The Morning Record, July 29, 1898

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The Morning Record, July 29, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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I rtfsM to

t»k« U.


The ■wreoB >a ehufe Mjt there
ere UO cue* «f ferw mubt the troopa.
A a«w fiel4 hoapitol will betotohltehed
BMT Qmenl Shattor’a hBBdqoBrton,
Bear tha b«8ebto
TO opK»ATio]ra or ajcbUoas It haa heaa A*aM that tha foor PRB8XDBVT HAS LBARVXD TBS
marehaatatMtaera aad tha «BBba»t
▲«XT nr roftTo mioo.
(mnd In the harbor of Saatlaco at tha
\lBaoftha eapltolatlon are BOiUr7
OoloBol tSaatoB of tha eomnla«i7
otAjn xzLsa i;.av3>bd Ama 4apart»aBtha.bea.MPBiBtodB0l
Haa raaoi raoppiAX..

Shafier't army It baeomiog more aerione aeery day. bnt, to aplto of th*
great heat and rapidly growing sick
Ikl. the saparbamaa efforts of th#
madieal corps kaee kept the death rota
apmUaluTainnaania tiaroaa.
down to a pbaaomlaally low dgare.
WaahlagtoB, Jaly
The aaergiea of the foro# at Sibonay
which tha I
are BOW chiefly deectod to aop^ytog
flad* aeoeptabla aa a beak of paaoa are
tha field hospital and ablsplng the oonbeing radooad to form by Saeratary
ealaaeants OB board th* troaaporto for
Day. the prealdeat haring reached a
tbe Daltad Stote* aa fast aa they oaa
ooodnaion on theoatllnaa. Theaetai
ba shipped. Tae troaapert Santiago U
formed tbeaabjeat of intoreat and dkioadtag with man oa tbe way to
etiaaloB today to offidal drde*.
aad It wlU probably aaU to
if the praaideat'a perpoae waa to *ea pert to the Ualtad Slataa today.
enre a tree expremioa of pablie optoioa
OB thk BBbJect he baa beas giatilad
with tha raaponae made tbroogh the After Rotog Orarhaaloit She WiU Joto
.. and IB tha axhlMtlMi of
Watson's Float ^ *
tolaroat by govarament offlciala to the 8|>«tel to Tbb Uoaaino BaouBD.
Newport New^ Joly 28.-Thc Yoimito weal Into dry dock today to
can ba atatod that tha prrdi

•paelal to Tn Kouoaa Raooaa.
LoodM. Jaly tA—The Madrid eorm^MwpaBtotthe Dally MaU a*y».
. «Spaia will probably protaat afaiaat
the attaeh npoa Porto Kloo attar the
WaahlartoB cabinet had officially raShonld a eirealar note on thla anbJaet bo cant to the power*. It will cob*
tow theenact date* of tha
wantaatiaa. maklnr it clear that the
Dnltod Btatto dafarrto Ito anawpr In
ofdw to date thla after tha’Awarican

New York. Jaly t8.—A apetdal cable
diapatdtt to The Herald from daatiago
wya that balm baa baaa an>H*d to tha
IniuredfaelingBotthe Cabaa* wba raaent tha fact that they war* not parBitted to eater tha city of Saatiago.
SoBgo, a amall tows elghtoaa mil**
from hereon tharailway Haa. ha*beta
avraadered to tha American fore a*,
aad the Caban* apder Oaaaral ObbUHo
har* baaa parmlttod to occupy It.
waa held by a garriaon of 8M Spaakh
aoldlara. Captain Oarrabal. the
Bdadar. gara np the town whan offici­
ally adrkad of the capitalation of Oaa-




OaoBaainowerBwaroappoiatod to redXILOnL HOWARD WANTS HU praaeat the Stato Committoe in mak­
ing arraagemant* for tha cOBTeatloa.
Spaateb SUner at a Diaeouat cd Fifty
Per Oapt. aad Store Xaapar* mafnaa
to Aooapt H-Haw Plaid Boepital
to ba Betoblkhad Hear Shaftorb
Naw York, Saly 26.—Tha Herald’*
Ttoop* which tccaatlr came bare
are tretUng aader tha monotony of
fankoB dnty. Colooel Howard of tha
^ B^th Ohio regimaat ba* cablod to
fWdaat MeKinlay aaklBg that hk

Priests Charic* OlemmcB* af Oempasy
H. Tbirty-foarth ragimsBl Head at
Th* Joaraal'a Sibonay adeiem say
that tbe health problem to Oanaral

Reply to Spain Retag PormalatodProbably Olaim Porto Bieo and ladapaadaaoa of Oaba—Sagacta Aoeuaad of Stoepiag w Trickery la the
Protaat Against Zavaalon.

•enorBafattoBald today. “Wo re- oral Tcralb army.
aolT*d paaoa wany day* affo and wad*
tk. JoaqaU OaatUlo, thebrothar of
known oorreaolntloaa to the Daltad the gcaaral. will laar* tor Waahlogton haadatormiaod nottoelaim^the PhilipI rapard a* anil la a few day* with a petition from the
klaada. onlyratatolngooallngaiaand cold aa^ a* deatitnt* of rood faith Cshaa reoldaala. in which Pnaldant
•ovarytUnTthe Awaricaaa hare done McElBley 1* aaked to permit the Cabaa
WaahlBgton. Jaly 2*.-Whlla i
atooe and I aw ready to protoet aralut
reply to tbe Preach amboaaador*
U lorwally.”
probably ba made after tomorrow'*
aty la
eablaet oieetang, ao ^anye to the
apodal to Taakaana* nacna
BapabUeaa Stoto Ooaeaatloa Pined plan* hare bean made, and Doaa will
Madrid. Jaly S8.—With the aadarFor That Tima la B*trolt-8e
be HH Spain faralahaa amaraaom
that no ladawnHy will ba daDacidad Tcaterday.
ah* will oompleto a peace treaty on
' oBaadad and that SpaaUb aoraroigaty Special to Tn Moanaa Rscobb.
tha term* todkmtod to th* preeidant'*
ta the PhUiBplnea wUl ba mapactod.
Detroit. Jaly S8.—Tb* Rap
'the aawapapen
eoBcider tha tarwa SUto CoBresUoD wlU ba held in De­
Of paaoa attribatad to Pra^daat Ha- troit September Slat. It took nearly a
troopa today exeapt tha •alliag of GanKUlay ap acaaptoble. Tha papara. dozan ballot*, in which tha data* raagaral Broake from Newport New*,
kowercr. protaat afalaat a eonUoaaaoe ad from Augaat Stth to Saptorabar 28th.
orders to the Slst MSehigaa to hold
of hoaUUtlae by ibe CDiied Stotoa after
decide t^ time, bat there waa no
naalTaaln znadtoaet staada Tha
Spaia bad eoad for peace.
oppoalUon to Detroit aa the place for
prealdeat aay* Sagatta k atooping to
Tha mlaister of war. Oaoeral Cccraa. bolding tbe eoarenUon.
triekeiy aad daodt to cUlmlng peace
faarraarlBrfor the reeeptloB of the
Garat Fellow* aad
orartorea ware aiada before Miles
fipAnieh troopa which enrraaderad at William Alda* Smith m
eanttafo. aad la pr^riog aaattory for temporary chairmanahipa and tha
atotioBB la ordar to preraat the latro- former won by a rot* of 14 to 8. Das
AaeUos of dtaeaeoa into bpaia.
ter M. Ferry. Aadltor Lan Bhrt. Collaeter' Charlea Wright aad Corporation That Amaricaa Army in Potto Hico
Triod to Fight Thdr Way to Taoeo
Bat War* Rapnlaad.

wemi u> Tat Meajnxe Kaeaas.
Loadoa, Jaly 26.—The Madnd ooi
of th* Dally MaU mya. •ha
fioway Haa Datollad tha Raleigh and offiekl dkpatah from Porto Riao aaya,
tbe A:
Ooacord to Roaad Them Up.
to the dlreeUoa of Yaoce. flghtihg moat
■pedal u Ta* ■oorwe Bbccbb.

New York. Jaly 26.—A Hoag Coag of tha way. Berea hnadrad Spaakh
cable aaya there are three Spaakh gva- regalara aad eolantooia aBeenat
boata at San Mlgoa. Laxoi lalaad, aad them and aaaBgagamaataaaaad which

Oa Base Ball Good* will onljr mo HOT j
the SQrpIoM stock if sold.
sell it all at soch niinoiu prioas^'T *
onr rarploa goes at 15 god 2S per e
off of r^lar prices.

Prirat* J. A. Martto of Oampaay H.
Thirty-third. Head at Cheboygan, aad
Priest* William H. DoUard of Compaay C. Thirty-third. Head at Bay CItyi

aUdrM Papal* BatiaAad to Olva Op
Porto aioo and Ooba If Bpantah |


ri Gent. Disconnt Salt

Oampaay E. Tblrty-foorth Mkbigaa,
malarial remittent faeer. -


»0Tax«ica^ a aaopaotod 1b thajjii,* OaptnraC Town of Boairo

*“ '
PUoad IB Ohanra of Oaoaral


A- Martin. Company H. Thirty-third
Michigan., yellow faeer. WDliam Dol­
lard, Company C. Thirty-third Mlohlgaa, yoHow taear; Chariaa Clemmena,


femehadcalaedafootiaff la

’IT 1,310

hare bar bottom paiatod with fool
proof patoi whit* th* coat of paint k
betog put on repair* will be aiade to
tbe two abtp'a gaas. Tha enlicr wiU
probably ramaia bare a weak or iwo.
Eiog. oaa of the reaarras. reported t lat
all k moeh better. The YoaemiU «riU
Joto-Waiaoa’a fl-at
StriA A Oo. WUl Bapply Any la
Porto Rico,
apeelal t« Tn Meeme Bnou.
Waabingtoa. Jaly 28.—The war dapanaicat today awarded tbe oontraet
of farnkhiog brat to the troop* to

City Bookstore,
220 Front SU

A By has 7.000 epes. Bnt it only requires one eye
to see that our picture frames and mats are the finest made,
in the city. Try us.


S2.25, S2.9S, S1.4S, $3.95—Valaaa are S2.50 to S8-M, and aU an of thk
ilactnro, made themghly right to arary way.



DaaOi Rat* Romarfcably Low—
Flea Vietiiaa From Ktoblgaa.
New York. Jnlyt*.—TheSao'aWaahtog to renorta reoairad laat alght from
Santiago It b laaraed that nearly a
fourth of the army kaick. Foor day*
ago the total caaea ware 2,000; now
there are nearly 4.00a Tbe new eaae*
{acrcaalng at an alarming rale.
Yaatarday there were C3St. The anmtaoorarad aad latnroad to daty b
8SA There ware See deaths from yah
tow faeer yesterday. Bbafterb bcUe-

tto toaladeethafoUowtogtothadwth
58 alek an^^woandad aoUian, toclad- Ikk Ltoatoaaat A/.R*be*ek.TUiV*
"ier toiad are anwamatod.
SpaakhaUrorkata dkaa at of H. tog Oaaeral Oorblnb eon.
third Michgaa, typhoid tovw. Jaa«.

Reliable Drf Goods, Csrpst
and Clothing House.


Rememlnr Kj New Place312 Souili UnloB Street, Opposite C. t W. M. Depil

StT Item m Tiiit to tel.

H. E. aiBBB. Propr.

If You Have Logs to Sell

Porto Riro to Swift A Co. of Chicago.
The pries to be paid, gtf 39 per baod^.

Correapond with the Trarerae City Loniber Company.
" We bare for sale Good,


Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.

AU af Oeaerol 8h*ftork Any to Be
Sant Vortb.
Bpnekl loTn Souiws RaooBO.
WaMitogtoa, Jaly 28.—So
ary Algar baa giraa ordar* for th* rameral of
all of Oaaeral Saaftorkarmy to Long
I a* aooa a* it oaa b* aeoi».


Xhffleatt Laadiag.
Mitoom Wtool* Jr. i
two yoaag ladle*. wadeojoylBg a boat
ride on Boardmaa lake the other areatog. whaa to aroid tha appraaeblag
Btorm they attempted a harried landtog. Tb* boat begao to rolL aad. Ualaay*. to aara tbe eapaistag ba
jamped tots the water to be hatter
able to
«v Kwnu/
aWady mic
the boat
wvok. uuwoTor we
yonng ladle* raaebad tha laadiag to
aafely, bat they war* jnel a Httte tofritad.

Mill Maohlnery of all deacriptiona, inclnding Two Engines,
Set Worka, CarriAgee and SawA A complete Saw Mill Plaat
for aale.

Tmeiu Gitj Scliooi of Rosie!



Oloslnx Prices


foar at Falark lilaad aad that Deway taatod the whole night and only aeaaad
haa datailad tbe BalMgh aad Ooaeotd with dawn aa tha followiag day. The
Amaricaaa war* obliged to withdraw
to roond them np
Sheet Husic at Half Prioa, alad
to than
oorpa cither be dUpalched to Farto
BlM for aetiro aerrlee or aeat I
Madrid. Jaly 28.—At
N. E. Strong,-----------BaltetinPaBtodatll
jhial d^pateh Jo*t raocirad from Baa
•Brigadier Oaaeral Wood. mUitary BpfrUC
I da^orto Riro, the Amariaaa faroup.
go««iscr. ha* UaaBd order* probibitla«
Madrid. Jaly 38 —At the cloae of tha aa nadar Major.GeB*rnl Mila* or
the ooUaetiaB of waaelpal aad gerera' cabinet eoancil today, the foUowldg
'•ama paaiHoa at Port Goaakn aa
toon «ui II. Bade IMt
Oo. ri... u. Cu. M..
meat taxm oa marobanU' sbeda for aemi oSelal note waa baaed: “Ibe they did after the laading. Saroral
coBtampUon hare. a< wall a* tha amall French ambamador at Waabingtoa. Amaricaa warakip* aad traaaporta are
tox npoa packagae far tb* tcaaaioBt daring tbe afternoon of the Mth. pre- reported arnkiag oC tha klaad.
behalf of the Spankh^gorTbe local board for harbor Improro- eramaat. a meaaaga to Pro*lde*r Mcmanta ba* aoUfad tbe goeanwr it haa SlBlay with tha riew of bringing the
raeaitad no toxea. U ha* baaa aaakiag war to aa end aad makiag known
to have tbe coHeetloa of taJta* aatbor- ditloD* of peace. The goearnmant
ixad by tbe proclamatioo of Oenaral
a that the i
haa bean banded to Praaident McKia(^rr* hare baea baaed caUlag npoa.
1^. who replied that he woaldeoaaali
«e^ boaaebolder to report tmmadlatowith hk eosnril of mlnktora, aad
ly to the mayor or to tha military gorqaaatod M. Oamboa to eome to tha
ornor aay death oecaring in hk I
White Hoaaa again to eenfer with
bold. The peaalty fqr aoscomp
hia*.la thirty daya' bard labor la tbe etreata
Spankh offiriak daelaro that
Polkemaa bare bean ordered to report
nblkhod extract* from tha aote are
all caaa* arBmHgaaBtdkaaac* la their
which they may obaerra.
Bakarica wiU be parmittad to charge
only twaaty oaata in Spaakh aaaay The Laoaa Srpaetod to Haw Tork
for a poaad loaf of bread. Oa acoonnt
apMUi toTa* Moam«« Bboom>.
eftb'a largo gnaatlty of Soar wUeb
Waahlagtoc. July 26.—Tbe Leona k
haa baaa »blpprd iato tha dU iA* gorexpected to Ndw York tomorrow with
«nor haa ruled


Has added a lUU
Una of

To his undertakisg eatablishment. The famiture'wiU oconpy the front of the building
mad theundertaklogbnslneM
the rear.

A starter

Flee Wovee Wire Bet Sprieg
For $1.00.


824 Union street.

Haslings’ Roal Estato Agenqf.
H toM ki. Miall baoM. Am laeMkm, kU
t, eu a* boB«at (or sra.
*0 Com let. w«m 4<mlUas. PwuwMd.
•» <
iwt'i p*ld a>r.
an* UO pw BOfiUkBSt'i
(fDBUaaltr. t<
. vaD
- irMmd, nag aw
*■4 »rm I Bile -rirt.
irMt. afl
alllBprored. win b«
. wU lo so* pkM or dIrIM to enJl. teeb tUa
--------jakswaBlaek. PSooed.

We Must
Sell Laiee Qaaiitities.
' Large sales are onr only salvation. We sell tod >
cheap to be contented with an oi^inary trade. We.,'
must turn our stock many times a year, otherwise
we are in the soup.'
Supposing you knew, positively knew, that w4
close out a good many of opr summer goods at cost,
throughout our departments, would
quisitive to know what they were.
We are at your disposal. See themthem—perchance you may buy them.
To be convinced will cost you a walk e
are glad to wait on you at all times.
Your money savers,

The Boston Store, <








TBAiOEBsom. - U1CB10A]I
I. T. B*na xn

W. BAnn.

f. W. BAntkii. Bdiior utd Mamcct

m««r. 3^


•■n, m rroM Btt^

Feetemec M tbrevem 09,

goae to Cedar to vlMt thdr nele tar a
Euatoe Kelly to apeadiag a waek in
to pijlx Bellaira,vWiingTalatlvna
William Kaeb. the vateun uadarUker i
of Grand Eapida, who boa been vtolting
Cbenpest utd mwt wimble place to get yoor bicyrie repaired and
ad to n Seenre Tent nnd W. 8. Aadereoa, baa veteraad borne.
Mtoe Oaborae af Grand Raplda, to the
Oivea PromlM of Bring nU That
put in
nmniog order. HaTe bad aereral yean experience an*
gueat of H!n BTtha Heddei:
It u BcprenenUd to Ba.
bog it abonld be done. SatieEaclicHi gnaratifeed. I am kUbr
a; B. Barrtoon, wbo baa been viettThe I
bicycle aondries at abont coat. New and aeeond band wbeela fbt aaJe
log the family of S. C. Deaprca, rabj th« dtj from tb* Rufl* Fii« Eb- torned to Milwaukee yeatcrday. Mra.
and to rent. Please gire tu a trial..
«:!■« Co, of BMiM, WU.,»TTiveS 7e«Ur- Harrtojo will remain bere a abort time
Brazing a specialty.
A»y noraimr by boBt. The new •»
SLZJB.811 Fmikdt, East
qaluUon w»e bnllt to order from ayeei'
Miu' Mollie Qnlnul, inatmctor in
SonUon* enrefiiUy yreimreii by the mueic la the pnblic eebooto of Knlanucommittee on Are nnd wnter nnd np- cao. arrived laat night to kUy a month
proved by the dty oonndl, nnd tbnre in with Mn. J. W. Banoen.
every reneon to believe thet the work
M’»* Margaret Hooley arrived In the
of Ue eommlttee wna well done nnd ciiy from Bay City laet evening.
MUt LIbbie Preeent went to Chdlllec
thnt the city hne n perfect Are extln
erday.after two day*’ vtoil with
gnteher of thnt elnee. It ia nn
nnd bcnra
(he anme in nent guilt letum,
who hava been vtolting Mrs.
The Bdigbts of -Ontnp Ohsttor"
‘•Qneen aty No t” It Ie n eompect
One of the livdiest pUoes in Uc
mmchioe. enlenlnted fer wear an weU ne Seeor’e parente, Mr. and Mr*. W. J.
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of aU.
eSeeUve aarvicn. It U daaigaed for Parker, went to hUntotee yeeterday Grand Traver^ region to ”Cump ChatIt will pay yon to try onr 13c bulk coffee -a «ood
tor.” on the shore ef Eset Bay. Here a
either one or two hoinea, Uongh two for a visit.
Ura E. Power* and dnnghler, Mr*.
Jolly party of girl* have pitched their!
horaee wUl be need bn it. Ite weight
wholesome beverage at a small price.
Uauk. nre spending n week nt Omens.
to S.9S0 ponode nnd ttie Wheela nre pro­
D. W. Sbnder of Snginnw, t^veling tenu fora conple of weeke of eampj.
vided with bnU benrlnga, wb<»h m
freight ngent for the Detroit, Ornnd life, and they nre having all kind* of j g

it n very eney mnelng nppnmtna.
Rnpid* nnd Western rnUwny, arrived in
S4S Front Street.
camp thto week are Mia. W. W. Miller. ' * -Phono 167.
o( two tanka of 99 galloon thr city lest evening.
the Mtoam Mlller.*Mlm Londen, Mies •<
onpnclty eneb. beridaa two band eaMtot Ids Jobneon, from the Soo bat
Glen Wrisley of Grand Rapids, tbe,^
MngnUher* of 5 gnllona
fonnerly of tbto city to visiting friends
Mtosea Pierson. Graenstcad, Rntner, i ~
The teat wan ipnda Inal evening in
in (owo. From here she will |
McCoy, Doiberg and Lnrdlr. The par­
the preeenee of a large oowd. by W.
Chicago for n visit with friends.
ty will be increased next week, among
R. Smith, the repreeenUtive of the
C. W. Goddard wna is the city yeaterthose expectiog to Join It being eereral
A huge pile of old
day from Bellaire.
Grand Rapid*. One of the oomboxen, bnrreto, rnbbUh. hay. and exeelMr*. C. O. Sherwood and chlldn
ing evenu to a party to be given some
alor wna Mdc on the rivar bank
returned yeaterdny from n visit nt Bri
of George Winnle’a paint abop.
Tha Pennst Ivanin.
time next week and the young ladies
t that work nnd
Chn'lea G. Turner baa retnraed from
making elaborate plans to have it
heap wna aaturatad wiU Ava galloBa of
n bnsiaeaa trip to Jneknon.
leidedly note] and delightfnl affair.
and net on Are. Mr. Smith
Us- Brntnard. nn attendant nt the
rlvm. Ueojoylog n two week*’• vnd ew what you <
Mr. F H. Uueam u>d tenllr of PErmkLY. 619 M<
aUrting tha teat and whilenthe etrenm entlo_ She left yesterday s rolng
street. West Side.
Teellanti arrived loat evening and at
wna Amt turned on it
- of the SUI
ranlrtig for the I
preeentare being enteruined by P. A.
fnmnee. It required bet n few
Earl, whose partner in baeincm Mr.
menu to ekow thnt the nppnruBernnm will 1^
I onhnble


latxasT NRoatrutTzov

While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up

Euavta U rridently ondeoTorlny to
milM the ^ of the power* by U* proAn* ^nioet the Inmeio* of PtMt* Rico
»y «b* United
by r«MOB of the
•lUtnUona thet the inmeiM ws* beRU nftorSpoin hed eaed for pence.
msteinlUewlu oertain other toeitenodtheSpnalebreTeraBeot. nod I*
Aioarly n eobterfoye to ynia « few
pntom in the penee neyotinUoDe. When
tooem tonebow-down, however, it
oriU be proved tbnt thin Is one of the
hid Cnmilinr trick*, by which the ndntotetmtien cunotbe hnmbayyed.


