The Morning Record, July 19, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 19, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



8«oondNs--Ko 879

Movement On Porto Elco Has Already Begun
In Beal Barnest




■.DMUoa OnaW to 2:04 PMto|r
ST«nt-B«port*d th«t $2,000 w
OStid to Throw tbo Boo*.
BpMlal U) Tm Momwc R«»«»r
Detroit, Jul;;8.^The cr*ad elmU
noeeopeaed with oder^ doy crowd
»t OroMe Point tod»y.
Anrelln* Eotokom'* ' Toledo entry
won the s:r7 trot hMdy; MonnUlneer
eeeond. Miw B**triee third.


T«ro Oanti,



Beport That the Vnited I
Ztemand an Bnomou Indemnity u
a PraUxt to Bold the PhUipplnee,
Haa Sxoitad the People.
Spedal ioTbb Moaxme Bxraan.
Madrid. July 1B,-Tha defeBac worka

arc helnr acUvaly peahed at all BpuEmnyeUBe. bTm • fnrorito, won the Uh porta. The newapaperaBBaert that
S:l» p*ce: Little Peter eeeond, ' Bd tbs United S.tatea latenda to demand
monnona indemnity in erder to
Tennr; third.
The S:04 p*ee wm * eenMUon when have a prauxt to hold the Phillpise Ulud*
as a rurantM. The anppoaed
dnrkncM interfered.
Bomp*. the
Forces From Chickamause Will Form ferorite bod two bc*U, Cbebnli* one. American term* are srcatly exciting;
thepublleand the opinion expreaaed j
imon^.the people ia that war to the
throw the death wonid. he moch preferable
Important Barents In History Will Soon' ce, was called down by the jndree. rpia.

•pedal to Tu Moaocue Bcooae.
Thirty-third Michlran, a atrapplnr fel­
WanhinirtoB. July is,—The eeene of low with bia arm In a allnf. sa at the Aulstanto of Xiu Buton Afflicted
Bnt Booovering.
' wnrondenmac*
Lonr lelnnt (iollere hospitaL He bw
. Porto Bioo. where * hot fijrht i» ezpecV -a lonr aad heavy aword which he ee- Spreia] to Tax Uoanxa Beooui.
New York. July IS —The follewiny
«d. It asnet he flyht. beckOM the Sn*n- cured OB thB battlefield, and hu reaoi*rd* hnve eoUected too snny etorce to lately kept, even refnaiar to part witk telegram was received today at Bed
be eurred.' Oen. Mtie^ with •rtlUery it oo hi* trip from tkc Olivette to the Creee beadfjaarUt* fr< m HUs Bartoa:
Mdtreepe, is now eelliBC for the iel- hoapltal in the ambnlance. Bawaon ‘•We will go ia with the navy and then
•ad to. Mkc • hue of nppliee ud will be able to ro home in a faw days. dbcharge the Texu immedUtely. All
Within fov dny* tt.OOO trupe wiU be He wu in the rronp on the march U points are fever amltten. Do set eead
there. pr*heMy uUlng Irem .Newport Arnaderaa. in which a BpanUb ahaU pertose that are not Immanca forna to
Hewn. Gu. Brooke hu retamed to fan. kUliar flv* of hla ocmmda*. The care for. Dr. Lteeer and the nnnee
GblekMMC* to ret hU troopa there axploelon broke bia arm. A Cnban are all reeoverlngand there ie le pu-'
rihle eanee for alarm."
tinder sr*y and eoea *11 Intereet centereeent helped him to hi* faat, ud u he
Jnly IS.—MUe Bartoa cabled trem
^•t SutiAro will betmaaferrcd te
did eo there
toPoHoBieo. ________
aad theeecn
l eer aad all Ueir nanm were is the

is.-General he sru, Baw^n picked np bia rnn and
fever hoapltal two milee distant. It
Brwike bad anothu OMferwiee today aimed at the ahadew U the tree.
wanld aeem that Dr. and Mrs. Leaser
with Oaaaral hlrw ^
'*ThU ewoid feU trek then came a
ud the narsee bad been taken dewn
prapataUm for the Porto Biean expehandle, end the bndlc was a Spanlab with the ye'.lO'T fever.
iUtlra. TV
repartn that hU aharpahootcr." be eeya
arwy taaaw ready. It i* hallev^ U
ua ha amharked within a fortnlrbt.
It h nndanitoad that Rewport Newt la
WonU Be Democrat Coagreumai



D.,.toiMto. l».


Uknly to be the port of departare of TBUTM or BPAIV BBOIH
tha laiver part of the expedition. The
araiy k expected toeoaaixt of abant
' SS.OOO Ben, M it hu been decided to X>08 OarloB Bimaalf Said to be In Olose
OommoaiesUon With Bis Buppartake no lAaacee af rapeaUnr the nUtera and Only Waiting for Sagaata
take BWd* in Shafler’a caee by Isadlnr
to Bake Peace on a Baals of 8arrmWith an taaoffieieal farce and then hedar of Some of Spain’* Poasaasi
inr eblired to lie idle at a critical mo­
Spcelal u Tat Mosna* BsrosD.
ment awaltlar reinforoemeaU. The
New York. .Inly le.—The .louraal'*
employment of an oterpowerinr force
London cable uys reliable news has
ia alao expected to uve bloodahed.
been received which Indicatea an early
The Brat atep* afalnu Porto Bleo
Carllat uprising in Spain with the pre­
have already been taken by eendlnr
tender himeelf at Ue head.
thru mealtar* from Key Weet to San
The report to that Don Carlce hu
Joan. Tbeae are uld to be the Amarrii-ed at the Spaatob tronUer aad to
pUtriU. the Poritaa aad Miutoaoin clase communication with th»
Boe. Iheee Toeula. aocerdlnr to rood
Caritot leader* in Spain.,
informatioB. have already left Key
The Oarliats expect their opportnn.
Weau ud when .they arrived In froat
Ity wUl come when Saguu'l* oomof Ban Jnaa the bloekadinr for
polled to make peace oo a basU of the
vriU tberaby be tagruaed to eU
eaderof eome of Spala'e poasee•Me.
The monitors have orders from Sec­
retary Long to attack the forts guard. teg SanJaad. Th* thru vamela aaw
at San Joan will he sent oni to other
Perto Blcan porta; One of theu U the
Kew Orleans. It U thonght that as
aooB as the moBltara arrive at San
Jnu Presldeat McElnUy wilt declare
a bloekadtaig of the entire Island.
Admiral Sampsoo will arrive in front
of San Joan some time this v eck. The
same plan will be pnrsned ia Uking
San Jnu u was pntlnto'eflect agaiast
Santiago._______________ ^
An Altercation With Sueral Bbafter
Snded is Arreat of Oomaponda
epwlsl MTn Means* BKcaas.
Ne«r York. Jnly 16.—Snn'a e
repuru that daring the uremOaie* ao«*mpanylagtbe*urraaderof the ei^
Satnrdsy. Ueneral Shaftarasd Sylveater Seavel. the correspradeat of thei
Kew York World, became involved In
aa aitsrcaUon in which , blowe ware
atrook. The general ordered Seovell's
arrest and he is stUI nnder guard.

Make Dniform Bates for aU Ooootriw,
Inelodisg the Vnitad Btatu.
•peclsl loTxx MCatDt* Bncui.
Wuhiagton, Jnly 16.—The president
hu signed a war tariB for Santiago
aad it Ukea effect tomorrow. It adopU

For the Becoad Diatrict
BpMial i« tb* MoaviM Racoan.
Dstroit, Jnly 16—Maj'w John P.
Kirk of the Thirty.first regiment to in
TpeilulL He bu reconsidered bto refneal to he the Democratic Candidate
for Congreu in the Second district and
says be wiU accept the nominatlop.
Wounded Band Oanaed Bim To Be
Bent Vorth on Hoepitnl Ship.
Further information regarding J,,...
Scott, who waa reportod iajured, develop* the fact that It waa Arthur,
John's bratfacr, who arrived in New
York Sunday on the boapital ship Oliv­
ette. Inquiry u to the natnre of the
injury reveals the fact that Arthur bad
oas of bto hands crushed in soeh a mannnr u to render him unhble to perform
the neceiury dnUes of a soldier for
eome time, though not dangerooa.___
friente vrill he pleased to leem that he
will soon be as well as ever.
Bnnday on the Xalend.
Snndey eftemoon ehont SOO peseengen toek advantage of the exeamloa
given by the Qacen of the Lekeq to vis­
it Marion Uland and enjoy a little
freeh air. The boat made an effort
land high and dry bnt failed ud the
landihg WM finally affected by email
boats The Boys' Bsnd made the trip
doubly enjoyable by a varied program.

geaeral the ’prlvllegnd rates now
given by Spain there ud make* the
Urifl onifarm for all ccnntriea, teelndI
Kr. ateteberg’e Impr
ing the United Sutes.
I J’bliiia Steinberg has i
j improved the b
One Tear ud Second ! I'T removing the beiler, wfaleh kai
Trial Cioeed in u Dprur.
where a very eoaveg^nt and goed
epevlkl t* Tn Moairixe UtroBB
beiler room hu been arranged. This
Versaillsa, Jnly 18.—Mid great upenlariresibchaMment.asd makm
rear the second trial of Zola uded (o^ more eonvenient for during parties.
day. Zola ud Perieax wera each untenced to one year ud fined 3,000
BnU Onme nt Four O'clock.
frpnon and eosta.
So that the vtoitors may aee both the

Vo Prospect of Paa^ Ovartnrw.
Bpedia to TiM.Moralix Bac^rfl.
Waahington, Jnly' -Prom reliable
a9nrcet it 1* learned today that the
prospecta for peace are ramote as ever.
Deepite bpain'a piUful conditkm .her
pride appeara to be reatralslBg. them
from overtnrea. Under these elrcumctaoeee nothing remains but to ham-

220 Front 8t.



Santiago Has Fallen
Bui the quality of our Picture Framing is still held
Xen' .Uoulaing^jvst reccired. Oar slock is always
nevY and complete.


MarUiam RIocL

And take a look at the valnee we offer in

CaBsituerp Suite aa low u $3-90. Otbera at &n; price abore
that you want to pay. All are good ralnea. See them, at



The fitnt* InatitaU. Began Teaterday
OShra Opportunity for Berne
FroflUMe Work.
The SUU Teaehert' insUtute for the
conntie* of Oread Traverse and Leelaun'opened its doors yeaterday morn­
ing at the High scheol building te
about fifty teachers. Professor Gureey
of Hillsdale college is the cobdu.lor
ud IfissWrlghtmaeof Mt. P)ea<sat
Normal school. Mist Nettle Uray.
county coBuntosioner of echoeU, ud
Prof. C. B. Dxkeray of the BuslneH
College ef this city are the instmelore.
The work to divided into three tectioas which oonUnaa from 6;30 a. m.
tfU 4 p. pt.. with aa hour and a half
aooB intermission. The burb school
mala room end twe reeiietion rooms
ere at the disposal of the ioMilute aad
they will be ao more than Deeded, as
at isast 100 pupils are to be enrolird. |
^e work outlined is eutlroly differ-'
Mt from tke iasUlute vrork of former i
years, this bring general leetureii bnt
regular clam work is plaoned this yeai .
tbeelassei. being graded for i«t.2ndud
3rd oertiS -ate grades. In bome studies
the work will be gsaeral as in gram­
mar, Eoglith literature, arithmetic and
tke "aeview of the commitu of
This work is now pat in the fori
a study ia order to reach the teacberu
of all counties. It is the work that
the NaUonal Teachers' Ausociation'at
Washington mapped out five years ago.
Twelve prominent edneatom were eppolnted to inquire Into tbs modca of
■«ndy. the conditlco end need* of
country ecboola la one year teey re­
port^ in detail. This report was print­
ed In phampblet form and dis­
tributed by Ue National Board ef £dneetioD. to all teacher* in the different
It w*x WiU a’vlew to Uc bet­
terment of the country school* to put
thsm in touch with each oUer. ud U>
le this mereomat the sUU
superintendent ha* placed the work as
a study before Ue numerbu state Ustiintea, of which this to one. and ques­
tion* In examinations are nsed oa "‘The
Committee of j8." An hour daily to
devoted td it.

