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The Morning Record, August 26, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Sccood Jmr-Vo 412
SMTBUI7 of Wnr Alfor StUl At IKoat»Bk Point.
Bpaetat «e Tte MeratM BaoorB.
^ JUem of Sttpreme Bepro. MnUtives Bednoad.
WMhinrtOB, AngM 86.-!t U mii
tn offlcUI WM olrelM tUa Bornlnf thnt
Oasaral Alfar nlrbt 4«Mln nt Mon-
tonk Prtnl n f*w 4»y*. Tho •MroUry
win ependn two weeke' Tnontioa In
•clMdatoflCaxpMMMofUw SopreiM Mlohlfnn the Utur part of Septoaber.
win pvt hla Detroit nt the Ume
Sodj—Wd^oCth* FiBUM Oomof the aepvbllenn eteU eonvenUon.
mittm i* iBdiMlBpoU Hm UUtfd
Vp » ksasinu WUcb Hm Amsb-
•d B P«r>oiua Fkue.
Tbirtp-Fifth ltichl$nB tdolined nt
•racial M Tat Mussna Mmoaa.
BnnineM Ken'a Demonatmtion
iBdlBUpdU*. A«ini»t S5.—A IMOliiIn Detroit.
tv« WM laUwlaeMl In th* Bspram m*
b> Tu lioBitUio P«oowi.
•Mibl/of UM KntfhUof PjiblM tbit
Detroit. Avrtul
—The bunineen
•fimooa ktolUbliv (be ■kpreme tribrnen'e pnmde nero todnj wn» the grMV
tonnl OB the eoore of eon. bni the mtoeetlnthebietoTponiie cUp nhd wne
UUoa WM defenud.
bp SO. kNi people who crowd‘J^e MBMtion tbU nfternooa wai the
od and Jammed tbf atreet for the en
rapert of the e*tlmnte of the aonnoo
tire four mllea of the perada Tbe
oommitiM. The eommUtM went V ^he
floaU of tbe bulneaa houaea eqnalled
Mluiee with M ns nod reeommeadpd
tae New Orleau mtvtni graa. Tbs Brat
U»t the per diem of the enpreine repof tbe day. howerer. wa* tbe apprarintnUTM be rednoed from
aoce of Ooeemor Plngree’# pel regi
oenU n mile «ncb
to $3 md 3 eea
ment. tbe SSth Michigan U Rnaki nnl• milA Mtnnl Unrel.
Tbo npMt M preoMted U: The m1*
nry of the anproae ehnnoBllor. two
Tonn. $0,000; oUrlenl foro*. $1,800.
«ffloe nnt. netul eoef. not to MOMd
$M0. Poetnee. telermph. telectnBu.
n«Uon«7, exproM. roaoml of fornl-
forma They
flneat body of men that ever marebed
in Detroit, baring aUo aad boing weU
drilled. They were Idollrod by Un
tnre frea BMtian, Uloh.. nil nt nctnni
eont nnd not to exceed two jene. 11.000.
Snlnrjr of ivpmiBe K. of P. recorder SBTSBAX, OOHFAVXBS OF OAFAL&T AMD UTFAHTHT.
nnd eecrotary. two pMie. $i.SO0: elorloat wnMnnoe, $S00: ofloe rent. heaUnr,
Flan to Allow Bagimenti Ohelee to
Uj^tinf, jnnltor. tolepbone. poatafn.
Bernal" in thaSerrioo or be Dlapacklar boxM, wrapplngr paper, and
ebarged Deaa Met Work Tory
other lAcidantaU at Actnnl cent net to
Axeood $S.OOoT traveilnr expencee. not Bpaelal to Tae Mcanna Bsoonn.
to exdMd two ymrt, $30o.
Waahlngton. Angnat IS—Order* were
This report kac proeipiutod a $r>>t iaaved today to maatarirat the follow
that bM already beeonM pereonal be ing;
tween aotne-of the membefa.
-Ponrik Pennaytranie infantry, Sixth
nilnoia Infantry. Baeond Wtaeonaln In
fantry. Ihird Loaialana light batwriea.
two abode Inland light batlMdea, two
Dragon light battoriea. Firat Wiaoonaln light batleiiea, two troop* of Kantnekey earalry. light battery A of
MUaenri, light artlUery of tbe Twentyaerentb. light batury of Inniana artUlory, and light battoriee A B A C. of
tbe PenuylraaU light battorie*. When
troops mvstered out are not apecially
HLany Hcqama to Have Thirty-Secent Kuxured Out, Are
Bnng Sent In.
WMbln^ton. Anrnat SS.—Pint UentOBABt AmbroM E. Pack of the ThirtySrvt MicblfAB, baa rcaiffned aad bora
honorably dlMsharrod. Lcare of ab
aence on aeeovnt of eleknaw flTon
dorignated they inelvde all that ar
Glean C. Lawleaa, firet Uantenant,
tbe serrice from the etatee named.
Tblrty-tblrd Mlebi$an. hM been exTbe preaident'a plan of permitUng
Mnd«l SO day*.
Ifferent orgMUationa to My who
A TbefollowiarMieblsanaoldieiv are
Uey weald like to be n
ordered dlMharfod: Prieate Fred War
remain tenet weridngaawellMbaand
den. Oo. A Thirty-third; Corporal Eloe.
hte adrteon tloagbt. Ofiom of VdlnnCo. I, Tblrtyfoerth; Prirato Jamee
toer regimante from oerUl* aeetlona of:
Bradford. Co ti. Tblrty-aecoad. Act
intry are Gamorova to be reing
tolnad. white tbe men, Ured of e
ordered from Omnd fiapida to report
Ufe, danire to rotors to their borne*.
- fordatyatObii
The necreUry of war la getting large
e of reqoMta from Iriaada aad
reUtiretof membere of the TUrty- Sereral Compaatep of Thirty-Fourth
•ecMid Michigan aaxlng that the regiKlehigan Folatocrs Sately
anent be amatered oak
Flayed Aronvd a Sonflie With an
Oil Can.
•pectel loTa* Koanoie nxevec
^Plymontb. Hiidi.. Augast SS.—Word
hM joat iWsbed here of the death of
Lillie, tbe aix year old dnoghter of
George Piaber. of L.irlnrateae. She
waa plaTing aronad a bonSie and approaebad too near with an oU
which cxploprd. Ber elothea were
bnrued off eonpelely.
Uoctaak Point, K. T.. AugM^
Company 1C of tbe Thlrty-foortb Miebdemana
and Allegan: Company L. from Mar*
quettaod Company 1. from loata, bare
arrired in fairly good coadltioa com
pared with maoy of the boy* that have
. preceded them They were loud in
their praise of tbe officer* and crew of
tbs naval transport Badger, which
brought them Mm Santiago. Bat
they ware a ruaty and ragged lot of
chaps, sod aboweu signs of having seen
hard Mrvice.
Tbe transport Leona baa also brought,
amang other*, two
tbe Thirty-fourth Michigan- The men
are all In fair condition. They will remain tbe naaal period at tbe detoatloa
camp. There are now 750 men in tbe
hdepltal at Cbmp Wikoff, of whom KS
are typhoid fever caMs.
Detroit Banker Honored.
^<«l»l loTas Mounii* Rkcoso.
Detroit. AngMt 25 —George B. Boaitt of Detroit. preaidMt of the Btato
Serial Bank, wa* «
the American Banker*' AaaeelaUon et
, the iHt aearieaof the (wenty-foortb
Fnrioas Hurrioaaa and Flood Hear
inai eenrenUoB held ^re today.
Utica, B. T.
Fine StUI Stands.
UUea. K. T-. Aognst M-—A fnrion*
Al«etalwT*e ncaauB KacDan.
storm baa swept over this regtem, do
SSno.OOO damage.
Warielagton, Anguat IS.-The
Many bridge* were carried away,
tlonal Leagne board of diroctora has
farm property wm damaged and rail
reeoeridered tbe avapenaloa of aolmee.
roads were washed out.
the UaltlBorc base ball player. The,
Sae against the New Ywik elvb aUIl
told at_______
________ _______
twr rmt Irss thaa tbe price quoted by
any Mber dealer. We will aot bo ~
. last vhiS the pee^ han ben wait- dcroold by anyone. Wo will not
mlttbat. Kit! Corns te Bends A*Oa
Tbst's where the bargains ar* to he
had aot one day in tke rear bat every
MICH., FRIDAY, A^DST 26, 1898.
suvx nr tkb $t. oxazb.
OoUinlOA of Two SteAmera Onwad
Hcney DuBAfe.
Apacua M Tan Mennie Bnoaw.
Oetroit. Anfvat IS.—The anknown
aUABar. U ooUiaiM with the OeatarDelicate Job for The Peace ion. fa Boppc^ to be the etonmnr
UnrehAll. wbkb annk tMnr St. Clnlr
thin memlnf. eloae on akom. The
atonmer now lice with her bow biffh
OumUob m to Whether Stebla Oorthe bAok. ne dAmare wm t«7
. emmeat enn be SMnbUnhed on
mnlBdoroflalnnd*, If ThopDoVot
Hammocks From 1-3 To 1-4 llff.
Much of PhiUppinet
Will be Ooz*.
Into PoMeMlon of United
ntM Bniraa DhtAu Aabore TMtMBpaclel (e Tet Kannaa ReroKO.
dap Hominff in a Boatp
- WnnhinrtOB. Aa$net IS.—SeoAtor
Dneie. A&d Senntor Frpe. Mleeted tor
Avr. SS —The eUam
poAooBBUeioiien hnd n conference
wltb the p.-eetdent ow the eemlnf barfre Cbnrlee BeiU. Cnptaln Stafflobenn, aad her eonnerte. the A|n>ei D.
n et Pnrle, thU
InbncBof theo
Potter. OaptalA Edwnroeon. and
290 Front Street
A Bible!
We have a new lot, with index or without, at
never made.before for corresponding grades.
la what you'll pay>ow If you want a
from tbe arrival of Sonator Davis of ' Oaptoin Stofflebm saw that bs would
ihle to make the port, ao he made
MtencMto. who came to WMbington
on the anknmoOB of tbe president. for tbe beach. When tb* ships siraek A
bottom all were acotUed aad at prcoaat '
There are yet to be selected two mom- are lying OMy.
ben of tbe oommtealon.
The life Mving crew took off Uu A
Ike eutoment that tbe president baa tbrae oaptaias. tbe crews rwnelalng on
board. Tbe bargee are ow*ed by J. O.
led the aeteeUon of tbe eom
Neaeea A Co. of Manistee. They were
nroBOoaa.lt te true that he bM
*11 light and headed for Mantete*.
decided to appoint Secretary Day, Sen They are in m danger and wUI stay in
ator Davte. obalrmaa of tbe committee their preeent peniliona until the aea
on foreign relations, and Sanator Ftye goe* down, when the water will
pamped oat and they wUl be drifted
of Maine, tbe latter having algnl
0*r stock of thaae goods (all this eeaeonb atyte) go at gtsatiy eat priMi
—»8cto$e.7S. Valnaia
Valnai are $1.85 to $4.00. Bettor see them, at
CTCillDCDO’C Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet
A OlCin D Llf IIV
and Clothing House.
Hastings' Real Estate Agencii.
« of tbe honor offer
The eehooner Condor nteo met with
Be bM had nnder oonslderntioa Asao- bard lack test ulgkt, eoming iej^o foi t
elaw JesUce Wfaite as tbe Democratic this meruing in a weur-loggod
dition. She is loaded with Inmber.
ibw of tbe oommteaioa.
Bo te also ooaaldering Oeseial B. F.
Tracy of New York. b*t bM oot decid
ed to appoint him. Tbe bealtaney of
the president In calling upon Gener
al Tracy te dne to the fact that proMure
te being brought to bear upon him la
behalfof Jndge Oroeaeop of Chicago,
who delivered the addrcM in favor of
expaarion bofere theiwcent conference
at Saratogv
Tbe president and Jodge Oroasenp
are warm penonal friend*, and it is
whispered la official circle* U*t tbe
president read hte speech before It
delivered in Saratoga. President MeEinley has a very high opinion of
Jndge Oroeaenp'B legal ability, and also
of bit Jadldal balaaea and bis tact a*
a dlplematle repreaentatlve.
In the dtecnariea of the qnestioa of
tbe retonUoB of tbe PhUippinee by
promiaent men her*. It te even now ap
parent 4bat the rurrender of MasUe.
or of the island of Loson, which forms
most kaWtoble portion of tbo PhilIppteca. bM ceased i
The tbooght of tbe beat men te dlrMted to tbe question of what should be
with the
tory. In ether words, if the United
■teUs Jakes tbe teteud of Lnsoa, will
this government not be eoapeUed by
force of elroamstenees to assume re
sponsibility for all tbe islands?
It te acknowledged that this phsM
of tbe aitnetion binges largely npon
lUMtiob whether bpain would wUh
to nndertake the responsIbUlty of furaisklng asuble government tor the
midue of the territory, after, the
United ■tatae has takea the tetend
of Lumb.
Ouialde of Luton Spain's
eoverelgnity bM bong by a slender
thread, and it isdoBbtfnl if the ooald
oatartor maiaUin it. after-having test j
tbe power by which abe hM managed
in the pMt to do eo.
Boou 10 u411, B«dl( Boet
Cor. rroBi seU Ceie *ie
■■ Aller M. Crewtor*. Him ail«v T S
MIm Mskiel i>. Wkitr. HIM JoMtl
H. WIloriB
Garhartt Overalls!
it Hamilton Clothing Go's.
Something New!
OsU in and see the new
style of
Good for Fmit Ealsteg.
Good for General Farming.
In large or small parcels, many teaeti behig in ff
short disteoce
Bteoce from ruilroada.
Will be Bold at low prioee for enab; or. on long Urn* with aaty p^
menu and very low intereat.
On O. R. A I R. E.
Boston Store!
Bargain fajj pnreninners]
Extension Table
Which I am Belling. It-ia a
good thing.
100 d^D^'t linen 4-ply coUen (te all tke tetoit etytee) worth
1 gofer
*5 dosao mea'
<5 dosen
I have also in connection
with my undertaking Dusi- i
ness a full line of
Fine Furniture. I
so dotes men's silk clnb tids. ngu\»x tse goods, go aU
35 dr-xr* men's black French mImb thlrU, fnU *nd
and well made, worth
yon'buv or oot.
Your money Mvera,
Glau Block.
Trar*ne City, Mich.
SSM Union Street.
Suiriihep Shoe Snaps!
Oompaey M Hn< Mot Tot BMnked
Oo Evenrboiifs Tongue.^
After three
week* of bargain koaUng te tbe
hree weeks
le •.______________
eastor* markets we
rotom heme tally eoDviaoed that oar porcbasca are right- W* boagbt
s below market valneand how we are
---------------our prw
•e rMdy
to share
friends end petrow.
the United States.
In rreponae te inqalrlas from anions friends, the Bxnomp yesterday teqairod by wire if Company M, of the
Tbiny-fourth Michigan had arrlvad at
Monteok pcint yet. Tbe telegram was
d to Captote McIntosh and the
Signal Corps of Cbmp Wykoff retaned
the massago with the tefermation that
Captote McIntosh and hte eommaed
had not yet arrived there from Cuba.
lOtM tok
.. Oiaer
Trayerse Gitj Sebool of Iniic!
Just Part
of the Price
half. Then tbe two Mhatora called on beached this morning at two o'clock a
■ecrettJj Day.
| »‘»ort distaaoe nw-lh of tke norU pier.
Tk.p.t»«..l.I tu I—
rUlUubuiu lelt St Soupb
.,u usuuu»u u .u„««1
74 pslrs -Pingree" $8.00, f3-60 and $4.00 Ladles' Bhoee
at $1.9&
60 pairs -Fingree’' $4.00, $6.00 mod $6.00 Men’s Bhoee
at $2-98.
00 pairs “Plngree” $3U0 Ladies Juliets at...........$1.06
113'paire '‘Pingree” $2.00 and $2.60 Ladies' Oxfords
at $1.48.
90 pain Ladies $160end $1.76 Oxfords at!........ $1.00
1^^ 79 paireTHUseee’$100 and $1.26 Oxfords at........ ..76c
<3hUdren’s wd Missea' Calf Shoes at.................. .80o
tgil maif other brokee lines reUoced io price.
'JB^sunJsi ZPb?iedj?ic!hL
■Pjxe Oxa. Rel-lAhT3le S^oem.ap..
iHa xoBHnro mooitp, fbidat. auqtjbt ae, less.
■mnsM oon Boma.
Port H«ro« tar a tWH wiU ToUttm xm
tki* any.
MyroB A. Oobb. toMsheriB Um Bi^
•ekool. bBB rMamd Bftar «B}oyinR
ThBlomBOBMMkw «( the BmJ. W. Lowmeo *b4 Wil« BrrtrBd
ywtardByfroBOileBCond wlU rWt
•a by E*T. On. KeoblBT of lonl*, wbo
the rMorto io tbU localliy.
k V. ***— An 3- W. 1
edwArd HcElroy ufl Edword MeScT F, K. WoltoTOf WoodbBTy.Micb.
f. W. HAjmx. editor Aod MnAfv.
Ax-iiourxiro bboobo.
1 WtUt
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries^
My work is first clus sod pric«s tbst are io reach of all. 1 ata .
prepared at all times to take r^re of tbe trade. I makf a specialty in
Bnzini;, Valcanizing and EoamelioK. A fine line of wheels for sale
and to rent.
J. C. £1X18. eu Front street, easU.
York AM iB the city lookiaf orer the
« iB tOwB from 8atL. B Behle
me Bey yeeverdey.
T.. B CoIUb* of B<aptr* trABsected
B«T. *S. B. BAlebery.^e Meldnl boslBee* here yettrrdey.
The Mieeee Smlifa. McPbema mad
VeuybB of Fife Lake ere Is tbe city for
“The ChrteUAB for the
Tbe dleeaeeiOB wm very werm end A foi* deys' *Ull witb frlesdA
M'.H Emily A. Coaorer Airired leit
At the AltewoB eeeekw the eheir- emiar from Chieeco end will epeod
mMreed e yeeuceof eerlytere eod eome time at TrarerM Beach.
Mra. A. Ooald aad Mr». J. Barker of
Ber. BoroBfh olNred pr»yer.
The preeldlhir elder. Re*, i. A. Pry*. Budeoo. MIeh.. am the r»«*«
ofUrBBd Rmpld*. Mich., preeeBted A PetABder Aod family.
Hr*. U. Sherwood aod eoB arrived
tTiTMi” ed^T
the|l“» OTeBinyoB tbe excoreioB of the
ud AM the yoeaU
•---------■ bytbeetartetlABcbareb. A. H. Hall of State aireet.
Mr. and Mra. D. SqniM of Oivtoion
M». F. PurBopabUow OooBty CoBTrattoA.
"Sonday Sehool Keede" was treated chi* aed Mra Georye Hall of HubR. N. Holeapple of Petoakey. villa. Mich.
by Be*.
Hi»s Beatrice Feryo* of Chiesyo
-8ttB< >y School PoMlbUlUea." by Geo.
lO(!«l Koeblerof Ionia. "Power of Sym went to Elk Rapid* yeatorday for
S. Noble
of that
pathy ie TeachlBf•• by A.Hal«bBber of Ti*lt vrith Mra E. S,
place. She bM deea the yneat of Mim
Reed City.
Tbe e*oBla<r aarrlce *rae opened by Gertrude Sprayue for aoine Ume.
Trarcne Olir—
wm a.viaitor at
AB exeyeeia on Daslel 9:14-19. Re* B.
If You Have Logs to Sell
KonoB. caatra
BopnbUoAB SABAtorlAl CoBvention
A. K- OOl'Oai
Tn qoeetioA of the t
•t the PhUlpplBm to rmmiviiMC the
•et thontht of meny of tbe moet able
mee in thto oonoiry, end every day
SHse oplaioBC that tb*M to bo alter•stive for the United SUtee bet to
bold the tolAnd*. Tbe extotlny oondittose IheM ABd the evident intenUoa
•t the iaenr^nu to Mbel AyAinat any
Slfrin r- of SpABiah raU in amy form
aoeou to Indicate that to briny aboBt
•ho end for which Uic war waa fooyht.
tbs only thiny left for na to to bold tbe
The enemlM of territorial exoaaaert themaolvM.
b«t thiuhiBy people who favor
boldlay of tbe tolandt am mnliiplylny
Voor Fernwood Boys Hot Tbemselvea
Into TroablA
Teaterday Ui
rwtod fonr boya, all nnder 1
yaar* of ayn, who wlU be looked after
by Gouty Aynt MeDoaald. Tbe enlprite AM Bob. aiB, Meal Krutz. Willie
•mlth and Andy UiyylBa. all of Kemwood. They am cbaryed with bavioy
defaced the Georye Bryan echool hoDee
by pelUny it with atlcka, etos** ud
MMrriea, iaaneh a moDBer na to n<
•ItaU Mpaintiny. The boya weM talMB
before JotUee Brown and their exlm'iaatloBs eel for next Tneaday. In the
e the oosnty ayeit will be
^■otited of
Bf tl
the caaca.
