The Morning Record, October 23, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 23, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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l"!ri,ow)| .

the morning record.



Beoond Tm}-—No 459

*hireAt6DinKTrottble Between
Frenoe and England.


p.r«<liBBer. Be Mk«4 whar« U* ehil WWIIIHOWI
dreo were Mid abe told bin Uejr wet*
Mleep. ‘
Be waited aooaa titte'loorar. bnl
bearlM m aUr ha aaM ha woald go op
atalra aod aea tbam. HU wlta eadaav- Saparvieore KakeBold Hove
orad to dUaaado hlaa, hat ha iaaUtei
in Ooort Hoiue Matter.
aad OB raaeblnr their bed roo« tooiid
them ayiylor dead on a bed.
aolber aaid abe did not
it tba cbll
dred to irrow np wlolcad.



imaoy further act in
eoBhtnK.'tir'D of Mid
mttte u. berebr ootidt

After tbe a<^j>tirntn‘Bt ofUe board
In the afteraooB Sheriff Simpaoa Sled
Contractors and Architect*. official
notice bood tbe arcbitoet and
Balicead Spanlab Oommiaaionata WiU
-------------'theforemanof Ueconuectorlncharre
MananTar WiU Onhan Debt
Thia Action in Aeoord With Advice of of the work of eoDatroetioa, to dUcon*
SprcUl toTh* MorelBC Bwwnl
Of J>aterBlaatloB
Atmr.rr. Frbl. b»d On».-Tb.
Paria. Oet. S2.—The SpaaUb oommia.! ProfrreM would have been atopped in
. Bataia Faahoda-Britiah' Cabiaat ■tonem have apeat Ue week tryiaff to I Board Adjoamed Subject to Call «<'. a few days anyhow, aa the contractor!
Oalted to MaetHaxtWaoh—Buao
-- ---- ---------------------- ----------f.----- - _ ,
_ ow..—u..
as rar as c'miLetefi until aiw toe oeo
Voraifn KiaUtOTOotmaela Paaoa.

Btidsh Warship, Frapaiing
For. Service.

epecial to tb* Moaanie Bacou.
London. Oei- »2.—The Brltiab cabi■et baa beea aamBion«)d to meet early
oeat waek. U pKipoar* to dlacnaa ‘tbe
' Faaboda qatation. It U nadentood
Uat tbe fforerameot propoeca to Uke
tbe atepa aaeaaaary to iaeUt upon an
oarly and deflnite atatoment upon tba
Mbject from Franca.
The Brltleh admiralty baa ordered
every aeaffeinff warabip to bare iu
«raw made np to tbe fall oomplen
aa orderod in case of mobiliaation.
Offleera on laave of abeeooe or ni
-ployed bare been noMdad to hold Ibamealrca ia rBadiaesa to oommiaaion tha
jeaerr'e ahlpa iKreqaired.
Parto. Oct StVTha aftomoon papert
eootinae to aboee tbe Municipal Connell of Paria for esortlnff the' ffovemmeat to heart war. In corernmeat
eiroleatha dUpoalUon aaema to ba to
teat the Britiak damanda Tha reported
policy of the Preach aa deflaiuly
•tatad to Borland, iaelndoa tba nten-


I to do

Makes the nicest kind of a present We have
some new ones, the finest ever shown, or we will
frame one for you.

irlber irhtrucl-'
•d by thU board in relaUon thereto.
TbU in effect U to atop all work npOB tbe bnUdlnff util tbe board direeU
farther procreea. The board will dow
await the acUoB of tba contractor toirda oontaatlnr bU riffbu or meetier


Holley & Oonuable,
220 Front Street

‘‘City Bookatpra."

And Sheriff Files Notice on|

BAXsAsdaTHs aaiuppuna




We have It—BIBLES—New U)t and prices'
are a suprise, they are so low.


b...^ uw«



This is the Season

Od. ,.ir.'
b, ih. .ap«r.Uor. lo mil (or I Thr mniter I. oow wbrre Ihr bo.rd
To look np
,mm Wbo DW Ho. do H . Dblp i
e. », Pr... ..i Uoorpr U. ! o." br> Irimll.r lb prl.lo, U>r dUS .ollj
bt Hpkoir.
I Com., .pm.rml brfor. .bo boord „d.; ■•™',blronl oo. ..d plmr tbo .oooband
.drimd lb.m to b... lb..o.-k.pobi‘j™."'-............—
There waa considerable routine baaiWaabinrlon. Oct. S* —AaaUtant Sur- tbeooart bouae diHCJOtiaaed and
of tbe county dnpoaed of before
raoB Taber baa beea eharg^ wlU , contractor and arcbllecU r>"n notice '
uf Ue
board adj >ura»d. Tbe mttter of
naffleet at Camp Wykoff ^d U raleaaed ' ~ atop further progreea. io............ ..........................................
dmuo. ol JuUp. Co.b... .«,, lb. ‘b"
o( lb.
mini., ol ... rnmurnM mml. b, Ui. . "'""-I bm.bmU.bomd b, .b.
<0-1 ages.
b.ildlM».mml.m.i .1.. » „p.di.m I “ ‘m. ™ bl-l"Dm oobUbc. bbd.r -blob Um w.rb bn.! .“T ..d .n o.d« .utbp.mml
bmbpmlo.mml- Tb. ol m,.,. '» “•'"'I .m ,u.b r<» T., Tb. m..But Will Probably Wot Aoeapt Offiaa
ml I. ,lmb h... lb lull.
I... wm dlmomml .bd C.j i.»n.o.
Of Srpnty to Oub*B Coaffrana of
To lb. Hooombl. imm, ol Sop...; “1"". WM dlml opob. 8.
Puerto Principe.
,Uor.o,OmbdTm.»»Oo...r.lUcb.|b. bi. opinion Ib.l >b. cl.lm wm .
Special to ikcUoucrae Btcoan.
]joet one and coa'd be collected. Thia
1, OcL 22.—8*uor Uoniale
- Havingglven tbe mat- • h the matter which waa tbe aabjact of
4e gue,ada. Ue Cbarffe d’affalrca of
rSmmtlo". ^■dSo>P™l>»»>
“ >»r,
Ue Caban leffaU«>> ot WaUiarton. to­ d«rroo. olmmb,of i ! pm-Wlo, U... .b. m.oo., h... b .olo.
day received official BOtl&eatloD from the coorae to be puraued in order,
- in flxiag tba eompenaaUon of Ue r»-1
PrasldantUaaaoof Ua Cuban provU- poMiUe, to avoid figitoUoa. and at the | eordar. bat which did not get ihrongb
I Ume protei
ioaal goronmmoU of hU aelaetlou aa
10 yds Light Print..................
deputy to the Cuban eoarrcaa for Ua ___ topwure^^^a*nicUeB~f'tbe|*itb©ngbU#oityc<>oocll had decided
ure tbe coaairacUea of tbe j
t ydi 38ia Cotton Toweling..
BnanU Ooaraeb Paaoa.
I provinca of Pneru Prlneipe. Qaeaada court hoaae within Ua approprialloa , to allow tbe charter to be ataeeded
lOyda Dark Gating Flannel........
Wp-dMd-H—....... db.b~m»,
bat oet yet accepUd and wUl probably veied by tbe pw-p.aaad tbe aaauot i ^ to give tbe county ibe ri^ht aaked.
10 yds Amerleaa Indigo blue Pria
Barlla. Oct. 22.—The National Zei-! not do ao.
Sl‘‘ib^'*2^tVa^U^e;irmV;^u;;i Tb.r.,b,^. comID yds Apron Giagbam
iabding up to Ue la^ng of Ue cob- »«ltee waa ac-epted bod adopted,
9 yds Fniit of Loom Cotton___
tract for Ue coBatruelioa of the oourt
Tba board adj mraed after diaper lo
racommendad to tbe Prancb ffovem-|
------ ;-----lleldiDg Bros. Silk per spool..
bouae. were aot carried oa in tba man- ‘
call of ibe chairman,
meat a peaceful seiilement ol tha i Big Burpriae Sprung by Surveyors, aer required by law pad tbat Ue coa-j
Pasboda qpoiUoo. aa RUaaia doea aotj
Which WUl Add
oonalder Uat war wUl aerve
qOQ Xilaa.

new things in


We are receiving new lots for the fall de~:mand. Some very pretty, inezp°iisive pack-


Jas. G. Johnson.


Great Money Sarieg Sale!

:K. “;.S: i


> •>'

. 23c


m?mr»b‘‘r,ri:‘rmi..“b”„! new Au^TlRiTORr.


Salefro.iiatalO.Monday, Oct. 24.'98.

the name—
jof S.SOO milec additlODi
penditure of money ia claimed to have {
' tbe L’niied SUtca on Ue Alaskan eoasi been made uy J. N. Oibson, Ue uub-i
I and of a new ebanael for Yukon bound
•U wbii-b will DilniiDize dUtancc.

Bourne Waa Agiutod.
•pMialtoTut MoaKise Beouao

.V, ,km
Sjuperinundent Pritchett of j u j, Ucumbetit on Ue part of Ue
OI ue vaabooa
,*odetk- purvey by Joha j boah). and we would adviae. Uat Imdlapnie. hot aubaided
later ia
tbe | ^
noaioea lator
. tw
^unt in ebarga of
of Ue
a ez-1 »«li.te aupaI be Uken by 'tbU
1 repudiaday. Tbla
eoBtraeu and work c alm­
lief Uat Ue queation
ed to have barn done and tbat notice
I To wbat Ue ezpaoaloa is mileage lo of aaid action.on Ue part of this board,
New York. October 22 -Tba Londi«“l—
— territory U due U uu- ^ earvad on aaid contractor, J. B
.1 . .-.l'>'‘>aoB. and aaid archilacU, Bush,
oorraapondenl of Tbe Joonal cablca aa
dne tOlQ..__._ ,
nnilfb-lBV them to
foUowa: -Tbe altnation between
I prevlona inaccurate cbarlH. Ue preeeat | caaaa all work on aaid court heuM.
land and France baa beooma ezee^
ring Ue flrat rogoiar and reliable eur-j And aleo, Uat you
iagly neriona I have been ahowa a
ingoommtttae to do
I ealctlcm ta tha tauild
baaty letter written by one of Ue lead­
The new eban.el will effect a eaving:
ing diplomatlaie in London to a eloee
of[ 400 or soo
SOO mill
milea in reacking
_ tbe Vu-j The urgency and Beceaaiiy of this
friend, eayiag:
koB. Itwill permitahipaofmedera'e I action beeomm mora and more appar-1
■“I am aeadiagyou Uia for yaurowa d^upb.
,. w
w p™»bd
P.P.—I dj^iu, IbU.
ibu, tb.;."' -b~,‘k.
guMauce. I have joat eome from a
Yukon from Ue aouib, and then con- ^
oonaectioa wiU Ue amoent of
eoBtereaee wiU Lord Balabury. NoU- tinue up Ue river 400 or too mllea U a
Ue appropriation.
It la Ue right of
Ing but a mlraola oaa eaye ns from eafe landing bedora trana-Bbippiag to Ue people to have Ue building com
emaller boate. Tbe work of Ueear- pleted wiUie tbe appropriation and if
the present ezitavagani rzpenditure la
-Even Ue moat radical public tend­
veylng party baa been dan
U continue, twice A15.000 *Ul be re­
on bare not thought the altnation
all la it are raported wall.
quired to complete Ue building. We
•Orioai aa thU note lodioatoa."
can see no other way out but U act aa
abova Indioated and by ao doing you
will be able to ooetrel feure operation
,and be iaa poeitloo to eoforce your
Jobs Xorley Hat Been Selected for rigbu and measurably at Inaat save
Stoqnantly Dafenda Ue -Bolicy of
The Tank.
‘ tbe county ^rom any material lom.
Xalntainlag Brltiab Honor in
apenal to Tbs Koesiae asooas
GiinMB H. CHOsa.
LondonrOcL 22.—John Merley baa
Ua Fasboda Dlapnte.
On motion of SaperviHor Pnleipber.
been selecUd aa biographer of Ue late one of Ue building eommitlee,
•perlal taTaa Mossiaa ttaocaa.
Peru. ScoUani OcL 22.-Lord Roae- Oladatone. Be wilt probably not oon- epinioB was accepted end S>ed.
berry, la Ue reception tendared him in tinne in active pnblie Ufa
In Uia connection Mr. Pratt auted
Uia elty‘today referred in moat cordial OBIT. WHITTIB& WILL TBSTIFT. Uat be bad formulated a reaolation
temu to tbe good underaUnding ezwhich provided for a course deemed
taUng between Great Brilian and Ue Ord.
I From Kanlla to ge BeCare beet by coanael and suggested that it
Daited HUtM. and said be belieyed Ue
ba adopted, tbus aettiug tbe board in
Peace Oommiaeioaare.
whole history of Ue ill feeling tbat
a aetlled policy. bap>-rviaor Buell then ^
Brsiui- laTaa MnaKisu Hacoan.
formerly ezialed waa due to one vast
offered the reaolutioo. wbicb
Manila, OcL 22.-General Wblttier,
alanaderalandlac. He referred
collector of euatoma. bat been ordered
lengU U Ue Faehoda
to go to Paris for the purpoae of teeliMd appointed
-.further ramarfea bearing the
fylng before tbe rnlted StaUe peace by'the che'irman of Uia btmi,rd, were
Uooron Ue eubjecL he aaid; -If,I oommiaaion.
.....or directed
d by
never ientboriaed
waa the. Brltiab minister nownoi^n
vou of tbe membert of UU board to {
...................... ling!
abould rob me .of oae ahred or jot of
Teeterdaye Foot Ball Scores.
d aaid conti
honor which tbe great work of civlling been m
SpecUI to Taa Moasuia kai-oao.
izatioB. culminating at Omdnren. U
voted on by Ue board.
Fbiladelphia. OcL 22.-Uelveralty of
entitled to bear between Great UrlUin
WnkiitAs, The eon'iiract
ad Ru»b.
Ru*b. Bow
and tbe Uryplian goveramenL
A Biiah. as arcblteeU.
G are illegal and
Princeton S; Ccwnell 0.
-If Ue goverumeot doee not feel
anUoriza I by
New Haven, OcL 22;—Garllala S, Yala void, never having been
atfong eaeugb to bear tba weight of
Ua neoaeeary
ry aetioa of
- tbU
, . ood
Italanrela. I am willing to take any
I, It -hes also-come to tbe
abmreot Uem At may baud over toma"
uontraeur and aaid arcblteeU have asObicaco AUIetle A*
siimed aa uawarraated power, Ue one
to dlraet and Ue oUar U perform
work beyond and in addition to Uat
A MMber Xarderad Her Three Babiec
required by tbe plaM and ^eelBoatione
la Their Bleep.
referred to in Ue eentraet between
Waahlngtoa, Oet. 22—General Law- aaid Oommittee and said Olbaoa, and
TVtvahe, Oat., Oei. 22.—A dreadtel too has gaaa to New Haven te reenperhaving prooeedad In an aztravagaat
tragedy waa caacted la Ue east ead of
and unuUoriaed maansr wlU Ue
Ue elty when Elisa Borrell, wife ef a
work os Mid court bouse anderMU
comtract and if permitted te proceed
OhAoMV MotkoW.
would make laid court houM ooet an
and atraagled bar three driidrea.namaIt largely in exeem of Uoag^
CUenge, Oet. 22-Whent Deeemher.
ly. BUal, aged five. Stanley need three
62e; oera. 22# 2tKe{ osNa, ItMe; pmk, prlntiM voted ^ Ua ]
and HaroU aged one and omaAeU
tea, Balt
OaUea-Uvan^ whnatlK P«2«T
When Ue hoebaad of the nnbappy
Tomii Tht-*" * Barrffil. « rnrhU


P 8. COMING »*’» OrMtMt Slaughter <5*la of Dry Goods, Clothing
and FamUbiag Goedi about November I. 18»8. Walt for Hand BilU.