MtosOraydoes the work of Ue local
committed maklag cut enrollment
cards, leokipg np bearding places, etc.
It should not be uaderutood, Usl
beeanse Ue work is normal school
work. Uat any fee to charged. All expenees are paid from the eonnty iasii-1
tnte fond with Ue excepthm of 860.0(1
given by Ue Sute Tnrsanwr. for vrhicb
Uere to a provision of la^ for small

Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Hotue.

If You Have Logs to Sell
OorreqioDd with the Traveiee City Lember Compacy^
We hat’e for Bale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple .Wood.
Hill Machiaery of all deeeriptiona, inclndiog Two Rngfriot.
Set Works, Carriages aod SawA A complete Saw Mill Plant
for Bale.


Don’t Duy a Dicycle
Or Get One Repaired
Voiii r*






New Pleee312
12 SoDtb
UoioD Street, Opposite C. t W. M. Bepat
hi neiU ud Tamms to lleiil
H. E. GIBBS, Propr.

Tbsteaehen a|l Unite ^a uUcipa-j
OTATXOBFOBTHIBD VXBBABXA WUd Wut wbmw and the haU game, the tlen of a pleaaaht month's work as
Utter will net be called nntil four
WUlinm Jennings Bryu'e Tolutun o’clock.
hae provided bouttfuUy for
Will $toecb Obleege Today,
The game WiU be betweu the ifu- eammer vtoitort.
totoe Colts ud the Hnatlera.
apulal tcTn Hoanxe Bsl-osb.
‘Jocko" Weaver to UenswflmtbMS
Obteego, Jnly 18—CoI. Wm. Jeamu f*r tke HnsUsr* aad he arrived yesALuarated Arm.
•inga Bryu ud the Third Nebraska
In order U get a teat on Ue
Saorge Boblnson wm badly hart tsrdsy.
then *r in Ua grand atoad those
velutoers aip expected to arrive here Sunday ud-will carry bto arm in a
____ V.. , ■
will be giv;«H“g tor some Ume. .Hie sleeve of hto inUndlng to go should go early.

Havana Oitinena Tell General W«ycoat caught ia Ue wt screw of the
1st They Don’t Wut Xadependence. •nu ovatiem
engine shaft of hto hMt ud hto aim
Sew Yortc; July i.v-Thv Uerald-s,
Madrid correepondeat saya the velua- Fort of SantUgO How at the Dlepoaal
. Mrs J. W. Martin has received a letter
toen in iltvana. and Irsding reprracatof ail VaUoBS for BuaUiuae.
from bar sister. Miss Nancy bhepard,
•Uru of the tolacd uf Cuba, have tripto Tb> MoBBise iuo£^u>
wbo went to Alaska last spring. Htos
WashiDgt<a.JiilyI8.-Tbe principal [
^ pcieonally in.pected
graphed Ueneral Weyter. saying that
they don't want tadepeudeaea. They ccllecton oath* AUuUc coast barejnmonggold miaesand to pleated wiU
maeb prefer an Amcrieau prr-ieelorate,
ftoiHiiff lu wiiLih .they will eontiuue is now open U» Ue world, , Th* AmeriJustice Brown united ia asarrUge
of the coatoma Sunday GnaU A. Haiburg ud Ida May
•fighting. .
OarpL. Bobert Htwapa of Compuy 1, office thie mem^
Foley. boU ef cedar.

When a Popular futtegi.
Of WaU Piier u otoirly kM out'
the last room goes at Hslf Prion—
it's a “one room refbnant” — good
Btaff, too—pa; joc to fill an old trank
for next yur'a oee. Some ia exits '
sridth—21 inch goods at 3c double
roil—will all be aold this week,

Oliree Monitors On the Way With Orders To
Attach Portifications.
General Brooke’s

^ 14,00

Brren C. Beldaworth. who has been
attending Ue Agricnltural Oollcge at
Lansing has returned u. hi* home in
tblscity. He will spend hto vacation
There wiU' be-a dance in Steinberg's
kali today.
Music by Silver'sorches-

We have all hinda of eewing mxehtae needlea J. W. SLana's house
fnrstoklng store.


Hastings’ Beal Estate Agency.
SnfBMlol.vmBtl hovw, flar JocbUo-., Stb____

MIbm lot. r»Bd .iBvtUnx, PvrBwood.OICoBi
cUj, LbdS (ved. vr«U VBtmd, rooBt S^
■ ■■
r< I toll* vast. Bit imsmif**

A Matchless Dargain
50 dozen Misses* fast black seamless hose, sizes
from 5 tB 8}4< at the low unfaeai^ 'of price of 5 cents
per pair.
, A lot of straw matting, remnants of our large
spring stock. Some fair sized pieces. Values raqging'from 15 to 25c. To close quick we have put
t6em at 10c per yard.
Big reduction in Ingrain remnants.
Our millinery department is creating^ quite a
sensation. Our finest pattern hats. $6 asd $7, going
at $3.50.,

The Boston Store.
rrc»t street



bxoobp atreat waa in good aoaditioa. Tbit waa
alae raeiarad aad Bled.
AnoUer petition for Ua Improea▲TS&8EOTXT. - ]mcHioiM meat of Ua allay batwaaa Sao»d and
noV m omea or
Third atraata on Ua Waat iHde waa raSBABD TBa,VERBS
farrod to Ua aommtua am atraau and
k *. turm un» J. W. BAjrm. Tba oommlttoa onotraau and ^ka
reported in faw of Ue Improeement
. t. W. BAjnaa, Editor and H»iii«er. of Oraat atreat north to Uannah aeoaad anbmiUod a oornmnnleatloa
of the C.
± W. M. granting permission for Ua
city to eroaa the traoh of Ue eampanp.
^Wdlag the railroad oempnp wai
not pnt to any expense. The report
Cm oneniM waa accepted aad Ue moommesdation
the . teat of the new stone craahar and
stated Uai it was entirely sstisfeetocy
end fnlly np to Ue reqnlremeaU end
MI«fe..aaMCB*d elM«H
eeenatieas for iu The report wae

«BB xozsnro

. s


•tTMt nt t^e noTtti end of Uoien
bridja, the eommltwo reported
raring of^par^Mlan to opemte
Tneadar onlj, nodi

- i Eov that SnaUago kna bMn ao
EffeetanU/ and adraatacwnulg . diafoaed of. tba troofn which hare been
, teHlngatTaBpaandCbieaiaangawUI
- bara an opportonlty to aaaert tbem•alrea. Tka moToiaent npoa Porta
JUoo hu beghn la eamaat and wlU
<ba axparlaaee at Kaatlago abort work
. Mght to be made of the ataaUer
Iriaad. ThTM of onr moat pewarial
■MHon wUl begU work an the fortiSoaUoM of Ban Jnaa, faUowad bp noma
•f the big ablpa of Bampaoa'a fleet, and
ttaaerml Kllea will ba on hand with
M annr of ^,«00 men to inrada the ialand. Tbeaa will be powerfol foreca
arUeh the enamj wUl find bard to <
hat, combinad aa Ihep are with the
Rnrerp and genaral'efficiaacp of the
hia ehaaoe.
Bbrnat npoa him anddanip and snaxfartedlp and now Sanipaon ia confront­
ed with a golden opportnnitp which he
vfll aiata with the energp of hia fitMHaa weU aa Undabla amWtlon to
•Hha a brilliant raeard. Spain aeams
talked to Bgbt to tba bitter end and
. Mtr obaUnacp will onlp reanlt in the
Jaaa of another ralnatale poaMalon
•^rtbar homilUtion.

ysDroxpAL Topio sxBoxrasss
BT oouvon^

In f%it on

a the petition for a pennaneot
id at that plaoe. Thia report waa
aleo adopted..
BeUtire to the grade of Ue aldewalk
oa the north aide of Front atreat in tba
rleiaitp td Jdapla and DirUiaa atmeU
and Blmwead arenaa. the committee
kt it be lowered four
tnebca, from Elmwoed arenne to the
eaat aide of Dirulon atreet. That from
aide of DirUion atreet and
ng at each lowered grade,
Ue grade be eeUblUbed Uence eaet U
Unple atreet bp greduallp rlalng to
meet end conferm wiU the present aetnbUUed grade St Maple atreet- Tne
oommittec forU
the grade of Ue walk oa Ue souU tide
Froat atreet frost Ue Woreborg
block U Ue Bosun Btore be eeUblisfa
ed to conform wiU the present eemeat
walks at the two poinu meatismed.
The report wee acoeptod and the feeoomendatioBS adapted.
The etatement of the board of poblie
werka, akowing an
B51S.01 eras acoeptod and tbe abtonnu
ordered paid.
, .
Alderman Garrison called atteetion
to Ue walke ordered built last year
which had not yet been eempleUd. end
Ue board of poblie works were ssked
to look Ue mstter up.
Tbe oenneil eocepted an inriUtion to
appear la e body in Ue parade in Ue
Sunday aek^l raUy to take plaoe
Ue 27U.
City Clerk Rlckerd called attention
to tbe-feel that aa ore
for Ue payment of n license of S: (or
Ue first Bight and 81 for each eobsequent eppesfance af Ucetrieal
I at tbe opera boasea, <
not being enforced. Tbecbief of po­
lice was directed to oollaetsuch toxea.
After some discustion ns to the right
of fruit renders to eperato atenda
» of buildings on Ua walks,
Ue eoanell adjourned.

