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The Morning Record, February 02, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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br vu onr.
Pint T«r-No. i»4.
smiitioii ni™iiDiit
u(dE glorious SDllEB B!-”
fixed tor Thusday. BeO was fixed et
Yesterday norelnf Charles Bargeas
tSOO each, bat a* it was not fortboaoidied of toflaaatioa of the bowala, at
tog and at the giris did not fasey stag
VOBOB 0F SXOBIT BBOVXLBU ing to laU tb«9 reqaasted that the ex- OFFXOIAL BS»OBT \tO } MATT hb roaidraM at Uw oorsar *1 Elawood
arsaaa and Wayne
XVTSUOOBSB. enlnaUon take plaoe at ones. There
was n year* age and laaraa a wife | The fact that 00 oiatter how fitormj it maj be. we cu
fore that oowse was- pofsood. In the
ebaenee of Praaecntlag Attemey Twad Oaptato Bay. Baprsaaatatiye of Oev- and fin aaeii children. He wee an make it pleasant for jon in the home by the reading matklookftda lifted I>
aramaat, fiaya Afihlre Ac* Won* enploye of John Highland, the Sooth ter that we have.
TMiB StMted Vortb mad Asothw dle. hit partMT, Oeo. W. Croea. eeoUnloe street mnt dealer. TherenniM
daeted ibe oeae iOf the people and
All the latest'magaziner and periodicals.
•ontb-All X«wds BeopMwl ler
tian Oiyen the Matter by OsbUet t* wm be taken to doward Oty for barPalohln A Crotaar were ratalaad by t&a
Ti«atc Tp«47 m4 BataUrSwric*
Meet axigaaeies of th* OoM.
lal. the old boBc of the deoeaeed.
The plnsk which was qlleged to ha*e
Washington. Fab. 1.—Geo. Metriam.
Bappy Dog* and Xittana.
After e •oepesdoe et tratae wUeh bees atelan from tSeo. W. Tbeataa, the Ader toatroetlona of the ww depart120 FBOMT miEET.
M. 8. HOLLEY, Mi
kM ecUpeed Mjthiac kBowa !■ Uie eoaptalnsnt. was aeesrad'tren the seat. yntorday oponed at Soaulo th*
>e Oty Book Stor
aeeUoB is e fnst mesj yeere. Uie rsU- trank of MatUe Wade in the boase l^tebea orong&t by Maaeeager Wells of poppy dog* and <
mdt enCerisf this city trill tkb ntont- oeeapied by tbo wenes, end prw
inr rMBie MfsUr aertioe. Wkile tke daced as arldaeoe by CIndarsheriif Ash .__
All pepolar aheet ng
trecke were net'yet deer Iset slrhU ton. ' Mr. Tbona* identified t^e goods and forwarded an abetrart of thaas to;» «S»^ •»
tke Ule txmlni srriTed needy ee tl«e as haring been taken from hi* atore.
- ■
.-------------- ^-------------- ,=
^ .
end the bneinen of the raede
Th* ess* of the pac^le was eoeelnded
Secretaiy Alger eent the p^ier to lha
gee to MenGM nemel eoaditiene. The Isat ereniaig at six o'clock and'this
White Hoese. where it tonaed the anV
4eUys were e eeeere tex to bMlseti is- BtorAlng the defense will testify. It is jeet of oouideratien by the cabinet
tsceeU of the dty, not only for said that the woasae deelais that Uey
fralghK expreoe end tndle, hei fur bonght the plash to another store.
It U eald at the depanmeni that the
pMMqtSK trefie The first trein en-'
report ofChpL Bay fnUy jasUAes all
tarlsg eat of the depth* of tbi storw.
that was done by Secretary Alger nafirott the eatslde. we* that oeer the
,-bieaeh of the ti. R. i 1. et 7:S0 yeeter- That WtodmDl Oanaea Blm Ho Xndig^ tc relic*a the eltaation to the
- y dey »ormU«r. The trein left Walton
ef Trenbla Bat He Can Find
j Eloadlke.
/ et S p. m. sod the coadlUon of the road
Ho Bemady.
‘ I The report of OepL Bay ie partieo«ea be jndged by the tine nri’iiiiiery to
ipeaktog’ of that annoying wind- larly aeoeptaMa to view of the ooefUetnek* the trip, three time* that naually
.............. '
atoleiaeBts as to oondiUons in the
nonired. CMdoctor v-k Stated that
J*** frounde yesterday.
hTS^^ree^ rSli'irbS^ftS 6heriC Slnpeen d*ler«l that if re.,- gold fields mad* by petoons eewing oat
this winter, for itio/not doabted be
------ OfilS'miAe
K S-nstlfabont 4 o'clock. Then the
he did he appreciated their feel- had a broadar Sell fot^observation lhaa
Anything in
ieU wh^e*ri*ed.t8o'eUck-edel‘-«- *'«» felV-nolhl., bat pity enl othera and wHh the thoroughneto and
eastion that form tbe goidJag princi
the retore trip. There was ao trels
to et «:S5 ls4he ereniag, that being I the aaiwane, be *tated that he had
ports, tUa report U taken aa (stabl«*hneed alaaoet barraU of Inbrieatlng
oeled the day preriooa.
tog to* fact* for all official p<
On the C. A W. M. there we* a aUte p*«nd. bat It to ef no sTall. Tbe apTbe state of affair* to lha Kloedlke as
«f aaapBaar all day. There were two aratoa to Impreriooa to each a^Uealorealed is worae than aaspeeted at the
tretoe atalled at lateriochea for W ticM and defies olto of erery daaerip- war departmeal. Indeed, ao large 'te :
la aatiqae oak. elm. aab. maple
In our stock, at BARGAIN VALUES.
bonra. Teaieiday aftenux^ the laow tion. Th* sheriff danoaneas the ina- the took that remains to be sxeenud ‘pe Mahogany? If ao we can give yo*
' plow with tfiree extra engiaee aae- chtoe to tenna forelMe as well as ia order «> irant* safety of life asd ‘the Bneat bedroma sulia mad*, which
eaaded to raaehtog the bnried train* elcgaat sad has per*toted to hto'efforto peopmty an tbe Amartcan aide td the 1 w* ara offariag this weak at low priM,
pad the wertt^ releaatog the. oo»
Una alone, that the war department j for tbeae who ar* evunemh-aily iacllaftodaUUe afternoon. Tney were re- no psrpoeo- The mere criJ be applies
officiaU eeaelnded to adriac eongrem of, ad. They are the hmt rale* for the
loaeed abat S:S0. bowem sad the Ue 'toote terrible the eereoehing. and
the facts and place npoa tbe legialaUre money we h**e ever sold, and wUl fit.
Sia| »all tcom the aonth ttoee Satarheart-breakiag groana and braaeh the dety of derising way* sad ap a room neatly, while they are as
day'kight was bronght ia.at T o'clock. evil.
Out Bhoes stand hard knodu bet- I
:ig«»etoB of Ue naefal and oomiortabl^ a* th* more eaThe train which left Grand Bapida st borrlfylag wailiag* eoaUaoe to inak*
•40 cease to ahead followed by that the toldaigbl welkto ring with aater than most and cost yon less |
which had been there all night. When
bxitW fob bbhatob.
to begin with. Try a pair..
_ .
the train arrlTed at the depot the few discMneet the pans eo that the taiU ,
__ _________
will cease to periorm tto faneUona, bat ; WQIiam Aldan BaU t* Be Ftogreab
I who alii^tod
HdttM FumUhinc 8tor«,
long sigh of relief
Aboard of the '
defied, and'
Ohoica as Bniraara’ Buncasaor.
train was a throng of eighty men
i despite thedtoeoenectloo of the n*»er-i Waehtogton, Feb 1—Tbe eridenees 12S-IR FreatSL TRAVBBSB CITY.
ton -tohtobto.'.npU.,nlt.tootolt-"l“™‘‘-“‘‘-«™"—• «• -»rk^u.„OotonH»Pl.iptohtobl.to.«l«»
tot Ui. Utoto. Tt.«T
.t tot.
-»oW.l.r Fto-ltoUj William Aides Smith as an erallable
■ The Popular Shoe ^otui
tortol u. Un C. t W. M. totln, tx-n. '
tl»^~~ ■" >to totot, b.UdU,
ididate for eenator are
of Trsrera* City.
tod to tbn. wto tot -ton tto toll ol
b"-ndte toto U» borden ol
aa mnlt^ying. It i*
U some kind barrtcaae thongkt tbe skUlfnl haa'd-of Oat John
«»>®«W“dblowthe tofer-|gtki|^;i, ftliallefthegoTernor. I*
tor them to the waiting room* of ihe ] “I ■*«htoe to the groand. or If any of.
toritaOoo that hsA been.
depoL where coffee, sandwfchea end '
dlsgnated reeldento in that loi^lty,
to WllUam Aides to prrnlde at the
toUer wholmome food were dispeased. I
ffet mad enoegh to laaugntale a: Kio^icsa elnb baaqaeU
b« men ware
A* soon as the^
were fed aad
and toe
the ,| movemeoi
-oremeol lowaras
towards a etoutsr
eimiUr eaa.
ead. ue
ur. Smith era* eeea today and was
We hsTB a eem^te
bttd will fill
haggag* nnloadStoe train left at once '
^®*1 that another nncertala whether he ceald arrange | ’
for the north, from wfaenoe no train
*tod been taken towanto.
hadoome thi* sreek.' The Iraie deei^he milleniui
bat aald ba weald try *ery hard to doj
here Moadny afterMoA from Petookey
I etill atalled near Bellsir* and
H* baa alee bee* Uvltad id addraaa
Lut Month Exoelhid AU P«n Bninn«.n
ATI D«l,r. SeB Thom lor
411 Soath UaloaSL
that* was no pleemnt proepdet ahead Bnt th* atom Failed te Bnppreae the tbc Llneela clek haogaat »t PatroiL
for tbe crew of the train from here.
Energy o' a Bzidegraom BieeL
The train which followed tola oee
It tabm more thaa a'aorthera MichiDorn totwloehen. after dtoehaigtog
the baggage aad paeaengera, teraed at gaa bUxzard to dnnnt an expectant BnggeettontffBi
a Growing ZriL
once aad do«hIed back to Urasd Bap- bridegroom in this locnllty. n* eviMuio^ctarwltiy
yeaterdny by a yoong man
Lansing. Feb. l.-Tbe object of to
The train from tbe aonth on the G.)! wboee energy and peraereranc* will day’s meeting of the Michigan soporeisor* is to deriae a'meana for eerrect1 am Bliowiilg a few Bicyolea
B. A I . on tbe main Itoa made eoanre- lire as an example for otoera.
Oa Moedxy moralng Mr. Siereaaoa Ing tbe aboeae growing oat of the fee* which I bare Re-Eoamel«d.
ttoaiontime toat nlghL *o that tbe
TozuiffUar Block.
Look ht tb«m in Z E. Uillef’e
•pamengrr from Walton oo the. branch ef Monroe Centre, started on( in toe system of paying jostiees aad other loatoriB
a It ia claimed that the on- Drag 8tor«.
rTifh'ril here only a vary short time
i:;IC traio for Tra*sr*e City. His ob
expenditorre doe to this
To^ toe raada are all opes and toe ject was to procore a license to wed I practice aggregate a vast sam aaaaally.
Miss Wbliemaa, also of Monroe Centre. The effect ia felt la every eoeoty ia tlm
ragnlar rentine sriU be renamed.
As everybody known, tbe temble bllx- aUte. It ie propoeed to rceommend an
sard caused a snspimaloa of traffic oo amendoMat to toe Uw. bat jnet what
toeraUroada. bat Mr. Stevaoaon. ex it is not yet deiermioed.
um v
pecting thet the train woald .be at
It la argoad that If the JosUce* ware
Corrtwpond with the Tmvene City Lumber Company.
-Wedding of Hloa ^die fioynt ef Grawn anytimi; walled ImpeUently.
paid aaUrim there woald be a falling
We hare for oile Gfood,
Omaea, aad Wilder H. Otnrea of
He becarns more impatient as there off ia dteoiderl.T cases with tke aeoomGrand Bapida.,
waa no prospect of a train, aad bit PMjUff <x«».
Herbert Joynt relnimad at aeren rcetless spirit may be excused when it
^clock lest eraalng from Oomaa. where i is explained that the marriage ww aet
he -went throogh tbe storm to attend for last erenlag et T o'clock
In tbe i OoagMjMuian llaeiek WoAlag Hard
toe marriage of hia slater Addie. to
. the Impatience of tb«
Far Hia AppolntSMaL
Wilder S. Gram of Grand Bapida Tbe peetant f^mom iaercaoed aad o
Waaktngtoe. Feb.
BODV took
k placr
place at 11 o'clock yeabeootee nxw* tntoas* as darkaea*
is making a hard fight for toe
y mornlBg.aa pi
cam* on. bringing with it no sign of
my being performed by Be*. toe train for Trararae City. He waited appuiDtmeot ef Captain A. B. Johnston
T.ATTPS'BOB BAT.Miof Traverse City as Inspector of hall*
W. H. Barlbut of Northport.
Tbe all night aad In the morning, when
at Graad Haven. Hi* principal oppo
woddtng took place at toe home of the
nent la Capi. John Imagiey. who rw
Mm HKbinny of .11 dneripUo... molodii^ Two Rogi—
parento of the bride at Oe>eoa is the e^rybody. I e determined to - aepreoence ef the Immediate relatiToe of cmaplieh hla ead at aU hassarda. eenUy 'failed to pam the civil aervioe
Brt Work., Oirruga ud S.n. A oomplet. S.w ICUl EW
sisatlos. bat who b** been glraa
to* prtneipsik and a few fHenda. The Aeeordiagiy be proenred a log
brtda ie cm of the popular yoang tadiea giag aialgh aad etartad f^TrarerH another chance. Jofansua has paeaed Id good fibhpe, but we can supply
Leelanna eoan^ aad who haa maay City, abont B o'clock yesterday morn- aad U well ep o* t£e IUl
Bound Books
yi)e? you are ready toFeat^Your/leST^
Cloaks, Underwear,
Overcoats, Ulsters, Etc.,
Kickers? |
Boys, we
We are
Still Very Busy
Gaining in Popularity-
s CE^[TS
Maty Different Slfles.
H. leDerle, !
Coni teili* lie tqm E
I .'
To Tale Mnouge of Oir Sola
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
friends in Traverae City and/riclnlty. iag. arriring-her* ta the afterncQa,
The groom i* to* eo* of P<snk H.
Orand Bapida. one *f^ the reads, which wci* badly drifted^ Bee. iMc HatnUger'netfa ef SNA
Oram of Grand
pnqiHetora of toeGrand Bapids sec^on Arrirlng her* ha made no delay, bat
ef Omda* teoerL The groom arrSrad seenred th* eoroted lieeeee aad started
Elk Bapida, Hieh., Fob. l.-Th* Re*.
here Sotiirday afternoao, eo that to* back immediately, leariag here abont Isaac Mntsingcr. paMOT of th* Uennan
happy erant wa* not delayed by toe sixVcloek last night with a lirary rig. ehorch for the Uat'fiv* yean, wn*
Poth wUl be warmly oongrat- j The vredding.hoar
7 o-ciqpk and. found diwd In treat of h» church fiatnlatod by boato-of fiienda who wiU U* ImpaUeace of tbej
orfisy morning. H« bad been cleaning
wish them long yean of wadded happh he imsgUed only by tone who her* toe sralk of snow when stricken w^
beentoere. It U aeedUe* to stale that
-tdUM*. Bte remaini will be Aahe was Ute. bat U i* also naedlea
han to
Ohio, for borlaL
say that there wag no TTnnirmmiy fiaDXBD
Uy on toe road.
^ ZxamUeHonefSarahAyTaeandMatId of OopamUh
tU Wad* 4n JosUoe Brawn YGoarL
Africa Will be Di*
a BolUt ia Hi* Body.
Ondertocriff Aahton arrcBtad.^8arah
Tonight tbe Bridge Bandera of the
Aypra yeaterday. oe the charga 'of lar- Oangregational church will araat is
C*p*ml*h. Fab. 1.—Cbari** Mowjand
Oriiy from aatorc. Sarah it the eom- to* ebareh parlota. The program wlU died Saaday at lUl o'cloric daring an
.yankm of MatU* Wad4. who wa* ar- ba In chargb ef the gentlemen, honor oparatloB «o find a bnlUL performed
MMafiUia sight before ea a almllar ary membera, aad a splandid program byDr. EiagefHaalats*. BecMUAndt
two ware takes befere will be preaeated. Th* nbjaet to, be
g Howland ontaft^affeei of to*
JmMm Brown and an exnmlaatio* ttnatod will be -Atrica.'- '
yoar wapts for Km* tine to oonc^
and are
Anxlona to
ijower oar stock.
And an offering aome BaggaiBS
wbich yoo will do well to take *dTsntnge oL A dboioe stock of
Bakery Ooodfi hlwaya on band,
and we weald not hare you loin
sight of tbe fact that the
is the best, *nd that it will pay
yon to try • Mck if you bar* oarer
Q*«d iL
Oor. Ttii 8b4 UnioB StTMlB.
■PHONE 167
ns xoBsiHa
^KlvxasE cmr. .
■ ahaU Maj
^ tnUa
-*«*. T. Batm ato J.
W. BAxm, Editor ukd Miinw.
-Tha'Votutaera erf Awtaa wtU worn
aa ojoter rappv datvdap nlfhtMr. aad Mia. W. F. Baths rejoice
>*ar the arriral of a boj-bab^ lo th^
tana a« Watetar etreaU
A ear load at bereea wae raoaired'
errere ahock* of eartbquakeStere aa<
perirocad at CoDaUsUSopIt SetVdejr.
LaPas. the ooerfsal capMaJ aT BoUviB. hae bees decUred Is a aUta e( With te bnlidtog teroon. »i i^estc
MtoforffTOO. Pwfnrter tator»ntlon
Jama Prrodergaat rraa kllUd by tha
A. W. Btcarnn.
toil «f tba roof eC dw aurtbeaat tasd
toBsei at Chicago.
In h 0«tt -with drunken trasipe at
HnuBhton. Mich.. Dare 8«tea. a_5>«laen. wae fatally abet.
eayu,________ -.
jaeied Ita ahare ot the prooeada of a
charity ball.
tortincaGimt appropftatton bIB at
framed by the booae ecanmUtee earrlaa
Back, Mind Baggage
Ibe tapper to hare beaa girea by
the Bebekah Jadcetoaifbt. baa bepa were tlt.ȣsn.
The axecutlre ooai
Uonal Lire fUock aaa<
rnilon'ta DanYeatardaj for the tnt tine tUa wia- ed to, boU the next c
Zl. IM.
tar tha baj waa partlaUy froaat. lea
U. aearwxter. of Plitaburp. baa
aataaded eat tor aboat three qaarlae challeiNted Jerdme Keouch. Of BeranefamUe.
ton. Pa., to a nrntlnuoua poM match
DKMucsA» 'hA*e esdMToml to owke
Mre. DoaU Mahaa <rf Baat Bap. .«aa for the rhampkmaplp ot the world.
Otto C. Deir». a Oermaa butcher, aat
ItA) oat ot the
dead all ntyhl lone In the window of bla
SeeretAnr e«r« Mid the pretest
Ulwlth paeoi
aioir at New Tork. where be bad bwn
■ot la accord oa the allrar qw*aepbrxUted by paa w^ wrllln*.a letBeceat derelopiaeato. bowarar, daepalrad of.
The eoclal to hare baaa fires for the
will aanre to .aUeaee tbM who nake
Chief JoaOce Sbeiard Barclay, of Ihie
Me ot the repOTt. lo a epaech recaat- besaflt of Grace chareh at Ua reel- Mlaanari aapntne cauK. haa reabpii d.
lj deUreicd at PhUadelpb^ at the dasoa of C. L. Wbltaey. rraa poeipesed and tloremor. Ftephenr haa appolBtcd
tv. U. tvmumx eC BuoiwvUle. to 00 the
•aaoAl UMtlarof theTradea Uair>e. IsdedDltely os aoeoant of the weather. \araacy.
