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The Morning Record, October 11, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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time to propero It* report ee it m
Booeee^rily be loaf end dotoOed.
the oonrt bouee metter bo deferred-anefter the other balnea* of the
boerd wei diepoood of. Then he would
faeor the moot rigid exemineUon. Br.
Wilhelm dteegreed to thin end CUT* ee
his reeaoae thet there wonld be.meny
Iter* to look np end eome Ume
would bo required for their oonelderetlon, whioh oonld l**t e* well be ettended to during the trenmmtlon of
He «nelly egroed to
to here ectlon deferred nnUI Tboradr y
After eotwUerebl* more
■oluUon *
serial Older foe Thanday meralng.
Aftar thU wae dlspoeed of Mr. Puldpher deeUiad that be had a reeolnUon
(Oontlnaed on Page 3.]
Indian Situation at Oast Lake
Very Serioua.
Saparvlsor WiUidm Olbred
T«Merda^t KmUbc of Boud of
Bnporrioem. Vhmxgtag Balldlos
Oonmittoe With IncomprteBCj ud
V«cU«( ud AaklBK far Their BomoTol—John PmWphor BoMited
tho ImpoteUea.
1W« U BO reMOBOble doubt bnl thot
the ooonty ooert hooM contrororey
wUl be folJy reriowod by the boerd of
The boord met yeeterdey. with OTwy
wmber FOMet. end the dret metter
of imporUMse wee tho iatrodecOoe of
e aeethinr rceolntios eoedemnliir the
beUdieC oommittee for ellegod Incompeteecy end ncffleet end Iremod In
each tonna me to iooee no poaetble
donbt ee to the eontiment whleb gere
rlee to it. Tho molnUon wee introdoeod by BnpereiMr John Wilhelm
from the Fourth werd. Tho roeolntloB
wiU ozpUin itMlf:
WacBE^ The member*
1 by Ue
*boerS*«> proeide for
end to euperinlend the bnUdlBg^ the
e following oote. omla^ons end neglM!t to nroteot the Intereet* of the peo
m cwbUent end eztortionnte
ple from
li?u^^ln*tb* huUdiog^ie
penes* inrouee: In thU nemely.
Ue" *|ii:ltentloM
the coot wiUU the epuropriellon.
2nd. In ellewlng the erchlt^ commlaelon on »U ezlru ezpe^ far,«frk
end mnterinl p«t upon the hiUldlng
end not provided for in the eontrect,
thn* b<yM»«»g out to him the indnce(BODt to mnke t
Armed Bnekn Proceeding Soath and
There ia Vndonbtedly Great Vaed
for Soldien-Oobfaraaee Amounted
to Wothiag and Oenarat Bacon
Wires That Sltnatlon OontinBie to
of Ue liquer oaaea last waek and Uis.
and yasterday he ^ka to Ue attor-:
neys oa boU aides, PreaaeotorTwaddle
and Mr. Pratt Uat Intermption of one
ooonsal by Ue oUer, while either wu
'caeing Ue jury, mnatceaee. There
had been eaUrely too much of it “eeperially as in Ule eaae,” aald Ua judge,
referring to tbe Dunn trial. “Tho Jury
hat given eloee atteutiov to Ue ovideace, and Ueee intemiotioaa only
hurt Ue aide which make Uem,”
be Very Grave.
■pMial wTn KounM asoaeu.
Oeb 10 -A speeiel to
the Journal fromCbae Lake, eaye that
armed bucks ere endoubtedly proceed
ing lontb. Oaile wer* received from
Bemldji for troopa but none were *ent,
ee Cam Lake i* considered e more
clal point.' Con*id*rabli a
la felt and there ia undoabtco n
for troopa toallsy paales in tbe
Pleaded -Vot atOltr’' to Ohbrge of towns OB Ul* line. The federal and
state sutboriUaa are now werkiog in
Kurderiag George Sexton, Broth
harmony toward quelling tbe Indian
er of TEn. XeKlnley.
Bpcctal toTas Mourara Keeosn.
Oen. Bacon offered to oome down
Canton. Ohio. Oct- 10.—In a weak,
from Welker thU evening to eonfer
scarcely aadlble voice Mia. Ann Georga.
wiU Governor Clongb, but Ue latter
aoeaeed of the murder of Ceorge 8azadviced a coaferenoe by wire. He re
tOB. pleaded “not galliy." when ar ceived Ue followlngmeeeegefrom Geo.
raigned thM afternoon end prellmlnai—
itlon eet f«r tomorrow at
' “Bitoatlon bad: Ue eoeferenee yeeo’clock. The prieoner, wae then reterdey reealted In TOUlng. None of
-ed. Tke funeral of Bazton oeUe IndUn chiefs wsre Uere.
curred thU afternoon. Preeidenl and
lumbermen are all coming Into Walker.
Mra. McKinley were preeent.
Troop* are needed at Case Lake.”
Nevertbeleas tbe governor beliavee
U* aitaaUon la weU in hand, and Uat
Ue recalcitrants are practically sur
Stricken With Typhoid Fever Aftar rounded by eoldlera.
Bard Wark Oaring for Xlehlgaal
A Jonmal apaclal from BamVdjl.
Minn., says Uat a rumor this asomSick SoldieTU U the BaM.
,iag Uat tb* Indians were coming,
•pMUl toTae Ueunav Bmeen.
a atamped*. The people meaeed
Detiell. Oct. 10.—After hard work,
at Cbmp Wikoff Hasen Ragrea. Jr., et Ue court bouse sad soldier* were
retamed to Deueit yeeterday. and now telegr^hed for^________
**2d.*U^llng to leqqlre thet *U
bUi* ehonld be fnUy iUmitrt by the
eontneton when preiented for ellowMce. eo thet the committee end IhU
board might judge of the oorrectncee
of the erchiteeVs ceUmstes before or^*4tnf ^^ptiog the contrectof*'
bid lor brick without requiring «»pl«
cf the brick to be preeeoted wlU the
Stb. U .f^ing to fiz the lecetion of
theknildlng before the conuuct wn*
nitde und the work of ezc»vutlng be*"«Ui. In lelUng to make u egroement la writing with the oontruetor*
a* to the coet of the *t«nc meaon
qnlred by the change in locetloa
7th. In removing the site from higher
to lower ground and raUlng the floor* to
a higher level then provided for U the
flr*t location, thoe iwqalring an aztra
oxpendltura of over five IhoMand dollaiaover the ooatract price in the fouadetion. and aeeeseilating a further ez■endltore of thoiuaode of dollar* «for
wmeing and grading, without any
benefit whatever to the tazpeyw of the
coaety or t ‘ '
7th. la ■
from gray etone U
flr»l enterinr ’■■■■
writing with------------------------difference in cost ae the eoattact and
apeciflcaUone required.
8th. laallewing the ooaUaetora an
eztra charge of >8 SO per thoneand for
face brick when the original eeUmaU
of tke architect, whoee plan waa aeeeptedby tbb beard, c^led for firet
olam material for all perm of the
10th. In appointing the contractor
a* oae of the committee of threc^ to
aettle the pries to be paid for aztra
work, thus making tha eoutiactor a
' ja^a to aettle hi* own claim*.
whereat the membern of eeld
oommittee by their lucompatence *
shown by their negUgeat ommluioi
and damaging acts above act forti
have already loat tbonaaads of dollars
to Ue county, tharefore.
Bmolved. That Ue member* ef eald
committee ate bareby discharged frem
by revoked.
No sooner wae Ue raaaloUon reed
' than Bnperviaor Paldpker. oae of the
hnOdlag oommittee, arose and
nounoad Ue mmenre a* being Intended
to blecken the character* of Ue
here of Ue oommittee. Be declared
that eome of the ebargse in Ue raedli
tien were aheointely false sad nrged
that Ue preaenUUoa of Ue reeolntion
> was premature, as Ue oommittee had
not yet had a chance to amkeiU re
port to Ue board. Be stated Uat the
balldiag committee was at work <» It*
xoport which would be enbmittad to
the board aa aoon sa It oonld b* praparad. Tbe report would contain a
complete record of Ue doings of U*
eommlMe*. and if Ue
to go into detaUa be would
fnmiak a full minority report. Here.
Iterated that it waa unfair to Uua aceoa* Ue oommittee in a
til Ue committee had famished a re
port of iU^lelnga.
Baperviwir WUhelm stated Uat he
woaU be wUllng to have action defertad natll Wedneadey morning, bat
Pnleipbar deelarad Uat Uat
wonld net give the emv^i
Lousting Oampe in Oube.
Havana. Oct 10.—The epenial Americommiaeion appointed to eeleet
oamp* for the Amerlean troops vlalted
Uuanejay. Martel and oUer places yee
terday. They declared that a camp
abonid be Icoeted on Ue hlUs la Ue
vicinity of Guanejay.
liea la a aerlou* oondlUon with typbeid
Bev. Ohaa. Wiighth Frediciian.
fever. DennU Doaohagh. the inde
St Paul, Oct 10 —A Walker qieclal
fatigable carreepondeni who accompa to The blapatch eeya Uet Eev. Cha*.
nied him, la aim) atricken.
Wright, Ue Bpiaoopal miaiater at Ue
agency, left here today to attond Ue
funeral of hU faUer,Chief White Cloud,
Twenty Benber* Thirty-Fi»t to bo who died et Ue White BarU agency
last week, aged OS. Mr. Wright says
Oourt Kartialed.
Uat he prefers not to awame Ue rewlBl le Ta« Mobzim Bsoee*.
apOBsIblliUeo of head cl
Camp Poland. Oct.
10.—Twenty if it would be tor Ue Imt latoreeto of
ember* of Ue Thirty-first will be
hole Chippewa nation and if Ue
oourt martialed for Ipanbordlnation.
rcquMt were unaDlmona. he might
refusing to drill, end Ue deaertere
will be brought up sharply.
Mr. Wright predieu fnrUer trouble
eutenant Colonel Bhnhel ha* tele whan tbe soldier* go over to tbe main
graphed the sheriffe of Ue various land. H* believes that a delegation of
counties to apprehend twenty-three
reandatmen from Ue Thirty-first Micbigaa. real the hoeiUM, but they will never
ebeenl wiUonl leave and charged wlU yield to Ue eoldlera. A eonaeil
desertion. They will be uken to tbe scarcely be held today oa aeoouat of a
neareat miliUry post and there held high wind and rough water on Ue
nnUl delivered to a guard from Ue lakes.
Thirty-first eent for them.
TrooF Feat From Xlaaei^rolla.
Apsclstletha Msaziaa Ktcoui
InneeFii*- On. le.—Tbia momlng
Attempt to enforce Their Demands for
Havana, vm Key .Weet Oct 10.—In
oonfirmaUoh of previou* reporto of an
aprislng among Ue irragalar* in Ue
Santa Clara provlnee is an attempt to
enforce Uelr demands for payment in
fuU before Uylsg down Uelr amaa, it
can be etotod officially Uat over 2.000
irregalar troops, mobolUed during Ue
war, rase In arms in U* vicinity of
Clenfnero*. throwing up hresatwc
making block henae* and preparing
openly to revolt ualeae they were paid.
General Aguirre, military oommand
er of Ue provlnee. at Ue head of about
S.OOO men of Ue r^olar army,
rounded Ua poritlon of Ue rebetlioue
trooF and in order to avoid bloodshed,
parlaying with tke riotous troop*.
They were told of tbe terror Uelr etUtude bed censed, and it was anno
A that tbe government was ready to
Fy them.
General Aguirre, who came providad
with moeey,
Ue mas after Ua
eonference. eettling all aeomata. aftar
Orematod is a Obureh.
eztonslon of Ue Greet Northern road
on the northern border of Ue Leech
Lake reeervation.
The men carried
tonte, 100 round* of ammunition and
aeveral da^ rations.
fiweeplng Vaval Frogram Abandoned
OB Account ef Ftnanelal Btraita.
SpeeiAltoTu KosliKs fiBcose.
Borne. Oct lO.-Owlag to Itoly'* flnaaelal elraits the minister ef marine,
ilral D. I. Canevari, baa
tbe sweeping naval ptogram involving
Ue ezFadlture of 540,000,000 Ure and
will be satisfied with a ndval cr^lt
tlitt yaar of 28,000.000 lire. A miniaterial crisis is thus averted.
County Clerk Newton bee bees prv■sated ^ Ue American PenoU company
WiU eome gorgeoa* lead peacils, colorad la red, white and blue, and it givee
him great ooneern to l^p pacaeeclon of
them. Sheriff Simpson baa bU eye
them and occasionally geu hla fingers
A Happy Manla oae Uat haa a happy famUy. and Ua oes way to have seU a
family le to have aotae framed pieUrm on Ue walL If you have Ue
pietnies we have Ue new moalding tor Ue frames, and Uey ere dandlm,
Holley & Gonuable,
290 Front Street
“City Bookfitor*."
Not Every Day;:
Do "we get ia a new stock of Picture Moutdiuge-^
but our stock is always good and we turn out work that it
first class in every quality and Price.
iarktiam BloeL
Xo more premium tickets or premiums, after Xotemher 5th.
Please hear this in mind- ■
TaUeto. TtUtU. TatlaUl
Call and see our Ubleto. Uey
fine. Selling loU of Uem at Tatman's. 448-St
By msrebanta. of Ue merit*
•f Us gooda Uey have to sell. Ue
judgment aa to
Rest Styles,
Rest Materials,
Rest Workmaeshlp
aed lowest Prices.
Sboe Dp
The GhUdrei..
M««t ka left to Ua customan' dacision.
W* are glad to show our a»cw.
faU tuiU — kav* you compare
cloth*, trimmings. mUm and
gansral “tone” wiU tits oUar
daalan' goods, sad are lattaflad
Uat wa'll get Ua sale.
You can do it cheaper
than ever before in the
history of the city.
Our Great
Shoe Sale
Is attracting the buy
ers from far and near.
People know good bar
gains and they not are
slow to take
tage of this opportunity
to shoe up tbe whole
Misses’ shoes, sizes 11
to 2. 69c.
One lot, nice styles.
Children's shoes—the
kind that wear, 46, 68,
6^ 89,98c.
Our children’s shoes
have solid soles, leather
counters, good uppers,
no shoddy. A look al
ways means a sale.
Popular Shoe House.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
The world tevm to gat hold of U* kaadle ead of a baigala.
a aaralng money; it i* saving money: it 1* 82 for 81. Tha
It la bettor
Plasm your band on Us Urottis of cztra hsat at no extra smL It laaa
--------Itiaapendlogtlto maksSS. Attached to atovs or futnam pine.
'^bmi^ mually wasted np Ue chimney and pamm It aro^ tM
• T«T7 dmlrablr r«l<l«-Bce os WmSIo <B atraet. Ko. 08.
kUocw la tar ritr. Booav ia aood eoad
--------- > oaa be boo«bl ai a bsrfrala U ukca at
WortbloeklayaptorsetswvtMMV .
Th. wlTtebtli., of OUldm
W'- ' '
kaovm to maay. bslag made at Ue finsto
wool, donhis bremtad and back and bnttoO'
Tke ariem barstofors have baaa vatg
high, hut bare u where we eome la wiU 80
dotes Buhea* to he sold at ooat.
In Onel
Former Price, 26, S6,40. 60,66, 60,66e.
Beduoed to... 19,24,28,36,88,42,44a
Call and look at Urns
ccM ‘ I—I 171 17* A
aad^asta for one wmk aaly.
Sitaation in Xiaeiasippl
Bapidly Worse.
Jackson, Mias. Get lO.-The yoUow
where 1 hare combined an extonaive
sver altnatloD in Mlniaaippi gro)vs
stock of-----rapidly worae and unlsaa cold waatbar
oomea eeon.nearly Ue entire etate bids
fair to become Infected.
Harrlston. Jefferson county, has a
Fancy and
Staple Groceries.
Jaekaon, Miaa.. Oct. 10.—Word
just received Uet a
tramp, who took refuge is e negro
church sear here, wae cremated when
Ue building wa* fired by aegrow. who
feared a apraad of Ua malady in Ue
aon tb* yellow flags marldng Ue prm.. infectioa. Ineraam rapidly.
Only.Ue aorUem ■eetionof Ue rity
U now wiUont a ease of Ue diaeeae.
There are two aew oaem tod^.
Failura ef Xionfioa Financier.
8FcieltoTBSltoBzn.« Itacae*.
;mndc«, OeV 10.—The faUure U anBoanoefi of Bmeat Orger Immbert a
finaneeer of tbe Trafalgar bofldlng.
this city. LlabiUtiea are eeUnatod at
Two Semiona Yesterday.
Parle. Oct. 10.—Tbe*Ualtod Statm
peaae eommlaalon held two aemlone
today. They were devotod to aoqalrlag and waighlng
I in Ue
tire to Ue q
matlcn under Immedleto <
Xtny thenuo
The crowded condition forces
me to sell a Urge qaanti^ of
gooda at
Greatly Rediiteil'Prices
This aeaaan hm tha stamp
To make room for new gooda. Y<
ahoald Uka advant^ o( the
ef goad taUariag at pHms
wiUln reach at all: avaa oat
S8.98 all wool are salta made
bettar, fit nlear than r.Sfi
snlt* BhowB almwhara.
8AM *******0 woal suits baar'
286 Front Street
—Hardm soft
among Tr‘
who have iBTcated In Ue special line Jadge Oarbett Xnatraeu Oonaeel in
of mea’a new fall enita we are shew
Oourt to Goaao Intormptione.
A ao Us AluruF
3n» Elndlan
ing at ton dellaF- Why? Bar
Judge Cerbea ia evUently tired af
to start your fires.
Ue iateriaptiona which have baaa An
oUor plasm. StoUherr'a.
anneyiag tcatore Uronghaut U* triala
Style is not alwsF Udlmtad ky a
Is a happy mean that Indicatm tmte
and teaeding which sUmF the true
woman. Our lau arrival* In drem tebrlc* are beauties,
beautiea. their quiet elegi
being all that oould bedmired.
the mmt eriUeal iaapeetloa.
A vlBit to enr mtabliahaust
will eoavince Ue most akepticaL
Your masey mvma.
John Shaaa Xsoaka Danab Bayes
Tram a Ban XKwr to the Walk.
Tm&TXMXOITT. . MIOHIOAM Dr. KaUey Is H«t Osttltig
John Shaaa. fathsr of Tom Shaaa.'
Along Vary Well
praprialor of tha State street Ilnry
ham. was ataadlac aear tha door of:
My work in first ckss aad prices tbnt are in reach of aU. I ant
Bon* the ham ysMarday noon, whsn Dannb
Baw Ajn» 3. W. HAam. la Bl« Xflbru to Sm««
prepared at alt times to take eare of the trade. I make a spec^lto
SvppoMl to b* ‘<Ed Ha«^-»w- Hayaa. a former amploya of Mr. Shane
Braaing, Volcaoiring and EnameUnK- A fine line of wheels for aaio
maiM Braa. OUim a TlaUtioa of at hb farm northwest of the city, en
j. w. Bamw, ■dllor ud
J.o. ELLIS, 311 Front
a Tarbal AgtWBaat ta Um Traaa- tered. Beyta was said to bs abnslve.