Copper Ware

Is the Jest ware in themarlMl

Tt is better thaa silver plated ware as it weara longer and does
not tarnish. I have it in Tea Ketlles, Tea and Coffee Poia, Pitcbeis
Rice Broilers, Hip^rs, etc. It trill pay you to investigate it when iB
need of any of the above mentiooed articles.

““lb...., I. D b.i„..d»b, d„ b.!rr;.TEr, p*.7i;;r,“ib,“„"




The femoos shoe
for women.


Our prize baking powder at 50c per pound can, 10
per cent off for cash. A large line of prizes and

choice of Wbite Cross or Lyncti Baking
street, dress, home or oulieg.
All feel end fancies 6twd in
tnM. heels. aoH lettberg.
Tbp llwit of picplIvDCP.



Quality of powder guaranteed.


248 Front fitroot

QDAiirr,j- and comfort.
In thnM naaentlalt this shoe U
-gFBBN gUALITT'fiom surl
tp floUh.

“Poerderer's” Vicl Kid
naed azeluaively.
Sold ezcluslvely by

Popular Shoe House.

As AdTortised.
our line of Pingrae

For women,


I Sell Coal

Our complete Fall and Winter Idne is in.
*Call and inspect them.

And dtlivar ordars promptly.

Likewise Wood.

El* Sail nn KMn.

The Old Reliable Sboeman.
118 Fient BMt

By ^

CHB XOBHZVO BEOOBD. wMmm Um B»BBer Im wMek k« t»
AMt«4 tb« wv wiU Bimim.


j. c. e;llis
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries


B«t TitTWse Oity Team Bm( So^
kMko lA • Ooo« root Ball

mMom. - ifioBioAir

» akowar o( allvar
tn ««VM ar ni
a^ bU to be
AlUioBcb it ntlaed yeatordor oad
tor tlaoi Ateae ooA Kra were AriToa
raioed bard, tbe foot ball fame be». T. Batm avs J. W. Hijnn. troaiBdeB.
Mf work U first ciasa and pricoe that are in rercb of all. lam
tweea ibe Ralksaka ladapoBdeata and
prepared at all timee to take care of the trade. I make a epecUUj ia
Thk wbaeia of induawy
the local tflcbaebool team cam t.ff
. t. W. BAnn. UlMr and Matiofw.
BraziDK.^rnlcaniiiiig and Enamelinff. A fine line of wheels for eala
hnamiaff. la tba reaalt of tba laprad- aeoordiar to previous am
3. O. SIXIB, fill Front strMt, e
tac aoarraaaioaal eleeUm to baab the howe team wlaaiaf by a lem of,
Ahaat acaia?
The attaadaaee was very amall, but |
a few eathoalasta braved the storm,
Btockholders of Bif Bapida Hattoaal - ^ „
aad ameer them were a few of the fair
I «o. Baa Zoaa.d Vlrat sex,, aad they were amply repaid by
Tbe toUowlar le the/mean for toThe receiver of the Bir Bapide Nataeeiar the beet rame ever playad here.
Bank has breurht er U to briar •orrowb dlDoer at rietehor’e Colum•.UamatOlreM
The rate reeel pa did aot pay more
eelt acalMt eneb of the etoekbolden
saliar Block ter Oaaeral OAoaa
thaa hay the expeaaee ef the vialUar
of the bask ae arc ooliacuble, to re­
LaateTeabiy Praaldeat BbIU of tbe
cover the valae ef their stMk, on the
•a at tkr PoiloaM at Tiarcra* OUT. Bortbera Teiaphoae Co., oonplated arTweaty flre miaole halvea were
VWe. «• aacoad cUm matwr.
the hank had ao faads m
eaaceneou for the leaaa of the laaia played, the vtaltore aecariar their dre
haad, was Indehtmaay thonaaade of^*”^^"'*
■ and baaemeat of the aew Toe* polets la Ue Uet half.
dollar., and that who. they tnrawif
joet tear aad one-half minaelier blo<^ now U oonrae of ereetioB.
The atore wlU be eowplatoty fltud for ntee teom the time the ra<aa dlarted, To Be Held Hare Oatobar 80 aad 87. ia or rather converted their stock la- B^mMTeoBgnf.aervDreMiec
te moBsy. Uey practically need Ue
Baked Turkvr.oraebefrrSMco
a loeai eaebaDye and cenera! ofirea of uaUI the local team hed aecnred two
BAZSA' H. PfKOaEE of Warac.
The local lodye. I O U T..baveelect­ tends of depositors then in Ue bank,
W»prl.f Lawk, him aaoee
ipaay aad the baaeoeeat tonebdowBB made by Wilhelm aad U.
r. BOMkiMONorSm
aomatter if H was hot Jlttle. It
aad both tiasee Ue latter ed tbe f.
will be aaod la eoui eetiaa with it for
district loore to be held io this city eaid Ue treasury department at Wash-'
Ore*> PeSa
^ a inVliira Ot II aw
aappliea. batteriae. rte- ft Is expected: kicked the real la a very pretty
Juet before the cleee of the first at 8 o’clock Tneeday aftemooa, Oct. 85. iagtoa is behind tbe move, ae a l»pa»a (Hsabed Btcaacd Pksums
that the baildlar w<U he ready ter oe'aO'icoa’D'oU at BmWa
must be placed on the bleekbaatd so ]
waemade by
capaaey about the Bret ef December.
Eerular delerates—Mr*. Oviatt. W. i that ether National banks will not be
Socretery Arrastroor will arHve Johneoa aud ha arala kicked a cap
W. Goble. Mabel ilrown. Mrs. Laneaa-; likely bo repeat ihe experiment of
from Bettle Creek oa bloaday. or ebrly
^ *GIOBOS*A'«TajEL ct Cllawn.
np bneli ■e after tbe style of *pp>» "•
la the week.tvi iib a force of mea to beAanie
beys bad had
ria tbe eoaetruetioB of tbe system ia
a larr* amoaat of hard practice re- aey. C. M. I^aocaater, W. Moore, Fred J paying
this city and snbnrtae.
Dsgo, Bari BeanetL Mr. Parker, Miss < eredltera. It to thonght tbe suit comTbe eompaBy has parehaaed the taUy and every pUyer did hU beeL
Goble. H. Allen, G4o. E-igar. Daley I meoced ia Grand Bapide Uto week
The Kalkaska beys are all r
per Betvet of tbv t'olTOrRlir <lon« W
Oheboyraa oxchaare aad are aerotta1. BVBOK jrDKIKS of krtu.
and played the yarns withoat aay of
tiur for the Petosksy exebaure.
alton. Mr. Laveader. ] er prospective enlte agalast eteckhoidtte meaa.tricks that am ebarsewristie
r. JOBKSOK of WsobMiae.
Mr. lAoteer.
I era by receiver Lawrence, to bnt a
Civil Bervica BxamiaaUea.
of a foot ball came.
PwMwibrr Sisi* BoorC of ESersUoe 0«W
---------- e of Ue gover*meat te entrap Ue
lieehaar, of tbe vlsitlaf players,
The foUowiag yesterday took ' lb*'
PLATT of Oeovooe.
Btoncb Ligaiaa. j Comstocks.
made hit toueb-dowa, whioh yave bis
Clark carrier cxamlnallon before tto
Appointed TeeMrdar Aftoraoon by
tesm their five polata. These ware Chas. Oetcbal, MIm Orebao. Joha Sratt.
loeai dvil aerviee board
Ht MU thd bwt
■ayor Smith aad ia Headed by
made by bueklay the Liae. Bowevar, Will Clnne. Ban-v Dean. M. B. Bolley,
Barry E. Parrin, W. W. Oobla, Jan.
fihlru la I
Bon. Perry Haaaah,
Capuia Bldyeley was naable to kick Lee Deaa.Minaie H»bbell. C. Theobald.
Birdaall. 3. F. Dixon, L. J. Baddy mA
•e. 8. Beads A Co.
At the last mectlar of the city oona- tbs yoal asfeiy. misuiay by abont
Bertha Brown. Tom Wilhelm,
Eaoa Tremaia.
eil a reeolntioa was adopted pwMiar feot, aad the other point was lest.
bwan. Maud Moody. Bart Slmmoads. Evtaiac School
oommittee of three from tbe conaOf Basiaeae College will open at Ue
Deriey tbs yame Arnold, of Ue visit- Ellsworth Hale. Clyde Ely. Claade Pal­
•teU Baaday Bcbool AaanaL
er. Aaaie'Uobbell. Ltlllaa mea. Mr.
i^riohnofv. cU aad twooitixeae to iavestiratc as te iny team, sinmblcd and was trampled
8i. 18Miriag te Uke
argrares. Alice Umraad.
water works system aad to
The Thirty-elghu ananal ooSivaaseveral kieks ia Ue
apelllag,' ariUmclte. peni
£ ram& of Oraad Trare
All m'mbera are requested to attend
port the resnlt of their iaveetiratioa head which readetwd him naeoaseioos
tiaa of Ua Miehigaa State Snaday
book'keeptag. nborthaod, o. __
to tha oonacll. Teaterday Mayor Smith fora Une. Ue soea became blmeelf Ueeemeettoga. Turaday evening Uere
Ue eommaa hraachee erill be .
AaaodaUon will aoear la Saginaw;
appointed the tollawinr:
Novembar 15.1« aad 17. The
aad played Uemst of U. game la
Boa. Pony Baanah. B. A Hull. Oao. first claseUape.
j UoB to lateraatlanal aad laterdaBoml‘wSSi^'lf’ irswTojt
W. Lardie. F. a Demnond aad B. MoaiBtamOag tohaaUn!
tl la alias aad npirit, aad grow-.
Toward Ue latter part of Ue yame,
3. MuppArr.
taraa The three last named balar
I will leave Traverae City, wlU Ue ' lag rapidly in aaoMrieal atraagU aad
fnuieu OesU A Wickateamer Oaekeme. Nov. 8. for the ' Mod works,
Everybrxly who takes Tax Meal
^‘olwfeos w“«TDa
north ehora for the aeecmmodalloD
Bm Free n‘mine Atiamvr—
of hnatiog parties, aad will land at >
Berald delivered to Un
ntxo U. PRATT.
>r aa
cl^ixeBs aad the cemmlttee wUl have
any point dealrad. Para for roundijBMUtlfBl
additional tear cents per week, i
the coBtdence of the eonacil and the TmmbuU..............8.B...:............... Little
trip *5.00.
SulteWa arrangemenu
ia GaBtleBies'e Novelty Pall ahirta
^‘«MT« ira
log only M cent* per wri k for
will be made for retnra.
joet raeaivad At S. Banda A C
people ia the imporuat atatter which
beet naaer ia aortbern Micaigen and
Capt. Baoar.
they am to eoasider.
state. Telephoi
Traverse City Ledye No. 818 P. A A.
Tbb Garlo yesterday steted that the H. will held a mynlar eommnalcation
Beard of snpsrvlsore had maaifested aa Monday aiffbt at T:U.
Officers of the Circuit Cenit met at
iMllaaUoato bead to Ue will of the
BwUdiar oommittee la the eoort hoase B;1S yesterday morsinf wBea a tele#eatroretuy- This Is aaother eoutor- pboDS massayc came irem the Jsdfe to
tfea of the facte. lastead of bcadinr adjonra court nntil Monday moraiay
...................... R. H .,.............Woipert
fieUe will of the eommitwe the enper at 9:15.
SccreiaryWf fiUU Gardaer hss seat
vlaorshave endeavored to exlriAU tbv
eotuity from a bad mvas loto which it to the eoanty offices ctpies ef the elec- TBB HSW HOTEL OOLVKBIA.
wm pluorad by the Iraorauce or aer lion laws sad Supreme court decleioce
© aner Will be Served Today,
last of tbe proeecntiar attorney. Thr tebedistribaud te each of the votiay'
Com meal, made by improved machinery, is S’
t which *
place. iaUeoonnty.
j Today Landlord Fletcher will wrve
•^Dilve to the connty.bul the Rsooao
Bryaa’i comraediansetoeed a aaceees-| the firei dinner ia hU new Botel Colnot as ^ood as tbe old fashioned
malataias that If the enpervieora had fnl week’s eoyayemeut in Steinberg’s ] „.bls. While the botel is opt telly
Bpea properly advised there would Grand last aiyht to a good andienee.
tplcted it is practically ready for
fcave baen fewer mUUkee and the Tbe company will go to Msnistee to­ ynasts and will be in flrat class shape'
4atlee of tbe eommtttoe wonid have morrow muruiny.
ia a few days. Tbs roomsarecoinplrteLadirs' dr*liK. bonkrases and com*
Bsaa laid down in aneb a manner aa to
The foaerpl ef Ushel Bolmss was ly temisbed aad the eatim boUdiay ia binetion easM. we have a large line
•void Jost eoeli mistakae as were made. held la the Baptist cbnrch yesterday fitted with new appelntmenu cf mod-, from Ue cheapest np tn the best. A
We make the old kind, as well as the new—
Tbs opinion of the attoensye. B. S afteraeos and waa largely attended. era style. The service of tbe hotel good ooUebod oak eomblnaUon ease
Pkmtt-aad Gaorre H. Cram, placee a The yenhy lady had a large anmber of will be first claes ia every respect sad for 84 SO. B fine
Some like one and some the other. You pay
part of the blame where it be-. friaadswho warn deeply aluebad to this will be ene of tbe best bouU in
hlrdaeye maple ladles’ desk for a
The oontiact as prapar- her, as Ue floral trl^tes evidcaced.
Us Sraad Traverse region.
your money and take your choice.
litue money. Gnfd* stored nnUI
•d' ^ the preeeeotqr cave tbe arCbristmav free of charge.
^ •
£httaet powara which «
Perao aal.
Isr mneh of the evil charred by the
Bvv. C. T. iilout Kturaed Friday
The Hext Aanual Heetiag WUl be
Baple to the committee, and that body
night from bis vaeatioB and will offici­
Held la Traysrse Cityfcae been takinf abnae for effecto of
190 Front St.—New Store.
‘l^e teHowieg tdJiMre for the coming ate Snaday morning and evening.
which the preweentor. archllect and
Captain Webb of the
ear have been elected at tbe tIU
Mitraetor were tbe combined esnse.
district C. B. aaioa now being held at hat retornad from Casaopolia. '
A. J. Helm. 508 West SeveoU street
‘ JaMB CoRUKTT'e decision in rerard
ig from an attack of fever.
Prealdeat—Grace Osborns, Mance«a the reiatlens which a proeecntiar
The Bev. H. Sslabery baa retnraad
fiUomy ebould hare towards tbe leaa.
aoaaty aeodrds with tbe seatinteat of
Viee-Preaideal—Mrs. Shnrtlefi, Orsas from Bersey. after attending tbe teaeral ef the Bev. C. Uda.
o hat the latercau of the VUlage.
Mr. and Mn. Bert Taylor of Terra
- poanty at heart. And hie dicUion that
Becretary—M. B. Bolley, l^verae
Baute, Ind.. were made happy Uto
fihooonrt honae contract is void, to- City.
weak by Ue birth of a son. Tfar lltUe
pelher.witb iheecbsequenl resJu.^s erMissionary Snperinteadent-r-P.
aae to a grandson ef Mr. aod Mrs.'
Sdonee that the board of superrlsoredicl i-eelir. NorthporL
•ot receive tbe advice they abonld have
Junior snpenntendent—Miaa Aanie FrevbornOardneriWeatSevenUelreet,
Uto city.
yseelved. and iadieatosclearly thathad Oviatt. Traverse City.
g E. Bongbey retnraad last night
.they bean riybtly advised a rrval deal
Directors— Preeidet
from a bnalaeat trip.
•f aaaecssaary expense would have ad secretary.
been spared la the ooBstmcUoa of the
The next place of meeUag wUI ho
Traverse City.
bnildlarMiu Edna Wilhelm, operator in the ;
aH 'Pa«*1nw Civ{4^^a Txrrtvri^Vi fhftA riA f!r\v* nnlw thO.O. A/1
local telephone exebaage.
The only branch of induatry that dM
MiUleas Otvea Away.
Grand Rapids tomorroiiw te enjjy Ue,
■•t en^er redneed wages.after tear
It Is certaloly gratifyiag to the pnb.k v..s._A.
if fy\ Vto
onwxrliAWA aIwo
rfriends V....
for a
' Democratic rule was that of Ic to knew of one concern in Ue land eareival aad te visit with
ers. who were .getting from who ara not afraid to be gee
Mrs. 8. Benda is vacy sick wiU bUloer oenta and a qnarter more per day Ue needy aad sufferlag. The
tors of Dr. King's New Discc.... ...
la IfW than In 1S«2. marking the close
Congbe and Colds, have Iona fever.
pi the Bepabliean and Democratic ad- given
slee of UU great medicine, and have
alatatrationa rrapectb
AV>A e»r\r\i^a
boilar makcra. briekiaysrs. eabiset Ue satisfaction of knowing it has abtblntely cored tbonaands of hopeless ject to attacks of croup Wheorrer an
makera. engineers oa railroade, rail­ casra. AsUma. RrMchltls. Bemrsc- attack to coming on my wife giv«*s ih,-m
road firemen, iron moulders, j.jiarrs ness and all diveases of Ue Throat.
bamberiaia’a Cough Remedy and it
the .......................
aad laborcri all anffered reduction in Chest and Longs are anrely cured bv
wages, according te tbe lateet balls- IL Call os Ue Drnggiets S. E. Wall
and 3. O. Johnson aad get a trial hot-,
matter what
Mn ef the commissioner of wagse.
tie. locta. KeguUr eixe 50e and 81.
■ntd aot do Io be wilhnnt ^amt'crEvery bottle gnaraoteed, or price re­ lain's Cough Remedy. Mon- of it to
Tn Democratic attempt 'to blame funded.
aold here than of all oUer cough martl' the Dingley law for tbe elrlke of the
Oy.tai*. OyfUn. Oyiten
: HllBOls coal rainecs le on a par wiU
WtluT decoys te iadnee tbe people
Old fashion
.bloc in drvsa may>» rCTi.d.! y- thing for the money.
sots Ue Democratic ticket. When did
receive Uem direct from Baltimore, bnt no old-faabionvd medic
|iwe trade ever increase tbe wagve of
place Cbambcrlain'a Colic. Cholera and
sice and
Ulmrrhova Remedy. For sale by S. S.
peal minere or any other American latbe price* that are right. Call
and see me. M. 8. TaUnan.WS Uol
Tn enUnsiaatie r
IS aeoorded

