The Morning Record, September 13, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, September 13, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


totoHtats Xamob ■dtoblol.sflal VIr


pomdo proJoetodiB Mow Ysrit.


•«Mnt SMk lUtIM ta Bb Owb BBBdlBf to MadtoBt r^porta tto bbb
BOBld BOt BtBBd tbe tatifsa.
a«B4B Bt KoatMk MBt.
iMBtf AiOMrl9«rA(V*r.
•pMtal M tn Me«RPa K
DMroli. 8*»V U.-C
▲b4 aOO Bpaitoh VrlBoBata SaUad
«Und >«Ujtk*ikB|liilBl11y
tar apBls IToBriBC Vav Amar>
«dcn tar tk« meoBOM «l <tai*
tOBB ValtaTBU.
WyhBt B«* »kB» thB Btarr of MU« tosstol M Tbb MBBBias Bams*.
iWBlac tkB onUr BgBiM»
»II -Tba Wr
^MtatoBteaitf. HajBjBtkBiOBMCBl Aoebw Ubbt, OlV of Robbb. aoUsd to-'

ara Wboos Woikiaas tba lapraaBS
Heaeh Xado Was Faawaa aad
IfTarkaydosaaaiytoUto tao alHWboaa Optotoaa 0
■Bta» a ■a|ari^ of too peams Boaai
tohasodaaidUtooiaar too
bl Attaattoa.
troops oat torsfbly dbd to
ipaelM tsTas Beai
iHtk Mttoh BBd ItaUaa toaopa.
Abb Arbor. 8^ U.—Tkoark oa-.
peetod. tba dtotb. of Jaffa Tbosaas K.
Oobtoy thto aoratof orsatod a ptaid aeasattaa tbroafhaat tho atoto.
vaakaa Qaroaaal OoBtSlaraa Xdroo
Tbe aatod tarkt aad osaatl
Had Bastraeltoe a£$MO.OOO
lawyer dtod at ktobacBO to thto altyat
Waetb of Prsparty.
I o'doek this Bteralaf.
Prueelt, Aria., Sapt lA—A Serea tia
that was daa to a draabaa earo
Tbraa Booths ^ ho ratara

MHt nw pq cast for sccndtoUl ttiMl bmts, tt


Tniene Cit; SdiNl of ImicI



lABounn TO saxpc

[drop in'


ynw It M teol Bod wUl kB*F withia dbjr wHh MO SpBBtoh prtooBBrs tar
Kk jBTtoiJrttoB. XbB amuiT mU SptaBtoUthBobaarsaf
aprisato asyto« at FUak wbara ko
ad tbautotof aaiM at Jeretos. bear
«kBi B> Bmr-of 1B0.0M »bbM
AdalrBl Ctorrsm stood OB tbs daak had koaa traatod. ^tody for
here. Ubtob liraa wan lost aad tba
MiatBlMd, Ueladtac U.OM to
tm tbs SI
aaaa. Howaatboa ae Boeh Im- property low eras toon tbaa tUO.OM.
raBebBdtbBOBSBasB. Tho SpBBtords
pepsad to Boatal health that ho
Tha toWB sraa altaatod to a aarrow
falA aad tbs Sra awppt thrsafh U ao
abU to laeocalso kto aoqaatotai
«M troB eBnTOBr7 Alfw
Ho raaltoad kto weak pbyatoal ooBdi- awifUy (hat tha olUMat oaaU aot
HATSHHiao xn nax.
1 thair eloUlaf. Tharsiirrelr
tam MootBBk Pot»ty«rt«^j B» iBltioa aad falliaf Boatol abUUtas. aad
faratobasthstowB'asraUraapply was
StoUcaa SoBpltal Vnto .WH Hurt ottos siprsasad a wtob tor daaih.
sTfotof rapalia aad tbara was a
^•Obmp wiko* to to b* brakM «^9mOa Bataia Trip Today.
Sarsral weeks afo bo axpartoaood a
ntBT7 41XTO Bod ftaBOtBl ShofUr U MelsiwTBB Meoatso Kaoaaa.
ralapaatotoaoawtoaaenadittoa. DarDatooH.
with tsraaty-S?a baal
tbB 0MtrBI7 BOtwM
tof tho SMBtof totorral hto oaly totalpMal trato raparta that U to fa^ly kttbtoattoraaoo was asoB whoa be to- baaaaa of sartoaa ktoda Iba oaly
•nl BbMb. who to a
baOdtof that aseapMwaa tha MstbadMtdthBthBtadOOtBSpoet to hBTO B oasartoff the aoatk, fatbartof to aUk qaliadfarbtoaldastaoa. Hto di
tot abarrik Ksarly 1.M0 pataaaa are
asB. It .srOl raosh ObatUaB
toBBWBBftto aBBtoKtorU. BBd^
has baae.oBpootod tar waoks past.
tetodktorwwkBpM UtoffTBpkto ortbs trato arnovtbadaada I tea ■auksn af
raafaMBtafortba taaatal koTO aot
aaa taaOly. who m a oaafbt by tha
AMS rooeiTOd dlrset from ObbotbI rtsad at Atlaata today. Two
yat baaa eoapletod. thosyb It to
wawbUaa^aa* rUfTOaara thair
loft at Hort IfePbaiasB BBd (bo trato to
BUoitwOlboh^aadarthB aa
BO oSoto Wko SBW UB dlBBBtBk obarra of Ooloaol Load proos
of tba Mato Bar aaaodatloa.
Fla. Tbadeaton
% BOttBByfdBBt iBBfBBd thBt BOB ■
batoOB MelBtyre OooUy srao bora 74
pnytiV tho trato dooldad to toko aaly
tMBB to iB BBBrir thBBB MBfdB!
aafoto AtUea. M. Y.,aad was a HppototodSaad of Detroit Plra Daoifbk uoa book from Fori HePbstasa.
■BkBB BO dlteBBBB whBt AlgBT
partrteat,Tlae Lata btof HUtot,
as tbe otbsra are too 01 to asooa.
ShBttarBBjB iBmlBOOBiWBBd.'
rBaftaad. aooaau to HlMlfOB
••OfdBrt proro BbBBdBBUr Um Ototo 1841. loeatl^ to Adrtaa aad
Detroit, Sepv ll.Woha C Eocdall,
Mlttoi to tho bar to IMS lo 1847 be
BCBl SotooB MUbb to tta TOBl«
aaristaat ftra ebtof, wsa thto ahoraaaa
aaa by tte toftototaro to •
tbo Valtod «totos Braty. iBiplto
appetowd ablated tbe Datfrtt Are doWaaklaftoa. Septawbar II.—The to- Idto tbo torn of tba atoto. aad the a
Af ika plBM to ■BlntolB b p
tat. elec the laU ehiot BTllol.
SBrrtooB Bt ModtBBk. QobbtbI Botot straettoao to (bo poaoa oouMtoaloaaia
Dtok Rehoaberf at the Saboabasf
VMtoldtkBtABBBaptoBBt bo Btrip- ara batof pat to srrUtof thto weak.
story Osy aad Attocaoy Oaaoral tho aalvaralty aad rcmorod to Aaa Ar- Hardwaod l.eakar Oa, eaue soar '
troops BB rtpWly bb po*flood Harbor yeatardoy.
Oriffsaottof tofotbar.
IhedMa otibo taoalty.
totW4bowu^oetodaJneltoo of tba
A lim law^ of tbe Istoat thtoys
"IB BOOcrdtOto wHb Ubb
thoa bayaa Ibat to aeek wear jnst raealvod. Xks aobtUfdOBTOlrpBBdtbS Tto
brilliaateaiaar oa tba baaeb wblek Uaat to towo. tha priaaa (ha lowi
The Boetoa dura.
TwoBtr-ftrst iBfBBtaT
bTBBk mmp
ilaatadby bto riilfaaMwi to
aaa yaaca totor. Jaatteaa
BBTHdation Oocorad in Omo. IMS. tw
Ooolsy. CbatabalU CbrtotlaoM aad
bBm^BBdBUUBrBBtof tbo troops
Une iplHttdB.
oaartood tba waU baoare "blf
H. L. A Oo.’s block.
BriUfoUoBBBrBpiaiyBsit to psatiblB
aad iBfieal
^«a Xiafo Wba Sad Booa at eptoiOM fare tbe Mtoblcaa Sapremo
War With Haeh Othar Ooubtoad ooorta aattoBal fawe aad ■odo too doIstoaaauadordaatbarity.
tho tot>aps Bt tbodatonBlBBttoB a«
Hfatoat th
After rotirlaf fro* tbo SoproBw
^ MUbb tbBt Oaap WykaS aboil
ooart. Jadfo Ooolay aorrod tor ooue
BtoBitoiiin* Wisasof ofl8srs.otwboB
Oer. PiestseBCi
Saa Fraaotoeo. OaL. 8opt. II.—Tho
of (he totsiauto
Alice T. BebnU.
than BrotoBBp kero, srith thair ekll- Oaroltoo ymp of tolaado. which, It to
bat kto teue
p«W BBdBrUC tbs dtoOOBifOrtB IBOi- aatd,thto
will root Koet eoearaty apoa kto aarrtAMttooBiBpUfB,BrB*scrJ^Bt tho badthow
aa tba aapraiaa beach aad bto
ttosa apoa eoaatitatioaal law,
pmpMtof CBtUBCho»r.BBd OoBBral to probably by tbto tine la tba hsada
of tba aatiraB of the froap aad the wbtob ara raoafatoad aathority.
MUoB’BtoAtortolBcrB^dlp to araj Spaatob rarrtooa wiped oat.
Jadfi Oaday’a health was ahaUerad
Too eaa toll a saaa by bla walk. It
Tbtoaawa radebed thtod^ to lattara by loaf beeraofatadyaad axtrsMly
taraishM as complau aa todea to tadl■oai Boaolato broafhtky the atoi
krlof boars of alaep.
yidaaUty aa don (ke ToUe, tho naaOaptle. Tho story srae broafbt to
While ebalTMa of tbe touratata Barista, or oeaa (ho phroBoiOfkal
Hooolala by a saaU (radtof asbo
wsmtoatoa bo fraatly ororworked sudy of Us baupo oa the hood.
Ho tsro people snlk alike. 8o«
wbtob tedebod at tba OanUaea.
hluclf aad was coapeltod to raaifa to
Two aatlTo ktofa of the froap who INI aaasBoaatofTOrtlftooaaatsaeka.
"It's a eariooB foot that atoo-Uoths

