The Morning Record, July 11, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 11, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



4 is an Ever>" Day Strife

aftenioon if hghting has been resumed
at Santiago, replied, "I don’t think so.”
Cablegrams have been received from
To M« who will get the most for the leeet. AsyeM
General Shatter since 3 o’clock. Gen­
thst gets some of oar Welt Paper will see ei • g^snoe
eral Corbin carried them to the presi­
that they are getting the moat for their money that
dent but they were not given out.
they ever did. See the new gooda that we ere offeriag
at these remarkably low prioeaV
there is delay it is important.
matter has been referred to Madrid.
'From many sources the department
has been informed that Spain is about
890 Front Straet
Holley A OomiAble
to sue for peace. Many things prove
this and suggestions have come from
foreign powers as to coaling stations.
It will pay you to see our P^wr and
The United States has responded that
get our prioee before you buy.
there must be no
^»d bar­
gaining as to coaling stations until the
Philip<>'sk.ftcr» heard
Then dickering
the Spanish commander to unload such ines is recognized.
vast numbers of ill dad. starving hu> may begin.
man beings upon the Americans. While
thus being able to have more food for
his own soldiers, Linares forced the
oiays&A'a ▼xemn oovwnTSD
Americans to struggle to feed the
Spanish non-combatants, many of
Therefore we will
that yon will find our Ice
whom are the wives and children of ThrMofTh^B KdyT«tB«et ITMtoth* Vb1m4 Cream delicions, onr Soda Water tme to flavor, onr van•utM avrj. Bm th* other Ahtps m
drinks are added to onr
Spanish officers and soldiers now in the
BtaMM or booUoo Hoiks.
list from time to time.
trenches defending the dty.
Fonntain open week days only.
Off Santiago de Cuba. July 7. by As­
Many of the refugees do not conceal sociated Press Boat Dwntless, via
their hatred of Americans even while Kingston, July 9.—Copyright by The
accepting food and protection.
Associated Press.—The vessels of Cervera's squadron, converted into wrecked
charnel houses, are littering the Cuban
coast, and the scenes of desolation, niia,
• MaaAad Taatarday to s Loeoalr nttftd horror and death baffle description.
At the entrance of the harbor of San
Manistee,.Mich., July la—I Special.] tia^ lies the Reina Mercedes, sunk a
The Colts broke the tie by winning midnight on |uly 3. Westward five
today’s game. It was loosely played by miles is a toipedo boat destroyer, fast
in the rocks. She is close to shore and.
both teams. The stick work of the
battered by the surf. The rocks jut­
Colts was the feature.
ting out of the water in front of where
onr bargait
R. H. E. she lies hide the hull from view.
ing Free Gratis. Consult with ns as to
M^istee- 33031033 1—13 16 7 davits and the top of her conning
what style of garment ^on want.
Hustlers • 01336000 o—11118 tower alone mark her resting place.
costs nothing but your time and a very
Batteries, Rutherford, Butler and
Visible from the sea, a few miles fur­
little cash if yon bny.
Hunt; Brauner, Buffinger and McCon­ ther on, in an inlet embraced by two
mighty arms of black rocks that extend
half a mile into the sea. are the re­
mains of the twin crusiers Infanta
Maria Teresa and Almirante Oquendo,
formerly the pride of the Spanish
If Iilnsres Beddee to Hold Out Sen^
Beyond lies the Vizcaya, a mass of
tlAgo WUl Be Atteoked At
ruins, and forty-two miles away the
\ 124 Frcat 8tr«et.
Friedrich Block.
Cristobal Colon lies on her side, the
Boon Today.
smpkestacks being under water.
OBBOBleattOB With BaTaaa and XndHd la Xa
The Infanta Maria Teresa and Almi­
PrecraMSad Xaapertant n^ratopBaato Am rante Oquendo stand upright, fast on
ag-ehrald Shat* Ba a
the rocky shoals. All that is left of
•arraBdar It WUl ba l>aamad a Meva Towards
them is the outer bulls. >Their .boilers,
raaea iraeetuUeA
engines and magazines have been blown
Washington, July 9.—(Special)—Gen­ into unrecognizable masses of twisted
eral Shafter, acting under Washington iron.
ONr. ItjMWMtawMbsUlUerMrortvt oa»t«pfolra«, (klsU ItoeifoMWMiL
instructions, has given General Linares
But the most ghastly sights in th^e
until Sunday noon to surrender without silent steel coffins are th» mangled,
conditions. Twice today General Lin­ scarred and charred bodies of hundreds
ares asked Shafter to stipulate terms, of sailors, sacrificed for their country.
Shafter replying that no terms wduld The buzzards are feeding off the dead.
be bffered. ^
On the beach flocks of vultures sit in
' Unless the Spanish forces in Santiago silence waiting for the sea to give up
surrender tomorrow it is expected a its dead, Every tide adds to the tale'^
battle will follow. They are anxious of horror.
44aen*UrMBll«a«o«tkMd«Mtbaa(fe*«IV. UaM food. v*U nwrad. Toeac arto escape from the city without yield­
Washin^on, July 9.—Sampson cables
ing themselves u‘p. but nothing less
than surrender will be accepted by that in his opinion three of’the Spanish
vessels may be saved. The Colon is
General Shafter.
certainly in good condition and there
Unooudltional Bnrrendar.
are reasonable hopes of saving the
.Washington, July q.—(Special)—
Maria Teresa and Vizca)ra.
Secrcury Alger says that Santiago has
not surrendered nor a battle taken
place as yet, and indicated that nego­
I'dn L^iee* Fine Silk Cepes, elaborately trimmed with wide
tiations for a surrender are progressing. BrMtdMt
Bm Sotootad th* Km ter
silk chiffon, silk lined, strictly, good value from
As a result ofwdvices from General
tba iBporUst OenuBiMtn.
16.60 to $10, we give yon choice lor $3.98. 2 dosJChildShafter he expressed the opinion that
Washington, July 9.—(Special.)—In
reo'e Wood Jackets, nicely braided, worth from $L60 to
no battle would take place today.
accordance with the Han^iian annexa­
$8ifO,aIIgod($L26. Anothnlotof better cloth, better
Secretary Alger and General Coibio tion resolution, which ^ become a
trimmed, worth $2 to $&60, to «lose at $1.68.
refused to make further statements as law. President McKinley has apppointto the nature of the communication ed the five commissioners who are to
they had received from General Shaf­ recommend to congress such legislation
ter, but it is understood here that the at they regard necessary and proper
town bSered ta capitulate upon certain for «be govenunent of the acw.^ossesconditions, which have notion accep­
Sdoz I^M’Silk Shirt Wdisto in oheek^ and gdiidii, also
sion of the United Sutes.
{dam taffeta; well made, good qalnea at $5.60 and $$J0; at
He has selected Senators Shelby M.
in Delay.
this special Bale they will go al $3.90. __ ;
Cullom of Illinois and John T. Morgan
Washington. July 9.—(Special)-^ab- of Alabama. Representative Robert R.
legrams from Shafter said General Hitt of Illinois and President Sanford
Linares was telegraphing to Madrid B. Dole and F. W. Frear.of Hawaii.
and Havana and not getting answers. The resolution provides that at least
Front 8tTMt.
He said nothing about bombardiog, two of the five commissioners shall be
and Secretary Alger when asked this residentsof the Hawmiao Islands.






Wall Paper.^

SpaniardB Befused an TTnoonditlonal Surrender of Santiago
and Began the Attack on Americans.



Marktan UocL

20,000 Spanish Befuge'S are
within American Lines,
Itany Ill.clad and
aan. Shafur OritlolMd for Beoslvjng
Tham, u Thay laalsda WlTaa and
Oliildrea of Spaniab Offloan and 8oldlara.
Bnodna BaTM Laxge
OnaatltiM of Provialona for Arm70f
th* Baomy. Goaeral Hanry and
Oommaad ArrtvM Teaterday.
Washington, July ii.—(Special)—=
Shortly after midnight the war depart­
ment gave out the following dispatch
from General Shafter, dated Playa del
ptte, July lo: 'The enemy opened fire
a few minutes past 4 o’clock with their
light gons. which were soon silenced by
our fire. There is very little musketry
Bring. The enemy kept entirely in the
Three men were
^lightly wounded. We will have conmderable additional, forces tomorrow,
enough to con^pletely block all the
roads on the Northwest. I am quite



Prompt BMponaee by Amerieui GNuin.
Washington, July 10, 7:30 p.m.—
(Special)—The war department has
just been notified that the bombard­
ment of Santiago had begun and is
now in active progress. The Spaniards
suited a spirit^ fire, which was
promptly replied to by our siege guns.
Unoondmonal Barrendsr Beftued.
Washington, July 10.—The War De­
partment posted these bulletins of dis­
patches received this evening.
“Headquarteia Fifth Army Corps,July
10.—I have just received a letter from
Cveneral Toral declining an uncondi­
tional surrender. The tombardmeot
by the army and navy will begin as
4 p. m. today as possible. (Sign­

“Shaftei^’ Major General.

