The Morning Record, April 06, 1898

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The Morning Record, April 06, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Vanew' >00190 as Ooao •tiool Oma-

tot brvmw lBa«.
Y«us4ar ofuraooO WUio Xaar M
Mrrow ooeapo froa oorieoa Jajory
whU drlotor Dr. »Ba> rlf ow too
oomlar oftoaa dW. M.rallra^ «a
OoB.BMto. Oaaeooaakof toaSaiUtiifo a^ atoor obatoocUgaa to tlM vtow
4^MlO«MBiaX«*toItea«OTlB K*. a«ar that potat bo dU aoi 000 a tsato of
flaiMfoorhtah traotBoktot traa too
to yardo, BBtU alBootoa th^ trade. Ba.
*M»4-fM»MttoM M-Sriac tb« :eealdatoatop«)aieboaoafh tocat oat
too way. 00 whippod hto karoo ap
OMnlaWOUwipto Vattod itoto* :o<
tofotaoraoo. Botthoaai ear otrato
too Brrtafo aal took off too taar
rio art badly diB^ the aatflV
WMUaCtaa. JIank ».—Itet tb« Tha horoo otortad to taa hot too hoy
heUoabraraly. AldwBaaHaallaaaapratotal** mm<* «tU fo to
shaaoodtohoathart art oakfkt
too bocaohotoro'it had-foao far. Tkh
I to'Wuhlagtoa. tkoafk \U
to aeroaolarwhoaaacata or tacBaa
MOM of totenoUouI e*«nU to my aoeh aaadod. anfcM to bo Bootar oo notoly nt
ito«H4wtoBoko‘pMolte oom i
•ai poMdWj tomrlBblo dUBfo b> too
•ipaoiot aOatao Itei wiU fraooat too


altoMBoat hoUiacroodTtoo Booaace to rea47
ad ky too wMaoL • it row
raod -totorroatloa. hot
far ao kaawa wtttont otattor that toto
tooald ho iBBodtota totenoattoa- hy


tooOaltod Stotoo to praooat y^pt
a^eoorlor too atarTtoc'patmlo aatoa
too artoBoat acatoat roaotaiUoa of toeoat tlrt tlBo aad IfoToa It
too Olaardaty o^ too............................
apj^too too affairo 00 too toload aa-


- atoBilUoadMlanwaopald tor toa
: tortlto.7 oratooro pBtotool to Ntor
Tork yootarday. By F«ktor «*.ht
; Brtdaytooy wm ho tarty to toroo
otooka. ThoyotUbo attaahrt to too


Bt dohao. K. r.. April S.-Tho
toh 1^. BoUaBooatroB Oporto
yorto hartac haoa ehaart art irrt oa
V • >rt*ito waiohip altar Joartot too
Barborod Oporto.

WotU^toa. April I.-T0000I0 hare
haoB atopotohod to Baraaa to toko off
dloaotal two art oor eoanlar otteota.
iroU ao all ABorieaoo who dpairo to
It h ataue by aa attarto of the otato
dopartsaat toat OoMal Oaaaral Loo
rtblod too pitoidoBt toh attar
toat M aaado at %ot foriy-ri^l hoars
' toaratowhlektofotall ABorioaaaart
«t Baraaa. Ba oaya tboy aro paalo
atotokaa. Tko Baeha, Blako art Maatvrta hara already haoa dirpatehod.
Brt Ito. Loo haa hooa astoorttod to
hire oMTchaat rooooU to aooUt to too
toobarksooat of thooo wbo doriro to
taaeb ABorioaa ooU hofore war bofteo.
Oeoersl Loo wUJ oapoto tho Oty of
Key tVoot, daa tooro teawrrow. art too
: MoMtu doe toero Tharodoy.
Cooaul QenoTsl Lao roporto thot tha
rolutoor oray. eoapeort af daoparato
Oat-tbroau. ko aoziao* to Boko a dlw
, ' play of poUioUoB. art toat tolo B
aa attack wUI bo sodo oa all .Aotori-

Balatiro Power af Pea art Bward
PtoeiMaod by Oellayo lyeoan.
Last oroalay too BooIbooo Oaltoyo
LyaeoB BOt art Itotaaad to a aboK
A dao rodtatkB. ••Badahaa,*' by I. J.
^ rmniVBin 'nBCfBBP^
floBoraoylroatobtoaaaal oatertala> MB BBOOBBT TO BBAB VTOV

tepMtod not too Fepa WiU AdVtoo Bpata ta Olro Pp Oaba to
Vnrort War With tha Vattod
Btatoa-ProaMoat iCcBalay Wttl
Bare Bo ^ot• Bogatlattoa With

*"?bo qaootoB for dtoeoooloa waa.
••Beoolrad, -That the pea to BlyhUar
tbaa too oBord.** Mr. Oeawot art
Clart Palror otyaod too aBrBoUro.
art MIM Baler art Prof. Doekrray
hoadlod' the noyaUre. After a warm
artoatiited eeateetUoJodyoo derided
la Carer of too afirsoatlro.
lislart rtoltrt toa •
Mr. Doekany aloe road a paper oa.
•Tha Laborlay Slataa.'’ whlto waa
tlinrnayhly oajoyod by arory om proo0 ArehMobop
orooiro oad ooid bo oobo oi aPlp^ pay oaL
Tb« feaoral of tbo Ute Hra. Boaaol
hto isopocu. A cable froB Lortoo,
boworor. •Utoo that too pope oont Aadvaoa wUl taka plooo at t:M toto
fr«B tbo realdeeoe. Ror.
a rablo of WO word* to too arohbttoop.
Btytoy laerraood efforto la the lator- Wiley K. Wrtyht wUl oOelau. OMtoted
hyBer. D. OeobUa^., .
aOia of pcaoo. Mr. Day oald at
that tber* hao brra m lartlaUoB
Bpiinc MtUtooiy Opanlny at Mrm.
Iho foUowiay to too roB of Qrsad terroattoo of other powers. BOterial or W. O. LewroBor'a Ttaarsday, Friday.
artSatoTday. BnsiUBlpoiWrA ^Ato
Tbo ptooldeat to boldlay no Bore dip- la too lateet olryaaKotyloa
loBOtle rolatiaiu witbSpale; bot Artobtobop Irpload alter kto U
s lay tha oltoatiaa before the pope io utbo that
allow ao BtoapprehettrionIf apaia yields hoforotMorrew a
toe Aerae BOBoye with whleh the
prorideat bow bop« to thrUl the oosacity...................... 744 f- --tryV patrtoUe aarree, wUl probai^y





dt tooa
toada to hara onafioB oappart too
tpU^ aatttoad by too prooldaat. Tho
tai wal boltof aaproMod to that whoa
toa'haoooadioaraodtrtttoa Bajoriiy
«t ttohotooeoooBlUaoea forolfa atMlUikoe'aaotBtoJcrity.... 4M
^ wpa toady to oapport too proto
- ^ro plaa art too laproakw prw
oallrt toat a loaolottoa wlto rooMBat Ba^aciMooforB

toortoHoao to oapport too protodoat



:;;; .S -2 S

Spala Boot yield or Sybt, aad too
pope hob artei
baokaf Irillay
larioa, hat It osokoo o yood way to aort
oa altlBatm. oacwriaUy aa U to
toronbaBaaof ki^taBoaaeo. lito
t Oardlaal (Mbhoaa to ei
lay what ho -ana do with too laoaiyoat
Jaato at Kow York to artaayo aa armtorto If Spala ohoald aok oao.
Tho prBldoai oapoetb to lay hto:
aacohoforoeoayroBtoBanaw. Attba
mslar eaWaot BooUny tha Betoklay
taoehao wore ylrea U tbo ooeoooyo.
drafLef w>leh waoeaWrt to Mlalotor

Waahlaytea. April A—After tha oabBataraaoetooaaoai
iaot Bootlay adjearaod lata thto afiosy
dtotriot ara rary Maw la eoBiay la iBoaa It wooiMraadthat it to praetltroB otoor oooatiao, hot aa foot ao eally oottiod that too prcaldoat'o bow
they oooM artorittaa aro yirea for floyo wlU aat raeoBBoad too ianodlMUUkoa. la BaaMo eoaaty Cryotol LakaylrBeklBaaaoJority of loe. Cor tho rooaOB too iaaoryoalo hero
•Boao/Bta u. BoBootort t4 art Lake aotebUohad aay yororaBoat w
weald wamat aa to uktoy oaeh o atop
la -Kalkaoka eosaty Balksoka ft'
MUlikOB tio art OaBpbaU 77. Bajoriw
Tha bettor way, It to arynod, wosld
for MiUlkon in. Boardslaa ftroo MID bo for too Uoilod StalOi to taka
ikaa a Ba)artty of u and WUboo ytroo trol of too tolart If aaeaaaaiy ta proA It todoelarrt'tkatkto Mjority In
too ooBBty triU baaol loB tkaa 400 ila adBtototntlea to too toUraat of
art Way roaoh ftM.
jDottoo aod hasaaity aaUl Spala art
Ip Uoloa. Leolaeao eoaaty, n rotoa Coba tooaaolroA K pooribto, aattiad
oraro oMLof wUeh OaBpbotl rooOlrrt a tooqaaetiom.
BoJoriWtrflOWhat- fortoor aettoa wUI bo takas
Tbo rotaypB 00 for 00 rooelrrt tail- WlU ba dleutrt by toa eoadlttoaa at
aatao toatMimkaatoBaJority wUl bo
at laaot »0M Art poaothly asoo.




