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The Morning Record, April 19, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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OFHCiu nm
ov *ax out.
•atU tkm Sp-lrer mM: **Tb« fwtl*■M to Bot (■ Bcdar."
“I B« U <>r««r.- BhOBtaa Mr. Bail;.
"I dnooBM that sUteMant* •! tW
^air aa fatoe. if U« ^air iataoM to
Another big lot of '
Wall Paper just received.
From 3 to 3 l-4c
a Pout^lejioll and upr.
Xhatto tbe «toa of Yolnataar Armrl
rraaldest Kar.Aak r«.
Waablartoa April 1» —Tbe praaSdest
wlU aak eaarrtaa ior aatberity to ratoa
of teo.uio. Tbe bill
XXeZTBD SBVATXwbtob baa bean diaftod to tbto effect
wiU probably be eabmittod to eonffrcto
Tbe Beaenia wOl probably follow tbe
llaee of preriouB ktatotce to tbe ease
vrov THB PBorOBITIOV rZBST efleet. ItwUlrlre tbe pmldeet an*
tberity to ealtot sea and
ei»Dad oScara of a roiantaar forea for
Banaa Bafnead to BMorniae laaar- tba parpoaa of aorinenUBir tbe rrrolar
tbe annber ■■ not exeeedlnr
raat OovarataaBt aa IndapaadaBt-1 ^7
Wltfa that dalaat akoat Baltjr tiOBk
Bto aMt aatid a daBOMtrattaa of a^
proral ao bto aida
••Tbaia to Bodiae
tio& of fact bafora a
Siaakar «b1b)/ wkaa qatot waa nTBV BOTTBS.
HoUey & OonnAbl* •
2^ Front 8tr«eL
irly for
Hot Worda Taaaad Batwaan Kr. Baitar and Bpaakat Baad-BaaoIutioB# ^ Bt X»t Loaaa Aa Oeda Aa Da. .Oenearred in Senato Beaolatloae '
Actaa IBat Cuba Oo«ht to ba Traa
With Anorption of Boeoc<»tloa
eialoB -Ooaaaa Froa Oon^raaa.
Bnt Xndapaadaaea Clauaa BlimlaaOlaaae^Botb Houae aad Saaata i
roleateor* wba bare bad
WaabloirtoB. Apdl JA.-'-Oeaeral Al*
tad U Omar to Saciua 1
ter to n^t tor war," aaut Mr- Carltoe.
fieara wil<^ elected tor reylBeatal,
bat we
‘■I have jniit tafked wiib bia. lie aaja
WaablartoBj .tprill^—At noon tfar aed eoel^ey
made up of
•aacM to Moisia* Rmu.,
tbe dofft of war will be let loaee di
atatee. i
peiker wba-krd bU yayel and ellenced '
' ’Waablartoa, t April 1«. S:U a. m.—
the eottfatlee oa tbe floor and tbe bum tar pa/pomible. Tbe t
rea^uiione before ooofraea."
each refimrai will ba eoeb ea to pro-: MfirkhSHI BIOCIL
- After wotbiar aatU vldnltbt tbe
of ooarermtio. in the crowded raller- ^,,,
---------------------toooae and aasaU eoafaraea arraed
but no eooner baAUej^plale .omelkior. for iaaUoce, like tba kiretlp..
to a. oomproBtoe ‘la tbe-luitar
^ tbe .prayer wbeaib^co^iiaioo j Micbicaa iVortokwel tofenu^
«t diffareiiee -on tbe CoWa mewet radoeblad ae the memU;aj/borad !
■aearal Int
r Oriaiaal
adaUaaa T^a warda **ara and” in
wz an vo xo&b sKtrs.
To Ba Triad Thto Tann la
dartatr ibr laet few praeioai moiDeDta.
tba deelaratioe la tbe flat para|rr^b
Otrcuit Deurt.
The rcadins of the jrarwal bed aot^poreiga VaiAetB For'Warabipa to
Jhat tba Cabane.''are and of riffbt
Tbe Cireait Court nii^ yeatarday with been eonrleded before tbe tocretei.v of '
' oorht to ba Irae" are left la the raaolu- Jndra Corbiu oa tbe baacA Tba fore-1
tba-aenato aaoouabed the paAi«ye efi Waablartoa; Apri! IM—It i«aa stated
ttoaa aa arraed npoa. and the Tnrple nooB waa derated to Ue inforaml read-1
tbe boaae Cuba* re«>Iuiion wUb eenato | at the »
naaadaaat ia deelarlat that “tbe inr of the calender, w)
laatanUr tbe rali;nea!‘*“* ib.rfforu to eeciire the Chilean
Callad Statea ' baaby. raeoratoea alaa crlni
bam bee. praetU
« and fit toea chaakm aod tbe membm of j
*Uadoaed, and them to a# loerer
«ha r^blto of Cnba aa »be true
tba bonae leaaed forward to tbair aeeta any proepecU of tba Ualtod 8tai
•ad Uwtnl fforemmeat of the leland'
Amoar the oimiaal eaaea are acme The laaderu watched each ether with
beiac able to aeeure any mere warabipa
Matridwaioat. The aenale dedloed pt of oeatlderable Importance. Tbe meet
Intent and alert featutee. Tbe flret
Iff to foreira natlana. or
totbe eaae of Jeba T. Oal«'Arat to staad out- for the
beinff boilt ia foreiye abipyarda
beua ed Ktofaley, who to awoeed of MM waa important. Ae tbe raeolninet aa paaaed. bat ton repablleaa eenliberttoe with a girl tloaa were read. UedaeUiation with
•toca who are for war came \o tbe cobnader t^e are of le. Celbone lean old rerard to t^ raeorai ttoa of tbe tode- made aa enyacemeai for one more
elBBiaa that If they cocld retain the man and bai been a juatlee of tbe pence <
olybl U Stelaberr'e Orasd ao 1 toaiebt
at Caba were
“are aafl" U the firat eeaato to Kinreley about 15 years, which fact, ‘
wlU five aootoer ifood prodnetion.
The dem
the Denmcrab
Itoolatloa they weald be wlUlnc to let torettaer with other el
I enetration wae repeated when tbe iwadMajor Joba J. Uadary of Grand Rap.
rodad bto trial
Ida will be here tomorrow aiffbt to coaeat. When arrairaed he pleaded not Idr waa coBcInded.
- Tbe npeinUMaa arraed npoa to the
lailty. UaderwcedAUmloraadHoa.
Both Mr. Dtorl^. the fleor leader of daet a nieoUaff to tbe ioteredta of tbe
- nMifyaato tone f^owa:
W. H. 1Foater are hie attomeyd.
tbe majority, aad lir. Bailey, the dem- Volunteof* of America. Bvarybody to
{torlied to attend at tba armory.
^Fliat-That the pa«^e of tbe tolaad
TBe eaae of M. £. Ellto. IKaar rlola- oeratk Under, were on tbelr feet.
Oabaareaadafrirbt oarbt to by tioa, wae patoMr the tern ea aooouat Dtorley waa rocoffaleed immediauly
Danoe toelcbt aC SUveia'.
of tbe illdem of Mr. Ktito.
Landlord Holdys of Park nece will
flceead—That to the dnty of tbe be tried fer ^l«m ylolaUoa of tbe
DalMd dtatce to demaad, aad the cor- rame lawe. He to aeeaeed of aerrtor tor out toa clauae wbicb reeornUe*
at Park Plaee after tbe eloea of toeindepnndenoedftbeajttollar Cuban
the Caited State* doee
taaby demaad that tba rorerameat thy oeaeoa. Thto wUI probably be a republic.
Ilwroi. apparcBt before toe end of toe
* ««apatoatoeee i^qntob lu anttaorInt roIl<
Ity and foreromeat la tbe tolaad of eecaeed of obuakar a boy <
Tbe annoaneament of toe
. Cuba and withdraw tte toad and naval with them, were arrairaed and pto
have got them, at
Buj '‘New Idea" Pattefas,
If It's
Wash Goods
Wheel Enameled For S2.ii0‘
Steinberg’s Grand i
rote aa 17t*to 156. anl toe doetoive tIcnot ffuUty.
AWCM from Ooba aad Cuban, fraura
Gey PUree, who to ebarpad with an tory waa loudly appUuded by tbe re•Third—That tbe preeldeat of tbe
aaoU with toteet to do freat bodUy paWtoana.
CniWd Stotto be, aad be hereby to dlbarm. Iwa than tbenrime of Border,
dtoaee tbe on
Waabtorton. April 1$.-Ae eooa aaand ba too pl^ed
«toa toad and u4al forces of t'fce Ualtad
0t ruilly. C. G. Turner wae appmat* toe dectoioB of toe boaae became kaowa
Ptolto and to call into edtaal eerrUe of 1 by the court to eondact bto iafuiaa. to toe aenato toe leaden af toa DemeIfatUe Wade, who to aceuacd of lar. erata. Popaltoto aad Sllror RepabUeaea
.flm bnltod Btatoa tbe mUltto of tbe
emj from a atom, pleaded not gallty.
aowttal etatea to oBch aa aitont aa may
cot tocetoer and immediately word
Pateb.la A Crewer were retalaed for
beBeoMtoiytocarTy tbaae raaolitUne her dofeaet.
paaaed around to aoa-ooaenr to
I. and not actaa
Freak Baker, who waa arroatod some
time afo ebarsed witb baviat stolon to a ooafereace. tons throwlar tba re
or,to. clotoinr from aatore at-Uraara. waa
beraby dtool^m
ly for deUy an the bonae.
. jurto- arw^yaed and ba oatorod a plea of
teatioo to exert
whtopered that aotne of the BepabCuUty. Seatoaoa wiU be Impeeed
AUtUn or control over tbe tolaad. asHeanaenatonwboorlclnally voted to
oeptfor tbe paeUUnttoa tbaroef: aad
Rebecca Pieroe waa arrairBOd oa a toaert.toe Turpia emendmrot would no
•mart Ita deurmtoatlon, when thht to ebanre of berplai; and eatored a plea loncar stand by It.
L to leave tbe rororameat of not rnilty. Pratt A Daria are bar
Oa 'reoe^ of toe Cuban reeolmttoae
M« odotrol of the toland to lU people.”
The caee of toe moat local iDteraet to
__ _ .After the rote la tbe ^oate rej<
tbat.of Biley^weara, who la accused by ler eafCtotod toe abaeaca of a quoram
B. D. Alley of forrery. Alley allerea to order to eecare a fall atteadanea to
tba aoaato raaolatUaa, aa patopi
tout Sweet* la yulUy of foryery be
bem.~^ SeveOly-flro aeaaton
tbe I
cause be aifabd * roneber for rotaraod
ea roll eaU. Oa moUoa of
freigbt ebarrea made out to the RUey
Sween Marble andGraatto Co. aftof he Mfr D.Tia, .toe Cuban troolalion wae
imh^aa ao debato up<
bad.reUrad from toa Arm, aad obtaiaed laid before toe eenate.
toe Booey oa it. It was atetod that
addrcMod Ibe aenato tollbeen bed that be be allowed to addrew Swears bad afterwards offered to ro- lac toe effect of tbe acUos of the
tara toe money to Alte^^bb ia aald to
tbe bouse for aa boar on the peace ^e
bavedecllDedtornoelydlt.bntMr. Al boaaa. Be arcod the eeaato to ^oonear
of the .{DestieB. which be a^ bad BOt lay waa ready to
UBd avoid deUy. Ae eo many Uvea have
been proeealed to tbe bonae yet.
a ooDBidenbly larreraam. The eaae been lost wkUe toe matter wae to
pat oa for trial immedUtoly after ebeyaaoe. and aa toe Maine diaeator
Loud erica for tbe reffulnr order.
noon reeem ymterday aad the trial
-Rerular order demoBded.” aald tbe
wasatmanaveaced. beinoved coacur.
>w to pracraae. Fidlowiac are toe
flpTokrr tba clerk .will call tba comre: Goo. M. Stoele. A. C. Hoxic. reaoo to tba boBSa aetom. .
mlttoca for their reporta”
Mr. Stowart of Kevada opoaed the op
Opo. F. Baaay. Vm. Dextor, A. H.
Bailry jumped to bis foot and adiod Brown. Alt^Aadroa. Geo. Slmpeoa. po^Uoa. buir yUlded toe floor «■ too
tbe ebatrdf toe (halt held tlmt the dn Lewto Perry. John Panyataa, David
I of Mr. TeUer to allow a
BtlckUnd, Miebaol Flaaaiffaa. Peter
L At 8:10 a vow waa token aad toa
.Mnd for toe roffplar order was eqnlr
lUcan. Ptvu A Davte appear for
•lent to aa objection.
tto refused to coaear by a rote of
Attorney TweddU wlU S6to88. Senator Burrows and MeMUl•Tto ebalr tblaka if toe ffesU
I to Botioe be will rrad- oondBct all toaec oaam to behalf of the an rotod yea, aad
edaa. Tba Benate voted wltMtdivlawUy Uara |
‘^rCSwa are aeveral elrO cnaec ol
roa." npltod ton Speaker, naroaatlcal- totoreau aiBonc them batoc the damaca loa to toaUtoB tbe eeaato ameadmaata.
ly. Tbto retort ratoad a taafh ea toe ealt acatoerSberiff.Bimpaoa. broucHt
by WlUlam
falee ImprteoamoBk Thostoty ^ too
wOl proooed^to toe troabU wae c>«db oat at toe laet term
Fretodeat of Y.nnstiaU Fall ia BatealL”orotl.nedtoa8imaker.
Fincroe Waa
jadcmcal acatoat offloeia of Pacadtae
••ParltamontHT Uqulry-: ‘■‘•n*
One. SU Onaat
towaahlp. cm a aimlUr actloa.
Haw Tock, Aprtl 18-A oableciam
«bn ebalr>a weeda “1 daairo to fenow 'Tba Womaa’a AaxUlaty of-OraM from Oaraeaa, VeBeaaela. to toe BvaoIf UtoUordm-ter’Ibaepealm, ia re- ehareb wBl meet wlto Mr*. C U Whit toc WoriA soya
______________ - killed to hatOroepoofVt
toqalry of a ney Wnd^ay at 8 o'cloek p. &
tU 'vrito Beiwdea. leader c< the rabrof totobeam.tomaheaaeh a
aa, as oqatoa dM- el fereee. laet Mdey.
• toaC" and waa told. -Hot to a tint aad bona trainer
erof Boewn.
U to
WhUe Oororaor Ptofroe wae to Tea*
Gboice Gandies, G|^, Oru^ add LemoDS.to too to CtikOaaj
Rrmembto I have a fell line of Bley,
cle Soadriec and Bepadra 1 alse have
plenty of workmen to' da yoar wo«h
prompUy. I enerantoe all work to be
toe best, and the lowrot to prlea 1
build whroU to order, they are baaatIm. Call and eee thena.
Egamelial aid Duoratiq '
la the latest Stfles.
i« as rood aa now. The only np-to
daU abop to toe Mty. AU work c«erantaod lociveaatUtaetkm orBoebarcn.
Wheels aold m eeey paymrata. Btey*lee^to^*
?? onMa laet taU be wae tbe ^t of elea^ Taodra^to mt'wTui
Ctom (be eevmaldeya, aad wea en- atenat. aaar Front.
Tba eoatroeotay uapOnnafl «t mm to boram ^alriac
Dr, Andiro bin «^ert to oqatoa den toulMtto to Me praUe of tbe Yenesneaker ortete the baa>. til
and eaa ba omT today at (ark
tonh be^toUW and aonrte^.
H.L GIBBS, Prair.
, 213 Front St
fialttmon Btoelt Beeeirod-Throe TlBca a Wenh
‘la nts. 40c per quart
FlelchN's OptH Dq.1 lad Rmnnurt.
Id a man blowing his owo horn if he selects a
good tune. Neither ns it wrong for a merchant to
everlastingly advertise his goods as the best for the
prices in the city,—if they are the best. Truth nev
er grows so old that it will not stand repeating—'
therefore we repeat that we have this spring the
best assortment of medium and
High Grade Footwear
at tht lowest Prices ia the ctq.
We have cleaned out most o( our old.stock, and
the remainder is bunched on onr bargain tables which
wilt be sold for much less than their value. The
shelves are filled with new^np•tO'date goods in all the
prevailing st^es. Black and color^ for botii men
and women, Welts^Tams and Machnt^ Sewed, workmansl^p all wa^anted.
. \
A large increase in onr trade pro\^,that onr ef......................
rlish fiWitwear
forts to place good,
reliable, stylish
the public, for- the least possible nmnej is bmng ap«
• And can snit the most fastidions. Onr stock is
large and all the goods new and ap-ta4ate. Come
in and inspect onr stock.
Da Model ShM OetartmiL
FOR ONLY $2.50
Will clpan it UMWoaiihiT, true tbe trbecls, pier npy .olof omnwinaud MlatcsMceofuwckMfe. worth e>«e»e of the enraHee wm die,m«mur work fon wish, enamiil or Tamigb yoor rims fur above pricn.
the remul e( {aatraaMmU to ^
<or eatoed» It waa finally deddad to re
I Call aad Mw aample.
one of theanretleatoenhefioM
fn- T. B*TW
J- w. OAavn.
Wo alau BaUd vvuwwis w vrv...,___ _
aper a
■ propter material and work than aoy ahop in the city, Have had w.-veml
**• *^*“ •*^* A"
ilhillJ. W. nxMm. Kditor^ IUMf«. ;qalriec
. .^here pnettceWe. twt|.
yearn' experience and gpRrant<-e eatiata
The hoeda were thpa referred to j
lea Front eueel hetweea Ontoe^
Please trive oa h trial
ELLIS,^11 Front dt-.Baat.
PMk- etieete There me e moMt* to thfrOOWBlttoe on UoeDeee.'.to report at
refer to the ccnimlttee oo Are end weV aa ndjonraed meeUnx next Monday
er. when Mr. OolUfer eeked for ee nbfht- They are aafoUewa:
Anton Nototoy; enretiee, N. Buellmrij eoeeWereUc* ef the mettor. ee
anul. J. J. Dene.
U hed hcea here eerereldnye elreqdj.
Bhdi A, Balherr;
eoretten, ^e*e
He explelned the leeriu of hie oobpea; and after be hed finiehed. John Wane, C M. Pnitof.
Iran Dann; nnretin. Doatnle Dun,
Barry, erut of the Bell Co.,
the cenDcU epon the aeme aahject end Jea. J. Dnnnr. J. Ueehtol: anretlea. A. W. Bar.dbeearered the heard iB eltewinf aa■jothereacbanfetoheeetaWtahed here Uh. J. T. Sonahall.
Oc^Tfi ever^
■He eUted that he wee coapUaeoted ■ b^ols dieder: anraUea. Jacob CnlT»ti\e4 to Vmb
to oetoct tot o ittt.
hy leeaj hwlneee men npea the excel- man. H. WlaehnewakL
BeltKUreieerthe Uelted lenee ef the j»reeoat ewaar* *■«>
pUlac ^flbe end of Ue went dock of
ner. T. U. Shllaon. ,
•tetee are
«>tb the f^er* med that a cheap oompaay ireald be
Pater Beatrun: anretlaar T. M. Bop- Ue TmearM City Lomber Co. Tbe fire
te eoMpetiDg fer-ibe. merkeU «f the detrlteeat to local t>oeleeee latereet
wU «^n by eome men on Ue dock of,
kina. John P. Mateenaotoe dlaeatotoa the ordioao<
«erld. A»ertoeB f\f tro* U belnr After
Uelfonbem Mieblcan Traneportatien
■Upped to Greet Brtuie. iteel r»U« to , , refereed to tha commlttoe en orOc. aad prompt ncUoa aeertod what
iMUe, teeowetjfee toJepea eed Oili
mlcht have baea a eoeUy blaze boU for
y to Bnaaia and
ecrtenltoral i
r. SnnU^lr~N
the Icmber company and Ue city at
Atv aVmoA wnAfijA ttm«t4«T
nachlnery of a]l aorta to all porUomaOf te mere ndwellinr from Union etrect JackeoB, John T.
r: eaTeUea, Hewi
Ue wlad wae blowinc etroor !«>• »>»•
the drllltod werld. Oeeplte the claim to Tenth etreel Aldennnn Montecne .Pon Shermer:
nbrU. H U th(.nfht Uat the fire wae
WoiUnc. Hanry Toanelleri
that a proteeUee lariC wonld rednee oppoeed tbe cm»“»ff
Wnrthorc; eareUea. Nlchdaa Icniled by eparice from a barre which
•hr exporta.' they hare atoadily Inereaa- elerea in thU line nUcei n prorlelon
pnPrri out a abort Umi before.
hi ainoa tha adoption of tne IHiirley w»e made In the bond to compel the HoenmeaUl. A. J Petortyl.