Jlav Oradee EeUbliehed on.WMt
Eront 8treet-8Une Ornaher Beported Highly Satiafaetory-Xora
■nttem of Minor Importance.
The heat wae ao oppreaeire laet night
lAatUecitpcnnaclldid not feel in a
-mood to awelur in Ue dlacharga of
, dboir official dntlaa; and It waa forParsonai.
BnsaUaUat there waa liule to do; aa
Mra. E. E. Silrera and dsngbtor CorU Uara had been Ue work woold not inne want to Cbarlsroix yeaterday.
bare been acoampliabad wiU a good
Dr. Bnyder and family bare reUraed
fraea. Taerafom it waa a relief that from Kaiawasoo.
^bllc matien for their wiae conald.
Mra B. D. Alley baa gone to New
gration were ael Bomerooa.
York for a monU's rlslt.
For eereral meeUnga the eomm
Dr. C. H. King la at Sberman Uls
weak attonding to the practice of Dr.
Cola, while tkatgaaUemaa is absenV
irtotiona af bicycle ridare, aa to Ue
Alrah Tyler has retnmed from a few
malke. Tbe City Bicycle Leegoe bare waeka raeatlon. Be came np yeater­
bad in eonaidenUon certain at
day from Manton aad
tnna and laat eight a petition to defer by his tiaterMlnale and nephew Cyril.
Mtioa on preeiooa peUUona. notil Ue
Mra Dr. Oanntlett and Fioennoa
^•poaed auggeationa eboiild ma1
Earl bare retnraed fram a riaU at Old
Ssa. waa preaeotod, and prompUp Miatioa, accompanied by ArUnr Earl
and Dr. Gaumtlett who rode orer Sun­
▲Iderman Ooodrfehwaa not preaent
la the fleib, bat in aplrit he waa aetire
Mias Ethel Pops of Bast Eighth
* la Ue Interesia of his coBatllaeata,
stresU Is entorUiaiog Mias CynUln MeUe foUowiag comauBicatioti tbawa
Alpine of Van Bnren.
To Ue Mayor and City Conacli—
Edwin R. Cbapraaa retnmed yester­
Oantlemaa—The aaderaigaed a tax- day from eereral weeks' ritit st Chi­
■aper, and realdeni of IraTcrae Cilr
tar Ue paat 37 yean and more. wonlS cago.
napactfally bateameally petitionpoor
Mias Margaret Sleder retnmed on
bonornblc body to change Ue aidewalk Ue Petoskey from Ckicago where she
grade recently staked out on Ue north iss been spending Ue past fire weeks.

- -feat Front atreat by
Mra Arthur L. Voica of Elk Rapids
_gineer; commencing :at
of ber anat. Mra. M. J.
leehas from Elmwood arenne enat toa|is Ue gm
point 80 feet waei of Union street. Uea wo){e ot'Bskt
Front sUwst.
and a papular teacher, ia in town at­
tending tbe Normal school at Ue Bigh
Mim Anna Pclemon of Nortbpart te
U town oomblBlag busineaa and plananre.
Dr. W. M. Thompaon af Chicngo. has
arrived in Ua city and will be tbe
guaat of V. E. Montague far aevaral
weeka. during which time ba will en­
joy aeveral fiahlng tripe.
Roy GIbbi came up from Mayfield
The eommnnicatloB went where oth- laat evening.
ars have gone before. It waa received
Mim Kittia Cutter, wba has bea
•ad filed.
•pending some Ui^ at Cbarievoix and
■ BatidaeU of FifteenU street pciiUoD- Petoakey returned to Uls city last
ad tbe conneil to gravel ana grade Uat evening.
•trectfrom Caaaetreet west to Unton
AUea of Empire, was a visitor
and beyond, and the matter was referr- hercTesterdsy.
ad to tbe commlttoe on streets snd , Miss Maggie Boudresn ef Solon, Is
I visiting friends in tbe city.
, 1 i y«*terdsy.
fmnk Friedrich was in Good Bnrbor
B. Pnogbom, af ts.
Ue r..i

liD Ue interest of
Aar ofr Iprephny owners
are locnted on asid atreet.
tatareaU of tbe
le property o.wnersahould
saultod if ft clearly differs irmn.
Ue arbitrary wblma of a city engineer
■Kpported by errors in portionsI of
o* a

city charter wbicb cannot he ami
•d until we have a hUto repreaeaUllvc
who will care for Ue intoreaU of hia
CMiStkneou. Owing to a streaa «f
wpaUer 1 sm compelled to aid in city
lagialatioa at long range.

ealledUe attoPtion of tbe council to
AmsisaThi Kw&r Bennarvra
Uenarmwnees of tbe walk on hay
Kot,wllheUndatrestat that ^Int and aim to Us
F decision of Jadgs McCray i
bad babit of wbMlmna exceeding tbe ' lowing Surdsy hssc ball the
•peed limit pmmittod by law. Hs sng-[ >>>« Indlsnapolls and Kansas uuy
SaystonetshouUbeprohlbltod,asUe »u, b. toatefiJurUtr. -

•ATSSHuro or L a o. t.
All Lodges of IHatriet 89 A to MMt
Bora Vaxt Vaak.
The IHstrtet OonTaatiea Of all I. 0.
O. T. lodgaa tm dUtrlct te A. ladudlag
of Grand Traearae end Wexford
aonntiaa. Ua east half of Lelaaao and
the west half of Ktikaska oonetles,
will meet ia aeaaloa with Trararte City
Lodge No. 4<l next Moniay aad Tnetday. July 25 and Sfl.
It is expaeted that Ua foUowlng lodges
win be rapmaantad with foil quotas:
Archie. OadUlac. Fife Lake. HarrietU,
Jenninga, Klngeley, Leland.NorUporti
TraTOrse City. Baaimlt City. BonU
and Ynba.
Free euterttinmsnt will be prorlded
for delegatee as far as poeslbla Tba
day aeaalon will ba held iu Forastert*
Aa open temperanea meeting will be
brld on Monday erening and wUI be
addressed by able apeakers Uorongbly
at home la temperance work.
Mnsie aud literary talent will wake
p Ue rest of Ue programme. Besiden Ue regular bnsloess Ue annual
sleetion and insullation of offleera will
Uke place, also Ue election of Grand

Cheapest and most relubls place to get yoar bicycle repaired and
pot ID good roDDiDg order. Hare had seyeral yean experience and
know how it abonld be done. Satisfaction guarabieed. I am aelUng
bicTcle Bondriee at about coat. New and second hand wheels for sale
and to rent. Pleaate give us a trial.
-A ' c
Braxing a specialty.

ELLI8, 811 Front AW EMk

We are
StHctly in the

TP H! H'Tl

_ -Phone 167.
Inning game.

fUceptlon committee will meet all
trains and boata.
Erery lodge rapreemtod
and help to make Uls one of Ue grandmeetings ip tbe esoae of tem­
perance erer held in Ue district.
It U expected that Grand Chief Tem­
plar Burdick will be presenL
Yours for humanity.
C. LamcastkX, District Beeretary.
Resort Hotes.

Business and can keep your live stock
alive for months if you. will give os a


248 Front Street.

Following U Ue asm-

Only 50 cents

MomuB caimiB.


For Half Soling Shoes,
and Heei§, 50 cents.

For Tops

? F ! Custom Made Shoes a Specialty,

New Store aad Bepair Shop.


BraifbU« e.....
reantem Poinf
Uanklna. aa. p..
H14 E. Front fcitreet.
Among the guasto at FonnUin Point C. Gilson. 2b....
Uis week are a party from Toledo, in­
Baltimore Stock Rroelved lime Times a Weak
cluding Mr. and Mra. Chaa. Palmer aad
ounu. 40e per quart
dangktar. Mim Mary Palmer. Mr. and
Stoadanla, 30c per
Mra. MelriUe Palmer and Mitaae
Coroline, Elgla aad Janette. Mr. Cray
‘213 Front St.
and Mr. Adams. They bare a staam
launch nnd nre enjoying ^tfao fine fksb- Monroe Centre 2 0 0 O'l « '0 0 0 0 1—4
Interlocben. ..020000001 0 O—S
on Ue lake, ninltid Kennedy
Two bear hlU. H. Aldrich nnd Krom.
aad Whiteman SmiU of Cincinnati,
who am in Ua U. d. Caralry and Slgaal 8tmek out by Aldrich. 14; Comfort. l>:
aeddra Drain 1* <lo»d tnr Diwlard* WSa
Corps, respeeUrsly, are spending a Bukina. 3. Umpire, Yonnga.
wlU the*----Attach WasM-a.
Uree weeks' farlongb at the Point nu^
CbariMton. W. Va.. July U.— BfaerMr. nad Mra. L. W. Bogera ud dangbman S. Goodin, son of Dr. C. Ooodln.
terand Mr. Ward of Cadlllae will arrire
Big Showa Are Always Follbwod by of Indlanapolts. chief surgeon of tbe
*Y1over Lear' raltrnaA waa abot ud
Ere^ year a party from Ue elrll en­
Like all big travsUug sbows. Buffalo iBSianily kllliHl at noon Faiurday by more we pay you from the flrat day yon
gineering olsaa at tbe Unlrereity spend
Jamee t^arton. aged 14, while attempt- are token aick. alao from the hour yon
Bill's big Wild West will probably be ifig to enter JoukI* kturdnek's houae.
some time in Leelsnsu county, where
mtot WiU an accident, all for tl.OO ptr
followed by a class of pnopls who make The Uunloek unman was formerly month. I will call at yonr rraldence
Ueylsd tbe gtound adapted from its
pkk up anything Mra. Ashton Wharton, aad Jamea and aetUe your claim in full in caae of
it their
variety of hilts and levels to much prac• on. —
Wbarton is her son. Por some time past either ticknras or accident, aod we al­
tb»y ran ley Ueir hands
Ueti work. Tbisyearabontseventeen
ahe has been having trunble with Good­
agrrarnt of Ihr show permlu aoUiug in. who was Infaluattri with her. and ao have tbe money to pay yon wiU.
have beep combining study sod pleas­
Stop and Ulok. Talk with ua before
Ue shape ef franduIeDt games to be Friday n|ghl he made an attack utran y^ get^nimred aod you will have no
ure and b^ve just completed their visit
n en the ehow granndt and special ber.
to the nortblsnd. I'rof. J. B. Davis
Itaturday he went to the houae snd
Pinkerton detecUvea are employed to
and three assistants still renmin and
co-operate nilb tbe local pulioe to pre­ said he -o she must die. Bi-r atm told
IT Nort
him to gu aw-ay. and Goodin made a
' will spend s few days at Ue rraort be­
venting robbery. Bat notwiUatond- 1 demqnairation. proeurvO a revolver and
gan, Traverae City, k
fore retnming home.
ng Ula. fake garaea will ran aome- i fired <-ne' shut, u-hirh w-<-nt through
There has :been considerable sport
where near the ahow if thev can and 1 Goodings ^>dy. p-netrailng the lung*,
Istsly in tbe wan of dedp water flshidg
Chief of,
V.'.^'.na"’^:? DR. HIGGINS, DENTIST
for lake trout. ,^he.r am caught with to prevent this if
tittiity. O- din waa a painter.
Otw UrNsaiars'a 81ms Suva
a wire line aod reel and this method Police Rennie baa inatruc to^ City Clerk |
Rlckerd not to Isaue s liranso for any
------------ -------------of flshiag offera many allractioua to
Kn'l.S liy aw Aiigo A"*l.
lovert of Ue sport who are accustomed
Nashville. Ms . July Iv.—t'an u -I Olesla
to tbe more common ways of fishing.
oy. a youne tSrrman farmer r-sldlng
Regardless of fraud games there is a,
of this Hiy. ha l a Her e almgg.v
The fish so caught weigh from 7 to 20
pounda and differ in many ways from chancefor thievery in Ue residence | to th<-death wiih an un :ry bull. <>l,a.,y
portion of Ue-city. and usually when, was g-red.ihn.uah a-d through befure
the smaller fiab to be found near the
aorfaca. theugb they are as gamey as
show, therefore everyone should - - ** '
oUer varletlea of trout.
it that Uelr doom an- u nrely fastened clasp knife.
sbaolete pwuwhen they are out.
Mr. C O. SmiU-of LoultviUe Ky. fa
Aalidolar. fur nuartiia af tretb wikbuot
iwlnaasd. lata* aad awM latlaraFiiity prvpor•ived to join fail wife at Travel
‘■Ihave. need Cbamberlaia’a Cough.
atloa rst o«m1 fur waking rxuartlnn taiy.
• resort.
Remedy in my family for ycara and
alsraya with good resalu." says Mr. W.
Mr. Earl Long and Miaa pale of B. Cooper of El Klo, California.
ADUe popular mosio of Us day
Cor Proat aad Cass fH*.
small children we find It eapedally:
Cicero. Ind.. arrived yesterday
and • veryiblng In the mnslclina W.
rflecUve.'’ For sale by S. E. .Walt. IlH Alter » Crmvfurd. Mix Alke T. Raterta.
'-"Co. N. E. Stroeg.^t^sger,
will epend the remainder of Ue am
UIm Mabrl^-Wb^^lw JosrCa
ni Bpring Beach reaort.


