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The Morning Record, July 31, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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the morning record.
8«ooad Tev->No 8«0
to kaew If the ei
aad eyatem ae.had been ia eofno wd^ld
»ooatlaaed tam*ofarily.
He wee amared that mnalelpal afiOfe
for the time
woeld not bed
JiOmS^ Dew«y Fmt« Trou
that they weald be real
oral WUeoa aa military «
wobM keep the rity aader a form of
ble iu PhiUppinee.
We Umy Hare>o iri«bt the
Ownl ««rrtU «nd <
Arrive ftad H« too Aonoaoew tbo
UttutioB M Moooeias to Oaitod
«tot«o-Xt Kar Bfqoiro IBO.OOO
Amorieu Troopo to Toko Core of
tho PhlUpplBM.
«pecUl to Tu Mouns BuoKe.
WaakiaftoB. Jaly to.—WhlU the cabInat waa la MMloa today a aiCBit<**t
I the arrival of
Dewey. Ha a
hlajar Oeaeral Merritt aad the eapedl'
tlOB with him at Maaila. bat rr»P^('
cally palatpd the aneert^Uee of the
lotare there. The dleyateh whkh hae
wot been made ooblle, mre la the aaimpertaat leetarm, larraly olded the
B Of the Philip.
oaWaet ia Ita d
belac, aad that the earn > local offieiale
woald eeree. Bet It
Bat Oar
Terms Koat Be
maetlal law eppreaelve te aeaa.
Oeaeral Uilce aad Oeaeral WilMm
tbea stepped oat oa the baleoey te
riew the eqaare. The crowd cheered Batted SUtee Oictutee Terms
wildly, aad the two Amerieaa veoeraU
haeUIy withdrew. They received aa
Joa ae they made their way to Bpala Vnet Belloquiah 1
West ladiaa-One lalaad U
XAdroae Group Must be OededMayer ColMU after the .
Bold Manila Data
eaid be wee flad the Amei
rnmaat of leiaade te
eetoe. The ielaad. be eaid. would c
eajoy prosperity eed peeoe. aad
eiweieIionMM»rsle«B*cef«. '
« waated the Am<
Parie, Jaly »0.—A Madrid dlepatehto
Kaape eaye Uat U le qnite appareat
The peliUeal prieeaere Is the Caareverybody la Madrid U resided to
Ul d* lafaataria were released by onr
aeoept any American tarma of peace
eoldlere. BedoU Plferea wae eared ia
The only matter raUinr any difliealty
the aiek ef time from belar ahot by
le Ue Cuban debt.
theSpaalanU. Bewu ehaired with
hevlBf eat Ue teiecraph wire betweea
Te» et tke Xeply.
BsrauPoeee aad Saa daaa. Itwae hie plaa Cpmlal w TB>
Waehiartea. July 90.—The reply of
to preveat the antbcritlee. la Poaee
from eeadlac U Saa Ja> I for re-la- the United SUtee te Ue loqniry of
tber Uie fovereforoemeata. He had he I led from
«dae ^blea in the terau of p«
hU cell to be eseented. bet when oar
Wttheat mlaclaff Ue worda. Admiral
Ulpe eaterod the barber Ue Spaalarde
Dewey aBooeneed that Apei^do bad fled aad Fhrema escaped. Seme mea
aaumed a bold attitode of delaaoe
whobadbeea pelitleal prieoaere tor
aad that there were etn«c iadieatioae
that Ue PhUlppine laearrentt tl
i wocld eeaeeat to Ue opeoinr of
peace aeretiailooe waa placed in Ue
band* of M. OamboB. the Praach
eqlvee would have to be foefht;
SUtet U wUUoc to open peaca Bor<^-
Beoed OB Ue depietioa of Ue ffrarity
.of Ue BitaaUoB Uere, It would take
flSO.OOO aeldleie from thie eoantry to
«ope wiU Ue laenrsaats throoeboat
all the Ulaada
MslM reeeived from
Borlia, July 31-tSpeciall1:30 au m. Prince BiemanU
died shortly before eleven
o’clock last nlRbt.
Oeaeral Merritt < BBOoeeiar hie arrival
wad latiamtiBA that Uere mlflht be
trouble ahead.
Sea Praaeieco. Jaly SO—A apeelal
from MaoUa bay. July ». via Hoar Vorees at Miami te be Moved tc
JaekeoaviUr. Bat OeadiUoa of
Kent, eaye: -'Oeaeral Merritt aad hie
Oamp Mot Serioaa.
traaaporte loaded wiU troops arrived
^rrtal M Taf Moasiva Kacoas.
jestarday. All wareweU. Oea. Mer
WaaMarttm. Jnly 30.—By dlreetl
ritt wlH at oaee amome oomma
Of Ue secretary of war, ordera have
Dee. Merritt'i eapedlUoa lecladce the
imoed that Miami ahall be abanfour traaepone whiob left kere oa
doBcd aa oae of Ua permaqaai eampa
Jane te earrylor S.BOO offleere end men
of Ue Ualted Statea forcaa. aad diraelunder OeS. McArUar sad two other |
.ml«- u. ta.
traaeporU trIU MO
waaaforred I
mediau eommaad ef Oea. Merritt.
vLUe. There are now at Miami abeat
There are S.OOO offieere aad men la Ue
7.W0 Toluatoara, Ue dirialoa compri^
UIrd par^. The fleet expedition car
inr the First and Second Texas. First
ried 1.M0 mea. aad Ue eeeowd I.MO
aad Seooad AUbama. aad Iriiat aad
man. ao Qua. Mwritt bow hae 11.006
Beeond Loatalaaa.
men. sDoarh to taka MealU wbaa be
much aickaem amoar troops at Miami,
pleaeae. wiU Ue aeaMtaaoe ef Adadral
roporte to war department do sot ladiDewey.
cate a partieaUrly aorioi
‘AMBHXOAMS OimUA GREAT PreceadiBge Arainet Wisceaala Oeatral Reran Toatorday.
apedal u> Tea Mas>i«* »Bcoa»
Jnly 10. — ReclevorOeaerala Miles and Wilson Oraetship
efl WiU BnUuslaam.
day aralnat Ua Wlaooaaln Coatral
Poaee. Porto Rice, vU 81. Tbomaa. Ball^^ Company.
The eolvent laJuly SO.—The city of Peace haa for- tercet, Una far of Ua WUooaaln 111
tnei-ly beea riven over to the Ameri- b ia Ue United 8UI«o eoart today.
Fordiaaad Toro, the BritUh
AootW^Oood Oaptotiac coaaal. acUnr lo beWf of Ue Spani
{ epcrlaitaTai Muasns Bboomd.
ards. placed Uo eity ia
Key West, July 30.—The Spaabh
Ooa. Miles. wlU whom v • Oea. WUecbooeer Uibara. loaded wiU flroweed
ThoBoene was more like one on a and charcoal, which was eapUrod by.
Ue KeahriUeonJnly<7U. white try.
rain day Uaa oae iavolriar Ue earinr to eator Oibara, on Ue acrU
iandrr of Ue city. A mejcrlty of tfie
Cnbaa coael, wa* bronrbt ia UU morarealdente remained ia Ue city u wellar by a prim srew.
ocme Ua America
The ceremony araa naiqao. Oonetal
The Dixie Oaptoted a Prtee.
Mile* aad Oeaeral WUeoa. by a pre- tiMetal.toTas Uoaraa BacecD.
arraarod plaa, had beea driven bom
CharleetOB. Jnly 30.—The Freaeh
eteamer Maaoaoia wa* broerht ia a* a
Amerioaa beadqaarteie at
ambaaeador, temporarily represontiar
Sp^ at twe o'clock UU aftarttoea.
The reply aaaoaaoM Uat Ue Ualted
atioDV after Spate sha'.l ham arreed
U Ue foltewinr pralimiaarirs;
‘Belieqabfamaai by 8pate ef oerreirnty te Cuba. The Ualted Stete*
eoBtruI Uere anJI a aubte
reverameat eaa be eatablbhed. Aheotele ceeeiOB to Ue United 8tetee of
PorU Rlooaad all Ue bland* te Ue
West l^lee, mve Cabs. The acqnbitioa ef ooalter Btetteae la Ue Ladroae
blaada, and perhaps Ue CbroUnee. No
aesamptloa of Spala’e Cabaa or
Ricaa debte by the United Sute*.
lity from Spain a*
^Uipplnea The mply say* te sobataaoeUatasafarUw indemnity Ue
Ualted Siatm wlU hold Uo city of
Maaila, its bay aad Imrbor. peadter
the determination of Ue fotamrovem
of which Mieklraa troops form a part.
The call read ae follows:
“The cute te dealrou of aoadiar a
namb*r ef phyaleiaaa to aoatet la taktar care of Uo tick la Ue rwlMSteat
the front. The atete wUl provide for
Ue expense aad pay the mme salary
reeeived by Ue rcrimental enrreona
Wm Ue pbyaieteiM of Ue eteu who
are wUUar U volaaloer for Ute emvtee, eeod me their aam«* aad iddreoeee at ones?
“1 Uiak it b my daty. kaowlar Ue
somber who are rick, aad Ue limited
aambor of phyaielaas at Ue troct. I
Ue eeciatary of
war Uat any pbyaielaa eoat ia Ub
way wUl be properly reeeived aad a»air^ to doty wiU Uo Miehiraa rerl-
■leteBt wUl pteaea atau Uelr experieaoe ia daalinr wlU yellow fever.
“Bam 8. Piaaaxx.
Aldormaa Lardle WUl Make Aa Rxampte of Ue Wbeolmaa Who
OoUlded WiU Mm. ;mrdie.
Last eveclar while Mn. Oeorre W.
Lardte was ridlnr toarard Ue oeator of
Ue eity oa Bast Front atraet, oppoatu
E. L Baaaom'k resldanee, *b« wa* ran
into by a wbeelmaa eominr from the
opposite dlracUoD, and Urowo vioieatly to the rroend aad narrowly mcaped
boiar Urowa into the rlvor. The man
wbo was rolUy of •neh <
ridlnr at a vary hlrh rata of spaed
aad when he aset Mr*. Lardle it b said
Uat he taraod to Ue left, which b cmtrary M eetahlbhed rales Mm. Lardb
kbly ban aad/>aq of bar
arms badly aomined Qw wheal was
wrpehad. The man wa* thrown fmm
hb wheel, hat not bnrt. Be-did not
wait loor eaoark to ioqulrc t f the ex
tent of Ue ln]itrtc* ef Mra. Lardia
Aldrrmaa Lardle propose* t9 m ha
aa example of tbv party aad offer* a
reward of to for hb IdeaUflcatioB.
Per Gent Discount Sale 15
On Bom ^all Oooda «UI oolj not '0}if
the forploa itock is nold. We woo^ •ell it all at anch ntinooa prioee, b«i>^
oar aorplafl goes at 16 and 26 per c
off of r^olar prices
City Bookstorer
We order almost everything in Rabber Stamps joi
can think of. .Bring your orders—for prompt dD
Markbaoi RIocL
Huch Is Said
Atwut Ice Gream and Sodn Fountain Diinto
Therefore we will ^ that you will find onr loe
Cream delicious, our Soda1 Water tme to flavor, our frit
ous Phosohatea refreflhing. New drinks are added to oni
list from time to time. *
FountRin open week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson.
I TUB eolUali vltli wa. I hasp aack aa asMwITC Uaa of Waala and aawbMS *1
Urna vaoiaateelbaDtiaardararim marapalra*. tola It laaptaeaMaeU
Renemlier RI| New Place312 Soatb IUeiOB Street, Opposite C. t W. fl. Depet
Ohicaro Rdram Oant Ptey Good
Raouorh BaU Por Traverse Oity.
Ymurday Ue Chiearo Bdram w««
defeated by Hsabtee by a eoora
of 7 to 0. The Bdram were also defeated by Lodlortea and other teaeo*.
Thb team waa to pivy here Monday
and Tueaday, bet U*1r reeonl b ao
poar Uat Maaarar Eehoehaseaaeelled
Ua datm. The maaarement of the
Bnatlem hare determtaed Uat none
bnt flrat elaa* teamt shall erews bate
wlU Ua Hostler* hereafter.
It i* probabl* Uat the dates will be
Ailed by the Celia, aad flmi cteee ball
meat of Ue whole bUad rn>°Pwill be played.
am oo better ainatenr teams
bland of the Imdraae rnmp b lo be
ceded to the United SUtee. UU rovara- te Ue Stole Uaa Ue Hastlem and
Colu, ae Ue ramee Ua* far thb
meat to nuke ite aeteeUoa later.
r Ue turrander of 8^y te all oar near-by
Mom Maw Talapheosa.
walem. Ue reply dlplomatleally aveide
Maaarar Barry of Ue Mlephoae exmakter nay pledrce w to what b te be Uaara b rushed wiU ordem for
Theordem ahead teclnde
done by Ub rwrrameat ae te Onba.
tastramenu for the editorial rooms of
The American mply dbtlacUy r>7M Tex Moxsiko Rbtoko, office of J. E.
warater teat the propoeittoa ae to the Olkeoa, eoatrsetor of Ue new conn
amrmnder of aU eovereiraty la Ue honae, aad Ua rmldenee* of Mayor W.
West Indiaa water* aad the saleetteo H. 8mlU. C A. Hamomsd. cashier of
Ua FImt Natioaal Back, aad Anraat
of aa btead te Ue Ladraaea b bayoad
aay dbeamlan whaWrar.
Hastings' Real Estate Agenep
r. O. Baddow of Ue Asylum Taam
Mad a Rarioas OoUblon aad Bb
X«war Umhs am Paralyaadr. O. Baddow, aa attendant at the
Aaylam aad catcher for the Asylum
blm ball team, wa* aerieuly tejarad
while playlnr ball yesterday. When
makter * bard ran after a foal fly
eolUded wlU one of the male paUeate.
who was alao after Ue hall aad eemtex
from Uc oppcaite direction. Mr. Haddow'e head etraek Ue patient te Ue
breast with rnai force aad boU fell te
Ue rroaad. AlUourh conaeiona 1
dow wae nnable to move and wm a
At airht o'eloek teat eveater ha i
rmtter sommhat, bat hb <
ae whea Ue aoddent
u o«. a.i H., ^ tt. dij W i
“‘w“P'""* ^
Jaat how eerioaa
^ -k—
-r^-. .^A
i>tele off Ue eonth coast of Porto Rteo ®«t
^ '.TT
onUeltU. 8be U sow at quamnUa* tejarie* are eaatot b*
Celoa, Ue mayor of Ue eity. awaited
bathb hadr b te a. bad
The yoanr "»*» baa many friend* aad
them. The bombero. or city Arc brirXT WXXX BB A VlOX HOTEL.
» ia Ue city who will b*
ado, wae dmwa np in La Liaca de Delsorry to team of hb n
qla, appeeite Case del Rey. aad ae Gaa- That to What» Pramtoed for W. L
Rrownb Mew BaUdter.
aml MUee and Oeaeral Wlboa left
W. L. Browo b airaarter hb aew
Ueir Chrtterte Ue Are brirade played
baildter oa Ue eomer of P*rk aad
s.™ .ureba. i
I. iTOt .1 j
Ti. State Of MlohicaaWm Read a Mai
bar te the Proat to 0am for
Ue baildter forced Ue way for the | (rrai b to be of very attractive dealrn
Amerieaa rn>«»l*Uroarb the aad arraxred wlU modem
lehaabsate a pmeohearter crowd tl^ walked into the teaeea. The baildiar will eommaad a
toe view ef Ue bay aad Ue mome lamatloo which b of special iatereet to
baildter. whem Uey wem prateated to
will be teffe and airy. Rater close *o membam of the medical tmteraily aad
CoBsol Tort) aad Mayor Coloa.
Ue O. R. A L depot aad near Ue baai- will open ap a nnmqor otpaeltloM
Coaneel Toroaald te Oeaaml MUee a«N caatr* the hotel wUl ba nua to be for those who dedm to eorve the coaathat Ua ^tbaaflof Peeea warn saxteos
try ae aarfoOM te the, mUitaty
ffhaet Mitxie at BaU Price, alee
everr piece of the latest popular muaie.
W.' W, Klo’*"^ *** ”
H. E. OIBBB. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Corre^ad with the Travene City Lmmber CompADj.
We haire for shle Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of all deecriptiona, iocloding Two EngiiMfli
Bet Worka, Oarriages and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaat
for sale.
ItiTcrse Cilj Scbool of losic! __™ir.tssr.s-“!.3r
' a»iaaraatwUa»aal.aUlaipmaad vUlbaaoUlaeMpI
ap. OtorrpUeaa teat aadaeiisMc or wore •».
od. waU «
m Aiw M. Crsvtoe. Nl» Alter T
Has Added
To hlB andertAking AAtAbllshment. Th« famltazw will oo>'
oapy the front of the building
the rwAX.
A starter
tee Wotee Wire ReilSprine
For $1.00.
884 UniQtt etro
We Must
Sell Large Quantities.
Large sales are our only salvation. We sell too
cheap to be contented with an ordinary trade. We
must turn our stock many times a year, otherwise
we are in the soup.
Supposing yon knew, positively knew, that we
close ont a good many of onr summer goods at cost,
throughout onr departments, would you not be in
quisitive to kvow what they were.
We are at your dispo^. See them—examine
them—perchance yon may buy them.
To be convinced will cost yon a walk only. We
__________ A .11 A.i_____
are ^d to wait on
yon at all tunes.
tour money savers,
The Boston Store.
Front Street
i'y;y?tT^sw^:.p»^yjyyy»/- • -y^^
in iC0B>I>O tMOOMD.V niMUT ffiofiium.
8ta«y' br
tAATBMX orrr. .^miobioaji
AM or
XllMtntiMU ot tho ft»M
The aabjeet
prinary georraphy
k T. BAni Ajn> J. W. HiMWPi. --a^ lha abU iaatmntloa af MUa
Wichtnaa at the aomal laaUtaU
the ^ week, baa baea of tba^teat
aailplBBaa Tn tboaa Uaabari whe heretetoe tow had prtnary elaaaaa to deal
with aad aothlag at haad bat hoarily
weeded vrtuafT rwvraphlae.
tba aab^at. • Priuary Matheda" b
bet ia reality it ia
Uaueettea fiwa the taaehar. utaldnew idaaa ia preaeatiag threadbemaabjeeta.
la prwoHbf ^
^ foacraphy
to the prlatary giadat, eunpaaad of I,
n. in aad IV. Uto Wlfbtsaaa adrocataa the aaaof piatarea, or better atUl.
Iho *or7 trotUytor nootm of Tbs
|IO«mo Baooao 4orln( the Iasi <o«r>
ttm Mtta hM iBduad tbo paUUbm
«• cBtni iu ftoM of MofBlBOM boTOBd
whBtHhM alroo47 MUblkkod.
AkmiT «ht B»9du bu a widar nd
lan oxUBalf* alroaUtira ««m> «aj
•kKQMilj raBoUac tbt Ormad TraT0m rafioB. Bat ia order M attU far(bar OBtead iu iaU tba paWltban
Ban daeldad t« radaoa Ua arlea to U
nr Boath for tba nail odittoo.
To Uoac aabaeribora of Ua s»fr
arba bare already «aid la ad*uea
am af aabaeriBtios wUl be axao aa te make Ibc trim U oaaU
pm Math fran Aafaat lak
la Mklat thU redaeUoa tba pa^
l^an daaira W Inpren ayoB the read«n of the papor the fact that aa ether
tertac thla rofioB oaa aapply
la the atady of nape, the ehUd thonl
be rivaa tba Idea that it to a aym
aad a dty daeoribed and ahowa in plcrtarae. ahoaid be ao tnpreeaed apea the
ehlld’a nlad. that when the atar represeating the eity to aeaa the ptotara of
the el^ haeU iaetead of the atar ia at
oaoa breaght to aalad.
In atadylar ^^eal foocraphy. th«
Baad-tabla need aaeapplanaatary wwk
to iBTalaabU ia the baada of aa InfeBion teacher. t%olaaaoaauy drat be
aatara. Uea tren pleV
aad lastly from tha aaad-uhla
where the child auy reprodeoa it hluaall.
lathe adraeead work ia phyaioal
geography, the work has beea preeeated la three loplee. lateraal straetare.
a«aU of ekaage aad aartaoe atraetare.
ThM sal^aeu hare ben aab-dlrlded
aad talks oe relief foraa. toUada. seatlaaaU aader
eprlaga. labee aad neas aader the sabU^iaotsarfaoesratcr.aad the wares.
Udae aad earreau aader the topic
••‘toe Ooeaa.”
Ooc half of tha Bonoal ooaraa eloaca
with thto waok. Darlag this Uma
taachara aad acholara hare Ubored
early aad laUtdaaaea begiaalag at R a.
a. aad raaalag till 6 p- u. Tha work
anal of lastreetlaa to all
aad tka aext tw# weeks
dto aarraat oreaU aad
wiUbederoUdto-'Tba Comnlttce of
Mi|y« withia fren aU to alfhteea
^pne, aa the Xwxno. which reoairaa
MllgTiphlc diapa'chea ap to two
,g>aleak erery Boralag, eeadlag the
Oae Mlar BaU oa the 0. tt ▼. ■
eatthreagkUeoaaaUyoa the
aad a BaU dame Wedaaaday4iat Ualaa. beau aad atagea, raaoUag
Maaager Kehee haa anaaged for tn
Itoa Mat lasoU potato la thraa ooaa- fwaoaof ball balweoa tha KDaUara
aad Bay View lean at the latter plaoa
fin before aeofi aad ia naay
far aext Wedaaeday aad Thareday.
oae to three hoare before that
Ha haa atoo arraaged for a popolar exFbr perfect tadUtice, for rapid
•aiea oa tka C A W. M. to Bay View
^ritolac aad aaeqaaled telegraphic
Wedanday.-tba raU for tha roaad
pwrine direct from the great netrepol- trip to ba butr- The trala will laara
iMt oeatrea, the Bxoon to aaaarpaaeed karaat«:IOa. u. arririag at tha aaibly groaeda in good aeaaoa for a
to avthera HleUgaa. aad thto Paper
long cuy aad eSordlog aa opportaaity
fiaalau aad plaeee oa the etreet to witacaa the haU gana This to the
only week-day exntraloa ran to Bay
miag ^t to receired by the great View this aaeaen and msay will take
toatoopoUlaa dalUeeatthe same boar adraatage of it The Bay View baae
ball teas to oonpoaed of fast pUyara
to tto large dtlee.
aad boU gaace hre sore to be exciting.
Tto caly laoommadatloa ae
Tbe ball game, the price aad the atItor tbe Bxooxd to the eerriee it hae traetioBS of tha resort ahonld iadaoa a
pMdared the pablie eleoe
beglaa- Urga crowd to go troca here.
I aabi
Tbe Soetk i
will UM with Mra. f. W. TraHa, tout!
Kiatk atreet, at f;K) ^ u. Hoaday. Ail'
««ban are aigad to ha p
Trareraa aty Lodge. Na m. F. A A.;
M.. wUl bold a regalv eouealcatiaa
M Hoaday amiac at ttW.
Ma>or Uadaiy will ba here with tha
Voleataam aa ICoadey aad Taaaday
aad wiU apeak both ereaiage at 7:M
o’oloek at tbe Braagelleal ehatto. '
Treurday aftaraooo Mre 3. «. Marttai aatertalaad aaonpaay of Meads
ia boaor of bar gaaat. lira. Fallows of
Uoldwaur. '
Charlaa Laaaaater, who bat worked
at Ue eaabtor*t dtdc la tba Rroaary depanmaat of tba MareaatUe Oo>A atore.
haa reetgaad to aooept a poaltira aa
clerk ie the poet oftoe. BawUl Uka
the place of Oaaar Frledrloh. who haa
bald the posltloB two yaaie, bat who
has reelgaad to take a poaltlop oa the
Tha feaaral of tha iafaat daaghter
of Mr. aad Mra. Fred Behroadar, who
died aaddaaly Friday, wUl taka plaoe
today from tha Latham ehareh.
ThePoraat Workara’ nlaaloa bead
wUl bold a maatlag at tha cottage of
Mrv 8. M. Jcwltt at Foraat Ladga
today at t o'clock p
A BOW baUdlag to being ballt at tha
oeraar of Boas aad Waahiagtoa streata
It will ba ooaplad by a new grooery
and will be a great aeoounodaUoa to
Oak Park reeideau.
Ar^nr Daaalng eatortaiaad a few
of hla friceda Friday arealag with a
plsaaaat party girea at his home in
OakPark. AfUr t ha gasaa toa crean
aad cake were aarred.
The euamar Cemnlaga will gira ker
regolar Bcaday exeareloa to Ke-ah-Uwaxta tkta noraiag at 10 a a. retaralag at 4 o'clock.
Tea faarral of the iaU M L. Moarec
will Uka plaoa ikla afteraooa from tba
faailly raaldaaoa at Moaroa Oaatsr. at
t o'clock. A large anaber of friaadt
of the dacaesed will ba preaaat Iron
Ue eity.
Tha O. E. A A 1. railway to arraagleg to belld a camatodioea new eatiag
honaa at Walton.
J. O. Jeaaon left for Chtoogo yaaterday after a aaaber of boreaa for hla
aaeiioa aala aaxt Saterday.
to Ue call of Omraor
Piagree. Dr. W. B. Moca ef Uto city
baa uadered fato aerrieei to Ua auu
for aciira dety oa Ua auif oraargaoas
u be aaat to Caha to care for Mlchigaa
Taa suaaer Peloakry will bring
froa Chicago today tUrUea Aae hence
for Tom Bhaac.
Mra. Fmk Tcnden to rary alck.
ArUar Olbbard to ridiag a aew
Colambia raecr.
Howard Walker boogbt a aew Clerelaad reoer yesterday.
The BUrer family gees a daac
Btlaaberf'a baU last eight, which
attended by a large crowd.
tolas Ella Steiabarg will go to Petoekey today to rialt lor a while aad te
spead aereral weeks at Bay View la
Ue Btody of eloentioa.
Ale region^_________________
; It oaBBOt be qoestloeed that tha far. mrs of Us United Butee reoclred for
their cereal crop ef 18»7 eomeUiag like
•ISO.bOO.OOO more Uae for tboae
IM. and gHO.000,000 iBore than
thee# of any pr^oeedlog year since
Ifpt. The bay crop. BolwithsUedlBg
Uht It was Us largest, with om
capUoo. ever ratoto. eemaaads
laisreaiiil pnea per ton; wool to btgber.
Mdooosidsrably higher tbaa at any
torn siaoe IMI. aad cotton to Ue only
isportant prodnot wiU regard
wUehUerett not a satasUntial
IHT a year ago.—Beport of dei
gf Agrtealtere March a. IS9R.
Tn Amencaa farmer to too bnty
larmsting hto heavy crops aed getting
Uem late a good market to pay any
Mtoatiott to the geaUemea who nahe
m specialty oi calamity.
Cheapent and mod raluble place to get yoor bicycle repaired aad
^ pat in go^ numing prder. Hare bad aeretal yeara experience and
know bow it aboold be done. Satiafaction gttaraLteed- I am selling
bteyde aondriee at about coat. New and aecond hand wbeek for saleI and to rent. Pleaae give sa a trial.
Braxing a apecialty.
SIXIB, 811 Front 8t,SnA
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Ask TJb For Prices,
aboaa repaired.
prices WlU bo rtghu A. 8. FRVMAM. 8B0B8. lU FKMtatreat.
Dt Yott Want a Bent?
to eaterUlBlBg B ton Bam Bnrdge and
Mra Dr. J. V. flpraoer of Battle Cbeek. FETTE<. Cl* Moeroe etreet. Wed Stda
Mr. aad ton. MaBridc hare arrired
from Dorand, Mieh.. for a ririt wii'i
Mrs. MeBrida’a eaat. Mn. B. Bristol of
East NieU etrrrt.
Barton CWrie weat to Petoakey yaatorday on baataasa.
Beet Five Cent Ogar Made. THBOILBERTCIOABOO.
WUIIaa Hitebooek. ef the oA«
Aaditor Ueaaral at Laasiag to ia Ue
city rlsltlag friaada aad oa arirato
Spectacles, 26c tc $6.00.
5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Sigirs-6 cente
Guard Chains
. A. B. Holliday waa called to
MorUport yesterday oa profaasloaal
Fine Piano for $140.
Dr. Baydar aad taaily are aatertaia- •m. wUI sell to get room, at lua W. W. KIMBALL 00. N. X 8TBOHO,
lag Mra. John OrottorofKiegslay aad Maaager, tS5 Front etraeL
Mra. Isaac Beyder aad aca Paal of
Baklag Powder Sc. Ooffee 10, it. It.
U, M aad tto. Pell Una C
Mbs Myrtls Day kaa retnraed to her BIBAM
M OOOX Btar Oroenry,
Onwery. t4t
*45 Front BtrMt.
boma at Bay City, after a Urea weeks'
rtolt wlU W. B. Fleichar aad tauily of
Bute street.
aad Park atreeta
Mra M. B. Bfaeridaa ef|Qlea irbor.
wbo baa beea rUttag her daegkUrc,
ooner Btato aad Union ate.
Mr*. Darid Warata- aad Mra. McMiebrl
for toa daya rataraad ham yeatorday.
laeaad afur Aagaat 1, bnt n
rat we are beedqaartcn far black
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Bon Boas, Cliolce Confectlon8.'g»ja“s
Furniture Bargains
I No More Atlas Coupons airl:
Aive." For aala by B.
Columbian Restaurant
B. Wait. LnacbM la Ue world for Ito.
Zasa, the Clairvoyant.
Open all night.
Xedaead Xatoa oa O. X tt I
Ciaclanatt. oaeoent per mUa. Bell
Bloe Xeya Throw l>ewa Tba OaaaUat Bjj^ber M, good to retara October
for a Ball Gama.
Wr, the Bins Boys de hereby ehallaagc Ue honorable body of eonaeULadlagtoe. one fare for round trip,
to Aagaat SU. retara
for a game of beae ball at aay fell
I oOBvealeat for them.
Beratoga, oae fare for roaad trip.
isigaed) The Bine Boya.
Bell Aigast let, good to retara Aagaat
Temto, Oeurlo. oae fare tor roaad
Ve-qae-toeg AanaaL
trip. A*ll Aagnet I4U. IMh, and g7U.
Tba aaasal election of offieen of Ue gOM -o rrtara Sept. IU.
We-qae-toag clnb wUI take place Mon
Vertmaion. O.. one fare for roaad
day morolag la Ueeffiee of O. P. Chr- trip. Bell Aagnet Ut, good to retara
Aagnet lUt.
It ia dcMrad that all Uemrmbera
Eednoed ratoe to oUer potota. Phoa*
C. X Msrray. Agent.
C. I. Lockwood. O.P. A..'
Peiaioa By paper reedy cnL It kills
'Areed Bapida.
the fllae. S eeoU a oaekage at Waith
Drag Btora.
Zara, the world's greatest elairvoyant aad medlom to here. She telle
yonr fall aame, telle aamea of friaada,
telle whet yen called for. reads yoer
eaUrallfe IneteaUy andcorTocUy wlUont asking a qneetkm. The peat vlridly Tooalled. Ue praaent nnmiatakab'y given, the fntnre elaerly foretold.
Do not mlae UU great opportnnlty to
‘■The ftmggiyt'' S eeat cigar, flaeat
oooenTt Zara, aa aha renratna in Trav. Blekle smoke U town & X Watt'a
eras City Ule woek only. Zasahesde. Drag Store.
reloped UU wonderfnl power In Beat
India. She haa been tongbi by Ue
great adepU Ue devel'opmeel of Uc
more anbtie foroee of Ue hbmaa
ganiaat or what easy be termed the
edeaer of Ua eonl. Tkia eledy laedt
toUeeeqnUitionof powers which ap
pear myewrtoae to Ue ordinary eeaaee.
bet which are only Ue rrantt of know,
ledge of natural lavra of a more delicate
kind than Uoac which are raoregener.
ally nndentood. Here one week only.
Bhop Opposite Ba^le OAoe.
Oalliss SlateeiTMt. oornor ot Ca^
Mtos EmUc Conwall went to CharlevoU yeatorday to visit wlU Ue fernspiain Holme.
Richmond of Bdgewoed took
dlnaer at Traveree Bench yealerdy.
Prof John Lnataar. who to ana of
inetraetore at Ue Ualvenity of Michignn.le home tor a vtoiu
Profctoor Gurney of Ua
InstiMW. went to Bey View ycatoiOay
to etay over Sunday.
Mra. Rettt Parmelee and eon Carl
went to Mayfield yceterdey it a abort
rtolt WiU Mre. OUlclte.
Matt Morrll ef Callforala to apaadlag
a few days here wlU M. X BaekaU.
John Oretlek aad oUcr friaada wham
he hae met la California
Mra. J. B. MaHin wUl go to Bay
View tomorrow to stay a ooople of
weelce and wit! be accompanied by bar
gneev Mra. FeAlowe of Ooidwatar.
MI'S Alice Walt of Boardaran Avenne
toanUrtalBing her eoeala. Miea Bertha
Goodwin of Jackson, who trill speed
Ue enmmer here.
^ Mrs. Jamee Barden of Waehlagton
street, to eaterulalag her biroUer aad
Meter from Kentneky.
BpworU LaagneXxcaralea.
Mra. B Colrla and dUIdrea will
Monday erealng, Ue
BpworU vlett a BBonU at Ueir old home at Wex-'
Lce^ne of the Pint M. X church. wOl ford.
give a moonlight exenrdoa on Ue bey.
Mias Marion Pratt went to Byroo;
The boat will leave the dock at 7:S0. torday for a vtolt wlU bar parenta.
All Bsembera of the dBereat eharehae
Mra. G. Mlaore of EigbU etroet, to
aad yoaag peoplea' aocicUee are lavit- eatcruUlng Mr. aad Mrs. Edward
edto go.
Jedd of Oorai
MUs Kettie Bteffeoa of Lelaad eras
in tbe eity yeatorday TUiting friends.
Inee hit b'
Obertla of BUgham U la
_______» to give more Ue eity vUltiag trieada.
lo for blm did not
reltef. enUl we tried
J. Bntlar of Elk Bapids traaaactod
CbamberUia'a Oolic. (Aelera and Diar■boea Remedy. Blaee girlng Uai rw- bnalaeae ia Ue ciQ
sdy he has not beea tronbled.
Mn. Frank Borinabl has arrived from
want to give yoa UU Uetimoalal ae aa Oraad Baplde for a visit wlU her
evidence of oer gratitade. not Uat you
rhter, Mra. Fred Finch.
need It to advertise your merltoriona
Mrs. Alto Danaia. wbo hae been
O. M Law. Keokuk. Iowa.
WalL DrtggUt.
For sale brB
ttiag her pareata. Mr. aad Mra N.
FUeh baa returned to Chicago aoeona"Onbaa Xoere." •^rlma* aad all paaied by her oaaghur. MUa Oeaethe latoBt perfemee at Waife Drag vleva
_________ _
Harry Glbba oama np from Mayfield
last eveatag to apaad Bejtoay wlU hia
XTeryoae baa beard of IiP»aey*a pareata, Mr. aad Mra L. X Oibbe of
West BighU street.
Mn. C. X fiUlea of EUawood av.
iMOdthewar. dllthe great aad inporGood Teaplara XleoUoa.
dato emu which have eleetrlied tbe
At a regnlar meeting ef Ue Good
Mrtd bare beea girca withia a rery Templara lodge last emlag Ue decabort time after their eocorrecoe, aad tton of affioen took place. Tbe new
gtoalUaeeaely with the papere of the offieen are as follows;
1^ D.-J. D. Bobba
ta«a dtiaa. Bceldoa the aaexo
C. T.-W. W. Oobla
detagiaphie aewa, the Bacoas ai
V. T-—WartM Moore.
Mb teadera on Budaya with apedal
P. C T.-J. D. Hobhe.
fDMrated featarea aad artidca by tha
Cbaplaia—May Gheaa.
BecreUry—Floy Theobald.
-graataat writereia tha ooeatry, apoa
AratoUnt Seeretaig—Mamye Oriatt.
lha Mat iatereaUag aad Unely to^ea.
Fianaclal Store^—Edwin Thiea.
jU aa tllaatratioa of thto aaaertloa,
Traaaarw-Orton telth.
tod praant odtUon to oflered. Priaoa
Marahal-Chaa M. Laneaetor.
Depnty Manhal—Loais TheohalA
4led at elerea o'clock last night. Thto
Onaid—Otto Fartaoh.
Saatiael—Charias Parker.
•enlag at braakfaat we prescat
The delegatee elected to the Omd
•capbic sketch of hie Ufe WiU UlestraLodge were. Jennie Onrtto aad W. W.
Han apprap^te and tlataly.
1$ to to W aadentood that Ua new
The iastallatton of offiaan will oecar
aAaeriptiOB pric^ of Ue Kscoaa ap- at Ue fcrxl regnlar meeting, after
gitn oaly to* Uoac
aabaoriMng 'hieh retreehmeau wlU he aerred
dar at leJ( Urea months
ia ae mmben are regneeted to be praeeat at Uto meetlag.
adraacs. Babseripiiens oaa be eeat
hjr Mil to the office in Trareiee
n banded to Ue neaeioos egeaU of
^ paper UaUUe principal tosras ia
taeM. scaatotwuabaohassaaaaMar awe ear attar t^ .
' "
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up.to-ilate Painter '
and Paper Nagpr.
WMcljever you may wlsli when suiting yourself with a pair ;
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to.date stock
of Hen’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th's season of the year, and we have them in all ehades for Walking, Bicy- ~
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
TkulUlaff Exp«rifiiio« On « Glacier
<Sias. O. Oerter of TMTerse City.
That la Whara tha Oiffietifta Adpaara in tha Paaoa
banCr to tha m---.
reatoraUoo of peace, aad while there If
no aathority for eaplag Spain woald ac
cept these terms aad rcUrc from Cat
there to everr Indication that she voU.
yield eathm than ooaUBue a dtoaativi.
■taroiiT nr ram rmxam owm
eABP TAjmui a
a ASfiBApn.
AbenA aecond lieutenant of oompany
D. Fourth n Ino'a to be mat Heat narC
and fleigeant MuioaJi B. Hl-cud aacond Ucutanaet.
Ootonel CampbeU. omnmaadl^ the
KInth regiment, yesterday racMved a
tstegram hum Adjutant Oeaaral Carbin, aiaUng that tbe IDataa ealsUtw at
JauksoovUla. Pto.. was tbe raasua for
the deAy la smdina the regtmeni or•era to laova and that as soon as the
phyelcUas report that all danger of the
wreuding of the fever aad other dia.
eaaes among the troops eacaaped there
had al«ted they would bt scat there at
once- This caLsed great joy among ofll/
cera and men. tor It Is bow known that
tbe regiment will be aoeigned to serve
under General Lee. Governor Tanner
yeeierday t^egrapbed General Lee as
lo the health of the troops af Jockeonrille. '
The Kinih regiment Is sUD wltbont
band Inatramepu. baveisjcka and
eanteena (jonrtermaster Jodm sends
Saadar aebori aad Bible riaaa a« It.
qaaners It to auted that the peac
ToapM atevtoa a« fcU a. m.
ErivoMitOBs took form la Madrid «
AUaraeorfilnUplDritedWtlHaaa^ ^
Alse Arsed That the Oaitad States rriday, Paly S3, and that aot until the:i
had the fipinlsh cabinet Iterif deter
PoceaH Want Theaa
riBST watBtfwai.
■ -s
mined ta risk a direct
IaOa<itmp knr V^Um. J#ly 6. l»*. , ^ bsm- qm tide. Md tka •now, »l■ev.J.A.Breody. Maser.
peace, oa that day Duke Almadovjr
ULT Vecno:—At jM know. 1 tboo^ thicker where I ley, wm not
de Rto, Spaalab mlnlsttr of foralL fiaadaj-BapUaBal and raesptteB
talra. drafted the BpaaJah pr>.?wal to
aappoae. that Fred Cartia aad apeeU ante cnaark to aait mt, and the lifbtMrrica la tke Borafaf aad te tha •fgaTerialtea af Optatao Oiwi Is Whoa It to this government aad it was formall)
■ Mr. Laor*t»^7> Bcaa aad a»a»d with which I crept
teff sea wOl eoaaidar. •The Ohttotlaa^
hahMl WhM W* SMI Da with Thaw— agreed that It shTald be prasented di
lor aandiy naaoaa that wa Uoerht off that apot la Barraloaa. and drar
rraposal la Laava Ttwm ta tb> Beam mt rect to President H'K atey, ibe Prene .
Id. made ^ o«r mioda net to take rise B>p alad back I ant dowa aad
CUaa BueUar kt fidO avciT SaMMfe^
Spate aad Mapai vlw Bar BaaacaaMBl■ ooidt aeraaa the Valdaa Glacier, looked at Ua place a&d the loarar 1
medium of eommualoaUvn. The pro
posal was cabled to Ambassador Camaad we aew are camped at the loot looked the woraa I waa Mffhteoed.
Haaday aebooi at rieae af tha jaav»
aboBt fire milea from Valdea Landing. Ton map be anre. 1 Made «aa of mj
vised witb his goveratnim i
Bnrtnr u<mc carioaitp aa to the
Washtnctr<n. Juir
Jnaior Leoffac at 1:30 p. a. aad
that; trea there
wishes. In ihc mc^atlme. the
of thlnra«a
other aMka of the «la- tetha bare lee the enow wei poked
partment racvlved ao intimaUan from
der and wiahlo'r to ace for mpaelf fsU of holea, aad I fonnd sarmal mate dent and tals constitutional advlscia. ot the amliaasK<{or that Spain was about
Tbaraday-Prayer aiortteff at. JAfi
to preaent this peace proposlUoa
whether raid aad fCBe were ee pleatl- ereraaaaa. but eaallp avoided them, as the nature of the reepoase lo bo mad
Ibe toatructi.>Bs from Paris came Ust has asked thai they be hurried If posslby the government t« the Span cb ever«ul ea wa were led to belieee. 1 eude I waa now on mp roard.
All are aordteny terited.
tore for peace, brooght no conclualon Monday night loo UteJor the prV'cnUnp mp mind to etoea the iHeeier and
I reached the foot of theeemmitat at the caUnci meeilog yeatcrda>-, an-1 tlon of Spain's pri^noal ^at day. < n
Captain Wright ffbe regimental adwill write poo a draerlp'tieo of the trip about t p. m.. and taldnr a laneh Up
Tuesday the state depsrtm'-Bt eras
the BUbject nereMart.jr «-aa p-piponed asked to arrange for a call by the am Jntant). Oapuin Back. Acting Sergvant ■T.a:astokiiy.PMtee.
aad the rhoeral aapeet of thlare oa the down on mp sled aed rmted aad elept. for further amelderaUota al -another
Walter 'WlUlams. and C. M. Barae*. tbe
Cfaatahoaths soraer «f Btetk ttd
bassador on the president, and this
ether aide.
atnrtinr ost afaia at 0 p. m. It took mee.UBg of the cahinet to be held at being set for 3 o'rtxk the prop<iaal for orderly ef Colonel Cnmpb--ll. all of the
1 ctarted at lilt a. m. on the dUt dap kM Ilf honre to r»t te the tammll. 14:30 thin morning Such was ibe formal peace for the Oral Uoiewas madeknovn KInth. were grossly Insulted by the ne.
finaday serricM ns faUowa:
gro Mnllnel* Thuradsy night. They had
«f Jane with mp pack.aad i^flaa. The anmmlt to 4400 feet lenr and tka sutement of the s toa;lon msde at the to the I'nlted 8iatre^ Until then there mnraed from the city, and though as
Pranekteg nt lOOO a. m.
conclusion of Uw day's aurii by escb was not even an Int.ptatlon to this gov■ weirklar is all aboatearentp poanda. averare rtoe to, I ehonlAJadra. 40
they bad a right tn pass they
Snaday aekwl nt 11:30 a m.
emraent that the prcpjtliion was to bikcB tn the guard house, where
and workinr mp wap aloaraakeatl darreea.
After tearlar the foarth member of the csblnei who was que*. made, ao that all cogalaance of BpalB'a
T. P. A. at «Go p. m.
eoold amoer Ue ereraacea and orer the benek I had ne terthar troaWe. al- Uoaed upon the subje«L a final con purpose to soc for peace dates from 3 tbey were rrieased by (he nffirer of the
Pranebteg at 7:30 p. m.
guard. Captain Buck. .
resrh lea 1 reached Uia top of the tboorh It waa rsttisr bad at the fifth elusion, huveier. Is much aesrer than o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. It may with the oegro aentrite. waa atn>& on I
Ibis statement would seem to Indicate: be Bald also that at no previous time
Midweek ptnjarmMtteg U VM gk
third bench, which la aboet two miles bench, which to half wap helweeo the
and. indeed, there U little reason
from osr camp, at 11-SO a m . whme 1 fenrtfa and the amamlt bat to not mnd doubt that an agreement has been bad the Prench ambassador or any r pAll an wrieema
rcMiitaUve ' of the French embaas}
atoppedforarmtasd loarli. Attarro- of a bench. After learior the aammli ranched upon all the su:«tacUal polai
spoken on the subject of peace to an«
lew at Cl
tmue. and that what ramalns to 1. oA^ of this gavemmenb i
' Ssf aboet two mllee fertber I came te
wnaoBlpeee bedptaoe tooom.
See. O. Osablla. saswr.
fint-^rae rma lUtesu.
ne today Is rather to amuotta away
theeolld tee aad had Ue r>od leek to and that to aaap as eompared with
Sev. A. A. Wall will pronek M OMs
smattga Park. Oa.. Jnly 34.-Tht
lacqaalltlea i.ad adjoat sjmsvery minor qu^uvn, HU- auiieiuriu atiriuuieo lO
find there a r«od alcd, left hp eome what I had pme oear. t reached the points of difference before making the PiTmier Sagasta that “are (Spain) ra- regtiaenis at (Amp Thomas are sax. morning arrrlee. 10;M p. m.
.. home-coer, and Uahlnf mp pack oa. aa fool at one o’clodi a. tn. oa the tiri. answer.
solved on ptace many days aso and louaty awaiting to know vrhlch of them
fiondny Bebool nt 11:45 n. B.
ruilsplm* <M Bast at Ibe Talk.
made knoun our reaolutloas te the nra next to be favored srlih orders to
the sarfM of the lee la trerp raari> sad I aad after tnkinr a n t went OB down
Yonhg paople-i aoelatr of CkrtotteB
The point under diecursion doriaa the
proceed to the front. There to still hope
a la wfa^eb 1 the river aearlp to the lake, bat reealv
greater |«rt of the n.iw.log was what Red with great rosltivehcaa In those that tbe First corps will go out tn lu Bndmvor nt a:is p. m.
mlrht lone It. I hanled H atear ind ed ao eaemuarisr veporta. aad after dlspoaltl. a aboifld be msdeof the PhJUp- diplomatic quarters having the most
Evening aerrioa nt 7d0 p. m. Ill
F iar it mneh endw.
I had not ros* hanttnrand ]
plnea. Oa the other Ueuca UBMilmlty inulllgral knowiedae of^e latuatioa. . enUniy. but thto Is mixed with me . charge of Bev. A. A. WnlL
doubts In tbe minds of the volunteA
Bseh farther when t aaw a emalt nnl1 started back oa the Wth dap of developed. There was to be Indepen PXACI OVTLOOX ESZM TRAfiS who soon to think that peace will came
>• ' malaathe ieenenr thaoeateref the
o be to tbetr liking. Hiere to
was to be ced.-d to the Tolted 8t:tles:
imai>d here that la aot
1 . .^aeternsd oreepinrnp Ishotlt.
It; panp and had a
coaling atatl.-ea were to be acquired a’
llasIWM Btetarwa
loos to nee actual service, snd only one
waa a whtoUlar marmot aad retainbled ‘ aa it commenced
ed to laia abortlp after Guam. Id the Ladrone toUnds. and on,
Kew Tork. July 34.—Hradstrvet*aaari: who has visited the tvglmeeti dally can
ta the Caroline islands. These pr.poaiAt abaat 8 e’deok p.! we elartad. Wbea wa reaehed
tloBB w-etv d.spo»ed of qulekly.bat whan While as yet showing Hide actual effeci fully appreciate ihe dlsappolMmeat that
' m. 1 at^ped for the elrht. camplnr on
Dr. WDUam Pepper, of PhltodHphln,
mttened. ahont ala mUm It came to the Pni:ippl. es some d vrrsi.
1 dIatilboUwe trade there Is cri- would prevail sboold hoetlllties cease
having the soldiers here ic be senihomc died Bvddenly of heart troabla at Saa
» Tidfs of froaad-ap slate cr aballp from the farther dde of the flacler. ty of opinion was revealed. As neat
baviog gone to meet the en .
that hp aeam aipateriaas process has I started to lead the wpp
as can be gathered this did not relate
c wider markets for without
Yesterday the men of the Fifth IIIIArthur Boren, n young man 34 yenra
sinly to the mention of the IKuds.
- heea depoalted an the lee of the rlacter aeon aotieed that Ue clevaa other
Bols. who were so badly demoralised by oM. was run over by si freight train aafi
i that proposition a «na>omy
ma>omy of the
•ear a mUe from the ncareat moeoUla fellows had passed a llae alenr aad cabinet
speedily recorded in the particularly at the east. As for some th«Xorder returning them to Csmp fcUled at Lincoln. lUa '
•Sd haa BOW. loat its coveriar of aaow. wareallholdiaff Itfermfetp. As thep
Angelos Xalvatoev. an lialUa. wns 1»>
But accepting Uie broad time past, h' w-ever. reports of so3d bus- Thnmss after tbey had made a start for
After rettlar tap sapper of coCae aad did not offer ate a place. 1 qaietip proposition that gpnm was to he al Incm returns eome mainly from ihr tbe front, were ta a better fraave of ttantly killed by a csve-ln ot ore la the
mini and those who sbeentrd tl
Chapin mine at Iron Mountain. HUte
' - ‘
' r a aaall fire holU of blu dropped back in tke rea^. and thep lowed to keep these possessions other
estera part of the country, and In Ibe
Jons of importsnra develops, and (narkels of that section are reported wlvee from roll call begem returning. R
Levi CatllB. of Rockford. Hto.. wna
of weed pldced np oa the wap. I rolled i had qotte a time r««tinr____
a fell t..st these must be aaswered signs of the groardswell of fall demand. Is believed that every raae will tw le his fcltlrd at Clay Center. Kan., by a Vnlen
place today.
V to «7 blanket, laid down oa mp sled ; lend the wep. boi fiaaUp one of
deflnltely before ibe subject could be
Paclflc pansenger train. CdtUn wns
B of cumulatK-e Improvement come
Colonel Smith, commanding tbe One rated aa worth ru.SCid.
•ad want to sleep
At two e'doi.k U, Mid that he woald leed If we weald disposed of.
from the Ir .n snd steel Industry. Tlx- Hundred and Plfty-elchth Indiana, has
Pe«vlsalsgOntet»ow.Tast Arms.
^ eneralaff I ewoke ektUed aad shah-‘tte the line araaad bto
Mra. Maggie Bond, of Madison. Wla,
picted svtlvliy In rhtp building Is re
pad .
There was no question as to the flected In the demand for iftoics si east Just formed a company of scouts li
1s anxlsaidy trying te le.ira the wberaff with the cold, and fatUar a small woald oome aezL Before we reaehed
propriety of demandlqg the ooa tag a-.s- ern potnta A rather better tone to rcglmeat. Tbe organlsaUon nan
•bonts ef her little girl 3H yenra oU,
fire atarted with ths remnaats of mp the sammlt la
Blnety-alx men. eight from each c
this order the rain bad tlon In the Phlli|.plnes, and while there found tn the anihracli* colt trade.
by her husband.