Vnmam Beltoer wiUaead a barrel of
Baeretary OdRe aaid apea thia aobjact:
Itantel F. f!eln>lck*wad Saturday ccortfcnit eourt at Uacoln.
•nrba political bead ot the repabiicaa ftrut claat lebricaUae oil to Shariff
blmpaon thia mocai&r to aid hbqiitaab- lllx., ot the nrorder of George D. DavU.
paiv Bu been aetlre
lloatbeiailgToaDda near Mount PulaakJ. while In a goarir the only eosiltioaa I doing the «
rel. July last.
bp which Itcas be n
Tha regular maetiag of the Woaaak
Tbe ohle tow which prorldea for th*
tf. UterasUosalscri
Mtoaton Cirule ef tha BaplUt ehnreh. pa>-n>eni of damajm by a oooaix .i"
MlnU to both Mirer and geld. Is bta will be held at the home ot Uia. OUUa. trirndi of a pervon lynched therein, bai
««orta|to inanghrate anMi Bathed, OB Slau etreet, thU aftenqoo at thfiM been declared unronulluUonal by a
ihe prcMdant heartily npperls tha o'clock. ▲ eardtol'toritatloa to ex common pleaa court.
Ii to uaderwtood at Madrid that tbe'
prUaplea of diU partyb "alatferw. tended to all.
aupri me war oouncll will aentenee
•nd In hla affnta he haa tha aepport
The home and torelgn BtoaionaTy ee- tenani Oen"ral .Weylef lo two month*
hut that the goveraiseni
9( aU tbe.BMBberaof hbi eOeial tarn- oiety or (he CoBfrcgational cdiareh.
Ity. innaeadoea aad deelaraUona from wUl BC«t with Mre. M. C OriatU <
Herorts ffwn remote pliirea In nor.benrioaa aoaiCM to tba contrary not- er,of ^
em Vrw Knyland show that tbe tem
wttbataadlsg. CaUl it can be aecorad bto 'afn
perature war t!ie e-weet known Intnacy
to tfaU ratioaai taaoner. we pcepoae to
yean Forty l>el<>w. ii reported from
a number of ptocec In Maine.
Batotain the kind of
Itnberi tlndblnm. the Chicago bated
Bara now. nndar which Bra bondrad
Of trade mar. wo* fonnd galliy «a two
- MtUiaaB or Bare of aUrer are kept an
Dare ChapbaU cama ep tioa On
tergeaef “bucket sbopplug'' by tbe gj.
n parity with goU. Cader tUa alandrt^'in of the board of trade, and mttpeadeed for one day aa a puntohmenL
nrd pcscticany far Mxty yeaix, aad aeD. A. Woodworth letanad i
No lltee .acre loat by the wreck of
gerdlng to the dcBoeratic eandldate'a buBBlt CHt} yaaterday.
the Klondike iteamer Corona, mod tb«
for twen^-aeraa yaare by
Frank BhaUton toft tor .New Verb paaiengera aaerd all their peraonal bag^totote Idw. tbb ooasby baa dereloped on a baainaM trip Monday Boratog.
gase: but the raining atUlUa were loat.
>d aa no etbar ooonlry
Cbaa. W. FMat case la from tntap- and for tbeae acme ot tbe paiMOgm
had paid Ibeir toll cent.
lochaa yntorday aflemooa oa the M.
A I'nitvd Rlatei mall waxun at HllA N. B. afUd beii^ etalled ter 91 hoare «iiik<-e «■« driven at-rwe the aidewklk
-— Jui OoKBcrr. pagillct, baa anaoaneed
OB the C. g W. M. traU at Uat point. be.-auv Kr I ilxm harrirnde that
•ecially to tha world that ha-haa
Mopped iVInotherdlcrectloni. Thedrlrer
Mr. BaaJaBin. who repraaeata
jWBBced pqgiUaBi fererer aad wUl take
arreated b> a p»llreir>an aad
Ktotball Plaao Co., ease to fros Manmall waa delayed-elghi hour* thereby
•o the atage for a Uring. Thia wfU aftoo yaaterday aftorndoB after being The railed Ptalra'haa now had the po
ted relief to Bob Fitui»Bona and tha
delayed the aight before and a part of liceman am Mad far Interferlag .with
CMval ^blie. but tha abadaa ef the
the mil.
yeaterday at Mantcn.
teBortoi Beoth.-«arrelt. MeOaUoogh.
•nd otS« cnatima ahtolng dratoatk
TiaTarMOt^ Harist.
BchtM kiny as^aM worn* agitaUos.
Heme will form intBg-attodm
L, r
for doga bat it doee not often h^pen
Captau SiAate of tha baUlaahfp that a hone dnirea anr real beocMt
ltene.la maktog good oaa of bia laiaare from haribp a saine friend. The followioc <aae will obowthata^ may
•cmetimn return a bonw’a afTeetion in
tefhoda <rf wartareof i
In ndditioa to atadytog tha alleged a Ttoy pnctitol mauzM-r: A naa iiriafi
bribery aMhoda apd peace oonfereMna in Um!country had a hanx' which hap
«f OeneraT Blianoo. he to firing apectol pened lo tie tarrwd cot join at tail carrou W0e ready for pulling Re atoo
tottonUon to bnU tghta.
had a dog that wa> on the beat of termi
) the borer. Onxday be noticed that
mrAwrrp poM wATttr.t.Arr
bat be waa almoct remio that
in and molrn than. Still be
iBteg That Point for
to watch and ace who wa*
BMt Bognr Paetory.'
beceoght tha tbief lathe eery
Oadillac, Mich.. Jan. 91.—BareralfeB**—— from Nebrmaka are bare Inrea- act nf palling cp the oarrobi. TlxB be
Mgatisg with a rlew to aatahltohlng a raatiooilT followed him from the gar
den and fonnd that be west off to the
Beet aogar factory here. Uwal capital
diteotkai of the flpid where the hone
tota wUl be expected to foratoh e ahare
Arrired there, the owner of the
«d the opital reqeired. They aay thto rarrota aw that fail bone wnt te rela the beat point rialted aa far.
ceirer of hii Molen ghoda. The tbM
fail dog. '
I ■ciBie way Um> dog bad diaxAeredThe raaarrtd aeat plat tor the next that the bia.* had a portialicr far car•nahar in toa
acheol lecture roti and war onaMc to grati^ ita laate,
bat with a agacity that ii alsoM in—lii. wiU be at tha City Newa aland
ctediVIc tbc dng fooud tbe tnenna <rf ob
ttto noraing. aad aaaU can be rrearred taining liH- anoL-aieoi oMnoto for hU
te' Hoyl Ooaaiy's edtertalameal. friend. ^>d thii be did withodi ecraple
-ArooBd tba Store." which to to be
iter’i cspeiMc. There waa
firaa.WacU^Mday night, Fbbtnary V.
.. nore than initinrt in tbii
dog'ebead. BtttnnycBcwbotakM
; any am who takM nnl!
BUBUiMBS Of TKZ POBTOPPIOK. notice of (be hatili and eorioni doingi
of animali suit inericably come to the
u,. u,-., w.«U4..,
Xn. Basra and Ktoa McDannatt on
ble which aiatouiDi that animali can
Ihity and Boutina Maoumad.
not think and rvaeun.—Detroit-Fn*
' On aocooBt of tha lall to te boat^ Frot*.
tosas of the poat offiea FoaUnaater Raff
.................. .,^.r ^.grewup Id BnglaDd a great »a|ma1
' liking for nreut tbiuga Kni nida^
Mown aad oat yaatarday
was toil leen in tbe ganenl taatbrfor
toff aearythtoff io exoailaat
•ogar oaoUtam, but it wai raanifn^
in Che goui'ra] diinand for awnd wines,
toe rich ihtrricA the ebanem. tba sek,
PotBaater Raff baa aj
tepaty Bra Laura Ba«n, wha
to te aaas charity under Mr. Raff
Anrtnff bla preriooi tars aa postmaifter drink^. as in eating. tb<- tocnwrai erf
appauto f(» sugar grew by what it fed
■Bd aeeeral years beridoa. Mia. Basra ao. Thongta aot a iwfvtmcac to tba
to toeroogbly fasiltor with postaffiea strict aeuw .if the uam, mk* pOBet
~lrork and she will ba a ealaabla aoqni- K> Uigpjy repri'Mtntad the taste of tbal
alUon aader tbe new ragima. Mtoa time for sweeraeM. and fla) or tel tbs
Maud McDermott, wbo has baaa aa nripe of Sir Flrriw-ODd Sbtipbord. given
■Mploya of te ottiL-e twalee, yaaia will by Mr. Howard Etaniitau ia bisSbakBfalaia bar paaltloa aa clerk undar te peara notes, is worto quoting
“To make a Bck poMi take
ciyU aarrice rules. Miia McDermoU to
quarts trf pan good
terimgfaly competcBt for aa Importoal
tar of a pound of the b«wt almonds.
X n' poritlon and Uc fact that she will Stamp them in te cream and boil with
itowgla will be a aaai;ea ef rnttofaettoo amber
amber and
and n
mask tberelh. Then taka a
to te patrons of te ofBee.
Oscar; pint of Ack in a faaaiii and iwt'it on a
* ai postal clerk. [ cbnflnggiah till it be blood w-arui. Then
f yolki• <rf
_ 18 eggs. with.
____ 4. _
Thora wUl be
ao sther ebaagew
te storm which dt-1
vbius, and beat them well tog<'tbsr. aud
Bck. Then Mir all together own te
looriiim itii.as thick as you would
«ff“t ^ have It. If you now take oume ambw
11 and tnnik and ^rind te mine qolta
’ to sugar and straw toU on h
posnet, J promise yrm that
>rw a moM delioate and pltotet
Thera was another mixtnre ot
atom called "rambocB,
Whan to Mad pf uythtog to thto
Una rcBMbar thto to tba ^a«a to laay«
yoar OfrfoTB and gat prompt work.
ttoUafaetton guarantaad or no char^
Leaec yoor orders at ofiea or call up
pli................ .
Cbeap Gasii Groeary
2R7 Front Street,'
■•laaoew^ai MeLelUB A Ato * cealeetkia-
hD Um « rut; ut SUpk Cnoria
Now Baady Per BaainaM.
E.W. Hastings..
Real Estate
Fire Insurance^
Money to Lean
Improved Harms and
City Property.
Johnson Block.
Two or Time Honses and lots
and a Humber of Well Located:
When yon want to wire a ri&e
renenbef tbe best pjaon to go. '
a Ihrge open bon, i 5 sent
slelgfa hnd a top liw. AU ynt7
oomfortobls-for. '
Vacant Resilience Lots
Sleighing Parties,
in Traverse City that wRI be sold
Also • lot
the Tory rbest Port*
ItOTT DkAlc land cattnrs, two and throe seated
I can fit yoo ont with any
o( a tura.oatT:
At Low Ppiees
Pionoer LiweFy Win.
ahtoago Karkot. ____ .-k i iTt..i r.i-.,...
The demand for Improved and Tinimproved City Property U becom
ing briek. I have
Tbono 78.
****' ***
Bi’rna aAteorTBAn
’Phone Ho. 8.
Ba tte?^r to Dairy....’’..............
• r.T6S-.
Oats—Febmay. SSe: May. 8*K»*4a:
Pork—February, to To-, May. to.SO.
Graad Rapida, Feb. 1.—Wbaat. 80c-
KWantAds Sffi
ii sold HOW. Come and a*ir about
them, if yon want a homo or a good
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street,
388 Pairs
fine Shoes.
Pingree & Smith, A. E.
NetUeton and W. L. Doug
las majee.
inspect th^.
TTJfios. T. Bates.
Pair Going
$Aoo .
lErB.nn “k: -Bb?iecl3?ioIb-^
The Old Beliable Shoemut,
TEB xoBsnra BseoturwESim^A^, fbbbuast s.
n Only U^ m
Singi* Day tei th» Lower
i<n <n thw
gotwy which U rwd esoucta for tbs
pe^te %ha pra4o(« .the seSUb ts pood
SBOoch tor tbe Wlets wbo spend It; that
tbe RKHwr wbleb li «ogd etwsch for ibe
poor ts Rood eaourh (ornbe rich: that
be money tbe kshorer recel'
^ bad the merchant
his wares »■
hta Bwnt NoEndoTTroubU InThh
World For Our Good Friond
John Bull.
r shall >be compelled I
BA mm BTOST non koboooo.
SEaaaRK.ab’s aitn-Tiurwi'.Bit.b
loPIHaLiesa FeW Wssl Is Thai
I OMjir • varr «:-»<
. FVb. L—Tb«
the t;ulted RCAtes psashle to sUvor uae«r M «d«me iaa>oKuror M votes. Tbe
Bspubllrkw sen solMllr smrM In opn with'two
North Oandibs.
wbo vol^
. Oemurmls and INigiullatA and White
CaroUM. the 4inly oolored
^ember of the botiae. who answered
^ptaaent" wtrea fata name was called.'
^ Tbe deaerUons from tbe ENmoeratR sUr !
/ wer# ai' Aleer..of Pennajivanla and EU I
bin. expllcU ta Its tenos sad naming a
penstur of »ie.m one or tram two to lUteen Tears' linprtsonmeni, has been ln>
trodocad'Ui tbe bouse br Oreeoe
le tbe MDlotion. The vote was mebed
.Afler ave hour* of debate under a spectal order adt^riT at tbe opening at tbe
Ttiwe tor Ofsamy'Parmed OwaTbe llmiud lime allowed for debau
gbd tbe preasurc of meniber* for an opportwnlly to be beard w as so great ibai
the' lewderi aa l»lb sides w^gr com
pelled to farm oul the Umr by mlnulea.
^ntla drirwcled much from the ountlnBlty qf the dlauinlun. bni It also In a
e inteniiflrd Ibr tblrresl
gallcrtea. which were crow.led all day,
and tbe oombataals on the it^r were
«gieered by Ihely nsspnilti sympaihlseaa. Many of tbe seoaiore from the oibAT abd of «be Caidto! were aW present
te Uaton to tbe arguments Tbr maX.tf
•ly. nader the Irwdershlp of Dlngley,
wbo made a carefuBy prepared apeeob
BOUadlng tbe keynote a/ the opptoltlon.
. position that
a raallty
( geaoli
a disguised dtrlanilon tar tbs tree
tetaiage of silver,
PswUlea lbs Semssrat* Task.
Tbe Demovraia under tbe dlrecttoa
Of Bailey. Riaintattwd that tbe def< at of
Uis resolutlun was another step in the
dlxKtion of eetabUsbmeiil of tbe gold
—Rabdard lo which they alleged both
Otkae PallMra Wars
tbs WMaca-ranhw btery thm tbsr
Pesandil ta btasba tSapli is TUI^aa
rHsarflg ia Psfslgs
braskSL It makes tl'a relonj .tu monopTaogtsr. FSb. l,-The British ateamsr
oHae or <)ttempl to monopolise, or combine or -«tinapiee with say oiben te TouraialtB. It ts oinr-ially anauuoced.
monopolise anr pan of the trade or while attempting to land arms and
among the stat«-s. or with ttorws^n the Kus <-oast o( Moruccu, «'aa
forHgn nations, aitd the making of ev Interrepled by tbe ahoHflan ateamea
ery eomrail.-agr^efnent. or comblnatlen entered Into bv attyytersnna flrtna _
edrpotatkms ut .•omt.hiaMoaa ..I pera.?ns. ’ Haeaanl redpnKwUd and captured one
as a trust .u- uUwruiee.torestraii. iinde of lb* ship's twats with three Engtiah- ’
or commrrve or limit >rr njnirtd the nut- j men. • Tbe M<v.rlah'tr<>oi« then demol- '
pat -or prices of aity article of i^.m- t iihtd the Mltagtw favorable to tbe for-
•oaasWwarrtsMlrts »stb Ma|be Bw
law JurtatUyUoii. and for-
blCARA»VA l« mviffo WOKki'.
ows.' sad I'wels Saai** lOghtw
ate adjourned iBst evealag. Atiorner
T- C. Campbell was the mly wunesa
examined. Campbell said he did not see
bow Otis oauld have voted for Haaaa.
aa OtU war a meinber of a free silver
club. Campbell mid he bad always
been on friendly terms with Hanna and
busineta way
with some of Hanna's friends, lie
claimed that he bad been a supporter of
Hanna until after the lalurio pcattlon
OB the money, question bad been made
known after hU appointment te tbe aec*
Then he bad rather drifted away from
the anator pollUially. Camph'-llclalmt-d
that be had been S supporter of UcKlnley In the presidential campaign, on
account of his tiews on tbe tariff, and
that be had made'a speis b In Cooper
hall for which the presld.ni am
Henator Hanna had.botb sent tUn> nolo
of thanka No mherwllnesae* were ex
Washington, Keb. 1.—If the .N'karaglan govrrnmem should contract with a
difficulty apueara to have i **‘o had gatlw red were s<imfwhal dlsIs hellt-ved the rommUt'-e
arisen fram
froso’ the «peiatli«; of a BHUab • blTomtHl. It
the <1iohe Venture ■
oomidete Its work this week and
the <Wobe Venture, a;
reports will
inder a treaty where- ^
Sbb rhK'fe giiinttd a trading and
mining mono|-jlj oetr IW.OOO square
OJlies of the Mus distrii-c /
>ae la Repiltd la by Aattotawl Seerstary
London, rsh. l.-X* dls^tcb tn Tbe
Ti^etilp Bn Haply la tbe Other.
Daily Mall fn<m Megador. Uorucco.seys
Indlanapdlis. Feb. l.-A cltlxeD of Inthat an cx|>edUlc>D baMag nceupled
i few weeks asTo wrote i
Erkxes (presumably oa the Bus cogsO.
e Aghting. eatAuria^
f<nloi syndicate fi>r the cunstnyctloD
of a milrad and steamship line acn«ss
Its tsnilory. ssch actlro w-uufd. author-
fltsi one was as fblloss: "Is the value
of our paper t-otrenry fegtilated by a
law of congrevs 'or by reas<in^ of gold
«r ollrer betog held In our guv'annncnt
vaults for Its red<jmpllnnr'
Aa answer re this was received yeaierday from P A. Vanderllp. the assist
ant. aecTTiarv of the trasnry depart
ment: to the effect that "Ifglsdatlve aotloe ahme Is not soflk-lent re give value
to a paper • urreno. This Is Illustrated
In tbe hlslots 'of t'nlted Biales notes.
