The Morning Record, August 03, 1898

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The Morning Record, August 03, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text



eeooDd Tev-No 892


Principal Conditions of Terms of Peace
V Presented By the American

Important Points of Demand of the United
States Kade Public by the President
Yesterday Afternoon.
N«w York, Anffuat S —
(Bpeclal]-A BpooUl to the
Evening Journal from Mad­
rid, pablished in a Ute extra
■edition of that paper aaye:
"Spain aeoepte the principal
oonditiona of peace as eet
forth by the American gove^'ament, add only the peace
detailB are needed to cauee all
hoctilitlea to eeaae at onoe."

ptttmnit kaa ported the foSIowiaf tel*
.errea from Owerel Sbefter:
-AU poiiUeel prleMan beve
iamedlktely releeeed M eooa m S. O. FtSBBBBBOOBDBS A KOBTOAOl FOB SSOO.OOO.
reached. Bert ■otbeerd froM Oneatenemo. betOeMnl Brwm iraat there SaU That Bader tbe I
three deyt tfo to receive the esmaAer
Bank Loaned Him Throe Time* tte
Oa^tal aad Twenty-five Timee the
of mm mmi pollticel prboaere. They
Amonnt it Ooold LegnUy Loan Ona
were eedoabtedly releeMd oe hi* er*
Man Seroatlen in Fiaaneial Otrnvel."
Detroit, Aogiut I.—A big eeneatlon
■aniclpal League IMegatae Baring In ftanacial cirole* baa bean developed
a Boyal Time.
by Bank Oommnrioaer Maltt fercleg
Mctei u Te* neaxiM Eaoous.
8. 0. Pbber. of Bay City
Detroit. Angott t.—The Monieipal mortgage of onder wbick
League convention vbited Detroit'* ft b eaid Fbber'a bank Imncd Fbher
aebool baUding* and dbeaeaed their three timeaib e^ital and twenty-five
equipment. Tonight a gteal Und coo-,
certand entertainment bbeing tender-


iBg the American answer, egreedtoaak ed the vWtoia on Belle Uie.
aa explanaUoa of oertaie polBt* in M.
Chmboa's metaage convayiag
termsof the Uolted Statea There U
reeaoa to believe that the term*
poeed will be aeeepted.
Tbe Liberal daeUrei that the Pbllipplse* are of aecondarv importance in
Oatholic Bishop and Clergy
the peace terms compwed wiU Porte
Mensced at Cavite.
Bloo. the retention of which the paper
mye the cabinet i* nnanimouiy decided



apoa. Tbe Liberal adds:
“The dbpaaal of Porto Bloo b tbe
moat Important pedal of the negoU- Who Instructed Henitt and
etiona Only In the m«t desperate
Dewey to Protect Them.
end' moct extreme cbm when Preei
MeXieley makes tbe cmIob of Porto Sitaattea at Haailn OoBUnaea Very
bj the eothorlty of the preeideat ee Rice a matter on which peaoe or no
areve end Oenerel Xerrttt Bae
•o the tertn* of peeoe oaered by the pence depeeds, will tbe govetnmentdeAaked for a BuoU of fiO.OOO Kan
Colled SUtet:
bate whether to ybM or ponUone tbe
—Oabtntt Spent TM'.erday in Db■‘iB order to remove eey aUeppre- •trnggla"_________________
ctiMieg the Tronbla In the Pbiltpplnea
iMBoieB iB regerd to the pegotlBUoBe
wciAl to Tu HoDin IUcD*a.
lor peeoe betweeB the 0pUed 6tet«e
Weehington. Aagnat t.—The war
Md dpelB. it ie deemed proper to eey
the Term Plcteted To 8peU.
•pMtalieTu Koaaeis Bacomn.
WeeblertOB. Aegiut *.-The followier U the offielel eteuneot givea oat


taet the tense offered by the United IB KXRIHO WITH PAVOK Ul
SUtee iB the note bsaded to the Freoeb
embemedfiT oa Setorday iset. era is
•pbatenee ee follow*:
Said to be Serioosly OoentderedSaggeetleD to Flm Let tbe Oa•• ‘The preeideat doee not now pat
bena Be* Bow They Like Va
tewerdepy claim for peconiery laOemBity. bnt rcqaliee the reUnqoUbWeebington, Angnst £.—Tbe plan to
mant of ell claim* of eovereignlty over. handle Cabs after tbe elgeeof tbe war
or Utic to the ielaod of Cuba, ae well b being gradoatly formnletel. Tbe
•e tbe immediate evaeoatlon of Porto Antericae government it b generally
Bleo aad other telaad* aoder tbe dpas- balbved in WaaUagton will
ieb eeverelgnty la tbe Weet Indlea, llnqebk it* hold os the bland, hot in­
and a like oeeaioB of aa Wand la tbe tend* to keep it. It b alleged that It
will place Amerieaa soldier* ell •
The United State* will
eapy and bold the city. Uy and harbor the bland in •oSeieot onmbere to
of KanUa. pending the ooneleeloB of e •erve order and “•etUe the people." a*
■ treety of pence, wbicb ahaU determine oae member of the eeblnet
the eonuel. ditpoeldcin and govern- It. Tbb form of oceepetioa will be
mentottbePhUlpplaea If theee term* ooetlnoed long enMgb to allew aU the
are aeeepted by Spain ie their entirety Caban* to get a diet clam app
oommtelooan wiU be named by *'■* of the baaeflu of being a part of tbe
United Sutea At tbe tame Ume the
United Stntea te meet eommietifl
_on tbe pert o< Spein for tbe pnrpoee of people of tbb eoentry will have aa
concledlng e treety of peeoe on the c^portanity to trade freely with Oebe
end in every way reallu what Cub* a*
beai* above mentioned.'"
D Amarlean poeaeatioe woold be Uka
UpietheUmetbe cabinet met
Thb ceediUoe may exbt for aevsrel
day BO word bed com from Spall
eltber directly or tbrong-b tbe French yean, and fleally wkee the bland b
mmbetaador la re*poa*e to the demand
“eetUed" a plebbeib or
of the United Stetea"
•tUattonal election or a conveDtioe
will be held.


le that waya‘'euble geverament"
will be eateblbfaed. Some |M^e here
wonld not be earprbed if <bba vote*
by a large majority for i
Membera of thb government do not
deny that Cuban property owneie are
already working
aanoxatiOB. bat
no way U open to take tbe liland with­
out tbe eonaent of a majority of
inhabitaata Some trouble b expected
Fifteen Begimenu Selected for Next anytblijg else the preeideat wlU a»k
for legislation te enable him to hold
the regniar* at their war elrength.
epecisl te Tat Mussise Xecoee.
Weehington. ' Aognat I.—Oeoeral
Wade had a long ooBsnltoUon with
Secretary Alger today, perfecting the
Fer tbe tabaman Treatment of Siok
detalle of tbe espedlUoa to Porto Rice
and Wounded Soldier*
«p reinforce General Mllcm Fifteen
Prom Santiago. V
ngtmeab pave been pracUcally ealeeP
■psctelMUsttannenBcMii. ^
ad already, tboogh Oeoeral Wade may
Kew Terk, Angnet f.—Some one b
aaggast tome ameDdinent* muimtry to
nbont to be brongbt np with a thort
baetaa. the departure ot tbe espcdlUon
for tbe Inknman manner in which
ta (amove tbe eeldiert from the prment
aide and wounded toldiers eeni aonfa
onbaalthtnl camping ground*.
from Santiago on crowded traatporb
have been treated. If the blame faaton tbe medical department, as
One Bpmaiak Paper Beclarr* Tbe
BepertThet iiCO Bpaniard* Booted
400 Oabeni After Feerfnl
S{»elal to Tb* Uiwtuae B,<N>rd
Madrid. Aogauf.—Ad official Hav­
ana dbpateb aay* that cOO Spaniard* in
Plnar del BLo had a fearfni fight with
400 Cnbu*. routing them. Ten Span­
iard* and so Caban* ware kUled.




end navy depertmeeb ree-lved yeeterday through Cardiaal BsmpoUa, papal
•eerebry ot *Ut«. a cablegram axprea*lag keeaett anxiety for tke safety of
Ue bbbop and clergy at Cavite. IsformaUoa received at tbe vaUcan b to
tbe effect that Agulnaldo and hb
ee have planned a mtmaere of Uathollca
Upon receipt of tbe information, oaTstas were *eat to General Merritt
aud Admiral Dewey direcUng them to
Uke every mean* poeelbte te prevent
Inanrgenb harmieg tbe CotboHe*.
The receipt of the new* can*ed maeh
Mlneas here. It an attempt of thb
kind b made by Agniaaldo it wUl
■ereiy lead le a oonfllct between the
forcec ender him and Iboee of tbe
United States.
•enerol Ktrritt Wanto SO.OOO Mon.
BpMUl U TXI noBWDie Bsn>U>.
Washington, Angnst 2.—The mbinet
maetlng today waa brbf. Tbe prin­
cipal ■abject disoosied outaide the
peace treaty, wa* General Merrilt** reqneet for a quota ot M.OOO troopa The


Michigan bank*

with near ly a millioo dcllan worth ef
Fbher'* paper, botowng to the great
copfldenee in the man the banker* met
InOnroll and gave him three year* U
•ell and manofaetne Umber and pay
ep. provided be did not enromber hb
bb properly. Be ba* bow mortgaged
tbe errom of tab real eatote end Umber
aad the eonaequencea are likely

Ibis 15 aod 25
Per Gent Disconnt Sale
Od Base B«ll Goods will only nm MU
tbe snipiu stock is sold. We won't
sell it sU st each rainooe prices, bsi
oar sarplos goes at 16 snd 25 per osnL
off of regaUr prieeA

City Bookstore, ^
We order a’most everything in Rubber^tamps JOU'
can think of. Bring your orders—for prompt de­



Believed That Be WUl Mot IM llib
Opportanlty fmm To Fight tbe
Throne of Spain
Kew York. Augett
Tbe WorlOb
Madrid oorreepondeal say* that tbe
governmeat be* poelUve mtormai.jn
that the Cbrlbu are reeolvrd to atari a
civil war eooB. .
Advieee received by the court and 'ly
tbe forvign tninbtert from Vienna aad
the VaUcan ebow that Don Carloe believee that be eannoi afford te leer the
last opportneity of fighting for the
throne ef Spain.
Both hb wife. Dmea Beru. and hb
son Don .lalme, Icebt upon prompt act­
ion. because the partbans assere them
that «0.u«0 armed volnateera, are re:idy
to rbe in the eouetry along tbe Pyroneea and from the sea into cen’rai
Spain. They have mon-y and arm*
and only lack oficera. Carina' aueoorter* hope to get the army discontented
[ by tbe peace eettlemeutaod ioe* of ter|rltory
Don r*r|i*» Iv only he'd beck by ibr
fear of incurring tbr *erere diepiva*ore of the pope. Anstrb aad France
are not expected to put many obatae'e*
In the way of the CarlUu getUng arm*
aad eapplim in their territory.