hod loof booa at war with each otbor
OfieUlBQBiirseas aoBths afo doelarod a traoo.
IdTbb MobiomBwobo.
btood thMT faroso.aad bofaa a
^ea aad wonea wHh aors tost arc
WaaktoctoB, 8spt It.—TW war
ofalMt (boSpaatob aotboriUoa Tbe
klaa Wialfrad X Pratt aad SlmerX dlBscrasably at hoaso: thryaratorron
parttoBBt to tosaatlcattoc th« kUUac of
at offiM aad abap: Uay an Ukad by
WhiU Wadded Last Hroatof.
taw aad dreaded by uaay.
(ho Spaatoh prtoonws aboard tho Har­
Doetaca, arisatlau. asdaoaasao ban
Tlfar aad to aaob aaabara that tba
A eery qatot bat a rary pretty wodvard aftar CorserB aarroBdacod. It to
baaa stadylaf to perfect a ^ thdt
SpMtoh wore oonpatlod to taka abettor tof took -placa at BUknsl laai a
«tolBod (bat the Tblrtp-foarth Mto^ tothebarraeka A faaboat was dto- tof. . Tba brida was Mtoa Wtoilrod X will eaaae tba toot ao pato. Tbe priaelpal troable oeoiaed to be wiU Uc
fan wan oa msard asd shot alxtoaa patebad to Oaau far aid. Bat oa ar- Pratt, daafhtor of Air. aad Bra. X d. arts of Ue took
• - -msaadoi-------•ad wonadod otharsTbs soldiers ririiv (bare the bjst foaad the Aateri Pratt aad tha froom was Mr. Xom
wiUcrod oothoarkt tba Spastords vats tirlof to oao flaf fioattof aad it aarar ratarasd. Whits, a BMuber of tha alaft of the
__ __ .
Thera ware MO aoldton to PMopa DanyBafla. Tha earaaooy was
aseapo. Tba tosaoHratioa to tor (be
------- toa Bow oftea la
town, bet tbeaa ware poariy aap^tod taruad by Bar. Howard Meora. to the
parpoao of ksadiaf off lateraaOoaal
aad la so poaittoa to library of tha haadaoaw raaUaaoa aad beard the remarir■: “It's folafU rata,
acropUoatloaa. Ooloaol Dadley of the
Tba aappo- tha rooA was prattUy trinuad with I kaow U 1s. I caa taint bMBsa uy
eoTBB prick so."
Monntato aah berries aad dowars fraaad
Thel^aarfanof tba toaole rab
r^lar anay baa obarre of the to- sltloa to that Ue |
othar partloBBo) tba dsroUtof. Oaly blBfafrtastthafookia
aad the Sputok sarrlsaa wiped oat.
i Uo tM«Ma "a
' acd^that‘s^
iMudiau ralatlraaof tha brida CBortUUotM«Ma
aad yMdiof. that srill eoofom
CrooM ware prassak After tha tolhaahaBoolUBWtanr's pedal
tnadty to what Uc^^s snak
Saraoa Fspeia FabUabad Tall Tpxt Prirato WeldBtaaof PDat MU Ihr_____
ban to
t be oo
of Protoool tor Flrai Tima.
toaaly 111 to Dstoelb
TOa happy eoapU will raalda at MP ________
Ualr foetacreatdaai.wm haO wiU
NsAslMTaBHoBaiBs aoeeso.
Madtoaa atroetaad sriU be at 1
Baraaa. Sopu II -Tha Daltod Slatea
Detroit, Sept. ll.-Oaly oae eaaa of aftar October 11. Brtb ara srsU kaawa
OoMtoiioaers did aot aaat today aad (ke Btddtor ^(toau ia tba Datrtot boa- aad i-T"**- to TkaTOias Qty aad
Dr. Bead. Ue tonator of iBo eashta
hare eafafad ao roaua aahara. Tba pitototoaow arUlaal. Prirato Watd- atoswhara aad tbrir.haau at fna^ shoo to a profsaafaual ehiropodlsk Ha
wUl wtob (haa Jiyaad happtoosa.
- local papers today pebltobad a fall tort
has sfreeted naoy earas by the aaa of
Ma of Fltot to hastof a dsaparato flfht
of tba ^toool. This to (he drat tlM
Ufa. TbalfktUta trwaklaa to tbe
tba poopla of Haraaa bare kaowa
aaea. t*riratea Obanpaey of TrarUs bard teaola ad tba ordhi^ ahoa.
tarM to detoU. Adialral daupaoa i
This pa tlniar s^la of loutwear Is
aadM^Alar of MarioU, ware Opaalat Oaua at Mmw BovUtf XUay
kaowa as Dr. Bed’a Ciwhioa 8boaWasaOeodOaa.
TUa parttealar tonattoo has for
Win HaU tar Faria Hal
BoatABaaatodopaaad thair bowl- ito |wba •bjsot tbo prodae^ M a
tof allay tort alfkt to tbs baildtof tar- aboatobesroraky panoaewhoso*
mia. tofrowrtof aad
uarly ooca^ by J. W. Slatar. Two taou ooras, boBWaa.
WaAtoftoa. Uapt. ll.-Tho p
benlB* toot. aa.
XAaaataadUaootoDoVet Oara to enaUaat aaw alUya hare baaa baUt
tnstrtanal aad
eoutoeioeaia ooaferrad wlU
aad are aew ready for baeiniaa
____ i: to toot, all aOi
aOBaBU tba
•nctoMt today aad wUloaU for Faria BurtelfTamea—aaeoBB brtr
l«at pifbt the opaatof faiao was tost
• • to. Pa^a aflistod
tiasor aaw3^ sriU Sad Uls
WaaMaftoa. HapU U.—Ex-Secretary ployed batwaaa tho FaU aad laaat tha oaly shoe to keep Ualr faetw
aad raoaltod to a riottry for the fat
Laaeat aad Bobwt T. Uaaoto hare
fsattousa. Tho oeora was Ml to 617. *^lMa' show ban kaaa triad fas
aoeeW «• To KeeMM boesao.
dacItoadUaprcetdeatbraqacat to act The FaU wore eoapoasd of BoU.
OB tho srar toraatifatioB beard. Other BMOtod. FaUTtyl. aad Howbarry at
lor Hayardbooadlltoatoaifbt to
atasatnaakaTO atoa daettoad to Dotrolt. The loaas ware. Haat, Sultb,
Mona aad Uraafor.
w aad toa to fiadaaUy riaktoi

