The Morning Record, August 20, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, August 20, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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-f G-'

8ceood TmiwKo 407

Big H»Tia Be

Boaeov xe oovrinsHT
t Ka Oaa Balaa tba OxfotsM
apaetalunaMaaKOw Baoaaa.
aablwfoa, Aoffhat 10 —Nava) Oon

end Bcliley Wm
Beeeh There Todey.

daMa ta bli abaitp ta float tba Oriatobal Oalam aad aapaabe wBI aarar ba
elrea ap aa loae aa aba la la her preaAwa*iB<nti for • KacBlfteat *•- aat aewdtUoa. Bobaab wUl iMra tw
«Vttoe ud SlBborew 9bpb^ !■
vw for Oaba. rotor bp the waj of
Npw Yoib.
Ateifeto Will b* VtttlBCif Bmend for Bar to DMde
«aMtal •« t«a V^mia Baoua.
Haw York. AairaM 19 —*Tha raeap-


matlmMit In Fnvor of
*P*Tlitlg PlxilipplttM



“fboi On Bofs CoiDe ItrcUij Htee ijiii,
Hamli! flimlir

Tbara Are Bow Bnoaph at flutiape
To Prraarra Order.
WaahlaptoB. Aopnat
Shafior baa informed tbe

nr departwlfo Oufoa Departmeat of SuUapo, it baa ban eoaeladAUftnde of Adn
ad foal it will not ba aaoaaaarp to amid
That it Bap Ba to Ov Intareat to up more fooepa to Butlape for foo
Take Tarmunt Toaaaaalon, Tboaph preaervatloaof paaeaand pood order.
Tbara Are Tat floma Xfonbu
Aboat it.
hohdbxt hob OOHOBBAB.

S^tor Fonknr BeliflVM W«

aaMUlmnallQBaTae KaeDao.
Waahinirfon, Anpnat l9.-Sanator
dtoatoural <arate ba bald b«ra ta- Weblfu Bevel Became Baadp To
iWaker ia atroaplp la favor of holdlnp
aaonow ariU oe «b iapaatag «vaat
eondnarad tarrltorp. Inalodtap
Baar Adairate Seklex aad Sawpaaa
tbe PhiUppinaa. ud tape that tba aenUflaaeUl lo TW Mareiac P.
arttfi aU warabipa wUI ba bara aad tba.
the ooaotrp U uqaaatloublp
HadelpbU, Aopna: !9 —The Miehlforta wiU batch forth a haartp wale
Caa uval inaarvea map ba diaapaointed; that wap: Rate of tbe oplaloo. bowThe utal parade oeeara at 10 a'eloeb
the admlnlatratiaB wlabea to
la pattiap awap from here tomorrow,
io tba Btaralar. The ^ala wUI ataaa
momli«. It vra. flrat tbaacbt tbe men awd the eapeue ud politleal utaaoppaalte OMaral Oraat'a tonb. trhara
world aorelp bo dlaefaarped from foo | «l«nfat which would be entailed bp
raitcrewdaof alrbtaaancurlew tbe
>ita la time to Foaeb Datroli.Su- »»WDir the i-ludedepudanclei of tba
dap morntap but the praepeeta are net Ualtod Statoa. ud tbinka that foalr
Onad Varal ParauL
todap. TraBaporUtion for retuUoa U therefore doubtful.
' Maw York. Aar«at 19—PreparaUoM
Tba attUado of tbe admlnbtraU>'n
raaarvii baa been arrufad aad
for a tairhtp weloose to the rleiorloBa
for tbfo- die- u tbe PbDipplae i^erotioa wu more
flaatofddnlralflaapaoo. whaa it arclear
^peelardap thu it baa b-en at
. airca la lUt port oa flaUudaj. .wut ebarfeaneaptfoapap roU. ifomi
>Seara expreaaed a fear that foara anpUma alaoe Bear Admiral Oewvp
ahead with a toah tadaj. AlUeorb
MoaUjob float at Manila.
Baforaulaotlea waarino fo the ati- wUl ba a allp-up in arrutamanU aad
aaoa. who ware aaitad bp tbe aaper to foal tbap would aot pat awap before Tba pablieaUoB bp tba war departmeal
ofBebl dbpateh to Geaaral
Mondap. The bcpa foal ta u ni
aid la the arruraaaaata. thap reape
Merritt direetiap him to denp foe intain frame af mind apalB.
*d baartUp, aad before tba dap waa
aur^ata foe rlpht of joint oecupatioa
,«r tbassoeeae of Uo eelahraUu had


230 FroBt Street

Holley ft TrmimWB

A Bible!
We hare a new lot, with indei or withont, at price* - ;

ttoB to flaptoaw Taatardap.;

never made before for correaponding grades.
Hapiuw. Aupuat 19.—The Bepnblim ooapreaakmal ouvenUon bald here
todap noaiiaated Joaepb W. Fordnep
for pODfreaa. Mr. Fordnep b a waalthp
Mrmu ud munfactarw who
roaa from tbavuki and b aatnmalp
pop^ la Saptoaw. where ha raaidaa

Markham RIocL

_ j|


Just Part
of the Price

Haaaad Awap at foa Boma of Aamac
K. Outeu Lut Mlpht.
A. A. McDould of Chieapo. ton-tolaw of J«mea K Oontou, dbd af
Briphtb dbraaa at the home of Mr.
OuatOB, aoBth of the eitp. about alpht
a’eloek laat olphL Daoaued waa bare
with hb

. .

Is whst you’ll psy now if yon WHUtB



Reliable Dry Goods, Cbrpet ;