Will roll Bilb THs7»ar?

iirktiUli BIdcL

S»oz>e Oloaga Xoixiglx-fc's-li 7 O-olook.

Be Pleased

the new opetoa striae of

Ladles’ Shirt -Waists
• sr* sbryle*' As Iwissss t ■S. msM sfsbMBSctSs, rioBtSMBTwar.e,


Reliable ]>I7 Goods, Catpet
and Ctotfalag House.

Wheel Enameled for

itrtbyMrs. S.M. Daa-

w. w. U^lUEIt, .
' S( Sn, in M ind

ialif ara tba oaw atyleo tbit
we are now abowiag.
Ba fare ud tea tbeaa bean-

Goodsolldlestheroountsn^lessndnppers^-Uutls the Und that wears.


tiea, only at

404 trnion Street.



South Side Shoe Stosw.

Quality And Price in Tbe Prizes le
.What woold yon think of a Uwyer wbo triad to aaeora elianto 6y
dfariDe ebanoea on a biejrolaf
Would yon want the aameeaof a pbysieUn who rtTwadteg^Ye
coal bods or aofs pillows to patients wbo employed him ragolsrtyt
We think not. We baliere aUo that when, anekneas oomea and
yon hATe preaoriptiaiis to ba filled, or need uy other aid that tba
akilled phsnnAeistcan
yon wut perCaot aarrloa at a (mr pRea
—and nothing aloe
I t}tot ara doaWe can give anch aorvloe. We ...
ecientiotis about quality an pretlytonra to be as oaratnl about price.

Ti.Y.n» <3ity.

F. -w- s:r-A.2srB,
389 Piilon 8t,OoniMr of 7th.

kSTC rear •SWI wHfc Va espsHSiSi
east roar
Issw ^ «HS w« ssd
fursalM h «UI hrtspBMS rIfSL
X do all kirts of Brwiay. Vsleaalstoy. art ^ BeaBrllby h too Snoot
toot yos ean yet anywboro. art for too
loaot Boaoy.
Ontoo to aod aoo aoBploo.

S. £3. O-XBBa,

So^a Yi.yW Cbocta.



Prrtdoat-Xd MUlv.


-WJ X. MoKol-


Ptolaaatod a Wnaoarial Booratary—D. K. MUtor.
WUto drawi^atortofeam otaUn
Bow Obarob at Banaid. '
Troaoaiw Joa Ptarit.
pabuirday. auaBhotoactorto IL O.
Bar. B. L. KoUoyy wUl dadleata a
hrdltoa. wbo Uroa aoar Btocha^ bo- BW M. £. oboreh at Bofl^|M April lA
d art laa away. C^w- Ito raise to ootlBatod at tMOO art Bar.
Oatrido Oaard-Joo. RyaaA J- SpatoMr. -Woltoa brttowprd rt toa daa. Alloa, tatoer oIMb. B. Ben of
lyor. WiUtoB Soeor.
ud, Mootay a dioiatotirt of too toto eiw>M too paoter.
f. Uat idght too Crtsooht hart mmm totop-latoosoatmotlB of toathirW»*It kaoo. Mr. Wditoa wHa^
AaOrtlu tor ^iitroaUta «f tooth
. BaklaatU
LaatU aaototaaea
aaototapea oaaM art broprht
Joaapk BarwBowUl baUd a photw' dad SoBatcr‘MUUkoa art trace troatad
i.Blto lo toaaity.- Doetors Oaraar-rtd
yallory at too aomar af OoB art. to a My onp« At fflattoarb Ootoablaa



^aVoQ) a ^seVta^e,
sVam^ei, Tsaiq W woRV\ai, ■R.ulfke to taatob—yttoe
50 eeato.

' j

oas vdf 4ab haa'.«tat«pi««b.toBn.'-,




j urn sn,»tM ltd.

101.-611708 WORK.

for too iiaoBabf lOSAat too toot a
toy of Local Xa. U. of the Loayil


Floe Stocks of hm ui Sttple etwiii.

Bicycle Repalringl

iBpartaat ehaayoo ais belay Bade
to too Bout WhUiay. Tbo dtotoy
rooB art hotel oSea aro boloy
toryod by bortoy tbs aato aad priraio
stairway walls takaa away, art tha
siairwaya balsatrrted, yirtoy addltloaal Boor rooB oadoraoato. Tho
WBohrooB wUlbopotostooboooi
Boor, which whtoh wUl ba Sued ap
with all too Bodora ocawtMOoa

Ml widtht. We can save jbn monej. Get oar
prices and we will get your trade.

1 horo'booyht tbe taariaBO iseeBth
toto Md will earry torpe otooka of Moot 4
Ordan daXnrrt preBpOy.

Baddoa Death af Xrt. ObarlotCo
Ptooo At A
Mb. Charlotte Plaeo of Aeaw, artdoely dropped dead yBterday aftor'ooon while rsUny sp cbipe to her.
yard. Deewoed wae U year% of oyo
iart owaed oooaideral
: AeoM. She wao a ttotor-to-tow of W.
B. Deryoa also of Acb«
Cbransr Mooa was soBBoaod art
OeatroBAttoBAl Prayer Boottny.
bald aa toqoaat Tbs Jsty rendorad a
Tbo dial Bootloy of toa weak of ronUei toot doecaood caBo to her death
prayer wao bold loot oroalny at too by Mddos taUsfs of the heart. Mra
loO 4 e l*S«v< IS. eelr
OeayroyrtiMal ebnrek. aod woo one of Ptoeo waa a widow.
t.,- -------------deep InUreoi and doroUon. Ibo aobWMXTIMa
jMt tor toto oroalay will bo ’‘Uoboo
•MMMWtsBdw. wrtrpBrvaHim^ I Ss.S
art oebooto. Wkat aro too aooda of

too beoHoaadookoolilthatwo ohoald
ptayfoA** TUa to eao of too Boot IBBoproooauUro WlhUa Aldoa telto portaat oatajoelB. All aro iarttod u
atlart artfarlaytorirfrioado.
rt too toroio aSatn <
<Nootsl Lm-0 roqaat Bay delay aeil Qaadidataa.
ttoa by too houe. bsi that It wlU aot
BbB af oaooaaofal <
-dalay toa proaldaat* aaooafa.
led laotaBht by too Orooeoatbaad. Do^ too oaaolon Of too
eoBBril too boH caBO aroort art
: Toalyht Mrs. Mdbti of Bay City, will
■doUroratoeOaistotba Baptiot ekorrt
AohbrtraaaaBaotofert bythaaMor«ador toa awpioao of too' W. c. T. 0.
BOB art too beyo waat awayflro«dol,Boroab}oe»wfnbo ••Blfbar Ckrtottoo
larorMMr^_^__________ !
' tAfol" >raryoao lo terttod to atiMd
itito tootoro. Tho aooeUec 00 prertowBatonoiaod By Mm. dobaaoa.
ly aaaoaaortlo take ploM toto aftorLaatotoalay Mro. Joe. O. dakoooa
aeea hao haaa r<w Ap. owtog to ao aat«toUod A ertirt>r
Baay atoor iftoortafo to toko.ptooo at
M at her baao at tbo eoraor of
jtho oooM riaa. Bratyoao fa
■dBoa aoaaao art Blala otroot.
- [toalykt

Soeial foataroo art Uybt rofraabaoata

We Make
pd Hang Curtains



Tbo Ooart Bonoo Vote.
Tbo fotlowlay aro addlUooal rt
oa toe ooort hosao boi
Too Ko
4S 04
With Aobo to boar fma’ the BojorIty tatooooaaty aa/rta^ for too
leaa 7M, wUeh ebows toat oateida too
city iroro o BoJorUr oyalaot too

TwoOttla, .



Tu i^irara SBoois.

JOB xosmraf

vsAK or TU rASBsm

uoobd. ooMh kMk oTtoe rtfw kokwon OataB

; oun) nAYEBgB BXtA^.
». Sin



udywlMtoooto%edoateed.udU.peeoU ‘*. too owto kuk. mofon. ttoe
ud duap
to> -^too toot toe ehp parboil toe oo|W1 o of koUdlar ooeh dock oad toe
to lutr ewaaco toe otoar hoU, pm-.
» be pootod la

ONllY $2.5

To hoOkooreedbyBobrvm .to ThU
The Hobnw Bolidoy. "Noat of too
Faaaorar." baglu taatgbt ad audawa
aad omUbm oma day*. It wffl ha
by too Bahraw
pooplo la thie dty aad awruadlag
eoutry. Sorrlem wUI ho hold at too
oyaagogw u Parte otroot.

Will oIuD it thorooghlv, trae tbe whwla, rire any <tetor
or ramiab your nma loraboro ;
Call and see wnple.
~ soB^d
d Whuls to Ortter,<ie it ebuprr sndgirebet^
tor matorUl tsd wor]rk than uy shop to tbe city. HsTe bsd urei^
d gurABtee utialaeUoii.
Please give os a trial
BLLIS, 811 Front 8L,]

ked iortottoa Ito p
tfet ptoeoUed.
a»a^ rofarrod to ood
toot u oumpU of am be mode oe o
worolar Vo etoofo.



