The Morning Record, April 24, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, April 24, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



Fini TmI^Ko m

This Time the Spanish Freighter Pedro, Ohased and Taken In the Flagship New
.Tofk on Coast pf Cuba.



•1 wTulteakiac a
Oetrdb AprO It.—Tbo s^iar sot of
tbo B^rtl reserrs* oad ■Jlitlo has
otsdcrsatsxdtsMotbsia aad at oU
pMoto where tbs lassrm aad aattsaol
al Irtobto
sop that
I will bs Tseolrod. ot


WMtol w TW MeMtw Bsoesb
Kpp W«ou ApcQ ^ -awlft sratoen
will awaop tba omU Spootob poob
frsn tbs Oaboa soaot aad patrol tbs
aslphborlap walaro. It to aadsrotosd
ts bs tbs tataatfaa sf OoMsdwe
Saapaoa to pUc ap tbs Haroao oaUs
oaa aad
sUb Kep Wosb cattoac tbs fioraao
sad. Tbs oobU bstwssa tbs tolaad of

atsd iatbsstots.

jpeiisl u> Tbs Moasu^ Bsoeas.
rsB from llobUo. Tho amrj .4«portWasklMTtoa. D. C.. AprO tL—At mMt to skat Urht toslskL Ofoat
wvaa e'^oek tonlflit tbo MoekiAe of prepsratioa for Maaday aro fotBC «a
Bovaw WM doelMod OMploto.
1WSOte bools ora koeptar olOM sko»o so*,


Woto eal la ore>7 .Alfoetloo.
■sorek Utbta of tbs Ms worsUps ora Bat Bavp Bapartaaat Oftelali 'tors
BaUeaatftor Pradsatlol
Tbsmptnra o< tbs Amsrleoa sobsoa
wShsoadaok by'lbs Spoalordo tt w ' BpMtel
te Tai Meanse Bsrear.
i^St.—IbsKorpdsr so. The pactMBt to fallp awaia ad tba wbotaXt to i«al

Tbs stsomd^ UoarrsTS Isfl .this
Bspsrtsd^at Ttpiafl flqoadrso wiU
tioCsqajppsdosaeoMsoblp. Sbs
Oo Aftw Ltawr. Topsko oad flomaia
m bsad^soatSsast: hsr draUBOtiop
■partel leTai Hospiae Re<ees.
Wssblarloo. Apnl SS.-n to reported I tosoldl^ Sooth Cabs. Thsta, it to
ieraA abs wtlt
Jhat tbs aarp departBsai to sboat ts ' beUeradT
dseldstossodtbeflplBcsqaadfoaaftar|waoisatli>B* wiib tbs blood propsr
lbs asatb.
tbs Porto, Topeka, oad '
Tbs i
Artbar HiUkor Boss to War.
Istslp rafasss lofunaotloD. ThtosstoodArtbor HllUker, fonoerlp of tbusttp
roB win be ralnforesd bp oas or two ood o graduats of tbs loool,h«b sebool,
jbatof Utssif tbs»wsof Moatolss, to
fast sralssr* for the Joarosp
Uo tbs clip bidding old frlsods and os•PAXirS OPPBB BBFQIBn
soelsteo gsod-bpa. Be u o
1 CoBpop B of MoatoMr wWC'b wUl
Ooa80tBBpWbUsbs^Wg.Oo'.0*t.,,.g„,„*,^,to,,2^ Uks far.
I Himkrr.bas aiaap frtoode io tbs dtp
whs will wish hlB a sofajytara.
Now Y<wk. April IS.—Tbs WkitsBow Xta to tbo Bospltot.
|M0d Moaafoetariog Oo.. tbo lorfaat
Ciranlotsr Sitobp of tbo Baooaa, apsot
ora of axptefarca is tbs world, bos
rafnad Spoisto offer to bap ibatr aatlra o soapls of boatapeatardop la eleoalng
ap kto Uepels, ibsa be pissed. It ot the
bottoM of tba slerotsr skiit sf tbs
offloe for safe kssplng. The olseoMr
sdowa lotar, osltdoM Baap Ubss
o dap. and tbs whoal woe tabea to tbs,
bospital oa the InstotlBsat plao.




sesO tbs 0)^ ts tbc west la o adld Plaa* at Bpala Aold w bs to Ttas
mam at Mask elood frea tbdr faaB^w Oar Bbtpa Pm> Cuba,
' l^bsto w***>-» tbo
Wham oU SOM wttUo mafa tba
New Tock ibad o shot ocrass tba Vsc Mow York, AprilA Loadoa spsodrob be«r oad aks «)alekip roaadsd to. lolMps: -‘IttorspsrtodtkattbsSpoa8bs was boo^ bp BaoWro Moatoa, tok aarol ploa to to mm tksirsblps ot
.. aad o ils of BUfioao oad asoaso took Oops do Varda tofaodo oad sool ot BolIfox. (baa swoop tbs AUoaUe eosst,
It to sold tbs Psdro sroa oasd to tbsrsbp drowiog tbs Assrleoa ships
Woaipart troops to Oaba.
frwM Coboo wotsro, |bso rstara ood
Esp Wat, AprQ U.—Tbs Spootob retoks Cabo.ataaaor Psdro woo broafbt la has tsla eharto a priae swr.

Pint Amp arUl Ooaafat at flO.OOO
PoUowad br 80,000 Kora.
OpMUl to th* Meuia* asooas.
Wosbioglsa. April IS.—Tbs prwldent bos pitldsd to Saosral failM' ploa
sf the Mpolga; SO.OOQ will bs
first oiBp lorosloo of
bp SO.OOO, to fight Hpotal/ mss.

WosUartoa; A|aU It.—Tba asst lapanoat ostioa of tbs dap was tbs soli
for 1U.000 valaaUata to Mrro two.
psora, aalaa aooa^dtoebo^. Itollowlor
lias tbs Tslaatsara ot~* Waaklactsa.
od oad AUodU.^..
Utoaoid toBlfbt that Aatotoat 8^
Torpedo Boot Ploagar to Havdaa.
rstorp Dap wlU saoosed Ssert
Perth Aabop. fl. J..' April IS__ ^Tbo
It to MtUsd that Gai^ Sbofisr will IsUasd setHaorlae boat Plaager will
bo aa^ a OM}sr'reoo^
pto Boraaa.
A et. Vioosat apsetol apa that tba
Vadsr •oas of Xsrre OoaUs.
Upoatob float to BtlU at ibe (tops Yards
apfatsl toTn aesarse Baeess.
Kay Wsot. April IS.—A di^tsb boat
A eeeo.oeo.ooe Isoa U prorldsd tor la
frsM tbs fisffobip Koto Tsrii brlaga oa
tbs asw war torUI Mil, la the fora of
oat of- tbs saptars of o Spoatob'
tbras pIraaetbMda: alas
flahlag boot lost olgbb Tba lltUs
prise woe tokoa lost ntghu bp tbo tor­
thm par saab latsnst. ora provldsd
pedo boot Btrfaoea. wbfeh roa ricbt
aadsr tboffaaoof MomOssUs.
I bsaao tedv U i*I SOtlMt^ w
tdoes absot U00.«i0,oq0
Zarapsoa ObMo ts Oabo eat


ksodqaortara with the Milltorp .board,
and to pnshiBf tkfags 'oloag. It to
tboaght tbs Mtoblcoo trsope wlU to
tbs first rsodp for the field.
Colonel BneldagbOBOf rUM to t
at work ot hsodqaortsrs os sa olds.
'Qaortsrmastsr-Osssinl WUts tblaka
it will east fiSOO.OOO to gat Miehlgon's
quota of troops lato fixed shops, raadp
for ssrries. Bs ordered fi50.000 worth
oapplles tadoj.
tbs ssaatrp bos boocbt tfaltad
Statas ormp biooksta. 1.000 raVtor
blooksta, 1.500 aalfoswo. 1.000 korerweks and I.OWa
koleas, spoons, cops sad plstao.

Stories sf 0 Klatotsriol Orioto Are
OpM-ua to Ta» MoOBiae toDoao
Madrid, April ».-Tks storlM of o
■lototariol ertoto ore denied. It to oodsntosd that after ogiasing topflnoaetalprogroBtbseortsiwUt odjsam
mniU Mop is.

Amp Corps Orsotad.
OpestaltsTnHassaM EsMas.
Wsshli«Ma. AprUU.—Aa srBsr boo
beao us^ ereaUng an omap eatps oador Qsa^ Brssks. to coastot of tbras

BoBey * OonhuUB

Neatly .ed pr.p.n.

They bear inspection, front and back, .iiuiids.atid ont. Ton con fial
no fanit with oar work.


Marttam BiocL

Would You Use Soap
If You^otild Get It
At prioM that aia rlgbt.^Ws saa eeU
pso Tarktoh Bath at to par sake. NotsbMp
so^ bat oaetoat to bailton honor. .
faoap other broads ot lOs, Me. Ito,
Ito, Me oad 7to par soics. Tbs old ood waU
kaowB roehBws Beqost for ns.



m Prdot Street.

WheellEnameled For S2.50

An Umbrella
In Your Hand
Is vorth tiro at home. We are now pre*
pared to flU your wants for rainy and sup*
shiny daya We have juet received a large
line of black and colored UmbreUas that can­
not be exoeUed in heauty.^UMUity and prioe.
Prices range from 20c np to $3.60 each.


The Right Kind

Front Street.


The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at


tew and Pleasiat
Hardware. 146 FTont St.
Satisfactaq aad Seasibis

Ts Wotob Spontak Flsst.
PkUodslpblo, April n.—TbsSL Pool,
tbs ABsriaoB lias oiudUoip sratow.
bos oeolsd ood to preporod for ssoto reported ska bos bsso ordarsd
wotah tbs Spoatob flsst' ot tbs Oops
<U Vsrds Islands.

aOJ^l street

Oat tbs BobpV Ffetnro Tiaa.

priio eopMta sf tbs
abMtasf tbc battUsbip Or^oa aad
Josspb Bsnriis. who bos baill o pbbMcbtWPote
tbs raabsot Boristta, bat far pradee- ooTZBB'om pnroBBB'fl btapp
wUl have a
^ St tbsfntobsloared la ooccr tial raasoes tbs oOeioto pedtivslp dsFOB BSOBtrnrxBe omoKiA. riaad ...isgtoo evreeta.
. - idsp. AH bafaa
«Uas to mj wbsia tbs vosasto are, or
re of foar prora wHl be
la of ebargo. A graat
t tbo bsa* St oa amj’s sblp wbstbsr or aot tbsp bore bosa ardsrsd It WiU Ooat fllOaOM to Ost I
/ elses tba skss st tbs drSl war sros tsrataratoSoa'Fnoetoep. .
Guard at This Btato la Proper Ooodlttoo-Oonplsto B«aipmsBt for
.baifsd frsa tbs desk of tbs Msw Tsrk
Aotlvs esmss to vAlrsadp Prostotsd
os a strsol to tbs Spootoh frslrbtsr
Bp faooitsnawtsf^lsifral Whtto.
Bsdrosf BUtestsbmTs tsoksrtlp be- Oltrad Forto Ooa Oatraa Aap 8poa.
fab BM»t Afloob
'tea sla otolsek last sasalaf.
Detroit, April t$.—Adjatoat Osaarol
Sbwtlr ofisr S s‘slsek tbs New Tsrk apsrlsl uTBsaoBrnseasceas.
Irtoh will draft Ooeeracr Ptagrseb
Kew York. April tl—Ths-Maoc<
blfmlad tbs flsstto bolt oad scaiddsd
awor l&s 0 fnrkoaad oloDff tks esost tbs AAsricOB lies loafb ot tbs idoo of staff for iwnlUaff oBoon ot Island
s( Oabo. For sdf was trasad tolat lbs saptars sf tba atp sf Porto. Tbsp Isko.
Gsrarasr Plsgras bos taken ap kto
Mot o Spootoh sop tbot she soo mo owop tram may
iraiehtor aMtlac votatj ts rasa oat Spaafab boat oflsob

Another big lot of
Wall Paper just received.
From 3 to 3 l-4c
a Doublte^Roll and up.^


bbot SoBSra.

8pi^*a Pliui Said to be to Sweep Our .Coast With Her
formidable Fleet Then to Betake Cuba—Cuban InTasion Army will Consist tt bO^OQp Men—Tor*
pedo Boat Flanker Order^ to Havada.



will bs sot oa4 Bloaos dn«ln

Call tor 135,000 Volunteers Issued Yesterday
—Nayal Nilitia of Hichiggn Is
Ordered Out V

«be dor wltbsat^bdac dtosoaarsd bp

-oi’ Tn axsT.

'I'U ni BEST


Alfred VvFriedrich
Da Papalbr Shoa Haasa.

I bo«* a foU Has of Bfap-

Btotrtot of belaabla VaUoaal «
___________ oad Bsfoba. 1 alas ban
Opwtei toTas MeesuAa
plaa^ s< wsrkMSB to do poor work
St. XoDto ot Bow Tork.
Waabiagtoa. April IS.-lbs satire
--------- »n work to ba
Ot-Mtai teTto Kmbbb toMos.
HMdoasoWoWir Bonpato sat
Haw Tsrk. April M-Ths Amm
«roa Oaboa aaaaaalitotleB It to lamblo, l.MOstraoff. bos bosa ordarsd
Moo staoMor St. Iwoto frsM Sontk
a baa sat law eawp at Sotdisia' boik
ptoOL. wassightsd off Firs Ulead
tbs eabla. It to lapatsd flat the
V«ral)KUltla Ordatad Oat.
Wssblar^. AprU IS.—Tbs aorol
BawaU. bat a^bstbar fla seaUafl parVnaobWIUXs^Walek.
MlUUa at tbs <ollswi«r states boo bosa
posaa or ast to'aakaoWB.
Bmt, Froaso, April n.>-Tbs Atloatad to report ot sbm to aaa tbs
ieUswtacooalltorpiaUUloablis: Now tkaovoldietoleoeftbo Fraaek aertk.
to that bs wmj aaosqiadrsafa aader ordws to kaap slMabdTOadsM Mrant otUI
iUI Oi
Tari^MltUlototbs Yoakss, Maiplsad
assd flnrjtarp flbiratp
(MrtoatproslMltp fb tbs AattUa
to tbo DUls, MfaMffoa to tbs TsMtolto,
oekaaotta to tbs Prolrio.
darlK kootUlliM.

ii'ttoUtastSqlas. ■



Soatk Bids <___________
Mho soil. .Itaontraip.


Dm Goods DepartnimL
36 dozen Ledies Kid Olove^^ black and
assorted brotme, in laoe and twMlup, a reg­
ular $1.00 glovd, we have piacedjop sale, be­
ginning llond^ morning at 73c.'

Miliim OfiiaitDioiit
New arrivals every day. The latest found,
hers. For low piioee we cannot be suipaksed.
dome to the busy store to do your trading.

Boston Store,
Qlaee Block.


^Md VUtoptlai at laUad Ikka.
VftATSSaX OITT. . MIOBIOAV Fraak VtUdri* rotoraad yoatorday
MOB fiM Datndt, wkatohahadbaalMM
wlthOororaerPlatroo. aad laotMAVD TEAV*M» snuiA.
doataOly poatod klMaU .
. .
«Bo«. T. 1UW
3. W. HAmv aratUaa, Ha woat aboard tho' aavat
rro aklp Yaatte whkbktl
Mitor Md Mwt*r.
of pMt wttrity, aa tka Mtal
' hara boao erdarod oob
Ooaoral Irkb, la dkeaaalaf tha plaM
for tho Mkhliaa Nattoaal Ooard.
whkh k u bo Mblliaad at Uo lataad

>T—a. •
nko ooBptac »ro«^4*>*•
treopo wooldpo Uto eanp la rofalar

am OomAm
anay atyla aad be aobjoetod to to Uo
Bdot rlyld dkelpliao kaawa ia roaJ %»rieo. Bach ooldlor will bo aopplled
wlUoBoaUtaad tba troopo wUI po
• Mi Twmw OH,.
oot la hMry ■arobln* order for a It
Bil^ Doreh evory day. loUkMaaor
tbr i^aeral cxpock to be able ioa eery
iaborttlatetohe enabled to ellBlsau
froB the forcoe of Ue aUte Uooo who
ara aot Httod pb>-flc»lly to aodore Ue
hardahlp'a of a aoidier'a life, alao todetcrmlM Ue eBokBcy of Uo ofBoara
aad plre Uo Boa aad otteora aa opportnalty to boaoBo 'loreophly taBiliar
wlU tha work bafora foioc w tba
Wvnx ealj h f«w 4»y« hftn
froab It k probabla that U# voopa
■Um kMtUlltM ha«* b«r«B
will roBaia la eaap aboet two waaka.
%HlBMdtb«ti«iUd-8totM, iber«
Tbaro are bondroda of boo ready to
•iMWij ladkMkwt ihmi ih« «m8M ealkt la Ue aUU earrU* aad U k <]aite
vUltaHlo^oM. ItitHTMMitly U« probabla that Baay will ba called npoa
fwpiM «f 8|S»iB to Mok* » rraad wrap taka Ua plaoM of Uoor aot Attod to
4'ftU »t «k» Arat •ppwtnt^, ud •adore Ua h
■oUbb. Tke
U»t B»7 tbo taUfo of U« war boat Mtorlal wUl bt )abeB. aad
iifMd. It «i rcportod iB tMt mlfhfa riod BOB w\U not to aaeoptod wIom
dtofilTt - Uat it k pi«baU7 tk« pUa aaidad later oa. or aaloM
o Uey ar* aaof SpalH to MM bM Mwi (orsIdaWo UttodWOOBBl
VMOolt »t tb« CdfO if Vord* lotudi,
«b«B to OOMP rtWL dflootte coMt with

Today’s Edition

Harroy A Laacwonhy Baa Toadord
BU •omooa.
Harroy A. LaopworUy. aa old aoliorofnholatoMOollloo.kolo:^ poUb toaeo It bapaa to kiok oo If Ua*
«lo 8aB Bipht aood Boa to do aom
aaoro ApkUap' ho ooacleded to offer lik
oorricaa Bo wrote tho oeerotary
Uo ury at Waahiaptoa. taadorfap hk
aorrieoo. aad la raply rootfeod a Uttar
thoaUaff hiB aad oUttap hk UUbwoald to plBoad oa Ala
Be wtoao aaoUor Uttar ttik BoaU
U Uo pororaor, oakUp for a roeralHap
Moataofoaoal vMorlaMy bo
. aad roeeirod ao aaawor
tm HOW eo. aad It la qmlu
otattap that -it w

thp north AUoatte Ami owap
OhW. If UteooHldooeeoodtho 8pMmlfht hoTo rahow to nuk« tho
Mood, hot tho bf^ hMt of tho
Dallod Stotoo MT7 oi» oet Mio ood
•or MOTO of hho Spuioh floot I^dll ho
Phot Wiu OM r^oally ahrowd ood lo •
MMtfr that will eooTlaaa tho Spaofatda thatoaraaaal oouaodoro aad
oAoom apHaotooMpoaod of aBakiUoi

