The Morning Record, August 04, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 04, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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6co(»d Te«r>-Ko 9B8





That is The Vamber of Xtaatha of
Kichlitas SoidletS of Pairer
In Cuba.
Opectel IS Tbs MuBtise Bvieeii.




The United ttaten is Oomelderlnc
the AdTlaablUtT of Pormlnc
Weehinrton. D. C. A«TMt
naval officials are eonaidarlac the for.
matlon of a bi( s^nadroa to be atatioaed In Eoropeaa water* after the vrar to
The iateaUon to to reform the
bat to make H,
mack atronrer thaa aver bafara. Jest

IMS IS and 25
^ Per Genl Discoimt Sale

Waahlnffton, dnrBat
l.-<}eaa«al Fifty Thousand Will Occupy
On Bbm BbU Good! WiU otilF nm *tm
Shafter has reported the death of priUi« aarplu Block i« Bold. W« womH
Cuba This Autumn
rate drUnr Fieeette. of Go. C., Thirty■eU it fill at each rniaoaa iirioBB, tat
third Mieblpan. of yellow faeer; Sarour
aarploB goea *t 16 and 26 per Mat.
raaWohn Oliver. Oo- B. Thlrty-fonrU
------------Mwhifaa. of pnlatonia teberenloeie;
off of regolar prices.
Aid in SsUbliahinff Bta.
^ **«*•
**»• Amerltna
Batwaaii Franoh AmbaMador Prirata J. Eoallac. Oo. K. Thirty-third, To
xo AIU m ASMOunuxatf
warsbipa were withdrawn from foryellow fever Private F. i. Vlvan. On.
and the Proaldeat
ble Form of Gorenunant.
alf» aUUons enept the AstaUc tar aerD. Thlity-fonrU. remmittent malarial;
vlee in the Wmt Indies, ead alnea Urn
BeUmd 8{«niah Oore»m«at is S«S' fever; Private John A. McDonald. Oa The Kains and Ail Other Bad Bpan- the offielaU have not bad Urns to both,
er abont arranriar for a resamptlon of
tah Braaka WIU be
djrta Ascipt Cradtuoa* OffleUay D. Thlrtyfoarth. remittent malarial
220 Front bt
M 803ii as Sallchtened l7pos Csr- fever.
n.iuj 8u» wm i«ok

tain Points la
asgssu Coli­
Gen. Shafter saye that the total named Koetine at Xisodan to o Oensol.
Protect-PUnfy of Berrios Tet Por j
berofeiekU l.tU; total fever —
toUon Upon Peoee lUosnrco.
' mored are kspt there- WiU the end
S.i«i: new eaace of fever. «S»; cases of; PretUnir Boldlera.
Bpeosi w Tbs Huss:s* asceu
epMial lo To Mosst>« Bscobs.
of Ue war believed to be near. bow.
fevsr returned to dnty. TM.
WaablBftoD, Anrntt S —It U deter­ ever, the nary effidals have bsgua to
Poris, AncBBt S.-The Madrid oorrsaIs in dsmBnd. How abont tboBO now
mined that Ue Spanish troops most talk over the character of the new
pondeotoi Tempo leleffrophs that U
be withdraws from Cuba Immadlately Enropaan eqnadren and have pracU
Ue definite reply o< the United Stetes
cally reached tbe eoselusion that
on the pesos propoasU srrirM today Bow a Woman in Mansae Bacalved |
a Strang and formidable
force That we are BaUlng They are aomeUiing new and are Bor*
signed: bat that Ue United Rtatoa sol­ aboald be sent there, not bsto please 70a.
the fipaniak cabinet will meet this
a Vepre Who Tried to Bnter
diers must replace Uem<to guard eauaa of any likllbood of trouble
. evenlnr and offldaUy aeoept the teram.Her Boom.
against aaarehy and to eetabltob a with Boropeao aaUoos but to show
Tka cabinet ■OBlateia. the oorreapond- Sprdal («Tn Hosnso Bsoosn.
Wichit*. Kas.. Anynst 3.—At Ana- stable form of government It to oat whipped Bpula's navy. The eqnadron
bellered that the acreemeat
wonld be aeoepted by the oonatry with- darks, Okla-.a necro nasaod Baneu probabls however, many aoldien will will probably eonrist of at least a conont opporition and the fOTemment will whUe trylnir lo enter Ue room of Mtos have to go before the rainy aeaaow to |4e of battle-abips and armored cruisnot eammon the Cories before Ue an- ePboebs Stokes, a sekool teacher, wae over aa It wUl rtijalra sixty dsys to get en and other veeaels
shot slB times by her and klllad In tha Bpanlards ont of 'he toland.
Tha admlototrailon U contemplating
This nndoQbtedly refer* to Us msa- stantly.
Ue detail of aa army oi 30.000 men far
eafs that Spain U said to have seat to
Ohieago Man FoU Ovar a Frecipiee—
ooeupaUoa af Cuba after peaee
Washington, reqnostlnc •farthar parUXlnan Leaving Ooppsr
1 have been declared This oeeupaBeldlen
eolar* abont aeveml Importaat p^ta.” OnsBoadrad and Bbcty
Biver Oouatry.
tlou. from Ue present oetlook. will be­
We have made prleaa Uka Ufa: BI.W fw
Tnksn from Osmp Tampa.
SsatUa Waah..Aegatt3.—Tbeatea'mX^naalBC tha Terms.
•S.U valoaa. fiS.fiS far fit.fiS valtaa. fAM
Spseisi w lbs Meesors Bsoess.
gin In Us early fall. The fores of sr Oragon arrived from Ores late Ic-at
far K 00 valaaa.
•psetsltsTBsnossiBs Bseesn.
Atlanta. Anfost
Ooe hundred and SO.OOO will bs aeleeted from tbs volun- night Pamengen aay mtey misers
Batter asa them, at
Waahinrton. Anffost S—Tbe Preach
sixty-alz soldiers broorht from Comp War prmy exelnslvaly. and pains wUl are peanilsas and dasperato in tbclr cf•mbaamdor, throorh hto aecMtary.
Tampo. Florida, were landed at Fort be taken to give those regiments wh‘eh ff^ts to get ont of the Copper r.ver
an ^polntment to meet the
MePhereoD today by Major Tyler wlU have not yet gone to Ue front a ebanee
Frank Fletnlsg fell ever a prsclp'ca
praaident at Ue White Honse at S:4S
the hospital troln. Nearly every
see s< rvlce In Cnba.
:oo feet blgh la Ue Valdes giacier sad
this afternoon. Secretary Day and M.
aboard Ue train had typhoid fever sad
' -as killed.
a^“oOTh7>Lo ArFd^nIkw '
VSt >ma«e'me^mlm
Thlebaot were also preeent. The amOClow. IcssMil res sarMcUwMir VtotoMctoepMSvhMM iB «w*aM
A sptesdld esteb of salin-m has been
was nosble to rise from hto berth, and
r. Ur-svwxoWibsmwwdwwameMiepai^Mlsmcptoaetee^
haseador wlUdrew after a oonferenee
Washington, August s —Tbs govern- made for Ue Alaska eaanerlea
wlU very few ezeeptions every
laaUnc more thaa aa hour, and it was
on Ue train was carried on a stretcher seat to wisely standing pat till Rpaln
Uat Ue partlee bad mnWDOM OAXLOB 18 OOMSXDXBATX
omes sqoarsly np to tbs scratch.
to hto ward In Ue hospital
ally acread to retrain from makinf any
Thoae who know say whea Ue flaal Will Met Xmbarraas Spain Whi'.s Fba
statement ae to what eccorred.
•crew Is tnrned Ue Maiae aed all oUer
Is la Xonrning
farther meetiag has yevbeen arrsnred.
had Bpanisb breaks will bs
Lucerne, August 3 —Count Mdgnr.
thooffh Us cantereaoe was not eoneln- TerribU Dtoaaier In Bpaln Oonalng
Don Calos' eoostaat companion.
berad and all Ue people whom
Bsavy Lose of Lilb.
L'nitod States has storied to protect *«» a oesstgr to a e<trr**i>->pdrnt in
Spsdsl to Tbs HosxtBo Baooan.
_______ ,
I Peru to tbe effect that D «» Carlos -111
. Bacasta Calls a XsaUnp of Laaden
Valeads. Spaia, Anr<>st 3.—Tha vll- will bs provided for.
faUower. not to embavra..
epsclal w Tm MoBStse Bafoen.
lace of Medians has beea wrecked by
Corre^xMid with the Trareree Gt7 lAober Oompanf.
Spain while the to in monrsisg.
Madrid. Anffost 3.—Premier 8ao*U
a eyeloae. which klllad many persons
This clearly defined aUitnrlr. says
We have for sale Good,
has anmmoned Senor Sllvela, tha eon, Oont Mslgar. coupled with tbe pmaSeversI boasea at HomUloa have been To Bs Made Into Thv
•ervariva Imder. aed oUer poIlUclant
OhargeeBegarding Treatment
eece of tbe prince at Lnc*rne, far f.os
enfoUsd by floods and a number of
to Madrid to eonsolt with them refardof Wounded
| the Spaelsh (roaUer. ongbl to slieoes
people have pertobed.
Washington. D. C.. Ang. 3 —PreuI-1 Ue rvp.irts that he lateads to embarinf pence terms.
dent McKinley sad Secretory Alger | nss Spain.
upon a Uorongh
> as to Ue responsibility I
prinesBenf Wales Oona to Xtanmark Bnaok-Thtaf Becnred a Lorgs Bom of
for Ue oondiilos of Ue Concho and I
Bad AhoUar Break to Bnapactei
Sanaea. which brought Ue wounded j Hava a Bond Uhanea i > Barve Uncle
apseisl isTBB Kounss Bscoss
SpselsltoTmlloBBiBs BKom>.
fram Sautiago back to UU eoantry. i
Loadaa, Aafnat t.—The dapartare of .SedaUa. Mleh.. Anrnst 3.-The Bask The most Mrious chargaa have been
San Franelseo. Angnst 3.—General
as to tbs oonditloB of Ua wound­ Merrinm bst raeeivad tbe following
_Ue Prineaas of Walaa for Ot^eahacra of Commaree hare was robbed of
Mill Macbioeiy of aU deeeriphone, indodiog Two EngiBee,
large snm of moaay at boob today by ed men oa Ueae trausports and Ucir dispatch from Adjutant Oensral Cor­
has fivenenrroney to a sappoaad
8et Wo^ Carriages and Sewa. A cimidete Saw Mill Plant
nansgeasary safleriug becanss of Ua bin: "The president directs that if
mor of a startlac acaadal
It to Ua a aneak-Uief. John Mainas. aa adlack of proper provUioas and medical aay of Ue mllitory forces of Ua Qnforaale.
belief that Uto to similar to the break varltolnt solicitor, kas been arraatsd.
aopplles. Surgeon Oeneral Sternberg waHaa tolnnds desire to become a part
WiU Us Prince in IfiU, when UePrtntoday sent the fotlowlag dispatch to of your volnateer army jpni are auUorXicblgas Mot In It
cees Ureateaed to lay tha whole affair
Major Howard, the chief surgeon with ised lo organits net to exceed one bat-!
BpSdaltoTbellomlas BseorS.
Sbaftor's army:
talloD of infsatry ”
before Ue roya! ooort of Drnaiark.
Washington. Angnat 3.—The troops
Tha management of U* medical de­
have all-beea aaaigned far Us pnivla- partment at Santiago is ssverly eritlBBOBXTABY AXOBB'B PXAJfU
cissd. Sick andeoavatascents seat oa bi* deoUl oSm for si* day*, enmt
Coatemplaung a Trip to Porte Blco
log Tbnreday noon of Aagnst 4tb
quartermaster's transports are said to W^nredsy noon Angnat loth,
Michigan troops are in Ue list
Last ofUe XonU.
led. not properly enppUed qaest is sztonded to pstroos sod friends,
mwrlst loTSf Uoiuiis* Hkcow.
wiU medicines or medical attondanes. requiring dental aerviees. to kindly
Detroit. An«ntt 3 —It U learned
or WiU anltoble light dieL Who to re- wait bis retorn. Will risit loading
dental offices sad IsbrsA^le*
.brsA^L. io
.. Dctrall
here today from a reliable soarce Uat apedsl to Tas Bonus Bsoess.apoBaible?
Report, ia fall aad take and
.od .Buffalo
Buffalo and sslo »it
»<t Ue Palls
London, Angnat 3.—A special
prevent elmUar oecurSecretary Alrer eoat«raplaies startlap
Office will be openiforVb
fo^bose wishing
patch from Bareelou says a fo mldao make apprrintmafil name as nsosl. «0. OlSrr pUcM Jon a
:ure. Aeknowladga ra- tomi
for Porto Eieo Ue latter part of Uis
. menu. TbU to taken as a poaiUve be­
General Sternberg feels Uat Injostice
We bare all kinds of sewing n
lief on the part of Ue administration near Lorlda. CstsTmls
has beea done hii department is Us cbine needles. J. W. SLsren'f boi
that peace will be an aaeompUsbed
critictoais mads of Uc ass dt Ue trass- furnishing store.
' OtwH
porto. No expense has been ^ared la
fact wiUtn a few daysBemamber Unt I do all kfafia af raBta Finally Started For Porte Bloe. fitting np houpitol ships and snpplyiag
pairieg aad ettomellng. sad Uat t cae
and do give yon Ue beet work of aay
Cbiekamauga. Us,. August S.-The avaryUi^ aeeeamry for tfaecomrart
sick and weonded. Whera
one In Ue rity for Ue money. Dee't
Xnst Bematn at Mswport Xowa PifU IlllooU regiment which revolted
be deealved by wbat otben toll you to
»ld be placed tha
agaieit its officers because lie moving
About Two Wockn.
Ue eoctrwy, bat coma and see for
Secretary of War dosa not know.
Sperlsl u> Tas Momss Bsoesn.
1 gnnraatea all my work lo be righA
osived final orders to proceed to New­
Has added B fall
Netrport News. Augnst
The out­
aad if it does not prave ao I make it
port Netrs. to report to General Orsnt
BeUtg Bast to Porta flUeo for Oomlook to Uat Ue Yeaemlto will stoy for embarkation to Porto Rico.
line of
Stop la till S o'clock every evealag
miasniy Btoroa
hare at laast two weeks yet The hoys
Major Ueneral J. C Rreckluridge has
except bnodny, la Ue Ctoldwall A LonNew Torit. Angnst S.-riadiag that
doe bnildiag. at norVi ead of Oaloe im rrUaniiti at uwAl
nre anzlons to get borne oi, forlongha, aesnmed ooaunand of the camp bera.
XMldotsr. tee «stae(l«B
The PifU IlJaois finally got away •mmtoaary atorea of Ua army do not
bBt Ue chanoee are poor. King, *f
•xuaetka sawthis momlng lor Newport News The keep well under testa in Cnba Ue war
Oattolt who has been 111 wiU mala­
rivalry among Ue regimenu mmaln-;I department has seat to Tampa Ur ship'
rial fever, to nearly well.
ng here to be iacluded lo Ue next or- ' meat to Santiago Ulrioaa carloads af To hie ondertAUn^ eBtabUshportable
oodar to move to becoming heeled. The
BosBla Ooanty Delagatea.
offineis of Ue regiments are briaging pecU of a ship being sent to Santiago enp7 the front of tbe boUding
SpaSUltoTaaMossme Rsnsc.
all pnaaible preaanre to bear upou Ue orders have beea f^eraivad to send the and the undertaking btuineea
nrnirmlB Angnat t.—The Uenzla .war dapuriaeat Seaatote aad reprea- beaaaa on tranaperta to Porto Rieo.
tbe rear.
county boavention sends to Us suu entoUvaa and oUara who are soppesed
ooBvantiaB, Glamm, Petre, Anderson to have any inflaenca are being oallad
SligbUy iBjured by a BbaU at the
Attack oa Baa Jana.
We wilt endeavor to keep it within tbe reach of^
OOBgreoslonal —OampbaU. Hopkins,