^ V----


We Always Have


And ttt a new asd select Ibe of sp-tO"date

Men’s Dress Pants.
We have joat received them from tbe i
prices are sure to please jotL
RclUble Diy Goods, Carpet
nod Clothint House.

I sTEiHers

Mgs' Rsil EdaS Apiqf.
4iemTOtowlteMiSheai«Mbe«ibealv. too« seed. waU woMscS. rcaac«e<


flood tar FnsH Bftotof.
flood tar BtoekBaWaf.
flood tor Ooaotol Sbrul^.



Will boaeld at low prleaa tar aaab: or, oa loaf
aaata aa sory tow lalarsrt


Oa fl. B A I X X '


Times of
win come Vgain and
an4 the
pf^ming hook *’ rale
'I tfta worid. The lion and hunbe may !ie down togethm,'
hot tbe lanba (Cnha, Puerto Sko aad
Uanila)vtni>«hiaideoftbeliaa. In
or peace 86U 5H06S are at the front,
tbe soldier and the citiaen wear them to .
“make their feet gUd.” Yos bsj them
oo a guaranty aa ^ beat ahoea in tbs
,world for the money and more people wear
SBLZ than any other kiiidaof ahoea.
, bat coat no more.


mm SHonift
Wnrshort Block.

tt ls a Min’s Duly
To Oniss WdL
Law taaOy aad Ir
fwt that a aua dnaa aa waU aa faM M isallew. TbasnHA
hto toon raapaet tar bitosaM aad aa la uota t
Asaaa to hfatoaU aad ao toapbaa sttoidaaM
ottoa Btoaias aaooaaa. Tbaa

WKy Hoi Dniss Hfoll?
Wbaa«4.M wUl aaaan tar yoa a taO aad srtoMraalt that wmldban
baratofonfallydeafaUyltotMiOwiUd»*yoaaptoaaaiydaaaalt.lka Uka yoa hasa i
aaaa aa aayfaody torlau thaa SIAM
Oar S8.M orsnoat Is a wtoaar.
oa takrfe aad flrioh. Thay
la aad an food yahto tar torlaa tba prioa aakaA




k T. Baw AMD J. w. Bai
9. W. MAMPm, Baiter «nd M«c«r.


luni SHEfiiours.uiss.
Ba»a and InyBrnaattW of TalBartla 8barMaa.aM0f Ua i
aaat farBora Mar Lonf Uba, aboat
aaraa Bllea fnxn tha al^. oafforad a
earp btarp loae bp Bra Saadap aitarasoa. Two larfd baraa aad bob# obV
haOdlagi wara totaUp daetropad
aU thair aoataaia at hap aad irmia, al­

to oaraUo baUdlape won
eaUtac aaditwBoalp bp bard worh
Uat Ua dwalUar waa Brad. Tha loB
wlU toot ap dSOOO. Tha propartp wai
■t 7»wM e«j iaearad im Ua rarBara’ MaUal ABoai'
atUn for tUOO. Aaoap etbar Utafi
loat wenfev ban which ware
Bated. Tha arifta of Ua fin U ukaewa.


lAtenpM thaptttofKMU cm
w pmeu U uthcrity Md p«^
War Alcw ia hat water.
■wra'air the rapert waa aaat eat ta tha
•fletMoa papaL that Gaoeral MIIm
Bad aaaaiaad ta Mar tha aracaatioa
adllaatukPoiBtbjthatraopaof the
'Vattad Btataa krmj. Aadlathara. pert waa eaanjad tha Idea that Oaa«nl miaa hU dedad tha aatherttj of
■aeraterj Alpar Vf ardarlaf tha araeaatioa. Utrr aoetM tha report dhaet
' toathaaearatarpof war that It waa
Ba wha erdarad Ua troepa to laara
<tep WiheS. aad aot Baaaral MUaa.
Whether than ia aaj Mettea bciweaa
«ha aeeritaiy aad oonwaader of tha
amp ia aatkaowB pahUolj. Bat at
B of tha Dai
: ^d^teaad laat tha war axpariaaa
CWoael WUUaa JaaalafB Brpaa ahoaid
Bfelt him aa a PiatidaatUl caadidau
r IbUOO. BapahUeaa poliUea do aot
raaaehtoda wtU tha irap,
aabow or othar tha arwj iaa a
W do with BcpchUeaa potUioa.
>CND Doxotax of Ba7 oaaDty, baa
Baae rathlaealj taiaad dawa. hot taa
arm hare tht eatialaatioa of eberiabinr
: dha fend aa«0T7 that la at leaat oaa
I ■mill of tha Mtchicaa lafteUtnra ha
Bad tha dhtlMttea of baiar Ua oaly
•Mh ia the hoaee wha foraad Ua aadba DataocraUc alaoritj.
Arm a brief Saaaoa of raat hdadra)
Oamn jMtards^ lo(Aad for the Ihat
WaaapoaUaehoraaof Anarka. HU
foai traablaa wUL how barla.
,taf BortKa^lnawI
aea-Oanpaajr « WIU d^ra/
na foMowiaciaritatloB, wbieh axflhlM itaelf. WMaaattoCoapaap M,
1 ^t| foarU MUUfaa, jeatarda/.
j^w^Ua adltarofthalaoMP:
F4.H ICaekiiiaw. Sept. 10, lOOd•
Kia-As Ua atBaar at Ua fart
B«a 1 hB aaUorfaad u iarlu joar
ladiacToaiaaUUa faaat
S' Oalohar Ut whoa wa elna ap. TbU U
w. «M laat daj of Ua aaaaae hara aad
i; fwaparatiou arc baiae Mda. Ooi

bBoan AcMIwaaBnhpaMelM
aa XaunaUar Vhllnad WMee.
Laat anaiar the •aalor Lttanry
[.BaUelpaftBaSlch Babnal waa rearUadteUaaoaaan. Then waa a
larta aaBbar yraaaat which tpmAM
waU far Ua Utaraet la Ua work of Ua
aoeUtp tar Ua tall ahd wUter. Tba
aUetloe of ofte waa U profraaa aad
BdwU B. ChapBan waa ehosea preM-;
daat, aad Hilda Onwa rlea praeldeat, i
whaa then waa aa UtarraptUa. \
Staphaa LardU of Old MiBlea.a endaaU of laat term aad ABlal Narliafar,
aBaBbarafUaoUBOf'Wwka want
U Ua war Bpea Uta an of hla enda-]
atkB,a^aatadU Ua tooB. ■ All baM-i
BOB waa ioapaadad aad haU bopa
wanaallad apaa for apaaohaa. Mr.)
iBrdia addreBed Ua raUariap i
Ue nlaaof eoeUtp work, whUa Mr.
NarlUrar aaUrtaiaad Ua ooBpaap
Anolbar Hoiaa bf Oaarpa.
WiU a Tirid dasertpUw of Ua axpedTaonp Oaarpe Baoa. wha waa pmob
aaora of Ua Haaaak BUIm on aaa aad
adafawdapaapobamniB ha waarafraalead. partUnlarlp dariap tha kUn of
torpattba bama of B. H. BalUbarp.
who took him from Ua State rebeol to
a a Ban of. waa token to Lanalap
paatardap. Be waa taken to Ut Indaatrial hreaa for bopa bp Coantp Apeat
ebeeaa Uh aftaraooa, after erheol
■ cDjull