«1U oroop laM Iho dla^tohao to tho
aaoMpaHi which oaaaot alwaja bo
AaoUod. Wblla thk la trao to a eortoia
•rtaot tho proM OMoelaUpaa wbleh dlaho k ready wboooror tiaelo Aob Myo
foaoo tho aMo m7 bo rolUd apoa to
tho word aad Uoro are other eeto
Ctfoaoaothoatte roporto oa «o difiI of tho
■moiitiof aaralocoaoUwill
no Kacna'a'taloirmphle aerrleo lo
<%oa Kooaip k ridUp a aow B
Hart Moatapaa k ridlap a aippor
Tn MMboto of tho Oiato' tr
hpoo la poaro pact had aa oxporh
Tto oooBcU will Boat U odjooraad
to aaMpoaeoOpoar. whlelThaa baaa
oaloaUlod to 8t thoa tor joat aoeh iBBlaa Boooay olphb
Troraraa Oily Lodpo. Na Ut. F. A
iMMIMirlii aa thoprooaatoaa Now
iNap will haro a ohaaoa' to roallM what A.‘ M. wUl hold 0 apoekl coBBoakoaaal aorrloa k Uko, aad-k Map ho tUa on Moaday oroaUp at T:30 lor
la Ue B. A. daproa.
ooaatod aa a^
a oaro thlar that Miehl*^
llao *00 la a I
oror Aftaea yoani of opd
wbo wkb to*oolkt U Uo HaBlltaa
Codoto B«y apply u Oopb CUad M«Doaald or LUab WUlk Foot*.
The ladUa of Traraioo Bay Btra. No.
71. will piro a roeoptlM to Uolr lady
I Vow Orowda 1.100
aka to Uo aow BcBboro.
Moaday oroaUp.
'Dwl^ iho proaoat war ofltattea qaooiod %o attaad.
Joba Broalaa'o dkpUy wUdow protooro k a raab fM aow^^ora Tu
aoato a warlike aad patrtotU appearUmoiibo BaooBD k OBi^ Uo roUabla
aaoa by roaaaa of-Ue oaaaca Made by
"daflp p^ota ooo(ht for laU ud
Ua Trarorob City Iron Worka, pally
Ihoatte ukcraphlo dkpatohaa Tho triaaiad wltb AatariaaB flap*
BSCXWD haa a liot «
aorrloa which aopplka tho aowa of tho
Teay DooaU. of Haaaah, k la Uwa.
war aad poaoral maitara of
Mr*. J. W. HanaoB waat U Oraad
ap to t o'clock 0.'^- orery day. Tboro lUi.l4.7-UC.IJoba Faaat ratnmed1 frOM Grand
haa booa a-ataody ralo la tho drcatotka of tho BMoao oIm tho SpaakhFrof. C T. (fr*wa/4ade a boalnM
hMorkaa troohlo brpaa. Op Tboratrip to Copenkb yeelerdoy.
toy there waa a raia of n. oa Friday.
Mta. L. Urobtoo. of Ulaadf k vkltN. aad yaotoeday 40. ail of wakb ito«b lap Mro. WlllkB Bitoheoeh.
Mia. Blnahow, of UlaoA k riaittap
tha rMralor aoboerlpUoa Hot. The
Mra Stoto, on Slato attoot
odltioB of thk Moraiac mi.iu.
Ficroaee Jockaoa lotomd
The RcDuab haa aetebikhod a topetattoo for laU aad roUablo aowa. aad
Mro. ^pta^DMoaUa aad lltUo
lia popaUrlty k oot coaftaod to Tbar- daapbtar arrieod trOM FolMkay jmoaa City, aa (t k widely toad la tho toiday.
Oread Trarwao roflaa. It fivoa tho
day for a riMtarlU frtoada la Blp Bar
•owe to tho pubUoatloaat ato hoan
aooabr thaa aay other paper that
Aopoa Orayoaa, Bioaprr •< Uo OoajwehM Uk locality. Thk ooadtttoa teat Lake Tttch. k la Uo oily to
■alko tha kaooaD a raloabU adrortk- Baadoy.
WUliB Bltoheook. who k U Uo
ofBoo of the aadltor goaaral at LoMlop.
U lathe city to opoadBoaday WlU hk
ar. I. B. HUM.
Mn. W. B-TlaokorMUraod F^
Vdtky Fnporty oa Froat •treat.
fr*B Bldporillo. Ohio, whore ato' wu
Dr. J. D. Moaaaa hoopht yMtorday oollod oq oooeoat of Uo UIbm aad
tot W. D. Boflv poopmy, Not. U1
. Mr. oad Mn. O D. Bootor, whohaeo
- »adn»
fho lot k to a IM foot, aad tha por- booa ^oadlap Uo wlotor triU Uohohaab toelodw Iha twoatwy. woedoa doDthtoE Mta. Fraak Yoadw,totaraod
doaWootorobaUdtacoeooplod hy Bd. to tbolr ^me la Ohtoipo yeotorday.
Ottoaetfor ^otoor atero.«tod tha Wood
1 woe roadlap aa adnorUoooteat of
SktanMIUlaacypariora Thdloeottoa (kaBtoriala<0 Solle. Ohotora a»d Dlarto • Am omaadthopraportytriUba rh«a Besody la Uo Wcaoookr Botorp^
rooaaUy, whkh loada m to write
. IW aalo woo aaado thnitoh tha





FOR ONLY $2 50

Otaaa.Moo«tor atP:W a. ». aai at
Haaday Mbool at li m.
We alao Solid Wheel* to Order, do it cheowr
on> give bet>er and
JnW UapBaata:Mp.B. aad Bpmater^ and woA' than any ahop in tbe dty.
B Ihad eeTenl
warU Uapaa-at S:4S p. b.
yeero' ^penence and guarantee aatUfacUon.
MoreUp oabjoct: "Tba
PleMo ciTe oa a trial
811 Prrmt
dt, Baat.
FaiU.“aad la Ua oroal^ wa will talk
abaat -Tbe Aapcla.**
Tharoday prayer Ueattap at 7:»0.
Below ik k ii*i of ifao boytnp aad oellAll are eordlally Uritad.
rutor HoatapM U Buoy oa Auroral inr prier* of y-i#nl,y for pnworlco.
prorklont aoii f.rrn prodoeU la TrarBow Bewiap aad Aatilap ctmll
aevera lleerr eaC Mar, Hoere. Pmwi*.
The apriap roeb for boaubaa bepoa
Ooraer Oak aad FIfU atroata.
In Viem Montapae'e brat buildiap | Clear Pork per bbl.
Illble aohooi at «:4S a. m.
MUbliebmaM. Bear Ue Wc-4,oe-towr!
Moratapaerrlce It a. «.
u a
Joalornaattop B;00 p ID.
C.'B BMtlBpatO:ift.
. ...
' A Co.'ifaet,!!'
BpworU Leaptta Bacartalamenb I nae on I'erp
thk aeaeoa.
Kyc Uoor. H' L.
' Breniar a«-rlee at 7 o'clock. At tho
TbeM. B-ehoieh wae wall fllUd PriBe leaieo boUdlqp a Si-foot aail boot;
orenlag OMoUap a apoekl offoriop will day rveaiqp to bear Ber. J. A. Ilready fqr ProfeaaoreHeary Poet aad Franrr.
“ Bptt'perdo*... ■ *'**■.............
be tekeo lo Bokh peylop for Uo
ia dialect ^eadlapa. aeakud by loca< Campbell of Urend Rapida. The craft., CodAel
Cod6al per ^.........
mueleel Ul«Dt
will r*eroblR Ue Uuttercop ood U i
'^A*bearty walcoBo to all of thoao
The Afel nombrr on Ue pwipraB waa Uko Ue place of Ue Wofaoeeo. wbicb .
< '
a pkand enlo by FloraOad well, followed Ury aold laat aummer. thMc two pen-; Cb«i^r fc
..........‘ ‘’
uaacK (Rnecoi-ab) cuirorii.
by A.toadlap. "The Foae.' IblU." la
*l-». CkeriM r. awul.
Beoteb dialect, by &«*. .1. A. Bready.
A delipklfel deal woe aonp by Mka
Dora Mwlft and Dr. O. A. Holliday.
Morclep oerrloe andI^BMTWIO.
••8haBe.O'Hrlea.V laeoaU Irieb dU-<
Hondey Bchool ood blblCcloM
ilble'vlaM d
to IS.
leelaod'-SeUlnpaHeo." lo UerBaa, bat'whkhU BOW tha properly of Aoor nuTaattOTT. DBOAe
Bveelop ecrrioe and aemio^_^'
HnlU. AArateloMBcw oaplee
All ara cordially laritod lo Uroe oar- wero the ooat noBtora pleen by Bor.
Broody, fellowo^ by a Ape oolo by Mka haa bate pnt lo oad Mr. 8bIU will
Uko Uo boat lo Chicapo aonl week.
"Krodder Joeee'
aer. O. Oeealte. oeewr.
Oaitty of AaoeuU aaA Bottoiy.
Tbe enbjeet ot-10:SOo. B. will to. Maa'e Latter," were oloo rs^ boaorooa roodiapa by Mr.-'Bieody:'
"Worra ChrkUaoiiy.*'
la Uo DrcniteourtyMlanlay
Win Loopwor^y aaap a paUetie
At 7 p. B Ue eobj-wt wUl to. "Tha
aoUaatttle^. ■■Ue'aAly Boy," f
war'wlU HpalB
aad tottery. FUrae
by "JaBie Boiler aad^ko Owl." lo Ua tor OMOult on Blmneier Ba;
Moaday acbool at llrts.
"A word to Ue wUe k onAieieot" aad
dlale.-tot aorU Irolaad. aad "Atjoak- Arol charge tolap aoMult wlU UUnt
JnatoB CbrkiUo Bodoarof at S
a word from Ue wiee ahoold to eofllor-e Letter u III! Wife." Tfaaao were to do pr«at bodily horatUM Uan UO c^^ batyonaak. who ar*^ wkaS
atlon Bretlap of tke
followed byarfoUo daet'wlU plaao •rime of Border, ttoatoace wUl to Thnoo whe kaow. The oft repaatod
y at t:4S p. ai.
.. jrlaace of truatworUy peraoMMy
by o iro aad Beook payed later la Ue tera.
A ocrdial woIoobm lo all.
to tokea for kaowladpe Mr. W. M,
FolpbaB ao'd Jack rimy, who troro
At aboB Ue ooart adfoaraed to Mca■barUlo'B Cooph Baaacowpelled to rrapood to a hearty oaBe*.O.aeleMr,. Pmut.
r eattatoottem^^tl^^aBy
U tbe a
tkrrioM at IO:M.
Uadrop bnainau at Bktoa. Ky.. fi
■ Floor BUI td-maa Vlsbta.
arid a plaao eolo br FJora Cadwoll com*
Anaday Mkool at 11 :S0.
twolea yean; bM eold hoadipdopf bo
plated the nr pram
Tbe Aonr inUl of Uo Baaaah A Uy llMofUkreBrdyaadaeariyaBwUm-*.. ,
Yotaap poopiek Beotlap at« p b.
Co. wUl bepie Moaday toraa alphta for
Frraehlap at 7 o-eUak.
A oordkl larltatioa k aaUodod to all
waaka In order to pot otoekad op
u atuad Uaaa aorricaa.
proparatary to Ue aow tBpiweeBcniato aadkttobou.
mm aAcmt caraca.
to Bade which will Intortoro with Ue Droppkt. ____
raaalap of Ua alU tor a ehort Uao..
• Tha order haa hooa pUead tor Uo aow
Moralap Mrrloe at tOsSOo'cIock.
.Ifcriap By raeont trooblo atony
wator whoeb.
Ooepol aarrlce aC? p. b.
--------------------------frirndooMod Min Bony waya aad o*>
8eodayoehool at ll:4&.
Friday aad Satarday B. T. Bdwarda tobdad ayMpatky whkh 1 dwir* to anBpworU Loapaoais:iBp. b.
aad MaleolB Wi.olo bonpht IS.dbo
A cordial iarluttoa k plren to Ua
Oppoelia Eatte omeapublic.
boUela of potoloeo. at prioM raapiap S?^iSaKl2l
Ktlatoee ia the local ataraet yMlerfrom Mtooocooia.___________
Maa^F^maa. •
dayaoldfcr froB ^e apd «z oenia a



f«Me fWHtoWeU BiQteeleo April Ob
Cemwt hr Be*, a H. IM,U.
Toptc.-B*UW.-rtvr. n. a-U: eu. I*-B;
A babii ia a conatant Bethod pf ac;
ttoo tbal li oatnnl or that hae br^-n arqnired by a fmincot' repetUloo of Ue
Mine act Tbe fnAoenoe of habit epoo '
boiiian life la ineillmabla After we
paea beyond e eeriein aupo In life mu
aliuua ercry ootloa — yea, ereu car
very tfaonpbta—U tbe reenlt of heblL
Habit Urpely detemiioM oar aotlooi in
Uie Ufe and toa moeb to do wlU oor
deaiinteo in otenhy. How oatofnl.
Useftt*. wo atwoM to In tbe forMtloa
ofoorbabltil GrodaaUy, oikmimIoop
ly. UoQgbta, word*. aeUana, by fr*-


$3.00 JULIETS going at 81.88.
■ '$§,00 OXFORDS going at 81.48

ai and bold na enalaead perhapa fererer.
Bow Imporunt, Uerofora, that oor
tbonpbu abonld to ptu* Uocsbta. oor
word! wotda of troth and aobenca and
jeot a etady
of Mteral kiada of babita.
1. Habft«otlndtMry<FN>r. ri. A-lli.
Hei* tto.bablt of bloUfuloeea li de.
oonnoed, end Ue wlw man boldi Ua
lodoMrioui enc nplo-Ue elosKard ai an
eieniple that Kboold Inipiit- hioitobabiB of lodottry. The aot, Iboopb not I
drieco by ormierr or rain, praridva In
nninier I'ruTieloo fur tbe winter, eud j
time ebowa ber wiadom. It bae be«b re- ,,
C’uily cleiniM tbal enu do not have ^
tbia babii of ludnatry. t«i thii baa been ,
diBiirovHd by tbe fllacoreiy tif a evnain <
klhdof aul lu Falfadne tbal doei Uy <


The Old SellAbla Shoei

118 Front btwt

Once More

Utr i<i be tudualfioae. Idleueae li I 2
a t-arwt. iudnnry la a Uaeelus. It •« > 4
nnfonobaie for a boy partlciiUrly to be, 4
bum rfeb.. Idleuewineoally rwnluand 4
...................... d to rainatian A
wo abonld firm babite of Indwtry.
baa work for all to do.
I. Habita of morality in word and In
{ProT. xli, H-tS>. In ihli pau _
tony moral eba
j aad tbo.ri*
a and rip
am aad wiadom. traUtalaeM aM lytap. dUigcace and aloUtoloaM. an aet
reaolu of that wbkb li aril apaiuat tbe
la <4 that wbicb la pood,
tba reanlta abowlH that we ahoeld etdttrata Ua pood aad aetod tba aril.
A HaUta of toturh
(Uka iT, lei. Tbla refenaca ia a papa
Mtof UeUfaofCbrkt. WbaaHatrkltad NaaraU. Hit boiac. wa an told that
ca tba Babtafib day; "aa.Bk eaaton
waa" HawcattotbaaytMpapoa. If k
waa Oh'rkt'a haUt to atMd obarah.
how Block atcra it abqpU be oara, tbal



i«oato«(n-W. Vatotoca
Wm VmUI baaatttoD
«Hahtoa Maabhaada,


Bihla lUadiaga—Pa. 1, lA: to. IT; *
•kU. lOA-ltl: Ptot. m. M>;a V.
m d; Xh, 1-4; sal*. 80A4; 1m. L ~
IT; Dob. ti. |-10; Joba srlU,. ~
.lU. Isaiil. 14; Ipv. St lA

Has invaded the land in tbe Interest of humanity^ and once ^
more in tbe interest of those who intend genSn^

A Neff Carpet Or a Floor Coierio^l
We mention the ihot that we offer the best, have then*
: largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better saV
- isfaction thair is to be obtained elsewhere.
L«t ns convince you.