Ladies’ Fine Dress Skirts.
S5.00 Sklrb at SI T5. Se OO Bklrta at S4.M. S4.U Skirto at Sl.». W.OO '
Fancy Sklru St.U. Wonderfnl valnea in Udbt'Snlb.
Oome and tee them.



Retnentlter M* New Place312 SoBth Uoion Street, Opposite C. IW. ■. DepM.
H. E. QIBBB. Propr.

If You Have Logs to Sell
Correspond srilli the Trsverse City Lumber Compaay.
We have for ssle Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
r..A.TTPS S'O'lsi «AT.m

AonasaUon of Bewail Adde 68 Sh<pa
Mill Machinery of all descriptioiu, incloding Two Engines,
To Oar Murckant Marine.
AnnexaUoa of the Hawalbn bland*
flet Works, Carrisgea and Saws. A complete Saw Hill PlaBt
be* added fifty-three veamb to tbe
for aalft
American merchtnt tnsriaa The Ibt
inelndm twentr-fonr *teamen engi
prineipaUy in the inter-bland trade:
fear ahlp*. ten bark* and eeventeen
Merritt eanaot combat force* that a kcbooner* of varign* elaaeea
reaJizatiea that tbe ShiUpplaeB may
hb dental office forelx days,
be retsrned to Spain will raise up, bnt ing Thnrsday nc(» of Angust ttb unUI
the war department will notadmb any Wednewlay noon Aoguat l«h. A reqaeet bextended to natron* and f rtenda
intenUon of neodkag more ^n the requiring denul eervieea to kindly
wuU bb return. WUl vbil leading
original SO.OM men.
to looi lot. HBSJI boa*c.
Am laeatloc.'
dental offices aad bbrnterle* io D-ireii
toioM lot. (oeecv.
and Roffsio snd aslo vbit the Fsib.
It srrw ISroo Kllr,
from in- elif. Lamd goo*, well >sMr*a.
g av
Office will be open for tboee wishing
>m*ke sppninimeai same a* n-nal.
Telephone ins.
amine Tbreatene in Havana aad a
We have all kinda of lewlor maStrong Feeling Against tba Oovehtne needlro J. W. gum'* bouae
furnishing storeL
Ovw KcKMa'i Ac* sum.
London. Angtut 2.—The Havana corBemember that I do all ktnda of roroapondent of the l^nuo. in a letter
pairing and enameling, and^hat I eat
and do give ron the beet work of any
dated Jaly S. dem^ribed a eondiUna ef
in the dty for tbe m>*evy. Dent
-growing indignation." Ba *ay»:
•eatved by what oUx-r* tali yoa to
“Though Havana b vUl) qubt, axtranantraiy, but coma aad aaa for
ordinaiy, ominously quiet, aa a calm
beforo a storm, there b an ever-la“V wovk to b* right,
Hts added a fiiU
ltdoeaaotprovaao I make It
ereaaing feeling against the gownmeat'* deceit In hiding tbe truth and
Una of
"nep fas till eo'clock every evening
•preadlng false aewa.apparonUy with
except Sanday. in tbe Caldwell A Loa
. If-i-mlriunlfrt |- • - | tma- '
dan boildlag. at north end of Onlor
tba lateatlon of leaving the pa^« U
the mercy of their aeemlca.


Hastings' Real Estate Agenej.


Bicycle Riders.


'Famine b elowly Ughtanlng ita
baada The bulk of the
would already have starved bat tor
the euppUe* of mangoea, pinea^Ia*
and bacanaa Tba death rau U axtraerdiaarily high hero and atUlwone U
other parM of the bland.
■etUemenb half the rocoeceatradee have died since war was

FhiUpplnee Secondary In XmporPlenW oY Money oa Band.
tnnoe to Porto Bloo.
»PPU«1- _________________
Madrid, AngB«t A—Pramier SaPBIBOMBBS BMJASBP.
WaMilagton. Angnst A-lbdnyb
gerta baa aatd that the oeodltien* impoeed by thegovenmeat were amre. Oanenl Sbafter Bee Ubernted Many eutemeat of Um ecndltion of tbe trone- <
ttryebowaan av^ble enak bnlnsec
Bputbb O^iiTM.
It b remored that Protidast McKinley
•rfSm.atATT. gold lUBwe* Sin.itl.demandi an lutant ro^.
■pMial to Tn groewe Kmnn.
The cabiMl yaatwday. aftw dbentt-: WMbiagton. Aagwt A—The war ia-


To his c
menc Tbe Aimltare will oo>
eupy the front of the bnildiiig
and the nndsrtAkixt; business
tbe rear.

1 starter
Fine Wonn Wire BbiI Spriii|

H. l.¥rter,
3M Union BtTMl




Mbs rw OMd br Mklac

While The
Price^of Tea Has Gone Op
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of alL
It will pay you^to try our 13c bulk coffee —a good
wholesome^beverage at a small price.

•Phono 167.

948 Front Street.


THB Moayaro bboobp- WBPgBaPAT. apoxtst s, lew. ______


TAATnn CTTT. - MIOHIOAW T.»A«w> tbm MMW vorxut
' mjn> TBAVKsax bx&au>.
It WUl ba ntt«l With Xodm OoaTMlMCM. Hiortj Amand m«
&c«47 tor OocQpAtiej Ooub«-1.
W. BAJnu. Bdl*ot Md )Ub*fer.
T^»«»eatyU tah»»*»»«w hatol.
whleh whM eoapUtod, wUl W Me of
■ralent Md modem <e
tUe aeettea. W. B. Fletcher of tke
kw lowed the
doobU buUdtsf beiaf tampleted by W.
L. Browa.M theeoraer of Park aad
Frost euoeta aad expeeto to take poo•eeeioB about the first of October^
the belldiaf mored from Front etrwt
adJolalBf the Friodrieb kloek la added
•tnetBTB, and both will ba madi
throe atoriea la keifht aad haadsome
ly fiatehed In modem atyleThe
bnlldlBf will eoDUln. beeldee
oOoe. dlalBf room. Inueh room and
abort order department, thirty larye
aad ^ry rooeu, oaly two ef them beiaf iiteide oaea Baeh erUl be Ufhud
■team and
by eleetrieity and heated by et
oMtaU a paeamalie eall bell o
• of torn eoUMle ehaw
With the offiea. At the
third etory. ezteadlnf oror the river
0ftr •ts.000,000. Ue melee over wlU he a roomy balcony, from which
there will be a mafulflceat view ef the
m. the much oowe ever •U.000,000,
bay aad eurronadlaf coantry.
•t^r eetUe e*vr 8KH.000.e00, ekeep
bulUUaf will aim be oraameated with
•ear •U.OOO.OOO, esd ewUe emr 88.000.*
cupola from which a etUl flaer view
•00 e total ieercBH of vmleetioD der• year of o»«r •8S6.000.000.
The o*ee on the fir»t floor, wiU the
> rutarhable iatreeii In Talee
dletrihated, there betne net a eatraaoe at the comer of the bnildlnf,
•tafia etoU or terrilory in the Unim wUl ba neatly fitted vrfth modam fixtarea.
It will ba provided with twe
8hM done aet report an laereaae la the
•earafo farm priee per head of eattle very larfe pUte flaee vriadowa which
■aA«dkeep. and bet few where aa will make it llfbt aad attraotiva.
•qaeAy aatietaetory report U not made Over the eatranoe will be exteaded
irce portico ef Beat deeifn. The eatl
M refarde all other farm aatmeU.
Oaarria the total mine of farm aai- bulldlnf. back of the office wUl be de­
■ala iaereaeei dorinf the year U»7 voted to a lunch eoBUter ud ebert
ft.000.000. la PaBuyIraaU aearlj •?.' order department, while the dialnf
—.OOP, ia Ohio orar 810.eoo.000. la room proper vrill be the lower Aeor
gaaaei over aad U Nebraa- the eaet buUdlaf. a room 60 by tO feat
4m over 8SS.000.000. tte tnereaw ia in ciie. The dinimf room mny be w
Kaaaaa aad Nebrwka beiaf S4 aad 41 tered either from the wnlk or office.
The kitchen will be eruted on th<
par eeaL. re^eeilraly.—:»taUaUea at
befartmeal of Afrlealtare, Mai«b 6, north end of the etmeture, beiaf in
dependent from the main perk It will
be 14x86 feel In elie aad tolly eqaippad
Ite ^ee hae bean aet la tka matter
tor flnt clam eervice.
«( aaseal walke la TraYeree City aad
Above the office wUl be a larfe pubd by the city Ue parlor frontiaf on Park and Front
to heeeiBtnf oae third Ue coet. ie bear- •tmeu. Ita fambbiafi will be in
taV food fruit already. Sereral food
keepiaf with the other appciaimentt
mika hare heaa 1^ and
of the hotel. The eaet baildlaf will
an ia preepeet. It U probable that
be provided with a aew front to herteTarae City will is the
aasnUe with the new pert.
paweat w
''e^he aa any etkw
0» the eeooad floor there will be two
^ ia Miehifaa. A UUle ftfurtaf ytUI
toilet roomi and a hath room and Me
eWMl the faet that to la^ a
toilet room on the third floor, while
, taklBf the derahmt;
hmty ti
throufb the entire bniidiaf aa both
1 tbaa a floor* will extend e wide hall. He
d walk, thoufh the first oeet u bnildlnf will aleo be provided with a
what hlfher.
modem fire eaespe at the rear.
The basement wiii be devoted to n
■hip not only fo hand in larfe Ineadry room and Isvatory. also
■ for the
benefit of commercial men.
will be eoanected with the office by n
who oceaaleniy wide »tnirway.
Altofelher this will be a aaat. wtoiaa hia tnia U in a poalUan
pleU and attractive hotel, appropriatok of the ob^GoBs to Imperiallai
y ahd eemferUbly famished. The
is foed and with his lonf ex­
Tn> country wUl be able to aetUe
Ma qnmtlM of haroism without sub- perience in cauriuf to the public Mr.
Fletcher will make bit new bcatelery
r it to a board of arbltraUob.
eery popolar.