During the war and for yeera afterward
Itles aay. be to vlolailna of the terms of
tbe Uaritime
« aultan h
C^nal c«n>|«ny. and Would prohabl.v be
scepl PrltKe UtvMKe as governor of
reamled by the I'niled Btalew. Ar-J.le
.............. Crete. It Is strong enough to provoke
pve of the i-oweemiun to the Maritii
blr.<U 1 dlaciualon oT the consequences, namely
eomiiany provides that
‘ —that the Turks, already disiurbed and
geatleaa will be likely to aMc compenaadOB for Crret'e’s virtual gain of Crete,
lwe«-B the l
^le EuAipean concert, as
.VI.-,?. IS
I ‘>«vr
•« ■ di-count ta gold, varying
yewra). and also to abstain from grant- east,
lag a cunceselian for a ralliuad. such as Oermany and
oM aW. and pnbUr nplnlxn
opinion of
of thntf
tbetr worth.aod
worth.and H
it -aa.
might compete with the •■anal for the the other, mreers on tbe other, but It
until Jan. 1. iS%' when the go'
transportation of rnerchandlse. during Is not beyoBd ' re-estahHsfament. The
It actually lirgils
Greeks are likely to be ralinfT and more
mme i»rtii ■
In gold, that they became In reality
hai Is I'rwle
I'nrh Barn's point: but imme control with Ibr dynasty, bui iherr are arbat tbe-law declared tbem V> be."
diately f'lllowlng ts a proviso that kaks feaiB of W orse than the exlranganarrby
Tbe other gueiRton was as follows; "If
Co "a man up a tree" big enough to car for a time In Greece, wrltb tbe Turks the goverr.inent of the ignited State*
ry any aort of cunreasmn re anybody clustered about Canot and Jra^s Cre stiouM retire all Its paj^er currency
else evoept only a cbncssglnB for anoth tan clan eblets ready to provoke dlsur- arWcti ts now- by law made
er .-anal
This Is the proviso; "But
der. aad substiiuie to lien thereof ihcwe
tvolhlnr In (his arllcle aliall prevent ibr
of a national bank not*
London. I"eb. 1.—It Is announced on
guvernnieni at Nl«nrwgus from loncotdd cnngrnas. dnder our constitution,
struertng. or permlftlng the constntr- the beat auihcnlty that ibe talk i>t an make atwh Iwak currency a legal teaClon. or sorb railways as It may deem Anglo-fapanese plan -of rampslgn In
inwvocably conupltted tbe Bepublican adrleable fur commerce and internal
matter has oorppicd tbe attention
party. The debate was at times fast trafflr.'' Senator Morgan discussed tbs
of the atateamen of -the two countries,
aad heated, bat there were no,sense- bid of tbe Allas rompany. "The governand no sgreemeni extsts between Eng-'
Chieago. Feb. L-Omaba baa been aetkinal loddenu beyond tbe hissing of mem of Nicaragua." he said, "has no
legal right to sell to any forelgB ••orpor- land- and Japan except the cormnon de iected as the eighth member of the
s<f.-ore tbe free development of •ffeatera Baae Ball amoclatloB, tbe
UiDii Its railways and sleamsblpa It
trade In China. As regards Port Ar franchiae r-w the Hub having been purholiest place to hades wouM be rrwei^ed their ofieratton will open a line of comthur.
hasrd by H. J. Shuman and W. J.
for tbe present germary of state. Tbe munlratluo parallel to tbe route of the
maritime canal The concessions which aame aulhurltyi Is only there for win O Brien. of Cblragu. The manager of
vote OB tbe rewoluUoa was—a>-es. UZ;
the Nlrararoan guvemmeni has made ter quarters, snd the statements as to tbe club w in be George Cusli k. Among
bays. 1C.
a KussUn oi-.'U|ialli>n are unfounded. the flayers already aecured are Tucker.
China IS-willing that the-English’war.: -. thP National League. Jor ffrwt base,
ship* ahould anchor there
rviulred ^, .. ...................
Oanaeli. at one time plieher for the
I Wbal IMiwtey a-4*Bwll«gr
The Shanghai rurreaiemdem of The i u^una
Washington. PVb l.-No word has UallyMall aiy* a dlsi«tch haa le-en re------------------------------------Will hat imy the WgrtagHeld Weals,
Dingley cioaed bis speeeb against the been received at the.atate dvpart.meal ceived there from Fi.rt Arthur, aaaert- |
fram Conaul General Lee alnie Satur lag Ibst BO British veimels remalB to t
Bprlniffleld. III*.. Feb l.-Tbe operarawulution in part as toUowa:
brings me to the ronsldrrwlloa of tbe day last, which IS taken as an Indlca- the harte.r aad that the ipbigenia and I re. e of ih< liuisborv mine have ordered
lioB that all ia quiet there and that tb* ...K- Daphne ,..,1
left a we-k a,u.
.the mln-ta re qolt work and take out
vital questlo'a sis to whether the govaltaallon remains un<-taacgt-d. The de-i
I their »«<A because ih- local miners'
sRunent has tbe ipural right—In other
ttortmenl has be»-B Informed that the;
j union ,^n.mded Ihe Springfield scale,
words; whether it wou d beaoact which
Spanish aolhurttl.-i to Havana bad ‘ Be Bad PrtwM a Oarreoa Making Faa«f I wltTch^-operator* tvtuaed to pay.
tha moral aense of the world would re- gelsed certain suM'dr* consigned to i
honor and private indivfdual lni. there 1*1,0 rauae.
- as In accordance with
Bcriin. Feb. i.-Kmperor vvtinam. It
>ood faith, for tbe Lttll^
ivmplalni ta this in-ldent Inamno.h , ^
h„ ,„,d.,nrd Herr Trojga.
Tbe NVw Tork Central I-abor Unlea
pa, Ita ou,,landing bond^ ta^,bled. I „ .he
i edirerot T.e KladderadatiRh. w.o was baa reaolved against Sunday ibegtrcs.
—.a In dollars of ao materikDr lets
„„„ „„
The agrici
vmloe than tbe dollar- which has been
I to tbr free admlsalim
o! auppUeif.T
| *enim<-vd a few ,Uya ago to
forL, port rntrw the' total wheat
tbe practical standard of value alnce eufferering ruUan* l-.ked to the rea- itnonth* imprisonmeni 1 a fortreaa
UH. barring the war recon*lrucll.m
algnment of all *u. h aupplle* U. Con- Iw majetetacain-nlng ttaempew. iS»,JA. 066 to IWT♦j, -yne
partod. and which ha* been tbe legal 1 ,ul General Lee and the exclutloh of I The rart.K.n,whichappeared
In Tbe
R.O, Klngrtey Lumber and Bw
Standard of value tonce i indindual* from the privilege of free
I..II— in
I- which
Prederb-k the Great. Napoleon, v
j*.. with a ccDltal
cepital of tSOfUs
im. and the dollar
bond- ! I .aiinitarioR of
goods, a provision necesThere are 'aixty-ntoe pcraoi
ed Indebtednesa haa been ttold
Fancy Dairy Biillnr
"" 19 c
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per Dozen,
Enterprise 'Grocery,
Opposite Steinbei^’s, 'Phone 146.
213 Front St
Baltimore Stock iiaeeivsd Thre* Timm a
Couott. 40c p«r qiurt
SteDdarda, dOe per quart
FltitliH's Ofslei Dtpot aul RisttmM.
Thinkers’ Tlioughts
Ok butkrgptcy’a dark brink
Who meed himaalf lb Uma by keen,
WMa •*• «f prlatare' ink!
The ooMrtaai drap of watar
wa are SeUiag
CMomtfM. o„ Peb. 1.—Tbs lavtsogatiOB Into tbs'aJlag^ attempt to bribe
Represeatattre OtU te rote for Uanaa
duilcig tbe Ute senatortal cnattat ia
tapIdlT drawing to aa cab Tbe commiuee held a brief session after the aca-
Thr bill eoiif.rs inrisdlctlon nn the. j^n,,
Uou of booth CaroUna. Uuifa voted'
vflb tbe tlepuldkasa against the propoaltton. Speaker Heed, altbongta if la
toot cuatomarr tor him to vole, had bta
bSlne called, and .amid tbe cbeen of bU
’ followcia went oa riK-ord In oppusicioa
WasWoMt la That
—paid by every admlBlatrailon frim
,........................ .
.-remony of
Lincoln to UcKlnky. to w1i; Tbe doltatVsBad Tat.
,|„ guard* recruits, when his
tar equal to value to, JS-I grain* of
1.—In tbe wentile j Rwjeelr remariied that in order to be
{Applauae.J Bear laWashington.
aoldler It was necessary re he
mind that we are diaenssUig this qoes- re*lerday M-rgan [ircwenied a reaolu- * r
presidihi. U to blsjg g,M>d ChrtsUan. The weoteace upon
tloa from the point of honor and good *'“** crqueriins
incunrlKeni with the public | Herr Trojam which was-said to have
fg^. and not from the point of power j *«plnton
sen tee. to amd re the wenatr the ootte- 1 been directly diic re tbe emperor's InuS'the*goVemmenW« !
*"<1 not«ofdlplomatlechar-1 ff^nrerwas’.
do as It r1-r—
j •f'" relallng to thenegotlalluna
and ' by the conservaWve newspapera
. J.
ewi. kA. of
Wear* away thd^odeat ataae:
The Ooutaat foaw^ Towaer
Maatieata* the tMfheM boaa.
Oarrtm off tie bla^taff toMii-.'
Aad the eoMtaat advertiaw
« OM who KMi tha trada.
Sl*ty men witiTL'd* each and provlalens enough to last tbem for nine
rnomhP. will leavy New Tork Thursday
for the Klondike.
7-... ! tlre^ai B^Ib relating to comi-maatlon
Havana, FVb. 1 -The body of UeutHTTelsore of liiltlsh ahiiw to the ■ tenant Colonel Joaquin Rult. the aide- ' of tw<. men wh*i made a futile altempt
houa. to matotair. the ' Behring rea and also the Instructtarui ! de-amp of Capimln Geaerhl laanco. who | re rot. the i remises.
r depart-^-*'
‘ and advKv given by the Male
depart-/**' executed hy
by order of the late GeaGend, c. A Slrnmon*. famous tbroagbpMge which the Bepublk« party
_ .„..roev -.r .heTerSl Nearer Aramiuren for vlatting aa ;
c-uintry a* the ortglnator of
htade a. Kt, Lout, to kaap an our cur- I
'f- ««•« *>•
of the/—
-------------v.ri.tav s*
iBsurgent camp with |rrop.«al* looking -pimmod*- IJver HeguUrer." died at
renry, whether sllvrt or paper, a* go.ul ■
S'*'-* ** '" the conduct of the
Ihe sutreader of ihe Inaurgeat chief. i>.|S-nig. tiA.. yerterday.
w* gold, and prewerri larloUbly the : ar^trath*
after bavtng Is-en lound was Identified I
vlllagr of }<aod>«m. It
public fkltb and credit: abd to the
sae. a t'wwHe of M*l>sI and brought i- <*amp. Florido, where1,„R ,.f Vgi,lA BwlUeriafid,
ll-me»i vn tbe j.fher side of the boose ,, Waeblitato
Feb. V- Yesheday * . . j it was recelve.ij.iih mlliiao honors.
i„ ,h,, ground. A woman and
to onlriiHli. (he standard of'raliiewhiHi igtoD of tbe senate lasted six li..ur* Tw«.
■ two children periahed In the fiamaa.
administration . gave f\the „. the general spin.i-rlatloh'^ls-lhat j
0*a*pUwr» at TeWeraw.JVrelw
Berlitu F>h. l.-The P.at gayatllearn* ^ tiairle RalUon la the latest vlrttoa of
evuoM. -liu -four y.urs ago. and Ibe ;
,j,e army, .-arryin* lr5.:«3.«:. and {
lialr-cllpiUng brute. Tbe
liocor and go.«l faith of the n^oa ao > t,nt fer the leglslatl.e. Judl.lal and m- ................
old. dbe lost a long
cArefull, pieie-i.eO l>> the-fanwra of ,s-uUv*
••atryirut tJpr ' ■ •■on'iilracy at Teheran. I*ersla,
Demo ran- i«ny. and to kfcFlhe ■ ii^Mslwer.’iwased, the lattre
' wneder'Ihe «h^ and to install a young- | braid Sunday e.enlitg.
by the reaol^pa , |n* uf «l f«gc* and •■c opying the a, - l.er brother m the imlace. Mousaffer Ed j
N'ebrwska tamier* refuse to
the manuihe
t U-f.irv (he hi.i^se to show tbe eoute- j tenlloo -f tt.e
I to dduct tl per too ta
World that the golod nsg^ ^ pgrt of the
I. After a brief e
MIrta. teirn In.lQo. and tbe sn-uiid 1* ' the event that Jiawall 1* annexed.
of the na0.in i* safe to ..ur baadsi" i (jrr
the s-natr adl.,uraed.
tProloaged nepul.ibwn applause.]
--------------- .------After tM ouihursi -f ap|.l«u*e which i
,fca-flh-L.re«ge« Tare Is Hgkt.
Oar -gaatsh H.i.H«a. Are <M.
w-eatcrt, Stall....... Chkago. will JtaVe to
greeted Ibe Hose of l.,rcle>* speech'
Chl.-ago. Kato. l.~The sigum.nta In
Madrid. F. li. 1. -At the vablnel eoun- *b»wer to fourteen vbaiw of burg^
bad eulAided Hailey was re.-ogniaed for i tbe Luetgvrt caae are a-beduled^to be- HI yeaterday dehor Oulleii. the foreign i .«.«nmUted tn KvsBst.sk, dhrtog the last
«■ hour, and he
for the Deiao-'j gin, this aflern-sm. and will Kwpy a mlhlster. snh.jun.vd Ihal the relations
____3 to a fpreefa which stlrre<l his fel- ! weak. Attorney lUrruon « Ul talk
of RiaJn with (he 1-niled State*.w*^| John Myers and Willlsia Verthela.
lgirciw.10 a With pilch of enOiastamii. I nr four day* In behalf of I.uetgert. good and be .xpreased a hope thatJa of Reedsburg, Wla. were- str^ by
Ifce reaHutloli under drslderatinn 'he j The <*se win go to the Jury some lime
while arirtng a.Tore a' railroad
akSd. fc.nUlliod two proieisitlon*. on- | Best week. Last night Attorney Hartra. k
Itoih were wrrl..u*ly lojurad and
hr arranged.
taoral and the^olhcr legal. One sssens { inqp wnnoupced that he would .......
the t.-ani waa killed.
BiMSwrebh Mealtb 1* l■Bp'«vt•g.
. as g matter of law that the bonds d j Luatgert on tbe stand this morning,
Frank Rwaoaon ha* returned to Chi
Berlin. FVb. 1.—The 'health of Prince
the nulled etataa grb radeemsMe St the { Teaietday % doaen arila.-ss-w were
cago fnim Ibe KWodlkr wUb WT.OOO In
..piloB of the govenuneal to slUer. and csll-l by the defense hi testify aa re Blamarrh Is imimiv.ng Thcie has beei g..ld
H- has been In the gold fields
the other as a matter of nuirwla thai no thy
good charw. ter of Lueigert * parl- a marktrl diminution ta his pain and eight year*, bat secured bis fortnne
r good
hi* ingomnla.
r. WillUm
' restore (e Its ootaage such allvcc. coins
to the last twelve iDonlba.
as a legal tawder in payment of thDonaad for an unpaid board bUl
Is. pnnclpal aad
and tatareat. la not to
(>eru. _____
.. - caosed a free fight at driirngo. Ia the
MHwaokec. reo.
Feb, 1,—The
»ne lyvpui
-.-.sllon of the pubUe
public galtb
/alth nor-------nor to .le
Wadleigh.of New Bedford, has brought melee fire Sl»vs—three men and two
stale c ntlLl cominlttre-. through
r<«atlonof Ihe right* of Ihe publle cred
suit against tha.l'eru Newa-Herald for women—and tbtwe policcmee'wvr* hiirt.
lag (^-rrury Chris t*Bula<
He would not dwell, be eald. I.n
tlO.OOO damagea for libel, .in an Wticle The rlotoui SUvT were arresled..
pleted the- apportionment
be legal aspect of tbe qaestloo. There
ktrs Lucille Blackburn, daughter of
for the west state ronwiWtoii. It will published during tbe rwoeiii strike of
was not a lawyer In tbe L'nitad blatea
ex-Renatar. tusu'kburu. of Kentucky,
W (hr lara-rt state .-.Aivelitldn to the
twr in any other eoumn' who wonld
wlio acddentaily shot beneif at tVstabventure <jn hi#
hT* h*d cHlmed In Chicago by
ington two weeks ago. is again la a sato deny that tbe bonds eooid -be paid i
senUng-Ahat It was te be uaed for the n.u* condllluB. an' abceM
i Csreisd.
fromed bear the woundrelief of the Wrikeru.
Nicbol** Backus, keeper of tbe watarycMerday there was no quorum aad
Albany. N. T.. Feb. L—Tb* dtateraa- works crib kt aevHaad. startadte walk
adhoider owed the g
It adjourned wtiboui iraaaacang any
• «DlIar coatrwH he srould gxarclae Mg kuatbcaa. Te (b* house the sapai* Uobal Paper eompab^rot-GkrlBih. Bar- •abort on tbr ic*. when tbe wind ablftad aad tbe Ice began movliig oat Utta
If It is right that be ghmfid eg- primary eteetiog Hu aad HarM^r- atw ooiipty. N. f.. a oeml^laariog of
tb* taka. Baefcps was oa a
■Mil hi* optltoL a* be wooM. w* ha- •ir*R primary eleriioa blQ wars bd- all%*'Ug onto ih the CMBOy. fttad
twriva laat sqoara. Two
<■*** Eh gowramcni has tb* aasa* right vwwead to aaooBd reading
•Mtly saw klm ud h* WM
gritb tbHr puam.ins le.eiaed. (Demo-
The man stood 'mid Us bostus* wrack.
Wbaaea almogt aU bad Oad.
Tha sheriff took the UtUe ebedc
BU rale prodneed,.aad laid;'
“Old fellow, next Ume int be wiaa- Itao'^ take my word* amiaaIf merchasu always advertlae
T1i*y*Il WCTW oama totUaT"-
A rnaa oaa time a rood tUay kad
Bat be never eold a ala^ om,
Moral—A4TertiM Judidonaly, Ooatlniooaly is
which raaohaa tha paopl*.
HIE mRillS REGOiffi.
OmIM t> M TmC Om L«—IU> m€
aiMa-aniiM t»«.
bieadlr auU Is
«-u twcna rcairrdar la Um >
A Hortvthkf at Chicago Makai eirmu («>urt at ^nu«c to detennini BHtith Foroa Hat ts WHhdraw
a Patparata Braak for
ta« oowiuuuontlur of tb* Btart-Aiu- ]
Bafera a Horda of AfridI
aon ■llTi*r act of iifTt. ittaphon Baltfaln. {•«*
Hit Libarty.
Oelroll cantalliit.
Und upon which there
■oier I
a ioor«ca«e '
4 CaUd-frep.
Chicaco. VWb. L—After a deaperata
atroCTie in which the Urea of inanr
Baldatn tendered SM aliver doUara la
paiment of the amount due on the
Baki-r declined to accept
aUrer dollar* unleoa enourb uf them
were tendered tv equal, at the preaenl
bulUon value of aliver. St4 aold dollara , A<r:urdln|rlr the aull waa bectia
to oliuin a-dccnc conpellmc Chairman
Baker to cancel the aurtaace and accet>t the tender made.
Ex-RepreoenUUve Taiwney la the
u Uceapy It.*
Key #r tb* PoriikNi—The Latter
ItnaMte hr inneBlatInir a tew e( th«D
•Ad tURiSDc ibern icxja.
•^Uh CrwC^
tmr AmartM.
ant>c>aa8 armo^d rrviaer TUmra t*
wtartlDS for America. The tmt ui the
Bpanlah annadron la pn-parinir to tail
for Havana.
Ever Burned Out?
AUoratTa nt I»*r.
OBm ta Kaoiaaae Bock. Traeara* Otty. Kirb.
U aoyou know
Rone. Jan. «.—Wun.-rtna CriapL wife
Df Che fonner lulUn pemiler. haa a*i
aelaa tUPmts
the faahlon in tuir of a.ipeanna at oind.wr fentUltlea acc-oraisnU^ by a tame
; VT MUoa to Pi
IO.MeTeaatlle Oa
' ^AKIE S. BORTOV. H. D.. Phynlelaa nad
Law The* I
Hancaeti kaa laeated la Tratwrw ORy.
■eaeux ih T>*lr.b».**r.ia rkarce.- j
BepenThat dab* l»all Ba* Uaaa Baatae j ^ ,uj,
by Baa^ Itipiaaiau In l-klaa.
Suits to Orflfer. .
j,„, ji.-Tb- Jury n the ||. I and eblMian'* diaaaaaa. Barfckas Blark.ap
charlee B. Stark av
j jt^ruMIe rendered » vertUet In favor of |
Calcutta. Jan. SI.—Cleneral Weatma- I iba defendant.
