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The Morning Record, May 29, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Spain Hot HoffotaaOnc a Load Bat
OSkra Paamlnaia tor Ships Oarty.
M»«f TO BS THZ VAVAL SZ8T0tax SnpplMa to Oaba,
Spoeial to Tti Meaaoio naaaa.
It !• How SUtod Th*t 10,000 BolI dl«« Eavo Son lautdod Ob Cuban
Soa-Ooaaral Blaneo Doelaroa He U
rr0pmx*i, to Hart Any Landinc
PanaAmarioa Can Bond.
^MUI to rmm Houmo Kaooae.
Waabiartoa, May tS—The waak
«l«aoewith dlaappolatinff pn«t«at In
naval aPalra and no teoBediato IndieatloD of raaeblar an Iwae. Tke preMdant baa datanntnod that Ue Weaoat
aaaeMira InaOUTlty
oaaae, bat la
nlaeUBt to riak Uto and pfoparty
wban Maldeat thataeoai|^toTietory
U only a qaeatlM of time. Tba praaIdanl ia not aanoyod by ramofa of var*
Iona wiiitn amanttn- wblob laada to
tba baUaf that ha la poatod by prirata
Atlanla. Oa., May.tl.-It ia balterad
that 10,000 Ualtod Stataa aoUlaia have
already landod an tha Caban oooat and
haaa by thin Ona affaetod a JonetAon
with tha Inaurfont-a toro^ Tbia la
told ta a-latur froa one of tha Ooarxla
•mlutoaca at Tampa to a triand in
Sanntoatwaathoaoeaaalty lot aaeTsey doamod that the point at wblob
tba nm would land waa not etna dlTBlfad to many otoaaaa bifh in eommaad at Tampa. Tha nawa of thla
.shniaetor, o< oonraa, would not be partmlHad to paaa Uo forarnmnt oanaar.
Md no qolaUy and'rradnaU'y waa the
Boosmant oondaetod that it re^nirad a
watobonthapartof the aorraaYondanta and obaartata to taU jaat
whanUaeiportaUoabafan. Otoonraa.
whan it bad wall prorraaaad. It waa ImfOHthla to eoneaal it on aeooaat of tha
larra numbar thu taken tram tha vari-
yUdrld. May l«—^oral ^oo
«aWaa Saraata that bo oan faU any
landinx fene of tba UnltodUiatoa
aa ble tooopa aib dUtribatod-lff
tha boat oflaet.
BMammanItAoBaBd prorlaiaoa will
Uat flvo mjMtha, bnt they m oalncUa
SCDHIlflll REimiOA.
TbatisthoMtoBnarlB Vhlah •snaral
Tampa, Ma| It.—Thera ^ ao daabt
bat what Gaaaral Blanoa hat made
WTartoraa to Oaaaral Oomaa and Ue
bid warrior haa aoorafnlly taJaeWd
Tha dlapatohto broopht bare tram
Caba by Major Uma''toy that Oomaa
haa waned Rlaooo to aead ao more
A battle haa baaa loocbt batwaaa
tba laanrraata aad Hpanlardt near
reporU many Spaninida war* killad aad otbera iwotod.
' Three Spanlah Wnrahlpa SaM Off
Fort Antoala.
Wpadal (e l%t ifDuma nac«sa.
Mew York. May « —A Jeeraal apeebl from Landea aaya that KlagaWn,
Jamaica, raporW Urea SpanUh waraklya off Port Antoab. aean by Ua
BriUib steamer ladstatlyable. The
Amerlraa yaaboat Bayb b ia tha har^ and Ua Saaabrda are ^iny far
WtWTBlrd BUohigan Tolaatoara
Left TMterday.
Oamp Batoa. lalaad Lake. May IL—
^ Ulrd rwintaat to leave Michtgna ter Ua treat get away from
hare daring tha neoa bear today, wbaa
<W«Ml Beyntomand Us*TblnyUird
Mkblraa valutewa ntartad tor Mrylate. Tha parting wan arar faiekty and
■am wara mm mm* anew to yet
I That a Oaman Stoan
BIndad TtglUoea of Warahipa
aad Baachad Haeanm
aporlol loTaillouiKoBaoonD.
Port au Priaaa, May IS.—Aoaordl^
Madrid, May M.Mt waa oCalaDy
to report which roaobM Uia plaoa. a
Dsoanaad today that the Blnlstor for
Oartnaa atoamer with flfiy tbonanad
the otdanlaa, SoaorOlroe, propnaea to
aaeka of rios abtmrd, baa ran Ua MockoSar praBloMa for oaiiili earrylaf
eoa^onva bbpobtb as to nda aad eaterod tba port of flnraai
proTiaioaa to Coba and ^)rto Elea.
The mlnlator of oolonlaa, Sanor Olron,
(Btabtor of flaaaea. donor Pulfclarral, Same Optalona, Howei
premiar. Seaor Sacaata. bad a
Uo BaUaf That Spantab S<(uadran j Startod to Ohaaa a Spanlah Auxiliary
Msee laat avaalnr on the nethtn^StlU Bonlad Up-Baaerra naat
Oruiaar and Haa Hot Botnraad.
Laft Oadia, Bnt -Ito Daatlna- Bpwisl ta Tn Hoaania Bsc<
oda foraandlDf reaouraaaaakadto by
Mon Hot FoaitiTaly Hoowa-May
tha foToraor traneralaof Cabo and tba
Kay Weat. May
Me terUer iaiolllyenM baa reached ber-^ of the Coited
PkUlpplae lalaada. Oaaaral Anyatu
at Manila, waa anUoriud to draw
Stotea yaaboat Ilaaeroft'a chaar of the
Port An Priaea. May S« —It ia bellar- myaterlout atoamer aanpro*^ to bave
upon Ua apaaMh treMUiy and Captain
Spaalab aasHlary ernUar.
Uonorml Elanoo. baa roeolved t0.000.000 ad ia Baitlaa circlaa that tba Spaalab |
aqaadron left Saailayo ia order to meet When alybtad ab it before bat mlias
off here, Ua Spenbrd waa aUadiny
Tba report Uat the ror«ruu>Bat la tha GadU Squadron.
[Bayotiatlny tor a $M,000,000 (old loao
Kay Weat. May is —NsTal oflloara
la Parta, ia oSelally denied and It ia ad bars are oomplatoly patsled aa to Ua I
ded Uat the Bank of Spain haa aoS- wbareaboau of Oervara. AbaolaUiy
eieal goiA twr Ua praaeaV
BoUlay eaa be Irarned.
tlveaof the natioes rafarrad to.
8K»iid TMr^No S86
pf^nreimMtT'' ‘UPOV ST
One Who Wan oa Board Oruiaar St
LnuAa nt tha Tima Olraa aa latortoUag AeeoBBt ef Ua DaatwoBa
Tnok AoeompUahad by Sarlnf Am•rlonn Sailen.
apMUl wTu Maaraw naoeBB.
WaUiactoa, May U.-Tha laoident
ef Ue atumpt to aarer »bla eommnnloattona between 9nbe and Ue toet ef
Ue world, whiah waa one of Ue latoat
wbleh Ue St. Loaia enfbred in daring
bar atay in
Indian watora. U told
aa foUowa. by one who waa an beard
Ua oralaer:
■Orden were (irea by Admiral
Sampaea to Qaptala Ooodrtob May ISU
to take a fltot toader latowbndproeeed.MSanttafoaad eat Ueaablea at
Uat pniat.
OrmppUar implemaau
were eeenred from Ue tay Wampetncket May 10- An expedtUea la email
beau left Ua eruLaer far Ue eatranee
ef Saatlayo bay. It waa them parfeetly dark, Ue Saatiadro llykt baralny
MybUy. After Uedepartara of Ua
eable eatUoy party alyaala from two
yaaboau wora aeam. At S a. m.. May
17, Ua cxpedlUoa ratornad with a part
of one eable. bat failed to dad Ue aaeoad eable. wklek b cloaa aader Ua
Tort, pretaeted by two patrol boaU.
"A atari waa made to cat Ua cable on
Ua aUar aide of Ua bleed. At 7 a.m.
Ue St- Loab fired her first yus at Ue
io«. p™u.u« a.. „«.0. 01 »«U.'
* •®«t*‘«totoriy diiwetloa. boll down,
P«f*olt at
non-appaararoe of Ua yual
-It b baliared Uat Cerrara b far loo! ***
*» t***
elorar to beeaaytat ia aucb a trap aa Uat Ue Speabrd yni eway. A abarp
lookout b balny kept for tba atraayar,
waa laid at Saatiayo.
Uere balny a atrony aaapictoe Uat aba
Londan. May n -A Kloyaua. Ja haa beea^ralalay daayerooaly oleaa to
maica, dbpatob aaya Ua^ptala of Ue
aabooaar Jmc which arrived Uere raporta bariay plakod np two rocosimc- -Hew Umbera ere belay pat In Ue
tradoa who bad oaeapad from SaaUaco weet half of Ue O. B A I. bridge eromlay Ue Boafdmaa river at Ua foot of
da Cabo. Thoy told ^la U»t Oertscu
Halllaytoa atrari.
Tba -oompaay'b
WM la Ua harbor, te^raaaqla wore ataam pile driver b dolay Ue work.
eoalod and rietaalad. roaidy^ tall aa
•eon aa Ua Udlx iqaadroa arriraa to
break Ua bloakada. Tba ChdU aqnadran ia axpaetod aaxt weak.
Madrid. May it.—It te oaelnllT aanoanead Uat Ue BpenlU twaerre
eq'aadron bea left Cadis. Be^ startiBffnr its daaUaaUea tha aqoadnHi
will maaaarer tor aavarul dayn ia Ua
open nan. afUrward aailiaf for tba
Pbillpplaa lalaada or Cnba aa Ua (ormayji
Tha aqaadron U i
I to be
eoiapniid of wa or twelve
Amoay Uen era the Emparador Cbrioa
V. aad the Palayo, Spata-a meat pow-: jqq pairs
arfui ablpa. baaidaa a aumbar of aniil-'
iary crabara. Tba fieel b aadar eemkand of Admiral Camara.
There haa been oonaldarabla Ulk la
Madrid of Ua fiaet belay aaot to atrika
at Ua L'alUd Stotoa Atiantte aaebaerd
whib Carvers kept Us two Amerbaa
aqaadrMC baiy. It may be Uat it will
cl be heard from off some big Amar
Ladies Tan
Oenst of Morooeo lor Futanayo barber, aad after a UtUe time. Ua
oial Al^
firs was retarnad by one yaa. At I
Saw York. May la —A Barlla dlam. Ua 8l Loub wu abaat two m
petok anya that Ue reported a^tbdbuat from the fen, which aeai
tlont between Spain and Fraaoa over
n^rotaetod by modem yaas. After
tha PhlUpplaea aim at mera Importaat
fbTM bonre of yrappliay in ever too
oolonial ebaayw.
feUoma Ua oabla bad not bean feaad.
Spaia aad Bnssb have agreed to oonAt irit p. m. Ue yuBs of Morra ena^e
nade Ue aorUwaat aoeat of Moraow
opened fire, followad by Ue ehore bat
to Pranoe. Fer Uh Prance offers to
tery oe Ue soaUerlypobt, abo Ue
aid Spala fiaaaaially.
weat faettery.
“Tba St- LonUkept apaeonitaat fire
bar bew yaai aad
la rilenrisyUeyaaa af Motto eaatle. |
Tba yarrben Spaabrda eeaid be i
BeanThars aBaaied.
ruDDiny ia all d
Most of Ua apaelelieTai Kouaa I
abeu from Ue forb faU abort of Ua
OoloB, Oolombb, MayM.-Tbara b
abjp Tba aballa from Ua martor bat ne ramor in airenbUoa hare to Ua aftery went oVer Ua craiser aad azplod- feet Uat Ua Spaalab Capa Varda
ed in Ue watar qnita claoa to tha St. sqaadren or aay .nUar aqnadroa e(
Lenb The mortar battery eeaiad at Spaalab Ulpa. baa baaa sighted
ICto. after e faalbde of Uh-ty-ona PortLimoa, Ooata Blaa. It b eafa to
r^nlea. After the firiay, Ue eable eentrndiot aaynKb repork Arrivab
waa yrappled. baoled on board aad oak here tram Pert Umea fall to confirm
The SI. Look crew babavad ia a eool the report referred to.
maaaar aader fire. yCaptalna Qoodriek
aad H. Q. Beadle, latter ef the AmarXABSAOEBl) AT TAXAHA.
ieaa line, at Ue claaa ef Ub eayayemeat eempltmeated all hindt for Uelr Eo'rribU Fate of
BpMtel u Tbs Moteua Baoaaa
1. May W.—Tha govaraor af
WAHT TO jonr ns.
Sierra Leooeoablea to the enlealal oflamtrienta of FblUppUee Weat An fine bars Uat Bev. and Mia. MeOraw,
nexation to the Onited Stataa.
Ua Aaarlaaa mimirnmim. wera maoBony Eeoy. Hay l&-Tba imryaaU aaored aboat May 6 at ^Uama. near
have agreed to an^ert Agalaalda, Ua aeanc of Ua eUer maaaawm. IBs
Uelr Alef la the Pbilipplnea. U an at-' fovaraor'a iatarmalkm oomaa from
tempt tar aaaeratlan to tba United Oabnet Woodyata. oommaidm ef tha
BriUab Weat Afrioaa tees, whlab has
They baea tefa^ the yriMiniH JoateaptaredTalamawlUtha lam of
lhata kfllad aad fita wended.
And »e carry all the wide eoode in stock eo that yoo will ae$ .
have to wait for tha goods, to be ordered Then we have earn#
cT thoee cheap eurtsias that we are selling st ton ^»^nts the am^
Come eerly and avoid Ihs mah.
Holler * OonxaMm
290 Front Street
Cheap Wall Paperl
line Jost rsosi^ at
About Ico Gnai and Soda FoHUtain DiM£
Therefore we will say that yon will find oar Ice
Cream deliciona. onr Soda Water true to flavor, oar van*
ous Phosphates refreshing. Kew^rinks are ttdded to ewT
list from time to time.
Fonntain open week days' only.
Jas. G. Johnson.
KK Wheel Enameled For S2.5II
Big Bargain.
We Make and Hang
All Widths of Curtains...
$li». Bsls prios
Our Bnuorul Sale U ihorliic mt Kopdi rrith • mah. <
While the rush Instn wo wUl mske a
A Saeond CaR To M0R18LS.I
We wish to call your attention to the fact that we iure j
many bargains left in children’s clothing, notwitbstaodisg thb* !
it lias sto^ a temble storm in the list 10 days. We are bound ]
to cloee out the last anit, and hare made a second cot in o
cbild'a anit department.
I'Ragilar Slaapnr la Prtcas as It Wara.
Childa 12.00 fine Jersey sniC second ent price...................... $IJM
Childs $3.00 Wool CWaslmere Bait,eecood cot price............il.60
Childs $2A0 Beefer, stylish snits^nd cut price...............81.88
Childs 81.00 all Wool suit ewopd ent price.......................... 8l-d7
Childs 82.00 Clay Weave salt, second cut price...................81-18
Lot of odds and ends, will close oat eome for 6O0 on ths
dollar, and others for less. Call early.
Qoing to leave the city. Fixtures, show cases and safe
for Bale.
186 pairs Isdlos fine Oxfords,
pointed toes, rsfyulAr $8.00
shoes, sale price $1 86.
Low Price Shoe Hoese.
and Sundrias.
I have just arrived from Chica
go with a new lot of Bicycles and
New and second kand.
The cheapest place to get a good
Bieyclee from 81600 to 885.80.
Call and see the bargains.
Kek >rh'eeU and Tandesoa to
Ilf Unio>..St, Rniir Works.
Plaios aod Br{tK
DwielaUe bryea
..arlA lomtod ia Q
eternKa lUFreetai
Front StrorL
. Prirfricli Bbok. j
Children’s Clothing
We have accumulated within the last two years
about 150 children’s suits, rutinioein sizes from 5’s
to 8’s of age inclusive. The only rault with them is
^ey are not all Reefer style, but they are' clean, nice
ly made, good wool, double breasted suits. The de
mand is mostly for the Reefer suits now-a-days. We
have concluded therefore to create a demand for the
a5ove mentioned accumulation by reducing the price
to about
We have divided them in three lots as follows:
Lot 1 consists of goods we sold formerly at $2
and over. We have placed them at f 1.29.
Lot 3 are a choice all wool goo^ we have sold
at $2.50. and over. All go at $1.89.
Lot 3 are a choice lot of imported all wool fab>
rics, worth from 84.50 to. $5.00, have been reduced* to
The Boston Store,
•• I:
- .V
- 'I
Twownrs wnauft
Cycle Works.
Bnubic B
CbMpCkt ksd most reluble place to get y r bicyde;
pot in goM roBoing order. Hare bad aereral yearn ezpei
W«Bortol D»7 ihU ymt will ta
Ldov how it abonid be done. Satiafactioo gnanntesd. I
Mr*«4 wlUt Ue wleBmlt; wlilak ebkrbicTole anadries at about
New and aecood band vbeela lor mIb
M*'keMriiMtb«ooaaitoa »»d M mmsbI
ana to rent. Please gire na a trial.
of lb* prMui WAT k kun p«*Ur airBU48,811 Front dt, last.
wtfleuM will to kd4«d to U« prooMdUaftdtfeeto Iptoidid Leot^ by |
lB«« of ike A«7- B«eldM poylnc UlbBAflS BAXX KOnAT.
to «»«*»• •
X. 0. Sodfk.
to tke dep*md keiWM wke urohMMO.to*tol. •
Mabel Ayree ef Detroit: treMoror. MIb
, ------------As uemUy UUnMUg ud praat- ••d »w»y iB'ei to defeod tke (!*«. tto
MMAMitotoMU. .
Mary Stewart of BaUla Croak: etolr- j Hketlert and AsyluB Taaa. Wffll
kble meUkc of tke Tekoken' nod Kk- :yotmrer femretloa of toldton wbo
BOB aaoeutiro oen«ltUo, Uto. M. B. |
laangwato tbo floaBea.
Wke held ki Otkkfk Ik»Te foae tb flfkt for tke eoaeuy-e
to e toll ga«e et Ue
kkU yaetardky. U kplU of tke awnny >
Deiiy of Jaekeea.Hro. Prwella JeoetiTwelfU Street Part Moaday aftet^
woktker there wki k good kttendkkee, 'U i-lkborkW kkd win be loepeiwltoty
Skermaa of Detroit: Editor* of Inter-loeok. keginniag et 1 o'eloek. Thekkd tbe kMtIwe were Bnek eajoyed. 'torried onL
I ebenfe. Mro. Ere B. Oilee of BatUe a»^)bb taeoi will play agalnat Ue
Per eererkl weeka Ue preaUeet, Ootia- -Todkf UePherkOk Poet Ko. U. Q. A.
CrteV. Mra. Irene T. Joaee of Uailng. BoeUere rcDalslng In Ue d»y. «»*»•
«y Bakeal OeBolaeleker. Mlaa NetUe ■ kkd Ue Wontkk't Eelief Corpe will
I Tbe aeat seetlag will be held la Deby plcked-ep pleyere of abillly.
Ouy. kkd elee preaideat Prof, a B. <kttend dlTlkk eerrlce kt tke Metbodiat
Itndt. urgent InrlieUoai haring been eadaetroog UM wU) to made np.
Doeierky hkre been bney ptopkrln# Icbnrck where Ue UeBkilkl
rrcelrad froB the Detroit preee. Ue Tbe kcyloat t«OB ia to.i»g ettcagUthe profTkm. kBd the reeolt wne kU will be pretohed by Ee* J. A. Br^dy;
i Bu^aeae Men'e Leagae. Ua sayer. and enod had a firot claea gm M proBTbe Pont and Belief Corpe w^l ■
that eoold to deetred.
aererol oUer nourtoe. Battle Creek -----------------------------------------Kieker. foTBerly pitoker for
.. Ue
Deeetloaal aerrieee eepdaeted by bta.at Orange hall at S;Jii Ule momiag j
; Aknnal KeoUag ef Brtglit Xewopa-1 aad Betdlag were Ue ether eoapetl- *grleultorml College teem end a good
Prof, a T. l>rawp opened Ue Doraing end prooeed la a body to Ue ehoreh.
: twlrler. wUl be In Ue bn for Ue
eetotoa, after wkiefa Ur. Urawe gave
I'irf Corpe-UlentoBWeatOrengehelll
Tkla Week.
1 Trmroroe City in eepeclelly laUreeted ,,„uer.. and Kooa SniflB wlU toUh.
aaableulkep -aowucreau aa inatvo-elockand forB In Hae for U. 1 u„. M. R a Bato. re.nr.ed U.1
Ue held it waa Ue doty of ecboolt U march W Oakwood oeBelery. Qar-.„e,in, from Jackwm, wber* eke kae! “, !Vt
attoadanee at Ue aaaaal Beet-1
Aodrewn. and othw. »>t yet
forateh good librarlea for the bearflt of rtage. will to eupplfed for Ur reUraa., b^
o>* Mickiran WoBaf. Prem
Ue papiU. aad adreeated Ue etudy el of adraaoed year* onable to bear U*li„,
m»d. op a. foUow.; Bakl. Ulri keae;
' Ue Bible far deTelopiag power, poeuy long walk, alao for U.»e»ber. of U.A^l,lloa. of which eke wa. prrel- ^.TouT^VlI^Tn^.Bte
»ke ntate.
,Croee. nbortelop;
rwtop: Be*oer,
eoeokd keee;
t. She reporu one of the beet »»**« *»
Tmbb la k greet daol of ahgrp erlU- for dereloplng the iBaglnation. ae weU Belief Corpa At Ue cemetery Ue.^oat.
tke aaeectalaeoBTaDlant,Bat Vnavoidabte.
| D. Co>. flr«t
beer; INorU. ^teber; B»d9tiag» InUr hUtory sf tbe
glHB trcB kll aerta of aeoreea. npoa ae power, aad biography irareU aod graree of departed eoBradca will to . sMetiagn
; SBitb. Uft field: Ator
atrewG wlU floral tribotee and Ua nol-1 tloa with a large aiteodaace aad mueb
Vted ^ fasAae aaaayUu for knowlodgw
Cronerd wire- .. __________ __ ___
| latereet la Ue good woit dona at Ue Beardmap Rlrer tloctrte Light end C«“-Patrick. r«ht field.
tteaokkfere^ Ue
Aa Uterestlag dlteoeeioo followed mn O. A. B- rllnnl carried ont.
la the afuraoen If U* waaUer 1* ' nereral teanloBa A fla* pablic meoting Power CS. plaved karoc with Ue ood- { Tk**
good game «d
PlABlnk fleet ka« aet keek kkkk or OOP- Ule. at wall ae all Ue pnpere. aad
•■ikd. It aeeaee etreage Uat k fleet Bkay raloabla Ideoe were brought out. pleaaaat Ue nenel ezerclaei will uke ! ^aa held on Wodaeedey afieraooa. the renlepoe and aeceMitlea of Uelr pa-1 the aeaaoa and wUl be fatotably rer ...
I program being
. on ii
I by Ber. , iro^e yeetorday- Tbe diflicnlty waei“>’«d- Admlealoo wUl to « cMa.
Theeubiecta. “Balargla# Ue Bozi- plaoe on the ooeaiy
«d tke Bkgeltade of Ukt eesi.iker 1*1 w. E. Siropg. peaior of U* Plret Pro*, j
lecetcd anUl .ear poon; then lt;>^>«
Grand atand free.
IMailii ky Oereen ekonld eaeopt BUB alia of eehool dietricta.'' aad et l:ao o'clock. la •
_ dIncoreroA in U* roar of Steia-1 Thb will k* a aUrter for Ue
of pnpllt." wera aUy oelerorable Ue progroB will to glrea | byteriae eh'oreb; addreaa of welcome
flhi notice of I
, by Hop. E. W. Barbonr. editor ef Ue torg*. Ofoad Open Boom. Thl* waa and wUllead to otber good ga»ea.
fAlreiiig Cebok Wktere end tbe baedled by A. P. Gray, wke eeld that In tbe City Opera Houne.
Ue r***en Tn Moaxiko Bcooni waa
Ckribkeok aao. Yet Ue Ckrib- aola^ag Ue beondaof aekool dietriou
Xotiaa to Alomai.
«MB aok U k eeMldorkkla bedy of would glre Inoreaaad iaureat, at a de- llrrred by P. C. UUbart. Tbe Bnnlc eddreea by Mr*. Bate*: readloga from not doHrered ontll after dinner, an tke
-Af^lttl* Bnglleb Pertfollo’' being ael- electric motlre power wblU operated' All Ue memban of Ua AIUBkl wA
aaMer ead it woeld rcqolre e grokt ereoiid cnk Ue weald hate pepiU III be Ie ebarg* of Dr. J. A. Sayder.
At tbe Itot meellag df the Peal the eedont from poenu by tbe w«U knowa
claaa wbo'latead to attonfl
la enpplled by tke
MV eee«t kakta.«e-borer it day and eorried to aod froB Kkool. ae U weald
apUereB. Mr* Ada Iddlag* Gal* of
CoBpeay. It waa ena of Ucae tko
•IgkA Oereera bv
^ redpee tardtneee te a mlalBOB and
Uroaada-UeBllB. Uroen. Skill
AlkloBl ■ Nawnpaper EUka" by Mn.U aaaroidaBia aoekdaaU which cannot 4o tleo U UeB
w of Ua has
IB tke harbor of kkntiago. but It largely lacreaae atteodanoe. '
will to reaponalkU for. ns
SoBe exoelleal Ideat wera adraboed
to eortele that Ue oeBmaaden of
Decoration—Thacker. Morgan aid by Mm. M. K. Back of Trarerte CIV.
unmitleo on ei
(Be ABortaka aqaadreae are net by UlB Alloa Atery la Ua dlaeaMlon
waien wae rataaniaaucaiiy raeoireo.
nislaallald r
Mloeg. kkd U Ua aecreia et tke feUowlng.
Plowara aad deootiting, graree— “WU and WbdoB of Ua Pram.- by ^^J^^ro ,lriU«lSlU
‘■The Bead of trained tenehera la
aotlcB .botod to gl*« .to iMer
■peOBpkte of Ue ABoricaa war
kaeeala akomld by ckaace eacape Ue oenatry aehoola.. waa Bade plain ky daaew>a. Wrigbt, Ckrllala«ad Ulpley. Marie Neleon Leo of Uo Manktee UaUy 1" viato^ at I1ii M^iBrirnur non.
Ta.*»«y siCkL
e^flkkaa of Ue preaa oenaac It la qniu Prof. C. a. Doekervhare
' M. Vinton! SM Baat PixBt atroat.
Tke poatoflloe will to elcaad Mmot
TronaporUUoo—Geo. A. Sleero*.
BseepKooally flae maale anliroaod
. Utoly that there weald to aa altogeU- UkB not ealy Iralned to teoeb. hot
ial Day. May *0. from 10a.B.«stU A
Inrltetiea-Cartia, KelU and Irtab.
tka program, which waa liateaod to ky
Tke Woe
m diflerokt eoaplealen to Ua prea UkUer^la baalaaB Botkoda aa wall.
Flag* aod anarking graree—SmIU.
‘I'kee* wUi to coa dellrety a
a large and appreclatire aodleaoa. The AMoelatkm cleared W 40 tn yaatetosy-a IP
«■! kltaaBck froa Uat araaaated u Honrgtotkat ^a eoaaty to dirldto
S.iUclting fnade-Morgon aod Bob- meeUng wae bofd la Caatle Ball, which Barkei.
I by U* carriva U Ue a:
flbe pablla Spala la a wily aatagw lato aecUont aad teaeber'a Boellagt
wae beanUfnUy doeorated on tbe oecaM kkd aU Ua eoainiaadera of kar
ekon. la tke eoaalng a britUaat raeapeBay are ‘not foeU. therefore It
tloa wae glran by Mr*. UebeUa Darito ketaoatoaage after all Uat we onaA WOXTHT nUBVTX.
aon Daily, which wae a grtot aoeiel
Tke afteraoon cceaieo waa opened
kkt wipe eet Ue fleeU of Ue eeeay et
flakanre. Yet. there are Bkay In Ue wiU a leeure ky M. C Dodge, which Oeoeraor ringroe'a nattering TwU
' kOkktiy wkeee only eoaree' of IkforBa* waa OP* of tka moatackalarly aad foreenoaitJ U »r. 7. X. WUtoUn.
Ue Hibbard Booee. Ue beMlqBarten.
(flak ie tke aewipaper. who are reedy fnl lectorce girea in Traretoe City la
Dr Jaliaa M. Wilhelm ntaadi rev of Ue meeting. Tbe dally ocaalooe
flooflar adrlee' to Ua adminietratioB PBny BODtto. Hi* aabjecl r^aa ••Equal
high amoeg Ue aurgeona of Ue Micb- were deroted to eoroeat work and
kkd tell jaei bow Spate eoold bare and L'elrerael Bigku." Be dwelt npoa
Igaa rdluBlcer* aad a pernonal teati- eome floe paper* were giren. followed
Uecoaditioa of again la Bienarckiaa.
Mk raa<)Blabed toikf age.
and eoatrtoted Uaa wiU Ue twMfiU Boalel from .Uoreraer Pingree proroe by dtecueeioB* which brought out Ue |
Ip Ue ntrategy board would rtdeaae to to derired from aneb a garemment that bin UleaU are approeiated by b» npinloueof eome of Ue beet apwepo-^
B law of Ue B*w»psper comspODd- anUe I'aitod Staten aad orged that nperior*. The following Icltor from per women in the etate.
gaSa which aro bottled ap along Ue greater koadr* be paid t* tbe tonndcr*
erthy tribute l
d Ury would re real of Ue dcc-aretion
and they will respect yoo. Give them a chane« at the
young profeasioaal : Leggetl of Detroit: 1
aka wkareakonu of Ue Spaaiab (>pe
9 pree.deo , |
Uat Ue City'i 1
W^tet la abort Older.
comfott and ease that come from wearing SelZ Sbocs
Mra. Ebbs Bower of Ann Arbor:
principle Uey caatala.
rice preeiceot. Hr«. MarUsJ. Boot .f
eonaidared would oetGe ull Ue eriU la
and yon win hod that the reapect extends to yont podmt.
^ ^AUAx cABnm
Sey City: 3rd vice preeidenl. Ur*. Belie
Ue rrorld. Tbe aee great menace U a Bon Perry (iuunah.
TraTene'City. Miekigaa
hook, becanse Sell Shoea wear looget, thetdom cost lesa
M. Perry of Charlotte: recording eecgorarameat of equal rigbu in Ue Man*
My Dear Sir: Permit me to Uank rotary. Mr*. Marie Nelcoo Lraof Moa. A» Btotos
who want liberty for Ueauelrcn only,
than otbos.
to Uo usclonioB of-Ue righu of oUen. you nincerely for your prompt reply to
*0 Tka Merulu BmrU
Tkaae wbo failed to beer Mr. itodge my telegram. Yoe will be pleuned to
loem Uat Dr. Wilhelm more Uun fnlBrrrt. May za.—The Italian cabinet
ibeed arare treat
fills all yon naid for Ulm. an I am ia-{
tea toalgned and King BoBtort baa ia-.| la Ue abeence of Mr*. A. B. McBoe
formed by Dr. Ifoacrede ecd olao by !
a. Aadaroon apoke on “A poll toz
jMUd Ua XarqnU Di Bndlal te remake it easy for ns to fit you Tbe
fer ineroaBing Ue genent aekool
It. Tka Minlater for Ftoeiga
load.’' Beotioaing tke adeonuget of
cort will be trifling bat your comfort
•teira waa Ue flrat to hand in kia ran- Uii BcUod.
Be*. I) Cochtln aleo
AeeardlBg to aa efBclal apoke on Uin nnbject. akewing aome of called npoa to examlae.
too fer year prompt
sMBont on Ue anb^t be roalgaod Ue dbadruatoge*.
auealion U the roatter beeaoao aa 1
ab« SrC
diflarenee at todayk BeaUng orer . Tke BMBliiatlog comBlttee'n
waa aoeepted, recommending Ue re- wired yon it Is my deaire to coad to Ue
. mil oe * a
• parUoaoBtary prograB and alter
r funber Ib
clccUop d Ue preaeat offiear* wbtek front ealy tbe eery beet medical mra
'iBberr'i M
' ataMtara foUawad bin aateipU.
are an follow*: Preaideat. Mte Nettie Uat con to proenred in Michigan. I
C Gray: *lee preeidenl. Prof. C. B. am tatlafied that Uc people of yoar
Mo Xawa at te Ttemaa.
Deeknay; aeeretary and treoaorer.
t’.eir boy* to Dr. Wilhelm and It wa*
^ealal w Tn Monanr aaooan.
MiB LlUle Borton.
te ThoBaa. Mv :«■—Tkaro b na . ,A nnaalBon* vote of thank* wa* S rnlifying to Be te to abl* to giro him
Teacher of Violin.
gi*«B Mr. Dodg* for U* leptnra, wklek
IvUar aaera kar*. tkia aftamaen
Again tbanklag yoa tor your trepble, 4
(te WOT or of the Boralnanu of Aanar- wan greaUy eajoyad by all praaeal.
Very Uuly yonrn.
It la t* be regretted Uat more of Ue am
U. S. PlKt.ua. Uorernor. j
Ian or Spaaiab woruhipa.
town paople did po take ad<
A letter of slBiUr Import wae ,
Ue appartaaity afforded to attend Ua
Mtlag at Ua aaaoeiatlaa. which U wrlltea to Frank Friedrich, wbo wo* : 4
also actlee in fnrUering the intoresu I
JaaUar Pioneer of Uia Baglon Oona not oply tor Ua benefit of Ue teacher* of Dr- Wilhelm
A U* oounty. but all petrop* of Ua
toBlaBaward. .
aehaaU an well. Tbe programa contain
Ota Pierce, one of tbe old nattier* Bocb of general iatereai, aod a day
SflUb region, died at hi* kaae nSar
might be apent wiu profit ia Iteteaiag
BBear teke yeeUrday Bomlag at Ua
ta aad pvtiel|B^Bf
•ga of to yeara
which concern a*ery parent wbo hoe
J. W. UiUlken wUl be aBong Ue <
tronkle for a nuBber ef
amber to eloee hla store all day Mon- <
TlrgU died of oeanampUoa, and now
Be*. C T. Stoat ofBeUtod at Ue fn-,,
aostaa anoUer tad parting. Tbe fam
neial of Charira Wallace at BIk Bopids
ily aarriror* ore tbe wife and BoUar
gad (wo aoQ*. Ckrl and Charla Tke Big Crowd ViU Go to laUad Late on Tharadoy.
teual will bFbeld today at 1 e'doek
The aoBortal day eratlan at Petoa■ to VlBt Uo Hannah Xlfloo.
key will to delivered Moaday by Be*.
test the taaily reaideaee.
Up to II o'clock Uat nigkt 110 UA- A. J. Bldred of Ull city.
E Pangborn made ap a Urge taash*(
ItUad Lok*. MaAy frienda wUl aeise
«MngX»»iaea to be Said In the Ul* opportoolty to aee the Tiarane of good Ulaga to aaad to Camp Baton
City eoldier boy* agala before their de- this Boralng to tke Baapah Blflea.
<HV Opera Hooao Jane 4
Mra. Loria Boberto made ap a banket
Tk* cltolng exerciaw ef St. Francis portnre to^eeeaqe of more active aerof daiaUe* aad eddd aad anda to Ue
^kool wUl to held at tte City Opera Tlce in Ue Ualtod Stata employ.
Beporu of hordtoek fare bare coma 4WBfort of ter non Will, aad uat it to
' (0BP* next flatarday crenlag, Joge 4.
Eg Up Ui* umlng
A asocial program U being ptopored at Tarioos Umeaaad friends will sapply
terttetoecaaioe. Partloolara will he Ua boy* wiU pleasant remlndci
bonne once more ere Uey leare for a
glran lator. Tke price of admit
field of glov and koaor. It U qnlto
*p01 to to oonto. Seaueantoreae
te Ua av Ii*"* ^lond wlUont sstn likely Uat Uc Thirty-feorU will leave
to Waahiagton on Toeeday or Wedneo-
{^Iten Airin-Allen ef Byrom. Ctok,
^ teto A. Neely of Amerlcaa FkUa.
of Ue Cknreb of Jean* CkriM of
Ijtear-doy Salnia. are In Uo dty, and
orOlAo —t-w. work .Utoaghoat tte
^^toroooorioot mmtho. latoria
ra, la---- ta no.—
AU Bombera of Grand Tra**raa
Lodgm No. 200. L O. O. F.. are reqaented to Beet at Odd Frilowa ball at 10:M
UU BcraiagtoattCBd Ue fnnetal of
tte Uto Ora Puree. All Odd FkUnwn
la U» eiV to* fsvlMd to tedoBd.
Xut peopU have a Utole patlenem
ume people have a lot. IfyedgatOeo.
B. Winnie to hang yov paper, yoa
woa't need nay. for te oomu wtea he
agreu to, doera't waste tte paper, and
ckoigea no mern than oUera
Oppofllte Xi«l« bOte.
Once More
Has inFaded the land In the interest of humanity, xtid once !
more in the interest of those who intend getting
A Hew Carpet Or a Floor toering
We mention the fiict that we offer the nest, hare the -g
largest etock to select from, seU cheaper and gire bettersst'■ Isfisction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
. ^w
Let us oonrince you.
»o «*tTT G»rrr»a m n>*ii to •■ir* pit i. u, Rct mro
UvulfM. Bhf l*y i» K»r W ,M
oe ThorodA}- Ioai «Bd.
kare »«»rc€l» boirborttd • Cubon lc«»
ar tended nn.ir.urlUan for the I'uMsa
«■ that dar k* rRPOtMd la aorne dia-
CMoago M«n Qm • T*l*gnm
from • Port w Princ*
rKACK nnov
Nothing 8mh of tho 8hipt Thit
Cemmodoro Schkylt Try*
ingto LocaU.
