The Morning Record, September 02, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 02, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




.OMiml XUm and B^or^tMTy
Algar^ SlfEmaoM
WiU Prc»»Wyot BMeiv* Of-

tlOB BBd Cwrt TiMtsoat of •oWiori

BBHf»tod Wd



Do VM Toko WamOT to Propottlow
to Ooro fM aaMiM.
Two Xiobicaa B«8im«nts to
•oww M Tn ■oanx Bmmb.
VBoatB <JMap WlkoC
Dotrcii. 8«pUBbor 1-—HoUl mb do
{Hf^roo*. prepooiUoBtopBttboooldioniBkoloU Uai- Oompanp M Will Boon be on
tp. KoM-]7B&BndodpUdff0iBBd tk«
OodilUo BBd BbmU propriotoro kopl
OBtofolpbt. HotalMBOBT* tkoro to Tblxtp-Tblfd aadTblnp-TOBitbOraat^oBtp of roo^ iB Am ormerto* Bad tho
ad r«rteBchaaadOrdarmitelBUBd


JVooBdoUoB-Dr aeoB ««y



AMMrtfABSpBd«ki«<i< fTPliBld
SbeiUd pN^ Bt XoBtBBk Polai.
Bfwk* mTbb MoSktao Bmm».
«TBiMi«tea. k«pi 1—doaototr
COrwyotbotOoBcnl MUm trill net bo
^oort-Burttolod. So doM BOt bow bw
Uoro OeBoTBl Milo* B*Br iMdo
Btuiboud to blflt. It «BB
Do atatod oo rood antborttp that tb««
«rUl bo BO rapuro bolwoOB tho aoero«arp of war aad the eoBBaBdlBf gma«rBlot tbeoNop. Tbor«wkU.itto boSloeod. be BooBart-marttal. aed thlBgi
oriUdo OB 4a before Oeowal IlUaa left
«MBt«7 dirar baa datersUad aot
dOBBMrtatoaapdl^taiw dtoaiualeB
M tba MUaa lotarvlaw. aad wUl treat
dt oaaetlp bo ba did the •‘roobd roWa.' ’
•arbleb OoBBtat Bhaftar pare to the
«»d wbl<A waa racardad at that
.«M<oa aa aot of iaaabordlaatfoa.
ATP)/effietn BOW baltora tba apita-

Badeaeorlac to Haea


aadocBi^ bto roeaat aota.

TreopaStopatDetrett to ba Prop-


thirtpAaeead Hoeiag.
aaeelal te tu Heaaiaa aaoaaa.


OMttattom prapar wiU ba glvH.

______ aad jadga
for poaraalf if anp other Clothlar oaa
bold a aaadla to«ar etnS. A Banda
AC0..1M Front otraai.


MarUiaiii BlocL


Thap anaap talk abont low
.ad aigh guinea of Glolhiai

aw j|*w* •mbA P- O. B1^.

A full supply, of School Books, Tablets, Pencils, and
ererTthing pertaining to school use, at

J Just Received

TbaBtakBopaof CnmpaapKBapaet- (
ad Borne Teaterdap, Did
H«A Casaa.
Tba dapou ot
I paopla paatardap boU
araing aad evening hoping to groat
tbaoevaaaich aoldiaraot Oompaap M.
wbo ware reported aa bavlag atartad
from Oamp BIkoB Toradap. Everpooa
dtoappoiatad. bowaver. aa the
Ip aapaetad aoldiara failed to apBotb 4a Craacaat aad Bopa
r^irad U aaaat the bopa
at tba depot aad tbap ware aa dla^
polatad aa tbe othpro la walUag.
Ward .came bp wire that tba eavaetad
were BOtoa aitbar of tba tralaa
leering Uraad Bapidafor tbawartb.
In tba avanlng both barde appeared
apoa the atraot aad gava iaaplriag
coaemta of aaUoaal mMla- Tba Oroatba portlae ot
the Hotel Whiting and tba A>pa’ Bead
ta front ot tb« Chp Oprta Bonaa. Tba
atraaU waro tbrcwi^ wtu prop'.a
whioh tdm^p aaggoatad the raoeptioa
tba Twaatw Cltp aMdien wEU rooaiva

Detroit, Sept 1.—Dr. Altowt Oraa. a
^l-kaowB pbpffietoa. tbto aflar
eat bto wifa'a throat vritba aea
tana pamlag beard aertuaa
raabadla tbe hoaaa bafora tba deed
waa flnt^. Dr. Graa. It to rapartad.
bad aoaaidarabla domoatie traabtoaeknowladgad bto artma oooUp. Ba to
nowleehad ap awaiUng tbaraanlt of
Mn. Onw to at Barparto
boapital aad bar eoadltioa to eriUaal,
Soma claim that Uraa to daaaatad.

EoUey ft OoBnaU*


Waeblartoa, 6apb 1.—Tba adjataat


290 Front Street

Caaeral’a oBtoa aapa that the Tbirtp*
id Mtobtgaa to bow oUbar at Abaiatoe, Ala., or aa roeta to that place.


«f tba BprlngBcld miaae and took fbam
aamorial. and aneb other aab commit•wap in a baggp. Notblag to kaowa
of tbalr Hta. Tbe atrlkaie are aareged
The Snanoe committaa vrat appoint­
beoauM aagro miaan are aot aairea- ed at onae. ao that the work of ratoing
feada ooaid proeaad witboat delap.
are A- V. Friedrich. E B.
MeOap.L. A Pratt, tiaotga Hopi and
’AatiWtWU BUboraialp Batartata W. W. PhirebUd.
aomndttae wUl
Kiebigaa Boldlaie.
laaat at aewn o'atack tbU «
gpetoel M Tei Hoara « aewen.
tbe BKtoBDofflea to name
Datroll. Bopt.-Tba lend far tba rebon ot thaw
•apUoB aad aatartainBeBt of
laaagarate tba plan, which m
Hiobigaa troopa OB arrival to aerelllBg aaiuMa tor the oecaaioa.
Tba data will ba gow
raeldlp. Tbaaeaatermbealaboratelp
Uma of tbe arrival of tba aompaap.
It to the nalvanal oplaioa that the
bapa aball ba raoalvad with all tba on­
to poaalbU apoa thair


Dtoabargad Vltbont Honor.

WaeblaftOB, Sept l.-Prteata Baa
of tba Mtb MtobirBa.wm ba dtoeharfad
fmaa tba aarrlaa wliboBt boaor. bp
Coleaalirtob. wbo wtU^bto dtoKkifaHaa ^arga to Waabiartoa.

trip Oared tor.
Boti ttBC* taat to Vow Tork
Ul Bi»d a. S. Bido Hm Oobo
Aftor Kto BroUt t.
WaablartoB. Bapt.
CkarlMB. Bale rooolrod word bp taaetariat out ordata la
aorwpb. tbroapb B P- Wilbclm. that,
to tbe Thlrtp-tbud aad TltlrtpBort Oac* bad booB Uaoiforrad fro«
OaBipWlkoff to a baaplUl 1b New fourth MlebirBB. from MoaUBk PalBt
York Clip, atoo ad»lalt.p ibat Hale to lelBBd Lake. Mteb.
I'be t<d
OoearBor PlBftBato BSBrtm
tVc aDxietp
both tbe faailp of Bliewortb Hale and looMlalMtteMeaaue
York, bepb 1—Tbe ttrd aad
MaaUakPcdBt to look after bto towtbar. Mth HieblgBs will leara Camp WikoC
He waa prorldrd wltb aafBelaat faBbe tomorrow ■.ralag. thair farloqgb
of thcHaBaabBfiea* BtUaf faad to
proTlda for bU BoeaaaiUaa whieb tba bariag brao grastad.
Oovantof PiDgrea tbto af laraooB aaat
atok bopaatap reqoira. It to atatad
from tba aamp that the two bopa maa(loamd wUl BBt ba able to more with
•‘ikara reached Ua aoBelaaiOB that
Iba remaladarof Uo oompMp. wbtota
BBlaaa pea object. 1 ^1 aak tba botato
ta a matter ot i egret to tba triaada of
Blab hoeaaa of Dauelt. wbieb
tba bapa la tbto dtp aa wall aa tbalr
aarra ataala. to raoalea tba XBlrtp-tbtod
Bad Thir^-toartb ragimaats wbaa
Uap arrtra aad kan (ham bat* aatU

We are nopacking
7600 Tablets and one ton af Slates today. Watch this space tomorroi

r Writaa a Beta
te tba Oaar of Bi
Detroit, Sept.. 1.-0|vb
wrote tba Caar of Eamto todap.haartUr