I. T. Baxw


J- W. SUxm-

AttMtlM of Toaohem
at the Xanitata.
C. T. Stout opened up the 'nor^ lAsUtnu yeeterday momlnf with
4^TOtloaala Motwithetandiaf that the
iLthihalf is M the Ymne, aeholaru atlll
•tmttaueto enter and ycaterday the
samber reached i06. The new clam in
piVakilacy eondueted by Profeaaor C.
%. Doekery oomprlsaa over half
The work will be practical,
k oa tbe akeleton. betax Uloatratod
f OM before tbe clam‘ aad work
• vi^ oigaas preaeated by the viUU
mt a lamb, the eye by a calf* eye. etc.
ne botaay claai are at the present
4aaply Inicreeled in the diflereol terms
»t tafioreeMoe and klndi of fruit. Al­
tar tbcM are fully nadereloed tbe aa•lyaia of flower* will be ukea up.
Maaulacturee, rallroada. telephones,
talafraphsaad eteaaboata are fivinf
MSpie etnily to that period ia the deval^ment of rultcd Stotas hlewry.
foUawinf the rerolutioaary period.
The larfe claeeee ia arithmetic are
■datally bulldlaf walla, ohlmaeya.
dtattra* aad keepiaf na basy aa Uoufh
tka work was a eaatract in a fives
9ISD AT XBXdkJri) T.aww

John Lee Barwlek aad eUter ef Chieafo. are speadiDf a portion of the eaaIM at tbe Leelanau, at Omena.
Dr. C J. Oeasek. member of the Chitfo beard of bealtk. aocempanied by
idward Bedlak, arc spesdlaf a few
weeka amoof the resoru aad vUitlar
friends in Traverae Cily.
Mr. aod Mra. George B. High a^
VO children aad M. J. Wentworth and
wife aad children arrived laat evealag
tremChieage. Tbeyatopped ever aigbl
at the Park Place and will go to Oi
lU morning by boat
A party eeatlstiqf of D W. WalU
aad Misses B. Louise and F. Isabel
Wells aad Lou Ualkiaa came up laat
liog from Cblcage aad will go te
Omens this morning.
J. C Kertz aq^'iamliy ef Cleveland,
re guesU at the Park Place. They
arrived laat night aad will apead sev­
eral weeks here.
George W. Feldaer aad Mim Mar­
garet Feldner have arrived from Mans­
field. Ohio. They wilt apead the re­
mainder ef the season at Na-ah-tnwaaU.
Barry D. Spearman, wife and child
aad Mr. aad Mre. Frank B. Spearmaa
and child are gueete at the Park Place
from CbieagD.
Tbry will apead a
month here.
Edward C Baymond. Kewcll B. Hargravs and Jarvis S. Jraninga, three
yonuf mes from Ne-ab-ta-wanta,
over M the beat yesterday afternoon
and lateaded riding'Wck on their bleyelee. They remained toe img ie tbe
city and rain prevented their retoming. They epmt last evening at the
Park Flaee and will retaru this morelag.

9kat xteath at tbs Kiebifaa Camp
Oronad Teatorday.
lilaad Lake, Aofuit
The tint
Atatb la the camp occurred at 6 o'clock
tUa moralnf. Tbe vieUm waa Fred
. Osmmdof Mt. Plesaant. a private la
Oampaay H. He waa opemtod on yaafiaed^to relieve an lateraal aeppar•Mm of the ear and aoemed better, bat
durinf the nlfhk
DfB- Barber and Grubs «
mA talkinf with the paUenl when be
Ike enrfeona believe that a ruab
Ona of the chief
0t pas Intc tha braie waa the eaai
BdgewoodthUaammsria bathing. The
beach ie fine, aad the young people
: ffibaat Koaie at Half Pries,
•ewy piece of the labebt popolar muaic. spend maeh of their time in.tke waur.
W.^W. Kimball Co.. MS f^t aireet.
Mr. Coit of Grand Baplda. aod O. B.
I. B. StroDf, a
Imthrop, Jr., epMt Tueaday night at
Che Baaat choeototaa. trata aveey therwort.
Av ta Hasdriek'a.
A moat delightful -party van gtv«a


Chenpeat find moat »lub1e pUce to get your bicycle repaired and
iput in good numing <Hdet. Here bad aereml yean experience and
I know bo4T it abonld be done. Satisfaction gnanufeed. I am celling '
bicycle eandries at abool cost. Kew and second band wbeeU for aale
and to rent. Please give t» a trial.

Watch This Column For Bargains!

Miea Liuie Olde bw returned home
from Poloekey where the hae beea
vUltiuf ralaUvaa.
J. W. Lodyard and wife who have
beea vlaltinf Mn. F. E. Bare, returned
to their home in Clinton eonaty yeeI and delivriwd. WE8TDK A OUTTOK.
Mre. Jobo LaBne. who bat been vislltuf ia Traverae City, left ycaterday
{prlem will be right. A. 8 FBYMAR. SHOES. 186 Froat atreet.
momlnf for ber home in Empire, aeipaaied by her fiaad-daufbier Ber- Sixty Touag School Ka'ama Invite
I can build a good ooe riieap. alao repair at short
An Xaay of the Other Sex to
notice. Call and sm whnt yM can gain. WH.
lira. Dea Henloa of Cloverport. Ky..
Enjoy Their Excunlou.
FETTBBLY. 612 Moure street. West Side.
aucompaaled by her ‘dnufblcr Grace,
Tbe ezenrelon to be given touigbt by
arrired yeeterdey for a vUit with her
the teaebera aad aefaolare of tbe atau
eistor. Mre. J. W. Haaaen.
welry autre. 117 Front atreoL
Mre. Or. W. E. Mooa went to Bay Dormal iaalitata will be i
by the Creaoeot band.
As there are
City yeeterUay for a viiit.
sixty bright, witty school ma'ams
Sem Benda,who 1* to open a clothiag
•tore Id the place now occupied by T. ready to enjoy the axxmllgbt trip,
they extaad the most eordlal InviteBeat Five Cent Cigur Mada TBE OILBEBT CIGAB CO.
J. Hoekarrived la the city yeetardey.
Jemee dpmeer and dearhtar have Gm to like anmbor of the stcraer eex.



laat eventaf la how ed Mr*. Gore. {
lee er«r« nod cake wwu aarved aad a ,
pleaaaat aoeiable Ume aa}oyad by all.
d hae the rapataUoa ef leadinf the loeal reaorta la plaamat aad
Bovel evenlaf eutartalameata, aad
ttere ia alwaye awethiaf aew aad anJoyable to look forward to ia UU Uae.
Ml« Edith Oebeme from Mlmoari
u eomc for a rialt with her niece*,
the Mlaaee Lathrop
Mlae Loniae Drury hae returned to
Chleafo after a elx weeke' etay here.

American Steam Laundry


[Ask Us For Prices,
Do Yon Want a Boat ?

Spectacles, 26o to $5.00.


5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents

returned to Cbicafo alter a visit with
friead* in the city
Charles Bretlaa has arrived from Bo­
hemia for a viait wiu his brother. J.
J. Brrtiaa. He and Mra. J. J. Brexina
hare fone to Baal Jordan lor a viait
with relatives nod frieade.
Mis* Olive Waite of Manceleaa, ie in
the cily visitlnf her brother. Elmer E.
FiSiLUliaa Garland at Abe Uoatoa
Store la eaJoylBf a three weeka' vacsI'ioa.
George B. Hoyt of Wilhelm ie eajoylnf a weekb vacatioa.
Charlea Boeentbal cf the BcetM
Btorc hes foae to Kew York on baai-

the only qoaliflcatiou


i Quard ChOillS

Slagle bteaeeGoeaa and at leaet 75 cental''^
in a bandy pocket.

try- j'.’N“MABTIKBK.*17FrMt
VAA6*aaao toU line jewelry,

Fine Piano for $140.

•8M. will aetl to get room, at 8140. W. W. KIMBALL CO. K. E. 8TBOHO.
Manager. 285 frtmt atreet.
ExclUng Eonaway Cn«
able Domzge
Yesterday afternoon a horse belong-,
. .. • aad uc. FaU Uae Grawtaa
Ing to W. Bonsek. who lives ioaUi eaet j HIBAM COOK. Star Groenry. 248 Front Stiuet,
of the eity. broke loose from the place
where it was faetenrd in front ef Jaa
Beofield'e blnekamith abop, aad daahedI
uad Park etreaU.
down the street. In the beginning of ——————

.[Soaps-12 Bars for 25c

’ Bon Bonn, CNoice Confections.

Furniture Bargains «:A8. oomer State aad Dakm ata.

damage to both oatfiu. Tbe horse
took a tam down FrMt afreet to
Aveane, but la turning
.aadr*draspberriea. forcaBBinc purpoaea TBDBTBLI. A GAKE, PAI.
Mra. Duff DcMoaald and daughter
into a I BAKERY, comer OniM aad TU siraeta.
will fo to Patoakey tble mormimf for a .
root OI Bev.
«... T.
*. Stoufa
oiouie realluei- . — ,
, .

vUil with relativea.