•After UWeotolor .rbtlaa Oote II Mo
'BEW8 nm BiMncurs nspr
Phltadr^^^'3, »;*y a!.-At the nest
teretlnc of the cUy roancll of Pbitadclpbla a ttaolutlon ntll be introduced In'
both branchee demandlof that.the'Phlladelphla branch of the ITnIvenal Peace
tJntoB vacate the quartera now occupi^
by It In Itidrr*ndence hall. Thla acUoh
to the oulcotne uf a
DaU4 T«rtwdKr Dm* Net Sute Aay
d -the queen
t the Bpan.
her coneea. I
Moaa~ to the Vnllrd Sutea la order that I
the prteent var mlsht be brouRbl tn a |
■peedy temlnallon, and alao eapreralBR 1
tbe oplnkm ttat the ^Utnmt of the !
arsfthc uiAodc-WltlGlTvOBrPkIUp*
i ^ s-s;:s
■ .
M„, Admiral I
lafi.nn.tion that at U.al Om^ A^ral
Oervera'. Beet aaa la the harbor at
laatlaco de Cuba.
Madrid. May a.-Blanco cablet that!
Oervera'B aqnadron.ia atlU at Santlaan.
.. ^
aqrmaa-Oar teoya apteUac ter a Ptchb
hat Carrera fMhrral>a-.Brttldi Caaraeaaairat BaUeear Me Uaa Oo«t*ed Oar
May sl-lCupyrteht. 14S4. by the Aaaoelated Prea.l~t'p to U o'clock tbla
ndraloB <Fnday> ftothlnt WS been
aeen ot^e eimalab Beet- Should Gobi-
e Cuban
«»*t tbe Peace Colon vacate Indepetid- I
rortbwllh for the ••unp.trt..tlc. I
,„.A^rtcan and dlwra.-eful .apr». :
,|una of opinion erpedally emanstins I
from and under the beadlna 'Independ- \
“>» 'Cradle of American 11b- :
The unlOD war alvea perrole- I
aton to nae a room in Independence hall
u,, ordinance paaaed by couacil. at '
Tucatan ^ approt-ed by Mayor tVaratek In lOL
ron to blockadta* that port.
•puadixm to vauhlac iba
PATim *T)imuT.TTdimTnn>TfTH
t k Tan UU-ANMI.
O# the Ndnberti Coa« of Cuba. May ' Dta»lie«WH«ea Trader Bar Bm Made
B. Tla Key Weal, Fla.. May tS.-lCopy- i
Bewpttea naaalaaright. If”, by the ABaoclated rTTte 1
8aa FTanclaco.May S*.—The Hawaiian
At U o'clock last BiRfat the DolphlTraB ' Bltr publl.be. the fUIo«1n«, Hay to.
aloagnldc the Bakahlp New Tort Her Thera
lU^ta abowed that abe bora dlapatd
pf ■
Bear Admiral Satnpaon. Tbe com- :
of tbe tolanda to the executive
^... D.IPO.'» ” —
tbe ategapbone: “1 have dl.patchee ,i,hed In many of the coa.l andraatera
from Ooramodore Schley to the com- .p,„„ ^ naa been denied. Tbe Star
A cheer went up i* In a position to aUte that such a
from the crowded decka of the New . letter has U-cn written snd that a rrTorfc. Commodore Sehlej'a dto|>atcbea : ply to It la belrc awaited here. This
were dated pfl Ctenfueiioa. ' Alwolutriy reply wtu probably wch Honolulu, by
tbe next mall.
DOtUag deflnlU ran be said. "
“I'. »•>* Pl““
““'y •'“>
could at once take deflLlte rhape. A
teuadron of our ahipe cuuld bold/Adinlra]'\>>'^oa In port or force him to
jir, bartlr. while pUn» for-the tmme.
Invurion of Cuba could proceed
appearance of a flrrl of tbe enemy'e
trarahipa. Neither Hear Admiral Samp_.. _ .
otlicers frith the fleet
ap^r at all sor-Kume that the Span
iard. UDlea. bard pr\-F.ed will allecnpt
to nin the cauntke Into Havana
lenrra NM apolllus ter a ricbl• Admiral Cervrra, *in,-e he reached the
.Caribbean sea. baa shown anything but
a dtopowltiun to flRht, snd our oflicera
are inclined to think that if he la driven
out of the waters south of Cuba be will
double back to San Juan de Porto Riou,
where his ship* could coal under tbe
prafecllon of baiterlea at powerful as
thora at Havana, u Bear Admiral
he bomlterdI'hley's aquadroo ai
d of Cute about I
reply whKdi Capiala Chadwick.
to «-'"ma. wnten .lori-eo si Honolnlu on
Mew Tork. made to
to a
a oueatl.n-aa
a. since
What had Iraasplred.
Since he
he heard of her way from the Orient, reports that
vers a,
arrival .1
at Curacao
Curacao the people of that dly wera making
praparallrn. to receive —--------ti baa repeatedly
Rear Admiral
.1 £8^1
fleet which left thto rtly for Manila
ggld he believed the Spaniards w ould P««
at Honolulu ea
go te CtoBfuegos or^BantlajfO de Cuba. 1
*■;________ m_ M-T, Tfirv Brra
roole. The town was betag decoralad
I with Bags and bunting and the freedom
of the city win be offerad to the men on
‘he .lesmahlpa ‘ 'The China paaeed tbe
be raugfat Ibefollowlng ms) bedlvjil^
cty of Peking. City of 6yd-
In addition to our fine line of regular suits,
^e have this season put in an unusually large
assortment of light weight summer' coats and
vests—Blue Serge, Black Serge, Black Clay
■Worsteds, also Grey, Alpacas, Brilliantines. etc.,
all colors. It pays to have one of these for a
store or office coat and sUve-a; good smt. Not
only this, but they are exceedingly comfortable
and dressy for hot weather.
Bear in mind at the same time that we are in
the market with a full line of all the latest novel
ties in Gimvas and Cassimere Hats—Twenty-five
cents to one dollar. See them. They will inter
est you. They are taking the place of straws
this year.
We are constantly receiving new Neckwear
—Imperil, Pul& and Strings are the leading
shapes just now.
of CtoB
pgoa o6 Sunday,
roodore Schley had an Idea that Ad
miral Cerven's .quadnm. which to earrylng guns and munitions for liavaoA
would slip Into Ci-nfuegtts. which has
rallraad communlcailon;;with.i;kr Cuban
capital. But the fleet wW^ot tbera.
Bampste Is Kerplag Cladf Wa|tk.
Admiral Sampson baa a«)f^' naval
arouta always out below the horlaon.
' —
y and Australia
Thursday n ■ ht and
whose first duty Is to come ateaotng
i la with news wherever they find It. like
It Speed with all wdl
I a reporter.to his city ediUir. If amoke
admiral set this signal lu Captain . o°*tw
I oa the borlioo Cornea up fast It to probFhnip. of the Texas. "You are going to
; ably the amoke of a dispatch boaL If
»W •!.> Onanlap^U
SA- _______
................ _
IS I tl
tbe smoke eomea Bp slowly and dies
you." since then Hear Admiral Bamsv auxiliary gunboat Zaflre. mounting
intlng at
away at intervals.then it to probabiy
A has been rrtflslng aruund a. a pure- (our guns and In charge ofte 1leutena>-t' I a
. cqllier or a supidy ship with coal or
r precanllonary measure.
He thor.........................................
e rmted.....
S ...................................food for the fleet.
If there pra any
men anywhere Jusi now
who nr.teogld bottle up the Spaniards either in tog on board
e caplaln
••spolUng for a fight " they
Oenfuegoa or at SantlHgo de Cute, but clasa cnitoer Olymp
ympla ih'
the flagahti
rahtp of "tocktea” of Rvaiir Admiral
Iral S
he took all meaiojref tn guar^ against pear Admiral 'Dewey,
.ere is a«
a poaalhle evaalon of Commodore Schley who have been Invalided. TYie .Ituatlon > looka tea. like the eolor
, by tbe enemy, and any attempt to make uaalla to unchangod. n>e Insurgents ; laaflng round over l<!ue gulf waters
Bavana through tfle eastern or western am quM
Heef c-osts K.M i*r pound at . «tth that name squadron. It would be
inlla "The report that ih' 'omdtanderl iiart to name It.
Owd niB» te lavwte Cabw.
of the FpaniBh boat Ca'Ixo wax tfivd by !
IWIISx ter U.» Cwdlt NqwadraB.
day evening oo aceoant of OonuneaoeIf Commudvra Schicy bat tuoevaafuny court idartltl aod phot tur not Bring on \
i,on<ftn. May M-—A dtopwicb to The
hto objrel there now the Atnwrlran'ahlpw which captured the; pmaopjai .Vewa fri.m KlngvloB, Jamgeemt nothlng^o prevent ar-ilv* opera- Callao to untrue.
aiea aaya: "Thi- mazier of the flthlng
ttote upon ‘be part of the army. That.
B.rturaga of rH—e"
! K-bboner Jane, w hWh ha. arrived thete, i
TVa.hlngton. May JS.-Late yeater- ' report* hating puked up a yawl
.rteennon ibe «<«te dennnmenl re. ' tolhtofC 'b'” re.-m-. ntjadi* who had |
lODO a. B. Hpirltna) a
Stfntlago de Cuba
,o,jo. pqblfc worakla.
Tt vein >e a month heme, i
h eonrul at Havana. *t*tlof
"another Spanlah fleet ran n tehTh^ Bt,
newepawaten the naval auth. rttlca1 hnpa?to “*•’ erebange of the American
Thrall and Jonra, “>* ve*ael* were coaled and vl.-tualleJ ; I«-I*.
■teoar troop* In pote.-vrlon of
li:ts. Bible (ckcol. Sabj«et: '*Thc
p Spanish I
■■ In Cuba. '
Argonaut, had Iwen eV; squadron .rrlve. neat week and break* Ixord * Sapper.'"
. lured
cover tbe landing of^he
,K.. : .be btelrade.''
Vo„g P*«ple',
t fe.-ted. The rr"iiune-« exchanged
aad enable the military fnreei
aahnre without hlndraprb.
7:30. RraUe sad gespel ssrvioe.
CoHtlo. forn!< r eo- mqader at (totena*
ntrmtftw «V«VTnn TODAY.
............ ...
My Line
of Silverware
Is the finest in Northern Uicbigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Oold
Kermsa: ''Eating Ashea" Isa. «;».
Pu t-e.m Major Slneon Oarela !
rTv.,._v.a- I
private »oidier*
Puratobad by tba EagpocUvo Oburcbea I
Ibe public cordially invited to all
nUE.WIto' CHCfit*.
' tbsse servicea
te te (vrvers> na«<.
Waahiagtoii. May a.-Th» mlllury
Corner Oak and Kifih streets.
aitnatloB a* at prenent determined upon Htetesma
Bev. Jraiah Pepnisgtoa basretomed
by those In authority I* to make ao for
Msrcelltn. Mich.. May It-^ffwmrt '
»»*>'• “*001 at k:«S a. m.
from Lake Aon.
ward movement of troops, either upon Helmer and s man named H-gmn w ere ,
Pareatt help your chlldrea with the
"ib. E«an mi 1,11 L
Porto Rico or Cuba, until full and defi
nite infurmalkm 1* received as to tbe
tto 1-w.lblllUv* m. s fartor In the sg-
caught la tbe act uf rubbing Moore A laatoa aad oorns with tbeia.
'R'heB Mme.
Be ia
r-in<entrellun. but t
r I- nn aggreoflve
■t will be empbiyed h
Stepp have lu-en
As the oflicera appeared
t gun loaded.with
' hands. 8
• Inter-.:
,' buckshot.
The charge struck Helmer square la
'* th^ chest, and he fell over dead. Hogaa
™-.. h..-
won Ol w*e,l-tu-uu pateuie a. r.iiu, r-...
r .T
iiploe rae
Bpanlarda prartirally-Imp-ppiM.
Tbe presence cf thirty or o.or,
port* In Floiida has glv.-n ilpv
eontictlon that a movement on
scale waa about to occur. All 1
hHd within Santiago harbor, but In tbe
absence of poPlUve Inturmatlon on thto
^__jlolnl. t.igeilier with the certainty that
"■“lie can he held ln»lde the harhar.-therr
t* no purprae whatever oB The pan ot
the war detertnieot to make aa aggres
sive forward movement on Cute or
Pono Rico. T
«*“ *■"
Mra. U. H. Zona aad sea WUIla an
Subjreu ■"TempUMoo."
BiWa read-
E P. Wilhelm weal to Island Lake |
iag at openiogt brtag your biblea.
rewterdsy tovUitbtoaoB. Dr.J.M. WII-]
Ii'vcland 4: at rlitrago—Philadelphia
; rhliaito k: at St. Ij'uls-Raln.
tvcpiern IjtagOf; AI Mils aukee—Kaa.
'UllwAUkce 13: at DetrollOmahs
Hcfr-ut 10; at folumhua—St.
Paul 0. I'olumbui 7: at IndlaaapoUa—
Wlnneai-'Ils ». lndtonBi«jllP U.
The reports from tbe newspaper dtoptieh boau a* to the movements of
•ampaon's and Bebley'a squadrons durtag tbe past week an very mystifying.
skujse PBKac.
C. E.iaerllngat<l:I5.
helm, stetolaat aargooa of tbe Thirty- j ci“ ^k ^ ft
Bvaaiag Mrvice at 7:30 o'clock.
foprth Michigan Volonteen.
do gIVe you toe best work of Say
one la toa dty tor toe money.
be deceived ) y what others telt yon to tbe contrary, bat oosae and see tar
1 guaraatec aU my work to be right,
Wl if ii doea sot prove ao I maka H
Short Cut Pork.............
rviocs with an aapec- treated to the beat ^oalhal treat of the
in tut 8 o'cloek every rveotag,
except Suaday, ia tbe Ckldwcll A UtedoB boildlag, at north esd of Uston
Dmeat k for the Senelt Creamery Butter, fc..
of Ibe Grace efaorcb dbd k therefore
The eater
doubly worthy of a crowded boose in I
b« (o'd)---
EvMiag aereioe and aarteoa at 7:S0.
tha CUy Open Ooua. Moaday •»—i
Bagday school aad Blbla eUaa at
All are eacBially iaeited U> these aer-
Horse Hotel.
Bee. A Balabery. Paster.
Berview at 10:80.
Bnaday qehool at 11:3a
Yteiag paople-a meeUag at 0:30 y. m.
Obloago Market.
Cbieage, Hav
88.—Wheat—Hav. BCTiae SATMOPTSAV
•1.73: Jose. 8l.:<: Jaly. II 03S'C*>MHi
Aegast. toJic: Seotemter. Ui,cCore-May. 85Xet July. SJe; Septembet. S3J<e.
‘ Oats—May. ;>Uie: July. ttVCdtlhe:
September. SlKc
Pork—May. gll.aO; Jaly. tll.47.
Liieri, Sale ud Feed Bui,
toe efeadared
Many old soldl-feeta e't toe hard service they i
g the war. Mr. Oee.
8 A
or ixossviiie. loraoouBty, reoa., woo
saw toe hardnt kind of aervlee at toe
front. Is DOW freqaeaUy troubled with
rheamatkm. -'I bad a aevere attack
lately.” b* says, aad praeared a bottle
•n and the employera Bev.J. A. BrwwSy. pastor.
of Chamberlaia'a Pals Balm. Itdldao
K A VrS. Ooi
a ccnlerenoe. The reranch good that I weald Uka to know
Banday—All tbeaerrieea ef tbe day
Tbe U. A N. B. train* leaving TravintennediatloD uf ib*
what you woold ebarga me fer one
at the asoal Utaa. Ia the^ soraiag erw City at »:8S a- m. aad 8:40 p. m. doaea bsttiea.” Mr. Asderaoa wanted
gdd byCaa
dreaa will he dalivn^to the 0. A. B..
foUewed by a aeraMC on, "The Mtanioa
•ay U
Infaatry. Peorlv lUa. died Tbursdsy of the Gnat Americaa BepebUe.*’ la
(tee right Ybat DM Rte Came Oi
at St. VlBceal’a hospital of conwlslona the evaatag then will be a aeag av
Key West. Fla.. Hay n.-rTbe' cruiser reenltlDg from potoonlng attHbuted "lo
left Key-West laat Batur.
TYiyar mantli^ irill ba balil am M4ajr aigbt wftb the traaspon Florida
ootatoftatOapamkhwltotoeA. A A.
famUy aheuld hav* a bottle of it ia
toelr borne, not eeW for rbeamattoi
.Jtroit Fn* mm or Xtfbnse deek. Uw^far lOe par waek
Bicycle Riders.
A cordial laviUlion UgivoB to the
Feast 6f Stale
Those who attend tbe song recital
■iRACE (gpiMiH-ai.l CHifbcn.
by Madam Obratrom—Beiiard aad BeWe*. Charles T. Bloul. rector
becca MacKeaxie Monday night wUl bw
and identlflrd u tbe partner
nf ihe dead man.____
Hraresaw the lllaiuniML
Chlcftgo, May rS -Followlng to tbe
Leavue ----------record .. ■-------yegieejoj-i
PitubUTs—Washington 3.. IPittsburg
Yorf 4
l-uulsMIle—B..piun t. Luuls-
................... ______ __________
I pruvblona and farm produeto ia Xkmv-
la town ynterday.
Wh, W'e.e.1 Ih* rsratete Hteughtr
p„var aseUag o« Wedaeaday
Springfield, lila. May « - Lewi.
Moore was brought
lo Springfield
‘••c**" «a»etlag la
an authoHlalfvv
TTuirvday from Danvtue.und was boaad Ittaa.
Oraad Bapida. May 38.—Wheal, tl.oo.
hvy^nartinenl surceedi
of tt.Ci In the federafT A oorfitol lavitatita is axteodod U aU.
e dlrvct
dlr>-ft and
■ oAdal
— •
ta aecurliig pome
-n! to attoad these sarvieaa.
fbrmailon rePi^Uiig the Spanish and
I bare been a sufferer from ebroeie
hte Amcric*n«e»-tp within the next
ever since toe war and have
twenty-four h-urp thr-ugh the aid of
Tbarawill be sameea today at the naed all kinds of taedkiate f«- it. At
the Weal Indian cabl'-s It will resort to
last I foand an* rcmedi-thal ha* baen
aaat State street school beoee at 4 a aaecean as a care, and that k Cham
the use nf dispatch to-atp.
It can be
«l^n affirmed n
c highest authority
o’eleqk p. a. ia EagUah. aad 7:80 p. m. berlain's Colic. Cfaelera wad Diarrban
ng all rumors to Che
Oshkosh. Wto.. Hay Ss.-Thc ilrxt in^ Norwegiaa.
noBtrary—thsl at th- >l>ise »f yewler- dlratlon of aatodjuatment of the .wood
rni»T arruoDWT.
day tbe derartmeni had nothing more workers' ir
ime ta the
eban a belief, founded on unomotol ad1, that ibe Spanleh pquadnin was
ago h
barl>i>r. and rw- newa
'lytag in Santiago
TiaTane Oity Hatftat.
George Crisp of WiUlamaburg. was |
them. Hogst
______ _________
Jnaior mewUag SiUU'p. m.
- forward
Fint-claas Bigs. Everything pew
and neat. Ratea as reaaonablr a* any
flrat-elam bare la the city. Oire nan
call and get ottr patos*.
Bneaea 4 IMmkI},
Mew Toto Oyatoia.
I am tneelTtag direct Ma New Totk
__________ _ and tball eMtloae so to
tadU them aaloM an then k a de.,a»d. Tboae ww£goyateto wUl M
them strieUy freak. Fletcher'* Oyster
Oeparteaeat and Baatoaraai. - tn-et
Go to Arcbto Outottb bsrbar ah^
braknasd bureTfar white ifk___ toe year lifftej'lal work. Tw* abatan
♦yitoled. Poraaleby B. B.
^ng- BOW at workAto E. K Sinn anito*
tog Mr. Ortott. \
THi MOiaimre BTOOiffi. buitoat.iiat 99, leee
at «ood new«Mper seerk. b«t Is »ol pare
aotiallr taklnc any latanot in polltleal
aRalra. He Is earwatly worWns in tlu
eanse o( umpsraaca..
Iri.bies la Osr Ciell Wan
N«w»ef lnt«r*ttteth* PmdI* of
caoe to Aoisrica in tW tar tbt
porpose k>f enlertr* the. tlnloa arwiy.'
Mys Patiie* O-ParraU, a promlB«al
Grand Army man in tbe oatAsial capt-
-1 Ko to the aaUonal eemeUrlss on
Decoration day every yeat to pot ooroe
Sowers on tbe (raves of tbe Irish hoys
time that I
gnmmmM Owtto Wa^ ««IM 0«t a<«l(
krMlrtduMaK>M< ru«tr-OM«r.
FwKll> Mwto aoialU*—WliidUlterOMCTt«iwi» Bracker.
each year of the
berolc aacTtui-es of
TOrtllTat'm ti™ wlcn “rd*«t™ctk^ !
1“ 1^""
^ lost
world, sod I
1.1 believe that It makes bettor
the ehalns upon Ireland would be dra<
«Bd women of all of us on the principle'
laid down In scripture: 'It is better to bands of the Britiob aov'
■o Into tbe house of mournlix than late
Ke Wsvertag or l>OBblln(.
tbs bouse of mirth; for the heart Is
"TTiere was no waverlna or doubttna
nads better thereby.'"
In Ihia matter, hut the opinion
throughout IreUnd.
JtwaevMl Oat orfitA
Conarrsaman Cortlu U too bri(M a « was that tbe
man to be caught on a sheU (une, ur to
homes and
Id bric^ I
I (he purpose of advanCiD( tl
r an
an ehsy
elsy muk i .e^eiia « Immigrants «eneral!y do.;
tnsless be was recenUy
lor an Irishman named Flnerty. whd, but for the pvrpnse of enllstla( In the I
called him out er the house cf repr^n- ; cause of human liberty.
K tK poorer, had ptobaUy
There hre no Uldil(an men In cam]
•a (ar the Prwal.
ridae and staff. Tbe xenaral was ssUsfiati
Ives remarkably well for tbe lenffth
of'llberir was lost I that the war department ha, tnvesU-
•rihefederalChloBwaalnrrUnenU More.
RoutlrM Work of h
Cofifi on at Chfekunau*
(a P»rk.
,«ed the question as to tbe le(allty of
revkenizina the hosrltal department of
the volunteer army by'drlachlna men
sertice In that department. Colonel
Van Horn
tbu the depenmem will
Issue an hrdcr at once autborialna tl-c
formation ot division hospital and am^'***''^'* «»T>s by dvtarblna a rrrtala
numl<vr of men from each rwainumi of
• that purpuM
rc.ps are t» be provided with all tbe
ii.-essary h.MiilUl i
equlpmeou as-*oon a. p.
‘I'-llled In ihelr work so at ^
^ ready fur an emercency In case of
There has be« considerable deUy In
receiving supplies at the park ordtiancr
B from Ireland, who had c
'department. Few eommanda have '
over }uat aa I did. with patriotic purpose. I found them from every county
Ih Ireland, but they were most aemsrous ‘rmre the Catholic eountlas.
"The Protestant counUes of Ireland
are prinrlpally Brttlah countiM and
hence they are not Intereeted te the
eause^ of liberty as tbe Catholic co
e hatred of Great Brltati
anldiers who served with
wherever 1 ean reach their gravea on
Decoration day I go to ahow that there
Is stMl la the land of the living
their number who will keep their grares
green, as their memorlew are green and
fresh In Ihe annals of this new cooetiT.
oSered Governor Tanner
Clair county lair (rounds tree. If the
n«w rs(tments - arc ir.obuised
Monnt Carmel has tended the
the dCy park. /kndl_af tbe Opera House
for.iiBcera' quartert. U Colonel dunes
R. Campbell's re(lne9t Is mobniset
there. hprln(B«ld wants tbe mobUlaa
tlOB. bnt there Is doubt If the stati
board ot a(rirulinTe will (Ive the use
I of the fair (rounds any looevr. As the
! state truups took all the test
I UnrUo is also Impracticable.
' the Bev.nth
now Blijnr of
be Ucutenaoi
colonel Camt.bella rexlmcoL
Ohio and Southweetem for Dunn LorIng. Va Colonel Young, of U.e First
cavalry, has not been advised when hik
transportation will arrive. Tbe cavalry
will probably not leave before tomor
row. tight hundred riding trouatrs and
aa many flannel ahlrta arrived yester
day and were distributed to the men.
Camp lAion. Mleh.. Hay tL-Ueutei
ant Oovembr nuBsum arrived In camp
yesterday morning from Ueiru.t. Gen
eral Irish esme later In the day from
Kalamazoo. It la pretty well deddH
that Irish U to be the first coionel un
der tbe new call for volunteers. Pres
ident McKinley's second call neresallaied the reopen'ng of the' war beadquarters at Detroit. Governor Pingree
and his olds have returned here lo re
main until tile second HIcbigaii quota
Ilwaukee. May
Governor Sco. has sinied that when he reeelv-s
brdera to call out voiunieerw be will first
Key Wsat. Flo.. May »e-Tbe Oteago
aavsl reaervaa. ronalsUng of M men
and three oflleerq. under command of
Xdeotenant 6. W. Stratton, arrivod bet*
atteraoon ot tbe suamcr
Haseotte. from Tampa. They left Chi
cago oa Ibcsday aad made the Journey
without Incident All tbe men are weU.
John R. Santo,
Genril lisariice.
Dr. Higgins,
WhospihK GpuEh.
was Boorly'
Vluli^I Air nnminlstered for fih«»
. whooping
. . .: ; 1,
lute palnleas cxtractlna of iceUi.
Mf nsigbbon reeommended |
AaOdcUr. for extraction of i
ChambarlalB't Oongh Bemedy. I did > without pain ased. Latest ohd aotk
not think ikat
that any
anj oediclne wonid
would aatkfaclory
aatlafacloiT \i
1 ynt uMd for
help him. but after givioir him a few making extraeUnn cosy.
dooea of that remody I aoticed an improeraent. and ooe bottle cored him
enUrelv-^It is thsbestoongh n ' '
I ever bod in tbe hoave.—J. L.
8eu«> BargettstowB. Po. For
8. K. Walk druggist.
B. J. Morgan,
On JC. * H. B. B. &.
•» Law.
nininAU Kami.
Loag-Bap«1»4 ftswtwerissi'fisat la tsChs
BlTB/yjSfiS CAHD8.
<a M. hhOWM. aaotoey ao« Om
In tbstewM-sriJbcny.
"Tnu will find In the armies that are
BOW preparing for'another war many of
the young men< of Irish parentage m
this country, and If yon could meet
them and talk with them you Would
learn that ll U In ihe^use of Ilbsrtr
that they have enltsied. Wherever a
rwee or a people makes a struggle tor
perennal and potUiial liberty >-nu srlll
always find some members of the Irish
rwee fighting In the ranke for thafpeople. Our rare has a spirit that may be
broken but never bent.
The superior
number and wealth of Or^ii Britain
was able to break uS down, but our peo .
ple have never bent a knee and do
acICDowIedge their lubJugatloB u
Ibis day.
-The Catholic eountlee of Ireland are
very liberal, polltlrally. They do not,
question a man's n-llalun so long aa he,
represents their polltltal Ideas 11 waa
; that Ben
Ihe Jew, having been
parliament^ m Kng:ana on accoun^of j
XXil S U
o. P. CA&TKft. itm
The president has nomlnatcSIl Benja
min F Havens, of Indiana, to be a pnyirtater In the army.
QnarlermaMer General Kimhnn bos
pucT^wd in tan Francisco OC.eW Hexlean dcllsi-e tor tbe.uae of tbe Manila
John Crutrlla. a trammer employed
at the W est Vulcan mine. Iron Moun
tain. Mich., was caught In a fall of ore
and crushed lo death.
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe was the toHpleDi of numerous messages of eon•rday ni*
Edward Mammerstrun. of Knoxville,
nia. drowned bis little girl In a tub of
water aad-then ahothlmaelf. Tymporair
Insanity caused (he trkgedy.
Fire In thv Cryatal Springs Brewing
• ■
compsny'i plant at Boulder.
Colo., destroyed property te the
of feiXkM. fully covered by Insurance.
Hentb says that berrafter aecond aad
third Aara mail vrtll be fora-arded to
aoldlera In the aame manner ga lettera.
materiaL Tbe troops win be mobilised
at Can$p Doaglaa. The governor takas aty Kews Btowl. P
th^ action becanas these oompanics
were left out of the first can aad aleo
because It will, be nsrssssry when then
ere trained troops In the state to call
CB Itbem fltst. Tbe field and staff offlce/s of the Fourth will remain as they
ore now aad will sea servtos as a ualtsd
Ever Bara«d OKtf
eastward for the word that sroold make
them brigadier generals ot volunteers,
their eyes ot hope beluf fixed
While House. Tbelr long vigU bat lu
reward, for yMtsrday the president
these Dsmes te the senate, among
ert. to be brigadier generals: Cbariea
Flu Bimona of llUnOts; Frederick D.
Grant of New Tort; Henry M. Duffleld.
of Hlrhlgan: Charles King, of WtsconOrely short time every regiment will aln; Lucius F. Hubbard, of Minnesota:
be provided for. Adjutant General U. George A. Garretson. of Ohio; Joaeph
V. Rlehards. of General Brooke a ataff, K. Hudatn. of Kansas; Jtwepb Rush
was yesterday celebrating at headquar i Lincoln, of Iowa
pbsTKS. ktwwaer at Law. Bpsslal
ters the iwenty-founh arnlveraary
Adjutant General Corbin announced
Congressensn William Alden Smith U
bit wedding, wiib his wife and a nu
I Iasi night that three of tbe brigadier
unfuiiunaieiy placed In antagonism
her of friends when the announrement generals appointed by Ihe prealdentyea- 0°l&a°*kSu>ra^loS^5Twiiiatf.^
with Speaker Reed on thv-matter ot
of hit spiMilniment aa brigadier general
Hawaiian annexation
Prvsidenl Mc
rearbed him. The appolnimeni created soon as tbe senate had confirmed their
Kinley MBciti a bin pBu.d providing
considerable enthusiasm among the
nomlnaiinnt. to command troops In the
the anrexatlon of HawUl. but
nfn.-ers now here. Dr.
Phillpplnrs. The generals selected for
Speaker Iteed Is opposed lo annexation.
sew ard Wehb, of .New Tork.
the PhIMl
lines expedition areOeotge A.
OdSigreasman Smith, as a member of l^e
check to the. colonel commanding tbe
lo4p.B. Tslerh(BS.tl__________
cMniamee on foreign a«al?w.,ls expect.
Flrwt Vermont regiment now In ramp Greene, nf New York, and Chsrire King,
«d to ujlnrlde with the admlnliiral ''
hereW R.OOO, lo he used for the benefit of Wisconsin. Late last evening Gen
will be passed If ll .
« ,h* „rk and needy ot the regiment.
eral Merrtlt, who Is te be mlliury gov« vote, hut Speaker Reed
ernor of the Phlllpplnea. wired Adjutant
af the IK.W. r of hl» office 1
kenny and be elected to parliament by
General Corbin requesting thst General
It U rumored here that
Iriafa votes. If It had not been for Ihs
Bruckner has CsUen heir to k goodly nh»r.-c o' •*-. --..e -..,-.1..
peasel tar a Week ar Mare.
I pines. The request was approved and
fortune from a reUllve recenUy.-^
who td~-jed rviaraell b
Washington. May »--Aa Important forwarded to Genreal Klw. Md beceased ir. Kurope. The amount Ir placed superlur tbillly. l>c never
hase of tbe mllltarr programme U a
.......................... ..
•t somethlrg like tac.n«: ample tokeep . ,
..I parlismrni nor bi
command. General King It the well- TWITRMglf
H. u. emat
eelsion not to uke up the delalU
a man .onifortable tor Several years, dutlncilon.
known novelist and sn ex-officer of the
•van If be remains In politics.
ao the trieb.
Vnlted Blates army. It Is ubdkrstood
reilllsBS fMw CWucviMS.
"After gritins to psrilamrnl. how/or at least a week or Un days .
that Harrison Gray Otia. edravarae Oily Lawber C(
Senatoi’ McMillan has rerently filed ever, and after having ffisplsyed bla su- At the cabinet meeting yesterday Ir.- I |,or of tbe Loe Angeles Tlmee. who
In tbe senate large bsivhes of petitions P-tlor ability, secured sn election by an quiry was made of Secretary Alger aa served with the president In (be Twen- ; \/V
"r '-r.— KZ..V
English mnstlluency. be then turned
Cram Method's!. Bsiulst. Congregation
‘ ty-lhfrd Ohlo'during the civil war. and xll wuSt
al. Presliyierian. Vnlted Bretbrira sod his bt.-k upon the Irish people, and bewbo was nominated yesterday to be a
Other churehes from all over the stats
brigadier general. wlU also go to the
to prohil.li the sate of liquor in governPbUlppInea
Ingtos .ireet.Trt
tntnl buildings: In favor ot anil-clgar- helped irisraett to bis first seat In par- j ‘l»‘ ke had
question, and that
atu leclel.tlon. «nd In faver ot a Suo- llament that he became so Intensely In
Hew Bouts to Ohleogo.
a take up tbe matter
4ay rest lab. These voluminous pett- dignant when the Jew opposed Irtal
Hay 15th.
im. a
Uona i-ome from Detroit. Pawpaw, home rule for hirEnglish constituency. a week or ten daya In tbe meant
______ —6 will be esUblUhnd
. Adrian. Berrien Springs
Maiberton, Then It was thst OTonnell ullered that no conelualon bna been reached as lo ihrougb
-ern Chicago nod Grand Uoptda.
Battle free* and many-'otbei polnia apem-h full of bitter Invective, begin whelber a portion'of tbe Ti.HO volun- I belweei
sted by the Grand 'Trunk Bnilwav
They repn-seni ihe views of thousands ning with the words: -Ingratitude to tbe teera w ill be used to recruit the regl- i operal
-m and the Grand Baplds A Indi
af good m<n and women who want to worst of crimes. There sits a lineal da- menu still remaining unfilled under the I svstei
first call for IS.OPO volunteera
ana Ballwsy. via Vlekabnrg.
, make the wnrM better by human lei^a- Iscenrtsnt of the unrepentant thief.'
ptox S*U-Top boggy Iw sale, luqol^ot
If (be reglmenu under tbe flrat call
Trsioa will oi rive at and deport from
••But speaking of the enUsimeat of
latinn. Tbe people should take li kind
ly when they sr- told l.y a correspond Irtshmeti in Ihe Vnlon armlet reminds are to be brought up to tbrlr maximum Dearborn station. Chicago. Tbis slat- ,
strength It a-lll take about M.OOO men ion U on Polk street, between htate W
which waa
ent who hs" wlines.od ti.ngressi.msl, rrfe r.f the greil Influence
leglstailoi) lor nesrly a quarter of a cen wle'ded by
''' '
wTxsTi- ft)
>gaaD XBOgT PBOTESTlThis aonlh of the PeetoSee. and opsr jhe
le building
of tbe great cathe- regiments under tbe first call.
-tury that all Che l-ellii.-i's eel.I to nm- atopi-ed tbe
oid'KtMtou. loros^ Will
■w York, arwl announced from will leave tk.004 men lo be orgatilxed' down toe u bustsees and hotel districu ; oM'KtaloB.
grres ai-conipllsh m thing. 1 hey are
»u<ioQ.are ;T»'
ireads being this »ta<ioQ.are
polpH lhai not. anolher dollar In dlailnctly new r-rfmenU. It would Other rmllrrads
trtsted as so mueh -esst.- pai«-r. They ...
have (he advantage ul fllllng every regi Atehtona. Topoka
do DO harm, of course, hut -ih. y also do
ment In the serv.ee. Instead of leating Chicago A Eastern llllaola. Chicago. dsa. » Wasfctagtoo m. TraBO good. If all of these people were work done unijl the rebellion against
most of th'-m with s dep'eted orgsnlxa- Indianapolis A LosUriUe and Brie.
oanscst enougb to write individual let- this land of lllierty should be put down.
llon- Or the other hand It would de No transfer will, therefore, be necra.tars to tbrlr m nauaw and r-iuestenu- Th- atlllode of Arcbblshop Hughes, exstroy iheintecrliy of ihia force uf TD.OOO I sary for poaaengera t
gives they would recelTW respectful con- Pf'ewd in s most rinqueni sermon, waa
s •-onrt reserve. One J abovf mentioned Hnea.
v-rv Influential, not orly throughout vninni'-rHdcrwilon sod altentlun.
• of tss-iing the aeeImpnrUDI italioos on this through
K-n York
: .l-Iirh a second re- ear line between Chicago and Grand
n causing Irishmen to enlist.
• geeuTV from the stale of Virginia a lymen who could be Baplds are N'alparaleo. tkrath Bend and
camlon to the Dleirlci of Columbia of
•-"d SI leisure and Miabawskn. led . Vicksburg, KalamaIbe large track of land which rormerly over Ireland with telling effscL"
r-' nths bence, if clr- sooand Plalawell.-MIch.
Rwokla Vouas. tbs Isierp-d
lor Cata
wqil Reeeat the Aillaaee.
belonged to tbe ar<a of tbe national
Tbe equipment used in proridiug tbls .sr book psbUshod; an Urge pagos; MO so' capital. The mattef recently received
-'■And now let'me tell you that H Ihlt
hern are put ai onee aervlee will ooastot of new standard
conaldersHe favorable consIdciaiiOD by repu^U -niers Into on aUlence with
Blggeas hook. ktoM
vaalTbuled day oonebrs. IhilltnaD bof- Et^
the Virginia legislature, but final actlun Great Britain fi>r tbe purpose of enfet parlor cara and tba latest daa^s of
has notebee^ Uken. It Senator HcChlna.
