The Morning Record, April 28, 1898

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The Morning Record, April 28, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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TRiTEESK oral, mCH, THURSDAT, APRIL 28, 1886.

FintTau—No 807

▲dmiral Dewey of Aeietlo Sqaedroa Ordered to Sink or
Oaptore Bwery Ship of Spenleh Fleet In Thoee
Waters Before Attacking Xai^Ub.




•Birxaaxi loxu zs

Two Cent*.


Another big lot of
Wall Paper just received.
From 3 to 3 l-4c ,
a Double Roll and up,

WMhliictM. April rr.—Tfc® w»r d
- dteidwl t« Bora
Uw Toluteer vroen
that BpMUl wTu MoBRiRa Kacnm,
Waahlartoci. April *7. — Oeoaval
th(7 Will h* ramorad fraw dcBOralUMilm haa ahaadtaad tha praooaad loer
lo^hooietefliiaaoaa. w aoM-----------I of iDapaclloo of tha anthara wflitaiT
poaw far the praaeet. for the
Waahlactoa. April S7.—A UcbBond
that be la toe boailr enfafed with aiatdiapaleh aaja that
Ura partaialar to the reorraalaaUoa of
the amj oadar the reorfaaixatioa
Itriwda ara *ary aariaai o*ar Ua
hUl. to taare the citr.



Spaniards in the PhllUplnes Xarohed 67 Facifloos to the!di*hu
Oemetery and Slaughtered Them While Kneel| wa.hi.ftoa. April t7,-it u feared
Ing at Their Own Orawes.
that the pabUcaUoD of Lleatanaat


. ow THB oirr.

Etowaa’alaadlQflaCuha wUlooat hl«B


290 Front Street


kaaeah miSaa Xapidly
The aaaaabI Biflee
Biflea had a
i roe.lnf

Everybody bays Flags now. Large
assortment at

«oaSfmedB«port That roar Xroaclade aad Three Torpedo Boat Oeatroyera hie life apoD the aewi reaehiaf the
Hare SafWd Trow apai. Baadad for Vorth atUntte Ooaat-Tbaacht Tbair bpaeiaroa.
Barpoee la to Bombard OoMt Oillaa-Anether rieet ia Brapariaf U Sat Bail
Betrolv April 77-eaoufb men ler ,,iioat!ea» were received, Ee». J, A.
—Oarifota Weald VaU SpaaUh TU« to Doma of the Oapitol.
a refimeat haa already to) uate^ed , Uready eeat In aa iaritatlen for tha
Host hat 500. Fair-; eoBpaoy to attend eerrice ia the Fuat
idee by i>paDiarda ta PhiUppiare ia ra- here. Fornuhow
•peetal u> Taa MeaBu« Racoai>.
------ - Seeday to Hates to a dU- j #
Madrid: April !7.-Aa eftelal dto-j,.^eiflooa ware marched to banka Peat
Poet 37S.
oa.' -■ Th« Hpaaiah-Amrrieaa !
patch hae jact hare recel^ freb the jhe eeaietery* ai^ made to kaeel by
WaUloctof. AprU !7. -Theodore War,- -The tarliatioa waa promptly ! d
Coeanor of Maiiila.
Be aam»a.cae j •«.
thro abot. Thera
It says that ha haa efferm of Ma
that ha arpaeloboarly to b«v of Am |
mca more rooffh riders tbaa be can j j,,',
oafarMeot batweea the dpaoUb aad '


Mtrkbim Block.


There b freat
eat reioteiiirhere
reioteiiif here over the
eapWMot the'Ameritmn
eewa of thoeaptsreof

^ n.iitk' Delfado MMiTii
Wrh Snranae nt Itallla of the PhilipKnay of Mia Ownmand Taken
.H. _____ .. . to
Loedoo. April-rr.—Aoeordisf
New Toak. April <?.—A Bataan dlaapeolal dl^ateh reeeired here today
pntth. tie. Jnmnlek. aya that a body
from Madrid, the Spaaieh mintater of
ef Ihaonreata nndsr the leaderabip-of
SMrtse has ree^ieed a maawfa from the
Joan Delcado, amaolted tha eaborhe ef
Spaaiah admiral la eommaad at Uasila
Hataaa and were repalsed. Ontlaat
SSMaaeliif that afur Uklaf the *
Delfedo was klUed and many ef his
«roa seoaaaary to orfaalie ural aa>
eommaad taken priseaera.
teaaa at Manila add Carim. he i
The city is now qoiot and awaillnc
Sboal to sail and taka a poeltioa
the American attack.
•w^t the cominf ef Uc United SUtoa
The HpanUh mlaister of marine, the
Swift Karchaat TaaaaU af Zd^t TeaaaeeL,
Kanaad by Yoloataata
witk Premier dafaeu. whe am
epwtaj to TVS KoHina Bsenns.
d the etker mlaiston aad held
WaBhiortea. April 77.-Chslrmaa
reaee. The miaUter of -marine
bootelle of Ua heaae aaral commitwa
need a belief that the I'nltod
baa Joel had an fourrUw wlU Secre­
t eqoadroa woold reach HaaiU ia
tary Loay cosocmiac tha urma ef the
^/ab^eiaty hmifa aad tha hntUe. thee
bill to be renortod by Ue aaral oomfere. U eapeetad in aboot three days.
mltue for UeotyanlatloB ef a eeaat
The SpaaUh hate eifbtoeB or moi
patrol, to be oemp^^ of awift marwarehlpe in the PhiUppise Ulaada. one
chant reaneU of lirbt toanare, aad
«f which U formldahla. The United
BMDoed by reluateer aailora. whe eaStntm has nine warships, fonr of them
lUt aadar Ue federal foteramoat, aot
nader Ue sUtda as la Ue ease of Uo
ItUr^orted that the SpaeUb aetal
ktaral resereea.
Bootelle says Ue
anlherilice are-aaUiBed that Spain enn
bUI wUl be spaedUy reported.
ontlly foree the bleeknda of Oaha wl
Beyesne. Prance. April t7.—BclUble
aririoee rseelt^ hare coafl^ the re­
port that fear ironclads aad three pe4o boat dUMyna milad far
Halted States yeeterday. headed far the
aonh AUanUceoeet. It U etatod that
it te the intentloa of .the fleet to bomhard Ue important coast towas.
A eecoad oqaadroa U helac formed at
Cadiz. Ite deeUaatiaa U ankaowa
A apeolal from Oibraltor says that
the SpaaUh waiabip PeUyo and a tor­
pedo kwat pamed Uere today.

IMreeted to Sink or Oaptore Brary
Ship of Spanish Squadron at
the PhUippUiaa.
uTA HomM Bacoua.
WashiDfUm. AprU r7.—Ordeia have
heen scet to Commandar Dewqy of the

> xoxx spAjnss ATBooxrr.
FnaHaBs Knda to Zneal by TMr
•raraa. Than Shot WUhoat Trial.
%mlal WTbs Scaniao kaoeaa.
' Xaeir«rli.Api!ttS%-l«s(rt>Uattqp-

Jprer. for
that an prool acalnst yeliosrjprer.


‘New Idea’ Patterns
St ten eaote eschP

27 —A ManUa dU-

WaUlncua. April 27.—Tha etoamer
Shenaadoah U kaowa to be safe la
Bear admiral. Hampsoa'a share ef
p^e money to date &rares $3SkM».

They eqoal. if not excel, say oUer pattorn,
no mnttor whnt prioee are ehai^


Wheel Enameled ForS2.50

’The-Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in .the city, at
Hardware. 148 Front St.

Bar Harbor. Mrine. April 27.-At
daybreak Uis oorniac the ernUer MionsapolU was siebtod at anchor in Prespeet bnrhof’. Sbo^t (e sea noon af or.




Rer and Pleasing.
Satisfactoni and Sensible.

Bring Your Feet With You.
We Do The Rest.

The sise does oot troabls os. New goods, new stylst
new lasts, new toes.

Frank Friedrich.
Tike Oia. Relia-bl®.



SMrt Waists and SoDiiner Gapes

Allred V. Friedrich Ov pita (ublfl ujm U ttOre ii ooer ralaaL

TNe Popular Shoe Hease.

Patriotic BoatAam C
■ps mite Tas Masxme Hacoes
WaahiafftoM, Api U 27—The ffereraots
of Taaa lease and Eeataeky hare eaU
Bofbsad Atom OitiMBahlp Fapora. offerad to head troops of thair raapee
Uve stoUs ia peraoa.
pleaty of workmen to de yoor work
•pvcisl wTbs MWnas aacoan
prompUy. I raarantoc all work to*
Maw York. April t7.-Jeaa Faaada
Oaald Mot Boa Ue Blockade
Ue beet and Ue losrwt In price. .
buUd wheels to order, they me Imatand Fraaelaco Lc^as. Spaaiar^ <
Spaelsl IP Tas Moans Kaooas.
iea OaU and eee them.
rafasad flaal dUnaahtp papers by
WaahlBfftoa, April 27—^Tbe aary deJadffa Cohen o^Uo Bnpreme ceort to- partmeat diaelaime Ue arrival of tha
dny. They hare Urad here n yenia.
Montaarrat aad aan that ao raaaal
oaald ran tho bloakoda
Braxlnrofall kinds, tiresr' -*Vim Bay far Ooalinr SUtta.
asadc as fo^ as new. The ealy op-tonpedal <e lbs MoBKss kneon.
AwUw Sedfasd Torpedo Saab
date shop ia Ue <dty. All vrark ffaaraatoed toyivaeattofadUoaornoefcarffa.
Mew York. April 27.—The Loadoa peddteTIBIleaaiaoBaBOBn. Wheals sold on aaoy paymeata.
WnaUnfftoB. AFrUkT.—The fferara- elaaand Tandama to raat at lU Onfam
Ohresiote Mja: -The United Stntas la
it. aaar FranV
CUM far Mira Bay mat today hooffht anotte Brilaad


Enameling and Decorating
ii the latest Styles.