Belsforoed by Hemry^ Oommand.
•pmM *0 T»

Siboney, Cuba, July 10.—The auxilliary St. Paul has just arrived with Genend Henry and command and quarter­
masters’ stores.

eauD yoB rr AXSBxoAn.
TvMtrTbMMM FUSVraiOHy.MurarTbMi
WlTM U4 euldm ofOfiewa ue
Ooldiw Who Ara god by imiirirMW,
Th»AHowineBaa»y Kota rood.
•yadal M TBB Kaan** Bi aeaa.

NewYork,July 10.—The Herald’s
Santiago cable says the lack of proper
hospital facilities within the American
lines has been accentuated by the ar.rival of 30,000 refugees from Santiago.
It is believed that General Linarm,
|i{ar from seeking to prevent men,
g women and childiwi leaving the city,
Sis dneouraging the exodus. Criticism



Alioat Ice Creai and Soda Fountain Drinks.
Jas. G. Johnson.


I Consultation
and Examination


AT T. J. HOST’S.—^
Popular Clothing House


$6.98 and $4.96


T. a, HIOST,

Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired

Remember My lew Plice312 Soetb Deioe StrHl, OnmlM C. t W. ■. DepeL
■nlMiuilUlilBtt lBt.

H. E. QIBBS, Propr.

Hastings’ Real Estate Agency.

25 per cent Reduction
on all Ladies Suits.

The Boston Store, -



tax MOKHlHOjagOltD



nribxAir miLriooiri itATmsixvc


the J. a Uwb aatato it BU^W. «aa
la tbe dtp peetordap.
B. V. DadboaBM U poetardap traae
WUl Toko FlAOoXUollutt At X»Heel
RoT.PohaX BaaktoWd et BaitaH
Proa Jelp itth t« the Uth b the Bep..biathaeltp.
tow et the ia«tCB CBav mmtut st
3. M. JaeobeoB eaae dotra freia
» 3. W. HAsm.
NoHhport pteWrd^ u8 traaeaetad
bMlaeoi id the dWSedbird. Joeepk
Q. O. Klcketaw of Buaah, wat bare
M. «. HAnn. Ultor utd Mabh«Ufhwkp. WlUtoa Petoekep. Joha pMterdap.
, j
The Borihport ladlu
Kobert Biaera atdead Met might
froB Oiud BaaUe and erfll wfmA

Cbtopert nd mcxrt rekaUe place to get p
in goM ronnug ord^^ Huc^b^ad^tpreral para experience and
Ubeele anbdrw »t about eoat. Kev aid aecosd band whaela tot aala
andtorent. nMae Kira «a a trial.
Brating a ailaciAlty.

iuji, 811 Front at, x>n

Ottly '50 ceflts

The Mb

>«lj MO. *m W W« Bn■wdweek'e aotdap. the oorrtea wUl be la Aarre of lB|r atCMd kbekn.
Bor. John Jaeoha. Brerphadp U laC. B. Marakep ud irita arrieed troB
Tltod to atlead thU aoetlaf. To. iiiip HaglBaw leat aIgbtaadwUl tpead e
datrap the ratoUf expahoMot ^0 few depa dt Park Pliee.
■aawag 10 Maw «m be ohattad tor
L. 3. GroBhen of Ldtud ti
adaieaioa to the creoada.

Txn wiU U tke ta»Mr yoxr tar
«fi is MlekijM- Tb« er*v report
-r**-^*^ ttet ihm wUl bo mmr* tku
~ " AO(«h^
thAtthe tareoM will U
taf 1roek> oArUor tbop loot
I •( tiX klado «iU bo
I Um bi^boot
U tko dirtote. WSik tke ifriOTltvol oMdiUm prwtttod t> tko
Onad TrAToreo regtoo the teftseoMMlo of the Poeifle t

9XXD rack HZS ZV/mSB;

A. But at Boadoa.oaiBe«p peeterdap add epoat a lew kban to tho d^.

Oaergo W. ItoTia the Tlotim of u
AoeUut laBeUlacet^ KUL


Oitofo W. DBofe, who wu !a}eiad
la Belliacer’e aUll at Maple Oitp Uet
raioroap iiaa m
the «iofMettep.
toela et&bwoi lade. Aa a^ IMha.
ru are left
hb lou

Paiolahe^kp tte Ibepbettee Ohnrftbaa


of 1. O. O. F. of tl
aoeteW wUl haee ehatfc of the foaoral,
t^hi^ WQl ttoa flaee Tatadap at t

rMMun Htoik


Von Wpakoop. dsa^ttor of D.
Wpakoop of Elagelep, enfforod oeeoro
iejertee Fridap. Bka waa rldbg hoeiaSuk whu alto waa ttirowa to' the
ii tfco U> IM pratuut hia OwId i&ddddtoMui an imi
tthdalioa horahleinaaadbrokoidnd
<bo eiotflHoo tmtard by the Aaorieu aada
MO U<t prtiM
fraa A
C»t^ pdiMiii:ifb<h74bTiilr^
tr. L. Swni la iaUdlac two 1
fta, wbooo ateion b to 00177 tnntam eottagaa u Webator atreeb
to tbo Cebu potriott tRi«l the ^U7
CKdriaa W. Baxter reprei
8tob-Bloek Clothiao eospaap will be
ig aiexa lb exhibit
it BaAUtoa'e elbaiag
Ttt oridior. of

Bee C «. Oreuo of Oorbla. Ep.,
»m preuh el 10:S0 a. m. Otee
ether, aadaweabllp the etiaar
baadap Bebool at ll:Ma. m.
Young peopU’e eoebtr of ChrietUa
Bodarar ot d:is p. m.
At 7:W p. m..,Bo». C. W. Groeoe will
apeak npa kb work amoag tha at
tala whlue. Tbeae k^klaadoru of tha
Oaltod Statoe are the moet iatormtlng
porUm of oar Uhabhuta. Mr. Oroou
iu been ameag theW M a mbalnaaty
of the AmerieU Mbeloaarp AtooeUtion.
All are eordlallp U^ted to boar Mm.
it«7.a.aubwT. pmw.
Churca M the ooraor of NUth pad
Soadap eorrtoea u foUowa:
Preaching at 10:10 a. m.
Suadap eehool at ll:M a. n.
T. P. A. at 6;M p. m.
Preaehiag at 7;W p. W.
Midweek proper mooting at 7:W p.
All are welcome.
Be*. Boatoh. paetor of thb Seemd M.
B. charck ef Ub dtp will oeeapp tbe
^Iplt U tbe EnagoUoal eharch. Suralng, Palp tto 10th at 10:U
mr aniioDUT.
•r*. J. a. B>n4r. PUMT.
b Sudap—BoT. 8. BaliboTj will ^eaoh
ia tbe moralog at lOdO a. m. aad la
fhe enaUg the Bpworfh Ltagae wiU
ban charge of the aorriae.
Cleea meeting at P:M v m.
Sandap eehool at eloae of moralag

Joeeph Saiu of Now Terk, wiU he^tteo bocMU tirod of the puoe ud
•f the oMp »Bd have eofu. ■ia baebeto toioorTOw u Habt Prut
etroet. la the ai
toed . ^ boU tOAMA TV7 aMB bp A. 8. Frpwu. He will
tocotiatoaoMOOrtef tmUe
por^ eeaebtiar ot the
ritoBAn the Boabon «f the otfAtafT 0t8M MexfU. Oertoade Mutegee.
towd will pot koTc aea to itorot CUia Puad ud Martu Bebbrte took
dkto Bbboxd BArdia«DoTta «*• aot' ta at Ne-ah-ta-wuto loot eeulag.
'itm it their aoaber.
Tbep drore heme aftorwarde.
If there b a uffiebat aembir of
wwwwft wXLXi noBT.
to warrant? the M. A K. B.
to Mutbtae todap will
Jaaior League at l:M p. U.
toi*in b Xl&galtp eiargbil with
de^ tbe lotara t^ aatil aftor the
Thartoap praper meetUg at 7:t0.
Aaeaalt aad Hotta^
baU guaa The traU wUl bare here
rutodbpUador- att:tOa. a.
.toBlff Aahtoa la Elagelep paatordap
Tkebeeream ooebl to ban bau Brr. M. B. Beewk. Peator.
■MslBg aad taka baton Poatiee
rlnnUetaixbtbptbe local lodge of
Preaching at 10:S0 a. m. Leri PeeTorip on a ckc^ Of awanlt ul batGood Tcmpleru^ did ut lake rieee ae ilngtoa.
B«p preferred bp Bari BoU Be pleadled to poetauaneed. It waa decided
eaadar etoool IS m.
wA BOt gaUtp aad waa rebaeed u BlOO
BbBW kb ippeeranre lor trial u the, pue it nntfl aext Saiattop
Ep^rartb Leagm «:M p. m.
AlecBtoUbergvl" r> <• Fotaakap
BMh. l>r. H. 6. Brewaau laraii&ea
Preaehiag 7d0 p. m.. peetor.
rriayeeearltp. lo the mouAll are Welame to tbeae aerricee.
Mtoe Proeeeotor Twaddle wUl larectlaaxOK (EKPOOexL) ocbcb.
A. W. Bato. of Orud Boplda. who Ooraar WUiIerwe wmi 'eod BourCmu An.
^ate tbe caae eorp doaelp aad regalre
• ■
It to farabh nearitp for larabhod the plaa for tke new onrt
BeU b toe of the wra arreoUd toee. b la fhe olWHolp Commuala »:4B _ _
arlp ud who pleU
Moralag aerriee ud aermoa at 10:30
Prof. Fiaitob Cbmpbell eaUed onr
jiaSIp ud paid a fiae. tegethar with from hb awp a Msrba bUto peetortUadap aehoel and BiUe cUm at lA
Brewer. Blela Aad Knlntf. the Utter dap aftoraeea U the paeht Bthel II.
Veeper serriee at e p. m.
tor oelliBg liquor to Brower.
Offering bp Mbe Crawford.
d bp Dick Banott- BewU]
AU are eordlallp larit^ to thcae e
ratara thb sonlag With Victor ud
BagU iddbeto Teteerrew.
P. A. Mulagtie.
J. M. Bbkeeleeaad J. & MoOonaiek.
There wiU he a refxlor weetUg of
- toko WiU hare ehart* of the brauh Daebeoi Camp, No. *»«. Modora Wood
There erOl baa
toUe. U thb dtp. of the Oolted Statoe
■a of Ammrtm. Moadap might U tbe Baptlet ehtoob todap. Tbere will
Itoueolutbodetp, of SegUaw, bare
bh Saadap eehml aadB. t. P. tl. meetMutirwBaU. A faU

