The Morning Record, December 11, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, December 11, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text


000^1 THE MORMING ^ RECORD. I’tir 1,000
6os>Dd Tear—Ko 501



to the


^ea Last Night.

I'raDh^amlltoD. compOMd of ebrjwD- j
tbemsm*. re»«s *06 caroaUoM. and j
upoD it tbp loneriptioo. "Co. M. e$er*ice I
Honest aod Paitbfal."
I cii~-.



_ _



ho...u, «, .11 Slg»»b"™« Of Peace CommieBionen AfBxed Last Night.

t Uble,
I the post of honor, trimmod trtOi Amer- Afiamoon Spent in
VariHell . a»n. 01 B»b.y- !,^,

one a
and Xcgr|l^tng-Tha
Voaicand aongBnUeennd a Hnpp5f .each piste k flower, in loving memory
Kemberaof Both OomftLloai*‘aat
Yni—Orowd of Oitisens
^bi boys irbo gave op their lives in
for a Photograph-apaniards Ac. i their coDotry's serviee. Those memOnetsd the Boldien—OtMd Artutic 1
' i ories will Inrlode the names of Ueorge
eeptad Frirndly Oreatinge of Atner.
I Kana*sjH.y
!«;ciilm n. (ires
r. Fred U.
leans But Fait Bad.
: Covsy. Birsni A. Oiekenaon. Cloyd DalBaitner.
Paris. Dee. 10,—Tbe SpinUfa-Amer*
' ulle and Frank M. Fuller.
It was a royal banqoet and *T . I The gsthering wss called to order by lean psace ueaty was tigned.tbia even­
ing precisely at »M o'clock.
royally did the 1
J. W. Hannen. who called Parm C.
■Tbe j)int commiasioD


on their Ual public appearance.
| ^re™Uowin7t^™were'Tes"i!^^W^'^
It was a Wol6cent
and 1
facuuy to b^^
one which will live long In the hcaru ,
~««Uslon aftlsc-d U, It
of the boys of the U.onab Rifles and;
| Tbe first session for tbe osy of the
remain a pleasant memory with the; Vocml solo aecomnsnied bv
at 3;lo p. m. aad at
Misses Minnie and Marie Beitner. who .
■'*» tnkeo until T o'clock,

Vou can hanll}- think of a

.« wb."„.d..n.- ...h ......Ub - ‘'’■i

..UA .b.

D. Co.b.

14. A„„i.„..b«.b

riehly draped with Old lilory. and
freely disuibuled upon the vrtlUand

In all the new tints and latest styles
of boxes. Just made for this season.
New colors in papers that are sold
by the quire.
Can't find a better gift.



I of Spain 1

local ball. Fastoons of evergreens re-!
liered by streamers of buoung of na-1
tional eolo^ b'ahg from tbe centre of



suitable' i>r«u»nt


220 F/ont St.

“City Bookstore.*'

your faUier, mothdr, aiater^

i cscecdiogly
brother or BomelKxly eWa

r.ri.r..t..bJ ]ll. Mblb-UbbUb... , ”” <~l/-“ br...cbll.
wnl- K-iss-n
tbands of the euerossers. while
n was sluing. After brB.
jj"E Pk.l«~pbrf U.. ...mrU.!,...,.

'••k'.B"' Ik. ™.J
inUl SS:I5,
when ibey
IS .ih.n
took a recass UDU1 T o'clock, while
ileawailing the arrival
of the last sections of tbe treaty.



A look
means a sale.


1 by Ralph;; linger.
e Vader.
Martin Depot Burglars Were Found
se Wllbeli - _
Connable. awUted by Jerome-----------v
. w w
■ The Ublea wereartanged in a hollow I ’Hiere were others of the boys aeGuilty By n Jury in Five
sqnare about the room and, oiogliog |
b> «*Pond toappropriate tosatt,
MiButrs. <,
with the glUUnlng silverware and]
|CohUnued on second pagr|
Allegan.'Mich.. D«-. lO.-Thc Marahlnlng cBlna were huge bunches of
.Un bnrglars were convicted in the
chrynanthemnma, furnished by Florist
Paine, while at each plaw was a fresh
esmsUoa, vrblch afterward graced the
: was oot but five minntes.
bottoobolea el the eoaU of tbe aoldlera. The napkins were dainty and
bore the Cuban sod American flag* in
victad in Grand Rapids and sentencad
a Maniac.
eolors. these being tbe gift of Holley
I to a year in lonis for the larceny of a is----A

woman's pocketbooh. Tbe other gave 1
wan a table bankad with potted planu Willito Hitchinge Weilded an Aieit^e name of James .Nichols. Judge'
andent flowers and aollaa wereven-, wiih Frightful Keenlts. Killing a;Padgham will give them the limit, i
twined about the dlabea upoo the main I
Boy and Murdering Hin :

Popular Shoe House.


auter in -------------------------------------Cold Blood—Tbe Woman
' --noteoMi be forgotten. Company M
Made a Desperate Sealatance.
Free Soil, Mich., Dee. 10—A horrible
having form^ at the MercantUe
irder and sniclde surtled this 8Ute Crop Report Shown .That it in
block. The^were in command of{^
ty today aad four peraont lie
Up to The 100 Mark—Due to
Fine Growing Weather.
>Bt Joseph
J(wsBk Klaaaen
Klaaven and Second LienLien... ____
Lan*lng. Dee. 10.-The official crop
- y were lad b: Hitching* wa* tbe mnrdcnr and hi*
the Boya* Band who were afterward, victim* wen bU vUUr. Mra.Bunt and nport for December, iatned by Secre­
stationed la the gallery, where tBey her bodband. Joha Hunt, ^d John tary of SUt* Gardner. *ay* that the
average condition af wheat in the stato
were Uter joined by the Oreecent band. Bavward, a boy 10 year* of a^
Dea 1 wa* 100. oomparUon being with
Later In the evening during the public
Hluhings. Hunt and Hayward wdn
average years. The pereentagee by
entllag wood together ye»t*rdoy after­
section an a* follow*:
noon on HnnV* farm. when Bitching*,
Southern cooBtie*. 101; eeutnl 07;
When the eoldlen filed into the ball without warning, made a *avace at­
the laapiring etraina of a mareh filled tack upon Horn with an axe. killing and northern. 08. . One year ago the
.the room, played by ^feaaor Mur- him InntaaUy. The mnrdenr then peroentage for the *ute waa *8. noathtangb'a full orehaetra. whoae aer. ebsM^ Harwaad until the latter clip­ erneonnUe*. 84; central. 01 aad northvinca wereoomplimeatary. Tbe eoldlen ped and fell. Then Hltcblngi klUed
Fin* growing
^ weather pnvniled
wen ranged about the Ublea while at the prMinte boy with the ax.
neatly all
JI tb* feVaad
wheat ba*msde
the north eectto* were Mayer W. W.
Hitching* next, covered hi* brotherSmith. Rev. D. Ooehlla, Haxen ' in-law'* body and proceeded to the ^pnaaoal fall growth, bnt correapeadFingree. Jr.. Bx-Llenteoant of tbe farm bou*e. when be attacked kis *1*- pntnvery genenlly inport the plant
Jdoklag yellow at the time nnow came.
Hanaah Rifle* P. C. Gilbert. CapUin
ir.v After a terrible aad d
-tain a* to the eauae.
.1. M. Wilbelm, Em. Wilhelm, J. W- .tnggU wiU Mrv Bunt, h* aUbl^ j

Haonen. pmldeat of the Baanah her in the neck with MJkck-knlfe. kill- ^^.^LeipuHy Hebilan fly.and other.
otben i
Rjflve. Ralph Connable. f^ptaln McInlagbcraI*o.
exeemively wet weather.
vmh and Liei
Afur the woman’* body wa* dUpoa ' ground ha* been lightly covered with
ed of by pnahing her uOder th* bed.
Before the banqnetera were eeated Hitching* went np*toW to hi* own mow mneh *f the-timei>iacc the middle
Rev. Cochlin lavoked tbe divine bleas- room. Invlng nnmolwud a baby of November. '
ing. alter which tbe feaat vraaat,iaeb- aaleep in it* cradle, Tbe mad m*
«d, tbe Boldiera being oonfronUd by last act was to apply tbe jack-kslfe
the following algnlflcaat order neatly
throat. He sneeeeded in kill­ Another Oablnet Orial* In Spain.
ing hl«Mlf. eridentiy after two
London. Dec. 10.—A dUpatch from
General Order Mo. 1.
Madrid eay* that the position of th*
ComBla»s>y Prpantnrni.
Bltebingawaaooaaldared not bright eabinet 1* mast erilicai. and th^ the
anpravrU l>5 Hurvroo WlIhrlB
Yoc arv bcrvbr romBandre lo aaoisBr
tbe resignation of tb* mlnisUrtlF'^*«ety>hia* w* befare yau asd to Dot drvlM onmea No raaeon for hi* awful crime* pected a* soon a* the treaty of pMte
tU ibv
la yet known.
oaocaor (xaariit*
—..1. •■akaiicd" Oyauii«. »Ub Krair Jorirn.
Nkigbbor* found the bodice of Hunt
and Hayvrard In the wood* during the
LaadiCrab Salad. rUovwtrd la)
Turner Bnixatd^ uy Crau Oreadlu*.
ut Thea* VUl Mot b* Lika the SpaaThe coroner'* jury wn*
lah SnbmArln* Oiafl.
Peiatee* <Ce»era-fr*Kiwt .Bwlea. Gravy today at noon when the
attorney and abariif arrived from LndParis, Dee. 10.—M. Leekmy. mioiaDrorploe Jelly
ter *f marine, baa orfiered the emtDaeePl. lagton.
Taakee Poik^kld Pie
Hnnt lived here three or four year*, ■Wnetion of *lx •nbmarine boeta. at a
■■BobWM-eCbolee" Cake
coming from Haniatee aad wa* quite cost of 000.000 franc* aach. Ihay wiU
Bpaoleb nll<
well fixed. fiBAUCially. Hltehlag waa
tmplaied In lOOO. Tke typ« ndoptUavana-kaoUa ClC
repoted alightly damented
ad U Uhenf* Nerval.



rworh Water (Tamtalee Bzuaetad)

While the good thlnga wen being
In Mnaor of Company M
laid away Mnrtangh'e wreheetra dlanumber of young ladiaa are ar-1
peatad a aeriee of naUooal alrm, aad TgBBised at Trenton with $70,000 ranging for a aooial party to be given
aach brought forth antbaslMUe apIn honor of the Company M boya who
plauM. 1*» moale lent additional ianon to laave the city, to b* given
Trentau, N. S.. Dee 10.—Theartlelca
•plntloQ to the oeeaaloa and at each
in Mnrtntvh'* dancing academy Tues­
nnmber tbe boyi made the hall ring of InoerpomtioD of the
day evening. Meat and attractive lawith applaubc which only Amarteaa Tohacoo company wen filed with tbe
vitaUon* bev* been laened.
woldlenknowhewto let looee.
eecntary ef cute today. The eaplul
boys enjoyed the fmt with avidity and , ««ek U S75.000.000, half at ‘which will
be preferred, with 7 per cent, non-eulo- Ida Falmw,
wilt remain at tke Boston Slor* an­
payable quarterly.
that all’
other week aad tbnae who wish M
serving tbe aoldier* tb* Mi**** Beitner T^e company ii
profit by her skill and taste in our
miUlnery department are urged to
were laaaiited by the Mi**e* Mary tobaoeo aad to manufactare tobacco in
take advanuge of her extended
Hooter. Osa McCoy, Edith Bastiogi. all form*.
suy. Tbe lloitoD Store.
The ineorporator* are; Jame* B.DuKe
Bertha Cluoe. Rom Caiman. Maude
DleklnaoB. Marion Backer, Oapitolia Pierre Lorillard, jr.. Harrikon J. Drum­ Heli&sy prioM
mond, Nark Leopold. OreuScotUnof, on winter mUltnery at Mrs. Law,
_ Vader and Ml** Alexander.
Detroit and several otker large muu-.. oeh mUllnery store. Call and *m
On* of the algi
le A large floral piece, the gift of


Special Sale...
Men’s Wool
Cassimere Suits.


i Several patterns, choicest sty♦ les, sack cut. well made, trim
med, etc., well fittingg-arments
—These suits are sold al $5.50
$f».00 and
{# and $r».00
worth every cent of those prices, but
yot them for a short time at $4.45.
i,.^ we offer you
AH sizes.


Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.

Are Kodak Days

For tbe people, and at prices
that make them

Winter AS well as stunaier h<A
dsys ATE kodak days.

Call and look at our goods
before purchasing.

YY. C. Sl B. a. Gannett

Kodakcey 1* no longer oonflned to tbe *i
a-day* 1* a winter e* well a* a *
flaah-lighl photography ha* mad* it an.



187 Front Street

Special Monday Sale
........ ATTHE...^..

Uaoember 18^

Bargains for Monday, useful as well as omamenul. Just when you would be
apt to look for it. just when you feel your money ougW tb go the farthest, just when
you have so much to buy and do not know what to buy first.
Another whirl on ribbons.
No 6,ffiU ailk ribbonin a 1 co'orB,apooial........................... Seyard
No 7, all silk ribbon in ail oolora, spaolal...........................4cyard
No 8, all ailk ribbon in all colora, apadal........................... 6oyard
No 18, all silk ribbon in all colors, apeolal.........................6oyard
No 16, all ailk ribbon in all colors, spaolal......................... 7cyard
25 per cent, off for Monday's special on fur collarettes, muffs, fur collars and
children’s sets.
Ladies' fleece lined seamless hogM^Monday’s special, 7c pair,
pur entire stock of handkercl^fs—ladies' aad gents-in lawns, linensand silks
at 25 per cent, off from regulafynfce.
Turkey red and fancy pr^tOor Monday’s special (ten yard limit) 2 l-2c yard.
Extra heavy white bed spreads, full size, some advertise it worth $1.50. for
Monday's special, 75c.



. The yoteto Implement Co -e Buineed Videlp Xzteaded.
The PoUto Implement Co. of this
ateruioer* end bend* end o
■ city l» feel feioioc e repotetioo ebroed
end the prodoete of the feclorr ere
r. Bi.ns AMD 3. w. HAnn. Ubiee by the lediee ead the door* were enipped to ell perte of the world.
throwDopeoeflerwerdetotbetbronrelletler wee rdbelTed e few deye efo
/, W. BAmi. Bditor ud U»o»get- weiUDB oeuide. Prenk Bemlitoo took ; (fo„ Suwle. whieh. treoeletod. reed*:
chergeof the^lore dertieg.^ ben- pomto Impleeneat Co,. Trereree CHy,
qnet end .with the eaeletence ofSeeerel
Uisblgen. 0. S. A.
n to send me
____ ____ _
GBsri.»:»ii!s:—I eel
end boelaeae
thl* letter theceuiogoe
men kept ihecrowde peelSed nntU the of yunr egricultnrel mecbinet, ee 1
eoldierewerereleoeed. Then Uidr we* went to porches eome of them. I
the Koaelen
eennb end the boy* greeped bend*
mmg*rine. “The Burel Lendlord." My
with citieene. women end children, who eddre**:
Ramie. Mo*kowekO. Kreeu
here been weitlog eeer elnoe the re- kele railroed etetlon Vonldraro. t^eteu
tom from Cobe to greet the ooldlere. Ronnoro.
Uk-3. P Mk-iikiaon.
W tb* PenaSM M TfrTrM Uif. There were eeverel thoneendi of peo­
ple Is the hell end perlora doring 4he
erenltig end they peeeed in end ont el■Or«etloK to OompAoy K.
Joe Piegree. eon of Uoremor Pingree.
temeUly ell the erenlng. It we* e
Bpidemicof Typhoid.
Tho»embor»^«r'CoiBPMiy M aevw royel reoepUon end ereryone w*s eeger U the gamteof Frenk Friedrich while
kkd U7 4od>U of the esteot of the re- to do honor to the bo>e After the in- in the city.
Lansing, Dec. 10.—The ontbreek of
f»rd eotertiloed for them h; the peo- fonnel reoepUon the hell we* eleered
Daniel MerUn. fetber of Dr. J. B* typhoid ferer at Fremont. Seginew
ple of thU communit;. But it there of the Uble* end the remeinder of the Mertie. is in tbe city' rlsiting Iht oounty. is traced by tbe local hseltb
were eoj who bed eu; doebte in thet erenlng gl»& «P to d*ncU.». which family of hie aoe. He brongbt from
to a camp meeting, where eereMeedon e fine hone eod two coin bewee indnlged In nntil * lete b> or.
I taken m with the diacaae. Ten
Before the eoldtcn left the ubiee longlDg to the doctor.
1 b7 the Uteei Uiooie end three roneing cbecn were glren for
Willard A Smith of the Cberlerolz
e since resulted from these
Merle Beltscr. end which took piece
^er Uoremor Pingree. Seotiuel. the pioneer newspaper men
and two deatba
UForeelereheillnetnlghtweeegreDdj^j^j hta eoB|wbodld each noble work of northern Hichtgnn. north of Trer•oeiel end ertUtle
...... aneceea.
irtektBSiew York end *t eree City, came down yeeterday with Betteabs^ ui Foist Uet
of people eeme end went after greet­ MontcDk. PoMt. node fine! cheer for bis daughter, who Is on her w^ to
for said ei Mrs. Lawrence's millinery
store. Alt tbe nicrst end cboieeet
ing the soldier boys, end many were the good iediee who had planned end Detroit.
pettemv end meteriela. Lessons free
nseble to greet them at ell because of ^ried oat theelrgent benqnet end
Senator HilKken went to Sensing
with erery pattern.
the greet crowd. The decoretlon* were r^ption.
lest nignt to make erTWOgement* for a
jgkgnlfieent end the serriee at the benmany good Indie* of Troreree house for the winter.
Oommereiag Xesiay monlsg
qnet *nperb. No paint were tpered by City end the ere due the
Hon. U. <i. Corell has returned from
we win sell our breed at 4 cenu a
the two ladle* mentioned end tbeir thanks of the company for their gener- j Oread Rapid*.
loaf and orer tbe ooonter S loeres
wUling end able eesUunte. end erery ou* contributlons.whlch indeed
^ were
Mr*. Jemes McCulloff of ilhece.wllh
.iToruu.i..u»~upt... of deputy eberiff of Gratiot
transacted buslneas here yesterday.
ntb. boy. U.. .pp^LllobC!
b.Ubbd .Bl. tb.
d„„wbBbw,„ BBtrlbbtri Her husband is sheriff of the county
»>«" -Ji-"
b,. Ed. Oiibm I^a Aid.™.. aamed.

