The Morning Record, June 09, 1898

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The Morning Record, June 09, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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B«eoDd T««r—No 841

Kow Proudly Floating Over One of the Forts
at tlie Entrance of the Harbor
of Santiago..

Beported Tbat the Keina Hercedes Was Sunk,
' also Torpedo Boat Destroyer, Thought
to be'the Terror.


Hia OperationaNew York, JuBcS.—[Special 1—A World’s Washington
special says that information has been received that the sUrs
and stripes now float over the dismantled ruins of one of the
Spanish forts at the entrance to the harbor of Santiago.
Admiral Sampson has landed marines and is preparing
the forts for occupancy by American soldiers, an3*is remount­
ing the guns to be handled by accurate American gun^rs,
Kingston, Jamacia, June 8.—It is known here that the
American fleet sunk the Spanish cruiser RcinaMercedesdurFive

sailors and twenty-nine marines were killed.
The cruiser Vizcaya and a torpedo boat destroyer were
badly damaged.
A shell from the Brooklyn burst under the Vizcaya's port
quarter, dismounting her heavy guns and wounding several
New York. June 8.—A Kingston cable says: "Under
terrific fire nearly at the entrance of the harbor at Santiago,
and-near the American fleet, a Spanisn torpedo boat destroy­
er was shattered and sunk last, night, “while attempting
sneak into Santiago harbor. The boat is thought to be the

ST. ravL KAB aan.MP.

Xadlaatooaa Tbat tba Auxiliary OralTro*p* Kav* Buraly
Tamp* for
Mr Kay Join Sampnoa’a riMb
Oob* ud WUl »«Mh 8*Btl*CO
Voxt •«Bd*7.
New York. Joae
Tba St. E>aa1
•loetal to Ta« Mowoas Bacou
Bailed at nooa today nader aoaled orWoakinrto*. Jtw*
data. 8bo haa takoa aboard ainee bar
thoiwoBd aoMim b»*o leEl on trauarrival at St. Uoorf*, rriday. aaarly
porU from Tam^. boBod tor 8
S.OOO toaa of eoal and UO.00O faUona of
HlztMB r^BCBU ot reffotara. •lorm
rerlaeata ot roUBtoora, Bto tmpa ot
Waahinfften, Jane 8.—Tboro la nothOBToIry. foBT baUoriM ot Urht artUIo- Inc BOW to indicate that the anxUinry
ry. tsro baturlMVof haary artUlary. oralaer Sb Paal. Captain Slcahoe. srlll
oaa raelineBi ot *Br*»a*f» aad on* a!#■■a fleeb
nal oorpa. It ia thoorht thar* ara no
It waa Intendad tor awhile to form a

are honod for Cuba, th* n
Porto Ele© The war department will
aow abandon Tampa as a military

Vacl* 8*m WUl BaIm Saakaa Spaaiab Waiakip* ia KoaU* Bay
aad Add ta Our Vavy.


Zurich Silks

8aa Praaclaoo. Juae 8.—Tba Uaitod
.tap. IMvaie advior* rocalvad io Naw statM fovoraiBeBt will raU* the Bpaa-

Vow OB Pile About »16,0p0.000 ter
j)^a»a»oto a--iaOaba.
Opaelal to Taa Mosnao EaoeaB.
WaahlactOB, Jaoe B.—The aUU deklly that
thare are oa file aboat $10,000,000 In
claims acalaat Spain tor damace to
Amarieaa property ia Cuba. It is aaaerted tbat when a treaty ot peace U fin­
ally aeceUated. prorlaioa wUl he mUe
Ordinarily tbU woald be C«x>4 ■«"»•
bat them are men in every ataW ot the
naloaaod oa Qreaae lale. Mieh, who
recall that luo yean have paued aiaee
Ue Preach apolUUoa claima treaty
was proBulcated and yet confrem year
after year has refaaed to carry oat iu

In^Four-in-Hand, Imperial, String, Special
Club, Puff and Bow styles.

Stoamshlp Co. wiU he oalled oa for
hid* for Badertakiar Ue work.

I .r* STEINBERG’S "“ffiSST “


part of the procram.


opportunity to escape."
New York. June 8.—[Special.3—A special from Cape


Waabiacton, Jnaa 8.—Groat aaziaty
I* fall here to know if Liaaunant
and hi* eomrade* who ao hraa^
I auak the Merrimac, are in Merro CaaUa

remember‘lhat the best made

Will Be HereTodar.ofFaslilonetile

bpn-l.l IO Tmi Hsrelor Uorard.

V-rk >oa.j kl« Ldlal. lh.1 th. Uk twU ...k 1.1I..U. b.rk.c k,
ttoapa have lett Tamp*.
Admiral Dawvy's fnaaera. Threa San
Fiaactaeo ftrin* and tha Paelfle Mall


HoUey A Oonnabl*


Merkham Block.



junction near Santiago and that a land attack upon the city
IS momentarily expected. The Spanish claim to have ^.ooo

230 Front Street

Naw York, Jooe 8 —Tba Mail and
Expreaa. which ia eloao io the admiBlairy. a* the aathoriUea are ooavinoad CurtaiXLS are tu be had at
uation, hasmcoiTed a dispatch trooi
that the Cadis Beat will not atUmpt to
WaahlBrtoa. slatinr that tha troops
I the Atlaatle.
tram Tampa, oanarat

“The little craft was discovered by the battleship Texas,
1 and Ble
which signaled instant^. A score of search lights imme­ autea Ue
Oemrada* are Treated a* Spaalah
diately flashed on the boat and a terrific fusilade began. It
Officata of Equal Bask.
is believed that the craft went down before its crew had

Haitien says the Americans and insurgents have formed

We Sell Wall Paper!
...Je Haag Guitains!

Paste This
ibajln Your Hat^

r.,i..u.. b.t it u ..t

United Btetee Troope Have Formed a Junction With
Barents and an Attack on Santiago Momentarily Ex- shatiw aoitflad the war depanmaot
pected — SpaniardB Claim to Have 24,000 Seasoned ^ thi* moraine that the traosporu lyiac
Troops in Santiago Prepared for the Engagement—Ad-1that port had aaiied. it u poaiuveiy
mlralSampaon WmU.eHUOwnJudgmentKegardlnel“«- that only .t their troop.

ing the engagement at Santiago Monday morning.



ONLY $30

Will boy a fine I^iagara, Roanoke or
Putnam Bicycle. Elegant new line
jnst received.

119 Front Street.



Popular Clothlne House, of Tranrse City.



It i* beliaved that CapUin Saapaon
paid no attention to Ue report, not be­
lieving that Admiral Cerverf would be

Oor great removal sale is a money saver for the
A public azid a clothing mover for oa.
Our $6.98 suite are winnera—they sell elsewhere
i at $10.00.
Our $7.39, $7.98, $a98, $9.98 and $10.60 are stunnera. To see one is to buy two.
Hemember the place.

. seasoned troops in Santiago.
railty of UU aavay* pracUoe of placHavana. June 8.—Details from Spanish sources at San­
inv Ue prlaonere in an azpoaed peaitiago received today of the Spanish losses during the bom­ tioB aapeeiatly a* th* act would ondanbardment of the forts on Monday show that a marine chief yer U* Bpanlah pri»oner* captured by
officer was killed aboard the Reina Mercedes' and former Uo Americaaa________
T 124 Front Street
I Block.
Captain Eyormanu and Ensign MoHns of the Rehia Mer­ Maw York. Jona 8 —The Herald
cedes also perished. Colonel Ordonez of the artiller>’ and priau Ue followlny dtopatch from Adairal Cervara: '-SanUaro. June 7.
inventor of the cannon bearing his name, was slightly Herald. New York. Prlioaen no looyBaltimoro Stoek Bmmivad ThrM Time* a Waak
wounded. Some other officers were slightly wounded by prO' er anbmtUod to my authority, but to
ounta. 40c p«r quart
Standanla, 30c per
Geaaral Llaare*. eoromander-ln-chlef
jectiles. shells and fragments.
New York, June S.—The Journal’s Washington special, 'of the SanUayo prUon*. They are
sa>’5 Sampson has been ordered by the president to use his. treated a* are U|e Spaabb' offioer* of
TalWI>t^«O.W IBB.