No More Atlas Coupons ari.*'SVia?.iS’5r;

_____ _______ ____

AfterkickiaHta.ifiooMfro«;Columbian Restaupant

T. J. Boat went to Grand B*plde laat
eveclag to complete arrangemeuta to “«•
the horse started rumalag! Lnaebee In the world for 16c. Open all
move his eiothing
elottalnf stock there from *<tol» but was eapturod and returned
to ita owner. Tbe baggy was eomhere.
HIM Lee. oomer of Daloa and Ninth
Arch Cameron of Torek Lake waa ia pletely demolUhed and the horse was
street* this aftemoM at <' o'clock. A
ike city ycaterday. Be went to Cbica- alighUy iajared.
large attsndsaee U desired.
fo laat nlfhi and was accompanied by
Arraagemeaia for a pillow aale are
Thrllliag War Sceaea.
W. N. Kelley.
being made by tha ladira of Grace EplaB. Bahle came down ycaterday
from Suttoe* Bay for a few koore.
will b. ,n™ b, U., C, I
Bn». 8b« .bb. U U..
Mra Tbos. White of ThompsonvUle
.bb.rtb..u.plc-ol tb.|p,^
^ „„
la la the city.
Tb. d.U bill b, UbOdbcbl
Charles A. Wafoerof Baiding. Uich., of realistic war pietnrea aad eoaaaa of I
arrived in the city last evenlnf for a ib.,™o.b..««,b. b.b Oil,
few days' rialt with ArthcrE. Uibbard tie of Manila, the cestruciien of Cer-1
, <]Gested to meet at tbair hall Thursday
F. n Bruauer of the late lameeted
.b 6..L, b™.l».db.., ol 8m.,l«o. i
Manistee ColU. it In tbe city.
..d lb.rr~> comidddd.™. «,,,|ib.„„,d.
M. C. Bewitt of Barker Creek trans­ CdbdnU ud oU.»- dldUbnldbdd dSd. I „ „
wid.l. wbo w*. Id,».
acted basinest in tbe city yesterday.
ers who have made themselves famous ' ratal ia saving young Bazenki from
aad brought aooor aod glory
'^Idfbwnlng Sunday, and not Bert, ns
tea. also realUtle Cubae aceaes. This
-111 bd dd. of ibd dd»l d,u-dtb». df. c S Vddo bd. b~b n-nldd . PddAfslust Alonso Parry. Accused of the kiod ever given here and tbe W. B. |
aiMof86 per moath by the Pension
Harder in Imnelsf
C. wUl profli by a large auci
I Bareaa.
lAoeinf. Aufust 8 —It la ooaeeded
Sometime la the near fature the
that Alonzo Perry, who accused W. A.
I Ladlee' Library AtsociatioB CMteaMiller of the murder of R. O. Lanzon.
Tbe Borne and Foreign MUeioaary 1 plate givlog a shredded wheat btac-uit
will be heid to tbe Ctre^t court oa the Society of tbe Coagrcgational church i toachrea.
Tbe exact date baa not
ehanre of perjury today. His sttomey will meet la the church parlora ihl* y»t been fixed, but when the lime arrivra no doubt the locml koasewli
aftemooB t. 8 o'clock.
will enjoy a treat.
trial, and the police expect the tcaUBlabop Gitlaapiekasaotieed Bev. C.
Aboot aeveaty-five laviutiona hava
mony will clear up the murder mysT. Stout that he will viziiGrace ebarab been taened by the camping party at
tarrOB Saadey. August 14th, to administer i' Camp Chatter" to that number of
1 young people la the city
**,Blag at the------Grace Chareh Oalld will i
with floe attractions
Dwelling of Thomas OlbMn Bumod
With AU ita OMteata.
The farm dwelling of Thomas Oibaoo.
VO aod a half miles from Fife Lake,
boroed to the ground Moaday aflcrnooB with alliUeoBUnu, while the
family ware away from hooM for a
abort time. There was ao insurance
on the baiidiag. The Ore is snppoeed
to have started from tbe stove.

nas irsAB pm laka,

Picni.:ked at VeHOt-te-wanta


Yesterday Ne-ah-U-waate offered |,
It party, eoaattracUoaa for a plea
alstlng of HIse Agnra Bich. who U
home for her vaeaUoa; Miea Wood of
UaaUtee. who U vUiUag Mias Flerraee
Mis* JaekaoB. Mra Mode
Eieb. Mra. William JaekxM. Mra, L.
F. Perkett. and the MUeee Emma aad
Bertha Claae.
. . i.fuieat the Optician, baa madi
many frieada. Thaaking them for their
petrnsage, be wiabea to asaoaace that
__ ___
office will be
I at E. N. Moblo'l Stud
to. Its
116 Daion
street from i te 6 p. m.
each dsy. where he will eeaUoue te fit
yoar eyes with the fiamt groaad er^
ul lenses far 83 for ibU moath only- iaft.
Three same leasee will coat yon 85
.Hrptember let.
fruit juices, cold eparkllng soda water,
clean apooua aod glamea. llila mixtare eonnJtutcaoar loe craam aoda at
Wait's soda fouateia.

•KJobao Bosaa.' Tbebna'’ aad all
the lateet perfau ca at Wall'e Drug
‘-The Dmcgtat'* 5 oeat Igar, flaei
sickle amoke in tewn 1
A Walt
Drug Stem.

i thite

Tbe Creaeeat baad aad their trieada
enjoyed a d
6MlBbergb hall laat night. .
Dben of the Cremmat hand wUl
at tbe baad room promptly at 7
o’clock thU ereolag to go M tbe exMr>
alM of the teaebera.
Scofield of Bart Front atraet
has' received a cheek for IPS 00 from
the Phoenix Accident and Bmeflt AnaoelatiM. Mr. Seofirtd erae laid up
for nearly two mootbs with a Uum leg
reeelred ia ao neeideat aome Ume ago.
to Niagara
Falie OB Thnraday vta Detroit, and a
vral from tbie city will taka advantage
of it. Dr. W. J.BicglnewlUtakettin
aad profit by the opportunity to vieia
leading denial offices in Buffalo. AV
-nay M. W. Underway and Phil
■r will alao enjoy the trip.

Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-to-date Paiater
aad Pa|wr Nuger.


f~ Whichever you may wish when suiting yourself with a pair ^
^ of Shoes, you Will find in o'ur handsome and up-to-date stock ^
f- of Men's Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th<s seasonlef
the yoar, and we have them in aU shades for Walking, Bicy- ^ ;
cle Kldlng or Working. They are pasy. cool and comfortable
and the






and CharlM Sipllnger Selata
In Oubiu
Intaraattng Bxperii

«»««»»«« »*«»»«
The (oilowfac latter wat roMlved a
taw dajB^coVrlA K Oibba from
OUada C. VaBdemn. whom be bai
eared for and rlvea a atart in tne
world.ha<lwholaaewwiUi the Han■ah Rlflef at SaatUco:
Saatlafo da Cnba, Jnlj H. 19»«.•
DfABEfT Faiaxo;—I am "atlll la the'
rlnc” and teal aa well aa
Oar company U at praaeat aepportlay

battery E. Ilffat artUlary.

Tbe follewioy antmeU are taken
troo a letter reeelr^ Monday by a
frlaad from C. E. Elpllayar:
Whib at Camp Alyer I bad tba plManmof^tcndioyonaday la that wondarfnl city wbare onrpreaident realdaa.
and whUa there bad tba boner of
bandihaka from blBL
After a abort yliapae In the waj.
and onatonu of tba Cnbao naUooa I
eoald bnt aay

Thara la not mneh drbtlnc roiny on
••May Qod pity all and eapaetally Uoaa
at praaant and It look* to ma aa ibooEb
the Spaaiarda fly tha flac of trnee, who flra op tbalr Urea for iDcb a paowhaaarar tbay taal that they are r«t-. pier They aaao bat little abort Ua
tlnf the worat of it. and ao flaln tli ^ banate. They atend In rowi with wide
I replay montba, watebiny arary more
to raenparate.
_________________________ ________ ^ jef onraoldlera, andabonld a piece of
and after looklay the altoation orer.
Abek or meat fall to tba yraond
fral bhafl- tbay Immediately eintob It Mo doabt
-ar*a matboda, ao tbe boapital patienU they are a atarrad paepla
arrired darlay the baariaat flriny
It looka ai tboayh tke maalc that and raeelrad ordera la a few honra
will end daniiayo or na wUl beyln to­ more to thaaoeaa of aetloo.
Riyht beta I trill hare to atop lo tell
morrow iairniBy la dead earaeat. bat it
ta a bopaleaa earn for tbe Spaolab aa yon wby it it that I am not with tba
reylmant at Santiago. While at Oamp
•tba town la eomp etely eo'-ruandad.
The toldlera teen) willtay to anrran- Alyer I Joined tbe boaplul oorpa. and
dolny bad to laara Co. M. The
der, wfateh meant anre daatb on their
3 toSpaln. At laut. that U what I Bnl nlyht bare aa we warn abont
forward. I waa ordered wllh a
tbay are made to bellera. Many of tba
ylra tbemaalraa np. while on plekat few other* of the corpt. to reman here,
doty. They Ua aematbiny wklu on and amlat In cariny far Ua wounded
They ware bronybt in faatar Uan
tbe end of their ynna and mareb Into
eonld uke care of them, and eontlnnad
onr lisaa.
WhUa ntarchlny U> tba front, we met nnabated till orer 7M were nader
amyon loadt of woendal and a larye care- Company M. by kaeplny bablnd
nnmbor who were ebot tbronyb tba traee aaeapad wlUont a aerateb aa far
arm wara walkiny to the eeeat aa bmt at ! know, nnleaa U wat In falllny
tb^ eeold.
loya kaeplny away from Ue eaemj
While en the nmrah many dronpad
Well, thinya hare ynna bapbazard
OUT rolla belora half tray tbere, Wban
within ball a mile from tba front wa ainoe onr yallo^ ferer aeara. mulny
a all ordered to lay onr rolla aaida ] **• burniny of all Ua bnlldley* and
e^ that waa ^ laat wa erer aaw of I ynneral tidyiay op. The yellow ferer
to make na aorafortabic.
bere and all doubtful enaaa are
We bare not ramalned in aae place mhao at onoe to that plaae. two or
ir two Diyhta at a time.
Urce from Company M belay amoay
I am now In a aqnad of twelve on Ucm.
oatpoet doty, and in a poeitloa to aae
I am now belpiny in a typhoid ward,
nreiy aUetl atrike borne, from onr liybt
artlllary. They yenorally dj what la bnt eipect to be mored to SaoUaya
Intonded for Uea. W« aaw Uam dc- eoon to Join my reyii
atroy a Hpanlah bloekbonae foil of
By tbe ooUook now, all who are able
Spnniab In jaat thiwe aboUwin he lent ba..k lo Ue Hutca. and 1^
CLAirnn "
tbe middle of tiepteealwr 1 may he wtu
yon all.

