.i—
ti —•——i
nil'—uid I "l-hetSiin I’M-e him." sbi-said.
Laurel'upetj he/<
he/i'wn. They wxr* awn
befiire i------I laiae—1• *au -i.*
lb* ..
lie was filled with cii uud. fined «»se in
u, tbi
until t
ixlgeot tbe dmW, wbn- be dmw
I can honestly say that I have accomplished more in five
panabait. Bnt aiie did not more. She only | id ovur and kissed my Tirebead
tmly insisted ibe nxire amonimslv- thbt ; «d. mibecded bv bir. lo broww a idt of mdnths in the I'raverse City Business' College than I have to*
looked at him calmly, imbewildered.
i might' kiss, tbe lOiiiw- mouutaiii
sbe must
most go. At lasL;grown pA'matoia- cheim* wood be
1 and poll- one year in any other school.
• Vo' kin her me.” she mid in her i wvrv'-mar
wvrv'^^u„r enough. But Uhwwbs em^emi^i
.And I heartily recommend;
alow , tender tcine that pnlnd and tmu ' thing about ber that Bwvd mo. It
- « iTi.-lb
blutUy fcrwaid. Then be tied tbe
«l'l already, to^n-e
sn^swot Lann-l was to taq letbning ropee togetberand led this schixil to any one desl^^ a |practical ^u^atipn.
tbius tliat's
m*B,iw. She'
She' Wise becoow be aaw^that
bled as she spoke. "BdOM yo’ (Wne— acnm-thing
drawing menuw.
t tb tbe gtmndfather the animal upon which tbe yoonggiil
Ooewi't (ore tome, tboagb sbe thinks
that sfaedoeo. It it you to wton sin- ud wh«dlrt bta )oln l,.li,p tis, nt in almost ntier oucuasciiinaama.
I dunnci w-bat that do n
Tbe desert sulitadc upon loie hand
cares. And beemose I was with you aud take the Leogu and gu to a iiwg ride
‘Tb. re Were gctitlei
and the deep, mystniout moanta'ln aolyou do not oome to bit sbe. Is trying lo •m the old dwon txoU.
Tb^ rode rwtTUy into tba"gcabby itodq npoa the otbn weighed open hia
rvi iule rntture. it obook tha dial- totUfy ber boaetifni. irmi. pni« heart
Amrrt,” with in ahemaiifim. of olayoy •piriL A ooyot* bowled diamolly in '
lower iioi-. (.'raymer lowered fail bead with me r.cdt. hut 1 am a foulV
Uytm oBimot bUbii4 th# <
iB, WB hBTB an
through (to gray
- mtil (be pure eyi-s could not look Into
Ba jKked tbe (ethnteg r
'rhea WUinotstsikeihToiigbtau teeth. and mndy Mil. On
mgetx^tb and tbe |
kki own. He was sitting a little below "ThU U tbs tmin. aud all i.f Ur'
and urged bU owta tooM into a awUur
oiaff olaas whiqh
tor upon the inoray billnde, add' hie
"All. as I am olive." annrmd Ci*r- oriie <g enuiber and better shrab. Tto
ro HI oogngmd.
ten tod bera lifud at to nika. Now tMT. looking direifly ioto hU lace. rocky bidlowa were dry and esipty.M tf
to* alM tor arm about hUneokaAd
into the wiBMr aMWf bod never meltod U tbeni
to asrrm aa drink to tboommU eg cattle
«wwU»lwadagalnHbar bento Sto
If oU tto baaaaata IfaglMd <
wbieb tto tortor termt in wtenr «pen ptoadndeby Mde. they woold om
ran tor fingen ligbtly throogb hla bait,
(to deant CO erov Ito baneb gran tba(: nmn «f 4fi0 aqwa aUto
toactofi hi* ctovk with a alow,






'•ta li awMixr »o you iiuu nij wboto
Um ■» rx"* torrvff Am I wily
UM more of th« %oBy ytn ha>« OiHud
with ami ibm miM mMxw U ibry ««rr
^blldrvn* Ah.flodnc'W
any rn«
taiv man; cniel than ■ hiauUitU n>iai4U«rt«U>al b««n! Do uol droy ll. You liav«.
OMil ensy obarm you fuaoni lo luaL-r np«
1o*p yuuMd karv aiiRMMlied ' You
11MB, (o BM bow, llurp'you* Ihnoyeuli
llom^oal Kay.tloiMapuil.. Iwillixt!
t«k» ywr lliMl anewer
1 wlU <tmw tor It. Afa. If It 1>' Yw. I
■wrar that yoQ Aa)l na*w t««ro( It^ It It
Ml o^tiMirv
(■>•» to bril!" And withont BDuihfT word
Jack AmuoruDx turxMpdun bU b«oi and
Mt ahroptl)-. It lido Hian* kiobod aft<r