Wbaa KlUworU Baiawaatakaa tram
Moataak Polat U a baa^tal ia Naw
Haaem. B. H. Braekra wraU Oaerga
ralrbahha,forBorip of. UU dtp, aotUp
lav Ub ad BUaworU'a iUaoB.
FalrbaafcallnaatABaaBia.alaa bHb
tnB Naw Haraa aad ha^t eaae
qialaUdBaap laaaaatlal frianda af
»f Ua aiek poaafaaldlar.
Mta Freak Toi
la a Uttar to Mr. Braekaa ba aUtao
.lap far BaUard. Waablartoa. Bba
Uataeaooaaa KUawbrth U abU ba
will noaiTO all aorta af attaatkBi troB win jcU bar hnekaad who 1* aacared
tha iBBhar baUiaB Ui
paeplawha wOl Bake it extmBalp
Jobe Bala, a pouf mas wbe haa'
pUaaaat for bis.
worked aararal peara at Ua aeploB,
A Koalaal BraaUs.
left paatardap for Aaa Arbor to Babb
Laat anaiar aanral of Ua ponar bit aanlor pear at eatUta.
Frad Bacbtol bn rataraad troB a
QaoalpoapUof Ua at^ aad oUcia
faUared at Ua boBO af MUa A^Ua ekert trip to Oread Baplda.
Adalbert Boaa laaraa todap for Er«>wford aad aajapad a daUfUfal
aUal anaUf. The priaiaip ab>et of knk, lawa, to taka kle aanUr pear la
Ua caUariar waa a fanwaJl u Prof, Ue Kaoknk Medical eallara.
Mn. H. H. Nokia, who kaa baoh rfaa K. Herat, who wm Uava Uadtp lorraw to Jola Porter J. Wkiub Fanat ItlBf Mr. aad Mra. H. C. Darto aad
aaBpaap, aad who wlU ba fraatlp other friaate In Ute dtp, will loan todap
for aoatbarn MUhlraa, where aba
BUaad U BBBieal dnUo Uia wiatar.
It waa aa laforBal r^tbariaff and aa wUI rialt a abart tUaa before ntanlap
waa raadarad. fol- to Chleapa
Diek HnnWr waa ont far Ue flrat
Uwad bp dalk
Um paatardap, alnoe bit ratora froa
Co to.
M. H: Melatpra, who Una »t lU
Bd. OanaU,oMOf Uabopaaf Oob'
Dirlelaa atraat, waa Urowa droa a paap M. waa atrickaa wlU a talatlac
load of bap pBiardap aftBMon, atrik- apell paatardap Boralar aad waa qalta
iBf a BtBBf wlU U* kaaia Ha .waa lU, a meliosi from Ua Kardtblpt of
badip bnUod aad Dr. ftaraar waa the Santlapo eampalra.
Dr. aad Mra. B. L
Wb. StnbU kaa aaUkU barber akop iMt araBinf from OiaainnnU, whara
to B Paapborn. who wUl aoipUp a Uep attondad Ua aannal ancampineBt
drat dau barber aad aeatUaa Ua of Ue O. A. B.
bwUeaa Mr. aad Mie. AtrnbU Uft
Miaa Jaanla Sbanb, who kaa bean
Uat alrbi far ChUafO. whan thap viaitinp Ua famllp of Ckaa. W. Fauat,
botk aacorad poattteaa.
haa ratnrned to her hone In Owoaao.
naatUf of Ua LndU*a SoBe aad
Marbert Montapna left Uat alpbt tor
ipa MUkUaarp teeUtp af Ua Goa- Cbleaio oa a bnalnaaa trip.
rraraUoaai ehnreh wiU be bald Wad-; Wallta Perry, who baa bean ooaflned
aaadap artaraoen wiU Mra Freak to Ua liauta olU aaricu lUeam ainoe
B»«utap at 9»a«at Oottara. A Bal- hla retorn from Cnba wiU Compapp li.
WM anffl^-ientlp raoorared paatardap to
loa lunch win ba aarrad.
On dandap J. A. Maatarta aeeoB- taka a walk dawa town.
Barrp Koealaad leftpeatordap norapanlad bp hi* eon Harben.Bop Loadan.
Cbartaa HaUidap aad Frank Holda-. iap for Lanainp. whara be will attaad
warU, aailad to Bowen Hnrbor, Bak- Ua Apriaalintal eoilapa.
iif Ua trip in ts Blantaa. T%ap wheel­ I Mra. Juba Cadbam of BnttOM &>p
iU Mra. Hobbaoa State
ed to aid MUaiaa aad back, nt«raln«
atraaL Sba left paatardap for MbHIan Ue paekt.
B«t SoMdUp it Fradeallp neorarlnc kan, Batoa coonip, wbara aka will
iTMi Ua lUnaea aontnetad darinr Ua Ttalt bar aUtor.
Mra. Joka Mnrrap and ctaildrea will
Santlnfa caBpai«BArUor Olobaaekp rode hU wbaal to Uare todap for SaaUla, whan Uep
OapUrd ttaadap laartar hero ata qnar- wUi Jtia Mr. Morrap.wbota enpapad
tar after taa,arrlrihc at blq<
that eitp in the
at aix p. m. Ha tape Ua
a aa to Gaplord.
Uat Map and juUad Ua Tklrtp-faarU
Tha aaooad aartoa of daaeiap partlaa repinaDtal band. bM rataraad froa
wiU begin UU anainp at Martopph'a Detroit, whara wa waa alok U a hoapl-

UttU aadtoBanton Front atraat
paatardap wm eaaMd bp a korae beleapUp to M. BandtoBaa of Pawakap.
raaniap at full apaad dowa Froht
it wm atoppad aaar. Park
atreal. aad then wm ao damapa to
J. A. Montopaa kM pUoad a Am
«ha iBTltatioB ean bo aeeaptad aa a Uaweaaa in hie hardware atom.
Batter pat to ooaAldar.
Otto Rpsalka wm abU to ba ont <rf
doom paatardap.
vxui wnrAVB thxzh lsadb&
Baa WoodworU. Oarl V. Maodp
aad NaUen J. Wpekoff af SuBBltOitp,
m» Baa Aooaptad Ua PaalUon aa Xa.
Id apoa aoBTadm aad frtoada '
atroetoc 9l Craaceat Baad.
town paatardap.
Wm Wiaaaa, who U aspiojad in Ua
JallM Jokaaoo U calnlap atnapU
Bardware daparBont af Ue
-rarp dap: paatardap ba aaj^
Dr. J. M. WUbalB U now abU to
and aroand the booM.
are aU iaritad.
Tom rarj tralp,
jAMhi Sxeeioea