ThlrtaoB Crowded Coaches.
Tbe Miehiyan CeatiAl exearaioe.
which CAme from ea far eenth aa Jaekeoa ud BatUe Creek, ud wee to arrive
here over the C. A W. H. at
WM about two and oae-balt boot* be
hind time. Bnt thii WM excevable m
the train conatoied of thirteee coachea
bealdce the bayyaye ear. and every ooe
of them packed to their
Isrye Bomber of the
off the-train here.
Voelkcr expoetnlatcd on tbe eabjeet.
The mldMee-eweM delivered OB the
fellowUy eebiecte:
"The Reletton of the Touy People
totheGreat'Qacetiou of Chnreh ud
State"! by Rev. Peter Scheorer.
OaByer* ThreaUsiay Yonny Peo
ple": by Rev. B. G. Prya
"What Shall Oar Youny People
Beadr by H. Voelker.
The above eohjeett wom tMated by
iheepaakanlou able muner. The
' the Blntotera M
that It WM ooe of the beet ud pleaautcet of its kind they ever attuded.
With pleasut memoriee tbe lUvlDea
leave tor their bosue to tail of Ue
beanUee of the n^thern ^ of tbe
Mrs. J. C. BIltofaMyone to Barrie.
Cueda. lor a two weeke' visit witb
friende asd reletivee.
E J. Fnlyham hH reiaraed from
theK. Of P. oelebratiu at Indlu-
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
Spworth Leanye Lawn Fete.
Tbe Bpworth Leayne of the aeoond
M. B. eho)ireh will yive a lawn fete at
tte reeidenee of Mr*. Una Hulipytoa.
SIS West Blyblh atreet thto evenlay.
I ud cake will be aerved. A
piMaant time to utleipated and a cor
dial invltoUonds extonded to al>.
* Sure U Orippe Our*.
Mill Machinery of all descriptions, including Two Engiaes,
^nfferiny from thto
on 'willI only yet
dreadful malady, it you
Ret Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
the riyht remedy. Von are h tviny pain
for sale. .
all throuyb vonr body, your liver I* onl
of order, have no api------appvtiie.- — ....
ambiUoo. have a bad cold, in fhet
•mpletely oaed np. Electric Bill
tbe only remedy that will yiee
yie* yon
mpludanre relief They act dh
Miw Ada Bnalyn hM Miurned ham
.iy on yoae Liver, Stomach/and
and KidPetotkeyE. L. Banaom ud family of Baat
iny- Tbev
ir price refondFroBtatMetAMenjoyinya vtolt from are yuaranteed to
ly Storee of S.
Mr. K*nt.om'» mother. Mra F. Banaom ed. Foraaleatthe Dmj
Only She
’’ait and J. G
who arrived iMt evenlny horn Quincy.
Bruch county.
Mr. ud Mr*. Van Slmmoni and two
Ho AltoTBaUv*.
children of Woodland. Uteb.. am the
The np-io date ud partieular dvea*
yneeta of Oel bqnlr** ud wif* of Sonth ae^nnot help bat deal with Benda
Divialon atreet.
Mra Morria Uwto hM yon* to De
troit to viail friend*. 8h* wm r.ecom^Died by her atoter. Mtoa Dora Friedm«u. who bM been tuyiny here for a
With or without bih.
abort rime.
S4S Front SBmC
Balpb Ctoee of Klnnlty waa in the
cUy ye*t*rday\
Mr. and Mra M. B. G
from the Oetenary reaorl at Carp
Uke yecterdav aod the family of A
W. Jahran* will Mturn today.
MiaacB Senecal of Waabinyton atreet
•e ectertaininy Mra F. A. Dobeon of
Torch Lake, Mich . Any. S*. t>3.
build a yood one cheap, alao repair ai ehoi^
aoUee Call and *e* what yon cu ymln. WM.
pj»t Office Inapeclor J. J. Laramoni
Blakkclex a Mcf^Buira. District
Maoayer*. Trawrae City. Mich. I have FETTEBLY, 61* Monroe atreet, W**t Side. _________ __________
to in the city on official boaioeaa '
-oftheTni ed Si
Hi*a Gayle GrUwold bM returned to been a member
Benevolent Sot
thi* city after apeodiny aome Ume In Beany
nearly eixyeara.anoD
her old home in VermonivUle.
them prompt and joat Accept I
il**! Store, 1ST Front street
Emily Uederlee returned yeswrday tor check tor S41 Tto Iceland after
tbi* city the yneat of Mra Henry L«der’ee.
__________ Rgatf^ve Cut Ciyar Made. THE GILBERT aOAB 00.____________
Joeiab Peoninytoo to at Uke Ann
ways aiaed ready to help yon when
viaitiny htoaon.
yon come here.
Re«peclfnlly Vour*.
Georye Rou*b yevlerday ehipped 'fif
Wu J. McLArni.AXteen bncfaels of peacbet to Petoakey via
ateamar Columbia. Be will ahip fifty
bothel* Mcb day far aome time
and test ito quality of tona W. W. KIMBALL CO.. N. B. STRONG. Mansyer.
*39 Front street
Wheat Goods
Good Words. '
To Him Thai Hath
8haU Be Given
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Fifty Cents
Do Too Wist a Boat?
5 coDts-Sinoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents
Tried Tbe KubWI?
Soaps--12 Bars for 25c
HIRAM COOK. Sur Grocery, *45 Front Street
Bon Bona, Gboice ConMona
•IHd you ever meet a worau wbme
very voice thrilled you with
"Yea lhaf* the way my mother nicd 1m eitmrtiuo <.f t#.
AmiUulst. f,* uln
to 8ri me up in tbe nionxlns ’'—Chlcayu ’ p*ia
Baed taiM ad i
«llcm ;et eaavl for a&kii
ktley. of StockThe Rev. W B,
bridye. Ua.. while
e atiendlny to bit
p*‘toHal dutie* at Elieowood. Uist
^Mr*. Dr. L. J. Tedmu to enjoyiny a
■d by cholera morbus
By chance 1 >
vtolt from her mother ud aiaUr, Mr*.
Daku and danyhwr Jeeaie of Un*lny. hold ., .
Remedy, aod
and Diarrln
A. R.Ca4w*ll ud family of Grand Caolera
Ihiok It WM tbe me
Bapida are vtoitiny friend* in thto life. It relieved me at
sale by• S. E. Wait
‘‘Mr*. Jacob Erb and danybtor aara
bare arrived from Detroit ud
Onr 35 Sent Suipnitn woa't pull your
itiny With the family of Arthur Dea- botte- • -y anc Uie price won't pull
Benda A Copre* of West Eiyhth atreet
S. P. Msttlnyly aed wife of Chieayo
r - os old as we will be—but
ycyuestoat the Park Place.
They be*l
and have come w atoy." S.
anived yeaurday. /
Benda A Co.
Mr. and Mr*, piule* W. Foster re
turned yesterday to their home in
"■“« “• -w
wIU be a valuable addition to the IIV
Mi«a Oarrie Dickarmu. who bM been
rary and one which will be appreciated spendiny eeveral weaks at Oid Mtoeion,
»y theatndente.
returned yesterday to her home at ElYlcaaut Trio Aronnd the Bay to- yin, llUnola.
F. W. Bryu ud wife and Mtoa Hay
le Lakca. Bud eoneert on Bryu and H. G. SUmsen of Chieayo.
after apendiny several weeks at Petoa
Benda A Go..
Th« li S9 amkt that.t Bei
mot neekwenr key ud Maekinaw, arrived ie tkia elW
_ aew store. wHl aril more
«aeb day
dav than all other iatom «aui- laMevaaluy. They wilt apend a few
Meed. The res-on? Better qusMUea. weak* at Perk Plao*.
b*U*r style*, and lower prtee*. That’*
R. F. Parke* ud wits cams up from
Sontbera Miehiyu Uat ovuiny u the
•heet Koaie at BaU Prioe, also
for a visit with A FUmor*
asd fatoUy of West Eiyhth atraet.
J. W. Artoatiya haa arrived frea
«. A Btrctof. toauffor.
WiU be beneBcial to both'your health
pocket book. A large line on hanA
^’mIw B. Soolnski of Grand Rapid*.,
who came to tbtocity eeveral weeks
ayo to epeod ^eenmmer with her eister. Ml*. Friedick E. Finch of Unim
street, wm called home quite unexpect
edly yealerday,
Mra Robert Watcher of
Thedford, OnU. am vlaitiay Mr. Watcher*» atoter. Mra C- J. Oarnelt
Mra Fred W. Culver aad
who have been vtoltiny tbe famUy of
8. E.
retnmed to Sayiuaw WedBMday. They vroM aoeompuled by
Mr*. E. T. Brinkman, who will take
conrae of iMtrucUon on the pipe oryu.
E. T. Bnntlnytu of Beozonla w
the city yoiterday.
E Ktehou ud famtiy left iMt <
The biyyeat-black bam i
iny on tbe C. A W. M. flyer for their
euyht thto eeaaon to a alx-and-a-qi
fotore home at Topeka. KanaM. where
ter pounder token at Carp Lake a day Mr. Nichol* accepted a yood poatiloa
or two ayo by M. B. Gatoa.
tu. sanu Ke railroad.
Mr. u4 Mia. John E. Connally and •» «»e Santa re rauroao
dauyhter Mae of Sayinaw. are vtotUny
Mr. ud Mr*. Fruk O'NeU of But
Tutb atreet.
Roy Moor* of New Hndeon. Mich., to
vtoiUny the famUy of Mr. ud Mra.
Monro* Msrae ud caUiny u old
C. N. Codwin, editor of the Rock
ford Reytotor wm In tbe city yeator-
A few minutes spent In eating our
Cellar Caved In.
Mi*. Bnrna ef Fernweod wm awak«Md Uto Tacaday nlyfat by a ooiae In
the eellar. Ao 'iaveeUyaUen proved
that the well of tbe cellar bad oaved in
ud boried a number ef eaoe of frnU
r ud wife ud Mr.
aad a qnentity of eyya.
Both Ux
a bonae to paint
fruit ud eyya weM reeoveicd witbon ud Mrs. C. T. Mattinyly, whe have
sitber havlDy Bmd broken.
Tkey been apendiny aome time In thto vleln
' weM covered by aboat fonr feet of ity. returned yeetertay to their home
at Plymouth. Ind.
Gate* Sexton ud wife of Rushville,
Geo. S. Winnie,
Yelnable Addibon of Books.
Frefetoor Grnwn bM purchased a set Ind.. passed throuyb the oily yeetorday Up-to-date pJnter and paper banyar.
oleiyht larye volume* of Glare'* LS on their way home Irotn tbe north.
Mr*. S. T. HeColyln bM returned to
Wy of rnlreraal History, tor the
Ohio, after
Blyb School Library, from tbe fuda her home at Uamllton.
Correspond witli,tbe Traverse (^ty Lamber Compsoj.
We have for sale Good.
None <n tbe world finer than tlffier toad*
OBO. B. McLBLLAK. eener Freak
' I*ark sUeetF.
FurniturG Bcirgsins T^oM^^oo^^Bul^doSu
«iCoiumbian Restaurant
sf iM'lb vibhoni I
1. >1. -"H •« 1«
EOur Offerings
Furniture fm
Desenre Unasnal Ati
X llir inr Clinilfll|P Many pieces exclusive witb us, that
fir Wl HnC OlUlWlItU for,beauty have not been equalled.
We make parti9ulaj- mention of EEED and KATTAN FUBNITUEE. Aside from a floor full of beautiful creations in
^ this material we make prices equally as at'ractlve.
Whether you intend to refurnish your house this fall or
Gives Free Leasone
----IK---just contemplate the addition of a feW pieces to make your
All Kinds Of Embroiderf
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
and Modern Lace Making
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods
at ber esblWi cl An EwbreWerive *1 Mn. W.
in any event. ,
Miss Doyle
It did aat tehee day tedght tbe firat
Bappar at the Otoh BMOa
eaealrr, wU^ eemfaay bolde the
endlt of eaptarlat tbe eaaMerate
Aboat 40 Ben Side boyi and
Ihe eM Gbiaa boon aad tba etaM Tlaaa «T Whleb Ax^ i
Mr. Saead bn had aar La Ooqartta Baak
•Bjeyed a pieaU eapper U the elab
». B. Boon.
Mrewaffenfertbk nlie froa *ebonn leat aigbt. A^eag other i«Bp aa •eaaa Uaar oa
marha of battle Ufiletad t? yaare aga
P. E. Meere, tba architeet. bn earn- markaWe feataroe vm tbe amy eeSee,
MBBM at earteee plaeea
Oraad Baafca..
Tbe Beary hoan U tbe ealy eat re- plated plane aad epeeifieatioaa for aevA fellow oaUiac btaaMf Oeof«e BelKew ToA. Angaat S5.—Tbe Iblag- bnllt; an tbe otbereataad aa they did cral new bnUdlaga. tome of them be a wenderfnt deeoetloa bf Jimmie, alin
Senator MOUkeniBrraacte Weltoab
lock of Merioa O , aad poMer ee aa valla Uae etaanar Norge, wbiob ar»>B>W1
vm b* Bleb
JohnOdd rellow.te waatad at Peteebej oa a rived here today, reporto that abe aaak after tbe fighU oaly for patebn where lag of ooaaidarable dlmeaaioaa. Tbe
; L'aloa or rebel ebell tore through them. moat notable are two brick etraetnrea | ^te p«t
Md «bM Oeh* WUl be Ov«
berae draft eharfe. He worked A. M. tbe rma<b fleblag eobooaer La OoChar.
la e tra Teen.
Cobora. e proaleeat bulaeM aea aad qaetu. of Bayoaae. Fraaee. on 8aUr- ; On iBany of tbe bUtorieal epole tree* to be erected at Bnt Jordan. One fori^,^
dead “Alpha
have beea allowed to grow np to mark tie But Jordan Lumber Co.. 47x100' bet’' Cady bowled hard la to* hue•t. Peal. Mtaa.. AaranU —Ke «Ul
day. oa tbe Qraad banke. TbeeapUla tbe piece.
ooemeat befoec tbe repast bet it to good
eeatoel Cobe." eald Seaetor Mere Haa- (ew daya ago aad yeaterday tbe draft
Bald bill te n bald n when tbe hat- •tory brick exteoelon fifty feet deep. to note their eendnet wn he/Md eriti.
with the laformatioB that
aa «i tbe Aberdeea. .'‘It mekee little
feu^l, bttt the raviaet be- Tbeotber U to be for J. J. Votmba. Idem aotwUhetaadiag.
Uier* l» BO eneb baak ae tbe Second the nafortoute venal. Tbe 'r<.atL''r
tween the hm aad road bn been aJ-; TbU will alao be a fine brick .tmcUrc.
Very llule rilverware svn loot owNational, npen wbkb be drew, nor any
wn foggy, bet wae not eo
..k t>-4* inwed to grow np to andarbruab. la adjoining tbe othet, two atoriea..aad a
, ing te the fact th.t tie and iron war*
iMB tbaa twentj yeera tbe Uatted aaeb man aa the drawer la Martoa.
Ueveeeel'eepeedwnrednee'. .enui.. .tbUravioe a friend of Llentenant Al- modem bnlldlng.
aaed exelaaively. No cnaaliUn m8Ut« wQI praeUeetlr own tbe Ulead. traoe of him bn beea fosad.
Mr. Moore bn alao drawn tba plana j ported,
Ltentenaat Lyon by name.
U will now re«Blre M.ooo «ea to bold
BeporU to ibe eUte board of health three cable leagtbe abuad.
w'>b-neef tbe Union baltenea. wn for tbe brick exteaaion to tbe TonneOaba, bat we wUl got good retom foF ebow that dUrrboea. rbenmatUm. aea.
Oeceplcaeoa iff Beorea
veeael eaddealy loomed n • fro.u wfa..t«;ed. Tbe old bridge where tbe lUr block OB Front atreet. which baa
STe have epent S300,- nlgia. broaebltU aad cholera morbne
Ue north with all aail* fell c .J at.ii>d fliBl
There wn a warm ball game yaatordeaeribed In the Bboobp.
000,000 aad we ^ent it wall. We have la the order aemrd, eaaeed tbe i
directly acma the how oft' *teamer.
Be hn alw completed plana for a day between the Mapleum aad Noahdoae oaaelvae a good tara while,
eiekaen in Mieblgea. daring' ti>e peet BeiUwererunirtoitopa-* mbaek
bridge; and Ball Ban kaadaome eotuge of modem deriga for tawaata teama TBo aeete idle tha
haaeiag tbe ceoae of bnaaBi^."
ic. Coaevmptioa wu reooned at fnllepeed.butltwntoc
n mudJ* a. when Rev. Fr. Maua at Cedar. Tbeatroctere terrible etery:
dpnklag of Fbrto Bteo, Seaator Baa- 1st plaoee: typhoid fever at Ot plaora:
tbe ateamer-e headway. ; "
noye lorded U ST year. . go.
wUl be of colonial arebiteetere aod a
wheopLag eongb at IS aed ecariet fever
the l.bijg nbooner. fell
Aa I am wriUng here wltbio lOO feet very jwetty midence.
•‘It U evident wbbave a good hold la at 1ft.
•learner', bow. and with a orai n n~a of tbe Soetben ratlread tbe flnt three
thoea Ulaada. aad
glad of it Tbe
of Sunday
aiea Boyee, marebal of Orion,
foreed over and aunk.
aeetiona of tbe troop traine are bowl
I from dead. in the pleeie groned at Urlea
eebeo! work, U. B. ReyaoMaaod Uev.
Three mee apraag aboeuA lb.- :;o.geme. Dongfaerty. an employe la tbe J. C. Cara»a wUl attead the Saaday
It of view aaaaot be laka Be wn eoavayiag aa Intoxieated The paenager. of tbe Norge, moat of ing by from Thoroughfare Gap
iagtSe 1.1 Rhode Island to Middle batoet taetery, made too oight-peond
1. aad we .are there to
tehool euDveation at Kcowiek, to < •
to tbe leekap when, wlthont whom were above denka. raahod abont town. Pa., and another wont by carry
aimax batoeu yesterd.y In ten honra. held there today and toawtrow.
Btay. Wnethrr Cuba la ended to oa or waralBg, he teU aad wn dead when in alarm at tbe aboek, bnt were aoon
met makee iitUe diSareace. We win picked ap. Mr. Boyce wn abont fifty quieted when they learned that tbe ing a battery from Tampa to Honteak. TbU U tbe beat raooid made la tbe taebet I conld not ieem wbat battery it torysinee 189$.
emtral Caba and we win cootrol part yoeie old aad wae aabjeet to epili
Tbe Beet Beaedy for Tlax.
wu nnlrjnred.
waa, but think it wa. a New York velTbe damage cnaUlned by S.
of tha PhlUpplne lalaada we are aow fita. Ureat rselwmrnt prevailed, aa It
Mr. John Mathtaa. a well kau»a
A beat waa lowered aad dx man nnteer battery.
•a the eve of a aew ere of proaperity.
Alley's amrUe works by the raeent Stock dealer of Pnlulri, Ky..
wae reported that Boyee bad been are picked up. The venal aaak alI have Joat bean ordered baek to my flood wlU roach abont fiSW.
■ over * wmk with
— - -nffcriai
—- lag tor
“We begao tbe war uB hotaaalUriaa killed by bU priioner.