There’s, Nothing
Quite as Cosy

almma t<b» tu.1 wna tbe iqrr ot tiio.
’-Minan bairr." but Ibe rkHory ww loot • I
lacaMtiW In torn brr bardmrd oniifc-Uai
ahr HM M f«al b-rwlf;
awirluidat hK iMiiburai.
"Aait I ran
falHniE mio<ra|
with m*. I <»n^ many «Ikob aU 11
acTtaInlydo ItU-t'apuaB Armatruiw. lint
1 dua’i IILa niMiniiiouy. I want ttfkcwp
tnj rivoduni a lUUi- lu.'wrr Una."
"My dear tllhln. ba<rr yoB fatard thr
dwadtul aeoa'" Tb<-|ilr) Ituhod u|> from
Ika eoaitaruUr wlckor rUtr wtim
tb«ITuikM,’arfM9. iMt Hir fKd i« that
Jtte B«D—I don't Uka to p
uinx lazily undia'tbvpluuh-uf tb<'i
U.<ood. ■» tta bMt ud fala IKloM tte ImnM, MHl
old oak on thr laws
"Nu. what
- Ac a«k<d Indlfti
■>Uy. for her portly aunf« taer itmkrdt .
aturr luipurtanttban hutrlfledM rhr ctiW ; "
tiiU aodntry wba« enne ituA (awa ,
fiwiil bxfufts H that was But ‘*t»in
, vaiP-s. tbeti «acra<
DvTFrraiMrd Is
• M» Ch.*.l«r slsd her h.i.tiand and tr*oE COMPAHISONS FAVORAb^ TO I
*«• ‘I “niiwd" them


and homelike as a Jiicely flirniahed parlor. We have
a fine line of Parlor Suits, Odd Bockera, Over Stuffed Book­
ers, Leather Bookers and a fine line of Qouches from $4.00
up-to a fine leather. A nice line ofBecejptionChairein fancy
Willow and Upholstered.
Ton have no idea how cheaply you can fhmish a nice
little parlor with nice comlortable fomiture until you call
and look over my stock.

.'■'?v;lv!! -HAS FAUEIi THE BE;sT |5l


I. It ani.uni thal ehc lehUaht hlui
ktsallill IhU Ml- thew. to whom brhml'
Uenrnxaxrd Ud-uvhf ini.rx)frf hU u Its I
fur btr nutiN-r Kaiiiy ahietilna Uabvl«f "

128-132 FrontBtreet

th. *l-.u.,d
j meg wLo ar, *« rt«r vt«,l mdurtty;
wUhai ie.-,d— Bm U-.
••• A»vW HaeOalard Over —II.BaB. | WlMU It rai--» the fiHtr <J aJlT faiSC
MO -KapM Jar Etrvrd Meolliw
I pitzlnft. 11 ral"* U*.' larmi-rv Wapo
; |ir»|stiii.a>«Lv. ^biixvcx tt u|<us a
gime tfilrnwlioff ermfrastt jwr jaw- ; j,..,urt, a t..ilii.K mill, a muitt «t —

t hr <d all Ujo bilbcrtu ubuuipJurtd n.«ai'u>
ril«y nuirsliix
the tixorea Kiv«-g in Thcl'iiatiilsr>Taf|WKm. It git.* -viiailuynKOt. In thr'
Parle (tivtei.. It Is quite bur
the official ontao of ■ aan,* w.y i| ha» ••ralswl
berr ttUK-h-l thr
Aim) tln-|rtl1garra the Lmidta obatnUrr of
intnliDX the ioipurt and export track' «f «ai,(U ul dolh^. usKm ail rrpun* ve
-Vw. It U ludrtd I am ».ian
►. anrry for the UdiK^ Kiogdotn ud other Ento- ; n>d ^ jatnt at the imt increaw erf
pean oomitrit-e.
t!x-<i poor Huh- daughter, but of
I tait ncit-r nllaa Jeaele bihI !>■<
Ekpirte oi dtuu. eiic
play with b.T ..Van. I lou.t p»iKm,-f..r thee .United
States d
1 wanl.tu write and tell your Aont Uaiy 1 atnntmtad > ♦lU.Wih.:
_i........... ■■
-hi... _.iti t__ ____ I...______-...t



