The Morning Record, January 22, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, January 22, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


"o wigiin wn










nl»Un dtatuoe wmM be BetaWsed |
fna (taMu mort eboald it be deened |
Kenhort. All I
Traearao Oi^ twit, iTo. 871, aad
nXttBAX<‘OFFIOZ ICAITXB ] eivtaeble to r« m
thelemenelcBctbe prapoeed roatae'^^T AWAADKD HUE
\ Amanda HJaa.
roairmELT nnjLSD.
iAdiaeU4ineUeM>nee(«r'T6f tbe
Upoa'^halaritatloBofthe ladies of
reed to be poshed tbrooirh.
‘ AMMtor Bormn l>Mid«« XMI&IUI7
ABaada Bin, L. O T. U.. Traseree
toM Bey eed ProreBoni U* baelaMS 3*6f Oorbatt Oan InUnetad W
City Teat No. 87t. K. O T. M... Joined
TwMrdmj utd TnvMM City ud
reaently ere e( the eeme spirit,
idaM of Fandlae Tovaab^; -a
with the bin laat alfffat ia Ue iastalAUmlvtM An FaTond—K08. O. O. thoorb then en sobs wbe OMisider
FoRdtaU Laetun aad tatiaiatad UtloB of Us reteaUy elected offiewe of
«mU wm b« XHctrlct Attorsty that e nllroed woojd »esd oeaeldarThat nan Kad Beta Xaeacb both orruluUoos. Pact Cc
»»d nom. A. a Vt '
able trade to Tramae <^trA1‘
Troablo ta net Vpii^bacbaed.
A. V. Priadrleb offlelalod aa iastall'
tboarb there
The BlaekBaa deatafe eaae waa eea- iar oOeer for the Kelrbu aad Mrs.
dndad ia the Clreoit obort laat analaf T. U JiAbsob for the L O. T. U. The
aad-while the ptalatiff dads blBaatf voric-ae fioely cMcstei aad the at-'
draw the wiaoiar saaben brm 6uUtUe rieber by the nrdlet he at laaat toodanos wae sery Urfo. After the
atorBDrrowrmbbad. ead it is aathe floor was cleared for
iorthport the ea lUmeat It aboat aajeys the eatiafaetloa of hariaf
aooaeed today that they base alnady
oat. The rerdirt was Ufhv only l*"*^*®** “
»»*t the seg.
road aqaally dlrided, •

' V*#.-. .1.. —^
aotifled of_ tbelr __
8S7.S0. bot BlaekBaa has ba4 a ebaan baton the vonar people cess'd Vi eajoy
Ooreliutobe L'altad Sutes dis.'^"* •‘hare dleooarafe the plea, -nte
to oondoct a real eaae la the drcalt the pleasneas of the dadee. Dorisr ibe
sarveyors an
. trict attoraey for Weetera Michliraaj*'^?®?.
" aaftced oA their nport
evoDlor tba ladleaoerved a flae aeppw
adto the
aad Ur. YTheeler will be Uaitad States
^„ „
Blttod to the bar. the fact that he aad it Is fWiBated tbst over eoo" vf^
taaiahaL The appolattaeau -hi h.'Q-R-* •■ <>»• Tbenwte
•ervod- The event -fa a aoeial and'
iaaaid to be arxxl oaa!**®*
r*etorioos. U caoae for aelf
Bade rery sooD.
I la regard to the awtter of G»sBw-ui:wgB ooarntalaUoa, aot only' beeaosa
The aaeopecemeDt win be ooasider-L, „n », the sdseBUMons territory wlBoiv. bat boeanse tba trial of the
able af a sorpnae to the faonle of oaaadTaola««>oe tarriiory ease fare him aa opportoDlty to nrapl
didataa, as hothlbe appoiatan ooBo!'^^

to tba pablle bU trooblaa with &a
from the nortbara part of the atate.
'■criBloa:! alaaanr of Pandlee towsOOUnjJT 00X7AT 0A8B8.
IV has beas rspaetcd that the attorney•kip.The evidence yesterday taoralnr waa
Oifleulty Ooar Uemoral of Betiso- •loaf the MetlBee ss the day befon,
aad as priatad in ibe Boxikh -Tba
bold FiusitBro.
plaintiff failed to latrodoce direct evh
danee of a eonapincy and Bslicious
i eoae yrslerday aftmooa la the drcelt
. therefore tbc eunrt looooK the case of Aedrew Laacb
netsd him that laasmsch as be bad
{ AlberfWeIcb. a nplcvls appeal acUon.
that ap ID bb daclarattos be
jwas Ukea np. Qllbart A.Oatee ap-i*^^ *
Bflae bb clalBe tor damages
I peared for the plaintiff aad Hon. W. H. |
Tbe proflreas of the case wad cbarI The aeUAn is bronyhl for the resclorited with aBosieg sltaatioDs and
I covory of eortale bonsehold fnraitnn
I which the plajatlffclaiai waa tahea , faatnles which —onid have offered aa



Eor joDr Kold. bnt come to o« if yoo vaot Blank Bookalmf
office -uppUeo. We hare the largest stock of new. goods to sel«d»
from and we please yon with onr goods and our prices.

*«0 FROMT BniCeT.

Any kind—style—size—shape—color—
tite best made in the city.

Men** nil w<»l Cwimere Snita, choice pottemA Frendi
faced to ahoulden, good lining, pip^ trimmed, and
fine fittiag. Tbe value is $7.60, but here they go At
the ridiculously low figure rrf $600. We re nearly aU
eizea, but Come Early If yop Want to take adwBB*
tage of thia offer.




HON. 0*0 o-oovau.

idoria£i*^P®^““^ for eonelderable akiUfirl
•BRcptlUonsly from hb pni
It b allared that uie
lefal akirBbblaf
fnmitan was Ukea from a sban- ^
Blackman been ne leor on
iy ia whieb the Lcoeh faaUy wen legal kaowledge ms Mr. Pntb
Tbs case west to tbe Jary at 2:30 aad
living while they' wen engaged'is
dlearlag a piece of lead la Eaet late in theVleraaon tbe Jerors eeat
Bay. township.
The plaiaUff al­ word to tbe court that they eoold not
Jadge Corbett recharged tbcB
leged that Waleb. hb wife and eon.
and they reenaed tbclr dellbaratlons. Hamlet ezelaims. Possibly be had jsst
together .with Mr*. Leach, who bad
gome tbroogta tbe seat of mmc old
chair, and found it oat to biii soi raw.
left her hosband. took tbe fnroUan by
Then is nothing like handsome,
toroe and placed it U tbe dwelling of
After the jury bad nllrwJ t« tbe Jaiy' sad up uwlste Foroltun"tor'i;M^
Welch, where ebe was suying. Then
room Jadae Corbett addreeeed himself I
sll-aroDod eocafort. mod
Leach rrplevined tbe goods, was beatea
drstops aad biylm

“Ihgh is Something
Rotten^'h Denmark!

M. 8. HOLLAV, ■



We hare
received our first invoice of

Ladies’ Fine Shoes
In New Spring Sigfjes.
rjtOK Tku £T8-Wfll bt Pliutd II Ekn Ttau



AI, wnld ICO toll.. n.,rtl.«>..d of I. . )u.U« crt. ud .po»W. Tb, :
^ id'‘‘ElS.'t-SUrF ™ d^, "to
i».ib.ui., ,b.
dldbU. for lb.|. b... nnb. I W.. mi b po».>.ob -I U.. p»d. j
.from tbe sooth, and they have all ei- when the npicflb procredingi------a have mate to bc ia the
pected that geographical reaaoes woold ' lasUtotsd.
pact maeeraing thia portioa of the
help them ooi Bnt Senator Bnrro-s j
eonnty. ladeed the fame of this aalgb-

[j. w. SLATER’S Gaining in Popularity—

i?.'Sf™b“ro“4b“.*^wi - the CUSSIC DRAMA.

borhood has gone abroad and has
naebwl ae befon the InalitoUoa of ise iss Front St. TRAVBBSE CITY.
tbeee prooeedi^ Complalnte have
brongbt to me, also the preaecatIng attorney. Now. peiaooally, I
not know what the facte an. or wbeth-j
lere is any meritto'tbe quarrel of^oa.*** -vr
I Blackmans or nou it is not for Still Very HUSy
me to say; bnt, without attempUng
room for
ezense or palliate tbe faults of Mr
Therefore eoae at once for
Bl..l,o..n Italr.U>..TO,.t It oh.t
.We 1have
he says is trna-tbat tbe peeple, I lloaof Pictore Monldings
of them 1* that nalgbborbood. all orders prompUy, if we have to work
have ent his wire feneea have brokao all night.
tbe windows ont of bis boose ia the
ttigbL have injoiad Us erops. destroyed
his tmis- tben it Is‘a aad state of 411 Sooth t'DioD 81.
affsln indeed: and tnoee who have
engaged to sech depredations are law
breakera and ought to receive tbe
hearty coademneUoo of ail good peo­
ple of tbe nelghborbdod and. if the
evidence ie obtainable, they sbonld be
Tetbewebo Imw Ueir -seek vlUwe tor
“Ur. Blackman may be obnozions to reessairUiic v •vpstn SaMu cw vtoter. Iyon; yeV if be keeps witbla tbs la*, viU ekare* ootblBK tor rorr auS storaec.