-1 koow It to the wtob el tba paopU
^toB wm aabalda. aad whoa Baaaral XeTBHBBT KADB POB A BIO
ICUaaratBraatbarawUbaBoaOBrt c4
of Mtohigaa that we glee tBam tba
iaqairpar oonrtaiarikd.apd BOthlac
Wat pomibla aardaa aad eara.
Cltto«KUbodoaoBBlaa4 tfUaa aalBBtarilp Ptaaa Ware Xai
aaabaro araraaeirlag moaap tor tba
parpaaa od faadiag aad aarlBC far them
aad Baaoatiea Ooi
Mkaa a atatoiant to tbaaaeratarp.
ad lo PomoUta aad Oanp >1
aad 1 will taka the raepaaaibUUp of
•IttoAaw'ballaaadlif Baaratarp AlOat bp AM ef Bab-OoBmltteaa
aapiag tba auta wUl pap tbe balaaea.
jWj*tOBda tba4tf ka B»latalaa alTba dttoaaa maatlag la tba Cltp Op-If Uap are kept U DateWt tbap caa
U*aa ba wlU ka aladlo^ There
ra Hoaaa laat araalag waa aot largalp
aU raaeb tbair bomoa maab
Jtaa baoB. goto* B ahaafo la pabUe oplaattcadad. Bat wbat waa laakiag la
MBhofAasdttoarapertaof atareaUoa
' bp tba latarcat qnlaklp tba« from aap oibar plaoa.
rBadondltwatseBt of tba aaldtoca
d la tba pMa to glee tbe Haa- WUipoa Bew.tbcr«fora,ordarlk|iAie
«ot baliwraotlTadwltbaa»Bah orod- BabWtktob raaalag raaaptloa wbaa atop at Detroit, aad adetog «a
tbar aralea from Oamp Wlkoff.
MOBM aritbla the toat weak.
tbap ata to brriea.
Mbpor Bmltb praaldad aad opaaad
-Qm-* B V. BopatoB.wbo baa ban
B of tba mathtb^ maaUag to 4
•Md to moke aa inraaUBatlM ot tba od af raaaiTtoLg tba aoldlaia. It waa
1 io keep tkf
teapttatoatOamp Tbomaa.
made the- aadlddad optatoa that Uara
»nport. BBd H to geaVlfplpd W the da- ah^ldbaadamontratto., and a Wg bopa ttU friaada can coma lor tba atok
U%t M«* ■a dom not want tbam to go te lalaad
partmaat oBcigip. ijaaerel Bopatoo OBO, U waa Plao
tea »»dp p garaoaal InToaUgatloa af cwtol aereiaae aball U kail asAor takeaway from good iMiUtlat- Tbto
Uaaaapleraoftbaaltpabarehea. Maap
•banmp aad reporto to tba depart■aggaavioM ware made ragardlag the dtp aad staia will pap tbr bUto. •
naaitol »V7 Ot >b» alartaa dmlatad faatoraaolthademoitotrBttOB and all
mbeat tbia camp are eaaaatloaal and raoalead conUderatloa. Oaa parilenlarattracUva aoggaatioa waa bp Haalp C.
•srltboat fOBBdaOoa.
Dodge, wbo baltovad that tba praaaa- SBBHS TO BB OH XV S. p. VISBBoBdetoad tba dapartaiaat tUbt
totloaof a baodaoma aompaap Bag.
daathi bad oecorad amoag tba 7S.0W
aaltablp laacrlbad. abaald be made a
eroopa aUUoBd tbara. aad thto to
partoftbeaxarctoaioftbodap. Other OoBbiaa of Orodtiora Baa Beaa Brok­
en and It Looks Haw aa Tbengb
agreed that oaa aftaraooa and
eargaoe OaeaM Btamberg. wbo baa
the Taraar aad Ftobar Vaei
ittoa of tba mad- evenlngabouldba gieen to tba ealebratlon and that all tba eoantrp
WUl «at Balk of What to Left
leal dapartmaiA that ha aaa elaar bto abont abonld ba iaeltad to ooma to tba
tarBBBOf aU abargmef aaglaet. aad dtp aad meat the Ware bopa wbo have
DatrdU Sept 1 —lav
tMltoraa ba caa Caaln tba blaaM apoa
O. Ptoberto aflalrm bp a coramittaa haa
Pbo qoartirmatomto dcpartmaat. which baroaarlp la Map. The
that the atorea be cloaad ia the after- raanltad- ia aplitting tbe eomblai
waa received with favor,
of creditora ap the back. Now
•lel Stambarg wi
good jnggaaUoa eraa that w«
faetioaa, oaa aompoaad of Taraar aad
Pha •tatamaat of Dr. SaaB. U wbtob ba ba plaoM apoa came of the aommittaea
ftobar man and tba other of orod
aald ippbald would baeoma apidemie at abd aakad to aaatat la Ue good work.
boldtng Hr. Ftober<a paraonal paper
Tbto waa alao approved baartllp.
_«ael»Bk aalaae the troapa ware apaadnaallp tba mapor wae
oaemata Tbara la not aaoagh
np Tomoeed. Be ttaraataaa to bold Dr. appolataaaaacnUeaoommUtaa whoea
property to aattofp aU the cradUora,
Baaa raapooelble if aach aa aabappp
4atp It will ba to formaiata a plan and
area U iba Canadtoa deal pane oat, and
pmdiUoB ebTPid »rtoathat H to oarriad aab ThepommUtt to aot tba lataatloB to heap the toe waa ampowarad to aelaei anWoam- tba Tamaraad Ftobar men propcaa ta
Mldlen at Moatauk Point aap loogcr Bilttaaa to look after the dataito aad grab aveeptbing la aighv
U to alleged that tba Tamar and
thaa to aaoemarp to gtea them atreagth work is oonJnoeUoo withtbaaxaenUTa
MaporAmlth named the Ptohar elaims legallp come flnt and ao
aritb which to raaeb their borne cai
. «r, if thap are'ragnUra. to reacB tbalr following for thto committaa:
prepartp can be applied on Mr. Ptobar'a
P. C. Gilbert. Thoa. T. Bataa,
- formtfowUeaa.
paraonal debto or indoraemanta
Spragae. Prank. Hamllloa. B- M wta- JaauaT. BnntnatU tba Taraar aad
gae. H C. Davtoand J. W. HlUibva: Ftobar elalma are aaitoSed.
Mapor S<Blib lb be a mambar aa-oficio
A Praaidaat and i
of tbe eoiamittae.
ad aad Oarriad pffbp Btnkara.
Tbe eaaeatlveoommUtaa Boat in tba
•peelmllcTBa Moaauia Baceu.
Escoan office iatnedlatalj attar
Paaa, llto.. Saptambar
baad- maeUng and daeld^ to have tba fol- Dr. Albert Gnn. Wall Known Fbpaieian. Oat bia Wtfa<a Throat
red etrlklair mlaare aeUad Praaidaat lowing eoramlttemi/
and ^oelp Ooafbaaod.
Finance, re aptfM,
Oregon and Baparlntandant OearhoU






Ladies’ Wrappers


New Fall Patterns, nleslF mads and aioely trimmsd.
Prices range from 69c to tlJM.
A look at them is approdstod, at


Reliable Diy Goods, Carpet J
and Clothing Hotise.

Hastloes’ Real Estate Agenci.
wMwoa. reaaa av


Three WUl ba Haro tomorrow.
Tbe following telegram waa rwwivad
protardap afternoon bp Miv toriQ

Good for Fruit Batolag.
Good fi ~
In large or email pareato. maap toaeta brtag in good aattlamaam. all
Within abort dtotaaaa from railroada.
WIU baaold ml low Priam lor aaab;aa.<m long tlM wltbMito|v
maato aad vaip lo” l****«*^


‘•New York. VpV ». IWf.
Will. Haatlnga aad Newtoa ai
here, wall. Home Satnrdap.
‘•Loaix BoaaBia."a

Tmerst City Sebooi ot Igsic!
iNBilQuiil, BfUKBM.
Cor. Ptoot WM) Com Bu.
MlMaitrrH.Cr»«fore. Him *lk-e T. BobefU.
Mi-v Mote] P White. HIM lOMie
M. WObvla.

(to o. i i I i. i.

KiYFiKLi). mCB. _|

is the craft that ia booored as the hi
quarters of tbe com­
mander and all other f
abips, tng and little,
look to tbe ugnals from
the flagship
ibip foi
for or­


The Maine
But don't forget that we
have received our new fall
stock of

Hne Shoes.
All the new toes, latest
The ladies all saj they are
We want yonr trade and
expect to get it by keeping
the best shoes at the price in
the d^.

Alfred V. Friedrich



SeulSMiesd tfaerw^
mosey is pututoaSBLZthBttinotbera,bat
they cost yon no more because the makers

reap a amaller profit by reason of tbeor tmmenseoatoutofZX million pairs a year. We
have tbe 5ELZ and want you to wear them.

Wmimit Blpofc

! A UniE FOR

. jUu who gacaaea tba aetaal Sambeaaa ptoaed Is a far dtoptopad is
oar alotblag window.

Look at the Glass Caskets
of Shining Pennies
in oor display windew. The largest one contains 600 of them
for &e first priM. Tlie smaller oonUins 400 for tbe aecond
best goesscf.
Tbe contest is limited to boys between the ages ot 8 and 16
jraars. For every 50c sale in oor boy's and juvenile elothing
d shoe departments, tbe purebsder iis entitled to one guess
which will be registoed. On October 1st i > arill ooont tbe ,
besnk and toe lucky boys will go
____ _ we- wish
__ to
.> remind our friends and patIn toe meantime
rems that we carry toe .largest and best stock of juvenile and
bops’ clothing in Northern Mitoigan and our priees pot com­
petition iu toe background.

Our “DcaitripeiB" toy's aumni’s ShMS
are onsarpasaable in workmanship, fit and durability and oar
prices ars within tbe reach of all.
Your money saveia,

Olam Block.

TtavktaeXlhy. Uieb.