Including one noB-commicsIoiied
weod.madeaeap ofooffeeaad eaUnr^ehaafftd to snow and it was biewiar reasonably might be a difference of
The Count of Tnrln. nephew of King .
The altuailon tn eenals Is hardly as offler end seven privates. The oompany
• hardtack started forward aad about
ui oar fsem. We ooald hardly opinion of the location and .extent of satlsfartory as could be wished, cash
Humbert. Is said lo have fallen tn love
charge of Sergeant Bt. CJalra.
this BUtlon little dlffh-u'ly was ex prices betim lower for the week in fac«
five o’cleek a. a. reached ths foot ef aee ths
with a young woman at Newport, whoto
veteran ot the civil war. and who wi
length of ear has. Tbs trail pected lo be -Dcourtered a suivlng that
probably nrord-breskfrg small for twenty-two moeths one of General young aod besuilful. but poor.
the foarth bench, which to twelve good was drifted fall, aod the leader tell problem, because the ntitur <ould be
Christine Schaack. wi3ow of Mkhae)
loag milee from the foot of the glacier back, declariag that, be ooald foUaw referred to the naval board. TTie per- world's svppllra on Aug. I and good ex Crook's seouls. He has been training
ports from this country, while fnturva the boya. They are Aral learning
J. Sekaark. the Ute Cblcago psUce toplexlrg problem was what form of gov are
•a tke Valdes side ^ the wap of the the trail no longer aad aaklag for
less depressed, bnl exhibit the pro- crawl along tbe ground lying flat
spector, has been awarded a t
Old wall, bat maeh farther bp the one to take hto place who coald. Aa emment sbould be Instituted In the sure of (Xpected lllierBl supplies stbomF their alomaeha.
ll.ia n year by the police
Pbiuntlnes. and what should be thboard.
roato 1 had to travel. And right here tbeie was no reepoase from hit party. nature of the guarantie required of and hecvler creps abroad. Tbe textUe
• He* h to Bsv* a Telraew^k.
Gsverncr Tanner pardoned Matthew
' I erisk to sap that while np to the first I took
__ the lead and eocoeeded (a fol- Spain that Ine new Kovrmtser.t sbooM manufacturing rliuatlon to aa yrt a
Wssliington. July 10.—General Gree
be Itler.l ant a-:tonom. us In charact.-r. rather' clouded one. Woolen goods are ley ha* recHved Informalicn from Col- C. Bchoslkoph out of the Cori county
•rJaaa the gladarwas covered with | icwlag'ihe rrell over t’o7 sammlt:
<CUr«go) hr.dewe'1. u whlih he was
These two questtems binged on the still slow of rale.
dTM ^ to
of solid aoow ^
^^e, all declared primary d<'C's!nn to Interfere at all In
Business failures tn the United fitato
iteT.red for a term of one rear ter
-main nt a normal low point, aggregat
mad Uere wm hardly any ioa vtolble.
^ prescribing m rh^nxe la the conditions
petty Ur-eny.
ing for tbe week 143. against 144 last telegraph office al Ponce. Porto Rico.
in the Phll'pplnew
Captain Fcoit. who resigned* the In
new it to sntirelp differeot. as since'
1 the aommlt the i
was closed Monday by the Spar
week, and compared with Jfit tn this
that ttesc It has haea thawing eentlon gradoallp changed lo rain again aad XO tXTBBrCK»ClC PXQM OVTSDll week a year ago, 3M In 1334. 331 In M3t. lards, and It li expened that by Pal dian agency at AshltnA Wis.. to go to
thq rrc.Bt. has tie^n appointed to hsvn '
•oalp, and now ap to near the fourth on reaching the foot of the rtoe waa a
urday night General Miles wilt be In charge of !he llgfalvrs for the Porto
That Psdat Qwtekly Wettted-Alsa the War and 330 in
direct telegraphic eon
beneb. er Twelve HUe camp, aa it
RIro cxped<“on.
driving Bteet. aod you can imagfaa
Will Gs Bight Along.
the war departmenL
anllad. tbs glacier to aearlp all bare.
Peter Kca s -.ca* overcome by foil air
A point which was qaickly earabllahed
la. wet to the
Battel Sts.
In a well on Hennin Obrk's faim. Svt
, Bos«b ice. covered la Bsanp places with skin, covered with aaow aad thejep was that there sbould be an refemtee Vivo Death* Be Par I ■porasg Dos to
New York, July 50—Tbe funeral ser jrllesnoriborLAialle, l:te. E bek w.nt
ss SMS; bioksB slate or ahallp. and la maap wind Uowlng a gale in oar faoea. after of any phase of the qaeeUon of the dis
Dee MolBes. la.. Jnly SO.—A severe vices over tbe body of the tote Ser- lo the rescue and be. too. was tTvereoma •
\ >lacm where the old tr^ raa. ovei having walked over tkirtaca milea. all position of the Islands to any concert or
electrical and wind stonn pemed over geaot HamUton Fish. Jr., of the Rongb Both were teken out dAd.
whi^manptMsofanpplteaerarebaBl up grade, aad the Hgkteet pack ia the Individual action b> outaldepoirara. Aa- Iowa Inte Wednesday afurnuun and Rldera, who was killed ta the asraun
Chicago boys who fought with Dmy.
«.'«d.lhe aarfdee to a network ofnlmoet crowd weighing acMdp fifty poapda. otber pulDt that waa acuied-tfaoSgh BlghL Tbe storm waa accompanied by on Santiago, were held In Bt Mark's
t MsnIU have sent to Mayor HarrteoD
there was on fonnal aciioB on It—was
Eptscopa: <bnrch yesterday. Tbere waa
eommoderr'a pennant captured by
^ bottomleea erevamm and to imp
many scctlfina It was destruc a tremendoDs crowd In the vtcinliy of
Afuv resU^ a few miaatea and eat^ that no protest against the conUnaance
tejnbera of the Itoetcin's erew from tbs'
\ Bhortlp bafore reaching the foarth lag a small Iwnek. wa atarted «■ the ef mllltery or naval operations pending tive In some localities, bvt sot gcpenillr the church when the service begin and
Spanish cruiser Use de Litton.
. heneh the eaow began to appear again, dowa grad# of twenty mUea. McEipp the peace negotiations would avail In over the sUte. Five Item atw tons ter many were or.a'. le to enter the bul ding.
Aritrur V. Boren, of Ltncctn. Ilia, and
•eeanated for, of ooaree. bp the in baring reeamed the lewd with the line
WilHsm Bender, colored.of Washlngloo.
Itos* Bate to
Porto iUcw.
great, but It wtU be more titon countercreased altitode. aad on rnehing the
hslknci d by the •enelll of the rain to
X^dnn. July SO.—Tbe Madrid corre D. C.. were killed In a wreck or the Chi- attaehtd. W« had coaaiderable trouble aor any modlflcatloa wbatm er' of
foot I caw what appeared to be a line oa tha fifth >epch. haring to teap
crop, which Jn many places spondent of The Dally Mall aaye: "Tbe cago. Peoria and SL Louis rnllfood
Plana nnUl the Spaaish xuvemraent
about -eight miles oouih of SjetegSetd.
ofeelld mow exteadlogto the lop of
ip erevasaea, and also ea the
»'f'’l‘osrd. indTbe deed are: Charles. Bowera. of-f last sgs.nst a reselon of Porto RIro Wa
the beneh aad making a detoor to the foarth beach which is ths wont
"f P‘'rto Rico and
Michael Koonao. a termer wboaeboMc
le United Ptetes. It would moch
Valley, struck by UgbthJiig: i
M iT.!r^.77
reoogaltion of Cuben inderendenc, Morgan
left to reach iteurted op la fancied .wriL
___ _______
blind glrL
of diarlten.
_ rather
fT nncriflesacriflc- one of the Phnippine is at CoopemowB. Wls.. who was being
tha loU Mr. Eipp would have been | by Bpatn was the decision th-ji every Miss
neeari^ and got the blggmt ecarc of lost bat for the llae. and I dropped i vestige of Spaoisb guvemmew and au- struck by
Porto Rico bjta treated nt Oshkosh. Wla. fired tau bul. lightning:
..htmng; Mra. Wealey
into hts breast and one Into hto
mp life. I was palling mp alcd along partip through, bat Mved myself by
to the Caribbean and Wni la- Thornton aad Infant child kjllcd
brad. Dm
- icy through feii^ ot gocyrtone; W. R. Penry. killed by llgbt' dlan watera itnst be remnved.
nt a lively walk and bad almost reach qnlek wcwk before they had a ehaaee
•d bto drith.
rurtbermore. this eweeplag ritaage
ed the tep vrhea a feeling of danger
tke lliia. We arrived at oer authority from Spain to the Uhited
Storasee tor Itoll FMA
« r*rt Tbamea
came eaddealp upon me and joat as t camp St 2:30 a. m. ea the first dey af Elates In our near-by watera <s to Is
J4.-On a boapttal :
waa la the act of makiag a step I d^ Jely. aad. roaateff^^Yad. were nerved effective clso aa a qaa-cUtm of all lu
base ball yraterdsy were: At Loala- BewteHteMe Ctelw Bede byaWamu:
tram wbicb amrad here with afek noi-.
back. leaving the fall print of mp foot vllb refreshmeniaT aad the eleven debiedncsf assutmd t^ the Spanish TlUe-New York 12. L.UljvlIIe 8; al
a bristto tsarU
followgovemmert and chufed by bertoth<»e
lathesaow where I bed Inteeded
London. Jnly 34.—The cbmnceller of Ing; C. H. Von Beeen. Tblrfy-oeoimd
bome rncra, after a reeh eoatimed lAands. r. lar aa <t»r rnited fUatce Is Inttebnrg-Pblnde;p*ta l. PHlsburg 3;
St ClnrlnnstS—BrvuMyn 5. Clmtnnsll 6; tbe diocese ef London has ordered that Mlrhigsn; Oe- rre Vinnen. First titaoto.
etep. Hooked carefallp aroand a
toVald.*. while I ora.vled eoncemeo. and all c. mmrrclat treaties
l Philedilphia-Cle-eU nd 4. Ba'tlm.re | ^piicntlon should be mad« o Sir Pran- and Ony Bnene.t. (Jeorge A. Writo. Goa
eoald not .see the ellgbtmt traoa of a Into my tleepinff baff and wm eoni
DOW exlMlng twtween the 8i«ntob gov/.U A..A
________ I
ond ga.T el d V land 3 Bs’timore
P. Butler and I-era B. Wii'iama One
erevasee fa the snow. Smlliag at mr lay a good job of sleepiaff.
erameiii and h*r p.«>wasl.>RB there and J-darkne«s: at Cnlcia.—WaahlngtoB cto Henry Jeune. prcsideat of the pro- Honqred and Flfiy-sevetth Indtoaa ' '
bate, divorce snd admiralty division of
outelde potii-rs are exUngulabed.
fean, bat net aattafled. I gave the sled
A fmicego 4: at SL Louie—Wet grnu-da tbe
There haye. I andentud, rai
high conrt of jnstlce. (a uy
One tenof In the jirotracted
Wesu-rn League: At SL Joeepb—
• pall forward and threat mp aoaadlag goae forth of strikes which bape 1
Bong Kong. Jnly 3t.-Tbe
lion of the Philippine problem srai
Columbus fi Bt. Joseph 3; at 8l Paul— er the faculty ougbi to Issue an Older
st.di {a aleader slide aboet fear fecti tnade te this regloa, and I wish to
absence of ad\u-e« «, to the exlstkia Milwaukee H. SL Paul 3: at H nneapo- emponering Mrs. Anns Maria Droce to gnnboat Plover has arrived brro Obm
open the vaults bnd Inspect the
long wiu wfaleh to toond tbs snow tradicl them. Gold has net bean fonad
tfci on th's date, a point that Us—IndlsMpolla (. 3tl.-in-apnUa t.
Manila She reports that «-ben she left
which la alleged lo contain the remains Manila on Wedneeday. July 37, the altmlrtit be . f ccTsMrrable Importance
ahaad aad which I bad pet thi^h hare te paying quaoUUea by nay
CYcLm l■J■M• Msar PereM .
of T. C Druce, who. the applicant- as natlon tbere was unubangvd and tbs
ap sled lias to pall it 1^) Into the aad a rreat many era already oa thelr In the BdJfrtr-»m < r the quesuon. The
SL Joseph. Mo.. July 30.—A destruc sert. wna reMly the fifth duke of
uBconfr- -a cnaich rnorting ManlU
•rtcans bad not yet attseked tbe
Week I had medeaad passed it through way oat. Part of the beys witb wbon bad Sfi.. •.fined t'ss nad aad rom- tive cyclone swept over the eouthern Isod.
Mrs. Anna Karla Drnce c'A'ms tbat
eeaUp. and 1 withdraw it, teeviag
I eroesed the glacier bad aaceadod tbe rr.ertrd -r 9s li.dl';.rin: that dcflnlle
her late husband was the
Mack hdle the aixa of a quarter. The Oipper river to a point nearly three action -Altbout (lie kn.x.lrdw nf the
NemTork. July 3d.—The
term house* near Onwer were demol- Duke of Portlar.fi who was suppo«ed
sitrnOcn at Msnlls might caui
I had dtolodgad an tea-etocle bnadrad sUee above the tibaroe and
eoia firrivrd here ysstei
sisterr.Tjt r-gnrd!ng cotidltifits that did tobed. Many poracn* were Injured, bat to bare died unmarried, and that her
tram aader ibe saiface af tha aniw wm eatisfied aad wara gulag oou not cxirs. T'lt rcrly i f this government no fatalities are reported. Torrenta of son I* the rightful dahe of <>ortl»*id. oa board fifty ' She ssseru that ber buiband's allegnd eluding Carl Muller. Sydney p. Luke
. * had I coald hear an oocaalonal tiakla Pi A gold eaa be feaad te small qnan- to the hiadrid 1-Rliirj.t will la all IlkcM- rate and hail accompanied tbe wind.
an^Pred Fowler, of the Thirty-third'
I': »alt tMiehad thealdeof the crevasae tlUaa te nearly every stream, bet aoth- hood be rorrii:,ujitcst«d to Spein before
_______ ___________*’*”'’*’
« ^
dtceptlens. and that he
dark t'-dry.
> aatll it died away la the depths.
Nashouh. t Wla. July Bl-Walter <ji,d. after ha-nr b-cn In a lunatic
!ag that woald pay to work. A peraoa
Jehnson. a theolr-giral etndent
SL asylum, as Dr, Harmer.
\r lodcad aitmnd U> see which veap to eaa boy an oalfit oa the Copper river WOULD mKII TMK NIXIOTlATIOSm.
— (rim
— “•
Louis, studying at the RpAcepal semin
'', iwp. bat as 1 could sot see which wap
ley .. .......... ee Oer Part to ItoM TBIms ary Bt Nosbotah. was drowned InNortb
cbMp aa he eaa te the Stetea
IBeo Wanted al Bar*haw. Wla
;> «bn erevama >aa 1 did not data teka* tut oatfllB are a drag oa the market
In KpwiMi TetHtory. .
lake early Tbarsdty mor:lng. Jtbnaon
Barahaw, Wla. July 34—Men nre tn
It was staled last night tn a high dip- wna nn unueuaily teigbt a adeaL and a great demand la this rlcfuRy. Benry
Map. I might be over it and again, if here, many who wish to sail being
tailed tor Mnnlto ysoterday.
lomaUc quarter-(n such manner as to favorite with all who came In ooniact
: 1 took one stop ta tbe wroag direction,
able to do aa Aaa mU to tbe Ynlran give Bcmi-c.aiclal ebararuv to the ex- with him.
1 would go Umougb. There waa not
this is a eampleto tallara While prcsslon—tfast if American juntrol or
month for snwyeia, and lan hardly
" Dotofieef.lv ibe PrtoA.
Le*-«Aet*erCbaHly Feanfi
' tbTM iochoB af snow where 1 had
may look rathar dtoeoaracteg. supervirion of the PUlIppInei was an
SL Louis. July 14.—According te Obthraat top stick tkroogh, aad aei hard
'areatlll worktegeu aiiU think
paicbet received te (hie city yeatotdfir •
indisprnrabie condition tald down a«
•BOW s-.thaV
WeU, gathering what tbere are chaBoos tefL Among them the basis for pence BvgOUaUrns R eras
tbe pope at Rome has decided tbe n^
mallr •oaanl of grit 1 had leftloare- are tbe writer, who vrisbes Tkx Hbopeal mt Father John T. Tnoby trtm
waoip *hl!. plddnc tento. m..
oap. hto friends te Travarae City, and
ArehbUbop Kate’s arte of rtoantofl
Maywoofi ntAr thto cUy. have 1
AoUrd -'pped down aad ^rtad mpaalf abora all tha bays who bare joined the
Bey* LmIm d to a Wheo: Oan
twt. dis ribattag tap weight over as raaka to fight lor tha right. aU aaooM. but'would drurmlce rather lo centtnue found.
Steveua PolnL Wu_ July 30.—FonrUt- from SC Patrick's partoh tn the pctontto
the war. As to the other peace condltie SL Paul boys, two Maddens, an So'
Yoara traly,
Billy-Wlaeeo Petote
laiga a sarlaee aa poasible, took mp
tloBs understood to have been dccidvd
New York. July SO. - 'TfyateriOBi right nod a McAvcy,arrived here lacked
•tWe and aalarged tha apaaiag ao 1
by the cabinet those who are beat able Biny Rmlifa wrn cn poinu nt the ead te a wheat car. having had'noihJng to
n'fiocoant of tbc«
•paid aaa tha aldte of tha erevBMfc
to jBfige the dtopoamoa of the -rralrb
ataft. Ka^ •nvenimcBt fnei that while tbnoe tonna of the twaoty-ffth ro.nd acbcbxag ent since they left SL Paul several dan
(eridak waa abaat eight feet wide), and
eontcat Uat alght with Ooorge OraeD aga Tbey wtn-bcoeteraed tottet'di^
DOC praaent say otherwise ■*To«Dg Oorbett.at once. They are (ram U to U ynarn of
Coaad that I was lying dteaeUp over it
F bpaaia'^ito-1 fenatve.-he ha.li«» tbem with aaieany ‘mM U Adniirar Baintmona npremet,- tba teRiia'tbd Jt adl gvfpriaad (hat
hand by hli matehleai aklll In defeatint ' Ing Bagahip: ••We have won a great
tbeir purpoac without giving tbe aem- irtclory," the only reaponae (bat came Amertca dees not Intend to annex tbe
PbUtpplaea It taya: "If Oennan ternEver Burned OntT
ir*BUD* nrulEtlona of Ua.r own blance of eauac for boaUliuea or com* from the commander of bia vlctorloua per had been otBclaJly m^feated. tbe
lubordinate waa: “Keport your caaualIt l( EliOv«(ber utUikeIr that plainta.
U ae you ksow
Under tbe pretext of rmtertlng tbe tiei." He refuw-l to permit Sebley to Fbll^pioea would have been annexed
the valna of
th* Bi
BusinMS in «• the EdvenUement eeUdc i
Oertnan clttaena In the bcaleged inwni receive the aurrender of the Bpaniab Just to show that AmcHtB waa net to
Th«y An Doing tho
___ _ .... __________________________ of Luaon. tbe capital of the PblUppInea. admiral. Neither the preatdent tor conbe bolUed. We wwuld be glad if the
Thl* Conflict
m«Btt (<'f cErrrlnc U>* >
be tbe
but that rome Other Admiral Dewey baa bad to dlaarm the !greaa ran make Ameriran hetvea out did annex tbem. and te any ease we do
O. P. CA&TZ&. IfI
U d.«XteJ by
by permltUn, no pomlble e*- of any o(he,« tba^hoae w ho have woo not beUsve that abe will like Uir Idea
iniervenUon- He baa ce- ibelr honor* a* r*w ey and Brhiey have of Spain sending the Cuban army to
theira. Thr> are our artat naval ■ tba BhlHpplnea."
atralncd Agulnaldo. the Inaurgent lead
dUnbaB. I The Daily News aaya: *We cannot beI
BHIUaat BMUa amd
me qnef.tian defcnda la a large ne*aI llcve Ibat President McKinley will
OahM TtBiMTf at EaiiUac. fla Caha: abandon Agulnaldo and tbe Inaurgenta.
Saen^r atVar
atVi Alamr Harhlac Wa•ey ai
I It would be tbe deepest diabonor. beW«
a I kT la UU OMclal Ca- that the Sianlah KOv^rnmeot will Wi.n: pruu>ct all claaaesgnd condition* in the
; aides aowing tbe setds of universal war.
parilfThe OrMd Naval Victorta* Woo to keep the meo in Quarantl.M for * dty of Manila, (f tbe German* coaid
could not arrive at Wsrstarg BloMt,
ceriaiu knetb of time to avoid any
br Mailral
aad Urbley.
. .mlae-“
_ _
which in yht arrive from the r tbua under the pretegt of protecting tl
are there
dlapaich from Madrid says:
W««hlDNtoB. July UL-The MicblCTn bavira been encamped in locvlltlej in veij few Oerman cltlaeni
"Though It ta not likely that tbe gov
land a force In Manila I advance of
-»eB Eic 'dolnf the bii*'ne»t lb ihU war. or near which yellow fever baa been (be Americana' occupation of the city
don Editt)fx at to the
ernment wUI decide ta prolong the war
TWtnueh credit cai.joi .be
because of Port» Ittco mnsldsrabie feel ' BelowisaltatoftbebnvtagMffi^
1^-Concraaamaa Bam Btephena'^n cf they would have the vanUge ground of
eeDerat Alyer tor-bl« attorti to «tve
puaeemlon and would be a factor in dieing U manifested and everypoaalbleaip- ing nrieaa of jraatarday for gn
Mlchlcaa ber »har« of prumlnerc* in
latlng tbe terma of peace ao far ai the
lomatic effort will be made to retain U. -pravUim and farm prodaeta la
BblllPPlnea «cc Involved.
Apparently there la little objection to arie City:
«Tory braoeh o! the public aervK-e.
ly wrote
ceding a coaling autiun in the Phltlpe
With a idlrhlcan inan occupylns the aaylngi •TTjere’a a chance for an Hoapines provided Spanish sovereignty la
. Pork per bbl, t
•See of the aecratary of war In the
•Dale^i^ mC’Kwfrj tarn.
thht year, becauac the uUtT
respected In the Island, which. In the Oaar Pork par
Being defeated In every turn by Ad
pesoD of Ceoenl Alyer. our atau fellnwe are killing each other off. Ju*
far ahead. Schny li huty alt miral Dewey In their eftorta to and a H* Need Te Be FadldlM*. Hay* the Harw opinion of the government and official Short Out Pork........
lag Pad—npaal.h MlaUter Hs>a Thera circles generally, will afford compenm*
ne puahing him. Jack U gather* pretext tor landing a force in Hknila.
. V t 00
•e for tbe ln*s of U
U Nathlag llatnlllatlag la spala'e Ura- •Ion in n
German fleet aatumed the reapunslIng up vttea In the weat. ling
4 00
tllles. beeidea procuring ocrupaUon
sw-aMiing around making every oppo- | blllty of protecting tbe it|>anl*b garrl1 U
MaU rrapesesM Ipdsiaaliy orgMAOO,- ; ^h«
Indian army Inre
nent I'neomfcttable. 1 think tint ia a ten on laia Grande tn Bubig bay. that
good yiar for an bonert man to have I was threatened with capture by ibe
«Oa f*r tbe Malae's (M*lrwa>la»
The American reply la atlll anxiously Bggi per dot......................
Insurgenla. Wben advised of this dttlwe alBo uadereUiid their bntonca. ag- a chsiuc."
London. July Ml.-The Madrid eurrawalled. Judging from pn-na opinluns Codfian per B>....................
Inurniurh a* Sam Stephenson ta the j tude of tbe German fleet Admiral DewBtflcame. Upon the page* of bistoG'
forever and loiever wlJ. be wr.tten Ui;- only trul;.' bunesl man of hi* acquulnl- I ey imim-distely ordered the Kslitgh and apr-ndcDt of Tbe Tln.es says that ar- anything heyund the reaalnn of Cuba Lard per Ih......................
II I* fait to Infer that !<am will i Concord, two of hit tuip..r war c.-esc-le. cording to a ncs-apaper stalsment. will be considered haiwh and unjust. Hatter per Ih Dafn.
fact that a Michigan man. Utneial
.. . all slot.' around Lanein; next | to prucerd at once to Isl* Oraiiue. at- Senor Oami>zn.g|>anl h min:*:*; of pub- This la the unanlmout ferting among Ctaamery Buttar.Ib........ .
Shatter, led the tiral United ^lal.
the strongest edvoculea of peace. Tbe 1 Cbeeae per lb............
rk.rad 1
•nny ijf lov**l<in; nfi>r a brief aiege. a wlnler wetrlrg Ihtt lilg IZ.fflK> M.iSoiiU- : tack the S|«ol*h torilAcatlon*. and liclnsuu. t
brtlUani balUe and heroic diplomacy, err.Dle**i undti ih- tape! of hi* <o*t. but compel! the surrender of the gurrUi.n. tbe niurae of an in.erview at Madrid •eople are beginning, to r^llac that [ Oats par ba (oldl...............
seen where It will do no Wbeii the Kalelgb and Concord arrived yesterday: "Rrain l.ua r.ot as eJ an ar pear« will mean almost a total lues of | Com per bo., old............
captured the city of Santiago, theieby h-MinK It
In Subig bay the German warship trvne mistice or men a suspension of b-wtill- coioniea and looking to the delicate and i Potatoca. per ho------barm.
giving our govcruir.eDi the right in
dllDruIt pueltlon of the queen regent ; Salt per bbl.................
BriSd* Ike MIrhIgaa Tapers.
was there performing lu assigned Caak Urs. That would be tantsmouni
ternauonai law to cAini OL-cuia:icc
.unt to be- .
I, ,01 necrasary to fi
rn< r- }.• an old f. low hen- from As- of pruiecling the Spanish garrison, but
the uland of Cuba on . to act up th<
the enemy
strike us. ' the nation t<> accept tha terma"
•b a govarnmeni und.-r the Aniencan trim rmiuly who ; as 1 e oit.e a reaid m when Admiral Dewey* warship* en- ..........
to tbit.
of Wskn.na-ur. after hold ng c-tflee for leri-d the bay to atUck the enemy of j
•brat, old. per bu....................
States, the Irene disrreelly I message to the I'nltei} Btat-a. while
many •'«aia Re will pn-liali.y mver
ItnfleU Will K«ni Be Homa.
Partont troubled with diarrhoea wjll
'b*»k new. per bn...................
the suter.oruy Of tbe be Interesicd In tbe expert'ace of Mr.
Prig.dUr Gc.erai Duh.e.d command r.-i’irn h me, 'but k<ei* w-1! .nlurroe.-t retired, and isla Grande was surran- '
^U. No. L per bo. (new)....
I Tankee fon-. * and their mltltary
Ing tne Mlihigoc tionpa b.f tc- Santi cor.iemirg Vicl.lgan affair*, lie bum dered to Dewey's oOlevrs.
Raab. clerk of Hotel Ttorranee.; ^
W. M. R
We mast regard Admiral Dewey'S eraUon*. la conOned to terma
ago, eecaped the buliei* oC (be .nemy K-eii g.'iitu. the Utchtgau rapm^ ni
CupUiI fpim the congresi lien, but....................
achievements in dipfumacy a* even *ur- ■ rifled
but wa* *.rlcaen town with ye.low fe
w bm the doc-ument la pub- | nl years I have been almost a eonatant! bJu.,,. per B> ..
that t ey are aliaenl, ne gels all ; passing the battle
with Munlejo'
ver. Hapurta frotn the fruut Have
me will be aide to'any It la Iteflrrer from diarrhoea, the frequent,
atmiiFly indicated that tni*' ..leian of O' the v-i-ek!ict at tbe war der.ir'.nieat i—that stands unrxamplcd in tbe
Unit- I attacks eompt'-te’y pnatrating me and '
tbe civil wai uaa atJJ ih>a oJI> etr .i.g after Gi iieral Aleer'i secret i.— nut in:- ! eonllK-U of the wurid. Heroic as he la dd SUtrs Is dlB|N>iu-d tn make pea-e.
idertng <oa unfit fi r tnj datie* at tbe
enough to reaisl tbe bver rav.g.-* tnJ Islted leading them. Hit name U Arch- Ion his battleship in aeilon, hU mastery but requests neither trueva nor ar- hotel About two
years affo
agoea tah
o year*
In deaJng with the complicated Interna mlaUcra.''
gave me a amall l
recover hi* bcalth. .lie will »coii be at
Armea. the newrpaper mat at Ran-_____
laiamly confronUng
: borne.
• - Hc.CboU
. and Dlar
lagc. who bar been wrttl.ir Icnera lor ___________rank
him •
Major George II. n-pkloa. mlUtarr
-medy. Much to my anrprite
rboea Remedy.
Shu'efd upon the i
larcla and CaaiHlo. la art-Ixioaitr a officer of the United Stales and second !
aide to tile Becreiary of war. waa p.aaand delight Its effeeU were ImmedtaU
having »>e«n
bo„, u, ,qj- naUun. And when the i
iver I felt aymptoma of tbe dlfng througa l.AfayeUe aquare. acruai Michigan irsn.
tars at traUaat Ttotor - a
tbe «reet from the Wliite Houae. thia bom ’ir. (hlpyewa eouniy. near Hay
would fortify myself again*
OliT EtoUaa. ta affect July 4. IWmorhliiii. and when tbe witter, paaalug riUl*. He D not doing tm« e-untry
tbe attack with a lew doaaa of ibla valny gwd at preaent
tbe atatuc rf General Jackaon. met w ith
wable remedy. The result baa bean
B.*M Bevoea.
Admiral Dewey must lead aU utbera In
hfm. be aaid; '1 think the people of
very aaUatactory aad alauat oompletc
If the war closed today, or at any naval bunory.
Michigan ought to know the amount of
and to limit, so far as powbP-. the ex- relief from tbe afDieUou." For aale by
s£8s«« aess S8«
woik wUih le being done by General ,me In the future wUhoul any addi
tenalonof America's administrative re- S. E Wait. Druggist.
rco-r-o w-rg ;•«*Alger in the c nduct of thia war. Hu tional great vtclivry achieved by the
The people of the lutUun know but aponalblllUes beyond sesa Th<- papers
Wa>t buaiocw* tntereda are left entlrely cavy. the next te universal judgment one other great naval hero, and be Is agree that there la no jtmll^ liability
to elfins, and all of hi* waking hours of the people of the whole country Commodolw Schley. He directed from tn warfare. Spalp la naluraily tore, but
: 8fi8SC£S&SS88SaS*S
and all of his energies are devoted to would be that Rear Admiral Dewey start to finish the entire fltei that en they point out (bat she must pul up
bis official duties. He la a* eametUy should be crowr.'id admiral a* the great gaged Cervera to hi* attempt to rscajw with the loss of Porto fUio. and if she
and that Comm^ i
Santiago, aad destroyed
evei v«
and fliiKCiiuy ««gaeed tn t.e proaecu- _jval hero of the ...............
siroyed every
Is well advised she will close with the
dore Schley would be made rear ad Bcl under fe
ticu of tbU WBi
Dd. Not only <
at b 9 9 E38888
miral with the thank* of congress. he command the Heel with supreme Amerttan t*rtns
^ttlefleld. aad
X. LOUDON. Deatisi. O rce* I* HaAhaa
MetwUg Post aiwl ChrMiiel*.
•• • .
w wsw«-»scores of leaser heroea de- ■kill, but fals flagahip. although the
jottoger 1 believe he would be ine^li^
The Momlrjr Post, however, aayt:
to reelgn hi* cabinet office for the pur -vtloped in our great naval Uttlea who weakest of our great war vvsaels. did "Since the United Slate* have dcrid.d
o M. BBOOK. dnorwey as« O
pose of going Into actual battle. Hla have made the public familiar irith the
bealth. which was feeble last winter. namea of Hobson. WalowrigM and oibenemy a ships than any other : be fastidious about Cuba, tt mum be
1* eaUrely restored, and he i* not wertt- era and other thousand* who rank as vessel that was engaged. Hit flagahip | seen now that the resolotlon of coothe “man behind the gun," to whose
truck by the enemy more fro- i gn>aa was an anneeessary tteinc of
akill and courage we are largely in qurnily t
: handa If tl la consis eiit with luatw 1C. McreaaUlc Co. Blorkdebted for our marvelous triumphs, but blned H
He headed off the Cristobal Co- [ ,^nd moralltv
annex Porto Rico It
the two men who stand In the very loo. a vastly atronger vessel than hU . e,moi be wliked or unjust to annex
TiwB.p*HaUoa CsrTrsspa.
Another Uicblgun man whose name forefront of heroism today, and wh" own. and engaged single handed and . cuha."
•boulU be revurdvd In history for bit will go Into history as tbe great naval halted IP until the Oregon came up I The Dally Chr.mlc'e 1* for theannexspuWlc eervices. U Colonel Hccker of heroea of tbe atruggie are Rear Admiral with her pow-erful guns to aid in the i uon of the PhtUppIn-s and thinks "P
W. „"TS u.,T;r;Si”r.
Delrttl. who baa accomplished so much Dewey and Ci
flnitl deiiroctl.m,
[ ,-,n not l^e an easy task to bring Gen,|
<aaa a a
aaaaa a
'fur the governmrni in securing the
No matter what the naval regulations | ,ral Merritt and his army back wltl
'< 88 8882 8 S SS8S« S
tTauB,«'ria>iun tac.l.t.e* fur our troops. and delicate duties to perform ol
may require to rerogclxlng Admiral j nnthihg to at.ow hut a ma tng etal'oi
,s tbe commandei
Me nar saved the govetnmeot m.lliuni officer either In army or navy. ««'p,K,„un
•We are Impatient TViDQ* a OOVBLU Auor^ a«^
..^.Midetale Judgi.wnt and
of dollar*. by making coctract* wltt atartl-d the world by the destnirtlon of
with American m<vdc*ty in believ eg the IJlM* *i Uw. OBew. Oily Oyrw Boas*
hearts ol the American people task.of governing the Phil ppines too
ratlriuds and ocean lines. It waa an- the Spanish fleet In Manila harl>or |
loss of a man or serlnus
wertnu* IhIr.- i
,reat hero of the bat- much for the United State*.' It must
dvr hi* suiwrvialou that cr.Dtrwcta wen without the
vessel, but grand as Admiral I
SantUgo. and he Is Commodore be admitted that a grave danger loom*
made fur carrying <>ur iruoiw fruinTam jury of a vesael.
dlni-ilng a great naval
-pw to Santiago. It was Colonel Hcckvi Dewey waa In dlroi'tlng
In German amblth.na. hut no o h-r pow
shown -------hlmnelf
who made (he arrangem< ole for Uie balUe. he hta■ --------■ tomp.o.B.rtMI>.M>ir.
er wilt object to annexstl-iD. EngUnd
8SS& 8 8fi8S9888£
transfer ol our Spauisb pr.aonera from grander In maintaining the honnr and
Had Admiral «amp*,>n awarded has already informed Washington
• ,-e. e
f res«r\lng the psace of the naUon by Schley tbe credit justly due him In'tbo that effect, and Europe with the ex
Santiago to .vipaln. Cohmel !!
-masterly diplomacy.
Went to New Vork and there met Sc. t
TnUa* arriv* Ina **. Leal*. tovtarOl*. |bpreliminary report of the action, there ceptlon of Spain and Germany, would
Cloelaowl. Chteagn. DewoH aad
Gen^a Pier* a Moasoo.
OFb*Ilcj,<. who represents tbe Spann'i
■ respeci , be relieved If the Unjtod Sut'a decided
would have been much
d**Bw. m. BUrptag wad dlalag
li la an open secret that .the Urge for and faith
Transatlantic Steamsbip cpmpaay. anu
Admiral Hampton, but on direct conuo'. of the PhlUpplnea
made nrrangemvnis with bim for the Gennan flu-t in the PbiUpploL- waters bis dispatch
rTiaAINBD NTBag-BIs* gnelle BnUowk a
translvr of tbe Spanish soldiers tn Is only a meaace to Admiral Dewey, but
It unjust to Commodore Schley, TBIBTT MJIXIONS POB TBE XAIBB. 1 groSamieof tbeOslwr*l(yBa*pUaLAEB caraiubaaHear_oeUirLiwlB._ _
Ciwhlah ships, the expenses of trans- a Brrious menace to tbe peace of the and Id lu result a fearful wrong to
MWit/gagz*^ by a luadM Paper— Artar^lreg^dweall. (« aerwlag. BI
lortation l«:ng. of course, paid by tbe country- A single thoughllesa act er Admiral Batapsun bimaeif.
government of the Uslted Slates. In unguarded expression would be adzed
Neither In the acUon or In the preIn the Dally Mall's opinion an
this way tbe Spanish ship* b ivc been upon by the German fleet to make a ilmlnaiT rerori of the victory did Ad
lending and hoist the Oerman flag on miral Saiwpaon exhibit any epiTectatlon demnity of from £4.000.000 to CT.dOO.OM
While the
Of Commodore Schley's almost unex- (120.000.000 tn IM.000.CC4) will
Comm^ore Htanded for the Irma of tbe Maine.
mpled V
Tba Standard advises Snaln to acceut
e battle, alg-
vnoc »uo«m«d of i
John R. Santo,
Geitral InsaraiK.
l'" *
!Crud Sipia t bdlui 1. B
2 %
» T ’
___ 5 liiiii
=T rH^
Drs. Mixer
are Ibe most eucceastul
Cancer and
Blood Disease
KpecUlistA in the State.
TheVliirld Renowned
Over 35 Tears Etperience
Guarantees Sbccess.
OfTi« Ovip Crrv Bsim-
(Moneg W Statx St.. twkfads^falSddwsNofXfnBt
Hi. OUS. v. mn. ou'i Suinr.
HAsnms M/ch.
"W© Cii.-r-e "Wx-bla.oix'b Fa.-i ttl I
Has no equal aa a Blood Furffier. TraTorse City People can attest ita merits.
' Dra. Mtxar. Haatioga. Mlcb.—Dear Sira—My wife retorued borne a few days ago, aftor boing tbrae *_______________
weeks i
... Broaat be Dr. CbarlM W. Mixer and it la with great pleasure that I write you of Ike improvemeiit ia bar ease while under your penoual aUcuUan. Sbe baa
been afflicted with Cancer for some time and tbe madical aasistanoe abe be* ____
from other
pbyaiciana seamed to be at do aealt iu ber cast. Tba renoll of
jO«r ttealtneat la very gratifrlng and we are inora than piaaaad
' with
'itb it. Up
I'p to this date everythiog^pointa
evervtbingVrto** to
x core tn
in ber ease.
id what makes your treatment alt the
tbe more
setory U
U becanae It baa eauaed bar no sd
S< '
i abeerfally rceommend all people afflieted with cane pcraonal aUantioD of Dr. Charles W.
i'. Mixer
Mixe: wbo has the
of Dra. Mlxer-aI Cancer and tUrofula Bymp,
I would aim advUe all
" poraoaa
t care in aaing this
IS ralnable remody to sac
■•■ that
they procure that which bsars
the autograph aignatore of Dr. Mixer on every bottle wrapper. We
mUnue your treatment as advtaed to the Utter, 'eeling aatisfiad Uial
tbe roanU will be al> that we akk far. Tbaokiag yon for past eaartoaUa
md. 1 am, vary raapoclfBUy yonra.
E. O. LADD. RegUtor of O^da. Tiaveraa City.
Drs. Mixer Will give FREE CONSULTATION at Park Place Hotel
jr. B.—Bovar« of boffOB Cancer and ScroftilA Syrup. No medicine or
oorreepondenoe genuine without tbe signature of Dra. Mixer, aa here glren.
DO rouw»irr;r.’..'.r.'!r.^
,. w. oAUirTurr
suvai.'!siS'«:u“ ““
The Influence of Money In the
I^egotiatton of Peace Between
Warring Nations,
What It Has Cost to End the
Notable International Con
flicts of This Century,
and even to support them by paylnf a
tcopynrtu UM.J
**To the Tlctora belong the spoils of tbe sum fk> rrrat that other councrlea would
anemy* Is tnie In war aa well aa In And U difficult to enter Into peace ne»opoutlea ClvUlaatlon baa robbed war UaUoni with them. It Is a aad commentatr upon a powerful haUon that U
«f many cf Its horrors, the Bed Croas should uae such metboda
baa ameliorated tbe condlUun of
The IThltad Btates stooped U tbe
wounded sad made the pHaoher-s lot a potion, though JrSeraon as rice preslhappier oce. but the Tsaqoiabed foe U,den( loudly opposed tbe paying of irlb.
•till ready to declare that war U ekact- i nte. and tor aome tbnt Americans s-are
ly what Oaoerel Bhrrmaa once said It' allos-ed to As In the prisons of Algiere.
waa Methods may change, but hu- > ■"»«
»'“• »*« ^^y Is csti(nan nature remain* unchanged, and the , mated to have coet ns (MtOCl.lS.
aamc piratical game ai the conclusion I Treaties with the other Rarbary states
of which purchased peace
«f war 1s played now-that was pUyed Allowed.
Tripoli by the payment of a gruas
When Cnar and Alexander sallied forth from
o fight the foe. Ju their day territory sum. Presldenl Adams in 1800 comMd tribute were wrested from the vsn- plained that the United States had to
quisfaed and captives became slaves, la
these days the victor Ukes all the telTltoiy and cash he can get. but the cap
tives are sent home in steamships free
Of charge or sre permitted to go home
at their own expense. Spain seems to
have lost all but her quixotic •boaor"
aad her home peninsula, but what Un
cle Bam will, compel her to give up rv.
powerful MitHdruR under Porter «nd
Perry, early In ISIS, appeared In the
Hedlterranean.captured Ibelarfreatfrlit*
ale In the Aliterine navy and with olh.
er naval atavewea ao terrifted tbe dey
that be immediate eonaented to a
treaty of amicable reUtlona. anrren‘ »red all hia pnaoaers. made rertaln
ecuiUary Indemnltlea and iwBounred
1 futare cjalm to any Amerteao tribute
' imym<4ra
nity. Ft
celved 11
nltlra. Tbe ArU. in U40, 'rsa $2S.OOO.OOO.
a pan of which waa handed over to
BrlUah merchaDta to coDipcnaate them
for the loaa of opium deetmyed b>' the
Celeatlal coventment. while tbe awond.
In IMO, waa »10,•00.006. .
Tbe aaneiailon of Texae naturally led
to the Mexican War of UM-T. By the
treaty of t>eace Mexico *ave up her
clalma m the N^ecea ta a boundar'- llna
The I'nlted Stater did nnt niter <n»l«t
ilty for certain American
both I
■easels raptured under the runs of their
orts by BrllUb cruisers dti
'ripoll not
Tbe bey 0
havlDK aulBclent cash to equal the arbltrary demand on bis exchequer. Decstur secepted. aa pan payment, tbe
restoration to liberty of eight Danes
and two Neapolltana who had been held
as slaves. They were returned to their
of the '
lory added in Its boundarleo and. mors*
over, freed the Mexican government
from all claims of cltlsens of the United
SUtes a*altuit M-zt-o for damages,
wbirti the tJnlted Plst»a agreed to pay
to the smnunC of 9S 2SOOOO
• The ware of the United SUtaa base
ever. Inanricents remalnlac >a both tbe ' rapidity that BInnajxfe and tba
ducblea. and they were attarkad by tbe man coun have alwaya lamented tbflt
Danea On July Zt. ISSO. at IdaMt. aad the aum waa not twice aa larce. Vltetb
one of the blondle't battlea tbe world waa a raat amonnt of faoaeUad BOODor
hai ever aeen w»a than foucbt.
In tbe atocklufa of the Preach peaaahta.
* In HolatelD la tbe rreal harbor of ‘ aad they came to the reaeue of tbatr
Kiel, nod Blamarek wanted lU Be cop- i bdoved country with crcat celerity,
inved to have Auauia uhlle with Oer* ' Thli blUlon doUara craatty exceeded
many, aad tbe Aualro-Pruealaa troopo { actual expenaee of Oermany la the war
marched tbrourta HolitelB Into Slea- aad waa therefore to eomc exteat puA*
Wick cn Feb. 2. U6I. They were aucceaa. tive damace. eucb as Krucrr Of the
ful, and the war was terminated by tba | Transvaal demanded from EtiKland Car
treaty of Vienna on Oct. 90. under i the Jamee .n reld of r>ecember. 1«S
which the two dnrhlcr. with that of
In every Instance where an indematlr
I^auenborr. were banded ov.-r to the has bn n eaarted. save In the ease of th»
cmiblned cornrol of the two r-onquer, I Turke-Ruaaian war of 1177. whleb
Inif hatioBB. Ko lademnltr beyond the | carer to a close with the treaty of Sah
cevlon of territory was demanded from i Slefano, a portion of the vaaQUlsbad
Penmerk. This action eventually «avc ^ power's territory has remallMd IB HUBrise to the war of 1**« between AuatHa Ury o^patlon by tbe vlrtor
and Prussia, for Ihe two quarreled over expense of the defeated nation unUl tbr
baa been paid. Tbe Turks f
the Joint disposition
of their stolen
ol.lUfvd t
r the pone'g
property and settled the quarrel In tbe
proiectoraie over Roumanla aad Bor.
one battle of Sadowa.
It Is said that "Bliimart* treated Aus- via and al«ndon llerxeguvlna aad Be*,
trts with great consideration aad.de- nla to Austria. Besides (bis the Otta.
msnd'-d only K.OOO.OOO thalere as war In man empire agreed to pay Russia |0
demnity." Hot Wuntembvrxhad topay cash Indemnity of (100.000.000, wtaMk
the amount fire*
(.000 000 gulden: Baden. (.003.000. H'SSe'.
ThU ladsmaltF
Darmstadt. 1.000.000: Bavaria. 90.000.000;
loss of Russiaa subJsM
fiaxohy. lO.OOu.OOD. and entirely Prussia ______
received tt.000.900 gulden <(2Z.aDO.OOOi as and commerce destroyed. About batf
wsr lademmty. Hesse-Dannstadt ceuad this sum ts sUII due Russia.
Thai Japan did not exact an sMCu
Hesse-llomburg - and some tcrtilory
and entered the Ktuth Oerman Ooafed. moui sum from Chios as aa IbdsmnlCr''
eratloD. Bavaria also ceded a amall at tbe close of the Chlno.Japsnese smr
district In the north to PniAla Auslrta of IIK was due to the laierveotioo «t
renounced her claim* ..n Sleswlck snd Russia. - The cash lademnlly paid bf
Rofaueln and recognised all that the China to Japan was (IK.OOO.om. B*>
war had effects. Five years later there side* thU the J
of Fbnaom and tfe*
waa a nnlted PruaMa aad Oermany. -but ceded t r Island
the 'heven weeks' war" of IMI gave tbe
vlctcra the greatest combined Indem
At the close of the war last mar •*.
nity that was aver exarted.by a eon- tween Greece aad Turkey tbe sultaa
quertag nation.
was forced by the Buropcan coeesrt tg
Borne of the most onergn tenna. reduce his claim of IMAOO.OOO (a |l^
At the beginning of the preseat cen
tury many of the nations of the old
world had powerful Aeets of war vcs.
■ela and It is difflcuU to undersU&d
that at that time It was unsafe for mer
chant vessels of sny nstton to sail la
Che Mediterranean, as they were liable
to be captured by pirates unless.
cepyn^. 189S.-'
. .
r protected by I make a naval <
t of Barbary. and. though Tripoli
listed war. tbe Arab
overawed for the time being b>- th
Bight of Yankee guns. The Calte
Futee thus set the flrrt exampio among
aad the dlstrtbnticm of presents, aocord. Christian nations of making reprisals
tag to-CHStom. evsry ten yearn. Tbe Instead of paying ransom the rule of
peace of Spain with Algiers after the ] security against these curadierclal
imauccesstnl war of 17» is aaid tu hav. marauders. The sending of tke
e aqi
squadcost tbr farmer country from (i.ooo.oeo
s virtually tbe beglhhlng of
to U-OW OOD. It U betleved that Knglaad
t lasted Ull tW. It
at the same time was banding over an
which every
aBhiB.1 tribute Of about (Z80.000. She
ised and tbe United
was tbe only power •uflMlenily eirong Blales paid (60.000 o close the oontraet.
an the era to exterminate these plratea. which was that o
veasris should be
hut In order to retain her own position forever free from selsur*.
aa mistress of the seaa preferred to alWhen our seecmd ooalBet with Oreut
tow them to exist aa a aetturga to the Britain was In contlhuance. the dey
•OBunerca of other JEurupoas powen of Algiers took the oppertnatty of cap-
respeetlve countries, which indemnified
the United States for having their clUaens released.
There was very little determined by
the tiwMy of Ghent that concluded tbe
second war with Great Britain. It has
been said of It that “whUc silent upea
all the points which tba United Btates
had made war for tha purpose of en
forcing. yet the country had every rea
son to be gratified with the result of the
negoflMlon." Tbe only thing setUed
was the nortbere boundary of Ibis re
public. and that In Itsatf was a decUtva
Bngiand has usnaUy bean oontentad
with a aalBUTu of trerttoir at tba eonotoMoB of war. tbougb la cbm ot iadig-
1 to those of Euro- 1 however. I
and tbe Indemnity asked ■ i
orelgn countries th# wars Jected Frante at i
. Isobaeqoent arbitration.
have been many, and settlement* of i Prussian war of lK'0-l. They ounslsied
dalma have in many cases been tbe ;ln the cession of a Urge portlnn of Al. tbe UitKed BUtes from Spain U jmt 0
cause of bostlUUes.
ssce. one-Afth of Lorraine. Including be figured. Tbe republic 1^ been put
The two ducblea of Sleswick and tbe greai fortress of Meu and Btreass expense In carrying cm tba
n^stelh Be to the south of modern burg, alwl the payment of the colossal war. aod. so far as Is known. Bpalb to
Denmark. Tbe Utter, which U the cash Indemnity of ( Of thU In a very poor Ananctal condition; yul.
farther south. U exclusively OennkB , Ave milliard francs one milliard was to while the ruuonal treasury of tbe doM
popuUtion. while BIcswick is the i be paid In wn and tbe remaining tour U tnaoivewt. ft may be (hat tbe into
home of Danes and G
a extending oover a period of wealth of the oountry Is in the baada of
................... ^y vtenud- [three yeara with Interest at S per cent. tbe “common people," who wMI come to
tudes for ccnturlea being bones of con- It has bsen estimated that Prance last the baUoi,'s aW as did the French aftto
tentlon. Holstein nt one time bcloar- i In psoperty. the destruetkm of her vll- the pyancs Prumlan war. There U ouo
Ittg to Oermany nnd SJetwlck to Den- Ugea arms and ammunition, at least (btng qiflU fiartaln. and that is tha(
mark. Ttere was war In I»a. a hen (LOOe.OOO.OOO more. The world In amaaa. whatever th* United Butci docs aak to
Denmark held both, and In April. I8U. mem auppooed that ebe was belplemly win find a way of getting wttbout Hitfi
tbe PruaaUhs Invaded JutUad. but cruibed by tbU Aoancui burden, but tratloB.
tber were defeated.' Tker* were, bow- 'the bllUou dolUrs wao p-o* wKh aueh
XQumra, lOBOOiU). ■mA'^ mx.
■ Vuyjiyi;,, I
WBItoeir IMta W Me^ ?^**>*>
It la qtata likaly that dortac «ba
ivograa at tbe frueot war there will
tolwCStat of a tooeable mfiHary Utaa ba estlrWynnr«tpeti«na la Iba oter-
^Ma^te Ita UWtod^8t^«^
« Bi4^ la MMI^ OMt Cta#.
