The Morning Record, April 30, 1898

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The Morning Record, April 30, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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0» TRB 0»TT.



7o«r Biff OraiMn and Thraa Torpado Boat Daotroyan Left
the Capo Varda lalanda Tastarday
Baadad for Oaba.

^(^mmandar Sohlay Baa BeoalTaci HU SalUnff Ordera—Tha
Olty of FarU Daa Today Bat Hot
Tat Hoard From.

wiLi, oovrnrvs Bonauiiro.

WmUlartob. April M._It U reported ▲dmlral.Baffipaen Eaa PoRBlaoloa u
IhAt rellew fever hu eppiered ia Ue Baaoee KlaarOobaa rertifieatlona.
Waablartea, April M.—ft ia reported
•orth eV AUeette Sqeadroa ud teet
the eerrMiM hare eekW for eteUteBoe. that arden hare beoa laeaed te AdBlral SaBpooD to rednae all Blaer forWMliliirteo. April B9.—OoBBedore tlllaaUwe oa Ue norU eeoat of Ceba.
Dewey pf the tl. 8. Aeletie equdroa After Ue boBbardBoat of Mate
kM becB ordered te bloekede. net to
I U> eoBtlaae Ue
Bbell,U»DUe, the coital of the Pbilli- work at other polnte aad Ue deparV
Beat rraated hie reqoaataxeapt aa te
beary ahore batteriee, whleb Blfkl diatbe preeeat at Fortreea Mearoe.
able warmhlpa eraa'by ehaaoa abet,
Tbe mUttla oader Oeaetel Uilee are
rapidly pettlar ready for aa acrr«Mlre .merieaae Inpartor la Srery Way.

1 3-4c for Double Roll.


290 FroDt Slrpet

EoU«y & Oonnsbls


Are all right in their way. but they can never take
theplaceof a U ARilMPir'l/’l^uilt for two. If
you prefer the
Hammock buy at

Key 'WMt. April »-The enperiarltapalnThe Aozillar}' Coaet Oaard erataen ty of Ur Amerieaa warmhlpa, Ue eoolef Ue offleeio aad Ue aea waa
ere belar Baaaed by the otval foeerree
aaetrmted mt Ue Uateaaaa boaitofOardeoaeWaea raka-IKiohicaa Varal Beaerrae '
xreral etete*.


Will Start Ibr Cuba Whea They Board the Taaamlte They BeoalTod a

Detroit. April ».-The Mleblraai
The Sew Ydrb't t
tery worked
• ordered te proceed !
OaatlBaad OeaUoB Oa SosUward Journey—Haral AatUe at Ue Fhillp. Karaliyat
I perfectly..--She oodld hare ateaaied
plaaa Kay Hart Takea Blaoe Taetard^ Bat Howe Oemoa Slowly rrom at oace teCaba/» board tbe^oaei'** ^ ' pact Ue fertifleaUea aaalded late MaThe Fourth rwriment refnaea toeerre
That Polat—rtaparauoaa for Aataal HoauUUae Are Oampleted.
taasaa.-' Iha eely daByer wae from
uodar Celoael Oardeer.
•peetalwrut Hoaau ■ Rtooau.
Ue Blaae.
o to'Boaa. Hareelllee and Braet.
WaahlarteD. April SO.—A pneltire
AdrUee frme Ue fleet eay aot a
Tbo Eroatar
ie Bade here'M>«Cat Ue eiayle abet wae flred all day yeaCerday.
■apriaua 8t. vieNewt Uiia
SboBid U traoaplre that Ue Bpaaieh j
1 U la hardly p*BiWe | «Waet Beetlnr today ao «ebtlea )wa,
oaat dlapateh te Ue effect that Ue
Leeter OeUaaa, fermerly bell boy at
e of Hawallaa aDD'zatioVSIUer Ue Park Plaoe. aoy baloarloy te Ue
Belay aoed more aad more. Aa ooea. aa one
Spaaiah eralaarm Marie Tbereaa. Almi- Uatahe wUI permit Ue 1
wooaaa oaea a New Idea Pattern aba telb her
WlaeoaelB Natioeal Ooartia. etatleaed
Taaw Ottaaada. Vlaeaya aad ChrMtehal erer her cable te Hear K«»»- Thwe- j
of leytalavioo.
trlenda ef ite menu.
at Teetah. waa called oat «Hb bia eoBColM aad terpada beat deetre
tore a
paay Tbaraday te ^ to Hllwaakae.
U; Etjte «ly ID catiL
PlatOB, Terror aad Paror teUed la a pOrtwiU tee tidiaca.,
patch eaye the Spaabh yoreraateat I They are awalUay ^era w ye to
weeterly dlrectlA at lo o'cloek.
will expel aU Catted Htetea eltlaeaa
Reliable Diy Goods, Carpet
ward Oaba. ‘Ihe.dlapabU Beaaa that OTATXOH TO VATAl. BBSBBTBA
fr«B Spain.
Bhoold yen mrlah to laprero the
and Clothing Hoiue.
the whale cffeeUre foree haa
Quality of your bread, oae Oalabrated
■lehlyaa Bey* Oreeted Wltk Stenu
Waehlaytea. April ?9.—The yerera- Teaat Voam. Netbiay like It far
dnclDy a liyht, awaet. aatritiona
Beat baa deeided to eatabliU eeaaor- of
bread. It will reteta itt Bail
8l Vtaeeat. Cape dc Verde Itlaada. Spedal to Tn Moarire OaroBD.
BOtty flaror leayrr Uaa b
April »(>.—TwoSpaatoh'trma^erte hare, Detroit, April
Alter waltlaf Im- Ulp orar BaTopeea dlepateheo. Cipher and
raiaed with aay oUer yaart erar pat
upon Ue Bterket. Try It
'rataraed here, UeSaa Praoelaeo aad patieotly for four day* the reeerree
the Cioda de Cadis, aad Ue Spaa- left Ue Buh atreetat I:1S Ula MeraBony Koay, April re.-The Baake
eumlne the good worit
iah torpedo boate. Ue Asor Bayo aad lay upoB a Lake Shore apeeial trala here bare aeat a eteaBer to Maaila to
Afiete, owiac te a oolliakie. ' The beoad for Norfolk, Va.
All of Ue briny away the apdele Uere.
Spaaiarda elalB Ue beau will be boye were ia yood eplriu aad aaeetod !
Baahoa Ayrea. April tw.—The Aryenready lo aaU afaie teaaorrow.
happier Uaa Ueoe who were left betine republic will pabibh a decree of
Waakiaffldh. April
The aej^ty biad oa Ue tralaiay Ulp YaaUe. The aeattality bat will reeerro abeolate
„ aaral oflioere bare feel eeoMeatj«™‘»
liberty reyardtay coal.
that the BpaalU fleet vrlll appear at,
WaUlnyteB. April $«.—Heaater liortSa Oaaarlaa aad perhape reaala Uere
yanafleld. Ohio. April ry.-A Ub afteraoea realyaed Ue ehalra Use. estay Ub aa a i
Maned ovatloa yreeted ibe train bearbaab. The lateaded rblf-of Ue eoa- lay the Hbhiyaa aaral reaarvea paaa- aaaablp of Ue dcBoaratlc eaaena la
rerted AaMricaa liaerm may haatea the lay Uronyb Ohio oa Ue PeaBaylraab favor of Baoalor Torpla.

j Gig Lot Row Pattetns Just Received.

every day
that goes by





Wheel Enameled For S2.5G

The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at


raiora home of Ue Cape Verde eqeadroa. which eoiaprbaa abeat all Ue reeaeb powerfal enooyk to atteU a ablp
of the St PanlelaB. '