by Spain aa to the
' BMinaat^b



City Bookstore,


War Envelopes




“In Ite” FttUoi SkMti to .8«(ali
In ftrMM ftf Pit

Ladies’ Silt Waists



Reneinber Mr New Place312 Soutli UbIor Street, OpiiosHe C. IW. M. DepiL
H. £. 01BB8, Propr.

If You Have Logs to Sell


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W'ood.


HRStiRgs’ RbrI Estate Agency.
Bicycle Riders.



Bye. Wickham.
Banatorlal—-Bngbas, Thomas. Bntlar,

damp Alger to be Xorad.

WaUlagtoB, AngmatA—Tha war departaosat on tha raoommaadaUito of
SnrgeoB Geaeral Strnnburg. haa ardarMay. Olds,
ad Ue removal of Ua M.BM msB at
la. NarthTBp, Camp Algar la a saw samp at Xanaama, Ta.. forty mllaa aouU od this dig-

reported among Uc w__________ ____ ,
ttogo, but according to Ua stetomaat
of a roagk rider, now ons of Ua
wounded on Oeversor's island, he was
Bllgbtiy hurt by a tragmant of Bpasiah
shaU daring thaattodc on San Jaan

A starter
Flna Wa«N Wire Bed Sprief
For $1.00.

8M Union stroM.

H. LEDERLE.iS&T?-^"”'

While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up

It will pay yon’to try oar 13c balk coffee—a good
wholesome^beverage at a anall price.

Thona 157.

M8 Front StTMt.'





T. Ram a» J. W. EAJon.
m. Oask*m. BdiMr M»d HwafW

BUBsouraoift.Om OMCuvni


Tsx Rbciqbp bM reecivad • eommul*
m»CQ from the recralu of compoay M
BtChmp hlferirbo deeleri thel tbe^
V Ah*« roeeired oo null »4noe their orri.«•! »t thd eemp. They thiok (fetronin
Ifeht they here aot heerd from their relMtm or Meade, after beii« there
•boat three weeke. hot ettrlbate the
faalt to the peetoSse departmeai
father thaa to nerieet on the part of
«hair frteada. It U tBcreetod that
■•aaeattaOampAlfermay he for­
warded to the re^meaU at SaatiacP•tthoat attempt te deteraiiae whether
«be pmaooe to whom the lettere are
•Adreamed are aUlI at the camp or at
the front with their eompaaiea. The
SaODtz> ha* taken the matter op with
Ceacreeamao Maalek, who wUl thore^U/look into it and aecertais whp
. Abe hoT* do aot hear from homa

Vlth a Beeelw, aad nowaXi
Depetjr Uallml 8Uta* Manhai
CPDoaaeU eame here from Mipoeicae
peeterdap. haTia* is eeetody Oapt.
Barrp Baetmaa of that plaee, who k
barred with hariap aeat an ahe
letter threagb the maile te Mra. Ada
BoBaiaHar. Ifra. Hoffmaetm wae
aomplaiatof witaem. The aeeneed wae
takea hefara eommimloner Eoberta,
where he waived examiaation and wee
boond over to the Daltea SUtae i
ta the eom of WOO hall, which he forakhed at oaoe. Poetmaeter C L-Bailep
of Maooc'.ona wae preesat ae a witaee*.
aleo Bdward B- BUIott. amrahal
na. Btram B. Hndeoa appear­
ed for the defeadaat.
It k allied that a ahort Ume are
Bn. HoBmaater received a letter
Uroofb the mall aeklaf her to meat
the writer at a certain place. The con­
tent* of the letter aroneed the iadlfaatioa of the ladp and *he remilvad to
the partj and learo hk IdeoUtp.
hnppealnc that the letter wae written
bp a rowdp aha armed berMlt with a
revolver, reecdved to protect henelf
from iuolt, and went to the epot
named in the letter. There ebe tape
ebe met Oapt. Baetmaa, a prominent
dtiaen at Maoelooa. and ahe waa
prlaed te learn that he had written Ue
eommnnicatioB. The arreat followed.

StBD or HXB nmTBT.

to Taadun' Utolttoo
Bev. A. B. Wtila. who k mneh Itonreated in to* normal erork, opened the
ckae yoateedey vrith npyroprlate

sssFJ-i northern mCYGlE WORKS!
CbMpeto ud most reluble idac« to get yoar biqrcle repsired sod
pBt io good numing order. . Have had severs] years expeKence and
know bow it riioald be done. BstisfscUon gtiAni.(eed. I am telling
; bicycle soodriee st about oonL Kew and second band wbeela for tola
and to rent. Please give os s trial.
Brazing a specialty.
BXXI8. 811 Front tft, BMt

.Mlm Wirhtmmn Udoinrotmeartletle
wurk In blac.eoerd akeichlnr, the
work tbk week belnr on foreet troee,
eneb ea the pine and poplar. Tbe tioae
k ao limited that abe cannot do jMilee
to hcraeU in preaantinr the lemona to
they tbottld be. the tree oonceptlon ef

Watch This Column For Bargains!

atlon od the real obj-ct, bnt ae the,
dam have no time to devote to the
etedy of natera they reprodeea what
Mk* Wlrbtpan flrat aifftebva. oral inairncUoa formlnr b portioe of the
work. Work la torapcetlvedrawiar k
and delivered. WEftTOX A DUTTOS.
eko belnr «<«• bad tbe Uwe adopted
to bnildinr* are explaineJ, and for the
ehon time Ue elaeem have tnen
iutraetion they have aoeomplkhed
Btotea Pktrlct Attorney
Oovell oad Kaaly O. l>odt*
The work in rborraphy te at praaent
Sava Sepuntod.
.B ibe winda that blow, aa well aa the
and ita peenliaritlaa.
The law firm of Dodge A Covell haa
been dkaolvad bj matcal ooneent.
Laernarv werk k taken «p
ee'jeetnoder -‘Priinary MeihodB," a* Manly C Dodge wUI conUsne tbe prac­
ibjeet of raadiar haa been folly tice to one of Ue officmoccnpled hereto­
explalaed by Mtaa Wlrhtmaa. Tbe fore by Ue Arm and Mr. C..reUwiU de­
taacbrr haa maay obetecle* to oontead vote bk eoergiee to Ucdntieaof United
with in th* lanroare work of tbe lower State* Owu-ict Attorney tor Westers
Beat Five Cent Cigar Made. THE GILBERT CIGAR CO.
rmdva. It U net merely the dam work Mieblgaa, mableg Gmod Btpld* hi*
that Impruaea the child, hot daUy lo- headqnartem, altbongh be wUl retain
eme of tae«rffic«to the City OperaL
terroorac with Ue teacher, tbe
veraatioa la Ue eebool room aad Ue Hobm block.
All Ueee
are tefaen Uoorbt of by Uo teaeber.