L ^ICt. nnacp and Mr. Wi»« bto nU., and Uoapb far awap ha
Uaraad Uroaph Ua Mouiea Bmobu
of Ua ratara of Ua Haaaah
And Uarmiap Uat manp of Ua bopa
I aiek anon Uotr nrrlral. he hMtenad to forward fire dallva to ba
applied to Ua ralUft of
a Ua reUlare.
tlB aSeUnt I
npn heavp demand for tba
XbU Cbaek Wm baFramad.
Hannah BlAre adltUn of Ua Moaxtvo
famud Saadap, a aaBbar at
Frank Ma»da hM a akaaK from
ittod Btataa gareniBaat tor tba extra oapUa wara printed. Than are
at of Urea eenta. Tha ebadi- U afawlaltaadUaaewWwUbUaB to
aboald and ordan aarip
-MlBpoaUplookUpdoeaiDaBt. Uooph
tbaaeaoahtialBiipBlfloaat. The wap aiUar to Ua Bsooxd oflUa, Ua Citp
lb Baokaten <v Ua
itanBeabeat waa UU Mn. Maada
boaffhtaporerBBantbaad.of Ua po- atp Nawa Stand.
Olpda Ooleof KaUtMka apant a lew
ynUrlnam. She pant U monap before
Ueboodawcraiaaaad. 8ba raeaired Ua heara In Ua dtp pMtordap.
John Nood oamn ap paatardap from
1 bp Ua
InnUtoa oa badnrea.
abrek. wbUh oallad for tha i
MtasB Made BalU and Flora OhnrU
tatarret daa from Ua Una Ua maoap
Derenpert, Iowa, are vialUnp la Ue
waa reaalred aatO Ua bond wm aaat.
Tbaabackwill ha framed and Mra. dtp.
W. S BUaworU of Detroit dlaad at
‘ Maada WiU anJordlpplnpUa eonpons



& A. NeUanof Nm ■port. U U Ua
clip. '
W. P. Orotoar rataraad pifetordap
froB KUpalap.
MiB BarUa HaldiworU hM rataraad
from a wsakU riait at Blp Bapids.
Mr>. J. H. HamUton. of Blnpham.
WM In Ua dtp peeurdap.
H. E Gill, of NorUport. trauactod
hMlnrea la UU dtp paatardap.
MIm Kata Farrent. of Olaa Ba^, U
■aaawUp acqaalalanore Id UU dtp.
N. H. KaadaU of Empire wm a caller
Theodora Ladpato kaa rataraad from
Mra H. O. Jopntof Blawoed A
aatemUp kra W. Grarre of I

Wminaa Otna AwapIt la cvrtainlp praUfplap to Ua pobla to know of one «-ooerti la tba iaad
rho arr act afraid to ba ranrrooa to
Ua narda aod a' ftnirp. Tba propriaof Dr. K<pp'a Sew Diaooaerp for
amptlo.. Ck>nrba aad CoUa, ban
pinn amp onr tea ni:iion trial kolalaaof thb praat inadtelDa. aod ban
Ua aaib.faetl‘ n of koowlnp It kaa abtoIotolT eared thoo^aoda of hopalaaa
L AatbBa. Ro-pcbltla.. Hoaraeasd a1* ''’«aaan of tba Tbrnat.
Cheat aud Lonpa ar>- aorrlp cored br
IL Call or Ue Drorplatt S B. WaU
aad J. U.
and pat a trial batUe. 10r«H. Brpaler aUe SOe aod tl.
Baarp bottle rn-.rantoad, or priee refaadad.
Ladtaa. elaaa poor kid ploraa wit
MlUarCi<w-«re. ItU aot a liqald.
leano poodor aad eaa ba need »bUv
Ua Htnr U ->n , he bard. F.t aal • oplp
bp Jainea O Jnbk* «. Drappiai.
Oeu Zlrip I.' P>'U wlab a watblnp bat
r a aatair. tbep are polap feat.—Tba

Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries
MyvoiitihfimtoUaahiidprioMtbhtareuirehehafhll. las
prepand sf all timw to take ran of tba trade. I Bake a apedaltj is
Brajdag, VolcasiciDg and EnameliDg. A fine Una of wbetda lor aala
and to rent.
J. O. BLLIS, 811 Front atraat, eatt.

If You Have Logs to Sell
pom^MMid whh the TrsTene Ci^ Immber Oon^miij.
We bare for aale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple M ood.
Xi.UJiTX38 SOXl PtAT.m
Hill Slaobineryof alldaacriptioiu,indiidingTwoED8itiea,
fiet Works, Carriagea and Bawa.' A complete Saw Mill Plant
for tale.


We Would
Like to Caii Your Anention
fo the Dice Bacon and Picnic Hams we are
ee'ling;. We never bad any nicer, nor did any­
body else.
,one 187.

B48 Ppont Strwt

Beg to ansoona the early completion of repairs
to their mill, whidt makes* it the most complete mill
in Michigan. It. is ready for operation on the new



crop and we are prepared to manufacture the 6ndst


quality of flonr^^V<fie minimum of expense. Our cus­

Only $1.50. I
We hare a few of thos^,
fine shaped seat. Arm Rpek-i
ers that we are sellki'g for|
$1.50. Don’t delay — it is a

tom department has been supplied with all the latest
ii^roved machinery and we guarantee satisfaction^
'Xo our customers, both old and new, who may favor
ns with their business.


Hcnae Fomiahinp Store.

Our Offerings

Furniture f I"?

________ _

Geo. R. Winnie
U|i-to.|latB Paiater
Shop opposite Eagle office.

No Comparison.
ThaOaltod Btataa BenaaolMtSodsIp
of Sapinaw doaa not toll poo what Uep
expect to do. Tbep refer to trbat Uep
' aea dona and an ddnp daUp In Treeraa ratp.
bpotkara We are h
aad can back aeerpUlnp we wip. Yoa
deal direct with ai In care of aeddent
orkicknaaa. There U no a


a poU^; It dareB*t coat macb.
»x A ItoCDxincK. Diab Uvpre.,
JcA&acB blade. Ttav

ana aw

^ We make parHcular menUon of REED and RATTAN FURSZ NITURR Aside from a floor full of beautiful creations In
this material we make prices equally as at'ractlve.
Whether yon Intend to refurnish ydur house this fall or
just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
rooms look rich and handsome wo offer you the opportunity
todoBoatavcryUtUo cost We want you to see the goods
in any event.

-I •
^ >
— ^



•< » (MMIT

Pall ypoM a •wing.