rm^ Momwoio gapoip,


Dealer in Bicycles s Bicycle Sundries

xoBvnra bxoobS. bboavix raoa oamx asASA

•oatolmMosa to^thai^
-o« j*.ihjaadayiasd lassfot Soso
toSB Botsnad LaM
I pUas whar* th^ Mka them. Tea moat
Imatslchi Barbart Daaa. oaa o( the aaoaaa tba as* hasdMarehlaf bataff
: mun teavxbsi hxbald, .: wmUtoad Oampaiy M,
" who
'latt hmt
- ataisad to tba paper for 1 oesU cat BO
with the laat dalaohmast tSf Oamp Al- other papbra la Saattoffs.
M.». Bat» jap S. W. HAma.' r*r. tatsrsad to the Uty os ttek Uaea. TUI Leal* 8trtok thatl aasd the
My work is 5nt cIabb aad price* tbit die in readi d, !•»
dlroet from Oamp Heads. Cbaaoeat basd mr beet rrpatd* asd the
W. BASm. Bditor Md IUm«v
prepared at all tunea to take rare of tfae trade. I make a a^ml^ iv
UatowB. Pa-, asd apoa hto arriral ^raatof the boys, t woa^ sot take two
___ drlraa to tba raaldesoa *f Sto thoaaabddollara for what 1 bSTc aaes
Brasing. Valcsoinng and SnAmeUng: A fine line of wheel* for salw
maela.a AOooperoaUaloeatrsasa*[BBdrooothr*ach. So pood by* to U>*
and to rent.
JT. 0. SLLIB, Sll Front street, east.
atataa ««»«« all tba other mambor* of dear osaa at home tor aboat taa daya
.I’s; tha oompaay at Oamp Haada ara well. at tha moat. Ojod bye oaee swrs.
Yoar brother.
Pred Browa. who wa* qalts
ales with lypbotd fertr aoma ttma apo.
a* atataa atoo that Camp Haada to as
idfsl camp asd th* aoldton srs pro• M Tr*»*»*« Cttj, vidad with ararythlnir to sihka tham
DaUyhtiU Party la tba Wa^^aa-toeg
Olab Botaa.
Lait areBlsf tba Wa-qse-toay Clab
bboM wa* tha aeea* of yoBtbfsl ***rWm Oeoapy ▲tteatios of TToMS'a riaiaat.
Our teldiars ia tha toar.
areat wa* a party yiraa
Olnb Toda^.
Tbc -pHTatioB* aod avfferiay of
by ihirteas yooBf mtoaaa, to m rqoai
Tha drat program of tha sow yaarb aamberof bey* is raters for the bo*- aoldlaia doriay asd aisea the war with
arork of th* Womasb Clab wUI b*
piullty of tha boy* a few weak* Uaea. ■pals, which ba* arooaed each latreta
at the UBbrooma thtoaflaraooa at S:S0.
sympathy throoyhoat the ssttos. will
Tba arasiay'*
We bare received from tbe Friedriefa Mnaic Hooee of GraaJ
It wiU ba la obarra of Hr* S. Pallor of
i be th* asbjaei of en addrara by Rrr. Rapids over one bondred Violins wbirh will be pla^ on aale bt Wr
of yame* aad
the Btotory aad Biorraphy dirtolos
The jroosy ladia* ylrloy tha party '
Ooeblls seat daoday areniay at tha W. Kimball’s Music titwe, S8o Front Street, for
with papar* OB tha foUowtay Uteraat- were L stoe Shepard. HabrI Dari*. C myrryaUoBal cborch.
laroabjaoto: Hodara Hpastoh Htotory. B aaeba Barpam, Heirs Baylar. Cbrrto
asd Oarltoto: The PhiUp*
Bsoklaoto Araloa talva.
Arary. Ploreaca Hiller. Oarrla Earl,
Irfaa laUsda; Carrsat Erasta.
Ibn BasT Salvk is tbe world for
flairs dtoat. Nelly Harray. Della HarPraoadlot th* praffram. th* praal- tisrb, De<*y Shadek. IsaOamaros asd Goto. Bmtoaa, Borca. Uloera, Salt „
. .
Paver Sere*. Tetter.
Some of tbeae instmmenta are store worn aod aligbtly damaged by.
dast, Hn. R L Oorbat^ will ylra tha
Eioiee Ecllay.
Haad*.CbilbUla*.Con>*.and i
shipping And trill t
a be Bold at
laal yreetlay la which oho wlU oattowptloB*. aod positivalv ci
Uso her thoo^to apes elah Ufa sad
or 80 pa/rvqolred.
. . 1. It 1*
la ynaraate*
dob work.
It to daalrabla that a*
Thera will b* a rryolar coovoeatloo toylve cerfeci eatlafaetloa or moat
a* poadbla ba praaaat ^
at the SiBt meaUBC.
Tba work of tba year promtoao to ba
Amooy them will be
___________ . Ooaarrvatoty. Ole Ball aad PrUaaP^f. 6. U. Born will b* to tha Htph I Tzsuflea tlekata h-arkt aad w>ld i
sloaal Modela Theae violto* retailed from flS to ffTB a
of yeaaral lataraat. tha aabjaett all aehool r
Thto to A rar* optoday tor tae porpo** of | Oty Na«* Suad. P. O. Bl'*y. 4lt-tf
pertna'ty f.‘<r taeartoy a model oved by tha old maa-eru.
belay oa Uataly teatoa. aovariay tba

. £

Special Sale..


At Less Titan Factory CostI
15 Days Only.

Ooe-Half to Tfo-Tbirds of the Regular Pricoi

^ b it sow
tstt Ue diStr‘dMM tetwtM IteerttAnr of TTtr Alc«r
••d Mt}or 0«MrAl Miltt Sat* Wt
miMhiA ofw sad Uti tS* cwtrsl
^iUsMSteevturtittod. ltwtUb«
t U teon tbtt
«bas to M DteoMitj for aseS atoisost
mmMmtm wits tba eoBWAadar is chief
M the Dalted Ststea am;. It to Atoo
fSOwBcad that the reporto of ni
drastBaat of aoldien of tha DBitad
Isiaa tray Sat* heea rroaaly asarfatstod. U to to ha 1
dhat tbia alao to trae; bat raporta from
dhasa sear home prova that the ayataa
«haamd iB aoAM of the eatapa ha* baas
~*Masded with ftaat sarllfcaea asd a
^oaa aad alroro** tSTaaticai^ akoald
toamada. It to sot Jihely that tha aec*
tUtmrj of war to peraoaaUy to blame for
dba eosditioa of tbiar*. bat It to dalto
>c*f tba
feaTabaaacsUtyofaooeraawhleb da■aadi thaimmedtoUattontloBof the
army aatborittoa, partiealarly aa raCsrda Oamp Wlsoff aad SaaUaco.

plaeaa aad avast* which ar* raeoiviay
d-wlda atuattoa at tha praoaat
O^tala KoXatoah Battar.
Tha oart*opaadoat of the Detroit
Tritane, to a latter to that papar.
wMeh Bppaared yvstardsy moramy.
; otbar ihiay* that tha
wof J. V I
doabtfol oa«a. A similar sUtamaat sppearad ia tha svaaiaf Pres* y**iarday
aflaraooa. Slaoa thto Uttar wa* writtea. however. UleyrM* have baaa

^ X. B. PmfdlayaadABdrawatod. i

Hostaak Potoi. Asy. », 18M.
DkAB Fatbbs AXP Motkkb. Baonras
Wall, we ara osea isan Is th* United
Btatc* asd I can aaiar* yos that
ara not st all sorry.
Wa cam* over os th* aloamer Saatl*
ayo. We want oa board Satorday.
awrtad oat Saaday, arrived Friday and

W. W. MUIer aod wll* are eamplay
soar Hltebeli’*. Tbry rxpact to remela
for three
fonr week*.
Tba sehooaar Ella Blleawood to taktoy oa bark for Chieayo.
It qalrcd eiybt oaacbca to carry the
itaniny axearaloatoto aoaih aa the
C. A W. H. iraia yaetarday meraioy.
Tba company r*iu*ed a taryo amuaat
. McCmacx. Otoirict
r«e City. Miua -I bevc
The baryo Chaa Ralu to loadioy
of the roltod Kutn
with lamber from tbe Lomber G.mpa- Benevolvrt Society of 8«ylnaw f<r
ay tor Chtceye.
nvarly *i*ye«t«. end have *lway« fmad
}n*t. Aoevpt thank*
lOxtb Uaitad Stttee fl»y|
for check «or StI 78 to **01*10*01 of
adora* the flay pUa at the Haaaah A my *orid*Bt claim. U*« ia thto rielniLay floor mill.
tyhAv*b**n bn!Hly*wlndl*d by acci
Aboot tweaiy yonay people aej^yad dent and eirkacM crwopaalea, but the
Unit'd But** eee alway* be depended
a little party la*t evaalnyin the yrova OB to falfll tbeir cootraet. I will alJo*t wrat of Oatoa etraet bridye. Hr!eedy to help yoo wbea
ua* and trait ware served dartay the
Re-pectfally Ynurt,
Wm j. HcLtCSUUI.
Tweaty-OB* fine view* takaa at tbe
popalar reaort, Furvsi Lodye. located
OB L.oy Lake, have Jmtbaea flntohed DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
by Pootoyrapbar E K. Hoblo. Tba
Otw MeXunie-v ftho* Stwa
platiao procea* wa* aacd in flatoblay

Good Words.

•SriMSTl-O 1«8.
the plotore* and they have been placed
to aaeleyaai view album.
liorernor Piayree yeelerdey teleyrapbed to i. Vi. Haanen outlay that
th* furiopyh of Verlia C. Tbomaa of
Compasy H. Thlrty-fuarth Hiebiyan.
had been aitaaded tblrty day*.
We have a ftaa eamplsy place hare,
Oa acooanl of the fact that the IhlrBnppoaeas-haalthyaoaa as easld be tv-funrtb Hiebiyan will leave Moota- k
Polot today Dr Tbomptoa did not yo
AnfliWar. Cor extrent
I expect to ba home in a short time, oa to Camp Wikoff. He had an inter­ peisetML UtMteadm..
«0ee Tt e«d tsr leKkiiie
l least everybody asya eo, aayway, view with OoTersor Piayree id Detroit
yoB will not need to worry any more and was advised by him that ha
sow that w* ar* is the Onitad Stain. could not arrive there to time to ba
I have lost oosaUtormbly la fl«ah ^aee of eerviea. Hi* yunerco* offer, how­
laaviay for Coba bot when I yet borne ever. was folly appreciated by the yovGIjm Free Le—oob
aad yet to eailsy fresh eyy* aad other oraor.
tUays asd drlsklay mUh. 1 wUl
Ladle* are aapaciaUy toritad to a >
WaoTao^! if reporto are trae, we
to be hold to dlUabery * Uraad Opera
have loat fosr of oar boya
Hoaae this afteraoaa. baytoatoy al 1:S0
One «t Uem. Frank Faller.
test-mate of miss at eaispa Batoa aad o'clock.
Hiu. J. -U Smith brought to the of
Alyar asd soma of the Usm in Coba
flea of tbe Hobxu>» Rxooru lattaiybt e
erity followiap Ret
1 had malaria while Is Coba
laftolaiioB to admirably Ulsatrated by
Cloyd aad WiU an all rlyhtand will beauUfel niyht-bloomiuy oerru*,which
d II toehe* in diameter. Th*
dhafollowlsr BtateBeat of facto: la probably write hosM today.
Kareh. l»l. whaa the Witooa Tariff
Thera to one thiay I have lonyad tor adllor betny npaU otyot had a Bp enLaw wa* la fall tide of
BMW* than aaythlny else. I aomatimn dld opportealiy to appreciate the haod•ome floral offeriay.
think, aad that ia
ad HX.S80 basd* aad paid them r,079.- poutoca Yoa have no tdeW bow often
Hr*.' Dora Cram left tbi* moralDy to
tdt S4 la waraa la dfareh, im. tba I have tboayht of tha differoat vtolt aaverel ritie* to order to ob ain
wayaafeookiaytbam. of hoUad po-i taa Uuat fall aad wioter atylea She
aes,m hands aad paid them SIO.168.-tot «*. amahed. warmed over, sad ' will vtoit Graad Rapida D-troit, tad
..ny way tb*y 4hy be cocked.
Itbcpr r.clpal cities In sewrul state*.
Well. IwUielcae for UtiaUma. Don't aad will yo to Toledo aad Otaleayo ;ust
baterr reuratoy home. She will
worry over me and write eooa.
After ylvlByaaopaaarr ccBcart on
fone about three week*.
_____ J. B. BnXDLT.
.«h* porUeoof the Hotel Whittoy laet
Oamp WilwS. Montoak Point.
•veatoy the O
Hr. A. C. Tkoma*. *f HarysvUle.
An*. 88. tm.
«> the reeldenoe of B. HoaUym ob ________ ____
Tex., has feuod a more valiab'a dtoAtote etreet and raadered a aarunade to DhABOnsAT Qoui:
ikan ba* yet been m*ue ia the
We nre In Ood'c coobUt aiato and I eov*f-r
honor of HU* Hoatayuc. The mask
Kleudllce. For year* ke suffered uawaa.appreclateil and tha boya w*rthat
hrmorrhsyae; aad wa* akeotoaated to lemonade oathalawo. FMi
- State stmt they went to the r*eidea,m read from Traverse, but you are mto-1 'owlf cured by Dr. Elay'* New Dtocov
mf A & Hull on Washlnytoa stmt aad
nflar aaotber eerenad* la hMw of
Mtoi Hatttooa of Atlanu. Oa.. they loetfoaraaea: aatrbveaboutllfrMto'enre: weald bav* it. eveo
the hocpital here aad tome of them are I bnadred dollars a bottle. Asthi
mare aaterulned with a«»ofted fruit.