IfoaU Side Cei
ry and Tohaceo tUora. Oi«a
moncaU. Yehrstraiy.


TIid Rigid Kind

Lnnslnff. April 27.—The board af
state aaditorm today allowed Ue claim
df F. W. Whaalar A Oa. of Bay City,
for hrlnlBff tha Yantic to EWtreit. The
bUle affgrefate abaat fitt.OOO.



Wasblnfftoa. April 27 —Orders were
Usoed today to reprait Ue army to iu
toll war etreiffth of dl.bOO mes.


A popelar style.

is there
any way


Superrtaer'Walhey Married.
A rery pretty wedding toek place at
kick BMa ToMday at Ue reeidenee of
Mr. and Mre. Adam Dizoe of Wezfonl.
whea Ue rraad dadrhtor. Mlm Myrtle
LMdea. April 77.-8panUh wai^lps Diaoa was married to FVed R. Walker.
the effleieat saaenieor ef Uraat toi
hare appeared at Ue entranop ef the Uip. Bct. a. a. Darllsff eScUUmcBnfflUh ehanneL
Tbelr many frieade will extend etoeere
eeacratolaUoes and beet wlsbm.
WaUlBCton. April e7.-Geaeral MUee
wUl laspect Chlckamaafoa, Mebile.
Z>etroit Free Preae ar Tribona deMew Orleans and Tbmpa. Embarkstkm wiU be from the lattqr plaoae.

Madrid. AprU
palch aaya Ue 8|

Bootos. April 27—The crnlier CoInmbia was siebtod in the lower harbor
early this morainff. She took a poaltian tan miles east of Uo tolecrapb
hill elffnal. where she remained doriac
Ooloael Xrrol WlU Offer the tereaooa.
temeeo to Oacle Bam.
Viaoeat. Chpe Verde Islands,
Uerial toTas Maaaisi. Hrcosd
AprU 27,-Tbe bnanUh fleet U still
.Mew Orlaane. April 27.—CoImcI
hare, nwaitlnc orders.
Errol, aid oa Ue staff of Oeaeral
Uemoz. reached here today, karinff
slipped eat of Cnba sinee Ue bloekadA
He pemeaiet reloable leformatlea and
Flacky IdtUe Torpedo Beat I>estreywill offer hU serricea to Ue United
er Worrieo e Spaaiah Oonboat
At Metaama
One of bU recommendatioas U that
London. April 77 -Di^tchm from
Ua Secretary of War be aoUorUed to
MnUnasB my Ue Amertenn torpedo
porchasc 10,090 canram anifenas for
hont Jestroyer Coshlac twice entored
ase la Ue Caban campalffa and it U
Ue portofMatanzas. Cube. The sec
ezpecled they will be ready for dellroad time eiz shots were fired at her
ery by Ue time the adraace ffoard U
and she retired. The Spaoisb r»beat
reaUy to march oa Cabs.
Llffsia. it is aaaeaooed. enceuatorrd
near Oardeaas an American torpedo |
boat destroyer which fired oo Ue 1
Cuban Oarlists Propone to MaU Span­
flpaoiU warship. The yuoboat aasish FUff to Dome of OapitoL
wered sriU eleven Uots. It U claimed
Special toTiM Horelsi Rvrerd.
Waehinyton. April 7T.-A Heeaaa !»*>**“*"““'****”y"
sable says that the Cutaaa carllau preretreated,
pose to Ball Ue Si^ieb flaff to Ue
Ooat the SUta $ia,000.
dome of Ue capital at WaUInffton.
Speelsl to TBS atoenns Kteomo.

bat to eisk or eapiote erary ship ef tha
SpanUb sqaadroB.
There will he oo attempt at the praneat Umc to blockade Manila, heenose
aaeh a ooaree woold tie op Ue eameU
The Terror Takes a Frtae.
faraway from their coal snppilea. and
apKlsl to Tas lloaxisa ftK-ou.
mifht rsmiU la learinr oor mid-Pacifle
Key WasV April 27.—Tbe Detroit UU
oeal station ia U« Hawaiian Ulaada,
•amlnff hWht In Ua SpaaiU
to eay notUnc of Ue eitlee of Oallforlantmaa Amhreao BoUria. Tha was
Bia. at the merer of aa? SpaaUh emUeaptarad by the Terror.
« wUeh ehoold flad Ito way to Ue PaTha Ambraaio Belirar had MO.OOO In
alireroa board. It was taksa aboard
Ue Terror.

Mew Toi%. April 27.—Admiral Mobtapo has aailnd from the PbUipidnee
wlU Ue SpanUk agaadnm to meat
Admiral Deway and ^ DniCad Statoa
aqaadrea. A battle U UnmlnaaUy a>-

136 members in Use. also ire recroila. M
WasblafftoD. April *7-The „T*f-i
»• -safest amoar Ue


Holley dt Connable

R. E. GIRBS, Prapr.




Shirt Waists
ed ffinyharas. and rillm and caanM be
ar fit. Shirt Wakta

Our Capes md Jackuts
Ara aaorinff at a rapid rata. A
four rows ed braid, far U
eanta. Aa extra tonff donbla Chpe. I
rows ed braid, ales etoU. SI.SB. A '
ka^eame line of dalntr-SUk and CUf<
ten Qapee. from SI.M ap.


t MoSHUto Moomn, THPBroAT.'A^aiLgs. i«»e.


U«a. proT«ta» «ar «Im anfaffUv'W
taMbaa »*d flxiaf aalmria M MJ
,,,1^,11 gnat aeaam BMnaamaTi apaeW arncolar »MUat i» ¥«T-«M fQI7 te «mi( OoBit Awi*» Bin
•SOO ia Sdit Afataat tha
,Tm*TERSE CITT. -^lUCHiaAS taMM withMt detew.
a * B. X. >r oo.
fiiaiM u tka ataaaat of tt.SCS.M
wan .allowad Md Ua traMoar raTba oaaa of Saarra W. Pbalpt n. Ua
portad a kaUaga of
a * W. If. Kj. Co. araa eoaclnded la
Cbm. T. s&n* Aso 3- V* BAnn.
Ua CiKDUoaart yaatardar aftarDoaa.
Tba bond
Oily Ti
J. W. HAJtroi. Mltor aad MasaCar. Waiabarf. fat »<*.«» waa praaeated. The jury brought la a eardlcl for the
Hia aatoUM are B J. Marfaa. A. W. j pUioUS. dzlaf Ua aMoastaf dant«aa
1 aoed for by
BarUk. Cbaa.WUbal» aad J. M. Hoell-'
The ’—..................
aaaul. Tha boad ana approaad pt I'helpa
impait eaae of Babeeea YalThe
Bapariataadaat Orawa raporud aoa- omataie ea. H. Bymaa waa tak^a op
Oa* raar. I« Ball. .

■ *«
faUowiac Ua Pbolpa eaae aad Is bow
CmOwnufoB ratUaat lalUoa taaa aoUaetad to Ua
Troanl OOoer Marala'a eUI« for
•M.SO for aarrloaa of two naaUa waa
prMaalad aad allowed. A propaalUea
Iwa* read froia the J. B. Gralllck Oa.


Will clean it tboronKhlr. tme the wbeela, give any .olor oroamental work yott wi*h, enamel or varaish your rims for above price.
Call and aae aample.
Wo also BuOtl Whaaln to Order, do it cheapor »ml jrive bol­
ter material and work than any ehup in the city. Harr bad aeveral
yeare’ exponetoce and gnaranteo aatiafaction.
Ploaae cive na a trial.
SLLI8, 811 Front St.. Ea»t.