and ai Ue cblldren rvow np, eerroct
Xearp O. Bnddow. i
t at the Bnrlkb will be eo Inatillod into Ueir
Aaplnm, Bae Paaoed Awap.
mind* that it will no lonrer be an efAfter Unrerlnjr at denthk door alnce
Uat Saturday atumoon, Henry
Baoort Motoa.
Haddew k dead. He paaaed away
Beory Fnltou and danghter of Nilea.
pnterdap attemoon at t:U.
hope waaenlertained at any Ume after Obiu. who bare been etayingfor
Um« at Betel Whiting, have retnraed
hk iojurp that he would
at three o'dock peeterdey momlnr the to their borne.ThU k Ueir first rUit in
Itaanggeatton of Maalp C. Dodfe, phpaieianeat theaeylameaw that the BorUem Michigan and Uev were so
AhntafttUog demonatraiion be made end waa only a few honn away,
delighted wlU Ueir suy here Uet
the coroer etone ef the new eonrt hk bedaide wae hk mother, who
they hare made airangemeom lo eose
koMeklaidi* a rood twa. and an
bach here next aommor far the enUre
dhripmore to briar bhoot aoek an
The aceideot wkieh bromrbt ao end
•bifnaRBi wonM reenltinpreparationa to the brirht career ef a yonnr
Mr. and Mm C. E. Clam and
l» beeplnr with the impottMee of the many rood ^ealitiaa. wae one of a ehlldren have retnmrd to Ut<- borne
alarnlar natera. Be waa catcher for at Thomvllle. Ohio, after spending n
Axtaod on the yenar men of the the aeyinmbaae ball teem and in i
eek In tbe city.
sior afterk fool fly in the rame with
W. B. Andrewt and family have ar­
to toe army and navy have net hoM Old Mkeioa SaUrday, bo cidlMed with
rived from Grand Bapida and will epend
ivtlAed by any note of oowardlee on one of the potieete ef the laeUtatioo,
the hell. •eme Ume hem They are etopptog at
took pane. The war haa demonatrated who waa alao after
toot there k bmrery in every walk of Baddow era* Ujered in the opine
William Modllo aod wife of Laoeaaand Mrlcken with paralyak aa a
reenlt of the eboek. At flrat only hk ter, Ohio, are in Ue city. They arrived
maan an-Attomey Otmwnl Barlara were poraiyaed. but la a ebon yeaterday and will remain a weok.
mem woo id not object eoatroanooaly to
Mm U. W. Tudbnrg and Mrs. Theo­
time hk whole body below the ehoold•• ompofor, provided the eoaetlUUon
raa aimilarly aBeeted. The melt dore A. Ulncb came np laet eveniag
dBtoeemplnatlpalated that be be a haa bronrbt eomw to a iarfo circle of
from Terre Uaote. Indiana- They etnpWtoiiut of New Jervey and welrh not
Irienda who knew and rreetly eeteem- pedorvr might at Uc WbUiog and
im than Sdo ponnda.
edtheyonormao. He had been em­ will go to Old Mkalon Uk morning.
Tn Ponnajlvanla Demoente voted ployed aa an attendant in tha aeylnm
H party consktiag of Mr. and Mm
4nwo a propoelUon to tadone the three yeern end waa extremely well M. E BsUbnm and Mke Adaltoe
CUeVO plbltorm, and are ilvinr eri- liked ty the maaareaent. Be waa an Besn eame np yesterday from Badsad.
; irtnm of a kaowledge that (bey have ardaat devotee of boae bail and hk Ohio. They will be lo Ue city for a
feaA a enttoleney of that aort of thinr- compenton* of the team arc ainoor wees or ten day*.
theae who feel the ice* of their friend
Mm A. Wlggln* of Xew York k a
keealy, becaoee of the aaeoeiatloe'
aod to*aa|>port the Cklearo plat, they enjoyed wlU him on tbe dlamo&A gneeiatUe WbUlng. She arrived
att ereolng.
I have •ioee aceomnlated other e*.
Tberemaint win be Uk<n to Ue
Lillian S. Catbman of Cfileago. wa* a
mt rcaeon* for aetinr with the Be- home ef bk pareeU. Palo, Ionia conaty,
gneti at Park Place yesterdayon Uc 4:40 train Uk afternoon. A
MUs Emily Camp arrive dfrom LaeOn troope in Coba are o»mpe4sd to abort fnoeral lerrioe will be held at elDg)Mt evening. She will go to Ometoss s eompUoation of pBlow fever aad Uo aaylnm at t;S0. In eharye of Ooort ne Uk morning.
toOew Joamaliam, bnt Uey nn brave Travoree, Independent Order of Fi
C. B. StebblDS ef Untlng stopped
ter*, of which Ue deoeaaed waa aa
Btoarb fer Ue ordeal.
honored member.
Bev. Wylte E. over night in Ue city. Be will goto
Wright wUI.offislato. Tbe members of Peuekey Uk morning.
Ue order will tom ost in a body to at­
Stoasls OamphoUk Stlml n WUl he tend Ue fancral and eecori Ue remalna
Bari Bennett baa reumed from Ue
•m of the Oontestaats.
to Ue depot
eouUem part of the etete where be
. /. fimnek Oampboll of Grand Bapide
frieno* and
erased by Troable.
flStot hk way down Lake Michlrai
Dr. and Mm A. J. SheUman
Seott Oripp of BcUoraeU. Mich., teat
felt mem yacht. Ue Ethel II. to partloihave retnraed to Grand Rapid* after a
iMto to Maeatawa bay yacht dob rotwo woke' stay la UU city.
#BUsrriday aod Saturday. Mr. Camp- was a regolar atteodant at a camp
J. T. Beodle and wife have
Mi, Haiiy C. Peat aad wife, and Mlm meeting held at that plaee. He got te
worrying over hie traobiee and religion from Ueir vklt to Ue tonUera part of
Ue sttte.
iplny trip at Marion
Jaito* Sulnberg left yesterday for a
: Maad aod alt have arrived heme but brought here to tbe aeylom leet trip to Peloakey and 6t. Igaace.
ling by tfheriB Jpmee K. Train of
( - Me. OampbeU. who U taklnr bk boat
was eccmnpMied by hk danghter.
Apwn wlU Victor MoBtarne. the bulM- Btenwn.
Mile Berde Alte, who will remain for a
Arof Ue craft. Mr. Poet etarted c
eonple of week* at Peloekey.
ahs trip hat waa takaaalekea roete.
A. J. Doyle baa rotomed from 1
J. E Catca ba* reeigned bk poaiUoo
If tbe peat hktory of oUer book
lonU-v eamplsgonCryeUl Lake. Mre a* attendaot at Uc asylum and will go
MIt by Mr. Mootao* Roee fer aeyDoyle, who accompanied him, baa gone to North Dakota for Ue sammer.
flUnr Ue BUd U wlU make Ue other
to Lodingtea for a vklt wlU relat
Mr*. A. N. Oriatt i.a* gone to Alma
toSft to Uc n«M bnetla.
Th* medeal hktory dam oonneetad for a two week*' vkiL
Jadgs Corbett ba* reUraed from PoWlU Ue Sebool of Moale will me*
Mk* WUfaelm'i Uk attemoon at 4 toakey and Charlerelx wbaro be has
•toysls Girl Took FonrU and UgbU o’clock. Thk clam k free to all papUa boon apendtog the peat week.
A. W. Well* aod John Bigmas of 61.
of the Schoel of MbcIc.
riacea Toeoday.
Tbe M. 0. 8. bicycle club eajoyed a Joeepb, are tn Ue city to Ue toteroata
V. ' Tneaday waa Us opening day of tbe
nscaatOrand Bapida BUgete OIrl. raa Tneaday'evtnlBg jest before the of Ueir boaket btutoesa here.
Qmea and B«*aie Dalsell am
B. i. Morga^ faat mara, waa ooterod
eommenoed. After Ueir ride Mk*
to to* 1:16 p^, and driven by E. W. Marion Banter nerved Uem wlU antertatolng Mr*. George B. Mamh of
irmalon at her home on Sute Nocalea, Aril
MiOey. She took foerU place in toe
C Tice aad deny BnlUvan wore
toto hmt and eIgbU to the next (wo.
veri* oreheetea wiH fnmkh maak vkitor* bore yeaterday from Cedar.
Bato Beland waeeoterod for the raoto
I. L. DasMOf
fMtordaytoUeSits dam, bat dida't for tbe danee In Stelnherg'e danetog
in Ue city yeaterday.
jp a 00 aeooBBt of a eore lagr
H n. Alley arrived yesterday from
Mr. and Mm. J. BnttU ef Waehing•*0aap Ohatter” Abandoaed.
OheboygsDtos etnel are rejoictog over Ue arrival
C. J. TnUy aad sea of Msmphk.
Kkmp Chatter*' ba* been abando
of twins.
Tenn., are to Us city. Mr. Tally k
toa /onagUdleecemprktogUe party
O Berent famUIsa to Uesnrronndleg
reeted in the Welk-Bigman baaket
an reuraieg borne yeeterday. They
Imvo epeol a moet dalightfd woek
s ef Maaktee, took
to* hay shora, Ue only bar to Ueir nmmber of boys and giria-from tbe
State 6U00I at Ooldwater. Seveml of diaoer at Park Pkoe yveterday.
plsnaare being Uc rain Uu pat ao «nUe little folk* have arrived aad are
pred Ooley of Btogbam k to Ue city.
toMy end utho party which wae to
being taken eore of.
tevo boon givee iMt evening.
O M. Dime ef Mnnhport wna to tows
BUly Tibald, who played ball WiU
tbe Bnstlere two yearn ago. arrived in
Un City ynaterdny to vklt ^ds oa
way -to Grand Bapida from The

American Steam Laundry


Spectacles, 2Sc lo $5^^"

5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents’

Guard Chains

Fine Piano for $140.

Whan tot Ooort House Ooraer-lmaa SI^ag»’ «5 f?oft
k Laid.
EptroB or Moaxixo Bzoosp.—The
layieg of the eoroer-stone of tite new
COOK. Star
Oraony, S45 Fnrat Street.
oonrt bonae, ebonid be made a memor- HIRAM

*• *■ »TBOBO.

