The Morning Record, October 16, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 16, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text




ewni Tear—No 453


Two Onti,

Oanaral KUaa la Tbara.
apodal u> ihe Moapiis Rkxmd.
Ki. Paal, Oct. IS.—Major G^peral
Milaa arrived today to lovaat«at« tba
iBdlao qaeatioB.

miMioD«r JODM WUU to m»K« anotku
•tUmptto |Mr*u»d« old Bof-llM-UfrStaiek to •mroodor. It ia ruorallj belicTod ber« that b« will aot •ocoood.
Detroit Bxoltanffe AUe^M ViWltneMedinalx)
Ueoeral Baooa U anziow to bcffia bia
20 large aod 36 medium size, slightly soi'ed, bat all
oUtlom Againet Oompaniee.
•hif Office Testerday
right when framed. WiU be dosed oat at 1-3 to 1-3 ▼altto.
that It wIU raqalra forea to raatora
Come aod look them over.
kieabiwaa aad Coercion Charfed—
-Wban Vewa of tba Vrack of tba
Waabinctoa. Oct. 15 —The follotriaf
Kiehigut Ac«Bta Have Soorot Or. Xobtcu Oaina aad tba Sataat of dianatcb hiia bM i«oal*«d at tba togaBisatioaWitb Which tbo Inapeotba Calamity Baaama Kao»a—Taa- tartor dapartmant: "Walkar,* Mian.,
ttew MaraBB Xtaslaa asy CaOBaotlo*
290 ^ont Street
aal Said ta Bara 8aaa U TFaaafa Oct. 14 —BaldaeooacU today. daTatal
—VioUtiOBof BacBUtiooa of tba
of toe Indlaat for whom warraata hare
OeadiUOD—Kaay Amarlcka
Olnb, Aaaaa XHaaatar to Aitaau.
baao laaaad are raady to ri*a than.
liarad to Ha»a Baaa Loat.
•elaaa np. I tkiak thay will all do ao
‘•Taa Moaaiaa
epactaltaUa Haamaa Racoao.
by Btzt VfadDcaday. W. A. Jora,
' Detroit, Ojt. 15-Tha MerebanU 4
Mannfaatnrera' Bzebanga baa bcgnn
LoBdoa. Ost. IS.—Harrowlaf
■KloiaBiiaaioner of ladlaa Affaira.”
the fire loBaranee companiea,
wara wUaaaaed today at tba Laadoa
whom it ia claimed ara vlolatiag tba
ofiaa of tba AUaaUe TraaaporuUoa
Uw.byoombioaa an^wrcioo.
Co., to wblcb the wraekad ateaaier
Aganu of fire insnraoce eompaniea
Ifobaran belonfed.
A anmbar of I
*oaid of eoparrlaora bat
in Detredtand other paruof Micfaigae |
women falotad wbaa the ozUatof tba |
k, o«iibafatioBB will ba Soibera of clubs which ragolale |
cBlaaity baeama kaowB. Tba ataamcr
anmad Tomorrow.
the manner of doing bnelnem and im— wndcrf I. U», .1
pane severe penalties for not obeying i
b.1—. U. »•<■»<> rttJ ‘It.'
b, Ut. bcrtl .1 «.!»..
:b regnlatioDB. and tbs agent pre-|
U.-l»b. I'1„„
1. .h.
ferring to do bnainem bU own way can j
U.p—..rt.rt.acr.. w«.
lattar of adj jaromeot waa
be fined or expelled. CxpnIaUm means |
Bepona raealead aa to tb* oombar of
Ao effort waa made to aa- rnin. for his agencies ara taken;
Bare ezUaioaly eoaTo look up new things m
rmmeot ootilawaek from
fram him and ageau ootaide tne I
tradietory a« tbla bonr. Ool of
tha maadai__
conibine are boycotted.
m pwBi^a tbaj^Uba jMja^ •«lt
Proaecntor Twaddla
losuraoea companiea malaUtu wbat|
a? are given. Oi—
morn .
whoae *g*ioai County aark Newton oould ba
. _
aamee ara not ffivaa ara reported aavad. haard and aetioB taken by the board ia called ao “loepeetloD Duraan." Tha
luporta of agents to the eompanlesf
It ia sow aaid. bowevar, that *ba only
Iwln the court bonae they repreaaat go through this barean :
taken np afu
peraou raaonad ara tboaa who have
TbM did not provaU.
tailed tbair axpaheaoea aa altaady however, and the board adj mraed till for Inspactioa and approval. It fixes
tbo rules for inanrasoe all aver the'
wblad and 'tboaa who were Ukea to tomorrow at two o'clock.
■tuta and tbara ia no appeal from iu
Port Honatoek in the two jonmeye
dscUloaa. Tba elab is a aeerct organwhich ib^lfaboat atde to tba wraek.
IzaUoB and IVi mamben are sworn not
Same of t\,jwacuaa peraona died from
to raveui its proeeadinga. and tba inaxhasatioB after landiarapaetion bnraan danles any cobnaction
When the Btaamar waa aaaa in dia'lib it. __________________
treaa, llfe-boau want from the abora
31et end 36th Mlohigeu.
aad nude everyaffort to nave tba paaWe keep the best
aangera The eoaat at the place the
The world Imn to gat bold of tba beadle end of a bMKUia. It is^UMW^
Szpaetod TUt Treaty of Paaoa WUl
^iHatoroeeorradia extremely daacca-rubbers that are made. than aaraiag maaey: It ie MTtag mMcy; it la St for fil. The
■ix Bnadred Barrala Bacairad Taabe •igaad Before Obristmas and
tordny From Olavelaad by tba
Bear this ia mind wbeo
tba Bagimeota KnaUrad out.
aaehlaary of the b
Maraantitla Oo.
Plaoee your hand aa tba thratUa of axtra haat at ao axua acat It ia as
ablad dniiag a heavy aaatarly gal^aad SpedalMTaaMoBJiDis Racaapr
you want robbers for
Tba big freight ateamar Wyoming.,
...................................... ‘--emakar
that aba ran aabora aid foaadarad.
Waabingtoa. Oct. 14.—It ia not like­ Capt. Andrew Kelley, of the Oraen Bay I
Tuga which aurud to the aaaiataaca ly novtlbal tba Tblrtyfirul or Thirtyyour feet.
cane, pnt Into this port yeaiarday afUr-1
of Ua Mahagaa ware eoapellad U re fifth Michigan roglmanUwiU aoe fornoon with a large araonot of fraigbv |
tore. balagBBabla to approach the algaaerviea. Tha axpoelaUoo is that
among which wm »«4 barrets of oU
aaaael In the heavy aaa. One of tba the treaty of poaoe will bo signed by
from the SUndard Oil Co. at Cleveland.
aarvtvoca. Oaorga Mania of Now Tork Chriatmaa. Aa aoon aa this is done all
Tha Wyoming carries 8.500 tone of
said: "At 7 o'clock laat evening, when tbc volnotean can demand and receive
freight and cleared from here about 5
moet of the pamoagan ware at diaaer their dln^argeu. aa they anlistad far
o'clock with only 1600 tons for Baeanaad tba ateamar waa going at fall twoyaara. or daring ^ war. Tbe
Menominee, ftraen Bay!
apaad. wa beard a loud craah. Bnahing war department feels afraid that it
to the deck we fonnd the Mi^agan on would BO more than gat a lot of volan- and Milwmakee.
Of the eit on board S« burrele ware
tba rock*. The boaU were lowered, taar* into Cuba or Porto Bico than they
snsignad to tba Standard Oil Co'e
the craw bebaviag like beroea aad tba would have to he aent home.
aganu barai-baaidaa tbla 309 taurrala
^raataat ordar pravailad."
left at Nortbport. Tha entire |
William Moore, a Beaman, who waa
lot will go U tba Hannah 4 Uy Maramong tboae wbo reached Port Bomaililo Oo. to fill ordera. That left at'------------------------faMk. aaid that tha vcaaal atmck on her AayUm PaUant Oatebve a WUd l>nck
wiU ba dUtribaled by
atarboard bow and aaak bead flmt, the
With a V>ab Book.
Bteumar Colombia to Bmplra. Norwood, t
alara rising ioto the air. Only tba
John Kelley, a paUenlai the asylum, Goad Harbor. Glen Bavan. aad other
—Hard or aoft.
amokaataek and foremast are abova; while fishing off the lumber dock yeepoinu. while that left hen wiU go to
Wabavabougbtabig let of fur aallarattaa.. BlagBJBt cUu ataek fior MM
,ter. Sameotinoae
Same of tboae -asoao
waabad asnore.
aearby bay paiaU.
an tba do.lsr aod will give the pnblla the benefit for 6 dnya. baginmlag Morn*
wrac^. rafu and in boau ralau j
.liuowad hi. mtanow bait,
In addition to tbo at
day. On. 17. natil Sntarday. Oct. 58.
talas of narrow eacapea.
cllppad tha bird's wlnga and 60 barrala wen on board the Wyoming
—AH for bomlng.
Tbeeollaret>eBthatBoldat$V»0-** 00>4*4U>
be arid to daMaitim
tor Elk Rapida
Aleo tba Alwaya Raady Fire Eiadlnra Pricea will be re looad proportionately oa higher grada gooda daring tba aala.
Recant Mies of the MercanUle Oa.
Semamber tba place.
to start your Area.
gen ware Amarioana wbo wara rhluraaggregate 735 barrala. The local agent
of the Standard OU C«. B. J. Morgan
Tlio Mobegan vraa formerly tba ClaoMr. and Men. Lari T. Panningten ara
wUl enpply what U lacking ta fill ont
paUu of the WUaon-Pomeaa Una. She
I at the Friend*' quarterly
Ue ordan.
left London for New York on Thnruday. maaUnr at Maple City today:
havlBg aboard aa fur aa aacortainsd
Bn. B. Montague is enUrtaining
fifty-uln# paaaangam and u crow of 155 Mr. aad Hn. F. A. Mitcbell and dnagbOirenit Oonrt Old MotFlaish Cbm of
offioors and man.
ter. of Maniatae.
Brawn va. XeOray.
The wreokad ateumar baa bean conGeorge ft. Cattoa. of BaaconiacolClrcait oonrt conrenad yaaUtday
alderad un iU-lated vassal. She wua lege, arrived yeoterday and will apand
momtag nnd raaumad tba CMt on
bongfat by the Trunaporlkm company Smnday in tba city
wban tha oompuny'a bo«U bud been
BlUworth Hale want to bis eld bama which it WM oecnpiad tba day before,
aold to tba United Stntea govemmant in Graanvilla yeaUtday tor u few and adjonmad again at neon, with tha
during tbe'wuT. Priwda of tbo crow waaka' rialU Hia brother. Charley, .caoe of Krown re. McCray atill nnfiB'
ouy that her boilers leaked. She is al- will apaad Sanday with him tbara.
Ubed, toUe 8Ut of OetolMr. In Ue
lagad to nave arrived at New York in
and Mn. William Oravaa of afternaan the court enUred InW ebam
aneb a oon^tiion that she
aant O uod Rapids, arrived in the cltr from ben on matten perUinlng to Laelanan ,
Borne empty, and her ratnm* voyage
and ara tba gaesU of eonnty. The mandamM prooeedisgaj
•taok aeeeral weaka- For the past two
and Mn. Harbort Joynt on Blm- inangontad by Proaecntor Twaddle.!
weoki tba steamer bad been undergo­ wond avanne.
will ba before the court on Friday.
ing rapalin. but It is aesarted that in a
H V. Oibbo WM Bp from Mayfield the 2 let. __________________
twaaty-fonr hour trial laat weak her yntardav,
Mn. Newton FnnUin and dangbtar
It ia ibrmisad that her enginaa broke ara visiting at Maple City.
TbayOannot ba Vaad Upon LatUn
C A. Hendrleka hM raanmad charge
Bant Tbreagfa* the Boat OSoa.
at bis coBfactlonary atora in Mlllai-a
60 Kymms rugs, size r>5 by 30 inebes
PoatmMter Bsff deelrae again to call
drug store, next door east of tba poatfor Mondsysspeeial only...................... ^X
attentton to tbe fact that nvanae
■ttmpado not go on latlara Brary
Mniliam Bulnall Becaivad One Lbat
Amlauat Cashier of tba Flnt Na­ day aneb atampa are used mid tbe lev
tional bank. Mr. Frunk Walton, left tan cannot be sent tbrongb tbe mails
Kigbt From A O. U. W, Inmurfor Beoton Harbor yasUrday morning, sritb-sacb stamps.
•noe Oarried by Bis Son Oloyd.
Yaster^sy there
to ba gone about ten daya When ha were Mveral leiten mailed with twoteat evening J. M. lagrag. recorder
relume ba will be accompanied by hit cant ravenne stamps, aad in one inof Grand Trnvene Lodge. No. 16k. A.
All of anr men's bMtlinea coUnnlatMt
wife and children, ila will vleit tba atanee four from tbe Mme party. TboM
stylM for Moaday's special..................
who have need such etempe are nrgad
Goad onUng flnoncl for Mondlff's speeAll of anr man's finest tba in pnffi four
wblla absent.
to dlaoontinne tbe practice, m their
of Mr. Daliell. This umonni b the
in bands and imptriab for Moaday's
Mn. Arthur Wait hat returned from leitan win only have to be wriltea over
inoe value of a policy carried in the or­
bar trip in aoatbem Michigan
again—when they find ont that they
Men's fleeaad underwear for Hoadayb
der by Cloyd Itslxall. late member of
TboasM Clark arrived yesterday from have not been delivered.
Company M. Tblrty-fonrth Michigan
Charlotte to Uke a poaition in tb«
aolnntaen. who died raoently ufur
tailoring abopof
G. Heumana.
LadlM’ fleeced underwear far Monday's
ooBtraetiog a diaeaae during tba Cuban
Ralph Connabla of the City Rook
Tbs Boardman Bivsr Blaetric Light
specUl only................................................
Par Moaday's tpmcM
wa offer
atore. want to Petoskey iMt evaaing to 4 Power Co. have placed three alaeChildren's anderwear ail sizes «p ta 85,
Tbit ia the flnt time the local lodge
apand Sunday night with ralallvn Re tric "gaeae" in the tailoring shop of F.
Mondsy.specbl only.................. .............
of tba A. O. U. W. has bad oooaaion to
will sUy over until ThoradaTtoatUnd U. Bcamann.
pay a death claim of one of iU memthe marriagatof Mlaa Zalla Uridley, sla­
CbarlcB Havens, n former attaodnnt
bara la tbU city- Tba claim wm filed
ter of Mn. GoBBabla. to Mr. Caspei at tbe Asylnm and well known among
lely after the death of Cloyd
RamMy. which will uka placA Tbnn tbe young people of tbe city, wm mar­
OAImII and there bM been no delay la
ried on Oct. Olb, to Mies Corn HBmpbday.
the Mttlemeat of It.
Frank Friedrich returned yMtarday ray. at Hartford. Michigan.
frmn tbeManitona and left iMt even­
Will Probert pnl oo 700 yards of
ing for Chicago. where he will attend plMtar in Mr. Keiscr's bonse at Kings­
ley this week.
it will I'laQ'alPV ^
peaee jabilae.
' «eanraia
J. R. Brown ratnmad from WinebeaCharles Rosenthal of tbs Boston
Force te Beatora Paaoa la tba
ter, lad., yeeta^y morning.
Store hM adopted tbe malropolltan
Indian BituuMaa.
Hr. E. Go^. Of Ashley. Ind., ia plna of apadal Monday Mlaa, oma of
apwlaltoTsa MoBBiss Raooso.
visiting C. B. Oensv. on WMblngton which wlU be oo tomorrow, according
I to bb advertisement in tbb bsna
Wnlkar. Mins.. Ock i«-ladinn Com-