railroad. At Toledo Ueoaaada aebland Lake. April SU.—ThrlHlehlyaa
aeapied aad ladlea btaQyht botheb ef aoldletm are driliiarveaByeUcally at
flownm. Dinner waa
Oaap Baton. Wbaa Ue auBlealioD
trala reaebaa Norfolk Uaorrow a:
takea place it b ezpeeted that more
Uaa tea per oeaL will fall ia Ue phyaOUBAV IVFAStOH AT KAVD.
ieal teau. The aea are doiay well
yPrey^UeaaforHoa. aad Ua healU of Ue camp b yood.
Oedere Baoeired Teotorday by Oobr. Ho^Bpbte.
Baador Sohlay—Buppeaed X>aMly toer aea bviay in Ue hoapital.
parture to Hoot Bpaalarda.
It b arpected Uat Ue traopa wUl move
Mblaytoa. AprU t».—All of Ua
•pedal toTai Koaina Btraao.
sward ia about tea daya.
aratioBa tor aetaal boaUlltloa have
How York. April *».-Ab old Print
Cmton dbpatU te Ue Teleyram eaye boao.ooBplated by tba aray aad nary
CoBBaader Babley of the flylny aqoad- departmeata. The army af iavaaioa
roa raoeieed ordara te aall today. It b wilt probably laod at Hataasai upoa Praaidaat XoXlalay WiU Baooyalaa
ladapaadaaoa of Cuba.
nadoimteod be ^ wiU Ue aqaadroa Baaday or Moaday.
UiwpikI u> Tut Ho.viuc lUuviiB.
te Boat the Bpaabb float-BOW on >U
WaahiayUB. April tv —It b now
way over trmm the Cape Verda blaad^ WAS HOT OOVBT KABTIALBD
nated that Prealdeot McKblay wUl
That Allayed Bpaobh Spy b Only a
It waa Hot Ua Parta.
roeoyaba the IpdepeadeBea ef Cuba aa
Demeated Kaa.
. aperUlloTarMarmlaaBerorC
aoed aa the Spaaiarda have been dr
Ballfax, AprU n.—A larya ateamer aprcIvlJoTHr Hoaviv.. BKOKii
New York, April »».—The eeaaaUeal eff Ua bland
waa alyhted eamlny late port teai^.
tat hbe prevea not to be Ua Parb, aa report rcyardlay a Spaabrd oa Ue
Moailor Pnritea. allayed te hare been
Brat reported.
U>Tui M<.
eoarl-Bartbled aad aeateaead lo death,
Lbbaa. April t«. —Portiural'a aautralb whdlly uatrua. The facta Uow that
ity daorea which waa publbbed today IF YOU WANT
Ur aaa UdeBcated and bad no teela.
farblda the equIpBaat ef privateer* la
t Aa Ahwaa vylayadoerleadiny te Ua
aolutely Falae la Brery
lyeae water* and forbid* tradlay
Boyaxlae. Ha la oeaflaed for the prat- ^
ia eeatrabaad ef war. 8h* allow* the
eat bat aot eba^ye b made ayalatl
a$ecUl to Tr« KoBiiiiig Bacoaa
bclllytreata only a abort *tey In ParUhim-'
WaablaytoB, Apjfl »9.—There waa
yeae porta. Th* deparloro of
BO flyhl at CArdana* or boBbardBaat
Spaabh aquadroa from Ue Capa Verde
of Ue town or forilfleatlo'aa. The atory
blende ahewa Uat aha mean* to aW
b aWotely falae Id every deteU. That b Ua Story la Sp«iB Beyardlay
aerve aalriet aanirmlity
Beabardmaat of »«♦—«t
There are no traiterm ea iba Puriteh,
■artel laTei MoBVIiu asrous.
Madrid. Apri^ K.-A Tba Bpaabh BorriMe Coadltloai of DteUtu
apwiel u. T« Mown*, kaouite.
Biabter of war Oeoeral Correa kaa
Kiayatea. Jaaacb. AprU M.—A
Bteaaaer from Saatbyo de Cuba, reBapatAed Battte at Ue Phlilpplaea aU •awayoadaadbad. He oald Uat
porta a horrible eeadiUea Im Baatiayo.
Kay Hare Takea Plaoe Teeurday
aaa kiUed only a aula at MaataaBeaetfber 1 hare a foil liae of J
The popolaea b atarrlay. Ua provi
ele Snndriea and Bepalra. I abe have
—Howe SoBaa Slow Prom Thera.
Ba abo aaldUa
havlay all boos eoaSaUtad forlbe aee pleaty ef workaeo to de yoor work
taaiial UTBBHaaaiira Eaobaa.
vmaead darlay the boa
proanUy. I yearmutee all werk to be
WaohlaytOB. April tu.—Aoeordlay to
Ue beet aad Ue ieweet in priea. 1
The Spaabh lo the elty.
build wheeU toor^. Upy an btaut•Oebl ealeaUUta Bear Adalral Dew.
people are dbhoarteaod bet oKciab
lea. Chll aad aaa Uam.
ey b ^aeatMaaUa Batarday at
are eadeaveriny te teaplre aaUtwi
Soraoiad tba Sulpbor Xarket.
o'clock, whbh
b Friday i
The SgoaUh arm Mrmd ef Ue Caba epsctel u ta* Moasm* aa<M».
WaUlaytoa Mae. It b balleved tharw
trouble aad Ua burduM K war.
Mew Torit. April te.-Aa BayUah
fere that the AabUe aquadrm baa alBimalayofaU ktada. Ureataltanbed,
WAB HBWS WnX BB SOABOB ayadbate haa cornered Ue aalpht
eayptyla OlcHyuM Ua priaa-ef-yw
troa Ua PbUlKslaea • >aa^al
powder wm rba aoaa. The priaa ef aateed
Whaab arid oo eoey payaaata. BbyThere will bawMa, ptal My; be
brlBiteaehaa daabled, aad aUtpetra. eloe aad TaadaoM te raat at ill Uaiaa
lOBorrow. Thara.wUl ba yroat eaa- 8|wetel uTu> Ho*>ii* avaaB.
.aet ba bonyhL
potaa MU aawa al Ua battle taaehea
WaUiayteB. April H.-GeaeralSbafWalbiayteB.
tor.bavaa far New OrlaoM toalyht
<bbte eeBaanbaUM <na MaaUa b
Owtayto Ua iapaaittaaa pfMUpad wetial teToi Heanaa Bacoan.
by way el BoUalo to Hooy Keay, by aartala ^oorraanoadoath SaoPtery
At 6:10 tethowe threayb Itala aad aerow Ua Alyar hu^ad aa order that bo la- alyht the hooee paaad tba Dliwby
AnMaa aaa teUdoA «p «ka Bad ami to, feraaMoa b te be yiroa the iraa oa
t aatataMU. The Miate win aet
S—.aodUaaaathfaayhtha Medlter- : aay aabjeot oaaeoralay the war.

Hardware. 146 Front St ,


Milk Shake. Sott-Oriaka


213 Front St.

The Right Kind

Ja Oat________

y aad Tobooee Store. Give

Be a ealL Toure truly.


BalMiaere Steek Beoeived Three Tiowe a Haoh
otiQta. SOe per quart
StandorUa, 80c par quart
blid Meato.

Fletcher's OysteLllepet and Restaaraii

Zf you are golnff to msks ffs^en do not fkU to sse our
complste stock of Flowsr, Osrdan uid Fiold


New and Pleasing.

SatisfactniT and Sensible.

In pBoksgo or bnlk.


248 FroBC Street



Alfred V. Friedrich shirt waists
Summer Capes

The Papular Siiee Reese.



EnamellBg and Deearating
la tha Latast Strlas.


eiik aim to ilOn Is i
Our Shirt Waists

Are of handsome Percales. Imported Ginghams and Silks,
sod cannot be surpassed in style or fit -

Shirt Waists from................. ...........S5oup
Our Capes arid Ja^ts

Are moving at a rslpid rate. A double Csm, iour rows of
braid, for 58c. An extra long doable Cape, 3 rows of
braid, nice doth, $1.98. A handsome line of dainty
Silk and Chiffon Capes from fl.SO'ap
We are headquarters for Wool, Silk and Linen Skirts.

Shoe Department-Special.
First auality $6.00 Hip Subber Sporting Boot
for $8.46.
Kimball Piaias aid Orgais
It Fictory PriMs.
i.E.snac,ir. bfibb.: nOTtstr..t.



warn Moumro bboobd.




FOR ONLY $2.50

ifet TatoMay wd Aptaad to Aa
AdTaaoe U Bri«A
Yeetotday alMiwooa Ua local seat |
Market aea g*t lopeUar aad dUWai oltoD it UiorootcblT, true the wheelA (rive any ^lor ornaeaaaed tte adraaeca ia prMrialoai aad
m«Btot work yon wiah, enamel or vamiah yonr rime for above price.
Maau aad apread to ralae the prleee
Call and MM aamplr
bare ia Ua city. Tha oaly ooeaot repWe also Bn:
reaeatSa' at Ua meetlap waa A. B.
.ter Ue
ter melerlil'ufw
i^’J^’tbe dt?"iltvr^»vOTi
y«Ari’ expenonoe and goarantee aatiafariios.
eoMblaatieo. Tboee wbe apreed
Pleaae 4jive na a trial.
adraaee the prieae of moaU are: Freak
BLLIB. 311 Front at, BapI.
Stepan. Geor^QwaUlat. J. W. Sitema.
P. Gore. Beaiy A SuUiraa. Jpe Nixbaaar.^ba Urbaa. UearpeCkilda, Pattertoa A Curry aad Praak Breach A
Tka adraaoed prieea wiU pe late
effect Hoaday aad are aa foUewa: Lola
aad perterbenae ateaka. U oeata; reuud
ateqk.ltS; rlbroaat. US:<ebnckroaat.
JO: plate ate briaket, 07;
ateak. 14; muttoa roaat. ISS; laottoa i
atew. oe; real ateak, 14: real roaal.
vist 0^ mtTtditu tAuA
ISS: real atew. 08: lard. 10: alloed
re Vazt WeekkaiB. U; allued baeea. i:; bolopma. 10;
ArraageaeaU are la propraaa where­
tAfvbaiAucVtVxto fl&ve ATt
aV \Qt.
frankforu, US; aalt park. oT aad 08:
drird beef. St: pwk ateak, 10; perk by Oa B P Culob«Mia of Oraad BapIdi, ii to appear here tha leal of aezl
reaat, 10; pork ekaati. 08.
W M Wi be^oTt
week uader Ue auvpleee of tbe BaoMr. aad Mra. Wblttoa. who reiidc aak Bidee la bte faman lecture oa
«aa ^S\ori \o ^VvTo® ttuto ava) aa& W4
a'rar Soloo. welcomed yaaterday after- Cuba. Ue Cnlted SUtea navy, eaaii de
aoMi a rlrl.
feeaea aad forUfieaUeaa Ueaeral
CuMbcoo la'» vetema of tha late war,
Ooiug Out of the Photopraphle Bla aa cz coBpreaaaaB aad waa far a long
Pur the laat flve year* I kaTf eojoyrd
Ue liberal paVroaapeaf Ue Uueca Uty.
durieg which ticae it haa btea ay ala
to cater U Ibe ideal of ay dlffereat pa"MIIWaVa
troaa. To plaaae all haa bean my ala.
aad Id doing ao have beeu amply re­ to laetruet aad cotertela npoa the moat
paid. net only from a flaanclal view, but
have bad tbe plaaaure of apeiag ay
Aaerlena people. The leetare wHI be
bnilaea pradually oa UWderem.
excln-1 ij
in Ue nhotograpkic
.kic hae
alvely. but in oUar braoebe^f por­ Tbe date haa not been flxed. bnl will
trait work and fraalag, aht have
reached the point wlUont any alteraa- probably be Ue letter part ot next
Uve of aakidk os? ekolee of portmtl week.
work or pkokigrapby. £ii
Bitber breach
Hie HeUer le Dead.
mjuirm ay whole atteatii
Ohlcaco H|^kM.
The Bev. C. T. Slont received a teleJantlce. therefore 1 have decided to
abandon pbotegmphy. bat eviure
Chleago. AprU
graa Thataday evkalag aaaoaaelag kateiac Hext Tuaaday Bteaisg ta
ing Ue old rut which 1 have followed Ue deaU of hla aoUar at Oak Park, a
gito: JMy. VSttn Sepiembar, g|)ie:
December, *lc.
for upwarda ef SO yeare. will place be­
rb af Chicago, aad left yesterday
fore tbe pabllc a few iuducaaenU
There will be a meeting of Ua We^uewhich I know will be appreciated and raeraiag for Chicage. Be wUl retara teag club at ibeclab hoaae Taaaday
takeu advaaiape of: Pint, pleaae note, Monday aooa. The raoralag aarriea
it will ba ray ala to heap ray work at and Saaday school wUl be held ae aveaiag. May 3rd. at t e'eloek. fee Ue
par. if net above Ue bigh raark. reparpeee of eleetlag ofieen for Ua year
gariUeM of aay ledBearaaBiB whatever, neuai at Oraee church oa Saaday ate IHM. A fall atlaadtote ef aaabera
oalog Ue beet of raateriale and taklag ooaflraattea by Bishop Ulllaapie oa b tosired.
Baptda. April t«.-Wheal.
Ue aaae palaa to pleaae all Bariag Monday evralag.
B. W. CrxxDioKAM. 8aeT.
agala aeeured tke balp ef Hr SraiU.
aa expert flaukar, wltl ba able to get
Detrplt Brae Pnaa ar IbfbaM d»Aaothte Oailt lor Braaka.
Loo SoloM WlU laava tor Ugcalar, livarad far lOe per waU.
.11 work ont
out pproapUy.
After Ue ragnlar review ef Travene lad., today aha a Artead of keraea
BaglaalBg May Sad.
_ aad for Ue folg07-tf .
swing M daya only,
oaly. the plaa of ay
a^ City Teat. Na STl. K.O. T. M.. laat
work aad ladaesaeaU will ba pa^ eveatag. a Mcial daaea waa iteal^
llshed ia toaorroWa laea. book UeM la. During Us oveaiag a eraxy qailt
over earefally a*d If yon take advaaUgn do ae at aa early date, aa Ue last waa rafiad. Ckarlta Praake haM Ue
lucky naaber. LIgbt rafraahaeata
daya always esd la a reah.
■ow te Ue ladaoaraeats
Our prices far oeblaela have bees
•urpriad Ua flteva.
gl 80. gs aad g3 per deaea; aow with
each doxea of g3 cablaets we wUl give
Tbnreday eveaiog about twenty ^
•ae extra beauUfally tlated photo la Ue frieade ef Mbs Ida Stover gave ba
water colors, aonuted npoa a very 1
eurprlae at bar boae. three
8x10 ard.Ueeaatc style ae U sold
gl la Ue cKy. With each dozen for gl aad a half milee WMt of tetra. Gaara
will be given oee extra ablaet. a reg- ate refreabaeau helped every oae paaa
alar size, and beautifully
Illy tinted. Cab­ a plraaant.rveBlDg.
er dozen
iaeu Uat have been gl :
"bt large
will BOW ba Bade
card BtylM on square cards, loneerly
Doc tax lloeasM for Ue aatelB
made at gs. will
aow be gl.M. and the cal year aredu* Hay UV !««*.