?OTB M.>toAteftOTiVTVB^%C M^t.
B. O. Kill*: earetlea. Frank WUhelm.
Uriff bill natoprodnete d farm aad
line PP of mbbleh and eurplne Um
feel IIIJ the eiportottoat of man<
ber after Ue werit wne done. Tata Oeerce WlUriaa
3ot jom-boot »Vit $5.00, "Soot oooo* tot
Emory M Pally: eBiettoa. Heward
Dr J. B Mnrtto4§.y44laff^ new hicytoren In Ua firat aeran montba of tha proeiaion
• made and tbe pnrmimion
WhiUaf. Beary •voanrller.
Dinrley law heinr creator thaa in tha ernatod.
Marla MeColob(h of Fife Lake drawe
earrieriridlrf taontha of the precedlnc
The hed of Ue erenh whlU wee
A Tiforoha protoet weh'eent la from
•ear neder the Wileon Uw. while the
a Urc* nnmber of reridenta of the tamed for m 7U etoeet Implement a penaiea of »8.
iBli^ttone af mannfaetnrea fell off Third ward acnlnat Uie eetohlkbment bee been ia bad ihnpe and la need ef
Bert MeOoy le baylarpotatoea oa a
to that time noariy M per eeau
new Oniinr bteycle.
nf a ealeoD at »U Union etreel by John dnlnace. end
^red with the oorreepondia|r period of p; Mnuen. The protoet wne nooom- Ue board of PapUoWorkai le directThere witltoameetincof Ue Unithcfancedlac yey.
pnnted hy n peUUon hendrd by Pro- •d te look after It.
farm Bank. K. of P.. Ul. eTenlny.
Ml«e Minaie Bnhheil evened aaoUer
. Tw ralne of the abeep ia the Onitod feaaor C. B. Bom. eaUac thniM ordlTKAXISO FMt ▲ WATOH.
■Moa be peeeed prohlbltlnc the entohtone of acboal at BeiUer yaetarday.
•toua kae lameaaod •C&.OOO.OOO in
If yoa are going to makp garden do not fall to aae onr
I Bar Bieycde
e the InanrernUon Ilshldf ef a saloon anywhere la the Xra. Barast ]
Member* of Ue W. C. T. U. are preThird ward, principally on nocoant ©I
oompiete atoofc of Flower, Garden and Field
'hd PraeidentHeKUiley. nnd ie
From Zlk Baplda.
panciT far a oootoat to take place early
tbe Hlrh echeol aad Oentral achool U
Uefatot elnee itn. while the nlnee of
Mra. B. E..Baraet hae rmmmred^ber in May.
that ward. Alderman Deamoad meeef
•ther farm nnlmnle nnd
that tha aommlltoe on ordlaaaom b<
I Uee grtmilf inereneed,
directed to draft an ordlBaftee deflalaf •week a»e from Ue Flret MeUodiet be* beea prantod a ralae of pearioa
ekareh while ehe wae attoadiaf uayer from to to f IS.
A MAiWAL iaereaae la the prtoe of the aalona dklriei of the e^ty and pro- meetlar. Thel^lef rode itoeer to E'k
Blcbard Zol of Rent oooaty and
^^mfaer in. the enee of war with »pnln UMUac aaloooa in the Third ward.
ImVe and Ue next moralnf traded It
/ to predieted, bwnaee of Ue feet that The motion premlled nnd Ue petition to Jake Kama qt Uat place for a rold Janet Reaaedy of Grant wnm marrind
by Bee. A. A. OertUk. AprU 14U.
Ahe Bhlpmenttof Inmber from the eonth end protoet were referred to tbe
In package or balk.
mittoe on ordianneen.
Members of Ue Blrb School Alai
Mr. A. H. Green of Bik BapkU knew
mmladed of Ue
aeanal meetlar to
'••d If eWTied hy tUl. the prioee 'wUl
A reqneet ior aa alarm hex at the imf Mra. Barnet end bearinc of the
Huerof Oah aad PlfU etreeto wan ra- theft vWtod Mr. Rama aad IdeaUfied Uke place ionirht ia Ue Birh aehool
\ .
!2«6 Front SlreeL
naeemhly room.
ferred to the cemmltue aa fire aad
Ue wheel, add U wae eeat to Mra.
Emory NTeheraoa of Mayfield and
water with power.
Barnet yyatordajb i
Hto* Jennie Boat of Hlalr wore mar
Tbe commlttae ea etreeto and wmlha
Bow Mr. Karae ia lodriaf for Ue
ried hp Be*. A. A. Darlinr at bto matCtaTeliac a^dayiac nan wb^haa hie watch.
dono«;4n Wexford. April 14th.
TanU atreet from Lake aeeaae t
etreel hot reoommendna Uat a aimllar MBXT DlBTBiOT OOMVBVTIOV
Ohiearo Karkot.
chiraro. April 18. —Wheat—May.
Of L O. a T. WlU Meet At BonU AI.iW; Jaly. toSc.
•t ea rooently n
Com-Apcil «?»c: May. *1^11 «<e:
CommpoDd with the Tr»Twae City LombOT Compfiny.
' In mlatioa to the petition far U'e Imne next mecUer of Ua dkstokt. or^ bare tor Bale Good.
.-FIOLATOBB WILLBB WATCBXD prorement nn Bannah artolae.Ue oao^ raalzstioB ef Ue tpdependeat Order of ’’"^'t^AtoO-Mlic: May, MBe; Jaly.
mittoe ashed that Ue dark asoartaia if
Good Templars wUl be held nextTarePork-AprU.to.7Si Mey.to TT.
Ue city bad UeTi»bl of way aoroaa
day and Wedneeday, April M aad »?.
Ue railroad. _________
- Grand Rapid*. April lA-Wknal W
t HecU Boardman.
A eery oomplato aad inwraatl^ foTbe dUlrlet offleer* am o^lally resurd Ward-Baw Bute Telepbeae
port of tb* fire department fer Ue paat qototod to be preaant. It to cxpMtod
Blectnc Batha. Tarklah. Kc**lan.
ton. Axknd tor Fraaohlee—thirtoeB
jimi and Ua ealae of U* fire depait- Uat acerral of the pmad oBeert will Bowaa. btnhnc. *eoUlnr. medicatod.
XAqoor Sonde Fioeentod for Ooneid meat praperty erne nabmlltod by Plre
perfomed aad lozorloat. rir*a ia a fine
•mUna-nre Obtof Baaale. waa Chief Bennie. The roport eltowad Uat be on haad to help make Uto one ol aatwot roeaie. No- le Markham Blpek.
tbe moet beneficial cooeeatioo* erer where ladiee wifi rmeire deUcato and
Ue ezpenae of ronniar Ue dapartmaat
held ie Ue dtotricl.
For aa off aikht
meeUac of Ue darinr the year wae to.toS «7. M«e
n ha* prepared ample
property added. A17A4L Pranent ealae
■oaaMl laet ereaiaf wae aa exoapUoat fer all aad it to I
add!Mill MachineryofaUdeacriptiona,inclodiagTwoBnginea,
•Uy loaf MM and Uere waa a henry
a of Ue eaberdtoato
llitot of imporunt kaalacee rranad oat Moo meoUoaad. «ie.4t0.01.
ledke as well ae Ue delcfate* will
Ret Worka. Carriagee and Sawm A complete Saw Mill Plant
Dnrinf Ue year Ue d
aneh of whleb wlU be of rreai tnureet
ee’of Utooppertnaity to
nnonded W » alarms Actaal fire*
• AO the pnblle feaerally.
portaat derme to Good
. Jaa. C Arery. 8. V. ttolmee and P.'C where wator waa neai
toUbart naked Uat ehlmitoy aweepe be ohimneya.«: anknowa e
Ca*e. L*»c*itT*X. 0toT Sec’y.
The Cdial Umem darinr
' faqaljodtopayalieenieoftoaaaaally
Opposite Essie Offie*.
d-toAl.«75. Amoaatof loaarWoodam of tha 1
■■a the patitloa «
». $1.8oa
Membe of U* EpwerU Laa^e am
Tbe repert (
antieipaUBg a , treat in U* leelam po
Laet eemmer tbe eooneU dxtoaded prwloD of appreclatton tor eocemraketh* Mammoth ear«. to be giran hem «• InritoUoa U the K. 6. T. M *t meatehosra by Ue conacll aa# pmlm
May Ird, by Her. W. A. Frye ef Three (
OnrUera and eeatoU Mlcbi(an to held for Ue memhersof Ue department.
Rirer*. formerly paetor of U* First M.
aonaal'lhlebrat'loa In Uia elty.
B. eharch. Mr. Frye apent Ua hoar* *
The Aldermen expremed appmral af-------------Laat Blkhta oommnnloaiioB tram A. V.
t will af- ,
Ue report aad fia awUon Ue docameat * to Ue care aad hto
Friedrich, peealdeoi ef tbe or»anli
moeieed aad ptoead ea file and Ue *
------------------ toformattoa of Ue 4
Amo. waa read, in which a reqneai a
mysteries *t one ef Ue tooadam- «t |
ttMie for aa appropriation ior Ue en- oompllmeau ef UA eoBBcll exUnded to
ARtolnmcBt of the Maccelwee. to elew Chief Beael* fer the aoeuracy of U*
•f Ue official toritaUoB exteaded by mport and Ue falUfatoess wUk whleb
Aheooaaell. la oon*ldertar the reqneet be had dtocharted bto dnU** dartof - Hie* JeanlcdmiUbasmtaraed from
Elk Rspiri*
Alderman HoellmaeUl called atUnUoe
Frank Bemilton sreat te Empim yes- {
gtorUeelcarto Ue.facl Ualwbea Ue IdtIUUoo
ter.*ay on hastoem. '
wa* r^eea It wae apdemtoed Uat Ue tag of mbbtoh and mfoae from yard*.
Fster Wnrxbnrg left ymtorday for a 4
local Maecabeee aided by Uelr friend* alley* aad etmeuwuwtoptod.
trip to ManUim aad Uraad Baplda
yryre. to aesameUe expea** and that
Alderman Uarrtoon broogbt np the
the city rronld act be reqnired to ex hl^e ordiaaade fer dtoenaeten aad
pend aaythinr for the oelebrattoo.. told of *e*etal deliberate eiolaUo**
When Uto matter was broi^ht np the
hieh came to hto notice whU* he was ograpber, came np from Cadillac yea- <
mimmBalcatloB waa refatiW
pUnUv p~WW»TT -1«" 5" 11“. .............
•MmittM oa'way* and mcooa.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lnimbcr,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
finrah BUI ashed ttet Ue eoaneU
•ompel V. E. Boland tooeaac to WeU
■p Ue alley in tbs rear ef hto store oa
Bute suoet. The petKleaer etotod
that OB aeoonnt of the Ueds whom
fnruen''toaas* wem.j9dtod for rife
erem left to Ud alley aad Uat U*
te ohstmeud. T%*
leoa Btreets^d wi
look atur Ut* matter.
Bk17Untm*t. from Ualoa
toPtoe. Uwaemtormd.
A tarhre aamber of gamu ef U*
Motel Whltlog prayed Ue eoanell to
have tha baildtog
tha hotel wlU the view nf proridtog
•■Itahla fim eseape*. The matur wttl
hpattoaded to by U* eemmiitoeoa fim
, pad wator.
_____ ___
Ttoq Hew BtotoTalepbaa^ Oompaay
AhiM«h it* affsat. F. O. ^Uifer, aakod
toealtaaohtoeof.Ulrtyd— *—*—
eSmd^eyn fi
jmthe Mead the atiaeto
to Chic
________ ImpMB waat to Ctam yea- ,
terdayto eahpivaa wiucaaee for.Ue 1
Cireoit Cocru
Ml**** Mamie aad Loo Doarberty «t
Elk Rapid*, came over tost ovaatoc to
attoad Ue opera.
Mm. C. D. dualry aad Mr. aad Mra.
W. A. Wymsn ef Satua* Bay. warn to
the city yesterday.
Mr. aad Mm a Tak
1y of Uto city, mow of Oetrall am to
towa vtoltiag friends, oa their way to^
•ni* bead of aty
Pet^ Worxbarg. wtU A V. Frtodrleh Elk Ba^ds.
Ckptala.aad Mm. A. B. JokMtoa aad
and Frank VotrabaasenmUe* to Ue
IB of AM.oou WM pmeented aad it darter BUal of OU Mtoetoa, aenoma* referrad to tha oommlttoe ea way* paatod by Then. M. Kirkhoff of Chica
dined at PaU Plae* yesurday.
ed mean*.
A J. WUaao and wttaarrlvad on the
The boodwfCHwaarii Biekerd for
•MOO wtU Joka T. Beadle aiM Jaa. G. Ohartevoto lam •veaing. They
taking a plaaaam trip aloag tha 1
ehaaea ae eamUee. wm appeased.
Tbe hoed of a P. Qa^. metohbr of «< theOharleeoto.
Mia. Victor Moat^ rataraed toat
Ue hoard of pahtto worka. tor «M00^
wlU A. W. Blank MI eomty, wm np- Bight from Chtoago, when ehe hM
Thn eaMtohli tamfia ed ^ Altoa
impodeat He
t toaeham who
displayed a recklese dtorngard for th*
Uw mralattog U* aae of tte walk* by
of Ue e^ polioemea be dnUlled to
patml Ue etreeto wbem ridiog ea
Ue walk* to prohibited 1aad to arrest
erery offeadnr.
awaits the person who ‘examines ourli^w
..Stock of Carpets..I
We have surprised ourselves as well as done our-•
selves proud on our selections of Value and Q.uat
ity,aod at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. No one hM yet gone
away dissatisfied.
tt tht SmcIs
Hm PaM*d a Cubt Ubr*
mvoiFLEB iss
ta th« Pmraph That IUcn-iM«
Independence of Cite.
M WtttWt HcntUT •( tk» ABTT IB .
tk txatMM to «»cur« la* laid^ mm «f aoMUlttM wlib «p«tB t« »c«*pt.
Mn4*BC» »t • BAtlea In roatfnTmilon o( n eetnmtpnlob tor ncMv* •*mo* In tbc ,
rnn- ; nTTny.
Bm .T«t. mm
the well known pHnelpiM «f Intemnnnny. Noihinn
Noihinic «»Bntto
«»amto hM
ba< t ieirtna upon *• to wfcnt ■••iKtinient he
been forced Into the resolntlon In the ] will «ccmv tut It it btlleved thet ho
face ot the tnct that the prooldent did 1
prefer to
not (ouneel or even advln------ -- ,------------------------------------ --------- but on the other hand hnd deemred OBJ- of the present dHBcuKIco with Bpaln
He anld the peeo- fioaoevelt bee hfon prominent tnionp
phaileally eitaln*i
eot Caban republic wns but a skeleton ' those
thoae who bettered that war ta
la the
tbe only
coremmeni and under tbe fortna pre*H aoluitoo of the problem. He baa barer'
oerlbed mleht a
.in rourr
rotlrr pmjwiriy
proiMlefy tn
is iI eouutru
doubted iimi
that the
\ur i-p«i>i»i»»
,••••- —
Ime mter Into a ronren- : ipenalbte for the wrrek of thd Haln*.
, Ita own*cood time
n to the excluaioB of tbe I
'L .. .
Uou wnh 8,«lc
United SUlea. in short tbe min arMilwaukee, AprU Ik-RIchard Rnd.|4
(ument acnlnat recoynltlon -In a condate, owner of the Ra^dau oubmarl^M . j
thai It —
4toul tow. H« •
■sLMder* Ate le Anna AcaiMtlles
1 Ai^att ea the PeaetaenMal reerenere-aiat Thai He Hay Ve«e aaeh a
Meore Be^aseHe (baaA ApseeeeMie
tela Um
fltatea seoata baa ppoken.
Ha vofaa^^
tor war-war untU tbe anfln«r^e of
Hpaln Bhall have been /uried In tbe
. and furied tor‘
AW. Ite roke, too. lafor Ibe-lndependnee of tbe Infant republic of the gem
. ..
of the AntllUa 'Tree Cubo and the
todependence of the laland repubUr."
' etna the ahtbbol^
at the • aenate
No Debating
The Questioie-
We are showing more values in spring goods this year for the itt*
vestment required than the upward tendency of the market warrants.
Ten to fifteen styles- o/l H«ol, finely made and finished suits, gtutranleid in every ivay, $7.^ per suiL These are made in the same way and
by tbe same firm as those sold last winter which gave such noivcrsal satisfaction See them—vou will be agreeably surprised.
Our-next popular grade at flO.lK) prove equally good sellers—made —^
in settle finer cloths perhaps—a little more style at a little more expense.—
,,ranch of «>t.gre« are for auhraarlne work atorsge '
a very large assorimenl at this price.
,_jer for a vontlualon. But the seMte, ore used.
__________ ^
Twdve dollars buys a superb suit nowadays-T^tin trimmed if “you
In declarmy
for tbe
reengnltlun of i
wm CssUissis a*sd BUsC
Cuba-a IrdepentJenre aginat the diiwcf.
^^himnon. April U.-The Central ,
•^J^e—finely tailored—good enough for anyone;—practically no Jimit to the asapeeme re.v.mmendatl..n of .tbe
rommlttee of New Tor* ,
' sortment of patterns.
a rallylne co from the etandpo'nt of
tar ihe relief of the reeon. |^_
By tbt
the Wavl'
way! Have
Have JOU
you noUCCd
noticed thlS
this 18
is tfiC
the year.
year, lOr
for ^priDg
spring Overover"f
desirable Karments have gone out of our store this
. . ..KcpubUcBO
--------. .lr«dcr«
i-n3n^ns^nd , ^ season than for several years past—Very conreoient and st)lish garment to
fuDciion of the eieentive.
The hlal o' truabie ftr the resolullen '■
aiaieniM made by RnddaitIs the hViua.' ha« been Justified, for the
croft was hroLKht down from Oshkosh. ■ ■
trouble hex msteiialxed The reck upon '
K ih
was '‘'here atatlsfectorr teats wen- mkde In ! m
the iMi.
two S..UM
houses smii
spill IB
la as<
tfcronghont the
daya of debate ; of the
aenAte roroiutiiiB* a dlig-i ' abaauIi'' ;
wWeb ended Bntnrday night. While the ' the
«M«et returned waa decudve It It ioat upon the pre^.lrni which no toyi Ke- ,
‘ In iby that U waa not «nnL Kotea of pubtk-An'could IndocM.
And upon ihlB theory Sproker Reed ,
I Key Wert.
And hiB llruteUBnu w»tv imw-eedlng
-wtro kounded. Thi* furcbodlng «u yrolerday In their <wnp1gn Aginat
ObII m Uera TiAnteee..
■M du* lb Any ACBTO (« absIcu- About
Dubuque. iB.. April 11-A rail waaIatha rwult of tb* impending cohAlcu It
I d? long the BpeAker'B roomi At. •ued SBiurdAy Igbi for tbe orgBBltA.
r the hrodquATtloB e.f Ihe nrw regiment Iowa vollmIpud by A fenr leal. It the Ac_______ .. eonaW of A rompAny ot
r of Ah
B by
ttoa tAkes
. the AeBAle Bhonld ultlmen from earn of the countleB oTT^riA______
hi* iieutenBAtely be Accepted ab flol. thU gov- ____ ,,
B>A'khawk. Hardin.
. «rnment might become lAvolred'lACcmv AAtB. Olnglty. I>Al>ell- t'annon. Orewven- ware
ChlckBBBW. Xlltrhell. Wlon.ahlek. rayor
^pUcAtlona tbAt to future ye*r» would
Jov of Mlrsnurl. Ia.rim.-r of Illinois. etie. ninton. June* and Dubuuu« Kler.