UU vHfe loat immedUUly and in ainktng car
pbyslcUn1 baring
toiled te
groaaaa. but we eod it by beeomlog ■woened wboe ahe aaw bar boaband ried with her aUteen of her crew. Cap iteobment. n vre move to MWdletown
Tonight the Boys Band will give na
S 1 wn edvtoed te try
a of great territory,
lylag on tbe gronoA
exenrslM m the bay on the Doeen of
Cholera aad IMar-Un'a
tain Knudnn aald that aa a ataam
Fred Brown U at Fort Kyer with typortaat aot oaly oa aoeooot of
bewn obliged to knp oat of tbe way pboid fever, bat U not daageroualy
of <
■erelil but alao tbe airategie poaaround tee boy aad U* band wUi give •toting that half
et all aaUlag crafv but that wn a time alek.
V„ U S
wbqa tbe vepnl could do more to help
1 aee by the Moxxixo Bixoao tba^ aa eejayable eoacert oa board.
“The Uaited Statea from tbU atoa for Baaletee aad heraelf tbaa the ataamer. Tba fiaberTbe ledlM of Amanda Hive wlU give
Dr. Bobb from
Boat beeemea a poteoi taetor la the
maa wn aa aoUve vend, bad a good Oalnant. a firm friend of onr own bnr- a pedro party with their ic* cream ao- nickle smoke in town
Maaoa Ooaaty Tair.
lateraaUoaal aflalra of tbe world.n it
breen aad wn uader good ateerege
clal tonight.
and wu baried
Tbe agrieeltaral and ladnatrlal ad- way. bet made ao- attempt W avoid
aboBld be.
aea Aagnat!». TaU U a bard blow to
Tbe aaooal eblldren'e day picnic ef
vaaeemeatof aertbera Mlehtgaa will the oollUlea. keeping oe wKb niU tail
“We have beea Idle tee loag.
onr tegiBent. n be waa lovad by all.
^veiea Grange will be held Septem
fiiUaglT rapreaeated at MaaUtCe naUl aqoarely under tbeoteamsr’a bow,
a aad the eaaaWilti
bard to think that wbea I ber third at tee comer of But Bay if
upoe Tneeday, Wedoeaday, Tbbimlay Tbe large ball of the Norge, Cbptala
I «f beiag tbe gieateat 1
meet my regiment aad company the tee weather to pleasant, it noLft will be
iaetor la tbe vrorld. aad recent elrcom- and Friday, Sept. IS. 14. IS. and ir.. ' Knndnn aalA abonld have beea vUible facet of tome wUl be miulag. Bnt
ia their ball. A full attendance to
ataaeee have aot only abown ue that will be the triumph of the year for for a teag dUteeee.
war U bard at beau It wn bard tn
tbaae faclora lie in oar power,
me to stand aad tee that magnlftoeat
Jeattoo G. W. Carttoanaouaees bimOn the above datn tbe ManUtee and
alao that wo are obliged to exereUe
regiamat of mee march oat of oam| eaU n aaolber eaadidaw for t^ Be- la aU tee aaoeeupUd terrUoty la MiteMaaoB County UnioB Fair wUl bo held
and I left behiad. Bnt they daa't eoe
pnblieaa aomlaagM for proaceatlag i^B. Meet pepuW plao accident aad
U tbe Salt City. Beaidee agriealtnral
alte benefit lanranee «e tee market.
ouU aayoae'. wUhee wbea they' Uaai attorney.
land ladMtrial dUpUya the evnt will
orders, aad the one It atrikn moat aabiaelede a grand aigU eamival aad
More than a too of books arrived in TI(M|la«MtiN lilMIgunil hji
eUt te it n a true widler abealA
a ef Idea tenant B
Jubilee ibrongbont tbe four
u city ycetotday for the poWc
# would have given aaytbiag te nave eoboola being the
Xaapp. While Sa
XoaU to
with the teya
t gene
Tbe faU groaada will be lighted at
jj Matteea of Internt Tron AU
laeloted find two fiowera and a leat boehs te be end under tbe free texv
Tana of Kicblgaa.
--------- ■' ----- -• eaUrU
of aasynUth. which 1 picked from the
a grand amy of attoaetloae will be
Bills are out a
r tbe great
grave of tbe old lady that wn killed
Va., August St.
pteavated ineinding a Midway PlaUTSlBfclr,*
Tuesday and Wedoeaday
Moaxixe Baooao-Needlag a lltUe la the Beary bean aad beried Jeat hafl
. *nia anrgeoaa at Cbmp Tbomn were anoe. raeca aad aperte. Tbr^bcmt
naable t« loeete the bullet in the foot the fonr daya. there wUI be band muale mt 1 mad. a deal with our wrgeeo.
la tbe morniag 1 will try aad eend BuaUerv and Colts of ManUtee aad Ue tber pvM*n Iteir pr^eftr mUam ftrv
of Private WileoB of Co. B. Tblrtyfiiet galore, aeveral crack banda having to report tee elck. ee 1 got a tick leave
This Anuasriox is ouaxizxd uxand came bare te Manana, te ml up. yon tome buUei. vrbiuh I found at Boll; Umont Page Fence UUota. Tbe OUnU ox* TH* 1.AW. or Tue St.tx or Mksieolaateere. although he wu under been engaged for tbe oocaaton.
j have been bere before aad their ball OAX. Never clMcd iu demra at aigbt
Today Llenteaaat Alexander aad I of Bob and at BrUtow.
It els. week*. Yceterdny Dr.
Tbe live atock, poultry, farm proOnr new addrw* will be Company M. > pUylng U n good n a cirena The with an unpaid claim oa its beoka on
Baaeh of Imnaiog located and removed duoU aod agrienUnral axbIblU promUe tkeSUbMicbigaa wontto the hUtorteam U • mpoted of fast talent and jWhfrhit bad received priof>. aad in-.
It la len than 10 mlantee. aad tbe foot to eeUpaa anytbiag heretofore gatber- ical Henry Bonn. The bill upon which Tbirty foorth Michigan. DeUchi
it atand. wn the lurelag point of both Baparate Brigade, Camp Meade, boar teeaegaB
. will be saved. Toe army aorgeona in- ed togalbcr in tbU region. Tbe
BnU Bbb baitlea and in the first fight Middlotewe. Pa.
aUted OB ampuuting tba foot, aed of tbe farm will bo ahowa.
The regular G. B. A 1. train which
ia behalf of Company M I send many
Wilaooeame borne without laaee in
New building, are aearly completed old Mra. Henry wn killed and
thaaka for the Bboobd.. It nema to: arrive, bere at 7:05 p m. wn nearly
^ordar to preteat thii.
for tbe dUplay of women', ana. Mcr- bvUd in tlje yard. Mr Benry'a grand- token, back te tbe Queea City oacejboer Uter than u»ual lnt evening,
The_____ ____________ ._____________ eaaUle aod iadaatrUl bootea Thne tether wn Dr. Dane Henry. oommUmore. With regards te all from all I! "’hen il did
veatioB far tbe elnth dutrlet wn held ' will be bom iai bkyeU racea every sioeed by George Wadhingion a. .nrremain. Yoer obedient eervant.
In MaaUtee iVedneeday night and C. J. rijlemoon. Thonsanda of dollar, have geoD 08 the maa-of-war CoastelUtion.
vantage of three cheep exenrsiona aad
U. 1. E.XAI-P.
«baddoexof Hmkeron wn nominated
expended In preparation for tbU The eommlnlon U framed and bnag on Lientenaat CompaayM. S4:hMlehtgan. apend ten daya eejoying tee oool
by aoelkmation.
fair. Write to Chn. 1 Tomlin
Ve is Bot ponit aajrces te BslecMU to!
weather ef nonhera Michigan.
and entry blanks.
It U alleged that pbyslei.n and
Why Mot Build Ocllar* on Beuae Topa
Chaa. Koenig bn to^n tbe poaitlM
I Exenieloa met will be given on tbe firbt which ended .« dUa.lron.ly te
eve U tbe .tote are
la commenting upon tbe damage te la tbe shoe denaetiattit'of the Hereaa1^. A N. B. from Travem City tor tbe ine federal fore*. 1 went over tbe the cellar of Frank Bennett, near Ce tile Compaay’i**store mmle vacant by
about reporting dangerens diienea
field with a grandMm of Hr*. Hrary.
tbe proper autboritiea end Secretary | four daya
dar atreet Wedneeday. tbe Eagle very the reatfiaUota of Balph Baaleto Mr.
ixpUined the po*lUon* of tbe
Baker of tbe state board of heeltfa b^ j
" '
tly Bttggeeted in tee bead- Haalett-svitLi^ve today for a few days
armiee with tbe aid of mapa
lievee tbe proaeentlng attorney and !
Bdneatleaal PonibUiilu.
Oee strange thing wn that the posl' llnee that uonble might be avoided in visit aivLaaslng and Jaekun before ___ _________
A T. PHv4r eS BloeA
health officem abonld enforce tbe law I -pbe educational pontbititlea of tbe
tionaof the two armies were exactly future if tbe dwellers of that locality taking hU new position at Albany N.
In UiU respect. Once, of tnbereuloeU, {brute ereetiea have probably
reversed in the neond fight Tbe fed would min tbeir koueea Mr. Beanelt! Y.
whleb have been directly cMmuaioat-1 rewfeed by Profenor Gentry, wbo U eral army held the groued la tbe
suggoato teat that obaervatioa wn
Mia. H. Phiffer eotertalned a few of
ed to oibem. have beeo allowed t
known all over tbe land n a waader.'nl end tetUe that the confederates held about n nnrible n it weald be te ader friends at a five o'clock tea
vUe tee people over teere te build their Wvdacadsy aftemoea at her home on
trainer of dognandpopUa HU gob>in tbe first, and vjee versa.
The ladiea of Three Blvera have net pany this year comUu of Me bnndred
Flrni we went to tbe .pot "here Gen etliarm npon tbs roofa It to for te.: Elmwood avenne. Mrs. H. Sterling of
a box of wap. toweU. pUlow eane and I
eral Jackaon wn wounded and dubbed eoancil to prevlde means te earry off Lodja^toa wai
abeeu to the memberaof Company K. kind obUienble, all of whom have boM •.«;tonewa;i.'‘aboot IS r-Ma northvnl tbe water, not for the properly owacrs
It to toaredteat M. B. McIntyre's
Afternoon end Evening.
Bow'at Muntauk 1‘oii.t. Cote will alw edftcated tea woadorfel degree of in- from tbe Heury Hoate. About 4 rods te bnild their boa.ee in the air.
me which wn rvacned from a floodbo cent. An organUstioa there bn telligenoe. Tbe entire compuy wUi
of there Confederate General Bee
{ed paatare Taetoay morniag may yet
Vo Caan ef Actioa.
r dUpUy their UieeU in thU city noder wn klUcd. aad at the edge of a small
dene a good deal of good work
Tbe animal ree*ivea aeveral *eIn Jnstiee Brown's court yesterday
tbe abeent wldicr buya from Three) a tent at Eleventh KtrMt.lloaday. Aug
ip of tens, and nme IS rod. ent.
rau beeldes enduring te* oeld
afternoon ia the ean of Myron Pfeifer
ust setb, afternoon and evening.
Colonel Tbomaa. of Gen. Joe Johnna's
water for a namher of honra.
4t Unto by peraonawhoareaolhor- •U«. fell. Home tO rod. east of tbe vs Traverse City Iron Works the ver
W. T. Cbapoell. president of tbe Sag|aawCealCo..widhU intetet in the'ily on amh »uhj?cU that Profenor boose full Genml Bartee. Bech of dict wn no cause of action. Some
Baginaw, Fere Marqn.fte, Berne aud ] Gentry bu reached tbe final limit of then plaom are marked by UbieU.
8ebewaingeompaeie.io il C. Potter.' «bat d-ig. aod penin may be educated About 3u rods tenth of the houM U Iron Company te bnild a gawillse en-' Yeaterday vm Jwd-leVier day
rape, H. U. Wickea. R. M. jte do. and it U alao nU that nothing
tbe spot where tbe awful gioa which would generate more puw- aew clotbtng firm, S. Benda A Co. it
with leas fuel than any engine so!
their grand opening. In ine KrieaBaadall and S.C. Biggin, of Saginaw I further can he aeoomptUhed in that charge of the coafoderate Rl.ck Horse
11 lice If this be true Profenor Oenuy Cavalry wn nmde upon the New York
for aboutfisso.DOO.
•Mtrol 40,000 acrea of ooal land, and certainly denrvta the pheoomlnal nue- FireZruavea Now lurnlog north we
t.OOO under test.
1 «*• that onUnualiy greeU hU exhibl- are on the last line the federaU held, reqaeat wn refused and tbe ean vm I with immcovestocka of clothing, genu'
above reBnlt.j^“j»^'"ff
J. W. Luca., who worlced the .nit tiuen. Tbe price, are deeUedly
and not mere than 5 U Su rods from token Into court with the
________w Tk. »b« l“te to inviting profuaion. Wane
3. J. Tweddle
clBbaeh«me at Menominee abont two •oDsl*!'- and ni'y one can afford te ai the reteU
th^ttemey tor th* | ^
nAAn.led auday. tbs evening ^
worthy of epvci
mMth. ago and. It U alleged, skipped tenB. Children IS cU.. adulto iS cto.
tcial mention.
First eomea the pocltloe of GrilBth'e pl^utlff and Fred Pratt for te* dp i
| a veritoble cruAb. a
. _
oat with SSdO. wneaptsred WedoewUy
battery. ftO rod. eortb, and Pickett's
more pleasant tee Crcacrai
Bear Lansing . wb.nee be wn traced
Taper Aeniveraary Burpriee.
battery, where a brave lientenaat waa
Yesterday atiernoas AUoe. the five-1 a fine concert ootolde. it an utterly
by Sheriff Rnpiecht. Be b aUo wanted
Yeaterday wn the first anaivenary
year-old danghter of Abram Clark died j Impoealble te sell goods ao
I the crowd, and tbe firm did not care te I
at tobpeming andNegauaee.
of tbe marriage of Mr. and Mr. Joe Ga- deliberately aheU
He wn buried aaddenlyt UUatotod teat the
SJnpiy their inirodnc-1
A crowd of ^ton Harbor sporU .lemo. and in honor of the event a large where be fell, but I have forgotten bU waa di^tberla.
USB to koe poupie and a pleanjit m-1
aunt te Berrien Spring. Tucaday aigbt
Twenty reda north and
ol yogcg pecqru arranged a
troducUoD all who were there wilt
. le pnil off a priro light between two •orprlM which wu adibirably carried eomete where Gen. W. T. Sherman
toeuty. Mr. Benda became personally
.. .k... acquainted wiui ail whom Be could
Alaggera When they arrived at tbe oat. Uamesandi
poshed hU baltecy «P to within
nad hia pleasant addren and
prepeeed meeUng pUee. they were ooa- the program of the evenliig and re yard, of the rebel line aad wn* taken £. Hart, ef Tretea, S. D.
caused his gneau
The World’s Best Trtoined
withabad oeld which .ettled-on my ', conrtet,us treatment “J***
teMtod by Sheriff Fergnaen aad aix
make It addUloo- and reiaken n tbe llae. .nTged to and lungs: cough set in and finslly termU-1
like wmlng again.
Animal Exhibition.
--------- --------- ----------AepuUea
ally enjoynble.
Several approprUic fro. In fact, BickeVU' and Griffith', atod• in
in Coi
Co'rsumptloa. Four doetera
bfeaday mlgbi’a storm di4 great dam gifU were brought in honor of the oe- batteries were taken aad recaptered pv* me np. wylag I ooold lire but a
age at £gg Harter near Menomiaee, oaMOB.
aeveral timeft, 3nat to tbe aootb of
jwo email Hooker, being overturned.
Bhenran's battery fell onr Boble Col-
D xxs ovmov
A LiYe Agent Vanted
udMi. nancu Accaar issocuTm.
Carhartt Overalls
Benda & Go's.
Monday, Aug. 29,'
BenHa I Co's. Graoii Opeaing.
.“rurLEl'IkCfuil FieStretPuU.
Opentag of Seoah A Oo.
•ahm in an eaban.lcd eonditioo. What
Lnt night knndieda of pec^lc enwn oeee a thriving village U now a joyed the opening of tbe new olothing
tanas oirulaa.
_ ef Beads A
aad gent's fomUbing
Of. B. 8. MeMarter and aon Parser., ^
^ 1^1
L. J. Pray, aad »>e4 W. Beckwith of ja^fin.eaadv and tbe Creweat band
Dowlagiso, left Tneteay afwrooon for j ^^.^alaed on tbe entolde with aa en
tbe Kloedtke gold regions. Tba eom- tertainlag eeoeert.
. paay te which tbU party belongs own.
11 rich oUlma aad bn l« men at work
Oartbaru OventUa at 10 per cent,
■ ior tiiam.
leas than others nk—tbe year aronod
C K. Smnd of Three Rlvare hn la atB. Benda A Co'a, A. V. Friedrich
hU pceeemloB a table ateele. whleb bU block.
lather, Tbomn D. Bmeedteonied from'
the vegoa of Jeff Davis, at hU naptare
la May. lUt- Mr. Bmaad wn a aargeaMt la Company C, Foarth Michlgaa
oael Cameron, brother of D>a a»erja
of Pci
ThU field t dmcrite U M not anro
than to acrea. eo yon can Judge by the
of field ofieer. wh^
^rnage of Uae effioen bad
have been. •
Baek on tbe field from the Cklaa
bonce, which mark, the right ef the
federal Uae. te the Mattbew. bean.
wbUb marks tbe opening ef tbe first
fight, are tableta markiag tka epote
vrbme billed er woeadod
many a Uniea v rebel effieer. Bnt
my time wae too UmHed te go over it.
nitwealdUkemeratbaaaday. aad
take the notes I woaM Uke Uv theai^
and te* vnsdpm ef tba pro^eion an
•very side in the axeal:
selecUona«ff goods01
gootoof ail
all xinoa
kinds. Aseiri
styles are up te date; their atote wm-, fUlLRDAD
pleto aod varielin nnmeroua. Tbe!
stow and
ud yCH
•aiwy vroman. inai eotues newds
itlatoetioo I
10 cto. at 6. B. Walt's and J. O. John did not heeltote te expree* ntlatoetioo
son's Drug Storee. Begnlnr sin $0e at tee tnatmeal they received and adnndtl. 0
d or price refunded.
In a word, tee g
■ and tee nnivennl
OtkcrBMdStam. '
teat Benda A Co. are te*'
ri^t kind ef people nnd tent this to
Hamilton Carharn
■’‘wS^SToniA'°SJI; 2:
at WatibDingetacn.
Plain, ftftu With Wb, ton. AH yen
and genu' fnmltetnga with “Man wUl eon* end men wfU go. bnt
doth Ing a
wenrohen toetny.”
i and poor nllka.
•aboel of Koaic BoeltaL
Tbe reralar papUa' laMtal of
Travoae City Bebool of Moale wUl be
Ever Burned Outt
She-Why dem't yon. tbc&f
giveo tbte afurooea at 4 o’olodc at the
Be—Sbe'eao obotliwto aba west M
eebooL Baeb oopfl baa tbo prlvitago of
iovlUac a friend. The foUowiag pro
TraTHtna City MoaSet .
___ . _ amipned tbe taak rf dririag a gram will be
O. P. GA&VE&. AE—t
Mz mole team. When the artay halted OaavacatlOB
Below, ia a Hat of tha birels« aad aaU
M DMib TM» SM bAwItad for the first night, be waft wearUjr onag prlecB of yeaterday forr ggrocertm
MarteO Oibbft.
la in Trav
mrUlona and farm produeu
baneftslng bis tMto.
WBBI ui voeoa.
-ree City:
*'Uel)o there." aald tbe wag o< the
Margoarite Evasa.
"Men wUl eome aod man wUl go. bot
MoMof w ban ft UoRorihg lovaof oosnpaa} in paftftiAg. "What do foo
we are here to syy."
■•PW Child...............................
life, and tbe tbc^ht tbat thm u
aear Pork per bbl.sew
mean by Mdug care of tboae uolee
tbe bftrutt poftribiUtj-o* buiog I
Clear Perk per B>..........
yonreolf? Why don't you hare tbe
MaoiaUe. Mteh., Aag. 1. IMI.
Short Cut Perk..............
■U«« aeodt ft dindder tbrongh a*.
Scales Minor............................
bonier do it*"
loma Protective Are a.. Gaylord,
Short Cat Pork per lb..
M«dluftl iDftn know that the fatnnan
Carl Urawo.
"Why. I tbonght err^ man had to
Dear Sirs:-1 reoeived today throagh
lour, B L A Co. beat..
body in time df iUuev and at other take care of hift own team.” aaid tbe Bvening (orgas eolo)............