FrMMont XcKinloy


I been reported ail alony aa aeeartny
I moat of Uclr yoodt in Majiloo.
Ua I Hesicanyoramment la reported wiUday or two lo bare aieaed nine

Oonir.. Kv Aot,
' u«i,j i...,
Waabinytoa. Aaynat *.-E*-8auator whoae had »reii piren tlpanUh
Wamar Miller of New York. Ue preel- medala for tbelr anceem in .uonlny Ue
tet of Ue Nieanynan otnal commie-1 blockade. The Spaoiab coDaola and
and beaaior Moryao of Alabama wealUy Spanl.b merebaot* of Mexico
«ba taadlny adroeau of Uat prejeet In City bare retained rojoacl and are tryWvrram. bad a eonferaapa on Ua Nie iny lo yet tbe n
arnCBAO eaaal qneation with President
KeElnlry ycaUrday.Tbeeonfem
abort. Tbe pmaident, it U mid. exjremed hU aoqnlaeceoee In Ue Ulie' Democrats Cannot Oooat on Ue Dlathat Ua yorammaot poeaeaalon of Ue
tlngnlataad Admiml for PrealHioataynan eanal la now neeaamry
deatial Honora.
and that Ua war and ita rmnlu
ladlanapolla. Ind . Aoynat S-—l>nrmake the eanal IndlspenslUe to Ue
iny Ue Democratic Conyremlooal eon
CnlMd Btatm.
The preeident. hU eallera aay. la rention at Praoxfort. Samael Ealttoi
tondt to make atrony reeommendatioiu Ue Democratic nominee for aeeretary
to conyreaa for layUlatlon maklny Im- of aute. paid a ylowlny tribote to
mtoUte proriaion for Ue compleUon Admiral Dewey. Ue -'Democrat who
of Ue canal and for malriny it tbe di- bad won immortal ylory at Manila
met property of ibe yoverDmmt. Ex- Soon after Ue coorenUun Conyrcaamao
•raatOT Millar, dltcaatlny tbe fntarr Landtea of thU city adoreaaed a letter
to Coarreaeman H H Power* of V,rof Ue canal immediaiciy after Ue
moot, a life-long acqaaintance of tbe
famooe. mid:
I Admiml. wbo also commDoica'ed wiU
"Conyreaa at ita next ___
mmioc will


»k.a u

““>■> “--j »'

cal ai lu u,q.| .. ...
! I”'"' ' »“ -‘•I P^7 >b•nrolth. D.IUKuu.. llb« b™.
9"b«~ni.n lu.•bbuur. u I. .11 .loot: II 1. ,o.
bu Jul n.ulM cb. r»l, U.,1
ImacUr,. ad tar. U
d,.b, u u,
"—X — • •■•.bb E.r-K
• b.t «Uo. ulll b. t.b«k b, erra
b- » u !l
Tb. .««. n >b. -uib. T“"°'-. Ob"l-'.«~bb Po—™ u.rn of'
Admiml Dewey U
project U a comp
to «. and
wiU what Ue war bae bronghi in ita
(min ia adding to onr Intamato in tbe
Pacific Uere will be speedy aeUon.
Tbe eanal oao be eom^etod in five
years and pat Into opemtion as Us valnable link betwem Ue Atlantis and
r tbs Pacific."
Baaaur Msrgan also bad a final word
to aay to Ue president absnt Us Hatrallan commtmlon'a work, ffa said ha

Demoemt lo Vermont, and will i
be ditpntcd by them.
Acninaldo Forced to Yield to Ami
Icaaa si MaoiU.




d(»UQCtutteiiMn>aippi.«.Oood * ®~*
niAf Bnt Fmua«st P

ui7iii« UJaatrattoo repraIf OadMinblf.
litebcat wbiea
bat beta
Am Frueiaoo. C*J.. A«rwt l.-Fmi. i «*rlfed and ptuattA Ij Jmm Hitebfit.
ell O. HewUadf, imnirfMiiiin tor Kf-'
Arrow River. AUnitoba. Canada.
«!>. wbo I. h.r., ..U loa«r "Tb. \ 5
middle to both
im. bublfub. d.Hnd
Inm tae i
4 xroffl
y eomKrocted eitba o( metal
aeqaWtUn of the Philippine are I-, « wood. Tbe.boat p^iXin
itrica I ymriny la fmied of Wxlcn Btarm, nrwfaieb hare two-lUrda of Ue popala-{ ronndod by boopaaud airaugUibued from
Uon of Ue world, and Ua poaslbllltiea ; within by xtont riba A Imiie ootootl
of oommerea between onr people and
end of the boat U prorld'
theae mme foreiyn eonntrim arc sfwiU a pasmye or rvpe xtuu^way,
The adrantaym wfaieb w>oae«& are at riybt angles toeacb
otbw. T ropT'^uiba tlirdu-h them
wonld aoeme to oa from pommalon of ynidewnya. exteoda tbronyb Ue wtaoia
a naval ataUon in Ue PbUlpplnm are length of Ue boat, and U attached to a
alto yrmt, bnt t do not Uink Uat all ■hip by the nanal meani. Within Ue
Ucaepoeaible beneflu wonld balance body of eacb ooolcal block and isterUe eviu Uat tba holdiny of tbe Pbtl'- seotlny each ri^ gnideway it a reocm
pplnm wonld enUil apon na. Tbe poe- coDUininy a tpriny prwaed blook.
natal aUtlon in UU When the rope ia removed, tbe block la
yronp of Itlaoda. where onr shipe may antotnatlotlly forood down m> at to pmvent Uo entrance of water. Bbonid it be
coal, ia Ue aafml eolation of Ue PbiU- inipomible to lower the .boat In Ue orpplce problem, in reyard to Ue Hewalian Ulanda. tbe natnral oppoaitlon
to torriV>rUl ayyrandixemenl and to a
violatioB of tbe policy which UU yovemment baa ao lony practUed doea not
apply. The aequUltlon of Ue Hawai­
ian ialanda mmna defenm to what we
bate. Tbe acrtnititlon of Ue Phllippiaea meant conqueat and territorial
expaniion A yovernment that reachm Ml lu arm* mnat be very atrony at
This acqalaitioD of lat^
foreiyn temtorr will briny abont InitralizvtiOQ of power. I am
of Ue opinion that It wonld be weU
Urow open to yeneral dleenmlon the
wiedom of the acqnUitioe of Ue Phl|.
ippinee nefore Anal
floe Jadymant U paea dlBiry way by letting ont tbe sn^wodiny rope, it may be Uonehed npon an
even keel by severiny Ue tope
FOREIGN TRADE MOVEMENT. Betchway* for the entranoe and exit
Commercial Statlrtlrt For tba Carma* of paamnyera, a rudder nod steeriny
ropea operated (ram Uo hatchwaya or
Tear Will Break
from wiUin the boat, arv all inovided.
The recnm of tbe bnreao of natiatlc*
A heavy keel ylvee Uo boat stability
for May and for 11 mouUii of ibe Atrial and riybta it. aboold it be ovemmed.
year eodluy .May 8| pn-wnu toiuo very Veoklatioy pipes are provided ^haoh
etriklay featorea Rzportt cd merebau- can be cloeed ^ valvee to prevent Ue
fliw in May were, for Inatanoe. (110.• entixDoe cf water.—Scinntiflo A
tse,S06. the laryiat on record, even <:x- ienn.
toodiny tboae for tbe aame month lart
TMth aaS Bmllk.
rear tiy |:!8.S67,880 Thme exporta
In late yuan more and m/w
were larycJy Unanaacd by ahipmcDU of baa been paid to Ue oonditlon of Ibe
Amtncsn maonfactarod gooda. the any- teeth of I
I for IHo im
mented man-iumi in wbloh baa ben to- and now the report of Ue demtiit U oonfore bivTi noted in thew onlnmna.
sidered of proportionai value with that
Tbe tvtnma for 11 miiutht of the fia- of tbepbymcun indotermininyUevaliM
sal year ondiny May 81 show the enor- «f tbe "lUe-" bo importaiu are Ue inmont ari'l mtirelf anprrceriaited tnul dicationa afforded by Ue teeU of Ue
sf II.18.T.4U.01& merchaodiac ex|
sxportA yenentJ bvalU and ttreuyU of Ue oonue- tim« ftitutiQD of caudidauit for the United
which wat a phenomi-nal
rear fur cxpnrLa Tbe iinpnrit thit year
wen-, iiowuvty, Ins than lialf Ibe <a at Ue bmiicU of Ue dentist bo mnst
(668.M)fl.5Kt. and (HS.U.'.U.
maku np hu luiod to look for auoUer
BIO b.
U low th.»-for 11 moiithi of the calling It l« argnid Uat if the teeU
y<ar. 1-Jiviny the oairmwobt in good mm Uo diynaion. and
dciimlly CavomMe □Kirchonriit' balauos
jfoonrm. '
-• • •
ajnunn (Ji‘'.X.'i3,iSi and cinn'io)
f«y Ue taiiii- unie lu IbW 7. a gain of deucy of Ue
ed. Tbete resiru-Uuua aru uow likely
The tTiide rotnm* nmnlurtakal ly tn.ti extend to the army. One of Uo first


Tli. y siwi as <lw-i.ii-dly
iudiixto. in tbe fui‘MblA menhandise
ic oooiliUau. A i^uutry which (’Xivirtt
more than doable ifac amonul of it« iiiiports on-upic* a po-itusi prt-omiiK-nily
smaiy. and tliere it uo country in tbe
world which can make rich a tmde ex­
hibit aa UU for 11 moDthtof lU fltcuJ
year. When Ue n-turu* lor the entire
12 luontha shall be reported, even more
nking oompMisooa will be thown.
While DO nuall xhirv of Ui« jilienmnenal proaperity U due to crop conditicoa
and to Enrnpoan food roqnircmenca tba
feet reniaiut Uat the practiral worktogt of tbe Otogley tariff in docroaKUig
Ue qnsoticy of fiwi igii goods pnrchasi'd
for AuicricaiM-onraniptirin and emenng
Into oompciltlon with goods of equal or
Inced by onr domettic farma factorl«i< and millB have very
largely oODtriboccrl to the cxUiing condiUous of our fon.-ign tnda

tablitfa a denial corpt to tbe United
| bi«t<a anny It upro(xned to make the
deniist a i»rt of tlie medical
corps aanguing one saryeon denliit,
wiu Ue rauk of major, tojvh brigade,
aiul one itirgean deuiist. ^U Ue rank
of captain, to each regunoot Tbe army
dcatittJi aro to be graunuies of ivpatable digital eollegwt Tbe teeU at Ue
rank and flit of tbe army ate lo be toand kept In order.
and Ue •ddier biauelf u to'betoatmcted bow to M-oond tbo eflortB of thedsiUrt—Chicago BeconL