saall card
gl Instead of il SS per doz ble at City Clerk's offlee.
We have’ other
qtke stylm at reduced rates
All picturM
in Ue plstlno or
pictnrea finised
•s except Ue gl ts eabteets. which
twe beat playa—-Tka Qladiater" aad Will be la gloM oely Also if yon wbh | Dr. X. Tos Stolaka will be la Ue city
-DaMaa aad FyUlaa"—te Ue TrarerM aay pbotes flDlahed from Ua old nags-; Friday, Saturday aad Monday te atglee
a frMcoa■AtiMhl Oolare ia Baattap Hare Ad- aty’ public Ue ImW part of May. tlves, BOW is your tame: flabbed at Uc . tend to patteau and will .
aad advice te Usee aaeklag it
ia a Botobla attraeUaa.
vaaeedlOOBarOaat ia'Trloe.
whether rich or peer.
-DarkMt Aaertca." brighter, bigkplBr ahaws to a preat exteal by Ua gar aad better than ever.. wlU be in
At^Uy of tha aatteual eolora. Sa preat' Travarae City aooa.
tea haaa Ua danaad far Ui^ baatliip
A' iargs aad aeleel andteaea anjeysd regolar prieea of Usm are .
flapi that tteaupply la Ua tearkaU
the eoaeart givea in StaiabergS Uraad Beaieaber Uis wUl be ocr work after
WauU eaeae eue to bang Ue paper
tea baaa alaiaat aaliraly axhaaated.
last Bight by Ua Qaesa City qaartet, Jobs WU. Uereforc we will not alight who will not disappoint elUer In the
They bava adeaaead ta prlea 100 par
the work, bnt give you Ua bMt rMults workmaaablp or the Uaa beproabee
oaatwlUU Ua pMt twa waekt. Paall- aaaiated by Leoa F. Titaa aad Mua for Ue money, and will be made at the to come. ThaVeae.
Crawiard. nadar Ue aaepkae ef Us regular pries any tiar after Jose Mtb.
m flapa are ia preat dateuad ia UU
you aot
1 - - ,......................
d you_
_ ___
olty aad Baay Urpc aaea hare baaa Ledies Aid eeelety of Ue Caagr^ttea- auiu voa. we will make oee litting: ,
alehnrch. Tha eeleeUeae leadered by
•old. Baaidea UU ataay ordara (or
Us quartet were ia line wlU Us well
As te fruaaa, we are jnst adding a
krpe flapa wlU hara to reteaia aaflUad
kaawB exeelleaee of Ue eatertalaaeat flae aaortasut which will be aeld at a
tor which Uey are noted aad Ue reed- very lew flrure raagiug from 7S oeau
lags by Mr. Titua were eapeeiallr ■pwards Will ba plMsed to have you
elevsr and Uoronghly appreeiaud.
<017 U tha ThlaatateU-Hynu OaM CoatlBuad wpplaaae teatified to Ue
aerits of the.eatertalaaeot.
Oaold Hot Aprae.
1 South fulan Street.
Tbe Harbeur ThMM Co. which
Tha jury U t^ eaaa af Bebaeea YalOitelD ri. B. Bymaa. ia Ue.oaae comm te Steinberg's Grand next Moatriad la Ue Ctreatl eoort. raatelaad oat da> erealag. 1« a flrst-eiaas papular
aU aipht Wadaaaday alpht aad eaa>e priced attractioB, preeeatlag a ra
ia yaaterday aonte oaable te apraa. tote of farce ooaedlea la a faolUea
The attaobaeat eaaa ot Joha 3 ■anaer. Every penoa le the cast b a
Twaddle aad llaa. B. Oaa ei. Joha A. gaod actor, haring base achoolad la
daekaaa U oa trial aaw.
aetropqliten Ueatfea The opaaing
Mil. -A tlbearfnl LiaK^ b a ataadard
pUy tall of atarUlag aitaathas ate
C. D. Keayoa U baildlap Awe aat- aparkUag. ap to date dialogde. Next
tapa oo Uaioo alraal.
week prealBM te be eaa of iatarat
Hal Dally U boUdUp aa additUo to pleasora. Sacta will be oa ale at Ue
hU booaa OB TenU atraat.
bozeffleeat the Uraad.Ub amlag.
Bat. J. BurdcaofBear Uka. waa a AdabaloB tec. Ste aad lOe. Oae U^y
Travane City vUiter yaaterday.
Snpportbd toy
fra Monday evealag WiU each perwa
WiU Qermalaa left tar Ohtepo yaa- haldlag a p^ tee ticket.
Mrday after a earlaad of '
>—Mt-eo BMh «« lataniM to toa
IfOMa'a «tab.
oadlap Ua npalar ptopiaai at Ua
WMaab Olab yaatarday waa Ua MtCbm. t. Basw *vn 3. W. Haz». terofUapTopTateforUeoatalmpyear.
It waa voted u daeote tba flrat bait of
UayaarteUaBUdyotBaeaUa hUtory
aad tte ramaiadar to Fraaeh hUtery.
Tba pr««iaa ia oharpa of Mra. M. B.
Oataa waa laUwdaoad by a plaaalap
pUaa aole by MUa Qraoa tVUbala.
A Iterraphleai akelch ot CaUartaa af
«M Mtt.
BbbU waa ably pirea by Mra J. C
Motpaa. She braopht aai UaatraapU
•f character of Ue preat BoaaUa Bmpreaa. aad Uowed Ue Uflueaee aa the
•i M tb* 7MUa«« •( TT«t«
lUch.. M tMMd CteM aftlWI
Mite Nettie C Gray pare a flaa papv
ea Ue caneM aad ooaaeqoeaoeB of the
Olteeaa War. U which ehe dwelt npaa
4«p»rtBeal la Ue CaWa CMnaalfB l» UelaeldenU of Ue terribU auupgta
•oaneadabla ud wribj •i adaira- aad epoke at learth opoa Ita reanlta. aa
tlpa. Our BhTal wamaadari
broaphloalla Ue famaaa Treaty af
it ef baea farteJirbt a* wall ai tklll Paka, which laoludea quaatioae laealrbravary. Tko» far It U Uowa ad la Ua preaeut war.
that whea aa object eaa U an«aA deliphtfnl roeal >a1o waa pirea by
pllakad without oaBeoeMary daafer at Mra A. B. HolUday. with pUao
loM of Ufa It ie ikua falaed. Ba'
eaBspaaiBDeat by Miae Crawferd-'
oUrkt hara baaa boabardad. rad
Aa latereatinp paper oa Alexaadw
aad occupied loar
knt ereaU are
aad tbe eataaclpatiaa of Ue eerfa i
haclBBlaf ta ehow Uat the praapect of pirea by Mr*. M. B. Oatea. She told of
•tarratlaa .will facilitate tha curreader Ue priratioae Ue larfa were eaHed
•( the Spaaiak arajr la that city with­ apea to eater pad pare a brief akelch
out tka waata of aalaabla anmaalUoa. of tka life of Alexaadar, aad fcU proel7 tka Spaaiak aaaal boatmaadera do UmaUoB ot freedote which waa araeap
Ue causea leadlap to Ue erpanliatloB
■ot make a better aneoeaa af ataaeararofUeNlhlUta.
lar Ueir abipa la aeiioa thaa they did
A paper oa Ue preaeal ecar, by Mra.
jeatarda.r ia laarlar the Cape Verde
K. Puller
lalaada. they will aot.Maka maeb of a
teld of bUearly tralalap, aad deaeribed.
ahow la a eaaSipt with tha haerlcaa
Ue brilllaal oaraBeBiea atteadlap kU
ahi^ af wv. Tha reeult of the oolliaoaraaatlea. ooaeladlap wiU a brief
ioayMterday. howeeer. dlffere eotaapUlure ef Ue darker aide ot precMil
what frx>B that whea Uey ealUda with
day life la BbmU aad Ue ploeay oatoar flylar equadrm.
look for Ue fntarc. .
A abort |4perky Mra J. V. Holatoak
tooehte upos Ue Jewe of BuMla. Ska
•aaboat Bewpvt Took tha Bpaalah i^e ef the dlPerent CMte aad teU
briefly ef Ueir life aaoap Ue Baaeiaaa
•leap Bacra^ Taatorday.
Tha aaUra propraa wai fall of laK«y WMt. AprU
A eaiail Spaalah fonBattea aad iatereet aad waa preatly
•loop. Bufracda. waa eaptarad by tha •Bjoyed by all praaeat
faabMt Newport aad broa(ht la thla
AMatoaeat HoUa.-^
Pauat ie to be wltaeeeed by fae el
Tha Newportb eaptare waa talM
tte tarpeat aadleaeee of Ue aeaMo,
:Ba« aadar the raae af tha Oojiatar whea U appmatsulabwp^ Uraad
battery. lu laporteaea liaa ia tha aa Hay 14th.' That It wUI be a great
(act that tha aehooaer ia a part ot tha parfaratasca. the iellowlap wUl teeCabaa aaral reaarve aad waa eat aa a tUy:
"Pkaat," at(Ue lopeer opera boaae
tpjimg czpaditioB. Sararal of her crew
Briday ereaiap. Merited tte laipe aad
W«« Bteiaben af Ue Cobaa aatal ra- taahloaabU aadlaaoe which prated Ik
oorea and Uey arc held aa priaoaera of No play baa erar baaa oa the boarda
b*re wlU aa atreap a eaat, aaek Map*ar.
They ware roDBlac eleae W ahare aad aiflcaat aoaaary aad weaderfal electri­
ultlnr obaerratlaa/ upu tha A nor- cal affaeia. Porter J. White, aa Mephlate. waa alMply flaa: kb atroup
tea fleet Uat erjaiar whea tha New­
eelea aad floe eUpe preaewee. oatribport eaupht Urm. Oae bUak eket atiap MBch to Ue eueecM of Ue pUy.
broorkt her to. She had a ere<
It ia aeldaa Uat Lapeer people hare
•area aad a aarfo «f <ak. The aOcM aa opportualty to witaeM a ataadard
play aad eapaelally wiU aaek a re•( the Newport aay tha UtUa r
aowaad actor ae Mt. White, aad Uoac
ma alteaptiaf to carry late Haraaa
who atuaded eajayad a rare treat."—
aawa af the Boreteaata of tha Uaitad tepcM Co Preaa, March lA 18*8.
•Utaa fleet_____________ _
Bokm L. Dowalap to prceeat hie