CSYaoru wfe* wvtm tb* «|d*ldB ttei
SMuldnt MeKlml*7ib(M)4 Mte«n»V
«r bMt« U Mtiflb tb« Onbui-SyMUh


KltkMWUa H*
mu Whs

«0 btaMlTWwlMto«toto« mutar.
Uw « eoMMai M7 te
tun IW» tW Ualto^ Btotm »»■
J«t<r ud mLmMj uprvfvad ^
' tow. 7^ rwato w« datoMdlaff that
•ha p.'toMal AiOl )««p toto . ^
^ toMtp »few toy’a I
I* wbtali » p»«7
tk. ^
I, ud for LM 1*9)( «:
fHidah «• BboaldBPflwMV Bf«y
tij «< detoy to >toa>—Hoifcto» who
•n miMiW.ptopwwioufwww. ud


■ «w te«
k« to oMit diMtor to ew MMout


Aiao sABJto^s cBOMor* raononQVBXMVtsBs.

1 od dKottde to

r of Bighwoya-Walter

to to toe okortor pot tomfk ^
pniial 11^00 of toe l^ialotaio, %at
toace woo ao npport to hie raeolotioa.

Sehoot iBtooetorwW. t. Oardaw.
Jutloo of too Pueo-W. S. Oordaor.
Boaid of Bortew—R.
mw—K. uaa.
Jao. BA M P
If. Aadrowe, Oop.

to tooaooldmV at toe tom otoeotC A
to. If. tfoaalBt oad moeod toot toe
etork be utoerloed to reqoaat toe laUwoy oeotouy to eppplp o fleraua. oad
toot toe raUnad ooowimtooer slao U
latarmod of toe amdiltoa of too
Tko Ubcorp t

a repertod toot


■ ^^Aomo.
'■ ■dome.
V ,
' Poldphor.

Bo Yw Hay?
Kimball Piano

gar Stotoborg, ofadup

aork—Addihort a. Orlop.

le poeitirr. ud Mr. Sleioberg etatn
that the dete will be Setardoy eruleg.
May Mtb. The pttraettaa' lo that of
Porter d. WkUr. too omlaut
Amoriioa aelor. npportod by Mho
Otfi Voraer ud a^loror eompuy.
Spootol oooaory by L. W. Uoreg. (oao
^ Mow York City'a hoot aeoole artoto.)
Ocmotablw ^ Tboodon WhitofoH,
aad the sml oomProd a Ptpkf Owcfo W. daekua. pUto elutriul mtdt erer earried by a
toaalrteal oempuy, tarn a part of Uk
piedoeUM. which k eald to bo oao of
too eery beet la thb ooaetry. cf thla
giaadplay. Timrerae City thwtre g»Olnte^ay Browa.
wUl apfweolate Mr. SlaUWa
Trtuarer—Oerid K. Wyokoop.
offorte lo areoriag u attraetiu of tok
megai Mde. ud eboald ahow It by their
patroaege. ' ________
Sebml lupoetor. 1 ya
fstSios fit tbP f

7 tlM-Ot.
HMroteoMtoloft.mvolemmlB tbe
UbroiT at fftoiot, laelpdiar ^ompiatooadottoMo.eto. Dorfartooyow
oaly tw6 bootee were loot ud bet three
ON aow nkolBt. wkleh le o pnttj
toed foeerd Itolffto. Tk« wh^
>b^ of hookadns oot woe IMMrhd weeklp oraroce. ii* betan the
ibrart woe .kept opu erorj doyAd^
n: weeklp oiaeo Juaorp lek The;
i90l)e*l pomborrieu oat la «m weak
doriar tbe pew woe tto obd too lorf
mt nr. Ibe emolietl aambtr plNO
pat la 0 week alaoe Juiorp ut wm
m Nport
mmteolaaar af Bigl
The eleetlu rourae of toe dty WON
ouromed aad too
ttoe reoolto r
Member Beard of 1
toUUom Leaddd «a pNaut oad be Drala ftmailrnktaw

colled toe ottoSttoa of toe oooacU toot
toe oddlltoa of too Meyen boU bearUroxlatmtoaflNwocoa weald ae-

eeadtata aow trkeele oe toe btf oaae
LeMaua Ouaty BUetlu
ddb Be t
rot toe oicemoTy wbeeU at e eeet of
•U. Mr. boadoa agreed u take the
Clerk->W. B. dohutea.
At a termor meettar of toe eeaadl
■tom Aic Xighto OrdMd.
Highway Ooi
It woe etotod by a
. A rood mamj m*tto« of booli
dkeoaelar toe prepmid Ueeaee for the
wm* dtepeowl of bp toe «t7 oMi
Seaul laepoeter—W. P. Steele,
eoy.toot ho
M aICbt oad » rnot daol of ttma bod heard toot toe oempuy ked aoid daetlee of tbe Peaee-W. >. OUl.
u^todtoe«mloa.ud ItwMMtw toot they did aet bore to pay a Ueeaee. B *rd of Be*iow-0. A. (baker.
ttaurip II o'clock ttot » moUu to Joko Berry, toe leeol
-a doyat. L. a. CampUymru wM tapped toto toe peoeood- pnoutloetalthtoodbeatotedto too krlU D. F. Bazle. Ira Baager.
far*. IWp were o lorfo oamborof
leil that tbe oompeny had oeepr
welitfaM tar wtooe- wuto ud eome
Soporokor-L. Bcthardk
etotemui.. Aldarmu
, flCtoem wen r»»»od. ud tbe wkole amdo uyeaeh
Cioite-B. B. Foley.
... n-17 ba.. UU
la wtU be of totoraeV ''
Treuam^B. B. OUImu.
hod heea maie aad 00 etotod.
TboWootSldeN —
~formlmtoatwoweeke ocoteUyoaie- A metioo woe taea mode to adjoara.
daetlee of Peoee B- B. Cbta
leotwolku Weot Proot etreet coma
JaMiooto dll racaacy-A. J. Whitekaateofolo with a prayer tar u eight
flobool laapocMr—T. W. Good.
PrukUeorarideea Euwood.
«0M walk aad tola wae fiutod. lo
Board of Boriow—Jerry SolUru.
C S. Hate It rtdiag a high grade
dteodteoamtaatoe matter of tbe etiy
Dialaago Commimioaor—V. Kod
paytog toe . poue of oremlag tkb A aew lodge of tbeSenanlal Uagae rich. .
• apaadoamotbaof AlFoz. fliaaloy
. it waa.deeidedtoat tbe wiU ho orunleed la tbe Oddfellow haU
Odol. T. Horton, O. CUypoM.
obooM bow toot portlM of toe to thle elty toli erealag.
Qeeu City Cbmp. Ko. STS. Boyal
aloag FUtb.etnot Nolghhen of Ameriea. wlU meet tosight U lagalw ereeloo
Gtark-Ckri M. Pnmtooa.
A. D. Bodol aad P. W. Oeiafe eeV
«B nito from Oak
ThIigaN epUt ud pAod ts eordo of 10 iaeb wud
plaiita. wbieh w
mr of Highwayo-doe BtolU
toNodaye tar Fraak BedeL
wH. D.
T|-p^» A Sou woald oatead too Ihe nr erred eeat plat tar tbe leetoN Jnotioo of too Peaoo, foU tarm-BlUpla. ItwuatatA-tkata aimUwM- ef Prof. Prod S Batoaway. u Alaeka. ram M. Gala
wttl bo at toe OiN/Uewe Btaad tble

Pautas of DlrMm etroot wu ordered
ptemg ttmo ago bat had

The Itloom Dowmlag aad dtadUkg
rtbe eleric
rlto. lathle
utartolaod toolrSoadayoohoel rlimm
eru laetraetod to uUfy B. a Oemp%B1 A Sou to moke too octoaalou ta- at too
day aftoraem.
Ymterdoy Bor. d. A. Bready. paster
I gaUorr M of too Metoedkt ekarck. adltod la
e Olkou aad Mlm Ckrtoo ecraer of Oaoo aad Waohlagtu
uaeta aad too mattor wu Nforrod to
too oommlUu u.flN aad wa^.
tors la a maehlae
> ...iudUM.
loBoliatTh factory. Dr. MartU fooad
nautooroeta largo brioh.ealo ud
fo^ otoble oe u aztoBolu to hie prot- it aeeomary lo ampatato the member.
ThoozamlaoSinaof OayPkree. wMb
utbero-oo StaU otrook Ho oz] ‘
b leJailuaohargeofoeeaaltuEb.
to boro it oomplotod by Jeu diet.
J. W. IlilUku. ou ef toe Ubrair Botiaom. hae bou adjoaraod util toe
Itto te aw^ toe rault of Boaoemk

too matter of makiag e sow erraagemut rogordiag tbe opn boero far tbe
City libfai^. Be repo^ that too
onry aftereooo aad onalng plu had
ererteod woU. bet aow that too
wutbor U uprooeblagtooN ie aot oo
« greet a domaad far booko. After e UVdie dleeamUw tbe trootere wan eatber*

m.,an bw
tog made fof too a
mmt do toko plaoo to too (Xty Open
Boam ',oB . too itth tkat oonototog
eztndioly denr k to bo rzpoetod.
Tben will beaamorou foatoim

Jaolk* of too Peaoo to dir ramsey,
two yoaro-CUm Vu Olaha.
Board of Bo*iow-Joha Lei