hou r uiUi ll ai (vfllsKur pl.^tMirabU- tin
yiortsiavwf all fs|ny w>re whni wr are
, •
tbeCret I'.i. ll tbrt..weol Bom.-.'alui.di} fSS.aSf.SSl. <if which over iO pT •
th.ll has.iyttUcfiruir Iricnda.
Waa fnv uf duty. The caic for the
lA'ft tt^t M'lr. Mtldh ehok back In the' tacsiih in the iiupiru <ff dntiable mer
wicker.Itairaid tn.O by raadiiixkudiV !nhandiae wa* ov,t #0.1100.000. For the
t^-t Me t|e.Ybf ■;'«» mur-. hut IM. Uat olue montha the incr«M.'in ibe eiUn«fn.n. .h.ul.n«
p^, ^ Uierrtendi«- wua $»5.ikH.4S5.

TeeUaiaar ta That Uhet I

1. W. Slater’s Hoase Fornisbliis Stare,


-ON- >
Improved Farms and
City Proper^'.

. .............



' j «nd in oibtT arocli-a. wholly or in jaut
And wIh'D lb* day dawnnd ahr> alsu manofaclaiyd. £u*U.7os. Inmstsea
fwiiwri furwaid toward tb»w' k<i
mbx I auum srticka (d vkporl. tuainly raw
fuardivl liy aiiRils lliii tltui.
iisny; nanffUlA ofl-T the <tfrnaM'» aUiVe
jssMd Ihrouirti. marc Wi-rv turned wuy. stahd ^d make Um' act tie* n-aw <4 e*At laM only l^lda aod another we
! porta
the trn Boothe entliuR with
Thai uifatT was a tiritkm hearted wt.iiUn,
anti tba pif) sbniuk back with kiathlnit Ort.dier a Imle mure ihan'#:iU.«K).<HK)
DtiraiK tbe it nKaiibseDriingwitb
when aho nw U »as Mrs. Cbrst.w.

d Ladies’
^ Fine Shoes..

Real Estate
Fire Insurance.

Notwilbetaodinx the s
ity bc'wiera and |
iatath. .voar Iho: liaabea one o< .keepmany liuee of boeintm.
<4 au era
timsw it has
thithf lilt. >
Tnruinp U*
the bo-irfl
dneiptii o».»
o..e Ibe twautilul
boiri of trade ri-tums i guiiie es|». tatKa;- o< owsei
for Octtdrt. »c find yhat the importe'iif tboofilntDl iu< ii. Thet’zp.rt«uf theomi
iiearion cpuqhi UrearBnidin, as stuninaribel'for tlw DHBcial agitu-itw agiW .■> ih»w(B>di-rfol
trivfl toiiui..-. first leu m«ath> of the year, abow a imprmenicnt jir ibe RtuenJ .barium
bur loi'.ld KOI. Was »!it-tl.liui—dyloit out grille, iuernud. of Cl
U.S24 as rtmi- tunefil tb« untmur'^and iraile sutnnirta
thliv'aluflr on lla- lawn> >Im' frit Iut „„
•ttaow that tbf .-kWiKs of the yiwr. cuo-<i
iTtwth comlSK quh ktT and quicker, hrr }“
,l. i
traty tu the (irt^n-y that u itnutctivu'
!»■“«'» ,
tafiir wuDld doyniyoar f-in i,.u tratlP; '
she M-iiM'd It. hM. all .UoK'iot..n.M.
. *■ *'»»and dnuk. amcminiii; r<- A(..5k3.
"V. lHev was afar nttw^ Whuwfru thuael" . t>l6. In taiKirts the dnTvase lor Uahave .olipMsI all piruou* Ivcoi.L. Tlx-!
a.ked- one
beside lir:
aUKiQuu . Ui I-G.I
kU.OHU ^ Tbe
...... j im>wtb
ieri>wtb i4 t>adnctit«i
pFodartiiiu in nirb
sorb Ivadioft
rif-yanilbc ivulsof thi dn>d wdlilnir latB.«t ’ibdus of deenure ate lb<we <ff i m<io«lritw as iron. WnnleOA Issds and
. .d,wn. and lhcauldtu K*t.»|tnauafactnrud artich*.’ lu_lhe .xpurt j ahoe. i*.larger than ev-.r Ul.irv.and
Th^ It— h- A^l
.k,— »
**‘*^'*® faUricaTberi- was a ' OBly
of4>.SCHl.:i3; in apparvl j bmi any rrkk-n® of wTi.ras .l.smws-

1 o«d l^iL.. M^.B‘al..u^whcn ^cb.^w |

New Spring Stymies m

Money to Loan


Traverse City, Kich.


*Pbons 78.

Just received.