•500 £,aU '3o mudi,"


S\.\0 ^OT a



Just ReceiYOd Spring Stales, Hew Designs

Your Wife


Frank Friedrich.

Once More

Steinberg’s Grand




Has invaded the 4and in the interest of humanity, and once
more in the interest of those who intend getting

d Ue Granada.
Arhteday was
oa tbe West Side yaaterday -by lbs
Want Side lapcwreant AModatter-to
eaaaectlaa wlU Ue Saetwd M. B.
ebareb. Tbs groaade af tba ebweb:
aad heaatlfled by adHia. A. V. Brledriek aad aoa Spanldlap ware eaUedto Hoorae ycatenlay dtiMM ot flowering ptaata. abra
by a BMCMpa aaaaoaciaf Ua daaU of ate treaa After tbe wark ao 1
Mra. ra3rtU-a graadteotter. Hn.
The trial of John Uaa sk<f waa arnatad Thataday apea eoMplalat af Edaa floott. ehaiped wlU tealleloaa
AUg at Nartb•laader wUl be bald aaxt Hwday. a
^Taraar hat beM ralalaad bytheda, glvw by tba

E. B. Barbour,
Theatre Co. ^

IA New Carpet Or a Floor CoYoriiig

lew SRWiillies.

‘A Chee^l Liar.”

Mal^araoa Toat. Na. IA d. A. B., tea
brea larited wiU the Haaaah RUUa te beiagoaabyibeMaBwba had charge
Seata aa aaU at bea-efliep
oftbapngruM. Be Mated Uat ba bad
Oae lady fTMMoaday night UaeeoaMtabMwlUllanuudl? dtiebeM paaled by a pma boldlBf a paid Me
»or. X 1. a^mdr.

OI’ A3srs~ .TCTTvTD S'
We. mention tbe fact that'we offer tbe best,;bsve tbe :
largest stock to select from, sell cheaper and give better sat- I
isfactlon than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let us oonvincs you.



ThoM at ChldtamaMca Ott tha
Ofdar to Taka Train for
Tampa, Fla.

DVABiov or CUBA 18 nmarsiT,
t« SlpM TkU At* A



OBBlok !(>.( IM-IIM4 I. OIT. Mn,h loi.
BoMbomaMKl at Mataa*

CbaltaixxiKaL. April 3—K is non-^t.
1_1.. U-------------------------- ----xinth

e rnilrc elitht balteriet of arilllory DOW centered at Chlikamauga will
laaVe for the muih aa noon at they can
ba loaded <>d tbe cart which a
laodiDest (or them.

By tonight

thought aU of the iralna win be on
way to Tampa. News of the ordering of
the troopa south drew a iremrndnus
crowd around the station and railroad
yards, is spite of the Iste hour at which
the '‘assembly" wa« called, and the eol
4>ers were cb^r^ agun and again as
the train pulled out
TMapa. Fla-. ApHI 9.—Colonel MelMUe A. Cochran, commanding the First
provltlonal brigade of Tampa dlvistoa.
has received a trlegtam from MFaahIng.

tt^ with rations tor thirty days.
hktailb of tmk


yiM raat m. t sIlM BisMs wary HS> Ms
ferAbaelThiny Vsars.
Flagship New York, off Havana.
ApHI 9.-{Copyhght, ItM. by (be As•odated Pres* J—The engagement at
Hatansaa the first In which Uc L'nlted
Btates navy has participated for about
thirty years, occurred aulte unexpect­
edly. The New York'was lying abobt
twenty miles eeit pf Havana Vt'cdnMday morning w hen Rear Admiral Sampace decided u> steam tu MaCanms. At
tbe entrance lo (be harbor the monitor
PuHtan and the cruiser ClnclnnaU met
the rtagahlp. A sUff wind was blowing
and the waves poured over the low bow
and alem of me monlinr. A( slow speed
tbe Bagsblp proceeded toward the har­
bor. the Puman following half a mile
nsteni and the Clnclnbatl abotn (wo
mllet to (he westward. When about
three miles from Punta Gorda. tbe
Uone point of the «asteni end of
ythe harbor, a long yellow streak wm
^ ■een on shore. It looked like a newly
s eractrd earthwork.
Closer ins(.ectJon reveled a number
«f men rlusterrri truund (be shore, and
later it was ascertalhed without doubt
that the SpanUh troops were busy
: whatt seemed i

sound^. The men rushed'w tiulr
•-.u. When the New York wax about
4.«60 yards from Punta Oorda ,he
bugler sounded "commence firing." Na»al Cadet Boone. In charge of tbe eight^
tneh «
had U

UO< p. m.
It seemed minutes before the
smoke cleared away, but
WAS less than five wc-conda
- tie cloud of dust was seen to rise at Ihe
right of (be ehrihworks. With a deaf­
ening mar the eight-Inch gun In the
forward turret 1-t fly lu iron mlsalle. it
landed high
The a/ier turret came
negt wiih the ume slx.-d pr.dectlle A
about of delight went up from the Bagahlp aa a dense cloud rose slowly (ram
tbe \ery center of the earthw-orka
nhowlng bow true had been
Then frr.m the entire aide a fusillade
was poured on the shore, the four



Aaotkar «ktU caroe from tbw*
•lat akao e*ar tb« flacabliL Th____


ClDdBnatl aad Uw New Tor* poarH
ahot tate ilk rHiow aartliverlu aad
the aomtoBdlks laad «ntll Uk amok*
hid avarrUUDC trom rte*. Only one
mora abot from Punu Oorda aaa notlcad. It Ml abort of (be New Toac
by about fOa yarta
It I* doubtfal
whether any ahou were Bred from the
earthwoib after the two or three
» bad been poured Into them.
•ame of tbe eoldlera neen on Wlh. DCPABTIIEBT IB VEST BUST.
PuDta Gotda U_^o( known.

SUtamont ThAt la Sigtilfieant of
a Long Tima to Spand
in Camp.

nowiricAWT roKcuaaK or amra
BM«y Driraod Mr C—c*mIb«« Wh—ler
aad Imt w UM a CmqM fcaaiar «bm
ratklBc aa IMIaM. Mm ter the MdnTmbM la (hr IlliaoW CMap M.Ma»« tbo
abonrbinc Inlereet throuthupl nai-al
and ufDda] elreler Kenemlly yesletday.