te niiii mriili At iMM Jmi


WkOapk^rlnrtaaowlarlaat »atar>
day Bari Braekatt, a lad of aiz yoara, era Mteblyaa. L<tea nt Steawara wUl
wko liaaa aaar Aoaa, fall ta^ yroand laavaCUaayo ovary Tawday and Priand broke kte arm. Bte falkar, L. Ll day. at 7 p. a. for all aartkam poUte.
Urtti o( XatanM Viwb Alf C Unk Mwc«a Ktmm Md AMm.
knU, kroaybt ki» In tka dty aad
laraar attaadad tka (raatard.
Two Were OalttaA
t? Ursa. oM of tka Mttoh Waat ladla lawwrmww mwTtrmf
Owiaytoaaovmlgbt^ aaoaaa of
At <hmp teWw. IdMd Uk*. tba laada. oarUf to aa ladaaMai arWo.
Baeklaa'a Aniiea Balva.
AlbortKovotnyaad WamaO. BaaUTiopteal waatkar praralU la Laadoa
waodcB kooM M tka bwd^Mrtara IlM
ipM tt7 OcAooal Irtak oaafkt era and oo tka oooUaaat and aaek aaflarT» Bmt 8ai;n ia 4a world tor iayar wero owitted trow the Ibt of raliia In Sandayb boaa of tka Bnorao.
tkaufailsAt WH award praa- inff ia oataad ky tka boat. Tkeralaaa .Bta. BrateM. Sorea. Uloera, Salt
ekanm, Parer Sodaa, Tettn, Chapped
mui ta kUa kr kU Wank*. toitaUiar tea fawloa in Parte.
SaadB, CkUbUiaa. Ooma. aad nil SUa
avIU kk library o< rara aad
- ■aptioaa. aad poattiraly enraa PUca.
a Uka'it, bat tbara b
wind dtraA Oawp tVykoff. Moataak
no pa r raqairad. It u yaaraniead raaUy no trick about it. Auybody <
PDlakSaaday and tkara te nneb aaCar- toyirc cerfaet uUateoUon or atonay try it who baa Lana Back and Wrak t
lay awony tka aoldiara In oonar4)aaaaa rafaadad. Prtea ts oeato per koz. Pur Ridneya, Malaria or nerroa* ironblea
aaie ky 3. Q. Jobaaea aad 8. ■ Wait.
vhaa aaatwkaaa aaafalaaa U aot aaoWa Dean ha ean ears hlawe'.f -'erht
Tka oaatral proriaeaa of Japan ban
tardtotbaeateklatafiataaae nle«.
aayby takiny Electric Bittera. Tbbi
baan awapt by a terribta typhoon
raedWlme tones sp the whole aymtem. 1
rUt faUaa takaaapM kararU tka pr»BXTStKBSS CAHD8.
wkiek kaa eaaaad baary flooda. dolny
aa a atltottiaat to the Uver and
taettoa o( kar
' '
Kldeeya b a blood psriflar and nerve
anna daaaya aad daalroylny a
tka dapradattaaa of bawka. Tka atkar
tonic. It enraa Oonatipation. Head-1
ILLOrSOX. D*atlM,0 eoelaX
knndrad llm.
day a kawk awaopaddawa aad r»kkad
ache. PklsUay Soalla Sbapleaaseaa
aad Meteneboly. It b pdFe'.* ve|ata- .
a aktdi, bat kaiora It oaaU cat lato
L nnowK. aoMscr a
nVTB «BKt AllJnTA'4
bla, a mild lazsUve. aad rae^a tba!
tka air tka cat waa apen it. Tka kawk
system to Ita natarsJ vlpor.
«a«a aat oaeowd ba-t la tka htaala Batkartog of Proabyiary oT Petaacay
trie Bitters and be
tkat tallowad. aad AaaUy flaw away
are a miracle
Bara Today.
: wItkoBt tka chlduB aad alaa vlmaa
Ttea taatk aaml*anaaai naatiay of
dray Btsrea
about kalf iu ^asafa. wktta paaay
waa aalajarad.
kald in the Preabytarlan ebaroh of thU
At Aadww*. Wri»f»v*i* r«^aty.~k
idty, beylnalnythW ereaiay. aad Ua
Sr. BUakne. tba Spadallst
Dr. Bteahnar, the asecaaafnl apaebl«. U b... d.,ll[bt .«! rcbbbd
birJSSikh - dts.
• -Phoae. hasa* aad of- bi in tba treaiwent of aU chroatc and
-b.t-«i.,b.b.dtabi.p.*b.u.«.i.^^ ^
« dk____
dbaaaaa b now at the vrblUn|r
Hotel, wbera be wUl ba yiad
B. H. Peek of Stnryla waa held np Pri-; aldara from tka Preabyieriao ehorebea
the afflicted. If yen are asffatlny;
day alykt aad robbed of ftl, waat of withia a dlatriet eonred by twelve
with any servoM diaordar, Ivoe < f
whkA balaayad to a friend who bad eounUea la tkia pan of teiehiyaa Tbb
maoory, physical decay, alecpleaa
kldsay. liver or heart
giyea it to bin f^ Mta ketplny.
eveolay a aanaoo will be praaebad by
troabl^ oon-nlt Dr. Bteskaar, who b
At Detroit, SaOrday aiybt. B. P. tka B«r. B. P Onnlop of Beat Jordan.
a asooeoa and not a failsra aod who
( TtUo. Baal. enraa when others fail. Ha will re­
Bowa, ayed SI, went witk bla awaat* -Tbare wilt ba an all-day aatatea aa
Boon i. Hohaari aad h-^ friend lor a bleyela rida Wadnnday. The Ear. 8 F. Braaka,
main bar* soUl batarday, September
- Conaalt him whitetyoa have
Aa ike party eroeeed a tel<k<yaa are- 0. O.. prcaldaoiof Aiwa CoUaye. will
■aa ear trerit a 'totVy «jr _ draek yfraaa addiwa oo Wadnaoday T»l«pbcw.Tl._________________ 01 many of Dr. Btenkner'a patroaa bo
Bowa, aad killed kirn iaaiaatly, eraah- ior. All are cvrdblly Inriud to any
baa syraed to ecme to Travaraa City.
lay kla la a korribia waaaar.
of tke^ aerri' ea
Dr. Blaakner anqsaatloaably b one of
tba moat ecbatlde and aklUfol deaMkihad MeDonoayk. a Uboriny waa.
T vUitad oar rity. Ba
wan found daad in tkaatraot in' Detroit
_ praetteally tba fathea of palalaas
Sunday afternoon. It b •
daatUtry By bb orlyteal watbod te
Brteelh street.
4J* tn*
teeth ore czuaetod aa aaally aa oaa
eky takiny earbolle Mawkara State Board Ootreeti' ma aad
Ko pain, no eblarofona. 00 yaa, or any
. Obartteaa Bara u lonpact Plana.
otbrr^syeroos draya aaed. The rw
Bl. Bar. Bbhop OUlaapte of Orand
It at Lanainy, Howan'taarn warvelooa. aad all wko arv
■rd Baardaley. a 14 year-old bey. eUwb- Bapida and Mr. Uilton. wambera of tka
afB'eted with dbaaaad teeth now have
-awMdlrsCea «•
and sbomld avail....................................
«d a tree to wUnaw Pawoae BHl'a WPd auw board of com>etk>aa and aharlI«n taaflr. aSdrew
_____ ________ , aad either have them
.Want show. Ha fell a dblanea of aboot tira, arrirod laatcreainy to wakecIBci'
exacted or flllad without
thlrtr-flre faat.ra«elrlny Irjsrtaawkteh al azawinatioB raqaire^ by Uw. of the
It 4^
plana and apaetSoaUona of tka new
ronder kb I'oeorary doabtfaL
^^nosHBie.ortrsaa 'Mdr^'
imUnte in tka I
Sayinaw fallen are waaltby. A atraei balldinyi and ImpiwrawenU ^
«ar aaadaeter la trat rity found S4St in ' I^Utore will be naked to prorida Ibr TTTaXITCD—OIrl tnr sewrml aoD«*verh. win open cfBee at tka Wkitlny Hotel
Ui ear wbiefc aosa paoaanyor had left itba Nortben Miekiyan Atylaw at tkb
and wiU rasuln antO flatarday. 8eptemhar 17..
wan iMt M« »0Mibl7 mm-


jr ^______ .:


A Tbonsand To One.
Any flrat-eUas werobaat t^lor will
wake yos a salt or aa overooat -q-ial
Is style, fit and tiimwlay to an "Ad­
ler” ready-to-wear yarmeat, bat ba
will have to e'aarye you doable, or '
nearly d'wbla, for bb >a*vie»a.
Why? B -caste ba is bat one mss
against a faeto-y’an Wbarebaaikes
nna adit, the fsc‘«ry wtkos a tboussad
or wore. As i bU koawWra aad skill
are BO rreAtar tbaa thoso of the fa^
to-y deslyoara nai teilrr-. whi e bit
faculties tor bayiny and msaafactsrtay are poor In oimptrlsoo
Pha matorisis that ester tsio "Adler” Ciotbioy
are bonybt <e «asi qnaoUtle* for <
We pay cash aod sail for eaah. . Every
' kstare, tbara'ore, U aecarad by the
rer of “Adler” dolstay.
The label that is attaebad to every
"Adler” Salt and Overcoat 1* a warrant
of saUsfactiob. It means—"Every tklsg
rlybt. from Unlay to bsttenbola’'

In an Endurlcg Form.