Watch This Column for Bargains!

Do Yob fan! a Boil? i

SpecUcles, 35c to $8.00. ft"


5 cents-Snioke Cracker Jack Oigars-5 cents

nU thnt wnn required of it. The tent
"I have n*ed CbamberlniD’s Cough
•ther Inurentfnr Suidten, ]
ruther nn uufnir
the eAic- OolU Took Tenterdny’s Oame Prod
Remedy in my family for yrai* and 1
ney ef the ehemlenl liee Inrgely in the
•Indtay Voitod SUM Hintoiy
Five Cent Cigar Msdn. TOE GILBERT CIGAR CO.
alwayk wlib good resnlto,” say* MifW.*'_____________
A Pentun.
effecle of the vnper in nn nnelened
Being Bovlewed nt iBcUtutn.
The Colt* turned the Ubim on the
[aunnt ntUl eonUnnu in the Kormni building whnn n Are ooeum. Chief of
Hovt'ere yesterday, winning out by
wealc. being oondneUd nt the High Police Rennie nnd several memhei
•core of 6 to*. Doableptoya cbnraeter. The two clnuae in nlgcbm the oonneil were present nnd the
lend the plsylng, two bnlng mad* by
■kfafc begnn work together hnve not
team, and hod it not '•*«
evenly, nnd now the clnu ndI ie nt woric on rndlonla nnd mnkei it one of the beet equipped of' Wilhelm's error, six ot the Celts w
fnnAntien.wbU* the other IneUU ntmg- nny In theatnte.nmong eitiea of thU have been retired on deobUa One
etoe. The team purohaaed for the made in the second Inning end one U
tttng ow the eqnnUocM of one
Baking Pewder 6c. Coffee 10.
nbemical to e ine one aad made a the fourth. The Colt* got their double
99. SO and S9c- Pnll line On on^*
L, Star Oroeery. 949 Front Street
The dnen in pbyeien U being nbly iplendid ran Uet nhrbt, being driven In the sixth inning.
The Hnsllers wenld have won the
Ihnn onr* of by Prof. C, R. Doeker«y. by Driver Ounoan McLaagbiU. Tbto
the wortc. which i* nil review*, being to the team recently purchaaed by B. J. game had their errors been lees eonllj.
fteen by onUinen. Tbn* fnr meehnn- Morgan for the city and bto g90i Only one more hit to erodited to the
and Park streets.
So, with the oaonl formnlne nod pcob- jndgment in aeleeUng tha right kind ot Colts than to the local team. The far­
1*M naaltiog therefrom, nre made the animato to evldeneed in a aattofaetory mer eecnred twelve, while the latter
made eleven. Wheeler distinguished
(B^leetofmQatrntedbanrdwerk. The
mngemenu have Been made U himself again by meking another Ane
InM two week*’ work will be devoted
Zaza, the world’s greatest clairvoy­
keep the chemical in the Cam em«t enteh of a Ay after along ran in left
fennt, light nnd electricity.
ant and msdiom to here. 8he tell*
Aeld. Hunt pet 'up hu ueanl stiA game your fell name. telU names of friend*,
The botnny clnaaen nre nt work in-aluce
binaSon boee and ladder track nnd behind the bat. Hull aad Pitman
atedylng the eenenUnl
tell* what yoo called for. reads your
of the pleat, the vnriely ef etenmer. L K. Gibbs to the local ngent played errorlceeln ceatw and right
i«re life instantly and porreeUy with­
for the Racine Pire Engine Ce.. and Aelda They also Ud in the stick work.
fuatUa nod ovnrtea keeping
out asking aqneetloo. The past vlvidtha mncbine was pnrehnaed through
Morrissy secured the most htu for
■ bnayclnaaifying.
illed, the present unmtotakhim, nnd nt n very tow price.
the vtsilore and Behan did good work ab y given, the fnlnre clearly foreudd.
nlted Sutee kiatory hna
St sreoad base.
The entire colonini perDo not mim tbto greet opportunity to
Boston. Brown Bread-Tbs real,
As nsual the^ome team started out
4 he* been reviewed cnrefnlly nod
lit Zaza, a* *ha remain* in TravCONAT nr TBOVBX.B ROAUT
in the Am ioning to get tbeir runs and •tae aty thto week only. Zoxs baa de­ genuine article, made at John Ash’*
nry period it under diathat was the only inning in which veloped thto woodcrfnl power. In Beet
Onr MeKsBma’* Oho* Ahga '
Altnrgad This Xtoae With SUaliag they were allowed to sown.
■ have been
India. She has been tanght by the
Huatetnited it off with a hit and great adepU the developmeet of the
as advanced to third on a two-haser aaore nabtle feroes ef the hsMo or; OI*y—Benry McMnnaa,Ortaa6iBlth.
/ay Oenat was arrested again ye
gnoy TheobnlA Jeaele Piaher, Unbel day charged with stealing loga npoo by Hell, and earns home oo Wheeler's gaelMn or what may be termed the
hit. Halleame faomeoo a bit by Gleason eeieace of the eonL Ibto etndy lead*
^Bnamn. Pioreace Holman, Jolin Needlalnt of Clinton Hammond. C
this ended the scores for Tra<
Anna Merten, Roby Denn, Jeaaie rune aeew mill on Boardmae river*
to the acqutoiUon of power* which ap­
Aesnia Hngnr, Ailie Prey, Nine toaUcged that he has taken logs belong­ City.
pear eayneriou to the ordinary
Maalelee commenced to get their but which are only the reaalt of know­
ing to the complninant. When J
Fny A Oo-closed their lumbering boeiledge of nataral law* of a moredelieate
nemin thto city they had a 1*^
kind than those which are more gener­
qenntity of logs along the river, nseny got a bit and McConnell bit one at Mil­ ally anderatood. Here one week only.
kM mtnrriee eg
ABlMotor,. fer
lar, who Added it to Wilhelm, retiring Call 198 State *traet. ooruer of Csaa.
which have eenk.
Theoe \
-Nina McDonnld, Bdi
bon^ by Mr. Hammond wbo to eUll Flynn, aad Wilhelm threw McConnell
«<Me rat ewil tor Bskias utnetke
flemphUl got a
Grace Pnlelpber.
the owner of those thnt nre left. Const ont at Arst bsse.
mit CUy-Ctond Pnlver.
was taken before /utioe Brown aad alngU which allowed Boyoe
After stealing to aeeond
troe Center—Lillie Horton.
the trie! was set for next Thnrsdey. the pan.
BnU was Axed at ItM. The aeeoeed iq Hemphill came home on Behnn’e hit
I Mnbel-LUU Worden.
now under ball upon charge of into center AelA

Guard Chains


wwE.nn*u,co n nr

Soaps-12 Bars for 25c

Zazsthe Clairvoyant.

Bon Boas, Ctoice Coaroctlons.

Furniture Bargains i
No More Atlas Coupons

Columbian Restaurant fuir,,!.?,


Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to-aote Paiater
and Paper Hanger.

I.; tk I I

Shop Oppomto Easlo Offloo.

7 Old MtoeiM-RoeaU Lardia
Omwn—Dora Wheat. LuUe Holm


eteeting a saw from Winiam Beitner’e
Three more seoree were added in the
mill end he will answer at the aexi Afth. Wilson eent n long Ay into left
of Cirenit coert.
Aeld which was fnmbted by Gleaeoo.
esplnred a high Ay made by
Brunner. A clean bit by Morrlmy gave
him Arst base, and be was ndvnncnd to
Draid Dake and and John Larkins
«oo id on a hit by Boyce
are enjoying the beneAto of Mt. OemKlvao sent a hot one to Miller, wbo
ens. end are gaesU at the ColopiaL
Added H to WJlhdm nnd retired
The Mtoeea Mary and Marion CAnpin Roy^. Wilhelm threw the ball over
of Auborndnle. Mnee., nre gnaete nt Weaver's bead, aad WUson and Mor
the home of Mbs prnneto C Chapin, rimy came homa Weaver made a wild
their aunt.
■»l* »»d Flynn came in.
Snmnel Dent of Howard aty to here
------ -ig score was eecnred In
vtolting bto dnubur Mra Oeonre the sixth. Rdinn was Arst up aad got
single St Clair Sew out to Miller,
Meyers, 410 Wadsworth etreAt, also to
- Wilson got n two bnggi
attend the wedding of bto daughterim-r aUuck onvaod Morris^ mnt the
Mim Minnie Dent to Edmond O.Cberry- *•■" at Wit^lm, who threw low to A ret

Si. a H OonaU.I>..«ht« of K.
Ounninghsm PneeedAeay.
' Mr. aad Mia H. W, Cunningham reaMvad yesterday the nnd tidings of the
4mA of their daughter Mra Dr. S. H.
•OncmeU of Copemtoh. Mra Cmtell has
Bans taking trcstinent at the nnnltarlamln Battle Creek nix week* nnd
,4Uad thereat 9:30 p. m. yeaterdny. Shn
;fcad enfferod n long nnd severe Ulnem
boee# previens U> gelng to the uniiteriMi- Deceased wes well known in
Mr. nod Mr*. OIbhs of Grand Rapids,
gimwweeCityand* Urge circle of
ie will mourn her lom and sym- are vtolUng their paranU. Mr. and Mia.
- « with her family. Her mother W. A Scadder, 419 Franklin straet.
» at her bedside several dsya
U t9 years of aga
Mrs, Fenton nnd Mim Clandin Bell
have been the gnmto «t Mra. M. E.
Albright tbto week. Mrs Fenton res 10 this evening at the turned home Wednesday evening but
Methodist ^urcb, the BpwortH
MiU Bell will remtln untD the lent of
will give e weioome boms re- the week.
■pthm to Mr. and Mra. James Oixoo,
Mra. James Osuntlett and non Cion
bohavereoenUy retnrad from Call- GsueUet of Milan. Micbig
gnia. All are eordlally invited.
nied by Mim Stella Forbea. arrived last gS^uSlw'
evening and are the gunrie'of Dr. J. W. '
Min Minnie Dent-nnd Edmond O.
Mrs. Peter Ann* of StayAeld was In
moymanwere mtrricd at the reai- town yesterday
M of the bride's airier Pm. George
B- J. Peck of Snttrae B*y was in
pyA 410 WadsworU atnet, Wed>wn yesterday to meet friends from
gMynrening. JnlytT. Bot. Os
Ohio, wbo WiU uke him a shoK visit
I ofBeiatiDg.
Josephine and KIttie MnriV'have

I]jj i

trachever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^

&&Q U16



• 'f


THE MOHKmo BBOOBP. rRIDAT. /UI«Y 89, 1898.