.djouraad for faaaoa wiU BoatBlabarata Program of all.
Tha last aaeUag of tbs Jonior Ly
“^.“jaaaalaclnrera of protacti*. o**--!"*««>*
Heine Prom Osliforcia
Aiaari* harajaavo. a ble rletory achoollibrar, for $58. aad U. bid wa. W* for Us aaaaoa was held yeeter^ar
Ur. and Mr* Juba Woodward have
aHaraooB and an elaboraU *osieal
^ arar Uoae of free trade Eaf laal. aad aoaapted.
----------reinraed fro* a plasuot wieter's ao, that. too. andeV Ue BrilUh flaff. The . A propoaliloo from Ua daedUh 8on» aad literary profrra* was rleen.
Ilorlac Ue ecbonl year batweea [ Jenm ic PaMdvnA Csl . where Mr
\ Autnliaa CoaiDl»loaer of Kallwaya. of Amerloa to bBy Ue 8Ut* a!reet
' daalrior » relay portiom of axiaUa« aebool bolldlnc was referred to the uirit aad forty prugrama haee been' Woodward own* a flooristalag fniit
niiway liaaa wlU aeer aiecl raila. eoaamitteeoa buiKnnra aod rrouads. | ^by UetleBioraad 3uaior lyeeun* farm. They w.ll spend the teniDfr at
) us bcneet to the parUcIpaata bat tfartr reoidpDCe here. Iraviog In the fall
aaked afferm fraa aiaanfacMran la The price W be psid *loo a y$ar in la- i
'AtvA OTiVij oTvt Va *>AXiem C-Wj \Ka\ stWs
alalaieau------------of $3! each.
Mayor b*ith I more Uaa repaid them lot Ueir hard for Ueir westrm hn*e
aarloaa *aru of Ua world, aad ra-------------—
wtlDgs have been of
OalTOd blda troai Uermasy. Eaflaad aald that bo tailed \o aaa «rbat Ue work. The
A 2*4\bs'5hs\ "BUtV SflAmVebs SlocVivv^
aad Ue Uaitad BUUa. Wbea Ueae { board waaiad U tell Ue baUdiac for mueb inlereet to all who have attend'
ATtiij«\veTe tvtAT AS
AS cniTS a\
bide weia apeaed. it waa touad that asyway. aa It wo^d dooWtlaea be ed. The progra* ymUrday was as
Uoee from the Ualted Stataa were
TAASOtt YlOtt io
Piano selo-KaUeryn Parrant.
lower Uaa Uoaa fra* Oer*aay ar SwadUh aaeiety was aet received fa­
VvV^a tttsV lo
ttitm 0^ «s tw
arprodoetloD. Asiatic ^iUpioTation—
Baxlaad. and Ue ooatraet. aiaouBtlac vorably aad it wiu probably not be
to nearly bait a bUUob dollar* waa oensldoed.
Sadis Pfeifer.
tl emay, Bleaaer Laeeett
awarded U aae of Ue A*arieaa bidThe eoDBitWo oo hnlldlaga nnd
dara. Ua PeaBaylTaaia Steel Ce*paay, groands wns aot prepnred to report re­ —Nora Preayne.
Sprit 37.—Wheat,
its bU belBf aearly $30,000 lower than garding UeengnginR of ^itora for
Veoal mIo—Mlm Onw'ordAbslracl. Bariy HlAt^y.-of^awmil—
next year en neeonot of Ue nbocDce of
any oUerZdat of LottaiB
Mr. rriodrlch. bat Mr. Uooro angraat- Carl Pva-rln.

Tna for^ day* which have elapaad ed that all Ue Jaaiura be ralaioed tor
•seay. Ell^hitoeyalaoA Uo Bpaakb-Caban sltaatlon anoUor year, ft waa alas anggeated Alva Tyler.
made war a probability have beea pre­ that Janitor Cnrtla ba ewployad by the
e Vader.
prill plrssv ssr : '
plans te Ue Onitad Sutce Oovennaeat yanr for n given aalnry. he U employ
Tennyaon'e' OeasBsr.

in Ue aatur 'of pPrparatloB. The hli own tieln. Tha matter of tzlar -Break. Breakr—BoU Thorn.
MoCrmSy. m>
n.r c________
aoQBtry baa baea tor yoart aotorio
Uleenmlon. Beeotved. That Uewall
Ue wlary by UeTRwr *><1 repairing
nnpraparod far war. aad ta have Ue Janitor U pat in nil Ue vnenlioa ehauld net be aanexed.
rwhad UU ww alx weeks ago wiUoat Ume wna aim dlaeamai^ and finnUy
ifllnnatlve, Wayne Watem Aalee Ooiag Oat of Ue Phot<«Taphie Bin.
preparation wonld have kotn crlmlnaa.
tar eonaldamUon of Ue oommlttee Ery,nolds; negaUvs. Joe Ebo
Por Ue laai five years t have enjoyed
PreaUanl McKinley baa Uowa great natU a spaolnl meeting U be enlled Ella Shepard. The qamtioa was ably
le libera!
liberal natroaage af Ue goeea City,
vlado* ia boldiag ant against the da- early next month.
discusead pro aad and coa-aad was da- daring
sriag wl
wbkb time it has beea my aim
Corrupood with tbe Tr*Tene City Lumber Compnn^.
manda of polltIciaM and BenmUoaalto.mtertoUel.'
cater to Ue Ideea of' ay diffmant
---------- paelded
eadeat Urawa brought np
1. To please all has bean my aim.
We bAve tor nsle Good,
Ma tor Inataat aeltda. knowing, as ke
Uo matter ef a plaa far new beeka
aad In doing ao
u have bean amply reAid. how abaelBHly eaaantlal U wa
rom a floaneial view, bat
have a raaaonahU amonat af Uizia in nnder Ue new free text keek system
- -plaasore of seeiag mj
^^rhieh W prepare for war. New evaau adopted by a veU ef the psapla at Uo
linem gradoally oa tbe iacreasa. not
Ha had eaeaml aeg- Uatqne and Ongtaal Program is Oas- ooly in Ue ptaotograpbic llae exclo-ura paving that Ue oaaUoa enerelaed
bat In oUer hraaebea of porrely, be
by Ue praaldaat ia aat predpiuUag geatians to' make wkiek tandad to a
gregaUenal CbnniA
_alt work framing.
____ .. . .
war wbea erawded by men in high of- ■aving of rxpeaaa aad urgad Uat tmreached Us\ peiat
point wiUont
wit^t any a
madiate aetioa ka lakaa by Ua
Aelal paelUoB. was aat ■Uplmoad.
Uva of a cleg my ehoiee of p
abla eodal umm of’ U
miltoe at texl baoki toward maldag
riod out by Ue 1
. jtloa to do it
for Ue oomiag
Congi^aiioaal ohareh last evening.
decided to
Jostlee. Uetofere . have
year. Be was of Uaopialon Uat from
The eommltlee In ehnnre. MLsaet abandon pbotography. Ibnt before leav$700 te $1,000 wonld porehaae all Ue
Carr. Ham mend. Bigg* aad Covert, lag Ue old rat which 1 have followed
/WBO WXMM BVSAaiD LAST books that wonld be aendad fer
opwarda of 30 yean
dressed as eoontry lasmt. mads it pleas­ tor
MUl Macbiceryof all deterii^oiu, including Two Enginefl,
fore Ue poblle a few IndeeemesU
year. Thk tatter will at ones be tak'
ant for all.
whUh 1 know will be appreebteo and
Ret Works, CarriAgee and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plant
ap by Ua committee fer a report la
Tha aeais ware arraaged aa In rail­
- PImt. please note,
for eaie.
keep my work al
Board of Xdnoatien Adopted
road oats, and M. it. BoUeyas eoadactThe enperinli
If Dot above Ua high mark, rear aad hmkemno. annoaaeed Ue de- par.
■le VtdBg •elariaa and Pot
to preenro 100 d
parwre of Ue C B. A A train to Pop- cainy ibe beet of materials and takinr
Traaeomr-Bleet Wnmburg'a Bend
Before Ue ndjoemmeat Mr. Pyboe nlar Polnb Betwem each eutlen Ue »araa pales u> please all. Having
dm 970.000 Approved-OUer Bnel.
! minotea wtoe aNewad far eoaver- Bfais aaciired Ue help ef Mr Smith,
moved n vote of Uaaks to Mr. Oilbert,
a OB glvaa tepiea. At each eta- aa expert Bcisbsr. will bs sble to get
Ue retiring member of Ue benrd. fer
all work out promptlv.
lha most important matter to ke
wergeUo efforts in bohntf 'of Uo tloB Ue paaeaaren changed aeate. nnRerjpotog May 2sd. sad for Ue falOilidriTad at Ue taga>Rr meeUag ef sehoote daring bU term of offioe. The tll Ue Polat was reaefaed. where 30 lewir.g 00 dsTsouly. Ue plaa of my
$be beard of ednealion last night was
itea.were allowed forrefreahmeDta. work sod iadocaaeoU will be pabi in tomorrow's Imoe. Look the* I If you ar* goin^ to makr garden do not fidl to fine onr
$hs hiring afUetoaehrrsof Ua loenl
that each lady had preimmd. Each
oarcfelly aad If yoo take advaepnhlie aehooU for Ue followlag yanr.
AnoUer BUMorieil Ftegmm.
d hU parUeolar laaek Uge do ee at as early date, as Ue last S
oomplete fitook of Flower, Oerden nnd Field
Tbs oommlUM oo teaebera aad eeboeU
Hoeus'eClnb WUI dieenm'Ue partaer by a anmber which bad baas days always sad la a raab. Thanklag
held n meeUag Us previeaa evening allowing enbjoete Eriday afternoon, banded him. The pleaie grannds were yon for past patranage. I am
•ad prapniad.Uaaabednle..wbleh wna nnder the lenderthlp of Mm. Mortimer in one of Ue wiaga aad Ue floor was
adopted by Ue board. There
B. Onten: “OnUerine IL her Ufa. eharPhotographer.
ane ebjeotien to Ue aebednle nad that
' nndrolgB.” '-The Orimana Wnr, waa served by Ue Male boys. The ebnmm
eenaeqnanoea*' "Alex- Jw!t of tb« eoelnl was aeeompUsbed la
Mider II nnd tha amnneipntien of the Uat each one knew Ue eUer. and Ua
la phyalmaDdebemlauy.
'The prment Cmr nnd hie gov- bmt of fallowabiB prevailed.
In peekfige or bulk.
Beat Omwn, however.
tent’' Oonvormtion—The Jowe fa
Mr. Oobb very highly atU staled Uat
L O. S T. ZieotMB.
Waal n aeme one to haag Ue paper
not dIaappoiBt eiUer to tbs
a prompt atteadenoe ef every whe willsUip or the vims be promiess
Otoe, he firm begaa
Mr. Or
3$9 Front Slfpct.
her of.T>averae City Imdge. Ne.
That's me.
t *
Tba barga J^ Mark loadad Inmbar
deemed hi. an efielent InelmMm
ftom tha TravaraeOny Lomber Co. yea- m. I. O. O. T. b rr<iDested at Ue next
regolar mmtiag which ooenn Setnrday
n. m is Porestere Ball. The
The faaarm of tho laU Jamm Lyaeh
torly elooUea of oMoen will take
wUl taka plaea fm St. Pmaels ebareh
place, reports of detegatee from Ue
Ula mornlag at» o'clock.
The Portto elnb wilt meet wlU Mm
P. a Dmmead this aftoraoen at two
o'eloek. «m Deamond. leader.
Baddeo SenU at Omat.
Tbe Baby Light Cnmem Club wlU
Mm Isaac Broadway, an old settler
teat wiU Mm A. W. PeU oa NlnU
ef Urant townsblp. died yeeurday
etraot Uis evaaiag.
Tboagb she bad beea la
*** Manager Smith ef the floor miU aw
anaeeaaa advaaee la Ua prioa of peer henlU tor come time bar denU
<iaito naexpected. Oa Monday
wheat to SS eenU UU mornlag.
W. A Anoereen haa pnrohaead the Uo waa able to go to latarloehen to
■camxrm*. UvCk» A UMVdever.
alt a phyaician.
fiee^ hnildlag ea fiaaU Ualoo eUaet,
•4 at A* »a«««er M JTra*
MleA..a«*Mood «lM»«aw