TmAT»8E oirr. •


Baking Powder


Safeguards die bod
against akim.

mbera or. tbe program and tbe
eOBCMS serred. It was a grand and
pehriotic greeting to tbe soldier* apd
the erant will Ur* long in tbe memory
•f each one of them-________

This was the finest spread erer put
up in this city and it goes without eayBg that the soldiers of Company M
are fully epprecletire of the honor*
bwtowed upon them.

Tbe Sponlsb-Amerieen peace treaty
WM aigned by tbe joint peace commie^ lest night end thus U'closed an­
Oet one of the handsome memorials
other important cbepter in the history ofCotopanvM, at the Rk<-obi. oAica or
of tbe.lstc war: and the remaining offi­ City Uooksiore. Only a few left.
cial action to follow shortly will be tbe
Trarerae City t.odgc. No. SSS, F. i
n of the treaty by tbe L’nlied
Slatea Senate, which will probably be , U., will hold a special communication
MOompIUbed. Then wilt oome tbe iw** '
C. degree.
Irieate duty of fixing for our newpeaDuchess Cemp No. 2-t4!l. Modem
iB suitable forms of goremmeot.
Woodmen of America, will holo their
aanual election of oCcers Monday
{Bight in Monugue hall. There


• Ouiad
Kufferiog humaalty should be
plied with erery means possible far
relief. It is with pleasure we pnbi
the follewinr: "This is to certify tbst
1 was a terrible sufferer from Yellow
Jeundice for orer six mouths, and was
treated by‘some of the best pbysicUos
y and all i BO arall. Dr.
Bell, our druggist, recommended Elec­
tric Bitten.: and after.Uking two bot­
tles I fcas entirely cured. I now take
great pleasure ia recommending them
to au.V person suffering from this terri­
ble mslady. 1 am gratefully yonrs.
M. A. Hogarty. Lexiagton. Ky " Sold
br S.>; tYsitand J. U Johuson. drug-

_ _
OommecciBg Xesdsy marniag

.......................... .......................

.. ,C.W,

we will sell nur bread at 4 cent* a
loaf and orer tbe counter 3 loares
for ten cents Palace Bakery.


ifi fihowiDg a very large line of

Book Cases,
Combination Book Cases
and ladies Desks.
In antique oak, golden oak.
mahogany, bhfdaeye maple—
and w« are making special
low prices for Chriatmaa.
Come in- look them over.

the beauUful new pat j J.


School Books....................... 20 per cent, off
Diaries............. ....................20 per cent, off
Box Paper....... ............... . .26 per cent, off
Blank Books.. ..................... 26 per
Bibles. ................................ 26 per cent off
Pocket Books and Purses . 30 per cent, off
ToUet Sots„etc........ ............................ l-Boff
Albums........ ............ .......................... 1-3 off
....... ........ . 1-3 off
Ink stands.................... ........... ............1-3 off
Paper Knives.......... ............... ..........1-3 off
Pictures.................................................. 1-3 off
Books of all kinds.............................. . 1-3 off
Dominoes, Checkers and Boards... 1-3 off
Wall Paper...................................... 1-2 price
Tissue Paper..................... ............1-2 price
Crepe Paper.................................. 7c per roll
Flowered and Embossed Crepe.. .£3c roll
26c Curtains for....................................... .'I8c
• Office Supplies, FUers, Ink, Pens by tbe
box. Pencils by dozen, Eulers, etc. Type­
writing Paper, Eibbon and Carbon from
20 to 60 per cent. off.
At least 20 per cent, off on every pur­
chase and from tbat to half price.
Special prices on quantity.
Lots of everything.



* of

h It owing to the eager crowd of ltdire I Miss Sacton of Kijgsley is attending
g outside in tbe parlors
Trerene City Businesd College;
•ad men wilting
to greet the boys, they .were nWceear- j Tbe residence of .lotan Robinson, who
Uy omitted.
i llres Bear Silrer Lake, was dealroyed
Durlog tbe program J. W. Banneo by fire about tweir* o'clock Friday
was cal^ upou^to pre^nt e bond-' night. Tbe loss has not yet teen oseer•omely eogroased memorial of Com- tained. There was ho Insurance,
paay M. which was tbe gift of the | mu Aiic« Wait, essisted by the
mam her* of
Company (M to theiMin^ Hilda Drawn and Georgian*
Bon. Perry Hannab. who was’unable ^ norgon entertaiaed tbe Miesre Bose
to be present on account of an indis­ Tompkins and Kitty Holmsn and Mrs.
position. Id tbe absence of {Mr. Han-: Wales of Old Hiaaion last eTenlng
aab tbe memorial was presented to:
Xpoetmaster Gilbert' who recelreU
1b behalf of the faon^pwd benefactor of
MoUc*. Oompany M.
the Company.
There will be e meeting of all tbe
lo ha address to the company Mr. lembeis of Oempauy M who can pos­
Gilbert expreesed the sentiment* of sibly be preaent. in Knlghu of Pytbies
(be oommuelty in bebelf of tbe corn- bell, for the purpose of ]^t«oieg to
the esteem end the report pf the directors regarding
, . dwelling
_ upon
Ugh regard in which the boys are held 11,^ expenditure of the fund donated
is tbi* section. He also took occasion by Hon. Perry Hannah for tl^e relief of,
dooxpress in behalf of tbs oompany the soldiera. also to consider^
thslr thanks and appreciation for the queetioB of reorganizing [tbe Hap__wergetic efforts of the citizens and es- Rlfie*. Erery member Is requestM^
podaliy m'Btioning th« Roy's Rand be present.
who so willingly furnished -music at
•be funerals of tbe'departed members.
Fire at Boyne City.
Tbeentertalners mentioned in
^ tbe
. *Tbe dwelling boose of Alfred Perne. who was also present, assisted the t

I Net Store HodqytrteK lor CMisUus Ooods.

Bath Rooms..


Like Ouns

up-to-date bath rooms
which will be run in oooneclior
with the I’rlocess Rarber Shepnre
nowup4-D lo the pub
iblic. We claim.
B.nd think you will agree
after you have giren us a call, that

I ever us«>d—A remark we

rooms in tbe

bcHr ei'ery day in regard lu

- When we are all dependent upon each other,

Fine Expectorant

Prices of Baths;


BCTh'^h sicobdl rub down ..



lt*s to your best interest to patronize home in­
dustry. Use tbe “BEST” flour, which is ma^e


Rose’s Carnation



from tbe -“BEST” wheat in Michigan.


144 Front street. 3 doors west of Hotel

In a City

Bendlo Bid.




____ ________..

tory public entertaiomenl orer three
years ego: the first introduction of tbe ‘
company to the public. And it was
d by* Wot
dOamed fitting that these ladies and
Anotbrr great dtscorery has hern
mid be inrited lo this the made, and tbat. too, by a lady in. this
last public appearance of the soldleia. OOQOtry. • Disease fastened iUclBtcb' es upon her and for sever years she
The program was filled with elo' ' tood iU sercresl teets. but ber
qaenea aiid wit aud tbe eoldiers who
organs were undermined and
tanponded to toasU gare graphic de- death seemed imminent. For three
she coughed incesiantiy, aad
•eriptiens of their experiences jn Cuba.
could nut sleep. She finsIlydlMroTered
The word* of Ber. D. Cochlln were a wry to recorery, by purchasing of us
mpAciAllj appropriate and io them a bottle of Dr. King's NeW Dlscorery
tbere was a tender eentimeat expretoed for ConsamBtian. aad was e* such reing the first dose that sbs
llered on taking
tbat teuehed the sad ante of the erent, alepl
all night: and with iwo bouli
aad Under refereoM were made to basbean absolutely cured. Her name
tbe departed membere which found
: is Mr*. Luther LuU-" Thus writes W
r. Hamnlck
•poaaire echoes in tbe breasta of the C.
i Co., of Shelby, N. C.
ee 10
lo tbadrugstom of
aamrades whosnfferod side with Trial bottles
S. E. Wail aa^.X G. Johnaon. llegutbem. Captain McIntosh and LlenUnaat lar size ;>Uc aad II. Erery bottle goarElaaaen gave moch inUreating detail anteed.

... ..d

■oos free with erery patter


log regarding the supplies and bospiun cents. Falace Bakery.
UU. Mr. Nerlinger gave aome inter-!
----------------------- eating impressions of Santiage and Mr.; Son’t
but coxoe.
come. ^Joln
Join the
tbe mejorlly
KIplinger gare aome of the inner work- [ Vklait ^bul
of lucky ones by buying youi
. .
lags of the faospUela Mr. Cinne made
ingaod dry goods si tbe Great Re­
a reiy cloqbeni and touching response
mora] Sale at The Fair.
to the Uaat assigned U him. The addreos of Mayor Smith was full of good
Udle*. clean your kid gtorm with
vprdx for the company and be did not Miller Olorelioe. It U not a liquid,
•pare terms of prelae for each and learea no odor and can be used while
the glove U on tbe band.
For sale
one of tbem.
only by James G. Jobneon. the drngBefore dUoerslng Oie 'ladtea preaenud to each soldier and guest a
a^ne aourenlr compoaed of a piece of TuOiUtmu
Look at the elegant Kimball pianos
bard Uck. attached U a neat' cord
and organa, small Instrumenla, gulbMriag the daU* of tbe mnslerlng in
ttr*. TiollDB, mandoUne etc. Take
aad mustering out of tbe company, the
note of the popular *sheet music going at half prim.
'card aad bard Uek being Med together

. A Good
should be both dainty and
The best, wr know any­
thing about are Rieger's
California Perfumes-they
are real flower odors made
from flowers, and api>eai
to all dainty tastes.
We have a few cards,
ready lor framing, of Cal­
ifornia Wiild Flowers, one
of which we give with 50c
worth of these perfumes.

Jas. G. Johnson
• 125 Front Street.

. *




You may prefer Brook Trout or Black Bass, but this is not the proper time of ^
year to indulge in either of those kinds. But it is ju^ the time to come to our Gro- ^
eery Department, look at our display of fish, and try any of the following, all
which are extra choice, in prime condition, and good to eat: Smoked Salmon, Pick- ^
led Salmon, Canned Salmon in
lb. i lb. and 2 lb cans. Smoked Finnan Haddies, ^
Smoked Hallibut, Smoked Med. Scalded Herring, Salt Herring. White Hoc^ Hoi.,
land Herring. Salt Mackerel. Canned Lobster, Canned Shrimps, Canned Clam ♦
Chowder. Imported Sardines io
and in K’s. Domestic Sardines in %'s. MusUrd
Sardines in %'s, Cove Oysters in i lb land 2 Ib cans, and last, but not least, try oiir ^
BulkjOysters. No water, but all oj^t^rs direct from Baltimore three to four times a ^








^ buy any of these goods, at least come in and look 2

Even if you don't
II them over.
The place--------






I I ^ggJQJI .pg^ .


0^ ^(tvc\\\Qa.''\.


4 Former Mayor of Grand E«p.

S\vot\, *3t6s\v "Ktoas SWvts ; |

ids and Prominent Citisen

• SttickM With Brigbt'a DiMaM ta
Tbe loali «UI« t
MToetloD I tbe floatiag wood. Tae woatea pack
Wew Tttrii-Oaoe Owaed OrasS
hM 440 iematek at preaeaL
j il iasbore »a(e from the waraa. In the
Bapld. ©amocrat.
apring aocb good lumber
AtUilfoH Jamrs N. Uln « hotel
clerk, mangled bU left hand bj the
* ■
Of the B3II fectorlee la the eoatbera
three tlenof conatiea T.S3 arc runnlag.
Tbe Holly indepeDdeal. eaye that
■ aome of tbe fanaera of iloo^Beld wUl
hare to winter oeer their bniikiiig. as
their oom U allowed uder. John Loekwoo^^f Oakfield. examl*ed a. eaitrWg* when It went off,
MaagliagUa band'and wrecking the

J ycterday a, little fellow
«»*"»“? ‘P«fabout fire veara old slipped off a farm-1 *•» '»
R*PW«. »«<> ■! /6e time
er-e sletgb at tbe eomer of Cbapin and, “•T<>r o' U*“ oiiy-dlod this tdoraiag ia
Mitcbell eireetaand the onlookers ex-; «!- VinoeafebospiUl in NemSork city,
pectea nothing more than to eee the ' A compllcatioa of Bright's disease ard
little life eroBbeo out instantly. The ‘ heart trouble wm the cause of bls'
boy fell between the bobe with blsl^c^^ *

neck lying acroes tbe track of tbe on-! Isaac U. fi'ecten was a man wboeO
coming slcigb. Fortnnately for .him I name wa. long connected with Grand
tbe other ranner caught bta . Rapids. He was at one
feet sad turned him around parallel; of large wealth and daring his career
Dorr Jenttin. a barber of <%arlotte, with the sleigh track so that the lead io this city occupied many pcaitiona
claims to be one of eeren beln to a city passed orer without tonebing him. It | which brought him forth as acoaspicum Ohio with a population- of about was a most miraculous eaesps—Cad-jout figure in the history of this city
iliac Deraocaat
I and of tbe slate.
.tames Whaley of near Cadillac ralsur. Weston was at the time of bU
Wanea U,. Beckwith, formerly of
Owosao, together with two other men, ^
bushels of potatoes y«^
„„„ than twice the
has obtained pomesston of a rich gold 1ffn>u»<l bxd tb«ok» be ufe of an average mao of similUr years
mloeat Cripple Creek. Tbe mine U j “SS broken the record.
: He was well known among biuiness
located four mites from Cripple Creek | * poultry show is to be held at Pe-' „en and poliUcUns in all large ciUes
and is worth almost a mllhoD.
[toskey next week, and one of the at-, East and West In poliiies be was the
** * three-legged root-. recipient of many positions of trust and
8»ms of Ue residenU of Msnee Iona =
hare bAo in the habitof dumping their
| ~««n'>>bilUy»t the hands of the Demoaaheafce middle of the road, where i
"J*'•™“'*J^P‘.‘^®,cralic party, whose cause he always
slelghlngisgood. with the result that,
Priidler. h>. g.rl , uubfully espoused and to which be
there mp aome pretty mad horsemen !
borne at - ;
„„eb of bis time and money.
la.Umt riclnlly
I o'clock yesueday morning. wcntiuM, About is-.w he bought the Umnd
I. tbe
»s. k
kitchen’nnd shot bimself.
Democmiand with great liber' A. P. Untfield, tbe jewlerrsyho drop-1
loreroor Pinkree has reeeived s ,uUty he set to work to mske a meUopad dead nt Three Birers; ieh
left guite
guiten:___ _
message from Surgeon-General Stem- j poUtan newspaper ie Grand Rap'ds.but
rnlunble stock He has no know ruleInforming him of tbe death of

Wm you buy something useful for the boys?
Will ansrthing please them better than a new suit
or overcoat.

An Extra
or Special Offer.

according to law.
powers was a nnree »ho|«^„pted op his widely sea
At\ale.Joaephln^loyearoldd*ugb.;o.„e u. Detroit from s impeer bospi,redp^ny swept .way bU
ter of A. E Jsekaba. tookadogp of ,tal. She want to Moniank Point to* I property.
poison there on Thorsdny. It sras nip care for tbe sick soldiers and ehe afterOver flOh.ouo of bU srfealth was deand tack for life for a time, but the ward went to Porto Rico. It is not

doetorfinallywonout. U U not c.ea; dT^.tTirk^own^^miUrry

:a^ |

just noWwbetber she took tbe poison t ters where her borne was before she : ^ ^ t
by aecidentor-wiibeuiddal intent.
!<»melo that city, but il is supposedi
A new airil fatal disease bas attacked ] that she came from Cheboygan and the i
Card of Thsnkt.
^ tbe herds of Jersey eows of two noted gOTemor has telegraphed the mayor!
Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. WinUrs wish to
r Branch county breeders, J. R. Smith there for information.
.return theirsineers heartfelt thanks to
' and D- Etheridge, near Coldwater. The! rsi FAT
Uorrice Is a Aigmau at a i their nrigbbors and M. E. ebureb also
be infer four.
right place. The other ,
At Mason. John Llnqoist. a Swede.‘day two cltisen's attempted ----------stopp^ at tbe Clark I tbe railroad trscT'ss tbe west bound

,p p„F sad bereavement.