■ot 4m4Mt tost tm ■tSl I
«bo have heretofore takea no atep VotaUe OathariDfB ia Trav)
harkvat^ ta an espanakni of inflneiice
Ml Plarm of Vorth
of Front
ssa at the Baaorta.
as4 empire withoat eompariaon ta hta*
StTMt Have Accaptad OhaUfBffo .
torr. are aRtloablr approarhlnf each
The moat* deUchtf«] aetar
‘iMiwred by Cuchman K. Oavla i«‘>"
»»>* pr««ire of» Br«at h«- of tba aeaBoB traa ^vea <m Tacoday by
of ■oath Side-of tha ttiaat.'
D evoloty^^
at ■ the Capital of
Mta. Jba H. Bolwrta at Old MUet— in , Thesraat ball bains played by the
of her two pMdaooa, Waller i HtuUen baa exclled tba tona on
i ■entb aide of FVoatst«etA»dysaterday
Lyaebliat aa< an Aa».. And Charlm L. Trnmbiill. and
nepbew. Jamaa E. Kickllr. at irmape
‘“■•‘1 tbe follo^tnc ebaUenpe to
1imO-r_'4:0B ^qOI BBTOdATES.
hall. Ths ball room was beauUfally ^ *bs enthunlaato oa tbe north side of
deoaratod with flaff*. and ffarlaiMU of i ^br street;
[TblEd and Biddle Btreets. EdvardKea- flowera, wbUe larpe vaaea filled with
To the ^ortb Sideof Front street;—
•k»-BeaehlBcBeaalteeirOerProMt War I nedy. a railroad man. «aa paaalnr a
tema ornamented tha atape whare the I The baU playera on tba aoath alda of
pela OalllMd—l-alted maiaa i aalooD and atnpped on the aldee-alk a
Meit Iteeurae a Oreat rover. .Navel aad ^moment. The neitro porter ordered him orchesua was placed, and which waa a | »'««» otnoi hereby eballenpe you to a
. BiUlUJT,ia the Wartdaad TekoaBaad .to move on. KrRn<-d> etarted alowlr. perfect bower of fraprani plaaU and | »•“* ot baee ball, to be played on Ue
m tba OHeatal OweUaa ar Prepare Car { Which enraprd the nrrra. who pulled a eserpreena The mnele, which wae ex-i Twelfth eiwei pronods nex* Bonday
(revolver ard shot Urnnedy threuKh the oellept, waa furnished by Mr. and Mm.'hti^rnooB. Anpetl 1, 18SW. at two
. SMeeea ACBloet anrteMee.
forehead. As he fell the nepo ran. A
^' St. Paul Jnly tS.—With peat eeie- number of pedestrians vltncwed the Cnmmlnps. At 9 o’clock danclnp be- '^’cl^W.
moor in the preoenoe of aa Uamanae murder and at once pave chase with pan, and antll two o’clock the soeM! Pihwe let as have your reidy Ihroaph
eoneourae oif >et-plr yesterday alter- cries of •lijBch him
was brilUant beyond deacriptlon. aa, I'm
as quickly aa pOMlbla
Mob Hon. Alrxinder Ramaer, terriA police or.lcer outdistaneed the mob tbe pracefnl forms of the daneem
tBPial sovemor. only atirvivor of the and eaushi the nesro. bnldlng the crowd
^Ided to and fro in the maxce of the
OhmoDB T'Blon ear eoremore. cyrenetary of - ar and ex-United Slates ten- waeon was ruium-.ued. Kernedy was merry walls. Old MImIob baa rarely
not dead when picked up. I'e
Tbe hoye on tbe north aide of the
ator. laldahe corner-stone of Uinae- lb aa aml'uiarcr and hurrl d t. Ih - h «- area a patherinp where there was
etreet can p'ay ball a little, too. and
pital. The ambulance breke down c.n eo mech praoe mod beauty, there belnp they Immediately accepted the cbalthe way. throwlny the dylna man Into an nansnal number of vlsitore who
<tpal oretloB waa delivered by United the xlreel. He waa <julck1j- r’hnd on bare tonpbl it* attractive aberee thU leupe In thU atyle:
"To tbe fallow* on the aoulb side of
Stales Senator Dftvla. and the beaedic- a dray and the Journey continued, but
tlOB was pronbunecd by the venerable he died before U;e hospital was reachrd.
Front atreai who want IwtracUon In
wp the jrocets of U
Blai»c» Whlit-lp of iheEidscopal ^urefa.
base hall:
Favor* the Aagto-Sasna Eataat*.
8lm:-We tbink we know a little
asd Mim Linda Weber of Sprlopfield,
The Bperch of Senator Davia dealt
about baae ball oureelvea. and bastes
Ills.: MlM Speed of Mempbla, Mlat
larrely with the pn^.-rd Antlo-Saxon
to acknowledpe your cballenpe and acaaicnte and the war with Spain and lia j
SprlBper of Chlcapo. Mra. Mabel Cook.
eept tbe eame with an eapemeea whieh
iro* of
..V the
.ha United
t.M.talt '
J tb« course
Miaa Suale Cook ot Spricpfield. MtA
Stetee. With relcieoce to the Anpo- Campbell yesterday received a telepram Cbattortoo. Mre. Wanvn. Mra Jemea may Impreee you with the superior I
at Chlaoillty we posses* in the national'
SaxoQ entente he mlJ: "lym It was from Chief Commlmary
JIcklin of Chicapo. Mm. Lord of New,
u. •_
not BBUl very reeentiy that Great Brit­ capi. orderinft him to auppl;' the Ninth York. «l..LortorCbic«o,M.. Uit f”' Tb. ».nd,Uo. whl.h w. ..k.
ain and the United Sutas looked each redimrnt with field nod coSee
other In the face with any aipi of menyy. Colonel Campbell believes this
reenpilUon of their pcilUcal reAiion- means that the Ninth mil be ordered
nil iHotll*" be included on either eldc.
Mlp. Jt Is well for them, for elvlllxa- away from Camp Tanner rJwul Satur­ I,
tion. for natlnn:! Indep ndente and for day. Ueutenant Charles A. Ballou, U.
*. Butebinaon.
personal fr-.'edum that they have be- B. A., the mustering otllcer here, last
At twrive o’clock a dainty tapper
pub to do BO. The iBohUoB of Enrlaad ntpht received a telepam form the war
was served in tbe nwms below. The
trora the other states of Euro; e Is roan.
BaU Player* of tha North Side,
Jtest. Her isolation frum the United major in the Seventh Illlnnls Infanlry, toblc* wete beantlfally decorated, saaSlatM baa alwaya exUied, and prln-llowhlchCovemorTannerhadappoint- turtinmi aad sweet peaa belnp tbe pre- atreot.
There are a pood many old time
cdpally BB the result of petty'd‘.S.;t«DceB ed.him. but that he was still
ball player* on both aides et Fr(4t
le treat- tenant Ir. the Twelfth United States In-' vaillnp Sower*.
Mm. Roberta was aaaisted' In enter- street and a first clam pame may he
lea and small corfl cllny policies In olh- fanUr. which U now with Shatter at
ar respeeta. The United Stales has SanUaro.
tatnlnp bar pnesto by ber danrhtor. expected. U is aappsBied Uat a nom­
bsM IsoUted by a special policy and
There is mure trouble between the Mjt. Walter Trumbull, who did the
inal admiasioo fee be ebarped and that'
by lu Keorraphlcal poaiton."
white and colored troopa Testerday the
ntproes anaulted Commissary Grant hoBom with a peace peculiarly ber owe. tbe proeeed* be turned over to the
Befrn t* Earape la Chlaal
Be then proceeded to apeak of the Irwin, of company K. as he was potng All Unee who eoloyed Mra. Roberts' llntUem aa an eseourapemeat for the
decupatlon of African and Oriental to the- quartermaster's department to hcepttality will loop remember the pood ^ort they are fumlahtop the
for the day. and- a- lively eveninp aa one of exeeptioaal pleaturc.
Ianda by European powers, and the
elty. Tbe pronndaonpbt to be crowded
fetnesta of the I’nlud States eipec'AUy j B*lt‘ between the white* sn ' blacks was
to the movement toward China of those I ottir «verted by the Inb rference of offlThe pneets a Bdpewood enjuyed a
powerx. and asid: •The recept aprea- <♦«. Another time durtnr the day Uiere
OS of 15 neraa of pround B J. Morton the beach Wrd- pan has Ureahad I.IW) bushels ot
l.y the powers of' Europe
opon was hlmrst a riot between white and
Ctona were acta of war. It is net I'ng neyro atddien over two ncitre. women needay eveninp. piven by MIm
wbeav WUItamManviUedtdUework
'■tore ti e war between Japan And Cb nv betnx ordered from a writlry table kept throp. The affa!c.wae a very daliphp
in eievsB hours wiU a new Pewlaas
-Mded by deprivinp the Utter power ot by a while man namedd UcCracken.
fear fleet, by compelling her to pay an Tbe necretwes reported they had bees | 1 one and was one of tbe pleesant macblna __________________
.'SBOrmoua Indemnity and provisionally Insulted to members of the Eighth, and evenU of Ue season at tbe resort. The
to cede a portion of her territory of the latter were about to fight, with resort hpd"quite a little scare soon
Mra O C. Maes M 111 at her borne
' tbe createst mll tary and nava' lm;er- acme members of the Ninth who were after tbe puesU bad retired, which on West BipbU BtreeW wlU oonctotion
tance. of which Japan was In her lu^n leaving the eamp when a serreent of
fortonatriy amoaated to nothlnp. Tbe
deprived by the duress of Russia and
sodden squall of wind that caiqe up
'Bermany. cnly to see Russia aob■tantially acQUire the aamc territory
IrOB tbe west scattered Ur dylnp em­
wd Germ^ry make a compensatory
bers tbrouph the prove, which was at since bis birU. aad all Uat we could
•eixure nesrhy.
dry aa Under, bnt Ue heavy rain aoca. do for him did not seem to piva more
Beaort BotsA
StwaUraOneef Al emvtirWH
than temperary relief. nnlU we tried
“Next to China thePaclflc p3asees'ons
Mr. J B. Barprave and son Donald pul aa end to Ur danper.
Cbamberlain’s Colie. Cholera aad Diar­
ml the United Stales are the muai In- of Cineiunatihrived in tbe elty last ev^
vMlnp tbjecis of atU' Ic. Under ex alOne of Ue moat enj''vable society rhoea Rrmedy. Since plvlnp that rem­
edy be bts not been troubled.
■ndlttons the r def<n.-e would be ninp en mule to Neabtawanta.
events of U* summer ws« the bicycle
Rev Dan F. Bradley of Qraud Ranlds party aad marshmallow roast ^ven want to pivp yon tbb testimonial aa aa
evidence of oar pratUnde. not that you
1* in tbe city on bis way to OacnA
Ue ytmnp ladies of Ue O. K C. and a need it to advertise your merilorioos
nt fclem
If in* Bve'yn Friedrich eame np from number of peotlemen frieods by Ur remedy.—G. M. Law, Keokuk. Iowa
Grand Bapida last eveninp. She wilt Niasca Gertrude Uipgin* and Gayle For a^e by S. E Walk. Druppisk
TOtnm to
po this mominp to Omona.
Griswold laai aveutop. The party met
■mallest porsIlJe slure of It* c jnmerMiw Cerr><rn Seolt
Plalnwell.Oblo. at tbe hoinr of Mt*s Bippln* and pro­
4dAl advaroaecs and prefuire (or lia
will run on Esti Bay a* follow*:
acainrt tbe i
iggresslane'vtopped overnipht at the Park FUee ceeded to Edpewood. where they hsd Leave p’d Mission
erhi^ hav" redun-d China to ber prea- on her way oi vth.
beta invitMl toy Mus Lewia. Tbe dock Arrive Elk Kanlda........
Mt.fipDdit on. It may be o'jJeriH that
C. S. CrUpin and wife ctf OAtnea, aad ahaded prounds were pay with Leave Bik Rapids......
all this la without presed-nt. So It is.
Arrive Old MUalon........
but all {mat human evolutJuns must Ohio, arrived in the c-ily last eveninp Japanese lantwm and four driftwood Leave 0.d Mission..........
precede precedenu la order to create They will leek a resiiop place for tbe fires OB the beach cast s ruddy plow on Arrive Eail Bi«d...........
aommer amoop lbs resorts farther Ue plaaay water, aitopltop with Ue Leave East Head.................... '. a:l» p m.
lints of tbe sunset, Later Ue moon Arrive Old Mission.................. 8:30 p m.
Leave O d Mission.................... S:30p. m
'vaele tom To Bs a Great aad Aetna] I
C S. Wbeelerof Chlcmpoatopped over made a bripbt paU aeross Ue bay. Arrive Elk Bapida.................. 4:40 p. m
alphi at toe Hotel Wbitlnp. en route tbe whole niakinp a picture k»p Leave Elk Rapids.................. 8:<« p. m
OontiBuleg the senator ssM; "ft Is to reiovke/ and Bay View.
to be igmvmbcred. The eventop pas<*ed Arrive Old Mission.................. 8:40 p. m
'Bus will leave Ue Meresetlle Go's
BOW that the United States
alt wo awifUy to wasttop man>hmaiMiss Alice McDonald of Toledo. Ohio,
Bleek. Hotel Wbitlnp and Park Place
yrlll be at the concision of This vn
lowa over Ue plowlnp coals, vislitop at *;M p. m 'Bas will alto oonnect
preat and actual naval and miUtarr arrived in the elty last i veeiap for a
power. Many thousands of her dtixans visit with the family of Will Moulton. and siupliip. and It was a late boor be­ a'tta boat at 11:30 a. m. Fruitcarwlll
fore Us moon looked down upon Ue be at East Head on Taeadaya. TburaWrttl be trained to modem warfare on
A. B. Brinkman returned to Chlcapo party as they rode memlj home.
days and Baturdaya H*mtnp*r* and
toad and sea. The mUllary spirit baa
froit will be taken on at any poiat
after a pleaaani vUit *rltb
tBSpIred the pc* pie. They have been
alon^ Penlasnla shore by comtnp oat
•id friends to this city.
Mrs. J. W. Patehin entartatoed a
nUsed to a bishcr plane ot patriotism.
delipbtThe adcmions to «ur fleet have hem
BedaoM Satto o« O. & * I
.wevy consiiJi ralile and that fleet will Ohio, after
fully yesterday afternoon with a
arrer be Im. IPe apprc-prlatiuBa for a^rts farUer D-rtb, have reCorccNl to "tbimble party," tbe puesl of honor
Ctoelnnti, onecent per mila Sell
^ta Increase, nlr^ady liberal, will conSeptember t«, ptwd to return October
ktonetubeso. Tbe astu.;ii ling vimrl(S
jTbe bvaottlul siopinp of Miss Lindley.
ot Commodore Devey and Commodore Flaer acme tiffla
Detroit, one fare for ronnd trip Sell
Mitey have convinced cur ijeoile of the
A party coasisUep of
wUai Impcirtance of tbe
j«aer. The
eujtoyabie I “indl
etpanlxatioB and operation of a great
"Anpust 8U. return Anpwt ISU.
army and nsvy will iLSch them their Alice O,bonto ot Grand Bapids and ftmture* of Ue afteruuoa. anoUwr bcLOniopton, one fare for ronod wip.
own strength. • • • .
Mra. Fred Heddca will ride inp the Modyinp oot of a floral
ftrllJaly fdU to Anpust Bth. return
*Tbe Monrue dooirine In the sense of trOldMlmtooon Uelr bicycle* today story, Miss Alma Dmpra* bilop tbe Aupti»‘ I5lh.
an Intemlon by this govemmc ni to inBaratopa. one fare for round trip
Ue bucceisfnl wiucer. DeUeaie reUrt-ene to pr-vent enm a> Uments by and ipraf* the day.
feahmenM wora te.-Ted later in the Sell Aupest Ut, pood to return Aupnat
European naiU.n* upon the rci ubllcsof
Tomrtn. Ocurio. one fare for raond
Udp. Sell August :4th. tSlb. and :7U.
prvid to rrUrn Sept. 6ib.
So. IT drew tbequiltoiade by Ue
VermlUlou. U., one fare few round
L«dlM' AM Society of Ue Evaape!
a fashion of nsetiUng
Aaaivaiuary Humber Bmpiro Xtsader trip. Sell Anpust let, pood to reurfi'
.rrtlcaJ naeenlon nf this great prir- Uureh.
Anpori Stsi.
Cltde of Ameriian aecumy which
Bay VlewCamp Meettiip, one
Tbe concrete foe Ue fonodstion of
e fare for
< harvi terlxed
by Ue new eourt bouse ia now betop laid.
Tbe BlOOiU) i* to receipt ot Ue FifU mod trip Sell July lltb to Slst.
Frfncs Btstrarck aa a dutirlre et ‘unpood to return Aap. M>tb.
Tbe Uactlera will po to Manittee tor Annlvenary Boovenir Number of Ue
insolence.' It Is now probable
Bedoeed rates to oUer potou. Phone
arI any European |K,wer wUl dellber* Ajj for a fame of ball with Uy Quit*,
s C. B Murray. Apvnl,
acting upon iiist aMumptlsB.
C. L. Lockwood, a. P. A..
ranfud hr ?r> B- ClmpWl. formarly of
&f»ou> U Indebted to Mr.
<it*ud Baptda. I
fi 'Tb*
rciagiuns wnlcR have Mra. B. WlUL
Leader. It U a pamphlet ot 36 papea
Bread—The teal,
^£ned between the United Slates and are renorUnpat C»rp Lake, for a fine,
praetoe artielv. made at Jobe Aab'i
Bnptind for so many yewr* were caused •trtop of blaek bato and pickerel. Mr.: with a handsome illuminated
hp a traditional aversion, which was aad Hr*. WUliaraaon are experts with appropriate deaipn. Tba bcfik U filled Bakery. S»l Front street.
.uppiavated tiy certain ever.'tr. of . our
WiU a brief history of fimplre villapa.
ejyfl war and by many mlnur Irrliatlag Ue rad and line aad are tborouphly sketches and portraiu of leading
ueettoverstes. But thn.ugh pJl this it • jjoylnp Ue flahtopat Oarp Lake aad
cit'svnt t-f Empire, p.'lnelpal places of
Why shoald
Bas been felt by tbe i>eup1i c ( b -ih
Uc bospitolliy cf Lant'\oid Southard.
ymtekrry Icseraaea
bnalaesa. and numerou* Il.ostrated
trfaa that a Oe binds them- together.
OuaeaottotofaoeMaBt to a pillow •oenea ot totorcat to half tons,
krUau each
however much they
nlng It. • • • U U.j block yvaterdsy neon the factory of baadsomely printed and aUraeti
umy T’laiD tbhi *
Ue J B. OraUtek Oo. -was Unt down
The work la valoaUe from
ar exir-srion and ot the
at tb< rrlstlone between the t*o Ba­ for repair*. ‘Work will bs txauBied Ue a historical poial of view and a credit
first of next week.
tinas has isken pUre.
the publiaher.
Beeaoie It yon are sick 14 day* or
-The cenvIcUf.n. heretufor* only linBraa. will start Uelr
more we pay yoe from Ue flrat day yon
-yerfratl.v felt and only parilalir. lofrc-_ branch sUWe at NemlfU-waato TaesThe Sumnder of Porto Woo.
are taken e'ek. also from Ue boar von
MMOtly and fitfully srknovledged.
.aU for $1-00 par
..___ ■.
arty operative
and Is openly 1**?- It will-be to dbarpeof Jtton DuaC. F. Clement. Ue optleiaB. baa
t y<w rasldence
•M sr ttaneonsly expressed, that tbe atop.
ceived twenty four pneaMt on Ue earin fuU In ease of
Work ia >n prafreaa on Ue new roof reader of Forto Rieo, aa follow*: FOnr
r aeeldent. aad
pacMtop AupnU 7. three, Anpnst a;
tativ* rrvsroRii-n'j' and^nrintalnedper- oa Ue MereantUs Company's block.
aomal liberty portion of Ui*
A load of Alsika elorer and ticDothy Uiee.Anpuat 15; two Aupnat II aad Ue
m*gM. «->:oee conceptions of faith. Hter- bay ecmsigtlnp of t.tto poaaia,
■Uer twelve arc between July *e and
atara taoiala. edutatlcn. popular aovoupkt to Ue elty ycaterdsy by John AapuriM. Twopneases were raei
snuiKni aad individual freedom are
from Detrrit aad one from Oeaad Bap- DMritoapsntte-MerUweelmB HkAi•ogMte at all tlmsa aad everywhere: Hbaaa Tom Shane Ua bona
Vbsa* MyDlaatlno. though developed It boupht Ue load.


fioiK ProteedK Asuclitlon

From May 1, to July 26,
1808. was



Daly Ayeraga, l,3Br,

Guaranteed CireuIatiDu!
The Cooclusioi Is Plaii!

The Record Reaches The People.
That is the reasen it is a

It Coiers the City and Sarretnding tatiy loic FnUj
Than Any Oto Daily.
reason the Becord Is so widely circu­
lated Is because It

Prints All The News.



Fully and up to the time of going
to press every morning.

Vnaicalled Teleiraphic Hews Setiica.
Finely lllustrateil Featares fa Staday.
Special ineitiOB Eini Ueal Najyeii'StTry Die fAMT DEFASTIEIIT Of Tlie lonifiA BecotiL

TBjfi jcuururo &xooia>, krioat. jvlt ae isM

For th» 8*cond Tlm» th« Fifth
R«gim«nt l« Civ*n ■
Aniw tVj^ Moii*« Hai U Girt
PUc« te AMthei Reciaeat.

I Um» Mb I
fM XUbb m>4 1.
Be» to
«aMHr Bto DtatocMdsCOntoa to Imm*.
tot ■! OaBBk* — SButtot* ■•ttrary
■»ti»rt MUrkl BbtoM* rtobitof
Malrld, Jui) ».~An officUI dlfpat««i
Him a>-j; •'On Tutatoy Ibf
' ‘r tilt dirtcUon of
., i-.> -.l of tilt »*jr. StvtB
Luadtcd Spanltb regiiUn and volnn*
. itctr tncoumrrtd (htm, and an tn•aitrment entued whkh taaitd ibtwbolo
nleht and aniy (ratBd witb dawn <nt the
lolloo-lnr day. The Amcrirana wart
•bllttd to withdraw <■* the coaaL'’
8t. Thomaa. 1>. W. 1., July
Tltbt. UK. iijr Aaaoolated Pr«m.)~Tbc
Spanlab tmpa Id Pono JUoo are bdnt
withdrawn from tbe nutlylnic iowm and
art ccncentraUng u|4>n San Juan. Thr
deftnaea of the naplut are Itint
. Btitottheitad.

The departure of Oan^.l Broske and
General Ralnts f^om Hampton Roada
which ta'expected today, to rclntbrea
Oeueral Mllea (ri Porto RIqo Is a v.4t
of the purpose M
the govemme^ rot (■
cution of mimary,ro]
stage of the negctUtlona l^e two
remrals arewmlutiked on rapid lim-ra.
and aboold reach General Ullea b* next
Monday, puttlrg him m pogieml n of a
sufflcient farce to begin the movement
upon Ban Juau at once. Tbe aecand
eapiurcd l«tt:enag was received at the
war deiwnment )esterdsy w-Uh a bri-C
nou from General Bbafter aa follows:
"Fragment of Spanish Sag captured
bp the Thirteenth t'nlted Statm In­
fantry At Ban Juan, July 1."
Inspector General Hrecklnrldge. who
had been a member of General Bhifter'a
a»R calird at the WhIU House yeeterda>' afternoon and persAnaliy dee;rfbed
to the president the condttiniss existing
there when he lek July M. He spoke
partlcoUrly of the lemirkaUe entbuBIasm ditpUyed by tbe Ignited States
troope there aad of tb<lr ro>b brave
conduct under Sre. He also tr.lnlmtsed
tbe yellow fever condtHons and said
that the troars had lieen fully prepar.-d
In advame for Its appearance.

| the way the aeiual paae* term, would

XnvgrMOUF MaitaA
Below is a Ikt of tbo boHaf g»d aeU-


New Departure]

llUen might b
more than the TTnlied States felt JustiBed in demanding. There ts UtUc tea-

l>r. A. B. Spinney, of Detroit, alse

moat equally ctitain that rlpa n rec g.
njaes tSat ahe must consent also to the
abandonment of Poto Rico.-With th;ee
two riMl points iwseed there is likely
to be little deUy un the Question of lademaity, as there la every dlaposIHon
here n<u to press with undue severity
M Spain In this rasp-ct.
About the only rraaon which would
fmp*l this goieinmrnt tp insist upon an
Indemnity atpu d Iw a further stubborn
resistanca by Spain, Speaking broadiy
thp statement was mada yestendar by
an Influential offliial tbat a settlem.nt
la wblch Spain, conceded two vlui
points—Cuba and Porto Rico—and at
the same time gainrd two v'tal po'nts
—trredem faom a war ItiCemnity and a
relenlioa of her control of the Philipptnes-woua appear to be a Just bal­
ance of eQuttles.

remain lor one day only to fire tbt
tot opportunity to consult hiir
.that cannot ace him at fain Sanitarium,
Tb* doctor haa ao much faith in the
experience he has had In treat!:
Icttnwlcdiseaaes that he will wive om
moBth’s treatment and medtdne free.
Asto Fagg gunciCAt, ormtATioin to
All that he asks in Tetura is that
every patient will aUte to their friends
the results obUiued by hU treatment.
All forma of cbrqfiilc diseases and de­
formities treated. No man in this
Bute baa bad tneb extended espto

DlWAftBB aa the doctor. He era<
atsd 87 yearn ago from Clcvelai


Ever Burned Out?

U aoyoa kaow
tbe value <d '
Clear Pork per bbl, an....T.:. 8» M
11 U
O. P. CASTER. A«eat
Short Ont Fork per ft.................
nour.e UACo-beet........ .
Kye Flour, B. L. A Co. Beet.:..
4 00
Meal. B. L. A Co. Beet................
Feed, B. L. A Oe. Beat................
Srrsperdos.........-......... ...........
Oodfiih per ft..................................
Lardperft............................ J....
BnUer per ft Oalro.......................
that I do all kiada of raCreamery BoUer. ft............
aallng. and tkat 1 caa
pairing and
Cbeeee per ft ......................
Jr and do five yon tbe beet work of^s^
Oats per be (old)..................
Mtw i
Cora per ba., oltL........ .......
t^yon t

Bicycle Riders.