Flour, H. L. A Co.-BeaL..
tiniea. to(v U liable to amine all the bewildered uamRtf.
... - . - B^t..
Selina Pnleipber.
my accident claim.
ft of drath witboct
"Yob bet he doen't. We've got a
---------Eeod! a. L. A Co. Beau..
the final fteparation hariuR acCoallT bcMJer fur that. Tbote'ft faift test right Roaamonde (vocal aolo)... .Charmlrade
Grace Morgan.
taken place. There areAhe oonia. oataUe'ft a lazy, ountraiy old
per »...........
me. I remaia a member of yonr a«^
per ft...........
: datloo.
Gnoaox BamunTX,
Going north dally except Sonday.
I nate, eaofa one bringing In its yoo awoar at, him and bo’ll move
Batter per lb Didn..
Manistee, Uleh.
1«01 Vine street.
trend the very riuolaUcn of death itaeU. dooUroaick."
Creamery Butter.Ib..
TraTprse City..
Btadaa. Non. : and 14.......................Ueller
"Happily, ameoical man nowadaya "
(a) TraomereL.......................Scbaoiaan
The HiftMorun rtrode over to tbe
r '• a pLvFirluii to a reporter, "expo- tent indicated, which happened to be
(b) Bomance...........................Kebnmaao'
Cora per bo., o
•'■•rjfv ludielariug his pa- General dbenrsn’s heftdtioartcrft.
Emily Crowell.
PoUtoaa, per b
■ ■ • - « u.-n.nil role, bot
"Ihie. you ao^of agun." he roared ;
Salt per bbl...
. .V
“f '“r i
-W oo'l ot 1«« md biMl
Bran per loa..
Vera Carter.
t....c uiaAlic may bftvo a dooht. “ , tboec mnlra"
Bay Vis
,wbioh o«i5*:cnurictli.n cither way-fol-1
the teamster apent
Reraeuber that I do all kinds of twopnii his fisdiugK. which an* dm tbe ei-niing in the .
Harbor Poiat...
pairi V and enameling, and that I eaa
Wheat, old, per bu..................
pie and oBJclndve, and In which be I
A pious old Indiana tanner waa aaand do give yon tbe beet work of any
WbeaL new, per bn................
muc bo luikUbL-D.
' algnid to tne duty of teaminK. proliably ,
one la tbo city for tbe moony. I>omt
uau, No. 1. per bu. (new)...
Going sooth daily except Sunday.
,be deceived by what othava telljm In’
M tbe oontrery, bat ooak'and^n^lar v:'
Leave Harbor Springs..
•• Harbor Point....
Rntur. per lb............................ . It-to IS yenreeU.
OS , I gnareatec all ay werk to be right,
" Wequetonsing...
ril.e, Uu iu«d.a
Eggs, per dnaen...............
3S and if It does not prora ao I make tt
•• Bay View..............
Poutoea. per bn........................
.b™.t U.m»b
rt «
, pdotirto to
h, bold bU I
eu. b.pi.«»« bon. md tbore »b«re
4, un i
. ,
I Stop in till 8 o’clock every evening
" Charlevoix............
Ob, lo»b~l .bbmm » „„ bi
bi..d Dtolo. Uhod uid r. !
Bueklan^ Amien Balve.
Uxccpl Sunday, in tbe Ckldwell A Lop•• Norwood...............
i»pet<b«ios,iibjOTbito.t)vib|,bmi«b i
ibo old
.lS;30p. m
r'doo boUding, at Dortb end of UniOM
••Ib«« -i*.!- ^dob.l; ootuombw ;
I urge tbs tnuit
- Omena....................
thoao of the f
•• Neahtowanta...
1 purpoHo. At Ian he ;
Rheum. Fever Soree. Tetter.
Ar. Traverse City---Th. j.t.loptlc o.O|dly.boM ««i» oI
1^’iood‘“lbd .ol,^ ,il«:
Hands. Chilblains. Coma, and
life jnn in Um nick <if time to dimp-, ..oh. Lord, you know whe re thia mule
Bruptlona. and
rno par required. u'i, ruto—d
point the andenakers and to mliere «>r- ought to beaaweUai anytaody. This
zowing fruiida'
Going south daUy azeept Sunday.
whole army knows wbciv bo ought to
"Uf courw, tnncdi of tbe evidence OQ be this mitinte. He knows where be
Leave Nortbport............ .........6.3e a. a
which tbe allegatina of p
" Omena.................................?:«• "
ought to Iw. I know wb)-rv booogbt to
" SuttonsBay.......................i-riS "
burial la istaed dependa ootho
0 (act tbat be, oh. Lord, and if be doesn't move in
. trersbai* ntoek.
-navsres Citr, Mtsb
.«,)» Bmn."
NeahtawanU................... «;«* "
bodies on ezh
a minute 1 intend to aay so, by gum.*'
the lateet perlam
Ar. TravereeCity.................. :0;45 "
donalty fouDd diatorted. thereby foster -><lbioi^ Inter-Ocaw.
ing tbe nution tbat this or that oocnDing north dally except Sunday.
pant of the coffin haa died iimn anffoLeave Traverae City..................*:00 p. m
OBticn, a theory which ia aapperted by GLADSTONE AS A CHEMIST.
Tor l»aU-eousrhold goods. Mra.)
.3:00 "
decides to take his family
Prank Tomlinson. ^ Boat Front
------------the favonible oooditioo of other ox...4;S0
Suttons Bay..
hnmod bodiea
"But the idea ia altcgetbet wtong, in
Ar. Nortbport..
tact and in principle. It it well known
iBsa fii
not fasoauto be lacked
among tkoau who have made it a atody tbe gifu-for be pommsod it in a Ugh
asaaan aass see
Dally Koming Exennioua Tnan
S3Er«S Eggs ggg
that the apparent
•- .
. ,inatcad • degree—but because he forbore to —~
S.U>CnOK.O«>«>«i-OVee.to Martlbms
; -a H«t.on«r.Hi« . liviM bmUl, puji»t,
Take eteamer at «:40 a m. for Neah
ly d,patd dpod
c— b^bt, „„
^ 4,
tawanU where yon will eoaoeet with
Uodt fr dreompodOob, tb. li.tlb«»» ]
.ometto™ mm tb.
steamer Crescent returning to Trav:
o^ »b.di 1. «dl^Uy mme
b„„4 „.d. attlu* for « Ict.
ereeCUyatlO;4Sa.m. Thia will give
1 -g==»*=a*"»o*-*•=*=*
^^abt^oiil. md eran b^
j „„„„„ py ,p, „d, td tb. nitui »t»»i
you a pleasant ride of >4 milee on the
is IS a
bey and can be made------- ---------•■.f^-lErEbd i«d
lO.MrresaUl* Oo. Blatfc.
pen in every oaaa but it does in a great
£8 S E 8 SM888
land you at Omena or Nortbport where
tetnrn“no. bol 1 O.II not K « O, ai; 1
tb. Ut. sir Jobo Pnp. HuuK-y,
Ipg to Traveree City at 4K»^. m.
aay that a i*ematii» bnrial has iiOTbr i
following story to ilAfternoon exenraioni from Traverse
t^en place, but it baa pot oocu^ ao
this generooa trait in Mr. Glad.
City. Uke the steamer Oesoent every
olub lU 1. tbdttdtt. I dm ny ltmjj ;
afUmoou at ):00 for Neahuwanu
apludfiebbiocAs. ’Phee*. I
00™, tb tlbii. oJ plum. .ndp«tl. I Bi,jphnprldrfbtt»»lto»bi.ktid.l.
where yon will oonncct with steamer
Ituou, .bu, tb. pt«o»i,d
ma ^ ^ cb.ml«ry. u«l to oo. tJ tb.
returning to Traveree City at 4:00 p.
boned within a few hours of dmih. i' debates on the oowmercla] treaty with
.Hut is whurv much mischief lice. But
To partiea of five or more a raU of
fkanrv SItt
£b uiauc
made «
a Bucn.u
spnch diA.u
B..MH. ma
Be lure for tbe round trip will be
When lutnic prevails where does thought ; ^
, serioo. chemical Llonder
—lo inl
in the tnnty. Mr. Glodstcaw followed,
"In plagnea, sneb aa cholera, tbe "and srxid turned me inside out in the
ssss e
atat« of coUapao ia ao profound tbat it ;
mdohiik i
r," Slid Hennraay
I Prom the South on the
E8ES S S SS8&E a
may jiorfccUy amnlatc death itsclt bot , reUtinu the
od** *
»=g= = “
«■—fg g
O. & A L
the custom ofI bbtylbsto.
burying the d«.d«a.
dead on the ^
; 8tfeEEEBfiiBBSEC B
dayol d.uth is fortnnau-ly on tbewauei
, saaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
into Traverse City as follows:
even during advanced e»udemica. It is j* 7," * ~
! sfi=»sses«ssdEdS 8
probable that in the a^oe of me^l ; ^
thna dispomd of bis oriths,
! =g—■
1. By. between Richmond and Fort
aid in panic timw m country pUau ] ^ Gladatone went and Mt by him for
Wayneae.aa a sasassssa
abroad it has led
.i*Ting^«rial-^^ moment, “ibnpe-yoodoo’tfoe-lburt,
“I bope-you don’t foe-1 hurt.
7" : a
bor. wlllTvydi'BaiocsU
SSSh 8 888SS8SSS
• »>reM—as If
d«^it mnal have done. Bot the last
Houucwy." be said. "Vour speech
••-s* s
cndofaJInndcfftochi^diti.uisismor. ^
»nu it may oousalo you
Sep. 3rd-7th Penaa. poinU LonUviUs.
iDdlanapolls, Terre Haute. Bk LonU.
clful. for it must not be
^ , tokuow^t the cwperur of tbe French
Tbe flret five ezeoreions tlekau good
dlsssBelU, OselsasU, CSIeste. Dvtniit a
if you are ’nucaitoions’ only while ^
p,«asoly tbe aame ohjoctiou ihM
OrsaSRspMtSHSa sa SIsspiac sad
iiig bermeacaUy aealed in^ your edfin ^ yon have made. The
The fact
fact it.
^ both
both you
Obio. ladaina and Penna. Ueki«
yon will never again .vxpcnence volim- and be know a good deal aboot ebumtary
motion or i^noa.
good 30 daya. ^ ^ Minasr. Agent.
ry montm
{fttry. but not tmmgh
cuough to kre-p
kse-p you from
earsad pBffsi earoaUls iralB.
ivc fraa nirlweed, Part «
"However, where the doctor oan
Mt«y.”_Ciiuoa McoSl^IitoTrslas arrive
C. L. LocKwuon. O. P. A T. A.
irsad BapiaaTXap.as I
tb« nevordoOr*
Druvl! sod Om..uiifnhed. imug , bonal is imiwsaible ^igbUy Eoview,
Grand Rapids.
aadPsflst car trow Deuelt oBtau traU
even in a cbnlcm panic, fee tlicre are •
emaiu Indily uovoiiienu wbu-h gemer:
Beduoed Bates on O. BL A I
Uhrr«I rt
411 St*
ally cKcur afler death fngn cholera, in
Mrs. Hewy waihu on Oct. M, IMT.
the abfteuce nf which a medical ;
Jast as be and bis family are leaving September 3d, good to retnm October OArxPOItimA-DetniliaaCrssd okewcMS
"four dettn
.tobor 1
would heaitate to ciatify for burial.
tbo boose a muueugcr arrives with a tnd
O^r^uA.LsagworUr. Ut rrotit nywi
Toronto. Onurio. one fare for round
"In agos gcoo by and in nudvilind
aumtuunsto servo on the jury.—New
trip. Sell August 24th. S&tb. and 27th,
countries still it is iiosaible that nnoon>-t ssIsratsM reoan. a
i with them Mr. Ga—. Mr. Down— and
acious oiuleptica or persons dragged k
oono Monm
t Mr. lk»-. Fart of th«-m staid and playReduced rates to other poinU Phone
apparent di-ath, may have boon and : «d at wblsh (MCI tel thia niomtait.
C. E Murray.
lurvay. Agent.
perhaps still ore onaMuualty buried
is fifteoB moatbs old.^bad an attack of
C. L. Lockwood. «. P. A..
■ ■
) that
diarrhoea aecompaoled by vomlliog. I
Greud Uaidda.
r Juba \>i>l»S.2» rroDt
gave it sock remediM aa are usually
of aielobef** Ormod Opera Hsose.
Everyone baa beaid
1 in socb cases, but as DottalBg
■n^ evcuu are ^bla_______ .• writes to U.e Rev. Mr. Tbotmu Foulkea
Kizea and prices
all Ml
"InMonna tbe cuatmn preijaiU of
^ ^ Tom Uem-y. at Ox-
Hamilton Garhartt
The Way They Settle!
iTitene Baj Line of Steamers.
Bicvcie Riders.
John R. SAnto,
GeoBral lastriDce.
iGnid BipiB » iDllui 1.1
unsm iiD HnnitRu li
’•““•js.’sssiTr**""- .
ot b.™£ ,iu« 1.1. ......i.'
4 » ,h oilir.
TbimLlcs are
the dead.
couiicct'-d witb ebu luurtnary belli
"Have ib<-l>t-llseviTruug? Yes,once.
"It 18 imisMsdldu for a doctor to mis.
take nuouiiaciuusncss in iu varied tonus
for dial h.
"Buuic* timoago it wassuggt*4cd that
a law abiiuld bi- paM-d luakiog it ootu-
pnlairy for b i:H-dit4;l imui |i> tost bt.-Uvs
'bof'Ti- giM.4! M d-rtiiieate of death.
T«»uug l,y» :-<;ric»ty was tb»ogbt of.
!»»«>»■ ItotototoIlowUi. ,™.pl.
■blst. Had at tbat only in
ChristUias time for riiptmec a oonasr."
Lady Bristol was at Siitb in ApriL
71 TU.'L and was ttn-n'in Mic center uf the
trorid of whist. "Poor Bishop NevelLl’
about teu days and was hsvlog about
tweatyfive operations of the boasts
every twelve
welve hours,
hours. and
1' ’ we
were eonobtained reviaeed that unless it
would not live.
a and Diarrhoea Remedy
Colic. Cholera
mded. and I decided to
wasi .
n uoiiced
try It. I soon
001 iced a change for tbe
she wrilea "cun scarco be ivckcaied iiur« was broDgbt about au,. „
aninag tbe living, being on my opplnbesUhv—C U Booos.Stumptau) wnrs than dead. They tay bo Mtta I town. (lilmer'Co . W. Vs. For salb by
ut Lindny’s with <Me to bold his cards : S. K. Wait, druggist.
nu'l another to giac him feuuS. Falaiy :
ii--n-«.i»u ncivti'in
nces!i'»n yet whetliw
wheUier “ .
It have lir>«gbt btui ch this miss- |
Buy a Scholarahlp.
rlcrtntity kills -r ouiy-scuuk. ^
" On Muy I abt< cheer-n.. in
I-.re wmiiTTy
cinmvi-v arc
«w.. tM* nr»t. '
n thiv
The Traveree City Ilasioees Collet
fully iufumis' hu bniil«nd
tbo di
.1 w^mld' be sHtiaversion of tbo/ ovcsiing is the-p^put and Normal Instiiuu offers a 7S weeks
t oHdi-nueof
show. "Det^is gone with Lady Tar- scholarship for ODAtbird off the regu
It iiw^ ite
value. Unthe
lar rmua If yon dMire one of tbeae
rington. The whiikura have promiaed
.i.'l ibiuk Ivglsiatiun (rf
scholarships atund to It at once, as the
me scaiM diveiuon after 'Us over."—
ort time
offer will be for a short
this L.i.a Is II. -M-.ir>
It v.uuld oesNtkui and (^uriva
ticbool opens fi^temberr 12tb at ISO
fMiily itiiscl Lt-a tliu3 u.iuiuJ prolusEighth streeL
C. R. DocKKRAV, Prop.
‘ "The Vhnmio cu-toin is a wise ime,
402-e. X. o D.t-w.
Tbe oigaciv
tbo fox ia tpost won
nnd 1 abonid Iiki tu k-u it mow gunur.
derful It B relatdd Uiai he is tornUyadophd."—J'veison’s Wevkiy.
mootod ^ fleas, and wiion the inflio-
Bill—Did yon Kwd abrnit that fellow
Wiiting a poem ui a fiiu LiHV
Tbo editor kept
"No. Horetonwdlt."
"What.-an i-diiur return a ^0 him"
"Yoa. nodidiftkuowwbJtijwas."
tied tieedines niibeamble be gathers a
munthfnl <J mou and alowiy walks
hackward into tbs nearest sweam until
only the munth is lidt above tbe surface
ef tbe wab.-r. The floss meantime take
refuge 00 the moss, and wImvi tbo fox
is nlisOod tbat Uwy liave all embarked
bo cgKils bis lunnUi, and
away, while tbe wily fox E^piina tba
hank, bappy in freedom fnini his tor-
oap (d the top wviii^s b; toaa m>d
000 btuAs were nsod in fu vmeunotiaa. It is ctrnnlar in foru, and in a
- |3de hands extromelr.
1 si—.. Tbi. «i«, I... -
A BrpuWlicsnvsucorltrr Wsrdjl.-. I will U
irlo lu<,rsarc HsU.Csm •trr»i.-pp Wcdpcc' r Attjt »1.1
tl. I>w. Ptr .ivlork. u eicci
CP) civpiuc.
K'petUrpp ruppti
lldrlrsplr. U. p'lcnS
t. KOS.
cvPTrul<pn u, U be:d bc|S.
r Wsrd No. t will U
1. hWWd •ItTCL PB
________ .
K P.a I
- - - SI
St e ovii....
Wedsp^^mip^., Aug.
tpsttcpd the aepvbhesp
raoa. Hoci.Toit.
.Tfi.ri.sw-A”-. s™7i.
wupslkip sPd b
Urssd Rs(>ld>
WTTiimX-Olpl I r «e«cr«l h<ip.*«orl(
W <1P<«) •PSec ppd i,pnps»»pl cap'o^rnl.
Csl! p> 2SB Wet Bcreolti «f»»l.
k. amsii Ut
ootHO Hotna.
(p hsroan eexor.
TTTsKTED —Good Cli
W wsem soft Ptesdr cltosMPB.
J c^simspKppuppsBi!
Sqnib—Tbe editor seams to have tne
naaal nin of enemies.
Scrih—Yea If be pul
an«)>ffio«»(y, they aucuse him 0/
ardiee. while, sbonld be sign an i^^e.
tb^ laugh at bit vanity>—Up tollata
Carhartt Overalls
ArcSlwto»^<^ 10percept. b^v^Uc |>rl
Sends & Go's
«R>R SALS-Lota tp TrpvcfW Ollr: «« PW fo^- --
Nol' 11* T’aiSp
. Acs II. MU.
r* 10 Siieni] ihe
to bcbcU Sepl.
IH Mrpet. Traverse CItr. 1
t;. B. HORN.
P. C. ti^^XBT.
-’"s.a s^::
IRWALR FLAint-PDrPaleto MsSm Gepps
lair LenbarCo.
Xm« R^ Ov^... .
W. LsPOIr-p
?oVlork!'to clpct 6 4-lerPlep'
pnUkesS oonpir •
•pprvtlltrpdr fpr ,
btU srpt. X.
W«deBstparalt AayoBtU ufixmllu!
One of the tnUwt stacks in Gseat
Britain u mcurti-d at Lliuivllv. Sbom
tba fans* of tbi- touudatiuu (0 tbe extrenw snninitt is 4i« feet high. The
■oldiotn' Bannion.
On aeconnt of tbe Soldiers’ Renaion
at Armdu ths M. A. N. E K’y wiltaetl
UckeU on Augntt 20. 30, 31. and B-ptember 1 at BI 4S. return limit BepUmber3dontralnsWtU:43a. m. and 3:40
tbe A. A B. E. E>
H. W.I
William's Petoskey
fruit juices, cold sparkl
clean spoons and glasae*. ----- _
tare coBstituU). oar ice cream soda 1
Wail's sods fouDUln.
... .ptaeBtstrli.
It priaisrr arhool HoUSCPIDS. Ass. tl. iM.sl «
sswc 4P simJ Uc Re-
ORO. g. OAUlaOX.
mJe» '!
Sccood Jmr-Vo 412
SMTBUI7 of Wnr Alfor StUl At IKoat»Bk Point.