Fletcher's Orster Depot aeil Restaeraat

Home ProtecUfe AssociaUoD


Tnfene Git; Scbool of Hmic!

W. 6. Kenney and Whitman _
SmIU came np from CiacinnaU yester­
day nnd wUI go to Omena for Ua a^
Mr. and Mrs. Itoorge AhUarp arrived
laat evening from Chicago and will go
oa to Petdakey to spead tbe reatof Ue
A party consuUng of Mra 8. C. Boaa
and tbe MiaaesBenrietto and Mary L.
linga came over from' Ne-ak-tawaau and took dinner sit tbe Park
Place yeaterday.

Over one bnndrod people enjoyed
Uc etenraion toOatena on Ue ateamer
Oolnmbia. All reported n fine trip.
Another exenrsien around Ue island
Seaday night is arranged for by tbe
Greneeni band.
Miaa Pearl TAckabeny arrived
Ua city jrtolerday to make arraagementa for Ue opening of ker milltneiy
atore which will be In fimiU Brea’ new
atore between Parker Broa. ah^ stm«
nnd Ue fruit stand.
Everyone ehonld see that their doors
are securely fastened today aad to­
night. as certain foilowcra of the Wild
West Show are not to be trusted wlU
toe many temptations.
This afternoon nnd evening tbmn
will be dancing in Ue City Opwn
House. ■ Good matie will be furnished-

Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to-fate Paiater
aad Paper Haapr.
Shop Oppodte Xagla Offioa.

Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock
of Men's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at this seasonbf
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking,,Bicy: do Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable




TH» KOMngO ItHOOBD, TnjBDAT,-JUI.T 19. 1898.

Bntfirtainlng I<fitters Sescribiog The Ocean Trip To ^
Caba And Touching Upon Sxperiencea


At The TVont

tmr kM^tMk, ud % p«n *f
Toklffhiw*f«t bettar rrab, tMutoM, bwBk, harduek
The repair eblp Vnlean U with na.
She U alow and we leather alfht be­
fore last and had to tfre roebeta to' ret
her bank araln. We see eerp lew
ahipa, hot when one dott'shew ap ,poa
ahosld nee the offleera of the ship alse
U np with thslr rlaaaat lonr brfere we
eaneeell. We hareeirht ‘‘6re-iach“
runs and four '‘rapid fire" rnne on
board. Co. If haa qnartarm In the

Thep dUUU all the water we r«t to
SutUgv. Cab*. Ja\y e.
are anobored near the entrance of the dnnk aad It it the rankaat taatlar
Dcab Homi—W* ftre In front of San harbor. We wlU land firieeh tnUea attiff I erer pot Inalde of aa. Laat
tfare. No one from home haa been ia- weat -ofSanUaao. The kept are ail In
olrht we alraalled a coople of rceseU
jnrod. Bare enoufb teeat. Yon pro* rood heal'b aad hirh splrlta.
aad ihU nwroiar It waa reported that
hablj- know moi« abont oar eitoaUnn
D. & Monnax.
Santiare had fallen. I wonder Iflt U
than I do. Hope poa are M well aa 1

true. If not 1 snppoaa wa will be In
•s. Write ae ofen as poo can.
ot B.U.. B.4.W
...u, ......
TnreeMIlafroafianllaro. Jnlp7. that poor brother did not join the mathat at one Uaee worked at Northern
DcABFA-niKaAXDMoniRB—I tbnujrht' rioea beeaoueome of tbeaoat aoippp
lUehlcaa Aiplom. Used to drire the I would write poD araln; thit has been IltUe offieers are over them and act as
doetorh team.
Eaoin Or. Eowlep. mp.flintr^portonitp. We started from if ibep were the "onlp drnts ia the
pou aand me aoma Ute i s«wport Newa June 8J.
Ii w.. a fine pan." I wouldf not serve under one of

fBE[ ME OELim.

OKASp armor PAOhijir.

BnflUo's Great Wild West Show Will
ba Aaen Hare Tedap.
AllTraverae dtp and
Hs Ext«n*ion« Being: Puphed as country will do honor to Col. W. F.
Autherixad by the Congress
Cody "Buffa'o Bill" tba renowned
Juet Adjourned.
aaontand typical Amerieaa. who ar­
rived with hte great aggragatioo of
men and horses aarlp this morning
icm PETtnOBS FOE THE SEBVIOE' , from Manistee. Three traina were re­
quired to transport the 'kK) m«ft and
Whl«i ttn. Al
nros marten si a WW *»orsro which make op this immense
KamneenT F
-isimattse UtoiHv perapetuUc outfit. Let no one contribets tka J
Friathm' triier. li Is I foond thh orgauicatioii beaded, direct,
r ♦0X00.000 raopie.ed and owned by Buffalo Bill.with
.. as lUah Tame, mmd other aO-Mlled WUd Wmt shows which
------. e—«aak meeeiFU.
at times gene Over tbls sUte.
Washlnsuiii, July lA—Tbe exicnKlnrt There is but one genuine and that is
»f the rui;^ fro* delivery t.-9(sl rorr- ' „„ UaUy. tbe performMCM to bn
Ice sutliortaed by the test conxreas U





I the Last We^
^ at Gheap-^^^^^
Prices. ,
Sir Richard Easton
Scientific Palmist.
Moupt and Fblaaga Cbarta to mek «
enstomer Utis weak frna of ebargu.
SclenUflc Ilfs raadar through tba
siara and-plaheu.
Blr Bicbard Easton adviaa up«t
liusloeu affairs aad tells whal trads cr
profeasion you are best adaptod for. A',
visit will tbe most sItaptkaL
Gradnato of LaBoe Palmbtir flebodi
of I-aris, Pr.

..r. n... -‘.""r tl» ..nUi ol April .pd -tlch
apjareni addltl.-iial rural «.rMro waa »«*»"rrk exfaibiu in Chicago
aiarted froin liranforoJ. UulUord and
»wvir apiiu or in anp vrap alters
Ullft-rd. r..nn.: MooreMoan and Itlv- bis exhibition for tbe smaller towns
rrtoD, X J.; Ant»-en>. Highland. Pblla- Hia peroonal guarantee assures the
lelpMa and Watertua n. N- T.; Marleua same eomplete perfarmaoces here as at
them for a farm. We have bad to atop •nd Poland, n.. Uuocle. Ind.; BoKer*. the World's Fair, and all ov.r^Uorope.
I bare not u ... lar t«. o thr» | hto. W, „m, ™ u,,
dead still tor the Vulcan to catch np.
^,«n.OreenviUeandAi..ka. He will appear al and dlrmrt^h p«trip took about tee daps. Itwaaaniee
June »0.—Late pesterdap afternoon
trip. We landed Fridap ntorninr. Jolp we passed San Salvador. I tell poo it
*** grounds at
1. at a email eillare. ilibonep. and looked rood to see a bit of land araio iltlons from ihiny-flve slates and terflatis^action gaaranteed.
Word From Don 8. Korgan.
rltvries are on file ssking extenmons of
*ornl»g and coven the priamanned to ban Jnan hill dnrinr the It ia quite a prettp island.' Last night
Hours a a, m. fo P p. m.
Ihe wrvire to as many towns, and ape- ciple atreeta.
Immense aodiaacai
U S. 65.
Sirhi. a dUUnee of tweatp miles. Sev­ we had a band concert on deck. Yon rial sro-nts ..f the d.-partn.eni are noa should fa*-the rule today. It ia a ariNext week charges SI and Si.
Momnxo .Rkcobd—S:aa p. m—Onr
eral of the fellewa rare np and bad to oorht to have seen how it woke tba
Private and roilrod parlon at
trip ao tar baa been remarkablp plaaa"
.ppor,..!,, „d , b.
in later: others staped at the boa- bops up. Judriar from tbair lo^
routes for this service.
availed of. There is instruction as wa4l
didn-t-em tofe.I anp 111 and actions pou would never anppoM
Over 40X00.O00 wiihoat Frw. Oaiiroiy. “ amusvment. and' for tba cbildi
that we are rotog ull this' dUtaaee
Union atrrot, next ta Unloa streot
First. AMistaat Postmaster General and older fol ks as Well will be found
verp amooth
A few of the tajes were I The United Sutea troopa had driven
looking for tronWe. Wont we have
Heath leendrovorlnxai fsraspdOsiy* an objectliasoa in American hlstorr bridge. Lady in attandanco.
a trifle eeaairir the second dap cot hut the Spaniards twentp miles from Sibo„
hot time when we get homel those of to dlsirihule the addlUobsI approprlaNo dispUp of signs mads. Com to
that has all worn awsy now snd aU are aey u San Jnaa kill. The Spaniarda
ns that do. I think 1 will ait down
In blrh apiriu.
protected. Tbe one parlor.
1 and the United Stataa aad eat for a week. I’d give anpt^iag those states and tern.iiles where tbe
existing facilities for the distribution great thing to remember wl
„ We
^ left NewtMWt
^ _ Newapl twoo'cloek■ troopa hare eaubllshed a line of rifle t&fsit down at hoiA and eat a aqi;
®f the malls b> tree delivery are the the parade tWs morniag U that every8nadapamidtheblowtnrofateamboat|piu anrronndlar Saatiaro'and the meal of good bread and butter
n.s,rvst. With this end In view he has
,, ,,
whiatlea nad the cheers of the speeta-1 Spanish troops.
bread aad mtlk. it is getting hotter had a tabular ataletr.ent prepared
ton so the docks.
As ws passed the
showing ih-.- populsilon of the different "'•
W. F. Cody and
We have artillcrp tniaed on their
crnlaer MlnaaapolU her crew Used up armp and clip and the fleeu of Samp than bine btazea.
slatos served w-|th free delivery under Nate Kalsbnrplmilllnoam. tbe avoidWe Joat bad to fall la. Tbap tried pxlsttng laws wbb.-ii restrict the regular aaoe of sbam and snbteriuge
aleor taeaidexf theahlpand ravethrpe ana and Schlep are readp to bombard
free dHI*-*-*•.♦