Ktark wa» ih- aitorcv
Importut to Propetj Holders!
pmoni war* put Id jeopards- John Me*'
Lauchllt^ belli ved to be wanted In In-
prominent aliver men and
_____ _ ________ the head *f a corrupt
l^tytVmw. Ofiea PrUdrtah bledt.' Pbcaa
dtanapbils for hurae •teaUn*. -wa* ar>’ carry the caae to the I’nlted SUtea an- urday and euflervd aerfoue iuaaea Laen- j
court In any event., Cbainnae tenant Oolon.-l JloUBtiion. Lieutrnnnta i lobby at J.-fferroii .Oliy oppialns the rarawted bf deievtlvea of the centred ata< prrm
Bake aays:
.win contend before'tbe Sweln*. Dqwdall. Husbea and Walker, fom nthaaure. -Slarit brousbt aoit for
UclAUvhlln was altempUnc to
Tbe Fire iBeeraiiee teMpaalee havti
courta that Ibe Bland-AIIlann
Hoots Ualenaueat. Talapboae Iff.
aeU two boraeo atolen from the bamIn
becauae It did not nroaf O. K. Deemond. mt State atreei. vide for tree coln^e. Tt pmvld^
Infant /and tb« Sikh, Spencer clearly laid down the doctrine
pubThe sale wa» taklnc Place. In the rear that the Rdventment nhould.buy all-1
Majeuffearte, Ueutenani
if tht Torkahfrea Uc body einpluya an armt to intluence ^tlan mdiMM of eye. tar. Dcw.aad tEmS.
ef 4U State aireei. wbas the deiaetlteo ver at lu depiwelated price In sold and i Hall, thirtyMkha wounded. Major Karic | leflalatlon It tranacend. lU powera and
arrived. A b>-etaader war about to pur- pocket the aelcnlorase. - Tea. lesallaa
commtu an unlawful acu whu-h Juatj. j^ODO^A^rovin^auecwp^ eeeM
the ateallnr of the aelsnlontsv-"
iaaverely: apd turjvc
flea tbe crltlciama that It and lU asenu
( mliudns.
U aaw ptapatad to gt** the cKlaene or tbla
ara enm;i-d In corrupt l-Miylns-i Tbe
city (be beoedt of eaeb rMsettae*. ao. ttair
place hIcfAucbUc under arreat.
haraayar nsitele Kiya That March
ta ajtpcara tiMt
- '.'Barty Kaaaah ta utaw.',
planiMd Ui rut ufl Ihe retreat Of a
Buffalo. »b:^ l^Wllliam OjfliiSe. Ibe her of AfrldlB whu had been driving that It had loidkhe iriiin and vtaa JuatJ'
Canadian purveyor, waa In Buffalo yea- their cattle t<> graae on the KaJural Aed In *0 doing.
back «r_(
terday. Being aiked a* to when, be. plain. wc»t of Harm fort
Maayae Deelee Beyee'e nmryMel-rew ef the Kaemy at PliaL
alaiTetl doan the alley. A few abota I w-«nild advlae Ai
aet out for
New Vork. Jan. 81.-C C. Chant
TWO colbmne marched frtim All Mu>*
from Rl* revolver acatterM ihe crowd ',_.j:
u,, Klondike. Ogllvle aaid:
'•ParUea I
..........................,____ _____________________ ____
JId and Jamrud to Mock the way norlb: nice that he » .......................
clear field.
field. The
The det«deter- ;;
and gave him a clear
Harch 1 to » will get to.tbe . ....
Hanna'a election In ni.lu any more ihan itolp.m. Telephcsa.tL
tivea ared aeteral Mmta at the rleelo* ,
a. aoon a» |hoae Martina | * third column from U.ira marched
i. He dec larea _____
that ‘ —
man. At the errner of the alley the
* J,
I, ^
, *.wtaard oter
6rud Upldi & lodiiu E. t
bor« Mlpi^ and
, btcy can reach I^waon City. I would.dthrown beatily to the imoUhd. Iteror*
be could ivmveT hlmarlf the detective*
w'at preaenl. That route lakw them
: there In Ibe ahoiTeal time and at tbe
Kcpreiwnlallve Oil*
I MaituiTnl with a
BIkhK. advanced f
view of grltlng i
in ItU-lr eacaiw toand pr
hatfol box. and many ibr~t. of
poyateai lorce an ,
The flrat three colperformed their allotted moveV engaged li
Qgllvle thought lhat It wa* Iwltcr to
menta without l«>iut. meeting with vB-y
.go out Id email partle* of Trum four to
frw of the enciny. Tbv fourth, under
■n,. ,™M. In I.ldnii . numb., nt
|.n lU-nnil
totbyBwMtdeaadlWw AeWtber Haa KIR
e mhlea alunR. be aald, li
Saturday morning. The
la ne. ■ -ary to carry food fur them, and ; ,„rtn«e
Korrlatowti. Pa., Peb.
.k wU4 Vluo BV nail pa»t 10. Sndlng no oppoalBpeaV r of a ...
peraon goln* to the
Kalaer haa confeaaed to lUa attomeya SpeaV
tne r-Vl
gi n
coluneT Houghton, with the Sikha,
thool any knowledge of mining
to being a pany to the murder of hit
proceeded aliout a mile to acarch the
he aal. lhat expcrtenceorekicrt knowl
wife. Kalaer aaya: -Qemmer flred the
edge If really not what U required. In
key of Iko PoellUB l> LoM.
faui aboi. though 1 am not guilty of fact, the men aibo had been mining tn
On the arrival of the main body
murder, although 1 agreed to have hlfs that nectlon for year* were the m<«t Intbe KoUt'n waa dliwoven-d that a comdo It. uaaie DebMk. 'the woman to
of Sikh. h.J „h„B0- h,-„ -lU.black.' iva* nut a party to tbe con- S5"°“4-
Ml" wirtra
Burlington, la.. Feb 1.—SloKna haa
conM"w~l the murder of Mra Rathbuns
and her daughter la»t Sunday week.
The cofilea*!oii lauwA the apparenUy
tnedtable lynch talk. Another man.
within iWny yard* of the’
; irnotw.'
General HIr Power {“Blmer, who
^ .
succeed* Sir William l»ckh*rt In the
■a BawwU. Me awyn Wwwa TIalaaa | chirr emruand. la preparing to make
. U u; a
T3ARBRB BHOpVoE HALK-I »tTr.ell ay
Shane wa. about to have a conference '
with Prealdeni McKinley telaUvc to the t {J,
Haetlag af Pwh mm4 tiame Wardea*.
Milwaukee. Jan.
Of this city. In ac-ordance with an
ac act
l>a«aed at the 4aai ' b gliUauire.
called a meetlngi of llah and game
warden, and flgh rotnmlaeloBefp-t^ iM
aiate* of IlUnol*. Michigan. Mlnn^ta
and Wlaconaln. to be'held at the Great
Northwre hotel, Chicago, on Feb. *.
Owrtwttb rhalteage Agalw BeelKMd.
Detroit. Jan. *1.—I'ttaalmmons and
Julian decline' to cnnalder Corheu'a
hnal challenge. They told Gonaldlne
yesterday that Corlwtt was no lunger
... PltaKlmnino*' ctgaa and -would
be untU be_bad whipped Maher.
iwledge t« necemary' cither. Many .
the ke^ of itlV poalUun. which Ihe rneKalaer aaya that on Oct n he and
the atrikea are due more i« lut-k than
Cleramer met. It was agreed that when „ei.Uk -a^b-jii.
'a certain point In the OuU Mills road
Waaaa iU-PaiMl Paaiily.
| d,u was killed While charging at the
K* M-tw lUaMw at Mnw-iuhee.
wsi reached llie Kalaer buggy waa
e UR I
Nllea. MIrh.. Feb 1.—The fiimlly nf ! head of %!* men.
About midday tbe
Mllwaufcef. Jan.-Jl.-Cblef of Fcllc*
be atopi>ed *0 Wemmer could
■! Mra. Marta SchlUlDg. of Decatur, who ■ troop* began to return to the camp, the JanaeeD ha* d<, tded to put a alup to
siti^y. waa’iiecullariy Ill-fated. | efiet^y hirraaalnjrThe rear guard and*
city In the
“ and tJgile Pekall. left .*lorrl*iown | The huaband. Peter ft hllUng. Joined the left and rau.lrg many caaualt^s. •'*, , mture- One or two puglllata have
for the Gulf >mia r.ad, l^aer aald. the ' fmi>n anny and died In an Ohio boa- | rear column cleared the paw ah
knocked out rrcenlly and aoiue
woman did no, kww that Mra. Kaioer'a I PJ.“1- ■* daughter. MaHal died In a o'clock. wUh the aml.lanee of t.eneral
blood haa been shed.
life was In dang^
rlTuniy houee.
Mra K.amea, another W'eatmr.v.it. who came up with two
The buggy *a. 'rtopped at tbe point 1 dauihler. wife of K. W. Ilamea. tnven-i gun* hml iOO rifle, on reeHVIng Colonel
arm Warwa cartelU* Seimew.
- fired
- - ' tor of tbe air brake, waa murdered. 1 Sepplng'* mraaag'
t the force bad I
mer (*nie up and
agreed o
Springfield, Ilia, Jan. «.-Dr. J. Jl.
A aon. Wtillam. a naval cadet, waa become eniangled.
t Into Mra. Kal^r'a head. Then
Rgan. tweretary- of the atale board af.
^e«ny‘. l.<«.«e« Wer* Kevr/e.
he Ared a second ebot through Kalser'a killed l>y lightning on board a Tlnlted j
healihha* molved a communication
The TcUreniem waa mndiicied
left aim. Inaerttng the revoliwr In the fttate'a war vea»el. and Mr*. Jennie Olb- |
from Stale’* Atioraey Jaalyn. of {Clgln.
Blit made In the overtx»ai. When Clem- aon. the only remaining daug^iter. went i mlrably. the cffl.vr* ar»u'*ing in
atatlrut.that he would prowreute Willett
Inaane and died in a atruggie.
[ hlg}ie*t term* of Ihe gananiry of
formcr Bed alter the sboDilng Kalaer
a ,rhrtatlan
Pcl-ntl*l, >«»r
i imoj*.. C.,l..nH Hmieht..n-* h-ely ha» »»c( rwc«er. a
nn«u«n oci-nu«.
climbed out bf the buggy ard Into the
Eaglww^c wud ITcewma KilM
n,e,i—i vluUlIng the medlral practice act. apd i
gram, where he liM the watch Then he
led the hor*e down tbe mad and as he Burlington. Wla., way* that Kngl
n rt-enl«rve.1 by T;:Smea fpmi Bara, i...............-.-jwert be pulled thre- bulloDe from hU Patrick Walah waa killed and Flrr
S Coloeei hturt with ntly ‘**^*"*T. I
we»t to make It n|i»ear that the htgii- Oeursc McCarthy prohahly fatally InAU three have been lowayman bad killed hi* wife and rublied
him. ‘
•BoM CTUmaa- Pmkahly WIU Xwt l'a«ar.‘
take Tht* Lywcbiwg Job.
. a-a. I r.B. jLr.
N» w^^-wr Ike Ead I'ok
hd'f< :. Maaa.. Jan. II,—Tba
, k of thv einkc. began today
nearer ;m»*pevt of a aettle*
J. 1. OII.V. MaylMd. Mtek. Bl-M ,
T (Vrr-a>iprdavw
r gU««M
Pts4er plwww l>
G“j; Ifti.siTiizfttr'pS
a wire orgww to t
» B i.Hofgwa. I
poR KCWT-Oood. roomy boaecw A4Mi
Trwia* wrrlvw fnai awetawaot. Orwad Rap
, uUaodPets^M--------------
A ctOrtO PABV lor li
A or lor wale on ■
PwlchlB aillMO
Chicago •« — • “>
West Alichigan.
XV drwMj. R OraUIrkCo.
oMber. Ut* I
lyLowberCo. I
tdMyotorooB I
t.R.R Hiller. :
gruLOT I^BRR^ owl* WI^ ^ im
'kTIL-:-Honey to Loan
PAXOKIM * 0B0mB.A*Mtaap*.
^Chica^. Jan. 31.—At the banquet of'
tbe Cqmraerclal club, which waa hild '
r by ih*S
named Cox. I* held a* an accomplice of driiv.-rcd the prtmipal addreaa of the !
London, Jan. ll.-The Dally Mail thia
Storm* «cd br.ih are now' locked tip In | evemng. hi* anbJccT being -Annexation ' monrtng t^ya It leama from a "aoutve
the couiiiy h>ll and »-.i»ngly guarded by ipf JUwiiil." HU n^arka althnugb hlthmoaivuretr " that China U Inclined
deputte* arn.-d with Wlmh-aier riA.a.
j to make the l>ral poauble bargain with
Sheriff Srolid ba. 1.*vrd a rn«Iamallut,
- . .k .
w-b,uie dlplumacy awwara to
the cne.t ttmt anj/aiiemp t.^t^k
^.^,,^^,,^,.,1,.,^,.,, b, ,n*ki1.T-. have triumphed at Pekin.
uf » •^•‘^U'lon agum»i ih. annexa- having resolved not to force a conBln
.tmrnmry treater, h>
; Uon of th- uUieJw
, i.y ,„„hcr o,.,..,lng Bq««U'. cUlm. at
,, will r.oi mutate I. .,
Tbc,uv.f.«-w.,bJ.*icdtolheanr,eg,J^„ Arthur
and In
the I.u..-Tung
a AU A*, quiet li t Mghi apd n-. trouble .
„„ ^,-neral principle*, ffrat decur-, peninauU Japan aays nie D*ib Mali’*
-wa* aM-ii-aticl.
b.o.b., —
it llblbbrlti.
tn Hurli-el-m y.-eicr-lay
; thr father* and a movement that has [ uf rviitternalUn by the Uhil»li luukWkitiK. ■nj.-mg-ni w<itiii.n. and la much
* •
ki UI,
>'“f T'T f the j-eol-Ti of the ; down and h<* adopted a more friendly
horrlfled b> liei run * pi..:.(*mrnu Bbe
-e-I : Unlutd gkaie*. Hot, he said, lhat Mgh- It Bititi
attitude toward Iluaala.exclaimed
— the new. ;.
WJ» wai (MV VCJiei ,d,h«,u..oa
in.iiKSbeMue wiv 'they;
Thi* aiatenicni. however. The Dally
a who did the ,
^mKial Int.i lu*iBnlAianre com- Ball admits is ' Incredible and protaakavejue itt
U matter If he ^
deed OUgh’
thu* far • bly a bluff with a vie* af forcing SngU my .cm •• Cox 1* held a* an arv.-aw.ry
Jn the IhvUniOon i land to lake decided atepa." The Dally
It, the crii.u-- although he ha* not con^ in:ici«-ndcnce
nail'in has ofBt-igl- Ball nnmacU lu reader* not to bs
*«•«'<*________ ___
, 1} bar-d lu
neqrc uiK>n the principle ■ aiartn.-d.
nnncnt*'d. rite their Juotinw- [
Berlin. Jtn. SI.-Newi-papcr commtnt
Abwwt'Wlaai He'owcg Nm-My.
the coiirrnt of Uu- got.(Tied.’ : here I* all to Ibe text of KngUnd'a
Sk.-Augufilne-, J-la., Feb. I.—Henri
exallun U effected In the man- [ lnglon..u» retreat a* Indicated by the
Ooettwl. ci yeunx Gennan liakcr. afli-c.
Ihi* fuhdamdilal
nakli a a \-,-nre»»l'>n to th* ehertfr to .
,prliulvj gnnouii'vmcnl «>f The Bertlaer Tugethe -llect that Herman- IlreetS^ and
be iracnplcd unffPr foul, the blaii ibsi Kuinia and England have ar
himw-tf wnc-hed a p»*«ei.g.-r train heat
'‘"■'-‘nthtu rsilO.allon of the tpeal, by rived at an agre<-tneiii whereby KngUnd ha* t-onsented lu drop her demand
Jtucto, Mii the Florldj earn cyaat, Uat 1
""hsIUn aenaiv noiwithatar'—
for (he opening »f Tallen Wan aw a
Tuewl» night commliteil Fuldd* by
f***" «verwbcliiilng maj.trlly <
U>. B AU.a (». dee<^ toet^attiat^ to PUyyw of
hanging hlm*-lf i^llb a tqXi^ tbe l-l'UUtlon ha* virtually had no
iii«uiullng this guvernmeM; though oppoalttun to BrltUb control of the
liieetx alsoI aiu-mpied
now the Uw’ful Rovernmetii. It getuauy' chine*. »oa customs,
’ failed.
p i.n-M-nu only less than S.OOO out uf;
txmdon. Jan. 31.—A dlapaieh to The
*»*q.to.ep*w.dj<ro .0(1 WsaMO. snC Ml
mil Huteide.'^
ad "’-----— (.HwBill
ale/irt lio.oiw.
I>cn if the remaining Dally Mall from Shanghai aays a s«Plaltahurg. Mo.. Fel. L-J W. Ward
IM ho were t., pray aa ardently as the cret dl*i»lch baa bc-n lasuinl by the
nal. ns.Missod bUedU:
•mployrd’as a bookkeeper ».y Ih* .trank- t.'Sh for annexation, we ought to shut tsung-ll-Tamen to certain higb oflkdals and
Lq»* Tranble. *U ri
laying de|tfirimi-jit of the Kansas tniy, uiit door agaltiai them, because accord- informing them that Jtussla waraed
•04 elibout tbe am ef k*Ue.
dHeoilea ftuB
nattohurg and Gulf railroad, and a ir= lo' the unanlmou* rmpbaUc trail- China that tf Klan-Cbnu were granted
younx woman who paated a* bU wife,
niony of the ao’all minority. p.*slhg a* to Germany Ruasla aonlddemanddlher
were foond dead In a board!:
BraJey. eight ml
SBaertaa frowaar
%rday. It I* aupi*wedly g csm of double \ mi nt, which I* mofb than the life- f Shanghai
g<H,d authority thsi China
Bulclde hy poisoning.
red trltliovl a<
Fry atructural consent*
have Rusatans at the bead
>***(. Vnaan
t republic.'
of her cuitonis and ralla-aya.
r saw of On
•ewe* miaawnt la BUh^aa.
DeutjlL Fell. 1.—Tbe fourth •evert
glee spOcUl
Bombay-, Jan. U.-IUrly y^rday (•lledioeorw Piew»a. •iSitogfi^u
blUsard of the winter U hlaying havoc
8s Will Omw* th lU OmwaeM with Ih
sornlng the body of tbe chairman of tceanalysU
with railway Schedule* nearly aU over
the plague committee was fuund In a
both peninsulas of Michigan..,. Three
_ ,
Aeld at Slnnar. in the Naaslck district
trains (in
th* Toledo. Hagtnaw and
OiK-"*”- Jan. tl.-A. O. Spaldtng to
The Celebrated BpediUsts,
Ar.BkRgpUa..... IB
be. BUliMida,.'.. SB.
Ar-TTameas fftty.. TB
•- 01 BAVW. o*B^Pj«^a^__^
unsns UD meteustsbi i. i
n aOwci Soaday. J ane B, U*r.
Hotel Whiting!
ooDio Mocm.
, Mice.
• ii
Consultation and Sxamlliation Free and StiiotlF
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Musk.-got railroad are aialled to tbe “ interview at New Tork Saturday
tnou east of GrecnviUc. and nMtty all I pracUcall^ admlued that Adrian C
trains on that portion of the Deirolv j Anson, cajiialo^of the Chicacu
Grand Rapids, and B'estern road arc base ball c!uW would eeaae hU con
caRcalled. Towns on the Lake Mlctal- nection with that club Tueaday. wbes
hU ten-rear coniraet riplrea. Tb* an-
Lt*wg T* B* IM Team OlA
DbK-bx. 'WU.. Feb. L—Owen BoHU
van. aged 1«. waa bwlod la tba Ro
man C«1
I probably th* oldaat nut U
He Is aald to bare been
■urrteti five tlmr* and waa tha fRthgr
n cblldreM.
no. *H« WBi
l8aM to th* ^ Dtot IB I
of the eapuiD hag been the subject of
Bueb speenUUon and more gueaasa
than ar* offered to a prtM <»ateaL
Recently the Unpresalon has gone
•benad that Anson win be reuinCd to
It to maAa «( » CMt that haa long
■Ml Bob the dtotnpRA
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
tamp, wrecked tbe postoffice and cut th* telegraph wire* and
that the police had Ared on the mob
and wounded many.
Me Leo»*t<^'tKe^tersbe»
ZamdiRL Jan. IL—An fnponant ex
periment. dealing, with tocuita, U--g«ported from South Africa.
Sdtogton. director bf the bactertotogical
iMtUuU ef tbe Caiie Town governm««L
■a*Mi*d»d- la destroying iwlHtoti* of th*
If You Do. Try Tbe Want Department of
Returns are Quick Because Even body Reads tbe Record.
br vu onr.