I guarantee all my work to be right.'
wTaAygaBetTT axAte aad U it doee not prove ao I make tt
Wheat, old. per bn..............
Wheat, new, per bn............
Oau, No. 1. perba. (new)..
Cora, per bn............................
Bya per be..............................
Bntter. per ft..........................
Brae, per dosen......................

in till fl o’clock evmy eveoiac
t north end of Oeioa


Blvalry BetwBsa prasreasd ZagSaad To years j was 8 years Superii itendcnt Of
AlfSA and VpaiUnti 8
Bb the OUvb-B>wb^ Bnirer.
ience, combined with maos
Perwoea troubled with d
Washington. July n—In dlpiomstlt This experience,
years' study in the best boapiula In
quarters Spain’s pvarepn posal through
W. M. Baab. clerk of Bote) Doeranee.
tbe Frc.-.cb ambataador a ih* a aorb'or
ProrMenee. R I. Be sars: "For aevetopir. and the ansner of tbe p.esiJen'
11 have been almost a eouatant
Is aw.lted with keen interesL Nu f.r- ora^aoncr faila. Havey
Treveree cfty. Mlea
rrboea, ibe frequent Weeshmgaioefc.
The Military Situation Lesee In- eign governrrem ou.side of Fia:i<e has TOC years? Are you
y poatratittg me and
been eonsulud by S| aln In th a ov 'rtur* CaU and eeeua.we will tell you wnetner (rendering me unfit for mj
teraet in View of the Over*
we can cure yon or not. If we can net ] hotel. Ahootiwo yeara ago a aaleafor x>*'acc. and tha muswu m,n- men
turee for Peace.
cure yon, we wiU tell you wbat relief aj,n kindly gave me a small botUh of
not aliared. directly or indlrecily.
wc^n (pve yoiy
Ckamb* rlaln's Colic. Cholera and Diar
Oermshy. Austria. Italy. Russia
.B^Remember. one montb wilt be rhosp Remedy. Moeh to my aarprtoe
Rrltala. 1| «an now be stHl-d. abaolutely free—medictnea. enrgical
delight tw effecta weiT Immediate.
however, that Ihe focfnal propneltlnn OMtiona,aRd tbe benefit of aU our ] Whenever I felt aymptoms of the dlWe are again ready, with a larx*
submitted Tuesday.bad been uu lerctnto an who are too poor to pay. I
I wOTld fortify mytelf egalnet etodc of lee. te deliver the Mine to any
Chlcbaataota Pnrk. Oa.. July a -The
alderaii-.n at Madrid for Are days
,vuek with a few doara of this val- part of the city.
n of ytrtprday iwurtd all Has g Wide Field-of Poss^ity and previous to Tu.adty. durng which Hta Our methods of treatment is all that is ;
Tbe reeult haa been
, trill work to be abandoned fur tii* day
lUple bl<4^ wood aleo for Wla.
So Forth to Worfe
the Brillih aa wed as the P.emh
ot electricity, that moat wonderful of vary mtisteetory%nd almoat complete
and the men generally remainedln«|iiarIhorittes were eovnlsanl '*f the fai l allagenuin ParalyaU,
Of Power,
from the afliction-” For tel# by
that Spain was a'ol lo a efoepeaw
Un. The Third Kentucky, Fifth HU.
RbenmaHam, aad all diaeasee of the g. g. wall. Draggtat.
Telopbome N& M.
noli and Third battalion of the Elagood naiured but keen rlvalr>- sprai
office la always crowded.
tetnth Pennaylvanla left the park earty
N. A-CameWk Tawera, Blood aad Shla
yeaterday motniag under ordera to peoRriilah ambassador at Madrid, and H.
chine needlea J. W. SLATgg'a •
rttd to Porto Rico, but befor# tbe F«tb
Pateneire, the French ambnsaador ts4 srivsta dliiwm of alt fom iraaito see- furaiBhiBg Btoro.
nilnot* had time to load for its deparMtotad 1W tto to* IHfltoalt IWIak
there, as to which government should
tore a ruali order came from SmtUrr
Katoltottoa. to* Uoa* CaaaU>rtot Ctoba have the honor of Inrt’aUng the «
Alger for It to return tn camp, and
ment designed t
toa done^ dlfactloa. Tanai tor boaid asd , Bontos Brown Broad—Tho raal.
tha towsoi of aay saaltaitaa er bow tfOBolne article, mado at Joka Ank'o
•idaring out In Its stead the One Hun.
Bakery. SSI Front ntraei.
drtd and SLnleth Indiana. TUa U tbe
Britain and tbe ignited States It
aetosd Ume tbe Fifth llUnola. com*
Waohlnglotii July a—The Initiation
aotee to cure evei7 case of PILB^^S
- manded by Colonel Culver, has been or­ of overtures for peace baa bad the affect felt at Drat that sir Drummond Wo.fl RUPTURE. Alao. we 1- tre a lying-in
Would be commiss.oned to app:oaeh the
dered liack afti r being under orders to of suspending in a large roeasure-for Vnlled States, acting at Washington ......................................... b our Sanitar
CO with the brlgnde to the fronL Natur­ the time being at least—tntereei In the through BIr Julian Pauncefoie. But
ally the, matter has cAuaed a very con- mlllurr and naval situation. Tbough Spain appears U bare preferred tbe
aldrral'is urpkaaani feeling among the It Is known through the open admis­ Intermediation of fhe French govern­
offleera and men of lb* regiment, and
ment. and as a result tbe negoUsUotii
they would no doubt like to have a toi- sion of meml«n of the administration Anally were entrustid to the French
that Che present peace phase will ro- ambasaador at Waabington.
Offiess la Hoetagae Sleek. TtoveraeOkr. Hito.
tofactory explanation.
mala unchanged unUl another
Xanettod toe BuBaton. HowBeer.
Another esaentlal point la the exact
This regiment la now aulgeed to the cabinet meeting tomorrow there Is propoaittoB mace >y Ppaln. •Riere has
nrai hrlgaoe. Second divialun, First sUU et-inccH] a disposition to dlaeurs
corps taking tbe place of_ihe Indiana
ndlana i th* «oMter in Its etary aspeet. Kaiur- owing to the puSlltaiPin of an all-ged
t. LOCDOK.DeaUsl.O-ess is Msrkbaai
ordered onL IThen Major ‘ oily the a»t point of inuuiry was tbe
tbe prepoaltu-n, and other re­
Almy. of General Wade's staff, arrived exact shape ukeo by the Spinish pre- ports asaerting that Spain asked Pres­
In the camp of tbe One Hundred and sentauan of Tuescay. Curiosity on ident ItoKlnley to sut* terms uf peace.
Sixtieth Indiana yesterday forenoon this point remained nngratifled.' and Aa a matter of fact toe Spanlah pro|
pr'>poand announced ts Colonel Oandw that must probably so cuminue for some BtttoD does not menttoo the word
hl^ regiment had been ordered to pro*_
_ _ to tmme, the president hsvtag dc- "terms" and there Is po reqi
suggestion In It that the pres'drfll
• to Probate prwetic*.
Porto Rican force, the new. was Imme- th* autement lasued from the White stale lernw-uf pes'qe. The dlshnet'toiUtely o
n ot the I House -THieiday aball be ^ven to the quiry made l>y Ppain is aa t<. wPe'Per
regiment and scendS of enthui -m pre., public at Ibla time. The motive U a the United Stataswlll open n. ^oUaMons
Tiaverae City, Mick. July Ittk.
vailed for half an.hour. The men shi<ut- prudential dne.
toward Bie aitCc.-Dcni of the war and Blmkestee A McUormick, Diatriei Man• see
ed wildly and pitched their bats up like
»• arrangement of piw'cBpsls
agera. Traverse Citjr, Ifieb.
ita«: • e ss8s« 8
rbUdren playing, so great wss ihejr Joy.
.Neither doee the Ep nah prop sttloa
The next
Oentlemen: Allow me te tkank yap
*ZS= Z »»B..e.g ;
The reglmeni miild not get out on the
contain any re*erooce to 'armistice." for check for f40, for loM of finger- I
■1 last evening and an arder was aeet
At the same time It ts framed on the wish te say that the Mttlement was
Idea that If peace negotiatinne are en­ very aallafaetory. aa I eaUed at yonrofSRr8SStR«St£fi$S 8
CuBder to have his roglmeet break ' tbsr^
tered m<on there wffil be a eusp.nsl-m the Jobneon Mock and reecieed
W4 }#*BV*
camp early this morning and maroh m ---------of Pv*ee
"tr^---------------- l
Spain and Jrom the Tnln-d of hostilities pending an agreement up­ my mmey. I am always williegtoaay
Ihe R< rsvlH* loading autlon.
Btatea may be some days oft' as tbers on the cxail terms of peaie. Aa to the a good word fer your company and
aaaa a easaeeeea
manner of conducting the peace nego- think them auperlor te all olhera.
Broj^ to* nitot. ^bBlItoa.
i doubllca. wla be

«S«S; 8 8R8Sf888S
A mere dfgrstcd let of cola.-..
i-nclr.s at Ujc ..ui«*t before tbe acsual
Tout* very trnly.
•-S* e .--.-BBWWB ,
never seen than the men of the Fifth
I pfi'ni of stating teims la iv«ch*A <rt.
■ open, besides that of having
-__ Oenaral
JoRg KancB.
Hoots. AH kinds of unsavory cha^ will be much dls usston in'^ HfceiiCastllHo. the Hailed
DOS Smtogd Btroet.
am being made agmnat Cktlonel CuhV ! hood al«. rerarmcgTu n^nlsucl p^^^ mates and Bpaalah _______
----------- — "
the commanding officer, not only b> pri- j It la the dis.inci i urpoae^the^am Faria, resiecilvely. (ondua tkam.
plan U to have Phaln name peace
vales, but by a
""’'•“'w Ttiey lab authorliisa te socure
elalm that their rerinx^m has been be- of bosititiea pend ng the negoUations
trayed by Colonel Culver, who repre- - for |.e«^. it may li that ihTappu™! to Washington and eondUL-t neg.dtoVona
i) President McKlslcy' that
UOB Will be granted, but If
Another tentative plan Is te have
not fit for active duty. As soi n ai
X grsdsBle of toe Paleerslly Wespilil, Aas
be only under toe roost ATevtive safe­
fall sliUBiinn dawned on the men
guards to rre\-sn( loss of any advant­ Spain name M. Cambnn aa the gpan'ah rOLDMBXA AVD LOU A. OUll_____ c.a.gusaAT.agsti
to Washir.gmn. thus
a UMOKWOOD o. p. a T. A. Otaae Saetde.
age to the Uqlted biates, and upon
OB him
binding pledges that certain well d>
left Ihe ranks by dosrna ond rroree and fined objects are to be conceded to us.
. last night nearly 100 members of Hic
..8:40 a.
CsImui ABseasItoB to Com* Cp.
•’ ■ Neahtowuu....
...V;40 •
kegtmcDi left camp, moat of them withThe president dlwussed this subject alcn. It ta pre1«i>l* that this plan wUl
" Omeoi.................
..11:10- ■
rut leave asd came to th« city. Tbe all yesterday with var<ous members of be more accepubto to the United Btatea.
>peMoi sad relUMa.
..1«:S0 p. at I-TtorDB* eewpeM
mcralr of the regiment U ahaltered and the cablnei as they called In the courm as It would keep ih* negoliallona at
Hltee’etoaka m.
many ->1 the men declare they will not of ordinary businsaa. It to virtual
eaas. t sUa
Icnrer sem*,r C,.U.r. One man admitted iiy leading members of ti
>« M T. J.
bn*e his sun over a tree and left the administration that upon only one poh
vamp wlltout leave.
la peace negstlaitons is there llkrll-WequeteBalng...
Washhot All to* Hea Is Revolb
be aerlous frietlon, and that relates to ingtun and It Is not improbable that
•• HarW Point....
Many of the mm do mu share the | the future of the Philippines
Ar. Barbor Springs..
fseUng against r-.i-nel rulv. r. bellev- • Cuba and Porto RIeo. our govemmeui Spain within the Best two nr three
ing that the . rders from Washington feels that there U a reasonable eertalD- day* win take another 1mp<wtant step
Going ooutb dally axeept Sunday.
were given bcBOse I111b..1s la already ty of encousteUng Ultle opposition U
wen represented
the front, while all our demanda The Spanish governmen< terms of peace she will regard aa cen- Leave Harbor Spring* **
gsSr tot*^
tlsKBt. These, of course, will be Initia­
tbe Indiana reglmviUs wi-i'- in the
might Insist upo
the proposlUon tory. and will »>e degtned as a sort of - " Harbor Point ...
tSTw#1lton^*«.*'‘‘^‘MMl'^ ^skawa^Js.........bra
tTuHlng ramns until yeeteidsy
1- thrown out by the Vatic
enel Culv*r*i«
l- Uclted eutes shall ann<
Ray View.........
governments together on the final peace
’• Petoakey..........
declines n 5t rrs* any«,rtnlon as intCh* iTOloclIon for Ue Spt
*’ Cbarlevola........
■ rnnwlik
•t prompted the cliange of In the island, but
•• Norwood............
1 thU would be a
i Vexatious point
^ould yield to ad- ' ItSODT VAI^ TO WORK
' ’• Omena................
itoaMeaat (he raBarM Hiaes-MI
__ YptfUaU. Mkatgaa. tor
1 PUra^Owltab....... ”
es. an 1 riBl.
-Otok" Wmawetobto DWtatotoa-Hlto.^ PBOBI.« OP T« RuiOPPiKtot
Ar. TraverBe City..
- Eoealrvetr.A.Eart.
Pana. Tils.. July :s.~The cnly nr
PreUdMlOpposed to toe lAsa ogAsaea- amvemsnt In the mirvrs' strike allua.
Washlngton. July
.Nothing wa*! '
lag Thro. istoBd*.
. F*seki'.'.!!
efis the act of the depsow^stooBteL gaqalrvct
■Btoh*! Oraaatog.. »
Heesd from Miles’ expedmon yes- |
fo 1><« i'hT1it<pittes there U a full
shcrll f lii-ei-.nveylog kevcral non.
Trarorac Baesrt..., **
Leave Northport........
war departmrai. »»P««s“on of w atcr dllllcuItJea t« be
uptnp ml>'T» U- the Sjw ngside ebaft tn
’• Omena...............
..7:» ••
Traeaira Clip........Arr
but Captain Higginson, the aenlor : *‘“''’'*’‘^^<1'
vr« is rea on to believe
their l.jggb>. T'^e Sana and peonssetl
” Battens Bay....
' pfficer of the naval convoy, for-j
“*«»«■ dlfficuiti.^ iiks the Cuban
mines t-niAiur id>. n*twl(hstandlng
“ Neahtawsnta..
..8:48 ••
warded a brief caWegram that gave , •viGement will be rathar internal th** teat dtpciy sherU.s ai.d Mtra police
'Ar. Traverae City..
.10:48 ••
keen delight u, the navy department i «>irrnatl<tal In their cha»cter. at least ropilntvjfc' •ronid ihim and offer probecause of the ttosUnted praise li ac- \
ouieeL The president is firm- tectiun U. r.riy oan-unlun mioers who
Going north dally except Sanday.
corded to a popuar and dasbiag young
opinion that the United^utes chcsise to ertsr the irilivs. It appeare
Leave Traverae CMty................. JiM p. n
officer •Dkk" Halnwrigbi. tne com-;**“"''“**^‘’'^“*®*‘^®<l»«*wp?nroann.iiugh m TTlner drs:rvd In work Un­
*’ . Neahtewanta................... Sffic ••
manderof W'uin-1 *7
The gra»-esi problems der the Vilr—’g Cc rdltirns. The miners
>* Snttena Bay.....................4d0 ••
wnght hsvlng been cummenJed by hu!” govermnenUwould result were the received tl.uv yc.-ierd^' from the state
•• Omena...-........................ a:is ••
•upeHor. Higgiosun. for his acUens at
“> »» t"*^-------------rran^tl'-r u> aid U.em ir caring for
Ar. Kortbport..........................fl:is ’•
Onani a, enjoys Uie sM.Uiy d.MJn.lion
srIrnanOlu-s during the strike.
I character of tbi b
The event i r the day was (be trial of
i Uiands; white
se seven mi:-rs - George McNafly. Daily Xosnlag SacurniaBa Fran
OclaUy Cv..—w—.V..
**< ue- 'other powgne I
• — Jpmea Boyle. C! srlea Aoitcn. Dartd MeTravarM Oity.
be fatrly expect«l lu r.-suii aa Gavlc, Harry Bmith. AAn HnlsoUs and
Take etMmer at 8:40 a. m. (or NeahTbe war departmant has reconciled ’ unsatisfactorily as the irfi.rUte ar- Joe Coynlrkl—arvreud «iy orderof Maytawante where yon will coaneet with
Uself in the aimmary change m li# :
t«etwe«n the fn ted Staiea,
Pfnwell. who rbked uat the leaUetB •teamer Crvaeent retorning te Trav­
plans mgde by General Miles wbeiptae '
B^’teln ar,d Ge.-rrany for the gov- of the union organ'utlnn who were on
tonded at Guautto ibebad of on the 1 •"i*"*®* ‘d Ike Samoan group.
.reels leading tn tU> Penweil mlna and erae City at lOns a. m. nUwlU give
noftb*ast coast : of Porto Htco, as 1,
that a
rderodihi depuiles Piariert them. The yon a pleaMt ride of S4 mtlea on the
previously agreed upen. It ta suemlaed t ***** ••ft’-eai la the Ur^Iird gtaiea is of
ise was first called tn Judge Pierce’s tey end ean be made every moretng.
that he wee led to make thie chance I
opinion that ih* laianoa'VioQld be CourL but toe ffi-f.-nse took a change Of If yon wteh a longer ride the boat sriTl
■ by reason of the deienUoD of bis light- r n*kulrod by the United Suura.and R to venue to Jwdm- SpHegsime's court. Tb* land yon at Omena or Northport wbeie
saw a weeks delay In af- : *“***^
‘''* P«vsldeni that before it whol* lime Wi*s iwcapled ir^ng to get yon wOl coaooet with ateomer ratnrato the formuUMcm omS'ally ol a Jury, wlibon^btainlng a Angle man. ing te Traverse City at 4:00 p. m.
I the UnRed mates' d*man« j>ubli, seatlAfternooB exeuralons feom Traverae'
1 his troops
lraU>oa*l wa«aetgfss« at DavewpacC
City, take tbe eteamer Creeeent evety
artlll-ry ffi-ecl’y sih'rc. He thus __ I me«l In this country will iiave se far
Daveniort. la.. July St.—The last day afternoon at SDO for Neabtesranta
avoided exToelng his t'cops tn t> ehard- I eryslaBlaed at t<, enable the governo a* tbiy ' raeot to perceive the popular demand of preptr»t:on tor the .Na'.loavl 8:>tiK>r- wbere yon wUI eonneet with----------tiag^ It clearlr- D may be staled that Ita fast was t-htrabr'S'd by (he arrival of retnreiag to Traverae 0t«y gt 4K)0 p.
t tbe gt.neral has conSdenUy expected that when the two varioua aolcat.' anJ rnembm of urguTernmccu aixire at the p4at of act­ chestraa SociUea began arriving laai
TopartleBeffivear more a rate of
ually fixing terms they sdll be found Bight. Rlkader. la., betog the firat te OBc farafor ibe round «r^ wOl be
guick qtooar toceiker thun is genomUy lanva ttw traia.


John R. Santo,
fieieral Itsuraice. '



Gnoi! EapMi t Imllui 1. B


.----- ---- ----

A Pfompt Settlement!

ne Dito SUts Itonleit Sodet;




Tnnnt Baj Use ofStemeR.

lUBKI lU Nmiinui Ll



' aalii..':::!': = 'IS




BO lOB wm Sfr,.-!?: IT 2J;




^nd tear-Ko 388


I nioM u
te)i« it.
Tke amrYeoD In ebkrfa
•re 500 OMM «f terer worar tb« tn>o|w.



A. Martin. Oompanp B. Tblrty-tUrd
Mlehlcan. yellow few; WUUam Uollard, Company C, Thirty-third Miehl,Caa, yellow terer; Chariae Clemm<
Company B. Ttalrtytonrth Michiraa.
malarial mnlUant ferw.

