The Morning Record, March 27, 1898

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The Morning Record, March 27, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


RntTMiwHa 280




I aad CM.Uar of tea Oo^ia.
BaipkThaaharof teaF
atal^ Mtoa WteUiad Pratt, arfao toapw
at Ofaad Bapida, wUl raprMMt tea
FVtoada aaetotr; Mtoa TteU JokM of
Korteport. Mn. Fiaak Bkatar of Oadar.
MtooBtto StaaW.te tea Prlaadaaooto^atMapteaiT; aad Jabaaaffof
tka OaasncattaaU aoetotp ad Mapto
VaHaA tMa •owmmmmt AJbout «o 0»V_________________
•Baawa Wptim Vpn Mm m Omm

ajprooBTio odMpfPdTi

OviiM I. Fnrtdntte Lita Maa. Oaa Vm ba Akoaaa T—arraw te
Saaatar OoaaU'a Pteea.
aaga Vm V«w B* 0«rrtM Ost' ui
▲ectea-to Loakad fat.
Waaklartaa, Hank se^-i-tt to i
Oaltad Stotoa famaMat wiU. U It
.kaa aat Mfaadj daaa ao, tattn Spate
that «ba aoadlUoaa mow axtotlar te
Oaba kan baepaaa tetalaraWa to U«
. paipte o< tek eoaatfy. aad teat IwaUUttoa‘ oa tea totea< uat «Maa. Thto
Voa(9 to te dlraot Uaa wlUi tea vtowa
ad tea pntedaat aa tapruwiJ te kto teat
■MHca la aaafraM.
la Ttew at teaaa teeto tea soraraM8thaa4aeMadtaiaka.U-Ukaa aot
alraad; lakaa. daSaita aetiaa
ia' teMtet Spate teat. wkUa dtoavofrtat
aay.tatefaat otkar tkap teat Siotaiad
Vfaaaaaaat boaoraad jaattea V> tea
Strtekaa aad alarvtec paepte, It *aat
taatot teat koattUttaa ba ^aadUj tar■teatad.
Aateraa kaawa. aa apac^-Uma
feaabaaaSaad aritete wkiek tea
■aat taraiaate. bat it to baliarad it to
tkapafpaaaad tea adBlatetrattea aat
te pamlt aar aaaaaaaaaip datep.
St to kaowa te hifk aSetei pfaalaa
teat ateay pao^ kickaat te Spaatok
«Mketetj ara eztoeawlp waarp of tea
^tofliat te Oaba aad woaU wlUterte
jaaeada ta aap raaaaaable tarau for tea
aatUasaat of tea wkola .qnMtkia hj
Ctaati^ Oaha kar tedapaadaaoa M

«rUl BMot te teto aitjr ta aalaat a aaadldata te State aaaatar to pteaa of SaaatorOoraa

laa at Saadp Sook
Ara Oraat Maahteaa of
.Maw Tote. March to.—Weak oo ika
krea dTaaalta faaa at PortMaaeodi
OB Saadp Seek to belaf retead. Tba
fitea carry akaUa ef from aiffbt to 8ftcan toobaa aad froat atotj' to too
pacLBds af dyaamlta eaa ba carried to a
Waoeordtortaitaatoa. The akella
era projected bj air. aad haaa aa affacUaa raafe of two sOea. Tba dyoarolta to area tee aaaaU abot to aaBeleat
to Mow dp tea. Mt powaifal battto•kip.



VMUMxt n oMDnaM'i
MT SPAZV.Man Kay ba tnoad
Ssaadrpa by Vattad
Bbipa tf It to Mot 1
BotoUMaa Sapaatod

to Btok tea
Mtataa War
by. Maaal

Waaktoctoe, March M ~
ef teaaaWi
tee adwtototratloB atilL>oHA for
paaea. hot teat Ita faith wteea^todad
by a aery aarrew thread.
la fact, tee tauloa in tea
Capital ia ao yiaat today that ao oOo
Ul. of hlrb or loa derree. attampto to
htda tea fraaliy of tee altoaUoa.
Oae of tea tnoat alfalftcaat ordara toraad by tee aaay departwaot atoee tee

WhntwMtyFoasyeoaptoa aaddaw
ly appeared at tei boBe of Mtoa Nattla
Btoak toat araatoy. aha waa racy ynatly aarpriaadbataoMtealan ^ad to
yira her rtoltora a owdlal walceam.
Whu rapartod to prtot aU earpriaa
pHttoa appear atika, bat teto CM wu
Mat troB tea rtnttoa aaelal orut
foraarani] hoan teayoaay paapla
hadateanwhlyyoodtlBo todalytoy
to yaBoa aii^ atee> paatlmaa aad f
tBa^ ware p part af tea prqyiaaij
•ala dr aU popator Bbaat Xule at
half p^ will be eoaUnaad far thirl*
^yaiuirar. W. W. EiBbaU Oa.. US



At onr line of Wheels before jm bny--We hnee the
‘•Outing,” the easy nmning bicycle of 1898.


Key Weet aad ail otew flae>a-iaat
alykt. Thto wa« to patot all wanhlpa
blade. Koteloy of teto ktod U mr
doae anept on tea era of boaUiitiea,
eo teat tee act itaalf ahewi ^at the
admtototratioB rtpaeu war at any
Seeretary.Loaybaa drf-i^ed to tea
Jadymat of AMtotoat Secreuuy Eooea
now on salA
rail aa ta tea ootcr wUeh tee uay na•ala «dU ba patotad. It waa aaaooMed
Mtoa SataUa Stowatofto Saecara.
teat white, wbieh haa baaa the dtoA graal naay people to Tnearaa Ctj ttoctlra ealor of onr
Wo <MtU spoelAl AttSBtlon
wtU ba rtod ta hoar teat Mtoa BataUa: waa to be chaayed to a idratical Mack.
Dowatoc, farwarly a tcackar to the lo­ Toteto
cal pablie acaoala.- baa loeaieto tea by Ural oBeara. aa It wm teooyht to
prtoa to tea oratarical eeataat at tea afferd a too atriktoy toryet for tea
TpMtooU Manaal acbooL Her aabjaet eaaBy, aa bod aa white, to fact. It to
waa '‘Uowa Bala to Iratoad.” Tba Uholy tea color wUl br dark aea yreea.
prira waa a fold teadal aad twaaty delIt cao be elated oa tee hlyheet aa>
ton to fold. Heratotar. Mtoa LUltoa. teori^ teat tea DatUd Stotca to aara taaebar hare, took tea prtoa lacaly oeotoBplattoy tbe totarraetlaa
teto pteaaotea ftotetea factiaaa opteara laat year.
of toe Npaatoh torpede^beat SotiUa,
paaad to tea ^
oad tohtordan BaykeoU ha toeaad to
Mnttor WUl K}ch for Morltoctoa.
torat^baekoraiak it.
, te ratato eoouol of tea toTba at^roacb af Spalnb torpedo
Ika BeUar, tea haaa baU pliehW who
aqnaditm to caaatoy the aatharitlaa
.rteat aaj ba tea aaair
pUabad dartof part of laat aaaaaa
oaaaat ha forateld.
tea BaaUan. haa alyaed with tea Bor- mora eueara toaa tea Matoa repart
Sotea of tea Bapabli
liaytoB. Iowa team, at a faiyk aalary. While Doae of tkeea boau to ef Bon
to kaoir atate teat tea praaidaat wUl Ba kaa flUad tea paaitian aa bayyaye than too toM capacity, aay ooe of tecB
to wpableof deatrayiay a bomI
For which' wo ara s^ntA
«lra tea SpaaUrda tartp-airbl-boara to aceot 'at tea C. A W. M- depot for
hatUeahlp Uke the Maaraebiiaetto or
a to Cabo, aad teat ka'il eralmoatha. Sa laa»M tor Barltoj
tee Iowa to tee raBO why aad with tee
totlM to teto affaet Maatea Maiae
Faaaa Wabbarb MU BaH.
daatrayed. They make froB twenty to
’ Tbto to tea Baat p^tor Hat
Ity-Sra kneia an boor, while tec
Lak eraatoy. after dark. Jasai
Bade, aa the wearer alwaya haa
Wabber. fateer of Mra. W. A. Kawtoa. battlcehipa Bake, only atotoen knota
tee aaanruce of eamietatyia and
tripp^ aad fall oe tea anlk aaar tea when yoiay at foU apaai, and oaa of
bona of Mr. Kawtoa. oa Biyhte atieat. teaae torpedo hoato eonU raU
Wanhlpa at Maw T«k a
•raa eeaeidarably bort. bat fdrtoaalriy ao boaaa wara brMcan. Mr.
. WaahtoftoB. March #6—Tba aawa
They cannot work to rooyh water,
Wabbar to M yoara of aye.
teat Gnat Britato has ordered \ka ocabet tee aea aroud Kay Weat and Dry
daatratton of bar wanhlpa aod torpedo
The AUea X. OIU MottlBy Maady.
rertayaatoeoBpanUraly aBoote. Of
' boata ao teto aidaaf the AtlaaUe at
oeorae It woeld ba poaaibto far a batUa____________________
Cbpteto WUliaw B. Franklto wei
Terii waa
tea meat airnlicaat
eklp to'deatroy a torpade boat with ita
tottoaavy'd^^^rtLnat *• C^wUrato yraiarday to prepare the
yana, bet It woald Ura to 8n rrry
It to takaa to
aad aeenratoly. and thraa boata
or Aaa- Sba wiU bateraoyht to teto dty to a do teMr woth to tea nlyht .
tria haa Biyaiflod their tolaattoa to to- faw daya a»dj|ar tntaaryo will ba poTbe atranyaet ktod ef raprea
.tortora aa %atob bahaU.'er teat Great
ttou bare been cabled Mtototor WeodBritato aaaaldara war aa laintoaal teat
-terd, and he haa been reqoestod to aah
aha propoaaa>totoha atapa to peotoet
Ooarad Watolar haa traded hto Baat Bpato the Baaalnyofher recent
Bide Beat BarkM ter Mr. BaUayb tarn like OMreatenta to tee dlraettu of teto
eooBtry. He haa atoe beea toatreeted
at Fbate.
pro-M. I am
tte llae‘«
Mr^ aad. Mn. Chaabarlato ara par- teat tee Aaerioaaeoorteftoqeiry to­ *nrti2B»«
>earv. Md By pArr* aaC srorkmaaiUilp ganrMlMthalleM *«>nyboUU. lltivlW*TrT7
aeta df a boy-baby who arrirad at their to the ton of the Metoe to laal, aad oc*
mtamaia Wan Bricbtonad aad
to r«m« aod M- ay rmir *orka I baso
teat wa abaU expect to act to accord- IbobMooBlpprdobaptBthreily t aa bolMhoaaa Friday slyht.
Tha Btoaaer Ttyar to raa4y at U- aaee with ov Sadlaya. Spala haa al- ------- -ToniJ oe* *h*«U. whlrta *UI mdo bo CaAhadtrawaaa
y arartod yaa- laad to>ayto baaiaaao^ Carp Uka nady aald aba wlU ataad bi tha raaelt
tord^ aftoraooa to Fraak Friadrteb'a aad wUl start aa aaaa aa tea tea to Mi, of tea ^aniab toqoiry. and teat aha
It *1U br repafiM rl«bL
ahea atara. Witeoet waratoy aad to wkiefa will probably ba thto weak.
will roatot with farca aay attompto wa
a ■yatratoat naaaar a blara bayaa to
Baydrr aad Tboa. MeOarty Bay wmka to totorten with her doBcaaaaalfaat haelf to a coach apon which eat, aplit aad plTbd Ifty thraa corda of tie affain to Ceba. Waanpl*dyed to
1 do all klada of Bnxtoy. Vnlmtatoa eaatoeaar wra aittlay. Ia a bw
beech aad naple IS-toeh' Mack wood, totoffan at uea. aa teat tep lurltaMe >y. aad my Baamellny to the Sneet
.bat yocean yet aaywbm«.aad tor tbe
thtoya bayaa. to yatwatbar warn aad -for J. ZlBBeraaa. to mix daya
la not far away.
aoBeewiUBaatfoUawad. Wator araa
PalBw of DatrMt. atrirad to
broayht aod tea Sanaa aaaa aatfa- tea alty laat nlyht to taka tee poeltlea
yoitead. The bton ariytoatod :
at tiiBour to the aew Bllltoery dr- Sararal Xbouand Mm WlU Ba Seat
11^ uptoai St., near Frau.
atroaya Bauer to the aaocUtor ef tea pariBeat of tee Boetoa Stare.
to Joto tee'Mary.
apkolatartoy. The eeaeh waa eel
PUtabny, March M.—Within two
Ba*. Mr. Oarttoof -ttodiltoe. will eoaraWy damayed.
eapy tea palplt at Um Baptiat cboroh maatea it to axpaetod tee yrrat tohn
today to tea ataaaaea af tee paator. and toka rittoa will aend froB ato
p-ujko tmcst'moxtoaom.
eirtt teannad bm to Join tea ury,
Bar. J. C CaraMO. who to aratottoi
forial Bootlaya at Oadar Sprtoya
aocardtoy to a aUtoBant of Uentenant
Tka Bambara of tea Oaed Taapton> I^iy, aow hero to a racrelitoy BtoHto Orediton.
todyaara reqaaetod tocaeatat Mr. A atoa. Uastonant Doniy to oa hto way
Taatorday C O. Smite, a ahoe dralar B. Browab at U:»0 p. b. aharp. to at- to Delete, St Panl aad otear northt traat Bort- taad to a body tea fnaaral of tea toto waaton dttaa, for tee pupeaa of eaaecariay erediton to tec_______ brotear ViffiJ PUm
of aboBt S1.000. Paxm-C. Qllbart ef
The Wolrariea yaaoltoa oaytoa for
Fret 0. H. Hein'a Uetom.
thia ti*j to aaaaad aa trutoa. Smite to tea laaach of Ooorya Beitoar oa Carp
Praf. C B. Bora toatraotod aad
wall kpowB to Troraraa City, harlay Uka. waa raealrad yaatarday aad tea
rupaboe atore here for aome Uota. boat WiU at omaa ba Sttod oat tar apr llyhtoaad n fair atoad pcdtopca laat;
whan A-S. Fryaaaa'a atora to aow lo- ytaroB tea lake tela aamBor.
tan OP '‘Nanaan and tea Nerte Pole.'
aatod. It ia atotod that ha wiU to a
Tha aazt rayntor Bealtoy of Ucal Tkeaa praaeat
abort Ubo fcUly raoarar from tea
S3 at tee Uayahe
terooyhMt tea Ueton which waa raWiU ba h^ onT
Tkaraday, March 81. plato with infoTBation ef ralaa aod
Tea want a carrtoya that to diff^t
iu$. arcs.P.8.
aTo: 8. P. S. hail, Dstoa atraet
aad we
fall attepdaaac U raqoeetod, aa
> aa weU aa to Inatraet. - Prof- barathea. Tbebcdtoc an all Bade
■padal boatoaaa ia to he toanraotod.
I naed a Bap to lUaatrato to diBeiaat colorraad then anperarol
MaliSatoa Wba WiU Attnd tea
hto reoitol, and from a
Oateattoy to Mactoaw teto Wate.
teto waa OM of the beat opportanlttoa TeiydMinble. OaU to aad loek tkea
Oa Taaaday aftoraooa tea aannal
Walter Blakely wpnt te Pptoakpy
ud yoa will ray teat teey are tee
aBorded to tee city ter U^t npea
oooraattea af ter T. P. S. C K. of yaatorday.
all-abaerWay aabjeet Tbe bob- SaeetUaeof BabyOantocuyoa orar
MWUyaa arlU hactoto«Wt>MW. when
Mr. and Mn. Hwbart U—riim r
aad tee price to ao
teu on
it to axpaetod teat tea toifpMt dcBM- > Mantotoe yeatorday to apand Sanday. ben of tesWaenitkaab an hiyhly
• eoBBOO cantayee jaa have eaaa
plasaad with the nanlt. dtoplto tea
•tnttoa to tha htotoer of tea atato orMra. EUto BasmA^h ^
yaatoattoa win be hold. Mtoa ^bal
Modlny Snndaiy with bar Both*?
Batoa. atoto Jaator aaptototaMrak Mn. C. Qennatna On Friday eraatoy * OMpU eayar
wia lean for Saytoaw
Mtoa CaanCbarahu rUoraad Ctob party WM yiUB at tea haraa at S.T.
lay. Oa Tnaoday itonlay etb« dal« Dalrait, wharaahakubaaa toUny n
to. M WeU Mlate atraet, to huer
•nlH wOl Irara ban for tea ourao- eoana ef iutrantiu to SahUh aaheoL of Be*. H. W. -SBite, pastor of tee
tfote AtoaactenBwUlheM.AHel- e< Monattog nnd toacMny.
Meteodtot ehanh at (Md Mlntoo.

Spring Hats.



Bicycle Repairing!



You have
the prettiest



iK-iuFnta noummaiEL


New Wallpaper
New Styles
I ' New Colorings
New Patterns
New Prices



Would You Use Soap
If You Could Get It
At prieaa teat nn ri^t WeeanaeU
yoa Tarktah Bate at te per cake. Rot cheap
aoap. tort eu that iAbailtoa hour.
Many otear hranda at lOe, Me. Ste.
tSe. SOc and TSe par cake. The eld and weU
rp CtoakBara Bpqaet for BSe.


iff JisE Wheel Enameled For S2.5B

Good solid leather counters, soles and up.
pers—that is the Idnd that wears.

404 Union Straet.

Sonth Side Shoe Storn,


Staple and Fancy Groceries



Phone Ho. 94.

finality And Price Are The Priies We Olllirl
Whnt would you think of a Inwyar who tried to neenre cheats bjr
(Bering chnnoee on a bicycle?
' ”
Would you wnnt the eerrioes of n physicinn who offejed to giro
oonl bod* or eofn pillowi to pntinato who emiOoyed him.regulnrly?
We think not. We beliere nleo thnt when ricknea* oomen snd
you hnre i
:riptiot» to be filled, or need nny other aid thnt tha
skilled phnnosciet onn render yoo want perfect urrioe .at a lair i»ies
—end nothing else
We can give aaeh serrioe. We believe draigpsto thnt are.caa«.
•deotioa* about quality are pretty aure te be as careful aboat prioA
Traveree City.