ronalnr cheers fer Cnba and the armp. tbe dtp. as the fleet of Cervera ia entire- the five-inch gum. liolp sailor, but
tbIngUge.ul.eaad re.1b
We tUaaod slowlp down the James Ip deatroped and l.aoo priaoaera aad tbep make a racket! It' nearlp split tbe number of |.erppie in est-h stale whs
river aad paaaed bp the Fortress Moo- all thalr offieera were Ukaa. The our ear drnmv. Thep nse a shell about reeelv* no free CHvery at all. Thesp
three feetloug with a steel baIKt tables show that considera'bly over
roe aad ont lato the eeeaa about three miaea la the bap are deatrpped.
OMofUwPswdMea Belwg a Ry.taog*
aticking out of the end a foot farther. -WC pee
Travera* City, Mich, July mb.
WhsCaaghls Ballet.
We have been under a Oar of truce We oonld see the bullet strike tiie wst- out fn-e d
BUkewlee A MeUormIck. District ManTboaa of us
KeowaqviU la. July It.—At Farming,
Ten.. .
s..d.j. J,lj j. Tk. S.uUid. erwver two miles swap. After thep furnished li
agera. Traverse Q'y, Mich.
toa. fifteen miles east of here in this
as we were ac- j ^ra readp to snrreader as tbslr re- got through with that we signed tbe rural free delivery service.
county, a row occurred In s saloon Sat­
«.ntul.d kj tkc nrklr Ulp V.k»k, ■
„ ,.k.mW. Tki <il» I. d.
pap roll for the moaUof June. ' urday night resulting In the dtwih of euh to tap that the selticmast sran
>k«d dpddd I. k.t
kddU kk
„a o,.
We have alghtod some more laad purimaslcr grtivral from foreign coun­ two men—Push Recce and George Hat­ very satUfaetorp. aa I called at yourofkd.r ud v> .. w« k.M d... Id 111. :
I doa't know what it ia. It will not
ter. the latter colored. A feud existed fica In tbs Jobnaon block aad received
Ud Udd^lUtlk. .p.dd..U.i Bu-;,kok.U ddl «.1„, u™du h.„
try forming a lart of the universal
and Armvl Freed. my m-Biep. I am always wUHng to •ag
be long before we reach Cuba. Wbo p<*tsl un’oa. ox.ept the United Bute*. .................. Kslter
vnrd. Soon after we started we were'
opened * fft^ word lor poor coapaap 2
would even have Imagined that I would
think them subrrior to all oibeta.
duload Ok. dokipui kauuik <k»k-| Tk. pkdlUkk c! ike Mlk kk» H bd- ever be here, li when i lived la Ilrook' the malls are d'llvevvd al tbe residences fire on him.
Tooii very truly,
of every adresse,.. either with slight
He fired five shots wUhout effect as
kuj Id ™ .tktiu..i Ik Ik., rt.™vku«i..kdut» Ipe arp one had told me that I would ehsrpe for additional poeiaxe or al the to Froed. .bnt one struck Reece. . byJon.e KAi-ion.
dk.ll. or k.11.1.
Eu~»k^ some day be on board tbe City of- New ordinary postage rsie. The Timed slander, in tbe stomach. Haticr then
003 Becond atraet.
«kk.ld»»lr.U.,.U.l„,.. .,.1.^ „
Ekklud. G.k
Ftales and the south and Central tfft tbe saloon, retrewllng dow. tbe
York os my wsy to a baU .eSeld, I American sii.t.-s sund akme In roqulr- street. Freed followed, and after sevtm Ok Ike kut ud .. u. forfoute | m..y. J.pu. lull, .tk-.ud tk.7 wholid have told them they lied, but Ing the Jlulrons of the fosUI service to etal shots s-nt a bullet through Haitei's
Iktkkt rupdct u louy .1 tk. com-.pllm.DUd Ike L'olU.1 kl«tu troou here "1 are." .This boat looks tlightip rend .or lh-!r mail*.
Junga Both Reete snd Halter died yespur kk.d tk .lup kk duk.
bipkip „ ..pikrikd tk. kill .1
ebaag^ since then.
Tk«dw moTkloi tk. ...» «1 tk.'BuJ.u, lu. Li.kt.k..t HoUo.
Yon ought to aee tbeaehoels of fl.ring
OOLDHBXA AVD lOV A-'ciTKButu) kU .Hr. drill. Tk. .lum | »ku k. wu ...kuirf- B.i.«dli. flab wc see all tbe time. They go t.)
Sp special Sequast.
, cuB.t»I ot. .101... rleplki ot tk. .kl..lukl.|rpm«>k. Tk.ullkr.-k.
eir lUehmrd Bsstco will contlnn; to
beat thunder, too. yhep shine like
Jsshlngioa. July ifi-‘n.e commlsoceint^fic readings In palmUtrv
floing north daily except Bundap.
qurt.rtkut.r’. b.Jlud tk. ktowlop -rr. ...k.opri-Ilk kllo .kuk kkkd.
im'-rof lnrctnai lev nue ha> be.d Chat .a»H pbronolorv al io cenu. rharls
kik t^oikird -klUl., .likUuu>|ik .nth. kop. tkrjkuld.
If any one shows me any canned in eMImatli Rlheam u-;t of Si«clil tax glr.-n with escli reading free of charge,
Ik. oi. Ik Turdiu Cilj oklj ikiKk .pu.j„„kk.. kurd tkUtkr.Uol tk. leat when I get home I'll kill thvm required to I'e paid l-y a bjnk. tiasn-iaa Batiifsnluii gnsfanteed. Graduate of
Ikoddr. Tk.cokipkOlu »u.iikto.di.iot». T her. writUo. kot I tkkkpkt I It's all I can do AO choke the stuff
requires upon ca: ItsI and eurIxUre l>a'iiiistrv school. Paris.
•* Kortbport. .t....
I France. Will
ki.lj llk.d ko Ik paui.rkkkd|,kk]dlrt.rkk kod- kew tklku look dewn..
plus, the
private restdenrsw
: InveMed I
*• Norwood.........
FtSIrw N-ndf
nlslrp eateraicarnt at
the members of the crew wbo did not to
o t.^ d-d
•• Cbarlefotx............
The tepa either hare to stand np or Is he'd ihst tb-rr Is « pr. v.»i SOI law »ffusrsnM-e.
fire or more people hp
к. dr. d.p.rl«..t,.r.u.! I
1. prul h..lUt ..„pt tk.t 1
six bnurs in odvanee.
t on the dinp deck, as they keep tbe which wsiranis t-och dedu
. Inss- ■otif.riog
H-iy View.............
k.mklU Ok Ut. ptk»kU. duk. Ik. : t„„., Ud . kdth tor ..It. . -hll.,
•• W,queumslng...
fh- bonds
'n SuBt v Hank Hnu-I. Uck.n
boxes of grup slacked op and wen't much as iha tax Is
todr.»tku kuodddlk. kou kkUl.u, r.p«tU.u -vm u -.,.1 ou,
burt.-ics ef hanking: the
«>'«lta dridge. n..nrs « a t
allow any empty boxes on deck, and euf'ial aad surplus wM, h may IncludP . “- I’o»‘tlve!y last week i
iiimf imiuu- ,
Ar. Harbor Springs..
: tk. ocu or-.toe rlrer. Tkl* 1. d do. won't- allow them to lay their black
la taVvr.
■ r. as a basil for Oxlng
Oxlnx Ihr
ihr «teap pricea.
Oor rktlok. for tk. llru four d.j.
,;.rriiblr.,. „urlj. prow.
Going south daily except Sandap.
amount of the Isx,
rolls down We cau't bop cigars, bi
m kruk «,roU , p,„. Thru I. .. „ld Sp.kl.k plk...t^ave Harbor Springe.
if yon can get poor captain to gel you 'The commissioner haa slu held that nM roniUUCV tviii ht at Park i
kul 8»1 ult krud. Yuurdkp — '
k.ou »kl h o...,l k.r, kr.k . du
" Harbor Point....
.. .7.-0S ••
meal time poo cap smoke by r«*lp;s u.rd aa ci«-.k. to draw m.m.y DR. SPIHNET boiil tv.VniSjV
from bonks are subfert to the stamp
u*> t7>b.
•• tVeqnetonaing...
kdtktkrkud u cuk«l tkdtktku Ud,u„„.,„„i,„, UkUk.rd.k...od
...7:1* ••
papipg^Su cente apiece for them
lax- It Is Slid that several banks In
lkr.kpp.rtkkl,dtwr»lllk...ukk«l|...Urd. of oo..o.i,.i trrr,. „
3 p. m —Cuba nfl a few miles to tbe
...8:00 ••
d^lkOk. Butdu tkl. .< rrulr. ».oj ,
p.t koo. of
..10:00 ••
right. Will land tomorrow.
"kudokt. <™»i tk. kud k»n^,,u„.„dTu,.
Ing to the ie ter of the law sre exempt.
•• Norwood...........
The rommlKsl>-n< r. bnorever, has de­
ullou -kfck ruU, forik. tk. kut'
Id. k... f.w opporu.ltlr.
..U;30p. m.
M. Thomas raoelved a letter
cided that under lho» elr-umstanr w
" Omena................
....1:30 ••
terday from bis aons Omr aad Vcriln. rpeelpts to s'l Intents atsd punoves are
■----'* NeabtasranU..
...3rt» •«
You map not get ibis letter Both bops «n-ite at length ot their trip ehcevrand ttwr-fo-e must le autipi-d
of'5<eed Oty Samtanum. U
Ar. TraveraeCitp..
...4:00 • “
•d the island of San Salvador whioh la ' for three or foiu-weeka from now. Ws
ooouugto yonr town, where Ie will
and their «xperleaees en
Temain for one day onlv to give the
the first land we have aeen since we have no ttamps so I will have to have
route and ainea tbeir aroivisl.
_________ __ _______
suit bin)