Ibis 15 and 25
Per Gent Discomit Sab

A ae* fieU hoepltal wUt be eeUUtobed
■ear Owml Sbefter’e beadqavten.
ne*r tbe tiwaetafie.
PrivaU J. A. Mania of Cempaay
Itbu been 4«BMUt5t Ue four PUSZDZVt SAB LXASHXfi THB
Tbiny-thlrd. Urad at Ohebc^rfan, aad
merobuteteaken 'and the ranboat
PriTate WlUiam H. DoUard of Com­
touad in the harbor of Saatiafo at the
pany C. Thlrtythlrd. llrad at Bay Otyi
time of the capHaUUoB an mlUtarj
Private Cbarlee Clemmeaa ef Company
a. Thlrty-foarth rerimant lived at
Colonel Weetan of the eoeemUearx
OZAnn ntS8 ZAM9SO APTSB department haa b
The Jonraal's tiboney advieaa aay
or of eneloaa.
that the health problem is Oeneral


Basdy to Spain Beinr Pormulated—
Kadrid Papere Satiaded to Oire Up
Probably Claim Porto Mleo and InPorto Sloo and Oaba If Bpanlab
SorereiCoty ia SeapMitad in the The Oaptnref Town of Bosjte in
Bond of BtonplBR to Trickery la the
PhlUppine Xalaada—ProMrtAcaiart
Placed In Oharpe of Omenl
ProUat Agalnet laeaeton.
Oontlsaed BcatUlUea.
•peeUl te Taa K«az»« KecoBB.
New Yark, Jnly «8.-A apeeial Oabte BpMlai t« m* ICaeaue Rccoks.
WaablnftoB, Jaly 88.—The term*
London, Jaly 88—The Madrid cor- dUpateb to The Herald from AantiafO
•eaponpent of Ue Daily MaU aaya. eaye that balm hat been applied U the which the United Sutee roeenmeat
Bada aoeeplable aa a
of peace are
••BpUn wiU probably proteat adalaet injored feellnpaof the Caban* whe rebelnt radneed to farm by Secretary
the attack apoa Porto Bloc after the, eent the taetthatUuy were not per­
reached a
WaAlnrton cabinet hmi offleially rw mitted to eater the eity of Santiago.
«elr;d Sranlah orertana for peace. Bonro. a amall town eiphtaea mile* caodnaiononUeoaUlaea Tbeae terma
aad dUShoald a rircnlar note on ihle anb- from here on the railway line, haa been
Jeetbeaenttothepoweia,Itwm eon- aarrendered U the Amerieaa foroaa, enmloa today in ottelal eirelae.
to eeUta the exaif dataa of the I
and the Cobana ander Ouieral CaatUlo
t it clear that Ue have baen permitted U oeenpy IL U esre a tree expreeaion cf pnbUc opinion
United BUtai deferred Ito anawar in waa held by a rarriaon of 850 Bpaalah
order to daU thU after the Amerieaa •oldleia. Chptain OarvaAial, the cam- wlU Ue reaponae made Uronph Ue
foroee had falaed a feottnc la Porte maader, frt ap the town when ofBei- newapapera, and la tbeesblWUon of
ally advtaed of Ue oapitnlatien'oC Oan- Intermt by toverament officlala in Ue
eomplez problem preeontcd.
Beaor Sacaata mid today. ‘ Wo re- aral Toral'e army.
It oan be aUted that Ue preaidant
Dr. Jcaqaln OaaUllo. Ue brother of
aolved peace many daya apo
hBown onr ramrlatAoaa U the Daited Ue feneral, will leave for Waahiattcn bae determined nottoclaim Ue Philip­
I retard aa nnU la a few dayt wiU a petitioa from Ue pine lalanda, only rotelnlny eoaliny ataand void aad aa deaUUta of gooi faiU Cuban reeidento. U which Proaldent tkmaUem
•veiythlntUe Anmrieaaa have doae McKinley to naked U permit Ue Cabaa
WaUiaytoB. Jnly s*.—While aome
MAee aad 1 am ready to proteat apalMt fcwoea to enur SaaUafo.
mply to Ue French atnbaaaadore will
It formally.”
probablv be made after tomorrow'e
in PhUipplaaa.
eabiaet meetiny. no ehaoye in Ue war
•eeeul »Ta* MoaOT* Beeoae.
and bom will
BopabUoan State Oonrantoon Tixed plane have been
Madrid. Jnly 88.-WIU Ue aaderFor That Time in Detroit—So
be till Sp^ fnmtohee aeearaacM that
that ao lademnity will be de­
Doeidod Teeterday.
abe wUi oomplete a peaoe treaty on
manded aad that SpanUh eovereltaty •pcetal to Tsv MoKKia* Kacoan.
ated in Ue prmldent'a.
la Ue PWleplnea will be reepeeted.
Detroit, Jnly 88 —Tko Repabltoaa
the aewsaanere here ooaaider Ue terma Sute Convention will be held ia De­
Them ■
«f peaca attribsted to Prealdeat Me- troit September Slat. It took nearly a
troope today ezeept tbe ealliny of GenKlaley aa acoaptable. Tha papera. dozen ballota, in wblek Ue datee mat­
•ml Brooke from Newport Newe. Hu
however, proteet afaiaat a
ed from Antnat 8t U to September 88U,
ordera to Ue 81at Micbiyan to kold
of heaUUUee by Ue United Statea after to decide Ue Ume, bat there waa no
Uemaelveelo rcadineea atenda. Tha
Bpaia bad aned for peace.
oppoaitlon to Detroit aa Ue place for pmaldent aaya Sayaata ia atooplny te
Tbe mlnieter cf war. Oeneral Correa, koldinr Ue convenUon.
trickery and deorit in clalmlny peace
Gamt Feltowa and Coatreec
to arranrABt To'
reeeptloa of Ue
cvertnraa wem made betom Miles
William AldeaSmiU were Bot^aated landed.
Bpanieh to
Santlato. aad U preparint mnlUry for tempomry chaimleaUipe and Ue
•tatione la order to preveat Ue Intro- former won by a
of 14 to 8. Dez
daetton of diaeaaea into dpala.
ter M. Ferry. Anditor Lon Bart. Colj leeter Charlee Wrifiit and Cori
rhat Amerioan Army in Forte Rice




Conneel Flowm were appointed toreTriad te Ficht Tkeir Way to Tanoo
Bat Worn BevolMdOOLOVBL HOWASS WAHTB HX8 preeeat Ue State Committee in mak'
inf anaaFameaU for Ue eoavenCon. ■pcelal to Tai lUaaivo Racean.
Jnly S6.—The Madrid
SpanlihSU^ataDtoeonatof Fifty
>t of Ue DaUy MaU aaya, -an
Per Cent, and Store Xeeparc Befow ■PAjrUK OUMBOATS AT LAMR
to AoJpt it-JTow Field Boopital Dewey Bae Detailed Ue Baleich aad official dlapateh from Porto Bico aaya.
to be RMbUabod Bear Shafterh
’on Tneaday tbe Amerieaae sdranead
OoBCOrd to Roand Thn Up.
in Ue direcUoB of Yaooo. flyhUny
•pvelal loTn Hvunve Rscnas.

Btl^dier Oaneral Wood, military
tovemor. haa
Ue eoliectloB of mnndpal aad to*«rsment taxte on mdrcbaau' rooda for
ooaanmpUoB here, a* well ae Ue amatl
.tan npoB packafee for the tfanaient

New York. Jnly 88.—A Hoar Eoar
cable aaya Uere am Urea Spaaiah rt»'
boata at San HirnA Lnzoa laland. aad
four at Palavla laland aad that Dewey
kae detailed Ue Baleirk and Concord
to ronad Uem np.


>e WUI Join
Watson-a Fleet
•Mid to Tba Moanm Bannm.
Newport News, July S8.-Tbe Yeeemltewent into dry dock today to
have her bottom painted wiU foal
proof paint while Ue ooat of paint to
belny pnt on repain wiU be made to
Uetwoebip'ijrnna. Tbe emiaer wfU
probably remain here a week or two.
Kicy, one of Ue reoorvea. reported t int
all ia mneh tetter. Tbe 'Yteemito »IU
Jola Wataon-a flmt.
Swift A Oo. WUi Supply Axvy In
Porto »co.
apevtoj u Taa Mosnav Racou.
Waahinytoa. Jnly 88.-The war
parunent today awarded Ue contract
of forniahloy teof te Ue troop*
Porte Biro te Swift A Ca. ot Cbieayo.
Tbe orteo te be paid. S> » per I
All of Oenoml Sbafterb Army to So
Sent VorU.
Bpseial luTu Moawiao Rcooeii.
Waablaywn. Jnly 88.—Soemtery Al-1
yer baa yiven ordon for tba mmoval of
all of General Saafter-a army te Looy
lalaad aa aeon aa it can be aecompltobed.

Sheet Marie at Half Price, aUd
every piece cf the latest pcpnlar b iDlic.
W. W. KlmbeUCo..88s Front atmet.

Madrid, Jnly 88.—Aooordiay teaa of- N. E. Stroay, manayer.
BnUetla Pocted at Madrid AaaOBwHnr
fleiai diapateh'jiiat rooeived from Saa
Ue McMtoC* te Freddent.
fere•p*vial M Ta* Hoanas Raeeaa.
Madrid. Jnly 88 —At Ue close of Ue oenader MajEw-Goaeml Milea oeenpy
caMoet eonoeil today. Ue foUowMr Ue earn# pealtioa at Port Gnaaica ae
eemi-oacial note waa toaned: VTke Uey did after Ue laadioy. Sevar^
French ambaaeador at Waabinrtea, Amerieaa wamhipa and tmaaporu am
dariny tbe aftmoon of Ue 80U, pre- reported omlainy off Ue tolaad.

Traterse Citj Scliool of Masic!

vrrv SICK avd woubdbd.
The Loons Ibpoeted In Mow Tork
•perU) w> Taa Moajna • Baoaas.
WaBhinyton, July 88.-The Leona to
ozpoeted in New Yoric tomomw wiU
U sick and wonndad a^dtora. inelodtar Oeuml OorUa'a eon.

Voariy 4,000 Cane* 1
DoaU Rate Romaritably LewFivo Viettme From Miohiyan.
New York, Jnly 81.—The Sno'e Weakiayton eorreapoadent aay* that accordiay to mporta reeoived lest aiyht from
SanUayo it ia learned Uat nearly a
fonrU of tbe army to rick. Fonr daya
ayo Ue total caaea wem 8.000:
Uem am nearly 4,000. The new
ly at an alarmlay mte.
Ymterday Uem wem «3'J. The flambar meovorod and mtaroed to dnty to
588. Tkfo* wem five deaUa from yel­
low fovm ycaterday. Shafter'e baltetla inriiu ■ Ue foUowlay in Ue deaU
liat: Lton
t A. J. BabooU; Thirty
third Miehyaa. typhoid fovw Jamoe

A flj has 7.000 eves.^ But it only reqeires ooe cjc"
to see that onr picture frames aod mats are the finest
in the city. Try iu>.


Martlwn Block.

Closing Prices


Difficalt Landioy.
Maieom WIddW Jr. aecompaniod by
twoyoany ladlev wasenjiyieiy a boat
ride on Boardman lake Ue oUer^ cveolay. when to evold the appmaebtny
Bterm Uey attempted a harried landiay. Tha boat beyan te rolL and. Maloom aaya, te aave Ue eapalziny be
jnmped late Ue nmter to be better
able te Bteady the brot. Dowever Ue
yoany ladim reached the laadiay in
safety, but Uey wem }o»t a little terrifled.




beUIpped. Tac tranaport Santlato ia
now loadlat wlU men on Ue way to
recovery, aad It will probably call to
r ponlnUe United Stetea today.

teUe eeaal.'”

eeeted. in tebalfofUe Spaatob yorernmenu a meaaaye to Prealdeat MeEinley with Ue view of briayiay Ue
war to an end aad makiny known
to have Ue eoUeeUon ot taxee aaUor- dlUona ef peace. Tbe y
) of Oeneral
Ued byUe
rooeived information Uat Ue men
baa been banded te Preeident McKin­
Otdm have been toaned edlinr open
ley. who replied Uat be wonld oonenlt
WlU hia consen ef mintotera, aad i«ly te Ue mayor or to Ue military fov.
qneated M. Oamboa to oome to Ue
W any death oecarinr In hU *■-----Vhitesjloiiae ayain to eoofer vriU
holA The peaalty for
to thirty daya' bard labor la Ue atreeta.
Spaniab oSciala deelam Uat the
0 report
pnbUahnd extoaeto from Ue note
dUtrieto and all n
which Uey may obeerve.
Bakeries will be permitted to charyt
only twenty eenta in Spaniak money
for a poned loaf of broad. Oa aoeomt
Of Ue Urye ynaatity of flour whiek
haa beea Ulpped into Ua rity Ue yovmsorbaa mlod that ozoemive prieea
lor bread are nnwartanted. •
^•ntobaUvmtoata dtoeoant of M

of Ue way. Seven hnadred Spantob
mynlnn aad volantaoie eneoaatered
them aad aBenyayementoneoed wbloh
laated Ue whole niyht and only eeaaed
with dawn an Ue foUowiny day. The
Americuawem obliyod to wiUdmw

City Bookstore,
Front St.

Shafter-a army ia beoominr more aeriana every day, bet, in apite of tha
treat heat and rapidly rrowlat «ick
liat. the anperhnmaa efforte of the;
medical corpa hare kept Ue deaU rate
down to a phaaomlnally low Btere.
Tbe enwtlte of Ue foree at Slboaey
renew chiefly devoted to anpplylet
Ue field hoopilal and Ulaplnt Ue eontceate on board Ue traaaporta for
Ue Daited Stetea at faat aa Uey oan


PQpnUtloa. .
The local board for harbor Improvw
menia baa notiled Ue rommor it baa
received no tazm It ^ been aeeklar


On Bam Ball Good* wUl oolyrns^
the snrpltu atodi is Bold.' W« wao*fr
•ell it all at anch rninoDs luioiA, M
onr Borpliu goM at 16 aad 25 per
off of regnlar prieea.



•pedal from Santlafo eaya
Troopa which recently came here
•re freHint nnder the monotony of
tarrieoD dnty. Colonel Hownnl of Ue
RltfaU Ohio retlmeet has cabled te
' Preaideat McKinley aaklet that hla
«orpa either be diapatched to Petto
Rioa for active aervice ar aeat back

’i!n,3ia j

«3.U.*8.»S.I3.4S,S3.^-Vala*e am SJ.Mto $8.50, and all am of Uto
eeaeon’a maanfaetem. made Uoron^y riybt in every *vay.


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Hoose.

taaueiooa. t eu saU m a Cm cites avv •becl >• eb«sp as u
CRr- Ifrna VMita vbavl buUi le OfOeroc^ cac rvpalrvO. «


Remember M«
PleceHjl New Piece312 South Union Street, Opposite C. t W. M. Depit

H. E. QIBBS. Propr.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Correepond with tbe Troreree Ci^ Lninber Company.
We bare for nle Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple M^ood.
Kill Knebineryof all detcriptionfl, inclndisg Two Enginei,
Set Works, Carnages and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaat
for aale.


Hastings' Real Estate Agencgr
Htoot lot. small Ik. ». da* taeaUoa. 8th sarsn. eaa bs bcmgtit ter IWO.
aoiflot ten. cos* dx Ub«. rafBvaed. MCawB aa* II* per moeia aaiU pm<
isaU aa* vsst bom ihseUp. tmod good, vail «a*
MptoMordlTttedtoaaU. Leeamto
Otaar pUm Joai as CsatraMs <m

We Must
Sell Large QuantitlRs.

Has added s full

To bifl nndeitaking •atAblishment The fomltare will oo>
oupy the front of the building
Asd Qie ondortaJcingbasJneM
the rear.

A starter
Fine Woven Wire Bed Spring
For $1.00.


d24 Union street.

Lar^e baIcf: are our only salvation. We sell too
cheap to be contented with an ordinary trade. Wifimust turn our stock many times a year, otherwise
we are in the soup.
Supposing yon knew, positively knew, that weclose out a go^-many of our summer godfls at ebst,
throughout our departments, would yon not be in*
qoisitive to know what they were.
We are at your disposal. See them—examine
them—perclunce you may buy them.
To be convinced Will cost you a walk only. We^
are glad to wait on yon at all times.
lonr money savers.

The Boston Store,


TSB Koumro KEOOBD, FKID&T, fTTLT S9, 189B.
oa^njf*ra BBOOBD.
kAVWiBi cmr, .


«*wrt .TBAVSS6K wCTAi.n,
k T. Batu


i. W. B^nn.

W. HAJinu, Editor Mid MM»(er

• M


leAsan Asaxminov to fiex
d ta e SerereTeat aad
Oiraa Prombe of Beiac *U That
Xt ta &spre»>Bted to Be

foee to Cedar to vbit tholr aaela for a I
Baalofe Kellyb^aadlay'a week la
Bellalre, vbitiay rebtivoa
Wimaai Koeh. Ihevataraaaodartakar 1
of Oread Ra^. who has beea vbitiay'
W. S. dadersoB, baa leturaed home
Ubs.0thpraeo(O;-sod Bs^ds, b the
yiirst of Ifiei B'Hbs ileddea.
A E. HArrison, who has beao elsitlay the family of S. a Dmiwes, re-i
taraed to MUwaakee yesu-rday. Ura ;
Barrison will remain here a abort time ,
MiM Uonb-QalaUl, Instroetar la.
music la the pabitc schools of Kola
arrived Isdt aiybt to stay a month |
with Urs. J. W. Hanaea.
U!sA Uaryamt Oooley arrived ia tbe :

Cbeapwt sod moat reliable place to get yonr tucjele refjBred^li^r^
pot in good naming ordw. Have bad aeveral jrer—
> and
know hoF it abotild be done. Satinfaction goi
I am aeiUng
bicycle Boodnea at about ooet. New and second hand wheels for sale
and to rent. Please give as a trial,
grazing a specialty.
ELLIB. 811 Front dt. East