Ug H amal. MembeU Xrc aeked to
daalnL ,
«pa the oAoe u Moaeap. U tha PokaBee. 0. it. Anne of CorUd. tp..wW bring their eknlepra to Baadep eWMO)
gto block. The gatleaea
•r head them to the ehureh traaearer.
apeak at the Ooagregattoaal eh
Bbrerutod twoof tbeprettpaew eatthb oeaaitoaeb}aet wlU
togee oB Webator etrect, loot
••Woik Aimoag tha MoutaU Whitaa, GOOD BDBUTBM FOB OMBKAMA
Bp W. L. Browu, aad are tabiag
the Blghludars of America.'’
Farmatn oa ^ Fa
afltted bp ThU Xetitod.
Blab at Tiaveiae Beach.
The eteamar Onekame b alrodp 1
Dr. W. F. White aad ihmOp.
The ougrdgatba aad Baadep eebool Watertown. WIf. panad throngh thb Ug maeidermble baiacu a her r
M Che Qfaoe Bpbeopal charoh will

u their way to Bhalt betweu Old MimUm. BaetBead aad
Baeaabuket fdab u Tacadap at 8to Marie.
Dk Baplda.
Teeterdap the but
•traeone Ikaoh. All iceaben of tbe
Be^. 3. C. Oerma end famQp are tkaght to Beet Head 8I« otaUa of
a aad tbe ebUdna are a- rnertlag at Korthport.
oherrlee. ooneigaed .to Chicago fralt
dto attoad ud ajop tbe dap
Harry Oak wat to OadUUe peator- daaleru. A part ef tbe cargo
a wlU bate the toareh at bK a. dap.
pbked «p aksag tha chare u ihaU
Thb method of
Ha. G. O. Oovell wat to
fralt b being epprecUied bp tbe farmpettordrp OB legal bnlaeoa
Belegatea Brow the Be:
Up aooompuled him aad wlU nmaU are a the pulanU aad tha plu of
At the eauene b FenUeali
the fihit at to the atoamw
aenral dkpu.
The MlM Bkoda Battabug aad U nahU bate b prariag of grut
. were elected to the repubUeu oonatp
gaeatlne ud btber ooaraUoiu ef tfam « «kt’ ririt at Otuad Beplda
PackUa IDlUr Borpti
• by
HtoiT Lardle. F. E Browa, A.
PearlU MlUd wae pleiautip rarLoada'e obtor who will ebit her par^1, F. t.. JohaeoB, jr.. A P. Grup< ata. Mr. aad Mra Wm.Laada ot
prtaed peatordap efteniora by abat
Aaha Loeall. H. K. Briakau. P. F. Eighth etmk
tweaty of her pUpmatca, who rea
Isidb aad O. B. DeGraw.
d ^ bared thet it wu her teeth birthday
Mra. W. F. OritU wiU attend
eampaMetUgatBhp View. Bhe wUl uainrwrp. The ▼UKore brought b«VATAUTT nr oAsnxAa
ud wQl be ■haaptakeaaoflila^IMfifi- ThalltUa
aar waa Brovaed.WbUe
A bp Mbe Map Miller, who
lou gaatae. Later. 1
will ^ead acme time at that pUbe.
WtUUm Whala b epeadlaga few aomd. ud an wat home wlahUg
Btowart CaniBcr of CadUUc w»
PeerlU maap mm* each happy btr*toewBod Fridap efteraom wbUe bath- dape at Petoekep.
Mru. Bop Pickett aad Mra. W. H.
lag U Uttle Gam lake. la u at
towpttoawlKadbtueeWebooto hr Wkala mede a trip to Bk Bapide ud
FoQp BbfpiUe M I
prutakm with a eraarp ud weo< buk u l4eir biqpelto laet waek.
Miae Bnlpa WlUUme .af 1
F. W. Wlba df Rdwtipp. WM in the
Bb eoto^bu cdled for hclf
Who b rblUng her aaat. Mra. 3. Cbmp,pad thirtp mlaatee Utor the bodp
dtp peeunep a taeiaeai aad rieitiag
kelL bae
a mrpriae a bar blrth'tokealroB tbe wator. bat life '
*pbphhsmhar«f littUMkade. B»A. W. mwar ma A «MWr U tha
I of ego *b8 wa* dtp peataidap from Oedar.
I pUpad^dartag the afl^
fbe »cr of P. W. (II
uk Oma, maaagar M tU aton af





Fqr Half Soling Shoes,
and Hehls, 50 cents.
■awor Oaww are Be)opiBg

For Tops

Cutom Made Shoes a Specialty.
H*w Stors AMd BBpair Shop.


314 E. Front Street.

■ kepi etorpa ai tbe i^enri. ead with
tklog fmeh ud groea, ud the groud batlag.
aal bathing and all
haBer the piaee that ahadc the rceert | the nrbd amueemwU thet-------^ U one long beak dt flowetd, gnat life an farabh, thdec wlio 0
ebeeto of blueri halr-beUa, and ^deu aed Itager aetU tbe froeu tara the
ooreopeb bp the Ocra forming hriUbat
anaeof oolor.
gnoAmdea toetagtataUtethrmMlrce
It b BO wonder that with iu pelUw •pa their eboioe.
aad Woe, the tne aainreltp edlora,
Mbelu atihbUMof the peAr
ehOTldheaUTOriwepotwito Ana Ar­
bor people. Dr. end Mrd. Breakp of W. a T V. Oloeed a FrofltaUe doaAu Arbor ban beea ooevpplag thWr
Ttotlm TeMofdap kordUg.
There waa a nrp tocall aheto
Adame aad
atpaat^apmorvlig^emfeeUagof tha
jadga areea and wito, eg LAwtnoe.
Tbe Umlllce of Begat H. &
Mu. BenJamU,
Deu ud Dr. Vangbu of Ue Uaimalip
gan tbe Udiee
fatoltp, and reoeeUp appoUted eartotoitp.
geCto of the
M<0 ttrd MIehigu lafuirp,
•taedp, ^erebtaat
anind Th»rad*p night and opeord
eflort. ae that b tbe alp kind UUt
wlet uceeea.
reporte of the nrione oommli
Mra. Bpriagrr ud danght^ of Chi^
oatam» ta ^ U
aago kaew of old the baatlee of the
Ullp, ae
earipeammer ta the north Uod ud
bell M
thWr Muttlnl
» follewiag
rlagcoffleera were 1
Qoea Aahe eoUa^ fin eenral wee la
Preeidest-Mre. B. Gertrude Miaore,
Amoag the arriTab who are UpecOeairal Gala.
d daily are Mr. ^Woe and family of
Seerelerp—Mra. A C. Smith. 1
Chloago. whoae cottage b U rudlnem. tlala. Weal Trxtajue.
SeterCl of the eotuge* arc mot opued
Treunrar-Mre. Mary Oberiag.
bat U a abort tiUe a^lp aU will be Mbala Unia.
add the qaUt rdtoK lift
Tbe rice p-n(deaU arh aompmid of
which b the charm ef thb fanred the preaMedta ef the HHoa aala.
reeort wUl be U fell ewiag..
Mta. P. B. TrcFb wu cUotbd riea
Araad the am df thi aberh. wffb- preeidat at Urge.
U half a mile of the eotthgoe are lothe eoBratla ad^orded at
atod the pretty Old Mbela
Tbe place of the eext meeUag wUI be
which eeeh ammer opu their hoe- eboau bp the axeatin oommlttoe.
plUble door* to gaeete from aU br'rr
tbe Called Btttoe. Boddea Hell b
Ohu. W. Baxter arill uke ordara for
thb ammer U ekarge ot iibe M. Lord, Stoia-Bloeb Call ahd bUtor garmuta.
of Chicago who b u UUdl hoateea. al- foiu or dcrrcodta, at Matoilton doth*
' Co.'aatoreetftModdbp and Tueewapa looking alter Uc comfort aad
. Gee tha Utret productiou of tha
pleaure ef bar aammer family. She Ullor'aarL 171-tt
hea only been U cMrge tdr a few
dapa bat expoeta maap raeortera to the
fature. Among thoee who arc
plaaniag to come are c jcllp party ol
pang UdUa from Dee Moiaee, Iowa.
Record Want Colitiiiti.
Mr. ud Mra. WiUbm Beturworth of
Cbioagc. apat a few dapa at the BaU
Ti4 a llhie ad. ll pa wdat
tbe diet of the week.
Tbe Boebmore Boae wl'l be Ailed e
litUe Utor U tbe acuoa, ud e large
party from Deanr haTe eageged alt
tha iwoBU at Btooa'a mldaBa thb
party epebt n eajopable aaaaa at Mr.
Stonee* a par or two ago add eoaiider
ooiu thda repdii far (brir
Oer Prael nC Cam Bla.