It b said that be had
troabla oa the farm, the other day.
Dr. a M. KeUj aad Dtpoty Skerifl where he waa enrsfed in dlnrlnf pota
Pioria. of Qraad Baptda tba former toes, and not only qnit himself hotinawaor of t3>« raeo bona Ed Maak, dneed employee of Mr. Shane to also
atolaa tvo jcan afo, aad which ha qnit. Just what Bayea said to Mr.
>Ul-« to baaa identiflad In Fred At- Shane when he entered the ham yaamoai. owaad by Oermaioa Brothar
tarday, ootUd not be learned, bathe
For Bsy of them whea it cornea to eeUtBr CookW
thil dty. cane to Trarana City to in- was so nbnaive Mr. Shnae ordered him
WeVe got about—well, anyway enough gradea to
aaatirata a report that Prod Alnant ont. Bayes refnalnf to fo as promptly
everybody. Prioea reaeonable.
waa aa other than Ed Mack.
aa Mr. Shane thoogbt pt«rp«r, the lat
Banday' Dr. KaUy was rlran
ter. who to qnite an aged fei
a by William Oarmaioe behind ■tapped in front of Bayeenod delivered
-248 Front Stieet:
him a terrifie blow "rlfbl from the
Jacob Sehwaru; of Uland. Is having
In that drlra Dr. KeUy poaltlToly ahonider". wbieh landed between the
oonstmeted a large aeow for the paridanUdid Pred Almontaa Ed Mack, and eyes. B^yaa. when he ^caa stmek,
so told Mr. Qermalae. The latter ■taadlnr jost inaida the doable doora poae of tranaportlng predoce from
airreod to do what was ri^ht in the opening into the auble from SUta points oa Carp lake to F^noh for shipniaaa. Bowerar. to foratsh farther street. Be waa knocked backward by
A horse owned by & 8. Walker, of
proof of the IdantlW
Vred Alinont the blew to the middle of the aide-walk
Old MImion. was br^bt to the aUbIs
with the stolen hone Ed Mack. Dr. aad landed flat on kto back, i
Eally yesterday telsfrapbad P. A. atratKledto kto feel Mr. Shane told of Brodhagen A Wlscboewskl.
atreet. yeaterdsy, for medical
Smith of Grand Rapids, a foruerdrivar him to “eseak at oaoe", and Bayes
of Bd Mack and who Is qnite familiar "saeaked'’ wlthont stopplag to argne treatmau for a aerioas Ulncna.
with the marks of the stolen home, to the matter farther.
Tha Soath Side Sbakmptmrselsb will
ooma to Traearse City and naslst in bis
meet this afternoon with Mra W. Thnr***
FlifOgn oJ W»rtieSBAZB OP MBS. B. 0. LAOD.'
tall, Baal Ninth street, at 8:30 o'cloek.
Mr. Smith arrirad os the none train
A mairtoge Ueease was tosaed hy
yestarday. and at ooee weat to tha bam
Oonnty Glerk Newton, yesterday, to
of «m
> and PainfoU Uli
of Oarmaioe Bratbara. Then,
Barry Talmadge to marry Bowana
Bach gaye their ages as U years
y to grieved i
srealncMr. Emlth was’.rafnaadpermb- death of Mrs. E O, Ladd, who p
and their reaideoee Traverse City.
Sion tones Fred Almost by the Gcr- away yeaterdaj morning, at the is
Bev. D. Coehlis {« making very ataad Ckarlea, each reaidenoe, 818, Waahtngtra street,
traetive ImprovemenU
Wlllnr Mr. Smith be oonld not
death of Mra. Imdd was mtber suddan. grounds about bis residesue on Wash
VILUAM^. rUDtOB of Fmqae lalc.
their horea. Whan asked wbara Fred though shs had been very sick
ington street.
Almont was they rcfucd. it U said.
aome Urns. Deceaseil was 43 yeai
yUrBofratof Ue rBl»rr«UT <»honiCTm|—
age and was highly (wtaemed both in
■Ij B. BCTTOK of Worae.
The Bars La Ortppe Oara
At the reeldeaoa of his fatbar-in law, Ttaveree Cily and throogbont the
There is se see suffering from ttito
B. 8. Ball last alrbt. WUl Oarmaiae oonnty. where she was widely knows. draadfnl malady, it yon will
Yod are havlsg^pfta___.
St remrdv. Yon
_ _
■aid: '■! can not aea why . Dr. Kally She wu one of the prominent members the right
Larger _
alt throi •
• •
ahonld compUia of oar traatamsi
of the'Woman's Club, an asaidooos
n w
faiMto keep tha earbal apw
worker In the Baptist dinreb aad the ambiUoB. have a bad cold, in fact are
W. C. T. U. and was eavrgetie In San®'***^* ***^**"
dsy school work. The family came to
with ns today, admiuod the srree- TravaraaCily from Old Mtopion in 18U4
reetly on yoar Liver. Stomach and Kid
nsenk They both, in the prcaanee. aad have since resided on Waahingtoa neys. tone ap the whole system and
lociaaaad dupUv Pine Watehes. Rne Uoe Silk DmbreUM.
of Attorney Patcbls aad oomaleea, Street. Mra Ladd's health baa been make you feel like a nrw brii
7“*/ Btringed
String! for all iutnunenta: Hari:.
•rraad to meet ns Monday morainr poor for two yeata and at one time re- are gnarantoed to eni
' Per sale ...h.
at the Dn»-8£^?,T
Dmg Stores of S. U»dCU.»Wm,
JAMB W. BHAJBBW.OfQaaatrOTOTe, aad draw apa writtan etaUaast in
itly it was hoped that bar nltimato ----------------1
E. Wait and
G. Jobson. Only 50e
Take a look toroogh our^egpnt new qnartera.
whieb they warn to replevin the
Prod Almost, wa wa« to ahoDt two weeks ago she began to toil
erom-raplevis him and thns pre and tbs reanlt to bar death which baa
A of Grood 1Va<«fM.
leral evUenea that would east a gloom among a wide circle of
protect ns and aid ns in
onr frienda
soil arainsl the people who aold ns
Deopaaod leaves a son, aarence. aged
tha bona is oaae Fred Alsonf proved IS, and a daughter, Zcma,aged » years.
to be Bd Mack.
The fnncral will uke place tomor
afternoon from the family teal^^SSCSio^rr^Tt.
wrote ont a description of the bone denee. on Waabington street, at
Ed Mack, on snbmisaion of which wa o'clock. The eerviM will be oondi
showed him tha horse PradAimonL by Bev. J. C. Carman.
Then are a number of partinlan in
which the deserlplios of Dr. KeUy and
AUeged Borne Stealieg Oase.
*** *lTOfc»iri<OBTHBCP,
Frad Almont do not arree, but in aplu
In Circuit eoorl, this morning before
of that I showed Dr. Kelly my horm
***^^i1£3a5 k. moon.
Judge CorbeU and ajnry, will begii
and took him drivinr behind the bone
“Happy as clams in high wster**—because
the trial of the Pw>ple vemw George
Snsday. The reason 1 did not let the
Brooka. Oiear Hownrd, Clande CaaUe«n«n Smith see Fred Almost, yesterday,
we never 6old,a pound of adulterated flour
maa and Jennie CInpp. charged with
4Mnsnished thaxasalTaa hy making when baoaUedalthe bam. wasbaeai
larceny. Thto is the ease from Fife
Hitr-*-~ for home oonsompUon aad Celty had failed to keep hb arraement Lake, where the defendanu ns
in our history. We hare a nice bunch of
•jpotlbf lafialatios to r^sa money to with ns today."
Charged wito stealing n team of hones
Fred Almoat b atUl ont of airbt and
Aomduet the war. They made the asoet
wheat that LJi/lTER missed, and our ens*
from some Indians, which has been
glaring misatatamenia is r^rardtaonr aleralfirbt b expected. Germaine fully reported in Toe Mukkuio Bxcoko
aWpa, aad eraa aflac hoaUUUae oom- Broihen have employed J. W. Fatchin
Sheriff Simpson waa at Fife L.ke, Are the best matt'esBes on earth \
turners are getting It,
■waead. prctasdad to point oot flaws to look after Uielr istereata and Boo.
yesterday, and rstnraed at noon with (or the money—every one gnaran- j
jH the armor platea of our eaaaela San- W. H. Foster has been retained by Dr.
sU witnassee In the casa It was the teed. They don’t roe* much more!
the “Best.”
Alor BnUcr. ehairman of tha PopnlUt KeUy.
original IntenUon to call thto<
fBT^, apenly named the Brooklyn and
trial at S o'clock yesterday afternoon,
lUw York %i ahipa with defactire
Ooe thirdofyoor lifeiaapentin
but the trials of the liqoor law vlolaamom. Br^ bit of Information of
Uon case* postponed the larceny cnee bed—that ought to be comfortable.
dUaktad waa sent to Spain. BnUar
to this morning. The defense will be
a vay Last Bvanisg.
ana ahaUanfad to prodnoa hia proof
represented by W. H. Foster.
horae owned by Brodh
feat shrank ont of hh dilemma. On
ehsewski. the liverymen oA Stale
flto atraaffth of tha infonnaUoo tfana
Foot Boldinia Betnrnad.
afetalaed. it la aah., Carrera coaoen- atreet. and driven ont yeetarday afterYesterday afternoon Norman
by Mrs. Brodhagen, ran away oa
•rated the attack of hia entire fleet an
Palmer, who •pent aome time in » New ,
•ha Brooklyn, bat as aranu showed Washington atreet aad, after a mad
York hoepiul after tkimpany M left i
•hat rood ahlp was hardly Injnrad in
thrilling chM through several
relnrsed b<
Hold on there a minutel
a of the city, reached the barn
•ha flrht whUa the Spanish aqoadnm
vasaccoapaBied from Grand BtpState streal. fell at the fre
was deauoyed.
Do you want to buy any
id* by John Wood, who came from
to the stoble, broke a boggy thill and Uland Lake,' where be has Bervei.
How that elaetlon is drawinr i
made another ran to the rear of the
emnp postmaster Bince the return of the <
noma oenaidaration ahonld he rim
barn, where be ran in and antared his
roeniiu from Camp Meade. Ernest |
stcil. it seems that Mrs. Brodhagen,
NiehoU, another of Oompany M, who i
•torial, repreaapUlivea and eoaaty. after driving for some time, made a
accompanied Palmer from New Yoi
Tfee'BopttbUoas tidnt from up to bot stop on Washington straet to eaU oa
went on to bit home in Luther.
tom praaesU an arny of namee which some rrieods. She alighted from' Uie
Mosmnd thamsalvca to everyone re- boggy and mterad the hooM af her
company M from MonUok Point and i
gardlma of party. ’ These :
Jtiiends. hot did not Ue the hwne.
Well, look at this:—
•tied and tone. Many of them have While she was In the bouse the animal went on to WeM Plaina. Mo., has also •
rood.. He reported to Fort Leaveaheld ofiee before aed ate worthy to be started oa his mad caresr throngh the
' fetnmed. AU are able men. and to Btraets. pasaing the court house and worth on bit fnrlongh and was provided \
wfeom can safely he entrasted Ue ree- thence going to the sUble on State. with tranaportalion and ration mosey i
posaiblUaea of the offieca to whieb they FortonoUly no collisions oeenred on from there to Michigan.
wfll ha alaeted.
the way and no fnrtbsr damagt was
dene bayosd that stated.
A warfm In Onha aaem
feava oommendad Itaelf to the silver
JohnTatman. A Company M aoldier.
■he, who have adopted It. But npon to in Clare to attend a family reunion
what power do they rely to come
which to to ha held At that place this
itoniraid? WUbentbelp from outside week. Hat Ihtman, the South Side
•feey can win ne more than the Cabana confectioner, left yesterday to jjln the
niax> T&AvmaB
Dealer in BidyGleaiBicycle‘Siindrfes
We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seat
Eie*.Dt . une,..
Jewelry, Silrerwarel
______ BARNUM & EARL,«'^
American Eagle
Brand of
i.f. SLATER, House Firnislier.
As good an am chair as there fs In the
E mad seat chairs for oel) $1.75.
clip far $2.00—Oor price is oalp
£ caae seat ctiairs fat onl|i $3.50.
A wood seat rocker for calp 50c.
A high back, solid cat, cane scat rocker, A nice bed with carved headboard, $1.40.
A cheap, plain bed for onlp $1.15.
R. Winnie
aad Paper Haam.
Shop opposite Eagle oflice. I
Tans to nothing like constotoney. S. L. tm
Mys Sonator Jonea. the Demoeratie
at 141 L
Uadw, who denounced greenhaek
Otw HeKwnus-* Bbo* Buea
taps as the worst money the country Breslag School
'najjoM lee.
•vw saw, and prases them U lew as
Of BuaincMi College will open at the
the best __________________
Orange hall Monday evening. Oct.
31. 1B»8. Those desiring to take
Op Banday night the bam and dwrilapelllng. arithmetic, penmansblp,
book-keeping, ahortband, or any of
lag of Jamas Dnnn. a pionoer of Leethe oommOD btaoehea wQi be aelaan county, living near Burdickville,
/ 3tw4 wka-448
WM destroyed by fire. The fire eon•nmed about l.ooo bosbels of grate and
Ladies, clean yodf kid gloves with
•ha meat valnable farming machinery .........................e. It to not a liquid.
■ while
iwahsalaie-pato«g the place. The bnUdlnga were oe-_______ __
tmfUa hy A. Wellington, who waa ab- o^
«rawnioa et wnb wttboai
by James G. Johnson, the drnr pals xueC. leMt
acC wswt •aUafaeury prvMtot from home at the time.
paratMa vM aaed tor wahtag extramtoa maf. \
Whjsn you are in and looking around for bargains, don’t forget to look !
through our couch room. We have a large and flne assortment of couches. The
cheapest is a spring-edge couch, fully guaranteed for two years, for only $3.sa
You can surely save money by buying your furniture of us.
Our house
furnishing department far excels anything shown in Northern Michigan.
The place—
»)aq IP ptmmnt to tb* bovd, pad
pnpMVd U in writlnc, warirtag that
he.weald like to flad oet who the big
iurobbereof theeonslf are. Aod he
WMted to kaow If It wm right to
fOoeae the Trereree 8ef Segie pleat
•SOM wheali WMeoptuUied »tli0.000.
Hie raeelatioa prvriAmi that a ooantt>
tee ho appointed to iaveetlgate
Bogie plant aad report to the board if
the aneweat was Joei, aad Mr. Pel*
cipher added that tha wee one of the
^pgeet plMM of eorrepttOB In the
eonatg. OkairmaB Brown did not b«.
Uege that the beard conld act npon the
eewae who la theearIghiatOTT of Midi
Igaa rooMd tbieogh the foreet aloag
the SbUweaeee rUer where the dtj of
Oweeae aew etaade.
Mamory of Color SaiYaant
TUeree breke late a Eomee hooee
Smadlay 3onorad Sunday.
the ether eight aad etele foarteea eaae
of trelL Bet the wont of It wee tkeg
alee apeet a shell bearlag US tjearte of ■nried With Toll ItiLUrg Sonert
Under the AnspiCM of Oompnag M.
irg bit of which
wee ralaed.
iring indnstrg
The ecm
In Branch oennlg U aeenntng each
prop wtione that the reeidente begin
to fear that ere nang geara that eeeUon will be repreeentad on the aap bg
big bole—the real eetate of the eenn
tg baring been ehlpped awag In the
form of Portland oesest.
Cbnrlee WoUgasta dairgaan tiring
two mitre eaat of Saginnw, wee band.
John WUbelm defended the Bngle and
dedared that the
Mr. Poldpber.insUted op.An the inreetigaUon nnd refem .g
theattltndeof Mr. WUhe>m docinred
he wna one of the litUe Demoerna Ug-
which created a psrllmenarg tangle,
tbecoDianuon being made that the
wiBtter propaead wae onlg wlUiia the
JariedietiOBof Uo board of cqaalisatioa.
Pinaiigon mouoo of Mr. Pnieipher
aetioa on reeelnUon wae net to follow
the report of the bnlldlng committee.
Juet ns the ooard adjoorned for comcniuee work' Mr. Bpragne remarked
polatedlg to Boperrleur Pnldpher that
U he waated to go into the Inmitgating bnelneeb there w^d he plentg of
It.: at which Mr. pnldpher made 7
abarp mutrt and the dialugne
Pierioaeto there ioddanta oerMflcater ware yaeented from the town*
ahlp boards of Uraen Laka rod Para
dise showing thM WUUe Wightman
had beanohoeen lAtllarscnnogaa the
board from the fo\eer towaenip and
Harriaon Speer from the laUer.
Wightman to dll the Vaoaneg caused bg
the remoral from the eonatg of Superthe gaeaaeg canned bg the daeth of
jtMUhUM.MK.MK.Mt ML MtMt-nMMtlStk.
NJ Hnttms of Intnreni Trom AU
Pnnn of Kiohigmn.
IJencral Shsftsr nrrired In Grand
Bnpidn resterdeg nnd Mayor Perrg
r npon all
' tiUsena of the citg to giro him a fluiog
taeeptios in the Ciig ball tbto erening.
Tbs Bgsterg of the diaappekrsdee of
MMe HetUe Qurrisag of Ann Arbor,
hna benn aolred bg tbe laceipi of a let
ter from tbe fair damsel in which abe
atatos that she U hapgtrvmrrlhd and
la Bring In Indiana.
William DIrine. Beq.. of Cambria,
has diaappnared. He esme to HUladale
from Cambria Pridag afternoon and
ptit hk horse and boggg In hU eon's
. bam and want down town, einee whirii
time be has no' been aeon or heard
•from. Mr. Dirine is «S gears of age
aad in esneUent boalth and ae
oan be aaeigned for his dlmppoaranea
For gean he bat boen i
bnainess man In Oambrin rlllags.
Speaking of good roads the Caro Adwertlser complaint thnt rnneh grain
and prodnoerdirecUg Iribntarg to that
citg goes northward to Cnas Citg. farmon complstning that theg can draw
mneh lar^r loads to the latter place
becanse of better-roads In that direc
As the result of a biegeie eollision at
BanUm Harbor Mrs. Nelson, wife of
Prof. Arthur Nalsoo. musician, of that
«ltg. ie Iging in a critical eondiUon
Aside from the lots of her front teeth
and n nerlous face wonnd she Is noder
a phgslcUn'i care with symptoms of
> of tbe brain. The other
▼ictim, J. B. Sweeney, school teacher
in Wntervlait township, U suffering
1 a womnded leg and n broken
blood maneL ‘
Pearl Steele, a little St. John’s bog.
sru etreck in the ege with a hard
1 lest srfnter, and new
ho hna lent tbe ege ontireig from infUmatlon censed ^ tbe injurgntthnt
Wiillam NoTlUe. n dtlsen of Detroit,
died Sunday at the ripe- old age of««.
MisaStaciaOonnata. of Iron Monntain, blacked a store with gaeolino
etore polish, snd the gnsollne fnmtn
took fire.