tfiioi oT’WAi <ni nuiOA


WUW tbrr* U r«iH>rtMl 4 fur­
ther 4UieUoc ut dlauibutlv-e I rede ts Fuel fv Wtrthipt • M«tt«r Thst
• i
•ome Uuea at the «4M usd wuih. tr*c«Net Yet Been De*
4ble abnuet directly to anilcUiaied war■ _
oMmI Upon. ’
^tiv« LMd«r«.
ilk* cundUlou. there U 4 l4uk,or re^uIhrliy even In ihe rejiorte trum the**
reaiere which aerVM to *how that, how
HdVBnrrtm ' that the uncertainty ao h>n« pieralllna rOWEBS SAYS lOT TET AOKEED. !
' 4* to war ha* been dlavelled trade (wn.
diiiuD* are beia* shaped to the new orthings. Tlwre ts consenuentlr ^ SIgWl* of SeMIgwiwal* WW a* Fararatmad 1
*•4I tOwe*, c-e- « r*ra. 1h*
greaily lacraased actlvitT in maay ape- , u'a prwetuiMiu*. Whira mill *aii»« 1
•f**t*h Wltsr II
inpanled [ p**m**.i - Admiral PerttM at Ih* '
rnealraHaa awd Cr>lM-» *
by excited lasrkci* and heavy price adOpiBUa ttea ste Fight « U1
iBMeM a(*tM»**U-Uea. WwMiloed if a vancea While trade In the Interior
's.i>wg. hot Thai m* Will Wta-AsgteV
UeelT TIib* Ueiua« Oulef apala— sydii«ibis<* to a certain extent w^ih
\m*» t»i* MMied at lalVMalut lUr prti-e wovement there la still a . Ataerieu aillswe* Bsmor.
Ixindou, ArrII S.—The attorney gen\ aaanl bae, ti. irat*.
percepllbly good liadv retwrted eaUrelj
of (hi*, which •• ree*
i«rsv# ; erai. Sir htrhwrd Wrb-ier. leplylng to ,
H<4Hd. April
Cl iTpoea tCoaaer- outside
ibal Ihe
.if ».*t tiai
>l had questkn* In the ta'uusr of ixm-mon*
Villvel Olw-uisr* the tiuiwlton of |>rlyesterday, said that *o tar as Ibe govvateera and espreaara 4 doubt of the
k"rw n.. agreemenl had b-cn
truth of the report that the Vnlud
In .■uninu-rvlsl lines this ‘
»» th* sldnatoile* of the d . isState* ha* renawBC«.<l ihla opUun ‘'In- itilcrtol
rtol and a.ilv
a.ilvlly hilir ^ manlas to whether oal sod 1
Ulallv and hvlual d«< rslU n of
MTDUcIi a* Anuilra and 8i'aln were the tested
ling BiB|des. such .as UumK: furl were nuitraboBd vf war. He :
»*ly rallca* that maiatamid the opt on mand for leadli
its. four, c-offee. sugar, addtd.thai If ll was decided that they
at the tonarraa of Tarla 1104 “ Thr pa­ wheal cern.
must pork i>r«)|lucis• and ...non. The wire coairabaod it would ndl be lawful
per Ipalita that *%U the arriimeuta then advan.-r* li
sugar aud rice ars •
nrutrais lo suppty* al
adduoad by the I'nlud 8*at*a l«r up- directly
iKiMlrg the option now- ate In favor of
Spain, alio will‘not renounce lt-“ i:i
Sipoca a1» uay* that ■*8rala doe* not Ini.Hirtam decline oulside of a fraction. I
ootwider fair ihed'i-uratlon of the neu­ ! al niarhlng down <f sieel bUlels at > wUl be tormolaled In a i-r.c lamaihm '
a whic h. In acordsnee ulvh custom, will
tral power* a* to <ontraband of war. some msHiela
There were SN business falinrv* in] Be issued in lerm. slm.turue-th.^ i
thtM favnrinc one of iho heillrerenla the Cnlied Btite|i this week against SIS ■ lucsl un ler. precious occ^Da \
MRtely. America." and it cite* the caae last week. U« In this week a yeag ago. |
U.n» «!»»■•*'■- Imw of
•f Cnplacd'ln
which upp«-d*i>.ut- Mt In inc and "3 in im.
I Rear .tdnilral 1. rd tliaries'Kc^Ff. rd.
Ip the aclloB-or Phsnie In Ihe Tonquln
I who csimn an.ied the t’l.ndoi- at ihe
war in declartnt ti e ronlrahand. al3. seas
Uipueh rice wa* then considered In the
iity to
ditna dlsiTicU asm
_. ixsa.
ISSI. Biio
and IS now
yesterday: > At Washington-Bruciklya
ta pay la-.ra
|Ar!lamenl_for York, sdniiued
<kUl (a*
e of an inirrMew. Ucat to
“AU that Eneiend then alleged In faAmerica will he rlclonous.
par of hrsadiluna" •*>-» K< B oca - esn more—Bualon C. Ualilmora g. at Cldthinks the / fleet* aloul aqilally
bs urged hy lf|>aln respecting l<al. ctonati-Pmsburg P Oim-lpnau ll: at |
and that the gres
Which la ihe hres't nt Ufe of industry, Ixiulivllle-fblcago t. Louisville 1: at
.1,. I-oul*-Cleveland
l,oul.-Clev.l«d t.
t, fH. Louis 0.
' ■Kivr I
without which mc.lerti wtrlarc 1* Im- .■It.
Western League: Al IndlahapoH*pesslbie." Kespecling the blockade of
would not have much trouble
Cuba El Rpoca ran* in nilad and invtl.a Detrolt X. Indianapolis >: at Omaha- Iroops In Cote. In hi* Judgment, be- 1
the attention of Eur-iw to Ibe (net that Kl I'BUl 4. Omaha X; al Columbus- cause of .the great length i‘f coast line. ■ 1
. "both AireHcs And Spain accepisd Wllwaukee 1 Oolombua IT: at Kapaaa While he telieveo Ibe lighting will be 1
' etauae four m the^eclaratlon of Hart* City—Bad weather.
mainly confined to Cuban walera be i* ! 1
providng that 'a bl.e-kade must l« ef­
contldenl li will be much more pen-: 1
fective and Bol on paiwr.'" El Epoca
Uadlsco. Wla. April S -Judge
tractedlban most people lihsglne. Cum- 1
decUres- 'Twice the preseni Amer<ran beckcMof Ihe circuit court, m the <
tnander Crnuhley, K. N . ha* expressed ' <
Post would bk Inadequate to ealabitah of the KIdelIfy and Casually .-urn
■utetsnttolly tbe-same opinion.
p« asenive blockadH of Cuba Jlore- and of the MeirujHilltsn PUle OI:lasa inThe Aweto-Araertsw. AlUsoew
•vsr. under the asUbUabed rules, a suraiKs company against Stale- insurhloekade requires a prcvloua poUftca- •nr* Commissioner rncke upheld the cablegram fp m London to The Et enlte
t1«« to the auiborltle* of Cuba and the rommlsslooer in bis refusa' to renew Po#l says: tnffrn.adcn from an unim- j'
powers, allowing all ahipi mg a deflnlle the 111
of thr compante* unless pearhahle quarter lends st*r1al
tarm I9 ctaar out of tb* hkwkaded ihry pay back t: « of «*.«•« and M.toO nlScance to tbe ulanlon of Anglo-Amer- '
■ndrbip In-W-hk-h Hemr White,
ibstsy at
Thirl I* ggPJMO Kiehee.
8t Louia April fX-A mall teg cop- London. Is reported to have been < '
,'/nlte4 with Heiiura pitvela and Run<ero
al Washington for the pagl week. '
/ Ilobleda the Conservative le dera TB* flgnt-d lo J U llumtui:, aliurnry lor gaged
Th* fact Is that the rpovement tor An-il
former *ald hr agreed with the declara- Ihe Louletille and Saal^vHle road at glo-Amerli-an c«-operallua In foreign 1'
IlMiia of Uarshal Jdartlih-a dr CaintKS Belleville. Ills. V** stolen'from an ekWhen the laltrr said. There ate only pres* wagon' al b-lle>llle yesterday. affalm already ba* gone far beyond |
two panie* in Bpaln One I* fur peace The bag Is said to have comaloed In­
Sad the racond isfor war The fl-si has ters. official documents and a pegWered
tailed and the second ought now to be li tter In which was several drafts for
«allad." Kenor Oamdsn. the l.|l■rral allDMi tW.M*.
tcadef. urged Ibe Psgastaetb nrtioe »tiuue In ofllce. The premier on I. avlng
the palace y.-aierday af eruooa declared
Pan Eranrisco, April Xl.^^MioAel'ioha
UmI there Was ate lutely 1 o feral d Ilian 8. Alosby. of cuemila fame, whu is now
hi the rumors of a cabinet
t-colitrlim baa hruken out in Purtu I'
a resident of Ibis city, lias wired l.i
Pagssla ha* received gn
Oenersl lilies for authority to raise a IU<« and etotlag Is rep-ned all through
«ouBI* of the demonatrait. na In favor tetlallon or regiment of volunteers for the 'aland
Of Ppain which have reo-nity taken apsrial s*iv-c-e Is tb* front.
place at Havana The i-remier during
«ha day announced Ibal the senate w ill
KKiar iNTh:Miit.\v stith
(-ommliled suicidr at J, flct-Mirvl le. Ind.*,
PWOI today and the.rhambar op MobA blind heira* rarru-d away a p-'Ilr«
gays Us Agtesn with the Views nCtNir Ka- patrvl toa at Cfaicaao snd lucddertaUr 1'herns.
attack ON sroonroNDW tbaik
amt to 4 riot call lo Ih* i* iKc sUlion .
Niagara Patla. Onl.. Apr<] X5.—Penor
It Is alleged at Washington that mn-.r
I*cdo y Bernate c... . nted
. hrief to- oor sent fhe president an Infernal ma­
1 (rrvUw >e»lrr-a} . fi .- 11 ..ii lleielened chine. but ti was w-vll soahvd to water ,
Baycmna..ITaaoe. Aprn tt-<}en*rat|,o
of .-x U.u
as before being opened.
Woodford, thp Cnlted Riaira mlBlaler ^bceXylixg hi. neOi,....n w Senor Polo,
The Ohio legislature has given trial I
Ereiy pair of^oa* bon«rht mt my ator* from April 88 to
8palB. aiTived
------------aftsrmiarepr*-’ Juries, the cpCion of saying whether a{
poon wner exriUng expertencee at 8e-. acnled by Ihe press Me> apparent- flrsl decree murderer should'be killed j
Jono 1.1888, wiU be
tovis and Valladolid. Spain. The 8*-' ly amused Bl a puU sired sutemeni that hy elei-tricUy or Iniprisonrd f, r Ptr.
•ovla Inridrnt was comparatively un- he was aira d to vat food prepared for
Ken-islia. Wls.. 1* wllbout pedtee protaBporiant The sludenta of the mittlary him on Ibe Irsin whkh brought him lectiuh. The pew men put on by tbe
raunrll hav- refus-d to accept the srale
Pnbo..l. to full uniform, iwcked the. betw.
"You couldn't think the Amerlran* of wage* |>atd the former policemen.
dapM. They were silent until the train
■tarted, when tbrie were enihualasllc w-'Ulo I— SO treailrrous aa to poison
Martin Clarw-y. grand sn-retary and
oniburale of rheerlng fur Hpatn- and y.'u' " asked Ihe rep.rlrr.
treasurer of the Order of Railway Coh•feria.iily i..n." he replied with em- durior*. died at Cedar IU|4:'A la., cl
Cate. The ValladoIM offolr. however,
threatened in be quite serious. Thou- phaaia "It was slupd 10 auggesl such cam-er of the sit.mach. aged U yeara.
I make this groat offer beBands of excited peupl ■ allemple.l to to- a thine. Anil yet I have lust as good
known mo for the past soron
Tade the rallniad station.and the (wen- reason to nay ihnt thr Americana would
toward tbe fund which the empoison me aa you iw-oplr of the tfalted te**y of Rirain al Part* la raising to ceoae I «xp«ot (o doable my
yoars aa a dtiaan, and in any
Btaiea had Tor ssylna we Ulrv up the (irengthen tb* Nox, of .ihst country.
itiwlled 'to form up 1
ealee and make myaelf batur
il Wr
front of Reneral
dford-s csfrlsg
daalinc yon havo had with
Wb.n II wa* suggested to him that
sritb drawn sr
AB Tt» <H'K was ireCLABATION.
known to tbe public ae the
guards I'f the i<
Inmthe -8(iato had been fortunate to haring
me have always tonnd ma
depot lo ymtect the train. The'mob strong men at Wa«hlnirion. he iviplled Why On* Ste^Tld Bs HaOs-CM.Man who Sells Qood Goods
showered .....
a*«m !• Wiinag.
Ihe cars, nballaitog •They have at leret been gentlem. o "
strictly hdneat and my ad.
s* were to go
tfca windows
W**hlrutb.n. April IX-The stale deOcnenl Woidf^ koesr n«
parintcfii U low ronaldvririe thesdvtoa- Cheap.
▼ertiaamants tmthtnl. Mow
the dIsturhanxw'Tnill he rmi led To- I 4ef lo settle up Some business for Ihe blllty of ri-qu**tlng congr-s* to <lc tor*
My friends, whan you read
There a M-rgeant of he riril,' He will then go to elthrr ^•ar Whr. ibsrv I* no steolul* o«I ask yon to read this caro>
privaif. i Halifax <rr Montreal, and sail for Rpilc.
guarA accotnpanleri by a ....
WvaJly for the Immediate aeilsrmtioa
hoarded the train aa^ demaneVd
fully aa. it is to yonr intaraat.
AT MAVA.VV theie are several reaMtii shy Ih* adop- this ad you wlU perhaps say:
J>ia>|iiln .ytr.reno dlsemteik fruni Ihe
Uop ofaurh a luurse wuuM prove aS- “ThlS Is anftthfir A^WAitiain£~
car Juniee. the gei.eral's vsiri. tbereCome and see the Shoes and
ua Rltv r pressur* l
U|a>n Bvakened (he general. t»h'- hnrts the »'lc»l Nsesl PIshL,
sehems,*’ but as yoa hays
rteilji -trexe-d while matlera were being
Havana. April a.—Thr chamber of bvlug hrought to brai i
get my prioee.
«spUiie<l I., -him. The general then romi:>en-r met In extraordinary ses- depavlnicr.i i«, n-doce it i imakc a pr,'pforma .) p
aga nsi h alta*<ipt- akin yesterday to t'ake Into cunsidera- er muinmerdstlon to c ngrrns to serve
Cd Inteif.-ieii.e with M* suite. dr<tor- tlon the state of i-uhlic affairs and to a* a basi* uf aiUun ll Is held that un­
til a formal declaniivm Is lewued we
lag ihsl kt»r>'ii.> ruga hls private necplan the bexi measures. In cs,miiioation cannot Ml In mo:Kn Ihe ne liral ty tows
fWlan aixri. Iinil-h subject.
Tb* Kpanlsrda •l.-lme.l that he sraaa' with the mlUiary authorities, to avoid of furvlfn ountrie*. and in fact won.d
- ■pantsh *ubie< I ’ i.ui the general re-' .4 aun’rtse. tlem-ral Aiotos. the military ba practically in the lus.tlun that Rpali
toward Cuba, denvlng
fused K. glte III,, U|. lo Ih* f,nlkw and
placed Wmsr-ir in the dtairway of ihe tb* civil government ,of the city and war existed' in spite of the B'-lUal fan.
of all btad*-and styles tor tha aprlag and aummar trade, aod aa yon kaow my eanitol is amali. yoa cad imaglM
There 1* a dlff-o^rnvve ef opinion among
canpartmeni In which Moreno was Benor liruxon. the civil governor, will
uf the house foreign af- that! ba*c got Ur sell cheap aad quick to raise tho mosey. Thto la the time yoa saod ahoea, so Iwak yoa to favor md'
traveltog. declaring he woui-i •>nly surroader Ih* toner It forced to J.. an. Th# cauUOBs Thera Is no foundallOD fur falra rommmee a* t<> the advlaablllty with year trad* aa 1 amri*lD|: .von a yndtheoaSL It to Impomlble far me to ffira yoa prkoa #• thto hfll. bat 1 wtU
coa____ ______en evpleined to ib<:
Rules that the Rpanlab vrulaer Alfonso «r*aa The wish** «f the admtolatra- toU yam that 1 am aeUtog gomU just aa ehrap a* I pesaihly cob and moka a UuleTf«aL
tordPihat li
Xn ha^ been blown op
tloB. however, undoubtedly will b* fol­
Spanish jiatrlutlc sentiment 1* now lowed ta this regard.'
nltrrcd up and th* Spaniards are de­
Mtehlgte Tiwup* tteW Oaisirous of engaglBC to the Prat naval
aemewber thto graai aot for a }eb lot bat for abo^ntaly sew aad op-to-data ahoe* tok|eh 1 wanast to am
MllwBUkee. April Zl—A telegram r*- ary particalar. Larrerftock aad better ammTmaat thaa oeor. I moat baea the trade to latoe tlm mawey Mcded and at
combat, rolylng for their fw.ur« suc­
tPM Mofeao tmtll the -froaUer
cess upon telng vktorlous. All the eedved letbla city Uat night fromarand
morning paper* eontaln patriotic edl- Rapids. Mich., annouftcea that Oovrrnor tha same time help yoa aa weU as myaeU. Dost mtos thto o^rtaoUy to save mnwey. I oak yoa to favor mo with a
i.rial* and artlclsn urging the Mhabl- Pin*re* ba* toaued a call on the Mtcbl- call wh«th« yoa hoy or aet aadiavoetlcaU tha o^loa a*d prtooa whtoh ora aor* to ploeta yoa. I am yoora to alCMd tunta lo "tak* m arms acaina lha ic- gas Natioaal Guard for aervtra. This ts aad always uwlUba.
Ibe firat call upon tb* stale guard Is­
sued and ta in accordance with a prumIn* made by .tecreiary Algvr to th*
MlchigaB atale ttobpA _ladnasm~enl to Vtontesie.
-Das Motoua. la.. April n.-Tte dty
u be in * state of war. He
also annuls hi* former decree* gfanCIng council has passed a raoolatloa ordering
pardon tq iiuargcntn. and placra uodar that all (tty rtoployc* wbc volunteer or
188 Front street, Tr*v«»e City, Mohigen.
hot tit* time for whh» all vduntrara marital
all ihtee who ara cBllly of aptcr the PerTtce of lha Uaind Statra
pra lo te enlinsd In yodwosd Irotn thru* IreasBO/eoplonage. Crimea agatoat the wll! he tOtowed sixty daya' pay from
F. 8*^8hoes repnM better and obeepw tken enj other pktoe In the oit7- 1 eoold
.gaan to iwi. _______
peace or against the Inderwndaitce of the time of aaltatmeni and upon murs
if I did not work on the bneh mjrMll
TWre Ara Paw Pllraisa Baew.
acalnal tb* form of goveroincet. or
BprlngneM. nis. April Xl-T*rterday against the authorltlM. and agalast
BOralfig nearly X.CW traders of aervlca. thone who dislurb public order, thoagb
In cam hf wwr. were on fUs In the ol&ca oBIy by maana of priMad maitsr.
moetrie Baxho. Tmhtoh. BomSaa.
etook Boonlved Iktea Tlmaa a Waok
Of Adiulani neiieraJ Raooe. None of
OoaMr (imiabto thnragfa loch «( Boman, heaUnr. noothtoc. modkatod.
thsoy 4* from memtera of th* National
perfamad and laxartooa. ^eea to aBM
LoodOB, AfgU n tgain It to mM-.
' Oito^ Many want to
rnlto of rooms. Na. 18 Markham Bloek.
ymA large number volualaor ta furbish ofBclaliy auouaemL ba* d«dlaod to'
n ladtoa wUl foealve dalteate a»d
r wuk iba dsdara
>. but those a* Ih*
' n«'t
M'wlah- act te e
1 heweldtohaomk
itfitnn attasttoa by lady operator,
of l^rta
Ctowr Wall, flsht ms m b«y mm a^M»e4BajaWM*hopmter.
oeutral sODdBatskfurblMb ayra.—Umte TUAte

Ou»*n R«c*nt CentuH* 8ilv*l*
•na Rob4«do. th« ConMrv*


Is Not Always a Necessity.


News from our navy and information as to the latest :
things in Hen's Furnishings occupy a considerable portion
of time just now.
We have an especially desirable line of imported Cassimerea and Worsted Suits for summer wear. The greatest
point in favor of these Caseimeres is the fact that they are
medium weight—half way''between a summer and winter
weight—and thus answer the needs of a customer for all
purposea Fifteen dollars buys tbe very best thing we have '
in this line. Our li^es at popular prices—$7.60-$10.00—
$12.(N> are making reputations for themselvea
New lines Hats luid lisa .



Shoes Half- Soled Free

Half-Spiel Free'df Charge At Any Time Whhn Wanted


Bought a Large Stock of Shoes andJtubberE
All Shoes Marked in Plain FigureSa

A. S.FBYHAN, The PFactical ShoemaD.
OYSTERS Httetar's Or$ar teM mf ImtuniL
S13 Front St.

^ C.:jsvK'tj(a.V. .



THS ifosraro maoeKD.8OTPAT.AyBn/lH. leee
»aa»anJth. -Tha atoew
e from
•t dlaapproral of bia «>uraa c
people who think ihla eawntiy a D Whip
__ creaUoa. when we ca**t.
II the
ptWttot had perwitied a war baldre
we were pre~.r«d (or It. the InalcBlA'
Jbi« drubbed China.
We are hip enough to do a tot,of flphtlap, tout we were not prejared- We are
ready aom. however, aud ^palD muat
pet up and clear outMot tbia hemta>

tSM liOltH la'pOBMlfr •


IT l^a adhem to tho ^hrtpit
I *free Atpa. freo pooda.” aa thU povera‘ wienl propeoao td da oeilr roetnhaad
pnnda are anhlect to rapture to each

April n.—Tbara «at«

two farther important aiepa yeaterday
in Waahlonon iowarda actual hoatlU*



.HAOiKa OP nta aiwKwe or


V-, W-,
Boena \entura off Key »a«.
Tt.TBr>l «» ‘hr
l>y lb* Ptwaldent ,
of Mb proclamatlos anaouncUtp to the *

' -----------------W» Waa Poey raaiilUaaa oa to Tjpa
p^tliH neaaiia


April n-The,R.p«WIh„rmher* of ilw wav. .od tneaaa
eOmpWM the


la all MiWa td detail, ia htemy
In tbe nae of wpedw in pram



•l.urJaiy. mue S^mmbar. •!««
Ooc»-April. aw«: M«T. »«« JhlJ.
Uhe: HrptemW. MSiifflte.

mar. putctaatloa aod t^popmpbitwl
method be w aa the moat cmrethlabd ax
actiap of edicoea. Coe ume aa editorial
of poetry in type of
tbe eaoie aiae ai that of tbe text, and.
M 1 wm tbe a«hot at it. Mr. Dana

- Oaia-Aprii. Xlhie;


Uraad BapkU. Apm tX.->WWt. Me.