aailed. We sailed along the ccMt for this stamped bp tbe chaplain.
The aow that they are not likely to aee hs* appointed the fulluw lag commls- tkat cannot see him at his Ranitarinm.
about four miles and from the ship the men hero seem to have kept thalr beads
Camp Algeragaln. doesnotaparo words sinners to!meet a slinitsr cummiwlQn Ttaedoctorbaa so much faith in tbe
Omena................................7:8t> “
laad looks abont tbe tame aa tbe pen-______
under fire belter than the oBrers. in describing tbe Ineonveniene^ of tbs on -the part uf Gros'i liritsla and Can- experience be has had in treating
" SuttADs Bay.................. ii:is ••
ads for the purporo'of adiustinc the ehronic diseases that he will give one
mila there looks from the west aide of j
of the
Neahtawaala................. fl:ts "
landera were quite camp and lu general nufitneys for a r. laiioos between she United Btsiei month’s treatment and medicine free.
Ar. TtaveraeCIty........ ...10:4* *•
I fnnpy. when we think of them after- camping fltee. Both bops were well «n<> Canada: Benator Ealrbanka. of InAUO FaKSSl'xCtCAbOPKKATIONS ru
June SO ISW. ll««a. m—About h wards. Well. I must close now. Love and stood tbe trip bravslpdlana; Senator Geoi«c Uray^ ofaDela- ALLTBOSX TflAT ABE TOO poon TOPav.
ware; Representative Nelson mngiry.- All that he ASks in 7clum U that
•>cleck this morolog the abip;i crew tiall.
Yours truly.
of Mnine: Hon. John A. Kapson. of Iowa, every patient will stale to their friende
had a drill with tbe fire-inch guna
Roi-AXtt Bocoi
and lion. John W, Foster, of the Dis- the results obtained bp his treatment,
" Battone Bap
TvroaboU were fired from each gon.
trki of CulumidA
All forms of chronic diaeases and de>
•• Omens..........
-------------- ,
Cruiser Harvard, formerly the New The Thog« Pwuiiy tVnasd a ciuyea
w -—formities treated. No man in this
Ar. Northport...
>1 Baa Mmo to a Bid.
parda. As IheshoUatruck they throw-Vork. Kxnewhero ensl of the (xwat of |
Tried m B*me rhea..
^ State has had fcDch extended expetacc
DeUp , Horning Sxen-sloBn ffrofn
.cl.ii«,,„a :Fl„ld..J..,S,,-Th,—U,„» k. |
K“- J"- ■F-"» W*.
Traveree City.
1SEA5E9 as the doctor. He grsdu
Take steumer at 8:40 a. m. for Nenhtara ago from Cleveland,
M^»S knd Im* will be Ohio.
15 pears in general prac- tawanta where you will eonneet with
swx o'clock p. m.-At two o'doek thU!
bare Wn sick. We left Camp j
^ero. A . lilien of '■
steamer Crescent returning to Traveweroen.
aftenaop we sigh tad the island of |
on the 3.1th and wali^ in heavy , Andover, wbo l-a-ned of th - p'anao lOb
I0;tsa. m. This will give
rovenaai Maieal I iVe t iiIgMIew. ■
Anatomy and PhysiolOTria Detroit eraeCliyal
arching order tbrongb the heavy
Cnba and arw now aailiag to the •ootbyonapieassutrideofTl mCeB on tbe
iijpl d la tollfy Ih'
BpilngtLI^ 111.. July l»,-Al.orney
bay and esn be made every morning.
west Uroagh the windward pasaage: dost to bunn Loriag. two mllce away. officials and was shot by cbe robbers
Oenvral Akin has addn aafd-communt- AjtfT'
If you wUb e longer ride tbe boat wKl
We are abont one mile from ahore aad We arrived there abont 7 o'clock and He will pn.latdy die. UU'name could Clio... to tbe .ttorn.-y. lulereMed In
laad yna at Uroena or Northport where
■ Fe-.-ei•ral' hundred dol sukeV ■om ihe express but th' tbe Covenant Mutual l.lfe ass.K-lsil«n
alUoagh the air let a trifle misty we left on tbe B A O. B- «. for NeWport |
yon will econeet with steamer reiorn_ lag to Traveroe City at 4:oo p. m.
have a eptendid view of the island. News, arriribg there at abont 11 a. m. I esact am< nt U pot known hero and migation. fwylng he thinks tbe policy,
AfumoMi excnnloBs from Travared
way of rndlng out. as all holders have a rlehl to a deelskm of tbe
The aeenerp U grand and indeeen- Satardap. There we had aome time' to | there Is
City, take the etaamer Crtaoeat every
' raler ihe Andover offli-e quesuon Inwjved bp the atate aupreme
bable. The eastern end of the Ulaad
He aaka the co-operatlon of all enSitioneT taHs. Have you
tick afternoon nt t:O0 far Neahtnwantn
J. a„. u,...,
a.; .o|
U very mountainous and tba rix^ rise
tor pearef Are yon diocourag^P where you w
us^ w^lUen
abruptly from the bsy lor a few oat since Friday noon.
tVe went Into town at daik and tied tbeir prrme court withnut the Inierpntllinn f^ii
hoBdred feet aad then gradn- aboard the boat at 7 p. m. after having horse* on the sirr-ei near thr ’d-pob
aiolded ev rybotlp,
and a.-Ud In of (be company have elgnined a wllllng...............................
..........-----------------------------bath in the James rirer. which,
aUp slope back, tbe whole being eov- a aloe
'r»uprrate with
Buth a ir.ysieribua way that they were
ored bp a lexnrlant growth of VMfeta3 thin matter.
Busnerl'd and a man s*ni down the
. FRetnember, one month velH be
'Wedid notatait nnUl 12 o'clock Sun­ j road to fag the imln. Ue was s'lot hp
M e Ket Balaam.
absolutely free—medicinea. surgical
Bora after sighting the ISIaDd a day. Netwlthsuading there are ae­ ' the robbers Just a few minutes before
]ndlsnai>oUB, July U.-V. T. MaloU,
benefit of all onr
passengers, we. 1
smied. As soen as the en- receiver of the Vandalla system of rail"'h® *ro to®
*»> pay.
•taaaser was seen running close to the
roads, has lllAd in the United Bute
'rrotment U all that Is
ooast and It was at first thought to be .b, PH„-.
known bp all the schools, with tbe did will run on Bast Bay as follows:
a Bpanlsh boat.
iwded that there U not room and demanded the money. The me*.
6:30 a. at.c«lvershlp from Nov. 14. MM. to April Of electricity, that most wonderful ol Leave OldM_______
ove'hn ii
iaeh when we are lying aengn- drew a gun. but was gagged and to. U»8 The total receipts were lU.Or, ail agents in Paralysis, Loss of Power, Arrive Elk Banlda...
Hie gaaners were immediately Or­ ro move'hn
. 7:10 a. m.
Since Saturday night I have disarmed, after whicb the luee went 4M.W and total dlsbunu-meets tU.r*. Rhenmatism, and all disetees of the Leave Elk Ba^...
. v:40 a. m.
dered to the gnas and the rest ef. the
through the safe. After geitiug what tW.4*. leavinx the not belance on bend
Arrive Old Miseion..
. 8:80 a. m.
d ap in their quarters. Whci I just got in any old place and laid down
ley they could the robbers rode off
Leave Old Mimion...
. 0:00 a. m.
aignaled, however, it proved to be the i
aiP clothe* on and slept like e log. acron the prairlf at a full milop, firing May 31 of t»lA01.H.
N. a.^s^'ro'Tawero. Blood as4 SMs Arrive Emi Head....
.]l:»a. m.
■Onw floi da- Wllllaiails Doed.
: ';eollier Alexander, which bad carried :
1 was nearly worn out. We have bark toward the (nwn. The- sheriff
Leave East Head....
Mount Bterlinx. Ky.. July M-Gen- tad orlvat* diwasss ol all forss tnUsd ise- Arrive Old Mimloa..
^yeeal to the fleet off Santiago.
i to get up and have the deck cleared, and a. posse followed from hero
eral John B Wiilieme, cx-Unlted Stsies •wfally. MaaypatiralXhstcaaambetraaiad Leave Old Mimion...
July 1.—At midnight we mat the so the eaUors can eernb at 4 o'clock in
■ensior and soldier In (he Mexican und
Arrive BlkBapida..
Milwaukee. July It. - Wimam An- clviraar*. died at 7 a. m.. Baturday. In
' rsl diviaiOB of Uu blodkadiag fleet tbe morning. From that oa we do the
Leave Elk Eapide...
Maitting of thiwe ahipa Was saable bent we eon, as there are no teats fur drewa an exceedlaviy dew counter- i v., home
city. He will be pltallB the UaUedStataa
Arrive Old Mlsaion..
•Bus erfll leave the MereantOn%^
» find oat the name* of them. Tbap aa There are thiwe plaooa aboard
Remember, we give a written guar­ Bladi. Hotel Whiting nad Park Plnen
Mroportad that the Amorlonns had driven but they do us no good, as we are oat- Paul to Saa Fraoclsco. waa Saturday
antee to care every case of PfLBS aad at 1:30 p. m. 'Bus wlU nlno oomnMt
Hhc P-F—Mill Oeotraysid by PIro
nad net
RUPTURE. . Alto, we h tve a ipingdn whh boat at 11:30 a. m. Fruit ear win
Bimniih within two mUm of the tie and are herded on
l^tarnliowad la the kaloon: that M reserved
be at Beat Bead on Tneadnyn, Tkatnman. ot tbe federal court. Aadrewa PiscDBeln River Pulp end paper com. IhiCSead^Jonma’.
^^e penned the hnrhor of Santiago for tie "gold laoa.days and Saturday*. --------------*
Koeatly completed a throe yearff Unn panya mUL wae destroyed by flro yes|%kie mnnlBg aboot eoeen o'eloek. A
Tbe grub it awtul. or has been. of imprieseimeBt at flan Franetae* tor terde. The loa* 'wilt be between MSe.eee
|*amber of the bonto of Snaspaon'a flort Nothing bet two spooufulsof heana.
and tMMee. frtUp cortrod by Inantaaca.

Cbu^ this iMk ody 50o a>d sun

Sunsf Baak Hotel.

A ProDipt Settlement!

The D IM SUtfls Besnolat SetMy
Certainly Leidi Tba AIL

Tfaiene Bay Line ofSltimeB.


"4”'i«dk,dikckp.k».Bpk..iSLr'''”' "■*


•TSAna oftxeoHVT. -



lUided Over Sentiace d*.Cuba in
Place of Spaln’c Enaign at
Noon Yoaterday.
Yba Stl^



of tl«


“Star SfMngled

Baa\^ and the Cheers of the
B07* in Blue.

•arrvBder of the Clly Oempleted a>d flea
MeKIbblD Appointed Military Ooter>T Cereoumy of Tahins Ceeecvlon
Baparlbed—ntafler^ Oltpateh• tot the Keeal-the hew. BOTelrod a>
lTBrt.liitlnB-PlaaalBs the Alurk bb


> to t«
bpwjf. and several vessels are pr-parinc for the expe.,lttoD to 1‘orto Rico.
Madrid. July 18.—A mcraher of the


■ere siWMiitcd to the troops bv 'tha BM*tr>Tw* MU« ta Matr-riea aiatM
Becond MT«lr)r. irlth drawn aabm. mdM- command of Captain Broti.
Uaaaad on tbr none
flaaflnc betaUruad arrlvid at l»nsatur an hour
tween the hand •.»(! the Un- of horae-late
At Decatur famous engine No.
RK-n acre the l»i*ade commauden of
•CL John Brandt, engineer, was atGeneral Shefter'e dl.lalon with their
tarbed. and be arrived at the Dan­
On the rwJ-HIed tmtif of the
ville sutlon. elghiy-two miles dlspalate stood Captain UcKittrIck. LieuUnt. to slxiy-flve mlnuies after Issvtrnact Uiier and Lieutenant Vtlieeldr.
'reirlmeot. with the tsrepUon of comlr.g Decatur, making a st»p at Toloos
Immediately alove th-m up ■n Ihi- flag________
lurnlea E and D, went on a prartlre
and nl.^down near Fslrmount. where
■Uff the Illuminated Spanish arms and
• marrh agnin under command of IJeu.
Che legend
Viva Alf-nao XIII."
tttw track la hetng UId. and at the Til­
ton yard olflce.
atx.ul. croad.ns l.. amd.-ai and doom EIX1£ FBAOnOE ALL OAT SUTOAT. i tenant Ccb.nei Sairt.
and Lnlng the rovfs. «eie the |-eop> of
cemets'iy. .Fee of the tn>ops had sen .
UBten llesu glmmy MlehaeL
the t..wn, prinflraily voracn and nunT«^rk, July 18.-Tbi tsenly-mlle
combalacu. Aa the clilmea of the old
a Esrly Call I
lolBStie Ex- the'monument Wfore, and It proved of 1
__, great Interest l« them. The day was In- I P*re<I
me betwwo Tom Llnbrn and
the Infant
Evtrj- A
gads, and KegtiiM-sU-Frogre- of .be
^ r*glm'..nt4tl formation of the' breaktog the world's ret.ord by
Certain MrKIlirlck hoisted the sUrs
Which '
■sis tlBSts. os the I.S.I «Mlih.r Troop. Klnth has to-en arranged.
The First I •ec-mrts. Uke the other race m
and stripes.
Idem bis '
-Bryss-s KeglmeBl offlonorlds.
battalloB will 1.: -under cnmmsnd .,f i bf
best Jlmfry had an awHe
As the brilliant folds unfurled to a
e d.d not'
Chlfkamaiiga Park. Oa.. July ls.-Tbe l-'vutenant Cob m i fiwlft. with Lbu-]**"^
gentle breexe against a fleckless sky
Id Union
the cavalry liand broke into the strains
expected genera:
against 1
of the "Stse Spangled Uann.T," making
R. A Me- I
.Tlals Kl
a Man sad Hu WKs.