Tbe Greet Removal Sale at The Fair.
Stock moving fast Select wbat you
Thursday morning he was found dfead ii,gsuff. succeeded in stopping them
want while assortment is good, tioly
a Kborl time
in bed. He was well to do. Au imjuesl i just In time to prevent a cstaeiropbe.
will be held.
-----------*Tbe body cf Roy Robertson of Albion,
divwned months ago io Duck lake, is
still unrceovered. though search for it
prosecuted almost chnstaally
siDce. Acelyttee gas bas been used
and it is hoped At this will be a great
aid as soon as the lake is eotirely fruK
> w <»■
eehr e
en over.
BedCord. I'a.. w ith a'populatiou of i ci«t Hr. Farrill 8'.'“.<>iiu in cold cssh P
Frank Van Horn .an Ann Arbor law
S.suu, bas over ;’oo. cases of smallpox. ! gratify bis whim. It is said that Mr. '
student, found s cheek for
Local doctoni thought the disease | Ferrell presented bis daughter with
to the bearer. Re has not-yct found was chiekenpox and allowed palienu ! Csii.uwi as a wedding gift, and gave
tbe owner although hr went without to ramble around at w-ll until the! bis soc; «I'.n.<Nsi additiousl. and
his dinner looking for him.
state board of health inspector cams : Snu.unu to be expended In boneymooi
Formers who hsve fawD hi a habit of along, discovered the situation and I expenses.
martfeting beans at tbe local elevalor, adopted rigid .luaranline measures toj At M.-nver the merenrv was ll‘ deatFtubing have dumpethtbe refuse-in snpprcm tbe plague.
| ^rces below- xero Friday morning and
the highway on their way home, witb :
ArrangemenU have been mads for at Valentine, Neb., ro below.
the renull that It has become a ji«at'
tbe trenafer of the vemsins of Gen
anot^aoM to the residents in that yi<-i- John A- Rowlins. General Grant's chief
nity. it is said mat one road is pared of staff from tbe congrosaiuaal eemetotbedeptholseremUncbca. and the tery to the naliuoal cemetery at Ardwellernin the neigbborhsod are dread­ lington. A site bM been -selected at- <-ks'.'K iei-tw-»i-At.) <nU'K<'K.
ing tbe advent of warm weather, as Arlington on the east fropl of the man-1 Wv. <-bss. t. siout. Kectvr.
they will then decomoose and-emit a Sion, near the graves of General Sh'9ri- \ Comer Washington street and Board'
terrible odor.
dan. <iencral Crooke and other heroes | man avenne.
At Grass Lmke. Mrs. Addie Percy, an of the rivii war.
f Holy communion at'.>:40 a-m.
elderly widow slipped on an icy ps»eAt Jit. Pefersbirg. the Riwr Neval Morning service and sermon at I0:3<i
ment. severely fracinring hdr’Ieft arm ' snddenlyrose nine feet Friday night. !*-■B'
This is tbe third of a series or acciileots inundating tbe lower guaAers of the ' bundsv school at U':00 m.
she hss met with io the last two yean city, where eommuoiusUon is now car-, Evening hervlce and sermoa at 7 p. m.
Once she tell and brake her right arm ’
rled on by bosfe The iababiUnfe, All are cordially invited to these aerana later received a bad fracture of the ' Were panic-stricken and there was < vices.
auklc. I«sst spring she lost her only i
great loss of property, bot no loss of I
virst vetikhust.
dsughfer. sod Is herself in very feeble,
life hss been reported. Tbe flood Is I
j. *, Brmcj, pxin,,,
now safaaiding.
j Sundsy-Fipst gnsrlerly meeting of
A fakir has been working Aho Arbor
The war department bas^n con-! the Conference year. Uirefeait will
claiming.lo ^-yde to transfer photo-,
lempiptioD the use of the two big | commence at ■.>:3ii followed at lo:3n by
graphs on glass; He would get the'
photograph and say his process was to
Cremi.v for the conveyance of troopej Sooday ecbool at 1
extract tbs cbemicsl from it and ihdn on the Pacifi: Urviee It l« probable
Epworlh t,eague at ft:4S p. m.
sm^e the likeneas on tbfi glass and I that when they have eerved their pnr-1 Sermon by the Freelding Elder at 7
then put it hi a meUUc frame. The
pcoe in coDveyiDg tbq permanent gv
photo weald be simply soaked off the I
Thursday-tfenerel Freyer i
rioooii to Cuba, they will be dupatched
card and pasted on the glass.
at 7:30 p. m.
, to Manila by way of tbe Kuez canal.
about 100 Aon Arborlfea are mourn-1
All ore waleome.
iug because they got soaked for gi !; Some inferMting hUiory U attached
j tolwopeiwioD bille InUodoeed io the ,itvT. 3. r. Ceraiao. Pmnor.
I bouec to grant peasione to widowe of; m-jo a. m pubHeworship-FreachAfter divine service io tbe CslboUc |
church at Bmfiiet on Thursday there ,
was s miraculous escape from death.
MU. Tb».|. „,,,„iW,S.bool.
Hussnah Hcluemey. a young girl was jI two ,old,.r. ,.«dW „«.lb.,
cros-sing the Chicago * Grand Trunk :
I Totl H^oblo, b, tb. !■«,»,. S.bJ«»
railroad asa fast frleghl train was ap-1
l»..ob tW
both ro.wtotbbl..n,Co.,o,rlosCbrUt.-J.b.lOiSl.
proaching. whistling sharply.
o, li™u....b Tbw b.„,b,lr
slipped sod fell on the track, and had deaibe ID the balUe within ift
to rail over in the snow to save her minute, of each other and finally there
s Ketattcrr,. i-*.ior
1 ife
bUI» to pension ihpff widowi were In-! Chovch on eomer of KlnlhandWodo-

I SeueraV iJCcMas &Vem.s
U. SUaTvcdi *5Tom SxjeTQxoWe;

worth etreefe.
Nertb tl Maaisfee and back of the trodneed Id cjngrew eimnlttneonily.
wheeler sud Canfield mill is a settle­
At Dalloz. Tex. Frida?n»»e were' Sunday oervioea oa foUowe:
ment of Pules and Hungarians, who four iachch of snow on tbe ground and 1 Preaching at i0:30 a. m.
are known as tbe Beachcombers. They tbe alarm wa» the wont experienced | Sunday ocbool at 11:80 *. m.
pay no rent and began locating near in toany years. Telegraph linea to tbe I Preaching at 7 p-m.
the lake abonl i: yearn ago.
From otmlh were inu-iTupted by aleet and all
Midweek prayer meeting at 7:30 p.
that day to this a load bas never been ^ train* were from fire io liz boor* late. | «•
seen to enter this tettlement. AlldnrCall It tbe eeeentrieitj of a milUon-1 AH ore welcome,
iag Uie'season from tbe time the ice alre If yon will, bat the foci remain*
raiMM cHUiiai.
goes out Id the spring nntil the lake: that Franklin Kirrel). one of the rich-! Sunday oehool at m:45.
Iraexas again in tbe fall the beachin the Slate, luuied on the
Preaching oervice 11:00.
eombers palrbl the shore. The m,en debt of Chrfet ebnreh of Anoonla, ConYoung People’* Society of CbrisUan
work In the mills white the women and
ilicnt, being wiped
Bndeavor.nt ti:43 p. m.
and clSUdrea watch tbe lake for adrift- night before permiiUag hi* danghfer
Kvenlng service 7KKL
log loff or piece of flaatlng wood. 6ur- to be married there, and os there woe
The evening aerriee will be oti the
iBgtbe day the chUdrea wade sod* no one el*e ready at a oomeat'a notice snl^eel of -Peace and arbitration.’'
•wtm out Into tbe lake and bring ashore to pay the debt, be did it hlmoelf. It]
to all.

We find, that we have too many boy’s short pant
suits from r$3.50 to $6.00. All of these goods we
have made a marked reduction upon for two weeks
only. Suits are extra well made, great wearers,
many of them have double seats and knees-all right
in>very respect.

Ask to see one
of our-Children’s Clothing.
Our entire line of suits (4 to 8 years) —too many
of them—in fine goods—-handsome 2 and 3 piece suits
—these go at a uniform reduction.
A few child’s plain beaver reefers—elegant goods
—too high grade—4, 6,6, and 7 years, to close—$6.00
each, regular price—now $3.00.'
Reefers, 4 to 8, one or two of a kifid, handsome;
neat sailor collars—desirable in every way—


Child’s Ulsters, fine go^ds. ages 7 to 12 years-f;
will put in at about hajforiginal price.
. Looking for sonSt^ing practical and cheap—See
this line of child’s goods.


We bear it dally-our patrons tell us so-that there is nothing in the city to Ha’f Equal our magnificent







i oo

lUemsn wears them.
reliDeof tbeiUplekiBd
itneoM ■wortid satiDS
, Bade especially for boh- „ ^
day ffifu at S5e to................

Wesbow an extensive lioe nf medtam
and fine quality Silk I'mbreUaa.
they bare steel rods and
sitw SA and Ss Inchea.
fancy wood.sterlinr trim
med born baodiesat SI.SO to............................


For rood dresarra. siorle and doable
breasted s’vies, new paluros. St .so'aad.

Fancy Vests.

Dress Gloves.

Is of ibvm in silk




Blue.Brown'and Black Tricot
Jacket*, nicely lined with eer^p. striped
Baleen Bleeve lining, eilk InBlen^ O RQ
mgs: our great special.................


Fancy Scotch Cheviot Jackets,
Silk trimmed aleeves, »?dge nod Q
iwi’ket. silk frog fastening......... V.W




- Clothing at
Cut Prices.

Scotch Plaid House Goats, made
of fancy liack mnleriala, new i«tlerus and
<-olors, no lining to wear out. silk loop fa«tenings, exclusive jialterns, made ^ 00
expressly for ...............................


Elegant new stuffs—
Sailors. Vestees and Shafter.
Sewed well and fancy trim­
We start them at
$1.50 up to $5.
German Yarn Sweaters for
Boys—beautiful stripes, at

Every lady purchasing $1
or over in our Gent’s Furn­
6.00 ishing Department will re­
ceive a‘Beautiful Souv­
All kinds nf
enir free of charge.

Smoking Jackets—A Very Appropriate Gift for any Gentleman, i
Mnke ymir e.‘k*rtioiis now. P«y a emaff tieposit down, Hud •wo will. k«'6i) them, for you
until Chrisimas.



A'tides Make UsefuUnd Appropriate Gifts for Gentlemen.
The Oxford Muffler. !

All the latest styles. Pure
Linen, 15cents each: two for
a quarter; si* for 70 cents.
Per dozen they go at $1..15,
Cuffs at I5c, 2^ and 25c.

You wish for a Suit. Orercoat, Ulster, for yourself or
Do not spend your
money before you have seen
These garment* are made of fas! dye Imported Tricot, full lined with tjuiUed satin, col­ us. Every garment reduced
lar, cuffs and pocket* trimmed to maU-h; in price.
yoc can’t duplicate it under »10;

Satin Lined Smoking Jackets.

The Best at
$2.50 per Dozen.
All kinds of Celluloid Col.
lars and Cuffs.

Boys' Reefers Off.

...No Use of Picking from- Antique Stocks...
when this store U fuU of brand new goods. Don't spend a dollar until you have seen the

FashranaiileOallitlers .
ApSi. of 31I1.K.
m wa* a fariiifT

BENDA & CO'. Wo. 124 Franl SIreel.

evory qiinnliin .
•verylhlDK shall be lair and square.
Is a flna cow. Uruibcr June^-a niu

IIu was not

TravaiM Otty Market.
Ueool mwlicinr often fast for a eouplc
Below U a list of tbe buying aud aellef dayswbrn feelmsill fminimstrlc juici-s
inj pri« of yeaterday for jwoerlea,
and dose theniiwlve. with drugs probably
IiroTialaiu and farm prodaeU In Trav
IcM Ibaoanyoiber ert of latm -Savaeoab


III 60
be the'real butter yellow ni. fruld and sweet ai a poi?.
Iowa who were suiqnsrd I
!e wa« more : Want to see enuie of It?"
hpokboaeof the countiy.
Til take your
foxy i ••-''o:
like tt
lb doea aba Rive
It. But boW much
did ooona. who pririe thenii■nIvM nn the •
at a lutIkiDir?"
diaipDesaof their hantalns and wbo tali
“Well, she varlea from a pall to a pall
btuiianlty tiy tbe price of
and a half—never'iMMi than a pall and
' About a mil
•Dnietlrnea more. One momln^ibef
anoUMt farmer naiiietl Sliupeos.
not near NO shariifn I
Jena WM. and was
But Nbe Is aareof aafuilfnleveir time."
Bias altt.getli..r •"IJii® bin. however,
allful at a milktsenuuRb; a pall
was a lover uf nnra
IBR was tbe awrage hla o«
But by Nunx- erAel freak ef mtsfcrti
and be ibouchtolil Brlndlankcbtimpro'
under bis treatmaut.

CbamberlalD't CcAlc. Cholera and |
Dlarboe* Bemedy oao alvraya.U de-j

Floor. H L.*Co.Beat,
Owe noor. H. L. A Co, Beat...
~ L. ACo.Beet.
1,. ACo. Beat....



r^RO.B.CROeM attoravy a^ ^°,***n*°' “
Gr laa Moerytolpaa. 0*«va. «tyOpera
Boaae Block.
■jp M LpC001».DroUst.Oe«aola MMkham

aadooBveyaacIa*. tllFroaiBt
It t.atloeloPTObawpra*leo- Roo«»and
lO.MoreaBtlle Oo Block.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------,■

toimoliloafortnlRbt IteeaaeUaltORrther:

Among your prqmratlMis for Christmas
don't forget the Shoes.
You viU all need nev
ones: Feather, Mother
and Children. 5BLZ
5H0E5 are the kind
you wut and ffiey are
die kind we sell, why?
BecauM they leek bet­
ter, fit better, tvear


Alt a, .-wV

' Simpson was over»ui
tact, tieiri" I"
. yntity anil luallty of his butter and
Farmer J.mes wna n
naiRhhor's ptospi-rliy.
tcsribly vci«l. not to



brindle bnii.eK.

'----------------- -----ar Jones'
per bo

J»b,. tow).....

- ■«, —.«-iSJjri;:::::;:;-;::;;;;:


ww."'»"l. ■■v™ "-IWU.I ™ I Bllto. p«r tt.........................

firsaris i ss-^k’-s-

He had btiiiRfat a
«owa. he «ald. eiiioMR them *n_old lirliHne. ,,
^Wb^ be hiwrt thU.^Ki
tnlod was D>nd«
betndia True.—-......................
Mid that the biindlawaa the bcM of Um
new lot. but be must bare nisant that.
A» all evenu be <santed that cow.
One moming. when the two famiera
we»talkingloRPtlier, Knmier J-mi.-npoint
ad unfuIlT at old Brlndle and nmarked:
"Yon wouldn't care to evil tbateow.

Ik t could Rel iny priee for ber.”
"Wbat do yon call ber worUif"
X eotiUn' t aelU bat oow lent than • 100."
Tbat'a a tamarkable priea,


tbo row Rive Rinid mill.
"Give Rood milk! Yea. abe Rives Rood
milk enouRb. but she don't Rlveenouf^
to drown a moequito. You wOd abe rbvs
^'^'w2m*tM!'tlr,wba> I b«t bar.
Filled a pall taimmlnt full twtea a day
and Bomellmes Bora"
"And, pny. bow larte a paU was itt"
"Why. a three quart paU,«f oon»l
Same as 1 always I
'Tbe deuce take your tbreeqaartpaUI’
kL tumtOR on bli beei. Farms Jcriil
JotMs walked awv a mddtr. madd«' anf

•rmpteas et Vosth.
-Fbo mutt be a very youoR wo
"Yea Sbcsa7isncboldlblnca"-DatroW Joon^^____________________

Mas»« PoiMOr.

trimda smouRh. but I'va
bssm you wen very paltloalar about oowa <
and If she didn’t come up to your Idea yon.
miRfat tfaink I ebeotMl yon."
"Oh. bo. don't let that trouble you.
BroUxr Slmpeoo. X ahaD’tbny her If aha
Idfit worth tbe monsy. However. I
Bamkandalw4> over It. and In them
fcy I'll eome down and talk It or«.*‘




^aabfid Tantps


..j WhluBrvad
Hls*e Cakes
Aaaorted Fralu
Hacba aafi Java

weWiilaeli oar'brwd ntt eento »
loaf and over tbe oountar 6 loavca
for ten oeat^JPUaooB^t^

Bdiday BatM Via. 0. a. a t


118 Front Street

The Old Reliable Sfaoeman.

scale Block.


'AT^.^wy^rtg^ toealla lor eafalag. Ml



city BaalOMO OoUeco.


at M6 West HMk at.


X OWr-A Isay's paekt
1j iwwatbcBasma s
rUU sad Wadswsnk «
BsooSD aBm asv

TTORBBB rOB BALa-0»a t»a», wrtftj
FT xjOO BOBBas: ooc taam, wslsbt t,IOO

Cknadlan Holiday Bzenraion. One

round trip.
Date of tale
imia»Bc« property, let Ota
Holiday ratoa to Mieblraa and ladl
* forlC»ll'?ipI5Sd.'S»W^?o?tSa«.lSr^M
third tare
I itaproTcd. a

turn Jan. 8rd.
r llici
tion, bait tare. Dec. Mtk and <7th, rely that oow," be
••I have oome over to boy
we will aell our broad at 4 oei
tarn Dec- 30tb.
moarked as vooD aatbe‘‘RO
loaf and over the counter 3 ioavea
Sepinaw RniRbw of tbe Grip, eell
"But of ooorm Xdoo’twant
for Un ccam. Palace BakeryDee. 27tb and 2dtb. return Dee. S9tb.
Bedueed rate* to eoutbem polnta
C. X,. Lockwood,
C. E. Hdbbat,
we will aell our bread at 4 cwU a
G. P. &T.4.,
loaf and over the couuter S Ioavea
Grand Eapide.
tar ten eenU. Palaoe Bakery.

J^^Li.t*lSa“^lS!wkhl*aB“ ”i
TpOE O__ r in fast. o.

a„*«od paj^ 1)

inWovUlt'rMtrh.. sad m)^s a good i-oB.
____ ialpairaeacr. Caa hr had at a hargala.


SS,u,,«»to. I IW im. .toloU


Bncklon* Amloa Balwa.

HaWl.Ojlumbia Bandar Mann.
to rive perfeet satlBfaetion or BHaey
roAndedT PHoeMeontaperboaL For
Bios Pol iU
CWckm Iwpviial
Ijirve. iola br
Q- Johnoon and 8. ■ W^t.
’’**^8en^BakeS Beaaa. Brora

b!oe*a. 'Pbmo. boooe and ol-

W. “.iiSS5;ir3!K.“

with me Be
Be has proposed
Flora—That waa desperattOD I
Clnclnnau Enqulror

Tkb Bsn Salvb in tbe world for
BlDoe tben. If any one waatt to ses any- »uU, Bruioea, Boroa,
Oleera, Salt
tbltiR more danfoont than a nsM of ber- Bbenm, Fever Sorwt. Tetter, Ohapp^
' buonlvioaak JobnJonsi“bow Wanda, chUMalna. Coma, and nU Birin
a bebw
■atbsp liX waa"—New Ytcfc Nsm

"Veil, yea It la: but sbe'e a rmnarkabte
oowtoo. You ve no Idea whet a milker
sbe U. 1 nevor saw ber like la all tbe bom
daysotmy life."
••I've a ^ mlDd to boy ber, BiMbW
^"B^Vdonl know as I'dsell b«tD
you. Brother Jones."
"Sol sell b« to ma Why. Jnt wt

BRRt. perdoxen.....................................

igsadsfai^ titan any other ahoe
m»on tiie market.
Prices? No more and teheed a HtUe less
than many.lnferior grades.
Glad feet. GUd poAets, Clad hearts. What
more do you want for Obitstmas?