Prettier than ever. The New. Correct
Lasts at Medium Prices.

The Popular Shoe House of Traverse Citr.



labor and
adraotag.vmelis'aiina c4
the ualla id the lar b>aiUi aud is
a naiiirB] caoiw wbiofa would oiaawte in
tiima of «T«« tbe higbeat gvueral proaptrity.
This proapwity i« sol codfiord to the
luauafactDriuK auil ek|iiwtiuK luhT.'Ma
of the iiisatry. W ith bat li w vgrwptiims j
the fantu-i* here fuBbd n^mwcrutit e :
inarkeie all their geut-rnl immlotv. ,
#>:i.iKil.43.’t <h.T the ciTTv I and ilie grnwirMif wheat and udia.vM |
da sjiraUK forward apd atmetM-d eiit |
« ptTiod Ul lew. While for i<« bu*<- eajtiyt'd veruable
. , ^ iui« .-ndiuswithiH'it.UrCrrat Brit-' to
regrt ifed tUt lb.' fanurT* dbu
^j^in Mfit-red a I.— .d over fi.'Kj.WUi.yiH). ‘ taiiwtl ndtim and piwnois haw nut parAe UiM»io Ibi t iiii.d .*^lati« und the | fieipBt.d
Uuiicl Kiu|t<lo]u (lure i* a en''^ ililT.r- . bat it i*
p> iw aMBiued that iIk^ ,
•■'T1 eowhy.luyou not Ictn
euceul hllfi.OOO.uw III lawc id the
t.d tU-'Uiw-lra.
“Vour stii. vx|kly.tu."
. . ' ____
-Ire* toto tbii
tbiM' two arti- ,
‘"Mv >in*l Uyelu.' trhat
tlTia adnt hire I United .duiM.
> civs wfaeo thi-y have bod sarh impress.
eiUuimtMlr ivutt t.a>imai.<lini'lil Imm- I
Aueiru-llunKBTy frvtbe nine Bimths ive expuri.n.'.-ul the iuifawtauw of dlIrTDktwV'
i?" qW
>tDC* Uw girl, wllb the* taidlUK
i' fv-piuiubvr kaaa ii.i^ uf
- aiir|.rUe.»r w-ir
diliuo of ibh g<»rtwl!|
•Thouvhall st:.2<iSi..>.<t fliwins agullmt ful.
i»f wage eatiKTs. there Is aoimiciKl
1 Hilda sliraofc back.lnAomw,
toCD!. angrr.
‘ .
I'"') nine oioglba of ■''IIT i ript
^^•1 enumiit murder—U who could jcne'
Ibe dhiiiiiulKvI uppurtiiuUiiwfnr
IOenibtiy's<ipurts hate iCwwatd. ilie
ipl.ij nieot. TbruoKbugt tbe late pi'H
rend figon . bi'tiiK
of .!<
■ and• •bard• tim.a tbe av- i
-rntyi. n«iil.d 100 kiliiK, wJiil.' f.d the Kdiif
in [ tmei< mu- of' wagtw was maintaiord at
' yullty |KV(l Ibe (uuil was Isi.UaV.tb^Uiulala.
d far in ezcnwuf auyUiing juiti
Atnuog the urtirl.s in wbltb lioLnwMB • be.1 by tbe eaniiUKS of their empluyvn*. I
j ate iKit.'d are ivdtiai aiiil .'.jrton Riwda. j and that. too. mpilosi a market uf can
articles of <'h>lh-| siautly divdiiiiug prieiw f|w tf
idttiraiif file, so that it is
aw maricln to a coniumiidm.-m'^ Kou
uolen biskIs. (icr- j that the «a«e tamer wlw bad eBjUiiy
dYnbuIk f<n Uw 1 west was bvllrr uff than ever 1x4m in
iiafgtn uf tiHa’nIng label ' uiii" niiwtha byS>*,003.4K:i
on to the biuad uiafg
3.4h:i qoinuU and ; bis ltfu.‘uod that ba is uowatill bettor , A—
lax unwrlitrn ilnit, ami you_havr bnikcii ex.i.did
tbe niuilhir
nUiilUr U'^
isTiiid uf lhS3 by oS in tbr IncRiaaiiig uppo^ltiw fm |.
__ did the
^hile vs^sd-ta I anpliiynienL
sliuw- an inerraae <4 l8,70fl,$IU qni
Tbe situatiuB ia hot (Bly mtirfachiry ; <
i.Muintvd.witb Ibu nine tuuntfai (if |ku6 now, boi thofuisrh IsfoU of tmeonrage- <
lural.s) thi'in'iiibllDR Rlrl.
quinlals when niesL We are upon tbe eve of a rvfurci '
"a iHil.i BiMl-Mcr’and Ibp ang^ paMad aixl a rlH' of 211,
with tbeioim-T^isluf lhU5. in (BT banking and eumney ay»
hShsiHl owthebynauf tbcbidloor Uw