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c

anggett the propriety of making
early armkgomeau fora pnbllc and
tie celebration. Wbymstproenre aealteble stoac. and have it laid

Bcbs, CbokeCoDfecUoiij.

*• by O:
' a^f

Furniture Bargains:
More Atlas Coupons
and F«d mtpberriea. i

to ......................
depoaii wiUto
it. -- - ................ ..

oat imponaat hktorleal facte i BAKBBY. oomer Da:
Bieected with Ue eooniy, eopiei ofj^ ,
, .


'Jg perpoom.



Stoss ragnlar —— *■ for ZSe aad Bast
LnnehmtoUewmldforltc. Open aU night^^
of enperTiaort. aod *och oUer
a* may be of intereti? Why aot make
Peripooed Us RzennioA.
liaa oeeaaioB for rejolciog over Ue
woaderfol developemeot aad pregrem
T>* exenrskm, ^ned by the tSMhPresonte a Greater Pacimatioa Tbaa
which have ehamcterixed Ue material
on aad eebolam of Ua Btota Kormal
Digging Gold for Art Kellogg.
grewU of the eonntyl and placed it In
loititote. for tost rvoalar oa Uo
Io a Utter reoeived by Bov. R L steamer Cole
Ue front mnk among Ue eonattoe of
in, .dunn,
Us oorthV Why not?
8le-»rtri..r, h« report. UntUnnfcM'pnn .. ro-un. enniar pm nppk
Uaxi-t C. Dobnx.
Inep.nnl.pUnrtTn, pMp, to ro m.Unr pnoliUp,.
W. 0 I A. Karaec
poru of a rich tad........................................
and Utt several of The following ladle* are asked to I hk party have gone. Be may follow a
contribute toUe {taurday Market to | Uttle Uter. bnt at premat. wiU Uron
be held next tktnrdey afternoon at j of hk trind*. k devoUng hk atteoUea
Uiakair* bvrikatore. froms to So'doek: .toentting and mfting log* to D.*iVBon
Hotdame* H. D. AUty. S J KelU. J. 1 City. There k aboei a* mneb money
Black, A H. Brnnett. W.Beltner. Mary Jin that a* in digging for gold, a* log*
Barry. H. B Hero#. Btuan Bates. J. J bring an almoet (abnien* sem. aad for
Barden. T. T. Bate*. Fanoy Crsw, W tbe present Ue boy* wUl eonflae Ueir '
Calkia*. H. Conk. O. P. Carver.
.TOMlo. toU... Tir, b., . nl, j ■‘■“P OppOrft, S,(I« OOS*.
Cmig, J. C. Cleaeot. A. li. Cook. Mar­ Of 10.000 feet ready to atort Uc day the f
ion Cmo*. LneyCncik. D E Carter. letter wa* written.
E Cook. Cora Campbell, Biaekman.
Fnrraatar*. Attention!
MkaJ. Aoderson. Mabel Bate*.
AU -FoTTmtera are earaeatly rrqneMTbe flae OpUclal Work done by C. *d te meet at Ueir ball at ip. m. to­
F ClemenlUe OpUelaa. ba* mad* him day. Thnisday. to attend Ue funeral
maay friead*. Thaoldog Uem tor Ueir
patmnage. be wkbr* to aononace Uat •errioe* of onr late brother. H. C. Hadbit oBce will ba at B. S. Moblo's dud- dow, at tbe aeylnm and eacort the t«io. lie Union street from t to « p. m.
utoUe Q.EAl. depoc
each dty, where be will eontinne to fit
Uxo. W. Boon,
•eye* wlU the flnmt ground cry*Becordlog Beeretery.
leose* for tl for ink munlh only.
These isme lente* will eoet yon SS *Ala*
The flneat of ioee 1
i at Ben- ^a«?jStatSrSoS*’'* CUy. Sra*
drick'i. only S oenU.
|W*B«ll«bl* AeSia Vr*a<*A

Geo. R. Winnie,.
Up-to-date Paiiter
and Fapar Hangar.

Bicycle Riders!

Buuauii ncounz,


Whichever you may wish when suiting youraelf with a pair
of Shoes, you will find In our handsome and up-to-date stock
of Ken's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th<s seaaon^of
: the year, and we have them In all shades for Walking, Bley; cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the










BOO Otttl* XMms So OmA Ow a
' BIbC
BM«nrft.N«b.. A«r. t.-i. M«Kmru't fuMM baa«b«f»kartBortf«Mtf*.
>r WO bMd. b»t pwtehed la k
; Amyof 0««l*UwFw|»rU»,w
The MtlU w«n

: Bj An«riam Foroes in Porto


•^UMOuttTi».cii, iiBuci.Hi,; ^

>tu<kM tj H..I.I

*i«Xx- •wa« o( wild bM». 1> their terror
ead peip the whole burl Jeaptd over
Poaee, A«rwt I.—Amro sad 0»j- the blsfle loto the rirer «ad were
Md have beea ivUed and the Ainerl- either deihed to pleeee or drowsed be­
«M flee holeted ^ CepUia Goodrich of fore MeUuooe er>a1d reseh tbeis.
the St. Lottie.
A deiaebMeat leaded Tseeder at Ar, rOTB froB the Olosoeeler aad the Weep
■■d fleet with ao oppoelUoa.
After eaterlac the towa aad pladaf
It ia eharire of hie atea ha Bored oa to
Qaapaaea, fear aiUea west. Here he
feaad that the SpaaUh troop* bad
ahaadeaed the plaoe aereial da^ be­
7 be aaed ae a eapplj
f depot for oar tnope.


An eumple of aoine of tboqaeerex.
pviincie p<-opl<- hare wIh.d they are
called npQD to bay a thloa with which
tbeyar^oot fenilllar atid whtch they
hare oivd of ciily on rero uid oitonml
occarioo)i I* thn* wt forth by the Mil
waokn.' bentiuel:
A yoGDK wQinaD who worfad ae a
dcanertic weot to a dentUt to get ber
teeth rrpairi'd. He tepaired th<-» aud
Waahlaftea, D. C., Aaraet B —The Beat a Lill of tS6 Ho jaktihed bitneolf
Beat advice* froa M«j >r Ueoeral MUee (or the cburRMi by explalntnii bow
are exproted to Ult of a forward , mob the blluifpi eoft bint, la osc taolIt Of
of aooot
aboot 10.000
10 000 troop*
trooa* tro*
P®* end
•*“ rao^tlr.
The 1«11
Ull wa*
we. paid,
and recently,
the port of Ponce vrer the mlliury wboi tbe little nugget (aald to be worth
rcaeda lo the direcUon of das Joan. The $10) oauie out, the woman took it to a
expeeutitn of the war department goldxmitb and bad it appralaed. fie
that the dUpatehee from General Mile* weighid it acrnpolooidy aud veined it
centa ijLe no longer baa faith ia
woald give infonaatios of the laadlng at
of a large detachment of Aiaerleao ber deotlft

troopa waa realixed when General
lOlet telegraphed to the deparliaest
yeaterday. It Isnot amleiptied that
the adraoee on tbe PjrUi E mo eaptUi
artU be aceompliahod witboot at Leaat
a show of raaictanee by the enemy, and
tha firei trouble U expected at a amail
town, aitnaled on high gronnd, within
two day*' march from Ponoe.
The aetiea of the dpaoUb garriaon at
Ponoa. bowarar lead* to the belief that
the enemy'* troopa will be (teadlly
Afivea northward witboot mneb fight­
ing, u San Joan. It cannot o* hoped
that thU fortified eaplui can be Uken
without lorolring a dood deal of flgbtiag on both aldea. aad a poaaible eerioet
loaa of life to tbe Amerioant.
Altbengb tbe eioalng of the port ba*
eat off raloable »oppIle* from tbe city.
^ it k probable that tbe eonaequcDees
here BOt been to ecrioo* aa won Id bare
beea the ea*e bad tbe iaJand of Porto
- Bieo beea lee* fruitful of the Deceaaarkeofltfe.
It ta not known at preerat what defanae* on tbe laso aid* of daa Jean
hae* been eonstracted recently by the
Spaalarda, bat it ia known that not
ago tbe batterle* all pointed to­
ward tbe eea. aad that tbe city wa«
left pcacUoally nndeleaded oa tbe land I
Before tbe ertny ander Ceoerel MUta
reaebee tbe city, bowerer. tbe Ameri-eaaaeoatB will bare learned tbe gen' aeal character of tbe San Jnaa fonifleatiflna aad tbe arranlt on tbe elty can
therefore be directed intelligently.

"go ahopping" among t
fore having any couaidei
work dooa There ia oonndenble htuobaggeiy aboat the bonnem in aome
quorteie. The public U tnld that filfi ix
a fair prtoe for a crown and ccand*
ready to pay it, on the gronnd that
good work deaervee good pay A fow
block* away (be mme work was dune
last week for fid. Jnst a* well a* If fil9
bad been pai^ and it wa* doue by a
reputable deutist. One dentist figured
on fi»6 for six beetb. and another iOO
yank away i»vforaicd the scrvlco fiw
fiW.—Philadelphia Tiinoa.