Pint T«r-No. i»4.
smiitioii ni™iiDiit
u(dE glorious SDllEB B!-”
fixed tor Thusday. BeO was fixed et
Yesterday norelnf Charles Bargeas
tSOO each, bat a* it was not fortboaoidied of toflaaatioa of the bowala, at
tog and at the giris did not fasey stag
VOBOB 0F SXOBIT BBOVXLBU ing to laU tb«9 reqaasted that the ex- OFFXOIAL BS»OBT \tO } MATT hb roaidraM at Uw oorsar *1 Elawood
arsaaa and Wayne
XVTSUOOBSB. enlnaUon take plaoe at ones. There
was n year* age and laaraa a wife | The fact that 00 oiatter how fitormj it maj be. we cu
fore that oowse was- pofsood. In the
ebaenee of Praaecntlag Attemey Twad Oaptato Bay. Baprsaaatatiye of Oev- and fin aaeii children. He wee an make it pleasant for jon in the home by the reading matklookftda lifted I>
aramaat, fiaya Afihlre Ac* Won* enploye of John Highland, the Sooth ter that we have.
TMiB StMted Vortb mad Asothw dle. hit partMT, Oeo. W. Croea. eeoUnloe street mnt dealer. TherenniM
daeted ibe oeae iOf the people and
All the latest'magaziner and periodicals.
•ontb-All X«wds BeopMwl ler
tian Oiyen the Matter by OsbUet t* wm be taken to doward Oty for barPalohln A Crotaar were ratalaad by t&a
Ti«atc Tp«47 m4 BataUrSwric*
Meet axigaaeies of th* OoM.
lal. the old boBc of the deoeaeed.
The plnsk which was qlleged to ha*e
Washington. Fab. 1.—Geo. Metriam.
Bappy Dog* and Xittana.
After e •oepesdoe et tratae wUeh bees atelan from tSeo. W. Tbeataa, the Ader toatroetlona of the ww depart120 FBOMT miEET.
M. 8. HOLLEY, Mi
kM ecUpeed Mjthiac kBowa !■ Uie eoaptalnsnt. was aeesrad'tren the seat. yntorday oponed at Soaulo th*
>e Oty Book Stor
aeeUoB is e fnst mesj yeere. Uie rsU- trank of MatUe Wade in the boase l^tebea orong&t by Maaeeager Wells of poppy dog* and <
mdt enCerisf this city trill tkb ntont- oeeapied by tbo wenes, end prw
inr rMBie MfsUr aertioe. Wkile tke daced as arldaeoe by CIndarsheriif Ash .__
All pepolar aheet ng
trecke were net'yet deer Iset slrhU ton. ' Mr. Tbona* identified t^e goods and forwarded an abetrart of thaas to;» «S»^ •»
tke Ule txmlni srriTed needy ee tl«e as haring been taken from hi* atore.
- ■
.-------------- ^-------------- ,=
^ .
end the bneinen of the raede
Th* ess* of the pac^le was eoeelnded
Secretaiy Alger eent the p^ier to lha
gee to MenGM nemel eoaditiene. The Isat ereniaig at six o'clock and'this
White Hoese. where it tonaed the anV
4eUys were e eeeere tex to bMlseti is- BtorAlng the defense will testify. It is jeet of oouideratien by the cabinet
tsceeU of the dty, not only for said that the woasae deelais that Uey
fralghK expreoe end tndle, hei fur bonght the plash to another store.
It U eald at the depanmeni that the
pMMqtSK trefie The first trein en-'
report ofChpL Bay fnUy jasUAes all
tarlsg eat of the depth* of tbi storw.
that was done by Secretary Alger nafirott the eatslde. we* that oeer the
,-bieaeh of the ti. R. i 1. et 7:S0 yeeter- That WtodmDl Oanaea Blm Ho Xndig^ tc relic*a the eltaation to the
- y dey »ormU«r. The trein left Walton
ef Trenbla Bat He Can Find
j Eloadlke.
/ et S p. m. sod the coadlUon of the road
Ho Bemady.
‘ I The report of OepL Bay ie partieo«ea be jndged by the tine nri’iiiiiery to
ipeaktog’ of that annoying wind- larly aeoeptaMa to view of the ooefUetnek* the trip, three time* that naually
.............. '
atoleiaeBts as to oondiUons in the
nonired. CMdoctor v-k Stated that
J*** frounde yesterday.
hTS^^ree^ rSli'irbS^ftS 6heriC Slnpeen d*ler«l that if re.,- gold fields mad* by petoons eewing oat
this winter, for itio/not doabted be
------ OfilS'miAe
K S-nstlfabont 4 o'clock. Then the
he did he appreciated their feel- had a broadar Sell fot^observation lhaa
Anything in
ieU wh^e*ri*ed.t8o'eUck-edel‘-«- *'«» felV-nolhl., bat pity enl othera and wHh the thoroughneto and
eastion that form tbe goidJag princi
the retore trip. There was ao trels
to et «:S5 ls4he ereniag, that being I the aaiwane, be *tated that he had
ports, tUa report U taken aa (stabl«*hneed alaaoet barraU of Inbrieatlng
oeled the day preriooa.
tog to* fact* for all official p<
On the C. A W. M. there we* a aUte p*«nd. bat It to ef no sTall. Tbe apTbe state of affair* to lha Kloedlke as
«f aaapBaar all day. There were two aratoa to Impreriooa to each a^Uealorealed is worae than aaspeeted at the
tretoe atalled at lateriochea for W ticM and defies olto of erery daaerip- war departmeal. Indeed, ao large 'te :
la aatiqae oak. elm. aab. maple
In our stock, at BARGAIN VALUES.
bonra. Teaieiday aftenux^ the laow tion. Th* sheriff danoaneas the ina- the took that remains to be sxeenud ‘pe Mahogany? If ao we can give yo*
' plow with tfiree extra engiaee aae- chtoe to tenna forelMe as well as ia order «> irant* safety of life asd ‘the Bneat bedroma sulia mad*, which
eaaded to raaehtog the bnried train* elcgaat sad has per*toted to hto'efforto peopmty an tbe Amartcan aide td the 1 w* ara offariag this weak at low priM,
pad the wertt^ releaatog the. oo»
Una alone, that the war department j for tbeae who ar* evunemh-aily iacllaftodaUUe afternoon. Tney were re- no psrpoeo- The mere criJ be applies
officiaU eeaelnded to adriac eongrem of, ad. They are the hmt rale* for the
loaeed abat S:S0. bowem sad the Ue 'toote terrible the eereoehing. and
the facts and place npoa tbe legialaUre money we h**e ever sold, and wUl fit.
Sia| »all tcom the aonth ttoee Satarheart-breakiag groana and braaeh the dety of derising way* sad ap a room neatly, while they are as
day'kight was bronght ia.at T o'clock. evil.
Out Bhoes stand hard knodu bet- I
:ig«»etoB of Ue naefal and oomiortabl^ a* th* more eaThe train which left Grand Bapida st borrlfylag wailiag* eoaUaoe to inak*
•40 cease to ahead followed by that the toldaigbl welkto ring with aater than most and cost yon less |
which had been there all night. When
bxitW fob bbhatob.
to begin with. Try a pair..
_ .
the train arrlTed at the depot the few discMneet the pans eo that the taiU ,
__ _________
will cease to periorm tto faneUona, bat ; WQIiam Aldan BaU t* Be Ftogreab
I who alii^tod
HdttM FumUhinc 8tor«,
long sigh of relief
Aboard of the '
defied, and'
Ohoica as Bniraara’ Buncasaor.
train was a throng of eighty men
i despite thedtoeoenectloo of the n*»er-i Waehtogton, Feb 1—Tbe eridenees 12S-IR FreatSL TRAVBBSB CITY.
ton -tohtobto.'.npU.,nlt.tootolt-"l“™‘‘-“‘‘-«™"—• «• -»rk^u.„OotonH»Pl.iptohtobl.to.«l«»
tot Ui. Utoto. Tt.«T
.t tot.
-»oW.l.r Fto-ltoUj William Aides Smith as an erallable
■ The Popular Shoe ^otui
tortol u. Un C. t W. M. totln, tx-n. '
tl»^~~ ■" >to totot, b.UdU,
ididate for eenator are
of Trsrera* City.
tod to tbn. wto tot -ton tto toll ol
b"-ndte toto U» borden ol
aa mnlt^ying. It i*
U some kind barrtcaae thongkt tbe skUlfnl haa'd-of Oat John
«»>®«W“dblowthe tofer-|gtki|^;i, ftliallefthegoTernor. I*
tor them to the waiting room* of ihe ] “I ■*«htoe to the groand. or If any of.
toritaOoo that hsA been.
depoL where coffee, sandwfchea end '
dlsgnated reeldento in that loi^lty,
to WllUam Aides to prrnlde at the
toUer wholmome food were dispeased. I
ffet mad enoegh to laaugntale a: Kio^icsa elnb baaqaeU
b« men ware
A* soon as the^
were fed aad
and toe
the ,| movemeoi
-oremeol lowaras
towards a etoutsr
eimiUr eaa.
ead. ue
ur. Smith era* eeea today and was
We hsTB a eem^te
bttd will fill
haggag* nnloadStoe train left at once '
^®*1 that another nncertala whether he ceald arrange | ’
for the north, from wfaenoe no train
*tod been taken towanto.
hadoome thi* sreek.' The Iraie deei^he milleniui
bat aald ba weald try *ery hard to doj
here Moadny afterMoA from Petookey
I etill atalled near Bellsir* and
H* baa alee bee* Uvltad id addraaa
Lut Month Exoelhid AU P«n Bninn«.n
ATI D«l,r. SeB Thom lor
411 Soath UaloaSL
that* was no pleemnt proepdet ahead Bnt th* atom Failed te Bnppreae the tbc Llneela clek haogaat »t PatroiL
for tbe crew of the train from here.
Energy o' a Bzidegraom BieeL
The train which followed tola oee
It tabm more thaa a'aorthera MichiDorn totwloehen. after dtoehaigtog
the baggage aad paeaengera, teraed at gaa bUxzard to dnnnt an expectant BnggeettontffBi
a Growing ZriL
once aad do«hIed back to Urasd Bap- bridegroom in this locnllty. n* eviMuio^ctarwltiy
yeaterdny by a yoong man
Lansing. Feb. l.-Tbe object of to
The train from tbe aonth on the G.)! wboee energy and peraereranc* will day’s meeting of the Michigan soporeisor* is to deriae a'meana for eerrect1 am Bliowiilg a few Bicyolea
B. A I . on tbe main Itoa made eoanre- lire as an example for otoera.
Oa Moedxy moralng Mr. Siereaaoa Ing tbe aboeae growing oat of the fee* which I bare Re-Eoamel«d.
ttoaiontime toat nlghL *o that tbe
TozuiffUar Block.
Look ht tb«m in Z E. Uillef’e
•pamengrr from Walton oo the. branch ef Monroe Centre, started on( in toe system of paying jostiees aad other loatoriB
a It ia claimed that the on- Drag 8tor«.
rTifh'ril here only a vary short time
i:;IC traio for Tra*sr*e City. His ob
expenditorre doe to this
To^ toe raada are all opes and toe ject was to procore a license to wed I practice aggregate a vast sam aaaaally.
Miss Wbliemaa, also of Monroe Centre. The effect ia felt la every eoeoty ia tlm
ragnlar rentine sriU be renamed.
As everybody known, tbe temble bllx- aUte. It ie propoeed to rceommend an
sard caused a snspimaloa of traffic oo amendoMat to toe Uw. bat jnet what
toeraUroada. bat Mr. Stevaoaon. ex it is not yet deiermioed.
um v
pecting thet the train woald .be at
It la argoad that If the JosUce* ware
Corrtwpond with the Tmvene City Lumber Company.
-Wedding of Hloa ^die fioynt ef Grawn anytimi; walled ImpeUently.
paid aaUrim there woald be a falling
We hare for oile Gfood,
Omaea, aad Wilder H. Otnrea of
He becarns more impatient as there off ia dteoiderl.T cases with tke aeoomGrand Bapida.,
waa no prospect of a train, aad bit PMjUff <x«».
Herbert Joynt relnimad at aeren rcetless spirit may be excused when it
^clock lest eraalng from Oomaa. where i is explained that the marriage ww aet
he -went throogh tbe storm to attend for last erenlag et T o'clock
In tbe i OoagMjMuian llaeiek WoAlag Hard
toe marriage of hia slater Addie. to
. the Impatience of tb«
Far Hia AppolntSMaL
Wilder S. Gram of Grand Bapida Tbe peetant f^mom iaercaoed aad o
Waaktngtoe. Feb.
BODV took
k placr
place at 11 o'clock yeabeootee nxw* tntoas* as darkaea*
is making a hard fight for toe
y mornlBg.aa pi
cam* on. bringing with it no sign of
my being performed by Be*. toe train for Trararae City. He waited appuiDtmeot ef Captain A. B. Johnston
T.ATTPS'BOB BAT.Miof Traverse City as Inspector of hall*
W. H. Barlbut of Northport.
Tbe all night aad In the morning, when
at Graad Haven. Hi* principal oppo
woddtng took place at toe home of the
nent la Capi. John Imagiey. who rw
Mm HKbinny of .11 dneripUo... molodii^ Two Rogi—
parento of the bride at Oe>eoa is the e^rybody. I e determined to - aepreoence ef the Immediate relatiToe of cmaplieh hla ead at aU hassarda. eenUy 'failed to pam the civil aervioe
Brt Work., Oirruga ud S.n. A oomplet. S.w ICUl EW
sisatlos. bat who b** been glraa
to* prtneipsik and a few fHenda. The Aeeordiagiy be proenred a log
brtda ie cm of the popular yoang tadiea giag aialgh aad etartad f^TrarerH another chance. Jofansua has paeaed Id good fibhpe, but we can supply
Leelanna eoan^ aad who haa maay City, abont B o'clock yesterday morn- aad U well ep o* t£e IUl
Bound Books
yi)e? you are ready toFeat^Your/leST^
Cloaks, Underwear,
Overcoats, Ulsters, Etc.,
Kickers? |
Boys, we
We are
Still Very Busy
Gaining in Popularity-
s CE^[TS
Maty Different Slfles.
H. leDerle, !
Coni teili* lie tqm E
I .'
To Tale Mnouge of Oir Sola
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Our Goods
Are Moving Off
friends in Traverae City and/riclnlty. iag. arriring-her* ta the afterncQa,
The groom i* to* eo* of P<snk H.
Orand Bapida. one *f^ the reads, which wci* badly drifted^ Bee. iMc HatnUger'netfa ef SNA
Oram of Grand
pnqiHetora of toeGrand Bapids sec^on Arrirlng her* ha made no delay, bat
ef Omda* teoerL The groom arrSrad seenred th* eoroted lieeeee aad started
Elk Bapida, Hieh., Fob. l.-Th* Re*.
here Sotiirday afternoao, eo that to* back immediately, leariag here abont Isaac Mntsingcr. paMOT of th* Uennan
happy erant wa* not delayed by toe sixVcloek last night with a lirary rig. ehorch for the Uat'fiv* yean, wn*
Poth wUl be warmly oongrat- j The vredding.hoar
7 o-ciqpk and. found diwd In treat of h» church fiatnlatod by boato-of fiienda who wiU U* ImpaUeace of tbej
orfisy morning. H« bad been cleaning
wish them long yean of wadded happh he imsgUed only by tone who her* toe sralk of snow when stricken w^
beentoere. It U aeedUe* to stale that
-tdUM*. Bte remaini will be Aahe was Ute. bat U i* also naedlea
han to
Ohio, for borlaL
say that there wag no TTnnirmmiy fiaDXBD
Uy on toe road.
^ ZxamUeHonefSarahAyTaeandMatId of OopamUh
tU Wad* 4n JosUoe Brawn YGoarL
Africa Will be Di*
a BolUt ia Hi* Body.
Ondertocriff Aahton arrcBtad.^8arah
Tonight tbe Bridge Bandera of the
Aypra yeaterday. oe the charga 'of lar- Oangregational church will araat is
C*p*ml*h. Fab. 1.—Cbari** Mowjand
Oriiy from aatorc. Sarah it the eom- to* ebareh parlota. The program wlU died Saaday at lUl o'cloric daring an
.yankm of MatU* Wad4. who wa* ar- ba In chargb ef the gentlemen, honor oparatloB «o find a bnlUL performed
MMafiUia sight before ea a almllar ary membera, aad a splandid program byDr. EiagefHaalats*. BecMUAndt
two ware takes befere will be preaeated. Th* nbjaet to, be
g Howland ontaft^affeei of to*
JmMm Brown and an exnmlaatio* ttnatod will be -Atrica.'- '
yoar wapts for Km* tine to oonc^
and are
Anxlona to
ijower oar stock.
And an offering aome BaggaiBS
wbich yoo will do well to take *dTsntnge oL A dboioe stock of
Bakery Ooodfi hlwaya on band,
and we weald not hare you loin
sight of tbe fact that the
is the best, *nd that it will pay
yon to try • Mck if you bar* oarer
Q*«d iL
Oor. Ttii 8b4 UnioB StTMlB.
■PHONE 167
ns xoBsiHa
^KlvxasE cmr. .
■ ahaU Maj
^ tnUa
-*«*. T. Batm ato J.
W. BAxm, Editor ukd Miinw.
-Tha'Votutaera erf Awtaa wtU worn
aa ojoter rappv datvdap nlfhtMr. aad Mia. W. F. Baths rejoice
>*ar the arriral of a boj-bab^ lo th^
tana a« Watetar etreaU
A ear load at bereea wae raoaired'
errere ahock* of eartbquakeStere aa<
perirocad at CoDaUsUSopIt SetVdejr.
LaPas. the ooerfsal capMaJ aT BoUviB. hae bees decUred Is a aUta e( With te bnlidtog teroon. »i i^estc
MtoforffTOO. Pwfnrter tator»ntlon
Jama Prrodergaat rraa kllUd by tha
A. W. Btcarnn.
toil «f tba roof eC dw aurtbeaat tasd
toBsei at Chicago.
In h 0«tt -with drunken trasipe at
HnuBhton. Mich.. Dare 8«tea. a_5>«laen. wae fatally abet.
eayu,________ -.
jaeied Ita ahare ot the prooeada of a
charity ball.
tortincaGimt appropftatton bIB at
framed by the booae ecanmUtee earrlaa
Back, Mind Baggage
Ibe tapper to hare beaa girea by
the Bebekah Jadcetoaifbt. baa bepa were tlt.ȣsn.
The axecutlre ooai
Uonal Lire fUock aaa<
rnilon'ta DanYeatardaj for the tnt tine tUa wia- ed to, boU the next c
Zl. IM.
tar tha baj waa partlaUy froaat. lea
U. aearwxter. of Plitaburp. baa
aataaded eat tor aboat three qaarlae challeiNted Jerdme Keouch. Of BeranefamUe.
ton. Pa., to a nrntlnuoua poM match
DKMucsA» 'hA*e esdMToml to owke
Mre. DoaU Mahaa <rf Baat Bap. .«aa for the rhampkmaplp ot the world.
Otto C. Deir». a Oermaa butcher, aat
ItA) oat ot the
dead all ntyhl lone In the window of bla
SeeretAnr e«r« Mid the pretest
Ulwlth paeoi
aioir at New Tork. where be bad bwn
■ot la accord oa the allrar qw*aepbrxUted by paa w^ wrllln*.a letBeceat derelopiaeato. bowarar, daepalrad of.
The eoclal to hare baaa fires for the
will aanre to .aUeaee tbM who nake
Chief JoaOce Sbeiard Barclay, of Ihie
Me ot the repOTt. lo a epaech recaat- besaflt of Grace chareh at Ua reel- Mlaanari aapntne cauK. haa reabpii d.
lj deUreicd at PhUadelpb^ at the dasoa of C. L. Wbltaey. rraa poeipesed and tloremor. Ftephenr haa appolBtcd
tv. U. tvmumx eC BuoiwvUle. to 00 the
•aaoAl UMtlarof theTradea Uair>e. IsdedDltely os aoeoant of the weather. \araacy.