la rack. AU arc atlll io yoad
own judgment in capturing Santiago and destroying CerhaalU.
vera’s six ships.
Washington. June 8.—It is being allowed to reach the
public through the members of the cabinet that the invasion
and subjugation of Cuba will not wait till the end of the Thirty-F
Acaln-PrlTato Baaiynal of Travrainy season. It is said that as soon as Porto Rico is ours
orao Olty Ovoreon* by Fatlyna.
movement to invest Havana will commence.
Oman Lorlny, Va.. Jua* 8.-T1»a laat
The same sources give out that if Spain does not then
battalion of the Thirty-fourU reyiment
I have jo»t arrived from Chicayield a fleet of warships will fall upon her coast. It is judged
arrived UU momlnyandcooked break- go with a new lot of Bicyclea and
here that a American cannon could easily be made to boom fa*t U the adjoialny Belda The Flrrt Sundriea.
Kew and second band.
off the Spanish seaports on the eve of election in November. batuUoB of Ue Thlny-Uird marehod
The cbeapesl place to get a good
four milea to weleom* Ua arrival*. wheel.
Every eaa b well. Tb* reyiment ha*
Bicyclee from ll&OO to $25.00.
60 dozen children’s Fast Black Seamless Ribbed
Call and aee the bargaina.
baen aaaiyned eamp quartor*.
Kew Wheels and Taudems to
Eayimantal gaartarmaator fianry
Hose, Sc. As good as any lOc hose on the market.
rent, at
fiaach of Ue Thirty-fourth, ha* *vf35 dozen men's Fast Black Sateen Shirts, full
far^ a apralpad aakie aad beoB ot
Cape Haitien. Haiti. June 8.—[Special.]—It is reported
wlae brubed by belay tripped off a
regular make, double bands and yoke, 36 inches long,
that there was a great battle at Caimancra, Guantanomo
waywofprovUloaa. The Utrty-foarU
bay, yesterday morning. Five American wawhips bom­ neaaed wlU tha tklrty-Ulrd at diaaer
covered seams, pearl buttons, all for 39c. Consider­
barded the fortifications at that point at 5:30 o’clock, with a today and will have tenu np by niyhL
ed good value at 50c.
perfect hail of bombs.
privato Ba^ynal af Traverae Cily b in
The Spaniards replied vigorously, but were ultimately Ue hoapltal. havlny been fatiyn^ ^
W* are ayala ready, wltk a Aarye
forceo to abandon the fortifications and retreat to the town. Ue trip. He ii Ue only one ^ In ■toek ot Ic*. to deUver tha aame to any
part of Ue cily.
It is believed that later they abandoned tbat position also, tb* Thirty-fourth.
Maple block wood alM for sale.
togEther with the inhabitants.
Try tay Io* Oream and be oearin,
Front Btroot.
The Spanish commander issued orders to bum CaimanTelephea* Na »4.
driak* b] le ylaaa, bottla m mm <
«ra before surrt^ering it.




213 Front St.


and Sundries.

Flotchur’s’Oystur Oujiol aail Rustaortit

R Few af the
Many Gaud Things Availahle
at the

Boston Store.


Uaiaa St., Repair Warks.


The Boston Store,




DECisni umi.

Boated Tertee nietr
Bunbor ssd Killed 1,000
WsshlBrtos. Jane A—New* hss Jnst
bees reo*i*ed of s rlctory by to* Oobsn
I. T. BAti T^i. W. BAnn.
forees orer to* dlrislon of the Spsnisb
sTBsy St Jicnsal. prorine* of Ssntisc*,
9. W. HA>m. Editor ud
M Msy et.
It wss one ef the most deeislr* bst8UB8CB1PT10MS.
ttesp^aed by toe pstrlot*. Two toon•snd SpsBisrds were rented by hslf^
tost nnmber of Onfasns.
Spsalsh loss, kUlod. orer 1.000; Cn■MDSUBT.
This feres Usow «verstlnr .ia omseetioB with the Ameriesn troeps
«t tt« tatoae* 84 Tr»w8# cnr.
ll>eh..Maseeo« elMBMWr.

JKe is t« be ^Lrceon of the ThirtyThird aCtobigsn VolttBteers.
Ann Arbor. Jon* A—Pref. Vsnflhn
today wired Goremor Plnrree hh soof the office of *uit»eB of the
Thirty-third regiment t* aaoeeed Dr.
Nasereds who was promoted

Is to* fM* «f toe ksowa brvuaity
«d to* BpasUrda toe set o{ ddKirsl
Oemrs of proaitUy reoo^islsff toe
iKseerr of UemUmsst Bebeoe ssd hU
fsUsst crew, Isrlud toe sdnlrsUos of
Amerifsne It wss reported sfurwsrde
«tet to* Aserieu prlMwers
plseed Is Horro Csetle si toe es
•oto* bsrboref Ssatlspo for toe pnrfM* «t prereatisf toe Ameriesse firliW epos tost etroetkold. ThU neto•d la SB sBciest mesoa of defesee
ptseOeed is moders wsrfsre saosr
•iTiUaed HsUose. Uter the report
cesee* tost Adcslrsl Cervers hsd tweed
«h* prleraere orer to ssotoer tipssUb
«owmsnder ssd hsd them remored
I hjr
toe fleet of SsmiNos. It U t* be hoped
dhst toU U tree. M toe Amerieso peo­
ple sdmlr* cblTslron qosUUee, erss
is SB eaemy.

brigsds Borgeon.
The medical faenlty will sot appolst
s anectoser to Dr. Vanghs as dean of
of toa medics] fsenlty ef the n
M they sstleipste the w^ will be a
by sntam*.

jinioE OBnrvsLL dead.
Proeeenter ef to* Ana
Snddenly TesUrdsy.
Chiosge. Jane A—Bx-Jndge Ortnnell.
wh* os atste* sttoraey.
sasrehUU. fell dead at one o'clock thl*
St toe Illinsi* Tmst sad
Saeisgi bask, et kesrt fsllare.
TroBoh Oabinot Kay be Bemodeled.
OpeeUI to Ts* Measu* Rsceas.
ParU, Jane 8.—Following *emi-offielal note lacned today: "Tb* mtatotor.
St to*

At last United BUtee troeps bsee
dttpeesl of M. Metlne, premier, wbo U
Mmhsrked te Cn’
bis policy U sppreeed by tbs chamber,
will remodel the esbiset OB tb* breadpaeed to h*fe esUed fer Porto
Thle U toe bcriBBiai. of s etrenl* eetbseeelBseoordsaee wito toe iadiwUeh «m he dlffereai from to*
ostlens St toe recent elseUen*.'
■MTsmeaU which hs*e toe* fsr chsr•etoriMd toe wsr; likewiee. prehsbly.'
Plxest Pit* lake.
m hefUnlsr of toe ead. While
Fife lake. Jnne 8.—The Weis
asrslendof toe United SUtee foroe*
hs* cseaed toe deetmeUos of millien* mill. *U miles east of toU place, burn­
of dollsn worth of Spsslek prt^ity. ed early Toesdsy morning. The loo*
lead bstUee wUl brin? eerrow to msay
isfii.ooowito no Issnrsoce. The erlAitoidee. s* the protection offered I*
men sbosrdwarshlpeU denied the in- gin ef the Are 1* asknown. The mill


Attempt will be Ksd* te OrfSBiBS s
Pirst-OisM Teem.

Brmsinff 8 Specialty.

ElUS,3ll Froat St. East.
Cycle Works.