8S8 Union kt^ Oornar of Ttlfo

Poetry CoDtest
School girls should not forget that
their poemsmuethe at onr store not later
than April 1st We beUeve this to be a
very interesting asLwell as a very in­
structive oontest
Girls, do not mUs this ohsnoe of try­
ing to earn a>ew dress!

944 Front St



I '

FOR ONLY $2.50

t adtka «aw
A toxga lafllaata a< totitad r^kta
rkad kaaa avaal t. batota tta
adtkat M aarprtaad aad ddl^tad toai amNlMt. Wbaaltlai
M aetleaa arata ta ka peatad to it' tof to Stdakwr* Oraad. Prat C. B
«4txuoitt. . mo
■klaa aad aa waa; to aaak ward Hantgataa atolto taailal whtdi far
kick atoM aad riAaad .naleal m»y>r
itkaaaotkaaaaaaaUd totiatana
tloak, tka axtMt of too >ob wiU ka qaalBant la, a
«MA T. Baim An J. W. Him. toad. BkarUt tt^M rataraad Im 0l9«ar
parfaraiw opaa tka ttolto of fraat
». W.. BAJonai, Bdltar ud Mmacw. Tito I«kalaat ataator. Pataka vast akilhy aad tka aaakatloa of aataral
ikaM aaoM witowaaa. attar ka
‘ kUa toka a



■■«*■■ trmBlI.

OMrw.kvMa. '•
kaUyaatatdaTtka i


Cdarii-G. W. Staward.
TraMarar. W». Otaat.
Oaaiahaiaaar of Blchwaya-^.

! ud we a^le. ' "****“ “ .Miu.h year

toliataiAa^oftkadlrtoaart. Kr.
Baeat to a giadaato at a aaUkratod
aehad aad a pai^ of oaa of tka «oted
araof Oaraaag'^aad kto
toto Bight waa a gaaatoa
traat ta atatgoaa to tka aadtoaea aad a
kaaa daUght to tkaaa wko tara pwda a
atadg of waato. mndoa^toa-^tdiar

to aplu of tka


Has his ideas about a goodcigar. but all sme^efs agree
that the best
test for Five Cent
Cents is the—

-wM dad

Par HaaWiBMfdcd PaUki Watta,

vnoe maxyr a THE TVfk

darad aataral aatartatotog ptoae aalo*
tka prograai.
well wera tke aadlMee ptoaaa* tkat
dofttor 'tka taxattoa kill af Oetaraar iir. Bant nag aooa aoaaaat to ap

Board of Bottotr-H. B. Waat.
Dtato Oom.->'A. B. Jaatow

Hoadag pi^t tka Blnea Ootoadg
aonpaag wUl opaa a waakb «a|'
naat to Statobar^aOraad Opan Bi
tka drat attnettoa will be “Tka Paeof flifkwapa—Adal> torgOIrt.'’ rbto eonpaag ia wld to be
oacut p. OABvn.
ptogtog at popator prtoea. Ikag ptogad
TicaBT BO. a.
f«r JmUm «(
I’mma waak at Haalataa aad tkeg
ted ao wall tkatlaet aight a rotare
TkwaOark-^. J. Balgaa.
Mgagenaat waa ptogad tkara to a
at BlckwajB-J.
wpwdad hoaaa The prtoea will ka 10,,
Bt»t« li e
M aad SO eaata aad tkalr rapartoira to
aanpaoed of popular ptaga wktok tke
WkO* WB h»i« Wu naUac
aanppag to iBllg eap^of
SfAia kM Mt Clark-Waltar B. OnUdk.
to a drat elan naaner. Up-to^ia
Bo mUio too ^ koM ttet TMarar—Uwla OralUdt.
a a part of tke pragtan
UottaowTokortUM tkto OaaimMaan of Blfkwaja.
aaak ataatog.
«01 bo oolM Mftm to dofad
Sekeol laapaatar. two yaai*-DaaU2
/ i*rw*imWp.tro«tt.
Baton Bikla Oton.
VMdpoorwtalfloot «f
Jwtioa o< Ika I
The Daioa Bible elan wUl
narrow otoalag to. tka Preabgtertoa
tl aew afloot Spata'i daolfa lo qolto Ckrtar.
ehuek. The goaped of St. Joba. ba•vtdMit Md obooU Bar
ko »ar>
OoaatoUa-HaRp Uaaa
gtoatop with tke lltlrdwpiar. wiU k#
■IMadttt* op^oaek th>
tattowad. The totareat toeroaaao each
MM» tba Mt aartoM rm
oxtiaoH BBBTxexi tobat.' waak to tkto Bikla atadg. aad atargoaa
totod«Car. Ikara ia ao la^v uj
to totitad to baeona a
Baakt tha» tb«a
ka war.
aow aliMt Imye^Ua to aiart a caa- ruBtokad kjr Baapattiaa Okankaa
«lau la Tlaw af tka oaadlUaaa aad
LaCreaae. Wla. Merck IL-Dr. Oeerge
^ atUtada of BfWla tkla goraraMt
E. Powell who Bccepted U>< BpaaUb
Aoald BMka a daeidad Ma ta latar- B^ar awttoaa at IfM a. m. aad 7 chelleagt to a docl amted bora* from
Mllwaokt* yeettrdag. aad fonad awaltaapt tka BpaaiakAaat aad atop It at all
fcaMTda aaUaatt^kaUkataradil kadt PraaohlBf ky Bat. Mr. Oortto af OU- lac him Ibrte boehele of oeagratutatorg
lenm aad telnraoie. i.ow le alt fron
tj Spala<a ardwa. wUak ia aallkalr- iUao.
men and women eU oter the oooatrrUUta
The doctor deelane tkat be mnn* bn»Ineae end If only waiting for a responae
liaff‘-ff it lata Cakaa watan it wUl
to hie atceptance.__________
waa traakla, aad tkatata^ Oaa
PeblU PbmW tor Ltoet. deaklm
^ ta aaaU tka dlra aoaaaqa
’Plitakatg. Utrrh 21-It bee been det.
arkkk maat raaalt tkarafca«.,waii

Wa an «patog.a fall aad «

MUlinery Department,

Monday, March 28

tkla dtepartnaatwa an aot gator ta dotiata tmm mr
Oa oaraaeoad floor. lotUaA
^ gltl^ tka beat talaaa ter tka laaat noaag. Ocr .
^artia^lg wUl
U ka
be to naka ocr nlUhnrg
nlUlaarg AapartMt
Aapartnaat a naort ^
avi —toincd
?**^*^** ^Dato^t. oarartlrtto
___ ________________
whom wa
ban aagagad for tka a«^, an exqcMla ia deriga. baantltel to laata and pat­
ten. Wa*n danttog a larva aaaoa a< aor i
wki^ wa an BOW ftmiaktog aad dacenttog.
*a*g adaaatagaoaaly. an afrlrtog araeg Bag.
apaatog to tha aaar fatan.

Comedy Co.

Mr. Jake Simon

t u
4 Od
1 U


crpeaiag nag:

“The Factory Girl.”

pur purchases in Dry Goods. <>"•
^ Clothing. Boots and Shoes
liave been immense. Goods tobatogflUad wHkatgDakaad dunbto
coining in by the car load.
Many of them now on sale.
We extend an invitation to
all to examine onr daily arri­
vals. a^ special one for o^r
spring opening, which we.
will announce later.

Shoe Department

Clothing Department

Dress Goods Department

Popular Prices,'
10. 20. 30c.

Boston Store,

litiiM Sttirdij It 2:80 P. I.
Ob Moadag at
adtoittad fraa wi
oaa paldj^^t

Cloak Department
Raw taUor nada aalta. totoat atgto.
Jaekato aad CMpaa, FWkioaabto Skirla.
XnrrUtog that to atgUak aad ackkg
floor by
ia kalag laadad aa o«r

ntog todtoa ^ ka*

Nsw Olsss Block.




togtM atraoi.

Fifth Beadag to Laat.
Hm-alag aarrtoa aad aernoa at 1040.
Baadag aekool aad BlMa elan at 11.
Btaatog aarrtoi^ aarmoa at 7.
AU an oardtoUrtorltod to tkaaa


raiBnia' caraca.
m wkera tka
•ewaeelUofe and Men Weeee. reel era
a of Ua waalUl
Blbto aekool at »:t» a. n. Lori Paaia aortkera Mlchlgaa la
OkloAco KartMt.
atogtoa. Bapt.
•kaald ka difleraataaxt gaar aad atarg Moratog ,aarrtoa. 11 a. ■». MMatoa
• I 03X91.M. Cora—MKa Oato—uW
■ aM akoaU rcallio tka
•ettog to tow af kaadtog tka aaaatg
JwaSariaimnt I > to.
lor tka prapaiBd aaaanttg.

Toaag Paoptok Baetotg of Okrtotlaa OtaadBaFida,llankke-Whfab.t»& ,
Badnm at l;«S p. n. tople. **Oodk

BnBOT BntPBors mxa n*.

I bg Mra.
Stow Ha OaaMd BtoattoaBatloMteba
Kl^. AU an totitad aad aa a^adal
- Bwtod Orar tka Oauatg to a Dag. totltattoa to aU wbe an aot totonatod
Tka toggaatjok BhorlB Bl.paoa a*., to Foniga Mtoatoaa.
taoktod. ta be partormad to a ^raa CaoM aad goa wUl nealta a ktoaatog
i Prl^gplghiaftara wkola dpg oftoeaa- Bar.E. Bdwkrda.inMaMka 1^
•aatworfc. Tka afcarlif waa.
Itok Bapttot ckaroh at Mtoararilla,
. kg Borarpor Plagraa. apaaa aa offiAal
iladr Prl^g ^flaad ta^ C^barlatok
■attoa naaitad akdet > o'eladr
to poat katara olgbt to atarg af tala Itoi^—.
lowaaklp Ip tka aoaatg aad to'ererg to an. It aakdoad t
raltoaad the pala. Skoald aag aofaratd to the dtg. aoOenof Ua apaetol aaVraltoaad
—*bg glrtog Pala Balm a trial
•toattoaaaUadtaalacta atoto aaaator ferarr pfpfit
to a. O. UaraUk plaoa. At dagllgtat townr^M^" For aala kg B. S.
tkat neralag tka akarUt kagaa work
•ad kalore aoaa depattoa wata dtoAptU Hagaaltiaa
■gtft--* to aaarg dlraatkn aad the
Tka atg Kawa Stead bM i
•harUf hlnaalf took tka tosgaat }a«r- aaa^
new kMka nd amoag th
M. Bg dark Prided algbt tka laat
■aaleaaraafoatodto Uatoa towaaUp.
dkanaatraaMtopotot to the aaaatg.

A New Featii^and a Long Felt
Want Realized......
. f

t^BoUd W«

I Ataaaa aad Waak-

Tutbw Oitt to tka largaat dtg
aad MtkBaUlBgaadpro^aroaaoaa•
W aortk afttraadBa^: gat wkaa
aakod bg Ttolura wkara w aow^
•oart boBM ia lacatad wa aoat nadaat]g atata that wa iMta aot gat raaahad
tka digaltg af a ooart kooaa, bat wa
oaa polat with haMblaaaaa to


SteiBterg’i Grmd Opoi Hoide



....OF THE....

aored bg Mr. Wlneton. Thuradag
ariit a meaaagt in which be demanded
hto relQBtAUBienl and added tkat la
cane be wm again refuaed ha would
klU the pieeldent of the cc


Floor, i


r emplogera.
CT tbc vindleatlon of
t Vlneten re­
ceived a totter from Heorg. le which be
bif regret for the part ptaged
bg him In the latertlg*tl<» end

inlUip decided that the funeral of Uca*
tenant F. W. Jrnklnr next Wedneadajr

I to kto c

Made by A. W. JAHRAUS,

I of the aSalra i

Baadag—Praa^toc at 1040 a. aa. aad wni be a public one. Ullltarr bo
Ika torpadakoataadforea tkaa
«r aaad tkaa ta tka kottoaa of tka aaa. Tp.».
wlU be paid ibe rematou.
Bat it ia aaaaida tkai PraaidaBt MeKia- i aaaaMttogat*:Ua.m.aBdattkt
wlU kata ao mer* foaliag aad tka eloaaaf ataatog aartlaa.
1 kate boan aSIetod with el
aatya var dapaadaa aflaeUta aad iaa- dnadag aekool at II m. •
for foartrea geara aad aotbtog e
relief. I waa akla• to
.. be
ModiaU aetioa to protaat Awariaaala- Jaator Laagaa aVS:M p. m.
the tines ,but eonetoaUg
Bpwaatk Laairae at S;4» p. m.
I bad tried atergtblog I
■Moratoglaakjart: •■Praparatlaa for •nSerlDg.
eetsld bear of andat laat waa told to
Tn PapaUata ara rtatog to rakaHtoa too oawtog of Cbrtoa'* la tka ara
Chamberlala'a Pals Bain, wbtob I
^atoat tkaatfartaafChalrMBattor tka aakJaet wfA ka: vWar.'*
.... and waa imandtotelg raUete* and
■^'aault tkaa ta aaotkv foaton. to Tkatadag—Ptogor aioattog at 7:M la a abort___
abort Une earad.
.. .
I an bappg to
ng that it baa pot I
wkiak tkay ara to da all tka faatog aad
Ito Diweermta to'gat aU tka oBem
« aordtoUg totltod.
nag -ara aat oalg rakalltog tort ara
tkalr rakalUaa kj trmem'
TraaaraaOttg Hatfeab

* a tka-------- «oa at; 10:M a. aa Ptoaaa Joto Below to a Itot of Ike kattog and eall, aad pattfig a
tog prtoea of geatordag for groaortoa.
IB tkair ptooaa. Ta dafaat tkla Ckair- kaartllg' tottka kgmaa aad rwpaaalta prpttotoaa aad farm prodneta to Ttot.
aoaa Battor la trgtog to gat a rato
•doptad .wktok prarldM tkat ae mtm- Made kg tba-Qnaaa at^Qurtot.
•n 00
toar Peril per bkl. a
Baadagoebocdatll146a. n.
W akaU ka raaal' '
daalor CkriaUaa Badaatat aae^tog at laar Park par •>....
r kafon tka
that BO Mttar what «ag ka tka aotiaa Toaag Paoplfk 8o«to9 of Ckriattoa
bdaator atSS:«» p. m. ■
■aaalwinalj .rato to -roBora him. ka Btaatog aarttoaa at 7 a'oloek.
•kail kata tka right to aapaal to tka 1k«a wtoktog to aalto wttk tka
totltod to maat to ibe paatork atadg
Mondag ataatog. April ll. at 7:to.
Ja wktok term H to aatoarttoat to tka Coauanaioa Beadag will be April 17.
Xwaawatto par^ aad to tka faatoa
OBAca anaooraL cnnacat. ’
aee. CBartceT. a«eel. leelor.
, prapotojioa.

and for Ten Cents, the—

nertg la the emplor oC the
arreated. geeterdag
Pteeldem Wlneton.
charge* lest sumroer (or refualag to
Obeg the order* of Secretnrg Olenn. At
that tlate be left .be citg and aecnrad
iplogment la Detroit. When the

J. L. Waraar.
Tawa C3ark-Ckarlea BaaAaU.

«o aaad aflaataforalaenaat to


Traverse Belle.
Diamond J.

laaa tkaa aa hast i

MtotVadar y
wiLUAM w. emra.
f^qtytyntir •

for .bp., pric.

W« 0«> BiUd WllMl. to Ordw, do it cb~per uid «ire bellot m.teti.1 nd woii Ihu uy
in Ibe city. Hnv. hod ccrcnl
fttn' experiencd and gaamot
necflo givt Ud A trUL
XuiB, Sll Front BL, Sut.

ofthtoaltg aad
Min Agaaa Saaacal af Bk Igaaea bar*
apaaad dram naktog paitora at t»4
WasklagtOB atraat, aoa door aaat at
BaptUt cburck. wkara «
tka todla^
Cltg. Satiatoettoa gaaiaataad.

Laagae. to aknrt to I
.xtoeilj kg PauIOitoolBiof Ma. .
gaa. aad Uaorga BaaaaU of Big Bap.
l%a>iexeaBU] baagaawaa iacorporaUd to PsBiuglTaBla to im aad
Cm braack affioaa all aear tka L'aitod
StotM. Tka Iaaguaiad(^bBBtoanaa
tka reaerrad feud plea aad baa la caaaaettoB aritb tke toaaiaaea a aiak gad


The KingshuiyOolors-Black, Kadur6, Beina. Steel Pearl Burgimdy, ^
Salmon, Seal Brown, Cuba, Hgrtla

The Culpepr StiffHatsi

UagM kaa alaa-a aap- ,
aataaUaftaaAiSagwHcal And. '

Colors—Blaok, Brown, Bodia, Maple.
These are the latest styles, best makes, and altogeth. ^
^ the nobbiest hats offered.











^ . ■■ ‘




;c *

TM MOMrnta Mwan, botpat, KAaoH S7, laea.
lar. Porter aad WBotew; tapa kapdca


eariac a aaroJ coaUac otatloa to wauro
oootb of Cuba, and the paper* are acw
raadr for daal aettoB The otatloe -wfU
not be OB Naraaaa 1 eland, ao bar booa
auffcoted. bet to Itkoly to bo at om of
toe aervral Bat barboro at BarU cr
Boa I^tora. or Otoe ea too Daatoh
totoad of Sk Tbomao. whkb k apon to
froB Doamark for a coaoldcrable I
laoeleed from tbe New Tertc aaral
Btliitia of thotr rapdlaeae or abort aoUee to aupptr oflksoa aad aaB<te man
tbo olado tarralod awRlteni aew called
toto florrleo. Order* wore toMod to have
all toe warahlpo palatcd black, a col­
or that lo bettor adapted tw booUIIUoo
becouaa the eiooeli wtU ac( oBwAao
rood 0 tofot.