ttoos be bae n
diatrieto. tba Ninth and meveath. Ha Womaa'a ,01nb Freetaiad a Bplandld
' flgared tbst be eoold not give aaytUng more u Ralaausoo. beesnse be
UvB then Elmself, aad that'Ufaadi
Swld. bu .InMiT bM. ..11 .MO,-’ Tl-'«.«b.. of tb. Wo«.b'. a.b
.eojoyed a ran treat yeeterday after-,
Booo Is the alodv of the Greek tragediabs. oader tbe able
' agiaaMe U find aa attorney oataide Mn. J. W. MlUilAB. In the aberaee
tbe pmideat. Mra J. A. MoeUg'ua
tbecity capable of filling the bill. The
list of able attorneys north ef O^aad tbe BceUng was preeided over- by tbe
Bapids U eald to be very llaltod. Es- first vice pTBldeel. Mrs. M. A S. BobTbe only aaponBeetneat mady
Diatriet Attorney L G.
Bapids WB, a atrong candidate.
W, asthacl^in parliaeieaUQ
^ . drill, which will meet with Mrs John
be is mined tv la tbe peetoffiee
bis own town bis Appoiatmeat
at woij^ Gillis Sstorder aftornooB. Janoary 79,
bsve brottghl oot a protest. Mr. Delsoo at 3 o'clock.
[ The sfunseoD program was lalroOf UoBkegqn woald hsre stood
oelleat ebaaee of getUng it. but be dmiced by Mrs. UllhkOB. who spoke of
is Ung’ed op in the Whitehall bank the three great aaslers of Greek trag­
Mr Borrows was deter. edy. .Etcbylos, Eoripldee aad'Bophoelee.
Blaad to make selec
Tbe keynote of the program tollowffenem And be gave tbe matter moeb
iDg was given In tbs fset tkst the
yon eanoot jssUfy yourtolvea. by
, As for the Banbalship^it was offend Greek dramatist aimed firet to inetrnet, eommitting denredatloos oipoa him.
. to Mr. Wbsisler baton Mr. Boraows thvo to enUrUie. while Jost tbe appo­ Mr. Blackman la not obliged to fence
site is true af tbr dramatist of today.
left Kalaouuoo last week. Tbv
against bis neighbort' stock, nw are
isiee BSD asicad for a few days to
Mn. U. D. Allsy followed with a
yon obliged to fenee against bis. How
aider It. aod eald that ba wanud to brief sketch of .FrcbJ-los. the first faever wfongfol and ebarlish yon may
eoDsnlt bis wife. They had already mons Greek tragedy wdter.asdabeso- think it is of him to refute to .build Oppoolt* M. a M. K. Depot.
made arraBgemenia to move to Gmad tifolly worded review of bis master feneee against your stock hr U legally
Rapids to spend tbe wlaur nod Mr. piece. --Tro^etbeot Boond." fnm Mrs. in the right ia so rcfaslng; be is sot
-Wheeler wired Mr. Bonewe ywterday BrofTBlng's tnnslal
obliged to fenoe against bU nelgbbora'
«f bis secepUace.
,Tbe chief cbancteristics of Snpb- Stock. It is bis duty to beep bis cnttJe< nn|/*\C*0
oclea’ ebaneter, bla charming mannar. off his nelgbbora’ land and it U the nnlV^llO
happy disposition an'^grsat gentns were duty of bis neigbbore to keep thelr
tonched opon byMr*. Millikeo. who cattle or-bls land.
Are moving our goods, but tee
reviewed bis great play. Oedipns Tyr- j “ti'acb lawlmanaea, If emUnned. have lot* of good* left which ve
annls. giving eelecilons from tlma to might produce very seriens renlte. in
for Suggested MsUroad Tbnngb
wish to cioee out before taking m.
time, with much ezpreaaion. Tbe dla- tbe shape of aiaon. loxABaal^ Aod Is
Twelsnaa County.
legne Jietween tbe king aad qneea ^ Border em. and if ft is not ^topped it voice, and -we have *ome ^ecial
Tbe enrveying psrty. eeasisUag of C effectiTsly given by Ura. Millikan Ad
may eanae someone abiy aarions teonbla bargain* to offer.
B. Mairsy, agent ef tbe G. B. A I. ia Mra Martin.
Now. if yon have any eomplalnU
this city. C F. Clogsioo of UoskegDB
against tbs Blsokimns. lodge them
aad E. B. Bamm, enrwyor of the G . B.
properly and intelligently In court and
let tbe conrte determine them. Tbe
people of tkie county have, keen
ezpaase In Uylng this eanse and
other passes ariaipg ont of this state
of affairs aad I think It is high .time
ronte snggmted by tha way oT'-BisgBnripldca. tbe last of the famoos
that tbe matter oeaae
bam. thenee to Snttons Bay and on to
*ns briefly spoken of by Mra MU“1 well nndaiatnnd that there
Omena aim. Ang the east shore of
«eniioned among oUem of
Carp lAke to Provemoat and a«^»'P^F*^*oB«deneribiiigtbaadven- tome people there who %r« not on
friendly terms wiU the Blai^inaoe.
•throngh the c*ntn of the eonnty tol'»'’oos aod nnha^ life of Ja«».
who oUlm that Mr. Blacktean is
This lA.M.
latter awmp«
roate U MWcbowhleb lhe etory o
reportli^ the trnlh in t^mrd to' theee
Mdered by tbe enrveyors to be tbe moet
' lepredaUosa. . I do not state
feasible and wonid tap a more exfond- by Mrs. A. B. Cock.
that they are true, I know nothing
A first clam stock of rentee.
reeitoUon by WiU Boberts. that was
From Blegbam the ronte woald greatly enjoyed. It was a atrong some than theae imnarks wQl sM
follow the lake to tbe eiet end of leetion and was givea with a Tare skill.
On hand, nnd etden filled to nit the
the bridge at Ihwv'emont. • This ar- Mr. Boberu piisMim much taleat in ' nply.
■■1 treat there will be Ime complaints
caagemenv would not bring tha rend kU line, and hU listeners forgot for the
dfrMttoBattonsBs.r, bor-Ay n point
nkoat two mnss, or perbafo n littio thetle itory co ably told, llte mnsieal ' Tbe legntar meeting «f tbe Gond
fanrtan will be held this evening at
•BMgh to afford assy reach. Tbc Me mwb to the effaeUveama.
OoTr 7th and Dziioii StFMta


Lut Month EioeUed All Put BonoiM.

All Dnion SeU Theo (or

3 OE^jilS
lUaollAotarAd by

-A.: “W. O’-A.HIR-A-'Crs,
TonnAliar Block,



Free Storage .
for Bicj^cles.







Gold Medal Flour.


■ ■ ■■■


Will remiod you that winter is not yet over.
Plenty of time to Wear Winter Wraps. You
can buy them here for 76c up. Spedah
valnes at tfais .time of the year.

Buy the Lydoming op Goodyear Glove Brands,
the BMt on Earth, at





. 1

TBX xoBEnra



Bata* Agtlmtt HorttM tor teiAtor.
tm M*rrl»aA.
RUApoU*. Jm. :i.—TiM'XmU of
Ute MTuU b»Uot tod*7 os U>« hmap WH M loUows; MoCom. 44:

I. T. Batb a*v t. W. HA^n^'


i. W. Bavxvi. BdiCor pad Muaf«r.

rrWbTtwiM SwrriM.

itoaMU».trMa. •

Thora’trUI V no prcMklnc Mrriee Ct
I tke PrMbyteriu ekur^ tomomn,
0 «lth«r morainpor
owing to
• Ue nbMDOe et Ui« pMtwr. Bmt. W»c)r
K.’ Wrlgkt, fro* Us sJty. Tbs 8nnd»7 school sad ponncpsopte's ■esHng.
' bswsror, wU) be bc)d ns nsnai.'


It ena bs nntboriuUrelj stntsd that
«hd UnlUd HUtee loads Up world la
•hs Iran nod steel trade. Our sapreai'
^ in Uia Une is now admiUed by
V K^lnnd, as U eTideseed by the pur:^eee of mw ore from us for Eaglisfa
re. By virtue of laber-sav*
fonr Ubms greater than Ue heat of
Bnglud'a. of scoaomie trauaporUUon.
Md trf Us enonnons steres of cheaply
Uined hot Ugh-fmde ores wiU wblob
this country aboands, we have at­
tained the firat poaltlon in Iron-ore
. mining nq^ iron nod atcM making.

Goorge A. Stoams received word
from VTasbiagtofl yesterday that he
had been granted a penilon.'
None should mlas the celebrated leetnro. ••Brains,” to be delivered is Ue
CltJ Opera Bouse Monday night by Us
" ik Bristol.
eloquent Dr. Frank
Bristol. In tbs.High
i school lecture com
Tomsrrow Ue Mokmm. Ecookii wIU
contain a fell page ank-ledeacribing.Ue
"Kew Bhtoric Fnese at the Capitol.'
JtUlUoslraUdwlU reprodocUena of
Ue ehbjseu and oeal^ wiU important
polnU regarding Ue doct
aldM being of deep Interest Ue artide
affords InformaUou which will be abeoluUIy new to Ue general public.

Iv Ue baUbting for t'nlted SUtn
• in Maryland -yesterday
a, Ue repoblican e
apstmted astrengU and gain which
ygnmlnTi' gri~f for the democrats and
portends Us end of iGormaDUm in Uat
On Ue aevenU Joint ballot HcPemei received 44 votes nad Gormea
««. wiU Ue fanner leading on

Theatiionl Hotee.
trith Ue exeepUoD of Monday night.
Ue andienor In Stelaberg-e Grand last
flight WSJ Ue largest nf Ue week.
Bryas't Conediani preaeoted a special
triple blit with features to delight a
misoeUaneoua andteaee. An olio of
good epeelaltiea kept Ue audienoe in
two abort

■' It- -p.wi». «.!«•»,



TntTmOUg Kwtot

iram tbs Stengrwars .____
UilllDg ms ibM the man wbo
ad t<» SMllDg my t9O0<T wi
swd the following day: and . - .
make It worth his while be wonld hate n


was sunir«5d..hs«- it «IH «o.kwiI«L _ j

Below U n Ust of tbs boring nnd seUlag f^ees of yastsrday
by for groeoriei
On* night in FfbruiT. Si 1 Mllsti at pnivUlou nad farm prodoets In Tn<

Eggs per dc
eh'Vter wltb the prison v ardrr.
Hr luiil me that bvdiil eo( propose hln>- Codflarper
thsl U w—-'' UidperR..............
self kJ,do the walrhint:, but <—........
brdone by a man who bsd st tmotline Batter per tb Dabr.
lery But
been a warder of tbs Jail, but bad lefttbe
CheeM pertb
lamed that the llehct OaU per bo (oU).-.
af W's IIliiati bad taken up bin iilacn of Cora per bo.. oU...
abode Id a northern aaburb tif (be cKy.'
bad bend made by a bk-b

Great Bankrupt Sale!
Clothing, D17 Goods,



Gents’ Furnishings, Dress Goods.

__ Uvn (ohVk-trd nnder (he BirTl^e naTMOPTRS'
nanicor Jamra Ualr. ami It *as not mull
a yiar later that I dlw'or<vtd "Jim Halo’'
I” >;....................
«o be vm of thv allMM of tbr notoriuua
___________ and bnrular Cbarha 1>
On Ue *«ond diy after uiy srrtvaJ In
Maoc^ter we liwmnj thpt (be tlcirt of
teaTR man baA i
Imrb .iftl rily
per d'
eJiK-k InAbeeTentngtbe tbkf
Atxul I
folih-d (bo (brier wbiuu he
In- bad
Obloago Marketbringing wlih liliu a |>lrkas and »hun-t.
Be bad ebanp-d his dreaa and appealed
no •■nlloaty laU>r>'r.
tvbeo wr nwibnl the fields In tbesobnrlis. It «■■■ cluae upon V o'cloek nml pitch
inary, T»c: May. ssKt^kkci
dark '1 Ik- thief bad, however, pruvldial
hluiKifwIth a lantern, nnd liy fta llpht
-. . , .
Mny. 5SHc:
spat au yards fraui----Tbvrartcr whom be bad bioughtwitfa ’"‘H^k^annaty. W.Cl; May. r.'.TT.
blni liad mnaiiMtl with his burse and cart
in the tuidwsy. mi that we could nut api
Grand Rapida. Jaa. ?!.—Wheat, a
priwrb \.r> marfurfitirutbrlnciitaervc
■{uailly w<- turmtl••»rkal
bark alotii
0 Itun
«irtklDK ncr
roevl. and
right angles w.vme 'lUUkblr to approaih
■ctticof vpenitlmn rreiii (hr fartber Side.
Bvthls iiwans
were able to gKwHbtu
a few fed of tin- tbkf without bring ob-1

... ....... *


50 Cents on a Dollar
The Fair,
Brosch Block,


Front Street.