Job Lot of Etchings-

Holley & Gonnable,




A New Thing

—And a fine one -the very latest In Crepe^
Tissue Paper—Have you seen It—We have

fi,rib,n .loot


This is tho Season


We are receiving new lots for the fall de.
mand. Borne very pretty, inexpensive pack­

Jas. G. JohnsoH.





Popular Shoe House.

Reduction Sale
At The Fair,
On Collarettes.




Mondays Special!
Clothing Department.







SOoe DoHartiBMl.


Call early and avoid the rueb.


Boston Store,




T»4TS&8K Om.
f»M T. BAm An J. W. BAma.
9. W. HAnn. Editor nd IUbacw.

KeiuieuUMbiBdOBlaBdB Tmmv
tatr Order t«Oo His Xhi^
Without KaIIco PrepsnoA
Thstu iA a goad bit of tbo old naUee
knworin the eompoettlon of Clrcnit
Court StenoffTopber J. E Heodereoo
Also A
of eAu'Uos And on eye single
to the welfAIM of bis fellow
bard end long At bis
profeeeU nsd when bie work ie dene
he STAOU hb money. Be wnnU it
prompUy, but In the reeofuited laral
form. And while be wunu the prtcr
of hb hire quickly end fully, he doe* not
dcelreto qniAil neodlem twnble upon
tboee wl^ whom be deals in on offiebJ
CApAcity: therefore when be flies a re­
quest for an order for the AiBonnt due
him he dees it with proper legal odrlce
And in requblte legal form, tfaos Avoid
log the danger of tronbie to Ute party
from whom he derives the ahthority to
receive bb money from the
whqreof. note the tollowtng
order upon County ciei k Newton, whom
be believes bee hod tronbie enough for
an ordinary mortal
Mr. Wm. A. NewUm. Clerk. Qrund
Traverse County.
Dear Sir:—Plenoe draw me on order
for the sum of B197 7A being salary for
the monUis of July. AngnsUSeptomber
and October. (No cstms). The lost
order was June S2od.
Please do not draw thbaarroptiUonely. BorcorrnpUy. neither most it ben
false, forged and frandolent order.
lost not be done willfully .maUelonsly,
nor with y>ur maiiee prepense, nor
premedilAiedly, otherwise I wfllliave
rney, ossueband
in hb ofiiibl name and by virtue of hb
office, mandamus you and hani yon bs.
fore the court that yon may bo proper­
ly pnobbed and then and there full,
true.diroct and perfect answer make to
all and singular the prembes.
And your petiUoner will ever pray.
Done tbb 15ib day of Octoberin the
■AT of our Lord One thonsond eight
hundred and ninety-el^L
Ood Sure the Queen.
Foil not At yonr p«ril.
J. E UsirDKisox.



Farnishod by the Bwpectlee OhurehM
Be*. ChOA T. nwsv Esetor.
Corner Wnsblngwn etreM nnd Boardman Avenna
ilynornmnnioa at 9:40 a. m.
M-wuing servlee and sermon at 10:30
BuodaT echool at 13:00 a m.

Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries

nnar mbthodist.
a«v. J. A. BrcBSr- posur.
ndmy preaching at 10:30 a. m. and
7:30 p. m.
Closn meeting at 9:30 a m.
Suoday echool at close of morning

My work is 6rst class ahd prices that are io reach of all. 1 am
prepared at all timee to take rare of tbe trade. I make a specnltr io
timzing. VnlcauiBing and Enameli;
V-------A fioe line of vheela for aaio
and to rent.
J. C. EIXI8, 311 Front street, east..

Willbm Divine, tbe mbsing BlllsTbeatregoera will remember the ex.: dale merebaat, b supposed to have
cellent repertclrc and
TOne over Niagara Pal'a
introduced bem last spring home from Detroit and Niagara Polb
Thb aggrega-- and bb son bos gone to tbe latter plocw
Junior League at 3:30 and Bpwonb
tioa b eompoeed of several talented ti look for him A reward bos 1
League At 3:45 p. m.
Actorsand specialty arUsIs and tbclr off-'red forbisbody.
Morning subject: "Tbe Eodowmeut ’
-Iwbas gained for the oompony n |
Bueklsn’B Armen 8al^
of Power." Evening subject: "A Vb-,
. areoBd cU>* bbIU
They will appear in [
Tmb Ban Salts in tbe world for
eion of the Father.”
. . ___, 1 i Steinberg's
- .Grand all next week <
..-'"tt. Bruises, Soree, UlerrA Salt
Thursday-General Frayer meeting
Niles bss a woatan
bbtory b j eepling Wednesday evening, in a re Eheim. Fever Sores. Tetter. C
At 7:30 p. m.
UDiqDe She
■ Chilblplnj
All are welcome.
George dwearengen. was divorced and opening plsy. Monday evening, will bs
Sz»N A PWORIE of WBjn.*married Albert' dberwood. and tbe lat­ the "O'lamond Mystery." a play which
Be.. K. tksUberr. Psetor.
ter was killed in California Then sbs b worthy of a crowded bouse.
- refn^e^.
OBBIN W. aOBlSKW of BonAbloo.
Obntxrb on eomer *ot Bth and Wads- became Mrs. Oeorge Tbcimpson; then a
When Colonel Copeland
divorce; married him again and then
worth etrentA
another divorce. Her fimt bosband here lort year in the Bigh school leeBanda.v services os foliows;
then eame bock and she became Mrs. Inrv coarse be was gm?t«d with a
Preaching at 10:30 p m.
Shows Dr. Mzcf-s
Sweoreagsn. but ^ now sning for a crowded bouse. Be is one of tboee
Iscs sfier

Sundey school at 11:30 A m.
-neUc orators who cannot be beard
divorce. Mm Swenrrngen was a mothOKOBOB A. ffTBBL of CUeuti.
Y i'. A at 8:30 p. m.
loo often, and when be appears ngsla
■BranperlDieodent of PobUr lo»tractlooAlex. Hendrick.on. a CeUmrt fisber- evenleg
______^ there
_____ will
___ probably not be a
man. weatoottofix hi. neu lost Sun-!
seat in the h
Bb subject
AU ore invited.
day afternoon am* has not been beard j
-Snobs and Hnobbe^." a lecooaaaaaATioaAL.
from slue*, nor can any trace of him be! tor, *bich bos gained for bimanole Board of lAuc^oo fobort
Bee. O. OochUe. easier.
found. Ubthoeghlbehos b'ownfarjuonal repoUUon. While there hie
Siirt.‘i‘wlsHLEiM4£ '
Next sermon on "Internal olds to out io tbs lake io a wind storm which j
«Sit«.-4rfr«t/rtt I'T WSO.
heavy sate of eoeras Uckva^raber BUM Boanl
right living." nt 10:30 a. m. Thb emirs lagedSnodaT nighL Me.. Heodr i-k-,
the nuent changes in the Grand
A A AVttrtsa'e'SSlrss *
bssbeen interrupted for a time. It son b nearly insane witfa grief but does opera Boose oeaiing arrangements add
the bomewtspper bear '
^Sbuisrv s. bets s4»«a'
will be resnmtd wlib a subject of vlial^nolglve up hope.
lay very desimble seats
iBportonee to public and private lila
A new and peculirr dbeaM> b killing | for sini
are invited.
Hriug your frienda
off horses In the vicinity of the fabud of, “"Wby reeerviog them early e
Join in tbe hymns onJ responsive
the river in Nilee.
I cellent seleeUons can be bod.
Psslm. Shake bonds TsU tbe .pas-or
of any sick. Remember lo bring the
JuLu K KX. of aroBd Trace
Lsudes Domini with you; they
Sunday School at noon. Read tbe
Klondike. For
he suffered unlesapn.
foo. aoc'>m
Pool.,, o< Cbri...„,
paoird by hemorrhages; snd was absoEndeavor At 5:45 p.m.
I intely cored by Dr, King's New D seovOeCAK 8IMP80V.
At 7 p. m. will bs tbe Bundny school r ery f.n- Coosomptlan.CooFhsand Colds.
Oor Store without seeing onr Vegetable ezbtbiL We bav*
The Sunday
He —
gold —
b ...
-f little vslne
lUSI .! ---■

■ ,W...
te'mpemnee program,
one every year, and this one caps then all. We hare •
tin comparison with this marvelons
Kil will give --------leure: would have
**** ^oEAST>0*C*l!orPATT.
lai^ qnantity and a large yariety.
It. even If It coat a
wloter on Important subjectA ThU is I ___ . . dollars a
A bottle. Asthma. .Glance ia our shou-icindotc.
' BroncbltUondall 1throat and lung
ToBtordny'e teenion Ww Profltnl/le
Btgin and close tbe day 'ith Draver. ' fretioss are ppaltlveiy cured by Dr.
King's New Discoverv for UootomnAnd the.eioslng Meeting WiU
uos. Trbl bo*tles 10c»s at tbe drag
Be Today.
stores of S. E Wait and J G Jobenon.
The meeting of the Inndsy School
10:30 A m. Pnblic worship.
DstiMU yeeterday morning w*s openRev. Geo. R Cation of Benzonla.
'ice led by
ed with on i:
college will preach the morning oerRev. E M. Renscb.
Teb BepnblicAB eandidaU for rrriiAn admirable lecture on '‘Memory"
6andcydehoolatll:45a ■
BM*of deeds tor thUcountr Is Orloado
{You seen our
WAS givru by ProfeeMr Bom. Be first
The semi-annsal meeting of Trav­
C Motrall. one of the most popalsr end
gave on analysis of tbs different kinds erse Township Sundsy School. A»!ux!iwell ksowe 5'JBQff mei> In the eonntv
of memory. Mr. Boro spoke of the ati'in will b: held lo this church at
Mr. HoffsU bos condocted nn nbslnct
law that tbs mind remembsrs every, 3:00 p. m.
offi.e in tbe city for many years and;
thing that enters it Uelpful binu os
bis koowledjo of county lilies '
5:45. Young people's meeting.
lo tbe privilege and duty t
•uperlor to that of aoy other mso lo
7;iw. Go.pel bervici.-a. I’reacbing by
regarding the memory faculty
iheoouniy. Bets recognized ss au­
Rev. Carman.
ecbolors were given
thority opon mutters directly coDuectThe Baptist Mute Coavration will be
Tbe regular Normal' Bible leeti
mi with the office of regteter of deeds
held this week at Owo»«o, in the
WAS given by Rev. J. C Carmau
ood toe RepobUcniis made a choice
First Baptist church. Rvv. Mr Car
•Chrbt in Old T.
which'will meet with'the approval of
The prophetic referenoee to Cbrbt in mso and Mias Susie Durfee will go
•raryooA no matter to which party
I nil
tbe Old Tesument are closaiBed os from here to represent tbe BaptUt
they belong.
Be bos never sought
prophesies conceming the Bn
oAoe and Uib b A ease where especial ....
ItiBsbesu-y. Y >n do not have to
Divine Savionr and tbe
phyb exemplified more fo^ibly
have Buy leaves or fi:iing aroii&d Tn tbe
Divine word.
eian engaged by the superviMm way. It u always ready to extend—
AW- b nsnoUy the ease.
He b not
A helpful conferebce esndueted by
At A salary of <1,000 peranum, to take Any little child. 5 era's oM eon extend
«a1y A man of great ability, but tborMr. MUtiken ou -Sundsy School Mancare of the poor, any physician c-m d
wngfaly reliable and he will be a credit
Jl. And It costs no m .re tbsn any nice
ogemenV closed tbe morniug pr^rrombe called in. Tbe tevs -g^ew to au-cb
to the county in tbe office of regbter of
Tbe afternoon sessioD was opened
large proportions that a change was
We haveTr^iir line of extension
with the nmoal song service. rber«
mode. Tbe doctors of the city have Uh'cs—ov-r 40 different styles—from
WAS A review of preceding dbcuMions
FOB tbe fiscal year ended June 30lh,
uoitod In AU effort to have tbe old sys­ <l.H5up. W, will Mve you money on
and suggestions msde of desirable
i«W. under the operations of the Oingtem restored. Tbe fuimer supervisors furniture.
song books and antwersgiven to qi
Iny acLtbe-exportt of manufoetoretortiODs on difficulties.
regime io vogue again.
stli— for tbe first time in tbe history
A seholarly address woe given It
•t the United Bums ezcMded tbe imProf. George Cation of Benzonih eol:
Near Nllea the fly Is working great
portA Tbe vales of tbe exporU of thb
lege, on "Jesus the Teacher."
iojoiy to tbe growing wbeaL Borne
Ohorocter exceeded the imperu ^8.The following are tbs prlneibal fid is have been practically deotroyed
dP0,218. Id l»9:i, under [>emocretic rule
by tbe insect, and many farmen will
sre imported $S<1.SI3.783 more than we
1. Whatever be was. went to make have to replant.
exported, and in iHiH- Bl04.7t9.73t more
il»ld on^ere fl minute!
up what he was os a teacher.
**..« we exported. Every farmer os
i. CbrM knew tboee whom b«
M. O. Ford's SOD. who livesnesr Morsrnll os every mechanic b interested in
l>o you wgnt to hoy any
snei. entered bis bsm wfib a loaded
Bhb. As the demand for our mansfac' 3. Cbrbttaacbiln'a concrete man
tniue increase idle skilled bbor b em­
mow got on fire ud thi
ployed and tbe demand for tbe neeeosi4 Cbrbt Unghl by fab personoIUy I strayed.
tlM Of life whi^ tbe farmers prodnne
and condool os well os in a direct mangrow larger.
Three Doctor* io Coueultatton
Christ WAS the great teacher be­
Kw>m SeBjsBlu Prsoklle.
&-XBT pemoemtic campaigu false­
cause bs loved those whom be tangbu
hood b A reflecUon on tbe ceurogt of
"When y.ra are eick, what yon like
ms Gilchel gave a brief review of best is to 0
the Americao soldier. The men who
Well, look at this:Dr. Trumbull's chapter on “A Teach­ the first place: wuBt experience
^ U)c actual fighting are not making
you ■> br«L to be ch'iscD in tbe s'-cond
er's Influen-M."
Rev. W. K Wright gave an ietorest- pisc-: what reoBonii. e.. Theory) says —