Dofa9 cT «n Barts or Pwpte aDd Od4 Bite of NewB From ' I
TIm Mdltorima to
■ftrip to too wtolor .M. V. Choaor, a
! ft torB war~
«t orrtotoc to poj far it la wood, to
vSe ««• MMMoMd to wwiiif bicfe bo dollTorod boforo April Uk Foroorteto took toMi oC. *Bd MW
lAw oral wooha bo baa booatdftororooolpiU
daaroroMlp iU
hM bM(MM ft to4 mMk 10 te» MtlatosA few dayo art>
ttooft(teo«ftfte«ltoo flMabon oT tko oirbtooa « bla aoirbbon loaded too
________ jMtot wood on tbob-warOM -aad took It to 'Ooidwatar, a dtoof M bUoo, doapito tbo Bod aad
OtrOtorh I
Uft)«coo*onaroftfmft«0. ft poartof tftla, Tbo loar Iloo of taoBO
UfttriMdfbjrM- ooBiar aaaipootodlf toto too altj
oftUad oot ft erawd. aad.wboa tbolr
tor ft bl«r«Ift ftt pooiltar SMlfft.
Biaoloa waa i^o kaorra tor/
totM whool Ift OM ooroftlto too I
tetwftoft tbo iwu lo ft tetoot ebarrod to too oob». R. O. Ckaadtor.
tor too rooopMoil *t )bo Wotoooo owl wbo oold too wacoa. tmtod aU tbo
ofUo^ur. tiMroMi I«r towpoio farBoto wbo bad tokoa part
ktod act wHb dteaar far toi
aad tlMd boraoft.


t nemispnere other t
they are belnp plv< n aelxhl wlto millUry autotwItiB a* ebowinp toe dlsposllion of Spam.
n.Tni8 agrADitoa oBOAsisni.

The order* tssued by tbe^vy depart­
ment durtop toe day covered eyrry
branch of naval armament. The “By-

Ms To Measure For a Short Time.
Oea Miller, Apt. Oomeandsea

Spain or any otoer foielm naUon prior
to to* Bcetlnt of the neat *«*Mon of
eoDcre** tbe prerident of tbe United
Bute* Is hereby autbdrlaad to accept
tender* of volunteer troopa. to porcha**
arrno aad munition* of war. to equip
•ucta troop* for arUv* acrvle* • • •
and do any other act neceaaarr to to*
aafety of Ow country pr any part ibero-,
of and to protect its honor and prast-

Clay and
Ohevint D.B.
Silk Facings.

MstobS -lb* nary doarora from Ueuienant Col'
attach* to to# United State* eBbaacy
at Lendom that apeata of ibla poverameht had porebaaed a -Scblaebao"
torpedo boat that had been constructed
for toe German povernBenL The new

ChtBCO MUMB ftMelTM OeCee*.
Cbleapu. March M.—Actlnp under toWasblnpton. tbe naval
reeerve* and toe National Guard in
r war

Sm thMi-Thsy are
baavtifiil pattamA.

We Guarantee to Show The Prettiest Line of Suits
Ever Brought to This City.

•Nmoeat p«u P*ww.
March M. - Omtorol
din to*
n thawent

It gnwr tm


Still Aiinw OS6 wltll

t Ita very door witbeui tok>

too Midtoad B^blkaa. Mr. O. P.
BaU wao proooat ^ Mr.,,SoUto propoaod to “aparo that troo.’' whlcb wao

%iish r


Black Clays.
tc $1 yo.

In mry i^aqnil
M* tailor
MSMWa ^ WDAda sw*

Order* t>

doable tha moa«y. .

Milwaukee. March M.—A apwilal
Tbe Journal rrum Waahinpton ea.
Tbe tevenue culler Greaham. baa been
ordered tu the coast." When Mu......
Ib'e above dispatch Caplato Davit ad­
mitted that order* were received poallively orderlnp tbe Orcsbam to tb*
coast and that be would accompany her
to the front.




alfbt. aald that be date aot eoneolra
bow war wlto 8pato can be averted.
Tbe notied State*. be~a*r«. would bei
jofttfled li
troUDda. Bpeaklni of toe ■tar^-B<^oa
tactic* of Werler. be *ay*i That b not
war—toat la hell."
Ho mr* tboi Spain waa bonnd by latoraaUonal kw to BO toot the Malno
woe protected to every pooatMe way.
and bovtor failed la bound for a tora*
Tbe United Butto.
be aora, cannot oSord to yo on record

I br** Bft- abeat fwo wooka aca Mr. tmUb eat It
imitf. Ho retoUB too O
dowm. a rraat trao with traak two faat
• BoBbor of too tittooBO botoco too toraarb. Ho bad eatit toto eord wobd.
poUi woco opoood. WbootootoU
—it eotdo botof too prodaek Aboat
oontod bo bod JootftB o*n tt Bo}or- t« toot troa too poind a dattoaod
baUot waa faaad Isboddad ol«bt or toa
toeboa below tbo bark. Boo rood arap
of weod .oaabepowB la haU a Ufa
ord Clir Boootd tooloiftiftiUoy that bo
Tbo» dLorory of eool bode to aad
hftdjMto|Ud l.»oobUboIo of Mtotooo
at «H oo^ ftod toot hit tom dftrtar aroaad Ba/ City wao baOod wlto do^
too loot TOOT hftdfftld blBSIDO ft Booth UCbi. ^t too ptoaaaro it
a ftod otf^t por ooat totor- qa^ldod bow, aad it k aU dao to too
oaaoko aakaaco. Woara faat yalalar
Ofttoo boriiB
of boiar Mkblraa-o
Dr. H. a. MsOool boo bad a. aoodU Pittobarc, laya too Saaday Proao, aad
. iBboddod to bto baad for maj yoftro, |ho OBoke aaitoaeo k a probtoa wito
aad wkUo ftt rUatroeoaUp bio baad whiitob the city mast baUla Owtof to
OTM oapiood to toe X-tb^ aad too aoolUOBoly low prtoa of local coal,
aio eo^ bo pUtoJj aeoa. oajrB too Lo- bariacB Bta baoa adopted 11 far aoo
la toolrboBcoao woUaolatooirotoroa,
I from tu bolar tboro. tbo roaalt botof toot tbora to a eaaatoat elood of Wk. aeaty oabotoaeo
bk toamb la ftcortftia «toj> bo it ro- baapar omt too dty. Vartoao amoko'
Btodod of IB proooaeo 1V» rootoeo tbo
I ara boiar taatod. bat aoao
aoodlo wooto oodftacor oooM of too 1b-



Bay* A rood o&d.

1. March M.-Jaro Baker.
cf tot United Stota eoart tor tbe dto-

with any.

10 DAYS’

—Pooler* wer*

childFien ;v
Shoe Prices


Capuin c
punboai WUmiaptoa. alae ea route from
Port A;iiunlo. will likewts* report ts
Capiam bampeon at Key West as well
as to* puBboat Vlcksburp. Dow at
Hampton Roada Late yesterday toe
navy dCpanment pave out tbe followliip
Hst ot veaseU as abowtap to* exact
of each Beet as It sunda.
>wlnp veasaU coanpoae to*
satic aquadraa: New Tork.
Pnrtiaa. Ibrrar, MarbiebeaA MeatDetobto. Casttea Naabvilk.
c« Hekaa. WOmlaptca. Tesavtua: lerpado
basts Foot*. CbBBBb BrU*aon. Cush-

•ntentap It with
- acla. BBt as a menaca. but from what
toe-Snaatsh ptiverBSwat. fari* k a twt called tor by to*
•sadltloB pt alfaJra. .
ABdty less suppsstte* tbaa to* apTgBfab td to* torpedo Aotina
a receteed yaaterday by to*
■kUticst mniury auiboritlw that to*
_Jsaakb cotPBnawat had kniried to


cf Parto

Tb* latter riaus* w

Slxoe TT-p^

ebaBbccialab Ooqffb Bcaaedy.
(«r cBvbs coiaa. mwap.
far ita eufea
______ _
over a larffu part at Ik* clvUlsrd wcrid.
Tb* Boet teUNtaff tcatiBcakk hava
....... ...............fffriaff______________
received, fffriaff acecunU of___
pood work*; af tbe affpruvaUap aad
pmakteot ooeffbs IwAa* eared; of acver* cold* that bav* ykldad. pcompUy
fa n*.*ootkk« effect*, and of the S»mgarons attack* of croup It baa curod.
“ lar to* Ilf* of toe <A0d. The
a** of It for wboopiap
has ahowB tkat It rob* Uat dk*a** of

Pricea on children shoes slauphtered
rlpbt and left.




63 75 89 Wil 98c.

1000 Roils
Wall Paper Given Prices,
Boys' Shoes cheaper than you ever boupbt
pood shoes for before: Don't wait.
nr* rolls free wilk ovary ffl.W cedcr.
TW paper k aU a«w deaMaa. Mea
_____kav* kcaaUful iwob Boaldtar*

stttat* that It was finally dsetM to
rriasute the riause and lake the risk.
Tb* Mffrap* article maksa edtan of
dtBaas of the sUU and of to* Cnttad
States, native bora or
hav* lived to tb* state two yaaia. to tb*
aad to tbs eattaesrw-



buslneet portion* cp the city yeeterdsy
Btatlnp tbat tb* povemmeat wanted as
The voter must be able to read and
rnsny experienced men as it caa
Wrtie bis mother loopue or BnpUsb. and
for to* navy. _____
must make hli tppUcallOB to reptster
In bl* own bandwrldap: or If hr is nnMadrid. March W.-Tbc report of tta*
Spanish board of Inquiry into tb* lo*a pruperty lo the value of tWO. All wbo
were voters lo Ilf! or prior thereto.
cf to* battleMsip MalB**ay*emphar
and their suns and prandsuna are plven
(be ripbl to reptster and vole without
any otoer quailIlftcatloB. provided they
have lived In jb
five ycare prior
elecltun at which they may offer
to vote,>, and^iroelded they shall repUCer
before Bept.i of toe present year,
der tbe pwme edition* ef residence
pereons of forelpa Urtb who have been
before~tbe end of tbe curPurposa of ths LouiaUna Constk aaloraUsed
renl year may replster aad vou. A
tutwnal Convdfition d
poll tax provtaion aa a
votlnp I* Incorporated, but It 'becomco
Lap! Aoeomplishsd.
effective only after the aext peaeral
ekettoB to LoulsUna to UN. .

Wafab vt Spaakk Torpada FlotUto
-Ttylas aqaBAMB. Ooaakttac
to command. Be will hoist hi* ooid'
Fmrtal W«nkipa k Bataf aat- iqpdore'B flap on the Sapsblp Brooklyn
aeil Monday. Those U tor squad­
faa Maady dm ■aphtaw
ron Will be toe armored cruiser Brook­
Tb* rlpid mk* of Beerecy whlcb
lyn, toe battleship* Massaebueetu and
▼aU at cabinet nwoUnp* wer* mad* Texse and tbe cruleer* Culqmbu and
doahly Mrtct to ihto caaa and no
aBtka of to* r«*ulU rwebad by to*
eeait were known unUI > o'clock. n**a
result*, totofly suted. are that the Idss
ef tb* Mdta* was du* to so explosion
from toe outside, tbe court treinp unable
Ui Sx toe rcspoBslbtlUy tor tbe exptoThe court dc«a not
OplBl >0 Of to tb* cfaararter ot.toc «sploet' *. but tb* tesUmeay paea to show
’ XNVIM ee a BaksUialethai
tb* exalt charactiy ot which k not
Urmliuil by tbe tecllmnny, tbouph tb*
beUrt aarexpreueed
top eubiLarine mine There wer* two
cxpkwlona. (be i-ourt dnda; toe dm waa
New Oricant. March M-By a
faoB toe ouuldi. and that •*< oS cm of
to* sBaller maxaxinee.
Tbcre was nu chanse In tb* ptoa «f
in*klnp tbe report public aad tranaaalty**teriky adopted a, miHrape plan. Tae
ttop It to conprv** earl) next weto, ftbloB of the to be of
n^ day*’ duration, aad It was
e interct *a* thus twBot aufftop* before
taklap up aay other queetloiL
day* fa reach a ^rdlcL .The
a Otoer ships whKb arc a
Botldly Demo­
. or bereafter at Hampton Road will not
d to tooeivotbeebe •I aitenuon be of tbe Sytop nquadron. but. wtU be- cratic and the avowed purpeat waa to
r *o Car as. leap fa tb* Norib AUalilic euUon an- •Umlnatc to*, aeptu frora LotMaaa
deOnlle Une of der Captain Sami
Ik* Bylay poUtMB. The aoaaur* adoptol. far proI was.deten^ned upon tbe and
vldlap for educadonal and prfaeny
tbs tMst ahlpa to tbe navy,
and a poU
ls pr*.
quick aenrlo* at aay point akap
answer to* purpcaaeSeettvos tbe sUadpolnt of toe Bpanltb^ Atlantic.
ly- At I
u not a ' At the aame lIpB tbe Nortb Atlantic let to a* many wblu ywoplc as possible.
BUtloR under Captain SampaiB k
>nd this le aooompUabed by exempUnp
Bnay week* apo. Oa tb* oontiirarpL to* ' be further
aapawBted. Tb* crul
era. as wettas tooa* who
I toe ek^^aclinnaU. whlcb Wtt Port AnfanJo
ifreB votws to U
larSrUb tfair sons and


lAtMt fkbrioff

Jofft ri^ht for oprlar


Aflorto ymn of i ftlm^ua.op'
^ too towbor torn of N. Ftotab • A alfft bfto booa ptoeod at too bead of
•r * SoM ol AlfOM bH cot iM loot lor too dab eboto u too doB to Oraad
to toot Tletottr. TboFlotobor Usbor: rlTor. aoar L/oat, with tola iaaeripft too Slot to bo ftporofrifttod to toot I tioa: “nab boood Ut Uraad Lodro
rofloft. ftoO bow oxtoootTO It w«o wo^ aad Portlaad taka too ^oeator.*' Tbo
bo totorroS trow too toot toot it took dob bora acbooli' bot too/ baoo aot
Mroontoeotllftll. WltoJ.R-Lock- booa taarbt tbo Bafliob Uaraora.
wooA.OoOTC*N neteborftt-OM Um aaya a Ljoaa oorrcopoadoak
ftwood Mortr too oatiro olio of klpooft,
hortororriotoilft lUS oad
Thirty/oaro ar«. P- H. Smith wao
worklar OB too Ball fana aeroM too
of too OMO rroftt Umber tract It
riwr. Poartof ap. wbto bo cbbo opoa
of totortoa Cftmpa. ocroo
a^llttio balB-of-tUoad troo, too traak
imabMt tbaalaopt a brooBatlekAO/a
.' Tbo slfbi boforo too oloeUoo ot ItottoaopMoftobon

Hanilsoniu Pplar
Top SackSoits

ktaotiaa ffwaafaed.
Chas. Mastic.
«18 lek* AnsM,


S13 Float St.

BalMaora Stock B*ccl*Mi Thraa llBas a Weak
Cmcnt*. SOBpar.qaart

noctot firm apt a< iMiMmt



1HB K0xnv»4nM0B». nnrD&T, kaxob «t. law.