anfleriap aboet four pram
and Clothing House.
with the dbaaae. bat alaee eominp
hero baa bean much better Oa Wed:
dap ba *raa taken aoddealp *l;k aad
with foe AmerieaB troope. ud Inabt- tba and oame laat araaiap. OeoeaW
top that foe milltarp ooeupatlon of the
in (Biieapo. Mr. Guloo tal.^rapbc^
lap and tba BuaabaraafhlaCaUaat. aa
w foa Tracie Xtaafo of United StaWa moat ba raapaeted, pirm iMtnlptat to bb partner ie Chii-apo
a straap hint of what the prealdaet haa
▼almora Miehola. Vboae Bodp
vcUaeOararnorBlaekaad a boat of
foe aad tidlnpn. The rea>*iui i?lU
in mind It b apparent that be uUcl- probably ba token there for burial
otbar prawlaaet msa. wiU ha bare.
Oorreqioiid with the TmGsns City Lumber Compeny.
palee foa parmaaut toatallmaat of the
Mr. McDonald waa a Kaipht TrmBaalaaaa wlU be rarp ipaaraUp eoa- •paetel u Tea Moanaa Bamaa.
We hire few sale Good,
Detroit. Aufuat 19.—Tba Baeltament stara aad atripea wharavar tbep have plar. ud It brnpected that the local
paadad. Whn tba fleet eoeaas iato the
beaa raiard, ud that he prapoaaa to member* of that rrdrr will ra.on the
harbor and aaehora off ThoB>plriBsrU>e over foa muTder of Volmon MlaboU.
badp from Mr. Ountoa'a raald^ce* to
wm foupd te foo river beplu bp Impramlnp foe fact upoa all
tba depot when, foe n*co«*rp arranpetbe mapor wlU beard tbe flafahip Mew
paraoaa asd partlea eonoeraad.
menu are made. Drtaila of tba truaTerkaad preeeattbe froedoa of the lut nlpht, ooBtiaaea. The police.
fer of tba remains will be perfeeted aa
STor, are not ooafldeat that foa
«ltp and the port to Adnltal Saspeoa.
aa-word cornea from Cbicapo. Sir
Bewinalaodolireruaddraaaof wet- Robert Lane arraatad at UUad Lake ia
Eoipbu are therefore rvqneatod to
tba Btu vrutad. Aaide from hb eplrit«0M ta tbe offieen aad crewa of the
botd them aelrea in readinwa for a
m fake.lmne.or Areheruhbumo OnapffoaPriai
•dlaDipp. c*ll. It b probable that the bodp will
top a Hole Throupb th* Wall,
Tba aqoadno wUl atean «p the hap. realp la. haa a pood record ud 00 far
po to Cbicapo < I foe
Uain toI..aj!!rDS
. Ttotod TaaUrdap.
anhaarlar aalntae with foe torU, and Mthlap ooBBaetlap him with Mlehofo
Yealaidap morainp Sheriff Simpson
Aopnat 10 bM been broopht ta liphv
op foa Mortb rirar to Oraore tosh,
Hill Machinery of ell del
aona.inclndii!g Two Engioas,
where It win Area Mteta. Tbe abipa Miehola. bowavar waa oomplatalp InRet Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw HiU Pleat
beiap made bp oaa or more of tba
will foea tarn aad ataan back to the fatuted with aplritolbm ud foi^h pri*nnera ia foe eouetp jiU to rffeet
Bmx* to ud tt, Betdli BtwL
fOTaniMBt ascborara oB Tocn^taa- It doobUem laat hb Ufa Tba peat- their aaeape. Tba one wbom he anaCor. Pruiiispd Us..St«.
aUla It la axpaetad that ararp craft mortem ahowa that ha waa not killed peeU.oI havisp bam .foe foramoat. if
not the onlp one to foe aebrme, b
in tl)e harbor will be deeoratad for tbe bp a blow.
Fruk Bankln. wbo b to Jail awaitoecael^. and that anrp ttean whlelle
4ap tr^l to -foa Oironit 'court u
fa eommUaloa will apeak np. All tbe
iharpe of lareenp. About two woeka
• daeba aad wharfa will be forowa opab
» Bukto waa movad frori the upper
■lorp of fov jail to one af tbe eelb be­
to tba peblie, ud it ia hoped that
aral Anpneti aa Oovamor Oralow -and Tkurndap. whoa clearinp out
foara wUl be room for all to eea tbe
oral Of foa HhUppInea.
tba corridor. Sheriff SioepMU dbea*paraut. An effort will alao fo jaade
0^1-in and s»e the new
Maw York, Aucuat 19.—The liarald'a erad that u attempt had been made to
to aaaaa foa ndliUanaa bow u Maw adviom from Maalb atote that the dip forouph foa wall, and eonaidernbla
eiyle of
Yerk at polau aleor ifl* ronta. ud Spubh ofileiab kept aeeret tbe pro- prapraaa made. Tbe opentop bad beea
utip covered wifo a picture ud onlp
acraral aalotea will pnhablp ba And poaad eapltoUtloo of KulU so well
from tba Btreralde drive.
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of all.
hoorlp upoeticp foa Amarieaaa
aball foe dtp. aad ware preatip earWith tkb in mind tbe aher A inapaetIt will pay you to try our I3c bulk co^—a good
prbed whea foa troopa marched in.
tbe lower floor ud sore caoupb. ia one
wholesome beverage at a small price.
of foe onulde corridora, acatlp eoverfd Which I am selling,
Tbe Orapfaoaod Bwahlad la Xmba Sb
Inm^ that fired on tbe Amarteu with a pletnra waa a bole aliaoat larpe
Oiair aad PaaacBfera Bad a '
good thing.
tnwpa reatinp at LuaeU.
rh to admit foe bodp of a mu.
Harrow Baeape.
OapiatoUoaaml Anputi'B dbmbaal Tbo vmtUator foronpb the ateol plat•twaaUI *a Tea Ho»r«a aaoaaa.
ThoBs 167.
848 Front Straet.
b ommldered another deeepUu af a inp had beda carefallp removed ud
I have also in-connection
Detnlt. Aoraat 19. -Ibe feat ateam*
apt mtobtrp to ahlft tba raapOBal- foe brick aroond it dop ont to a bnal' cr Orapboond met with ao aoeident os
bUitp on hi* ahoulden. Tbe eaUre acaalike atyle. Oolp a little more work with my noderiakiag Dusibar down trip from Port DaroB. while dpubb coloav in Manila dbapprored wlib a tool to cut tba ataal plate ao aa oess a full line of
oroaaiBf Lake bb Clair, that will die- of Graeiut Aupadi a dbmimaL Oen.
aalaape U;-would have bean required
make it caap tor cverp prboaar In
nble her for foe aeaaon. The 0000001iof rod. foroaph
etcam bim and aeoepud onlp on atronp praa- the Jail to pat awap. Bankin
tranaferrod to one of foe toner oelb
fromfoe bidler paaaaa. auddeBlp'axand hereafter kb tocliuUon* to pat
It b foa belief of foa Manila ao
ptoded, csnahlsp maeblnarp ud tear- peadent that foe Filipinoa will raadllp out will be eurbod bp more arcura aaiBf timbera In evaip diroetion Biaalnf accept u Ameriaan povarumut. Hb vlromaatt.
Ss *e<p*l wile'••■V*UImproves wfU M aoU IB *Mpteee^wCIrlMtoB«lt. took fo
■team flUad the vaaaal
Tfaate waa a BOW taiimated that onlp atotp Ipu324 XXnioD Street.
brd* were killed.
nab for life preeerrera. mas ud wo­
mb aeream'ed aad foored aaeb other
aboBt,bntthe eteam waa fleaUp ebBt
oums » Tia.1 w... ..a swn>t
off and tbe pule nbeided.
Cbaxlca t. Tcadra Ltfrad to Bb Death
Muy rntoM to SMbi Vmt
Bp X^ra.
Tbe aUamer Darina Ode wbleh waa
paaeinp, tpwad tbe wreeked ateaaer I Laporto. tod.. Anpuat iw.-Goraaar
tubsrp. Anpnat I9.—A elondborat
np Saw Mill Bon fob mornlhp eauaad
. down foe lake aad took the
a vetdiet that Cbarle* J. Yeadea of Al- a tidal wava to that atream that ucA. MoouewMaorioaalp hortfoonpk
ptoe, Mbb.. waa robbed and rnuMand. danparad foa Uvea af a doaan panona.
tbe aaeape waa miraenloaa.
Yaadan'a badp waa found strewn alonp Five ehlldru are mimtop and are anp74 pairs ’'Plngrw” $8.00, $8.60 aad $44X) Ladiea* Shoea
foe Lake Shore track* betweu Porter poaad to be drowned. Tbapare: Ii
Bare Haval BmsrraaDlafoarpaA
at $1.98.
ud Due Park.
•paaUl w the Meauae aacoM.
ud Beipa Loftua. Ganaviva and Mar68
pairs -Fingree” $4.00, $6.00 and $84)0 Hen’s Shoes
The uUmalp fata af Yeadu mi
parat ShaupbaaMp, ud NalUa Sania
PhUadalpbia. Anput le.-Tha uval
foe taMA victim wbo kaa baea larad to: The miavtop ehUdraa. topafoar with
rmarvaa af Bbode bland left foa uvp kb dufo to that loealltp.
80 palra “nngree” $84)0 Ladies Juliets at............. $ l .98
aoma older peraona ware atudlai
pnrdfo'dap^or boma. Thap wUl ha
tbe porch of a brick tammeat boose
118 pairs “Plngree” $0.00 and $0.60 Ladiea’ Oxlbrds
htmorablp diaeharped.
when a preat wave, twenty feat hiph.
at $1.48.
Taa Marptand uvat retarvm expaet
,came down wllboui warnlap ud rarFtaillpptoa
to bavu for home tenipfat.
80 patrs Ladles $1 60 end $1.76 Oxfbrds at
Thalr Bnttrw^ to Xarrict.
with it. Tba older peraoaa ware
Buvp Battiap at Vtodaor.
Misses’$1.00 and $Y^ Oxfords at...........76o
Lnadon. Anp. 19.—Aceordtap to foe
•peetal MTaa Hoanau Bacma.
Mr*. John Loftua ud two mea 1
Boap 'Konp curra^oodut of foa
Children’s and Hisses’ Oalf Shoes at‘.........................8O0
Detroit, Anpuat 19.—Form pbpaia daUp mail tba tarma of foa oapitalairrbd ont into foe Oblo. but ware
.. had u tonlnp at Windasr traek todap, UonatMuUa iadioata foa rarrendar reaenad bp eud dippers. The vra
that lavorilaa wtoatop everp race. Wat- of the enOra PbiUpptoa areUpabpo made a harob bat vato effart to save
. arenm woo the flm raoa. flimoa O. foa %f tb« Ualtad Sutaa. Whan OaaanI tbs ehUdraa.
Memu utarad foa city ha had a diS
aeaurt race; GbaMm. folrd raae: Aa'<Jaat to Oat Aeqaatoud”—Sec irhat
cult‘job to flndtop Qanmal Jaadaaaa.
it b in our show window. Tueedap.
BO—a, foorth mea: aad Laeaela foa but flnallp touad him in a church
Auaat Mrd. S. Beada A Go.. Faabim.
rrjxe Oj.d. SelAcblaXe ati vwwvnr. ut-»
hatttap waahaavp. ■
da of iroaau and ehUdru.
able OatStton. Prbdrtah hlaok.


If You Have Logs to Sell

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.


Traverse Citj Scbool af Music!



Soisetliiiig Nev!

.— ^

While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up


txpiosioil OH imwmT.



Fine Furniture. Hastings’ Real Estate Agancy.



Summer Shoe Snaps!

bd magy other brokee lines reduced ie price.

!Fr»a.-n "k- ^x’iedjriclh.

1 ...







J. W. Baob.


aid Modern lace Maiing
at her eaUUt af Art Ea-y«IC*rt«a at Mrs V.
Q. ln«iaMe*k. •'rost Birsci.

LMt Saffa*.
Tk* adairm of the HoaUm aad Ue
l<rr«n of boN baU la Ueei^ wltataaed
tbafaatcaiaaofUaaMoafathte el9
jMfarday attaraoon. The haaa taaa
weatacafaai tka D. A. C. taaai la fae
atxU gaaa of U»a aeriat aad woa ant.
takfaf Uieoddraw.
A lair ilrad crowd witnaaaed tba.eoataat bat aot aaoarb U farait the plapore to realise tho braeflt tbap hoped.
Aelda (roof Ue aiffhU laalaf Ue

BapabUoaa Ooutp Ooi
(or tbe

. OMMeoo folkm.eBahaalo of om eclMOtc
faroeca»*«»—.ora■etetr.eaot at tk* Ian

Ue eifbU Cbafiee eane to hat first for
Ue Detroit boys aad
Ut UrbUy.
The amplre would aot allow bim fa
take bit baas, aad be weat to bat
afaia. Thto tUoe be atraek at
hall aad Ua hell atnek fato bat aad
beoaded acafaat bis sbonldcr. He
allowed to go to first, hat
Hoatlcn woald aot iri*e la Th«i followod Ue nasal “nf" chewfaf. which
lasted for fifteea or twaaty alantee, at
Ue aad of which Obaffee was aeat haok
U bat orer afaia. Tba first ball Uat
over Ue paa be landed over
faace for a hoaie ma.
DfafwaU ret a boM raa la Ue first.
la Ue third laafaf. WlIbelM picked
eat a daisy aad test It over Ue feaee,
aoeriar Weaver, flail aad bimalf.
Killer eaptared a diffioalt fiy after a
herd raa.
U Ue fifU laafaf a pret^ doable
pUy was Bade by Miller. Wilbalat aad
In Ue oeveaU. MUlar eaved a bit by
stoppiBf a hot fTwniidar aad retlrfaf
la nan at first baaa.
BnUer plUbed a food, ateady fasie
for Ue local tea*, strikfaf ont fiva
BOB aad holdfaf Ua vtoitorB down u
UlrUea bita. When at bat be bit Ue
ball bard, saeorfaf throe sfafleB aad a
Bnat eaofbt as osnal aad fot a twobaf^ fa Ue alntb.
WUheln pUyed enoriees at ae
baee aad fot a borne raa aad two ala-