. £










J.W.SL4TER, BonseFimiislier.



Johnny Cake Corn Meal.



We are still talihg to |ou
about oar^^-^

I BargaiiliJn Furniture! j


This time it to Pirlor goods. We offer a fine upholster-^
ed Parlor Suite worth $30.00 for only $22.00. Nothing Uke
it to he had anywhere else.
We have some beautiful three piece Hahogany suites, in ^
^ all the latest designs of upholstering, and at prices very low, ^
^ considering the goods.
We have about 60 upholstered odd Chairs and Bookers
ou sale at greatly reduced prices.
r"."!”” ’" I
Come in aud make a selection and wo will set It away 5
until you are ready for it. In case you don’t want it at once. 3
No trouble at all to us. We want to help you to get the best ^

.... will


The place—

dbe Fraeldcat of the United btates by
©0 BSt bay dram thlrts
leaves no odor aad.eaa he need
•be people of Nsbraaka, Iowa, Miaeo
aatil you have aeva oura at t
tlove to OB Ue hanA
For aale!
ladiana Md lUiaais, doesn’t eeet
81.00. -All Ue latest patteraa.
O. Job)
>hnaoa. Um drnr
JaiUrriV that they era preperiag
Beads A Co ^waya shows Ue lateet.





aNTiuw November IS M i?.
AtOfMd BepMs. WlllUm H. Ji
• worit epos » eeeffold npon
• batWlap oa Oeael Mroel. tell to bU
«mU Kridey noraloc. He «ree belplop
. pall blmeelf «p ud when jost above
Ue third atory the ladder awnar
acatul a window top. He- loot the
rope and tell to the aldew^k, dpiaf on
Mra. Martha Stowell of Dundee, west
' down to Toledo and on her wa; home Chargee That Sick Soldiers Were'
loot her pocketbook. eoDlaininp fl.OSu.
Short pants—$1.60
AUanto. Go., Oct. S^Js bb teatl▲ tarriUe atate of affoiin U reported
patterns—1 to 8.
the war inveatigaUan
from the Oakland eonat^ pnorbonae.
eiq>eciaU7 lb repord to a demented old
the general mUlta>y bcepitol. declared
woman who woa diaoorerod bj
Tialtora to be la a ahocktnf eondiUon that the saddast feature of the war
was the way In which sick aoldlera
eftlib aad neflect.
were robbed of their elothea, keepaokec
At Paw Paw on Frldajr. Frank Pcokand perwnal treasures, oftentimes by
bam. a blaekamlth working tor Hr.
their eomradeo. While tbe bodiee of
Allen of Almeoa. went ont bp the aide
the sick were carefolly guarded their
of the abop
property was not.
when the brick ehimoey fell on him.
kllliag him.
He lived only twenty
Bnrglara attempted to rob tbe Calaovia depot Thnarday. They flratwpened
the ear honae. by which meant they
obtained a batebett. pried open the
window of the ticket office, opened the
money drawer, eecnred twelve ceate
The United Stetea craaier Beaton and
and the omialeat'a mockintoeb. Tb« the oollier Nero, ordered to Hong Kong
moekinloefa waa fonnd later np the in eennaetloD with tbe dietnrbancee at
track. No Uee to the perpetratotn.
Pekin,have arrieed at Amoy, oppeaite
Bev. A. J.\mden of Bitriean. hoa
' k, Ihe former abort of oool and
died anddesty aa Ua reanlt of mtatoka tbe lattOT; with bar cargo oflro.
in taking madlelnn. He hod been overTbe probable Icee of tbe ighaoner
eeelng bU large, farm, and feeling ill Annie Rowe in the north eonnd and
tookalargedoeeofaeonite. mUuklag tbe drowning of 11 paaeengere b re­
it for a almilorly ahaped battle of mild ported at Beattie.
pain kUler. Tbe efforta of the doetora
The village of Ulalrviu;. OU., wm
to nave him wen fntila. ea it alTeeted
toull.v drstroyrd by fire Friday mom
Ua bean almoat immedUtely. He waa
ing. Pompey Pedrtni and four others
to have moved nest weak to Retnae,
BeeepQon to Football Player*.. |
reported to have been beraed to
wtaai* be bad a eharga oa Uetbodikt,
Owiag to the boa weather last night
death, among them n fireman on tbe
Ue leaves a widow and Ave.
Mohnwk Gain and a waUraes on tbe tbe atterdanee at tbe^jweeptien gives
ClalrvUle hotel, name on- In Forester's bail to tbe Ealkseka foot­
Tbe little eon of Marlon Rogen of keovm.
ball players, was not largely atunded.
ImlayCity. while vieiUng bli grandAt New York Rev. Cbarlae Heath, Tbeee present enjoyed thrmselvee un­
parent*, drank from a dieb contaioiag
colorod. b dead, aged 101. Is ITpu bb til a lau hour at card playing, games
fly pobon. and oniy promptly odminiapother carried him to the funeral of aed dancing. A general good time was
tered remedbe naved hU life.
George Wosbiagtoo. ,eo that be eenld
The Flint A Pere MarqneUe Railroad always oey that be atunded tbe burial
The Death BecoH.
. Company b gettiur more boaim
of the first presideat of bit country.
It eon handle with lu preaent equip­
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lewbof Garfield,
The firing of a cannon In honor of
ment and mn order boa been placed for
loes of tbeir tbree-year old
tbe prenldential visit at Kokomo. Ind..
eeveral new enginee and lOu freight
reiulud In the death of James Jomea boy l.awrenee, who dM yrsurday
eon which wilt be toiahed in Umc for
by lb premstnre explosion. Another mnmiDg at their borne, of Infiamatioe |
the winter traffic which promiaaa to be
of the howeU. The fiinrral will l-e'
was eerlously li j ired and mpy die. •
nnnasany heavy.
held from tbe h< nu at 1 :W today.
Duluth, three men* were killed
At Detroit, oottlleb Llaa waa wheel
Friday by an explosion of dynamite.
The Poor Euprree,
Ing home from hladay'awork, when be
They are Henry Sherf of Sault S-e.
W. F. Bnilcy oontribuh-N to Tbe Oenwoa atrock bv an electric car and fatal­
Marie, and J .hn Stevenson and M> tnry an artidi- on "Tbe Pony Exprees, ”
ly injured, aaniving but a few hours.
ebael Vail of Duluth. Tbey were work­ butwM-n S(
Mu.. andSauFranCkarlea Raymond from Otsego
ing on tbe govemmenttbnni blowing Cisco. Mi. ikni-y kivr;
ty. aontenM to Ionia pruon for five op an old bulk.
At first tbe ecbudole WOK fixed nt 10
yaara for burglary, and John Millar,
8 miles an banz
Prom loformaUou obuined from tbe
neat np from Kent coonty for thi
fruui etnrt t<> finisb. Tbiiwor cut down
gen«nU land office .It appears that
to e duys. miuiriug on average speed of
yeara for larceny, acaled the wntb
there was an increase of neerly 400 lOmilea .The quickeel trip niede woe
Tbnreday night nod eeeeped.
mineral eotries daring the fiscal year in cnirying Ftv.ident Lincoln's inanTbe firat wbiU augar ever made in 189S. os compared with I89T. Tbb. It goral nddrt'M, wbieb was done in 7tlxyt
tkii atate waa an^ved at hotela at Bay b said, indicates a marked revival'ol and IT bonrs. on average speed of IU.7
I per boar, tbe fasieet time of
City on Thnraday. A delegation of tbe mleing Indestry. which bod fallen
farmemond mercba#te ftom aurroued. to ib lowest ebb in isy.t. when bat V:i7 one rider ie ing 120 iuiles, from Smii
Cr>vk l'i Fm CborrhlM, by Fnny Bob.
ing lowba viaited the works of the ontriee were mode.
in N boors ntid 10 tnianlte, iir 14.7
. Uiebiean Acgar Co., during the day.
A terrible wind storm swept over
The capacity of the plant b
barrela Texas on Thursday, esasing mneb
JevtructioD-of life and property.
■s biudilu ludiaiik rued agi-uts. flowls
A tew days ago a tired and hungry
On Tbureday Secretary Alger ap- and r^nnwstnrms. and aocideuts to buraee
tramp, with acarorly enoegb clothce on
and riders, tbe srhednle was main
mined to an asbuiisbiug degree. Tbe
him to hide hit nakednem. caUwl at
tbe bMviest draft on the treasury mad- aervice enwted tbs greaiuet entbnriasm
the home*of Thomas Rri-:kell.m prospernt one time tor tbe pay of the army twt only anuuig the eiupijyeea, but also
ona farmer maiding near Granger,
alncetbewar began. Tbt money will in tbe ranlunf etagei
i. freight.
wmtb of Nile-.- Mrs. itrivkcll.was alone
be diatribated with eU partible ecleriiy
St honm. and sba gave the man soma
and m order that tbe Woope to be mas
food, ohd before leaving, at bin re<iiieat
Wred out may be paid without delay.
ehe preaented him with ao old suti of
Alb -rt Marlio. a raueper livlag Bear i
elothea that her husband bod cast a>iile.
Oeir One DmI**.
Wban the latter raiurned home Um. tl>. f^yenne river in ' Zle^k ooUDty, - y
Briokell told her bnaband of the clr- Kualb Dakota, CDHsted as avotuaioerj A sculpinr bar muuy modele Aram
nea. tboi
eumaunce, and abe nearly want crazy at tbe begiaeingof tbe war and fought I wbiub be c'bisi-lM variuoiitatnes.
bis luascerpinoe,-, but when
when sbe learned that in tbe inside
pocket ti tbe old ooat was «3» in bills ■battle be met Rtmtea Perex, Ue' *
>c we siioalfl be made
which Mr. Brickall bad placed there daughter of au offiaer of Garcia's comJena Cbtim.~Btebop
tor safe kevpiug. A search waa made mand. and they became aweetheorta