NMf VMS*! WW Tak««M Mm*

MW tn mu. puBEB sn^K
\ hr »


HnM «

WatUtirtota. March M.-1I was tbor.
•U«hlr MIchlaaa daj la tbe aeaat*
arboa tbe bill was pa«ed appropHattac naatat tur ib* biuldiv ot a «aaboat to take tbe plaos of the Mli^lcaa
on the Great Lakea.ThU falU a-as tntrodurod br Staater
MeMlliaa. was retorrt.d lo tbe eomiaUlee OB aavai affalrt. of-erWcb Saaator
VeMillan I* a nenbor. abd waa ro-

M brt«. »W «
hbo«l tMr ovB ttUM tor nwk
Mfloa. but Mr. Br««»r bu whim but.
OM la M chMaa abevt that tlat. mM
btwM irfD «o to Ton Ram. AppOcaata tor dm oOTrle* wmltiailoa
awl be M ro&ra of ««c.
IMBM a. XMdo edt:orlal la tbo toata
BrnUiMl oa ‘ Mc-KlBlcjr^ .fltw Tear.-*
baa been copied oaite cktetiatvrir la
oMtera nen-Bpapera lacladlax oae of
the paper* la this dip. Tbe odKoi^ot
the Now Tork Baa sar*: "It It a
Mroec stateoMBt la behalf of the pro*.
Ideat. wltboat beta* aa orer-«tate.0»o wnl WlWCIstMCrUIrlMA.
Major Reneral Mllw t» belo* tovordr
l« annr aad aavy
B at a
P«*1»M bU cUIn tor
cr. - It
the Artnr and Nav> club ope ot tbe
ecterao reUre^artar officer* ot tbe dv*
II vai said-.
"At the commenretaeBl of onr.troa-

tonaed th*t tbti laiportAt bill wm* Tccumarh Bherman was delIrMed whea
ta be taken ap br tbe acnate'be called ,
wu made a <ooloBel FcboBeld was
floaator Bam>«a to tbe chair, pave (perfmir aailsfted to await hla rbaBcet
him tbe «**•! and retired U> the vice I
prefenaeat “The two men who bepreddaafa room. Thu* It happened' «"“• HeutenaBt rr>neral* won their
that tbe bin proTidiBC for a bt«t to ataio. Now. then. Ulleo U eimpir aentake the place of the Mlchlcaa. waa tor ’major veneral becauae he ha* prowe
B the Benire.
, toe old, aad whea there I* »om» little
proaaect of war. be ctwa to corpr-ai and
•eaate while a Micblpaa a
aak* 10 be made a lleuteBaai aeaeml
before a nn la dred."
^ '
Of tbe aavr ahail award the contract
That Is a sample of (be wav people
to the lowest, beat; rMpoaalhle bidder. h«^ tolktor of Mile* and hi* bill One
aad the COnhiMt mwi be coBatnirled
«»«' bafst offieen of the olob. who
of »teel or other metal or of allor- No h*« aeen battle e»pert»nc-. «ar*. "Nopnrmluin* are to lie offered for ezreaa '■xlj' knot.-* yet whether MHe*
ot speed, li la not belle>-ed that there other
w ltl prove to be our rre«l^ win ever come a tbne Bhea this omo-, e*t lewder to the event of nar with anr
try wui Mod a war vooei oa the Onwt' e.tiatrr. Actual warfare will devel. p
Xake* tor the purpose of Sphtfn* that *»«. Tbe detl war developed the
Brained relaltetis with 'spwto.' hare >bah and Sheridan. N»l«v(>' entertain*
tended to cuUlvate friendly reUtloaa froHn** of cnt7 W antipathy for Mlleo.
which win be Ukelr to laat.
rwbl tor Rotol Ptm IMIlwy.
ne meBtif Ukhtoan have been mak- clattn* for advaareiDent i I this time befor* there ha* been aey ■car and wbra
tad a hot flebt for lacici
free delivery.
They w* are trytoa to avoid i wax."
Uona- torlh.e. Nw WaM Ad>
lea* luzuriea were cieeo
of ntleo and less produ
railroad* tor carrytoc mally.
country people could have ample "because I know (bat tbe president baa
fref delivery and at DO time desired ue espnoaed a de­
CO^ service could be rendered them. sire that Ibe-coPdrea* should ad>mm.
btoreo\(y. while
It to ncknowl^daed by tbe postmasti
dCDeral (hat rural free delivery to i. Rials I know that
lonper eapertmenlal. but practical, and dieaa to rcmalo to aemlon.
tbe sooner It can be extended to all of!"«'(«. roa n-ay »ay that •
oar people tbe better.
I 'f cinareM were not In
B Corilaa of Detroit has I the prerident would
•Mraetically advocated tbe bill maklbc . ffcesa tiy
praaMenlial Inaufuratlon day the flret 1 of ihr coagreaw we wa* »o lottg a
Wednesday In May. and It ta ftt«rably meml-er of th* house of repn-M-nUtlvea
reported Our preoldenla are usually and »n Ihncooghly und*r«Und« the eoniDaugurated In yarn or tiiow atorma. • cre“ 'bat b* ha* conBd-nc* lo the ccab of March I* generally , nitutlorral repreveniative* «.f th* peoa day of bad weather in this climate.
pie., excepting the brief term of poor
Monroe. Oar1>ld. there has l(een ad’presldeg^ In
Congieawman Spalding


iBley U and
b*» been from the beginatag of his adc next »rlji. mlntatratlun."
Mr. DoHIvr- I* one of McKinley’s per.
Our foTvIgn relation* *re Such'
that It I* deemed unwtae tn attempt to wnsl trieirda In reply to an Inquiry, he
ckangv ouf monetary lyelem at surb seidi "While he doc* irol want oar.
a ttoe. As Abraham.Lincoln quaintly be anticipate* It. and M preparicg for It,
aaldWe mutt not change horaea Re will intervene In Cuban affair* re­
wbUc ermtatng a stream.' "
gardless of what may be tbe outcome
of the Maine disaster, tpbelber or not
there shall be war must be decided In
nan Todd of
Madrid, and not In Washington Tbe
who ta w member of tbe
atcoboUc tlQuor traffic. *B>a: "If the American people'expect the president
right of pelitKm ta regarded by this (0 take proper steps to bring to a Haas
harharous ---------conduct —
of --------affair* In
cungres* there will he legtatatton
— ---------------—
veatlng tbe uae of Inloakaal* oa guv > Cuba, end the people will pot be dlaapemmenl reeeivetu.n* and In the Dia- I pointed In thHr prerideni In this mattrtet of Columbia We have before our. »cr. The congreaB merely reaecthd the
S'PUtar *
It the dta
praying for such tagtalatlon But lb* tational d
— congrese does not paf aiioh atiratlea
o petition* a* should hr paid «o them.
The degth'of Blabehe K. Bruce, tbe
Tberernre ,1 am afraid that tbe bills only colored man who ever served a
peadlng wfll liot br uhra up and full term ta the United Bute* senate,
aad one of the oply two of hta race
i wmiarn Alden «mltk who ever entered that body aa *-aea: returned from Cuiw. found a aior mu*t recall il»* Swift changes la


Dh(*r»ien In th* Homm Omt th*
RuBns* ef .th*


. Match M.—The attrrlag

NplaVwtbe Wedi Mmaatof ■
■---------------------- - —

Topw.'dtod'a aiHibaa rinwiiM
ThaKlBaCy-imPMlalwabo taaorlptk» aad IMM baaa taty hatmUjaw
eribad to Darld. It Boat beaatlt«U7daMribaaGod-aloTlbcaadiratEhral aara
aad tba paaea ttf tboaa vbo tnat ta
aim. It U agppcMed to be dtaBatte ia^
cbanetto aadtoba " '

thtae eokaa the Snt votes attesi. to
pMed, e*n*a I. t-S, Uatelanaeitf Sto IS:
(to armnd ectea. vena S and tto Ant
daBBT <d e«aa 9. and tto ihlid vttea.
apeaktod for God. eenn 14-lS. Tliia
Bakto SB toHBBcI/ ialcrtattos attanicawto (d tto pteJm. adds to Us btaniy
end TMteCT, aad U «M intoUjr >ans
to toil wayJ
TberaanBasypreeSonapBaBtoea cd
God cBfteM to tola pBlm. Tto Snt
two Toioe* BpMk of God a* a ratape aad
fecepto. as one wbo toall daUeer His
people troB tbe aMre of tto fowler and
tto deronrtag paAUaxa. from tore*
bj night and (be axrow that fliotb by
day. tnan aiekpeato fro*n ceil, fataa
pUftB by Si^ Hla anrda eharga om
ttott. to fcaap tbMB to all tbete waya

land waa la tto chair aad Hoa. Wim
L. Wltaou. 00* of tto tpim^i ol C
last enhtaac
tto judges of tbe centmt.- Th* aubjoet
That national party hues ahould
gtavgarded ta tto choice of conn
and adintalatikttve official* of Ameri.
can clitaa." Upon ihta propoatUon Tale
toqk tto attrmnUv*.________

New Departure!
one MONTH FRce.
irotan^y only to
Mdoetoabas no much faith to tto
psrtetao* bt has had la toeattoc

taded an appeal to tto people of Oul AtoOPUggCMtCALOrsaLAnongO
Smd SUtiTf^ eonlrtbotlooa of moa"ITf* I® Tw
*v. food and ctothtag for the benefficd! A* that h*
to .^ra ta tbto
____ Cubana.
Cubans aad
ttot rootrlbutioM of awney might to
mnt to the com) gaawnU at Havana All forms of chruaie^aMaea aad
through the aectetary of stale. The to­ teraittea' tauated. Ke maa
tal fund received at tto atate depart* Stato baa had aach extandto 1
meat te data ta reaponae to this appeal

D tbe alsAa p
niUnca of Speaker Rood, were rocaJled
raaterdar to the taibuleat pcotewa
attd A7!ycan ago from Ctei—'
Bade br the -mlnorUr acatost a mltop
Ohio; iten la year* to a
ot Ibe chair dartt« tbe ^BsktaraUoa ot
lectured.ns IVofeiior
_je; after that lectured
tbe naral approprtattoto.WUr'TI^ roU
India -........................tpCoB^lege for A
fine tbeir remarks underr uia Swft-tnln1 that maa who'years;
-------- -—TiXlM
qta rale to tbe subject before
tfor* M bouae.
. wiU power.
Ordtaary Thtacxperic_____________ ___________
aad was made adatoat Rartmaa (allfood cnaaot eoaply tto viMl fore** | year*' *tody to tbe best boanitata la
ear Rep.).'wbo aitwipted to make a
wfaieh paepl*
1a with aetiv*
aetlv* tomiaa aad | tto
the country,
----------'and tieat*
poUikal speech. Tbe raUiic was do- ttot God narv faUed spoke, with a
bodlee rsquto
iifo. Dkdh mb (nad tto; tog tboMnds of dwonic cases, baa
DouiKod aa a asnrpatioa. aad appeal
when had.............................
k* tto mtod hrigbt. moaelea j pcepared him to care wtoa tto general
after appeal was taken. Wbca all ela* be would not toil.
to all
ke Bleak and hioed ato rivu.practitioMr fail*. Bare you beea sick
ages bar* Mnnwd (bat God aaeor toOed
(Uh to Men dto Women, for ycun? Are you diacoaragudT
to tto kepi^ of RU pcomiaea. This la TKxTrmnua or Pan.atgq.rtoA mnka Can ato aecaa.we will tell you whether
wucaacureyoaoreot.. If wecaaaet
tto Boat pf«rtoa*thtto
heeat. Chief ctark KMhmai ta-ML icare you. we wiU tell yotwhxt relief
toBotOod—itoy are-B
nao.P-C.lnHen that be va» all rsa
noGod Himadf la Teptasrnted to tto
tbiid eokw of ttaU p*ato>. and Be makes
abaolntely iree luemnnrx aargnmi
memlier of the aaral comralttae. made
operations, ato tto beuefiTof aU-tor
a ceneral apeecb la advocacy of the anaraber of pRaniaea and gives Bia
Jax. O. Jogaton, Dregglat.
-fall to an wbo are too poor
.policy of buildtoa up a atrvnr and pow1. God

• •
treataawit U auYhat £i
of loea. “Becaase he ba« sat hi* love
' aednotowith^a^
y.thc defender of the Ur. apoo Me 1 wiil deliver him." If wa
tag and tbe cuardUn of the honor of the lore God as a ktod abd tortog Pattor,
of the
dead. If an em'ercvn. y waa upon u* Be will watch over aa and dcliver-aa I.W.Itatebu.
W.P.toeao* -Khewaftam. and an <
lerroaa aystaax Go early, jM toy
the Amertcaa aaty ea* ready (o meet from many thtoM-but pMticalarty
K. ^'Itb gkiwlng word* br paid an elo­ ato and tto ecmsrqacKea <d am.
quent (ritnite i the brimant ■
AUdThaye at tow.
t. God fguaniMa posiUaa becauie ct
adga of Hta nama "1 will m
war. tbe war of m2 aad the war of tbe
i blgh bccanaa to ktrowetb My
re^lloa. euloalalax the deed* of John
" U «• rveevpito God aod asall
Paul Jonca. Deeitur. Percy. Porter.
Farragac aad Dupoot.
Him. Be will boeor aad exalt aa
>. God protniaea to answer prays.
Wtoa to oltelb upon Ma. 1 will aaHartman created tbf dlvcrsloa which
' r, we give a written rear. bfrbuslneas
caused tbe bludring
otr him." Tto lucatae to aatwar
c every c-------------------------case of PILeS ato
- aetee to cure
1 of tbe day by deUimniic a Ove- prays is ob« of tbe moat preciosa aad
RUPTOH& A^«t»vea^*^
mlaule Rwevh aattrlBlng tbe Repubfl. aroai ofuti repeated of tbe prtaantaB ot
hospital department b
can parly. Whip under cover of a arc- Cod'swotd. -‘Askaadyoaballraoeie*.
1 ..
ODd prv forma amendment he attempted ae«k aad y« atoll Aad. kaoiA aad U
proceed Boulclle callyd him to order.
lall be opaoed nato you."
He made .the potat that Hartman's
• '_____ ^
A. God {raaiarn Icmg Itfu "With •FhmaaWAW*. U»
mnarks were not pertinent to tbe
amendmeai. A lively mrliaroeniary loag life will 1 Bttafy bimaadabow
him My.'BlvatkuL*' Tbse is aot oaly

wrangle followed, when the chair
talned tbe point of order. After
to Goi^ proiuiaa 'of lile 4 |soBiiB cd i
hate iw qn appeal bad run or (or an length of day* to this life, but ewaal
hour Boulelle moved to ciuse the debate life beymid tto gtava
oa tbe appeal. Inslanily a point of or­
der waa made against DoBle:ie’* mo­ ns live upco tbcoi. vataiag Him and
tion. which wa* overruled. Party feel­
ing ran high. The vote was Ukea oa looking w Him fer all ihlo^
Bible ftatobwa—Num. xxiU. IB. 10:
Bootelle's motion to <;loa* debate on tbe
appeal aad carried—111 to M. .The vote Dent vli. V; Joafana gxiii. 14: 1 Kings
then came upon the appeal /rmn the vlii. M: Pa Ixxxix. 1-4; r«. B»-44:
decision of tbe chair and the chair waa laa xliii. M; ftuot. t. 1-S: UOor.i.
BuatBloed-UO to R.
SO ; tph. iil. B: U Tim.' i. 1: Tina 1. h
»; Beh vL it-tO: a»: OPat. ii. 1-4.








6nM lilHi i iBiiiu L I

<* KIU Time tm Hevewgw
The wrangle then coutlnued for biro*
Uror and when tbe mlaority waa beaten
proceeded with
vole by teller* on Hartman'*
amendmeet, which waa
denied. Bailey deaouncte the ruling.
-If you to not permit ua lo verify
oouBt.’' to deelarvd. "you destroy ih'
test safeguard of th* minority. A dta
boncot man In the chair - and then

iM defeat tto wUI of this bui
am frank to say ttot
inaugurailag thU SUbustev wa* to
•ume twH* a* much Um* as you denied
and I inthe get
tend ti do It every lime you deny
A •• -lOemocraUc apreasonahta tomaird.'
The chair llnaUy announei
did not doair* to deprim aay
The metropolitaa newspaper*
right boaestly tomanded. If Ibe
have taher. op the story of hi* ad___________
Texas eronid state that
Tcature with live ^psniBh aoldlrr*. worthy of note also
the demand for tellei* wka made ta
whom he vaitqutahed with hta uiabrel- the home of jeffer
rereoxDatvta, who *
r h*ve ridiculed him
Southera Coafedenry. good faith be wouM eniertain tbe fio,
mend. ‘T tvpel as an insult.*: retortsd
mercifully It *>*111* that the story waa was the only state U call tbe negro
Bailey, "that demand from the oocnsomewhat exaggeiated. hut Hr. Smith aenatonaJ hoaor*.
did have an unpleasant eapericace
Tbe oiBDtrv waa startled la Febru­ paqt of tbe cchair. Th* chair has no
j seversl of Ibe
ary. |(T0. Pv[ yean after the rloae ol right to aak a 10 discloae my moUvaa
tbe power behind you
f Wryler. the Butcher
the war. by the anu;>unceme(il that
banaot eompel me to nay what my
( PoBltae Hiram K Revela a full
la like Shake*peare-Ii one i«rttcular. be had t»->n elected
gro.n* in populartly a** iwople
|«*ople learn tn
to Pwlal*iurc
taglalaiurc to serve an unexptred term
know him miyainlly be ta tbe small- a* Cnited Hlate* senator
It greatly ruling awd lb* reading of tbe hill proeel man in congreea. Ibe smaUesl roan convulsed |»mica1 cirriea generally, reeded - also (he filibuster uniU adat closed the "tnrldent-"
moet llkvly that ever came to ewngtesa , and even th* Republican leaders of
ua Boutelle.. of the neval efBut be a prodigious worker aad a nai-ii tb*t day who had led the nation lato
Ural bom rrlend-mkker.
| the flame of battle for the freedom and falr* committee, talroduced during the
Algeeh Wocklag BMt*.
tbe colored race. afternonn a reanlullon calling on the
a rule ooatlnuCovemment cletka go (o work at
on tbe naval bill under
tag I
n the flew legistatlve trlbuBi
o'clqik in the tiudulng. Becreury
rule until an hour, and
tbe flve-mlDute
War Alger i* *1 hi* desk every,®
that a day Iw dealgaated by th* comclerk* leave their office* at t Hth of Pebrusry. l«T«. to wa* admitted inltlee, that the commlttet *hall then
H*e and report the bill and any amend­
never leave* ht* desk helore .t and orrved until the expiration of the term, ment* sdupled thereto lo the hotiae:
that thereupon the prwiou* queallou
•omeiiine* not until T o'clock.
That 'being a llttj* more than a year,
I* a prettyr good rvcoi
record for a eabtaei ] flensior
flenoK Revel* wa* bom a slave .la •ball be coneldered aa ordered oa the
who . -North Carolina, and obtaining hla fiW- bill aad ■mendmenls to Anal vote,
official, snd.eapcclally
early IIM. be went to Indiana to wbkh Shan thee be taken wuhoirt la.
hae i-cen sick abed-for nearly Ibfa*
obtain tbe durational advan.tag«a tervenlng motion. This ta to meet tto
Beaaior Burrowr* baa received a erhirb were denied hla race In hi* aa-'
beautiful letter from A. SL Xrugar o( tiee atate. aad later entered (be Meth­
Marquette, the old soldier *rho recently odist relnisiry.
St. Paul. March SI—A Madison. Wta.lost hi* home by fire, aad for whom the
tomtad ta Mbtawlps*.
VeclaJ to The Pioneer Prea* oayo: Dr.
J. C. Eisum, chairman of tbe athletic
acnsior secured a pensloa wttb MM ar­
After the war be located 1a
rears The old roan says that this ta aippl. being offirially coanectad with conncdl of thejUnlveralty of Wlscnain.
t miracle which ha* been wrought
bt ta the management of the JxatomM’a
r did baraan./and at tbe time of hi* election the rowing amocUUon conlipcaed of repprovidential
rvaeniatlvc* of OomelL Pennaylvanla
ahould ha^ been at
unlremlttles to parUrielder ot the Natcbea district. He was and Columbia
case and have it a
aitogether the best represenUtlre of pate in
annual rocea for frvahroen
ty etgfat-uaiud crews abont
th* race that to* ever yet appeared ta and uni
When II
either branch of oeogrso*. as be tyae gune SO oa the Hodaen river at Poughbnalaeaa through congreat and have an
only a maa of edocailon but hta
hlinost immediate adjnammeat the ability was much
Michigan men stood solidly against th*
propoalUoB. They hnew that the peoMetropoUa Hla.. March M.—Prad
pta at home woold reseat any act
SBSpleloB of cowardice
op tto
l"--------^art of Mississippi for the hlgh«r>ducatloB ^ Meyer waa arrmtod and jailed In this
rardice on
tbe colored people and tbe atate aided dty. Charged with attempUng to bum
by geaeroua approprlatloiM, even kis stock of groeurlea on Third streeL
Ostoral Spalding aald;. *fte people after It had come oader DemoeaaUe *A«r hta arre« be
tht attampC and tbe tact ta also staled
tea are brave peopk^d the rule.
«f Mlebtgai
The scDsltlvriiesB of tto public mlpd ta tto local papers
- eltUens of
' of tbe preseatVeea' in im. even la tto atroageat Repubgrem .-would dare to face the peeu^. u Bean corerauoltlea. aa to tbe elevation
by adjoummeat we gave tbe world of tbe negro, may b
ufUtksu - -- ----------- - -........
ta bellcee that we an a nation at cow- It I* Stated that Senator Revela, soon
baadicap shoot at Elkwood Park.
after hi* qdmisstoa to the aeatu. was N. 1. yesterday,
lerday. with
wttb fortr-Mght
am Screlec CommtaBhroer Mark tarlted to deliver a taotur* ta this dty. straight klUs to hU credit. Hla work
......................... u into th*
cxpecU to be at Port Huron
throughout tto sontaat
OB ApHl M. wtoa tto dm aanrlea ax*

OfTNALMte 3^^<ALI8T.

du-a. Plaear will «
Twm^- wUhlndUa*.