Bpaetat «e Tte MeratM BaoorB.
^ JUem of Sttpreme Bepro. MnUtives Bednoad.
WMhinrtOB, AngM 86.-!t U mii
tn offlcUI WM olrelM tUa Bornlnf thnt
Oasaral Alfar nlrbt 4«Mln nt Mon-
tonk Prtnl n f*w 4»y*. Tho •MroUry
win ependn two weeke' Tnontioa In
•clMdatoflCaxpMMMofUw SopreiM Mlohlfnn the Utur part of Septoaber.
win pvt hla Detroit nt the Ume
Sodj—Wd^oCth* FiBUM Oomof the aepvbllenn eteU eonvenUon.
mittm i* iBdiMlBpoU Hm UUtfd
Vp » ksasinu WUcb Hm Amsb-
•d B P«r>oiua Fkue.
Tbirtp-Fifth ltichl$nB tdolined nt
•racial M Tat Mussna Mmoaa.
BnnineM Ken'a Demonatmtion
iBdlBUpdU*. A«ini»t S5.—A IMOliiIn Detroit.
tv« WM laUwlaeMl In th* Bspram m*
b> Tu lioBitUio P«oowi.
•Mibl/of UM KntfhUof PjiblM tbit
Detroit. Avrtul
—The bunineen
•fimooa ktolUbliv (be ■kpreme tribrnen'e pnmde nero todnj wn» the grMV
tonnl OB the eoore of eon. bni the mtoeetlnthebietoTponiie cUp nhd wne
UUoa WM defenud.
bp SO. kNi people who crowd‘J^e MBMtion tbU nfternooa wai the
od and Jammed tbf atreet for the en
rapert of the e*tlmnte of the aonnoo
tire four mllea of the perada Tbe
oommitiM. The eommUtM went V ^he
floaU of tbe bulneaa houaea eqnalled
Mluiee with M ns nod reeommeadpd
tae New Orleau mtvtni graa. Tbs Brat
U»t the per diem of the enpreine repof tbe day. howerer. wa* tbe apprarintnUTM be rednoed from
aoce of Ooeemor Plngree’# pel regi
oenU n mile «ncb
to $3 md 3 eea
ment. tbe SSth Michigan U Rnaki nnl• milA Mtnnl Unrel.
Tbo npMt M preoMted U: The m1*
nry of the anproae ehnnoBllor. two
Tonn. $0,000; oUrlenl foro*. $1,800.
«ffloe nnt. netul eoef. not to MOMd
$M0. Poetnee. telermph. telectnBu.
n«Uon«7, exproM. roaoml of fornl-
forma They
flneat body of men that ever marebed
in Detroit, baring aUo aad boing weU
drilled. They were Idollrod by Un
tnre frea BMtian, Uloh.. nil nt nctnni
eont nnd not to exceed two jene. 11.000.
Snlnrjr of ivpmiBe K. of P. recorder SBTSBAX, OOHFAVXBS OF OAFAL&T AMD UTFAHTHT.
nnd eecrotary. two pMie. $i.SO0: elorloat wnMnnoe, $S00: ofloe rent. heaUnr,
Flan to Allow Bagimenti Ohelee to
Uj^tinf, jnnltor. tolepbone. poatafn.
Bernal" in thaSerrioo or be Dlapacklar boxM, wrapplngr paper, and
ebarged Deaa Met Work Tory
other lAcidantaU at Actnnl cent net to
Axeood $S.OOoT traveilnr expencee. not Bpaelal to Tae Mcanna Bsoonn.
to exdMd two ymrt, $30o.
Waahlngton. Angnat IS—Order* were
This report kac proeipiutod a $r>>t iaaved today to maatarirat the follow
that bM already beeonM pereonal be ing;
tween aotne-of the membefa.
-Ponrik Pennaytranie infantry, Sixth
nilnoia Infantry. Baeond Wtaeonaln In
fantry. Ihird Loaialana light batwriea.
two abode Inland light batlMdea, two
Dragon light battoriea. Firat Wiaoonaln light batleiiea, two troop* of Kantnekey earalry. light battery A of
MUaenri, light artlUery of tbe Twentyaerentb. light batury of Inniana artUlory, and light battoriee A B A C. of
tbe PenuylraaU light battorie*. When
troops mvstered out are not apecially
HLany Hcqama to Have Thirty-Secent Kuxured Out, Are
Bnng Sent In.
WMbln^ton. Anrnat SS.—Pint UentOBABt AmbroM E. Pack of the ThirtySrvt MicblfAB, baa rcaiffned aad bora
honorably dlMsharrod. Lcare of ab
aence on aeeovnt of eleknaw flTon
dorignated they inelvde all that ar
Glean C. Lawleaa, firet Uantenant,
tbe serrice from the etatee named.
Tblrty-tblrd Mlebi$an. hM been exTbe preaident'a plan of permitUng
Mnd«l SO day*.
Ifferent orgMUationa to My who
A TbefollowiarMieblsanaoldieiv are
Uey weald like to be n
ordered dlMharfod: Prieate Fred War
remain tenet weridngaawellMbaand
den. Oo. A Thirty-third; Corporal Eloe.
hte adrteon tloagbt. Ofiom of VdlnnCo. I, Tblrtyfoerth; Prirato Jamee
toer regimante from oerUl* aeetlona of:
Bradford. Co ti. Tblrty-aecoad. Act
intry are Gamorova to be reing
tolnad. white tbe men, Ured of e
ordered from Omnd fiapida to report
Ufe, danire to rotors to their borne*.
- fordatyatObii
The necreUry of war la getting large
e of reqoMta from Iriaada aad
reUtiretof membere of the TUrty- Sereral Compaatep of Thirty-Fourth
•ecMid Michigan aaxlng that the regiKlehigan Folatocrs Sately
anent be amatered oak
Flayed Aronvd a Sonflie With an
Oil Can.
•pectel loTa* Koanoie nxevec
^Plymontb. Hiidi.. Augast SS.—Word
hM joat iWsbed here of the death of
Lillie, tbe aix year old dnoghter of
George Piaber. of L.irlnrateae. She
waa plaTing aronad a bonSie and approaebad too near with an oU
which cxploprd. Ber elothea were
bnrued off eonpelely.
Uoctaak Point, K. T.. AugM^
Company 1C of tbe Thlrty-foortb Miebdemana
and Allegan: Company L. from Mar*
quettaod Company 1. from loata, bare
arrired in fairly good coadltioa com
pared with maoy of the boy* that have
. preceded them They were loud in
their praise of tbe officer* and crew of
tbs naval transport Badger, which
brought them Mm Santiago. Bat
they ware a ruaty and ragged lot of
chaps, sod aboweu signs of having seen
hard Mrvice.
Tbe transport Leona baa also brought,
amang other*, two
tbe Thirty-fourth Michigan- The men
are all In fair condition. They will remain tbe naaal period at tbe detoatloa
camp. There are now 750 men in tbe
hdepltal at Cbmp Wikoff, of whom KS
are typhoid fever caMs.
Detroit Banker Honored.
^<«l»l loTas Mounii* Rkcoso.
Detroit. AngMt 25 —George B. Boaitt of Detroit. preaidMt of the Btato
Serial Bank, wa* «
the American Banker*' AaaeelaUon et
, the iHt aearieaof the (wenty-foortb
Fnrioas Hurrioaaa and Flood Hear
inai eenrenUoB held ^re today.
Utica, B. T.
Fine StUI Stands.
UUea. K. T-. Aognst M-—A fnrion*
Al«etalwT*e ncaauB KacDan.
storm baa swept over this regtem, do
SSno.OOO damage.
Warielagton, Anguat IS.-The
Many bridge* were carried away,
tlonal Leagne board of diroctora has
farm property wm damaged and rail
reeoeridered tbe avapenaloa of aolmee.
roads were washed out.
the UaltlBorc base ball player. The,
Sae against the New Ywik elvb aUIl
told at_______
________ _______
twr rmt Irss thaa tbe price quoted by
any Mber dealer. We will aot bo ~
. last vhiS the pee^ han ben wait- dcroold by anyone. Wo will not
mlttbat. Kit! Corns te Bends A*Oa
Tbst's where the bargains ar* to he
had aot one day in tke rear bat every
MICH., FRIDAY, A^DST 26, 1898.
suvx nr tkb $t. oxazb.
OoUinlOA of Two SteAmera Onwad
Hcney DuBAfe.
Apacua M Tan Mennie Bnoaw.
Oetroit. Anfvat IS.—The anknown
aUABar. U ooUiaiM with the OeatarDelicate Job for The Peace ion. fa Boppc^ to be the etonmnr
UnrehAll. wbkb annk tMnr St. Clnlr
thin memlnf. eloae on akom. The
atonmer now lice with her bow biffh
OumUob m to Whether Stebla Oorthe bAok. ne dAmare wm t«7
. emmeat enn be SMnbUnhed on
mnlBdoroflalnnd*, If ThopDoVot
Hammocks From 1-3 To 1-4 llff.
Much of PhiUppinet
Will be Ooz*.
Into PoMeMlon of United
ntM Bniraa DhtAu Aabore TMtMBpaclel (e Tet Kannaa ReroKO.
dap Hominff in a Boatp
- WnnhinrtOB. Aa$net IS.—SeoAtor
Dneie. A&d Senntor Frpe. Mleeted tor
Avr. SS —The eUam
poAooBBUeioiien hnd n conference
wltb the p.-eetdent ow the eemlnf barfre Cbnrlee BeiU. Cnptaln Stafflobenn, aad her eonnerte. the A|n>ei D.
n et Pnrle, thU
InbncBof theo
Potter. OaptalA Edwnroeon. and
290 Front Street
A Bible!
We have a new lot, with index or without, at
never made.before for corresponding grades.
la what you'll pay>ow If you want a
from tbe arrival of Sonator Davis of ' Oaptoin Stofflebm saw that bs would
ihle to make the port, ao he made
MtencMto. who came to WMbington
on the anknmoOB of tbe president. for tbe beach. When tb* ships siraek A
bottom all were acotUed aad at prcoaat '
There are yet to be selected two mom- are lying OMy.
ben of tbe oommtealon.
The life Mving crew took off Uu A
Ike eutoment that tbe president baa tbrae oaptaias. tbe crews rwnelalng on
board. Tbe bargee are ow*ed by J. O.
led the aeteeUon of tbe eom
Neaeea A Co. of Manistee. They were
nroBOoaa.lt te true that he bM
*11 light and headed for Mantete*.
decided to appoint Secretary Day, Sen They are in m danger and wUI stay in
ator Davte. obalrmaa of tbe committee their preeent peniliona until the aea
on foreign relations, and Sanator Ftye goe* down, when the water will
pamped oat and they wUl be drifted
of Maine, tbe latter having algnl
0*r stock of thaae goods (all this eeaeonb atyte) go at gtsatiy eat priMi
—»8cto$e.7S. Valnaia
Valnai are $1.85 to $4.00. Bettor see them, at
CTCillDCDO’C Reliable Dry Goods. Carpet
A OlCin D Llf IIV
and Clothing House.
Hastings' Real Estate Agencii.
« of tbe honor offer
The eehooner Condor nteo met with
Be bM had nnder oonslderntioa Asao- bard lack test ulgkt, eoming iej^o foi t
elaw JesUce Wfaite as tbe Democratic this meruing in a weur-loggod
dition. She is loaded with Inmber.
ibw of tbe oommteaioa.
Bo te also ooaaldering Oeseial B. F.
Tracy of New York. b*t bM oot decid
ed to appoint him. Tbe bealtaney of
the president In calling upon Gener
al Tracy te dne to the fact that proMure
te being brought to bear upon him la
behalfof Jndge Oroeaeop of Chicago,
who delivered the addrcM in favor of
expaarion bofere theiwcent conference
at Saratogv
Tbe president and Jodge Oroasenp
are warm penonal friend*, and it is
whispered la official circle* U*t tbe
president read hte speech before It
delivered in Saratoga. President MeEinley has a very high opinion of
Jndge Oroeaenp'B legal ability, and also
of bit Jadldal balaaea and bis tact a*
a dlplematle repreaentatlve.
In the dtecnariea of the qnestioa of
tbe retonUoB of tbe PhUippinee by
promiaent men her*. It te even now ap
parent 4bat the rurrender of MasUe.
or of the island of Loson, which forms
most kaWtoble portion of tbo PhilIppteca. bM ceased i
The tbooght of tbe beat men te dlrMted to tbe question of what should be
with the
tory. In ether words, if the United
■teUs Jakes tbe teteud of Lnsoa, will
this government not be eoapeUed by
force of elroamstenees to assume re
sponsibility for all tbe islands?
It te acknowledged that this phsM
of tbe aitnetion binges largely npon
lUMtiob whether bpain would wUh
to nndertake the responsIbUlty of furaisklng asuble government tor the
midue of the territory, after, the
United ■tatae has takea the tetend
of Lumb.
Ouialde of Luton Spain's
eoverelgnity bM bong by a slender
thread, and it isdoBbtfnl if the ooald
oatartor maiaUin it. after-having test j
tbe power by which abe hM managed
in the pMt to do eo.
Boou 10 u411, B«dl( Boet
Cor. rroBi seU Ceie *ie
■■ Aller M. Crewtor*. Him ail«v T S
MIm Mskiel i>. Wkitr. HIM JoMtl
H. WIloriB
Garhartt Overalls!
it Hamilton Clothing Go's.
Something New!
OsU in and see the new
style of
Good for Fmit Ealsteg.
Good for General Farming.
In large or small parcels, many teaeti behig in ff
short disteoce
Bteoce from ruilroada.
Will be Bold at low prioee for enab; or. on long Urn* with aaty p^
menu and very low intereat.
On O. R. A I R. E.
Boston Store!
Bargain fajj pnreninners]
Extension Table
Which I am Belling. It-ia a
good thing.
100 d^D^'t linen 4-ply coUen (te all tke tetoit etytee) worth
1 gofer
*5 dosao mea'
<5 dosen
I have also in connection
with my undertaking Dusi- i
ness a full line of
Fine Furniture. I
so dotes men's silk clnb tids. ngu\»x tse goods, go aU
35 dr-xr* men's black French mImb thlrU, fnU *nd
and well made, worth
yon'buv or oot.
Your money Mvera,
Glau Block.
Trar*ne City, Mich.
SSM Union Street.
Suiriihep Shoe Snaps!
Oompaey M Hn< Mot Tot BMnked
Oo Evenrboiifs Tongue.^
After three
week* of bargain koaUng te tbe
hree weeks
le •.______________
eastor* markets we
rotom heme tally eoDviaoed that oar porcbasca are right- W* boagbt
s below market valneand how we are
---------------our prw
•e rMdy
to share
friends end petrow.
the United States.
In rreponae te inqalrlas from anions friends, the Bxnomp yesterday teqairod by wire if Company M, of the
Tbiny-fourth Michigan had arrlvad at
Monteok pcint yet. Tbe telegram was
d to Captote McIntosh and the
Signal Corps of Cbmp Wykoff retaned
the massago with the tefermation that
Captote McIntosh and hte eommaed
had not yet arrived there from Cuba.
lOtM tok
.. Oiaer
Trayerse Gitj Sebool of Iniic!
Just Part
of the Price
half. Then tbe two Mhatora called on beached this morning at two o'clock a
■ecrettJj Day.
| »‘»ort distaaoe nw-lh of tke norU pier.
Tk.p.t»«..l.I tu I—
rUlUubuiu lelt St Soupb
.,u usuuu»u u .u„««1
74 pslrs -Pingree" $8.00, f3-60 and $4.00 Ladles' Bhoee
at $1.9&
60 pairs -Fingree’' $4.00, $6.00 mod $6.00 Men’s Bhoee
at $2-98.
00 pairs “Plngree” $3U0 Ladies Juliets at...........$1.06
113'paire '‘Pingree” $2.00 and $2.60 Ladies' Oxfords
at $1.48.
90 pain Ladies $160end $1.76 Oxfords at!........ $1.00
1^^ 79 paireTHUseee’$100 and $1.26 Oxfords at........ ..76c
<3hUdren’s wd Missea' Calf Shoes at.................. .80o
tgil maif other brokee lines reUoced io price.
'JB^sunJsi ZPb?iedj?ic!hL
■Pjxe Oxa. Rel-lAhT3le S^oem.ap..
iHa xoBHnro mooitp, fbidat. auqtjbt ae, less.
■mnsM oon Boma.
Port H«ro« tar a tWH wiU ToUttm xm
tki* any.
MyroB A. Oobb. toMsheriB Um Bi^
•ekool. bBB rMamd Bftar «B}oyinR
ThBlomBOBMMkw «( the BmJ. W. Lowmeo *b4 Wil« BrrtrBd
ywtardByfroBOileBCond wlU rWt
•a by E*T. On. KeoblBT of lonl*, wbo
the rMorto io tbU localliy.
k V. ***— An 3- W. 1
edwArd HcElroy ufl Edword MeScT F, K. WoltoTOf WoodbBTy.Micb.
f. W. HAjmx. editor Aod MnAfv.
Ax-iiourxiro bboobo.
1 WtUt
Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries^
My work is first clus sod pric«s tbst are io reach of all. 1 ata .
prepared at all times to take r^re of tbe trade. I makf a specialty in
Bnzini;, Valcanizing and EoamelioK. A fine line of wheels for sale
and to rent.
J. C. £1X18. eu Front street, easU.
York AM iB the city lookiaf orer the
« iB tOwB from 8atL. B Behle
me Bey yeeverdey.
T.. B CoIUb* of B<aptr* trABsected
B«T. *S. B. BAlebery.^e Meldnl boslBee* here yettrrdey.
The Mieeee Smlifa. McPbema mad
VeuybB of Fife Lake ere Is tbe city for
“The ChrteUAB for the
Tbe dleeaeeiOB wm very werm end A foi* deys' *Ull witb frlesdA
M'.H Emily A. Coaorer Airired leit
At the AltewoB eeeekw the eheir- emiar from Chieeco end will epeod
mMreed e yeeuceof eerlytere eod eome time at TrarerM Beach.
Mra. A. Ooald aad Mr». J. Barker of
Ber. BoroBfh olNred pr»yer.
The preeldlhir elder. Re*, i. A. Pry*. Budeoo. MIeh.. am the r»«*«
ofUrBBd Rmpld*. Mich., preeeBted A PetABder Aod family.
Hr*. U. Sherwood aod eoB arrived
tTiTMi” ed^T
the|l“» OTeBinyoB tbe excoreioB of the
ud AM the yoeaU
•---------■ bytbeetartetlABcbareb. A. H. Hall of State aireet.
Mr. and Mra. D. SqniM of Oivtoion
M». F. PurBopabUow OooBty CoBTrattoA.
"Sonday Sehool Keede" was treated chi* aed Mra Georye Hall of HubR. N. Holeapple of Petoakey. villa. Mich.
by Be*.
Hi»s Beatrice Feryo* of Chiesyo
-8ttB< >y School PoMlbUlUea." by Geo.
lO(!«l Koeblerof Ionia. "Power of Sym went to Elk Rapid* yeatorday for
S. Noble
of that
pathy ie TeachlBf•• by A.Hal«bBber of Ti*lt vrith Mra E. S,
place. She bM deea the yneat of Mim
Reed City.
Tbe e*oBla<r aarrlce *rae opened by Gertrude Sprayue for aoine Ume.
Trarcne Olir—
wm a.viaitor at
AB exeyeeia on Daslel 9:14-19. Re* B.
If You Have Logs to Sell
KonoB. caatra
BopnbUoAB SABAtorlAl CoBvention
A. K- OOl'Oai
Tn qoeetioA of the t
•t the PhUlpplBm to rmmiviiMC the
•et thontht of meny of tbe moet able
mee in thto oonoiry, end every day
SHse oplaioBC that tb*M to bo alter•stive for the United SUtee bet to
bold the tolAnd*. Tbe extotlny oondittose IheM ABd the evident intenUoa
•t the iaenr^nu to Mbel AyAinat any
Slfrin r- of SpABiah raU in amy form
aoeou to Indicate that to briny aboBt
•ho end for which Uic war waa fooyht.
tbs only thiny left for na to to bold tbe
The enemlM of territorial exoaaaert themaolvM.
b«t thiuhiBy people who favor
boldlay of tbe tolandt am mnliiplylny
Voor Fernwood Boys Hot Tbemselvea
Into TroablA
Teaterday Ui
rwtod fonr boya, all nnder 1
yaar* of ayn, who wlU be looked after
by Gouty Aynt MeDoaald. Tbe enlprite AM Bob. aiB, Meal Krutz. Willie
•mlth and Andy UiyylBa. all of Kemwood. They am cbaryed with bavioy
defaced the Georye Bryan echool hoDee
by pelUny it with atlcka, etos** ud
MMrriea, iaaneh a moDBer na to n<
•ItaU Mpaintiny. The boya weM talMB
before JotUee Brown and their exlm'iaatloBs eel for next Tneaday. In the
e the oosnty ayeit will be
^■otited of
Bf tl
the caaca.