Csrey Hall snd Jsme* Eehoe reCbeapeflt and moet rehabU place to get yonr bicjrcle re{mred and
pnt in good ninning order. Have bad several yeara^experience and
they went to tslk orer bos* hsU poeeiknow how it sboald be done. Satiafaction gnarauteed. I am aellinR
bilities with the enthnslssts of tost
bicycle aondriea at abont coet. New and second hand wheels foMiale
place, with the view of slsiar np
ana to rent. Please give ub a trial.
ELLIS, 311 Front tfU, Sa«U
pce^ble sltosUon for s team in Tr**eiee Oily toU ****0*. HsnUt** hss slresdy b^n to prepsro for s firatreUoe
tasm. snd Msssfer Klnmend wfU be
there Jen* 1» with so scfrecstion of
rood bell plsyer*. It U desired to
hsee s game with Trseeree Xlly for
June :s. toe dsW of the Usecsbee eelUon. Meser*. Rehoe end H«U
looklnr orer the r«»a*d here,
end sn attempt wlil be made to
lay a anbelBnliai fonndatioB for
s wlaalnf team.
••Dasty” Hoot
who oeorbt for the Hustler* la*t
WttA. Uslb, 9* fil UtA V\ «^0Q.U.
ye*r. is »osious to eome here tbU seaOOOD KAOB8 JUKE SAD.
eon «nd offer* to briog • emek piteber,
A Voitt Vuivt. *5>veTt^QTt W sVtcn.\& ^ be\*
Maccabe* Day w»H Offer Piret OlsM
wbo is enjoyiBg the enri
Boras Beoes and Bieyole ETsnto.
of “phesom." In Indian*. H* I* doing
CATt.’ SccRtom^i
flee work and Hunt reeommend* him
The local bores faneiera ere antieiVA
VTVCA& ^oo&A. 'X>aVabs
eery highly. Mr. Keho* ho* a seor* of pating some sharp track contest* on
other epplieatlens fer peailions and if June :3d. when the Meocabee ceiehraATt \,>te VmbOT\AA\
'T>A\AtA ATA td^A^
a team ^ organised it will be a good ;
ukes place. The race* will be In
Tbere will be an opportunity for | charge of Fred Fratt and Bert McCoy.
me ATfi
^b Vta&«. ICem
lorera of the game U encourage the |'
^rraage thedet^ls forseTeral,
entorpriiie aad support a good team
flrvt-clam evenu. Tbere will be at
they so desire. There will be an im- least three races, and perhaps foar, be­
men*e crowd here on Meocabee day sides a eeriee of bicycle rmera Of toe
and a good base ball game will be al- iatwr there will be a half-mile open.
t a neoeoeary attraeUoo.
die open, and e
tbe falr-groamd track. Liberal puiae*
ment Vote*.
and prizes will be provided, and sevoral
are expected from out of
Last night a fair olned audlenoe wit­
nessed the prwentotios of -The Gold the city.
Klag." in toe City Opera Uoose by the
Two Good Barber*.
fienter Payton Co. lb* t^ece is filled
Bert Winnie and Archie Ovlatt bnve
with startling ellmaxe* and 1* repleto
formed a partaershlo and will ooednet
with latereet. The character* were in
first clas* tosoorial ahop opposite to*
good hand* and the work woa eery
Firat National Bank.' They atartod la
acceotoble. Tonight "A Yankee in
onder the new name yeaterday.
to close oot lATge stock of
Cubs" win be given, including a fyoe
and specialtle* of an laHeresting char­
loeOroam! loe Dream:: IceCreem-'
quart or gallo* at TatBy toe dish, qu
maa's. 409 boutb UaloBI stro-i.
Everythlog must be sold at some price. Pattern HAtBg
J. O. Ootoer and wife of Klngoliy.
Walking Hats, Sailors. Hibbons and stylish trimmed effects.^
are Is Ibe city.
Most mows on account of erection of a new building at thiv \
Mr*. D. P. Qoxie of Korthport, was
is toe city yesterday.
Jo* Perkelt left tor a »l*it to hi*
One Solid Week,
home ia Taitin yesterday.
Adjoining Friedrich Bit
Mrs. W. O. Skiecr and sea Clifford
e eitltlng at NeaL
ptof. C. T. Grawa weal to Oraad
•Rapid* yeslerdsy.
leriff Simpeon retamed from Char­
levoix yeaterday.
Lewi* Morris w* »l to Cadillac ycaterdsy on boslDees.
d to hU home
at Torch Lal
Jam** Dempsey of Maatttoe was in
see if it pays to buy shoddy
toe city yeeterdsy.
Mr. and Mr*. U. T. Pfaeip* of Reasonshoes Figure the discom­
la were guests at the Ebrk Place yes­
fort, the wet feet, the coughs
and colds, tbe doctors’ hills,'
Mr. sod Mrs. S. W. McDonald ef BenA big laiiuhicg show complete
xenia took dinner at Park Place yes­
the lack of neat appear­
in every deUil.
ance, and then ask yomself
clsbs cintriiig and dancing
MIm Eva Wlgbtman and Mrs. F. M.
if you wouldn't have been
Hamlin of Monroe Center, were is the spevialtiee st every perfonnantv.



City Opera House

Monday, June 6.

Senter Payton’s
Big Comedy Co.

dsBtrp SBd esTslrp soldier*. Ureewill wUl be reboUt.
. heleet'snd more AmcnifSB eslor reBretrltMO.
oerded in toe csoae of homsaity; bat
the enperior eqnipmesi. ditoipUne snd
Ml** lea Ktetser, ttho has been qnlt*
IstoUiyence ef the Ameriesn foroee m. U recoTcrlng.
fliBSt in very short order pat sb end to
George Ash ha* token kis old pesicity yesterday.
the strife.
tioB in C. S. C**is' cigar store and bil­
O. C. Moffatt aad family will go to
liard hail.
Central Lake this morning to spend a
C. 8. CavU has blocked one of hU dis­ week in recreation.
play window* with n wall of erackorMim Hilda and Carl Drawn have
Asylom Board Awarded Coatrscu for
Jack cigar boxes.
gone to SoDtb Lyons, where, they will
S.SOO Ton^ Teetordsy.
A bicycle path 1* belag made by the speed a part of the snmmer.
The asylam Board of Tnutee* held
people ef Willlamsbarg from tosh
C. F. McAlay. night operator at the
as important all-day meeting ycetorPric« 10. 20 nnd :^0c.
place to Hate*, a dUtoncc ef about four C. A W. M. depot, will leave for RoebeeAaj. Tbere were present Trastec*
Ladies free Monday night only,
ter, N. Y.. today for a two weeks'vaeamiles.
Soberta, Darls. Baekn* and Bate*.
if acconipsuied by one i»id 30v
The coal ceetraeU wore let for toe eaMr*. R. C. Bames Magee ef Califor­ ticket
—year. The oeatroct fer tOOO William Huffman and Anna Horriaon,
Seats will be on Mile at the oania. I* vUitlag in toe city. Mr*. Magee
^aas soft coal was asrarded t* O. W. both Of Mayfield township, yesterday
enjoved * six week*’ stay at Colerade nal place Saturday moming.
Ahlpman CO., Detroit, and for 800 tons aftemeon.
Change of play nightly.
Springs on her way cast.
hard coal to Beyd, btiekney A On.. To­
Mr*. W. P. Reaoey of ‘Sonth Uaien
toe Ladim' Aid Seelety of the Oengreledo. Ohio.
gatieasl church this afteraoea at S street, is entortolaiag her mother and
eUler. Mr*. J. S. Horton and Ml
A Porty-Pifth Ana
o’clock, la toe cknrch parlers.
lias Horton, of Moaree Center.
t ef toe
The Bn*
The Deakoeratic oeanty
Orand Kspids Democrat nys; -Mr.
I for tola eooaty. t« elsct delcgstes to
Bat Tatman's Chocolates aafi Boa
Mr*. William M. MeKilllp oelebratedI toe SUM eoBveaUoB st Grand Rapid* Boss snd be happy.
etesry ef thelri
■ I Jane it. will be held Jane 18.
rings Tneadsy evening by giving s rw , q
* druggist of Msple City,
PniU*. Vegotablea, Fine Cigar*,
m^Uen l* s large number of their j
,, coosoBpUon Monday at the-sge taceo and fire works all at Tatou
toands in toeir beouUfal home on ef 31 year*. Tbe remains were ^kei
Webster avenue.” Mr. and Mn>. Mcfor burial yeaterday.
KilUp were early realdenie of Traveroe
City Attorney P. C. Gilbert. Dr. W. E
aty aad have maay trieada bore who
i Raff. E- W.
erlll join la congratnlatloas and wkbefe
Bum* and Will Sanehail went to Carp
toat they msy celebrate toeir goldea
Lake yesterday on a fishing trip.
For yonr mooey? That's what yon get
wsdrtinr annlvefoary ae well.
Mrs. Mary Soott died at her home ia when you employ Geo. R. Wienie— j
Mabel. Tuesday, of old age. The fa­ yonr meaey'b worth in good honest |
KiUnt Hogsbaek.
il wUl be held from WilUamsburg work.
Bodge A Stowe of Reed CiW. are
eburek tob moming at U o'clock.
Opposite Eagle Office.
having a eawmUl bnilt npoa the shore
Wmiam Oall. aa old setUer of Grawa.
«f Bogsback lake for toe porpoae of
cleariag 4(K> acre* of hardwood and died Tneeday ef paralysis, at to* age
eattlng ap toe lumber. It is expected ef 78 year*. The funeral will be held
that toe mill wiU be oompleUd by the from to* honm at 10 e'eleck tbb mora4to ef July and will furnish employ- lag.
Will Reaal* aad Fred Smith left yeemat for twenty-fivs
terdar on their whoeb for Big Rapids
for a week's vblt wito Charles Beanie,
An Ineipiont Elsa*.
wbo b attending school tom. The
Teeterdsy attemooa as alarm was
Oludlo al atvlaberx'e
•laberx'. Oraad
Oral Opwa Beuw. I
tara^ in from box No. lA An invco- bey* expect w make to* ride In one
tigation shewed that a spark had set day.
x...IloaS. Hielaber*.
Miss Greee Oreensted, wh* has held < Bielobers'eM
uv zn Praat al.
' fire to toe reef ef one of the Fulghnm
aptoitioa a* bookkeeper in the City
g Oe's sheds.
axUagabbed vrito but very iittls dam- Book Store a abort time, hs* reeigaed
ag*. No water was needed by toe fire to eater toe oSee of G E. Beugbty A
Orrr McSaniara'r Sb» Buva
0*.,a8 elenograpber and
Her sUter Mery na* accepted tot vi
Waaaanb Club Program.
It poeiUoa in the City Book SW^.
Aa Inetmetive program ha* been pre­
Jerome WUhelm. who b finishlas’ s
pared for tbe Woman's Club Fridey oenree in civil eagiaeeriag nt toe Uni•ftomooa under toe 1<
pef Mr*. verity of Pminsylvania in Philadel^ia.
M. K. Buck. Tbeeubicct b -Edi
b making a reputation in base baU'
n and im Raatlon to to* Republic.’' with toe Uaiveraity team. He <sa
done such resoarkable work that, be
or conn* X boy my eheeelaten at
AMidtotr, tw vnioni
Tbtam'a beeane* he ba* tbe finest ae- has received an offer fmm n league
team of a peelUon at IIU per
Bortmaatlatoettty. Try them.