Pinuc opfaioa la aaetafalBC PreeiMmt Mepalaj la the adafalstratloa
MfaMfaaalaffalra Tba poUej of Ue
dhoBapabUMapartj.aataaklefax Ue
! adalaletraUaa baa
faoaaroaurad,aadUaoooatr7Uto be
«MitrauUUd. If Ua people aapport
PhoBapabUeaapartj U Ua
faMt of aatloaal aCalre for a few years
OMwOlaoea hare forr>Uea Ue toll
BApeaaiyfaaldaat U fear years of
SaMoaUe rale aad Ue eottiar aside
pfBapabU^ Maaaresant la Ue law-'
*^Uertord eat the faaa fairly wild
wof UevorermBoat.
wlU exetteBaat. wbaa tba first toma
Ite Biapi°n> Tfa**' * Deatoeraile beeaaistobstberota aaat sfafle. a
^iper, is of Ua oplaloa Uat Ue aew
Ue post Uae. aad fallowof UeSonUla larrely dae U wiU aaeUw elnglA
rPP bar etrearUanad credit and Uat
Pltmas pUyed fine to left, capuriag
J#fa, la tarp. to Ue reaalt of Ue belief tvro fllei afw bard nms.
ItaOfraa-eolaareofaUTertodaad. Still
Barry pllebad goad ball far Ue Ath­
dtoa DeiaeeraU are tryiof bard to re- letic Clnb but bad poor support, aa Ue
error column wUl teetify.
DtogwaU did good atlek work,
Pop's Oomwndal Beriew for
home rna aad UrM etoglee ate fa bto
Mik. endfaf July SO reporu Ue rol- eredik Cbaffae batted next to order:
^RMOfbesiaeetfor Joly, feiM. Ue lar- beeeearedabomeraaasd a two-bag%afa arar kaowa fa Ue history of Ue gar.
Oattad atatOB eiaee each records bare
Eabey batfad for Bell to Ue ntoU
haaa kept. Query: Wbat reeaoa srlll toalng but was raUred oa a foul fly by
Itba PiMorrets aMifa for Uisf
Pallowtog ara,Ue summary aad soore
fans to SpalB aad attcnpu to axplafa
dtoafoad traatmnt bo baa bad at Ue

taBfaofUeUnUad dutee.

i^Fptaciaaa Ptotarbaaoe to tba flay
Oppafata tba Wa^qna-toec dob
Teefarday afUcpooa Uera was i
patHkm of Ue submarine dlatart
la Ue bay. sff Ue We-que-faag
feeaea, which has passlad Ue reaU
«< Ua city maey yearn. At first Uere
wm a visible agifatlea of Ue water,
-psvfatog a apace about Uirty feet
arlda; Uaa an upheaval which Urew
a large voIum of water fato Ue air
atoat six taoL Pieces of edgings and
gHehn ware thrown aome dtotaaee above
sbaanrfaoe. It waseeveml minutesbefare Ue water resumed iu usual calm.
Aa oU theory far Uto mysterious ocaBRsaee to Uat an accnmulaUoa of
aaakaa timber, edgings, mwdnst, etc..
It at Ua bottom of Ue bay aad Uat
Us fac^ of gas genorafad Uere
gaaaee Ue upheaval. OUer Ueoriee
^ve beea advanced, bat no one hna
. any aoceurate knowledge of Ue eanee.
■ImilareropUoasbaveacenr^ at faIwato during Ue past 85 years, aad
Always to about Ue name pl^
ffyab Bigelow. One of Ue Beoralta,
Hare oa a Furloo^
SUjab Bigelow, one of Ue reemiu
0t Oompaay M. Thlrty-fourU Miehi. gaa, who went from here to Camp AIgtr last maaU, arrived in the city yea" 'Mrdaj on a Uirty dsyk' fnrlongb. Ur.
Mgdow Uvea fa Luther, but anltofad
faom here and will make Uto bto ternpaeary home until be retnmc to bto
gsmpauy. He eutci Uat the neUierc
•S damp Alger have no oomplalaU t«
regarding rstiona, though Uey
•to alow fa coming while Ue troops are
Ua nmreta. Bigelow was sick when
Ua MgimcBis left Camp Algnr
and ^ was amt
Ue b'^rplta'.
fwlonih to ree^r»er»te.
all Uc other
yame well wbeo be left.
«»eet Kuaw at Half Price,

Ul UidsolEmliroitfeni

• mad* op Bm*
9aU far TU* T«w ud tlM Sobm
S«un Bot ttM Odd OUB* fa

K a*Mm, Bdlur ud IUmc*-


Dealer in B%ciesi Bicycle Sandries


oooD on tm*B ». a. 0%.

% Baxm


Miss Doyle

aacnoAii xn XORtBMVOOB ABOlrUB





oxv Smmev Soo^s

VaU Pram Bto Bit-ycle Besulted to:
a Dtolocated Wrist
Yeeterdey afternoon, just ae be was
abect to »tan for Ue ball game from
Ue bank Julius T. Hannah auffered a
fall from bto bicycle, which recultad in a backward dtolocatiao of one
of bto wrtota. He was bandllng bto
cigar with one band, having bold of
Ur handle bar with the other.
bi ycte rsc into a bole with the remit
nolei*. The Injury eras attended by
Dr. KerUn.
The Creaceot bend will give another
popular eoneert from the portico of the
Hotel Whiting this evening.

'^wiT ^vcVi 0^ ovw SVvvd 'MDavsY

sVoeV—CACcyt S\,VV--a\
$4 and Si .fib uaWet


VaVo a



mVttt ttv\s\<A.


pi\ees made ijoa make no mXeiaVteVn s&pvVtfat


^onr Vkfare \»an\e.

‘S’vTs^ CaVv
OU AP'vuUt \»ra\>s
Stock novB \n and Tcadij ^or ^onr tnsveeWon. Out
Vine 0^ Capes cqna\ to an^tktnpmc kaue mr daonan.

Vrlntta^dL aa^ s^Vea^.^ daTsJbVcVvvyxa^, a\ A&
&Tcat nartetp bB,ttdTcn''s jackets

and up.

'‘Just to Oet Acquainted"—See wbat
? i i It^to la our show window. Tuefday.
Aegn>t2lrd. S Benda A Co.. Paatalonable Outfittera. Priedriek block.


fralt joioes, cold sparkling soda water,
clean epoons and glsssea This mix----- coBstitutee our ice cream sods at
Waifs a t fnentaln.


‘-The Xrmggtof
cent cigar, finest
niekle smoke In fawn • B. Waif
Drag Store

frvaoeOatiartr'Boiirrmoa Wluiefa Otur
v»U aad Cbafiee Doable pUr*. Hiller to
Wllbela to Wearer. BaMe ea eaUeC belU.
Off Batler A oC B»rrj A Sln'k oni. br BuOer
A br Barrr I. OtapirM. Moroioy mad Wofa-

To Him That Hath

XSBBOBS or tiABnrnrH.

8haU Be Given

O.A. C.

S»ais\ CaV\

Pr J. P. KnoaoB Oontomplataa Sred
tof a Tbraa Story Brick Bo Icing
OB Proat Straat.
Arebltect Dean has fiospletod plaos
for a hand^oare brlek bnildiaf which
is to be erected by Dr J. D. Kaaeoa
open Ue property which he reoenUy
pnrehaaed and which was lataly ooeapled by Ed Ullbert as a cigar maasfaotory and a portion of wbicb Uellll naed
aa a mUllnery stws by Ue Wood eisterm. .
The bolUlfaf to fa be a Urse-story
atnefarv. tSslOO feet to dinendons.
The lovrer fioor to to be divided fato
two large and modem etorea. The
front of the eeeond etory ;» to be de­
voted to a salt of fine ..fllcee, while Ue
back pan of Ue same floor le to be arranged for Ue botiaree ooilege of Prof,
a E. Dockeray. The mala room for
Uto porpxe will be 40x50 feet, and bealdes, Ucre will be e prlvaU ofiee. a
shorUand iBBtraoUon room aad anoUar eeparau room for typewrifarsTbe Uirti story to to be arranged for
lodge rooois of Ue moat eam>leta and
medem deeiga. Traverse City Lodge
No. 73. K. of P have Ue leariag
Uto floor under oaDsidemUon. At Ue
•nventfen of Ue lodge last night Ua
stter waa dtoensaed, bat not fatly
decided upon. A epeebt) meeUng to
calfed for next Taeedsy evcalBg to
take definite aetioa.
Wbeaconaplated thto will be one of
Ue baadsoiaeat brick atractatPCOB
Front ctreet.