yxTBiOB vroxvwt

FOR ONLY $2.50

haioa M«ltaa*aUvRfaataa»
MdHUmer *aiear lUirtr*!






If You Have Logs to Sell


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple VVood.



Your Wife





and li moving kUmadertnUag baalnom
Dr. J. D. Manean aad wUa was
M: P. Ketoknm,'^ roprsoenUng
Barhonr Thanwa On., ia Ip ibo chy Detroit yeatordav.
Him BeiTowa will go to Elk Bapifii
ttoa moralag and wiu ratora tomorMMs Idnltolberg h*e token the poMUaw af enabler in the Petr Btota;
A. W. Wella. of Ua Wella-Higman
made vaeant by Ue raedgaatlon of MIm lakdt flMterr. eame op from fit. JeeU Brooke who left Tneeday for Ap­ eph Toeaday night.
pleton. WU.
Mm Pongarty and bw mothar Mm
Ahont Ulrty4ve Meade ef Tide Knowlton ‘of Moaloh. woto tha gmsts
PHaOpaLeui sad TtS evaSsA A«B«
Berner helped hm^ edebmto her fif- of Mr. and Mm C. 0. Kaowlloa yeatordy hnnlvmmri Monday
evening at her heme on West ‘teU
■a. UaBflald,who haa beu epeadlng
tho wtolee WlU Mm John A tonto.
Aa iee orenmaoelnl wtU bagivon by loft yeeteidny for her heme to Onllforle Jantor m^bire of tha BA PtaneM ito.
ehanh UMontocMhaUthli •««
Mr. nnd Mm Balph
Mutator DaroUy, and Mr. nad Mm
Haynes have lalms plauant VOMi to
A Snatognkoethaeboan etgatoMd theOottogeHemn
in Seheol Q|eMet No. A Slmweod
Otnnd HapMe SemM « Dimiwi
delivered te lOe per week,
BnpmtetondemA Ckptotn B. Unea: o
rotarr. Mlm Afia Pkoeh; traaear
•otUeHabyb Piewm Vton
Joe^ Barwlm who kanMeOt a pbm
the S firm grada ia the Bmwood ava-




Once More


Has invaded tli6 land in the interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of those who Intend getting

A Hew Carpet Or a Floor CoYerjogf
o:b' ,ajsr-2" KmsTD
mention tho fhet that we offer tho host, have the —
largest etooh to seleet from, sell oheaper and give better sat­
isfaction than is to he obtained elsewhere.
Let us convince yon.

iTfli RIMMH& UYiinemi Ge.|




inc ib« MrT>eao bo«» 8om»rt 4Bd th*
mall aieamer Ireland, a* reported by
prase dlapatehea. It It believed tha ntia
' e departora of varablpa will

Cuba tin a Miaaion to_,
tha Rabala.



r «M

to I

01>w IWtolU •( Uu UruM Naaumltv
Wa*hlnfttin.4A|>rll n.—IlM wu irv•na* bill
x*iun..d lo tb« bouM
' ^lerdAT »d4
>» UT«nj:«iacBt made
the debate will beciq today and cunUhoe at nidtat aeealuoi until Priday. Ito
—4 o'clock Ml that day the vuie will tje
tnih. At the nUHill.d ot the way* aqJ
OtMite coiumlttee iMiiiey, mi benalf ot
the^ DemiKTaUc ni';n>irit>. urr«T.>d ih.•ohmituti- apreed upoD t>y than (ur the
pn^OolUuo la the tul authorlxtni: the
■ laaue ot tS0«.K4i,0M "cola" buada. it
t>revlde« fur an Incoma tax of S par
. coat. OB Incoinca from all aoun-ee id
•zeaaa of ttam. State, county and mu. tolcIpaJ bvnda. huwrrer, were ex<-e|iied
from Ita provtalona. to meet the unanlnwua declxlOB ot the outuame court ta
tbJa reajiecL The mIXKirity eallmaM
that Buch an Intximc tax- would raise
•Ukm.m Coupled with It wa* the
propialtloa tocadn the allrerse snh.tase.
.Which ai prasehi amnunt* to $42,000.MO. The subetltuia waa voted dow n by
' S Mftct party volaotactey KaplalM tha MwMare.

Of the Important eommenial Interasta
Involved. Doubt la cxpreaBed bare aa to
the mpon current la l-oodon that tba
waa due in an underaundiDK between Ibe I'nlted Statat and
Ciwat ItntalB, in ordiT that other countries micht t* uryed to adopt a ahnllar
attitude of neutrality. It la hardly t«llrved the {tnlu-d Stales would urfe a
prtKiamallun the brat effact ot w hich la
American warwhlpa nearln*
romplellon In Hniinh yard*.
It waa'stated In h eh diplomatic quarlera that no further doulii e*i»i»^ aa
!•> the atlUuJe of P«rtu*aJ In mnuilalntiit neotral.ty. Thia I* rep-arded a< npeclalfy ,imi>i>rian( at this time, owinc to
tin irai .r
ih-*,. ittchips have
II flpe harhore aod r‘'iiiln|t fatllille*. and
1i are e<p liH-aicO aa {o lie ot vital »»'rvice
, to.the Spanish nPvy I
I waa tyit'liarred by Port

’ IB- IntroduelMt >he bill DIncleir also
•vbmitted a report cxplalBiac why K
waa Beceaaar}'. - This report aays IB
part: "The prerlpltatlon ub the Ignited
' Vtaic/«t a war witbSpala haa rendered
•iy provide

TBodarn naval and


4 that If peace
I the e»il
of the secretary of the treasury that
the rsvanur for the next flaral year
.wsvld reach tXJO.WO.WO—exeluHve of
postal recelpta—K2.«w,«4« In excw of
Ifcc mveaue for the (Ucal y««r im and
mors thaw that sum In excess of what
the rwenuea for the-Beat dscwl year.
ttST, would have been If II had BOi been
tor uUctpaiory lmporiatU>BS In the last
four Bionibs of the latter year to avoid
tba Increased ditties of Ibe aew uriR
—would have bees sioes than realised.
WbbM Ub the •-■■WilBS with VIsbc.
*^rsF IBpanlah) dlfllculilrs. even be•sr* war conditions aroua.had ao stirred
the public mad as to demand larrely
IncfB—ed uppropriatloDS for enlarclas
tha navy and
AMtrurUOB o
d Uth ot February Ian ao IntenalSsd

and by Joint t
r BStlonat de-


iBio a iqar whoa
.dangth c
casted II ta BscMsary that msaaorea
should be immediately Uhen to proylde ways sod mean* to carry on naval
and mUllary opersitoni on a scale and
with a promptneaa which will exert an
impovtani Influai
ewifllct" The rei
Usma of taxallo
b«a a yavanue-rmlalnt point ot view.
> lb4 certincatea"or IBe report aaya:
if the (act
I n wtU b«
, . « a few weeks before the
proposed war taxes can bring resalta
and before the loan authorised can te
> provide I
r war-axpeBdlturaa.
sotberity Is given the aecratory
treasury to temporarily borrow money,
tn so case csceediBg one year, by the
rs ot
secretary of tbc treasury ahaJIbsve tl
r exigency that
•- sttlboriiy IB any
arise In tba

Juftae^ u

| .