ThlrtaoB Crowded Coaches.
Tbe Miehiyan CeatiAl exearaioe.
which CAme from ea far eenth aa Jaekeoa ud BatUe Creek, ud wee to arrive
here over the C. A W. H. at
WM about two and oae-balt boot* be
hind time. Bnt thii WM excevable m
the train conatoied of thirteee coachea
bealdce the bayyaye ear. and every ooe
of them packed to their
Isrye Bomber of the
off the-train here.
Voelkcr expoetnlatcd on tbe eabjeet.
The mldMee-eweM delivered OB the
fellowUy eebiecte:
"The Reletton of the Touy People
totheGreat'Qacetiou of Chnreh ud
State"! by Rev. Peter Scheorer.
OaByer* ThreaUsiay Yonny Peo
ple": by Rev. B. G. Prya
"What Shall Oar Youny People
Beadr by H. Voelker.
The above eohjeett wom tMated by
iheepaakanlou able muner. The
' the Blntotera M
that It WM ooe of the beet ud pleaautcet of its kind they ever attuded.
With pleasut memoriee tbe lUvlDea
leave tor their bosue to tail of Ue
beanUee of the n^thern ^ of tbe
Mrs. J. C. BIltofaMyone to Barrie.
Cueda. lor a two weeke' visit witb
friende asd reletivee.
E J. Fnlyham hH reiaraed from
theK. Of P. oelebratiu at Indlu-
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring.
Short Maple Wood.
Spworth Leanye Lawn Fete.
Tbe Bpworth Leayne of the aeoond
M. B. eho)ireh will yive a lawn fete at
tte reeidenee of Mr*. Una Hulipytoa.
SIS West Blyblh atreet thto evenlay.
I ud cake will be aerved. A
piMaant time to utleipated and a cor
dial invltoUonds extonded to al>.
* Sure U Orippe Our*.
Mill Machinery of all descriptions, including Two Engiaes,
^nfferiny from thto
on 'willI only yet
dreadful malady, it you
Ret Works, Carriages and Saws. A complete Saw Mill Plant
the riyht remedy. Von are h tviny pain
for sale. .
all throuyb vonr body, your liver I* onl
of order, have no api------appvtiie.- — ....
ambiUoo. have a bad cold, in fhet
•mpletely oaed np. Electric Bill
tbe only remedy that will yiee
yie* yon
mpludanre relief They act dh
Miw Ada Bnalyn hM Miurned ham
.iy on yoae Liver, Stomach/and
and KidPetotkeyE. L. Banaom ud family of Baat
iny- Tbev
ir price refondFroBtatMetAMenjoyinya vtolt from are yuaranteed to
ly Storee of S.
Mr. K*nt.om'» mother. Mra F. Banaom ed. Foraaleatthe Dmj
Only She
’’ait and J. G
who arrived iMt evenlny horn Quincy.
Bruch county.
Mr. ud Mr*. Van Slmmoni and two
Ho AltoTBaUv*.
children of Woodland. Uteb.. am the
The np-io date ud partieular dvea*
yneeta of Oel bqnlr** ud wif* of Sonth ae^nnot help bat deal with Benda
Divialon atreet.
Mra Morria Uwto hM yon* to De
troit to viail friend*. 8h* wm r.ecom^Died by her atoter. Mtoa Dora Friedm«u. who bM been tuyiny here for a
With or without bih.
abort rime.
S4S Front SBmC
Balpb Ctoee of Klnnlty waa in the
cUy ye*t*rday\
Mr. and Mra M. B. G
from the Oetenary reaorl at Carp
Uke yecterdav aod the family of A
W. Jahran* will Mturn today.
MiaacB Senecal of Waabinyton atreet
•e ectertaininy Mra F. A. Dobeon of
Torch Lake, Mich . Any. S*. t>3.
build a yood one cheap, alao repair ai ehoi^
aoUee Call and *e* what yon cu ymln. WM.
pj»t Office Inapeclor J. J. Laramoni
Blakkclex a Mcf^Buira. District
Maoayer*. Trawrae City. Mich. I have FETTEBLY, 61* Monroe atreet, W**t Side. _________ __________
to in the city on official boaioeaa '
-oftheTni ed Si
Hi*a Gayle GrUwold bM returned to been a member
Benevolent Sot
thi* city after apeodiny aome Ume In Beany
nearly eixyeara.anoD
her old home in VermonivUle.
them prompt and joat Accept I
il**! Store, 1ST Front street
Emily Uederlee returned yeswrday tor check tor S41 Tto Iceland after
tbi* city the yneat of Mra Henry L«der’ee.
__________ Rgatf^ve Cut Ciyar Made. THE GILBERT aOAB 00.____________
Joeiab Peoninytoo to at Uke Ann
ways aiaed ready to help yon when
viaitiny htoaon.
yon come here.
Re«peclfnlly Vour*.
Georye Rou*b yevlerday ehipped 'fif
Wu J. McLArni.AXteen bncfaels of peacbet to Petoakey via
ateamar Columbia. Be will ahip fifty
bothel* Mcb day far aome time
and test ito quality of tona W. W. KIMBALL CO.. N. B. STRONG. Mansyer.
*39 Front street
Wheat Goods
Good Words. '
To Him Thai Hath
8haU Be Given
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Fifty Cents
Do Too Wist a Boat?
5 coDts-Sinoke Cracker Jack Cigars-5 cents
Tried Tbe KubWI?
Soaps--12 Bars for 25c
HIRAM COOK. Sur Grocery, *45 Front Street
Bon Bona, Gboice ConMona
•IHd you ever meet a worau wbme
very voice thrilled you with
"Yea lhaf* the way my mother nicd 1m eitmrtiuo <.f t#.
AmiUulst. f,* uln
to 8ri me up in tbe nionxlns ’'—Chlcayu ’ p*ia
Baed taiM ad i
«llcm ;et eaavl for a&kii
ktley. of StockThe Rev. W B,
bridye. Ua.. while
e atiendlny to bit
p*‘toHal dutie* at Elieowood. Uist
^Mr*. Dr. L. J. Tedmu to enjoyiny a
■d by cholera morbus
By chance 1 >
vtolt from her mother ud aiaUr, Mr*.
Daku and danyhwr Jeeaie of Un*lny. hold ., .
Remedy, aod
and Diarrln
A. R.Ca4w*ll ud family of Grand Caolera
Ihiok It WM tbe me
Bapida are vtoitiny friend* in thto life. It relieved me at
sale by• S. E. Wait
‘‘Mr*. Jacob Erb and danybtor aara
bare arrived from Detroit ud
Onr 35 Sent Suipnitn woa't pull your
itiny With the family of Arthur Dea- botte- • -y anc Uie price won't pull
Benda A Copre* of West Eiyhth atreet
S. P. Msttlnyly aed wife of Chieayo
r - os old as we will be—but
ycyuestoat the Park Place.
They be*l
and have come w atoy." S.
anived yeaurday. /
Benda A Co.
Mr. and Mr*, piule* W. Foster re
turned yesterday to their home in
"■“« “• -w
wIU be a valuable addition to the IIV
Mi«a Oarrie Dickarmu. who bM been
rary and one which will be appreciated spendiny eeveral weaks at Oid Mtoeion,
»y theatndente.
returned yesterday to her home at ElYlcaaut Trio Aronnd the Bay to- yin, llUnola.
F. W. Bryu ud wife and Mtoa Hay
le Lakca. Bud eoneert on Bryu and H. G. SUmsen of Chieayo.
after apendiny several weeks at Petoa
Benda A Go..
Th« li S9 amkt that.t Bei
mot neekwenr key ud Maekinaw, arrived ie tkia elW
_ aew store. wHl aril more
«aeb day
dav than all other iatom «aui- laMevaaluy. They wilt apend a few
Meed. The res-on? Better qusMUea. weak* at Perk Plao*.
b*U*r style*, and lower prtee*. That’*
R. F. Parke* ud wits cams up from
Sontbera Miehiyu Uat ovuiny u the
•heet Koaie at BaU Prioe, also
for a visit with A FUmor*
asd fatoUy of West Eiyhth atraet.
J. W. Artoatiya haa arrived frea
«. A Btrctof. toauffor.
WiU be beneBcial to both'your health
pocket book. A large line on hanA
^’mIw B. Soolnski of Grand Rapid*.,
who came to tbtocity eeveral weeks
ayo to epeod ^eenmmer with her eister. Ml*. Friedick E. Finch of Unim
street, wm called home quite unexpect
edly yealerday,
Mra Robert Watcher of
Thedford, OnU. am vlaitiay Mr. Watcher*» atoter. Mra C- J. Oarnelt
Mra Fred W. Culver aad
who have been vtoltiny tbe famUy of
8. E.
retnmed to Sayiuaw WedBMday. They vroM aoeompuled by
Mr*. E. T. Brinkman, who will take
conrae of iMtrucUon on the pipe oryu.
E. T. Bnntlnytu of Beozonla w
the city yoiterday.
E Ktehou ud famtiy left iMt <
The biyyeat-black bam i
iny on tbe C. A W. M. flyer for their
euyht thto eeaaon to a alx-and-a-qi
fotore home at Topeka. KanaM. where
ter pounder token at Carp Lake a day Mr. Nichol* accepted a yood poatiloa
or two ayo by M. B. Gatoa.
tu. sanu Ke railroad.
Mr. u4 Mia. John E. Connally and •» «»e Santa re rauroao
dauyhter Mae of Sayinaw. are vtotUny
Mr. ud Mr*. Fruk O'NeU of But
Tutb atreet.
Roy Moor* of New Hndeon. Mich., to
vtoiUny the famUy of Mr. ud Mra.
Monro* Msrae ud caUiny u old
C. N. Codwin, editor of the Rock
ford Reytotor wm In tbe city yeator-
A few minutes spent In eating our
Cellar Caved In.
Mi*. Bnrna ef Fernweod wm awak«Md Uto Tacaday nlyfat by a ooiae In
the eellar. Ao 'iaveeUyaUen proved
that the well of tbe cellar bad oaved in
ud boried a number ef eaoe of frnU
r ud wife ud Mr.
aad a qnentity of eyya.
Both Ux
a bonae to paint
fruit ud eyya weM reeoveicd witbon ud Mrs. C. T. Mattinyly, whe have
sitber havlDy Bmd broken.
Tkey been apendiny aome time In thto vleln
' weM covered by aboat fonr feet of ity. returned yeetertay to their home
at Plymouth. Ind.
Gate* Sexton ud wife of Rushville,
Geo. S. Winnie,
Yelnable Addibon of Books.
Frefetoor Grnwn bM purchased a set Ind.. passed throuyb the oily yeetorday Up-to-date pJnter and paper banyar.
oleiyht larye volume* of Glare'* LS on their way home Irotn tbe north.
Mr*. S. T. HeColyln bM returned to
Wy of rnlreraal History, tor the
Ohio, after
Blyb School Library, from tbe fuda her home at Uamllton.
Correspond witli,tbe Traverse (^ty Lamber Compsoj.
We have for sale Good.
None <n tbe world finer than tlffier toad*
OBO. B. McLBLLAK. eener Freak
' I*ark sUeetF.
FurniturG Bcirgsins T^oM^^oo^^Bul^doSu
«iCoiumbian Restaurant
sf iM'lb vibhoni I
1. >1. -"H •« 1«
EOur Offerings
Furniture fm
Desenre Unasnal Ati
X llir inr Clinilfll|P Many pieces exclusive witb us, that
fir Wl HnC OlUlWlItU for,beauty have not been equalled.
We make parti9ulaj- mention of EEED and KATTAN FUBNITUEE. Aside from a floor full of beautiful creations in
^ this material we make prices equally as at'ractlve.
Whether you intend to refurnish your house this fall or
Gives Free Leasone
----IK---just contemplate the addition of a feW pieces to make your
All Kinds Of Embroiderf
rooms look rich and handsome we offer you the opportunity
and Modern Lace Making
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods
at ber esblWi cl An EwbreWerive *1 Mn. W.
in any event. ,
Miss Doyle
It did aat tehee day tedght tbe firat
Bappar at the Otoh BMOa
eaealrr, wU^ eemfaay bolde the
endlt of eaptarlat tbe eaaMerate
Aboat 40 Ben Side boyi and
Ihe eM Gbiaa boon aad tba etaM Tlaaa «T Whleb Ax^ i
Mr. Saead bn had aar La Ooqartta Baak
•Bjeyed a pieaU eapper U the elab
». B. Boon.
Mrewaffenfertbk nlie froa *ebonn leat aigbt. A^eag other i«Bp aa •eaaa Uaar oa
marha of battle Ufiletad t? yaare aga
P. E. Meere, tba architeet. bn earn- markaWe feataroe vm tbe amy eeSee,
MBBM at earteee plaeea
Oraad Baafca..
Tbe Beary hoan U tbe ealy eat re- plated plane aad epeeifieatioaa for aevA fellow oaUiac btaaMf Oeof«e BelKew ToA. Angaat S5.—Tbe Iblag- bnllt; an tbe otbereataad aa they did cral new bnUdlaga. tome of them be a wenderfnt deeoetloa bf Jimmie, alin
Senator MOUkeniBrraacte Weltoab
lock of Merioa O , aad poMer ee aa valla Uae etaanar Norge, wbiob ar»>B>W1
vm b* Bleb
JohnOdd rellow.te waatad at Peteebej oa a rived here today, reporto that abe aaak after tbe fighU oaly for patebn where lag of ooaaidarable dlmeaaioaa. Tbe
; L'aloa or rebel ebell tore through them. moat notable are two brick etraetnrea | ^te p«t
Md «bM Oeh* WUl be Ov«
berae draft eharfe. He worked A. M. tbe rma<b fleblag eobooaer La OoChar.
la e tra Teen.
Cobora. e proaleeat bulaeM aea aad qaetu. of Bayoaae. Fraaee. on 8aUr- ; On iBany of tbe bUtorieal epole tree* to be erected at Bnt Jordan. One fori^,^
dead “Alpha
have beea allowed to grow np to mark tie But Jordan Lumber Co.. 47x100' bet’' Cady bowled hard la to* hue•t. Peal. Mtaa.. AaranU —Ke «Ul
day. oa tbe Qraad banke. TbeeapUla tbe piece.
ooemeat befoec tbe repast bet it to good
eeatoel Cobe." eald Seaetor Mere Haa- (ew daya ago aad yeaterday tbe draft
Bald bill te n bald n when tbe hat- •tory brick exteoelon fifty feet deep. to note their eendnet wn he/Md eriti.
with the laformatioB that
aa «i tbe Aberdeea. .'‘It mekee little
feu^l, bttt the raviaet be- Tbeotber U to be for J. J. Votmba. Idem aotwUhetaadiag.
Uier* l» BO eneb baak ae tbe Second the nafortoute venal. Tbe 'r<.atL''r
tween the hm aad road bn been aJ-; TbU will alao be a fine brick .tmcUrc.
Very llule rilverware svn loot owNational, npen wbkb be drew, nor any
wn foggy, bet wae not eo
..k t>-4* inwed to grow np to andarbruab. la adjoining tbe othet, two atoriea..aad a
, ing te the fact th.t tie and iron war*
iMB tbaa twentj yeera tbe Uatted aaeb man aa the drawer la Martoa.
Ueveeeel'eepeedwnrednee'. .enui.. .tbUravioe a friend of Llentenant Al- modem bnlldlng.
aaed exelaaively. No cnaaliUn m8Ut« wQI praeUeetlr own tbe Ulead. traoe of him bn beea fosad.
Mr. Moore bn alao drawn tba plana j ported,
Ltentenaat Lyon by name.
U will now re«Blre M.ooo «ea to bold
BeporU to ibe eUte board of health three cable leagtbe abuad.
w'>b-neef tbe Union baltenea. wn for tbe brick exteaaion to tbe TonneOaba, bat we wUl got good retom foF ebow that dUrrboea. rbenmatUm. aea.
Oeceplcaeoa iff Beorea
veeael eaddealy loomed n • fro.u wfa..t«;ed. Tbe old bridge where tbe lUr block OB Front atreet. which baa
STe have epent S300,- nlgia. broaebltU aad cholera morbne
Ue north with all aail* fell c .J at.ii>d fliBl
There wn a warm ball game yaatordeaeribed In the Bboobp.
000,000 aad we ^ent it wall. We have la the order aemrd, eaaeed tbe i
directly acma the how oft' *teamer.
Be hn alw completed plana for a day between the Mapleum aad Noahdoae oaaelvae a good tara while,
eiekaen in Mieblgea. daring' ti>e peet BeiUwererunirtoitopa-* mbaek
bridge; and Ball Ban kaadaome eotuge of modem deriga for tawaata teama TBo aeete idle tha
haaeiag tbe ceoae of bnaaBi^."
ic. Coaevmptioa wu reooned at fnllepeed.butltwntoc
n mudJ* a. when Rev. Fr. Maua at Cedar. Tbeatroctere terrible etery:
dpnklag of Fbrto Bteo, Seaator Baa- 1st plaoee: typhoid fever at Ot plaora:
tbe ateamer-e headway. ; "
noye lorded U ST year. . go.
wUl be of colonial arebiteetere aod a
wheopLag eongb at IS aed ecariet fever
the l.bijg nbooner. fell
Aa I am wriUng here wltbio lOO feet very jwetty midence.
•‘It U evident wbbave a good hold la at 1ft.
•learner', bow. and with a orai n n~a of tbe Soetben ratlread tbe flnt three
thoea Ulaada. aad
glad of it Tbe
of Sunday
aiea Boyee, marebal of Orion,
foreed over and aunk.
aeetiona of tbe troop traine are bowl
I from dead. in the pleeie groned at Urlea
eebeo! work, U. B. ReyaoMaaod Uev.
Three mee apraag aboeuA lb.- :;o.geme. Dongfaerty. an employe la tbe J. C. Cara»a wUl attead the Saaday
It of view aaaaot be laka Be wn eoavayiag aa Intoxieated The paenager. of tbe Norge, moat of ing by from Thoroughfare Gap
iagtSe 1.1 Rhode Island to Middle batoet taetery, made too oight-peond
1. aad we .are there to
tehool euDveation at Kcowiek, to < •
to tbe leekap when, wlthont whom were above denka. raahod abont town. Pa., and another wont by carry
aimax batoeu yesterd.y In ten honra. held there today and toawtrow.
Btay. Wnethrr Cuba la ended to oa or waralBg, he teU aad wn dead when in alarm at tbe aboek, bnt were aoon
met makee iitUe diSareace. We win picked ap. Mr. Boyce wn abont fifty quieted when they learned that tbe ing a battery from Tampa to Honteak. TbU U tbe beat raooid made la tbe taebet I conld not ieem wbat battery it torysinee 189$.
emtral Caba and we win cootrol part yoeie old aad wae aabjeet to epili
Tbe Beet Beaedy for Tlax.
wu nnlrjnred.
waa, but think it wa. a New York velTbe damage cnaUlned by S.
of tha PhlUpplne lalaada we are aow fita. Ureat rselwmrnt prevailed, aa It
Mr. John Mathtaa. a well kau»a
A beat waa lowered aad dx man nnteer battery.
•a the eve of a aew ere of proaperity.
Alley's amrUe works by the raeent Stock dealer of Pnlulri, Ky..
wae reported that Boyee bad been are picked up. The venal aaak alI have Joat bean ordered baek to my flood wlU roach abont fiSW.
■ over * wmk with
— - -nffcriai
—- lag tor
“We begao tbe war uB hotaaalUriaa killed by bU priioner.