Uoward OUl of NorthporV wao to the
city yeotemay.
Mu OatooriM Brau of ClhloMO. k
rklUog her oktor. Mrs. H. B. Oatoo.
Un. Itoballa Bualool loalo, k rWtisg kor old frieode to thk dty.
Un. C. F. Wolfe ef Grand Baptde la
toe gaeot of Hre. John OlUla
E. Mooee bao grae «• Mutoa wbara
bo k employed lo earpontor work.
E U Obampaey bae gem lo toe
ooathorapartoftkoetaUoa butoeea
W. H. AadoNoa, a
neet mu of Kewadto, wm to too oily

ebaroh. i
for the oceeeloo by too Qoeu OUy
week ^ttog frieode.
Mr. aad Mm. teak Oalmu arrivto
A latter from WUUam aad Leri Dee.
ly from tadkaap(>Ik. lad. Th«y
who wutte SeatUo with toe .Tunrao
toey wUl make thk city tbolr tntoN
e. a. Aadmooa of Cteleago. arrind
to the Uateof kaeplag the Uhrery
hme yeotefWy aeon ealled by toe dmto
Tbe committee u petaUe IwhUag re­ aad 1^ epoadtog fonr wdtoe toon of hk motoor. Mrs. Bamool Aadonea.
tooy^ go ap M toe Taku riew.
ported. i^mmoodleg that u
rao fenod le lean u the afterAKkto MePkaO arrlfad to toe eity
light ha mtabUthed at the
aoM tnto. u oooout of toe strike
Oodar aad fleeced etroota. aad ou oor- ymterday tnm flegluw aad wljl take
among toe earpwten aad haUdan to
Bor Park aad Woohiagtoe.
Ctek^ when ha k eagagod to aoAThe oemmUloo oo o«cpeto aad walks eten thk mornlag. Bo formerly re­ traottog’
teportodagalaottoooomploUcaot too' dded horoaad
eton of Buin,-Saed A Oo.
, The mootli« af too m--------------Oloaary Bodoiy of tooTroobyVartoa
ahorto wQl aot ho' "

U. .utan of Cl. WMd Sbun .11

BMtoulcteanh. toboboM tok aftor^
atlWhamoefMti.B>mUtu m
trUlhoh^at dkS

Hothlng ftutfaor naod-be said Aboafc ito znarito.
ptontoA Wbo hAs ofod H wlU

it Has No Superior.

231 Fmi Smei



Tomorrow sight the i
a l«n ProNcaer Mortaagb-e academy. It wUt aleo be deeldod. at that time, whothor the utorthan bogtrra at Maaktu.

I Bald • LW* •Mtom ud
4«<»«rltocfSMia«u u4

, uUl too liqaM
MUe to aozt muto.
The hoardolpabUomc
to of too


TSutrioal Sotoa-

Ctekauh . laigoet mlUtaory hooeea.
Boufifal offoeta oatoeted wlto taoto
ud nan wUl moot too aoproeal of too


outoaUltoooof______ _________

h wUl bo to too ntan
Advaooo aotiem of too loetan of
Prof. Fred E Bethawoy. oa Alapka
oSow that too priu all onr too etat*
oad to other etateo k
prako of the otyloud abUl^ ef Mr.
Bathoway oad hk oeloetlca of a oah}oet for o loctore. In ehomlag Alaoka
for a deld of neoarck bo boa taWa
aomoiblsg which will totcreu-tbo
lotry, pertlnlwy tooeo latmadtodYUrecUy or iDdIneUjk. to the imi
dadtage of gold. Prof. Bathoway wUl
appear la too City Opera Hooao oa too
onatog of too »th. '

BtogutoprtogmUltooty dkptoy la
toe parlor*of toe Wood aktoreattorir
opuiag Tooada/. Wodaoadoy aad

ad OB oar maii^ifloor in f
A latuidrtod Waist to aks Wight odlorator &6e—folly op-to^date. A better ooe, Itoea finish for 85e. An exo«41«t fabric, otodo-j
op wcdl and fit guraotoed. for Me Bettor . WaiatA» es good u yoo^
want them, at a liring profit ooly.
We abow a fnU Use of 8Uk Waists to s beantital zangoof iiati;
ezoellent vof^manAip, and bunUea to befiedd. A pmflflk
rae. (or 04.00 udeejODl,

Uthebinetf iiillottbeniMicUgni. W. nak. bu. lo ordn-;.
iToin 60e np. Hie ubm patos ara taken and high art eabiUtod -to
all oar bats, np Batter bow ebeop. InspWtion Kdisitod.

Front Stroot

IfTonArogotnEtonutkp.gArdsa do not toil to aooq
ooBLplou otoAk. of Flowor, Oordtt and Ftolfl


Ghloan>. 1e^
It too apprual of too




to. 1.












•Phone 187.

M8 Front Strut


^ Ii a good thing to have, especially when it is well flUed. But 3
you can buy so much for yonr money in ^ '

at this etore Oiatyou don’t need one.

Our values in this line are so good that purchasers once
H are customers always. We are showing correct'epring s^Im ^
^ ihshoea


' i'r; '