Her clothing was Ignited
aad she rras burned to death before aid
A Lennon young men tried to e*
tlnguieh some blazing gasoline on the
ground bg etamping on it. but the
fiamec set fire to bis cloifaing and he
anrrowlg eeeapeS death by burning.
An Baton Bnplde man whose dsnghtors are all of marriagesbie age refera
to bis parlor as hie eonrt rooixL
Lewis PimUM, aged u. of Delta,
Baton county, was placed an tbe back
of a frisky oolt bg a eompsulon, for a
Jaka Theedtstartodto ms and threw
the b<7 off. breaking boto bones of
oao leg nod braining him reig badlg.
Tim PUlager Indiana, who are now
gfring the gnrerament trouble at Bear
Lake, Minn., area branch of tbe Chi|^
lUg dis
charged, the ebsTge entering one of
hU egse dentroging the eight of iL
Mra B. B. Bagteg, a mUllnV of
Owooso, was badlg burned abont the
face and hands Salordag night. She
lightihg.the gaaollne etore when
eome of the oU epattered on her clothes
and Ignited. She rashed through Ue
hoose fanning the flsmea
On the
atreetebewns neised bg a pedeelrlan
who enrdopsd her la hie ororcont,
emotherlng the fiemea She was trigbtfollg burned bnl wUl rMorm.
William Long, ngad 18, was drowned
1 Dstrolt rirer Snndng afiemoM
whUe boat riding.
At Kalamasoo, Bertba Thomas, n
gasR old, dsugtater of Ber.C 6. Thom
as, war fstsllg burned with gehoUaa
from a store Sstardsg sftomooh aad
eannotUre. Her alothoo were nearlg
all burned from her bodg and the raf
tered terrible agong.
Hon. R. O. Ommp of Bag Citg. hae
lost seenred tbe first pension for n de
pendent relstire of n rietlm of
Maine dtimsUr. Sstordng be rem
notice that a peosion of 818 a m
from Meg 14. im. has been allowed te
Mra Marg A. Hawkins, moUer of
Howard Hawkins, who perished in the
wrack of the battleship In Baraaa har
The final eeUmate made bg the aecretarg of state Satordsg night ebows
thnt Michigan this gear ralaed
greaunt .crc^ of wheat In im historg.
toe number of bushels yielded being
The rillsge of Ornad Blanc wns
raided Fridar night bg n fang of burg
lars wbo attacked aad nnterod nearlg
every busineas ;daoe in toe Uule burg,
mUL eievatore. railroad station
ez|weaB office. Saturday morning the
burglars were reported to the sheriff,
who. together with a half dozen depcliea. eel to work to find out tbe bold
perpetratora Bverg snspicioiu char
acter fonod within ten mUca of the
place was arrested aod brought to the
county jsU. At T p. m. Bsiurdag nl
fourteen men ebnrged with the off<
had b«en placed behind the bnrs in
d. L. Joyce was In Bik Rapids, geeterdng. on busineaa
Ben Yolomsteio. ef BIk Rspida was
^n tbe oily is>t evcDlng to
wife on her wag home from Detroit.
They will return to Elk Rapids this
Bert lagersoll. who has been spendleg a week in toe city with friends,
has returned to his home in Beccoola
J. H. McGmgta returned gesterdag
from New York, where be went with a
ear load of poultry.
Mim Webb, who has
toe semmer at NeabUwanU, spent
Sunday with Mn. H. Montague, on her
wag to her home at
Parker Pennington went to Lake
Ana gestordeg to spend tbe day part-
r^ ntttng Tritauto w Giant Color
Bmrer of Tblr^-T ifth.
Company M aod the a
paid a filUng trlbnte Sendag to^ the
memory of Amato F- Smedl^. m'.ot
•ergeant of Company C, Thlriy-lirto
Michigan roluntoera Sergraat Smodleg died Oetobnr 4 at Camp Meada of
typhoid freer and the remains w^re
ihlpped to this city, his parenU llelag
la fiorrissUle. The funeral wea held
under toe acsploee of Company M. with
fall milltarg boaois and
plaoe in Oak wood cemetery. Therakins were escorted from toe Andenoo
on Union street bg
Company M. McPherson Post, U. A. R.
and toe «.. U. C. atteaded in a bodg.
It wae a nolemn ^oeeeeioa ublcb
marched through Ucloa, Front aad
Park streeU \o mourafnl '^mosie bg
toe Bogs' Bend aad toe draped oolore,
aad flsg-draped casket bsnked with
flowers made an impremive dispUg
which wUl long remain la the memory
of n great throng of epeetators which
lined the straeta, as onwof sadness sad
The sereioe was held la toe Congre
gational ehnrah. ooadneud bg Ree.D.
CoehUn who spoke words of cocsslaUon. comfort aad hope to the bereneed
family. A quartet composed ef Maaars
Holliday. Wlnaas. Whitman nod DosgIss sang aeeeral pathetic seleeUons
aod afterward mM« than a tooooaod
people paaaed before toe casket, draped
with toe national eoiors of which the
aoldier wa loyal baarar.
Tbe altar was straws with floral tribnua. among them a
oito toesimidelneeripUoa.'Mamrada’'
from Company M. As the essket
borne tenderly from toe ehnreh bg the
bearers, six members of Company M,
the band aofilg played "Nearer. Mg
God to Tbee." which gave an added
solemnity to the and soeoa
burial place, where toe a
Ueb mark toe oloee of
militaiy faneral were onaotod. The
eetoransand younger soldiers formed
a hollow eqnere about tbe grave aad
after the abort bortal nnrvioe n eqnad
of Company M fired three vollegs. toe
salntetotho dead; aad no
the echo died away, than toe clear, but
soft notes of the bugle of Willard
tor tbe hero.
• bo did not fight toe SpanUrds. bnl
wbo bravely effered bis eervieee for
his oounuy aad fall bg dieraae in toe
of his honorable doty.
was be wEu> pnAdlg bore tbe eoiors for
tbe gallant Thirtg-fifto Micblgan when
toeg stortod to the front aod when
the regiment reatoed Camp Meade be
wee Btrickeu bg toe di
which has oonqecrrd many a brave
Smedleg was toe eon of
John Smedleg of Elmwood Township.
Ue enlisted in Oompnag C. of Petoskeg
after several frniUees
account of bU great keigkt, whteb wss
six feet, eight Inrbca, be was rajeeted.
bat iefloenoe proebred tor the gonng
men whst be bsd longed for. and he
wss enlisted ns color sergeant of toe
Ue was a good soldier and n gallant
ona He was not a member of Compa
ny M of Traverae Utg, but he •
eoidier and Traverse Citg soldiers '
oolg too eager to honor hit memoiy
and seeord to him the honeve to wbM)
be wss jusUg eoUtled from any bodg
of Uaitod Sutes soldiers. U-- U«a
in Oskwood cemetery and comrades
who served In toe esme righteous c
Chinf of Pollee John Beanie. 8. M.
Brown, a Mr. Stevena, whdee toetimongand ite ealue mag be eommed np
in what be said ebont tbe loeation of
Shermer's esloon. that he '’didn't know
where ia'Sem Bill it waa" After Mr.
•tqrens left the etaad. he went to
Clerk Newton aod asked foe bis fee.
one of top witnee^ esUed for
He waa told to call
ngalo Inter. Tbe
ns toUowe: Philip Sbermcr. Charles
Tnrner. aad Malcolm Winnie. Tbe
Jsriee were: In tbe first
Henry Courtade. T. J. Carare, M. A.
Elliott, A. C. Bralnerd. Frank Dolph,
Richard Bridson. Fred T. Stearns. B.
F. Newboiwe. Charles Moniton, Cbsa.
Shaw, James Lamsoo, Angustes BarlliU jury disagreed and wns dUeharged. They stood six to six.
In the second com Frakk OrUleg,
Charles Saehtelben, George I*agn.
James Wise. George 8. Godard. Prank
Sexton. Aretue Little. Oliver finttoo.
Peter Smilb. W. M. Hsie. Jamss Mil
ler. Bngaae Lancaster. This jcrg'was
given n raoeae nntU tola morning,
whan it win receive the charge of the
irt aad afl
The laatore of the dag la oonrt in
the trinlof toe aaloon cases, was a deelskw by Judge Corbett/during the
trial of Ivan DunnAttorneg Pratt, of Pratt A Davis,
oonnssi of the indicted saloon men.
n motion la tbe Howard
WhlOag case and tbe two Elbert 0.
Ellis eases, that tbe IvdictmeaU be
quashed, as toe eomplalojs in each of
these cases did not designsU either
street or etreet number of the ealooot
iharged with the dffenee, which, he
held, wns neoessaiy nndar toe etntalea
Judge Corbett, in reolg to this anid
be would allow toe attorneys for both
defense end toe people to make foil
exhanstive argnmeato on the
polnu of Uw involved in this motion
after nil jury cases excepting these
now pending, had been Uied aad the
.t jury dismissed. To this Pros
ecuting Attoraey Tweddle objaeted.
holding .thnt in view of tbe oemlag
election and the probabilitg thnt a
be appointed in
his place be would like the opportia.
tunitg to ficisb all the ealeon
tbe ealeedar, at tbU urm of nourt. as
he had worked up toe evideaee and be
felt a particular Intoreet in the mat
cTo this rAttorney Pratt anawered
that it would be an easy matter for toe
court to appoint Mr. Tweddle, in the
event he Was not proeecoting attorneg,
nftor ,the cleetlon, to
people ib tbe proeraniloo of toe remainiog liquor
During toe argument aad toe romarkn of Judge Corbett,
Tweddlaand Attorneg Pratt iodelged
io eome pleasantries ragardiag toe posMbllilg of Mr. Prsti being tbe next
Tbe effect of the deoisioa of Judge
Corbett wUl be to eontlane the
agalast Whiting aad EilU ove
preeeat term of eourt. aod they will
eosne op in tbe next terns of Clrenlt
oourt. io Janosrv. 19*8. Tbe onlg
of liqnor law violntionB remaining bw
fore tola term of oonrt. Is toe verdict
io toe Sbermer cnee tola aeoralng a<d
the eentences of tbe eonrt In the one
of Fred Worsbnrg, and In
tbe- Sbermer ease, if oonvlctlon
found by toe Jury.
la his charge to the jury In the Dnan
Judge Corbett made an
sutement to tbem, which be aaM should
In reaching n verdict
It waa to the tffect that if they found
that eome stranger, anknown, bntnot
connected with the
bsd eutered the saloon sod changed toe
position of toe screens, as was intimat
ed by tbe defcuse'sconDSel. such chaogc
making the screens' position one cou
trary to toe law, they must find the
defendant notgnlltv.'
. the Cireolt
jjioed Sstoidag
nigbt bg Mra Bendetnoa from Cadiliac.
W. H. (iriffito and A B. Brown went
to St. Johns gesterdsg to ntwad the
wasi (be Beaks end Uedlng Baslnes*
OJd Fellows enenttpment.
rn of Kslsmaioo think of tbs
Ber^Miller snd wife retnraed ges In Oaae of Ijiquor Imw VioU.
tordeg from their wwididf trip.
tion Against Ivan Dunn.
Hon. George U. Covcil went to Grand
Bapide gesterdag.
After scTeral dare' risit with Mra •bemnr Onse WiU Go to the Juy toln •roTHSPfsLir:
Kornibit—Whiting nnd SlUa Onnet
.Wr.ife* uedci
:imleefd.beTTbr emit/ tbet tbsi
E. S. Pratt, Mra M. A. Aldrich rctarakllj senbslBied
tbe oAeer*
•e srepenonsllr
smbslBted »llh
ed to Grand Rsplds gesterdsg.
Will be Ooatinued to Next Term of sBd directoni ot ibe Xleblgan
eoclutton ot ibl> riir.eod ko
bZfen viu rsnyoutio lbs letter eurobllesInAnZavlted
j Tbe Inst two cases of tbe People ItoB*
asr Inrnr. We veil'd fortbereaT
tber Bsr
TocaUand inspect the mewt com I veraiM saloon keepers charged with
the* KtehShm AoSdeT**^^
plete slock of up-to-date Cloaks (la violations of toe liqnor lew, which
It to be oee that la ladleteui
dles'; misses' ao . children's styles)
oo striei bealM
ever shown in Travrsrse City. It’s will come Ufore this Wrm of the Cir- priar-lplee. dwoue • -arse
tto Hl7 we hsee eeew beard s
enit oonrt, were tried gestordag.
one toe jury disagree^ and was.dieeherged; hi tbe other the Jury will be
cbsiged this morning.
The UUeo of toe eosec were the Peo
.Tiara Bank.
in’s Innd counter. ple vernns Ivan Dana nnd the People
vs Philip Sbermer. Tbe Ant eaae oecnAM. Prsas-.
Marerof Kalam
pied nearlg the enttre dag. toe second
Xunv tr. aaiTU^
lABehas I
toe time from 8 o'clock nnUI eonrt ad
Niee*^ Innoheo, good Innehen, fresh
journed about 6 o'clock 4est even
Inuchce, at Talman'a. 448-8L
ing. Tbe evldenoe throngbont the day
TaOor sad Ocat'a Par
of a diy and routine ebaractor,
New Lush Oevstor.
mainly coneeralnr eeraeas, enrtains
Nelson A Bpicbiger.new Inneh eoani- and docn, times of cloring. exact disniUB. P, Obsasox.
er and fifteen eent meals. eo3 8onto
Uncee in inehca of the screeM and
Union eu-eet. «4S-et.
etoer alleged
doer, wtadow. «r other point of viaw Live A^ntfi Wanted in VnDudngSeheel
1 the iatorier. WhOn two aotn of
And dancing at
nigbt. Leesnn. two st^ nnd waTlx. witnesses were heard, tbe evidebse wns
pooi^ited Tmiteary.
AdmtssluD, gems 23
ladles 16c. of tbe seme general character. The
J. E.
licbiAin AccUegt AssociiQoii.
*Afi Adwfirtifiad,
our Ubo ci Pingroe
Our complete Fall and Winter Line is in. J
Cali and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Sboeman.
J 118 Front Street
Wor*btirr Block J
Practical Embaliiiers
. and Funeral Directors.
318 Union Stretet
If You Have Logs to Sell
OorKepond with the TrsvetM City Ltunber CoupeBj.
We bnye for nte Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of ell deperiptionn, inclnduig Two Enginee,
Set Work*, CnrrUgee and Sawn. A complete Sew Mill Plent
for sale.
Diamonci J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.
/StW on top. Beet cignrs for the monqr on the msrket
—XTnfon made, too.
Sold by all dealers.
Tonnelier Block.
Best Yet!
SM These Horses!
I will be at the Brodhagen A Wieebnewski Barn, or European Horse Hotel, October
18th, with 20 head of horses and mares.
Best Draft Horses
-I Ever Shipped.
From 6 to 8 years old; weight, 1200 to
1800. From the finest and best stock farms in
Northern Indiana.
Frices right Better stock never offered in
Northern Michigan.
Oalf BcvkatM •kil«n XilM Durlas
maato to light aU Uaeare at ItaUmitod
tram runaiag betwasn Chisago and
Loo Angeles, a dlstaaos of t.KS miloa,
WiU aleelriei^ ovolvsd from Ue (rieUou of Us oar axlas- Tho alaetrlc
aqnlpmont of oaeh train wiU aggrogato
e.esteaadla power. AHborUawUlbo
provided wiU borU lights, sad Uia
will bs the first train in Ue world earryiag aoch a Urge supply of light eervice axclntuvely from tbe car axlea It
is tbe inteaiioD also to light Ue loeomoUve headlight from the same serrioe. Uns making Ue four limited
traina ealld axle light trains Urongbonl. The introdncUon of this system
on Ue limited trsiaa will murk qaite a
departnre from prerionspmeUce.which
aecessltatod a large light plant in Ue
baggage car. Tbe objection to Uis
plan Is Ust if Ue baggage car meete
WlU an accident or tbe plant-moot of
order, Ue entire light ontpot of the
train U deranged. In .Ue axle light
system sneb a thing ^cannot happen.
Each car hns its own plant, which is
Siu^l bnt compact and complete, con
sisting of a dynamo and storage bat-'
S«?«ntMa MU«nMU*dkBd olrht;fottr eMnnIUaa %U told wm the total
IMS uSorod b; tha Doited dUtoe nery
dorlof tbt war. The Eforea ba«« Jnat
bees oonpUed et the navy dcportaaat.
la Dewey'a rreat flfht io Ifanlla bey
tiM CAOaditD Haanfactitrer. offldkl
ctgkD of tbe OkOAdUD MuatkctBren' not a nao wea killed end every one of
—oetotlon. la iuterwled in Um ontoaoe the nine sen wouded returned to
oftbenotwieotairmilj niideronMid- doty, la the batUe of inly off ^lia' et«U« b««lw(ir in £ngUnd (ow>nl jr>one
ktlled and there ware
pol-1 elevea wcanded, all retnmlng to doty,
la the attMk open the forte at the entbe Dnitod KinRdom to fit.
traaec to Haatiace. Jane SS, one aallor
ly for tbe retemioo of tbeir bold npea
ontaidoiDarketa. At a reooit tneeting waa kUled and eleven wounded, of
of tbe Leeda Chamber of Cocuneroe an wboat only eeven were able to retara
doty. The heaviest lorn of the ury
intereetlns dlscnation took place on a
MMlntioa raored by Mr. ZoMeobeim
There were
which aet out that as tbe existing oomity-two caanalUea In that one hasBMKdaJ tnaUea between Great Britain dred-bonr fight and of tbe list six meand Geemaoy were aboni to expire it rinea were killed. Of the woanded nine
was dealrable that tbe ftovemmeot
itamed todnty.
■bonld seek from obambera of commerce
In Ue batUe with the foru and gna'
information aa to tbe dntiM which
paimnd' moat heavily upon (he indot- boata off Cienfnegoa the list aggregated
tries of their perticalar diatriot, with a alevea wooaded and two killed. One
view of amending them. Tbefeaolotioii
opened ap tbe whole qneation of tbe fierce batUe between tbe torpedo boat,
terms nnon which British mannlaotBr- Winslow and revenne cottar Qndaon
en are Mnnd to fight tbeir battle.
with tbe Spaoiab land batUriea and ar- Tho X«M of Color Borgosnt Bmedloy
1 out tbe fact
Deeply Felt by Bis Company
middle and lovrer class YcrksUie wool- five deaths. The wounded afterwardc
Camp Meade. Pa.. Oct. 9. 1898.
a practically abut oot from Ger- retnmed to d«ty. la tbe bombardment
Mn. Jobs Shkuucv.
iuany, while that very class of Qennan of San Joan the eaanaltles nsmbered
NorrievUle. Mich.
'fibrics finds a great ootlet in Gnat Mgbt with one mao killed. One of the
Briinin. Tbe Hanc^iester Textile Re- woanded men waa invalided borne,
DxssSia—‘Iskst night It was my sc
•oorder ssys by way of cxplanatlaB and while aix retnmed to dniy.
rowfnt doty te tel^rsph to yon a aoooiumcDt;
There were four other casnidtiea oc- tlee of your son’s deaU. Bis deaU was
"As a i-uDCTcie instance Mr. Zoseeaa snrprise to na, as for a day before
beim abowed that tbe German dnties esrring in ae many eeparate engageUlngn looked favorable for him.