Childs 3-piece Suits--

up—beaoUfully trinimed—nice

4 to 8—91.60 up—PopaUr this year.

{2 piecei


i SeneraV "Kews

0^ live AOoAA. S




Sites b to IR-Good, desirable Besvere-The beet $2 Beefer
‘ever shown- Othere—fine yoods—to $5.00.



Si-50 Up—Best makes—well sewed—touble

• Se^ and Knees.

■ mirably good line.

A big lot of Pants “Wear Keststers”—These goods
are put up for service, and mothers will appre­
ciate them. Not “how cheap.” but how good.







suits (


Overcoals and Ulsters-®

> .———

for tbe tramp bot he could col be found Ssoa afterward be woa‘ attacked by
Bert Hill of Morettcl was killed in tbe fever and sent nome oo sick leave- Re
Baltimore AObioyorde at Garrett, Ind. wee engaged before hie depenerc for
Re waa n-yean old and leaves n young Ue war to the deugbiar of a neighbor­
ing ranchman and mode orraagameats
Dr. SrilliamR.8eottofBloomiDgdale to be married while home on bis leave I
btheposamaorofa fonr-wloged duck. of absence Meanwhile Ue Cuban ^
girl had learned of bis illnea. aad«he
It b now seveml waeka old, nod bos
reoolved to follow and nurse him.
lively oa its brother and aiater duck­
Dreoilog in her brother’s cloih.-ashc
lings. Aside frutu its wings. It b per-,
eroaiad to Jamaica and eecreted herself
teetly formed
oo a fruit smamer ^uod for New Or(bdllloe ia meditating over the aeReaeblug Uere abe tramped
tablbhment of n cheese factory.
and beat her way to Hermoaso, SouU
At Milan. Tfaouias Kilpatrick baa re- Dakota. When she reached there she
eeraad the usual order of tbiogs. He. learned of her lover's approaching!
hae returned from the Klondike where marriage and tbe s'hock draveberloha has been for the peat five years. Hai____________
At the__
Ume tbe American
hns modes fortune already, hot hi-U • jifi i^ned of her lover’s fllrutlon and
going to return there in the spring.
t b„,,e off the engagement. Martin be.
About 50 Imnalng women who paid j
drinking benvUr nnd dbappemed.
in ndvaacc flS each for an auloinstlc. A few days ago bis body waa found
mg machine which would enable ilicui floai^g In tbe Chyenne rieer. Whether
%o moke from
to tit weekly at ' > fell in
a matter of eoojaetiu*.
flr bomea, baveoald farewell to their
ih. TlMy nopMfled to «n odver- IhelMoft----------------------------»ment loeerted in local psprrs by a
in colored shlrtAaee "Stripe*
A giving bia name oa C. W. BuUvr.j find Uem at
A Cos'e

Child’s Sailor Collar Suits--

"'Boston Store,

I October 24tl], 25th and 26lli:

Bad weather retarded the Cloak business tofan alarming degree.
“v'““ rtXujI'"
There is just seven weeks of cloak business left this season; the limited time is inefficient to dispose of our large
a,. «,j. Kr
of cloaks. In ord^rto reduce rur stock quick we have
resolved to inaugurate a special sale on the above dates—a
special not often prsetided at - his early date.
We do not belilsve in peddling out surplus stock through
the country—it entails a heavy expense-the consumer must
pay for it-we prefer to give the benefit to our home trade^ On the above dates we will place on sale our entire stock of ■ _
Feorteea CaU A Vaek.
wladies’, misses' and children's Jackets and Capes, Collarettes, -W
Everybody t
takes T * 1 .. ..
RiUXjHD can have tbe Grand Rspids w- etc., at

Herald delivered to them aleo fur an .
odditionai four cents per week, mak-;
log only It cents per week for ibe I
brat peper :n norlhrrn
Ihe brat metropolitan
aUte. Telephone *3.


25 Per Cent. Off f

on our already low prices, and as we will remain in the city -Xxms PORTRAIT
for more, than three days we will exchange or refund your
*h<ms I>r. Miser'l
money if you so chbose.
e sftgr cured of i
Bccr bv MUir's ,
idScralsIs I
We guarantee our garments fresh, this year’s make—no
fiyrap. Thtirv
old made over truck, which could not be disposed of elsewhere, to be dumped in our midst "dear at any price.
Hoping our citizens will take advantage ofthisoxtra“ ““ ordinary sale, we remain, yours respectfully.
I GtiBC-IHcd: y-

r», A^rirtfrrthr raail.
WtUc luT psaphlrt.
*4-arraiv of twins C ft

.SS 131.



$. BENDA & CO--Busiest Cloiers in the City!


Bei Uns Wird



$4 60 $6 00. $8 00. $7.60, $10 00, $12.00, $13.60, $16.00, $18.00.

“EXTRA SPECIAL"-Men's All Wool Ulsters, Black, at Ooly $4.75.

“Union Suits”
Value S2.00.



All the
Very latest
In eoDtlooeo's

For Boys
4 to 16.

$2.00, $2.60, $8.00, $3.60. $4.00, $6 00, $6 00, $7.00.

$. BENDA & CD-Busiest Clothiers in the City!
| j w E.«j
ubed u, brl.i . I
'pound or more of dried fruit or vegeto-' eomee hack to us that no man la good

aud (KriaoorAL) cbubch.
ta*. D.Oaehlle. Pftator. •
CortMT WMblars«8 itreet ud BosrdttorBOQ ftt 10:30 ft
ift tbe Mrica i
mma srenoe.
I thft pftttor U praftcblDg «d. All ftr* is- >
'Hotreominianloii at 9;tO ft. BB.
' Tited: PlsftM ootify the psator of asy ^
HonilBC aeraioe ftiid fteriaon ftt 40:30 •iek or of othan when he ahosld eall. j
:S««(Ur ftehool ftt i::00 ft. m.
Be ft ill be riad to respoftd.
JBaaftAocftemoeaitdftftnBmfttTp. m.
At? p. ID will he toe Blfttiosery |
^ ftre cordlftlly iftaiUd to thftftft' rally. B'porUof toe freat meetisy
of toe AmericftB board willbafiTen
by Un. J. W. BUlikeo. Mra. W. Thor■». H. K.B«B*eh. Paoior.
. tell ftsd toe paetor. This will be an
.^■dft/ awTloftft:
importast meeting. Oiee yoar frlesde
lo-.oo ft. fti. ciftM oMftUgr.
ft wftTB iarlutoB le aoeoBptoiy yo«.
10:30 ft. M.. prcftchiBff.
•13:00 B..' Sondftf achool.
>4:00 p. B.. Epwonb Lftftrtie.
-7:00^ IB. TeiBperftftoe fterriM.
eT.3.A.Bre»4r. pamor.
Sftodfty preachiag at 10:80 a
9:80 p. n.
•CUm aeeliftK fttO:3d a. n.
'Bnsdsy school *t eloee of moraior
Jaaior Lea^e at 3:30 aad Bpworth
ItoaCiieftt 6:43 p. B.
Vor^Ine Subject; “Be Pilled with
, theSpirit."
ETealiiff Sobjeel; "Ihe
•ot. Ohu. T. stoat. BMlor.

Below ia a lUt of toe buying aad aeU-

aai i.nre paica.
for pnrtriDB eway the drow of onr pature i clear Pork per bol.
ftSd makisg n« fit to be partak'-rN of the: Clear Pork per Ib..
ioberitftDcv ot the Kiioie is lifthl. Not 1 Short Cut Pork.

*t.a fiuM .^.1 < tltiM. rs.«


11 33

People wbo inakr luistakee are thorn
who aoam-1 with one auotber before
their cbildreo firwho allow too latter to
grow up in idlpoeet. thoee who talk
about titeir
before attBogera,
their Ironblee
the father who lelli faU children to go
. toe way be doeu not go hjmaelf and the
young woman who doe* not make a CODof Mr BotoB.—liBtberan Ob-

•8 «
1 88,
tt^ore He


If we have the right Muff in na, we
s Obrie.

A Co. Beet...............
' Spd per d .a..................................


- '.......

12 l-2c.

j Appb HooAar v*vnl ar at eOr* ol^H»llMa
a coaA Wkioc. slrtrUr
TV for aate at a barsma.
! -_________
T70B e«iA-<
f rMTpeld

__________ a: a Coot.

ilrr otTro4M

BnoBlen'e Amioft Snlve.
Tun Bbr 8AI.TB in the worid for
' Onto, Bruifteer Soree, Oleeru, Balt
u ; Bheua, Fever Soree. Tetter. Cbepped
13 1 Banda. CbUblaina. Coma, and aU Skin
34 Braptiona, and poaitively eurea POea,
43 or no par required. It la guarantoed TWEBALL_______
30 to give ferfeet aatinfacUon or money AT ■M-'nwn.tB prr a
V. Paunia.
7S|retuBded. Prioe tteenUperbox. F<
701 mie bv J. 0. Johnaou and H. B W^t.
JP •loahm. Ttftw
4 00
DftAi- mrteaa Onti A Weak.


‘'I«r.Dt to liKTcaw my pile" iA the ■in-nie aATaorra
■ onr
creed of the nioete;nto centnry rich
fool. CoretontnuN i« alwaye looking ; ari,„,
............- -_j bare toe Grand Rapida
over nelghboiing feneea and wUhiog j vySeav
“ Bsrald delivered to toea aleo for an
both fence and neighbor were gone, j (>.•. Hi, i.’pS^n. (new)........
adaitional fourr cenu |per week aak- VUTAPLBI
CflvetOBiaieai ii at'iC.hiieaa full grown Com. per
ftnwk for toe M tore.
....... ”
1 and
inli> greedinen. It in the awlniah trait Bye,
tbe^bMt'Betropolltftn paper In the
in fftllua bnmau tutnre. dta poouliar I Butt.
ittor. per ft'........................
IS to le
peril 18 toe pmoiinni pot upon toe pow-1 Bgr*- perdosen........ ....................
reanu pboMf;
erof accunialaiiou bulb by toe woild, PP***®**-............................
and by tboebumb. In onr time ednmkBC8IKBHS VAHDS.
ard ooold oot hold office iatbeCbiiiitian
A Oever Srieh.
cbnrch, but e coretooi men may not
It certainly looka like It. but there It
only hold office in a ebureb, bat bold ,.really
no trick
wily no
trick about U. Anybody
ohnichin bia offloe by meant of a 1 ur it who has Mme Back and Weak , q * bbowk, Atucuer ftM flan-------ft> St*ir stnet.eUr ot Tronrm Oltr. MteUffta.
■----------- —------------- -i-^**'**^
:ke(book awelled by nnboly gaina— Kidurva Malaria or nervous troubles O. IasV
«. Ai^uf’SSSfu^w
> tn>* mM flfw
i*«<ftseiac. mrrosttft
df right •
Bt T:S0 p. B.
CbriKtian Intelligencer.
be can
■ ael* onto ot
r*. Thlt ;
leclric Bittera
I «ay by Ukirg Ele
UtU are weleoBe.
A UATns.At>an«ri BpM’IAlftV
N*ftl. ...
to Bsvp
I mediriee tones op the whole ayutea. O
so Prsbelr practice. BCNWifftBd BroCbftacB aaC b. «IU seule beleor
aU 4*bta oftt^
It Oo. aiBcii.
scU ftt ft BtimulaDt to the Liver »ud to.
NortA .
Tbiiwar has tnrely not nu^ w« Kidneys, la » blood pnri6erftnd aerre . -i-tE». ROLI^lT A WtLBCLil A-B.Bol. niSc 7is mil Aar of Ortobw.w-D. U8a
Me*, a Sateberr. Paator.
All aalU cloM S^Binutee b^forTdemar WuroaaftSKT.
1 ftny more lovely. In fact, toe full
CoDsUp»tl<M, Bead- P„i«W..T*wuCBl»w5ft,
Obareh on coraer of ‘»Ui and Wada- partare.
yoi (becampa, tbpfield audtbeboePainUng bpellft. Sleenleeftneea -ny.’iyioriytnr** °***^***^“^'
GaoBOB W. BApr.
ueortb atreeta.