I MSB o< MWilji"i Omn BaQ
Bar aty. U OM
DOMpopanant» of
Ba waa
Con nail der
BcyiHOB to flU a
aaiawy. and w
waU »ra»bl»wock
atoetod totbe po•Moo be had to
abiyilOed. Xttbe
« lawyer a< the Mlohicaa bar and
aaa aoDoeirfnUy ooDdaetad ImpanaMUd*
M/ik» (or the 0(d«. Thae are (ew nanMn of tte order who are batter tafomed
MOB all watltoi twrtalnlBC to ^oettloaa
Uwe^atdlBC aad la?oltln« the Has-
Ohio Mheeabeae are butU^toiMka
*0 nembateUp ».«» by OhMMnaa
Gnat Oonnaader Snltt of I>eaii^aaaU mn th«e wtU ooos ba a tent la orary toem e( aoy «w tn aearfleld eeinty.
Six Dawttoiaaia taponed BDdtrw^
tba oMnbto who worka (er tba order
•BtCbaoaa WbU bean beat dlnoenli
^m«bo“talka tobnr bUbMd*ta»11M ordto bM obtaiaad a nod footboU
da Bn Janey^aBd wa pradM that Kaw
Jmy Maeeabadan win aooa U la atteac
What dUaa tnei^dhest Mar Bint
totheran ■aanoatal Das.
Wbta AUoa mat down Min, taa
I atUL Ha bad OB bit bentlfil biw tui- myofthamii
orsOywtngo. Since tbst d»e tbe dabare been
wraoHre nnebiocry cf tbe fantUatold
nbatba e'
We will cIcHm oot ■ few br^ea lota of Sboee, fit u
ita gold .laoa lay on the table beeirla
brongbt to nekmAticnt
tnefandeiiM cd him. AUee went over In tbe ^ chair
benof themOlutylo^wItbtbeMlow- bubetB brought
e^iecUIIy low figure. They are *11 solid lestber find
^ M oOeere; Muter, Ooloael W. 0.'; parfecttopjnrytad todlttanoeof nagr. , when be «( fer bar morning klu Iba
aocuaoy W nin nd power of pcDaOn- oM nan pot Jtto hand open her toonldir
good wefiren. We Ofiny a Utge stodc, la sll g^les
tlca tfast tba pentntage <d nob umay and looked down at b«r ao long and w
TblilodgoU wapowmed toefBUatewith recrlre alight worade, from which nand fill prioee uo'd cfio please you. For a good wear
Miugely that abe felt a little afraid.
ing aboe get tbem of
"My dear.” bo aaid at length. "I
the PbUIppInee and eleo to Uitlaie aaw oorery may ba pcsMble. will be exeeedmembn When tbe war with Spain to ingly ninU la proportlan to aaoh u are want to toll yon a I ink story this morn
ended, the flirpentollcs tor able lodge wCl daarinedtofaa kiUed oatrldbl It will ing. I know yon will romamber it, and
benqseatkBof wbolenlaalaoBfawr. in : every yes wbao this day ooenu yon
Maeonry to alleoi to tbe pruanee cd tbe which tbewinnar am abow lb
< will think of tbe amn 1 an gtdng to
peefane u to tot own pesoUar raslta.
tell yon abonk Um day a loog, locg
Ome. Tbe mill that bu tba time agn tb? n«>w« came that
Tbe eommittee for tbe Bdetinlal con...
tbe prodbeat
clave at PUtabnrit baring In ehaige tbe
dent bad calkd for men to gu and figbt
tnedtoa) depnrtmetit to ananglDg for Ita reertve tbe priu Tba gnma la to ba fer tbe flag. Tbe flirt man in tbe (own
tobore on Unea oopied after tbe aytoem played erith atakea in Job lota. It if to to my be woold go wu my bndw
adopted for regular army oerrtoe.
'CiUY “New Idea Patterns.” Everyone wbo has'
be a wboleaala buMnan UBBiuiy,
antirely. toe
ttw Bony. Thai 1 uSd 1 would go toa
Tbefliat lodge of eolored Masmewu mere ratal] exblbitioniI of peraoogl bnvJ—' tried them say they are as good as any made.
"It wu very grand when we marebfounded la 1774 by Prtnoe HalL an Intel- ery, indlriduJ tact or
tr mlliury geniu ed away in oor new nnifocma. with onr
price—for any style—is but ten cents.
Ugem negro, In Boaton. Ba obtolnad bto being Tirtually unnei Mryfcr tbe detoiniiig gnna
diarCer from tbe Band t '
' ' tired end. The beat
"Bat one Bigbt, after we had been
Frau Prlnea Ball lodge of BoMstTsaag ■Imp will tom out
aU tbe ooloted lodges la (be United Statu.
kiway a loog time and bad fought in
Heemry wu founded among tbe wbltu Henoe it will be Impoarible to eattonate
iBJknMrtoa upon the gxnnOngof a ohaitoe tbi- amount of umage that may be doM
or the nnmber of lives that may be uotram Sngtond, to that the
both date back to the
rlCoed. Tba woondx wBl ba on a Innrt
Oesoral Rlebard Benry Laa, -light aonla and
"iny.” wu a proulnnt M '
EapedaUy will thto be tbe ease cn tbe
. lodge. Mo. W.
fantUeeblpanaderfiie. EztonMve laoemIn PasBaylraiito a todge eentww pua cs tiou from exploding ibelto, entanarioe
mtoe any one not a metubar thareof.
mines and torpedow nod qiilntcn of
Tbaearenndwfiw jnrtodkiltao of tU atoel and wood will betbanla. 13w
grand ka
lodgeof ft • -------•
- wide areu of ttoau inrolved and tba
with an
lodgu «
ng inteBrity of taook wtU
■hip of m.ODO. a gala of fld.000 alnca «
new rules for opamtire inPitnoe of Watoa beeame grand raanw.
tnferauoe nod new metboda of snrgtanl
This ssasbn*fi g«nnsiits->g;o at
At the oeatenacy faMral of tbe Bcgal teohnhisn.
thsfis prloBs:
MaacAto Boye-nbooL bald at AltM tan,
London, raomnly nnd ptwhtod ovto by the afflpntatloowUlbaB
Prtnoe of Walu the aubaerlptloa M tbs raaaciton.
Wbono^ tbe dangerof operntiflo
school wee aaaooooed to be •STO.OOO, a
itself to past, uaptio aurgwy will
ThaoonmMauof tbeoapitolMWash- nbnndnntly damonstrnie Ito
ValBSS an 460 aad bOo to $8.00.
Ingws wu laid by Maama, and Oeoaga
Wuhlngton. u tbe aeuldent of the United
Hotpltal gnaStatu stood at the tod. wearing bto Ma- grroa. tbe dreadful bane of woand treat
•onto apron and
ment is our Uto war. wiU ba virtanUy
D uwaO u impoaalbla. aod nnppunClDg atsmps
aeotlcr tba win no loogw ptopagua tbalr poiaoBn rrr im nan am axa aBocLorm
ov Inflnaaou Intestinal autgwy tma
bt bdd at Plltobng next Oeuber to mak also elevated tteelf nlmoat to a boUdca many battlu oor regiment wu waked
ap at midnight and marobed forward to
ing alaboratt presnratlana to axtnd to tta
and death CB tbe field, virtnnlly inert m- be ready for a great battle 4hae wu
ottbe ............ —
IngSir Knlghtoand todtoa. thtmutgen- bk before, to now mow eSeotomUy coming in tbe moning.
woundooedlalwetooma and asistolt- thwarted by tba modan aad Ingenlona"Tbe caancu began to boom by dayli^C, and In a littk while tbe bolleta
$8d». $8.06, $8.46, $8.96-Valtiea are $3.50 to $6.50, ud all
Ooloael WUUaia Bar*—. __________
were bosdng throat tbe woods like
army, wu tbe Rhode Utond Muon wta
are of tbia aeaaon'a manufactare -made tboroogbly right
great bumbkbeoa and big abelto aoeamespund Oeawnl l*foutt to oOeel the bnfoTA tbera to a oomfett iu uootM- ed tbroBgfa tbe treee. and tbe man were
in every way.
oaptue of our Oeawal Lae and
tdotlng tbe eenpenutoty balnom of falling all around aa
In making tbe uebnage.
odoi in favor of tbe
"Tbe coemy fought very bravely,
vnucM in operative m
bat after a time we began todrive them
back a tinla and at length we wan <r—
---------------- tb« new lisaa
deredtoaiokuadtozga Westarttrioa
at snrgiosl prooednre wiU ba of tbe tbe ran, everybody ctaetring, Heeiy
and 1 aide bf tide. Jnat bifore we
demooatnitlDg cm a Urge scale toe valoa mebud tberid^wbwe tbe enemy were
loWBT One aaoh tram Georgia. Reotnoky. at tboae gcmeral prtaclplca npoo wbloh waitiug for u 1 felt a sharp atlng la
tbe rramit snrglcal advanou have baco my sitk and erexything grew black.
lUtncto. Iowa. Maryto.............
•ylranto and Wtooot
baaed. Every paiu will be tikaa to
"Wbi-n 1 came to. it wu darit. 1 wu
$bM Sklrta at $8 76.
$6 00 Bkirta at $4.60.
give all avalUble ihfarraacloo oo tbeae lying iu a littk wood and could am tbe
Now Jarwy. Conildartnc thU. It It not w
> tbe readen of Tbe Medical Stan toining down through tbe treea I
$460 SkirtB at $8ii6.
$8 Fanoy Sklrta $8.86.
be woadend at that tbe iiatee wrai of tbs
Aside from aimiigemcaa for got bp and tried to walk, bet 1 oouido’t
Mtoaonri rtrw are asking for
j onmpantoi c we era puticuUrty gratified to sMU
edge of Ibc wood some coe might find
the nniform rank are requaied to iuv
« to arrive la that that a repreuDtotire of tbiajoomnl. me, W) 1 cnwlrd along slowly. By ud
M. Tbe requari to himailf oBe at tbe operating anrg«noa by I raw a man sitting with bto back
r haring tbe rtolt- cai tbe Solace, tbe new boqiital ambn- ■gainst a tree, aad it wu Rcnry. Jnat
Whatever your wanta, if you would get the most
lanoe ablp, will famtoh onr rudata think, dear. b<nr gtod 1 wu to see him I
thefnilgueof travel hefure partiripatlaf With racta anigical data u may be ts He wu vroanded, too. hut I did not
value for your money, comt to
la tbe gmt parade that to w be given tba
ar isatnetlva.— know then how badly.
following day
Medical Beoord.
' ■ Wc bad tMu ulklng a few mlsniee
when we heard a groan fram a clamp
(rf bnabm behind «a Reniy crawled
Tbe latest thing tn tbto Um to san>ed over and found a man in a gray uni
encalnA prepared from a Boeth Ameri form, b^ly hert and calling ptteoealy
Raportt eomlngtroradlffcnotqi
can plant, aad tn its Icnal action simlUr for water. Nritber of u bad a drop.
of tbe •npreme domain Indicate that tba
to oocaloe. bat witboat any of tbe pal- Hmry crawled back aad eat with me ij
candidacy of ^
Tara-vax'ae 0±-ty,
aouou effecta of tbe toner, ereo tbo^ the tne a little wbllA but be oonld not
twof Cailforato to meeting with o
appravaL BeUrwogutoedutbeeemlag ecuployed In mocb torgw damn Tbe rest fur ibitikliig uf tbe poormaa tn tbe
orreren teat u yet reported ana tba botoea, wbo wu dying for a drink of
man la Pythian aSatra
Tbeparadeot tbennlform laakatln- anipotation at tbe loarer third «f tbe water.
dtonapolto on Ang tt wlU eovw a dl»- leg of a man S8 yaara old aritooot tba
"Over tbe light we could bear a littanoBOf twomUea and will be reviewed aae of ofakrofocm or etber,..................
r, followed by
by tba
puisiui bealingof
sriunpgrand lo^ of
Aa mneb of tbe encaine wu put iato
two cr three tahlaepoaofnls of aratar u wouD^ but be never stopped or c
tbe araier woold diamlve, and arito a plained. He Just dragged himself a]
hypodermic syringe a few drepe of tba tlU be reached tbe brook.
aoJatioo artae Injecaed nsder the akin.
The hank wu bi^ and ste^ aad
Abirat an isoh tram tbe center of tbe be did not have strength to climb down,
only two way* by wbleh aa isjcctiaa aaotber wu made, toes as- but he lay oo tbe edge and lowered bto
other, nntil tbe Umb aru girdled by canteen by a oewd. and wbeo it wu tall
arantee to be In a |
payaU ludaatb losiae u they so
them at tbe ptooe where ampaiatioB be drt-w it up. Tbeo be crawled hack
firAtotoehargeaecrtaln turn each year wu intended. After aralting flat mis- to the man m gray and gave .him tbe
Vbw Rtora and Bepair Shop.
abe to allow of tbv aopeifktol ttomea water. Tlw poor fellow wu eo glad he
with Into
meet tU luatnr- becotniag inaenMbto tbe needle aru
cried, and be made my faratber tall him
314 E Front Street
tfae Inturad at etaitod periodt In prapor- ihrnet deeply into tbe mnaclee and la- his nasK and where he lived.
“Henry crawled hack to tbe tne and
lion to tlw Inoemlng coat of tU risk car JerboBt made, la a few tainntu all
Out portion of tbe leg. isclodlng ihrea lay dowD beside me. We began to talk
ried.—Anchor aod Shield
Tbe dulh rate of the whole oedor tbowe or four Inebu above and below tbe ring of our brnne. and by aad by be aakvd
of it’jectiooA aru fouod to be deetitate me to ring, aod 1 diA and Henry mog
aa increato of .«4 tobm that of tow yeu.
Tbe patriotle ^loo of tbe A. O U. W. of feeling, and tbe operatiaa of ontting a liulti. too, and then the
in gray, bufc in die buriiu. took np tbe
In providing for the Msaaemeiite of all off tbe limb wu
membun wbo enttoi In toe wat with ly u arito cblCBOfona. Wben tbe deep rang in bi« pocr, wrak voke. But beSpain and also tbe asoeedliwlylow^
er tiansi aren cut into, a aUgfat amart- fora long we beud him mauing fir
incnt rates now la foree are drawing the lag aouatioo aru rxpertaBoed a few water oguln. and Hetuy dragged him-1
raung men into tbe order at e rate that timra. but immedtotely relieved by tbe eelf to the brook and got bim nme
kec]a tbe grand teootdere ^oay enralllng applicatico at a link more of tbe eola xmec. dfl be grvw quiet.
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of all.
tion to tbe atwc <tf tbe dtocemfort.
"I mart have tullen arieep (bctL
Tbe eopieme reocedtr'e report abowe ao
When I wakid. tome bmb wbo had
It will pay yon to try onr 13c bulk coffee—a good'
Incteato in tbe dentb rate of tlw order
MelUlUts WeaA
oome to Kurcb for tbe wounded were
tram I0.U in 1896 to lasofcr toe year
Still anotber method of metallbdng bending over me. I looked aU ■round,
wholesome beverage at a small price.
I of dutb lomm bu
made tn tbe average Uine of 8 iuooUm and aolij and natotmit and aafumes tbe ap- looked and found bUn noar tbe bedok.
14 dayi for I8»i. ao locream of length of
. four da^
Idracribad in tbe PariaMoBde arito maoh in bto hand wu tbo (mnieen. wbito be
time oompaied with 16M of
*Fhone 167.
048 Front StreeL
Tbe grand lodge of Ohio ariU bold Ito Aeua Uefiy. the wood to flrut Im- wu tryiiig to fill again fcr bto wounded
aext sesBon at Dayton beg<nnii« Ang. S8.: merwri for three or foor days. U may he enemy. God bed callod him in the
-------------------------I ito di«rae of permeability, in a oanstk nigfaL Yon moat not ay or feel badly,
OrUr wT BM Brilh.
alk-Juie lye. 4^ tbeaoe pamea immedl- deer. He wae a brave man and a go^
In order that all Rebreare may be Mtgi-.'ately into a hath of bydroaalpbite of man, and he wu ready to go God' will ran M
you curry I
Bay u foUoto|^
ble to mamb^lp in the eodera It U to a' ealcinm, to which to adde^ after 84 or know* to«L Tbe woaudid eoldier tn
ewtaln exMSt oona'ctsrton. Liberal m 86 boun. conoenouted anluticn of sal- gray got well aftw a long time, and
a^lucatoodu Bei^au>ctotaaader phnr in cauatle potato. Tbe duradoti of COCK when tbe war wu over, be came
^eommoD prtadpleof mutual pnUc^
here to talk with u about tbe man in
blue who had brvoght him tbo water.
"Evvy year I kei^ ebU day in mcmBUM if you are atric 14 daya or
oty at my Lrotber Ueoty—Tour grandintodtotriota Patodtotrictambneetcermore we fojyam from tbe firat day you
talo —'Tond praparad in thto mau- father, my dear. Be wu noc a general
aiek. atoo from tbe hour yeu
' 'm^L7^ 1.'^-------jnar. and after havtugnndergooe a prop- or a colonel or a captain—Jort a plain
meet wiu aa aeeidaat. all tor gLOO par
tatoid mt Buar.
I „ drying at a moderuto icnperatOTe, private toldier. It may be that no coe
mtk. I wfll call at your tulilian
ever beard <if him esr^ (be peopk in
d evttie your elulm la fall ta «oae af
tbe town wbere be lived and tbe men
" L and waatbrilliant metallk Inater—a Instor in bto oCBDpany, bat 1 am ante yen will
poymeat fund tn tbe maaury •
still farther Increased in ita
alwaja be glad to pot flowoa oa the
prome ledge amounie to 8IA668.I
if tbe anrfaoe of tbe wood be xab- grave of a grandfatber wbo died ao
yoa gat taoand aad foa will hava mo
cub on hand and In rested by (fa
bed tbotraghly, in tbe first ptooa. with MwerfuUy and wbo gave bto lari
dlnate kdgae smouoto
to gdS.«U)
Tbeoedwvru argunlato In Bamatera •Pitca at toad, tin or aioo and aftu- (Mogtti to brip a mao wbo had fought
m 187» and moridm tor skA aad dutt
^ poitob^wito a glam or pSCW agalBriUm
E.W. Fcanti in Youth'*
Ladies’ Shirtillfajsts
29,39, 49,59, 79,89c, $U9.
drfeMgbnthao an bidara Tbe neeaimjUp la now on laOOQ. and a atropt
prdOoeanbeaacraoreletwoyeara. Tba
Mllar of tba mad oaecreof tble n*a for
■May yean ^ beta aot totuMltna
r (or a period of aearty «0 yean.
___ jbaftor nan ben of a lo^ hare
MOb to do erttb tbe aaeoeae or (altare of
• lodca Look well to tbe ohainoieraad
naadlaff of the peHtlooeie for a
OMDd 8«faiary Kl^ * Baa PmelaeoOdd Pel
nencwui aarrtcae tn ei
nanban wbo bad dM darlai tbe pan
OoMeaSeapterlodpaof St. Loala doab|W Ua BMnbmblp dartof May aod
Oopaly ball baa been enncad for tba
ftadoneof tbetonripn praiid todf- Beaton next Sepunber. and lu proxl
da tbe laadlBf hocele ariU nake U a d
akU towOna plan. Tbe motoei of the
wraod tapteaeBlaUTea will ba at Mute
Tbelcaeof aaariy eoo mnbata la tba
^aod lartadMloo of UUiwIe lato year bu
•wahaned the order to tbe ftot thateomeAlng abooJd bedooe to keep down exyaoaea Meay nenbm tan Ueanial
amnai for traod and aonetpa graad
Tba repreaeatatieoi <d tbe tofetaa
naod lodge wUl be wekoned In Tianoeit
taple. Boetoa. by Oomior VOIwtt ta
babalf of tbeetate ead Mayor Quincy ta
babalf of the city oo Monday. Sept, la
jeart bee |
___ _____
bocne at liberty a booee and let airaand
as tbe bane fana.
The Long lelandOdd PeUawa* Honeugoelathm leporu a Iwlwnoe on hand oo
May 1 of f4.0i«
The VlJirtnU Odd Fellow aaya. -Of tbe
fdOiKXi eolnotoera dl.Mt ate Odd Pel-
TbeHtnalreqalree atady. It wu i
|np^ ta a day and oannot be mans
Tbereaied^tB nembetsof tbedegree
af Pooebontaa In New Tork, a gala of
- IjOTA lor the pMt year; nomberef eoua*
-^bej tbe chtefi la autboHty and do all
-ta your power to a«l*t ihcDi, that '
gnuat great eoo will be a coeoeatfol
Tbe gtnet Pocabootu of New York de
rided that e member taking a withdrawal
aerd U not eotitled to a new paanrord.
Qredt Seebem Jeione Bite of PmnaylraoU bat taken the field and U abowlng
if bli good work that be 1< the rl^t
ta the right piece.
The PeoniriraDU Red Mea'r borne te
ta a Oounebing eondittoa; total u
Kalgbla er Beato.
Tbe torn of wltMnval oaidi will ba
bwinefnrth amended to that the date of
With of the withdrawing membete ehaU
appmr opoa ihoBL
TbeaopceeM lodge hai entoCedthataU
S«obw and 1
and Pobroaiy. lifVB
Tbe oonatttutkn wai amended to that
ta tbe lotoltodon of new iodgm raenbem
Who may be laiaotadtgr the medical ezamtur ean be adnilned tomelal memberTba anotat taanre WM alto artesded
> outllTta ibair baned-
In Ladies’ Fine
Dress Skirts.
Woniterfil Values ii Ladles' Sults-4)ome aad Sae Them.
BeUible Dri GMb, CirpR Ud (MtU Hoot
Only 50 Gents
For Half Soling Shoes.
______for Tons ltd Heels, 50 eeets.
Custom Made Shoes a Specialty.
While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
Hoffle PntectlH taMlitloa
JAoc ACT ms oiloa.
Pm «m«MM epsMtrfM
nothing in his appearance i
aeoount for the dread in me. We exebaiqpid graetingi, but no wad paaaeii
betweenua. We tnvened tba leafy lanes
aa in a dream, bat tbey and myself were
I Per bsr tunmr to and tro
rUlonaiy—be alone was rwO. And all
' mu tar Jsiea.
notisW Lonman to Pew Terfc TitliMSi
tbe 1 me tbe memory of tbe telegram I
bad emitted to send kept leeniring to
8tUM BMrj thu amoos the bmd temy ball paralysed brain.
wttd of aojr of the wocM’t trig m £t
"1 knew it could not be Hxrbertan,
yet felt oonvinoed it was naae other.
oota, *’ f«id a saral ofBoer <4 aaptritaea
la .tba wriM*. “PnmlcBnauM paaad
"Ho. old man, of coam 1 don't be J>nU wonda whether a not mother
aee as i did no through my mind,
with tfaa oU mrf. In tba Aajw at tba lieve in qiirits a nonaenw of that sort.
oM TwBBiaA or tba TifiiiwiM, at t.M Yet aometbing that X nevaquiteunder- but 1 was to reality too stupefied to be
Btood once ba{>petied to me. You all capable «f anytbii« like oooaeoutive
Milan pvt it.
know about that kind cf tbiug, and per- tbongfax
‘‘The path we trod led tbrongh the
baps you oan explain it.
I left Oxford—witbootbaoem orchard into tbe rooe garden, wbenon
S«rt7 in and) a Btate that tba; bad to —1"After
spent a lot of time Xoafliig at borne. tbe low windows of my motber'immbe boiated orar tba dda In bcan'a Itwasaalowpartottbeeoantty, nothing mar parkr iqwned. As we entered tba
(0 MTa tba tronbla <tf oanTlnc nraob to cboot, and mother, an invalid. garden aba saw na—nw him—and
tbao np tba gaarirMJ- Bnt that acrt of oonldn'l stir cot of ber raoin.
raved her .u...o...
thin hand in welcome. And
thing it no lunger andnred. Men who
»l“' I
go adLora after bat^ytmainad aboard b«. M »h., HI, i, ttm te . liaJihj 1 tot™, .bo Ull tb™ Ito doo, oolhUis
mmit tun. ««■!. dm tim. b™*lw bot mob, otc dn.d bi. ptm™ —rf
pecLd bj tba offlocr of tba deck to re- TOOdd . ncktooin bom on, mootb to >«
tdoitraiilr. Umom ..JUtan jnat a trifla exhUatated, bat tbo7 uoitot B, miutme to tbonUmml "I m toll b* bom tb.t d.j i—d.
B brotl*. wbMbCT Um .b b, mbol«-1« ““tt^ Ilk, . lm« ttot™ otit iiiidil‘■M«n who exhibit tba iligbteat indi- BB. or md. At tot, Bb.li I ™i lor . “fbb I Itpt .WBlt to Bjodb 'I mn
eatiana of being addlotad to drink are dwo.t»o,It,ooldt»IIItbodi»«,bt.t,“li™ I .bUl .moko Bom Hubtdtoi
tmad ddwn'fiatly bj tba examining tb« iuB> knn,old PindtoImd Uw.p. “• >. mj motbor-.cdol, ttaiktmiooB,
ngaoot wben tbap praoent tbemaelTat Bmmidd tb, B.mtm™ti, mB the dmn-i
td am, b I .rnbmd »bUe p™
(or anllatmant nowadftpa. nwaargeant or ud U1 tb.t. So »l«» I Bob • itm b« iBtkBb trttblo nd Blthoot, t.
tall me that tba; can «eU trotn a maa’t op to town mid didn't BtoB It klitht I: mooktw lt> . oBdr ooUid, tb, •todotr,
ayaa trbeibw'ba baa erer aaffcnd nrcn- Imd B imvent ■ btod mid to pmttmd I bb, MOmod B m>Bk mimomUj .baiit
tj tnun cxoaadTe driakiag, no matter bml pot op with hftm Tbot com, u toy fottot^l npptwo, iik, mtot only
bow long tba man mar have afaatainad BmmlyioitUw.y.dom, Ooly motbm, |
™tbc», I imd bomi
tram drink before k»I^ enliatment.
who hod iittle B ioBttwt to, imoiod ; t"hw wild—odd li« oppmd B row
“U men addicted to drink do happen <ml».rlii|flltb,p.rtitoloR-bowioj;r"‘«f-wm <)olB wtoiM ood
Id get bj the etamining Mugaon and re- frioDd looked, wbat be raid and tbe
ib U* company. I moved abcnl.
aealtbairaraaknam bf going « Man nat XfotintoaXotof tight places at! I
»«>»beaubfeatotp^ to tbe
awTg rime the^ go aaboea« tba aaag ^ start, till I tbo^bt of a man 1 had j
wandCTjiimi^y atont, bnt
e of alt
gata rid of iban bj almply ‘baaohlnT known two years befoae and kept to a |
being an illnaicm. I fancied 1 mnot be
them—that ia. bj patting them oi tba dMoription of him.
beach with tbeir baga and hanusocka
"BaflMtou WM bis saBO. Be WXl mad, and 1 feond tbe aoond cf my own
arbcrertr tbalr abip may b^pen to be Ckuioiag on the ■eAwTranean for bit voiae.
In a boBa port A man cannot be beaitb wbsai l.wat on tbe Sayonan with
’‘It was a perfect day. atiU and balmy,
‘baaobed’ for anyoanae in a tonign tbe BlbkM Bewasaqoeakchai^be- tbe air being heavy with tbe fragrance
Ueved At McalikM ad rut cf that aort, cf tbe raoM, but to me it eeemed coid"Thera an. of ooorae, any nambor of and we all lanjbed at him tat IL We leea 8tiU, It came to a eloaeot last In
8>en in tba nary, and rattling fine aail- never tbongfat bim ill, moraly laoff. One tbe gloaming Harfaerton bode mother
onnan, too, who bare a natnral paedi- moonleat night afterdlni^ on bii yacht farewell. 8be Ueoaed him as tbey port
leotion tor drink, mod tbaae mra tbs we lounged on deck, with tboaemytiads ed. I standing dumbly by. and be, bold,
MBoera keep an aye on for tbtft own of stars making ui led Jolly amalL
ing ber hand, aaid gently, with bis old,
good. Sailon are bonsd to try to nong*
"Hart»toD lay on a fteannr chair— oeft drawl, 'X aboil ratnrn son.'
gla liqncr aboard ddp. If tbey dri^ be oMTblWM-awBigiit tbew—gMlng
"Barberton went as be came, throng
eonaldenbly on tbalr abota Ubertian at tbbakywltb taMInmxvtafale^M. We tbe byways carpeted with moM and
tbey know that when tbey ratnin bad aU been laqgbtwiadcbtffaw wben
atin bolding
aboard (bay are in for *U
ao apeecta with me, wbo followed dogtbey awaken in tbeir J
like. Midway down tbe lane tbe
menrity of it all
. .
next morning, and In trying to rafely we were quiet and aolVn^^wben Hnr- Ing bane oangbt radiance from a abaft
bring a bit of Hqnor off to the abip they beitcm, pointing heavenWara. aaid in of tbeannaeL and into tbe glory of it lie
haTeinndnd the taking of'a hair eg his languid, affected drawh ' Tomarrow pamed alone. Fur a moment 1 dared not
tba dog' to aort at coae tbem np wb« 1 oball know wLut there have to tell.' enter. Wben X did. be waa gone.
"Well. Id a abort time 1 was able lo
they tnra to at 'all faanda’ the next We believed it to be merely one of his
poses, but in themarningwewere borri- laugh at tbe occnTrence aa ataurd.
"Sometlmea tbey gel the liqoor oale- bly startled by tbe news that be was Mother seemed to feel happy in some
ly aboard, bet gwMraUy they do not. dead. He had died, lying there in bit sort of deluriflu. I didn't care to ridi
Bnty anliated man on a United Statea chair, during tbe night
cule She never naked me to tend for
Man-of-war, except tba chief naater at
Well, Barberton'a name tatmted to Harbenn again. 8be always said,
anna and tba topae^aant of marinaa. ia me wben 1 waa lomd to invent a story ‘Wben it is time, be will come. ’
aearcbed at tba gangway upon bis re- to satisfy mother, and, ibongh Xconldn't
"She got more fragile dally. One
t&ra from abore liberty by tba gangway write a story to save my life, wbencrer nl^t abe lotted ao rtbercal that, fear
oorporal of tba marine guard, under tba I began jawing abuct bim everything ing to leave ber, 1 rant tte nonw to bed
inajection of tba oflioer of the d«A. for came quite i»L Often I blessed bis and Btaid in Iht room. All w as busbed.
tba pnrpoae of aaoenaining if be baa memory wben 1 could go off for a few and X most bave duad off. (0 U- rcniaed
any Uqnor cnoccalod about bis clotbeo. days, have a good time and return to by motber'a voice saying gladly: ‘Oh,
Tba men bare picked npaome ingeniona find fflotbcT quite pleased.
yon have come for mel That la eo good
aobemea for amoggling liquor in aach a
"This went on fcrawhlk, till mother of your
"Tbe light of tbe bxrveat moon filled
way that the corporal of the gnard is began to bother me with a request to
fooled. For exampda. tba men on the ask ‘my frknd' to ririi ua nt Framptoi tbe room, eclipriug tbe feeble glow of
China atatiem bay long eeisfcins from Gltiuiford. 1 tried L-rd to get ber off tbe liigbt ligbL
tba ooolies. fill tba skint with about tbe notion. 1 said ihat he was bniy or
"Motberhad t^sed benwlf to a riia qnan of liqsarand wind tbem arannd ill; that entertaining goerts would bun ting poriiion and was looking np eager
tbeir necks beneath tba ooUara cf tbeir ber, and all manner ft things. Bat
ly. Joyfolly. ber thin hands extended.
seemed art npon it—tulki-d nothing else. Bcndifag over ber. I eaw diatinody Ibe
"It took tba offleenon the China ata- Tbe doctor said it waa a tdek fancy: figure of Barberton. Stoning forward,
tion a long while to get on to this that in ber weak state any craving moat I rushed toward ber, bnt before X conld
reach her aide she mnk lack intrt. Bar
aebeme. Then tba men wbo felt that be bnmored.
they snraly needed a drink tba next
"Thus ooniered» 1 wrote a letter urg bertoQ had voniabed, and tbe moonligbl
morntog aftra returning from liberty ing ‘Ify dear Hnrbcruu'—X hadn't tbe revealid only ber debd face lying peace
diaoenrered tba pUn cf filling e robber mnotrat idea wbat hit Chrisriao name fully smiling on tbe pilloWa.
bag With liquor while aibore and of was—to come to ua even for a day.
"Tbac'f a lot of years ago now, bot
stowing tba bag next to their waist-, Uutbo inxiated npon addings line—abe Tve nevi-r been able to redone it to eom_ bands. Tbe liqnor amngglert. wbo ob- wbo bad not penned a word fur montba m<m mse. Can yon. old ebapr’—Black
' aerred that tba amrebing oorporal only —begging bim to come Chat abe might and White.
passed hU hands np and down on tbe liave an opportunity of thankitig bim
outride of their clotbaa. thwi traoned for bis triendlineas toward her too. I
An explanation of a enrioua t^cal
to tbe plao of ^ring botUee of liquor did feel mean when X took tbe invita
pbeixmienaa sometimei witneoed od
with string on tbe inner aide <d tbeir tion into another rocmi Rod bnrned iL
lega. Uneatfa tbeir trooaen, but any
"1 would have given anything to frosty nights which is called tbe "paensaaitdnng oorporal knows all abont this have been able to prodnee on imporior. do anron." is offned inSciunre by Mr.
one nowadays
Bnt Barlicnoo had U-rn deseribed so Goode of tbe Chicago nniversity. Tbe
"Tbe oox'ntj of tba ataara cottar, wbo mbrately tbe mattr knew bim by beart
» Ibe form of brantifnl
niakes docens of trips asliura a day as it were, and woold have deketod a colnmns of silvery light i
wben tbe colter is'rnuning boat,'has trand at a glance. Betides, I have never electric arc lamps aod oibrr bright
to bo carefnlly tratebed. fur be is liable seen any one wbo at all risenibh d bim. lights and amnetimee appearing slmort
to be tamperad with by the men wbo I told ber I bad beard from him that be to reach tbe aenitb. Mr. Gondr asyt
arant liqnor {ratty badly, and bis op- was coming. X dreaded abe woold a.0t that Ntraetimes tbe evening aur baa a
portuniuea for getttag liquor aboard to aec bis letter, hot it cbanoid to be bright abaft below as well as'above,
are many. ETCiy once in awbile. upon CM of ber bad days, and rite didn't.
while tbe riaing moon stands in a kaoad
tba cutter'a return to tbe hta>{>. it is
"Ntsxt morning be was to arrive. X eolamn of ligtiL These appi-arancM arc
Marched by the officer cf tbe deck, and meset to fake np a tekgram sooHltaw, doe to floating frost r^yst^ which keep
tba latter often finds liqnor neatly giving mi excose fir,bis aisomoewbeu I tbeir r< fl' cting facdAorixontal On exstowed among tbe entter onaL. in tbe I went to thestaliot. vki pm lenae cf > .cet- stninatio:' be fotu-d that tbe crystals
cutter bilgea or even in tba boiler tonka. iiigLlci. My moi^r waa strangely well ooBcertHv. in tbe t-xf.ibition were thin
When this bajipona, tbe cox'onof the that morning. Her cuttcoDary lomitude six tided plates of ice, never more ffum
entter is in tzuubla Be gaM a big rake and {tain had vuniidicd. She was reclin ow millimetor in diameter. Wben tfli.
off from tba men for bit liquor wnng- ing on a cooeh drawn close to tbe open wind Idows, tbem litlletdatraareupaet,
iding. which aoconnta for tba ebanoaa window. B«r checks
and the columns cf light, eanaed by lebe will taka
and there was a lace
"Tbe ahip'e painter baa to be watched her white hair that mode ber lotA peettua Be ia a petty oOoer. and be has tier than X bad ever M«u ber. Bbe waa
A na la Nto Bsart.
cdmrga of tbe ablp's aioobol. which ia all impatience to ase Harbtrton and hur
Tbe old time idea that tbe albriiteri
chiefly used tor tbe making of sfaellao ried me off to tbe autiun half an Xwor touch of a foreign snbstitoce on tbe beart
to paint tbe lowar daoka
means (main d>atb waa shattered years
"Some of tbe sailors like a doaeoC
"It waa a lovely June day, and our ago. One of tbe most remarkable cases
alcohol mixed with coffee for ‘toning’ private footpat)! to the railway lay ever beard of, however, waa that deand aoburing np purpoaea. and as tbe tbrongb shady ways, ba11 was wretched scribud in a paptr read before tbe Amoafaipa painteriBoccarioaallycorrnpCibla and ashamed, wishing tbe thing over. ciation of American XTiyaicians some
and oam» tbe keya ot tba aioobol muka Tbe ramcmbraiice of tbe sparkle in yean ago by l>r. I^abcaly. It was of a
there ia quite a little drinking of this motfaer'aeyua, even of tbeeffort she bad ease wfaere a pin was found in a bnman
mixture on eomu of tbe abips where old made to appear in inll toilet, disturbed beart after having been there for an inttmers {urdominata Tbe old flat feM me. OfberlMalthll-edoeturbadvprkcii dufiiiite period. Tbe point of tlie pin
have indued been known to drink the gravely cot the night before. With a was disuint above five miUinM-iera from
abellac alter it bat been prepared for beart affection snob as bets might not tbe external aurfara of tbe heart. Tbe
(be sake of tba aioobol in it. and tbete ibe abock of Harbertoa’a nauappearanee pinae«-m*d eroded and wae broken-by
ia an vipraraiao in thu navy among tba be too much far ber?
the Bcisaoni in diasection, witbaut beMiliati'd men. ‘If you aw a jaokie cumb‘‘lanppcisr one onfdit to believe In ODttiiug displiuvd. There was no rviIng bf mnatacbe with a marline apiku. Kemcsisorrctiitratiaa or that anrtef deuce of nwut local inflaniniation. but
you know what faie'a bets at.' that ia thing. tl don't mcob; bot, I cotifeaR, Ibct port of the heart in tbe neighboreury ahsifleanx
tbai annuner morning I came Dearer boud uf the prorrading Iwad of tbe pin
"Bat teall thia ai X say, there is fcSeriug for my aiuf than I bad ever was (THKly thickened and snow white
an e» .«diDgly small percantaga of Jove before cr bave ever dtmr cince.
and firmly adbemit to Ibe edge of tbe
drinkii.g men in our nary in oonipari"Now, yon needn’t believe what fol
SCO with similar figures for cither Ug lows nnleaa you like. 1 often donbt it
naviaa Tba cwcaalonal drinkm in our myself. X knew acMetbing waa to hap
■emoi. when tbey ratutn from tba pen as I board Ibe aoimd of tbe ocnlng
"Bow's famdiMM?'' asked dm olrcet
bMoh R Ut under tbe weather, are engine, and aa IwoMbedttie train twoep fttlr.
Merely put in tbe brig overnight and ■ronnd tbe curve of tbe line I wanted
"Hot very triA," replied tbe efber.
penBiiued ID go to wvk without
"Sold anything^'
badly to ran away, bat couldn't. Of
oourae tiiere ore Kldom many paaoes- , "uciy
''Oely tnrra
tbrra a
or four people m fiK.—
ceateUktorioed. TUa tiMSlbetewM i rUoaco Becord.
^ tm9»
- WliM n I
JUI.T 8^ \9^
Mwk Ms vslwrt •( ber Mad
B JearMTsd e*>r sea aed laad.
Saturday, August 6th, 1898^
Consisting of Choice Farm Mares,
Heavy.and Light Draft and Driving Herses,
4 to 8 years old, weighing from 900 to -1600 pounds, at Geo. Hoir’s
Barn, opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse City, Ulch. .
Sale Commences^ at 1:30 p. m.
TEBKS OF BALE—Five month's time will he'given on approved
hank notes, real estate or chattel mortgages at 8 per cent, interest, or
5 Per Cent. Off For Cash.
Every horse will be sold as represented and tried when sold
on day of sale and all responsibility ceasee on day of sale. Bememher. no side bidding will be allowed, hut they will be sold to the high
est bidder. I will soil horses every day, privately, on same terma
BANK’S PART iiv reMt^.lNO.
■siawal Par Tmm
There la a hoepital for seea on the
tbe beine in Faria. Trara
TUIera to W«rk.
which f^w sick along tbe boukvmids
Bow doM a book help tba Nnner?
Witb tbe approach of tbe time for are taken here to recover.
plowing and planting, aeeds and terThe cr-beea. or ChineM violin, tn
liUzCT will i« Becesrary. How can tba
farmer boy tbem if tbe last season wai shape teaiiinblea on ordinary hammer
a poor otM? He baa spent all of his with its handle. It bee two atiings and
earnings in ranniog tbe bimsebold dnr. ia played witb a bow.
ing tbe long wints. He goes to tbe
HU honor tbe magiaaats Uabout tbe
^raler in feriUinw in tbe nearert vilUgeand asks. "Wbat is tbe price cf only hoora to be found amtaig thievra
featilUer a tour'
"Fifty doUara" the dealer repliM.
"WeJL 1 wUl need two ttms, and
that will amount to giOU."
"Yea Tkke it along nowr
"1 haven't tbe rvudy cub juat now.
COLUMBIA AMS X«Tf A. OUK"Ob. ibat’a all ri{d)X I know you're
good f« it Take it along and give me
your note payable in foar montba By
aoing north daily except fianday.
that time your ciopi will be yielding a
Tbe fanner givee hie note: the dealer
Tratene Bij Line ofSteamen.
fertiliaiu: thewboltulv eesdt i( mtbe
mannfocturer at tbe fcrtiliaer. wbo in
torn takes it to bit tank and boerowa
tbe money on it leM tbe intcreet
Tbe fanner graa bis aeed in tbe same
way and at tbe time of tbe expiration
of tbe AotM la aide to meet bis oUigaThna instead cf tbe fatmn being
oompclled to wait nniil be can nt tbe
2aab to pay beltxe be ran buy Ute fwtilizar and seed, be obtains tbem wben
be needs tbem. Tbe dealer, instead of
having to wait until tbe farmer gets tbe
money before ha ran sell bis gooda seUs
tbem in tbe proper seen and raoeivw
wbat it to him praotirally rath. Tbe
wboleraler reoeivee from tbe retailer
wbat u as good as raab to bim. and tbe
rvr rcceivee virtnally oath
from tbe wbol
able to lend it out to _
Tbe farm would go unpianMd;
ground would go nn til led: there would
be DO ostqM to yield e profit
Xbat’e when tbe bank bellip^a
Ar. TraveraeOly................ 10:15
New Departure!
, of Detroit, alad
Ity Banitarinm. is
towx4 where 1 e will
remain for one dsy only to give tbe
tick aa opportnnity to eousnlt him
that cannot aee bim at bU SaniUrim
Tbe doctor baa eo mneh ft
aa hod f..______
.1 give Oi
lie^ fre
Also fses scaoiCAtopBaATron to
> every patient will staU to tbeir frieade
■cs and de
(ormitiee treated.
lta la tbU
Bute baa had ench extended eipto
riencein tbe treatment of CATAR0L
DISfiASeBastbedoctor. He grade,
ated 87 years age from aevelaad,
Ohio; sraa IS yean In general pra»
tie*; i
teetnred aa PrafeMor
of Anatomy
and Physiology in Detroit
____ iopathic
- leri ^lege for 1
ycarai wusSyeara Snperinteiideut
Alma and Tpanantl 8si
This experience, combiDed witb many
yean' study In the beat boapitaU in
the country, and examining and treat
ing tboBsanda of ctaronic cases, Ima
prepared liim to core when tbe general
pracUtioner fails. Have yon been aick
for years? Are yon dlsconraged?
Callaed see ua,we will tell yon whrtber
we can cure yon of hoL If we cannot
will teU you what rellaf
'VS-tiSSn’S, .
mootb srm be
abeolBtely free—meaictnea
operations, and tbe benefit
akiU to ail wbo are too poor to pay.
Our metbods of treatment Is all riiat la
known by aU tbe tebooU, sritb tbe.aid
ef electr^ty, that moot sronderful of
all agenU in Paralyris, Loss of Power,
Kbeumatism, aod all dieraaee of tba
aervoua ayoteai. Go early, aa My
Metooss «r tas DeMle Oaltory.
Tbe humor of tbe DnbUn galloy bM
Ar. Nortbpoct.........................4:15
long beM proverbiml. Masuady, in hla
"Besninitcenoea.'' reUtae that on cnb
ooramoo wben playingOtwayf'Veniae Daily Xeralng KxeuTaieos Trom
Pretorred." Jaflier’s long and rather
drowsy dying speech was uterrapted
by one of tbe gallay. in n tone of great
Take stramer at 8:40 a. m. for Kcahrailing out very londly. tawanu wh»re yon will eoaneet with
leat onoer’ to r^irii an- steamer Crescent relureiar to Trav
erse City at 10:45 a. at. Ihli will give
replied. ‘‘Be quiet yon bleckgaerd,’' yon a pleaaant ride of 84 miUa on the
bayaedeanbe made every moraiiw.
tlM taming witb i
If you wlab a longer ride tbe boat wfll
land yew at Umena or Kortbport where
yon will eonneet with steamer tetnrning to Traverae City at 4«) p. m.
* fternoon axenraimM from Traverae
Tbe coauDon soldier tn Boada rw
. take tbe steamer Greeoent every
eeives > rablui per annum aboat gS.tA
moon at 8*0 for KeabtawaaU
Tbe day nuotis oonriat of two pounds aftrn
of eaeb^. wbiob U e vmy rrans kind where yon wUI eonneet with eteamer
retaraiog to Traverae aty at 4:«) p.
of bread mede of craokediye. baked bold
at drat, tben cut into nail plaraa sod "ropartiMMfivaor more a rato of
fartbea dried la a brnrad oven: a anmB qocjare for the rmsnd trip wfll be
qaauttu ^ Ml* and scaae Mnp.
Remember, we give a written xuari
autee to care every caee of Pfl.B5and
RUPTURE. Alao, ire h »ve a lybsg-ia
ho<{dlal department h our Sanitar
ium. Send for Jgurna'.
SR. SPIRIET an iTtb.
Bicvcle Riders.
Bemember thai I do all Unde of re
pairing and enaotoUag. and that I ana
and do give you the best worii of any
one in tbr city for tbe mousy. DouM
W deoel^^ ubat others
yoa to
rsarantoeall myworktobe right,
___ U it does not prove M 1 omAo tt
Stop la tm a oSioek osery >-eaMr
axeept Saaday. in tbe OaldweU A Leo>
boUdlag, at north and of Oatou
^ r^;r' ■ * '
XBJ Mounira asoo&d. stthday. jplx ,ai le^e
camney torneu cnpital ii
elm en miwiI admUge of which it
Lta not Mled to tally p
D Irfmdoa and lu
bodncM offiora are condoctid in En«Uad-anMtnpolU. Tbecleotrinlifrhtiyetam of ti»e city U the property of Ger>
nanc^taiiata. The Mexico and Vcm
81ULL WA&E& Oma railway ii owned in London, the
Monterey and Mexioan Unlf railway ii
the pnqxwty of Belgian atorkboldin.
the Mexican OcntTBl. tbe noat inpor*
- KMrtj AU Pw tant eailway of tbe repnhlic, U prlndinUy owned tn Boato^; tbe Mexioo.
fTbe Mexican Laborera Use It
In Tbeir Dealings
Barto tm the Vaak I
There is eothiee qiHe e$ comfortahle as that prinw of;
C<7reuoaneai ia an inaidiaau and un
lawful deaire fox that whiob ianot ottra.
It smlly kwia to an eft«^ to fomem
wbat we wiah for mo« Inotdiaately,
whether by fair nima or fool uuea.
Curetonaneea ia forbiddun by tbe Uw <d
God. -Thondialt not oovet" ia the
flud oomniaod of Ood in the
confott ghers--
\Torris Chair.
«.h» o. <10- »U• tnUMTioer ln»r»l.«ber«tiU<it
^~.i TWt to Mestoo bmkW b; U» wrltar
MtIt Io U« to » ■I'toUJ
erf tta*
o» til. m»bll0, nol .U rf which Ih r*h" V<
tu tBTwti^to ^
V _
i,b.M ui
“SUrer i* the mooer
peoplA” UwkrbitxkrTMfttODcetinaiiy
ill aoanectiaQ with the ad^ ''*c7of Ui^fiMerdiutccaf sllTerla the
•» Stat'-^. ■•Copper i» the money
!i irotil- ill Mexieo,*'iaa
.u .oi iv mure truly
ivi*u.«tothl*aoBiJtiy, where all
the PomifalUtieB of free ■ilver ba>-e unqiw£«od ouBttol. For M it i* moat
onTeniRit in the United huUM to ooodoot morantile nail bodneue o|ierU»otH
ioTolTiiig only onuU anionntt in idlrer
OttReocy. io i* it ueoiwnry I Mexico.
by nas>» of the pldfully amall wagea
))^d and the porerty of the ensisws, to
transact a large part i-f all mule with
tbe so called ocaiuuoii pi>.>pb' in ooppw
oeutavoa wurtb lean than ooe-halfaoeat
' In American money meaaurenH ut.
hot mlj «U. Tta tiA
cajpauu, G.™.j
UTTBiany or
at th.,»“
my obliffaticaia
United Statnu What an oppwtnnity to
It I ehotUd do*"
....V. nae of that mvtm mtenm. t
humanity demairi that
and^Kted ooinaftenr tU*er!““
at the raUo of 10 to 1 without the aid
eroou«ntcifanTothcrnatiaooo«rthr'/^"’^“*‘*°- *down my
_..h .h.
^ lemthanhalf
n of Meiloo'i Dagnial re-.
diamard God and to fail to
- -- - .^oouxida-r our fellow men ie a groat and
CorrUnnacBi is one of tbe moM dan
leading natt>ns id tbe world wonld
gerous oriU to which buinanity is heir.
oompuL The rich resoumM uf the tniuIt ia a eiu uf the heart and is not ao
Ing u.- W.II dcica ol Ih. mii.™ uc ^h^' w« k. .w~c d ih wi
diiaciiaof Uii'
fd to
i and in this fact tica one <d Ita greatuat
fend its-teg.
The acme of home comfort is. reached when .
you possess a Morris Chair.
We have them in Rattan and with nice |
^ cushions from $6.00 up.
IJ. W. Slater's House FuraishiDgStorei
‘S^‘s!;ir;7‘7 s s I 'p7r5«rci;dK“i7:Ai.5';^^
ebSp ub-w pw.- .1 UK, dh. <
12S-X32 ^x-033.-fc S-bx>ee-b.
lord to buy sire made up in ciuantiliea ta
P^P" d~l7i. u m«dio.ic. dcld
be Bold at 1 oent each, and they boy in
this way tma, twb or three purtiona of
lard, beau, peppers, pout™* tomay the law of God.
(iod. but
bat not by tbe
toea, or aa tbe pitunoes they posse*
In some respiwtB tbe gold standard den by
b is (rften called by otbw
wUl permit. SheUed com U bought is tn * practical operatian in Mexioc law of
world ■ tehO* UBolltaa tsisu* Cimilsi
and aold by the quart out of which the today as in any coontry in the world. names, and applanded by tbe
to Hear BvMsto.
tortillas are made throu^ being boiled Adt
All UI>0M(KIU»dUUUk.C>U<aJM«<V»
investment Indm
Tbe <i<rot Ghent, in Bdginm. is
and emsbed. and baked when mixed isrd pnfita in gold, the eamlngs of all no le* an evil in the sightof God. God built on 88 ialanda These islands are
with water, and which with beans form
indnstrius are dlscuacd tn locics at the btsut and not oo tbe out
with «eh otb* by 80
their almiist exdnsiTe article of food. terns cf gold vnlue. merchanta seek cc
rrity has 800 streets and 80
In tbe trade tnnMetknacf the labffing make tbclr pne* alluring by quoting Judgment is not God's standard. We public squ_ea. It ii noted for being the
We'bnve the reputatimi (or fair and
ma** of Mexioo it is seldom that a tbe lower priiv on a gold basia. and ho may emape the Judgmoit and poniMi- birth pla*.of Caiarl* V and of John of
pentewe U made that It is not oonqiot- tel ke^nsnocanpanylnfarmatian as tc meut of men. bnt when we stand befoce Gaunt, whom Shakespeare called'-time
aqnara dealing—We bars *mad it. Wa
«1 and oomplettd in their onpper centa- their rates by rcfen*oe to tbe fact that God we will be Judged by wbat we are honored Lanaasier,”and astbe aceneef
k------------ 1
«e rule* that
surioma* (or ua.