Pullman wide veeUbsled. gas-ligbtwl. Dsksaad soorwows; bsrrasi tor .sgoat^ ,10
of the empire, tbe Irtohmeo of this
IkOto men or lltUe tweTIve-aeetion drawing room aleeptng
country will resent that alllanoe. Ws .more than one army eorpa. The war
will fight for liberty, for tbit country.
ri—Mwrt.o—1-. II—
defwrtment Is anxious to obtain the
Oengretsmai^Bam'Bmith to unhappy for Cuba, or for any other people, but vtea-f of the governors of Ibe sutes and ot tbe
a wUI be snek aa to
resent any effort to tighten tbs territories In regard to the filling to
baeaust he caffnol get more pensions.
merit ^liberal patronage by tba traveiwith
borlfcs upon human beings anywhere."
Alnct Ihe leginMitg of tbe war t
their maximum strength of the regi
Captain O'PeiTall la a man of strong ments already furrl«h«d by them under
■pain the house of fepreaenutlvee has
Wtowlag to a eondenaed aehedpractically quit doing buslBsaa. and the
the first call, and with thto'objert In
e further eays: new AdJulAm General Corbin, af the
pooaage of numerous private pension
««st of tbs water works Traseiwo OKy l»«a
a boy who Is going to the war diracllon of Secretary Alger, yegterday
. tfifto has been stopped. As a maticr of
Werka »l» tf__________________________________
otabllshment of a (table home aent telegrama ooklng the arveral gov.
fli«t tbe condition of the troaaury does
not warrant any demands upon It wbleh
«»a be at-olded. Thu to a fact wbtcb
department on tbU subject.
qrin not be welcomed aa good nevra by
Oonl Pnm'r and Tlckot Agtfit.
The qnesllcn arose yMtrrdiy as to
the old aoldlera a ho are anxIouBlr waJI- TYie love of liberty Is'
whether colored offleef* ns well at oolfW ft'f tardy reeogniUoa of Ihelr qlU- though they were Catholiea. tens of ored troops won'A bt taktoi na a pan of
thonrands of Irlshotee did thelf beat to the organisations offered. General Al K.^.^&B.dnmi
taiy aerrlcea.
Travaroe CUy tn Han
Oangreaaman MealMt. aa a member of go to Gaffbaldl, and many of them ger at once decided that It a colored
theoonimmee'oa vlrctlons. has been do- Joined him. They realised that the war
tbernafler. Tralna toava Traveran City
lag a great deal of partisan work. He In Italy was a political and not a retlg- otneers they w«
at 8:ao A m.-- Beturalag trolan laavs
bks participated la unseating a number luas war. and they took tbe aide cf po- recognition and
at 5:40 p. m. Uanai low ratM.
of Democratic congreesmea. and to otlll
wry aerriee as were the tioepa themBonndjrip fora
than fl.po for
That la the reason so many. Irishmen netvf
•ngoged In that work.
governor of Indiana, srbn
' praak Horatmd. foriaariy of Tbe fyce fought with WsOlnron. and against
HefivandapoieDUal DeswcratlrtBCtorlD Napoleon. It waa hot because'they had asked tor Informatkm. In tUg eonr. A. MrrciauA.
lowed Grant Brltoffi. but because thef ■eetlen It developed'that eelorad men
Oanarol Pnaaenger A^b
baled the NapcdeaaW'aMaait'npoa hu
ora bnlag eonffidmad tar soma.nC thn
dice orater In the n
fl. W. CrftxniqmaM. AgsMt.
man Ubetty."
ftoMfil ~*r***^ Be to doing a great d
intended that oat
abould be sen! here. Ther sare about
fiMW troops across the river. In sight of
the Washington munument and of the
Capitol, but not a UichKao soldier U
tat that enc-s^npmeet.
Alger-. MMila tbs anay.
General Alger'a family Is oMde anallsending •.t his son lo the army
ll wedding of hlsdaugbtar. Nevenheless tbe Alger rvHdence
te a cbatming platv few social 'enter-
mfrit Kaeal ■mrei aS Bag Wrah
fcppliee ea the Way. However, aad Will
SSM Be U aha Haa* afehe Heno-Otebcatad HU Wwddl^ la Ca»p with a
Hiwah of Lw^—nilaob Tawwe Htddl^
interest swept over Ireland when
cane known thaT tbe repu^lc of the
r ot dlsmenie
All of the Bbcllsh newspa
pers were filled wKh prsOlctions of dis
aster fgr the TTnlted Btsies, anA they
(loallnirly ret>ested acain and acaln
the assertion that ‘no (ovcmmenl can
exist without a head.' By that declaraden they meant, of eotirae. a kinc or
queen or other hereditary head.
DeconUun lM7 as m« of bte sweetest
swd most Horlous ^s Id the year.”
. 'mM Sei^r BuiTowa "I think ll U a
^ ansd IhlDf 1ST the old soldiers to sprod
•t kart one day In the year beside the
•neea of their brwve comradra. beoausc
It cnkJodles anew tbelr spirit of pa>
OloUsiD and they Impart that Bdrlt to
tfaeae aboot them. I think it is a sood
t for tbe )-«ua« men and women
to memory the dty dlractory of Detroit:
or at any rale he waa able to mention
the leadlrK businetd men of that tow
tbe street number of their businei
^aees and offices, and also of their re
Mcnc^ He mentioned the name of
firm with which be had been last ea.
ployed, and suted ihsi be bad been
couth for hU health and had. run short
cf money enou(h to (o back bon.e. ConSressmah Corliss had no Idea that be
eras bu(ua dnd (ave him the money re
quested. A letter sent to the firm menttoaed by Plnerty elicited tbe resp
All baggage, bna and hack «oik
lor aaid road ebonld be left with
me. Office m 8Ut« atreet, tale{^ooe 3. All ixdetB left witii m*
will receive prompt attentian.
Giud Bifldi i littu 1.1
CAeal'-------- - trslB aivlvm at Uim a. m
unsns uo Mamunii li
To lakt afioat eaaiar. Jans to. imr.
PUsr't gwM .'.'.
Mato's OtwoojM
ai^UckslUs ...
ssE'5jf,r;,sr,i«-»i:. s;
F°SS',iSir5.t-?SSr" 'TSJ'
with Sszl, ths Awslsr.
Scions of Famous Men Who
Will Fight For ihe Stars
and Stripes.
n la t
tka lan« proportion o( deaceii<Unta ot
«or paat heroea In both tb« army and
MT7 and ot aomc tew «bo woo diatinr*
tlae la the fleldi ot political actiMty.
bat no Webater, Clay or Calboun adoraa
tha rank! at preaent. Pormar prealdesia
la ot Otaat and Hayaa.
Ponrtaenlb New York raatmari
C. Eayea la one of the nnfcint line oO' ea» ot Oblo'a qiiou to the vulunieer
terea. and the aon-m-U» ot Bohert Unaolo baa anllated aa a private Kuaaell
Harrtaon la aailoua to take a command
•a Mentcnaal colonel of enalneerw.
7amw G. BlaUie. Jr. bae b^n ap.
pelBlcd a ataS offleer by the prealdenl.
aa« tbar* U a boat of worthy acioaa
wba have latrty bean anroUad and olb>
who atand ready tn yire their aerv> toM to Uia eosnUT Id thia tim* ot patri.
«tte daada and darinc.
A Wt of newa waa llaabad acros tba
wrbw aoma Uma a(o teUlnx tba worid
tar. and one. Carllle P Porter, who U a
captain In ibe marine eorpa. Another
waa in Ihe army till bla daath. Some
of the dauyhtera married oOecra In
both branches of the aenriee. so tha
martial alrain la thnroayhly preaerred.
This family for live yeneratlona haa
been In the naval aertice.
Rear Admiral Tbomaa 8. Phelpa, now
on the retired Hat. who bad aufllclent
Ifterwry Inclination lo write -Bemlniacances of Waahlnyton Territory" (flM).
Is repreeenled In the navy by bla son.
Uetttenant Thomas B.. Jr. and rela>
tivea, Ueutenani Harry and Ensign
William W.
Jobs A. Lewea. who la b replica of bla
i'ivl I-If
and martial defense*, ran his
leaslr and caielessly along ita
the ne»t momanl was engulf
ed In a showeriof shot and shell, Ibe
latter of «. I and 10 Inch caliber. The
Porter bad gone there ready lo daab
ahead and torpedo the entire Spanish
fleet U necessary as soon as It *ould
appear, for she la a meaaenger of death
— - - adder. Instead of
metal to break down
cniab a fortlQcaI assigned to the
baltleahlpe about her.
Ihal only a moment before
mortnuring because there
uttle ptoepecOve “ftm" for
Commander Cbarlea H. Btoekte» 0.
B. N. U a acton of the UlmOrtotH New
Jersey family ot dva( name noted In
mlUtafr amnals. to science, lltcralure.
edonaildB^ foumallsm and Juriaprudanoa. Commodore Robart T. Block,
ton (ITtg-lMf). his father, whose eerv.
kea at Los Angelas and Baa Dlega. CaL.
form aa Important part of our national
blatory, was the son of a Cnited stales
senator and the grandson of a signer of
the Declaration of * '
made by the war dacwrtinene hydrograpbera
The late Rear Admiral Tbeodorru
Bailey baa a aon. Lieutenant Commander T. B. H. Mason of the nary,
who was retired In IIM at hla own reQuesL He added the suAz Mason to
his asww, tor family leasona Ike eterT
s u told lo Ihe wnier years ago. and the
linpreaMoD remains that the change to
order tbat tbc then
young Bailer might Inbartt
But the flghUng admiral's nama la perpctualed In hla daecendanta. mnalcei
UlioD of Che New Ttwk nava) r
>, aerond claaa. end c
Jacket uniform bt serve* bla .cmattr
on the auxiliary cruiser Ta^ee M
bravaly In his humble capacUy as dM
1 fsiber <
cat uncle,
George O. Meade, the here of OetCpBe
burg. This young maii’a mothar **•
Kebecea. the .daughter .of Rear
mlrel Hiram PauMlng and llilBiinB<
daughirr of John Paulding, the leaday
of Ihe trie that captured Major Altdm.
There are the names o'
well known to fame, at ! ID otir hin.
ty tonnad
toricat annaU Is s galaxy
Bhubrlck. Bainbridge, Hall. DaSatni.
Warren. Putnam. Pmta. Hemdon, Dt^
pont. Ollmorc, Kaaray. Boon. Bbarldaih
Wilkes. TTuxton. BlIdelL BcboOald. Mao.
kensle and I’pabur.
direct or oollateiau are aarvlng
or nsry. wUls traquan^
, both branches of the serrlc
anna rvan<tanna and evaitdn
at Washington, bad two ancewtora^^b
and B. W.. who were both aecreiartes
of the navy. Every officer above the
rank of lleuteoani remembers Ibe gen' ward tba head.
Rear Admiral John X Winslow, tha
y yard.
; deacendant of colonial governor*, oflle Tilton, a cos
' ctals and noted peraonacea of Masaa' { cbucetlE
lie In command of ibe Kearcorps, living at Annapolis, waa a de- Barge on June it. 1M4. haa hla nsms
urtnlned fighter, as are the Turnbulls kept alive in UeuleoanU Cameroe
of both the army and navy He la a McR. and Erancls and fJeulenanl ComBOD of Captain Tlllcm. l*. 8. N.. whose ' inder Herbert ot the aary. one mem
untimely death in ltd waa as....
ber of tb* family being a medical Inwidespread grief. HU e.m, McDane Til- I epeclor. Thomas O. delfridge, senior
ton. Jr. la a mer.lK-r of the Michigan and junior, father and son. are both
naval reeei-vea aKl haa been enrolled rear admirals on the retired list, but
tor active service on ih- lakes
the younger roan al C Is'still capable
Lieutenant Coirmsnder John .i. H. of much active aerrloe. Erederick D.
Oraat by acceptlag hla lately proffered
colonelcy la evidently anxloira-to have
bU West Point education uUllaed. and
hla son, V. 8. Grant lit. la to be ap
pointed a cadet at West Point In com
pliance with an almost pathetic appli
cation addreaaed to the presldeni of
grafted upon our history.
Commander B. Dana Greene, wbo dl«4
in ISM. a descendant of General Na
thans^ Greene of the Revolution, wbllw
a Uvalenaal vlnually fought the hat*
lie between Che Mnnitnr sad the Mend*
mac on March S. IMS. The Monltw^
wmmaadre. Ueulenanl John L. Woe*
den. who,died a year ago ks a rear ad
miral OB'the retired Hat. was wounds^
early In ihe actlnn, and Ueuleuast
Greene aaeumed command, takinff
charge of the guns In Ibe turret and
peranna|ly firing every shot until wear
the close of the aetlOD. HeUtsrreceired
a vote of thanks from the Abode Is*
land leglsUture. Hla son. B. Dan*
Greene. Jr_ graduated at the Naval
academy, bat afterward resigned and
has since been connected with electrical .
companlea He la a prominent mamher of Ihe New York naval reserrea, a#
U Lieutenant Slayton, another academy
graduate, who for year* past bag basM
an attorney In New York dty.
CaptalB Frederick M. Alger, wbo wfB
he on General Milas' staff. U a son ad
the secretary of war. Father Tbomag
M. Bherman. chaplain of tbc Foortfe
reglmeoi of theMIsaouri natlo^ gnar^
I great Ulysaes. la a son of General W. T. Bberman.
Many sons of leading ConfedaeaM
oua NaUleQcent.
are now enrolled in tbc military nervtem
the moat notable inatanec bring that ad
young Lae at West PolBt. wboec tatba^
FlU-Hugh Lae. has ao Utrly wou Ihg
dlttlngulsbed consideration of hla taM
r i|i
: .Sv ' ■ ill,
AiarL C.
J. O. BLAINE, j:
O. a. OKAMT m.
that tha larpede boat Foota oommahd- father, the daahlng mlUtary Iradcr. for them, as they could It poaalbty taka a
rolled among part In the bomtaramcni. were now
ed by Ueutenant William U Rtfdger*. whom he la named,
had been fired upon as aba waa taking bla couDlry'B defendera. Hi* mother. fully astlafled that they would be able
to "enjoy" Ihemselves. A 1 pound ahell
retldent of Washington, U
soundings In Hatanxas harbor. It was
the first Spanlab^ot Brad at tbc Aiaet- Of the most noted and moat beloved wo striking Ih* Porter In a vtUnerable spot
would have disabled If nol quickly sunk
Icaa flag in the DFesant war. Tbe iaa*a men of tbe day.
dfatgn Waller R. Gherardl, on board her. and the terrible Impact of the fooRodger* aroused s train of recoHsoa Captain Frederick Rodgeta. Ueu> tbe Nashville, la a aen of tbe lately re Jectllea fired at her can readily be Im
uaaat Commander* John X and Ray tired Rear Admiral Bancroft Gherardl. agined. but the Jack Tara, with a
The name Fremom awsikena memo bravery that deserves pwans of pralsa
mond P. and Lleutcnanl Thomas a of
the Enltad Slates navy are aU rclatlvea. ries Of the great "Pathfinder." the first and an aggressive attitude that aerins
including the naval cadet John, and bearer of the banner of tha Republican almoat ridiculous, sprang to tbelr 1
members of hUlorlcal naval famlllee party and the man wbo gave California pound rapid fire gun and poured bach
Hfce the Porters, the Ooldsboroughs. the to tbe Union. Hla aon. John C.. la a defiance. For a few minutes the Porter
pteaented her complete broadaide from
Wlnalewa. tbe Qreenss and othera.
bow to stern U tbe Bpanlah batteriea
Tbarc was originally George Waahlngand yet she steamed paat aafe and
-toD Bodgera. a eommodora, whose moth„ _____ a aox John C FramaaL Jr.. aound.
er was a. a
-When ahe was onee again beyood tbe
the third of the narp*. erbo la a naval
P. Rodger* (ICa-tsu). bad a'distln- cadet In the third claaa at Annapolla. range of the vnemya fire, there was
gulabed record in both tbe Mexican and Tbe Hin and grandson of tbe tamou* quick signaling from tha admiral's fiagCteU war*. Captain John F. and Lieu general are therefore In the naval aerv- ahlp.
"Not cue maa." wea tbe answer te
Frantenant Thomas B. are aona oi the latter.
There was tBa Maryland branch repre- eu P.. Wbo Is a Brrt lieutenant of tba SampaoD's queaUon. "How many bav*
you loatr* Further, the torpedo boat
aented by Rear Admiral John Rodg Third Infantrr.
The true Fremont eplrit was axblWt- sent back the message. "We are not Iner* <im-lUZ). at one time acting accretary of the navy, tha oou of the tamad ad at the recent baenbardment of Ran.
GaS^ Jobe Bodgsn am-Utl) of tha Jnaa. Puerto Rtoo. whan Uautanant
C Framont. eommandlng tbe'torwar of Ull.
t Porter, ouppoalng tbat a
Admiral David D. Porter, tb* aoe rt
bluff waa aattlraiy (re* tram
>thBt great Portar a* aw aaoaad war
a Bartorla. haa been a
pointed first Unite
e*. the aon of a famous nsvsl captain,
la perhaps the only officer of Greek ex
traction In the aervica. A aon of the
latter. Harold by name. Is a naval cadet
ID the third claaa The “middles" ot
year* ago. with no ogre of dignity be
fore their eyca dubbed the fatbeg
"Crawl Over tbe Cromlreea" when be
waa a claaamaie at the Naval acadamy.
Vice Admiral Blaphen C. Rowan baa
had hU fame continued In tbe pecuoaalIty of tbc two army lleutananU. An
drew B. and BamUton Rowan. Tbe for
mer, of tbe Nineteenth infantry, under
otdera grem the war department Unded
on the^Cdban coast near Bantlago re
cently and was escorted by guide* to
the ddmp of Oeilriel Callito Qarcta to
arrange tor the co-operation of tbe InBurgama In thAUvaslon ot Cuba by tbs
United Butes forces. It was a hasardous enterprise, but was happily aitaodad with complete neeeas. Re left WashIngtnn bast^. going lo Kingston. Ja-
younger George
and a man of the world, wboec dwda of i immuncs la Loulslaaa. la i aaa of tM
action have ao far baco In tbe polltleaJ I famous Confederate majo
arena ^d who now repreMSU a New j a Hood.
York city oonsUtuancy In the lower
Ensign Worth Baglay, tl
son ot
branch of congreaa It U aald be..............................
_ .
to emulate tbe example of hli ilebrat- Major •«
ed father. Gcceral McClellan.
a gallant officer In tbe aontbern army.
There are rommand-r Thomas Perry.
Tbe piealdent of the United Matas
U. a N- wboee ancestry need* no ex- baa vested in him tbe power te ap
planatton. and Oliver Hasard Fvttt Bel point annually ten young mea “at
mont. natnod after bla grealuncle. the large" to both West Potnt aad'Aahero of Lake Eric, but the grandson of napous. He selects when faaMMs tps
Matthew C. Perry, who opened the ports sons of termer oflkera srbo have sarv
ot Japan lo the world's trade In 1K3-4. ed tbelr country. This gives1 them •
He haa tendered bla yariit free t tbe prefervoee. as trace a
government with the proffer of hla In
dividual aervicea. Tbe offer, however,
was deellwd. He graduated tn the
claaa ot lit* at the Naval academy airi
served la the Atlantic squadron, but trsnm or examioation for admiaslon tP
after a enitac In the Mcdltsrraaaaa r*- rilber the MlUtafr or the Naval acade
my. Thus It la that In tha two faranc*Young Dick Meade, tbe sen of tba ee cd ocr i^lag asrvlM wn see ant*
teu Rear Admiral Rlidurd-W. MaaSa.
•octhwick, ..
Tb* atBad ledf* b
pap MOO to aba labrlst Bnjid dlatalut
for laal raar't nrrieaa. a»d alao ao praaeDI
blRi wtth a foM paat gmai dkwaaa-a
Tba graad k>d«B of UMWaaa vUl bam-
tb«7 are mj dlflarvak.
Tbara tiMf work tba Rad Croaa. aa a vbota.
Orabd Dlaiator Horlar and Otood Baai wt do. M( tba Ordrr of ttc Taopla-ti portar Blnall art poablag lblB«* aloat Ib
diridad Into tbrea aaparata dacrtM—ria. Uarrlasd
Keatoa. Uftailatloa aad C<
«. a. um.
•■BptOTMIll Ot
for Arid work,
ertr Tuporeralof
^ Uw iDctMi bar.
IBC tMiD obtataad
thioush tb«r «(forw TlM drill
taui* ban ■Ifo
•oBtrlbDWd Urg*‘
I; IB BddlB( M
Oaorga H. Babr*. tba taoeotTp
dliiitad grab^ atartarworkBiaB. hat prom^ to«l** bit b»^t aBdoiTon toward ta. «arlBg a.000 BOW reenbaa dorlog bit
gviBofBffle*. dodge Babn U kDowB for
Mb aal for tba order, aod hu aleotloo wm
MaolraoiH. DorlBg tba peat pear ba wa
—------ d fretB grand orcreaar to gradU
0 bp raaaon of tb
tbtdaaibof Qraod
IB A. P. Uarkap
Aa AaeleDt Order of Collad VerktsaB
MlaBoari niada a gain of got donsg tba
■aatb of March.
A «aw A. O. V V. laapla U eeniatslyd foatba good of tbaoedaral bouib
Tba (•» (or tba ihtaa da«raa of kUaoaty
IB Moibar K1Iw1bb1b« lodfO. Ko. I. 6«eaUDd. b } ^IllBii and lUpsnaa
Of tba M wanaat oaosban of THaraa
B PraainaB obaptar of Pbtladdphte. omatltolad ■> ymn aco. IT an «m allra
Tba HaaoBle Ubrarp aaaodatlea at Let
Aopalat aaama to be ao aarared tocrwa
T^eo casta par arantb tram tba owiBberabipof eaefa lodca la roearlbBtad, tod dosaUoDi art eomlBK la raep aattafaetorllp.
fary oi
loisbla, wat railed a Hatter Haaon I
NaptbaU todga. Ko U. at Sv Loolt (
bit praaant ollka It
Tbt Haaonlc boma of F
ineeatad fondt atsoontlng to glOS.eiA
Tba total donation In mooap to Iba borne
IB doBaUoo dap wat g«.Wg.
Tbat«4t none too bomblt iB tbaenft to
bacoEM Iba manat of a lodge, aad. todaad.
It la a laodable ambItlOB ao to do. None
tbookl an Idlp Ib tbt ladgarooiB wlib bo
daalta to mob tba Ugbtr rask of tba
to make Iti reaolar oonrocattoDi rrrj at
tr*' (lra bp a apneinat'lo and matiDlfloaut
rendltloo of tbe riiotl
Ortroul eomoiiedeiy.. Ko 17a. atLacroaae. Wla.. bat loade applloalloo l«
cbaupc lie pUor of oeaUng to MadlODO
iBd lu fitise to1 UadlaoD oomtBaBderp
A B Unaburp It grand oummanda)
I Saw Jetaep.
Of Tan:
. bB«a at* btfaw
iak^lOf I
ol ^orpoae
igtin-fact (hai the apedea
aelrptad lor tm-ding
tifaroei thsi can ba foiuid.
On the ahalraa and ce tbe floor are
gUw jar* and boxea with glaat eiiko |
eoutaining a great rarien of planbi, |
Well, they’re here, is all the latest styles.
Qnalities to Riit evei70ne. Ladies', j^ts’. boys’, miss
es'aad child's sizes.
Best assorted Hoe of work shoes we have j
ever shown. Prices $1.00 to $2.00.
hatchorp ia twofold. In the find place
U it deeiied to itndp their hiat(B7. be
anie knowledge on tbii irabjec* pieldt
pointer* aa to tbe beet method* of at
tacking them. Partioiilarir It it dMirabir to diaorrrer what paraxil** pn? npOD than. Tbe hot ia that every Bpecica
haa Ita paiacitic eoemieA and cate of tbe
moat effectire method* for attacking a
peatlferoQ* bog i* to ideotily ami aoutinge tbe tutiltiplicBtloB cf iu inaect
Morning Record Want Ads Pay!
Ooeof then:
bred in the inarctary U the-toot bole
beetle." It U ao called beanie of qi
Isn’t Ever>^hing,
Soprame test annoonoaa tKat all death
or diMibillip eU)n>t oocMloscd bp air
kalgblt engaging in mllitarp dutp In tba
win be boDored and paid, and patmUc air
knigbtt can go to tba frcot with tbit at- bcr young.
auranve of protactton.
When the paraaileaf ao injnrion* io■ect ia found, it ia coddled and petted.
£Soria .arc made to eoconiige it to
breed. EveDtiiBlIy it ia let looae ekperi
mentally cm an infeetcd tree or other
plant. Fione beetles, which are to the
inaeot world what boata of prey arc to
the mammal kingdom, are prc^mgated
and placed where they will hare a
toaoce to (eckle their rictima Futgua
This Poverfti^ War Vessel Will Beinforce Ad>
miral Dewey's Fleet at Manila.
We know, and joq know, too. Therefore
in telling you of
New Idea Patterns;
To die aod leare a lagacp of porertp to
dhaaadepaBdeBtupoB poataarimUial .
■f of boaor of Iba C
their VITill
The bnran of enioiDolc«y ia breeding
parmiitBa of tbe eonon bnU weeril—(be
Inicot that is doing ao moch damage to
oolton in tbe KmthweaL Other bsgi
tinder pn^iagatlcxi are the barer th^ inrade* oak tree roota, (be aole inaecC of
tbe peach, the ootfouy maple aole and
the ciwwote aole This last U fouid on
thecTeoHoteslirob all throogfatheaoBthweet Tbe ahrnb itaelf is not of importanc«. but the anfaetabce of the Rale
formed by the inaret makes an eseellent
commercial qnaiiry of shellac. TbeJapanoe abellac is obtained trcoi a etmiUr bog.—New Toto World.
AW paar for tba order.
tVfpta Uak Hotaa.
Tba MlatrtBg from tba Taaeonaar OoImbtaa bat mart troth tbaspoatrp Ib It:
**To eoBferdegraaa It boI tbe great featni*
to a frataitial bodp.. Tba Miowtbip. tba
MaBdtblp, that bood of bbIob that at.
waata tba broibarbood. la Iba chief alts
Bow eaa It ba dcraloped or oolUealad
'arbas poo are abaaot, or wban preaent
ggiroillp flbdlBg taoll with Iba wap tba
work la baiitg doaar'
/A BOW Odd Pallowa- bonding wat dadl-
Tbe iMitar Heanrey wat tba flrat of tbe donbJe tBireMd ooaal Mmm
moaitor* to be deeigned and Unbcbrd. Sb« wai boilt on tbe Padflo 00B«t and
non «1.800.000. Her main amameDt ooaaitti of two mooeiBr 18 inofa and two
10 Inch riflaa.
bB*a paaaed taaolollotit to keep brotbart
Who aoUtt IB tba amp Is good ttandlbg.
na Rabakaba baea baas In aalairaea Geoeral
Sir G- _
------ ....
■ aerar faltered or d
p. bat en tba oostra
rward asd opward
—I'lrp. D 0 If. of.
Spain may obpert to oor wanibipa bnt
' aguiuM onr fmit n. lik< ly to be of <.
Udn t.r
-lib ‘“'OJ
bookt in open lodge I tnitt tbit U tbe ,
5^an Juee Hole ha» iBfeeted «
Th.-y *ay y.iu an »e noe
dbaaa dapa, for eoattnoaoae In oSoa bringt «nlyoi>r Inoordltlrlrt that te gamp of
aocboD klaaonlcprooedni*."—Indian Ha-1 thtiw hull- iTaCtinn, <iu ihe no*t U-mon
sobU Berlaw.
1 that yon buy, finnicUtl. <if cvmrec. (hat
naote tnembatfloftea apokof
Tto grand ledge of Callfarale problblte . the lemon bar <>u il a liny bbirk aiack.
^-laa of Odd FeUowablp and w
balletlB bp a lodge, wblla Exiiniine the K|vi-k nud<-r a ttniug magbetwflta pooDg men caB darlrs.
re. mu
will diiMirerthe
BftoB forgaa
forgaathat (betrowB sonsP*"****■ “»«»■»“
, nifyiiig glaa. and
wot e« tbe fold.
The grand eeetelarp of fibode IsUnd le-' Kn Narp E. Partridge. H V grand —a xmaj poturv with leg*, wing* and
-rwa togbtfalllBZofr In tba tBetobar^ matron of
geeml grand ebapter of
lie it a iiiuHt pudiferutu and
States. Order of tbe F.aeterB <Uugtm,u» 1'1,-ititAt in the world, taiug
of tbe iobonllnate lodgee and a tUgkt the VolMd Statea.
Star, will twaa tbe tummer mitlBg ebap
■ In tbe Bebeksb bnnoh.
.- ■ tare end grand ohapleieon bar Jonrnep diflicolt Pi gi-i rid n( airi evil m all
iehekab £>dge
bsbili- Hicakee tbe life <>at of
eastward, leering bar borne In Alameda bir
•t, li
Re draw* tbe
Blptdlng ,boo,jn»*l Tbe genetal grand chapier
SWMBL Tbe name of I_______
» Kutiw-» i—S.7- joiit- -fniiu the mr-e so that they wither
Vooia. VbitmaraeoBM bedetlredf
and dll', and be pmTnga(<« with grat
■e la prealdeat of tba
Sahakah amamblp of Onurlo.
1* pot bora diaixivered.—lUrper t BbKNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.
Vbaa pou aae a broeber golag la torUd||1 ton paths and pou oera attemj
P< M
him, (
ork In tba lodgetBam mip
■BtTvU ll.ata!l n( tbe inembere
dre locBlietfor tbe war. If necer
>lild bate their dum paid dorlog
__ WDoe. SBd In oate Ihcp are killed the
toU fOBetal bencHiof llUVeball be paid
dB khair famlllee
It It euted that Past Great Inoobonee
CUarlesn Lltcbnmn will change bit ml
toaos from Merblebead Hate. , to New
grk. K. J. Hi- win. bowever. retalB bit
iDbertblp in old No 1
'-_Jhe total ameu of tbe P<
^'"^e's borne tilK.STB.
Tbaordar In Otwui la making axosl
’ iMtfCBgTamaad rrfll double ibemembardSto dorlng tbit great ton The great
gwtoHB le kept butp InaUtoUog bow
••Doyon Uke any atpek Id any of
(bese woman trlgbu movenjeniaf"
-Well. 1 ibiok the wiaeai and ofeM
eosrm for mao la to cosoede to wcanan
•eary right that tbe reailr waoit."
-BDt what doea tbe rally wantP’
maiMirt Ib Chief Pblllp T CelgroTe of
"Ah, DOW yoo baee got down to tba
Baetlnga. Mtcb Behind thla organlaed
aod drilled rone are <60.000 kBigbie. wbo. ml problem.'•
And au aylng (be wiae man abowed
bla w iidom by making a qolet mak.
Iforme end bear m
for ibere are tome things (bat are be
yond (be ken of man.—Chicago Pott.
if tbe oslform rank ii
well drilled ai tbe natloul goard of tbe
; eereral atataa
“Tour majeaty will remember." said
| willksm A. Craft of Oaorer U tba eom- the Cbloeae pbilusupber. "1 told yos
' masdor of tba Colorado brigade.
long ago that a mas ongbt to ooant a
, The ontronn rank It made opof pontig. bandred bafiire getiiog augry.”
I atHebodled neB Tbetaberdrtll It Md
"Vat,” replied the emperor wearily
as be looked orer (ha indemnity scoba
Jamea R CarmbaB le tbe major giDatBl Id hli obeokbook. "yoor adTioe was
Ib oorumaod of tbe
vrotp-erecB oo .
I battelillooe that eompoaa the nlss
man taxiooaly.
"If yoB wanta me, Creorge," said
to« young lady from tbe banka of tbe
aertlOatm writtsD. It rraa bHlerw] tbe Wabato decidedly, "paw wen't take oo
If poo Intend to do anp work before bol j “"Hjl
k^^HngU e^tlon^Md tost etand wbataomehaweret. Paw will peat
toke a back aeat. SaeT-Rew York
' eertlfloatta Itsoed from toe bead JconaL
■sat bottle end ooDDl yoor rlctorlse
I May. wUb a fighting ebaooa In June j elrrk-aolBoe. and April will Dot dUappolBt
Atsh tb*
lanndMt It
1* th.
to# arte
ordaa w..
was foonded
-----------. tour of eoouUla (o careXgr ibeir member*
to« be BuabU to oars (or (barn-
Kslglit* aad (Adi*, af B*bot.
TIaeMpwteof tba grand ludge of Call-a show that toe adnlDlstniikiti of
« Pretsetor Hra Bella W. Conrad,
man who baa e*sr held -that
oiMBprlaea fiO i
Tbe daeraeca
■ eooftaad to eeeUl
H oaiy- wblU (be namber
Whatfc«r Maybe You ,
Don’t Know
In Dreat Good* yon can
probably Bod is oor stock.
Handsome new effects in sty
lish matenals an here for
yoor epproral.
npoD I
to bold tbe pipe in pneitino
tbe curvatore <•! the liperound tbe stem
and tbe mtucla bi-.ume mure rigid here
than in other pnru Tbos the lipe at a
•certain |ioinl beonne i«tn«i|hiT. and tbe
ptpi- is nn«m*eion»lT b.-ld in the tame
habimal pnsicioii.. .After long motiuoaDim of the habit, email eirraUr wnoklee fiinu iianllel with the corvanire of
the li]si armiud the stem. Thi'eo are
CToawd by liner liD<-s aimed by tbe
pnat-tire cd tbe lips to retain the Hem
In p.«tiiBi.In thecaaeof men wbo hare smoked a
pijie fur ri-are tbe effi^^t opim tbe lipa is
Twy tnark.'d. b-g only altering the form
of the lip*, bnt Ilf gue enure stde of toe
face, aueing the wrinkle* (bat are toe
result of a
ful lowing
wrinkle*, tc^chaugi- their cuoreo ao a* to
iBiliaU; from toe [wrt id the tnuolh
where toe pipi' is habimallT earned.
Funliermore. oue or both lipa often
protrude, just like the Upa cd people
who cuwd to suck tbeir thumbs when
childmi. The effec-r* of pipe smolring
opim toe teeth and lower paw* arc erra
more appan-uc than in the ease of the
lipa If any nian who ba* urnrAed a
pil* Xor a connrteruble Iragth of time
will take tbe trenhie to examine bta
own twto. be whll find that at tbe point
where be usually bolds the stem 1«tween hit teeth Hie Utter hare beoiBne
wortL—UedicaJ Record.
Tbe parasite of malaria was deacri^ad^
by Lareran in 18S0. Little la known <d
it creo now, howerer, bftt Mr. A. Ii
(irifilD statee that moaquitore may pUr
on important part in its cvoIntiocL. and
that toe gt'tms may be carried to toe
human body by a»r or water while en
cysted in toe egg* of these inrect*. or a
(Doaquiui onming from a ,„^l■r,■l padrat may cemvey toe InfecUoo directly
W another perwjn. Air is toe usually
Boppoeed medium of infectiao. altoough
there la sDcsig iwidaBae chat water aUo
wvy CBRy it. In the Ute Asbanti
Ur^ data of aiwmo are mid to bare
proTcd mare eSeotire ae a remedy than
On aocount of the dUBculty <M aaaindlating Iroc aa a medicine, a* it generally
.(atiglua toe itamach. e Prenchniau haa
■ought to introd one it into'tbe atomach
in a digesible maimer by what be teniii
(erraglnaDa enca Hana on diges iron
eagily, While rendering it back throegh
BdvlB—Ym would not take toal toealhtunea of their eggs in a farm
cbarteted. and oo HSreb 81 (bare
totol of 8M.t _____ .bare ingood ttbcUof mine (o baa MDaMeejiUai at which Uea*nrdigt«ted by toe weaktr
btandlBg. Tbe 8U0.<.000 mark la sot raey j all. would youl
hi ca xnanktud A celt of iroo U
o the b^ wit]
B^riBbld—Be OOTtainly doaanot look
Tbe dally sreraga of boaUtr butlD
thne medioto .
BOW being laaiied la 18 TfaU Is getting
npt to wheat a day make toe bmia, after three
be e gtat (atuia of onr eoolety, and
or four daya. lay ogga which are resy
Uatt 4.000 Weodises
alrody digeoied.—Fhilahonor.
delphU Record.
Head OoBaul Nortoeen predlett that
witotn toe east l( yean we will bare a'
aembarablp of orw 8,000.000.
priteJ when bU adranafy'a MbmraaabSome of tbe natire women of AoctieIf that Mead yoa Spoke to has net ysf
lU lare a aaeer idra oi beao^. They
}olBodtbeHoderaWaodiD*B, JnatiaeBtlaB addownotthU aknlL"
"1 don't aaa that btBwdbdVBbaa oat (beouNlrei witb ebMU. keep toe
(SCI to bim agate
thatt It la toe btM
for a long tlM and wSm
ViB tba world. •MonlAad.”
"Ab. bnt mwitaar eMb a
M they beal hag* man are toe r*Mll.
Oamp «1»< of Morlty. U-. bm tokoB la
amwlwedbU bead betea.''—Ptok Tbeae enan are «Mm*d Ughly oam•I warn mambtea ttnoa Fah. li.
While we place considerable imporlance on the price
—10c for any style—we place mnch more importance
on tbe absolute correct fitting qualities, on the pro
gressive styles, and on tbe economy of material used
and the simplicity in construction, of these popular
patterns. We sell hundred of tbe New Idea Patterns
every month, aod we have not yet had one complaint
about them.
Carpet Prices
Are a reanlt here of oar
baying directly from the mills
that make the carpets. Upto-date deeigne, sod qoalitiee
that are dependable- Prices
atari aa low aa you'd like.
Silk Waists
In pretty etylea. hand.
od at prices
to please yon—fEIS to $6.60.
Garnieate are all new. Other
Waiata. too, 35c op.
Of the saperiori^ of oar
Men's Blict
Clay Worstef Saits
At S8A0 over saita yooH
find at othar atorea at this
price. We term them our
"worlid-bieatetB” and yon'U
•gres with os in asyiag we
- are right, if yon’U look at
thase aaits. Sack, Squat*
Cot oc'CuUway atylw.