Es*““‘:isk:.... .



.. ....



.«usday eereieea aa tollewa:
rPreaebiag at 10:30 a. m.
Three Xtoetme in Ooneultotlon.
tBuBday eebool at ll:30 a. m.
Prow BeajsalD PrsokUa.
Preaefalnr at ?dW p. b.
“Whan you are elek, what yon like
Midweek pray**' meeting at 7:30 p. heet U to be choeen for a aedldae In
the flret place: what ezperleuee telle
.All an invited.
you U beet, to be choMa la toe eeeoBd
pIaoe;wb*t reaeon(l. e.. Theory) eaye
te beet to he tooeea in the laet plaee.
toe*. 3. C. OftTwaa. Paawr.
But If yoo eau get Dr. Inellnatioo. Dr.
l«:30a. a..PuMie worahip.
Dleooniea by Peator Oarmaa deeerlb- Bzperieeee and Dr. Beaeon to hold a
eoaenitatlon together, they will give
Mmg the recent State OoevenUea.
yen the heat advice that can be takea.'*
Al:43. BiMe School.
^:tl. Youaf pe^ie'a BeetlncBepenofOaecbtoto Stoto Oonven- Inln'a Cngb Beaedy bneanee It la
pienaant aad aafe to take. Dr. BaperiMaB Miee S. T. Dartea.
rrsib. Pnblie Mrviea. Seraon—Ae
never talle U> effMt a apeedy aad
Baaeat earn. Dr. Beaeea would...
-•uMpbody eordlally Uvltod.
•amund It beoauee it U preparad on
OAb prlad^ea, aad aeia eu an*
:B^«.*ldareranlagat Mra. Z. WU-

Wmt Ithtotowtotheri wUt he

r toe u-

I plan to mUavtog

the ajitow to natural and healthy

by «. B. Watt.


Tbatzbsb Citt. Hick. 0«. U, IM.

rrty and * purity and gennine 1
the tafegnarda td a people, and may on
terms of peaoe be anllied bynonnJuB 0
aiifairdemanda.-AnieriaaD Ftiead.
Ckertoh ftft 14m1.
No one can cberito an ideal and devoU biiaaelf to ito realiaation from

airacle worker. Every bottle
iterd. Only 50c a botUe at the
Of d. B. Walt and J. G.

Teutett Ocati A Week.


■Moato* aealbmt coracr ct Sweatbaad





additioaal four oeuU por weok. Bak­
ing only 14 cento per week for toe
beet paper la aortom Miehlgaa and
toe b»t»trapoUtoa paper in the mBAlMPairgep KWatotonstoileiBl. a
Btoto. Telepheae3l.

oot nndeegaing a oertain gradOM tnaefiormaticn. oC whiob toe bigbeet puwtoft
Boat bo aware aod men can hardly totto. FeutenOtotiAWeek
—John While Ghadwito.
Bveryhody who lakee Tan Moanae
Baooncaahavu too Qtaad Bapide
BMdddaUvoeudtotooaalaote aa
tov omIb par wMk. aakGet'ea Boaded by H. W. MeLood,
tog ualy 14 eeato yj^wuek for too
UalM elreet appeaito & A W. K. Bat­
ing hoooft fixut elaaa wochimaab
batf-uolea, 80 aM $0 eeata; wm '


eiaoolvaC to WBtua) eeeaaM, Ooory* Oaaa to
bav* aU Cftolto Aaa. and to par aU tha laAtoS-

m u,.

Wtotoa to Tax Payun.



■ and Uindanao and In the lAounuBder the pretecUoB of the
•tot* «q4 Mtlpes If Uncle
bun'a comml»»loner*. now In are Independent and oontrol the Interlw
Patia nefotlBtlnc n treaty of of thnae iaianda. while Spain, nntll reccntly, held the coaat.
In the early part of Spaln'a rule ahe
given moat trouble wby the Tagala.
latida Not only will the United sutee
>iave to take under lU wing
ne ..f the In the northern *hd the Vlaayaa In
tnoat peculiar being* that Uve, but • the middle Iaianda. They not only dewbo h*T^e .ailed under the black flag of | «royed her
rpredallona In that | ••'H ‘•fart
ffart to ae^
ael«e her ahlpa. plunder
the pirate, whoae depredailona
. . ...-------1 —.•
•action of the world are> equaled
them and
wnd the ------ j captured Into
hy tboaa of the freebootera.wno once
tnfened the Spanlah main. JThe JnhabItaota of these Iaianda. which oceupr a many years of struggling Spain suc­
large apace In the eastern aeaa. are ceeded In nominally' conquering these
composed of many different tiibea and tribe*. Tbia however, did not Inaur*
mixed races, nnille little la known of peace, for bo sooner had these been
the hlaioo' of the petnile found there brought into apparent Vubjectlon than
iarda called the
by the Epaniah explorers It la believed the Uoroa. as the Spanisi
iianda, began opthat they « ■e negroe*. aroall In atat- tribes In the southern Isiat
powerful. Now nearly eraUona. They were not alone In their
. but VI
y race or• kind of people can be atlacka. Several Chinese lleeu at­
from 'the civilised white tempted to take Manila. The moat dar­
d there.V™'"
. to IheVvage
tevage whose trait* and ing of the plratee were those that came
aclerlallca^re ialmllar to the abo- from Bulu and Mindanao. They carried
tlgtnea The Iaianda. more than l.ZOO In their deeds of destruction and pillage
number, are situated near the maln- to the very doors of the Spanish strong­
tand of China, Slam and the Ualay p«n- holds. snd they have never been con­
taaula while to the south and east ere quered. Piracy was exterminated from
the iaianda of Ja\-a. Sumatra. New the northern Island* of the group, but
continued with telling effect In those of
the south, which were ruled over I
The Chineae pirates also caused the
rtchea that were supposed to be stored
tn abundance In the bill* and mountain, Spanish considerable trouble They
•f the Philippine.- Thea» people .not swooped down and captured nr destroy­
i only tiUlaged the natives within the ed the amall towns along the coast un­
borders of their land, but sent out pl- til It was found necessary to build
latea from their shores to prey upon watch tower* and fort* to prevent the
the merchant marine of the surround* Mongolian* from landing. The Oral
Chineae pirate to attack/the coaat
Ing country.
.Hong. In J6M. with a fleet of Ct
It may be said that there was little .l-Ma-H
armed iunks, he started
work other than piracy among
Phlllpplnva- He sacked the rtltribes people at that time, and I
lagea along the coast and captured
what can be learned of them ihey
•elted aaeh other's vessels and destroy­ many SpanUh ahips before he met
ed each other s property. The Islands I feat In Manila bay. -In UCl Koxinga. a
have been the center of piracy
aince they acre known, and records to Invade Manila. The Spanish official*
got wind of hIs coming and prepsred'to
)tlon. They also
e chiefs or
Ing caromllted by »
e famous prevented him from finding any allies
f China fsoine of whose among the Chinese population by at­
member* and descendants are supposed tacking and killing more than 4C.0W of
to have emigrated to the Islands), the the latter.
The sullona of Sum have given Bpaln
pirates of the Barbary elates on the
north coast of Africa and tboae of the trouble from time to time, and it F**
not until the early sixties of the present
Bpanlsb main.
The Spaniards under Magellan dis­ century that the sultan's power was
covered the Islands In the early pa
This 1 a great r
the aixteentb oentuo'. In
they I done by Ureat Britain, who t
started to establlsb colonies and con- j van of a movement to clean oiit plrar
n that section of the world, as hat
quer the natives. Their alruggle t
-control la ao well known that it would done elsewhere. She was ably atconded
be useless to chronicle it here. For by Ihe other power*.
At early as UkS the aultan of Bulu
more Uian three centuries Spain has
been Oghilng to get rid of the pirates breume a thorn in the side of ihr Bpanand aubdue the natives of that section lards. He held away over a large part
■of the world, and now that her nominal of norlliem Borneo, nearly all of Min­
•overelgatr at least over some of them danao. the Islands of Patanan. the
Is to cease It may be truthfully stated Pangultarung. Tawl Tawl and the Bathat many of the tribes, especially sllan groups. HI* subjects In Salu num­
those In Mindanao. Tawl Tawl and bered about m.000. while in his vassal
-aome of the amatier laUnds are aa In. land* there were more than l.OOO.WW
depenuent Of Spanish rule today aa who obeyed tala commands and paid
they were when Macellaa llr« aet fool him tribule. He levied tribute on the
•n Zebu, the Brat of th4 group to be dia- europeana ae well aa the natives and
was a terror to commerce ev.en on the
There are nine large and more than China coast. Hla powerful fleet of fast
-UOD small (Slanda. The large ones are vesawls infested all the waters Of the
Luson. Panay, 7-ebu. Ueyte. Bohol. Ne­ archl|>elago. and many foreign ships
gros. Samar, Mindanao snd Mindoro. became his prey.
The vessels then used by the pirates
There are nearly as many different
tribea as there arr islands. The Chi­ and even now employed by those who
nese and Malaya next to the native remain are of a peculiar type and well
Twgala and Vlaayas predominate. Wdd adapted for the purpose for which they
are Intended. They are long and nar­
row and sharp at both ends. They


hard wood I
They carry a tremendous sail, which la cnlora are to be found among them tro^
usually trjjde of i>alm leaves. The na- the buck men. who resemble the lB« .
tives have a Iticb of handling their , Habitams of New Guinea, to the r*4
boats by w hich they can salt them | brow n of the TagaU They are a pow*
backward aa easily as forward. An ' erfnl people, brave and very waiiik^.
outrigger almoat as long as the veaael ’ and would ralhcr Sght than eat. Prom
is made faat to the side and prevent ; the treatment they have received •$
It from cspelslng. Thu* equipped the the hands of the Spaniards they alO
auapIciouB and do not take kindly tg
They hate
and other ChiistUoa who lire In tfaf
It was with this class of craft that Islands, and they feel It is a eons*
mendable act to dispatch a GhriatUm
aultan of Bulu worried Ihe
chantmen who ventured near the coast : espertany If he be a Spaniard. Son*
of hi* domain, and as late aa ICO Me , »f Ihe men of the tribea have talM
threatened Manila with a fteeL Hla : “th that they will spend their time ta
downfall was foreshadowed when ateam killing these people. They w ill not trum
was Introduced as a means of proput- * foreigner, and they are In turn not t9
alon In that section of the world. Both *>e trusted.
England and Spain Joined in aending a
Spain haa tried to keep flrearm* aa«
fleet of light draft gunboats Into these ammunition out of their bandabut tht%
water*, and a great change was made, like many other things the dona havg
AlMut Iflill the plratea were nearly undertaken, has proved unaucoeeafiS. '
cleaned out. England sent her first Moat of the tribea are welt organiae^
, ateam fleet to the Philippines as early and equipped with modern weapottg,
ias ICS to ICO. In 1SSI the Balabac pi- They do not. however, handle thrawaS
I rates sent a squadron to 'he walla of and depend more upon thafr !!*«**•.
Manila, but It was beaten off and early anna In battle. They are provided W«»^’
In the sixties complaints concerning the
depredations of pirates practically
;pert iril
that I
I halt,t with <
and would never attack them except
when In overwhelming force.
Many of the pirate crews were com­ was with this class of weapon OuM
posed In part of Spanish and Portu­ they would swoop down from the hlUB
guese renegades. They were well or­ on the Spaniards and massacre them
ganised, and their vessels were lilted All males over 16 are arme^and la*
_ taken
____ from prtsea The : alructed In the use of the bahmg aai
with armament
the auIUn of Sulu carrted creeae. Thenativea forge thelrowna
_. Many of the j and arrow beads snd do exoeptlonalir •
! Several I poundei
vessel* used by bim were atolan, and ! fine work. The way they temper tbB.
number of fart i spearheads and swords U really woB*
am ong
11.'defful. Yhey are very artlrtlc. to6k
some of the spearheads being Inlal4
with gold and silver, while the baadh*
Inga and they In turn bad to pay trib­
ute not only to the sultan of Bulu. but
of Palauan. Pampango
I The Mlmianao pirates weraby far the centuries. They build their houaea <m
..lost trou-li-some. They #^re rwen- P»«»
“‘'J'' >»•“
-forced by the HaUys. Chineae. Euro- kept at the door of their huta that .tbV
pean renegades and Spanish and Porto*=/ '•««'*>■ lOf «« ‘I
«»>»«*• .
gueeehalf breeile. T.iey became famous
Oenfral Juan ArolSA fomerty
for ihv part they took In the work
general of the Pbllippln« and rm
—‘•v mlllwry governor of Havana. IB
____ niy man that Spain ever sent IB
) extennt- the Islands who could subdue the MUk*
atic squadron ptarted I
dsnaoa He attacked them In their ow»
stronghold at Malbua and cowed thA
everywhere, and
their work they had destroyed more
than 1,000 ve~els that had flown the not unlikely that the United BUtea.
black flag and killed more than SO.OuO ITecle Bam Miould coneluds to bold tbB
will have aome trouble Wit*
of the men who had manned the ships, Philippines,
these people, and a clone watch wl*
records state
have to be kept <m them, aa they art
, likely at any time to make an attemBl
; to telURi to the evil prsctleea of IhMB
jna In trade with the Chinese. They ' foretalbera.
__ ,
arrhsaed some of the vesaeU sad ortaWOXJAM J. RUDOLFS, t]
■ materinl writb which to carry on
MaalU’s l-lghtlBg ilatUa.
There Is a central electric UgMtt#
station tn Manila which auppllas ear*
known that the gol
were worked and guarded by the rent for It.OOO IncMdescent and t*6 U|B
pirates. The Moros. who atlll Inhabit
the Islands make their owrn coin. This
gold I ateam railway*. Manila ha* also a t^ la done by fllllng quill
dust, and some of the quills weigh from
froi 1 phone system. The conductors are a*
overhead linea carried on pole* wif*
two to three ouncea.
The Moroa are not a pure race. They