I will have a car load of fine

here op Wednesday, Deo. 21.
j This will be a fine lot.
C ~ Call at Brodhagen’s barn and see them.
I esn sell you good horses cheaper than any
one else in Traverse City-





irp 1
Siliiiii lii!i!ii


for milurd-a dmuXnic tatilc i« (h« fad of ! min-, *h» an*T » mlnuir*- *»pf
A m-wly rnncrd Klrl aal.t; -f-la ujain .luark tvnirdir*!
i>-cir4i<^! --Tow
orfKlnal-d thr Idea, which baa caiicht 'arm't a bit loo aUitM " Tn
’1-r^ brcao (fe*

tbe fanef «rf all the belle# In our block. : cure, a* y.nj will on my ua u • —,—
HIcw the children! Thi-y always ' bllKy. The etenetiem-e la aiinlUr t
welcome rJhrUima# rlsftol royally. U IcBsth-tied stay m the b« room of «
ts to lh#lr infectlcats enthuslaem w
h l«lh. and >ou wclph less afUr
the cmtinuous custom of celebr
efo-e (nklnit. I assure y«.u. • HuW
nau*. a Cbririma# MU and a ! mo.
rrm h v.o.
voo mrCv
mrCy l-arn
learn for vouree
,.--------- ..
. . .........................
... .
Fashlnos ‘.n plum puddlniig.fruit cahaa
and characterlBtlc
.ould con
.to me. for Jack is so fond of torlaait.- the sotaerrafUin* I know. AM and dainties nei-er ch
tender tliouchta yet l>e-tQp«i>enslve. the eoitic. Put then I suddenly remcm- *he shops are U-dckeal In scawmable for eieiy mother's daurtter u#<^t fa<*.
That conclusion waa reached befa^rc the b.rasl
I last year ^fanoi hail given •uirc.
Crinkled pspa-r plays an Im- pcs hsn.|ed rt.,aii from previous g
crusade. Now lt'» diftereni.. And I Ale>;;of sth-ks. sliver ciiiiis-d and l»’nanl inari wiicr- l>onl»>ns aiv aailrl. aliaars, wh-n •blaa-k mammy'' #u»
j monogminnaed, which ha- das-1er~al awua nnd vunmnely dcvis-d ls>xcs mode of It. lac-me, Tlir#c reclfiaa. like old wlMi^
I d-m’i intend odiscounM:c—hia|-ynn "freakishlyWomanish." Thii s-ltl.-l it. where cb .dales and caramels li-con. improve ullh age and. tradlUon ha# It.
needs must liav a long purse or a deal ' i al.-mdoncd that idea. Thts'ts no l*r ccaled. cime in the guise uf "LUUc Hoy b-c-atne faiiKius some 6* years- -go,
:uch Bioney is reijulrisl, sinlsl- r f..r olh. rs; but. as AI<(y is Jack's Hluc-" Anolher sue«-Ms ' Slary, tjuite , «-|p.n DPrxsh dl.i-t-d all ihe plrkaalar iidsli.-ss' c.imi.iinii'nle.
tlic gre-d of the sho|.%.cprr . b-si friend, !.««*. leiund to regard .‘.is Contrary." of nursery raiiR, ond i.irlnt,,
th- piant'ati.m l<. sliell ualBVtS
itilvd 'or
n sui»-rlinlvc gmsl Uisie,
»|> nh.ns not too IlgMly. A well turo-.] ■•"mes the bonnet, dis' loslng the hiding ,nd .Imords. -Hiop raN.n* and pulvs^
U. buy for whom." Although our anby u swe.'ict'iilid
s.eiii. d
note, which
rends eci; P^-ifectl
Peif-ctty charming ts the mmy «f tensely tli.ered stick from the gtrl of his pince of caodied ch-rrH-s, ''Uttl.. Mh-i ,a,. sm,.,,. -.wih ..loriar and r»sile -««*
s-ertora and wc .tf t.,«lay us well, hgve
"Mr !>enr Mis Q -Mow good of you silver and cut glass novelties fitted tb heait. liame Humor saya was this Muff.I" iinii the "HoughItlder" protoj<hifs and their nss stanu wen- an na>
situggb'd with IIS unSaiisfai tory so- ; tn t.s-jM thi‘ *»(:iiivs d most. The adorn Uie l«ihelor buffet. Jack hp« a y^tir's champion's ms#i-ot.
type mv inaiching with the procession 1 koown quality. In those goad old #•*<•»
lutioii year by year, we arc net-i: preIHly l« l..;aiiiilul to bx-k iif“*n and the»u't of apat Iments Id a swagg-r sccilun '
Jn this i-.>nn- ction 1 would rm-nllon IniendeiT to gUd.l-ii lltlie elster#
and 1
b.Hum d;
■ • mini jul. i.s av'
party! for ' the jwrlndlcal .Itie-u—lioi, | ang. I lak.-.b-H.-hutsty tempting, n-asc of the iivdpipolla. and nt his hniisc- golf Iragit Thoee m»d-..f i bam.rls ore little bn.thcr^of the rich.
held Imperious sway. iJke '
■WMe on.» pu''ithrlstmas gifts Jw. ! «ce.-(.t iii nduni |uii<'>ns< iously writ- wanning esVh man friend ie.mrthuted quite sman. 'iirme ..tbi-ni of canvas.
Many of these designs are eos'iy cop-' unr.ij;:!-d o' -;;ii • i.j. i-nr-«<•
fore the rush'l•-sills. \V.- who ai.- im-; ti n| the lamp and iiiy appris iatiou.;In isirl the p:ir:i|ihernalia for'tlio tip l» l-nthei le-iind find lined, have the own-• i^d nl home. Plain Isives are s.dd at i outlived th»tr usefulness,
ly .cp
p rhued more or Ices VI ,th the h.illdiiy
f-•• C-'T.llally
C-'T.lliHIy yuun|."
idate eideb.utrdi
; er's Initials pr.-ne(.heil In munllla
■'•''T-r's esia'dlslim.-ni....................
With crin- dunks .1
c tmiwlled tiy.i.'jsll.- aNtui during! t:K\l iiiaid.
.•led to h
paper, baby ribbon and deft finger#
ihe transfom-atinn will be as satisfac­
tory as varied.
lo my northern constllucnls I
Ulailelis- snd Knglish try fashioned Migg-sl "Hancock high tells." Tb» '
into a sort of sh<-w er Is.uquei, lied with h.mwr la made uf tbe f.jUcnrIng ingr^
scarlet rlUe ns Is the) ace pt.d tioial •li'hts:
tribute for Chilnmas^W*.
Crush half a lemun; odd a teaafsM*'
Purple la queen liPnOie realm of Polor. | fuj■ qr
" fiue
S b'x lur.x.of lo. .
At the beginning of-the season red. vlo- I Jigger of whisky
Mht well. THm
n Witt
let and gray entered the PuturHy race. fru|, ,nd add sclters.
and after a spirited tun violet won In
U ts rwnsideosj clvre
a caui-r. c•.ming In on the home stretch
arrlvm of each
gwwt. TIM
... ..'ey high hatl" ts Iiarticulariraijapte
Ull'ier the V
Irunelles lan k- efl ui \h.-m.Ah.Kl. as ii shaker Is broiigte
gray nnd ar- iiffecilTor It. unmlnd- inio play. IMt lh<- ju.'v .nnd rind «f
of Its trying qYiBUtles. ttlonds. ra- | hxif ^ into a glass partly fillai
dlant In .••.t.;-r toi.-d si arlets or «Ivid •
..hopped io . Pour over tbli
proclaim their allegiance, hut the I une-ihlrd of a Jigg.T-.if Santa Cru* oai
“ JlgBere of whisky. Shake vigor­
ously. and setwe In a long, thin glate
The long string of mock Jewels which with n dash of rarlwnated water.
you see w..m nis.ui the neck for ho aplltiec's an eggnog substltut- which M
r-asoa are i called "Hoaane a gn-at find: Heat up Ihe )..lks of Iww
-•fcalns." I»uig one exjw.neM of Ihe "Cy- •-ggs with two lablcspoonfuls of flag
sugar. a.W Jiilve of half a lemon onfl
A frf.nd from Pails W'rites roe that two Jiggers of orange brandy. Pert"*
suede coats are ihe Istasi .lui-r garmugs, dusted on lop with gralaM a
m.-nis. I can Imagine
lemyi "Sarto'
nulmeg. On.- mix Is enough for tw«. 4 rial Ji.y " tl;.,«gh somewhat
It etrl!;’
Jack has tested ih" merits of this drii
IS a dowi-nHghl pleasure tu_el^uplcle an , He smacks his lips and sa
■ici'asionnt s-nsil.le act. such, for In- 'nothing wsntfng In quality, but It lacfen
stance, as women diacardfog gloves I m uosmliv " tuhers may not agr«# d-rrylng a muff. Fur is
Is aald lo ;.
him. but his praise Is all aufllclett
whiten tbe hands, and that accounts for ; i
the caprice.
' I
Aiuoog the fashion hinls from the nth- {
•T rM- ■ oines the unpi.aunt annonuce- I
m-m that "l•ung- are In." The revival;
of the pompadour was undoubtedly the :
ilewlhknell of simpbi'colffuriw. lil,.llr’J
wake|..w .-d lm|~.slng puffs requiring i
----------------------------------a skilled artist i.< properly adjLsi. Vot- ’
withstanding this fact tbe style is In- :
«••««•« Hr «
»-t Wa.l «.
finitely preferable to frousy forelocks, ,
‘Pleas.-, mum. will you tend my fte
loose .-oils .Hid escaping curls,
thcr your husband's pickax'"
Paris has likewise gone daft «
lly cui
, scrlpllon that one husllateo—and Is lost. ' week, and 1
A cup of camomile tea three limes a ' tubs, clothcslln.- and pegs- and Pm gp■ day will reduce you from thrw lo live , ing to hatv u tarty next Sunday, and I
' pounds in a week, experimenters say. ; shall want to borrow her baking ditt, '
We may all be sylphs and conform to - some knlv.w and forks, glanaes, Tahlar
fashion's latest decree of htpless. bust- ! cloths and perhaps aome otS»
• le#s. tecklews beings If wt follow the ihl&gs." .
teachings of tbe tea taster who claims I
The boy. with astonishment.
1 the dl«cov.-r>'. Forthwith all ni'> read- claimed:
era. I'm sure, will hie them to the fam"t tell you what It Is. Hi
' lly physician for advice. He'll probably J don't tlflnk we shall wa
. give you as lUUe ssUafacUnn as did ■ your husband's pickax."


amiqu> u-arCT In a trurlo »bop: •■friwCTTmS^i Inralinn for
and amok-j
da- lntrtli««io-. DalK>-. r>on-lri:rt Jsnk Inn larkM. I kn..» a alri nho dl.J. Mrt-off?- lOTVloe thal hln slst^ wlU ntll- ihinka eurb an obiert-neaaon »-<iuld
» or a n-roaiM- boWI lo Jbold aome rira-dllj reduce the vank» of ih- »Hn-:
I other irirl # flower#."
! #tyr »IMerhoo<t. I've Kveled uowKtln#.;
1 pr-irhed a little aemion on econn- : ly tn the lhou(ht of #urh pnaalbllllle#; !
ly. didn't I? Well, I waa inspired by j but. IHns "a man of family." 1 dare
practical common ssnai- and l«slc ; not proceed.
— Hetly-aiar^mem. I wa# cmI Intlered a lone while amid sixinlnc
fld#nt 1 •s

Daisy May QUers Some VMnable Hints to Young'”"'
Women In Searcl ol Holiday Gilts For
^Other Young Women’s Brotliers.



rink. ,


Sotto voce, lo casual caller; "Do you
think ehe'll ftel repaid! The lamp coet
This it a fair example of the reelprorlty treaty established,
lan't It
demoralising? WTio wouldn't protest
against a common custom positively
prostituting a sacred pleasure? Time
Is passed when simple tokens of friend-,
ship are exchanged. This gift business
has merged in
■lUlve undera competitive
taking among frienda Yonr affection
be measured by
of your purchase. Open purse a
popularity go hand In hand, and e
those who profess lo love t

>' will stifle every artistic Impul__
might suggest daintily em- broldered llneui for Rbaring sUnd or
any other evidence of her own bandlwortt. lest the desire to eiblMt "ladr- oftentimes price being
. like" acoompllshnienta conquer.
merit A good old fashioned idea pre­
Ah. dear me! This ought to be a sea- vails among the few that eeniiment
■ son of Joy. 1* it? No, Indeed! I hear a and association make the almplest
cdionis of voice* running the gamut in lukcn-^Dvatuable. I'm going lo take
irehle# and coniraltos. It has developed
if eat o
lw»ok. A gift that enInto a gftt season of "give and take."
.1* lio o
That's the conventional
■ equal recognition causes
. iliere
iclndcer snd sled 1
labylen^ folks I feer I would beeme a 1 pardon, for It
I within my provJoan. Ifudlng a rebellious fcrmy sgatnet;
so to
do. euiBVi
Forget mna
and fot^ve and
■ » ince
luL-u SO
ku uu.
joome with me a-shopi.lngmaid from mlladye nrighj^uni llHIy's por:!ng
>•' rang in
; iny ears as I rummaged through

was one of the times. Too know. 1
you. too, have sn "Aunt Heily."
I cai



Not to g ihraae d goU where glittered auj. o gea
Soch MS spMd te d^if oi old Witt orh mid dtedca
Tbe Bthrloilgg kin
Do we oor boagge brteg.
Not tg g cbgir ol ttgie wbete ctett ol gtrfle dge

' I tbe agfHsi poleaute of Soaga a^eteg
Do we with bcarts that gegra
Oar ttoogbt gad itdin tn

Not to g iewekd sulr of caaepied «raa
Where tfantt. wise bejroad coapare, rteed o’er Alrtte,
And ipirtl of the sea
Beod wc the htettle ksee.

the festive asaann. dulle centent to te
eiaased with the unwlM and leas mathodicaU
Jack necessaifly heads my Mat of
• what to> buy Tor whom.'
whom." Over the
qucs'Unn I've
- cogitated
_ ________ 1 several sleep­
less nlghtt. What It U te be I do not
know. Butof one thing lam certain—It
shall be suitable. Jack's CbrlslmBa
present shall be for Jack'e use.
The Individuality expressed In Its se­
lection shall accord


, c.veiywnere > saw novelties lor toe
huntaroaa’s comfort, none exactly dsmenairating my economic tbeerlea In
I decided upon one of
the first articles I had under considera­
tion. My selection is realty very commonpUee. I wonder If he'll like IL ITc
mleglMngs on the snbject. After using

Aunt Hetty), but that did
price was beyond my limit. Fortunate as a matter of course, but when 1
other glrit may be grateful for the enggestlon.
By the bye. Til tell you a aecreC H Is poker, that our lovemaking then
guile the proper caper to refurblib gan and as partners we progreesed In
your best beau's den by way of a holi­ It until Jack declared himself os the
day Jolllflnitlon. the privilege, .yes. and golf links," she was silenced. "Seotithe pleasure depending upon one's meot and association." sbe grudgingly
chaperon's good nature and liberality. admitted, were both Included, and "alIt's guile a scheme lo lake poaseaslon togetber U waa not such a bad buy.
I for a week—make old pillows new.
w. supI'm really proud of my purchase. The
I ply tbe linen closet sachets
B fresh cards
are of silk and excellent manu[; lavender leaves.
leaves, tuck . away a "com-1 farturc, chip* plentiful, and upon tbe
bng" In the chiffonier drawwV. re- ' ebony box conulnlng the oulflt I mean
construct the drapery system, .give a' to hav. placed In the left comer his
perceptibly exquisite touch of fsmlnl-1 Iclllaia done In scarlet enamel. I think
ty lo the surroundings,
Don't yont
resiful (
bs> pbolographed
discover the most Invll
- •
for his fhvorite j linen
detect a con>i

ik A


Tbe gran givwt dee* od aanct creap
Aad uvage crealgrea tftri
la aigbty Haroaa'e coarL A aaaier te av ttrotc, aad road M woaitri^ ktee
Arc caartkn. Oaardtesa aad atev a chid wittta ttat Ma

OgtetreldMt te bte boda
A icepter o'er ah laadK
Richea aid power decay aid gwiMp are forgot;
Fea wisdoa waacs aad die* away tbe saac ai tto’ twcie aot.
Bat te ratetlai tide
C^'i love ttal e'er aMds.



-- ----------- , <S>99'9i-9'S^^9^/S'i'S'S^WS^9a/S
1 theiarlydayaii railroad-1
iT ene iiw

*fc, VWM«rM»


Miu Mab.1 Wilponhh.v, Mritinit in
Ibe Toronto Ulobe. wJatw lbi»i(t»nee



BWiib Uh
mi MBCtaa-tbnmgta


........................... ^

ida^ (• Trust the People of Grand
. . . . a2 ^
Traverse ^for Knowing

,ddr-and in Nel



alT. lull"*'}'. 1'
p.wrKtolbeO.'.BUn> la tb' Kb]-.
BmtVm Mm M«rM«HT
Dvana Ib oar al<x9.
vHb« J« • Wfkm 0«»«*» I«»—
6o iQi'.i-rt
, -___
*^llr W*. . IVrfMt B^pT«4-rt»~-f n^^rVu.1


■nan with 11)1' Hl -i kof runiirnsreorr. ...
trtber day. '‘I «»• lorated in flnriri
ulinot lise Unit, wh'ii viie Bo^enini.'iit
bad made vasaal* <rf the Seminole J udi- :
Buaef lhat ►! .I.-, nud hi ord. r to itupr. M j
*^1, waJn«raaatylo«lcetr.:vthemiwi
the r..k.oU..l.:e D.Pv IV..-,
l!..- Te- ,
aricinaily intend, a for li. ..haiidu.m oof Uie
tt> eir.
Mr. mrai..»u.
titalmai it
olf. another mu. tt.
.e dn
u.- .Setoinolea, It bad invit.-d
- ..u. -------- ' t.E xiakea trip
eon rr WB-* to b-uvo:ii.*d.thal •^er.p l-ia .
Two years later Dr, Stan'toowca Jotrr- ,oibeHe;.i«l '
Lotnioii HSireui
Billv was
was a
a l,»f rlokimi. enmtaror-t.ting
reriuK northward. Tbi‘Lmidoii
searum Billy
; plivsiciaii
invitation. franoB yomibly that tin*
. ,i._
siciati iisU

other m an




■ no point ....... -..ingforbih li -i- grrvt father at WMhingMin Eight have
i idav—when he «u. ramni..:if*d l-y i.-V • d. .igt.K u|Hrfi hi* lit- 't b..|i!.;.n •*. hot
' ora'mtotdrCiiriMiipMW^KH'.*—*I**^^n.|Jevnged np-m to make tlw trip.
bnwmiUB over with goat aua^i?* he . ml.orL..i . . hnnrd -d «bc't"i>i
.bow Ilf cuuragr. The
«i not the fli'-m
iiT. aiiE.uw-—irol.jH.'E •«»
'^^t-lnkiiitf It t7a« rtrratniutf—dream
lyi.f t:e-Mi.«-t!
llpiire and flolv
t >j.,y—ii,
1EB«. .,U». jvtite
--------- ------------------Klohousl.t bloe
•............ ’ •
• ir .•ii.i...... "•■■ coiaj-'lli-d in
*;re ihei-wrKaiia ^binl uitha ROldi-u luiir and ulormusl.t
end fo lighl.'ii
y.^ thnush alie hinl n-fn«ed h.m oe p.,«, . f llwir

*^Many y««r« ago my
Bogistrate of KlaEaru dittriiS, had ex'- |
Mtioo, aa he ofcen bad. to make aJour- |
tew on tbroogb rame of tUe , •
nore uu«ett!«l parte of western Outnrio. Aa tUow were the pionera duyi
--------- partN of Omaric) now thickly ae
tlodaud pro«ixiou
Biuiuio UOE..O-.- .....chi-n Ilf forert, in-

*'i''‘rTi h>1b>dc^
bisra u<
- *


When They See It.