My work is firstcJtWh&d prices that are iareachot all. l am
prepared at all times to take care of the trade. I make a specialty in
Braziiig. VnicanUiiu; and Enamelini;. A fine line of wheels for aalp
and to rent.
J. 0. ELLIS, 311 Front street, aaaU

a bouse to paint

bis meaby's worth in good boneat work
BroUOT of Kra. Xfalia BtaU Vlcttm of
11 be employs
. a Vrigbtfal Aeeldeat.
Cteo. B. Winnie,
Mia. Della 8uta of Baardmaa
Up-to-dafa painter and paper banger.
nne. was much grieved on Tknieday to
receive Ue aewe of the death of her
bratboT, Henry Colbura, an aged aad
rcapeeted eitlun reeidiag near Wad
dfagua. fl- T. Mr. Colburn, wba eras
wealUy farmer, oa Moaday affarm of Uto week -wm leading graia
Each and every ___should earry aehaaOa before ayoomiag storm, aad eideatand elc-koM profacUon. Iteoela
monU fa Ue largwbaa Ua lead ^ nevly finished It you only »i i
etroogeet and
wma etnek by lightning. fastanUy kiU— United Slates Benevolent
iiighlm and a young man who was ttooleiy of Goginsw. through their
look after yon when yon are
wiU blib. The graia was sat ea fire agent^
and ^ bOTsee started to run to the tick. Their
:ns of Trsveree City and viciot
bam. but Hr. Oolbems daughter, whe
:d ccavinee you that they are ft
wltaeeeed Ue accident, snoceeded in and Just. OslI aad see ns.
eleelng Ue doora before Uey reached
them wiU Uclr flaming load. When
lot MsBsnra.TrsTmw Cltr. Bmieh
Ue fire was extfagntobed both bodies
i-« JobDooe Block. Room I.
wem faoad to be burned fa a crisp.
Ur. Ocdbnm was tbc father of one af
Ue “silver kings" of Colocsdo. and bto
faUer was oae of Ue famous patriots
Over MeNams>s*i 8hos Suva
who. disguised as an ladtoa. helped
•mcokw xes.!
Urow the tea fato Baefaa Harhor on

Take Dniy the Best

Ue night of Ue famous BcoUb tea
p ean anil Ump geedaebenp
_________ Ue beat goods cheaper Uan
anybody elec to Ue new ■tore’e trump
card. Open for btisfacm Tneaday.Augnstai. Grand opening later. WatA
Ue papers for omaing ad. BeasClfal
venire free fa everybody during Ua
gweek. 6. Benda A Oa.. tka


T>rcss &oodiS.


EOuf Offerings

I -N Fupnitupe

U/E ARE CUnWiNP Bany pieces exclusive,with us, that llj
ilC HUL onuwinu
beauty have not teen equalled. 73
We make particular mention of BEED and EATTAH EUBNITUBE. Aside from a floor full of beautiful creations in
this material we make prices equally as attractive.
Whether you intend to refumisb your house thin fell or ?
just contemplate the addition <5f a few pieces to make your
rpoms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity 73
^7 to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods 33
7 in any event.


toUa rrtadrteb


Tttik ftbfctiiSriA kiibofte. UXTriBi.-*. AimoSt ia, 18M. .
on Of in mmtr-nooao

hern aweptifi a Uk* podMoa
o. A-Oh «MATBnn;.
an the Oread Baplfie toterdate Uafiae
th» OottdMpM M Okb^ team. HM maap (rieada ia thia dtp For UaOomtedaaBaMadad Them ia
wQl wkh him aU kinds of eaeecaa
The O. A. C. bate boll team appreeS*
Jonathan Sprene of Ana Arbor,