______ CT» MUBUtO MOOBP. WrortTOAT. ATHn. a. im

A- A IdB WMtat
tbt midtet to «
-. ----------- ^
wnttn OMmt of tlM
•«•«« wm oW«t»«4 vltboat awBrnnc
proecM «f Icvtl coBdttnntMoa,
»*iyy n»m*« u*t lb* bouM fbooM
tat»n»itd wbu Tmm» tbtrt «bt lor
»>' »“• wia* ptepM*t»0ti. and tut
Ttod tbt CnI
,, ebatrtd by tbt g
nanUh bd> ** wafbtd the nlltrlta to bt quite
and-of M. TboBita Tbt cable te owud I “Tbewe ganertto.” taid Ballty. waring
by a Preach cuiepaar. but Ht utt hat i **» •-•*«»
tbrongtd gallcrtta
beeont of rltal inponaiKr to tbt t7b«t. i
bwt a mlalaxort of tbt Awtritaa,
• mill bttfcd CdbtoH 8»yt That Cd»- •d etatta govtramcae owla* to tbe!»*<^* If oongiut could fact tbt galpotaj^li teat of Bhral opcratioai la tbt
•* tbt ptoplt tbty wtoid forett^
graM WO! Ba TborKckly tai AcLttwanl lalanda. Steretarr Long wrat I bouat to action.*'
card MiU t>» PccwwilU
tkMiartp dralrosa at barlag tUa^a-' Tbt aptakcr then atetwly warned tbt
pigpftiatnt effected. Aa a mult of I ■•««**• «-« « tbt dtmoaatraUoa waa
----------dlWirti waa aent to th* 1 again repealed bt would orddr tbtm
United (UatM aafaMcr »|
'•twM tb* <»M
nil 0«tr>a. gaklng bta to terurt , ■ "Oh, I thiniethat wrould hardly be
fair." laterpoted
ftieele oftadlaaA “Tbt
gortnimCBt and at tbt jabm>;M'.'
Wbiwb tbitk. l*-db.«u
bit- Danlib
thne tbt Prtnrh aiffborttiwt atranged i rmlltmtB la only Ulklng to tbt gal«Mtd MtMrrtw •• a*alB-OM|Mtw Dt.. to hare their inlaWtcr at Cepenbagea i»cHee.“ II.aughier.1
-It la better,- rAoriH BaBe*. -to
aptak to the Uaienlng galterm than tbt
ACtlMI to bK TAKSM TOHOBBOW.! deaf tar of tbt malority.-----The day waa demted to Dlatrlct at
Catge.w Wtll wn Kt Mgt bM Win ! cohiirbla hultlne- after ihW
JVraahlactdB, April i-Tht WaAlix.
I oau&yATiovd from bkaouat
loa Pact aart tbu ualMt Bpala. «iuaa
WaabiBgton. April A —-Walt tor
bo«n^ ytoM, *n by OM^* Wodntadar." .waa Ibt word paaatd
• aemur ■el<ovm«bo>aioJ! ArtbnrKallogii WrttW of u Inta^
about the Capitol reeterday. and a
i, war (UBM tM av«Aod.
••tta* trip.
gential undtrtUndlng to that effect
Waabtngton. April l-Baimlor MItebTba foUowlu axtradU ara brum lotWaaUMloa. April k~tba %mald«it waa taacbtd: Tbt RwiubBtaba will not all. of tt'taeonriB. who to om of the
tarv }oit taerivad by Brv. K. l! KalhatC
hu oMi^ttd hU Cubaa miwaat. aad Inmate, aad the OtBweraU wlU not try
itlve men In (be ncut*
It «UI bt pcUMttd tc tenittM Iookm-- to force, nny ae|lon on Cuba uniil to- abd bu never advocated tnlerrentlon from hla ae«Art.aboie amcmg too
until aince tbe receipt of Miobigu Kloadikna:
l«w. •motarp Umg. afur ibt ap»ri*i bsorrew. when the prealdqDl'b tntatagt
Abcud abtp ofl Bt. KaryntolapaulitMt BM»UBg laM bight. MiUwriatd will be received. With that under- the report on the ilalnt dSauter. re­
, Ow AaaoeUttd ’ Ptmi tt atakt thu atandlag tba ommu forrign rtUUuni ceived a letter yeoterday from Paul
^arca 3A itM.
of MUwaukee. Wla_ a
Wa bmva tod g deligbifal trip evar
WaltMtut. Tbt wtAagt. «bleh In taratgn reUtlona took no artldb yeaof
ttaatt It tobg. will bot bt aerumpanM tetday. It la known that the etnaU
luviar Braid* Wa go ap tto
whkb an argument (or peace -4p.|
hr tlw eeuolar Mportt dtaUng wlU’ cominRtte baa agreed upbci a rtootade and in which tbe report of tbe ; taalda paaaagaa aOl tto way ato ara
ttbMauofaaaniaCob.. tmm will
tto .. .
Spanish court of inquiry la mid u >
•« to tbt cuwtmwt vti fprtlKB T«Ularlng lode
grounds (or not accepUng u oonclualve jtba moat beantiful trip I
a with an a
Huf or tbt otMtt tor lit privait
the Bndinr «>( our oain court that the
'*'• lA baantlfnl agpaau at blaa watar
IblWtnmi. and will aei be made pub- apooalbmty tor tbt deatrurtloa of the Maine «as dmtniyed by an cgtamal |
I epetw to aar gana a>4
autnt upon-SpalB. ekber by daalgn or axpleakia.
Be pan sew. Tbt dlpiomaUr •<
ertralnal ntgUgeaca.
To tbla teller Senior MfttoaUrepBad I Wanda of r .
Tba bouat fortla affalra coenmlttet u (oDowa: ' Y< (ir favor of tbe M lui. alao. aonaooearad with Bn'nad
wiu report, it poulble. a rtooliitloa U at band. I b^- never favored amed '^
w,k, barraa and rooky, and
twery 8iwtltij~Wa» Pneaoi.
known that eSorta are
la toe
. Tbt cabtut Meeting laaled from « being made to have tbe reaoluUeu of
.mgs of Cuba by ruaortlng 9t*
tuta U. mad wu dtvattd entirely to both eeauaittaaa agree with (be petal- to war. B«t the Maine qp'oode will
a faw m
«a naraful atading aU dianiMlon of dent's wlahta. The conference of lUofiearata do Abtdr ^rork.
tbt prealdtntb dcafi of bu mttaage. putaUran members of tbe bouat wu la uaetean It atanda betor* tbe Amercane of treaebery. and got to Victoria at * a. m. aad
s pqpple a plain
Xtmt aotBtbw of tba cabinti wti adjourned until 11
Perpdy and cruelty rub la tbe Bpaaish atayad tUl .n * m. to gat oar free
piinibt. Ibt dteumtat waa gone ovtr
tls rise In '“
Its —
bisMood. There la Uttr-----------pwmt.>1iy-point aad a>tt nttb tbe apllaaniM.OTbag cost as BIO and
lory- Any uikn that would permit last M yaar. Tbsy glvu prlvUega of
tnpm ai tbt oablnet la every matrrUI aMntdy prrtimluty to tbe mote
BUfii aa outrage
taibect. Tbe only ebanget made were portnnt debate and actlea t* be taken would not deserve
aUntng U CknadlaB terTitory. Bahlng
^ a tow palata of rwblage. p'btn the before the week end*
“There are some things worse (ban ;Md knating and oattibg tlmbor tor
lereaUng atatdmMO are made by war. There are ome tblaga beitee
^ Ttoro ara a good mMy
raa a gtoeral air of eenatora and repreoeoUlleva who than money.Md ■aUataciJon on aB tocea. aa caUed Bpon the prcaldeal yeeter^'.
------ Mtohlgaa paopla an board, and aU nro
tboagh tbe air had be«> cleared of
Aaabt. aad the Baembtr»r«rtnly reutrad oa Wbat they deemed tbe proper
bee or eongrvos abere he was farted to boand fprDawaonCity. Waoogbt to
atarai of artloa-bad tet oat to follow
dbe oaarae to iu logical conclualea.
cbooae between personal intrrrota and ba abla to atabd toa trip If tbay ar*
for analUary ctuImi
to himself
bta distrlci. To;devoid of development
y andSkn^.Mantott.
cmvrntloo to
.. ..noailnate for
mlUtnry and naval bmacbea of the gov- DHHTOw the rtmvrntloo
Wa got ta Uto morning and tovo
j^crem In the dUlrirt represented by
Bcbrge W. rart* of Terre Haute. Ir.d.. boon lobklng over toa town. We will
a for tbe Meeting
wax ACT wiTaotrr a
ta. Paris expected to attend, aa be ' go
to Dyaa aboat I or 4 on a
Strong opualtloo. but when It was ' barge, aa our boat enn't land toara, U
d that tbe president would
o apeak. It waa learned from
ia so akallow. Tkia la a tot town and
send hU Cuban mimnge to congreat
dtbar pooteet. b
that body prsbaMy would , OvafTlbl g goes with a mah. Tbara is
Uga la la pari
the KepubUcaas of (be bouee and nanitely. be derided bU duty lota of b slMM. Wa will hava to wait
ate who have been premlng (or aggren:
rujnouot to hU Intersaia at
toraa days bafora we
atve nctloa on tbe Cuban quesUon bold
got oor .fruigbt, an Iboy tovo to
several informai nwetlngs yaotarday
totoattid tram the r
tool all tbe ata« tram too bargo to toe
afternoon looking to tbe
Hew York. April t—At a meeting of Crolfht wanbousoat tow »dc and may
c (or concerted action at tbe New T<efc BapUn minuter*' con.1 U la a auang. both ends of
aatd be. '*1 may aag that
r Capitol In ease the feiAnre yeoterday a resolutloa was natgnitaUcitf atoMttoa.and toaa
line' with wbkb prealdeal b not
..............................which after rttlng U nil baa to be sorted batora wu eua
message to congresi unaorrow. wvs...-------------------- '>0 of the pope In claim It. We will peutobiy Ur* oor
'btors Dart* Fomkee. CiiUom, and otbbaulsd to toees«yUBanddrnwa it
OB were seen by (hr nuuse Republic- tbe epanlafa eiiuatioa, «mtJnuio; -We
■ S« and aa a reoult the cummlttee ap- aSlMt*a«"p^»^i oTfutom
#8 aaledsifbtmlleatodbaveUpnekuB<
I be obtained.
{minted by the bouar 'Kspublkans laM
tbsAealea to toeyentabooteopml
Wednesday poatponrd the meeting of
partof toa^oemiL UvriU eestns IK
1 that while tbe c
the conforeoce wbl.h was i» bsve been
ita a pond. Tboo wa wQI
held last night uBtU Wedneaday At 11
> pabbe for tbe preaent.
* B. At that time. Ii it le apparent baa been thoughtfully adopted by u*- good aloddlar all toe way down kiU to
«t ruard for tbair autbora who
tlmt longer delay U to be asked, they
toe Uku.^wbeiu wo srUI buUd our bani
•tin in Caha. tbelr pnbUcaUaa la not are' to proceed at bath ends at tbe
nnd Boat down strenm to Dawson Oty.
toaawad eaaentlal by tbe laMnet. One
uaabar in dlaeaaalng tbla polai aald:
Wa tovo a Bne nkoi ograpkar in onr
I. and tbe Republicans andlbousanda ortbemarrenllaUrglnH
Woodwortk. Prof, ad PhynbatiAltooB 111 votUBieer* Tbe apuniset
of the foreign affsire c
taa In toa Miek. AgrieulUml OaUagu.
praautad an tba public frnm other
cslly united.
toy they {urfvr to Sgbt wliba greut na­
WMuas.- ProtA Ota'tact that tbe dlploRoU win be Toe armed iBlerventioo. tion than with a omsDer one. as they nnd tovo tokun soato-Bno viaw*
natie eareauawdenru la not praai
and the bkmlng up of tbe Maine will would TWiher -dk as heloes than
TbH H a bauntiful plae*
aritb tba itmaaage It la Inferred tbai be a fowlure of each. Tbe boose ootn-,
coward*- They add that Rpnln baa
lUaoaidtoauatnlgktbut muggyln
tta mala toanuta are touched on la the mlttoe will take strong ground on tbs aTways bad a special prortdence in
uMBii Uaetf cllbar. la tbe form of Maine affair. Ruth oommlttees betau great oonfflrt* and they have eonfl- toadny ttato-BH la a beautitnl ph
road) to act tomorrow the rvsoluUona dence that ProvMance w ill not abandon natumUy. Tto knrbar la tto und
CUB be brought up In both bousee on Spain In bee -defeime of JusUee and bee toa etonnel and aa h takes n akt
that day. Speaker Reed. It n posKIwoarve balew ns it looks Uk* a litUa
ly stated. «in not attempt (o Meck-any
aplotolysnrronnded by m
pregfumene that has the Ipdorsemeat of
toln* Ugbt bauds our.wharf ia a
.J wton the eonferenee meets
Aag was taken from (be gsS of tbe
nerrow. M Is asld. If the prtrtde^i
d out ago* ago
___ to report the
wrvrtted Mslne. where U has doatsd
t ready
dent's meaango and Buropcon medls- tw able to mvtfus theupeaker beyond , store FeK ll. two days after tbe «- by glaotal aettan. Tto Skagoay traU
tion. whldh DOW has taben an active
- -- —--- — ' pi.ulvn. II was (skvn down by an oa­ M toek of too town and up tto ennyon.
rer and a boat’s irew from the Fsm.
fgnn In tbe oourU of Eui
1 mtot stop now aad get ready to go
The wm-klhg tug* iroderwrifsr and
' It«»
aATu ty WAS PimRO nv «
Merrllt and tbe burge* Cblef and Sharp
left for Anierieso water* ye»terday
Botoc^eWor of Sutton* Bay, died
Petotas at qniHiwsto Msam s
Tbe wnckof (be Maine now rear* Itseir
0*1 el the Hsiss.