Sit; DON’T






'{J.W. SLATER, Bouse Faniisbff.


hs good aa arm chair as there is ia the
6 wool seat chairs for oolr $1.75.
► 6 cane seat chairs for onl* $3.50.
city tor $2.00—Oor grice is oaly
(wood sect rocker for onl; 50c.
e high back, solid oak, cane seat rocker, k aice bed with canred headboard, $1.40.
Aitheap, plain bed for only $1.15.

Job WBBELaK'B opinion of ing sketch of tbe hUtory of tbe internailonai bnnosy s-:hool work in Amer- Exp riroceaud D-. Reason
the conduct of tbe war b worth
uliBiiun together,
! fault
than that of all tbe siay-«t-h<
thati can be tskeo."
A primary conforence conducted by you tbe beat advice tha
When y->u have a bad cold ])-. infis. Uillikeu was well atteudod and
OBSeos bos elected a Uoited SUtes
Oenetor who believes in a atnble
Tbe closing meeting wiil be held this | plessiut and safe to Uhi
roncy. Thb U one of the froiw pf the afternoon at 3 o'clock in tbe Baptist |enee wontd rec'.mmend
lend it because it ^
•weeping Republican victeiy in lbs; eburch. A conference on adult classes
___ ,
Dr. llrosOD,woul-__ . will be held and Frofessor Cation ommand it beesuse it is prepared on
will give nn address on "Tbe Author­ seirutlfic priocipler, aud acts on naVnlntble Family Belies.
Inre's plan In rrlK-viiig tbe lung*,
ity of the Word."
opwning the scrratlfins and restoring '
W. E Anderson returned Isst night
Bow to Prevoit^roup.
the srstem tc a rsitirsl snd h-s!l' r
from West Corlble, Ohio, his old home,
Wd hswq two children who are sub-1 coaditioi
F-.r sal-by S E WaiL
which he bad not visited in 37 yt
jer>. lo attacksut croup. Wh*n< ver au (
Lodieo. clean
clea your
yhnr kid
tek is o'Msing on my wife giret them i Lodieo,
glovea with
Be brought borne Severn! fsmOy
e. it is
ii not a liquid,
;u,her;aiB*s Cough Rrmedy and it Miller Gloveline.
lies wbichbe valnesvsry b<gb\v. stooeg Ckiuusys prevents the attack. It is * i leave* po odor ard can be used while
them being the spinning wheel of bitu'buid iiec'-rsity in thlseouDtryaDd the glove iv on tbe band.
For sale
grandtaiolber and so old Germac clock no m«tw-r wirst eUc we run out of. it i only by Jai
I. th. dnir
which belonged to hir grondfa-.Urr aod w<„;H loldoiobe without Chamber-1 gi>L
which bos been in the family mini lain'), Giuk'h K-medr. M-n-e of It is '
•-old here thso of all ntbe' cough madlM. Nickia, of Kics. NicklcTillA Pa
leby S. E Watt
Ray bestioEs of Mauoelo»Awas sue
fssbiop in di^s msy be revived,
Mssful the post season ingrowiug st-oa
Mi’d-fs-blakra a
^•onnts iu bis garden. From aii out
word nppearauoee they are ss gond s»
For sole
8. B
theee grown in morenoulheni elimcA
,Shop opposite Eagle office.

Geo. R. Winnie
Up-t04iate Painter
aid Paper Haaeer.

When you are in and looking around for bargains, don't forget to look
through our couch room. We have a large and fine assottment of couches. The
cheapest is a spring-edge couch, fully guaranteed for two j-ears, for only $
You can surely save money by buying your furniture of us. Our house '
furnishing department far exeds anything shown in Koitliern Michigan.



jtoEtflira BMOoan, buvdat. octobbb le. i898.

{8«pi. ». «u bocM to tho Iwml om'
< itYTir iiFUfO crnfucc
l^l^**** Wo<r <rf D*d*»rk. tin wof
n!Bd«id. Um kln« of Oc«Me. crows
------------K prlaeaof DcBSsrk.ud
I j Kattm Of latorwt rrom All ^ oftbsRiTsI fMsily. The fsowoloortofe ttaco proecoded to (hs roilrood de­
rsjta e( Xksblcu.
pot, followed bp oil tbs ropol foBllp.
os foot. The mU wo* lined bp den*«
DAVisoa fcraam ore locinr Dsoy crowds of borebeoded fwople. The
' torkcTd fro« roop. SararsI tensan Min with tbe ooffle os boord etorted
b»*e lost from lor^ to dfstj fowls
ot 5 o’clock for Boek .Ids. 19 milee from
tbe disMsr.
there, tbe residenee of tbe DooUb
At MnskesoB Or. ^erick Boplep- j
„f the middle ores, where the
Jones ho* tollen belr to o oooMderoble
were plsoed in tbs vooltpre•stpte in Eorlosd bp the destb of bis |
tor tbot pnrpooe.
onnV Mrs W. B. Clefrom. In iilooces'
ai Volpofomo. Chile, frond* omonnttersblre Thera ore 40 lersteeo. bet U
^ nlliloD* of doUsie bsvebees d *•
is beliered tbe doewr’e shore will pleld
the orseosl. Seoor Ksesrre
himonlneomaot M.OUO to dS.OOO onocconnionl. bos eommiitei


... . snlclde.
Colonel Fred Shnbel of tbe 3Ut MtehCkleln folrbonks, noted obolllionlst,
Ifoo TOloDteer* la bslnr beselred bj
Udeodin Anrelles, 1>. V.. open 62.
parents ond other 1
bsn of thstrcrlmsnt tonne W* iofl, « “P*^
«... W b... U., »,□
T» !
nil. he replies that tbe meii bsve. n* I The ewecUh minuter o^ the nsvp
listed ns eoldier* snd mn»i dp tbe bid* I wDl n»k the rik dsTtovtc *0,WO 0011
ding of tbe roYrB“«“ for two pe*r*.- kroner to parebsae throe drst-eUw
Befsvon discVd>°d
ironclsda snd otherwise strimgthen tb.
fsmlUe* dependsfet npon them for sup­
port, bat no others.
riM PUU.
Jsmes U. Ibft. s prominent farmer
^od poor oddr«!ao to U. B. BncVlei
nod sheep miser ot Mendon, U deed, A Cu., Chicoro. nod get s free asmpl<
X of Dr. King's New Life Hills. /
need 40 Mr. Tsfl wse one of the best
si will coDTince pon of tbelr merits,
kmwn sheep misers in Miebigsn. and
lese pills ore essp in setion sod sr>
owned a large sheep form near Hen­ porlicvlsrlv effective in tbe cure 01
CoDhtipsUon sod Sick ilesdoebe. Fo<
Mslsrls snd Liver tronbles thep bsr<
J. W. F.vgleeong. of Wnidron, Hills­ been proved iDvslasble. Tbep Sr,
dale eoantp. U eald to be the oldeet gDsrsBtced to be perfeeUp free from
blaokemltb In eonthern HIchigan who every deleU-riou* anbstsnce snd to bUetlll working netivelp at bU trsda. pnrelp vegi'Uble. Thep do not wesket
bp their sclion. but bp ^ringtone toth.
He Is 74 pears oH.
stomsch sod bowels gresllp InvigoroU
The Hiehlgso gmnd lodge of tbe Or­ the spstem. Begulsr size Zic. per box.
der of the Bsstem Star reporU 17.000 Sold bp J. O. Johnson, snd 8. B W^t
■embefs snd on Ineresee. of 18 lodges Drujflrists.
daring tbs pesr.
SeisnUsts nm pnis'ed over Abe feet
that dozes* of Is'kes in Berrisn eonntp
M. U)CDO», AsfiUn. O -ev* U k
are slowlp rM^log snd in n few pesm
mnst be enUreip dried np. Pine, lake
bM almost dissppssrsd. It was onod a
spleoeid lake for fish. Mnn lake ie
^ILBBBT e G*ns. Anert^r
eressUlt Ce Blorb.______
Tbe Bsp dtp angar beet taciorpk eaMcitp 11400 tonsofbeeuadap. which,
bt It per oenV plaid, ehonid prod
W.OOO pinida of gmnnlstdd sngar. The
beela are etored in-Urge shed* and eondoeud from the b.os i« ine slicing mnebine* bpa etrenm of water, whicta not
onip tmnsporu bat eteansse, «
The beet* now being receiv^
tested at the factirp are genemllp bepood expeetaUona.
Manp sample*
have gone np to 17 pereent. ondbigber.
Tbe prioe paid for beeU U »4 a ton for
standard; or IS per cent beeto, with an
1 bp the Bognr-pieldtagcspadip. Tbe pleld here B fi
IS fo !0 tons per acre.
A big black bear was Villrd near
Mantoo the other dap.
ArW.^l^rr-BooAtocslU for a
Aveinof ostaml gas has been Up­
ped at Manistee. fife welts showing SD
average fl >w ot five-iboiuaod cubic feet
ot gne each daring e twentp-foor hour
lest If this fliw couitnnes and other
veins are stracu, Manuiee will
T nrt Po-krlbna-b. lani vwi
new em of basmeas proeperiip.
XjBie •» .ml v.i.,.blr- nf ■>
Frank Kirbp, wboopemie* a small Hesr.rd for U. murn to R*> -i
saw mill at Cbarlevoix, was
;pVb?;~“n" r
bolufor the maonfactorr of giil-net t>oi)rr r.llMKra.
dGata. when be caogbt his band in thr '
saw and ent a bad gash in tbe finger. ;
While ddwB town having bis band
drMeei.word esmi to him that bis bod
s.; ••i>eiplrlr,i2"«-.- to
who h*dal.emptvd to opemu toe ma­
;. L-W(. K.ISW. Sflrht.
aul-wr>t Tril.t..,
chine daring hu father's alweBee bad fUrb. 4II-3M.
been aimek in tbe abdomen with a flp. WaKTvn—Apply a
iagsplinwr. The injsrp was a verj O”
•erioas and psinfnl one and resulted in
tbe bop’e death.
for ibr b.JM.T.,
0>*re —' ba. four h-obVradrC fur Uiilr nr— lu em.n up f«U*
At Battle C.->-«k nglp mmor* arv
-• u
u. Vf M
l..r»w boob-^ nsri
. f»m>$V
afiMtboecennng tbe disappeamnee of u.-.Ju«lov
alibi......... .......— .
likr ibra.
tae IS-pear-old eon of E. J. MiUer.-a
eoHen ha^~tfor wr>.rswil- w.
punter, who started oat last 8endav
morning to gsiber hiebarp- nuu.'" U- Oojst .1^'"'

Light Colors Prevail.
Dark Colors All Right.


Jgst the thing for fall wear-goDd intll the holidays.
Ought to have nne.^-«>-

PUT ABOUT $10.00 IN ONEl3^As mach more or less as taife demands.


Buys a very nice double breasted, black or blue. Rough Cheviot,
very stylish, specially for young men.
An outfit as above with Top Coat is just what is right, and we have
a fine line for all sizes—Some for less money, but ours at $13.00 for whole
suit will make a presentable, good wearing, well cut suit, welt trimmed and
found with

Hamilton Clothing Co.