TatteLeft-Tbr lowat-aM^

Wa»blTi|tir.B. Aprtl at-Every endrae.
or It lieliic pur firward by (be war deprew rrimriB irviii Key Meet, at the jiartfrrnt (••ortcnlae (he vi lunirer array
nary drparunrni r drived no Infonna*
(o Its full war sirrrattb—Dwaaurea
Urni whali'Vrr on tl-r »«b)<-el. fiecivitry which re<]uir^a vtrt amuurt -if dnallcd
l.<ioS Mid at 4 oVIock In (hr afternnoB,
M hr (-li'ised up hi. oner Bt.rk of (hr
hat rapid
' day. (hai m. n i-rt had l-^n nivived , „.iprr»
i from Adiniial eeiri«uii. oor waa thr g„j u„,.
urr^ cf several weeks
t win say that i.he communication ..
I DM>y d. parimi-m udMard
so shaped ihems.-lves •*
"ccordiin.-e with ihe un l.-r-tandTS and teguUrs will be .agre.-r.em of our cof ivoce
1 tl'B*t”li*fell'n'
ni««d uBdttkjD—aJ *'■'* afternoon, t x.-.-pt.ihat It d.«-» nut
I (be public ai
ganueq i
• f,.|jy,^r«sa or ev. n i-.lnted!>- sugees:
^ an IniiKinant
a naval engairethe lal faith In U.e fs.lure ..f the war
dr|«rm*al 10 carry -<ut thr aplrll of
thr law and the und-miandlng and
greatest .are yet
agreement .nade sn-i .nu-red Into I*,
l^BK a
tween the advoi-ai.-* and (rb-rd* on the
ents after they had actually
one hand of the Nall nal Guard of the
•r LM lo battle* and their at­
country, and, those of thr reguUr army
tendant casualties hi- recognised that
on tbe other band.
(he public wn^ entitled lo knuw what
1, s^retar
bad occurred
iture. I* Ir
The secreUirT aald that In the absence
tt the genllcmsn doing hi* work
nf all infomiaiion he was Inclined to
believe that tbe shelling was .•emftned
to the exchange of a few ahnis and did
ground* and bulkling* i
, ropi'Hlons
Ur bombardmenu When bU atteniloo
was directed to repons that the ahellShaw took an open part
tng warn the result of direct orders (rum
IsatlOB trouble among the len t Nation­
the president the secretary mid thU
al Guards He madr* to the
was not so, as the president was giv­
men on the «eld and gave th. m to un­
ing no direct orders on any of these
derstand that If 'they enlisted It was
to be with otDc-ra and men on an
The nary department has completely
equal tooting. He said some officer*
ceased Us purchase of ships for converwould have to go aa private*; that an
sKn Into whr Teasels owing in tbe ex­ most If not quite ready for their inoMl- examlBlng board bad been appointed
haustion of the war fund. It tsaflon at the more central prints prior to examine the men-wanUng commlato their active work In the fleld. Not­ ■Wona Yfben given the chance to drop
win come to the relief, as the depaH- withstanding that the apportionment of
meat Is ilIU In need of auklUary vm- troop* among Ihe slate* and tbe desig­ tinned lo threaten going home.
Telegrams from (heriff* In (orty-flee
nation of
counties were received" at Governor
Shaw'* office yemerday reporting men
Ulned In the chartering yesterday
on hand lo till out tbe Iowa quota ac­
the war department of eight large
cording' to the prorlamatlon. Eight
Uustering roll* of the companies of
steamers of an areruge rapacity of
hundred recruits were reported. (M be­
about tM* tons and able to carry (roir the volunteer army hate been prepared ing drilled men.
In (he war department and sent to the I
BM to l.JOC passengers each. These an
West Superior. Wla.. April 9.—One
to Iw Dted aa transports for the convey- ofBcera w ho have U-en detailed to for­
r tbe greateri demooitratlons ever
mally indufi the state tru>p* Into tbs
nnee of,(be flrst mUlury expedition tc
service of the oatlunai g.ivernmenb
Cuba, rienerat Shafter, in command W
lerday i
(he l'nlted States troops now concen­ With tew modlflraltrn* the) are the Third re,
regiment, W. N. G.. left (or Mil­
trated at New Orleans, has been In same as those used In the late war. Tbe waukee. Nearly every man. woman and
consultation with the ofllcUli as lo th< quesiinn of arm* other aad equipments child In the Hty turned out to wish the
the Volunteer* 1* now receiving the
execution of plans of (he campaign.
attention of th, ordnance office and tbe 1

B-ersr 02STE1.




Ue«a to VBlISsnrta.
Washington. April ».-The poatofBce
department, has received InformaUon
mother letter being held up because
It conulncd irtUsonable tnformatloQ.
The piftimaster at ftan^ .'rux. Cal., re­
ported that a letter addressed to Pre­
mier Sagasta. Sialn. had been mailed
there, and und*-r direction of AsaisUm
Attorney O-nersl Tyner lU contents
were examined.
I was mailed by


er'of arms needed for
exact number'of
me volunteer* (hey will be shipped to
their »tate rendexvous (or dlrirthuilon.
The three Independent regtmeol* ..f
cavair)' authorised tty Ihe volunteer
army act. and which are to le com­
posed exclusively of (r<intleramen pos­
sessing special quallflrait.>n* a* to
horsemanship sod (nark*manahlp. are
tr. bi- known as the Kirat. Second tnd
Third regiment* ofj'nlijed Slate* volr cavafry.

"ci. ano contatned
The presIdeB^.l* having a busy time
f«rilftca- Just now trying lo furnish high Com­
! "“j;'
her. guns arc missions for the many w ho are ready to
..enerals. etc
Usron. of Illinois,
It also dest-rlped i->lnte l.iwerdownthe called yesterday In the leteresi of a
coast when- SpanUh vess-ls could land
Idate fi>r a generalship. Represen­
Irrioiis. and sold th-re were men wb'n tatives I.amb and Rixey. of Vlrglhla.
would act as guide* to atiackfUnFran­ presented the name <.t William Nalle.
cisco and seix- rs'irusd trains. Tbe adjutant general of Vlrglnlar~for brig­
letter will be iransmltied to the warde- adier general. During the Interview! tbe
psrimeni fer ... lion It Is thought that president Intimated that he had prsc__ Investigaticrn „ .„ tl.-ally decided ui«in the appointment of
ahether there are person* In that tirin- General Ftlxhugh Lee. and General
Ity unfriendly to the l'nlted Btates.
Wheeler, uf Alaliama. as major generNew Orleans April 9—The mverh.
To some of hjs congressional callmentd-nglne-r ..ftlrer *1 Port Ikds ha*
he president suggested that brigades
arrested a man believed to be a Bpan- should be made up of reglmenu f
l*h spy. He gave hit nam* as John different slatea. a variety nf slate
Watah and hi* New Orlean*. ftev- be represented In each brigade.
eral undevel.ip.-d film* and map* deIN TRK STATE fJl ABI. CAMF.
Bcriptlve of the river and government
works at Port Ead*. were found on him.
trCaptoBsM ness ta* 9W Wsrid tWsto
Caa'I (totaplala.
Washington. April
Foreign gov-

t'iMT* niMwsled-WMdlaa Oat.
Brinirilc'lil. Ills., Atiril 9.~There to a
great d-Bl --f among t{ie
men ..nd ..m<s-rs ..f the lllln-l* National
Guard in .-nmp here over the blunder of
tbewarde|«rtment regarding (he number
cf men I.; be turnlsbed by Illinois By
the prisldem’s rail IHe.oov men were
wram-d. and Jllin-ito' quota to klU. In­
stead ..( making a requtoltl.m on Gov­
ernor Tanner tor that nunilxr the war
det«rtmenl asked (or eeven regiments
of ini

smaller I
touds that looked like miniature much concern over that feature of the
geysers spilnglng suddenly from the war tariff Mil now before rongresa
_^'rth. fkcb showed where a shot bad
which increase* the .......................................
At this stage the guns Jn the tranaailaml.- shipping
j>ulni-v da Kecreo batter) were ob- (on. It to said this In.-i
>se to about 100
serv.-,i to iM-ilrtwi on the flagship. This
per cent., (he present
Ic being about
Is on III- -iistw-ard arm of th.- barbop,- t eeut* per ton. and
>ai nearly the
ir„m where the flagship
. .1 per cetii Is.
was Ijiig,
I: „ iHovlded with (our
(alto uron^the
right-ill.! cm*
The flagship's Bra ping ..( Great Brlia.r,. Germany. France
was at -iM e dir-, ic^pon Itl Up to this anrf ..n» or tw.. .dh.-r commercial na­
period the .New York had been In the tion*. A leading diplomatic official
Bring al.ine. Capiain Harrington, oa
stated that, roughly speaklqg the At- | ,ute is In the same predicament,
tbe Purlian, and .'awrin Chester, on
Untie trade was carried on by about 1 peara and as a result the rre
the Cincinnati hail drawn up nnd wera 100 American steamship, and about
Ttgnvuriy slgnaJmg (or permission to «0 British, Pren.-h, German and other
4re- When this was r.-i-.r-ted to Bear foreign steamship*.
Ixed to abwirb th- many gentlemen w ho
Admiral Banipson he said.
-All right;
Bo (hat the heavy tonnage (ax would serve their country with shoul­
Mil them to go ahead. be practically Inslgoltlcam a* agali
der straps on, Ves(erda) InspecMrGenSo while the New York was continu­ American atramshlpr while u would
ing fire on Quintas da Re. re^, the Puri­ very onerous against foreign shipping. eraJ Van Cleave resigned hto pasUIonun
tan took a poa.tloB to the eastward and A trasi-Atlaniic liner of tons, be Got ernor Tanner's staff upon tbe conopened on tbe eame |K.lnt. 'Th- fincln-i said, would pay at » cento per ton. flrmatlon of tbe new-s chat the governor
would out (>e permitted lu head tbe 1111aatl went to tbe westw ard and pound.-d I «,*00
,W0 every lime
it entered an American nol* troop* to the front. Governor
a rapid fire bruadalde Into the earth- i port.
Thus far. however, no official
srortu on Puma Oorda. Occaaluoally I action ha* been taken on the subject by
<m Quil
Acts from
Quintas da Recreo could
n coming In
wch offiriil
d Colonel Van aeave a*
Torfe. All fell very short, and
. ble. as the besvy tonnage tax to ran. the ship Only about ' aiAerid a war expedient which foreign
tan abots are believed to have been shipping must beer *o long as they use
Bred ^om this battery during the whole
Amenrsn port* There are Intimations,
It to possible that Us however, that tt may have the effect of
I raUons <
guns may have been disabled, as two diverting shipping away (ram American
romp, and
t _
get owe
,, _____
Borne e
t-inch sballs wwrt distinctly sesn to land ports in Halifax, Montreal and
panles will not have over fifty-nine
squarely In the fort.
Canadian porta.
when they leave here; all the balance
For about Bve minutes Quintas da
In other respects the war tariff Mil
be sent borne. Nearly every com­
Bacrao gut Um fuU benefit of the port
attracts little wttentJen In foreign quar­ pany cam*
broadsides of the New Tork and Puri­
ters. as the main Increase of taxnUen Is
It night all the officers of the Natan. Wbat Its ultimate (ate would have on articles of domestic coammi^on.
.1 Guard signed a oommunlcaUon
been Is hard io MU had not^tendon
while duties on fdbeign iraporu rsaaalo and sent It to Governor Tanner, strong­
been diverted from it by a iheU from praeUcsIly unchanged.
ly opposing and protesUng against the
action of congress and the secretary cf
war In breaking up the NaUonal Ouatd
'■Of 1
" Mid «ka b
lUwla orginlMtton of IlUnoli. TYie eomraunl(ABvlng Quintas da Recreo M th*
callon was long. It will be sent lo
mUd nuanpt to be •gy, "of
lender merolrs of the Poritaa. wWeh
pTMtdent McKinley.
was null merrily banging away, cnp- yananaeloUtar of tbs Mwi
Oovsriwr Tnnner answered by aendUln Chadwick put his helm to atar- by ana. botafMrair’—
ig tbe MIewlaff lettar: "R^ytag to
homrt until hM port batMry once mora
jour rommttakatJen raiaae* to tb* enil
bore <m the Punta Oorda eanbworks. U fiftw^ Ina aftw.*'.
and tomMlim of troop* by tb* pesM-