.".r.i: UDBU to Mnumn ai
*r erne* byta-

Bicycle Riders.


B^^rstn- C., MM. -

Kemamtor Uni 1 do all kUda of Vapalriiy aadnaa
aad namallto. hnd that I
M la STcJi”for tha moaay.
be ^orivid by ntaal othar* tol


* I guaraatae 'idl my work to to right,
ato^^ it doe* not prove no I amka It
In tillBo'ekiekevary avealag.
sxeopt Huaday. in th* Caldwell A Lou­
don buildlag. at aarth ato of Uakm


Hack, Bos and Baggage
When in amd of anything in thb
this is the plaea lo leave
rotoortara and get prempl woi%.
tIatMtaetion gnaraowto or no eharga.
toaee yoor otoin at ofiea or «U up

. , ’Phone No. 3.

Ever Burned Outt
If ao yoa know

O. P. OABVXR. Agtot

John R. Santo,
Gtwnl litanm.



' >" -

jm MOMiwo >Kxmp;Ti»^^^ omr, ie<iftt simbAY KA&og at. isa«.^?ABi two.

?r^^Le>jns.mxon, Who Designed fhe Indiana Tgpe of Baffreihip,
Has a Schema For fhe Defense of Our Seaports With
Raffed Howitzers and Mortar Boats, Which He Sags
CouJd Be Ripidtg Created—Whg a "Warship
. Cannot Be Built, in a Year—How'the
Wartime Monitors Might Be ’
' ’
Made Effectiye.
7^ I fcyw of is adailrably etted tor
MasvoTor. tbe beau coaU
be built la eectleas. eo that they couM
be eeat from the place of
o aar port ea either ecast
.« eflberpfMcii flMtof
iCtr abort ttm. as has I
t Um Roeai rv«t id
-as auttMed then as
_ ere boUt aad bBlIdhw for the Tu—
flnnly , Hret aervloe. Aad as ererj raid of
Mvlaced that the -Dati-----------Itc4 8utee eaa aar eoaaeoueaoe. U presaed to it> —
^»aUT bnprova ^ eoadlUea of
«e aC tts aeaporta. ao te as defeesee
areooBoeraod, la arerr few «««in.
FcardcaUr as staoK a time as «
^Jore I endale my idea.- said Mr.
» witter at the Creeeeat

teyb .witfc the M*r dwt««,(
am. wbw be


eev^ land batterim of peaetlcally t
preyed to be both aoenrato aad way at

aoM In tee wortd caa be built ae quldt.
ly as aaywbere ete>, barriac poasIMy
EndlaaA e«d. la my luddmenL even
bnurteaaaaywhmdse. labouMplace
Cramps- sad tee Newpon Newi bblp.
. ______ a par as
faclimea The Neerport News yard
Is BOW a Uuie tee larder, but they bSTS
had dreater expnieaoe at CrampT. aad
their yard Is mors eompaet. After theae

It Is adrsed on all sldea that the only
u^ to supply tte nary qulddy with
eahipe or any ether son of aoa.
doted fldbfiac Tsmds B to buy teem,
tee ^dopodUon troudhi up the
then the Beach
Dteer■ day in e^oadtem
eoadtem to build tee diwl^
diuat- yards at Cbadcr. ^1^ ships caa also be
set battleship of the ttmee la one year built at bote tee Bro
a and tee Nd>
I navy yards, white guaboats aad
aad name It Oeorce Waabtedttw would
ban.beea hldbly aaaalnd to aavaJ uffieen aad naval coaMmetare ted
BM been thoroudbly eoavwmat
tee nal draylty of the sUaatloB.
There are naay who do an undo-.


" 'imploymenrirf""* ^ P®^**** by



••Why Is It that Kaglsod caa baud
taster thaa wef Sta^y becatee there
are many more skUled e
teaa hem. .Onr
better. we can make
uaa piatee aad armor as rapidly as
they can la Bnglaad aad perhaps more
so. but we have comparatively' few
workmen who are sklUed at tee rhipbuUder-e trade. Why not Impen
My dear sir. you forget teat tee ihl|
builder who ehouid engage ekrlh
workmen abroad aad cause their fmmlgratloB to these shoree would be ItaMe
fine of tLM* for every man brotmht
over. 11 Is quite powible for the aaakUled immigrant, who has ae Idea bow
he^ golag to earn hts living, to come
toTAiaertca aad settle hlmseU. but tee
maa who Is la demand aad ertU not
come without a contract is barred out
'Ton mnqt aot think me rrsslmlitlr
The navy is ready is far as It goes.-and
the tageaulty of the Taakee aatloa will
help U If aecesaary. as It has bBped
00 wtth braabeo wielded by hand,
ns before. The eoateai would not be _
tee Cramp yards they are today at short one. however, elaee tee BpanUrdt.
work on the Alabama e great
no matter how treacherous they may
warship of afmoei twice the toi
•C at least
tee figbung pow.

fit toaead to aea. but tber «NMld lie ta
r and the bed I
Uttle lalets aad behind eaad apiu raaBlac out Into the aea. where the water
wwM be eahn. Belac of eueb llsht BBoal oflteer of bldb trada bM wboae
draft, ther could vo lato eery aballow name I am not aUowte to mcntlos. to
whom I appealed for latormatloa on
oottree. aaA thoi_______ ____________ this point. «splateed-ite-dteaUaa perbe conical la form, there mlcbt< aot be feeUy.
Um to construct-proJectUee of the
hlcbeet peaetratlye power. But fired
from mortara they would dMorttw the caa make tee parts^t-a wmrablp by
w^ known paraboUc eurre Id their mschlaery theae pans must be put
Blaht aad would fall atmoMherpeadlcn. tecetber after they are made. Now. no
larlr on the deck of a ship wheaever
yet dertaed aad no one U likely
they bit. thus stHklny Us most rulnera'
dense a machlae for
ble part. Certainty they would not al. ahip tofetber.
All the work
ways hit the maik. but the records of doae by sklllsd hand labor. Brery rivet
the dell war aad of thr eartons Ameri­ that bolds tea framing aad tee putes
can aad Snytlsh tests show that the together must be driven home aadbammodem howitaer caa be aimed with mered hot by band. Brery bolt aad
-------accuracy. .It would be a suach
be screwed together by band.
that could witbetand more than


ttewayof a«|
fendeta There
tidm. eidht ^ white hav« load badi
--------- - -----------moored
la a mriac
a _1
__ land Mvy yard. They have aot
•eatsd a vny ti^ae
erery eae has divea a good arrond si
Itself la tee past, as caa be ssea ftdte
tee great denu made by old
■ ‘
■ eaanea balls, la tee anad
plating of the tarreta
-Ooat^ to gennal bidet peshapsli
would net be aeceoeary to fit IhM vttB
new duna In Mot this cmOA not b«
done evea U we bad ne« guM to
aboard of them, white we teve not
The old guns am la good

. ’
- 1

at even
' J
ordnaace. Tbv are of mnoote berm
and they carry spberteal hahs ster.
but tee prolMrillee am U tatees ta A«
ameter. teey weigh M or 4M poOM
the powte ohaiBs M U»
1 haSe often been ^kad aa to wted
[« of veasel the United Btatm o^M
build ID caae a really oaecttve
«e to he mated, aad my answer hag
iDvailably faeee that we waat VMaU si
all typea. 1 do not see
ase any Mse la thg
cry that batueahips ahould & toagerhg


>ui» ~ bv>-»snr

*«e I should oay build mors'
shlpo. bMause they are aeceoeary fog
sea BghUag. Bat moeltore abvuld t
IS be nr-------- of great use as coast t
Cnilsiii also am nnnisssij. aad ao are
gvtenta torpedo boats and all teg
otiera We of tee navy hope
tee new gubmsitee boats of tee Hal*
land type wiu prare to be ellecttve. and
tee one already bnUt migbt prora thg
aiJjatloo of some one gf our porta.
be^ shlpa°t^
Just DOW. aad tee aead U decldadly im*
peradve too. It la trained bob. IT
heaven should rate down a
compleu and
aqalpped bfUUctelpa lo.
— weU
c— —WHUCMupe
and place teem at exactly ite
prtats where they would be most avail.
able, we could not make good use te
them, for we have peiteer tee dOc«;
team, tee eagteceru to operate their
B^lnery nor the guaneca to work tbfi


____ _ true teag
Ume be trained to do al

aessUke for tee
green men
chani^if'S'ooaUy 2
pieces of mateteery we tang
veasels aa' It would for tee pip.
. nr of a aewppaper to <**» Tryn !■
^ the farm, from the paving tt
^ frog, ctertcsl wtSr te r5
one or the modem speedy r------ 1 am
of tolV «


**We sC tbs navy do not telak ft nag.


ghipyaids te ITIIssbstbpcrt N. J. tea
steer day. Tst me hapress apoa you
tes fact teat I am a tbcmmgb benwer
a the batueship.
hitler teaa tee malortty alsD that It le
tmpoealble at tele time to ersatc an
OP to date navy with aaythlai tike
^ Mlgrity ihowB by the Dalted itates
to tee sixties aad that ft would take
yean to build end
along our seaboard.
•^t I do believe that we saa ds-

..—. .. . .




“Theae boats would be of the ■
Ideet .possible constracUoa
reqnlns moathe ia tee
SBanutartura They would look about
tike tbla“ he
« oeatlaned.
eketehlng rap-


feet long by H foot brood aad draw
about four feet of water. The material
be of irou and steel plaUag somsWhat heavier than that used on light

*Tbe menars would be placsd inpalrs
“How oaa thlg thiDg be doBsT By the t either end. end tee engines aad
t^ ^witser. ae te. 1*5^ bcUers- would be Wt low ta tes boa
It anwared teat the enemy bad
Built ae rapidly, tee engtaea as wen as Closely located a boat It could be morrapU bnlldteg of a fleet of mortar bo^ the boats would bavo to bo of tee olm- ; •a. This would puasle tes guaasrs oa
Meitare and mortar boat, w^r^oag
a hc^s fleet tmmeasely aad add to
the chief iBSfijpments that bmught^ builder erai____________________ __
of the mortar boat boterg to tee asrth in the «viT^. ^ terns already oa band tee coastrootloa of a simple direct acting sagtoe
U a matter of only a very short Urns,
sqpipped sblpbuildiag *
***** dad tec same Is true of types of boilers
wertd te launcb a full Oeds^ flghtlu
essaelsd tee flit ctsse teat could earT?
and tbeir low t
of tugsMd or*------------................. .....................J» moDtes aft­ would net be
er tbs laytag of tec keel, bat yards that
eould build a mortar boat la leos teao
tee extra expeass of
a moath are asauerod aB along tec
hurry work.' tee bowttaen aad all
north Atlaatts soaet of the Ualted
pleta could be buUt for tlMAto eaob.Statee aad an not wantlag on the PaNo
caa ws get tee gaas.r_
I would
be wlUlBg t
I by Mr. 'Nixon an
sloes ws are told that the mqkthat w* eould boUd a mortar boat i jnickiy.
. but teat they caa be qalrttly _
tog Of a piese of hoary moden oHtee Ocaceat yards ta fibres weeks a
^OTlaed from old pleess as waU as tap.
arm her with four ah'
_ ___
to am priaetpiss aad make them si Idly built from Iran
would carry e
- by tee ■ngUgh. Uadsr tee utle
tt ts stated to “Modern Na...
^ ^ wawent ttrengte
seven miles with aecuraU
yml AijlUeey.- a
have ao doubt whatever
Mpeclally If re-aaforeed by ba^%
to the Britlib Aary. that while
tetog eould be dene
wrought Iron. I woulda'
yards l oonld naias,.
■ m ^ Iron wotea.
tofidad high rahfu fire has Mthsete
stood to tbe way of Its gsastal Smplar‘^'kers aasd be ae doubt whatsvi
meat the sdeptlon of sMad smHi
ftW tonstbUity'pt tele when X say teat
Khpert we hare todit ten nooeds o< orery nary and teury Brer, aad the use of Imgspr

rdetato^ BBIM* egmr'i.'Sra

toggwt^ ta t^wmid wtashj/^

rains to mrtoin «bls bask'aliw
scrlbaa the proeaas of tru ■fnsTiiliig oM
— token • toafifiMotonInto UlikS

er of tee Malaa Bhe U already wdi
under way. the seseatlal parts of Iren
and Steel are aa finished or la couine of
............- hundreds of men ere
w maktog fraatlo haste to coaplsto

ii. li iiMiuy


“It might be possible to entry on this
WOA s little faster, but aoPtoueb. for
as many maa as caa find room to work
an. usdar and about bar ure


tag an tba othsr thtoi teat It U aeo.
eaaary to do ta order te finish tee telp.
Tbe Ctamp yards migbt be able to buUd
two ^ shtps aa quickly aa oiie. to
faet-I (aai guru teat this u aa. aad It
to fi^i^^te^
at tee rata of caa a year, but no
matter bow mote money might be
arailaMe ta do It with bumaa taMulty
“ *
' er It teat le
the record, aad. though :be el
tenacd ■ccenplete' at the aad of teat
tlma 11 waa erea th« a I

nady tor
mahsd teieugh and pot to na taitfde of
from two to tons yean, n
he fmgouea that too ahlst rsMn^

^ fiftot alTSthSTIt

It a^hetas
y will al. rast body of fighttog shlpo aa Oesad
Britain must aesds malatato. but ws do •
believe that tee United Statas ato«d«
ban a nvy as swsng^ C
aaad hdp one aids
• that B teoBld be sdsqustily
1. aad ws kept tost the pnktot
rffl ae stta Up (the psopla to eur
»0to ttolr

“But ^ Itottsd Btoln IS aew as wsa
any aatiDB to Croats aa
moattaryT Otstalaty tbay
as than an asrsnl •n.sapdhia of sObsttn weriTMto,




*n^ Ukk Home.

Affawwa.A^ k«u BMtai__.
— --------ifMn bmeh «(Ib« «H« te

talM rmt. lUbwnt *•!«•



> HgaU «M BiHnEllW «f
GgMBl JabB a 8nMb ^

BWd todira

foitewB! SMAVtD TO KCCf Hit WITS W|4iU


j oMitk: fMHMm
AFMnaaaaB la a (abU Be (Wttiw I «4. It-eTreroM U <
... .stin nala la dotolad
nana tbai fma a earofal Moreb be eaa ................... Tbe
00 tbe noOO oartlteata Itoti. Ab i
a bo toab BHltMto totni
«w Mae kBoert
. ba
. m
Thar wWn iobb
BuBMa mwkUa. niHp Ur■ MIUB. MaMbna Tfaaaana aad VlBlaai
Biagaa. Tbaaa nar be awre, be addA birt
>* aaa tad m nooid «r anbael« to iba

........ *C.'«L»,w

gtoa WM nade a Mmob
BlWaonwbkb batmobllgaMd______
neorda abowlag wbea be wm laittand
aaeAUil la tba poaaaaalOB of Ibe lodga.
Vbeaem roa tod a bratbar takl&g'oot
bH damSt fraiD a lodga oa >ba plaa iseaelr
Ibat be eaoBot ottaad tbe auMInga. r°«
will ssullr tad OM wbo baa BO IntoeM


Tbagtaad lodge af AakaaoM aifaaU «b
BBMBd a brlaw. wbetebr doaa an obai^
tMedortag tinwofai
Tba aapraaie eoBBoll. tbta«r-<bM degaaa. Boatbara lorladletloB. of tbe Seottto
’BHebarea enaleaiaf nlHn (be roU of
tba BMDban wbo wen pnaoBl at tbk luiloc of tba Hta Bar H. IW*- Of Iba U
IbM lOMMit le an UTlog.
A nrr BDBaoa] lacldeai aeowrad gt
MaaoM>ni40MFaUw.wbo hMiMTEd
Mt«b(U9lBUMSMSd«NWpa>«Dt.bEE- Salma. Oak. la Balau ledgA Ko. tTT, ntaCtQ^AjWwrtowaflcMlB tUib«l7- eeatlr. A Utbaa. J. U. Pugb. eoatoaed
tbe tbtad dagna wi ibiM aou and a netb-;

TIm CMitd todf* o( Odd FdlowE «r mw
Mta 1* IE pClMWlOE of E limni BEOl


K0W Tork rw>d oMMspiDWI r«(>ortt •
•M «ElE e( lU U« rmt. DMabErihip
»W4. UEf>7 WElkw ef ftsoklra U k
<IVKI«ld lodCECC rBMTClEd ISBfMd VEsOCKl Id Impcovlaff Ibo wtdowE wd
8cdd« Uem Ego the mnbm Of tko 80M
•f Ub*rt7 Id WUkoDbDm DoUflad ika
Odd MIdwe tkai tber «onld lUo lo )oId
IMP Odd rtlkdnbip.
6i AbdmmU kU«nU iod«D«r Odd 7MIdwiof VEbMk.ooEor tbeattoDgwlDB.
■oniMlIy EDd flDEOolEHy Id ladtaDi. Iim
Bk» a '.to tiDDd EfEUm Um wbIbb o(

IfcDIDopaBid anrteMli* todlEDE Odd

Tte tfDDd kMUt of Tletarta dwti I


WAS mnkino.