I'l l-im'' 'd
|t,vi-.H.'T etiU. Her home wua at <iriui- it. ii: in p< ru..l
itr of oiN.-d. WIh-u Billy Bow,,W beaeeber? V^ foayl Dool>t, lunied friitn liia vUit. be hail
she was man-ied. ami. if nert. bnd ore rr. ue l.i. in-t.idution und looked
-oru ni«at Hie !i«vimotiv«-v. I fin1 rh" ml told him ig. tin--cruel lillio leij
,v in
ill ti...
tiie bre«l
tin-RM ,tisl Jiiliv u OUT or two jifier hi. ntuni
it cuolUu.var
(.-uold ut vor ami aek.-'l liihi liow'lic likid iraveiiug
OBcle and hi* fatber in-lnw. who ac-,____
irm / kT’T'' T"-t
bi.;COa<. limi U
111.' iron lionx*.
«jmpaiii«lhin.. tarri.-d Inrpo enwiof frniE10L.\lHlhU OLl ! be?
•• -Dull. Ill- .aid. with an upward
Bjonevwith wliicb to buy grainacd:-I-Ir
_________ _
-(iri^sfon..! (Jrim.iwif! ' rlnratcd a
:>« of lit. prmnineiil pr.iIv*eU. •hnr-t
..cap nogm'.i!,
.w.dwl..'i. 11.1 ^____ High
the etiiall iuu where
a,rf the moment f.T doing •."i lud come.
Pr..uioi>e.'..adclu'«'. t-jrriage a M>'on luw i-:l<
r than iw.
----------------------------------D alKltnemonie..»

lVar;> IE me«tM.
V. .
«urB In ib.
lb'- hHi-...
Dreitu> la onr-l«p.
onr -Imp„ ^
ih®. JoaraaL
D Ebormnn
BbtiiMn .a
ia t-a-iim' lb®.
Uons JoaraaL
-F. P

raBealrian*. -The only lilacca of poUlio j

aLommodatimi Were email tavitna or i
Iona tou-fonud at intervale of mtuiy ■
Slt-snlons tbo^lraiUor ruada. My j


(a Our Great Removal Sale is
the Talk of the County.

-------------------------------------- -O
■ill d—4 girl in a neat litile hat. „n limo. While maa he;-...
he;-.'' «ni-4r
flujjy golden In ad wa«
J- ,
,v Viu-t cloak. irii.:.nn alhtKt jnn b.-aii»* U*t. Duhl'j^-^HWOrl
I. wbrn i
• wmiid
of —K-w
.... E..
wcni. bill
Uicy btwni■ tb.
and. turning m bt.
ct.-nKl and maStan-on tot-ntl.
bjt w.. ajminaiii lilHc-faot. alidacUlS- Tui.eic-Diluirrat.
cloec behind -tliE.
e eJ il-iJTy golikj* eorls.
.w that too etrangrra
of. Dr. , fa-ring fi
ttddb'. my tsucii:
^pro-vchiuK ■
I itaiiin rwanimi. <i.' • .o.— -•,. •--- i.-.
■yiew aiiiie
Two Torfcil.lra ntoHea*
p^r of men
; airiun who »'visAh-”iy diTlnrwl would
rman’.'*d»ugbter. wiib :
The monliii.*.'. of the north end in
Jbo* diiiuir" table- with him at fbl> 1a*t
rfuim B« tln'vrose f«*-b ratln r ptini » lf v. iH an-o.luiirably il­
ia the pu.*t » nameJeDia lortri.l. J Ly iv.oYmlMiireuii.i-dot.-e A
JUT ivi'.in* »--**...w ,^-—1...-. c-----«BCle and Mr. U,. hi. fatlier in-law, in
■ each dr.y
. Janiiini.l.of very old feuiily proi»«.*.d to
\ -’ ^mlc li'T flB.he l clM«ka from her coot
.-irti luSDUer and rtriiiruE«
, diaapr”.’
. li'.r;il*liadlunicdr.u that mukea.1 all'r^U'iliintmeofibi.mnam a
oomplimi-uts "f .the hour.
Hm w lieTvi'lf langoidl.r
•■Tbt- mrtv u-Miu' n-acbefl the it.
aad. to uncle-* Miriui*t-. the t.wo *tnm- tun. ih? d'|.;h« <
MTBtrotlodouiaM ibcmily n-Rlingplaw) bav,- fooml , 04 ut 1ft. my.lriir Ralph,
t^wM f-T mil'-*. ISntlu-otincln.Vd | bavc bE-ul aiwkiug y-.n lor the liist
th« tb<7 wire hduiw <ir».eiH5W Uv- fcour."

they imni'lul nioppiug lor tlie night.


-»• ™.--



„,nj„rity. supply your WBnU wlile seh-ctioiia are good.





^ f^baid^hip, and you dcivd that wa -to her '

>, imlly in




loc'inil piiiil'A, "I dJ not un- to tin-puriHi..* nf a
.....erkiiow —.
Wimt do you inf-auf”
jOl.e v.a« to let n-r
'(Wist me uud the!
^ y.,Br pardon n.r tbc allnimt.. may 3u*« cW
R ibe pniiRwal
Hicj ,-avill", hat you cftiin-it have lur- prapi-*
LU i

j, «•»* Mr*. Siauion a tay to frowm
m. hr ih-i bateKI na.i.e. [

by Digbl aud tonicrt back. On ninniIngto ihebt-dn-aube funmlmynneli*

Seilhs ^. villo tjuiu Iu8 trimi uvit

,.pi„. „f ii. r.*..i. uta."
, .j. y„u
o.hI. r a mj.iaku


„bmd of ihau. i. form.b.-vcniity ci K-m. » al-


4 01 cnai*. »e"i
cuglband about 5 j
im-adil. and li.e mwe
clmik ciprsed
----------------- ----------ary other
*pot 1

/Au-I-l.e iWii* h'-r band tbo two

i( lO mode Boln-uti.nU the,
MCiiiiUT pair iu the lairh-om. undiua;
*ewwi‘uutCRf<'ll .»'l#ei-M*"
“Aft.-ra Rbort Hlcfp onclo awoke and ■
Slanirt .l4ri.-«l uct-ot lu-d. UiLVing bud »,

- ••j.ideedr
■ jLlortunato lotler*.
.. pf mni-al an-u on i;
gl.itA Urititbg'f-l-l
Oharaing fprl.

. a
H. t tli ,* I.n- Bi.t liK* tbaii '
Bcally. R.iltdi. if >'**i »Wd*«-ibediV ;
M-f i h-ilk
“in sight" i
Bi:iU-'!e of a p-r* uap.-wk''ret.iutgtrljtf'
. ;.ir wa*. fHl.d w-'h
b,-. pra«
patents live ymi wjRiid T'.- ' uraoluiyo
- .
4 ,^... uaikpbv'
t«*o*« vivid iiud- friabltal. dreiuu, iu m,-Jur li.y r*i>jcvj«‘K-ii::--* gei.-n;-t'y fu atGmustitfi.
.■■ it were dug
I. And
yCal-5 t<l li:-. •c It, pr.
which be raw .lUe oUbOM- im-u ndvauc- ,.,t;,ug .h-r .fin;.. It .for a Hie* wbib*.
- --;.............
ap rcBni
rcBd.v .«
u oe .a.,................J —St. bonif
Jng lownn^ him with a diirk'l.iiu r;: Arc .v<4l going t*. Lady Couipo. 11 a U^M;
low «5 Jlii. UU-u.-org
iu.m li'i. tude mid a drawu knife *1;. .m .lU
.t >i.-ll'.n V?:i1-e.»;
InbiiihaU'l Lat, limitug Ibe r.Kiai'I»r-'Jo; I d -I i.n-a and Itimi*'■
-.vrd and hull'
TwoPoiDie OuraMgr* A»kfd.
ly quii t. i;n>-|ii , Jierrtuadcrl ■bin.'-lf
**‘s:><1»L 1;.-;d;«. 1 I-ave.uUc-dacJic. •
. ii'.t. :;ii i-siT-i-oniou
U’l'Bl i* HiUIIM-ef BU*k*Vl|r b Ivll
«b<T.**uU of tone' ^,u y-u rr-'‘mV’
, •

that hi.*divam>va*
r’.Vmhan your .-.'mpe-. Icr .f yon C
>flrr tlieiiia i. riVy. f ,-ir> 0*khri»>k »
alight liupr.-beUMMUh-.- bad bitduai-i n- ,
. »e*1*‘T 1 rlee for !-•.*,
... two mvii, und K. !-U a*!.-p ga.w* ha-i'.i.!-Wl.-d f<»
A liBucUia*n'« L"efc.
— A* there h po ditli-encc. ••'i ,
but cmly tobavcthi boisiUevi- Ur. rtaim.u wu- paimg il.e ia-.vii witn
.*e'be vub'ie win b*iv «-nl» theM
a )i4nl.ber that
again. —
' jilr Jeiiii l)..rry. ■.□■■.tinacisarif.-'itt’
D»kr AiiiietHiii. whn. h-i'ic.. ...hat
H.. . ....................
- .ne>Pb**
Mon njiraU-u
talkii-c mdriH--. aiid iiul-v
' .............
I*i-ii )*i' r* - ^mut Cr-k-be-i-hvi'.l.r .HI a bii.g!* m--c th-y
■■"r U-gan

ict-gC aUd lliid l
o' nii'ainuliiS.' >e- mu-.'b
▼iTirl luid ;*iT«i«i- *jt. t
r till* pillow III B"«l CU.E. U*H
111.* be curried wvr.* enfe.


ThousHwIb bf baniHins left., for the close buyers, princi-


Sn^r going to W Mr. IL. f.-eJlng ibira,-xr.rt would <«e day U* b.t
g7ro^ and won.down to tb«
■■vvi.i.t did yon waul wiib tne?' bo•
teadtinkofwoier. iNoUuglitetbi-re. mik.-hcurtl.v.
Ba wa*a local prraeb.r ami rtauch ad-:
-v,vu an* cn»«. I wanted ynur wi*
r b«nt»otb<eMetbodirtcbarv-b.i
piy_t..*i!.ing in.m-. U there anything.

a« table* uud iruviliDg couipauiou* of;
the early i-v. However, be mm-

satisliod purebasore for miles

growinu short b.r our stay in Traverse Oily.


yonr for fiiih' t, ami }«<i shan't Uracb a

nracg'* in llnit",'

loads of merchandise are

hourly losvini: our uooru by

Rmiiiid. aud still the rush continues—no ahato, Oum- join the


“Ou enteriug Uw bar be wa* prratly

The eonwfiuences atw that


Men's fine I*' »z Imp6rt«?d Hay Suite. Frock andSseks
Sttiii Lined. Tln*se goods most be eold. cost rutting u
figure. see them. - '
Men's nfine cow
Gold Medal Trecot Suite, all wool.
(• Bn-nstml uud-Gul-a-wsy Sacks, DOlhiog better made, if you
,l,em vou have a d.-sire to bov at OEiv.

2 ■" M™LnH,„..fio-i„.poH.aEoEHd,

(• onr ItelMOval Sale price on these ipxgls is what makss them


t, blit it
ij|. l-ElEUe E.. .1 . ....................
wiiUaw-rkinffiicuaii.i auopea


.... H...aiu al.-r.t fire,



Look around, then come to ufl and we will show
PRICES. Goods- exchanged' -no money refunded
in this SALE.
Tours for Bargains.

P. S.

-»r «nn g.^i^c


atnt ar .wntbing •v.uiiiiui*d inTfi-tiiy »In* inind.
•nil he ullPw.dbiiuw.-lfIolail ^iDloa_ “My «>i,-r wil^n areiUeat. ■



Fixliiros for sale.*' Counters. Show Cases.
Mirrors. Shelving. Etc.

Iw. N.uroiio >.f
the pull'c wdl
t 1:'p, a bis *1‘'1 *"•-•''.,j-ii-kly p**b jiidftti»nlon th'm
. in„K
only the
betier one.
r IT
IT pi.uuil*
piiuud* am»
aud u»nauy
UDUatly uwu,
the bctier
,: Tbi,.Vxr:an.H
Thic'cxrlaii.H ih-lareeaaVar.f^rn>he lareeaa’**r.{
. ■
. . that
. pauilier*
____ .1.^___ were
...H.A ber,air>
u__ It. ini-dr.
. ' Ktiirn IntvV
■ . ,
U* imdv.
The lir^ple, _
•^K.iw tlioroiiKiilv alanawl and fcvl-;
**l tlm-k not," b" monied, rt-plyuig. ■. C, :
Jj,..,, [.,,,1 ,1.21 i:i, *• lin-d . have b.-vn u»ioe it for yea» era n«vc ^
in* thiit biedrcuiu WSKMUH a* a wara- to tie* lattcrqttf*Ti<.E
' *i,m.-wHre .am mg He- Ibicbite id'-ul found that .t c*e *'*'*^.* H
to|.bi-rouvv.l.heoiagemleua.u i.y hi* _!_oMcll«.tt.llnw*.l f
.vN,. ,

li^tdia.-. which ■*«» .acamialcrmpt- Lcviwu vart* me IJi:u
•d by the raUH «lruuu. like a luiduigui,
“Oh. R .l;bl la it ».nou»? \cn will

i;For Cyirisrmas

•ide Bii'l -told bitu of it, Mr. U. Ib.-U Cbn>.l:mi*. Kulpb. .
rno.rir*"' I" the trap «>o fimt,*-'4i~--“.-TCV.* days
.gajrteraied c'a'm'. but —
told him of the uii-niu th^*4i-4rr.Rim. I
“i r all.v c.nmcl im;ml*"..
. ,,.„..,i,.,al«tuhmg'ln«lClbtorlied iL He
the one remed,
Tbl* iiK-r.-aMltg their ypn-liiiiMiiu. lh.),
ghi-e:.l .Ihi iy ujii;! ibe *oo*e “1 l lO
I ifc,. th.-.-knoW
twouHU dn-i<Vt lowiii. h l-y tarns Mr imt,!,.**. i.ia-f* >W fin'd o«ay. Tl.iti i-.i ,-^ioJiut. whi^lionM»nJBebed\.,,„-i,^,
B. takirig liw nr?i which, .'"i a*>: o.-^- riu<'*'i'ii i
atm- liud elup--.! Uioraa fo«*w*PJu*t be hud w..
mteiiK' thuir door cnngbt the ear rf _u.v;;-, n

-......... .


“In Binoroeut tliti'afew praioA vi-'ry_ ,
I Kii-aUliiiyi.nicn-d curt ,
inl lire Whih-ilic
' wept
the b-rt iir:'i-jnrtf“riiiniivdiaie«i.f**;*e ■•iii
when ihi>vil'l4iD i.^rt cumeclo*.' i-imuth
-to t* Hi'D di.-ii:.*t!y. .kPjit pcrt.fUy
quiet \Vl«,nwiihiiiabi'ptlwoyarrtaor


1I.«. a»Mi «•

Be I nle rested


'1, llv.n.- Muu:f .biish
y;i>,i- w*-1 <m w> >*7 “=■■ r. i'Is-Ta d. ;.d.i
-u.aei.*,- ol;
;17d'.n*’-'.LrtjT..i-‘i Bi.*Lr. r . '11 I'U r.itt M
, i.'.a
ti.c top r-*u va* , E.;.n and »>-4it,red'
.( Me.-.- .r,. .
t-coniid u-.ii;
)> ami I'k'wim 1.1' ur ic.


ah« bod. {he iuteiidirtf* a*-®*!-!!!, tiyihn V",':.'
..fb'm'uHi. No ‘ruf
},4.» vvfik. >ej~c-i; ■'■'■‘•I
iJji-le-d re*-!!;

■ -.tti of bii'lunli.rn, which uu,v.iil.
J-uk" l'»b'vl
•no bud n'lnaiiiid {etf'.t-lly ,
.'^ictl intlicgruic. .-'he aL'-jtti.l.ekC-, - eiuhl hiiirti.i-griiBim.
iU iliiir
jbcri-ofkai.odbariu-d ^,.1 j;,,*., M.nhd.d tiir-iliif'irtalil.e cl*i-e.
da(k. thr.-i

ro k li-.-biuJ
till t^- .
- fuvvtoia'.
jliiy of th' vieinii—till* vanh- ui*u. ^
-»uic:.i.e-Wi.-iLiii..-i,Uu UieH]-i>“l '!•«
an animal. l.ukoHlidoot *if that
.qui-Ur. He Ui.-k-'rt away with riBe
R..lid‘ and mart.,a «<'--ur of »-vctd
mle. Then. ni iinf «iTpriH.'. he raw. not
1—jVEUthen*. OueoftiietWO
•ad.biR eiiirvRHifm cha..^^ to
no, had time. He drxa uot know your
Bcotand fear and be-«iwd liko one .
j ,(„„f
b;i.rt iViUT? itheiRip- The ctburwM
.v.E,H... .;.i.s.«"»E E,a di.l.,.4 E,«d,il.l, fUigdown tbi' trappeil mic i
It lick* I
iM-k feodcT
. ......................................
raitvd lint otiolher
• chiR-k* Nelli" hurt written it. : cn. t lie vEii-.i'ii'II “II' •■••mo anil then ;
„ jhc villiiin to kill hi
cl-'*e it niiw. -V.-lli.-- Throw; . Ouki- «hoi liieuuirappiil
___ jd that
Hut the nian didu’t u
it aiidP. Til* n* i* only one other tSial

raiipcd ;
• N«lUe a*-k'*d a trifle' .giyfacie XJiB Other wa» u duok coaiod
•*‘WllBt 1
'Dade wn* the find to eponJt. demand
fafi what bo -want«l. No reply 'WM j
••ttiiT.TOoltdow.'di'ar. ilr. (Jrahaw
SvcB. Undo tiicn.itbrwitemiigly *d- viaai.iii 't.ifiKT. Iho IJiitKin luiaar,.

^“”S:ff;rrS E-i

TMCiUB IdK r»v«
the roirfu at om-e oo’paiu of doath, lu
•bedimeeto ihi* tbe rol.b-r, wilboM



.iTfluirt/'floquai Ui lliv I '
niMliue. Batbcalwaya

SSh.„n.,.„.«d,« El. .ifr eEk'»
todu iu tiuv wav. bucked as tti-adily
fcomtlieroijm aHhfi bid witi-reditaad
STM wen no iniire."

-■ iS^'


In* IT


‘“S.SroT'il'^.DDr.. *<■ EO.!
w^toW a pcoudol you-—Fiicgeune


**'*-*No d-ar.
Btrancea* it tnav seem, tbe nriRln of

Do ».f'*T me—only ini-

Fur PU{K*iior to oatnifal nr
otli.-r bn-akfest fixkis. It te
tbe W-al morning LhaL
Thte excellent artide'of
■ diet ami a full line of

Jacob Furtsch,

indicaira a tondeiigy toward
pt.-e of flsoneldkmp

How sinsmlnr that ih.y thoulJ i.n eacd with Cbambnlain ------------ t imf—Lila
-nite i« it
imf—LHu Siumrrtiami LI'"'’
Ll'Uf*' and
and bound
bound on
oo to
to the
the chest
chest over
over the-seat
g,TiUe? -^c. now. dear, jo«i niu up ,
p,in will pro«iplly relievetbi S»in

Lw hone« »««r

Is tbe best cigar in tbc market for

For sale at the store of

Most popular cipwr in Northern Michigan,
every dealer sells iu Made by

A. W. JAHRAUS, Tonnelier Bloat •

I'nioa St.