Vnmam Beltoer wiUaead a barrel of
Baeretary OdRe aaid apea thia aobjact:
Itantel F. f!eln>lck*wad Saturday ccortfcnit eourt at Uacoln.
•nrba political bead ot the repabiicaa ftrut claat lebricaUae oil to Shariff
blmpaon thia mocai&r to aid hbqiitaab- lllx., ot the nrorder of George D. DavU.
paiv Bu been aetlre
lloatbeiailgToaDda near Mount PulaakJ. while In a goarir the only eosiltioaa I doing the «
rel. July last.
bp which Itcas be n
Tha regular maetiag of the Woaaak
Tbe ohle tow which prorldea for th*
tf. UterasUosalscri
Mtoaton Cirule ef tha BaplUt ehnreh. pa>-n>eni of damajm by a oooaix .i"
MlnU to both Mirer and geld. Is bta will be held at the home ot Uia. OUUa. trirndi of a pervon lynched therein, bai
««orta|to inanghrate anMi Bathed, OB Slau etreet, thU aftenqoo at thfiM been declared unronulluUonal by a
ihe prcMdant heartily npperls tha o'clock. ▲ eardtol'toritatloa to ex common pleaa court.
Ii to uaderwtood at Madrid that tbe'
prUaplea of diU partyb "alatferw. tended to all.
aupri me war oouncll will aentenee
•nd In hla affnta he haa tha aepport
The home and torelgn BtoaionaTy ee- tenani Oen"ral .Weylef lo two month*
hut that the goveraiseni
9( aU tbe.BMBberaof hbi eOeial tarn- oiety or (he CoBfrcgational cdiareh.
Ity. innaeadoea aad deelaraUona from wUl BC«t with Mre. M. C OriatU <
Herorts ffwn remote pliirea In nor.benrioaa aoaiCM to tba contrary not- er,of ^
em Vrw Knyland show that tbe tem
wttbataadlsg. CaUl it can be aecorad bto 'afn
perature war t!ie e-weet known Intnacy
to tfaU ratioaai taaoner. we pcepoae to
yean Forty l>el<>w. ii reported from
a number of ptocec In Maine.
Batotain the kind of
Itnberi tlndblnm. the Chicago bated
Bara now. nndar which Bra bondrad
Of trade mar. wo* fonnd galliy «a two
- MtUiaaB or Bare of aUrer are kept an
Dare ChapbaU cama ep tioa On
tergeaef “bucket sbopplug'' by tbe gj.
n parity with goU. Cader tUa alandrt^'in of the board of trade, and mttpeadeed for one day aa a puntohmenL
nrd pcscticany far Mxty yeaix, aad aeD. A. Woodworth letanad i
No lltee .acre loat by the wreck of
gerdlng to the dcBoeratic eandldate'a buBBlt CHt} yaaterday.
the Klondike iteamer Corona, mod tb«
for twen^-aeraa yaare by
Frank BhaUton toft tor .New Verb paaiengera aaerd all their peraonal bag^totote Idw. tbb ooasby baa dereloped on a baainaM trip Monday Boratog.
gase: but the raining atUlUa were loat.
>d aa no etbar ooonlry
Cbaa. W. FMat case la from tntap- and for tbeae acme ot tbe paiMOgm
had paid Ibeir toll cent.
lochaa yntorday aflemooa oa the M.
A I'nitvd Rlatei mall waxun at HllA N. B. afUd beii^ etalled ter 91 hoare «iiik<-e «■« driven at-rwe the aidewklk
-— Jui OoKBcrr. pagillct, baa anaoaneed
OB the C. g W. M. traU at Uat point. be.-auv Kr I ilxm harrirnde that
•ecially to tha world that ha-haa
Mopped iVInotherdlcrectloni. Thedrlrer
Mr. BaaJaBin. who repraaeata
jWBBced pqgiUaBi fererer aad wUl take
arreated b> a p»llreir>an aad
Ktotball Plaao Co., ease to fros Manmall waa delayed-elghi hour* thereby
•o the atage for a Uring. Thia wfU aftoo yaaterday aftorndoB after being The railed Ptalra'haa now had the po
ted relief to Bob Fitui»Bona and tha
delayed the aight before and a part of liceman am Mad far Interferlag .with
CMval ^blie. but tha abadaa ef the
the mil.
yeaterday at Mantcn.
teBortoi Beoth.-«arrelt. MeOaUoogh.
•nd otS« cnatima ahtolng dratoatk
TiaTarMOt^ Harist.
BchtM kiny as^aM worn* agitaUos.
Heme will form intBg-attodm
L, r
for doga bat it doee not often h^pen
Captau SiAate of tha baUlaahfp that a hone dnirea anr real beocMt
ltene.la maktog good oaa of bia laiaare from haribp a saine friend. The followioc <aae will obowthata^ may
•cmetimn return a bonw’a afTeetion in
tefhoda <rf wartareof i
In ndditioa to atadytog tha alleged a Ttoy pnctitol mauzM-r: A naa iiriafi
bribery aMhoda apd peace oonfereMna in Um!country had a hanx' which hap
«f OeneraT Blianoo. he to firing apectol pened lo tie tarrwd cot join at tail carrou W0e ready for pulling Re atoo
tottonUon to bnU tghta.
had a dog that wa> on the beat of termi
) the borer. Onxday be noticed that
mrAwrrp poM wATttr.t.Arr
bat be waa almoct remio that
in and molrn than. Still be
iBteg That Point for
to watch and ace who wa*
BMt Bognr Paetory.'
beceoght tha tbief lathe eery
Oadillac, Mich.. Jan. 91.—BareralfeB**—— from Nebrmaka are bare Inrea- act nf palling cp the oarrobi. TlxB be
Mgatisg with a rlew to aatahltohlng a raatiooilT followed him from the gar
den and fonnd that be west off to the
Beet aogar factory here. Uwal capital
diteotkai of the flpid where the hone
tota wUl be expected to foratoh e ahare
Arrired there, the owner of the
«d the opital reqeired. They aay thto rarrota aw that fail bone wnt te rela the beat point rialted aa far.
ceirer of hii Molen ghoda. The tbM
fail dog. '
I ■ciBie way Um> dog bad diaxAeredThe raaarrtd aeat plat tor the next that the bia.* had a portialicr far car•nahar in toa
acheol lecture roti and war onaMc to grati^ ita laate,
bat with a agacity that ii alsoM in—lii. wiU be at tha City Newa aland
ctediVIc tbc dng fooud tbe tnenna <rf ob
ttto noraing. aad aaaU can be rrearred taining liH- anoL-aieoi oMnoto for hU
te' Hoyl Ooaaiy's edtertalameal. friend. ^>d thii be did withodi ecraple
-ArooBd tba Store." which to to be
iter’i cspeiMc. There waa
firaa.WacU^Mday night, Fbbtnary V.
.. nore than initinrt in tbii
dog'ebead. BtttnnycBcwbotakM
; any am who takM nnl!
BUBUiMBS Of TKZ POBTOPPIOK. notice of (be hatili and eorioni doingi
of animali suit inericably come to the
u,. u,-., w.«U4..,
Xn. Basra and Ktoa McDannatt on
ble which aiatouiDi that animali can
Ihity and Boutina Maoumad.
not think and rvaeun.—Detroit-Fn*
' On aocooBt of tha lall to te boat^ Frot*.
tosas of the poat offiea FoaUnaater Raff
.................. .,^.r ^.grewup Id BnglaDd a great »a|ma1
' liking for nreut tbiuga Kni nida^
Mown aad oat yaatarday
was toil leen in tbe ganenl taatbrfor
toff aearythtoff io exoailaat
•ogar oaoUtam, but it wai raanifn^
in Che goui'ra] diinand for awnd wines,
toe rich ihtrricA the ebanem. tba sek,
PotBaater Raff baa aj
tepaty Bra Laura Ba«n, wha
to te aaas charity under Mr. Raff
Anrtnff bla preriooi tars aa postmaifter drink^. as in eating. tb<- tocnwrai erf
appauto f(» sugar grew by what it fed
■Bd aeeeral years beridoa. Mia. Basra ao. Thongta aot a iwfvtmcac to tba
to toeroogbly fasiltor with postaffiea strict aeuw .if the uam, mk* pOBet
~lrork and she will ba a ealaabla aoqni- K> Uigpjy repri'Mtntad the taste of tbal
alUon aader tbe new ragima. Mtoa time for sweeraeM. and fla) or tel tbs
Maud McDermott, wbo has baaa aa nripe of Sir Flrriw-ODd Sbtipbord. given
■Mploya of te ottiL-e twalee, yaaia will by Mr. Howard Etaniitau ia bisSbakBfalaia bar paaltloa aa clerk undar te peara notes, is worto quoting
“To make a Bck poMi take
ciyU aarrice rules. Miia McDermoU to
quarts trf pan good
terimgfaly competcBt for aa Importoal
tar of a pound of the b«wt almonds.
X n' poritlon and Uc fact that she will Stamp them in te cream and boil with
itowgla will be a aaai;ea ef rnttofaettoo amber
amber and
and n
mask tberelh. Then taka a
to te patrons of te ofBee.
Oscar; pint of Ack in a faaaiii and iwt'it on a
* ai postal clerk. [ cbnflnggiah till it be blood w-arui. Then
f yolki• <rf
_ 18 eggs. with.
____ 4. _
Thora wUl be
ao sther ebaagew
te storm which dt-1
vbius, and beat them well tog<'tbsr. aud
Bck. Then Mir all together own te
looriiim itii.as thick as you would
«ff“t ^ have It. If you now take oume ambw
11 and tnnik and ^rind te mine qolta
’ to sugar and straw toU on h
posnet, J promise yrm that
>rw a moM delioate and pltotet
Thera was another mixtnre ot
atom called "rambocB,
Whan to Mad pf uythtog to thto
Una rcBMbar thto to tba ^a«a to laay«
yoar OfrfoTB and gat prompt work.
ttoUafaetton guarantaad or no char^
Leaec yoor orders at ofiea or call up
pli................ .
Cbeap Gasii Groeary
2R7 Front Street,'
■•laaoew^ai MeLelUB A Ato * cealeetkia-
hD Um « rut; ut SUpk Cnoria
Now Baady Per BaainaM.
E.W. Hastings..
Real Estate
Fire Insurance^
Money to Lean
Improved Harms and
City Property.
Johnson Block.
Two or Time Honses and lots
and a Humber of Well Located:
When yon want to wire a ri&e
renenbef tbe best pjaon to go. '
a Ihrge open bon, i 5 sent
slelgfa hnd a top liw. AU ynt7
oomfortobls-for. '
Vacant Resilience Lots
Sleighing Parties,
in Traverse City that wRI be sold
Also • lot
the Tory rbest Port*
ItOTT DkAlc land cattnrs, two and throe seated
I can fit yoo ont with any
o( a tura.oatT:
At Low Ppiees
Pionoer LiweFy Win.
ahtoago Karkot. ____ .-k i iTt..i r.i-.,...
The demand for Improved and Tinimproved City Property U becom
ing briek. I have
Tbono 78.
****' ***
Bi’rna aAteorTBAn
’Phone Ho. 8.
Ba tte?^r to Dairy....’’..............
• r.T6S-.
Oats—Febmay. SSe: May. 8*K»*4a:
Pork—February, to To-, May. to.SO.
Graad Rapida, Feb. 1.—Wbaat. 80c-
KWantAds Sffi
ii sold HOW. Come and a*ir about
them, if yon want a homo or a good
—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street,
388 Pairs
fine Shoes.
Pingree & Smith, A. E.
NetUeton and W. L. Doug
las majee.
inspect th^.
TTJfios. T. Bates.
Pair Going
$Aoo .
lErB.nn “k: -Bb?iecl3?ioIb-^
The Old Beliable Shoemut,
TEB xoBsnra BseoturwESim^A^, fbbbuast s.
n Only U^ m
Singi* Day tei th» Lower
i<n <n thw
gotwy which U rwd esoucta for tbs
pe^te %ha pra4o(« .the seSUb ts pood
SBOoch tor tbe Wlets wbo spend It; that
tbe RKHwr wbleb li «ogd etwsch for ibe
poor ts Rood eaourh (ornbe rich: that
be money tbe kshorer recel'
^ bad the merchant
his wares »■
hta Bwnt NoEndoTTroubU InThh
World For Our Good Friond
John Bull.
r shall >be compelled I
BA mm BTOST non koboooo.
SEaaaRK.ab’s aitn-Tiurwi'.Bit.b
loPIHaLiesa FeW Wssl Is Thai
I OMjir • varr «:-»<
. FVb. L—Tb«
the t;ulted RCAtes psashle to sUvor uae«r M «d«me iaa>oKuror M votes. Tbe
Bspubllrkw sen solMllr smrM In opn with'two
North Oandibs.
wbo vol^
. Oemurmls and INigiullatA and White
CaroUM. the 4inly oolored
^ember of the botiae. who answered
^ptaaent" wtrea fata name was called.'
^ Tbe deaerUons from tbe ENmoeratR sUr !
/ wer# ai' Aleer..of Pennajivanla and EU I
bin. expllcU ta Its tenos sad naming a
penstur of »ie.m one or tram two to lUteen Tears' linprtsonmeni, has been ln>
trodocad'Ui tbe bouse br Oreeoe
le tbe MDlotion. The vote was mebed
.Afler ave hour* of debate under a spectal order adt^riT at tbe opening at tbe
Ttiwe tor Ofsamy'Parmed OwaTbe llmiud lime allowed for debau
gbd tbe preasurc of meniber* for an opportwnlly to be beard w as so great ibai
the' lewderi aa l»lb sides w^gr com
pelled to farm oul the Umr by mlnulea.
^ntla drirwcled much from the ountlnBlty qf the dlauinlun. bni It also In a
e inteniiflrd Ibr tblrresl
gallcrtea. which were crow.led all day,
and tbe oombataals on the it^r were
«gieered by Ihely nsspnilti sympaihlseaa. Many of tbe seoaiore from the oibAT abd of «be Caidto! were aW present
te Uaton to tbe arguments Tbr maX.tf
•ly. nader the Irwdershlp of Dlngley,
wbo made a carefuBy prepared apeeob
BOUadlng tbe keynote a/ the opptoltlon.
. position that
a raallty
( geaoli
a disguised dtrlanilon tar tbs tree
tetaiage of silver,
PswUlea lbs Semssrat* Task.
Tbe Demovraia under tbe dlrecttoa
Of Bailey. Riaintattwd that tbe def< at of
Uis resolutlun was another step in the
dlxKtion of eetabUsbmeiil of tbe gold
—Rabdard lo which they alleged both
Otkae PallMra Wars
tbs WMaca-ranhw btery thm tbsr
Pesandil ta btasba tSapli is TUI^aa
rHsarflg ia Psfslgs
braskSL It makes tl'a relonj .tu monopTaogtsr. FSb. l,-The British ateamsr
oHae or <)ttempl to monopolise, or combine or -«tinapiee with say oiben te TouraialtB. It ts oinr-ially anauuoced.
monopolise anr pan of the trade or while attempting to land arms and
among the stat«-s. or with ttorws^n the Kus <-oast o( Moruccu, «'aa
forHgn nations, aitd the making of ev Interrepled by tbe ahoHflan ateamea
ery eomrail.-agr^efnent. or comblnatlen entered Into bv attyytersnna flrtna _
edrpotatkms ut .•omt.hiaMoaa ..I pera.?ns. ’ Haeaanl redpnKwUd and captured one
as a trust .u- uUwruiee.torestraii. iinde of lb* ship's twats with three Engtiah- ’
or commrrve or limit >rr njnirtd the nut- j men. • Tbe M<v.rlah'tr<>oi« then demol- '
pat -or prices of aity article of i^.m- t iihtd the Mltagtw favorable to tbe for-
•oaasWwarrtsMlrts »stb Ma|be Bw
law JurtatUyUoii. and for-
blCARA»VA l« mviffo WOKki'.
ows.' sad I'wels Saai** lOghtw
ate adjourned iBst evealag. Atiorner
T- C. Campbell was the mly wunesa
examined. Campbell said he did not see
bow Otis oauld have voted for Haaaa.
aa OtU war a meinber of a free silver
club. Campbell mid he bad always
been on friendly terms with Hanna and
busineta way
with some of Hanna's friends, lie
claimed that he bad been a supporter of
Hanna until after the lalurio pcattlon
OB the money, question bad been made
known after hU appointment te tbe aec*
Then he bad rather drifted away from
the anator pollUially. Camph'-llclalmt-d
that be had been S supporter of UcKlnley In the presidential campaign, on
account of his tiews on tbe tariff, and
that be had made'a speis b In Cooper
hall for which the presld.ni am
Henator Hanna had.botb sent tUn> nolo
of thanka No mherwllnesae* were ex
Washington, Keb. 1.—If the .N'karaglan govrrnmem should contract with a
difficulty apueara to have i **‘o had gatlw red were s<imfwhal dlsIs hellt-ved the rommUt'-e
arisen fram
froso’ the «peiatli«; of a BHUab • blTomtHl. It
the <1iohe Venture ■
oomidete Its work this week and
the <Wobe Venture, a;
reports will
inder a treaty where- ^
Sbb rhK'fe giiinttd a trading and
mining mono|-jlj oetr IW.OOO square
OJlies of the Mus distrii-c /
>ae la Repiltd la by Aattotawl Seerstary
London, rsh. l.-X* dls^tcb tn Tbe
Ti^etilp Bn Haply la tbe Other.
Daily Mall fn<m Megador. Uorucco.seys
Indlanapdlis. Feb. l.-A cltlxeD of Inthat an cx|>edUlc>D baMag nceupled
i few weeks asTo wrote i
Erkxes (presumably oa the Bus cogsO.
e Aghting. eatAuria^
f<nloi syndicate fi>r the cunstnyctloD
of a milrad and steamship line acn«ss
Its tsnilory. ssch actlro w-uufd. author-
fltsi one was as fblloss: "Is the value
of our paper t-otrenry fegtilated by a
law of congrevs 'or by reas<in^ of gold
«r ollrer betog held In our guv'annncnt
vaults for Its red<jmpllnnr'
Aa answer re this was received yeaierday from P A. Vanderllp. the assist
ant. aecTTiarv of the trasnry depart
ment: to the effect that "Ifglsdatlve aotloe ahme Is not soflk-lent re give value
to a paper • urreno. This Is Illustrated
In tbe hlslots 'of t'nlted Biales notes.