Hats, Caps, &c.
Or whatever you may
need is fumiahings, yoo can
likely fiod here, and tbe
prioaA'wai not be extrava
gant No sacrificing cf qualities, Dor of correct atylaa.
BdUbh Dry Goods, CupHiid QotUid Hooi.
An Elegant Souvenir E
Given Away^cx
We have an elegant Embossed Fan with the
double American and Cuban Flags that we will give
away to each customer as long as the stock lasts-.
They are something that is most apfn'opriate at
this season, and are very artistic. As
supply is
limited only one will be given to each customer.
CITY bookstore
280 Frost Stiwet
raa mobvivo bboobd. buvdat, vat », ime
|Fc« 9t Halt Fair 8es on the
Way <0 the KlondDce.
I BAIT siE^BHiFS m luennii)
I ^
liftn BmOTt. AlMkft. Much >0B««« yon *rta tried to keep m Morer or teeing the rtffbt
ii tbewiod blowing ■ g»K
, tbe niWCTiry bfw whirling, eddj
te»« tbw there eboeld be. If thw nw
ONE OF THE CLEVEREST TRICKS PERright here, where there le eo an* ne^
Very Ut^ ia known by tba geowal
of good Dordiig. to mseh diOeoKy in
pnblio abou qoickraad. and that licUe
Montog wholevnne ud well cooked
la ornally obtained frtra.noTeU. Boch
food end no mnoh cell for wordi id
Infonnatlao U oanally ^wraog. being
eoalort and hope. I uanwrecwelooed
Dornpoeed of. a pinch of traib and a
ttan ever UhewiM that ee » rale worn*
bandftU of ficticei. The eCTimtimal dotmaenMoDd
the no railed
W. B Canlk in The Sdenllflo Ameraeen e good many ataooiiragra mta. not
tfaot tar ba*« eomeaaroea hot ooe wool- iaan explalna the myMeriooa vaae trick
ao who wiebed faerralf back in her old which haa long been a teTorile among
borne in the htatea Thia woman oauie
leiaiu. ine .nieinni of the aodl-1
tn» the pralriea and. ■
the yagged. rocky, alto
ed with
ritb water which la roaUng cm a" I ^
poee v.
be fill.
lUla .
• t»rir.e with
betgbta eo ntil and ai
light Band. Thu
Urge; dora not in ora
tlgn of life, a
here if
I he diaina the water off from the botoctagon celery gUaa In the n »tbere|
her xatber than to inapire
are a few- 6nt flowen. which the per-1 tom,
the mnd will be foond wt^lgtd
peace. I called on
at be oalU attwition
to I Bnuly
in place, and if the
lake the other day who hae a pretty (onnerBremorra
•od'the deer water it »'»»»>«>«■ j miwmred■ it will be fotmd to equal 80
Ip In a olomp of treea. Her bubaud
Decoration Day
May 30....
You want Flags—We hare them—
a large assortment.
How will you trade your money—our Flags.
Markham Kock.
_________ m and forced yoo to paddle
•bpnlUiB-Terallnohraof iJn*b.blMkeiij ,j^y.^ Kew Vork. Boatoo orChloe. roant On removing the
I 1*1 poimda
irte'and wood alwdotvly reft^
j gcLT^rrmrirwoman t» rarnTT-d at' ^
If If #A yon oan tof
»»«• ooraher brother. When 11
croeoope, will be
hai-e rounded
alcmU {demrarra of oanip life in Alaaka
CraMT laka. I do
nver asnd. w disringuishtd
dsring thia perbape moat crying month Btaeve of tbe lake, bat ligbt on Ibe uw
• »ban>” mud. which
(ff the year. On tbe euanrer eoming up of the lake itself. Bbedoes all tbe uook- trick U to coma Tbe magician bare* from angular
the other,
a gentleman tried to tom me back at iog fv ire men. whom bar brother amthat is used in the hoor.qnicki
that lace day.
ploys, aa well as for bertarotber bimralt.
If you have read Marie Corelli's great work yon cao*
glaae and in the smaller egg boilers,
"Do yon know what barddsipe yoo It may be Imagined that U twqoiree a
wHlbare to endorer be nrged me«l good deal of food for eix workingoieo
becaoso it does not, obeenn'the inntf not belp but admire the character of the heroine—“Tbelanly. "Why. partneradeeeft ptpt- in ebU allmate, bot this slip of a girl
b UteloBg frleoda become bitter en- la eqoal to tbe task. At borne she made'
” This is also true of the latest perfume named “ThelI the quality
m. and hnibanda and wlvea oome to tbe drararts and doeted a little. Bare
inickly to tbe
’’ You cannot fail to admire its exquisite and lasting
hata each other."
■be niskee greet pou of beaus, frle*
b U not qnlta at bad ai that in tbii qnaotiilee of ham. baker luammoib
this the bockeCfnl uf sand most be load odor once you have tried it. For sale only by
np, for tbni far all reigni aereae. bnl Iraras of bread that mem almoB enongh
ed with wetcr from below and made to
there are eironmatanoei that aotely try to eopply a bakery ra reetanranL But
orerflow eery slowly, Tbe upward cornoe'a patienee. I woeld not adrlae a abe ir aa obeerfnlaa thoogb ab« enjoyed
runt will be found to loosen the mnd
bride to ehoom tbii trip for a hooey- it all and gUd mat sbe ran belp her
and to raise tbe eurface. arpaiwtiog and
1, nnlera the were a woman who farotber. To me sbe aeemed tittle ehort
lubricating the fmrticlea ao that tb^
M the beB of eTerytolog, ou matter
easily dispUrvd.
what bappeoa and it wise enongh. like
TrSTurae City,
The bucket no
BTerBabUt, tn"keepou myln nafln. "
If Onida.
of do«A "oald
and this mnd frtim the rappat it iw
walk from Bbeep Camp to Baooett, ber
oelTui ti«(B the water has its weight <r
dsbip* 1
supporting power ndnecd. In the dry
besten. half atarred and luo heavily Ja-1 tnbB tbe mk in the raau ait cilk band- ■rate it weighed nearly IH pounds, but
den dumb brutei that a eiory to '
*■kert^iefs and
■■ two
- lighted randlea. each if weighed in the uaur it is reduced to
article being pcrierily dry.
vld wunld sorely n
8*1, pounds, and its mobility prorcuU
Tbe muaua hr which thu-_^------„„ —
paeaibihCT is p^urmed are'baslni^e as any animal from walking ou it . Tbe
mirture of rand and water weighs quite
the Criuk ia myeteriaoa, aa the foUowliig
or nearly
will ihow: In the cunkir <rf te^^rawv 11* pounds per mbic
wwchlng from dde to nde and frran Ibe twice the weight of water, and bulk fra
bottom to within a half inch of the top, bulk nearly twice tbb weiglft of a man.
but it is too thiek to ewim iu. and tbe
U a pieu) of polished mimir. The side
edges of tbe mirror rest in tbe i iglta cd 1 Pt'tvou engolftd would soon be too ox-
To Cure
^ ^ di. of
if no, drownod bj u
I That Spring Cold
Use Rose’s Fine Expectorant.
I mostly within the i
od in the mirrar, leaves tbu
t be swallowed by the
that you are looking directly through
the vum when in rtiality yon aeeoSLly ^uirkmud becatue it is m muefa bravier
D his body
one-half of the insid&
To the back uf this mirrar Uattaohed
a water tight tin box. in wbn-h are plac
ed nil small silk bunilkon-hiffs and two
sklss CvesT
candlos. Tbo extenor of the box and
back uf the mirror are painted a ddwd
black color.
^ ^ B^oe .rf Chidwgo bm not }
color, Cnough
tlnongh water Is pitmid
Into the vaae to teach the top edge ol, omvuKxsl tbo wu-utiflc world ^
the mimtf. In the water is dianolved , ; ^ turn antini.aiy, -tc. into ^d. bot
Buall portino of iroo irotranliJiaUv A j
r-c^-ntly published
.uaily pure
tewenltKmvrs are pul ml., tbe vase. 1 Take
eh- mawily
pure Buiuuoay
which Is tb.T) placed <ai the ctand, with flv.. [mns. RUliibur km porta lirai
four (nrla Plsme
the luirrur side to tbe
raudloi ligbkd.
a wbit.- ub.al.
n-ni.iv(d and ■ "*'* ••xi»»e ... •
—k or 8,000 Aftd-r tbe fli
M that 1 a
hxndk.-rvbief lsl«.iT..wpd Oh- magician A-gms.. frr>m eight u.-IS bonra. Powder I*
CadAeolimb snob an easy
well to ,
. tt^keettery must be far more beaei
--**y ***** ■ *““«
"P™ "
tbe siag.
slog. ;; ^
fingers a taaall l.wnpvBuul.Md pvT-;'"‘•■‘••1“'™'* '*«' nielal
“”•'*** w ith the
possibly t.,_
thorn wbo cannot tpe^ fa .his ...
AviDt* than it cani .posdbly
Ibis k...k
with ebattswl ..tk.
ime fort. lift
' .
V I .,______ I____d. .. k..a
gammer. Oartalnly no pbotogrepbs
ibemaelvea and it is bard to determine OgaUic utid, which he dn<ps in iho
soda. #
tCT iu front uf Ibu mirrur in the art .J
b^B to do jnstioe to the tamblnatiosi'^^lAcb suffcia ruo*L
me-' ^
covering the van- with tb« handker
- 'aemtod praki, covered with deep' bimca tbe mnlee. tbe otmi
•F.-w that aeemi carved like marble. ^<^b draurvee prefuund pity. Tbe ergo- chief, In a very few momeucs liiu l.a- talliu lumuo is oblainnl. Bourify and ; .
1 this mMallic maae. and the re-'
damllng lo the nnligbt.t. or to tbe deep'baou ibemselves are stroggliDg and
suluiig hud will bo gold and silvir.
.-jd tbe softer abade'•training ouder uiiaocoeioroed IobU.
UtMof tbeglocieru'andt
Mr. Urin- mys that Buben W. Hunt,
y over an.
alL Tbe
sum-' They
are ——
olteu weary ------------to faintteg.
and-| ---------ter. «bicb
in Wcdutiuti ihu iron
of tbe elondleof Ay
*—d —-------- btdds
— —-----------------------rav trail follows along tbe edge of tbe | tome ol them ere already dishoarleoud. { ptotoaulphatc. tochoogo to a good black brad uf tbu lieuling firm of muuillnrgical cbc-miicti m Chirago. made a trac of
cunyoos wfaile tbe winter one is oror' Y«-l they idod «n, iullowlng an alloring - ink.
On removing Ibe bhndkirclikf with this funnula fra Becn-tary Gage and rv- ^
I bed of tbe rirera. The traveler U mirage or will o‘ lb- wisp which]
them j which thu vtus- was (viva-red ink is sm-u pomd that bu got hub gold and silver. I te
'Aut In between bIgb
bigb wall! <d dork.: gl«m> “d
•• ** *x*k'
it or j to have Uk«'d tbo place «f tbe water, and Mr. Uuut nwlized ralv a fuw dollars to |
-1 on. Whether tber will erer rescb
the ttsi. Bnuu says bo will Bsmy 11,600 j W
wtl ebange to one I frtau the <-unter of thu vaau the i-erf<i
I and below , I whether tbe picture will
lo tbu tun in guld and silrur.—Popular I 0
I' of desolation1 and aeepalr
aeepai< tio one eau my. ,* er rviiKwra tbe dlk haudkuruhieds
I 0
ttcioura Nuwk.
^tcT^e’ipS?rf^be; "Oold, gold." mid ■ dish
The flr« aection of onr engraving
« Ibe & of the rapids I to me tbe other day. "WlhstwillDOti
arttecioi atrao.
' ^
do in tbe bnpe uf gold?" Another ahowa ibi- vuw of watra un tbu sIiukL
whole oolor scnemebi'mlods me of
ter has uhaiigud to ink. with the magi anifluiai stouu which is said ki stand te
Bbe would never forgive
of the winter eeeues of Verestebagin,
- ^
<mly no aril« ran match 1L Even tbe I «»•<* l»ok now,
........................ we bare bad two within ' 1* rarrylng aa many men to Uawaon aa
iplu one, and
a tbu iugrediuiiis of tbe 0
grandeur lUiu
and pictor-1 **>• *>Fl‘rf
■ ..x-KijueuF
— »*«» *^7 ««■* B*ln U to be thovBM. with oae aide Im.kra at
■tnou.. ubiofly
and mnd. are not ex- ] ^
ubiufly Hmu
■buwlug uctached lu tbe tsii-k of
raguenem that oomp-usate the lovra of bad tbare.
mirror tin- tin nicvptoclo that oootaiuf praisivu naunindilios, so that i
Blsxc-rx NicnoLfi Hiu.
■ature in her ttmp<nin6ne mood* fra
artificial prodnot will b
tbe haudktn-hiufa and nuiditm.
oeoaiderable pbyainal disxamfiirt.
g the Baaery OlrL
ablu to comi«-te
irraL '
. ^
and sand, hai mg
ui bran thuruugbly In- 1-te
gennine artiole in Waabingtoo now.
Many people will be nu-)iriead to corpuiauvl. an- pamed into moldiii§: ?
adays," mid ibn proprieiot of a well know that there le a eutcuiitlu way uf boxra which may bo of uy oonvunuaic. Wx
tbe Blow, which when meU«l quickly,
rrauurant to a Poat reporter,
walking op Btaira A phyNiumn. in toll kiie or khapt-. aud tbrae are piaoed ]
toea tirngfa any ^rmeni unless it be,
ing bow it ia done, aays Umi usually a within tbe <movertcr. Water at high .
ef thick rubber. When tbe H.,.hliig l.',bon oousimpuiled hr her mao friend penira will tread on thu ball of bis foot premuru and having a high Woipergtui
in »nk<-f- each step. This is distinctly a is th.-u pumis-d into the cunvurtra I
meUaupnoiL bnl asadon at tbe wear.T,
j,er In a resumont bai paeaed. so tad practiev. It wean and Un» the mna- rauau tbu msvMiary chumiral nnitn bo- .
clea oa it throws Uiu untliu susimudud tweou tbu lime aud saod. and tbe mold
S^T.Ld*b^MoJlSf^wt7f“'t *"
'■ oo^^'fo'x* »*
weifdil of tbe body on thu muai-lus uf the ing buxus are also submitted to a ten
> beaitb
Where fuel is
peiature of about 400 dsfireee P. by tl
B and the lent
It ii
ia email
all. it is by no j to just pock skimpily at a mlad or nme- !««■ and fu-t In wiUkiugop stalra the notion of suprabealed stooin. In about ^
point to be secured U Uie most eqoal
tbing like that to abow him wbat a distributiun of the body's weight iwBd- 80 h«nn tlie snrplus water is run off. «
epirliutile. u-Abetio natnre ibe poeeem- blu. The feet ohouldbe^dacud aquarely but the beat is otatinued, in order to , w
aa Wu oexd to get bnrdus of girls like OD tbe step, heel and oU. and then the letunve moisture fixan tbe muldlng | ^
that—girls that yoo ooulrt toll by ibeir work ebould bo done rii
general expression were uotbiug xbrat atoly. Ill this way there
of rtrenuoi fur a good, aqoare meal, DO any luoacle, but each
lOh raie dura
] and tbe stone within them is iwoctioaUy ] •
but who. in conformity with (be me- duty in a natural maimra. The practlae
ibetio Idm, would only make little (ff bending nearly double when aacenddaba and pokei at tbe stuff tbelr eoeona tng Ktalra in extremely perulciona. It
prednete te nature s tet-^i-ry, | J
ordered fra them and (bgn probably go crarnra the Inngi and makes the heart,
home and ooneume all the oold etuS work harder. A eligbtly forward lothey could rake out of tbe rufrigpratra. Olinadra is all that la neoemary to
"Tbe average girl that comes lu bore
t up I
now, however, eats just about as much
At the Unitid Stalra torpedo staticn
■ Ubo
at Newpart&smokelem powder has been
developed and te nmd In the rapid fire
gnns up U six Inobee oaliber. and te In
**re ffogtes
tended as WoA tor gnns te aU cnllbere.
at tbe diabes *M before bar like a hired
Hartford's teg self jwopelling fire en
atira a bard day of barveatlng. gine Jnmbo U being exhiteted all over
rooennioae,. wiu me anmBT of
and Is ecB- tirai te oboot l« permnt te nitzotes of
L am ]
barium and pteamium. and a Bnall
____ laMirtokaeptbedotbmdry. We ■way with a btker'e doaon of teg Wed ku,„rn. Until laB ymr. wb«i the -y-ra
ted Riood deal of doknem all .along oyetare ai a oittlag, and then
V an not dupUcnle was built fra the BoBoo da- in thofram teteeetoraribbons 16-1.000
which is not aurpriilng wbes many men who do tbaL A veiy dainty partment. it was the laigrat fire raigiaa te tbe enlibra of tbe gun, and in length
itlaeoaeldecedttat in nod teoU tba IraAing. eleoder young woman oamt in te tbe world. Its weMdtt is 17,000 eqnaltothat te tbee powder nharnher,
■ ^ dtemranbbB may bq vp te 60 ooe min- brae yaoteeday, her beau along with hof, poondA Tbe diameter of the bolter te
and tee oyte up five gaud steed lamb 40 tnebew cyllnden «)k inchsA pumpa
-u---------- ..V ^
Inobee and temgth of Broke 6 Inohaa
: glna.
,te^b«dAiB|«»w»Mradovennrlie pfopalUng power te wonderful. It is HiBtaoeUulom te aDoBira tern te fim
capabte of oovecteg a mite in (hraa ootacm and rantea from Mating oontB
mlnaUA but te aeidom iw at that Apaad. •bra with ■iBtenoM.
a~ f-i—
‘ heartily."
iKcoorsm^ i
BMdl. Bnildin;.
is taking many bookkeepers, Sten- #7
• .■§
j J ogxaphersand Teachers from their pOvjf i
sltioiis. Some 006 must fill these placea J ^
iE If you are not prepared for this work Wt
5 enter the Traverae City Business OoUese S
at once and be ready to fill one of these w 2 placea For terms, address
C. E. DOCKERAT, ^ »i
E-xoi.3?±BSoar. B. J
> tor* Itotb tut U
aecimdtba ballooD and bad Jollied mS.
Her wtmla nettled me. '
^Deot Baauj. a plaaaant aifbt, to to
UNUKE OUR MERCHANrs. l®£g\9/S««A«\S/Sb/S'S^'S'S/Sb/g\S'8A9«e\S«d
• Beeana Tm Age Wea
To be a “mercbaiit'' in tbe
made 1^ anawm. bat peered farto tba
id aeventaenib oentnriee did not
' f.
idow all tbe mora eagerlj. 1 aaw
bln rlw and throw blmaalf at ber feat, nocreiefily that one was fullowing tbe
•tin letalBteg bar baud. leawbiallfa pc*A'< fnl bosinem wbicb (be name of ^
ibani Wi'.Tv to mind now. Xheavmove and notioad bar bead abake from
•Me to aide. At lait be arur. and— Ko
one wa* piepated fv wbat followed, at cnUnl p bi
.tlieo used to fit obt flecu and aweep U
leait I waa noL
Wltb aqoirk motloo be teooght fartb mao. capturing pHsee and raiding B]<ai
piatol. plaoed it agaituit bia temple lab eolonlea. Drake was a type id tbe j'
t roarlncr erf ibooe daja and it '
and deUberatelj polled tbe trii ^
admitted that
tbat it
It it a
mrloos ' ^
Saab, followed bj a aharp :
agonising shriek, sud a elood
**«> ‘‘‘I* «> W* bnsi-1 S
told tbe story aU too plainly. '
,«in8ai^ 2
Tbl. wm beyond aU bnmao endur^I5
once. 1 was about to spriug Ibroogh the I ^
1“" in '
- again
■ an tbe stTango and violent firm of tmfflo '
Window wbeo my ooupanioB
carrii'd <m by tbem. Usually they i-s•arted ber magnetic infloimoii.
“Not aofast, Henry." abeoaid. “To- cbaofKd cannon bolls, bot from tfae grid
dle fat tbe most valuable pomrmicait erf
lortow will do. Come"'
Submiaaively 1 followed ber. Being tbe-Spaniardi m tbe Central
•ofely ausMl in (be baaket again, w« and Went Indian ooosta
atarwd on onr rrtnni trip
Atvre aaeeu(1"d I looked over tbe aide
oftbebaakeL Uyeompauion Joined m& been some exoaratiug in tbe anebot
“My lovo '• sbe mormnred. “I would Cbnrcb of St Mildred'a to Bivod
like very mucb to take a loap trooi tbe SD^ and almul lKf,m( l«low tbefiar
•ideof tb.................................................
Ibis balloon. I havedonelterften the'Vcrkiueu found a coffin nf purtlood
sim«, tiTfrlaid witb black inarUe, in
before aud Rafi'ly. Uxikt"
Sbe -timped and pirkm up a para- which twit tbe resxisius of Sir Niobnlas
ofaute wbicb bad bithnto eKWiped i»-y Crisp. Burn in l59a. be grew up when
attenriun. lu a U-wUilered way I w*ieh- 'tbeEngltabmeixaiautswere«idim
' Rhipe hi alt ijuarh-rs of the wirld.
■'Goodby, mrlove.“abeeaid. "Wbeo Nicholas urganiaed tbe rich trade witb
I drop pall Ibis leirr—«o; yon a-e*— ' Goiuoa and built tbe CViMle of Cmtanand tfaat will bring tbe bailwm m (be j tiu on the (iidd oonsf fur its iroh^tico.
II mm at BraMek. Id tb« Metitn
nODW at tbe 0 oner of Uiaitmun Uo.you asd Wlerta..tbat tba iaoident bap' Ur trieDd VM an £i
tet ba bad lired Soor 1° (h« oooDtrr
mA bad anisind a taitr for' Um B«1•ias ara tfaat aMQMd alnoat uatira,
and tbat made bim nmctbiiiR of a collaoler. Tbe aale at tfae roomi waa to ba
abollar to a mle at Sotbebr'a, and
tbaaateloRDe rtdem'd to orifhDal manvqblpta and find adltloui and to abimdxad tbluga loved br tbe curioao. Uj
Iriand wai preaeat In tbo hope of aentiriBf aoma earlj etifirBrliiga. aod
.Vilb him aa part of tbe (dleoeaa of a
bolidaj. • We arera earlj, aod trblla
araitiof tbe time of tbe aale «o looked
Wgatber at the eataloRoa aud be enter•Biaed me with talk at tbia Ind tbat
tamper wiUi tbe other nM-Ajauiam.
--------------------—--------- ---------•BUTKbe.climbed uimn tbe ert«.- ef tbe '
Charles L He assisted him to
‘*Tbia Dumber abouU be iatereatlsg, ”
he aaid, poiutioR to a Uzie oo tbe flnt basket, poised a momei I and tbeu threw
'^tapuilfo vmh estraordiI
“ tbe inpace, “tbe love letien of Goitli>e. our bermlf from ibe balloon.
1 oaw bn on I watobU bar aa sbe i *““61110(7 between him and Queen
roD rnmem
>1 long ago. endeavned to spread tbe panoboie. Bot Henrt«*» M»na fur tbe---------■Dd ooe of roar vena makrn wrote a In vain. I beard ber aliriak of dnpali
lameDtiag aonocC Ooitiur waa doi eo aa ibc abot downward. 1 kept my eyta
Craat a poet aa Kaata, bat bU pamicm riveted on bn until abe toiled away in •u^ldon was arvauwi and be oonld do
langer eairy on tbU week, be ralmd a
for Jatta Tetetol waa ai wlldij apokeo tbedlstanoe.
•a tbe otber'a for Faaaj Bmwoa. Toar
A (bought ftruck me. I oonlddeeeend body gf bOO bone aod Joined tbe royal
woe maker waa right It U hard tbat and Bto wbat had become of ber. Spring
In KMA be fled to Praoca. bot retain'
becsuma mao basgivaDpar
ing m Ibe We of tbe basket. I pulled
to tbe world tbe world aboo!
tbelever.butittoiledtormpaod. Again ed before ,the c-lom of ribe oommonvrbola But tbe ctulooi are Itmooeot of and again did 1 pall, but It waa naelna wcalth. met Cbarlea n and rceumed bla way that when ne is cnmfmbly dead
office aa tonun of the cuatoma His and the question of rmemblanoe UforU formodeaij, aud—joa. tbo aomter tbooU
FraulieaJly I preawd a largp button
at ny aide. A doll roar aeeiued to tmae •ervioes were rewarded witb a bormet- gotU® be will be qnli aariritod toba
ssentod by tbe (oil
How ID tbe piotaret
“Tbete will ba a flgbt for tba letttn, from tbe inflated port of tbe balloon— cy. His country bnue was at Hammn■nith,
tbe river, aod ba gave a
joa thiokT' I aaid.
tbat gradually t>
Oomapond with tbe Traverae Oi^ Ltunber Oompmay.
large anni to tbe buUdlng<rf '
“Tea. ^uobablj. GuNfee baa aomeohnrvb there, in whl^ be aeoited a
We have tor ale Good,
thlag id a vogiM Jut dow. Tbe women
WON BY’'his wit.
are dlaoOTertng tbat be wrote aa U> tbelr
rapidly tb
Oiarla I. On hit
faott boon tbej tbiok. And indeed It rinctioo aaemed to await me below.
Croaaing to (be other aide. 1 peered
waa a uaider, womaDlj moae. Tbe lit
"Beady wU con get a msn oot of altle mao atandiag bj tbe table—him below. Heavena tbe bonselopa could
K»t any kind of a Dole." mid tbe viswltb tbe glaeaea, 1 meas—wilL I tbmk. DOW be plainly dtstinguisbed in the aoft
log weaMmer to oome of tba boya at
get Ibem. He la a profeug at tbe tml- gray ll^t of dawpl One house Bocid op bean be placed in an urn at niy mastn's
reroitj, anddoabtleoi medltatee au arti bcxldly above tbe otbeia It «m the feet." Tbe nm, on a pidwaal of blaok
"Jim Powarly waaa aaapplagyouig
cle is ooe of tbe terlewa Himwlfwitb- bouse in wbicb I lived, aud if tbe bal marble, still it in Hammersmith cbnrcb.
Si* Nicholas left mcioey that bis heart
wyer wbeo 1 flrat weal to Breakup
. be will entiotov (beir loon could Dot be checked I obvuld fall
It os it.
Bright be refreahed with a glaas of wine ooimty. He waa JovUl. big bearted. al. Already be has written man
looked over again, and this time tbe every year, and this bequeet Was carried ways ready witb a Joke and very liable
bouses appeared to be a very short dis- out tor niure than a rnutiluiy. At tbo tv- I to turn tbe tahlea on any otae
of Bam- j tackled him along this line. We
toooe sway. Could nothing be doni-f
MUI Meobiaerjof til dewriptione.mclodiag Two Bbgin^
for a moment or two 1 looked st tbe Na Tbe moohlnny atill maintained ita
that be waa not apeoUliy aorupaloiia,
paufosaor'i bard, thin face aud aympa-____
-of being trans- but despite hia aboneamtDgi be waa a
Pet Works, Otmagee utd SflWB. Aoomplele Sew ICiU Pint
to V, liking, a, after more than tovorll*. Ooe toll be eeourwl tbe nomthiaed with tbe' dead poet, tlxm ea (be
a awaited tbeend.
lelooed myeyea and
for sale.
■netioneer mounted to bis plane and There was a dull, ra
nud as tbe *00 year* tbe body of the stanch old Inatiou for proeecuHng tltoney. and
d tbe day's sale I turned my
(bebooa^ loyallKt will bo bud i.i rust uear ih>- imi , pilted agalaet blm was tbe only otbeaIn wbicb bis heart u> isi»hriui<il aud un-1 lawyer lo onr village, a oooaoleotioua
"Cbaillp are yoo gtiisg to work ttato der the sliadow of the chun-b be did eo men. wliboot any venae of borno aod
to found.
I always In deadly earnest U1 cx
FhH (.TAnBa.l.lA
^ *W« L.—-i ‘ ,1_____,_____ 1
__ _ .... .
> (be usual oacalagne
it was uiy roommaie's voice. Uad-1
__ _.i___ «
tr. ,1
1__ ...
•nd penea and among thimi was one
Wboae dwea and manm-r inUtested me
«Vm4o roriosiiy. Near lo tis *he stood.
npatii-Dtly bnuoning aud uubui____ _
BgUivr, Slid I sow tbsl Stic tviis^nitv.
A Mort «f Tiriww aad Evarts.
^bnt aimi-wbai loo wt-I] drtw^
dnwa^ a.;ii
"By (bo w uy. " ..,id Eli Burkins in •
■ but too freely Ji'welcd. I '
rumiuisoMit mc»d, "I lodo up to Wiud“Do you kdow." I askid mv'friend,
WKb Mr. Evans oiu day.
“wbo is tlie girl to onr right?"
He luukid and sJlgbtlv
y Ebroffiid
blB the moruiug pupira
■booM.-rR aud saidi “Yi
- _____ J Mario
Corbaro, one of Ibe accriwti's at t)» iii w
tbeafa-r. bbe is imly a minor lumss, me till- iligiet i.f ail t
bot yoo A-e hi-r cloak aud Chi- brooch the funny ptcriio. Ob. I do niiaa UnoUapiuK It. They are all alive, them storietBol Wbat baa Dcpewoaid lately?'
JBVIlysiugi-rs aiiddauccra Allloi-elbe
“A uxnurnt all< rwaid we wi-re talk
•nnabius aud ibi. butterfly life. Wbat ing about rtdiug mi ihe Wagucr. aud
brings Marie here I do not know, nor I mid, 'Now, Mr. Evans, yon have
wbat makes bor bo angry witb ber glovo. ridden a good di al ou the sltvpcr, and
Tbe Urncknr warns a picture, purbapa bow bad B moD better lie to aJis-p w-ellS«8 Vremt StTMt
Tbat VO. vctyliill.- fnr tbe LouuvaMu. bead to tbe cQgiiio. nr fe,-t luwonT tbo
Ab, bi tr uir tbu Guiline letten. They engine?'
Will ivu-b luote."
" 'Ob, yoo abooldn-i come 10 a law
Tbl- auoriosw-r sinke of tbe poet and yer witb snrli a quuitiiiu as that. EJt
trf ills luVB for jHiu Ti'lmd aiict of bla That iau’t a law qouatiou; that u au
writinga to her. Again I li.ikcd oraond englneerin*: quMtiuu. Yoo sboold go to
kbe room to OOP and aiioibnr. Many. ■onio raUioad ,......................
president witb snob a
oeemod litll,- inti-nart«d iu thi-bondii- of quiwilou. Go ami ask Depew.'
yMlow sbw'U, but a few
m.d hkily ' r 'But Itepew it a lawyer, ian't ber
bidden. The profiUMV was lisu-aing u.; 1 said.
tbe ancUooeer's w.irds ai.c) «Liling as : “ 'Well. y-e-a-Depew la a lawyer '
sue aniBsed. Other mm. who know li«t Tbm. be coutinoed tlowly and Uawigbttban
professor, were lutming With ■ fully. But all the law Depew kuowi
3 bomility. 'TB..■ girl
—1I Monr
»•------- ......
...in ansi...
bias biut
•eaaed u. play witb b. r glove
_ held qm-Eiiim.'
love aud
Tbe Iowa to tbe navy's
one baud ligblly
in (h<-other.
- , .........
jtber. Attbe,
"Wbm 1 (old tbit atary at tbe Lotoa
ptaeemenA Il,410toai: speed, lOknou; boroepowe
Iprl I li^.d imigCT U.au at tbi- men. ] dob. a w«-k afterward. Depew batmmarmameaiA four It inofa. elgbt 8 Incb, «tx « Inch g
^ bad au parucsinem of papnwtion' cd to be ibcre. Uo toogbed witb (be
18 gssaaf ■nailer
wt was pn-tty to eeo, an eardestueae nst. bot Jnri bcfiirv be left be leauod
•hat pnoputly gave-me an Idea.
i forward, with bis bond over bii uoolh.
It IS uot a picture that has brongfat' aud wbispi-rid lo uiv:
nemoi oir Mcnoias Oi.p, ci
inaut opuo CbM p
lladeuioiaaip Carlwra here." I mid to,
" The story is all right, Elf. but tf fcawmoat London machanc of 1
"At ooe of them Jim's opponent was
m tamd. It it Umoc IPttera Look at you won't Ml It any »<Arc in New y«*k ialUuMtated b}
nagged into anger -aud wound op hie
I'li give yon an annual
drum. Inatood o)
speech by aylug (bai be might not be
Sbe IS emainly conccnied for them.
“Mr. Evor
rarts for year* tent a beU bar
luaket. and be knew n
as brillUnt as tbe apposing oandidata.
«*bapsytaiar»ngLt.’'b«rvp]led. “Aa rel of pork every year to Bancroft, tbe
but be wai bone« wltb bit clients eu
1 aaid, tberiromuj ore htginulng tti nari blatorian, witb a ehanctcrisiio note.
u.—New Ym-k Prmn
bad uever ttkoo a fee ou botb rides of
and to love Ouiiiim, and-yea. pertiai» No tme ever rend tbesv notes but BanAnd we are not obliged to mU meat at war prioee. We have •
earn as Mr. Powarly bad does.
ytM are ngbL 8U1L my man apeaka croft. When (be bistoriau died, they
“It waa expeotod that a charge 1 oer load of tbe beet weetem oont-£ed stock and cad fonkh you the
^ end be la nM likely eoou to give found tbeae notes from Evarts. ued up
grove would call down a atorm erf defi beet Cbicw beef kiUed at home.
wtob red upe by tbe baud of Ibe dead
ant abuse, but Jim came up amiling and
na pRrfeaMT moved his glasam for- aDtbto;
tbeohpltol. Speaker Seed declatea that told a fanny aiory Just to relieve tba
wardalittle and eald. "Ten francs." ■-OasB Bsacaort^lf your htotory <g Aa>av- be is oontiouaily reminded <rf tbe eatrly leniian of tbe movd. Tbeo be aeld:
end tba tdddlng oommeomd. "Twen.
ys wbeo be tangtat lobool. while trr- ‘Pellow ririseni. I agree to
ty." aaid tbe girl Marie. And I notioed
j to control tbu unruly bourn. Towa^ this preotloe of takrng a lee bom’b^
Bilrlt’OlaU* tear mu.
Mie ptoaaontiKm of ber voice aud wai IsTfety
-Uasa lUsiworr—1 end yua two pnolam* tbe eM of a aeoriou relic buntara take pertlea to a lawauit. t
S abould
gi*A toy idea bod not Uw wrong.
KsUV^y UsMJidr^lfTvl |4s delict in gatbering up the qilinuira be done. 1 have oflBD wiobed that I
**mny," aaid * man to my left.
poonderi from tbi- board by the vigorous
I not tbe only lawyer
-“IWny." rvpUed iba mooCicmei^
gavoL It eeema os if ibeouaMantnaeof
as lung as 1 am DO ma •ball
*Tas it to afliiit" aaid my friend —Cbioago luter Ocean.
thto weapon of erder wonld give tme a for my 1^ aaririanea to vain.’
aa ton by ton (be. offer roee, "bnt bemighty arm. Mr. Seed, bowevm, needs
no Boqniiwd atreaigth.
to tbe name town, bnt tbia oariy added
“Barry, yon bad betua- cit port of
Ba aaya by tbe way. tbat tbwe baa to tbe fan, and tbe torident, aa it flew
tbe evening on my right ride and port beeai a disinct leswiing , ‘
wU nis is a borvotB (or oalr atjaa
ttaroa«b the ooaoiy. amured Jim a i«
riK acres I alls WM. aU Ia*t«ro4. <
til on my left ride.”
taeeaylsMeraivUsaM.M' Lsskom
toority BgoinK him sinoe bU portrait tog majority. "^—Detroit Free Proan
OUST plSMS jest as dMlrwbls or oss"Oopld igbarit Wbat'a that forr
'T^Mbundrod."aaid tbe girL "And.
“1 don't want pe^de 10 be laylBg regard the portrait aa_____
btB,”sald tbe profttoor. "Two bontoatdasdAfty."iatd tbegtoL berabaeka tiiat yon got I
MOD^I W-hUeapeaki*gafUMr.Beed
Balrimore Stoelt BMrived Three Times • tf«ek
’—Detroit Ena Preaa
MtoiwaUuJe. "TbruebBDdrod.”aaid toyoeeout."Lady Oyollaa—Ton royi I tMamcm
led tba way totbeplotnteaad,
1b««nCeaaar. bis mouth oaideniiii.
baritelA letua aee for oqraalvm^ flnoatulJy than any otbw girl erf bla
Tbatblid todttor had bBOomeaUenA
moob of SairM and bow Uitle itf
Whri do you think tf
mt» the flgbt was now clearly between
"That girl toapaacb."
than la within the toanm. Iffie Ilk
"Taa. bnt obe thtokariwia
flbam At tba aod ^ a table the glH
has alwaya seemed aneonblliaMtBrr *^MtoBl»-Jtbtiik he Mould asMbto
A Have added another pair of fine bicycles to our §
2 large line of high grade bicycles. It is the Cy-1
g cloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cycle Co., of 9
A Grand Rapids, Mich., and is one of Gie best and 1
§ most simply constructed machines on the mar-1
i ket. They have patented a bell ringer that is <
§ out of sight.
Come in and look them over.
iJ. W. Mr’s House FiirnisliiDg Store
X28-X32 Fa?o:i L-t Staceet:.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
Asparagus, Lettuce.. Badishes, Shubarb
Fresb Every Day.
The Finest Lin&- ,
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at'
W. J. dOBBS’.
Hardware. 146 Pront St
We do not
'belong to the combination
Bingham Bros., Front'Street
Hastings’ Real Estate jgencjf.
taAxUk.** UTtw
813 Front St. ,-
HatMfs OrsiN IMt M iMUmfL
Spain Hot HoffotaaOnc a Load Bat
OSkra Paamlnaia tor Ships Oarty.