ta tbe middle i^ito^bor alone.
peeled by tbs admiBi
Wasblngltm. April k-tt wa
eighty yaars old.'Ttofaneral will ba
tneseagi- « Ml be wnt t
Ngemcesi DmUI by Vreass.
ebarcto m the senate ycoterds;
row in aU probaiilllty,
Pari* April k-A ermt-rAclal denial bold toM morning nt » o'clock from tto
Thureday. U-rnWr* of HcfUnley'a
ban hem Issued of tbe report that Jule* Oatoollc chnrcb at ttattoss Bay.
Inet and hu di.ndii in oungreea stated BpAln wwa .ivsponidble fur tbe Maine X'Ainbun. Wench ambssnsdor to lb<Balpk Ooanablo ba* bMB indolging
■dsAniu-ly* yesterday that It WIU deal disaster: that It ban been braught roflrtJ Kiate* had Inamsled to the la matbemstienT enleulsUoa* H* has
trignrouely with the quesUnn. wlU tn- about
American goverrim^m that Prance diSKuond that if all the wall paper la
riuda tbe Heine In.ldeni.' and make
would ool toterven* onlese seket] to d..
dsfinUe recommendauons to cottgTSao,
so by Amerira. Tbed'rnlal Is •Intfrrwnt tto City Bookstore was onroUod and
one at which win b.- the rvcognlUon of
pUecd and to end it wou^ rmto' a
•bOm W tk* p««rm Otfl Bttttia
•nbablr wo«M Mt «itii tb« etbw. Tb«
tm»rml n«w «C th« dijrioMt* l•Ulkttte
MvcMrat it MM M Mwh oBt tovtrd
rmocdUng tht UntM eutM Md Bp«ta
M It it te prtBtryt U»e pt«oa of th«
WM br O0»bl».d BcUon.^^
A» aiTMCtment hu bMo Mebtd br
rtilob tbt rnued ButM BMi rruM

will igroiiPAHi n.



Children’s finmls!


The prettiest line of Suits, from 8 to 8 yean, ever In the dty.
Come and see them.

Hamilton Clothing Co.


a said: ' T..U
ic powm of
. _ .
Uabe cbur.hea may proo Bpalh If they dfulre.
Mat tbe United fRatea W'UI p<«lHvrly —
Uatnn to medtoUpa of any kind <
doto\ot lead to tbe

of Oeorgls while hoping tor a peneeful
•omuon of the proMem the rooBtTy.l*
wow faring, declstto atrongly ta favM
of Indepeodentv of'the Cuban* and
pledged to tbe admtalaoullon the loyto
■upon of tbe eoutb. Perkins took subBtantlally tbs anme groand and his rtgorons tttotmebt of tbe Maine disaster
i aroused tbe crowded galleries to qn• thtuisstie aptdause. Mantle of Hon-


Wm Otowm* who bat ta,
aa trlmmar U Mr* Lawre
oaty pnrior* apentdve wctoala tto
-------imaetn hat dnpartmeato in Chk

55Ti5Sr» .

ita taste wUlto agpm
erse City ladle* ''Tb* epmlsg
WlU to Tbmraday. Friday and Bataiday

New Tork. Ap^k—Anmiig tbe corniMgk ntyta* and moat artistic anv
atunsd ttolr.Arat tangible form yrsier
Tor aqfJoD bad BOW arrived and oOk* of tbe HeilonsI Volnntem- Re- tarn tots at Mr* W. O UwrsM'a
. «•two...of tbe 1 >•»' aettaWmuM be to the end that
lorrlim t
ta nashlvtci. Cohn «hould be free. Rswltaa of Vtah
recelvwd oftcial Infofmatkm that an
change of noten between tbe great pow­ hit speerb. bolding tbni tba ease against
er* was now ta progivsi with a view to Ppsln was already made up and that
Madrid. April k-Tbe reply of tbs
arriving at a bnMs on wbkh they conld with congrem r**t*d _tbe
Pred. Martoigb. ba*
Untied States government has been
- a Joint pdtoKMal for
• rinto a*

■ widnit tbat lbs aMbange I
w .to proparod U
___ wQi
not I
■apIU (ar inatraeUon on tbe
pnUk aad no action bas yet been taken
tatanmeat every Tbundi^ *('C

tar M that tbe notm ar* pnaalbi
April k—The United Statas bnttleablp
ugruidi bstwssB tbs eapftnia ad , ,
* AprtlA-WhDs tbatsi
Oianwi'tos afTtved bew>
J It tod been BBdsTWtood ttof Vnnee
Absiria ware moat neUv* ta brtm
' nbout thie moremant. and that Orenti
ii ban bsan gruatod
• - ' 'VtHata bad fasid aloof ti«tatt.Mt tt da- n tolsf outhraak. ta tba coura* of which
" vaiopsd ywterday that tag Brttito gov- tto ,arar41ks temper of tba erowdad gal- MoCtar* ««}eintag tb*
Imlae^ wm as inaBlfaat that Bpeakir
Baod ibeaadtoad to rtaar tbam K tt was


Indian taW be Ittteiagtod attbegrtag
opening Tn^day. Wadnaatay. Auraday. in tto elagatos of tte^lii’ of
spring bonnetannd mflUna^^tto
^«s of jtoWnM'Bistatn.nn Front
etatot. }an» eto^fCBtainbatg^ Ornnd.

Siftssr ssss-rss

Horses for Sale.
I will have a carload here on ■


Saturday, April 9.
t nom laoo to leoo. £( you want to buy any horse itiwiU pay
you to come and see me,
I bonght these in Xonroe. Wis. They will
stand thu climate better than other horses.
At Cutler’s Bam.

If You Have Lo^s to Sell
Q>inq>o»dwiUitb.TmnfM OHj LnabiirOcniiuiy. .
We kbre tor Bile Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
S4rt IVteple Wood.
z-sjsxis iroxt « ^ T.n!
. Mill M«hio»,of .11 dooriptt«i.,i»:l.dii« T« Ew—.
«MW.»l.,C«^ud8n.. ..Acomil^to 6,w Mill Pb.1



arm Mares and Draft Horses
Foi Sile ai Sn. loir’s Bara, State St


All horses sold as represented or
money refunded.


813 Front St.

Baltimoau Stoek Beceind T^ Ttanss n Week

■ flattkar's Orstai Depat aal Dastaaraat

Bicycle Riders.
pntrtag aad nDamsUng. and tont I
nnd do give you tto beat worit of any
on* in toe dty for tto money. Don't,
to dgaclrai by wbat otoaaa toU yon to
tto cotofBiy. bat ooma and oca ter
I ganraato* all aa^ work to to right,
and U ttdoaanotpforuta I aaak* tt

1000 RoHs
Wall Paper Given

”mop In till a o'otack nraay cruntag,
Ftr* rolls free with evacy «»..M edte.
onS Banday, In to* OnldwuU ALm- Tto paper is aL
don VolW^nt Bortb end of Onima pae^ ^caa^i^j^

Lntoet ntyirg and moat nrttalte pat'
bm torn nt Mf* W. a Uwtemoak

f toeeaaaspvtoak Oma n^
itaamplacatoUnsaerdato Bat-

Chas. Mpstic^

- i

OMth Ren Will Net Be 8e Urge
. M at FVst Reported. Per- '
: hapeNetOverThi^.

KfBim B AOOiFicn wnoi
pMpU An WkiiMt FM4.

fitieej BtfA mm* 1
■ tw
enoM v«raeii. lad. Aprtl i.-Tbe tu«
iMMid.' wkice wm t« utt nu«i «r
ttktn. rcumM bm‘ >t ll o‘di
moraine tor |

• »»,


1 axpeaoi to tba ditrMur VaaklBsaroiMaaOaulMraattaear- M7
j band WM aoLlne rariouljr and la.^ dnO
! bnl» baat tba eooaiaot q
«b»U I n« laabeiwaTow----- - _
IrpcoffotallaaK totnywaairbaartf That .
taarhaMaooloma In a »nab«atly 1 eiiat

lam hraka IHrtd Itoekando^ abd
bla w«e waralb ibair home, dlrartljr la
tba latb of ttaa bura ware ttau awapt
tbrouab tba brofcan dike. Tbair UtUa
aoa la tba rafd aaw tba 1

r wttb a eapilai of Ct posUu* b<7' bodily iuside tba mr.
orbas. tlfbls irreat snr]a
aba stopped
abd, lobkiuti buufoUtn tba lawi.
-------------------------„----mi^: **V<’«ng mn, it It nc< worth
Vhlla 10 ba >u sD«b a borry. Y w ll gat
•obaU KMu rtioogh.”—New York-ben