HalUmore.Stock Received Three'Times a Week
bounta. 40c per quart

Fletther's Orster Depot and Restaeratt.

He Was busily ctiKaged and already hsd


J^^SlReal Estate ^
Fire Insurance.

. »ooeeis in gating thirteen Store voles, the enlerUiatnent Tonight, Ue last j the soil In Urpi •hoTctfuls. The bido
hi# election will sound Ue deaU hnell |
^js engag;qment, will be pr^ealed | Uen saw was at tbt hi^of a large beep of
„_flrthe raigo of Gorman.laiximark to Identify tbs spot.
"Betwm Ue Acte.”
Msklogaclmilt in Iho risbt, wrg«to
Kow. U Ue bn called crimiul eleUe bscfc of tbe'biwpof klai>ea.-aiKl apigri close up t(
meat flf PhiWMs townahip aad ^iU- FOR ELECTRICAL STUDENTS. proarhiim
;bout being Uwerved and ui kiuk
utef WlltM
Blackman ehall embrace.'bseome
down upon him at hU work.
Bdled nad abnu all dealres to perso busy tbsl lie Would Iwt have
ts .each oU^ Grurf Traverse
Itceil us had we brcti cien k» cautious
A- new divijm of dynamo for expert. node
Cflunty wlU be relieved of furUer •nantal rnmn in it tnannfacturad hv tbs **•■"
than WO wcsc. The
The b..k
b«>k was
Was now
now rank
rank to
fleighhorfaood eataaglemenu in Uat
^oflrUr aad Ue public can have n reek
d for iunudebta ltl»»lS,.
^he parent remarks of Judge Oorh grade eotmnercial tuaoblne. bdef*-1
„tu , |p
JoluMon Block. . Thone 73..
-- -- w^ and stoo|«d down,
heU up« that point were timely and ed to experitmptal work, the idea in |
fumUbing «ucb a iuiachiut- •being
. - ......................................
Uat Uu shovel bad struck tbs tld of a targs
ah^d be Uken ae ao indicatiaa
M.%. MV l.Mi. ;
tte law mast net be tmusgraeeed with after ibeModRot has fimiibod bis course | aquue t»x. AiKitber tnlnutr and bebad
impaaity. eves ia Paradise.
tbs silvrrasmall I
hie ooBTse treating of dysano construoalto oywned, and
tlan. be reeeivea the uiaf-faine. wiU rr- In U sreaaw. flUl bright aad gluiering. a
Harip(!^I3 flirir Meat Deerirpart flnMbed. and with all the mete- mste of jewdrypnrtioent tn Mclotueh A £1' 0Ub Bapar Ably Xdltad, latroducad Tials foi - winding—i. a. mskiug
Tb«e wrre rings and chains and brecelibH of.Maointeb, will conI kb. but what siruik u* iiiurv ibaiiall cIm
Imai Might in Addition to Kumar- jAnnatuie complete, putting 00 aud
tinoe to kk^_
was a magtiilicetii itinaioiid tiara. coDtainIng stuBus of tuarveluue atae aad briJliame.
The Ruby Light Clob meTlSR^LAnd briMetb thodLamondawas apse!
hag at UercaidencT^ A. W.- Peck.
of |;a}>rrK whk-b. with a gnat gasp of •
East tNlbU street: wiU fifteen
..V. ,nu
VI. »v... ...
BUlil •net piHie. t«k. po«™.
harspreaeDt. The first number
svviu yaanvjmu' sion, .Iflitaary l&th.
paper edited by Charles Buck and Miss
Don-, f.U .oc.iu.o„„,p.l
BdiU Bassett, containing nrGeIca on
bos and lifted U up to the surfaOK Of the: Uke «drantfli:T tJf Sptfinl
Mne printe. various formaia, and m re­
ground. Hv plscid lion «Ms edgeattbe ,
Prioec. .\lso FuH Lioc of
port of au amataer phetogrephete' ex­
foot of the hvapuf stones bebliid which W4 ;
hibit lately held in Kew York aiy.

Money to loan

-ONImproved Farms and
City Froperty.



& Co


A Full Line of Meats

r featqre of Ue meeting was that each member furaisbAd
I pruiidid iiGM-lf and was quite pn-their baby pictnrea- Theac were nnmcd for tbc uniuukil wbea he should m*
hared aad nlaewl around on teblea. nnd
•Tvncvr'a ELErruirAi. ustvintfc
ni Intercating gucMlag conwat emened
the field ooils. This work is a; This he did not do OBtll be bad
as to whom they belonged.
out of
bah' after It.
. and Ue
itnk. B'h<
I'he mao Wim no vdwanJ—frwof Us
naxt meeting appointed to me
■es {he/tna
• •

- borglanriMldesoe of Mra.-Bnrd. 4
.-mainder of his r
and thuugb be started when be found
The aniiBinre is of the drxnn type, blDirelf laiY to face with a liKHktl n volver
BIgbU aire^ Vebraary lllb. .
be did not qualL A(qn*r raibi-r (ban fnr
A qaesUon oolumn was proposed in with lainiuaivd enrv. The
the ciiuKiun which expeeserd Itself
the paper and any pnmled amatear I «
ooJ'ovWf riw for was
upouiits foatures.
■my drcqi a postal to Ue editora. Mr. [
”"'-"”"'"‘"1 ♦"
VCurw your U Add. "Wliat baa It got
to do wUh jouf”
-Nutbltig.oDly that you've got ny bank
wer these qneatlone la Ue next [ trushl-s required. Wien operated
that Uiz and —...........
that (be r_»of t
alteniaiing mmait niachiue. it e>c>t«i; Li. got t.. be handed over to ibe tsJlev-*'
its own fields.
I Tlictlilrf
The tlilrf sUll ritaiixd
tbv sniue poslBVMIsABB BKKTXKOX^
The range of exprrimenfal nse is'tlon. wltfa unu knoe niiwd u> ibc bank uf
wide. The n>arbin.w havo Lv-n fraud ^ earth and bis otiwt footeUll rrsliog at the
Xmwie KUIer and Joe Xoao:^Whose to he so well adaplwl for iuntrui^km.
‘be hula
Urn- <if bis buiida ^owrvtr. bod esolm
purposes (hat they are now in nsr w b
Pal was KiUed in T1

' ».Uai •
Ctaarlolte. Mlqh.. Jaa. t‘l.-J
■icity nun last uie pro*'ced Lewis Miller
tire of wiodius aud (villvctiug the ma-.' -\ow.
Now. Xo.
lew. drop Ibat, or you’re a
seb U> one year In Ue Ionia
o (be nudeata. !<}(«.lI n>ati." at (In- some (iius oeverinf
wry for bnrglnry. They were
with Ills revolver
'And 11 1 do.
u. what'ibceif
Ue partneia and Ue former a brother
I B give you half of It. and
•f Lewis Miller, who was killed by
I'JI kv
II band you over to Ua police
nfo while Ue gang were trying
which give rtw to more or le»i» mriemi
w, »..Jins
•vnde arreet for a burglary' commit
dlsfatv. sbnvr (list alniovt every railing
„ despriate et the
some ailnent ixvoliar to iurlf eud .p„„,.,rt of agato retomlim to trison
Benton Barbor. and arising fnuo almost inevitable ra
_to M______
urk riui tba tvtnaloder of Ills
they are said to belong to reepectnele direct nr nnnote. It is frniod tfaat hak- jdrv.w from hi« pocket ib« rcvulver u|jun
en. owing to their im«nlar life, sleep-iwbieh his iliigvnv bod Imo rtsthirduriuB
inmUlea _ .
ipg in Ub day and wotklng nights and'the lau_ few luuiaunu and fired puinl
beranm of Ibe hot air and dn«. oftenj
• bulles graaed my sbonlder aad
bemme virtinis to mn.




oovery BehbtfuL
Oolambna.0:, Jan. 21.—A WaablhgtOB Court Bouse phyaiciaa. wbo has
beaa ooneultod by Governor Bnabnell,
mys Ue governor is suffering from
dinbetae nsd hie leoovery te donbtfol.


Editor W. B. Campbell of Us Rm
plre Leader, is In Ue city on bnsineas.
C. Q. Turner artU go to Detroit today I
to attend a meeting o< Ue State Board
W. 8.
1. formarlT of UM loesUty. t
rtvfld ia tows yeatorlay Crms MUwn

replied to It.
Ue bad Uwn prepared f* a demoosaing, Bod'tlieir eyre become weak from Uon of thi. kind, and scareely bad tbe
Ue glare of the fire. BrickUyevS and Ulef firrd than he lecrived In reply a sing
plasterer* cammcwly enjoy fine health. which struck tbu hand In which bisroCarpenters and os£inet makmare liable eolver was held. ahaiicrlDg (be stock <g
tobavevarioosgveiai in Ue legs, and tbe r-capon abd tire at tbe fifigen which
held IL”
tbe aetiao of Ue sbqnldor In savringand. , it lihacryof palntbetMof
planing may prodnoe a dianssxd ocfldi- wlihln tbe hv.k.and calling to mo to fotUon of tbe large artvTy that run* ftom
V aftiv him
'be could
the heart to tbe arm. Alinei*; ftam
d liail him ha
working in tbe dark, eoqnireweak^eyea, make any tunfaer aitrapt at Tt.
I hsd assuied myself on tho way to the
and their liiogs become quite Black,
Cunp-TK bavoalnmp nn tbe knee, which. policeCtatioethat;Ibe papoa in thwbos
were iodetd. as t bsd amicl|iated, mjk
however, phyiiclans my is really a lit­ own
miming bank floM. and tbanlcfnl lotle bag of fluid pot tbm> hg natnie to
was I so strangely to racover
Moo of my tong iwt money.—Bxebanga

••Tbri tefloref ota* baa a marrMaoi
Mamager Me^ #f Ue gaasnl Store
liable to be potooned by Ue lead they wotaa' Hoean bold one of bis notes for
of Ue
- •m to tnneh. and a Modmity srtoes to
Ofl. st Good Barber, to U U»-^ M ■Wtokatoi cf msetos, eepeeially tbe
« yearn.''-IflBtofl rim.


Redncrd to- Lowest Possible
Don't Fail to Profit
by This.

Caiulkett & Go.,
Cor. Ninth and Union Sts.