The fli« Cbtoem baby ibow in the
world hat jnxt U«a beld here. There
were *00 of ttaem. From eiobt
•Upper to ihavtm poll they were arrayed
in thuir bem They wore «aUn blonaee
that abode in tbe aim with a ailvery
dimmer. They wore embraidmea of
wondcrfnl birds and boe* and flowere
D«TW eeen on land or ko. Tbe Uttle
boys were shaven, aud tbe little girl*
had tbvlr hair stiffcDod and potiabud
and dremed aa thoagh for the grandest
fonotion, with little hirdenge* aud
fringe* of lead* and paper atop. Tbore
were gnait tinkliugs of metal and inncb
•htning of green jade. A new (aKhioo
in infant tHudgear Hbowod a halo of stiff
that niae above tbe infaoa'
Kimber eyea. Other* wore boge rrwetto*
of bilk on each temple, like a joas, and
ooe little girl had a mom- of block nlk
one stringH hanging down Irom the
back of bir btsul. Even the tnby ooin
plexions bad been hriked after On tbe
amootb. yillow cheeks BiiiDvim) tbe
most lovely )atcb of pink mug.\ pal ou
•- in th Ch.n.-*,. fashion
—---------- ------------- lonchui np.
! tbar , aon
uanMw bniw* bucuiifolly pfsi1 broagbt I cilfed.--PeiiiL'ig liarvue
to the aavy department it that the
Owu ta eweaao.
blodcade baa beea thoroogh'.y eff.-etira
Chicago ba* a novel trade in owla
State department officials aay that
they hare no lafortnatlon in regard to tbe *np|>ly ctaiiing ui tbe ccanmlssion
the tarmen' boy* ta
the reported oenfereoee between CapChe nearl y itau-a.
MkIM, tbe FreBCfa coa I Tbv find owl which case to Cbicagr
aoL aad Halted BialM Coaanl Haaaa at \ Jn Tui* munuei wa» »eui as aveuion.'
San Jcaa. for the porpoae of amaging a tanner boy, wbo had anmefauw man
term* of aarrendar for the whole Ulaad aged to cncnp it alive. It pn
expectedly rnccesKfol in riding tbe
of Porto B<oo.
Tbe lau new* raoaired from Coaeol
Baana waa that be bad luackad Oea- been freed i
making an expenmeut in tl
arnl Mile*' beadqoartere at Poaoe from —that it was pnrebased by the
Bt. Tbomaa. Mr Banna is believed to wbuee care it wo* nwuug. The freedos
be now at Ponce.
frtxn rodoics wbiob il Leoagbt indnerd
other cioumissiun m»ai to look <,ot for
owla and from the commiBsicin lirmi
u., ft ~l"i a . T—
tdeagradnnllyspread lothi' grocm.
t*rOea*ral a*a Xaeued « j hoicber. and market k«-i*;r, g. iu-rally
j oi uje city. Now n large percentage uf
Waabingtoo. D. C.. Aoruti 3.—Tbe Ibeec men keep an owl down iu tbe cclEhiatinaaier General today issued an or-; lar dnring the daylight and bnug it np
. der modifiyiog hi* order prohibiting |
<l*^tne*» falia. It k
■ theAkpatchof mail to Spain er her
Aepeadenelea. *0 a* to permit poaui tainmc owl* are mgpr than repaid by
tb.-tr MTVice* in vanqoiiblng the rat*
_ manicatioai between tbe L'alted aiidmi. c Tbe ovuers and janitor* of
8i.U,..d Pra,». Porv>^
The postage rales are fixed aa fol- or. « *. i -giumuf to realize tbe \ sloe
lorra: Pirit-clas* matter, & cent* par of
;io owl when rata, mice,
half onnoe, poaui aarfia. aiegle.S cent*. i oockr-»rii.-* au.i v.-rmin genernlly are to
donbk, 4 eenu; amund aad third-claaa ^ cstcriuiuama.-Chicago Time^Hermatter. 1 cent for each t otiaeae:foanbelaas l oeni for, each onaea: regiatraUoa 8 oeau.
Tbe ganrbos. or dweller* u the exTha mails for Ponee mnat be ad- tensive plsins of Bo«i.» Avres. are
_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _8Ute*
_ _
_ _ _ marreloasly deiti-ron* with
to tae
-kcent at Ponce, and delivery of aay : ^
tbum have acqnmA
artiele may be withheld if deemed aee‘“K practice ench .kill In




______________ ,
pit* pocket* with them Some um.- ago
! • Frenchman who wu* fisbiug m oo.. of
-■ ■
I tbe rivers of Boroo* Ayres wo* wsruiA
Harley Badly Injored at Blk | to be on bU goard against the light finBaplda.
{goednanvea He fortLwiUi kept a vigBlk Baplda. Angast
While Ed.. Uant watoh on hi* corapaniona boi
Harky and hu father, Tbomaa Harley. | oevertbelem one day. when bta aiuniioo
la cloeely riveted on fata float, a wily
driviag ioto town yMterday

at aa eogiae aad' raa away, throwing
them both oel *f tbe wagon. Tbomaa ; ^"podroL — Biaton TranKjni*.
Barley, who k a very old man. had hit
1^ braku and waa hart iaUmally and
■n War ef ristuec t*.
cannot .iva. Ed. waa not to bndly inTonrlat—It wean me ont oompleMy
to travel.
CbanoP AoqnalmaDoi
•a,- -Thelma- and all
kuat pwfamaa at Walt's Dmg eompela yon to do it. 1.
Xooriat—Na 1 em tntveUng for my
health.-Cbkego TMbun


» ' »v~ »

ago. Bat the qtM«B eeat word hnek to -'
HeakBfOB. A«g- I--A. 3. Herras of fight a* long na there waa a man laft
BsiBff Foobed tor Ooe. Grand Bapido. formerly of Trsvera* If they aarreadetail they woald be bn*
amor by a Large
{City, hu bean arrested hm aad aentlo headed; that k, the offieere. Thar*
1Haves to anawar to g charge of I
qalU a lot of of private* and ana*
Honolnln.Jaly».»laBasFi»Bckeo. ’*^‘»‘*‘Mr money nader' fake
deeertadi com* over to «nr
<kl.. Angwi I.-Tb* political pot k be-'
la Of»ad Bavaa he aollolted 1 Usee and gavi
ginning to boll farioealy In Bonolaln. j >Mnraaee for the Preferred Aooldeat j They aay: "Am«rkaa* no fight fair.
That great Americna iaatltatioa, tbelaampany of New York aad eoileetnd ' They fire, give yell, and raa right ni
pollUeal bom. hu. within a few day* Ipaymenu on tbe premlama The them."
d la tbe arena la tbe peraoa of,aa«Paay would not aceept the peiP ^ The Cabans aay: "Cabana ran np,
F B.-Mc!itoeker. tbe eoUeetor general I «>®*i fire, aad ran back afnin: bat Ammtoan
ol ^ flawaUaa rapablle.
I The
jw keep* finag. and ran* like hen,
•■^watlforOwaor' k tha •»<»•», Cemeury Amoelatloa will be beld IhU
«.th* Bpaalarda. He no afreifi
of themen who bare ted la polHtce afteroooa la theLndlea Library oariorm |«<«ythiBg.''
hara for the put fire and a half yrara ' at 1:80.
W* are living fatnow; we bare benni,
Tha worken anmber aUtece. They;

\ potetoee, oalona. eaDoad beef, hard
arethemembere of the oeetral com- j The New Vork Waregreph Go. rrilLiack. coffee, iogar,
mitueof tbe Amerioan Cnloa
City Opera
Hoau 8aV- :.—-------------Bat the first few daya sr*
--------^ party. 1 "“rthi"
----------Tbia orgaalntian haatoogbtloeootrol
with Ufa moviagpielaret' were here. weU, we managed |e
thlngi. bat bu beea only partially kec-1
Cuban war.
i and. that
ia about all. and I thiak ahoat^T^
--------------------------half of that wu exeltemeat. Half of
IB hk eeuloB of tba oeBtral eommlL t
oarliviag. t mean. If one waok a faa,
1 kuiiw loll well*Tht* ii my teira. my tee Mr. Dole had bat a ooao * of advo- *
^ all be hu to de latosiep np to a bwh,
owu land, and tneh a* 1 left. Viro catea la s geaerel poll of tbe voura.
* cat f.B one, trim it a little, and be bu
did be eare to eoter aaeta a eoauau he
I, • dandy palm leaf fan. There an on*
“It i* a true atoryi too. to ell IntonU
Wriiee of Bk Bxperteaeee oa f j ooaaaw here, lota of them. Tbere an
aud pnrpnaee, and if Adam sbonld land would aully carry tba day. Thou
tbe BatUafield ef
^ \ aome *f the moei bunurni bird* here 1
tbetv today he wouldn t know the dif- wbo have 10 haaUly forwarded tblaga -^
forrnoiN nnivMi it might be that the
t ever uw. They are flying aU aroaa^
ttnoe aroond the garden of Eden had a preerat American minlsur It powerfol, v
W me. while 1 em writing.
few mnre paling* off of it and the gate t aough at WuhiDgioa to get tbe gov^ I have been toklag'a few
wa« haiigii.. on one binge. “—Deorer' ereorsblp.wUb ellght ladorsemeat from ] Tbe foIIowlBg inureating letter wu placet and evenU u w* go along. Tb> ’'
here. Oneof the local leader*, aod the; wrltteB by one of IheSumnllCity boy* may oom* bandy tern* day. I csw
maa with
the -------blggeel
i.k perbap* .L.
- follow— to u, han,,:
, oeaeral Miles ycaterday. He reneh. .1
eigsaU la UalUM.
log. bu aa Importaat and well-pnyiag
Proviaee of Gaetiago da Cuba. I
day. Ha uya ba
With the modern npiil firing gnna
July 15. mu.
I will have na boyi oot of hare luido ef
then-’* little firing by men in mass ex­ ^oeitlon that he deeiru to hold. Oth­
cept when tlM<company ‘ rallies" to re­
' two wwks. He k differeat froup OoaArraag-meaU
pel an attack. TUmi e citric or armlcirere made ymterday ’ era! Shafur. Sbafier would fire thorn
clc i* formed aroand the officers, and the
Mr. Del* u aa
, ,,
*“'•*’»: all the Ume they ukod for lo oosaMer "
bolluta are aunt lu every directioo as
!ont k throwa awey. Th* friend*
of Mr. Dole feel this keenly.


*^pata i* the eloweet ooontiy a
Themie a feble that 1 here
fliDce ny cfaildhood, which !■ M
Iowa: Oace upon a time, not naay
year* ago, Adam aafced leare to reriflit
the eartfa, tracro d« raflRlorlaflyfadgae.
Revlog oUalced it, be went fltat So
Gefmaay. The tlglit of the fatbeelaod.
nodded with omrenitiee the roeda
the eanala the bridgee, ell
oor great forefather, who no Imger
made oot hta former Uu<L
He went on to Englaod. aoA lo. railwflye, engine* blniog In I'rery dlreoelRB, put* with farctu id mana. a beebiro. an ant mole, ell biuy. bneUlng.
bnyi&R, aelliug. Great wea bl« diaappoturmoot at finding urcryxblag ebang^
—aaport of country, drrea, tosgne*.
ciUc*. life. Pntuoe be could no more
knowagain. Hot, •Hellol Whattotbiir
he exclaiiued with ioy aa be croeaed Che





pomiblo for a man to “bear himself
think." but with a line cxtendlog rod*
away to the right aad left and with a
Strang wind blowing, to ny nothing of
tbe musketry, tbe officer's voice cannot
be equal to tbe emergency. Su bo re­
sorts to signals—rlsual, with his sword,
when smoke and landscape will allow
otherwise with tbe bngie or with t
bonrw whistle in the bill of bis sword.
Pniporly drilled aoidiers of lb9<inadily
tnicrprpt the slgnaU. Thorn with tbe
swurJ aresiuple: thooc by the bngleor
whistle* are combinatitou of long and
abort blasts , aa. for example, os
one, "Haler' two long oues.
ward!" two abort (xm* and cue long
one. "To tbe rear!" two long
abort cDoa,
one lafH ooe and two abort onea,
"Cease firing!" Tbe iic«KXiuuiissiuoed
officers along tbe lino, beanug these signala repeoi tbe cummanila
—Hartford Courant.


Gradually the !

Senator Oaliom, One of th*
elonera, Hoe Btartad.
Bpringfleld. m.. Aag. s -^aator
Bhelby M. Callam aad rrif* left bare
this BkorBlng for Cffileago and will alert
(ram there for Hoaolals oa Thanday. They will ba joined la Chi^ ,
by Mr. aad Mr*. William Barrett
Bidgaly. Mrs. Bldgely ia their daugh­
ter and artll acoocBpony them oa the
trip. Tae other member* of the eemmlMlon will oko oaeemble 1a Chicago
ea Tearsday and make the atari from
Xveryone hu heard of Lovaeyk
eoadiu, pockageo all sltee aad prico*
St 8 B Watt'a Drug Store.