Bngg is the new name for tbe poat-;
IB'.t; kouwn hereUifore aa Muasbact,




(nr ulr DO B wiiM> payBrtil. Hta.w.F.
b>(n>r «Vi. au. vlU
Ifol ISO IruliOlor W
ivbia «nS Hal-, ainwa. New
ufThu. T t

w. Pau-bin.

Voiee of Vniveraal
A piotto asiiaaslnau- Emperor Wil­
liam bae been discovered and nine
Italian anarebisu arrested at Ali
Oeonna Mei


of^Hr p—l*!
THa HaTnoai.



^ Figure blind advcrti.ers would say: “Worth $15.00. our price $10.00,“ or “as good as our neighbors sell for
$15.00.“ Such ads’catch a few, but tbe man of our people are good discriminators of facts.


was lost seen slttiog id a gmvel pit op
^e wagon road. A walking sUek bvlonging to him and Uie bare foot prinU
of the lad were seeo cuirriiig tbe pi
bnt do not ooae oat agaio.
A fres»
•aveofeartb aras twice shi/vvied out
bat tbe bop nae compleuip vaotsbed.


See Ours at Sl0-00--Good Value.


nd IM 00 lb. Cwl Mdr;
aud lDtrrr*l i.


N-Ird .rraprni sad tm>
u-riiyLaaSwrOo azttf

Steinberg’s Grand DB. SPIIINEYjTt^iS?i;r.7,SE

Herrn und. Knaben Kleider


Opera House.


"In Groser Auswal.
iZu Den Billingsten

Monday, OcL 17.


BvaOBrol at Uc k>a e«t trie* of asy ———— la

Lot* nf snrcleUie. ^p entire companp
st'«efa r-rf.irmttice.
DoootmiaaheariegUieaae band and
Watch for thr pendr.

FunI Fun! Fun!

Finden Sie Bei

r*KSir l'ui>pi<. NonRii asoFiNlirabir liataac*
jfttuibnni. .rHcu-.TvwttolatbrlaiTiia^lArTa-

fuSu■S*‘v!«<?^afiin!^rSJnt u

ikB-amMiti.‘■’■ma i iwmn of tbaBaait.0*aml rbl.Br,l-i-,-»eiw«ulUr«uW'iBiiLN^ ta-Bi i> Nrrvuw I Uruea, iT—ue>«(


HIP (lUoae-a rwruivu. iil>.4 .ad Mis i-liruca

Mb a. b I .Id i^a.I (lunar-.
V-ic.'.r. u-s iciimorTiibabfu.iHHSBw«tn*(b*
bar-n. an l now ai-rrua* wn,-** oaiit lor MSd)

K'.lsfc -v“s

Herrn Oaderoben GesoTeaft.


Era t'UinIn. Itnd Murals. . No vtuMUun. ArwraXAio-k. My. l•l-aIa* in ikr
linne^.' ar^i|mM|>il Ua^oriaiu .rinnlinwiou^

124 Front Street.

r,f";'.rn‘(i5i *rr
t-wriiijB, ibrr I'atot. Horsk

As Advertised,
our Use of Plogrea
Vinrer. eane-. run ennMBIHMe M >HM'UC7 tM,

w*ra eiliscehrsm by boUdl^ aptbafyMcas g
audpai (ylortbr (Mod

I |^H.Bro:urr. all «bo ate pnr ana bare K
Oreat Breort For Kusidans.
■tiWT. Wits rr.l b to Iwy. .Ill rreciTe ONE
i',1 “.*'1!.*^'.’?®.'?.'.*'™_____ _ - to.
J. W. ct:itr. of tbe W. W. Kimball i
mosnv. Ti*ll-d the conservs- rlBia*B««P.
imi.w smwB.ui,
Chicago lastwrrUio wTS;*i“.2!i ??ih?
dria. Bgppt. j „V-T 'i.-erAHib.
1. e. AUja. rn-u,
rn-d J-b bio. a.
aiss^T inveatlgat* the meih.da of the music

Au immense tmet of connlrp
Hnc-ining converaaot I
been burned over bp fire in the Epr A Tra*rri,rrityi.aB---rr.o.
B all Mr Cliff. *el.
Bill district. Sa^tebewan.
Bd in
e metboda,
Tbe last vestige of tbe Cblneee em­
wCiiy tuB-|,,rt thep I e plse-d on aalr in tbe «omperor's power baa passed into tbe hand*
------- Ipsnp'a
St 23S hVoni street, and
oftbeemprvsa do-vsgrr. and be is a
wi l.K-lAif.1»r. alb Md .bleww
.btawlr. ^ 1 iw-*iirn*.‘',,rl
i.» i-seh-r. o'T-a*
ir Tf.v
d-b-ro,. I—.
...» „.d U.., .
' ptwoiimr 111 tue lel.ud p.,1
T7nRHtI.E--t.r..i 4 foot femsre wood. Soiiib ; obtain them bv seDdingOUt of tbe el
' American impjrta into China eon- ^HuiL Pbunrer.
! and by buping them bcro «
tiane to increase, while iboee of other ----------- —....................
........ nddilion to aecnrirg lower
OODbUiea decrease.
Notice to Tax Papers.
, eaore*-eharge* o- poaiage.
| Governor
________ Co bMOson. of Te»*a^>aB
oniu W«wr i«.1 A nice lot of l.t* sod popolnr sheet;
qrarartine procUmeDr. N. S. Linton, one of the oldest I viU b. Id
rotifwiioff tbn ~-i..«i m.'Sic ha* also b.^en placed on sale St,'’
. iiu.i—i««i«i
cenu per <M$p.v. two copies for *5 tlon against Loolslaoa and Mhsiwtlpp!,
Md beet known pbpiicisua of Wash­ i,?d f'by
*b.l .(—lal a.-».*
___ HIM of yellow fever in tho.e s»ale*.
ington, is dead. Tbe trooble was old
of vocal aod iostra-l
siColambus. Hiss.,
age and general breakdown. He waa
ThiRKlay and
ofearb «v-k leenialmoaic
natlc foU-a
folb a new. cinulolng .

one of tbe attending phpaicien* npon
* ams fine.______
OdoW IM. 'W*.
Pmid... o„ d.rl.f o..
r evD' pd-B.Itr (or 34crata. Ev. tpihlng In moslc sold at i
an'h-ritv that
straggle for bis life that foUowrd bis e«i.nrii... .ad rr^l i»*» pa dno and alti-r
price*. Piano* at <“‘"7 [
steamaSlp Co. Is
»M. 1>Wi,lbe.r will
sbooUng bp Goltean. ^
O a penaiir M t<ro per e»i
Ibmakeonr line oomplet*. we have (»rrnnglog to pot under tbe American
iiOB. All I
d totallycmrk ft grnmopbonee; tbe gnat talking ma-|
At Copenhagen, Fridap, after tbe 1«. 1«*-. tri___ _
.tesmers wb'cb It Is opue tbe wi
mowning eervioes to the death cham­ rea..e..BeBi
Dated Kepi. I.l IfW.
*^W?w"^ii*ixro...MsFront8t. j eratlng to China
Japan from Taber tbe coffin ooniainlng tbe remains OOo* Is n-rakl bolV Txkwt-RiBcnn.
N B. .‘•MDg. Managw. | coma Wanb.
of Qneen Lou ee of Denmark wbo iH. d

. . ----------------------- -------- ------------ --









Our complete Fall and Winter Line;ia in.
Call and inspect them.

The Old Reliable Shoemao.
118 Fn>Bt Street.
Worsburg Block


Moximro i&apoBi> bithday. oc(tob«b le. lese.

S. Benda & Co.—The Busiest Clothiers In The City.

buy our w

If we should tell you that we were sel’log $20 00 Ulsters or Oy rooats for $9.B0 :^ou’d
You’ve’noticed that we don’t talk

^o®e dealers wouldn’t


$12.00 garment for $12.00 and so on In
We sell you a $7.B0 Ulster or Overcoat for $7.60 a
_ $10.00
..------ one for $1000-a
other words we sell you WOHTH-nrt $20.00 worth for $10.00 -Nobody on |arth does that, It they say so-well, that's their hilling—
but come to us and look over our


It’ll be a wise th'ng for you to do. Keep on reading.

Do not let any of 'em “Sidetrack’’’
you. Half of the dealers don’t know
the kind of (toods the railroad mein
must have. For years we have sold to
the men on the D. S. S. & A. railroad
and know that we have the best and
nothing but the best can be sold to the
boys. Our

Brakeinan’s Jackets.
Corduroy Fuits, Pants.
“Fitz” Overalls.
E. B. Hata
Asbestol Gauntlets. S
Black WooHJnderwear.
All are the BEST.


Clotlling** Fur Hen.
Oor •to^k of AntniDB ud Winter Ckithiaf
te now. complete. It embmoee nil the Utcet
.ntylee—the beet mnkee—nod tbe fineel mnt*-rSnle
kBOWD to tbe tmde. Kreryibiairdcelrnble in Sniu.
Top Coets. Orerconta, etc. Apr penon wbo e^mee
bere ezpeeUnr to And nn ordionrjr rendymnde
Mock of clothior will be nrreenbl; eurprleNl when
we incel them with cuetom-mnde eneeUeacc
Bendp-to-wenr elefnoee wUbont tbe worrleenad
^ilttltMf" Uinle of tbe co«toB ehop. Thene nrw
tae ndmitnireB to which we iDvIte ponr pnt*
(Donfe with the meet poeelble MTing to jon.

Clothing... For Boj-s.

PEEREKSS 8UIRTS-New patterns la
Nadrs., separate Caffe U> match. 60c.
MADRAS SHIRTS, aeparaU enffs to
match. 75c.
NIGHT SUIRTS, fao^ trimmed. 60e
OnVeR’^AB—Mwi'e Natural Wool.
nataral color, taa aod blaa,

Men's Suits
laWnretede, Cnerlotn, Seoicben, Berrn. etc-.etarlc nnd donble breneted—plnin nod edk fneed to
tbe bnUOD-bolne—Mwrd to mnk« 'em boTd topMber.
MOT* noeep. We

CNDBBWBAR-Men'a Aoe fall fsahionad. tarn and natnrai oolor—graat
tootf—Fine goods redaead from $t.60

$7.60, $10. $12. $16,$ia


Top Coats
nr* etricllyup-to-dnl*—
noybody wbo wenre n lobcont wnBte>«eo.. They
nre tbe kind thnt futidloBi drcMere nlwiya ineli
eo biiylDK._ Kxcelleat <|unlttlee M t
lip Oordi
Imported Covert Cloths, end
•tandee—make np with doable eUtebiliar nod
leeme Workmanship Amt tJnes. yet wSnell
»7 60,tlO.$12,$I6,$ia


Oar gpeelal is tbe NEWLAND
I best ii
. .<aiT7an tbF$:> Areaeyd .
in Fall Derbies. inclndioK tbe Donlap. Knox. Yonmao. Miller and the
Oor SS.OU Derby in black,brown,
and French brown, etc., Is a World
and 91.76. in all
The latMt in men's

Crush and Fedora Fef'
50c aed $1.00.
Boys'. Misees' and HSld*enB'
Capa.‘Tams, etc., I6c. 3:|k


Do not bny a Beefer for your boy
before von see onr Ane line—aye 4 to
16—Blue. Black. Ureen. Brown.minad, with Rtorm or .Sailor collar trlmad with Braid etc. tZ. So np to $6.00.


We sell the hmi’iO'l Cotton Sock
in MichUran—wejret them msde to
order-ioc. We aleo haveafnll Hoe
of fancy stripes, miktures In Cotton,
Bilk oe Wool at 5. to. 16. #5. 8S. 60c.

IS for boys 14 to 19 years at

$4, $6, $7.60, $10.
A1eo Aoe aasortment of Nobby SaiU for the 6-yearold teddler. tbe 14-yaar-old echool boy aod all agee
betweeo. Oar line of Veatee Salte Is constantly
increasing—all tastes can be Mtisled here—colors,
styles and prices.

Our Duuble-Breasted Two Piece Soils
Can't be equaled in tbs city. Any style or fabric
that may be desired wUl be found beta. Look at
tbeae prioes:

$1.60, $2. $2.60, $8JM). $6. $6.

So much
for Bolta, now for

.Hats For Men..

ap^ao-date Nothing that can't be exiled in stj
and Anisb aod save yon money, loo
W« have elegant Single aod DOUBLE­
'S it
in Blneand
d Blaek.DlagoosIand


XTone better
—Isateet Styles.



Knee Pants
The kind that's atwed right.............................. I$e. tic
Pretty patterns all wool Pantt........................ 60c, 76c


Price Sl.OO.

Mackintoshes..... Our Umbrellas..
Men and boy's.
Oor smortment of Mens' and
Boys' Bos Costs snd MsekinUahes
is eomplete. We sell sll kind* and
ooTorsatfrom $I.M>. $3. $6 60, $4. $6
io $1.7.00.

Oil Oiothing...

—4n .Vew V«rk,
Tuised *t>rrinr»vcrr "
Onr $l 00 Umbrella has the bnt
.ed steel frame
fram and is warranted
not to fade. Fancy handle too. Look
like $6.00 goods. Iota of UmbcellM
at 60c and 76c We bawe tbe better
and the bwlOmbtallas at from $2.00
•n CAen *

^ We bsve all the good kinds and

85c and $1.00.

Duck Coats....

Blsck snd brown.