Steieberg’s Gnuiil Opera House


The demand for Improved and Un­
improved City Property is becom­
ing brisk. I have

Two or Three Hooses end Lets
and a Number of Well Located-

Vacant Residence Lots

in'Traveree Oitjf that will be sold


Low Prices

PRICES, lOc, SOc ui 30t


Bo. OffiM..


Jf Bold NOW. Come and ask about
them, if yon want a home or a good
investment.\ "

—Watch Repairing.
—John Verly.
—Front Street.

Thos.T. Bates.



RatcMoni Tell, the Coal Cmfarr*M That the Semi* Own*
mittM !• Doing It* Boat.

1. *L-By U»€ d«ci*r»*
r*te o( 41 ta B Ut« Mnate ynterdar
to pn>c««4 U once to the cobMderaflov or the rrMluUoa iatn>d«ced
a few day* aro by Teller ot Ciitorado,

• Cuban Fifht in
Houm Wind*
Up With « Vary Dramatic

l>rovl(ltiiy''for the payinenl of| of
the t'nilod 8iBie« In Kllver at the option
of the foviemmeDt. The reaoIuUoD proTldea; "That all bond* of (he l-nl(r<r
Slaiee. laaoed or aulboHaed to be baord
nnder ihe aald acta of .■vncreo herein­
before teclied. are payable, piiocipal
and Intereat. at the oiulon of the coT■•r • Myttell TUU WmM
enimeot of ih.- ftifled Btale*. In allver
W OP<l»r>-Wl-rV Mlv.r Bm
dollars of the roloafre of the United
Mm Vb IMM*.
Btatea conialolnx 41ft* yraloa each of
' WaabitwtuD. «aiL a.—epesAer Reed. alandard allver; and-that to restore to
the rastmm of the bouse.* and lu ooloase Buoh silver coin* a« a leyal
........... of aald bondv pHnnitey. leailer of the DemocraU. fivra- .tender In payment
•reft. U not In violation of
/to place on the rlwr. glared at each I Hpal
,i.h Bcr
a,.e tn
,B oewiion
deivaallon oi

public faith
other at the
...e *,o..tlc ^editor.
ycFterday a

t'atat of tniBoU and Indiana, wbar*
tLeic « a dlfferriUtal of 4oenu In «btot
of IIHBoU. Ualiell. one of the principal
mine owners of the Bprlag Valley dis­
trict. wanU both sutea to adopt the
••mie* «etfbt'‘ fystem. and aa^ that

4aya darla« tbc COniUderatlon of the
diplomatic and
Wn. Wednesday notice waa glv.-n Will*lama of bliaalsslppl tbai ai the otmclualon of the debate yesterday a mo­
tion would be made to rrceimmlt the
rday wt
bill wtlh loatructlnna. Testerday
the motion was made by Balley
Iley li «
Kled out of order by the speaker.

DixiBmnoi n

a oooe


the If laen* iMdee Xhlek*. nad Be Aaki
the trapHeet Te Be neelaaed- Xethlac
Tet »>aallr Ayreea l>aa aaO the UlBweallBl QaMUaa BenDy Ueyae—WhM
Thar Inoe Mmb* te Ohio aai Beaweyh
eaalB-llllaeh AdepU Greee Weiahh
Cbbwso, fan. 21.—The Illlnole mlnen
Won BlCTeat titii.ry hu\ nicht when the
oie-nuira of ihtatutevoled fnanlmotia-

three mUef weal of Ablnyton. Knox
eonniy, ezploiled yesterday, eauelnc the
UiBiant death of two men and the seri­
ous loiary of tso others. The dead'
are Oscar and Oua Anderaafi. rendenls
of Oalesbunt. Tbelnjured are Willis and
Lloyd Meadowa. The boiler was altuSled some dlsUnce from the aswliwc
ma. hlnery. - In espl.oduut It rose from
IIB lied and hurled Itself ln& the midst
of !he roauhlnery. Hfly feet away.
atruvk Osvar
Andeirson and plunced
the rapidly resolving saw. the sharp t.-.-lh irf

ly .ln favor «f the ffoaa wvl*hl avaiel
I About w per vent, of the jntoera have
deirtndlti* ibla ahd 11 will with,
been deir*ndlt.g
^.ple^l, .No further ■cut hU head In two part*.
Anderson was sinivk and crushed by
!f..Ilo«?AlVn^^ta.^n'^tale.^™r,^ Uut’'TJ’tf'
At J-esterday after- the Isdler as II finally fell. A bolt friira
s,w<i. n of the c.iifvrenve b,- *he boiler base uua<ort>.-d clear through
rell, Paulknvr. llarria, lirlti
of Arkansas. Kenovy. Kyle. McEnrry. i
Mallory. Manila MarUn. UllU.Mluhell. ;
Jlom y. M,.rsan. '1'erklt.a. *iviu^w. | p.rtbromlna. but Pnsid.ia Kaivhf. rd j
lU^Tlna, Ij „„
Ohalmian Ib-gle lor the Indnina i ,,re ent ahd tnlsed all .iver by flyin*
Roavb. Rhoup. RtewayC Teller. Tlllnu«n.J i.pemiorr) awrured to vaplaln the de- ] |,i,.ces of lr>m ami stee l. The engineer,
Turple. V,WU «allhall. tVarrvn. While i lay ahd !.■ Irth that the dHnnte# re-: John-Johnson, was sundlmr cloae by
and Wolcott—IL
v™ ..H
.. ... r.-.!....-. :
The ae-ale <oroii>lii<- Is working down and stunned, but olMrulae unin
that twenty years had i«ssed since the.
Rwnley Matthews rcpo^ulb na w ere fltst I hard, and
WORK ON a_____
put on^e alatuu bi>oM. buthel>elle»ed [ llcm and |,aUvnve until Otf committee i ■

6ailey thereitp.* Atartied the W-use hy
afBnnlDC that be had a private under■taadjAg with the speaker by which a
rota sbonld be lak.n diivvtly on tbe

... ...J


that Ibi rc w’a* now reason why there [ rearhea »me o.nclnslons. which wr will |
Iwarel'erailon of the p
w.-.v submit to you. The iundltlun ,
and the dt-iUratligui rontalaed In them. | ,
during the past three |

Jan. n.—The senate

joJealed l.amrsgaB'i am'-ndmeat re.
Ibe prtwent I that it recinlres much labor and thought .
ink depoallg. A motion
lime. 'iThsy do nbl In any sense." said
Vein. -Iiivolte either repudtatlcn or
reconsider the vote by which
acnulesced in,by the mtiiera and oi>disbonur."
. The Rtanley Matthew rewlutinn had eralora of each dlslrlvL .
parked Wednesday was carried—27 to
Wm righl It (>■(•■• ThM Une.
be-n i«wd by the senate by a vole of
14. The amen'lment -a as then defeated.
"Our puri-'-e Is to • or.tlnue In isessb'n Humphrey
more than two lo orw and l^y tbe house
by an overwhelming majority, 'ii wiu hntll he haye Mendid all Inierrsls, and striking out the chutse which exesmiu
be recalled." said Vewt. "that the pres­ ontll we have reached a p"lm where we
organiaed for '
deierid alt artli«s of the cummUtee.
—t—I—7 sl<K-k bn-edent presIdiDt (.r the United Rtaies was
Ihm g member of the bouse and voted 'Differentials, cndlltims
ihk publbatlnn of newsjtti-er*
Bmith of Michigan, who aald he was
for these nwulutli.ns.”
bouts <yf labor, general pnevs. most be
assessment by the state h>«rd of
preaenL corroUualed the apeaker'a ' Vest held that the lime had now ar­ dealt with, aisl 1 ask you to Iw patient. from a
e<]Ust\xalloD. adapted—SI h- |. The bill
Mde of the case. The nauU of tbe rived when the country must either go In thal way you are. inthaps. making
^a’ker'a poslliun was that an appeal
greater ptruirw* b> hoyvlng slowly.
gold standard or make
a Uken from to decision and by
end.av..r to pla<v the irmde In j ^
f-and overwhelmlnx ooniesi (or the flnan•trict l«rty vote It was laid
system nb^'h he belleyed a great
................‘--------and opsimilar
table—les to 114-the Ibimwrals and maJoQtr of tbe peorde were in favor of. cralore prill t5S*w.jnore money."
hnuM by Uarmody.
-'-rbpalists. as on ilie two previous days.
— - - an Ibrcle teltryat^ Bstchr bad no desire
dewlre rraw lo
In the house the committee revenue
▼oUng against Ibe solid Republican
eluUjrale discussion of roid;a4eDHr
iHrsenla. Tile c,inveniIon the* bill was read a drat time and advanced
Tbe d^te yesterday was
II l•slay', with s belter to svund reading. The following bllto
the i-endlng resolution and] If nny sens— wljounied i
aot as IntercAiIng as on either
tor on the oth--r side of the chamber de. feeling on the |otit pf-n Urge numU*r s^re also advanivd to stvond reading:
two preceding daya The featunp were
sired to s|ieak U|win the quesllou he of delegates w ho had tiecomr Iniiwil-nt For the tarstlon of pn.iartv In safety
a charavtertstb
spech by "Champ"
wrould yield to him. Th«;re was no re­ at tbe delay In recelylng Ute scale cum- vaults; for the laxallun of franchtses;
Clark, of Mlss..uH; a strong appeal tor
sponse to this Invitation on tbe Re- nilttee report.
taxing Insurance companirt 3 per cenu
eoBservstUm fn.m.^huikm iltep.i of
pubHian side and Meetly afterward
DM They aquetefaX'
on gross retvlpta
Indiana: a pnawntatlon of tbe trsuKs
further debate w as pdatponed te Kday
One allegatiun heard about (he Great
of to observatluns In Cut« during his
Northern hotel yrsterday was that Uorreeent trip to tbe Islsiid from King
.. Jan. 31.-The semlon of
When the senate went Into'egecollva ■IV I. I’hapman, defeated candidate (or
(DeBU of !!tsh. and an hi-uUs speech
aeaalon Monran concluded hls four-days* governor of «»hlo In the r«vni .amboard of commerce
speech fe the senate on tbe Hawaiian palgnbsdbeen eat upon and aqUelcHtd at voted lo a discussion of^how the beet
tieaiy He eboke for aimoii-fa r hours. a Joint meeting of operstotw represent- sugar lB4u-iry could. he'estsWlshed In
1 he flnMted there «
IM all the Idg mines «>f Ohio and Penn, this stale. The •■onve'ntlon decided that
■ylvanla. The gentleman i- said .to the farmerw should t» ubh-d to begin
At « p m- the committee of the whole
havefvcoreraoobi'treperoualnhU argu-. Ibc produetto of sugar beets at one*. ^
rose and reported Ihe dlpK.malic aivotiMVils firr (he cofiilnuancv ,if ths muchlllSasts;
prtalKin bill lo the bouse, uid It was
Pirated, saying that he preferr^ a debated S-cent rilSerehlMl fn wages
rtdgcviay. Ilia. Jan. 31—A very dlsat this tune that Ihe s<ene between
■mall audletnv to the Intemifflon which exbas in favor of Ohio that be
Mtroua ^nd and rale aiorm visited tbia
(•psed by the calL ______
aar given a hint, not allogelber dell- county .Wednesday Bight
,B rBBii TBr PROrUE ■ caiely word.-d. lo withdraw. Chapman houso^ bbiwing down
fences and
to the r-.mmlttee to re|w>rl It back with WAhTW TO II
1 denies that Ibere was any, n.w. bui he dr-w ring stn^lt. Tbe barkwaters of the
an ameiidiiii-nt emU-dylng the terms of
tm ths Hawailaa y,^uses to espUin wjty be was not Ohio and tVal-sMi-Hveta arc Inuodailng
the senate Cut«n belUgeremy resolopnsu-nt at the r*-H-mive snalons of the this StVtli'B
Hitt immediately roadeKbe point
oie-ratoni frr.m Ohio and IVnn«y1vnnla
of order that the amendment
nrhaeler WlM a BUItard IMraw
yesterday. It Is said on good
gurtnane and was olm-xb'us to Use rule
Chicago. Jan. ri.-Oeoree Rullon bad
- the I’ennsylvanta operators hare
s pdm the to the-Hawaiian treaty brotldliis Hir-g
again* new legl-huion '
tthio I so eo«> th »• yesterday aftmt-n-n at
vote upon It by the peiple of KawsIL preserted
speaker promptly
sue iulne)L
the hlliUDl t.iumey. He Was not In his
and has also offere,! the same amendaurruunded by a gfui
best form, hut wa» able to run hli
nicnl to Mi>i;-ati r lilil fiv annexation, j ferenllai •
protested that the agreeno-nt
points while Rpink* made lit. In tbe
thin maklnr the amendirebi public. It
•vrednesday- Included pn-vlslon for a
evening itrbaefcr dercate^Rullon.AOO to
vote on the m->tlon lo rcommlL BItt ts as follow*. -Tluii this SCI shall Bot,
quite wllliiiK
be -memtivc and <J Idnding efte< t ui».n i
Ohio operators
denied this eayliig (hat the notice of
to rllde (he dlfierenllal down to 4 rents.
Pallatss ('MsasyS /HvMead.
elth.v the l ulled Vlstk -r America
tbe motion to icctimmit was given aft­
snd It l» thought these two tacllarts !
York. Jan. :1 —The directoia of
•uhlic of Uonall unlll ihe-nai
Th-u was much confusion
• repul
will <x>me t.p smite kind of compromise ,j„ Pullman Raise- Oar company have
til hnv
while Hill
after a dea-U.- k that haa laated nearly declared the regular quarterly dlUdend
ecncluded Halley edddr^lyelecltmed ths ^ priired
by th-- tnajnrlty of the viHet
ivsd ».
be held la the k de< srtc. Uresl.lert Rat. hford U flnd- of 3 per .
.. pay able Feb 1&.
bouse with Ihe statement I
bad a dlsllnci uttderslshdlyjg to Ihi
iiawt^i^) iBlsKds. at which cl-.-ilon all ! Ir.g hlm»elf In ihr mtdsi of in-ublrd
rtaiivf . r aald Islands -f the age ' ester. He Is charged W some of the
afieyt with the Speaker of Ihe house.
Calr... Jan. n *7
of n y. sT* and stl raturallxed niah- miners with t.«t much of the ".emrlllarah!
ISM-K or t KRAvinr u madi
tff-rsains of til. age of tl years, shall be- lory spirit." -Raichford l» seen adwere m>ulsed w
quallflcl Voters. Hald ele, lion lo tv held dressing the sraje eommlttev
•ally One
1 nirmlwr and t
at a lim.-and In ihe manner and under ; any oth-r ln<y>Ad
regulafl'int I.. be prvsirtbed By tbe , operators «ay hr it quite rewvonsoie m
abbreviated telegrams
e Bpeaken's turn to electrify presldenl/of Ihe United SiMes."
, hfs demand*. One of the Issuss which Is
_ __ _ io-ti!ed Is the h.rnr qumion.
4be house nt^xi. snd hv tuok his turn
Two of the Stales represented In the commiii
promptly and' emphxU<al|y; 'TDe cfaair
convention renutnlse len bourn as a
states that Ih.- gentleman from Texas Will Be A
.... pmfli of Hw.tno per month
Is miatakeu." teiorted tbe aiiritker. The