M»«f TO BS THZ VAVAL SZ8T0tax SnpplMa to Oaba,
Spoeial to Tti Meaaoio naaaa.
It !• How SUtod Th*t 10,000 BolI dl«« Eavo Son lautdod Ob Cuban
Soa-Ooaaral Blaneo Doelaroa He U
rr0pmx*i, to Hart Any Landinc
PanaAmarioa Can Bond.
^MUI to rmm Houmo Kaooae.
Waabiartoa, May tS—The waak
«l«aoewith dlaappolatinff pn«t«at In
naval aPalra and no teoBediato IndieatloD of raaeblar an Iwae. Tke preMdant baa datanntnod that Ue Weaoat
aaaeMira InaOUTlty
oaaae, bat la
nlaeUBt to riak Uto and pfoparty
wban Maldeat thataeoai|^toTietory
U only a qaeatlM of time. Tba praaIdanl ia not aanoyod by ramofa of var*
Iona wiiitn amanttn- wblob laada to
tba baUaf that ha la poatod by prirata
Atlanla. Oa., May.tl.-It ia balterad
that 10,000 Ualtod Stataa aoUlaia have
already landod an tha Caban oooat and
haaa by thin Ona affaetod a JonetAon
with tha Inaurfont-a toro^ Tbia la
told ta a-latur froa one of tha Ooarxla
•mlutoaca at Tampa to a triand in
Sanntoatwaathoaoeaaalty lot aaeTsey doamod that the point at wblob
tba nm would land waa not etna dlTBlfad to many otoaaaa bifh in eommaad at Tampa. Tha nawa of thla
.shniaetor, o< oonraa, would not be partmlHad to paaa Uo forarnmnt oanaar.
Md no qolaUy and'rradnaU'y waa the
Boosmant oondaetod that it re^nirad a
watobonthapartof the aorraaYondanta and obaartata to taU jaat
whanUaeiportaUoabafan. Otoonraa.
whan it bad wall prorraaaad. It waa ImfOHthla to eoneaal it on aeooaat of tha
larra numbar thu taken tram tha vari-
yUdrld. May l«—^oral ^oo
«aWaa Saraata that bo oan faU any
landinx fene of tba UnltodUiatoa
aa ble tooopa aib dUtribatod-lff
tha boat oflaet.
BMammanItAoBaBd prorlaiaoa will
Uat flvo mjMtha, bnt they m oalncUa
SCDHIlflll REimiOA.
TbatisthoMtoBnarlB Vhlah •snaral
Tampa, Ma| It.—Thera ^ ao daabt
bat what Gaaaral Blanoa hat made
WTartoraa to Oaaaral Oomaa and Ue
bid warrior haa aoorafnlly taJaeWd
Tha dlapatohto broopht bare tram
Caba by Major Uma''toy that Oomaa
haa waned Rlaooo to aead ao more
A battle haa baaa loocbt batwaaa
tba laanrraata aad Hpanlardt near
reporU many Spaninida war* killad aad otbera iwotod.
' Three Spanlah Wnrahlpa SaM Off
Fort Antoala.
Wpadal (e l%t ifDuma nac«sa.
Mew York. May « —A Jeeraal apeebl from Landea aaya that KlagaWn,
Jamaica, raporW Urea SpanUh waraklya off Port Antoab. aean by Ua
BriUib steamer ladstatlyable. The
Amerlraa yaaboat Bayb b ia tha har^ and Ua Saaabrda are ^iny far
WtWTBlrd BUohigan Tolaatoara
Left TMterday.
Oamp Batoa. lalaad Lake. May IL—
^ Ulrd rwintaat to leave Michtgna ter Ua treat get away from
hare daring tha neoa bear today, wbaa
<W«Ml Beyntomand Us*TblnyUird
Mkblraa valutewa ntartad tor Mrylate. Tha parting wan arar faiekty and
■am wara mm mm* anew to yet
I That a Oaman Stoan
BIndad TtglUoea of Warahipa
aad Baachad Haeanm
aporlol loTaillouiKoBaoonD.
Port au Priaaa, May IS.—Aoaordl^
Madrid, May M.Mt waa oCalaDy
to report which roaobM Uia plaoa. a
Dsoanaad today that the Blnlstor for
Oartnaa atoamer with flfiy tbonanad
the otdanlaa, SoaorOlroe, propnaea to
aaeka of rios abtmrd, baa ran Ua MockoSar praBloMa for oaiiili earrylaf
eoa^onva bbpobtb as to nda aad eaterod tba port of flnraai
proTiaioaa to Coba and ^)rto Elea.
The mlnlator of oolonlaa, Sanor Olron,
(Btabtor of flaaaea. donor Pulfclarral, Same Optalona, Howei
premiar. Seaor Sacaata. bad a
Uo BaUaf That Spantab S<(uadran j Startod to Ohaaa a Spanlah Auxiliary
Msee laat avaalnr on the nethtn^StlU Bonlad Up-Baaerra naat
Oruiaar and Haa Hot Botnraad.
Laft Oadia, Bnt -Ito Daatlna- Bpwisl ta Tn Hoaania Bsc<
oda foraandlDf reaouraaaaakadto by
Mon Hot FoaitiTaly Hoowa-May
tha foToraor traneralaof Cabo and tba
Kay Weat. May
Me terUer iaiolllyenM baa reached ber-^ of the Coited
PkUlpplae lalaada. Oaaaral Anyatu
at Manila, waa anUoriud to draw
Stotea yaaboat Ilaaeroft'a chaar of the
Port An Priaea. May S« —It ia bellar- myaterlout atoamer aanpro*^ to bave
upon Ua apaaMh treMUiy and Captain
Spaalab aasHlary ernUar.
Uonorml Elanoo. baa roeolved t0.000.000 ad ia Baitlaa circlaa that tba Spaalab |
aqaadron left Saailayo ia order to meet When alybtad ab it before bat mlias
off here, Ua Spenbrd waa aUadiny
Tba report Uat the ror«ruu>Bat la tha GadU Squadron.
[Bayotiatlny tor a $M,000,000 (old loao
Kay Weat. May is —NsTal oflloara
la Parta, ia oSelally denied and It ia ad bars are oomplatoly patsled aa to Ua I
ded Uat the Bank of Spain haa aoS- wbareaboau of Oervara. AbaolaUiy
eieal goiA twr Ua praaeaV
BoUlay eaa be Irarned.
tlveaof the natioes rafarrad to.
8K»iid TMr^No S86
pf^nreimMtT'' ‘UPOV ST
One Who Wan oa Board Oruiaar St
LnuAa nt tha Tima Olraa aa latortoUag AeeoBBt ef Ua DaatwoBa
Tnok AoeompUahad by Sarlnf Am•rlonn Sailen.
apMUl wTu Maaraw naoeBB.
WaUiactoa, May U.-Tha laoident
ef Ue atumpt to aarer »bla eommnnloattona between 9nbe and Ue toet ef
Ue world, whiah waa one of Ue latoat
wbleh Ue St. Loaia enfbred in daring
bar atay in
Indian watora. U told
aa foUowa. by one who waa an beard
Ua oralaer:
■Orden were (irea by Admiral
Sampaea to Qaptala Ooodrtob May ISU
to take a fltot toader latowbndproeeed.MSanttafoaad eat Ueaablea at
Uat pniat.
OrmppUar implemaau
were eeenred from Ue tay Wampetncket May 10- An expedtUea la email
beau left Ua eruLaer far Ue eatranee
ef Saatlayo bay. It waa them parfeetly dark, Ue Saatiadro llykt baralny
MybUy. After Uedepartara of Ua
eable eatUoy party alyaala from two
yaaboau wora aeam. At S a. m.. May
17, Ua cxpedlUoa ratornad with a part
of one eable. bat failed to dad Ue aaeoad eable. wklek b cloaa aader Ua
Tort, pretaeted by two patrol boaU.
"A atari waa made to cat Ua cable on
Ua aUar aide of Ua bleed. At 7 a.m.
Ue St- Loab fired her first yus at Ue
io«. p™u.u« a.. „«.0. 01 »«U.'
* •®«t*‘«totoriy diiwetloa. boll down,
P«f*olt at
non-appaararoe of Ua yual
-It b baliared Uat Cerrara b far loo! ***
*» t***
elorar to beeaaytat ia aucb a trap aa Uat Ue Speabrd yni eway. A abarp
lookout b balny kept for tba atraayar,
waa laid at Saatiayo.
Uere balny a atrony aaapictoe Uat aba
Londan. May n -A Kloyaua. Ja haa beea^ralalay daayerooaly oleaa to
maica, dbpatob aaya Ua^ptala of Ue
aabooaar Jmc which arrived Uere raporta bariay plakod np two rocosimc- -Hew Umbera ere belay pat In Ue
tradoa who bad oaeapad from SaaUaco weet half of Ue O. B A I. bridge eromlay Ue Boafdmaa river at Ua foot of
da Cabo. Thoy told ^la U»t Oertscu
Halllaytoa atrari.
Tba -oompaay'b
WM la Ua harbor, te^raaaqla wore ataam pile driver b dolay Ue work.
eoalod and rietaalad. roaidy^ tall aa
•eon aa Ua Udlx iqaadroa arriraa to
break Ua bloakada. Tba ChdU aqnadran ia axpaetod aaxt weak.
Madrid. May it.—It te oaelnllT aanoanead Uat Ue BpenlU twaerre
eq'aadron bea left Cadis. Be^ startiBffnr its daaUaaUea tha aqoadnHi
will maaaarer tor aavarul dayn ia Ua
open nan. afUrward aailiaf for tba
Pbillpplaa lalaada or Cnba aa Ua (ormayji
Tha aqaadron U i
I to be
eoiapniid of wa or twelve
Amoay Uen era the Emparador Cbrioa
V. aad the Palayo, Spata-a meat pow-: jqq pairs
arfui ablpa. baaidaa a aumbar of aniil-'
iary crabara. Tba fieel b aadar eemkand of Admiral Camara.
There haa been oonaldarabla Ulk la
Madrid of Ua fiaet belay aaot to atrika
at Ua L'alUd Stotoa Atiantte aaebaerd
whib Carvers kept Us two Amerbaa
aqaadrMC baiy. It may be Uat it will
cl be heard from off some big Amar
Ladies Tan
Oenst of Morooeo lor Futanayo barber, aad after a UtUe time. Ua
oial Al^
firs was retarnad by one yaa. At I
Saw York. May la —A Barlla dlam. Ua 8l Loub wu abaat two m
petok anya that Ue reported a^tbdbuat from the fen, which aeai
tlont between Spain and Fraaoa over
n^rotaetod by modem yaas. After
tha PhlUpplaea aim at mera Importaat
fbTM bonre of yrappliay in ever too
oolonial ebaayw.
feUoma Ua oabla bad not bean feaad.
Spaia aad Bnssb have agreed to oonAt irit p. m. Ue yuBs of Morra ena^e
nade Ue aorUwaat aoeat of Moraow
opened fire, followad by Ue ehore bat
to Pranoe. Fer Uh Prance offers to
tery oe Ue soaUerlypobt, abo Ue
aid Spala fiaaaaially.
weat faettery.
“Tba St- LonUkept apaeonitaat fire
bar bew yaai aad
la rilenrisyUeyaaa af Motto eaatle. |
Tba yarrben Spaabrda eeaid be i
BeanThars aBaaied.
ruDDiny ia all d
Most of Ua apaelelieTai Kouaa I
abeu from Ue forb faU abort of Ua
OoloB, Oolombb, MayM.-Tbara b
abjp Tba aballa from Ua martor bat ne ramor in airenbUoa hare to Ua aftery went oVer Ua craiser aad azplod- feet Uat Ua Spaalab Capa Varda
ed in Ue watar qnita claoa to tha St. sqaadren or aay .nUar aqnadroa e(
Lenb The mortar battery eeaiad at Spaalab Ulpa. baa baaa sighted
ICto. after e faalbde of Uh-ty-ona PortLimoa, Ooata Blaa. It b eafa to
r^nlea. After the firiay, Ue eable eentrndiot aaynKb repork Arrivab
waa yrappled. baoled on board aad oak here tram Pert Umea fall to confirm
The SI. Look crew babavad ia a eool the report referred to.
maaaar aader fire. yCaptalna Qoodriek
aad H. Q. Beadle, latter ef the AmarXABSAOEBl) AT TAXAHA.
ieaa line, at Ue claaa ef Ub eayayemeat eempltmeated all hindt for Uelr Eo'rribU Fate of
BpMtel u Tbs Moteua Baoaaa
1. May W.—Tha govaraor af
WAHT TO jonr ns.
Sierra Leooeoablea to the enlealal oflamtrienta of FblUppUee Weat An fine bars Uat Bev. and Mia. MeOraw,
nexation to the Onited Stataa.
Ua Aaarlaaa mimirnmim. wera maoBony Eeoy. Hay l&-Tba imryaaU aaored aboat May 6 at ^Uama. near
have agreed to an^ert Agalaalda, Ua aeanc of Ua eUer maaaawm. IBs
Uelr Alef la the Pbilipplnea. U an at-' fovaraor'a iatarmalkm oomaa from
tempt tar aaaeratlan to tba United Oabnet Woodyata. oommaidm ef tha
BriUab Weat Afrioaa tees, whlab has
They baea tefa^ the yriMiniH JoateaptaredTalamawlUtha lam of
lhata kfllad aad fita wended.
And »e carry all the wide eoode in stock eo that yoo will ae$ .
have to wait for tha goods, to be ordered Then we have earn#
cT thoee cheap eurtsias that we are selling st ton ^»^nts the am^
Come eerly and avoid Ihs mah.
Holler * OonxaMm
290 Front Street
Cheap Wall Paperl
line Jost rsosi^ at
About Ico Gnai and Soda FoHUtain DiM£
Therefore we will say that yon will find oar Ice
Cream deliciona. onr Soda Water true to flavor, oar van*
ous Phosphates refreshing. Kew^rinks are ttdded to ewT
list from time to time.
Fonntain open week days' only.
Jas. G. Johnson.
KK Wheel Enameled For S2.5II
Big Bargain.
We Make and Hang
All Widths of Curtains...
$li». Bsls prios
Our Bnuorul Sale U ihorliic mt Kopdi rrith • mah. <
While the rush Instn wo wUl mske a
A Saeond CaR To M0R18LS.I
We wish to call your attention to the fact that we iure j
many bargains left in children’s clothing, notwitbstaodisg thb* !
it lias sto^ a temble storm in the list 10 days. We are bound ]
to cloee out the last anit, and hare made a second cot in o
cbild'a anit department.
I'Ragilar Slaapnr la Prtcas as It Wara.
Childa 12.00 fine Jersey sniC second ent price...................... $IJM
Childs $3.00 Wool CWaslmere Bait,eecood cot price............il.60
Childs $2A0 Beefer, stylish snits^nd cut price...............81.88
Childs 81.00 all Wool suit ewopd ent price.......................... 8l-d7
Childs 82.00 Clay Weave salt, second cut price...................81-18
Lot of odds and ends, will close oat eome for 6O0 on ths
dollar, and others for less. Call early.
Qoing to leave the city. Fixtures, show cases and safe
for Bale.
186 pairs Isdlos fine Oxfords,
pointed toes, rsfyulAr $8.00
shoes, sale price $1 86.
Low Price Shoe Hoese.
and Sundrias.
I have just arrived from Chica
go with a new lot of Bicycles and
New and second kand.
The cheapest place to get a good
Bieyclee from 81600 to 885.80.
Call and see the bargains.
Kek >rh'eeU and Tandesoa to
Ilf Unio>..St, Rniir Works.
Plaios aod Br{tK
DwielaUe bryea
..arlA lomtod ia Q
eternKa lUFreetai
Front StrorL
. Prirfricli Bbok. j
Children’s Clothing
We have accumulated within the last two years
about 150 children’s suits, rutinioein sizes from 5’s
to 8’s of age inclusive. The only rault with them is
^ey are not all Reefer style, but they are' clean, nice
ly made, good wool, double breasted suits. The de
mand is mostly for the Reefer suits now-a-days. We
have concluded therefore to create a demand for the
a5ove mentioned accumulation by reducing the price
to about
We have divided them in three lots as follows:
Lot 1 consists of goods we sold formerly at $2
and over. We have placed them at f 1.29.
Lot 3 are a choice all wool goo^ we have sold
at $2.50. and over. All go at $1.89.
Lot 3 are a choice lot of imported all wool fab>
rics, worth from 84.50 to. $5.00, have been reduced* to
The Boston Store,
•• I:
- .V
- 'I
Twownrs wnauft
Cycle Works.
Bnubic B
CbMpCkt ksd most reluble place to get y r bicyde;
pot in goM roBoing order. Hare bad aereral yearn ezpei
W«Bortol D»7 ihU ymt will ta
Ldov how it abonid be done. Satiafactioo gnanntesd. I
Mr*«4 wlUt Ue wleBmlt; wlilak ebkrbicTole anadries at about
New and aecood band vbeela lor mIb
M*'keMriiMtb«ooaaitoa »»d M mmsbI
ana to rent. Please gire na a trial.
of lb* prMui WAT k kun p«*Ur airBU48,811 Front dt, last.
wtfleuM will to kd4«d to U« prooMdUaftdtfeeto Iptoidid Leot^ by |
lB«« of ike A«7- B«eldM poylnc UlbBAflS BAXX KOnAT.
to «»«*»• •
X. 0. Sodfk.
to tke dep*md keiWM wke urohMMO.to*tol. •
Mabel Ayree ef Detroit: treMoror. MIb
, ------------As uemUy UUnMUg ud praat- ••d »w»y iB'ei to defeod tke (!*«. tto
MMAMitotoMU. .
Mary Stewart of BaUla Croak: etolr- j Hketlert and AsyluB Taaa. Wffll
kble meUkc of tke Tekoken' nod Kk- :yotmrer femretloa of toldton wbo
BOB aaoeutiro oen«ltUo, Uto. M. B. |
laangwato tbo floaBea.
Wke held ki Otkkfk Ik»Te foae tb flfkt for tke eoaeuy-e
to e toll ga«e et Ue
kkU yaetardky. U kplU of tke awnny >
Deiiy of Jaekeea.Hro. Prwella JeoetiTwelfU Street Part Moaday aftet^
woktker there wki k good kttendkkee, 'U i-lkborkW kkd win be loepeiwltoty
Skermaa of Detroit: Editor* of Inter-loeok. keginniag et 1 o'eloek. Thekkd tbe kMtIwe were Bnek eajoyed. 'torried onL
I ebenfe. Mro. Ere B. Oilee of BatUe a»^)bb taeoi will play agalnat Ue
Per eererkl weeka Ue preaUeet, Ootia- -Todkf UePherkOk Poet Ko. U. Q. A.
CrteV. Mra. Irene T. Joaee of Uailng. BoeUere rcDalslng In Ue d»y. «»*»•
«y Bakeal OeBolaeleker. Mlaa NetUe ■ kkd Ue Wontkk't Eelief Corpe will
I Tbe aeat seetlag will be held la Deby plcked-ep pleyere of abillly.
Ouy. kkd elee preaideat Prof, a B. <kttend dlTlkk eerrlce kt tke Metbodiat
Itndt. urgent InrlieUoai haring been eadaetroog UM wU) to made np.
Doeierky hkre been bney ptopkrln# Icbnrck where Ue UeBkilkl
rrcelrad froB the Detroit preee. Ue Tbe kcyloat t«OB ia to.i»g ettcagUthe profTkm. kBd the reeolt wne kU will be pretohed by Ee* J. A. Br^dy;
i Bu^aeae Men'e Leagae. Ua sayer. and enod had a firot claea gm M proBTbe Pont and Belief Corpe w^l ■
that eoold to deetred.
aererol oUer nourtoe. Battle Creek -----------------------------------------Kieker. foTBerly pitoker for
.. Ue
Deeetloaal aerrieee eepdaeted by bta.at Orange hall at S;Jii Ule momiag j
; Aknnal KeoUag ef Brtglit Xewopa-1 aad Betdlag were Ue ether eoapetl- *grleultorml College teem end a good
Prof, a T. l>rawp opened Ue Doraing end prooeed la a body to Ue ehoreh.
: twlrler. wUl be In Ue bn for Ue
eetotoa, after wkiefa Ur. Urawe gave
I'irf Corpe-UlentoBWeatOrengehelll
Tkla Week.
1 Trmroroe City in eepeclelly laUreeted ,,„uer.. and Kooa SniflB wlU toUh.
aaableulkep -aowucreau aa inatvo-elockand forB In Hae for U. 1 u„. M. R a Bato. re.nr.ed U.1
Ue held it waa Ue doty of ecboolt U march W Oakwood oeBelery. Qar-.„e,in, from Jackwm, wber* eke kae! “, !Vt
attoadanee at Ue aaaaal Beet-1
Aodrewn. and othw. »>t yet
forateh good librarlea for the bearflt of rtage. will to eupplfed for Ur reUraa., b^
o>* Mickiran WoBaf. Prem
Ue papiU. aad adreeated Ue etudy el of adraaoed year* onable to bear U*li„,
m»d. op a. foUow.; Bakl. Ulri keae;
' Ue Bible far deTelopiag power, poeuy long walk, alao for U.»e»ber. of U.A^l,lloa. of which eke wa. prrel- ^.TouT^VlI^Tn^.Bte
»ke ntate.
,Croee. nbortelop;
rwtop: Be*oer,
eoeokd keee;
t. She reporu one of the beet »»**« *»
Tmbb la k greet daol of ahgrp erlU- for dereloplng the iBaglnation. ae weU Belief Corpa At Ue cemetery Ue.^oat.
tke aaeectalaeoBTaDlant,Bat Vnavoidabte.
| D. Co>. flr«t
beer; INorU. ^teber; B»d9tiag» InUr hUtory sf tbe
glHB trcB kll aerta of aeoreea. npoa ae power, aad biography irareU aod graree of departed eoBradca will to . sMetiagn
; SBitb. Uft field: Ator
atrewG wlU floral tribotee and Ua nol-1 tloa with a large aiteodaace aad mueb
Vted ^ fasAae aaaayUu for knowlodgw
Cronerd wire- .. __________ __ ___
| latereet la Ue good woit dona at Ue Beardmap Rlrer tloctrte Light end C«“-Patrick. r«ht field.
tteaokkfere^ Ue
Aa Uterestlag dlteoeeioo followed mn O. A. B- rllnnl carried ont.
la the afuraoen If U* waaUer 1* ' nereral teanloBa A fla* pablic meoting Power CS. plaved karoc with Ue ood- { Tk**
good game «d
PlABlnk fleet ka« aet keek kkkk or OOP- Ule. at wall ae all Ue pnpere. aad
•■ikd. It aeeaee etreage Uat k fleet Bkay raloabla Ideoe were brought out. pleaaaat Ue nenel ezerclaei will uke ! ^aa held on Wodaeedey afieraooa. the renlepoe and aeceMitlea of Uelr pa-1 the aeaaoa and wUl be fatotably rer ...
I program being
. on ii
I by Ber. , iro^e yeetorday- Tbe diflicnlty waei“>’«d- Admlealoo wUl to « cMa.
Theeubiecta. “Balargla# Ue Bozi- plaoe on the ooeaiy
«d tke Bkgeltade of Ukt eesi.iker 1*1 w. E. Siropg. peaior of U* Plret Pro*, j
lecetcd anUl .ear poon; then lt;>^>«
Grand atand free.
IMailii ky Oereen ekonld eaeopt BUB alia of eehool dietricta.'' aad et l:ao o'clock. la •
_ dIncoreroA in U* roar of Steia-1 Thb will k* a aUrter for Ue
of pnpllt." wera aUy oelerorable Ue progroB will to glrea | byteriae eh'oreb; addreaa of welcome
flhi notice of I
, by Hop. E. W. Barbonr. editor ef Ue torg*. Ofoad Open Boom. Thl* waa and wUllead to otber good ga»ea.
fAlreiiig Cebok Wktere end tbe baedled by A. P. Gray, wke eeld that In tbe City Opera Houne.
Ue r***en Tn Moaxiko Bcooni waa
Ckribkeok aao. Yet Ue Ckrib- aola^ag Ue beondaof aekool dietriou
Xotiaa to Alomai.
«MB aok U k eeMldorkkla bedy of would glre Inoreaaad iaureat, at a de- llrrred by P. C. UUbart. Tbe Bnnlc eddreea by Mr*. Bate*: readloga from not doHrered ontll after dinner, an tke
-Af^lttl* Bnglleb Pertfollo’' being ael- electric motlre power wblU operated' All Ue memban of Ua AIUBkl wA
aaMer ead it woeld rcqolre e grokt ereoiid cnk Ue weald hate pepiU III be Ie ebarg* of Dr. J. A. Sayder.
At tbe Itot meellag df the Peal the eedont from poenu by tbe w«U knowa
claaa wbo'latead to attonfl
la enpplled by tke
MV eee«t kakta.«e-borer it day and eorried to aod froB Kkool. ae U weald
apUereB. Mr* Ada Iddlag* Gal* of
CoBpeay. It waa ena of Ucae tko
•IgkA Oereera bv
^ redpee tardtneee te a mlalBOB and
Uroaada-UeBllB. Uroen. Skill
AlkloBl ■ Nawnpaper EUka" by Mn.U aaaroidaBia aoekdaaU which cannot 4o tleo U UeB
w of Ua has
IB tke harbor of kkntiago. but It largely lacreaae atteodanoe. '
will to reaponalkU for. ns
SoBe exoelleal Ideat wera adraboed
to eortele that Ue oeBmaaden of
Decoration—Thacker. Morgan aid by Mm. M. K. Back of Trarerte CIV.
unmitleo on ei
(Be ABortaka aqaadreae are net by UlB Alloa Atery la Ua dlaeaMlon
waien wae rataaniaaucaiiy raeoireo.
nislaallald r
Mloeg. kkd U Ua aecreia et tke feUowlng.
Plowara aad deootiting, graree— “WU and WbdoB of Ua Pram.- by ^^J^^ro ,lriU«lSlU
‘■The Bead of trained tenehera la
aotlcB .botod to gl*« .to iMer
■peOBpkte of Ue ABoricaa war
kaeeala akomld by ckaace eacape Ue oenatry aehoola.. waa Bade plain ky daaew>a. Wrigbt, Ckrllala«ad Ulpley. Marie Neleon Leo of Uo Manktee UaUy 1" viato^ at I1ii M^iBrirnur non.
Ta.*»«y siCkL
e^flkkaa of Ue preaa oenaac It la qniu Prof. C. a. Doekervhare
' M. Vinton! SM Baat PixBt atroat.
Tke poatoflloe will to elcaad Mmot
TronaporUUoo—Geo. A. Sleero*.
BseepKooally flae maale anliroaod
. Utoly that there weald to aa altogeU- UkB not ealy Iralned to teoeb. hot
ial Day. May *0. from 10a.B.«stU A
Inrltetiea-Cartia, KelU and Irtab.
tka program, which waa liateaod to ky
Tke Woe
m diflerokt eoaplealen to Ua prea UkUer^la baalaaB Botkoda aa wall.
Flag* aod anarking graree—SmIU.
‘I'kee* wUi to coa dellrety a
a large and appreclatire aodleaoa. The AMoelatkm cleared W 40 tn yaatetosy-a IP
«■! kltaaBck froa Uat araaaated u Honrgtotkat ^a eoaaty to dirldto
S.iUclting fnade-Morgon aod Bob- meeUng wae bofd la Caatle Ball, which Barkei.
I by U* carriva U Ue a:
flbe pablla Spala la a wily aatagw lato aecUont aad teaeber'a Boellagt
wae beanUfnUy doeorated on tbe oecaM kkd aU Ua eoainiaadera of kar
ekon. la tke eoaalng a britUaat raeapeBay are ‘not foeU. therefore It
tloa wae glran by Mr*. UebeUa Darito ketaoatoaage after all Uat we onaA WOXTHT nUBVTX.
aon Daily, which wae a grtot aoeiel
Tke afteraoon cceaieo waa opened
kkt wipe eet Ue fleeU of Ue eeeay et
flakanre. Yet. there are Bkay In Ue wiU a leeure ky M. C Dodge, which Oeoeraor ringroe'a nattering TwU
' kOkktiy wkeee only eoaree' of IkforBa* waa OP* of tka moatackalarly aad foreenoaitJ U »r. 7. X. WUtoUn.
Ue Hibbard Booee. Ue beMlqBarten.
(flak ie tke aewipaper. who are reedy fnl lectorce girea in Traretoe City la
Dr Jaliaa M. Wilhelm ntaadi rev of Ue meeting. Tbe dally ocaalooe
flooflar adrlee' to Ua adminietratioB PBny BODtto. Hi* aabjecl r^aa ••Equal
high amoeg Ue aurgeona of Ue Micb- were deroted to eoroeat work and
kkd tell jaei bow Spate eoold bare and L'elrerael Bigku." Be dwelt npoa
Igaa rdluBlcer* aad a pernonal teati- eome floe paper* were giren. followed
Uecoaditioa of again la Bienarckiaa.
Mk raa<)Blabed toikf age.
and eoatrtoted Uaa wiU Ue twMfiU Boalel from .Uoreraer Pingree proroe by dtecueeioB* which brought out Ue |
Ip Ue ntrategy board would rtdeaae to to derired from aneb a garemment that bin UleaU are approeiated by b» npinloueof eome of Ue beet apwepo-^
B law of Ue B*w»psper comspODd- anUe I'aitod Staten aad orged that nperior*. The following Icltor from per women in the etate.
gaSa which aro bottled ap along Ue greater koadr* be paid t* tbe tonndcr*
erthy tribute l
d Ury would re real of Ue dcc-aretion
and they will respect yoo. Give them a chane« at the
young profeasioaal : Leggetl of Detroit: 1
aka wkareakonu of Ue Spaaiab (>pe
9 pree.deo , |
Uat Ue City'i 1
W^tet la abort Older.
comfott and ease that come from wearing SelZ Sbocs
Mra. Ebbs Bower of Ann Arbor:
principle Uey caatala.
rice preeiceot. Hr«. MarUsJ. Boot .f
eonaidared would oetGe ull Ue eriU la
and yon win hod that the reapect extends to yont podmt.
^ ^AUAx cABnm
Sey City: 3rd vice preeidenl. Ur*. Belie
Ue rrorld. Tbe aee great menace U a Bon Perry (iuunah.
TraTene'City. Miekigaa
hook, becanse Sell Shoea wear looget, thetdom cost lesa
M. Perry of Charlotte: recording eecgorarameat of equal rigbu in Ue Man*
My Dear Sir: Permit me to Uank rotary. Mr*. Marie Nelcoo Lraof Moa. A» Btotos
who want liberty for Ueauelrcn only,
than otbos.
to Uo usclonioB of-Ue righu of oUen. you nincerely for your prompt reply to
*0 Tka Merulu BmrU
Tkaae wbo failed to beer Mr. itodge my telegram. Yoe will be pleuned to
loem Uat Dr. Wilhelm more Uun fnlBrrrt. May za.—The Italian cabinet
ibeed arare treat
fills all yon naid for Ulm. an I am ia-{
tea toalgned and King BoBtort baa ia-.| la Ue abeence of Mr*. A. B. McBoe
formed by Dr. Ifoacrede ecd olao by !
a. Aadaroon apoke on “A poll toz
jMUd Ua XarqnU Di Bndlal te remake it easy for ns to fit you Tbe
fer ineroaBing Ue genent aekool
It. Tka Minlater for Ftoeiga
load.’' Beotioaing tke adeonuget of
cort will be trifling bat your comfort
•teira waa Ue flrat to hand in kia ran- Uii BcUod.
Be*. I) Cochtln aleo
AeeardlBg to aa efBclal apoke on Uin nnbject. akewing aome of called npoa to examlae.
too fer year prompt
sMBont on Ue anb^t be roalgaod Ue dbadruatoge*.
auealion U the roatter beeaoao aa 1
ab« SrC
diflarenee at todayk BeaUng orer . Tke BMBliiatlog comBlttee'n
waa aoeepted, recommending Ue re- wired yon it Is my deaire to coad to Ue
. mil oe * a
• parUoaoBtary prograB and alter
r funber Ib
clccUop d Ue preaeat offiear* wbtek front ealy tbe eery beet medical mra
'iBberr'i M
' ataMtara foUawad bin aateipU.
are an follow*: Preaideat. Mte Nettie Uat con to proenred in Michigan. I
C Gray: *lee preeidenl. Prof. C. B. am tatlafied that Uc people of yoar
Mo Xawa at te Ttemaa.
Deeknay; aeeretary and treoaorer.
t’.eir boy* to Dr. Wilhelm and It wa*
^ealal w Tn Monanr aaooan.
MiB LlUle Borton.
te ThoBaa. Mv :«■—Tkaro b na . ,A nnaalBon* vote of thank* wa* S rnlifying to Be te to abl* to giro him
Teacher of Violin.
gi*«B Mr. Dodg* for U* leptnra, wklek
IvUar aaera kar*. tkia aftamaen
Again tbanklag yoa tor your trepble, 4
(te WOT or of the Boralnanu of Aanar- wan greaUy eajoyad by all praaeal.
Very Uuly yonrn.
It la t* be regretted Uat more of Ue am
U. S. PlKt.ua. Uorernor. j
Ian or Spaaiab woruhipa.
town paople did po take ad<
A letter of slBiUr Import wae ,
Ue appartaaity afforded to attend Ua
Mtlag at Ua aaaoeiatlaa. which U wrlltea to Frank Friedrich, wbo wo* : 4
also actlee in fnrUering the intoresu I
JaaUar Pioneer of Uia Baglon Oona not oply tor Ua benefit of Ue teacher* of Dr- Wilhelm
A U* oounty. but all petrop* of Ua
toBlaBaward. .
aehaaU an well. Tbe programa contain
Ota Pierce, one of tbe old nattier* Bocb of general iatereai, aod a day
SflUb region, died at hi* kaae nSar
might be apent wiu profit ia Iteteaiag
BBear teke yeeUrday Bomlag at Ua
ta aad pvtiel|B^Bf
•ga of to yeara
which concern a*ery parent wbo hoe
J. W. UiUlken wUl be aBong Ue <
tronkle for a nuBber ef
amber to eloee hla store all day Mon- <
TlrgU died of oeanampUoa, and now
Be*. C T. Stoat ofBeUtod at Ue fn-,,
aostaa anoUer tad parting. Tbe fam
neial of Charira Wallace at BIk Bopids
ily aarriror* ore tbe wife and BoUar
gad (wo aoQ*. Ckrl and Charla Tke Big Crowd ViU Go to laUad Late on Tharadoy.
teual will bFbeld today at 1 e'doek
The aoBortal day eratlan at Petoa■ to VlBt Uo Hannah Xlfloo.
key will to delivered Moaday by Be*.
test the taaily reaideaee.
Up to II o'clock Uat nigkt 110 UA- A. J. Bldred of Ull city.
E Pangborn made ap a Urge taash*(
ItUad Lok*. MaAy frienda wUl aeise
«MngX»»iaea to be Said In the Ul* opportoolty to aee the Tiarane of good Ulaga to aaad to Camp Baton
City eoldier boy* agala before their de- this Boralng to tke Baapah Blflea.
<HV Opera Hooao Jane 4
Mra. Loria Boberto made ap a banket
Tk* cltolng exerciaw ef St. Francis portnre to^eeeaqe of more active aerof daiaUe* aad eddd aad anda to Ue
^kool wUl to held at tte City Opera Tlce in Ue Ualtod Stata employ.
Beporu of hordtoek fare bare coma 4WBfort of ter non Will, aad uat it to
' (0BP* next flatarday crenlag, Joge 4.
Eg Up Ui* umlng
A asocial program U being ptopored at Tarioos Umeaaad friends will sapply
terttetoecaaioe. Partloolara will he Ua boy* wiU pleasant remlndci
bonne once more ere Uey leare for a
glran lator. Tke price of admit
field of glov and koaor. It U qnlto
*p01 to to oonto. Seaueantoreae
te Ua av Ii*"* ^lond wlUont sstn likely Uat Uc Thirty-feorU will leave
to Waahiagton on Toeeday or Wedneo-
{^Iten Airin-Allen ef Byrom. Ctok,
^ teto A. Neely of Amerlcaa FkUa.
of Ue Cknreb of Jean* CkriM of
Ijtear-doy Salnia. are In Uo dty, and
orOlAo —t-w. work .Utoaghoat tte
^^toroooorioot mmtho. latoria
ra, la---- ta no.—
AU Bombera of Grand Tra**raa
Lodgm No. 200. L O. O. F.. are reqaented to Beet at Odd Frilowa ball at 10:M
UU BcraiagtoattCBd Ue fnnetal of
tte Uto Ora Puree. All Odd FkUnwn
la U» eiV to* fsvlMd to tedoBd.
Xut peopU have a Utole patlenem
ume people have a lot. IfyedgatOeo.
B. Winnie to hang yov paper, yoa
woa't need nay. for te oomu wtea he
agreu to, doera't waste tte paper, and
ckoigea no mern than oUera
Oppofllte Xi«l« bOte.
Once More
Has inFaded the land In the interest of humanity, xtid once !
more in the interest of those who intend getting
A Hew Carpet Or a Floor toering
We mention the fiict that we offer the nest, hare the -g
largest etock to select from, seU cheaper and gire bettersst'■ Isfisction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
. ^w
Let us oonrince you.
»o «*tTT G»rrr»a m n>*ii to •■ir* pit i. u, Rct mro
UvulfM. Bhf l*y i» K»r W ,M
oe ThorodA}- Ioai «Bd.
kare »«»rc€l» boirborttd • Cubon lc«»
ar tended nn.ir.urlUan for the I'uMsa
«■ that dar k* rRPOtMd la aorne dia-
CMoago M«n Qm • T*l*gnm
from • Port w Princ*
rKACK nnov
Nothing 8mh of tho 8hipt Thit
Cemmodoro Schkylt Try*
ingto LocaU.