■''^prove Berlou*. At »:l« o'cl.«h Skturday
of the twelve enmiiaaleB needed are
HestWole of Mlnne*.rt* Aod other leAdSight the DavIb Riu.lullone—Ih.we revipoltlun. AAd
‘parted troai the coaimlttec on foreign
bad A thorough
mended ro ab to Include tbe
lepublleon alBe of
cuoagultlon of the republic
the house. Ia« night he was confldent
were pAWd by a vole of IT to n ab a
TOWd of old' » e
that U*
llepubUcan* of Ibe hoUM
•utwtHute for ft>e rrooluUon Adopted by
ould be -naiPballed i raim yleldlai
the taoune of rei»reoenUtl\-e«.
tbe oenate < i the main t
TwMolIhe Mwe Hfwolet
pubnean coui3 tndoroe_______ ^
'oeneta treaty.
'A special invitation given you to call and see onr stock on this our
hosiiii.ie. have brokro out be- ^ anoivcrsa^ week—whether it’s clothing or fnmishings we are “with yon.*«
eHamiiton clothing
i= PicmTS pm
TbMe ere the reooIuUon*
pAAoedby the
$1.98, $1.48
r'J^niiated Harrison's Att*m*y G«nsrsl CHm
and eh-cted W. H - H Mieurr captain,
• Ftw Suprsms Court
aad Lea-l* Moatjar Brat lieutenant. The
coropsty wm tendtr lu aer%-lcea to Agbl
tenailouBly th
lAte would BOt
lasBured them
hoM out.
.-ulNt. demAbdlng that tbe broughi to boar wm* that the presidml
•ovemment of spam reUnquIah lu au* talnuielt rould noi approve any re*oIuT------------- ---------- --------------- 1. a-w
kSorlty and goverament la the lAlahd of (ton which contained ouch an IuvabIob
nCuba. and to withdraw Kb land and nar. and which so plalaly
the pT.......................
n.' U. S N.. who I
j/rol force* from Cuba and Cuboawauro.
Ated erory precedent of inlernaUon.' weni abroad re.-ently .rbmmlaaloaed U* |
a smith muucc
' — I *(1001 iiitimatloa of a purrhaae *h!|» and war munltlua* for ;
•IdrnllA) veto.' which would Involve the gavernrnent. was
enllr*>ly new aUrt-And the delay*
iw-ldeal to II. had a powerful
by Om gaewir. to*ar by llw Vh*.e
'Whereas. The. abborretil <
Ithougb In certain quarter* It was aaa-ned that a priwldentut velo would
bebver-riddea. The ruggeatloa that tbe
, April Ik-The Journi
a hordera. have aburiced the moral presldral Inlcht slcn
slca the lesolulioa aad gW*a*^faallti*B^a>rin
MBse of tbe petple of tbe UnKed StAtM: . .
ri> ■•ongrei* aaymg tl
’ pubhabea' the following ci
have been a disgrace to Chriadan civ. tbe elAUae recognising the ladepCHSence
8C Louia. April U.-Tbe second game gtlorne*:<S*oer-HW. H. H. MUler;
t. AS they- have. In of (^l■>a WAS ultra vlrea—beyiMid (he of base twll between »
l.ogl* and i
uoe#lloa''whelber the rveogthe deatruetloB of a ITnlied States bat- jurlillcrinn of engn-a*Chicago at. Sportamaa park waa rolled '
^ ^
govemmeal In Cuba la
Ueablp with tm ot 1» ol!lcera.and crew.
n hy the prealjeat» frienda.
at 4:1^ p. m: Slurday al the b^lb«»lb« 1 „ ,*ecullve or leglsiitlv* fuoc;h.n baa
While oa a friendly visit to the bartxir
taae who w*ee Is favor of oanrur- of the aecoed Inlng. by tbe breaklrg
become a practirl one It'may b«
I wefe
«t Hat-ahA, and cwnftol longer be
out of a (Ire which daatroyed the Hire tireat to know Vbat some of the eWart*
dured. AS has been set forth by the proa. net liartirulBriy »<tUe yeali-tday.
pavUlona. oae of the, have aid about tbe matter. In WUI.........................
- States
a In
of the
li hla me*- one time a was aal.1 that Iblrlyrthree grand wland.
.mwc to cougrer* ot April 11, l*9K Up Bepouh-ans bad arried to vow for roa- bit «i here aud the club ufficee and real- lains va. tbe SuBolk iMturaiu-e ivtndenev of Cbiia V.m der Abe. who loses
on whkh tbe acikin of coagrcaa was laThls rould not be confirmed,
pany iV. D Sunjnw^ rtSI the derision ot
rrytIW. The tad kas la' eaumated
nuservaiivia were ronfldeat
Jvlted: iheref.
the rose turned upon ibr dtaputed eovabt.ut tM.dM. wlih tli.M insurance.
••Beaolved. By the senate and
that not half that number win break
areignty over (be Falkland istsuda Tb%
0t npiiAthtBtlvea of the United Stales,
the trarva. They rrollte. bow- Tour or flte ihouaand aprtHslora we^ government of Uueaoa'Ayres lulated
of America In (vngreaa aanembled:
that the thief danger llee In a
that (hi»e laUnd. were a |«rt of
If twenty-nve "
“Pim-Tbsl the iwxiple of tbe Island
offl.-e iiiHie-clog. burned aboul tbe face domlriona
_____________ This
the gorornmeat
of Cuba arv and of tbe right to be
and head: t'ol.gM’l Kanlel Rirley. of tbe 1
cmied 8U
denied. Mr. JuMk-e
free and Independent, and that the govCbirogo. liurlington and HuVncy rail- j sttigy
decide Ibis quea•rnment pt the United B»te* hereby luthms go to the pi.-*4ent a
roaA. body nadly burned; V*>oU —edart. !
„ original Judu H que*tion
1-------rsnegnlaea the r^ubllc of Cuba as the' tbe senate.
burned al>«ui the head: William Dun- ;
^ **-andL -d;
< be affT^ll. TV TT-nkT fc pit?: oiTany
true and (awful government of the Wspeaker's 1
The speak*
(be Dudliiu
_ >Hit
_ to t
T c<.i:eamie« the aaaurand.
memlier of the
-Tecnnd—That It U the duty of the
w that acthin aboJld be had at every
tbeWUlaid W. & T. U. India*
this rotm
burned about ibe
riage cif (be prnceedlnga Jockey. (Hub.
ermted mates to demand, and the gow: that It IB squally eWeetnaL
PsydsB oa South Ooter nuroC
•k and
an nsktk; John Gentle*, of Pennsy
enimeni ofthe United Slatea d«wa here with diaratch, and thi tbe raaoiutlon*
nroalac- T^ neeniac e*aa kpani is'
by demand, that tbe government at w«.ifld
tn the presldeat as BaaDy Ontir a Dry Goods company- face
tnv ernmeoL and !
“Again cn y a few year* ago la Jones
Bsr- I aisled
aad la a aoial way.
Spain at onte relinquish it* auihorUr
ist lake tbr^ to be rightful : vw the miied State* OtT U. 8. MSI, la ;
and govmmieBl in ib* hriand of Cuba
_ Hut thorn w^ view the sUnatlOB rial traveler. New Tork. bnraed about t CSal t
dal tbe cloaa
aAd wHbdrow Its land and naval fnree* dlapsae'o- Btelv do not believe that aueb bead and hark, van st^rtouly: Tbomsa { unlU
or tba avaaiar- Mm. Faydsa l«aem
from Cuba and Cuban waiero.
*» pusslble. Tnere Is a
UMserokfarbarbow boma. aad h«r
Third—That the president of the strong Intimation that delay I* what la from fhe stand;
rutted Bute* be and be hereby la dl- desired by r(*.*e <mp.*«ed to war. la tb« burned atmut Ihe neck, hark bruised
dt bur aoenrnenent te recog- 1 the upmloa of the osurt.
cited aaS maay frlaads Jola in wtehlac ksr toar
—yected and empowered \o uae tbe entire bcib of srtrae a.tlon by the Bpaatsh and left ankle sprained; Charles Lewi*,
- with
_____ . npproel tbe tanguage at
e time any n I gov-1 'qnrti
landandnirolfewea®ftbei:nltsd8t*M«. coricw
The" question Is before tbe ticket seUer at tbe ^rk, hand* an-l^
which aiay arias In the plUt- ;ity- Jastir* Mel*an m tbe 8u«1k tnand to ralllnio the actual »ervke of tbe bonae today. A.tnotl.m to noD-concur fac e burned. -Ho five* were lo*L Men c*l roeclutloni; «l tbe world and ontU ; surone rone sbov. set fortK Tbero
w-ere put U> smfk Saturday night erect
riled sufea fbe militia of tbe •ex-eral le the senate n-solutlona wlU
such new government* are so recug- aptnlon* «eem to tndlrate pretty riewriy
lag newTence* snl'Pests
state* to acPh an eirien! ar my K- nec. Brat motion arol it »l» be
Bleed they cBDOt be *utam. d by eur. tbe trend of Jndlcil opinion upon tbto
hy a pwtin motion to cncur.
court* of juat'iv I* have or <o rxercM 1 due*'"" "
R.-ed ha* alriady held ChU eeeskn that
-w. Tl. H- Mtli-EH."
motion to non.rt.ncor with an anretiJ
“Fourth-That^the - Ulled
•- —— e--¥------ -—------ ,
wot take* preiw-.leip e over a motion to
berel.y dlwllin Triy dlspoalth* «• Intlte fttiiry elte* Orieion v*. Ku>-t ltd j
It la v. ry desirable from^
tenUon to esereise sovereigncy. jurlanostro. Arm IL—The naif Of (be Wb'BloB 14$) and a number of Bagttsb .
4ietlon or rontd over said Island. e«- strategic point ..f riew that Ihe Unit groin rievntor at Ibaroc Tunnrl dock*.
cept for the psrtfiraHon theroof; and vote to be ta’ien 9hi!l «;g nn tb .
Charlestwwn. was blown cumpletrty nif
aiuerta it* determination when that ta tloB ej the Repul.lU-aa'Ieaders Tbe de
-TTrrome rose In ablch this optalda .«“•
WUl Taka Wofk te;
by a diiw espInaluB si 4 u'cliak yesteraccompIlslMd to leave the gTwernment bate (trotably win n« be Mag poatib'.y
was delivered by Mr. Justice Story -bav- ..
and control id tbe isUnd to lig people." two hour-i. and If nei-esean a spwlal
tM Wn nniugbl befuie tbe suprsioe •
. .
rule »ii: be lin-i-cht In to cui off emWea W>* cm* tw Kay y>m.
hut.cnnand motl.
Tbe senate naO was oumpietc on the
suftKd nroriy tbe ellre ronlenia o^'cr 4UL .peaklcg for the curt, aid; -Can , workman of the A. O. V.
I the aboi-e reBolutlOfis,
roAi cmktra'havx* or w bn.
MP.Odn brohela of groin. rr.iHiy wbeaL there iw any doubt ibai » b.m the #*- city to Maiat UMIdlng up tbe aaem- Good $ Crown------ea--|.t Waltbatl of t
erotier branch of th.
K- vernmeaL
bmnch of tbe «-!
will TW I The Meamer t^nilinjr.*n. w hh-h l
II.'Sing arT Ibe i
« (be Hwle Has
whbhtl* charsfd uUS our foreign
Tfc-«. ^11 W . .M-tlo* this!
• ---^................... .........*C Bar
Juet Briahed kmillrg al the doi-k. V
tveorded ihemsi-ivea In ttw iMwative:
^ nintui injury f¥o> runie «u litlo^tea'j It. Itaewrroron iroce Wilb;<*'^
•» * *'v«hC *•“' Ssnte'tea'Beaap fcsbwor t bar* for «*
THc mMance
nu nr
Juliet and Qxfords.
aoeam 8TAX9.
893 PAIRS Ki* ’)
$8 00 Juliets going at
$2.00 Oxfords going at........................ $1.4$
Theoe mm sot oheap niAdo forda, bni ax* good (ooda
afdd dMAp.
Frank Friedrich,
Tla.e OXa. melAtb'bXe-
War! War! War!
' MvxxjBnra XT vr.
iGracwies it Followitg hiCRl
W. la te tbs aoteeOUaite PrwW;
< •
Wgkhlngtrm. April 1«.-Tbe artbm of ,
Greai Hrtialri In deebtrtng coal t.. t- a ;
etmlrobsnd of war. a* retorted ftrin ,
Jamabl 1* said to have a slgnlBronce i
dWreronl from ih*l sllo. hed lo It In Ihe :
dlarwlche*. AS expUhied In a high ftp- '
Inmatlc ousrter such li order wm*ld ‘
ve*«-l of either Spin or-!
not pretml
.. Kairharika Hie. Hanna. H*w1-r/
Hoar. McHrid.-.
of f«..n.-.ticut. Platt of New,
Tork. IUlchard Sewell. t-'|>ncner. Well
ington. Wetmor and While—tl.
It waa not until the first voier-«h*t on
tbe.amendmem of Tun>i<- of Indiana
____ X....___ a. — _............__1.. .. ... .w.
f< r I ii>imitlon of tbe laland
tak-n. that the scS■ brought u e to fai* with tb«
,m,;r(oi*Bla adjoining and a buM^ , dwitleiy by Chapin A
w-vte dsmag-4 tt».re or lem hy the
debris from the raiiT The lum 1* »1lmated by lire ttndt i-wriu-rw at nroriy
gteO.OCd. well eovrrod by tnawroiwe.
Of (he 40».«W) bushel# of groin IB the
etev.tor .hr el^tor ofllcjl. late th.l
a Jorfin nuiinn Ba*i«..r * fa. t In re- ovanlac at wbiehaclamof so wtti be Gold Dual........................................................ISebqgt
garir'io tte-fco'erelghly or any Island orjgiteg
wncit This order U oae of I . _
_ _
‘^Te.ii't'" I
the United HUi
iTln the^'es, In- 1^
giro. Norwouldlt jumema vroaelofa ***“
befllfi-reDL 1-iwer ukir
Wklng aboard suBICbicago. April U.—PoUnwlng sr* the
Clent coal l« carry "her to the neii port,
t Once out Of tbe port, ■however, the vro- score* made al League base lab games
----------------------- —..........................
eel f“|hA- her own chance* sr** her Saturday: Al 'New Tork—Ihiet< n 4.New
arau. »: Pbpolleta.
,Bd It 1* llAble tn Tork $—apeclBlor* nroriy mobbed the
umpire ^er abusing him. and wanted
•aa. k Kays-KepubtlroiS: SS; Demo- |
„ „^rond of war while en
«F*te. $.
, 1 n.„,e to a port of tha brillgerent |imer.‘ to lynch him; at I-ouiarnie—Piiubnrg
Upon the Anal vote the llgnment of ;
roar X. LottUrillr I; at nnrinoatl-raeTeland
partle* waa aomew hal dlffeient from ,
». Cinctnnail 1: al BalUmore—Wasbln*-.aaaa^^,
* fnf CTOl Oh* WOUW be «bl* tO tOB 1. Baltlra-re «: at Pblladelphlaathai on ....------the Tnrple
analyste of «
B supply so»eleiii to rorry her Brooklyo 7. Uhlladelphla $: at Ft. X,o«la
—Game died at end of Sm Inning—
r ebirogo.
S^Birtertai !lo lnqu.rv---oor 1*,W the
grortue of the eoun i« determine—
whethri the exe. utfve
be right or
wrong. It la enough is kaov (bat la
Che ecerrlae of hla coBMRuUonal tuneMi—. he bsf deed'd the question Bbv.
^ org*-i*atioB.«.dro,joy.» r«.d 1 Alpnheus Pierce
*“ ***‘»«“?•
867 Front Strdst
wW|«m4anl HotM.
One of the moataelaet Ad pleasteg
lag done thu-under the rewponalbnitiea IgaJi^^roa Of U>* asqsoa freeled
Ih^. »: ifcamocrota. t—n.
9 m
gnU-4MLK A
sodseesf'tbe -TWashlBPtoB. April U.-^Tol»bly tba
^reeh ihafteoot riearty defined tbe
into wooM be subject l
selkur^hy United Stales ablpa. Tbe
0Blnrrule.lt Ja *a«l. would apfdy tt oaoe
a ship of Oreal Brilln or any clber
rouniry waa engaged In earrylng
aid protrsiband srticlei. Tbe Bag would
tect the ablp aa a aibole. but it wteild
tnaaons lot tbe vptee of tbe twenty-one
asMtore who voted aginat the Cuban
awDtetloo adopted Saturday night was
man could doubt hlaleylty
le tba eoantry or the Sag. M b* aerttewly dauMed tbe wttdote of ding
tbal wbk* bad boon a
• the days ot wSi^os
kited States nava
SL lriUte-Chlcago 14. Bt. LouU L
can't W-rk Hlteaul a ram* Oxd.
E>ro Moines. la.. April U.-A suit baa
been filed Id the dnnrict court of Polk
county against tbe Dea Moines TypogrophleaS unUm. la whleb Georg* B.
Hugbee asks for «.$•# dainages. claimiBg timi (be members of tbe naion
bsve tbro*t> klm out of srurk becatuc
he Is not a member. Hugbee aays be
tnaks* bla living as a pm
a Das
Meteea nn•bartar vambar of tba
“tn tbe €U* of liBiber ea
mh Howard.
Beeden , tba bill bseteg basa ebangsd from Fm
I) tbe question for ^ plaroln to La Mmetele. did not affaet
meia waa the true state geverpmenl of ,
Rhode laland. U was there
that |Tne proancuon was.
mider the <w«tttutlonai requirement (no stagtav aad
•«. ~r u™..
lueh merit.
waU aa
that the I’BIted Fistes guarontee to . ^ groirayl of tba IcAteg SUti. beeach state a repubUroa govemmsHt it |
UgUe rndimwilaJili
A ngrtaeawas far coagraro te deride what gorero-1
meU isestabitobed In the state baforo >»rij atnnr ^
Wateed Aiwa
It ran detemn* whether It lv*»P«bli-1 faemad a pJaambUaatem.
ron or net. and that, tberefor^pibe act •
4 daisy te tbe arrinl of new eoaof roogtro* which 1^ been paaaed wa. [
for Fte Dtevol* made it aanaala that oaae e^troinag
i *a*y ter th* ahaac« of bUl tent bl^t.
• Bat Mr. Chief Justiro Tkaey. *pmk-1 A* the oompaay feel eertete tbeaa
lag for the court lo that eaaa. said: | tvmaa wll^ arrie* today, they haea
'In the saae
armagamaste te ‘nglbwi tbetr
, ———» -ro-wwt«de*d he tbe pees- I
. tbeoourte
tdent d Iways n
oeaalag'a periarmaate aad ariU
Aad tbi* prtoripto k«
I te tela crij hf 1
aptfted by the Art of tuiiaieaa te the
aoverlgn atata* of tbe Ualea. U M
ttmlgkt, kboaU thaaaetamaa aet laU
tbs Um* ad tbs Sl^ Loadar m
7 what others til you te
. bat coma aad m te
! gaamatac 11 my week to b* right,
and U it does aot prove *0 1 make it
Step to tm $ a*eteA aeary aeaateg.
agpeat Baadpy. te the OaUwll A Iiadoa baihU^. at barth and at DateA
bek, 6d8 tod Bagjji^
Wbsa la aasd af aaytkteir
Ito* ramambarlhls te Mw.ftea* te laiMS
te ka mealrod. the opam AaaM kf «b*
Tmleama Cl^ Ibaatra talBg pakUa. Fm
Bic)ble Riders.
BaaMkar tbai i do all kteda of lapairing aad agamallag. aad that 1 caa
and do ^vs you tk* best wiwk of say
Dteecda. Frtem wiQ k* bat U. teaad
Thoae Ho.'S.
Dttailt Of tha Ri0t That ftMultad
in Intuit to thaUnitad
Aath-mle. t^arertaaa la Uaadia
jj^ giSl&o B»^at;TuiaDA^
•tal tilter. «W('k
o«ae s snot trat>r»wl>n ra enna*,
•o»n*r or tei^ hM>rfr (. and itet
proaiwri Of fWMr (•
Al an r»WBU nrtoUai
iwprraeBtatIVM.ot thf .
*ad crrat faopca ai* plaret ta
WImm do Ae dara iKgiu? Tb-'v aart
A.k-r Joal’a. mother dhd.
»b. t iead--M IB eaaiem Cuhw. left by rail tor
Lark ,
by a ,*•■■*»«
Hc^ld no* taaW
. ..
vbe bad alr«ad> met la aboUier part
rl«d by the fdnedal public •
They did
wi ;ir,
i fnju. wed ittwet In UaiAga. and reaaons for rejecting the entrance of
mpanl.^ by a i-ery large -rouvl re- Tep Kyck. the ac-uller. who won the
mlde4 >n the Pla» de la Conylltu- ’ „"mo„d aculfe here lari year. But. it
The civil governor and mayor of j
the reason* are
mstened to the stmt to clDi 1^,, ;,«nalderkble feillng has
r sr....■
taiUng liwJde.