YOt. the aanm n;«ager meawirement be ft U a certain amoent in Mexican stl- and not by what we aeetn.
pacification cf Ghent Nor. S.'l676.
The core for oorctoosae* Is Chris
can help you to live weU. flerearaa
ing applied to thdr eaiuings aa to their vrr, which they tell yon is only so mneb
.. of eevnal insuTTectians, deg* and
^usiitipw If therefore it is desired by in American raooey or gold. Tbe gsir- tianity. Chiistianity teach* men to exeeutloo* of well known pfreonag*. It
(aw tamptlng qaatatiaas tar these •torrid
the advocaws rf free coinage in tbe (hase and sale of Mr zican dollars arc car
is BMOciaced with American biriory by
United 8iat* to b*ald tbe resolta of ried on in little riinpa, * is tbe *le of thanftwKiL Such a man can never be the trmty made there Dec. 84. 181A
their aeleotod currency eytiem. aa railroad tzansportatiou in the ticket oovetoos. Christianity shows us tbe ah- terminating tbe eucond war between
nbowu by experieaoe ralbcx than by a*]p*s' qnaners of tbe larger otti* uf solute d<x«itfalne« and nneertainty of England and the United Stateo, known
3 bomer New Proceaa Vapor Stove, ^ for
tbe rich* uf this world and of tbe folly
theory, t^ should be as further pro- our own coontry, and like tbe ticket
at tbe war of 1818.
4 burner New Proceaa Vapor Stove, $25. tor
««ttifl<'ing eternity for tima <^s
(teadve as snob cooditlrsis fully Justify scaloer the dealers in Mexican dollars
Amsterdam, in Holland. U btdlt on
1 Mascot Refri^rator, $8, for................................ * •-JOand seek added faecw for their cause by
pn» driven far below tbe water Into
1 Ohilkool lUfnpir.tor, $10, lor............................$ 6.00.
{■uolaiming copper as the money of tbe
tbe earth. Tbe dty is interaectod by
1 OhiOtoot IWfrigeretor, $12, lor............................$10.00.
eommon people, aa It is in Mexioo. tbe
many canala which are spanned by
ideid bosne of tbe freecoiuage of diver. Meskan dollar is givai day by day in
nearly 800 bridge^ and r
In tbeir effor* to create opposition the daily newspapers of the rrpnbUc. as
Only one each of the above left. First come first served.
ioein i'
to the pramat mooeuiy etandard of our tbe value of iron end ccal and variathmi meut u the most dasirahle of all poa thongb
COf tty they include danandatian of in tbe qootatlona uf the formor are as aeadona
divide tbe city,
Bible Beadingt.—JoshnavU. 1»-S0:1 that city. Tbe
SiatiW arri GOTporatinaa and Iruata and
ciroumfer..m. XV. I0-85; UKingsv, 15-*7 “
^yndicatu and monopolies, as if it were
ence. into 00 islands.
X. 8; Frov. xv. J7; xxC *4-26: li
troe that some principle lubcrunt or who toils in the mines <r at the
The city of Venice Is built oc 80
pvtainlng to the tree eoinago of ailm btars nothing and knows nothing of tbe 8: Ecrl. v. 10; Exek. xxxiii. 81: Math, islets, which are connected by near]riy
wonld iircTent and irw idc aguinat the existence cd any money in Mexico *re xxri 14-18: Mark vil. 81. 82: Actsv,
wrils they thna #o flnrcely partmy. If the cbiap silver, otcb though tbe eor- 1-11; Rom. xiii. 0; Eph. Y.*6; 1 Tim
l/nnil/Of 'Vehavea few latest model five dolh.r
there la any truth whatever in tbeir aa- potntion for which he tuili tuoeiv* its vi^S-ll. ________
carriage*. Tbo bridg* are. asarulA | KlJUAIVo!
Kodaks which makes a picture
aertions and aarampUems. it should be n-turus in gul? and adjusu iu busimia
Tito AsU<* Le*.
very steep rising considerably in tbe ;
made sppsreut iu Mexico, wbero tbe totbatbasis. Tbe Uborvrs in the fields,
1^ by 2 inches that we are selling for
CoDtmnplate'tho love of Christ—that middltx bnt have easy stops. Tbe cirgystem they seek baa always po.-valled the artimns in the sbopa tbe deft flo- which made his life so much to the cumferunoe of the dty is about eight
and anfb virtues aa It may posse* have g*ed wtavers at the looms and in tbe world, so much to y«» and me, was ac fflU* The Venetians joined the Lom
1 given uninterruptod op
hooiea and be who fnmi daylight to tive lova. or lovs in actioti. If we bard Lngne against the German emoatid
for experiesMe lu action
and in effect. dark upon tbe streets and highways of would rtudy that perfect chanwttriBoru. ptcur, and. in 1177. gained a great vic
Orefol inTcrtigotion as to the ft. : 1:: tbo republic btars bnrdons open bis we would love it more, and our own tor it> defense of Pope Aleaander OL
that diroouau. buwevur, reveals a sb. e | Uti that a burse wonld srsn tire wish charam rs wonld beonme mon like Bia. over tbe fleet of war voMols beaded by
of affairs in Mexioo most decidedly tb.
cU those, laborvrs. faruicrs and mo- The ChriiB life would bring us very Otto, son of Frederic Barbaroa* In
oppnsiie of that which It has bera heart- , ehani*. are the (mu silver servanU uf
to God. If a piutv uf iron is put gratitodF for this virtotr tbe pope gave
folly o-rtimsd would noocsopany the
suhaddiaed oon'oratioa* and impm) to an electrified btriy. tbe iron l«>- tbe Dkge Zioni a ring, and instituted
The Little Pnek which takes a pictore 2 1-2 by 2 1-2
wbo meuive their retnius in gold. com* charged and both beenme mag tbe world tamons oeromony at •‘Veoieo
free ooiiiagu of tilvor.
Tbim-isuo cheap silver in Mexico fir nets while togvtbsr. If we will keep Marrying the Adriatic 8ea." In thU inches for $2.00.
BeoUag le Slealee.
tlieir (amiliva. They close to the Father spirit, we ahall feel oervtuiiuy the doge, as the chief ruler of
The banlcUig busini* of Mexioo Is
The Photake, holding five plates two inches square,
principally ooudncio-1 mid contrtillrd by
tbe magnetic touch of Uis luvu. and our Vcmcv nswl to bo termed, with appro
two bone girvcsnmfot favored inrtitupriate oeremoni* dropped a
into for ^^-50,
hauts willjthriU with new Ufa
Also a variety Df higher priced cameras, from fo.OO to
♦t/Mis, the Qiiuk <rf Lnnd'ia niid Mexico
Tbe great God and Father uf all. tbe
etorual spirit cf Icive. can never falL Hu the wualib and trade earned to V'enioe
■ nbd tbe Naiinual Baukoi Mexioi- The
Hexioan govonnneot i*nes neither ginris the some yistentay, today and fotvk enuncot not* nor oedn o-rttfleat*. tbe throngb its twin blemings cf (l
er. and that spark of the Influitu in our
function of issuing legal tender |»per and cheap labor.
own bnwsti ahall never otuae to bum THE OUNKERS’ LOVE FEAST.
SsbsISIssd C
being ddi«ai(sl to the banks above
until Wk' ore purged from all drr* God
I have refemd above to :*snbddiied has loved us into Irtug and will lore us
■amod. the japtf circnlaticsi nf which
t. pto O"* tegew ee4|the
ate «r iw*e.
Isguaroatcod by tlifg.iv.rtiijent ■nave conioratiouN " uwl in order that it may. nntU tbe gnat puruuau of car (matica
be a>nuiu>«t that 1 am u<vuly deal is Mcomplished, nntil everything sball
are sUi« bauksiif issue as wi-U. bnt they
"Hie most important and tbe most
are not so favored, nud their nut* are ing til
be subdued unto Him, "and He rimll bMutifnl custom of tbe Dunkers is their
accepted only at a discount, rxivpt p*- Mkinld
be all. and in all.Universolist.
love (oast, which they cdriimte in comlaid
baps in the immudiatu locality in which
memoration of the Lard's supper, afl*
they are ismocL Tbcee few favored tbe tuilroads. inaoafiu.'tunDg phinti.
tbe moDOer of tho frimitive Chris
banka are peraiitted to ima'* iiotce to brewori* and almost ^-ery other d.airaford Howard,
in deThe gnat danger in Uorbristisn life tians.'’ writ* Cniford
three tinna tbe emonnt of thiir peid up Idu or uudesirabie iudasuy. as iudividiM of the Dnnkm of
' D ttiat wly gre$$t sins acribing the curtoms
capital, the only addpd reijninrocnt be nalt may view them. Bvoi tbe boast <rf aJf^Uiu^ On Uh< Muenry, it is Ephmu. Lancasior o
ty. Fa. in The
ing that their di-pudw shall ls< «<)UaI to rh*p labor, rich and uudi^-eloped w- rare that the evil corn* in like a flood. Ladies' Homo JonmaL
one-third cd their nott-s isHued They K rafvus and the ansumud bltwsiugs nf There is in the enbankmeot tbe little
"Tbo rrlebratiou is held at ni^tfaU
id begins
with tbe rite at (bet wnoh- \
are also pHnaitu-d to Icaui uxmey to free coinage «f sil.w were not
IQS With
cruck through whicb the wator trickl*
ol pB>-nieut
pn-viait the HUDUol
from olmiist uuohstrfTed. and in such small
all ' ing. in ImitationI of the act performed
(be govenuBcnt at 6 per cent iutirest
tna*ry in ns
Tbe Bank of I-imdau and Mexico is the Mexican V
quantity that it is not wgarded as by tbe Maiitor at the Io« sopp*.
nue.fdurtta of i
principally owned by Englisli and Ger
..-orthy cf effort to restraiu it. But each : be washed tbe feet of his disciplsa
man capitalista, and its capital slock is
miiioto it wia-ks its deadly wtak. re- ' bmall tubs of lukewarm water are
reporiwltobellO.OOO.OOn. The capital roads aluu<x m.d iln- (act that many namug parcirle after panicle, until. | brought in. and thoee abaai to receive
itaaiid under the strr* of Che stonn. it t^iens | tbe ordioanoe remove their riiom and
■lock of the KalHSial Bank of Mexieo U utiier railmad cliarn-rs li.iv.givou ul fSO.OW.OOO. By reason of the witli u<x-»u)nauyiuc gi-iieruDs snbaldiM
P way (nr tho givnw away of the ' stuc-hiugs. The brothers thi-u iu turn,
prirll<«eB they paao* th*c banka are ilk additi.si 1" t'le K"vcTnnLiii gifts lavibonkmtsit. and in a
-■hly U*<tuw->i t-r vr.riuusother
dry one aiiotber's feet, tbe
E Be.aie Bnildin*.
enabled to sbowidlrideads npon even
flood with iu mill I—Lnthuran Obeerver.
riatos at tbe same time doing likewise
the caunnous capital they proclaim of ,>M* Irarex it iiol a i.istier of sui.
among tbemmlv* in teeir port of tbe
The neu.
from lb to S5 pur cent It is therefore iiiut iu addlti.n i<> WMiiiig Isolds io tbe
for thu
'not nooeswiry to further sufsest that Buiuout of marly
To us the Bible ia mom than a m*e
"After tbla (adtows tbe enpper. the
there is nothing lubercnt in the free inywwit >4 railpad xuiaidha as was Utorary stud)-. We never road it but
cf veacratiui tmm at love, which U epmad on long
' coinage of silver to pn-vout csiannDas douclu I«I 0. Mexico l.os bkssi compel'
cf the mesterwotka Mblm and consists of lamb aou^ and
preAts for Uqnks and bankora On the lad (•■ ^o;g au‘i muiiitain a syst^ of
is due ta
taxatiiu prdaibly tbe luust uxnaadve rf of Godl Callusefenatiamiignaramua
______ ___ ___ i 1__________ I
fe In
bread and4 other
simple rianda It
eoacraTy. the fednetion uf the currency
eaten in deront solrmnity end rever•f tbo ranutry t» a commodity the valoe* any uuti'a in uxi>-icuuu when uxniBrud if you please; yon oami« take fnm
with valnatnaisiDVulved and the amount
a. Attbeclomaf th«iD*ltbetCD(b- «f whidb persiistcDtly van* giv* to
.. tom to one another and extend tbe
^ ' hanks and banker), in Mexleo the oppor of bn»iucv.s transacuA B.lalive W the
right band of fellosrshipand tbe Id* of
tunity vAiicb tbe smmg always pos- bMids aU<vo meutiouud. it abould alsc
peace, each <me ahaking bands with his
' Maass or(IT the weak where vain* are be —«<t that thov werv sold at a dishoarinK « P**
nelghbar and kissing him. while the
uncertain and loss or gain thmiigb sodi coimt <f 11*4
slstan at their Ubl* perform tbe *me
conditiens tbcivby niado iiuisiUe- Tbe
Till the n naosaed to d«rals.
IS per cunt of tbe custnns ROcnirfH. In
bmutiful riu among tbcmmlvea Tbb
frn- silver shrinkagu in Uu- valoe of iU
n<7 b*t«b« t«ss<d rlnloss
aommauioo is then ndministend."
tf^eaeiitativeo nuvo in the hands of
(atbe loilcrs uf Mexico has ouuiTiimbkl to
Tl« prTSTuent nas Yiwjru a practama(he priuoely pruUia of the finign own v.ired have th.-ir federal tax* rumined
TUl^h^lpn to the M $r*t <lo«rk.
tlon rrstortn* the lands known os the
taa^ Hh^ Uefi^
en cf tbe Bunk uf London and Mcxica for tho term at yuan onviaed by tbeit
Middle and Wert*m Seltoe rcserv* in
It may further intunst theosuman cuU’X*u»a
Cherokee ouUel to the public doTbaru 4i no otbor country on the globe
people of the United 8tai*. who have
Itow !>*• bKwds onr <t» <ro.t<-T.
tMwa urged to bi-hcvc that a fnv silver in which (vir(>auti<iiis are » lavtnwl
And this* mjnri eo ntvean uut
Mrs. FnuKYs Norton, author, end a
Ukst Kmeixsd to tbulT wroth the «*a
system carvirtl wilb it amie ftaiures of aad'nsOKifiulii-x •-< dimiinaiit as in Met
•later of Chari* Guiteau. the assassin
. .lnviiwiJth*cfBcuUiepri.-t«wr
. peculiar biono taruriug pedicy, to Itam
of Fresldenl Garfield, bos filed suit at
Aod^^;^ Uw ttilps ohoot.
uf ailver is a ty*that the great profit eaniiiig Irauchis* tbut tbe (mSt. Jotoph. Mich., fur a divorce from
Slial tiDolc the wo to thru- otic$r
Till ibrj toshF " »hrti-X mud tmr
V ooDraaiooe of Mexico ar»- aUiiost ou- tern iK«uMriiy tav.iraldv to the inter
tlndy owned and cuitrulUd by foreign
aqilalista. They boy the JegM Ub*
Aed toroln ore swtoU
faying onirsocy of the country at Ms
Cmnartrahlre from i
An whllistlseath.
depreciated uarkut valae. and throtg*
City cf Hexiou.
in^ttttsnu made and wag* paid in
uw dchpch p,'dpi. o, M„i„
ht7,-;ssr i; n 'Si
IN til
W. J.'HOBBS, Hardware.
Wait’s Drug Store.
Celebrated CMcage Caidies.
My Line
of Silverware
Is ths finest In Northern Wchigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or la fine Gold
F. A. EARL, Jeweler.
^■r'‘ I
. 1898.
d at the Unlvamty cf Oct-
Great Figure In Military
and Political History.
haracter Sketch of the Iron
Chancehpr by John Swinton.
Story of His Eventful Life.
THS «e*tb or E
(«. AjDoac the Bunn of tbe
I slatontni of Ibe taUteUoalli
rhooe MditFremeBta have llliw.
•d'uw blstorr of Uiolr time* there
a name more renoimed than that
march. He waa the '-aironf manI Ceneratloa
a for 8» yean a
"large potiuca" the «
wan of Oermany. tbe aatbor of public
poUclee and a controlling force In the
diplomacy of all tbe contlneolal gov.
TbiB la not the language of pralae. It
la but a part of t^ broad blatory of cur
>w Btamarck brought about Oermaa
be entered <
ccaaea of atudent life. Tbe three yean’
courwe waa with diffleulty completed by
him In live yean.
When hla mother died, ta 108. Btainarck took charge of tbe Pomeranian
eetatea of tbe family. He labored dillgently to Improve lu revenuea. but the
of-hla unlvenlty Ufe
dtaalpated daya
yeio -. and Dumeroua atorica
told of hla
hi bachelor partlea. when
many a etorray night waa paaaei'
drinking and gambling, ending wli
duel In tbe park betweeo two half tipay
Junkere. Then be w.-aa known aa "tba
mad Diamart-k.Hla fatber’a death to IMS made blm a
landed pr^rietor and a noblainao
by right of birtb wraa a kadgbt deputy
of tbe proMndal diet of Meraeburg.
Then began hla refonn.
Two yean latM^ be met the woman
who waa deatlnad to be bla wlfk: She
waa Johanna Priederike Charlotte Dor
othea Blronore Piittkammer. bom oe
April 11. 18X4. Deapite tbe proteete of
her people, they were married on July
X8. 1847. Thin <raa nhortly after the ad
journment of tbe Piuaalau landtag, the
la Ua a-ay. He calMd the chief
t or bla 'dmlrc. cained It tbrouch
«aya and by iMe methoda of a oon.a'parpoae of hU IKe waa to unify the
I taatea at Qennany. blndlnc
lacatbcr under the authority of the
atal acepter. anrmoitnced by tbe Im*
d aade and defended by tbe award,
whatever meaiw mlcbt be needed
the carrylnr oat of thla purpoae
raided by blm U JuallSabla
oareer waa a lempeslnoua one. l/mg
ha waa dearrtbed aa the -man of
I and trim.- and li waa through
acanrles that he won the triumph
which bla name ta aaaorialed,
for the man HiaroarcV he waa .rf
ve frame, atandlna over * feet In
I and vetshlnc at o&e time 280
a. Be waa very atordy tiaUl overby <dd a«e. In hit aarly maabuod
waa tamoua for feau of atrenetb «r
g aad bore the nickname of "Her,** When la the prime of life, ho
jBMtim of vmat eaergy and fortla Mid up to the lime be wan TO yeaia
Wa rtcorena eooaOtoUoa nuaialaed
I walL He waa for yearn a hard
«. a fterea dueUat. a wild hunter and
r drinker not to be beaten. There
wmy atoriee told about tbe way In
h he bora tbe trtala at the Tranoo.
d -----^
- 'His
the originality at thta etraage being,
half Mephlatnphelea, half dragon, who
before aubdulng to hie Iron wlU the
whole of European diplomacy ihocked
and borrifled tbe foglci of tbe old arhool
with tbe Innoeodoea and Inelauatlona.
tbe aarcaama and storiea. the glbae aad
Jofcee wblcb he flung at their faeada
merellenaly and continually. The wlgged
and powdered pomp wblcb'eoverad dip
lomatic pretfnae and mendacity waa
tom aaide tbe Inatani be obtained grip
of political reallilee. aad tala flnt ap. ie dignifl
clea of the Oetman diet eonatlluted a
veritable revolDUon. He had bem appanted envoy to the diet at Pranktort la 1851 aa a reward for nia loyally.
After dlaplaylag marked ability aa a
diplomat be waa aent aa emltaamador to
St. l*eterBl)urg, where he remained im
18(1. Then William 1 aucceeded to tbe
throne of Prusaia. aad Blamarck re
turned to Berlin aa tbe head of tbe nrtnlatry with the great plaa'ot Oermaa
g abape in bin tnaaalve
Created a count upon being called t
Uberala i
aa a direct menace to
their alma.' He ran the beat hated man
.1th decoratlona At 8:U hi. f^^ogiml album of 0^ni^t/Sf,2;
In the klngdom- -waa hooted and hisaed royal hlchnees the grand duke had z
<1M8) In LaUa:
at on the etree a—until the time came
12:'„ “• rr
aagxcUy and geaiua
The Sleawlek-Moleteln war was tbe
flret serious teat of hla policy. It waa
a six month*' campaign undertaken by
Austria aad Praaala to wreat tboae
and pul n«-ay tbe best one.” and aat
down at hla writing table. The grand
tranquil peace whate ar beOde! .
doke arrived immediately after, but the
prince la said to have dune hit best to
Tbair children, aeeordlng to tba
curtail the oonvernatloa. Tt’ben the Gotha, are;
l«1aoe went to Varxln. the eUof of the
<^>untca• Haria bora at fTrtitnnbia
a and yuided the policy
• government. He would keep the
le dlLday. braak hla faat with a few
of aauaagt or a diab of aauerand aleep on the "Boft aide of a
_** la hla tent when a better couch
BM within reach. -Are you here.
»r cried obe of bU boyhood ebuma
Wbea It waa announced in 1177 that a
■UUeaOon would ae put to the govern prince an exchange of pbotswrapto ia
ment In the Pniaaian upper houae aa to ramembrance of ibrir “work
the uae made of the Otielpb fund (tbe
Afler that t
eeqnaatrated fortune of the ea-klag of
Hanover). Prince Blamarck InUnded at went to Varaia.
am to anawer it bimaeU. Me would
Slnra bU retirement bla btribaara o«
make a clean breaat of it. be aald. at
tbe meeting of tbe Pntaatan cabinet the chancllor’a eatateo at
that preceded the alUlng. and then aub- aen, Vaiain or Prtadrtcharuh hava
mltted to Herr Prtedberg, tbe mlnlater *>eeii k-pt aa feaata wub alwava a
of Justice, a aumber of drmatU expraa. crowd of nouhlea calling npoa hS u
Blona which he Intended to uae. with «nend congraiuiatlnita. The iattwabathe queatkin whether they arera InaulU Uau la flUed wMh prramta and niiiiri
In the eye of the Uw. Herr Priedberg
waa obliged to anawer ta the afflnnaWa countrymen, auch aa portraJU. mar
ble buau, Illuminated addiweaes. aurar
Tbe prinee loot bU temper a little, aad dinner acnicei. aeu of maaalve girH
declared that in that caae be would drinking cupa and tankardn clocka and
mbor not fumlata any anawer. In tbe
new hnperui chancy ^^;arpr;5«« ^
tha orderoxtheday. At that time i
Prince Blamarck waa verj- laacrcMlble
the nercnlty of hla o
to ordinary mortala. aad to extraordi
1 life. The princeaa waa with
nary onea aa well. Even tbe mlnlstera.
unibaa their vtaUs were announced in waa a perfect a,______ ... __________
good «8me beforehand, bad often to wait hauafrau, bearing her bonon aa lb#
In tfe* anterooiBB for boura
Unpunctuallty tbe prince could not
endure. Once a Oerman grand duke requeaied aa tatervtew. Tbe prince
the anawer
anawer that
that It
It would
would be
be a high l-fore her drath the prt^ iid^Tiha
honor for him to ^Iv. the visit at » -Bbe it u who made me uSa i
How he extended the boundarlro 4>f
Pruasla by annexing to that kingdom
tbe duminlolia of three dethroned Oer.
man prineca: bow ^ obtained poaeeaal<m uf the duehy of Sleewlck-Holtr a man uf aerve i-gchaword .BteJn: bow be aelx^ Alsace and Lor« — ....SI1.W4
“ “** P'*"
eonquent. may all
W aa applied to nim. in snort. I i-nrned from the hlatcrtaB*
o blm.
ry. Bs waa nott to be clanalfled;
m a dlaunetlve personality: ha did‘
wloag to a type. Hla mind waa‘
L hla roaaon was anbtiantlal. hit
aaa iadomltahia bla geWaa waa
1. Ustbougt
solid. He had
y m the large sense
the word—that kind of It which
ound reallam.
ck’s bead was aometlraeo apotaCMooloaaal.but In troth the mesa.
yt hla cranium was very little
____la ordinary. There are In Oep.
/ pleaty of heads bigger than the
I that belonged to blm. Tbe brain
' itnad In It, buuewr. waa cortalaly
flad by nature »lth tboae powert
wort made manlfeat In hU life.
M you look at any picture of Bisk you are apt to be repriled by the
f starn axprtraloD of hla face. It li
adlngtr aevera. Re has the appeafw Of a auDen or an acr'
them Id tbe enig. are plala, ble forehead le of
east, ble mouth la large, bla note
at classical mold, bla eyea are
glah. bla ebeeka are ooarae grained,
hair aad nuatache are IndlBcrenl.
ras tbe offapring of an old.
and proud family, but the
If wblofa be Inherited from
SBceatora waa certainly not of an
tve klnd-^ot Napoleonic.
1 would be a mietake to enppoee
waa doatitote of the mots genv
iT’Ma «f human tmture. Tbo^
lalfW tlrp w*U have oft^n ^pokeo
!■ MgeTdAUty in social life. They
It ble loog devoUoD to the wife of
pmpaalonetaip be waa bereaved
tan ago. aad of hie pride In U«
. aad of bla enduring attaebI to bla friends, aad of bla aenUlai fealing ter the old king whom be
8 M amparor. They eves tell n«
I a tnaa who oo«id 1ce«p np raUg Wlfh bl8 bouad and Ii1a horse ae
Icb B(
a irhl^ emotion had Its place.
arA le no| to be brought into
with any other emlnenl
at Xbe ceatury. Hie eharacterta.
I no rraemblanee to tboae af
k wbo was bo|h atatesman and
aad whose flashing career
aa aallhe that td the Oermas. It
I *squlre the j>eB of Platarrb to
a ooatcaat betweea Blamarck aad
, glaeany and gaculiar.
• yaaerd
Ms Uf* wpa «fw that
•t yaraW ig that of any of hia
pefTrira Be was a founder and
r of atatecrafi and the
t «f an empire. He raised bla
i H'rhTb ”,Sh??ien^
overthrew the Prench empire
and dictated terme of peace tu Pruce
in 1871. the reader can anoertaln by tbe
perusal of talatortcal works.
There were mlUtarr
mlnlaten and diplomatic agents wbo
played their part la the cxecutlM of
Blamarrk'a dealgna. but it was BU-marck «-tao nerved aa tbe nUlng spirit
In all (he great events here spoken of.
Blamarck. tbe paramount genius of
Oennaa unity, fell from poesr aoon aft
er (hr young emperor who now rules
Osrmany ascended tb* throne la 1888.
ten years ago. The young man and the
old man enurtained different opinlont
In regard to some queatloas of Imperial
policy. Both of them bad a quick tem
per. E^b of tbwn war ohatlnnie. They
could not get along together In tbe pri'ernment. Bismarck resigned tbe office
of ctaanceUor In WO.
After that time and until bla death be
lived In retirement In hla castle at
Priedrichsruh aa tbe owner of a splen
did dumaln. Even after be left office he
was frequently InfloentlaJ Jn dctermlny of the Imperial a
r constantiy gave <
Judgment upon public questions through
the nrwapaper press. In recent yean
the emperor repeatedly sought hla ad
vice. and be strove to establlab triendly'
_____ Jding
gitw. He could sot give blm any
title, tor be waa long ago raised from
tbe rank of count to tbe dignity of
prince. We hear from Oermany of the
maurnlog for the death of 0«(tnaBy*s
"strung man."
Ia two things upon which BUmsrtk
lind set hie heart shen h* was in power
he failed. He e*uW not. with all hU
cfTorta reduce the Bomau Catholic
chinch to subserrleBcy to the gorerament. and he could not, with all hla
Draconian '
aas a long
___ ____ ...
bgd with tbe church, but he waa dise
comflted. and the -May law*” ware re
pealed. It was aha^ful cruelty that
he practicsd Upon the aodallau. wbo.
however, tnermaed and mulUpUed un
der It. Be ooutd not overcome ih« cunaclence or faith of tbe people of Oer
many. He waa aa saomy of popular
frcedrrtjt. He was the framer of a
mighty inimarr empire.
" u ' ■' '
firm ledalatlve body In wblcb Blsma
dqcblca from Danmark, aa tbe pretense
«f broken angagemanha Denir
The rerolutloB of 1141 Infraad i
humiliated vary quiekly. bul l
hopes Into tbe hearts of the pea
Radical Ideas ware spreading and
occupoau of tbroaea trembled for tbeir
safety, but Blamarck Instantly IdenUUn*
fled hlmaeU with tbe
e cause of Ua king ; July I. 18SS. wblob blotted out the mlhagainst (he pe-ple. He qphald the royal lary glory of AuatrU and added tanprerogativea and flarcely
arcely opposed any perishable
’ “
fame to tbe
Pruoalan eogtaa
form of liberaUm. giving way aitb bad
Blamarck Ui hU plan, for German
grace le the conreoalons which Pre*- unity hod a strong eoadjutor in Voa
ertek William eventually decried wise Uoltla. The first arranged mattan
to grant to popular aenthaeat
suit tbe Uppertal fancy, tbe saeood
Perhaps tbe rhlat trait of bis genlua clpllara the army unti! « waa a gi__
won to bg found In hla entire freedom death daollng raochlna Whm the Jcalfrom preconceived notions and le the
NapoleoD UI aaw flt le atrangthaa
hmpldncas of bin mind, whlah rafnsed bla power, aa be su
a rvTIval;
^HM SWIUTOW- fe submit to accept'd fallaclea Por of the manlal aplri of the by
French aad ,
equivocation and direct falsehood bU
powerful Intellect aubsiltuied a sort of
(etrageons fraaknera «hlcb bevrtUered
and outwitted hla adveraawea. Noth
ing. however, marked bis strong perOtto Eduard Leopold voa Bismarck- aonallty more vividly than the Intenee
and blind devotions with wblcb
born en April 1. Ull,
tmperial ctenoary followed him thither.
of Bobla ancestry,
of alx children.
Seldom did that nnfortuaaie officer gat
_____ Ingi
Hla mother, wbo waa bandaeme aad a
to bed before 4 o'clock io tbe moralag.
conferred upon him at tbe close of the Great aa tbe mass of work was be was
social leader, was deslnnia that he
not even allowed a clerk. At flrat, tashould enter tbe ranks of diplomacy,
deod, (bare was one at Varaln. who alae
but thus was little in bte youth taflva
ararywbare aa tbe diplomatic gloat of bad bis maaB at tbe common table.
promlae of hU brilliant caiear.
public aad privaU Ufa. Never bad
tor he waa raaliy hm fta- WbMi hts ttma was up and be had ta
bar^ ausodiag aebo*! fg •aHMl ht htaamcramatbodtbMiwy »>gw*ht
«h< ntkr M■Ska way tot aaothg aaknUlaaia. hi
The Story of
Bistnarck's Ufe.
Count Baibart, bora la Bmtiw i ttktf
December. U0. now secratary < as
foreign office
IT a
Oaawt Wtnaak bon at PfiaWiH
Tax Kosatva stxoOBX. buitoat. mm, lew.
fow A «CAN dMttM srauNo rr
tbe ornate
W. O.
ineaal manager <f tteOlMte
I Miami Valley Tnetka ecan-
• •« OmU VrtaM
but tall, vitb ipaiM vM<k«n
JWlfl— MBnwd. newljr 70 7(^n
ITsci* UzUk «Md to lit la tfae pcAw
mmt la Oaahm. tala kns. thli> fingan
SawWIngly pUelag bit obipa and bit
aid cyea gUturiag m be ttmorooaly
*lHMd bit faaad. Patbetioaay like Lit.. -----'a snadfaNMt
.. .
be joolwd
ttMAbotbevM at V deqtSBte
tbepoe•eoMals a atafce, teVa
aaMor of a wcipetMiM. aod be Ira^t
tattt tbe caBM the wirlag grace of tbe
fMlMvtowbkfa be bad been
anted in hla eazlkr daya
BanpAlie baaee. He amr bongtat
wte than |C wwlh <d oblpe at a data
Sbaaa be eroald for tbe aoat part aate
away waltiag for aoea cr better, aad
wfaea be Anally did gc« a good band a
bannaUiepreMQtedtbe oUaiaod bit
Oayba and BamOton. bae baen gni^
tbe prlTilege by tbe atate board of pnbUowofteof
of experimenting cn.tbekUaml
and Brie cuwlwitb an appantaafor
driring boali
Dali by eleotricri^. U tte experimeot prom a anooeia tbe ^reement >■ that be ta to have a
granting him tbe il^t to operate a line
of boat! for a tern of yeara, paying to
tbe state tbe tolla aa are now paid by
tbe ownert of boat* town by uolaa
. Maay ■■fbaij"^^i?g
te ^ of a t^
an imfaappy
Tbe noeocmte of the battle befefe San
there it a kind of hnmaoe
tiago. aaye the New York Mbnne. aU
ttiongbt in tte iagtenity of tba daaih te mentiao tbe work vt the pneomatio dyHe may Isreat aona.. D which was in tbe cteign tf
tbing ao terrible aa to make war bnpoa- Beogrul Halleu Aleop fiomw. Tfab
—'—•“*-aa intaaeat to tte
work of Ur. R. J. OatUag. tbe______ for tbe Am time at tbe eloolrlcnl expoof U>e Ihmoae gon that Am MO abob cltiao held In New York in May and
Onr earprlm to be loldtbat Jane. 18W. It ccmriiru of a few aimple
>Mted man growa 1 parti that may be nwnfacturod rapidllT
know bow be waa led lo in any well eoaipnod nnwhlne aboou^
eontrin bb mnrderw wea^
| tbe tuToibir. n....
and wiedn of tegimmta rotnm Cram ' ordonnen
—•------In ---------tbe patent tbe following
tee Crant daring tte great wu fu tee claim ta made:
Oaim. be tbongbt of tte wwte <f inThe inetbod (rf dln-barglng a poeadnetty and time and life ia amdtog
marie gun, wbicb.cmmiata in 3enip«amtni^ mm into a deadly anrioe. If wu
to tbe nenlt of tbeeqaerimeotand U ao mte a^, wbat n aatlng woald be n
Angle Arym teat a
teortm tte
. wUboiH delay, prooeed to eqaip
tominntm and
' mteat
tte Miami and Brie canal with a line cf
bonte white will be drawn by nn eleotrlomotv cf bwdalderi^- Bentya
Ur. Gatling wu a man in middle life
PTvaMrra era aao pkcuicttijl
that four mootba and an eqioidlten of teen, bnt toon the age of tl be had
1850,000 will be required to pot tbe en- teown teUl u aa iormtor. Tte Ant
_ air la a snltnble cfaamber by m___
terjriae In operation and tent be la al Cnit of bia genlna wu a
tte explaelon cf an explorire tberain
ready baoked by an abnndaaoe of onxd- FOpeller wheel. He bad nlao originatod .---------------------------- ---------------------------tbe air pruornre
in tboae daya thae waa alwaya a tal with which topnah ttewerktonn tertnl labor mriag derioes futtmla.'teu prodaceidtotbebaKorteepnriectenriy ooenpletion.
ootton cnlton, made a fuTow drill teat U« is aaotbtf chamber
MMCB Sanday aftanMOBA and Uncle
Mr. Wngenbala’ acten>e In brief la to
alfbongb a derwit Xetbodiat.
wbmt toraMO, and patented a hemp
Tbe method of d
eoald be eoQBted apon to aatlve diieoUy lay an ordinary ttandaid gage traok tmnklng^mnahlae and a menu plow.
a of an
ate aarTtoeaad to dt In antil tbe ttine along tee towpatfa cf tee canal, and by
teafternoon BandayaebooL Tbeboya mean of aa electrio motor, deaigDed for Be is 80 ymre old now. and sriU in
tbU eepedal work, and for white be venting. Lstaly eongnm Totod him
iga oonAned body ef air (
baa applied for a patent, to dmw hla f40.000fttble praot
ntetbod of onming
and Boeb explorire ud then exploding
. bntte:ttlt gawdonand bonta in nbont tte aame man)
^en be iareated bU propdler and tbe esplorive in mid ebamber. wbmety
taall btten of timllar leritybe cg>- nro now akrwly and e*^inn«ly
— ------------■
wbiob •
• mnlea. Tbe motor will be'abo&tfow took it to Watelagtan. be fouid that high premora ia dereloped and the proEriceeon bed Jatt aeoued a patent tu a
that bit patecm for tbe game waa a>«e
riratlu dedgo end nU bU labor wu
I known u n “4ynamite'
: a taeaknaM than a eke.
thrown away. A few yean later be lost
Unde Uriah Ueed with Ua two alatwo-tbirda of tee money be bad realiud Dudley Drienaeoanpuy—my that thia
et. and Ann. aged
—aad inremed—trma tbe mle cf his U a miaocener. brenom tte pro>crile
«A In Kew Hampahlre they bad been
wheat drill. AtMr be eompleted the which ia And by tbe gun ia never lundariM "tbegirla.'’bat in Omaha tbe
ed with dyMuiito. but always with
wort and L_ _____
When, nyeu eome other and. u they my. macb mfer
MU aa " Onole Oilab’a old maida ”
or two later, be bad d
dhlepnt- high explosive. Gun cotton, eitber wet
. tt did not take tbe bcqri la tfae game
term and placed an I
u dry. or uy bigb explorive, may be
hag to dlBooret that Unole Uriah waa
tte pobUo, a raaonllyagent tu off with naed in tte |»oJ«ctUca. bni tee oomta Mb fear of AUgaU in gtoeral and
eroy cent cf tbe mtm It U a robom potmd ordinarily oi«d few landing tte
lb nmtal dread that^woold dlacow
qaatitycf eonl that can Agfat dimp- prajertile la known u Nobel's gelatin.
Ida beantting weakneH. Be woald al^tBMU reputed^ and try again.—
"It ia a high cxploriv* remarkable
«ye tey at a new player, ud be trefor two pecolloriries." the oompuy
oaratly beU forte to tte boye on tte
mya "Pirw,
■Pir«. teat it eon be
of talking tm ttei
Rond ud naud with greeter mfeiy and
«bM ttetetnmof tte.____
Prafamor Koefa'a dimraery of tee no R»trity (ten uy other explosiTe ocn**1 te’d bate to bra tte pam know,
ha naed to «y. “1 wnnldn't kera i
agation of mnloria may lend to impor when it ia properly detonated, m u to
'bont Ann, 'oanae tee'a ea^^
tant obangea In tee aduinimratton of prodoce an raploNicin. ita deatrocrive ef
bat 1 wooldn’t bra Slater AUqn^
«Uriri affemi^
fect ia greater ihu that cf uy other
teii kiMw fer tee bine* jack pot t'waa
explosire known."
eeer played
‘ on tela
ProfeaRT Kart wu mndylng Texu leProjectiles loaded with NotnI’a gela
There waa arm ray eolation to tee
Tcr in cattle, which be fonnd wu teane- tin have been used in oonnevdem with
aayatecyof bow SlMAbl^ diaoom
tercd from one herd to aBoteerKlely tee Sims-Dodley gu by tbe Cnbu inad tte obUqnity in Uncle Uriab’a life.
and tbeCabu juta bu writSome cffleloaB neighbor may tera told geared to Are different ipeeda, i»wgtng by tee bite of a tiok. He infected soutd
h«. or In u exoera of oentlon Unole from a quarter of a mile an bow to ten cattle with tloka fram dlamaed oma and
wort of tbo deatrocrive «na«»iiiT>ji
Uriah bimaelf may tere aranned bar mllee an bou, the lowest speta baiag
At any rate.
neoMmryto give ao easy start Tte •offering from tfae tWernee Extending
Tbo goB conriata of. two tobea one
motor will bare a trolley pole, (be
> regolar time, bat M tbe electric acrnet ow, bnt in addi- bia inruftlgatiana to malaria, be arriTed placed oTcsr tee other, tbe npper and
Vlteont tfae key with white be. in tiod it will be prorided wlte an electrie at tbe ooncloslan Chat in (be cam of tte lougor one being known u tbe project
of a
dlmoM tDoaqnitoei play tte part ile tnbe. These enfaee are
with oteer pertidpanta
in tte
will take
which tteka pUy In tbe entile dimnm. apeclaUy
fteto bad been prorided. TtaenegroatIt was found tbnt wberarer (ben
metal posmssing a tensile mreogte of
*“•*-------4adhe wee
pncricnble to ran tbe troUey, u la
ragnnmd in tte play.
ty. when there art] XM n
Tbe diemeter cf tee bore of this tube ia
Xbete waa a good Jaakpoton teetai- cnlrerts along tbe line of tbe
la no
Ttentin cnam witbont AH IncteB. and im total Imgte la abont
0 malaria. Ttmting
bla Unole Uriah waa in and wu deal Tbe troRey wire will
Prafemir Koch neoertalned Uftet. Below tee projectile tube latte
ing. It waa bU laM my. end tee two about IS feet abore the trart. whlob
,exj«naiao or combasrion ctember,
Miahaadaf bimhadbetAlOeate Be will be balluted and grareled to an
wbicdi coRsieu of a tnbe 4M
had dawn one card, and tbe pb^ waa even sorface, «> u not to interfera with
to blin. Be bad not. bowraer, look- tbe drawing of boam by roolea. This By examining tbe blood of a patient diameter ud 7 feet long.
_-._-v._i----------- A-------- ebletoteJI
bia draw when tbe key tuned in wiU aeoemitate tte wideniag cf tte
from (be natnre of tte mlatem tte
tee an^ look of tbe«tiit door, and Sia- towpatb to at leari ten feet
of tbe development cf tte
yMuy tbeoiies have bam
tor Atfgaa pale whfa a rigbuona and
Mr. Wagmbals mys that it will r»ability to of the greatest to why Ugfat attracts motba bat pmtorrthle age. atooda Into tte
quiio aboot 100 boats to equip tbe llae
bsps tte be« esplanatlnn to that it tasbetweeo Dayton sad (Rncdanari. Them
dsstee them u a eerpmt dees a bird.
‘'And on tte boats will be oomtmeted of mml. sad
So mart to tbto tbe case that traps have
• day, with tee chute belle rlngin 00 derigaed u to draw oot
y It WiU be poteble to «lmin- beendratoodfortbeir •
banddeoent people AoofclD to b la one foot of water. Three power matlcxis
toter qotolne In ancta a rational and oa tbto tact One of
worablp 1 expected. to And yon bere, will be erected at
tolenriAe manner u to avoid tbe in- oooRsta of u electric aearchligbt in
(jon bypocriter ate went on. tuning tween tbe two pidnm named.
oanneorion with a hlowlag
Tbe inrlug Ifan.
toUneU Uriah. ‘’Toa better get o
The motor wbiob Mr. Wagenhala fau
pour dnda right now and coene homa
derigDod to do tte work will be of 100
ed by tee Urtt and Ay clan to tte lu"I waa ccenin ia a jUry,"tbe «>ld
bormpower. and wflL be coyt poll with rob tropical fraer of muy of Ita temea tern: they are teen drawn into a pipe
mid, weak with tear. "I goem 1
mm a train of at least Are tesTily laden
_ It w well go 'long with yon aa with
by a saouon draft and oairied to a mrt of
boam, or more tonnage than a SOObonemill, which niixea them np wlte a lit
anybedyelaa" He roee and aleadied
eegine cu pall on mlla, tbera
Tbe 1dm cf proCeoring baildlagi tle Aou The rcsnltiog blend to tinn
htmedf by bolding tee chair.
bring so modi lem fricrion to ooonter- againrt Are from wltbout by maens of a
for poaltry food. WbmaamewuSate Ooe waa tee oooleet band ia tee nct tbe palling strength.
wator cutaln. to be made to fan al! abipe were osing tbelr powerfni aeontenne. Bren Slater AUgaU had oot diaarouid tte atraetua, appeara to
ligbto off tee crut of Egpyt. at more
He reached
Omwss grraHmes Wtta ttw Oftp.
gaining favu. having tbe indoemn
tten two mUat from tte teoce. milUmn
tamed np Unole Uriah'• band. It waa
An cxteaslTe invesdgatton u to tbe
of inneta foKinatad by tbe Ugbl, tavspread of tee grip in tbe German atrai
army. •tonal experti ta tfaU line, and tee pUn atod along tee beam of light tutil tfaqy
„. u it ^ tte form of an
to exciringM«l«l attanttoc ta
etrnok ttegtom and/eU. where tbqy aotatonyongo. naole," mU Oon.^Yo«
aOl, of oouae. 1 siqipam a Ante it
beapniore tbu two
pnblto Utaary bnildtag. Tbe arranga- feet hi bel^L Ligbt equally taKdnatm
goodP' Coe aaked, tuning to tee otbra
ment to extremely sinpto. Amven inch Ateea. and they have been land to tte
ftayera They nodded ament, Ooeatnek•tael water main to told aronnd tee top nets by a glowUgbi lowmnd ta tin wad sp tbe teipa “t^teree doUare tcrnal ennaea. while, on tbe oibw
teere ia not aoeamed to be any oore rai- of tte atrootare npoe tbe broad atone
dance cf tee inAoenoe of wenther, oli- table formed by tte top of the doping,
The old man atorted laatlnotieely to- mate, wind u soil u tee mneon of tte tbto pipe • •
Tbe triemetor to u taventian tte
enrd tte pot and tbteVeBMmbered Sta you. To the contrary, indeed, tbe nnm- punpaaltBMed ta tea I
te Al^il Be stopped and waited bar of tbom casea in which tte spread tero^ pertorarioneprop
and tbe mode of spreading of tbe ail- taanrmtee 1
vary easy and aoonrate way ___
of it to Rxnewfaat ta this
to tte playma who tamed
pavement artemd (be whole crony Im wtoe: A telemope to mooiimd npoou
tte weak and ttauid old man to
■eof tte
perilled portion of tbe boildl^ Tbe arm aboat tbrae feet tong, tee end of
wwuMu. wuBu, u»i
M uua
tela tanIt cf tte ^«em of piping to tee arm nmrem tin toieaoope having a
ta« aometbing of ter moral rigidity uteorities are atUl ta a atato of
. for mibm anglee or
■ed. Sbe did not nreep tee ofaipn to u to wteteer tee intaetioa u carried
noea A boriaoD glam to Armly atthe Soar. She mid nothing abont ill direoriy from person to pmon or
toebed to tbe arm. and thmetoatoou
gotte galna With a rldble effort ate wbetber the infectioas material to ear
ned by tee
iwa and doore in order to
adjosuble rareier which acts with tee
cf tee throat. Sbe graaped lim akirta objaeu terongh tbe air. Of tbe tml plate tte eartataiqg of team pointi ta adjacent grsdnatiuos oo tte arm. Tte
germ that caoses tte dtoeam thoe to no
•anly aad rwept towwd tee door.
mrteonldtte reAecting sufaue at tte index glue to
“Uriah." ate mid, wlte gmt dig- prectoe knowledga Rcuona are given. enrmta ta tte main be brrten by wind mt at u angle of 46 degrees to tte axis
of tte lerm Tte muipatoaiao to very
ingemut againR tee tending
■liy. “IwiU wait fvyon In ttehaU
tee real germs of
rimpla Looking ifaroagh tte talonope
ag tea toot of tee ataba. “
aodbcrlaon glees at the object tte dtoAfter UnUe U^' had obtained hla tee dtoeoae and convey them fw away.
In u article ta a reoent ImneofTte tuoe of wbkfa to to be meaaared. tee
•tt and departed Sate Ooe mid tobla
tonrely w*y:
teu oontribote to tfae aixeBd cf tee dta Ameriou KkoMmo Mr. H. a Baring lever to ewnag over ao that tbe
“BeoUimaididanteranflttte. I eamgeraa onoh a feet omy pertupa ex states teat u tte leanlt of teats be glass reorives tin image aod reflects it
MIppiiltonmidtogUHoct tor him. plain tbe^pearanoe <f ttedtoaam npon Andstte dlffmnee betwem maUnga to teehmiacn glaaeata patatooinddmt
ahlpa on tte high earn
atop and a start u a atatton and ru wite tte line of right Ttevmntordeleateoiwdyoa fellotra wonMn't
nt^ past It eartos from 75 to IM watt terutaeetbe angle, and tin base line
pnylB CBoe men tor pttattfepaoof teat
'-------, d^nndtac npeo tee gadtont and being known tbe dtotanoeef tte object
■0 matte wtaat kind of a woman tee lA
may be nadUy ooupatad.
tee'a alwaya ta with you play wten
It to u old mytag ttei we do not apooDdirions tor a partUUy loaded TM ton
yon aria tte pot “—New Tote San.
ire loot it Poaalbly tbe wortey Oig- carto Wwattfaoua. AaRaiii« tee eut
Japu to now bnildtag a gnat steel
lith (armen who own tte torge tract cf if riectrical energy to be 1 ent pm.
11 la ntaled of a (utata rttnyxi
land in
-‘jiulowatt bemr. ooe etqp woald oom plui. TteworkiwtUoost9lQ.000.000,
lo C ~ wbicb •••
wu in
ta Norambm
XUabugb tem tewM 00 canfnl of bto tost Aooded by mlt wmtm. owing to (be |
cost of making one and will be pal into t^erarion within
la and ao femfal of testeatge_____________
on eart trip _
fm ..
16 three yean. Tte pradact cf tbe ptont
break down of__
a am wall, think
taaddrmatag adage wbm tiny rnefnlly look at tteir j trips daUy woold aa»oaat tofAdfpm fu tte Arm year WiU be almost extteDrity.te nprMtiweongngaricB aodden groond. Tbe daspimd w«ma by ’ <* P«
for 100 ears 8487 pm oiaMvely atecl nils and probaUy sodm
Iff mytap
np 'Aad^teoo
‘Aad^teon knowut, daar
dmr tariroooriaat
teelroonmant buiowlnga
bannwlaga kentteetond
ksptttelaaA Taartor
fwte tee
tte one extoa
esua etop
stop pm «
trip steel ptatee fu riiipa Bi^ plaim. tar,
a wfi^taatata weU drained, bolwbm tin am flaodiAbontfa pm mot cf tintotaleoe
etoal aad riraetuial ircaf will loUow ta
tf Tbe(fBBr«mlyBratow.“eto. came
kUtod. and tin
tee biids
biids<« expmSet
order. Tbto steel plut. which will be
* tiMff
wme aD kUled.
----------- -— YVarlaiiH
and lifting a eu, teowtag ritoxted at Yawatamnra, a town of
abont 10.000 tafaabiiuto, to on tte u-
Total Issue
Tie MorfliiigReciiril
n-om Ksy 1, to July 26,
1888, was
IMy Average, 137,
Goaragteed CircnlatioDi
TIitCoKlrsioi Is naini
The Reeflfd Tteecltes The People.
Tliti is the reasoe it is ■
It CoTtis tbe dtj aid Simnidieg CoutiT loit FiUj .
Tbu Aij Otber Mil.
The reason the Becord is so widely clrcu- .
lated is because it
Mis Afl The News.
Fully and up to tbe time of going
to press every morning.
UieiaHed Ttepiphic levs Senice.
Fiedf Wllstttited Feeteres oe Seeile;.
Spaiid MHtiee Gini leal Heweibet.,
TIJ tbe liiT DEPUTIEIT Of Tbe lenie| leceid.
^ .
'^-n* • ■. - . ->r •.; v’
.r-/ r ' ‘
‘ •,
the morning record.