.... are now beixig
broagbt out io
gaot style imdet Mr.
Stoddard's personal


1710a aat.S -T«e OnM class

world to oaaa do
Iny while kb koraea rcab
I tbaa sU other work* in tka world co
AtOeoryainwn Ottawa aoa.ty Jeana


_ . .

Inafltofraye atabbad bar to death.' too pabibbe'raio ibelr nrodecUoa
*^tbao Lillad bar abler, a yirl of 17. wbe of the paer)>n* btoddaro viawn naad
kb aaotber’a kooaa. told -bar wkat be
bad dona, kiwrd brr yocd bye and aald
ha ahoold kill hlB>aeit. which ba did a
1 w boars later, la bU brother*, bare.
_,____ —
_____ ...
... . '
M— oSc«.
lii>. tl.
locality la whieb tbb traredy took
plaee b not far fron Orand Bapida.
........ .
At Wyaadotte aa knnday anaralny
Xaeklal LaaaUa shot wnd Inatantly
kUlad kb wife, than akot hiwnnlf.

(f*ol baif-ten-r’atea '
the wnodrooa weDerr
and of the wont infcpinny apota
riobe ao nator aiytbaloi

ol l
aralaoebe dowa the moeatala
are tewplm. »hr!ii«e.monaiaeou.porka.
bowea of treat wen. pa»t and preaeot
nch and rare te-iwa Ir. Klny'a pali
eariont nigiit. in far rg landa.

tsr <«4Ur«e.


*SB1 fire oe tife IsT lta> 1 sm Is the bust-


iltnTOKU WAXTCn-tACt-' or

6 r in ttai.
_______r slihbsppTl
*n bsr*M,rt«r
bst-vcA ‘
eoerseelr wn
psM. movcM coacti
hooks free
• - <s
•• •
Oulfll «i«b
Hend lAetre *i
of tbs iisstsse stoos.
pm s BOO’b ollh
Alik our esctsolr* JoTevlUs
TskXsnossi. Boos t^msa. Irmiu Dsre..

___ ;.-aT;2Er._-

»» ♦ %
^ik^dJ^ter^lMersdfnr abaolote
AntUoisr. ftv ssttsriire sf (setli aUihoat
pals sssd. laisst asd stoat sBlWacuvrpi-------sttai wt ased for mskias erusetioo saw-

' Ever Burned OMt?

jttxn noiuK «




a. w. pstebis.



u». u.

Vte>*v*wClv !.«■-

Xot'oa V> Tax Paysra
I • IU I

WW lor the
•Odcltr tsr

Uim ^be* ^s^
<>oUc««tse ssd osoll lures pad os asd____
OrUiherlstuniUHorewb'rfai.tlBa.tbe e sUi
hreharevd speaskr •>!>*<>pw'vot tor eoUre.
tl-B. All teres cowsIMsc UBpa'S Xo-s»ter
1st. Itte. vill terotamxt leibcrttrOerk
___________ St SB tba ______ __
XtaWOeot. 1st IWt

Bnoember that I do all Icinda of ronalrtey and enaraeliby. and tkat I
aod dio give youI tba h
hs«t work of anv
00a in the c«y for tb
tba ostwey. Dse*-.
be deceived by whi
bat ottaan tell you to
tbe ecDlrs—
ecatrary, bnt' aowa and aos for
be riyki.
and If it does not prove ai
re it
8tnp in Mil 8 o'clorfe every eveolay
except Ssnday. In tba Oaldwell A Lordos Valldioy. at oortb end of Onlo<



roada wUl baneflt tbaw sb moeb
aayhody. or wore.
Baatrtea Capotrynan, ayad nineteen
pontba, of Lennon, bhiawnaae ooanty,
while playioy with a enlandar printed
repreoant .*•
in brillteoteolot^ataffad it Into bar
teoath. bnby fnabW, and twallowad n
awnll plocaof thapnper. Boon afterktl the anoceapied territory in Miebwnrd aba waa tekea
iO. and _yrew lyan. Moat pnpalar accident
worse frow oay to day nntU aba died. Mek baneflt Inasranoe os the mar

A Live Agent Wanted

lattHOn il UcUgU Ttal h|l
ftifiat ht Tdwrei*
OUSI. 6J laegfipfl.

CO to the big fair at Toronto, tbeneeio deutor^asos wosid oasss » rvcsiArir
noMalo and
aud ar^aroa
afterwards to
to nu
hb out
old noma
heme “»Tl«*^‘*«'b«*««tjaetUostBi«
.j,^ asooctatioz » onoAXUxn r»
nl CroBoy. H. T.

x.Awa or Tu Htatb or Miciu ver cloaad its doors at oiybt
lopaid claim on it* hooka on
had received proofs, aad la■.Britbh Columbia. I_________
aod woman from 18 to ftS
by ftru oa Sunday nlybk ' years of aye.
jMwntdellara. Haadradaof fawUiaa
are bowalaaa
, Al Bwba, Saodnpt Kt- '^MThia
ww In • rinlo •< dnptfon.
gnaflayni^i, forty gallona of gaw-

BicYcie Riders.


TTurs SA1

Mt mat* in the milk rvndared the
X.Aa.B.B.B.MnaniA&ia^ Ona
ebeaaa newarkrtablc. Tba farwera
rafaaad to ebaeyo tbrir ariwalt' diaV |
ee and Maua «OMly fair
U., tfc™ (totOT Maabtee. aui..
Mieb.. .Ol
tk-ptewber IS. 14. IS
ttontof boalneoa.
aod.ia t«M Ooefarv for Ibe mor
trip froa all M. A N. B atationa. Ttei
iny war
eu will be aold on Beptewbar 12. IS. 44
ly ta yo |d roada aa
retd an- ,s
lavRiny tbair trade with the aelyhboi- leiw All
la atop al___ ____
fay farwera. and they are coDtribotlay Maabtee oOBpty day at Maabtee. 8apfraely to the fond beiny raUed is that
•Ity lor tba porpoa. of iwprovl.y the
roada laadloy ia trowUeavaotry. Tba train will leave Manbtee at Manittev
' flarmera are aloo falUny ia with tba a* top m
PA. Mltehell. Oeoersl

•nd.theattendinyphyalcian aald Skat
death waa casaed by tba colorioy wattcraathapaperababadawallowoA

if ao you know
tba value of


, day, pawed Ibroayk waen wrackaye. de,eelpik>o and clateic literatare. la
It b feared all aa board ware toot.
’btetory. yaorrapby. bioyraptay aad
*- - <e and life ta all K« phaaaa


0» MU.-.





John R. Santo,
Gtseral lisiraece.

The Great "Stoddard library of TraTel"


Will conUin ALL of

JobD L Stoddanl'i niDstntod Lectuns,


published just as be delivered them, with eack,,,
illuatration arranged ia the printed page to se- '
''cure the same matchlesa efiect that was secured
^ hy the stereopticao ia the original lecture.

IQ Stoddard's Library of Travel
you visit every place in every land of intereal,
with John L. Stoddard as your coasuat compaaion and guide.

Every Sentence is a Osm.
<More Tomorrow.)
Each Page a Clasaio.