WBtbinrtOBi. Alrtl a.-S«n*l®r E

e yiwterday
f«wii hM returnrd troro Nri# Yum,
rielennlr.atlon not lo
..... 1
-■ CnrUr U»
Vb*re be went on anlurdBY to»l to nltbi. iiaiahpe wooM ba ,
,bi, ,
either of the Bulw'llW batileabip. w
«M.d » bnoqurt bbitb
C>ves by tbe
—railroad and other
hod tbemaelve* an oeicer
ily dlMnatinp. "
batntuiwka. only
Onnt MocuiDvBt feMoontlolL. tn the
tlcketa. or Ktroleum.'
ipectleil Into wernity
,Ue look Hie blame wbeaeTtw an ccra i W. U. Puiapia. Editor Bad Creek L..
but la equipped aa well
nivetnno of the wnb of Oenemi
it w-aa dirlded.
•hie American jwH^ple could
aaionped hlTeya "I lake abame to my-1 aid. Kor aala by B. E. Waiu OrwfiiaL
Craot. He reaponded
tax ef I cent upon chewing i
forth ihe nroog ..MU and I r loving
mil.” bo wrote one time wbea the an-i
•<Or«DC nd delivered n chnmcterutlthough be haa not Mid him preeent of.
and I eenia hpon mineral wi
band lo aunMr and wave tbew
rtim* Daaca aod dancinp acbeol ht
cnll> elogurm orallutL He npoke feej•“'*
cualom la vntllied
per ale and foreign and nalH Tint's “>» “ “ editorial bad coofonaded j
chn reach forth, and will reailT f^h.
nuarta. Boaloii browB IttvadwitbUtabam lin*d, prolceaur blivera* academy next Taefa
Iwiy of the invt that a maJoriDr oi th«
further aervlce
^ renia on, quartw
IV aoldiera "'“'■'y
with the artry and navy
•oJdlert- of
■fiw bavuiK priutid tbU Ctaiof witbont j day nipbi. Teaebiap from k to k. dhhoen,
1 republic.
and aallora of ih
Am. r
Oranl nrd that be led them to vleJoir In active aervice that he addreaaed
wht.-h 'a re-nan -d wUh mrvnuixiiis it- 'The Saa u ipuonmi I cinr for a
the rvlenlh-ea han.l of 'c ,
{ VValix-ng for tbe prixetoUke pfaie a
toiT lb the »vPt. ai^ that afterwarda,
Tbe ca|>:.M.lgn,of. the masaglin-r.uf the a letter to that ePivt to the preeMe^ mt-llflcaVona. A Innnage lax whlcb la and wron* ”
I 10 o'clock abarp. Tba.iad.v who doe
»hen o'rabi aem to Waahln»ton to aaC.Me mC hi alao In-:
Uee day a man in Califoraia bad
klalne' will I- followed by Ih- etploelon and Another t.x the aecretaw of the
•uinc commaod of all of the annive. be
ronxmated In the wil. '
.. iBoairv to tbe ediup cd Tbe Sum. I' tbe moat grwcefal waiutag win reoeie
of the grearguiia of our haitlcablpa and navy. Hia dewitv will b-granted.
found HiehiB*!. men tb the >rmy of
rrula-rw; cf our Urge vlvge guua and
v..n.ilM. ii»
‘ ^ awaiuoB
tbe Potumai. ai)d thrtn. alao, he led to
Acid arrllerr.
t-n dealt
>w OB exbihttio* ia
PTreM-nl McKlnlfy. after palirntly
Unratloaa at the ttiue ibifVmdow of'Mar inak’ajewejyattan.
, with I
addrvaaed an Identical iioie‘to
to .1^7
all of the
The aenaio^ commenJed opob
and Ciiicfullv an-klng nod harng f-» mgeaenlatlvea of foreign Imtl-na a^received Mt Uana tine i
ma Si enta. ladica
................l^retan «»»• •l’P“L’
fai t that the sreal a«>ldlere of the fedh..^ tax and
peace, derided lo obey the b-heat . f ..ur
era) anntea. thcae who attained hlfb♦vpeetrtl to ralae poo«k-d the buc k of tbe niab a Bo» 1& eebta.
people ard let Hip the iogw »f “nr of the |K>llcy to Iw puiaucd l-y thl* gov­
•ei rank aodifreatcai dlellncUon, camt
with ibem worda- -Wby not give bin.
PlMiln tinned awwy her da. ef era.- ernment IB the matfar cf-pcualeerlng
from the weal, aad that the only a.-;a rtpptBg aaawer* Give bim tbe aocialHer flae. her e-ldlen.. b-r ajilon. ond and neuirellty
ThiaSrt* Plowed by
dl*r« attatmiiB the rank of Ueutenani
her drela ma«l hove f.-rexer ih- land the aending of cable nVeaam-*
ne^. ihine ortgihal
Ai^l) sr-Soi fortblrty
of a book roview
MtU ttooblm of wbafa
and the water, of ih- wcnero bemlM
orohlo. They
pairi..Uc had Iialtcixcd eight or teu of ni« words. : ^ar variety, try aa EUctne Bath,'
Thl, ^here.
• - -------- - year* haa lJ.t;rc»i
. Bherman aad snendan.
esterday Ml Dana oiumui-uted
Markham Bla..
Beed.l. far War.
for pre- enlhualiMnaa
waa mgnifia..
------------re 'BoooialS.
------------ .... ---------------------------- a
- naawaa
more tucclDct fot
alnitular larl «ar fonefully a’.aie
1.. which aftenuKin when the Brat a-ci.on of the view to ibo tewi in the whole lot aod ti wlU ooaviiice the moat akepUmJ
“** aentatioa to the Kovenimeni
IradT. for |~atv. .He lea be. n Ihor- they are an-rediied.
Uiemeot Pei-wa infantry, arrlv-d. Tnouaanda of ewv gtral- but why imhe world aO CX
y ^n ac.-.rtl with the adn; iilMia- decUrm lhal our governtnei
-------------people were Jammed In the alreet. aur- pp^^rtieed writer like
Caarwe lvr of Grwaa
itrering: that Oie eh-mya rounding thedc|«l. Braaa Jjh
pepiwr bit manoicnpt Wild naaty litUo >-W-P»*ehta.
CoDcemlng the character of Otoei
llmThW ofh% I-.1M for tVfuture Keoat, r A
' goods in neu ral botiotna. save ci'Hira- and cheer after/IreOr'«*. g.
"Ualica 1 c*B t imagine.
Grant, the iwnator eaid:
He Uaon. the k-adrr .f the re-e- , h«a-t.e
: band, at.- ei enipt from aelxurea: that rrowrd

WhMihewTitarofnB'ediwnalparBCharaclrrlatle waa aeif-coOfldeqce,
---------------------------I neutral goodi not ci.niraband under ihdue : o®* "f McKlnlry'a n.oaW.'.
bever moved hla ar:iilia uoill aftt
gnpb tn Tbe Boo
Stm wrote ot •'.*
Hr If I
In aeekUig t«clllr rvtull.
AUorMys at Law.
deUlw-ruU'.n he reached lonv.oa.ona. and
tMuerem apd Oriumidatt.” tbe
longer for peace: he la f..r war
<■ !'*"'»« «n«i ^ »«.h.Ow-dCMU-..-*~l re
then he weUl forward wUh atwolute
•saa la Hantagae KaiA. Tiawae my. Mica.
erlllo in the MMkBm got afta
R,nator of Maine, who hva btet , effective.
Thai Ofad !• Alway* >1 Par.
eiinndeuce la bla ptana. ahd In bit own
Urn in a note left for ma; “Tbe term
ao Inalaient for peace that l e haa b< ci
The omelato are not dlaiurbed at the
Port Huron. Mich.. April a.-J. IX
Hven qa that dreadful Sun­ «buaed In the public print* and »uP
ecml-otBrlel notice from Madrid that
‘gora.' ‘gena.’ 'oapU..' at&. to dilday afternoon, at Ihu.burg Lahdinp. a proaperoua bualnem man of
a d
}eclrd lo erlttclian on the floor -r the 1 Spain will reTuae to be bound by the
Tbe tUlee bare no plnral at
when oiheiw wyre planning how to re- ■eaaie now know, all of the fact* eon ;eame prlnclplee and forbid prtvateer- : 8l Mary'#. Ont.
Riteobed to any todivldnal Bkma They
crewa the fiver at night. Grant rvmalned
. ing. for Ih. y are aalUBed that the great 0.000 at flartlU by a gold-hrirk
uemlM: the
■booM be repeated, or a oiiaratoootiqo
Imperluriiahie He aald to Sneruun:
of the facta acremible
■Our batuneo are now Impregnable.
In an tdltorlal aitieto printed tn breWe can hold our own. BueU wlU be
for war. '
I drive the
Senator Morgan of Alaliama baa par- ablpa appeantig off a p.>ri ihai It Woekenemy from tbe Beld.
aded wUl be notlAed by the officer comaphraaed a civil war poem at follows:
of Sarnia. ItH-ked at tbef)rii^ of a^l«a wa» in*^
• Ptv'bably no other general lince HeI teevier. whUa tbe
fleet —j
ao^ It
“Am TJor peace?
i maadlng the Hockading
——.. ...........
- r with Brown cam
polron had such ample self-onadeDoe. Tm. for Ihe pear* tblk ringi from the : ship irte* to get through the blockading g^rni,
iB>ayed. Another Torh for It was U tba BBbseqacet afata
Me studied bis pUna and believed In
eannon-a throat.
line after each nollflcatlon It will M confederate
r Belchamber bo- jjae
Mr. Uaaa vrrow tor my baaeflt:
Me 0wb .Judgment. Moreover, be Im­
ror the suasluD »f abol and then.
captured and become a pri*e. Tbe ,,i |_ ,j,c
L'Hued E.ates as-; ••xbis paamge from bijt type to littla _
parled-hla apirli to the common aol- ’“d
wtksde of giba wilt be the north .
.^„ cd the brnk. and ;
of'ly^b^erv. and they were wUUng lo follow
wherever be deMred to lead. The armlee
under him imbibed the eplrit of selfconAdercr.• I celebrated OreDt's birthday by re­
le-btrer the oasiern p*r- p,,„_
pronemneed genuine by a i
When a writer for Tb* Sun onoe dfa
maining at my i>oat of duly In Ibli peace.
a. FOCTKB. Atm^ w Lao. »P*to*»
the island, understood lo be
jeweler, and Moore drew ti.OOO' mribed a
OMgfare vrill BeaaaU U taartw
elly." taya BecreWry Alger. There was
pncllcallr In the coriroi of the wiaur„,c bank. He bonght the tbe phrase was highly offeaaiva to Mr.
Congreta wlU r«nalB In aeaalon for
a great deal of eloquent tpeaklng
genu, the way might be left open for brteka. which were aupposedtobewortb Dana, wbo wrote a oaosCie eommeat
throuKhuQl the country on Oranfa an IndeflnUe period. It la quite likHy Ihem Jo freely receive all needed aup- , |^ooo
Later the }-weUr pronounced ^poo it in three worda which Bend not
birthday, around tb* banquet lablea that there will be no adb>urnmenl Ull pllea and munitions of wy
copper, and Monr^ made
pruned.—Joho SwiBUn In
entirely aeiiieo
la our great HUca. and under ordinary the Cuban affair to ealliely

mllltar)-jndtnaval preparetlOBa
r>TT<vinclal tie. "
Thia information romea
cornea from
elrenmalancea 1 ab.-uld have been gUd
one ^
or ienaatio
houM leaders,
ieadera who aayi:,
aayi:. "Let
It be ^ becoming moresyatematlxed In their
to have l>een one «r tbe participants, the house
i-el it
known in
IB advance.
advaace. Ir.
it. order_iba»
order that **'*:'^
there l.»TeeuUon
But General Gram was not. a man of known
lo Ihe alwence of R.
AmasMS' at Votan.
' ’ wnd no mla- (
He wai a man of action. There- may be no mlaconcepilon
Oa Hay 14 MaasAald A WkiU's c I thoughl that under such clrcum. • apprehension of our procedure.
C..n- \
aeeretary actvpied one h
Ji’dge Walter Stephenson, of Marion. puy will praaant at StalabargM On
aunces « would he more becoming la! great haa confidence In the prea.deni.
lieam yacht, the gift to the
me. as secretary of war, to attend to , aad we are assured Ibat he will carry :
, patriotic
*gta<yjn.i.aM*u»ng WAMTS.
a apeoUcolar ^rodnetioa of Faaat.
the vast PUPli. duties now reatlag upon out the popular will. Some of ua ap- ,
dn«rlment all ■ner- “hlo.
to kaown aa tka muterpiaea of OoatW.
r the
Calvin Speneer, t1 years of age. was
the niimary arm of the federal govern-1 ttrebend that partisan newspapeva and
eUoMemsa to week tl oefsa
i.4S> ■Itoe Triw Tie III I Tttr
mcni "
1 partisan people onsy say that tbe cun- j
The proclsmalloo boned in Msrengo. Ilia He was OS* Of tka Oenaaa Skaknapeare. Tka atof7
to srail kaowa. kelag aa follovra: Fanst.
wt* delayed in lasoe until loday. owtag the first aetl.ere In Ihe state,
Algee Wori.. l•reemtla.My.
'■ wmalniBg 1--------------- ---------------The Maxim cavalry goa which
Oeaoral Xlger a frlendi and the pao-! that the prealdenl i lay not carry on m Ih# fact that if had !>#« prepared la
a leaned alehemtot. karlag teamed
advance of the
adoplloh of certain ToC atou a minute, weighs but thirty tke age wkea all fdeaaaraa tikat this
pie generally In
Michigan, will be; the proapecllve war
amendment, to the 1 11 IT to the dote poUEd. aad nan he strapped upon a aolpleated to know that the Wolvertne | fact, the preaWei
world eOalAina fal^ iavakm tka aid of
'cabinet oIBcer has eeiiirely recovered hla ffreaa shall be
Stanley O. glrldlng. a Chicago «•- tke spirits, la reepease to kto appeal.
health and has almost wholly regained _t
at hit
hi* request
request that
that vre
vre remain
renmla here
here Incapture of
deSnltely. president
Hresideni Lincoln
Lincoln ^umteC
requeaiet nierchaalmao near Key West.
deni In the New deraey MlllUry ocbool ‘■Mepbuto" appears, aad agrees to give f~tOW f08 SUS-WtU .. (r»t A-Hl*
his strength. There la no oBlcUl In tbe^ deBnltely.

--------------war deiwrlment who rto» more aciual’the leaders of congress that thera
at Plainneld. N. J.. has been missing i kirn yoath upoB eoodlUoB tkat la tke
work thin the socreiary hlmaelf. and , should be no sine die adjoornment.^^a^

..... ™. b-T,, «! •-■ V*
Wk-w V.
tn addition lo the Ubor performed he ' upon ibal request congress remalneO
>t .r the Cwiu
odd numbers. And were never known to tp." Faust to
bear^ the gfeat weight of rraponalbUlty here many mcniha. taking con.muUonfor Ihe proper conduct of the depart- , al adjoummeni lor, three <Ja^ ih a
•h aa *•“'
bln* or eleven w-indowa vtoto* of ••Marguerito," aod agreoa to
meat. General Alger can accomplish I Ume In order ihsi they might be at
In a bouse qr temple.
more with tbe war department proba- ' Washington within ready touch with , there extaw a
Infkr^ tn an
J. B. Kmtt^ who wa
oaepker la tbea trsBaformed into •
among foreign
bly than iny other civilian secretary
the president during tbe progress of , prehension, n
. Chicago.
'explosion «i the ^to
could acc-.mpllsh under exiting Hrrum-.the civil warPresident McKinley wlh , cpgntrlea. bu
.M .. 81W.U.I o-t b- I.n. b.—«. JO.U.. r— bbH l— IM
lesi that congreB?
_ ______ ____
the .-harsclrr ol
The war det«rttnert bureaus-Jnake no official request
leg had tswD amputated.
;kto opo tkongbt U "Margnerita.’'Tkon

Al« in charge of the regular army ofA- remain.ln aeaalon,
- ............... ..
restore (he cltlxenshlp of (pUowa tb* moeting with bor. Tkair
be desires It "
by all
n Jhem the secrelary
selture durlnglheprcgressofwar. i Mrs Kaitorls.
Mlat N<
BUtsal lor*, tb*
.bilged to rely for deuiled InfoiynaUon. Inasmuch as Oencrml Alger Is a
mlUury man and quhkiy grasps the ............
fTOR aalA -Owe two
tneanlog of every report made to him. I repukiK' of Cuto wc
Uw Mrthodtot church I
r me-ywsr old rolu to
Porsker ;
' In d-tenninlnt according
tbe chK'fs of the bureaus bold bIm It. fend
tl.ina approving the deciarai.on *r Cu-'of hUklaated home. H* meeU Fanat Dwm.KU.tida T.KJd
klgh esteem anO lake great pains to ^I'nted out the Hahimy of European • of nallons whether merchaiH
, b-ongresa
! and bv the derU'a aid to klllad. InaidIntervention
1—Abkeep lorn well informed.
TTraWTKD-Oook torlm twIUag- Trwtotto
....... with ftpaln. upon
contraband; J—Otr-aslonal or
Senator MvMillan says:
*T should
W OUT Lomlwr Os. IT-tf
fudge from the letter* received by me tartan pretext, and conquest tbe Islaad conditlctvsl i-onirsband: J—Oeds tint be led to the altar at Chicago Wednes- j lag helgbbora of ■‘Margnsrito.’' aad
that it would not be dUScuU for the by force- He showed Kist this nation rontrahxnd. The Orst class Includes all day night. She was Uies Harriet U’We. 'aba to carrtod o« to prtoOB.
•‘Fanat’ 240 *iSe^^Ttoto«Tp?roW- tS
Blate of Michigan to quickly raise an might. BUhsequently. upon oome good goods T-f an e*eenilnl:y warlike chsrwc ,
mltostoo. Wsse.lo*s.T.l]«. W *tka.JM
Joseph Cosens. c.f itauit Sie. Marl*. [
hto way into -MAngaeriteV* caU. Bllm tram rwllJ
ter. The recod cluss Includ.* prt.vis­
army of Mjm men. and If It were re­ pretext, undertake the
rom MichMichher demaatod
B* proOther ions. naval storrw. coal, btirwes. certain Mich., has just returned from
tbe Ushsma iflandi.
quired J helTeve that within a monif Jamaica,
Tles s nug.
V .
. ..
b-i.. SI.
Martinique, kinds of machinery, cerisln forms of
r Michigan Slone would »e
^t which bulge* nut w ithI gold. It poaBa to oaiTj-her away, bat lb* goaU*
pemch possession, might also become aiecl. Irpn. ele.. which are subservient
able lo aend to |he Aetd an I
aplrit goes out aad -Mephisto*' claims
would assay about i > the ton.
subject to the sulA*quent cooquestint to warlike use and which ar>- destined
Jto.tM men. in other words, our slat,
Jury ill the clrculi con t of Mont- -E'anst" as hU owa: but be Is saved by
spirtt of tbe I nl^^Bisle*; tnd. there............... ise Of the enemy, "rtie) i
atone could raise troops tnougb to con
fomeo county at Hillsboro,
tba IntorroaUoo of tke spirit of refore Kuropear. ballons would protest ; teghand or not according to occartoos '
quer Cuba."
ed Mimi Clara li'Hamllio
1 and prevent our lnlervei|ll..n In Cuba '
pentaoec aad remorse.
Tbe story
for Is.OOO damages in her suit agalast
Cnngiessmen Snover says: "The pat- unless we rer-ognlx-d the Independence aklpmenl and d.-*llne<1
r brvacb of clo*** wilk the Apotkeoala U* rru^' Ariar. wUlrewjaodtoeaU# toe BWtoag.
Harry Heston Thacker
riortsiii in my district is ovrrffowing. . of Ih- republic which was claimed lo case dejvends or It* mof marriage
j mt tableaax oa the' Amerieaa *taga
X MSeuevt B* tl
articles not
-The third claii* im
Judging from conversation,
, ' exist thrie.
freight wreck on the NeV
NeW York
Tork '
*rould b* Impooslbl* fv pea to do'
On the other bead, it was Iniereatlag suited to wuHIke UJK
. s* . hvr.h
sol* Ttawss Oltf Lorn*
lei t- h.use.
our stale 1 presume that the pg,inutlc ' to lenrii the argumenU against the aervW and mutlcal to
B Sgirr-Oeod. roaoiy hooM «a A
aeoiiment Is rsnipsai fruiB tbe woutharn > ercogpiUna of lhal republic. The con- hold w-sre* and gooJi rd*hg many that
rondu. iur. Edward Jones, whtak has bean prenooBcad by all wbo
bkATder lo the northern cosat. 1 think I servstlve International lawyer* pointed like sritcle*. ahd inci
In chsrvier.
Frank Dowd, fireman. In-; have aeaa it aa "a moral lespon. better
to no precedent In the ar* purely men
It would be w-ell for you to call atten-- ------- there
article of merchandise Is ronirabaod
Wsdeleigh. of Buffalo, j
- xha aeoalc.
Uon to the fact that on every warlike ; history of the w^rld
ct^ beyond the tertitor- •hdta'vr..^
roll cill conrernla* Cuban remlntloas of the Indets-nd. n.-e
leal and electrical surpriaea are almply
and proposed amendmenu. the Mlchj-1 government until ihat goyemmaal hu lal water* and Jurisdiction of a neutral
marveloua. Tbe comgaay to headed by ^tOg^KPCT—Wto
state: nor unlees desllned for ah enemy |
•an men voted aolld’.y for Cuban lade- demonstrated to the sallsfaoMon of
Farter J. White as ••Hepktoto.”
entire world that it canaoi be subdued
Thto. they say. the government of ibe
, "tVe moat pat
Btoiabarr has Just abdnt
iBsurgenia In Cuba has never acromtbe expense# of the government
It Is claimed that they have
Congressman KajnlltonThe o
I ^ oblalued from the natoment that In- ____ It of oonaMefabla noto—tkat of
aa army of M.OOO men. and alao a capl- gf var.
tea on w ays aad maaas will a
itaal ..
and e*».
•_ caoh other In gobml tlowaiac;'om of tke beet
U1 somewhere, but they have no sea­
- Of
Tautora have rled
ta aa emergency tariff b "
coetrabaad article* can be given. *rhey their methodi of rpdaoing in this way ^
.euwa oa the
pose. They will Imjvose
are changing with tbe progree# of ta-; the weight of wooden artiotoa ta lb*
-irtta ta the tatdltlooal per barrel oa beer, aod every
wntlona Some arilclei ware formerly ,
^ ttads and commeroa
T think tbe reauU of the conferoao
fellow who drains bit glass will be
whlcb now are not and ibe pollowtoi this nlan. aocordtag to the ! **■
^ ••P*'® pE0d»«»
batplag. to defray tbe coai of the war. ketweea tbe two houses of congress,
Ttatoe will b* a tor^fl/ Increased tax laid Rep^eautlvc GraS of Pekti
changes made ta tbe ,
nlf ttrogenigks It Cortwu
on rigaretie* and every t*Uow youth
Of'ta* t^tatloBs aa finally agreed I trrot as coniroband. iu%rUcriptloa of «"®ka are manntMtnred I
wbo to eommlttlag anlclde by q|lBg tbe
» quantities ont of tbe bntU up boards Birkto “Tba Gladiator* wfil nlan be
eiiaklBg clgaretiM will be dying In the
- ”
ffora. naptov
pine, sproca
maple, btook.
btot^ prroeated.
I such preacrirUa should be made to Ordinary
act of Adding revenues to his coanuy * •enaxe atm uv««»s ---------------------— —
IntenationalI Mb or oakis naed
Iw.iiy drafted. Tbe recognlUoa of tbs
One of tka
treaty rigtate aentral states thin veneer* hetag cutout ty maohinery
- 'There will also be a war tax on-re- right of the people of Cuba lo freedoa |
tlva event* for tbe nssr tatwu wDl be
interpose. i apd tkmi glnad togetbw ta smm *aotall tobaccd dealers.
Tobacco In all
A boilt np hoard made of ptae tke lectar* oa tke Memmotk Oav* ta
form will fas taxed. The nasty Miow tba preeidroL acting uadv tbe teaoiu. Ncttber Migerant can treat goods aa
tloB, wni Interveae with * view to ee- oontrobdM la vioUttoa of hto treaty „
veoeeri to thus mnda more tetaoky.'U ka deUverod ken Maj ad.
wbo etaews tobacco and aplis
parlor carpet will be paytag additional
ro' *{,'17 1T.W ^ " : dnStoa. well as rnneb Hgbta than a by Bev. W. A. Frys ukder tka asnptom
the —
fax fee that privilege. There will be r
la to a
— -4./
----------------- af the Epworth Leeffua.
•tamp lax for notes, cbscfca. bond* and preaeat governmem la almply a proand a* these bnUt Bp boards are also not
▼ialonaJ one. partaWng ef aeceeally of foreln port ta Teotta) veeecli
'Tka clrotar edtartataaNst wf the
inUroad ilcketx. Itoiu Increwsed rev
w consult
■ any
any extsuag
eristtag vreattoa «arly a* thick u those required foe
enues win be derived from tboa* wbo the features of a mUUary despoUsm.
•enaonby tkeQ
ta a


. dta
enn best afford to pay. Tb# man wbo aad under Its coaaUtutooe It M provided
tkat port. The benigerent tight of cap-. ttaot gain made in tbe rolatlre bulk cC
kav* .bonds and etaette and tbe an tkat upon the eomplet* snecees of tkeir
Mo^etoek sm.
jrbo can afford to ride la Tallniad «kt* arms a eoBeUtuUoaal republic wUl be
• ag to ttto ayetitm am
,.^11 be isxn to pay the expen#** eC the termed, tbe preaeat etatua frill enable Mtber ta ease of eoatrafaspd of war. of
I-Proton. Trovtoos OTOTU*
n*n lAw are la tbe army aad wavy, the Ualtod States to give material as- ot anemy’s goods aboard, or of vleUtlea
I SipiBfd to Sfa
aghUng ta u patriotic cau|e.ta person and aaalogotts caeca where the eandnet of
*Tkc fs3Ucy which ties been pumad the paepto of Cnba
they •l»h*Td|^
tt* prwaldeat wfll meet with tbe ui. property wftbout regard to their am- tbe tiecrtral Justifies the '
h i
trmttag kJa prop^ as «
ttonU approval «t-tbp-rwo|de.** aayt








J5fli ■


■' ‘ *■. .