Tim Mlcbisaa aoldlera wUl laare
Oamp Wlkaff today aad Coaspaay M
mv ba acpcetsd boBuiaxt waak.
naaa for a proper raeapUoo aod dam.
•aatracioB wara dtocamad at laortb
IsclBicbtaitbacittoaBa'Bacaar asd
haada wi aa csaentlae
eoaoposad of repraacabsMaaa baaisaM maa
partosea U pabUe
axaeati*a eomaauae will aalaet aab-4
MiUaaa who will amtot la parfeettaraadeaRylaf ootdauiU. TraTaiaa
aty to Botad for raereaaw is pabUe drwaatratiooaasd thto wiUba so assaptloe. aa evair paraoa is tba eomMBity will }ola Is oaa of the fraataat
pstriotto aad asthaetoatto aflatoa thto
Iseallty haa arar aaaa, asd Uoa boacr
dha boya who have bmrad So maeh for
ihotoooaatrya taka.

W. W. Kimball Co.

N. E. STRONG, Manager.

235 Front Street

Good Horses
'From Indiana.
1 have just recetred a carload of fine farm and
draft horses, which I will sell at prices the lowflfet for
first class animals.
See them at once at the bam of BrodhRgen &:■
Wisefanewskv, State street.



to Cali Your Attentjoii
Miss Doyle To~^the Like
nice Bacon and Picnic Hams we are

selling. We never had any nicer, nor did eny.
III Kinils of Embroiderr
body else.
and Modern Uca Making
•Phone 167.

E Our Offerings



I -N Furniture
Oesenre Uiisnil Innniot.

I»dt, t»d .p. w. i™i. prt,,y <
ua .u Ci'~t
' frcFna, iri" p-ililviirwred ^b^ Sl‘

Xaspectad the School BnUdiny*.
TkeaDBaalinipncUonof the public
•ehool beiidiayaoftbe city was made
. bytheboardolcdacaUonyeaunUv.The
attended by cattotoetory raanlto aad the varion* belldtofs
imnerally found to b* la yood eoadlHon for the opvatoyof the ceboel Urm
' »ext Hondav.

hard time of it on oar trip aero** the ; Kmy, New Dto»v*i4 for Consompoeeaa for we only had ooraed beef and ; Uon, Trial botUeelOeti
• drnyi
..............last• tbe
I Ait 'and J. U JohuBoa. I
eaaaed bean* for eight dayr, *o the trip;
and ll.OO. Onar-i
.s,. very pleasant. We buried tvr©,
____ __ ...
b *y* on th* trip, ona of C and the j
^ .

Eeu.-iain.<la. Hikrett.
lArt svenln* A Urr» numiwr o' BuAeavoretu of the Friend* ebnrrb. ai.d
-Vveral frieadA, we.-e deUchdul y
t-r-Ainedat Uillerest bv Miw Win'.. frad Pratk Gamea. maeic.r*fre*hieeBis
. and tb* pnmerUal toiapitallty of the
heat* of Hr. aad Mrs. B 8. Pratt, all
«nowl< n el to a vary pleasaoteveala*

lass* aad then 1 eaa tell you what I;
have yoo* thronyh I have a nember
of relic*. 1 faavn a oaatoter, maehet
aadaome maimev ballcm aad tvto of
thoae were what they ca^eare dMth;
and 1 have tw* flyantoh bcUon* and
I pickad up

feel prettv blae. H«.w to Joe now. to ba '
' --------------------------betlAraow. I wtoh b* was. 1 expeetl lehNl Bodkx. aU kind*, at City Neim
tobe With yon to aboot ten daysat!'« -•

Geo. R. Winnie
Up-n-ilate PalDtei
aid Paper Raiger.

Shop opposite Eagle office.

,;v .

E We
S.TlS.'UlJS.w'lSS? I
mention of BEHO and HATTAN PUB.-

NITURB. Aside from a floor fall of beautifa’ creations in
this materia! we make prices equa^ as at'ractlve.
Whether you intend to refanjiah your house this fall or ^
just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your 5
rooms look riohjind handsome we offer you the opportunity ^
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods 5
g- in any event.