B. I. Be eape: "For a
lat peon I hdn bhea alaaot a •
aefferar froi dUrUoa. the freqaeat
.......... ..............• ------------ -Ug aae aad
readorfag ma uit for mp d-_

axBdnoir of o^hiaMt


Trtnne Cltj Ml of M!{


Whoae? I
eaaul woaU fertii> tidnlf Baalkat
theutt^ with i^w

E B. Weit, Oraggbt.


.. ________ aad iftptatA l^tam
that wa eoald
tiace hb bM.
birth, aad
au ail

For Ml. br a S. W.I., DninM.

»• u. «>U> nUf. Will, ■ Id|>

IbfI. Mbd, mwa d«>» Mlw


6eD. B. WM,
lit-n-iian PiiitH
atd Papt Naagu.

■hop Opptxlu BaUa Ofl«.

pm ztsctAi. croitx.


88 I I

todbxttea point w u cBcaattp

Irlagk and tan
^ Whichever you inay wish when suiting yourself with a pair
^ of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and stock ^
^ of Men's Bhdes. Tkn Shoes are the favorites at this season of
the yedr, and tri Have them in all Shades for WalUng.'Bley. 3
die Biding or Working, ^hey are easy, cool and oomfortable ^
And the


THE lliUilMfl & UY



- ■'T- '


sax lidxBntfl iid<ad>. wolthAir. rirtt ii. isfw.

itfmt* Dniriioiu

0irtc*lirt» ilLLftXeVTBBT EOT
Wo^ Cttunar iun. “Fn-itf it
Sadrt B«n for Otker Sut»■u
tb* Umo.

. ■UnwrH«tM»MdatacAMrl(^l>UI*
M>4 TukM DMdto.



#«diIA«toB. jDly •.—TIi« rod of tbl«
aoooloa of eo^fruo la tht taouM waa
ftbrkcd br two aoUtde laddoata. Oo*
«w oeftMUoiialtr partlMn. w»0-Btch
roralUnc la penMaal conflku npeo the
Boor of the hooae; the other waa taou>
bl7 patriotic aad avept away all eScna
of the fohner. In n-« fnrr-re rtay <Rep.)
of New York. Handy (Pcm.) of Dela­
ware. Cannonufimaola end i;all <Dem.)
of Texas were the prtorlpalrtrtfclpanU,
lb the Utter all (be toeir.b'ia {olwed.
trreopecUTe of rarty aSnilai om. After
the rather stonsy arMoa ot two hours
tba bouae, when adloumn-tt t waa anBOWtced JoJnod fii cheer* ftr the preriBeat aad war heroes, aad tit slnriiit of
patrtoUc aonira. maklna rerbape the
Bum notable eadina ;o a s^ralon since
the drO war. The .only wieci ufe of Importahce passed was a l.iil fo lelmbvfae oMtes for

. Bawdy greeSpHetsi the Baw.
Bandy Of Deia*«re by iho«-tec to
atrUe Cron the record a part of the
apeech which appear^ aa t^toflUyof
Naw Tork precipitated the disrate
which broacht on.tbc cloafiif IncMeM
of acaaatlonal nature. Handy declared
that the part ta aueaUoti waa not ut, tared upon the floor of tht bouae aad he
read from reporters’notea looorrttbofate
bb aaaertiOh. Kay declared that he had
ottered tm-rj word. “Hr. Speaker." reaaned Randy, "a qoeatlon of veracity
baa arisen beee. If the vemleinaB from
Now Tork mya he uttered the words In
qoeatlOB I declare upon my honor be
dW hot. and I hold here the reporters’
BOtsa wlri<di show that be did not. and
f raly upos the menory of memben

that htMr buu rnlghi t
r Of the aeaato s
were fa haste to have tbe Ray Vandy
taddeat eUaed. A vote was taken. The
house fiecltaed to strike out the speech.
A dlTtifcn waa called for and tbe De«a.
Bve vote agsJn prevailed. Cannon was
standing Just across the center Ule. face
fluahed and eyes fixed opon the minor.

arosrdad araand thopa-kar a aUbd —d
>e(aed Ibe atasm ahtU srithto a Short
tlaae ft oeeased that all tbs esenbdra
pia^st wars aMtac la swalUad «bs
solune of aeaf. Prsaratly a TOlee btra
and w>«« ta tbs ralieiies joiac^ln and
It waa aot tont oatll msmbsra aad
specUtora ware aU a aclaK ibs patrtotle
hyma. Tba ocaaa w as a inarkod traasl*
USB from the many partlSik., domoa*
stratloBs whhh had haea
auidi a Niort Uma bafoia. Daaactata
and SapabOosBS were nos.r aini^ la
accord the uatioBal anthem.
Nbea the soag ceased aoiae
cbecn for the naSIOB'a
president and the roar of sdbad that
followed came from a unRed hotwa.
Tbkn. north, aantb. eaA wan. a aalted
couhtry. waa proposed; aad tbaa in
turn came the heroes of the war—
Dewey, Schley. Robson. BaatDBon. and
the fonae
fanner repmaentatlva Oen.
Wbaaler, was named, aad the hall reBonnded with eheera. Mesailine Scr««aht-si.Anns Ruaaell bad bnnirht la
m amall American fiaga. and every
aumber waa now wavtng one. "The
Star Uncled Banaar" waa aung. while
flags wared and the galleries ctaeerad.
Later followed ’Tankee Doodle" and
“Dixie." Ibe latter peihsps for^ first
Umc In the bouse folned In by mem­
bers from every aectloh ot the countryCheers, for the spea^ were glaen.
The patriotic demonsUaUo-........ ..
a half hour aad then the n
gan lekvlttd, aayind Buewcll to colleagues. "Home. Sweet Rome." and
"Auld Lang Syne" supplanted the
palrtoHc airs and Impressed more
atroadly upon (he hearais (bat aaothar
ended. Oerk HcDowril,
whan the alnglng ceased, tpountad ^e
clerk's BUad sad announced that Allen
of UlsslssiK>l bad opened a reemiUng
office in the ways and mcana commit­
tee room, and a few mlnutrn Uter Al­
len. popniariy known as "Private John,"
arose and said; “The congressional
twogh riders wtU report to me la the
eemmittce room and ealUt (or Cuba.’
/« of
a number of days
•posed that
pany of rnogrtasmsui be recralp
(xotnio Boon u tbr sbra
Wer Abeeu ~r-*—
Washlngtotirfiily f.-fri a manner so
dmplV aa to he almost perfunctory tbe
senate at J:0l o’cleSh jresterday afteradjoumed wltboui day. None of
the dramatic, exettiug scenes «»—«—i>r
attendant upon ibe adJoummVfit Of
a enacted during tbe do*,
ing bcurv of tae senate’s aessten. It
had been agreed when the aeiiate ooavened at nuon that the bouse resolutlau
providing for the sdjonrument of con> at 2 jk m.. should be adopted, and
that an execstlve session s'-.ould be held
to confirm the nomlaat'osis ta the mili­
tary and naval eetanniahmauta Nc oth­
er butineu except of (tae merest routine
nature was to be transacted. The arrartgement was mirted Out to tbe let-

sSfasnAim TBaasAXS

ChflS. W. Baxter
WiU exhibit the latest
productions of the tai|k
ots’ art in-^

Dbrutl S.H iV SiMh. Hm JU•ooeM HI. intiuM it Bttt



Suits and

i> i.
B of rsmi Wlthowt
StBMsy ^w eriais Oi>dU*a-«N>dma*
Bard as W.«k Smpiwla^ far Waism.
Madrid. July f.—The cabinet eouaeU
last evening considered tbe queafloa of
eew cables and military mrasurea necrlew of an Amerl^n attack