. . . .

'MepklstoT deaaaodA Tb* agwl phil-


.b,!I -bb.,b....’„rr..Tn”.b'?.b';.r';?.7rj7^r
- “‘ts“''b:;r“"bi';rs;'b.

estxj :


u. i-u.-..-


__ _



telll^^t^to KelTY^rt 8«rid^


Vdriee to Arttalteets


be givmt April Mik sndar tka sow
ef tkelmdia*’ AM Seetoty of the 0**>
Anmmkwot pifa


tt■ ri'iimiiiiir ...



‘ tb* UshBNm of C ptorn or



msfipim xsatiM




Uncle Sam's Elaborate Precautions For
Keeping Off Hostile Fleets.
Some Mammoth Guns.
I a»d loadiBt apperatoa, become mar*
exaettnc ererr r*«r Aa r«(44lr ea
poe^hla (he newly enlleied men are dietrihuted unoeig the varinue ronpaaic*
p*rtmtBt nadw the •peeUl •uperrto'oa eo. na to Ctee them the beneSI of
<rf Brlfadter Omml Daniel W. ruclv, cUtioo wt«h enidler* who have
ee. anil thin, while not
chief at ei^BUMa bnt li la alae of per.
MMl fDtereet tt> mllUona of people weakening t: wortlnn fore* vf a gun.
« ikona.> and capabiHty
i. Mvm
hi* peo^ertiv* danger of lorn or anii that maannrr haa
BihUatlon from thc.gnnaot an enemy. .
It will he a anrprlae to the general no part tn the prewmi oiaaa for hart«r
pobUc. but the Untted Sutea govern-■ defenw- eaoept In the foundatloaa for
ment haa bad In procee* of ronalnrtion ;
Te*' «»•
up.* whfcli w»
for aooie year*
a magnlfleent new
•ratem of court dcfenace that, entirely
* the old—)L aafwrli cordon -.4
■ the higheat

gnn In I

I under the i

r to the vlaltor of
tnmay-daya. The g
MHrtM o< the beach tor atx mllm from
tba amid butu of the proring ground,
tor moatha there have heea alcna
/«( tU* and activity prevlenaly uakaowa
^ naaldeata et the Hoek who could not
(HBlah ofBtial naaone tor their pres.
OMe w«* evletad eoma time ago. 'and
work waa immediately eomiacaced rm
the new toKlIkeaUoM. It waa puabed
with eorntnendaMe rakpldtty. a large
number of laborer* having been rtnIt ta known that Ne* Tork U better
Stfaaded br heavy guns and aU the in.

! artillerr

Jnery uf
Ki nicely
hnlated and lowered with the great,
eat ease and rapidity-of arUea.
Th<- hallenea ar* plSL-edf some dis­
tance apart, which enables titem to act
Independently and to greater advan­
tage and al the ume time to scalier
the fire ol Ihe eni'Oit s» as (u IncTi'Use
the rbanros ..f lU bclnc loeltectlve.
Each nailery |e eunnVled"-lw tele­
graphic and telephonic cbtomui.lratU
Willi Ihe oiher and each oklh a/pol;
often and poaalUy
furtifii BtiKii where the eommsi.dlitg <•/
ftier <K<UT"'-« a prolecird piiMtion that
eiialilee him to observe the n.uvem-nts
and iarll<-)i.of Ihe enemy and d»«e-l the
The personal henalam ol Ikie post with
an <rffl<vi e*iM<sing hlmseir i>. view of
the enemy » uiierty_.oaelPsa It >e<>uM
resuli In aJmost. InotHiit annllmutlnn.
There may l* rsvalc} rhargee >.1 the
army with sii ibe old de»h ..-lat and
. but In oaral engagememe and
lialterles the suldleia
and ufheers
he under cover
The men at Work behind tbe ram­
part*. even iba gunners. oHen never
their target. Ihe guns being trained
hv tbe aid of-the deti.-aie nitle Instrumenu
lU knogn as "range" and "paalllOD'
Qndera 77>e operators ot these Instru*

wlute protection ran he
rtgtned than In the metropblla of the
The doty of ihV defemw of New^Tork
will be euceeaaftilly pek^ormed In an
cmetgency by the heavy haiiertr* of
Fort Haneock. at Bandy Hook, and
Foru Wadaworth and Hamilton, faring
oach other arroaa the Narrefa*. apd
wren the fortifying of Pimm Island, in
^ OTbvawnd hay. wUl ha a helpful adJonet.
Sandy Hook, from Ita poaltlon at the
fOmal eninnce of the outer New Tor*
bay. la the
i imporunl de>*
and k taJwn apectally prepared
fer the eetabllehmeni of a permanent
hattciT of guna The place hae under-

to make them effective. To eiau the
fact more otrongly. tbar* ar* tnor
nt Bandy Book than In the entire
ment ot the Spanish nary, a conaldem.
tJMi of wonderful Import. The recent
oSorta of army rcenitlag euUone hara
bden to aeeurciM with aoelta high de.
cr*a etf general IntBlIgroee that they

affubly bombproof.-foTTn tbe most ■
pfhved protection to men and amtnu
tion. The eanhen ramparts an ct


o:-war aSoat. The cpst of Bring tbe
gun Win exceed for each dlscharg*. and it can send forth a volley
every two mlnoieo. The Oruaon turret
that protecta It is a most effective re­
volving armameut. aatlrely Ineloaing
and ohcUertng tbe crew and the greater
part of the gun from attack. It Is pro.
tectad against torpedoes as weUga an
attack from above water. Tlie gun cost
tuksoa and tbe ckirlag* nearly as much
empteeement will be fully gtao.we. Tbe
Brat .cnetlhg of tbe gun was made at
Bethlehem. Pa., last October. It waa s
great nickel steel Ingot II feel 7 Ibchee
long. • feet 1 Inches In diameter and
weighing n.t gmaa tons. The several
castings were made and put under the
m ton hammer In sucreaslon. and
when Bnslly the great mutsle was sll
up It was Milpped
to the Wat^ll
t Sandy Hook


U'nd. These fotilBcntletit are previaea | torpedo guns that on tht eeasi MSS
prevent the steenng up the bay or rtv.
er of a sanguinary antagonlal. Oatvas*
loa can close (be narrow channel of MS
feel and keep tbe enemy with hU gssS

and a system of torpedo defense In tbe
narrow channels and especlailr up
Buaeing's sound Tbe city la furthrr
peotected by an armament of eighteen
U Inch guns on llfta. tea M Inch and
bin I iBcb gum on disappearing carrloga and fort]

Providenee U absolutely safe. Mils*
of torpedoes from the entrance of Narroganw tt bay. between Point Judith and
Benton's point to lu headwater*, wotrtd
annlhllau Ibg navtc* of the world.
Newport Is prrssaortly ggpoaed. fer tb*
earthworks on Dutch Ulaod and tbs
walls of Fort Adams, though both pipviditi with model guns, would not be
able perhaps to prevent tbe shelling ofNewport's ellSa, with lU million dollar

ahoal waters'render itfleet to appaar^thin gunshot a
tdty. ''
tbe cltySaa Frandaco has lu eerablnad *___
torpedo and fleet defense at ths Ksn
Island navy yard. It U otbarwUe pg^
tectad by eighteen U Inch gunaba ttfli^
twenty-three » Inch and tUrteM ■ .
Inch guna on disappearing eanrtagaft
flfteon II tbch. flve 10 Inch and Ms S
inch guns on nondUappearliig earrtagi^
one hundred and forty-roar U Im*
morur* and oubmarinc mines operates

D ordinary ciae. and
mountings and tnachliirry of <«rriages m w •■onstantly I*.
lag pul tnto prartli-al
The d<
mile and miscalled -dlsant>esr1lig guns"
—for it should Iw "disappearing carrisges"—have kieen pictured so
lhal they are fatiilllar features to Ihe
gviTeral tnibllc.
The guns that are thought to he the
most wrvlceaWe In rvuisl def-nse are the
I Inch. 1ft Ineh and It »tti-b ljrr*«hl"ert.
' lltg steel rIAea and the steel ..and
'Iron mortars of 1r ifirtnallb-r
types form part <>r rach niasi battery,
tbe mortars generally being
defr-neive |
the most reliable
poses They have
power and are the only type Of gun—

prcleciiic of 1.000 pounds that
aeni up into the air and drtmped on
llw deck of a vessel, thus doing a cer­
tain kind of damage impoaolble by any
other means and surely more effectual
than any struJgbi shot, la which 'he
served positions al a point of vantage chances of striking a vital opoi
consad Communicate their inroraiatlou by Jectural Tbe probability Is thatt ho
meam nl the telegraph.
se) afloat would fafl ito hi
h completely
‘nie largest gun In tbe world Is to
prt'iect New Tork harbor trom Its lur- should pierce her deck and explode In
her Inlerlnr. This would easily he <he re­
sult of a well aimed abol. as the mievlie
Hooh and the East channel It la a will pass through a 4 Inch steel plate
monster of greater defensive power ssttboui difBculiy: and the steel deck of
ibsn a whole battery ot small ordnance a Vessrl Is rarely more than half as
and alone could piotecl the harbor from thick Tbe shells ran he Bred fnra
four (o six miles «ud dropped m-iib
era A full sll
>uld easily crawl gre*» snctirscy Into an area smaller
into Its muozlr.
than that ii>vrred by the deck of a
famous Krupp gun that was exhibited ship and each projectile is charged
at r.'hlcago during tbe World's fair of with about 100 poubds of highly esplo.
tIM Tbe American gun,is U.OdD pounds sive powder of Oery combustlblllly The
heavier and-4 feet Pinches longer than steel gun. which welghb about <0 tons,
the Krtrpp giant Its range Is Sty miles mounted, oa are ttfb s Inch and 10 In
longer. Us shell lU pounds brsvter. Us rJna. on titber the tialted Rlsies disaopowder charge 400 pounds larger, while
ring -temage'or-the
Its caliber. U Inchea. U one-half Inch
leas lu .dimenstoao arc as follows.
-• th*
Length. 4S feet t Inches: weight. 1» at Bsndy Hook, under unfavorabir con
:h reliance la placod. The old
tons, weight of the shell or projectile. dlUons of wind aud weather,
landy Hook has been removed........
that looms 2.S0 pounds: powder charge. I.UO rounds In 10 mlnula and ■: 1
‘pounds The diameter through tbe The weight of a projectile of a U Inch
inting. It breech is I feel.
steel gun is usually about l.DDO pounds.
Tbe projeetllc will By ihrongh the air

d rather aa a Btenace to the
In action .froai flying frag- for 1< miles at the average rate of IDOO Bred at a distance of ...............
I aplinters than a proterUon
»hU lerrlfc velocity ! charge of 4k0 pounds of hruwn pns-;
Embankments: It Is estimated the shell could at a dU- raallc powder
are pro-1 taace of flve or ten miles pletos and
Whether 1
been teeted th« public tiaa not
told, but should they prove a success
It will l» a great irlumpb for our ord­
nance oBIcera. as they differ In their
estimate of the value of these formlds
hie weapons from tpany of lb« ekperU
It Is stated that tbe eomplelpT^Iflcatlons at Sandy Ho^ will be a bat­
tery of two IS Inch guns motwted
iirta. twh 10 Inch guns mounted on dls-

tern, and additional battertea of
12 Inch guns arc coeiempUtad.
Monars are arranged In groups
four, with four of these groups >n each
pit. the arrangement forming whai
known as a nnirtar lottery. Tbe
ore very deep. Tbe mortars have 1
llonary mountings, are connected by
fired ei­
ther singly or In groups
Sandy Hook and the Narrows do
gusrd the only water apt>moch to N»w
Tork, and while guns are Iwlng mount­
ed and manned that* cztenalve prep­
arations have been made also to de­
fend the upper water ipucr from Long
Island acund. Eight im.i and 10 inch
batteries are ready for an enemy at
WllleU Foint and Port Schuyler, and
a 12 Inch mortar battery at Port Sl<v
cum. on Daelds island. U supported 'iy
a torpedo aystem of expert complete-

» or more battlcahlp
fended by ten 12 Inch guns on
10 Inch and four I Inch guns on disap­
pearing carnages, alghty 11 Inch morura and suhmartne min
nines to be eparalad frnm two
PhlladelpbU-~to which Fort Delaerare
U the key. with lu U Inch guss and
dtsappaarlng carriages, though there
are Port Penn and the tortifled Reedy
obvious reasons. The |

f tha
•. full

Ulc ignited shell
u uUerly Imprae
Hampton Roods, the virtual harbor
of Norfolk and the smaller towns of the
bar. has lu Fort. Monroe and shora
armaibettL but It depends upon other
means of safety, for If an Invading
Beet could pass the capes of the CbesoiMoke It would Uy Richmond. Wash-

and exact tribute,
gency happens, however, there srlll ha
a naval engagement In Chesapeake bay
that will astound the world. The entire
waur atretch from the capital down
llw Potomac ud from the mouth of
Che Paupacd^ has a compleU amwment of large guna disappearing carrisgeo. mortars and submarine mines.
Charleston has Its Fort Moultrir. on
Sullivan's island. Its historic Port Sum­
ter. which wa# rebuilt at the time of
the virgintus affair. In tm. and several
batierirs: but llkr Wilmington. Savsnnah and'other aouihere cities. Ita shoal
waters oad oairaw chanocla, which can

of light draft gunboaU gala latUMPS
Into tbe great lakes by stsamlag op th*
St Lawrenra river Into Lake OatarlP

river Inu Lake Huroa aad tbmoe Int*
Lake Michigan, as did the thru* repro­
duced Spanish caraWU last rammer,
and BnaJIy. if unebeeked. Into Lake Su­
perior. through the Sault Sta Maria.levying CribuU socoeasivelr upon anoM
riUeatttoSuffalo. «rie. Cleveland. Tole­
do. DetroTt. Cblcagn. Mllwaukaa anS .
Duluth. But under the drcumataBc**
those lake cities weald be in no gr«alsg
danger of attack than would be St.
Louis. Louisville and CtnelnnaU orevcM
Wbeellhg. I
Iy light gunboau able to get op th*
Hitttasippl. post -Uie detensea of New
Orleana to that ths practical defensp
of fbe lake portk Uea s
a at tb*
paaaes below New Oriaona There i*
no doubt that If a bettlle move wer*
made against our lake ports' both tha
WelUnd and tbe Bault 8te. Marie ca­
nals could easity at the vnr outset b*
destroyed by tdowlng up tbe gates and
alulcea with dynamite. But even if that .
could not be done, owing perebane* t*

heavy draft now engage In domettle

Then we have the late arQUlsItk
a small Island In Samana (Santa Bar­
bara) bay..Santo Domingo, as a coaling
and naval station. Opuin Areoi 6.
Crowninsbield. chief of tbe bureau tt
navigation. B'aahlngtou. rtslled tha
place recenUy. and tt was upon bis ««•
that the Button was a most deslr. . one that tbe purchaoe was mAda.
ABOtbar ooBilng oution tor the DaM-

But Cker^ U also another adequaU
meoim bf defense, end should a hostile
flevt dly a tseniingly Impoaslble chahce
atakaae* from the
New Tork and New Jersey Ikut would,
for awhile at least protact tb* city
k*y to the- coatera aaaboard. while not ratting In a oenae tt
perfeet oecuruy. has lu ForU Independeaea and Warn* fthough _
selves they are only brlc^a-brac agatun
an irodclad) In flgbUng brim, lu Long
island U being ttrongly fortilM. and
Fort Wlnlhrop. on Oovenior*e Uland. la
M admirable defensive work. But the
an effectual network tt torI dOsplte tbe grapMU tt an
Invading fleet they are a voryMenre
Tha^ber U tortifled srith
Bt ot twelve U inch guns on
4fu. Snaen II inch and ftvt I ' '
gnu m. dtoappoartag rarrUiaa. —
' idrad and iwenty-«lght u Ineh morI'ahd submarine mines to be opots.
atad tram tonr mining casemates. P«ar
r 10 Inch Hno hav*
d and thrae mining d
erulae apou tbe fleet . which swings
shout ta tb* watsn of tb* Mextoan
Fortiand. Ms,' U poaolblT tha nett gulf. Dry •ftiftaga* la car great naval
»4ang*f*<kpart on tbe north Atlantic station th*r* and U free from dangsr by
mat. Mowatt In 1771 game in oo«u- lia IraatbU^ of galttdy ctottng lu narniaad tt a BrttlA sqaadran and knoeked tbe old townubout Uw hmds of lU
Mottle and
Ortaaas can no loa— ---------------inddaat gtt^ b* reached with the am—IWIITr
canatt ha rapeated. ..._______ ____ tlttyaffordad during tb* eivu war. Forts
Port Oorgn. Fort Scammai. Fort Fra- Jackaou aad BL Ptainp stltl ttaad oa
hie; the battery of Poniand bead and
thorn on Cow Island and Oraat H(« la- tha dyaamlt*. tb* rapU flung and 1

saturatly and on* which couM af­
ford to rward with amused tatarwst
and aatlriral gaoUenam tb* tttorts tt
aa Invader. It eoau a large sum tt
■Douey to ftr* oos shot, sad hombardlM
rocks Is too expi
even la wmrfara.
la defenslv* tortli
. tb* Dnlt«d Stall
I tt *rra s
•roav W.C.4UB. SO..O.. and ^ais ens
aeoRtty he lacindad ta that liMm

r: • !

--------- F. BOtrmwiOB. .