•After UWeotolor .rbtlaa Oote II Mo
'BEW8 nm BiMncurs nspr
Phltadr^^^'3, »;*y a!.-At the nest
teretlnc of the cUy roancll of Pbitadclpbla a ttaolutlon ntll be introduced In'
both branchee demandlof that.the'Phlladelphla branch of the ITnIvenal Peace
tJntoB vacate the quartera now occupi^
by It In Itidrr*ndence hall. Thla acUoh
to the oulcotne uf a
DaU4 T«rtwdKr Dm* Net Sute Aay
d -the queen
t the Bpan.
her coneea. I
Moaa~ to the Vnllrd Sutea la order that I
the prteent var mlsht be brouRbl tn a |
■peedy temlnallon, and alao eapreralBR 1
tbe oplnkm ttat the ^Utnmt of the !
arsfthc uiAodc-WltlGlTvOBrPkIUp*
i ^ s-s;:s
■ .
M„, Admiral I
lafi.nn.tion that at U.al Om^ A^ral
Oervera'. Beet aaa la the harbor at
laatlaco de Cuba.
Madrid. May a.-Blanco cablet that!
Oervera'B aqnadron.ia atlU at Santlaan.
.. ^
aqrmaa-Oar teoya apteUac ter a Ptchb
hat Carrera fMhrral>a-.Brttldi Caaraeaaairat BaUeear Me Uaa Oo«t*ed Oar
May sl-lCupyrteht. 14S4. by the Aaaoelated Prea.l~t'p to U o'clock tbla
ndraloB <Fnday> ftothlnt WS been
aeen ot^e eimalab Beet- Should Gobi-
e Cuban
«»*t tbe Peace Colon vacate Indepetid- I
rortbwllh for the ••unp.trt..tlc. I
,„.A^rtcan and dlwra.-eful .apr». :
,|una of opinion erpedally emanstins I
from and under the beadlna 'Independ- \
“>» 'Cradle of American 11b- :
The unlOD war alvea perrole- I
aton to nae a room in Independence hall
u,, ordinance paaaed by couacil. at '
Tucatan ^ approt-ed by Mayor tVaratek In lOL
ron to blockadta* that port.
•puadixm to vauhlac iba
PATim *T)imuT.TTdimTnn>TfTH
t k Tan UU-ANMI.
O# the Ndnberti Coa« of Cuba. May ' Dta»lie«WH«ea Trader Bar Bm Made
B. Tla Key Weal, Fla.. May tS.-lCopy- i
Bewpttea naaalaaright. If”, by the ABaoclated rTTte 1
8aa FTanclaco.May S*.—The Hawaiian
At U o'clock last BiRfat the DolphlTraB ' Bltr publl.be. the fUIo«1n«, Hay to.
aloagnldc the Bakahlp New Tort Her Thera
lU^ta abowed that abe bora dlapatd
pf ■
Bear Admiral Satnpaon. Tbe com- :
of tbe tolanda to the executive
^... D.IPO.'» ” —
tbe ategapbone: “1 have dl.patchee ,i,hed In many of the coa.l andraatera
from Ooramodore Schley to the com- .p,„„ ^ naa been denied. Tbe Star
A cheer went up i* In a position to aUte that such a
from the crowded decka of the New . letter has U-cn written snd that a rrTorfc. Commodore Sehlej'a dto|>atcbea : ply to It la belrc awaited here. This
were dated pfl Ctenfueiioa. ' Alwolutriy reply wtu probably wch Honolulu, by
tbe next mall.
DOtUag deflnlU ran be said. "
“I'. »•>* Pl““
““'y •'“>
could at once take deflLlte rhape. A
teuadron of our ahipe cuuld bold/Adinlra]'\>>'^oa In port or force him to
jir, bartlr. while pUn» for-the tmme.
Invurion of Cuba could proceed
appearance of a flrrl of tbe enemy'e
trarahipa. Neither Hear Admiral Samp_.. _ .
otlicers frith the fleet
ap^r at all sor-Kume that the Span
iard. UDlea. bard pr\-F.ed will allecnpt
to nin the cauntke Into Havana
lenrra NM apolllus ter a ricbl• Admiral Cervrra, *in,-e he reached the
.Caribbean sea. baa shown anything but
a dtopowltiun to flRht, snd our oflicera
are inclined to think that if he la driven
out of the waters south of Cuba be will
double back to San Juan de Porto Riou,
where his ship* could coal under tbe
prafecllon of baiterlea at powerful as
thora at Havana, u Bear Admiral
he bomlterdI'hley's aquadroo ai
d of Cute about I
reply whKdi Capiala Chadwick.
to «-'"ma. wnten .lori-eo si Honolnlu on
Mew Tork. made to
to a
a oueatl.n-aa
a. since
What had Iraasplred.
Since he
he heard of her way from the Orient, reports that
vers a,
arrival .1
at Curacao
Curacao the people of that dly wera making
praparallrn. to receive —--------ti baa repeatedly
Rear Admiral
.1 £8^1
fleet which left thto rtly for Manila
ggld he believed the Spaniards w ould P««
at Honolulu ea
go te CtoBfuegos or^BantlajfO de Cuba. 1
*■;________ m_ M-T, Tfirv Brra
roole. The town was betag decoralad
I with Bags and bunting and the freedom
of the city win be offerad to the men on
‘he .lesmahlpa ‘ 'The China paaeed tbe
be raugfat Ibefollowlng ms) bedlvjil^
cty of Peking. City of 6yd-
In addition to our fine line of regular suits,
^e have this season put in an unusually large
assortment of light weight summer' coats and
vests—Blue Serge, Black Serge, Black Clay
■Worsteds, also Grey, Alpacas, Brilliantines. etc.,
all colors. It pays to have one of these for a
store or office coat and sUve-a; good smt. Not
only this, but they are exceedingly comfortable
and dressy for hot weather.
Bear in mind at the same time that we are in
the market with a full line of all the latest novel
ties in Gimvas and Cassimere Hats—Twenty-five
cents to one dollar. See them. They will inter
est you. They are taking the place of straws
this year.
We are constantly receiving new Neckwear
—Imperil, Pul& and Strings are the leading
shapes just now.
of CtoB
pgoa o6 Sunday,
roodore Schley had an Idea that Ad
miral Cerven's .quadnm. which to earrylng guns and munitions for liavaoA
would slip Into Ci-nfuegtts. which has
rallraad communlcailon;;with.i;kr Cuban
capital. But the fleet wW^ot tbera.
Bampste Is Kerplag Cladf Wa|tk.
Admiral Sampson baa a«)f^' naval
arouta always out below the horlaon.
' —
y and Australia
Thursday n ■ ht and
whose first duty Is to come ateaotng
i la with news wherever they find It. like
It Speed with all wdl
I a reporter.to his city ediUir. If amoke
admiral set this signal lu Captain . o°*tw
I oa the borlioo Cornea up fast It to probFhnip. of the Texas. "You are going to
; ably the amoke of a dispatch boaL If
»W •!.> Onanlap^U
SA- _______
................ _
IS I tl
tbe smoke eomea Bp slowly and dies
you." since then Hear Admiral Bamsv auxiliary gunboat Zaflre. mounting
intlng at
away at intervals.then it to probabiy
A has been rrtflslng aruund a. a pure- (our guns and In charge ofte 1leutena>-t' I a
. cqllier or a supidy ship with coal or
r precanllonary measure.
He thor.........................................
e rmted.....
S ...................................food for the fleet.
If there pra any
men anywhere Jusi now
who nr.teogld bottle up the Spaniards either in tog on board
e caplaln
••spolUng for a fight " they
Oenfuegoa or at SantlHgo de Cute, but clasa cnitoer Olymp
ympla ih'
the flagahti
rahtp of "tocktea” of Rvaiir Admiral
Iral S
he took all meaiojref tn guar^ against pear Admiral 'Dewey,
.ere is a«
a poaalhle evaalon of Commodore Schley who have been Invalided. TYie .Ituatlon > looka tea. like the eolor
, by tbe enemy, and any attempt to make uaalla to unchangod. n>e Insurgents ; laaflng round over l<!ue gulf waters
Bavana through tfle eastern or western am quM
Heef c-osts K.M i*r pound at . «tth that name squadron. It would be
inlla "The report that ih' 'omdtanderl iiart to name It.
Owd niB» te lavwte Cabw.
of the FpaniBh boat Ca'Ixo wax tfivd by !
IWIISx ter U.» Cwdlt NqwadraB.
day evening oo aceoant of OonuneaoeIf Commudvra Schicy bat tuoevaafuny court idartltl aod phot tur not Bring on \
i,on<ftn. May M-—A dtopwicb to The
hto objrel there now the Atnwrlran'ahlpw which captured the; pmaopjai .Vewa fri.m KlngvloB, Jamgeemt nothlng^o prevent ar-ilv* opera- Callao to untrue.
aiea aaya: "Thi- mazier of the flthlng
ttote upon ‘be part of the army. That.
B.rturaga of rH—e"
! K-bboner Jane, w hWh ha. arrived thete, i
TVa.hlngton. May JS.-Late yeater- ' report* hating puked up a yawl
.rteennon ibe «<«te dennnmenl re. ' tolhtofC 'b'” re.-m-. ntjadi* who had |
lODO a. B. Hpirltna) a
Stfntlago de Cuba
,o,jo. pqblfc worakla.
Tt vein >e a month heme, i
h eonrul at Havana. *t*tlof
"another Spanlah fleet ran n tehTh^ Bt,
newepawaten the naval auth. rttlca1 hnpa?to “*•’ erebange of the American
Thrall and Jonra, “>* ve*ael* were coaled and vl.-tualleJ ; I«-I*.
■teoar troop* In pote.-vrlon of
li:ts. Bible (ckcol. Sabj«et: '*Thc
p Spanish I
■■ In Cuba. '
Argonaut, had Iwen eV; squadron .rrlve. neat week and break* Ixord * Sapper.'"
. lured
cover tbe landing of^he
,K.. : .be btelrade.''
Vo„g P*«ple',
t fe.-ted. The rr"iiune-« exchanged
aad enable the military fnreei
aahnre without hlndraprb.
7:30. RraUe sad gespel ssrvioe.
CoHtlo. forn!< r eo- mqader at (totena*
ntrmtftw «V«VTnn TODAY.
............ ...
My Line
of Silverware
Is the finest in Northern Uicbigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Oold
Kermsa: ''Eating Ashea" Isa. «;».
Pu t-e.m Major Slneon Oarela !
rTv.,._v.a- I
private »oidier*
Puratobad by tba EagpocUvo Oburcbea I
Ibe public cordially invited to all
nUE.WIto' CHCfit*.
' tbsse servicea
te te (vrvers> na«<.
Waahiagtoii. May a.-Th» mlllury
Corner Oak and Kifih streets.
aitnatloB a* at prenent determined upon Htetesma
Bev. Jraiah Pepnisgtoa basretomed
by those In authority I* to make ao for
Msrcelltn. Mich.. May It-^ffwmrt '
»»*>'• “*001 at k:«S a. m.
from Lake Aon.
ward movement of troops, either upon Helmer and s man named H-gmn w ere ,
Pareatt help your chlldrea with the
"ib. E«an mi 1,11 L
Porto Rico or Cuba, until full and defi
nite infurmalkm 1* received as to tbe
tto 1-w.lblllUv* m. s fartor In the sg-
caught la tbe act uf rubbing Moore A laatoa aad oorns with tbeia.
'R'heB Mme.
Be ia
r-in<entrellun. but t
r I- nn aggreoflve
■t will be empbiyed h
Stepp have lu-en
As the oflicera appeared
t gun loaded.with
' hands. 8
• Inter-.:
,' buckshot.
The charge struck Helmer square la
'* th^ chest, and he fell over dead. Hogaa
™-.. h..-
won Ol w*e,l-tu-uu pateuie a. r.iiu, r-...
r .T
iiploe rae
Bpanlarda prartirally-Imp-ppiM.
Tbe presence cf thirty or o.or,
port* In Floiida has glv.-n ilpv
eontictlon that a movement on
scale waa about to occur. All 1
hHd within Santiago harbor, but In tbe
absence of poPlUve Inturmatlon on thto
^__jlolnl. t.igeilier with the certainty that
"■“lie can he held ln»lde the harhar.-therr
t* no purprae whatever oB The pan ot
the war detertnieot to make aa aggres
sive forward movement on Cute or
Pono Rico. T
«*“ *■"
Mra. U. H. Zona aad sea WUIla an
Subjreu ■"TempUMoo."
BiWa read-
E P. Wilhelm weal to Island Lake |
iag at openiogt brtag your biblea.
rewterdsy tovUitbtoaoB. Dr.J.M. WII-]
Ii'vcland 4: at rlitrago—Philadelphia
; rhliaito k: at St. Ij'uls-Raln.
tvcpiern IjtagOf; AI Mils aukee—Kaa.
'UllwAUkce 13: at DetrollOmahs
Hcfr-ut 10; at folumhua—St.
Paul 0. I'olumbui 7: at IndlaaapoUa—
Wlnneai-'Ils ». lndtonBi«jllP U.
The reports from tbe newspaper dtoptieh boau a* to the movements of
•ampaon's and Bebley'a squadrons durtag tbe past week an very mystifying.
skujse PBKac.
C. E.iaerllngat<l:I5.
helm, stetolaat aargooa of tbe Thirty- j ci“ ^k ^ ft
Bvaaiag Mrvice at 7:30 o'clock.
foprth Michigan Volonteen.
do gIVe you toe best work of Say
one la toa dty tor toe money.
be deceived ) y what others telt yon to tbe contrary, bat oosae and see tar
1 guaraatec aU my work to be right,
Wl if ii doea sot prove ao I maka H
Short Cut Pork.............
rviocs with an aapec- treated to the beat ^oalhal treat of the
in tut 8 o'cloek every rveotag,
except Suaday, ia tbe Ckldwcll A UtedoB boildlag, at north esd of Uston
Dmeat k for the Senelt Creamery Butter, fc..
of Ibe Grace efaorcb dbd k therefore
The eater
doubly worthy of a crowded boose in I
b« (o'd)---
EvMiag aereioe and aarteoa at 7:S0.
tha CUy Open Ooua. Moaday •»—i
Bagday school aad Blbla eUaa at
All are eacBially iaeited U> these aer-
Horse Hotel.
Bee. A Balabery. Paster.
Berview at 10:80.
Bnaday qehool at 11:3a
Yteiag paople-a meeUag at 0:30 y. m.
Obloago Market.
Cbieage, Hav
88.—Wheat—Hav. BCTiae SATMOPTSAV
•1.73: Jose. 8l.:<: Jaly. II 03S'C*>MHi
Aegast. toJic: Seotemter. Ui,cCore-May. 85Xet July. SJe; Septembet. S3J<e.
‘ Oats—May. ;>Uie: July. ttVCdtlhe:
September. SlKc
Pork—May. gll.aO; Jaly. tll.47.
Liieri, Sale ud Feed Bui,
toe efeadared
Many old soldl-feeta e't toe hard service they i
g the war. Mr. Oee.
8 A
or ixossviiie. loraoouBty, reoa., woo
saw toe hardnt kind of aervlee at toe
front. Is DOW freqaeaUy troubled with
rheamatkm. -'I bad a aevere attack
lately.” b* says, aad praeared a bottle
•n and the employera Bev.J. A. BrwwSy. pastor.
of Chamberlaia'a Pals Balm. Itdldao
K A VrS. Ooi
a ccnlerenoe. The reranch good that I weald Uka to know
Banday—All tbeaerrieea ef tbe day
Tbe U. A N. B. train* leaving TravintennediatloD uf ib*
what you woold ebarga me fer one
at the asoal Utaa. Ia the^ soraiag erw City at »:8S a- m. aad 8:40 p. m. doaea bsttiea.” Mr. Asderaoa wanted
gdd byCaa
dreaa will he dalivn^to the 0. A. B..
foUewed by a aeraMC on, "The Mtanioa
•ay U
Infaatry. Peorlv lUa. died Tbursdsy of the Gnat Americaa BepebUe.*’ la
(tee right Ybat DM Rte Came Oi
at St. VlBceal’a hospital of conwlslona the evaatag then will be a aeag av
Key West. Fla.. Hay n.-rTbe' cruiser reenltlDg from potoonlng attHbuted "lo
left Key-West laat Batur.
TYiyar mantli^ irill ba balil am M4ajr aigbt wftb the traaspon Florida
ootatoftatOapamkhwltotoeA. A A.
famUy aheuld hav* a bottle of it ia
toelr borne, not eeW for rbeamattoi
.Jtroit Fn* mm or Xtfbnse deek. Uw^far lOe par waek
Bicycle Riders.
A cordial laviUlion UgivoB to the
Feast 6f Stale
Those who attend tbe song recital
■iRACE (gpiMiH-ai.l CHifbcn.
by Madam Obratrom—Beiiard aad BeWe*. Charles T. Bloul. rector
becca MacKeaxie Monday night wUl bw
and identlflrd u tbe partner
nf ihe dead man.____
Hraresaw the lllaiuniML
Chlcftgo, May rS -Followlng to tbe
Leavue ----------record .. ■-------yegieejoj-i
PitubUTs—Washington 3.. IPittsburg
Yorf 4
l-uulsMIle—B..piun t. Luuls-
................... ______ __________
I pruvblona and farm produeto ia Xkmv-
la town ynterday.
Wh, W'e.e.1 Ih* rsratete Hteughtr
p„var aseUag o« Wedaeaday
Springfield, lila. May « - Lewi.
Moore was brought
lo Springfield
‘••c**" «a»etlag la
an authoHlalfvv
TTuirvday from Danvtue.und was boaad Ittaa.
Oraad Bapida. May 38.—Wheal, tl.oo.
hvy^nartinenl surceedi
of tt.Ci In the federafT A oorfitol lavitatita is axteodod U aU.
e dlrvct
dlr>-ft and
■ oAdal
— •
ta aecurliig pome
-n! to attoad these sarvieaa.
fbrmailon rePi^Uiig the Spanish and
I bare been a sufferer from ebroeie
hte Amcric*n«e»-tp within the next
ever since toe war and have
twenty-four h-urp thr-ugh the aid of
Tbarawill be sameea today at the naed all kinds of taedkiate f«- it. At
the Weal Indian cabl'-s It will resort to
last I foand an* rcmedi-thal ha* baen
aaat State street school beoee at 4 a aaecean as a care, and that k Cham
the use nf dispatch to-atp.
It can be
«l^n affirmed n
c highest authority
o’eleqk p. a. ia EagUah. aad 7:80 p. m. berlain's Colic. Cfaelera wad Diarrban
ng all rumors to Che
Oshkosh. Wto.. Hay Ss.-Thc ilrxt in^ Norwegiaa.
noBtrary—thsl at th- >l>ise »f yewler- dlratlon of aatodjuatment of the .wood
rni»T arruoDWT.
day tbe derartmeni had nothing more workers' ir
ime ta the
eban a belief, founded on unomotol ad1, that ibe Spanleh pquadnin was
ago h
barl>i>r. and rw- newa
'lytag in Santiago
TiaTane Oity Hatftat.
George Crisp of WiUlamaburg. was |
them. Hogst
______ _________
Jnaior mewUag SiUU'p. m.
- forward
Fint-claas Bigs. Everything pew
and neat. Ratea as reaaonablr a* any
flrat-elam bare la the city. Oire nan
call and get ottr patos*.
Bneaea 4 IMmkI},
Mew Toto Oyatoia.
I am tneelTtag direct Ma New Totk
__________ _ and tball eMtloae so to
tadU them aaloM an then k a de.,a»d. Tboae ww£goyateto wUl M
them strieUy freak. Fletcher'* Oyster
Oeparteaeat and Baatoaraai. - tn-et
Go to Arcbto Outottb bsrbar ah^
braknasd bureTfar white ifk___ toe year lifftej'lal work. Tw* abatan
♦yitoled. Poraaleby B. B.
^ng- BOW at workAto E. K Sinn anito*
tog Mr. Ortott. \
THi MOiaimre BTOOiffi. buitoat.iiat 99, leee
at «ood new«Mper seerk. b«t Is »ol pare
aotiallr taklnc any latanot in polltleal
aRalra. He Is earwatly worWns in tlu
eanse o( umpsraaca..
Iri.bies la Osr Ciell Wan
N«w»ef lnt«r*ttteth* PmdI* of
caoe to Aoisrica in tW tar tbt
porpose k>f enlertr* the. tlnloa arwiy.'
Mys Patiie* O-ParraU, a promlB«al
Grand Army man in tbe oatAsial capt-
-1 Ko to the aaUonal eemeUrlss on
Decoration day every yeat to pot ooroe
Sowers on tbe (raves of tbe Irish hoys
time that I
gnmmmM Owtto Wa^ ««IM 0«t a<«l(
krMlrtduMaK>M< ru«tr-OM«r.
FwKll> Mwto aoialU*—WliidUlterOMCTt«iwi» Bracker.
each year of the
berolc aacTtui-es of
TOrtllTat'm ti™ wlcn “rd*«t™ctk^ !
1“ 1^""
^ lost
world, sod I
1.1 believe that It makes bettor
the ehalns upon Ireland would be dra<
«Bd women of all of us on the principle'
laid down In scripture: 'It is better to bands of the Britiob aov'
■o Into tbe house of mournlix than late
Ke Wsvertag or l>OBblln(.
tbs bouse of mirth; for the heart Is
"TTiere was no waverlna or doubttna
nads better thereby.'"
In Ihia matter, hut the opinion
throughout IreUnd.
JtwaevMl Oat orfitA
Conarrsaman Cortlu U too bri(M a « was that tbe
man to be caught on a sheU (une, ur to
homes and
Id bric^ I
I (he purpose of advanCiD( tl
r an
an ehsy
elsy muk i .e^eiia « Immigrants «eneral!y do.;
tnsless be was recenUy
lor an Irishman named Flnerty. whd, but for the pvrpnse of enllstla( In the I
called him out er the house cf repr^n- ; cause of human liberty.
K tK poorer, had ptobaUy
There hre no Uldil(an men In cam]
•a (ar the Prwal.
ridae and staff. Tbe xenaral was ssUsfiati
Ives remarkably well for tbe lenffth
of'llberir was lost I that the war department ha, tnvesU-
•rihefederalChloBwaalnrrUnenU More.
RoutlrM Work of h
Cofifi on at Chfekunau*
(a P»rk.
,«ed the question as to tbe le(allty of
revkenizina the hosrltal department of
the volunteer army by'drlachlna men
sertice In that department. Colonel
Van Horn
tbu the depenmem will
Issue an hrdcr at once autborialna tl-c
formation ot division hospital and am^'***''^'* «»T>s by dvtarblna a rrrtala
numl<vr of men from each rwainumi of
• that purpuM
rc.ps are t» be provided with all tbe
ii.-essary h.MiilUl i
equlpmeou as-*oon a. p.
‘I'-llled In ihelr work so at ^
^ ready fur an emercency In case of
There has be« considerable deUy In
receiving supplies at the park ordtiancr
B from Ireland, who had c
'department. Few eommanda have '
over }uat aa I did. with patriotic purpose. I found them from every county
Ih Ireland, but they were most aemsrous ‘rmre the Catholic eountlas.
"The Protestant counUes of Ireland
are prinrlpally Brttlah countiM and
hence they are not Intereeted te the
eause^ of liberty as tbe Catholic co
e hatred of Great Brltati
anldiers who served with
wherever 1 ean reach their gravea on
Decoration day I go to ahow that there
Is stMl la the land of the living
their number who will keep their grares
green, as their memorlew are green and
fresh In Ihe annals of this new cooetiT.
oSered Governor Tanner
Clair county lair (rounds tree. If the
n«w rs(tments - arc ir.obuised
Monnt Carmel has tended the
the dCy park. /kndl_af tbe Opera House
for.iiBcera' quartert. U Colonel dunes
R. Campbell's re(lne9t Is mobniset
there. hprln(B«ld wants tbe mobUlaa
tlOB. bnt there Is doubt If the stati
board ot a(rirulinTe will (Ive the use
I of the fair (rounds any looevr. As the
! state truups took all the test
I UnrUo is also Impracticable.
' the Bev.nth
now Blijnr of
be Ucutenaoi
colonel Camt.bella rexlmcoL
Ohio and Southweetem for Dunn LorIng. Va Colonel Young, of U.e First
cavalry, has not been advised when hik
transportation will arrive. Tbe cavalry
will probably not leave before tomor
row. tight hundred riding trouatrs and
aa many flannel ahlrta arrived yester
day and were distributed to the men.
Camp lAion. Mleh.. Hay tL-Ueutei
ant Oovembr nuBsum arrived In camp
yesterday morning from Ueiru.t. Gen
eral Irish esme later In the day from
Kalamazoo. It la pretty well deddH
that Irish U to be the first coionel un
der tbe new call for volunteers. Pres
ident McKinley's second call neresallaied the reopen'ng of the' war beadquarters at Detroit. Governor Pingree
and his olds have returned here lo re
main until tile second HIcbigaii quota
Ilwaukee. May
Governor Sco. has sinied that when he reeelv-s
brdera to call out voiunieerw be will first
Key Wsat. Flo.. May »e-Tbe Oteago
aavsl reaervaa. ronalsUng of M men
and three oflleerq. under command of
Xdeotenant 6. W. Stratton, arrivod bet*
atteraoon ot tbe suamcr
Haseotte. from Tampa. They left Chi
cago oa Ibcsday aad made the Journey
without Incident All tbe men are weU.
John R. Santo,
Genril lisariice.
Dr. Higgins,
WhospihK GpuEh.
was Boorly'
Vluli^I Air nnminlstered for fih«»
. whooping
. . .: ; 1,
lute palnleas cxtractlna of iceUi.
Mf nsigbbon reeommended |
AaOdcUr. for extraction of i
ChambarlalB't Oongh Bemedy. I did > without pain ased. Latest ohd aotk
not think ikat
that any
anj oediclne wonid
would aatkfaclory
aatlafacloiT \i
1 ynt uMd for
help him. but after givioir him a few making extraeUnn cosy.
dooea of that remody I aoticed an improeraent. and ooe bottle cored him
enUrelv-^It is thsbestoongh n ' '
I ever bod in tbe hoave.—J. L.
8eu«> BargettstowB. Po. For
8. K. Walk druggist.
B. J. Morgan,
On JC. * H. B. B. &.
•» Law.
nininAU Kami.
Loag-Bap«1»4 ftswtwerissi'fisat la tsChs
BlTB/yjSfiS CAHD8.
<a M. hhOWM. aaotoey ao« Om
In tbstewM-sriJbcny.
"Tnu will find In the armies that are
BOW preparing for'another war many of
the young men< of Irish parentage m
this country, and If yon could meet
them and talk with them you Would
learn that ll U In ihe^use of Ilbsrtr
that they have enltsied. Wherever a
rwee or a people makes a struggle tor
perennal and potUiial liberty >-nu srlll
always find some members of the Irish
rwee fighting In the ranke for thafpeople. Our rare has a spirit that may be
broken but never bent.
The superior
number and wealth of Or^ii Britain
was able to break uS down, but our peo .
ple have never bent a knee and do
acICDowIedge their lubJugatloB u
Ibis day.
-The Catholic eountlee of Ireland are
very liberal, polltlrally. They do not,
question a man's n-llalun so long aa he,
represents their polltltal Ideas 11 waa
; that Ben
Ihe Jew, having been
parliament^ m Kng:ana on accoun^of j
XXil S U
o. P. CA&TKft. itm
The president has nomlnatcSIl Benja
min F Havens, of Indiana, to be a pnyirtater In the army.
QnarlermaMer General Kimhnn bos
pucT^wd in tan Francisco OC.eW Hexlean dcllsi-e tor tbe.uae of tbe Manila
John Crutrlla. a trammer employed
at the W est Vulcan mine. Iron Moun
tain. Mich., was caught In a fall of ore
and crushed lo death.
Mrs. Julia Ward Howe was the toHpleDi of numerous messages of eon•rday ni*
Edward Mammerstrun. of Knoxville,
nia. drowned bis little girl In a tub of
water aad-then ahothlmaelf. Tymporair
Insanity caused (he trkgedy.
Fire In thv Cryatal Springs Brewing
• ■
compsny'i plant at Boulder.
Colo., destroyed property te the
of feiXkM. fully covered by Insurance.
Hentb says that berrafter aecond aad
third Aara mail vrtll be fora-arded to
aoldlera In the aame manner ga lettera.
materiaL Tbe troops win be mobilised
at Can$p Doaglaa. The governor takas aty Kews Btowl. P
th^ action becanas these oompanics
were left out of the first can aad aleo
because It will, be nsrssssry when then
ere trained troops In the state to call
CB Itbem fltst. Tbe field and staff offlce/s of the Fourth will remain as they
ore now aad will sea servtos as a ualtsd
Ever Bara«d OKtf
eastward for the word that sroold make
them brigadier generals ot volunteers,
their eyes ot hope beluf fixed
While House. Tbelr long vigU bat lu
reward, for yMtsrday the president
these Dsmes te the senate, among
ert. to be brigadier generals: Cbariea
Flu Bimona of llUnOts; Frederick D.
Grant of New Tort; Henry M. Duffleld.
of Hlrhlgan: Charles King, of WtsconOrely short time every regiment will aln; Lucius F. Hubbard, of Minnesota:
be provided for. Adjutant General U. George A. Garretson. of Ohio; Joaeph
V. Rlehards. of General Brooke a ataff, K. Hudatn. of Kansas; Jtwepb Rush
was yesterday celebrating at headquar i Lincoln, of Iowa
pbsTKS. ktwwaer at Law. Bpsslal
ters the iwenty-founh arnlveraary
Adjutant General Corbin announced
Congressensn William Alden Smith U
bit wedding, wiib his wife and a nu
I Iasi night that three of tbe brigadier
unfuiiunaieiy placed In antagonism
her of friends when the announrement generals appointed by Ihe prealdentyea- 0°l&a°*kSu>ra^loS^5Twiiiatf.^
with Speaker Reed on thv-matter ot
of hit spiMilniment aa brigadier general
Hawaiian annexation
Prvsidenl Mc
rearbed him. The appolnimeni created soon as tbe senate had confirmed their
Kinley MBciti a bin pBu.d providing
considerable enthusiasm among the
nomlnaiinnt. to command troops In the
the anrexatlon of HawUl. but
nfn.-ers now here. Dr.
Phillpplnrs. The generals selected for
Speaker Iteed Is opposed lo annexation.
sew ard Wehb, of .New Tork.
the PhIMl
lines expedition areOeotge A.
OdSigreasman Smith, as a member of l^e
check to the. colonel commanding tbe
lo4p.B. Tslerh(BS.tl__________
cMniamee on foreign a«al?w.,ls expect.
Flrwt Vermont regiment now In ramp Greene, nf New York, and Chsrire King,
«d to ujlnrlde with the admlnliiral ''
hereW R.OOO, lo he used for the benefit of Wisconsin. Late last evening Gen
will be passed If ll .
« ,h* „rk and needy ot the regiment.
eral Merrtlt, who Is te be mlliury gov« vote, hut Speaker Reed
ernor of the Phlllpplnea. wired Adjutant
af the IK.W. r of hl» office 1
kenny and be elected to parliament by
General Corbin requesting thst General
It U rumored here that
Iriafa votes. If It had not been for Ihs
Bruckner has CsUen heir to k goodly nh»r.-c o' •*-. --..e -..,-.1..
peasel tar a Week ar Mare.
I pines. The request was approved and
fortune from a reUllve recenUy.-^
who td~-jed rviaraell b
Washington. May »--Aa Important forwarded to Genreal Klw. Md beceased ir. Kurope. The amount Ir placed superlur tbillly. l>c never
hase of tbe mllltarr programme U a
.......................... ..
•t somethlrg like tac.n«: ample tokeep . ,
..I parlismrni nor bi
command. General King It the well- TWITRMglf
H. u. emat
eelsion not to uke up the delalU
a man .onifortable tor Several years, dutlncilon.
known novelist and sn ex-officer of the
•van If be remains In politics.
ao the trieb.
Vnlted Blates army. It Is ubdkrstood
reilllsBS fMw CWucviMS.
"After gritins to psrilamrnl. how/or at least a week or Un days .
that Harrison Gray Otia. edravarae Oily Lawber C(
Senatoi’ McMillan has rerently filed ever, and after having ffisplsyed bla su- At the cabinet meeting yesterday Ir.- I |,or of tbe Loe Angeles Tlmee. who
In tbe senate large bsivhes of petitions P-tlor ability, secured sn election by an quiry was made of Secretary Alger aa served with the president In (be Twen- ; \/V
"r '-r.— KZ..V
English mnstlluency. be then turned
Cram Method's!. Bsiulst. Congregation
‘ ty-lhfrd Ohlo'during the civil war. and xll wuSt
al. Presliyierian. Vnlted Bretbrira sod his bt.-k upon the Irish people, and bewbo was nominated yesterday to be a
Other churehes from all over the stats
brigadier general. wlU also go to the
to prohil.li the sate of liquor in governPbUlppInea
Ingtos .ireet.Trt
tntnl buildings: In favor ot anil-clgar- helped irisraett to bis first seat In par- j ‘l»‘ ke had
question, and that
atu leclel.tlon. «nd In faver ot a Suo- llament that he became so Intensely In
Hew Bouts to Ohleogo.
a take up tbe matter
4ay rest lab. These voluminous pett- dignant when the Jew opposed Irtal
Hay 15th.
im. a
Uona i-ome from Detroit. Pawpaw, home rule for hirEnglish constituency. a week or ten daya In tbe meant
______ —6 will be esUblUhnd
. Adrian. Berrien Springs
Maiberton, Then It was thst OTonnell ullered that no conelualon bna been reached as lo ihrougb
-ern Chicago nod Grand Uoptda.
Battle free* and many-'otbei polnia apem-h full of bitter Invective, begin whelber a portion'of tbe Ti.HO volun- I belweei
sted by the Grand 'Trunk Bnilwav
They repn-seni ihe views of thousands ning with the words: -Ingratitude to tbe teera w ill be used to recruit the regl- i operal
-m and the Grand Baplds A Indi
af good m<n and women who want to worst of crimes. There sits a lineal da- menu still remaining unfilled under the I svstei
first call for IS.OPO volunteera
ana Ballwsy. via Vlekabnrg.
, make the wnrM better by human lei^a- Iscenrtsnt of the unrepentant thief.'
ptox S*U-Top boggy Iw sale, luqol^ot
If (be reglmenu under tbe flrat call
Trsioa will oi rive at and deport from
••But speaking of the enUsimeat of
latinn. Tbe people should take li kind
ly when they sr- told l.y a correspond Irtshmeti in Ihe Vnlon armlet reminds are to be brought up to tbrlr maximum Dearborn station. Chicago. Tbis slat- ,
strength It a-lll take about M.OOO men ion U on Polk street, between htate W
which waa
ent who hs" wlines.od ti.ngressi.msl, rrfe r.f the greil Influence
leglstailoi) lor nesrly a quarter of a cen wle'ded by
''' '
wTxsTi- ft)
>gaaD XBOgT PBOTESTlThis aonlh of the PeetoSee. and opsr jhe
le building
of tbe great cathe- regiments under tbe first call.
-tury that all Che l-ellii.-i's eel.I to nm- atopi-ed tbe
oid'KtMtou. loros^ Will
■w York, arwl announced from will leave tk.004 men lo be orgatilxed' down toe u bustsees and hotel districu ; oM'KtaloB.
grres ai-conipllsh m thing. 1 hey are
»u<ioQ.are ;T»'
ireads being this »ta<ioQ.are
polpH lhai not. anolher dollar In dlailnctly new r-rfmenU. It would Other rmllrrads
trtsted as so mueh -esst.- pai«-r. They ...
have (he advantage ul fllllng every regi Atehtona. Topoka
do DO harm, of course, hut -ih. y also do
ment In the serv.ee. Instead of leating Chicago A Eastern llllaola. Chicago. dsa. » Wasfctagtoo m. TraBO good. If all of these people were work done unijl the rebellion against
most of th'-m with s dep'eted orgsnlxa- Indianapolis A LosUriUe and Brie.
oanscst enougb to write individual let- this land of lllierty should be put down.
llon- Or the other hand It would de No transfer will, therefore, be necra.tars to tbrlr m nauaw and r-iuestenu- Th- atlllode of Arcbblshop Hughes, exstroy iheintecrliy of ihia force uf TD.OOO I sary for poaaengera t
gives they would recelTW respectful con- Pf'ewd in s most rinqueni sermon, waa
s •-onrt reserve. One J abovf mentioned Hnea.
v-rv Influential, not orly throughout vninni'-rHdcrwilon sod altentlun.
• of tss-iing the aeeImpnrUDI italioos on this through
K-n York
: .l-Iirh a second re- ear line between Chicago and Grand
n causing Irishmen to enlist.
• geeuTV from the stale of Virginia a lymen who could be Baplds are N'alparaleo. tkrath Bend and
camlon to the Dleirlci of Columbia of
•-"d SI leisure and Miabawskn. led . Vicksburg, KalamaIbe large track of land which rormerly over Ireland with telling effscL"
r-' nths bence, if clr- sooand Plalawell.-MIch.
Rwokla Vouas. tbs Isierp-d
lor Cata
wqil Reeeat the Aillaaee.
belonged to tbe ar<a of tbe national
Tbe equipment used in proridiug tbls .sr book psbUshod; an Urge pagos; MO so' capital. The mattef recently received
-'■And now let'me tell you that H Ihlt
hern are put ai onee aervlee will ooastot of new standard
conaldersHe favorable consIdciaiiOD by repu^U -niers Into on aUlence with
Blggeas hook. ktoM
vaalTbuled day oonebrs. IhilltnaD bof- Et^
the Virginia legislature, but final actlun Great Britain fi>r tbe purpose of enfet parlor cara and tba latest daa^s of
has notebee^ Uken. It Senator HcChlna.