J TkLrtj inrtff MieWcu Votmav—r*, Past Oread Master of Ua Odd mUoira, nted Ue ealertnlnmeist aad trleadlp
\ «M *t n rottf^n O^, Va,
j. tt,, elt7 y»t»tU7 frow la maklaf a taw daps'atap Ia the dtp.
extaadad to tham while le Ue'^
tb.Oth««««tU^^^^ FT«BdU*. FU. B. «Urt- -ith Behaeheea eonaeeted with Ue Odd «tp, as Ue toUowiaf. seat to Ue BxchlB eompanp at Grand Haven and for a Pellowa for over fiftp-two peart aad la ou> jaat before Ue team left last nifnt!
IknM^fareGap. Vn.. 4«r- »«•. time acted as eteward. Be waa trane- the oldeat liviar peat fnad patriarah will show:
Moansn Rxcokd—Oor ^ A. C. bops
i> tUaianflaodarooBap^ to wUt femd to the Third DivUioo Boepltal of Ue order in the aute of Miebicaa.
bMB haatef. Thia eoaati7 la OerpB aad haa eerred la that eap^tp
Train Mo. l. Bnfiaeer Maloaep, laft . can not pssslblp see all Ue food Trav­
\«Mtecni«aaa4 oooL I ballaaa it aatu a few dapa alpee, whea be waa Oread Baplda paaterdap aftareooa 4ii erse dtp people to Uaak Uem persoallaooalarbaraUaaltiaapta Mi^iraa fivea-aa hoaorable diacharre to
miaelaa late, aad paUed Into Ue depot ally for Udr anltorm kiadama a^d
thia dtp aad vlaU hb wife, who here exaetlp oa time, at e:4S last evea- coartevy: Uervfore, I. la behalf of the
tUa tiaaa of the ymt. Talk aboat
^ Wdaklpa ia .Oaba. are are kaTlaff it la an lamate of the aapleaa.
lap. This waa fraat tiow. partlcalar- bopa. ask Ue>BxooKD to make public
^^aat aWat m hardaa^ej. bet not •apt that the eoldeer b<^ are all eiek ip as Ue trala Ooadated of da heavUp Uto expraasiOB el Udr thanks for aU
-l^altaaomeeb aickoMa, alUonrk we of their armp axperlbaoe aod
thefo^ Uinfs we have received at
loaded ooaehea.
kaveoarfleU boapltal filled aU the like to come borne. Be alM aUtee
tbe haads of Hanafer Keboe. the pUpThere will be
Urn*. W« hare beea aaaaidBr aloa* that he haa received ao pap from Uaroodpmrp
C. A W*M. train amviaf here at 6:10
'fike Btae Bidce BoutaiM. Frettj alee
Uia moralBF. Tbe ooeaaloa la oaa of
aoutfj aronad bare bat eat7 little not find hia name apea tba pap rdl.
the big exenreloBa from Ue eoaU aad
water. Wedaaoibare aafthlBc bat Ba thlnka that thb iacaaaad from the
Tbr-vtoitiBf team was fIven a royal
pap taata to camp la dow aad tkpp are fact that each eompanp waa allowed to
•end-off tost eveninf when Uep leflj
m batber.
vvown. We
•»* have uw»
not (vo
c^t «i
oar pap keep their eaptala. while a refolar ar­
for Betroib Tb«7 were oooortoi. U
TMlor Jaly. Du't know whea
we mp captain should have taken
Attmep J. W. VTileoa of R>t..aais, Oomponp wiU Ue Bustlers sad a few
wU! rat it. noTV^m to baI tvribly
illed 90 hto daefbler. Mm WUl . oUsr friends, bp Ue Bops bsad to the
alow aboat catcbInF ap to na. The maU
depot where Uep took poasemloa of
Wiaaaa pcetordap.
keapaapprenp wey aa wa cat oar maU
A. W. Wella left last nlfbt for Bb tbeir spectsl car and left on Ue 9;S0 p.
aedlp tlMo we ito into camp. Tbera are
Joe^k. Oa Monday he will go to Mew m. train, folnf direct Uronfk to DcIS.OOOMee DtareblDKaU WFetber. the
York for Ue pnrpeae of vtolliaf Mee- trdb
whole liMoad DIrtoioa.
teak Polab where hU eon to aUtk
I eee b7 the paper that mom of the
Xattera of latareat Trom AU f WiU Booeevelt's Roafh Ridere
Company H b07» are dead of fever:
Mtoe Paaato Ofdee of BaAJo,' to
Parts of Xiehlgaa.
got a letter from Private Wni 6mlth;
here to apead a few weeks wiU bar old
MoUows aidBalgerwillatar ia "By
, he it well aad haviaF a pret^ cood ?wfwriwwrwtwrwrw”wwrwrw»* friend. Mrs. W. H. Foetor.
liima. We have beea baviap
The rraeita pedeatel for Ue
klM Alice Uedlep of Ckicafo. ar­
AapLeewUlbeseso ia'AFeBtals
hard marcbior. Ttaelaatdey'e mar^ Bseal of ex-Governor Blair haa arrived rived la the dtv peeterdnp for a vitit DramtDW".Uto mawm.
wee 18 mUee; It r^aed aU dap aad era at LanalBF and will atoaee be plaeed wIU frtoada.
PhdenwUi's next AaMriemi ton
had te wade Uroerb mad np te oar In position In Ue
Mra. F. a Moffett and daafhtar Bd- arill Uffln in San Prendsoo In 1894
aaklea: when we wmild etop we eoald
Mra Frank Vaa Black of baadaF aa left peatardap for a two weeks' trip
Mr. Edward E. Sloe has scoared Ue
hardlp pali oar feet oat effaia. We
lights for this ooimtxp tor "Taas treatinp Ua edfe of a carpet wiU to Oread Rapida. Hart aad Detroit, to
ta-To-to," a comic oftao.
were jaat as wet as drowaed tau at faaollae U deatre^ carpet bofa Thura- visit frieadn
Piirbt aad had to pitch oar teata richi dap when aha stepped ea a match
A race between Urpdes and • train
Oeorfs O. Bates aad wife will arrive
la the mad. We were all wet thnrnrh which IfBlted. Inataatip the waa ea- from Chicafo today to visit Ue tamUp to a feature of "A Spin For LUa”a
aad bad to tara ri^t la with oar wo$ veloped la fiamca. bat the aaoeeeded la of Thomas T. Bsm. Mr. Bates orlU mdodrena reoentip prodnoed in Ckif•
elethea oa and without a moathfal of
them wlU a dreea. bat aet retara to CUcafo Moadap. bat Mra.
Tbe Asserioan Mptaao, Mim Mazy
•Vper. The seat OMralap we did not antil abe bad been eerloadp kai
Bates wUl spend some time la Ua city.
Howe, has been engaged at tbe Bopal
have aapthlMff bat
abeat Ue head, acek aad bands
Ufa. James Marehle baa retnrecd Opera at Wiesbaden for tbe next two
oar breakfeet; bat tbe mole in>t alonv
Johaale McKellar ef Tale Is oalp 11 frem New York, where she weal to y«am ^
in time for dlaaer. It ia ----- oa the peart old aad weifha ITt ponnda. Be
t her haahnad, who haa jaat re
AafuituB Tbotnaa’ new pl^, "The
aareh. as the mule traiaa can't keep
J the ckeet 44 laches and tamed from a visit to hia old home la Only Mr. Eli." will be used bp Btoart
ap and we eaa't earrp mack with u to to 4 feet 9 lacbee bifb. When born he
BobsoB to start tbe eeasso of Wallacfc’s
eat, ee we have to go knarrp tUl thep
weifhed osIp seven ponada. Bit taU.
dennaa Cook aad wife are eater- Usater, Mew York.
oateh na
er to a morehaat la Omard, aorU of Ulniaf Mrs. C. M. Aldea and son ef
The Paris Gread Opera has an aat
We have 100 milea more to march. Tale, aad to below Ue averafs mai
nnal aubddy of filM.OOO, beddm a free
Oread Rnplda.
We axpaet to mareh to Middletown. •toa. only wdfbinf 198 pounds; hia
Mn. Barks aad ^nfhter of Bmpire boiiss end tight, or a mine in all d
Ononox F. Dasa
atoms $830,000 a year.
moUer weifha aboat 179 poaads.
are la Ua dtp.
Frederick Bond made bto first apMiss Koram Montafne. who has bran
Eckford, a little town wlU 190 tow
. SaatlacodaCnba. Jolpll, 1898'
vtoitlBf the famUp o( U M. Besmetb pearaooD in modeville in Kew York reoeally In "Her teat Rehearml,” a
Dbax PaiMD:—Wa are on the aide habitanu near Homer, to wlUoat a
relomed pesterdap to her home at sketch by WiUsrd Bolcmnb.
oshill rlrht oader a batterp, aad Uepare
a office. The town doaa not 1
firiaf ia Ua dtp of Saatiafa de Caba.
Baydn, Beethoven and Moaart areAo
8. A. Dame of MorUport waa la Ue have a awnoxnent in common in Berlin.
It to a fins dfbt to see. bot t am raUer to feel Ua aaed af sap of thaaa mod­
dtp peeterdap on boslneaa.
> is DOW oaatidering a
■arvoBS jaat at praaaat, as we map em aad aadaat eoBvenleaeaa aad pet
sohmined fayPtufMor Rudolf
adx np la It before alrht, bntwbea Ue
aod healthy towns ia Ue state.
SOB, who have been at Ue Hotel Wbittime oomcB 1 am s^iUlar to r>- Thep
Psal Oibsoo has arieten for tbe
A novel aebame baa been devtoad bp Lof several daps. wUl leave UU ■
are fiiiar heavp oa boU ddea
havetMUemiaa kind of a boree- Ue Bashnell Oil Compaap of Karato to inf for Petoakep and later take a trip Theatre de to Moonsie ao opere in one
act aod two scenes, yet tinn«tm<d b is
ehee ahape. pad U looks fooltoh for ebanfe the location of a 30.0n0 barrel Uronfb Ue chain of lakea ranninf
teem not to five U, bat Uep are hard oU tank. An artificial lake wlU be
and Marie Bream will oreate the prinmade and Ue tank Boated to Ue de­
Pint Tiolln aecitoL
We madeeme.per, Ue Freetaat charFe sired locatioB, which U over one haa'
Uat to known. We drove Uem «p a dred parda Tbe tank will draw It
Tbto afternoon at Stelnberfs Gread
hiU IW feet klFb. Thep are sow in feet of water when empty.
Professor Horst. assUted by some of
Brisket—What can I aond yoo up to­
their piM and we will have U drive
Ueorfe L. Yoekp of Cbtoafo. haa be- b«l local Ulenb will rive his firat day. Mnw Sryira?
them oahwhtoh will ukemaek time.
Mrs 8.—Send me a leg d zmzttoa
fan in Ue United Statce eirenit court violin recital. To create aa Intereet
There are aboat 70 Timverae City bopt in Grand Rapids, a SSD.tKn dams
atnoaf mnsie lovers of Uis city for Ut and be sure it is from a black teeep.
Brisket—A black sheep?
old masters' works to Ue object of tbe
salt. Five years nfo Yoc y, Uea
Mra S.—Yes; we are in
WeU. it to time te ret dinner.
bop of niaeteen. ban bis lef caofkt be­ mlteto. The followinf wUl be fiveo:
Aoaotiretmaeb to eat fiers Borne tween bampern and c-oshed. Be bates Uvertare......................................... Op 83 poo koow.—Botbarp Gasecte.
podi aad baedtaek, oeffae aad eacar. bit suit on Ue abaeace of safety appU- Mlanetfrom Sooate........... Op. 31, No.
Bach oaehaatodoaliofhtoowBcookUagistrete—The amaah poo have
Sonf of Pealteace...............................
omnniitted on yonr poor wife to a mod
8boU Bapwood of Ann Arbor. btoU'
Miss Josefs H. Wilhelm.
■o donht poa srOl think I am aervoaa er of O. W. Bavwood of Uat city, aad
brutal coo. Do yoa know d any reason
Bymphonie—Allefro cob Brio, An­
whaapooUptofirareUto letUr ast, Alba Bapwood, tbe actor, writes from
1 should not amd yoa to {^aoa?
dante Oanablle. Allefro Molto
Prisooer—If poo da your honor. H
bat Ue baUeta are fipiaf fast U every Ue Eleadtke Uat be would start for
Vlreoe. Andante..........................Op. 84
Miss Mabel White will aet aa accom. will break np oar booepmoan.—Maw
bome onUelSUof AafnatwiU »4S.York TriiU.
Sampwmtoto vmp near Ue harbor
000 Blade lii tbe fold rafioea Beeeat- paatab
aad is doiar float work wlU hia 19 Ip he played a oomet in a Uaatre oriaek faaa. Boms of Ua bops think
For the Bif K. ef F. OonTentien.
"Mother, ” mid tbe amoU boy. who
ebsatia. for whiU he received aa onaee
Uto won't last lonf bat 1 am afraid it of fold per dap.
Tbe Indiaaapolis (topreme VoAgf was I«odtng over bia alata "1 wish 1
CoaveatioB. Uniform Rank, K. of P waaambbic.”
Then are sevea of oar bopa woaad"Why. Tommyr’
"Cos pa snys tbe TabUts mnidply so
•d aad one dead. All la ear lofimant.'.
Aafust 99. aad ends Asfast 99. Aboat
Tba funeral of Mra. Ida Deveadorf fifteen SirKolfbUaad Udr familica easily. "~-loiodoD Sportng Times.
bat none In oar eompanp.
TsU pour friend for ma Uat ke kad will be held Uto afieniooB at 9:30 wUl attend from tbto pUce. F.
betUralap where beto or he srilt be o’clock from the family reoideaee oa Ueemaan to major of tbe FoorU MlehBuy a Bcbolanblp.
Webatnr etreet, la Oak Park.
Ifan Brifada aad will be one of Ue atThe Traverar City Bnsinees College
TUa srar life to not what it U Uonfhl
There will be a daeee ie Steinberf‘a tendaau from Utodty. Poraes to Ue aad Normal iffatitate rffera s 75 weeks
to be. Tkey treat poo all rifbl for a ball tbto. eveninf. Maaic by Belm'a amount of ttouoare offered for Ue seboisrablp fpr'ooe-talrd off Ue regnIsrraUo. If yea desire one of Ueee
waak ar ao. aad Uaa yon catch IL
, prebeatre.
prise diilli of several different dai
srholarafaius sttead to it at ooee. as the
Yon spoke of pia 1 have forfottea i
offer srlll be for a short time only,
Frank A Deaa. who haa been very ill
haw it looks, bat can tpell it and that
Bverybodp ladud.
C R Dockxbat. Prop.
with appendlcitia. waa sabjwstad te an
to about all.
409-e. X. o- to9-w.
“Aa afternoon WiU BeeUoveB.”Ue
operailoB yesterday bp Dra. Martin
Hu boys here de act drink.
viclia redtslto be flrea Uto afun
and Brant. Tbe operation was 1
Wa have alee lot af boys in oar com- ]
«<Onbaa • Boses.'* •TbelBta” sad sll
as<sful and Mr. D«an to doisf well.
it latest perfames «t Walt's Dreg
phnp. Co. M. 94U Kflmaat.
stoted bp local UUnt to a public affair.
.Vow tSsi Ue last fame of Ue 1
JnatUiakof as wa^ ont hm la
admlssioa will be cbsifed aad Store..
SOD has been played bp the Haatiara'
Cnba. It to a alee plane. We have lota
everybody to invited to attenA
of frolt to aat. Wtoh I naald aead poa Maaafer Kehoe would Ilka to hava
Tbe radtal wUl cmnmenee at 3:30
Uoa« la arrears for eoapoa hooka remit
to him aa aooe as' pomible. to Uat tbe ddoek.
WeU I meat does, as 1 havwto go oa
debu of Ue orfsalzation can
poet duty;
promptly actUed.
There sres a meetiof of Ue Repskli'
Tear trlead.
». Miek..3sBvE. [BBS.
waa a pleHsat snrprtoe last in dtp eommittee last eveolaf in Ue
W. DxiriTt.
beret? eenlfr tbsl tbbi
appn Miss Aote Canninfhai dBce of B. W. Bastlafs.
Boa. W. W.
bya party of friends, at the borne of 8mlU was chceen chairman and E. W.
'efUluehlgaa AeelAsai AoBoepitaUtp of Mim Zmrkias.
thto eixr.SbH Sbov Ibem U> be
Mra. Jack Reid. The evebinf wai
Mbs Ida Larklaa eatnrtalaed a aom- voted to social plaaaarei and ice e
beUevc wl
were called for Aafast ttoDS
rose tnnberMi
(be? mar ivrnr.
her of her fir) friends pratardap aftarand cake.
tbe mmbwieabS
tksi from wbbi we kb
peon at her home on FitU atrest.
Benda A Co., who have come from
Ua adrentoement fame, MUdreU
Itoekerep woa Ue ftrat prize and Oliva 8b Ifttace to eaUblish a cloiblnf basiMim Usde Olds entertaiaed abeat
Pnlfknm Ua consoUilon. After re- neea ia Ue stand formerly eeeapled by fifteen of her friends last
bpT. J. Boab will open U«ir atore
her home on FoarteenU st
>1 nrm gstlseol toak.
tioaa of maaic were readered bp Ue next Teaadap. Tlic Brat weak aoi
moslc, redtattime aad <
E.C Den
foeeto. Thore prreeat were Mimea in wUlhe fives to help aloof a better
V. T Bsn
1 tetares of
Borne asvlacs Bosk.
Traacea Hiffiaa. EUet Pope, Nellie acqilaintanee
Jsi Koki
An excnraloB to •mean will be fivea
OrapaoB. Irma Caaninfham. Olive and
Beaale Palfham. Mildrcth Oockeray by Ue Boys’ Bond Sunday oa the
The DJ&w.
Rev. W.
B. uamuBj,
Oostiep. ui
of oisoiaStodcgueea of Ue Lokea
aad Bertha Harley.
.while atteadlnf to
bridfe.u Ua.,
* ■ hto
ial duties at EUenweod, that
Tbe lUre baildlaf at8t» Fraat etreet pasMTial
ehdere morbos
state, was attacked bp
OiTCB to BaakaUto 1
kaa ^ Icaeed bp Ue Chian Tte Cem- Be says. "By chance I happened to feS
and Oe
o«rs PoratoUaaThe oommluoe of Ua board of eda- paep. Tbe store, earplaf a fall Uae of hold of a bottic of Chamberlin’s Colic.