8«ooad Tev->No 8«0
to kaew If the ei
aad eyatem ae.had been ia eofno wd^ld
»ooatlaaed tam*ofarily.
He wee amared that mnalelpal afiOfe
for the time
woeld not bed
JiOmS^ Dew«y Fmt« Trou
that they weald be real
oral WUeoa aa military «
wobM keep the rity aader a form of
ble iu PhiUppinee.
We Umy Hare>o iri«bt the
Ownl ««rrtU «nd <
Arrive ftad H« too Aonoaoew tbo
UttutioB M Moooeias to Oaitod
«tot«o-Xt Kar Bfqoiro IBO.OOO
Amorieu Troopo to Toko Core of
tho PhlUpplBM.
«pecUl to Tu Mouns BuoKe.
WaakiaftoB. Jaly to.—WhlU the cabInat waa la MMloa today a aiCBit<**t
I the arrival of
Dewey. Ha a
hlajar Oeaeral Merritt aad the eapedl'
tlOB with him at Maaila. bat rr»P^('
cally palatpd the aneert^Uee of the
lotare there. The dleyateh whkh hae
wot been made ooblle, mre la the aaimpertaat leetarm, larraly olded the
B Of the Philip.
oaWaet ia Ita d
belac, aad that the earn > local offieiale
woald eeree. Bet It
Bat Oar
Terms Koat Be
maetlal law eppreaelve te aeaa.
Oeaeral Uilce aad Oeaeral WilMm
tbea stepped oat oa the baleoey te
riew the eqaare. The crowd cheered Batted SUtee Oictutee Terms
wildly, aad the two Amerieaa veoeraU
haeUIy withdrew. They received aa
Joa ae they made their way to Bpala Vnet Belloquiah 1
West ladiaa-One lalaad U
XAdroae Group Must be OededMayer ColMU after the .
Bold Manila Data
eaid be wee flad the Amei
rnmaat of leiaade te
eetoe. The ielaad. be eaid. would c
eajoy prosperity eed peeoe. aad
eiweieIionMM»rsle«B*cef«. '
« waated the Am<
Parie, Jaly »0.—A Madrid dlepatehto
Kaape eaye Uat U le qnite appareat
The peliUeal prieeaere Is the Caareverybody la Madrid U resided to
Ul d* lafaataria were released by onr
aeoept any American tarma of peace
eoldlere. BedoU Plferea wae eared ia
The only matter raUinr any difliealty
the aiek ef time from belar ahot by
le Ue Cuban debt.
theSpaalanU. Bewu ehaired with
hevlBf eat Ue teiecraph wire betweea
Te» et tke Xeply.
BsrauPoeee aad Saa daaa. Itwae hie plaa Cpmlal w TB>
Waehiartea. July 90.—The reply of
to preveat the antbcritlee. la Poaee
from eeadlac U Saa Ja> I for re-la- the United SUtee te Ue loqniry of
tber Uie fovereforoemeata. He had he I led from
«dae ^blea in the terau of p«
hU cell to be eseented. bet when oar
Wttheat mlaclaff Ue worda. Admiral
Ulpe eaterod the barber Ue Spaalarde
Dewey aBooeneed that Apei^do bad fled aad Fhrema escaped. Seme mea
aaumed a bold attitode of delaaoe
whobadbeea pelitleal prieoaere tor
aad that there were etn«c iadieatioae
that Ue PhUlppine laearrentt tl
i wocld eeaeeat to Ue opeoinr of
peace aeretiailooe waa placed in Ue
band* of M. OamboB. the Praach
eqlvee would have to be foefht;
SUtet U wUUoc to open peaca Bor<^-
Beoed OB Ue depietioa of Ue ffrarity
.of Ue BitaaUoB Uere, It would take
flSO.OOO aeldleie from thie eoantry to
«ope wiU Ue laenrsaats throoeboat
all the Ulaada
MslM reeeived from
Borlia, July 31-tSpeciall1:30 au m. Prince BiemanU
died shortly before eleven
o’clock last nlRbt.
Oeaeral Merritt < BBOoeeiar hie arrival
wad latiamtiBA that Uere mlflht be
trouble ahead.
Sea Praaeieco. Jaly SO—A apeelal
from MaoUa bay. July ». via Hoar Vorees at Miami te be Moved tc
JaekeoaviUr. Bat OeadiUoa of
Kent, eaye: -'Oeaeral Merritt aad hie
Oamp Mot Serioaa.
traaaporte loaded wiU troops arrived
^rrtal M Taf Moasiva Kacoas.
jestarday. All wareweU. Oea. Mer
WaaMarttm. Jnly 30.—By dlreetl
ritt wlH at oaee amome oomma
Of Ue secretary of war, ordera have
Dee. Merritt'i eapedlUoa lecladce the
imoed that Miami ahall be abanfour traaepone whiob left kere oa
doBcd aa oae of Ua permaqaai eampa
Jane te earrylor S.BOO offleere end men
of Ue Ualted Statea forcaa. aad diraelunder OeS. McArUar sad two other |
.ml«- u. ta.
traaeporU trIU MO
waaaforred I
mediau eommaad ef Oea. Merritt.
vLUe. There are now at Miami abeat
There are S.OOO offieere aad men la Ue
7.W0 Toluatoara, Ue dirialoa compri^
UIrd par^. The fleet expedition car
inr the First and Second Texas. First
ried 1.M0 mea. aad Ue eeeowd I.MO
aad Seooad AUbama. aad Iriiat aad
man. ao Qua. Mwritt bow hae 11.006
Beeond Loatalaaa.
men. sDoarh to taka MealU wbaa be
much aickaem amoar troops at Miami,
pleaeae. wiU Ue aeaMtaaoe ef Adadral
roporte to war department do sot ladiDewey.
cate a partieaUrly aorioi
‘AMBHXOAMS OimUA GREAT PreceadiBge Arainet Wisceaala Oeatral Reran Toatorday.
apedal u> Tea Mas>i«* »Bcoa»
Jnly 10. — ReclevorOeaerala Miles and Wilson Oraetship
efl WiU BnUuslaam.
day aralnat Ua Wlaooaaln Coatral
Poaee. Porto Rice, vU 81. Tbomaa. Ball^^ Company.
The eolvent laJuly SO.—The city of Peace haa for- tercet, Una far of Ua WUooaaln 111
tnei-ly beea riven over to the Ameri- b ia Ue United 8UI«o eoart today.
Fordiaaad Toro, the BritUh
AootW^Oood Oaptotiac coaaal. acUnr lo beWf of Ue Spani
{ epcrlaitaTai Muasns Bboomd.
ards. placed Uo eity ia
Key West, July 30.—The Spaabh
Ooa. Miles. wlU whom v • Oea. WUecbooeer Uibara. loaded wiU flroweed
ThoBoene was more like one on a and charcoal, which was eapUrod by.
Ue KeahriUeonJnly<7U. white try.
rain day Uaa oae iavolriar Ue earinr to eator Oibara, on Ue acrU
iandrr of Ue city. A mejcrlty of tfie
Cnbaa coael, wa* bronrbt ia UU morarealdente remained ia Ue city u wellar by a prim srew.
ocme Ua America
The ceremony araa naiqao. Oonetal
The Dixie Oaptoted a Prtee.
Mile* aad Oeaeral WUeoa. by a pre- tiMetal.toTas Uoaraa BacecD.
arraarod plaa, had beea driven bom
CharleetOB. Jnly 30.—The Freaeh
eteamer Maaoaoia wa* broerht ia a* a
Amerioaa beadqaarteie at
ambaaeador, temporarily represontiar
Sp^ at twe o'clock UU aftarttoea.
The reply aaaoaaoM Uat Ue Ualted
atioDV after Spate sha'.l ham arreed
U Ue foltewinr pralimiaarirs;
‘Belieqabfamaai by 8pate ef oerreirnty te Cuba. The Ualted Stete*
eoBtruI Uere anJI a aubte
reverameat eaa be eatablbhed. Aheotele ceeeiOB to Ue United 8tetee of
PorU Rlooaad all Ue bland* te Ue
West l^lee, mve Cabs. The acqnbitioa ef ooalter Btetteae la Ue Ladroae
blaada, and perhaps Ue CbroUnee. No
aesamptloa of Spala’e Cabaa or
Ricaa debte by the United Sute*.
lity from Spain a*
^Uipplnea The mply say* te sobataaoeUatasafarUw indemnity Ue
Ualted Siatm wlU hold Uo city of
Maaila, its bay aad Imrbor. peadter
the determination of Ue fotamrovem
of which Mieklraa troops form a part.
The call read ae follows:
“The cute te dealrou of aoadiar a
namb*r ef phyaleiaaa to aoatet la taktar care of Uo tick la Ue rwlMSteat
the front. The atete wUl provide for
Ue expense aad pay the mme salary
reeeived by Ue rcrimental enrreona
Wm Ue pbyaieteiM of Ue eteu who
are wUUar U volaaloer for Ute emvtee, eeod me their aam«* aad iddreoeee at ones?
“1 Uiak it b my daty. kaowlar Ue
somber who are rick, aad Ue limited
aambor of phyaielaas at Ue troct. I
Ue eeciatary of
war Uat any pbyaielaa eoat ia Ub
way wUl be properly reeeived aad a»air^ to doty wiU Uo Miehiraa rerl-
■leteBt wUl pteaea atau Uelr experieaoe ia daalinr wlU yellow fever.
“Bam 8. Piaaaxx.
Aldormaa Lardle WUl Make Aa Rxampte of Ue Wbeolmaa Who
OoUlded WiU Mm. ;mrdie.
Last eveclar while Mn. Oeorre W.
Lardte was ridlnr toarard Ue oeator of
Ue eity oa Bast Front atraet, oppoatu
E. L Baaaom'k resldanee, *b« wa* ran
into by a wbeelmaa eominr from the
opposite dlracUoD, and Urowo vioieatly to the rroend aad narrowly mcaped
boiar Urowa into the rlvor. The man
wbo was rolUy of •neh <
ridlnr at a vary hlrh rata of spaed
aad when he aset Mr*. Lardle it b said
Uat he taraod to Ue left, which b cmtrary M eetahlbhed rales Mm. Lardb
kbly ban aad/>aq of bar
arms badly aomined Qw wheal was
wrpehad. The man wa* thrown fmm
hb wheel, hat not bnrt. Be-did not
wait loor eaoark to ioqulrc t f the ex
tent of Ue ln]itrtc* ef Mra. Lardia
Aldrrmaa Lardle propose* t9 m ha
aa example of tbv party aad offer* a
reward of to for hb IdeaUflcatioB.
Per Gent Discount Sale 15
On Bom ^all Oooda «UI oolj not '0}if
the forploa itock is nold. We woo^ •ell it all at anch ntinooa prioee, b«i>^
oar aorplafl goes at 16 and 26 per c
off of r^olar prices
City Bookstorer
We order almost everything in Rabber Stamps joi
can think of. .Bring your orders—for prompt dD
Markbaoi RIocL
Huch Is Said
Atwut Ice Gream and Sodn Fountain Diinto
Therefore we will ^ that you will find onr loe
Cream delicious, our Soda1 Water tme to flavor, our frit
ous Phosohatea refreflhing. New drinks are added to oni
list from time to time. *
FountRin open week days only.
Jas. G. Johnson.
I TUB eolUali vltli wa. I hasp aack aa asMwITC Uaa of Waala and aawbMS *1
Urna vaoiaateelbaDtiaardararim marapalra*. tola It laaptaeaMaeU
Renemlier RI| New Place312 Soatb IUeiOB Street, Opposite C. t W. fl. Depet
Ohicaro Rdram Oant Ptey Good
Raouorh BaU Por Traverse Oity.
Ymurday Ue Chiearo Bdram w««
defeated by Hsabtee by a eoora
of 7 to 0. The Bdram were also defeated by Lodlortea and other teaeo*.
Thb team waa to pivy here Monday
and Tueaday, bet U*1r reeonl b ao
poar Uat Maaarar Eehoehaseaaeelled
Ua datm. The maaarement of the
Bnatlem hare determtaed Uat none
bnt flrat elaa* teamt shall erews bate
wlU Ua Hostler* hereafter.
It i* probabl* Uat the dates will be
Ailed by the Celia, aad flmi cteee ball
meat of Ue whole bUad rn>°Pwill be played.
am oo better ainatenr teams
bland of the Imdraae rnmp b lo be
ceded to the United SUtee. UU rovara- te Ue Stole Uaa Ue Hastlem and
Colu, ae Ue ramee Ua* far thb
meat to nuke ite aeteeUoa later.
r Ue turrander of 8^y te all oar near-by
Mom Maw Talapheosa.
walem. Ue reply dlplomatleally aveide
Maaarar Barry of Ue Mlephoae exmakter nay pledrce w to what b te be Uaara b rushed wiU ordem for
Theordem ahead teclnde
done by Ub rwrrameat ae te Onba.
tastramenu for the editorial rooms of
The American mply dbtlacUy r>7M Tex Moxsiko Rbtoko, office of J. E.
warater teat the propoeittoa ae to the Olkeoa, eoatrsetor of Ue new conn
amrmnder of aU eovereiraty la Ue honae, aad Ua rmldenee* of Mayor W.
West Indiaa water* aad the saleetteo H. 8mlU. C A. Hamomsd. cashier of
Ua FImt Natioaal Back, aad Anraat
of aa btead te Ue Ladraaea b bayoad
aay dbeamlan whaWrar.
Hastings' Real Estate Agenep
r. O. Baddow of Ue Asylum Taam
Mad a Rarioas OoUblon aad Bb
X«war Umhs am Paralyaadr. O. Baddow, aa attendant at the
Aaylam aad catcher for the Asylum
blm ball team, wa* aerieuly tejarad
while playlnr ball yesterday. When
makter * bard ran after a foal fly
eolUded wlU one of the male paUeate.
who was alao after Ue hall aad eemtex
from Uc oppcaite direction. Mr. Haddow'e head etraek Ue patient te Ue
breast with rnai force aad boU fell te
Ue rroaad. AlUourh conaeiona 1
dow wae nnable to move and wm a
At airht o'eloek teat eveater ha i
rmtter sommhat, bat hb <
ae whea Ue aoddent
u o«. a.i H., ^ tt. dij W i
“‘w“P'""* ^
Jaat how eerioaa
^ -k—
-r^-. .^A
i>tele off Ue eonth coast of Porto Rteo ®«t
^ '.TT
onUeltU. 8be U sow at quamnUa* tejarie* are eaatot b*
Celoa, Ue mayor of Ue eity. awaited
bathb hadr b te a. bad
The yoanr "»*» baa many friend* aad
them. The bombero. or city Arc brirXT WXXX BB A VlOX HOTEL.
» ia Ue city who will b*
ado, wae dmwa np in La Liaca de Delsorry to team of hb n
qla, appeeite Case del Rey. aad ae Gaa- That to What» Pramtoed for W. L
Rrownb Mew BaUdter.
aml MUee and Oeaeral Wlboa left
W. L. Browo b airaarter hb aew
Ueir Chrtterte Ue Are brirade played
baildter oa Ue eomer of P*rk aad
s.™ .ureba. i
I. iTOt .1 j
Ti. State Of MlohicaaWm Read a Mai
bar te the Proat to 0am for
Ue baildter forced Ue way for the | (rrai b to be of very attractive dealrn
Amerieaa rn>«»l*Uroarb the aad arraxred wlU modem
lehaabsate a pmeohearter crowd tl^ walked into the teaeea. The baildiar will eommaad a
toe view ef Ue bay aad Ue mome lamatloo which b of special iatereet to
baildter. whem Uey wem prateated to
will be teffe and airy. Rater close *o membam of the medical tmteraily aad
CoBsol Tort) aad Mayor Coloa.
Ue O. R. A L depot aad near Ue baai- will open ap a nnmqor otpaeltloM
Coaneel Toroaald te Oeaaml MUee a«N caatr* the hotel wUl ba nua to be for those who dedm to eorve the coaathat Ua ^tbaaflof Peeea warn saxteos
try ae aarfoOM te the, mUitaty
ffhaet Mitxie at BaU Price, alee
everr piece of the latest popular muaie.
W.' W, Klo’*"^ *** ”
H. E. OIBBB. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
Corre^ad with the Travene City Lmmber CompADj.
We haire for shle Good,
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
Mill Machinery of all deecriptiona, iocloding Two EngiiMfli
Bet Worka, Oarriages and Sawa. A complete Saw Mill Plaat
for sale.
ItiTcrse Cilj Scbool of losic! __™ir.tssr.s-“!.3r
' a»iaaraatwUa»aal.aUlaipmaad vUlbaaoUlaeMpI
ap. OtorrpUeaa teat aadaeiisMc or wore •».
od. waU «
m Aiw M. Crsvtoe. Nl» Alter T
Has Added
To hlB andertAking AAtAbllshment. Th« famltazw will oo>'
oapy the front of the building
the rwAX.
A starter
tee Wotee Wire ReilSprine
For $1.00.
884 UniQtt etro
We Must
Sell Large Quantities.
Large sales are our only salvation. We sell too
cheap to be contented with an ordinary trade. We
must turn our stock many times a year, otherwise
we are in the soup.
Supposing yon knew, positively knew, that we
close ont a good many of onr summer goods at cost,
throughout onr departments, would you not be in
quisitive to kvow what they were.
We are at your dispo^. See them—examine
them—perchance yon may buy them.
To be convinced will cost yon a walk only. We
__________ A .11 A.i_____
are ^d to wait on
yon at all tunes.
tour money savers,
The Boston Store.
Front Street
i'y;y?tT^sw^:.p»^yjyyy»/- • -y^^
in iC0B>I>O tMOOMD.V niMUT ffiofiium.
8ta«y' br
tAATBMX orrr. .^miobioaji
AM or
XllMtntiMU ot tho ft»M
The aabjeet
prinary georraphy
k T. BAni Ajn> J. W. HiMWPi. --a^ lha abU iaatmntloa af MUa
Wichtnaa at the aomal laaUtaU
the ^ week, baa baea of tba^teat
aailplBBaa Tn tboaa Uaabari whe heretetoe tow had prtnary elaaaaa to deal
with aad aothlag at haad bat hoarily
weeded vrtuafT rwvraphlae.
tba aab^at. • Priuary Matheda" b
bet ia reality it ia
Uaueettea fiwa the taaehar. utaldnew idaaa ia preaeatiag threadbemaabjeeta.
la prwoHbf ^
^ foacraphy
to the prlatary giadat, eunpaaad of I,
n. in aad IV. Uto Wlfbtsaaa adrocataa the aaaof piatarea, or better atUl.
Iho *or7 trotUytor nootm of Tbs
|IO«mo Baooao 4orln( the Iasi <o«r>
ttm Mtta hM iBduad tbo paUUbm
«• cBtni iu ftoM of MofBlBOM boTOBd
whBtHhM alroo47 MUblkkod.
AkmiT «ht B»9du bu a widar nd
lan oxUBalf* alroaUtira ««m> «aj
•kKQMilj raBoUac tbt Ormad TraT0m rafioB. Bat ia order M attU far(bar OBtead iu iaU tba paWltban
Ban daeldad t« radaoa Ua arlea to U
nr Boath for tba nail odittoo.
To Uoac aabaeribora of Ua s»fr
arba bare already «aid la ad*uea
am af aabaeriBtios wUl be axao aa te make Ibc trim U oaaU
pm Math fran Aafaat lak
la Mklat thU redaeUoa tba pa^
l^an daaira W Inpren ayoB the read«n of the papor the fact that aa ether
tertac thla rofioB oaa aapply
la the atady of nape, the ehUd thonl
be rivaa tba Idea that it to a aym
aad a dty daeoribed and ahowa in plcrtarae. ahoaid be ao tnpreeaed apea the
ehlld’a nlad. that when the atar represeating the eity to aeaa the ptotara of
the el^ haeU iaetead of the atar ia at
oaoa breaght to aalad.
In atadylar ^^eal foocraphy. th«
Baad-tabla need aaeapplanaatary wwk
to iBTalaabU ia the baada of aa InfeBion teacher. t%olaaaoaauy drat be
aatara. Uea tren pleV
aad lastly from tha aaad-uhla
where the child auy reprodeoa it hluaall.
lathe adraeead work ia phyaioal
geography, the work has beea preeeated la three loplee. lateraal straetare.
a«aU of ekaage aad aartaoe atraetare.
ThM sal^aeu hare ben aab-dlrlded
aad talks oe relief foraa. toUada. seatlaaaU aader
eprlaga. labee aad neas aader the sabU^iaotsarfaoesratcr.aad the wares.
Udae aad earreau aader the topic
••‘toe Ooeaa.”
Ooc half of tha Bonoal ooaraa eloaca
with thto waok. Darlag this Uma
taachara aad acholara hare Ubored
early aad laUtdaaaea begiaalag at R a.
a. aad raaalag till 6 p- u. Tha work
anal of lastreetlaa to all
aad tka aext tw# weeks
dto aarraat oreaU aad
wiUbederoUdto-'Tba Comnlttce of
Mi|y« withia fren aU to alfhteea
^pne, aa the Xwxno. which reoairaa
MllgTiphlc diapa'chea ap to two
,g>aleak erery Boralag, eeadlag the
Oae Mlar BaU oa the 0. tt ▼. ■
eatthreagkUeoaaaUyoa the
aad a BaU dame Wedaaaday4iat Ualaa. beau aad atagea, raaoUag
Maaager Kehee haa anaaged for tn
Itoa Mat lasoU potato la thraa ooaa- fwaoaof ball balweoa tha KDaUara
aad Bay View lean at the latter plaoa
fin before aeofi aad ia naay
far aext Wedaaeday aad Thareday.
oae to three hoare before that
Ha haa atoo arraaged for a popolar exFbr perfect tadUtice, for rapid
•aiea oa tka C A W. M. to Bay View
^ritolac aad aaeqaaled telegraphic
Wedanday.-tba raU for tha roaad
pwrine direct from the great netrepol- trip to ba butr- The trala will laara
iMt oeatrea, the Bxoon to aaaarpaaeed karaat«:IOa. u. arririag at tha aaibly groaeda in good aeaaoa for a
to avthera HleUgaa. aad thto Paper
long cuy aad eSordlog aa opportaaity
fiaalau aad plaeee oa the etreet to witacaa the haU gana This to the
only week-day exntraloa ran to Bay
miag ^t to receired by the great View this aaeaen and msay will take
toatoopoUlaa dalUeeatthe same boar adraatage of it The Bay View baae
ball teas to oonpoaed of fast pUyara
to tto large dtlee.
aad boU gaace hre sore to be exciting.
Tto caly laoommadatloa ae
Tbe ball game, the price aad the atItor tbe Bxooxd to the eerriee it hae traetioBS of tha resort ahonld iadaoa a
pMdared the pablie eleoe
beglaa- Urga crowd to go troca here.
I aabi
Tbe Soetk i
will UM with Mra. f. W. TraHa, tout!
Kiatk atreet, at f;K) ^ u. Hoaday. Ail'
««ban are aigad to ha p
Trareraa aty Lodge. Na m. F. A A.;
M.. wUl bold a regalv eouealcatiaa
M Hoaday amiac at ttW.
Ma>or Uadaiy will ba here with tha
Voleataam aa ICoadey aad Taaaday
aad wiU apeak both ereaiage at 7:M
o’oloek at tbe Braagelleal ehatto. '
Treurday aftaraooo Mre 3. «. Marttai aatertalaad aaonpaay of Meads
ia boaor of bar gaaat. lira. Fallows of
Uoldwaur. '
Charlaa Laaaaater, who bat worked
at Ue eaabtor*t dtdc la tba Rroaary depanmaat of tba MareaatUe Oo>A atore.
haa reetgaad to aooept a poaltira aa
clerk ie the poet oftoe. BawUl Uka
the place of Oaaar Frledrloh. who haa
bald the posltloB two yaaie, bat who
has reelgaad to take a poaltlop oa the
Tha feaaral of tha iafaat daaghter
of Mr. aad Mra. Fred Behroadar, who
died aaddaaly Friday, wUl taka plaoe
today from tha Latham ehareh.
ThePoraat Workara’ nlaaloa bead
wUl bold a maatlag at tha cottage of
Mrv 8. M. Jcwltt at Foraat Ladga
today at t o'clock p
A BOW baUdlag to being ballt at tha
oeraar of Boas aad Waahiagtoa streata
It will ba ooaplad by a new grooery
and will be a great aeoounodaUoa to
Oak Park reeideau.
Ar^nr Daaalng eatortaiaad a few
of hla friceda Friday arealag with a
plsaaaat party girea at his home in
OakPark. AfUr t ha gasaa toa crean
aad cake were aarred.
The euamar Cemnlaga will gira ker
regolar Bcaday exeareloa to Ke-ah-Uwaxta tkta noraiag at 10 a a. retaralag at 4 o'clock.
Tea faarral of the iaU M L. Moarec
will Uka plaoa ikla afteraooa from tba
faailly raaldaaoa at Moaroa Oaatsr. at
t o'clock. A large anaber of friaadt
of the dacaesed will ba preaaat Iron
Ue eity.
Tha O. E. A A 1. railway to arraagleg to belld a camatodioea new eatiag
honaa at Walton.
J. O. Jeaaon left for Chtoogo yaaterday after a aaaber of boreaa for hla
aaeiioa aala aaxt Saterday.
to Ue call of Omraor
Piagree. Dr. W. B. Moca ef Uto city
baa uadered fato aerrieei to Ua auu
for aciira dety oa Ua auif oraargaoas
u be aaat to Caha to care for Mlchigaa
Taa suaaer Peloakry will bring
froa Chicago today tUrUea Aae hence
for Tom Bhaac.
Mra. Fmk Tcnden to rary alck.
ArUar Olbbard to ridiag a aew
Colambia raecr.
Howard Walker boogbt a aew Clerelaad reoer yesterday.
The BUrer family gees a daac
Btlaaberf'a baU last eight, which
attended by a large crowd.
tolas Ella Steiabarg will go to Petoekey today to rialt lor a while aad te
spead aereral weeks at Bay View la
Ue Btody of eloentioa.
Ale region^_________________
; It oaBBOt be qoestloeed that tha far. mrs of Us United Butee reoclred for
their cereal crop ef 18»7 eomeUiag like
•ISO.bOO.OOO more Uae for tboae
IM. and gHO.000,000 iBore than
thee# of any pr^oeedlog year since
Ifpt. The bay crop. BolwithsUedlBg
Uht It was Us largest, with om
capUoo. ever ratoto. eemaaads
laisreaiiil pnea per ton; wool to btgber.
Mdooosidsrably higher tbaa at any
torn siaoe IMI. aad cotton to Ue only
isportant prodnot wiU regard
wUehUerett not a satasUntial
IHT a year ago.—Beport of dei
gf Agrtealtere March a. IS9R.
Tn Amencaa farmer to too bnty
larmsting hto heavy crops aed getting
Uem late a good market to pay any
Mtoatiott to the geaUemea who nahe
m specialty oi calamity.
Cheapent and mod raluble place to get yoor bicycle repaired aad
^ pat in go^ numing prder. Hare bad aeretal yeara experience and
know bow it aboold be done. Satiafaction gttaraLteed- I am selling
bteyde aondriee at about coat. New and aecond hand wbeek for saleI and to rent. Pleaae give sa a trial.
Braxing a apecialty.
SIXIB, 811 Front 8t,SnA
Watch This Column For Bargains!
Ask TJb For Prices,
aboaa repaired.
prices WlU bo rtghu A. 8. FRVMAM. 8B0B8. lU FKMtatreat.
Dt Yott Want a Bent?
to eaterUlBlBg B ton Bam Bnrdge and
Mra Dr. J. V. flpraoer of Battle Cbeek. FETTE<. Cl* Moeroe etreet. Wed Stda
Mr. aad ton. MaBridc hare arrired
from Dorand, Mieh.. for a ririt wii'i
Mrs. MeBrida’a eaat. Mn. B. Bristol of
East NieU etrrrt.
Barton CWrie weat to Petoakey yaatorday on baataasa.
Beet Five Cent Ogar Made. THBOILBERTCIOABOO.
WUIIaa Hitebooek. ef the oA«
Aaditor Ueaaral at Laasiag to ia Ue
city rlsltlag friaada aad oa arirato
Spectacles, 26c tc $6.00.
5 cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Sigirs-6 cente
Guard Chains
. A. B. Holliday waa called to
MorUport yesterday oa profaasloaal
Fine Piano for $140.
Dr. Baydar aad taaily are aatertaia- •m. wUI sell to get room, at lua W. W. KIMBALL 00. N. X 8TBOHO,
lag Mra. John OrottorofKiegslay aad Maaager, tS5 Front etraeL
Mra. Isaac Beyder aad aca Paal of
Baklag Powder Sc. Ooffee 10, it. It.
U, M aad tto. Pell Una C
Mbs Myrtls Day kaa retnraed to her BIBAM
M OOOX Btar Oroenry,
Onwery. t4t
*45 Front BtrMt.
boma at Bay City, after a Urea weeks'
rtolt wlU W. B. Fleichar aad tauily of
Bute street.
aad Park atreeta
Mra M. B. Bfaeridaa ef|Qlea irbor.
wbo baa beea rUttag her daegkUrc,
ooner Btato aad Union ate.
Mr*. Darid Warata- aad Mra. McMiebrl
for toa daya rataraad ham yeatorday.
laeaad afur Aagaat 1, bnt n
rat we are beedqaartcn far black
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
Bon Boas, Cliolce Confectlon8.'g»ja“s
Furniture Bargains
I No More Atlas Coupons airl:
Aive." For aala by B.
Columbian Restaurant
B. Wait. LnacbM la Ue world for Ito.
Zasa, the Clairvoyant.
Open all night.
Xedaead Xatoa oa O. X tt I
Ciaclanatt. oaeoent per mUa. Bell
Bloe Xeya Throw l>ewa Tba OaaaUat Bjj^ber M, good to retara October
for a Ball Gama.
Wr, the Bins Boys de hereby ehallaagc Ue honorable body of eonaeULadlagtoe. one fare for round trip,
to Aagaat SU. retara
for a game of beae ball at aay fell
I oOBvealeat for them.
Beratoga, oae fare for roaad trip.
isigaed) The Bine Boya.
Bell Aigast let, good to retara Aagaat
Temto, Oeurlo. oae fare tor roaad
Ve-qae-toeg AanaaL
trip. A*ll Aagnet I4U. IMh, and g7U.
Tba aaasal election of offieen of Ue gOM -o rrtara Sept. IU.
We-qae-toag clnb wUI take place Mon
Vertmaion. O.. one fare for roaad
day morolag la Ueeffiee of O. P. Chr- trip. Bell Aagnet Ut, good to retara
Aagnet lUt.
It ia dcMrad that all Uemrmbera
Eednoed ratoe to oUer potota. Phoa*
C. X Msrray. Agent.
C. I. Lockwood. O.P. A..'
Peiaioa By paper reedy cnL It kills
'Areed Bapida.
the fllae. S eeoU a oaekage at Waith
Drag Btora.
Zara, the world's greatest elairvoyant aad medlom to here. She telle
yonr fall aame, telle aamea of friaada,
telle whet yen called for. reads yoer
eaUrallfe IneteaUy andcorTocUy wlUont asking a qneetkm. The peat vlridly Tooalled. Ue praaent nnmiatakab'y given, the fntnre elaerly foretold.
Do not mlae UU great opportnnlty to
‘■The ftmggiyt'' S eeat cigar, flaeat
oooenTt Zara, aa aha renratna in Trav. Blekle smoke U town & X Watt'a
eras City Ule woek only. Zasahesde. Drag Store.
reloped UU wonderfnl power In Beat
India. She haa been tongbi by Ue
great adepU Ue devel'opmeel of Uc
more anbtie foroee of Ue hbmaa
ganiaat or what easy be termed the
edeaer of Ua eonl. Tkia eledy laedt
toUeeeqnUitionof powers which ap
pear myewrtoae to Ue ordinary eeaaee.
bet which are only Ue rrantt of know,
ledge of natural lavra of a more delicate
kind than Uoac which are raoregener.
ally nndentood. Here one week only.
Bhop Opposite Ba^le OAoe.
Oalliss SlateeiTMt. oornor ot Ca^
Mtos EmUc Conwall went to CharlevoU yeatorday to visit wlU Ue fernspiain Holme.
Richmond of Bdgewoed took
dlnaer at Traveree Bench yealerdy.
Prof John Lnataar. who to ana of
inetraetore at Ue Ualvenity of Michignn.le home tor a vtoiu
Profctoor Gurney of Ua
InstiMW. went to Bey View ycatoiOay
to etay over Sunday.
Mra. Rettt Parmelee and eon Carl
went to Mayfield yceterdey it a abort
rtolt WiU Mre. OUlclte.
Matt Morrll ef Callforala to apaadlag
a few days here wlU M. X BaekaU.
John Oretlek aad oUcr friaada wham
he hae met la California
Mra. J. B. MaHin wUl go to Bay
View tomorrow to stay a ooople of
weelce and wit! be accompanied by bar
gneev Mra. FeAlowe of Ooidwatar.
MI'S Alice Walt of Boardaran Avenne
toanUrtalBing her eoeala. Miea Bertha
Goodwin of Jackson, who trill speed
Ue enmmer here.
^ Mrs. Jamee Barden of Waehlagton
street, to eaterulalag her biroUer aad
Meter from Kentneky.
BpworU LaagneXxcaralea.
Mra. B Colrla and dUIdrea will
Monday erealng, Ue
BpworU vlett a BBonU at Ueir old home at Wex-'
Lce^ne of the Pint M. X church. wOl ford.
give a moonlight exenrdoa on Ue bey.
Mias Marion Pratt went to Byroo;
The boat will leave the dock at 7:S0. torday for a vtolt wlU bar parenta.
All Bsembera of the dBereat eharehae
Mra. G. Mlaore of EigbU etroet, to
aad yoaag peoplea' aocicUee are lavit- eatcruUlng Mr. aad Mrs. Edward
edto go.
Jedd of Oorai
MUs Kettie Bteffeoa of Lelaad eras
in tbe eity yeatorday TUiting friends.
Inee hit b'
Obertla of BUgham U la
_______» to give more Ue eity vUltiag trieada.
lo for blm did not
reltef. enUl we tried
J. Bntlar of Elk Bapids traaaactod
CbamberUia'a Oolic. (Aelera and Diar■boea Remedy. Blaee girlng Uai rw- bnalaeae ia Ue ciQ
sdy he has not beea tronbled.
Mn. Frank Borinabl has arrived from
want to give yoa UU Uetimoalal ae aa Oraad Baplde for a visit wlU her
evidence of oer gratitade. not Uat you
rhter, Mra. Fred Finch.
need It to advertise your merltoriona
Mrs. Alto Danaia. wbo hae been
O. M Law. Keokuk. Iowa.
WalL DrtggUt.
For sale brB
ttiag her pareata. Mr. aad Mra N.
FUeh baa returned to Chicago aoeona"Onbaa Xoere." •^rlma* aad all paaied by her oaaghur. MUa Oeaethe latoBt perfemee at Waife Drag vleva
_________ _
Harry Glbba oama np from Mayfield
last eveatag to apaad Bejtoay wlU hia
XTeryoae baa beard of IiP»aey*a pareata, Mr. aad Mra L. X Oibbe of
West BighU street.
Mn. C. X fiUlea of EUawood av.
iMOdthewar. dllthe great aad inporGood Teaplara XleoUoa.
dato emu which have eleetrlied tbe
At a regnlar meeting ef Ue Good
Mrtd bare beea girca withia a rery Templara lodge last emlag Ue decabort time after their eocorrecoe, aad tton of affioen took place. Tbe new
gtoalUaeeaely with the papere of the offieen are as follows;
1^ D.-J. D. Bobba
ta«a dtiaa. Bceldoa the aaexo
C. T.-W. W. Oobla
detagiaphie aewa, the Bacoas ai
V. T-—WartM Moore.
Mb teadera on Budaya with apedal
P. C T.-J. D. Hobhe.
fDMrated featarea aad artidca by tha
Cbaplaia—May Gheaa.
BecreUry—Floy Theobald.
-graataat writereia tha ooeatry, apoa
AratoUnt Seeretaig—Mamye Oriatt.
lha Mat iatereaUag aad Unely to^ea.
Fianaclal Store^—Edwin Thiea.
jU aa tllaatratioa of thto aaaertloa,
Traaaarw-Orton telth.
tod praant odtUon to oflered. Priaoa
Marahal-Chaa M. Laneaetor.
Depnty Manhal—Loais TheohalA
4led at elerea o'clock last night. Thto
Onaid—Otto Fartaoh.
Saatiael—Charias Parker.
•enlag at braakfaat we prescat
The delegatee elected to the Omd
•capbic sketch of hie Ufe WiU UlestraLodge were. Jennie Onrtto aad W. W.
Han apprap^te and tlataly.
1$ to to W aadentood that Ua new
The iastallatton of offiaan will oecar
aAaeriptiOB pric^ of Ue Kscoaa ap- at Ue fcrxl regnlar meeting, after
gitn oaly to* Uoac
aabaoriMng 'hieh retreehmeau wlU he aerred
dar at leJ( Urea months
ia ae mmben are regneeted to be praeeat at Uto meetlag.
adraacs. Babseripiiens oaa be eeat
hjr Mil to the office in Trareiee
n banded to Ue neaeioos egeaU of
^ paper UaUUe principal tosras ia
taeM. scaatotwuabaohassaaaaMar awe ear attar t^ .
' "
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up.to-ilate Painter '
and Paper Nagpr.
WMcljever you may wlsli when suiting yourself with a pair ;
of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to.date stock
of Hen’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th's season of the year, and we have them in all ehades for Walking, Bicy- ~
cle Biding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable
and the
TkulUlaff Exp«rifiiio« On « Glacier
<Sias. O. Oerter of TMTerse City.
That la Whara tha Oiffietifta Adpaara in tha Paaoa
banCr to tha m---.
reatoraUoo of peace, aad while there If
no aathority for eaplag Spain woald ac
cept these terms aad rcUrc from Cat
there to everr Indication that she voU.
yield eathm than ooaUBue a dtoaativi.
■taroiiT nr ram rmxam owm
eABP TAjmui a
a ASfiBApn.
AbenA aecond lieutenant of oompany
D. Fourth n Ino'a to be mat Heat narC
and fleigeant MuioaJi B. Hl-cud aacond Ucutanaet.
Ootonel CampbeU. omnmaadl^ the
KInth regiment, yesterday racMved a
tstegram hum Adjutant Oeaaral Carbin, aiaUng that tbe IDataa ealsUtw at
JauksoovUla. Pto.. was tbe raasua for
the deAy la smdina the regtmeni or•era to laova and that as soon as the
phyelcUas report that all danger of the
wreuding of the fever aad other dia.
eaaes among the troops eacaaped there
had al«ted they would bt scat there at
once- This caLsed great joy among ofll/
cera and men. tor It Is bow known that
tbe regiment will be aoeigned to serve
under General Lee. Governor Tanner
yeeierday t^egrapbed General Lee as
lo the health of the troops af Jockeonrille. '
The Kinih regiment Is sUD wltbont
band Inatramepu. baveisjcka and
eanteena (jonrtermaster Jodm sends
Saadar aebori aad Bible riaaa a« It.
qaaners It to auted that the peac
ToapM atevtoa a« fcU a. m.
ErivoMitOBs took form la Madrid «
AUaraeorfilnUplDritedWtlHaaa^ ^
Alse Arsed That the Oaitad States rriday, Paly S3, and that aot until the:i
had the fipinlsh cabinet Iterif deter
PoceaH Want Theaa
riBST watBtfwai.
■ -s
mined ta risk a direct
IaOa<itmp knr V^Um. J#ly 6. l»*. , ^ bsm- qm tide. Md tka •now, »l■ev.J.A.Breody. Maser.
peace, oa that day Duke Almadovjr
ULT Vecno:—At jM know. 1 tboo^ thicker where I ley, wm not
de Rto, Spaalab mlnlsttr of foralL fiaadaj-BapUaBal and raesptteB
talra. drafted the BpaaJah pr>.?wal to
aappoae. that Fred Cartia aad apeeU ante cnaark to aait mt, and the lifbtMrrica la tke Borafaf aad te tha •fgaTerialtea af Optatao Oiwi Is Whoa It to this government aad it was formall)
■ Mr. Laor*t»^7> Bcaa aad a»a»d with which I crept
teff sea wOl eoaaidar. •The Ohttotlaa^
hahMl WhM W* SMI Da with Thaw— agreed that It shTald be prasented di
lor aandiy naaoaa that wa Uoerht off that apot la Barraloaa. and drar
rraposal la Laava Ttwm ta tb> Beam mt rect to President H'K atey, ibe Prene .
Id. made ^ o«r mioda net to take rise B>p alad back I ant dowa aad
CUaa BueUar kt fidO avciT SaMMfe^
Spate aad Mapai vlw Bar BaaacaaMBl■ ooidt aeraaa the Valdaa Glacier, looked at Ua place a&d the loarar 1
medium of eommualoaUvn. The pro
posal was cabled to Ambassador Camaad we aew are camped at the loot looked the woraa I waa Mffhteoed.
Haaday aebooi at rieae af tha jaav»
aboBt fire milea from Valdea Landing. Ton map be anre. 1 Made «aa of mj
vised witb his goveratnim i
Bnrtnr u<mc carioaitp aa to the
Washtnctr<n. Juir
Jnaior Leoffac at 1:30 p. a. aad
that; trea there
wishes. In ihc mc^atlme. the
of thlnra«a
other aMka of the «la- tetha bare lee the enow wei poked
partment racvlved ao intimaUan from
der and wiahlo'r to ace for mpaelf fsU of holea, aad I fonnd sarmal mate dent and tals constitutional advlscia. ot the amliaasK<{or that Spain was about
Tbaraday-Prayer aiortteff at. JAfi
to preaent this peace proposlUoa
whether raid aad fCBe were ee pleatl- ereraaaaa. but eaallp avoided them, as the nature of the reepoase lo bo mad
Ibe toatructi.>Bs from Paris came Ust has asked thai they be hurried If posslby the government t« the Span cb ever«ul ea wa were led to belieee. 1 eude I waa now on mp roard.
All are aordteny terited.
tore for peace, brooght no conclualon Monday night loo UteJor the prV'cnUnp mp mind to etoea the iHeeier and
I reached the foot of theeemmitat at the caUnci meeilog yeatcrda>-, an-1 tlon of Spain's pri^noal ^at day. < n
Captain Wright ffbe regimental adwill write poo a draerlp'tieo of the trip about t p. m.. and taldnr a laneh Up
Tuesday the state depsrtm'-Bt eras
the BUbject nereMart.jr «-aa p-piponed asked to arrange for a call by the am Jntant). Oapuin Back. Acting Sergvant ■T.a:astokiiy.PMtee.
aad the rhoeral aapeet of thlare oa the down on mp sled aed rmted aad elept. for further amelderaUota al -another
Walter 'WlUlams. and C. M. Barae*. tbe
Cfaatahoaths soraer «f Btetk ttd
bassador on the president, and this
ether aide.
atnrtinr ost afaia at 0 p. m. It took mee.UBg of the cahinet to be held at being set for 3 o'rtxk the prop<iaal for orderly ef Colonel Cnmpb--ll. all of the
1 ctarted at lilt a. m. on the dUt dap kM Ilf honre to r»t te the tammll. 14:30 thin morning Such was ibe formal peace for the Oral Uoiewas madeknovn KInth. were grossly Insulted by the ne.
finaday serricM ns faUowa:
gro Mnllnel* Thuradsy night. They had
«f Jane with mp pack.aad i^flaa. The anmmlt to 4400 feet lenr and tka sutement of the s toa;lon msde at the to the I'nlted 8iatre^ Until then there mnraed from the city, and though as
Pranekteg nt lOOO a. m.
conclusion of Uw day's aurii by escb was not even an Int.ptatlon to this gov■ weirklar is all aboatearentp poanda. averare rtoe to, I ehonlAJadra. 40
they bad a right tn pass they
Snaday aekwl nt 11:30 a m.
emraent that the prcpjtliion was to bikcB tn the guard house, where
and workinr mp wap aloaraakeatl darreea.
After tearlar the foarth member of the csblnei who was que*. made, ao that all cogalaance of BpalB'a
T. P. A. at «Go p. m.
eoold amoer Ue ereraacea and orer the benek I had ne terthar troaWe. al- Uoaed upon the subje«L a final con purpose to soc for peace dates from 3 tbey were rrieased by (he nffirer of the
Pranebteg at 7:30 p. m.
guard. Captain Buck. .
resrh lea 1 reached Uia top of the tboorh It waa rsttisr bad at the fifth elusion, huveier. Is much aesrer than o'clock on Tuesday afternoon. It may with the oegro aentrite. waa atn>& on I
Ibis statement would seem to Indicate: be Bald also that at no previous time
Midweek ptnjarmMtteg U VM gk
third bench, which la aboet two miles bench, which to half wap helweeo the
and. indeed, there U little reason
from osr camp, at 11-SO a m . whme 1 fenrtfa and the amamlt bat to not mnd doubt that an agreement has been bad the Prench ambassador or any r pAll an wrieema
rcMiitaUve ' of the French embaas}
atoppedforarmtasd loarli. Attarro- of a bench. After learior the aammli ranched upon all the su:«tacUal polai
spoken on the subject of peace to an«
lew at Cl
tmue. and that what ramalns to 1. oA^ of this gavemmenb i
' Ssf aboet two mllee fertber I came te
wnaoBlpeee bedptaoe tooom.
See. O. Osablla. saswr.
fint-^rae rma lUtesu.
ne today Is rather to amuotta away
theeolld tee aad had Ue r>od leek to and that to aaap as eompared with
Sev. A. A. Wall will pronek M OMs
smattga Park. Oa.. Jnly 34.-Tht
lacqaalltlea i.ad adjoat sjmsvery minor qu^uvn, HU- auiieiuriu atiriuuieo lO
find there a r«od alcd, left hp eome what I had pme oear. t reached the points of difference before making the PiTmier Sagasta that “are (Spain) ra- regtiaenis at (Amp Thomas are sax. morning arrrlee. 10;M p. m.
.. home-coer, and Uahlnf mp pack oa. aa fool at one o’clodi a. tn. oa the tiri. answer.
solved on ptace many days aso and louaty awaiting to know vrhlch of them
fiondny Bebool nt 11:45 n. B.
ruilsplm* <M Bast at Ibe Talk.
made knoun our reaolutloas te the nra next to be favored srlih orders to
the sarfM of the lee la trerp raari> sad I aad after tnkinr a n t went OB down
Yonhg paople-i aoelatr of CkrtotteB
The point under diecursion doriaa the
proceed to the front. There to still hope
a la wfa^eb 1 the river aearlp to the lake, bat reealv
greater |«rt of the n.iw.log was what Red with great rosltivehcaa In those that tbe First corps will go out tn lu Bndmvor nt a:is p. m.
mlrht lone It. I hanled H atear ind ed ao eaemuarisr veporta. aad after dlspoaltl. a aboifld be msdeof the PhJUp- diplomatic quarters having the most
Evening aerrioa nt 7d0 p. m. Ill
F iar it mneh endw.
I had not ros* hanttnrand ]
plnea. Oa the other Ueuca UBMilmlty inulllgral knowiedae of^e latuatioa. . enUniy. but thto Is mixed with me . charge of Bev. A. A. WnlL
doubts In tbe minds of the volunteA
Bseh farther when t aaw a emalt nnl1 started back oa the Wth dap of developed. There was to be Indepen PXACI OVTLOOX ESZM TRAfiS who soon to think that peace will came
>• ' malaathe ieenenr thaoeateref the
o be to tbetr liking. Hiere to
was to be ced.-d to the Tolted 8t:tles:
imai>d here that la aot
1 . .^aeternsd oreepinrnp Ishotlt.
It; panp and had a
coaling atatl.-ea were to be acquired a’
llasIWM Btetarwa
loos to nee actual service, snd only one
waa a whtoUlar marmot aad retainbled ‘ aa it commenced
ed to laia abortlp after Guam. Id the Ladrone toUnds. and on,
Kew Tork. July 34.—Hradstrvet*aaari: who has visited the tvglmeeti dally can
ta the Caroline islands. These pr.poaiAt abaat 8 e’deok p.! we elartad. Wbea wa reaehed
tloBB w-etv d.spo»ed of qulekly.bat whan While as yet showing Hide actual effeci fully appreciate ihe dlsappolMmeat that
' m. 1 at^ped for the elrht. camplnr on
Dr. WDUam Pepper, of PhltodHphln,
mttened. ahont ala mUm It came to the Pni:ippl. es some d vrrsi.
1 dIatilboUwe trade there Is cri- would prevail sboold hoetlllties cease
having the soldiers here ic be senihomc died Bvddenly of heart troabla at Saa
» Tidfs of froaad-ap slate cr aballp from the farther dde of the flacler. ty of opinion was revealed. As neat
baviog gone to meet the en .
that hp aeam aipateriaas process has I started to lead the wpp
as can be gathered this did not relate
c wider markets for without
Yesterday the men of the Fifth IIIIArthur Boren, n young man 34 yenra
sinly to the mention of the IKuds.
- heea depoalted an the lee of the rlacter aeon aotieed that Ue clevaa other
Bols. who were so badly demoralised by oM. was run over by si freight train aafi
i that proposition a «na>omy
ma>omy of the
•ear a mUe from the ncareat moeoUla fellows had passed a llae alenr aad cabinet
speedily recorded in the particularly at the east. As for some th«Xorder returning them to Csmp fcUled at Lincoln. lUa '
•Sd haa BOW. loat its coveriar of aaow. wareallholdiaff Itfermfetp. As thep
Angelos Xalvatoev. an lialUa. wns 1»>
But accepting Uie broad time past, h' w-ever. reports of so3d bus- Thnmss after tbey had made a start for
After rettlar tap sapper of coCae aad did not offer ate a place. 1 qaietip proposition that gpnm was to he al Incm returns eome mainly from ihr tbe front, were ta a better fraave of ttantly killed by a csve-ln ot ore la the
mini and those who sbeentrd tl
Chapin mine at Iron Mountain. HUte
' - ‘
' r a aaall fire holU of blu dropped back in tke rea^. and thep lowed to keep these possessions other
estera part of the country, and In Ibe
Jons of importsnra develops, and (narkels of that section are reported wlvee from roll call begem returning. R
Levi CatllB. of Rockford. Hto.. wna
of weed pldced np oa the wap. I rolled i had qotte a time r««tinr____
a fell t..st these must be aaswered signs of the groardswell of fall demand. Is believed that every raae will tw le his fcltlrd at Clay Center. Kan., by a Vnlen
place today.
V to «7 blanket, laid down oa mp sled ; lend the wep. boi fiaaUp one of
deflnltely before ibe subject could be
Paclflc pansenger train. CdtUn wns
B of cumulatK-e Improvement come
Colonel Smith, commanding tbe One rated aa worth ru.SCid.
•ad want to sleep
At two e'doi.k U, Mid that he woald leed If we weald disposed of.
from the Ir .n snd steel Industry. Tlx- Hundred and Plfty-elchth Indiana, has
Pe«vlsalsgOntet»ow.Tast Arms.
^ eneralaff I ewoke ektUed aad shah-‘tte the line araaad bto
Mra. Maggie Bond, of Madison. Wla,
picted svtlvliy In rhtp building Is re
pad .
There was no question as to the flected In the demand for iftoics si east Just formed a company of scouts li
1s anxlsaidy trying te le.ira the wberaff with the cold, and fatUar a small woald oome aezL Before we reaehed
propriety of demandlqg the ooa tag a-.s- ern potnta A rather better tone to rcglmeat. Tbe organlsaUon nan
•bonts ef her little girl 3H yenra oU,
fire atarted with ths remnaats of mp the sammlt la
Blnety-alx men. eight from each c
this order the rain bad tlon In the Phlli|.plnes, and while there found tn the anihracli* colt trade.
by her husband.