OvwMtNsir.HT*'* St,.wSloe*
•l»tiotLe les.


Pain* ta the cheat when a person baa
i a eold

tontniM likoasof fire, «t>fl R H»mPSP «aire and
if tnai»e
and prevent the threatened alti
...•hnrtham" The miter ia inppo™ i*{* I tore la« uigbL'
____ ! peeniri-pK. Th's *t*ie tpeatmei
«,uii« of kbew elorea i
moment more, and Ralph Stag's j
* back in a few hoora

to be



fine dental work.
•I think il is loaking t--> much of

please you,

Tlic Nu'V Wheat Fotid


i.'rnff«:n 'be otto that wus htoki'u. 1
. m-A: ii=iv •siea'l'Mlh-" that the spider reaaouci

mth* llnng

lo-oup uew display of Jewelry, Haviiand CbiHawere,
Silk Umbrellaa, Stnojged ifcueicel Inetrumento. and
S^&ge for all iustxnmenta. Complete lines and
everything new, A persons! inspection is sure to

Piiisliurj '■

.,•. ;
ihiibaa- it.;.*mole.—unu eui-m „..4.. —- —le:pn.-r*.*iit«dlop- }.j, web t? I\r‘' Rcy» in*l''ad of i
of il.»-Jud.2et.i.I.yultBC



aha ini ter is to I* Acts ii. S.
^Anrt ibere aiijssared auto Hmmi clovtn

- K-«u* ma«; --I'rt

fare Jm bud l.^**n

,4 .ud «... Eli.

: or. 1 -•■

All t►rae to lllia.
^{f^Tlic (iocioT airdom me L ■tto
tolncral bkilm at thirlKhiid. nod y"o re-

fuse c»P r^ho mt'411* to gnBE.



o|*n beftw [by 8-A «•»'-

All work ef hlg^^l^lMii


Ur HdwIvlRiei
4-<ii>BOl irelb.

Dr, J, 1. Ganntlett,

“"I-'-- i

vet uaeS fer makla* citncUee eaej, ““

iwn Opflrlati «’1>
H lo Jaa. a
n e.etbo<l« a>. uM-d
1 br«hr laieslBii
Us'inrsiadled ,.,

,pl»* geU

Hamah. LsT*Oa.Bto*to


John R. Santo,
Gsaeial lisiirain.



■I Vbi'-ii uiotlK'D Itsd (bawivt.
k «..Trt.
liulf Wlk.
\j r*w«iH
r ..•j'liil e.
Bov >tull I in «>>.' rn«t tuktMink
Win'r>- »)l $■
nd nnuicr, and
Bow Ji.ll I
rariUn my i-ruy


m»l im~^. nir» aiJ® d«« ■!.< h«.rt «»i*n I lum h„r ua tb»i ■!...?».



fiM riinwM 4«tblnp«fniDi<t (be hos­
pital viDdotrs CDS aflrntnoD to Banii
wboo 1 inadP luy rAoiuin.
1 Ml Murta
to the lut, aa 1 fptrfhal oo ■ dmiry dn^
like this she «^ld be luori- tbao ever
I bed DOi sBilieside her for Are mlontM bcfoTK 1 loond tfast she was io a
bigblj rtroiiR
e ronditiou, ber 171ao briRhi, faer skin dry and b« r
reriDR with ibeit ftpid Ik-hik. Afiur
'a few coumonp:
:1aoM J Miid: "Whal U
it. liana?. Win
Yoo have no

0i» of aiRbt
'And i aball vatcli your
Blob PHe<4 Barriaaw Lleeaa*.
trai^ awt^, my si>ter.' tie added.
Tb* Chirk^Mw i. Risiiton. BOW in i
bad tioarreletrdesperately with
"Aflir I bad flnisbed dressing bin I
swsjoo at Tifbamlnso. 1. T.. baa paand
bostond. Ltf« was no hmRor ol
weotliack toinyn ai. and tbeu 1 langb*
________a law which is intended m atop wblta ,
He lonbeil rnriuoa and asked m
. .
e™ ««> fTca tnarrytUR Indian womon ty '
V°n »oa’t boy we that bwnetr'
Iso.d bisfaca
$W0 for a martiaga li-.-A«d ai aba threw open the win
wm n fair wotniui's and bis hair a dark
one's, a:i(] be would lie nntired tiirer'.ly.
‘*1 won't 1" be answered flrnilv.
Tbata are abopi 10.000 foUbloodsd
Ee mowled at ue and said,
Roodby." she exvJeimed.
Indians in'the Cbirkasaw tribe, wtaiia
at tlie same time be brooRb
tZ ‘be ntbers ate about 50.000 in aomber eliinblDg on to tbe window eill and half
bsR a iHHiie of dy<' and a brash and bobopinx that ai the last unmejit be
and are bslf anti qnarler bloods,
hishamis. Tbestgff would
Bet no word said be.
amnuR them are many sqoaw .s
DO. and he sdionk the bottle violent*
These sqnaw men are wbiu men
bol it came in lamps. ‘I want snuie
Ice riiiR in her esrs.
bare married Indian women and settled ftdi did
be saidI Ticioosly.
vicjoiisly. Iand beawoie
'Don't yon bun that rosebosh!"
ap JO Indian lauds. This pranire is not
r, no owfnllt
to ihelikiQRnf the foil blooded Indians, wieiL—Pick Me Up.
a wmeh; Tliwi an iiispirulir
me. and I uid: ‘Sec, I have M„

iH-diciiie s(
bnt I takira aH-diciiie
sctui.tinies which
is a spirit,'arA.I
"A.l ^•uf'd
ether iiilit.liist..itI.-X]idsb(|ok
it. It ICS
ifoli/.'Uv-ame ac.lear, hrtiwii Iiq<
lie M-drii'lv
scdrii'ly haifceit
hofceit a 'I'lmiik
'I'lmiik yon,’
btu rapidly
pidly pnliKcIhiviiands.
pnliKi-tlhiviiandii osidr bia
cleverly as his riRhi.
Thm be
tried bis face, aiidihi'nl laushail again.
lima with joy. for I had BRaiued
LonraRe. and I Mt I shnoy capiom

bol they were powerless n^l rectully.
At the last tiibai ejection the fnll


lakiiiR yonr
lire quite

'll ibut I canuoi Fiill iL-y liinDsbts To­
day is an anniTi-nnity”— And «Uo« -p>*d
Her Loantifal irray eyes vri-n- foil
of tears, and she was iry/ug taanl toes*" then lie raid 10 Ipe, 'Take tan.- biusli and
eieiw n If cimrTol.
"Toil me." 1 said, "all abnnt the an"I imk it niiA prr tended to tmubic
as I itiu'-iud his fai e.
■i'<s>i! b<- Shri-Ved. '{ will not
•Tl tva« II years ajo Uxlay rfneol
Btet my bn»b>..j'l. Jraa Loovain," sbe bert yi4i—«i'e how tbe traiu rusbee—
• bcRon easerly. "aril cur
wii-1" a j aw ji" aiiiiT etransr oik jndrr.l
I was tu nwreh1 f.,{
“ •'ISicu. iiimisienr,
j nipa-t alo as I tell ynq t!r
I ranttlil
a clever forcer—wb<nn,»li<- p>.:in- Be-jaip^t
liend to be a woaisc—and 1 had tn ro| n^ h:
-leak and pn^ n nml him, as a
to tbe Riviiva 10 reunh Ilf hit. 1 hail; barlsr pnie fai> 'In.'fL and, tolling him
been in fbi- llrspitid
ilespitid of e-l.
^1. Jat qut-s to | 10 shut ht.« . y.
1 lagiO] to paint tbe
•ee a tuai
lom I ihooK^I could'give
:,t 1 t-aiisfi rred fi;e
'"'■I K-«V 1 ae-^
me iufon
ini to juo ] Hrii-h !n aiy li ft band. and.
nddenly that the
* •riRlii. I loiik out
the atiqiper from the
Merry woold be a good disgoiHc.
r Mt chlnrnfnnii Ind^ and pnor,'d half tits
. Faris in time to tiaaob Matveiila
laweillea early
beivuildirg ihal hud Ik-o
Vonud iL Eappiiy it »va« a Isige piece,
/and. drupiiiiip the bru*h. 1 prutw-d It
•nd aoaro'lyrccognirifimyscif a«l lookiily..vartii-tmsi-Mii.l mutttli and
tbe great glass#! ibe railway
‘salurnteil it willi tbo ciha r.
Ko hair ooollid bo sect I. and the
"3‘bs sortdeniicwi of jbe ^tioti tank
large collar aud
and w
winged rap Rai\aM!ie him so mncli by snrtirise that for oue
quite a different
1 h..d senaid he wu.« quite quirt, uud I ila‘le-d
banphl a eiDall bag. axie-ilv like tho-« tbr taoll.V Ilf rivi' riRlit at bis eves ui l;u
the sisters cany, to hold the thing- 1
111. Mill
needed, and I bud my |
n.W«a bliudH fair
aide tte dn-m I wore. I was va
itieiii, hi« arm-were eiituneled in the
and tbe caws that toteri st<d
cloak, aud if only the cblnroftimi did its
pied jac f ^ f:;T:n fy ''.at I K-c:
weirk K!ld 1 i-onhl Inilrt biai alciwu! Tbm
lasa and suflerad at tiiuas lio
eniM.m. .*R<‘UV of tbi»i- few
(N.4is|nUMss, whirh would he -u<
dly ber^Tui'M- H-tn
srh tls' kiiita.
\ Tiohait pain-10'my tirad. Toulh '
ni.;Ufniii. but 1 ki
Nbesp*'" I rurried aiwarsjth
away yn-tuvlpi
'nl.that hi- fra
Ik! i riiijs win h
k' i>r i^wuddiiig
aQmtlUr. J. Hi-li

"Faid.u.. m-'n-'i-oi
••my tali' i\!..; .. r tin
ii-vi ral laiipTb^nc-i. I:


im nt wlHuceJ'buviag J

Bicycle Riders.


-----------------Bemambar that I do all kinds of r»-


'• I—1 »e.. U

(or pc tlicoats. and If yno wonldbaqoita
stop in till 8 o'clock
evary evaali
Up to date have comets to match.
except Sunday,
r. In tbe Chldwall A. U
"i^BciiBile" lace, m .much nrad U« 'don boUdtog, at north end of Onl
tnajDier. is spalled vmb siuhII tufts of 'atraat.

a TbU la Oarmaar.


SbeiiilU' and bruagbl uM as cue of tbe
*-s-eib‘s DovcliiaH.

control of the cpouril. Since then they
bare made life a bnrden for tbe half
breeds Slid sqnaw luen
Many laws
have been ]»swd dettinirnlal to tbelr
iuleresla bnt tbe most efferlive acliuD
of alt was taken Issl week, when tbe
prim of B luarrince liui-iue was raised
from »00 to #«!U0. This is applieabla
, ,
white men who wnnld marry
anmen. OousiderioR. bowerer,
0 BveraRe Chickasaw girl bas



cvemne Rowoa
be daceivad by what otban tkl yon to
While eletb. flue mod silky in UnMi. ! the contrary, hot come and oea for
it one ot the fashionable uatorials lor ' ywnK-lf*e hhd<raaid-s KHWO,


wbit", mill you lime MUa riui rooud
scid 11 as strady a vtura aa

"Ah. I fs ;• iutifoiRiT foo'i'l tinm a
Otapi'fr Tini?"

frills of

Jer Is Ti-'v Biwb the fasfaiao fartrito* (
mins tbeaicf waists and evening gowns I


toinr. this seUm.



--------------------------------.r* wade very
nari by sii-|iinR off tbe front
out edees
(dees to u>e
imd ll.'. Isti. Sreyi-u ikk siei disve rbi- tuunil shape i

LV.n::our i^iido'.'i'' ^"'“■“'.OR.SPIHHET
Fancy muffs of velvet to match tbe h
It are displayed veiy tim-"—
lionR the exiiBVocaot mivelliei
j are flat jp effe<;t aud made with a
sub a don-1
I bla rnfile at each cud. bnt large in oiza.


ly not yet affect tbo shrewd
irewd Vwhite 1
apecDlainiK wbo bate been uairyiDg
tbe CbickaMiw belles fur revenne only.
s-Ubicago Inter oJoau.

Ever Buroed Out?
If so yon know
. ibc value of

stowed away in tbe
. ireusnre ia.z for yuars. edge it witb a
"Docrtir. 1 wish yno'i
'd come to my ' tiny rnrhe of white nionsH-iine do side

The loMlr and tbr l.lna.

Itiswitbont a donl-c fl <-''“>ifnrilDg \
reflei'iiiin that we of the closing nine--in,
leenib ir-oinry have eiuergi-d from ‘be ’
lightly chrysalis of an earli.-r staga
au-l that
cipniod msukiod


ry. bnt 1 can




i aud arrange it iu abettbaou your evenlug gowD.

« *0



Oysters! Oysters!

A unvelly in wairti to Wear with

h s $;oi>T<touooatis maduuf wbilevelvet
U- a-nooKb to eat for both
‘‘“";and simply Bnished witb riichea or
yon."—Uer Flub
Ikbirriugs of yellow rhiffua and bas a
I iliiuclnue clasp at tile center Xif tbs
ciBvnt bow also of
■ yellow
Jo yam 1know. Herr
Affable Widaiw—Do
in rapture tutbedyiuR
MolM. my daucbiet
dauRblet Maod has n
-i b«r
pled b
—as a ttiniminp to be nm-d like braid
‘ eye* most hm iuRly nn yon?
in pHtterns or oewod
Harr Roller (inocb (larteradi—Has
in straight rowsqniie dose together.
• she. reallv? I have alwayi
- Rirl.
iirts ar
Yet evt-ii now a Danish lady has been h„ . ,*,1
svpress difeet fmw*
"daiUR Iruuicuse business" at J^l's,
nud net tar y
k- Widow— Yos; only today sba
Coort hv tbrostinR ber bcud witbhi tbs
I' nollars and vesta>—Kew Y'ork Isnu.
ReinrBil srrieiebsr'-. Ilj-sii-s House Is theI eal; besd.|usr1sr. r,r««K*]. flr>t rlsssojsten.
..I . »„™ ll™. V.I.M.
r my papu!"—Stray <iu>of these terrible brute* an-made by IbU
iiKthiiusHuds to
pl.-s belweeu man and

Baltimore Counts,


Selects and Standards.



dHDUklerv Bliiaroii to leap over flaming
bars and In Cre tor pistols, and oim of
these das* the end
will Jure her ui ne. oue of the lions object to Mr. Ufiortseose. .
Marie Jausen. Arilie McHenry and
Will note the ohaiiRH, and there will b*'
Dau|ibter—1 never could
t pauie of bormr Mrieki'U eperlalors.
| amau as tbni. He wears tbe cbeapect:'
wbn. if tliev maid hot own it. came in
! kind-of ready made clotbi-s.|
akinp h
tbebulf wbispen-d hope of AimeibitiR
'Mother—Tbut is lucp) idierytirrasy. tHalt
r iu "Jack and tbe B<
aeu«lilii)n:ij. Niuiidlitug over and aUivo
Uacghler—Y-e-». ii/i I'm ufrnid be’fl , She is
lUiiipli of mind over matter" ! want im-to dress the same way.—Kow ,

Mefs ColDinblu BesUinit




xxtoto o#.toX>.

atl Jaceleeks m.

torn Weekly

iH at tab law scfauul sa.shc cau t to ‘ .
. fouled o

■■Mere a BurBler.

Mies Atini-ui
Wantimau isudrleiily
Mm-.C'alviJ'llesTa-.ktheWnlpilllrd.ToaL'irb _
*.............. ......................................
........... .. '................................
- .
I iKioltry
farm. u°d-inhiiarka.lde lal.--of these j- SwakcuioRi—1 •V you have my'
Herr Vogt, tue
bunk, hut ■'
pti.. . ut dairy
as. ,

IliitUh si,-nni<r which oruiypart
,.,:rt r.av ,«r 1,™,, s,™b.,i 1
lb™, .b,'.; j.i,, „
ar.l hit J„vn, with a b.m
nargi. of sugar
vLu , 1 \v ,.i.. an
L'bati.-. Cutblan'a coodneV
n-kuiidThe Km-ingtCiroie....
m w'l wo iiT- iVili^ Jg.rXhVwT
you a siilgh'niiinr—Nugget*.
Am-lia liiuStiain and <>tndy«
LMtit tobf........
teufthnactioDcf ra"-uMv l . t evi'M
----------------------------------H. t;.aue'« com- fepewl-V..........
»dn..vl ,ae.*.'.r.d W tn fivetaV. .'at. tm s,^
* Dimr.l,,.
' imuy tuf ••W.,rth a .Mlllr.n "
im. 1 t. iiii-mh'T-1 ipruui,'‘i u vuM an i nf s-i.«nd tbe
-"The cWldrt-ii hnvi-U-ti very unroly 1
Lu.iwig l ulda. with n tragedy of life
ile-re that dii ut b.,ii.S,t ii.iliwus ul drigeu IIi-k. llard- ***^®y "
M.vklou's wile. ; In < it. is' -, lias uiiulc a soio^foi dehet

ard 'a £i..n. ■ pfiiple
iKWi ec sp.'Oially jv bad tli
vi-*« 1'. prow ll.i,. lied the
: Labs Aia,...........
|"<1 til pro-;
itifuHic.s.iiiid I ,',.j«.rilwo.nti.,'Bi....'uma,-i.-lhytbi.
Van Dyck, lirau'ii UeW le
111 p-rhsj)*.l -braid €.., a
if j
"tibedm-w. grauons!" to bwo rw-ived wrth .-nlhnsia.m iu Chi-!.
.Kiy iiit., Tr.o
at him aid gilt in.
• uMBini a'.uiit lhi-n.:li
Th. y galiiered »l>‘ntmiu.lfdiy. "Well, Ui.r,'s ous oagn. Jiviu de K-Xka niu-l feel bad.








-lu: ass—>,U' IB.........