J.n. :i.-Ar,um™u, o .b, j

sp^er looked the Texau airslghl lu
the eye and' his voice qultrred wlili

ndislltutlunallty ••( the llUnitla iBharttarue tax law sill be heard beforeHhe
tupreme court at Washington Monday

amutlon. "The < halr never agreed that
a mr»iT5n. w-hiai was plslnly out of ord«: would be entertained. Tbe gMtlemai. nouned me that -thsfr would be
so furib-r opiewltlos."
V.M.U I make
nasi- uo
the*... —y. wllhout flinching "that
'clarrd lieioy.
e such an agreementTw^e
ideutly UU.ring under gAut
J. m KM evideutly
teeliim.' Ily this time jbe
res* oI feeliiu:.
III nn ui-r.MT.and the apaM■wlth
Hnlley pnweeded
explain III' ' iieuniBiai.ces usder irbleb
be allegcl th>- Har.--in-ut was made.
He aald that soni'- of Uo- mmibera
bta aldr desip-d tc xii-nd the funeral
<0f a ttoilngulsh-d -x-m.'ml-r (DulUrWbrih) Wednesday aft-tn<e>o, but they
desired to rvtfialn if UoT- wei>- lo be
isBy votes,
il- had
aH<r..ach'd the
• r said, with III.- proposition
' of a vote on the motion i- i—wmi
Tbs chair had aaseni-'.l. -In- <le<-lsred.
q«oi he bad so inform.-d hi* iMli-aguea
*•1 never knew unlll thi. motion w**
pegasnted." Urteimpied Mill. -dTat th.iMitnittlons were to be."
*T1ie chair again dtalea that nougrve• aeni was made." aald th- si~-ak-t.
looking down .on the turbulent s<vne
before blm. "and U corroboration

aftern.s.n. The ironlentlon Js
ayltaala fliawlis
Illinois alatuu providing fur an In- !
Dlfteremvs Ivtween the mlnera and
lieiKan.v tax Is .■oiiitary to the four- j oia-ralors whlih were nofclearly oulteeoih sraeicliii-nl to the Uoiie-l KlEtas |llned In the call for the .•onventlon are
rvnstiiulloii. »hl.b provid.-s tuxl (B^-y-t-t|egl(mlng to )<*mi up. C*,al rained by
tion ehall be ei£»] The IS*. It U asA ^and and by ma.-hlrfe promiaes to be
provides (or a* pMgrrMin - tax l.y re^
sui’ of a -delate which
quirlngan additional amount or rev-nuFi
ylvc tb' hatkni-yed nrgune-nt* of i
ID the suiuum
„ ^
: cblne i, rmis baud lal-.r. Opinions ate i
Ati.rther liT.-suTamy claimed 1* that
the pr»i»m In legacy Is dm to pay
its tegular tax l.i tbe atate like other
and the inherilamV-tax Is
doUbl. taxation The law providing for
an inhentamv tax has l.een s.iataJn-d
by the supreme court oriUloola
sides l»ve_pmiared voluminous briefs



dlffi'ienllsl question 1s really
the roost dlllk-uli. Tlie <wsv of ivnnaylvanla snd ohli. la this:
rennsylTsiUa has iwovelna of bitumin­
ous c«»l. a hlgh'snd a low. TbeJ.>w
gpHngfleld. Ilia. Jan. 31.—Oovenior vein -la a flv. -fis-l vein and of fair
Tann.-r yestehlay-. «>n n-comra.-ndailon quality- Across Ihe ublo line In Jack-.
of the state UmiM of live-stock ommlD- SOB coCino uad'ai->ui Maastlun tberslonerm. Isdli.-d a prorlamallon suspend- Is a vein which In thtckoeaa averages
Ing the operation of hU pruclamslJon three and a half to four feel. Hot Ihl*
I Is of belter quattry than
of rkc. S. achedullng certain Icwwlltle* i thlnm-r
Texas fwer. ; Ihe
IVnusv'.vanla velp and ' bsuall


Bailey thereuimi kppsatad from tba
Gaelsitm of the chair and Dalaall movod
M lay tb* appeal on ih« uto. Tb* l*U
sraa called amid much confualon. bdt
party Uaw .were unbroken tad by a

- -- - ... - .....—,

llllsHA* UesTi
ftprlngReld. Jan. 31.-Tbe llllnoU Live
Slock I'.re.^ers' amoclation. compnaed
xltle. horse, iwine iuid l^eep
br.'i'd.m' amnciail.ini ymterday- ejected
the following vm.-vrs: TTssIdent. LaFUt Funk. Hhirley: secretary. Fntd H.


Is tor ibcae mines that tb* s-evnt dldvrential exlsta. Fennaylranla operatora
say to. the operatois of this dlatricU
“While It Js tme your vela I* ofi«aMr
depth- the cxtal la of finer quality and
you receive limre for II, abUe your
Btlnen get the asme,.*#^." y And
CR» differential
Penna) Ivanla men
Befo're tbe #cal«ft«mmUUv wax cqllad
to order yesirrdat by the chalrmaii Ue
operators from Ohio and PennsglTanls

j-wet. some agtwsnent over tb* dlffer^tlal which exlsta between Iboo* two
Grand Island. Neh.. Jan. 3L-A petletalea. It Is gvnrraUy admitted that
Uon has bwn rlrv-nlited here and
Btlls or Boibliig tan b* MompUabed by
niUDaroaaly algned 'by buMama
BBd others requsaUDg Nebraaka'a

. .4



If You Have Lbgs to Sell
Corrvfipoml witb Uie TrAverae
I.,uinber Company.
We Uve fur ale Gbo(l,

•Sound Herfilock Lumber,
.Vlaplc Flooring, Short Maple Wood.
X.AJSrX)^ ‘ B’OE S.&.1.B!.
Mill Machioeryuf all de8cripUon£^(rc^iai''Two Enginee.
Ret Work*, Carnap and Sawa. A comidete Saw Mill Plant
for ale.


we are Selling

Fancy Dairy Butter


Strictly Fresh Eggs


at 19c per Dozen.



Opposite St«iiib«rK'B, Thoneil46!

VERSELETSI1.UUa drwga of watw


Make »o rreat display:
Bnt liulb dropa •( ^Btera lak
Tura the Ude yoor w»y.