TmbarW UtU* livae Tarams-A
Dr. Higgins,
^ wittK* ..f ibrTur--------bleUt-
I BBOWW. Aiwrey S
given place wa* firri diecovend by a
traveler from tbe earrward or tbe weag
work and wae •rilling In cviulon in bri
di*oore*wi to Eakiicbea nwdlug On tbe stand bmtde blm
lopeans t^ travelert from tbe weri airf
ta HeresaUle Ce.
nwhstiicwllv. take one 1 them and «wt It dear iLe line wbkfa mark* wbm tbe
riowlym iSviwd. Tb. la*t blto be in- day. ln«in lie. briwean *»»-•»»
Jy gave ti tbe large lUai-k cat tbat (be Pacific occaa. and »n*t*ad of taiag
bu km*. It wa. evldriit that b. , «»igbt tine gIgBg* abort, dividiag
solid coiDfurt
d tobediacdVeiTd
late plniaaa extraettoa of teatb.
Aattdotar. for extractMi-of
witboat pain Waed. LatesgRad
3»y. prepantiow yat aaad -lor
maUag egir»etMe aasy:
OOtrgU. AUaraey* a
l‘ P««i *» »* diR»Te«d from tbe weri.
Orices. cuy Opsiw B
on hi. 1-oe. riid b.
'puttbe cal on-Oie floor wUb aeant o«»- tbat «e«an where it t* aol yet derided to TTT H.y09T«B.Lttoyfa
W. anseOsB
6rud gifidi t IRiiia LI
an wnlrance' irtu the Cervantes the*
will K.r atria..
atr*. The representation was stopped
Clereland. April H.-llie IBemidsyaa
and the ofvhestra played a, patrioUc
march, the whole audience Joining In of the Cleveland Wire Work* company.
ged when I
governor. i who were
warned by telephone, made bis appear- | wire truritookpta^taof he^t
arcs. T^fi aom*- ••nc cried 'When the,ha\-e been noiined of a rjduMlw of «J |
ebumry *• In danger no ibeairiral rep- ]
rescnivtlon ought to be given.' The ;
resome -Work. The men Will accept
audience ^rplBuded and In a few BtlD- , th* rednctlon tmlber than takTlhe riak
trie* epontanebusly cleared the tb^ | of not regalnins employment at the
Btre. From Ehls the several conilngenta j «ork*
of people nolstly paraded the streets
e DI4 Utti* B
the demonrirallnr* conllnaed until *n
Ha pui them on UriAable, thttaded a i
die with
difficulty and tbaa weat
BKgyow or yericxday.
Tbm nari also
a(sSwita.ia •Sort rob.sa.tsri.
havlag beta pwajaaeatly occaptod by
la. el»ilUad peopie. change ibair day flwa
»5H“r‘r ‘'1
b« it Wa. empty.
Ho llgbtod time
lime to tuna,
tima. ao tnai
that, aaoiptauiiw,-a ship
j,m„^«^«„o«nUtbayanl.bti* tbo* comiag from China might, amra
„i„_ .
^ Tm-day. while aitotber Dip tallital ------- r:
advance hour of the night, the police
being powerles*. Thl» morning
*•' tl »! t » Trsv.Oig
to Mm*eU. and
Then mutt also to
boUIlcn bim.
tbl. line tbat
wm, sud be
He got tbe matortala and iberelfri hi. back oaa find yasBaday.
otcoInK.werv spent toad------------------—•-----------------------------
.^3, p^“ to?
then Saturday was quickly suppreaned. \
___ '
u ".T'L.
» .
the authorities baring prepared to put'
e ^
it dowa . ny order of the igovemmeni 1 faged over I«.«to 0to of gold.
: ’ 'The-g,.ld I>remlum at Uiban. Porin'
I gal. at cloeing Saturday was %i.
apology for the Inault. ’The eacotebeon t
Edward UeUamy. the famoua latbar.
‘-.-itbe kUalB, and tbs black o
entUe ajbu
fiab givas I,
BDO cnnoiBc taaesi; tbe c-vtuo
topi^ whichistto^ikytiul^wb^^
The 1st of Rny eama, and ike hood waa
sUH unfinished.
One Bight when Jod waa sarroonded by
lb, nvodifs and thread
uoa gentle knock
fcaock rii
at bk*
hi* door.
door. He
bad been nnnuyfsd
aunuyfsd before
briore to bays tap]
ysUow eomca from tbe camel; ivory
^p* prodan tbe ivoty black and bate
UacA: tb* ' esqaisiie prasriaa blto'
comm from fosiug bonea' boota aad
______ animal
___ _____
matter with impara pataa-
m «too s,!*_*_«
s.Kto,".','.lii.:-.,., to,.
r>‘-- -‘>V?
InnA I have had a long and iGtcrvatIng
oonveraatlen with a diplomatic rapress-maiiv* of me of U.e European pw-
top.—. SK;
If* of S
S3: iSS?
C Wes**. -
^ msrinry and leroihoo is
bosn qaicksilra-on.—JPnp.Rer.
m—^ Ch*« w.-o-i
TfBWwraa ORy MMimn.
iQi^cot Pork Wib---..............
5^, j. K
I. A Co. Bert...........
Then In
gariiapand gave tbal
e proceeding aitboufl:
Imri year tba progrM of imUwgy tatarpriM In Japui wbs pbtaOmennL
Binoa tbe pioator rail way
ed batwecB Tokyo andI Tokobamm. a
to very difficult to n
s.«;.to totoUtoto mAu..*-
tbe Atlantic is jou aci^g to be op tom has t*ta extaadad at u
posed succe«>fully by the govarnraenta rata of
“•Bot what I am cerUIn of la this: tad
ncre will be no roat-war In (he ordi
nary sense of the word. Hrs:IIIUec will
tad almoin a* soon aa they begin, bv•rtisr Europe will mediate between Ibe
toillgarenta under condNIm* a hicb wjl
tend to be extremely favorable to pasta total; tbw bringingit ap to t.OOO milai
tfarfandnambtaa Otbsr Haas ara an....a btaor for both rides. 1
■‘.TT mT
that tbe marked moderation
*"^**?i *bS
Spnnlta government wlU baar fruit.
it than will bo OD ■
'* *■
The Idea of artned Inlervtatlon^ Eu.
Not c
y«pe U absurd and u
power I# disposed to aopport
MpimntioB. aitboogta all -Admit
from tbe point of view of Ititeraational
taw Spain M In the right and the United
' States In tbe wrong. H aaeaiM to me.
iberafot^L that Spain »IU y« enjdr an
oppatwrttyof irytactba-------------------------- ■ oertala that
week lahw that J0I
Mia Saana’s llitl* bakecy<
Oats per bu (<"
Our* per ba..
Vattoa to Ar^taato.
Boms BotUlag
Wtot tatbe lUaof atroUeyearw^t 1^*^!,'*; ”
Tba Unltod Traotioa oompaoyof PiBa- Bnw. par ta-...
tang wporia tto avatagi lui «f'na wbeala
to ba abort *5.000 mika and astliuaiea
Slaetaie Ratba-If yoa ba*a oeUo.
that abort one-t^ 1 iWa Ula U
• da. any fona at
toMnia grinding when tbawbtelsba------------__ _______
StSort ^company aewril asaoma aeoralgta.
«fakla troablaa of wbaVvariaty.
b* an Blaetrie Bath,
OaptalniW speaks of tba Btatffis- otban bays Hi wtoals with ito gaarantso 1
a 18. Markkas Big . a trial bath
taBca^ta^^Tto bei^ariBg «f
iatenasooU. Wa of(«. ba tayA la tba naba w-»bta
arcticragioos btaid p«ntoenysliala
KTm Wait Toil Eits Eitai ial
igidldnt gowcll ymterto salt avecybaay."
Markham Hlk.
“ ’■‘o.Js^'Kisiair
or wl
tto p—to ssr,^ps;i*>-
>* l* announc*d Utai W. P. Norton, of
*1* ^UeoldooaoB ttolK.
u .-irintHii* acr has bought of Cbaa. foraiMtural
ibe^thoroughbrad Ornament |
Be took tat ito ginger snap* a»
2-^-old fllfy. May to tbe glass, tried on tba now b
_ To lataaSssl BtaSay. Juno ta.|iW. .
net-. Hugh Wallace Ford, of Vanda-' m»d abowod Joel Boonett and bstena nrcbipelagu.
U tbe
of worf
boweo to twch other.
Mi,i.uiBtcd chaUlalB of- the
asbes; Very litUa nluamariaa as obfooDd In Iba marktt; It l.ttiadeartifi-
UimB us HBBUini LI
“itii'rs.EE.Es.issEss.i-irsoES: r-tirito
to,...to, wtoto. N..to»,
tofeto. Mto
frodhtba bnnii c«Dpb«:
recegnltiun of Cuba or of arn»d Inter- I Uiurd, to rank aa capum.
'b ^^Blak fdreramem could^ R^y 1* has been fixed aas the date for
g of
the t'nlted Sutea bat- TbfWWB.*nu.thiotUnKiogtoibeki>ob.
tolerate elthri^f these courses wlthbul .................... .............
risking the - gravesi eonsepueocca in if, ship Alabama. In course of construelie took Itoll and catrrlad U lawtbo
Spain."Uun at Cramp's •hlpyac^
The Madrid coftrspondenl of The
Botjoina. F.y.. opposite
U wssa IreatriHol brown punklB bobd.
Dally Telegraph, lelvgrahplng yester- «punt Vernon. HWC, George Dakar shot quUwd alth tiny ►tltcb.*.
lh*lde R waro
day. saj-a: ’Tb- grratrri enthuslann 1.
killed hi. lAi-le. David Hanabop. a quatiuiy 1 ginger sna|« and a bunab of
manlfLSl even where amo^ ihe pcple. ^he two men dispul-d ovef^
---------carnaiUiu pinks.
- .uliBcrlUng et
A heavy rain and ball atorm vWted
tor toU fire i.ilnnua J«d stood looking
they i-an afford to the
vma.v.u Nebraska yesterday afternoon. ‘,(^^^^j,i„g,ai>dtbviilH)Mld;'‘Toihlnk
national dtfvnn*. J am a
*'**' dolor muth damsge. In some place* aa*^,,^-(,1 1 wouldat’a’tbongbl
prlve tbctiifamine* who
much aa three Incbto of water fell In an
gclvra of one meal a day In order u
s beaming fare be gathered
Then w
gl|je (heir mite to the goi'cnunant.
Mmuri Oompera denlea Hi* rum« vp bU u
“Some popular bull fight, ra. whosi
h* Is pf Spanish descent
He mya cloth and ouuon baulog and pot them In
•perf<.rmancc* are •north hundreds
thousand, of franew
have reBUtea ' '*WhUe be wa. fixing the pinks In a
aolvM u. ai>andon their vocation and to ,^,,1--p nu, nf*.
to wa. struck by.as anllgbUoilDg tboutat
a Bj”!
-nobby“ Matthew*, tbe gvtat base , «soght It by tbe aboulders and abtnk tt prodncea gamboge. Bbila raw Mama is
I ball plicber. died of psttesls.at BalU-^ vigurously. ’-Ml teaeb youtoeomakneck- u^pamral sank from tba neighbtw’-iroore. .Maitheaa was about 41 year* ipg atmy door!’-'be taW Oei^y.
l<iadon. April 11 -The Madrid
j 8i«na. Italy, and raw omb«
Onibria. India
spondent of The Btandard iHegvapblng Old
ia isfifiss
tsS fW, rotookoy
I pisawwipban
baa been replaced. Ikte press s^iigly , u dying of consumption nt Denver
denonneco the occurrence which, it 1*1
Mis* £vs
awn payweat dowa. baloac* n Uwe.
pointed out are likely to intraslfy tb* j sresiem ualvcrsity, Evanston. His. U
qalie Mr. Deyl*. SSI Itm at.
•trained relattombetween the fwo coun
He *ueu
sped uua
out acw
Into tbs **.e.w*
nlgbl to.to.
and m
,. tba black
--------- cesuea fi
Hobert M. McLane. former miolrier to ’
jo tbe dlsianca ba oooM sea a Uaek wine stock: tarkeyw red is made frM
o* be rani .
in a few inlnuto* beovtriooktbaflgma. Aokhi: tbs ycUuw mp of a hism traa
iBtocta tanisb toa
last night says: ’The vole In the acBSte
has caused a most wnfavorable Imprcslun In Madrid, aa cltring jhe dopr to
an und> rstandlng of any kind being ar
rived s^wiy^n the Ppanirii and Amcr
, ,
■ n 11 r r».d nt
MBem Is IfomarM Wert. Tto»et»ni. MkA.
widertbkP# linn
t tbl* Une. tm.* iotn,,. forward « bomr*
•on u-e frtrii noon of on*'day to msm of tbe day
iMbwlInc bv It. two eimiye idTalr.
fonowiag. Tbe situaligB of tfaU linrdeDlm hcfviiB Uuwcu.
akjBgtbe pad* oo tbe cfaaboe of wbetber any
iliX"'"’™ to. «TOon«to. I
Attoeacya at Law.
t PrtPclpally. owing to the ri.ument that,
day* i.seaB
begna iiwlndlid
, ,
into jd tface BO
5jri-riak park. Wanblagton atr^
be iMr*.e«liel'rar-'C bNi. Be I
known w«ld wr* rvacbed tbe
«4 ,ig|,t^cril the aeit ,
when it came on pv*» tbe ]
borinou and bri.nKbt Toewlky i
ln^hit^l.-fvl therefore
when. Tm«la» iwm!
When iweriiay ^tiegaii
As dikcovervfk pu.bM tbritwayfar(ber <-B*tward and wcenrayd lbi*aiyNi
aarnower mad nairowet aatU
ebanged nm) tbe
"vm that the Ten Hycke received tlri !
the S2l?di«; i
part of (he furniture of Ipe consulate
Wk-naserlousiyda-wnged. Whenfhecrowd
was at tbe taigbt of h* fr<
••was brought, and « man
•f the Americna escntcheon threw It
to the ground amid Jpimense cheering.
The eriniicheon wae^raded
rrayge* Aafced
phr through the streets, and u
> (he rroaded Plasa de la
Rarrarden. .
where Its appearance raised a Ibm eomfortable day yeetcf
• rauaed
great enthtialasiB.
doctors any there ha* been
headed by a well known Carliri, ,
LU condition dartag tbe
went through tbe principal streeu and ;
week. Aa
the gravity of
paarwd by the
----------------- ------------------- *' •*
t Hawarden
trying incessantly 'Death (e *he
•ried tbe prayava
ad giAtes." and ’Death to tbe
'•of the church for Oindstooe. He r
,Tl»a mlnlriars 1
Well, Nov!
j(s„ ,s,«na. .*.^1. n*.jd» louiid
about tbe.«uy nwm.
llWe t^wy. .h. *igUd>r w
uuneenuntablr nmwm
_ r:prlii»t esmo, and fjr aum^TJ^ Jori
. bat, while ibe im'nkln btxid
Luul. Inbie i■'•k i»'r>.
I diiy lowi.rU ihu vtHl el A| ill.-Itei di,d Ilmi U WB* Umi. to lock a ••way tor
agaln.t «Uoi ing Ten S^ik
^1* attending a banquet
I at Putney '
_____ __
I fcaslonals w
! rtstememetlri<le^VVbe Amerltan hews-.i »be •u"iiii«.
They .art-ie.1 a fpanl.h irinner. •»«
■laar pe.i>lc gather Uioraa by failing
ibeec tbe waratag aeptonl by dt»-
wli* kocriWr pale* la Itaj '
hack. kMBTT* aaC Wadier-ae* l»a^ « \
Also gaod boBse aad SO fast lot. Oak
John R. Santo,
fiencral lisDiaiw
Take UtaMJWoay Bean* at oBce-tbey ,
What am 1 oSaawd for a good'boBM aad
toodon. TbD U of coowB abamrd.
Bi-fnre the
of tbaiaadsof o^ra. TiikTi-nkak'a or Ihiuc iUfttatbal6tbatrat.weM« Aecfyd*It^ne g|,]be* tbo^wba no difccalty of this AwauitiA make Utah Kidney Beaaa.
Irabl* place, esa be bought ea. rntb
•kind tVhf a tbe enn etood o*tr Ltmdoo
. Staten.
o dlaperac them, bat only auccerJed In
drlvtag the rrowd from the front of the ber* of tbe Henley regatta copimlttae
EieryUidy notk%,! ibtodiiapldotcdcon- ,rf-jlw
The dem.in*liwtor» ibun , have dpcllned the roque.Wf a repreo-n-}
-I wondtT „„
paraded long the Calle de Daroea. the-tatlre of the AsK-cUied Premlo fumi»h u b„ win «.«, that old tiling n.*t j».r.
e people, and wem received with loud
eertng. but In the tnoenUme atmthy
« the
grooTi ported thenieelvrW upikwll '
Amerti'sn consulate.
Attsek b. Ike OoMlri*.
'ibiee «vrv place* where
t at this
gru ewlUet and.!
Amerbwo connolaie ac '
r for Sp4in.
It ao jim kaowC'
Tho old si..i» h.iod brntan to Show the tKKtra Uter—that U. TaowUy not*
Bred, tbe ;
tag a demonstration arrtvod in front of
wealllBrd tbo liiiw
»o aarlitr. ao that wbeo U U Mw lay Boon I
uoarto laLoadoa it iibome-------- ---Mlmn<9riii bokenandliancmdtbcm/ur
in America, il follow* tbat if '
—vt.P«plewt« eobOtPHiwilbontt
w1fb great roolreea
The people W L.a,\.i
they are prepared for a Itghl^ are
•vaMnjc a iatge group'of youtia people
b, a cirter Hue
Ever Burned Out?
Heuint tbal aa one B«m»
aunt* i'
Mlm (jetroa Uoaeo a plum* anopa.
Pr*Brtpe pill arvejH (he,«
received the coramlSfloB a
Indliwle a neutral
cendltlcna.and a rla<-e of meeting.' The
latbdon. April It-The tUliga
asdnd.w( of The Dally
tag at nootr Saturday.
at 'MalBKa; -lAlw-gt M
BHirr c. r.yiioa, pn-iMietef pt the
Hob ('tothinc^bouaa. Clilraao. fca* afi*
BoupiW that the plaM of emplorra
te Bicbt PpalB win b*
hrM <>T>en O r thm os IhHr retvra.
CatPtair. liar.
R- a.. iyK rrt'urwad
from AlarkB.wUl rreomoiend'to (be war
department the e^ndlog of irtrpa Into
tb« Iniertor < f Alahka and U.e e*ial»
lUhireBi of r loimarr form of sovemmeni .• (h*
ne««ia'kn. •« eo.
HOC deflim
deBne the
Uw placo. fcotii
bnt U rwoA accordaocord- ,
^ eould probtU,
protatl, uicn.!
o.c...l .1lra«
.11, a. wall a. they' aoe
cniild. apd Wbin
Din ihi-yli<in»l
Ibai be pat« .|g|j
u,t« tbeorlft. in a rlgaairauKmg
»rd Lropoldo sola (a wll
ibatr«cMkliigioiu |>lu.Uxy
(be iaiaadaecaumd over (bat
known lawrer). dealcnated by iha an.
_ ..
three leaAlnr hard rubber Monparlra af
iui<t.«>4«mwiib boy(be r«aimr>-. have bet-n a Ucvem. Deal
.nut HimI nl armMliT OD^fatia. ®* afTfoarm a wnin lu au •>
*; l'£^w5k(J^orBdtort?bto*m?i*dli.«.Bua week', i.p.wreont Uial the ia"»
CtMM ts tatvrvl»w iIm RoWH
* orihaUcidar.aeoihl:ii iihwawl dough, tbeda,* bnda Ilea tomrwhcte « W
Havana. ApHI lL-TaAM-<Ay momlag BP*a«^'Bo(*'l« be iuid^W’aat'ji, (be Pnriuc oceMi. Al^atrlgbl line dot*
iHa(M.Uw ntm nay. bal Wake ppaa, Batabano, tron. whkh p1p( “••P ’» »> ,
Iba (waaod —d
W. tww:
OFHCiu nm
ov *ax out.