Tbe modical jonmala of Germany
make DM-ntiou of a new aalpbnr s«p—
Uijsavonai tolnble in water. Pm Ue
prudociion of soape of Uu ebameter
salpburiix'd oilt ere used. The Uick
liqnid Uio oil It madv floid wiU alco­
hol. end grwinaliy mixed while being
cdituiunlly KiirTed wiU an eqnivaloii
volouif of iMtoub lya wbloh it likewUe
tu OHtve.
I Uiiined w lib alcohc 1 Tbe addition of
."What do yon tappute waa Ue origin'lartr* qaantuiot of potash lye atone
of Ue t'xprcvdan 'By Geargi-V " he time prodnon mpamiiun of anlpbnr.
Aoid ibongbifolly when the oonrenation i boi tju dougor becomot low tovrard the
began to flag a little.
| rud of Ue aapanifiaiiina. and at last a
"I'm taro I don't know." the an-1 •maJ) excn« of potaeb lye le nted. The'
I fact that all (to- thioselmric and has
"1 bell do. "yelhd her small broUer 'aapnnUed
indicated by tbe liquid ap"'Whai-'” Ucy both asked.
' peaniig cb
clear at a whole and a sample
"Gorirpe Dewey. ' wat Ue-prompt ro- (akeo to-ing c learly soluble to water'^aa
ply.—Ch.-ago Poi:
[ well at in alcohol Tbe exceet of alkali

‘It nentmlued (>y volatile fatty acid
I The toapadolum that obUlned It fmed
Baveriy—Who u Ue maddest man from Ue alcohol in a steam baU and
in Bpatof
' boiled down to Ue crniMKiency of toft
Anoton—Tbe Dnke cf Vengns. Some ’ aaivti. ueiug -locatioDally imted for nenpmea clipping bnroen baa just Mt him I tmlity Eigbiy-five parti of Uit soap
Ue newspaper scconnta of Ue nioe^sro mixed wiu lA parti of glroeria.
Uiogs be said abont Ue Doited Sum Tbe peroentageof water to Uto mlxtpre
nt Ua World's fair.—New York Troth. | is IS and Uatof Uiosebateof potaminm

Osvlte. Manile Bay. July to ei* Hoag
Staaeh Far BlaM rtMta*.
"6aa bow differently people to Us
Eong. Anguti 2—Agninaldo baa bmo city and to Ue ooootry regard Ue
An origtoal and efBcsclooa device tor
oompelled to back down In one of hit
stopping Uc flow of biood hat for aoms
ooDug of a word."
atUmpU to embarraaa the
nted by Ue Cbtotee—« meth■•Aa forexampierirelyn
.. reaort to the oonntry ..
la ev-..-ally
be medical
fraternity of tbit connrogardi-d aa a nice place, bnt in Ue city io ‘i>e
p ftia.t po
H. uu u...
bbobi lb. uj
try and -Europe. Tbe plan ii to cue
t hsoally rtfer* to a Hive. "—Vim.
BawaU »ow baa at good a govern- ordered Us owners to make a# coo.
wiuaMt M Ue stoUe here, and that. Uere
B* Bad te. .... f
Ue apnlleacioa of
--------- f.-------- ^
wars sroaUsnt men adminlatertog Ue osthis
Randy Hann-ltoiSa'ta mile *ralk »>«»• fine bsgi
I Ao<
ced for animals Uls monitog before breakfast. .
vantage ovee Ue ordinary___
•nt of Ue Ulandt.
> tmnsport anppliaB. Agnlaaldo ..
£. Z. Jay—How did Chat happen?
over wounds and have a ccmilder'fused to famish Usm nnUI informed
Hxudy Mann—The baby wa. taken fecUy
wblla Ue
cost U
asxieoBsn HleMd Seveml
anyhow. with ilieotJiojnstaftcriuidnight.—Up *|>i« s“Ofbijif power.
to Date
almost DoUlng. They can be made aim
wherever Uey are to. be naed and to a
General Aadanon la going ahead
Polaioa fly paper ready ent It kllU ahapa to »nit eneti' partietilar case,
WaU'nfton. Angnsi *—Aoeordlag | wlthont aay regard for Usum
Ue fliea. s ueu a pscki«e at Walt's which ia a fact of no llule importance
, tor^^i^vtoatUe Onban legs-;opemUm. OenszalOroea. tea •
to oriiig for field bospiuU and snrgieal
Dn»g Htora________________
Mm frrbm Ua Cnban repreaentative in lUbto bk <
came to popaieticm clean straw la
M«xlss.«nrBslgbb(wkunnddan1y ba- poaiUons of Ua naUvna
-odriok A Oo. are etrvtog Ue fin- token, plackd in a large vat, pnt on fin
•ama flen-siy Mntml. now Uat peace
» cream in tbe city.
M appareaUy ia sight mad Ue Spukb
MjtjouM has board of LontrH
U|daeed«ntop Tbeoantm^on cf^
«M*t oars far mars kelp.
Taxis OvssB—The pars StoC. Ho soaw ia Mow and Ua prodnot la. of
The HpaaJsb bloekads ranaen have
®^P M"l»«»tk>ns, tt osnto a poand nmrao, msprin ihai to dovold of mlat Watt's Drag Stors.

You Reach

The best way to do so is to ij-


employ the

....... OF-... .

The .Morning Record
For three months, ending
August 1, was

These Fieures Speak Volumes to the Progressive Mverliser

Reaches the masses. That is
the reason its

If you want to buy anything or want to
sell anything


Try the Record Want Depanmenl

iBii cuanra ssaoBD.'wsnrasoA'fAoousTS tsas


sl of tcritt to Mt daring tba aftenoim
se his aoenstomed beiadi with tbe eth­
er cwhllea In tbe tunning be beset

fast ter s dreuBYsabr weald 1 here brr
JeairersdneB>*pu. iTtBshalf rwiUHd
ASM*k.berp(ot«D* hair totwia-

......... ...
himself to find a

The Unlled StUM bu jDA o«np)R«d

ed eitb woe the esporta of

r«rlb»7uid $1.080.S;B.0OOin
ISM. the OD]y jreen 'd whinb ext>«U
teve exceeded 91.000,004.000. With ao
renierfceble »n toerneen iu rxpona. imyortt of merebuxUae decreeaod. end the
•xoMi of export* oret impreia reecbed
$•16,960,000. abicb I* more tban twice
the lantect faranblebebuiceerCT before
t-'»rdt^l in our commercial atuale.
miiFiiuite the xsrploa of a
. f.- - .<3^.0 orer the iodis]
I .
home (.-xxmmpt___1..CJ CLproaent tbc xnrplnaweeJth
af a nation. After dcdactisg U>« entire
■nm of onr imporlf there mnaini in faYor of (be United State* e belanoe of
$•16,268,000. JntbeUiBtwoyoarathi#
taUaiiM- amenbu to 1802.6:2.000. and
in tbe Ian fire yearn to tl.21E 1 IT.OOO.
Tbla anni in Cbt- time named liae been
added to tbe wealth of tbe ooentry. Its
ii>fln43iae la ibuwn in tbe
decrease in (be |irioe of mane]' throughoat the United Sutea, and to a Rrcni ex­
tent bj tbe incTeaard actirity of onr do' meatlc bnaiDuaB- The a«dit nf the goreratnent has been augmented and tbe
'cnofidence of its people rtrcngihened.
The •
has been permitted through the rcmoral
of donbt at to tbe stabilitr of onr enrfcncy by the reanlt of tbe prcaidentia]
election of 1B8A.
In that year and tor
flrp years before gold was withdrawn
from tbe Creantry by legal tenders and
diipped abroad or boarded- KowgoJdls
being depoaited in exchange for legal
tendtf*. with tbe reanlt that tbe traaanry eappl) of tbeae nutca has nearly
been exhaoitod.
Tbe canse of the great IncMaas la axperu u to iwfoond in the abandanoa of
car orrips and ecardty of yields la other
grain {sodocing ooiuitri» ronUing In
higher i«ia« for oereaU. Tbe ralM of
nnr exports of wheat in 1898 waagldB,ISI.OOO against •69,920,000 tn tba (maeding'year. Tbe average export tetoe
af wtmt this year was 98 rents and la
1687 it was 76 oenta. while the nnmber
af boaheli exported was 146,481,000 in
1696, as ocimpared with 78,668.000 in
1687. The raise of wheat Fipcrts in
1698 bat been cxce«ded only in 1698.
when the export iwioe was 9L08 a
bnshel, in 1681, when the price was
•1.11, and In 1660. when the prloe was
f 1.84. The exports of corn wen rained
at t20.800.000 more tban In 1887. The
total exports of all
I ware
wof •1S6.89S,600 orer tbe laeoeding year,
'fts lar­
gest total recorded before was tSOO,803,000 in 1888.
If we compote ailrer in tbe merohandise aoconnt, the rsoes* of exports ap­
pears to be 9689.446.000. In lartial
aetUement of tbU belanoe g(dd coin and
bolllon were imported to the amoont of

OOO. This iootndes all items of IntcKM
and dividends on American bonds and
stocks held abroad, travelers' credita
tans and freight paid to foreign afaipoumen and a nomhcT of minor cb: rgei.
On thl. showing tbe actnal credit bal­
ance of the United Staus in tbe last fis­
cal year may be estimated rongbly ai

Ever Buried Ovtf

Ptagtay Aa* CiaUailil

^ New Departure!

n>r bieethlnr iurU« from tlx iB.dei
owW dr.tra,
This time bis employer was a newVpOB eir iM«o tu (he alchf* deep luuh.
I comer, who knew uothiug of •■glow•hoi bmetrY wit clad la Uw bkxb's thla
.back's" peculiarity.
He was nrorly
WttI forth to rail the am tee* of th> di
(tunned wiib nrpiW at wbat be deem­
AaildBt btr rerd.h cruaM verm
ed tbe caddie's Inaolence on bis first a»-t»am Hairvs Wsithewi tn Krw B

Temaia for one day only to give tb«
aide an opportunity to coo*jU hiir 3
that cannot aee him at hUSaniUrinm. .

Tbe doctor ha*
ao much faith in the I
experience be baa bad in treating '
enronlc diecaaea that he will give ooe '
~ mth'e treatment and medicine fre

U Boyoa Inow
the ralaa of


Increase wm
h>» pM^oo *»« year.. Tbe increment to
the government
government rerenoe snpplica a
marked InvtaBoe in tba oidlnaiy role of

O. P. CARVER. Agaet


John R. Santo,.
Generil lissraiet.
TrnretMOt^ Xaikat.