ArraoEe for a Lamliac o( Uait*4
Sthtea TtdOpa is tha





•eaawr tWH* alchM U>*< HMilay m«ht
All KIsWt- I-net* earn ftei. NotM from
all Pweu That Pweaiao hailaw. Will U.
Metotly K Btret - 1‘nhUleai '4i*bm b
riweb$BMnBB Thai May TMt.i. Ih* Me-

Wah-etli- ,.«ne.-d I


t:.-The •t.amer service* rnrmallr lei
Pan. Ml 4 ..'c-l.K* Clcatlenoan. nf llolli
tmlludv tX I..IISI- ;
LwtlolU April 2:.-


p hundred
jnlM-ra of the
Key Weal. l-ia.. April r —The
it (:2U this mntnIng for the .Viirfolk. Va.. navy yard, for
enlistment f.-r itar aerv e» on l.o.rd the
:. and rei«irt* ibkl
f tbrer island* a*
auxlliarf criilarr Vo'r-iiille. Yesterday '
■hips, or PualUbh of ihr lil.vkade cDllnnca
waa a great day In this cliy. Tlirre was i
iln|p;1n* pLvee for lh>'m. Thryi clutnged There wa*
nmig un either i
„0„u» enthu*U»m as the truope .
or.vd to one ot their own p.<ria aide y. elerduv
The l ulled States | from all over ibr state arrived and
crulaei- Cliicl'.nBtl eaplurevl l.'eulenam I proceeded tq.«ie camp al IsUnd Park.
Uondu.v mol iiii.i:

213 Prbnt St.

.‘’r::!!: u-

Washington. April fi.—There was ao
delay in the aceale In cunltmilng the
nomination of Judge Day t» tv secre­
tary Of state, whlch-weet In from the
president yesterday.
HI* nomination
waa favorably reported from the commltlce on fonign relallona without tba
formaJliy of a meeUng, the members
expremlag their concurrence through n
poll made on the Ooor of the aeiutte by
Dsrla When the executive session waa
called Davis reported
action ot tbe
committee and the nomination w a* tak­
en up and condrmed without comment
or delay. Secretary Bhtvmari enally
retired from the elate department yeaterday.

New York. April 27.—There wsa an­
other wild opening In wheat yesterday
as a result of Cutlher aanaaUonal deUvsrpooL Priecs there
1 July Vwheat rose about
centj s
wheal In Cbtcago byabout
The basvy demand which began In
local clrelea on Ibe gong altoke for a
Ume awept the marttei bare of whsaL
ruahad July up to tl OSH. represantlng
$4* cents advance over Monday, and
where II
BquaUy big jumps were reports’
Chicago and other markets of the c
This continued for a half h

th* Ml rwtto.
Chicago. April n.-Following are tbe
records at base ball made b)- t-eague
clubs-yesterday: At Phitodelphla—BoIon t. Philadelphia 4: al I'lnclnnatl—
Chlogo S. ClBclnnstl S: al Loulavlllc—
rirveiand ». Loutav llle t: at 8t. Luol*^
Pittsburg A RL Lou's 4: at Wariilngton
Western le-agtie: At Dmaha—HIBip.ilU X Omaha 10: al v'olumbus—
Delrull t<%luml’U»

t ICunaas City—
at indlanai
idlinapolls U.
Men. MS. iBdeMeda.. ObbA


WnsblngtoB. April
It.-Blr guUan
PaiMMVfoU. the BritMi . anbaaeador.
-~^lrrday received a cable diapatrii
from the British (orelgB olDre aignad
by Lord SalUlpiry/a
..'la math)
iween Spain and tha
States had u-en signed. The dl«ateh
sutea that the prucUmeUvn. la similar
to those iBBurd vn fo^er occasions, but
la addition dJmL* >pecUI atlsntlog to
the three rule* of the treaty of Wa*Ington ot May 1. UTl-anlda f-whtob
will be observed towanl bulb countries.
The three rules to which Lord Ssllsbury
direct! apetlal aitenilon are uf excepUooal moment Just at praaent. owing
lUh porta of aevding the Somers and
Albany. Ulended for ihr I'niied Slates
Tha three rules are as tollowa: ‘A
aantral government la bound—Firei. to
ass dua dllllgence to prevant Ibe nulue
eat arming ur equipping, within Its
fariadlcUen. ot any vessel wbleh It hai
laeiwiihlr gronuds to beltleve Is Intsadad lo prulaa or carry on war with a
powar with whlcb It Is at pmoc;. and
also to use llha
■*« ftUB lU J
9 cruiaa
vnr as abovA mtch vesaA having bsan
SpacUlly adopted. In whole or In xmn.
srUhln such JurtodleUon. to warUke use.
"Sacondly. ust to panolt or to suffer
sftbor beiiigsraet to maks use of lu
poru and watara as tha hase of naval
uperatlcaia agaiMt tha othsr. or (or tba
purpose ot renewal ar awgmaatiuan of
aMNury auppliaa or anus, or the rewltmsRt of men. ThMlr. to enrdsff
4m dmgence in Rs own prats and
Mutprs. and
d a
aa IP all parsaua uiihls Its
ny violatten ot
■ ahd dutlas."


L ot (h* BruUUa

totht Ordtr for tha Bill That It to
lUiM th« Ravanut for
Rad War.

Ionia. Kkh.. April V.-F. A. BassloBa
Ule cashier of the Rule Ravings banh
of loiOa. arrested at Grand Rapids, waa
brau^i here aitd taken before Justice
Curry, w here hr gave ball for tlM( and
waa releaaed The hank la not aRaclad.
Beastona having made good all Indebiednras to that Inatltutton before be left
lenla.__________________ ___

, e* with ua
The elauar
proclamattOB of meat inierrat Jugt now
la tbe following:
"4. Rpanifh merrhant vessels In any
ports or I’lacea within the United Btatra
shall be allowed unUI May 21. IMB. Inrlnalve. for loading their cargoes and
depertlng fronv such porta or places:
and such Spanish merchant veeaeto. If
met at saa by any United Sutra ship,
shall be pernmied to continue their
voyage: • • • provided, that oolbing
herein ceptalned shall apply to Rpaalah
reaaali having on t>oard any officers In
the military or naval service of tba
enemy, or any coal (except auch aa
may be necessary for their voyage), or
any other article profalblled or contra­
band of war. or any dispatch of or to
the Rpantsh tovernmenl '
,The next daaae, No. $, aaya: "Any
Spanish merchant vessel which prior

MgWi r
Cavalry Smsb



b ravalry
• seen on the beach about fifteen
■ from K1 Hortn ycalenlay afterL Tba fiagriilp waa lying at no

---- IN------

greal distance from tbe ahotv, and th«
were within raay range, but no aho
were fired. It U bcUevad.Ihe SpaaU
cavalry la rraabllahing a patrol to pn
or plsoa In tbe
vent a reratlilon of such loddcnls i
pennltled to enter suen port or place, tbe Prater landing Monday night. Tt
The color which la to be fashionable ahd to discharge h -r cargo, and after­
□ Mono batterlM wkre believed to I
'this sprittg Is lavender.
ward forthwith to deiart without firing at aumvtbing about i p. m.. but It
Over JTM.raa Worth of propet ty was moleslaUon: and any such veaael. If
was lirpn^blr lo ascertain definitely
destroyed by fire In the Clydeside die- met at ae* by any I’nlted States ship,
whether tbia was so or not. Tbe Wil­
trlct of OUagow.
shall be permitted to tontlnue bar voy- mington raptured the liny ahbooner Bui,
any port not bl<» ksdad.'
of RaguB. with a eargu ot sugar,
iDtry and Bpaht and-all Spanish evdo- sequel to ihu nvctamation.
let hrr go after being rareful to
» has been stopped.
netted, erlll be tbe teleaae of some Of the that she went la a dlrecttoa uppuslle lo
Reports from iHavi
tel] of BlartllBg ahlps already oaplurod. though It wlUb< Havana.
advances in prl<-ea -and an alartnlng for the prise ’-ourta to determine la
Llruienshi Juan Del Pino, of ___
srarvtty of food wuppilea.
Spanish infantry ahd hla orderly were
which Ibe ship waa captured are auch brought on board the Bagship yeaierTwo SpanlMtd* witb trained
i>f Joneavillc. Va. One was to warrant rcleuae.
ds)' morning frran tbc gunbimt
. but they esraped.
mihgtoa. to whom thry had braoiurned
Gvee Miles.. who abot Birdir Fox at Buena Ventura, tbe first oa tbe list of over by the cruiser C^Hnnatl
Oahkoab. WI*.. and then abot himaatf. U prises, will be declared no prise. The cruiser raptured tbe BpanlarvI* wblU
atlU alive and It Is believed that be wUI case of tbe Panama, whna- aelsure waa '
I a Rnal! schooner hound
reported yeairrday. la nK>reeampllcsi<-d. yi.,.,.
l-leutrnant Pino was oi
owing lo the tai-t that while oiherwiav furlough and going to see hu wife and
Nalbaniel H. R'hite. aa
manufactum- of Uhicago. haa bsea ar­ exempt the ship was reponed lo have tafaht child The chIM was born Mat
rested oa a charge of swlndUag work­ eonuincd supplies for tbe Span'sbamiy Friday and be had i
' '
mtraband. HuwRear Admiral
ing glrta.
. ever. It mar be i
B and Captain Cbadwlekdaclded
An InvIUtlpn lo hold the next na­
settlrarant of tbeoe qaestlona will be ton
let the uffher and hla orderiy go <
tional W. C T. U. convention at St.
to tbe courts tbe admlnlatraUva be­
T parole. They were rent aahrav L_
Paul has been accepted. The datra ot
lieves tbe greatest liberality should be
* o( the newapapra dlraatcb boat*
Ue coBVentloo are Nov. 11 to It.
Bho<rn in tbe aiipllcatlon of tbe laws
Wintam R. Bdkton. 'tbe well-known
when a weeael Is not coatrahand or at­
billiard player, dropped ddad at Train- tempting lo run the blorkade. ntat U
ra’s hotel in -New York Monday after- shown In tba llbaral terma of the proeNew Trak. AprU r.--^t win rake
nech. Death was due to heart dlaeasa lamatloB Itself by which the priaeeourta •ore thara».M
^ aubjugau tba
Jsaeph McMahoa. an as-cosvl^ was
sonieacad hr Judge Bskra at pricage Issued •
i thto city yeatarday aa
to fourtsaa roan to the praAenUarr
. days la which t
for tbe rnaidra ot KltUe Doa Fah. U. of Spanish harhora.
tha tramp staamay J