TRK irulunjra uooao. ms&T. SErmraxm a. tans


day ■oralf ihootoMeh m$ rtown*
lathalH>»ofl<nlteTlaf Uaof kte w^
teriv. bot it «m loud that otbw Onaptot Tarty Vnai Torah lake
• Par «MMs to a I
AOCmWM OV MMlgUl OOUMO- orvaM irara affaatad, Ba aar«l«ad tha
Bed n Hnatry BxpetUmoe.
A fffteaetb OHitniy raidebook
oparaBoa asd a«y lira aareral daya.
Tbe party of yooor moo from thie
bat arm dte aa aooa aa tha aa
Mtyarboweoteamptaraomotlmo ofla be foBDd emoog toe tetapiwe <ff too
■m toe toore e< Tomb tekr. beve re- Bodletan library. T3u miur of the
Tfna V«« Ctot UMt-OoL MAtr toodaM a rlut ^ottamed to too eSty. They reperl, a betai tree oee Wflllam Way. "eome
»Mc*d thsXiMtm WUeh Oos^ettime (allow eff tba Roval OoUcce of the
•d tta OapMia tnlwped to Z.I* Uaadar atm Mra. Beary BarMU Ideemnt time wbUe at mmp. bat had
anmber of diOmltiM oa tbetr retam ■oB^bUuodMniyrfBtaibentde WtoflSmpOt a«Mb
lafoira ia tba c«Uar. Mrm. Ba
trip to toair aaU bent, la aomlnr ■or.” aad afterwM an inmate of tbe
'Porte, 8«rL 1.—UMtooMt Coloool laaaiar ayalstt tba ^isaay wbaa _ nronad treu Bik Baplda, wben nboet bo^_ toe A^ f^et Edyn^
i to baaa loryad
It aad aba »aa taataatly ^poaiu toa llrbt boear. tbe triad toWilubire. It weafor hia relirbu
faretoren tfaet be oempiied tola work,
ivaof tbalattfi wbteb «ara Ultra*
want down and left them to apaod all
' to ttw Ubmy of tbetr boon '
Aaatal U laadl^Oaptala Drayfaa to
A tflakdt da tba boartb li n mettenl Birht oa toa arator la a ealm T»ry
■ white toe
Bftooa, baa aomdUad aaWldc by eat£t arrtanbla objael, bnt n partook of a meal nbontt o'clock Tare-1 Mbnlaad tateet This raid«boQk
bte tbroat io bla a«U. Ba bad a rood maoyertekata ton aWra nre eot day momtar aod did oot r^l » ytkibit | ytoe with a pi^tory oou givln* tbe
led U bte valtee.
daairable. Taenmaob dry
ateree to eat mcato aaUl they rmcb.-d bom-. I “chbaagm of money from Engl^ to
It ia balalTed that the rareUtfoa ware«oompellad to cloaa at dark eara a lets Wedeeedny afternoob.
Borne and Venyoe.” for, ae tbe entbrr
broacbt aboat by bte oMlawtea will arenlnca teat week beeaeaa awarma ol
Tbe party coeekted of Artbnr Bir*. axplaioa.' ”Doke«ye. grotyi, groeettie
aad Mldyeof Yeayse wyl gowel in 8waaaaa rerteioa of tba trial of both tba
MU ware atiraeUd lato tba atoraa WaltonOmy. WlllBneebali. WleLaer- rey <Byria), that ys to mye in tbe Hnly
Drayfaaaod Zolaoaaaa.aadtbaprteoaar
wbaa tba lampa ware Urblod and at- wortoy. Clerk AUra aad Q orye Cbasr Loodeand
of Oeail'a tetaad atay ba*a aaotbar
Wbca they ro erato'ib-y wUteke
taeked the frabriea dtapteywl on ooeaobaaee to prota hU taaoeaaoe.
SB extra supply of caUbl-e tor ibcir
tore aad abelara, tbraataalar to do
Then Mloert what te atlled ”a pmTha tetter wbieb Baaiy furfod to
rrwm vo.Tsrr.
vyaymn,” which te a tne^ey of vety
aldarabla daaare to them.
Uat waa aUacad to baaa bear wefttaa
•Dead adyiee to pUgrime for tbali
(temaUlnr la tba matter np at Watby a Oarnaa Military attaaba to aa
fort OB tbe voyage (Rn Ymioe to Tafe.
ttaltea Military attaaba ia lt»6 Tbia eell. Itiaaeaartadtbata naet of aaa
■apiring pilgrim tewened if be
Mtm Jeante Bplllaor from Wenaeob. Tbe eapiring
aeiaareaaaeenad at WaUatl Uka.
■ toegeUeytoBuk
............. —
lattar tandad to abow that Dryyfw,
Ohio. tebriereeteitUbed by Mta W.
aryth toe patrma by tyma;" "to «Aoo«
arbowaa a Praaah oaptaia. bad aoU
B Walker of F fto street.
n ptaoa te toa aeyd g^ey te tba owast
tba plaaa of rraoeb forllatlou to
Mr. aad Mia Bbvmua Boward of ataga for In toe tewyet ando', byt ya
«S1 West BIrbtb street, am
ry^t emoldoyng bote and etynkyag,"
AaaUar lattar waa ateotoBod wbieb twelre inebM to filwea free
leg her two ■'■tem. Mra V. E Meetev and tost bte proper tore te 40 dneate.
Tha Boiiandare of Grand Baplda on
inm mid to bare bmm writtea
l>r^aad Mrs. C. B. Maaley of Bartford
Hate meommaoded to baigatowtto
fM, prorlar hto relit. Bxparta wbo fodneaday ealabratad tha oominr of MIeb.
toe ”patrooe” to barn ev«y day hot
had baaa callad U loidanUfy tba baadMarUa Htaek and I>r. ShUIndy of meat twice, at two maele—vis, st dteBcr
mad at snppar .aad to aw tbet be
wiitiarof tba te^ dteacraad. bet a
^Lnke Ann. are ie tbe city.
bae good wine and freto water and
vaiorlty aaid tba wrtUac wm that of Of tba Natbarlaana to that ^ty, aani
Mr. aed Mrs. Prank Carver
the foUowInr eablerram to tba younr
Bowew, ae <
Orayfoa, aad ibeeaptato
Jveepblne wbo bavr bees aowMteysr
d a traveler to
to Ufa iMprteoaMaat oa Derllb Ulaod
viriUag Mr aad M-e. O. P Carver. a tea teuteet and a box foam Hontiey
Oroyfaa* frb-odi el^Mad Boiiandare realdlnr in the euu ol wOl mtara to their boeae to Aafole, A Mmer. onr aetbor edvlma bte reedMtehtren.
•bat bott Irturr*
f.trfarlea. aad it
lad., today
en 10 Cake provirione of vnriow klnde
to aow praraa that oua at laaav <
Frank Fnedrieb retemed test night srith toon to make tbeir ooltetiea, for,
Farmere to Mteblran will 'look after from hie trip to tbe Hanilon talands.
Tba tateaaca* nf tba lattar asliiflaa
M be mya. ”nm tyme ya eebal teaa
their wtotar ^la crop tbte year
«aab of tba a'
Mr. and Mrs. Ned NoUa have retnm- fabyl bred wyoa and i
ardoat Drayfaa
ed to ibelr bom« In Ceiraro after a menytymeeya acfaal be fol foynato
etoof yonreowaa.”
It to iaalaaatod that tba aelehte W tote frelt la aery limited, and prteea ■hart visit with Mm B. C. Davie.
Ynriooe “oonfortafoye tesntyuye reIrteetaaaat Colooal B«ary, wbo waa ^ rotor to ba birb anonrb to make
Mrs Jellns Sietaberg te eotertaiaiag •totetyBya”etc., nod ooaklag ntMudle
tbaebiaf of tba iBVeillraaaa daparv tbte crop pay batter, for tba work an Mrs. & Rear of Mesuree. MIeb.
nre recommabded. nod ia pmtienlar tbe
pended epoo it. than eereaiB aad otoar
■at of tba Praaeb mlateiry for
AUoraey C- O. Tamer bee
pilgrim toonld bays bed brndde 8c
waa ooerlaead at by tba army aetbori- prodneu
from a Meeting of tbe Bute B urd of Mnrfc'e obunh in Venioa. Ha wiU get
tim. 1b aoy eaaa tba aaielda oenrad
for S dwBta n fontbar bed. mnttrMe.
a O. Beat of near. PraeooU, wai
Perdoaa at Detroit.
•bortly after tba prteoaar bac. raaeirad teeked by a bly wlldeat while paaator
John B. daato west to Detroit on two pillowa two pairs at iheete nod n
9oUt, and wben 1m rteaRw to Vcnloe
a *teit troM aa ofiear oa tba faearal tbronrh toe wooda Bte eiotbea arere beoineM test nlghv
ba arill ba able to reeeli them for
•taS. wbo. os laarlar. ordered tba >
tom toloebreda aad ha waa cettler
UlUle Mim Msmie Caiman wUl
try Dot to dUterb tba priaoDar, aa he toe worst of tba atmfcte wben two tarn nest week to tbe eebool for U e n doeat and a half. Half n danm beas
orcfaidnaslnn cage are also n nmfol
had a lot of wock to do It to raeallad d<^ eame te bte rotoer. The anlmnl bliadat Flint.
tsvrialoo for t'
weallnnliy eboi.
John MeedhsH retnraed yesterday man'e
•ateida waa a«,Mdad Capiaia Drdyfna.
Wadeaeday waa a sad day for taro Ut- toOlaeinnaU toraaoBe bis etnuica In
wbo. boworer. deeliaad to aceapt it.
Ue folke at Metamxn. Tbe l-ymrwld
It appeara that Mlaiaur of War Ga* ehild of Freak Urotor, white playtof
Kalla Vortesoeg Nt j ynd a few
Mads bae bean mid tad written nboat
to eoarlaead that Liaetaaaat with fire darier tbe ebaaaee of It's bonm'visit with Hiss Maude Berry of toie bcnntifel and r—sroraan,
bnt bowrrer great tbe
OolOMl Baary bad aeeoBplicea to the motoer, came near belnr bemad to
Peoria, m., wbo bas
ierrary of tba iDcriMlaatinr
at Aldeo. Ilbe rcinreed they have aerer, to my mind, been esorieo. Tha little oaa*a elotbiar wee
nggosted. It would be poetibte no
Md tbaraara pwatetaot raporU that flames when iu moiaar erriaed. and
>me lesterealar.
doobt to And more perfectly tonlUaa
Ootead ttely da Clan will aborUy ba It's nrme seek and taea ware aerioeely
B Colrie aad family of Oak Park are faatnrer. even mom beantifnl ayes nad
■mat^. It U reported that Mialatar bamed. An boor or eo later. Boward eetenatelnr Mrs O. P. Bates of Ec- oomplexion. bat 1 bad never sers tba
ofJaattae Barrtea baa already takea Albrirbt. l-yaar-old ebUd of a Laaal^ rltehville, Mteh.,
Womnn wbo nnitad so medy perfee•topa to fraot Orayfoa a retrial.
Mra. P EeellDrofOmad&t^c'a toa tiooa
lady wbo ia rtaittor toere. was bemad
Tba creamy loMcrof tba toin. tbai_
badly abMt toa IfmM by a kottte of meet at Perk Pitee.
of tl
Mr. aad Mrs. Cbae Cole wbo hare prumlcm
eyas. Um redtent smite toe glorioQs
baee visiUnr L W. Tiabhsm and wlf..
of qnite golden bair, tbe elope of
left lest eight for tiunih Bro^Iad.,
toegrscefalsbunldera all tbeaechanns,
Maracalbi. Vonraeela. Aer- SI —Tbr whNFs they will viali before rataralnr csbaBoed by a toilet as esqnicito as ftleoeuntit -'reV-d to tba
to toelr borne at K a >tb. Vo.
ririan tane coold ooooeiTa. nnited
, Kattan of lotareet Frcm All Z
tbaAm<ri.. ■ >b-wr-abmrd to tba
U U Nlckerem .fUASoao trantset- makea perfectiaD that
Parte of Kieblcab.
hrly to dactroy tbe bcaoty
battle of Miraoda in
ad bnsiaeM bare yeatirdsy.
tn-mwmm-mmwmmi: today with meeb -rrrmony. Amosr Mra <t«o Bettan of Nerthp>irt amp- erety other womsn pmeant, altbongfa
tbere were many cclebriliis of all na'* I It to parbapa oa tha earda that th tooaa preaeot waa Freeala B. L'»m-a. pedover olgbiat tbe Hotel WblUag.
wbo were famed, aad }ostI Mtoiairr, who race red
Tbirtydfib Biebicpn wUI ba east u.
C U. Diwittof Bt. Joseph U eisiUur ly famed, for tbe gifts toat Vanes Imd
bis brotoar WillUm i.f toH city.
taetowed npoo ttem.
SMallpos axteta ia a'MlId form In.
Mrs. Ab-rt Cr.>s‘-r arrieed leat
Bat yet tbe emptem was not Jnat
Iraaawaa ooesiy. It appeara to br ie a
nlgbt from Uraed Ripida Sba will aow what the French oall en bennte.
for tbe event eo '
mLM form tbroerboat tba eoeetry and
The reral wiaeoy rhicb to to appnai become a geest at Bfrewood.
tha dancer to that ewinr to lu lirb- at Slatonerr'a tteaud Opera Hoeae on
Mrs M. Mertoe accompeblrd by FToDoe. eo impomuil to ^ teiperUl
ebaraaier dee preaetiooa May ooi br Baterday. Bepiamter 10. eaUt'ad -Mi Jsaaa. John sod Sichie Cahslan >•- pair cosoezned, ares not vay tor dis­
taken, and that at tha approaeb of ooid Planktra." I- • C'epbie aad ametlnr taroad yeaterdsy to Wyaodotte after a tant. and great care w«s needed, altbomto tbe imperial lady herself eomewaatbsr it may amamo n moi* rirateei plctare of rera< life aad ebaraoterina' vlail with the fsBlly of P. Needbsa
ly extra preoan
form. Tba atata beard of haaltb erra> tton. Mr. Lawte, ta tbe titia rote of
H. A. Cmadsil of B .vrie, Ohio and
At any rata, st>G never allowed
nirict r^lanoa oa all baaitb ofl .-rre.
toe Yaekea peddler, aad dren-maj ^
benelf to rbow or profesmd to feel any
Maetetaa teUl rln Company B of tha to the Fairrlaw bead, briars plao^ of the eily yceurday aad frill epead aome nnnsnal faiigne.- CanbiU Magastee.
totbiaparraad oreatea a deal time te this vlcteitr.
i a roeator r»of ameaaMeat Tbe torantor, tbs t»Bert Lyons bae retemed to his bom*
oepUuD oa iu ratarn nant week.
Veesnt lot f&rniicg in BitxAlyn te te
Uaora Canoody of Laptar. wUl wtt rna stock epaeelator. tba old farmer, In Detroit after tpendtef a few weeks its third eeeeon. Joa now tbe garden*
play eireoa ayaln for awblla Under- aod SPs pretty aweathaart are all wail with B. B- Pratt mod family.
am At tbeir
toterMing stage, and
Mr. and Um. B 8 WhiiM and B. tbe barren of ^aritiea, nnder wboee
lakfar to make ao tf-lal flirbt on a snsutoad ebaractera. Tbara la a d«al
trapece on Wedeoaday aba Irli and that la novel fa tbe play. The farm W. Strader «ho bare been rcaoeting at saperrlsloo tbe work te eniried on. te
Cioetepnrttoolarl^ dMrou Cbnt
breba one of her Uitrb bo&ci.
work opplaraa the aadir-eae. Carer osH.
tbe fond and other friends shonld see
4n«pldoaic of diphtheria baa bro­
U’wi O'ive Wiekerabam wiU lea's to t^ire^lveaybet resajte ere being
^ a bir
ken ont m PiaaaiiQt V«;>ey, nine milan
epany of «vaedteoa which roes to tblr afiertiooB for Deytoe, Ohio, where ■ccompltebed. One feni te at Penneylaortbaaet of dt. L3ola. rnlrtaeu cas>a
MaiagTcpmand New Lots rood, and
abc will spend tot,
Make Bp an crrnlnc'a «
toe otter at Ralph street and Cypress