A Yankee In Cuba’

Want Work i

Pearl Tackaberry,

It Up-

oriser had you bought

in the fiist plaoe. They »o»ldnt have
any mote; they would have worn
longer and you’d have had gkd feet and
alightheait. OnrnewlineofSelzShoes
in the best ever—They are tor yoa.



How Fitzsimmons I
Hit Corbett

^ In thfiolar plexus has always been a deep myetery to,’^ ^
admirers. How we sell


At Buoh low prices is a mystery to the admirers of a good ar- q
tide. The unexpected will happen sometimes, and we will ^
give everyone a chance to secure a beautiful floor covering ^
^ at a low price if you come quick.

1 i

*» t I






foiTitobrt It- Aar aew cm-


pB^c B8«dei Will be taken from plaeaa
that hav* not alrvadr •eat mea U. the

BprtnitaeM. Ilia. June a—A» the TtllnoU troopa Save not been paldanyihJng
ai j-et Governor Tanaer liaa come to the
deurmlnailon that If the toverniaeBt
«oea not par them without ddar tba
aute will par tbera and will pat tba

the bombardment of the fortincailoas of
fianUaao reached the na\7 department.
It came in the form of a caWe*raraftoin
public li

AW»*B WTTT BAa> BP ifaTtr PRRTTn n>u«rr
lw>'-ertia>eBt. oovQODTAB TILL lOT SE ICADE PllBLIO ,
Tanneracct a me«BAs«.toA4Jo»Bt

General Corbin at Waahln«ton reaterdar to the above effect______

9 Win ft* I
i> Their MiOp. a»a
p trill ft* a.
iln. Watr


.mitiKPPdbe MoBiet.r lot Mppila
Mailii.B ta mart t-rtdarWaahloirton, June A-AdJutAJtt Oc«‘
•ml fSirblD annuunred 1a»l nlshl
__ would
make public the appor- !
tlonment of the volunteer troops anionif
tba atatea under the en-ond call vl the

The enlistment of the JAOW

cUlrf *.r .11. ,.n™i

Announced, iirenseij as eniiairn nte are
mads for th.- rwular army. Tlie «ov-,
areotB of stales are notlned by the de- I
pariment bow ruwny

amirToW brtba aan wba tari a# wm
BAM aarf Babbad.
Wla. June A—Xlchotaa
Bauer wa» broufrht before Justice Rui^t
for a prelUnlnarr hvaili,* un the cbaire 1
of ahooUnc Adoljih Orurven. The en*
tire HH>rnlnc was consumed In tteirinK
the leallmonp ot Adolph Gracven. He
aAld: "We etartcd for Holy HOI ab.'ul |
had a larse!
« o'clock in the evenln«.

made, but Ihia Inlnimetloh will not be
«lven to th^ public by the war department. It la eepcctcd that the enllatment of ttoopa will proceed more
amoothly than It would If the quota of
each aiate w«i made public at Ihla lime.
•t Catapw
A raajorliy of the men enlisted w III be
•ent at once to the permanent can.|« to
flU replmenta that are ineompleie. the
n belne aaMcned. ol rouree. to re»rt
menu whieh belone In the localltlre
from which the recruits came, ruder
the aeeond can each suie !■ called upon
to fureleb a apeelfled number of n
not a ipeclfled number of company.
taiiflB or replmenlal orraiilaatlooB. Afl«r a state has filled Its quota the
onaasicned t<> rerlmenta already li
aervlce will he orcanUed Into new
tmenta the mvernora eommlaalqnJnK
the officers who
m I>aty Pwy for Aaldlerw.
Ike war department baa decided that
the provisions of the act of April IA
IKM. abnllahlnr extra duty |iay In time
of war. aMillea to enllalfd men In every
department of the army, end aa war
existed when the art was passed epitatod men ceased to he entitled lu extra
pay Ul>on the date of Its approval. As
the command of a r-niment In the abaenee of field officer* by force <if law
a directly lo the senior eapUIn on
Suty^h. r. with.theward-paru
with, the ward- partment holds
that the T'- rmanent command of battaU
ions should be vested In the senior offi­
cer* of Ihe reelmerts pr-rent n<*t In
rank to the reclmental commander.

Most complete line Bicycle Suits in the city—prices $8.50 to
$9.00—men’s and boy’s sizes. Fine line Gholf Hose 26c per
pair. Sweaters-all styles—all colors. New line Belts—full
line Caps—Negligee Shirts for comfort—Canvas and Cloth
Hats—cool—durable—comfortable. Half the pleasure of
bicycling is in being comfortably dressed. Centiuy runs
are not made m starched shirts and dress suits.

to 10 a. m. today. June A Silenced works
quicdcly ellhouc Injury of any hloil.
tbonch within :.000 yards.
-SAMPSONWhile the ofnrtals of the navy depart­
ment declined to say whether the bul­
letin contained all the Information irtven
la AilmirmJ San^fsnn's cablegram there
to l>elleve
that It did not The
dlaruss the sobteit
or to vouehnafe further ttiformutiou i
than was poated on the bg'l-'in luard.
Only one uddltional i>nlni wUV viicit.d
by queatlonioR
That »aa that the

‘"I >
told lUuiT how much. He toll me tiljok rlnes.
talherlahl sideof ibe r«isd and watch lor
H l» prettv well oi»ler«t.>od
|- on it. and 1 kept • h..mbardment was f.n the pun. lllX'Koiy hij
,or ft
It until
until wc
we ..................
came to the Mace
---------... for
--------- -----pavln*
- -Ihe way
. eliher f.>r the Undine
where the «h<K>llnt waa
! of trr»or» or adually lo cover the land- |
“Here he told roe lo ret ..ut of the! Int of marinew DUpaU b.. received l«r
hurry and unhitch the hv>n>e. 9K> that ' the A>«u>ilai»<l Ptere fr..m Spatitch
alone the road. I' anurcey Ibni nlshl indicate that a landHe then told me to- Inr wje ■■frc.-lcd, Hthcr .lurinr .
( und did (
was dolnjs ao he shot me in the shoulder.
He shot me apaln In the breast, and
bullet entered my bead. He not a bru
and wlp.-d Ihe bUHe] oft and
the bush.-*.
and riklled
thJDktnc that t was dead. He then left
me, and I soon after started for
the people!
-heareet house, where
sbootlnd affair.
Grweven claims to have had fl.US on !
hli persk.n at the time of the shooiinn. I