A dlspaoh from Santiago
dfter the Merrimac prtsohers were ex­
changed General Shafter again dei^aded ibai the town should surrender,
^lariagtfaaiotberwiae linaftack would
recommence at noon. The dispauh gives
BO date for the time of resumption,
which Is believed to be noon today. It
concludes by saying that although San­
tiago larks provldooB It will defend It­
self until the end.
OtersmlMS of Fvmem WllhMt flaeslt.
London, July k-The Madrid corrsapondent .of The says: "The fre­
quent eabibet dtscussluDs of the peace
questlOD have been witbuut result, ex­
cept that tbe ministers who
strongly advocated arar have aaaumed
a tllghtly more ronrlllatory atUluda,
and (be field ot dlsraMlon to aumswbat
narrowed. Tbe tdra to that owtag to the
iramenae dlfftcultles of the ckmpal^ In
Cuba tbe Vnlted -Suies will probably
abandon the system of storming forUfied piacea and wiU adopt the plan el
starring farrlBonsj out by blockading
tba whole Ulan^ ITie goremmeni
WoUM prohaVIy prk-fer gufng for peace
to suSering an Indefinite blockade, but
11 frifrs the large body of patriotic
opinion In favor of resisting to tbe bittor snd If Cubo is blockaded.’’
AUvUee g^ fa Mitka
t.—The Times says ed­
itorially Urts^mprwing; “Bpali sbmiM:
mako peane before- America baa hard-'
ened her heart. Kofenlpg to tbe annex•ehoolB.
aUon of Hawaii. The TUfim says: “Tbe
Ih acoOrdapua with te. It of tha
annexaiiuD suns tbe republic upon a
aew course of action: yet the Anserican
people are not so enamored of the RhOIpplnes t.f to refuse to consider tbs
question of leaving them In Spanlab
bsada Later on they may be leu complalnnt. aad what to even more aeripus.
! ippltoaau^pdotSrtJ tc
they roaj find It tmpoaalble. even If they
pto toe poWle aehoola of Trawished It. to leave tbe Island to Spain.
If peace were concluded now Spain
P<w Inforsaadoa^ regard to taalifi
eouM transport the Cuban army to the
Philippines. If she elects to stand a re­ cattoaa of toachcra, n^leanta are reBy-Uwa of
duction of Cuba by blockade aha wUI
looe that army: and It would then be toe Board of Bdaeatloo. eotim of whieb
Impossible to leave the Ptilippines In mav ba had at tha City aark>a offioa.
By order of toe Board af Bxamlner
Soanlsh hsi ' ~

A.T OXm STO^Ti]!.

May and Tynsday, July H and H

Orders taken now Will be deliver^ for fan,
Ah invitation to all '


Morgan opposed tbe proposed aidJournmefll. maintaining that It wtudd
be far more desirable for wongwas to
take a recess until the first Monday In
fieptember. Morgan uld: *^Tiereta ahsolntely no necemity for aa adjoutament at ttais lime. U Is a basty.fmprovtdent and dangerous step. It seems to
me that the war with Spain to drawing
to a conclusion. The ending of (be war
win bring to congrews questions of the
highest Importance. u( the gravest eonoeqoences In our history. I should not
be taUsfled to go away tn tbe dreumsUnces, leaving the presidmt without
support- We do not know whst emergenclee confront ua what dangers He
just ahead."
In resroree to a cuewtion by Allen as
to whether » was noi likely that peace'
ne^tlatlons. In i-lew of (he dispatches
morning, might not
reqtiliv the aitenth n of eongress soohi.
Morgan raid the suggestion was correct
and ape ’The very moiaeBt“ mid he.
“that the treaty of peace Is signed by
the president and the government of
SpaitS the rulllUry ti>wer of tbe presi­
dent win cease and theleglslstivebrancb
of the g( vemment must provide a gov­
ernment for any territory we may ac­
quire by the war. The power of coogreas comes Immediately Into effect aad
we ought to be. here
bent on adjouru-

wfth that the evterwn member from IDlBoU stepped Ib(o the aisle.
“Tod areare - dellberatly
public buslnem )n which the wholecountry Is loteresird-’’ tbe tfwt of bis reBiarks were lost tn the ieer* of (he mlBorlty. calls for the regular order aad
the' resulting eonfnslon as Cannon
charged up the aisle, p<iuriBg out afiood
of vigorous denandatlon.
CoIUgM with a Mail tnm Twsas.
He had reached a point opepalle
Ball of Texas. Cannon bad ciUled for
the yeas and nays, mytag u was mattifest the DemocTSUs wouM call for them,
aad bad repeated his charge of obotnictloB Wba Ban. addrearing .the RepubUcan side, as it subsequently developad.
declared: “The rfaxird U talar and
nd you
knew It was fa^ae- srben you voted
against correcting IL“
•TTisl is a lie."'cried Cannon, aad In
A lestani the beHlga^m laemberawe^
others were pulling and struggling to
eontml them. The house waa upon Its
c waa declafed by the
feet. Marsh of minols aetsed Cannon Joomment s
aad thrust him aside aad when Ball
aaM Cannon to ’ comr ouiMde." and
the latter was moving to comply Lewis
of Washington took charge of tbe miTennovs'-e PrahlMtlrnlsta nominated
aeil* member aad restrained him.
W. D. Turhiey. of Ctaiiwillc. for gov
Tbe Third lows ocngresslonal dietrirt Republlcain convention hais rwBommated D. B. Henderson. ,
tsBity nod Bins Patrfatie NMgs.,
Noriun, of Rartland. Wl#.,
Meantime the speaker had been
pounding hard, and the sergeant-at- dl(d of a sunstrvkc w^'le at work paint­
arms bad seised the big silver mace ing at Beaver lake. Wls. •
Chief of Police Loo PerwandeB was
and was moving among the members
where the greatest disorder prevalM. killed la a street fight at Rogeravllto,
by aa outlaw named Bradley
Order was resto^ slowly and a ivll Tenn.,
call proceeded, while tbe iml com­
Parker P'ltobory dM at Oils home In
mented upon wboi they, bad seen In thr Bcbool Xireei. Concord. N. H, He was
course of a vtsii to Washington. The possibly Jhe lari Of the old time "aboUtoll caU upon Handy's moiton to strik: Uon - refuriDen. .
eat reauped—yeas. W; nays, 1Q«. Later
At Bradford. Pa.. Oeorgn R MeCaila tbe session Cannon expialaed that mom. a well-known Republican poIlMBall Bad addressed his remarks net to dan, committed suicide because of bushim personally, and therefore be de­ mesa revrraes.
sired to withdraw hla sBeaslvc state­
T^e (inited Statea senate
eoament. Tbe house then pasiwd the bill firmed the nomlnattomef David F. Joitoa
to relmlAine tbe stares for expenses to be VnUrd SUtes attorney ot the
teenred in iransporUiqt. re.*d ng. doth- western dtoirict ot Wl>c ns a.
lag and caring for- siMdleni in aid of
Peter a Gruaat up waa named
organisation of the volunieer anay. The byJudge
preridem as o : of the n
speaker named Henderson. Uopklns of at the
the eommimirn to •vise and aamad
nunola. and Richardson of Tennessee
as a committee u wait upon the pr«wl- the patent laws of tbe I'tiUed Stales.
The foaeral of Kdward Atoworth. s
dent, in company with a senate committee and announce the twadineat of member of the DanviHe (Ills > battery,
who died of fever at Chlcfcamaaga. waa
congress to adjourn. .
“Mr. Speaker.’ said Henderson, after eondacted at Mattooa, Hto.. in military
the return aad report that ihc commit- style.
The Sixth dlnrict De-nacrats la cantee had discharged lu duties, "the
eniloB at Colby. Kaa.. evtused to laprealdeat dLeecs ihW commutes to say
dotwe the eandldacy of N. B. MeCor•*—*
■-------o further comr
to make to the bouae aird says be de­ mi^ UB PBpnItst Bomtoae (or coosires to coBgrstulato this roogrees apaa
Its patriotic and faUbtal work." The
Assistant Treagurer WRlIaBs at Chireport was applsudML The rcmslnder
igo has aanotmeed that no further
of the BesstoD passed without incident.
ilwrrlrMoas to the war loan wui be
At * o’clock wjien Speaker Reed an- accepted at (he local sub-tr«asnrr after
BBUBced: “ITito second sd-toion of this noon next TueMsy.
coogreBS edfouraed --Uhoat day." a
Rlctaard Votgw. of WasMagton
great cheer arose, sad then began a county. Ry.. who shot four peraons
scene which sucpaasvd In eatkasiaaiB fatany at a tent meeting tn Mercer
county Sunday night, has beea Instmstthe memory of the «1de«t n
!T0f the ly killed bj- tbe afrerUf.
Fred Rodman, of Wcstr.e:d. Wta.. shot
Thic occupants of the galleriee who
bad risen to go paused as they heard a
half doxaa members bsgta ninging

rtuntort a tb Nbgotlttlerw to
Thot End An Ssmi-Of.
fioiolly DsnUd.

Triverha Mtji Adrkik


to a Hat of tha bnyteg aad aen
Bflar groearfoa.

10 TS


tenoved io qiiigt and retired pnk
lore at tbe Smor; Bank Hettli
214 Tb^ Street; near riter. ^



Has a wonderfo! nun witbia hi '

1 M

limita, in tbe paraon of

Sir Richard Eastoi)
Of Leziogton. Ky.,

DoHwiBeD*—I'm ao«y, bstyoe hnov
yoa can’t «et blood out of d tsnrip.
Oolloetar—WcU. nnlsH yon are pmto pay this bSU when IcaDarpimd
todWow I'll show you that 1 can draw
aosaa o« of a beat. —Exetaaoca.