TH» yoaroro bboobp. pumpat^apbil »Sy4»8

. AaiaHM >«w Midtaw «f «ki
Clteifc >»«Hi, W«t —«
^ MwMte tnMRiiV
«AMi ■BiDbMv •boot AOM. iw
'MitAtNMtIlDl powtanipli. TbebalM. iBf to taalad to tbc btait of Uw '
tortor flntoli u Mtiqn* ask. Intoctxinb^ M*to
d«eora»>d. TbaMjrlan <rf Oo-


id ti (umltbed to kerfH
taC wllb tbe furroandlnffi. Tba iodc*foett'to bHlUMittr ligbtod b; bundmtocd
■iMMKlaMtiai IlHbu Best); smuiiied Ir
itoatowi aMi >o^ rowk
ioftj tdllar

WMIteOvdat fcpiito Wr*m tto Mtmikibab m4 OtbOT a«aos
MMt bw la a>tad (bat (bar
laalTt to aa««nao»aeto*a
ar. UMtoMlmeabappeoathat
tbtoavboamwraiiesd lodita laetoltifa or
Ttot ibr atek azpaet «Br)tor aod arcator
opportatilllea to pmilee tit* prreepu
tba order. They ere jx* IntooUonaUy aeUlab. bat ba«a (orfeMaa or hate nrrer real­
ly toamrd that Ok rnoodalloB of (be preal
fratemlty U lu ertrndla* fBOlual belp.—
Odd Fallowa' KlfUiwa
There at* tbraa Rehrbab kid«aa to
A lodRi* cannot »oto aaaletaitc* to paraooa not nx-ubar* of the uidar oot of tbe
Ceoaral (nod.
Wbattbeotdar arada today U member*
wbo an- n*>>y and willlnii to do umflil
aorrlrc. and do It well
A H'-leikab ludae may be otpatilud
Wboro tlirtv i, hu aul»nl)tuilr ludpe. and
II may ni<«t In any .uttalilc plan rcRanlltM of Ibe anb<ir<'*liBto lodce
‘Pm Rraml l.idpc m «liev.nFUi baa aniberltMl IM Rrand inn.ier to acje.lnt toior
Dutupilent end aulUihl.' jo»t Rt*od aa
pnuHl toatrut'ior and epprtqtrlMnl litattu
defray tbooxtemere of eurh etwh ajuung
iml. ludpt*

Grand Stnatary KI«M.t mya. “Tbe frieUOB now rxiating In enn.e of tbe Kebekah
lodtceaour the‘oiwn u..jr gueallon’ hot
for tbe ImUarteM word, end e.-tlona- of a
irwnieuihvn on ellh.ifrtde would hare
been avoldirTIn lorpe tneeaurv.
Xtortog the pruB SO ynir. tbe IwWrd of
fVDBaylranla hate euoirlbuh.l for Ibe reltofofdlatnrea$l*,«>»4.W'i e«.d tbe patHanbal hraoch Pl.OlW.tWl—a lotalof •!«.•
Hare-work In theeorainjnnefrt aterer?
• meMlOit If |>oe.ltlc
' Whaaererpflftb'Thuredayorrnr* in a
oath, It la tbecotnom with WVwtorti Star
ttobekab ladce of OlalL-. Kaa.. to ftlre an
' imeni to Ibe ebildreu of Odd Pal-


WbM Btap io c bnrnd Beam be Memed
tow CMtaaOy
obanrtw to dtmomed
by 3. Oanm Beard iu Tb* Sdaiitiao
Aiiterinm. A welt knodrp mod onlrrrwilly reKVoiaed toataaoa of comu,.
“ ^thic Mo,

cotton fabrics.

I Castes '

It to a tool wall kiovB to (be tn«to.
(hpyib.4rat altoarlb.r pabltolf kaotra,
that (bora aia today toore (baa a •car*
m «Hi(a BtaoBiaotBriBc twtoofieotowuto :
to metera attlea wbicb are not mily {
pmnubly prodaritiii One iradea end
Kylee of eoitou ffpodc ttatoader ibe isotasmd raira <rf Ibe Diagtey tariff tm \
floe ootuma ibey am mca-erfally eoinprtiag at to prim and gneUty vltb tbe
fluert fabrlra medo to England. The
maBDtaetorere are oODfideat of tbelr
j,ability rwy aooo aleo to umpate with

! Of Tan:




'm ”m

tbe mcsi promtoeot part of tto foretoart
j,„ora of work, whirb lact-ira op­
to a aknil (the aaKhfronttl aoiore) to i
• gr«,|y t„ tbe adrantege of tbe
the front «lce <rf the bpper Jaw. at t^to
iiiH.rfion of the to. ib. and tbe oibrr , Were it pomible lor oar miU ownera
W«u Ibi. point w
« Wdlr of the ,
^ prodartioa by eoopooiDK for tbeMItbeUah^l.
,b^ „ar„Utoa to them reapeott
.koll being ao placed aa to bnn« the ,bicb are etOoynd by ‘
- ...... I lino Into a horicnntal poeition. .
there to little doabl that (be EaIh. .ivnibrnut anple to f.nn.-d ^t d(majkvtex-oubl be aocoearfolly ii
(he mb.r line, like an lp(allll.le
- -, Vj;^^
‘P‘“““’‘! ,;TndedbYttoniak.-r«
of Boe Amerioi
dml. lb tto ™k:,„,4w^A(
,( the
of prodevtion can,
. I iBi tiy»
...r port w.
anil (»ilrr lu
ion ohicb lb. .bliM j
pTiioiitoly bj ibi
owninc aocb a cnuiiotu
„m.. .itbooi . b».. mm.
in (to idmlly
wily pctlrct
pcrfrrl iioman Btall,
wb.-rrto la developed tbd,CTi9*e«i rym- {
nil II ical capacity lor tbe ncbly dmn- i
Ibe borne merkec. By cerefoll;
lai-d Irato that oemplet to
heed ,■ nodyingtbe varying
opoDltodlfll lartrtlcai aiid^wrlpKnelarkei and by tot
(boe to tb.i burlaoDlal
(1 iiue.
Hue. ID
to mni.a
(Aoll* or
of *
taVt: ^
lower orricr U li imipoii
011.1.1,.^b.ld wiU imaii.111 «to.
t-wed. Bol I raniKg “'T
niip toicking | bm.*., tb. inipu .HI lbm.« Id
HAMiinc mirLt.
UfiibOT l. p.rl»i» D0.»5^i-.j„
m. !., iDlliDS . I..11 bm. iM lb.. ..
,bll. .1
uadaoiua deoUra
toitanoe it ,b,„. UD..’,«»,l..« ..IDUnl
tb, priuciple
piMipl. bolda
tobl. to
tb oa« lD«i™l.
areilioUof tbe BBcksoi rllea. Tbaaoi*
oodtetilaDl toilet fad ekak raotaa.
may be worth irjingto anoiber. If. for of wagei may be taalatelned.
TbeRiand ted«« ot CalKortila deeddad
Tbme are U Rebefcab lodam to Oourta ctample. tbeee two litoa and iteir toVery many of (be mllla which are
abat ao enieml oppmotlre or tritowciaft with e torn] member-hli- .d k.o.Mi
clod, d angle cap be naed aa a left in ea- now esgoged iu tbe maoafarttue of tbe
to act aa a rt«M aailUad lo relief (nwa (be
timatiug tto grade of toteUertobl ca­ floeat tobrim
faada at (ha lod«e.
pacity repreernted by any gftto epertIn 18M FmiuaacxuT.waa (oubllabed In
Dirn of a btiomo •kail, it an-iui potriblc
tbe Ulaod ot Cyiiroa. There are Bow t*o
t l.luu la looked tar
we may flud to them tto mntxereof a for vartoo* reaaona and tbe pr^octlcM
' laden, a Bojral Ai«A chapter aad a mark
mac aa to bia whole pbytiml urgaolam. of ttom became lee* profltable ebaogee
CerUdsly to botno mpieai aa erect were made in nucbloery. finer ataple
A Ttoltor to a ledm baa ao Ncbt to da>
poetare ii.mme uataral and babitaal wai prorared, and more delkata tobrica
Mad aa totpaoUoB of (be loderobaieer.—
w la tto Slato tbeti to Buy other mammal, tor more ao
' farwbiabtberawaaavan
Maaoato 0<»v^ Cbtoaso. IMT
tbaaauycf tbe ape*, whom tbe bean tbenaready
MtoaeapidU Irkoowa ai ona o( tbe moat
AppHoaota for ii
aorpata to ibla reepect, aud be cover*
Tto protective tariff baa eantxiboM
teportMil resten of MoaoDiT to tba Uait«to aojoum or r*- to atandlng a amaller ponlou. to pro­
very largely lo (be eaooem of tbam iaad Btaica aad aa barta* tbe laz|a« blae
portion to bia atoe and bolk. of tbe adr- Mr^aea to floe gooda.
ladce to tbe world.
Tbo<rara«Dkidteac< Haeaitt to Kew torlmiBrtcubColamtita. Alberto end Ai-, face that rapparta bim (baa any ntber
Matotu, wltb a total tuemberablp of «M.
dnibole exeeptedi will be eaoludwl from
A* « bU -mmplet
Tbe ADOtoat aad Aeoapted ttoottlrb Rita Bdmtmloe to toe rank. Ttoeerttfleatea ««[ well a» to bia *Xcll. be rep
Mm-- of VltRlBla baee eoatHbuled to membere of (be eodewmeet rank now re- > vertical lito. i-'teodtog Wilb
BldlBg tw aolotmilng to Alaeke or to that
;SrMMoale botue of (be oute HAOOa
of tbe Nortbwert Territortm ea above
Tbe kUeoBk fratMlitty to Alabama de part
- ei Moatpota defined and wbo were admitted after
of Uta prteeni admtoiatration might apkUrcb 1. iBftt. ere. daring aueb mldence
proorlaMly be la tbe form of a tea leaf.
or Bujoam. reduced to tbe mtolnnm
aad tmili of brkk and
1%e enaetmeDi to March. 1B97. and ibe
jeof balU. lodge- amount uf P&OO: aueb mem her* to be rated
arUl bare a.
•nbeeqamit entarDetneol of tbe well ocmfoome aod olbore for tbe lue of tbe cr*od meitra baserdouaand required to pay W
ddeced new im law have been donbly
tod«e and tbe local iodgea of the orafv OBBU per luonlb to addllluD to tbarvgaUr
If baa oot oolv n tied
t^loMl Uward Augnet Toekm of Clng the exclaataog'of tmwboleaon
nervare i.lM> Royal Arch kUeuna la
etonetl baa been appcdirted obM «f ataff
I grade etafl betetofan tmportoii and eold
toa IMatrict of Oolowbla to loo obaptero.
byOsneral bHoibuU
to large qoaotitlea at lea. bni it baa
Tbe oerUfleau banging to tbe AlexaoMember* of tbe Seventh nglmant. IIIIgiven idSto peopla'vd tbe Whole coanValloilae ebowe that Weabtog
BoM ualfortn rank. Knlghu ot l>y
trv tea* of onqoeetlonable parity. Siooa
a botorv be waaSI.
ban offered Ibetr icnlnB to Fm
tbt* law ba* been to operation tbe coiklcKInlry. Tbe rrgiumt can put MU
toen foruiabed
wall drilUd men in tbe field.
grand lodge of New Vork will bdW
A Metae r*e ■eeabera of tb^r4er-Prem UaTbe
lected by tbe moM eminent lea etperU
annuel convcntlon'et UlJea- July ST-81.
Vorteto CaaaeUa
to tto country, and by tbe applioatiao
and (be New York brigade. U. B.. will
of tbrae rtandards to all tea* offered for
n>c member* af tbe order may well ttke | Ji,# meet at that tlma and place.
Import il baa been puerible to rigidly
Iba word* of (bat beloved ctoreu of Boa- ] gTery olBoef ebould (hortHighl
»m>T i» arnTcpea.
•an. Bev. Edward Evoeu lUla a*
ekcloda all iotmior and adulteraied
I rlae bit part and praetlee It until be
aa.-^Look-npand not down; look forward
g lo bt* p
be toDcbcs tto eurface behind bim witb teas
Md pot back; look out and not to. and'
Tbe curtotne aatboritierof tbe port at
tied a band." Tto lart Utto wort Im­
portant. at wUb wUlIng haudo. baarta
, I bi* abocidert. a* well aa witb bi« arma a pound of impore ten bai come into
ud (oaguat tto order IU tpring upward
coaotiy. Tba. lea drtakn* of tbe
la tto full mcaatog ofI i(to word and
and banda. l-'nitu
■gm flngt
. oo coe
Mown tto bdgbH of{ an
to other
other *
* perfectly
uerieeily Uaiied biatea ar* ibna protected to a
lo llugrr kip «n ibe
Araaaum Quid*
| During tto year 1897
Of tto fleet SS.000 ftlll rale member* of ■ menu of nupeaded DMmw* —u™. .m
qo* e*u»dto£ good tea bae inctMued.
loerajHted bj
pouadi of il
gr-d f—"Hteg on July i. ^tto
«d tto wdn-. In IWM.
Itwk under tb^ievrt
tto level ' uf
of bia
bi* fret. Tbe
Tto meneurv of a wao I*
M*WM« in
■■..... In 1W7.

' ia B Latin crem. It Mopped only a few d^ ago by tb* lor■ 83.UW1.849 of bia Ira
ml eppraUer. Tbla marebabdiaa cuma
ber* cotgl&ally from China. After it*
of P4.M0- TbU change (or tto U-uer la endattii
tirade it
due entirely to tto new plan.
oiber xt^mal I* capable of eharing it. flnt rrjeotlou by (be (edMal tea examMo torn took* to If Noftb Catoltoa wlU
jortodlofor oo other mammal baa tbe power of toaritvaatakenoatof tbe country a*
MM np to tto reqatotof Sopnanc Uagaot
at tbe ibonlrter required by Uw. Xb* nppomtioe it
fchfyvar lor tb* W p(r neat tootaam to
MerylBDd ,
that ita owueri took it to Canada and
" U0K.
amt it from tbotv to England, luroa -iu
Look at tto rvoord <g 1897,Ta wbicb la Vlrglnta.
rooent appearance bet* 11 came direct
lAll brotl^ Artvred tbelr eounecUoa

Texaa report*
MlUi (to unjer by tbe band of toatb! At
*u^ : limto extend from tbe body parallel to from Lcaidon. A few year* ago tbU
■Tcnga or the
oonuoy wai flooded witb bad tea*, eoi
.gof imieacib BOdallof
ab* beclaoing
Jan. M>hably gate Uttle (bought ..
1* torerd U) take an erect portore. twu- of them of a very delvteriooa qualii
told toui* may have murmured e little
m.k(n«. wo# jtet furward end canuut be apreod oni Today tber* ie probably oo ©ouniry
8 itoklnoao
tb* tbougbi of anwattw aMwat
tto world more tree (baa it oar own
ily upheld by tto grand lodge of
in tbe bigtMwtof tbe autfaropoidea. from each niUd
New York lo ht* act of revoking Ibe eharRED MEN.
Iho groat ape*, a nearer approeob lo thH
cruriul aitirade la '
Grand total henvl
. fund dUbiireed bat. nawaa long ago petoied oot-by la a Pew T«ai* Chiaa Mill B* the Oaly
order Ir
g (he
irom urgaalxaiUm to Feb. 1. ' Pnileutir Owen, tbe niauuer in which
Pt** ailv*r CMatrrTribea that only a abort Uiuo ago a
.BU3.S88 7*
Oa tto mntiou ct tto eeeretary ot
Momlirr* In good I
Mate (or India tbe hooee ot comwao*
wntbly mpoM. UABIS
reakni of tbe loia* aud tbr putitioa baa appointed a oommittee to toqafce
a ito Iwnr* to wbicb tto tbtgb* err ar- Into tbe practicability of ibe propoMla
I irlbu. bat* ouarlyall loucbad
i ticulsted. aJiDort to a linee with tbe of tbeMndtongoTcnmeal (or tbe ntaballlbaupwdl'* I epine. make it practically in
Uobm4it 'cd (be gold etandaid in that
cr-gain* for tl
I than a well d
" ' tbeee memmali to etand i
preeant alx mouna than * ur batolw—11
Oooncll Uraml.
« .b. g..!., D«U ......
I i —P-ISdd: b»w.
totourely (eabionaad may hot make ita
Tto o^ U booming. AdqptiDg pal*^
Modern Voodmoa of Aturrlea
Imei and nsiiieuitog •uapended tuumhera eAootd go out of ealrteiMe ten year* from ever, u cbaraeterintiff of all tbe moM raport (or a yeartooama Bol andoabtla tto order of tto day.
BOW. It would be worth to evety------'— .dl*tiDOtivtlyin*BUkeape*.*Dd bending adly when Itaal report ii made it wiU
iloUeaethlm. at tbe kner* and tto loiae and tbe bead to a lecommendaticu that tto goM
ftqiorta of tto uibea ia PbOadelptalB •ray dollar bia
•bow that tbe total numhur of adulaoieoa
Stoe* Jan. I. 1898. nearly 900.000 mem-, a* tbry do. diagram* portraying tbe Maodard ba. toirudooed to Ibdla. Thera
IM great >un waa 1.7eUi (b« total loamo. bere have been added (Otto Modern Wood- aimulen pomibJe exprewnco of their may be me dlBereben of upioica
Odaaive of daatba. i
«oo( AmMica.
among tto member* of tbeeemmitte*
lei; aggregate luaa. 1
Tbeede mnai be ebanged *o aa to tiag depicting a full faced arpect. nr to tb* about (to ways and
J4g, or (our time* tl
that “800.000 Woedmen" will march OBd0 CM* (d e human being. neceoHrUy have to (be deatratailii
wbole aiai* for the great ann preoadtog.
• taenawM Woodcraft, for tbei mark torrpreaMitaprtifileview. and thla U world'a aundaid o
Wtol U meu were more fretoraal. me
lU DOW aooa to paaaed.
alao trte of all i
Tto action taken by tto I
toMTing. wore (orbearloBr Wbal if Um
U there la not a camp ot Royal Nelgb- Smco would ba wanting to a macb tativftMa won> cloedy adtori>d,K. to o
bore to your town, pteceed to organia* oo* gw and mot* alabotai* article than tb*
trlbeaf Tbo could oomputejM poww bj
at ooea It wiK prove a great aid to pot­ preecut one to foUirw out tUa pbaaa of of (be eaentofy for India that tto Indi­
JafluaM* of oar orderf
mtoia cnuaoi to rMpemed wltbOal
ting new Uf* and new tateiuM tom your Ibe aubject or
aometoterMtfcoal ogranmeat andkbM
onroorily. tbe oarktaa nanlta obtaloed anyaaob M>Mm*at seem* oat of tba
repona abow that
qumtioB. mnlNB It oertnto that tboM
r at PetiD*yl*aotoba«, It to a doty you o*rc to men ostokto tto and graduated ttoHiinlty td Unee pro- laJati will not be raopauad to tllvar.
order ee writ a* to tbom Inakto of It. in- docud by and atfPMtog tbe beUtaal Rot tto teaat effect waa {rodeoed to tb*
oludlngMurnoK. lodoyour tovfl boat to ottitudeiof mammela neitber rcclto- silver buUton murkrt. «tidMiUy Ito
dwtier* to that metal tov* been eoBStow York, rvoelvod a etoaaof W aoTiem
vtooed for eom* tim* that Inffto nevec
Maatiy. Tbi* oomoutod taauly «S y*en (atWtiai* fur tto onto In New YorA
would “do anytbtog tor tilver."
^ Md aMHed with M tiirmbam. Iiaow
ion alobe, to tbe bcnaoutolly prune poPan
Is a eoBipnnilvely toort titnr India.
toa «0». aU itod Craaa kalgtaw.
itimtoftbe molee'Mid tba dockidll. wUb IM nearly 800.000.000 peu^A will
RaatoabtotourerttoUwardM-and to aa
bard a worker a* ova*.
have lb* gold euadard. Tto only targe
It to eaiqr to ertttotoaaB aetivo. working oWiqw to olutba. to end to tto entith- maaa td people wbo will not beve that
brutber. and b* to aatnetiuMa aeeomd of eoU of that id tb* tdmana. tbe reward Maated wUl be toe Obioeae. fiat GbliMiBvUleand Fraakfort. Ky..eadatO
aelltob moUte* tor bto aeUvlty. Bat will Mtaatioauf tbe wreral partaof tb* body aa to brtog divided among gaU MbiidglBBtoi.
to wbo crttlctoaa-taka boM tto to tbeir talatioB to eaob oOto that to
ltd tmticna EoeMa. Eaglaito. FWom
M le tadgaa af tto order IB Obto. aamework a* MSetoatiy and make tto
haUtual to uati wbau oot to aotton. ea
TtofitormemtoruofthleotdMprebBB- moie wlf mertfleea and meahly eobmit to : tbay r*M bangtog toapraded brad don- aodXtrnuaoy trill take toe gold atoai
'ard u China.--Chtongo Tribaaa
MMtomiilif tffttomamawfitod.
uaUad and itofrauraal wttietoma.