UU vHfe loat immedUUly and in ainktng car
pbyslcUn1 baring
toiled te
groaaaa. but we eod it by beeomlog ■woened wboe ahe aaw bar boaband ried with her aUteen of her crew. Cap iteobment. n vre move to MWdletown
Tonight the Boys Band will give na
S 1 wn edvtoed te try
a of great territory,
lylag on tbe gronoA
exenrslM m the bay on the Doeen of
Cholera aad IMar-Un'a
tain Knudnn aald that aa a ataam
Fred Brown U at Fort Kyer with typortaat aot oaly oa aoeooot of
bewn obliged to knp oat of tbe way pboid fever, bat U not daageroualy
of <
■erelil but alao tbe airategie poaaround tee boy aad U* band wUi give •toting that half
et all aaUlag crafv but that wn a time alek.
V„ U S
wbqa tbe vepnl could do more to help
1 aee by the Moxxixo Bixoao tba^ aa eejayable eoacert oa board.
“The Uaited Statea from tbU atoa for Baaletee aad heraelf tbaa the ataamer. Tba fiaberTbe ledlM of Amanda Hive wlU give
Dr. Bobb from
Boat beeemea a poteoi taetor la the
maa wn aa aoUve vend, bad a good Oalnant. a firm friend of onr own bnr- a pedro party with their ic* cream ao- nickle smoke in town
Maaoa Ooaaty Tair.
lateraaUoaal aflalra of tbe world.n it
breen aad wn uader good ateerege
clal tonight.
and wu baried
Tbe agrieeltaral and ladnatrlal ad- way. bet made ao- attempt W avoid
aboBld be.
aea Aagnat!». TaU U a bard blow to
Tbe aaooal eblldren'e day picnic ef
vaaeemeatof aertbera Mlehtgaa will the oollUlea. keeping oe wKb niU tail
“We have beea Idle tee loag.
onr tegiBent. n be waa lovad by all.
^veiea Grange will be held Septem
fiiUaglT rapreaeated at MaaUtCe naUl aqoarely under tbeoteamsr’a bow,
a aad the eaaaWilti
bard to think that wbea I ber third at tee comer of But Bay if
upoe Tneeday, Wedoeaday, Tbbimlay Tbe large ball of the Norge, Cbptala
I «f beiag tbe gieateat 1
meet my regiment aad company the tee weather to pleasant, it noLft will be
iaetor la tbe vrorld. aad recent elrcom- and Friday, Sept. IS. 14. IS. and ir.. ' Knndnn aalA abonld have beea vUible facet of tome wUl be miulag. Bnt
ia their ball. A full attendance to
ataaeee have aot only abown ue that will be the triumph of the year for for a teag dUteeee.
war U bard at beau It wn bard tn
tbaae faclora lie in oar power,
me to stand aad tee that magnlftoeat
Jeattoo G. W. Carttoanaouaees bimOn the above datn tbe ManUtee and
alao that wo are obliged to exereUe
regiamat of mee march oat of oam| eaU n aaolber eaadidaw for t^ Be- la aU tee aaoeeupUd terrUoty la MiteMaaoB County UnioB Fair wUl bo held
and I left behiad. Bnt they daa't eoe
pnblieaa aomlaagM for proaceatlag i^B. Meet pepuW plao accident aad
U tbe Salt City. Beaidee agriealtnral
alte benefit lanranee «e tee market.
ouU aayoae'. wUhee wbea they' Uaai attorney.
land ladMtrial dUpUya the evnt will
orders, aad the one It atrikn moat aabiaelede a grand aigU eamival aad
More than a too of books arrived in TI(M|la«MtiN lilMIgunil hji
eUt te it n a true widler abealA
a ef Idea tenant B
Jubilee ibrongbont tbe four
u city ycetotday for the poWc
# would have given aaytbiag te nave eoboola being the
Xaapp. While Sa
XoaU to
with the teya
t gene
Tbe faU groaada will be lighted at
jj Matteea of Internt Tron AU
laeloted find two fiowera and a leat boehs te be end under tbe free texv
Tana of Kicblgaa.
--------- ■' ----- -• eaUrU
of aasynUth. which 1 picked from the
a grand amy of attoaetloae will be
Bills are out a
r tbe great
grave of tbe old lady that wn killed
Va., August St.
pteavated ineinding a Midway PlaUTSlBfclr,*
Tuesday and Wedoeaday
Moaxixe Baooao-Needlag a lltUe la the Beary bean aad beried Jeat hafl
. *nia anrgeoaa at Cbmp Tbomn were anoe. raeca aad aperte. Tbr^bcmt
naable t« loeete the bullet in the foot the fonr daya. there wUI be band muale mt 1 mad. a deal with our wrgeeo.
la tbe morniag 1 will try aad eend BuaUerv and Colts of ManUtee aad Ue tber pvM*n Iteir pr^eftr mUam ftrv
of Private WileoB of Co. B. Tblrtyfiiet galore, aeveral crack banda having to report tee elck. ee 1 got a tick leave
This Anuasriox is ouaxizxd uxand came bare te Manana, te ml up. yon tome buUei. vrbiuh I found at Boll; Umont Page Fence UUota. Tbe OUnU ox* TH* 1.AW. or Tue St.tx or Mksieolaateere. although he wu under been engaged for tbe oocaaton.
j have been bere before aad their ball OAX. Never clMcd iu demra at aigbt
Today Llenteaaat Alexander aad I of Bob and at BrUtow.
It els. week*. Yceterdny Dr.
Tbe live atock, poultry, farm proOnr new addrw* will be Company M. > pUylng U n good n a cirena The with an unpaid claim oa its beoka on
Baaeh of Imnaiog located and removed duoU aod agrienUnral axbIblU promUe tkeSUbMicbigaa wontto the hUtorteam U • mpoted of fast talent and jWhfrhit bad received priof>. aad in-.
It la len than 10 mlantee. aad tbe foot to eeUpaa anytbiag heretofore gatber- ical Henry Bonn. The bill upon which Tbirty foorth Michigan. DeUchi
it atand. wn the lurelag point of both Baparate Brigade, Camp Meade, boar teeaegaB
. will be saved. Toe army aorgeona in- ed togalbcr in tbU region. Tbe
BnU Bbb baitlea and in the first fight Middlotewe. Pa.
aUted OB ampuuting tba foot, aed of tbe farm will bo ahowa.
The regular G. B. A 1. train which
ia behalf of Company M I send many
Wilaooeame borne without laaee in
New building, are aearly completed old Mra. Henry wn killed and
thaaka for the Bboobd.. It nema to: arrive, bere at 7:05 p m. wn nearly
^ordar to preteat thii.
for tbe dUplay of women', ana. Mcr- bvUd in tlje yard. Mr Benry'a grand- token, back te tbe Queea City oacejboer Uter than u»ual lnt evening,
The_____ ____________ ._____________ eaaUle aod iadaatrUl bootea Thne tether wn Dr. Dane Henry. oommUmore. With regards te all from all I! "’hen il did
veatioB far tbe elnth dutrlet wn held ' will be bom iai bkyeU racea every sioeed by George Wadhingion a. .nrremain. Yoer obedient eervant.
In MaaUtee iVedneeday night and C. J. rijlemoon. Thonsanda of dollar, have geoD 08 the maa-of-war CoastelUtion.
vantage of three cheep exenrsiona aad
U. 1. E.XAI-P.
«baddoexof Hmkeron wn nominated
expended In preparation for tbU The eommlnlon U framed and bnag on Lientenaat CompaayM. S4:hMlehtgan. apend ten daya eejoying tee oool
by aoelkmation.
fair. Write to Chn. 1 Tomlin
Ve is Bot ponit aajrces te BslecMU to!
weather ef nonhera Michigan.
and entry blanks.
It U alleged that pbyslei.n and
Why Mot Build Ocllar* on Beuae Topa
Chaa. Koenig bn to^n tbe poaitlM
I Exenieloa met will be given on tbe firbt which ended .« dUa.lron.ly te
eve U tbe .tote are
la commenting upon tbe damage te la tbe shoe denaetiattit'of the Hereaa1^. A N. B. from Travem City tor tbe ine federal fore*. 1 went over tbe the cellar of Frank Bennett, near Ce tile Compaay’i**store mmle vacant by
about reporting dangerens diienea
field with a grandMm of Hr*. Hrary.
tbe proper autboritiea end Secretary | four daya
dar atreet Wedneeday. tbe Eagle very the reatfiaUota of Balph Baaleto Mr.
ixpUined the po*lUon* of tbe
Baker of tbe state board of heeltfa b^ j
" '
tly Bttggeeted in tee bead- Haalett-svitLi^ve today for a few days
armiee with tbe aid of mapa
lievee tbe proaeentlng attorney and !
Bdneatleaal PonibUiilu.
Oee strange thing wn that the posl' llnee that uonble might be avoided in visit aivLaaslng and Jaekun before ___ _________
A T. PHv4r eS BloeA
health officem abonld enforce tbe law I -pbe educational pontbititlea of tbe
tionaof the two armies were exactly future if tbe dwellers of that locality taking hU new position at Albany N.
In UiU respect. Once, of tnbereuloeU, {brute ereetiea have probably
reversed in the neond fight Tbe fed would min tbeir koueea Mr. Beanelt! Y.
whleb have been directly cMmuaioat-1 rewfeed by Profenor Gentry, wbo U eral army held the groued la tbe
suggoato teat that obaervatioa wn
Mia. H. Phiffer eotertalned a few of
ed to oibem. have beeo allowed t
known all over tbe land n a waader.'nl end tetUe that the confederates held about n nnrible n it weald be te ader friends at a five o'clock tea
vUe tee people over teere te build their Wvdacadsy aftemoea at her home on
trainer of dognandpopUa HU gob>in tbe first, and vjee versa.
The ladiea of Three Blvera have net pany this year comUu of Me bnndred
Flrni we went to tbe .pot "here Gen etliarm npon tbs roofa It to for te.: Elmwood avenne. Mrs. H. Sterling of
a box of wap. toweU. pUlow eane and I
eral Jackaon wn wounded and dubbed eoancil to prevlde means te earry off Lodja^toa wai
abeeu to the memberaof Company K. kind obUienble, all of whom have boM •.«;tonewa;i.'‘aboot IS r-Ma northvnl tbe water, not for the properly owacrs
It to toaredteat M. B. McIntyre's
Afternoon end Evening.
Bow'at Muntauk 1‘oii.t. Cote will alw edftcated tea woadorfel degree of in- from tbe Heury Hoate. About 4 rods te bnild their boa.ee in the air.
me which wn rvacned from a floodbo cent. An organUstioa there bn telligenoe. Tbe entire compuy wUi
of there Confederate General Bee
{ed paatare Taetoay morniag may yet
Vo Caan ef Actioa.
r dUpUy their UieeU in thU city noder wn klUcd. aad at the edge of a small
dene a good deal of good work
Tbe animal ree*ivea aeveral *eIn Jnstiee Brown's court yesterday
tbe abeent wldicr buya from Three) a tent at Eleventh KtrMt.lloaday. Aug
ip of tens, and nme IS rod. ent.
rau beeldes enduring te* oeld
afternoon ia the ean of Myron Pfeifer
ust setb, afternoon and evening.
Colonel Tbomaa. of Gen. Joe Johnna's
water for a namher of honra.
4t Unto by peraonawhoareaolhor- •U«. fell. Home tO rod. east of tbe vs Traverse City Iron Works the ver
W. T. Cbapoell. president of tbe Sag|aawCealCo..widhU intetet in the'ily on amh »uhj?cU that Profenor boose full Genml Bartee. Bech of dict wn no cause of action. Some
Baginaw, Fere Marqn.fte, Berne aud ] Gentry bu reached tbe final limit of then plaom are marked by UbieU.
8ebewaingeompaeie.io il C. Potter.' «bat d-ig. aod penin may be educated About 3u rods tenth of the houM U Iron Company te bnild a gawillse en-' Yeaterday vm Jwd-leVier day
rape, H. U. Wickea. R. M. jte do. and it U alao nU that nothing
tbe spot where tbe awful gioa which would generate more puw- aew clotbtng firm, S. Benda A Co. it
with leas fuel than any engine so!
their grand opening. In ine KrieaBaadall and S.C. Biggin, of Saginaw I further can he aeoomptUhed in that charge of the coafoderate Rl.ck Horse
11 lice If this be true Profenor Oenuy Cavalry wn nmde upon the New York
for aboutfisso.DOO.
•Mtrol 40,000 acrea of ooal land, and certainly denrvta the pheoomlnal nue- FireZruavea Now lurnlog north we
t.OOO under test.
1 «*• that onUnualiy greeU hU exhibl- are on the last line the federaU held, reqaeat wn refused and tbe ean vm I with immcovestocka of clothing, genu'
above reBnlt.j^“j»^'"ff
J. W. Luca., who worlced the .nit tiuen. Tbe price, are deeUedly
and not mere than 5 U Su rods from token Into court with the
________w Tk. »b« l“te to inviting profuaion. Wane
3. J. Tweddle
clBbaeh«me at Menominee abont two •oDsl*!'- and ni'y one can afford te ai the reteU
th^ttemey tor th* | ^
nAAn.led auday. tbs evening ^
worthy of epvci
mMth. ago and. It U alleged, skipped tenB. Children IS cU.. adulto iS cto.
tcial mention.
First eomea the pocltloe of GrilBth'e pl^utlff and Fred Pratt for te* dp i
| a veritoble cruAb. a
. _
oat with SSdO. wneaptsred WedoewUy
battery. ftO rod. eortb, and Pickett's
more pleasant tee Crcacrai
Bear Lansing . wb.nee be wn traced
Taper Aeniveraary Burpriee.
battery, where a brave lientenaat waa
Yesterday atiernoas AUoe. the five-1 a fine concert ootolde. it an utterly
by Sheriff Rnpiecht. Be b aUo wanted
Yeaterday wn the first anaivenary
year-old danghter of Abram Clark died j Impoealble te sell goods ao
I the crowd, and tbe firm did not care te I
at tobpeming andNegauaee.
of tbe marriage of Mr. and Mr. Joe Ga- deliberately aheU
He wn buried aaddenlyt UUatotod teat the
SJnpiy their inirodnc-1
A crowd of ^ton Harbor sporU .lemo. and in honor of the event a large where be fell, but I have forgotten bU waa di^tberla.
USB to koe poupie and a pleanjit m-1
aunt te Berrien Spring. Tucaday aigbt
Twenty reda north and
ol yogcg pecqru arranged a
troducUoD all who were there wilt
. le pnil off a priro light between two •orprlM which wu adibirably carried eomete where Gen. W. T. Sherman
toeuty. Mr. Benda became personally
.. .k... acquainted wiui ail whom Be could
Alaggera When they arrived at tbe oat. Uamesandi
poshed hU baltecy «P to within
nad hia pleasant addren and
prepeeed meeUng pUee. they were ooa- the program of the evenliig and re yard, of the rebel line aad wn* taken £. Hart, ef Tretea, S. D.
caused his gneau
The World’s Best Trtoined
withabad oeld which .ettled-on my ', conrtet,us treatment “J***
teMtod by Sheriff Fergnaen aad aix
make It addUloo- and reiaken n tbe llae. .nTged to and lungs: cough set in and finslly termU-1
like wmlng again.
Animal Exhibition.
--------- --------- ----------AepuUea
ally enjoynble.
Several approprUic fro. In fact, BickeVU' and Griffith', atod• in
in Coi
Co'rsumptloa. Four doetera
bfeaday mlgbi’a storm di4 great dam gifU were brought in honor of the oe- batteries were taken aad recaptered pv* me np. wylag I ooold lire but a
age at £gg Harter near Menomiaee, oaMOB.
aeveral timeft, 3nat to tbe aootb of
jwo email Hooker, being overturned.
Bhenran's battery fell onr Boble Col-
D xxs ovmov
A LiYe Agent Vanted
udMi. nancu Accaar issocuTm.
Carhartt Overalls
Benda & Go's.
Monday, Aug. 29,'
BenHa I Co's. Graoii Opeaing.
.“rurLEl'IkCfuil FieStretPuU.
Opentag of Seoah A Oo.
•ahm in an eaban.lcd eonditioo. What
Lnt night knndieda of pec^lc enwn oeee a thriving village U now a joyed the opening of tbe new olothing
tanas oirulaa.
_ ef Beads A
aad gent's fomUbing
Of. B. 8. MeMarter and aon Parser., ^
^ 1^1
L. J. Pray, aad »>e4 W. Beckwith of ja^fin.eaadv and tbe Creweat band
Dowlagiso, left Tneteay afwrooon for j ^^.^alaed on tbe entolde with aa en
tbe Kloedtke gold regions. Tba eom- tertainlag eeoeert.
. paay te which tbU party belongs own.
11 rich oUlma aad bn l« men at work
Oartbaru OventUa at 10 per cent,
■ ior tiiam.
leas than others nk—tbe year aronod
C K. Smnd of Three Rlvare hn la atB. Benda A Co'a, A. V. Friedrich
hU pceeemloB a table ateele. whleb bU block.
lather, Tbomn D. Bmeedteonied from'
the vegoa of Jeff Davis, at hU naptare
la May. lUt- Mr. Bmaad wn a aargeaMt la Company C, Foarth Michlgaa
oael Cameron, brother of D>a a»erja
of Pci
ThU field t dmcrite U M not anro
than to acrea. eo yon can Judge by the
of field ofieer. wh^
^rnage of Uae effioen bad
have been. •
Baek on tbe field from the Cklaa
bonce, which mark, the right ef the
federal Uae. te the Mattbew. bean.
wbUb marks tbe opening ef tbe first
fight, are tableta markiag tka epote
vrbme billed er woeadod
many a Uniea v rebel effieer. Bnt
my time wae too UmHed te go over it.
nitwealdUkemeratbaaaday. aad
take the notes I woaM Uke Uv theai^
and te* vnsdpm ef tba pro^eion an
•very side in the axeal:
selecUona«ff goods01
gootoof ail
all xinoa
kinds. Aseiri
styles are up te date; their atote wm-, fUlLRDAD
pleto aod varielin nnmeroua. Tbe!
stow and
ud yCH
•aiwy vroman. inai eotues newds
itlatoetioo I
10 cto. at 6. B. Walt's and J. O. John did not heeltote te expree* ntlatoetioo
son's Drug Storee. Begnlnr sin $0e at tee tnatmeal they received and adnndtl. 0
d or price refunded.
In a word, tee g
■ and tee nnivennl
OtkcrBMdStam. '
teat Benda A Co. are te*'
ri^t kind ef people nnd tent this to
Hamilton Carharn
■’‘wS^SToniA'°SJI; 2:
at WatibDingetacn.
Plain, ftftu With Wb, ton. AH yen
and genu' fnmltetnga with “Man wUl eon* end men wfU go. bnt
doth Ing a
wenrohen toetny.”
i and poor nllka.
•aboel of Koaic BoeltaL
Tbe reralar papUa' laMtal of
Travoae City Bebool of Moale wUl be
Ever Burned Outt
She-Why dem't yon. tbc&f
giveo tbte afurooea at 4 o’olodc at the
Be—Sbe'eao obotliwto aba west M
eebooL Baeb oopfl baa tbo prlvitago of
iovlUac a friend. The foUowiag pro
TraTHtna City MoaSet .
___ . _ amipned tbe taak rf dririag a gram will be
O. P. GA&VE&. AE—t
Mz mole team. When the artay halted OaavacatlOB
Below, ia a Hat of tha birels« aad aaU
M DMib TM» SM bAwItad for the first night, be waft wearUjr onag prlecB of yeaterday forr ggrocertm
MarteO Oibbft.
la in Trav
mrUlona and farm produeu
baneftslng bis tMto.
WBBI ui voeoa.
-ree City:
*'Uel)o there." aald tbe wag o< the
Margoarite Evasa.
"Men wUl eome aod man wUl go. bot
MoMof w ban ft UoRorihg lovaof oosnpaa} in paftftiAg. "What do foo
we are here to syy."
■•PW Child...............................
life, and tbe tbc^ht tbat thm u
aear Pork per bbl.sew
mean by Mdug care of tboae uolee
tbe bftrutt poftribiUtj-o* buiog I
Clear Perk per B>..........
yonreolf? Why don't you hare tbe
MaoiaUe. Mteh., Aag. 1. IMI.
Short Cut Perk..............
■U«« aeodt ft dindder tbrongh a*.
Scales Minor............................
bonier do it*"
loma Protective Are a.. Gaylord,
Short Cat Pork per lb..
M«dluftl iDftn know that the fatnnan
Carl Urawo.