They are poalMrsly tbe Best that
money can bay. Fall eat. rubber
lined, doable seam*, made of best
hnsTT duck. W# sun ’em at $1.00
np to$l 26. n.OO. S 60 and warrant

Cloves & Mitts...
We bare everTtbing io this Uns
from the cheap 2Sc Male skin t
AoestsUk lined French Kid.
have OannUeu at 60s.
a. R
76e and one that's Are proof at $1.<K
All kinds of Jsrsey and Wpol glove
and mltU. Prices right.

Union made

Pants & Overalls

Men’* see bor'« ekahBg soM by sf.

Hare yon seen oor All Wool
Pant at ts 00, Good Working Pants
fram 75c np ' Oarbartt” Oraralls—
all aiM at less than yos coaid buy
'em elsewhere.
blue, brown, white.

White Coatsil^^
e apd Walt^e Aprons at
Wbiu Vests, PeCTl Battoas, 76e. a
10, 16 I
per dosenis for Men and Boys in
liber, Jersey, etc-



Play Work far •eboel CbOdreB
Pmrvot* of >rhoDlrbU4rrBsrevr4yencBst s lOM te
know bo* tekeeptbelrebUeroBest of otoclief la tbe
Bnorawes Sooe rbUerrs vmai le play oe ibe Birm
anlnut «Mr |>etoBb olobn, oebra nope sbael lb* boeaa
ail tbe UeteeiTtag -lUmaa t vsBl BOteetblBe to So."
•rbool ebUCreo. sod rurtbml metier Ueir UMiasra sad
fatbefB, sad big BlBUrBsod beotbere. vbetberibey be ip
e proteBBtOB. 1s beBlBBea. or <ehetbor Ibey be ledtr* «•$
^tlewrn ef lebero or of totLeasay tbo plBBaafoldod
MiowopoBd ta^lr^BromomoeUtanlOBoai
iBse UiBeiBskctbcIrplaylBMrweUveaad
Here tolbo war todo It: Write snsdeertlaomeBt for S.
Beads a Oe . tbe eloihlero and iBea'B fmabera. They
odee three prise, ta Bd-vrlUiig eoateot. BBStaly. lioeo la
taerebandtoe for Ibe beat e»d aioel erlgloel ed; moO lb
merobandtoo for Ibe te*ol sad moot baworona sd; aad
ono la Bcrrhaedl.- f. r tbe aaialleat aad eeleblaat ed.
fco^^ OBtered ia tbe eraleol Bnai Beattoa
tbe Ilara
haedled by tbM. asiaoly: rietbiag. faraUblai
beta sUodaaiBa-b*BsHedu>tbe AdTentaeg
■eoior$.Beads* by

W« gunrsatee sweet tlrenois in one 4of our
Night Shirta-60»-78c-$l.p0.


Why oer ablrla arc aaprrtor. grade tor grade aaO
wieeterprtw. ciU bo tally deaoeatraied at Ibe eoeator.
77w proof of tbe abln la la Ue lachlag aed tbe otltebleg.
We give faUer Iwh Boaaorc: we gt.e row.of atileUeg,
wblrl^ell meana valaei or* giro say intgib alewer leqalred : we gfre apeclelroaTcoleaew* for Bea rfheary
orloBEreerb. la feet oar ablrw ere peaetleaUj o<|ajil to

pasy prices for I
Uwasy suspenders I

fO, 16.26.36. 60a

25c L^suspender


A. Y. Friedrich Block.

T. J. Host’s Old Store.
124 Front Street.

Traverse City, mchlgan


The Spaniards Think They Have Them In Hayana, hut the
Records Appr to Mcate
Sffll‘In Santo Domingo. ,
I- like^e Flying Dutcliman, tlie Great
Discoyerer Roams die World
Even In Deatn.

[CopjTiBht. UKl
Tb« rtport that Lb« epABUrtli. wbo
4N D«v prrpAHoB to erkciute Cub*
•M tha other poaaeaalons that have
rweBtlr eome under the contrt^of LnC)« 8am. tatnid to take vltb them the
ilna of Chrtetopher Columbia.
Havana for more than, 188
pWra. ha* rtarted an Inquiry a* to tba
rial laat rcetiiw place of tbe mat ex*
adorer and dlacorerer. The qoeaUon,

them hare made dlec«r«leB that would
laad one to consider tbe mstter dis­
posed of for a'l Urea tbey have been
unable to come to a positive oonclunlon. and It seems at unsettled today
as It did when the vault* of tbe cathe­
dral at Santo Domingo were opened
•ad the remains, supposedly those of.
Oslumbua were removed to Havana
Bu>re than 100 years ago.
Idke hi* birthplace, the final reeUng
place of Columbus cannot be aednltely
fixed, and there are at least three cltlfn
ascb of which claims the honor of being
the spot where tbe great discoverer
firat aaw tbe light of day. while three
othsre eiaim to have hla remain* in
tbelr eatbedrals. The last are Havana.
Baato Domingo, on tbe Island of the
same name, and AguadiUa. a amali
towiten th* coast of Porto Rico. There
Is nothing to show, so far at the latter
Is concerned, that Columbus
naar the place when alive, and little attaoAon ha* been given to the report.
With the other two place* it I* dif(srent. They do not only claim that tbe
bona* and dust of Columb
ealbedrala of their clUea, but have d«umsntt to prove tbelr assertions. There
are two things certain—Columbus lived '
and died, and he was neither twins nor
trtpleu. What records there are ahow
that he was bom in OAioa. Italy, and
«tat hr died and was buried at Vatlsdnlid, Spain. There are no records to prove
In what year he waa bom. and talstartaDs
and authorities differ as to the time. Bo
far ai
claim It was ten year* latef. and that
point also has never been settled satlstsclorily.
Uts daath at ValladuUd occurred Hay
M. UOt. and from that time to tbe presont bla remains have been moved about
they really are.
is safe to aay that hitI body bas traveled
In more vsulu
and caghedral* than thoae of arv- other
great man. During his llfetimeCoiumbus
reamed about from one country to anether, and It aeeme that even with death
his voyages ware not to end. In fact,
death bad still greater Igumeye In atone
for the famous discoverer.
Columbua when dying requested that
ba be buriad In Santo Domingo. wb)cb
was nt that tlm* the larger and mo«

Inal beauty of tha bslldl
done. Here aloi _
and Id raulted eapulcberi above tbe patched C
pavement rented tbe remain* of the ' 1
Bveat admiral and hla aon add brother.; :
Spain, loat Santo Domlnco. a* ahe haa remaloa. and It I* aald that one of the
ilDce loot her. ether poaaeaelona In men ahom Spain-aeni to inrestlRate
I. wrote hi* rapon of tbe matter m-blle
• It he
Amerlra. but ahe ha* <
imer en route to the
keep the bone* and dual
po*«d tn be thote of her nrat vreat 6
l a warvblp to Santo

France la ITK. t
nt had tbe vault whl6b wa
po*ed to hold the remain* of Cot
•"<« the caeket removed
to HaL*,er the coffin a
. .
.....................- ... .k. '
where they were Interred
in the \-aolt ind. placed. I.
lib mat
' and c
the convent of St. Francis In Valladolid, cathedral with
—...... —...-------ue plar
The vault
where they remained for about aeven
year*, when they were tranaferred to that there were two vault* In tbe caihe* wa* flrat examined. On tt
the Carthuaian monastery of La* Cue­ dral at Santo Dominjto. or if the clergy the letten ~C. C. Ai,- which were sup*
vas at Seville In IKIS. It wa* not until were eocnl»ant of the fact they refuaed iHined to otand for vCH.lobal Colon, Al­
to divulge the aecret.
mlrante.” When the coffin waa opened.
maby y «r* afterward tIM I
Berne autherltlni who have written on It wa* found to contain a leaden box. la
of .Columbu* were ooi
the aubjecl have atated that the elergy which were a allver coffin plate. Mm*
know where the remains had been In-. bonee and a leaden bullet. On thecarket
tarred and that when the Spaniard* waa tbe foUowfng inscription: "lliustH.

•: ebureb and state dlgnllarUS a
I ebL The re'lc* are weU protected. Tb^
> aro in a leaden casket that shows grant •
age. This is Inclosed la a glass -«aM>
I which Is locked with serml keys, sen*
I of which are held by tbe ebureh ofl.
be otbera are i
aulbnritle*. - 1
etoaed in a heavy wooden cane, which IS
Btao kepi locked by several keys, wbtafe
lad been recently completed.
*'Although there'1* no record of that as* dividad among tbe officials. The rw*
early date Indicating where the remains
ehatwl adXflnlni
were placed, there wai a tradition that
'hich a guard I
they reeted at tbe right of the altar, placed."
and Itt year* later—namely, m 1<78—this . Herr Croneau aUte* that tbe Innsripi
tradition took the form of an entry In Uon on the cover of tbe cnakel wag.
the record! of the cathedral. At a some- -I>e*eu*>rldor de U America. Prtmamwv«( later period than that of tbe Almlranle." Transiat<-d It means. 'Th# •
transfer of the sdmlraV* remains, Discoverer of America, the First Adasb
though the exset date cannot be ttxed. ral." On tbe tnnlde of tbe cover 1* SB
written In Oolfalc i
(he remain* of Dlejto Colombo*, togeth­
er with those of hi* eon Lui», were car­ parUy abbrerlaled. which has baM
ried from Spain to Santo Domingo and tranalalcd as follows: -Tbe FamousSa4
buried in tbe same cathedraL It la Excellent Uati. Don Cristoval Colon.'
probable that tbeac Interments took
The silver plate was found In tbe bnt>
place about th* Ijeglnnlna of tbe aeven- tom of the lead box. It bnd an Inwrtp*
teenlb century, for there are recofd* tn tion on both aldsA wMeh erfBmMg .
Spain which apparently refer to tbe meant to atare tha asms thing. Tbb '
matter. There waa no inaniption to In- inacHptton tmnaUtad la. -Tbe Last Fast
dicau the locality of either vault.
uf tbe Remains of tbe
-When by (he treaty of Basel. Dee. M, CHatoval Colon, tbe Dlacorerer."
After tbe remains were Inspeeted b*>
178S, Santo Domingo wa* ceded to
France, tbe Spaniard* had a laudable fore tbe foreign oonania they wem
desire that the remains of the discover­ placed In (he lead box and tbea In tbs
er should be tranaferred to one of the glass ease, wfatrh. after being locked.,
tsUnds aOil to remain la Spanish po*. was bound In the tricolor of tha island.
aeasion. 'Accordingly tbe Boor at tha The consuls then atlacbed their seals
right of tbe altar was explored, and a to that. A strong outer box. whldl H
vault, supposed to be that of the admi­ cbwed with seven looks, reortred tb«»
ral. waa found. Itsconlenta. believed to sIL which were thereupon reined to tbd
be tbe remains of the admiral, wer*
tapeL where they a

depoatted in tbe eathtdrai

the body was removed from Seville and
shipped to Santo Domingo, where it was
placed In a vault near tbe altar of the
famous cathedral which waa erected by
order of Doa Diego Columbua In honor
of his father, the discoverer and grand
Til. cinalrucUon of thl* cathedral was
commenced In IMA hot It was not c
pletMi until IMO. Tbe casket la which
the b<xly of Columbus was first placed
began to decay, and the remains were

Cowriofit, 1898..
There were two wanted to remove tbem
;athedral ne*
rarated from
buried and in that way k^ th* bones
other by a thin Mali, in one of thw of Columbus In the catbedrsl, as a re­
the remains oLthe great explorer wera quest had been mad* by the people of
placed, and tbe opening was sealed. In Santo Domingo to the pope to make the
the other were put the remains of his admiral a saint. Tbe tnith of these
son. Diego, and his brother. Bartholo­ etalementa. however. Ifas never been
mew. Up to this lime there wa* no doubt verified, and little or no Importance
and there were many records to show
where the bone* of Columbus rested.
A llllle later, howavar. the records were
lost- The official* of Ranto Domingo [ unsealed
Claim that the remain* aubaequently re- ' allowed
mvVPd by the Spaniards were nut those , known to have contained any but the
of Columbus, but those of one of hit: one caaket. For nearly a oentury aflfamliy. while the Spaniards state that ‘ erward nothing was said cenceraing
(be caihodral at Havana holds tbe du»t; Columbua. and It was commonly bellevof the man who gave to Castile a new ed that hla remains were In HavanL
world, whirb since tu discovery haa Some minor repairs to th* cathedra] at
been taken little by little away from Santo Domingo broo^t out dlneoverlea
that Changed ihe-common tbonght as to
For more than 508 years the bodies of . the last resting pUce of the admlraU
Columbus, hit brother and son slum-1 This was in ign. when some of tbe
bered In peace tn the vaults under or (workmen about the altar discovered a
near the altar of the cathedral of Ramo ' vault that had long since been forgdt. with Its ten. An examination of the place
mads by the arcbblsbop and some of
tbe high civil officer*, and It was then
asserted that the vault esatained the
most covered sides, and with the excep­ bones of Columbus.
tion of some repairs which were made a
few yean age nothing to mar the ortg-

out and Renowned Man, Don Christo­ at Havana, where they have since re­
pher Columbua."
mained. No doubt seentp to have been
Tbie la the story, told by tbe Domini­ raised In regard to the genulnences of
cans. Another story told In that sec­ the remain* thus removed unul BepC 18.
tion of the country It that mhen the 1*77. Borne laborera In repairing a part
Spaniards removed tbe remain* one of of the floor of the cathedral dlaoovered
the prieata kept tome of them and hid another vault on tbe right of th* altar
tbsm in tbe cathedraL There have b>en lying between that from wh,lcb the eopmany r-ontroveralea between tbe Span­ poeed remain* of Columbui had been
iards and the Domlnlcsn* In regard
removed and the outer wall of tbe chantbe matter, but the Spaniards, and as- cel. These two vault* were separated
peclally those in Havant, have never by a thin wall One of tbem. the small­
permlitvd themselves to believe that th« er of tbe two. wa* empty, while the
remain* were anywhere but In their other, the one that bad apparently flrwt
been ronatmried. was found to contain
my e
the rounds there
, .
. high ____________
1 SI centimeters
and^H centimeter*
■upport of tbe theory that ibq.^malBS In breadth. A nearer Inspection
are still In Santo Domingo and that box and It* inwrlpUon aausfled tbe authose wbich tha Spaniards have bowed thorlties of the cathedral that the retn the cathedral at HavaBa sad which ' mains transferred in 17K wbrv Aboae of
preparing to asnd back i« ; Diego or hi* ton I.ai1* and that the re­
Spain ar* all that I* mortal of Colurabua' aon-Dlego or hla brother Bartholo­
mew. boib of whom, a* itated. were
HtTT Croneau. a noted German eclenburied near the admlrwL
Ust. vtslledSarxto Domingo tn USIfor the
The following 1* taken from the re­ purpose of examining tbe remains found
port of Cbarle* K. Adam* to the Ameri­ In the vault. He waa given every fa­
can Historical society. Hr. Adams wa* cility and at the conclusion of his Infonnerly tbe president of Cornell noS- veettgatloo gave It a* hi* opinion that
In speaking of tbe roamings the remains were thoae of Columbua
of Columbus’ remains Ur. Adam* says: In hi* report of the matter Hrrr Cre"Columbua expressed the wish that bis neau aald: "1 inafMctcd (be remain* on