Ae new ehemicel eayiae part
by the oity from the Beeiae Fire fin­
ite Co, of Baeiae, Wie.arrived yeetarday Boralay hy boat. Ae aeW ao' qabition
bslll ta order troia sped'
refeUy prepared by the
eomiaUtea oa
e Bre sad water ead appcoted by the dty oonadl, ead there b
erery ressoa to belbre that tbe work
of the eoBuslttee was well doae ead
-that the city has a ^rfeet fire extinyabher of that elew. It b ea yesterday after two days' visit with
ead beers Ui^ E!b Steinbery.
Mr. and Mrs. F. a Seeor of Graad
neat c«Ut leturs,
The Deb^M ol "Oamp Ohatter "
>Qaeen Cliy Mo t." It b a oovpRt Rapids, wbo have been vbitiay Mrs.
Secor’s pareota, Mr. and Mra W. J
One of the llvelieet pisses la the S We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of all
Parker, went to Maabtee yesterday Grand Traveras reyiea b “Ckmp Chat­
effective eerrtoe.
• It win pay yon to,try our 13c bulk coffee-a good
ter." on tbe shore of East Bay. Here a
either ooe or two horeee, thoaffh two
Mrs E Powers and daaybter, Mrs. Jolly party ofyiris have pitched their I wholesome bever^e at a small price.
horses wUl be need oa Ih Ito weiyht Ui»ok. are spendiay a week at OBeaa.
teau fora coapi'e of weeks ^ eamp
b <,»M poeads aad tbe wteeb ere pro­
r. W Shader of. SAyinaw, trateliay
vided with bell beerinys, whbb make freiyht ayent for the Detroit. Urand life, and they arc bariay ail klads ot
it a very easy reaeley spperetae It B^ids and Weateni railway, arrived ia yood Umea. Those who are at ths
camp thb week are Mra. W. W. Miller,
of two teaks <if u yelloos the city laaievenisy.
tbe Miaace Miller. Mbs Loud.7a, Mbs
epsciiy eacb. besides two heed
Eias Ida JubaaoB, from the Soo bat Glea Wrbley ef Grand Rapids, the
inysbben ot t yelloes each.
formerly of thU city b vbitiay friends Mbsrs PirraoB, Greeaabad, Butaer.
Ac teat was tneda last cveaiay is in toivn. From here she wiU |
McCoy. Doibery aad Lardb. Ac par­
of a larye crowd, \if W. Cbtcayo for a vblt vrith frlenda
ty will be
E. Smith, the represeatative of the
C. W. Ooddard waa in the CI9 yester­ those expectioy to Join it belay several
A baye pUe of dd day from Brilaire.
from Grand Rspida One of the oomboxes. bsrreU, rahMib. bay aad exeelhir*. a O bberwood and children
sior was made oa the .river book weal returned yesterday from a vbltat Brie, iay cveau b a party to be yivea aoue
time next week eod (he yonoy ladbe
of Qeorye Wlaoie's paint shop.
Ae Penm-jlvaaia.
Oricas wJU be riyht A, 8 FRTMAK, SBOE8. IM
Cha-leeO. Arnerbaa
are maklay ebborate pleas to have it
beep wee eetorsted with five yalloas ef
a decidedly aorel and deliybtfal affair.
keroeeae aad set ea fire. Ur. Smith
let the blase yet yood headway before Asylcm. Lscnioyloya two wock>' va
A yon can yala., WM.
Mr. F. H. Barnam aad family of PETTEELY. 61t Monroe street Wret Bide.
Btartiay the teat aad whan tbs stream cation. She left yesterday morainy
Ypailaati arrived bat eveaiay aad at
was first toraee oa it was a roslray for the aontbera part of tbe ■
present are beinyeatertaiaed by F. A.
fnraiee It required but a few osoEarl, wboee partaer la bualacns Mr.
aanto to show that the apparaBaranm will be.
tns was csbable of aocomplbbiay
all that was required of it. Ae teet
“I have need Cbamberlaio’s Oouyh
rather aa oafair oae aa the effic­
Betnedy la my family tor ysara sad
Bostlera—l>onbte Plays
Beat Five Ceat Ciyar Made. TBB GILBERT CIGAB CO.
acy of the ebamleal lice laiyely is the
always with yood reonlta."
Its." says Mr. W.
A Pcatare.
efleeb of the vapor la aa «elssed
Bio. CaUforDla.
bnUdiay wbea a firs occars. Chief of | Ae Colb turned the bblea on tbe
PoUes Beaale and several ausibai
Host’era yesterday, wianiny 'Out by
the ooancil were preseat aad the test eeore of 0 to S. Double pbys characterthem with favor.
bad tbspisyiay. two bemy mads by
Tbb addition to tbe fire department tbe borne team, aad had it not -wea for
makee it one of tbe
Wilbelm's error, six of the Colu would
uinaylr SSSFri^sti^'*' ******
any In the aUte,amony cities of thb bav.: been retired on deublaa Oae was
else. As team pnrcbsssd lor the made b tbe aecoad iaatay and
chemical b a fine one aad made a the ioarA. The CoIU yot their double
HIRAM COOE Gtar Oraeery. S4S Front SteMt
apleadld ma last alyfat. belay drlvea in tbe aixth Innlny.
by Driver Daaeaa McLaoyblb. Ab
Ae Hnallen would hare won the
b the team recently parvheeed by B. J. yame had their errora been leas eoetiy.
Moryan for tbe city aad hb yood Only one more hit b credited to the
jadyment in selectiny the riyht kind of Colts then to the local bam. . The for­
aniaiab b evidenced ia a satisfactory mer aecnred twelve, while the laHer
Farabhlay Oonda ! OBO. W.
soraer Sbte aad Doton ste.
isde eleven. Wfaeeier dbtiuKuisbed
AmayeineBta have been made
himself ayaln by makiny anothpr fine
Zmxa. the world's yreatest elairvoykeep ths chemSeal in the Oaaa street eabh of a fly after a loar run in left 9t and medlam b here. She tells
bat we are beadqnarten for black
enylae hotme toyetber with tbe
field. Hunt pat ap bU nanal stiff
your full name, telb namee of frieada, and rod raspberries, iok eaaoiuy purrmaes TBURTELI. A GAME PALACE
hination bene and ladder track and behind tbe bat. Hull and Pitman telU wbat yon called for. reads your BAKERY, corner Deioe and 7th strreta.
etaamer. L. E Gibbe b tbe local ayent played errorless in center and riyht entire life iiuiniflly aad oorreetly wlibfor tbe Bariae Fire Bnylne Ce.. and flelda They also led in the stick work. ont askiay a qnestlon. Ae past vivid- '
the machine waa pnrehased throayh
Uorrissy aecnred the moat fa lb for 1* recalled, tbe present anmisteki! LunebM la tbe world for Ite. Open all Vi^t"
him, aad at a very tow price.
Xbe visiton and Behan did yood work ab y ylven, the fature clearly foretold. | ;
at aeoond.base.
Do not miss tbb yr«at opportoalty to|
BoAna Browe Bread—'
-TheAs usual the home bam atarbd
coEsnIt Zaza, at aha remains in Trav- .
John J
in tbe flrat iautny to yet their rnns and crae aty thb week only. Zaza haa de­
that waa the only innlny in which veloped tbb wonderfal -power ia Bant
One Ue.'UBara-s Sboc Btora
Ohaiyed Tbb Time With Stealiay they were aliowed to aoare.
India. She haa beea tanybt by tbe
Hunt started it off with a hit aad
kt adepu tbe development ef the
Jay Oonat wsA arreetad ayaln yeater- was advanced to third on a two-haaer more anbtie foreee of tbe h«i
by'Bull, and came home on Wheeler's
what may be termed the
mplaint of Clioton Bammond. Coast hiL HuUeame home on a hit by Gleason science of the aoal. Ab stody leads
w mOl 00 Board man river aad it and tbbeeded tbe ecarea for Traverse to tire ecqabltion of powava which epwar myaterioas to tbe ordinary eanara.
balieyed that be has taken loya belony- City.
Uanbtee oommaaced to yet their iKit which are only the result of knowiny to the complainant. When J. J.
Fny A Co. cloaod their lumberiny baal- aeorea in ttab fourth innlny. Boyce waa adyeof natural lawsof a more deHeate
ncMln tbb city they had a larye allowed first on MiUer'a error. Fiyna kbd than those which are more yener. VIuMl________________
ally aaderatood. Bern one week only.
ntily of loya atony the river, many
if Mb wthbooS '.
who fielded it to Wilhelm, reUriny Cell lie State etTMt. corner of Casa
which have sunk.
Aeso were
Shop Opposite Eaglfi Office.
boayht by Ur. Hammond who b atill
at first base.
HemphUl yot a
tbe owner of those that are loft Const
taken before Jnstice Brawn and aloirls which allowed Boyon to cross
Afbr atealiny to aecoad
tbe trial waa eel for next Aaraday. the pan.
Bailwasfixedatfioo. Tbeaeoaaedb Bempblll came home oa Behaa'a hU
ia now eader bail npoa ebarye of into ceobr field.

While The
Price of Tea Has Oone Up

S -rhoMm.

Sasara U evidcBlIy e
arint t*
MUlt the Bid of th« ^WAT* by hb proMtafBinsttbeinvMloBof PorU Sioo
br (b« Doited SUte*. by r«MOB of the
feila^tloM tbAt tba UtbOod ww beBU BAerSp^ bed ned for peeoe.
Ab k is liee with oerteis other Ueof the SpesUh forenmest, eod b
blMV}/ • Kbterfsre to fels e few
Ibtote le th« peeee seffoUetlose Wkeo
to e ehow-dows, however, it
wSU he proved thet thb b ooe of the
«M tiwiller 'tricks, by which the edeessothe hsmbbrred.

•ther IstmtieB Stodlee, Ze.
bladlac Valted Sutes Hbtoiy
- 9ttMg aoTt^wed et IssUtete.
bterMt etfU teetiseee la the Nermel
Mdu heisf ooadeeted et the Bi(h
The two elsaeee la etfebre
•WA hecen work tofrether here set
feOlad eveely. eed sow the cIsm edb et work on rediceb esd
bs,«hUe the other b stin strsf|0bE drdr the eqaetiosB of one eaJty.
» cieas is physics b beisf ebly
An work, which b ell Kvbws, belay
fboB by onOinee Tbssfer ne^eaM, blth the asael fornsiss ead probreaaltiny therefrom, ere made the
■B^eet ef lilsstrsted board work. Tbe
two weeks' work will be devoted
tabaet. lirhtead electricity.
Ae boieay clseMs ere et woih ieiaatiluBsly stadylsf the eeeei
ABTSM of the pleat, the varied of
firm, pbtib ead overiee keepiay
Oeited Slates kbtoty fass prorresaed
maderfslly. The eatire colonlsl per­
iod has beea reviewed cerefolly aad
tta revolalioaety period b uader die-

yolbi in tbe past few dsya
CMy—Hsnry .MeMsaaa. Ortaa Smith,
flt^ Aeobeld. Jeeab Fbbar, Mabel
so. Floreaee Holmes. Jalia Need
Ansa Mertea. Boby Deaa. Jeaab
laffar. Jeanb Hayar, Allie Fray, Mlaa
Hapletoaa LIsab aad Laella


Watch This Column For Bargains!

Ask Us For Prices,
Do Yon Want a Boat?

Spectacles, 26c to $6.00.


5 cents-Sioke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents
Guard Chains


Zaza, tbe Clairvoyant.

Fine Piano for $140.

Soaps-]2 Bars for 25c

Bon Bons, Cloice Gonfectioiis. ’

Furniture Bardins rao.

No More Allas Coupons

Columbian Restaurant S-lr,


Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to-date Painter
aad Paper Haagar.

WUliamabwy--Caara Bvaaa. MeUb
Taha-Nlaa ' MeDoaald,' Bdmand
Dma.Ofaea Paleipher.
Bammitaty-Ciaad Palver.
XIonroc Center—Lillie Hortoa.
Jiardbkvnie-Jcuale SnlUvaa.
•fehel-LUla Worden.
Three more aeorea were added la the
Mdjfbaion—BeaaW Lardb.
atealiny a saw from WilUam Beitner'a
Oimwa—Dora Wheat. Lntie Holama mill and he will answer at tbe next fifth. Wlboo eant a iony fly into left
field which was fumbled by GleaaonBallcma Bay—Maria Otto.
term of Ctrenit court
Weaver eaptered a hiyb fly made by
Laland-Pref. Blackwood.
Bruaaer. A cleaa bit by Morriaey gave
hliu first bab, and be waa advanced to
Draiel Dake and and John Larkina eecouU on a hit by Boyce
Z>r. E B. OemeU.Daayht#r ofB. areenj'>ylay thebeaefibof Mt CiemKlrnn sent a hot one to Miller, who
ena, and are yneata at the Coloabl.
OBBBlnyltam PamedA-vsy.
fielded it to Wilhelm aad retired
Ae Ubaea Mary and Marion Cbaplu Boytm. Wilhelm threw the ball over
Mr. aad Uia. Q. W. Caaelnyham r»of Aubnrndale, Maas., are ynasta at Weaver’s bsad, and Wilson and Mor
gWvad yMtorday the ead tidlnya ot tbe
tbe borne ot Mbs Fraeeb C. Chapin, risvy came home. Weaver made a wUd
^fimth of thrlr danyhtcr Mia. Dr. 8. B.
throw to the plab and Flynn cane in.
Oenell of Copembh. Mrs. Cornell baa
The remaiiiiny score was aecnred in
Hamual Dent of Howard Ci^ b here
s takiay UeatBkent at the maitarvbitiay hb dauhter Mrs. Qeonre tbe sixth. Bataan was first up and yot
a sinyle Hi OJalr fiew out to Miller,
lo Battle Creek Mx weeks, a*d
Ueyta. 410 WadaworU street also to
Wilson yot a two bayyer. Brun­
filed there Sts JO p.m.yaateiday. She
attend the weddlny ef hb dauybtcr ner struck odtiand Uorriasy sent the
had suffered a loay and amra maam
Mbs Minnie Dent to Edmond G.Cherry- bell at Wilhelm, wbo threw low to first
previous to yalay to ths eanibase and Weaver dropped the ' '
latiaBi. -Oeeeased was well kiaewa la
! dnriny th
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs otPrand Bapidi eraiioo and ibis ended the
City and a larye eirele
are vbitiay their paranu. Mr. and Mra. lowiny are the snmmary and score by
ids will monrn her loea and aymW. A Sendder, 4tS Franklin street
phalhbe with her family. Her mother
Mr. Sendder. who has been Ul for some
at her bedside aeveral days.
me b no better.
As was *5 years of ay«.
Mrs. Fenton and Miss Claudia Beil
M. E
Veleome Bcesption.
Ibriyht thb week. Mra. Fern
PMm t to 10 this eveniay at tbe tnracd home Wednesday evenlny but
tat Uetbndlsi ehoreb, the Ep.orth'' Miss Bell will remain until the bat of
teyae will ylve a weiaome boms
tiiv week.
SiptlOB V) Mr. and Mra Jamas Dixon.
Mra. JsReaOauBtiett and son Eton
■Be have reeentiy retnmd from Cali- (isnett-t of Milan. Ml
‘a. Jtil are oordially invited.
Bird by^bs SteUa Fornea, airivtd bat MrCeaaelU e



f I


Whichever you may wish when suiting youreeif with a pair ^
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to-date stock '**
of Hen’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at this season of ^
^ the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy- 3
^ ole Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable 5

. I


cveninir and are the yneata of Or. J W.
VbaVlnole Dent and Edmoed U.
Mrs. Peter Anna of Mayfield was In
(tasTymanwere married at tbe resi- town yeetsrday.
of the brideb ebter Urs. Oeoiye
E J. Prea of Snttons Bsy was in
■eyan, 410 Wadsworth street, WedmMt frbxds from
JalyST. Bev. Demae Ohio, wbo wUl make him a short ritit
* sephlae aad Kiub Unrtay have

S48 Front street


W- and tha

.1 iiS

i i s i



. :if


syiFicmiT sm.

THJ Kohtmro
feip&y. JtyLT 8». lew.

•ttp VoUUa OatbaHDfs ta teeatM 011/
bftckir»r4 la aa cxpaaiton <rf iaflueaca
Ball rjaywa of Morth
ed Bront
4b4 m Iba Baattts.
aaa emplr* without comfiaHson la his­
Btraat Haea Aneaptad ChaUanya
tory. are amlrably appmarhiny each
The moat dcU(htfal antartaiamaat
of Bonth Bida of tho Btraoi.
IMiv«r*d by Cuthman K. Davit
of tha ifson was fleea oe TuMday by
Tha ffreat ball beinf pUyed by tlm
at tha Capital of
Mrs. Jaa. H. BobarU at Old MimlM in
honor of bar two rraodtona, Walter Bastiain baa ezeliod tha fans on tbh
>th aide otfVastetreetandyeeterday
anth AMaatpt K Lyarhl^ aad aa Aa»> and Cbarlaa U Tremball. Md
hataaee Break.Dowa.
nrpbcw. Jaiaca B. Flekllr, at ima«c
follosriar chaUenre to
raiOl IDTOOATBK et. t-outs. July ZL—A murder that al­ UlL The hnll room was bcMtlfully *»»# enthnalaau oa the north aide of
most added lyncblna with It occurred at deoontad with daca. and ffarlanda of i
Third and Biddle airects. Edward Ken­ dowers, WhUe Ur|re eaaee filled with | To the North Hide of Front itreei;Wf a^ihlat BrsalU af Oar ytMial W
nedy,. a railroad man. waP passlny a
ed the aUfa where the The hall playera oh the south aide of
p^B obimbmi—valua eiai
saloon and stopped on the sidewalk a
«l«al»on** yon to a
a OiwBl rowrr. Kara! Bi
nwment. The ae^ porter ordered him orcheatn was placed, and which was aj
ot bwa hell, to be played on Ue
t Vllltory.
>a th« World aad Tako a flaiM to more on. Kennedy started slowly, perfeet bower of frafrant planU and i
mnalc, which was ez- j Twelfth street Troeads nez- Mondey
paroUoB «r Pro]>a>o lor
revolver ard shot Kennedy tbrouyfa the otlltnt. was fnmlahed by Mr. and Mrs. 1 »*!««»«>». Aornat 1. I6US. as two
forehead. As he f. ii the neyro rwn. A
Panl. July Iha^WItb p»at m»- number of pedcrtrlaos wUni-ssed the Oammittfa. At 8 o’clock dancinj ba-,
Please let ua baee yonrreply tbronfih
•toay la the pmrnce ol aa Im.iioosf murder and at once yavc chose with Iran, and nntll twoo-eloek the aeene
aoDcotmr oC pooplr yesterday after- crifc of -l-tTich him "
was brilliant beyond description, aa tne papers aa quickly m ^wlWe.
A police oHicer outdistanced the mnb
(Signed) South Side F ont Street
MOB Hoo. Alezaader Ramsey. Urrleraceful forms of the dancers
tortai aovemor. only aurt-lvor of-the
rlided to and froln the mazes of the Base Ball team.
Camoos T'ahiu war tovemora. es-serte- at bay with hit revolver until a patrol
merrjr waits. Old MUaloa baa tarely
tary of and ez-Uolied States aen- not dead when plcVe.l up He red
The boys on tbe north aide of the
Ml a gathering where there wa«
•tor. laid the corner-stone of Mlnae- In an aB' and hurrl dtfthrhwmneh grace and besot;, there being hire* t can p'ay ball a litUe, too. and
•oU‘s new capilel Uilldlus In iMs city., pllal. The ambulance loTjki' down on
Archbishop Ireland prayed, the prln- the way. throwlrr the dylnp man Into an nnusual number of ela'tors who they immediately accepted the chal­
«pal oration was dellrered by Disllod thf street. He was uulcklj- plncrd on have eonght its atumetive shurea this lenge In thU Btyle:
-To the feliowa on the aonlh side of
States Senator Daeit, and the benedic­ a dray and the 'Journey romirued. hut summer.
tion eras prooouoc<d by the t-enerable he dlvd before tl.e hospital was reacheOig (be guests of Uie Front street who wni^t instmetion in
BUhopT\-blrnle of iheEjlwopal ebureb.
eeenlng were; The MUses LrfBngwe'l base
6ifa:-We think we know a Kttle
■PsToto the Aayla-rwxoa kuleatt.
TBniKfi rr ntaicAm a mote.
and MUs Linda Weber of Springfield. about base hall oureslvea. and hasten
" n>c t’peecta oC Senator Davis deall
larsely with the prupo ed An .lo-Sasoii tOsr Bwelvwd at Os»a*Taaaer-lfata IIU.: Mtm Spaed of Mempbla. Mist to acknowledge yonr challenge aod aeKare Tmabls U Ouap.
Sprinjrar of Chicago. Mra Mabel Cook.
antente and the aar with S(3in and its
e with an e
epringfleld. Its.. July ».-Colonal KU. 8..I,
, innuciice on the luunte of the United
8prt„«-w, m™. ! ”e