Fi» the tmi mooUis ending with Oc-; that will bring repoae to the govemy.», sin-know* that J3>ung face kgaln- tober France sbows a gruM iocrea».' in | nxoi' and oonfideoce and atrengtb
bn 'biiylab suitors, impnru uf 76.jh4.UUO fruncx ami In ex- ! trade. All parlies
practirwDy agreed 14
wlK»uiab.-lia.inirudwithand tbniUugb picuuf lU4,OSb.Bl)0 frania. the purevni. U|x>n tbe ueorsadtT of a oaUonal bank- j 4
cd at. He I. b'lldltiR a dtoe-bux now,In bU .^.
unrmoo i-i»n
*. tj and 6.W rte mptoy law, and tbit wiU open up' 4
_ *.«
abaUn«h..<i«.ai»luuthatdlrebuZbnrtl ^ ..
ana U.X rte
annrcmi at credit which have bemiofm 11
Bonv wurd—Hilda.' Afa, Wbo ia that •pectJvely.
ItwUlbcwoutbatDoenaotxy Utbe bun eaaled by tbe oniAieiing law# in H
druoken man glarittg at brr with bloodabol eyes' He llfta a glma of splUta. and ercrld baa fared ao well in trade, com- [ tbe -varloiiB atatea reJatire to ooUecti(gi i z
«B that glaaa U engraved one word—*U1I- mme and hidnstry as tbe United Btatea afdebtA AIb«<-tb«r the year haa beoi I f
is Ibii ytar <d prulectlon. 1887.
of fdad frultitB and. as we sue it, is
Ab. poor, pcKiT wife lif a luveleiw martbe barbiagvr uf rvm better things next
.. rtagr, made iq- tbr Itusbaml In a mvmeDt
WH>rr PROTECTION DOES. year. Tbe tide has tmdoabiedly
Of plqw! Her Irara, as tiny tali, form
Yet anothiv fara sbe ares—the fare of a
iMt year's Dirtattou. It Is pate with tbe
B»angulab of dnufa. and on the plMol by big
The 4iai& u-d wlar plOE to adiipt n
Bopoliaa” and "never pcoteota work;
aide U stamped um- M'uid—"iitlda ’
.............. wueld ■to that lodieaadi
jndicaad by
"No man's wages have ever been dcwbledly
Tb(« the Ctrl ialla at the feet uf Ibe abratod a oaat ao aocont at tbe tariffs Preaid«ut',Hc'Kiulvy—viz. plaov the t»gel w Itb an exroedlBR bitlar
fer proteoliua 10 o^led." Such ataer- timatu uf ^prutoldt rtwaiu* uuderez"1 au Indeed a U]iud<-rrsa:
Her own blUrrcry:
'Hilda, and tiousAn.^rclyingof the most rrckleM-irtiny Uv<«Bt the must noamsbli-fig-11'r.r liuii'. .null atupunduuk order. The tin plate in-}arm and iIku keep do»» tbeapprupriatu lliid U—t U>e lace sea?xoantTbur Uimai fia„tiy is a tait mniple of what protao-1 Htoa au as inH h> ezuevd Itte «i-v<huw.
bail rsught lu tl- -wiefcer rbalr. which tioBdow for the workmen. Tbe tariff If tha« P"lky stoil be adopted by ouoprrh.i|sv*««uiru'»l to the cboklax acnaawhich toon McKinley's
practi-I fftet*'- Hiere will ai least bu an <vea
tavii »I her diiwni
SI da.< tbe bvlte of tbe atoaon mid colly mated that iminam iodtutryis j chance lu favurof a sarplos. w bviher
"Vis" to Jack. Arnisuupg and aealed this cxiuntiy. It created no big mooopo- Uigw or smaller toi«t dependent opoo
p.<iiif—. ,.f
| tfag vulomc uf impuriaUuiiA—W Ukotwith two loving lipaAiw death wanant At le, htir it ba.
the brortlam eoquHta —lytiM^
to fag figM to labuen ia that ioaottry I bazn Bwurd.

Our Entire Lot o)i^Boys’ and Children's

I Overcoats, Ulsters |
and Reefers

I One-ThirdOff Regular Price. I


Best Bargains for Early Buyeia.



I Hamilton Clothing Companir. I




' -J

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