m wmawM.


It N .




~ ewiomeny on -Adter"
l^onaera, yet--Adler' Ctetbiat «ww ite good
rrpeuttea to prrfe^teo of deuUi. Tbe teory
are simply oor ledteatten of the p^
token by to# menefaetamrs te briag toste goods
tea potoi where erlttetem te Impoeslbte Tbte

label te not merely an edvartleement-^t te a
ganreatee toot every garment to which H is attaebad te right, from Hnteg to b
-Adler' aotb'ng te tetendod for toea wbree
Gslee lead tb-m to vteb to be we'I dreesed. bet wbo do not car# to pty tbe Ugb prices
of toe rastom tailor. It is deelgeed by expe^te
sad made by etpabi# aa-1 wrll-paM workmen.
It oomm ie toa b a me -ebsi t- e'l r pett#rr>s
nad flu aod wears lim toe bmtBerekaatullor'b
Wr been tbe ealaof -Adl#r' Ctetolag to
Trevme aty. aad oar new atoek of anlto aod






Shook, a oarpeater, fall from tbe top o!!
«,d meeb.elcal
thauparebooeeblai^. adiinfldeol ft0| affects, B ikioc it one of toa atr.-'Breat
feat, ewiklar epoo W ta^meot walk. I
^-medte. now before the pobUe.
Be WU belpief reAero the eoihica I
tba aeperb orebeotre aarrtad by'
bndtoejstetd^ which be eel broke rth eompaoy will enteiteln toe petoB; Biato^alaenreaeriona.
Jlflkt btiadey wUl be a Am day fM
toa oU realdenU of Benton Unrber.tbe
MlanetC. Labpber aod Bdith ForaMetoodlat eanreb at that place harinr
arranred for e novel eervioa. It wiU panrb arrived that ev-ninr from Ht.
Panl. They will go by boat toia mombe ezpreaaly tor old fi
WiU be aant ont by too aboreh to briar
to toe service paopte wbo are too Old
A Onretioa.
and feebla W walk.
mnch of tool old trash and aaAt tbe oloae of the aarvican (a a oonns U moved into cmr
try toareb in Uenawee eonaty Bnnday midst p> «M pelmad
lad off for eleao,'ertap
Birht, tae acncreraticm ware treatffl aud freeb marcbaadiee,boma blfb prtoad staff, onea faebioato o osMber not on toe prgrmm. One
of toe partebenere Doran W tuudl., ao abV. eannot be palmed off w an in
lireitpnblie fo- a Ihiogf ^
oate anctoer uf ba*ui|f baon flrtor nobby. We wonder what b
papararedaai him aad proceeded to alt toe odd* aad end* and Jobtei
the abootor. Tbe eonyreraiiob a marobant U ebaagiiir loo
raeeaad toa naaanlUd one and now tba AncOonorhankmpigood* wbaa aold
a* sneb; ora no crime ordeeaptlon.
lawyers are taktor tba
raprceent oor goorin.
We do ant
Uaotenant Usury fluaen. regimenul' We veninra to sUU that aside from
M-cbigan; Corporal Ed J. Colun*. Co “one ofonr wwrt*tbU**Sa*11^
and Privates OMrge Tar . to spread oe alt ^eir abelree
nrhion. and CC.'F
Balicv, - Wa
We bear no maltee to any of
o eer od>' •
ler, &>. F. Honghton.
0u.U,itenlt4te-Unria. bars aemptad peutore. in fact wa wtab them O d
apaad and exued them n special ton■ toenrauv* poalUuto nnder Cabs’a mill-. tottentocalloons aad examine soma
Italy governor, sienatal Lawton, nad goodvalnes In oar wholcenle depoi
meat. No troable to toow roods.
*'wU> rwmaln to Onun.
BesroK troaa.
a of Oread BnpMn, ban bean naffei
. ia^ffomesnairwl tuaeiuinscii. M>.

w toe bridbtott twd ltd* ia tova.

MotteetetbeWtC. 1. A.
At toe aioetoiy fiebtl r yeateHar
10 membrH voted to eooMane tbe
Sslabdtjl market tbrengh the mimth of
SaFlember. A* tba sapply femiabrd
by tor divirioos bas nnt been aeoegb
to mtisfy the demand toe call te imned
to nil membeie nad tboea Inureatad In
itribateiMxt Setvrday afternoon at IlsskMi's book atom
from • to 6 o'clock.

D. .1,


toe Brooklyn aievnted. Tbere'am
gardens in all. a ioorcam
over last year. Wciuen nuJ cbildrw. ei
well as men. are at work' in tbbir re­
spective pkts rverv (toy. tMi a most
tebrestlex tight n true* these cnitiVfciijs ced iQtiLte tbe cr.teibai ibey ex­
pend op.-n tbtir li:tle patihes of soil.
QniU a variety of vegeubles te grown.
end tte txiyji tcii yiar te cncUuit.—
Brooklyn Life.

Fras PUU.
se on to* UMM- of
8end yoor addrere to U. B. Bncklen
aed Waabtogtoa
Co., Cbiengo, and get a frer sample
repaired and papered. It Will soon ba A
bos of Dr. King s New Life PUia
omnpiad by J. W. Bteter asd family.
trial will convince yon of toelr meriU.
Tbeae pills are easy in action and are
Liat Of Lettem
--------------- ^ -.fective
effective te
in the
the care of
e-'Ad'enii.edb^ tBd.___


proved Inrelnable.

“niey are

Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable,
B. J.MOB'OAN.Prop.
Now I have a fine lot of them. ^Bfty head
to select from.
A pair of draft horaee, color bay, weight 3100, a littta- raacy^ exv
tra Bice pair, well btokan.
A fine bay mare, biucky built, 1550 in weight.
As extra good gray mare, 5 yearo, weight 1503, block baiit
Ob# bay oare, 6 years old, weight J360. blooky built
A pair of grey geldioga, blocky boilt, waigbt S600, 5 and 7 yean

Please ca'l and examine my stock whethyou wish to bny or no'.

If You Have Logs to Sell
CorretpoBd with the Tran
We have for ante Good,

zstsshr. Toa.

mnmm, SKI

•r Company.

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple M ood.
r..^iTr>a etsk sat.-ri.
Mill Machinery of all deoeriptiaBa,iBcliiding Two Engines,
Ret Wbrka, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant


Watch This Column For Bargains !


PtotOOm Bnildtoff.
etomaefa and bowels greatly invigorate
tba system. Begnlar rise t5e. ^ box.
Bold by J. O. Jobaaoa, asd B.& Wait

Tbtokef 8.

yuor nfw^nitT^U^i tuiktf 8.8»•H#wClrtb•
' faraisblitga.L
"--a. comp
cDBpe'it'on«ra aad high
Thtnisst hum in glvmx itoe new ,.
- Ji and eee wfcat aa
f men'si end
boys' elototognatoaodt
11 yoadOL..
yop wbaVe wbnt. 8. Beada Ob., m
are iredy fill

aoy kind of e

Seed Wheat for Sale!
Bxtrm View Bwd OUwwob.


: ---S

A nice blacbt^re. blocky boilt 7 yenii oW. weight 185a
’ '• J
A low bojUgfey mare 7 yeafs old, weight 1600.
Ad efffa nice chegtnnt botae, blocky boQt with arched weA’ - <
'eight 14|0a
U fiifr of blocky boilt bay foarea, weight 8400.
^ fine cbeatoDtmnre, 6 yean old, rangy boilt weight 1400;
A fine bay gelding, o yean old, blocky4milt weight 1350.
An extra good cbestnat hone, 8 yean <dd, wdgbt 1150.
A nice brown mare, blocky built wei^t U6a
A few cheap boraea at a very low price, and a whole bam foil of
all kinds ol bones to soit all kinds od costoaen.
Stock taken in exchange for horses, “nme givea with good aacurity. Satisfactioo gnaratiteed or mosey refttnded. Pleaae'^besr ia
mind that yon cMi boy cheaper and better boraea here, and know
what yon are getUng before yoo buy thigi aoy auction uule.