Stales. With rctereooe to the Anslo- Campbell yesterday received a teUrram
1. .h, n.Ooi,l
Saxon entente he raid: "Dui It a-as from Cider Commissary Smith, at Chi­ Jieklin of Chicago. Mn. Lord of New’ ability
•*iOt,unUI VBTT rerettly that Great Brtl- cago. ordering him to snrply the Ninth York. Miss Lord of Chicago. Mrs. 01b- game. The condition which we make
la accepting tbe challenge U that no
«la and the Unlitd States lo.-ked eacb regiment with field ratli.-ns and coBce
«tber In the lace with any slyn of mcney. C.donel CampWU btlieves thia son of Chicago, Mrs. W. J. Black of pcofeasional players or membere of the
recocniilon of their icltiecl relation- means that the Ninth will be nrderao Springfield. 11%.; Meaara. Vangbau, Hcatlera be included on either side,
Bbip. It is well for theTTi. f r riTiUsaSpringer, Ford, Ficklin. TmmbnU, Gliand tbat tbe game be called at S:S0 la
tIOB. for natlcB'.l indep ndcD<e and for day. Uentenant Charles A. Ballou. U.
the atursoon.
pentonsi freedom that th-r have be- fi. A., the muslerlng <-mc«T here, last
twelve o'clock a dainty aupper
CUD to do so. The IsoAUon of Bnyland night received a telegram form the war
from tbs other nates t.f Euroj e is man­ department staling tbat he was not a was served in the rooms below.-The
Ball PUyen of the North Side,
ifest. Her Isolation from the United
tables were beautifully deeoratod, bm- •treet.
Stetea baa .aJnyi ezieted. an<! prln- t.i which Governor Tanner had appoint­ turtiums and sweet peas being tbe pre­
There are a good many old time
apally as the raautt of peUy dlfforencys ed him. but that he was still a first Uraball pUyeia on boU aidea of Froat
ns to bouadariea. Rsherles. sterile trest- tensAt lb the Twelfth Ttnlted States In­ vailing flowera.
Mra. Roberu was assisted in enter­ atreet aod a flrat class gam# may he’
ins and small eonfl citac poUrlee In oth­ fantry. which It now with lihafter at
er respects The Unlud States has Bantlago.
taining bar gneats by her daughtor. ezpoctod. It is snggestod that a nom'
There Is more trouble between thr Mrs. Walur Trumbull, who did thr Inal admlaaioB fee be charged and that
beet) tsolsted by a special policy and
white and colored tmupa Teairrday the
by itj cenyrapbica! positon.'*
prooeods be tamed over to tbd
mgroee amauUed CemmiMary Gram honors with a graee peculiarly her own.
of rompany K. as he was going All thrsa who esjoyed Mrs. Roberts' HnsUers as aa eneunragemeat for tha
>c»*4ed to si>esk of the
African and Ortental In the quam-rniaster’s deiwrtmrnt to hwpitallty win 1oi« remember
good sport they arc fnmIahiBg tbe
draw- rations for the day. nrd a lively ^mnlng as one of ezecpUooal plesanre. city. The gronndsonght lobe crowdqd.
fight helwoeii th» whiter an I blscke was
la the movement toward China of those only averted by the Interference of ofll‘Tae guests at Bdgewood enj'iyed a
Off of 45 acres Of gronsd B. J. Mor­
powers, sod said: “The recent aervs- cers. Another lime duHng thr day there
SdOBS ty the powers of Burope npos was almrst a riot between white and marwhaiallow roast oa tbe beach Wud- gan has threebad l.loo bnahela
China vMMcts of war. It Is D-it1mc negm soldiers over two n'-gro women Maday evening, given by Mias La-, wheat William ManriUe did the work
sdnre ti e wKr betareen Jsran and Ch o« being ordered from a wrltl-g table kept throp. The affair was a very delight In aiaven houra with a new Pearlasa
ended Cy depHvIn* the biUrr power of by a while man named McCracken. fui one and was ooe of the pleasant
her fleet, by compelling her to pay an The negremes reported they had been
anertnous Indemnity and provlalonally Insulted to members of the Eighth, and avanU of the season at the resort. The
Mra. O. C. Maee la iU at bar hi
to cede a portion of her terriicry of the latter were about to fight with resort had quite a little scare soon
the greatest miHsry and nmva' Irorer- some members of the Ninth who were after the gneets bad retired, which OB West Eighth Street, with eongestlon
tance. of which Japan was In her tu-n lesting the camp when a eergeant of
•f the aplue.
deprived by the duress of Russia and the Ninth compelled them to keep the fortunately amounied to notblnr The
andden squall of wind that came up
Germany, only to see Rntsla sub­
from tha west scattered thr dying emstantially arcuire the mme territory
led with coUc aod cholera________
and Oermany make a compeiutatosr
beis toroegb the grove, wfaleh was as siooe hU birth, aod all that we could
•alsurs neariTdry as Under, but the heavy rain soon do for him did not seem to give more
Beoort Votaa.
MiaaUoBOnear At emsiivaw
than temporary relief, until we tried
"Next to Chins thel-aciflc pis»e?soiu
Mr. J R Hargrave and aon Donald
Cbambrriaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diar­
Of the United mate* are ti.e m'SC In- of Claelnnatiarlved in the cltplaatereOne of the most er.J-^ysb'e society rhoea Eroedy. Since glviug ibsl rem­
vtting cbjecis of aita' k. Under ezat?
edy be has not been troubled.
lac conditlona ihe'r dcRn.-e would be ning en rontr to Keahtawanta.
events of thr summer wa» the blcycie want to give j-ou tljis leMimooisI as an
dJfficulL The'tJtuallvn Is plslp y one or
B«v Dan F. Brw^lr; ntGrwad Rapids party and marshmallow roast given evidence of unr gratitude, not that you
allematlvea. The Unit d Sutea must Is la the eity on hia way to Omena.
become an eClcient element In the
Mis* Evelyn Friedrich came np from
Astatic aituatloB. or It must entirely
'abstain from any participation in it. Grand llaplds last evening. She will
Gertrude lliggius and Gayle
mnm to Its own shor.s. and enter the go this mom i eg to Omana.
Griswold laateveniug. TTie party met
Steamer On^ama
omallesl pois'Ue share of its e mmerMioCaro’vn Heoti -f Plaiewell.OMo. at tbe home o'Mias Higgins and pro­
«ia1 advanUdts and i-rejwre tor Ka own
will r
Q East Bay as follows:
defense acalnsi the sume aggreaslona stopped over oght at the Hark Plaoe ceeded to Edgewood. where they bsd
G:50a. m.
Which have reduced China to her pres­ on ber'wa; ni rtb.
7:10 a. m.
been iuviled by Miss Lewis- I'be dock
ent condll on. It may be objected that
-.:40 a. m.
C. H. Criapip and wife ol D>-fian«e, and sb^ed grounds were gwy with
all (his » without prei<d nt. So It la
e:M a. m.
hot all great human evolutions must Ohio, anivrd 1n tbe«it; dsst evening. Japanese lanterns aod four driftwood
U:C») a. m.
tnweede precedents In order to create They will seek a reatlog place for the ' fir«« on the btaeb ewt a ruddy glow on
11:30 a. m
p m.
Sommer among ths maorts farther the glassy water, mlagling with the
p. m.
Unu of the annteU Later the mown
5:30 p. m
made a bright path serosa the bay.
Caela aem Ta Be a Crem aad 4elaal Taw0:40 p. m
C 8. Whewlerof Chiesgoatopped
aria the arorM.
Bight at tbe Hotel Whiting,
I ronU
Continuing the eciisiur raid: *Tt Is to Fetoakey and Bay View.
to be remrinburad. The evening passed Arrive Old Mimioa.................. ^40 m m.
’Bus will leave the Mereanllle Co's
now that the United Stales
too swifUy in uaaUag
Mba Alico McDonald of Toledo. Ohio,
Block. Hotel WbiUng and Park Place
will be at the concision of this war s
lows over the glovring coals, visiting at 3:3n p. m 'Bus will also connect
great and actual naval and military arrived In the city last evanliig for
and singing, and it waa a late hour be­ w'th boat St 11:30a. m. Fruit ear will
power. Many thousand! of her cttlsene visit with tbe family of Wm Mcnlton.
fore the moon looked down upon tbe be at Bast Head oo Turadsys. Thors
will be trained to modern warfare on
days and Satnrdays. Passengers aod
A. B. Brinkman retnmed to Chicago
'land and sea- The millinry eplrit baa yesterday after a pleasant visit with party as they rode memly home.
fruit will be taken en at any point
Iniiplrcd the p«-<ple Ttuy have been aid friends in thU city.
along Vrnlosola shore by coming out
Mrs. J. W. Hatcbin entertainad a la a b-aV
raised to s higher Mane of patrlottem.
The additions to our fieri have becMi
Baduead Bates on O. B. A1
very ronaid-rable and that iieet will Ohio, after ependlog some time at
fuity yesterday afternoon with a
QncioBsti. one cent per mile. Sell
never be Ires, ibe apiMepiiailune tor aarte farther north, have retnmed
••thimble parly," tha guest of honur
Its InerenSe. ale>ady ilUeral. will con­
September 3d, good to return Ov-tober
tinue lu be so. The astounding vIcturtLS
The bvautifdl singing of Mias Lindlejr;
of Commodore Dowry and ‘'cimmodore Place Bcime time.
Hi^sV.-abelm, MUs Crawford and MU*
)B<- t.,u mut «okn jcuiH auiy VMl.
I' Schley have c6niinc<d our | •-••pie of the
A party eonsriling of
vital Imjwrtance of the era p< The Bertha Redden. E-tella Schneider and Roberta
IndUnspilis. one fare fnr roand trip.
r of the eujoyabie
Hel -August 8th. return August ISth.
organization and opt-ratlon of a great
army and navy will tes<b them their Alice Orborne of Grand Bapidi and featurva of tbeaftrrnooB. Mother be■

own Ftrcngth. • •. •
Mr. and Mrw. Fred Bedden vrill ride lug the sudylngontof a floral cave
*The Monroe dootiine In the sense of t < u;d MiMiun on ihelr bicyclee t<4ay BVor}-. Miss Alma Drspres beiag tbe Augua: 1^.
an intentlcn by this govemn't
Saratoga, one fare for rbusd trip
tbe snccctaful Delicate reSell August 1st, good to return August
trrvene to prevent encr< k'. oiT.pms by land iprnt tbe day.
f eshmeui* were btrwd later in the 31st.
llurorean nstiona upon the republics of
tbe western hrmlaphere has been con­
Toronto. Ontario, one fare for round
firmed .and has received a steadying
trip. Sell August :4’-h. !5lb. and 87U>.
ftree. The press of continental Europe
No. 17 drew the quilt made by ths
VermlUioo. U.. one fare for roood
has adopted during the last few years Lsdies' Aid Societjr of tbe Bvaa^ieal
a fashion uf reseoilDg even any thcoAnnlvensaz; Humber Empire Xieader trip Sell August Ui, good ,to return
Angutt 3UI.
retlial aasertton of this great prin- church.
n Bandsome Work of Art.
Bar View Camp Me. tIng.«Aa fare fm
clplp of Amertcan aecnrlly which
Hie concrete for the foundation of
by. the new or.crt house it now being laid.
Ha EaooBD is la receipt of the Fifth .jun^ trip. Sell July Uth to Slst.
good to return Aug. SOtb.
Prtrtrc Ittarnsrck aa a doctrine of *unTha BatUria wTll go'to Manistee to­ AnnlvcraafT Honventr Nnmber of the
Eedneed rates to ether points. Phone
comiDun insolence.: R Is now probable
Empire Leeder, which has bran ar: C. E Murray. Agent
that ary Kurr'pean power will deliber­ day tor a game of ball with tha Colu.
ranged by W. E. Campbell, formerly of
C L. Lockwood. O. P. A..
ate before acting upon that assumpUon.
Tbe Bxunxu U indebted to Mr. and
Orund Baplda.
this city and the late editor of tbe
• “The uDpIrseaitt relations which have Ite R. Williamson of Cblesgo, who Leader. It U a pamphlet of M pagM
existed bvtwim the rnitod States Bad n^ resorting at Carp Lake, for a fine
Baatou Brown Bread—The real,
with a hMdaome lllaminatod cover of genolae
Ensl-ad for fo man}' yiars uirv caused nlriaf of black base and pickerel.
article, made at John Aab's
nppropriaU drsign. Tbe book U filled Bakery. SSI Front atreet
by s lrsdll1i>nal avrrNl.m. which was
aggravated by o-riain evrntr of our afiS Mrs.'WUllamaon are experts with with a brief history of Empire vUlage.
383 fit
tbe rod and line and are tkoronghly
sketobee and porwalu of laadlng
e >}rring the fishing at Ckrp Utke and
c:t-zrn» cf Empire, p-inclpal places of
Why should
the hoapltallty ql Landlord Hontuard.
you csiTT Inauraaea
businesa, Md enmerous llioatratod
triee (hit a tie bltvlii ibi-m logetfarr.
Oo aceonntof aeeideat to a pillow secaea oL lotereat ia half tone, alt
with the-—
Mwvver much iher may irritate each
other by sttaluing it. • • • u i, block yesterday neon the factory of
very H»In that a chsngi- nf Renilmrnt tho J B. Orelllcdc Oo. was shot down haadanmely printed and attructlvely
amngad. He work ia valnable fram
or ezt r-MJlon and of thr peiivrilc- niwur
of thi rrlatkms between the two na- forrrpaiia. Work wUl be teaumed the a hUtorlcal point of view aad a credit
(akea pWlefirst of next week.
to tbe psblisber.
•Thr coiivlet1r‘n..herm.forf- only ImGerautne Bros wilt start their
perferwir felt ard only partially. IcfreTbe Snrreeder of Porto Bloo.
are taken a‘ck. alon from the fa<
qaenlly and ftifully t.<knowled|t«d. i« . hrsuch aubte at Ns-^-tt-waatt TneeBOW cl triy »M-rstbe and is openlyldsy. It will be in charTB^f
C F. aement, the optician, has re- meet with an aeeideat. aU for 81.00'prr
month. I «ni call at yonr rveideBce
•nd sp ntaneoust}' ezpmod. that thr nlng
eelved twenty foar guesses on the snr- and settle vour elalm In fall in case ol
»'ho Mfsk the Eiigllah lan-i
nags. V ho have . Itablisbed rtpreseu-1
on the new roof randsr oi Porto Bieo, as follows: Four either aiekne-w or aeeideat, and we al­
taUve w>-»emitirnt. and meintalnedperMareanUle GompsKr'* ««*.
guMslag August 7. thiM. Angfst 9: so have the inooey to pay you with.
very purtlon of tha
A load of AUlke clover nad timothy thne. August 15; two August IS aad tbe S'orp aad think. Talk with ns before
yon gel insu.-ed aod you will have nb
hay eonaiaUog of g.SM pouJs, was! •thar twelve are heiwflpn July » and other.
brnnghttothacdtyyeatorday by John August». Two ruasaea warn reclersd
W. R. HAR^Y.
Shane. Tom Shana the heree
from Detr^t and oma from Oread Bap- IMatrlet agnst tor Berthwaatoi n MleUe dV^Uatl'ia, Ihcucb.developed I bought the load
gan. Travsraa aty, Ml^


Home Protectin issocitUon

Total Issue

The Morning Record
From May 1. to July 36,
1898, was

Daly Average, l,3B7, -

GoaranM Circulation!
De ConclDsiog Is Plain!

The Record Reaches The People.
That is the renson it is a

It Covers tiie City and Somiiuidiiil ComitiT lore Folly
Thag Any Other DaUy.
The reason the Record is so widely circu­
lated la because it

Prin^ All The News.
Fully aud up to the time of going
to press every morning.

Uneicelleil Telepapbic Kews Senrice.
Finnir lllestrateil Features on Sneday.
Special Attention Ginn Local Happaaiaes.

Try the liHT DEPABTIEIil Of The loniiia Eocord.

Km aaU baCar* tha flrat crertniaa had
been received trum Spain MoUnc to­
ward* pcai*^
Tbe departuTv of General Brcake and
Oeneral Halnea f.otn Hampton Roada
which la expected today, to lelnlbrcc
Mile* In I’orto Rico b a Tr-ry
For th« Snon4 Tim* th* Fifth
Butstnntlal evidence of tbe purpose of
R*gim*nt h Civ*n a
tbe govemmedt cut le abate dsr pr-*yDi*appointm*nt.
:loo of mUliary operauoiis at tbb
stage of the negctbi
generals are embailted on rapid llncra.
ahoold reach General Ul)«« by next
Monday, pultirg him .u pjaaeaal a or a
anffleient feeve to begin the movement
npon Ban Juan at < per. The
Ab4 at ttw Laat Maoient Rat toCire captured l«U>fbg was recHved at the
war derdrlmenl yreierdey with a brl't
Plan to Aaotke R^iacaL
note from Oeneral Shafter as foltowa:
"Fragment of Spanlab Aag captured
hr the Thinecf^b I’nlted States Infaniry at Ban Juan. July 1."
Inapertor General BreoJdnndge. who
had been a member of General Sh-.Rer'a
staff calk'd at the iiTtite House ycaierhi* D1»k«>M
day afiemoon and i«raena1iy dr* rib*d
Ip the
. lac Y G«aak« - a
there when he led Jniy n. He spoke
iCtM Hra*na
particularly of the ivmirkable enthiBlHalHd. Juir ta-Ar official
asm dbplayed by the I'nlted Stales
M) ; : •■On TU^B>- the Iroopa there aad of tbi lr lo-il brave
. . . , . 4 Ip (he airocUoD of condutl under fire. He also minimised
........... . oi lUi »aj-. Seven Jhe yellow fever condlHons an said
LuMred epanlah rrctilara and voiuntaer* «ocounu n4 them, and an
SBsement ooeued ahlih lasted th**h«'le
alEbt and anil* n^ted «ltb dawn ots the
CoUotnac day. Thr Anciicana van
•Wlaed to vHtdraw t- ih* c;aat.“
St. Thontaa. D. W. I.. July SS.-ICojy' 'Mgfat. U9S. by AaMdatrd Prw».l—Tbe Th* Military Situation Loaas Int«r«tt in Vi*tv of th* Ov*rBpaalab troopi In'Porto lUco are belns
ture* for P*ac*.
wlUidravi^rvin the out!; Iny town* and
arc concentrating upon San Jean. The
of the aaplial ore Leltig