I^TCTK Bij Line oISteuiRt

Sletttte Ufe M. '

c01.e««IA OB loo A. emt^rjii^^^Vi;aag*^ M


HMepttoB to W. ». O. PreMaat.
ilra. Garria t. Beototreotof Bollalre.
t pgi
It of tho W. B. 0.. was
toe gweut of Mrk L. Bonle for aeveral
days last wack,
ig bossa yaa(arday Friday evealag a daligbtfal
faoeplioa waateodared barat tbe bama'
ot Mrd. ^le by tKa locri W.' R. C.
DeKrioM rafraohmanto win aarved
and toe evanlng apeat ia baoamtag
iMttor acqnaiatad with tha dlatrtot

70 Ifot a clairrorant or fortone tallar

bdta Seumtific Paltnigt.

Ik Pitiirt BiBigw um. m.
Itoi ‘

"lhan and Cha
■’a Ooagh
Bfitoady lamy faaUly for yuan aad
always with good
----------- eayaMr. W.
. Cooper of fa Rio, OalUot

2 rss;


Took Totoea latoadad for Bata
A few days aga the five year old aon
•f Itorria 6s«kett, living sear EIngel*y
•arrowly escaped death by potooBiag.
Ba awallowed a quantityof potoos wiiAeh
hie mother bad prapared to extacmiBate rata. Dr. Brownaon waa called
and pumped toe boy oat so that be will

Paliilistry taught.

Badnoad Hatoaoa O. H. A Z
Baflato.N. V , oBa fan to mad
trip, (foil Jaly leth to ISth. Good to retora Bept. m.
. ........ -Ukenofhat)d^Bflfid>
Chloago. oeo fm to roRBd trli
ioft in Palmistry or other
MeaBta. SaU Jily mh good to
Scaencea 50c and spvatda ^
AiMt lOth.
oaaeant permllA
M, good to retan
retorn October

Ar. T^rfXaty:;;

amsrtcnoii GittWnTEEO.

BwiUbe bisber.
Have yoor palm read a«f
------- - -h.
know yoaraell.
Ladtohm,Ooe fL____ ....
BpIIJ^yM^to Aagaot 9th,
fare to round trip.

Mora Baeruita.
Albert Novotny aad Warm 0. Bantsinger were mnaterrd In the Onitad
a* aarvloa yaaterday by toe racraitlag aqaad. Thto mahea nreaty reeralta from here, aiace tha raemItJag
often came. They will have baas here
ooa weak tomorrow.


^UMMto^ooa 'fore to mod trip.
Tbe secret of toooeaa is td know
Sail Anguat tot. good to retark Aagaat whst jOQ are beet adapted fbc: .
£aaton can tell yoo.


Oraaoeat Band Oonoart»ally Morslag «xcnr0oaa Trem
A large crowd aa>yad an open air
Trawaraa Olty.
ooaoert civea by tba Craaeaai Band on
Take atgamsr ml eta a. bl fr«r Kahh■o JOB will eoBBect with
toavaraaita of Ua Park^ Place Boul
mar Oraacaot raunlag to Travlast night, ‘na boya have Improved
att at l»:46 a. m. This will gin
woBdarfally aodae tba skUlfal leader- yea a plaamnt ride of tt mltoa a« the
Bbip Of Profaaaor Bonk
W aad CM ba amda avary maniw.
If yon wish a loBger ride the boat s^i
TrarkTriadnctFa Taaht Aabora.
wfll eesiBeetwito
Tbe Baxaa B. PthgTaa. Jr.. Frank
-ftmuooa axearstoes from Travem
Frledrfch'a yaehv broke laoaa from bar
taka tha ataamar Oaaeaat ctvary
mooring yaatarday daring tba high
aftanooa at ftofi for NaahtawaBta
wind, aad drtfwd apea tha beach. Tha when voh will coMBBCt wtt* ataamar
Owseent paUad her offend no damage rataratog to Travanb City at d:M p.

Mr. Mlahard Saatoa tbe Toasg RagUsb Pa’mtot and miaoUfie life nddar
baa ramoaad from the Whiling hotal to
oaietaadmlradpartoraattha Saaay

good to vetara
VarmUlfoa. O.. oa# fan to mad
trip. Sail Aagaat tot, good to
Aagaat Slat.
BayViawOi ,
roaad trip Sail Jaly .
gaad to ratan Aug. toth.
Bddooedrirtaa to other potato. Phoma
I C. E. Mamy- Agvnt.
C. L. Lackwaod. G. P. A..

Arrive BMHaad.............

at. as. to a p. m. Oma^tao aadgL <C


HotRfi, . 900 a.m. to 900 p.ia:

Swiijr Bnk M.
Unton BtTMt, timr rtr^r. All



CPU aaoM




Pfotectire Associatkn

WUI ran on Boat Bay as faUowa;

Tapartleaof fiva er Mara a rate of
ema fare for tha rwund trip will be

Hie Eb« PthiM

Palmlatry School of Paris. Pr.



Block. BotalWhlttagaad Park Plato
at tiu p. m. ‘Baa win alao emsaM
wtih boatatlliMa. m. FreltearwUl
ba at M BaadoaTamdaya. Tkm»