Fifty Cents Sir?Sl£ SAHLIN. >M Eaet freatstmat.
Guard Chains KSTiATw,^.’

Haw Y«a Tried Tlie Iteball?

W. W. KIMBALL 00.. V.
-------I. B. p—-STBONG. Mnanten.

Furniture Bargains ¥bc

Btebiac Ooo^ GH
THOMAS. eoRMT But# nad Oatem eu.

Columbian Restaurant ^

Wlure «. B. FLB’

focalnr aseate for Ue aad %a»
B.J’. ACO^bOuAJer. iLaaeben to toe world for ue. OpwaUalBkt

tam M0«»to»<M00«ft w^*T.


-Wise ftEMNAMT.

Below la a Uat «< the bayteff and aall

WOMwrTod fton thadtytaroot
Iba oata or HarblelMad alwaja______teto *a oontiT. whan (ban wan
_ ^ of tba tfnalwoodaaUaraond. She Urad wttb
Fodomea Tte. I bar fatbar. xuAbar and bntbar, in a
^co tba Naok. a gnat, bandaoaw saaU boaaa in tba nildat of aclaariDg
teUow vbo pnaldad orar tba Aiatribn«( GUoiCO ftlwaya atmota a la(8« tioo of tba malta. looUng down wltb
•ovdof esrlow padeacriaea. Harin* Ug Breen ayea from bU lofty panh on
« woold go abont in tba aroeda look*
. bMatiawabojraoA kalafatiU famUlv tbe aery top of tba pigaonboM caWnat
gat tba atnnge birdt and aaiwnia
.*i«i tba «nn7«(
to lock? taga- when tba lattan awaited tbair ownaia.
id at nlgbt tall bet twotber t^an ba
waa tba bawltebing taalteaa
MVboavara in ^ ' '
W^wbo ank ina in cbaiia wbao I oaaebane rron aobool of tbadi«oTwant aketddar to tba old town, and t arUa aba bad tnada. They were all
IWTamaat q^maam. woo» w» ^y^dawbila
myaidawhila I worked, lattanga
to Wilma, aa aba bad never aew
■4th >n MMaIfKia] «ntwr after her ! ani_________________________________
city. After awhile they got ao naad
.. her that tbey did not mbd mneb
a little iad wlU begin to dnt
afnld, and tbe hUck aqnirrel waold dt
on tbe limb of a tne with his lovely
BiaAatdtet.and tta ddrwaik Invarl* tfaanwaa
aUy KOe betwmea congeatad with a
Tba fknt lima
IV bto. tbe UtUa bnahy tail ended over bU bmk and
intemtadwatokan. tid and ataamerbadjBatoaoainCraDtbeKack, obattar at ber. or tbeaanry chipninnk
^ ^ , and tba people wan hnnytng to and woold eye bar with bU little beadUka
The nawaboy artiafaaitBe it Rapbaal (nt. aw Roiog adwra and Hnwnm- .
nlng to take tbair plaoet to tbe boat, boabaa. And the btrda. bow
' Two ynra ago Bapbad weak oawa- and Bamnant. not a bit atanabed by aU wwal And what a cborM tbey made
boy who drrw pavement pictana to |be boaUa. looked on with bar bright, in tba early mamlngt Wilma lorwl
amow bia wLaU Xdeo^ betwotm timea ayn trora tba poet where abe lay baakacUing paper*. One day tbe little tag in the aimtoine. find evidently feelsniot. beading over tbe aidewalk and tug banelf tbe proprlatraaicd tbe whole
dtkwing a cbarooal akeTch larger tfaan affair.
birnaalf, mttneted a erowd. and tome
|t Kaned a atnnge place for a cat. I
apptedatira peraonanggeated taking np tbonght. bnt abe waa qnite aa nnieh at
a ooaectio^te tbe Iwi Tbli wna tba boeia anmiig tbe bnata and pilto of ttai*
n ocenpation that Raphael xar and dingy *
w»— own poM ta ber peaceful back y
dnwing akeubea on tbe ndrwaUm and
oom« by tbe fciicbeo atove.
then paanng anrand * bat for pwiBiaa.
gbe waa a pretty creatnm. blade and
He m^ea good wagea aud baa time to
ud tawny yellow, with anow
attend tbe Mootefiore public wdiool cf «ute teeaat aud pawa, and beennae of
Chicago. He givea non of tbe mooey ' tbia edoriog. like a picoa of gay oalioo,
beMaarni to bia notbir, who oaea it the miloragave ber tbeonriooa nanm of
ta earing lorBaphairannmeroiii broth- Ewnnant She bad a familyof kit••WHO «uc v»vr'
era and aiaien. Then are ao otany of ,
( tiwoldo
___ « tiuit little BapbaeL bia mind fall ta one of tbadaik mU lofn. bat abe bad tbem all. and had a aort of penonai aoaf tbe pdcntrcB be bopea to draw and bidden tbem away ao aafely that avao qoaioUDce wltb mon d them, bba
paint aome day. fioda it bard avwi tore- ber good trianda tbe mikta oonld not knew when tbeir nerta were, tet woold
member tbair naniea.
find them.
not rob tbem of one little egg for any“Dere ia ao many of na kida.*’ ba as^11 night aba Maid with tbacnand thing. Every day abe would look in tbe
plalaa gnpblcnUy, "dat tt ain’t aaay part of tba day, bnt I am aura aba felt neat when tbe mother bird waa away to
ler tell'em all"
aqnaUy tbe t^nmlblUty of looklag we bow many «gg« there were, and
Raptuml baa loved drawing bettor after tba wharf, to aee that tba boaia i what a delight it waa when tba Uttle
than anything elm be knew ever nnea ^Baaod went icetOarlyaDd that tba . dowsy biida appeared to aea them opnn
be wai oMenough to traoe ahaky lines goat waa kept aa clean aa a tidy cal i their tooad months
intepwitbalBfflpaf* acftooal
toare it.
^ coal ^)d
| Hwai* tbe little girl waa happy
^Uaied by bli baby fiagm tar ray in
bow waa rfM fed? ,Ko doubt lamong b« woodland peta. tboogh iba
Italy, for Bapbad
there wm plenty of rata aod mk», talked to them in ber langnage. and
, abont tba wbarfa, bnt RMnnant bad a they anaweaed tnok in their*, and they
totoa for daintier fare, aa yon rfrall aee. I wemed to nndetMaod each otb«r very
I When tbe little
bad puffed i wrfl. atiU ihe longed for other children
away again and tbe dewrted Boat rwayad , to play with and talk to ber.
gently «m tbe quiet water, kind Captain I Her mother aonrecimea told bar fairy
T. looked np at Remnant, wbare Aa tales aod ttie had a faoeytbat there
Iwere fairies in tbe woods and that
yon’re bongry, pom." ba emne time abe woold meet them. One
......................... —Thenday as ebe was making bw round of
mUL "it'sabaotdiDDertims"
be called. "Kit. kit. kitl" 8be blinked moaning eulte on tbe Mr^ who were
keeping boose in ber victaity, abe aod
bereyra tasUyanddid
and did not moTO.
deolycome face to face with a boy a
captain nailed at me.
•This will fetch b«." be mid. and Uttle older than beneU. TbetwoAildren etood atii), wondarlagly regarding
took a fishing reel oot of bis pocket.
"Kit. kiv kUI" be oalled again aaft- each other for a lew niontee wilbont
ly. holding it ap to tbat Ae oonid sea, qieaklog. Tbe girl wae Brat to find bet
Tdoa. "Are you a"—abe wae going to
Bay fairy, whmi abe remembered be did
not look like tbe
' ‘
ber motbrr nsnl to tell ber aboot So
abe fidgeted with tbe corner of ber
white pinafore and eAed. "Wbo,are
yon'“ "tPMo.”be mid. "Wboare
lyou?" "lam WIIm Green," lie said.
! ioidcing at blm with Uoe. tnAfol eye*
' from under ber mam of golden brown
curls Tbe sturdy little Indian evident­
ly tbongbi her goud to lotdt at aod
offered ber some ttowen wbieh be bad
asrasxu at woas.
in bia band, which were Ayty acoeptad.
^ patriotio littla American dtimn as
Then tbe little pnnoe of the fonet oast
he is. was btm acrom tbe water and
about him for soma other means of
Brat touched American aoii wben be
tbe little queen of fairyland.
waeTymrsold. He etUi retorm. to tba ' .
“Ton Uke to see big. big bird * oMta.*"
language of his native land wben onhe aaid in broken English. Would sbe?
uaually escitod or Intweeted.
'inni..i nr.
Her eyes grew big with expectation as
tbey both *creta alWuCly around aome
"Are yon hungry, pom?" be aakad.
Anibbery. where bo Aowed ber a
M and animal
"Ue-owl"she anrwered gently, with pbeasani'i nett. After Ais they met
a vsvr ot ber plumy tail.
en tbe oaidain knelt doam on tbe
ODWound b>





-dnw|"warpieturea"almastexctnsive- tied beraetf beside bia. watAing every mer wm over, be brought nuts "Peio
made this” be said one day as be gave
Dew^. Samimm.. Bcbley. Bob« .
McKinley, tbeee are fata
; severed beroes
beroM at is ietiih and I
^a great respect for 1
ibem day afar <

Enr Bwacd 0««t
, aeaafal boUow
tabatarplpaeaf tba raqoM laattb. a
tew coafci fitted wllfa qnilla thraagb tba
t. a boctlatd o
tow bUa of white p^. Savaral paring
blodnan nmoaad om tbe gu main,
holea an bond in the adl. and to each
li planted a ptaea of tbe hollow piping.
On the opper expoaed cad one of tbe
oorki U fOaoad. with tbeqnlU ta tba
oeatarmnning np and down


0,1, J

' If^


After awhile tbe days grewAorter
Ad oaldet. and one day Poto told her
>s goW away the’


aiEaiwi::;;;;;-; “S
« St

two yard* of them, tbe eCeet of toeeeoapiog gaa will be avideot open tbe
paper, rendered aeoaitiTe by tba reagent,
aod It will at oooe torn black. Tbe
affect of tbe action of tba gaa npon tba
dateotor Brat placed in poeUtoo bectaoat
rrldent before tbe laat one of a row of
gOlaaetop TbegMoarspeoyafObeot
oaoaea regnlar teats to ba toade In ton
Id all tba atreeta of tbe dty. aod tba
lull lij linkaiii li mil net toaxoeadi
.perotok _______

1 M

The Way They Settle!