Pullman wide veeUbsled. gas-ligbtwl. Dsksaad soorwows; bsrrasi tor .sgoat^ ,10
of the empire, tbe Irtohmeo of this
IkOto men or lltUe tweTIve-aeetion drawing room aleeptng
country will resent that alllanoe. Ws .more than one army eorpa. The war
will fight for liberty, for tbit country.
ri—Mwrt.o—1-. II—
defwrtment Is anxious to obtain the
Oengretsmai^Bam'Bmith to unhappy for Cuba, or for any other people, but vtea-f of the governors of Ibe sutes and ot tbe
a wUI be snek aa to
resent any effort to tighten tbs territories In regard to the filling to
baeaust he caffnol get more pensions.
merit ^liberal patronage by tba traveiwith
borlfcs upon human beings anywhere."
Alnct Ihe leginMitg of tbe war t
their maximum strength of the regi
Captain O'PeiTall la a man of strong ments already furrl«h«d by them under
■pain the house of fepreaenutlvee has
Wtowlag to a eondenaed aehedpractically quit doing buslBsaa. and the
the first call, and with thto'objert In
e further eays: new AdJulAm General Corbin, af the
pooaage of numerous private pension
««st of tbs water works Traseiwo OKy l»«a
a boy who Is going to the war diracllon of Secretary Alger, yegterday
. tfifto has been stopped. As a maticr of
Werka »l» tf__________________________________
otabllshment of a (table home aent telegrama ooklng the arveral gov.
fli«t tbe condition of the troaaury does
not warrant any demands upon It wbleh
«»a be at-olded. Thu to a fact wbtcb
department on tbU subject.
qrin not be welcomed aa good nevra by
Oonl Pnm'r and Tlckot Agtfit.
The qnesllcn arose yMtrrdiy as to
the old aoldlera a ho are anxIouBlr waJI- TYie love of liberty Is'
whether colored offleef* ns well at oolfW ft'f tardy reeogniUoa of Ihelr qlU- though they were Catholiea. tens of ored troops won'A bt taktoi na a pan of
thonrands of Irlshotee did thelf beat to the organisations offered. General Al K.^.^&B.dnmi
taiy aerrlcea.
Travaroe CUy tn Han
Oangreaaman MealMt. aa a member of go to Gaffbaldl, and many of them ger at once decided that It a colored
theoonimmee'oa vlrctlons. has been do- Joined him. They realised that the war
tbernafler. Tralna toava Traveran City
lag a great deal of partisan work. He In Italy was a political and not a retlg- otneers they w«
at 8:ao A m.-- Beturalag trolan laavs
bks participated la unseating a number luas war. and they took tbe aide cf po- recognition and
at 5:40 p. m. Uanai low ratM.
of Democratic congreesmea. and to otlll
wry aerriee as were the tioepa themBonndjrip fora
than fl.po for
That la the reason so many. Irishmen netvf
•ngoged In that work.
governor of Indiana, srbn
' praak Horatmd. foriaariy of Tbe fyce fought with WsOlnron. and against
HefivandapoieDUal DeswcratlrtBCtorlD Napoleon. It waa hot because'they had asked tor Informatkm. In tUg eonr. A. MrrciauA.
lowed Grant Brltoffi. but because thef ■eetlen It developed'that eelorad men
Oanarol Pnaaenger A^b
baled the NapcdeaaW'aMaait'npoa hu
ora bnlag eonffidmad tar soma.nC thn
dice orater In the n
fl. W. CrftxniqmaM. AgsMt.
man Ubetty."
ftoMfil ~*r***^ Be to doing a great d
intended that oat
abould be sen! here. Ther sare about
fiMW troops across the river. In sight of
the Washington munument and of the
Capitol, but not a UichKao soldier U
tat that enc-s^npmeet.
Alger-. MMila tbs anay.
General Alger'a family Is oMde anallsending •.t his son lo the army
ll wedding of hlsdaugbtar. Nevenheless tbe Alger rvHdence
te a cbatming platv few social 'enter-
mfrit Kaeal ■mrei aS Bag Wrah
fcppliee ea the Way. However, aad Will
SSM Be U aha Haa* afehe Heno-Otebcatad HU Wwddl^ la Ca»p with a
Hiwah of Lw^—nilaob Tawwe Htddl^
interest swept over Ireland when
cane known thaT tbe repu^lc of the
r ot dlsmenie
All of the Bbcllsh newspa
pers were filled wKh prsOlctions of dis
aster fgr the TTnlted Btsies, anA they
(loallnirly ret>ested acain and acaln
the assertion that ‘no (ovcmmenl can
exist without a head.' By that declaraden they meant, of eotirae. a kinc or
queen or other hereditary head.
DeconUun lM7 as m« of bte sweetest
swd most Horlous ^s Id the year.”
. 'mM Sei^r BuiTowa "I think ll U a
^ ansd IhlDf 1ST the old soldiers to sprod
•t kart one day In the year beside the
•neea of their brwve comradra. beoausc
It cnkJodles anew tbelr spirit of pa>
OloUsiD and they Impart that Bdrlt to
tfaeae aboot them. I think it is a sood
t for tbe )-«ua« men and women
to memory the dty dlractory of Detroit:
or at any rale he waa able to mention
the leadlrK businetd men of that tow
tbe street number of their businei
^aees and offices, and also of their re
Mcnc^ He mentioned the name of
firm with which be had been last ea.
ployed, and suted ihsi be bad been
couth for hU health and had. run short
cf money enou(h to (o back bon.e. ConSressmah Corliss had no Idea that be
eras bu(ua dnd (ave him the money re
quested. A letter sent to the firm menttoaed by Plnerty elicited tbe resp
All baggage, bna and hack «oik
lor aaid road ebonld be left with
me. Office m 8Ut« atreet, tale{^ooe 3. All ixdetB left witii m*
will receive prompt attentian.
Giud Bifldi i littu 1.1
CAeal'-------- - trslB aivlvm at Uim a. m
unsns uo Mamunii li
To lakt afioat eaaiar. Jans to. imr.
PUsr't gwM .'.'.
Mato's OtwoojM
ai^UckslUs ...
ssE'5jf,r;,sr,i«-»i:. s;
F°SS',iSir5.t-?SSr" 'TSJ'
with Sszl, ths Awslsr.
Scions of Famous Men Who
Will Fight For ihe Stars
and Stripes.
n la t
tka lan« proportion o( deaceii<Unta ot
«or paat heroea In both tb« army and
MT7 and ot aomc tew «bo woo diatinr*
tlae la the fleldi ot political actiMty.
bat no Webater, Clay or Calboun adoraa
tha rank! at preaent. Pormar prealdesia
la ot Otaat and Hayaa.
Ponrtaenlb New York raatmari
C. Eayea la one of the nnfcint line oO' ea» ot Oblo'a qiiou to the vulunieer
terea. and the aon-m-U» ot Bohert Unaolo baa anllated aa a private Kuaaell
Harrtaon la aailoua to take a command
•a Mentcnaal colonel of enalneerw.
7amw G. BlaUie. Jr. bae b^n ap.
pelBlcd a ataS offleer by the prealdenl.
aa« tbar* U a boat of worthy acioaa
wba have latrty bean anroUad and olb>
who atand ready tn yire their aerv> toM to Uia eosnUT Id thia tim* ot patri.
«tte daada and darinc.
A Wt of newa waa llaabad acros tba
wrbw aoma Uma a(o teUlnx tba worid
tar. and one. Carllle P Porter, who U a
captain In ibe marine eorpa. Another
waa in Ihe army till bla daath. Some
of the dauyhtera married oOecra In
both branches of the aenriee. so tha
martial alrain la thnroayhly preaerred.
This family for live yeneratlona haa
been In the naval aertice.
Rear Admiral Tbomaa 8. Phelpa, now
on the retired Hat. who bad aufllclent
Ifterwry Inclination lo write -Bemlniacances of Waahlnyton Territory" (flM).
Is repreeenled In the navy by bla son.
Uetttenant Thomas B.. Jr. and rela>
tivea, Ueutenani Harry and Ensign
William W.
Jobs A. Lewea. who la b replica of bla
i'ivl I-If
and martial defense*, ran his
leaslr and caielessly along ita
the ne»t momanl was engulf
ed In a showeriof shot and shell, Ibe
latter of «. I and 10 Inch caliber. The
Porter bad gone there ready lo daab
ahead and torpedo the entire Spanish
fleet U necessary as soon as It *ould
appear, for she la a meaaenger of death
— - - adder. Instead of
metal to break down
cniab a fortlQcaI assigned to the
baltleahlpe about her.
Ihal only a moment before
mortnuring because there
uttle ptoepecOve “ftm" for
Commander Cbarlea H. Btoekte» 0.
B. N. U a acton of the UlmOrtotH New
Jersey family ot dva( name noted In
mlUtafr amnals. to science, lltcralure.
edonaildB^ foumallsm and Juriaprudanoa. Commodore Robart T. Block,
ton (ITtg-lMf). his father, whose eerv.
kea at Los Angelas and Baa Dlega. CaL.
form aa Important part of our national
blatory, was the son of a Cnited stales
senator and the grandson of a signer of
the Declaration of * '
made by the war dacwrtinene hydrograpbera
The late Rear Admiral Tbeodorru
Bailey baa a aon. Lieutenant Commander T. B. H. Mason of the nary,
who was retired In IIM at hla own reQuesL He added the suAz Mason to
his asww, tor family leasona Ike eterT
s u told lo Ihe wnier years ago. and the
linpreaMoD remains that the change to
order tbat tbc then
young Bailer might Inbartt
But the flghUng admiral's nama la perpctualed In hla daecendanta. mnalcei
UlioD of Che New Ttwk nava) r
>, aerond claaa. end c
Jacket uniform bt serve* bla .cmattr
on the auxiliary cruiser Ta^ee M
bravaly In his humble capacUy as dM
1 fsiber <
cat uncle,
George O. Meade, the here of OetCpBe
burg. This young maii’a mothar **•
Kebecea. the .daughter .of Rear
mlrel Hiram PauMlng and llilBiinB<
daughirr of John Paulding, the leaday
of Ihe trie that captured Major Altdm.
There are the names o'
well known to fame, at ! ID otir hin.
ty tonnad
toricat annaU Is s galaxy
Bhubrlck. Bainbridge, Hall. DaSatni.
Warren. Putnam. Pmta. Hemdon, Dt^
pont. Ollmorc, Kaaray. Boon. Bbarldaih
Wilkes. TTuxton. BlIdelL BcboOald. Mao.
kensle and I’pabur.
direct or oollateiau are aarvlng
or nsry. wUls traquan^
, both branches of the serrlc
anna rvan<tanna and evaitdn
at Washington, bad two ancewtora^^b
and B. W.. who were both aecreiartes
of the navy. Every officer above the
rank of lleuteoani remembers Ibe gen' ward tba head.
Rear Admiral John X Winslow, tha
y yard.
; deacendant of colonial governor*, oflle Tilton, a cos
' ctals and noted peraonacea of Masaa' { cbucetlE
lie In command of ibe Kearcorps, living at Annapolis, waa a de- Barge on June it. 1M4. haa hla nsms
urtnlned fighter, as are the Turnbulls kept alive in UeuleoanU Cameroe
of both the army and navy He la a McR. and Erancls and fJeulenanl ComBOD of Captain Tlllcm. l*. 8. N.. whose ' inder Herbert ot the aary. one mem
untimely death in ltd waa as....
ber of tb* family being a medical Inwidespread grief. HU e.m, McDane Til- I epeclor. Thomas O. delfridge, senior
ton. Jr. la a mer.lK-r of the Michigan and junior, father and son. are both
naval reeei-vea aKl haa been enrolled rear admirals on the retired list, but
tor active service on ih- lakes
the younger roan al C Is'still capable
Lieutenant Coirmsnder John .i. H. of much active aerrloe. Erederick D.
Oraat by acceptlag hla lately proffered
colonelcy la evidently anxloira-to have
bU West Point education uUllaed. and
hla son, V. 8. Grant lit. la to be ap
pointed a cadet at West Point In com
pliance with an almost pathetic appli
cation addreaaed to the presldeni of
grafted upon our history.
Commander B. Dana Greene, wbo dl«4
in ISM. a descendant of General Na
thans^ Greene of the Revolution, wbllw
a Uvalenaal vlnually fought the hat*
lie between Che Mnnitnr sad the Mend*
mac on March S. IMS. The Monltw^
wmmaadre. Ueulenanl John L. Woe*
den. who,died a year ago ks a rear ad
miral OB'the retired Hat. was wounds^
early In ihe actlnn, and Ueuleuast
Greene aaeumed command, takinff
charge of the guns In Ibe turret and
peranna|ly firing every shot until wear
the close of the aetlOD. HeUtsrreceired
a vote of thanks from the Abode Is*
land leglsUture. Hla son. B. Dan*
Greene. Jr_ graduated at the Naval
academy, bat afterward resigned and
has since been connected with electrical .
companlea He la a prominent mamher of Ihe New York naval reserrea, a#
U Lieutenant Slayton, another academy
graduate, who for year* past bag basM
an attorney In New York dty.
CaptalB Frederick M. Alger, wbo wfB
he on General Milas' staff. U a son ad
the secretary of war. Father Tbomag
M. Bherman. chaplain of tbc Foortfe
reglmeoi of theMIsaouri natlo^ gnar^
I great Ulysaes. la a son of General W. T. Bberman.
Many sons of leading ConfedaeaM
oua NaUleQcent.
are now enrolled in tbc military nervtem
the moat notable inatanec bring that ad
young Lae at West PolBt. wboec tatba^
FlU-Hugh Lae. has ao Utrly wou Ihg
dlttlngulsbed consideration of hla taM
r i|i
: .Sv ' ■ ill,
AiarL C.
J. O. BLAINE, j:
O. a. OKAMT m.
that tha larpede boat Foota oommahd- father, the daahlng mlUtary Iradcr. for them, as they could It poaalbty taka a
rolled among part In the bomtaramcni. were now
ed by Ueutenant William U Rtfdger*. whom he la named,
had been fired upon as aba waa taking bla couDlry'B defendera. Hi* mother. fully astlafled that they would be able
to "enjoy" Ihemselves. A 1 pound ahell
retldent of Washington, U
soundings In Hatanxas harbor. It was
the first Spanlab^ot Brad at tbc Aiaet- Of the most noted and moat beloved wo striking Ih* Porter In a vtUnerable spot
would have disabled If nol quickly sunk
Icaa flag in the DFesant war. Tbe iaa*a men of tbe day.
dfatgn Waller R. Gherardl, on board her. and the terrible Impact of the fooRodger* aroused s train of recoHsoa Captain Frederick Rodgeta. Ueu> tbe Nashville, la a aen of tbe lately re Jectllea fired at her can readily be Im
uaaat Commander* John X and Ray tired Rear Admiral Bancroft Gherardl. agined. but the Jack Tara, with a
The name Fremom awsikena memo bravery that deserves pwans of pralsa
mond P. and Lleutcnanl Thomas a of
the Enltad Slates navy are aU rclatlvea. ries Of the great "Pathfinder." the first and an aggressive attitude that aerins
including the naval cadet John, and bearer of the banner of tha Republican almoat ridiculous, sprang to tbelr 1
members of hUlorlcal naval famlllee party and the man wbo gave California pound rapid fire gun and poured bach
Hfce the Porters, the Ooldsboroughs. the to tbe Union. Hla aon. John C.. la a defiance. For a few minutes the Porter
pteaented her complete broadaide from
Wlnalewa. tbe Qreenss and othera.
bow to stern U tbe Bpanlah batteriea
Tbarc was originally George Waahlngand yet she steamed paat aafe and
-toD Bodgera. a eommodora, whose moth„ _____ a aox John C FramaaL Jr.. aound.
er was a. a
-When ahe was onee again beyood tbe
the third of the narp*. erbo la a naval
P. Rodger* (ICa-tsu). bad a'distln- cadet In the third claaa at Annapolla. range of the vnemya fire, there was
gulabed record in both tbe Mexican and Tbe Hin and grandson of tbe tamou* quick signaling from tha admiral's fiagCteU war*. Captain John F. and Lieu general are therefore In the naval aerv- ahlp.
"Not cue maa." wea tbe answer te
Frantenant Thomas B. are aona oi the latter.
There was tBa Maryland branch repre- eu P.. Wbo Is a Brrt lieutenant of tba SampaoD's queaUon. "How many bav*
you loatr* Further, the torpedo boat
aented by Rear Admiral John Rodg Third Infantrr.
The true Fremont eplrit was axblWt- sent back the message. "We are not Iner* <im-lUZ). at one time acting accretary of the navy, tha oou of the tamad ad at the recent baenbardment of Ran.
GaS^ Jobe Bodgsn am-Utl) of tha Jnaa. Puerto Rtoo. whan Uautanant
C Framont. eommandlng tbe'torwar of Ull.
t Porter, ouppoalng tbat a
Admiral David D. Porter, tb* aoe rt
bluff waa aattlraiy (re* tram
>thBt great Portar a* aw aaoaad war
a Bartorla. haa been a
pointed first Unite
e*. the aon of a famous nsvsl captain,
la perhaps the only officer of Greek ex
traction In the aervica. A aon of the
latter. Harold by name. Is a naval cadet
ID the third claaa The “middles" ot
year* ago. with no ogre of dignity be
fore their eyca dubbed the fatbeg
"Crawl Over tbe Cromlreea" when be
waa a claaamaie at the Naval acadamy.
Vice Admiral Blaphen C. Rowan baa
had hU fame continued In tbe pecuoaalIty of tbc two army lleutananU. An
drew B. and BamUton Rowan. Tbe for
mer, of tbe Nineteenth infantry, under
otdera grem the war department Unded
on the^Cdban coast near Bantlago re
cently and was escorted by guide* to
the ddmp of Oeilriel Callito Qarcta to
arrange tor the co-operation of tbe InBurgama In thAUvaslon ot Cuba by tbs
United Butes forces. It was a hasardous enterprise, but was happily aitaodad with complete neeeas. Re left WashIngtnn bast^. going lo Kingston. Ja-
younger George
and a man of the world, wboec dwda of i immuncs la Loulslaaa. la i aaa of tM
action have ao far baco In tbe polltleaJ I famous Confederate majo
arena ^d who now repreMSU a New j a Hood.
York city oonsUtuancy In the lower
Ensign Worth Baglay, tl
son ot
branch of congreaa It U aald be..............................
_ .
to emulate tbe example of hli ilebrat- Major •«
ed father. Gcceral McClellan.
a gallant officer In tbe aontbern army.
There are rommand-r Thomas Perry.
Tbe piealdent of the United Matas
U. a N- wboee ancestry need* no ex- baa vested in him tbe power te ap
planatton. and Oliver Hasard Fvttt Bel point annually ten young mea “at
mont. natnod after bla grealuncle. the large" to both West Potnt aad'Aahero of Lake Eric, but the grandson of napous. He selects when faaMMs tps
Matthew C. Perry, who opened the ports sons of termer oflkera srbo have sarv
ot Japan lo the world's trade In 1K3-4. ed tbelr country. This gives1 them •
He haa tendered bla yariit free t tbe prefervoee. as trace a
government with the proffer of hla In
dividual aervicea. Tbe offer, however,
was deellwd. He graduated tn the
claaa ot lit* at the Naval academy airi
served la the Atlantic squadron, but trsnm or examioation for admiaslon tP
after a enitac In the Mcdltsrraaaaa r*- rilber the MlUtafr or the Naval acade
my. Thus It la that In tha two faranc*Young Dick Meade, tbe sen of tba ee cd ocr i^lag asrvlM wn see ant*
teu Rear Admiral Rlidurd-W. MaaSa.
•octhwick, ..
Tb* atBad ledf* b
pap MOO to aba labrlst Bnjid dlatalut
for laal raar't nrrieaa. a»d alao ao praaeDI
blRi wtth a foM paat gmai dkwaaa-a
Tba graad k>d«B of UMWaaa vUl bam-
tb«7 are mj dlflarvak.
Tbara tiMf work tba Rad Croaa. aa a vbota.
Orabd Dlaiator Horlar and Otood Baai wt do. M( tba Ordrr of ttc Taopla-ti portar Blnall art poablag lblB«* aloat Ib
diridad Into tbrea aaparata dacrtM—ria. Uarrlasd
Keatoa. Uftailatloa aad C<
«. a. um.
•■BptOTMIll Ot
for Arid work,
ertr Tuporeralof
^ Uw iDctMi bar.
IBC tMiD obtataad
thioush tb«r «(forw TlM drill
taui* ban ■Ifo
•oBtrlbDWd Urg*‘
I; IB BddlB( M
Oaorga H. Babr*. tba taoeotTp
dliiitad grab^ atartarworkBiaB. hat prom^ to«l** bit b»^t aBdoiTon toward ta. «arlBg a.000 BOW reenbaa dorlog bit
gviBofBffle*. dodge Babn U kDowB for
Mb aal for tba order, aod hu aleotloo wm
MaolraoiH. DorlBg tba peat pear ba wa
—------ d fretB grand orcreaar to gradU
0 bp raaaon of tb
tbtdaaibof Qraod
IB A. P. Uarkap
Aa AaeleDt Order of Collad VerktsaB
MlaBoari niada a gain of got donsg tba
■aatb of March.
A «aw A. O. V V. laapla U eeniatslyd foatba good of tbaoedaral bouib
Tba (•» (or tba ihtaa da«raa of kUaoaty
IB Moibar K1Iw1bb1b« lodfO. Ko. I. 6«eaUDd. b } ^IllBii and lUpsnaa
Of tba M wanaat oaosban of THaraa
B PraainaB obaptar of Pbtladdphte. omatltolad ■> ymn aco. IT an «m allra
Tba HaaoBle Ubrarp aaaodatlea at Let
Aopalat aaama to be ao aarared tocrwa
T^eo casta par arantb tram tba owiBberabipof eaefa lodca la roearlbBtad, tod dosaUoDi art eomlBK la raep aattafaetorllp.
fary oi
loisbla, wat railed a Hatter Haaon I
NaptbaU todga. Ko U. at Sv Loolt (
bit praaant ollka It
Tbt Haaonlc boma of F
ineeatad fondt atsoontlng to glOS.eiA
Tba total donation In mooap to Iba borne
IB doBaUoo dap wat g«.Wg.
Tbat«4t none too bomblt iB tbaenft to
bacoEM Iba manat of a lodge, aad. todaad.
It la a laodable ambItlOB ao to do. None
tbookl an Idlp Ib tbt ladgarooiB wlib bo
daalta to mob tba Ugbtr rask of tba
to make Iti reaolar oonrocattoDi rrrj at
tr*' (lra bp a apneinat'lo and matiDlfloaut
rendltloo of tbe riiotl
Ortroul eomoiiedeiy.. Ko 17a. atLacroaae. Wla.. bat loade applloalloo l«
cbaupc lie pUor of oeaUng to MadlODO
iBd lu fitise to1 UadlaoD oomtBaBderp
A B Unaburp It grand oummanda)
I Saw Jetaep.
Of Tan:
. bB«a at* btfaw
iak^lOf I
ol ^orpoae
igtin-fact (hai the apedea
aelrptad lor tm-ding
tifaroei thsi can ba foiuid.
On the ahalraa and ce tbe floor are
gUw jar* and boxea with glaat eiiko |
eoutaining a great rarien of planbi, |
Well, they’re here, is all the latest styles.
Qnalities to Riit evei70ne. Ladies', j^ts’. boys’, miss
es'aad child's sizes.
Best assorted Hoe of work shoes we have j
ever shown. Prices $1.00 to $2.00.
hatchorp ia twofold. In the find place
U it deeiied to itndp their hiat(B7. be
anie knowledge on tbii irabjec* pieldt
pointer* aa to tbe beet method* of at
tacking them. Partioiilarir It it dMirabir to diaorrrer what paraxil** pn? npOD than. Tbe hot ia that every Bpecica
haa Ita paiacitic eoemieA and cate of tbe
moat effectire method* for attacking a
peatlferoQ* bog i* to ideotily ami aoutinge tbe tutiltiplicBtloB cf iu inaect
Morning Record Want Ads Pay!
Ooeof then:
bred in the inarctary U the-toot bole
beetle." It U ao called beanie of qi
Isn’t Ever>^hing,
Soprame test annoonoaa tKat all death
or diMibillip eU)n>t oocMloscd bp air
kalgblt engaging in mllitarp dutp In tba
win be boDored and paid, and patmUc air
knigbtt can go to tba frcot with tbit at- bcr young.
auranve of protactton.
When the paraaileaf ao injnrion* io■ect ia found, it ia coddled and petted.
£Soria .arc made to eoconiige it to
breed. EveDtiiBlIy it ia let looae ekperi
mentally cm an infeetcd tree or other
plant. Fione beetles, which are to the
inaeot world what boata of prey arc to
the mammal kingdom, are prc^mgated
and placed where they will hare a
toaoce to (eckle their rictima Futgua
This Poverfti^ War Vessel Will Beinforce Ad>
miral Dewey's Fleet at Manila.
We know, and joq know, too. Therefore
in telling you of
New Idea Patterns;
To die aod leare a lagacp of porertp to
dhaaadepaBdeBtupoB poataarimUial .
■f of boaor of Iba C
their VITill
The bnran of enioiDolc«y ia breeding
parmiitBa of tbe eonon bnU weeril—(be
Inicot that is doing ao moch damage to
oolton in tbe KmthweaL Other bsgi
tinder pn^iagatlcxi are the barer th^ inrade* oak tree roota, (be aole inaecC of
tbe peach, the ootfouy maple aole and
the ciwwote aole This last U fouid on
thecTeoHoteslirob all throogfatheaoBthweet Tbe ahrnb itaelf is not of importanc«. but the anfaetabce of the Rale
formed by the inaret makes an eseellent
commercial qnaiiry of shellac. TbeJapanoe abellac is obtained trcoi a etmiUr bog.—New Toto World.
AW paar for tba order.
tVfpta Uak Hotaa.
Tba MlatrtBg from tba Taaeonaar OoImbtaa bat mart troth tbaspoatrp Ib It:
**To eoBferdegraaa It boI tbe great featni*
to a frataitial bodp.. Tba Miowtbip. tba
MaBdtblp, that bood of bbIob that at.
waata tba broibarbood. la Iba chief alts
Bow eaa It ba dcraloped or oolUealad
'arbas poo are abaaot, or wban preaent
ggiroillp flbdlBg taoll with Iba wap tba
work la baiitg doaar'
/A BOW Odd Pallowa- bonding wat dadl-
Tbe iMitar Heanrey wat tba flrat of tbe donbJe tBireMd ooaal Mmm
moaitor* to be deeigned and Unbcbrd. Sb« wai boilt on tbe Padflo 00B«t and
non «1.800.000. Her main amameDt ooaaitti of two mooeiBr 18 inofa and two
10 Inch riflaa.
bB*a paaaed taaolollotit to keep brotbart
Who aoUtt IB tba amp Is good ttandlbg.
na Rabakaba baea baas In aalairaea Geoeral
Sir G- _
------ ....
■ aerar faltered or d
p. bat en tba oostra
rward asd opward
—I'lrp. D 0 If. of.
Spain may obpert to oor wanibipa bnt
' aguiuM onr fmit n. lik< ly to be of <.
Udn t.r
-lib ‘“'OJ
bookt in open lodge I tnitt tbit U tbe ,
5^an Juee Hole ha» iBfeeted «
Th.-y *ay y.iu an »e noe
dbaaa dapa, for eoattnoaoae In oSoa bringt «nlyoi>r Inoordltlrlrt that te gamp of
aocboD klaaonlcprooedni*."—Indian Ha-1 thtiw hull- iTaCtinn, <iu ihe no*t U-mon
sobU Berlaw.
1 that yon buy, finnicUtl. <if cvmrec. (hat
naote tnembatfloftea apokof
Tto grand ledge of Callfarale problblte . the lemon bar <>u il a liny bbirk aiack.
^-laa of Odd FeUowablp and w
balletlB bp a lodge, wblla Exiiniine the K|vi-k nud<-r a ttniug magbetwflta pooDg men caB darlrs.
re. mu
will diiMirerthe
BftoB forgaa
forgaathat (betrowB sonsP*"****■ “»«»■»“
, nifyiiig glaa. and
wot e« tbe fold.
The grand eeetelarp of fibode IsUnd le-' Kn Narp E. Partridge. H V grand —a xmaj poturv with leg*, wing* and
-rwa togbtfalllBZofr In tba tBetobar^ matron of
geeml grand ebapter of
lie it a iiiuHt pudiferutu and
States. Order of tbe F.aeterB <Uugtm,u» 1'1,-ititAt in the world, taiug
of tbe iobonllnate lodgee and a tUgkt the VolMd Statea.
Star, will twaa tbe tummer mitlBg ebap
■ In tbe Bebeksb bnnoh.
.- ■ tare end grand ohapleieon bar Jonrnep diflicolt Pi gi-i rid n( airi evil m all
iehekab £>dge
bsbili- Hicakee tbe life <>at of
eastward, leering bar borne In Alameda bir
•t, li
Re draw* tbe
Blptdlng ,boo,jn»*l Tbe genetal grand chapier
SWMBL Tbe name of I_______
» Kutiw-» i—S.7- joiit- -fniiu the mr-e so that they wither
Vooia. VbitmaraeoBM bedetlredf
and dll', and be pmTnga(<« with grat
■e la prealdeat of tba
Sahakah amamblp of Onurlo.
1* pot bora diaixivered.—lUrper t BbKNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS.
Vbaa pou aae a broeber golag la torUd||1 ton paths and pou oera attemj
P< M
him, (
ork In tba lodgetBam mip
■BtTvU ll.ata!l n( tbe inembere
dre locBlietfor tbe war. If necer
>lild bate their dum paid dorlog
__ WDoe. SBd In oate Ihcp are killed the
toU fOBetal bencHiof llUVeball be paid
dB khair famlllee
It It euted that Past Great Inoobonee
CUarlesn Lltcbnmn will change bit ml
toaos from Merblebead Hate. , to New
grk. K. J. Hi- win. bowever. retalB bit
iDbertblp in old No 1
'-_Jhe total ameu of tbe P<
^'"^e's borne tilK.STB.
Tbaordar In Otwui la making axosl
’ iMtfCBgTamaad rrfll double ibemembardSto dorlng tbit great ton The great
gwtoHB le kept butp InaUtoUog bow
••Doyon Uke any atpek Id any of
(bese woman trlgbu movenjeniaf"
-Well. 1 ibiok the wiaeai and ofeM
eosrm for mao la to cosoede to wcanan
•eary right that tbe reailr waoit."
-BDt what doea tbe rally wantP’
maiMirt Ib Chief Pblllp T CelgroTe of
"Ah, DOW yoo baee got down to tba
Baetlnga. Mtcb Behind thla organlaed
aod drilled rone are <60.000 kBigbie. wbo. ml problem.'•
And au aylng (be wiae man abowed
bla w iidom by making a qolet mak.
Iforme end bear m
for ibere are tome things (bat are be
yond (be ken of man.—Chicago Pott.
if tbe oslform rank ii
well drilled ai tbe natloul goard of tbe
; eereral atataa
“Tour majeaty will remember." said
| willksm A. Craft of Oaorer U tba eom- the Cbloeae pbilusupber. "1 told yos
' masdor of tba Colorado brigade.
long ago that a mas ongbt to ooant a
, The ontronn rank It made opof pontig. bandred bafiire getiiog augry.”
I atHebodled neB Tbetaberdrtll It Md
"Vat,” replied the emperor wearily
as be looked orer (ha indemnity scoba
Jamea R CarmbaB le tbe major giDatBl Id hli obeokbook. "yoor adTioe was
Ib oorumaod of tbe
vrotp-erecB oo .
I battelillooe that eompoaa the nlss
man taxiooaly.
"If yoB wanta me, Creorge," said
to« young lady from tbe banka of tbe
aertlOatm writtsD. It rraa bHlerw] tbe Wabato decidedly, "paw wen't take oo
If poo Intend to do anp work before bol j “"Hjl
k^^HngU e^tlon^Md tost etand wbataomehaweret. Paw will peat
toke a back aeat. SaeT-Rew York
' eertlfloatta Itsoed from toe bead JconaL
■sat bottle end ooDDl yoor rlctorlse
I May. wUb a fighting ebaooa In June j elrrk-aolBoe. and April will Dot dUappolBt
Atsh tb*
lanndMt It
1* th.
to# arte
ordaa w..
was foonded
-----------. tour of eoouUla (o careXgr ibeir member*
to« be BuabU to oars (or (barn-
Kslglit* aad (Adi*, af B*bot.
TIaeMpwteof tba grand ludge of Call-a show that toe adnlDlstniikiti of
« Pretsetor Hra Bella W. Conrad,
man who baa e*sr held -that
oiMBprlaea fiO i
Tbe daeraeca
■ eooftaad to eeeUl
H oaiy- wblU (be namber
Whatfc«r Maybe You ,
Don’t Know
In Dreat Good* yon can
probably Bod is oor stock.
Handsome new effects in sty
lish matenals an here for
yoor epproral.
npoD I
to bold tbe pipe in pneitino
tbe curvatore <•! the liperound tbe stem
and tbe mtucla bi-.ume mure rigid here
than in other pnru Tbos the lipe at a
•certain |ioinl beonne i«tn«i|hiT. and tbe
ptpi- is nn«m*eion»lT b.-ld in the tame
habimal pnsicioii.. .After long motiuoaDim of the habit, email eirraUr wnoklee fiinu iianllel with the corvanire of
the li]si armiud the stem. Thi'eo are
CToawd by liner liD<-s aimed by tbe
pnat-tire cd tbe lips to retain the Hem
In p.«tiiBi.In thecaaeof men wbo hare smoked a
pijie fur ri-are tbe effi^^t opim tbe lipa is
Twy tnark.'d. b-g only altering the form
of the lip*, bnt Ilf gue enure stde of toe
face, aueing the wrinkle* (bat are toe
result of a
ful lowing
wrinkle*, tc^chaugi- their cuoreo ao a* to
iBiliaU; from toe [wrt id the tnuolh
where toe pipi' is habimallT earned.
Funliermore. oue or both lipa often
protrude, just like the Upa cd people
who cuwd to suck tbeir thumbs when
childmi. The effec-r* of pipe smolring
opim toe teeth and lower paw* arc erra
more appan-uc than in the ease of the
lipa If any nian who ba* urnrAed a
pil* Xor a connrteruble Iragth of time
will take tbe trenhie to examine bta
own twto. be whll find that at tbe point
where be usually bolds the stem 1«tween hit teeth Hie Utter hare beoiBne
wortL—UedicaJ Record.
Tbe parasite of malaria was deacri^ad^
by Lareran in 18S0. Little la known <d
it creo now, howerer, bftt Mr. A. Ii
(irifilD statee that moaquitore may pUr
on important part in its cvoIntiocL. and
that toe gt'tms may be carried to toe
human body by a»r or water while en
cysted in toe egg* of these inrect*. or a
(Doaquiui onming from a ,„^l■r,■l padrat may cemvey toe InfecUoo directly
W another perwjn. Air is toe usually
Boppoeed medium of infectiao. altoough
there la sDcsig iwidaBae chat water aUo
wvy CBRy it. In the Ute Asbanti
Ur^ data of aiwmo are mid to bare
proTcd mare eSeotire ae a remedy than
On aocount of the dUBculty <M aaaindlating Iroc aa a medicine, a* it generally
.(atiglua toe itamach. e Prenchniau haa
■ought to introd one it into'tbe atomach
in a digesible maimer by what be teniii
(erraglnaDa enca Hana on diges iron
eagily, While rendering it back throegh
BdvlB—Ym would not take toal toealhtunea of their eggs in a farm
cbarteted. and oo HSreb 81 (bare
totol of 8M.t _____ .bare ingood ttbcUof mine (o baa MDaMeejiUai at which Uea*nrdigt«ted by toe weaktr
btandlBg. Tbe 8U0.<.000 mark la sot raey j all. would youl
hi ca xnanktud A celt of iroo U
o the b^ wit]
B^riBbld—Be OOTtainly doaanot look
Tbe dally sreraga of boaUtr butlD
thne medioto .
BOW being laaiied la 18 TfaU Is getting
npt to wheat a day make toe bmia, after three
be e gtat (atuia of onr eoolety, and
or four daya. lay ogga which are resy
Uatt 4.000 Weodises
alrody digeoied.—Fhilahonor.
delphU Record.
Head OoBaul Nortoeen predlett that
witotn toe east l( yean we will bare a'
aembarablp of orw 8,000.000.
priteJ when bU adranafy'a MbmraaabSome of tbe natire women of AoctieIf that Mead yoa Spoke to has net ysf
lU lare a aaeer idra oi beao^. They
}olBodtbeHoderaWaodiD*B, JnatiaeBtlaB addownotthU aknlL"
"1 don't aaa that btBwdbdVBbaa oat (beouNlrei witb ebMU. keep toe
(SCI to bim agate
thatt It la toe btM
for a long tlM and wSm
ViB tba world. •MonlAad.”
"Ab. bnt mwitaar eMb a
M they beal hag* man are toe r*Mll.
Oamp «1»< of Morlty. U-. bm tokoB la
amwlwedbU bead betea.''—Ptok Tbeae enan are «Mm*d Ughly oam•I warn mambtea ttnoa Fah. li.
While we place considerable imporlance on the price
—10c for any style—we place mnch more importance
on tbe absolute correct fitting qualities, on the pro
gressive styles, and on tbe economy of material used
and the simplicity in construction, of these popular
patterns. We sell hundred of tbe New Idea Patterns
every month, aod we have not yet had one complaint
about them.
Carpet Prices
Are a reanlt here of oar
baying directly from the mills
that make the carpets. Upto-date deeigne, sod qoalitiee
that are dependable- Prices
atari aa low aa you'd like.
Silk Waists
In pretty etylea. hand.
od at prices
to please yon—fEIS to $6.60.
Garnieate are all new. Other
Waiata. too, 35c op.
Of the saperiori^ of oar
Men's Blict
Clay Worstef Saits
At S8A0 over saita yooH
find at othar atorea at this
price. We term them our
"worlid-bieatetB” and yon'U
•gres with os in asyiag we
- are right, if yon’U look at
thase aaits. Sack, Squat*
Cot oc'CuUway atylw.