nctiigu AccUeot Association.

oatioa which was dlreetad to praeare teas, eoFcca. tpleea, etc., will beopeaed
tbe firat of next weak.
hUa for Ua aappliea for
pahlie aebMla for Up
A fall frown ckieken-knwk, earn
poor, hava awarded Ue mmmet to
r--»Bookstore, the prioe'keiaf
fillMO TUs eoavact to fm Ue anpEd- Whaetor. wbe for the ant two
plpolpeBA tek. tofor, peaeUa, dtc.
eaMmebmptopod UM heat for Ua

Cholera and"



mis bp & B. Wait.
U to ia Mr show window, Taead^,
AufMttkfd. & Benda A Oa., Fast'
able Oatflttua. Friedrich hioek.

Bee Foix.

Too- P.CLSsse*.
a.«'r. a H«r. Kol

XliFA Ag«nte Wmated in Un*
ooeimtAd TAprltory.

Hamilton ClothingCo.
Men’s Pants


Lot 1—Cottonade. Pries way down
to close, 50c.
Lot 2—Pants for the worUngman—
Lot 3—Extra good—69c.

Men’s Pants

Two lots Wool Goods for $148 and
$2.45. sold ft-om $1.76 to $8.60to close.

Negligee Shirts
Handsome goods.

25 Per Cent. Discount.

See them.

She Our
Bsrpin Table.

■■■’■ 1

. -i

Jllen’s Underwear.
Lots to close cheap.

Flannel Blonses.
Ages 8 to 14—All wool, blacks, blues
and greys. Will close Ihe lot of
^^dSiirahle goods, broken sizes

Half Price.


Black Lang Slockings
Extra good for the money.

6 cents a pair.
All sizea

Gollon Waists and Blouses.
Will close the lot at

19 cents each.
Very cheap.

Children’s Pants. Broken eizes. Extra grood for the

19 cents.
We are clearing the decks for fall goods.
A good time to buy.

Hamilton ClathingCo.



TRjt Moun»o amoowD, satubdat,


adoubt so ibbs

Watch This Column For Bargains!
Fifty Ce;its SiVKSSVITLSf'.S’l.TFSSSir""
» rood one d»«M. also repair at tbori
Do Yoi fast I But? notiee.bol'd
CbUudeM wbatyoa cut (mto. WM

Mta WaUaoa—It sun odd ihat all
toe apu^jrotos here beau toausd

£ver Banted Oirt*^

Mr. Walieee Thu to dms heeauec
toe BFUiiud to a batter fighter wbeo at


Sw niTCOM pnrpoM at the Bible li
•d teMb n wfaM v - an to beUm ooawnibm Qod and\.'__; dntj Ood n>
of «• to t'w« 'ife. It U tnr
Mlf InfaimOo puw. It akM toUa
'<■ bov ws cu lire ao m to glori^ God

of tbo erifto tknren bj Um Mtoottoa
of toMtto It oM vbioh bM atttaetod
both to MlendfioolrdM »6A (nm toe seoenl pobUa
teto br Bwwto to the 'Ottoto off 8p».
dee.’ it bee been toiltel; develops
Mriee of toterectlu poblioeUooa bgr 8i>

Oh. tow note tor Iswi
b to eir •saAtmoo nU tlwltoy.
' Ibe Bible, to ecoomplito its hi«fa
jpni'Hoee. tnttat imnn—rily bo • prectical
book, end it to Bone of ite inodoal
piriiinre are pototed oat to toe topwal

- . •Hu’s Colie. Cbolera and Diar_____________
Maalstee. Mieb.. Aug. 1. lew.
rhoea Beoedy, and
an have tbe
one house cured: &<»• FrotecUre Aas-o.. Gaylord. Mich.
that hair
Prefeeeor Plalean of toe UniTcreity
For sale by 8 B Wall
Dear 8Uy-I received todavttotmgk
Best Flee Cent Cigu Made. TBBtitLBBSTCIUABOO.
Obent ftofeuor FIUmg baeerrired at
- T~"> diatriel mauager. W; B. Bardtoe oonoloewB tost toeeete are todiOer*
------------------------------------------------- iaeheek ef 8S0 0Q. in full
eni to toe ootore of tbe flowers they
my accident claim.

Tint, and that they are guided to tbea
■ M. UycDOX, Dratln, O *em Is ISsrtrlibsa ___
iner in which you ksve
have setUad with
to a Tety enborotnete way by sight
— Ima. I remain a member pf yoar aaam'
Tbe ezpe^enu on wbiob tbe Uelgton
GaoHS Baurtk.
ftrafeeeor baeu bis '
ItOl Vina street.
Mantotaa. Mieb.
■tons sre briefly tbeee: Beylng oorerod___.
sod M iu qnsUty of toi a v7. W. KIMBALL 00.. K. B. STBONQ. Manager.
toe farigbUy ooloted floweta cd single j >to Front street
dabltos to bit garden with bits of green I ---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------


FBTTBbtiT, «tl Monroe street. Weet Side.
OAHKBTT. Jewelr?

toek dealer of Pulaski, Ky..
-After suffering for over a week

Store. 117 Pronl street

V been tbrawn on I

1. The aUe ,pi'iru wiadent and an«'T<tam^ -nw
"nwa tonwrb Thy ooot.


1 .


■ •<\t* b_;!t 1.

me wimr than
1 bsvr mm under*


Tbe Bwt ftenady fhr Flux.
Mr. Joba Itotolas, a well known

s 5‘ cents-Smoke Cracker Jack CigMS-5 cents

O. P. CABTKBL. Agaat

The fay They Settle!