CAll and how the enU*tni*nte will be


Waabliirton. June A—^hortlr after

rar *>r oilMh Treapa

End of Speculation at to the Soe*
end Catl for Voluntaor

a ■■■ ACTtOK.

laUaUB aar> a* iai.we«d tba WMb».
Treepe Peahablr baadiA



resar<led by ....*.
...ely r asonahle.
II u deemed likely
tht sAniaon landed a snffl.Hent force

W. O. I. A. Market.
The followior Ihdire are naked tn
, COBlrlhuU to the Saturday wkel U
he held Satardajr afterpoon. June 1 Ith.
from < to ^ o’clock at Haakeira Book

If You Have Logs to Sell
Corrpepond with tbe Trareree CSty Lomber Compsny.
We have for eale GoexL

Tke call ia for bread—ycaat,

dsuchnuU, «Alada.LeU- Meadamee H.
p, Alley, A. Adsit. Keith. J Black, A.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.

f” 8. Bennett, A. W. Black. W. Beitaer,
paln.-<l and to make preinnitlona fori
a o » —* itr...- «**..
Ihe landitm of the reculsr forrt* upon '
Barry. H. H. Burme. Brefr. Suaaa
thrir arrival, if. indi-.d. some dt them I Batea, J. J.^Burdep. T.IT.-Bataa. Faatiy
are not already at hand
'■ Gt»w. W. CAlkina.JU.tCorUa. O. P. CarLondon. June *- The TImea.
. _ _ .
«er. U. Craif. J. ClemenU A. B. Cosk.
itenllnK edltoHsllT on the fact that the
Cuban aulhorities at Havana tetTnll-1 **ArisB Crwne. Luey Curtis, D E.

but he told many etmfllctlne slori.-s \ ted tu correspondent. Knlxht. to dls- \
close of the eharpe his funi lion In forwardiDB a dls-,
About the money.
r was bound over In JS.OOO patch as to Monday's cnniremenl at
Aanilairn. says: "Ills dls|<atch says that
•the American lire was damaylny.’ As
he doubtless Is subjected to rlpld een■hip thlsadmlsslnn Is slimlflcant. and
Haare Baler* ■*** the Aitaek TbU Tints
hIs sisiement that the 'Americans were ,
-Club* Are Traaepw
Belfast. June A*-l-a.«i nl»;bl there was repulsed at Atuadores Is probably cor-

ter. Hiram Cook.cCore OampbeU. HIM
Jasaia AuderaoB^Mabel Batew.

a renewal of the rlvtlng Ihat b.itan
rBOGBssbi IN TMK pai^pptxn.
Monday durlnc the
honor of the revolution of 17»8 and the
• IsWIbbIbc Vln
anniversary of June «. lASS. when seven ■
■he AM afDrwvy.
civilians were shut on Fhank Hill road*
Lottdon. June A—The Hone Konc COrby the constalmlary. The Natlucallsu
of The Dally
Mall teier Oranxemrn
erapto as follows: An Amerli-ao naval

who are lo fnmiah materlAls for tka


Amanda Hive, No. MS,

MiU Machinery of all dewription*, inclnding Two Engine*.
Bet Wo^ Carriage* and Saw*. A complete Saw MiU Plant
for sale.

L-O. T. M.;

will serre len eream{aod cake from S to
e p. m. Friday, at Furestcra* kali,
^ UvUed. MeaWrw of iha lodfa'


ice crauB arc requeated to brine them
Friday moraine,


many as poaM-

bit are aaked to remain and assist la

makine itBrowar Out on BaU.

a verlUble huiriranie of scrap iron and ;capt«u at Manila wrlleB as follows: "In
other missiles. The pillre at first were ' my oplBluu the rebels have underr«ne a
■nit and battery in Jastiee V«roverpowered, but havine been rein- \ radical ebanae slnrt the advent of
forced, they cleared Ihr streets srlth a ■ Aeulnaldo.
The Spaniards bare lost ly'a eoort a few days aeo. and who
free use of their clubs,
fhe mlUlary
y,, ume ha has been here. ■rent to jail ia dsfanlt of paymant of
tka fine, haa appealed hU caaa to the

DoaelAm Brower, wko was convicted I Xhe FlOeSt LlOe

eiresit court.


«t.d BUIS

used as


American ahipa

of/?h. mIHtwS ^ And alAtemems to the eoniran' are
?he rl'oUnx resS^^b"”
nispatche. from Manila ray that
Cliemcnt ^VBl's. '
■ AKUlnsIdc. Is dolns spJvndId w rk. Mobcliemeni preval.s.______________

Omaha—Columius *. Omaha f.

Long Laka CoupU Xarriad.


the city, at

united in .marriage yewterday. at tbaj
taklu* 4‘* prisoner*, amons them iwenraaidenev of Mr. and Mra. Howard. S14 :
‘SM officers.
-OiT the tvedniwdsy r^IlowlBk he to'k jWeat Ninth stroat. Rev. 8. Bslsbcry

•rare* M> Ihe Dtomaad.

land j, Bru.-klyn «: at H-ston—Clncin• Bosic n !•; at New Toik—Chlcayo
t. New Turk 8; at PhlladelphlB—«t.
Louis C. rhlladelphla I; at Italllmore
—l-oulsvllle 3. Baltimore 11: at Washingion—nttshunt
Wash ngton *.
Western League:

of Fishing Tackle

Ua eave bail in the sum

of SWO yesterday and was rcleaaad.

faaule at a p.ilnt betwein Cavite and
MaiilU. On Thursday. » h n this dls!|is:.h left MarilA he h*'l c.iniered IM
Sp. nlArds in an old churh at Cavite,
and not <-ar1nR to tv.-nl<:>rd be was
ataiviru: th.-m. He tre*rs his prisoners
L Fi.ur towns are now In the p»
irt"*dI that
(he governor general of the I'hlllpplnea
wunted t.> surrender. Iml his officers


Obieago Mark«.
Juue i>. — Wbect —Jn>A
SepUmber. T6.Sc:

Hardware. 146 Front St.
.1 =


Tbe order U set under way

bv-'n ti ken hy the Insurgint*. and tbe
etiitfi r*ievk< IV , u ^
eir.'T attemi
Light aswelatli n was np.-n-d yesterday
the Auditorium with *n attendance
or-r. The insurgents of tio' u'.her provi<i<-«s are ailvancing on Manllw"
most every *>ate In the Vnlun and many
L-m!>n. June K -A dlrpelch to Th*


was Issued about I p. m. and shortly
afterwards the wharves and dorks on
tbe water front were crowded with pc
pie anxious to wlineas the departure
O.e f.irmldahle fighting machine and the
Cilller which is tu accompany her. Kveiy whistle on Ihe water front
blew a Ian wtll, and aa Ihe two vessels
moved down tlu harbor tuwsrd the
Golden Cate the ’ r<>»ds on the wharves
•et up a nilghtj .-l.*-er.
The Munier-s ha--= always been
great l<.<-sl favi't.le. but the pjospefls
are that sh" will never acalc: enter this
harbor, nr she Is lo I-’ lennoni nlly sta­
tioned In the vl.lnlty ..I I'ncle Fam't
colonlre in the east. Nearly fsti.OOO was
paid out yerierdny
lerdny to tbe volunteera
frtmi I’enniylv
and Colorado.
■e l.-'tlvl
day long
the money due them
■ervlce and fur one menth's aerM.xadvance. That the second exp...dltion
the {•hlllpplnes will nut leave here I
fore next Rsturday setmt a m>st eertuln
at this writing- Pl.ires. supplies and
e bring placed on board,
but tbe W’oik will hardly
lardly be completed
before the end .yf this week, though It
•Uted that the vessels will gel away
Friday. The Uuopa wblcb are lo ft
bark rei tbe Colon, ealendla and China
are ready for service, the last equip­
ment being delivered yesterday.