•atU tkm Sp-lrer mM: **Tb« fwtl*■M to Bot (■ Bcdar."
“I B« U <>r««r.- BhOBtaa Mr. Bail;.
"I dnooBM that sUteMant* •! tW
^air aa fatoe. if U« ^air iataoM to
Another big lot of '
Wall Paper just received.
From 3 to 3 l-4c
a Pout^lejioll and upr.
Xhatto tbe «toa of Yolnataar Armrl
rraaldest Kar.Aak r«.
Waablartoa April 1» —Tbe praaSdest
wlU aak eaarrtaa ior aatberity to ratoa
of teo.uio. Tbe bill
XXeZTBD SBVATXwbtob baa bean diaftod to tbto effect
wiU probably be eabmittod to eonffrcto
Tbe Beaenia wOl probably follow tbe
llaee of preriouB ktatotce to tbe ease
vrov THB PBorOBITIOV rZBST efleet. ItwUlrlre tbe pmldeet an*
tberity to ealtot sea and
ei»Dad oScara of a roiantaar forea for
Banaa Bafnead to BMorniae laaar- tba parpoaa of aorinenUBir tbe rrrolar
tbe annber ■■ not exeeedlnr
raat OovarataaBt aa IndapaadaBt-1 ^7
Wltfa that dalaat akoat Baltjr tiOBk
Bto aMt aatid a daBOMtrattaa of a^
proral ao bto aida
••Tbaia to Bodiae
tio& of fact bafora a
Siaakar «b1b)/ wkaa qatot waa nTBV BOTTBS.
HoUey & OonnAbl* •
2^ Front 8tr«eL
irly for
Hot Worda Taaaad Batwaan Kr. Baitar and Bpaakat Baad-BaaoIutioB# ^ Bt X»t Loaaa Aa Oeda Aa Da. .Oenearred in Senato Beaolatloae '
Actaa IBat Cuba Oo«ht to ba Traa
With Anorption of Boeoc<»tloa
eialoB -Ooaaaa Froa Oon^raaa.
Bnt Xndapaadaaea Clauaa BlimlaaOlaaae^Botb Houae aad Saaata i
roleateor* wba bare bad
WaabloirtoB. Apdl JA.-'-Oeaeral Al*
tad U Omar to Saciua 1
ter to n^t tor war," aaut Mr- Carltoe.
fieara wil<^ elected tor reylBeatal,
bat we
‘■I have jniit tafked wiib bia. lie aaja
WaablartoBj .tprill^—At noon tfar aed eoel^ey
made up of
•aacM to Moisia* Rmu.,
tbe dofft of war will be let loaee di
atatee. i
peiker wba-krd bU yayel and ellenced '
' ’Waablartoa, t April 1«. S:U a. m.—
the eottfatlee oa tbe floor and tbe bum tar pa/pomible. Tbe t
rea^uiione before ooofraea."
each refimrai will ba eoeb ea to pro-: MfirkhSHI BIOCIL
- After wotbiar aatU vldnltbt tbe
of ooarermtio. in the crowded raller- ^,,,
---------------------toooae and aasaU eoafaraea arraed
but no eooner baAUej^plale .omelkior. for iaaUoce, like tba kiretlp..
to a. oomproBtoe ‘la tbe-luitar
^ tbe .prayer wbeaib^co^iiaioo j Micbicaa iVortokwel tofenu^
«t diffareiiee -on tbe CoWa mewet radoeblad ae the memU;aj/borad !
■aearal Int
r Oriaiaal
adaUaaa T^a warda **ara and” in
wz an vo xo&b sKtrs.
To Ba Triad Thto Tann la
dartatr ibr laet few praeioai moiDeDta.
tba deelaratioe la tbe flat para|rr^b
Otrcuit Deurt.
The rcadins of the jrarwal bed aot^poreiga VaiAetB For'Warabipa to
Jhat tba Cabane.''are and of riffbt
Tbe Cireait Court nii^ yeatarday with been eonrleded before tbe tocretei.v of '
' oorht to ba Irae" are left la the raaolu- Jndra Corbiu oa tbe baacA Tba fore-1
tba-aenato aaoouabed the paAi«ye efi Waablartoa; Apri! IM—It i«aa stated
ttoaa aa arraed npoa. and the Tnrple nooB waa derated to Ue inforaml read-1
tbe boaae Cuba* re«>Iuiion wUb eenato | at the »
naaadaaat ia deelarlat that “tbe inr of the calender, w)
laatanUr tbe rali;nea!‘*“* ib.rfforu to eeciire the Chilean
Callad Statea ' baaby. raeoratoea alaa crlni
bam bee. praetU
« and fit toea chaakm aod tbe membm of j
*Uadoaed, and them to a# loerer
«ha r^blto of Cnba aa »be true
tba bonae leaaed forward to tbair aeeta any proepecU of tba Ualtod 8tai
•ad Uwtnl fforemmeat of the leland'
Amoar the oimiaal eaaea are acme The laaderu watched each ether with
beiac able to aeeure any mere warabipa
Matridwaioat. The aenale dedloed pt of oeatlderable Importance. Tbe meet
Intent and alert featutee. Tbe flret
Iff to foreira natlana. or
totbe eaae of Jeba T. Oal«'Arat to staad out- for the
beinff boilt ia foreiye abipyarda
beua ed Ktofaley, who to awoeed of MM waa important. Ae tbe raeolninet aa paaaed. bat ton repablleaa eenliberttoe with a girl tloaa were read. UedaeUiation with
•toca who are for war came \o tbe cobnader t^e are of le. Celbone lean old rerard to t^ raeorai ttoa of tbe tode- made aa enyacemeai for one more
elBBiaa that If they cocld retain the man and bai been a juatlee of tbe pence <
olybl U Stelaberr'e Orasd ao 1 toaiebt
at Caba were
“are aafl" U the firat eeaato to Kinreley about 15 years, which fact, ‘
wlU five aootoer ifood prodnetion.
The dem
the Denmcrab
Itoolatloa they weald be wlUlnc to let torettaer with other el
I enetration wae repeated when tbe iwadMajor Joba J. Uadary of Grand Rap.
rodad bto trial
Ida will be here tomorrow aiffbt to coaeat. When arrairaed he pleaded not Idr waa coBcInded.
- Tbe npeinUMaa arraed npoa to the
lailty. UaderwcedAUmloraadHoa.
Both Mr. Dtorl^. the fleor leader of daet a nieoUaff to tbe ioteredta of tbe
- nMifyaato tone f^owa:
W. H. 1Foater are hie attomeyd.
tbe majority, aad lir. Bailey, the dem- Volunteof* of America. Bvarybody to
{torlied to attend at tba armory.
^Fliat-That the pa«^e of tbe tolaad
TBe eaae of M. £. Ellto. IKaar rlola- oeratk Under, were on tbelr feet.
Oabaareaadafrirbt oarbt to by tioa, wae patoMr the tern ea aooouat Dtorley waa rocoffaleed immediauly
Danoe toelcbt aC SUveia'.
of tbe illdem of Mr. Ktito.
Landlord Holdys of Park nece will
flceead—That to the dnty of tbe be tried fer ^l«m ylolaUoa of tbe
DalMd dtatce to demaad, aad the cor- rame lawe. He to aeeaeed of aerrtor tor out toa clauae wbicb reeornUe*
at Park Plaee after tbe eloea of toeindepnndenoedftbeajttollar Cuban
the Caited State* doee
taaby demaad that tba rorerameat thy oeaeoa. Thto wUI probably be a republic.
Ilwroi. apparcBt before toe end of toe
* ««apatoatoeee i^qntob lu anttaorInt roIl<
Ity and foreromeat la tbe tolaad of eecaeed of obuakar a boy <
Tbe annoaneament of toe
. Cuba and withdraw tte toad and naval with them, were arrairaed and pto
have got them, at
Buj '‘New Idea" Pattefas,
If It's
Wash Goods
Wheel Enameled For S2.ii0‘
Steinberg’s Grand i
rote aa 17t*to 156. anl toe doetoive tIcnot ffuUty.
AWCM from Ooba aad Cuban, fraura
Gey PUree, who to ebarpad with an tory waa loudly appUuded by tbe re•Third—That tbe preeldeat of tbe
aaoU with toteet to do freat bodUy paWtoana.
CniWd Stotto be, aad be hereby to dlbarm. Iwa than tbenrime of Border,
dtoaee tbe on
Waabtorton. April 1$.-Ae eooa aaand ba too pl^ed
«toa toad and u4al forces of t'fce Ualtad
0t ruilly. C. G. Turner wae appmat* toe dectoioB of toe boaae became kaowa
Ptolto and to call into edtaal eerrUe of 1 by the court to eondact bto iafuiaa. to toe aenato toe leaden af toa DemeIfatUe Wade, who to aceuacd of lar. erata. Popaltoto aad Sllror RepabUeaea
.flm bnltod Btatoa tbe mUltto of tbe
emj from a atom, pleaded not gallty.
aowttal etatea to oBch aa aitont aa may
cot tocetoer and immediately word
Pateb.la A Crewer were retalaed for
beBeoMtoiytocarTy tbaae raaolitUne her dofeaet.
paaaed around to aoa-ooaenr to
I. and not actaa
Freak Baker, who waa arroatod some
time afo ebarsed witb baviat stolon to a ooafereace. tons throwlar tba re
or,to. clotoinr from aatore at-Uraara. waa
beraby dtool^m
ly for deUy an the bonae.
. jurto- arw^yaed and ba oatorod a plea of
teatioo to exert
whtopered that aotne of the BepabCuUty. Seatoaoa wiU be Impeeed
AUtUn or control over tbe tolaad. asHeanaenatonwboorlclnally voted to
oeptfor tbe paeUUnttoa tbaroef: aad
Rebecca Pieroe waa arrairBOd oa a toaert.toe Turpia emendmrot would no
•mart Ita deurmtoatlon, when thht to ebanre of berplai; and eatored a plea loncar stand by It.
L to leave tbe rororameat of not rnilty. Pratt A Daria are bar
Oa 'reoe^ of toe Cuban reeolmttoae
M« odotrol of the toland to lU people.”
The caee of toe moat local iDteraet to
__ _ .After the rote la tbe ^oate rej<
tbat.of Biley^weara, who la accused by ler eafCtotod toe abaeaca of a quoram
B. D. Alley of forrery. Alley allerea to order to eecare a fall atteadanea to
tba aoaato raaolatUaa, aa patopi
tout Sweet* la yulUy of foryery be
bem.~^ SeveOly-flro aeaaton
tbe I
cause be aifabd * roneber for rotaraod
ea roll eaU. Oa moUoa of
freigbt ebarrea made out to the RUey
Sween Marble andGraatto Co. aftof he Mfr D.Tia, .toe Cuban troolalion wae
imh^aa ao debato up<
bad.reUrad from toa Arm, aad obtaiaed laid before toe eenate.
toe Booey oa it. It was atetod that
addrcMod Ibe aenato tollbeen bed that be be allowed to addrew Swears bad afterwards offered to ro- lac toe effect of tbe acUos of the
tara toe money to Alte^^bb ia aald to
tbe bouse for aa boar on the peace ^e
bavedecllDedtornoelydlt.bntMr. Al boaaa. Be arcod the eeaato to ^oonear
of the .{DestieB. which be a^ bad BOt lay waa ready to
UBd avoid deUy. Ae eo many Uvea have
been proeealed to tbe bonae yet.
a ooDBidenbly larreraam. The eaae been lost wkUe toe matter wae to
pat oa for trial immedUtoly after ebeyaaoe. and aa toe Maine diaeator
Loud erica for tbe reffulnr order.
noon reeem ymterday aad the trial
-Rerular order demoBded.” aald tbe
wasatmanaveaced. beinoved coacur.
>w to pracraae. Fidlowiac are toe
flpTokrr tba clerk .will call tba comre: Goo. M. Stoele. A. C. Hoxic. reaoo to tba boBSa aetom. .
mlttoca for their reporta”
Mr. Stowart of Kevada opoaed the op
Opo. F. Baaay. Vm. Dextor, A. H.
Bailry jumped to bis foot and adiod Brown. Alt^Aadroa. Geo. Slmpeoa. po^Uoa. buir yUlded toe floor «■ too
tbe ebatrdf toe (halt held tlmt the dn Lewto Perry. John Panyataa, David
I of Mr. TeUer to allow a
BtlckUnd, Miebaol Flaaaiffaa. Peter
L At 8:10 a vow waa token aad toa
.Mnd for toe roffplar order was eqnlr
lUcan. Ptvu A Davte appear for
•lent to aa objection.
tto refused to coaear by a rote of
Attorney TweddU wlU S6to88. Senator Burrows and MeMUl•Tto ebalr tblaka if toe ffesU
I to Botioe be will rrad- oondBct all toaec oaam to behalf of the an rotod yea, aad
edaa. Tba Benate voted wltMtdivlawUy Uara |
‘^rCSwa are aeveral elrO cnaec ol
roa." npltod ton Speaker, naroaatlcal- totoreau aiBonc them batoc the damaca loa to toaUtoB tbe eeaato ameadmaata.
ly. Tbto retort ratoad a taafh ea toe ealt acatoerSberiff.Bimpaoa. broucHt
by WlUlam
falee ImprteoamoBk Thostoty ^ too
wOl proooed^to toe troabU wae c>«db oat at toe laet term
Fretodeat of Y.nnstiaU Fall ia BatealL”orotl.nedtoa8imaker.
Fincroe Waa
jadcmcal acatoat offloeia of Pacadtae
••ParltamontHT Uqulry-: ‘■‘•n*
One. SU Onaat
towaahlp. cm a aimlUr actloa.
Haw Tock, Aprtl 18-A oableciam
«bn ebalr>a weeda “1 daairo to fenow 'Tba Womaa’a AaxUlaty of-OraM from Oaraeaa, VeBeaaela. to toe BvaoIf UtoUordm-ter’Ibaepealm, ia re- ehareb wBl meet wlto Mr*. C U Whit toc WoriA soya
______________ - killed to hatOroepoofVt
toqalry of a ney Wnd^ay at 8 o'cloek p. &
tU 'vrito Beiwdea. leader c< the rabrof totobeam.tomaheaaeh a
aa, as oqatoa dM- el fereee. laet Mdey.
• toaC" and waa told. -Hot to a tint aad bona trainer
erof Boewn.
U to
WhUe Oororaor Ptofroe wae to Tea*
Gboice Gandies, G|^, Oru^ add LemoDS.to too to CtikOaaj
Rrmembto I have a fell line of Bley,
cle Soadriec and Bepadra 1 alse have
plenty of workmen to' da yoar wo«h
prompUy. I enerantoe all work to be
toe best, and the lowrot to prlea 1
build whroU to order, they are baaatIm. Call and eee thena.
Egamelial aid Duoratiq '
la the latest Stfles.
i« as rood aa now. The only np-to
daU abop to toe Mty. AU work c«erantaod lociveaatUtaetkm orBoebarcn.
Wheels aold m eeey paymrata. Btey*lee^to^*
?? onMa laet taU be wae tbe ^t of elea^ Taodra^to mt'wTui
Ctom (be eevmaldeya, aad wea en- atenat. aaar Front.
Tba eoatroeotay uapOnnafl «t mm to boram ^alriac
Dr, Andiro bin «^ert to oqatoa den toulMtto to Me praUe of tbe Yenesneaker ortete the baa>. til
and eaa ba omT today at (ark
tonh be^toUW and aonrte^.
H.L GIBBS, Prair.
, 213 Front St
fialttmon Btoelt Beeeirod-Throe TlBca a Wenh
‘la nts. 40c per quart
FlelchN's OptH Dq.1 lad Rmnnurt.
Id a man blowing his owo horn if he selects a
good tune. Neither ns it wrong for a merchant to
everlastingly advertise his goods as the best for the
prices in the city,—if they are the best. Truth nev
er grows so old that it will not stand repeating—'
therefore we repeat that we have this spring the
best assortment of medium and
High Grade Footwear
at tht lowest Prices ia the ctq.
We have cleaned out most o( our old.stock, and
the remainder is bunched on onr bargain tables which
wilt be sold for much less than their value. The
shelves are filled with new^np•tO'date goods in all the
prevailing st^es. Black and color^ for botii men
and women, Welts^Tams and Machnt^ Sewed, workmansl^p all wa^anted.
. \
A large increase in onr trade pro\^,that onr ef......................
rlish fiWitwear
forts to place good,
reliable, stylish
the public, for- the least possible nmnej is bmng ap«
• And can snit the most fastidions. Onr stock is
large and all the goods new and ap-ta4ate. Come
in and inspect onr stock.
Da Model ShM OetartmiL
FOR ONLY $2.50
Will clpan it UMWoaiihiT, true tbe trbecls, pier npy .olof omnwinaud MlatcsMceofuwckMfe. worth e>«e»e of the enraHee wm die,m«mur work fon wish, enamiil or Tamigb yoor rims fur above pricn.
the remul e( {aatraaMmU to ^
<or eatoed» It waa finally deddad to re
I Call aad Mw aample.
one of theanretleatoenhefioM
fn- T. B*TW
J- w. OAavn.
Wo alau BaUd vvuwwis w vrv...,___ _
aper a
■ propter material and work than aoy ahop in the city, Have had w.-veml
**• *^*“ •*^* A"
ilhillJ. W. nxMm. Kditor^ IUMf«. ;qalriec
. .^here pnettceWe. twt|.
yearn' experience and gpRrant<-e eatiata
The hoeda were thpa referred to j
lea Front eueel hetweea Ontoe^
Please trive oa h trial
ELLIS,^11 Front dt-.Baat.
PMk- etieete There me e moMt* to thfrOOWBlttoe on UoeDeee.'.to report at
refer to the ccnimlttee oo Are end weV aa ndjonraed meeUnx next Monday
er. when Mr. OolUfer eeked for ee nbfht- They are aafoUewa:
Anton Nototoy; enretiee, N. Buellmrij eoeeWereUc* ef the mettor. ee
anul. J. J. Dene.
U hed hcea here eerereldnye elreqdj.
Bhdi A, Balherr;
eoretten, ^e*e
He explelned the leeriu of hie oobpea; and after be hed finiehed. John Wane, C M. Pnitof.
Iran Dann; nnretin. Doatnle Dun,
Barry, erut of the Bell Co.,
the cenDcU epon the aeme aahject end Jea. J. Dnnnr. J. Ueehtol: anretlea. A. W. Bar.dbeearered the heard iB eltewinf aa■jothereacbanfetoheeetaWtahed here Uh. J. T. Sonahall.
Oc^Tfi ever^
■He eUted that he wee coapUaeoted ■ b^ols dieder: anraUea. Jacob CnlT»ti\e4 to Vmb
to oetoct tot o ittt.
hy leeaj hwlneee men npea the excel- man. H. WlaehnewakL
BeltKUreieerthe Uelted lenee ef the j»reeoat ewaar* *■«>
pUlac ^flbe end of Ue went dock of
ner. T. U. Shllaon. ,
•tetee are
«>tb the f^er* med that a cheap oompaay ireald be
Pater Beatrun: anretlaar T. M. Bop- Ue TmearM City Lomber Co. Tbe fire
te eoMpetiDg fer-ibe. merkeU «f the detrlteeat to local t>oeleeee latereet
wU «^n by eome men on Ue dock of,
kina. John P. Mateenaotoe dlaeatotoa the ordioao<
«erld. A»ertoeB f\f tro* U belnr After
Uelfonbem Mieblcan Traneportatien
■Upped to Greet Brtuie. iteel r»U« to , , refereed to tha commlttoe en orOc. aad prompt ncUoa aeertod what
iMUe, teeowetjfee toJepea eed Oili
mlcht have baea a eoeUy blaze boU for
y to Bnaaia and
ecrtenltoral i
r. SnnU^lr~N
the Icmber company and Ue city at
Atv aVmoA wnAfijA ttm«t4«T
nachlnery of a]l aorta to all porUomaOf te mere ndwellinr from Union etrect JackeoB, John T.
r: eaTeUea, Hewi
Ue wlad wae blowinc etroor !«>• »>»•
the drllltod werld. Oeeplte the claim to Tenth etreel Aldennnn Montecne .Pon Shermer:
nbrU. H U th(.nfht Uat the fire wae
WoiUnc. Hanry Toanelleri
that a proteeUee lariC wonld rednee oppoeed tbe cm»“»ff
Wnrthorc; eareUea. Nlchdaa Icniled by eparice from a barre which
•hr exporta.' they hare atoadily Inereaa- elerea in thU line nUcei n prorlelon
pnPrri out a abort Umi before.
hi ainoa tha adoption of tne IHiirley w»e made In the bond to compel the HoenmeaUl. A. J Petortyl.