when's ban.1 of

ladle* presented the company
hsndaome silk Bag.
LaCroMe. Wto..- April 9.—LafTosae
has never witnessed *nch a dtoptoy of
enthuMasm and patriotism aa occurred
yesterday m..rnlng when Companies B
and M. National Guard, left for Mil­
waukee to be mustered Into Service.
Faclorie* and school* were rinsed and
the population turned out en masse.
Milwaukee, April 9.—Not since the
ricfl war hss Wisconsin concentrated
such, a large l■•dy of mlllury men aa
Occtiyiled damp Harvey at the stale fair
ground* Ja«t night .The Brat train to
arrive brought vnlifcieers from Racine

son. During the *fternoon cnnMngento
arrlvad from
vine. Beloit.
Oconto. Sheboygan. lAOronr. Oshkewh,
Appleton.Ripon *nrt Manitowoc, Troop*
from Menominee. Fau Claire. Netltovllle and Ashland arrived between 1
tnd I o'clock last night.
Detroit. April »—An order eras roeelved last night from the navy
pariment directing the detachment
the Michigan naval rnimia which *
yesterday *elecie<t for war aerrlce
proceed at once tn Norfolk
otPoefs and SB dim left at t

hope that tbs eclipse of iiiety
upconty. and that it will shine ont
lio upon a world bat will be glad to
AM it retutolng.
Meantime the love of
truth, which is the
Of today; the hatred of sbama wbitd) is

If You Have Logs to Sell
Corrwpood with tbe TrBveree City Lumber Compnny.
We hflTe for ule Good,

.Sound Hrmlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short \laple Wood.

B-Oit SAT,in.

Mill lUclusery of nil deacriptioDa, iocloduig Two EngisM,
8et Workfl, Carriagea add Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaal
for aala



A DestroGtiTe Agk of Osb)lil PosslbOitiffi.'

------ IN------

amooc liberal Christians especiillT—
ftranjM to my. among tbnse wbo an
ealled "Tsdioal-'-a Mndocy to esubdaily deToUooal exercise whit*
•ball taka tbe place d that which U so
npidly fading away. Tfa« aoed of ancta
refreshmeol it evidently too great to
•Qffw tbe’loM of it to be parmanenk—
Chnifrian Begistar,


S-csr.2,s:'Ss,&ss; Bicycle Riders.
Below is a liat of tbe buying aad aeU-

*11 so

Barber that I do all Unda of ro-'
and saMsling, and that I can

ah. it empties today of it*
ftrengtkl U do*» not make yon mps
tbe evil: it makes you unfit lo oops
with itwbeo it come*. It doe* not bless
tomemw, and it rob* today, for every
day ha* iu own burden, (iod give* ni
power to bear AU the tarrtnti of His
tnakiDg. but Be don not give tbe power
to bear tbe aomw* of our own making.

BMtrie »atha-lf yoa have rndda

And m wa oome to the an*w«t to tbe
.MMioB of wbetber it ia wsrtb wbila

to Briea nftar enltnn. and we oaowiM•onaly aanrer yak belloving that tnMad cf leadingrna away from tba
itralghtand namiw path 4be .eryete
M of it* higbsM things wUl draw n*
rarandaonSnily into the Mngle■ «r pnrposf and ideal cf Ufa portrayad in tba Haw TirTgiawt


• w.... ..........



Snia KOBaora moc», ■ATPMAxaCTg, ao, tw

Sends Six Mm to Etwnity snd
OMtrey* Powder Msd* for .
» tho UnitMl StetM.



awBsPBllslboW.rB.e..w. MUbftbsl

r2bL",ntnd ‘iS'anitr


tk> B*?
MH mt rnmmi MMm
WklU U
Warfc —OmmI M«« TarrtM/ JtMcM' BiMt Ik k 1‘ito *r Orbn*.
Pk.^ AfiHl a.~Tbk (ova of
ZXtrer, Horn* coubi)-. N. J.. knd Uir
emiBlnr vlthiD k radlut ot tkentr mllck.

dMrrvd Ic the AUasUc Po«4er coropenr'a 't.-otUr. and th* plant la no* a
maas ot rulni.
Biz workmrB
kUl«d and tnur othera hmsualr tajund.
Bon« proOaUv fau:i>'. Tbrir reroalna
bave not y^t be™ reeovertd. Tbe dead
are: Alfred KaiicK. WlUlain Siumpt.
Casper lta>. David
8vheer. William
.. Harcock and KJIar
AH the
killed were married and leave ramlllez.
The w..rk« were zltuaied In an Isolated
spot seven nliee uui in a roupb eouBtry
from l>over. There" were ten bulldincs
la the prouii. and aU Have been de-

Tbe Arst explozian uthe pk.-Unp houiie*.
Uioupht. by a apark fr
evpl.elvea In aaulher pai-fli iK bouw
ir by'
Urbri* and burnir.z Umbera
ling* v«ere rarrleJ
il fell In a ahower
bulldlnzs. setuns
Are 10 the mam tartory
flee packlne houses and the two ehell
booses. In a brief time the.explosives
In these bulldlns were set off aod left
death ar.d destrurtlnn In their wake.
Tbe works have been runntne nikht and
day turnina out rush orders for the

^eiely destroyed.
TefTlkle MWM Wss
The seen* pr-eenled a
e place was
terrible. People wbo f
the shocks
the names of tbe burnlnp
structures nocked to the place from
mites around, but could render no aid
to the Injured. The people were terri­
fied and held back In ronsUni tear of
otber explcslona A few men who were
In the hiilldlnca manaped to escape and
they ran sb-.ut'the country bewildered.
When the wives and relatives of the
employee of the fac<ory approached the
bynilne bn ldlngs the s<-ene was heart,
e^ndliic. The bodies of tbe dead were
boTTlNy manzled The head was missInz lr>itn, while here and there lay
lejtless and srtrless iruntis. Many of
the irjnrv'd were cal and maimed so
hadi) ihsi several of them cannot


Warhingloii.’AprH 9.—The r«>nferree»
of tbe two bouses rsarbed an agreement
on the naval appropriation bill ^forv
adjourning laxt night. An the senate
• Inn-eawee In the -way of monllotw and
torpedo b-ials wer* adopted. .These !ncresjuw inilude four mnnilors at t1.3SS.900 and sixieen Instead of twelve
torpedo boat dewtroyera.

ait of the artb is to niske tbe artb
better and to kecpitbelKr. "Ye‘are the j
ll*bt of tbs wiirlil," says Christ attain. I
Lixbt shibeslu darkbrss and dispels iL I
■ '
■better i ibout'
■bos tcakiDC everytbiPF

pso^ Bpartal D.» lo Cuba.
Washington. April 9.—TTie senate
XMlIlary comir.fite* has. derided to re­
port a bill whlrh will pennti ■enlistment
of ia.M« fever imtnunea.

The eteanier rtervla was burned and
aar.k In lake Superior, about ftfleen
Biles north*—I of Wfiiieftoh IMlni
Judge J. IJ. Crowley bas been nomlaainl by the Lh-mocratx to represent
the Nlneteenih dlslrlel of IlUnols in
I U.-dy.

’ Duluth.

—. .
Wanaau. Wis . is rntratug from ber
jMitne and ihv gravest apprebenatona tor
ber i^fely are entertalned.
Edwlo Oould and a party made up ut
fittu. Oould and cblldtca. Mtw Oeorxv
F. Bekvady and W. H. TaflOfC of New
Tork. have arHved dt Cblrago In a
Hwelal v»r-over tbe Mlehlgan CenUaJ
JBecauae their command waa ordered
• if^piwpare to protect tbe coast In the
rletnlly <w Baltimore and held bark
(rort fioifig to tbe front tbe First MarylaBfi rrclmeni decided to break camp
BB« retnrn home.
“Bull" McCarty. Of Philadelphia.
Cal., by

-Omro I;


f cbrisr-

Ever Burned OntT


anfl argnmentt

• O. P. CARVER. Asant

b,| John' R. Santo,
General Insniance.

' gions ba*a burn bald in Lpodoo and
I Annralia, antbit teems probable that
, tbe search for tbe south pole will soon
[ BTOQM u moeh intsMt as tbe arutie

Rheumatiant Oniwd

B arxlwrg mock.

Trsesrse City. Bisk

Well, Now!


My wife baa used Ckamberlafn'a Pain

What am 1 offtred for a good bouse and

household uae for wbfeb we have fonnd
&0 ft 1st on latb street, weat" A very de­
ft valqable.—W^J. CcriAk. Rad Creek.
sirable place, can U bought ob bmdUi
from IS! i.. til on those wh.we ” Mr Cnyler Is one df tbe leading
ulee do not oxcved IIO OOO per annum. cb.BU of Ibis vUlage and one ot the ly paymsBts. LM taken in exc^pnge.
s„d from MS to Ut on dealem whos.
a la Ibis vieleity —
Alao geod boeae and 50 foot lot. Oak
ssirs exceed that
W. Q. !>uiiii-ix. Edii
ditor Rad Creek BvrPark. WaablagtAn atreet.
importsm amendment waa one which
Kor sale by S Ev Wait, tlrunrist.
i,., les a tsv nt 1
phone m.-sugu
y V. ruebiB.
W P CroiMV
’Pkoec 7A
Johnaoit Block
--An cfflc^al H.p.t
Attoraeya at Law.
from OcBcral It:*nro says
the enemy's squadron bar
OBcvsIsMoolScue Block. TrsvenePHr, Bleb.
has grounded opposite >nmas, province
flf;Ff.vE.'!ii Card.*!
of Plnar dr! Rto. and ihrrr other ships

s* i duced

Wonld snob obcdietioe' Inaonailde young suhlter back.