■f and Us
siatar aad farotbar-ia-law
[,»o"‘ulk at” IbT t
droarnsd |» Bt. Praaels rlrar ntar 8
a tetber and mother had tlma to ‘ Uastln* pest it Is on tha afMn
rraaeis. ArtL
eupaiairaa-bae tbebousawasso-apt waamrtd «l«a tM -wortd for
Fire at Hack RIO. 8. C- dmtroye
* Ita
tmalva bnlMlBca. isvetelad a lorn <
tha roof as n»
dearly eba^bad

than tbay heard ttwlr llitia son ti
trot erriac "Ooed fays, papa *oa goaelrdiig. Dot tba spaoa U waldog add ,
mamma.” Tha aaonlaad pamto
^ acting If Wank maeiar. J *as In tba staJw,
aeon mtof btuwon abd would cfasrHully ban .deba CM.I
that. eP^rea. I1W.«W.
oarfled beyond tba nach of. the hoya
- tforj Tba
It not....
.. .Jury
. la tba AW
yoiea. They Boated from tha north *?™“ ^soib of a IW
dor raeo
at Marloa.
lavas to ihe south >v«. tbs dleUnea of »*“
^ ^ food aad dmverdict of Bot gaUty after botag out
a,alia, aad wan ukan off la mfety. u^eob
iiantly ref. ,
«« Uttla
aad sbaap ownan are bidthat always Is tbi
y wean the eama' dint against one snotbar tor water
Abanlntaly aotblng has bsan mvsd (fi
enady fiw4e wriita «( privtitgos In tba lower part of Dooglaa
tba mty. Tba sioraa and oitasr beusM
lapar has bad anougb of county, WadUngton.
aht flsedad to tbamooBd Hoorn, all tha
strsats -are uadar water tradi tan to
w that* ^
e®'”' «*
thirty feat- RaOqf wUb «en»-t-io«* an
poaod upon M. BmUe *o|s.
a' Usyor Camay, of
boring towns.
At tba age aMt-tiru-'fltoUra Prank,
of Lawlstoa. coasted over tha enowto toka sod said in the
or Tsniwr lastt Bll^fwltounta ^
rruBl of a Ualna bill and was bar own
IWeotSaa. The teats antvrd last evre- , ■
aailr last-----lag. but could not b^goitee acreas ^ purtlvad much
ih staring aftarThamms
Fraak Iras dtfeatefl Jacob 8chaafar
backwatan of tha VabaA I
tbs speaker'* tabetuant adiiiwsL I look Bsturday nlgbl In a match for tba
preaa lunctlan.
tba nsDu,
hand, rag««j
ragwOy wondering
If turn
this u—-;
wms-; di,nipl«ttehlpai alghtaao-iaeh
“• u
' '
' balk-Uae
At 11 o-dertt tost night tbs •


1 ri?.‘

H«' Ml4 that peopta «|M have
»M rUUed tbt amte ransoi picturr in
tha ImaelraUcai ttaa auSmtne and dr«>
tlteUoa ibat aataia tbere. In tbt Rlvara^ boUl Rundpr nlebt ibera
•to aten. woman and chlldran any minute. 11 la about furr that It will
huddled togathar. ttaair elottaing wet. bryak. This will not add to tha depth
and Bottalag -Itb w-Ueb to build Ares. ofthewalarlatltotowa. butwinaraat.
Voeaaa were w-riaglng tbatr bands and
crying, smtvhing for mmbn« or tbsir
family who ware missing, and maay
atont bsartad man ware seen wraptng.
OmtaBMlto.yll.ewe. no.
idaitttoartla___________ ___ _________
It It Impossible m tba present, time | villa railroad win sand a free car of pro­
0 give
five a <correct estimate of the tom {vlsleiia to Bbawnaatown tron Carml.
f Ilf*.'but
may reach- or axcard ips. ‘ ni" ip
u an w»paal frM
Sbsriff Oaltoway tost bis anUre tomUy. __ _ a Camay.
Camay. Thr train
____ will go
Oaltowai- saved himaalf by ethnUng Ibroufh lUdgaeay rU EBBcld. Prato
' a tree, where be was sutiaaqueatly rea- Ridgeway pravlaloot wlO go by boat
coed. Ha Is proairatad. aad fmra arc through (the back water. The mayor
kUen of thto
t ba may lose bto,inlad.
Tba Jerea broke above tba dty aad tba
ara arraagtog to sand more prowater came with sneb a rukh as to rliioBs by boat.
Bwaap all the oaa-story buUdlngs and
maay otbara batoia It. Tba area cov­
ered by the iratar is about one mil*
ggaarc. aad tn lam than aa bonr tba
toniar was BRaas. to twenty feat deep flTs to aid tbs e
The pespla who are caged up in the
third stcrias of wbai bouaas remain
ataddtog bead food and fuaL <n>a wftbta three feat of tba top et-

eniEAL 8TBIO oricmu

Tha Icraa Is parhapa flftam feat
wtda OB lop. and this la crowdsd- with
mam. womaa and children, and lira
flo* of all deacriptkma. Ii wm talatog Sunday alghl and many people

John R. Santo.
Geiv*l lisiriK*.

VneemsCttr, Hiatt
Sir Boyh) Boeba is bwt known to
I aa tbe man who aneUad a rat.
blm floating la tba alt aad nipped him
ta the had. b« a vritm iBiheearmit
OmhiU hat nnaatthad atm tarn iaBilinr faaUt Inan tba mma amlamt
noona. Fhr axampU, dlacoetalng cm tha
nlatkM baiwaaa EagUad and Irelaad.
Sir Boyle declared ttant “ba toan
to both kingdoBto who e^itom to dintotab ibe brotberiy afleetiao td tba two
Ttata ta, bowetac, no your order* and get promra work.
(tatiataetioa gaarunrad or no ^arga.
hotter than tbe banmUet wish of tbo
tovecsor of Ueaegia. to bit apo^ at Unva yenr .crdora at odBes or call «p
tbs limt Attouto eaposittao, that tbe oo■ttaa Bight be an entering wedgo
rbtob woold txtog abont a mem
' nnity between north atd sooth.


Back, Bds and Bi^
’Phone No. 3.


Many pao^e gbiker Utonu by faUtog
bead tbs warntog neat out by dl*eaaed kidneys—eoaud tongue—parch.jl
A w«
BCXt Wednesday of tha nattoaal
nattoaal axaco-.
- rriahn**e-daU drarging pain
“dent ^
and diwlns
diwlns U
U Ifor allm vmi A
,„rf .h> roi. siutioi
favUnguf wfvinasa—to aura
J^eonH-lmyl It
S!mi« i
‘“"J “'*■
•f kidnsvaad bladdrrtroxbla
toting, imsmea oa m*
ai every hour and
Porxaar Goraraor Jctati P. AItgeld Ibke Utah Kld^ Brans at once—they
tOrDaerer; thing lota era detail* which
• “
lat •
CaUtoroia aftst an absecea. from
TcnxBB's or Ha is to the
c city of fi
A males Utah Kulnry Beans.
, Tbara is nothing mcral to this lastlnck.
St of baalt
and the band of tha boy. wbkh I bad
Tha fo. <oar
clasped with
ago. I to“k
1» ^
■P^t AMI
toe porpoaaof daaerlbing Ita yparkle and tntrlasto valus. fraud the city of Brooklyn, has also
This swap*
swept over
ever ma,
and with It a thrill been arraigned on aa todtcunani cbaigT»«
am ana
I bellem tog him with bribery.
Jam. 0. Joanox. Dniggbt
^ wonid ba tosilged to wi
SrneonaOtV Vufcni.
tber’s ik-ath imopr I
«tf IburosdA aad
idnavertoldtoamBalaw is a Itot at Us buytog and aaUV I leaked traakty toto toe boy's eyes
gUkaf.................. ............
UawsT^^^^ an aojaesat post-


*^'t^'-‘aUd*l braciUy. to tbs a
tims prrtottaaily dtoaoicagtog my Bb_
from bto«to*p-J--wan.
l••wan. It to toagoUr baw
Wetooto tobaw*I In tosttorongof agrsBt
city. Vboereuid-------------------------------BMst-aftmtosasBvc years, and right bme
whcRwa totead too?" Tha Imt elanse
was Dot mcaotI w
to oa
ba msumooa.
maUetooa. out
bot tI mw
la a Bash tost h gave tba boy a ewtnga
Ba tneoeerad bltnoslL bowmw. awl aa-



One large lot. 6«d0wt tronb^on Wefb

-Watch Repairisg,
-4john Veriy.
—Front Street.

guamess CARM.