?OTB M.>toAteftOTiVTVB^%C M^t.
B. O. Kill*: earetlea. Frank WUhelm.
Uriff bill natoprodnete d farm aad
line PP of mbbleh and eurplne Um
feel IIIJ the eiportottoat of man<
ber after Ue werit wne done. Tata Oeerce WlUriaa
3ot jom-boot »Vit $5.00, "Soot oooo* tot
Emory M Pally: eBiettoa. Heward
Dr J. B Mnrtto4§.y44laff^ new hicytoren In Ua firat aeran montba of tha proeiaion
• made and tbe pnrmimion
WhiUaf. Beary •voanrller.
Dinrley law heinr creator thaa in tha ernatod.
Marla MeColob(h of Fife Lake drawe
earrieriridlrf taontha of the precedlnc
The hed of Ue erenh whlU wee
A Tiforoha protoet weh'eent la from
•ear neder the Wileon Uw. while the
a Urc* nnmber of reridenta of the tamed for m 7U etoeet Implement a penaiea of »8.
iBli^ttone af mannfaetnrea fell off Third ward acnlnat Uie eetohlkbment bee been ia bad ihnpe and la need ef
Bert MeOoy le baylarpotatoea oa a
to that time noariy M per eeau
new Oniinr bteycle.
nf a ealeoD at »U Union etreel by John dnlnace. end
^red with the oorreepondia|r period of p; Mnuen. The protoet wne nooom- Ue board of PapUoWorkai le directThere witltoameetincof Ue Unithcfancedlac yey.
pnnted hy n peUUon hendrd by Pro- •d te look after It.
farm Bank. K. of P.. Ul. eTenlny.
Ml«e Minaie Bnhheil evened aaoUer
. Tw ralne of the abeep ia the Onitod feaaor C. B. Bom. eaUac thniM ordlTKAXISO FMt ▲ WATOH.
■Moa be peeeed prohlbltlnc the entohtone of acboal at BeiUer yaetarday.
•toua kae lameaaod •C&.OOO.OOO in
If yoa are going to makp garden do not fall to aae onr
I Bar Bieycde
e the InanrernUon Ilshldf ef a saloon anywhere la the Xra. Barast ]
Member* of Ue W. C. T. U. are preThird ward, principally on nocoant ©I
oompiete atoofc of Flower, Garden and Field
'hd PraeidentHeKUiley. nnd ie
From Zlk Baplda.
panciT far a oootoat to take place early
tbe Hlrh echeol aad Oentral achool U
Uefatot elnee itn. while the nlnee of
Mra. B. E..Baraet hae rmmmred^ber in May.
that ward. Alderman Deamoad meeef
•ther farm nnlmnle nnd
that tha aommlltoe on ordlaaaom b<
I Uee grtmilf inereneed,
directed to draft an ordlBaftee deflalaf •week a»e from Ue Flret MeUodiet be* beea prantod a ralae of pearioa
ekareh while ehe wae attoadiaf uayer from to to f IS.
A MAiWAL iaereaae la the prtoe of the aalona dklriei of the e^ty and pro- meetlar. Thel^lef rode itoeer to E'k
Blcbard Zol of Rent oooaty and
^^mfaer in. the enee of war with »pnln UMUac aaloooa in the Third ward.
ImVe and Ue next moralnf traded It
/ to predieted, bwnaee of Ue feet that The motion premlled nnd Ue petition to Jake Kama qt Uat place for a rold Janet Reaaedy of Grant wnm marrind
by Bee. A. A. OertUk. AprU 14U.
Ahe Bhlpmenttof Inmber from the eonth end protoet were referred to tbe
In package or balk.
mittoe on ordianneen.
Members of Ue Blrb School Alai
Mr. A. H. Green of Bik BapkU knew
mmladed of Ue
aeanal meetlar to
'••d If eWTied hy tUl. the prioee 'wUl
A reqneet ior aa alarm hex at the imf Mra. Barnet end bearinc of the
Huerof Oah aad PlfU etreeto wan ra- theft vWtod Mr. Rama aad IdeaUfied Uke place ionirht ia Ue Birh aehool
\ .
!2«6 Front SlreeL
naeemhly room.
ferred to the cemmltue aa fire aad
Ue wheel, add U wae eeat to Mra.
Emory NTeheraoa of Mayfield and
water with power.
Barnet yyatordajb i
Hto* Jennie Boat of Hlalr wore mar
Tbe commlttae ea etreeto and wmlha
Bow Mr. Karae ia lodriaf for Ue
ried hp Be*. A. A. Darlinr at bto matCtaTeliac a^dayiac nan wb^haa hie watch.
dono«;4n Wexford. April 14th.
TanU atreet from Lake aeeaae t
etreel hot reoommendna Uat a aimllar MBXT DlBTBiOT OOMVBVTIOV
Ohiearo Karkot.
chiraro. April 18. —Wheat—May.
Of L O. a T. WlU Meet At BonU AI.iW; Jaly. toSc.
•t ea rooently n
Com-Apcil «?»c: May. *1^11 «<e:
CommpoDd with the Tr»Twae City LombOT Compfiny.
' In mlatioa to the petition far U'e Imne next mecUer of Ua dkstokt. or^ bare tor Bale Good.
.-FIOLATOBB WILLBB WATCBXD prorement nn Bannah artolae.Ue oao^ raalzstioB ef Ue tpdependeat Order of ’’"^'t^AtoO-Mlic: May, MBe; Jaly.
mittoe ashed that Ue dark asoartaia if
Good Templars wUl be held nextTarePork-AprU.to.7Si Mey.to TT.
Ue city bad UeTi»bl of way aoroaa
day and Wedneeday, April M aad »?.
Ue railroad. _________
- Grand Rapid*. April lA-Wknal W
t HecU Boardman.
A eery oomplato aad inwraatl^ foTbe dUlrlet offleer* am o^lally resurd Ward-Baw Bute Telepbeae
port of tb* fire department fer Ue paat qototod to be preaant. It to cxpMtod
Blectnc Batha. Tarklah. Kc**lan.
ton. Axknd tor Fraaohlee—thirtoeB
jimi and Ua ealae of U* fire depait- Uat acerral of the pmad oBeert will Bowaa. btnhnc. *eoUlnr. medicatod.
XAqoor Sonde Fioeentod for Ooneid meat praperty erne nabmlltod by Plre
perfomed aad lozorloat. rir*a ia a fine
•mUna-nre Obtof Baaale. waa Chief Bennie. The roport eltowad Uat be on haad to help make Uto one ol aatwot roeaie. No- le Markham Blpek.
tbe moet beneficial cooeeatioo* erer where ladiee wifi rmeire deUcato and
Ue ezpenae of ronniar Ue dapartmaat
held ie Ue dtotricl.
For aa off aikht
meeUac of Ue darinr the year wae to.toS «7. M«e
n ha* prepared ample
property added. A17A4L Pranent ealae
■oaaMl laet ereaiaf wae aa exoapUoat fer all aad it to I
add!Mill MachineryofaUdeacriptiona,inclodiagTwoBnginea,
•Uy loaf MM and Uere waa a henry
a of Ue eaberdtoato
llitot of imporunt kaalacee rranad oat Moo meoUoaad. «ie.4t0.01.
ledke as well ae Ue delcfate* will
Ret Worka. Carriagee and Sawm A complete Saw Mill Plant
Dnrinf Ue year Ue d
aneh of whleb wlU be of rreai tnureet
ee’of Utooppertnaity to
nnonded W » alarms Actaal fire*
• AO the pnblle feaerally.
portaat derme to Good
. Jaa. C Arery. 8. V. ttolmee and P.'C where wator waa neai
toUbart naked Uat ehlmitoy aweepe be ohimneya.«: anknowa e
Ca*e. L*»c*itT*X. 0toT Sec’y.
The Cdial Umem darinr
' faqaljodtopayalieenieoftoaaaaally
Opposite Essie Offie*.
d-toAl.«75. Amoaatof loaarWoodam of tha 1
■■a the patitloa «
». $1.8oa
Membe of U* EpwerU Laa^e am
Tbe repert (
antieipaUBg a , treat in U* leelam po
Laet eemmer tbe eooneU dxtoaded prwloD of appreclatton tor eocemraketh* Mammoth ear«. to be giran hem «• InritoUoa U the K. 6. T. M *t meatehosra by Ue conacll aa# pmlm
May Ird, by Her. W. A. Frye ef Three (
OnrUera and eeatoU Mlcbi(an to held for Ue memhersof Ue department.
Rirer*. formerly paetor of U* First M.
aonaal'lhlebrat'loa In Uia elty.
B. eharch. Mr. Frye apent Ua hoar* *
The Aldermen expremed appmral af-------------Laat Blkhta oommnnloaiioB tram A. V.
t will af- ,
Ue report aad fia awUon Ue docameat * to Ue care aad hto
Friedrich, peealdeoi ef tbe or»anli
moeieed aad ptoead ea file and Ue *
------------------ toformattoa of Ue 4
Amo. waa read, in which a reqneai a
mysteries *t one ef Ue tooadam- «t |
ttMie for aa appropriation ior Ue en- oompllmeau ef UA eoBBcll exUnded to
ARtolnmcBt of the Maccelwee. to elew Chief Beael* fer the aoeuracy of U*
•f Ue official toritaUoB exteaded by mport and Ue falUfatoess wUk whleb
Aheooaaell. la oon*ldertar the reqneet be had dtocharted bto dnU** dartof - Hie* JeanlcdmiUbasmtaraed from
Elk Rspiri*
Alderman HoellmaeUl called atUnUoe
Frank Bemilton sreat te Empim yes- {
gtorUeelcarto Ue.facl Ualwbea Ue IdtIUUoo
ter.*ay on hastoem. '
wa* r^eea It wae apdemtoed Uat Ue tag of mbbtoh and mfoae from yard*.
Fster Wnrxbnrg left ymtorday for a 4
local Maecabeee aided by Uelr friend* alley* aad etmeuwuwtoptod.
trip to ManUim aad Uraad Baplda
yryre. to aesameUe expea** and that
Alderman Uarrtoon broogbt np the
the city rronld act be reqnired to ex hl^e ordiaaade fer dtoenaeten aad
pend aaythinr for the oelebrattoo.. told of *e*etal deliberate eiolaUo**
When Uto matter was broi^ht np the
hieh came to hto notice whU* he was ograpber, came np from Cadillac yea- <
mimmBalcatloB waa refatiW
pUnUv p~WW»TT -1«" 5" 11“. .............
•MmittM oa'way* and mcooa.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lnimbcr,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
finrah BUI ashed ttet Ue eoaneU
•ompel V. E. Boland tooeaac to WeU
■p Ue alley in tbs rear ef hto store oa
Bute suoet. The petKleaer etotod
that OB aeoonnt of the Ueds whom
fnruen''toaas* wem.j9dtod for rife
erem left to Ud alley aad Uat U*
te ohstmeud. T%*
leoa Btreets^d wi
look atur Ut* matter.
Bk17Untm*t. from Ualoa
toPtoe. Uwaemtormd.
A tarhre aamber of gamu ef U*
Motel Whltlog prayed Ue eoanell to
have tha baildtog
tha hotel wlU the view nf proridtog
•■Itahla fim eseape*. The matur wttl
hpattoaded to by U* eemmiitoeoa fim
, pad wator.
_____ ___
Ttoq Hew BtotoTalepbaa^ Oompaay
AhiM«h it* affsat. F. O. ^Uifer, aakod
toealtaaohtoeof.Ulrtyd— *—*—
eSmd^eyn fi
jmthe Mead the atiaeto
to Chic
________ ImpMB waat to Ctam yea- ,
terdayto eahpivaa wiucaaee for.Ue 1
Cireoit Cocru
Ml**** Mamie aad Loo Doarberty «t
Elk Rapid*, came over tost ovaatoc to
attoad Ue opera.
Mm. C. D. dualry aad Mr. aad Mra.
W. A. Wymsn ef Satua* Bay. warn to
the city yesterday.
Mr. aad Mm a Tak
1y of Uto city, mow of Oetrall am to
towa vtoltiag friends, oa their way to^
•ni* bead of aty
Pet^ Worxbarg. wtU A V. Frtodrleh Elk Ba^ds.
Ckptala.aad Mm. A. B. JokMtoa aad
and Frank VotrabaasenmUe* to Ue
IB of AM.oou WM pmeented aad it darter BUal of OU Mtoetoa, aenoma* referrad to tha oommlttoe ea way* paatod by Then. M. Kirkhoff of Chica
dined at PaU Plae* yesurday.
ed mean*.
A J. WUaao and wttaarrlvad on the
The boodwfCHwaarii Biekerd for
•MOO wtU Joka T. Beadle aiM Jaa. G. Ohartevoto lam •veaing. They
taking a plaaaam trip aloag tha 1
ehaaea ae eamUee. wm appeased.
Tbe hoed of a P. Qa^. metohbr of «< theOharleeoto.
Mia. Victor Moat^ rataraed toat
Ue hoard of pahtto worka. tor «M00^
wlU A. W. Blank MI eomty, wm np- Bight from Chtoago, when ehe hM
Thn eaMtohli tamfia ed ^ Altoa
impodeat He
t toaeham who
displayed a recklese dtorngard for th*
Uw mralattog U* aae of tte walk* by
of Ue e^ polioemea be dnUlled to
patml Ue etreeto wbem ridiog ea
Ue walk* to prohibited 1aad to arrest
erery offeadnr.
awaits the person who ‘examines ourli^w
..Stock of Carpets..I
We have surprised ourselves as well as done our-•
selves proud on our selections of Value and Q.uat
ity,aod at the prices we have marked them they
are bound to go rapidly. No one hM yet gone
away dissatisfied.
tt tht SmcIs
Hm PaM*d a Cubt Ubr*
mvoiFLEB iss
ta th« Pmraph That IUcn-iM«
Independence of Cite.
M WtttWt HcntUT •( tk» ABTT IB .
tk txatMM to «»cur« la* laid^ mm «f aoMUlttM wlib «p«tB t« »c«*pt.
Mn4*BC» »t • BAtlea In roatfnTmilon o( n eetnmtpnlob tor ncMv* •*mo* In tbc ,
rnn- ; nTTny.
Bm .T«t. mm
the well known pHnelpiM «f Intemnnnny. Noihinn
Noihinic «»Bntto
«»amto hM
ba< t ieirtna upon *• to wfcnt ■••iKtinient he
been forced Into the resolntlon In the ] will «ccmv tut It it btlleved thet ho
face ot the tnct that the prooldent did 1
prefer to
not (ouneel or even advln------ -- ,------------------------------------ --------- but on the other hand hnd deemred OBJ- of the present dHBcuKIco with Bpaln
He anld the peeo- fioaoevelt bee hfon prominent tnionp
phaileally eitaln*i
eot Caban republic wns but a skeleton ' those
thoae who bettered that war ta
la the
tbe only
coremmeni and under tbe fortna pre*H aoluitoo of the problem. He baa barer'
oerlbed mleht a
.in rourr
rotlrr pmjwiriy
proiMlefy tn
is iI eouutru
doubted iimi
that the
\ur i-p«i>i»i»»
,••••- —
Ime mter Into a ronren- : ipenalbte for the wrrek of thd Haln*.
, Ita own*cood time
n to the excluaioB of tbe I
'L .. .
Uou wnh 8,«lc
United SUlea. in short tbe min arMilwaukee, AprU Ik-RIchard Rnd.|4
(ument acnlnat recoynltlon -In a condate, owner of the Ra^dau oubmarl^M . j
thai It —
4toul tow. H« •
■sLMder* Ate le Anna AcaiMtlles
1 Ai^att ea the PeaetaenMal reerenere-aiat Thai He Hay Ve«e aaeh a
Meore Be^aseHe (baaA ApseeeeMie
tela Um
fltatea seoata baa ppoken.
Ha vofaa^^
tor war-war untU tbe anfln«r^e of
Hpaln Bhall have been /uried In tbe
. and furied tor‘
AW. Ite roke, too. lafor Ibe-lndependnee of tbe Infant republic of the gem
. ..
of the AntllUa 'Tree Cubo and the
todependence of the laland repubUr."
' etna the ahtbbol^
at the • aenate
No Debating
The Questioie-
We are showing more values in spring goods this year for the itt*
vestment required than the upward tendency of the market warrants.
Ten to fifteen styles- o/l H«ol, finely made and finished suits, gtutranleid in every ivay, $7.^ per suiL These are made in the same way and
by tbe same firm as those sold last winter which gave such noivcrsal satisfaction See them—vou will be agreeably surprised.
Our-next popular grade at flO.lK) prove equally good sellers—made —^
in settle finer cloths perhaps—a little more style at a little more expense.—
,,ranch of «>t.gre« are for auhraarlne work atorsge '
a very large assorimenl at this price.
,_jer for a vontlualon. But the seMte, ore used.
__________ ^
Twdve dollars buys a superb suit nowadays-T^tin trimmed if “you
In declarmy
for tbe
reengnltlun of i
wm CssUissis a*sd BUsC
Cuba-a IrdepentJenre aginat the diiwcf.
^^himnon. April U.-The Central ,
•^J^e—finely tailored—good enough for anyone;—practically no Jimit to the asapeeme re.v.mmendatl..n of .tbe
rommlttee of New Tor* ,
' sortment of patterns.
a rallylne co from the etandpo'nt of
tar ihe relief of the reeon. |^_
By tbt
the Wavl'
way! Have
Have JOU
you noUCCd
noticed thlS
this 18
is tfiC
the year.
year, lOr
for ^priDg
spring Overover"f
desirable Karments have gone out of our store this
. . ..KcpubUcBO
--------. .lr«dcr«
i-n3n^ns^nd , ^ season than for several years past—Very conreoient and st)lish garment to
fuDciion of the eieentive.
The hlal o' truabie ftr the resolullen '■
aiaieniM made by RnddaitIs the hViua.' ha« been Justified, for the
croft was hroLKht down from Oshkosh. ■ ■
trouble hex msteiialxed The reck upon '
K ih
was '‘'here atatlsfectorr teats wen- mkde In ! m
the iMi.
two S..UM
houses smii
spill IB
la as<
tfcronghont the
daya of debate ; of the
aenAte roroiutiiiB* a dlig-i ' abaauIi'' ;
wWeb ended Bntnrday night. While the ' the
«M«et returned waa decudve It It ioat upon the pre^.lrni which no toyi Ke- ,
‘ In iby that U waa not «nnL Kotea of pubtk-An'could IndocM.
And upon ihlB theory Sproker Reed ,
I Key Wert.
And hiB llruteUBnu w»tv imw-eedlng
-wtro kounded. Thi* furcbodlng «u yrolerday In their <wnp1gn Aginat
ObII m Uera TiAnteee..
■M du* lb Any ACBTO (« absIcu- About
Dubuque. iB.. April 11-A rail waaIatha rwult of tb* impending cohAlcu It
I d? long the BpeAker'B roomi At. •ued SBiurdAy Igbi for tbe orgBBltA.
r the hrodquATtloB e.f Ihe nrw regiment Iowa vollmIpud by A fenr leal. It the Ac_______ .. eonaW of A rompAny ot
r of Ah
B by
ttoa tAkes
. the AeBAle Bhonld ultlmen from earn of the countleB oTT^riA______
hi* iieutenBAtely be Accepted ab flol. thU gov- ____ ,,
B>A'khawk. Hardin.
. «rnment might become lAvolred'lACcmv AAtB. Olnglty. I>Al>ell- t'annon. Orewven- ware
ChlckBBBW. Xlltrhell. Wlon.ahlek. rayor
^pUcAtlona tbAt to future ye*r» would
Jov of Mlrsnurl. Ia.rim.-r of Illinois. etie. ninton. June* and Dubuuu« Kler.