*n Mojumro ksooBi. buitdat. ootombw, iw»

TIm £l«MrloAl Wtflt my Umt
ptriBMl* Are At Iimaat b»U« oaodaet*
Ad on llM PArte-llardNOk IIda «Hh

Cold, Damp
iiiite Nights...

idMt. cm- of them bat amnai>d bimmlf Inventor. M. i
fltb tboM inbrcalcnlainft bow mncb euen7. walar ‘nK «*
and ooal it woold take to more tbe Mrnmenta. oalled dnadeoi iaa. II Uma
■*u« After DMtfe. Wills m'htox MTtb a foot. nnpuMnA that It wat anb- tranBultlera oia w<*k i
l*ra«ri Tbal t» the (ksee «r Their JeriLd tI.rooBbont lie maw to a foroe on the mme wire, each t<oiUi«lUM«ednlvalent to tmoatrial pravltatloo. i»lt to U» j^r r«*i»tr ut tbe and <d
' aAkrre l^rrUwe W«« a rall>M»
Tbltiaagratoltoot anppc»ittan.forld the llna Tbit ro«U it br.WBbt aboot
ne AdmirAttoD of onr AA»«rkAD om» amteof iu euonitoaa n— tbe earth by tbe nte of allernaiinn or. at any
4h for tbfir rosultj to a pramioenl wT-tant sotblDR.
IIbtarropted ourrenta Eoob traut. chAncterlMto of tbrir daRr life, And
Burtlua with tbetacttbattbaaartb'a ' “»*«
f« cnrreat tbrongb a
me jeere aso a Mr. SAAlnn daelred mam it abont 6.100 million.mlllitm. : inning fork, baring a tpecial note, iu
tkAt la deAtbAA in life fato body Abonld mmionaona oBrttatUtlcian oalenlatea , llb«Uowl»l?8el««rica^iy maintained,
■VoclAlm tbe itlarjr of tbe rtyobUo. He that we abonld require 70,000.000,000 ; Tbete rlbratimt furnish a onmntof
MftCl.OOOtittae ieteProfeMT AKaesie, Mart fora 10.000 bortepower en- ‘be proper peHod to csnse tbe rerenanoa
te eetan for wtilofa be was,
aii m- tone to mere oar globe afoot. Tba I At each tppUoallon in tbe proper rect;ir.
IroBely aciaiHAe prooere eet foitta in boiler that tbonld feed tbU engine 1»« enreuK. which bat iit telf induetbe vill to tan fait (ttonboni'*) ekln would Tspciiaeaquaulityofwaterthatt««»An'l®»PAc»‘yAdjti««d for Ibii retoto lAAtbernad from it bare a dram would eoTw Ibe whole fane of tbe globe | wit- Tbit reoeiver 1* a telephone (a
mdo. Twoof theDOHtnniabtobooeA with a layer «»0 feet drop. The rapori- : nonolAlepl”®®. •» “ w^ialled by M.
«f fait faodf were to be made iota dram- - gin 4,000 Mcrcadieri, so ooDftrociedaud arnngdd
Atioka, and wiib tbete a Mr. Warren !
millioD-miliioii tons of c— Tbis'ooal
------------- that tbe aconttic resonance gnalitiei
nDpacm—to vbooi Banbora left tbe re- oarriud in care bolding uo lou( each : atoo help to damp ont from tbe signals
•ainderof hit property—wat“oooTei7 sDd baring a total length of 80 feet. i; reoei'
ling not lutcndMl
for it.
reoeired everything
intend ----------aDd barii
|7th of Jnne to repair to tbe foot of would require 400 miUino-inUHoncara. I Tbare aignnJi are
re read in tbe ordinary
Bonkn bill and at aanrite best on the which would iradi 80,000.000 rimes !
by ear. aided1 by Irubber tn^
dram, tbeparobmentof trbicb had been
around tbe earth. This train, moring
made oat of Ibe lottauir'a ekiu. tbe at tbe rate of 40 miles an hoar, would , “fung out of tbe aiguals. it ereras. is
apirit aurruij aaaint of ‘Vaukee Doo take more than 6.000.000 years to trar- i very perfect, each receiver giving no
erse iu own length. It would require evidence of (bone signals not iotinded
A eomevhat efmilar beqnett war for storage a (bed that would oorer
e«*ptn lil^gh^.^nnr^nuriug, very
Blade by a German In im7. Ue died in 1,000 timet tbe aM of Enrope.
' indefinite and not at all botberaome.
jplttabnrg and by hit will directed tbut
If we realise that tbit fanaBtioatly I
------------------- -—
bit bddy tbonld be oremated and tbe buge amnnDt of energy it ncabing at all I _
•Mwa forwarded to tbe German t-untnl comiured with what tbe cartb i>oMMM ' One of tbe methods of testing tba
•t New Vork. who wat to dullTct ibem in rirtne ol itt rouOon about iu axis, ^ QnvJtion of lbs eiltfeuco of a pirceptlto tbe feapiaia of (bn at
Btuiospbete on tbe moon it (be vbits reroJiition about tbe sun, and jy , ble atnioaphetc
-Bti<m of a star at tbe
the instant when
tnnalaUuD in (Pt-f witb the solar ays- MrrBtioo
wqnreta f
tom. of wbicb tbe earth is but an in- ' *» dimppeare or emeigea from behind
BAntical eoatnOM, and, asoending with
■e a Innar atmoa
fluitesimal part and wbicb itself to bo*
the fnnml ora to tbe topmast, to eeat>
infinitesimal part of tba nniverse. '
' Mr tbe asbaa to tbe fonr winds of bear- as
appearance of t
•a. Tbeae ttrangedicectiona were faithof man in
D tbe
tl nnirereeand estimate bis eflect bat ever cirtain r been obMired.
fnlly carried out.
ie pride at iu just Talas. ; Recently this method has been rendered
Quite M pecoliar were tbe iHrecriooa
I mure delicate perhaps by tbi-application
te tbe fnneral of a Mr. John Under­
■ I of pbolugrapby. Pbotograpbk nf vtari.
wood. Be willed that be wat to be
they are about lo di-appear beDANGEROUS
borted in a green coffin with a ropy of
bind tbe lunar di»k. indioaBonoe nnder bit bead and nf Milton The Peevarr ia Whe
(innt of ebaugu Ju the iutcnriiy of tbe
«nder bit feet, a Greek testament in
j image, aneb as would be expected to
bit right band ssd a amall ilnraoein
Asrriter in tbe St. Louis Repnblio t‘ ««Br i(
>f ikaA
ibo moon huH
bud ea nATv-jinl.hlA
If yon want good fmb Baltimore
tot left. Six frienda, wbo were not to says that tbe most ricions and fenrleas muapbere.
Oyaura. bUndards or Selecta, go to
waar moiteiDg. were to follow bim to member of (be bniteoreaiionia tbe pM- j
Abe glare
there to aingarertebf oary. or wild bog, of Mexioo. This ani- j We hear verj' fn-qin-tiily the niwer■w. ECEOS*S,
Abe twenties ode of tbe eeoond book of mal I
xrjydevoid of fearanddis-' tloo tba' nepn|ilii-au ailuiiniMniUon of
South Side
Boraoe. After tbit they were to "take playa ao inteliignioe
in1 fighting man] two y^rs part liae not inoiisbi sigua Udlon Street.
• efaeerfnl glati and think no more of •trangely
with iir apparent- i of protperiiy. lint hiiDiiriHl< of lUouaigeiy at rarianoe
John Underwood."
implete lack of mouial attribntei.
ly complete
attributes. | ands. aye millions, of .kuM-rii .iiis know
Willa may elan be admitted aa eriTbeir ability lo aoent men is parricn-‘ twihT. One of ibi- aimncrui indica- DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
4«>oe of tbe mixed blearinga of tbe larly marked. Tbe only tfalog to do' tlciiV of this fact is tbe
Matrimonial tote. A nobleman wrote,
bes they get after you ia to ran away
_Erery .viiinly^ 1in (lie State
*‘l give and beqnretb to tbe woret of from them at fast as a horse oan cany
eruiiiiK prop­
woman, whom I imlortQiiately married, yon, and then there is no certainty (bat erty is rapidly dei-reasiuK.
«A bna haUpenoe. wbicb will boy ber they wco't caton yon. They are nearly Cniiimissioiier Cox is comptllDg n care­
rt-suuH- of the mortgage records of
• pnllet for topper. ”
at ewift os a boree. and tbeir endorance ful
(be Siair. and duds Ibis Indlcallon
A Glatoow doctor, dying KB
is as great at their ri'
everywhere In the Stale, with the exyaareago. left tbe who:lie of bls«
A fri.-nd of mine encountered a droM eej.tion
I'tioD of some of the
tbe targer
bia two aistert. and then came ibis ex- of them in a wild port of Mexico a few ! town*.
In tlie latter p1nrv» Investiga-1
laordinary cianee: "To my wife, aa a yeaw ago, and bis escape was almost. ilon allow* tbe i>u*lnes* m.» bav.- In
leoompeoao^or deserting me and Icar- miracnliiuii. He rtoy luolisbiy ibot and ^ very matir inMami-s -bomiwed addit-[
Ing me in peace. X expect tbe aaid aiater wounded a number of (bem. Tb««i be ionul capital wli.-:ewiib to Inm-aae
VPalited Air sdBletMerrd tor ebw>l0tc pels
Biabetb to make ber a gift of 10 abil- took rWuge in a tree.
• tbeir biirliu-KS. aiiuiber ^-xivlU-m t-lgn ir>.riir>7-tV.wor ir^iT
taelh wllboat
Unga atcriing. to boy ber a pocket handTbe peccaries kept him in tbetree all of «be ilim-*. »ui then any oue who
‘" ''I;:'*'tlrfert
jurohief 10 weep in afta mr dccraM." that day and throngh tbe night. They, ^
■v»fvl-tl..u <-dn find
A Mr. Sydney DlckeneomiioqQenthed
to bis wife tbe anm of fCU.bUO, "on
ARtditlon that ebe nndertakea to past
Awo bonre a day at my grareidde, for mnuitiou and brought down a peocary . « - v-Jfi-iw r.,a«-..
Ibe ten yeara following my dktn»«, in ■t uacta
usL-h tiro,
liru- bnt tbis
this bad no
nn Cerrota
(emu* for |
^ Ivei-Toilat LotiCOt
•Dtnpany with bi-r sitter, wboiii 1 bure tbo beasU.
Can he pr'tcured of Mrs. C. B Rector
teaaou lo know sbe loathes wuree than
Toward morning they began to eat 1 at 141 Lake Areuue.
Tnravoe Ctty, MU'
Warrtaini aioefc.
those be bad killed, after wbicb tbey
Another hatband itaU-d that he would
Im end trottec
bare left bit widow AtO.ObU if she had
d rotiie of tbeir own number '
Allowed him to read bit newspaper in to devour, tbey would bore goardedl
couiniRtoed that tree until tur frit i>d, (broogb sheer |
peace, but aaI (be alwnya couimntoe
playing and singing when be started t
nad be left ber <uily £1.000. iiacb in
AtoDoea could be u
motiplic-d iudebi
Tbe wildcats and tigers that iufret
b*t1 boe
one other ii
is worthy
wortliy of mile.
tbe Mexican wilds flee
ee from the peoK bnatand left his wife £13.000, to be oarieswitb insiinctive fear, and even
jDoreatod to £24,000 provided that ebe nttleanakea keep out of tbeir path.
qroreawidow’Boapalterbiadentlk She
webepted tbe larger amount, wore tbe
A Bll a( Laadoo Weather.
Mp foi six moniba, and then pat it off.
Onr weather ia grown decidedly good
A lawsuit followed, but tbe judge held for tbe tost three days—very Lri^k, rlear
Atet (be teetetor abonld bevn ineerted and dry. Bvfure tbat it wae as bad at
weather at any time uo>d be. Long continned plangea of wrt. then clairmy,
glarry days oa days of half wet (a kind
Tbtia tbe borbaod's htile plan for p««- of weather pecnliar to Xxmdon, and
meting bis widow marrying again fail- folly uglier than whole weti—a world
of black niDleM plnistcr {a soft mixture,
Bnt tbe'moet enriona will which the nelrber iibe thing nor anotberj, very
writer baa rrer come acroaa to tbat of 1
t to wove abont in! Tbe4nM. Zaleaky,
Folisb laodlard.
landlord, wbo died !
y. a Poliab
nwke* everything mod
to 188S. Jenring
Rearing property
properly valued at 1jn spite of all that oiuta 1 a ctot. a
lUee. Hiswillwasincioaod in i^„odsnaoraper|and U»r«nicando A
•B envelope bearing tbe words. “To Be ] kind of
nf mud, lou, wnirb ia as floe aa
Opened After My Drath." loside tbis i paint and
at artnally almost sticks like a
was another envelopo, "To Be tipened 1 kind
^jad of
of paint 1 look, at last, into tbe
Six Weeks After My Death." When tbis > ooontry-.with old ciuthos and trnui
14e Front Street
Alme bad pa«ed. tbe eeonnd envelop# ] ,„,ded op. Tb.*re (be mud was natural
was opened and a third uncovered. "To ,
and far less of it; ind«d little of
• SeOpeneuOne Year After My Death." ! jt jn compartwm with other ooontry.
At tbe end of tbo yeara fourth en- %-e dry again in a single day of bruk Larger Store..Double Stockm»t^ was dJeoorered, to be opened tvro wind.—Oarlyle
rind.—Oarlyle Cor. in Atlontio.
y«an,aftiw the teitator'a d-utb, and Sb
Elegant New Lines—
Abe game went on until 1834, when tbe
has Veer l>a<h«tlc.
•oXoal will, was diaeorcrud and reod^
An Ohio Woman visiting Boston for
1* was qnilo as eccentric in its dispoei- tbe first rime has been doing tbe vigbta.
Atona as tbe dinviiuua attacbvd to its "1 bad my gr-ntest thrill down at
flmiog. The testator bequeathed half Copp's Hill borvAug gronnd." ebe mid.
* - fortune
ti mob of biaI Ibelts as bad
"Vea. that's Just the place for tbe
Incrcaaed dieplsy Fine Wntebee. Fine line Silk Umbrella*
ibe largest number rj children. The bisloric emotions." oommented her in■Mt of tbe property was to be plaoed in lerJticutor. bbe smiled.
Stringed Mosloal Inatramenta. Strings for all iostnuiients. Hari• bank and a boudrod years after bia
"As soon as uiy sister-in-law and I
tetta to be divided, with Ibe aoenmo- ggt into tbe plao>-.'.' she mid. "Ifotind Uod.Chioa Ware. Everything new.
fated interest, among (be will maker's myself almost stepping nptm •
Take a look tbrongb our elegant new qnarten*.
a grave
ter--*----- Tbat by 1A86. at 6 per with an iuscripti
> a qneei liitle
OMt compound interest, tbe 60.000 ro- iron oover sort of
if tomb. 1 jumped back.
falea will bare swelled into 6.000.000
nbtoa. But what will ibis be amemg ao
■Isn't it patbeiic?' I aaid to my atoteriu-Uw. 'Ob. 1 don’t know,' slie answer­
ed. ‘B. W. W. means Boston Water
Wprics. ’ "—Boston Tranaeript.
-------'......................... y...........
Mim A.-First, txcanae be bre no
(.••aan Charvh.
tanins—and bu csui'tiid*. dancoot play
Hesriy everybnd; i( aware tbat at
tasnis. Wbat could we do with him?
I enstom in many
one time It
, "Bnt be ewimi beautifolly."
rogntote tbe length of
"Ub. yea; but one can’t keep one's ebntebee
by an boniglaaa, wbicb stood
Awband in an aquarium, yon know."—
tbe pulpit imiuedistcly frnoring tbe
Loodoo Tii-Bita
pnacber. Quite s namberof these rorioua relioe sre preserved in various eccleStill on top. BMt oi^an for the money on the market
••John Ronry. it isn't any good, I Mastical edifloes tbrooghool (be land,
Ibow. that keeps yon down (own so bnt tbe British and Foreign Bailora' —Union made, too.
lato, wfaen' yon ongbt to be at borne obnrob. sitwted in wbat was foRnerly
fiatclUr highway, to (be only one poeVltb (Mend (bechildren "
(Shniggiiig bis sbouldera.) "'Bool searing fonr. They are in peifeot peeservsticsi, and are fixed all together in
aef I qsi mal y penre.' my dear."
'••That's right i Swear at your wife in a fiameworfc of /mild btaK.—lM»dan Sold by all dealers.
Tonnelier Block
Cbioago Triboae.