Xhe shipyard of Wheeler ACo. at Bay
(Tty. Mil h.. Is shut down Iwcause of la­
bor troubles.
<><.ns are besting. «r worsting,
farhiers about UnloBlown. MIrh. They
n swanua
destvnd upon the c
The liun .ls bleel company haa
thorixed the building of S Mi-ti.WO addltion lolt* large plant at Rouih Chicago.
J. B i>uiibam. of rhir-ago. was unani­
mously el-cted president of thk Lake
Uarriei*’ ass.w;isl!sn. In sesalOD at De-

••Where are yon ffotnr ffly featty.mald?"
'Tm rolsga sboppiiff. kind sir," aha saldl
“And who r«ta uH-of ywar valuable U«der

y^^ j iy,no,^ of Buffalo, N..T., as-

‘The gdvertiaera. air. she aald."

. 'vry much'..f the |w-pj»o kind on Uil* jeup-d th.- grain shoveling tmnti^art f(B
i subject, but In vl- «...( tb. fact that 1 mUurrlen.- s**.. lulhm, m Sev, »'•» >»
.f™i .•..i«Ariunli> that th- | „„„ ,, ymr-.H- He gets li» per LW
•■l•orutora and m.neis have bad in near- I tushels; J>' «*e y.-*trs u. ,e,nm l.icrtber and j
.p|„ grocers of LaiTwe. WIs.. have
*almiy d.e. o*. tbclr grlvvanc-v. tl^re I
agTvetnent to sell floor
»* « dl*i*.*.:...... to preserve Ih.- ^>d :
,.r,rci at all-(hr stores and
feeling which lu.* thus farchnra.lerfke.l
ppolu.v of the home msnu-

m sllpp^rt
tL ir poMtlona They wUl
be given. It Is uiTdrrwt.Kwl. four hours
I In wiik.b to make oral argummu to the

• 1 think th# chair wlU Beedcurrobura- ; 11. 110'. until {nidpigbt of Jan.
tion " Interiw#^ Bailey amldiatlrally. < Ad.v midnight of Jan. 31 tb* —
II remala In full force and ef“1 again oppose
-------------------------------- --------------- -- —-------------(bat
the «>aakvr.
The '.mfuslon at this poiat was vary
gnat, i.m the volt* of Smith of Mlchlgas culd be heard ahouilng above ttw.
tumuli ihal he had Iwen preaent and
ibat no *gT.e.ifSnt had been mad*.
•The chair is willing to r«at tb* caa*
an th< slateraeai made by him." degUred the sivwker as he beat tb* ae*t
J gavel in his attempt to laatord

gBAT ul'KaTloK OF DlFrKBF.StTlAtai
--------Why Ttwev l.«»ne BMwe«.Ohtaawd INus-

^•et Pickles, lOo per dosen.
Sweet Mixpd Pickles, 80c per quart
Boor Pickles, 7c per dosen.

^ |_,uuian niiwn Te Bs Cilllai
Down to BbsIwsm.

motion to recommiL This the j>p>aker
emphatically d»nied.aad these twoleadera of tbvir napectlve jtanies In (be
bouse, with
while facn ai}d volves
shaken by 'emotlwn. set cbvlr state­
ments against each other w hile lh<- gml'lenei louk-d on In t,r>-kU>loss amaiement and the memiwra were in an up-




bpIadlBC Seller DHtm a Baa lata a CIr


Trmdtr. Thia aenaaUoaal epiaode
pleialy everahadowed the intereat
tha Cnbao debate which .baa coniinaed
onlntemiptedl]* in the hooae Cor three

John J. Brezina

up mailers between t:

Om«cr* nf an sssociatloB which pur­
pose* hoMlag *n annual horse show ta
mcago have been «h«aen as follows:
PtvMdsnL Joaei* Lelierj aacratarr.
John a; Logan.
Fanner* in the northern part of Wlacensln are bHng greatly- annoyed by
tramps who nre avoiding th* Hlln m
by the authorities.
Fire St East Grand Forks. S.
destroyed a tine saloon,
elcraioi of th* M. and N Blevstoroompany. and a bridge approach. Loaa
nScSeO: Inaurance, tlM-MO
Tbe KaaagiL a protaetad cmlaar tb*
Crenips are building for JBpan..^waa
BucccaafuUy launched yeaterday. Her
bettcrim are to be heavier than those
ot alther the Mlnnebou or Columbia
Charles Lee. colored, tbe only aurvtvieg msAber of a family of six. tb*
others haring been murdered by whilecaps near Vicksburg. Miss.. U prepar­
ing lo sue the atata ot MUatadppI for
tino.m damages
A bobMed coBlalnlng eight
Wla.. people daMied Intt. a I
boggy after coming down a hill at n
the party were.cth and bnitaad a«d oua

Bowe'ar U be. H eeem* ta me
•Tte only pyudeat, riffhtud wlee
If w* wMid bnUd his buiBeta np





The lalb ireto all
' For th* erupa of ffralB ^ hay.
While the attashina dMs the ffiwwiar.
la it's etaady. a»t»ac way.
Bo 4h* aalwtaaa’s aalary id nM
Pta th* ffood* aald ta tba atasB.
-While tha 1
OestaM trade iMtda th* daar.'


EverBonied Ontt
X>vul>vllU'. Ju). «.—<!»• Ohio rtvof

acboolA and acime of the microtim wen
deadly «Doagfa to kill ml« inocnUied
with them. He iwcinuiiH-udi that iuk

\ht duiKor, pemt ■( thia pUc«'

»t S •‘dock tbl( mnnilDC.

If ih>- wM«n

That Sanaterial Fight, in Maiy’ ,pontinuc 10
at Ihc preocnt rMe'ulana 6hoaro &«a#ra; Pointa
I o'eloik i>. m. tntUr • Mgr of
That Art Similar.
«i I'l
tircn rcachnl. Tbia
Trill put It al* f«»-i
and will wu.-.
OOMBUZUEETHERE WAfl.II OHIO. ^ wuppinptort.'i.^
< Eleventh «trvrl—the

ab-.vr th«- dancvr
.itc many bouaa*
.n Third down lo
-taIUid-« pkrt of

Ahotbe*- aouirrTMiiT of tba Chriatian
SndetiTnr tnoreroent baanimn. Tbepan
year, like all prectxling you*, baa bon
one marked with wtmdprfnl bleaaing.
Pragrw and mlvaiic<-uietil have been
made along all Um eatubliabod lihoa (tf
«Tcr work,
new fiwtwwa have

anything for him. ami be mid be bopad
m, but 1 could jcTbaiw CcU better after ba
made hi. propoelllon.
He wanted me »0
end for him a man who bad navre lied.
“I [«v.uti>*,"mld l. •you Intlia upon
an 'out and nulcr'—that 1*. one who uerrr
told even the allgbieei Ob. rtlher In Joke
or In


_____trolley liiM-lu bimiiogLain. k^g.

Suits to Order,

luoodoeed wrhicb give pwmtae of
wimo»to T«w«a»a a


and thr «!•• UMory above
the c\it-o» baa three feet ft water on
• Hh TVvIr AllUa A«alBal lh> IU««lan.- iU floor.
»• Pr«.K>.w. to «h* Kuk.. M»Wr*W AU the tributarlea ta thta eecHoa are
reiMirted bankfull w overlfcwin* from
the recent heavy ralna. The latter
■topped early yeaterday inoniin«. and
AnnapelU. «d.. Jan. «.-The geneeal ir ne more ahow era tall the duration of
aeoembly of Maryland In Joint gewelon the po-aent flood will be ehort. T. 8.
yMterday took throe baUloU ter a Ua- Croaa. a ialeabtan of, Korlh Verrtoo,
ttrd btatea eenaior without reeult. The Ind., waa- drow ned Wrdnoaday alchl
•Sect of the oay e work waa U> leave the near French LJt k idrile tryUnr to ford a
aoluiicm of the eenatortal problem aa ■wollen atroam. A famet named Drnry
and hM farm hand.
much In douH and the end of theeirug'
drowned while trying to ford the Cum
fie apparently ae faroB aa it waa be-_
berland river In Jacknon « maty. ‘
tore the ^wllotljif began. V.l>lte It te
' The hodlen '
tme that both the leading caadMatc#
I below.
made galno ycaterday n la eflualty
that both mrr far from the goal, and I
\hat both have abom nearly. If not | a,
flUlle, the full extent of their preeent ;

tVpahlnrtun. Jan. Z1-—Halleti
hnum. one of the oldeiM and bent £nown
buklneea and fler^•paper men of Waah-

' bolting Jlcpeldkwna In
dty deJegatlnn. Thle waa clearly ebown

Inyind. will he examined In lunacy pro*

When, after the aecond l•■ll■ll. an at.
tempt.-waa made ti> adjouin i
' convention unill today. Tm'P
and thf bulteia vi.i«-d,*.!.r;./ ayumv.
the motion and defeated <t
fan la that the "eleviii" are a eoilngl'y
•Ipmgwr than ever atiJ.aie under
control of thill leader.
. .
I>Mwrrwt> WHI \ete lor a Itei.abnrwn.
There la now no-d.-uM %vli«iev.-r tliat
tb* fyeiikKra P aU»n .■> ready
to raai Ita tailuit foi a Kepub I an. H’b.i
that Republican ni l In- la aa yet un.•eUJed. but the teller that It will lie
WlUlam T. Malairr. mayor fit Haiti,
more, of Major Alexander bbaw la
, growing, and <h> McComaa' men n.i
longer attempt to dtagular the fart tlSat
they dread auch an outcome. Aa lo
When the mallllon wW lake pUie laun.
' ccitaln. nie D.moorataliavetwo point*
to gain by protracllng the ajraegte.. for
the lunger fhia flghi la on the more It
diarupi«ihe4le|iutiUcan party, and they
have nut enllndy ahanduned Che hope
of protracting it through 'the aeaalon.
thereby making II pnaMliIe that Oorman'a aucceaanr will have to be ohoaen
toy the leg»lg*re which will meet In
January. ll*w
There are rumor* that
the Democrale have agreed to vole for
Maiet.-r provided Tie will guarantee
the neceaaary fifteen RepobUran vole*
tn elm t.___________
rouTica lb Tue mcKKVE arAts.

w very appnipriatc for the day. Anni- ;

uika berwem na:
^ .................................
1 luul tawMl I
revn wiug tba
u. Ilnd a man who
lU of ibu part, but alao la .
la«t. afli-reiwndlng Itine. ninf.ev ana
Itxikiaf forwanl t« tbe dutloa of tbn fn- I bealib wtItbouX 1l>e Tcnwilr.t ayiiiptuin <d
t»ra and Id tvceivlng new Inipinticae aoevae. l bcgBf lo feel irung aulci.ial
hr tbougbl of tsUam
AH6r»eya At Law.
I g(Mp and to (icrftTO ibttn.
imtilda tine to -t.-ar. awl my blood tmn
In the year to onme wa abnuM do
wlibiD uirael OSeaa m HeeiagM Keck. TmffiM. City. Hleh.
rohl and my biwrl i
•for Cbri^ and lb* chnrch’ ’ wbat tmeda


liberal glvera.