I eerieeof


Guard Chains

Hite Yu Tried Tie Kio!l)all?-S:W^'’<.X'':s,?*SSS 8.L7!!.a^S^'

Bicycle Riders.

i»tb,io™du».u.T«.,«iurtnt Soaps-12 Bars t<ir 25c

I line (irooerlea.
ad by tosectt This aremed an mocb at
^ ; uc-bers;
HIBAM OX>K. 8tu Orowry. S4S Front Btreei.
' I .
uiy moditaUcn.
moditatlon. ” Tbe varianoe with tbe generally received
. Btble aboro all gives practical wisdom.
tost insects am atlractod to flow*
pBotal wisdosn. It telis ns bow we nsay I •» chiefly by toetr color that Profenar
Bemamber that I dean kteds of rwqri^y nao toe tolcuu and opportunities . Pleteen insritnted a trolooged seriu of I
and Park streets.
and enameling, s*d that i-aan .<
«f life that oar lives may be a sooccm] *tperto>enu and obaerretionsto pnt tbe
the beat work of .'up-^
for etemity as well as time. It ttnehea ' ntatter still ftmber to toe proof. Tb«
mg Oonda
U and Unlo
«B bow to nmnbcroar days that we may w«l» bts been ra oonfinn and strength.
«» tbe vooclostons dnwn from the brst
pedal yourself.
experiments, (totting off toe bright
oolcrod eoroIUs of aoeb flowers
' K Of life as Will belia. evening primrose, foxglove, etc.. W*“>* ’’J.^erctablm Try onr 7Sc Tm. TBOBTELL d Od»A Palace Bakery, QHADUTr TDHKg^tteragst l«.^l
trtne and
uid shun
shun 1] —--------—------------he found toe romalolng
parts! corner Lnion and .to streets.
bad a nptn to praotiee Ttmie
- gmen
— --------

Bod Bods, Cloice CoDtectioDi


I Furniture Bargains;


Palace Bakery

Columbian Restaurant

. B. FLETCHER aerma first

----------------------------------dom or never visited by insects owing t
to the worlo for lie. Open all night.
■ray evU way. "! Lave ivfraiaod my ; to ‘heir lack of beney. Kotoble among ;. ,
. ........
fleet from every evil way. tost 1 tnigbt
is the i orlcc geraninni of onr gar*
isepThy word," Tbe Bible explains ; <»•»■ Bet when elitUe hooey was placed
to ns tbe mao nanuj at eviL it wans < ao geranigm Sowere bees came to them
1. Mild
otx», tooee blossens which bad no*
to toeae ways it leads ns to ielmin from (twedved boney being passed orer.
■vil. Itbuldsop before ns the beauty I
Md advantngm
a holy.
bedy. virtooQs
rirtnons life | to a siniiUr way with like rerolta Tbc
' tg toe honey bearTht 0al8bnt8d Bpwlflliflti.
thus again given ns an toocnlive fer
■voiding toe very appearance of evil tog parts of s flows and lesviqg tbc
Ve cannot keep Uod'awerd end engage brightly onlorad part, wbicb wu enp*
|» evil, and toerefore. If with the poaad to be ettreetive, was elm tried
mel^ we wish to keeptoeoomniBiid- wit': •>-e stogie dablia. Its toner florets
pBaita of God. like him alao w< r-.^vt were : amoved, toavtog tbe eoosplcnoM
oma esne, e piece of yellow leaf being
tofnto onr feet from e« .r; nil v.-uy.
.. 8. Tbe R’*''Yo i«' a .-’ude—"a buup on­ placed in tbe oentw. Ko toiecta wait
to • y i
ii, iu nrfo rjy luto." to toon boiKylea flowera fiot ae eooc
li ‘
«- '•■w V Lw and as a drop of nectar wu pleoed on then
. It I ni-' »os from sin to they visited toon as freely as before.
- frvL- t nsunrae and worldli- Ag^n. Profeseor Plateau msde ertlficid
flowers witb piecu of green leaf, each
s . ■ to lioil, tsorn earth to beavoL
lib aI litUe
- •
T'-<>'.;gald eeek «more and more to fmitood witb
■Mk toe Bible s practical book, by
On# Say Only laeb Kentb.
floiel flowi
.pBtttog into pnotioe '
Were neglected,
> wbeo supplkd
witb honey.
Consoltation bad BxBminatioii Free and Strictly
*'ln further support of bis views ProOonfldentiBL
Bible BradtogB.->D>mt vL «-9; feuor Plateau is able to bring forwani
toe following fwiU u to the habits cf|
toaects to visitiog flowers: They wiU
Sod. xli. IS. U: Luke xxiv, Sfi<S7. pass freely and evito apparrat indiffer­
.John V. 89: xv. lO-U; Acts xvii. 10. ence from one color to another of va­<4Bmb. sod Ma-roo* tK«»»»M,ClieT«a <8c Tlta»Dsoce).n«onlDcblUtr.8cn(Bls,akis
rieties of tbe une species growing to­
11: CoL i. 9-17; li Tim. iii- 14-17.
SPILEP9T OB PITS poiJtlTQly eand to s Dew ud fWT«r tsUlu fvnedj.
gether in onr gardens; they vlritagreat
Dr«.B S aCo.msk>-sai>felj>rirot sllhwwkof BaetsI Dtwswe. PUaa~lotstesl
number of green sod greenish colored asl. lieltios sad blaadioc. Bsetsl OWra. rtaanraa. riu(ils.-wbleh sra oTtea tskee f>
Ke«™b#r waeurasU ton------ * *“' —— The Bible wee writtot by inspired ' flow"*: toere ere many smsU and to- ssdLonaTnwbla.sUeiiwUIf kalta.
nrdweadoiifroei boatnwa.siiC witboBttba OM of
kalt esaaUe or IWstocc. (
Ben. but it was also writtoi Uigdy ! ooospiooons flowera which are also free•Dt of toe peraiual cxpurimcee <4 Uioee I ^ visited, goeb la a tirief ouUine of
fpor. This is a very Instroctivo fact. | Prof—ur Plataeo’aobeavatlotis and ex■nd it will tvquira a linl© thought to i
»» beUeves himeoffprl^froB oer wasbnmra. w« eso ffw I
■ee toe full foew- of it.
Bible is. to I *1* jortiflt'd to drawing toe conclnsioi
' avetygreat dcgit*. too rwsnd of toe , **»»
P>V* » very aabordiuale part
esperieneM of mcm nndv toe toflucuou : ^ altracktog insects to floaera Tbeir
<fl tbe spirit of God. and this is esM) con- * hiring on toe theory of tbe insect origin .-jHeCora.
^rwv winriwaoMlsIaueoiioD to dlflli-slt rsaaa aod to ea«M ottor _________________
toal reason wfay it is so prufliaLle f<» !«<
‘•obvious.”—London Tto»««- tslMtocurv.
Peraocas(>plrin« far ircstaaei will tOasacbrlustwoor tbrea oosem of ulna
doetrtoe and tvprocf and odUiai'inn. I
TboaTwha SR UDSblatorsU <-nn write fsU psnlciilsn
. That whiib cuika them is tot- iuu-iut ly.i
to riptwaa. with toll loatnirtlnoa bow W ba Ukra.
I tony, ecunl,....
but papa sayl
iatermting fact tost Cod uses tbeni, ''
■Ito«rnio»DR.R.B.aOo, WM ib<-or aontsd arrara)
* Wiih s enpitnl et
dasnd weU known.
irito ell tbeir iudiridnsl peculiaritica,
rather see me dead than mamed benea r-ie inke oocesneea It yoa VBploy ^sam. Tbay sra
and yotwito tocir oonimo- -=-■—’

ofl ”lnd*-e-edl Tour fstbsin is eridrat.
Deeds, as Bis epccdsl
; 1«e an—wbat you call—an ecoDomicale
wuntog and mercy to ton bnmxu t
petaona Be knows ae funeral cost not
Onriiinisiii idltli (LaptiNt>.
;sa much as ae wedding.”
; Plain Uaator
wu at tbe aeip Obeak
It wea after Stephen bod d-'livervd a
TravaraeOity MukeV
aiuon tost ent his Learm to elm heart
and made thorn gnato upas bim with
Below U a list of tbe baring and sell
OBo sooonl and caia bim out cd the diy inr. pH<ws of yeaterdsy for grooeriea.
I returafa
and stonu him to death that be.' being provisions and farm pr^neu to Tkwv
full (d the HolyGhiat. ksAed op stead- arse City;
eKLUSu rues.
I To parties «f fire or more a rite
tostly into> heaven, saw tbe gloty
cloty of
of ,
«»“«» t^p will
(tod. Miw Aohu Rtandinr at •*"'^4*1
jj, '
.8:40 a. w .
band of Oc:S. jua>.d Ju- iUs morduncs. j gbort Cut Pork..