Cbrts m

IfOinstiaosobeyGod'f*^"* eiamlMjd him. Tbcyrnwitoa
, btsrlgbtarm wonldbavetoeomeoffBllbe
doobriogly. bow could we expect those
anouldrr and ttrlpyod blin f<w tbs operawho are not Cbristians to obey fain, f
Uon. Aslbcydlilsolbo lltUsTMUmonl
Filial obedience.
“Tbal ye pay I
fell unL Just tbovg tbo young man's,
ban was a livid bruise and upon kioklDg j
As BODS we are to obey God. Tbs aluvo fur tbo cause uf It the surgeons dlicovmd
may tnuminr and donbt. bnt tba lou tbal tbe llUle Tewtaiuem Imd sioppoda rifle
never. Tbe wurk may be Mborhiot, at
o ibekavaeet tbu
times it may be disagreeable, and yet
louM not
As a M be it tbe heir, and.
therefore tbu Inilt of bis toii wili some,
daybe bit own. In working fnr God we
work far onrielvea. and if wo cam im-1
preM men Willi tbit truth we will indeed beai ligbls in the world, dispelllngdarknMt .DdmaklngtbeworldTot

tr^.m dmtb and l.. hJi baud ibo little Terament bl«
taotbrr bad gl>en bimw
Chris luurbanlraUy opened It and tnred
tbv ruurso of ibe bullet ibrougb tbo i.ges.
Uel»o»«l wbrrv It bad stopptd snd rvi^
a(«.t bulls.

-. i
"Fortbe eyroof tbelmtl areovertbe
Bible Beadingt. —1 Sam. xv. 83 ;' ,i,hie..uw -road Cbrb,-and his mrsare
Malb. X, 48: zxii. a4-Stl;zxT. 8I-4A:: o|irn to their prayrrw. luit tbe taeaof tba
Lnkaz. 85-8T; Bum. kli. 9-81: xv. 1-S! Loni U agmlmn them U«tdoevlI.”
ICor. X. 81: Gal. vil 9; Eph. Iv. S3:
A> Chris lAOk book upon bis not be



are working i. float h
• -r
volnbte.-rs are »an,ting
g.ns:i..TW.- A
dispatch lo K> lm;snHal
says ibv Invury.-t.-s, xtt.rl.r. ; f-ill-BWlT aAuororjfs. BpMlalavprovince of riou. d. l H
I i-X teBiinovcProbsteprrvevIc*. Boowstsad

* 8.

Dr. Higains,

.nr nf I T\kfi-nf>bLID*y AWILHI
our wars’.
president of the sromary
Isst night at.d sn far aacould-br^esnird
no such dispatch rceebed tbe navy deponmtnt.
______ _
Washington, April S.—Oeneral n. V.
Boynton has JusI arrived here from
Chlrkamagua. and bad a number nf tnforaiiU conferrm-es with the ofltc-lals of
tbe war dFiwrtmrnl with the pun-oae
of making things more comfonabir for
tbe soldier N.>-s‘ .-amp on the great batllrneld. Orennvl Boynton saya that
there were WrdnrtvUy 10.000 troops In
the park and that It was the finest body
of aoldlers he bad ever seen together.


V* f 8
at Law. Bpaelal

W.‘.' . POSTER.


MOP^^ *hwm«s et^n^

Washington. April 9—Senator Platt
president resterday In behalf
„f General Ptrwae
111 L. Woodford and
oolonrt Fred I) G
both of whom
a«air. cnmmlssions
tbe volunteer
artny. Th« president ts underatood to
bare prwcttcally promised to give Oeneral Woodford a commission as major T OSr-OarraBlsireat.Taer«day.lacch*od1.1 kerobtef. riodro p varo ttova a> Racoas
a comtnfBsloB eMre. ksutf

K£iS”.jf!-X'S:S -L-ijr

lAndon-Aprl! 9.—Acrortllng lo a dlopatch from rongaporr to The Dally Mall
the Ft.nch steamer Saigon and-tfae
Spanish steamer bpana have arrived
there from Manila. 1«uh erowded with
siivci. sat »•
Spanish refugee* from the Phillplnes.

Ota Ok




o. ,w Bait Metd.


. !

nniHB UwldseA W l«av* rah^
Lond.,n. April 9.—Owing to arrest of aaroai>*ai>y>crwa L Vaa ByulagJ« BooUi
being AiiiericNn spies nugotlailona
have been opened for taking off Brltish subjects> by British
Britlah menmen-of-war.


,. vwtu.— extraotioD of ta...
AntidolBr, for' egUucttou of teafk
wltboDt pain used. Latoat and moH
preparitioa.yot aaad tat
iking extnmbnoeaay.





TratBs arrive frow Olnelewettl, Oroafi Ba»
<1 for the llUlr buck.
Uter tbe Iluie vlllagoof Mel- i PWlkdelphlaIbscornsr of gvwu aod PmX sueeA Or K
[aague; At IndianapolisChicago el TdOp.B
Uxlog with exrlivxnenu Tbe
lukee *.
f. Indianapolis ;. a< KanLaeal bvwach vrsta arrives as ItAO e a
l^va, a U.CB p.... ^ ^
ts enty-st. Paul U. Kansas City 8:
A Fxwooon uxmgx-a*
I rolumhi-s-Detroli *. Columbus II; A. city Lurabsf < ■* *W tf
«.VUX3BWOOD O.P.A-OiaegBaAt.
cam of Biblical ibeoloKj. Yoorbotiuess
1 Mlnesp.ilis—Omaha {. Minneapolis 10i—A rood to aervw or vrill trade to
is not to unsutUe Uilb. but U. «tnwb-' ^ ujtanl.x*. and aiuoog*?b™> was a
irony. J w. Patckla
Walew awd MoParvlaad a tsrww.
CD iL fctick to tbe oM. well tned, Taiwan young'man, One slews of bis
Deiroli, April 9.—"Kid" MeParfland
heaven bleseod gMpi-L
Keep tbe mod-1 cost waspinnidarrom bU broadebest. but
and Joe Walcott f-ught Mght rounds
■Indy. As a wise tbe other alaeve cuntali
AudKorlum last evening. The i
ailJle'alacka ■.
your be­
was a draw. It was eight rounds
liefs and bare your doubt*.
Believe “id woiuai
of the prettiest fighting Detroiter* bave
your belief* and doubt your doubt*.
AM vvb.
n many a day.
Ma. I No. I
Kever doubt your btlirfs and never be

LKmenggest to all myyonngbrMh'
ren that if they hope to ouovert xlnDen

s they must uke s


Ueveyncrdoabl*.’- Then yon may hope ,
to build up a w.lid ebnreb
-- ’-------

Doing wwd

The senate has confirmed Charles H■Weal...U. of Michigan. Jo be BUpervlstng inspector of strain veaael* for the
Eighth diein.'i.
James Cosgrove, rrtall groe»rymaj:
Of Btevens Point. Via., made-an aaalgnmcm to I’. H. Cashiti. LlaWUUrs
and as«.-ts are ahnul tisto
Fisbermen f.-und the body of JoMph
Il9.-scbrr In the river at the foot of
South Water street. 'Chicago. Uorachec,
V dlaap:Kan>d a month ago.
Blnlie Fox. or iilanrhe Delter. who
waa shot and kllbrd at Oshkosh. Wis..
by her lover. Ciruige UUea. left an es­
tate of sev-eral thousand dollar*.
Fire at M'otibIng.'S. D., burned Che
BRBon' to the ground and the ainmuni, uniforms and guns o( Company

tinna. title insurance cvxmpanlee.
and all other speldal Insurancef cornpanles. of which many cUsae ■ 'have
prown up In the put few years.
;es and all
other leased wire messnees are ex­
empted liy an amendment limiting the
|Ptrioilsni of Mcaaiunm men biased tax to messapes "on wbl.h tbe cnnijh. work of rocrultl.ii a
panles* chargee are to be paid or ib bjany was Uyun. Almost the first o
I collected." The lex on chssing gum
anl>7. and with him <' Ila reduced from 1 cepi on a S-ceni packenlist was c.larU Manic
s rccklsM
i .................... -quarter of a cent. Tbe tax
naiiHi a don n of bis
___ slofol
- ,: ..
ofBcor heal- on beer Is extended to laclude beer
oouipanJonK The rvci

- glorify lb.m. hut to gionfy
.ffectual in tbs
IS il
il to
otme. the a^tlr
*.y of luklng im-o oat of poor missrial. |
, v..„bodi.
bv ol
ly argbea in
4- Pbil.
m-.i u
u*r«.rulUng olboor twore Manlv IMP ,
lod in Ibe ibe-servtoo.
enoe to Ood.
If we olwy Ood
rigbi kind tif a way. men are led to sue
When fbrU badv hli wveping nralbor
tbe beauty and tbe troe melhod of obe- goodby. rbe banded him a Utile jiockot,
They are Unix led to ob«.v thiH Tesuinent.'
„ i. ,hv, ,1,.,
••I’Toiutsc me that you will read it oooe
propcrly. and it^ls Ibta that 1**®*
n.e mn f*rcunlsefur mv akw." '
Ibcir improvement morally and spintnfhrt.’pmnil.d aod ihro.i the T<- :
ally. Olmdleucesui-ni. Ilkealmlcll.itjg ;,^^, ,„,^i,,,j;J^tet. Tlwni fa( lutrobed
—trifling BBd JBeiumflcuul—ami yet it ] ,,,, ^
dejiol with bit coii>|wBy and ,
is a trcmcndoorly imisiriant fortor in , was sooB on bis way to Csinp Ueugba
bamsn life. Dis«bcdii uix‘k-p»
Wroks rolled Into moslbssBdtbeOMnths
-pt tliv chil- r
rli was lying beforu ibu
drsDof Ixrael nni of tbe loiulnf I'jniaan.
wsllsof Vtcishnfg with ibopssn^foth-,
snd diSL'bedieticv will kei p many oui of
«r KsIlsBt Illiuols aoldk-is. '^Jen^i^Mvot'
tbe bcnrenly land tyj.iUeH bytAnaau.
obsngcu much as to haldls. B»wns toll
Wbfu wu i.bcv
vve‘ OBt oor tbura.'kkiwdrink<-raud swearer.that bad
NilvBtion aflL-r we arc saved: bnt we mil sflJlctcd Ui-uimors. but b-sufllodtrkuow
only worii not oor uwd suivaiinu lu tbis
way, boc fill others w'iib luugiuKS uod
axpiralioui to arrre God with nntoid
ss beteeHy
betterment to ibcmMlvc^
bs was
WM BOiteTbe iburaclerirtics «f Christian obe- ioved.bU]etlrM.4MUtlKFr. and be
dienoe as set forth by Paol arc: (I) A log to carry'll borne with blm—If bo lived
to reuirn btm>a Iw tbe Itule book rested
cbeertui obedience. -Doall tbiagiwitb-'
lulde tbe bmim of bis blmwe.
oot nit>ruoriDf»"(Pbil. ii. 1«). Itisnot
during uneot ibuse drspersta^bot
oBoogb to obey Gnd.
We must do it Inaffsotusl ebargm agsinat tbs wgfls of
Vicksburg, lo wbMb buodreds ot btavs
It, that Cbrts Manley felt a
lie felt Ibv sharp
ef a
- . , wtng through bU aboulder.
aoof touiutblng smiting blni Id tbe
1 in uUdiunoo. (3) An |
. Ue atBBgciv*l a few sle)e and Ml,