SpHngfleld. in*. June
At the afteraoun seaalon of the Woman's RepubUcan state o nvention
Mrs. Flo J.
Miller, of Montleello. was made per-






Asparagus, Lettuce. Badisbes, Ehubarb
Fresh Every Day.

Nomluted tor ReprerentaUrev
June S. rays:
"The Fpenlards In the I
Oreen. of Chicago, permanent srcrctar)'-, •
Fprtngtl ld. Ills.. June fc.-Thc Repub-'church in -Id Cavite are still holding lira Jolla H Shatturk. of CMoago. w as 9
llr.-,ns of the sixtck'nih eongreaalonal out. hut the adjic nl town of Imus has
d on Ihe first balb-t. for s late S
district m.t yesierday at Carllrvllle been raptured by the Insurgents. Th.s
r trustee. The res-dmluns de­
and n-iirlnated James H. DanksUn. of t* an important point
' dared li favor of a woman's dormlt
JaekFonvIlle. lor engrera.
I Cavil* pn.per. and Us possess on by the at the state unlveislty anil Indorse the
Irelx'ls is s serious n-atter fur the Spinfederwl and state adminiriratlent and
lards, becapse It Is the ouil-'t
the war with Fpaln. The slat* central
Ini^ rounlry. and through It rommltlre met and *l*ct-d Mr*.
Plllsbury leads the loteraatlonal ehess ;
supplies ar>' hn-nghl to the city of
J. vn*r. of V< ntIcHlo. Th.-r* . R*—»***>*»»*»***—»—R**»R*9*i
Manila. It will als-. afford aa admlrThe pacer Joe 1‘auhrn has b<«n takou nWe t«»e of operations for a further wire hut thirty-two vote* In the cou- _
> Ingalls park tv tram.
j*.,Ivanre toward the city.
From the opening of navlgatioa to
1‘aylag Ogtlie RoUmb MoMgags.
CoInBiMa I* AAral AgalA
une 1 i*>a's have taken from .kshland. i
Mobile. Ala.. June t—Liberal reK*w York. June S —The CnlU-d States
Wl*.. 13.0K------------- —
Spensra were r-.-Hv*d yisterday to the
prvpotol to raise th* mortgage on th*
Jtepub ican convention has re- «0' <l-^k at th* navy yard Mnc* D*cor. Hobson h<<n*rt*sd at I-sM
nominated John Dalsell to .-ongresa.
«tlon Day, was nuai-d yesterday, hew BlghL how 'ver. a telegram wa« rtTely- d
Alfr, d U Raker was unanimously
from Judge Hohm-n's attorney Fa$lnx
elected president of tbe Chicago stock (
^ruT^ 0>e movement w.-i* unnecesraiT- There
excharc-. succ-edmg Cbarlre Adsll.
!«»''' '>
remains init a small balanee due on tbe
mortgage and th* amount ha* been ren­
The forward section of the
jn o'^^un n
cutter Gresham, which rank in the rlvef a^* •••
dered by th* hulWIng and loan'Assocla- ■
1 figdensburg. N. T.. baa b.o-n ralsetL,
, pjm»»dlag* to CsBgrre* BrleM.
tion. No aid Is needed, nor wlB any be
_______ ,

MrMalley. 9
uld, r''^f('a*hingtun. June k—Alnwisl Imme- actVpted.
wh.rtie home was at Commbua. O.. was dutidy after the senate- cuDvrned yvsr by a trw'n at l•Uttevlll*. Wls., leeway conslderath>n was resumed of
’art'v vilbd.
I the bill f-r the protection of the people
IP I uUlcans cwrrled Oregi-o at of the Indian Tentlv-ry. After the remU
IU1P..I* Froleetlv* BulIdJug aaoocUtlou
yiLnday by at>uUt (.000 ou jng and
dlscuaa'un of the measure.
by Judge Creighton In the circuit court
gnvcMi' T
h-clslature Is over- ; which occupied nearly three boura. It
her* yenerday. By agreement b^ween
a passed.
wh'lu'ngly 1.‘i'Uhlli'an.
Ttic dlerusslon of th*
the aitutuc^
attorney **•.*,■*
general *..«
and rounsel for tbe
'.oi-rt 11. ii3i<cork. of Chicago,
. - ■ rded Piurth vice president
■ •.■oc,- -an Medical aasoclatlott at when the ser.aii- adj.iuraed.
After disposing of the urgeet war
K- J ite i ..mmlll>e of the W**t- derdciiej' bill as pesaed with amend­
.pb,e;ns has recom- ments by th* senate, th* bouse consid­
It Wra Ratotog.
■ hc juj-m nt 1.1 ;h*! quar- ered the eoiiferener report upon the
uindry civil bill. The house adjourned
iding dtspostilcn of a measure
At Wesipy. Wl*.. M:* Martlasoo. pendit,
tommUi.J sul ldc b>- hanging
h<re«^ir with ’or This was the gressi'.nal eleclluns during!

OwraphsU Kapeeu to Gel OrdBtw
Mount Vernon. Ills.. June L—Captain
A. M. Kirby, of coicitauy J.has received ftUrlh altcn-i.t to ihk* her Ilf*.
a letter frum Colonel James R. CampW. Jl. rr-Hkrr <lli-d at bis Hinsdale
todl at B'ashlngton In which he t
(Chicago sutoirbf fsidencv Monday. He
“Upon the mist rdlaUe authority
was on* of the Vet-linusn business Ri'n
talnablc nt the war dcpartmcnl Ian
of Chirnvu. nrd . ni- ••f he ulilest resi­
cured that our nplmcnt will sou
dent* of Cook county.
«^rcd to for moblUrallon.
Judge Myerw. In the M<T.eati miai
circuit court, appuintrd Bdnard Barry,
of Bloomington, receiver for .the Inter­
CDVcraor wUI |mmcil(al>'ly order u
state Rullding pnd Loan assocluiiun of
aaaembie at the suite capital. In
tharclty. fixing the bond at
meantime h.dd your In readineaa.
l>n.f*6Sor Jaa. Taft Uattield. who haa
ns X am poritlve It wii! only
a short Stolid Bi the head of the German detime until \yi- are In camp and n
I>anm.nt ol Northwesrem unlverslly
Into the Ci^ted Btaus rarvlcr.*'
at KvanMon. Il'w. during the last ai ven
yeara, ha« redi.-tied his |>os:tl.-o tempor­
WIseorala L'adee the NreotMl I
Madison. Wla. June L—liuvtrnor 8r»- arily and will Join th<- navy.
>knother senratlun ha* been caused In
■eld has received orders from the fed­
Washington s«deiy circles by a divorce
eral adjuiam geliffal regarding the
peUtlon filed there as a result of tbe
«ed rail for voluateers. The ststr
have to send twenty-fivs men underthls marriage of Edward Drexel CnsUeton.
...... ......................
Ira, to bring of that city, and Miss Oakata Hamia, of
0 each of the
tbeiR up to IM men each. Recrulilng Chicago, daughter of Baylisa W. Ban­
cBeets from tbe reglincate win return na. of Indiana, and A coualn of SanAlor
is fill each company from the town




Grand Uapida, June 6.—Wheat. U&c.
Sao Franclseo. June K—The principal
cveni in ihs local war situation yeeterday was the departure of tbe monitor
Monterey and the c.lller Unitus for


AxHABdA Hit* Bnpper.


•Phone 167.

948 Front Street |


Therefore some of my stock of Jewelry
must be sold at





Look over my line of Watches. Clocks, Sil­
verware, Fine Novelties in Jewelry.


We do not

belong to the combination

Robbed IIIib Wbito It* LwaHred.
Jeweler at 1S4S
tb-ulh Hroadway. was out at ' lunch
bureiars brekv "Ui n Ihe. hack door of
his .vtabllshment and I >nt.-d It. taking
elimte*n trays of watches, diamonds
and other Jew *lry, valued at over *».«».

Aa<i we are not oblified to aell meat at war prioea. We have a
car load of the beat weetero corn-fed stoch and can famiah yon tbe
beat Chicago beef killed at home.