Faim and Draught Horseu.


e Ocpe-s Pshi^Bsksry. c

Watch This Cqiumn For Bargains!
For You School Books

Fifty Cents ssrisssrsbT.”'^L.7.r.:-,iir
Guard Chains ,‘ST™ "

I.W up. Sawiar waebine aaadtaa and
Jawaliy. J. STTmaBTIEEK, »? ritwt

Furniture Bargains ;^oi

wns, ncMu iccnni laocunM. Columbian Restaurant
ZALAitAnQO. xicuioax

3.500 Half.Tone re-,
productions of the
Peerless Stoddard
Views, tabes on the
spot under tbe di­
rection of Mr. Stod­

tilaas. AelBS Lite
Ooim Ad ' slber r«Bpsttes. Z n. Alim. Piicdrteh mock.

» Ur.oo~.
•aat gala, off tka Apaotla lalaada ia
A writer <a the Cki'wro Baeord told
Lake Sapvior. Tkaataawar Babart L. tbaotber d.y ihai John L dtoddard*.

Thirty-fonrtk Miehlya&M «■ San-,2*t'
Material fever, r-^
ilalmaUey and in.lroetr
'Tb. ewawary «f Waytend baa o'.oaad
*«-« ^
Sown, and fora peesUar eaoae Tbaj


hare beeo at work
all winter on the de*
signs for tbe illUK : ^

424 tt

An AlUgaa oonnty fartecr wka wwaa
J«ks L. StaUnd't
■.tkraakiair oatflt b aot letUay bla
After nearly Su yaara of naparalallad
traettoa anyiaa Ha Mia, aroo tkODyk
tka thmAtay waaao b over. Be baa|t<»«r John L. 8toddard baa ratirad
hitekad t-a plow, te it aad late u f-!

my Oopda GB9
leaad Oaioaats

Wbara W. H. FLBTCHBB aorvw ft i
slaaa tugalar woab for *te and Baa
iLuoebaalnikeworidforlSc. OpanaUnlybk

: 'I


I have received a car load dit^
fann and draught horses from ChiA 5^
cago which are at my sale stable
on State street.
Horses to suit all purchasers.



Cliikn jNt|lit «f IS n
taapJi pm onlH am press


' Gat paar auaar baak-Wa
eliaaifallp rafaab nnaap (ar

■Dd joct*eethein;thuoewftoT«buJtiinpnl into PabUe Favor. All the nobby and eooaonucaTdraHen are a«ekta« oar gooda. SOCOESS 80C0EED9 ^U(X1B:M-Vtcr0a7 FOLLOVd VIO
TORT, lie voioeoltiie per^Ia ia the voioeof troth—TbeyaU procUitn '‘Noae but Ooodv which carry the 8. B3Qda * Co. tAbrf oa dar di«b"


|1 FI
I ■!
Oa which daj we will distribute free several thousand beautiful Fresh Cat Carw.fci
■ ■
■ W
uatioDS among our cuBtomers and friends. See the beautiful fresh flowers in ohr
window ^W^nesday.) Every lady and gentleman in Traverse Otj should wear a Carnation Boutoniere
September IS. Come early as no doubt there'll be a rush.

eat in Michigan. (Quality Conaiderad.) Bear in mind that we have EVEBYTHING yon may look for bat epaee foihida to ennmerate.


Ssiness Suits

woo School Suits,


Bended»oflS«na«4profanloMl_.. _________ _____ ________ _____
B>d« t« .>rd. r, ■wow Wear'S. Reeda A Co.** fine Uilnn-d S7 50. SIO 00. SIS 00
and Sift 00 s< ita. Stytraad aapraiaoM aaBie a* Sotet iMnk—■—
Pit beher than »(wi madr-t-v-weaeBre ecita Coei aboat half
tlia1at««i f>-t4ei
iSES—the klad yoa need to pay ao oaate fw, at U eeala.

Sox Coats «>o Box Coats
W# ■*« daallaf SlWlre Hammer Blewe to
Ooata Hr-^'kae we ae-I leVtieraBtoed water proof—lateet
M Color
•trletly EorKab yo - kn»w. W« kare tbo ebrap oil aiotkier ton. at SOB
M for
eoat or oa t-. UUBUBLL K8. w. faaadte (he food quality oaly and elart
'emet Si ap to SS All ktodeof baadlea See them.


The beat ie America. The ktad that Ste flamt. v
mta. Bl.-(avUy trimmed. Oaaaf '
ayoanf lord. Smooth cloth, eeriy a
doth. MutH«re,yoa ebnalder-—

i»odleokiecSeita.Jeetttieri^tthlarf0r(eilaadwtBter. The
NeTor-kip-k'BaL aioe.dnabl»-broaBUd or with a eetlw oollar. Cnme aad
feel Ue qaallty. tway Paata Sattiat SAftO. SS.OO. SS.SO. Si.oo aad S5 00.

Kid Cloves *'

and $^00


Por Watkiar or Dririar-all oolon. Heat Praaeh Ud. Cot to 8t peretty to the haada Ton wilt Sad them perfeot ia amy way. Soaie are
hUawl which mane Uam warm aa wool‘s

$6. $760,


About kind"

“*iw“ Underwear

Oar Wr Leaden an the eoc. Si.eo aad Sl-tO kUd. Tbev are the wme
eold et other etoreeferabnat g more. We fot *em la all eolote aad altea.
P alB, faeey, tiaed aad naliaed. Anythlaff ym wtak yoa earn Sad bare.
OomUeatlon eslta too. Seea ear Biaok Tara DaderwMrT

VAdOTA, OruBbAr, FflU HfltS



$1XM. $9.00. $3 00
OAps, Taiua

QaaUta aheelately (ha kaak Bt^ alwaye eorreet. Oolariaca
poaiUraty (he lateet. U (he Bat BaciaeM we are knad to hel
held Sratraak
MaiaataUaempetitloa. WoeeU the Beet oa Berth-U’e the ■■Kewlaad.”
if^ haiiaUy warraataA


600, 76c
And $1.00


i Liaa.weakow
ehirta berla at M eeata t
wkinr ek IrUetartal 1». M, (ft. M aad 4S eeata. If yea •

Men’s Top Coats *'«ir Ulsters
^ thAt*A


If ere eey that we earry the Saaet aad lateet ei
wear, we eaa back oar aUtameat by thnaeeei
•f aa Oollafv—we eell (he CXC. at S te U
Cor koya—1«K to 1» for mm.


• eeea aad keaght
deaa Cnm U «e 14

W00.WW Men’s Pants,
And $9.60


larte waletor a email
maa with a amaU'w^k a maa with ahert laga. bmf lofa. aaete, er ao
l«e~we hare the tailor ridki ia the boom to do the altorattoJ^de’^
right aad free of ooek BOn PABTS—we hare the **Herer.kip’'atM


Fiskuibh'Oitfimrs, IMFnaSt

Here is *
Your Opportunity to

Buy Shoes At Loss Than Cost Of Mahiiig!
We have bought S. Benda & Go’s. entii» stock <ft shoes at from 40
to 60 cents on the dollar, and shall immediately close it out, giving out
customers the benefit of this most fortimate purchase. We sweeten
this still more by adding several thoksand pairs of shoes from our own
stock and make prices on the whole lot that will make this



The Record Breaker
of Shoe Sales!


Mini's Shoes at M Price!
^ paire Men's Shoes. $4.00 and $3.50 at............... SI .90
250 paira Men's Shoes. $3.00 and $2.50 at................$1.45
190 pairs Men’s Shoes going at......................................


Udiis' File Sliois-Prices Smishul Wij Dori.


K »


Boy’s Shoes
at 63c, 79c, 90c, $1.12.
Big lot
at Half Price and Less.

Misses’ and Children’s
School Shoes.
Big quantities at prices yon will never get again, aad
at a time when the children all need shoes.

Shoe Up The Whole Family !
4Ifred V, Friedrich,
lenr will jn git I cluin h do It cluaeir or IS thiap as DOW.

The Popular Shoe House.

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