[•u.ariBtj........ .


ii :U ar1^aM’’V.'
They au=,ken the ttm-'-W a.unig-n ^.ur _
I York" tov h-en m-king
great iitk '
. n
001M0 8C>rTH.
himvlf on tiM-(s-at in<hecirnerf4rili.«t: ir« wrist
jM.i-t i'
'Ha. ( Ho liHe. 6
from uic on thsi';[a
-'■pni-Miop. T,..i. 1 s.Micd my-‘,f CD -e^,.
,i,e,,., iHcr ..ajlinned
■ Bri-k. l—\Vhi.l ran 1 s,.nd y
A.i. Ik Mvasot, once a' inGtnb“r of tto
off the laige cloak be
111.- flisT. kMi:'-:;!
“Touiviurpn-e a:i>
It ucxi huvrug ill ny lap lie-Untie
onnipaiiy.Jiav ntaraMrs. ti.—toud I a a 1. g bf watioa, '
.tor s B' S4D....
• t_er»
wav'j urtlr f'l-'M.'d at.f rL!"rf>fnnn 1.) qkiur-(-ti tin-|iutl if I
lilaok sbeep
'''' "
iii.-ziieeti'd rcfcne.
•<trK.,f Jiinr,"

to»k from (* n- alb tin
tall ill. inU* s
u Jiim-h.
llrifba—A bJackabK-p:
" ••
A ll.wk uf b-at.
|,ir>U. (he fto i.f
"I li-iv.- hii I.:MIV trying jimmcys.
tbci~- ill viiich «m-i
Oatulle Mctidef' "Medea*' will toi^
wheeled I
Mrs, S —V.-*; we are iu.monruiug.
jt-rtf'-u uy.
loolu and
nd .pi I
»trqt ii'-vi r aiiuih'^ to ciatch 111
played for only (onr wi-ckii. as B-rn-loedf.......................
nor. tlien
know.—Bdzi.ur.v tiazLiie.
-' [ 10
« 1^....
. Natnt illylw
bniiittste act in the fonta of Fraitpa ’ if' i.v.i'
•butt time,
throngb the wim. r
Ifiu-k <u iho ritr.’
itipton of.

s^'b:r:;v;;:.stir's I




■■ nMS::::

■ ■■


ami lie, 1 saw a gl< .i i irfoiiii U-L -ath
th« left ear gfiPg right tnnili t hie cinu.
"llni/wbia itfiantl; . He vrui 9n-'
rette. lie niiia Whiim 1 toltn-crt safely '
in 1 ti«,n ai TctiM*. v.Ihj WB> tkr laorti

Ir glihuTcnct.da-ldid. It wtnied"'^
us if > ...nld uK
.MurluL-.i- rr.
X _
imiiR tiifc.-t.,

.n li.r "zr.i
• «qs-iwvl il

lupuiiinis .iiiilcru. lot agug.'l thierea! d'-'V. andljumi
wiiiiiiiri ;r.|. 'tMl I'oris fci iLrivi yearn, | the
i zcilemnut .1
«»d who hid Uin cl. TCrly .'apiun-d' briik.d: 'il-ir-ttc! llureder
Ihr-Mii' nik-lstain. Tkvcaj.ror had re'Vi,i.i of piri ht'r' ctdattind n ftiU
oeive d .'' rrancs. aud now
buvanted from i
Was at liirg- again. «i:d here bci
fu Ihia u-jrri iv conij anmi4#t. 11“ Mop.
1« thiTC—ft if hr!’ 1 «alil,nnd
II ili'.i afiDS of liieiuun le*ide
ped bi- tJlivt uiiu . .Id to
in Ills' faiul*
quiet. - !' ar voice i-!'i-h I ki ■ • m to
i:ii.ii.l n-1 uo mcr.' lawebd
cmvi'l Jus .•toniifri.tiis: 'My siM.-r. I
Bu) cf th .- rcji'nlit' i'di ur. f
:rhi.:< r tbe staiic
•m running l;'T Kiy . My !.:• ixn-ar
to me. and ai'lhitg » stand rti ti.e
and tbs lull tsui
Baycrf ii.yfrvub(HS. Dovuupndentaud
•ajn. warder
warder of
....---------------<g,.'*.,i.l thrsupi'ih,.
"A« he *aid tKiii 1-c f«,k from bia
mi.-iii. ■Ilcril;..' .-ecsi-d from him
bngn laffp.-, Kluigi LiLf-. curb o< eliuu-

makm Dw, and laid it ou ibc si's to' Bide faira. JniiRe, uaiisiecr, bnw 1 f>-lL
Tboagbt if quick, and toy brain bad !
y^vrlul far lo the few miuup s »f the :A joarnry. Hw was Dnnttc. Ifuulyl;
«onld capture him. Ilic tvward wiicld
tuakemrdiar invalid motiier rich farfh. 1 would trv. I would i
think. I would niit quail. Dot first I:
nuisi ucL J sbriirk iiiio my einiHir at;
bi'wordtand lieiabli'd auti l>.t ihcdeanj
. i


• nid b.- was rilrVcr cunogh to
i»|ie.-i be wonld rotnra to Tooloii, bet
bu! did t)ot
look fig him dti-Acd as a
"'Nbr did I riprct to

First Sw.-ct tiirl—Ifthat Mr, McAnna tocshl u, a yonnR tian Francis-1 ^vwtoTcI^'tkV;.'
Mork?. Why. he n a* ngly ae o slcBip
. iOeanclaa ...
luuM'l Y’uusaiilhi was hsmlHitue.
I Laiaas Laiir
i^^-nii.tiilywl-li pan;
I Oror*

is —i'hiladrtpbiu Times



If liaty
Italy is IH.OOO.fKlO • g?ar
pnpiilsiiiia of Ft
liLl> 1M» 1,1,Tt, ih.'ut.-t- tbiin Franca,
.and twice as muuy as Knglsud.

IsHf bans
rartli'd tlie |.ri2'. fiw tbi-ir


----------------------------------- :day.';that



t in llio htM •ry i.f any « Da
r noMiWioa Shn V.U1 18.


F X :

1 I* «;


iui.i,h.H'f..r 111.. pr..»peul_«;
Vurt Li«i|,t—Yes; hnl.I otrii’t eleep
-..t.l.K-„nraging|,:r..ur liirm.rK Tto i,
liU i OMcr.-Boiirzlc-l! U«Li,olaf,ii,l h-ng tod will'
ciiis m diaiucu-r.
......... ................


o high ihnt u to-yesr-i
tall. M..i.diug cm tlia.

lii |irmi-tiiy friind privately^
vtidlnm piihlicly.-Solon

that «ud '

pontahmeat thin
that ••’
I.f , beiug.ahanduuedfb oneself.—

|---------------------------------- *
Kwew Beuer.

wmdow.-Ch.cago Ki-coto.
l. Wver P-IU.


» W.Cr-MHoaAu.Axvty*'**'

“—"—T -I,-.
ho paliem —Ueorge Klint

;enDd Ripids« Indim R. K
-r*r arMral oaS dapam rr ut >rmu>sa. tvovsna
Cttr. 1r affrei Nrr. IS. tws,

Tho nnaUtrstworm will mn, toinfi
< troildeu pn. and doves will |«Rk, in

W McNair of ton Franeliioo'«>


“ '■

lUi^was , I

"S-mple Trunk.. " «, 1 look a sampla
•'“‘••‘e I* on cibibiii.iu at ibe post-1 and stortud bumc.—New Y.irk JuotBal.
lie Ito- Ic Sflll


fair torn to to
mt Bf
phases.—Jeremy Cnllier.

Jortg.,—V.-u oto .h.-i

............. .
f-'-fh.T. al-.i « !m tall, lj>|? nirunk. WbalUy,
?“» J*"’ «hlc tall, tto tap-.i.igetherj bnu,
Tbu. m-v.i.-iito qnite a sluiy. hot tbe^ sign m from of the


us iSS;:;:

^rcb will

vmi. ofJ- -I to.r-.ain./^^And (but was mauv cnuri,rises. “Tli.-v u-il
^r. T.. r
how Imot a,yhn>hM..i.’’-U,ud.m Xit- McNair ' Lt uu intar.iVwer the other j

y raet-adw s»Teme»



„au„. r,. cot





sal-Kuanlof fbuit brood —toiakaB>sara.


belter in tbe affaiia
^ of other men than to tbalr o-h.-tJj




! 2 Ti E e I fl el eTITEiE a e

itoy'lnmet.Mimtolihunor. ;
Arkina-Whal kind of alarm clock '
‘'«»1 bfe^dinc is the result
oourteon-l.v ri'pjt.-d Mr, M.-Nuir, wbo have von*
Rood'».'ii>e. «ou;i goo.1 natnre and a lit-





^"."= • • ?

. sssr--------

,4.,, j

PositivnneM is a ii.A,* atonrd foib}ik
tt .vou are iu ihi right, h lessens yonr

u.-vit hi.t it. "
____________________ _

triumph; if in the htiMig. it addiohanie
to yoor defesL—aiioruc
JOT i.U't I'la
‘•Of r-'u,
a Uiumkrlnc csld:

" S8i?r.''‘i 1

.,,.1 ,i,i,! “Oil." -c >■-1'",,-. y, itaov.,. 1,I..',

A erne matt n.-ver freta ehont bii
. pUce to the vipJiL t,nt ;ii/t ^jde* into
too pave- ItbJ the ki«vu,;ti)«, ul bis nature and
awinga iberu M^ly as a ator.—I
Chapin. ----------- ----

I know net wlnit t*rr
If only my ls-,ly »!«
Til WKn li'-r car.-iivni an'l'Si.iii> rn*
One biiMliJ. 'beulld, rin* rUi.u.-;
I know- net tbe rimin itmt U strcnxsr


' vtiy e SeS sgfifi
1'^TeEsl'Se'E^eTe'sVe" s^E^i

:|±riVfiS£BliS2£«St;S 8ESPS
^rlJnitcd Ftoles has 47.808 cake
a while
OV*OS. IVim-yJvauio, *8.910
kistary by 5 kiuga aud 1 queen.
^ Local
*r*lB arrive* at
Bm I^'nftw'taaVV/ yto ara
Eighty per .iviDi of Hortngoeae pouI'm aolii* oP hom.-t
• sale Cocka. .
bled wit
aat* ran neiiber n-ad nor wrlCa
rut. fffl thi^ain was I
ItissIModin England that rwntly ■
*[. n.^T.,
{Kilter beavy father from
Wi-ir rei-mumends a
I barely one bow a bniTil' Cnrlirl., riB>ppi-d a >,li.')l-h-i.s
eer. nader hurriedly.)
Tbs tents of 111* Bsdooin Arabs an*
ntni Too’'—
.1,- *uuwo ■» a *-vi
teiwfHu Ail
Wat'S ill.* nnd Tiiolmi.
Ilej rgc. Wbfnfhi-eggwsahtakfjnqsii. the f^.^^VaVerawr^to
' t kno* not the cries she hni
nanaliy black
Thry are made of dyod'
A mippoM. hr WAS gUd
sjs'ak rrmnin. <d a mouse worc.liscl.~-i. The ™
goals' bait chHb
the hot- Un.l
... has ituilrred.
tor hif M.l.iarv iinpriMiunent- | m.m*.. wus fully developed and npiiwJ?!'
tight ttol 8** a-d.
A (sermin trial foraviudling witb
be n-atkared me kiu lly and said to I emir mnat bave bn-u swallow-id whole
not msvrntiM
sweeinew jbey
oa \ forged ant.
bey i^roM
I. Loiber
1 the
le stswims
stswihis of- r eroold DOI barm itu- if I ol-y.d him. by tto hen.
The parohmentlikr skin
“a J7l ‘
1m** ^
t brought ont the favt that tto ink nssd
--. _____.ire nails In
and he made me vow ou tbe erW I w.« which roverad the
extonded to the
by Loiber 350 year* ago is *0 good (bat
M«r fotbor’s new toi
«bat I woBld sqy »word tiU bc-was and of the monae's ^1,
aoplas can etill be taken from it.

Ss3E.Ss.2KS;. .“iTTS"




WtlAT TO WEAR ON VOUH WEllPINa ' wimW E,- Ia to Jn>
Ki.ii, npwnrri
nnwant cilriitl;

qorridnl H«
{The^evir flnib
mirlil him with hii. hand Uii tbp iatrb.
Ja>. Uiu- ur* la Krw Vark.
tioisii Mnjt itni'pi'd hi* flirnat—a icpIHo wa« not u htj p»nJ Ijot or ■ Tor»
iciiM': ihcn maduua naiycd
had bii.r «ir jj T1T7 l■rlKlIl l .y cr niiiiiiitiin iM*Ji£.uu.
H" wu jn.t a
ThiMii-ii. waa lhjT mnuiiuff «if hi* axual IwY ill any wnr.
r*. tSif fhi nnWiiii'B Trick id Li* hnr, and Tory.dftoii ho ftirjo t* that he
■a not a bur now.
Wbniover Ihciv luur
evilsinius! llwjirlx'ittniTjn'd.
Up boii iipv. r ciontiK
IcintiK d ic r. uwr for Ilf utu.ut ihi iaiy lhal In ronitnoudullL
r4ic iuriuiit (hal Ivr im'InliiHi lio owe" til iiin-falhrr ..hd lo lii>iu<nluT.
Old ho iM'ln Ihiil he Pl.uold 1101 bn lirjii
WM tint Oi'lDpli
on ilj*
tOU3 imiMtbl)’
if tou3
.ofpoiiiiii lo
iVifii to VTnl.rilik. I'c hud f<iTK<>l.
.. I. fool
• m’.ilj.T M
t ftomivioa
that I
I. Hint mmiiMif iawKmihloud
........................... iiifutoaiion. Inil now— ““•*
«o»i miaoithib <d buuiau U-init*.

Mb «U HcM.
Uunl'Ai >u nruj.
Warn-.! lu l.a.k.
ii> will 9ldi Uiaa^rlarfe,
Vamic la Tan),
Or will wUh bliTiM-ir d«n^
IS cm n.
Ham.Nl lo lilnK
Or will l'»>k 11. »•« J9aJJsm'tl lu prari.
Cl' tt»- iIinUiaT will (wtrL
Uiu-n"! In/• ik'W.
Murri'u In
a, <>.i»
rtriTT anwo.


Headquarters for
Santa Claus...

now—hndid-not li.d tbr wn-iiohinii of
bin ban a« b(T nnuaBriui rItJo inui pori- ' ‘—niaax - duir.. ha utli.T.,
To h. r


til* aiuituhVii.1. lit,iM li«.callikP. under
the openeil frindoiv.
Uu tvouJd becalm, ho would bo nnro. I
The pidKili wtirkiifc hi bU ariol d.trald I
not hhurt -hiin. CuSr if wore irne—if ,
’Oiwiao—<.iorl fai4ptWni. bin aim wu '

I’l-'.ill Kak.
n 'll ilc-b.'-!' ^rnr wbira* «■.
AIi.mi.1 In luff.
Jli' will -• !. ll»r« *111111*11.
korriiNl in wwrli t,
C utva'IIibivI i-nrlrll
>iH.Nl In
in TuAM^ni
rii*«inrrlc or p
tunUrr—lln'r nil w
Iw r-i't i^li ninU

«'»•-. and i( wm n-.t
w.v plo.inam -hi nna tvi’.y^Wheii «l>f
»*''0»ftn anrthioji. ihp iKiylf or.nmfTped
wan."Woo if to ha)^- it?" Win u
«"y«hiug wa« bouebt for bor, her own
invariahh' rt'iirirl: Wftn,“TVhal on eartb
•Imll 1 duwith till" When tbi'bt? came

CroBchhig omior the oi^ieui like a *°
puma, lij-n •liarii'd ajiart lover gjiftru- !
• tri'th. Juao Eoiy* -waifM. i



W.* have Qhrislmast presents for
= everv one. vonng ami old. We have four large floors
r packed fall of furniture of all kinds.
Dishes, Glass*
: ware. Silverware. Lamps. Onyx Tables. Pictures.

►“■rtu'f murums. ahe Itnki-d
»>““ «* • Kift from beavor. and

that It wa« a txjv I '
Screens. Music Cabinets. Foot Rests.
'a b^ iookliiK « *a^ "oun^t! = fact, you can find anything yon want for a Christmas
: present, and they are all marked at prices that can’t
: help but please you if you can be pleased in this State. Come in and go through
f'"'"’ Wiency -'In do wiib it” b.fore «b<> got (brough with
e Than
z our store. It will pay you well, even if you do-not intend to buy.