'«o woolen goods weighing man than menta and thla completes the Hat of
s good eeldler. and Ue boys of
goo gnuna ^ sqnan meter wen equal naval loaaea.
pemoL^ ponnd: on than
Of theeixty-sevea men woanded in Company C. sod all the oaeere feel
weighing leas than that. 1 sbUling per the war, flftyfoor were retomed to deeply hU lorn. We hope In Ue aesr
fntnrc te-expremonr regard
ponnd: ready made clothing, la 4d. duty, one died of wounds, alx
. per ponnd, and manafactnred goods <ff- valided from tbe aervioe and alx een- memory ia a pracUeal way.
We feel
ten 100 per oent of tbeir raloa For all
tinne andw treatment. Oonalderlng ae If we would like to eraet a etone
tbeae the German manofactarer finds
thla Hat ie said to bo over kip grave showing the regard wa
In England a free and wilting market,
objeeUonin the naval Ueto tbe nndoobted advantage of tbe pnrableteyoQ? ThU makes Ue Mcood
ohaseroe this side, becanse, being com tory of the worid.
death in my company, Herman Krcger
pelled to eell ben in tbe face of open
dying last week. Compssy C extends
oonpetiUon, be moat needs ahandoo tbe
benefit of his tariff. In Germany the.
te you and yonr family Uelr sympathy.
' price to tbe coosnmer is ngnlsted only »Meml Bev I ITnUt at Vatremnl While Ue eoasolation is taadeqnste to
by intensi oompecitlon. and a margin
Uc lost, yet yon have Ue ooneolsUon
Is left which enablm him to keep his
Bnmln-isbniUinr two docks at Ll- of knowing that yonr oca einee enter
works going by taking orders at lower
piices from abroad than be will accept bao, the new naval statioa on the Bal- ing Ue eorriee always psrformed his
from bis own conotrymea. Still the Uc. and the recMatroetion of Ue dMk duty.
shoe does pinch makers in this ootmtry, at Port ArUnr wlU also aherUy be comALnxsr E. McCabe.
■nd while recogniring tbe many advan
tages arising from oar free fiscal system
Captain Company C. 3SU Michigan
Preeident Dies of Mexico haa jnat
it is well to remember thatoor own
' eonatrymen eettled in tbe oolooiea have boDgbt a dog Uroogh a St. Genie fanpot the «me faitb in it. and
when |der. It la a pointer, and beeldca being
they enter, as they will, tbe oonncils of■ abenehahowprise winner, U naaoed
tbe empire the preeent view may be McKinley.
WOUe Xao Bam Bad Bis Onona Cnt Off
modified. While we In this coontry
might complain of each a course Uerand will Bocomoa OtUxrn.
Plan meken coaid not, for it is merely Uia part of Ue oonatiy haa not tmea
Willie Lee. one of Ue proprietors of
metiug ont totbem tbeir own lueoRare.’' lost eight of by apecalatora, who have
TbeCspadian Hannfnctnrer. referring sent orders for cargoee of Ue vege the Chinese laundry on Front etroet,
to tbe above, reseuts "the obtuseness table to Great Britain and Ireland. Tbe has renonneod sllegienee tetbe Chinese
and oonaervatism that eogrnerally char- firat eonalgnment of Ue preeent move- impire and has tha more efleetnally
ncttslxe tbe ideas at onr British friends frem the latter country arrived recent severed his connection wiU bis naUve
When ooniidexing tbeir fiscal policy"
ly on Ue tbe White Star liner Cymric. land-by having his qnene abom from his
and ooL Isdes;
bead, which forever sbnU him oat from
"Unde; Tree trade Great Britain fi It eoneiaU of SO.OOO crates.
TntUn Dibble, aged about 65 and Ira wltbia Ue Cbincee domain. The eereoot In n p nition to reuliate against
CeRnany'i; vnfrirndly tariff, and there E. Green, aged 57. boU of Cnadilla. N. mony was condneted Sstnnlsy night in
is so likelibond that that oaontry will J. were'killed by a railroad train Sat Ue Hotel Leelsnsn wlU considerable
modify its fiscal policy merely beeaose urday. They «wero walking on Ue solemnity in Ue preeeoee of eoveral
British intereete are oulavorafaly afleotfriendi and s banqael followed. Tbe
ed by it. Why sbonid Germany, who truck.
The Madrid .oorroapoedeDt to Ue finlabing tOBCbee to Ue quene eotUng
pow boids tbe whip handle ia (he mat
noay were effected by Jnd ChmsLandon
ter, modify its tariff and triog its fiscal
policy into nearer oaomuauce with the cerUin is known, it is the privileged
Wmie Lee U s very Intelligent eeleeBritish free trade ides? Bow oonld it oplnian here that Ue Parle aegoUahe possible that German trade woald tlont are not proceeding with tbe tial and for along Uaoe bssoontemplsted booomlag s full fledged citlsen of Ue
. riww gnatM expansion under free trade emooUneat ihnt U desirable.
than nov? France, onr cootemporaiy
United Btstes and has already procur
A dp.patob to Ue London Daily
teUa ns. while becoming more rigidly
ed bis first papers.
: year by year, ie leas and Chronicle from Alexander lays: Tbe
k prosperons trading oonntry. bnt; troops who have retnmed from Khar-'
in oar (pinion that fact baa no weight toum are dying like files from enuric
^reverenoe declining? Yea.
when we coosider that Germany and dieordetu, anppoaed to be doe to iadnltat Btecks and stones and-----------Ue United SuMa also, while beooming geace in cheap eplrita.
things Let os rejoice, n« Istnwit. in
more rigidly protectionlsl year by year,
eqncDoe. Let ns exnlt that we sio
mn becoming more prosperons Oading'
Dciug snfOcientJy to distingnisb be
•orntrieo, while Great Britain, aft^ a pointed Bit. G. D. Olden, of Topeka, a
half ceutory of free trade, finde iieelf in Baptist preneher, as oowmissioner to tween reverence sod snpertticioo. The
a dilemma from which there is no hope take Ue hullota te Ue Kansas negro fail fruitage will foil to s later sga,
«( relief except a retnni to protection. soldiers
Saturday bnt it esnnot be tong dalayed^vwish
"It may be a bitter pill for British tbeBev. Olden left wlU Ue bal
free traders to swallow, bat they will
lots. They are carofnlly packed in a
be farced to gnlp down tbe medicine."
This is tbe beginning of all gospels—
This 'disensidan is interesting as telescope valise and will be retaraed In thst Ue kingdom of taesvoo is just
showing tbe progress of the British the same way.
where we are. It ia jnst ss near ns ss
mind toward tbe acceptaocu of the in . The hcspitel train wUh 101 tick aol- onr work is. for the goto of heaven for
evitable in the shape of tbe altetsstive dien on board. leflJaeksoavUle. Fla., each eonl lies in Ue eudesvur to do
«f adopUng Ue
Every arrangeineDt was Ust work perfectly.—Chnrclunan.
ring the grudoal Ion of trade
made for Ue comfort of Ue men dar
throngb Ue oompetitian of countriee
Z>c Pil« mentions a blind Rcolptar
ted in the straggle for in- ing the trip.
who, gnidod by Uc ««« of lonrb ulone,
A etorekeepcfr at Ureenbnrg, Ey., has
mode s marble statue of Charles I of
on exhibition what he elaims to be Ue England.' It is singnlsr, however, that
largeet shoe ever made for a woman. this scnlptor is not meuiiomd, so far as
It Is the exact else of sixteen pairs that is know n, by any otlx-r writer, and tbs
sold abrmid last year was gU8.871.449,
be ^locryphsL
an increase of 100 per oent over Ue fig- were m^dv for a moUer and five
ares for 1888. Onr grip on foreign mar danghtora. natives of Teaneoaoe. It
meaeoroa IIH Inches in height. 13inehkets has teen cooiddorably
tlnce Ue figuresfor Uis year were com es in lengU and 5 inehea across Ue
We are depplF gratefnl to onrnamerpiled. Onr American policy of proteose kind friends for Ue expressions of
smoars svmpaUy and Ue aid so kindly
tion has been denonnoed tsselflsh. It ia
As Ue rcenlt of a trip throogh Ua axteadedin
onr rvcenl affHcGoB. Ue
BO more selfish than Ue British policy
s F. bmedley. and w
at free nude. It is no more selfish in United .States, made by a partr of Bndeed than will be Ue natioaal policy at rc^oan capitalisu and piucUeal Iron
maa, a large number of- steel and iron
miUs wiU be erected in Europe. In peelally thank Ue members of Compa
Rapid pace. We restricted trade to bnild which aU kinds of Iron and steal prod, ny U. Thirty-fonrU Michigan volnnap a highly developed and complex ns- nete will be tanad ont. bnt especiaUy teere, Ue W. R. C. and G. A. B.
Matial iodnstiy, Ue eociut of natioBal atmeterul iron and ateeL Tha proems
Auaeda Skedlbv.
Bfe and growU now as highly developed te be used in Ue last bruaeh of maunSaeuxl Shedlev.
militaiy arganimtion once was. Jhis ia
faetnre will be Ue Grey proeen. the
done, and uoUiug tint oar own folly
■ Ban tmdo it—-New .York Commesuial invention of Henry Grey, of DuInU, Itdowa’tasttor
what yon
Governor Brady, of Alaska, who haa
(Hoaks, if yon eome to Uis store,
yon'll likely find wbatyon want.
retnmed from an ofieial tear of Ue
Oommwcial bcalU and sonnd^eM of
We show about fVhf Sipta of
a degree not eqnaled in any past period
Cbildren'e Besfer Jaoketo alone.
Alentlan islaaday ■They are deeace indicated Ly that aconrate bostnen Ue
Then Uere are many steles of
barometer. Ue reourd of foilnres for Ue Uned to beoome Ue home of oonntleee
long gsmisnis. too. Prleea ore
tl.25 te gT.SO, and eventhecheap.month of Aagnn. What wiU tir herds of cattle and sheep.
eel is of dnrahle cloth.
aoblevementi in war and its spIOM^d Ue iaUnds have not a stlek of Umber
«b-P»ib.of puaoe joateem. bnt are eovered all over wiU
Ue United Stmes
a riworii . luxnriantinowth ef giuae. affording
•seqaeled ia its own history or that of
Ue finest kind of pastore land for eatSay,
any other eoonfry tm the face of tbe
Inandaeie. Onr go^ are nioe. freah
Fa road has mads arraafsn 'u tk« o>ir War kr Wki^ Tkcr
Cm WllkstMR tkc lMj«rl«n TrM*
A«VFM«l*i.a «t OcnMar M« tk«
CkIteA ■iBtM.
Balow ia a Ust of Ua baylag and saUheve leaned Ue hmeh eoenUr at Ue
aty Hotel, ooentded by John ‘Tertilde
and Ue yonag men wfll begin boeinem Uis morning. They expect te
eoBdneta flfbt clem leach eennter aed
to a good elise of uade. Mr.
*‘ 7S KUbome b experienced end will have
Ue direct charge of Ue bnelaeee.
amnino maa.
4 00
onr BSAL-
i Votea
Bryen'e Oomediane are e larger ead
letter orgaalsantioD than ever before,
and Uelr eomlng engagemeat at Stela-.
bnrg’e Grand next week. October 17.18. |
90. :i and
b looked forward to «riU
mneh pleaenre by local am
Bnoklenh Amiea Balve.
The Best Salts la Ue world for
Onto, Breisaa. Sorca, meera. Salt
Haadi.^ilMalBB. Corns, and aU SCte t
Bmptloas,and positively enree PUee,'
or no par required. It is gnaraateed
to give perfect eatisfaetiem or nson'ey
refunded. Prieetscentoperbox. For
sate bv J. O. Jol
-------- ..............................................
A Hsivew
ikfnl words written
by'Mrs. Ada
E Hart,
t. of Grotoa, H. D. "wae taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
Innge: eougb eel la and fioelly termin
ated io CoDsamptiba. Four doctors
gave me np, saying 1 oonld live bnt s OJtatBT a OST». AUTToyv. aswtsl atshort time. I gave myself np to my
.nor. determined if 1 eonld not etsy
ith my friends on earth. I would meet
tBM. HOLUDtT AWILBCLM A B.Holabsent ones above. My bnsband —f ikIsy.TanatoDalvimity. J.U. WtlMn.
taed te get Dr. Kio^s New DusnmpliOD. Cooghs and TTT W. wnov PtMrian uA AraM. U---- —--------- -----------a trial,
gave it _
____ _____
eight bottles. It has enred me, and
Uank God I am saved and am now a
bWtoall HyeM w^jotm
well and healUy woman. Trial bottles
I. POgreR. AtSMBw at Leo. Bpeebl
Oysters! Oysters!
• to II am.. I
TpBAtEED KriMB—him nMellk HaMM. a
FamoDS Baltimore Courts,
Selects aed Staadards.
it Mark iwo«l»e4 by ttpnmm dliwrt Irow
."ormbrrnctcbvr-aOyiWrBovw U Ibc
ecly besdeosnen t r xcbd. Srst cIam oyawra
FMebers Colrablu BesUiniL
(Iniid RtpUi t UdUu E. I
O goooCvaalei
ter Or IB peraoe.
(riOE BALE-BLrSl-rear-ote watv. CMTlee*.
f robM*a4 vhle; gratlv boiw.e
r:S»iakmaU. Eoeairv of Dr. Eh
aR8=««8«SSe8« ss
III b» le Trm»«ii» cityi^fRMlooBHy.
frvB Ocl. 6to laih. WIU br foDBd
At The Cottage Home.
to Hi*. Wrixbt, c«r.
hraiMiTra ibr Cm three
Mol tbe Cnetor r ‘
can- whirb •ecM litoireseod teealta.
________ •ofdtaeBMofihceyear* treated by
Dr.PMere. Altoem>rBofretraettoaeaireetefl
an4 glaaeee rnrsUbed.
J. D PETERS. M.t>.
Bicycle Riders.
mber that 1 do all kinds of re
pairing and enameling, and Uat I eat
and do give von Ue beet work of am
one in tbe city for tbe money. Oenb
be deceived by what ^bere tell yon tc
the contrary, bnt eome and see fo>
Btee all mv w_._ _ „
«so I make It
Step in rill 6 o’clock every evening
emorpt Sanday, in Ue Caldwell• A
■ LoS
don bailding, at norU end of Dirnin
Erer Bnraed Out'
If eoyon know
Ue value Of
O- P. OARVEB. Agent
John R. SantOk
General Insurance.
Werxbarg Bleak.
w CtIT. Mtel
Gland PeseeJabUm. Chicago Oet U. W
president Me Klnley.Sampm,Schley
and Hobson wUl be Uere-Tbe NorUere Michigan Transportation Oo. wUI
eell round tnp UekeU to Chicago for
$7, meals and berth teclnded—g(H>d te
retnm Oct. BSth. Steamer Peloekey
leaves tor Cbioego every Batnrdey.
Charlevoix every Tneeday. Phone M.
E H. Pope. Agt.
•Her loan UaceepUd. roderwooS-S na«r
try*. Traverve City. MlPb.
170B EALB-CbMp (or
inrlesl cm
I ssasck SSS.SSS «■« ae
S&8?2 SSdSfifi SZt 88
s&eeea a•eeaes aa ensaa
Speoiaiist in Diseases of the Eye
Oltv, la S«bci OmM.», irn.
or wtU trsCr Mr
' MCB&ooororviK-BrrlBevBBSbBnw
•—Apply Al ISO Parb alivvt.
•UCTTOBe WAKTXO—LsetM on, Oontio
BTufor oar eomptolc MtoofSatrolU Hooka
Ar boUdaya. fiMb on baa (oar hooka
ersdrd (orUtUe oMtorrowaapfelka E^
‘aifal.c-apclTatlPX- IhicM
ov^owiex with happy Ulaatraltoea T^mredonaiwUrfa Hotblaellhatbea. Tear Booltaa
roUva burner eMr*«U<
" &tSi wlib BMP^ Bt all lour booka frrv.
Head lwolr« treat atomps (or nytnc pert ealy
of Ibc postAsa sloM. Drop ali tracb aad rlear
•»• BOBib with oar CkelaatTC yoTMilea.
TSB KanosAL Boon ('versW. JemnLS DsttOnicaeO;________ _
_________________________ '
I^B-fFa-ynBEBBSEBl-------wlaa arrtrr froa 8l Loeta. LeaUrfUs. la-
Lersl brsacb trala arrlras at lOto ^ m.
-AS eepsrta as II:« a. a.
0. S. HURRAT. Afas>.
I L.LOCEWOODO.P.AT.A..(»rs>dEsStaa
lUBisB iiD nfflswni lk
CBla. HTAW.r.
aldewsIblotnmMM nmeoaoa Iskra IL
giDEWALS^nAinc - TVb loU WdewaU
O pUakibraslc. TrsroM Oily LaabnOo.
TriOR^bS-Hosae and iol oe tbe EaU Kdc:
-oetb-sad IBWMM J.
w.^-saesja. sc-ti.
T^OS RALE-Two wberM erraprip sad two
X earsBce. rrsMBber ihsi I sa la the bnalBCM Royal Rerhsare tasarsarc. AaeriesB
of RrwTork.Thortarla Eire. Pealaaals Hateal. Prsakfort Rate Olsas. Hlch., HntasI Flsae
OISM. Arms Ufr n( Coaa sad other roBosotes. A a. AUyo. medrieb Block.
s HARIKX BOILER (or asls. laqatre of
12. tbr Trarprse city LomberCa
M*Sf’“S “
Traverae aty Lsaber Os. HS-tf
n tsis
1 11
M i!
y 1
Bnr BedifU.
Ladlee daalrlng UUor made enlts are
requested to call on Mn. Ida SmiU
SALE-S see 4 loot ft
.. ------------- nnd ms
fa Halt PboocR.
Botlee te Tax Payern.
BrtioHandEMan. t&Oa
Odl »U Ue 9:85 a. m. via M. A N.
i.—A. A. A D. O. B. A M. B. B. Urn-
I will beta mx oOoc eelU Kercaber tat.
UH. lor tbr pnrpoM at <-aUeetla« ttar aefaoed
aod ctiy istM sad apcelal i—f-eTnii ierisd
la tbr oily tbr tbe prcacBiSacsl year.
OSec bean froK S o’ekiok to >1 JD e'eloek s,
AgU 448-10
fi«w To'rlocktolo’clork.
Oa s)I tssM paid bWore Oetober lal. ISee.
Knight iHBpUr OaneUve at Pittebn^.
ftuatUM<FT«BberiMruW.<bcre win
One tare for rennd trip. MI Oct. 8U
WISU retnra Oet. 17U. Can extend to
Get. tut Meet direet rMte, ekortert let. IM. WlU be tvanteteto tbs'
C. E. Mubkat, Agent
& L. Locewood, O. P. a T. A.
time to propero It* report ee it m
Booeee^rily be loaf end dotoOed.
the oonrt bouee metter bo deferred-anefter the other balnea* of the
boerd wei diepoood of. Then he would
faeor the moot rigid exemineUon. Br.