. sass,^f73s-*^,r


THB KOBNIVO a»00aP, MOHriAT.TOLT 11, t>—
Ufftam tiBrtlM «*Hb hwff^r.
remains te be ttn. The Bgbt to ffst•sToeartko Dead Are CUMrsa.
ting very watm. and some of tbe smoke
Bt. Louts. July f.-A spectoJ to Tbs
can be seen away down here in Wash­
nepubUC from Cubs. Mo., says; A cour­
AubSant Ow th« Pod* of tho ington.
ier tram BtMlevUle. tbe county seat ol
DUtoV Heew It Ww a lAw.
L Wehrorin* Boy*.
Tbe rtgbl or petlUon remains un­ Crawford county, brought tbe torrible
abridged The Michigan senators aad
nADB^T SIKT OOiaaiSSHES. repreeentativea. evrn on tbe eve of con- most
gresxlooal adjournment, received petl- early yet****! moratng. Tbe known
tions from all over the state on all dead are: ID* Lou Tucker aad babe,
sorts of toplca Many petltlona favored Bt. Louis; daughter ol Charles Abram*
r Bsmin Will tbe edopUon of s bankruptcy law. after Bt. Louis: Mm. John Woods aad two
ctalldreB. Bteetevllle; Mrs. Jamm TaH
that law had been adopted.
• ■!• Cril
In this glow of vlctoiT has It oc­ and three ahlldren. BtvIevlUe; Mrs.
1 to to* curred to our statesmen that we owe WnUam lASoug?!. Bu^vllto; Luther
AaliilM mmi PmISc.
our triumphs to the forbearance of tbe Blougb, Bteetevllle: oMored
Wubtlicteti. J1U7 I.—r«RDont ^ great powers? Had any one of them known. Midland.
As soon ■ (he pews was received a
Mr Dcircr. North Carolina bar HohMB. raised a Bn^r we could not have de­ relief
party start^ for the arickea
stroyed tbe Manila fleet nor matoand IfirAgan her Bbaftor. We tnen of talned tbe AnUllea blockade. U It in town. The town was In ruins. Few
Wcblcta rive honor to the beroe* of keeping with our naUonal self reaped buildings srere kft standing, and groans
that we sboBld have been rotting In of angutoh were heard on all aides as
for loved ones among
tbe canker of a genersUon of unreadlMovered upon ovr ooldler boy and nesa. ignoring every guggestton of
dence, wasUng onr aufaeiance. and yet
Baa. Major aeneral Sbafter.
d-rwn In a mlgbty
Benator McMillan aaya: *1 have
sod deatrurilve flood, eweeplng all bef ^ud vhen atandlnr U> conquer even Spa n. The sardonic Irony . fore It. Up to last evening thlrteea
of tboae war speeches in congrese^ pr'Kidenl, In tb# '*r«ady to whip all craatlon In fifteen ; bodies bad been recovered, but It to
? ;
felt when Sbal- mlnutral". We now see where we would thought that more have perished.
SL X-ooto. July l.-A special to The
«aa tnontloned. I have have been had the hysterical oounseU
BepuMIc froax.8Unberry. Mo., mya; A
been proud of tbe hitMlIcence. the de- of Clevetand preealled In tbe Vi
i heavy rata at t o'clock Thursday afterWlapment and moraUty of our people,
became a flood of water along the
and of tbHr t«tHotlam. But. In all
I valle) south of (he railroad track and
y of Lord Salisbury.
creat evenu clory eenten aroond tbe
! some ntlee.1 famliles with tbeir houaes
LoMiiac L-p of tbe PhlllpplMa.
leader, and BbaOer la a MJchlcan nan.
arrled airng ly Ihe sweeping torWe know that evenu *0 band In band
We aboDld all be proud rf bln tor be
The deed are: Mrs. Isaac
with debate. Take tbeae Phlllpplnea
baa nobly aci-alUed bli
for instance. Old any one want them Gray and babe; Omrles
Tbe Standard
CotwTvct-ir: n 8pauldln«r mya: *TbU three months ago? They were as un* »and Bert Vance
Ibc people of Mlchlcan at home that known as Crimra to our Itoyllsh friends Oil Unk with S.OM gallons of oil was
ti tbe national capville. Mo., tbe arater from the swollen
utepplpi higher tl;an odual. and did not eepedally need, and tobacoo Nodaway river sniraunded tbe bouse
are ewelliiir xbeir cheeU aa they walk wbkb we d.d not amoke. The t>ewey of James Nolan, a farmer, and Mrs.
Oown ^nnaylvanlB avenue. Not only victory was a traaetomaUon.
MoUn and her mother. Mra Phoebe
■BGenerel Shatter roir.meodtnB oor vlc> Pbtllpptoea with us. as Crimea to the Joalyn. were drowned.______
EnsUsh. became an Issue. No one ex­
t^UB army- hut General Uuffleld U pected that Dewey v.ou'.d Uke the PbllSirVATIOIJH BntRBS.
da tbe Seld. There aie al»o two Mich- IppInea. that the over-ripened pear
^ reriaenta iherv. and tboae aturdy would fall at tbe flrvt shake of tbe tree. Pseemble Psalara* Os Nat LoMsa aaS *
Wolverine boy» »-ere la tbe ll.iht all Tbs pear fell. We were belplesa aa to
OaeS PaU Trade b KapeeteA.
tbe tine. The nan who o rliea tbe bla* lU poaaaMlon. Nearly two months
Ne V Tm k. Jul* «• -Bradatreet's says:
tory of MJcblraa to ibla war Vhii write atoce Dewey delivered bonu tbe fatal While tbe tone of general buffneaa par­
a atory of valor and l.dolam which btow to Bp^ntota power In the PaelBc takes of tbe (uual midsummer stock­
«Mt atond forever.”
and yet we have bees unable to follow taking quietness the number of favor­
Bmr BeilevM Tbere' Are Ofbera.
up tbe vlciory. The unexpected, pm-Conrraeaman Bnover. when newa llnl hape the undealred. found os unpre­ able featureo coiatag to band has not
and ropflMnes In a
.-aame Cmm Bantiaro. mid: "Olvi an pared. Other nations Sock towards
Ike Sbafter to tbe Beld. hot ManUa. Oermasy already has a fiset good tall bustoess la silU widesperad.
' -de not forret Alper. our Mlcblcan eol. Out ml«tat bid u *0 no furtfaer. and Biutoasa la apeculatlva circles to rostricted. and tbe saw war uxes have
dler.etajeinan. who atondf at tbe bead tbe best Jo be boped for to that our adan appreciable effect in redarinc
at tbe war department. Be I* to the vaoM cuard wm owebto Dewer U bold bad
the vshime at spscMatlve sales by so•aeaMVa of tbe preeldeni. aad partld bto own.
railed scalpers to gnls and sseuTlUcs.
pate* ia the dlrecUon of tbe army. The
AU this to a part of the truUa of the The trae of pricss. partlsnlariy for
poUcy of paratyeu eo ton* paramotwt. eerrala, has shown a slight Imu'saelln mllitaryaffali*. He and whicfa atill meets with tbe advo­ meat for the week, ond detailed ramparcacy o< eminent and venerable autM- toone with recoatly precedlag porloda
*b>* entire colamn could befilledwlth men. The .policy of piAalysto! What are stfU quite faversbie.
. ol Mk-hlgan iren, aU of other name can we give It? Prngrmi
la tba lira tsndo are
'wL..<u arv preed of our aoldlera, the moat be awertad. Tbe band of tba
seaetato aad the privates In the raaka elodi nrast be corned back. We muM favorable f«oturea Qlgbt ba________
We de not expect them to be better sund aUlL We must cast down what an improved demand for M
than other American aoldlera. but they has been won by tbe vigor and valor tocroaaed Inquiry at htoher prices for
of our peoplA Tbe dvUlaatlon which steel ptotes at aom* esafern polgto, while
ebanged CalifOmla from a straggling the western accounts coaUnue quite
group of Catholic mtoelMia into a vas­ tavoraMa Rather mere to delag on ex­
._ Major
cular empire; which converted tbe In­ pert account to this Hne of buetnara,
aral MDea. the senior officer of tbe army. dian taunUag gronnds and prairie lands and tbe demand for our corrals abroad
Because of this fact General Alger to of the Upper Mississippi into minsto. to quite rattotseterr. Tbt crop randlhampered to the admlnistiaUcn of the Wisconsin and Mtosoart; wbleta trana- riose Is In tbe mato vary favorable, al­
war department. Be does not seek tbe fonned tbe wastes of Nebraska and though the tesdency new to to dtorasd
eounael of General Milea
and hence be Kansas Into wbrat fislds aad gardsas rariy extreme estlmateo of ydeld of
. . ______________
. fa deprived of tkc advice of tbe ablest ’ of rases: which dared the perils of de- wheat and dTI.StS.SOt to TM.tSS.SM boobBDItary man In tbe depanment.
i vasUng war. to do what It would sritb el ratimetre are more popular.
When tbe battle of Baattogo began, f lU own. muat be arertod because there
Baalness fallorea for the week ndmbar
aad unUl lu. clone, the Alger aad MCf : are some l^roey caeea to Uonolala
Ml as against ITI tost, week HI to this
MUIaa famlUee were exceedingly ap-{
prebenalve. becauee General Algei-a eon
U tbe policy of paralyMa to to pro- and SMi
^ SMUtor McMllton-a bob were at j vail, if tbe republic to to sund aUH.
Pooraa oo too WaaioaS.
tbe front, and under Hr*. There was If we are nameless and dare not keep
anxiety to thousands t>f homes during our own. If we are to hav-e aa atraphlod * Chicago. July ». - Fallowing are
that ergagement. aad there to deep army and a stunted navy. If we are League records at base baU yeoterday:
^lef today at many bearthstoaea.
i content to bold our greatnesa aa the • At BalMmoie—Washtogton L Baltimore
Congreeamau Hamilton ealto atten- !■ sufferance of other powers, tboo 1st us I; *t Pbnadelpbia—Boston •, PhlladotHon to the fact that tbe battle was | accept paralyais as a MeMing to dto- pbU 6; at CleveUnd—St. bonto fl. Oevehegun by a Michigan man. The ofletoJ gatoe-a narcoUc or an anaesthetic. Lot land S: at New Tork—Brooklyn t New
reports abew ihat it was General Duf- there be no acceptance of Hawaii, no York «: at PUUbur* — LeulsvtUc t.
...^ ...----- --- to
.. Admiral Sampson rafrgv
Beld w^slgtialed
aafeguardlng of our Intereau la the PltUburg 14; at Cblcagor-Clndahati U.
_ *hea ttf begin tbe Lombardment of Antilles or the Parifle. nothing but a Chicago L
Western Lrague: At IndlanapoHs
Morrp castle. At that signal the fleet gentle, sodorifle actiihescence in the debegan belching forth destruction, and mauds of tbe trusia, tbe extenaloB of St. Joseph 4. Indlanapolle t.
tbe soldiers under DuSHd went for- . tbe pension tolls snd tbe tariff on wooL
BrawMU'a Wim Atoo Mra
ward at tbe same time.
We should study ttotorr and sec to
Dubuque, la.. July L — Mra Bart
Bsewnell; sbot by her tauabaod Jons D
at Oelweln. died *t the borne of her
parents here yesterday. After shooting
c^y has been engaged in ratotog funte centory.
for sending dellcscles and luxuries to
Read It to India, from tbe time of bto wife Brownell killed himself. Her
the sick and wounded Michigan men. Wolseley to that of Dalbousle. Read wound was pot coasldered fatal at tbe
They «-fll also send two trained mirses It In the Burmese poller of Duffertn.
to jbe bospital ship. It to ondermood Read It to the foundauon of those
that another bcapltal ship will
e ship s
I soldlei
comp h.xne snd be located at
point klcng tbe north AUsaUc coast, i tbe El Dorado empire, and to tbe goldThe nomination of Wllttom Aldra Imbedded byperhorran fagtobssra of
j^lth, of Grand Ksplda. for a third Alaska. Read It to the guise of tbe tee. John C. Fwtea.
■term, todlcstee a growth In political Bouib African confedcratloa. tito ad- CoUtael lecoard Wood. First ragtuumt
- wladom on tbe part of tbe poMtlctoBa of vaaee of England towards the equator United States volunteer ravaUy; LieuCslrne: Cbamben UcKlbbln,
- Grand Rapids Instead of sendtog snd the Nile. Resd It In tb* vlocorlra
Icfantiy. Colonal: Liongrera bands down to Wasbtagton on wblcb overthrew Nspoloon and de- Tweiny-brst
tenant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt,
every two year* or erery four yrara. etroyed Lee. Bead It to the restoUeu nrat regiment United Btates volunteer
they have concluded to keep one man march of science, adventure aad
cavalry. A large number of miner
to tbe front until be attaint poslltan of achievement.
Read It to the apre. ptiomoilona
were gaaetted. Tbe seuate
letderablp among the men of long ex- steady growth of the Rrlttoh-Aiiieilcaa. IB expcutlve aeasloo confirmed all these
perience Tbe people of tbe eoutheni ronf deration, toon likewise to be a po- nomtoailons.
AUte* have more pbUiltAl gumption tent .factor la the affair* of mankind,
than to be constantly changing tbrir And. thus lUustraied. pul aMda the
represenudrea. but Ihe people of the puny, whimpering policy of paralysto
De* Moines. Ia.. July S.-Iewa’s quota
aonbern stole* make many ebangra. all and despair and accept tbe, advance under the last
. of them unwite.
into tbe Padfle and the AntfUes aa a second call was
'1 miy have something for you to pen of that high duty whicfa provl- when tbe ligfat baturte* of artillery.
aay very soea.” says Senator Burrowa. dence seems to devolve upon the Amer- Fifth from Cedar Rapids and tbe Bixtta
"I pay no aitanUon to criUctoms and lean remnant of tbe Aag’O'BaxoD race, from BurllDgtsn. were mustered to by
Oaptoln Olmsted. Tbe batteries have
cmterralpe reference* to ’Jim and bto
W. D. Tlitage Weu.
But my record to congresa baa
Let us drink to the insplraUe* of our not yot been equipped, and SJ Captain
I unfair own hiatory.
American civUtxadon Olmsted baa been Informed by tbe department that
t |iIt t
that 1 ebouM say s
. ■" tor pub- •, ed Stole* has UxMhed nothing she bat thn* to equip them It to not expected
Hration. If I conclude t
0 I Bball
‘ Take this first century Umt the batteries will get away from
aend for you first."
Camp McKlnley_for^ month.
WoleeriaaB Lotvstor Caha.
Colons) Charles p. Uacota. late depu- -------------------j
------- ---- —laterful people.
___ Mountain. Mich.. July
Twenty commlslonerrofi
of petislans. this eyeo-« what we have don* has been weU done. ty-fl«a recrulis left this dty Tboraday
Ing eald: "1 «-a* a captain In tb* Kins-; Therefore, why shrink from tbeae op- night to join Corapaay B, Thlrty-fourtb
'«a*ntb Michigan infantry when Shatter-pressed West Indlen Ulsnds. or tha Mloblgun volontcara new In Cuba, to
was major. At Thompaon'* Station, squalid Phlllpplnea? We could so m- order to Increase tbe company te !■
'Tana, Major Bhafier not only led our; generate, ao Improve them that our full quota of I#0 men." Tb* men were
- own regiment, but he went to the aid \ government would be a bleaatog. To to ^arse of Prlvau Henry Setawelton: -Vuf an 1. dts!.tt i^-clr~>>nt. aad rescued it, doubt this, to question our own energy ' ' who wlU lake them direct to
ftpr.: a p-riloue |-.»k’ ti M that ram* snd alU down Into a policy or paralysto.
Utti* e..n..:*-lr , x.-c*rTvd which will would be to dUbonor the ennobUng lesa Cuba.
rlnt real you. The NlneteenthHIeh- aona of our race.
-k-n WSJ captured. Bhafter nilh It. by | To our atolcsiaeo to congress let ns
tbe rebel* under commsiid of Ueuten-: say in tb* fri<DdU*ri spirit, that berelo
A*( Oraeral Joe Wheeler. Now. after lira tbe soul of honest debate—men
all these yean, the rebel Oeoeral speaking to men. Jn no trar of thamqmeeler to s'-major general and )s ua- mlvee-and la accord wttb destiny. Tbe Of Ml* Sixth nuaoto abqard salted bator tbe ooitttnad of Bbafter. tbe Mjch- nineteenth century brought ua a new
ignn rotdier whom be raptured so many duty to tb* development of tbe magniflywn ago. Blngular. lan'i It?"
j cent JoSerson purebaae. Tb* nine. Judge Beu A. Harian. of Kent county. 1 teentb century ctoara aitb'bven o
rays: "I believe that John Patton was graver duty, namely: the censideratira
Waahitigtoa July a-Oeneml Bbaf. ■ good senator during bto short term. . of our power to tbe Antilles and tbe Pa- tar’s ofBdal report of the losses before
and I believe that be would mkke a eifle. We did not fall them. We shall Oantlago. Oaneral Wbaelar's report yet
gsod senator fur a long term. Being a not full now.
to ooinc, rays that tbe los* in ktoed
Kent county man 1 would uutnraUy be | <nmt "no man Uvetb unto ktnuair was ID: wounded. LXS: mtoring. «;
tar Hm. But bow cud any fellow be : we have learned from tbe Scriptures. total. L4D.
Bgatoat Burrowa after receiving favor* That ne uUon'Uvetb onto itseU. we are
and courtesies from Um for many ; irarutog from experience.
That thla
aatlOB baa a mtoaton to tb* grrat plaas
•cnator MclOltoa to taUng ne pari ^ of providaBca and evoluctoa. to apparI* tb* rasatorta) fleht. and be will take q*t