Tbe Spaniard*
that the n ___
............... -.ny
of Columbu* arc stiU
tiU in Santo Dombwi^
proofs to *■bow that
those taken from tbe cathedral. Avar •
appear that Spain will hart on* oM
blunder to add to her already funiHdable list.
•ebsseskaasiaa Plaappstsfsa«.
Tbe *tor>- la toM that a friend. Uvltdfi
to dine a-ith Bchopenhaocr at his fa­
vorite restaurant, where a nuabar «C
oOlcera were in the habit of m*oUi«
Mlieed that Schopenhauer took a gUd
cola from his pocket 'before cattag and
laid it' OB tbe table beside him. Wbca
tbe meal wa* over, the phUosppber reUpon •
quecUon from hi* friend. Sebopebbauef
explained: t have been dining witb'
these officers for eome time, and about
two month*
1 registered a sllead
vow to give this gcrid coin, of considerable value, to eome worthy- charity
arity <m
tbs very first oceaaloa upon which

sboald bear these geaUemen talk of
chance* o.................
bare my moaeF.”



■y^^E'VE determined to cut down every T^nse possible in this basing, that is not absolutely necessary,
Ae tnai ootioell of Ro?*] tad Rdart
atMtm uhleh wu lR«tBUrl7 liMititoMd
iB Colorado • tow )mn Unoe bu died tit*
^tta eoonquent upon UMdk doolmd
oUndeMloo bj tbo cmeial fraod eoaocil
•t lu trimnlai Mk-mblr A o«w pand
eoDDcll. under ihouotirtal Kiaud OMiDcll,
• FfvIM* «( th* tlniMi ha* bean tsuUtuicd tbere,
re, to which
wbtoh c\cr7
ibM aiata UDltad.
The new frnuid ooiinoll wm InoUcutad oi
JulfSO. and It beeoiDca hf iU
•mOob ol ttwM- ......................... - A? s
■ for the Tear 1896,
two new t
and Btlll there are oUwn to oome In.
Tbwe are now Hi ttate grand eoancUa egnAltoenMof the general graml body, and
only nine ao called Independent grand
>. which r
before tbk year expinia
It la natwl that l.DOO twordt from Mltaouri will bo in line at tbe paeade of
Enlgbto TemplanattbetriennlalenoainplucDt at Pttbburg.
to be held at l>lui>l>uig Oet. II to 14. will
be tbe moat InipuriBOt in lb bivtoty Not
only are tbe ciRwcIcutinn and dlgott to be
reviled, but It to expected that Ibe qUeitlon of building a niagnlfloont temple In
Waablngton. at hawdetoartere for tbegraod
forthearDtalTea, w^lUbTsdien npandaot.
It to aald that there aro IWlodgaiof

One of tbe principal featnree of tbetriennbsl eonobve will be (be electrieal dlaplay In tbe cillea of Plntborg and Alle­
There wlU bi< no darknM In
U tsar not be gmemllT known that tbe tboo TWO rltlee during that week.
piliililiiiil III the Uoltad^tatni^lbeaaereAbout tbe year ITlO-^bet la about 98
tMim of tbo war and Barj departi
yrwn after the foundWon of^tbe OrA
grand lodge—tbe Ibiyal Arch made Id apIMranoo aa ao additional Maaonlo deHow It aroae. whenoo It came.
what mind* conceived and c


acd Prealdent
/. A. Hlnarrof tbo board of eoatriil of the
OBdowaVoitrank It a eolnplete vlodloatiaa
•( bit naBasetDant of Ita a&aliB.
^ohB Ban Olao eompaoT of Ean Clatn olerioal friendt will
•Ml «be 91.600 prlie In tbadriU oontaM a* peoao paid by otherapplleanu wbo reeelTe
: Tctie Bant* tfaedegreea.
TbeMreet Mr ootntAhkMef AUegbMiy
and Piuaburg have donated 910.000 for
fba PTtbtanaial>9baod tfeetad Mn. B.
P. UbbT of Weatbiook. Me.. mpratM
The fao
nepriteofliWoSeiadbTMAlarOaiiMalCaraahanfor tbeconipaDTof tbenni.
ictm rank baTing tbe larseat peroeotaga wbicb abonM aerve aa a bond of odIod
aU dvUlned
Ulned mankind. oompriilnK all peoI nailooa, all rellglona on tbe fme
of Ibeeartb.
Mia. CbrlAlna BoRriek, gnud mereIt In tbe rank and taiyof tbecader of tbe Eeatem Star of
•alooe e and
Bla. TbareaietwowbolelodgMofPTth- .New York, bae filled (bat puelUou alnae
•eKnigblaaf Prtli-


I 81.646 are Odd FA- i
of fratmial orrieet In general are ecwtlng
lucb nroDry
too much
UMiurT In all pant of tbe country. They are ocacly and buidentoma .
jxorie*. and tbe burden dlreetoy or In- {
directly falli upon Om
Bl«. Joaeidi IDdder. (be v
ber and grand aenretaiy of New Haiupthlrc, hM very little rwpeot few tlw minio betMiflt Uw.and.aa oraaL Bro. Kidder It about right
Tbe pTrarot membenihlp of the rabor..........................--FAI.
. nf Urn Odd
- chotcKt 1*61,
1* 61,146. a net gain uf 83 for tbe
■ tbe
i riMTvatloo ebowed lliat 1,664
■ bad been adoi.icd during
sppeamd In prevlont ivj>ona. and the
above flgnrea are abaolutel.v oorrect

• MeattaPU
adelphia thew Talk*.
eneral oommltteo having In rharge
W rooeptlnn of tbemeiDbefBottbegnat
MOMrit. d<«ne of Pr - '........ -* • • ......
In PblladeIpbU October next, k
•erklng: verr hard. Tbe aliditoriinii In
the Odd Fellowt' temple baa been engaged
.beirgatbertnga. wfaieb wUl ptnbebiT
.. jr three depa An eUlxirate entertalnMlt bat tx«a provided and '
|«gUlaUon Uexperied. Ibe ordernumben
gboat e.000 Id PennerlvaoU aodabuot
•0,000 In tbe ITnIted rMalea


Ifddgbt new tribe were inaUtouid.
Great f^bem Vfcavrr teporird that
VbUe there bud been a hat In meuibmiblp
' 9ba order In ManeacLuaetta b nrungur
financlallT and auclallT than wat repunul
• ywago
Prank K. Cborcb It now great aacbna
«9<be New York leaerratinn and Martin
A. Dnnbaui gnwtcblef of recordt.
At tbe fourth annual powwow of InAtena Bed Mvo. bold at Ub
ntbeprbeforbmtdeflM work. _
ratted Werteea.
Fred Dhonau it now giand maaMrworkMM of Ohio. Partaicoutb waa cboaon at
m next place of meeting
One of tbe grand oOlaerB of Kenraekr.
g^tbe Loultrlllu Courier-Journal.
Aewrve tperlal mention fori be n«ent tuo. ■ of tbe onlrr In Ibc ttate and wbo hare
|goieda grrat hei|> to the grand matter, ta
grand rwonfrr..............................
J. U Wall
hleeloae albollnn to the work bat brought
' )UI ud '

Cloaks, you’re most likely to find in this cloak room of ours—tbe **busy
corner of fashion'—b3caus9 an Immense stock is here, all new, all up>toWant* " * date in styles, and special prices have been placed on every garment.

One of the Special Values
We offer, to a Ladies' fine all wool Kersey Jacket—new French Dart Sleeves—
coat collar—half satin lined—nicely made—

eOO for an
amount waa nlpulaiod iiy tbe grand lodge
tMifure tbe borne ouulcl be iucat^
Thli cry frr tdeiinlal aendont la fludlng
>m4ve<vh<> in all |ian* of tbo
trj- ' Tbe Foreeu-r* of AluerloB and
Ki'lphtoof I>ythlB*have both given l> a
. lingob
to aiiruA mvtiont. dlmt to helpful to
there <4drr* should be Ukewtoe benefictal
to Odd 1 tlloushlp
Fcrv heii* leni.Mimt anr<etaiT for Ax
ihcr t^ .
|,r.-».-r,taitvo can only irpreawA tbe
^ An t Id *,'iiuLer
iker p'li.iii
p n.iirkill iliA-tbeUdd
a I*Mill
glvvii to doing goul '
The unity ct p'.tr
d In all Mvili.ii.ur our oonotry
hat giVTU iJ.u world a gretitl hm»n In Irati-riiiiy
A lodgi- hn* not the right lu aixsepe a
member > Mae (i.r Ui^nv (.*w.

Tahanro lodge of AjomlnAer, Mam., ! to bi« clerk «f co»i.i' arrvanigiv ainl
held li* aniiuiil picw l.xil<ur day. Over cumoi aiatnamrat/provided be to lo good
AOOD |or*ont were lo wieudanoa
The advauwd ^kltioti takvu by (be orTl eunilaAoD of an ■
•cr« bai taken the wtod oirt of tbeir ml- fUAihla yiv.r «.,«a>ar)'In advnncr mer
ltiH7. whi-n It wn* no: nntll a luuoUi laut
that n ellp waa p
Cl rfc* of oampi are reqnlted In- tin- by**(.*« M-ctlun 8dT|j<> cvrllfy
. Itot* »f
MM in tbe
rii.UTK priH'Uredfayilwiul'
u/ u^iutka whi*n 1
I log for tbidr caiiifa
n will he at Icari 80 yrwn before the
OrdOT of OrwMa.
There are 16 grand grove* and MO mb- moriall'v of the W Jorn Wi.»liocn I* lerigiovea In Atuerlcw, with a total memb|W- uinJy aflmid by diwihVfnan old age
If you want one o^Jbeae bandvime hoaTbe order bae dtobnreed in AmrrlM tlir button’, tv-oure live iiHHuboiyi.iid hu«»
(b* m all edited durltg any cue a.untb
Mnaa 1947 99AV0A7V to benrfeiarire.


-v-V . 1

FOR $7.50,

(la Tan, Gma and Bine.)

Another invoice of men's finest Serge Suits, doable breasted, tailored in the best
possible manner, and perfect fitting garmsats. Both plain and silk faced. Prices are
$14C0and$16 00.
The store is filled with new goods in every line of dry goods, cloaks,clothing and
furnishing goods, and all are at sight prices.

Who Looks
After The Boys
—The little fellows—like tbe mothewdoy They’re tbe ones wbonre
interested in corfect clolbes—cor.
rect in qaidity—coirect in durabil­
ity—atd cormrt in price. AU this
is bad in the salts yon buy at this
store, bee tbe new

—(it to K y«*ars)—Special etylwB a*
$2.00, $2.40, »d.0U, $3.&0, etc.

Reefer Suits


Immense Line


Vestee Suits


The Ladies Are
More Than Pleased

The best valnes erer offerM any.*
wher*. any time, by anyone; are ‘
DOW Lere. at this price.
Smooth o: roagh goods—el^ntly
tailored, perfectly correct in ent, style,
sod finish.

59c to

Jest Receirell

to $15.00.

Pmm Ih.

Usll kind* of Far.

-to 8 years)—Nobby thinus at
$1.25, $1.60, $200. $-iOO, $S.2o. $4.
f4Al. etc.

Double Breasted

la btoek, eolor . end fandee.


—(4 to 16 years)—Desirable styles,
^ttems, dorable cloths, 80c up to

For the boys, (3 to 15 yesn). $1£0
to $5.00. Choice styles.'

At $5.00, $8A0, $&50, etc, that are
extra nice at tbe prieea.

Men’s SuitS"
At S1:j0(^ SlSkO. *16.00, etc. ukie
aa any man wanta to wear. Made in a
fanltleas manner.

Top Coatsfine garments at $13.60 to

Big line of

Furnishing Goods

For the men, women, boy’s and
children. All new styles.

Men’s Suits--

111 Prices!


Reefer Overcoats


Tbe vaJBesarcSl>MM9l6.


Men’s, ladies', boya. girls’, child
ter of ihi-lr lodge*, and wbo mnnoi hy
reaaoD of agu and other ItiHmiltlee tegalu
metuliondilp In living ludge*. but who

lid appreciate
rr: atoomuny penont who woold join
(be order aa nonbeoeficlal meinliKta
meiiiliKta but
wbo are prevented bv like loHriiiltl
Wbo would be turful to tbe older,
door oau bo tbu« opened to (bem

Bring your tickets in by that ttime.