During the war and for yeera afterward
Itles aay. be to vlolailna of the terms of
tbe Uaritime
« aultan h
C^nal c«n>|«ny. and Would prohabl.v be
scepl PrltKe UtvMKe as governor of
reamled by the I'niled Btalew. Ar-J.le
.............. Crete. It Is strong enough to provoke
pve of the i-oweemiun to the Maritii
blr.<U 1 dlaciualon oT the consequences, namely
eomiiany provides that
‘ —that the Turks, already disiurbed and
geatleaa will be likely to aMc compenaadOB for Crret'e’s virtual gain of Crete,
lwe«-B the l
^le EuAipean concert, as
.VI.-,?. IS
I ‘>«vr
•« ■ di-count ta gold, varying
yewra). and also to abstain from grant- east,
lag a cunceselian for a ralliuad. such as Oermany and
oM aW. and pnbUr nplnlxn
opinion of
of thntf
tbetr worth.aod
worth.and H
it -aa.
might compete with the •■anal for the the other, mreers on tbe other, but It
until Jan. 1. iS%' when the go'
transportation of rnerchandlse. during Is not beyoBd ' re-estahHsfament. The
It actually lirgils
Greeks are likely to be ralinfT and more
mme i»rtii ■
In gold, that they became In reality
hai Is I'rwle
I'nrh Barn's point: but imme control with Ibr dynasty, bui iherr are arbat tbe-law declared tbem V> be."
diately f'lllowlng ts a proviso that kaks feaiB of W orse than the exlranganarrby
Tbe other gueiRton was as follows; "If
Co "a man up a tree" big enough to car for a time In Greece, wrltb tbe Turks the goverr.inent of the ignited State*
ry any aort of cunreasmn re anybody clustered about Canot and Jra^s Cre stiouM retire all Its paj^er currency
else evoept only a cbncssglnB for anoth tan clan eblets ready to provoke dlsur- arWcti ts now- by law made
er .-anal
This Is the proviso; "But
der. aad substiiuie to lien thereof ihcwe
tvolhlnr In (his arllcle aliall prevent ibr
of a national bank not*
London. I"eb. 1.—It Is announced on
guvernnieni at Nl«nrwgus from loncotdd cnngrnas. dnder our constitution,
struertng. or permlftlng the constntr- the beat auihcnlty that ibe talk i>t an make atwh Iwak currency a legal teaClon. or sorb railways as It may deem Anglo-fapanese plan -of rampslgn In
inwvocably conupltted tbe Bepublican adrleable fur commerce and internal
matter has oorppicd tbe attention
party. The debate was at times fast trafflr.'' Senator Morgan discussed tbs
of the atateamen of -the two countries,
aad heated, bat there were no,sense- bid of tbe Allas rompany. "The governand no sgreemeni extsts between Eng-'
Chieago. Feb. L-Omaba baa been aetkinal loddenu beyond tbe hissing of mem of Nicaragua." he said, "has no
legal right to sell to any forelgB ••orpor- land- and Japan except the cormnon de iected as the eighth member of the
s<f.-ore tbe free development of •ffeatera Baae Ball amoclatloB, tbe
UiDii Its railways and sleamsblpa It
trade In China. As regards Port Ar franchiae r-w the Hub having been purholiest place to hades wouM be rrwei^ed their ofieratton will open a line of comthur.
hasrd by H. J. Shuman and W. J.
for tbe present germary of state. Tbe munlratluo parallel to tbe route of the
maritime canal The concessions which aame aulhurltyi Is only there for win O Brien. of Cblragu. The manager of
vote OB tbe rewoluUoa was—a>-es. UZ;
the Nlrararoan guvemmeni has made ter quarters, snd the statements as to tbe club w in be George Cusli k. Among
bays. 1C.
a KussUn oi-.'U|ialli>n are unfounded. the flayers already aecured are Tucker.
China IS-willing that the-English’war.: -. thP National League. Jor ffrwt base,
ship* ahould anchor there
rviulred ^, .. ...................
Oanaeli. at one time plieher for the
I Wbal IMiwtey a-4*Bwll«gr
The Shanghai rurreaiemdem of The i u^una
Washington. PVb l.-No word has UallyMall aiy* a dlsi«tch haa le-en re------------------------------------Will hat imy the WgrtagHeld Weals,
Dingley cioaed bis speeeb against the been received at the.atate dvpart.meal ceived there from Fi.rt Arthur, aaaert- |
fram Conaul General Lee alnie Satur lag Ibst BO British veimels remalB to t
Bprlniffleld. III*.. Feb l.-Tbe operarawulution in part as toUowa:
brings me to the ronsldrrwlloa of tbe day last, which IS taken as an Indlca- the harte.r aad that the ipbigenia and I re. e of ih< liuisborv mine have ordered
lioB that all ia quiet there and that tb* ...K- Daphne ,..,1
left a we-k a,u.
.the mln-ta re qolt work and take out
vital questlo'a sis to whether the govaltaallon remains un<-taacgt-d. The de-i
I their »«<A because ih- local miners'
sRunent has tbe ipural right—In other
ttortmenl has be»-B Informed that the;
j union ,^n.mded Ihe Springfield scale,
words; whether it wou d beaoact which
Spanish aolhurttl.-i to Havana bad ‘ Be Bad PrtwM a Oarreoa Making Faa«f I wltTch^-operator* tvtuaed to pay.
tha moral aense of the world would re- gelsed certain suM'dr* consigned to i
honor and private indivfdual lni. there 1*1,0 rauae.
- as In accordance with
Bcriin. Feb. i.-Kmperor vvtinam. It
>ood faith, for tbe Lttll^
ivmplalni ta this in-ldent Inamno.h , ^
h„ ,„,d.,nrd Herr Trojga.
Tbe NVw Tork Central I-abor Unlea
pa, Ita ou,,landing bond^ ta^,bled. I „ .he
i edirerot T.e KladderadatiRh. w.o was baa reaolved against Sunday ibegtrcs.
—.a In dollars of ao materikDr lets
„„„ „„
The agrici
vmloe than tbe dollar- which has been
I to tbr free admlsalim
o! auppUeif.T
| *enim<-vd a few ,Uya ago to
forL, port rntrw the' total wheat
tbe practical standard of value alnce eufferering ruUan* l-.ked to the rea- itnonth* imprisonmeni 1 a fortreaa
UH. barring the war recon*lrucll.m
algnment of all *u. h aupplle* U. Con- Iw majetetacain-nlng ttaempew. iS»,JA. 066 to IWT♦j, -yne
partod. and which ha* been tbe legal 1 ,ul General Lee and the exclutloh of I The rart.K.n,whichappeared
In Tbe
R.O, Klngrtey Lumber and Bw
Standard of value tonce i indindual* from the privilege of free
I..II— in
I- which
Prederb-k the Great. Napoleon, v
j*.. with a ccDltal
cepital of tSOfUs
im. and the dollar
bond- ! I .aiinitarioR of
goods, a provision necesThere are 'aixty-ntoe pcraoi
ed Indebtednesa haa been ttold
Fancy Dairy Biillnr
"" 19 c
Strictly Fresh Eggs
at 19c per Dozen,
Enterprise 'Grocery,
Opposite Steinbei^’s, 'Phone 146.
213 Front St
Baltimore Stock iiaeeivsd Thre* Timm a
Couott. 40c p«r qiurt
SteDdarda, dOe per quart
FltitliH's Ofslei Dtpot aul RisttmM.
Thinkers’ Tlioughts
Ok butkrgptcy’a dark brink
Who meed himaalf lb Uma by keen,
WMa •*• «f prlatare' ink!
The ooMrtaai drap of watar
wa are SeUiag
CMomtfM. o„ Peb. 1.—Tbs lavtsogatiOB Into tbs'aJlag^ attempt to bribe
Represeatattre OtU te rote for Uanaa
duilcig tbe Ute senatortal cnattat ia
tapIdlT drawing to aa cab Tbe commiuee held a brief session after the aca-
Thr bill eoiif.rs inrisdlctlon nn the. j^n,,
Uou of booth CaroUna. Uuifa voted'
vflb tbe tlepuldkasa against the propoaltton. Speaker Heed, altbongta if la
toot cuatomarr tor him to vole, had bta
bSlne called, and .amid tbe cbeen of bU
’ followcia went oa riK-ord In oppusicioa
WasWoMt la That
—paid by every admlBlatrailon frim
,........................ .
.-remony of
Lincoln to UcKlnky. to w1i; Tbe doltatVsBad Tat.
,|„ guard* recruits, when his
tar equal to value to, JS-I grain* of
1.—In tbe wentile j Rwjeelr remariied that in order to be
{Applauae.J Bear laWashington.
aoldler It was necessary re he
mind that we are diaenssUig this qoes- re*lerday M-rgan [ircwenied a reaolu- * r
presidihi. U to blsjg g,M>d ChrtsUan. The weoteace upon
tloa from the point of honor and good *'“** crqueriins
incunrlKeni with the public | Herr Trojam which was-said to have
fg^. and not from the point of power j *«plnton
sen tee. to amd re the wenatr the ootte- 1 been directly diic re tbe emperor's InuS'the*goVemmenW« !
*"<1 not«ofdlplomatlechar-1 ff^nrerwas’.
do as It r1-r—
j •f'" relallng to thenegotlalluna
and ' by the conservaWve newspapera
. J.
ewi. kA. of
Wear* away thd^odeat ataae:
The Ooutaat foaw^ Towaer
Maatieata* the tMfheM boaa.
Oarrtm off tie bla^taff toMii-.'
Aad the eoMtaat advertiaw
« OM who KMi tha trada.
Sl*ty men witiTL'd* each and provlalens enough to last tbem for nine
rnomhP. will leavy New Tork Thursday
for the Klondike.
7-... ! tlre^ai B^Ib relating to comi-maatlon
Havana, FVb. 1 -The body of UeutHTTelsore of liiltlsh ahiiw to the ■ tenant Colonel Joaquin Rult. the aide- ' of tw<. men wh*i made a futile altempt
houa. to matotair. the ' Behring rea and also the Instructtarui ! de-amp of Capimln Geaerhl laanco. who | re rot. the i remises.
r depart-^-*'
‘ and advKv given by the Male
depart-/**' executed hy
by order of the late GeaGend, c. A Slrnmon*. famous tbroagbpMge which the Bepublk« party
_ .„..roev -.r .heTerSl Nearer Aramiuren for vlatting aa ;
c-uintry a* the ortglnator of
htade a. Kt, Lout, to kaap an our cur- I
'f- ««•« *>•
of the/—
-------------v.ri.tav s*
iBsurgent camp with |rrop.«al* looking -pimmod*- IJver HeguUrer." died at
renry, whether sllvrt or paper, a* go.ul ■
S'*'-* ** '" the conduct of the
Ihe sutreader of ihe Inaurgeat chief. i>.|S-nig. tiA.. yerterday.
w* gold, and prewerri larloUbly the : ar^trath*
after bavtng Is-en lound was Identified I
vlllagr of }<aod>«m. It
public fkltb and credit: abd to the
sae. a t'wwHe of M*l>sI and brought i- <*amp. Florido, where1,„R ,.f Vgi,lA BwlUeriafid,
ll-me»i vn tbe j.fher side of the boose ,, Waeblitato
Feb. V- Yesheday * . . j it was recelve.ij.iih mlliiao honors.
i„ ,h,, ground. A woman and
to onlriiHli. (he standard of'raliiewhiHi igtoD of tbe senate lasted six li..ur* Tw«.
■ two children periahed In the fiamaa.
administration . gave f\the „. the general spin.i-rlatloh'^ls-lhat j
0*a*pUwr» at TeWeraw.JVrelw
Berlitu F>h. l.-The P.at gayatllearn* ^ tiairle RalUon la the latest vlrttoa of
evuoM. -liu -four y.urs ago. and Ibe ;
,j,e army, .-arryin* lr5.:«3.«:. and {
lialr-cllpiUng brute. Tbe
liocor and go.«l faith of the n^oa ao > t,nt fer the leglslatl.e. Judl.lal and m- ................
old. dbe lost a long
cArefull, pieie-i.eO l>> the-fanwra of ,s-uUv*
••atryirut tJpr ' ■ •■on'iilracy at Teheran. I*ersla,
Demo ran- i«ny. and to kfcFlhe ■ ii^Mslwer.’iwased, the lattre
' wneder'Ihe «h^ and to install a young- | braid Sunday e.enlitg.
by the reaol^pa , |n* uf «l f«gc* and •■c opying the a, - l.er brother m the imlace. Mousaffer Ed j
N'ebrwska tamier* refuse to
the manuihe
t U-f.irv (he hi.i^se to show tbe eoute- j tenlloo -f tt.e
I to dduct tl per too ta
World that the golod nsg^ ^ pgrt of the
I. After a brief e
MIrta. teirn In.lQo. and tbe sn-uiid 1* ' the event that Jiawall 1* annexed.
of the na0.in i* safe to ..ur baadsi" i (jrr
the s-natr adl.,uraed.
tProloaged nepul.ibwn applause.]
--------------- .------After tM ouihursi -f ap|.l«u*e which i
,fca-flh-L.re«ge« Tare Is Hgkt.
Oar -gaatsh H.i.H«a. Are <M.
w-eatcrt, Stall....... Chkago. will JtaVe to
greeted Ibe Hose of l.,rcle>* speech'
Chl.-ago. Kato. l.~The sigum.nta In
Madrid. F. li. 1. -At the vablnel eoun- *b»wer to fourteen vbaiw of burg^
bad eulAided Hailey was re.-ogniaed for i tbe Luetgvrt caae are a-beduled^to be- HI yeaterday dehor Oulleii. the foreign i .«.«nmUted tn KvsBst.sk, dhrtog the last
«■ hour, and he
for the Deiao-'j gin, this aflern-sm. and will Kwpy a mlhlster. snh.jun.vd Ihal the relations
____3 to a fpreefa which stlrre<l his fel- ! weak. Attorney lUrruon « Ul talk
of RiaJn with (he 1-niled State*.w*^| John Myers and Willlsia Verthela.
lgirciw.10 a With pilch of enOiastamii. I nr four day* In behalf of I.uetgert. good and be .xpreased a hope thatJa of Reedsburg, Wla. were- str^ by
Ifce reaHutloli under drslderatinn 'he j The <*se win go to the Jury some lime
while arirtng a.Tore a' railroad
akSd. fc.nUlliod two proieisitlon*. on- | Best week. Last night Attorney Hartra. k
Itoih were wrrl..u*ly lojurad and
hr arranged.
taoral and the^olhcr legal. One sssens { inqp wnnoupced that he would .......
the t.-ani waa killed.
BiMSwrebh Mealtb 1* l■Bp'«vt•g.
. as g matter of law that the bonds d j Luatgert on tbe stand this morning,
Frank Rwaoaon ha* returned to Chi
Berlin. FVb. 1.—The 'health of Prince
the nulled etataa grb radeemsMe St the { Teaietday % doaen arila.-ss-w were
cago fnim Ibe KWodlkr wUb WT.OOO In
..piloB of the govenuneal to slUer. and csll-l by the defense hi testify aa re Blamarrh Is imimiv.ng Thcie has beei g..ld
H- has been In the gold fields
the other as a matter of nuirwla thai no thy
good charw. ter of Lueigert * parl- a marktrl diminution ta his pain and eight year*, bat secured bis fortnne
r good
hi* ingomnla.
r. WillUm
' restore (e Its ootaage such allvcc. coins
to the last twelve iDonlba.
as a legal tawder in payment of thDonaad for an unpaid board bUl
Is. pnnclpal aad
and tatareat. la not to
(>eru. _____
.. - caosed a free fight at driirngo. Ia the
MHwaokec. reo.
Feb, 1,—The
»ne lyvpui
-.-.sllon of the pubUe
public galtb
/alth nor-------nor to .le
Wadleigh.of New Bedford, has brought melee fire Sl»vs—three men and two
stale c ntlLl cominlttre-. through
r<«atlonof Ihe right* of Ihe publle cred
suit against tha.l'eru Newa-Herald for women—and tbtwe policcmee'wvr* hiirt.
lag (^-rrury Chris t*Bula<
He would not dwell, be eald. I.n
tlO.OOO damagea for libel, .in an Wticle The rlotoui SUvT were arresled..
pleted the- apportionment
be legal aspect of tbe qaestloo. There
ktrs Lucille Blackburn, daughter of
for the west state ronwiWtoii. It will published during tbe rwoeiii strike of
was not a lawyer In tbe L'nitad blatea
ex-Renatar. tusu'kburu. of Kentucky,
W (hr lara-rt state .-.Aivelitldn to the
twr in any other eoumn' who wonld
wlio acddentaily shot beneif at tVstabventure <jn hi#
hT* h*d cHlmed In Chicago by
ington two weeks ago. is again la a sato deny that tbe bonds eooid -be paid i
senUng-Ahat It was te be uaed for the n.u* condllluB. an' abceM
i Csreisd.
fromed bear the woundrelief of the Wrikeru.
Nicbol** Backus, keeper of tbe watarycMerday there was no quorum aad
Albany. N. T.. Feb. L—Tb* dtateraa- works crib kt aevHaad. startadte walk
adhoider owed the g
It adjourned wtiboui iraaaacang any
• «DlIar coatrwH he srould gxarclae Mg kuatbcaa. Te (b* house the sapai* Uobal Paper eompab^rot-GkrlBih. Bar- •abort on tbr ic*. when tbe wind ablftad aad tbe Ice began movliig oat Utta
If It is right that be ghmfid eg- primary eteetiog Hu aad HarM^r- atw ooiipty. N. f.. a oeml^laariog of
tb* taka. Baefcps was oa a
■Mil hi* optltoL a* be wooM. w* ha- •ir*R primary eleriioa blQ wars bd- all%*'Ug onto ih the CMBOy. fttad
twriva laat sqoara. Two
<■*** Eh gowramcni has tb* aasa* right vwwead to aaooBd reading
•Mtly saw klm ud h* WM
gritb tbHr puam.ins le.eiaed. (Demo-
The man stood 'mid Us bostus* wrack.
Wbaaea almogt aU bad Oad.
Tha sheriff took the UtUe ebedc
BU rale prodneed,.aad laid;'
“Old fellow, next Ume int be wiaa- Itao'^ take my word* amiaaIf merchasu always advertlae
T1i*y*Il WCTW oama totUaT"-
A rnaa oaa time a rood tUay kad
Bat be never eold a ala^ om,
Moral—A4TertiM Judidonaly, Ooatlniooaly is
which raaohaa tha paopl*.
HIE mRillS REGOiffi.
OmIM t> M TmC Om L«—IU> m€
aiMa-aniiM t»«.
bieadlr auU Is
«-u twcna rcairrdar la Um >
A Hortvthkf at Chicago Makai eirmu («>urt at ^nu«c to detennini BHtith Foroa Hat ts WHhdraw
a Patparata Braak for
ta« oowiuuuontlur of tb* Btart-Aiu- ]
Bafera a Horda of AfridI
aon ■llTi*r act of iifTt. ittaphon Baltfaln. {•«*
Hit Libarty.
Oelroll cantalliit.
Und upon which there
■oier I
a ioor«ca«e '
4 CaUd-frep.
Chicaco. VWb. L—After a deaperata
atroCTie in which the Urea of inanr
Baldatn tendered SM aliver doUara la
paiment of the amount due on the
Baki-r declined to accept
aUrer dollar* unleoa enourb uf them
were tendered tv equal, at the preaenl
bulUon value of aliver. St4 aold dollara , A<r:urdln|rlr the aull waa bectia
to oliuin a-dccnc conpellmc Chairman
Baker to cancel the aurtaace and accet>t the tender made.
Ex-RepreoenUUve Taiwney la the
u Uceapy It.*
Key #r tb* PoriikNi—The Latter
ItnaMte hr inneBlatInir a tew e( th«D
•Ad tURiSDc ibern icxja.
•^Uh CrwC^
tmr AmartM.
ant>c>aa8 armo^d rrviaer TUmra t*
wtartlDS for America. The tmt ui the
Bpanlah annadron la pn-parinir to tail
for Havana.
Ever Burned Out?
AUoratTa nt I»*r.
OBm ta Kaoiaaae Bock. Traeara* Otty. Kirb.
U aoyou know
Rone. Jan. «.—Wun.-rtna CriapL wife
Df Che fonner lulUn pemiler. haa a*i
aelaa tUPmts
the faahlon in tuir of a.ipeanna at oind.wr fentUltlea acc-oraisnU^ by a tame
; VT MUoa to Pi
IO.MeTeaatlle Oa
' ^AKIE S. BORTOV. H. D.. Phynlelaa nad
Law The* I
Hancaeti kaa laeated la Tratwrw ORy.
■eaeux ih T>*lr.b».**r.ia rkarce.- j
BepenThat dab* l»all Ba* Uaaa Baatae j ^ ,uj,
by Baa^ Itipiaaiau In l-klaa.
Suits to Orflfer. .
j,„, ji.-Tb- Jury n the ||. I and eblMian'* diaaaaaa. Barfckas Blark.ap
charlee B. Stark av
j jt^ruMIe rendered » vertUet In favor of |
Calcutta. Jan. SI.—Cleneral Weatma- I iba defendant.