- .

. ;







ETcr ftinied Oirtt





BicYcle fiidars. ^
10 BO. a

ABapeUlraeeaeenarer Ward No • w
beto Jslyia 1




be dreelred by wbat otbera teU yon to
tbe oontrary. but oorae and see for
I guarantee all my sroiM to ba right,
and if ftAoranotpraenao 1 Baba It

bUcaaraacaslarWardMot wlU b* ’'stop 1. tmto-doek.T-rr mklar
. W. Lanite'* peMWo waevbeas ^ara u«pt AuMUj.toUMOUd-CiniM.
Borth -sd of





Hotel WiimNG’


Horse Hotel.
Attorasyt at Law.
oaeosts Mostagae Btoqk. TmveneCnr.


Uieri, 8^ ud M Bin.
te aew
Tu uaa

FIrsb class Riga. Era
and nraU Batra aa
dfat-elara barn In t
and get our priraa




looday, July 18, iyss*-*uV3iifs



ONE wm ONLY. , vr.’iSSRtsssi“

Oflloff Hoon: 0 a. b. to 6 p. m.


Dr. MeDoBaU has for rsara mad« a
■tody aad specialty of ehroiile and lin(arinr dieeasra that require aklUfuI B.mkMteet: «te-tf
BMdieal tfratmeat tor Ihotr eara. BaM
caara as tomHy ^jr^etoas faU to help
aad preaoaaes laearabls are partlealariy seliatod. rapeelallj tbura svardoasd with atroag mlasral draft aad
>. McDonald aara oaly tbe
I tbe vefstable
iBffdom. He pay* attention to tbe
isae of tbe dfteaas and iaatraet* bto
lb sural. TiuweaeOliy- »Msi
And* of traJAoalato In the hand writ­
ing of graiafnl pattents who have baeu
bj aim wC« oUcra failed. Be
to ao famUiar with tbe hnmaa ayaUa
that ba to able to trad all dteraara of
tbemtodorbodFoarreetly at a glanaa
without atictog any quraUoaa Tbonaaad* of iaraUda are butog treated dally
for dtoraara tbat they do not base.
whDe a few drape of medtetoe dirueted
te tbe erat of tbe dtoeara would give
speedy relief, and parmaseut ear* in a
v^ahorttime. Goad healtb to tbe
most preetes* Jew*) ia our crown of
bai^neoa WlU It Ue wm-ld to bright:
without mtoerr elaiiu* os for bar owa
If yen ar* a anflerer you ahould weigb
well tbeae word*. A person who nagtecta bto kralU to guilty «d a great
wrong to klmaalf aad a grata tojory to
kuraanity. Tbe. name of Dr. McDonald
the well kaown apecialtot in tbe
wbieb bto akin and wonderlira bare mad* happy by rratortng dear onra to hraltb after all

iiiiil .....................

asaaaa aaas «ae
SS8SSC asie I8t

w-aw-w et-e-g- gww
aae*as as*ease suae






aala a eaaaiiaeaa
8881: 8 888888886
•»-2« 2

___ Hacrire trees MacfelaacCUy.Fetetora.
Cbieago as* Qtaa* Paptos, l:4eps». Chdr


-■MS q. L.UWMMUOP F Ayir^SS 8*eM*

A MABUCT ^ipn«ja^sa»s. Isqsl^


- oooraaoMnL

eollrgw. aad bto i
IM Mb* oaTKSir***'paM£aa* p*4ra


aetenUflrally and auee
Dr. McDonald baa made
JxL berOe XIT-4f
study of all dtoesrae-of tbe
nervous system, and all dellrate
«teris*-1^...... "
Obeenrr dieeasra peculiar to womea.
Dr. McDonald'* Special Bemediw are
cure for
“ '
from nerrau debility and earl.
Bbenmatle aad paralytic ertpplra
to walk: oatorrbsl drafnea* prali
eared and many mads to bear a
per Id a few mlaotea. All aehra aad eoly. A.a. PtSBua.lBriral*aeaC
patoa fade away under bto magiral renedira, BpUw or falling Bleknem
rb btonew methre pat a alee back «i tbe street far tba
■oOsUoa af (be paUle. Smad wOl be
SI Wbitiag HawL AU radsrs left tbsr* or
Phras I wfll rsaeirs peowpl attrailea.
B. J. Hsasjk.
tfoa blank. Hundreds cured tbrangb



JH j;





Dr. D. A. McDonald, ai'u’js.isis-a’s;?

Mb Sfboauit. 'Wellington Flats.

John -R. Santo,
Gneril lisiinci.
IT Lkxsca tkiectar.

813 Front St


BalMmore Stoi* Beeatred Thrae TUara a Waak
oaat*. AOe p«r qanrt

Fhttker’s OrsiM Offot ul Intiiint

■•■-r-tsaa,- . J

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