What You


At tbe annaal field daj of New Joav
PTtblant Freehold oomsanr of Kowark
took flict prite, 9100, in tbo oompeUtlea
4fUL Freehold Wat tbo wlnotTlatt Tear.
LonltTlllo lodgoa are htittllDR <n piepaffain to receive tbe grand lodge next
MOore' aaurlatlon U maklnt
king arrangeMlta for a dvle and milllaiT ball in Mugfaanle’t building In November, tbe r»from whicb will go toward ereoting
• ■Mr PTtbtan bail In BoAon.
The nnlfonn rank made a gnlnof nb(Mt

—For this reason,^e discontinue giving premium tickets after Nov. 5.


ladies' Dress Sliris, £?--

A line of choice raloea.
yonr eyes good.


Will do


it’s possible to be made anywhere YOU GET
-..... ^-PRICES -on reliable quamies of goods
Wa aak yon to look at tbe new gooda, laarn the prioea, and we’U be pleased to bawe potted you on values. Your
haat Dry Goods, Cloak and Clothing Hones.


Traverse City, Mich.

The Morning Record
and Grand Rapids Herald for 14c Week,

If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond with the Traveiwe City Lumber Coiiipany.
We have tor sale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Vt’ood

FO£t SAT.-fTl.

Hill Marbineryof all descriptions,inclnding Two Eaginea
Ret Works, Carriagee sad Sawa. A* complete Saw Mill Plant
for sale.


^ Reliable and Popular Trading Centre.

Larger Store..Double Stock..
Elegant New Lines..

Jewelry, Silverware!.
Increased display Pine Watches. Pina Una Silk Umbr^lMk.
Stringed Musical Inatmmenta. Strings for all ipetnunento. Havi.
land China Ware. Everything new.
Take a look thrungb oar elegant new qoartera.


Diamond J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle-6 Cts.
Stm on top. Boat cigars for the money on Uie market
—Union made, too.


Sold by all dealers.


Toanelier Block.:


Real Estate


I have secured the sale ot the balance
of the addition of

The most charming suburb of Traverse City,
which lies upon the east side of the town, and
most of the lots now offered east of Rose street
are covered with a beautiful natural growth of
Oak and Pine trees, oh nearly every lot, and only
one and two blocks from the Oak Park New
Brick School BuUding—not ten minutes walk
to the factories.
There are no lots in the city now offered for
sale as desirable as these for a home.

...112 LOTS...
BO ft. front—some of them will be sold as low as

With a small cash payment, balance weekly or
These should be looked up at once to se­
cure your pick of the best.
Gccd ire lesidence, very desirable, south
side of Washington street.
Small residence, good location, north side of
Washington street.
Also a good list of other very desirable resi­
dences, well located, that you can buy right—One
at $650, on which a good team of horses would
be taken as part payment.
I have, or can find you just what you want
for BUSINESS or a RESIDENCE, for an Invest­
ment or a Home—Or if you must rent, usually
one or two places to choose from, but

Look Over Pali Heights at Once.

’Phone 73. Johnson Block.

tHB MOMmra aaooBE sotidat. ooriwaB ib, lass.
A »iQtgT ityffei HAIR.
A V <M tB
^ mw mpna her boaoB Ulrl
Bot. ok.'k<«^49A

V -



tlp> the

< .i

A 1«t« Uamth brr BTMefDl bud
Br»aibx noAe f.>rUi at her eunmud
Bat ifimbmiiBrva
r«r Hdwr tnoair <sJla t» With

Th*B.WI iba nliiiRnJ power ua«utb
Cu |iFe to Kiiitf.
AadlbMAM oorM tatradiir Ueb«
Tb» pnreW nr. when aD Is brttbt,
8en«* BBJrwtrt,
ABd sbrds a crs<vfBl iDfloms rouW
' fbatbslIowss'cntbevcrrcToasd

BardMty had been called down to the
•gwn of hn birth *by the aomimins of
Aheieal eaUte agent into wboae bands
fte had IntroMed the care of the proper­
ty be bad reoeiTed Ircai his father's es^te. EfUte is a big and general word
•ad many people nae it in a grandilo^oent manner in qmaking of a ooraer
|(N in a aarahy snbnrb. In Haide>ty'f
saaae it meant a little better than that,
tet it was no vast Aoaeke Jana tract by
may meaua.
ilo bad not been in that liKle town
for 17 years-iudeid tince tbcdayaof
;liis school attendance. He recalled bow
.am one at^er afternoon be had vaiiltI Dt ori^wiudow Just abmd <f tbe
■W'brxilmWti-r'B biokeny, bow when wal-

«in,..ti*ur.l-m:<ll.-H ......
Ofi'U be hod Uiangfat of tbr old place
•Dd when the days of his middle age
they fonnd him wondmug and
-prcoilering and dreaming at odd times
•beat Milt Woodard's cooper abap-niid
4he oUMsr thing*—bot be did not go
-dAar tbe death of hU tatirer and
wrb: a he bad oeme into tbe old family
mideBioe be aeemed to wcoder and
^reatn all the more. Once bo had met
^ father cf Doras Ali'.tnntm al a quadW>niiiial rcMr^f Uh- Methodist eenfer. i^iipe a^ had Sjkrd to him cf Doraa,
-vh'tbad been a srhonlmalo, but in gen«tal be had bad little cammnaieatiao
other than that witnesaed in the letters
’wbiLh pamed between .himself and tbe
jeal entate agent. Now, on thiu evenlog, 17 yean afterward, be trundled
Into town in a skeper and tbuoght
•miliugly of tbe day when be had rolled
«sntona boxcar. The agent bad writ^gn him to I be effect that aomebudy had
••Bered a famona. anm for tbe old Har-deoty bomo-tead; parpaeiag to ent it np
. .Into an addition to tbo city. The agent,
• boyhood friend, bad aoggeated that
nat^ty come down from Chicago to
pcnoual attcsiiou to tbe matter,
fer by so doing be Ulievtd that a few
Afaonsand dollars mote could be realixed.
Vreoming of tbe old daya Hardesty
lelk-tbe train at tbe depot. It was a
•Uae and brick depot, be uoUoed. and
^Bot the litUe frame strocCarc in which
' Me and Tom .Goync had loafed is tbe
•nmmer of old days. He rvmi-mbmed
Tom Cnyae very readily, and Ibongbt
writhespieia] omnsenient and interest
•pern the I'pisude of the bomUebeca.
.Bfrfore teatii ing the town he bail decided
that the very first thing be would do
■wnold be to go into the liitlc old wood•Bisutiai and examine tlu' walls to see
- if Che initials "D, H ," for David
Saxdesre, wen-still there where he had
«atUicm ontbewauiscoting, to the foiy
If Johnny
Juhnnv Clsi
Claik, the station agtmt He
Mad coanbd
d a great
deal on (he pli
mf thiH iuveatigatiem, and it annoyed
Mim oimiewhat to step off the car and
into a spick and trig depot of masopry
Afu-r the affront of this evidence of
nway be star
*be toad to the n-aideuoo of tbe agent,
Ida old frirad. He knew tlie locatiim of
Abe boose, for as a U y he bad been able
•d draw a mapef (be tows, showing er«y. te«>dcu<«, ootbotuK. chicken coop
•ud fence, bomebow, however, be found
Abeqnuat abit difileoli. Newstrectsap•eared. inviting him towalk down into
-Wbat bad bwn green fields, but which

;«nta,'aad we fought aboot it.” aatd

Bear. ”S»tb«rw«r,.-t>r. Oolacr-miid.

on tbe other side, didn'tbe? WeU. tbm
if » wbifij ctOT isMi
bigoBc—tiwtbM iattw Mate.
Tlie next aorniqlt Baniewty fbutra
onl to view the prup««7 U*fan> finally
dccitUnit u<A to«r]l. Hcfioelsn-d that it
»■«* hardly wonh while, as he had as
IBTfrisB ne«d f<» niouty. and it was alwavf pleasant to tbiuk of Ur old tinea,
and the old plwv, and the old home.
“Wbrawe jfrt to that comer,” ha
said, pruod toabowthAbestiU mneo*
bind tbinffA "we will tnni and croea
the coniuro. pasini;
old bin. lUrTiu's ei-ituffe and swlnitln« to the ri^
by Hen GeUle’s boilumae. ”
•Tm afraid weoan't.'’nidaie a«^
and friend. “Ton mean to craas the
comtnoD. don’t yoo. as we used to in
makiUR the short rnt for the river when
we went fishing;? Well," as Hiwde««y
Boddfd in a delighted affinnatire, ‘‘we
can't do it, for it Is all bnllt np now.
Um Uanrin's cbtta£e site is taken tip
by the naidence of the mayor, and Hen
Gettle's home is now his home ao looget, bat is a three story hotel Voa «a
Uio town has been pragnaring in 17
HardMty looked at his friend in wan­
der and not altogether in plsasoie.
“On Uie way.” be said, ”1 shonM
like to pa* the old one io«n Kbool
where Lo EUenwood naed to teaih, and
ont of the window of which 1 leaped It
yeanaga It isdownthisway, ian’titr’
* 'It has been moved hack in the lot.
and a big grocery has been built on the
front—the playgroond. yoo know, where

U« man who
d it as a school tea years ago

"Yoo don't mean ts tell me Ote oU
•cbool U oacd as a stable?” cried Har­
desty. “And that plavgroand gone too?
Why. the happiori mon^ ^ n^ lUb
and yous were passed th
there listening to
halfwitted Billy Me::d.>..~. .........hi
bird songs and ikinning tbe cat on the
horiaantal hac. which we bongfat by a
' ' cf old iron and


la In tbe way at imimra-

It.” ,
bey talked they walked. Haidesty
r knew btmeclf '
d town—the di
to which be had looked so fondly. Off
tbere io ChiQCgo be had been in the
habit of passHig opinion on men and
ssying: "Ah, yon poor, bustling, de­
luded mortala yon are entirely different
from Squire Lo Stone and Ott Templtf
and tbe other quiet, tranquil aonls in
that other town where my old home ia
1 am glad 1 have that dear plaoo. It
will be like an aneborage
stormy a-a. ” Aud now, and
just think of it 1 Tbo old school a stable:
"Henry,” be finally remaned, "thers
is jnirt one thing I seriooslywantto and
most see. Tbere nsi'd to be a big eottonwood tree over on the river ba^—yoo
remember it—wbete I carved my name
one day—my name and that of a girl
I'm married now, but. do yon know.
I’d like to are that old tn« and aoe if
the initials are tburo yet. Tbe girl was
Ida Jeodan. 1 onppoee, of oonnic. she
bas 18 children and”—
"Sbr's dead. Dave—died two years
after yon left. And tbe tree baa been
cut down to give wav to a lumber yaiu
and' —
Hardcety interrapted him.
"Say,” be rrkd. "yoo aell that etc r
of mine for wbat
can get. I d« t
want to sec it again. Y'onr town is u
pTosperans for me. There's only cue
thing more I want to know. I want 'O
Uch t:.r mu ' who cut down that trerInhoisbf? V.'here can he be found?’
"Itrs'- on my land, and I cat it
down." boid his friend, tbe agent.—
Chicago Bccord.

are trained in tbeir btgber
ligber schools to
rxerriM- (be ritual of
< ‘aalnting tbe flog'
itary «yle. and that tb^r
liol ardor
this and (fiber means so
blown into fisme that when those yonng
pmons leave tbeir schools they fenn
and take a
TOW to avenge with (heir blood aoy InHe found tbe object (f his etsorh at snl( to tbeir oonutiy's flag.” Tbla
laat and was admitted. Eis friend, tbe somewhat vivid description bas cxcitea
tbe boiTV of anotber reader of tbe
agent, who bad <mly partially cipeeted
Thniidcrer. and be leaps to u conclnrion
tdm, did not know him at first, and inin the following amaidng and highly
•red Uardosty wonld have pawed tbe
chararterirtic wylc: "Apparratly yoor
•tfacr a tbouMiud timm before r>««ftnisID (beexpntmon ‘young
iug in his bniwn ninstacbe and glomy
on'in tbe technical sense of a fecollar any H^bloncc to tbe patc hed and
-wberebetw n a girl
gkeckle4 bov who had heljad him to xU>
ire that
ffriink bUme's bistorio wclou patch
young femalra of tbU kind tboold U
Tbe agent introdnerd his wife and said
■Cuglard furra tbemselvrs into societiea
Sardeety would n-meruber her. bat
Hardesty woald have dnie nosiung of to avenge with tluir blood any insaU
to tbe iminti jack in VonexaeU or else­
' the auct, except for the tact that be bad
where? berionsly. 1 think that tbe
leatnod from cone^dcnce that hit
American example in thia as in sane
friend bad marritd little Eda Stone,
other things, is to Is- avoided as degen­
^angbter of theauvcrcigu of the melon
erate rather than followed. Snrcly onr
d to conqaer at Cre»iy
They talked, aftn- dinner, abont
and Poictitre and Aginctmrt, at Blcn.
laisintas and al^t tbe imiuvivomeut in
btdm and Trafalgur and Waterlotv withfihecity—it had bees a village in the
dd days—and abont tbe AdviaabiliQr of ont all thin abentd civilian ritual on toa
part of <rhoolgfrla this religions wor­
hip. ot ratb<r
idcilatiy, of the petsonifivd (
and these silly vows by young Hanni.
1 bas been in (be family
“ tbo people of the
lor generatiaoB. aod it
, United States ia really beginning M
^aacrilcge todiapoeoof it. Why,
lik ov«i
.tnni in tbol lionse. I nml to look
over wdrshipltwlfasanabslrortanity. Uia
Abe fence tbere at the gaosebmy bniihes
in Gallogber'a place and wood—by tbe
way. ate
"Oh. nol They moved away long agOk
•nd a fine, big, stone public school hoa.
been built ibcre.''
“A Btfinc public school? Why, Henry,
wrben we were boys, a osie rexim frame
Iwosi-didnspnitywell Doyooremcm■xr liow we r-A d i<i n rile the Uws wbo
rnttendod tbe u’-ii<i- ii:y uud coll them
fcadxwo rootnA and i