.days, but

1 ki
that wito us beto to
agrearaaiit aad comi .
New Or
m Impomlbto to amid,
ttoks far only a portion
You barn not cbangid. mod toil to toe spot
firms has acceded to tbe daraaada wbmel walled
■I tor you. sod It
■and tba ottacra pnguae to fight It out . .
erito tbair employes and tha Upltod
“Yas, I am cl _ .
mM gently. ”1
Hlaa Workers' aasodaUan. Nothing antawUa. andl
and bare been s moiber. 1
tbs drags, and
abort of tba
baia dralc
the coadlUons of Uia Chicago agrea- death ha* been my «wmy.'' Tba bey
nMStly.nod ihepItUcm can
mant can arert a ganeral atrlka, and
It Is probable that tbe liver mkratota,
__ eipeiianca
• bias ey«s grow dim.
And have yon
a ahut-down
that which toe railroad oparaton bad foond to* woman wIm was to show yon
on their hands last summer.
tost faith sUU ilTadP-1 **k*d to s rallyAlready X,tw diggers bare strode and -Ing tone, for It was )ust bera b* hadBeitwt.6W are expected to quit work today, ly saw tost I was not to* only woman to
Tomorrow a moneler meeUng to sdied- lb* world, sad deflsoUy we bad goat our
tiled for Wmf Elisabeth, which wUl br mporaM ways to asandi €d acmetotog bdatteadad by about «.«H mlnara. and H
Is almast a certainty tbaiwtba ouike
'*8bacam* aq'weyaa
.lobemanMtotrain on tba Chicako and AHrn rallrcad< wUI ba made'general at that ttow. Tba It year* ago. lam going
the hoy with a start.
bemlag reUaf suppUca tor-tha auffarera oparatof* say tbay ware not partim to m«w nlgbt.-’ skidUe
-........... do not no If aalfbebadiuA
be bad 3ui
at Btaawapatowm. left bare at l:IP .......................
”Ah.lam gtodl” 1 mid this Uma, exlive up-----------------e'ctodC ytoiarday aftemoon. i>r. P. H.
------------------------' oWB'rtgbt hMd tUl
prasp»iai la to- MMIss- t *Wls*aai.
Wtaea was la charge of Iba
for a imwIL
while Sergeant Batty bad charge of ttaa
Lnaslng. Mlrh.. Apr« k-JTfi* tweaiy - <n«
.haboyloQfctdatmamrBBgety. “Hbm
•M tents, with btopkaU and other sup- days for which the Wglalator — —
1 want to know to why did I m«
pUas Oovemor Tatmar yaataaday afb- pay for service*
Bsukes at an extra sceainn will thto day d all otoenr” he aska
- • Twm fi
expire tola wae-k. A* It took a friendly ogi,. rafoalng to im my oong;
two weeks to dispose of tba raU- —...istosi
fliqiara tost bung llmptp to air.
........... .............. ------------------------------------------------------cC the aucago..Prorta and £1. Imuto read tax BUI. It to aoitoldared sitogalbar
1 so *U1I___ ____ _______ ______ lallroad. which sky*: "f have been over J imprubabla that> bdstlla sanata wlU hluata or two when HiyUl|«,««T abodithe anllra
aoilre sltnslloD
sltnaiioD at Sbawnaalown. I '«omplatc Ita dtocusslon to ----- ------ '
------ —
bag to rasprclfglly urge upon you tba Tha bast-informed
great Importance of Imadlata aadstaiiM
Cor the sultertng of Shawnaetown. They
t this one to adneed ft>od. clothtog, tents, and aton
acOtts sod burial caakata Ton ran skip
j -many one of
boat from Rvsnsvilla.
row. 1 have
Blount Varouo, Ind.. or from Paducah,
er by tha Daltlmora and Ohio Boulhwaetarn 10 f-ypren* Junction, where
ter tha vtoUtion of tba Garfield corrupt
^ ^f this glri wife 1 mnat room,
tbay can ba tenmad downB tby '

•- --------- —■—1
hi* ire and •haugbiy
Thera are about thirty people loot. No practlcae
s be Disced upon tha damra-alaeted to that oBlca by M ma- myself that win dlrw - ' - '--------- ”----but U will ba at Jortty to fill ooj^hto ow uneiplred tsrm. sntha
age to proiwriy yet, but
But holdl For my own mol's ask* a
least tno.oee.-'
word of comfort 1
A dle|*atch from HooM Varaon. Ind.,
iriea, you are
kas}-*: -The following partial Met of tha
frow Havana say tba BhandrowBkri was obtained from p-opto wh.. 1
planted mines to tb* harbor.
returned fiv m Hbawnectown
tha tug
" oB **“
Tha employes of tba cotton mills at lore—fsulugnd uiila...MulMm and vapid
Xssbalta. which rearbad bare yesterday • Bonomah. Conn., have gone
Islled to eject"
h Caliicoti and «amitr.
k. a* of old.
COlonai Catnrou and family. Hra.

11 gave tray between •
a. Sunday aad caught
people OB the Btraata Some
dlRibad trass and ware saved, wrhna
•tbara tiled to ran to tba bills, which
are tocatad thr*-qoartera of a mile
tmwwt tba
tk. rlvar.
wltr^ but ware
wars caught
'back from
by the rashiag watera and drowned.
^ J. Hartnett, editor of tba Bbaeroaa
:>few«. IS among tba mlatong. Th«
work of raaculng vieUma from traaa
, and bouse tops was carried on all nlgbt
; aad to tba momlog. But few bodlaa.
have bean racoemwd.
t TlOTttoJ.

WBknown- AnnanentvMiLf^l Renbold ' The remnua cutter Orwtoam wUl hand oould push .....
Paul Marttoiitot^ Mrw UcLiaan hire leave MIlBwuka* for Cleveland an route
■'Aye," mill be grimly, *'io any oU
•on, Charles Ctoylonr -Noah Welch and
- - - lias Catton and
tba county Jail.
nmmae unknown; Hiss Fluranoe Evans;
Henry King and four children, colored;
' Kim Cota Sherwood. Prank A. Hor.
flaen. Mrs. A. A. Uaibawsy. and fifty

TbeMatbodtotebinehbnlldtogatLeb- ImpregnaW* to an ou
*booldtn,and to* bog
or flAMB.
tovalvtag a h
bow sbafabUy costed tosy
There u a«good dsal of •
to Impnm
■ blmwtto-my
blm wttoPort Honroa over tba alleged dlsesvery
If abd blind and
of the presence of a Bpantab spy. B*
• '
mcen. wm..
L raldad all


day, to tbaatogMraofnprtngboMrtB
aad mUlinory ta to* fJin <rf W«od
Biatora. on F^Mt streoi, last anai of
td. n* lat^ g^
‘ rminbraattMi

ZIr g. X. Sima baa moved bin oOee
.imocMto to* Markham Modi. A*
Glratrie CbUnet ia anw In raadinmt
aad men aa waH aa women anAohndren may have bntbs given them by a
aitlllfd operator, tern « a. m. to » p: m.
Ramian. Vapor. Tnrkito. Tnrko-Bnsntoaolt ;
toapatlnni. tdtttf

tag toe rattle tnwa «s
dOEKHI or THB *b«Ay.TBM.
. HbM tbe JUtsas**' Psand ^ Hsmd
Wbra tbsy Arttradf
BUgeway. tiia. April A-Wbea toe
mjevtoc party i
r It found n aad craGtten «ag to to* Ui-tatsd---------------«r fhora
eeeapto to* rra^

akIfiis-Siseka*- rraA TbcBe-tcumste. ttl-tf

•BB. IneetoaraFTrat sweet. Trewree
lie Tramlli
to tbe many advantages. tL.
beanUful seensry. the riefa and fertile yratwwaty.Hiea. rmAi____________
land aad toe magy reeorts whioh U«

__to Florida and ewape tbe many
oold and lUmirrfSh** rtij* of winter,
and step at AKHRVIUL
AKHRVIUlI 'Tbe ____
oftoeRky,-' TBB8WITZBRLAND of
AMERICA, where heaven
_____ aad *arto
teem to meet aaraaget toe maay of
branUm of Batura. 8ra tbs ffran>-_.
ecaasry -rio America and Blltmore-.
Bottse. Aotoflea's only Palaee,
Ohatran of Oeo. W. VaaderUlt.
the traeeler, who la to a bar»y
.to PlorMa. eaa co via Cttmtta

awitktoeQaoM A OrraCbarUa Potter was arrested gt Green fi.. --.fflirm intUndUf" -f «b- h—^ 1 hmS
lay. Wto, CM wioith. UtoRm a SylST.^^r^SS; mm I terms toe Oraat ._ ,
to tba Snath and Florida. Rtoiaat

veotIbaUd fratoa, aarrytag toMpb
H why did 1
yon oa tola day ef all ■toeptar.'dtatog and Aalr eara. Tto
^^Pu^oandlsaM of Aha
jJ!irrtilj^aaa~nrfhan wp by war
ffto-Mpo and laltoiimttei
SS::^^°,Snsrrad adjom^t.
are ismeBadBnhMAwa* torned my----Wb. B. Tatiab.
aa strike to Chimgtt Befe^htb* fliM loafcad fasek. Th* bey sUU toeod m to*
- Amt Oran. Pam. Agent.
toendtoitraAyta^tnemtoMnih. tetoloof»*r.emy8teto.hMhkMnno*sBo. tie Foarto Aobbs.
sr tradMBPlsMM ton aamfi£«C*t,- to to btt tend and shading tes cym wttb
Loatoettla. Era'totoF.
.tiwstow. TbsoBitoiw*rag#dtettlraer
Edward KBsdntn wra found dend to hi* <ato
and the eym.rare mm^
a drainaa* —«•«■ back of th* Smig botai ttialgbt bafara him where I had aiaod.—
^^SSSTwirSteane^hSldra. WKyl* Hmll to bewOttmn.Ftrarattsd
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ratted to a verdtot ef daato Hum an- y»b


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«o fjorida Vto ••Xba Xmad 9t Ua
Ibo Mighty flontoern Raliiray By*torn, travsreing the sight Orrat 8tatra
of toe Booming Bonih, deaim* to call
notion of toe Healto-orakar. toe^SSj?^
test Ugh. TMS I* from temporaiT telePbsq. stotto. CO bin ja^tt Ids of






HyttStoeS. Mtttl


11. bniMr«i to*.Krasra Ksstt

■•a * Kotoh HmMsbb


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