Wmiam's Petoekey Oream. pure;
(rutt jniem. cold aparkllag soda water,
clean rpoons and glaseea. Tbia mix-:
: legend k tore eoDstltutn oar lee erram eoda at
Wsit's sods fonntaie.

(vpt tbe glass caw* of moseama No
loujpv ik thenfraiuiir the tuuioos aoug,
"lin est pa. mort" uppli.wUa ev.-o
rouotely. fur not ouly l> the gtv«t NapokoD as dead a* bUlliroui'k, hut hi*
(aronte caliluige trve at thu cntraucpie« of Lnngwond, hi. prikon iu St.
“cieoa ba* (ullnweil him luin doKt.
Tbe obiiaary of tin. veiieniiie me
morial is dcly clir’inu l. d lu the Kew
Bniirtiu. ond a bolanicoJ Ksr is lOjed
over the fact that the demiM-of ihU
plant moan, the exnn. tlou of tbe
aptoieson the l.laiid BUd probably It.
disappearance from thu vegetabJu kmgdoiu. It WB. a very old mv. aud Na^eoo ofuai iiasscd it and admiml it
iRg tbo renainanre of imperialism
rsure a propoml was made p> iransport the NapoUvoic cabbage tree m the
.Tardiu des Pldiites iu Poria but it waa
Oiver rarruA oat. This relic of the em
pire is^w loet to France and to every­
body el**'. It was Su (i.-t high and of
very gresi age.—Loudon Tel^'rapb.
Me 0.«* to roav ral*.
Lord Rosrbery has perhapa, for hit
y.ars lu public life, atlcmled
mor< faui-raU than auy uth.T poblic
He. like LiM colikhtuy. waa
preWDl at l-'th Lord Boaeousfifld's aud
Mr >.tad»to'f. The two artiRt. wbo
rr].rv-i,uv. tbe Ro)*l a.adeii.yac tbe
fiiLenil < f Lc.-rd L>.-acou>fl<'ld wnre, by
(>«< wuy. L.'rd Leighton aud Sir John
klillalk, and ol the bnrio! of t-oth |siiuter*. under the tl-n......« St PbuI'k Lird
hc>K>huryiu.;.U'il. v. neu farriiual N. wttiac diiA. Mr (>lad««-i)tt tlid uot ihiuk
be wunid "he in ploee" at (he grave of
kisoldtnocd. bat r.ld oppujcut The
day iiefi're the a vikiuir called
t the Ulminghaiu uniuey sud asked
ermiiMou lo go ii.ti. it... eban'-b where
he eofliu -'aa Tbi. - ,->].licaui bad txjinu
tram Loudon specuiiy for tbe porpoae.
aud it waa Lord Hneehory.—Aao Fran-

By iooenUting a darx red roae boah
Into a yoong oak tree a Chlmga
whom namu. by the way. U A Bure,
mys bis father, who wu a gardener,
Kuxeeded 40 yean ago in prodndug
what was thoagbi to be an imposaibmty in flaricnUorc a jet black reea Tbe
recipe which be give* for oovering tbe
joinu is: Two potrud* pine pitch, o*m>qoarter pooud thick rarpettine, one<loarh!r pound yellow wax. one-baU
pound anaalted batter or lard. Beountiyu cable menage annoonced that aa
auu-tcor bo ricaitnrikt nanud M. Feti■olT ot Veronegb, Boada, bad alao *Boeueded m iwodoeing back roae* by graft­
ing. NudetaiU of bis praoDW have been
giveu ooL—Now Turk Frem.
A Canadian exchange is rapoasibk
for ibri^ytlwt an Indian helougiuing in cdniparuiive {xwee with bk foor
wives and Mms lo U> bappUy oaneoled
for (he death of tbeir i3 predeceucra

pM eoeld be woo au many liaea b«t be
Hark Oreen—The ipern Btnff. Ho klWyearsolA The eeniid teeth is bk
------------ tSeaaita a wnnd bead ore mid ■ to be tbe thiiAmi with
whidi nattm bu endowed him.
at Walfa t>ng Store.

o. k.
l^e him at hk word.
There are frail* of all klada hero.
Oh. hr'theway.wa hare hnfi aomo
Bare had baaaoaa. lemeaa. maagrove*. new potatou tainod to as. I' tall yon
•ly oveiy idadone can imog- | what, they wore great!
‘"1, , ,
Well. 1 wiU olau for th* pneenh
Oh by the way! I mw a pretty eight
to hear from yoo by retnra
SoadoT afuraoot. We are placed u mall. I remola u oror
a eopport lo a batury. They ordered
os to get down behind th* bill wheal
NelboxJ. k\caorr
they begaa firing, but eow of aa| CompoayM. 84ih Beftmeat. Mkhlwouldn’t go. Weauidoutt^ aeq the «*■ volanvor..
effect of OD artillery dre. Oor battery
knocked out two S,
etroyed two Mack hoaaoa aad drove
thorn oat of^olie o lot of of their rifle
pita without oar loalag a oua. Bat
eoy! when they drove them out of the
Maalatoa, Mkh.. Asg. 1, Itofi.
block booM* aad trencheo. yoo oaght Hem* ProtecUf* Aaa’o . Gaylord. MIdh.'
Dear «rs:-I roctovod todor thra^
to have beard th* old gatliag gun open
ymir diauiet manager. W. B. B^y,
fir* OB them They bad the gatllng a cheek of *80
»M (». (a fuU Mttlomaat to
placed ao they coold sweep their myaeddoat eUlm.
treaehci aad there wu more than on*
..yoo for the fair aad
Inwhfipaalard turned hk toe. op.
Poor devil*, they bad to fight, thoagh 'STuoa^^
they waated to aarrendar aome days- Jtoi Vlae atreoi.
Maalaioe. Mloh.

The Way They Settle!



Saturday, Aagast 6tli, 1898,

. 4

Consisting of Choice Farm Mares,
Heavy and Light Draft and Driving Horses,
4 to 8 years old, weighing ftom 900 to 1600 pounds, at Geo. Moir’s ^ V
Barn, opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse Olty, Hlch.
^ .ij

Sale Commences at 1:30 p. m.


TEEMS OF SALE—Five month's time will be given on approved
bank notes, raal estate or chattel mortgages at 8 per cant Interest, or

6 Per Cent. Off For Cash.
Every horse will be sold as represented and tried when sold
on day of sale and all responsibility ceases on day of sala Semember. no side bidding will be allowed, but they will be sold to the high­
est bidder. 1 will sell horses every day, privately, on same terms



rajfi jcuururo aboosd, iotbsdat, ACOU8T4 i«98
Xl U ttam Xa th» I
• -r r,mt»


t rave te bat* her promlas aad lakeamd tm.
EacA seMav MWr wWA U I rManwA
■a mt aw back the riac. aad all arM awr
<7h« iMlm that 1 wrote her she hsd bortwd).
Bbr look back ev«T ««»> Uwi sbe bed tpoha
aod tiectnl (bat 1 coarider tlwB DOatd.
Onr short enssssiiiesi tbiti su eoea was ktofcea.
tbe dmn M lore was orev. bc|« wukead.
Aodt^ehebede aw go-Uw week rotee. tsl


Tben an a tramlMr of ratt in the

stood tlwt baiOTeitong the oottoo tnili
t&doatrj of the oortb, bnt the one eap»-

to mind if tbe indirect And refy
■ « effect of tbe wool Kbednle
on tbeX^ptton indtuoy tbtoo«h the
waip inllU.
Tblf bae bees rffcmd to
fauidtntaUy, bat a ooi tldcratton of tbe
jeottoo tnblem wonld be inoam{deia
■oritbool taking into ooratuil tbe full
^eaxiatt of tbe wool goodi trade npoo
dfae rerivins btnoeaa. In fact, a part of
(the wool Kbodale .ne a* nocb a oottca
tariff a> it if a wool tariff.
Tbe Ainciican people bave been boy■
■icr'TKitiif of drewi gooda,
' :
facUHiea In
oar people took
4 w u,vou.ovO yard* from tbe Engliob
. «nllJf and mbie than fi.000.000 yaida
IroB the Frcncb milla Nor were tbey
Tccy bigb priced pooda. tbe avenge
•COM of tbe Enplikh parebaaee bring 17
cents a yard and of tbe Frcncb pnr«haeca 2i oentf a yard—that if, tbe
great bulk of tbtoe drtas pMd» was
fnade of cotton warp and wool fiJIteK.
Bnt'^ Dinglev bUl waspaMecl. and
tbiugf wen differeut A t bao^ baa
come over oat French and Eugliek im*
fMrtariona, aud wltb it tbi-re li a ebange
in tbe ooadiiiou of Uk- yarn and warp
(nUls here and tben.

Instead of' baying that grade of dreaa
goods freen Eoaopo, Inetoad of giving
tbe Frencbniau and tbe EngllMunan
aaployment in tnalritig tbetn, instead of
keeping tbe English and French cotum
tpindlia bomaiiug tofornifb tbe warp^
tbe American warkingman u now bo^
weaving tbe cloth, and tbe Atnsrioan
•onon mills are snpplying tbe warp.
Then if an e^jnally noticeable Tedaotioo in the porchanfr of other foreign
cloth, mncli of which Is made with cot­
ton warp Cotuparing tbe oenbined
ItuparaticDcaf "clotb"aud dieasgoods
boogfat from all ftindgn coantrita, we
get an idea of the varf amount of money
SQit abroad and cf tbe large amoant of
labor that was lost to oar borne workingtnen onder the Gorman-WUsoo bill:
'April. 1807..............^
A oemparison of tbe entire time slnoe
tbe pasnge of tbe Dingley law with
tbeoomepaodliis time'nf tbe [Bwrions
year Indicates that in iu first year that
benaficcot measoro will bare saved
abont «2S.0CK>,000 to Amerianf in thla
part of the tariff acbednle alone.
In tbe June number of tbo Onited
etstca coonlar reports Is a letter wiittm from Boubais. Prance, by W. P,
Atwell, sndcr dale of Uarcb 8S. 1896.
Speaking of conditions at St. Qneotin.
be save: “Work elackened. owing to an
oreri^nction of dna» gcoda
yams have fallen in price in a greater
proportion than raw oocten.’’
In anotberpari of tbe aairtc letter Mr.
Atwell BQVB. "Tbe decrease in ordoa la
attriboted to general btiaioe«s stagnaticD. to probibirive tariffs in (os^n
m&rkets and to compesitlan. ”
Dnritig tbe same week in which Ur.
Atwell's letter was written 1 was in
K«w Bedford.
“Bowis bofiDcas in the warp mills.’’
X asked a praminmt mannlactnrer.
"Good; greatly improved, “ be replied.
"Any advanoe in tbe arlling prioe ttf
"Abont 17>< pweent"
"Any advance in wages?”
tfClMTo wonld bare been a redootian," said be, "were it not for tbe ctx-