■''^prove Berlou*. At »:l« o'cl.«h Skturday
of the twelve enmiiaaleB needed are
HestWole of Mlnne*.rt* Aod other leAdSight the DavIb Riu.lullone—Ih.we revipoltlun. AAd
‘parted troai the coaimlttec on foreign
bad A thorough
mended ro ab to Include tbe
lepublleon alBe of
cuoagultlon of the republic
the house. Ia« night he was confldent
were pAWd by a vole of IT to n ab a
TOWd of old' » e
that U*
llepubUcan* of Ibe hoUM
•utwtHute for ft>e rrooluUon Adopted by
ould be -naiPballed i raim yleldlai
the taoune of rei»reoenUtl\-e«.
tbe oenate < i the main t
TwMolIhe Mwe Hfwolet
pubnean coui3 tndoroe_______ ^
'oeneta treaty.
'A special invitation given you to call and see onr stock on this our
hosiiii.ie. have brokro out be- ^ anoivcrsa^ week—whether it’s clothing or fnmishings we are “with yon.*«
eHamiiton clothing
i= PicmTS pm
TbMe ere the reooIuUon*
pAAoedby the
$1.98, $1.48
r'J^niiated Harrison's Att*m*y G«nsrsl CHm
and eh-cted W. H - H Mieurr captain,
• Ftw Suprsms Court
aad Lea-l* Moatjar Brat lieutenant. The
coropsty wm tendtr lu aer%-lcea to Agbl
tenailouBly th
lAte would BOt
lasBured them
hoM out.
.-ulNt. demAbdlng that tbe broughi to boar wm* that the presidml
•ovemment of spam reUnquIah lu au* talnuielt rould noi approve any re*oIuT------------- ---------- --------------- 1. a-w
kSorlty and goverament la the lAlahd of (ton which contained ouch an IuvabIob
nCuba. and to withdraw Kb land and nar. and which so plalaly
the pT.......................
n.' U. S N.. who I
j/rol force* from Cuba and Cuboawauro.
Ated erory precedent of inlernaUon.' weni abroad re.-ently .rbmmlaaloaed U* |
a smith muucc
' — I *(1001 iiitimatloa of a purrhaae *h!|» and war munltlua* for ;
•IdrnllA) veto.' which would Involve the gavernrnent. was
enllr*>ly new aUrt-And the delay*
iw-ldeal to II. had a powerful
by Om gaewir. to*ar by llw Vh*.e
'Whereas. The. abborretil <
Ithougb In certain quarter* It was aaa-ned that a priwldentut velo would
bebver-riddea. The ruggeatloa that tbe
, April Ik-The Journi
a hordera. have aburiced the moral presldral Inlcht slcn
slca the lesolulioa aad gW*a*^faallti*B^a>rin
MBse of tbe petple of tbe UnKed StAtM: . .
ri> ■•ongrei* aaymg tl
’ pubhabea' the following ci
have been a disgrace to Chriadan civ. tbe elAUae recognising the ladepCHSence
8C Louia. April U.-Tbe second game gtlorne*:<S*oer-HW. H. H. MUler;
t. AS they- have. In of (^l■>a WAS ultra vlrea—beyiMid (he of base twll between »
l.ogl* and i
uoe#lloa''whelber the rveogthe deatruetloB of a ITnlied States bat- jurlillcrinn of engn-a*Chicago at. Sportamaa park waa rolled '
^ ^
govemmeal In Cuba la
Ueablp with tm ot 1» ol!lcera.and crew.
n hy the prealjeat» frienda.
at 4:1^ p. m: Slurday al the b^lb«»lb« 1 „ ,*ecullve or leglsiitlv* fuoc;h.n baa
While oa a friendly visit to the bartxir
taae who w*ee Is favor of oanrur- of the aecoed Inlng. by tbe breaklrg
become a practirl one It'may b«
I wefe
«t Hat-ahA, and cwnftol longer be
out of a (Ire which daatroyed the Hire tireat to know Vbat some of the eWart*
dured. AS has been set forth by the proa. net liartirulBriy »<tUe yeali-tday.
pavUlona. oae of the, have aid about tbe matter. In WUI.........................
- States
a In
of the
li hla me*- one time a was aal.1 that Iblrlyrthree grand wland.
.mwc to cougrer* ot April 11, l*9K Up Bepouh-ans bad arried to vow for roa- bit «i here aud the club ufficee and real- lains va. tbe SuBolk iMturaiu-e ivtndenev of Cbiia V.m der Abe. who loses
on whkh tbe acikin of coagrcaa was laThls rould not be confirmed,
pany iV. D Sunjnw^ rtSI the derision ot
rrytIW. The tad kas la' eaumated
nuservaiivia were ronfldeat
Jvlted: iheref.
the rose turned upon ibr dtaputed eovabt.ut tM.dM. wlih tli.M insurance.
••Beaolved. By the senate and
that not half that number win break
areignty over (be Falkland istsuda Tb%
0t npiiAthtBtlvea of the United Stales,
the trarva. They rrollte. bow- Tour or flte ihouaand aprtHslora we^ government of Uueaoa'Ayres lulated
of America In (vngreaa aanembled:
that the thief danger llee In a
that (hi»e laUnd. were a |«rt of
If twenty-nve "
“Pim-Tbsl the iwxiple of tbe Island
offl.-e iiiHie-clog. burned aboul tbe face domlriona
_____________ This
the gorornmeat
of Cuba arv and of tbe right to be
and head: t'ol.gM’l Kanlel Rirley. of tbe 1
cmied 8U
denied. Mr. JuMk-e
free and Independent, and that the govCbirogo. liurlington and HuVncy rail- j sttigy
decide Ibis quea•rnment pt the United B»te* hereby luthms go to the pi.-*4ent a
roaA. body nadly burned; V*>oU —edart. !
„ original Judu H que*tion
1-------rsnegnlaea the r^ubllc of Cuba as the' tbe senate.
burned al>«ui the head: William Dun- ;
^ **-andL -d;
< be affT^ll. TV TT-nkT fc pit?: oiTany
true and (awful government of the Wspeaker's 1
The speak*
(be Dudliiu
_ >Hit
_ to t
T c<.i:eamie« the aaaurand.
memlier of the
-Tecnnd—That It U the duty of the
w that acthin aboJld be had at every
tbeWUlaid W. & T. U. India*
this rotm
burned about ibe
riage cif (be prnceedlnga Jockey. (Hub.
ermted mates to demand, and the gow: that It IB squally eWeetnaL
PsydsB oa South Ooter nuroC
•k and
an nsktk; John Gentle*, of Pennsy
enimeni ofthe United Slatea d«wa here with diaratch, and thi tbe raaoiutlon*
nroalac- T^ neeniac e*aa kpani is'
by demand, that tbe government at w«.ifld
tn the presldeat as BaaDy Ontir a Dry Goods company- face
tnv ernmeoL and !
“Again cn y a few year* ago la Jones
Bsr- I aisled
aad la a aoial way.
Spain at onte relinquish it* auihorUr
ist lake tbr^ to be rightful : vw the miied State* OtT U. 8. MSI, la ;
and govmmieBl in ib* hriand of Cuba
_ Hut thorn w^ view the sUnatlOB rial traveler. New Tork. bnraed about t CSal t
dal tbe cloaa
aAd wHbdrow Its land and naval fnree* dlapsae'o- Btelv do not believe that aueb bead and hark, van st^rtouly: Tbomsa { unlU
or tba avaaiar- Mm. Faydsa l«aem
from Cuba and Cuban waiero.
*» pusslble. Tnere Is a
UMserokfarbarbow boma. aad h«r
Third—That the president of the strong Intimation that delay I* what la from fhe stand;
rutted Bute* be and be hereby la dl- desired by r(*.*e <mp.*«ed to war. la tb« burned atmut Ihe neck, hark bruised
dt bur aoenrnenent te recog- 1 the upmloa of the osurt.
cited aaS maay frlaads Jola in wtehlac ksr toar
—yected and empowered \o uae tbe entire bcib of srtrae a.tlon by the Bpaatsh and left ankle sprained; Charles Lewi*,
- with
_____ . npproel tbe tanguage at
e time any n I gov-1 'qnrti
landandnirolfewea®ftbei:nltsd8t*M«. coricw
The" question Is before tbe ticket seUer at tbe ^rk, hand* an-l^
which aiay arias In the plUt- ;ity- Jastir* Mel*an m tbe 8u«1k tnand to ralllnio the actual »ervke of tbe bonae today. A.tnotl.m to noD-concur fac e burned. -Ho five* were lo*L Men c*l roeclutloni; «l tbe world and ontU ; surone rone sbov. set fortK Tbero
w-ere put U> smfk Saturday night erect
riled sufea fbe militia of tbe •ex-eral le the senate n-solutlona wlU
such new government* are so recug- aptnlon* «eem to tndlrate pretty riewriy
lag newTence* snl'Pests
state* to acPh an eirien! ar my K- nec. Brat motion arol it »l» be
Bleed they cBDOt be *utam. d by eur. tbe trend of Jndlcil opinion upon tbto
hy a pwtin motion to cncur.
court* of juat'iv I* have or <o rxercM 1 due*'"" "
R.-ed ha* alriady held ChU eeeskn that
-w. Tl. H- Mtli-EH."
motion to non.rt.ncor with an anretiJ
“Fourth-That^the - Ulled
•- —— e--¥------ -—------ ,
wot take* preiw-.leip e over a motion to
berel.y dlwllin Triy dlspoalth* «• Intlte fttiiry elte* Orieion v*. Ku>-t ltd j
It la v. ry desirable from^
tenUon to esereise sovereigncy. jurlanostro. Arm IL—The naif Of (be Wb'BloB 14$) and a number of Bagttsb .
4ietlon or rontd over said Island. e«- strategic point ..f riew that Ihe Unit groin rievntor at Ibaroc Tunnrl dock*.
cept for the psrtfiraHon theroof; and vote to be ta’ien 9hi!l «;g nn tb .
Charlestwwn. was blown cumpletrty nif
aiuerta it* determination when that ta tloB ej the Repul.lU-aa'Ieaders Tbe de
-TTrrome rose In ablch this optalda .«“•
WUl Taka Wofk te;
by a diiw espInaluB si 4 u'cliak yesteraccompIlslMd to leave the gTwernment bate (trotably win n« be Mag poatib'.y
was delivered by Mr. Justice Story -bav- ..
and control id tbe isUnd to lig people." two hour-i. and If nei-esean a spwlal
tM Wn nniugbl befuie tbe suprsioe •
. .
rule »ii: be lin-i-cht In to cui off emWea W>* cm* tw Kay y>m.
hut.cnnand motl.
Tbe senate naO was oumpietc on the
suftKd nroriy tbe ellre ronlenia o^'cr 4UL .peaklcg for the curt, aid; -Can , workman of the A. O. V.
I the aboi-e reBolutlOfis,
roAi cmktra'havx* or w bn.
MP.Odn brohela of groin. rr.iHiy wbeaL there iw any doubt ibai » b.m the #*- city to Maiat UMIdlng up tbe aaem- Good $ Crown------ea--|.t Waltbatl of t
erotier branch of th.
K- vernmeaL
bmnch of tbe «-!
will TW I The Meamer t^nilinjr.*n. w hh-h l
II.'Sing arT Ibe i
« (be Hwle Has
whbhtl* charsfd uUS our foreign
Tfc-«. ^11 W . .M-tlo* this!
• ---^................... .........*C Bar
Juet Briahed kmillrg al the doi-k. V
tveorded ihemsi-ivea In ttw iMwative:
^ nintui injury f¥o> runie «u litlo^tea'j It. Itaewrroron iroce Wilb;<*'^
•» * *'v«hC *•“' Ssnte'tea'Beaap fcsbwor t bar* for «*
THc mMance
nu nr
Juliet and Qxfords.
aoeam 8TAX9.
893 PAIRS Ki* ’)
$8 00 Juliets going at
$2.00 Oxfords going at........................ $1.4$
Theoe mm sot oheap niAdo forda, bni ax* good (ooda
afdd dMAp.
Frank Friedrich,
Tla.e OXa. melAtb'bXe-
War! War! War!
' MvxxjBnra XT vr.
iGracwies it Followitg hiCRl
W. la te tbs aoteeOUaite PrwW;
< •
Wgkhlngtrm. April 1«.-Tbe artbm of ,
Greai Hrtialri In deebtrtng coal t.. t- a ;
etmlrobsnd of war. a* retorted ftrin ,
Jamabl 1* said to have a slgnlBronce i
dWreronl from ih*l sllo. hed lo It In Ihe :
dlarwlche*. AS expUhied In a high ftp- '
Inmatlc ousrter such li order wm*ld ‘
ve*«-l of either Spin or-!
not pretml
.. Kairharika Hie. Hanna. H*w1-r/
Hoar. McHrid.-.
of f«..n.-.ticut. Platt of New,
Tork. IUlchard Sewell. t-'|>ncner. Well
ington. Wetmor and While—tl.
It waa not until the first voier-«h*t on
tbe.amendmem of Tun>i<- of Indiana
____ X....___ a. — _............__1.. .. ... .w.
f< r I ii>imitlon of tbe laland
tak-n. that the scS■ brought u e to fai* with tb«
,m,;r(oi*Bla adjoining and a buM^ , dwitleiy by Chapin A
w-vte dsmag-4 tt».re or lem hy the
debris from the raiiT The lum 1* »1lmated by lire ttndt i-wriu-rw at nroriy
gteO.OCd. well eovrrod by tnawroiwe.
Of (he 40».«W) bushel# of groin IB the
etev.tor .hr el^tor ofllcjl. late th.l
a Jorfin nuiinn Ba*i«..r * fa. t In re- ovanlac at wbiehaclamof so wtti be Gold Dual........................................................ISebqgt
garir'io tte-fco'erelghly or any Island orjgiteg
wncit This order U oae of I . _
_ _
‘^Te.ii't'" I
the United HUi
iTln the^'es, In- 1^
giro. Norwouldlt jumema vroaelofa ***“
befllfi-reDL 1-iwer ukir
Wklng aboard suBICbicago. April U.—PoUnwlng sr* the
Clent coal l« carry "her to the neii port,
t Once out Of tbe port, ■however, the vro- score* made al League base lab games
----------------------- —..........................
eel f“|hA- her own chance* sr** her Saturday: Al 'New Tork—Ihiet< n 4.New
arau. »: Pbpolleta.
,Bd It 1* llAble tn Tork $—apeclBlor* nroriy mobbed the
umpire ^er abusing him. and wanted
•aa. k Kays-KepubtlroiS: SS; Demo- |
„ „^rond of war while en
«F*te. $.
, 1 n.„,e to a port of tha brillgerent |imer.‘ to lynch him; at I-ouiarnie—Piiubnrg
Upon the Anal vote the llgnment of ;
roar X. LottUrillr I; at nnrinoatl-raeTeland
partle* waa aomew hal dlffeient from ,
». Cinctnnail 1: al BalUmore—Wasbln*-.aaaa^^,
* fnf CTOl Oh* WOUW be «bl* tO tOB 1. Baltlra-re «: at Pblladelphlaathai on ....------the Tnrple
analyste of «
B supply so»eleiii to rorry her Brooklyo 7. Uhlladelphla $: at Ft. X,o«la
—Game died at end of Sm Inning—
r ebirogo.
S^Birtertai !lo lnqu.rv---oor 1*,W the
grortue of the eoun i« determine—
whethri the exe. utfve
be right or
wrong. It la enough is kaov (bat la
Che ecerrlae of hla coBMRuUonal tuneMi—. he bsf deed'd the question Bbv.
^ org*-i*atioB.«.dro,joy.» r«.d 1 Alpnheus Pierce
*“ ***‘»«“?•
867 Front Strdst
wW|«m4anl HotM.
One of the moataelaet Ad pleasteg
lag done thu-under the rewponalbnitiea IgaJi^^roa Of U>* asqsoa freeled
Ih^. »: ifcamocrota. t—n.
9 m
gnU-4MLK A
sodseesf'tbe -TWashlBPtoB. April U.-^Tol»bly tba
^reeh ihafteoot riearty defined tbe
into wooM be subject l
selkur^hy United Stales ablpa. Tbe
0Blnrrule.lt Ja *a«l. would apfdy tt oaoe
a ship of Oreal Brilln or any clber
rouniry waa engaged In earrylng
aid protrsiband srticlei. Tbe Bag would
tect the ablp aa a aibole. but it wteild
tnaaons lot tbe vptee of tbe twenty-one
asMtore who voted aginat the Cuban
awDtetloo adopted Saturday night was
man could doubt hlaleylty
le tba eoantry or the Sag. M b* aerttewly dauMed tbe wttdote of ding
tbal wbk* bad boon a
• the days ot wSi^os
kited States nava
SL lriUte-Chlcago 14. Bt. LouU L
can't W-rk Hlteaul a ram* Oxd.
E>ro Moines. la.. April U.-A suit baa
been filed Id the dnnrict court of Polk
county against tbe Dea Moines TypogrophleaS unUm. la whleb Georg* B.
Hugbee asks for «.$•# dainages. claimiBg timi (be members of tbe naion
bsve tbro*t> klm out of srurk becatuc
he Is not a member. Hugbee aays be
tnaks* bla living as a pm
a Das
Meteea nn•bartar vambar of tba
“tn tbe €U* of liBiber ea
mh Howard.
Beeden , tba bill bseteg basa ebangsd from Fm
I) tbe question for ^ plaroln to La Mmetele. did not affaet
meia waa the true state geverpmenl of ,
Rhode laland. U was there
that |Tne proancuon was.
mider the <w«tttutlonai requirement (no stagtav aad
•«. ~r u™..
lueh merit.
waU aa
that the I’BIted Fistes guarontee to . ^ groirayl of tba IcAteg SUti. beeach state a repubUroa govemmsHt it |
UgUe rndimwilaJili
A ngrtaeawas far coagraro te deride what gorero-1
meU isestabitobed In the state baforo >»rij atnnr ^
Wateed Aiwa
It ran detemn* whether It lv*»P«bli-1 faemad a pJaambUaatem.
ron or net. and that, tberefor^pibe act •
4 daisy te tbe arrinl of new eoaof roogtro* which 1^ been paaaed wa. [
for Fte Dtevol* made it aanaala that oaae e^troinag
i *a*y ter th* ahaac« of bUl tent bl^t.
• Bat Mr. Chief Justiro Tkaey. *pmk-1 A* the oompaay feel eertete tbeaa
lag for the court lo that eaaa. said: | tvmaa wll^ arrie* today, they haea
'In the saae
armagamaste te ‘nglbwi tbetr
, ———» -ro-wwt«de*d he tbe pees- I
. tbeoourte
tdent d Iways n
oeaalag'a periarmaate aad ariU
Aad tbi* prtoripto k«
I te tela crij hf 1
aptfted by the Art of tuiiaieaa te the
aoverlgn atata* of tbe Ualea. U M
ttmlgkt, kboaU thaaaetamaa aet laU
tbs Um* ad tbs Sl^ Loadar m
7 what others til you te
. bat coma aad m te
! gaamatac 11 my week to b* right,
and U it does aot prove *0 1 make it
Step to tm $ a*eteA aeary aeaateg.
agpeat Baadpy. te the OaUwll A Iiadoa baihU^. at barth and at DateA
bek, 6d8 tod Bagjji^
Wbsa la aasd af aaytkteir
Ito* ramambarlhls te Mw.ftea* te laiMS
te ka mealrod. the opam AaaM kf «b*
Tmleama Cl^ Ibaatra talBg pakUa. Fm
Bic)ble Riders.
BaaMkar tbai i do all kteda of lapairing aad agamallag. aad that 1 caa
and do ^vs you tk* best wiwk of say
Dteecda. Frtem wiQ k* bat U. teaad
Thoae Ho.'S.
Dttailt Of tha Ri0t That ftMultad
in Intuit to thaUnitad
Aath-mle. t^arertaaa la Uaadia
jj^ giSl&o B»^at;TuiaDA^
•tal tilter. «W('k
o«ae s snot trat>r»wl>n ra enna*,
•o»n*r or tei^ hM>rfr (. and itet
proaiwri Of fWMr (•
Al an r»WBU nrtoUai
iwprraeBtatIVM.ot thf .
*ad crrat faopca ai* plaret ta
WImm do Ae dara iKgiu? Tb-'v aart
A.k-r Joal’a. mother dhd.
»b. t iead--M IB eaaiem Cuhw. left by rail tor
Lark ,
by a ,*•■■*»«
Hc^ld no* taaW
. ..
vbe bad alr«ad> met la aboUier part
rl«d by the fdnedal public •
They did
wi ;ir,
i fnju. wed ittwet In UaiAga. and reaaons for rejecting the entrance of
mpanl.^ by a i-ery large -rouvl re- Tep Kyck. the ac-uller. who won the
mlde4 >n the Pla» de la Conylltu- ’ „"mo„d aculfe here lari year. But. it
The civil governor and mayor of j
the reason* are
mstened to the stmt to clDi 1^,, ;,«nalderkble feillng has
r sr....■
taiUng liwJde.