Hats, Caps, &c.
Or whatever you may
need is fumiahings, yoo can
likely fiod here, and tbe
prioaA'wai not be extrava
gant No sacrificing cf qualities, Dor of correct atylaa.
BdUbh Dry Goods, CupHiid QotUid Hooi.
An Elegant Souvenir E
Given Away^cx
We have an elegant Embossed Fan with the
double American and Cuban Flags that we will give
away to each customer as long as the stock lasts-.
They are something that is most apfn'opriate at
this season, and are very artistic. As
supply is
limited only one will be given to each customer.
CITY bookstore
280 Frost Stiwet
raa mobvivo bboobd. buvdat, vat », ime
|Fc« 9t Halt Fair 8es on the
Way <0 the KlondDce.
I BAIT siE^BHiFS m luennii)
I ^
liftn BmOTt. AlMkft. Much >0B««« yon *rta tried to keep m Morer or teeing the rtffbt
ii tbewiod blowing ■ g»K
, tbe niWCTiry bfw whirling, eddj
te»« tbw there eboeld be. If thw nw
ONE OF THE CLEVEREST TRICKS PERright here, where there le eo an* ne^
Very Ut^ ia known by tba geowal
of good Dordiig. to mseh diOeoKy in
pnblio abou qoickraad. and that licUe
Montog wholevnne ud well cooked
la ornally obtained frtra.noTeU. Boch
food end no mnoh cell for wordi id
Infonnatlao U oanally ^wraog. being
eoalort and hope. I uanwrecwelooed
Dornpoeed of. a pinch of traib and a
ttan ever UhewiM that ee » rale worn*
bandftU of ficticei. The eCTimtimal dotmaenMoDd
the no railed
W. B Canlk in The Sdenllflo Ameraeen e good many ataooiiragra mta. not
tfaot tar ba*« eomeaaroea hot ooe wool- iaan explalna the myMeriooa vaae trick
ao who wiebed faerralf back in her old which haa long been a teTorile among
borne in the htatea Thia woman oauie
leiaiu. ine .nieinni of the aodl-1
tn» the pralriea and. ■
the yagged. rocky, alto
ed with
ritb water which la roaUng cm a" I ^
poee v.
be fill.
lUla .
• t»rir.e with
betgbta eo ntil and ai
light Band. Thu
Urge; dora not in ora
tlgn of life, a
here if
I he diaina the water off from the botoctagon celery gUaa In the n »tbere|
her xatber than to inapire
are a few- 6nt flowen. which the per-1 tom,
the mnd will be foond wt^lgtd
peace. I called on
at be oalU attwition
to I Bnuly
in place, and if the
lake the other day who hae a pretty (onnerBremorra
•od'the deer water it »'»»»>«>«■ j miwmred■ it will be fotmd to equal 80
Ip In a olomp of treea. Her bubaud
Decoration Day
May 30....
You want Flags—We hare them—
a large assortment.
How will you trade your money—our Flags.
Markham Kock.
_________ m and forced yoo to paddle
•bpnlUiB-Terallnohraof iJn*b.blMkeiij ,j^y.^ Kew Vork. Boatoo orChloe. roant On removing the
I 1*1 poimda
irte'and wood alwdotvly reft^
j gcLT^rrmrirwoman t» rarnTT-d at' ^
If If #A yon oan tof
»»«• ooraher brother. When 11
croeoope, will be
hai-e rounded
alcmU {demrarra of oanip life in Alaaka
CraMT laka. I do
nver asnd. w disringuishtd
dsring thia perbape moat crying month Btaeve of tbe lake, bat ligbt on Ibe uw
• »ban>” mud. which
(ff the year. On tbe euanrer eoming up of the lake itself. Bbedoes all tbe uook- trick U to coma Tbe magician bare* from angular
the other,
a gentleman tried to tom me back at iog fv ire men. whom bar brother amthat is used in the hoor.qnicki
that lace day.
ploys, aa well as for bertarotber bimralt.
If you have read Marie Corelli's great work yon cao*
glaae and in the smaller egg boilers,
"Do yon know what barddsipe yoo It may be Imagined that U twqoiree a
wHlbare to endorer be nrged me«l good deal of food for eix workingoieo
becaoso it does not, obeenn'the inntf not belp but admire the character of the heroine—“Tbelanly. "Why. partneradeeeft ptpt- in ebU allmate, bot this slip of a girl
b UteloBg frleoda become bitter en- la eqoal to tbe task. At borne she made'
” This is also true of the latest perfume named “ThelI the quality
m. and hnibanda and wlvea oome to tbe drararts and doeted a little. Bare
inickly to tbe
’’ You cannot fail to admire its exquisite and lasting
hata each other."
■be niskee greet pou of beaus, frle*
b U not qnlta at bad ai that in tbii qnaotiilee of ham. baker luammoib
this the bockeCfnl uf sand most be load odor once you have tried it. For sale only by
np, for tbni far all reigni aereae. bnl Iraras of bread that mem almoB enongh
ed with wetcr from below and made to
there are eironmatanoei that aotely try to eopply a bakery ra reetanranL But
orerflow eery slowly, Tbe upward cornoe'a patienee. I woeld not adrlae a abe ir aa obeerfnlaa thoogb ab« enjoyed
runt will be found to loosen the mnd
bride to ehoom tbii trip for a hooey- it all and gUd mat sbe ran belp her
and to raise tbe eurface. arpaiwtiog and
1, nnlera the were a woman who farotber. To me sbe aeemed tittle ehort
lubricating the fmrticlea ao that tb^
M the beB of eTerytolog, ou matter
easily dispUrvd.
what bappeoa and it wise enongh. like
TrSTurae City,
The bucket no
BTerBabUt, tn"keepou myln nafln. "
If Onida.
of do«A "oald
and this mnd frtim the rappat it iw
walk from Bbeep Camp to Baooett, ber
oelTui ti«(B the water has its weight <r
dsbip* 1
supporting power ndnecd. In the dry
besten. half atarred and luo heavily Ja-1 tnbB tbe mk in the raau ait cilk band- ■rate it weighed nearly IH pounds, but
den dumb brutei that a eiory to '
*■kert^iefs and
■■ two
- lighted randlea. each if weighed in the uaur it is reduced to
article being pcrierily dry.
vld wunld sorely n
8*1, pounds, and its mobility prorcuU
Tbe muaua hr which thu-_^------„„ —
paeaibihCT is p^urmed are'baslni^e as any animal from walking ou it . Tbe
mirture of rand and water weighs quite
the Criuk ia myeteriaoa, aa the foUowliig
or nearly
will ihow: In the cunkir <rf te^^rawv 11* pounds per mbic
wwchlng from dde to nde and frran Ibe twice the weight of water, and bulk fra
bottom to within a half inch of the top, bulk nearly twice tbb weiglft of a man.
but it is too thiek to ewim iu. and tbe
U a pieu) of polished mimir. The side
edges of tbe mirror rest in tbe i iglta cd 1 Pt'tvou engolftd would soon be too ox-
To Cure
^ ^ di. of
if no, drownod bj u
I That Spring Cold
Use Rose’s Fine Expectorant.
I mostly within the i
od in the mirrar, leaves tbu
t be swallowed by the
that you are looking directly through
the vum when in rtiality yon aeeoSLly ^uirkmud becatue it is m muefa bravier
D his body
one-half of the insid&
To the back uf this mirrar Uattaohed
a water tight tin box. in wbn-h are plac
ed nil small silk bunilkon-hiffs and two
sklss CvesT
candlos. Tbo extenor of the box and
back uf the mirror are painted a ddwd
black color.
^ ^ B^oe .rf Chidwgo bm not }
color, Cnough
tlnongh water Is pitmid
Into the vaae to teach the top edge ol, omvuKxsl tbo wu-utiflc world ^
the mimtf. In the water is dianolved , ; ^ turn antini.aiy, -tc. into ^d. bot
Buall portino of iroo irotranliJiaUv A j
r-c^-ntly published
.uaily pure
tewenltKmvrs are pul ml., tbe vase. 1 Take
eh- mawily
pure Buiuuoay
which Is tb.T) placed <ai the ctand, with flv.. [mns. RUliibur km porta lirai
four (nrla Plsme
the luirrur side to tbe
raudloi ligbkd.
a wbit.- ub.al.
n-ni.iv(d and ■ "*'* ••xi»»e ... •
—k or 8,000 Aftd-r tbe fli
M that 1 a
hxndk.-rvbief lsl«.iT..wpd Oh- magician A-gms.. frr>m eight u.-IS bonra. Powder I*
CadAeolimb snob an easy
well to ,
. tt^keettery must be far more beaei
--**y ***** ■ *““«
"P™ "
tbe siag.
slog. ;; ^
fingers a taaall l.wnpvBuul.Md pvT-;'"‘•■‘••1“'™'* '*«' nielal
“”•'*** w ith the
possibly t.,_
thorn wbo cannot tpe^ fa .his ...
AviDt* than it cani .posdbly
Ibis k...k
with ebattswl ..tk.
ime fort. lift
' .
V I .,______ I____d. .. k..a
gammer. Oartalnly no pbotogrepbs
ibemaelvea and it is bard to determine OgaUic utid, which he dn<ps in iho
soda. #
tCT iu front uf Ibu mirrur in the art .J
b^B to do jnstioe to the tamblnatiosi'^^lAcb suffcia ruo*L
me-' ^
covering the van- with tb« handker
- 'aemtod praki, covered with deep' bimca tbe mnlee. tbe otmi
•F.-w that aeemi carved like marble. ^<^b draurvee prefuund pity. Tbe ergo- chief, In a very few momeucs liiu l.a- talliu lumuo is oblainnl. Bourify and ; .
1 this mMallic maae. and the re-'
damllng lo the nnligbt.t. or to tbe deep'baou ibemselves are stroggliDg and
suluiig hud will bo gold and silvir.
.-jd tbe softer abade'•training ouder uiiaocoeioroed IobU.
UtMof tbeglocieru'andt
Mr. Urin- mys that Buben W. Hunt,
y over an.
alL Tbe
sum-' They
are ——
olteu weary ------------to faintteg.
and-| ---------ter. «bicb
in Wcdutiuti ihu iron
of tbe elondleof Ay
*—d —-------- btdds
— —-----------------------rav trail follows along tbe edge of tbe | tome ol them ere already dishoarleoud. { ptotoaulphatc. tochoogo to a good black brad uf tbu lieuling firm of muuillnrgical cbc-miicti m Chirago. made a trac of
cunyoos wfaile tbe winter one is oror' Y«-l they idod «n, iullowlng an alloring - ink.
On removing Ibe bhndkirclikf with this funnula fra Becn-tary Gage and rv- ^
I bed of tbe rirera. The traveler U mirage or will o‘ lb- wisp which]
them j which thu vtus- was (viva-red ink is sm-u pomd that bu got hub gold and silver. I te
'Aut In between bIgb
bigb wall! <d dork.: gl«m> “d
•• ** *x*k'
it or j to have Uk«'d tbo place «f tbe water, and Mr. Uuut nwlized ralv a fuw dollars to |
-1 on. Whether tber will erer rescb
the ttsi. Bnuu says bo will Bsmy 11,600 j W
wtl ebange to one I frtau the <-unter of thu vaau the i-erf<i
I and below , I whether tbe picture will
lo tbu tun in guld and silrur.—Popular I 0
I' of desolation1 and aeepalr
aeepai< tio one eau my. ,* er rviiKwra tbe dlk haudkuruhieds
I 0
ttcioura Nuwk.
^tcT^e’ipS?rf^be; "Oold, gold." mid ■ dish
The flr« aection of onr engraving
« Ibe & of the rapids I to me tbe other day. "WlhstwillDOti
arttecioi atrao.
' ^
do in tbe bnpe uf gold?" Another ahowa ibi- vuw of watra un tbu sIiukL
whole oolor scnemebi'mlods me of
ter has uhaiigud to ink. with the magi anifluiai stouu which is said ki stand te
Bbe would never forgive
of the winter eeeues of Verestebagin,
- ^
<mly no aril« ran match 1L Even tbe I «»•<* l»ok now,
........................ we bare bad two within ' 1* rarrylng aa many men to Uawaon aa
iplu one, and
a tbu iugrediuiiis of tbe 0
grandeur lUiu
and pictor-1 **>• *>Fl‘rf
■ ..x-KijueuF
— »*«» *^7 ««■* B*ln U to be thovBM. with oae aide Im.kra at
■tnou.. ubiofly
and mnd. are not ex- ] ^
ubiufly Hmu
■buwlug uctached lu tbe tsii-k of
raguenem that oomp-usate the lovra of bad tbare.
mirror tin- tin nicvptoclo that oootaiuf praisivu naunindilios, so that i
Blsxc-rx NicnoLfi Hiu.
■ature in her ttmp<nin6ne mood* fra
artificial prodnot will b
tbe haudktn-hiufa and nuiditm.
oeoaiderable pbyainal disxamfiirt.
g the Baaery OlrL
ablu to comi«-te
irraL '
. ^
and sand, hai mg
ui bran thuruugbly In- 1-te
gennine artiole in Waabingtoo now.
Many people will be nu-)iriead to corpuiauvl. an- pamed into moldiii§: ?
adays," mid ibn proprieiot of a well know that there le a eutcuiitlu way uf boxra which may bo of uy oonvunuaic. Wx
tbe Blow, which when meU«l quickly,
rrauurant to a Poat reporter,
walking op Btaira A phyNiumn. in toll kiie or khapt-. aud tbrae are piaoed ]
toea tirngfa any ^rmeni unless it be,
ing bow it ia done, aays Umi usually a within tbe <movertcr. Water at high .
ef thick rubber. When tbe H.,.hliig l.',bon oousimpuiled hr her mao friend penira will tread on thu ball of bis foot premuru and having a high Woipergtui
in »nk<-f- each step. This is distinctly a is th.-u pumis-d into the cunvurtra I
meUaupnoiL bnl asadon at tbe wear.T,
j,er In a resumont bai paeaed. so tad practiev. It wean and Un» the mna- rauau tbu msvMiary chumiral nnitn bo- .
clea oa it throws Uiu untliu susimudud tweou tbu lime aud saod. and tbe mold
S^T.Ld*b^MoJlSf^wt7f“'t *"
'■ oo^^'fo'x* »*
weifdil of tbe body on thu muai-lus uf the ing buxus are also submitted to a ten
> beaitb
Where fuel is
peiature of about 400 dsfireee P. by tl
B and the lent
It ii
ia email
all. it is by no j to just pock skimpily at a mlad or nme- !««■ and fu-t In wiUkiugop stalra the notion of suprabealed stooin. In about ^
point to be secured U Uie most eqoal
tbing like that to abow him wbat a distributiun of the body's weight iwBd- 80 h«nn tlie snrplus water is run off. «
epirliutile. u-Abetio natnre ibe poeeem- blu. The feet ohouldbe^dacud aquarely but the beat is otatinued, in order to , w
aa Wu oexd to get bnrdus of girls like OD tbe step, heel and oU. and then the letunve moisture fixan tbe muldlng | ^
that—girls that yoo ooulrt toll by ibeir work ebould bo done rii
general expression were uotbiug xbrat atoly. Ill this way there
of rtrenuoi fur a good, aqoare meal, DO any luoacle, but each
lOh raie dura
] and tbe stone within them is iwoctioaUy ] •
but who. in conformity with (be me- duty in a natural maimra. The practlae
ibetio Idm, would only make little (ff bending nearly double when aacenddaba and pokei at tbe stuff tbelr eoeona tng Ktalra in extremely perulciona. It
prednete te nature s tet-^i-ry, | J
ordered fra them and (bgn probably go crarnra the Inngi and makes the heart,
home and ooneume all the oold etuS work harder. A eligbtly forward lothey could rake out of tbe rufrigpratra. Olinadra is all that la neoemary to
"Tbe average girl that comes lu bore
t up I
now, however, eats just about as much
At the Unitid Stalra torpedo staticn
■ Ubo
at Newpart&smokelem powder has been
developed and te nmd In the rapid fire
gnns up U six Inobee oaliber. and te In
**re ffogtes
tended as WoA tor gnns te aU cnllbere.
at tbe diabes *M before bar like a hired
Hartford's teg self jwopelling fire en
atira a bard day of barveatlng. gine Jnmbo U being exhiteted all over
rooennioae,. wiu me anmBT of
and Is ecB- tirai te oboot l« permnt te nitzotes of
L am ]
barium and pteamium. and a Bnall
____ laMirtokaeptbedotbmdry. We ■way with a btker'e doaon of teg Wed ku,„rn. Until laB ymr. wb«i the -y-ra
ted Riood deal of doknem all .along oyetare ai a oittlag, and then
V an not dupUcnle was built fra the BoBoo da- in thofram teteeetoraribbons 16-1.000
which is not aurpriilng wbes many men who do tbaL A veiy dainty partment. it was the laigrat fire raigiaa te tbe enlibra of tbe gun, and in length
itlaeoaeldecedttat in nod teoU tba IraAing. eleoder young woman oamt in te tbe world. Its weMdtt is 17,000 eqnaltothat te tbee powder nharnher,
■ ^ dtemranbbB may bq vp te 60 ooe min- brae yaoteeday, her beau along with hof, poondA Tbe diameter of the bolter te
and tee oyte up five gaud steed lamb 40 tnebew cyllnden «)k inchsA pumpa
-u---------- ..V ^
Inobee and temgth of Broke 6 Inohaa
: glna.
,te^b«dAiB|«»w»Mradovennrlie pfopalUng power te wonderful. It is HiBtaoeUulom te aDoBira tern te fim
capabte of oovecteg a mite in (hraa ootacm and rantea from Mating oontB
mlnaUA but te aeidom iw at that Apaad. •bra with ■iBtenoM.
a~ f-i—
‘ heartily."
iKcoorsm^ i
BMdl. Bnildin;.
is taking many bookkeepers, Sten- #7
• .■§
j J ogxaphersand Teachers from their pOvjf i
sltioiis. Some 006 must fill these placea J ^
iE If you are not prepared for this work Wt
5 enter the Traverae City Business OoUese S
at once and be ready to fill one of these w 2 placea For terms, address
C. E. DOCKERAT, ^ »i
E-xoi.3?±BSoar. B. J
> tor* Itotb tut U
aecimdtba ballooD and bad Jollied mS.
Her wtmla nettled me. '
^Deot Baauj. a plaaaant aifbt, to to
UNUKE OUR MERCHANrs. l®£g\9/S««A«\S/Sb/S'S^'S'S/Sb/g\S'8A9«e\S«d
• Beeana Tm Age Wea
To be a “mercbaiit'' in tbe
made 1^ anawm. bat peered farto tba
id aeventaenib oentnriee did not
' f.
idow all tbe mora eagerlj. 1 aaw
bln rlw and throw blmaalf at ber feat, nocreiefily that one was fullowing tbe
•tin letalBteg bar baud. leawbiallfa pc*A'< fnl bosinem wbicb (be name of ^
ibani Wi'.Tv to mind now. Xheavmove and notioad bar bead abake from
•Me to aide. At lait be arur. and— Ko
one wa* piepated fv wbat followed, at cnUnl p bi
.tlieo used to fit obt flecu and aweep U
leait I waa noL
Wltb aqoirk motloo be teooght fartb mao. capturing pHsee and raiding B]<ai
piatol. plaoed it agaituit bia temple lab eolonlea. Drake was a type id tbe j'
t roarlncr erf ibooe daja and it '
and deUberatelj polled tbe trii ^
admitted that
tbat it
It it a
mrloos ' ^
Saab, followed bj a aharp :
agonising shriek, sud a elood
**«> ‘‘‘I* «> W* bnsi-1 S
told tbe story aU too plainly. '
,«in8ai^ 2
Tbl. wm beyond aU bnmao endur^I5
once. 1 was about to spriug Ibroogh the I ^
1“" in '
- again
■ an tbe stTango and violent firm of tmfflo '
Window wbeo my ooupanioB
carrii'd <m by tbem. Usually they i-s•arted ber magnetic infloimoii.
“Not aofast, Henry." abeoaid. “To- cbaofKd cannon bolls, bot from tfae grid
dle fat tbe most valuable pomrmicait erf
lortow will do. Come"'
Submiaaively 1 followed ber. Being tbe-Spaniardi m tbe Central
•ofely ausMl in (be baaket again, w« and Went Indian ooosta
atarwd on onr rrtnni trip
Atvre aaeeu(1"d I looked over tbe aide
oftbebaakeL Uyeompauion Joined m& been some exoaratiug in tbe anebot
“My lovo '• sbe mormnred. “I would Cbnrcb of St Mildred'a to Bivod
like very mucb to take a loap trooi tbe SD^ and almul lKf,m( l«low tbefiar
•ideof tb.................................................
Ibis balloon. I havedonelterften the'Vcrkiueu found a coffin nf purtlood
sim«, tiTfrlaid witb black inarUe, in
before aud Rafi'ly. Uxikt"
Sbe -timped and pirkm up a para- which twit tbe resxisius of Sir Niobnlas
ofaute wbicb bad bithnto eKWiped i»-y Crisp. Burn in l59a. be grew up when
attenriun. lu a U-wUilered way I w*ieh- 'tbeEngltabmeixaiautswere«idim
' Rhipe hi alt ijuarh-rs of the wirld.
■'Goodby, mrlove.“abeeaid. "Wbeo Nicholas urganiaed tbe rich trade witb
I drop pall Ibis leirr—«o; yon a-e*— ' Goiuoa and built tbe CViMle of Cmtanand tfaat will bring tbe bailwm m (be j tiu on the (iidd oonsf fur its iroh^tico.
II mm at BraMek. Id tb« Metitn
nODW at tbe 0 oner of Uiaitmun Uo.you asd Wlerta..tbat tba iaoident bap' Ur trieDd VM an £i
tet ba bad lired Soor 1° (h« oooDtrr
mA bad anisind a taitr for' Um B«1•ias ara tfaat aMQMd alnoat uatira,
and tbat made bim nmctbiiiR of a collaoler. Tbe aale at tfae roomi waa to ba
abollar to a mle at Sotbebr'a, and
tbaaateloRDe rtdem'd to orifhDal manvqblpta and find adltloui and to abimdxad tbluga loved br tbe curioao. Uj
Iriand wai preaeat In tbo hope of aentiriBf aoma earlj etifirBrliiga. aod
.Vilb him aa part of tbe (dleoeaa of a
bolidaj. • We arera earlj, aod trblla
araitiof tbe time of tbe aale «o looked
Wgatber at the eataloRoa aud be enter•Biaed me with talk at tbia Ind tbat
tamper wiUi tbe other nM-Ajauiam.
--------------------—--------- ---------•BUTKbe.climbed uimn tbe ert«.- ef tbe '
Charles L He assisted him to
‘*Tbia Dumber abouU be iatereatlsg, ”
he aaid, poiutioR to a Uzie oo tbe flnt basket, poised a momei I and tbeu threw
'^tapuilfo vmh estraordiI
“ tbe inpace, “tbe love letien of Goitli>e. our bermlf from ibe balloon.
1 oaw bn on I watobU bar aa sbe i *““61110(7 between him and Queen
roD rnmem
>1 long ago. endeavned to spread tbe panoboie. Bot Henrt«*» M»na fur tbe---------■Dd ooe of roar vena makrn wrote a In vain. I beard ber aliriak of dnpali
lameDtiag aonocC Ooitiur waa doi eo aa ibc abot downward. 1 kept my eyta
Craat a poet aa Kaata, bat bU pamicm riveted on bn until abe toiled away in •u^ldon was arvauwi and be oonld do
langer eairy on tbU week, be ralmd a
for Jatta Tetetol waa ai wlldij apokeo tbedlstanoe.
•a tbe otber'a for Faaaj Bmwoa. Toar
A (bought ftruck me. I oonlddeeeend body gf bOO bone aod Joined tbe royal
woe maker waa right It U hard tbat and Bto wbat had become of ber. Spring
In KMA be fled to Praoca. bot retain'
becsuma mao basgivaDpar
ing m Ibe We of tbe basket. I pulled
to tbe world tbe world aboo!
tbelever.butittoiledtormpaod. Again ed before ,the c-lom of ribe oommonvrbola But tbe ctulooi are Itmooeot of and again did 1 pall, but It waa naelna wcalth. met Cbarlea n and rceumed bla way that when ne is cnmfmbly dead
office aa tonun of the cuatoma His and the question of rmemblanoe UforU formodeaij, aud—joa. tbo aomter tbooU
FraulieaJly I preawd a largp button
at ny aide. A doll roar aeeiued to tmae •ervioes were rewarded witb a bormet- gotU® be will be qnli aariritod toba
ssentod by tbe (oil
How ID tbe piotaret
“Tbete will ba a flgbt for tba letttn, from tbe inflated port of tbe balloon— cy. His country bnue was at Hammn■nith,
tbe river, aod ba gave a
joa thiokT' I aaid.
tbat gradually t>
Oomapond with tbe Traverae Oi^ Ltunber Oompmay.
large anni to tbe buUdlng<rf '
“Tea. ^uobablj. GuNfee baa aomeohnrvb there, in whl^ be aeoited a
We have tor ale Good,
thlag id a vogiM Jut dow. Tbe women
WON BY’'his wit.
are dlaoOTertng tbat be wrote aa U> tbelr
rapidly tb
Oiarla I. On hit
faott boon tbej tbiok. And indeed It rinctioo aaemed to await me below.
Croaaing to (be other aide. 1 peered
waa a uaider, womaDlj moae. Tbe lit
"Beady wU con get a msn oot of altle mao atandiag bj tbe table—him below. Heavena tbe bonselopa could
K»t any kind of a Dole." mid tbe viswltb tbe glaeaea, 1 meas—wilL I tbmk. DOW be plainly dtstinguisbed in the aoft
log weaMmer to oome of tba boya at
get Ibem. He la a profeug at tbe tml- gray ll^t of dawpl One house Bocid op bean be placed in an urn at niy mastn's
reroitj, anddoabtleoi medltatee au arti bcxldly above tbe otbeia It «m the feet." Tbe nm, on a pidwaal of blaok
"Jim Powarly waaa aaapplagyouig
cle is ooe of tbe terlewa Himwlfwitb- bouse in wbicb I lived, aud if tbe bal marble, still it in Hammersmith cbnrcb.
Si* Nicholas left mcioey that bis heart
wyer wbeo 1 flrat weal to Breakup
. be will entiotov (beir loon could Dot be checked I obvuld fall
It os it.
Bright be refreahed with a glaas of wine ooimty. He waa JovUl. big bearted. al. Already be has written man
looked over again, and this time tbe every year, and this bequeet Was carried ways ready witb a Joke and very liable
bouses appeared to be a very short dis- out tor niure than a rnutiluiy. At tbo tv- I to turn tbe tahlea on any otae
of Bam- j tackled him along this line. We
toooe sway. Could nothing be doni-f
MUI Meobiaerjof til dewriptione.mclodiag Two Bbgin^
for a moment or two 1 looked st tbe Na Tbe moohlnny atill maintained ita
that be waa not apeoUliy aorupaloiia,
paufosaor'i bard, thin face aud aympa-____
-of being trans- but despite hia aboneamtDgi be waa a
Pet Works, Otmagee utd SflWB. Aoomplele Sew ICiU Pint
to V, liking, a, after more than tovorll*. Ooe toll be eeourwl tbe nomthiaed with tbe' dead poet, tlxm ea (be
a awaited tbeend.
lelooed myeyea and
for sale.
■netioneer mounted to bis plane and There was a dull, ra
nud as tbe *00 year* tbe body of the stanch old Inatiou for proeecuHng tltoney. and
d tbe day's sale I turned my
(bebooa^ loyallKt will bo bud i.i rust uear ih>- imi , pilted agalaet blm was tbe only otbeaIn wbicb bis heart u> isi»hriui<il aud un-1 lawyer lo onr village, a oooaoleotioua
"Cbaillp are yoo gtiisg to work ttato der the sliadow of the chun-b be did eo men. wliboot any venae of borno aod
to found.
I always In deadly earnest U1 cx
FhH (.TAnBa.l.lA
^ *W« L.—-i ‘ ,1_____,_____ 1
__ _ .... .
> (be usual oacalagne
it was uiy roommaie's voice. Uad-1
__ _.i___ «
tr. ,1
1__ ...
•nd penea and among thimi was one
Wboae dwea and manm-r inUtested me
«Vm4o roriosiiy. Near lo tis *he stood.
npatii-Dtly bnuoning aud uubui____ _
BgUivr, Slid I sow tbsl Stic tviis^nitv.
A Mort «f Tiriww aad Evarts.
^bnt aimi-wbai loo wt-I] drtw^
dnwa^ a.;ii
"By (bo w uy. " ..,id Eli Burkins in •
■ but too freely Ji'welcd. I '
rumiuisoMit mc»d, "I lodo up to Wiud“Do you kdow." I askid mv'friend,
WKb Mr. Evans oiu day.
“wbo is tlie girl to onr right?"
He luukid and sJlgbtlv
y Ebroffiid
blB the moruiug pupira
■booM.-rR aud saidi “Yi
- _____ J Mario
Corbaro, one of Ibe accriwti's at t)» iii w
tbeafa-r. bbe is imly a minor lumss, me till- iligiet i.f ail t
bot yoo A-e hi-r cloak aud Chi- brooch the funny ptcriio. Ob. I do niiaa UnoUapiuK It. They are all alive, them storietBol Wbat baa Dcpewoaid lately?'
JBVIlysiugi-rs aiiddauccra Allloi-elbe
“A uxnurnt all< rwaid we wi-re talk
•nnabius aud ibi. butterfly life. Wbat ing about rtdiug mi ihe Wagucr. aud
brings Marie here I do not know, nor I mid, 'Now, Mr. Evans, yon have
wbat makes bor bo angry witb ber glovo. ridden a good di al ou the sltvpcr, and
Tbe Urncknr warns a picture, purbapa bow bad B moD better lie to aJis-p w-ellS«8 Vremt StTMt
Tbat VO. vctyliill.- fnr tbe LouuvaMu. bead to tbe cQgiiio. nr fe,-t luwonT tbo
Ab, bi tr uir tbu Guiline letten. They engine?'
Will ivu-b luote."
" 'Ob, yoo abooldn-i come 10 a law
Tbl- auoriosw-r sinke of tbe poet and yer witb snrli a quuitiiiu as that. EJt
trf ills luVB for jHiu Ti'lmd aiict of bla That iau’t a law qouatiou; that u au
writinga to her. Again I li.ikcd oraond englneerin*: quMtiuu. Yoo sboold go to
kbe room to OOP and aiioibnr. Many. ■onio raUioad ,......................
president witb snob a
oeemod litll,- inti-nart«d iu thi-bondii- of quiwilou. Go ami ask Depew.'
yMlow sbw'U, but a few
m.d hkily ' r 'But Itepew it a lawyer, ian't ber
bidden. The profiUMV was lisu-aing u.; 1 said.
tbe ancUooeer's w.irds ai.c) «Liling as : “ 'Well. y-e-a-Depew la a lawyer '
sue aniBsed. Other mm. who know li«t Tbm. be coutinoed tlowly and Uawigbttban
professor, were lutming With ■ fully. But all the law Depew kuowi
3 bomility. 'TB..■ girl
—1I Monr
»•------- ......
...in ansi...
bias biut
•eaaed u. play witb b. r glove
_ held qm-Eiiim.'
love aud
Tbe Iowa to tbe navy's
one baud ligblly
in (h<-other.
- , .........
jtber. Attbe,
"Wbm 1 (old tbit atary at tbe Lotoa
ptaeemenA Il,410toai: speed, lOknou; boroepowe
Iprl I li^.d imigCT U.au at tbi- men. ] dob. a w«-k afterward. Depew batmmarmameaiA four It inofa. elgbt 8 Incb, «tx « Inch g
^ bad au parucsinem of papnwtion' cd to be ibcre. Uo toogbed witb (be
18 gssaaf ■nailer
wt was pn-tty to eeo, an eardestueae nst. bot Jnri bcfiirv be left be leauod
•hat pnoputly gave-me an Idea.
i forward, with bis bond over bii uoolh.
It IS uot a picture that has brongfat' aud wbispi-rid lo uiv:
nemoi oir Mcnoias Oi.p, ci
inaut opuo CbM p
lladeuioiaaip Carlwra here." I mid to,
" The story is all right, Elf. but tf fcawmoat London machanc of 1
"At ooe of them Jim's opponent was
m tamd. It it Umoc IPttera Look at you won't Ml It any »<Arc in New y«*k ialUuMtated b}
nagged into anger -aud wound op hie
I'li give yon an annual
drum. Inatood o)
speech by aylug (bai be might not be
Sbe IS emainly conccnied for them.
“Mr. Evor
rarts for year* tent a beU bar
luaket. and be knew n
as brillUnt as tbe apposing oandidata.
«*bapsytaiar»ngLt.’'b«rvp]led. “Aa rel of pork every year to Bancroft, tbe
but be wai bone« wltb bit clients eu
1 aaid, tberiromuj ore htginulng tti nari blatorian, witb a ehanctcrisiio note.
u.—New Ym-k Prmn
bad uever ttkoo a fee ou botb rides of
and to love Ouiiiim, and-yea. pertiai» No tme ever rend tbesv notes but BanAnd we are not obliged to mU meat at war prioee. We have •
earn as Mr. Powarly bad does.
ytM are ngbL 8U1L my man apeaka croft. When (be bistoriau died, they
“It waa expeotod that a charge 1 oer load of tbe beet weetem oont-£ed stock and cad fonkh you the
^ end be la nM likely eoou to give found tbeae notes from Evarts. ued up
grove would call down a atorm erf defi beet Cbicw beef kiUed at home.
wtob red upe by tbe baud of Ibe dead
ant abuse, but Jim came up amiling and
na pRrfeaMT moved his glasam for- aDtbto;
tbeohpltol. Speaker Seed declatea that told a fanny aiory Just to relieve tba
wardalittle and eald. "Ten francs." ■-OasB Bsacaort^lf your htotory <g Aa>av- be is oontiouaily reminded <rf tbe eatrly leniian of tbe movd. Tbeo be aeld:
end tba tdddlng oommeomd. "Twen.
ys wbeo be tangtat lobool. while trr- ‘Pellow ririseni. I agree to
ty." aaid tbe girl Marie. And I notioed
j to control tbu unruly bourn. Towa^ this preotloe of takrng a lee bom’b^
Bilrlt’OlaU* tear mu.
Mie ptoaaontiKm of ber voice aud wai IsTfety
-Uasa lUsiworr—1 end yua two pnolam* tbe eM of a aeoriou relic buntara take pertlea to a lawauit. t
S abould
gi*A toy idea bod not Uw wrong.
KsUV^y UsMJidr^lfTvl |4s delict in gatbering up the qilinuira be done. 1 have oflBD wiobed that I
**mny," aaid * man to my left.
poonderi from tbi- board by the vigorous
I not tbe only lawyer
-“IWny." rvpUed iba mooCicmei^
gavoL It eeema os if ibeouaMantnaeof
as lung as 1 am DO ma •ball
*Tas it to afliiit" aaid my friend —Cbioago luter Ocean.
thto weapon of erder wonld give tme a for my 1^ aaririanea to vain.’
aa ton by ton (be. offer roee, "bnt bemighty arm. Mr. Seed, bowevm, needs
no Boqniiwd atreaigth.
to tbe name town, bnt tbia oariy added
“Barry, yon bad betua- cit port of
Ba aaya by tbe way. tbat tbwe baa to tbe fan, and tbe torident, aa it flew
tbe evening on my right ride and port beeai a disinct leswiing , ‘
wU nis is a borvotB (or oalr atjaa
ttaroa«b the ooaoiy. amured Jim a i«
riK acres I alls WM. aU Ia*t«ro4. <
til on my left ride.”
taeeaylsMeraivUsaM.M' Lsskom
toority BgoinK him sinoe bU portrait tog majority. "^—Detroit Free Proan
OUST plSMS jest as dMlrwbls or oss"Oopld igbarit Wbat'a that forr
'T^Mbundrod."aaid tbe girL "And.
“1 don't want pe^de 10 be laylBg regard the portrait aa_____
btB,”sald tbe profttoor. "Two bontoatdasdAfty."iatd tbegtoL berabaeka tiiat yon got I
MOD^I W-hUeapeaki*gafUMr.Beed
Balrimore Stoelt BMrived Three Times • tf«ek
’—Detroit Ena Preaa
MtoiwaUuJe. "TbruebBDdrod.”aaid toyoeeout."Lady Oyollaa—Ton royi I tMamcm
led tba way totbeplotnteaad,
1b««nCeaaar. bis mouth oaideniiii.
baritelA letua aee for oqraalvm^ flnoatulJy than any otbw girl erf bla
Tbatblid todttor had bBOomeaUenA
moob of SairM and bow Uitle itf
Whri do you think tf
mt» the flgbt was now clearly between
"That girl toapaacb."
than la within the toanm. Iffie Ilk
"Taa. bnt obe thtokariwia
flbam At tba aod ^ a table the glH
has alwaya seemed aneonblliaMtBrr *^MtoBl»-Jtbtiik he Mould asMbto
A Have added another pair of fine bicycles to our §
2 large line of high grade bicycles. It is the Cy-1
g cloid, manufactured by the Cycloid Cycle Co., of 9
A Grand Rapids, Mich., and is one of Gie best and 1
§ most simply constructed machines on the mar-1
i ket. They have patented a bell ringer that is <
§ out of sight.
Come in and look them over.
iJ. W. Mr’s House FiirnisliiDg Store
X28-X32 Fa?o:i L-t Staceet:.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
Asparagus, Lettuce.. Badishes, Shubarb
Fresb Every Day.
The Finest Lin&- ,
of Fishing Tackle
in the city, at'
W. J. dOBBS’.
Hardware. 146 Pront St
We do not
'belong to the combination
Bingham Bros., Front'Street
Hastings’ Real Estate jgencjf.
taAxUk.** UTtw
813 Front St. ,-
HatMfs OrsiN IMt M iMUmfL
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