Well, they’re here, in all tbe stylets.
Qualities to suit everyone. Ladies', gents’, boys’, misstis' and child's sites.
Best (asiorted line of work shoes'we have
ever shown. Ptj^sJl.OO to S2.00.


Cloak Department

Ladies BIiib
Rannel Slit

Wa*laoha«w<to***BM*togr*ea-Ottor aatta. very ebolee nylae. ai''SSA0.

We think
we’ve '
the cboineat
line of



$8.00 to

shown in this


new revelation that we could give a
It was
oatteni eqnallv as good as the best ^ud those that
ladies had lo pay 25 and 55 cents each,

It is true aad no one now knowing this fact will
pa? more than 10c for the best pattern.
We have sold them largely aod the sale is only
limited to the extent that lots of ladies don’t kno
about it yet.
This is a good time to make up garments. Call
and get a fashion sheet and see what pretty styles
arc shown.
Tbe New Idea Pattern gives yon the future
styles and you can make no mistake in following
The correct spring styles in Dry Goods, Cloaks,
Carpets. Clothing, Furnishing Goods, etc,, all at
lowest prices—shown here.
Call in and see the goods.


reliable dry goods, carpet
and Clothing House.

TBAVSESB ciry.iao&. W. J on boucht of s Oblrag^Oini a

Ail Kew, FVaah Stock. Latest Fancy Psttemn.

WB^ 26c,86c,«chtlemltrlk
* <llc,etc,T5cPitb«brS5c.








aumv. «tw
phT-idat. to tA
tbe oottpodtioD of «• ataiMphw <tf
tbe pUseu. bom tioM mgo Dr. Stoov
•sooootfd for tbf> abMooe of u *«Baapbora uu tbe tnooa
retBlsdini M Abet
becordiSp to ;bv a< wpted Ibeorj of geaea
TIm 8d«Btiflo Am
MMctaiM ^MiteUy adafKadtotbotaB^- «ver7 gueotii moIeoBle CDOtM in ■
relontj till it
if ol*n tbe rlBdf of etmnm leaooe.
«to.. trltboat'in tbe aligbiaM degrwilt t«ned adde b; an
MJorinc WMb frvit. M tepreaaetod to ‘ bootber noiar^le. 8<D'
tbe lUnmtion. tbe tnii betas M toto otoU body erboM atin
^BwebioeetoDeendaDddeUeere^itfaetneearaoDdltvaitld ta i
I-1 ttawJtart oC into epere partiele bjr puoppodteeDd io.»tbo taSbl
a ,I dele, imlr tboM beiotc left that are oloae
_ OQodiiioo. Tbe fr«lt UOrMplaoed ta
• Waier troocb at ooe eod erf tbe aa< to tbe aerface, « bere tbe atcraettoe it looeea bbj foreiso *dbwiB« jdtotiRaiuDMb tohold ib«u. Tbiiwonid
awiter. and ta tbeo pawed down tl
ted trooKb beoeatb tbe bratbw of _
dbeelwvaleed by acraata handle, tbe . tbe dktanre
lover poetioQ of ttie vbrel pawing 1 *unld bold tbe m*. and tbe tbiektv lu
tarongb a riDtioic tank, lu tbU tank ie I •u»wplw-be At tbe wolecole.
,keerieBofaMmeouIly arranged bnabee,) of lighter piK'e ui»ve viih litgU-r tfIou■ between vbTrfa and tbe btnahet on the ,lii« tbo«> wooid Oy oY *bu b<«vi«
periphery ut tbe vbcej tbe Irait it paw-; «»•*• remained Tbi. hoo!<I account for
•d. at tadioiltd in tbe nctianal riev,'(!>* raniy at freebydrcigeu >utbe«arth‘i
Vic 1 The bratbw ante periphery of ’ atimapbere. Tbe dw-oeery of tbe gat
<bfr wheal are tnptOTMd by epringroda
it«cther «itb tbe ceruiuty that
«bw«by their peewnte «poii tbe fttiit
tree in our atnio.pbere
bat enabled Dr. Stoney to make bieclata
more oxact, tinoe beiima la twice aa
b*«ry at bydragen. twya Natnte in a
review of Dr. Stooey'a paper, which appeara fai the ‘'Tranaactioot erf tbe Bo^
Dnblin Sooiery:”
••It ii eoateoded tbat lmliuin i,^ttaaally being.eopplied to the eartb'a
--------- ■ - bot vpringa, that it es« IB Water WMk S

fonnd -in tbe <
above aa rapidly

rsm cLkamKo MAcnm.
maf be a yielding and flexible one, eot
UaUo to l^ore tbe rinda. and tbe frail
la pawed oat thraogfa a delivery apont
et tbeoppoglMwnd of tbe macblne.
Tbe P^lar -fedenoe Newt give* a
wary almple and effective way of olcanfag to Oarl ttwlng. in atteohiog a pieoe
of wdiaatyatae to tbe arUdw and tbwi
- latti^ tben lie fa water lowtaloba
h|te ralpbnrio add ii added. They
. ytaoald be toft immwwd for wveral dayi
Jeraweek nnlil tbe ro« baa endraly
; dlwppearad, tbeti»ad^eodinsoabov
7 de^dy tbey were nMed.' If tbrre ie
/ aaob net. a lUUe ealptaarioaoid eboald
be. added ooeadonaUy. Tbe eaaeatlal
part of tbe pioeew ie that tbe line i
be fa good eleetrienl oeetael with tbe
, ban. A goodVay ie to twlet an irao
’ wire tightly araond tbe ob)ect and
noot tbit with tbe doa for which a
famnant of a battery gfao it enitabl^ at
‘ It baa a binding float. Beaidet tbe dnpUolty of tbif prnraw it baaXfae great
•dvaatage that tbe iron ItwII U not at.
taobed fa tbe Itnat at long aa tbe otao

obyeet will take tbe place of tbe ainc.
provided tbe add it not too atrmig. Tbe
ardelM win ooae oot a dark gray
bladi color and eboald then ba waabed
tbonegUy and oiled.
Among tbe phaaw erf molen aoisitffle netfaodi calling for epedal atody
■ te tbe depcociatod eyedgbt in tbeoaae
fifaantndse to tbe brilliaot eieetrlo
Hgbta Dted on abipboard. Qiay and
Mae eyev aot being heavily ebarged
witb pignauta. are loand to be tbe nnw
nbjeot to tajary. Reeartiabad by tbow
iroffclng tbe aearcbUgku to tbe wearing
cf dark biae glaeaea. Tbeae. bowever.
vbtle lendlDg to mitigate tbe talonaity
Of tbe light, fail to abeorb tbe aoorae of
trooble—namely, tbe oltnvlolet
laye. Tbe lattor, oevertbeleaa ean be
tateroepaed py gogglw or ecreena trf
araoinm or yUlow glaae. and tbuea, it
fa expected, will in oonrae of time be
ostanelvely introdneed. Operatore witb
tbealectriodrili-borclngoat bolee in
a hardened eteel plrffa have aometim
bad to be treated for inteoee pain and
partial bUadnew. Tbie kind of d
drill ae
II known, acta by faetag'a boletbra
the Itrrl, and tbe toteneity «f tbe li^t

eaten below.

meioe on tbe earth,
earth, ana^teqoeoUy
limit* of
If ipeed can be uteri between
wtaiob _
are free to
Prom) ealcal
ealralatiaaa bawd oMbeee facto
regarding tbe atmtwpbera of tbe difle
ent planuii, oaing the known intete
of cnvitaUooal attncUmi on tbe ea
faoeof eoeb:
"Limiling tbe ioqnily to a temper
tare erf 66 depew C.. Dr. Stoney a
pliw tbe taeory to all e
•oUr lyrtera with t'
Prom tbe nraon all gei
deniiry lew than 89 will paw witb
greater |
■ beliom dow
from tbe earth. On Uwcory water
not exiK, white nitrogen and oxygen
toonldgradnallydribbleaway. Tbe oonditioni OB Venae reaembie tbow on
earth, bat tbe oatrf of Han ie of ezeepttona) IniereK. Dr. Stooey nyi that it
tl legitimate te inter that re tbii plaiwt
canoot remain. Tbe atmoepbore
o to eonclK mainly of nitretide. He Ibinki
there lino
tbe term, o tbe Borfece of tbe ptabet,
and tboBDC
troK and fog do nut aciw
from tbe
me raoee ai ou tbe earth.
Jupiter U able to imprlaon all gaaw
known to obemiste. but wbetber tbe
Kcwe diitani membere of onrayitam call
rettin hydrogen ia deobtfoi: Heliam
and tbe deoKT gaaei probably float in
tbeir atmoapbewo. bat tbe moleenlw cf
tbe ligbier gaaei are dewriblng octin
ahont tbe lou. tbe velocity tbey can noq::ub enabling ibeu to emape from
planetary ouotrol, but Kill taaafSeleot
to litjmte them from tbe graviiatianal
« of taeran. ■—Literary Uigeto.


PROTECnoA^S UTtUTY ILUMTRATtO lower court In tbe eaw of Tbe People
TV Brwna. Tbe defendant and a wan
naadM Bruner were bankm in WOl<»■«■«» coonty. Tbeir bank failed and
they were MOb aenteneed to a year in
■aV*«w Mak^ ■wear ead O
prlaun lor reeefvin* depoMka after tbeir
llbnk waa Inaulvent. There waa a fUv
to tbe indHtnente and 'on It la baaed
the aupreme eourt'a d ctalca.
Utetea Otel Mtoe ateik- Mttel.
11^ Jane go.
tbe vali
lireeldenl cf
ineaiio wanatetnrw exikrfto^ frotn tbe ion •'! llUnoia tame here yesterday and
United StateawaatlSO.>00.000. and for waa Inetrumental in tTlnglnc about a
tbe wIeDdar year ending Deo. >1 Ian aelllrmenl the Hnktng driven
This is th« Hsme pistrortbe valM ft aeob aporti bad riwn to and inppen ot Ibr Cliiger.a' cwl abaft {
great taeny tbtagi and ibr operatorv .Tbr atrlketv aaned
li. abide l.y Ibr new aetrtet ml- artth|
reaperi (v buying IbHr own ell and c»l- !
ink ywae.
We bare had tbe McKinley tariS. alM that tariff of perfidy and diabunor.
He War rrowUlBg (ba Otelarv.,
in that it wai m amended In Ibe-wnate
ai to do lew demage in Americati tabw>
etta than Prof<-<*»r Wtlaon intended,
and now we bavn. tbe Dingley tariff. tamed taverai.! hu rrUrdvoei b.t w b if ttai* yesTGnd rfde the Oatins, the eaey running wheel of
Prtnu 1«H> to IHiil ibe country vni hlr'hdaj and sar.f: en h 1- and b.-arty.; jg0g
WB> eirk t.u
more ptn.(>i-mna than al auy other tiine
. I*. Hami^r.1
' '
auy otbw coonuy. In ibo
• t<> tble •tiui
I Block.
ntring of l.BsaeeelmHl-andCarliale,,;:.^,
took bold of lhecoaqtry•aflba^~-—» ----------- •==--------------acoceairfttlly attired tbeoi lo*^il

Haskell’s Book Store.

John R. Santo.
Genral Insariiet.

ed a greai Otal of etpenruce, while for­
eign ooontriw gained oarmimey.
Ooriug tbe icnimer of*\l)96teoev~
rtiSCwltblb* WartbaraktortIraveve. c.iy. UK
tainty <
^peof legiileiion in favorof
1^. .

intereaU. Matted tbii eoontry terta era
of proeperiiy. ibongb. oolewonrprewnt
trooblei develop into war. it wlU be
mme yean before labor teoelvw the net
nwitd It did in lhMj-1.
-Pdr Um paK two yean oar rapidly
d eritb Wbat am 1 offered for'a fc«i borne ano
tooieaKng exponv ai c
from IMl' I
tbe marked '
uftlatoa 16tkitrMt.weat? Avoyde-


To Cure
That Spring Cold
Use Rose’s Pine Expectorant.

Well, Now!

__________ ______

________________ ilraWe place, caa be beagbt on aaMtb-


in effect that to bare a latg* oommwoe | ly gaymvaOa- Dta taken la exebaage
it wai neeawaiy 10 eell in tto obeapeii | aIk> good boaae aad to faat lat Oak
goodi exported bai reached to nwrly I
t980.000.000, tl baa baoome aeoewaiy I
or befog taamtadi .
It vai witb tail view tbit ana of oar,
diu leadj
o to tbe great inetcawta


Hack, Bns and Baggage

after admitting tnely tbit Iron
Meei. Inclndlng tto- flniibed prodoett.
foRO^ Ibe lergeK claw io oar eiporu
of mannfartored good*. eqoaUng over
When la need of anything la tab
Uae remember tale i* *be plaoe to leav.
#68.700.000 in raloee. exuli
n Mr. Diogley vbra be wai im- yoororderaaod
get penmpt

everything ia tbe Inipcct wbed
not prapoee to change the doty
iron. I striking proof of Uedeoa;
Ityai protection, Now <«r great praffnctloo uf pig Iren,
which for four years since 1889 ba« ex­
ceeded 9.000.000 tuna while Ur«M
Ekitain baiexoeeded 8,000,000tooidoring only three yeart in that Ume. hii
be»n re*eb«4l only by preieciioa. Pw ■
k*®**^*^ ***** },^® *11 grinds ot re
•bnrt time before I7WI. when Derby a*Wng and eremelhir. aa^bai I can


“J ,i,”£;v,',vr.,*rL”S‘



I UroauscoitwtaDukrgudando mot&lltoaMO^
oSuupleUBtook Of nowar, Garten and nald:




'Pbone No. 3.

Bicycle Riders.


= B~dle BiUldhii.



Eoghtud was willing we taonid make Se deceiv.d h* irbat oibere tell y»o to
pirlren, but not m.uufectare It. re aa'tar ctaitary. bat oome acd see for
to wv« ber foreKi thai-weta baiag de- youreelf
atroyed to make cbareual. DnS witb
1 guereatee all my work le be right,
that eiceptloo she bes (ongbt onr Iron and If It does act prave-eo 1 make it
ioclostry us bard as ibe baa foogtat
trp In Ull Br-clrvh every eevolng.
aliipping loieieaU. Lot. tcwtanauly.
vveept Snnday. ia tbeCaldvell A Loo
d- n bonding, et nerrtk end of Union
In IBM we nmde 9.908,708 gremumi MreeV
*of pig irca to Great Britain** 7.876.180
toai, and we bave exceeded ber ptodnoi tluo every year Knee, except fa 1894. •
Tbe Btillfation of wind la tae .
ation of electricity hai re far baoa re- when ebe made 707.8S7 ttai more than
we. our pradncaiao bavtag fvUeu ma
atriotad. for the meat part, to oatlyiag
dlKriots vrbers a regnlar anpply of cur- liiUe over6.&00.000icoa Uto year we
made 9.661,680 tune to 8.789.466 in
tiiiiwas impuaaible ur impracticable.
Ureat Britata.
In tbeee cares it bes been snoccatfDlly
However maeb tree traders mey aieanibiotd with aturage belteriee, wbiob
wrt taal other prindptw govern prowere cborged during tae workiug bbnra
«jf tbe mill and uia-le availaUe di
olaioied tbatu^lligent and pem^- «>»■•*• WoSWreaxirerm-otoxiowtoeorw
tbe night for tae lighting of booaw
sot application of preuctlco would inOGibolldinga- A new form cf windmill
taa prednetioo of tbe protected
baa been saggeeted. fur wblcb a maob
good! and decreare tba cm. TbU. ai
wider umploymeDi U expected by its Inshown by tbe Xtw York Evening
vrator. it is uut circolar like Ibe onli
Je quoted from, has
bai been a
aonary wiudmiil. bot ooaaut* of tour
iabwi.. We
are making more trcK.
arms witb a redid sbutteHike arrange­
ment oo each. Thuee abnUeti cwiug oo { we nr« making belter irno eudweara
bin^ While tae wind ia driving two making cheaper Ireo tban Lng^od baa
of tbpqi it lift* Um utb«j two. so that evermade. And wears driicg It Uranw
tbey offer tbe mimmnin of rudianoe to tae dney for reme years wss 99 per too.
V-ta1ixed Air aommistered forabeotbe ait prerenre. ll Is claimed Uut tall wbicb laneer tae average vine of all |n,; ^:irT;:.7it;;VTten of'J^“
tbe ireo
in tae United State* dorAntldcUr, for exlraclwra
oi leeta
.. . of
tag 1897.
without pein used. Lretcft and most
There datire bare eoabied Ai
yet need for
gives a grrat dwl urarv j^wer fur a
given nil area, it c<au bardiy aifytfaing
beyond tbe ilrat outlay fur tbe tustella1 uew.mscbioery-and keep '
tiou of tbe plaiit, as ny one cau do tbe
■tuali amoouc of oiling; wbwb is tae
only attention ansiieqaetitly needed.
Tbe inteniur wye that «ith a mill bav- And when Ibe American people n

In obviaiiuR iit utWvriwdinutreai effecu. A Kibgular fratore of tbe injury
done to tbe'evisigbi i« a lomarkable'
alinilarity to eur.w or deaart bliodoeae. iog sbutlers aeveu feel long be cau gvt
being, aa in tbow. probably doe to tbe eBnDglL.rarteut lo light a good eised
altrarioletrayi of tbe apecihun.—Ktw boUdiag and fornixb all tbe power neoWMuy to take tae piece of hand labor in
elotbw wnUog and irening. dub
wash trig, knife cleaning and many otatr
noted .tab etagular fa« io
witb atryobota: Some wheat which
bad been potmoed try eoakiog in a eola­
tion of ecryebnise, nod which vme inAt tetorvala tbe eabjen of gold in m
fanded for killtag iparrovrv alter bav.
kler eoBMe op. and there are new in.
tag beiB kept for come time in card- ventiemata tbewayof {waoesaea lor rep-board boxw waa found to have Ueoome arattag tbe gold tram tbe erater. It ie
itifaated with weevile. On cxaniiDatiaa estimated that tbna bamls trf water
it wai foBod that tbe boxra^pero foU caateiufram9torfcenta' worth of gold,
erf Weeoifa and tbeir exereoe£t and tbe it would aeem llfc aa easy matter to
Wheat waataore than ball Mten. Stryeb- pomp up tbe brine aod pat it taroogb
ttlne waa tnaad to be preoent in tbe tae neceeniycbemioBl proorea bat each
wheat, and in apparently Kill larger
pbpartioa fa tbe «xcremeal of tbe
weevila eo that it bad evidently pawed
, tarodgb tbe dlgeAive apparetoe noebraged. When eo little
to tbree-foertbe of a grain of tbe alka­
loid iiii lufta
luftarat to kill a Krtam waa, the Klandlke. witb all iu o
•be dlfferrnoe'bwween tbe role-played
ly wtgkod than te wa.
tae alkeluid beomee vwy gBrlking. Bums one « bo elaima to have figured oa
a fonnd that tbe weevil Ao- tab snbyeot deciacee tiwt te ocean bold*
druparam oen feed with im- a einking food Talced at «-~-«H«-g like'
poaity no keraela oontolntag hydraoy- #7&000.000.000. Tbetapetimeoterwbo
aalc kcM, while tbe wwe add admin- And* a cheap and eagy
: .lWMidtooaMtpinare of Deiopeia pai- taie gotd wUl be able to aa^ bb .
obaUaoaawd ibm ijiiidfcly to die, al- at KtcndifccBA while be te by aad
dboogfa they were quite naaffeetta by watebea te wa water poori^-nbra^
te pofaoaow principle of taa Calabar hu tlnioea aad Imving bebiad iu rich
been, known ae eeerina.

I !7ri-




Yon want anythi^ in' the
dn)E tioe jon want xxyighl.
Yon get it right at

Wlirs DRUG ST081

Dr. li^ns.