ColumbU was



Alpin. "I know It's queer.” abe wed to
ex^sltk "for strangi-n. wbeo tfasy re tntroduoed. always ttarv at me as If I were
some aort of forelgnA wbaa I'm
(hank goodneoa! But It's tbv namt
got. and I’lo gnlag to try to live up U
6o CotombU was notfalng If not pa


t-4 - a.,« M. SHIIIIEI 5S.S JLM.'S;

wuBt MlebroM their own eanntiT-e Inde-,

to stop uo. '
Bo ibr na cf tbe aftmoon was ______
in ploittcg. Olom erackera and oUmt flretrovks were to tie mcrMly procured and set
off In rarifios plaoes at tbeflrvtlapri tnlADlght. Tbs cbiuub buU was also lobe
rung, as usual, and two strung am>i4
girls wsv doultod tor ibis duty. One art­
ful damsel undertook to get possowloa of
the Uoma guards’ Ug drum and beat U,
"Only I shall bsw to make op with Joe a
Huls.” obv prutcMed. puckering her Upa.
Oltun promised to blow boms and ooo^,
but the great act was to be tbr firing ot
Uk- oannou, and this tbe adrestnrans ColumbU raaervnl (or berMlf.
“Tbcy'd never beUeveweoonld do that.
but I'vrwBicbed tbetn lou of Um«e. and
IkTKTWwe can
I wouldn't mtm It Uw
lytblag. J shall want you. Hilda Gra•

"To what





'ITJjc new Diuglcy tariff law.
yarn is wootral fur warp for the grade
cffklcitb wbicb has b(«u imported and
which ii. being niaik- birs now.”
Mr. Jobii C,ntbbrtsnn, iriitcrof Tbe
Teitil.- Excrisiur of Cbarlott*-. K. C,
inforaed UM- tliat be ba<l kept tab on
an a.utberu uiiIIn uid that tbe warp
mills all over tin- eousb wen- running
nigbt and ilav.
He pUtvd tbe nrlrmire
in warp af 81) per ceul and xiid tbiit it
was being sbippid to PbiladeJpbm and
to oUmt cities br warp in dn-w. goods
and other clolbs with wool filling.
Tbns it is. one sort of n-lter is oomiug- Ton npQU t<oi. carlusd iiflur earload of cotton warp U nuvled with
wbicb to make tbe cloth that lU- Amer­
ican pwipl<-wc n- bu.ving abroad under a
tariff reform ]>uUcy. Mills tnaking warp
rtlleve some of the preasim! od the cot­
ton cloth market
It means len cniploymcnt for tbe
F^ch. for the Gcman and for tbe
Euglieb workers, bat men- for onr own.
Tbuae who bold the iutereot of fondgn
laoorvrs above tboae of America will
want a n-ium to tbe policy now dis•arded, bot iboae who think of Amerim'a worker- first, tbuae who want to
save f(T them that wbicb is rightly
tbeirs, the American markut, will favor
retaining oar pnaeut syetern of a psotertlve tariff.
' Tbe tanner, too, finds that in tbe
Ameriipli worker be hasas-ureeastomor
tea bls-'prodncts. («>e wbc U nenr home.
WbCD that Amvican has steady wtwk
at good wages, tbe farmer has a good




Attar reading tbe Oragon aloetion fig.

Ever Bmed Chrtf

■ns mo» <d Uia H«w Tavk and tam■ylrania Demoaun are mon than ever
oaovtaoed that a eampal^ of staM
imoet is tba only twnyilga ter Demo­
crats this year.
Unfmttumtely for tba


I>r, A. B. Spinney, of Detroit, alae plant of tbeoe pradani
pr^wtotor of Reed City Sanitarism. it
the votma havMi't
coming to your town, wbere 1« will
slightest intareot in state or any oaiTOW
Temais for oat day only to give the I
nick an opportunity to cooaiUt bin; and local imoea akprenmit. Ercots and
that cannot see him at hUt>aoiUrium-<--—---------------- ------------------------- Importonoa
Tbe doctor has ao much faith In the are befors tbe eyeatd tbe Amoncan paoezpcrience be baa bad in treaUng
ating I pie. Ptoayuuo poliUea have been swal__________________________ _ ill gire one
_ nth'a treatment and medicTne free, nothing to tlien whom minds are .kk-.-

.........................................- -- -------every patient wUI stale to their friends
the reaalta obUiuod by hU treatment.
All forma of chronic diaeaaet and deformlUet treated.
No i--------

O- P. CABTn. Atmt

John R. Santo,
Gtieral lisitaiee. .
(FarAerg Meok.

log proeperity and posrsr t
Btawn.—New York bnn.

Below la a Uat of the buying and aeUlag prteea of ywterdv “f ffrocerieo,
proTUlona aad tarn fwodaeta 1a Tr»v

ket rsamfkl ^
Half tfir men yon me- sitdng on the


•owtjjwa necB.
Oev Pork per bbi. new.................. fit W
Pork per M...................................
Short Oat Porte......................................
U *>
Short Cnt Pork per t>......................
Plonr. H L. AOabeat...................
S 00
Eye Plonr. H. L. A Co. Beak.... 4 00
Menl, B. t> A Oo. BmC...................
Feed, H U A Co. Beat....................

with tberr families tn tbe ereotng are being rtmunded that tbe gnw

found soant enoouragenient ggHlon

loyalty. Tbo wboli- cvmntry was gulng to
the dogs: that was eildent. A glancw at
their Degleoted sawrt. wordy yards anil
Uie white paint scaling (rooi a Rmggllng
proof enough to this
mildewed community.
Naturally when the wag with S;nlB
brukc out there v-as no emh
be sure. Jod Slisnim. tbe local pollUelan.
made off to Washington to try (or an ap­
pointment. but h( snon came liack and reponctl a general state of rottetinesa.
"Tbam RpanlanU.” he derlared. ‘-an

body gti uoy show exorptln a ruck of ricb
men's sous."
"Wh.v don't TOO enlist In the ranks and
serve yonr anfntry thut way? " demanded
Columbia, with charartcriMle aggraolveBcos.
'I'd cull that better btulnera for a
big. ouuog man Uke yon than loafing
about and grumbling here. '

glod BnDOar'' on tlit- wlge of the crowd.
-'Kttoh tnesQ-vto under (hem rlncom.
panp*)” ruaiwi JouL '‘Better run hotua,
little gal, an Atrk on a few motv of them
ml. white an blue posies yuu've aotout In

pn-tmnrk<d Ni-wlmiv.
Even the new* of ibebrilllaBtrtetory at
Mt'MIb fell flat In Kustlval.
• Jest banv-ned k." nnnmenled Joel.
"Likely tbe.'^ianb

wbi-ra. an wboTs
say wc bid savltcbax enough on
our ban's
B'nmdy. specially with that gal I

HoanwhUe the Utr artilkny orwps were
Standing In Urrlllo triumph by their fumIng B —
"I thought I was lust blown to atonisr
' Uamlo, stlU daoeing about.
i-i (My behind it.
■ Lucky you didn't
Clomby. That was a ival enie pks of
b a Sramcker.
firsTacker. See,
yonra to set It uffwith
It's kk-ktd a bole right Ihraugb tbo beck
of the shed r
• And isn't tbe smsU portoegy awtnr'
eried Hilda. ««tlng
_____ ^
”1 ratb.-r like tbe smell of gunpowder
mytoU." answered Columhla stoutly, but
ctK.k.d and
Now for another one ’ shouted Mamie
‘Burry up, Clumby, brine anyludv
But we're hardly
any new«;wper
left fur wadding,
I'd DU Idtw tbe old
What win ws
thing would take I
»H., with rtralnlng arms and heroic dlsregard of grime, they ;>ulled their htwvy
ordnanoe back Into pusllton and flil.d It
grass, nmuilng It borne with all thvlr
sMv ngih
• Ikin l be rirald.

TN.? always fill It

itb her exertions.
■'You didn't forget to pm In tbe pow-

1 st>rang to her f.tei.
throng of dark. gi‘>il<ulatlng llgurvw were
ppwslug up tbe slo|]o. Juel ijlucimi at the
bead of tb<- euluniti.

l*“kry Lull.

'Vou sh<«t that gun again

iwsfsUy. Uasypsctoiuiastcaaaotbsirestsd


tat doeiork di-



Terms ter bosrd ssd

Is tae Usltsd Atous.
-, we give a written guar
- case cf
antee to cure every
PILE5 and
Alto, we h ive a lying-in
hospital department It onr Sanltarln»Joursa
-----------------CBIBHrv Will hs i
osi ITtb

Travama Ctty, WdB

Tiavseae Ot^ Market

cBtting.—Alchlaon Glohfc
trlatic. and bor name, boweverodd. didn't days wlMD Kurtlval mteviocd luetf a
yeara ago from Cleveland,
atwm Inappropriato.
bad link-p>«d model of pacrlotlsio.
pacriotuio. It was kept boused O^o;
Ohio; ^
was 15 Mara tn general prac
Btaamar Onakama
Uce; after
after that lectured as Professor
to deck burwilf with ihv naMouaJ cukini In an open shed at the lop of a dlgfat rise oce;
of Anai
Anatomy and Physiology In DviruU will run oe East Bay as follows:
wtdob ahe au imwlstoiitly flauntud. (or na­ of ground just ooi sido Uie village.
. 6:»0a 0
Homeopathic Medical College
-We wont try to move U down," mid Hwaeoi