Wilhelm dteegreed to thin end CUT* ee
his reeaoae thet there wonld be.meny
Iter* to look np end eome Ume
would bo required for their oonelderetlon, whioh oonld l**t e* well be ettended to during the trenmmtlon of
He «nelly egroed to
to here ectlon deferred nnUI Tboradr y
After eotwUerebl* more
■oluUon *
serial Older foe Thanday meralng.
Aftar thU wae dlspoeed of Mr. Puldpher deeUiad that be had a reeolnUon
(Oontlnaed on Page 3.]
Indian Situation at Oast Lake
Very Serioua.
Saparvlsor WiUidm Olbred
T«Merda^t KmUbc of Boud of
Bnporrioem. Vhmxgtag Balldlos
Oonmittoe With IncomprteBCj ud
V«cU«( ud AaklBK far Their BomoTol—John PmWphor BoMited
tho ImpoteUea.
1W« U BO reMOBOble doubt bnl thot
the ooonty ooert hooM contrororey
wUl be folJy reriowod by the boerd of
The boord met yeeterdey. with OTwy
wmber FOMet. end the dret metter
of imporUMse wee tho iatrodecOoe of
e aeethinr rceolntios eoedemnliir the
beUdieC oommittee for ellegod Incompeteecy end ncffleet end Iremod In
each tonna me to iooee no poaetble
donbt ee to the eontiment whleb gere
rlee to it. Tho molnUon wee introdoeod by BnpereiMr John Wilhelm
from the Fourth werd. Tho roeolntloB
wiU ozpUin itMlf:
WacBE^ The member*
1 by Ue
*boerS*«> proeide for
end to euperinlend the bnUdlBg^ the
e following oote. omla^ons end neglM!t to nroteot the Intereet* of the peo
m cwbUent end eztortionnte
ple from
li?u^^ln*tb* huUdiog^ie
penes* inrouee: In thU nemely.
Ue" *|ii:ltentloM
the coot wiUU the epuropriellon.
2nd. In ellewlng the erchlt^ commlaelon on »U ezlru ezpe^ far,«frk
end mnterinl p«t upon the hiUldlng
end not provided for in the eontrect,
thn* b<yM»«»g out to him the indnce(BODt to mnke t
Armed Bnekn Proceeding Soath and
There ia Vndonbtedly Great Vaed
for Soldien-Oobfaraaee Amounted
to Wothiag and Oenarat Bacon
Wires That Sltnatlon OontinBie to
of Ue liquer oaaea last waek and Uis.
and yasterday he ^ka to Ue attor-:
neys oa boU aides, PreaaeotorTwaddle
and Mr. Pratt Uat Intermption of one
ooonsal by Ue oUer, while either wu
'caeing Ue jury, mnatceaee. There
had been eaUrely too much of it “eeperially as in Ule eaae,” aald Ua judge,
referring to tbe Dunn trial. “Tho Jury
hat given eloee atteutiov to Ue ovideace, and Ueee intemiotioaa only
hurt Ue aide which make Uem,”
be Very Grave.
■pMial wTn KounM asoaeu.
Oeb 10 -A speeiel to
the Journal fromCbae Lake, eaye that
armed bucks ere endoubtedly proceed
ing lontb. Oaile wer* received from
Bemldji for troopa but none were *ent,
ee Cam Lake i* considered e more
clal point.' Con*id*rabli a
la felt and there ia undoabtco n
for troopa toallsy paales in tbe
Pleaded -Vot atOltr’' to Ohbrge of towns OB Ul* line. The federal and
state sutboriUaa are now werkiog in
Kurderiag George Sexton, Broth
harmony toward quelling tbe Indian
er of TEn. XeKlnley.
Bpcctal toTas Mourara Keeosn.
Oen. Bacon offered to oome down
Canton. Ohio. Oct- 10.—In a weak,
from Welker thU evening to eonfer
scarcely aadlble voice Mia. Ann Georga.
wiU Governor Clongb, but Ue latter
aoeaeed of the murder of Ceorge 8azadviced a coaferenoe by wire. He re
tOB. pleaded “not galliy." when ar ceived Ue followlngmeeeegefrom Geo.
raigned thM afternoon end prellmlnai—
itlon eet f«r tomorrow at
' “Bitoatlon bad: Ue eoeferenee yeeo’clock. The prieoner, wae then reterdey reealted In TOUlng. None of
-ed. Tke funeral of Bazton oeUe IndUn chiefs wsre Uere.
curred thU afternoon. Preeidenl and
lumbermen are all coming Into Walker.
Mra. McKinley were preeent.
Troop* are needed at Case Lake.”
Nevertbeleas tbe governor beliavee
U* aitaaUon la weU in hand, and Uat
Ue recalcitrants are practically sur
Stricken With Typhoid Fever Aftar rounded by eoldlera.
Bard Wark Oaring for Xlehlgaal
A Jonmal apaclal from BamVdjl.
Minn., says Uat a rumor this asomSick SoldieTU U the BaM.
,iag Uat tb* Indians were coming,
•pMUl toTae Ueunav Bmeen.
a atamped*. The people meaeed
Detiell. Oct. 10.—After hard work,
at Cbmp Wikoff Hasen Ragrea. Jr., et Ue court bouse sad soldier* were
retamed to Deueit yeeterday. and now telegr^hed for^________
**2d.*U^llng to leqqlre thet *U
bUi* ehonld be fnUy iUmitrt by the
eontneton when preiented for ellowMce. eo thet the committee end IhU
board might judge of the oorrectncee
of the erchiteeVs ceUmstes before or^*4tnf ^^ptiog the contrectof*'
bid lor brick without requiring «»pl«
cf the brick to be preeeoted wlU the
Stb. U .f^ing to fiz the lecetion of
theknildlng before the conuuct wn*
nitde und the work of ezc»vutlng be*"«Ui. In lelUng to make u egroement la writing with the oontruetor*
a* to the coet of the *t«nc meaon
qnlred by the change in locetloa
7th. In removing the site from higher
to lower ground and raUlng the floor* to
a higher level then provided for U the
flr*t location, thoe iwqalring an aztra
oxpendltura of over five IhoMand dollaiaover the ooatract price in the fouadetion. and aeeeseilating a further ez■endltore of thoiuaode of dollar* «for
wmeing and grading, without any
benefit whatever to the tazpeyw of the
coaety or t ‘ '
7th. la ■
from gray etone U
flr»l enterinr ’■■■■
writing with------------------------difference in cost ae the eoattact and
apeciflcaUone required.
8th. laallewing the ooaUaetora an
eztra charge of >8 SO per thoneand for
face brick when the original eeUmaU
of tke architect, whoee plan waa aeeeptedby tbb beard, c^led for firet
olam material for all perm of the
10th. In appointing the contractor
a* oae of the committee of threc^ to
aettle the pries to be paid for aztra
work, thus making tha eoutiactor a
' ja^a to aettle hi* own claim*.
whereat the membern of eeld
oommittee by their lucompatence *
shown by their negUgeat ommluioi
and damaging acts above act forti
have already loat tbonaaads of dollars
to Ue county, tharefore.
Bmolved. That Ue member* ef eald
committee ate bareby discharged frem
by revoked.
No sooner wae Ue raaaloUon reed
' than Bnperviaor Paldpker. oae of the
hnOdlag oommittee, arose and
nounoad Ue mmenre a* being Intended
to blecken the character* of Ue
here of Ue oommittee. Be declared
that eome of the ebargse in Ue raedli
tien were aheointely false sad nrged
that Ue preaenUUoa of Ue reeolntion
> was premature, as Ue oommittee had
not yet had a chance to amkeiU re
port to Ue board. Be stated Uat the
balldiag committee was at work <» It*
xoport which would be enbmittad to
the board aa aoon sa It oonld b* praparad. Tbe report would contain a
complete record of Ue doings of U*
eommlMe*. and if Ue
to go into detaUa be would
fnmiak a full minority report. Here.
Iterated that it waa unfair to Uua aceoa* Ue oommittee in a
til Ue committee had famished a re
port of iU^lelnga.
Baperviwir WUhelm stated Uat he
woaU be wUllng to have action defertad natll Wedneadey morning, bat
Pnleipbar deelarad Uat Uat
wonld net give the emv^i
Lousting Oampe in Oube.
Havana. Oct 10.—The epenial Americommiaeion appointed to eeleet
oamp* for the Amerlean troops vlalted
Uuanejay. Martel and oUer places yee
terday. They declared that a camp
abonid be Icoeted on Ue hlUs la Ue
vicinity of Guanejay.
liea la a aerlou* oondlUon with typbeid
Bev. Ohaa. Wiighth Frediciian.
fever. DennU Doaohagh. the inde
St Paul, Oct 10 —A Walker qieclal
fatigable carreepondeni who accompa to The blapatch eeya Uet Eev. Cha*.
nied him, la aim) atricken.
Wright, Ue Bpiaoopal miaiater at Ue
agency, left here today to attond Ue
funeral of hU faUer,Chief White Cloud,
Twenty Benber* Thirty-Fi»t to bo who died et Ue White BarU agency
last week, aged OS. Mr. Wright says
Oourt Kartialed.
Uat he prefers not to awame Ue rewlBl le Ta« Mobzim Bsoee*.
apOBsIblliUeo of head cl
Camp Poland. Oct.
10.—Twenty if it would be tor Ue Imt latoreeto of
ember* of Ue Thirty-first will be
hole Chippewa nation and if Ue
oourt martialed for Ipanbordlnation.
rcquMt were unaDlmona. he might
refusing to drill, end Ue deaertere
will be brought up sharply.
Mr. Wright predieu fnrUer trouble
eutenant Colonel Bhnhel ha* tele whan tbe soldier* go over to tbe main
graphed the sheriffe of Ue various land. H* believes that a delegation of
counties to apprehend twenty-three
reandatmen from Ue Thirty-first Micbigaa. real the hoeiUM, but they will never
ebeenl wiUonl leave and charged wlU yield to Ue eoldlera. A eonaeil
desertion. They will be uken to tbe scarcely be held today oa aeoouat of a
neareat miliUry post and there held high wind and rough water on Ue
nnUl delivered to a guard from Ue lakes.
Thirty-first eent for them.
TrooF Feat From Xlaaei^rolla.
Apsclstletha Msaziaa Ktcoui
InneeFii*- On. le.—Tbia momlng
Attempt to enforce Their Demands for
Havana, vm Key .Weet Oct 10.—In
oonfirmaUoh of previou* reporto of an
aprislng among Ue irragalar* in Ue
Santa Clara provlnee is an attempt to
enforce Uelr demands for payment in
fuU before Uylsg down Uelr amaa, it
can be etotod officially Uat over 2.000
irregalar troops, mobolUed during Ue
war, rase In arms in U* vicinity of
Clenfnero*. throwing up hresatwc
making block henae* and preparing
openly to revolt ualeae they were paid.
General Aguirre, military oommand
er of Ue provlnee. at Ue head of about
S.OOO men of Ue r^olar army,
rounded Ua poritlon of Ue rebetlioue
trooF and in order to avoid bloodshed,
parlaying with tke riotous troop*.
They were told of tbe terror Uelr etUtude bed censed, and it was anno
A that tbe government was ready to
Fy them.
General Aguirre, who came providad
with moeey,
Ue mas after Ua
eonference. eettling all aeomata. aftar
Orematod is a Obureh.
eztonslon of Ue Greet Northern road
on the northern border of Ue Leech
Lake reeervation.
The men carried
tonte, 100 round* of ammunition and
aeveral da^ rations.
fiweeplng Vaval Frogram Abandoned
OB Account ef Ftnanelal Btraita.
SpeeiAltoTu KosliKs fiBcose.
Borne. Oct lO.-Owlag to Itoly'* flnaaelal elraits the minister ef marine,
ilral D. I. Canevari, baa
tbe sweeping naval ptogram involving
Ue ezFadlture of 540,000,000 Ure and
will be satisfied with a ndval cr^lt
tlitt yaar of 28,000.000 lire. A miniaterial crisis is thus averted.
County Clerk Newton bee bees prv■sated ^ Ue American PenoU company
WiU eome gorgeoa* lead peacils, colorad la red, white and blue, and it givee
him great ooneern to l^p pacaeeclon of
them. Sheriff Simpson baa bU eye
them and occasionally geu hla fingers
A Happy Manla oae Uat haa a happy famUy. and Ua oes way to have seU a
family le to have aotae framed pieUrm on Ue walL If you have Ue
pietnies we have Ue new moalding tor Ue frames, and Uey ere dandlm,
Holley & Gonuable,
290 Front Street
“City Bookfitor*."
Not Every Day;:
Do "we get ia a new stock of Picture Moutdiuge-^
but our stock is always good and we turn out work that it
first class in every quality and Price.
iarktiam BloeL
Xo more premium tickets or premiums, after Xotemher 5th.
Please hear this in mind- ■
TaUeto. TtUtU. TatlaUl
Call and see our Ubleto. Uey
fine. Selling loU of Uem at Tatman's. 448-St
By msrebanta. of Ue merit*
•f Us gooda Uey have to sell. Ue
judgment aa to
Rest Styles,
Rest Materials,
Rest Workmaeshlp
aed lowest Prices.
Sboe Dp
The GhUdrei..
M««t ka left to Ua customan' dacision.
W* are glad to show our a»cw.
faU tuiU — kav* you compare
cloth*, trimmings. mUm and
gansral “tone” wiU tits oUar
daalan' goods, sad are lattaflad
Uat wa'll get Ua sale.
You can do it cheaper
than ever before in the
history of the city.
Our Great
Shoe Sale
Is attracting the buy
ers from far and near.
People know good bar
gains and they not are
slow to take
tage of this opportunity
to shoe up tbe whole
Misses’ shoes, sizes 11
to 2. 69c.
One lot, nice styles.
Children's shoes—the
kind that wear, 46, 68,
6^ 89,98c.
Our children’s shoes
have solid soles, leather
counters, good uppers,
no shoddy. A look al
ways means a sale.
Popular Shoe House.
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing House.
The world tevm to gat hold of U* kaadle ead of a baigala.
a aaralng money; it i* saving money: it 1* 82 for 81. Tha
It la bettor
Plasm your band on Us Urottis of cztra hsat at no extra smL It laaa
--------Itiaapendlogtlto maksSS. Attached to atovs or futnam pine.
'^bmi^ mually wasted np Ue chimney and pamm It aro^ tM
• T«T7 dmlrablr r«l<l«-Bce os WmSIo <B atraet. Ko. 08.
kUocw la tar ritr. Booav ia aood eoad
--------- > oaa be boo«bl ai a bsrfrala U ukca at
WortbloeklayaptorsetswvtMMV .
Th. wlTtebtli., of OUldm
W'- ' '
kaovm to maay. bslag made at Ue finsto
wool, donhis bremtad and back and bnttoO'
Tke ariem barstofors have baaa vatg
high, hut bare u where we eome la wiU 80
dotes Buhea* to he sold at ooat.
In Onel
Former Price, 26, S6,40. 60,66, 60,66e.
Beduoed to... 19,24,28,36,88,42,44a
Call and look at Urns
ccM ‘ I—I 171 17* A
aad^asta for one wmk aaly.
Sitaation in Xiaeiasippl
Bapidly Worse.
Jackson, Mias. Get lO.-The yoUow
where 1 hare combined an extonaive
sver altnatloD in Mlniaaippi gro)vs
stock of-----rapidly worae and unlsaa cold waatbar
oomea eeon.nearly Ue entire etate bids
fair to become Infected.
Harrlston. Jefferson county, has a
Fancy and
Staple Groceries.
Jaekaon, Miaa.. Oct. 10.—Word
just received Uet a
tramp, who took refuge is e negro
church sear here, wae cremated when
Ue building wa* fired by aegrow. who
feared a apraad of Ua malady in Ue
aon tb* yellow flags marldng Ue prm.. infectioa. Ineraam rapidly.
Only.Ue aorUem ■eetionof Ue rity
U now wiUont a ease of Ue diaeeae.
There are two aew oaem tod^.
Failura ef Xionfioa Financier.
8FcieltoTBSltoBzn.« Itacae*.
;mndc«, OeV 10.—The faUure U anBoanoefi of Bmeat Orger Immbert a
finaneeer of tbe Trafalgar bofldlng.
this city. LlabiUtiea are eeUnatod at
Two Semiona Yesterday.
Parle. Oct. 10.—Tbe*Ualtod Statm
peaae eommlaalon held two aemlone
today. They were devotod to aoqalrlag and waighlng
I in Ue
tire to Ue q
matlcn under Immedleto <
Xtny thenuo
The crowded condition forces
me to sell a Urge qaanti^ of
gooda at
Greatly Rediiteil'Prices
This aeaaan hm tha stamp
To make room for new gooda. Y<
ahoald Uka advant^ o( the
ef goad taUariag at pHms
wiUln reach at all: avaa oat
S8.98 all wool are salta made
bettar, fit nlear than r.Sfi
snlt* BhowB almwhara.
8AM *******0 woal suits baar'
286 Front Street
—Hardm soft
among Tr‘
who have iBTcated In Ue special line Jadge Oarbett Xnatraeu Oonaeel in
of mea’a new fall enita we are shew
Oourt to Goaao Intormptione.
A ao Us AluruF
3n» Elndlan
ing at ton dellaF- Why? Bar
Judge Cerbea ia evUently tired af
to start your fires.
Ue iateriaptiona which have baaa An
oUor plasm. StoUherr'a.
anneyiag tcatore Uronghaut U* triala
Style is not alwsF Udlmtad ky a
Is a happy mean that Indicatm tmte
and teaeding which sUmF the true
woman. Our lau arrival* In drem tebrlc* are beauties,
beautiea. their quiet elegi
being all that oould bedmired.
the mmt eriUeal iaapeetloa.
A vlBit to enr mtabliahaust
will eoavince Ue most akepticaL
Your masey mvma.
John Shaaa Xsoaka Danab Bayes
Tram a Ban XKwr to the Walk.
Tm&TXMXOITT. . MIOHIOAM Dr. KaUey Is H«t Osttltig
John Shaaa. fathsr of Tom Shaaa.'
Along Vary Well
praprialor of tha State street Ilnry
ham. was ataadlac aear tha door of:
My work in first ckss aad prices tbnt are in reach of aU. I ant
Bon* the ham ysMarday noon, whsn Dannb
Baw Ajn» 3. W. HAam. la Bl« Xflbru to Sm««
prepared at alt times to take eare of the trade. I make a spec^lto
SvppoMl to b* ‘<Ed Ha«^-»w- Hayaa. a former amploya of Mr. Shane
Braaing, Volcaoiring and EnameUnK- A fine line of wheels for aaio
maiM Braa. OUim a TlaUtioa of at hb farm northwest of the city, en
j. w. Bamw, ■dllor ud
J.o. ELLIS, 311 Front
a Tarbal AgtWBaat ta Um Traaa- tered. Beyta was said to bs abnslve.