B-la.. hasJ

Mias llebn Gould confirm* the report
that she nas tendered the United Stale*
gnvernni.'iil Jinu.OOj^o aid in proaeeui.


T m7ur^“c.rZ“e.“ruJrs!

Cbrts loved his D>otber, eree If be did
pot sboitll liyhisscUona Hs often prom-'
ls«I her to do better, but svU comiwnlooi
Influenovi him, promises made wen snon :
hrukrn and tbu gnml uiotbcr losrned tbit

iL Tbua s
let ibfir lly
shine, that
may M
Ibeir unod work, aod
Ibcir Fatba who is in haav «n.
Tbe Cbnstisu ii to make tbe world <
better by fariogtoy it tuto tbe proper reIstios to God. This is ibcoulj Irnewaf
to make it anv b. iter. Tbe pwid works 1 te**^ e'o»‘ accciHlnB

Heh.xiti. I. 3: Jaw v. T->«: 1
■1,1,. I-, Hi. ,11
i privateer­
ing; eu., during the war.__

AttCBtidB ts Ma«Mtracted lb BBSpe

«apts Pse «bs WmA BsclPalalt
Wsshiflirton, April ».-The^Rept»bll-1 *o wpJofe tbe A
W Bek. a. IL Dsjlo.
M psar M poirible to tbe aobth pole. A
- Topic.-Uple ways of bstierlac tbs wsrtd.
tl, a-»: Hstb. e|IB-lfi.
German eomwinee bu reoaoUydeoided
drlokta. a drbtv and a swearer waa hot
to adeoeate tbe ^iepatrh of a chip to
Tbe dnt7 of tbe Gbristian is to make bounded by tbe county lloea. Hlsswtbtf wbleb
-irtaof tbe earth, and Dr. Erich
irid better. This was ipr
Ibe lolaetco was a CbHfdan wocuan. and abo prayed enuc bill were apreed to. One of
tb« world
d Cbrisv mH whal Uedid is to be dm for berlioy aaonly Chrlalad.inotbemoan , ezrtnpU mutual and co-operatlv
of (inimlaDd. was made tbe scieotiOo
Its disciples. Christ Uo^bt tbii
1 »** <»■
bad 'nf iho party. - Tbe expedition will
faith wa. .divine lalth. '
tbepollcles to Ihep^mlutn., last two
ro yeart. and esplaatioae wl" '
Of tbe earth.-’ u'e said,
ball porifiei.
in tbis the amendment iv.nfortni lo me
Sbe beltae^
, made of the inland Ibe and tbe
alt jaeserves. It inaka betlcrand .lt new qnit piayins f.u-Chris.
for C
kseps Is iter th..l with which it oonia > tbat BOobbr,ar
later her prayers would ba
^re InsursDcc poUcles Is extended cost Of \
bir James Roas. Meatinne to further an
ih oonincL Thns the ChrittUn es tbe I anawood.
| to cover employera’ IlsblUiy aseoda

uiunt lu Kmuina li

•’Hrlltr " •hrlT?’^h^rti-l - iW-^inuH••Hello.
llo. lioy»r" ■buntvd Chris.
And while UiefV were handsbaklDg
greoiliig* on every stdo CbrU was tba>
ter uf a little crowd uf men In duMgr tdoa
wbo were asklug about btm.
How's thingsL'unilng, old roanf"aakid

son. ai Black Barth. Wis..
• a ta
old msn aifd beet bis wife nltmfrusmUroaa: *<i acre* well InproTed.
:i:iy Thry then set lire lo Good frper aad orchard, aod nr- dasHlBS
laiit laqolrc ot X C W.ict. Manroieaa.
nd the bodice of their two Mlrfc pe.9»«
H nearly conaumed by the
Os*aassa ..............Lvr

MenI say 1tUat when tiny know they
will .lo; J.-Kus BT* that when ibeydc
they will know. He does not promise to
. . -,r W-ttoT. Morris."
A Bnlawa.vo paper rtK-ords i
lua&ilust Himwlf to tbe man Who
‘■What are you doing now, ChrlsI”
Bietfaod of pushing a train or
drenma or dv.boie*. bnt to liini wbo
And wbvn Chris answend the bro:
lly flooded Imdge.
A curt
keel*, lit* oommaiiilmcut*. Tito
tmtb sprout
toil of oUdienee. i mmierod rometblng for wbleb be Iwma- writes that when be wished to go over
ot in
in Iho
then was tbn-e or foar fset of water
Tbc word* of Jeans In^ tbe mind <rf a '““.‘‘'.■J
_____ •
in tbe river aud cuuwqpently tbe endiisibediettt man an.
are Ja,=»
,1HH Uh„
‘ *““**
atwmpt « giues could uiK <T.sw. ui^be water
wb<at In the
tbe wrapping,
wrappings of a mummy,
To know tbe diviuiiy of Jesoa' toacb-1
Tboreturned mbtien could acarady ba- would bare pxtiuguinbKi ibv firea. Tba
iiigs we must dp Hi* will with definite , lievutlmi Chrl. Mnnlej—Cbti*. Uw bard method adopted was to make a train
[ual in length to tbe width of tbej
iiih-aiiaa. Mural
disiiUdiunoe is mental! drinker. tl>e prolane swearer, the lBd«
ii disoUdiuB
ver. and tbeu an engine waa placed at
, but to suliinit onr wills in ' In all Infnctios
Ibe roar, ,wbicb bustled tbe craio acroea
y to His law is to open our minds I actually tuned chapUln.
tbe river>aoahat it extended Its foil
le light of His tntb.—fi. S. Timea.
trloods crowd.
width. Another engine—or. nion lilbBT CbriB Manley preecb. When Manley waily'fpeakiug. a brace of engines—
be thrust bli only
' band

InloMwbgawas waiting an.;be far side, aud ibeaa
om of bis coat and diew (onb a ItlOe TeetomenL livery ear ww opaoed to uotch WMe coupled to fbe train and dragged
It out. It was a new way of fording a
r bdpe to diaouarriver by nil. Tbe bridge at tbo bbasfai
itb to tboBwbo
are weak, new
Bw joya io tbuM wbo an
It belpi
Ipi tbe despairing t
And a ewcettaoed ^ woman In tbe
3d Stan
agai 0. It makei life sen
rise and
eorner wiped from ber «yee tbe
worth while to every ooe into
I vyei it Inoka. lu words an bene! wai reading an advCrttaemeat of
dlcticBia lu every knalb U full of isOhamberlalD'a Colie. Cholera and Diar•piratluD___ WMminMcr Teacher.
rbms Remady ia tba Woresaler Bsterprlao rwfMUy. which lauds me
Uila. IcaatruUfe”
truthfully aay I aever nacd
Do not be contest with jggfaBtoB* eleei. but you aak. who an tbe wlae? any nmedy e<iaal W it for eollu and
llarrbasa. 1 hava
have aerar had U aae
and aMererationi. but aeok to oarre Thoae wbo keuw. The eft repeated dlarrbom.
more than uae or tire deaaa to eun the
your affeotiooa emotion* and ounvio
lea for k
woret ease with .^yaalt
Moei into deeda wbleb, bowever nnaL
iiry aaya Cha ' ' In-a Cough Bem- W. A. RTMOt'n, Pupemuke Citv,
eetlen t^ any For eala by 8. E Walt. DraggiaL
......... .................
heea la
^er l^be marfcat.
the drag hMlegaa at BIkUn. Ky..
- . for
twelve yean; baa eeldhaadredaof k
bolMlectrio Batba. TurUab. Buaaian.
ties of Uia remedy and acariy all ether Bomau. beallug, aeotbiag. medRatod.
Tbwr'ia a delight in tneatlBgaBd cmgh esedMaw i^ufartar^^^^h perfumed and luzuriotM. ^reu ta a flae
ely tba^ Cbaml.______ aaito <rf roMPa. Ms. 18 Markbaai Bloek.
ootivendng with white aouled people in
ifaatwyto the people where ladtea wlU rusalve daUeato and
thia world that cbb DoUber be expnMed
Bor fully nampB^MBded. » ChrMMiy ,a»dU tbe heat. Fbraaleby 8. B. WalL

SfciKSioir-'S"" * 'sKi-jir

TTIRgntBO NClUlg—HISS Baicllr Bnlcoaih. a
a rln^^r U^respuad to call* fro aa^Bg. Ml
J^APLk WOOD for sal*. TvaveraeCUy Law-


F°l^S!L-.TS3iU“f«iK. 1

HaUo. b, *Tchit«tt-


OourvUouroiabclmmio ’framas Ci

sts-jTj Mi-sniT’jT.?

bMrov W e-elock a. m.



Had, Bqs and Ba^e
When Is awd'of anything In tbii
Use natember thb is tbe plaee to leave
your utdMasdget pcomM work.
Uatto^iUoB guaraatoed or BO ebaifa.
LeaTS Four orteu at oOM OT eaU up

•Fbone No. S.




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