Maaistas. Mteh., Aog. 1. IM.
Btm* Protective A*en..Oaylocd, MIA.
Dmr tiir*:—I reeeivA today throwth
year dielrlct manager. W. R. Bardy.
a Aack of «» 00. ta f aU aatUamant af
my aorideat claiss
Thanking yoa for tha fair and mamM
mnnaar in wblA you have aetUA w&
ma. I remala a member of your aaweiatiaa.
Oaowa BaimnTx.
isvnnarrr oulIWl Vtae atraet.
Maaiataa, Miah.



Bicycle Riders.
that I do aU kinds of ra- ‘
namaltag. and that I eaa
do give you the bsat wtwk A tmr
one ta Ae cdty for
fee tbe mooey. DonS
A deeelvA by what other* tell you to
Ae contrary, hot come ami ee* tor
1 guarantee all my work to be right,
and U it dose not prove ao I amke U .

1. it la only m ran ocm■iuoa that te ia defeated at tbe game. y M.U)C»01I.I>*att*t.O-.
Tbem U one priest ta Rome ^bo is
nanallytbepopa'sadTermry. Tbeprieet
—Father Giella—has pUyA cbeaa with
bis boUocm few 89 yean patt.
JAn G. Ennlts, bow a liveryman at
Appleton. Wis. was Bismarck'* coach­ ta.lUt<aBto»Oe.macfc.
man 98 yean ago. and lor years drove
tbe iron cbancellcr in Berlin and elwwbere. He was paid »50 pm month,
with boaiB and livery, Ubciml and fnhim to lay by quite
qorat tipa enabling blm
ttca hisaBlvBlin

'^tm A tin • o'eloA every aveslng
asaept SonAy. in Ae Caldwell A Loadoe beildtag. at norA oosi Ac«|tiatt '


A CRimiTIME w.'JssKesK
. Lmw

During the Battle
of Santiago.


X/m UR wojlC« tratlac te
ilA ptvetatoio vploTinrat total
K^^im«s?a!r!w*.^TS«or*eOyI to, aato. lAri" of
a ■ABIMB 1


B.aoC (tea 1 o'eMk la ao'clech p. a.. *><«■
TaaaSay aoS rrldar otaBlata oteaek vtak








•S.ea 2


asch 8 8«aa8B88B

unnn im mnuinn li


U Phawr Unrif StiUe.

«8«: 8 s

• pf


RgVffttAk V«"Y

B. t. MOnaAH.Fraprtotor.
A pair of nice young
Oxen, weight SJtoO,
with a good yoke, price




' ■■i>
■ ■
sses s A



' iragsa an* MSaSr *



TValae arrive — st.Mala.liaritalUe.tBakaaaaaUe, a—

----BY Tttg-----

M in u. Pita to sn n« Has.

aatowg* "“"S S**



n at ttS W»a* aewsts •»





Grand Traverse
Land Company

GnidElfIBtllilutE B

”^wintore«st4«d totoariA •* Bacaaa

Mvenssrsdeand myeelf had tbe

it abaolately saved Hfe."
Tbe above totter wda srrittoa to tbe
Baonfaetoren of tbia medioloe. tec
ChembT’ain MAielocOo . Dea Moines
K. «"

Tt'ovsstoCWg, IMA



P. B. BttUar. ot pack trula No. 9,
writing from Bantia^daCubs.oa4n'y
Ud. mys: ''We all bA dlarrboes ta
more or tow violeat form, «ud. whoa
we UadA «• bad no time to awa doc­
tor. for it was a case of roA and rush
nlgbt and day tc keep tbe tnvops sappUed with ammuaftioo sod rotloM
BUca. ttsMeiri
but thanks to Cbembrrlaia's Colic,
. R. tt. snr*. rvwertek ■
Cholera and Dlarrhcea BemAy, we
were able to keep at work aod ko*p
onr hcsl'b; ta fact, I aiooerely believe
twtas^esva &ffc w» hm* Umr
that *t one eriUcal time this med
meed tor MtUr «<n« w> frrwe.W “ta,
wee the Indirect eavior of our a


John R. Santo.
GmmsI lisiraice.

'arstarg Btoek.


Sick or Well, s Euah T^'S,
Night and Day.
TbB PBokwB at tb« BBtU* of
'Santiago da Onba Wara AU
Haroaa—Thair Harolo Bf.
fbrta In OattUg AmmuoiHon and Batioss to tha
Front Bavad tha Day.


ecrsimufs cahds.

Oa roartevsth stm
B esih w
n,„tii«le*e bmide him. Katiiwmve-I
«i4 OsSereali
“ down Uto Ae dark ^tS^^Sffloat
waving tail
lirectionof tbe OaRIcSlh
on tbe tide and Ae------- *"
-7 sttor Uetloot acac ot these arc
camp "1
making a baudkcTcbteft
Aitte lay warm on tbe boards, and 1 would
Id you
Peto did
yon like it?' sbe said
s^»,pbed^ orettv slAl. ■mling.'fcom
DM know wbat that was. but was sare
you’ll haretogohnn- it ir.o'^t be nice tf Wilma made it, so
^ captain at last. ttfidye^. bo in tbe sflornaon Ae little
girl walked out liirongb tbe falling
-Tiipy ^cn'i bite tnday " AndAemas
leaves to tbetry^cing tree to mygoudby
be spoke. Jerk, np came tbe line again, to Imt' Utile trieud. Very *uon be apand be tprang
g to bis
hi feet,
tor this time pirnd. walking slrwly, fur bia little
^ a”little fish
liesrt «B* bnavy ^Aia blm and ta bis
lining «»the book I
' iUM a ('V TO^vSlBaUe Ma oe B|irtav.
^R^naut would have likAtojamp omit waa a ts-ouiiful wfalu rabbit, bis tih,au.nh.«a.*ibaaa iSih suvsta.
meat cboriehfd ircasure. "Wnold yoo
I'.te to keep him?" he taU. “Oh. yea."-^
•tuia Ui.1 U U ifcrij
u.o tUh in l« »1.1» p.n wlH. and
sbe darteri terward and laid her lit4i^iv “nl
let "Uunk jnn" : lie h««wl
leeSTvatws esasv
softly cu Ae Airy bead, and
la harietosa reasty
. , _ .
_ _ . _______ c I »**«■
oapmin nasA it te ber, and
Kapfaael devotos aevanl botaocRA walkA ssray to enjoy ber dinow in a nuemrdttbo slender ear* uf tbe eebUL
and evetyAi ng else were forgotten
Ay to making bis pictoree, and at oA^^
^ wbi^
mao lr*U t
A Ae sought t now; eo they eet on a !■« and be told Bay.Memm
UarRaU aad Bti
i *”
notow. ber bow to feed and take euro of It.
any boy you ever knew. He it a w- j
BAtas. while tbe
eanRaskaal Baak. TtMtbuslMiic Ullplayia-Adagreotromp. tSuwonnd op^ line and wit wS Then Ae gave biui the little perfumed ^
BA- '
gift Ath straggle noeren Atobes,
but be oonfeme* tbat be would ratba tUng off to his own dinner.
At tost
drew than do anyAtng ela
. A wlmcotVasBemtiAtl Down cm which be I....................................................
mlly tbe -«*il artist has had « ber wharf tbe might mim some of the
nuitj to man Aetobes under A privileges enjoyed by ber fsAionable
laid tbe while rabbit in tbe anna of tbe
dtieotion of u able teacber. tor he
cottage trtands. but wblA of them had
girl. "Guodby." tbey said, then boA
beetf admitted aa a member <ff Ae «
a freA BA dinner cangbtand sored op
mer ciaas ot tbe Chicago Art taAteta. everyday (mbev own special benefit?— turned and walksd apart a little way.
Tbit was troogbl about Arough Itae ef- Margarut Jobneen U Tooth’s Oonpan- Then tbe giri tnrnud to look after him,'
tet A was loukiug coa "Goodt^.”
foru cd Mias JoKtAiiw Looks sopain"Guodby," and a little wbito hand and
tendtot of dnwtag m iho'Ctaicago pnba UMe brown-one wwved a laet farewell
be Kbodi; Mba Anua B Milligan. AtAe boy dApp««r«d Arougb tbe
ttRTtey* LttAto LstflU Mills aud UwThe aUn Of a niadeer U to invar'
ea, while tb« girl ran toward Ae
riooa to vie cold tbat Ay one Aotbed
ta soebadrssR wiA Ae addition «f a bouto, bogging Ae tibite fubUt, and
AroofAa miattff taera.
bbakto of Ae tome natortal. may bear
itbelnteiMeat rlgonof a atAkwin- Tbat was Ae end of Wilma'e first apIt WUlowta ToroBtoMaU
mt colorA crevmiAd Aerwwl wbiA
be aame.UAepock4.Uof hU^bby
olotfalug. The ^v«n«nu of the city
tnteforacademyboaidorcato-aa Every
morning be walk, down touu from bU
gpot on t\^lngtcn street, d^ to bi.
1 and begin* to wiwk. i^g now
o view bU lines and Aadtag*
critically. Once ta awhile be rab* oot
a faulty ooAoe and draw* toabeOw
one. Oecasloiially be erase* an wore
piotu'ra WiAatrolyartistllhetattinefc
h. ^ 1«I.« .

fu <

dipped ta tba erptUadinm and poabed Ora**ary jwttar.m.
into tba open qoiU—M or SO andi de-




•10 B.
a |aU at Alead. Tiealeaaa
». atom two «-eiaek WadaeoSay am
Aate ■ayea.a priaator chatRaS with-----

w tsst

aoea toielar la lora.. For lateraaika
laaeiag te hla ivraiaarc I erfO pay a taware el
tasdtiiaf*. RoUlybrjt^ ^

■taeias la a

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