It b said that be had
troabla oa the farm, the other day.
Dr. a M. KeUj aad Dtpoty Skerifl where he waa enrsfed in dlnrlnf pota
Pioria. of Qraad Baptda tba former toes, and not only qnit himself hotinawaor of t3>« raeo bona Ed Maak, dneed employee of Mr. Shane to also
atolaa tvo jcan afo, aad which ha qnit. Just what Bayea said to Mr.
>Ul-« to baaa identiflad In Fred At- Shane when he entered the ham yaamoai. owaad by Oermaioa Brothar
tarday, ootUd not be learned, bathe
For Bsy of them whea it cornea to eeUtBr CookW
thil dty. cane to Trarana City to in- was so nbnaive Mr. Shnae ordered him
WeVe got about—well, anyway enough gradea to
aaatirata a report that Prod Alnant ont. Bayes refnalnf to fo as promptly
everybody. Prioea reaeonable.
waa aa other than Ed Mack.
aa Mr. Shane thoogbt pt«rp«r, the lat
Banday' Dr. KaUy was rlran
ter. who to qnite an aged fei
a by William Oarmaioe behind ■tapped in front of Bayeenod delivered
-248 Front Stieet:
him a terrifie blow "rlfbl from the
Jacob Sehwaru; of Uland. Is having
In that drlra Dr. KeUy poaltlToly ahonider". wbieh landed between the
oonstmeted a large aeow for the paridanUdid Pred Almontaa Ed Mack, and eyes. B^yaa. when he ^caa stmek,
so told Mr. Qermalae. The latter ■taadlnr jost inaida the doable doora poae of tranaportlng predoce from
airreod to do what was ri^ht in the opening into the auble from SUta points oa Carp lake to F^noh for shipniaaa. Bowerar. to foratsh farther street. Be waa knocked backward by
A horse owned by & 8. Walker, of
proof of the IdantlW
Vred Alinont the blew to the middle of the aide-walk
Old MImion. was br^bt to the aUbIs
with the stolen hone Ed Mack. Dr. aad landed flat on kto back, i
Eally yesterday telsfrapbad P. A. atratKledto kto feel Mr. Shane told of Brodhagen A Wlscboewskl.
atreet. yeaterdsy, for medical
Smith of Grand Rapids, a foruerdrivar him to “eseak at oaoe", and Bayes
of Bd Mack and who Is qnite familiar "saeaked'’ wlthont stopplag to argne treatmau for a aerioas Ulncna.
with the marks of the stolen home, to the matter farther.
Tha Soath Side Sbakmptmrselsb will
ooma to Traearse City and naslst in bis
meet this afternoon with Mra W. Thnr***
FlifOgn oJ W»rtieSBAZB OP MBS. B. 0. LAOD.'
tall, Baal Ninth street, at 8:30 o'cloek.
Mr. Smith arrirad os the none train
A mairtoge Ueease was tosaed hy
yestarday. and at ooee weat to tha bam
Oonnty Glerk Newton, yesterday, to
of «m
> and PainfoU Uli
of Oarmaioe Bratbara. Then,
Barry Talmadge to marry Bowana
Bach gaye their ages as U years
y to grieved i
srealncMr. Emlth was’.rafnaadpermb- death of Mrs. E O, Ladd, who p
and their reaideoee Traverse City.
Sion tones Fred Almost by the Gcr- away yeaterdaj morning, at the is
Bev. D. Coehlis {« making very ataad Ckarlea, each reaidenoe, 818, Waahtngtra street,
traetive ImprovemenU
Wlllnr Mr. Smith be oonld not
death of Mra. Imdd was mtber suddan. grounds about bis residesue on Wash
VILUAM^. rUDtOB of Fmqae lalc.
their horea. Whan asked wbara Fred though shs had been very sick
ington street.
Almont was they rcfucd. it U said.
aome Urns. Deceaseil was 43 yeai
yUrBofratof Ue rBl»rr«UT <»honiCTm|—
age and was highly (wtaemed both in
■Ij B. BCTTOK of Worae.
The Bars La Ortppe Oara
At the reeldeaoa of his fatbar-in law, Ttaveree Cily and throogbont the
There is se see suffering from ttito
B. 8. Ball last alrbt. WUl Oarmaiae oonnty. where she was widely knows. draadfnl malady, it yon will
Yod are havlsg^pfta___.
St remrdv. Yon
_ _
■aid: '■! can not aea why . Dr. Kally She wu one of the prominent members the right
Larger _
alt throi •
• •
ahonld compUia of oar traatamsi
of the'Woman's Club, an asaidooos
n w
faiMto keep tha earbal apw
worker In the Baptist dinreb aad the ambiUoB. have a bad cold, in fact are
W. C. T. U. and was eavrgetie In San®'***^* ***^**"
dsy school work. The family came to
with ns today, admiuod the srree- TravaraaCily from Old Mtopion in 18U4
reetly on yoar Liver. Stomach and Kid
nsenk They both, in the prcaanee. aad have since resided on Waahingtoa neys. tone ap the whole system and
lociaaaad dupUv Pine Watehes. Rne Uoe Silk DmbreUM.
of Attorney Patcbls aad oomaleea, Street. Mra Ladd's health baa been make you feel like a nrw brii
7“*/ Btringed
String! for all iutnunenta: Hari:.
•rraad to meet ns Monday morainr poor for two yeata and at one time re- are gnarantoed to eni
' Per sale ...h.
at the Dn»-8£^?,T
Dmg Stores of S. U»dCU.»Wm,
JAMB W. BHAJBBW.OfQaaatrOTOTe, aad draw apa writtan etaUaast in
itly it was hoped that bar nltimato ----------------1
E. Wait and
G. Jobson. Only 50e
Take a look toroogh our^egpnt new qnartera.
whieb they warn to replevin the
Prod Almost, wa wa« to ahoDt two weeks ago she began to toil
erom-raplevis him and thns pre and tbs reanlt to bar death which baa
A of Grood 1Va<«fM.
leral evUenea that would east a gloom among a wide circle of
protect ns and aid ns in
onr frienda
soil arainsl the people who aold ns
Deopaaod leaves a son, aarence. aged
tha bona is oaae Fred Alsonf proved IS, and a daughter, Zcma,aged » years.
to be Bd Mack.
The fnncral will uke place tomor
afternoon from the family teal^^SSCSio^rr^Tt.
wrote ont a description of the bone denee. on Waabington street, at
Ed Mack, on snbmisaion of which wa o'clock. The eerviM will be oondi
showed him tha horse PradAimonL by Bev. J. C. Carman.
Then are a number of partinlan in
which the deserlplios of Dr. KeUy and
AUeged Borne Stealieg Oase.
*** *lTOfc»iri<OBTHBCP,
Frad Almont do not arree, but in aplu
In Circuit eoorl, this morning before
of that I showed Dr. Kelly my horm
***^^i1£3a5 k. moon.
Judge CorbeU and ajnry, will begii
and took him drivinr behind the bone
“Happy as clams in high wster**—because
the trial of the Pw>ple vemw George
Snsday. The reason 1 did not let the
Brooka. Oiear Hownrd, Clande CaaUe«n«n Smith see Fred Almost, yesterday,
we never 6old,a pound of adulterated flour
maa and Jennie CInpp. charged with
4Mnsnished thaxasalTaa hy making when baoaUedalthe bam. wasbaeai
larceny. Thto is the ease from Fife
Hitr-*-~ for home oonsompUon aad Celty had failed to keep hb arraement Lake, where the defendanu ns
in our history. We hare a nice bunch of
•jpotlbf lafialatios to r^sa money to with ns today."
Charged wito stealing n team of hones
Fred Almoat b atUl ont of airbt and
Aomduet the war. They made the asoet
wheat that LJi/lTER missed, and our ens*
from some Indians, which has been
glaring misatatamenia is r^rardtaonr aleralfirbt b expected. Germaine fully reported in Toe Mukkuio Bxcoko
aWpa, aad eraa aflac hoaUUUae oom- Broihen have employed J. W. Fatchin
Sheriff Simpson waa at Fife L.ke, Are the best matt'esBes on earth \
turners are getting It,
■waead. prctasdad to point oot flaws to look after Uielr istereata and Boo.
yesterday, and rstnraed at noon with (or the money—every one gnaran- j
jH the armor platea of our eaaaela San- W. H. Foster has been retained by Dr.
sU witnassee In the casa It was the teed. They don’t roe* much more!
the “Best.”
Alor BnUcr. ehairman of tha PopnlUt KeUy.
original IntenUon to call thto<
fBT^, apenly named the Brooklyn and
trial at S o'clock yesterday afternoon,
lUw York %i ahipa with defactire
Ooe thirdofyoor lifeiaapentin
but the trials of the liqoor law vlolaamom. Br^ bit of Information of
Uon case* postponed the larceny cnee bed—that ought to be comfortable.
dUaktad waa sent to Spain. BnUar
to this morning. The defense will be
a vay Last Bvanisg.
ana ahaUanfad to prodnoa hia proof
represented by W. H. Foster.
horae owned by Brodh
feat shrank ont of hh dilemma. On
ehsewski. the liverymen oA Stale
flto atraaffth of tha infonnaUoo tfana
Foot Boldinia Betnrnad.
afetalaed. it la aah., Carrera coaoen- atreet. and driven ont yeetarday afterYesterday afternoon Norman
by Mrs. Brodhagen, ran away oa
•rated the attack of hia entire fleet an
Palmer, who •pent aome time in » New ,
•ha Brooklyn, bat as aranu showed Washington atreet aad, after a mad
York hoepiul after tkimpany M left i
•hat rood ahlp was hardly Injnrad in
thrilling chM through several
relnrsed b<
Hold on there a minutel
a of the city, reached the barn
•ha flrht whUa the Spanish aqoadnm
vasaccoapaBied from Grand BtpState streal. fell at the fre
was deauoyed.
Do you want to buy any
id* by John Wood, who came from
to the stoble, broke a boggy thill and Uland Lake,' where be has Bervei.
How that elaetlon is drawinr i
made another ran to the rear of the
emnp postmaster Bince the return of the <
noma oenaidaration ahonld he rim
barn, where be ran in and antared his
roeniiu from Camp Meade. Ernest |
stcil. it seems that Mrs. Brodhagen,
NiehoU, another of Oompany M, who i
•torial, repreaapUlivea and eoaaty. after driving for some time, made a
accompanied Palmer from New Yoi
Tfee'BopttbUoas tidnt from up to bot stop on Washington straet to eaU oa
went on to bit home in Luther.
tom praaesU an arny of namee which some rrieods. She alighted from' Uie
Mosmnd thamsalvca to everyone re- boggy and mterad the hooM af her
company M from MonUok Point and i
gardlma of party. ’ These :
Jtiiends. hot did not Ue the hwne.
Well, look at this:—
•tied and tone. Many of them have While she was In the bouse the animal went on to WeM Plaina. Mo., has also •
rood.. He reported to Fort Leaveaheld ofiee before aed ate worthy to be started oa his mad caresr throngh the
' fetnmed. AU are able men. and to Btraets. pasaing the court house and worth on bit fnrlongh and was provided \
wfeom can safely he entrasted Ue ree- thence going to the sUble on State. with tranaportalion and ration mosey i
posaiblUaea of the offieca to whieb they FortonoUly no collisions oeenred on from there to Michigan.
wfll ha alaeted.
the way and no fnrtbsr damagt was
dene bayosd that stated.
A warfm In Onha aaem
feava oommendad Itaelf to the silver
JohnTatman. A Company M aoldier.
■he, who have adopted It. But npon to in Clare to attend a family reunion
what power do they rely to come
which to to ha held At that place this
itoniraid? WUbentbelp from outside week. Hat Ihtman, the South Side
•feey can win ne more than the Cabana confectioner, left yesterday to jjln the
niax> T&AvmaB
Dealer in BidyGleaiBicycle‘Siindrfes
We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seat
Eie*.Dt . une,..
Jewelry, Silrerwarel
______ BARNUM & EARL,«'^
American Eagle
Brand of
i.f. SLATER, House Firnislier.
As good an am chair as there fs In the
E mad seat chairs for oel) $1.75.
clip far $2.00—Oor price is oalp
£ caae seat ctiairs fat onl|i $3.50.
A wood seat rocker for calp 50c.
A high back, solid cat, cane scat rocker, A nice bed with carved headboard, $1.40.
A cheap, plain bed for onlp $1.15.
R. Winnie
aad Paper Haam.
Shop opposite Eagle oflice. I
Tans to nothing like constotoney. S. L. tm
Mys Sonator Jonea. the Demoeratie
at 141 L
Uadw, who denounced greenhaek
Otw HeKwnus-* Bbo* Buea
taps as the worst money the country Breslag School
'najjoM lee.
•vw saw, and prases them U lew as
Of BuaincMi College will open at the
the best __________________
Orange hall Monday evening. Oct.
31. 1B»8. Those desiring to take
Op Banday night the bam and dwrilapelllng. arithmetic, penmansblp,
book-keeping, ahortband, or any of
lag of Jamas Dnnn. a pionoer of Leethe oommOD btaoehea wQi be aelaan county, living near Burdickville,
/ 3tw4 wka-448
WM destroyed by fire. The fire eon•nmed about l.ooo bosbels of grate and
Ladies, clean yodf kid gloves with
•ha meat valnable farming machinery .........................e. It to not a liquid.
■ while
iwahsalaie-pato«g the place. The bnUdlnga were oe-_______ __
tmfUa hy A. Wellington, who waa ab- o^
«rawnioa et wnb wttboai
by James G. Johnson, the drnr pals xueC. leMt
acC wswt •aUafaeury prvMtot from home at the time.
paratMa vM aaed tor wahtag extramtoa maf. \
Whjsn you are in and looking around for bargains, don’t forget to look !
through our couch room. We have a large and flne assortment of couches. The
cheapest is a spring-edge couch, fully guaranteed for two years, for only $3.sa
You can surely save money by buying your furniture of us.
Our house
furnishing department far excels anything shown in Northern Michigan.
The place—
»)aq IP ptmmnt to tb* bovd, pad
pnpMVd U in writlnc, warirtag that
he.weald like to flad oet who the big
iurobbereof theeonslf are. Aod he
WMted to kaow If It wm right to
fOoeae the Trereree 8ef Segie pleat
•SOM wheali WMeoptuUied »tli0.000.
Hie raeelatioa prvriAmi that a ooantt>
tee ho appointed to iaveetlgate
Bogie plant aad report to the board if
the aneweat was Joei, aad Mr. Pel*
cipher added that tha wee one of the
^pgeet plMM of eorrepttOB In the
eonatg. OkairmaB Brown did not b«.
Uege that the beard conld act npon the
eewae who la theearIghiatOTT of Midi
Igaa rooMd tbieogh the foreet aloag
the SbUweaeee rUer where the dtj of
Oweeae aew etaade.
Mamory of Color SaiYaant
TUeree breke late a Eomee hooee
Smadlay 3onorad Sunday.
the ether eight aad etele foarteea eaae
of trelL Bet the wont of It wee tkeg
alee apeet a shell bearlag US tjearte of ■nried With Toll ItiLUrg Sonert
Under the AnspiCM of Oompnag M.
irg bit of which
wee ralaed.
iring indnstrg
The ecm
In Branch oennlg U aeenntng each
prop wtione that the reeidente begin
to fear that ere nang geara that eeeUon will be repreeentad on the aap bg
big bole—the real eetate of the eenn
tg baring been ehlpped awag In the
form of Portland oesest.
Cbnrlee WoUgasta dairgaan tiring
two mitre eaat of Saginnw, wee band.
John WUbelm defended the Bngle and
dedared that the
Mr. Poldpber.insUted op.An the inreetigaUon nnd refem .g
theattltndeof Mr. WUhe>m docinred
he wna one of the litUe Demoerna Ug-
which created a psrllmenarg tangle,
tbecoDianuon being made that the
wiBtter propaead wae onlg wlUiia the
JariedietiOBof Uo board of cqaalisatioa.
Pinaiigon mouoo of Mr. Pnieipher
aetioa on reeelnUon wae net to follow
the report of the bnlldlng committee.
Juet ns the ooard adjoorned for comcniuee work' Mr. Bpragne remarked
polatedlg to Boperrleur Pnldpher that
U he waated to go into the Inmitgating bnelneeb there w^d he plentg of
It.: at which Mr. pnldpher made 7
abarp mutrt and the dialugne
Pierioaeto there ioddanta oerMflcater ware yaeented from the town*
ahlp boards of Uraen Laka rod Para
dise showing thM WUUe Wightman
had beanohoeen lAtllarscnnogaa the
board from the fo\eer towaenip and
Harriaon Speer from the laUer.
Wightman to dll the Vaoaneg caused bg
the remoral from the eonatg of Superthe gaeaaeg canned bg the daeth of
jtMUhUM.MK.MK.Mt ML MtMt-nMMtlStk.
NJ Hnttms of Intnreni Trom AU
Pnnn of Kiohigmn.
IJencral Shsftsr nrrired In Grand
Bnpidn resterdeg nnd Mayor Perrg
r npon all
' tiUsena of the citg to giro him a fluiog
taeeptios in the Ciig ball tbto erening.
Tbs Bgsterg of the diaappekrsdee of
MMe HetUe Qurrisag of Ann Arbor,
hna benn aolred bg tbe laceipi of a let
ter from tbe fair damsel in which abe
atatos that she U hapgtrvmrrlhd and
la Bring In Indiana.
William DIrine. Beq.. of Cambria,
has diaappnared. He esme to HUladale
from Cambria Pridag afternoon and
ptit hk horse and boggg In hU eon's
. bam and want down town, einee whirii
time be has no' been aeon or heard
•from. Mr. Dirine is «S gears of age
aad in esneUent boalth and ae
oan be aaeigned for his dlmppoaranea
For gean he bat boen i
bnainess man In Oambrin rlllags.
Speaking of good roads the Caro Adwertlser complaint thnt rnneh grain
and prodnoerdirecUg Iribntarg to that
citg goes northward to Cnas Citg. farmon complstning that theg can draw
mneh lar^r loads to the latter place
becanse of better-roads In that direc
As the result of a biegeie eollision at
BanUm Harbor Mrs. Nelson, wife of
Prof. Arthur Nalsoo. musician, of that
«ltg. ie Iging in a critical eondiUon
Aside from the lots of her front teeth
and n nerlous face wonnd she Is noder
a phgslcUn'i care with symptoms of
> of tbe brain. The other
▼ictim, J. B. Sweeney, school teacher
in Wntervlait township, U suffering
1 a womnded leg and n broken
blood maneL ‘
Pearl Steele, a little St. John’s bog.
sru etreck in the ege with a hard
1 lest srfnter, and new
ho hna lent tbe ege ontireig from infUmatlon censed ^ tbe injurgntthnt
Wiillam NoTlUe. n dtlsen of Detroit,
died Sunday at the ripe- old age of««.
MisaStaciaOonnata. of Iron Monntain, blacked a store with gaeolino
etore polish, snd the gnsollne fnmtn
took fire.