That Sendt Them to tha Front
Are the Seye at Chicka*
] sprimtiieid. in.. July ».-The Ninth

... c.,-,."u r ■ “"S--- ■>- »> ■

lean heart thrill wUh joy At the aamo '
“> ‘^e front clime last night to
Insisnt the sound of the d giant boom- Colon. I Fred Kennht. of th.- Third Idl­
ing of Caplajn Capr..n f hattery firing, nols. provU uns lycoir.mandlng the 8eedrifted in.
of tweni:
j ond brigade of the Pint d vl.iun. First
When the music .eaaed from all dl- ,
reciloRs around n r lice came floating, c«n'S. lrslru«li.g nun to lorsara me
acToas the plaxa the siralna of the { brigade waguo train to Charleston at
regimental bandi
.d thcmuRled,hoarse; once,
The Infantry I
irms a moment later, j
chit kamauga Park, July 18.—Tester­
s', d -'Ra-ly •Rovrid the]
,^,utifui Sundisy at

cabinet In an ir.iervlett yvaterday osaened that the government wus. rei Ic­
ing an boiiontUe peace the Cn.Ud

,fter. whi.h wer

riven with preai


ui.oi; SstiirUuy

partment has |«>sted the f..Ik>»ing
gram to the adjutant general.
Santiago de Cuba, July IT.



"I have the hon-r V" ncnounce

i for capltuuf the Mad-

the Amerleah flag has t«e<i this In
house of the civil f
of Rantlsgx
couiae of people pr«.sei


the , Hd gi.vrrnnient HatuiJuy.

The agree-

ir.rnt in the ' mrnt t^nslsts of nine nrtlclcA. The flnit
tnense c«n- i declares that ell hoshlltles shall cease
A squadron I jicndlng the agreement uf final capltula-

of cavalrv- and a regiment . f InJamn'
preseotlng arms and band tidying na­


rs-LSri-T-.'. ;.r


Ever Burned Out?
If S070B know

Bicycle Riders.
Bemenber that I do all kinds of ropairing aod esaineling. aod that I cma

aod do
'>**1 work of any
one in the city for the money.
he deceived by what othan tell yon to
the contrary, but co^ and^^ Jbc...
• T■^—
1 guarantee all my work to be rtThCT'*^'
and If it docB not prove ao I maka It
st. Ixmls. July U.-A ti
I on to»:,i,bt.
p<orla ti Northern division
the Wa- j
sv,p In Ull « o'clock every evening
Into a bugy erossli
■he track > egerpt Knnday. to the Caldwell ft Long. Br».hlyn. III., four mU«
•om East don baildUig, at north end of Usios
St. I-ouls Saturday night,
: street.
Ted Itawley and wifr, t-^lh of IJrrwklyn.
Rawley *as a Clover I,.eaf awlichman.
and he and his wife had been spend,
log .tbg daj^ fishing-^___________

Knlghl as sdj< ant,
and the Third)
under command of Major U. W. Spen- ;
evr. with Ueui. : rl C. M. Carr as ad- |
• n. C and r> form |
the First iMlUllon. K. F. r. and I!
8«v,nd. and I. K. L and U the TIi
Cumpauy H. of SprlngfiGd. and K.
of UtchfieM
Ilast St.
of the Eighth reglmi-nt. acre murtered
Into aervlce.. The regiment Is slltl short
from thirty l<. fifty men. nLibwlthOor baby has been continually troub-1
Btnrtdtpc ihf i-hisbal exomln.atb.n was
mutk les*. rlrld than that to which the led with colic and cholera infantum I
.inee bis birth, and all that wc
men of the other reglmetiis sere au}>.
do forblm did colseem to give more
Travema city.Mtoh
lempmary relief, until we tried ^ Wanherg Block.
r. St lairlisB.
I CbarolM-rlain's Colic. Cbniera and Diar-1
Chl'kams ca Park. <!a.. July It-! rhoea lU inedy. K'nc-giving that rt-m- ;--------------------------------ll.'B. ram|.b.-ll, prsl batta-*edy he Las not been troubled.
want to give you tbit testimonial aa
I avidenee of our gratitude, not that you I
.need it ui sdvertiae jmir meritorioBb!
-reoedv.—G. M Law. Keokuk. Iowa. I
-e again ready, with a large
For aa^e br 8. E Wail, DtngglaY
stock of Ice. to deliver the sane to any
part of the city.
lUBoUOarlsl Make* aa loss of Mate** '
^aple block wood also for aale.
Klghto an Tkuve Stsmpw


John R. Santo,
General Inserance.


Washington, July 17.—The



". "rn"™".


Sprlngt.e d. Ilia, July 18.—H. J. Ham- |



i Jin. attorn, y of the atate b ard of twtl- j
Telephone No. M.
-That' the caidtolation
road and warchoua- commlss.or.era bis
the Spanish forces
Attorneys at Imw.
rendered a decision which is of great
surreDde.- of all .wai
lerlal wl
Perte-cl order Is
importance la the grain trade, and
prescribed llmita
y munklpal
which threatens to become of national
Thlrd-The Iranr
menl- Distress Is
-O' great, but little troops to Spain at 1
tmtwrtanre hy bringing up theoM ques­
sickness In town,
tion of "state righu." According to
ny yellow j mom^-nt. each force
Hamlin the government hssfto Hght to
fever. A small gunboat 1
about JOO the nearest port
I UlCDOX, DeBllil.Oeee*lB h
inspec. ---------compel the state
epaniah ofBcera
aeamen left by Cervera I
Ip* to cither the
ahall retain their side arms and the en­
cred to me. ObatrucUuns
■ert flcaias Issued
weight or Inspet
I. BBOWX. Atloroey a
moved from mouth of barlior. Upon listed men their personal property.
by hi* offleo.
Fifth—That after the final capltnUcoming Into the cU;
Hamlin says: "The federal govern­
Spanltb forces ahall
£££!:«« BBSS afS«
ment has no power 10 tax the agent:
•uctlona to naviI day
through whk-h the sti
would have cost 6,0» Uvea' to have
functions. Ihefc cert
'■ Sixth—That after the final capitula­
taken it. Battalions of Spanish troops
qutred ts be Issued by your departtion the commanding officers ahall fum; arms since day­
ment. which It a branch or agency o
Isb a-complete Inventor}- of all arms and
Mom Bldg.
H. D. Caivanuty Pma.
light iB'armor}-. over which
I hav<
the stale of llllr-nlt
The chief grab
munitions of war «nd a roawr of sUt ^
General Toral formally
Id were promptly bande
tospector Is a stsu- oBlccr. made t
il)g soldiers In the dis
rendered the place and all stnVes at 9
iril'Utlon In the first corps
nor statutes Ti e grain deptrtmeni
Seventh—That the Bpantah genml j
a. m.
L-U also fur-warded
ihall be permllled to take the mUltan' ;
•dnante stores for the
archlvgs and records with him.
a quantlty
"UkJ.>r General.”
re as muib exempt from 1 tH-.-TT'-TT___
Elghth—That alt guerrillas end Span-; First
brigade. Firsl
division, First
•IgBSl oatoev Send, the Ftfst News
fcleral goveininvnt
Ish Irregulara ahall be permitted to re- i corps.
. .. . which recently left here under
'Waabingion, July 17,—The first roeagiving command of Brigadier General Ernst as
aage conveying the news of Santiago s
igato take ^
of Maj.>r General Wilson's exformal surrender was received at the
the Un rd Biates; peditionarr
White House shcrtly before H a. m..
Tnvgrw Olty lUrknt.
unices relei
Is. exi>ected to return
Jun as the president was preparing to
NInth-Thst the S|.anlsh forces shall Washington within two pr three daya
Below is a Hat of the buying and sellgo to church. About 6 o'clock to the
be permit' 'g to march out with all the lAtll that lime n.'thing In the nature
tog prices of yesterday for groceries,
afternoon General Shafter forwarded
honors ..f war. drpr«ltlng their arms to of an order to movtOis exi«rcted.
prorleiona and farm jiTMiieta lo Trav
« dispatch that told the story of the
•oulcBUek- _____
be disposed of by the-Uhllvd Rute* In
iq^leed MtooUng All kiin^y.
erne City:
day. Hie firm mvsnige did not c>.me
the future, the commissioners
The troops will, h-wever, tonbnue <0
from Shafter. but
fmm' the signal
to rec.qnmeod to their government that
efficer who has before shown that he
held Ihetns. lves In -readiness, and will
p. la. TsIcphiar.TXthe arras of the *..liliers tw returned to
^ Ii6«= 8 S
promptly r^myrtrA tv any v^er that Clear Pork per bbl. t
wa* alert for vital event*
The Bret
these "who so bravely defended them."
:D XUUAE-Mln Ectc:> BnlrOBih- I
message was brief, saying only that the
may c-tne.
It was announ.i-d by gn Clear Fork per &>....
Jaw nl thr Unlvcraiiy ■ospiial. Am
officer of the F-rst Rlinol* usvalry y**. jJhortCut Fork..
surrender had been accomplished: that
iStecalUSor Durwlng. 9
OB k 8
Ue'SpanlBb trooi# marched out of the
'General SnaftcHs Headauartera. July terday afuvn..on ftiat that regiment Nfaort Cut Fork per th....
trenebea. uhe regiment at a time, stack- | ]S.
Kinghton, Jamaica. July 18.— had l*--n .Td-.-rcd to he j.renared tu Flour. U L. ft Co. Beat..
Rome of the
Ine artne.for dellven- to the American | The
Irep iriof cs-u lU'M In ihearmy
nx'ious to -1. sc no time befiffcea. and that the Spanish flag had since It landed In Cuba throe « i ‘
been hauled down. Aa this newi did not has Iwen forwaid -d l» Was tngton. Id
proliaili lity of an early or- Feed, H. L. ACo. Beat.,
use »r
bALX-taSlo' Mvaarcb kleyelc. 1
did not cease target prscT to n
come In the usual form as a report from ahowrs an aggre. ate of 1.M1 ofll >rs and
ly and In |•ortl«ns of tb<
Generrl .‘thaflcr the fail «as hot L-1- men k.l..d. ....ui.O d and missing. Thrifl,' reports
heard : Lard per Ib..
killed number J*« of whom 21 w-ere r«-*-rv
troB 81. Losls. LotMtIUc. IdIght The Istf:
, » from I
Butter perlhDai^..
Talked ofthc Atlsrh sa Potto Rlro.
dlaeapull*. ll.ucintiaU. Cbtcago. Detroit aad
uc vuect'
SiM a. m. fileeiuag asd dla^
Late In the afternoon the oOIcIb! were officers: mlssln
S. JW. , and 1 Cheebe per Ib ................
f SI, of greatly .
dlajiat' h given above came fiy>m Gen.
were ol^^ra Of il
Mackinac City. Petd*k«y.
doe* not ■ OaV. per ^ (old^..........
thvrt- i
BhafUr. It was very en»-TraglRg from
t-bicagu and <>rand Kapids, liWp b. Chair
f-e! that It Is quite I kcly
car and buSri car on ihl* train.
a medical vlaw In I’at It showed that
l>« is es- FotaiM. per bo____ _
h- Form Rl-o
The Firs
there wa* little sicknrar and scarcely
.Icr to g.. , halt per bbl..................
peciah} hoi-ful of an ear
aey yellow fever in Sarilsg., hut a
i;crft-w1 Ktuokt- l.
no Rli-., : Bran per 100.....................
great de:\t of suffering anr
1#s Is (teneml Bi o- k-'s <•
The prcFkl nt aftir Ms retom fn.m
c board dl finitely underst.n.d ihi
18.—The 1
11 Is. ti
had a coiif'r.uc* with S^ccompany him wberevei :bc govt-mmen
retario^ Alger and-Limg and captnln
chief of the bureau dence In th* tniaert lookout Saturday : may ordei
OMnvMltloa oflbr Flr»r Cr,
of navlcatlon and a memlicr of the night. Thdoperatolwrerusliig toglveevl- j
Wheat, new, perbu.
naval wnr board. It was stated after dam e b,-foj* the iioird tht evtdenee of' , i-pf *..n'* as it is now mad*
the tclncrs and iiuslnese men only fta* alsts .if the fo'.tnwlng rerlraei
the m.vtlng that plun.'had been dlscorsed r..r on aggrcaslve movement
taken, and in ciBsequeace It is proba- I
First divl ami
8lxu-*nth .
^........... ..
In whi'h b.'ih armv end ni.vv will take bl« that the 'n'*ra*. rs will nut a-lde by and Third
the board'* d-n-ta.c'in- A large number Fi-nnsylvanla. rommard.d by Itrtcadler
part. amli-M Ik.rt,. Hi. .. It Is cxpcclwl
Eggs, perdoteo...'..
that General Miles will g.. direct from of dejAlt'cs ind extra police were sworn General C. H. I*-n-t. Se un'l brigadeIn Salurday n'ght. whu will endeavor: TTtIrd Illinois,
Kourih P.'ansylvanla
Santiago to Popt. Ric. and that GenFeiwona troubled with diarrhoea will i
oral Slone and fol-nel MlcWrr. of his to prrwert union miners intercepting isnd Fourth Ohio. <OTnirandcd by BrfgaBtaff, will leave from New Tork In a
non-unlon miners who Bit.mpt to enter, dler G'-i.cml Harris. Third brigade— be interested in f---------------'-------(First and Third K-ntucky and Fifth W. M. Bosh, clerl
day or two -n Ihe U.-s-.luti-. to the th'-P.b-.’v-i min*.
He says;
The union mlneis are tom to nura-| Illinois, commanding hrigaakr lo bo Frovfdenee. R. 1.
general at Santiago.
\ year* I hi
>eeo alma.
Yellow Fever MlnaU-s si Ike Pront
her* and will be relnforred br miners, supplied
iicRprncr.el'Id-strl.-tantfray they!
Rotund division: First briejde-Thlr-j effererfrum diarrhoea, the freqi
Tlie only disquieting ini.qtiisiloii retional air.