Ktark wa» ih- aitorcv
Importut to Propetj Holders!
pmoni war* put Id jeopards- John Me*'
Lauchllt^ belli ved to be wanted In In-
prominent aliver men and
_____ _ ________ the head *f a corrupt
l^tytVmw. Ofiea PrUdrtah bledt.' Pbcaa
dtanapbils for hurae •teaUn*. -wa* ar>’ carry the caae to the I’nlted SUtea an- urday and euflervd aerfoue iuaaea Laen- j
court In any event., Cbainnae tenant Oolon.-l JloUBtiion. Lieutrnnnta i lobby at J.-fferroii .Oliy oppialns the rarawted bf deievtlvea of the centred ata< prrm
Bake aays:
.win contend before'tbe Sweln*. Dqwdall. Husbea and Walker, fom nthaaure. -Slarit brousbt aoit for
UclAUvhlln was altempUnc to
Tbe Fire iBeeraiiee teMpaalee havti
courta that Ibe Bland-AIIlann
Hoots Ualenaueat. Talapboae Iff.
aeU two boraeo atolen from the bamIn
becauae It did not nroaf O. K. Deemond. mt State atreei. vide for tree coln^e. Tt pmvld^
Infant /and tb« Sikh, Spencer clearly laid down the doctrine
pubThe sale wa» taklnc Place. In the rear that the Rdventment nhould.buy all-1
Majeuffearte, Ueutenani
if tht Torkahfrea Uc body einpluya an armt to intluence ^tlan mdiMM of eye. tar. Dcw.aad tEmS.
ef 4U State aireei. wbas the deiaetlteo ver at lu depiwelated price In sold and i Hall, thirtyMkha wounded. Major Karic | leflalatlon It tranacend. lU powera and
arrived. A b>-etaader war about to pur- pocket the aelcnlorase. - Tea. lesallaa
commtu an unlawful acu whu-h Juatj. j^ODO^A^rovin^auecwp^ eeeM
the ateallnr of the aelsnlontsv-"
iaaverely: apd turjvc
flea tbe crltlciama that It and lU asenu
( mliudns.
U aaw ptapatad to gt** the cKlaene or tbla
ara enm;i-d In corrupt l-Miylns-i Tbe
city (be beoedt of eaeb rMsettae*. ao. ttair
place hIcfAucbUc under arreat.
haraayar nsitele Kiya That March
ta ajtpcara tiMt
- '.'Barty Kaaaah ta utaw.',
planiMd Ui rut ufl Ihe retreat Of a
Buffalo. »b:^ l^Wllliam OjfliiSe. Ibe her of AfrldlB whu had been driving that It had loidkhe iriiin and vtaa JuatJ'
Canadian purveyor, waa In Buffalo yea- their cattle t<> graae on the KaJural Aed In *0 doing.
back «r_(
terday. Being aiked a* to when, be. plain. wc»t of Harm fort
Maayae Deelee Beyee'e nmryMel-rew ef the Kaemy at PliaL
alaiTetl doan the alley. A few abota I w-«nild advlae Ai
aet out for
New Vork. Jan. 81.-C C. Chant
TWO colbmne marched frtim All Mu>*
from Rl* revolver acatterM ihe crowd ',_.j:
u,, Klondike. Ogllvle aaid:
'•ParUea I
..........................,____ _____________________ ____
JId and Jamrud to Mock the way norlb: nice that he » .......................
clear field.
field. The
The det«deter- ;;
and gave him a clear
Harch 1 to » will get to.tbe . ....
Hanna'a election In ni.lu any more ihan itolp.m. Telephcsa.tL
tivea ared aeteral Mmta at the rleelo* ,
a. aoon a» |hoae Martina | * third column from U.ira marched
i. He dec larea _____
that ‘ —
man. At the errner of the alley the
* J,
I, ^
, *.wtaard oter
6rud Upldi & lodiiu E. t
bor« Mlpi^ and
, btcy can reach I^waon City. I would.dthrown beatily to the imoUhd. Iteror*
be could ivmveT hlmarlf the detective*
w'at preaenl. That route lakw them
: there In Ibe ahoiTeal time and at tbe
Kcpreiwnlallve Oil*
I MaituiTnl with a
BIkhK. advanced f
view of grltlng i
in ItU-lr eacaiw toand pr
hatfol box. and many ibr~t. of
poyateai lorce an ,
The flrat three colperformed their allotted moveV engaged li
Qgllvle thought lhat It wa* Iwltcr to
menta without l«>iut. meeting with vB-y
.go out Id email partle* of Trum four to
frw of the enciny. Tbv fourth, under
■n,. ,™M. In I.ldnii . numb., nt
|.n lU-nnil
totbyBwMtdeaadlWw AeWtber Haa KIR
e mhlea alunR. be aald, li
Saturday morning. The
la ne. ■ -ary to carry food fur them, and ; ,„rtn«e
Korrlatowti. Pa., Peb.
.k wU4 Vluo BV nail pa»t 10. Sndlng no oppoalBpeaV r of a ...
peraon goln* to the
Kalaer haa confeaaed to lUa attomeya SpeaV
tne r-Vl
gi n
coluneT Houghton, with the Sikha,
thool any knowledge of mining
to being a pany to the murder of hit
proceeded aliout a mile to acarch the
he aal. lhat expcrtenceorekicrt knowl
wife. Kalaer aaya: -Qemmer flred the
edge If really not what U required. In
key of Iko PoellUB l> LoM.
faui aboi. though 1 am not guilty of fact, the men aibo had been mining tn
On the arrival of the main body
murder, although 1 agreed to have hlfs that nectlon for year* were the m<«t Intbe KoUt'n waa dliwoven-d that a comdo It. uaaie DebMk. 'the woman to
of Sikh. h.J „h„B0- h,-„ -lU.black.' iva* nut a party to tbe con- S5"°“4-
Ml" wirtra
Burlington, la.. Feb 1.—SloKna haa
conM"w~l the murder of Mra Rathbuns
and her daughter la»t Sunday week.
The cofilea*!oii lauwA the apparenUy
tnedtable lynch talk. Another man.
within iWny yard* of the’
; irnotw.'
General HIr Power {“Blmer, who
^ .
succeed* Sir William l»ckh*rt In the
■a BawwU. Me awyn Wwwa TIalaaa | chirr emruand. la preparing to make
. U u; a
T3ARBRB BHOpVoE HALK-I »tTr.ell ay
Shane wa. about to have a conference '
with Prealdeni McKinley telaUvc to the t {J,
Haetlag af Pwh mm4 tiame Wardea*.
Milwaukee. Jan.
Of this city. In ac-ordance with an
ac act
l>a«aed at the 4aai ' b gliUauire.
called a meetlngi of llah and game
warden, and flgh rotnmlaeloBefp-t^ iM
aiate* of IlUnol*. Michigan. Mlnn^ta
and Wlaconaln. to be'held at the Great
Northwre hotel, Chicago, on Feb. *.
Owrtwttb rhalteage Agalw BeelKMd.
Detroit. Jan. *1.—I'ttaalmmons and
Julian decline' to cnnalder Corheu'a
hnal challenge. They told Gonaldlne
yesterday that Corlwtt was no lunger
... PltaKlmnino*' ctgaa and -would
be untU be_bad whipped Maher.
iwledge t« necemary' cither. Many .
the ke^ of itlV poalUun. which Ihe rneKalaer aaya that on Oct n he and
the atrikea are due more i« lut-k than
Cleramer met. It was agreed that when „ei.Uk -a^b-jii.
'a certain point In the OuU Mills road
Waaaa iU-PaiMl Paaiily.
| d,u was killed While charging at the
K* M-tw lUaMw at Mnw-iuhee.
wsi reached llie Kalaer buggy waa
e UR I
Nllea. MIrh.. Feb 1.—The fiimlly nf ! head of %!* men.
About midday tbe
Mllwaufcef. Jan.-Jl.-Cblef of Fcllc*
be atopi>ed *0 Wemmer could
■! Mra. Marta SchlUlDg. of Decatur, who ■ troop* began to return to the camp, the JanaeeD ha* d<, tded to put a alup to
siti^y. waa’iiecullariy Ill-fated. | efiet^y hirraaalnjrThe rear guard and*
city In the
“ and tJgile Pekall. left .*lorrl*iown | The huaband. Peter ft hllUng. Joined the left and rau.lrg many caaualt^s. •'*, , mture- One or two puglllata have
for the Gulf >mia r.ad, l^aer aald. the ' fmi>n anny and died In an Ohio boa- | rear column cleared the paw ah
knocked out rrcenlly and aoiue
woman did no, kww that Mra. Kaioer'a I PJ.“1- ■* daughter. MaHal died In a o'clock. wUh the aml.lanee of t.eneral
blood haa been shed.
life was In dang^
rlTuniy houee.
Mra K.amea, another W'eatmr.v.it. who came up with two
The buggy *a. 'rtopped at tbe point 1 dauihler. wife of K. W. Ilamea. tnven-i gun* hml iOO rifle, on reeHVIng Colonel
arm Warwa cartelU* Seimew.
- fired
- - ' tor of tbe air brake, waa murdered. 1 Sepplng'* mraaag'
t the force bad I
mer (*nie up and
agreed o
Springfield, Ilia, Jan. «.-Dr. J. Jl.
A aon. Wtillam. a naval cadet, waa become eniangled.
t Into Mra. Kal^r'a head. Then
Rgan. tweretary- of the atale board af.
^e«ny‘. l.<«.«e« Wer* Kevr/e.
he Ared a second ebot through Kalser'a killed l>y lightning on board a Tlnlted j
healihha* molved a communication
The TcUreniem waa mndiicied
left aim. Inaerttng the revoliwr In the fttate'a war vea»el. and Mr*. Jennie Olb- |
from Stale’* Atioraey Jaalyn. of {Clgln.
Blit made In the overtx»ai. When Clem- aon. the only remaining daug^iter. went i mlrably. the cffl.vr* ar»u'*ing in
atatlrut.that he would prowreute Willett
Inaane and died in a atruggie.
[ hlg}ie*t term* of Ihe gananiry of
formcr Bed alter the sboDilng Kalaer
a ,rhrtatlan
Pcl-ntl*l, >«»r
i imoj*.. C.,l..nH Hmieht..n-* h-ely ha» »»c( rwc«er. a
nn«u«n oci-nu«.
climbed out bf the buggy ard Into the
Eaglww^c wud ITcewma KilM
n,e,i—i vluUlIng the medlral practice act. apd i
gram, where he liM the watch Then he
led the hor*e down tbe mad and as he Burlington. Wla., way* that Kngl
n rt-enl«rve.1 by T;:Smea fpmi Bara, i...............-.-jwert be pulled thre- bulloDe from hU Patrick Walah waa killed and Flrr
S Coloeei hturt with ntly ‘**^*"*T. I
we»t to make It n|i»ear that the htgii- Oeursc McCarthy prohahly fatally InAU three have been lowayman bad killed hi* wife and rublied
him. ‘
•BoM CTUmaa- Pmkahly WIU Xwt l'a«ar.‘
take Tht* Lywcbiwg Job.
. a-a. I r.B. jLr.
N» w^^-wr Ike Ead I'ok
hd'f< :. Maaa.. Jan. II,—Tba
, k of thv einkc. began today
nearer ;m»*pevt of a aettle*
J. 1. OII.V. MaylMd. Mtek. Bl-M ,
T (Vrr-a>iprdavw
r gU««M
Pts4er plwww l>
G“j; Ifti.siTiizfttr'pS
a wire orgww to t
» B i.Hofgwa. I
poR KCWT-Oood. roomy boaecw A4Mi
Trwia* wrrlvw fnai awetawaot. Orwad Rap
, uUaodPets^M--------------
A ctOrtO PABV lor li
A or lor wale on ■
PwlchlB aillMO
Chicago •« — • “>
West Alichigan.
XV drwMj. R OraUIrkCo.
oMber. Ut* I
lyLowberCo. I
tdMyotorooB I
t.R.R Hiller. :
gruLOT I^BRR^ owl* WI^ ^ im
'kTIL-:-Honey to Loan
PAXOKIM * 0B0mB.A*Mtaap*.
^Chica^. Jan. 31.—At the banquet of'
tbe Cqmraerclal club, which waa hild '
r by ih*S
named Cox. I* held a* an accomplice of driiv.-rcd the prtmipal addreaa of the !
London, Jan. ll.-The Dally Mail thia
Storm* «cd br.ih are now' locked tip In | evemng. hi* anbJccT being -Annexation ' monrtng t^ya It leama from a "aoutve
the couiiiy h>ll and »-.i»ngly guarded by ipf JUwiiil." HU n^arka althnugb hlthmoaivuretr " that China U Inclined
deputte* arn.-d with Wlmh-aier riA.a.
j to make the l>ral poauble bargain with
Sheriff Srolid ba. 1.*vrd a rn«Iamallut,
- . .k .
w-b,uie dlplumacy awwara to
the cne.t ttmt anj/aiiemp t.^t^k
^.^,,^^,,^,.,1,.,^,.,, b, ,n*ki1.T-. have triumphed at Pekin.
uf » •^•‘^U'lon agum»i ih. annexa- having resolved not to force a conBln
.tmrnmry treater, h>
; Uon of th- uUieJw
, i.y ,„„hcr o,.,..,lng Bq««U'. cUlm. at
,, will r.oi mutate I. .,
Tbc,uv.f.«-w.,bJ.*icdtolheanr,eg,J^„ Arthur
and In
the I.u..-Tung
a AU A*, quiet li t Mghi apd n-. trouble .
„„ ^,-neral principle*, ffrat decur-, peninauU Japan aays nie D*ib Mali’*
-wa* aM-ii-aticl.
b.o.b., —
it llblbbrlti.
tn Hurli-el-m y.-eicr-lay
; thr father* and a movement that has [ uf rviitternalUn by the Uhil»li luukWkitiK. ■nj.-mg-ni w<itiii.n. and la much
* •
ki UI,
>'“f T'T f the j-eol-Ti of the ; down and h<* adopted a more friendly
horrlfled b> liei run * pi..:.(*mrnu Bbe
-e-I : Unlutd gkaie*. Hot, he said, lhat Mgh- It Bititi
attitude toward Iluaala.exclaimed
— the new. ;.
WJ» wai (MV VCJiei ,d,h«,u..oa
in.iiKSbeMue wiv 'they;
Thi* aiatenicni. however. The Dally
a who did the ,
^mKial Int.i lu*iBnlAianre com- Ball admits is ' Incredible and protaakavejue itt
U matter If he ^
deed OUgh’
thu* far • bly a bluff with a vie* af forcing SngU my .cm •• Cox 1* held a* an arv.-aw.ry
Jn the IhvUniOon i land to lake decided atepa." The Dally
It, the crii.u-- although he ha* not con^ in:ici«-ndcnce
nail'in has ofBt-igl- Ball nnmacU lu reader* not to bs
*«•«'<*________ ___
, 1} bar-d lu
neqrc uiK>n the principle ■ aiartn.-d.
nnncnt*'d. rite their Juotinw- [
Berlin. Jtn. SI.-Newi-papcr commtnt
Abwwt'Wlaai He'owcg Nm-My.
the coiirrnt of Uu- got.(Tied.’ : here I* all to Ibe text of KngUnd'a
Sk.-Augufilne-, J-la., Feb. I.—Henri
exallun U effected In the man- [ lnglon..u» retreat a* Indicated by the
Ooettwl. ci yeunx Gennan liakcr. afli-c.
Ihi* fuhdamdilal
nakli a a \-,-nre»»l'>n to th* ehertfr to .
,prliulvj gnnouii'vmcnl «>f The Bertlaer Tugethe -llect that Herman- IlreetS^ and
be iracnplcd unffPr foul, the blaii ibsi Kuinia and England have ar
himw-tf wnc-hed a p»*«ei.g.-r train heat
'‘"■'-‘nthtu rsilO.allon of the tpeal, by rived at an agre<-tneiii whereby KngUnd ha* t-onsented lu drop her demand
Jtucto, Mii the Florldj earn cyaat, Uat 1
""hsIUn aenaiv noiwithatar'—
for (he opening »f Tallen Wan aw a
Tuewl» night commliteil Fuldd* by
f***" «verwbcliiilng maj.trlly <
U>. B AU.a (». dee<^ toet^attiat^ to PUyyw of
hanging hlm*-lf i^llb a tqXi^ tbe l-l'UUtlon ha* virtually had no
iii«uiullng this guvernmeM; though oppoalttun to BrltUb control of the
liieetx alsoI aiu-mpied
now the Uw’ful Rovernmetii. It getuauy' chine*. »oa customs,
’ failed.
p i.n-M-nu only less than S.OOO out uf;
txmdon. Jan. 31.—A dlapaieh to The
*»*q.to.ep*w.dj<ro .0(1 WsaMO. snC Ml
mil Huteide.'^
ad "’-----— (.HwBill
ale/irt lio.oiw.
I>cn if the remaining Dally Mall from Shanghai aays a s«Plaltahurg. Mo.. Fel. L-J W. Ward
IM ho were t., pray aa ardently as the cret dl*i»lch baa bc-n lasuinl by the
nal. ns.Missod bUedU:
•mployrd’as a bookkeeper ».y Ih* .trank- t.'Sh for annexation, we ought to shut tsung-ll-Tamen to certain higb oflkdals and
Lq»* Tranble. *U ri
laying de|tfirimi-jit of the Kansas tniy, uiit door agaltiai them, because accord- informing them that Jtussla waraed
•04 elibout tbe am ef k*Ue.
dHeoilea ftuB
nattohurg and Gulf railroad, and a ir= lo' the unanlmou* rmpbaUc trail- China that tf Klan-Cbnu were granted
younx woman who paated a* bU wife,
niony of the ao’all minority. p.*slhg a* to Germany Ruasla aonlddemanddlher
were foond dead In a board!:
BraJey. eight ml
SBaertaa frowaar
%rday. It I* aupi*wedly g csm of double \ mi nt, which I* mofb than the life- f Shanghai
g<H,d authority thsi China
Bulclde hy poisoning.
red trltliovl a<
Fry atructural consent*
have Rusatans at the bead
>***(. Vnaan
t republic.'
of her cuitonis and ralla-aya.
r saw of On
•ewe* miaawnt la BUh^aa.
DeutjlL Fell. 1.—Tbe fourth •evert
glee spOcUl
Bombay-, Jan. U.-IUrly y^rday (•lledioeorw Piew»a. •iSitogfi^u
blUsard of the winter U hlaying havoc
8s Will Omw* th lU OmwaeM with Ih
sornlng the body of tbe chairman of tceanalysU
with railway Schedule* nearly aU over
the plague committee was fuund In a
both peninsulas of Michigan..,. Three
_ ,
Aeld at Slnnar. in the Naaslck district
trains (in
th* Toledo. Hagtnaw and
OiK-"*”- Jan. tl.-A. O. Spaldtng to
The Celebrated BpediUsts,
Ar.BkRgpUa..... IB
be. BUliMida,.'.. SB.
Ar-TTameas fftty.. TB
•- 01 BAVW. o*B^Pj«^a^__^
unsns UD meteustsbi i. i
n aOwci Soaday. J ane B, U*r.
Hotel Whiting!
ooDio Mocm.
, Mice.
• ii
Consultation and Sxamlliation Free and StiiotlF
To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
Musk.-got railroad are aialled to tbe “ interview at New Tork Saturday
tnou east of GrecnviUc. and nMtty all I pracUcall^ admlued that Adrian C
trains on that portion of the Deirolv j Anson, cajiialo^of the Chicacu
Grand Rapids, and B'estern road arc base ball c!uW would eeaae hU con
caRcalled. Towns on the Lake Mlctal- nection with that club Tueaday. wbes
hU ten-rear coniraet riplrea. Tb* an-
Lt*wg T* B* IM Team OlA
DbK-bx. 'WU.. Feb. L—Owen BoHU
van. aged 1«. waa bwlod la tba Ro
man C«1
I probably th* oldaat nut U
He Is aald to bare been
■urrteti five tlmr* and waa tha fRthgr
n cblldreM.
no. *H« WBi
l8aM to th* ^ Dtot IB I
of the eapuiD hag been the subject of
Bueb speenUUon and more gueaasa
than ar* offered to a prtM <»ateaL
Recently the Unpresalon has gone
•benad that Anson win be reuinCd to
It to maAa «( » CMt that haa long
■Ml Bob the dtotnpRA
DRS. B. S. & CO.
Lock Box 160.
tamp, wrecked tbe postoffice and cut th* telegraph wire* and
that the police had Ared on the mob
and wounded many.
Me Leo»*t<^'tKe^tersbe»
ZamdiRL Jan. IL—An fnponant ex
periment. dealing, with tocuita, U--g«ported from South Africa.
Sdtogton. director bf the bactertotogical
iMtUuU ef tbe Caiie Town governm««L
■a*Mi*d»d- la destroying iwlHtoti* of th*
If You Do. Try Tbe Want Department of
Returns are Quick Because Even body Reads tbe Record.
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