Her clothing was Ignited
aad she rras burned to death before aid
A Lennon young men tried to e*
tlnguieh some blazing gasoline on the
ground bg etamping on it. but the
fiamec set fire to bis cloifaing and he
anrrowlg eeeapeS death by burning.
An Baton Bnplde man whose dsnghtors are all of marriagesbie age refera
to bis parlor as hie eonrt rooixL
Lewis PimUM, aged u. of Delta,
Baton county, was placed an tbe back
of a frisky oolt bg a eompsulon, for a
Jaka Theedtstartodto ms and threw
the b<7 off. breaking boto bones of
oao leg nod braining him reig badlg.
Tim PUlager Indiana, who are now
gfring the gnrerament trouble at Bear
Lake, Minn., area branch of tbe Chi|^
lUg dis
charged, the ebsTge entering one of
hU egse dentroging the eight of iL
Mra B. B. Bagteg, a mUllnV of
Owooso, was badlg burned abont the
face and hands Salordag night. She
lightihg.the gaaollne etore when
eome of the oU epattered on her clothes
and Ignited. She rashed through Ue
hoose fanning the flsmea
On the
atreetebewns neised bg a pedeelrlan
who enrdopsd her la hie ororcont,
emotherlng the fiemea She was trigbtfollg burned bnl wUl rMorm.
William Long, ngad 18, was drowned
1 Dstrolt rirer Snndng afiemoM
whUe boat riding.
At Kalamasoo, Bertba Thomas, n
gasR old, dsugtater of Ber.C 6. Thom
as, war fstsllg burned with gehoUaa
from a store Sstardsg sftomooh aad
eannotUre. Her alothoo were nearlg
all burned from her bodg and the raf
tered terrible agong.
Hon. R. O. Ommp of Bag Citg. hae
lost seenred tbe first pension for n de
pendent relstire of n rietlm of
Maine dtimsUr. Sstordng be rem
notice that a peosion of 818 a m
from Meg 14. im. has been allowed te
Mra Marg A. Hawkins, moUer of
Howard Hawkins, who perished in the
wrack of the battleship In Baraaa har
The final eeUmate made bg the aecretarg of state Satordsg night ebows
thnt Michigan this gear ralaed
greaunt .crc^ of wheat In im historg.
toe number of bushels yielded being
The rillsge of Ornad Blanc wns
raided Fridar night bg n fang of burg
lars wbo attacked aad nnterod nearlg
every busineas ;daoe in toe Uule burg,
mUL eievatore. railroad station
ez|weaB office. Saturday morning the
burglars were reported to the sheriff,
who. together with a half dozen depcliea. eel to work to find out tbe bold
perpetratora Bverg snspicioiu char
acter fonod within ten mUca of the
place was arrested aod brought to the
county jsU. At T p. m. Bsiurdag nl
fourteen men ebnrged with the off<
had b«en placed behind the bnrs in
d. L. Joyce was In Bik Rapids, geeterdng. on busineaa
Ben Yolomsteio. ef BIk Rspida was
^n tbe oily is>t evcDlng to
wife on her wag home from Detroit.
They will return to Elk Rapids this
Bert lagersoll. who has been spendleg a week in toe city with friends,
has returned to his home in Beccoola
J. H. McGmgta returned gesterdag
from New York, where be went with a
ear load of poultry.
Mim Webb, who has
toe semmer at NeabUwanU, spent
Sunday with Mn. H. Montague, on her
wag to her home at
Parker Pennington went to Lake
Ana gestordeg to spend tbe day part-
r^ ntttng Tritauto w Giant Color
Bmrer of Tblr^-T ifth.
Company M aod the a
paid a filUng trlbnte Sendag to^ the
memory of Amato F- Smedl^. m'.ot
•ergeant of Company C, Thlriy-lirto
Michigan roluntoera Sergraat Smodleg died Oetobnr 4 at Camp Meada of
typhoid freer and the remains w^re
ihlpped to this city, his parenU llelag
la fiorrissUle. The funeral wea held
under toe acsploee of Company M. with
fall milltarg boaois and
plaoe in Oak wood cemetery. Therakins were escorted from toe Andenoo
on Union street bg
Company M. McPherson Post, U. A. R.
and toe «.. U. C. atteaded in a bodg.
It wae a nolemn ^oeeeeioa ublcb
marched through Ucloa, Front aad
Park streeU \o mourafnl '^mosie bg
toe Bogs' Bend aad toe draped oolore,
aad flsg-draped casket bsnked with
flowers made an impremive dispUg
which wUl long remain la the memory
of n great throng of epeetators which
lined the straeta, as onwof sadness sad
The sereioe was held la toe Congre
gational ehnrah. ooadneud bg Ree.D.
CoehUn who spoke words of cocsslaUon. comfort aad hope to the bereneed
family. A quartet composed ef Maaars
Holliday. Wlnaas. Whitman nod DosgIss sang aeeeral pathetic seleeUons
aod afterward mM« than a tooooaod
people paaaed before toe casket, draped
with toe national eoiors of which the
aoldier wa loyal baarar.
Tbe altar was straws with floral tribnua. among them a
oito toesimidelneeripUoa.'Mamrada’'
from Company M. As the essket
borne tenderly from toe ehnreh bg the
bearers, six members of Company M,
the band aofilg played "Nearer. Mg
God to Tbee." which gave an added
solemnity to the and soeoa
burial place, where toe a
Ueb mark toe oloee of
militaiy faneral were onaotod. The
eetoransand younger soldiers formed
a hollow eqnere about tbe grave aad
after the abort bortal nnrvioe n eqnad
of Company M fired three vollegs. toe
salntetotho dead; aad no
the echo died away, than toe clear, but
soft notes of the bugle of Willard
tor tbe hero.
• bo did not fight toe SpanUrds. bnl
wbo bravely effered bis eervieee for
his oounuy aad fall bg dieraae in toe
of his honorable doty.
was be wEu> pnAdlg bore tbe eoiors for
tbe gallant Thirtg-fifto Micblgan when
toeg stortod to the front aod when
the regiment reatoed Camp Meade be
wee Btrickeu bg toe di
which has oonqecrrd many a brave
Smedleg was toe eon of
John Smedleg of Elmwood Township.
Ue enlisted in Oompnag C. of Petoskeg
after several frniUees
account of bU great keigkt, whteb wss
six feet, eight Inrbca, be was rajeeted.
bat iefloenoe proebred tor the gonng
men whst be bsd longed for. and he
wss enlisted ns color sergeant of toe
Ue was a good soldier and n gallant
ona He was not a member of Compa
ny M of Traverae Utg, but he •
eoidier and Traverse Citg soldiers '
oolg too eager to honor hit memoiy
and seeord to him the honeve to wbM)
be wss jusUg eoUtled from any bodg
of Uaitod Sutes soldiers. U-- U«a
in Oskwood cemetery and comrades
who served In toe esme righteous c
Chinf of Pollee John Beanie. 8. M.
Brown, a Mr. Stevena, whdee toetimongand ite ealue mag be eommed np
in what be said ebont tbe loeation of
Shermer's esloon. that he '’didn't know
where ia'Sem Bill it waa" After Mr.
•tqrens left the etaad. he went to
Clerk Newton aod asked foe bis fee.
one of top witnee^ esUed for
He waa told to call
ngalo Inter. Tbe
ns toUowe: Philip Sbermcr. Charles
Tnrner. aad Malcolm Winnie. Tbe
Jsriee were: In tbe first
Henry Courtade. T. J. Carare, M. A.
Elliott, A. C. Bralnerd. Frank Dolph,
Richard Bridson. Fred T. Stearns. B.
F. Newboiwe. Charles Moniton, Cbsa.
Shaw, James Lamsoo, Angustes BarlliU jury disagreed and wns dUeharged. They stood six to six.
In the second com Frakk OrUleg,
Charles Saehtelben, George I*agn.
James Wise. George 8. Godard. Prank
Sexton. Aretue Little. Oliver finttoo.
Peter Smilb. W. M. Hsie. Jamss Mil
ler. Bngaae Lancaster. This jcrg'was
given n raoeae nntU tola morning,
whan it win receive the charge of the
irt aad afl
The laatore of the dag la oonrt in
the trinlof toe aaloon cases, was a deelskw by Judge Corbett/during the
trial of Ivan DunnAttorneg Pratt, of Pratt A Davis,
oonnssi of the indicted saloon men.
n motion la tbe Howard
WhlOag case and tbe two Elbert 0.
Ellis eases, that tbe IvdictmeaU be
quashed, as toe eomplalojs in each of
these cases did not designsU either
street or etreet number of the ealooot
iharged with the dffenee, which, he
held, wns neoessaiy nndar toe etntalea
Judge Corbett, in reolg to this anid
be would allow toe attorneys for both
defense end toe people to make foil
exhanstive argnmeato on the
polnu of Uw involved in this motion
after nil jury cases excepting these
now pending, had been Uied aad the
.t jury dismissed. To this Pros
ecuting Attoraey Tweddle objaeted.
holding .thnt in view of tbe oemlag
election and the probabilitg thnt a
be appointed in
his place be would like the opportia.
tunitg to ficisb all the ealeon
tbe ealeedar, at tbU urm of nourt. as
he had worked up toe evideaee and be
felt a particular Intoreet in the mat
cTo this rAttorney Pratt anawered
that it would be an easy matter for toe
court to appoint Mr. Tweddle, in the
event he Was not proeecoting attorneg,
nftor ,the cleetlon, to
people ib tbe proeraniloo of toe remainiog liquor
During toe argument aad toe romarkn of Judge Corbett,
Tweddlaand Attorneg Pratt iodelged
io eome pleasantries ragardiag toe posMbllilg of Mr. Prsti being tbe next
Tbe effect of the deoisioa of Judge
Corbett wUl be to eontlane the
agalast Whiting aad EilU ove
preeeat term of eourt. aod they will
eosne op in tbe next terns of Clrenlt
oourt. io Janosrv. 19*8. Tbe onlg
of liqnor law violntionB remaining bw
fore tola term of oonrt. Is toe verdict
io toe Sbermer cnee tola aeoralng a<d
the eentences of tbe eonrt In the one
of Fred Worsbnrg, and In
tbe- Sbermer ease, if oonvlctlon
found by toe Jury.
la his charge to the jury In the Dnan
Judge Corbett made an
sutement to tbem, which be aaM should
In reaching n verdict
It waa to the tffect that if they found
that eome stranger, anknown, bntnot
connected with the
bsd eutered the saloon sod changed toe
position of toe screens, as was intimat
ed by tbe defcuse'sconDSel. such chaogc
making the screens' position one cou
trary to toe law, they must find the
defendant notgnlltv.'
. the Cireolt
jjioed Sstoidag
nigbt bg Mra Bendetnoa from Cadiliac.
W. H. (iriffito and A B. Brown went
to St. Johns gesterdsg to ntwad the
wasi (be Beaks end Uedlng Baslnes*
OJd Fellows enenttpment.
rn of Kslsmaioo think of tbs
Ber^Miller snd wife retnraed ges In Oaae of Ijiquor Imw VioU.
tordeg from their wwididf trip.
tion Against Ivan Dunn.
Hon. George U. Covcil went to Grand
Bapide gesterdag.
After scTeral dare' risit with Mra •bemnr Onse WiU Go to the Juy toln •roTHSPfsLir:
Kornibit—Whiting nnd SlUa Onnet
.Wr.ife* uedci
:imleefd.beTTbr emit/ tbet tbsi
E. S. Pratt, Mra M. A. Aldrich rctarakllj senbslBied
tbe oAeer*
•e srepenonsllr
smbslBted »llh
ed to Grand Rsplds gesterdsg.
Will be Ooatinued to Next Term of sBd directoni ot ibe Xleblgan
eoclutton ot ibl> riir.eod ko
bZfen viu rsnyoutio lbs letter eurobllesInAnZavlted
j Tbe Inst two cases of tbe People ItoB*
asr Inrnr. We veil'd fortbereaT
tber Bsr
TocaUand inspect the mewt com I veraiM saloon keepers charged with
the* KtehShm AoSdeT**^^
plete slock of up-to-date Cloaks (la violations of toe liqnor lew, which
It to be oee that la ladleteui
dles'; misses' ao . children's styles)
oo striei bealM
ever shown in Travrsrse City. It’s will come Ufore this Wrm of the Cir- priar-lplee. dwoue • -arse
tto Hl7 we hsee eeew beard s
enit oonrt, were tried gestordag.
one toe jury disagree^ and was.dieeherged; hi tbe other the Jury will be
cbsiged this morning.
The UUeo of toe eosec were the Peo
.Tiara Bank.
in’s Innd counter. ple vernns Ivan Dana nnd the People
vs Philip Sbermer. Tbe Ant eaae oecnAM. Prsas-.
Marerof Kalam
pied nearlg the enttre dag. toe second
Xunv tr. aaiTU^
lABehas I
toe time from 8 o'clock nnUI eonrt ad
Niee*^ Innoheo, good Innehen, fresh
journed about 6 o'clock 4est even
Inuchce, at Talman'a. 448-8L
ing. Tbe evldenoe throngbont the day
TaOor sad Ocat'a Par
of a diy and routine ebaractor,
New Lush Oevstor.
mainly coneeralnr eeraeas, enrtains
Nelson A Bpicbiger.new Inneh eoani- and docn, times of cloring. exact disniUB. P, Obsasox.
er and fifteen eent meals. eo3 8onto
Uncee in inehca of the screeM and
Union eu-eet. «4S-et.
etoer alleged
doer, wtadow. «r other point of viaw Live A^ntfi Wanted in VnDudngSeheel
1 the iatorier. WhOn two aotn of
And dancing at
nigbt. Leesnn. two st^ nnd waTlx. witnesses were heard, tbe evidebse wns
pooi^ited Tmiteary.
AdmtssluD, gems 23
ladles 16c. of tbe seme general character. The
J. E.
licbiAin AccUegt AssociiQoii.
*Afi Adwfirtifiad,
our Ubo ci Pingroe
Our complete Fall and Winter Line is in. J
Cali and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Sboeman.
J 118 Front Street
Wor*btirr Block J
Practical Embaliiiers
. and Funeral Directors.
318 Union Stretet
If You Have Logs to Sell
OorKepond with the TrsvetM City Ltunber CoupeBj.
We bnye for nte Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of ell deperiptionn, inclnduig Two Enginee,
Set Work*, CnrrUgee and Sawn. A complete Sew Mill Plent
for sale.
Diamonci J-10 Cts.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.
/StW on top. Beet cignrs for the monqr on the msrket
—XTnfon made, too.
Sold by all dealers.
Tonnelier Block.
Best Yet!
SM These Horses!
I will be at the Brodhagen A Wieebnewski Barn, or European Horse Hotel, October
18th, with 20 head of horses and mares.
Best Draft Horses
-I Ever Shipped.
From 6 to 8 years old; weight, 1200 to
1800. From the finest and best stock farms in
Northern Indiana.
Frices right Better stock never offered in
Northern Michigan.
Oalf BcvkatM •kil«n XilM Durlas
maato to light aU Uaeare at ItaUmitod
tram runaiag betwasn Chisago and
Loo Angeles, a dlstaaos of t.KS miloa,
WiU aleelriei^ ovolvsd from Ue (rieUou of Us oar axlas- Tho alaetrlc
aqnlpmont of oaeh train wiU aggrogato
e.esteaadla power. AHborUawUlbo
provided wiU borU lights, sad Uia
will bs the first train in Ue world earryiag aoch a Urge supply of light eervice axclntuvely from tbe car axlea It
is tbe inteaiioD also to light Ue loeomoUve headlight from the same serrioe. Uns making Ue four limited
traina ealld axle light trains Urongbonl. The introdncUon of this system
on Ue limited trsiaa will murk qaite a
departnre from prerionspmeUce.which
aecessltatod a large light plant in Ue
baggage car. Tbe objection to Uis
plan Is Ust if Ue baggage car meete
WlU an accident or tbe plant-moot of
order, Ue entire light ontpot of the
train U deranged. In .Ue axle light
system sneb a thing ^cannot happen.
Each car hns its own plant, which is
Siu^l bnt compact and complete, con
sisting of a dynamo and storage bat-'
S«?«ntMa MU«nMU*dkBd olrht;fottr eMnnIUaa %U told wm the total
IMS uSorod b; tha Doited dUtoe nery
dorlof tbt war. The Eforea ba«« Jnat
bees oonpUed et the navy dcportaaat.
la Dewey'a rreat flfht io Ifanlla bey
tiM CAOaditD Haanfactitrer. offldkl
ctgkD of tbe OkOAdUD MuatkctBren' not a nao wea killed end every one of
—oetotlon. la iuterwled in Um ontoaoe the nine sen wouded returned to
oftbenotwieotairmilj niideronMid- doty, la the batUe of inly off ^lia' et«U« b««lw(ir in £ngUnd (ow>nl jr>one
ktlled and there ware
pol-1 elevea wcanded, all retnmlng to doty,
la the attMk open the forte at the entbe Dnitod KinRdom to fit.
traaec to Haatiace. Jane SS, one aallor
ly for tbe retemioo of tbeir bold npea
ontaidoiDarketa. At a reooit tneeting waa kUled and eleven wounded, of
of tbe Leeda Chamber of Cocuneroe an wboat only eeven were able to retara
doty. The heaviest lorn of the ury
intereetlns dlscnation took place on a
MMlntioa raored by Mr. ZoMeobeim
There were
which aet out that as tbe existing oomity-two caanalUea In that one hasBMKdaJ tnaUea between Great Britain dred-bonr fight and of tbe list six meand Geemaoy were aboni to expire it rinea were killed. Of the woanded nine
was dealrable that tbe ftovemmeot
itamed todnty.
■bonld seek from obambera of commerce
In Ue batUe with the foru and gna'
information aa to tbe dntiM which
paimnd' moat heavily upon (he indot- boata off Cienfnegoa the list aggregated
tries of their perticalar diatriot, with a alevea wooaded and two killed. One
view of amending them. Tbefeaolotioii
opened ap tbe whole qneation of tbe fierce batUe between tbe torpedo boat,
terms nnon which British mannlaotBr- Winslow and revenne cottar Qndaon
en are Mnnd to fight tbeir battle.
with tbe Spaoiab land batUriea and ar- Tho X«M of Color Borgosnt Bmedloy
1 out tbe fact
Deeply Felt by Bis Company
middle and lovrer class YcrksUie wool- five deaths. The wounded afterwardc
Camp Meade. Pa.. Oct. 9. 1898.
a practically abut oot from Ger- retnmed to d«ty. la tbe bombardment
Mn. Jobs Shkuucv.
iuany, while that very class of Qennan of San Joan the eaanaltles nsmbered
NorrievUle. Mich.
'fibrics finds a great ootlet in Gnat Mgbt with one mao killed. One of the
Briinin. Tbe Hanc^iester Textile Re- woanded men waa invalided borne,
DxssSia—‘Iskst night It was my sc
•oorder ssys by way of cxplanatlaB and while aix retnmed to dniy.
rowfnt doty te tel^rsph to yon a aoooiumcDt;
There were four other casnidtiea oc- tlee of your son’s deaU. Bis deaU was
"As a i-uDCTcie instance Mr. Zoseeaa snrprise to na, as for a day before
beim abowed that tbe German dnties esrring in ae many eeparate engageUlngn looked favorable for him.