D* ta* UHve-RiWkvh Bawrex.
Warhlngton. .^iy St.—In dlpumatl*
qucrtrrw fipalr'a tiea epr posi.1 through
the Frcneb aniboasador s ibe a eoi^b n.topic, and (b* ans'ser
is sw..|ird w.tb keen io(*iext. N.f.telgo gmerntent ouisld, of Flaire ha*
been ronsulicd by S; ain In th a overtur*
fur p>ar«. and tbe tneewit mm'.mer.t la
not shared, dirwily «r IndJrwily. by
Germany. Auan-la, Italy, Russia nr
Crvat Unmln. It can now be stated,
however, that th* formal prupnxiiiKti
submitted 1 uerda) had l^en un lert. nCblrkamauga Park. fla.. July at-The
Slderatl'-n at Madrid fnr fl\-e days
comlnuouB rain of yerterday <aurid all Hat a Wide Field of Poaalbaity aad previous to Tnlsday. which tin.e
the ilnllah aa wel aa ihe F.encb uu.
So Forth to Work
drill work (u U- abandoned fur tbc day
(hnrillcs Were engnlaari of the fact
and the men centrally remalni-dinquarUpon.
that Spain was a' o t to a c for p>a-e
term. The Third Kentovky. nnb lUlThis iwlng Bcttled it api-etra that a
itoia and Third batuiion of the Six­
good natured but kern rivshy' sprang
teenth PennayUania ieJt the park early ttweetlMorM ArmIMtae One That lain. up liFiween Sir Drummond Wolff, the
tern■Uag aad Deya^eat aa Haw far British ambaxrbdor at Madrid, and H.
reaterday mnrnlnc under order* to pro­
ceed to Porto Rico, but before tbe Fifth
CUmbed t>a«a—rhlUpplaae
Bellevad TP Be the llIHrslI Palat
tDInoA bad time to load for iu depar­
KegaUatlaa. U>* Uaa* CaaaldCTtag Caha have the honor of tnit atlng tbe move­
ture a ruah order rathe, from Secretary
aad t>an» Btca Laat Faraear A Obf— ment designed to rextorc lb* peer* of
Alcer for It to return to camp, and
at Oar Peapaaltliia tagaata 1* Talklns \h* world. Owing to ihe cordUllty **aiderinc out in iif stead the One Hun­
litingbetw'oen thegoerarienu of Great
dred and Sixtieth Indiana. Tbia I* Use
Bniaic and the Itoited Slate* It was
arenad time the Fifth Illinoia. com­
Vanhlngton. July 2t.-Tb« Usltlation
manded by Colonel Culver, haa been or­ of overtures fur peace has had tha effect would be commlse.oned to approach (be
dered back alt< r bring under orders to of suspending In a large measure—for United Stales, acting at Washington
go with the briynde jo the front. Natur­ the Uae being at least—Intereet In the through Sir Julian Panneefote. But
ally thr tr.attrr ha* caused a very c«n- mlliury and uavnl aituai.un. Though Spain appears to have preferred the
intermediation of (be Flvnch goveraalderable urnIraRar.t fe<-llnK among the
ment. and aa a iwault (be negotiations
■affiem and men of tbe regimruu and
the}' vnuld no doubt like lo have a aat- that the i»e»eni peace phase will re­ finally wet* entrusted to the Pnoch
ambassador at Washington.
laCactory. explanation.
main UBcbangi-d until af.or another
Another emenllal point Is (be exact
lerieaM ta« HM*len. Hevever.
ibinet meeung
meeting lomorruw
comoTTuw mere
there u proposition matie by FpalB. Tbere baa
This regiment b-now assigned to Oia
Plrwt lirigoCe. Second division., Plmt 1
evlncvd a dlspositian to diaraat b-rn some mlaapprehene'on over tbia
I. taking the pbee of the Indian* I »he masier la Its every aapeat. Nalur- owing to the puallra:l <n of an a'l-ged
text of th* propoellU'B. and other re­
gegiment ordered uut. tThen Major j aUy tbe first point uf inguii
Almy. of General Wade'a staff, arrived exact Hmpe taken by the Sp:in:ah pre- ports axsertlng that Fpain asked Prexlo the camp of (be One Huadred aad j oentaUoo of Tuesday. Curiosity oa Idcol I^KInley to aut* terms of peace.
PixiKOi iDdbna yesterday forenoon j uui point remained ungratifled. and Aa a matter of fact Mte Mpaniah pr<poand annoumed te Colonel Gander that 1 must probably eo <»>nUour for some aittoB doe* not mention tbe word
bk regiment hod been ordered to pro- | days to Oume, the president having d— •Herm*." nnd there la no requrst or
reed to Newport News as a part of the elded that nothing more deumte than suggextion in It that lb* pres d*ni *baE
Porto P.lcan force, Ihc new* was Irame- ! the SUtement Issued from the White state term* of peaqt. Th* dt<Mne( in­
quiry made by fiiwln t* as to wre*her
dtately communltaled to the men of the House Tuesday abaJJ be gl'
the United Slat»<w1ll <>r«n n 'Xnttgxiori*
regiment and seen*
enibuBaem pre- | public _ this t
toward Aie s-U'ermni of the a-ar and
vailed for half an h«
The men about- pnider.tli
tbe arrar^rement of pra-r.
ed wildly and pitched their hat* up like
Plghllag le meg.
Neither doe* lh»
n sh pr-ip slt'cin
children playing, ^ great was their Joy.
The next point of tnierenl mas the
The regiment cuiild not get out on the Character and eatent of (hr demand
cars last evening and an order was *»«l , likely to belmade by the Un.ted Sutea At thr tame time It 1* fram.ed nn (he
from hM.dguanert directing t>l..nel i
ti,* condlUon uf peace, it ts felt Idea that If |»eace negodatlonn are en­
tered u(>on there wffil be a *sx:» n«l n
GuBder to have his reglmeBt break that
that the
the statem
statement of terms of pi's.,
hoxtliuie* ptqidlax an agreemen up­
both from Spain and Iroro ihe Cnit<-d of
on the exa<-l lerma of pea,». Aa tn the
States may be some days off. a* (here manner of eor.duitlng Ih* peace negudouhtleM wlH becoualderabedlplomBUc tlalloBa several plans are ^d to be
A Wiore dleru^tcd lot i.f
f nck-.C at tlte oul*-l before the acwul
Jirv'er eeeu than the men of tbe Fifth .' p. Dt of stating let m* U reached. There open. Iiesidi-* that of hating General
Porter aad Seoor Caxtiilio. tbe tla'ted
linol* All kind* of unsavory charge
wi : be muck dix waalon In All llkeltare b lug made agstnat Colonel Culver. hood also regarding aa armlxilcr. fc.r Sute* and Bpaaiah nrobassador ai
re*iecilvely. loxdu.j them. (>n«
not only by prt- ' it ts the dlailncl purpose of the Span- rarlx.
lx It, have Spain name peace
vale*. hui !>y sulBirdlnate oflievra They ' Ish authorlils* t» ewcure a susp.-ns<oa
(lalm ihat their reglineni baa been I^- uf hoMllllex pend-ng the negotlatinna plenipotentlsri-a who wilt come directly
and eondnet neguttatrayed by Colonel Culver, who rvpre- for peace. It may te that tbe applica- Hon*.
nenled i« President MiKlaiey that It la tloa will be grsnW, but If „ ..
Annlher tentative plan Is to have
eU fli for artive duty. A* eo-in as the be only und*r tte most Hfectlve astcBpaln
a« ihe Span ah
fnll *Huntl<'n dawned on the men the I guards to prevent :ox* of any advantgieat-xt dirorder prevciled and then' age to (he Felted Slate*, and up n plenipotentiary to Waabingiun. thus
was no semblance «f dlr-lpUne. They ; binding pl'edges that lerlaln well de­ conferring •« him authority to treat
aad carry
left the ranks by dosens and aroree and ' fined nbjerta are to be conceded to o*.
thr aegoUatloBx forward to a coeclulast mcht nearly' loe members of (tie j
Cabaa .enweiaKoa teC.-me I'p.
alon. It ta prelaKie that this plan will
reglm -nl left camp. n**#t of them with- | The president diw ussed this subject be moje acceptable to thrUnlted States,
cut lenv. and came to tbe dty. The j all jmaterdav with var ou» rremlwrw «.f aa it would keep th* negotiations at
morale of the regiment is sbatured and i the cabinet aa they called in the course Waahtngton, Since the conference bemany of th* men derUre they will not 1 of ordinary bnsineu. it la virtual)
Irtually tw.-en the prexideni and M. Camboa
longer xert. ui.J.-r CuUer. One man,admitted by leading members of the
I tree and left tbe admlnistrwtloa that u
Spanish govrram<-nl have lieun fulijr
ramp without leave.
apprised of th* acCon taken at WaahKwl All (he Hsa la Revatl.
be etrloui frietlan. and lliat relate* t Inglnn and II it not Improhoble that
Many of the m.-n do nui share the (he future of Ihe Philippines. Aa (< Spain wtthln the a*xt two or three
feeling agnlrxl C-.lonel fulver. bellew i Cuba and IMno Rico, our guvemmen day* wiR'taltF another tmp,iriant step
Ing that thr opVrx from Washington feela that there ts a i
■were given hecauxe Illinois la already ty of encoustertng little opposlilnn to
of p*ace ah* will regarl ia e«nW'ell represented at th* front, while af1 our drmanila The S|«ni<h government sl8t.nL Three, of eouiT* will be inltiathe Indiana regim.-nts were In the re- ' might tnslst up-m the proixjsltlon tnrr. and will be deWrned aa a sort of
rruuing can^ until yesurday. C<.I- ihr.'wn out by th- Vatican—ibat the opening wedge loward |,r r.gine (he two
ncpresscs gent
gr«gl dlaappolntdlsapp
onel CulverTkptesscs
Urlled .Slate* sl.all annex CuluL ttW goveriiinMil* together on the final jeace
____ _l th* recall of hi* rcglnient,
ostsnalhl* punmre l elog to aeeure fUU eondltlon*.
decline* ljTxpr-ws anv ^itnlun aa b
prute.-UoB fur the SpaalA oleraent left
motives that pnunpt-d tbe (hang
In (he Island. bnt^whDe this would be a
- puna
vi-xifUuuB point It wuuld yield to ad■ItnrisBM Ihr I'ana Coal Mlwea-etrfk.
rw. tin 1 riaL --PROBLEM p Tnit'FiilUpriNBH
“Wek" Walasrtght'a ntsllaetJaw—Mllm
Pana. III*. July ; .- The only new
Ckaage ..I Pragma.-#.
Prr.l4«l Ogi-ard lo Ike ISea a( Aaan. movenivni in th* r-li«rv' Mrlke alluaWashington. July ia.-Kolhlng wae I
..i.* -.1.,' avi of the dep­
bMd from Mile*- exprd.ii.m yea-1 *■ *<* '*>e Philippine* there la a 1*11 uty »h*r* r In r, r.-.-ylng several nonterday
var department, ) v<Pc<'tatlun uf rt- aler dlfficalUca to be unt' n miner* U- C.t- e^i.r ngalde shaft In
'---------------TicrB la
n to beUeve their i ugeiri'. Tliv J'una and Pennwea
Captain Hlgglnson.
for- 1
dim.'ulb.-s like tbe Cuban
.. netwIihaUnding
_ that
_ gi_ _ aetUem.ct will be rather Integnal tkan
warded a brief cabiiTram
X Vnd tftra
^ i Mice
•y department ‘■ivnuH'Cn *n their uhajwctrt'. at least
a tli.'io and offer prokeen dellgbi
tmstlnled praise It ac-'The prea.d nt la Ilrm- leci-’
iwi-ciiiun miner* w'to
because of t
"if the
eprded to a i>opuMr and young 'j
' opinion that ilie Uiiiird States -hoo»,
ii. t - WuliiW'Tlght.
-u.m-HF.,. .h_
baa no use lur me laianox
as Hiuug’ *v tr.lret .IfFir.d P
I poBsuMMjB. Tbe gravest problems dcr the «: ;*!i g
r.d'd, r* Tbe miners
of Ihe llltle GluMceat-r- WaU- !
government wonld ivsuH w.
rectlved fl.tiu ytJtirdpy f,om lb* atau
wrrlgbt having been cuRumnded hv
by kiB
his *
superior. Higgins.-, for his arilena at 'attempt to be made to anne; them. o« orgaMI|at.'n lo aid then; In raring for
o thfheter..gvn
.ad lulll-fa^-uie
tbrlrnanHlI** during th* nriks.
auanlta. eojoya (be eol.Uiy d. •.tlncUoB 1
cbarwcu-r M tk. t ;e i«pulil.on uf the
The event <f tl> uay wr.* (be trial of
of being the only officer •ttactaed
*“ j Islands; w'hfie an 'fiorl lu unite With
)e atven mireiw —George McNally.
I other powirr* In .
James Boyt*. aarlc* Aulen. David Mefluatly cumn.eniled autce tbe war .
tw, ralFle
Gnvlc. Hanr Sir.llh. JbAo HnlaoUa and
Joe Coynlski—arrextrd hy erder- f May­
The war departmant has reconciled
ftsHt to the Mimmaiy change in It* rangement l«lwe.n the I'n ted Stxiea or Penw.'ll. who phked oet the leaders
plana made by General Miles when be Great Britain and 'Serirany f«i tie guv.w of the union otgaalxailon who were on
•tre. tr leading to tbV PenweJI (nine, and
landed at Guanica instead of on tbe Sjiunenl of the Samoan group.
However, there are evidenura that a ordered ib< clcpullea tusrrdxt them. The
northeasi cuaai uf Fort.. HIco. as
eaae war first called tb Judge Pierce's
prevlouely agreed u|wn. It Is surmiaed
eoort. bul Ml. cAferje toe* a rhang* of
4hat he Whf led to make this change the opinion tJmt t
venue to Judwc Springtime'* court. The
by reawnn of (he dctentlur of hi* light- 1 acquired by the Dn)
cx-rairted tr^ng to get
11 whole time
era. and forfsaw a week a <J». ay In ef- , birned] Iby ih« pres!
ullleia'ly of a Jury. wliimuy^Ltrlnlng a Angle man.
fectUig a Undiag utUcM he ncot In
-abS. seat;
at DarewperL
avoided e*]*»lng h r l-^' op* p. f churl.
of preparation for .lie .NaiiOBSl Stfig rShips eun.-red by Bhaflei-r men as they ment to perceive the poiular demat^ fe*t was charat rad hy (be arrival of
lay for so many days off Santiago. It clearly. Ft may be stated (hat it A various aolojui and n.ecntxr:; uf urfa also Buggeated that the- general has confidently expeeti-d that when the two chevtrms. Betitlea fakgaa arriving lam
gcvernmccta aiylve-at the p Int of aet•cored aa Important diplomatic
alrtL E-.kader. la., being (be fiiM te
iMvs t^^n.



CrsTamOlY NmM.

;!0R. spimiET
the srar the aoisal peaco terms would ,
require little Unfc for arrangemenu
tbe anomalnua eondltlon might be pre•ent^ of Bpal* conewdlag as much or
more than th* Cirtted Sute* felt jastlfled In demanding. There U UtU* r*ato dboM that Spain haa made up
her mind to give up Cuba It fa a'
Bioet equally (s.uin ibat spa'n roc g0{B*s tbat she imiet . onsent also to (be
abandenmrift of Po to Rico With tbtae
two vital i*rinu paued there is Itkely
to be'little dsUy on tbe questlua of Indemalty. as there it every dUqaamoB
here not to press with undue aeverlty
eo Spain In ibis reeiwet.
About (he nnly. reason which would
lir.p*l this gove-nmint lo inslat upon en
indemnity sveu d be a farther stubborn
re«lslanca by Spain. Si>taklrg broadly,
the etalemeat w'pa mad- yesleMay by
on Influential offl.lal that a seil'.em nt
tn which Spain cctc.ded two vlui
point*—Cuba and Porto RtcO-Md at
tbe same time ga1n*d two vital po'-nta
—tr*»s!..m faom a war Indemnity and a
retention of her control of tbe PhlUlplnra—would appear to be a Juat bal­
ance of equities

Below is a UM of Uw boTiM

Ever BnnedOvtT

New Departure!
dear Pork per bkl. sow..
Clear Pork per t>..............
_ .A.B.
A. B. S^ney.
of Detroit, alee HbortCat Pork...................
• • of Seed
Keed at; Short Col Pork per fc—
your town.
Flour. B L. A Co. Heal..
remain for one daj only to give the Rye Floor. B. L. A Co. B
alck aif opportnnity to eoaaolt hi
U. L. AOo.Beot..
tbat cannot see him at hU SaniUriui
Feed. B.__
L. ACo. Beet...
Tbe doctor baa eo mneb faith in (he , Sffgs per d<
experience he baa bad in treatinif IcodlUb per
chronic diaeaaea tbat be will give one , Lard per B>
mtta's treatment and medicine free. { Butter per lb Daii
ALSoreEtSvecicaiOPEaATlONSTO Creamery Batur.l
Cheese per lb ...,
' All that be a
return ia tbat OaU per b« (old)..
to tbeir friends Cora per bn., old..
hii treatment.____
Potatoea.per bu..
iaeaeeaI and de- j Halt per bbl..........
fonnitiea treated. No nan in this Bran per 100........ .
State baa bad sneb egtended expm[BTmxe naTxaor
rience la tbe treatment of CATARRIta
EYE. EAR. THROAT AND LUNO Wbwt. old. per bn................
OI^AABS aa tbe doctor. He grada Wbeat. new, per bu..............
ated 87 years ago from arvcland. Oata. No I. per bn. (new)..
Ohio; waa l^yeara i^gene^^prao Cora, per bu............................
Bye. per bu..............................
of Anatomy and Physiology In Detroit BuUee. per lb..................
Homeopathic Medical Coll,
Bgga. perdoaeo....;............
years; waa8years Sui
_____ and ^ailantlBtl Benit.
perwooa trbobled
•nbled with diarrboea wit)
Thisexperiei ICC, combined with many
years' study ia. tbe beat hospitals in br interested in tbe rxperlrncr of
the country, andcaamining
iod eaaminlagbnd treat-' W M Bosh, rirtk of Hotel rv>m
For aeveing thonaanda of chronic <
prepared him to core when the general | rsl years I bare b
Imost a eoDstaot
prahitioner fails. Hare you been sick : anfferer
fro diarrbora.
• freqnent
for ycara?
years? Are
Arc you ditconraged?
diaconraged? ! utacka
completely ooatr
f me and
Call and see na.we will tell you whether | rendering ine unfit
we can cure you or not. If we
cannot | hotel About
two year* ago _
care you. we will tell yon what relief law kindly gave me a tmall bottle of
we can give yon.
! Cbamlxrlair’s CoUe. Cbolera aad Diar
RA'Remember, one month will be rboea Bemedy. Maeb to my sarpriae
abaolutcly free—medicines, surgical | uid delight Ha rffecU were immediate
operatiott*. and the benefit of all ouf ) Whenever 1 fell avmptom* of the dl
akitl to all who are too poor to pay. leesael would fortify myoelf
Our methods of treatment ia all th^L ; tbe attack with a few doMof this valtoy
„,ble remedy.
, all the schools, with tbe aid __________
ledy. Tbe result baa been
.f electncity.tbat
moat wonderfulof
of ,grv
,,grymmliaUctory aad almost complete
ill agent* in Fa^j^a.^I^ of
: relief
^e affilctloo " Foraal* by
8. B Wait. DrnggUk
aad fiWa
Wehavu>U kind* of sewing m
— .imndbrawewarttaa
chine needles J< W. SLATga'a boo
bwm 5 lo » uays witkost tha.............
(oraUblBg aura.
aad vrlroia dl*>a*e* of all lerwe tnaa
Haahilr. li*Brpt*k»autaweajM*cb#i^^^

If eoyeekBCw
tbe r»lM of

O F. CARTER. A««at

Bicycle Riders.
Bemember tbat I do all kinila of
pairing aad enameling, and tbat 1 can
wd Oc give^on^the tet wort of^M^
y (or tb* naoney.
' .1 others
tell you to
Iv^ by^wtet
come and aue lor
^ I gnaranta* all my wort to be right,
sad if U doea not pro** so 1 rnsho It
sup ia till 8 o’clock every eveolBg ;
exerpt Bsndsy. in the Oaldwell A Lou­
don boilding, St north and of Union


John R. Santo,
Geaerd lisaraace.

rusdy. wrltb
wrll a ‘laiga
We are again ready,
stoek of lee. U deUve
lUfur th* ■
Part of
the city.
MapU block wood also for mla.

TMuphonu No. M.

£iud Ripidi i iDdtui L I

Bouton Rrosrn Bru^—Th* real,
trwataMwt th* tewaai of say taaltariaa or how gaunine article, made at John Ash's
BsksiT. 551 Front street.
antee to cure every case of P
RUPTURE. Also, sre t ive a I
J.«. Pwtehis
boapital department Ji oar t
inm. Send for Josraa*.



fiSfiiai f8M Ififi
aesssa sad* see

sssess SS8S 18*


• tiifiifiiRiiMMa

AUmeys at Law.


H'UI ba se Park Plaee

I* •tank. TrareneCttr.HleS.

A Prompt Settlement!

M. LUt'DOK. DesU*t,0'<cs la

m Uad SUUs BeunHit SocM)

Q H. BnoWW. Sturwer e»e t»i
O. law. Special e»nwtiea w <

S8 6 S


/IILBXRT______________ _


Vj leeaew tc ISebei* •**««<•.
10. MerrentU* Oo- Block._________

Traverae City. Mick, July l!tb.
Blakesice A McCormick. District Man-Ueh.
to (bank yen




Ofic* Prtwlrleh blocks. 'PUas. boaa* aad of-

ory. aa I called at yoar of­
fice In tbe Johnson bWk and fcceiveo
I am always wilting to aaj
good word for '
hlnk them ai

"W. TiJSSSSiSSK.'- U*.




TraieiM Bij Line of Steamers. I. 'li

. Harbor Springs.


imsTU uD KmusTm
oowo tnjtcrm.


fWybora. • dl

t-Lodl**' Meawk Ueyel*. i

lab* Sao............
wUb a
.“STiES" *. Til

LOTcre B. Wood. IIU-U
A appir la
pciwoe or br cc

Dally Xeraiag SxenraioM From
TraTurne City.
TVke ateamer at 8:40 a. m. for Keabkwaata where you wl.t
;i eoei
coeoeel wUb
ateamer Cresoeot retarnlng
irnlng to TravciaeCttvat 10;4Sa. m. TkU wrlll give
yon a pleasant ride of 54 Bi’-e* on tbe
bay and can be made every morning.
If you wish a longer
• --------ride
e tbe
the boat
boat will
land you at Omena or Northport where
you will connect with ateamer retsreIng to Traverae City at 4KX> p. m.
Afuraooa exeutaion* from Traverae
City, take the steamer Cranoant every
afUraooD at 5:00 for NeahtawanU
rber* you srill aonneet sri
sritb ateamer
retara&g to Travune Ct^ at 4«0 p.

OrwodRapUeSma w MevpaM aad dtetag

:s sails

Mr*. B.r. M<MgWB.IMWelUegloo«. --S'.’”


Going bortb daily except Senday.
Leave Travune City.................7:00 p. a
•• NeahUwanU................. 8:00 "
" Bnttop* Bay..
. .^:15 "
“ Omena............
....«:I8 ••
Ar. Northport....

(lEf I i'ilElIBff
aaaa a daeasseda

SSS£ 8 &S8S8S88S


Going eontb daily except Sunday.
Lanve Northport........................ flrSO a. m
•• KnttensBay....
'■ NeabUwwnta..
Ar. Traverae City..

S989S 8

B* IJB WcUeS a m.
B bow**. 0 ailioM* «»
gotfvat T. J. ROM's


Going eontb daily except Sonday.
Leate Harbor Hprings............. 7:00 a. a
Point..................7:08 "
'• Wequeloi
•• Bay View
" Fetoakey..........
“ Cbarlevoix........
“ Norwood............
5:80 p. •
•• Ncvrlbporl........
.1:10 "
" Omens................
.8H0 ••
.4:00 ••
Ar. TrwTerseCity .

S8S: N 9
•=£= = -

■IIBIEIItlfiCei i

saaaaaaaaoaaaaa a
£fiS8S&SS8S8£S9S 8

amd. Pen Werad, .
.VApw ..
DMren aad Oraad Bap*de.7Apn
aad bs0M tar frew D**rsti pw iSM wats.
C. a. ACBRSy. Agei
C. L. tOCEWOOP O. r. S T. S..Oraa,


Oolag Dortb daily except Sunday.
LeavaTramwe City..
.6:40 a. ».
.»:40 ••
“ Keabuwaola..
•• Omraa...............
11:10 ••
•• Northport..........
iS:»op. m.
Noraraod ,
Bay View.,

~i iiiiff
d eaaaaa
8 SS8888


TDOR SALE-Oa* an asMew «X»
D of BoPwril WbUtBg '

•W72‘Ss*£:iS1.“" *’*'5E3

-LomIm*. atk

wm be w(ih Xari ta* Jeweler aad Ossshw IM.
wbsa he wtU rwtsta te eaOega



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