Below is a list of tbahsgtefM* 9rtH..
craticcciigrem the doty was pl*^ at a
figure where smuggling was diracUy |
CBooaragnd. Under the tariff act now
in force the paymrot of a moderate duty
axujxe raia
is iwefetuble to the rirk of discovery Clcu Pork per
and ronfisuarioc by the customt ofBocra CJsnr Pork per lb...................
bent, eomewbat one sided, an infirmity I
ciacoUiian, many DISEASEa as the doctor. He gradu
Short Out Pork........................
Tbe mme friuciple of uxaMoo
dmw repeated, iu tbe (]K-akiT> own sted 87
Short Cut Pork per lb....
despite, spoiled his intended stroke and Ohioj w
Flour. U L. A Oo.
tiam, with
lod to Uw inuuedUte payment of tbe Uce; after that lectured a* Profesror
4 00
By* Flour. B. L.
t A Co. 81
a week, with a Scotch --------------------------......................................................... .........................................^---------------------------......... ........................-Urge amountii of money wc« required
Meal. n
B. L. «
A w>
bonnet stuck awry above it and a abort | loc*.
Homeopathic Medical College for 2 foe Ha opcratlrma. snd the excifoi were ]
B L. A Co. Beet,
clay pipe iun-cun-ly bdd in tbe oorner I
Bercral times during the trnring years; waaSyeare Superiuteodent of vastly lecreawjd. wliBle m direct pro-3 £gg.'per dox

There is no ttse telling who hit
tergeof tear*. Then, partly by hU op- the result* obtained by his treatment,
for it—------------------r-----------------ipoDcnt
might vexaome pooraan............................
and partly by the opponent'* All forma of chronicdieeai----------------------sitiTeaoiil beyoed tbe Styx and to 001 caddie, the sltuitic.u vas explained.
No mao in this


of bU month for lack of teeth. Presam-

weeks did now one and

now another,


p<«wn to the Increase the collection. ■ CoduTrwf fc.


b. n. .

always tbna I ro ignorance or u. piry. e^c me nn. year.'
. .tudy in the be»t hospital,
hospital, la I
been a time when | fortunate man to cany clnU bat in no ,he country, and examining and tre

~ ™W hi.

™un,ja !„J


^ ^



^amery Brttsc. lb..

> “4.srrssr"..'''t,


Corn per bn , old-..
. Ulrpwbcn h.^.i , .lOTW
o ov.mww il, .«Mhi„E Ui. wool.fl tor y«r«7
Are job di.coor.ff^l 7 coDheM with IU Donoculic
' | PoUliu m. btt.
man. a favorite with ibo lawirs may-1 .^iforTCT around bi. month until as- Cal! and see n*.we will tell yon whether [sw. The (latlettce also emphsiiae^tb* '
. .
be. but
It ff nich tiiues bad rvrr been it pbrxiution ihrvauncd him. but ihronch we can cure j ou or not. If we caunet: Iomuo that the Republican pr-~
was extremely bunl to irtctmi' llx-m to
will tell yon what relief i bettor q^lfied to grapple with the
oD<'e mental Tifinn. nnd "Slowback'

Burma asns or Tnavnn on OBate


man wouia h.™
lt«e..mjtw)l.ftopie«rel]imoth. ;g,vfu worldi. to bavi- withhtlA Do
er tiAn be wt* w bru first we knew him ; what he would be eould not rid himself
«<l,Binbllag in gait, crooked of a-poct, ] of thU damuosa baYiditum bequeathed
elrd in limgtn UBcn and an inadequate-! to him, along with hi. di-ndur peiirion.
ly short oont. with a woolen warf about by hi. d> mmd tnaster
Gtadnallr he
bis nock, and booted at such leegtb ibat grew to rocogmre
<fit ecciDed abmird to snppoae bis toes
eoold reach the cud of tbi ir ooveriugn.
He was a rearrved man and appeared to
be wicboot retauvea W« did not trou­
ble to inquire sbnot bis lodging, but
every moniisg bewa* to be ecru sitting
OB tbe bench that tbe other caddies oo-


»p,3ia,cly free-Oiedicinc.. surgi
aperation*. and the benefit of ail .»!dl i to aU who are too poor to pay.
Our method, of treatment i. *1! that l»
kuo wu br all the schools, with the aid
of ciectneity, that most wonderful of
all agent, in Paralysis, Los* of Power,
Rheumatism, and all dlMaaes of the
bU cottditiun and opumvT even u leok Kheumatn

^ r—r.-t.v.vM-sr.E'iryxs

grateful if DOW and again
^(1 £if

enpied. smoking hi* pipe and waiting
for hia mamer to come with tbe clnbs
from tbe olnbbonse. Tbcn be wonld
“cairy" tbe two etatutory rounds cf
tbe Unite and disapprer again until tbe
following mocning. How be spent bis
Ssudaya we nerer tbooght of addng.
bnt DO one has ever apjo-arod to Imre

P»^ ^

tnr hi«M.lrGwn i».j,lCTi(.tMw(
^ ^


link. ■Itogeth.r. Fix some day. no one
ocemed to notice bis abaenoo. Then il
wasnotlcvd that "Slowback" had disnpinrvd, and we bmran to ask questions
about him.

seen him on tbe day of rest
AU this was in the years before tbe
“boom” is golf wbiefa lod to tbe gsne
becoming tbe ptswasion of all and anndiy. Book, had net been wriiteu about
the game, and all the available maiini*
were curried in the heads of those wba
like "Slowback." made a fcofcarion
eitbcT of playing or of carrying claba

Ik* Sector^ dlc^sB.


*oiee to cure every case o.. _
RUPTURE. Also, we 1 ive a lyioghospital department 1» onr SaniU
Ion. Send for Jonrna'.

His crvciies know nothing,

only that he bad not been down to tbs
link, for a day or two. We inquired


wboR be lodged and with wme diffi­
culty found tbe locality. It war np a
su«p stair in a little bouse of a back
strreL His landlady told ns that she
feared be was not wtH For «ome dayi
be had not left the bunae and had eaten
noil to nothing; raid his (tcmioch refnwd food, and that he bad no appe-

The maxims were safasiantiitlly tbr^
“Slow ba<±.” "Keep your eye c
baU " and "Don'i prom.” To

to tbe short gams, and it was tbe flret i peid up.
of tbemaxliBi.caDcervedwiUi thcmorel
glorious Imainew of the drive, that was ;
dretined to exercise an important in-1
fluewv CO "Slowback ." lift There le
DO donbe, cd conrec. tliat be had another I

Ttrmi (Of kosH snS

Wli.-n wewcni in. It eppenred at onee

tms of the golffng art and e.-ptviiOly to relapsed into silotcv and seemed to
that flrur quoted ooeof "Slow back.” I alccp.
H. onn-lnd Uat b, lud
> 1
At l.-npi. lb. d«<, ,.m.. Ho look
fatal habit of hurrying the club away,
la (be tiaok 4pukc. from the ball, and
that (his initial error wo* rewpondble
for all the •nbueqni ut mias hit* and top-

will run eu Bast Bay aa follow*:
Leave Old Mission...
. 6:30 a. m
Arrive Elk Rsnlds...
.. 7:10 a.m.
Leave BIk Rapid*. .
.. v:40a. m.
.. 6:10 a B.
. 8:00 a m.
Leave 0,0 Misaii .
Arrive Tost Bead.>a m.
Leave East Head..
.. 1:00 p m.
Arrive Old MiMloo.
.. 6:10 pm.
Leave Old Mission..
.. 6:40 a
Arrive Elk Bapids..
Leave ElkBapida..
Arrive Old MUaioo.................................... , _
'Bos win leave the MereanUle Co's
Block. Hotel Wbitlug and Park Plaoe
at 2:M p. m. 'Bus will also eoanaet
with bouiat II-.U a m. Fruit ear will
be at Bast Head ou Tueadsys. Thuredays and Satnrdaya. PaKaugera and
fruit will ba Uken on at any point
along Penlaanla abore by oomlnf ou<

Wheat, old. per bu....
WheaL new, per bu...
Data No. 1. per ba (w
Bye. per bu................
Knttae, par *.............



f ■■IfiEMIIAIMai

II i I
s* a a
•8 IS •

tba right to SMl—Dallas Kswa


auorwr oaa <Jo(

10. MerreBUl* Oe- leek'Pfaeow loa. KM. im__________

Toronto. Oeterio. one fare for roend







ffSffs a s •£•£« s
Ofbe* Priwlrteii blo^ 'Pboas. bees* a*




rs «•- MOFFATT.
\J. EMUaad C<M




Tratrearnre A



■ MlilMII
a aaaaaaaaa

OAeelB BsalHoa
■on.* to 11 a SB., t


•TtEAINKD HUMK—Ml** lalen* B
1 sraSsaiecit i*. DalvefvlUBrepnal. *»o
Arbor, will re»ooo<1 to ooU* lor Botsia*. Ml
t S(k*tr«*t m il

Tralo* arrive (nw Bi»kwead. Pan Warn*,
Driioc. ecd OroBd Bapt4s.tAa n. Porlre
oDdbafleScartreaDrireneataia (rota


....pi Sub.,,


"SlowlMck," in a new suit of j pastures and (ranauit to ■>««»■»■ the
i to the grave
,asd emne l»ek. still wearing Ida ap|wr- I i« Popnlar Sidttte Monthly.

a saaaaa
« etMtt

■' Sir..- •



iimia UDKinuiRiiLi

Uto* UXJ*T-Tb» ra
C M3t<r'«oa Htol* •(
*off. »i4r

^ItLWAXTXO—To soeeaeralh
Mr* a J ^or^o. If» Wi





Even Hi. Cleveland must admH that

■■IfBI ■■■■ ■■■
aaaaaa aass ass

asgetff ssss ■•«

I U>t*DOM. Deatin. O eea*
la nrthsw

Cincinnati, one cent per mile. Sell
September 10, good to return October
lodlanapllls. one fare for round trip,
«>ell Aagual Bib. return Aagnat 16th.