.JJH.ifUfin'FiM Sims'
It WM a eogr room, vritb ntlqM

Tbe cdcAoo ta aa IUmIt to atMl Ha
M.M to make Iv bat tbla (net doM
X wke Tton tbe polal of tbe followteg pau. quotad^fW Bbewt SlorlM:
'A roaog Kagilahmaa being aaliad at
dlaner wbatbar be woaM bara aoma
bird * Beat poddlag. Hid. toniag to
boatata. "Ab. jaA biid a Doat pod'
Ordeaa Fier the Be Head BBoal An iW
div. oBd wtmt kiod of a bird star
"Ob. iiarM tba oook wbo nwda h."
« IBM ritual until after tb* KaoaM wa* bar prompt r?>7
band eamp mtMlag. A large aaraf eamp* an now ptoing tbrlr ordm
PaokagM watgbiBg lop to t> poasda
tu lBrt. or IBM. reflBloo wUb toes- aBd meaadring not more ibaa See (art
.lUoaat anneadarlag tb* IBM rcrialoa cnbe an bow wanaportad
cb« Fraseb
lo esebaage. Tbla I* preinMun-to tbalr
to S7 ooBia to anj part td
porv Ko furtororden fortbeoew ritual
•booU b* aaat la -Modani Woodman.
Tb* lataeaaa (or Jaanai? wm •,100 aew
eartldeetn written aad M atw eampa
Tb* Boro] Naigtabon of
!lng April 1. will <wriii
toamouatof n.000, and afiM (bai date
J Srei propoatri bj B
mad br Tbotaai Jaffc


MIBlail IfcE IXMribimiM <d Ibo 0

tea tcrrlblaaitBatlon. asd I fatTealwori
beliarM that cm of tea aromm ad)omad
bar w^ aoiked gown ao teat aba
mlfbt look well la tba piotare token
ofiito tea abodow of tba deaoori^ no**^‘WaIl. are got teroogb H oU rtgbt.
alteoMb wa enma to LIratpool in n md.Ir taiSwad ooedltlou. and wban Umt
boinad tea tmbkt from tee bold tba
watar ma oat of team a* tboogb each
piaoa wai a ttara. Wa bad Mrrlea on
board tba ehip tba SoBdar followlBg;
oor diaaato.'EBd. alteoogh tw# dar*
bad twaaad Baca wa tboagbt wa war*
gone, we Mamad onlr tbm to appradata
four wbM had bappapad. MmaBdwftmm wbo fand abowBBoMtoof tearBOW
moped to aonieri wttb tnmhltag UpA
oaabla to apeak .beoanm of tea lamp to
teair tbioatA aod tea HTTioa of aoBg
was a flat tiUnre. baeauM ao am eoaJd
aiag Bsr more teas tea r<mag womaa'
at tea orgas ooold gat a oota out cf that
waur aoafcad. diV>Pla« Pl«» «* f«al‘
" Wa rreebad Liferpool iqb- tetrai
Bight to leara tea ahlp. and tba men,\
wbo bod baooma batto acqualstad tbaa
teer toold bare batai on a Ito ta-

r at Iba CMar.
dhDM* mjwj trfba of Bod Mn. UkD







.___ ____ ___ ■_ '


1toTtenrlaaBedarBOoatedafc^maalo(S,MOI(udiipteeaaMBt. Bar
■paad la IS texXA BDd aba coot OBcla Bam Sa. lfa.04*. Bar fat* Mg 10 taeh
•anaraoaiTiad twoteaaeb tonal fibaalaobaaalgbtamallar gwaa. laactioo
atek M tbat bar «ppar daok ta Saab with tba watar aad bar aaraad dack
dMataigai Sbaaantoa
aad larolrteg temte at* a)

bare foa laduvad W eoi ubaokdartngMba Jubllaa 7Mit
Tba MW rttaalt ban El M
«Bd iba caaaa of tba deloj' * 1 Dodoite
bo tuatia fcaova at (be nrzt aaaaion
aioncf So It add* to tbe ritnalloUe work.
•ml ouuDoU ot
3t U
tba Ualtad btatoa.
Tbe total BDxraat of loauraaM la tba
a tb«<vdnfbr Modem Woodnwa tf America la lorn
bet OB hi* deatbbad. wban Solomon,
Jao. 1. IBM, wmM07.074.6UO.
bli acav bogab to roclte a pmla la tba
ai^ tiUaa ba bad bofoM ba Wm
tamtliar Valgala of Ua rootb. tba drKNIGHfs OF PYTHIAS.
lug DBB, aoDoiar
aobolar to taa
tba taav
to* ee Piegwi* tyr *to ■agnmi to> "Nob ita. boelul Bakfaioa;" M tba
Tba gnad lodga of M|gblgn mad «a
ton rapeatad it to Babi
Mm the per oaplu las trom gl.Mlo n la
He ooold. tor that laatto, )bB m
agnnda lor a dapatr 1b tba Md «OBtlba<
Tim* Bto aad jour eumpup win wake
p too late to da aoj drilllag bafon tba wall hare aaid It la Ooptte or CblMM.
etloaal tneampmaav If it doM Botaare tor to bim all tongoaa aaoM aataraIJr.'
Actlnwork U balagi
> eompaaa tor a prim ta driUlag. it! 4t!Bbao«sUdwiitelii IS tounaeai,
iBierrat g( tba ordM la AUbama Dnot;
B. BoatU In tba fleU. and Ibamnbof mar «M u bad mada aoma aSon to­ oriratal asd Barapaas. and among bla
deoBiBBlatiag a fund to par (baa- pahlUbad work* wa tod
fcia work b abown bj tba lalUaUB cf aaaaWaf toeorapaarlo X>lali«tbaaa- tm tba Arabte. ria^aii Sprteo. Btbl.'
ndalM ta ^bordlnata lodgw.
pawBl at iBdlaaapoU* oast Aagau
Tba. npon of tba gnad ngtirM of
opie. Uekraw. Cuptk. Amaataa. Oec»Oaaewal
Otombaa hw bean_____ _ _ glaa. Mongol Ubtodoo. Eonon. JapaBalaa abuara 18 lodge* la good nandln
»|tba nenbcnblp o( UOi aiDgam fUd teokao aboukkr caaaad b, aa aaalftet gaaa. Oraak. Bomlan. WaUb aad OotbatotgaoUa to tba ler waatbw.
«a beBUelartaB loM rear, no.00&
Ba b mid lo bara laanad to apank
tttto Battrof Tb* PrtbtaaAgabM lo.
Anaantaa floentlr la a totnigbt, aad
Mmadaahlaf asamtaorot tbaSraand
ka prearbed in Urorglm tu a Ueurglaa
iof Mllwaakaa
in tba tntbedtal of Eatala.
UlbacraAdd lodge
k . to ba
bald la«i. Loato
I Knigbt of JoH Uka Cttf
M tbe Iblrd Tdo^et 1b April
oSaae a ptto to
to* lodga R IhstoHror —Satnxdar Eerli w.
" '
doing Iba baM Child rank
Tba prim <tored la a da*
BVr rneiaeal. •
•w Priblaa toBpla b to ba
” 8b»~It aeamt to me that tba aariiaat
d rletaUr an

■ea aWT ■
record* prove tlui'wonmb bat alwart
aud*^^ worth tlOO.eooon too
baas abend of mao.
faala EOMI mod VaMlni
B^Bqw aol
' Tbegreod lodge of MtooarikMndOMd PM."_Biouklra
Hlartc* M foUoara; Oiaad wiaato. from
BaadUg wUI aaWmM Hi «ea taadred •S.6M to graDd nocifdw. from
OM VlMb OBUtMMT. Tba Main diet TkbOOtoll.BOOi graad laoalnr.tNMSl,* lOOiOtopiBviaowB baU cd thteraMy%BWghb.gBdtto»dpMMBtid tba

aoloogaga TogotlowDwl
DM be bard OBongh. bnl to ba Ibamlr
ooeofawbola ahlpfOI to go tad w cm
all tea raat Mrad—tbat’a pretlr bard.
That came near being mr caan aad 1
I want aaotbet almtlar aspariaBoa.
-IwaannoOear on tbe Ohio wbas
aba knookad a bole la btr bottom, aaf
1 helped tnaMer tbe inmngiii asd
aavewbatwacoold. Wban all bad bean
aanttotbe afalp wblcb oamatodsr reUaf. wa mada ready for tbe last boat­
load. of wUota 1 WM to ba oBA Wa
bad a lot of moarr and aaluablM la tea'
■bip-e MtA aad 1 want below, took a
toblaolote from tea cabin table wd
into ibU dumped tba oooiaota'of'tea
Taiiou ooDparUBanu of tea mIa I
d a kaf of iv carried it on deck.
___4ban 1 ouaa' to wbm tea boat
te^d bare been I fodod Ibat it bad
gewA and i. with tea trcnaaiA wm Ml
la tba tapidlr aiaktijg ahlp Iqutbtek
of anr Dumbar of altuatloDt wbiob 1
woold bate prafanad lo mtea Just than.
Tbe wind b^ agalaai ma I ooald nc«
make mrialf beard. I pot ep ligaalA
and Boooa woald aver goemwbat 1 did
tban 1 wanted to keep mr wiu abosi
me and block all chaaow for nareanaaeav ao 1 did wbat aaqoirm 'a maa'a
foil aiMtloo—began u teafA-aad 1
doubt wbatbar 1 aeer did a olaanar or a
■By tba time 1 bad Sniabad
id my
maid aa* team taramtec. and wban
tear oama alongrida tbara arara act
many tBpbMno atep down from tbe
tenklBg big beat to tba little teiag teat
took na away Itall yoo telaotoyto
mw bow Daeanaary H tt to bare amva
I board ahlp'"
"Aad did baraU h to a to«a morjr
Btkad tea booteu

There Are
Several Reasons
Why our cloak and garment depErOpant
thould intereat you. We show, cboioe atylao.
dependable quallUea, rightly made aiiiI trim­
med garments. Our atock includes

Piices That Saup Yaa Maaeji.
Your making houn^-dnsnen yonrnelfbuy tbrnn nlrtady mndn, from onr Inrgn
new stock of—

S9c to t2.50-CorrecOj cot ud inndf—
well trimmed—perfect Stting.

Are handsome. Almost daily we are inceiTing new
lots, and tbe prices weVC placed on them sbonld be^lei,ingtoyou.

Reimmbu Wi Stil “Hm Mu" Pitlens,


Friday and Saturday,


1st and 2nd.'
190 Front Sttwt.

12,1)98 Rolls
ol WaliPaiier ,

" Ha nrora to arary dUblL "

"Tban ba <Ui bare aMTA'*-Mnw

to have yon coma bara
Hr. 6lmparlito-Aw. tedaodt 1
deyanktiow teatf
Ut0a Tommia—WaU. people ahrayn
Ilka wimt-makM team glad. doBt teayf
Hr. BlmpMltot—Uaneralty Bstbow
do yoa know 1 make bar gladf
Uiga TommW-1 Maid bat teUte
ana <f tba.otbar girt* today teat tba
}aat bad to laagb atoy tima tot loqM
at yon.—OatolaBd tMdar.

Just received, fty>ni 4o a doable roU up.
We have some of the finest pattern* that
have aver been shown.

•j no




1 tat. nit ..Um

**d "'^tbfblSiSteNttma*




Tba Uttle paftr aeped with tba bma
(ifB]:boateM that tea kmbwm )m.
datkaBoaghforacboteteatr. "1 don't
kaoWagboat atorr.”teid tea <d tea
mw. "bnt tee dramatlo imaaa of tea
Vaaadam'a pamaagara bp tea 8V Itoia
ramioda me of mr axpcrie&ea oa board
tba old Oallia wban aba waa'cnugbl la
a batrimuM in midwinter aboM 700
n» warea
broke tno rdacksond Soodad teaenb-

board.tba roMal
wooM am aaa toad again. Tbara wat
so paola BO abantlng. bo raaapiag. and
U maroed teal ail-wtra-fbrfaotlr pnparad to go. Uumgb tear looked to from,
toppr floondarteg aboot la Iba water
draaaad in aaob gatnentr a* tbap ooold
grarp wbcB tear **• aroaaad fpm
or M Baw memtim into to ordtr. tbmbr tealr aleap br tba crate wbieb amt
toaa ot watar Into tba ablp b wm
beEafltlag each aad enar oBa of oa."
aboot 7 o'clock in tha morntsg. Tba
Mawarda bad bagon to an tba table for
KelgbW mm4 LadUeet BeM
temkfaav aod. a* I nknll tbe ptotore, 1
Tbe onUrbM made an rscelleot naord ana am man aad women, moot of term
IB 1897 -Kow let law aarpnaa IV
Tbe oat loorma* ^ to order tor lOT
WM aearlr 4.WV membem

««ff AiDorlaD
Odd FriktmMp.
»Mcfc wlU (okD plEOD U 7«an hMMD.


Htalte kdita .h. wta, mJl
andE. TuorBUck.................. ............

a BtoaSr^^rfMn,

Tb# VtTstoU Odd raUoir looooc

...___ MDttbaoODDOUdEBIpaM
tbasnlorof tbo bMfaMD. and la tkaoiloeoa ikol faUowa ba aaca a eoDagtmv
■•ElDai him.
dw omRIdc nadw
Modi and eUqtica
waklDg bU dt*me«lod
t «l UW DXDllMtE —
TboM ora U.gW Ibtoe Id Jmor,
me locnMc of 8l> par eaot (or Uw jmt.
nan wm pidd o«t la« rwr *g8B.«U at
bBdu. EDd tkawMJUiofI It
Ikootdw Dg•ngal.nM.7U.
Tba isaiDbcnar tbc OlgolflU oiobof
PnDfyUEoU an .nuking awatigMaDn
•agu lo IbdlEDEpoiia Best corn UHMn. ' ~
TbalDdUna auta (air Is lo ba bald la
XadlaDEpulka Ibo'veok Uie gnat <wuDdl <g
«ba Ualied Htatn laarta tben. Ibta «IU
naka iba towB all Ibv nxira iaMrasUag la



............ , wladom ti ibe
la mi 81. Joha'a lodge of Mewark,' M.
Tba tot ibat ao aiaaf old
i„ «aa tolitaiad. U ITM, aetaa joan
lNtea.lhs daalb af WoahlagloD. iba nlotilM of tba lodge abow ibith wm naedeea
-to otobaata Iba Uatkdar of ibd Falbar
of Ou-Ootobr aad ev bmb«. Oaorn
Waabtagtaa.'- to that rua tU fitodla- lu naerei taad ta Urgar tban of
Mag DOW More too «Ua«dO
BMTo^i Bd waa bald.
Tba woadarfal oaooaaa of to AmattoD
j. K. Stole la bow gaead atarar of
Mtotoini kMoaa and J. 1a Pawn gtead





» A W»WK.B»niwnr.i



climate hcxt cmawowq.