TmbarW UtU* livae Tarams-A
Dr. Higgins,
^ wittK* ..f ibrTur--------bleUt-
I BBOWW. Aiwrey S
given place wa* firri diecovend by a
traveler from tbe earrward or tbe weag
work and wae •rilling In cviulon in bri
di*oore*wi to Eakiicbea nwdlug On tbe stand bmtde blm
lopeans t^ travelert from tbe weri airf
ta HeresaUle Ce.
nwhstiicwllv. take one 1 them and «wt It dear iLe line wbkfa mark* wbm tbe
riowlym iSviwd. Tb. la*t blto be in- day. ln«in lie. briwean *»»-•»»
Jy gave ti tbe large lUai-k cat tbat (be Pacific occaa. and »n*t*ad of taiag
bu km*. It wa. evldriit that b. , «»igbt tine gIgBg* abort, dividiag
solid coiDfurt
d tobediacdVeiTd
late plniaaa extraettoa of teatb.
Aattdotar. for extractMi-of
witboat pain Waed. LatesgRad
3»y. prepantiow yat aaad -lor
maUag egir»etMe aasy:
OOtrgU. AUaraey* a
l‘ P««i *» »* diR»Te«d from tbe weri.
Orices. cuy Opsiw B
on hi. 1-oe. riid b.
'puttbe cal on-Oie floor wUb aeant o«»- tbat «e«an where it t* aol yet derided to TTT H.y09T«B.Lttoyfa
W. anseOsB
6rud gifidi t IRiiia LI
an wnlrance' irtu the Cervantes the*
will K.r atria..
atr*. The representation was stopped
Clereland. April H.-llie IBemidsyaa
and the ofvhestra played a, patrioUc
march, the whole audience Joining In of the Cleveland Wire Work* company.
ged when I
governor. i who were
warned by telephone, made bis appear- | wire truritookpta^taof he^t
arcs. T^fi aom*- ••nc cried 'When the,ha\-e been noiined of a rjduMlw of «J |
ebumry *• In danger no ibeairiral rep- ]
rescnivtlon ought to be given.' The ;
resome -Work. The men Will accept
audience ^rplBuded and In a few BtlD- , th* rednctlon tmlber than takTlhe riak
trie* epontanebusly cleared the tb^ | of not regalnins employment at the
Btre. From Ehls the several conilngenta j «ork*
of people nolstly paraded the streets
e DI4 Utti* B
the demonrirallnr* conllnaed until *n
Ha pui them on UriAable, thttaded a i
die with
difficulty and tbaa weat
BKgyow or yericxday.
Tbm nari also
a(sSwita.ia •Sort rob.sa.tsri.
havlag beta pwajaaeatly occaptod by
la. el»ilUad peopie. change ibair day flwa
»5H“r‘r ‘'1
b« it Wa. empty.
Ho llgbtod time
lime to tuna,
tima. ao tnai
that, aaoiptauiiw,-a ship
j,m„^«^«„o«nUtbayanl.bti* tbo* comiag from China might, amra
„i„_ .
^ Tm-day. while aitotber Dip tallital ------- r:
advance hour of the night, the police
being powerles*. Thl» morning
*•' tl »! t » Trsv.Oig
to Mm*eU. and
Then mutt also to
boUIlcn bim.
tbl. line tbat
wm, sud be
He got tbe matortala and iberelfri hi. back oaa find yasBaday.
otcoInK.werv spent toad------------------—•-----------------------------
.^3, p^“ to?
then Saturday was quickly suppreaned. \
___ '
u ".T'L.
» .
the authorities baring prepared to put'
e ^
it dowa . ny order of the igovemmeni 1 faged over I«.«to 0to of gold.
: ’ 'The-g,.ld I>remlum at Uiban. Porin'
I gal. at cloeing Saturday was %i.
apology for the Inault. ’The eacotebeon t
Edward UeUamy. the famoua latbar.
‘-.-itbe kUalB, and tbs black o
entUe ajbu
fiab givas I,
BDO cnnoiBc taaesi; tbe c-vtuo
topi^ whichistto^ikytiul^wb^^
The 1st of Rny eama, and ike hood waa
sUH unfinished.
One Bight when Jod waa sarroonded by
lb, nvodifs and thread
uoa gentle knock
fcaock rii
at bk*
hi* door.
door. He
bad been nnnuyfsd
aunuyfsd before
briore to bays tap]
ysUow eomca from tbe camel; ivory
^p* prodan tbe ivoty black and bate
UacA: tb* ' esqaisiie prasriaa blto'
comm from fosiug bonea' boota aad
______ animal
___ _____
matter with impara pataa-
m «too s,!*_*_«
s.Kto,".','.lii.:-.,., to,.
r>‘-- -‘>V?
InnA I have had a long and iGtcrvatIng
oonveraatlen with a diplomatic rapress-maiiv* of me of U.e European pw-
top.—. SK;
If* of S
S3: iSS?
C Wes**. -
^ msrinry and leroihoo is
bosn qaicksilra-on.—JPnp.Rer.
m—^ Ch*« w.-o-i
TfBWwraa ORy MMimn.
iQi^cot Pork Wib---..............
5^, j. K
I. A Co. Bert...........
Then In
gariiapand gave tbal
e proceeding aitboufl:
Imri year tba progrM of imUwgy tatarpriM In Japui wbs pbtaOmennL
Binoa tbe pioator rail way
ed batwecB Tokyo andI Tokobamm. a
to very difficult to n
s.«;.to totoUtoto mAu..*-
tbe Atlantic is jou aci^g to be op tom has t*ta extaadad at u
posed succe«>fully by the govarnraenta rata of
“•Bot what I am cerUIn of la this: tad
ncre will be no roat-war In (he ordi
nary sense of the word. Hrs:IIIUec will
tad almoin a* soon aa they begin, bv•rtisr Europe will mediate between Ibe
toillgarenta under condNIm* a hicb wjl
tend to be extremely favorable to pasta total; tbw bringingit ap to t.OOO milai
tfarfandnambtaa Otbsr Haas ara an....a btaor for both rides. 1
■‘.TT mT
that tbe marked moderation
*"^**?i *bS
Spnnlta government wlU baar fruit.
it than will bo OD ■
'* *■
The Idea of artned Inlervtatlon^ Eu.
Not c
y«pe U absurd and u
power I# disposed to aopport
MpimntioB. aitboogta all -Admit
from tbe point of view of Ititeraational
taw Spain M In the right and the United
' States In tbe wrong. H aaeaiM to me.
iberafot^L that Spain »IU y« enjdr an
oppatwrttyof irytactba-------------------------- ■ oertala that
week lahw that J0I
Mia Saana’s llitl* bakecy<
Oats per bu (<"
Our* per ba..
Vattoa to Ar^taato.
Boms BotUlag
Wtot tatbe lUaof atroUeyearw^t 1^*^!,'*; ”
Tba Unltod Traotioa oompaoyof PiBa- Bnw. par ta-...
tang wporia tto avatagi lui «f'na wbeala
to ba abort *5.000 mika and astliuaiea
Slaetaie Ratba-If yoa ba*a oeUo.
that abort one-t^ 1 iWa Ula U
• da. any fona at
toMnia grinding when tbawbtelsba------------__ _______
StSort ^company aewril asaoma aeoralgta.
«fakla troablaa of wbaVvariaty.
b* an Blaetrie Bath,
OaptalniW speaks of tba Btatffis- otban bays Hi wtoals with ito gaarantso 1
a 18. Markkas Big . a trial bath
taBca^ta^^Tto bei^ariBg «f
iatenasooU. Wa of(«. ba tayA la tba naba w-»bta
arcticragioos btaid p«ntoenysliala
KTm Wait Toil Eits Eitai ial
igidldnt gowcll ymterto salt avecybaay."
Markham Hlk.
“ ’■‘o.Js^'Kisiair
or wl
tto p—to ssr,^ps;i*>-
>* l* announc*d Utai W. P. Norton, of
*1* ^UeoldooaoB ttolK.
u .-irintHii* acr has bought of Cbaa. foraiMtural
ibe^thoroughbrad Ornament |
Be took tat ito ginger snap* a»
2-^-old fllfy. May to tbe glass, tried on tba now b
_ To lataaSssl BtaSay. Juno ta.|iW. .
net-. Hugh Wallace Ford, of Vanda-' m»d abowod Joel Boonett and bstena nrcbipelagu.
U tbe
of worf
boweo to twch other.
Mi,i.uiBtcd chaUlalB of- the
asbes; Very litUa nluamariaa as obfooDd In Iba marktt; It l.ttiadeartifi-
UimB us HBBUini LI
“itii'rs.EE.Es.issEss.i-irsoES: r-tirito
to,...to, wtoto. N..to»,
tofeto. Mto
frodhtba bnnii c«Dpb«:
recegnltiun of Cuba or of arn»d Inter- I Uiurd, to rank aa capum.
'b ^^Blak fdreramem could^ R^y 1* has been fixed aas the date for
g of
the t'nlted Sutea bat- TbfWWB.*nu.thiotUnKiogtoibeki>ob.
tolerate elthri^f these courses wlthbul .................... .............
risking the - gravesi eonsepueocca in if, ship Alabama. In course of construelie took Itoll and catrrlad U lawtbo
Spain."Uun at Cramp's •hlpyac^
The Madrid coftrspondenl of The
Botjoina. F.y.. opposite
U wssa IreatriHol brown punklB bobd.
Dally Telegraph, lelvgrahplng yester- «punt Vernon. HWC, George Dakar shot quUwd alth tiny ►tltcb.*.
lh*lde R waro
day. saj-a: ’Tb- grratrri enthuslann 1.
killed hi. lAi-le. David Hanabop. a quatiuiy 1 ginger sna|« and a bunab of
manlfLSl even where amo^ ihe pcple. ^he two men dispul-d ovef^
---------carnaiUiu pinks.
- .uliBcrlUng et
A heavy rain and ball atorm vWted
tor toU fire i.ilnnua J«d stood looking
they i-an afford to the
vma.v.u Nebraska yesterday afternoon. ‘,(^^^^j,i„g,ai>dtbviilH)Mld;'‘Toihlnk
national dtfvnn*. J am a
*'**' dolor muth damsge. In some place* aa*^,,^-(,1 1 wouldat’a’tbongbl
prlve tbctiifamine* who
much aa three Incbto of water fell In an
gclvra of one meal a day In order u
s beaming fare be gathered
Then w
gl|je (heir mite to the goi'cnunant.
Mmuri Oompera denlea Hi* rum« vp bU u
“Some popular bull fight, ra. whosi
h* Is pf Spanish descent
He mya cloth and ouuon baulog and pot them In
•perf<.rmancc* are •north hundreds
thousand, of franew
have reBUtea ' '*WhUe be wa. fixing the pinks In a
aolvM u. ai>andon their vocation and to ,^,,1--p nu, nf*.
to wa. struck by.as anllgbUoilDg tboutat
a Bj”!
-nobby“ Matthew*, tbe gvtat base , «soght It by tbe aboulders and abtnk tt prodncea gamboge. Bbila raw Mama is
I ball plicber. died of psttesls.at BalU-^ vigurously. ’-Ml teaeb youtoeomakneck- u^pamral sank from tba neighbtw’-iroore. .Maitheaa was about 41 year* ipg atmy door!’-'be taW Oei^y.
l<iadon. April 11 -The Madrid
j 8i«na. Italy, and raw omb«
Onibria. India
spondent of The Btandard iHegvapblng Old
ia isfifiss
tsS fW, rotookoy
I pisawwipban
baa been replaced. Ikte press s^iigly , u dying of consumption nt Denver
denonneco the occurrence which, it 1*1
Mis* £vs
awn payweat dowa. baloac* n Uwe.
pointed out are likely to intraslfy tb* j sresiem ualvcrsity, Evanston. His. U
qalie Mr. Deyl*. SSI Itm at.
•trained relattombetween the fwo coun
He *ueu
sped uua
out acw
Into tbs **.e.w*
nlgbl to.to.
and m
,. tba black
--------- cesuea fi
Hobert M. McLane. former miolrier to ’
jo tbe dlsianca ba oooM sea a Uaek wine stock: tarkeyw red is made frM
o* be rani .
in a few inlnuto* beovtriooktbaflgma. Aokhi: tbs ycUuw mp of a hism traa
iBtocta tanisb toa
last night says: ’The vole In the acBSte
has caused a most wnfavorable Imprcslun In Madrid, aa cltring jhe dopr to
an und> rstandlng of any kind being ar
rived s^wiy^n the Ppanirii and Amcr
, ,
■ n 11 r r».d nt
MBem Is IfomarM Wert. Tto»et»ni. MkA.
widertbkP# linn
t tbl* Une. tm.* iotn,,. forward « bomr*
•on u-e frtrii noon of on*'day to msm of tbe day
iMbwlInc bv It. two eimiye idTalr.
fonowiag. Tbe situaligB of tfaU linrdeDlm hcfviiB Uuwcu.
akjBgtbe pad* oo tbe cfaaboe of wbetber any
iliX"'"’™ to. «TOon«to. I
Attoeacya at Law.
t PrtPclpally. owing to the ri.ument that,
day* i.seaB
begna iiwlndlid
, ,
into jd tface BO
5jri-riak park. Wanblagton atr^
be iMr*.e«liel'rar-'C bNi. Be I
known w«ld wr* rvacbed tbe
«4 ,ig|,t^cril the aeit ,
when it came on pv*» tbe ]
borinou and bri.nKbt Toewlky i
ln^hit^l.-fvl therefore
when. Tm«la» iwm!
When iweriiay ^tiegaii
As dikcovervfk pu.bM tbritwayfar(ber <-B*tward and wcenrayd lbi*aiyNi
aarnower mad nairowet aatU
ebanged nm) tbe
"vm that the Ten Hycke received tlri !
the S2l?di«; i
part of (he furniture of Ipe consulate
Wk-naserlousiyda-wnged. Whenfhecrowd
was at tbe taigbt of h* fr<
••was brought, and « man
•f the Americna escntcheon threw It
to the ground amid Jpimense cheering.
The eriniicheon wae^raded
rrayge* Aafced
phr through the streets, and u
> (he rroaded Plasa de la
Rarrarden. .
where Its appearance raised a Ibm eomfortable day yeetcf
• rauaed
great enthtialasiB.
doctors any there ha* been
headed by a well known Carliri, ,
LU condition dartag tbe
went through tbe principal streeu and ;
week. Aa
the gravity of
paarwd by the
----------------- ------------------- *' •*
t Hawarden
trying incessantly 'Death (e *he
•ried tbe prayava
ad giAtes." and ’Death to tbe
'•of the church for Oindstooe. He r
,Tl»a mlnlriars 1
Well, Nov!
j(s„ ,s,«na. .*.^1. n*.jd» louiid
about tbe.«uy nwm.
llWe t^wy. .h. *igUd>r w
uuneenuntablr nmwm
_ r:prlii»t esmo, and fjr aum^TJ^ Jori
. bat, while ibe im'nkln btxid
Luul. Inbie i■'•k i»'r>.
I diiy lowi.rU ihu vtHl el A| ill.-Itei di,d Ilmi U WB* Umi. to lock a ••way tor
agaln.t «Uoi ing Ten S^ik
^1* attending a banquet
I at Putney '
_____ __
I fcaslonals w
! rtstememetlri<le^VVbe Amerltan hews-.i »be •u"iiii«.
They .art-ie.1 a fpanl.h irinner. •»«
■laar pe.i>lc gather Uioraa by failing
ibeec tbe waratag aeptonl by dt»-
wli* kocriWr pale* la Itaj '
hack. kMBTT* aaC Wadier-ae* l»a^ « \
Also gaod boBse aad SO fast lot. Oak
John R. Santo,
fiencral lisDiaiw
Take UtaMJWoay Bean* at oBce-tbey ,
What am 1 oSaawd for a good'boBM aad
toodon. TbD U of coowB abamrd.
Bi-fnre the
of tbaiaadsof o^ra. TiikTi-nkak'a or Ihiuc iUfttatbal6tbatrat.weM« Aecfyd*It^ne g|,]be* tbo^wba no difccalty of this AwauitiA make Utah Kidney Beaaa.
Irabl* place, esa be bought ea. rntb
•kind tVhf a tbe enn etood o*tr Ltmdoo
. Staten.
o dlaperac them, bat only auccerJed In
drlvtag the rrowd from the front of the ber* of tbe Henley regatta copimlttae
EieryUidy notk%,! ibtodiiapldotcdcon- ,rf-jlw
The dem.in*liwtor» ibun , have dpcllned the roque.Wf a repreo-n-}
-I wondtT „„
paraded long the Calle de Daroea. the-tatlre of the AsK-cUied Premlo fumi»h u b„ win «.«, that old tiling n.*t j».r.
e people, and wem received with loud
eertng. but In the tnoenUme atmthy
« the
grooTi ported thenieelvrW upikwll '
Amerti'sn consulate.
Attsek b. Ike OoMlri*.
'ibiee «vrv place* where
t at this
gru ewlUet and.!
Amerbwo connolaie ac '
r for Sp4in.
It ao jim kaowC'
Tho old si..i» h.iod brntan to Show the tKKtra Uter—that U. TaowUy not*
Bred, tbe ;
tag a demonstration arrtvod in front of
wealllBrd tbo liiiw
»o aarlitr. ao that wbeo U U Mw lay Boon I
uoarto laLoadoa it iibome-------- ---Mlmn<9riii bokenandliancmdtbcm/ur
in America, il follow* tbat if '
—vt.P«plewt« eobOtPHiwilbontt
w1fb great roolreea
The people W L.a,\.i
they are prepared for a Itghl^ are
•vaMnjc a iatge group'of youtia people
b, a cirter Hue
Ever Burned Out?
Heuint tbal aa one B«m»
aunt* i'
Mlm (jetroa Uoaeo a plum* anopa.
Pr*Brtpe pill arvejH (he,«
received the coramlSfloB a
Indliwle a neutral
cendltlcna.and a rla<-e of meeting.' The
latbdon. April It-The tUliga
asdnd.w( of The Dally
tag at nootr Saturday.
at 'MalBKa; -lAlw-gt M
BHirr c. r.yiioa, pn-iMietef pt the
Hob ('tothinc^bouaa. Clilraao. fca* afi*
BoupiW that the plaM of emplorra
te Bicbt PpalB win b*
hrM <>T>en O r thm os IhHr retvra.
CatPtair. liar.
R- a.. iyK rrt'urwad
from AlarkB.wUl rreomoiend'to (be war
department the e^ndlog of irtrpa Into
tb« Iniertor < f Alahka and U.e e*ial»
lUhireBi of r loimarr form of sovemmeni .• (h*
ne««ia'kn. •« eo.
HOC deflim
deBne the
Uw placo. fcotii
bnt U rwoA accordaocord- ,
^ eould probtU,
protatl, uicn.!
o.c...l .1lra«
.11, a. wall a. they' aoe
cniild. apd Wbin
Din ihi-yli<in»l
Ibai be pat« .|g|j
u,t« tbeorlft. in a rlgaairauKmg
»rd Lropoldo sola (a wll
ibatr«cMkliigioiu |>lu.Uxy
(be iaiaadaecaumd over (bat
known lawrer). dealcnated by iha an.
_ ..
three leaAlnr hard rubber Monparlra af
iui<t.«>4«mwiib boy(be r«aimr>-. have bet-n a Ucvem. Deal
.nut HimI nl armMliT OD^fatia. ®* afTfoarm a wnin lu au •>
*; l'£^w5k(J^orBdtort?bto*m?i*dli.«.Bua week', i.p.wreont Uial the ia"»
CtMM ts tatvrvl»w iIm RoWH
* orihaUcidar.aeoihl:ii iihwawl dough, tbeda,* bnda Ilea tomrwhcte « W
Havana. ApHI lL-TaAM-<Ay momlag BP*a«^'Bo(*'l« be iuid^W’aat'ji, (be Pnriuc oceMi. Al^atrlgbl line dot*
iHa(M.Uw ntm nay. bal Wake ppaa, Batabano, tron. whkh p1p( “••P ’» »> ,
Iba (waaod —d
W. tww:
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