Bingham Bros., Fnat Street
secretary ..f war ha* ordered the dis­
charge of Prtvat* tVllllam
Company U. of the tvisconsln volunteer
reglm. nl. now nt Jacksonville. FTa.
Is to be
V made a lieutenant ll
Orally Mrai Ptaal Banra.
L-Tk# entire I
Portsmouth. O., June L—Tkt
plant, rolling mill and steel idnnL o' •*-Burgess Bteel and Iron cotnpnay
totally dratroyed by fire last ulgbL Tbe
loan win aggregate, and tho iagoranca U about tm.aM.

Poof—Ton have fotaid ths xnhiAKsipt of mjr five act drama! To ivward
d Jt to yon aowt—HMtege 'Walt.

Hastings’ Real Estate Agencf.

»ont fbrjrt that I have the flnaet
line Of ckocnlatM. and eand.v of aU
H.A. in
to.............................- .
tbe city,
Bond the BnUrtln 8oai
at tke M. A N. R. R. R. jmmangar <
pot aad laara of tka dasSrahls oorm

■ttraatbeelv. Lm4 good, s
chard. ThIalsahargalafiDroalySLaa
•H acres t alt* wrat,
up. CHherpiaarajastasde

*W I






bmoomd, tbvsbdat. JxnrB9. ibm.

TrsTorMOny ItaxkM.

{ bsU lie.



N. S I


Below U a IMt of tba buriog and aall-

Whr Balsi

Ever Burned Oott



Chicago. Jane t.—Rageae ▼. Deha araeCily:
presided yeMrrday la Ulrich’s ball at
the annual meeUag of the Social De­

I'wktah A«m th*
VktobTMr 0*M«W«r.Ij
«h* BmlM •( IN* riM*.
tn'ibodYUanIs EnslMd tbe.A(silorn'i
i oul;
civil asBitted to priM^
oul7 liT
lir tl>e
■ttority. In 'Orfaid, ft 1* tae. the vloe
ckaaecUor deola



{rindpAllY in the f>jrm at
debt and lusabordiDAtiflo. for whidi he
MAf Uupoae a tnoBtentoiy pcaialtT. bat
Aa doea not deprive the deCaallcr ol Ub«t7. There U. or waA a ityund that a

certain aparenent tinder theold Clarea^
don bolldins wai ntolljr the nnlv>rst7
oqnod.- bat for iu aatboodcitT it ia
tmpoMDblo to Toneb.
Oambridee has iu ajdnning bmao for
tnale affendira—not lad]r atadentA bat
ladleewbo might prove a delnidon and
» naie to the intrv male andergrad.
There, If we except tho irkaume penalty
Cf -gating” iCTMiflneanent to college or
lodgings afur a atatod bnnr). our aca­
demic efforu at iocaroerapoD may ba
In Germany, bowevor, the academic
daageou is a vety stem fact The Bddelb«tg''carcrT”U (amoaa. Evetyread«r of Mark Twain will recall his enter­
taining iii«^i>non of tho place and
liowhu .fmmvwi toi-iidt it. evunxmwiiCingly coltstun! as his goido a “Hctt
rrafcMkiT." His plvlfzl was to nw a
yotag fritnd who had ”got” 24 boon
•ad had oaiveoicntl.v arrangid the day
So suit l{ark—for the Gcmmn arndont
ooovict g«» to priAB on the tirst snit•ble day after cmvictioo and aentoneo.
If Thnnday is not rouvtaiicut. ho tolla
the oAcer aoii to hale him lo piU that
Iw will oomo os Triday or Saturday or
Sunday, as the case may bo. The oOoer
never donbCa bia weed, and it is never
Tha iviaon la tip three flights of etaiZB.
is apiroaobed by a ”*ngang” as
richly decorated with the art work <d
eoBTlet* aa the cell itself. The apart•mM la not roomy, bat bigger than on
mdhMuy prison oelL It baa an iitm
grated window, a snail stove, two
wooden chairs, two old oak tables and
• narrow wooden bedatead.
TSie famitare ia profusely omament-

mocracy of America. In opealng the
aesrioB Debs said: "Bo far as 1 know
not one of the tO.OOt tnemheri of the So­
cial Democracy has enlisted to flgbt is



1* «i

this uar. The eoeUltsu of America have
friendly n-lsllons with Iboee ut Spain,
and <!:• not cbcrisii the slightest enmity
friendship have passed between them,
not offlclally. but as Individuals.
T’hls is not a war of humeslty—far
from It. It 1* true that people have
bran flUrvlng In Cuba by thethuUBaods.
but why? The original cause Is Iwcausc the capitalists of Spain and of
this country ground down and <-nslaved
them to add to their wealth. Wr : Uled
them, and declared war oftenslbly to
per bu...
save them from starv ation. Wbat do we
do? Do we send food to relieve them, BUTine BATI
and do we kill olt the capllallsu who
are responsible fer the condlllont No. Wheat, old. p
We "stabllsh a blockade so thst more
of the reconcenlrado* arc starved than
ever. l<-avlng scarcely any l-y
we get dOw* to^ba to d<>> anything



¥. A. Unaar.,.t..
General Passenger Agent.
B. W. CosaiKoiLaii. Agent.



Attorneys at Law.
Bu72 ; OMeesiB Moelarwe Bloek. TiSTeterritr. MIek.

kindt of rw‘(

. _____

ss!-' —Li - ! Israe robxee napu. BIrgMi b.«a. blrbex yOB
losrM priM:
n_ l^b I
JI guarantee all my work to be right,
If ‘i <fovs not prove so I make it
D-Bond •oorBooc SarrMi fo
days <-rrdli: Irrlsbl bald: outa.
today Addr-«a.Tbr Nailotal 8
Stop la till 8 o'cloek every eveolag,
Drpt. 11. M Dr-arhoTE aireri. u;bli
exorpi Sunday, in tbeCkldwell A Lon­
don building, at north end of DnMa
•p^tmCE TO OOKTEACTOBfI-Blds wl II br reXv r«-l<ed BploduartMta bona, for iMjlldInc
s aebool bouar al Cedar Plain and apr<-lfl<-a
lion, mat lir aroe al ibe rraldmee of W. W.
I. dlrretor. The bulWIoy snal br -ocnelrled
luM ISih. TbrrVkcto

8 &o'


ss Er


Dated City of TrsraTsr niy. Jonr 1.1«9
JiiBS A raasT.
Jons rru-irsa.
rtiai. a. Wsbae



Horse Hotel.
5 Litery, Sale and Feed Barn.


Birni ol Ibr ry* u<
ubW Board of I
-Iwlrteb Uorko. 'Pk


ittornry at

PiniVcl*** Rig*. Everything new
-V -Thr bran- and nraL Rales as reasonable aa any
OS’"'*T PkOrEBTY roll SAL’
Ball. Srat-clasa bam in the city. Give ns a
XV lilul Bh-I lopular rr-xir,. n-ldra
Old kllauot,.
Misuou. tor
for uai-.
sal-. Will
— lu lsk
* uQliictjisbrred
coll OBd get onr prices.
. »r«e n-y property lo rrebaocr. or a-IIl
t- loos ll™r 00 lo<. thlrd»i. pureb**r prtrr.
urc- Hrd.lru. Call or or addieu T. T. Hr<l.
1.1» Wa*talnetoo w. TrarrraeCIly.
tfl it
BALE-«l.«-k ol eotifeettc
rnKaiKBP NniSE-Wl» Kawllr H'denmb. s
f lur-.. W. Hrrk. ec toloo *1

BrodbMa i flscIUKfskj,

•rpwbUcBB Club League.
*^^^*NTED—Tiroor Ibraa reoai« an sroand
W K. depot. addrMaOeorteColUsa. grcrrsl

John R. Santo,
General Inference.


noou LCMi M

B. J. Alorgan,

H wasted. Trsre

A rood to SCI
city proparl]
rny. J. W. I

T7OB BALS-LsBber. Uik sad aUsglm.
f TrsrersrCt^lyUiBhrrrc.. tSS-tf


for said road ahoold be left witb^

With Barh the Jeweler.