1 I I MW* —

_w_______ I___

■ -___ •_______ _

I to race tereuty mOes fra
ou about the ahd of ktap.
Bbraea JDtosr. tWtM

yoatarday paaaad a largo aujnbra ot MDa
Of -O
htased to this diy as tranralrod to the
raglB>eBUlaruMiatao,tha straats thiangh
tta oolumsa aranhod. aod
•round the trains earrylhg thtm to tha the blUo paaoad ware a
(•mptng ground at aprtngdoia. Tha vate p HUM IIII hUta.
• apeat the day. atoda heat
ragtmaUi which want to the treet were
the nrat. docood aad Bav^th thtontor
had PM cnealxTaws raetaUad
to AiU gtroagth. aad carMod hastfra a
» va Toaag. aeattag Wiaa (Bap.).
UBMra of raeftdt* to taka the ttoBUi
eoMutoat-hr a party vqfia TM
each mea arainar ha compallad «o drop
- ^JaaiaaMtoBti to the navfil apinu
oat tree* aay«4M .

y«S»4rS£Mii' gi ttu unmm
MresMyu. ;8toMhOj- hs kg» hesu 4e•tfid taegrap sad esaraiS tha ass-

iifclill add earan voA dMet«« aad

^lid Hmta.

Fletchet's Ofstet Oepgt and RestaaraiL

Twlaptooxxw xsa.

A DestTQGtiTe Agent of Dntold Possibiiitik



AU iho ■inymif pig Km produean
of the oeatnl west have agrsad to haak
their furaacea for thirty daya eat of"
tbe three moeths U May. Jbbo and
Two brother^ Joha and Jgnaa Rod­
dy. were haagod at Soastoet, Pa- for
the murder of Faruisr DavM Berfcey.
Both men protested tUeIr toheoemea eu
tbe ecaffuld.
Matthew p. Kosaakowtiri. a CM rage
weat side druggiauhaa been arragned
for trial oa a ehar^ ot embasgttof «$,m tram an expreaa oompaay tor which
be acted aa agent.
MeDsffes. Of Bosttm. hoMra ot tkh
wortd'snMteblcycie record(l:Bt-t) and

Block Keeelrcd Thrve Tfmsa a Wash


waa returnrng to hla family -n a wnall ; pounced hM Intention of personally Uksloup. Lleuleiiani Fcrnuial-1 Im delalned , Ing command while the trv>«|ia are In
on the Itagship.
rcamp awaiting the call of the war deI partmeot.
Dea Moines, la., April n.-«i>eelal
I (rains >-aelerday anil lam nighi brought
| praeticany tbe entire National Onard.
With many recruits, to De* Molnea It la
estimated that t.TOO of the required I.7W
ravn of Iowa’s quota are lyvw oa the
Washington, April 27—CondUlona tn ^und. The National Guard
Waahlrvcton are rapidly aeltUag down , .pout l.**0 short of tbf quota, and
those of actual war. NeUcea came ' governor has laauad a nupplemeatal call
a tha four for ex-guardamen and graduates
mlUtary schools, the oWhet being lo fill
rule are pre­ the quota with trained men.
Highland Falla N.
April n.-West
pared to aasume an aliltuiJr of auict
Point at I o'eloek yesterday graduated
neuiraJIly as betwevo tbe United BMliu tbe clam of IVM. The stem requlresad Spain >n tbe preaent struggle. In
tbay were la answer to the uol short c. rrmonle*' 1 e delivery ot
Mantlcal note sent out Monday by tbr the diplomas waa made .
state department to all United Btatea H- Ernst. tui-erinlrndeDt of the acadeambaaslas and legatiuna inairucUng my, and t^ address to the rlaaa by
them to Intom Ibe governments lo Colonel Peter B. MIchle. profeaoor of
whlib they were accredited that war natural and experimental philosophy,
has exiatc
eted •irlce April tl. Great Britain ' This la the flrat time almv ItCI that any
alwajrs h
taken an advance stand in I elam ha* l—n graduated before the
Ity, ac
ao that It [end of tbe aeaderolc >ear. There waa
great Inlerrat that I
was tvririved here of the t
neutrality proclamailoo Issued
I Um- 'claat. The graduates number twentydon. On Ibe w hole tbe oBIrials
« dls- five, among them being C. 8. Smith
Mirier 'and
' M-A M.
Vi C.
C- Kerth..or
Varth .»r lUlnola
posed to tahe the view that tha atrtet
adherence Iy Great Britain to theae i Washington. April 27—Al
rulra will be rather more advantageous ’ omiv
lo the I'nlted Rutrn than to Rpala.
OorWn had reeelved
The president Issued a prv«clamatton I goveenora of nearly every stale
during the day Uyingwlown rules as to . territory In reopnnae to Recreiary
the arlsnr* of pnsea The proelamsUon , gef t «all for Infcrmatlon aa to
beglca by declaring that ibis govern- troopa Tbr tenor of these replica d
mem wiu not resort to privateering ' ibcrv la no mistaking tbe patriotism tt
and will adhere lo....................................................



Bicycle Riders.

Tha Barboar IVratra Oo. will opoa a




Oraad OpM Hoaaa next Moadav avon-1


' '

toff laaroaitogtaroaopmady “‘‘*1^1
"d Ch.raf.1 Uar.-


ThU eraapaa, U, 2d S


ooapaaodanadtoaaadraBUamaalhtw etw U the dly tor the amaoj.
I: bo dooolvod by what othan tall yoa to
I the eoatraiy, hat eorae aad aeo tor
•ml the Moaa throarbont the
opaah vra^hli

kicki; -I tkl- i-rt-m. - l^-„-uikW«k.k k.k. rickt.

clover a^ it it deoa not prove ao I make tt .
hr Mh well kaawa poopi* aa Charlie
Baroh, O. O. AAffor aad Thomaa Ek^

•Mrpt Baaday. to the CUdoali d Loadea baUdtoff, at narih oMd ot Oatam

TBa prieaa of admlMiea W

brao plaoad at 10. M ahd M oMta Oaa
lady adaltlcd taoo so Moaday araojag
with aach

panoa hotdtoc a paid Ml

InihogaaOUy Umtkm.

TW thaatra-fftov pabUe gf Travrara | to?^M
bl$r wUl have aa opprataaity ot aaotog Pwfa*— •nd tom pradaoto to Trav
Uaa oory tea {

Rabra't Dawatoc- tha totaer part of
Map. The
Tha plays wiU ha •*Tbo Otodtoaar' aad-■DaraoM and Pyttea' Mam
hla a«rato to aaeara thia oiroMC »ttrao
tloa. Tha asaiefi datoa wU ha aahoaaead wlthto a tew d^
playadtogtoBdtoffiaaraaaly to MiohIfaa (X^. MMah IL l«M. vU fara
aaivMito tfatoattaM Mr.Whttawaa
—aUtot •• Maphltoa a^ M faod
Hppwt. Tha •agatt aad atoahrttal
a atto t thla^k toa lagto ot aay
■ “
ThttttMM^$iatalCr%SiahM 1^^

mm imm I
mmE i




Kouoro aaoOKD, thhb8dat/a^ul ss. lase


5»j pownifc

aoad, Lordlo, ■•rilMRtal.
OiwtUok.' OkRtea

» A HABTAao •

7h tbo HoaoroW* the jKoyar «wi no

womb sxpimioi.


teeaa fUcM. aUM a>d pMhep. Mem*'*'■*1
------------------------------ ---J

U ie'
> t* «

Etcf Burned Ontf

*■'—'inree a*.
PloWnne about t;» reetetdap a/ienooa
at tbe OalitemlB Powder work* cauaed
a creawr >oa* ot U(e than anr of the
pirevloo* aeiddeeu In the history o(
theae worita. The mildest run:»r> wet*
preralent femrdlns ibi ahoibcr ut
killed and Injured, ib' erart number o(