get married and ml«
mia and aedeeami
and that waa to got
• ortler." llul

■n>iAli taught in tbe


topical pefervnee in Kiortuf. • Hofe w^

.u J -IKK the hmil.d which waa that of Ome , iMiemaotO. Ca-8l«:X.
akinrlbei^Wwlll<iBerlnB.fwtbc|_j^ ,
^nytmimd to ahandot. the I ^
taberaacln They all gaxw. kbdb one |


r lyeawre^ m »!»• »

;|^d fiipid! ft lidiut c t

reedinge ttKlay with a view t>i hU con­
finement In an aaylum. Hie manbi li
« innch




r haa male holf a doxen allempl. :
..I., «"14. .dlvr ™ j™ | lumluK twin, and .now ihi
Vk-.m j W >i“'!‘“/S”piS.S'r
ir-dralnu-nan In the paat week.
I cion* rtuiH It. Thu work iif CLn« . king
.. ,| weighed
wcigbtx) down
dow n my aplrlta
aj.lrlia It atemed W
diuu today ucedi tnotivy aa neetT la-fenw. | meiliat human nature wa* gl ’ll uplu.t
Kliwmm wa* bom In Rorhe.i
T., C >.wi* ago. Durin
During a congnrml.-n. | j, j„,
and U
lh« »....................................
al InveallgatloB Inio an alleged real ca.j
talc boom under Ihe.Bbepherd r«*ltn'i ,„h alona.l
«;i.ri«iau uconle have tUo <“•! *“ th"««b>a<rf myth oouW I_Und a ,
" -------------------------------------‘•‘r t«nk* at the I______ ........................................l.WalU- »iwn who cutd-ttfoducc a clean anT^ot. ; — -


V.raua apoB eenolc ciaaoaa

gave wbat bo l^i<l to give. They all |
^ by.' Kr'-turn I nmrt, mijHy hand
>nd- aod win alt.w4 proapUy to all day or
gave willingly and lilwrally. All wter ^ and tiiotilbxl. but aa there wm- many call*, apeetal attrattoa ytreo to ot—
y^.aadrtlliieB'a CacaaM. Markka# BK
aiikcd to idve. wliotlipr they bad goltJ, mllm between u> 1 eagerly ombtwcod

ha ... Slvt


Will we dn

iway oprurrwd here
A team
belonging to .tle’.nte ran up
Wum atreet and ui<on the Rurllogion
railway track*
The h'irwe* h.Uowed
tbe traoka for live mllea.crutaed numerout treatle. and even went over the
long Imn bridge at the mouth of tbe
Ir gave
A hand-cdr
and the mniiwai-*
_nd i.tie-iiaif milea on the other
aide of Trempealeau moontatn. Neither
of thr animal* •Uftatned a arraiVh. al­
though the) barely mla*ed annlhilail'n
by a belale^yaln _ •_____
mrtke la \ ■ lae at Mniilae.
Chicago. Jan. Sl.-Superintend-nl Edward Atkin»on. of the Acme mine* *liuated neat fllrealor, HI*., reci-ried Inforraailon Aewterday that p».mlm-r* in
hi* field* had fTir On a atrike Wednew.
day. Irclted byarumor lha* th.-lr wagea
Were lu be decrcaaed 4 cenu below lha


lult in fix-

IS It' « »

Ovm Flm

dackrM Ju*t tx-loti-day" 1 batr tbe Urt-mmw«c!*i>ahcaUr d<t*d.
n«wm fur tubecriUng to the periict oof- '

wiM* b«art< ilumiag via,” mid
‘Complete fralll
IV and make all t]
! work- IhaxeUtUi
' Wigk a* woll
No doubt of lu genulncaaw |
aa touitcy la.«e^«id undvutu*' Cfariat's
I'bal aball t do with him V
! •oale Block.
kingdom in
wtwld. CiaiaivrBlod.
lo a *borl Iluxwilliug worker* are m.ded in evuy <b pomuent nf CbrirttBU m-tivity. Will
ocltbur QKUM7 Dvr tnOueoce for that;
we do opr pari in workingl-


ever, abonld not canw oa-lu heaiuie.
Self ancriflee 1* cbanuttiriidic of Chria*
tianily. "Wbwwrer be be nf yon,"
myaCbnrt, “tbaiftwiaikelb MotaD that
he balk, ba cnntxd be My diaciplu"
iLoke xIt, 83i.
nu- oppomnitie* f<w
giviug and wigklng to CSrct today
wobderfu). and we abnold rite io-tl»fwe


!«a' tss


r a Katki____
* «DMao(«loaa
a gl Petaekey




J a IV It «g


. Old Itepd*
. ^Oetrolt.

. .ISaJ'Maaoe

• w

...I Ohio


giviug aud workiug


K......... Bead CUy

Tbe work of CltrirtaDdtheCbnrcb
in the
mm that iiidtavTllAble feeling, then, of ,----------- ____________ , ________________
tbe Wtgld
wigld b«lgy
bulgy di-maud* caaerrated.
wilting Wttrkem. Tbe
wt« 1 trlumi-ham J,.> did I H-ml oB «»»'
b. gtte. bat to work. "Ev.Ty Infl tckgraphlc dlqalch to my frUxrt. tbe | "
.Menu.* torn* uti^---------^^

8. CouNv-nted



Cnioa rti-rt

ment f.>r lUif.fW f.r fal*e Impriaonih
and aaeured $».» by congreaUonal .

Merchant' Tailoring.

rire lararmaee t-awpi

ovatKSss cardsnow bold lo the eyca
atrive to anpply.
pwull id uiy fewtiMT aonremm: T raally
I. Tb- xfost a C^rt and tbe ctanKb tall that there w*. but one way fw me to
BBOWJI. Atwi-wy aad C
'TcaUw the exprvtation* of my cuM< n«.'8.V-*
tbe wufId

be I'hImI WaMat'eagrui.

following, ftul one thing la clear, and
that la the Vacl that perfect aympathy
•xUta between the Drm.rc-rata and the


«g fK



In qutwto the
|.^tiun Hew IT |■•llvtly Willi UK t- .
> mo. and be ’ttnxl a* much tou-r«wt In C wn.l Eireetalb Fire kj
K u. *I]}U. s-a.
I thI. nurri buMi
a* Milxg my «u*t«upey

T7<)H HaLE-Aioi rowi®


___ ____ as

1 found

BarrlTtrM^aiaeUwaut. Orwad *ap-

.r ■W‘S‘SS:."S:;
#. C H tloMce. MTWelwtrT
MTVefaMrr atrert.

pTwmTo^ £.pMv DMfWH aad

at Ike BtBUtne Claitatac Oo

O.I>bOCMWOOD C.P.a..Oraaakaatda.

mydcM- fellow, yoa have
<i|>partnuilie* Thgardln* of tbe turt.
! found bliu:
Columbue. fi. Jan. SI. — The aenaBibla ib-aiiiuic*.—P*.'-li. Ih.'-------''
■ tonal br*l>«:y ln\ve;lg*llon wa* not be.
U Wood Di*k Oa. SSI t<
l-llicxxxvii. l-OsNch. It, 6-lh:
fore the eenate yealnday a* expected.
l-b; Dan. xil. S; Ecob. vili. Si: Math
The cruwda waited In vain during t^
xri. 1-1-20: A«» i». 41
morning aeaelnn for a rep>'>rl from the
X , arfuia ilie^uaii
Wi-w antnl.l "1 wa* de-. mg at Baroaoettee SS» e
t-mwi w
neiiaiE ccenmltt-^. At U» aesalone Tu^Irrmlmtl toiucnvd. and ba\e dune m
28: PhU. it. 1-lfl; OiL 1. Ih.
day and tVt-dn.«da> nlgbie the cum*
euuM ha'r brought )x.u a great many nio
mlltee. appointed t» intentlgnte the
with* Iruiu Ilair to mUdUng- but
aftchargee of llrprceentatlve ,OUe. thal
hr had U-en ■•fferr-d ll.TW by H. U.
Each man baa-bi* uwo prtmnal limllLycr t« vote Tor Hanna had before It
iUtlno*. u'j't it ia ouwiNo t.i expert bim I'bU ruan bo* lw^-er told a 11c.
a number <.f wlinenere. none of whom
upon^j rurkiB M-lwe
Wasblnginn. Jan 21.—Aa*l*iant See- Of .mrmlrLa
do Ibat whi.b tk bey.«d i **'r
would tretlfy. claiming that a aenat- retary Vanderlip hi* decided t.. require
oaic UiM
COlnmllleecould not Invesilgale a bouae local Inapectorw of hull* and their aa- ow powi* Tbe d.«l f.u which prmlau )
«idT^ prUiciple peopla
caa-. It wa* egpected thet It would re- alftaniA and local Inaperlor* of bollera ii Uw-owed cat « mau may have betm [ ^
|g whh b be ha* lUuJali bla
uatwr. Istk I
pori the*' wltneeaee fof <-antumacr. but ad their aa»l«tanu. to paaa a civil aer- dmu wltbont tnoeb eSurt <n hi* part, I
ty LuwkerCe. I
u p<«iponed the rep.i
nuiduuin yuo from Invlce examinatlun m left their fltnea* tbuttgb
- it conld not have b«a done
.... by
I i........
't will
S.-nalnr Flnk’n h
te hold tbe poaiuon* they now occupy, o*. On ibu .uber baud, that wbu-i i* i wrticwlug your pri*c.
of wy ■tor* BO 1
r B.g.M01*T. 1
I dlalriciia of thi
Ht*flv and rv'u natonilly dune by ti* '
And Bir.e idling bUiiwbtae to And him
inmidmed in the
Kid ilk. rwi t> ai. MMy.
a^y-^ic be dona by nnotbw by atieuo- i my tlelighud ctutotme wiihdmw. while 1
fore fedjrmmmeni yenterdi
Kew Turk. Jan SI.- MM<-Cbt.
tba oic,outing of lii* “u«bl that n»i which my long worked
mil. and*P.n7 frankly ha* deivwlt.-d
puipnne of th
wItJt a aiwll'ig in- ,
, i,
,u, l> i. theio^l which i nod .ivmlred tyrtcni required. 1 *lap*
maone nnorcri With laurela
Tegialale Re>»e. piT a* « rorfeK to fight Hiher Corbett BEttiml IncUnitioo It i* tbe wl which | ^
■i-kniia Irdgea
rucimmona for the heat j-weight; Urea pot* nooktratat npnn bia natoml ,
early twllrr m-xt luomlng
ut of office and
■tentative ttroavenor
j uunpt«nmen» wbo ia tbo true orerwauer i
rominnirr He <|uk-Uy took
Conaa, ebampionihl|> of the world. la plai
put « l>em.*c
fluently Mr dl«rlrt.
IJm- u*«i w.I.niii ixprowlon 1 I
e]evral|i. la moat i-umplelely rhange.!.
•seed eity |»ropeny.
'ctitsawoua hiiioan i l>}*lq||nutny.
B^e hilt proimwn to make It Item >t-rallc
platwd hi* hand upon my knn- aud loobed j
ny taking
ll-.e.* and MHaa counllea HixaiM li
Trioaiph Thraagk JMth.
ct tkl. *|a<e
into niv laer. PaUKliig a inasMeut.l
away n«u
H»d _ »o....................
aul-niutlng FaitneM and - —
Kol Clirirt '* life only, but cwpMially
mg the I
*« e*er Maatagoe'* lu
Pldtaway. ThU would leBVe the dl*- i "Icli ■*i. I
■-»h*i u tor inatiiT with tl«i manf
Hi* d-aib. waa wm-Diial to Hi* xxuntrici tv>mpo*cfl nf Vinton.
HtK-klxig. ! gre**''rift*.
iiitg, I h^o. said I. - iv btodl*. >.
plctc triumph. "Aud L if I l»> lift'd
He baan't bam lying to yon, ba* |
np fmm U»- vortb. will draw all im-n ,
r nf- IMKl the Dcm-B-ral*
Bill my v:
wuuld hpv. .-aiTlt-d tin* by
Thing* uiBfM»-mye •a-en of tboalxe <#• imlo UK-.' Ho with tbe Cbrinian- U<*“i
ullllJa ■
upon the ’ of t**2. l-y T-l«
' life: ikiug* kc uttirtJtDfvareditBiuiabMi cuiupleU triniupb i* nebieved ibrnngb
The aenat* Intertlgatlng •i>mmlt<e«- to tbu Mxr of Hndcsiib—death to tbowurld. dmih li> sin.
"Thai'*cumrt." *ald I
Mi?V-l#.t night an-i adjourned until thi*
tba tuiivena. by ounelvu*. gud sud anally tbe dwtb of tbe fdiyMcal
bn-ii eWT *lnco he wa*-bom. Ilurr." f
-'monung. No witneaaea were called and
evtaj ■■nutpii'bt'Ud tbctcxfbre of our own bodv. by which the Boul ii n-lctuad nuitluiMxl. *ulllnK the actton tn the wurd,
theie wa* m. d.*.-u*«l«n. Ihtf’meeimg
being <Nity piiTeiiHwI. In tbi* way. fn>mtlioprtaonbotu«ofmc«Ality.aud. .
irf hu fMhrr an#being purely fotmal. There are <
mUwiucd and gl.giaod. laitera into tbe
m-xw *po0*1* rumt-!* a* t» what .ooui^ the
iSl’iD .M
no liluh
high l.■It«*‘c11
lodwell with
t.od and
n»d Ii •
fnltiee will ).ur»Uc ■ f*hV
t- tim ef. thing, raid |<]*i<-a. Ibe mind i^ikw«
Tecl that Jand P nil*. woW4wc«II-l niiKbuuiixil uiMruuieut that play* a bbgfDforerer.—Beliginu*Teleoi»pa.