Ught batter}- bred aalute

ennil ^ids t iDdlm R, S

iTlJir Bpl^“ri." dfd'i

' ■ —■fssj.'ss.i'-pKT.S'a'S:



’ 'FT** b


celled during ih. day ws*
t.-^il.e y. lJow fever conditions at IhV front.'.and
this dleidtch was mr.dlfl>d In an'encouraging .way by Gemral RhBfler's
toter news.
It was a dlsf-t.h from
■ Colonel Greenlcaf, chief surg.i.n with
the army In Cuba. sa>ing thai sixt<-en
new cases had arp.arod.
While this
was regariled with some abt.rebens|on
by laymen the genera; * dep:iritnem considered th- sbowlr.g
aatlsfoctorv. , Col..pel Ald-n. acting
General Rtrmbcrg. sii:,!

1 ,of onI>

ahowlng, as the num
t be t*
relallvHy to the lari
at the n
•mnd.T aceompllshed there will be hetiir ..piMWtunity to gel the men on hlgb gr.-und
and keep thira away from Infecilr.n.


e ht'URt;;

OMOIory BaiMviwItk Cereme
rirai Time in Cuba.
* Santiago




American flag i> fluatiug tr.
over Ihe gove-n..r->t paUw-e at
ds OuiM.. General MeKtbbln
appol'nlr.d temi-oiaryniltljary
The of boMUng ttw




f In
IraptiF ng lMii»an Cath..U‘ ,tuip d-s!
Atress the jilarj Wk* diawn uy tuc
Ninth Infastlry. beaded 1»- the .S9th
eavalry b*i d. lu the sUvet fae-ng lbs
palei. *l-M,d a picked Sric;- <.l the


j hotel
About two ycare ago a
"733^-ol x./Traverw
Ohio. Otv- Hundred aniV Fifiy-clijl.a--- — -——- koui.
da. m>mm>m- j Chambtriain's
Indlsna end F-r.l We-i Virginia.
Colic. Cholera
and Diar 1t------------------d. Kird
V 1 a.-ller 10 I e sunt'll.d.
A'ird I. rboea Kemedy.
surprise 1
;d Oh ". F.rei Fcnnsyl-i *nd <b ’Ight Ito effect*
young Men of Mil
r e tih Minncii..:a Iirlga-i Whenever I felt symptcmi of the <H-1'1?“®
aAd Fall to BelotB.
|-,..*.ei .r.trmn/i.liog.
'seaarlwoold fortify myself againstot Howard WBliing.
ee. July 18—The police doi r n;
F.r.u 'iirlBade—I the sitack with a few dose* of this val-j . marlne Boilks for
Flit rkiuih Caro- «>able remedy. The result has been , A TraveiweOity UiBberO
partment wns hoUfied Ralurday night Twe'm', M r
j-enn y variU. nrlgadier ' very toiUtactory and almost complete ■»sj*gT*i>-Heav» i«i
that a sallbiutt with fooryoung roen.aU.iina and K'
in'dlng. relief from the affliction." For sale by! W uood wagea Bari
of Mllwatikte, hiid been missing alnca 1 G»rie;*! •<•'•
'.x:avmc.'ms ti* . 8. E. Wail. DrofgUl
toKiB Saturday. The mimes of the oc-i Re'on! ir u
_ O'
i,d Twelfth New I
--------------------i-upantt of the boat arS
Itlcbjfrd 1 Tw-nu-'-n
a.t'cr to be sup- j
Badu^ Rate*
Ytuiconx, Edward Johnson and DDh;Vnrk lotv ;.
••'teth P*nn*yb
J.*ns-ii. Iinillw-rs, ai:.l William Thotnp- 1 I’"*-'*
for round
i ard FIral _>
a..n- The i^y sail.-.! ..m uf-the river)
trip. Rel) July 12th to ISth. Good to reG ne s'. Andr
from till- Rnnickii.nick river liridge, ^
turfi Sept- 1st
Saluriiny. Intcmllng .to t rulse along the
Cfaicago, one fare tor round trip plus
lake shore a short distance 1
2S ecDts Kell July 12th good to return
Angost lOtb.
1, Ike P.*|m.1Um> aud
r homes %t Bryai.-. Men '
CiBctonati. oaceeat per mile. SeU
far nortds.
S^tember Ed, good to return October.
U.-NfbraskD turned
revealed no trace-..! the missing bcMt.
A boat answerlrg the deacriptlon of (he
-.Oliver Ilnttallnn" RslDetroit, one fare for round trip. SeU
<me tsken out by the Ik.}-* w-b» reported urday at iii. .nurfiltlun 'ground* Fiilly June 27tb and tSlb rettam July 4th.
as being reen by an Incoming stetner IW-.OCO pc< I li- ir.'iii Kansas Nebraska
Indianapilla. one fane tor round trip.
several mtua out and guing th a ndrUiand Iowa crowded the'grounds Colnnel Sell August »lh. return August 15th.
erly dTrecUoa.___________________ '
Lnologton. one fare for round trip.
l:r}'*n riMie at tl;e bead of hi* troops on
Sell July 9dlb to Angut 5th. re»m.
DeeUiutc Id BMaiup Ta* (Mas.
a roagniawnt blot* charger, and reOttumwa, la.. Jul} li-United State* oslvea-an extiw.rdleian' o'-stion. Kto Angus'. 15tb.
Saratogm one fare for round trip.
Hooter. In a decision men <ir;ik.d nt..l paraded. Their work
Kell August 1st. good to return August
here fixed It to be th* duly of express wnsIndiriereMwsa'LxJy. Few of (hem
companies tu psy the l-c*nt rev-^ue'
• Tewonto. Onurio. one fare for round
tax. The lOnlTwvcr*}- aiuse from nhlps slu.^ of , trip. Sell August 2ttb., and t^tb.
f it.
(good to return Scpl.
r uf the K-cal . :
» held 1
YcnnilUop. O.. one fare for round
‘.ictal grand jai
(trip. ^11 August ist, good to reUru
lag the re'.cnii* '
[August *1*1.
Bay ViewCampMerilDg.onefarefor,
I .curb,
. J-. ly l‘.-Tw,i ................... ..
Mie., ;..J.‘retfc, rt O;.. c m-.vd.
tat--s iriimiry pMc* of the >-’'*«>■• «
,___________.nm Aug. 20th.
_________.»cl the cjror by
gave u;. the nu.}w
i were eiilnilluyl to the ln«, I-*'-'''
. Bedueed rate* to ethervototo. Phone
nrrsiBdiea lu s wedleal coDjqre?
• tVhia.whh wtrr fiirr.txbilashfr MoTlur at the sub- ‘

C. E Hurray. Agent.
, *u s inner. tyMI.r 'w.iPiiin-F l.isr.* of
1* Lockwood. O. F. A.,
I Esri ibe jeweler anul Oclcbae Ut.
Imar.iigvm. A effir.tier of tittle trinkets
prt>Dosig«d to be bad.
tlrsiam to coUegw
; .
Grand Uaplda.' w
de nt that tlu-re tril! l>e blcid-hed.


J. w aATnfTLrrr

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