I •« * i


Hobbs, The Haniwure MaR
■ teLw,-,-Hobb. Sborals, F<nb«,
WlkBdbtorTowH, etc, ete, at

X-^0 Fxoia-'b S-bx^o-t-


aertiorea of Tbe Poet were aboot tin
pute Ibey wiu ifobably be wtlsfied
wiib or* ••(■hioese -wall." bowever
Daring UsaJOMr winter which baa jaat paered. tbe iSmIth Brea. On. taar»a’tb««a aartag woek. at taa
have kept steady at work. Alweet dally, aiaee taey started taelr fafctory last fall ia tae Cfaair aad Ro^ty
Roeelty iadi^,
mneb it luav dnri ere liritub prollta
tae maebiaery Las been kept eonstaatiy reaalag. turning ont goods to be plaead an tae market aa area as
opened Tke summer of *98 ia al our vwrydonr and find* tae beys witb a larga awok of wall wad* Ifeed* w
-As B uisdi-r of fact, tae bood wles
dmioK the ( ietelaiio regime were rendtn-J u.nsvary by ilte Wilspo tariff
law. which Irgivlaled tbe oouniry into,
tasulenicy. ewi ibe niooertbusaeqolred
was nied to metr i:.«d te deflclu tbu
provided lor. Aseu»iber matiertrf fact,
Mr. McKinley could raise #60.000.000
or, or ev« a larger oom,
if it vme oredrd now, quite a* rerelily
as Mr Clevelaod did. aod doobtlew uo
mocb more favorable urma U Mr.
Cleveland borrewed taat money merely
for te parpoM of {gepartag a fatnre

tectiottbmb finding no fanlttaeee day*
te mail aabtldy
wbicb ba.
1 wbicb
aplendM ••warebant oraiaert" like te
8c. Loaii and SU Haal availabU far tha
rrioa. U taere bed bSMi n
aoraiaerawoeM to atiU mwaaa-


Loot b»* ae« leaet to te ai

te aeeawpaaytag eaC tover
etae* te lawn-ehair eraxn
atrnta tato OMaby there baa
baea a oeaataat ddwand fora
eOatr baviagall te potatsnf
darabUiiy. tea aad oowfert
wblek te ataar chair eoatataad aad at te taw* time ba ea
aonMraetod that whoa net in .
aBecnaU betoidadap.aadeat .
awayBBtfleataUwaaeitwa* *
agata needed. “D*«a- eat to
work «e bnlld each a ekalr,
aad so far iaetoidid taat ka
netnaly oararite Wben bat
bto tavntiea. »od te ehalr wUeb egaMa U to all potato af bdeaatoge baa yw
yta to be
tavealad. Wbea
in noMtioa te taalr
tlr Itaaif to a model ef atTMgta aad to pwfaeUy rigid. Tm work ef feUlag ia only taat'af a ■
nnl^^elored np
^e^y ta
ip to
to eet
eet away,
away. oceapytag
OMpytag te
te 0|
opmof aboat air iatare ___________
ia taiekpaat. . Tbia.iadaad id a
tek. Blrdewy* Map)* w othar w^a*
of taraatloe. Thia
Thto elfalr WiU
wUl ba
be plaead ea ta^wW
te markta ta'taa
la taawtolta.
taa trade way fancy baaidae te aaaal color, aad oaato aceorilag to taa malarial need, yet eemiag witala taaraataof all
Mvwy. Ttoa bays
ban have
base taetr
taatr flret
fleet SOT of thaw
taaw Marly
tealready ocwing fa for teas
oaidw a torgaoup^y of othar Chaira, Gawp Bwato. Ootaaa_______
a. TbwikL &tea. ate. eta. Jest now-tev
apactal attoattaa to baOdtag a Lavra Chafa tor taa CaUdraa. wtolek
lok aatebw taaaga ref te Utala-falka taa



of tba


fat lay

Ifae odora«a MB. aa tboBob

IfattakilKatWai ea tfaa faM. thawtalla
cfactr W7.
a 1a^waa. I Nt aad Had baaUa tfaa d|


sad akwefc bp tfaa ahaugmaai of bia
BDXTooadtaiga. hla bkiodabot apaa tolling
awwUp and bit qnkdc. gaapliig toaatfa
dirtajtoag tba doat baaaatb bia dUatod


ItotoUy^ ot lMnaad gilaa^ af giaa*
^olo bad teaoad bia tirnba to gfva
hitoitlf a atraog poaition in axpeototioD


am lU ....

■ la Toath. Bra Or. R. U Bomt la - • y taftaLa
^ Popalv 8oi«K» Nm, tb« Tigor of VfaB*ttn>tcai
•baaratanto <tflca ao gnat that
tall, a. M.
a«u ba ataggUb aBOttNc part arUl
wahla arc^wfawi faa«t
mbaaoModator tbadafiolaBey^Tact- Owa.a a
lag Tiearir«ai7 aod vUboat aaj oaaw^aaBAlBjoiT 10 ItaaU. la cMi^altaa
Si -w —.. 7-s.
, tttk oaaaot thoa ba AUted (rcaii ona «a- u
' gaa to aaotbar. ^ work allonad to
aaob aafloiaetl;- tE^a iu attaagth. tad
' vtaarioBa aadoo maoot bo ^>e>^all^ad
aritboat BiatMaf t^dag Iron it
Bam tba iBportaaoa tf nalattinlBg aa
far aa poaalUa tfaa aqoabla aettan of aU
tba bodU7 or^aa. ao tbat tba abara of
tba Tltai prooaaa asigMd to aaob diaU aarbwathnwaf arnwytaa ffcawawaA«(»t>Uatl
ba inpariy aeoamplMwd. Pwtblaraa-*
aoa asacoiaa U «B' ImpoctoM pan of tba BaWt^^Wtl IhatotftacnriafaioeaiooDdBot of iifa to old ago. bat dlawaciaB
tof »
la abwlBtelj Miiieaiary. Baandao ia ea- Orto^'tolalag'lMlt toap opaa
' aeotial to tba praaarratloo tt baalth; Wan. ^ «oaU tfctak aa eU gtap faad eeaU
InaetlTlty it a potant tooaa of waadiig
aad dagaaaaatioB. Tba rlgtr and aqaal- Wtoa mn tfaaa tblrtr pwa ka*a flad Naea
Ity of tba rfwnUtion, tfaa fonotiooi of
tfaa rida and tfaa auatlaa of tba blood
•whieb tboi kcaps op a proper balanoa
and loUdan betwaen tba Important or­
gana of tba bodp. Now, an aid nan
Tba dm oigbt of tba aeaaoo at tfn
<Wioald diaooTor bpazperieooabow nocb
cxerdae ba oan take wUbont etbaotting 3ippodromaat Mepagaria dm Natiou
fail powen and aboold ba carefol narec in tbat llogfatar lorlng aod Ugbt baaitto esoaed tba limit. Old praple are , ad eitp
—aonetinm apt to. ......
forget —
tbat tbair
atop-1 Veil light tfaa proprietor, the genial
ing powara are mocb leaa iban tbep Awalio Mliaodri, bnma wna aa ba oqbtbaiwbila
onoa ware, aod___
______ -a walk
-- of tentedlp Ooanted tba ^Ukinga,” for
IM mar
two or tbraa nilaa
map nroTo
prpTo eaar
eaap and •' tbara
tbera waa not a aeat to tpata. One aimpliwaiuable, tba additioo of a taton mering. twalterlng
iana patiestlp waiting tba idol of av*
arp Eoropean eapitnl, UwoMand tba
orartai tbair atrangtta.


Tbaaa baa rooantlp been fnrantod a
new form of tiaatmaob which U oaliad
sooibarapia. or tba artW coring bpoontact with animala Tba dtaappMcanoo
. of a Tiolaoi migraiDa ia aaomoplUbad
bp tba applieatioti of a dog to tba forafaaad. Aooecdlng to Dr. fioaoajoia. ba
atM raliarad of a aerwa pain in tba

Faolo, bettor kaowa/to bia triands
■ad asmoistea ai Bob Sinclair, waa a
wop, fiaab
. opxlp bairad Totkafalra lad.
dead aa a dap bop to the proirietor of a Oarding cii^ ba bad,
wUlp-ttiUp, gooe tfaxongb tba mill, now
bomemu, now netobat. now elown,
BOW ringmaater, aapthlng and ararpthing. A dap came at Ungtfawban. taking adrantaga of dn ’‘mnmg n
cnaa. Bob'* mamlaa, tbawi and dnawa
anddenip laonoted him into tame, and
m ‘-Pnolo. tba Bi«Ufafa Bannl«;" t
md into tba aoogbt after "mdr,
tba crowded bboaaa bad paid
tbair bard earned ftonea to aee.
Wbao Paolo stepped into tba ring,
la poblic antbodam knew no boonds.
It woold ba onip taking op rpaoe to dascribe tba ••toroog___
. . whicfa Is nos to familiar to erarybodp.
Tbongb Paolo worked tfaat night ea
olsTtflp M nsaal and witboot any ap­
parent aflort to tba apes of tba cmlocAarf.7at within bimself be felt weighed
down bp ai
thing nnosnal was aboot to bi^ipao, and
be ftdt really nliarad wben at Un his
performanoe waa'flnisbad, aod fas waa
at liberty to latoin oana more to bit

and btliooa, and wbosa baaltb
epaiadng tba ring frai
draly nined bp malarial tarer, waa’ra- of tfaa booae fallen behind him when
Uarad bp baring a eat ooenppbia oonob
‘dnstor" radiad faraatblaaalp up
and was iii l■la^llilllllll in asoallant
■miting togatber
faeaJtb bp Uia tnaapiradon of tba dlsaaaad amdidon to tba Utde
AH this map ba rarp extraragaat, bat
wfao abaU aap tbat than iano basis for
it?->ln Monteer daa
bu got Kmm from hUcaga and is mak­
ing for tba anna. It is tba onlp ooUat
Profamor Snalb^ aapa tfaa «inalitT were to
of ■■Barraiaamwa” dladngoltfaM tfaa abmaoa_.
ObiBaman tram tfaa EoKpaaa. Tba
ean write all dap, work all a
- dap, atand in ona position i"
patrons of bis managtirie. Owli
wasra. beat gold, oarra irorp,
in tbe fastening of bis
nitalp tedious jobs for arm gnd i
rage doof. tbe beavt iwd managad to
dimorar BP more wearisem and Inita- sntape. and. attraottd bp Cba anell of
tion than if ba ware a maobine. Tbia tba boraes, was now mafciBg Ms way to
qnalitp appears in aarip Ufa. Tbera
tba arena, on tbe c^potota aida cf wbich
ao rasOam/naogbtp bopa In China. tba aublM were totnaied. What oonld
They are all appallinglp good fand will Paolo dor
plod away iu scliool wiibooi
Beads of pd^iration atood open bis
raoreaUon of aoy kind. TfaeCblnaman forehead aa be tb^bt of tba rfiaets of
oan do witfao^axarciae. faport or play
seams to bin so mnob waste labor,
oedw': bow in tbair wild alarm boocan sleep, anywhera—amid ratding
drrdi of woman and cfaildren—aye, aod
cbinery. deafening oproar,
I'be crasbod and
obildreu and
« la nnp poaltloo.- |
tbe test?" ba
be mktd.
asked. ,
AU flown, m’sieiir: all asetpadr
Dr. Bawlins mys tbat tba alevatiai' .
U«aD.." be said to tba attondef tbe axtremitira will quickly relieve ;•»«- 'Yoo are the only one who hm
iptoms qf sensiekaw by Ineraaa- ' <diown any plnek, and I wcai t forgrt
«ba aymi
- di■ '--1.
ing the arterial pressare aod• tbba
{ T°t>- Gel tbroogb my dreatong room
BinUb the anmmU of tba oarvoea omi- ;
nm as fsst as poor legs
tare doe to dm eofaeblad aotloo'of
^ cany poo to .the barracks at tba and c<
baarv Tba appUention of warm flaimiJ U’v toad, tell tbe oIBcar oo do? wbat
bandagaa lo tbe iega and arms wllliia-1 b«* bapppoad and atoi for help In tba
crease tbe effect prodnoed by tbe simple m. anwhile"-grimly—"I wUl do Bp
oleraUoD. In tbia wap be was able to ! b«t f« Ux. ftdpia"
Bake two ladiaa comionabla daring n
Ai tbe last aonnd of tfae man’a_hoiry-----------India who bad pwvionaly ing fact down tbe nomua raaclaimnl
■oflared aarionslp tron Mvesa aaatook- him well OB bis way te help .^olo fanetilp
inatebed ap a omall stiletto wtaiefa
BHa—Mad. B^orUr.
bad teen oaed in a Joggling tilek dnrlog
tba evanlng and, ocmcealing it in bis
vaat. atonMl onoa mewa. to tbe aatdiUhTfaapoanbiimas
is tfaa gas or tba oil engine have bean meBtaDddaligbttf tbe nadtonaa, into
toond to lie in tba aanw diractooo u tbe arctw.
WbteiH a few faaalp diraotkam
srltbtbatoanmangina. toanaaof higbor tutoSMaa In tba Dieael motor Um Into tfaa ear <« a down who wgs fllting
nir wbkfa U need is flrat compramed to in betwMn tba “tona” to BUv tba next
from appearing and to ckne tbe
SOI or 40 atmoopbaraK tba foal to ba
■table lenmnoaa. Paolo made a
and, boldii« 9p bia band for aUanap
BOta alowlp toaa fans basatofora been
and gtaOemm. 1 emaat
dona. ^ Memn of air teflaevidad. aito
tbai?^ tn«#MUp in wotda 1m
An agrianar op to M per oent above kiadneaa with wfaiob pon have raoeived
tomt of^miona tjpm ia .olalmad, and m/tforta tonight, ao as deadalapeak
for aqwl oplindar onpneitp a bigtaar looder than words X abaU taring bate*
mean eCaotira fraanra nod a greater to­ pon for tbe flrat tima in pntalle mp famoss trained lion. Ba and I wip give
tal power ora developed. Tba • „
wtobamtoacompUcatodnnd »nm I “ exhibition of tneeUing. Ab. poa
la teUt b—lo tbm'UHa. will, ahli*
' O**!
W «1«1.
’>- ABacieasU»S^" » a.londraar borN-fi«b bai bind tba oortaiaq and oaaaad a tow of
tbe man timid to mm BBatailp in
Tbe batt fly dastropar la t6e world U tbair Matt.
An expect
V tfaat faa baa koosn (pd wasp to UU Iflebkaat-WM



atood in all tba gnoa and strength of

taTintaSTS 1m


Wmaelf that fas almost weteomed tba' &
moment tbat would brii« to him vie- g
ttma for dmaght. bowvrar. bad '
Psoto. With one trU apring toe mlgfatp
■t him,
D, bis o
open jaws drippingfioth.bia I
with fnip.
Bat not this dma did ba gra^ bia iatandad pray, for quick m tbcm^t tba
praotioad apa of tba acrobat deteetod
tba moTamaDf. and banding forward,
bead and knees abnoat toocfaiag tba
graond. ba made a rapid shift intbeopand aroidad bp almoat a
bairfatSMlth being mtoiad brealblam
Qoick as Ugfatuing'a flwdt tba lion
tornad onoa more, cranehlixg low in tba
dnst. bis
warily aeaking soma weak
Spot in tba annor of tbia strange an­
tagonist. whom litba^mbM^ alsnoas


If 70U wonder where they sU come from call in and look |
over my line of handsome Oarriases and Go-Oarts, and se J w ha
$ low prices we are selling them at, hcnyou will wonder no long- j
' er that everybody csn h^ye a nice carriage.

ad leto aigns^fw fadfag bltniera in
open flgbt than the erowdSvjd frail ba­

J. 1. Slater’s House Fomlsliing Store!

ited when in bU wrath be gare bia
nwfol battle roar.
This Udm:. with miUika ttMd. ba
bis adtersary,
toririog, as tooei^ «
power and strength, to drirabim back
and pm faim balplassly odd' without
cfaaaoa of escape a^nst tfaa side of tba
tfaig. and then to aeiaa him at bia
Paolowasalsotbinkittg. Wbenwooid
tba aoldien comaf Oonld ba aarrire to
eany on tba nneqoal airaggle till they
arrirad? Bat wldle tblnkiag not
elaralaxed. .

X28-132 DB^oia-ti S-b3?©e-t.

If You Have L(|)gs to Sell

managed to akirmidi toward tba ring,
••Owna oo.-Sdpio.” faa add alond,
with a gay bravado be little felt. ' ‘tbia
is not bow liooa flgbL *' And be mwla a
alight feiuL aatbo^olayfoUptc
bis adroBTy on tbe bead.
With a deep: bollow roar of
Belpio raartd aloft on bis bind legs, and,
tfarowiog aU prodonoa to tba winds snd
raallaing Ifast tbe momentoas atraggla
bad ocane at last. Paolo rwtoed madly
at him, man and beast elosiDg in a torlibla death grap^ fba lk» oontii
tbongb wishful to arreto
aqnal terms with tba brara biped.
la iba swift onrnab Paolo drappad bia
dagger, and now, weaponlcaa but frentoad with rage and despair, be exerted
arary atom of bia marreloos streogib
and with one giant upheaval ovartbraw
tfaa wild beast.
But ncipio'smigbty claws waa bn^,
and tfae blood lost was on him too.
OrimaoD streaks tUraogb Paolo's tulo
made it apparent to tbe fastonatad
beboUeiB that {bis little wreatling boot
not all tbat it seemed, and many a
timid bean, aickesrd by tbe aigl
blood, edged fnrtlwly toward tbe t
But wbot aoaad ia diia that breaks
tbe spell and eanam tbe low wbispats
of inquiry to awalS into a babel of
tongoeto Ja another moment tba semi
Bolimda of tbe arena is broken by tbe
appearance of a body of aoldios from
tba naigfabaring botrarka, all ooovetging rapidly on one pout where lay tba
doughty oombstanta
. Tbe yoang officer in oommaitd. bastilp disragmging a revolver from bis
belt; Urea one, two, three shots into tbe
praetrata brute's ear, and with o
mighty graan tbe spirit of tfae errii
Scipio. rctam to banot tbe sulitodea
tbe African deserts.
Tender bands Itf I Pa
bleedlog and nigb to death. He is I
from tbe arena as tba aadianoe slowly
flies ont of tbe boilding ondcr the mastcrfnl direction of some of tbe soldten
told oS for the porpesw—dieot, awe
ftticken, sobbing, praying, walking as
in a Sanee.
In a peaoefnl little God’s acre JnM
ootElde tbe waUi of Paris aleepa P»ilo.
His grave all tfae ymt ronnd blooms
with lovely fleweta, aod iU fond lend­
ing idiows tbat, tbongb bis body has
poaed away, bis mei
memory still flnarisber
a trlgbtly a tbe t
over him.—Londoo Answera
Tka Chum of a Coiiea* Saw.
Aodllegaroom Us delightful pUoa.
Ita oooopant for.tbe time beingUim
maater. He oan do a be wiU in it—
loak bis door and be not at borne, ad­
mit all camera, alt alone and read or
■tody, or sit witii bis oongenial friend
and talk ont whatever be may have tbe
good fovtnne to have in Ws mind. Om
Harvard graduate oertalnly, who foond
mwiy pleaaoraa of very varied aorta in
ool)^ rameanbers very few with each
a aena of solid comfort duly taken a
oer^n talks bad in ooliega noou with
good men, tbongb poong, about letteia
aod life and pei^le. (be Immediafa
Tirttiment aod tbe greater world on tbe
brink of wbicb aU ooUege ma aland.
Mask! has obarma aperUtiva obanns,
Xa tbU aama gradoato’amaBOcptMn
bwA 1^ asleep ia a'ebair befora a
Bra, while a g^ nmakdan wbo wa
btt elaaamate at at faU piano in tbe
eomet. Soma of tbe calmeat and moat
pencetol mctnoiW of ot^ege are tbe
beak Tbe more bedateroos -plaaanra wa
mile to recall and wondd a wa remoa'ber them at tbe vlgorand tbafoUp
iboot tboa qoieter
■ tbara wa no f^y
_ ..., tovofcnid no reaoraa-^watd
Martto ia.«aifaDer'a




xoBvnro iaopBD, sutoAt, mtmxl ii, ts9>-

OoiTMpoDd with tbe trsrefae at^ Lumber Oompeay.
We baae for Mle Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood:.


Itin Maehiaery of ell deecriptiona, iocludiiig Two Enginee,
Pet Worke,'Otniagee end Saws.

A cunplete &w Hill PUat

for sale.


My Line
of Silyepware

iiaa. m

Is the finesvinlfcrthem.][ichigan. Ocme and
secure an Ornamental Olcck or a fine Gold



F. A. EARL, Jeweler.


Tba Calabntad SpaeUliita,

Hotel Whiting

Tiatkesk Cm, BIioh.

FRIDAY. APRIL 23. 1898,
Ona Bay Only BaA Keotfa.

OoDBUltauen atul BxuniBBtloB Froo ond Strlotty
- OonfldoBtlBL
oBa.4kAAa oo.

To Yoiing, Middle Aged, and Old Men ^


DRS. B. S. «& CO.

Lock Bex 160.

y. -li..



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