The l.abr'f |!uniiinKrtaaBiiii^"|nlv.'^'“'“'‘l'»hallJdnwitbll

! rn-tl tbroodb bun.
’ODriou Ltiix't. daughirr of Cenaxa, ' founded on

VeifrloM’a ligbi lU-p
‘ and aiio
the eartlien flotir,

•nuyOiCafiioBacjuick glanrodowDha patl-itating wotnanbood. Be choked a
aearrfd t.«. Then »!«, ihirw b-s- k hi r .grinoi.
i gn-tl-d the ght.
Iiaiei d. fbe once t.4d
bead and Taiin.-d the hi!! her.
Thru «hn voice. ••BrillE here tl« bov. '
»>er JiMthal he had nee. r
hb*l8Di;!|e...-ul unirilvnUhedadeica rathla.”
.-...Inane hi-r cry. Whal lall.'r bt-u.'diili.,n
flutter of h-inlH u-tiKav Iwr, a. causht
tboon« : '.o erria‘:i III iierrahiii willdow. u-i... fiejiGiii.a h r di'hfa pni»-d
oUawl i,..i.eU.~..l.ui-d.dari''d. Julietmdewif!a-cr..B‘_'i{|.-,.i-.i.a.‘r,no.tiw
|iJaaka;;;lui)U,ev ;l tiod l.aij.
Frtmihinear'.eiliTartleinllie oerner
’OcnPie.u'wruik i-y.-l Uhv )*i-sliil and
fhrailed ^ hi- n;.'il..T'/r: ;«.i.ata.Kv.
but fbe ri».-dhi5a with ..iiit imlicT.
' intb<i»;r,atk<'tJle:pfm.iHhu..irlediuth«
pot. n,a CTi-.l.i'.VMiauKht.'riia.'e.i her
barteotm the laL!i, aud. M'ttjtiR vhiiiv

Juan Ktrugiiletltrittl the smind-f vague t»U a Ua liuva tJun Ihntf
f.imitiarii.v “ra: in,"—
The l*iv vrai redheatM and long
h'» ‘•'”Th itnjn.lniily. aoft awiahincn .• ®9»'<!*'«inniDc—a ehv.
Mei«i.«iJi.u.fua.lVeru-i...,-*.Junk.Rav tlr-aniinB. M-lf eotifcmo* linle boy.
Ir-hlr:‘‘H: n. Ih.-n. lake vour hov. He «n-l‘'Jli-iily Iftn.llar wilh l.i«iierg-ows n.'„r.' Ilk.' dnil.v. .w win.” aoiil! d. f.el . I.y theei.iiMunt remarkf to
1 ImmBh bi* den.U.v pain-U.c lin- the erte.'! Ilinl lii» hair was nij and that,
teiM-r felt me kK-m-r pang f..r hi* wm, i hixno-e woe ioi.g.
At feht<d firr year*

J. W, Slater, House Furnisher, |
120 Front Street, i



11 • ii • i mi i n i li ii

htfle-I.iv.-d^Homuft f.n'! f.mld Ib'n le|.
I»w If Jn-e or Mefati? Ih I IlH-lnr lock “R'dbewl. " • Varr..t Top” cir -Nufy.
!ik.‘Sufan? Tbhttln*iv.. faiuiluruy of
Hi* iimther. laam.-d at I», wa* 111.' ,
. ■;

eldi-xl . f a family of uln* < hildten. aod'
D'ei.‘CiMI hini-rif up oauTinwly, he nimiy of Th-Ic.v-aonl*-mi uu.Were j
nun the
Ihi' dim.t(^.
diiBit^^iIru-riug to hot a few y-nt* hi* *ini.T and were bif
raaarkaaie 'RrMiIl* (ibtaiaed br a Loa
ming "'<"5^
Aagelv* tBVntsT.
ii> tiwu giwratioD
'CVncifJi—liU heart yearirnd to hert vim
a opii-'
A |a>'ii‘ tiNtef a ii,’\v wave motor
hvrlalHily7-*l.»«Jhvlli.''nd' fnrohmgli....... aud Ih.-re u
.rk f.iriii of Ihe iutrnder. '■»"«
“P”'* lire Ipate of ilw «dd. r* aa*' mnde o*-eullv <« lb* bt-aeji thnw
Her dusky
he wa*
I'liild inViirarnia
........................- .............
to !«■ that
and likely
................................................................................................................................ ....

audcnpfferiwii; tnrnfd l....:ily u the
stove aBuiii to f^imul tortillas
bifsiUK ■
r fkin fhifheil ty the utmog
bf«t. 'Cl il'-icjl fcitit
t It.
In' bt
tank. Jli
tbe crifp rhrrlf. t*e afr r cunt her, ojvm
vwrthi Q difh. Oii'V’ siio Mnigliti-in d
upber Rvaetful Ii iicth und fulled upproviuKlT at the tiKHiinoBie Id tiji. Ju«
as tbe ItMl cake found it* plartiafogl-



himself is not more popular thw

Air Tight

h.-iir fill rmind ber likeaveil.inierrept-:
n“t -f a 100 ft«r \,h_.r. I’ai-viu Wright .4
lug the e„v.'«e.lT>cw.,f hi* rival. m» ctrioletl. Hewaf alway* fallAnp l.f, tl«- iuv.uin, caidticlfd
Tiiis «a* bi* lime. One bullet now '
“'«>«»• Uowaaal„„^.rin„i.rv ,« the nr—i.e. nf "ti
and v.-uaeamv"
1 way* g. tliuc luin the way. and he roold

pr-^-uoi of .0
faintlrand then gn>w •
aje 11 eorreefly nor I-..cI|:Imt <^l’Tltil>*te aud uivmirre
B.v me;in-of
tfiUMb lib. iwt.', *il.n( care be ^
lie vrat ?.»re* in hi* mmher * Rk'«“»» a iiyuruciv' e<>mjirv-<iaa"wa< ue


tiro *li-p talti.d the pi'UlileniRifuro Ibo

here tbe wumau'S nmh line, and
berv. beyond, tbe bead of bvr jianuuonr

Tbe flu<b on ihe girt'* fare deepfoed,
and her full eye* wiiii-ned esjwrlamiy.
lh» Dewnouer'a
bhe fprang 1

—hul the child?

way. bnwever. aud ba wu
to foci fO.
Bill liolKidy exiN'iit tlx- bt'y
,• knows of
Ih* U|I<»::y whiVh Ihe rrSt ofI tlx

toateu. forring tie wati r into a prvwnre
U»k under a workiiig pn-Mur- of 4U0
piundato the wjnur.- inch.

Tbe waltr

pn-ayure tank ii|>'ral<Yu IVlKm wfatvl.

I havQ them at all prices from .
$3.50 up Save fuel and money
by buying one of

Ill till-ii'Sijui . lii'tric g.'iirratur wa* j
from hiiu‘un.l hurrii d < iti*ai •” «' - k ’'t“ '**
'**■*ao.' —-•
hi.iiuar. at liil o-sl uud a . irenUr saw. Wh.-r.thet!ia-i
while be unwound tbe'fulus ct his duu the (abloaud th.-ffwieli, ih.- iron i
oniiiUi.lin-«. Ji< rhiniTy wa» k.-uoiL .ioo f.el tmui
cru.-iflx and thecarveilerartls inthertir- o. ry l..rks and ai
"I saw Ihyfignnl, q'nerido.” beaaid wr—all his life long Jiia;, will ».• them
‘i............. .... ....................
inaniDi.K-alh:.*K.«nigingdowulbPWrap r>—and 'Coneinu larne.L The dusky wulk-d or in ih.'eim'la. and he B'»t. five bt«»;i><n'.cr-..u» easil.v gi'm-raud moving to til,..r.idl.. side. ‘•JlowSfcilw'as l.h.wu au-d rent like u,pae, «'<o>'tvdy t«ti'd hnufilf a* a yotiUi d.'*- ,;,.d. Th.'t.mrhiu.'is mitniuatj.-ally H'lf
fares nv aou> 1* all well with *&*iuc« «ni“t. ut euling—Holy Motherofieaven
«!•'«'« «' awk-ward. tnrl- regiilnttd aud is so. DrT:iiig<<l that dur1 laM ejme; 'A
In r fathi r. Ceuuga. the omlawN
; lens, stupid man. at wIkjoi lie world i„* M.inn j»-ri.-l. Do iiu'n'tliun a

W". cr. IE3IOBBS

Riv.n I4e Pront street.

Tbe hsbr shtd.

'Oiieinn laid ber'
■* siiouldi r.
dark iirotile.

Joaii4.isaa f.Ol on hia knee* Mow ''""A *'
tho'winjjtiw. the raiidtif.g
bj Hatutn* Uui ,
MAII'K rifl.'rUltered
I III.- i ABt.,-. nj
i.. *’*•
n grasi
•I^ and the NiiMlIa |I.—
*"“• «“
) oped, aimlee* mid haruilies, high
i Hip

•■All i- wUI,
••Ai'U -lu .ii?”
**C-«l|,.m,! till till' Mi
hbVA four iliwi of safety, lui tuuy enm *' \
A little fO'wlmrew liiwnni her hmw*. I
-but iM-r liinotiTl smiled. "C^t.sennr: ’
M. Moi*«ali ha* on att-oont of hii laftbe aupinr ctir'ls!"
- ert resiareliee with lbiyiji<‘trie foniane



Tbe AlaM of falleola
■ Voaiu de Uedirl.

, —jnrf,

diTiil uli Wave motors ue>l<i«. Further
eriiueiir* w ill tMi made at a gtviaiw
from iIh' Uweh.
Wright fignros that ddring the mini.
mum w»v«-t iiinrenieiit Im- » lU develop
mi*' ItnrM'tmw'rr mi everv l<*ii of nci'an

Somewhere >n Washingtn
,.erc »
i* no,,u,ary
iioc-upr.iuaary m
lo the
man. point
l«oe ... this short article on the de-, „

bmurtiug buiier hia ill fortnne'and in a recent jsnieVf L'Annale* de Cbiaia
elopment and undeveh^ouen. of art lU
Pnw.Tran U.
flem-l.v aiigr.i'ut hi* false roniMule. Jo- et tie Hhysiqiie.
lie give* the prepara'
«n Lupei gathi red logeiber the wreek- ; tioii and proncrtiea of niuninin. molybage from bi* outfit-bud del
ward humcN It liad l»en a dHarirnui and of carbon, the preparation of man- «
.md in her l.ou*e urt- amnenu-l

trip from tb« very Mart, fie
might have galies** a.«l a historical aceoom of tbe „*oally flue i.nT.-* of piinting and *t8t-,'‘■-'W^and.
known when Atar refnaed to hudge rrwBtrbe* alrcaily made on l^ tywal. ;
T. Tberc is aI*o a Mileaiau maid, byl
from'tlie corral and only passed tbe gate liaed carbidea of the alkaline eartba ;
Maggie, who know* a deal moivl
juuMiititFly under the quirt that the ’llv also la^ rla‘m to the discovery of ’.boot bouaccliauiiig than «iie doe alvinl
azpedition wasdeatined to failure.
< I rrysialliaed carbide <3t.^ciom. while I oeulpture. and Maggie ha* boen ttying
Joan'tied up hi* itiintvd arm a* beat axsigiiing to Mr, Wilann'tbe credit of | f„, . i,,og time to eullivale her laale up
The.ElMrieal 1
be coold. holding tbe. bandage in hia haring
having inlrf”introduced
to ( to thjLpoilit of proj- rly a,q>r« i»ting the;
vjvid impreeation tbe Limed .Male*. With regard to tiu- , p,j,„ed
carved',beauty wttfa which n.,....- j. ....n.,.,
'**j Oojipiv i* ordiuarily east by the ttw of
by Manuel after hlom. M- Moiwan baa
that with Ij jL (jailv
dail* co^ hi
in rwotacL
aa found tbat
' alloyK It i* mated that the pew metaJ.
ipi-rea and ftO volt* ; . (Kot many day* ago the- miatrww
—Vt whieb i* kixvwu a* SI. B. eiipper. i*c-ast
"Madir de Hi- . titanic and la convert.
rted into oryetal- j^^ maid were gningoverthehnusc'
^‘*i pure. Foundrymen have bcrctofare COO'
aidered this an iminsribility.
y hi* bMro* dohiai! MdVTh'y«cm-’ R^ria and 70 vulm t
It {« al*o atuliil that the new metal
la ij
in tbesm'ani<amldrowu^May Huy nitride i* obtained. 4
poweiaKu an additinnsl b-usile strongth
! pena and 70 vulta i
ataiupede mid ji«e himI iin Ihe r
^ , of S3 S per cejit. and that a mneh highAa for me, uiy load flnau
rid occariousp^M'd by with; „
jpon and 1 gn liome. Agaiii l sliull kuow
cold ni-gl,'
id cloth and brush a bean-. Ttlopi*l. aud that the n.-w metal faas a
nut to travel with ouu cunail by au evil bide i* fonned. free from ihtmgen. and,
llfuf ^uiT of Hie ‘‘VeiiDi dc Medici,” omdDclivitv (d U.'i pur ci iii as ctimpoicd
I if this is heated vitb au cxre** of tilan- in an alcove ]ust off the ball.
with the U-st rollod oopis r. Thi* will
All day Atar mid S?elim plodded with >c >«nd. titaniom cinlainiug only t per
■IW. Maggie!” she called. "Why cunsediminct rhuiigos in tliobnildiog of
drooping li.'ijlii ^..ier tbe Waring sun. cent of carbrni i* cbtained. The** «urdylfiunu*, motripi. railwa,v
Tbe chalky pn«(i r row like amidcB un- «‘«''ivo qciionf, my* M Moisaan. give a
'' inquired Slag. gruphid Bjiparatus l*'can*>' tbe new cop­
- <l<v thoir sieady
h.xif ______
di-eisivediK-of «f.«:i'‘>ncnw*e «.f temper. gia with grt
Heady h<__
-- —.
per is belii'vcd tocuny theisame amount
electric a
[■endi'iit on
Hiae ecentWeighlid the man'e lung*. Atv™
____ 'V.
, —
un*' _____
Iberc _____________
in the alcove,. of
Tbe fev. r cf liii l.url gww iu his blood “> •orr.-ase of the current and form tbe .
So«"—aud tbe lady touched it metal Wire made cf it will haw gn-atud rewutweiit cunsnmvd him.
atarting point of another long amiw of with ber finger—”yoo have loftdnatall
strength and eesKluctivity than tbo
•'tiood St. Bernard; reward him!" be'Xbe preparation of tbe .overjt”
ordinary coppi-r wir>-.
grind ai a bPWk-v jolt gave an extra rrjstulliwdeompoondaf iron and boron. |
-yu, mem.” confesw-d Maggto "hot
Mr. Edwon says he aceonnts for tbe
twinge M hi. rorenew. and, sbaktog an ctnita.niug over IS per cent of boron i do be ihtnkiug for a lung time, mem. evident i-Jmugc in tlu' atutuic arruclur*

- -- -

excited fist at tbe cloud capped beigbti and nearly comap-mding to the formula ! that then, abl to be MuieUuog on it.
above; “fiend inim from ihy mountain
effectually ditpoKs of tbe aiewr- . niem.”
to bewilder him iii-tbepaswa Let him Hon of aome workers ra iron that it Is
It was adoligbtfolaiKlkvicalexcnse.
IpUand leave him—as be left me!''
I ImpuBslble to alJtiy tbeae two elemeoU.
pertapa. but the lady oonld aearwly ac

gnpersmious ^boding haunted bis-----------------------------------oept it. and
tortured sen''* * l.e brooded over bis !
iBagSoary AUweMa.
ssakJ- *. r«i.a.. ^tsforiuDehadfol-!
Phymeiaus very ofU'n meet with peoIowm
liiiD fr'i.ii tb"cubi
.b-i'cubiD. Had be on« plo who are canying around imaginary
wedI liliD
off the Iiir-cbii* willi bis ill cuired ailmeuta, and who really believe Ibenifriendsliirs or wo* *nme fell spirit still aelve* aa badly afllieted as they amert
. tracing lii« u-venieolsf Insensibly, as Komf, curious case* bare been note^ A
the return ruail sliortcuedandnofortber young woman of this city bad begirtevil snaritd his«ji>iirneyiog. tbe erim-, fined to ber bed many months with an
tweent dread umk tlm shape of a name-; illuen wbicb wholly deprived ber of the
lees fear fer
nti.m and tbe child.
use of her tower limba The doctor who
El* b*ad ilin M.'d, tbe breath of even-' attended her failed to rtieoover tbe uatewe
ing Quatiug d«wu tbe eanyon ooold of her afliiciian, which might ordinarily
cot case his sick discomtort. the weary hive been attribotable to several oauoea.
PM* uoitU'd him.
When at laR tbe Examiuatiem. however, revealed nothfrosrning wails around him lowered, iog csaouUtcd to throw liiflit oo tbe
r.-id, turning frr.iu tbo main trail, tbe matter, and the doetcr, after patient
- heavy ftart laubered over tbe baked and exhaustive anaiyaia and attootioo,
earth along bis <mn arruyo, Juan urged came to tbe cuocIuuod that the lUnsa
his hones into a trot iu spitoof tbe pain , waOn
Aitb )ugb he diwmetly kept bis opinin his left arm. and, wilb a flpal male- {
ut Manuel,
dknico on tbe rocreaut
Manuri rattled ] ion to bimitlf, proof was sventually
qnidcly over tbe last bate faillock and lonncoffliDg as to tbe accoracy of bis
In *
a view.
Being lifted in tbe sbeeti ont of
sprang down by Uie corral gam. lo
fewxfatoatea lx- was followi.ig his wife' ' her bed one day. while tbe mattrea win
ftjoutops np tbe steep amient to the oab- rearranged, the young wesnao surprised
- her attendants by inddnnly jumping
to door.
□ which sbe hai
It rtrnck him with a crMipy eliill tbat
........ ................ Jond eipreti
no *C(»oion Wood ou the tl
_____ ________
ing down her wUoomr- Then
bo langbi-a alond
foedito fear,
alcwd at b.»
fw. shifting
high up oo hi* well shoulder hisigun. ,
wbicb, thank Ibt- eaintm bid oome oafeiyont <rf tbe scriuimago at tbe meoiid
wtwinlled in amomrotary

Maggii'e bruab rumoved
tt,, dusty drapery she wiabed 10

of the uietall^tbe UMSwy tbat tbcebi
of tbe ciyMOs ba* U*m ^wvd ■o that
tbeir linn are parallel, and that tbe
molecnlc* arc Uios brought cloaer logstber and into mow totimatc ccnid^t 'with
each otboT. It is underutood that Mr.
tbe developiDtait
id that i^ will be mans

factund under his sajKTvislaa as bis
AgeuUemsnoDoeaskod Uncle Daniel,
a droll character in a New England villago. if be oonid remember bis grand­
mother. -I guem 1 can. " aftd UncU
Sbe blnabed prettily at the told tbe
Daniel "but only as 1 saw her on<«.
Father bad been away all day, and sister of her best young man tbat sbe
when be came borne he found 1 bad failed thought abe would buy a birthday pcesant for him.
to do aomething he expected of me.
"you know hia better than I do,”
esugbt np a rough apple tree limb and
walked op lo me with it. Urandmotbet •be aald. “ao I came lo you for advioa ”
"Yea.” aaid tbe sisto inquiringly.
appeared on the doorstep with a amall
"Ob. ye^ indeed! What would yon
straight stick io ber hand, and insuntly
banded it to my father. 'Here. Joe,' ■dviK me to gstF'
"Oh, 1 don't knowt” replied tbe sis­
said she, ‘lick Daniel with a amooLh
carelesaly. “I wmld mly advim yo«
Slick.' And be did. Who wouldn't l«in general terms. From what.I know of
member eoeb a grandmother as tbat?”
him. however, be will-------------------------•aw Tkreasb Ik
"Package, sir," said the ageot as Mr.
Sharp came to the door.
"Tben-is fid
exproai ebarges 00 ik "
‘ Be kind enough to wait a moment.

throw this Xny on that jtackthat
alarm. It was
_ discovered
, she
, had
ago. pluasc. ”
^ laid upon a neodie. cutoioti to^The tcllule light revealed tfaret
wrtcnily left un tbe sofa, and that tos
bricks csrefoliy done np in raw cotton,
fbarp points of several neadles had
upened, they were retnrned to
pre«ed Tmienuj
violently luiu
into uc
ber back. ^**°
Tbe '
'.,L..Lnjl “Itiif.unjt "i
conttetempa revealed tbe fact th
could atand naaily.-Soottiahhigitto.


aniomn of powtr <.r premnr.-can
comulahil. Unghi luiys th" faiinre to
provldeitucb :i<b'Viie has lHt»'t«*«TTrn.

tbe iandiord. and tbe tenant cannot
liove them at tbo end of bis tenancy.
The Euglish law is tbe same on this
It wa« laid of a bandsome bat braiO'
Insyonng "aneiety" man that ha made


Buying Logs! t^


Qiluinnr I nrrol

If yxm hav® any to
■pond Nrith tbn
Travene City Lantber Co. Wn hnn nlM 3




Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooriue.
Short Maple Wood.

lands ForSale-Saitalile Far Farms.


Kill machinery of all deecriptioos, incindinj; two engioea. set works, carriat'e and saws. A complete
saw mill1 plant for sale.





Allow Us
To Suggest
ThBtSyov g«t Im oo«l or wood

For Winter
aad bay somo of oar

Storm Sash.



Have it!
Some of that. 20c syrup like we fia3
last year.

M8 FX«nt «troH

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