Including one noB-commicsIoiied
weod.madeaeap ofooffeeaad eaUnr^ehaafftd to snow and it was biewiar reasonably might be a difference of
The Count of Tnrln. nephew of King .
The altuailon tn eenals Is hardly as offler end seven privates. The oompany
• hardtack started forward aad about
ui oar fsem. We ooald hardly opinion of the location and .extent of satlsfartory as could be wished, cash
Humbert. Is said lo have fallen tn love
charge of Sergeant Bt. CJalra.
this BUtlon little dlffh-u'ly was ex prices betim lower for the week in fac«
five o’cleek a. a. reached ths foot ef aee ths
with a young woman at Newport, whoto
veteran ot the civil war. and who wi
length of ear has. Tbs trail pected lo be -Dcourtered a suivlng that
probably nrord-breskfrg small for twenty-two moeths one of General young aod besuilful. but poor.
the foarth bench, which to twelve good was drifted fall, aod the leader tell problem, because the ntitur <ould be
Christine Schaack. wi3ow of Mkhae)
loag milee from the foot of the glacier back, declariag that, be ooald foUaw referred to the naval board. TTie per- world's svppllra on Aug. I and good ex Crook's seouls. He has been training
ports from this country, while fnturva the boya. They are Aral learning
J. Sekaark. the Ute Cblcago psUce toplexlrg problem was what form of gov are
•a tke Valdes side ^ the wap of the the trail no longer aad aaklag for
less depressed, bnl exhibit the pro- crawl along tbe ground lying flat
spector, has been awarded a t
Old wall, bat maeh farther bp the one to take hto place who coald. Aa emment sbould be Instituted In the sure of (Xpected lllierBl supplies stbomF their alomaeha.
ll.ia n year by the police
Pbiuntlnes. and what should be thboard.
roato 1 had to travel. And right here tbeie was no reepoase from hit party. nature of the guarantie required of and hecvler creps abroad. Tbe textUe
• He* h to Bsv* a Telraew^k.
Gsverncr Tanner pardoned Matthew
' I erisk to sap that while np to the first I took
__ the lead and eocoeeded (a fol- Spain that Ine new Kovrmtser.t sbooM manufacturing rliuatlon to aa yrt a
Wssliington. July 10.—General Gree
be Itler.l ant a-:tonom. us In charact.-r. rather' clouded one. Woolen goods are ley ha* recHved Informalicn from Col- C. Bchoslkoph out of the Cori county
•rJaaa the gladarwas covered with | icwlag'ihe rrell over t’o7 sammlt:
<CUr«go) hr.dewe'1. u whlih he was
These two questtems binged on the still slow of rale.
dTM ^ to
of solid aoow ^
^^e, all declared primary d<'C's!nn to Interfere at all In
Business failures tn the United fitato
iteT.red for a term of one rear ter
-main nt a normal low point, aggregat
mad Uere wm hardly any ioa vtolble.
^ prescribing m rh^nxe la the conditions
petty Ur-eny.
ing for tbe week 143. against 144 last telegraph office al Ponce. Porto Rico.
in the Phll'pplnew
Captain Fcoit. who resigned* the In
new it to sntirelp differeot. as since'
1 the aommlt the i
was closed Monday by the Spar
week, and compared with Jfit tn this
that ttesc It has haea thawing eentlon gradoallp changed lo rain again aad XO tXTBBrCK»ClC PXQM OVTSDll week a year ago, 3M In 1334. 331 In M3t. lards, and It li expened that by Pal dian agency at AshltnA Wis.. to go to
thq rrc.Bt. has tie^n appointed to hsvn '
•oalp, and now ap to near the fourth on reaching the foot of the rtoe waa a
urday night General Miles wilt be In charge of !he llgfalvrs for the Porto
That Psdat Qwtekly Wettted-Alsa the War and 330 in
direct telegraphic eon
beneb. er Twelve HUe camp, aa it
RIro cxped<“on.
driving Bteet. aod you can imagfaa
Will Gs Bight Along.
the war departmenL
anllad. tbs glacier to aearlp all bare.
Peter Kca s -.ca* overcome by foil air
A point which was qaickly earabllahed
la. wet to the
Battel Sts.
In a well on Hennin Obrk's faim. Svt
, Bos«b ice. covered la Bsanp places with skin, covered with aaow aad thejep was that there sbould be an refemtee Vivo Death* Be Par I ■porasg Dos to
New York, July 50—Tbe funeral ser jrllesnoriborLAialle, l:te. E bek w.nt
ss SMS; bioksB slate or ahallp. and la maap wind Uowlng a gale in oar faoea. after of any phase of the qaeeUon of the dis
Dee MolBes. la.. Jnly SO.—A severe vices over tbe body of the tote Ser- lo the rescue and be. too. was tTvereoma •
\ >lacm where the old tr^ raa. ovei having walked over tkirtaca milea. all position of the Islands to any concert or
electrical and wind stonn pemed over geaot HamUton Fish. Jr., of the Rongb Both were teken out dAd.
whi^manptMsofanpplteaerarebaBl up grade, aad the Hgkteet pack ia the Individual action b> outaldepoirara. Aa- Iowa Inte Wednesday afurnuun and Rldera, who was killed ta the asraun
Chicago boys who fought with Dmy.
«.'«d.lhe aarfdee to a network ofnlmoet crowd weighing acMdp fifty poapda. otber pulDt that waa acuied-tfaoSgh BlghL Tbe storm waa accompanied by on Santiago, were held In Bt Mark's
t MsnIU have sent to Mayor HarrteoD
there was on fonnal aciioB on It—was
Eptscopa: <bnrch yesterday. Tbere waa
eommoderr'a pennant captured by
^ bottomleea erevamm and to imp
many scctlfina It was destruc a tremendoDs crowd In the vtcinliy of
Afuv resU^ a few miaatea and eat^ that no protest against the conUnaance
tejnbera of the Itoetcin's erew from tbs'
\ Bhortlp bafore reaching the foarth lag a small Iwnek. wa atarted «■ the ef mllltery or naval operations pending tive In some localities, bvt sot gcpenillr the church when the service begin and
Spanish cruiser Use de Litton.
. heneh the eaow began to appear again, dowa grad# of twenty mUea. McEipp the peace negotiations would avail In over the sUte. Five Item atw tons ter many were or.a'. le to enter the bul ding.
Aritrur V. Boren, of Ltncctn. Ilia, and
•eeanated for, of ooaree. bp the in baring reeamed the lewd with the line
WilHsm Bender, colored.of Washlngloo.
Itos* Bate to
Porto iUcw.
great, but It wtU be more titon countercreased altitode. aad on rnehing the
hslknci d by the •enelll of the rain to
X^dnn. July SO.—Tbe Madrid corre D. C.. were killed In a wreck or the Chi- attaehtd. W« had coaaiderable trouble aor any modlflcatloa wbatm er' of
foot I caw what appeared to be a line oa tha fifth >epch. haring to teap
crop, which Jn many places spondent of The Dally Mall aaye: "Tbe cago. Peoria and SL Louis rnllfood
Plana nnUl the Spaaish xuvemraent
about -eight miles oouih of SjetegSetd.
ofeelld mow exteadlogto the lop of
ip erevasaea, and also ea the
»'f'’l‘osrd. indTbe deed are: Charles. Bowera. of-f last sgs.nst a reselon of Porto RIro Wa
the beneh aad making a detoor to the foarth beach which is ths wont
"f P‘'rto Rico and
Michael Koonao. a termer wboaeboMc
le United Ptetes. It would moch
Valley, struck by UgbthJiig: i
M iT.!r^.77
reoogaltion of Cuben inderendenc, Morgan
left to reach iteurted op la fancied .wriL
___ _______
blind glrL
of diarlten.
_ rather
fT nncriflesacriflc- one of the Phnippine is at CoopemowB. Wls.. who was being
tha loU Mr. Eipp would have been | by Bpatn was the decision th-ji every Miss
neeari^ and got the blggmt ecarc of lost bat for the llae. and I dropped i vestige of Spaoisb guvemmew and au- struck by
Porto Rico bjta treated nt Oshkosh. Wla. fired tau bul. lightning:
..htmng; Mra. Wealey
into hts breast and one Into hto
mp life. I was palling mp alcd along partip through, bat Mved myself by
to the Caribbean and Wni la- Thornton aad Infant child kjllcd
brad. Dm
- icy through feii^ ot gocyrtone; W. R. Penry. killed by llgbt' dlan watera itnst be remnved.
nt a lively walk and bad almost reach qnlek wcwk before they had a ehaaee
•d bto drith.
rurtbermore. this eweeplag ritaage
ed the tep vrhea a feeling of danger
tke lliia. We arrived at oer authority from Spain to the Uhited
Storasee tor Itoll FMA
« r*rt Tbamea
came eaddealp upon me and joat as t camp St 2:30 a. m. ea the first dey af Elates In our near-by watera <s to Is
J4.-On a boapttal :
waa la the act of makiag a step I d^ Jely. aad. roaateff^^Yad. were nerved effective clso aa a qaa-cUtm of all lu
base ball yraterdsy were: At Loala- BewteHteMe Ctelw Bede byaWamu:
tram wbicb amrad here with afek noi-.
back. leaving the fall print of mp foot vllb refreshmeniaT aad the eleven debiedncsf assutmd t^ the Spanish TlUe-New York 12. L.UljvlIIe 8; al
a bristto tsarU
followgovemmert and chufed by bertoth<»e
lathesaow where I bed Inteeded
London. Jnly 34.—The cbmnceller of Ing; C. H. Von Beeen. Tblrfy-oeoimd
bome rncra, after a reeh eoatimed lAands. r. lar aa <t»r rnited fUatce Is Inttebnrg-Pblnde;p*ta l. PHlsburg 3;
St ClnrlnnstS—BrvuMyn 5. Clmtnnsll 6; tbe diocese ef London has ordered that Mlrhigsn; Oe- rre Vinnen. First titaoto.
etep. Hooked carefallp aroand a
toVald.*. while I ora.vled eoncemeo. and all c. mmrrclat treaties
l Philedilphia-Cle-eU nd 4. Ba'tlm.re | ^piicntlon should be mad« o Sir Pran- and Ony Bnene.t. (Jeorge A. Writo. Goa
eoald not .see the ellgbtmt traoa of a Into my tleepinff baff and wm eoni
DOW exlMlng twtween the 8i«ntob gov/.U A..A
________ I
ond ga.T el d V land 3 Bs’timore
P. Butler and I-era B. Wii'iama One
erevasee fa the snow. Smlliag at mr lay a good job of sleepiaff.
erameiii and h*r p.«>wasl.>RB there and J-darkne«s: at Cnlcia.—WaahlngtoB cto Henry Jeune. prcsideat of the pro- Honqred and Flfiy-sevetth Indtoaa ' '
bate, divorce snd admiralty division of
outelde potii-rs are exUngulabed.
fean, bat net aattafled. I gave the sled
A fmicego 4: at SL Louie—Wet grnu-da tbe
There haye. I andentud, rai
high conrt of jnstlce. (a uy
One tenof In the jirotracted
Wesu-rn League: At SL Joeepb—
• pall forward and threat mp aoaadlag goae forth of strikes which bape 1
Bong Kong. Jnly 3t.-Tbe
lion of the Philippine problem srai
Columbus fi Bt. Joseph 3; at 8l Paul— er the faculty ougbi to Issue an Older
st.di {a aleader slide aboet fear fecti tnade te this regloa, and I wish to
absence of ad\u-e« «, to the exlstkia Milwaukee H. SL Paul 3: at H nneapo- emponering Mrs. Anns Maria Droce to gnnboat Plover has arrived brro Obm
open the vaults bnd Inspect the
long wiu wfaleh to toond tbs snow tradicl them. Gold has net bean fonad
tfci on th's date, a point that Us—IndlsMpolla (. 3tl.-in-apnUa t.
Manila She reports that «-ben she left
which la alleged lo contain the remains Manila on Wedneeday. July 37, the altmlrtit be . f ccTsMrrable Importance
ahaad aad which I bad pet thi^h hare te paying quaoUUea by nay
CYcLm l■J■M• Msar PereM .
of T. C Druce, who. the applicant- as natlon tbere was unubangvd and tbs
ap sled lias to pall it 1^) Into the aad a rreat many era already oa thelr In the BdJfrtr-»m < r the quesuon. The
SL Joseph. Mo.. July 30.—A destruc sert. wna reMly the fifth duke of
uBconfr- -a cnaich rnorting ManlU
•rtcans bad not yet attseked tbe
Week I had medeaad passed it through way oat. Part of the beys witb wbon bad Sfi.. •.fined t'ss nad aad rom- tive cyclone swept over the eouthern Isod.
Mrs. Anna Karla Drnce c'A'ms tbat
eeaUp. and 1 withdraw it, teeviag
I eroesed the glacier bad aaceadod tbe rr.ertrd -r 9s li.dl';.rin: that dcflnlle
her late husband was the
Mack hdle the aixa of a quarter. The Oipper river to a point nearly three action -Altbout (lie kn.x.lrdw nf the
NemTork. July 3d.—The
term house* near Onwer were demol- Duke of Portlar.fi who was suppo«ed
sitrnOcn at Msnlls might caui
I had dtolodgad an tea-etocle bnadrad sUee above the tibaroe and
eoia firrivrd here ysstei
sisterr.Tjt r-gnrd!ng cotidltifits that did tobed. Many poracn* were Injured, bat to bare died unmarried, and that her
tram aader ibe saiface af tha aniw wm eatisfied aad wara gulag oou not cxirs. T'lt rcrly i f this government no fatalities are reported. Torrenta of son I* the rightful dahe of <>ortl»*id. oa board fifty ' She ssseru that ber buiband's allegnd eluding Carl Muller. Sydney p. Luke
. * had I coald hear an oocaalonal tiakla Pi A gold eaa be feaad te small qnan- to the hiadrid 1-Rliirj.t will la all IlkcM- rate and hail accompanied tbe wind.
an^Pred Fowler, of the Thirty-third'
I': »alt tMiehad thealdeof the crevasae tlUaa te nearly every stream, bet aoth- hood be rorrii:,ujitcst«d to Spein before
_______ ___________*’*”'’*’
« ^
dtceptlens. and that he
dark t'-dry.
> aatll it died away la the depths.
Nashouh. t Wla. July Bl-Walter <ji,d. after ha-nr b-cn In a lunatic
!ag that woald pay to work. A peraoa
Jehnson. a theolr-giral etndent
SL asylum, as Dr, Harmer.
\r lodcad aitmnd U> see which veap to eaa boy an oalfit oa the Copper river WOULD mKII TMK NIXIOTlATIOSm.
— (rim
— “•
Louis, studying at the RpAcepal semin
'', iwp. bat as 1 could sot see which wap
ley .. .......... ee Oer Part to ItoM TBIms ary Bt Nosbotah. was drowned InNortb
cbMp aa he eaa te the Stetea
IBeo Wanted al Bar*haw. Wla
;> «bn erevama >aa 1 did not data teka* tut oatfllB are a drag oa the market
In KpwiMi TetHtory. .
lake early Tbarsdty mor:lng. Jtbnaon
Barahaw, Wla. July 34—Men nre tn
It was staled last night tn a high dip- wna nn unueuaily teigbt a adeaL and a great demand la this rlcfuRy. Benry
Map. I might be over it and again, if here, many who wish to sail being
tailed tor Mnnlto ysoterday.
lomaUc quarter-(n such manner as to favorite with all who came In ooniact
: 1 took one stop ta tbe wroag direction,
able to do aa Aaa mU to tbe Ynlran give Bcmi-c.aiclal ebararuv to the ex- with him.
1 would go Umougb. There waa not
this is a eampleto tallara While prcsslon—tfast if American juntrol or
month for snwyeia, and lan hardly
" Dotofieef.lv ibe PrtoA.
Le*-«Aet*erCbaHly Feanfi
' tbTM iochoB af snow where 1 had
may look rathar dtoeoaracteg. supervirion of the PUlIppInei was an
SL Louis. July 14.—According te Obthraat top stick tkroogh, aad aei hard
'areatlll worktegeu aiiU think
paicbet received te (hie city yeatotdfir •
indisprnrabie condition tald down a«
•BOW s-.thaV
WeU, gathering what tbere are chaBoos tefL Among them the basis for pence BvgOUaUrns R eras
tbe pope at Rome has decided tbe n^
mallr •oaanl of grit 1 had leftloare- are tbe writer, who vrisbes Tkx Hbopeal mt Father John T. Tnoby trtm
waoip *hl!. plddnc tento. m..
oap. hto friends te Travarae City, and
ArehbUbop Kate’s arte of rtoantofl
Maywoofi ntAr thto cUy. have 1
AoUrd -'pped down aad ^rtad mpaalf abora all tha bays who bare joined the
Bey* LmIm d to a Wheo: Oan
twt. dis ribattag tap weight over as raaka to fight lor tha right. aU aaooM. but'would drurmlce rather lo centtnue found.
Steveua PolnL Wu_ July 30.—FonrUt- from SC Patrick's partoh tn the pctontto
the war. As to the other peace condltie SL Paul boys, two Maddens, an So'
Yoara traly,
Billy-Wlaeeo Petote
laiga a sarlaee aa poasible, took mp
tloBs understood to have been dccidvd
New York. July SO. - 'TfyateriOBi right nod a McAvcy,arrived here lacked
•tWe and aalarged tha apaaiag ao 1
by the cabinet those who are beat able Biny Rmlifa wrn cn poinu nt the ead te a wheat car. having had'noihJng to
n'fiocoant of tbc«
•paid aaa tha aldte of tha erevBMfc
to jBfige the dtopoamoa of the -rralrb
ataft. Ka^ •nvenimcBt fnei that while tbnoe tonna of the twaoty-ffth ro.nd acbcbxag ent since they left SL Paul several dan
(eridak waa abaat eight feet wide), and
eontcat Uat alght with Ooorge OraeD aga Tbey wtn-bcoeteraed tottet'di^
DOC praaent say otherwise ■*To«Dg Oorbett.at once. They are (ram U to U ynarn of
Coaad that I was lying dteaeUp over it
F bpaaia'^ito-1 fenatve.-he ha.li«» tbem with aaieany ‘mM U Adniirar Baintmona npremet,- tba teRiia'tbd Jt adl gvfpriaad (hat
hand by hli matehleai aklll In defeatint ' Ing Bagahip: ••We have won a great
tbeir purpoac without giving tbe aem- irtclory," the only reaponae (bat came Amertca dees not Intend to annex tbe
PbUtpplaea It taya: "If Oennan ternEver Burned OntT
ir*BUD* nrulEtlona of Ua.r own blance of eauac for boaUliuea or com* from the commander of bia vlctorloua per had been otBclaJly m^feated. tbe
lubordinate waa: “Keport your caaualIt l( EliOv«(ber utUikeIr that plainta.
U ae you ksow
Under tbe pretext of rmtertlng tbe tiei." He refuw-l to permit Sebley to Fbll^pioea would have been annexed
the valna of
th* Bi
BusinMS in «• the EdvenUement eeUdc i
Oertnan clttaena In the bcaleged inwni receive the aurrender of the Bpaniab Just to show that AmcHtB waa net to
Th«y An Doing tho
___ _ .... __________________________ of Luaon. tbe capital of the PblUppInea. admiral. Neither the preatdent tor conbe bolUed. We wwuld be glad if the
Thl* Conflict
m«Btt (<'f cErrrlnc U>* >
be tbe
but that rome Other Admiral Dewey baa bad to dlaarm the !greaa ran make Ameriran hetvea out did annex tbem. and te any ease we do
O. P. CA&TZ&. IfI
U d.«XteJ by
by permltUn, no pomlble e*- of any o(he,« tba^hoae w ho have woo not beUsve that abe will like Uir Idea
iniervenUon- He baa ce- ibelr honor* a* r*w ey and Brhiey have of Spain sending the Cuban army to
theira. Thr> are our artat naval ■ tba BhlHpplnea."
atralncd Agulnaldo. the Inaurgent lead
dUnbaB. I The Daily News aaya: *We cannot beI
BHIUaat BMUa amd
me qnef.tian defcnda la a large ne*aI llcve Ibat President McKinley will
OahM TtBiMTf at EaiiUac. fla Caha: abandon Agulnaldo and tbe Inaurgenta.
Saen^r atVar
atVi Alamr Harhlac Wa•ey ai
I It would be tbe deepest diabonor. beW«
a I kT la UU OMclal Ca- that the Sianlah KOv^rnmeot will Wi.n: pruu>ct all claaaesgnd condition* in the
; aides aowing tbe setds of universal war.
parilfThe OrMd Naval Victorta* Woo to keep the meo in Quarantl.M for * dty of Manila, (f tbe German* coaid
could not arrive at Wsrstarg BloMt,
ceriaiu knetb of time to avoid any
br Mailral
aad Urbley.
. .mlae-“
_ _
which in yht arrive from the r tbua under the pretegt of protecting tl
are there
dlapaich from Madrid says:
W««hlDNtoB. July UL-The MicblCTn bavira been encamped in locvlltlej in veij few Oerman cltlaeni
"Though It ta not likely that tbe gov
land a force In Manila I advance of
-»eB Eic 'dolnf the bii*'ne»t lb ihU war. or near which yellow fever baa been (be Americana' occupation of the city
don Editt)fx at to the
ernment wUI decide ta prolong the war
TWtnueh credit cai.joi .be
because of Port» Ittco mnsldsrabie feel ' BelowisaltatoftbebnvtagMffi^
1^-Concraaamaa Bam Btephena'^n cf they would have the vanUge ground of
eeDerat Alyer tor-bl« attorti to «tve
puaeemlon and would be a factor in dieing U manifested and everypoaalbleaip- ing nrieaa of jraatarday for gn
Mlchlcaa ber »har« of prumlnerc* in
latlng tbe terma of peace ao far ai the
lomatic effort will be made to retain U. -pravUim and farm prodaeta la
BblllPPlnea «cc Involved.
Apparently there la little objection to arie City:
«Tory braoeh o! the public aervK-e.
ly wrote
ceding a coaling autiun in the Phltlpe
With a idlrhlcan inan occupylns the aaylngi •TTjere’a a chance for an Hoapines provided Spanish sovereignty la
. Pork per bbl, t
•See of the aecratary of war In the
•Dale^i^ mC’Kwfrj tarn.
thht year, becauac the uUtT
respected In the Island, which. In the Oaar Pork par
Being defeated In every turn by Ad
pesoD of Ceoenl Alyer. our atau fellnwe are killing each other off. Ju*
far ahead. Schny li huty alt miral Dewey In their eftorta to and a H* Need Te Be FadldlM*. Hay* the Harw opinion of the government and official Short Out Pork........
lag Pad—npaal.h MlaUter Hs>a Thera circles generally, will afford compenm*
ne puahing him. Jack U gather* pretext tor landing a force in Hknila.
. V t 00
•e for tbe ln*s of U
U Nathlag llatnlllatlag la spala'e Ura- •Ion in n
German fleet aatumed the reapunslIng up vttea In the weat. ling
4 00
tllles. beeidea procuring ocrupaUon
sw-aMiing around making every oppo- | blllty of protecting tbe it|>anl*b garrl1 U
MaU rrapesesM Ipdsiaaliy orgMAOO,- ; ^h«
Indian army Inre
nent I'neomfcttable. 1 think tint ia a ten on laia Grande tn Bubig bay. that
good yiar for an bonert man to have I was threatened with capture by ibe
«Oa f*r tbe Malae's (M*lrwa>la»
The American reply la atlll anxiously Bggi per dot......................
Insurgenla. Wben advised of this dttlwe alBo uadereUiid their bntonca. ag- a chsiuc."
London. July Ml.-The Madrid eurrawalled. Judging from pn-na opinluns Codfian per B>....................
Inurniurh a* Sam Stephenson ta the j tude of tbe German fleet Admiral DewBtflcame. Upon the page* of bistoG'
forever and loiever wlJ. be wr.tten Ui;- only trul;.' bunesl man of hi* acquulnl- I ey imim-distely ordered the Kslitgh and apr-ndcDt of Tbe Tln.es says that ar- anything heyund the reaalnn of Cuba Lard per Ih......................
II I* fait to Infer that !<am will i Concord, two of hit tuip..r war c.-esc-le. cording to a ncs-apaper stalsment. will be considered haiwh and unjust. Hatter per Ih Dafn.
fact that a Michigan man. Utneial
.. . all slot.' around Lanein; next | to prucerd at once to Isl* Oraiiue. at- Senor Oami>zn.g|>anl h min:*:*; of pub- This la the unanlmout ferting among Ctaamery Buttar.Ib........ .
Shatter, led the tiral United ^lal.
the strongest edvoculea of peace. Tbe 1 Cbeeae per lb............
rk.rad 1
•nny ijf lov**l<in; nfi>r a brief aiege. a wlnler wetrlrg Ihtt lilg IZ.fflK> M.iSoiiU- : tack the S|«ol*h torilAcatlon*. and liclnsuu. t
brtlUani balUe and heroic diplomacy, err.Dle**i undti ih- tape! of hi* <o*t. but compel! the surrender of the gurrUi.n. tbe niurae of an in.erview at Madrid •eople are beginning, to r^llac that [ Oats par ba (oldl...............
seen where It will do no Wbeii the Kalelgb and Concord arrived yesterday: "Rrain l.ua r.ot as eJ an ar pear« will mean almost a total lues of | Com per bo., old............
captured the city of Santiago, theieby h-MinK It
In Subig bay the German warship trvne mistice or men a suspension of b-wtill- coioniea and looking to the delicate and i Potatoca. per ho------barm.
giving our govcruir.eDi the right in
dllDruIt pueltlon of the queen regent ; Salt per bbl.................
BriSd* Ike MIrhIgaa Tapers.
was there performing lu assigned Caak Urs. That would be tantsmouni
ternauonai law to cAini OL-cuia:icc
.unt to be- .
I, ,01 necrasary to fi
rn< r- }.• an old f. low hen- from As- of pruiecling the Spanish garrison, but
the uland of Cuba on . to act up th<
the enemy
strike us. ' the nation t<> accept tha terma"
•b a govarnmeni und.-r the Aniencan trim rmiuly who ; as 1 e oit.e a reaid m when Admiral Dewey* warship* en- ..........
to tbit.
of Wskn.na-ur. after hold ng c-tflee for leri-d the bay to atUck the enemy of j
•brat, old. per bu....................
States, the Irene disrreelly I message to the I'nltei} Btat-a. while
many •'«aia Re will pn-liali.y mver
ItnfleU Will K«ni Be Homa.
Partont troubled with diarrhoea wjll
'b*»k new. per bn...................
the suter.oruy Of tbe be Interesicd In tbe expert'ace of Mr.
Prig.dUr Gc.erai Duh.e.d command r.-i’irn h me, 'but k<ei* w-1! .nlurroe.-t retired, and isla Grande was surran- '
^U. No. L per bo. (new)....
I Tankee fon-. * and their mltltary
Ing tne Mlihigoc tionpa b.f tc- Santi cor.iemirg Vicl.lgan affair*, lie bum dered to Dewey's oOlevrs.
Raab. clerk of Hotel Ttorranee.; ^
W. M. R
We mast regard Admiral Dewey'S eraUon*. la conOned to terma
ago, eecaped the buliei* oC (be .nemy K-eii g.'iitu. the Utchtgau rapm^ ni
CupUiI fpim the congresi lien, but....................
achievements in dipfumacy a* even *ur- ■ rifled
but wa* *.rlcaen town with ye.low fe
w bm the doc-ument la pub- | nl years I have been almost a eonatant! bJu.,,. per B> ..
that t ey are aliaenl, ne gels all ; passing the battle
with Munlejo'
ver. Hapurta frotn the fruut Have
me will be aide to'any It la Iteflrrer from diarrhoea, the frequent,
atmiiFly indicated that tni*' ..leian of O' the v-i-ek!ict at tbe war der.ir'.nieat i—that stands unrxamplcd in tbe
Unit- I attacks eompt'-te’y pnatrating me and '
tbe civil wai uaa atJJ ih>a oJI> etr .i.g after Gi iieral Aleer'i secret i.— nut in:- ! eonllK-U of the wurid. Heroic as he la dd SUtrs Is dlB|N>iu-d tn make pea-e.
idertng <oa unfit fi r tnj datie* at tbe
enough to reaisl tbe bver rav.g.-* tnJ Islted leading them. Hit name U Arch- Ion his battleship in aeilon, hU mastery but requests neither trueva nor ar- hotel About two
years affo
agoea tah
o year*
In deaJng with the complicated Interna mlaUcra.''
gave me a amall l
recover hi* bcalth. .lie will »coii be at
Armea. the newrpaper mat at Ran-_____
laiamly confronUng
: borne.
• - Hc.CboU
. and Dlar
lagc. who bar been wrttl.ir Icnera lor ___________rank
him •
Major George II. n-pkloa. mlUtarr
-medy. Much to my anrprite
rboea Remedy.
Shu'efd upon the i
larcla and CaaiHlo. la art-Ixioaitr a officer of the United Stales and second !
aide to tile Becreiary of war. waa p.aaand delight Its effeeU were ImmedtaU
having »>e«n
bo„, u, ,qj- naUun. And when the i
iver I felt aymptoma of tbe dlfng througa l.AfayeUe aquare. acruai Michigan irsn.
tars at traUaat Ttotor - a
tbe «reet from the Wliite Houae. thia bom ’ir. (hlpyewa eouniy. near Hay
would fortify myself again*
OliT EtoUaa. ta affect July 4. IWmorhliiii. and when tbe witter, paaalug riUl*. He D not doing tm« e-untry
tbe attack with a lew doaaa of ibla valny gwd at preaent
tbe atatuc rf General Jackaon. met w ith
wable remedy. The result baa bean
B.*M Bevoea.
Admiral Dewey must lead aU utbera In
hfm. be aaid; '1 think the people of
very aaUatactory aad alauat oompletc
If the war closed today, or at any naval bunory.
Michigan ought to know the amount of
and to limit, so far as powbP-. the ex- relief from tbe afDieUou." For aale by
s£8s«« aess S8«
woik wUih le being done by General ,me In the future wUhoul any addi
tenalonof America's administrative re- S. E Wait. Druggist.
rco-r-o w-rg ;•«*Alger in the c nduct of thia war. Hu tional great vtclivry achieved by the
The people of the lutUun know but aponalblllUes beyond sesa Th<- papers
Wa>t buaiocw* tntereda are left entlrely cavy. the next te universal judgment one other great naval hero, and be Is agree that there la no jtmll^ liability
to elfins, and all of hi* waking hours of the people of the whole country Commodolw Schley. He directed from tn warfare. Spalp la naluraily tore, but
: 8fi8SC£S&SS88SaS*S
and all of his energies are devoted to would be that Rear Admiral Dewey start to finish the entire fltei that en they point out (bat she must pul up
bis official duties. He la a* eametUy should be crowr.'id admiral a* the great gaged Cervera to hi* attempt to rscajw with the loss of Porto fUio. and if she
and that Comm^ i
Santiago, aad destroyed
evei v«
and fliiKCiiuy ««gaeed tn t.e proaecu- _jval hero of the ...............
siroyed every
Is well advised she will close with the
dore Schley would be made rear ad Bcl under fe
ticu of tbU WBi
Dd. Not only <
at b 9 9 E38888
miral with the thank* of congress. he command the Heel with supreme Amerttan t*rtns
^ttlefleld. aad
X. LOUDON. Deatisi. O rce* I* HaAhaa
MetwUg Post aiwl ChrMiiel*.
•• • .
w wsw«-»scores of leaser heroea de- ■kill, but fals flagahip. although the
jottoger 1 believe he would be ine^li^
The Momlrjr Post, however, aayt:
to reelgn hi* cabinet office for the pur -vtloped in our great naval Uttlea who weakest of our great war vvsaels. did "Since the United Slate* have dcrid.d
o M. BBOOK. dnorwey as« O
pose of going Into actual battle. Hla have made the public familiar irith the
bealth. which was feeble last winter. namea of Hobson. WalowrigM and oibenemy a ships than any other : be fastidious about Cuba, tt mum be
1* eaUrely restored, and he i* not wertt- era and other thousand* who rank as vessel that was engaged. Hit flagahip | seen now that the resolotlon of coothe “man behind the gun," to whose
truck by the enemy more fro- i gn>aa was an anneeessary tteinc of
akill and courage we are largely in qurnily t
: handa If tl la consis eiit with luatw 1C. McreaaUlc Co. Blorkdebted for our marvelous triumphs, but blned H
He headed off the Cristobal Co- [ ,^nd moralltv
annex Porto Rico It
the two men who stand In the very loo. a vastly atronger vessel than hU . e,moi be wliked or unjust to annex
TiwB.p*HaUoa CsrTrsspa.
Another Uicblgun man whose name forefront of heroism today, and wh" own. and engaged single handed and . cuha."
•boulU be revurdvd In history for bit will go Into history as tbe great naval halted IP until the Oregon came up I The Dally Chr.mlc'e 1* for theannexspuWlc eervices. U Colonel Hccker of heroea of tbe atruggie are Rear Admiral with her pow-erful guns to aid in the i uon of the PhtUppIn-s and thinks "P
W. „"TS u.,T;r;Si”r.
Delrttl. who baa accomplished so much Dewey and Ci
flnitl deiiroctl.m,
[ ,-,n not l^e an easy task to bring Gen,|
<aaa a a
aaaaa a
'fur the governmrni in securing the
No matter what the naval regulations | ,ral Merritt and his army back wltl
'< 88 8882 8 S SS8S« S
tTauB,«'ria>iun tac.l.t.e* fur our troops. and delicate duties to perform ol
may require to rerogclxlng Admiral j nnthihg to at.ow hut a ma tng etal'oi
,s tbe commandei
Me nar saved the govetnmeot m.lliuni officer either In army or navy. ««'p,K,„un
•We are Impatient TViDQ* a OOVBLU Auor^ a«^
..^.Midetale Judgi.wnt and
of dollar*. by making coctract* wltt atartl-d the world by the destnirtlon of
with American m<vdc*ty in believ eg the IJlM* *i Uw. OBew. Oily Oyrw Boas*
hearts ol the American people task.of governing the Phil ppines too
ratlriuds and ocean lines. It waa an- the Spanish fleet In Manila harl>or |
loss of a man or serlnus
wertnu* IhIr.- i
,reat hero of the bat- much for the United State*.' It must
dvr hi* suiwrvialou that cr.Dtrwcta wen without the
vessel, but grand as Admiral I
SantUgo. and he Is Commodore be admitted that a grave danger loom*
made fur carrying <>ur iruoiw fruinTam jury of a vesael.
dlni-ilng a great naval
-pw to Santiago. It was Colonel Hcckvi Dewey waa In dlroi'tlng
In German amblth.na. hut no o h-r pow
shown -------hlmnelf
who made (he arrangem< ole for Uie balUe. he hta■ --------■ tomp.o.B.rtMI>.M>ir.
er wilt object to annexstl-iD. EngUnd
8SS& 8 8fi8S9888£
transfer ol our Spauisb pr.aonera from grander In maintaining the honnr and
Had Admiral «amp*,>n awarded has already informed Washington
• ,-e. e
f res«r\lng the psace of the naUon by Schley tbe credit justly due him In'tbo that effect, and Europe with the ex
Santiago to .vipaln. Cohmel !!
-masterly diplomacy.
Went to New Vork and there met Sc. t
TnUa* arriv* Ina **. Leal*. tovtarOl*. |bpreliminary report of the action, there ceptlon of Spain and Germany, would
Cloelaowl. Chteagn. DewoH aad
Gen^a Pier* a Moasoo.
OFb*Ilcj,<. who represents tbe Spann'i
■ respeci , be relieved If the Unjtod Sut'a decided
would have been much
d**Bw. m. BUrptag wad dlalag
li la an open secret that .the Urge for and faith
Transatlantic Steamsbip cpmpaay. anu
Admiral Hampton, but on direct conuo'. of the PhlUpplnea
made nrrangemvnis with bim for the Gennan flu-t in the PbiUpploL- waters bis dispatch
rTiaAINBD NTBag-BIs* gnelle BnUowk a
translvr of tbe Spanish soldiers tn Is only a meaace to Admiral Dewey, but
It unjust to Commodore Schley, TBIBTT MJIXIONS POB TBE XAIBB. 1 groSamieof tbeOslwr*l(yBa*pUaLAEB caraiubaaHear_oeUirLiwlB._ _
Ciwhlah ships, the expenses of trans- a Brrious menace to tbe peace of the and Id lu result a fearful wrong to
MWit/gagz*^ by a luadM Paper— Artar^lreg^dweall. (« aerwlag. BI
lortation l«:ng. of course, paid by tbe country- A single thoughllesa act er Admiral Batapsun bimaeif.
government of the Uslted Slates. In unguarded expression would be adzed
Neither In the acUon or In the preIn the Dally Mall's opinion an
this way tbe Spanish ship* b ivc been upon by the German fleet to make a ilmlnaiT rerori of the victory did Ad
lending and hoist the Oerman flag on miral Saiwpaon exhibit any epiTectatlon demnity of from £4.000.000 to CT.dOO.OM
While the
Of Commodore Schley's almost unex- (120.000.000 tn IM.000.CC4) will
Comm^ore Htanded for the Irma of tbe Maine.
mpled V
Tba Standard advises Snaln to acceut
e battle, alg-
vnoc »uo«m«d of i
John R. Santo,
Geitral InsaraiK.
l'" *
!Crud Sipia t bdlui 1. B
2 %
» T ’
___ 5 liiiii
=T rH^
Drs. Mixer
are Ibe most eucceastul
Cancer and
Blood Disease
KpecUlistA in the State.
TheVliirld Renowned
Over 35 Tears Etperience
Guarantees Sbccess.
OfTi« Ovip Crrv Bsim-
(Moneg W Statx St.. twkfads^falSddwsNofXfnBt
Hi. OUS. v. mn. ou'i Suinr.
HAsnms M/ch.
"W© Cii.-r-e "Wx-bla.oix'b Fa.-i ttl I
Has no equal aa a Blood Furffier. TraTorse City People can attest ita merits.
' Dra. Mtxar. Haatioga. Mlcb.—Dear Sira—My wife retorued borne a few days ago, aftor boing tbrae *_______________
weeks i
... Broaat be Dr. CbarlM W. Mixer and it la with great pleasure that I write you of Ike improvemeiit ia bar ease while under your penoual aUcuUan. Sbe baa
been afflicted with Cancer for some time and tbe madical aasistanoe abe be* ____
from other
pbyaiciana seamed to be at do aealt iu ber cast. Tba renoll of
jO«r ttealtneat la very gratifrlng and we are inora than piaaaad
' with
'itb it. Up
I'p to this date everythiog^pointa
evervtbingVrto** to
x core tn
in ber ease.
id what makes your treatment alt the
tbe more
setory U
U becanae It baa eauaed bar no sd
S< '
i abeerfally rceommend all people afflieted with cane pcraonal aUantioD of Dr. Charles W.
i'. Mixer
Mixe: wbo has the
of Dra. Mlxer-aI Cancer and tUrofula Bymp,
I would aim advUe all
" poraoaa
t care in aaing this
IS ralnable remody to sac
■•■ that
they procure that which bsars
the autograph aignatore of Dr. Mixer on every bottle wrapper. We
mUnue your treatment as advtaed to the Utter, 'eeling aatisfiad Uial
tbe roanU will be al> that we akk far. Tbaokiag yon for past eaartoaUa
md. 1 am, vary raapoclfBUy yonra.
E. O. LADD. RegUtor of O^da. Tiaveraa City.
Drs. Mixer Will give FREE CONSULTATION at Park Place Hotel
jr. B.—Bovar« of boffOB Cancer and ScroftilA Syrup. No medicine or
oorreepondenoe genuine without tbe signature of Dra. Mixer, aa here glren.
DO rouw»irr;r.’..'.r.'!r.^
,. w. oAUirTurr
suvai.'!siS'«:u“ ““
The Influence of Money In the
I^egotiatton of Peace Between
Warring Nations,
What It Has Cost to End the
Notable International Con
flicts of This Century,
and even to support them by paylnf a
tcopynrtu UM.J
**To the Tlctora belong the spoils of tbe sum fk> rrrat that other councrlea would
anemy* Is tnie In war aa well aa In And U difficult to enter Into peace ne»opoutlea ClvUlaatlon baa robbed war UaUoni with them. It Is a aad commentatr upon a powerful haUon that U
«f many cf Its horrors, the Bed Croas should uae such metboda
baa ameliorated tbe condlUun of
The IThltad Btates stooped U tbe
wounded sad made the pHaoher-s lot a potion, though JrSeraon as rice preslhappier oce. but the Tsaqoiabed foe U,den( loudly opposed tbe paying of irlb.
•till ready to declare that war U ekact- i nte. and tor aome tbnt Americans s-are
ly what Oaoerel Bhrrmaa once said It' allos-ed to As In the prisons of Algiere.
waa Methods may change, but hu- > ■"»«
»'“• »*« ^^y Is csti(nan nature remain* unchanged, and the , mated to have coet ns (MtOCl.lS.
aamc piratical game ai the conclusion I Treaties with the other Rarbary states
of which purchased peace
«f war 1s played now-that was pUyed Allowed.
Tripoli by the payment of a gruas
When Cnar and Alexander sallied forth from
o fight the foe. Ju their day territory sum. Presldenl Adams in 1800 comMd tribute were wrested from the vsn- plained that the United States had to
quisfaed and captives became slaves, la
these days the victor Ukes all the telTltoiy and cash he can get. but the cap
tives are sent home in steamships free
Of charge or sre permitted to go home
at their own expense. Spain seems to
have lost all but her quixotic •boaor"
aad her home peninsula, but what Un
cle Bam will, compel her to give up rv.
powerful MitHdruR under Porter «nd
Perry, early In ISIS, appeared In the
Hedlterranean.captured Ibelarfreatfrlit*
ale In the Aliterine navy and with olh.
er naval atavewea ao terrifted tbe dey
that be immediate eonaented to a
treaty of amicable reUtlona. anrren‘ »red all hia pnaoaers. made rertaln
ecuiUary Indemnltlea and iwBounred
1 futare cjalm to any Amerteao tribute
' imym<4ra
nity. Ft
celved 11
nltlra. Tbe ArU. in U40, 'rsa $2S.OOO.OOO.
a pan of which waa handed over to
BrlUah merchaDta to coDipcnaate them
for the loaa of opium deetmyed b>' the
Celeatlal coventment. while tbe awond.
In IMO, waa »10,•00.006. .
Tbe aaneiailon of Texae naturally led
to the Mexican War of UM-T. By the
treaty of t>eace Mexico *ave up her
clalma m the N^ecea ta a boundar'- llna
The I'nlted Stater did nnt niter <n»l«t
ilty for certain American
both I
■easels raptured under the runs of their
orts by BrllUb cruisers dti
'ripoll not
Tbe bey 0
havlDK aulBclent cash to equal the arbltrary demand on bis exchequer. Decstur secepted. aa pan payment, tbe
restoration to liberty of eight Danes
and two Neapolltana who had been held
as slaves. They were returned to their
of the '
lory added in Its boundarleo and. mors*
over, freed the Mexican government
from all claims of cltlsens of the United
SUtes a*altuit M-zt-o for damages,
wbirti the tJnlted Plst»a agreed to pay
to the smnunC of 9S 2SOOOO
• The ware of the United SUtaa base
ever. Inanricents remalnlac >a both tbe ' rapidity that BInnajxfe and tba
ducblea. and they were attarkad by tbe man coun have alwaya lamented tbflt
Danea On July Zt. ISSO. at IdaMt. aad the aum waa not twice aa larce. Vltetb
one of the blondle't battlea tbe world waa a raat amonnt of faoaeUad BOODor
hai ever aeen w»a than foucbt.
In tbe atocklufa of the Preach peaaahta.
* In HolatelD la tbe rreal harbor of ‘ aad they came to the reaeue of tbatr
Kiel, nod Blamarek wanted lU Be cop- i bdoved country with crcat celerity,
inved to have Auauia uhlle with Oer* ' Thli blUlon doUara craatty exceeded
many, aad tbe Aualro-Pruealaa troopo { actual expenaee of Oermany la the war
marched tbrourta HolitelB Into Slea- aad waa therefore to eomc exteat puA*
Wick cn Feb. 2. U6I. They were aucceaa. tive damace. eucb as Krucrr Of the
ful, and the war was terminated by tba | Transvaal demanded from EtiKland Car
treaty of Vienna on Oct. 90. under i the Jamee .n reld of r>ecember. 1«S
which the two dnrhlcr. with that of
In every Instance where an indematlr
I^auenborr. were banded ov.-r to the has bn n eaarted. save In the ease of th»
cmiblned cornrol of the two r-onquer, I Turke-Ruaaian war of 1177. whleb
Inif hatioBB. Ko lademnltr beyond the | carer to a close with the treaty of Sah
cevlon of territory was demanded from i Slefano, a portion of the vaaQUlsbad
Penmerk. This action eventually «avc ^ power's territory has remallMd IB HUBrise to the war of 1**« between AuatHa Ury o^patlon by tbe vlrtor
and Prussia, for Ihe two quarreled over expense of the defeated nation unUl tbr
baa been paid. Tbe Turks f
the Joint disposition
of their stolen
ol.lUfvd t
r the pone'g
property and settled the quarrel In tbe
proiectoraie over Roumanla aad Bor.
one battle of Sadowa.
It Is said that "Bliimart* treated Aus- via and al«ndon llerxeguvlna aad Be*,
trts with great consideration aad.de- nla to Austria. Besides (bis the Otta.
msnd'-d only K.OOO.OOO thalere as war In man empire agreed to pay Russia |0
demnity." Hot Wuntembvrxhad topay cash Indemnity of (100.000.000, wtaMk
the amount fire*
(.000 000 gulden: Baden. (.003.000. H'SSe'.
ThU ladsmaltF
Darmstadt. 1.000.000: Bavaria. 90.000.000;
loss of Russiaa subJsM
fiaxohy. lO.OOu.OOD. and entirely Prussia ______
received tt.000.900 gulden <(2Z.aDO.OOOi as and commerce destroyed. About batf
wsr lademmty. Hesse-Dannstadt ceuad this sum ts sUII due Russia.
Thai Japan did not exact an sMCu
Hesse-llomburg - and some tcrtilory
and entered the Ktuth Oerman Ooafed. moui sum from Chios as aa IbdsmnlCr''
eratloD. Bavaria also ceded a amall at tbe close of the Chlno.Japsnese smr
district In the north to PniAla Auslrta of IIK was due to the laierveotioo «t
renounced her claim* ..n Sleswlck snd Russia. - The cash lademnlly paid bf
Rofaueln and recognised all that the China to Japan was (IK.OOO.om. B*>
war had effects. Five years later there side* thU the J
of Fbnaom and tfe*
waa a nnlted PruaMa aad Oermany. -but ceded t r Island
the 'heven weeks' war" of IMI gave tbe
vlctcra the greatest combined Indem
At the close of the war last mar •*.
nity that was aver exarted.by a eon- tween Greece aad Turkey tbe sultaa
quertag nation.
was forced by the Buropcan coeesrt tg
Borne of the most onergn tenna. reduce his claim of IMAOO.OOO (a |l^
At the beginning of the preseat cen
tury many of the nations of the old
world had powerful Aeets of war vcs.
■ela and It is difflcuU to undersU&d
that at that time It was unsafe for mer
chant vessels of sny nstton to sail la
Che Mediterranean, as they were liable
to be captured by pirates unless.
cepyn^. 189S.-'
. .
r protected by I make a naval <
t of Barbary. and. though Tripoli
listed war. tbe Arab
overawed for the time being b>- th
Bight of Yankee guns. The Calte
Futee thus set the flrrt exampio among
aad the dlstrtbnticm of presents, aocord. Christian nations of making reprisals
tag to-CHStom. evsry ten yearn. Tbe Instead of paying ransom the rule of
peace of Spain with Algiers after the ] security against these curadierclal
imauccesstnl war of 17» is aaid tu hav. marauders. The sending of tke
e aqi
squadcost tbr farmer country from (i.ooo.oeo
s virtually tbe beglhhlng of
to U-OW OOD. It U betleved that Knglaad
t lasted Ull tW. It
at the same time was banding over an
which every
aBhiB.1 tribute Of about (Z80.000. She
ised and tbe United
was tbe only power •uflMlenily eirong Blales paid (60.000 o close the oontraet.
an the era to exterminate these plratea. which was that o
veasris should be
hut In order to retain her own position forever free from selsur*.
aa mistress of the seaa preferred to alWhen our seecmd ooalBet with Oreut
tow them to exist aa a aetturga to the Britain was In contlhuance. the dey
•OBunerca of other JEurupoas powen of Algiers took the oppertnatty of cap-
respeetlve countries, which indemnified
the United States for having their clUaens released.
There was very little determined by
the tiwMy of Ghent that concluded tbe
second war with Great Britain. It has
been said of It that “whUc silent upea
all the points which tba United Btates
had made war for tha purpose of en
forcing. yet the country had every rea
son to be gratified with the result of the
negoflMlon." Tbe only thing setUed
was the nortbere boundary of Ibis re
public. and that In Itsatf was a decUtva
Bngiand has usnaUy bean oontentad
with a aalBUTu of trerttoir at tba eonotoMoB of war. tbougb la cbm ot iadig-
1 to those of Euro- 1 however. I
and tbe Indemnity asked ■ i
orelgn countries th# wars Jected Frante at i
. Isobaeqoent arbitration.
have been many, and settlement* of i Prussian war of lK'0-l. They ounslsied
dalma have in many cases been tbe ;ln the cession of a Urge portlnn of Al. tbe UitKed BUtes from Spain U jmt 0
cause of bostlUUes.
ssce. one-Afth of Lorraine. Including be figured. Tbe republic 1^ been put
The two ducblea of Sleswick and tbe greai fortress of Meu and Btreass expense In carrying cm tba
n^stelh Be to the south of modern burg, alwl the payment of the colossal war. aod. so far as Is known. Bpalb to
Denmark. Tbe Utter, which U the cash Indemnity of ( Of thU In a very poor Ananctal condition; yul.
farther south. U exclusively OennkB , Ave milliard francs one milliard was to while the ruuonal treasury of tbe doM
popuUtion. while BIcswick is the i be paid In wn and tbe remaining tour U tnaoivewt. ft may be (hat tbe into
home of Danes and G
a extending oover a period of wealth of the oountry Is in the baada of
................... ^y vtenud- [three yeara with Interest at S per cent. tbe “common people," who wMI come to
tudes for ccnturlea being bones of con- It has bsen estimated that Prance last the baUoi,'s aW as did the French aftto
tentlon. Holstein nt one time bcloar- i In psoperty. the destruetkm of her vll- the pyancs Prumlan war. There U ouo
Ittg to Oermany nnd SJetwlck to Den- Ugea arms and ammunition, at least (btng qiflU fiartaln. and that is tha(
mark. Ttere was war In I»a. a hen (LOOe.OOO.OOO more. The world In amaaa. whatever th* United Butci docs aak to
Denmark held both, and In April. I8U. mem auppooed that ebe was belplemly win find a way of getting wttbout Hitfi
tbe PruaaUhs Invaded JutUad. but cruibed by tbU Aoancui burden, but tratloB.
tber were defeated.' Tker* were, bow- 'the bllUou dolUrs wao p-o* wKh aueh
XQumra, lOBOOiU). ■mA'^ mx.
■ Vuyjiyi;,, I
WBItoeir IMta W Me^ ?^**>*>
It la qtata likaly that dortac «ba
ivograa at tbe frueot war there will
tolwCStat of a tooeable mfiHary Utaa ba estlrWynnr«tpeti«na la Iba oter-
^Ma^te Ita UWtod^8t^«^
« Bi4^ la MMI^ OMt Cta#.