Auction Sale!

tte priaon caudle farming a handy peu«a Some of the inacriptions ore po,;tiiePo. One mna, ”£. Gliuicke, four
days for being too eager a opintator of
• row. ” If foor days were muted cat to
• mere spectator, what, one wondem,
.Itad bran the sentence of the pewticipatort? It most have Uwn a moving qwotacle.
Another roconl (also quoted by Mr.
Clemcu^i hne the savur of a great name
to it- Of ooorse it is the son that it
meant, nut tho fathir. Tlw ligend U.
‘T. Graf Bismiurk. 2T-2a. IL ’74.”
Tills Mark Twain interpreu as ii rerord
cf twoduys' dniance vile forConntBistnarck in 1S74.
Had 1K74 be<-n Uap
yuar cop mi^pit hare boun ioclinod U

I to that aud chamber have
dealt hardily with their tuKTunuors'
ze^tatiiUB by iugenionssnbHtitatiiin of
h^ons crimak, so that ortain jirisati«n go down to posterity as having been
ponishud f<jr theft aud mnrdur.
The primiiT most npply bis own
uml is anb^uct to various
rbazgui Ou«vitt<Ting bu payaabODt tenpmoe. and cn loa\-iug a dmllar som.
Every lUiv in iriisaicosts aix]>eure; flnr
■nd light hit|sVK'e extra. The j^ler
■npplxi. eoffra ftM* a trifle. Meals may
bo trdvnid fnim tmtside. Evwy prisoncr l(siv<« his sarte do viBhi. which ia
flxud with a mallitnde of ofiiers cm the
dor* of till- <.'11. This qnuer albnm la
Claaed to jin.ipct th<- pbotogrviiha
Academic- crimimii proeivlure in BddeMierg is cwrinarL If the city |>ulloo up{ndii'iid n student. Ihw captive diows
faisiuatricnlaUcai card. Hi-is then <u>k■d fur bis acblhOH and art fn». Jmt will
boar iiicSvof tlx- maUcr. for thi-civil
•athuriiy rejvrts liim to the imivc-tv-ity
Tb«bOih.rd rvgulsiicBi. by the way, is
in ocriiuii emeui tUnicsa idi-nPcel
Beidpils-rg tiio nnivurvity ouart try and
pass M-uieucc, tho civil power taking
OofiiniiiTcoueemwith lliucrlTc'nM'. The
trial is veryuftenoaidnctMl iii ibe pris­
oner's alanuue. and be. psn-wight, tuav
Imve fwKotleo aU about his iioecailUlu
wntil the tuiiviTidty onasublu apiKon
tDoondorlhlm to prisoiL Bnt thither,
■eefng he may cboiaie hisilay, he always
repairs (diperfnlly.—Lendon likefeh.

----- OF------

3 ?a*::

out atsuss. la asset rvb. X. im

--- at----





3;;: .1=

I Traverse City, Michigan; |
^ Consisting of Farm Mares, Heavy and Light Draft and Driviijg Horses from 4 to 8 years old, and from
900 to 1,500 pounds each.'


Sale to Commence at 1:30 p. m.
TERMS OF SALE.—Six months’ time will be given on
approved bank notes, real estate or chattel mortgages at 8
per cent. 5 per cent, off for cash.
, Every horse will be sold as represented and tried when
sold on day of sale, and all responsibility ceases on day of
sale when horses are sold. No side bidding will be allowed,
but will be sold to the highest bidder. We will sell horses
every day privately, at same terms.

goaad 27,080 pooBds of lEvad. fi.OSO of
neat. 4.076 of vegwablea. oo» and
6«lt, tl.lbOliMncrf wton, spirits aad
orateg.—Bogtou Jonniai
It la cotiniabri that more than Tll.000

J^S. O. CTBI^SOIT & 00„


Traverse City, Mich.


T M Eadkssks

IS !S"ASf.r
..... r-SiS?

I SATURDAY, JUNE 11,1898.1


TH| i »-|

Ul •»: WslMB

I or


1,688 to his moobt. 6,682 to w<ok. «7I
to extrciac, tu sports, (bo bant, travol
1,808 days, and bo ahoold have ooo-

^onssB wlxra virioas dogi ore kept na-

All ordera left wiUi >



W* l-a* Our Uvea.

Postal asthorilws have derided that
'. awaii maneraeed not be delivered at

Office 239 SUte street, tde-|

phone 3.

I 40 - H O R S E S - 40

If yon are fond of *iacb statistlaB,
goad this cable, drawn np by Galricl Mgnot: A uuui cd Ml years, of ordinary
fiaalih, of aotire life, of regolar babli,
comftAt^ in all olrciitiutaQous td
nancy, idwnld giro out of 18.860 days
fl.082 dav* lu alrap, 6.'>b to ncluim,

Micnnai go oat of Kew Yok ersy
-pnnilsj and that they spuud on an
•vanwa of #a each on the sport

On M. & N. S. Be £.

All bsggsge, bos snd hack votk^


Travsrss City, XlsN


^A^^OO^forssJa Traverw* City Lt>»-

will receive prompt attention.

ment together with qnaint waminga
•nd dwinnriafiona, Walla and wxinwps
■re covered with portraits and legends
•racQted in colored chalk and in soot,

oommoat. It siioplvnyi. ”B. Diergan^t
~-fur love—fonr days.”

Bicycle Riders.

BssklB Yo..B«. ihr Isu-rptO lesdrr lor Cubs : one 1d the city i

«d with earring, the work of langntabing oipPveA who have placed on record
Sieir names, armorial bearinga tbelr
- mimea and the dates of their impriaon-

interpretthunamural ••II"aKrubmarT.
fiat the ”2iT’ luokus this diOic-nlL So
jwrfauie the bnmorist is right.
A third siscimuu is too tragic 1ft

O. P. CARVER. Agost

nr. P- Ofoumt I


flir allh V
Clly. Mlcta

Washington, June A—The navy de­
partment ha* decided to give the na­
val cadeu at Annapolis an opporttmlty
to see real warfare by taking assign­
ment* on warship* la lieu of the eostomary anmaer vacatloA.
Wnnrharg Biook.

I poH BALE OK^^E-HO^m fi


; J.w. p.iehm

Bt. Joseph. Mo.. June K.-lTv-.'.dent
Bida mual briva
Hickey hs* .sl'etl a irr--tlni: of tha
Westers Base H-U aea.K-lstInn at St.
Joseph at which It will be .Icl.-rmlticd led 1Wilks bond la tbr see. of eaomn. atesed ly
whether the association wir cutnpicte fao........
sreefaaoce of
the aeasup or disband at mi •.

WIU Oa ts War sasTsesUsa.

the ealoeof

TTTAKTKO -XBrlBevr for ussU ssrlo*.
W Trsx-rteCnyUiBhrrCo.
*K-tf ' ,



Omaha. Neb., June L-D. H. Stine,
aecrelary of the National 1-eague of Re­
publican Cluba. has arrived here from
Louisville and opened headquarters.
Th* annual convention of the league
will meet In this rtt^neit month.

If ao yoa know

(H,: dhs at TaimaaV

for them.
••Meanwhile the caplullsts grow fat
on the situation. Thi-y Imd money, aeenn valuable concessions, and alu«vlber hove a pleasant tire- <ut ■ ' It all. If
the i»-..ile want t> relieve t’o
•Botioe to OoBtraetora.
log. why don't Ihry heg:n al h t-c. I
can show th. tn thousand* of men In li e
ci.-al I'limin and In other parts i-f Amolea who lack f.«d for them*. Ivi* s-.d 1 rua.tru«|t.x*ceun h..u«...h .*-“0^*-.! by I W
their fninllles- tVhy don’t th.- pe..ple
take rare of them*"
Wralera Aav-elatina In OouM.

D-Two ene-rlws Ulster* i
t. Wlastc.syp. EsgUaBa*.

Msoisler at S;40 p. m. Dsnal low raue.
Round trip fare not more than ll .oo for
. aay dlslanee.
TiebeU good only on

" -Bspd.


rv- Ways*


Trslue siTtTafies ClBctBSatU. Orsad Bi
Ids and Petsakry St I AO p. at.
trom Ti. Ways*. Urssd Ssplds, DaUuU a
Okicsgo St TAUp. IB.
leecslbrsse* irsis arrivs* at ID40 a. mfS
C.k.riCkkAY,Ag*M. *
O.L. LOCKWOOD 3. p. A..OrsadBsMds.

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