-for Z Leave Old
ture had printed tbe red. white sod blue
yeara; was
Columbia "We d best shoot It off right years;
8 years Superintendent of Arrive Elk Raolda.
la datvo tints on ber gluwing (ace. and
Alma and VpailanU asnitariuma. Lean- E'k Kapida.
blight stars thonr there, too. right out of
. e:tfl a s
At Ust Uk- night of grat crenta bad Thiacxperience, combined with many Airivs Old Hlulon.
tbv blur, tc tiiako nil abanlutcly perfect
to br dgnslized by a new revolt yeara* atndy in the best hospittls in Leave O'd Mlsatou.
ftbo was burwiU oor oouDUy • tatavst,
Arrive Essl Head..
U:tOA mI BKalRst orurUwrlng tyranny
AIlKusU- the country, and ecamlnlng and ti
trwwt eoitikai
}:<» p m.
Leave East Head..
I vol was ashx-p opparuntly ext.____
,it Joul_r^lo- log
_ thousands of chronic
But pslrinllsni Was at a discount
----------- •|nnd his J.ueh and prepared him to cure when the general Arrive Old MlMloa. a Hui,t)-rlll.-. as It was Insult
still bauntadly vague pracUUoaer fails. Hare ,yon been
sick IwaVeOldMhalon..
t "tbom
"thoto suipod
stoinad pntucom- fof
‘or yeai
years ?
Are ,y->u discouraged 7 ,{i Arrive Elk Rapids,
.ppiv-benslons anont
e:isj p. in
Call and see ns, we will
ti ■■yon whether

i Leave
Elk Rapids

hurlih-nly the Mill motmllght WM Jarrod we can cure you or not. If we cannat 1 Arrive O.d Mission........................ e:«bp.m
tpinsi to mouM!
(.ho .^1,^
o, , l^U
enre yon, we will tcU ynn what relief ,
'Bos will i«»ve the Mereantlle Co's
lutdii t rualisrd 1 pi^ Hsng out wlttaeUshtogsoddljsxwdant we can give you.
| Block. Hotel Whiting and Park Place
IW sinMtlon
I r>-inenihcT that whvo 1 i prM-IpKsiUT llkoaflivalarta. Then thereA^'Remember. one month will be ' at l;S0 p. m
'Bus will
also eonneet
wont tliviv to MnB a tannery In IML tbo ' ijQrwi forth an unmrthlv shrilling and absolutely free—medicines, surgical j with boat at 11:1b a to. Fruit car will
yraruf (ho ;>r>'lliriiinry survsy tor 0-e Z.. squawking of bums and couehs and a operations, and the behetit of all onr be at East Head on Tursdsya TburaV and W. mlircvui. it was luipoalUe Vi
spuit<-rlng shd banging uf firw-nw-kara of skill to all who are too poor to pay. I dsvi and Saturdaya
Pamangera and
git and of grtnir.d for >ove or mrmey. so
,u diim-nstons Joi-l rushed out Into tbo Onr methods of treatment is all that la ■ fruit will be taken cm at any point
i-xtiuvugaut wm. (b*- ex|s-cuitlons of Ohv> bo gtvotod by the bbtong rush of known by all the acbooU, with tbe aid ! along Peninsula sbora'by ooalnr out
vlllagTTs. Hut tbey liad ««B Um-rullraad ^ ujL-unialn rorkrl. and tbe metourio e( electneity. that most wonderful of , la a boat,
and the eouoiy si-ai and all theotiHT gud . ^ure. as It expbdid and Millltd downward all agents in ParalyatA Isoaa of Power, I

things which Uiey had aoroonted their ; |u rfKrw.r'of pwrtk-ulotwl S|>orks. sbowod Rheumatiam. and aU diseases of the------------------------------------------------------------------------------osrronebyotM- sll;i from Ibelr grasp and • him
^h- afuTMald -stripid petti- nenrona system.
Go early, as my’
tomWe into tlH- lap ot their uj-toK rival. ] p,,,,,-.
abundanUy In eritUmca. A office is always crowded.
Thus UusUval. dwindling and dingy, eon- , moiuoiit lator
the ruer of the caDDoe
7*. B.-Caaesrs. Tasiscs. Blood and Skta T M LOCDOH.OsaUsl.Otm
J . Btoek.

Rutter per lb Dairy...........................


----------~ - .- 4...
Potatoea. par bu...
Salt per bbl............................................
Braa per too..........................................
■t-T»« Asm or TkaTBBH a

^ Srul RipMi t iDdlm L I

M. BBOWH, aU4Wwy aas Cvaascl

a OATZB. Anoresya. npaetalatr saeUne toPtakatr prasates. Aaoma»aad
Mrreaetlls Co.


Ij t8





sssets SfiSS B88

t MtMN.PhrtHiaaaaAdm

w. OSeea. City Opara B







B «



oat Lew. fipariai

d BAt« on O. &. A 1

— iT

lodianapilU. one fare for nmnd trip.
August stb. return August IStb.
Lsdingtou. one fare for ’round trip.
July S6Vb to August 5th. return
Angus 15th.
Saratoga, one (are for round trip.
Sell August UC good to retom Auguat

5nsUv Boterab.
Boleaw b. a
rnRAnrgO KCBAS—visa gmUs
A tradosuof
------------*will I


Toronto. Oaurio.«oe fare for ranno
11 August S'ub. 85tb. and STth.
fare for roead
Vermillion, u.
Sell Aagust
. good to return
August lilt.
LanritMir. itbv saga'twritewa i
Eedoced r*i
kiea to other polntA Phone ,411..
n.Ulof »efn(svt jwr^d^ra^lUOfvgoo), a...................................
C. E Merray. Agent.
pisBir of iftwr (er 10 yvara i
C. L. Lockirood, G P. A„
Grsed BApld

______ __

Traterse Bij Line of Steamers.




SMtS<8S8SSfffi«S g
—W--W—-wawwaaoB a

si -T

,»'» waehlaerj wltb a capaeMy

aaaa a aaeaaeaea

8 gggssggga
e w-.-w-aaw

asviva (raw at Leala LartoiSla. la- ’


pine BlILdfT
tall yards all i..

ZrinB BALE Btorr trawt - tb doer aad gtom

n under tbe pampV’ bawled an-


tm demand for warp While tbe oothm
cloth mills reduced wages we have been
able to keep oer bands all going at full


New Departure!

TralM arrive Craai Btebasad. Fan Varea.

OolBg north daily eacapt Sunday.
gfrinbcTsfew fenihort. tbougb. to help
Sbe'a ODsruptiu aU the gnla In tbe
For Colambta had ladcvd sueweded tn
firing the iiioidens u( Kustlval
tfalng of hw own MdrU
Tbe war appeal­
ed to them
Tbe el. inent of ramance had
been aadly Iceklng in tbelr lives. Tbiy
ormnluxl a SoMboW Aid sodecy. bold
triovtc msMlogs and
dainties to Che boys
i' eamp near Newborg.

The fuse was airoKly sparkling and
spitting gnsbt-s of fire
ftfie stood In Its
fitful llf^t. ugli/w with oolar. Then the
air wa* rvn< with a trcmcndoui detona­
tion. and both tfw oinnon and its Inckwahtd liad Taiil>jKd.

Leave Traverse City.
-------8:40 a i
•• Omens..........................................1110 ••
Nortbport.............................. ItiSOp. i
'• Norwood.....................................1:45
•• Charlerof*.................................M5
" Petoakry
'■ Ba.vVlew
.............................. 5:Kl
Harbor Poltit
.............5 40
Ar. Harbor Springs
5 45


head to f<K>t. he Uy writhkig aon raging
llk<- a blUiervd snake
Going south daily eseept Sunday.
fonth of fhclr t
^ TuUed. •■6he
“ I find right at u- • l ar an
Is too Leave Harbor Hpriogs
waejusl tbe Mbor way. and

Harbor Point
ferhor:” And the craud UiOb look
was on lbs girls. Anyhow there
up till- rry
great durithof ''parciva.''aod''^wiklng''
Bay View...
Bet the girli also had vanished. The
was at a standstill.
two aid- had (lid In shrli'klng fianlc. but
I'ben. as an
to the bakd vnlunCharlevoix.
a- tbe stonn of tlmBts liruLr upon her
uvrs at N'l-wLi^ig, these brave lads formed
ber foot, grtgitng
acotiiiiany uf^hoiiHi guards."

'•Frr right bree’s wbetvyon'regoln lobe oi,„

n-vdi-d, Uoy^'-sssevuratad JoeL'^an W |
- l>ae*t you dare toticA
Fancy them craxy grte'U haul !
Ar. Traveroe City


of t^r
tm^t .
strong, uirnaelng voire cam*
! like an n-ho with a leiville of boot bmis
II,« Wbeu this devoted l»^
' frum tbe fatthiTslopo of the hUl A yonog
IRwadid thv wm-u (br giris scoSsri
iliy offiorr.eViaely (ollowid by a squai
u|ivi!t> amt fnj-u day to day (be bitto men. drew rrin tawkk-ber Qclin
Urm-M gn-w
o--.... . j
JbIt dn-w I _ . ...
vni.-il ibvi Di.y Would luiVL-nooL'lvbratiao. ,
ThU gun shoots temll''
lead I” be warned
ltd foa '.a faros an a bumllUtloO at I
' Don t you advance another step.
ind them,
edJhtTo might Iw Ifuuble b>algbt
__ .ou l»-tlrr koTD rouri-res m.IcnUeUltloiownwbereUierMfor tl
T 4-,
,nwt nellber country nor wtimMi."
ilutiuuary a-laji and ."woub
•No. Edmund; only a UMle gash onsny
C<n eoanters was n<rt Uv- sort of girl to
kmiple—yast g ecrabA." abe wbtsperaL
an Inimll tami'ly, Inat of all at: Id.
but sbe was ataadder!ng ODCOOBullahly.
to ber flag
And now a pmoiial
'Anyhow. ' be respemded. Mlfilng a aolgyiaYann- was Klded, fur aomo of these |’s omb. for be woe Mill bot wltb
vblvalruus bumpkins had deiined It s
wTBtb. “yoD MiaD' fight oo movr fights
ckrwr foke to bivak Into hsv gDidt-n at
wiU. tbe craven traiton of Rusilval
ilgML uptirating Che Oowi-n aiul (rruii
pUog down the beds, "exaetiy what a irw:i“™
drove of bogs «ouM bsw done.” she le with me -Boston Tra^pt.
ertesj. with angry toor-. when tbe saw It.
And tfats utterance dkla't toad to Inerra*
Rarara ar Arosy omeeca.
ber pepolarily.
U uf^^^Loi^n
FoHowlng rioae on the heels of this fiat
’ vandalism, tbe auMuixentoot of the
t of kl ofWnra In Ow Amertran
D to the Boldlcrs' Aid mokty
whleh wae a fine dl^ilay of llscwoeka to
• Tbntahewe tkam hw ;«a whst tbey

Oarnzpnti noder tbeDktMeyUw,
•easibed as a "flHt fAilnR?” bp soma of
ear fionrim ooptoiiontried. oie grow
■nlUag wotMoi i___ alghttoget rawMB.

. .•bowl at
B« two

army and navy then are thrae OcmiaD
osTui^onc Italian, one Fnmcb and osm
BmcK AU the rust are uoquesUouabdy
_____________ _________
, __ _____ _
Bbe—I nudrrttaad that msttw wri^.
tngoM p^oD the mooa s suriaea. M
HrastorraA to tbe tofth, would weigh au
•He—Cant room
> by your buttv ep thera. dcaie-

arxiHXB c&SBcnrr.
cleg south dally except Sunday.
Leave .Vorthport................................ 0:30 a. a
'• Omena.......................
” Sullooa Ray................
Seubtawanta........................ 6:45
Ar Traverae City



Scltons Bay...



Sl«W«M City.
!■ Take.toamer.t 6:40*. «. for Keahwh«w yaa wLl eoaa«t with
-stedmer Creneant retumlag to Travt erae City sU0:45 a. m. ThU will give
jTOU a piaaaa^rlde of >4 mCas cm the
{{ jao wish a longar ride tbe boat will
und you at Uoena or Northpart wbere
you will eoonect with ttoamar retom^ to Traverae
at 4«» p. m.
Atunooa axeuraioos from Truverwa
! aty. taka the stoutor Oaaoaut dvary
'aftomocm , »t
where you will aonhaet with atearner
returning to Traverna OUt At ««> ».
y^f^'*r^LT*tri/ ^ ta

I. w. 0*1


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