’ •

«*BHteol. ptearaa lOpardtetn
lalka od a^ vte.Ma oNtete <t

pmyaik. baparnd to'tbatematad
prodaoi a teoat odor and osealkM terer, wUeb baoaaa oraa
doanaatMtdaut in IforiMMd. Man.,
data rear opiaka oa tte
vaa bad «ltk terna «f tba lapa**Wata tba wtatoi of 6d,«0 or T# yaan
rla^ Itena Cm traaa barlag tarn
•fo Bate ooltewarara tba teotrMli
anraatarity gantba Mt daoidad rt-


• WMte irntfomm. mi taM bmw«lM*
«ndU^ ao«
ifihate « giMl inpnmBMM CB tha
•M teek«. M it «u b* M la sotka
n««mm indatolta^ aad Ummwttetaajrdagiw^
tf&timtmaimmmA. XbaaMka
M« pl«t ai.
ifirial mk« tB.tb*
Motica BMjr te MoalaraM cr ala
Ite»l7 tbr tandof a nrttoh. ouiiia
«iw»oaor 10 nu at Mffamtapaadni
Cool o< ^ oadk 'it a moiri^
•kte otaMad wiUi lampo «« dUTmit
ooien,aBd aa aooaaa tba

tragritbttenrbUadaaiMt. bat I ate
r^opoteMy glateMaJ la ebarted tetbbg «a teoaM tba balM aoRBpr
tbeaaaad U tba kavaa aad
IbM la tba Aral part of tba cmtaf a
J Wrgar part
......................daaaloplac dte
llrad la tba bill
h toataaor la tba la.
tfatew fiarotavbte aolad on fey tba
tartor. «bkb ara both ooldar Ate tba
mete tmnnofttefr^yaka
Ob tba gaaarBl oaaatka ai to auraakbk obaogw la eliniata tba
opiaka la that tbara baa baaa no
■or Muagac, uuaaia, KOOS tnu
obango In aayn^aetirbakter ao fat
caly pa^r traa. Tba baa poian
aa awtaotolocy propar la ccacaraad; If
«a divida oor raoorda of tba waatbar ra- vbloh be asamliiad waa a biter tateag
eordad la Horth Amarlca dnoa Iba daya Ikald «ith an agraaabU oAr^arCIcb.
OitetDbaa into two
ba-altboogfa ttboatainad tomk ^ vbte
fora and after tba year 1800. ara teall dllotad to a 1 far cant aolaitoe. a^iMt
Had that arery pacoliarlty. aaob aa ra- H no ledger gara an add naotMU
arinda. labia. dooda.
boata, ata. raoordad la tba oomai can-; lologieal acUcai. Moraorat, arbao kept
taryeati be matebad by a corraapMiding , at a ateperatara d lOOdagraea (orovar
rooMrkBbla ma\ batrn tba yeair I80a , aU waaka. ao that all tba fcnik add
TtepopolarlmiMlaia^laded toby waa aotlrdy aolatUked. tba UgaM atUl
oor oerraapoadaBt imU alatod antira-1 prodooad byperralaof tba aoajaaetiTa
ly fracg tba liapattaoCkiu of oar reeordt wb«a lotrodooed tnio tbano. Prafawor
aad aapadally of ow Bcmorlea'' tbsa! teagar baa laolatad tba aodva (rliidpla.
U a large data d peraoaa arbon babita ' «bioh ba Had* giaaa alkalddal rateof tboagbt ara ao erwk that wbea they , “<»■ and la oaalfectad by beat tr gold or
by adda la)adad
jamp ao tba ooodaaka that tba Balaitprod^
aSacta daillar to tba
cf ^rpasd.—Bapart. Bek
olteaH baa ebaogad. fomdtlar Ibat




You Ride?

natempferoa^ te teta af bkbaaay
MAeryalkk dawn igida tba flaoraltk
■aeb Tiger aa to Ate a aaiaQ doad of dtat
JT Jaatnyl XT
odd aa deal a« ao
aaldtba tramp. “Ill tail yar all'beat at.
Tar aaa. at eoma Ilka tbla. 'Boot
tbrooiEb tbla ri
•tj. aa ooadaadi
.................. *mt daya whea fm laab
_____ >«So dowa'taa km dds netbte-]
COM Uioogb tbla bare towa an want op
tb' malo road aboe* two mile tali 1 aoma
amtk'Radbin. 1 oatar b«o«ad ite ate
1 dona at. It moat 'a' be'D fata, bat I
nrltead oS OB ter tk’ byroad ‘ataad ar
miekle atrlb' piba- 1 aaat 'bon a mlla
Ml dMB’a axat ao oaa nor paaa ae beama.
loll at but I eoaia tar a tanr trbal hat aa
otabard oa tb'«o«-tea tb-ban.
“Tber »M a oka gnaay plaaa ea‘tb'
atbar aUa tb' road aoikr an apple tree, aa
aa at *a> ube or tbem warm, laay aomoMr
daya 1 made ap taa mla' Ur raet an Uy
dowD Id tb' gram. Yat'klii bub at (oik*
»bo aDoa talka waatbar. bat lull yrat
tloae a pmrrHul itgbt wit’ a mao. 1 know
cf that bad
br'B a rainy day I'd aarar
bad tbc« (atrr oota ea th' Flaaeb calU at
—tbet bit me tbeo ao pkpte -tbidiekeaa
wtt’ i»o (orauoaa.
"I WM layle tbem watcblo tba doudt
aaartwad an Uauaio ter tfe florar wbbUln
oot Id the flel' an urtb' ircefnvr faalbrlo U|> In lb- locoa', when dl erra eodden 1
aaan a bloe gleam Id aa eppUtna In ib'
araterd 'oamt tb' way. 1 waubed at, aa
prdtyauw 1 made oat that at waa e wornea 8bewMaaaUBtbataqalttaBatUl.Uka
Have no effect , on the hand when yon nse
aba waa madlB, aa down
I aaaa tb'
bar th' Ob boa
Carnation Cream. It keeps the skin
. . ._
_________ -j maeb te tb’
barer an dkiet git eight «r b« (aee. bat
■oft apd white.
I made eat tb' tmUlam in tbet bin eankw
dtme ao tel klDdcr drank 'aai la.
■■Ktwaa tb-daydeoa at aU. 'Pom 1
htMiwedat 1 br««a Ur imagiaa tb'teea
that morn bar fit that form. 1 putomd
bar like lb' glrb that tldea tb' mewls auBMdl. Bdldiis.
chloa la tb' agrlciiltnral adtartbamui'
ebromoa. yalbr hair aa >a I waste te
trywo eae bar (dm. bot I dkSn't dare te,
(orabr'd 'a'awo m. as el 'ad ‘o'^ioOed
my ebanet. Bat I lay tbera )eat dfaamln
like ao 'fma I knawad at 1 amiU think ar
DOtblD but tbet
ct Ibos
ifaoa girt
giri Is
is tb'
lb' tea. who i •*“
I flgurrd mwtt barbeaea
hasp atgbt bat-1 f
te loDkiD tban
DDdown. nnealbadtebna-:*
tb trr gli aopiwr 1 drasgad onmU tegatb- 8
CTBD uwreid on. 1 want apib'ralby Hum #
day* an got abuit M mUae toward Hoyder ~
aoumy. but th' wbob lima 1 wh tbtekln
Able bat tb* girt la *' bloe tela. Igbtarfelt-aDaatebaaara ao
dldD-t know te* what tete Itetldeekbd I 'd bar te no back aa hcTbaotbar
And she seenred them at Very Low Prices, because
bok n te. ao I
P. A EARL displayed a larre line of Elegant
“I rteM U'orabatd 'bool oaa day
Goods in all kinds of----late. Id tb' artesoao. an hasped ^ aim
waaD't tbets. but a-..................


If yon are' thinking of tiding a new wheal
thla year come In and look at the Outmg Blpyole~the eaay running tyhaal of 1898, at


Xarkham BIooJe.



■ ttacnpRsuMX
Maa e( dalicbt to tba cbUdm. kttj
i^fcaa wavbad a aUld aanaa tba
,Jmm aaaotirtttabli faddam ia «4«
^ ao valcfe tba light! ia a mdla; oar «1U
anndata tba aBament tbaaa rarol*figUgblawmaaaadahabT: Om faahg^aiadia diraotad to tbaUngtba
algy, ar» nodcn of tba tndle aad tba

tS Bmid

Bicli and Bare >

Were The Bems SHe Wore.”

laporti that elaotric light


i of tbahoMof UmA

haada «d 'a aargaao ia ena of- tba Park
botpStaia. baas naad (or dlagaaalag a(laeBoMgC Ibaatonaob aad toraaoer•dgioc tba taaolto ,of OBCgio) iatai(ar>



But 1 aiW Inte me obpbce as )te
by tbte watchhj te hloe dnar mtId la
tb'broraa. as ibea. wbes loaia aabow
aba-d rbangid Umo. 1 bcgls te tblsk
maybr eba'd aero UM aa mote np ODc tea

- Look Orar the I argaai S


Tba tramp'e rate broka. Ba pbced ooa
Bamarona tcppedoea aad rtzamaU cm are b« iraaponacf offaaaaaad ^taiaa. hasd Upoo ble maged fertet and gate
o«ar tlw rslky Ibroogb tabr Site ayea.
"Now soil jer blobteta, temjp. M L'
aaabba Umite
par^l rxpteeaoa that ibe, «a ^ ' «N NEW YORK'S EARLY DAYS.
Tbe RsirltT Wiped bb apaa npte
coal alwne asd coBtUinad:
(air Jodgea of tba w»atb« o»ar tba j ^ ______ __ _____ ‘_____ _ _ _
■■WaaL aa r Uy tbte watten be
■aeaaniy M opa tba abdomts in ordar wMt M-tetrym of tba cUmau of a ***

to i«^ tba eapacitr of tba atoaaeU
ted joip tba lattar to tba- iotteiaa ao
aaatna to
to aomrert
aonrert ■
to me of
vnr oorraapowa si aaatna
aoggen----------^ pregraai
tba lamlly
M to faellitata aliMUarr prognarioa ebat'a oartainrbaugv is tba babiu of tba
tfattegh ^ta ebaBset
than by tba pacipbu meb ai tba raoiuval (rca tba
feafora dotegibla, iatartor to ibe cteet. or Iram loreata to
faMtes to dadna I
a clearly tba Ion- prairba.'w lr<'m cooot^ loelly, or »lea
tka. fora,* capacity of tbe ttunacdi and sera wUl wrtly aeeoosi
* Uatia
ter wonte
wbo' ma­
daaaibing | w fort'Dli
ae ut
git klmlly
aa coite
tbaocteitlaBof 4ttteaia,itWMdacidad ajraarmte
otread emn lD
in r^epeC
reaiwct to
to tbf^
la Bowery.
Bowery." I aeU tar bain eteb a bom. 1 kinder tboagbt
Tba aniifteKl' r- b e«*Il«t. bot tba ed- ..
Urate the
lu* would u- ineliMid to iaiarprei tba "Is s tnre coach, dzbwv by abinlag '• Uke me Wlibuol me barln tea n


aaaa ana OMtf a aaaof M,
' aUgkt aad tatbar amaeiatad. wboaa
M^inh «aa odrtoaalg dUatad
tba ivkrie epaalBg ted


■ewuakuuifwuy. *iw


Ths Od^rstsd SpssIaUsti.

Hotel Whiting


Parlrtaa gaate aubte tba nigm to geoeraMuoTemen of tba popnletloa ia
“I aee bow abe d mete op a______
Tbatbbsi Ckn, Mick.
aae n ray lacdoal ^St«taa.'aoabM' tbe peat Lataty baa beea tram tba At.te
rf ehe d uea am. Tb'
lagofatiayobotitetanpisonBmd ci lautic eiau-e weetward. sad trcmi tba rTr* * .
‘ tboughi on « ih wocm I get. I
tbe end of a Saxlbb atenaebal aoaad coimtrT to Ibe dty. or gulu oppodu to
f*-» begu. «« think mebte rf 1. iMte op I
saada of rnleabiwd nbbar. Tbe jm- tbe moremeni. ensceete brTmccm- «»«»*• wd *• »««• tb*t tuf bit wouldn’t be an bad-ln foot. . bop batte
tlaot’i temaob femrlng been SUad vltb oiwideot lulaot. teSad i^iwl a»rea- ™*l»«l»Uege. Hit Udy. attting la atata t^ tow nv (rfk. 1 kno«u Bytb'tliDa
tflgbtly slksllaa wate. iba ebeWo
One Say Otey aaob Kanth.
lamp trat lattodaoad aad ligbtad la s
. Motbiag-------------------* •
ooold b
wrpdaina than tba tatefo tbw obtained.
and Strict!^
Tba 'wfe •
-with tbraa wbo thiak tbe wlatea
9»«r '"tew) end powdered batr: .
doSaed la hgbt nd taebiad tba abdem k.
En.?tbi.|, I"'
ud hu®
Bm »k. «
taalMalla. Tba dlatimciaa aad lowsing mama to depend on bow and wbeie tbe
won grra Tbe iowor portion of tbe “oldeat labebiteiit " lite when ba waa
■upeuded bye rlAenebslalo
atotnaofa demended u ^ aa tba isferlor a boy. >a «un>)teed witb bU prvm>»
r Ukely do op lb’ brMklaa'
ba d> pmided upon
portion of Uw abdosan. Tbe tnigiaal condition.

New b« wuilnad
ery laleac medaa.
epmtioB waa tben perfonnad. aad u- Eagknd. ao far at tb. waatiut U oo-: ^
"I ahinnad ih' ten
rte. au
of tba
Bayard, tba
tb. widowed
widow . dater
oiber examtnetkn with tbe eid of elec­ cemad. baa oot gppreeUbly changed Mru Bayard,
. , tben what a aigiit 1 mmu
i imw
in tba ooaeb j ti*,
, ,cnmt big Iclte bad
tricity. made m fa^daya ago. abowed ig elM tba daya wben bar oldte forte L*”**^' **mpaaa
< rouad bar wait'. Bbc waa a layls
twlaotii« ia tba Tolnma of tbe mqanarb. treee w«e yonng aa^inga—Waatbar
tba bare oolonUl. UmpUke. wit' bm hte pubed (onrar
^ 'After aa
euincidmgl (or Ibat matter, with u im- Barlew.
raid *>
Iba duminie'a aBmon. ' I eenlds't ear it, an ba (ret wa* draggls
proirnieni to tbe (ntiaot’e coodltloa.
iwawMb Hakiag.
bcrwavar aloqorat. waa alwaya teogtat thraogb tb' tlmacby. Ur tba rdtor wm
Tba New York eleotrlc «nb awrfcn
It la pretty well kitown that If. Kola, to aa cod by three rape (rom tbe elwk'a

iolfomilyrelMlilcand la de*" ‘?f
I'olar. la edditloa. to tbe ma. tbe dUtlBgalabad J'micb ebemlet. rrtek at tba momaat wbaa tba made of I
ii*T* *
- usmoBd;byd
lag tbe bonrgUw bad i
Urge number of elecbrlo
reachtbe o
, made for
moat pan
plying ID tbe gcreoti of arnelbla aad allnwim tba oartwo to ad—tba Stnyramnt party pamaa ont ba^„^W«wUlciT«tpMUl.nMtteW aiaete mom ana lo Moaa ama phy*
satbefe^ couJad. Sir tween rawaof ra^ectfol gaara"
tae euy. Tba dry goodi bowa find
teternwr.. r-.M.«terta*»«tiMm.tewlUpl..a.UU,t-.alhM.5SS
kea. r. B. B.. ttainka that.
-------------------------them to ba a good IntMtsumt ae te tedraop. Than be >amped tb' tern as au
tieUpeuaBt eltme. aa. eopacUlly wb«n
eqtdifed witb UliimiDate ugai. they
thwart ramwaiMf
"Me heart waa adbamptn awfal. .
alwsyetew tbe alUniKxi of uiepnbUe.
walM tall ba waa awte aiebt. aa ibm
Tbe anTing they effm in the dellyeiy aataorlta of OuiytmDUhl(i.Kaw next*: Bite article ever writam by tba lata clDinb tb'fcBoe aa oUppeddowa tbrongh
avrlM la aaaterial bach wagoa will «a wwaId ghailar fmnatioa la aagM|0«arga AaguKuSaU. "Atira-enurad tb- lobg grma te wbara EaiUy K.U lay
ran 17 milea a day. Tbe itnmiiig cem- dutaotiagioarf quoa. H. Makrana, bia a»dy ihsi afunoan.- gba writan baU dte. agin tb’ tree. I men a cblekia.
' " > -cMmUt. baa attaidte the "ba gave me orer tba Unaa rilpa <d
oanp tbara ab btetb-oUben cloekta. eg
panlM oaleolste that delivery wegima
■ raqnin
tu by boreea
raqnlm aiz borte
boiMa eacb to probfam lajhbaber any. Jt Ulo brisg, dotey written MS. on Simiy farnlga 1 tepped ap aad rated th' girt'* draofK
_ UgbMpomtUa
bawL SbatedaauawiMwmivraBkaapts
katetbeaiebtnklnga My Emily
intbateialearoandbringt**- 1 am ■> tlrad 1 doa’i think 1 rtiall
IT adlar a day BO tea than eight
weald bn Btetd. Even wbara povrar i*
prgmmi to bear on ib Bow does nrir write aacAar maganhia arttola. Kau________
The Uumpbvelba'
r baaky, aad. U
higbMiwatelelmcanbarantaruDcb begat tbUpraaraie? BymeaBa of a feal-1 Pat tta *aata la jonr dlapaub bu aad fhharwL
Ite thao tba «faaae cd feadiag, bow- !
ampioya a al^ gna otaaiged' Saiab tbmn fer me. Wben 1 am dead,
“Sm -boa. yon olf fooL Iff quit rats
ing. gboaiag aad nmawlag eight boeuaa
pdwdoraad fenU, than feriaga tba
wiU parbapa waat bread, and tbra tbb tea BiDBUa. «o yoa've krp' ma jram
yoB oaa aall "Bedraomt on Wbdalt."' telniD •armarow's. wind wh’ jnnr
la« Urgapliy.
Urgepliy. Dia
ISia nto
te charging glovrlsg earbon elorn to tbe
It ^y ha pBr-wadw avenge oca- oorera u Witb a mnaU cavity 1* • Mtal Sma ODoogb. it waa jnrt aa ba ao aodly bioomlBite.”
Tba tamp ctaate bU throat, and. gato'dltii • at f 1 a day, aad aa tba .tnttn^^ block. Tba bnUat UmiBg tram tbrngaa
a batwaao aa I have wanted te tba arin^y^ii tnadaBaa aad mtefk. ba amn
mulBtttned tea year teSW tba coat feWMa tba carbon into tba cavity. It la
of each wagon te 810 walking Amfr palverixM by tba aback, bat on traat“Yona. gmtiram teaed 1 mar' mO
will be only t38a While tbia doa.:^ big It with obemKala, neb aa aitria,
yw 'buai Ik 1 Ufa yw-^bm { mte ba
moTlB '•
laolDda Btteteaaca daring bonra'te acid, cblonta of pgiaib and Saorbydrto
chaiflag and geoaiBl ripaln, it mte ^ Buall ciyatala of ■'
araead the bte Is-'Iba toad Jte batow
be boise lb mind, mski^ a aempariaen farad. Ko game of aay
of tbatwocttoiM. thatktiaai nqalia
•fWtatde yen think of tba di«r
tba azpariBanla.
Mbed tba ovraer.
Tba dog tewtar BNralygtete at
BmNb-Bvafytbna IwU ISadyoa w«b
Ua rad tbn ebook bU bead.

fRliUTr IPRIl Iste \m

To Young, Middle Aged, and^ld Me


DRS. B. S. & CO.

Lock Boz 180.




HiMls, Tie IfaHliaii Milt

"Ba mlgbt do itetty waU la Iba
--------- .c--------- ---------- prttty te ont la

vu. Vt

ZBS Koamro sboobd. nmiaY. luaafi sa. um.