'«o woolen goods weighing man than menta and thla completes the Hat of
s good eeldler. and Ue boys of
goo gnuna ^ sqnan meter wen equal naval loaaea.
pemoL^ ponnd: on than
Of theeixty-sevea men woanded in Company C. sod all the oaeere feel
weighing leas than that. 1 sbUling per the war, flftyfoor were retomed to deeply hU lorn. We hope In Ue aesr
fntnrc te-expremonr regard
ponnd: ready made clothing, la 4d. duty, one died of wounds, alx
. per ponnd, and manafactnred goods <ff- valided from tbe aervioe and alx een- memory ia a pracUeal way.
We feel
ten 100 per oent of tbeir raloa For all
tinne andw treatment. Oonalderlng ae If we would like to eraet a etone
tbeae the German manofactarer finds
thla Hat ie said to bo over kip grave showing the regard wa
In England a free and wilting market,
objeeUonin the naval Ueto tbe nndoobted advantage of tbe pnrableteyoQ? ThU makes Ue Mcood
ohaseroe this side, becanse, being com tory of the worid.
death in my company, Herman Krcger
pelled to eell ben in tbe face of open
dying last week. Compssy C extends
oonpetiUon, be moat needs ahandoo tbe
benefit of his tariff. In Germany the.
te you and yonr family Uelr sympathy.
' price to tbe coosnmer is ngnlsted only »Meml Bev I ITnUt at Vatremnl While Ue eoasolation is taadeqnste to
by intensi oompecitlon. and a margin
Uc lost, yet yon have Ue ooneolsUon
Is left which enablm him to keep his
Bnmln-isbniUinr two docks at Ll- of knowing that yonr oca einee enter
works going by taking orders at lower
piices from abroad than be will accept bao, the new naval statioa on the Bal- ing Ue eorriee always psrformed his
from bis own conotrymea. Still the Uc. and the recMatroetion of Ue dMk duty.
shoe does pinch makers in this ootmtry, at Port ArUnr wlU also aherUy be comALnxsr E. McCabe.
■nd while recogniring tbe many advan
tages arising from oar free fiscal system
Captain Company C. 3SU Michigan
Preeident Dies of Mexico haa jnat
it is well to remember thatoor own
' eonatrymen eettled in tbe oolooiea have boDgbt a dog Uroogh a St. Genie fanpot the «me faitb in it. and
when |der. It la a pointer, and beeldca being
they enter, as they will, tbe oonncils of■ abenehahowprise winner, U naaoed
tbe empire the preeent view may be McKinley.
WOUe Xao Bam Bad Bis Onona Cnt Off
modified. While we In this coontry
might complain of each a course Uerand will Bocomoa OtUxrn.
Plan meken coaid not, for it is merely Uia part of Ue oonatiy haa not tmea
Willie Lee. one of Ue proprietors of
metiug ont totbem tbeir own lueoRare.’' lost eight of by apecalatora, who have
TbeCspadian Hannfnctnrer. referring sent orders for cargoee of Ue vege the Chinese laundry on Front etroet,
to tbe above, reseuts "the obtuseness table to Great Britain and Ireland. Tbe has renonneod sllegienee tetbe Chinese
and oonaervatism that eogrnerally char- firat eonalgnment of Ue preeent move- impire and has tha more efleetnally
ncttslxe tbe ideas at onr British friends frem the latter country arrived recent severed his connection wiU bis naUve
When ooniidexing tbeir fiscal policy"
ly on Ue tbe White Star liner Cymric. land-by having his qnene abom from his
and ooL Isdes;
bead, which forever sbnU him oat from
"Unde; Tree trade Great Britain fi It eoneiaU of SO.OOO crates.
TntUn Dibble, aged about 65 and Ira wltbia Ue Cbincee domain. The eereoot In n p nition to reuliate against
CeRnany'i; vnfrirndly tariff, and there E. Green, aged 57. boU of Cnadilla. N. mony was condneted Sstnnlsy night in
is so likelibond that that oaontry will J. were'killed by a railroad train Sat Ue Hotel Leelsnsn wlU considerable
modify its fiscal policy merely beeaose urday. They «wero walking on Ue solemnity in Ue preeeoee of eoveral
British intereete are oulavorafaly afleotfriendi and s banqael followed. Tbe
ed by it. Why sbonid Germany, who truck.
The Madrid .oorroapoedeDt to Ue finlabing tOBCbee to Ue quene eotUng
pow boids tbe whip handle ia (he mat
noay were effected by Jnd ChmsLandon
ter, modify its tariff and triog its fiscal
policy into nearer oaomuauce with the cerUin is known, it is the privileged
Wmie Lee U s very Intelligent eeleeBritish free trade ides? Bow oonld it oplnian here that Ue Parle aegoUahe possible that German trade woald tlont are not proceeding with tbe tial and for along Uaoe bssoontemplsted booomlag s full fledged citlsen of Ue
. riww gnatM expansion under free trade emooUneat ihnt U desirable.
than nov? France, onr cootemporaiy
United Btstes and has already procur
A dp.patob to Ue London Daily
teUa ns. while becoming more rigidly
ed bis first papers.
: year by year, ie leas and Chronicle from Alexander lays: Tbe
k prosperons trading oonntry. bnt; troops who have retnmed from Khar-'
in oar (pinion that fact baa no weight toum are dying like files from enuric
^reverenoe declining? Yea.
when we coosider that Germany and dieordetu, anppoaed to be doe to iadnltat Btecks and stones and-----------Ue United SuMa also, while beooming geace in cheap eplrita.
things Let os rejoice, n« Istnwit. in
more rigidly protectionlsl year by year,
eqncDoe. Let ns exnlt that we sio
mn becoming more prosperons Oading'
Dciug snfOcientJy to distingnisb be
•orntrieo, while Great Britain, aft^ a pointed Bit. G. D. Olden, of Topeka, a
half ceutory of free trade, finde iieelf in Baptist preneher, as oowmissioner to tween reverence sod snpertticioo. The
a dilemma from which there is no hope take Ue hullota te Ue Kansas negro fail fruitage will foil to s later sga,
«( relief except a retnni to protection. soldiers
Saturday bnt it esnnot be tong dalayed^vwish
"It may be a bitter pill for British tbeBev. Olden left wlU Ue bal
free traders to swallow, bat they will
lots. They are carofnlly packed in a
be farced to gnlp down tbe medicine."
This is tbe beginning of all gospels—
This 'disensidan is interesting as telescope valise and will be retaraed In thst Ue kingdom of taesvoo is just
showing tbe progress of the British the same way.
where we are. It ia jnst ss near ns ss
mind toward tbe acceptaocu of the in . The hcspitel train wUh 101 tick aol- onr work is. for the goto of heaven for
evitable in the shape of tbe altetsstive dien on board. leflJaeksoavUle. Fla., each eonl lies in Ue eudesvur to do
«f adopUng Ue
Every arrangeineDt was Ust work perfectly.—Chnrclunan.
ring the grudoal Ion of trade
made for Ue comfort of Ue men dar
throngb Ue oompetitian of countriee
Z>c Pil« mentions a blind Rcolptar
ted in the straggle for in- ing the trip.
who, gnidod by Uc ««« of lonrb ulone,
A etorekeepcfr at Ureenbnrg, Ey., has
mode s marble statue of Charles I of
on exhibition what he elaims to be Ue England.' It is singnlsr, however, that
largeet shoe ever made for a woman. this scnlptor is not meuiiomd, so far as
It Is the exact else of sixteen pairs that is know n, by any otlx-r writer, and tbs
sold abrmid last year was gU8.871.449,
be ^locryphsL
an increase of 100 per oent over Ue fig- were m^dv for a moUer and five
ares for 1888. Onr grip on foreign mar danghtora. natives of Teaneoaoe. It
meaeoroa IIH Inches in height. 13inehkets has teen cooiddorably
tlnce Ue figuresfor Uis year were com es in lengU and 5 inehea across Ue
We are depplF gratefnl to onrnamerpiled. Onr American policy of proteose kind friends for Ue expressions of
smoars svmpaUy and Ue aid so kindly
tion has been denonnoed tsselflsh. It ia
As Ue rcenlt of a trip throogh Ua axteadedin
onr rvcenl affHcGoB. Ue
BO more selfish than Ue British policy
s F. bmedley. and w
at free nude. It is no more selfish in United .States, made by a partr of Bndeed than will be Ue natioaal policy at rc^oan capitalisu and piucUeal Iron
maa, a large number of- steel and iron
miUs wiU be erected in Europe. In peelally thank Ue members of Compa
Rapid pace. We restricted trade to bnild which aU kinds of Iron and steal prod, ny U. Thirty-fonrU Michigan volnnap a highly developed and complex ns- nete will be tanad ont. bnt especiaUy teere, Ue W. R. C. and G. A. B.
Matial iodnstiy, Ue eociut of natioBal atmeterul iron and ateeL Tha proems
Auaeda Skedlbv.
Bfe and growU now as highly developed te be used in Ue last bruaeh of maunSaeuxl Shedlev.
militaiy arganimtion once was. Jhis ia
faetnre will be Ue Grey proeen. the
done, and uoUiug tint oar own folly
■ Ban tmdo it—-New .York Commesuial invention of Henry Grey, of DuInU, Itdowa’tasttor
what yon
Governor Brady, of Alaska, who haa
(Hoaks, if yon eome to Uis store,
yon'll likely find wbatyon want.
retnmed from an ofieial tear of Ue
Oommwcial bcalU and sonnd^eM of
We show about fVhf Sipta of
a degree not eqnaled in any past period
Cbildren'e Besfer Jaoketo alone.
Alentlan islaaday ■They are deeace indicated Ly that aconrate bostnen Ue
Then Uere are many steles of
barometer. Ue reourd of foilnres for Ue Uned to beoome Ue home of oonntleee
long gsmisnis. too. Prleea ore
tl.25 te gT.SO, and eventhecheap.month of Aagnn. What wiU tir herds of cattle and sheep.
eel is of dnrahle cloth.
aoblevementi in war and its spIOM^d Ue iaUnds have not a stlek of Umber
«b-P»ib.of puaoe joateem. bnt are eovered all over wiU
Ue United Stmes
a riworii . luxnriantinowth ef giuae. affording
•seqaeled ia its own history or that of
Ue finest kind of pastore land for eatSay,
any other eoonfry tm the face of tbe
Inandaeie. Onr go^ are nioe. freah
Fa road has mads arraafsn 'u tk« o>ir War kr Wki^ Tkcr
Cm WllkstMR tkc lMj«rl«n TrM*
A«VFM«l*i.a «t OcnMar M« tk«
CkIteA ■iBtM.
Balow ia a Ust of Ua baylag and saUheve leaned Ue hmeh eoenUr at Ue
aty Hotel, ooentded by John ‘Tertilde
and Ue yonag men wfll begin boeinem Uis morning. They expect te
eoBdneta flfbt clem leach eennter aed
to a good elise of uade. Mr.
*‘ 7S KUbome b experienced end will have
Ue direct charge of Ue bnelaeee.
amnino maa.
4 00
onr BSAL-
i Votea
Bryen'e Oomediane are e larger ead
letter orgaalsantioD than ever before,
and Uelr eomlng engagemeat at Stela-.
bnrg’e Grand next week. October 17.18. |
90. :i and
b looked forward to «riU
mneh pleaenre by local am
Bnoklenh Amiea Balve.
The Best Salts la Ue world for
Onto, Breisaa. Sorca, meera. Salt
Haadi.^ilMalBB. Corns, and aU SCte t
Bmptloas,and positively enree PUee,'
or no par required. It is gnaraateed
to give perfect eatisfaetiem or nson'ey
refunded. Prieetscentoperbox. For
sate bv J. O. Jol
-------- ..............................................
A Hsivew
ikfnl words written
by'Mrs. Ada
E Hart,
t. of Grotoa, H. D. "wae taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
Innge: eougb eel la and fioelly termin
ated io CoDsamptiba. Four doctors
gave me np, saying 1 oonld live bnt s OJtatBT a OST». AUTToyv. aswtsl atshort time. I gave myself np to my
.nor. determined if 1 eonld not etsy
ith my friends on earth. I would meet
tBM. HOLUDtT AWILBCLM A B.Holabsent ones above. My bnsband —f ikIsy.TanatoDalvimity. J.U. WtlMn.
taed te get Dr. Kio^s New DusnmpliOD. Cooghs and TTT W. wnov PtMrian uA AraM. U---- —--------- -----------a trial,
gave it _
____ _____
eight bottles. It has enred me, and
Uank God I am saved and am now a
bWtoall HyeM w^jotm
well and healUy woman. Trial bottles
I. POgreR. AtSMBw at Leo. Bpeebl
Oysters! Oysters!
• to II am.. I
TpBAtEED KriMB—him nMellk HaMM. a
FamoDS Baltimore Courts,
Selects aed Staadards.
it Mark iwo«l»e4 by ttpnmm dliwrt Irow
."ormbrrnctcbvr-aOyiWrBovw U Ibc
ecly besdeosnen t r xcbd. Srst cIam oyawra
FMebers Colrablu BesUiniL
(Iniid RtpUi t UdUu E. I
O goooCvaalei
ter Or IB peraoe.
(riOE BALE-BLrSl-rear-ote watv. CMTlee*.
f robM*a4 vhle; gratlv boiw.e
r:S»iakmaU. Eoeairv of Dr. Eh
aR8=««8«SSe8« ss
III b» le Trm»«ii» cityi^fRMlooBHy.
frvB Ocl. 6to laih. WIU br foDBd
At The Cottage Home.
to Hi*. Wrixbt, c«r.
hraiMiTra ibr Cm three
Mol tbe Cnetor r ‘
can- whirb •ecM litoireseod teealta.
________ •ofdtaeBMofihceyear* treated by
Dr.PMere. Altoem>rBofretraettoaeaireetefl
an4 glaaeee rnrsUbed.
J. D PETERS. M.t>.
Bicycle Riders.
mber that 1 do all kinds of re
pairing and enameling, and Uat I eat
and do give von Ue beet work of am
one in tbe city for tbe money. Oenb
be deceived by what ^bere tell yon tc
the contrary, bnt eome and see fo>
Btee all mv w_._ _ „
«so I make It
Step in rill 6 o’clock every evening
emorpt Sanday, in Ue Caldwell• A
■ LoS
don bailding, at norU end of Dirnin
Erer Bnraed Out'
If eoyon know
Ue value Of
O- P. OARVEB. Agent
John R. SantOk
General Insurance.
Werxbarg Bleak.
w CtIT. Mtel
Gland PeseeJabUm. Chicago Oet U. W
president Me Klnley.Sampm,Schley
and Hobson wUl be Uere-Tbe NorUere Michigan Transportation Oo. wUI
eell round tnp UekeU to Chicago for
$7, meals and berth teclnded—g(H>d te
retnm Oct. BSth. Steamer Peloekey
leaves tor Cbioego every Batnrdey.
Charlevoix every Tneeday. Phone M.
E H. Pope. Agt.
•Her loan UaceepUd. roderwooS-S na«r
try*. Traverve City. MlPb.
170B EALB-CbMp (or
inrlesl cm
I ssasck SSS.SSS «■« ae
S&8?2 SSdSfifi SZt 88
s&eeea a•eeaes aa ensaa
Speoiaiist in Diseases of the Eye
Oltv, la S«bci OmM.», irn.
or wtU trsCr Mr
' MCB&ooororviK-BrrlBevBBSbBnw
•—Apply Al ISO Parb alivvt.
•UCTTOBe WAKTXO—LsetM on, Oontio
BTufor oar eomptolc MtoofSatrolU Hooka
Ar boUdaya. fiMb on baa (oar hooka
ersdrd (orUtUe oMtorrowaapfelka E^
‘aifal.c-apclTatlPX- IhicM
ov^owiex with happy Ulaatraltoea T^mredonaiwUrfa Hotblaellhatbea. Tear Booltaa
roUva burner eMr*«U<
" &tSi wlib BMP^ Bt all lour booka frrv.
Head lwolr« treat atomps (or nytnc pert ealy
of Ibc postAsa sloM. Drop ali tracb aad rlear
•»• BOBib with oar CkelaatTC yoTMilea.
TSB KanosAL Boon ('versW. JemnLS DsttOnicaeO;________ _
_________________________ '
I^B-fFa-ynBEBBSEBl-------wlaa arrtrr froa 8l Loeta. LeaUrfUs. la-
Lersl brsacb trala arrlras at lOto ^ m.
-AS eepsrta as II:« a. a.
0. S. HURRAT. Afas>.
I L.LOCEWOODO.P.AT.A..(»rs>dEsStaa
lUBisB iiD nfflswni lk
CBla. HTAW.r.
aldewsIblotnmMM nmeoaoa Iskra IL
giDEWALS^nAinc - TVb loU WdewaU
O pUakibraslc. TrsroM Oily LaabnOo.
TriOR^bS-Hosae and iol oe tbe EaU Kdc:
-oetb-sad IBWMM J.
w.^-saesja. sc-ti.
T^OS RALE-Two wberM erraprip sad two
X earsBce. rrsMBber ihsi I sa la the bnalBCM Royal Rerhsare tasarsarc. AaeriesB
of RrwTork.Thortarla Eire. Pealaaals Hateal. Prsakfort Rate Olsas. Hlch., HntasI Flsae
OISM. Arms Ufr n( Coaa sad other roBosotes. A a. AUyo. medrieb Block.
s HARIKX BOILER (or asls. laqatre of
12. tbr Trarprse city LomberCa
M*Sf’“S “
Traverae aty Lsaber Os. HS-tf
n tsis
1 11
M i!
y 1
Bnr BedifU.
Ladlee daalrlng UUor made enlts are
requested to call on Mn. Ida SmiU
SALE-S see 4 loot ft
.. ------------- nnd ms
fa Halt PboocR.
Botlee te Tax Payern.
BrtioHandEMan. t&Oa
Odl »U Ue 9:85 a. m. via M. A N.
i.—A. A. A D. O. B. A M. B. B. Urn-
I will beta mx oOoc eelU Kercaber tat.
UH. lor tbr pnrpoM at <-aUeetla« ttar aefaoed
aod ctiy istM sad apcelal i—f-eTnii ierisd
la tbr oily tbr tbe prcacBiSacsl year.
OSec bean froK S o’ekiok to >1 JD e'eloek s,
AgU 448-10
fi«w To'rlocktolo’clork.
Oa s)I tssM paid bWore Oetober lal. ISee.
Knight iHBpUr OaneUve at Pittebn^.
ftuatUM<FT«BberiMruW.<bcre win
One tare for rennd trip. MI Oct. 8U
WISU retnra Oet. 17U. Can extend to
Get. tut Meet direet rMte, ekortert let. IM. WlU be tvanteteto tbs'
C. E. Mubkat, Agent
& L. Locewood, O. P. a T. A.
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.