tor i-XBrnlnatlitn. An-’lhrr that IBe cum- great xanety <.l turn-*, it mniit
a Fallktal Wwrker.
' for rqlreai in riae td**iiy
tolM’-'- a.mid rtwide lo re|«.rl ^-k la . lie hi iu •iKvvaHiti <it>e itbniV’-allr ai.tht-'aen*!'- that ll wa* un«Ub-pro- : oibiT. I pt it al the aumo time exciniitw
read with the Inquiry, and arte to I*
I all riiiur*. Ill trying In tviK-w old n-crellevfrd from further dulle*.
;ull^i<m* we (siuKit. a* it were, unfold fog tiud nud fauiuqjiiiy, but onnbot. In’- , j hao^jun,. ^ dimi<*l.
The immiubla. wbo uyxbe Devtf>
k la the'
yon can b.. Aud wbntwievur yon . *,u,,
I tbe wh.ile well uf our t-xiricuoe; wo
in guiltkw. ti mcr uttering a
bad • masiuicnpt rejected.
Kwrtiville. Tenn.. Jan. .a -The Demo- |
alnglu tbtwad*. Ho in tlo lotvard tile • rtruiignrs" whom you j tolw huial But be "aid f I fm-l that be
^11. leKlfiatlve caucu* held If id-lect j
, |.!.,*.wberewebaxufcg.'
tinpoar up-ii ibv klndmw* of
whom ytin can ■mnnbow rontb , at Jilovij
u from hi* fam-fuli-rwiu.^ rm‘‘agiimat s
iaud with wlii.-h we faaxa
■ant huiue. aetb’-m anti for tbu btKbn-u alniii'anc
ihanka. and with g
Author of ■ ■ Tbe Stickit MiniM.'*
j !“«■ lobu.l iDat Uiu l.elln7grow* now wi.rk- * >j. •nut mill tnu Joy nf .x faith- haliUM’im- piirM- tiuui my cuMumqr
ney a- Taylor.lS. Fouixeenltanolawere rtlxid the m-arer We nppnmub tbe i4»t
wig-i.-'—HhUamlj bia Xlvibodud.
" Tbe Men of tbe Moaa
for iiiywir. 1 had no jianh-utar n«anp u>
Uken durtc.B which M. MIIItn lo*i and | tn.m tbe tmn- auticiiatinn of the aclDrani|ilain In any roetact. and *o gnn-ntl
Tnlerawsr vf Utoera^
galnrd two v.ii#w. Turney lowt two and | al iin|a^i<ji. We rt-oiiauber cirrnmmtlrfarilon luarked lU- uuocluaion of V
gained Awu and Tayirr'* vute wa* un- niauui-B. fetliugy, pvtaao*. faoea, uamta
mi» put tUiu'otful how tar ,our whuk- alletr.—Exvhaugu
•t stood:
inaed. The last Wlot
«to<^i McMil. ] |bat We bad Dot tboagbl of for yean. !«,.•!. .1 to>( r- 1-J» of «i:b«r “*«»’»
uy. ».
The ^fted Georgia xromaa wba
A IWopla Who Caaart Make Plrw.
..... »: Ti
~ •Taylor. A»., An Im- foribe time alUbr rewtof ibeworld
: I..UU1I Dpi h uxatulnatirai In
. ttienae crow d waa .i>re*<-nt and Interest
wrote " Tbe ^esl f«r Sophto**
The l^puan. of the ilaUy ooart of New
uysotuiu.—WlUinm UaxlMt.
uxt-HKl. In rugard to ihuae. thing* «>
’ in the tanru* is onehanged
tJoliKa are rtlll lu the must primlUve
wliK-b }• u 1 ra i>:.ii'..m«t it iieaiy
euy adjoum.-d unMI tonight. The peXf
tH-ie Tbev ore wbi.lly unacqualnbxl with
•litem-e with whl<h the supporter* of
metal* and make toclr wi«pon. of »lone.
•arh candidate eland by their choice
bonia and wtwd. They do om know bow
tc>aMV.ird in-rftct [rvmiucu «< opinicio.— to ktort a fltr. tomigh Are I* uart amonf
' cause* thr growing belief that a proWeU known a* "Luke Sbaaplonged deadlock I* imminent.
Jewlab Expuuuut. '
toon - When a BunaUh artted town bow
tbe .Detroit Free Preoa.
tbi-j madea Are. they legardod ito* voy
I fgvonble reputation
-musing aod anawsrsd that w^ a pwfrom a bTgiunte atandpolnt. Tbu prej‘» flrax^em out begot *otncof a nulgbooatl.
nIAt elr<-led as chairman Benator railing lm|ireaaitiD tuia been that (ba obuln gtotv, forwitbout It ba parito-: : ^
White, of California
The mwllng renowned auap of Harseillaa waa made
iml U u> ri-talu It,
if it i* lo* •Jllagw '*TbeIr fatow* and gmndlatoar*
adupt^' a rewuIuUon affirming n* ad- from tbe'psre olive oil from the aoiMb
be I* nhuuut-: lilMltiiBdi* t^ 1sct>m It. bad told thrtu that U...
hrrcDoc to the Chicago plalfurm. Tba of Ftance. while tbe imtb ia tbat it ia
UlM or bad bewrd from their aooertura that
for day by dqf hie traptetiun*
election of Benalor White la regarded taaDQlvTnred from oommoa li^aoed oil
then wa* a ilmewben Are waa not known
triaU nnitlply, Bad btt fonnh i
as a di*Mncl triumph for tbe allvar man.
■ad evarytotng wo* cBlen raw.
nap<Tfeetli>K. for. only In tbe
Tbe truth came out by peenllir
tjna of thr aoolben ooa»tof New OuImb.
baring no Iron, abavs thcm»lvw wiUs a
piecu of glam Formerty they ahaved srttb
placed aaain#
a. of thi* ifiate. haa begun proceed
flint, which they could *haTiao quite weH
sdependent UedlU<
Aug* to w lii.l uidif"* Independent
aatoppMeor all omnmeieial relatlui
and toed with eunahtagable donerity.r-olle*. , of’’Chicago.
He haa Bled

ir'^mt^,« id..Dllh»n by dealgn.1 iwiue‘L"^;^5‘™;;|,^^"lTw-aiSt3^?IiaT-



Chicago •*\V CSt Mlchlgail*


112? sssarrv


__ Money to Loan

........ ..........-SS-I

Lovfcfs of Fiction

OreBA BwpUa. MIeh.

unsTSS UD wsraEisnu li

Will be plea.sed to know
• that we have, secured
short stories by the followii)^ famous authors:

Bret Hartt

S- R. Qockett
BeDe Moses


fs! iSzIa'

Robert Barr

Cy Warman

"Ur. Wannan hag a fleU of Ug
own. and be is n^r ta U."—
Philadelphia Pregfc

kora C Chandler


Information In the elrrult court charg- *oap facMriM wej» fdraed to cloae.
Ina Chat thf college la tiMtrplng the j
, eoauMut demaaid f«
. aod asklBi

r" '"c- ’rs-s-csii i



It ia n


sS#- : il


yto diatwHere

(ban to beliure. Tbina«<hrloaa co tbe
Mde of noKM. tant 'it ia alao trbe cm

Herbert D. Ward

(bat of tbu spent, fiw to dl^mUeve is in.
wtib wmBSoeat
tom. wbUe to 1
«ix«(Mlttaaof tbeb


•^t ritto'l .

UigMeguiabed Utensewrwho addg
to b'U ropngsioe is "Tba Ofanb'

rata ato
•SMS. L tam^

Txw<sr**atw KiaS.

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