Chartn Kitot Norton, ot tbe Horvath
CtaoMU or aw (do «r TnMMrac O<0,
eoU«c« fttcultr. IB on oddmo to the
■tadrnta ycoler^ojr doprwottd Ibt ottl*
rLKMB>—Wo, your OowBtitaa to
tado of Uia Amertcos
vUoh ho -wboai waa refenwd the lianor boc^
•old bod brotwbt olwul o war oa o
eoadfati**' W id*** M r*vort
'awon* ot ooUtlns o dltncnUy wtth o
O P. CARVER. A«aat
wook ond infortor notion,and told tbm
t tbo tel.
woo BO coU (or MBdrats to ralkot and bo lowlny boada be approved.
•WVW' wrlltnc, U In knomn Ihat seven
tnie patHoUom la tbelr doJnx oo. Coa<
Loren U. Fuller, auretiea. Wa.
Aprtl a.) killed and .four sen»ue’> Injure
UBUlno thr pnrtcsaor sold tbot
ih-* Donald and Frank BrtMih.
tnn M um w.rt« i
patriot call f»r otadrnto wo* tor them
Peter Bostruin. aaratlea. Joha
to do thrlr pan in Odvamlnc clvillso- RopklM and John P. Hatsea.
tt« to}‘ drvotln* ttK-aiM’;Te« to tbelr
work durlEuc there troubled tlmfo unUI
^S; the works; K. JenBlncm
_____ ___________
. Varoe msO lau ■pitatilt ... '****..
and Chaa___
I , _______
I" «* '■ two boy* named Manhall, Injured—J
.tbe real coll (or tbem *buBld ortoe.
rg Bloeh.
TVaveraa Ctty. M
Odta MeOarry. aBTaUea. Aatoa Bled*vl*i*r»TP*»—»* **
a. L. Rlcbord*.' a oiudent of the
’ " . NelaoB. Wlltlan. Burce. J. Abtoo Nevetav. murotiaa. KWholaa \ yuss u
Mfooeoo ^.bWColtloo.
arimtinr acheot. who ho* Ured Id Cuba, BoellDaBteland JaaMU J-Dobb. /
iY it.u>>t
London. Ap^ n.-Tbe Menao com- took exi-epllotui to a •totetneBt b>’ l*ro^twj
The flrsi heavy sbCKk I
aad Alfred,OtMBpeaa.
atMMdent o( The Ktondord oo)*: "it to (eonir Nurton that tbe nrwrtoprro bad
aroboblr due to a complete undentand- ot-erdrowD the aliuotloo In Cuba, ood
I J Dbbb.
>1 Ugbter shocks- The-n
_______ Beltaer, teretiaa,
tea iwool^ between Count Oolncbowr_
_ _ _
works artve la such i
Uirered a h
Beibier and Thna Q. SUlaoB.
kL the AuliriaD-Kiincartan forel«o |
of’jiitii'bT uie Un'it'ed Bto'll
y ai ‘ waa
B Impnseble for
a lime In pen* ■e
baaoBler A Lxfoaiaa*. aaioUaa, Alfrad
BIlBlater. and Prtnre Ri^enlohr. the , boedt hai been clrciiUlrd amonx
< •■>' tbe erient nf the damaWF'ttmt bad b a j What am 1 pflarwl few a cood bouaa aad
OompeoB and Edward lABtuar.
1*1 esuw-d by tbe explosion
It was •
OemoB chancellor, that all th«naplred ' •tudenl* to obtain aUnalore. to
Bowry H. Dally. auraUca. Howard
quest that 1
: WbiUitx and Unary Ti
^ ( studenta a* t the advisability o( their
imminent dsn- , airaUe place, can b* hoarkt oo MMatk
nillp Shermer. saretieA Howard
** , caUstlng.
itiair aad Henry Toennllar.
'('"he1 ‘y
Let takas In excbai^
aaiioua encounter heimeea ^aln and
Howard Whitiny. soratira. Wmiaia , i
- -r- rd-d .pr.-mptlT !
Also r«)d boose aad M foot IsU Oak .
JsekoBa asd
tbe mited Btaur the lateneeUciB ol
" SBBshan.

Fred Wnrxbart. saretleit. Niebala*!
the power* mill bitag the war to a dos. I
Berlin, April *7.-The Kem Turk o„
------- ‘-'sad Aothoey J. IVtert^ ’
Tbe tblemenilnn would consist of a rec. !
respondeat of the'Colocne Gaseiie caFred J. Knchtel. saretiea. Aai
All of which Is barstriU reapaeifBlIy |
dounendstlon that Spain should *lve up |
I "ap Bartak aad Jaha T SaBshall.
Cuba, after havln* saved her honor. It i 5^,sj,y'^!J„„worthy souroe" that
Board af Public Work*.
ti In keejHii* miib thU Idea that the ,BreenlejiU already exl*i between l
Bv Jonh T. KCAOtA.
terelm oOce or*aiw express extreme tmited Sister and
snd Great
We would rwaoanBVad' that tbs bood
A. W -RiTKcaii.
Impstlence at the elowncsr of develop- , u tbe oreaent British
British cabloei
coDUnue* lof Blbert O. Ellis with Frank Wilhelm
DWBts. Whiw aUnUtllni! that Austria ta once. Bsst lead In tbe furtheresarsa
(UrtheresurM ^ and Gaorge
tJnorgw V*
Wilkiaa as snre'laa. he rei
Attoraeya at law.
and Germany are oriicd In ,
I - ," of events to an alliance."
Ifuaad. on aeooaat i

............................ « Aft*r 0
fiattlt Hm Bmh F»«ght
to a Finish.


^in Kovim. m nramAtt.

M a*2rafi7«l'



Well, Now!





" John R. Santo,
,6Met«i iistraiee.




] SI thsP 1h^

' WM "t^diw

I **■ '*

A .MT 4a-




ihu ik s

aa.ser r*Ue. B Sk V* -Is
of Tuta

rA?r;-d" h?T* "* '

E- g!2poicii,
J. M Uvmxui
W. J. Pakkba

Oheooil oftha City of trav

to fire on tbe Annb-Amn b-an fleet.:
BSOa City,
Meved by AldermW'^abteus
which »a* ohiiced to retlry He saH> !
Adjonraed.reffular mahtlnc of Travtba report af the uommHtee ij* aeaept
he hop,.! cfneral Hlunco «lulflll ' arta City CauacU, held la Coaacil room
ad aad^adopled. Motioq/^arrisd V
his promise t,. come throueh the eon- | April SSth lSW8.
yea and aay vote at folloM:
met dead or \1ciorlc ua (Cbrcrr.) Gen- :
MavUng was saUed lo otdar by W.
era] Bunco cable* (hat the situation U W. bmith. Mayer. '
• unchanecd
HU dUpatch says; 'ThU . Fraseat—Aldnnaeh
Uon(Tuesday) evefilny a division of five
*. Haallpmntal
Aiaetictn vessels approached Uarianao, Urel iek. UairUoa. Ueamoad. Jahraaa
aad W. W. 8miS, Mayor.
Travers* Qiy. MIeh.. AprO M.
Tb (hr HouoraMe the Jfnyur otiA ruy
Council of t
rumeo trem tbe >|
The budget ..f UK-» ahok * ta.Ci0t.T74
pesetas expenditure aad tT<.»l«.(TS Income. Theev m U be an Increase in all

City 8^ Tkiityrr* City.

saioB \e
t repaU^roWar
by aak^rmlsaim
(lag a portioe at the roof af the build-


B McLaiUa'

direct and Indirect Uxallon. The extra- } oocuaia*' by

eKi-K •* coveted by •*— ---*----- -tloD ux and a c

1* also A |ir,>vlrlon to enforte the advance of a year's territorial aad Indus,
trial taxes
Tbe cvtnsrem Gower bouse of tji»
Cvrlesl. u hli-fa met fortheflrxt llmealnce
the ASMe*lnatl,« of Senor Csnoi-a* del
Castillo, .sred a
a r~soluiloD of ondo-

. (he Mayor and Oily
Council «/(h< Ctty of Truaerse City,

C C Caewlton. Robert
t IMcLaaa. I
. M E ^rr

L'=t;i:r;:rv:r'~* srYc'i.f.Sf',

Madrid. AprU ST.-Spain* detertnlastlon to set the w orld nbln» rather tbsn
withdraw from the cunmet dbhanored
b tery marked.


The geoeral tone at tbe evening pa­
pers liear!, out the opinion that the »ai
win be a long -ne. At lienor Sllvela.
leader of the dissIdeBi Conservative*,
has said Biain has already lost the ma­
terial advadia«es resulting from tbe
posseaaiun ul Cubs, but will IlgM to the
last on tbe gueKtmn «( mainialnlng the
, Rag. preferr.r.g to lUht Amer.ia openly
to havinc .tnirrliu seireil)- fumeniinir
Insurrc.ii.T. The result of delemi. as
Benur b..\«U puis It. miU only mean a
lots of what has^lroady goae. alace
Europe would Doi^llow any army of
ei'jupatlon Id 8paln |,endlng thg paymem of WAT Indemnity.
The C<-n*er\allve leader aays: "It
daily lie-omes el.aier that America has
IdundTed irt<> a war that will be dls.
aslruu«l> eMe-iuine u. lie., oiialevrl
the ouli-ome
The fault IK* *
Jingo paper* In urging Am-rtc
men h-'>*uuil lb, Je'Uiids
demands of good Kovcriin.vnt for Cupa. |
•- dcmanil*
Aiuernsn Is Jnsilflrd on Uaj point,
--------t Juriillrtl l.-yttnd It." II U argued
s. ih. warums. Udls«.rou. to.lte
Bpatii inlrnUr n

e exitsyuil general

Tb ifu Houarobte. fhc Mayor and 0(«
Oouuetl 0/ Um CUy of Ttaoone (Nsy.



port of raeeipU and axpaadltai
the Eeaeral street and
■ Oemotarr tends
andoadlar April Klh
ukNCRAL mten rvKD

a may appoint.
Beapactfolly ai
T. Bbadle.
Moved br Aldarmaa Jahrans that the
paUtloB be graatad.
Motiem carried.