Gnod Ripidi i Indlin L B


thut he was wiy lu-d. He lav on tbe trip. S-II August Sub. 16ih. and tTlh.
bod totriUy warfed. scorc-lv more than
'« nturu SepL Oih.
a akolvtoD of a man- We aili.-d wbetbiT
Vermulioc. O , one fare for rouad
be hod a-eii a d«-i.c and U-iug told
August 1st. good u> retnr*

quatomamle.pre-f. rred to refer ih.-m to, Hill "eariTing " for hi. old masu-r on
Mglwt of some uf tbe iffiponant max-I tbe links we could not tdL Then be

Btaamar Ooakama


RmlucM Ratee on O. R. A I

bnt oik gUuce at On- poor tignre ui tbe Leave Trsverse Citv.
bed, pamed hia band
bvu>-aih tbe
clothes and laid it for a moment over
the heart Then be turned to un «itb a
pings with which the club visitMl tlM| grave face, "blowback" was dead.—
...CIS “
ball ou its descent,
We arv gradually paying off onr debts
rigbt But In any
. .. t^ewV.V.
abrobdandestablishiug ounelvMamoBg
...5:10 "
wbicb be strove to cure himself of this
5:30 "
< tb«cxv<litnTinlion* Tbe dlmimticn in
feul icndceiCT ("cro to make bis caddie
Harbnr PolDl . . .
our impurw i. i>oi wUidactcrily ex­
eyaculaie the magic word* of mooiiian.
plained by the fact of heavy impotV
"Slow back!" caulitmiethat be prepared | bodioc ((be tcItci and silk petals wonlate in ibc fisoal yrur 1687. autietpatto raise liis club for the driving stroko. I deifuUy true to life) is mapJeu-d by a
ing the opmtiuu of the Dinlgey tariff
Going south daily except Suoday.
The n«olV it bos to be admllted. wu
| ahlrt________________
ooverod with____________________
flower* in silk_____
law. for iuiporb. in tbai year were 915.hroid«sry. in colote that match the velvet''!-»»»• Harbor Spring* ................T:boa-i
aot wholly saasfsctnty. OuecaaKByoo
One can
OOO.bOO leas (ban in 1M«6. and in V666
tccution mixbt
Harbor Point......................7:u5
than that bis exerution
might onus.
they wen- fl&O.OOO.lHKi le»* (ban tu
Ulortretiag this idem I eaw a gnwu
Hay .View____
Nor t» tbije ample cxplanatiuu
of yvlluw brocade and white velvet. '
nee of tbc,vwmng.
iu duller bnsiixm. in Uii> conuiry. The
Thus it went on foriwvrral.
with a sugguaUtui uf the pmiipadour in
ranitanUy Increuing exports of mano
tbr- cud of that time it bappned that j its make up The bodioc wu* cut square

tacrurvB. ccaisideied in ounn<«uou with
‘himrbuek's” master—for alriwly the { about the throat, and had a long, etralgbt
lt:IO p. I
declining impurtK. may be takioi a. u
caddju had wued tbe nickname by i busk uffiei in Croat, this fniut, a* well
sign that we an.- ur^b y>Ar U-cuniing
which alone wc knew him—was called ' as the apron i«m l on tbe skirt, being (ff
lem dependent open foreign coumries.
. Traverse City .
away for three wi«ks cr so by the death ; moiTe velvet in while, cmbioiden’d with
—Chicago BuxmL
of a nc«r ritkxivu. Then "Slowbaek” i saall fiownr* doc- iu sobm., diamonds
cirricd rlnte fer another master. Bot , and cmentil* forming the petals, gold
PraSecUee «s<l WamL
(he b-ilat that In- bad formed during ; threads the (torn* and leaves. Tbe long
We hear of e BotJer county sheep tt:cae )Tara of ejacuUting
,..„M.,.A.K A..,
A..... was V.A
...o.-- lutd of AA,,^
„AA„lOg ««ifa d*lly 1X0*?! 8UBd*T,
his AA^AAA-k,
maniury train
im priuoiwa
tbe yellow
niaer wbo has just sold bU wool clip
Slow U|,-LI" r.» l.i* ma««r raised the ,brocade, likeilH bodice, louaelyarraugid Lea" horthport.
Omeoa. .
tor this year at 15 cent* a pound. Two club vs* Dot (Q he denied
Still, at the > green silk rares iraUiug down the udea
huitoas Bay.. .
year* ago this same man sold hia wool cciiclnelon of Huch iMUIn-tw to tbe baU. | A charming Uebn uf cobweblre laoe and
for 6 eenu a pound, and loJd H well for hr Bttore-d the solemn words, (hen fenmd imuU was draped about thoaquoro deoolAt. Trawae City..
that year.
Dtbers bad to mil for lem. buutolf covered with
(In mostpit
pitiful , Ictogc in such away a* to iorm little
This sdvanev in priceamonuts to 98,060 confm-irm al tbe rebuki which his _
johoU over tbe sbunldius in place of
er 84.000 B(4 gain ovcrlBiKoo bis wool called for inw-rfeteure had m.-rited. For ■leovit and on each side uf Ciiestomach(Aoing aortb dally except Sunday.
crop alone.—Eldorado (Kan.) Repnh- n otioke or two. puKsug gnat restraint or. while in tbe bock il formed a V, tbe lAave Travere* City......................... »;0« p t
Neahuwanta.........................t:(X< "
upon himself, be eucetvdiM In kwping loot- falling low is a Jabot draped with
Huttons Bay............................4:10 ••
hii soul in sih-uce. liut et (he next the a few off tbe exotic emuiald green silk
Omena........................................... 6:15 ••
tneritsblc exelomatiou broke from him roMo.—ha Louis Republic.
Ar. Kortbporl.................................. e:l5 "
^ the view of our ncstu experieooe again, to the liimrai-tiou und Ai spair of
; it is eafe to say the Amo-ican public the SuflciCT to whom il w as ad.lreioied.
, will bdUafur demand that (be princi- Daring tbe throe w<v-ks of his mssKx's
m fever, aa 1
Dally Xomiag
{«] share cf the money aiqiroprlatod tor
tho enlargemenl of onr navy Khali be
ease in certain regions in the aunibenk
devoted to the ocruaruction of Uttle- aKolhait caddie, Mviug hi* »n;0e idlo
portioo of tho United Siatos. bos buen
Take steumar at 6:40 a. m. for NeohMiipa of the bigbtxt ponsiLae rate of synoru^', and regarded wiab a nnsinafshuwu. by tbe reaearcbee of Theobald tawanta whan yen wbl eonneet with
ipe^—Bvliugton Free Preea.
fuctiou as bouig ssoicwhai of a' '• faarao- Euiitk and otbv bactcxiolagi.sta belong­ eteamar Oeaeent ratornlng toTrso
ttr" baidiK Bat notK-coalJ suffer him ing to (he agricultural deportment, to erae City at 10:45 a. m. This will give
One after anotlioT bod to give bo due to a blood porasiic belonging to yon a pleasant ride of 14 mdsa on the
him Op after bring tvduced to in,
Ujpo- Um- psotosA (Pynwa Idgemiuom of bay and ean be made evory morulsg.
tsaoe and despair by his rareni
□lik-e .Ruitb). In this disewe the tick hM If yon wish a longer rids the boat will
land you at Umeaa or Northpart where
. At Icugtb bis legitimate n
bocL kbows to bo tbe intermediate bout you will oonneet sritb ateamar ratorn-,
Kid we >e» go of tbe aabaunoe fur the rvttroed.
nod. and
and "SlowLack was a mau Uff the panrite. Tbe ticki which fall lag to Traverse City at 4:00 p. m.
Tbe American eUudard of •ff“^
u , 1*1^ infected animals give birth (o a
Aftarnaos axeuraloas from Travarae
wagK and of living most not he loworA few moK ywara dragged their ; nomeniu ptugenv iu tbe pasnure fru- (Tlly. take Ibe staamar Oraaoant every
•d.—New York OcmmereUl.
tongth to a clcm^ and tbcn 'the band tff | qnt ntod tq- tb^ and three yuuug eteW afternooD at 1:00 for Naahtawanta
death fell, tbu time on no near nlative .ttach Ihemaalve* to other
where you will aonnaet with ateaMr
rwtuntag to Ttavttae 01^ at 4«) p.
Of his master, but <m the master him- : wimffi subsequratly feud in tbe
ImptnUB IssMt diapotedtocssttM


wansburg Blesh.


name than this eotriquet, bot il bap-1 no sent off for one a( once
He seemed
w, mher nnint. pk™
pened to none of ns ever to learn it. and , to rveoguise ut and a strojige ruiile of ,.
p p Mnme Acront
•88.648.000. ao that tbe actnal credit
the manner in which be obtained his : pleasure rtrogghd wrote hirthin feaC L’^Uricwtmd O P A
belanoe in onr foreign oammerce appears
appellalieo we. as folknva: Bis master : lures. He even mnl to (pi-ak. but tbe
<lr«nd Esplda
to be about •568,000,000. In 1687 the
was'never more than an indiffemt; only word wc oould di.nugiiikh wu 1:
excess of imporu of gold was tl-t
i player ut (hi-Uel
Be was muacioaa of i terrible ejarolsiuui of "(Slow back.
OOO. bm for ibf foor years prisr to ti -t
time the excess of exports cd specie at I ill. <:cfleieocios, bm rather than attrib-1 though whether be were trying to epi-ak TniVtlTP RST i.illff ftf ^fWlIFlffP*
OIL them towbatwere perba|u their,<rf himself (bo. by hi. fon.iliar w.bri08/ blll6 U1 dlOdmCn.
gregaled 8200.000,000.
Tbe animal
trarecauso, of fanliyerwighi or tuade-1 quet or whether be deemed hinuvtf
debtor belanoe of tho Dstitod States is


waaklac af

Tba SDormona Inerense Jn tbe paywas in rewtpt (rf a amall peneion
neat of import datisa on diamonds dar­
bii Iste master In troognition ef in.
ing tbe first qnartcr of tbe pment year
■a Usimldlr oolllMd--------------many ---------------------------ynn of faittafnl aerrice,--------bat tbeI
might lead an antblnking observer to
i »«***»'» *« "»« t® 9ire him ind^ ! d,. a. B. Spinney, of Detroit, alac
I pomhuce. He wa( aooa engaged, for tba ; proprietor of Keed aty Saaitaritim. i*
ax'* bet (b* ehlwtnl
lii^ were dirongid -.WJ
with ployem
your (uwa.
town, wbo
wia :_______7______________ ir^i. i_
, ! ■■■—n
w Tuur
^c Ile
e wia
with wUk «tat> iwi< sad lUlie ell i
lost for • dieea'*
oBlywooM I
ttwfoU............................. ..

ihe moft noUble jraer In Ibe hls(or7 ^
la fore^ tnde. lo tbefiKal term end­


TTtoU asL.t —A sraphophooe Iw Oowe rotor



Levsra B. Wood


^ gMiy«atO^SUtJTAI»K-Fcr*^lg

,PLg WOOD tor sat*. Trare


lUO flHIli o^it^ta




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