Huerfano bill

vltolMkamr. Vowbtpaw• glad,
toakteg to aU am, tot b* <to|Nd Ua
bto Ua lap. tot

% or viuui. «
. »• mr and
to had bm told fa tke hllb aU


to <


• Itoda UttU,

NT. Hppad H G(M
toaratoto. _
Itdtot tafsi towato toptj tail
lU tto <d_______
to doodaad
vewt latoiig dova to toe- of to
BMatoaaalliatoace totoedttf a
boaae fa a hard AficU tower.
The Ulto toaioa wen UM tot.
tto to piya. lallto to »o^ laton. aad toiB dMaaopeted Ito to
ooBBUni rule tot na awaj towatd
totooted tonao«nr7ilU hi—w.
amUairtonv laatoaad tetoi aad
lailm ban wan borae away w to
toad of to aood tot paw fa toHom
too to.Bala canyon, to oong cf to
mmm tot rippled ton waa botod.
to bad of to eraak waa fllM with big
btwldera tot tod beto rolM down 4,
to flood,«H)apaatrtmwto
to 4own towairftoplain. Op thwagh

ttaok.|UAla« anootUy ««ar to
non. aotood to toahla top to eaayan
u Bwttt Hiacaa tanhlnom to tob.
At tot potnl to Uttle party aqwMd
----- --------- « to back aad>___ _ to dfnaaaat aad toka tobalaler to
to eaato waU «M oloMd aad teirad. CaUL Tbekadcr. wbo waa abU to rto
Tht cnnitodacr. orertoklac to UttU both pint and writfhg. bad aotioad a
rim. -wm dmnra wide opea. aad Co to paiagnph fai to Denrcr to
atfaot that to new Cnto Obonty bank
mMBgv rttang tore eaaw to ^Ito
woold open fer boaUmi at fiUm aiff
otwatw aad to nteU cf plae.
Ha itoMlMnil that to apse, rrm- Jaly la Be had been anaiad I7 bia ,
oftocarubawaalaaT- own faahker at-GnnaiaDn tot to new ^
w. aU ba perfeetly taUabla.
Ma to oto^'Karpyoaraya* to!?^, it waa. by to Fim Matfonal
Betoanaaorfoodjad*gaa.- The UtOa toe held 940.0M fa
«h«e the neo^nny
r. and orar fa one comer
coroer of to
t) oar,
ia an old clay Kafnad ore nt^ arae faada to the new beak weald ia all
Dmm Satotoy al^
110.000 kirdd.
by to ona
We-wen onttfag aoon a Uttle pfaoe
of bi^ poeto la to bwd of to rim daily train on Sanday. That waa why
whs to avtal flood bam fortta Iron ho wtahed to take to «*■<»■
When they had oroaaad to aaDoy Md
to naiww canyon joai la fnait of aa
antered to wildenM^^M-^ and oeThe anglanr’a am tboupit wai to back dar. tor begao to oeareb^ a^ candown and nm' away tneu to flood, bat




I Wien jroo “C AY^I C” I?” I“0" 7®“ get tie
best wheel made. J
) buy an
There is hardly a bicycle in town sold for
» but what the factory that makes them makes a better wheel that sells for $60br i
\ $75. Not so with the "Eagle." They make the very best wheel they can tti^ke ^
with ten years’ experience and sell it for 150. Call in and get one of their cata- i
I logues—it’s good reading. And. I have the “World,” the “White Flyer,” the !
I “Steams," and afnll line of cheap wheels.


. my agent
«u um nn,
ive the matter no m
top of toeanytm with a while light, |“1.
last the Wmr arrived.
and. in a little while we woe all talun ’
tain nail for a half boor, loaded Into
wagons and haoled beck to toloaction. waa ao railrtnd tom Skitwy. ttiU
wnartisg from to ^eot of the tatbm
•erne temperaaee leetnrea be bad recBapteb a.
rd'M the evening befota looked at to
“Let'a hare a driak afore we go. “

ing fer high lopd with hia ratter
pooch and aoma pookagea of expnm
matter beanng red aoala. be began to
wire in aU dlreorioM. In • Uttle while
moontad men were daahlng oot toward
to hUla ao oa to be ready to'^a to
waa plain awogh. to agent ar.
gned.>at to«MMnger bad takon ad­
vantage of to ebeomatanoei and clear­
ed out with to wealth in hla rnwin
alon. A riionmnd doUais' ra
offered brto oaptnieoftoni
foor. f

is 168 temaand M apead
0 and ban ezperimmt In anbmarina

- AaryonnK.*' said to dark a D at I Maopr and otarted to laub. t
poriOiig to to cliff, whioh. like many
Other oampa waatte paring aa “a mo- to brad of to table, and (me ooold aee : oark man aooa lid and crahM t
«BdLeadrille.“^hereware preachere af a glance that wherever be aat
die head of to table.
--YonI p
prosnis- : tl
■nd pl«y acton, mincra and merebaoto, ,
-oowboya and
confldetme men. __
aad hen «d me np
totday that I*
. in the ...
d sway. A liitle Way op to canw gaont taoed girls, with peach-1 .^'<i BwrrgetdranJ^-aiii, and I pram- 'yon
-• — to the
----- torn ctri of to
they came
aplexion aad wondetfol, Un- < ^
"sUt now, Skiuny. that if yon | trairi
trad and knew for a anmy that no
pondble hair, bUled for to variety.
| doyon'll never m>t soU-r, fori inUnd to train wcmld ocune up togulchthat day
Up near to engine the expraa ntw-i
shot while yer bap|^.“
{ Tbe rilent Imder made no above of
amger «t on a Utile
mfa Upcm I Noberiy replied to thia Tbe non ad- * diahi^xuntmcsit. Imi (jnieUy disnisstd
•ttor hip be wore a heavy aix toioter Atmeed cmly-glaneed acram tV table. ' bis mcfi and watrbod tom ride away
and then, drnpping bis ryes, brnsheri toward to simint, with toir bread
tbe ashes frani his cigar with the tip <d haU tipped sich-wlse and ibrir ever
bis little finger. Tbe man at the speak- ready rifles resting aenwi their oddhs.
er'i right- wuiled anieily over it bis For bimself be woold have no rifle.
ria« vis, and ton there waa rilenee fear “Only a eowardor bimglw.''benaed u
a moment.
«y. “will carry a_ causon
cannon to do to
Tbe freighter and to praqwotcw, warkof a .45.
Jeaniog on to bar. paid do atttntian to
When the others bed pawed oat of
to four men who aat and noked by sight, to dark man reined bin own
to little pine table in a dark ooncr
_____ cd
—j bcBse down to canyem. Intrading,
to log aalooo. Tbe Lewie Spruce, ae tbe | since be was so near,
mr, 1to visit bis wife
place was called, bad done a rosbing at tbe Jonerion. Tbe reomt waoboat
In to boom days, hot Baby bad left tbe bed of tbe golch almost imOanp waa dying, even ai Silver CUff, pamabla aiwl it was oot onril afur
Oonnison and denena of other camps midnight that the lone travrier
Ckeeda is dying to- tb« abandoned train, lying lil
alow. Adraokea ing thing that had fallm aaleepon its
Ute reeM in and wanted t< ptay poker, owntralL Findingthoexprew cor lock■hake dice or toot
moot with
any dog
d^ of a vd. be opened urn ef the doora with the
white nan iB.tbe ptaca. When
on aD
' tbe coal pick which
whk be foand <m the englna
rest bad pat him aride i
.. . I Tbe little
r, he oone
little iroo
iron mfewae eecoraly looked.
over to tbe comer, end tbe dark nan. Having removed all the explorivea from
being deep in tbon^t and act wiriiing the car, this mparimeed tnoantaineer
*to U dinarbed. araaa. and ptoklng his SOietlyblew ap to aa&with a few
way between to two gne which dsn- ■ricks of dynamite, hot thwa waa no
' hipaodtooohterodmaa mmeylsit-^tbs-U^tof toengidown to room and Deer's torch be managed to read a letter
and accow fate Upteyavrinclieattarifla oovtod to night.
tot had been left there by to awai
Be wm aa beakly onntented and happy
Saving done hUdntyiaistooviag to gar, aad wbicb was addrewed to tbe
•a men may reaaisiatay bops to ba on tad nolmnow—for he hatad a dronkard preoi vnt Ax the:«8p)arw finished
Maoasth. Tbe rafrMiteg tom. tko* -to dark mm bade to barkeeper good nading it be gave a low. mft wUarie of
oame to ^ was awoet with to scant Bight and pawed om l7 to back door. nerpriae not mnob above a whisper—
•rsnmiMr.. The biUawsngrem and Bie three mm atto pine tabte followed for be waa a qniet, ondamcnatrative
Us heart waa glad. Bot hia bmrt wae Mm.
Mt Js to MUo. Ihat very 8onday
AU this oeenma ta tbe Into half of
From tbeoarba rotareed to to «•
mamiag hated given it Into to fceap-' tbecloring boor of tov^ Thirty gto and with the oUnker book firimd
lag cC the ward<«'a daagbier ga they minatea lator, wbm to fommoataiB- moldclayataiiied iBwwokaotof to
Walked wUhoot to waUa of to gray
lande away tom to BtaA fifkr tank. Wbm ba bad eweted toasts in
flriaen dowB hr
------tbe bed of tho rim, be hoBied away
Jtt to dlxoorion of to JnnetfoB, oigiag
Bwaidopand down to nnd
his hocM over to' rough groond aa

springs that gntod
roeb nt to coBdace to to groat ou^on
te M told fata to seaot <ff hla^an.
Tteecteoemtagto h« face to whUe
totemdto tola told him that to
- wmlHiiilin Whatoytedoometo

But what kind of a bleyole yon get for your money is
ten times more important

to nooDaotton that a
trrigfit bala
him to change hi. mind. The Win»« • ^
horriM to pma«,«all ewt, to-«• i It waanot yat noon, and totrain. to
oarried tbe'mail and
batter to a nfe /plaoo, and emy one dark nan made oat bon to fgam Bpoa
a tfme card whlrii he earned, woold
■ la to roaring
: not M
t. the innetioo antil > n. ai
fSlJwbTto hedrf
probably to > or 8 ;16 when it

«K»mp*4 ^
Baring brtaklawed aS^naokad. to
gnga railroad tan to sum aiff. sa. •
n . .1
rirotetod thestom apa to
aU .re to dark nS^
toa 8.00®. and how not M tSw
peoideUea thorf naleaa tbrir boalne*
The leader, leaning againM a____
ootapab than to do nx It prodooed i
^ «wored apmae tree, wpobed a blat*
t to. flood bad gone a nile In
CB« main fiBoyon and pitod ap eight or
«ea railroad bridge, and all the dead
timtor In to golch, it preaenud a nUto tronrite feet hij^ and reached tim
at apraoe tra
____ _______ ____
with toooaatlea Brill hanging
to to talla, arai ripped np and to mill,
•/ hending
a»ii. Uka baling wira, woond afloat
to roUing debrii and clogged to <nayon. Then to wtllto flood woold fiU
to whole gorge and rail m with aoefa
a maai of bridge timberand fallen tim
potod la bent cd it that yon ooold aee
no dpi of wateas the flood here down
wpoB yoa. hot only a tangled maa
xaUa and tiea and twiaad weea
osqileaf proapeoton famrdtoroarit and climbed to canyon wall inat in
time to niTet&cmBBim. while to Uttle
boma, with toir pacb on their baeka
Wto down to a watery gram Next
came a long atring of height
hrtoto lamber down bom a little
monnuin aawnm. The rattle and noiae
of to boary Wagona made ft
ft impoaiible
for to frafghtera to bear to
« rear cf
fl(^ Bod, aa they wwe coming down
tocanyoo, toy bad tbdr faacka to it,
and ao were orertaken in a narrow
fdaoe. Sane of to men. Icapiug bom
their wagtaw. aetam^ed op to ateep
bfU oot uf to way of to waiw. whila
others took to to tall treea. hot wba
to flood came to etoolaat tree, in to
goldi went down like raniUereri in a
cyolooe-e path and to lockleL frwgbten miaglod with the btaam and wama
and were waabed away.
ily br oa. we wwe aa boor
tale leaving to inactian that day and
had not yet reached to narrcFW pari of
the canyon. The engineer had been
watching to block clood ai it came op
.over to tange. aad bew we wtee doe
' to ton into a washout at any nmniait.
tDw mr winds that came down the

What Yau Pay
: For A Bicycle Is Important,

it toad to dark
tboo^ tewere bmi oponaBewaad
.aniouat to top of to
tangs overlooking to wet mooalaia
valley. Before toy ted irnriM to
fcotbUla to aim mofht to two thieade
of atael tot ataMtod away nerew to ^latrimwhmwe airivodwttoni to
porii and dfajappearod at to ehWoa o^
to oaaym at to toot of to vale. AU
Blgtetoyhad riddm .ria^ Ala. bat
Wbm to looal ocpnw agto IwmM
. -• , meaamgwwaa notwlto^to
par^ that to oBadmtor ted
tethgywatoato^ Ite dark mwi kagt
able to AndUm^mditoto aa

pat oot
of to robbery. They
were among Ibefirat tn leave town, and,
aa they all knew to ooantiy. v
npon to graond wboe to opai and
□pry mfo left linle to be evpUiaMi
Tbe mfe. tbi y argotd. bad bren blown
l>by to messenger few a bUnd. bat they
oold not be tooled.
; ^ memenger. it woold apeot. bad
resdainfd in to ririnity of to waabont
I saUI thr train was abandoned, end too
I at nut npon a Icmg tramp topogfa die
: oackleaa hilla Be knew tbe psi-fc.
' that were meat valosflle. and.with tl
bo fiUed hia poeketa TbegcddbeBL_.
leave, for to y»raey woold be a tirasome one. Tbe evTOot^, whirii
to bia. was extremely raogb. At rimes
he foond htmaelf at to bottom of a
deep gtwge. and again at to
ateep blaS, and aaw before him a Mm*
and apparently batWnUetaabym. Tb«n
waa no mocm. hot to friendly i
woold gnide Ua. Pike’s pmk. ta___
ing high ogainat to aky. showed hUa
where to coat waa. white tbe Orembora range ram roogh and olw^to to
week. Boi when be had bem open hia
Journey lem chon aa boar, a gny olood
I bang like a heavy fog on to hills and
liot all to lighrfrom to bmvena
1 »,H4
and \njmjuxvu
obseorod toaarth. Instead of wa{i; tm; fm- the n
(« going and wasoocn bopal^y
to far aa any knowledge of tbe points
of tbe oomparn was conocmed. Ba
might for what be knew, be b«aded«<w
tbe bilte, or be might be walking in
th«d%ectian4]f tbe |oacti(a and tbe
•taie'f prisexL
M.1axt baring rmtod what appmrad to be tbe xommit of a Uttle bill, be
ml down npeB a.bags rock to not Am
be aattberobetboogtKbebeard a Kond
like that prodaoed by bonw ateppiag
aboot on a itooe floor. Presently tbe
elond roUed away, and akboogfa the
valley beWW was xtUl obKorad. tbe
teswerehrigfat above and tbe enga
of the main range atood oot dean oot
agalori tbe weetem riev. Before Um be ;
mw Pike’s peak and knew that a Uttle '
way below him. Ud in the mte. lay to
The sheriff and bix poam, loat In to
log. bad baited tn a amaU twain and
were waiting te tbe elooda to olmr
awmv. Tbe ahariff initetod that be had
beard a man poogb, and now to Uttle
’ were sitting thrir bom in riI. wUob was tarobm only fay tbs
mettampUgofabraBeba "Wtaat’a
tbttr’ asked to rimlff. prinring to to
cock above them. “I aboold «y it wm
a boar ritringm Ua teoiicbes,"Md
mt of to mm. “I’U Jaat tap it vritb a
gave a mort, and inriantly to Agon of
to Ug maamogw ram from to rook
and stood oot a^inat the dart Uoa ahy.
UotUnowbeted • — —’—

ed. ate tot gava him tobonritykiok
of a bmr, tat wbm te atood op and
oltaPttl kie beU tappedmp opm Us
bmd to gbdlff nooffrimd him In «
“Lat*a drop him," mU one iff to
m. “Tbcre’e a tboomte In It ate U
be ever leavee tot rook he’s goM"
“Bold," riOd tbe toriff. “Wa mato
gtva Um a show to aarrendgr.”
Wbm to fOor mn bad aktttg tbalr
gonaintoporirioB, to toriff eommandte to niaaaixgn tolhrow^hiabatea.

If You Have^ogs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Liimber.
Maple Flooring,
.. Short Maple Wood..
B-cait-nAT.TnMill Machineiyof nildeaerii Hooi. ineJatHng Two Rn£4wsw,
Bet Works, Oarruges sad 8««a' AcomidBte Saw UiUPlaat
for Mle. .


We sra ovar to aHio at Tteman Oty
-alwaya a atop aboad of ntoro In gonliW
andaataptbaUndtomin prim.

Experience Has Piom U. I
Oar Sprhif Umof Mmb and Udim
Shoaa la made eopoeiaUy to my ordm* Ttey nro mede of tte Ugbtot prieed m»teriaL Bone of tbe iwat eqnal m in Itt.
Faebicm and Make, ate toy aU mk mom
mooey than we da SartOy this le worth
Invosttgatlm for year own intert
Onr pzlBflfl MW fl.48,

$1.87, $8.10, $8.44, $2.68. $8B0.
$8.00, $8.60, $fl.Oa

Our $1.18 flhoflfl fly* winaws
for thfl psioto
Tour trfldfl will bg flppredfltad.

186 Trent StTMt.

P3?ebot±oaJ. Bli omTxcgn.

W. h>T. Ido. ApplM, OmwM ud Lnnn,., mile
Dim Apticou, PMhu, Pnm.., sic, DU- «ul

laptalilts, CeUap, li{B lii IMS.
-PboiM 187.

—Watch Repairing,

M8 Fvmd StiMl.

Ote tege iot. Wdetotoml. Ml Wob>
tbaneowh mine if tato baton AarU

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