I MSB o< MWilji"i Omn BaQ
Bar aty. U OM
DOMpopanant» of
Ba waa
Con nail der
BcyiHOB to flU a
aaiawy. and w
waU »ra»bl»wock
atoetod totbe po•Moo be had to
abiyilOed. Xttbe
« lawyer a< the Mlohicaa bar and
aaa aoDoeirfnUy ooDdaetad ImpanaMUd*
M/ik» (or the 0(d«. Thae are (ew nanMn of tte order who are batter tafomed
MOB all watltoi twrtalnlBC to ^oettloaa
Uwe^atdlBC aad la?oltln« the Has-
Ohio Mheeabeae are butU^toiMka
*0 nembateUp ».«» by OhMMnaa
Gnat Oonnaader Snltt of I>eaii^aaaU mn th«e wtU ooos ba a tent la orary toem e( aoy «w tn aearfleld eeinty.
Six Dawttoiaaia taponed BDdtrw^
tba oMnbto who worka (er tba order
•BtCbaoaa WbU bean beat dlnoenli
^m«bo“talka tobnr bUbMd*ta»11M ordto bM obtaiaad a nod footboU
da Bn Janey^aBd wa pradM that Kaw
Jmy Maeeabadan win aooa U la atteac
What dUaa tnei^dhest Mar Bint
totheran ■aanoatal Das.
Wbta AUoa mat down Min, taa
I atUL Ha bad OB bit bentlfil biw tui- myofthamii
orsOywtngo. Since tbst d»e tbe dabare been
wraoHre nnebiocry cf tbe fantUatold
nbatba e'
We will cIcHm oot ■ few br^ea lota of Sboee, fit u
ita gold .laoa lay on the table beeirla
brongbt to nekmAticnt
tnefandeiiM cd him. AUee went over In tbe ^ chair
benof themOlutylo^wItbtbeMlow- bubetB brought
e^iecUIIy low figure. They are *11 solid lestber find
^ M oOeere; Muter, Ooloael W. 0.'; parfecttopjnrytad todlttanoeof nagr. , when be «( fer bar morning klu Iba
aocuaoy W nin nd power of pcDaOn- oM nan pot Jtto hand open her toonldir
good wefiren. We Ofiny a Utge stodc, la sll g^les
tlca tfast tba pentntage <d nob umay and looked down at b«r ao long and w
TblilodgoU wapowmed toefBUatewith recrlre alight worade, from which nand fill prioee uo'd cfio please you. For a good wear
Miugely that abe felt a little afraid.
ing aboe get tbem of
"My dear.” bo aaid at length. "I
the PbUIppInee and eleo to Uitlaie aaw oorery may ba pcsMble. will be exeeedmembn When tbe war with Spain to ingly ninU la proportlan to aaoh u are want to toll yon a I ink story this morn
ended, the flirpentollcs tor able lodge wCl daarinedtofaa kiUed oatrldbl It will ing. I know yon will romamber it, and
benqseatkBof wbolenlaalaoBfawr. in : every yes wbao this day ooenu yon
Maeonry to alleoi to tbe pruanee cd tbe which tbewinnar am abow lb
< will think of tbe amn 1 an gtdng to
peefane u to tot own pesoUar raslta.
tell yon abonk Um day a loog, locg
Ome. Tbe mill that bu tba time agn tb? n«>w« came that
Tbe eommittee for tbe Bdetinlal con...
tbe prodbeat
clave at PUtabnrit baring In ehaige tbe
dent bad calkd for men to gu and figbt
tnedtoa) depnrtmetit to ananglDg for Ita reertve tbe priu Tba gnma la to ba fer tbe flag. Tbe flirt man in tbe (own
tobore on Unea oopied after tbe aytoem played erith atakea in Job lota. It if to to my be woold go wu my bndw
adopted for regular army oerrtoe.
'CiUY “New Idea Patterns.” Everyone wbo has'
be a wboleaala buMnan UBBiuiy,
antirely. toe
ttw Bony. Thai 1 uSd 1 would go toa
Tbefliat lodge of eolored Masmewu mere ratal] exblbitioniI of peraoogl bnvJ—' tried them say they are as good as any made.
"It wu very grand when we marebfounded la 1774 by Prtnoe HalL an Intel- ery, indlriduJ tact or
tr mlliury geniu ed away in oor new nnifocma. with onr
price—for any style—is but ten cents.
Ugem negro, In Boaton. Ba obtolnad bto being Tirtually unnei Mryfcr tbe detoiniiig gnna
diarCer from tbe Band t '
' ' tired end. The beat
"Bat one Bigbt, after we had been
Frau Prlnea Ball lodge of BoMstTsaag ■Imp will tom out
aU tbe ooloted lodges la (be United Statu.
kiway a loog time and bad fought in
Heemry wu founded among tbe wbltu Henoe it will be Impoarible to eattonate
iBJknMrtoa upon the gxnnOngof a ohaitoe tbi- amount of umage that may be doM
or the nnmber of lives that may be uotram Sngtond, to that the
both date back to the
rlCoed. Tba woondx wBl ba on a Innrt
Oesoral Rlebard Benry Laa, -light aonla and
"iny.” wu a proulnnt M '
EapedaUy will thto be tbe ease cn tbe
. lodge. Mo. W.
fantUeeblpanaderfiie. EztonMve laoemIn PasBaylraiito a todge eentww pua cs tiou from exploding ibelto, entanarioe
mtoe any one not a metubar thareof.
mines and torpedow nod qiilntcn of
Tbaearenndwfiw jnrtodkiltao of tU atoel and wood will betbanla. 13w
grand ka
lodgeof ft • -------•
- wide areu of ttoau inrolved and tba
with an
lodgu «
ng inteBrity of taook wtU
■hip of m.ODO. a gala of fld.000 alnca «
new rules for opamtire inPitnoe of Watoa beeame grand raanw.
tnferauoe nod new metboda of snrgtanl
This ssasbn*fi g«nnsiits->g;o at
At the oeatenacy faMral of tbe Bcgal teohnhisn.
thsfis prloBs:
MaacAto Boye-nbooL bald at AltM tan,
London, raomnly nnd ptwhtod ovto by the afflpntatloowUlbaB
Prtnoe of Walu the aubaerlptloa M tbs raaaciton.
Wbono^ tbe dangerof operntiflo
school wee aaaooooed to be •STO.OOO, a
itself to past, uaptio aurgwy will
ThaoonmMauof tbeoapitolMWash- nbnndnntly damonstrnie Ito
ValBSS an 460 aad bOo to $8.00.
Ingws wu laid by Maama, and Oeoaga
Wuhlngton. u tbe aeuldent of the United
Hotpltal gnaStatu stood at the tod. wearing bto Ma- grroa. tbe dreadful bane of woand treat
•onto apron and
ment is our Uto war. wiU ba virtanUy
D uwaO u impoaalbla. aod nnppunClDg atsmps
aeotlcr tba win no loogw ptopagua tbalr poiaoBn rrr im nan am axa aBocLorm
ov Inflnaaou Intestinal autgwy tma
bt bdd at Plltobng next Oeuber to mak also elevated tteelf nlmoat to a boUdca many battlu oor regiment wu waked
ap at midnight and marobed forward to
ing alaboratt presnratlana to axtnd to tta
and death CB tbe field, virtnnlly inert m- be ready for a great battle 4hae wu
ottbe ............ —
IngSir Knlghtoand todtoa. thtmutgen- bk before, to now mow eSeotomUy coming in tbe moning.
woundooedlalwetooma and asistolt- thwarted by tba modan aad Ingenlona"Tbe caancu began to boom by dayli^C, and In a littk while tbe bolleta
$8d». $8.06, $8.46, $8.96-Valtiea are $3.50 to $6.50, ud all
Ooloael WUUaia Bar*—. __________
were bosdng throat tbe woods like
army, wu tbe Rhode Utond Muon wta
are of tbia aeaaon'a manufactare -made tboroogbly right
great bumbkbeoa and big abelto aoeamespund Oeawnl l*foutt to oOeel the bnfoTA tbera to a oomfett iu uootM- ed tbroBgfa tbe treee. and tbe man were
in every way.
oaptue of our Oeawal Lae and
tdotlng tbe eenpenutoty balnom of falling all around aa
In making tbe uebnage.
odoi in favor of tbe
"Tbe coemy fought very bravely,
vnucM in operative m
bat after a time we began todrive them
back a tinla and at length we wan <r—
---------------- tb« new lisaa
deredtoaiokuadtozga Westarttrioa
at snrgiosl prooednre wiU ba of tbe tbe ran, everybody ctaetring, Heeiy
and 1 aide bf tide. Jnat bifore we
demooatnitlDg cm a Urge scale toe valoa mebud tberid^wbwe tbe enemy were
loWBT One aaoh tram Georgia. Reotnoky. at tboae gcmeral prtaclplca npoo wbloh waitiug for u 1 felt a sharp atlng la
tbe rramit snrglcal advanou have baco my sitk and erexything grew black.
lUtncto. Iowa. Maryto.............
•ylranto and Wtooot
baaed. Every paiu will be tikaa to
"Wbi-n 1 came to. it wu darit. 1 wu
$bM Sklrta at $8 76.
$6 00 Bkirta at $4.60.
give all avalUble ihfarraacloo oo tbeae lying iu a littk wood and could am tbe
Now Jarwy. Conildartnc thU. It It not w
> tbe readen of Tbe Medical Stan toining down through tbe treea I
$460 SkirtB at $8ii6.
$8 Fanoy Sklrta $8.86.
be woadend at that tbe iiatee wrai of tbs
Aside from aimiigemcaa for got bp and tried to walk, bet 1 oouido’t
Mtoaonri rtrw are asking for
j onmpantoi c we era puticuUrty gratified to sMU
edge of Ibc wood some coe might find
the nniform rank are requaied to iuv
« to arrive la that that a repreuDtotire of tbiajoomnl. me, W) 1 cnwlrd along slowly. By ud
M. Tbe requari to himailf oBe at tbe operating anrg«noa by I raw a man sitting with bto back
r haring tbe rtolt- cai tbe Solace, tbe new boqiital ambn- ■gainst a tree, aad it wu Rcnry. Jnat
Whatever your wanta, if you would get the most
lanoe ablp, will famtoh onr rudata think, dear. b<nr gtod 1 wu to see him I
thefnilgueof travel hefure partiripatlaf With racta anigical data u may be ts He wu vroanded, too. hut I did not
value for your money, comt to
la tbe gmt parade that to w be given tba
ar isatnetlva.— know then how badly.
following day
Medical Beoord.
' ■ Wc bad tMu ulklng a few mlsniee
when we heard a groan fram a clamp
(rf bnabm behind «a Reniy crawled
Tbe latest thing tn tbto Um to san>ed over and found a man in a gray uni
encalnA prepared from a Boeth Ameri form, b^ly hert and calling ptteoealy
Raportt eomlngtroradlffcnotqi
can plant, aad tn its Icnal action simlUr for water. Nritber of u bad a drop.
of tbe •npreme domain Indicate that tba
to oocaloe. bat witboat any of tbe pal- Hmry crawled back aad eat with me ij
candidacy of ^
Tara-vax'ae 0±-ty,
aouou effecta of tbe toner, ereo tbo^ the tne a little wbllA but be oonld not
twof Cailforato to meeting with o
appravaL BeUrwogutoedutbeeemlag ecuployed In mocb torgw damn Tbe rest fur ibitikliig uf tbe poormaa tn tbe
orreren teat u yet reported ana tba botoea, wbo wu dying for a drink of
man la Pythian aSatra
Tbeparadeot tbennlform laakatln- anipotation at tbe loarer third «f tbe water.
dtonapolto on Ang tt wlU eovw a dl»- leg of a man S8 yaara old aritooot tba
"Over tbe light we could bear a littanoBOf twomUea and will be reviewed aae of ofakrofocm or etber,..................
r, followed by
by tba
puisiui bealingof
sriunpgrand lo^ of
Aa mneb of tbe encaine wu put iato
two cr three tahlaepoaofnls of aratar u wouD^ but be never stopped or c
tbe araier woold diamlve, and arito a plained. He Just dragged himself a]
hypodermic syringe a few drepe of tba tlU be reached tbe brook.
aoJatioo artae Injecaed nsder the akin.
The hank wu bi^ and ste^ aad
Abirat an isoh tram tbe center of tbe be did not have strength to climb down,
only two way* by wbleh aa isjcctiaa aaotber wu made, toes as- but he lay oo tbe edge and lowered bto
other, nntil tbe Umb aru girdled by canteen by a oewd. and wbeo it wu tall
arantee to be In a |
payaU ludaatb losiae u they so
them at tbe ptooe where ampaiatioB be drt-w it up. Tbeo be crawled hack
firAtotoehargeaecrtaln turn each year wu intended. After aralting flat mis- to the man m gray and gave .him tbe
Vbw Rtora and Bepair Shop.
abe to allow of tbv aopeifktol ttomea water. Tlw poor fellow wu eo glad he
with Into
meet tU luatnr- becotniag inaenMbto tbe needle aru
cried, and be made my faratber tall him
314 E Front Street
tfae Inturad at etaitod periodt In prapor- ihrnet deeply into tbe mnaclee and la- his nasK and where he lived.
“Henry crawled hack to tbe tne and
lion to tlw Inoemlng coat of tU risk car JerboBt made, la a few tainntu all
Out portion of tbe leg. isclodlng ihrea lay dowD beside me. We began to talk
ried.—Anchor aod Shield
Tbe dulh rate of the whole oedor tbowe or four Inebu above and below tbe ring of our brnne. and by aad by be aakvd
of it’jectiooA aru fouod to be deetitate me to ring, aod 1 diA and Henry mog
aa increato of .«4 tobm that of tow yeu.
Tbe patriotle ^loo of tbe A. O U. W. of feeling, and tbe operatiaa of ontting a liulti. too, and then the
in gray, bufc in die buriiu. took np tbe
In providing for the Msaaemeiite of all off tbe limb wu
membun wbo enttoi In toe wat with ly u arito cblCBOfona. Wben tbe deep rang in bi« pocr, wrak voke. But beSpain and also tbe asoeedliwlylow^
er tiansi aren cut into, a aUgfat amart- fora long we beud him mauing fir
incnt rates now la foree are drawing the lag aouatioo aru rxpertaBoed a few water oguln. and Hetuy dragged him-1
raung men into tbe order at e rate that timra. but immedtotely relieved by tbe eelf to the brook and got bim nme
kec]a tbe grand teootdere ^oay enralllng applicatico at a link more of tbe eola xmec. dfl be grvw quiet.
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of all.
tion to tbe atwc <tf tbe dtocemfort.
"I mart have tullen arieep (bctL
Tbe eopieme reocedtr'e report abowe ao
When I wakid. tome bmb wbo had
It will pay yon to try onr 13c bulk coffee—a good'
Incteato in tbe dentb rate of tlw order
MelUlUts WeaA
oome to Kurcb for tbe wounded were
tram I0.U in 1896 to lasofcr toe year
Still anotber method of metallbdng bending over me. I looked aU ■round,
wholesome beverage at a small price.
I of dutb lomm bu
made tn tbe average Uine of 8 iuooUm and aolij and natotmit and aafumes tbe ap- looked and found bUn noar tbe bedok.
14 dayi for I8»i. ao locream of length of
. four da^
Idracribad in tbe PariaMoBde arito maoh in bto hand wu tbo (mnieen. wbito be
time oompaied with 16M of
*Fhone 167.
048 Front StreeL
Tbe grand lodge of Ohio ariU bold Ito Aeua Uefiy. the wood to flrut Im- wu tryiiig to fill again fcr bto wounded
aext sesBon at Dayton beg<nnii« Ang. S8.: merwri for three or foor days. U may he enemy. God bed callod him in the
-------------------------I ito di«rae of permeability, in a oanstk nigfaL Yon moat not ay or feel badly,
OrUr wT BM Brilh.
alk-Juie lye. 4^ tbeaoe pamea immedl- deer. He wae a brave man and a go^
In order that all Rebreare may be Mtgi-.'ately into a hath of bydroaalpbite of man, and he wu ready to go God' will ran M
you curry I
Bay u foUoto|^
ble to mamb^lp in the eodera It U to a' ealcinm, to which to adde^ after 84 or know* to«L Tbe woaudid eoldier tn
ewtaln exMSt oona'ctsrton. Liberal m 86 boun. conoenouted anluticn of sal- gray got well aftw a long time, and
a^lucatoodu Bei^au>ctotaaader phnr in cauatle potato. Tbe duradoti of COCK when tbe war wu over, be came
^eommoD prtadpleof mutual pnUc^
here to talk with u about tbe man in
blue who had brvoght him tbo water.
"Evvy year I kei^ ebU day in mcmBUM if you are atric 14 daya or
oty at my Lrotber Ueoty—Tour grandintodtotriota Patodtotrictambneetcermore we fojyam from tbe firat day you
talo —'Tond praparad in thto mau- father, my dear. Be wu noc a general
aiek. atoo from tbe hour yeu
' 'm^L7^ 1.'^-------jnar. and after havtugnndergooe a prop- or a colonel or a captain—Jort a plain
meet wiu aa aeeidaat. all tor gLOO par
tatoid mt Buar.
I „ drying at a moderuto icnperatOTe, private toldier. It may be that no coe
mtk. I wfll call at your tulilian
ever beard <if him esr^ (be peopk in
d evttie your elulm la fall ta «oae af
tbe town wbere be lived and tbe men
" L and waatbrilliant metallk Inater—a Instor in bto oCBDpany, bat 1 am ante yen will
poymeat fund tn tbe maaury •
still farther Increased in ita
alwaja be glad to pot flowoa oa the
prome ledge amounie to 8IA668.I
if tbe anrfaoe of tbe wood be xab- grave of a grandfatber wbo died ao
yoa gat taoand aad foa will hava mo
cub on hand and In rested by (fa
bed tbotraghly, in tbe first ptooa. with MwerfuUy and wbo gave bto lari
dlnate kdgae smouoto
to gdS.«U)
Tbeoedwvru argunlato In Bamatera •Pitca at toad, tin or aioo and aftu- (Mogtti to brip a mao wbo had fought
m 187» and moridm tor skA aad dutt
^ poitob^wito a glam or pSCW agalBriUm
E.W. Fcanti in Youth'*
Ladies’ Shirtillfajsts
29,39, 49,59, 79,89c, $U9.
drfeMgbnthao an bidara Tbe neeaimjUp la now on laOOQ. and a atropt
prdOoeanbeaacraoreletwoyeara. Tba
Mllar of tba mad oaecreof tble n*a for
■May yean ^ beta aot totuMltna
r (or a period of aearty «0 yean.
___ jbaftor nan ben of a lo^ hare
MOb to do erttb tbe aaeoeae or (altare of
• lodca Look well to tbe ohainoieraad
naadlaff of the peHtlooeie for a
OMDd 8«faiary Kl^ * Baa PmelaeoOdd Pel
nencwui aarrtcae tn ei
nanban wbo bad dM darlai tbe pan
OoMeaSeapterlodpaof St. Loala doab|W Ua BMnbmblp dartof May aod
Oopaly ball baa been enncad for tba
ftadoneof tbetonripn praiid todf- Beaton next Sepunber. and lu proxl
da tbe laadlBf hocele ariU nake U a d
akU towOna plan. Tbe motoei of the
wraod tapteaeBlaUTea will ba at Mute
Tbelcaeof aaariy eoo mnbata la tba
^aod lartadMloo of UUiwIe lato year bu
•wahaned the order to tbe ftot thateomeAlng abooJd bedooe to keep down exyaoaea Meay nenbm tan Ueanial
amnai for traod and aonetpa graad
Tba repreaeatatieoi <d tbe tofetaa
naod lodge wUl be wekoned In Tianoeit
taple. Boetoa. by Oomior VOIwtt ta
babalf of tbeetate ead Mayor Quincy ta
babalf of the city oo Monday. Sept, la
jeart bee |
___ _____
bocne at liberty a booee and let airaand
as tbe bane fana.
The Long lelandOdd PeUawa* Honeugoelathm leporu a Iwlwnoe on hand oo
May 1 of f4.0i«
The VlJirtnU Odd Fellow aaya. -Of tbe
fdOiKXi eolnotoera dl.Mt ate Odd Pel-
TbeHtnalreqalree atady. It wu i
|np^ ta a day and oannot be mans
Tbereaied^tB nembetsof tbedegree
af Pooebontaa In New Tork, a gala of
- IjOTA lor the pMt year; nomberef eoua*
-^bej tbe chtefi la autboHty and do all
-ta your power to a«l*t ihcDi, that '
gnuat great eoo will be a coeoeatfol
Tbe gtnet Pocabootu of New York de
rided that e member taking a withdrawal
aerd U not eotitled to a new paanrord.
Qredt Seebem Jeione Bite of PmnaylraoU bat taken the field and U abowlng
if bli good work that be 1< the rl^t
ta the right piece.
The PeoniriraDU Red Mea'r borne te
ta a Oounebing eondittoa; total u
Kalgbla er Beato.
Tbe torn of wltMnval oaidi will ba
bwinefnrth amended to that the date of
With of the withdrawing membete ehaU
appmr opoa ihoBL
TbeaopceeM lodge hai entoCedthataU
S«obw and 1
and Pobroaiy. lifVB
Tbe oonatttutkn wai amended to that
ta tbe lotoltodon of new iodgm raenbem
Who may be laiaotadtgr the medical ezamtur ean be adnilned tomelal memberTba anotat taanre WM alto artesded
> outllTta ibair baned-
In Ladies’ Fine
Dress Skirts.
Woniterfil Values ii Ladles' Sults-4)ome aad Sae Them.
BeUible Dri GMb, CirpR Ud (MtU Hoot
Only 50 Gents
For Half Soling Shoes.
______for Tons ltd Heels, 50 eeets.
Custom Made Shoes a Specialty.
While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
Hoffle PntectlH taMlitloa
JAoc ACT ms oiloa.
Pm «m«MM epsMtrfM
nothing in his appearance i
aeoount for the dread in me. We exebaiqpid graetingi, but no wad paaaeii
betweenua. We tnvened tba leafy lanes
aa in a dream, bat tbey and myself were
I Per bsr tunmr to and tro
rUlonaiy—be alone was rwO. And all
' mu tar Jsiea.
notisW Lonman to Pew Terfc TitliMSi
tbe 1 me tbe memory of tbe telegram I
bad emitted to send kept leeniring to
8tUM BMrj thu amoos the bmd temy ball paralysed brain.
wttd of aojr of the wocM’t trig m £t
"1 knew it could not be Hxrbertan,
yet felt oonvinoed it was naae other.
oota, *’ f«id a saral ofBoer <4 aaptritaea
la .tba wriM*. “PnmlcBnauM paaad
"Ho. old man, of coam 1 don't be J>nU wonda whether a not mother
aee as i did no through my mind,
with tfaa oU mrf. In tba Aajw at tba lieve in qiirits a nonaenw of that sort.
oM TwBBiaA or tba TifiiiwiM, at t.M Yet aometbing that X nevaquiteunder- but 1 was to reality too stupefied to be
Btood once ba{>petied to me. You all capable «f anytbii« like oooaeoutive
Milan pvt it.
know about that kind cf tbiug, and per- tbongfax
‘‘The path we trod led tbrongh the
baps you oan explain it.
I left Oxford—witbootbaoem orchard into tbe rooe garden, wbenon
S«rt7 in and) a Btate that tba; bad to —1"After
spent a lot of time Xoafliig at borne. tbe low windows of my motber'immbe boiated orar tba dda In bcan'a Itwasaalowpartottbeeoantty, nothing mar parkr iqwned. As we entered tba
(0 MTa tba tronbla <tf oanTlnc nraob to cboot, and mother, an invalid. garden aba saw na—nw him—and
tbao np tba gaarirMJ- Bnt that acrt of oonldn'l stir cot of ber raoin.
raved her .u...o...
thin hand in welcome. And
thing it no lunger andnred. Men who
»l“' I
go adLora after bat^ytmainad aboard b«. M »h., HI, i, ttm te . liaJihj 1 tot™, .bo Ull tb™ Ito doo, oolhUis
mmit tun. ««■!. dm tim. b™*lw bot mob, otc dn.d bi. ptm™ —rf
pecLd bj tba offlocr of tba deck to re- TOOdd . ncktooin bom on, mootb to >«
tdoitraiilr. Umom ..JUtan jnat a trifla exhUatated, bat tbo7 uoitot B, miutme to tbonUmml "I m toll b* bom tb.t d.j i—d.
B brotl*. wbMbCT Um .b b, mbol«-1« ““tt^ Ilk, . lm« ttot™ otit iiiidil‘■M«n who exhibit tba iligbteat indi- BB. or md. At tot, Bb.li I ™i lor . “fbb I Itpt .WBlt to Bjodb 'I mn
eatiana of being addlotad to drink are dwo.t»o,It,ooldt»IIItbodi»«,bt.t,“li™ I .bUl .moko Bom Hubtdtoi
tmad ddwn'fiatly bj tba examining tb« iuB> knn,old PindtoImd Uw.p. “• >. mj motbor-.cdol, ttaiktmiooB,
ngaoot wben tbap praoent tbemaelTat Bmmidd tb, B.mtm™ti, mB the dmn-i
td am, b I .rnbmd »bUe p™
(or anllatmant nowadftpa. nwaargeant or ud U1 tb.t. So »l«» I Bob • itm b« iBtkBb trttblo nd Blthoot, t.
tall me that tba; can «eU trotn a maa’t op to town mid didn't BtoB It klitht I: mooktw lt> . oBdr ooUid, tb, •todotr,
ayaa trbeibw'ba baa erer aaffcnd nrcn- Imd B imvent ■ btod mid to pmttmd I bb, MOmod B m>Bk mimomUj .baiit
tj tnun cxoaadTe driakiag, no matter bml pot op with hftm Tbot com, u toy fottot^l npptwo, iik, mtot only
bow long tba man mar have afaatainad BmmlyioitUw.y.dom, Ooly motbm, |
™tbc», I imd bomi
tram drink before k»I^ enliatment.
who hod iittle B ioBttwt to, imoiod ; t"hw wild—odd li« oppmd B row
“U men addicted to drink do happen <ml».rlii|flltb,p.rtitoloR-bowioj;r"‘«f-wm <)olB wtoiM ood
Id get bj the etamining Mugaon and re- frioDd looked, wbat be raid and tbe
ib U* company. I moved abcnl.
aealtbairaraaknam bf going « Man nat XfotintoaXotof tight places at! I
»«>»beaubfeatotp^ to tbe
awTg rime the^ go aaboea« tba aaag ^ start, till I tbo^bt of a man 1 had j
wandCTjiimi^y atont, bnt
e of alt
gata rid of iban bj almply ‘baaohlnT known two years befoae and kept to a |
being an illnaicm. I fancied 1 mnot be
them—that ia. bj patting them oi tba dMoription of him.
beach with tbeir baga and hanusocka
"BaflMtou WM bis saBO. Be WXl mad, and 1 feond tbe aoond cf my own
arbcrertr tbalr abip may b^pen to be Ckuioiag on the ■eAwTranean for bit voiae.
In a boBa port A man cannot be beaitb wbsai l.wat on tbe Sayonan with
’‘It was a perfect day. atiU and balmy,
‘baaobed’ for anyoanae in a tonign tbe BlbkM Bewasaqoeakchai^be- tbe air being heavy with tbe fragrance
Ueved At McalikM ad rut cf that aort, cf tbe raoM, but to me it eeemed coid"Thera an. of ooorae, any nambor of and we all lanjbed at him tat IL We leea 8tiU, It came to a eloaeot last In
8>en in tba nary, and rattling fine aail- never tbongfat bim ill, moraly laoff. One tbe gloaming Harfaerton bode mother
onnan, too, who bare a natnral paedi- moonleat night afterdlni^ on bii yacht farewell. 8be Ueoaed him as tbey port
leotion tor drink, mod tbaae mra tbs we lounged on deck, with tboaemytiads ed. I standing dumbly by. and be, bold,
MBoera keep an aye on for tbtft own of stars making ui led Jolly amalL
ing ber hand, aaid gently, with bis old,
good. Sailon are bonsd to try to nong*
"Hart»toD lay on a fteannr chair— oeft drawl, 'X aboil ratnrn son.'
gla liqncr aboard ddp. If tbey dri^ be oMTblWM-awBigiit tbew—gMlng
"Barberton went as be came, throng
eonaldenbly on tbalr abota Ubertian at tbbakywltb taMInmxvtafale^M. We tbe byways carpeted with moM and
tbey know that when tbey ratnin bad aU been laqgbtwiadcbtffaw wben
atin bolding
aboard (bay are in for *U
ao apeecta with me, wbo followed dogtbey awaken in tbeir J
like. Midway down tbe lane tbe
menrity of it all
. .
next morning, and In trying to rafely we were quiet and aolVn^^wben Hnr- Ing bane oangbt radiance from a abaft
bring a bit of Hqnor off to the abip they beitcm, pointing heavenWara. aaid in of tbeannaeL and into tbe glory of it lie
haTeinndnd the taking of'a hair eg his languid, affected drawh ' Tomarrow pamed alone. Fur a moment 1 dared not
tba dog' to aort at coae tbem np wb« 1 oball know wLut there have to tell.' enter. Wben X did. be waa gone.
"Well. Id a abort time 1 was able lo
they tnra to at 'all faanda’ the next We believed it to be merely one of his
poses, but in themarningwewere borri- laugh at tbe occnTrence aa ataurd.
"Sometlmea tbey gel the liqoor oale- bly startled by tbe news that be was Mother seemed to feel happy in some
ly aboard, bet gwMraUy they do not. dead. He had died, lying there in bit sort of deluriflu. I didn't care to ridi
Bnty anliated man on a United Statea chair, during tbe night
cule She never naked me to tend for
Man-of-war, except tba chief naater at
Well, Barberton'a name tatmted to Harbenn again. 8be always said,
anna and tba topae^aant of marinaa. ia me wben 1 waa lomd to invent a story ‘Wben it is time, be will come. ’
aearcbed at tba gangway upon bis re- to satisfy mother, and, ibongh Xconldn't
"She got more fragile dally. One
t&ra from abore liberty by tba gangway write a story to save my life, wbencrer nl^t abe lotted ao rtbercal that, fear
oorporal of tba marine guard, under tba I began jawing abuct bim everything ing to leave ber, 1 rant tte nonw to bed
inajection of tba oflioer of the d«A. for came quite i»L Often I blessed bis and Btaid in Iht room. All w as busbed.
tba pnrpoae of aaoenaining if be baa memory wben 1 could go off for a few and X most bave duad off. (0 U- rcniaed
any Uqnor cnoccalod about bis clotbeo. days, have a good time and return to by motber'a voice saying gladly: ‘Oh,
Tba men bare picked npaome ingeniona find fflotbcT quite pleased.
yon have come for mel That la eo good
aobemea for amoggling liquor in aach a
"This went on fcrawhlk, till mother of your
"Tbe light of tbe bxrveat moon filled
way that the corporal of the gnard is began to bother me with a request to
fooled. For exampda. tba men on the ask ‘my frknd' to ririi ua nt Framptoi tbe room, eclipriug tbe feeble glow of
China atatiem bay long eeisfcins from Gltiuiford. 1 tried L-rd to get ber off tbe liigbt ligbL
tba ooolies. fill tba skint with about tbe notion. 1 said ihat he was bniy or
"Motberhad t^sed benwlf to a riia qnan of liqsarand wind tbem arannd ill; that entertaining goerts would bun ting poriiion and was looking np eager
tbeir necks beneath tba ooUara cf tbeir ber, and all manner ft things. Bat
ly. Joyfolly. ber thin hands extended.
seemed art npon it—tulki-d nothing else. Bcndifag over ber. I eaw diatinody Ibe
"It took tba offleenon the China ata- Tbe doctor said it waa a tdek fancy: figure of Barberton. Stoning forward,
tion a long while to get on to this that in ber weak state any craving moat I rushed toward ber, bnt before X conld
reach her aide she mnk lack intrt. Bar
aebeme. Then tba men wbo felt that be bnmored.
they snraly needed a drink tba next
"Thus ooniered» 1 wrote a letter urg bertoQ had voniabed, and tbe moonligbl
morntog aftra returning from liberty ing ‘Ify dear Hnrbcruu'—X hadn't tbe revealid only ber debd face lying peace
diaoenrered tba pUn cf filling e robber mnotrat idea wbat hit Chrisriao name fully smiling on tbe pilloWa.
bag With liquor while aibore and of was—to come to ua even for a day.
"Tbac'f a lot of years ago now, bot
stowing tba bag next to their waist-, Uutbo inxiated npon addings line—abe Tve nevi-r been able to redone it to eom_ bands. Tbe liqnor amngglert. wbo ob- wbo bad not penned a word fur montba m<m mse. Can yon. old ebapr’—Black
' aerred that tba amrebing oorporal only —begging bim to come Chat abe might and White.
passed hU hands np and down on tbe liave an opportunity of thankitig bim
outride of their clotbaa. thwi traoned for bis triendlineas toward her too. I
An explanation of a enrioua t^cal
to tbe plao of ^ring botUee of liquor did feel mean when X took tbe invita
pbeixmienaa sometimei witneoed od
with string on tbe inner aide <d tbeir tion into another rocmi Rod bnrned iL
lega. Uneatfa tbeir trooaen, but any
"1 would have given anything to frosty nights which is called tbe "paensaaitdnng oorporal knows all abont this have been able to prodnee on imporior. do anron." is offned inSciunre by Mr.
one nowadays
Bnt Barlicnoo had U-rn deseribed so Goode of tbe Chicago nniversity. Tbe
"Tbe oox'ntj of tba ataara cottar, wbo mbrately tbe mattr knew bim by beart
» Ibe form of brantifnl
niakes docens of trips asliura a day as it were, and woold have deketod a colnmns of silvery light i
wben tbe colter is'rnuning boat,'has trand at a glance. Betides, I have never electric arc lamps aod oibrr bright
to bo carefnlly tratebed. fur be is liable seen any one wbo at all risenibh d bim. lights and amnetimee appearing slmort
to be tamperad with by the men wbo I told ber I bad beard from him that be to reach tbe aenitb. Mr. Gondr asyt
arant liqnor {ratty badly, and bis op- was coming. X dreaded abe woold a.0t that Ntraetimes tbe evening aur baa a
portuniuea for getttag liquor aboard to aec bis letter, hot it cbanoid to be bright abaft below as well as'above,
are many. ETCiy once in awbile. upon CM of ber bad days, and rite didn't.
while tbe riaing moon stands in a kaoad
tba cutter'a return to tbe hta>{>. it is
"Ntsxt morning be was to arrive. X eolamn of ligtiL These appi-arancM arc
Marched by the officer cf tbe deck, and meset to fake np a tekgram sooHltaw, doe to floating frost r^yst^ which keep
tba latter often finds liqnor neatly giving mi excose fir,bis aisomoewbeu I tbeir r< fl' cting facdAorixontal On exstowed among tbe entter onaL. in tbe I went to thestaliot. vki pm lenae cf > .cet- stninatio:' be fotu-d that tbe crystals
cutter bilgea or even in tba boiler tonka. iiigLlci. My moi^r waa strangely well ooBcertHv. in tbe t-xf.ibition were thin
When this bajipona, tbe cox'onof the that morning. Her cuttcoDary lomitude six tided plates of ice, never more ffum
entter is in tzuubla Be gaM a big rake and {tain had vuniidicd. She was reclin ow millimetor in diameter. Wben tfli.
off from tba men for bit liquor wnng- ing on a cooeh drawn close to tbe open wind Idows, tbem litlletdatraareupaet,
iding. which aoconnta for tba ebanoaa window. B«r checks
and the columns cf light, eanaed by lebe will taka
and there was a lace
"Tbe ahip'e painter baa to be watched her white hair that mode ber lotA peettua Be ia a petty oOoer. and be has tier than X bad ever M«u ber. Bbe waa
A na la Nto Bsart.
cdmrga of tbe ablp's aioobol. which ia all impatience to ase Harbtrton and hur
Tbe old time idea that tbe albriiteri
chiefly used tor tbe making of sfaellao ried me off to tbe autiun half an Xwor touch of a foreign snbstitoce on tbe beart
to paint tbe lowar daoka
means (main d>atb waa shattered years
"Some of tbe sailors like a doaeoC
"It waa a lovely June day, and our ago. One of tbe most remarkable cases
alcohol mixed with coffee for ‘toning’ private footpat)! to the railway lay ever beard of, however, waa that deand aoburing np purpoaea. and as tbe tbrongb shady ways, ba11 was wretched scribud in a paptr read before tbe Amoafaipa painteriBoccarioaallycorrnpCibla and ashamed, wishing tbe thing over. ciation of American XTiyaicians some
and oam» tbe keya ot tba aioobol muka Tbe ramcmbraiice of tbe sparkle in yean ago by l>r. I^abcaly. It was of a
there ia quite a little drinking of this motfaer'aeyua, even of tbeeffort she bad ease wfaere a pin was found in a bnman
mixture on eomu of tbe abips where old made to appear in inll toilet, disturbed beart after having been there for an inttmers {urdominata Tbe old flat feM me. OfberlMalthll-edoeturbadvprkcii dufiiiite period. Tbe point of tlie pin
have indued been known to drink the gravely cot the night before. With a was disuint above five miUinM-iera from
abellac alter it bat been prepared for beart affection snob as bets might not tbe external aurfara of tbe heart. Tbe
(be sake of tba aioobol in it. and tbete ibe abock of Harbertoa’a nauappearanee pinae«-m*d eroded and wae broken-by
ia an vipraraiao in thu navy among tba be too much far ber?
the Bcisaoni in diasection, witbaut beMiliati'd men. ‘If you aw a jaokie cumb‘‘lanppcisr one onfdit to believe In ODttiiug displiuvd. There was no rviIng bf mnatacbe with a marline apiku. Kemcsisorrctiitratiaa or that anrtef deuce of nwut local inflaniniation. but
you know what faie'a bets at.' that ia thing. tl don't mcob; bot, I cotifeaR, Ibct port of the heart in tbe neighboreury ahsifleanx
tbai annuner morning I came Dearer boud uf the prorrading Iwad of tbe pin
"Bat teall thia ai X say, there is fcSeriug for my aiuf than I bad ever was (THKly thickened and snow white
an e» .«diDgly small percantaga of Jove before cr bave ever dtmr cince.
and firmly adbemit to Ibe edge of tbe
drinkii.g men in our nary in oonipari"Now, yon needn’t believe what fol
SCO with similar figures for cither Ug lows nnleaa you like. 1 often donbt it
naviaa Tba cwcaalonal drinkm in our myself. X knew acMetbing waa to hap
■emoi. when tbey ratutn from tba pen as I board Ibe aoimd of tbe ocnlng
"Bow's famdiMM?'' asked dm olrcet
bMoh R Ut under tbe weather, are engine, and aa IwoMbedttie train twoep fttlr.
Merely put in tbe brig overnight and ■ronnd tbe curve of tbe line I wanted
"Hot very triA," replied tbe efber.
penBiiued ID go to wvk without
"Sold anything^'
badly to ran away, bat couldn't. Of
oourae tiiere ore Kldom many paaoes- , "uciy
''Oely tnrra
tbrra a
or four people m fiK.—
ceateUktorioed. TUa tiMSlbetewM i rUoaco Becord.
^ tm9»
- WliM n I
JUI.T 8^ \9^
Mwk Ms vslwrt •( ber Mad
B JearMTsd e*>r sea aed laad.
Saturday, August 6th, 1898^
Consisting of Choice Farm Mares,
Heavy.and Light Draft and Driving Herses,
4 to 8 years old, weighing from 900 to -1600 pounds, at Geo. Hoir’s
Barn, opposite Park Place Hotel, Traverse City, Ulch. .
Sale Commences^ at 1:30 p. m.
TEBKS OF BALE—Five month's time will he'given on approved
hank notes, real estate or chattel mortgages at 8 per cent, interest, or
5 Per Cent. Off For Cash.
Every horse will be sold as represented and tried when sold
on day of sale and all responsibility ceasee on day of sale. Bememher. no side bidding will be allowed, hut they will be sold to the high
est bidder. I will soil horses every day, privately, on same terma
BANK’S PART iiv reMt^.lNO.
■siawal Par Tmm
There la a hoepital for seea on the
tbe beine in Faria. Trara
TUIera to W«rk.
which f^w sick along tbe boukvmids
Bow doM a book help tba Nnner?
Witb tbe approach of tbe time for are taken here to recover.
plowing and planting, aeeds and terThe cr-beea. or ChineM violin, tn
liUzCT will i« Becesrary. How can tba
farmer boy tbem if tbe last season wai shape teaiiinblea on ordinary hammer
a poor otM? He baa spent all of his with its handle. It bee two atiings and
earnings in ranniog tbe bimsebold dnr. ia played witb a bow.
ing tbe long wints. He goes to tbe
HU honor tbe magiaaats Uabout tbe
^raler in feriUinw in tbe nearert vilUgeand asks. "Wbat is tbe price cf only hoora to be found amtaig thievra
featilUer a tour'
"Fifty doUara" the dealer repliM.
"WeJL 1 wUl need two ttms, and
that will amount to giOU."
"Yea Tkke it along nowr
"1 haven't tbe rvudy cub juat now.
COLUMBIA AMS X«Tf A. OUK"Ob. ibat’a all ri{d)X I know you're
good f« it Take it along and give me
your note payable in foar montba By
aoing north daily except fianday.
that time your ciopi will be yielding a
Tbe fanner givee hie note: the dealer
Tratene Bij Line ofSteamen.
fertiliaiu: thewboltulv eesdt i( mtbe
mannfocturer at tbe fcrtiliaer. wbo in
torn takes it to bit tank and boerowa
tbe money on it leM tbe intcreet
Tbe fanner graa bis aeed in tbe same
way and at tbe time of tbe expiration
of tbe AotM la aide to meet bis oUigaThna instead cf tbe fatmn being
oompclled to wait nniil be can nt tbe
2aab to pay beltxe be ran buy Ute fwtilizar and seed, be obtains tbem wben
be needs tbem. Tbe dealer, instead of
having to wait until tbe farmer gets tbe
money before ha ran sell bis gooda seUs
tbem in tbe proper seen and raoeivw
wbat it to him praotirally rath. Tbe
wboleraler reoeivee from tbe retailer
wbat u as good as raab to bim. and tbe
rvr rcceivee virtnally oath
from tbe wbol
able to lend it out to _
Tbe farm would go unpianMd;
ground would go nn til led: there would
be DO ostqM to yield e profit
Xbat’e when tbe bank bellip^a
Ar. TraveraeOly................ 10:15
New Departure!
, of Detroit, alad
Ity Banitarinm. is
towx4 where 1 e will
remain for one dsy only to give tbe
tick aa opportnnity to eousnlt him
that cannot aee bim at bU SaniUrim
Tbe doctor baa eo mneh ft
aa hod f..______
.1 give Oi
lie^ fre
Also fses scaoiCAtopBaATron to
> every patient will staU to tbeir frieade
■cs and de
(ormitiee treated.
lta la tbU
Bute baa had ench extended eipto
riencein tbe treatment of CATAR0L
DISfiASeBastbedoctor. He grade,
ated 87 years age from aevelaad,
Ohio; sraa IS yean In general pra»
tie*; i
teetnred aa PrafeMor
of Anatomy
and Physiology in Detroit
____ iopathic
- leri ^lege for 1
ycarai wusSyeara Snperinteiideut
Alma and Tpanantl 8si
This experience, combiDed witb many
yean' study In the beat boapitaU in
the country, and examining and treat
ing tboBsanda of ctaronic cases, Ima
prepared liim to core when tbe general
pracUtioner fails. Have yon been aick
for years? Are yon dlsconraged?
Callaed see ua,we will tell yon whrtber
we can cure yon of hoL If we cannot
will teU you what rellaf
'VS-tiSSn’S, .
mootb srm be
abeolBtely free—meaictnea
operations, and tbe benefit
akiU to ail wbo are too poor to pay.
Our metbods of treatment Is all riiat la
known by aU tbe tebooU, sritb tbe.aid
ef electr^ty, that moot sronderful of
all agenU in Paralyris, Loss of Power,
Kbeumatism, aod all dieraaee of tba
aervoua ayoteai. Go early, aa My
Metooss «r tas DeMle Oaltory.
Tbe humor of tbe DnbUn galloy bM
Ar. Nortbpoct.........................4:15
long beM proverbiml. Masuady, in hla
"Besninitcenoea.'' reUtae that on cnb
ooramoo wben playingOtwayf'Veniae Daily Xeralng KxeuTaieos Trom
Pretorred." Jaflier’s long and rather
drowsy dying speech was uterrapted
by one of tbe gallay. in n tone of great
Take stramer at 8:40 a. m. for Kcahrailing out very londly. tawanu wh»re yon will eoaneet with
leat onoer’ to r^irii an- steamer Crescent relureiar to Trav
erse City at 10:45 a. at. Ihli will give
replied. ‘‘Be quiet yon bleckgaerd,’' yon a pleaaant ride of 84 miUa on the
bayaedeanbe made every moraiiw.
tlM taming witb i
If you wlab a longer ride tbe boat wfll
land yew at Umena or Kortbport where
yon will eonneet with steamer tetnrning to Traverae City at 4«) p. m.
* fternoon axenraimM from Traverae
Tbe coauDon soldier tn Boada rw
. take tbe steamer Greeoent every
eeives > rablui per annum aboat gS.tA
moon at 8*0 for KeabtawaaU
Tbe day nuotis oonriat of two pounds aftrn
of eaeb^. wbiob U e vmy rrans kind where yon wUI eonneet with eteamer
retaraiog to Traverae aty at 4:«) p.
of bread mede of craokediye. baked bold
at drat, tben cut into nail plaraa sod "ropartiMMfivaor more a rato of
fartbea dried la a brnrad oven: a anmB qocjare for the rmsnd trip wfll be
qaauttu ^ Ml* and scaae Mnp.
Remember, we give a written xuari
autee to care every caee of Pfl.B5and
RUPTURE. Alao, ire h »ve a lybsg-ia
ho<{dlal department h our Sanitar
ium. Send for Jgurna'.
SR. SPIRIET an iTtb.
Bicvcle Riders.
Bemember thai I do all Unde of re
pairing and enaotoUag. and that I ana
and do give you the best worii of any
one in tbr city for tbe mousy. DouM
W deoel^^ ubat others
yoa to
rsarantoeall myworktobe right,
___ U it does not prove M 1 omAo tt
Stop la tm a oSioek osery >-eaMr
axeept Saaday. in tbe OaldweU A Leo>
boUdlag, at north and of Oatou
^ r^;r' ■ * '
XBJ Mounira asoo&d. stthday. jplx ,ai le^e
camney torneu cnpital ii
elm en miwiI admUge of which it
Lta not Mled to tally p
D Irfmdoa and lu
bodncM offiora are condoctid in En«Uad-anMtnpolU. Tbecleotrinlifrhtiyetam of ti»e city U the property of Ger>
nanc^taiiata. The Mexico and Vcm
81ULL WA&E& Oma railway ii owned in London, the
Monterey and Mexioan Unlf railway ii
the pnqxwty of Belgian atorkboldin.
the Mexican OcntTBl. tbe noat inpor*
- KMrtj AU Pw tant eailway of tbe repnhlic, U prlndinUy owned tn Boato^; tbe Mexioo.
fTbe Mexican Laborera Use It
In Tbeir Dealings
Barto tm the Vaak I
There is eothiee qiHe e$ comfortahle as that prinw of;
C<7reuoaneai ia an inaidiaau and un
lawful deaire fox that whiob ianot ottra.
It smlly kwia to an eft«^ to fomem
wbat we wiah for mo« Inotdiaately,
whether by fair nima or fool uuea.
Curetonaneea ia forbiddun by tbe Uw <d
God. -Thondialt not oovet" ia the
flud oomniaod of Ood in the
confott ghers--
\Torris Chair.
«.h» o. <10- »U• tnUMTioer ln»r»l.«ber«tiU<it
^~.i TWt to Mestoo bmkW b; U» wrltar
MtIt Io U« to » ■I'toUJ
erf tta*
o» til. m»bll0, nol .U rf which Ih r*h" V<
tu tBTwti^to ^
V _
i,b.M ui
“SUrer i* the mooer
peoplA” UwkrbitxkrTMfttODcetinaiiy
ill aoanectiaQ with the ad^ ''*c7of Ui^fiMerdiutccaf sllTerla the
•» Stat'-^. ■•Copper i» the money
!i irotil- ill Mexieo,*'iaa
.u .oi iv mure truly
ivi*u.«tothl*aoBiJtiy, where all
the PomifalUtieB of free ■ilver ba>-e unqiw£«od ouBttol. For M it i* moat
onTeniRit in the United huUM to ooodoot morantile nail bodneue o|ierU»otH
ioTolTiiig only onuU anionntt in idlrer
OttReocy. io i* it ueoiwnry I Mexico.
by nas>» of the pldfully amall wagea
))^d and the porerty of the ensisws, to
transact a large part i-f all mule with
tbe so called ocaiuuoii pi>.>pb' in ooppw
oeutavoa wurtb lean than ooe-halfaoeat
' In American money meaaurenH ut.
hot mlj «U. Tta tiA
cajpauu, G.™.j
UTTBiany or
at th.,»“
my obliffaticaia
United Statnu What an oppwtnnity to
It I ehotUd do*"
....V. nae of that mvtm mtenm. t
humanity demairi that
and^Kted ooinaftenr tU*er!““
at the raUo of 10 to 1 without the aid
eroou«ntcifanTothcrnatiaooo«rthr'/^"’^“*‘*°- *down my
_..h .h.
^ lemthanhalf
n of Meiloo'i Dagnial re-.
diamard God and to fail to
- -- - .^oouxida-r our fellow men ie a groat and
CorrUnnacBi is one of tbe moM dan
leading natt>ns id tbe world wonld
gerous oriU to which buinanity is heir.
oompuL The rich resoumM uf the tniuIt ia a eiu uf the heart and is not ao
Ing u.- W.II dcica ol Ih. mii.™ uc ^h^' w« k. .w~c d ih wi
diiaciiaof Uii'
fd to
i and in this fact tica one <d Ita greatuat
fend its-teg.
The acme of home comfort is. reached when .
you possess a Morris Chair.
We have them in Rattan and with nice |
^ cushions from $6.00 up.
IJ. W. Slater's House FuraishiDgStorei
‘S^‘s!;ir;7‘7 s s I 'p7r5«rci;dK“i7:Ai.5';^^
ebSp ub-w pw.- .1 UK, dh. <
12S-X32 ^x-033.-fc S-bx>ee-b.
lord to buy sire made up in ciuantiliea ta
P^P" d~l7i. u m«dio.ic. dcld
be Bold at 1 oent each, and they boy in
this way tma, twb or three purtiona of
lard, beau, peppers, pout™* tomay the law of God.
(iod. but
bat not by tbe
toea, or aa tbe pitunoes they posse*
In some respiwtB tbe gold standard den by
b is (rften called by otbw
wUl permit. SheUed com U bought is tn * practical operatian in Mexioc law of
world ■ tehO* UBolltaa tsisu* Cimilsi
and aold by the quart out of which the today as in any coontry in the world. names, and applanded by tbe
to Hear BvMsto.
tortillas are made throu^ being boiled Adt
All UI>0M(KIU»dUUUk.C>U<aJM«<V»
investment Indm
Tbe <i<rot Ghent, in Bdginm. is
and emsbed. and baked when mixed isrd pnfita in gold, the eamlngs of all no le* an evil in the sightof God. God built on 88 ialanda These islands are
with water, and which with beans form
indnstrius are dlscuacd tn locics at the btsut and not oo tbe out
with «eh otb* by 80
their almiist exdnsiTe article of food. terns cf gold vnlue. merchanta seek cc
rrity has 800 streets and 80
In tbe trade tnnMetknacf the labffing make tbclr pne* alluring by quoting Judgment is not God's standard. We public squ_ea. It ii noted for being the
We'bnve the reputatimi (or fair and
ma** of Mexioo it is seldom that a tbe lower priiv on a gold basia. and ho may emape the Judgmoit and poniMi- birth pla*.of Caiarl* V and of John of
pentewe U made that It is not oonqiot- tel ke^nsnocanpanylnfarmatian as tc meut of men. bnt when we stand befoce Gaunt, whom Shakespeare called'-time
aqnara dealing—We bars *mad it. Wa
«1 and oomplettd in their onpper centa- their rates by rcfen*oe to tbe fact that God we will be Judged by wbat we are honored Lanaasier,”and astbe aceneef
k------------ 1
«e rule* that
surioma* (or ua.