§ Puts US in mind of Blankets. There is nothing like a nice pair of
§ fuzzy blankets to crawl in between. We have a large assort- ^
ment, from 46c a pair up. We also carry a fine assortment of
S quilts, pillows and feathers.

We can furnish your house complete




I J. W.- Slater’s Honse Fiirnisliing Store I

New store 120 Front street.

Oysters! Oysters!

«* I I

Seneral Insnrance.


himself is not more popular than

Air Tight ‘

'T'AKE NOTICE—After November 5th no more
•L premium tickets will begiren under any circum­
stances. Please bear this in mind and see that yon
bring in the necessary number of tickets before the
time is up.

STRIPESBoth tbe up and down
and cross stripes are the
proper things in

Colored Shirts-

Short and long bosoms
—all over colored shirts
made of Madras, Percale,
etc. A second large lot
just received yesterdayfine goods which we p'ace
on sale at ll.OO each—all

New Men’s Fall Suits
' iTust from the makera

Handsome garments, all of
good materials, the finer
snits perfectly tailored and
correctly finished in every

I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up. Save fuel and money
hy buying one of

BARNUM &. EARL,!!''^'


Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.

The low snd me-

dinm priced snits are thor*
oogbly well msde.cnt right
and fitnnnsnally well—For
sack, ontaway or dogble-


Jewelry, Silverware!


breasted snits of aay good
kind, fresh new stock, come
The prices wemake will
save yon money, qualities

HN to $18.00.
Opened Up resterdai, a Big lot
of New Fall aad Wiater CapsMea’s, Bop's aad Cbildren's Stples.
We invite you to see our new goods in
every department.

BeUtM Drr GwU, Cuiat nd QotUii Bone.
rrxs-v-ai?se 0±tiy, •


The Morning Record
and Grand Rapids Herald for 14c Week.

TEI MOUmra BBOOBD, 8Xmi>AT, OOTOBIS 88, 1898.


••tow • ara1»»le Anm—*mm U Wm**
OMirftb«cpM«a dnsa«attcCwb.eta
• cityeT«r boutod KUodf in Mac} It
li wiled "tbcMent bottle of S»daL}”
Midi* fee tbe pnrpcNeof dnwiog tbe
gCUM frao tbe cewerMte irrleiD ct tbe
eit}. It !■ oananMited of brickwork,
nnded orer with eevent etooco, uMl <■
87 leri biffb to the tnp of. tbe OMring
■unwQntmg tbe brickwork.
Tbe “Meot brtUe” we* bnllt to J867
and te ooniieeted with tbe old ijnem cS
eity eewen la PiU. Gartlereegb ud

•Mtof That I II DUeaaa 1* Oa«ae« hy

•(■ban PM t» e o«ae Plwat. eae the
•^rts 4M»pea la toMU.
Biriwp Worthingtoe «( Omaha 1i:
a etriot cbnrobmaii. Hi* aervona
•evm In dootrioe and bold out little
hope to Bnoera anleee they repeat
Howerer. tbe biabop knowa hnman Mtore. Be learned it in tbe bwt ateol
for an edboaUon trf tbat kind—tbe far
Twre ago. wben Mr.

Sir Alfked Lyall. is n phper on folk
aedidBe In India, myi tbe general doetrine of filmnse there ia tbat all abneraal and uortid atate* of body and
mind are oansed by dement, wbicb are |

goepel wwk
Tbe town w«* then a
SliMbetb etreete, eydo«7> >7 meea* of mining oaoip pure and aimpie. It bad
a breach np fietborst ctroet. When tbe Minina, dance ball* and gambling
ahefi WM completed, it was Intended to ro«D*. bnt neither cbnrrii nor ariiool.
pnrify tbe eir eeaplng from tbe newer It* Inbabitanta weie rongb, tmgb and
by Bwanaot charcoal, and ttnyi oonlalo- ready—nanlinem wu tbeir god. and it
lag obarcMn] were plaoed In (be bottom wa* this BtaBliuew wbicb made tbe
*«*t wbat it U
At ooUege Wortfaipgton wa* a boxer
and an oarmnan In Batte tbeee aooompliabmenu eert-ed him well, for they
gave him a Miring arm aKd a qnick eye.
Bi* gapvl .urrice* were held
There wa* no money to bnild
One day a* be wa* walking
principal street the bnily of

in a tent
a cbntrb.
along tbe
tbe town

"Du yon want to flgbtr'naked tbe
"Ko," replied tbe clergyman.
•■Then lake that r
Bnt ••that" neror onme. Worthing­
ton warded off tbe blow, and with b1i
good right AM iwnt tba bally to gras* ic
trientific faahioo.
That uiglit tbe affair wae talked orer

tb* lanyard, ahe will not be
_________Infant as aome might Imaglnt!.
And Ibem will be ol brra.

fnin witliont or a* temporarily enter-

of Coaya the
r^e»i. and
etidorer llherally.
Kill K savins
------------------------ ---- --------------------------- offer hini a prmian'-m rwit-

Theooo.eqnence i. tlmt p^l-

lire medi.dne eoti«l*ta chiefly In o#aeing away or exorciiing tbofo b(»tile |

The principle tbat like onrea I

like pretall. tbronghont tbe whole
range of f^klnedicine, and e^lrily

wr. A sp>ar amulet ia made to cure I|
oolic, wbf. b is auppoaed to be caused ■
by tbe apear of (be god Budra. Tbe

If You Have Logs to Sell
OomwpoDd witli tb* Tp«^«»e Oitj Lamber Coupuy.
for BBle Good,

ig AUpeaNig of (he n-rnali

eoneeirrd either M attacking Uw body Mumbn* Spafing It

tbe tbeolog-

AddltlMif to the Americen nary are
rwported aJniMt weekly. Sot tbe Icaet
of these wlU lie tbe reearrected Ini


anywhere on Spauirii aolL
-------------------------Intelllgenl SpaaA lanm number of’ I]
(hit Spain I* no
louser able lu malniain aorerrignty In
tbr Pbillpplni-*. If Spain must gn out
what nation should go m
United 8uie*7
-------------------------------------Dlseaae-a Cur«e Heattb-a Blesstag-

solor of a substance t* of no tmall im- |
Disease, it baa been wrilteu, ia tbe
portanoe in detennluiug Its n*e as aipenalty of having trausgrtaaed oamedicina Thosturmoricti used locure Itnte'a laws.
Re.iih ia natural blesm
Kud, the roloc of lifeblood i ing.
To the afflicted one this
......... ' oolorof
—* —““
the less too true
bualtb. ia tbe natural
many jbarvb.
bat it is uv
bat out from uaboae Id peifeelheaUb
ii recom­
limgly paid p
mended for tbe cure <>t white leprosy.
Ivided I
i out to the
:btnlng is thought to be the cat»s - ^1.1* eu.ole* unprincipled and nnamup*' Of beadache and
of -fcvir. n- well
I ;charlaUD* to prey apOD tbeir

Sound Hejrtilock Lumber*
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood
LA3!TDB B'OK BALEUni Maobineiyof all descriptioos, ioclodiog Two EDg^iDM
Fpt Worka, Carriages and Saw*. A complete Saw Mill PUmt
(or Bale.

cough. Probably tbe frequency of lever(w<-BUDe»stoaochaneitvuia;cac only;";---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Coasuliation 8nd EHmiiatioi Free aed Smelly Coafideaiial.

DRS. B. S. & CO.

ferw consists in making tbe patient l*boolii bo the patient's first conalderadiiuk'gruel made of roasted grain, tbe I Uoo *• make tboroogb inquiry into
dregs of tbe gruel being afterwaid ,‘be fltnea* of the pr.ctmooer to whom


Aierican Medical and Sorgical Mitote of InskegOD, lick.'

mn*t be taken from a fonri fire. A for-I
eat firo ia auppoaed to have originated.......................


CillJobnion. "He’atrikea a good blow.
Bet’* all play for him tonight.”
The proporition wa* agreed to, nnd
tbe next raoming •l.hOOwoa at fare
wa* presented to tbe miniater. That
money boilt tbe first ebnreb in Bntte.
—Cbicngo Cbronicle.

Psettr L.e«e*« That Is Respaaslbla
Per the Te«ra*e Haase.
Tbe name of KaUmaaoo. like Oabkosb
and one or two others, baa oome to be
to foreiguera a synonym of American
abaordity. it i* often chosen, for some
ooonit reason, to illnetrale tbat farm of
Teniacslar Engliah known a*"Dnilad
But all tbongbt of ridionie Taniibe*
wben its rcunantlc origin is oonsidered,
for it i* tbe eebo still lingering abont
tbe memory of two dasky loren, who,
in tbat long gone time wbeo Michigan
waa tbe borne mainly of Indian tribes,
lived and loved on tbe bank* of the riv­
er wbicb now bears tbeir names.

- HKALTn aaarr aT avDXxr.
«f tbe abaft ao that all air escaping
from tbe sewer mn« pass tbe material.
Tbii waa, boweret, fonud inoperatire
•ndWBBdiaooDtiDtied. Sobseqnently fire
was anggaaited, bnt this in torn prored
Tbe quantity of air exbaosted fioin
tbe abaft annnaliy I* alsrat 7S0.000.000
enbiofeet—a fact tbat is asceruined by
Tba "scent uiitle” irnot an eyeeaire. It*
bnsineaa is so dinpoired tbat it i* an ob­
ject of beanty and ia readily mictakem
tea mouamisi. ludeed it i* tbe hig-

tbe yonng ' warrior,
straight of limb and (wgle eyed, while
to Mabzuo had been givtm by tbe Urcat
Spirit tbe many graces and yirtnea for
which Indiuu maidens bare become
noted in *nug and Irgcnd.—Liife to these
two poSM^Bsud all the charm wbicb tnse
afftcuun bar ever graut'vl to Inter*, and
tbe days, as lb>-y came and went,
bruttgbl unlv abunuding joy.
Each *oinmer evening, astbetwilight
derpt'ned and tbe time drew near for
bi-r lover's return from tbe ebase, the
maidini watr-bed from b<T bower in the
ayiug biyncnea uf a giant elm overhauging the river'* edge fur the first

sign <’> bis comiug. As the Iriw of bii
gwt most oooKpicaoo* and pictmvsqtie
oanoe allot round the corve away in (be
of all tbe notable momuucuis in biew
disiaiico her cliwr mnsiial mice called
Bomb Wale*.—New Yan-k Herald.
to bim. -'KjihU Kabia!” and from tbe
young wairiiT came in loving touea the


response. "MBbtoof'-rCbicago Ttinea-

Speelnllr roastrarted
i. liaad la lar Oaair.
BotuglasM or miid glau>«wen for­
merly used for thepnrpusc of measDring
time at clieM maiebes. but now speeially conMracted clock* are in general nie
tor tbii parpoee. Tbeee cloc ks eouriit at
two olocka. mounted on a oommun bam,
wbicb mine* on a pivot, tbe two clock*
tbvfefore being oo tno Mms of a eort of
■eevsw. Tbe beam or baM is so oos«roct*Hl tbat when ooeclock i* elevated



Temara MMM’IbI Pov Slerlea.