Tbe only daughter of tbe Right Bev.
William Croswpll Doone of Albany is •
married woman living in tbesometown
witb her rpuropal faUwr. Mra. Gardi­
ner aud ber Urge, family of small duldnti crtisacd the Atlantic on a tteamer.

and reooDsecratiug oaraelves to Him,
let ns aim io tbe year befora ns t6 bet­
ter oar work by baviog
1. Better prayer moetinga The pray­
er meeting ia tbe mapiration of Che so­
ciety. b inspires ns to better work
along all lines. Let leadtws prepare
(bemeelvM more praytrfnlly and carefnlly than ever before. Ijet ns have
more variety tbar ever befm Let no
member lui to lake kudo part in tbe
meeting. Let prayers be more definite.
Let ns bavnmore faith in onr prayers.
Let as have a more intoUlgeiit and
Seriptnral diecmalaa of tbe P. M. b^ie.
a. A better membersblp. Tbe work
at die aocieiy depsids entirely npoatbe
RaiaBihcBimUrdotiMtabenblp. God
teoebe* ns by tbe stopr of Gideon'a band
to drop (be names of those who are dialoyal. and tnsmoere_tran thq_ioU <f

is jours, n
besides a nice present.
We are just getting nicelj settled in our new
store, and in order to show people what it was built ^
for I make the following offer;

Tjp lujiy .couple that will be married in our beautiful show S
window next Friday or Saturday, Oct 2^1 or 22,1 will give them
, a nice new Peninsular Coo^ Stove,-all fumisbod with 82 pieces.
Please let me know as soon as possible, as I will have a
jcood many applications, and of course the first one received will
be the one that gets tbe stove.


himself is not more popular than

Air Ti^ht


iog babel of Spaniards, nsiivee and
Cblmuneb tbe boys noticed a louder
•oond op the street. i
to ebotiu and yells of ex________ — fear. Tbe prople stopped
anil (oroed their btada Somebody
sbooted "Uno Inoo (a madmanil” and
at that everylKxly began dodging into
says and fleeing aroond camera as
If prmokaed by a'dt^ly terror.
"WbM ia i(?" exclaimed Jack.
"Blwred if I know.” said Lurry.
“Pome run- np tbe street. 1 gnesa Let's
wait aod see wbat father does. ”
And then they mw a strange sight
a bdf naked, villaioooi looking “Pilipiuo” (natlvel tearing along the sldewalk toward where
wb* re their fat.
father ttood,
fioorishiug in one liaud
a aoldii r'a belt
with a b«wvy bncklr—a vetyserrioesble
weapOo in aoostnmed hands—while
Ibe people made way for him right end
■•Aiaed Views.
left io mad ba>te. tnmbling over one
Mr. Nooasb (hotly)—It's a shame, eootber, with sbricka and acreama of
an onirage. a menace to American in- fear. Evidently be was a soldier from a
rtiimiona, for one man to have fil.OOO.- native regiment wbo bed been sen­
OOOI Think o8 tbe barm be can do with tenced to pnniiditneat for aoane mitdeIt I Think of tbe power he wieldrl
meahoi end. having managed to eooapa,
Mr. Forlymillioo—That's so I goe»
endiavoring to reai^ tbe native
I'll have to change my will. Having no
relatives. I bod coocloded to divide my . at some dutauoe by a native oorponl
wealth amcaig my friends and acquaint- and several soldicra and gnardiaa <naancea, and as I left yon a million'’—
tive policemen),
licemeo), whose
whose ebootsof
•‘boots of ”001*'0niHr. Kocaah—Um—er-~a good deal I dadol
dado I (kra
(Look oatl Stop bim)r*
depends on the man. you know.—^Kew added to tbe gcnerul oproar.
York Weekly.
Tbe boys saw tbeir father turn qnickly and glance toward them, while tbe
A Daaaer (e Be (^asISereA.
old Spaniard ebot into a doorway witb
“My boy.” said tbe man of ideal («m- amsring swiftueea Then the ^pt»in
peramoDt, “if. yoo want to become a faced the native again and swmig his
master ot yoor prnfeanoo. yon most thick bamboo ome aloft. Down it came
ttody—Btadyday and night.”
with all tbe rtrength of his powerful
“Yea” replied tbe enesgetioyouth.. ann—wback!—-and the belt and stiok
“and while I'm away off in a oornek went whirling away in tbe air, while
stndying some other man will be boa tbe runaway, after a stagger, changed
Uingoroo; .. - Uingall theboiioeea
bit oonne (lightly and came flying
Washington Star.
aoroas tbe street toward tbe two boys.
They beard tbeir father give a warning
Tbe KreArd Baud.
shoot. Harry instinctively sprang in
Jil'^V'fo ymokered np ynarlipeso front of Jack, anA not knowing jnrt
then 1 thought you were going to kiM wbat was tbe mstier, bat feeling that
tbe man nnght to be stopped somehow,
Jack—Ko, 1 got aosna sand in thy be proceeded to do it in bis own way.
Stoopfng quickly, with bent bead and
JUl—Well. forbmvmi'B sake swallow ontetretobed right arm, as (be man oame
it Yon need it in yoor system.—
rntbing np, be "tackled” bim aroond
bis brawny waist as be bad Uckled
many an opponent on tbe foot bell field
B* Was ntsbl.
"Pa, tbe tmeher whipped. n» today st home and alniom expected to bear
tbe familiar roar of applanse from tbe
tor nothing.”
■pecUtors as be and the “Fiiipiiw”
”1 don't believe that”
"Well, H'seo, bccaaee Jimmy Mope oeme down witb a crash and a whirl c(
}iling over
mid every former in tbe county paid
tometbing toward tbe teacher's miary bard sidewi Ik till tbeytarongbt np witb
tbnnip against (be boilda prodig
uoepting yon.”—Metropolitan.
! Ing. tbe nacive strugnling atop, bnt in
' an«J>«» minute jadT"aad" bfuM him^
Jonee-Tbat was a very delioate com. 1
involuntarily riioot- i
pliment yonng Smith paid old Brown. I Ing
i»8 ‘
>" •• soon as be oonld oatcb
fait breath.
Bobinson—Wbat was tbat>
At ibis point a “(rferee'' tamed np
r bim a
bairbrnabea for a birthday present, ami in tbe ebepe of tbe big native ompocal
yon know tbe old gentleman ia m bald wbo promptly grabbed tbe dewrter and
“yanked" bim to bis feet, bolding
as a glaas tsfitla—Ally Sioper.
bim, writhing and faiming, in a grasp
A Seasltlre WaoMia.
of inn.
"Bnen mochaoboe (good boyt)l"
“Poat Mra Twemiowl Sbe'a jnst
killing betnelf ootfiung for tbat soldiet mid the great brown faced soldier. “Inglesm (Englitiilt”
"Mo, amigo; AmeriaaDae,"answerad
“.Wbat'.a tbe reasonr'
“She's afraid the neigbbon will my Captain Hale, wbo bad now arrived on
fat foot eDOQgb.”— the spot, atiil minna hit stiok.
“Par •apneeto(of coarse),” granted
(baoatpnral. “1 might bare known it,
oenor. TbD is tbe wont man In tbe
WWr. «a Be Care.
He (a volunteer)—Rotbing was penp- r^imnt Be wonld faeve killed yon If
be oonld. Ooberdm (oowards)!” ^
wly oooted daring tbe late war.
~ (a regnlar armymanl-^h,
IdonH growled et the gaidng people, who were
army man:
timidly peering from varions retrenta
bwwf Tbere were the I
“These two Amerhan obildien ore beroes, and yon—oarabaoe (tame hnflaloes)!" And Witt tbat expreesion of
y meeting of committees been
Be^n them at once. Have
written reports declined into a' verbal:
report of "progreMr' If an, change

J done
do noth-.
If yoo have
ing. write uni that fact, and it.will insore a re^n of a different charwter for
the next bOhineM meeting.
i. Better soniala Begin and doM all
•oeial gatherings with prayer. Then do
nothing between times that wonld make
tbe (ffnyen a mockery. Make tbe so- :
ciali entertuining, eduusti
Bible ReadiDga—11 Cbrno. xxxi.
d. 80.
riv, 1-12; Pa. xc, IT; Prov. xvi.
8: Rod.
L iii
Hi, IT; ix, 10; Zech. iv, 6; laa. i
xtix, l-O; Math. XXV, 14-30;
14-: ); John ix. 4;'
Cor. X, SI; x». 68; Ivpbf iv, 11-lB;;
Col Ui. 17; I Pet iv. II.

war ooDsitts io tbe tact that tbe men
Who know jntt bow a battle ebonld be


k Par a MaA PnifSBa.
Charles B^ac •Howard eoatribntea a
ilBsnnsnir story, anom
under toe
(be uue
Utle cu
«f "A
‘Tails' In Time,” to 8L Kiobolw.
Mr. Howard telb of two yonng football j
playera'who were witb tbeir Mtber. a '
•ea oaptaio. in the Pbilippinea

biUpplne native, be tyisted one

otly twoi;

"“Y^ said they eoJled us

Mlntbsirad'«t.> - —
The prlnaple of lH>tter work in out '
•oetedcs is attly illostmted In the top-1
ioal reftreuoe.. It is tbo story of Gideon
and bis bund of 800 men and their
glorions victory ov«>r tbe Mldlauitea.
Tbe one great lemon of that iutoeating
Btoty isthataaoom in work for Qod
depends primarily npon God Himself
and not upon men. God rednoed Gid­
eon's amy from tbonsands to bnndreds
tolUnstniechistnih. TbUstorylsan
actul Aemptutnuipn of. tbe principle
that •Dooeas Ui Ohristian life and enterprhe it “not by mi^t nor by power,
hot by Hy spirit." aaith the Lord of
Bealiting this dependency upon God,
as EndMTarars we mnsicDinc.:Tate oorselves anew to Odd. PerhapK we bsve
been depending mo rnnob opon oar
glorioos membembip for sooums in En­
deavor wen-k. If ao. let as benoefonb
depend more npen God. But there it
work for ns to da We are ''colaboms
wUbGod." It was "the Bword;pf the
Lord and Gideon" that defeated tbe
Midiauius We need God. and althoagh
God does not need ns.
I. yet He wants os,
and if we work, ' ending aped' Him

hair and marobed him dt i
SBcitMent in tbe gm

I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up. Save fuel and money
by buying one of

!46 Front Streat.


A DerlMeA the Glrla CawM
The two yonng wor
ng Halloween spells ___ _____ ,___
dvanoe, and tbe brother (d one of then
ras offering oocasionel sogges
"Yon get an egg tbat bat never been
"ked. I wiri) yon wonld go

Ovw MeXawara-s Shoe Bton.

egg tbat bat been laid by a
boa tbat baa never laid an eon
egg before”—
first ^?” interrnpted__


Yon boil it in a pan in wbiob «n |
was never boiled
bafofe and cut it

1. UlMl and BMI <


been nwd for a knife before.”
”1 Ebonld think a bologna mnsege '
might answer for that,
Ever Burned Ostt
“He's ben tbat wty ever ainoe be
If aoyou know
name borne from college," explained
his sister to her friend, wbo was gigttevnlneef
ing amUbl
(bly. “1Somebody kicked bim
on the head in a football sgrimmege.
Yoo mnstn’t mind bim. Well
O. P. OABVZB. Agent
yon've got the egg boiled aod eat in
two yon mart take half and eat It, sball
and all and 1 Uke the other ball and
eat it. and then—oh. I foegot to soy
that we mnstn't either cf na my a word
while we're doing tbial"
“Tbat setUea it.” eaid Prod deoisire.
ly. “All bets are off. Yon can’t oaivy
11 de all klnde cf rant tbe contract.'WCtaicago Beoord.
p^ring and enameling, and that I eaa
and do give yon the bmt work of any
one lo the dty for tbe nmney. iWt
be deoelved by wbat otten t^ yon to
> Abont Arrival tte^^otraiy, bnt oome and oea te
^d Departnreof Xalla.
I guarantee all my work to be right,
^ -K'limui acKKDU-KOF HXiia.
and If it dose not prove SO 1 make It
Stop la till 8 o'clock every evening
exeept Senday, to the (Saldwell A Lon­
don boUdtog. at north end of UnlM

Bicycle Riders.



John R. Santo,
Seieril lisiraict.
Waraberg Blesfe.


Ommk W. Raft.

ft.L. IrmT(dl*tIoQoM
Can beproenred of Mra. C H. Baetor
at 144 Lake Avenue.
448 S«t


Everybody who takea Tax Monsiso
Bxooan eaa have the Oraad BapUs
Herald delivered lo them alao fer aa
additional tear nanta per weeh. mak­
ing only 14 oeata per week for the
bretpaperiaaertlMMIekifaB and
the bmt metropoiltan paper to the
state. Telephone 8$.

Of Bneinmat OoUege
will open at the
II Monday
eventog. Oot.
Orange hall
SI. l$«$. Thoet dealring to taka
b(Mk-kaMa«> shorthand, or aayof
the enmmen bramtom wlU ba asthe beet metropolitan paper la the
eUle. TalepbouM.

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