YOt. the aanm n;«ager meawirement be ft U a certain amoent in Mexican stl- and not by what we aeetn.
pacification cf Ghent Nor. S.'l676.
The core for oorctoosae* Is Chris
can help you to live weU. flerearaa
ing applied to thdr eaiuings aa to their vrr, which they tell yon is only so mneb
.. of eevnal insuTTectians, deg* and
^usiitipw If therefore it is desired by in American raooey or gold. Tbe gsir- tianity. Chiistianity teach* men to exeeutloo* of well known pfreonag*. It
(aw tamptlng qaatatiaas tar these •torrid
the advocaws rf free coinage in tbe (hase and sale of Mr zican dollars arc car
is BMOciaced with American biriory by
United 8iat* to b*ald tbe resolta of ried on in little riinpa, * is tbe *le of thanftwKiL Such a man can never be the trmty made there Dec. 84. 181A
their aeleotod currency eytiem. aa railroad tzansportatiou in the ticket oovetoos. Christianity shows us tbe ah- terminating tbe eucond war between
nbowu by experieaoe ralbcx than by a*]p*s' qnaners of tbe larger otti* uf solute d<x«itfalne« and nneertainty of England and the United Stateo, known
3 bomer New Proceaa Vapor Stove, ^ for
tbe rich* uf this world and of tbe folly
theory, t^ should be as further pro- our own coontry, and like tbe ticket
at tbe war of 1818.
4 burner New Proceaa Vapor Stove, $25. tor
««ttifl<'ing eternity for tima <^s
(teadve as snob cooditlrsis fully Justify scaloer the dealers in Mexican dollars
Amsterdam, in Holland. U btdlt on
1 Mascot Refri^rator, $8, for................................ * •-JOand seek added faecw for their cause by
pn» driven far below tbe water Into
1 Ohilkool lUfnpir.tor, $10, lor............................$ 6.00.
{■uolaiming copper as the money of tbe
tbe earth. Tbe dty is interaectod by
1 OhiOtoot IWfrigeretor, $12, lor............................$10.00.
eommon people, aa It is in Mexioo. tbe
many canala which are spanned by
ideid bosne of tbe freecoiuage of diver. Meskan dollar is givai day by day in
nearly 800 bridge^ and r
In tbeir effor* to create opposition the daily newspapers of the rrpnbUc. as
Only one each of the above left. First come first served.
ioein i'
to the pramat mooeuiy etandard of our tbe value of iron end ccal and variathmi meut u the most dasirahle of all poa thongb
COf tty they include danandatian of in tbe qootatlona uf the formor are as aeadona
divide tbe city,
Bible Beadingt.—JoshnavU. 1»-S0:1 that city. Tbe
SiatiW arri GOTporatinaa and Iruata and
ciroumfer..m. XV. I0-85; UKingsv, 15-*7 “
^yndicatu and monopolies, as if it were
ence. into 00 islands.
X. 8; Frov. xv. J7; xxC *4-26: li
troe that some principle lubcrunt or who toils in the mines <r at the
The city of Venice Is built oc 80
pvtainlng to the tree eoinago of ailm btars nothing and knows nothing of tbe 8: Ecrl. v. 10; Exek. xxxiii. 81: Math, islets, which are connected by near]riy
wonld iircTent and irw idc aguinat the existence cd any money in Mexico *re xxri 14-18: Mark vil. 81. 82: Actsv,
wrils they thna #o flnrcely partmy. If the cbiap silver, otcb though tbe eor- 1-11; Rom. xiii. 0; Eph. Y.*6; 1 Tim
l/nnil/Of 'Vehavea few latest model five dolh.r
there la any truth whatever in tbeir aa- potntion for which he tuili tuoeiv* its vi^S-ll. ________
carriage*. Tbo bridg* are. asarulA | KlJUAIVo!
Kodaks which makes a picture
aertions and aarampUems. it should be n-turus in gul? and adjusu iu busimia
Tito AsU<* Le*.
very steep rising considerably in tbe ;
made sppsreut iu Mexico, wbero tbe totbatbasis. Tbe Uborvrs in the fields,
1^ by 2 inches that we are selling for
CoDtmnplate'tho love of Christ—that middltx bnt have easy stops. Tbe cirgystem they seek baa always po.-valled the artimns in the sbopa tbe deft flo- which made his life so much to the cumferunoe of the dty is about eight
and anfb virtues aa It may posse* have g*ed wtavers at the looms and in tbe world, so much to y«» and me, was ac fflU* The Venetians joined the Lom
1 given uninterruptod op
hooiea and be who fnmi daylight to tive lova. or lovs in actioti. If we bard Lngne against the German emoatid
for experiesMe lu action
and in effect. dark upon tbe streets and highways of would rtudy that perfect chanwttriBoru. ptcur, and. in 1177. gained a great vic
Orefol inTcrtigotion as to the ft. : 1:: tbo republic btars bnrdons open bis we would love it more, and our own tor it> defense of Pope Aleaander OL
that diroouau. buwevur, reveals a sb. e | Uti that a burse wonld srsn tire wish charam rs wonld beonme mon like Bia. over tbe fleet of war voMols beaded by
of affairs in Mexioo most decidedly tb.
cU those, laborvrs. faruicrs and mo- The ChriiB life would bring us very Otto, son of Frederic Barbaroa* In
oppnsiie of that which It has bera heart- , ehani*. are the (mu silver servanU uf
to God. If a piutv uf iron is put gratitodF for this virtotr tbe pope gave
folly o-rtimsd would noocsopany the
suhaddiaed oon'oratioa* and impm) to an electrified btriy. tbe iron l«>- tbe Dkge Zioni a ring, and instituted
The Little Pnek which takes a pictore 2 1-2 by 2 1-2
wbo meuive their retnius in gold. com* charged and both beenme mag tbe world tamons oeromony at •‘Veoieo
free ooiiiagu of tilvor.
Tbim-isuo cheap silver in Mexico fir nets while togvtbsr. If we will keep Marrying the Adriatic 8ea." In thU inches for $2.00.
BeoUag le Slealee.
tlieir (amiliva. They close to the Father spirit, we ahall feel oervtuiiuy the doge, as the chief ruler of
The banlcUig busini* of Mexioo Is
The Photake, holding five plates two inches square,
principally ooudncio-1 mid contrtillrd by
tbe magnetic touch of Uis luvu. and our Vcmcv nswl to bo termed, with appro
two bone girvcsnmfot favored inrtitupriate oeremoni* dropped a
into for ^^-50,
hauts willjthriU with new Ufa
Also a variety Df higher priced cameras, from fo.OO to
♦t/Mis, the Qiiuk <rf Lnnd'ia niid Mexico
Tbe great God and Father uf all. tbe
etorual spirit cf Icive. can never falL Hu the wualib and trade earned to V'enioe
■ nbd tbe Naiinual Baukoi Mexioi- The
Hexioan govonnneot i*nes neither ginris the some yistentay, today and fotvk enuncot not* nor oedn o-rttfleat*. tbe throngb its twin blemings cf (l
er. and that spark of the Influitu in our
function of issuing legal tender |»per and cheap labor.
own bnwsti ahall never otuae to bum THE OUNKERS’ LOVE FEAST.
SsbsISIssd C
being ddi«ai(sl to the banks above
until Wk' ore purged from all drr* God
I have refemd above to :*snbddiied has loved us into Irtug and will lore us
■amod. the japtf circnlaticsi nf which
t. pto O"* tegew ee4|the
ate «r iw*e.
Isguaroatcod by tlifg.iv.rtiijent ■nave conioratiouN " uwl in order that it may. nntU tbe gnat puruuau of car (matica
be a>nuiu>«t that 1 am u<vuly deal is Mcomplished, nntil everything sball
are sUi« bauksiif issue as wi-U. bnt they
"Hie most important and tbe most
are not so favored, nud their nut* are ing til
be subdued unto Him, "and He rimll bMutifnl custom of tbe Dunkers is their
accepted only at a discount, rxivpt p*- Mkinld
be all. and in all.Universolist.
love (oast, which they cdriimte in comlaid
baps in the immudiatu locality in which
memoration of the Lard's supper, afl*
they are ismocL Tbcee few favored tbe tuilroads. inaoafiu.'tunDg phinti.
tbe moDOer of tho frimitive Chris
banka are peraiitted to ima'* iiotce to brewori* and almost ^-ery other d.airaford Howard,
in deThe gnat danger in Uorbristisn life tians.'’ writ* Cniford
three tinna tbe emonnt of thiir peid up Idu or uudesirabie iudasuy. as iudividiM of the Dnnkm of
' D ttiat wly gre$$t sins acribing the curtoms
capital, the only addpd reijninrocnt be nalt may view them. Bvoi tbe boast <rf aJf^Uiu^ On Uh< Muenry, it is Ephmu. Lancasior o
ty. Fa. in The
ing that their di-pudw shall ls< «<)UaI to rh*p labor, rich and uudi^-eloped w- rare that the evil corn* in like a flood. Ladies' Homo JonmaL
one-third cd their nott-s isHued They K rafvus and the ansumud bltwsiugs nf There is in the enbankmeot tbe little
"Tbo rrlebratiou is held at ni^tfaU
id begins
with tbe rite at (bet wnoh- \
are also pHnaitu-d to Icaui uxmey to free coinage «f sil.w were not
IQS With
cruck through whicb the wator trickl*
ol pB>-nieut
pn-viait the HUDUol
from olmiist uuohstrfTed. and in such small
all ' ing. in ImitationI of the act performed
(be govenuBcnt at 6 per cent iutirest
tna*ry in ns
Tbe Bank of I-imdau and Mexico is the Mexican V
quantity that it is not wgarded as by tbe Maiitor at the Io« sopp*.
nue.fdurtta of i
principally owned by Englisli and Ger
..-orthy cf effort to restraiu it. But each : be washed tbe feet of his disciplsa
man capitalista, and its capital slock is
miiioto it wia-ks its deadly wtak. re- ' bmall tubs of lukewarm water are
reporiwltobellO.OOO.OOn. The capital roads aluu<x m.d iln- (act that many namug parcirle after panicle, until. | brought in. and thoee abaai to receive
itaaiid under the strr* of Che stonn. it t^iens | tbe ordioanoe remove their riiom and
■lock of the KalHSial Bank of Mexieo U utiier railmad cliarn-rs li.iv.givou ul fSO.OW.OOO. By reason of the witli u<x-»u)nauyiuc gi-iieruDs snbaldiM
P way (nr tho givnw away of the ' stuc-hiugs. The brothers thi-u iu turn,
prirll<«eB they paao* th*c banka are ilk additi.si 1" t'le K"vcTnnLiii gifts lavibonkmtsit. and in a
-■hly U*<tuw->i t-r vr.riuusother
dry one aiiotber's feet, tbe
E Be.aie Bnildin*.
enabled to sbowidlrideads npon even
flood with iu mill I—Lnthuran Obeerver.
riatos at tbe same time doing likewise
the caunnous capital they proclaim of ,>M* Irarex it iiol a i.istier of sui.
among tbemmlv* in teeir port of tbe
The neu.
from lb to S5 pur cent It is therefore iiiut iu addlti.n i<> WMiiiig Isolds io tbe
for thu
'not nooeswiry to further sufsest that Buiuout of marly
To us the Bible ia mom than a m*e
"After tbla (adtows tbe enpper. the
there is nothing lubercnt in the free inywwit >4 railpad xuiaidha as was Utorary stud)-. We never road it but
cf veacratiui tmm at love, which U epmad on long
' coinage of silver to pn-vout csiannDas douclu I«I 0. Mexico l.os bkssi compel'
cf the mesterwotka Mblm and consists of lamb aou^ and
preAts for Uqnks and bankora On the lad (•■ ^o;g au‘i muiiitain a syst^ of
is due ta
taxatiiu prdaibly tbe luust uxnaadve rf of Godl Callusefenatiamiignaramua
______ ___ ___ i 1__________ I
fe In
bread and4 other
simple rianda It
eoacraTy. the fednetion uf the currency
eaten in deront solrmnity end rever•f tbo ranutry t» a commodity the valoe* any uuti'a in uxi>-icuuu when uxniBrud if you please; yon oami« take fnm
with valnatnaisiDVulved and the amount
a. Attbeclomaf th«iD*ltbetCD(b- «f whidb persiistcDtly van* giv* to
.. tom to one another and extend tbe
^ ' hanks and banker), in Mexleo the oppor of bn»iucv.s transacuA B.lalive W the
right band of fellosrshipand tbe Id* of
tunity vAiicb tbe smmg always pos- bMids aU<vo meutiouud. it abould alsc
peace, each <me ahaking bands with his
' Maass or(IT the weak where vain* are be —«<t that thov werv sold at a dishoarinK « P**
nelghbar and kissing him. while the
uncertain and loss or gain thmiigb sodi coimt <f 11*4
slstan at their Ubl* perform tbe *me
conditiens tbcivby niado iiuisiUe- Tbe
Till the n naosaed to d«rals.
IS per cunt of tbe custnns ROcnirfH. In
bmutiful riu among tbcmmlvea Tbb
frn- silver shrinkagu in Uu- valoe of iU
n<7 b*t«b« t«ss<d rlnloss
aommauioo is then ndministend."
tf^eaeiitativeo nuvo in the hands of
(atbe loilcrs uf Mexico has ouuiTiimbkl to
Tl« prTSTuent nas Yiwjru a practama(he priuoely pruUia of the finign own v.ired have th.-ir federal tax* rumined
TUl^h^lpn to the M $r*t <lo«rk.
tlon rrstortn* the lands known os the
taa^ Hh^ Uefi^
en cf tbe Bunk uf London and Mcxica for tho term at yuan onviaed by tbeit
Middle and Wert*m Seltoe rcserv* in
It may further intunst theosuman cuU’X*u»a
Cherokee ouUel to the public doTbaru 4i no otbor country on the globe
people of the United 8tai*. who have
Itow !>*• bKwds onr <t» <ro.t<-T.
tMwa urged to bi-hcvc that a fnv silver in which (vir(>auti<iiis are » lavtnwl
And this* mjnri eo ntvean uut
Mrs. FnuKYs Norton, author, end a
Ukst Kmeixsd to tbulT wroth the «*a
system carvirtl wilb it amie ftaiures of aad'nsOKifiulii-x •-< dimiinaiit as in Met
•later of Chari* Guiteau. the assassin
. .lnviiwiJth*cfBcuUiepri.-t«wr
. peculiar biono taruriug pedicy, to Itam
of Fresldenl Garfield, bos filed suit at
Aod^^;^ Uw ttilps ohoot.
uf ailver is a ty*that the great profit eaniiiig Irauchis* tbut tbe (mSt. Jotoph. Mich., fur a divorce from
Slial tiDolc the wo to thru- otic$r
Till ibrj toshF " »hrti-X mud tmr
V ooDraaiooe of Mexico ar»- aUiiost ou- tern iK«uMriiy tav.iraldv to the inter
tlndy owned and cuitrulUd by foreign
aqilalista. They boy the JegM Ub*
Aed toroln ore swtoU
faying onirsocy of the country at Ms
Cmnartrahlre from i
An whllistlseath.
depreciated uarkut valae. and throtg*
City cf Hexiou.
in^ttttsnu made and wag* paid in
uw dchpch p,'dpi. o, M„i„
ht7,-;ssr i; n 'Si
IN til
W. J.'HOBBS, Hardware.
Wait’s Drug Store.
Celebrated CMcage Caidies.
My Line
of Silverware
Is ths finest In Northern Wchigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or la fine Gold
F. A. EARL, Jeweler.
^■r'‘ I
. 1898.
d at the Unlvamty cf Oct-
Great Figure In Military
and Political History.
haracter Sketch of the Iron
Chancehpr by John Swinton.
Story of His Eventful Life.
THS «e*tb or E
(«. AjDoac the Bunn of tbe
I slatontni of Ibe taUteUoalli
rhooe MditFremeBta have llliw.
•d'uw blstorr of Uiolr time* there
a name more renoimed than that
march. He waa the '-aironf manI Ceneratloa
a for 8» yean a
"large potiuca" the «
wan of Oermany. tbe aatbor of public
poUclee and a controlling force In the
diplomacy of all tbe contlneolal gov.
TbiB la not the language of pralae. It
la but a part of t^ broad blatory of cur
>w Btamarck brought about Oermaa
be entered <
ccaaea of atudent life. Tbe three yean’
courwe waa with diffleulty completed by
him In live yean.
When hla mother died, ta 108. Btainarck took charge of tbe Pomeranian
eetatea of tbe family. He labored dillgently to Improve lu revenuea. but the
of-hla unlvenlty Ufe
dtaalpated daya
yeio -. and Dumeroua atorica
told of hla
hi bachelor partlea. when
many a etorray night waa paaaei'
drinking and gambling, ending wli
duel In tbe park betweeo two half tipay
Junkere. Then be w.-aa known aa "tba
mad Diamart-k.Hla fatber’a death to IMS made blm a
landed pr^rietor and a noblainao
by right of birtb wraa a kadgbt deputy
of tbe proMndal diet of Meraeburg.
Then began hla refonn.
Two yean latM^ be met the woman
who waa deatlnad to be bla wlfk: She
waa Johanna Priederike Charlotte Dor
othea Blronore Piittkammer. bom oe
April 11. 18X4. Deapite tbe proteete of
her people, they were married on July
X8. 1847. Thin <raa nhortly after the ad
journment of tbe Piuaalau landtag, the
la Ua a-ay. He calMd the chief
t or bla 'dmlrc. cained It tbrouch
«aya and by iMe methoda of a oon.a'parpoae of hU IKe waa to unify the
I taatea at Qennany. blndlnc
lacatbcr under the authority of the
atal acepter. anrmoitnced by tbe Im*
d aade and defended by tbe award,
whatever meaiw mlcbt be needed
the carrylnr oat of thla purpoae
raided by blm U JuallSabla
oareer waa a lempeslnoua one. l/mg
ha waa dearrtbed aa the -man of
I and trim.- and li waa through
acanrles that he won the triumph
which bla name ta aaaorialed,
for the man HiaroarcV he waa .rf
ve frame, atandlna over * feet In
I and vetshlnc at o&e time 280
a. Be waa very atordy tiaUl overby <dd a«e. In hit aarly maabuod
waa tamoua for feau of atrenetb «r
g aad bore the nickname of "Her,** When la the prime of life, ho
jBMtim of vmat eaergy and fortla Mid up to the lime be wan TO yeaia
Wa rtcorena eooaOtoUoa nuaialaed
I walL He waa for yearn a hard
«. a fterea dueUat. a wild hunter and
r drinker not to be beaten. There
wmy atoriee told about tbe way In
h he bora tbe trtala at the Tranoo.
d -----^
- 'His
the originality at thta etraage being,
half Mephlatnphelea, half dragon, who
before aubdulng to hie Iron wlU the
whole of European diplomacy ihocked
and borrifled tbe foglci of tbe old arhool
with tbe Innoeodoea and Inelauatlona.
tbe aarcaama and storiea. the glbae aad
Jofcee wblcb he flung at their faeada
merellenaly and continually. The wlgged
and powdered pomp wblcb'eoverad dip
lomatic pretfnae and mendacity waa
tom aaide tbe Inatani be obtained grip
of political reallilee. aad tala flnt ap. ie dignifl
clea of the Oetman diet eonatlluted a
veritable revolDUon. He had bem appanted envoy to the diet at Pranktort la 1851 aa a reward for nia loyally.
After dlaplaylag marked ability aa a
diplomat be waa aent aa emltaamador to
St. l*eterBl)urg, where he remained im
18(1. Then William 1 aucceeded to tbe
throne of Prusaia. aad Blamarck re
turned to Berlin aa tbe head of tbe nrtnlatry with the great plaa'ot Oermaa
g abape in bin tnaaalve
Created a count upon being called t
Uberala i
aa a direct menace to
their alma.' He ran the beat hated man
.1th decoratlona At 8:U hi. f^^ogiml album of 0^ni^t/Sf,2;
In the klngdom- -waa hooted and hisaed royal hlchnees the grand duke had z
<1M8) In LaUa:
at on the etree a—until the time came
12:'„ “• rr
aagxcUy and geaiua
The Sleawlek-Moleteln war was tbe
flret serious teat of hla policy. It waa
a six month*' campaign undertaken by
Austria aad Praaala to wreat tboae
and pul n«-ay tbe best one.” and aat
down at hla writing table. The grand
tranquil peace whate ar beOde! .
doke arrived immediately after, but the
prince la said to have dune hit best to
Tbair children, aeeordlng to tba
curtail the oonvernatloa. Tt’ben the Gotha, are;
l«1aoe went to Varxln. the eUof of the
<^>untca• Haria bora at fTrtitnnbia
a and yuided the policy
• government. He would keep the
le dlLday. braak hla faat with a few
of aauaagt or a diab of aauerand aleep on the "Boft aide of a
_** la hla tent when a better couch
BM within reach. -Are you here.
»r cried obe of bU boyhood ebuma
Wbea It waa announced in 1177 that a
■UUeaOon would ae put to the govern prince an exchange of pbotswrapto ia
ment In the Pniaaian upper houae aa to ramembrance of ibrir “work
the uae made of the Otielpb fund (tbe
Afler that t
eeqnaatrated fortune of the ea-klag of
Hanover). Prince Blamarck InUnded at went to Varaia.
am to anawer it bimaeU. Me would
Slnra bU retirement bla btribaara o«
make a clean breaat of it. be aald. at
tbe meeting of tbe Pntaatan cabinet the chancllor’a eatateo at
that preceded the alUlng. and then aub- aen, Vaiain or Prtadrtcharuh hava
mltted to Herr Prtedberg, tbe mlnlater *>eeii k-pt aa feaata wub alwava a
of Justice, a aumber of drmatU expraa. crowd of nouhlea calling npoa hS u
Blona which he Intended to uae. with «nend congraiuiatlnita. The iattwabathe queatkin whether they arera InaulU Uau la flUed wMh prramta and niiiiri
In the eye of the Uw. Herr Priedberg
waa obliged to anawer ta the afflnnaWa countrymen, auch aa portraJU. mar
ble buau, Illuminated addiweaes. aurar
Tbe prinee loot bU temper a little, aad dinner acnicei. aeu of maaalve girH
declared that in that caae be would drinking cupa and tankardn clocka and
mbor not fumlata any anawer. In tbe
new hnperui chancy ^^;arpr;5«« ^
tha orderoxtheday. At that time i
Prince Blamarck waa verj- laacrcMlble
the nercnlty of hla o
to ordinary mortala. aad to extraordi
1 life. The princeaa waa with
nary onea aa well. Even tbe mlnlstera.
unibaa their vtaUs were announced in waa a perfect a,______ ... __________
good «8me beforehand, bad often to wait hauafrau, bearing her bonon aa lb#
In tfe* anterooiBB for boura
Unpunctuallty tbe prince could not
endure. Once a Oerman grand duke requeaied aa tatervtew. Tbe prince
the anawer
anawer that
that It
It would
would be
be a high l-fore her drath the prt^ iid^Tiha
honor for him to ^Iv. the visit at » -Bbe it u who made me uSa i
How he extended the boundarlro 4>f
Pruasla by annexing to that kingdom
tbe duminlolia of three dethroned Oer.
man prineca: bow ^ obtained poaeeaal<m uf the duehy of Sleewlck-Holtr a man uf aerve i-gchaword .BteJn: bow be aelx^ Alsace and Lor« — ....SI1.W4
“ “** P'*"
eonquent. may all
W aa applied to nim. in snort. I i-nrned from the hlatcrtaB*
o blm.
ry. Bs waa nott to be clanalfled;
m a dlaunetlve personality: ha did‘
wloag to a type. Hla mind waa‘
L hla roaaon was anbtiantlal. hit
aaa iadomltahia bla geWaa waa
1. Ustbougt
solid. He had
y m the large sense
the word—that kind of It which
ound reallam.
ck’s bead was aometlraeo apotaCMooloaaal.but In troth the mesa.
yt hla cranium was very little
____la ordinary. There are In Oep.
/ pleaty of heads bigger than the
I that belonged to blm. Tbe brain
' itnad In It, buuewr. waa cortalaly
flad by nature »lth tboae powert
wort made manlfeat In hU life.
M you look at any picture of Bisk you are apt to be repriled by the
f starn axprtraloD of hla face. It li
adlngtr aevera. Re has the appeafw Of a auDen or an acr'
them Id tbe enig. are plala, ble forehead le of
east, ble mouth la large, bla note
at classical mold, bla eyea are
glah. bla ebeeka are ooarae grained,
hair aad nuatache are IndlBcrenl.
ras tbe offapring of an old.
and proud family, but the
If wblofa be Inherited from
SBceatora waa certainly not of an
tve klnd-^ot Napoleonic.
1 would be a mietake to enppoee
waa doatitote of the mots genv
iT’Ma «f human tmture. Tbo^
lalfW tlrp w*U have oft^n ^pokeo
!■ MgeTdAUty in social life. They
It ble loog devoUoD to the wife of
pmpaalonetaip be waa bereaved
tan ago. aad of hie pride In U«
. aad of bla enduring attaebI to bla friends, aad of bla aenUlai fealing ter the old king whom be
8 M amparor. They eves tell n«
I a tnaa who oo«id 1ce«p np raUg Wlfh bl8 bouad and Ii1a horse ae
Icb B(
a irhl^ emotion had Its place.
arA le no| to be brought into
with any other emlnenl
at Xbe ceatury. Hie eharacterta.
I no rraemblanee to tboae af
k wbo was bo|h atatesman and
aad whose flashing career
aa aallhe that td the Oermas. It
I *squlre the j>eB of Platarrb to
a ooatcaat betweea Blamarck aad
, glaeany and gaculiar.
• yaaerd
Ms Uf* wpa «fw that
•t yaraW ig that of any of hia
pefTrira Be was a founder and
r of atatecrafi and the
t «f an empire. He raised bla
i H'rhTb ”,Sh??ien^
overthrew the Prench empire
and dictated terme of peace tu Pruce
in 1871. the reader can anoertaln by tbe
perusal of talatortcal works.
There were mlUtarr
mlnlaten and diplomatic agents wbo
played their part la the cxecutlM of
Blamarrk'a dealgna. but it was BU-marck «-tao nerved aa tbe nUlng spirit
In all (he great events here spoken of.
Blamarck. tbe paramount genius of
Oennaa unity, fell from poesr aoon aft
er (hr young emperor who now rules
Osrmany ascended tb* throne la 1888.
ten years ago. The young man and the
old man enurtained different opinlont
In regard to some queatloas of Imperial
policy. Both of them bad a quick tem
per. E^b of tbwn war ohatlnnie. They
could not get along together In tbe pri'ernment. Bismarck resigned tbe office
of ctaanceUor In WO.
After that time and until bla death be
lived In retirement In hla castle at
Priedrichsruh aa tbe owner of a splen
did dumaln. Even after be left office he
was frequently InfloentlaJ Jn dctermlny of the Imperial a
r constantiy gave <
Judgment upon public questions through
the nrwapaper press. In recent yean
the emperor repeatedly sought hla ad
vice. and be strove to establlab triendly'
_____ Jding
gitw. He could sot give blm any
title, tor be waa long ago raised from
tbe rank of count to tbe dignity of
prince. We hear from Oermany of the
maurnlog for the death of 0«(tnaBy*s
"strung man."
Ia two things upon which BUmsrtk
lind set hie heart shen h* was in power
he failed. He e*uW not. with all hU
cfTorta reduce the Bomau Catholic
chinch to subserrleBcy to the gorerament. and he could not, with all hla
Draconian '
aas a long
___ ____ ...
bgd with tbe church, but he waa dise
comflted. and the -May law*” ware re
pealed. It was aha^ful cruelty that
he practicsd Upon the aodallau. wbo.
however, tnermaed and mulUpUed un
der It. Be ooutd not overcome ih« cunaclence or faith of tbe people of Oer
many. He waa aa saomy of popular
frcedrrtjt. He was the framer of a
mighty inimarr empire.
" u ' ■' '
firm ledalatlve body In wblcb Blsma
dqcblca from Danmark, aa tbe pretense
«f broken angagemanha Denir
The rerolutloB of 1141 Infraad i
humiliated vary quiekly. bul l
hopes Into tbe hearts of the pea
Radical Ideas ware spreading and
occupoau of tbroaea trembled for tbeir
safety, but Blamarck Instantly IdenUUn*
fled hlmaeU with tbe
e cause of Ua king ; July I. 18SS. wblob blotted out the mlhagainst (he pe-ple. He qphald the royal lary glory of AuatrU and added tanprerogativea and flarcely
arcely opposed any perishable
’ “
fame to tbe
Pruoalan eogtaa
form of liberaUm. giving way aitb bad
Blamarck Ui hU plan, for German
grace le the conreoalons which Pre*- unity hod a strong eoadjutor in Voa
ertek William eventually decried wise Uoltla. The first arranged mattan
to grant to popular aenthaeat
suit tbe Uppertal fancy, tbe saeood
Perhaps tbe rhlat trait of bis genlua clpllara the army unti! « waa a gi__
won to bg found In hla entire freedom death daollng raochlna Whm the Jcalfrom preconceived notions and le the
NapoleoD UI aaw flt le atrangthaa
hmpldncas of bin mind, whlah rafnsed bla power, aa be su
a rvTIval;
^HM SWIUTOW- fe submit to accept'd fallaclea Por of the manlal aplri of the by
French aad ,
equivocation and direct falsehood bU
powerful Intellect aubsiltuied a sort of
(etrageons fraaknera «hlcb bevrtUered
and outwitted hla adveraawea. Noth
ing. however, marked bis strong perOtto Eduard Leopold voa Bismarck- aonallty more vividly than the Intenee
and blind devotions with wblcb
born en April 1. Ull,
tmperial ctenoary followed him thither.
of Bobla ancestry,
of alx children.
Seldom did that nnfortuaaie officer gat
_____ Ingi
Hla mother, wbo waa bandaeme aad a
to bed before 4 o'clock io tbe moralag.
conferred upon him at tbe close of the Great aa tbe mass of work was be was
social leader, was deslnnia that he
not even allowed a clerk. At flrat, tashould enter tbe ranks of diplomacy,
deod, (bare was one at Varaln. who alae
but thus was little in bte youth taflva
ararywbare aa tbe diplomatic gloat of bad bis maaB at tbe common table.
promlae of hU brilliant caiear.
public aad privaU Ufa. Never bad
tor he waa raaliy hm fta- WbMi hts ttma was up and be had ta
bar^ ausodiag aebo*! fg •aHMl ht htaamcramatbodtbMiwy »>gw*ht
«h< ntkr M■Ska way tot aaothg aaknUlaaia. hi
The Story of
Bistnarck's Ufe.
Count Baibart, bora la Bmtiw i ttktf
December. U0. now secratary < as
foreign office
IT a
Oaawt Wtnaak bon at PfiaWiH
Tax Kosatva stxoOBX. buitoat. mm, lew.
fow A «CAN dMttM srauNo rr
tbe ornate
W. O.
ineaal manager <f tteOlMte
I Miami Valley Tnetka ecan-
• •« OmU VrtaM
but tall, vitb ipaiM vM<k«n
JWlfl— MBnwd. newljr 70 7(^n
ITsci* UzUk «Md to lit la tfae pcAw
mmt la Oaahm. tala kns. thli> fingan
SawWIngly pUelag bit obipa and bit
aid cyea gUturiag m be ttmorooaly
*lHMd bit faaad. Patbetioaay like Lit.. -----'a snadfaNMt
.. .
be joolwd
ttMAbotbevM at V deqtSBte
tbepoe•eoMals a atafce, teVa
aaMor of a wcipetMiM. aod be Ira^t
tattt tbe caBM the wirlag grace of tbe
fMlMvtowbkfa be bad been
anted in hla eazlkr daya
BanpAlie baaee. He amr bongtat
wte than |C wwlh <d oblpe at a data
Sbaaa be eroald for tbe aoat part aate
away waltiag for aoea cr better, aad
wfaea be Anally did gc« a good band a
bannaUiepreMQtedtbe oUaiaod bit
Oayba and BamOton. bae baen gni^
tbe prlTilege by tbe atate board of pnbUowofteof
of experimenting cn.tbekUaml
and Brie cuwlwitb an appantaafor
driring boali
Dali by eleotricri^. U tte experimeot prom a anooeia tbe ^reement >■ that be ta to have a
granting him tbe il^t to operate a line
of boat! for a tern of yeara, paying to
tbe state tbe tolla aa are now paid by
tbe ownert of boat* town by uolaa
. Maay ■■fbaij"^^i?g
te ^ of a t^
an imfaappy
Tbe noeocmte of the battle befefe San
there it a kind of hnmaoe
tiago. aaye the New York Mbnne. aU
ttiongbt in tte iagtenity of tba daaih te mentiao tbe work vt the pneomatio dyHe may Isreat aona.. D which was in tbe cteign tf
tbing ao terrible aa to make war bnpoa- Beogrul Halleu Aleop fiomw. Tfab
—'—•“*-aa intaaeat to tte
work of Ur. R. J. OatUag. tbe______ for tbe Am time at tbe eloolrlcnl expoof U>e Ihmoae gon that Am MO abob cltiao held In New York in May and
Onr earprlm to be loldtbat Jane. 18W. It ccmriiru of a few aimple
>Mted man growa 1 parti that may be nwnfacturod rapidllT
know bow be waa led lo in any well eoaipnod nnwhlne aboou^
eontrin bb mnrderw wea^
| tbe tuToibir. n....
and wiedn of tegimmta rotnm Cram ' ordonnen
—•------In ---------tbe patent tbe following
tee Crant daring tte great wu fu tee claim ta made:
Oaim. be tbongbt of tte wwte <f inThe inetbod (rf dln-barglng a poeadnetty and time and life ia amdtog
marie gun, wbicb.cmmiata in 3enip«amtni^ mm into a deadly anrioe. If wu
to tbe nenlt of tbeeqaerimeotand U ao mte a^, wbat n aatlng woald be n
Angle Arym teat a
teortm tte
. wUboiH delay, prooeed to eqaip
tominntm and
' mteat
tte Miami and Brie canal with a line cf
bonte white will be drawn by nn eleotrlomotv cf bwdalderi^- Bentya
Ur. Gatling wu a man in middle life
PTvaMrra era aao pkcuicttijl
that four mootba and an eqioidlten of teen, bnt toon the age of tl be had
1850,000 will be required to pot tbe en- teown teUl u aa iormtor. Tte Ant
_ air la a snltnble cfaamber by m___
terjriae In operation and tent be la al Cnit of bia genlna wu a
tte explaelon cf an explorire tberain
ready baoked by an abnndaaoe of onxd- FOpeller wheel. He bad nlao originatod .---------------------------- ---------------------------tbe air pruornre
in tboae daya thae waa alwaya a tal with which topnah ttewerktonn tertnl labor mriag derioes futtmla.'teu prodaceidtotbebaKorteepnriectenriy ooenpletion.
ootton cnlton, made a fuTow drill teat U« is aaotbtf chamber
MMCB Sanday aftanMOBA and Uncle
Mr. Wngenbala’ acten>e In brief la to
alfbongb a derwit Xetbodiat.
wbmt toraMO, and patented a hemp
Tbe method of d
eoald be eoQBted apon to aatlve diieoUy lay an ordinary ttandaid gage traok tmnklng^mnahlae and a menu plow.
a of an
ate aarTtoeaad to dt In antil tbe ttine along tee towpatfa cf tee canal, and by
teafternoon BandayaebooL Tbeboya mean of aa electrio motor, deaigDed for Be is 80 ymre old now. and sriU in
tbU eepedal work, and for white be venting. Lstaly eongnm Totod him
iga oonAned body ef air (
baa applied for a patent, to dmw hla f40.000fttble praot
ntetbod of onming
and Boeb explorire ud then exploding
. bntte:ttlt gawdonand bonta in nbont tte aame man)
^en be iareated bU propdler and tbe esplorive in mid ebamber. wbmety
taall btten of timllar leritybe cg>- nro now akrwly and e*^inn«ly
— ------------■
wbiob •
• mnlea. Tbe motor will be'abo&tfow took it to Watelagtan. be fouid that high premora ia dereloped and the proEriceeon bed Jatt aeoued a patent tu a
that bit patecm for tbe game waa a>«e
riratlu dedgo end nU bU labor wu
I known u n “4ynamite'
: a taeaknaM than a eke.
thrown away. A few yean later be lost
Unde Uriah Ueed with Ua two alatwo-tbirda of tee money be bad realiud Dudley Drienaeoanpuy—my that thia
et. and Ann. aged
—aad inremed—trma tbe mle cf his U a miaocener. brenom tte pro>crile
«A In Kew Hampahlre they bad been
wheat drill. AtMr be eompleted the which ia And by tbe gun ia never lundariM "tbegirla.'’bat in Omaha tbe
ed with dyMuiito. but always with
wort and L_ _____
When, nyeu eome other and. u they my. macb mfer
MU aa " Onole Oilab’a old maida ”
or two later, be bad d
dhlepnt- high explosive. Gun cotton, eitber wet
. tt did not take tbe bcqri la tfae game
term and placed an I
u dry. or uy bigb explorive, may be
hag to dlBooret that Unole Uriah waa
tte pobUo, a raaonllyagent tu off with naed in tte |»oJ«ctUca. bni tee oomta Mb fear of AUgaU in gtoeral and
eroy cent cf tbe mtm It U a robom potmd ordinarily oi«d few landing tte
lb nmtal dread that^woold dlacow
qaatitycf eonl that can Agfat dimp- prajertile la known u Nobel's gelatin.
Ida beantting weakneH. Be woald al^tBMU reputed^ and try again.—
"It ia a high cxploriv* remarkable
«ye tey at a new player, ud be trefor two pecolloriries." the oompuy
oaratly beU forte to tte boye on tte
mya "Pirw,
■Pir«. teat it eon be
of talking tm ttei
Rond ud naud with greeter mfeiy and
«bM ttetetnmof tte.____
Prafamor Koefa'a dimraery of tee no R»trity (ten uy other explosiTe ocn**1 te’d bate to bra tte pam know,
ha naed to «y. “1 wnnldn't kera i
agation of mnloria may lend to impor when it ia properly detonated, m u to
'bont Ann, 'oanae tee'a ea^^
tant obangea In tee aduinimratton of prodoce an raploNicin. ita deatrocrive ef
bat 1 wooldn’t bra Slater AUqn^
«Uriri affemi^
fect ia greater ihu that cf uy other
teii kiMw fer tee bine* jack pot t'waa
explosire known."
eeer played
‘ on tela
ProfeaRT Kart wu mndylng Texu leProjectiles loaded with NotnI’a gela
There waa arm ray eolation to tee
Tcr in cattle, which be fonnd wu teane- tin have been used in oonnevdem with
aayatecyof bow SlMAbl^ diaoom
tercd from one herd to aBoteerKlely tee Sims-Dodley gu by tbe Cnbu inad tte obUqnity in Uncle Uriab’a life.
and tbeCabu juta bu writSome cffleloaB neighbor may tera told geared to Are different ipeeda, i»wgtng by tee bite of a tiok. He infected soutd
h«. or In u exoera of oentlon Unole from a quarter of a mile an bow to ten cattle with tloka fram dlamaed oma and
wort of tbo deatrocrive «na«»iiiT>ji
Uriah bimaelf may tere aranned bar mllee an bou, the lowest speta baiag
At any rate.
neoMmryto give ao easy start Tte •offering from tfae tWernee Extending
Tbo goB conriata of. two tobea one
motor will bare a trolley pole, (be
> regolar time, bat M tbe electric acrnet ow, bnt in addi- bia inruftlgatiana to malaria, be arriTed placed oTcsr tee other, tbe npper and
Vlteont tfae key with white be. in tiod it will be prorided wlte an electrie at tbe ooncloslan Chat in (be cam of tte lougor one being known u tbe project
of a
dlmoM tDoaqnitoei play tte part ile tnbe. These enfaee are
with oteer pertidpanta
in tte
will take
which tteka pUy In tbe entile dimnm. apeclaUy
fteto bad been prorided. TtaenegroatIt was found tbnt wberarer (ben
metal posmssing a tensile mreogte of
*“•*-------4adhe wee
pncricnble to ran tbe troUey, u la
ragnnmd in tte play.
ty. when there art] XM n
Tbe diemeter cf tee bore of this tube ia
Xbete waa a good Jaakpoton teetai- cnlrerts along tbe line of tbe
la no
Ttentin cnam witbont AH IncteB. and im total Imgte la abont
0 malaria. Ttmting
bla Unole Uriah waa in and wu deal Tbe troRey wire will
Prafemir Koch neoertalned Uftet. Below tee projectile tube latte
ing. It waa bU laM my. end tee two about IS feet abore the trart. whlob
,exj«naiao or combasrion ctember,
Miahaadaf bimhadbetAlOeate Be will be balluted and grareled to an
wbicdi coRsieu of a tnbe 4M
had dawn one card, and tbe pb^ waa even sorface, «> u not to interfera with
to blin. Be bad not. bowraer, look- tbe drawing of boam by roolea. This By examining tbe blood of a patient diameter ud 7 feet long.
_-._-v._i----------- A-------- ebletoteJI
bia draw when tbe key tuned in wiU aeoemitate tte wideniag cf tte
from (be natnre of tte mlatem tte
tee an^ look of tbe«tiit door, and Sia- towpatb to at leari ten feet
of tbe development cf tte
yMuy tbeoiies have bam
tor Atfgaa pale whfa a rigbuona and
Mr. Wagmbals mys that it will r»ability to of the greatest to why Ugfat attracts motba bat pmtorrthle age. atooda Into tte
quiio aboot 100 boats to equip tbe llae
bsps tte be« esplanatlnn to that it tasbetweeo Dayton sad (Rncdanari. Them
dsstee them u a eerpmt dees a bird.
‘'And on tte boats will be oomtmeted of mml. sad
So mart to tbto tbe case that traps have
• day, with tee chute belle rlngin 00 derigaed u to draw oot
y It WiU be poteble to «lmin- beendratoodfortbeir •
banddeoent people AoofclD to b la one foot of water. Three power matlcxis
toter qotolne In ancta a rational and oa tbto tact One of
worablp 1 expected. to And yon bere, will be erected at
tolenriAe manner u to avoid tbe in- oooRsta of u electric aearchligbt in
(jon bypocriter ate went on. tuning tween tbe two pidnm named.
oanneorion with a hlowlag
Tbe inrlug Ifan.
toUneU Uriah. ‘’Toa better get o
The motor wbiob Mr. Wagenhala fau
pour dnda right now and coene homa
derigDod to do tte work will be of 100
ed by tee Urtt and Ay clan to tte lu"I waa ccenin ia a jUry,"tbe «>ld
bormpower. and wflL be coyt poll with rob tropical fraer of muy of Ita temea tern: they are teen drawn into a pipe
mid, weak with tear. "I goem 1
mm a train of at least Are tesTily laden
_ It w well go 'long with yon aa with
by a saouon draft and oairied to a mrt of
boam, or more tonnage than a SOObonemill, which niixea them np wlte a lit
anybedyelaa" He roee and aleadied
eegine cu pall on mlla, tbera
Tbe 1dm cf proCeoring baildlagi tle Aou The rcsnltiog blend to tinn
htmedf by bolding tee chair.
bring so modi lem fricrion to ooonter- againrt Are from wltbout by maens of a
for poaltry food. WbmaamewuSate Ooe waa tee oooleet band ia tee nct tbe palling strength.
wator cutaln. to be made to fan al! abipe were osing tbelr powerfni aeontenne. Bren Slater AUgaU had oot diaarouid tte atraetua, appeara to
ligbto off tee crut of Egpyt. at more
He reached
Omwss grraHmes Wtta ttw Oftp.
gaining favu. having tbe indoemn
tten two mUat from tte teoce. milUmn
tamed np Unole Uriah'• band. It waa
An cxteaslTe invesdgatton u to tbe
of inneta foKinatad by tbe Ugbl, tavspread of tee grip in tbe German atrai
army. •tonal experti ta tfaU line, and tee pUn atod along tee beam of light tutil tfaqy
„. u it ^ tte form of an
to exciringM«l«l attanttoc ta
etrnok ttegtom and/eU. where tbqy aotatonyongo. naole," mU Oon.^Yo«
aOl, of oouae. 1 siqipam a Ante it
beapniore tbu two
pnblto Utaary bnildtag. Tbe arranga- feet hi bel^L Ligbt equally taKdnatm
goodP' Coe aaked, tuning to tee otbra
ment to extremely sinpto. Amven inch Ateea. and they have been land to tte
ftayera They nodded ament, Ooeatnek•tael water main to told aronnd tee top nets by a glowUgbi lowmnd ta tin wad sp tbe teipa “t^teree doUare tcrnal ennaea. while, on tbe oibw
teere ia not aoeamed to be any oore rai- of tte atrootare npoe tbe broad atone
dance cf tee inAoenoe of wenther, oli- table formed by tte top of the doping,
The old man atorted laatlnotieely to- mate, wind u soil u tee mneon of tte tbto pipe • •
Tbe triemetor to u taventian tte
enrd tte pot and tbteVeBMmbered Sta you. To the contrary, indeed, tbe nnm- punpaaltBMed ta tea I
te Al^il Be stopped and waited bar of tbom casea in which tte spread tero^ pertorarioneprop
and tbe mode of spreading of tbe ail- taanrmtee 1
vary easy and aoonrate way ___
of it to Rxnewfaat ta this
to tte playma who tamed
pavement artemd (be whole crony Im wtoe: A telemope to mooiimd npoou
tte weak and ttauid old man to
■eof tte
perilled portion of tbe boildl^ Tbe arm aboat tbrae feet tong, tee end of
wwuMu. wuBu, u»i
M uua
tela tanIt cf tte ^«em of piping to tee arm nmrem tin toieaoope having a
ta« aometbing of ter moral rigidity uteorities are atUl ta a atato of
. for mibm anglee or
■ed. Sbe did not nreep tee ofaipn to u to wteteer tee intaetioa u carried
noea A boriaoD glam to Armly atthe Soar. She mid nothing abont ill direoriy from person to pmon or
toebed to tbe arm. and thmetoatoou
gotte galna With a rldble effort ate wbetber the infectioas material to ear
ned by tee
iwa and doore in order to
adjosuble rareier which acts with tee
cf tee throat. Sbe graaped lim akirta objaeu terongh tbe air. Of tbe tml plate tte eartataiqg of team pointi ta adjacent grsdnatiuos oo tte arm. Tte
germ that caoses tte dtoeam thoe to no
•anly aad rwept towwd tee door.
mrteonldtte reAecting sufaue at tte index glue to
“Uriah." ate mid, wlte gmt dig- prectoe knowledga Rcuona are given. enrmta ta tte main be brrten by wind mt at u angle of 46 degrees to tte axis
of tte lerm Tte muipatoaiao to very
ingemut againR tee tending
■liy. “IwiU wait fvyon In ttehaU
tee real germs of
rimpla Looking ifaroagh tte talonope
ag tea toot of tee ataba. “
aodbcrlaon glees at the object tte dtoAfter UnUe U^' had obtained hla tee dtoeoae and convey them fw away.
In u article ta a reoent ImneofTte tuoe of wbkfa to to be meaaared. tee
•tt and departed Sate Ooe mid tobla
tonrely w*y:
teu oontribote to tfae aixeBd cf tee dta Ameriou KkoMmo Mr. H. a Baring lever to ewnag over ao that tbe
“BeoUimaididanteranflttte. I eamgeraa onoh a feet omy pertupa ex states teat u tte leanlt of teats be glass reorives tin image aod reflects it
MIppiiltonmidtogUHoct tor him. plain tbe^pearanoe <f ttedtoaam npon Andstte dlffmnee betwem maUnga to teehmiacn glaaeata patatooinddmt
ahlpa on tte high earn
atop and a start u a atatton and ru wite tte line of right Ttevmntordeleateoiwdyoa fellotra wonMn't
nt^ past It eartos from 75 to IM watt terutaeetbe angle, and tin base line
pnylB CBoe men tor pttattfepaoof teat
'-------, d^nndtac npeo tee gadtont and being known tbe dtotanoeef tte object
■0 matte wtaat kind of a woman tee lA
may be nadUy ooupatad.
tee'a alwaya ta with you play wten
It to u old mytag ttei we do not apooDdirions tor a partUUy loaded TM ton
yon aria tte pot “—New Tote San.
ire loot it Poaalbly tbe wortey Oig- carto Wwattfaoua. AaRaiii« tee eut
Japu to now bnildtag a gnat steel
lith (armen who own tte torge tract cf if riectrical energy to be 1 ent pm.
11 la ntaled of a (utata rttnyxi
land in
-‘jiulowatt bemr. ooe etqp woald oom plui. TteworkiwtUoost9lQ.000.000,
lo C ~ wbicb •••
wu in
ta Norambm
XUabugb tem tewM 00 canfnl of bto tost Aooded by mlt wmtm. owing to (be |
cost of making one and will be pal into t^erarion within
la and ao femfal of testeatge_____________
on eart trip _
fm ..
16 three yean. Tte pradact cf tbe ptont
break down of__
a am wall, think
taaddrmatag adage wbm tiny rnefnlly look at tteir j trips daUy woold aa»oaat tofAdfpm fu tte Arm year WiU be almost extteDrity.te nprMtiweongngaricB aodden groond. Tbe daspimd w«ma by ’ <* P«
for 100 ears 8487 pm oiaMvely atecl nils and probaUy sodm
Iff mytap
np 'Aad^teoo
‘Aad^teon knowut, daar
dmr tariroooriaat
teelroonmant buiowlnga
bannwlaga kentteetond
ksptttelaaA Taartor
fwte tee
tte one extoa
esua etop
stop pm «
trip steel ptatee fu riiipa Bi^ plaim. tar,
a wfi^taatata weU drained, bolwbm tin am flaodiAbontfa pm mot cf tintotaleoe
etoal aad riraetuial ircaf will loUow ta
tf Tbe(fBBr«mlyBratow.“eto. came
kUtod. and tin
tee biids
biids<« expmSet
order. Tbto steel plut. which will be
* tiMff
wme aD kUled.
----------- -— YVarlaiiH
and lifting a eu, teowtag ritoxted at Yawatamnra, a town of
abont 10.000 tafaabiiuto, to on tte u-
Total Issue
Tie MorfliiigReciiril
n-om Ksy 1, to July 26,
1888, was
IMy Average, 137,
Goaragteed CircnlatioDi
TIitCoKlrsioi Is naini
The Reeflfd Tteecltes The People.
Tliti is the reasoe it is ■
It CoTtis tbe dtj aid Simnidieg CoutiT loit FiUj .
Tbu Aij Otber Mil.
The reason the Becord is so widely clrcu- .
lated is because it
Mis Afl The News.
Fully and up to tbe time of going
to press every morning.
UieiaHed Ttepiphic levs Senice.
Fiedf Wllstttited Feeteres oe Seeile;.
Spaiid MHtiee Gini leal Heweibet.,
TIJ tbe liiT DEPUTIEIT Of Tbe lenie| leceid.
^ .
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OCR conversion for searchable text in PDF by ABBYY FineReader 11.