"Why. I tbonght err^ man had to
Dear Sirs:-1 reoeived today throagh
lour, B L A Co. beat..
body in time df iUuev and at other take care of hift own team.” aaid tbe Bvening (orgas eolo)............
Flour, H. L. A Co.-BeaL..
tiniea. to(v U liable to amine all the bewildered uamRtf.
... - . - B^t..
Selina Pnleipber.
my accident claim.
ft of drath witboct
"Yob bet he doen't. We've got a
---------Eeod! a. L. A Co. Beau..
the final fteparation hariuR acCoallT bcMJer fur that. Tbote'ft faift test right Roaamonde (vocal aolo)... .Charmlrade
Grace Morgan.
taken place. There areAhe oonia. oataUe'ft a lazy, ountraiy old
per »...........
me. I remaia a member of yonr a«^
per ft...........
: datloo.
Gnoaox BamunTX,
Going north dally except Sonday.
I nate, eaofa one bringing In its yoo awoar at, him and bo’ll move
Batter per lb Didn..
Manistee, Uleh.
1«01 Vine street.
trend the very riuolaUcn of death itaeU. dooUroaick."
Creamery Butter.Ib..
TraTprse City..
Btadaa. Non. : and 14.......................Ueller
"Happily, ameoical man nowadaya "
(a) TraomereL.......................Scbaoiaan
The HiftMorun rtrode over to tbe
r '• a pLvFirluii to a reporter, "expo- tent indicated, which happened to be
(b) Bomance...........................Kebnmaao'
Cora per bo., o
•'■•rjfv ludielariug his pa- General dbenrsn’s heftdtioartcrft.
Emily Crowell.
PoUtoaa, per b
■ ■ • - « u.-n.nil role, bot
"Ihie. you ao^of agun." he roared ;
Salt per bbl...
. .V
“f '“r i
-W oo'l ot 1«« md biMl
Bran per loa..
Vera Carter.
t....c uiaAlic may bftvo a dooht. “ , tboec mnlra"
Bay Vis
,wbioh o«i5*:cnurictli.n cither way-fol-1
the teamster apent
Reraeuber that I do all kinds of twopnii his fisdiugK. which an* dm tbe ei-niing in the .
Harbor Poiat...
pairi V and enameling, and that I eaa
Wheat, old, per bu..................
pie and oBJclndve, and In which be I
A pious old Indiana tanner waa aaand do give yon tbe beet work of any
WbeaL new, per bn................
muc bo luikUbL-D.
' algnid to tne duty of teaminK. proliably ,
one la tbo city for tbe moony. I>omt
uau, No. 1. per bu. (new)...
Going sooth daily except Sunday.
,be deceived by what othava telljm In’
M tbe oontrery, bat ooak'and^n^lar v:'
Leave Harbor Springs..
•• Harbor Point....
Rntur. per lb............................ . It-to IS yenreeU.
OS , I gnareatec all ay werk to be right,
" Wequetonsing...
ril.e, Uu iu«d.a
Eggs, per dnaen...............
3S and if It does not prora ao I make tt
•• Bay View..............
Poutoea. per bn........................
.b™.t U.m»b
rt «
, pdotirto to
h, bold bU I
eu. b.pi.«»« bon. md tbore »b«re
4, un i
. ,
I Stop in till 8 o’clock every evening
" Charlevoix............
Ob, lo»b~l .bbmm » „„ bi
bi..d Dtolo. Uhod uid r. !
Bueklan^ Amien Balve.
Uxccpl Sunday, in tbe Ckldwell A Lop•• Norwood...............
i»pet<b«ios,iibjOTbito.t)vib|,bmi«b i
ibo old
.lS;30p. m
r'doo boUding, at Dortb end of UniOM
••Ib«« -i*.!- ^dob.l; ootuombw ;
I urge tbs tnuit
- Omena....................
thoao of the f
•• Neahtowanta...
1 purpoHo. At Ian he ;
Rheum. Fever Soree. Tetter.
Ar. Traverse City---Th. j.t.loptlc o.O|dly.boM ««i» oI
1^’iood‘“lbd .ol,^ ,il«:
Hands. Chilblains. Coma, and
life jnn in Um nick <if time to dimp-, ..oh. Lord, you know whe re thia mule
Bruptlona. and
rno par required. u'i, ruto—d
point the andenakers and to mliere «>r- ought to beaaweUai anytaody. This
zowing fruiida'
Going south daUy azeept Sunday.
whole army knows wbciv bo ought to
"Uf courw, tnncdi of tbe evidence OQ be this mitinte. He knows where be
Leave Nortbport............ .........6.3e a. a
which tbe allegatina of p
" Omena.................................?:«• "
ought to Iw. I know wb)-rv booogbt to
" SuttonsBay.......................i-riS "
burial la istaed dependa ootho
0 (act tbat be, oh. Lord, and if be doesn't move in
. trersbai* ntoek.
-navsres Citr, Mtsb
.«,)» Bmn."
NeahtawanU................... «;«* "
bodies on ezh
a minute 1 intend to aay so, by gum.*'
the lateet perlam
Ar. TravereeCity.................. :0;45 "
donalty fouDd diatorted. thereby foster -><lbioi^ Inter-Ocaw.
ing tbe nution tbat this or that oocnDing north dally except Sunday.
pant of the coffin haa died iimn anffoLeave Traverae City..................*:00 p. m
OBticn, a theory which ia aapperted by GLADSTONE AS A CHEMIST.
Tor l»aU-eousrhold goods. Mra.)
.3:00 "
decides to take his family
Prank Tomlinson. ^ Boat Front
------------the favonible oooditioo of other ox...4;S0
Suttons Bay..
hnmod bodiea
"But the idea ia altcgetbet wtong, in
Ar. Nortbport..
tact and in principle. It it well known
iBsa fii
not fasoauto be lacked
among tkoau who have made it a atody tbe gifu-for be pommsod it in a Ugh
asaaan aass see
Dally Koming Exennioua Tnan
S3Er«S Eggs ggg
that the apparent
•- .
. ,inatcad • degree—but because he forbore to —~
S.U>CnOK.O«>«>«i-OVee.to Martlbms
; -a H«t.on«r.Hi« . liviM bmUl, puji»t,
Take eteamer at «:40 a m. for Neah
ly d,patd dpod
c— b^bt, „„
^ 4,
tawanU where yon will eoaoeet with
Uodt fr dreompodOob, tb. li.tlb«»» ]
.ometto™ mm tb.
steamer Crescent returning to Trav:
o^ »b.di 1. «dl^Uy mme
b„„4 „.d. attlu* for « Ict.
ereeCUyatlO;4Sa.m. Thia will give
1 -g==»*=a*"»o*-*•=*=*
^^abt^oiil. md eran b^
j „„„„„ py ,p, „d, td tb. nitui »t»»i
you a pleasant ride of >4 milee on the
is IS a
bey and can be made------- ---------•■.f^-lErEbd i«d
lO.MrresaUl* Oo. Blatfc.
pen in every oaaa but it does in a great
£8 S E 8 SM888
land you at Omena or Nortbport where
tetnrn“no. bol 1 O.II not K « O, ai; 1
tb. Ut. sir Jobo Pnp. HuuK-y,
Ipg to Traveree City at 4K»^. m.
aay that a i*ematii» bnrial has iiOTbr i
following story to ilAfternoon exenraioni from Traverse
t^en place, but it baa pot oocu^ ao
this generooa trait in Mr. Glad.
City. Uke the steamer Oesoent every
olub lU 1. tbdttdtt. I dm ny ltmjj ;
afUmoou at ):00 for Neahuwanu
apludfiebbiocAs. ’Phee*. I
00™, tb tlbii. oJ plum. .ndp«tl. I Bi,jphnprldrfbtt»»lto»bi.ktid.l.
where yon will oonncct with steamer
Ituou, .bu, tb. pt«o»i,d
ma ^ ^ cb.ml«ry. u«l to oo. tJ tb.
returning to Traveree City at 4:00 p.
boned within a few hours of dmih. i' debates on the oowmercla] treaty with
.Hut is whurv much mischief lice. But
To partiea of five or more a raU of
fkanrv SItt
£b uiauc
made «
a Bucn.u
spnch diA.u
B..MH. ma
Be lure for tbe round trip will be
When lutnic prevails where does thought ; ^
, serioo. chemical Llonder
—lo inl
in the tnnty. Mr. Glodstcaw followed,
"In plagnea, sneb aa cholera, tbe "and srxid turned me inside out in the
ssss e
atat« of coUapao ia ao profound tbat it ;
mdohiik i
r," Slid Hennraay
I Prom the South on the
E8ES S S SS8&E a
may jiorfccUy amnlatc death itsclt bot , reUtinu the
od** *
»=g= = “
«■—fg g
O. & A L
the custom ofI bbtylbsto.
burying the d«.d«a.
dead on the ^
; 8tfeEEEBfiiBBSEC B
dayol d.uth is fortnnau-ly on tbewauei
, saaaaaaaaaaaaaa a
into Traverse City as follows:
even during advanced e»udemica. It is j* 7," * ~
! sfi=»sses«ssdEdS 8
probable that in the a^oe of me^l ; ^
thna dispomd of bis oriths,
! =g—■
1. By. between Richmond and Fort
aid in panic timw m country pUau ] ^ Gladatone went and Mt by him for
Wayneae.aa a sasassssa
abroad it has led
.i*Ting^«rial-^^ moment, “ibnpe-yoodoo’tfoe-lburt,
“I bope-you don’t foe-1 hurt.
7" : a
bor. wlllTvydi'BaiocsU
SSSh 8 888SS8SSS
• »>reM—as If
d«^it mnal have done. Bot the last
Houucwy." be said. "Vour speech
••-s* s
cndofaJInndcfftochi^diti.uisismor. ^
»nu it may oousalo you
Sep. 3rd-7th Penaa. poinU LonUviUs.
iDdlanapolls, Terre Haute. Bk LonU.
clful. for it must not be
^ , tokuow^t the cwperur of tbe French
Tbe flret five ezeoreions tlekau good
dlsssBelU, OselsasU, CSIeste. Dvtniit a
if you are ’nucaitoions’ only while ^
p,«asoly tbe aame ohjoctiou ihM
OrsaSRspMtSHSa sa SIsspiac sad
iiig bermeacaUy aealed in^ your edfin ^ yon have made. The
The fact
fact it.
^ both
both you
Obio. ladaina and Penna. Ueki«
yon will never again .vxpcnence volim- and be know a good deal aboot ebumtary
motion or i^noa.
good 30 daya. ^ ^ Minasr. Agent.
ry montm
{fttry. but not tmmgh
cuough to kre-p
kse-p you from
earsad pBffsi earoaUls iralB.
ivc fraa nirlweed, Part «
"However, where the doctor oan
Mt«y.”_Ciiuoa McoSl^IitoTrslas arrive
C. L. LocKwuon. O. P. A T. A.
irsad BapiaaTXap.as I
tb« nevordoOr*
Druvl! sod Om..uiifnhed. imug , bonal is imiwsaible ^igbUy Eoview,
Grand Rapids.
aadPsflst car trow Deuelt oBtau traU
even in a cbnlcm panic, fee tlicre are •
emaiu Indily uovoiiienu wbu-h gemer:
Beduoed Bates on O. BL A I
Uhrr«I rt
411 St*
ally cKcur afler death fngn cholera, in
Mrs. Hewy waihu on Oct. M, IMT.
the abfteuce nf which a medical ;
Jast as be and bis family are leaving September 3d, good to retnm October OArxPOItimA-DetniliaaCrssd okewcMS
"four dettn
.tobor 1
would heaitate to ciatify for burial.
tbo boose a muueugcr arrives with a tnd
O^r^uA.LsagworUr. Ut rrotit nywi
Toronto. Onurio. one fare for round
"In agos gcoo by and in nudvilind
aumtuunsto servo on the jury.—New
trip. Sell August 24th. S&tb. and 27th,
countries still it is iiosaible that nnoon>-t ssIsratsM reoan. a
i with them Mr. Ga—. Mr. Down— and
acious oiuleptica or persons dragged k
oono Monm
t Mr. lk»-. Fart of th«-m staid and playReduced rates to other poinU Phone
apparent di-ath, may have boon and : «d at wblsh (MCI tel thia niomtait.
C. E Murray.
lurvay. Agent.
perhaps still ore onaMuualty buried
is fifteoB moatbs old.^bad an attack of
C. L. Lockwood. «. P. A..
■ ■
) that
diarrhoea aecompaoled by vomlliog. I
Greud Uaidda.
r Juba \>i>l»S.2» rroDt
gave it sock remediM aa are usually
of aielobef** Ormod Opera Hsose.
Everyone baa beaid
1 in socb cases, but as DottalBg
■n^ evcuu are ^bla_______ .• writes to U.e Rev. Mr. Tbotmu Foulkea
Kizea and prices
all Ml
"InMonna tbe cuatmn preijaiU of
^ ^ Tom Uem-y. at Ox-
Hamilton Garhartt
The Way They Settle!
iTitene Baj Line of Steamers.
Bicvcie Riders.
John R. SAnto,
GeoBral lastriDce.
iGnid BipiB » iDllui 1.1
unsm iiD HnnitRu li
’•““•js.’sssiTr**""- .
ot b.™£ ,iu« 1.1. ......i.'
4 » ,h oilir.
TbimLlcs are
the dead.
couiicct'-d witb ebu luurtnary belli
"Have ib<-l>t-llseviTruug? Yes,once.
"It 18 imisMsdldu for a doctor to mis.
take nuouiiaciuusncss in iu varied tonus
for dial h.
"Buuic* timoago it wassuggt*4cd that
a law abiiuld bi- paM-d luakiog it ootu-
pnlairy for b i:H-dit4;l imui |i> tost bt.-Uvs
'bof'Ti- giM.4! M d-rtiiieate of death.
T«»uug l,y» :-<;ric»ty was tb»ogbt of.
!»»«>»■ ItotototoIlowUi. ,™.pl.
■blst. Had at tbat only in
ChristUias time for riiptmec a oonasr."
Lady Bristol was at Siitb in ApriL
71 TU.'L and was ttn-n'in Mic center uf the
trorid of whist. "Poor Bishop NevelLl’
about teu days and was hsvlog about
tweatyfive operations of the boasts
every twelve
welve hours,
hours. and
1' ’ we
were eonobtained reviaeed that unless it
would not live.
a and Diarrhoea Remedy
Colic. Cholera
mded. and I decided to
wasi .
n uoiiced
try It. I soon
001 iced a change for tbe
she wrilea "cun scarco be ivckcaied iiur« was broDgbt about au,. „
aninag tbe living, being on my opplnbesUhv—C U Booos.Stumptau) wnrs than dead. They tay bo Mtta I town. (lilmer'Co . W. Vs. For salb by
ut Lindny’s with <Me to bold his cards : S. K. Wait, druggist.
nu'l another to giac him feuuS. Falaiy :
ii--n-«.i»u ncivti'in
nces!i'»n yet whetliw
wheUier “ .
It have lir>«gbt btui ch this miss- |
Buy a Scholarahlp.
rlcrtntity kills -r ouiy-scuuk. ^
" On Muy I abt< cheer-n.. in
I-.re wmiiTTy
cinmvi-v arc
«w.. tM* nr»t. '
n thiv
The Traveree City Ilasioees Collet
fully iufumis' hu bniil«nd
tbo di
.1 w^mld' be sHtiaversion of tbo/ ovcsiing is the-p^put and Normal Instiiuu offers a 7S weeks
t oHdi-nueof
show. "Det^is gone with Lady Tar- scholarship for ODAtbird off the regu
It iiw^ ite
value. Unthe
lar rmua If yon dMire one of tbeae
rington. The whiikura have promiaed
.i.'l ibiuk Ivglsiatiun (rf
scholarships atund to It at once, as the
me scaiM diveiuon after 'Us over."—
ort time
offer will be for a short
this L.i.a Is II. -M-.ir>
It v.uuld oesNtkui and (^uriva
ticbool opens fi^temberr 12tb at ISO
fMiily itiiscl Lt-a tliu3 u.iuiuJ prolusEighth streeL
C. R. DocKKRAV, Prop.
‘ "The Vhnmio cu-toin is a wise ime,
402-e. X. o D.t-w.
Tbe oigaciv
tbo fox ia tpost won
nnd 1 abonid Iiki tu k-u it mow gunur.
derful It B relatdd Uiai he is tornUyadophd."—J'veison’s Wevkiy.
mootod ^ fleas, and wiion the inflio-
Bill—Did yon Kwd abrnit that fellow
Wiiting a poem ui a fiiu LiHV
Tbo editor kept
"No. Horetonwdlt."
"What.-an i-diiur return a ^0 him"
"Yoa. nodidiftkuowwbJtijwas."
tied tieedines niibeamble be gathers a
munthfnl <J mou and alowiy walks
hackward into tbs nearest sweam until
only the munth is lidt above tbe surface
ef tbe wab.-r. The floss meantime take
refuge 00 the moss, and wImvi tbo fox
is nlisOod tbat Uwy liave all embarked
bo cgKils bis lunnUi, and
away, while tbe wily fox E^piina tba
hank, bappy in freedom fnini his tor-
oap (d the top wviii^s b; toaa m>d
000 btuAs were nsod in fu vmeunotiaa. It is ctrnnlar in foru, and in a
- |3de hands extromelr.
1 si—.. Tbi. «i«, I... -
A BrpuWlicsnvsucorltrr Wsrdjl.-. I will U
irlo lu<,rsarc HsU.Csm •trr»i.-pp Wcdpcc' r Attjt »1.1
tl. I>w. Ptr .ivlork. u eicci
CP) civpiuc.
K'petUrpp ruppti
lldrlrsplr. U. p'lcnS
t. KOS.
cvPTrul<pn u, U be:d bc|S.
r Wsrd No. t will U
1. hWWd •ItTCL PB
________ .
K P.a I
- - - SI
St e ovii....
Wedsp^^mip^., Aug.
tpsttcpd the aepvbhesp
raoa. Hoci.Toit.
.Tfi.ri.sw-A”-. s™7i.
wupslkip sPd b
Urssd Rs(>ld>
WTTiimX-Olpl I r «e«cr«l h<ip.*«orl(
W <1P<«) •PSec ppd i,pnps»»pl cap'o^rnl.
Csl! p> 2SB Wet Bcreolti «f»»l.
k. amsii Ut
ootHO Hotna.
(p hsroan eexor.
TTTsKTED —Good Cli
W wsem soft Ptesdr cltosMPB.
J c^simspKppuppsBi!
Sqnib—Tbe editor seams to have tne
naaal nin of enemies.
Scrih—Yea If be pul
an«)>ffio«»(y, they aucuse him 0/
ardiee. while, sbonld be sign an i^^e.
tb^ laugh at bit vanity>—Up tollata
Carhartt Overalls
ArcSlwto»^<^ 10percept. b^v^Uc |>rl
Sends & Go's
«R>R SALS-Lota tp TrpvcfW Ollr: «« PW fo^- --
Nol' 11* T’aiSp
. Acs II. MU.
r* 10 Siieni] ihe
to bcbcU Sepl.
IH Mrpet. Traverse CItr. 1
t;. B. HORN.
P. C. ti^^XBT.
-’"s.a s^::
IRWALR FLAint-PDrPaleto MsSm Gepps
lair LenbarCo.
Xm« R^ Ov^... .
W. LsPOIr-p
?oVlork!'to clpct 6 4-lerPlep'
pnUkesS oonpir •
•pprvtlltrpdr fpr ,
btU srpt. X.
W«deBstparalt AayoBtU ufixmllu!
One of the tnUwt stacks in Gseat
Britain u mcurti-d at Lliuivllv. Sbom
tba fans* of tbi- touudatiuu (0 tbe extrenw snninitt is 4i« feet high. The
■oldiotn' Bannion.
On aeconnt of tbe Soldiers’ Renaion
at Armdu ths M. A. N. E K’y wiltaetl
UckeU on Augntt 20. 30, 31. and B-ptember 1 at BI 4S. return limit BepUmber3dontralnsWtU:43a. m. and 3:40
tbe A. A B. E. E>
H. W.I
William's Petoskey
fruit juices, cold sparkl
clean spoons and glasae*. ----- _
tare coBstituU). oar ice cream soda 1
Wail's sods fouDUln.
... .ptaeBtstrli.
It priaisrr arhool HoUSCPIDS. Ass. tl. iM.sl «
sswc 4P simJ Uc Re-
ORO. g. OAUlaOX.
mJe» '!
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