Ur it follow* (bat wben tbe nprigbt
Mock ii going tbe depressea clock » at
- Another and more modem variety bai
the two clocks fixed <ci die sbojc levp),
tmt with a small brass anu nstthing
from tbe top of one to tbe top of the
Otlier. This arm act* on a pivot and ran
be farongbt down loto actual contact
With coe clock at a lime by a toneb of
tbe finger. Wben it is tbos in uoutaci.
by an iugenion* device th-« lock u stoprwdaadtbe desired result is aliaiust.
I working of tbe clock during


each clock point to IS. Then at tbe call
of "time tfi commence pUy." tbe clock
of tbe first player ic started; then, a*
aoon a* be maker bis first move, be *top*
bi* own clock, cither by dupreodng it
or by toncblng tbe arm referred to, tbe
tomo motion starting bi* oppon(«t'a
cluck. Ho it goes m dnrlng tbe entire
conrse of tbe game, each move being
marked i>y the stopping of one clock and
tbe starting of tbe other.—Leisnra
___________ ,

Kow foD are soar, and hour l.y bmir
1 BBaa of (bieis I Ions <■> alnru;
Tfatn'snot a bud, a Kal. a fioaer.
Bat balia me nUa you evivywhera

V«r arrival aa< 4«*artu« of waiaa at TravasM
' ’ Oltv. la vtoet Oet IA 1«L

loom into tb© open field with tbeoon-.
tagiuii of leprusy.”
In aome parts of
Ucnuauy tbe popular cure for jaundice
ii to make It pan into a lixard. to an­
cient India jaoudioe wa* cared by seat­
ing tbe patient on a oourb Umeatb
wbicb yellow bird* wet* tied Tbe yel­

i iiiiiif

low dim-ose was expected to
tbe yellow birds.

*: .i ^
A BiTnipwbat (irigiuiil line of tbongbt
bas'jurt been expremod b.v}«ir Martin
Couuny before tbe Royal Uengrapbical
eorlety. ^glaud. in regard

; r ; i;; i: i i U ;








to glacial

formations. He declared that as long a*
a flowing body of Isiid ico ia cuniained
witbui defii'ile waicrrbeds and moonUin ranges it i* a glacier and not an

^rsni^ iralo

its eliwL while tbe joxtu|>n(iiiii>u ol
ualter bow many glacicrstloecnoc form

arrive* ai lOSU a.

an ice *bt*t, bnt merely a glacii
Again, till'old th*-ory ot gUrii-i
rating tbeir beds to suy coasi
exti-m ispracii'skllyabandciutd.

Table '

Tr>lo Iravla* Trsvrrv.- C'Ur at I


tbe l••>''r>-rln•■>■ lirand kapMviaClncIs

iarger the mass of Ice tbe mora vigurons
would be Its excavating aotinu aud a
*l*n»r Iron Urasii Kapldt lu Cblea«o.


coudootor, who bad never mei so recka pais-eSger. and tickhd the native
pasacugers. wbo thought ibe foreii
' d tor bis negligence.
this luoden investment ii.ulfrirtl


obtained for a capiul stoiy. wbicb.nettv<i Hark Twain jo*t $600.—Ladie*'
Home JonmaL

A n-ceut aitiole c
reply i
fsb maid to bor mistTMO. It expremea
olnurlr, (hougb in ioipcrfert Eoglieb,

•ervativc effect npon It. In tbe casa of
a ccioutry like tbe interior of Ureenland. buried wholly under
Ice, Ibe
buried land eurfsoe is being modeled ii

to take affect SaBtor.iBscm. U»7.
atldOo'clscka a.

tbegiil. "Yno are earning good wages,
your work i* light, evi-ry one is kind to
you and yon have /plenty of frienda
••Ya«’m.” Mid^e girl, "but it is
Dot the plane where 1 do be tbat make*
tnii vera bomniok, it U the place where
I dw’t ba."—Youth's Coiupanloo.

tbe farm to look after, and the work oo
the ruada the tiuihvr to cut tbe vtmug
party feeling, my view* on tbeedbeationalqaottion, my tax theory, my idea*
of the money problem, and then. be.

1 dream of blUa loo awr.-t l» last.
Amt tbsB 1 wakea. aurved and DOU.
A writ« in London advertteea to fur­
nish maonacript* to person* whu kspire
to become antbora. bnt can't write, at
•o much a volnma
Tbe nee of coal for boose beating ia
not nearly ao general in Etirope a* in tblc

. .satr.srsrs


Ke. tlMe. i



otkrve*. Pra ■Ic
IIS !• sffmrS I
^DBAmfi^l r»rvWpvrwol *11 *asM,r

glacial region.
where mouiilaina rise above tbe luea

of Burface

arm sad
IICsaBlrkiT rnrsC



nnd«T air ice sbcvi the furen* acting on
tbe bnd snifface are conservative, while
in the rase nf a glocisl region (bract,
ing foroee are formative. ^Chicago


Mosqaltoes aaS Halarta.

BkemM** .


IMteisir Koeb's discovery of tbe aotivcagcncyof toe

„i,oio,b.p™p.. JSSU'JSS?::


gallon 0
of iimiuria nisy lead tu important;
important SrelUekvito.............
ebangt-niu theudministtatiunnf quinine

wilh licks friT' (li>-taikd ones and sno-,
°*“****"~ ceiiiid i> imm.
zing cattle inoculated jaekSTr.!!
wilh ibi- t,vai f ticks from cattle suffer.................. a
ingfrom the di-«as<'. Extending his in- |aksfaa’* itm..... f;
vmiigatitsi* to uralarto. be arrived at
(be cmirlnsK.D (but in (be case of the
bnnian disi-n>s iuu«<|Dit<M- play tbe part
wbicb ticks play in the eaitie disease.
It was found i .i-i wherrvar tbtro are

tbmisuuuuilana. Tteaiiug cases with­
out qnioine, Profeasor Kucb
tbat in tnalaria, a* in otfaer fevers, tbe
temperatuie follow* a definite conna.
By examining tbe bldSAW a intieot nndtT the mtcrnecope be wA able toteil
from Ibe nature of ihemrembeaibe pre­
cise stage of tbe develoiimentcf tbe di*-





eaae. This ability is-of tbe gi
portanoe in determining tbe in
tageona time at wbicb to i
qnlnine. Dr. Koch believe* tbat nltloiately it will be poaoible to administer
qnlnine in sneba ratioaal and aoientlflo
manner a* to avoid tbe iojarioat oooeeqoenoee of tbe quinine treatment. This
and tbeeaUbllsfamentof benltb resorts.
in the moonteiuswill rob tropical fever
of many of lie tertnti.-^lcaiiaBscocd.

IMSCBARGING gXbSeorsdlB rveiy oaoBs
laB«lroBBloa,eaastidrniBeaiarTb. poMIvsl^

>1 Mr Cast aae oil otOvr wf

level, and where rack faces are exposed oacku
to the rapid denudsticn of all snowy CMvf i

mosquitoes tbete is malaria Converse- ; bbst orm*
It. wli.riTcr fere are no ninsqultoea Ig^^'toke.^.
Kbool director. Brown?
Brown—Well, yon see, rir, there is

■ Tba Must finceecaftil and firisBtlflcTrMtmentof AH DMvi
cf Kanklnd rovoIM* to Obtain.
■tojoekt •Idrlr so4 (s'OtwMr kDOTB SpcclallM IB tbr I'Biie* StMCB
rvAarkslilc ■kill so* unlrcrHl ■orm« Is lb* Isrc-st bmpItaU ia tfer
tr^SlICHBOXIO. NCHVOI'iSHKIK Bod BLOOD DIscmss npas tkr iBIrai
seteoUSc ,rt»rt»
plr«.Bti<J»BllII». hl« to IBc (ullronDAract-eltkvaaineS pverr«brr*
iln* CIscMC*
i-s. Arm* mS Cktaa
>rrh, DWcB
■.ThvoM B»d Laura. Djspi
• . KldB*}.
____ I ihBI ta<T I
Mbbipeople B-rt 4rAm
aIcBt havs been


wbat ©very sufftrer frotn bomeaiokneaa
"You ought to be coqtented andsot
fret fur yoni.uld bnme. Ina,'* Mid tbe
lady as ebe looked at tbe dim eye* of

Office Bonra from 9mm to 4 p. m.


to Jewish law. a living bird i* "let


around. Of course Twain bad none to
show aud bad lobuyanotbi-r. appareutly with reloctmiee
Tbe ptTf'Ttnauoe
amnn-d tbe American, doaifnondud the

Saturday and Sunday, Oct 22 and 23, 1898.


tbe euro of a diseaae by making it ester
into some animal ii uiii* of (be most
general devioea of medical witebenft,
both in ludia and elsewhere. AccatdiDg

bnt, beyond polisfaing tbu surface of tbe
rock it covered and cutting down con­
vex excrwN-cnoea. had mainly a con-

ride*—my wife want* torau.—Harper'*

tor by that aolllary path
Thai oDiward lmd> from tnorial kaa
Too waUrf. and tore am I aad lalth
ABd loetbBS erowda of earelaa men.

Grind Ripldi < lodiiu R R

around tbe ucck of a patient as a
for chill* or lever is very similar.
Sir Alfred Lyall also poinu out that

an extraurdi'uarily powerful ucavalor.
It is DOW known, however, that moving
land ice did not operate opoo iu bed;

•Wben yoo weii. 1 uti. n wt
LOTC ■llont V-Ilh .M-u (lie day;
«bnv was snail i.«ai of a,.,wb |a that
6irn4 ooavwsB of the bl>-nded jay.

cold frog. »Tbe charm practiced by tbe
peasants in Bohemia of cotchiog
banging it
fn«, sewing It in a bag and bangii

car at a fixed isiUit. Ube day. just as a
juke, Hark Twain paid fai« fare 16

regular fare with tbe coudnetor. A few

B^o-bel *Wlxi*tlaa.g, Taravex'se 0±-ty,

cold fever Is expectod to pass into tbs

great arctic ice vbeet wa* believed to be

it atiuid> is-rfectly perpendicolar, while
tbe dr|ir<‘>seii dork lio* overatanau^e; but a* tbe luerbaDism of each oleok
ie an coDsirui-«>t tbat it only moves
wben tbe cb«-l< i* perfectly perpendicn-

lightning, and beie tbe almost
fi tbat tbe cure of adiaease i* effected by tbat which causes it ongb eourae in tbe beat eollegea. and
aranod* acd tediosa year* of exprricomes in. Both toe roasted grain a
sBoe gained In tbe Mt boepitAla of
tbe copper vessel are aymbniical of I
both ihenswaod old worlda
beat of fever. Here are area tbe rudi­
blaakill U marvelous, tboaadnds wbo
ments of bomeopatby. Another magic
were cured of their allmeuU arc readv
rite lor enrtug.ocld fever is to tie a frog
Uvtestify I>r. OitDBu tbmngh earnest
by a blue and red thread to tbe ooneb •oWiUtioD will visit Traver*©City Sat­
CO wbicb tbe patient leclinea. and a urday aud Sunday. Oct M and SS. in
ebarm is recited in wbicb tbe fever ia tbs ^vate parlor of tbe Wbitlug Hotel,
invoked to mitev intotbe frog. Tbe frog '
to 4 p. m.
represents tbe cold element, and tbe fr« ud .ulctly coDfld.Dtii

In Betlin. when one pay* bis fare to
tbe eouduclor of astnet car. be reo-lves
Aiicki’t. which is euon afterward eollUL-ied liy an inspector, .who boards tht

limes on one




tbr BB-



dsairo^o* U>ta Biad *»



» ap^rlar (or Bsdteal tna*>
wad Orst ^l^i»r^B«aiae^

BVBI Bbosld •«•* or brio* ln>B t to 4 onacra ol ano« ji
frrrvdj. wbicb iHlIrvrv-Irr a rarrlal <-brBka(^Bd Blrro
* w-rittra aoolrala wUl to irirvw. Prrsoea rulaed la bral
oifll^^UblkM B«B-b a^r aoBili.sitlas p--------------------- -------- ------------------- psTlerW^Boi

Um etlK<]BM>lotUifrv«.



Bicvcie Riders.
ij, ana xoat i i
1 do five yon tbe beat work of I
one in tbe mty for toe mooej.
be deceived by wbat others tell yoa k
tbe contrary, bnt corns and see fat
I jaarastee all my work to be rijbt
and if It doM net pro** ao 1 make ii

''mop Id till.Bo-idoekmTp onoloc



Uidr oub t

3s!2:i’'«;S'==',3s; gs-JSS

trstlsa (fob bnalsno.
POalTITSLT ovaam
F<«»lr Wfafc. oadboer. aaSutas ibvB (or atadj, aeetstp
arm BBd all drllcBir elserdon perallor to
Htbrrarv. (Mlilrrlr rar*d.'or wrll or (bb<UsaoldlaanliTV ibat mnll (rota foatblal fal.
Um> or tbr McvM ol watiirs yrars.
APRTIALTIfe**: Calorrb. Skla
WF ai'tB45rSF. TO rt'BC Barveat 4rSom. P.aplfW. Bcrolula, Blood TaloU.Ki-trtBa.
CAbiwt. PUn ud tMsraoM
of WoBoe
Wobu quvkir

REPO emr, auoHicAR.


Ever Burned'OMT
If aoyoBknow


a P. CABYSR. A«*a%


Real Estate


/^lat of OakyiroodJiddi*

I have secured the sale ot the balance
of the addition of

The most charming suburb of Traverse City,
which lies upon the east side of the town, and
most ol the lots now offered east of Rose street
are covered with a beautiful natural growth of
Oak and Pine trees, on nearly every lot, and only
one and two blocks from the Oak Park New
Brick School Building—not ten minutes walk
to the factories.
There are no lots in the city now offered for
sale as desirable as these for a home.

...112 LOTS...
60 ft. front—some of them will be sold as low as

With a small cash payment, balance weekly or
These should be looked up at once to se­
cure your pick of the best.
Good fine residence, very desirable, south
side of Washington street.
Small residence, good location, north side of
Washington street.
Also a good list of other very desirable resi­
dences, well located, that you can buy right—Oim
at $550, on which a good team of horses would
be taken as part payment.
I have, or can find you just what you want
for BUSINESS or a RESIDENCE, for an Invest­
ment or a Home—Or if you must rent, usually
one or two places to choose from, but

look Over Oak Heiglits at Once.

’Phone 73, Johnson Block.


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