0«n ;ngy;—Wa
the aadaraigaad,
obllcstnry mthti
tary service. ThA Reof sth etraat. raapeetlally papuldlcaas | -v'pose s rvtciluUoaary emm<» yoar hoBarable body to paid orpalgi. IK U • chamhe^. In mhich case Utdll aace prohibUiag tba aae of sldey certain ihal ih- ronrtliu. i wi Iks oaAtb’ki'twt for bleyelaa ormfetnteea mill be suspeaded.
I tie

Hall. B A Byaaa. John Highland.

MoUoa carried.





aELH A B. BolH} J. ■.VUbelu.
be b Hamaa Bl^.

*7» 00


Motion carried.
Moved by AMergaga ^aadrieh that
A. H. Millar b
wooden n^lagia'Tmt of hb
^OWk aj»eynthre baildinr on Elmmood AvanBe.
MoUob carried.
Moved by Aidermaa Oeodrieh. that
Uc Mavor and Clerk b* aatharised to
parehare T fifw aUrm bonea aad Ue
aresmary wiring for snme.
Motion carried hj yea aad any vote
a* foUowi;
Yeae—Alderssaa Parker. Goodrich.
Cook. Ocamood. Lardia. HBellmaatei.
Mcatagae. GreUkk.


cd Till*. Bml
a E^ESii:
■— T.Mf

I of teeU
without paia used. Lauat A^ meat
- •'--tetory prepamtioa,- •
g cgttaetinu aaay.

Giud Etpidi i lidlm LI


toip u. TW*pb«B*.R.


>»» I Fir* Chief beaatborissd te make Ue
> the Cam street


. tb* cbemieal Bre aagiBA
; u excuad RlS.OU.
ipilRt, WAirrgP-Cowpmnt
MotioB carried.
Thefollowiag Oty Boada
d m- _
ion approved:
Jkw ■S. charcwtile asi
of Pabik Werka, surety J. A. Meula- ug^yAwr^n^re^^iem.*^ U fsa Ryutsg.
Ik u
George Armstrong. CoimaMaaf ward
/-^{RL WAKTED-fUr eraerwl bosarwerk.
SM k So J. surety^, j
WT Applj to MIW.C.H. Borw.4ieV. TtkSL
The Drugrbl b
'Vj ^ > Lav Merc. Co. wiU 1
■ James

J. Ouau
as suiwtias was .
f WwoHtw-s. WUipwy*=wa
~, motioe duly approved
pi- te J. D. VUie. ReUey-s romp, m
Lsviu- lllr acHws IM
Moved by Aidenaas Cook that t
Sewn* mil'} Im.u
tos •irrew
Clark be iaslrUhted lo aotlfy B.
WkttTZD-Fnf t
T^Urwe. oo Wow m
£ '' I Campbell lo lay the water main seder- j Q>'^!
w! ed by the Coaaeil April (U im. wlU-!-----IW’fiij l,w wov « ..
; iw so , la 60 day* from tbs date of the first. A
!*S ** I notice rvealvsd vli: 60 davs from Anil ii ^
iSe rorwrr of rrowi WBd Pwrk etroMw Or •
I trill br sold lor Ibr wpprrhn.-riow ol lb* perOrubhlsg *1.
: roc, isklu it R. A ■Iscw Mb-U ■
Oo motka of Aidermaa Oramoad. ! A
. rtv 0000 LOO HEX WAS
'4 SI duly carried. Coonll^j^r
A CIlyLuOrrl'o. SB tl

^t]‘" “r







ved bv Alder
t of Ue coi
aad adopted
MoUoo carried by yea aad aay vote
as fallewa:
Yeas—Aldermen Parker. Maataguc.
Cook. U.-amoud. Lsrdie.
laallmaBWl. OarrisoB and


SSjisssft'Sj'ir;.. .. •£:


Citv Clerk.

Bathe. Turkish.


' F°* t“

A rad W wrros or Wtu tv
rrly J W IWbio.
X hAV* tees mgwrri
rt In ay Weyrk wps
vbrol pot Is tSoraoj
w*r roll OO me. yvT
1 Soots rsloa strrot.

where ladim will rmive delicate And !
r, j Dw^Kll. ; «t. T. B. (osr*. KnsI

t sad. 1st
3*or. ZA:

Tbt Cfilfibnted Spodiliitt,

td UDdereousidrraUoa Ur irgcastof
r KorUera and Centra) Mkbigan As* cation ot Msocabeea. for an spproprialioa to eover Uc expense of enter-




unsni US Nnuuna 1.1

Hotel Whiting

uwlr of ib« CslrreoUr BewmiAL
111 reoKMri W> cwllK tor-----------■rt as If
. Trwrrro. ctlr U
I UwriseWs........

WX>R RgXT-W»o» a^f ef mys

FRIDir, iPRIl 29, 1898.Tt*S!Siroay :.::An

Or. D-r Oalr Km* MmU.
Moved bv At ‘
•rt'be Iaeeepted aad adopted.
Hotira curTied
yen aad may vote
as follows:
Yeus^Aldermea Parker. Goodriek.
Cook. Desmond. Lardia. HosUmaaUl
HoaugoA GralUek.

TfwtMsntvobsa tSarlsiant Orwad tag

DrSiBi Si &

7b the
the Mayor and CUy
t'->uiicU of the
the Ctly of Trneerae OiQf.
Mlrhioou.commutes ha*

Hotle* -to A^weta.

CoaaaltauoB mod BxMBiPMtioa Free end Strictly

ooipo potns.

TWeOrat^O^ Bras poMI,

1. a a s . A OO A
_______ WDd CoBIHiaiWlCW____________________
UAl Crra krv. Diwtaem. thsebarco id tbo &
.saifk.------- »
>•». Bright *

7b the HonomMe. (he Movov ond Otty mL iwbisx sad hls*41sg. ReetsI Dicsiw. rUetww. nu,
CoMiieli of the CUy of fTwtwraa C(*|i. saALoBsTyosMo.allesreO. Rsmashor we earn ell k
evtetemieiB from tu«isra, waA wilteut the was «< ka
eommittee oa
Wayt aad Meaas to whom was raterrwl
the matter relstiva to Bond of Peter
Warsbarg Ue City Treaaarur. would
respvuttelly report Uat w* have bad
SwBeriar trow Mf weeka
Bader eoasiderattea Ue parties oSerwd
reUea aad wdald reoommeod Uo
ral of Frank Votruba aad AUrod
akk*SS>arhs. Pika. TWp* Wm. md
. F^riehVortl
‘'for Ue same, allot wkieh
ult easea sod lo casaa
ly eu'
Aiwil UU KM.
A. B. OoOR.
T. J Faw

raanirTA.'M^ S IM.


.. ..................................... IT ai
AK»w1aw.Tisisias Ctir.l

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men


New Tortt. April
nport of the purrhaae by the gea
meat of UelF vessels FtwM Btma
aad Coh^mhU. now la mtL '

Dr. Higgins,

.. jssj
No!^b^ Aidermaa GarrboaU^at the


as to Ue movement* and status of
Benor Polo de Beraabe. former SpaaUh
mlalsier at Washington, Balfour salA:
-Seaer Pole de Bernabe I* now a rssldeat of Toroaio. aad -U la exactly Ua
mas* paaitton as any othsr foreign resi­
dent lu a private caparity la her majeaty's domiaioA and he^ no BaUtattea* lUdcsd upon hlnr-«lher than the
dBty of efeuervfag the provision* 01


iwswa Btete waA VaaS

of Uk City of Tntoent
• MkAtiim.Gunuiuai:—Voar
bridgea baa examined Eighth street
bridge and Front street bridge and retaotfiil'y reoommead that both these
bridge* be replaeked
■ril :s, A D I>
Psid Jobs KriG (
I. HuxTaera.
IHdi,,. wtti S'
Gn. F. GAUniiion.
C L. Ormuc-k.





M sssd April a imr

'■ •‘meadaUoo U the fact Uat wbss iRvltsGoD was extended to snchsAsociatioD
on the
belteve tb< S
gaverntoeai 'b- ^1,,^
«P«» “» W
tendi-d to limit
the a-qulremen
of suxliiarv < rt
ited*A^I SSU'A D 1898.
rniployed hy Gi nnan>
A. B. CooR.
he polnled out that srtKle IS
Part* convention of I&4 to * hich Great
Britain, Siutln and the t'niird State*
were i«riirs provided ibai beihgsrents
la lime of war wen- free lo act with re­
gard to raloe. as If (be convention did
not exist
1 am nut prepared." said
Balfour, “to deny that belUgerraia on
the ground of military exigencies would
be Justuted in Inierfering
wltb tbe
satdea between Ue tcrrii^ of an op­
posing power and another pan of the

|o«ee*ls MoaiaruehleeS. TraeersrrMr.Mleh.
-J Ale.
Mutioa carried.
- -Moved bv Aidermaa Jabraaa that
tbe Clerk aad Traaeurer be authotixed
to iraaafrr WSTOO from tbe CoaUageat
BBOWK. Aumvry a
i fuad to the credit of tbe varioua fuada

the report be aooepled aad -adopted.
Motkm earriod V 7M aad oay vote
Mfdllowa: C=3

—te llrtormim Parkar. OooM^

DRS. B. S.&CO.

Look Box 160.



Hack, Bps md Biasagt mm
Who* ia PMd of RAFthiM ia UM
Und'rsmeoihor UMM the ploa* totdovd
your ovdetB aad got protert wdyk.

’none Ba 8.



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