•• Seahuwani
eommlUed bis spirit to Ood and fell ; Sbort Cut Pork per lb___
asleep—toe first Christian martyr.—I Flour, H L. 4 Co. beat..
Bxeuraiens Proa tbe Bontb on tbe
•• S.irthporl..
Ohriitian Bundstd.
! Bye Florr, H. L. 4 Oo, Bust...
O. & A L
” Korwood...
..1:IS ”
The G. R. 4 {. will have <
•• Charlevoix..
>. Best.........
Into TVave'-sc City ss follows:
After all and before all cLun-haa are '
•• Bay Vito
August S3 from points between Fort
for religion. It is. Lwaum* m.-u and
Wayne sno Grand Ksplds ioclusive.
■ ■ T Point____
Augutl 74lh from polsu un F. 4
WoiMan childrw of God tost too UotteTper
At. Hubor Bpriaga..
M. Ry. iDCIndisg Drirolt and Toledo.
(Aartoes oxwt, tost to»y nuiy nm.i. r.reamrry
Aegust S8to from poinu on Ann Ar­
nearar t« lacb oU«jr and come mnnv to Che,-w per lb ..........................
bor R. E . nil polata.
Going south daily exeept 8undsy.
Ood. Tboy fcxjrt toatev.ry cUiy liny OaU por bu (old I.....................
August :8tb from points os L. 8.
may go abMt to«ir business uiorv and Corn per bn., old.................
..7:00m m.
M. 8. By all poisu is southern Mich
. .7:08
mow iff accord with Hi?u. and thu life *^.'***®":
...7:15 ••
Any be not pL-Uvsudionall. Iiut tufinlt^ ^li per bbi............. .............
^^ngust tntb from poinu on O. R. 4
1. iu U.UII,.—,.
I. Ry. between Kichmond aod Fort
...flrttO ”
•• Wi^e*.'
•• Charlevoix.....
u Aegov fOtb from Pecna. piinte Cl
Brir lUiisMs.
MVi,»st. old. perbo................
•' Korwood.......
cinnsti. Itoyton. Hpringfleld. .\-nU.
Ho j* most ::;y f-i.uil who t«irbua me - WbeaU new, per. bn..............
.-.I*:.Hip. a
•• . Snrtbpnrt.....
Sep. Srd-7tb Pesue. point* lyoutsTiUc,
...l:tO ••
■elf relruUi.* iu.;l irlf r»flsjjou. ui the ■ rials. Ko. I. par bu- (new)..
*• Omeos..............
lodlsnvpells, Terre Hente. St. Louts.
last eluilyMe. Li r>
lai toosu laws Corn, per ho...J....................
“ Neabtavranu..
The first fire exeurelons tlckeU good
oer bo.hV<......................
Ar. Traverse Caty ..
am: i-rvi.-t-:;
for ten deys.
a is —ii.uito ,u.dhhhc«„.
Prom Ohio. Indaisaaod Peana. tick
pood SO daym.
I Potatoes, per bu
to hfwail.
C. E. Mubaat
...JUT,. ,Agent.
Going sooth drily ex-wpt Sunday.
■ Emijr,;
C. L. LoegwooD, U. P. 4 T. A.
Leave Ndrlhport. ...................**0 a. m
ih-totUpoflifc. It
Grand Rapid
Omens....-1..................... “
ii.~4.oya)sto spund k fifteen moatbs eld.
ItW,I'lil. —OJi-iiT.,
• Ratoten 0.«.A1
gave It sneta remedies ss are ususUy
but as nothing
, one cent per mile.
given Ir such
nve relief we sent for a physU-Un and
Slumber td. ^ to return October
• Bev. Timothy Ui'-sWdfi believu that it was under his care for a week
eUna is on thSA vc ni u grtai ivligioos Ibis time the child had been sick fl>r
aorkb dally except Snndsv.
Going aor
' Indiaaapliis. one fare for round trip,
about ten day* and was having shoot Leave Travel
gust 8th. return Anguto^to.
. tdki
A hutdJ for wurkingmen and plain sweuiy-five operations of the bowsis
LtoM Bsy..
jmople. wU n* a warm man is provided every twelve bouiw. and we were eon...8:15
to lb ante, ts atniiucteU by toe SsJvs- vipced that anleaa it soon obtained re­
Ar. Nortoport:...
Saratoga, one fare for round trip.
ttmi Army in BnsusL
Sell August 1st, good to return August
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
It IS aut<<d that u IVnd:<yteri:ty Snit- was recommended, and I derided to
lADd 00 years ogu tlien.- werv 70 Episco- trv iu I soon ontloed a change for too DaUy Monitoff BzeuratoBS
Toranto. Ontorto. one fare for round
^p.^ Sell Angut Mth. 85to, asd S7to,
' pal efauges Kow tism are kri.
better; by lu ooTtinoed use a complete
The An.lTl'.an nJjid (umiiiiib'a.' jg-n- core is per­
........................’are for 'round
pcse to (ftaUbsb an <^luincgt- nt Khsr- fectly beallbr —C b Booos. StumpSell Aivwttoi. good to ratara
town. Oilmeyco , W. Va. For aale by
pat, Terkar. wiib coniributinsis .tram & B. Wait, druggist.
summer Crescent returning to Trav- August tlsk
_ ywmg pitiide’s
•rsr Cltv at 10:45 a. m. 'This will give
Beduead ratea to other potott. Pbaas
Xveryonv has board of Lnvnq^ you a pheasant ride of 14 miles on tbe li C. E. Murray. Ageat.
. A ahcltor fv Uk wurldagmen of De­
(iR and can be made evwy morning.
C L. Lockwood. 0.1*. Atroit will be befit this winter by tbe
Ify«m wisbalongerri^the W will
firand 8^884
Balvuioi Amiy. .
land yon at l>m«ns or Korthport whera
There are retorted to be 100 Ghristkm
papor ready cut. It kills
Paris OrasB—Tbc para sUff. Ho
aMflettes to tbe BrUast diabdwvnrr a«to
------------------------------------^»««4taaoaaka*a »t Writ’s
adalleratkma.»8eeDU a nonud tofl
at 4.00 p, m.
beep ad
tttot. Iretoad.
Ifa Drug flton.
After»omi a*cotetoaa trtm Ttv
t Waifi

I' .M


Hotel Whiting

^ WEDNESDir,iUG.24,l898.



To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men


Lock Box leo.

TraftTK Baj Line orSteiiner8.|22:.S.'«

voricBtoek.____________________________ don Riding, at north and ^ Oatoa
T A. THOMPSON. M. O OBm to HemlNxsi '


TTlkAlXKD xmaa—MIm towlle DflieaBb. a '•

X grsCgueaf toe CslvmitjBasplUl. Am
Attoe. Wiu RMOOS te calD (ee oerolsg. SI
a Mbc
— '■


John R. Santo.
Geaeral iBSoraict.
erarsburg aiodk.

T OWT-Om W»ek ktl'en, —»t4«e
Xj rtbUn sbest li>e*e^Tb« ri>>>

will toiosle tor e ^7 toe cTCrlAkUc; frailtod* oC toe owner.

Grud Bipldi t iDdlui I. R


■ay klsCof aael' sed reurnSaev tt sxala la
ln« A noBTof. Tbe eotSt I* rood am ocw
wblrbroalSn:wlU*eUf<wai<«to. AIbi«^
f'>r kome oar. EtMielR of M. 4 TalBkn, doe
t'ataasIrefd.TraeRwClty. dOT-tf

■ fifBSI 8BCI MB
aeasaa aaaa sae

Gesad R

^]^AXTTO-Olr1 ^fer
' --MSeWeetSwmtoMR^
TTTAJma>-By Oelotor. El*bt raoai bwoac
W wlib eooeealMRW. oa bAI SUe. sad
WMtoftbrCr B.Ot.Irark. Bwafl tsaUy. ASdrto.L.Bo»y.TraTwra*OHy. ______ «0I^

hsaJle.^r^M wUI be RwsrUed by t^nlag


eSBB B 8
•ass « a
flSBZ fl e

■ areekad Btosdy kllustk

*=s= = -

aaoBB s

• paid, itoe W P.

'Cn.'RXtSSED/iioollfl.-PlraMMii fMB*
f rmt—on* fiSiDt ROW OA^er^fleor.


llm' pin. •
rr will eea

hrtVaeini; at toe Rl

XV VpkllaaU. Klebiraa. 'or ■*


UjroKRT TO LOAR Oa aopn
■m. A-1dme Lw^k Bor UC. 1
Laewra a. Wood. SO-U



fsr-SL'—-fS?: nSlr^S£rfiSS7.S?;r«3;

_ WOKEK waouar----------------------SBd
re^^o'rasuui Beret. TiueeraeCUy**^ ‘
XA Trarene Olty l.BBtorCo.

Dwiwl^rd Oraad


____ c.a. dnuuT.Axvc
0. ULOoffirooD a. p. a r A..brsad RasUs.

Ts lake sS^Bas^, Abbs •- MPT,

Mot'ee to Tax Payera.


I w 111 to In By nfllre oa Bad s«erJo1y»to, OesksmB
lim. (nrihe punewtof eollmlaff tbe arlwal OaakBBS.
aod rity (*>ra aii<l kpeelal soa-k-B-nU teeted OaeSSBS
la ihe eUy lot the pi-Noai C*eol year.
s—:----------on-e boura (roB * o'rlork to II 3>o'rlork S.
B.Bad TroB lo'rlork U> 4 0'rlo. k p m -aodoe
Taeadat and PridAy of esrb woah (rea T
u- ■ e'einrk
On all tair* I«ld brloR SepirBber let, Ifto,
Ibe » a III to ourhBrs* l"t rollaeilra. bat for
all taiea H-BSlalor u-paid Hoatoabrr l«.

$80 00 Reward
ntoue (roa tbr oare of Dr. R
drati-t. 08 HMerdsy aicbt, Auxa*
■oner rsrb.
Oar elsbl an w book at
'■Beoa Etwv.
oeo BolsT sold eRwe.

fold Ivri with Itatm

IMItwlBlS isoto Bl

Otw lietdre of.
Oac coid bmai fur Mroared
fOOeldbi dwta of rrowa mid
Two rold bBDdk tor euat^ or



<Msr Biss.V. *■

eopeny. »-‘U pjy es ^
elFtlOB oltoepony.


Hotioe to Ooauacton afld Bnildeta.

buaimee Si


la to. etUsm of BlnmJay »r<wtdlw to apo-<«aoUoaa oa fUe at toa dirertor'a oOra will
......... aB «—in ntmi. IriafinlifT I irRH.Tbiiarhani
moeree toeruVl Vo rriiwt any or ail Osdkjysiet..

•T— enmt by as ef Ostksws iaaetla^
rlaa wbo aador- «hoa«o si,AaseUes toW^a.

L‘L'f3.'SlS-«K“‘’ -•i ...
J. w. oA-rarum ,

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