The Morning Record, June 24, 1898

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The Morning Record, June 24, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Second Tear—No 3S7

Great Fraternal Celebration Was a StupenduouB Success.

Inspiring Procession With Degree Teaqis in
Costume and Nine Bands of Music.
Grand Public Meeting on Central School Grounda, Addressed by Great Commaader Boynton, Great Lady Com-


tba AnarioM start and tiripat wars Boeh emotion ea we do. They don't
whoop h Dp and paint the town rad.
Id eloalnf her ahort addrett. the taM Bat I want to aay to yon. Thera it
(hat the trraBdaat thlnf Is the order danrar ahead. The womea will go to
wat the bond of ayapathr hetteean all to the front aad wo to the rear.
Bembeia, the rich and poor alike. AU
“Today thit order It 310,000 etroaf,
elaaaea are capable of eaterlnr the or­ rrown in aerenteen years. There ian't
der. She oonpatad It to a field of oern an order la the whole eonntry that eaa
where each tulk yielded perfect frail, fflre at cnat a thowlaf. TVbat are
while if they were plated they would theae erowdt here for? What do yon
be hot BBbblna.
oomeforf To eee Lady Bnraa aad b#>
la preaeBtinrautlitioteheeald that eelf? No, becanae yon know this mat'
each year the order U obliged to file ortaalaaUon la fmtemUy nndarUaed.'
with the eoBBiteioner of intuaBcc e I hare enjoyed Ufe more in the peat
tabolated form of their effalrt. The aerenteeo yean than In all the past.
Sir Keirhta have lo.uoo. the ladlet Why? beeanae we get locether aoelally
S.ODO. maklnf IS.OUO repreaesUar the and hare a food tine. Thia it the brad
thee order while the whole nnm- J world I erer tired in. Do yon erer raber of eertiifieetee it only 46.000 of all i member any other ec food? I remem­
ber the old adeee: ‘Uaffa end the
world lanrha with yon' 1 betlere in
lanffhiae and rrowi^ faU I're always

the Demonstration.;Commender Beyaum, -i now wuipre-i®*
who neede no introdneUoa.,
“•« hnthandt
; I want to eay be U a rrand man. He were waiUag and walking the atreeta.
OonUnoed on Page Twobare gone. They came In foree aad,dameaJ. N. llarUoek. J. B. Kidder,,
took poeoeMion of the city and erj yed ' Mra. L. U. Bowan of Petoskey. chairBring in Tour BllU.
the boepiUUiy of the pfc>pla of U»e : man of the trarteee of the oelebration. j
All bllU againat tha 1
Qneen City whose fame for hoeplulity | Mra. Bacbel O. Bailev. Great UentenU widespread and prorerblal- They I »ol commaBder of the L O. T. M.. of
at the Kecord office.
came from all direcUtma nniil more' si LouU. Mich., aod Mra. Franoia E.
than ten thoaaand were here. Then Bnma. Great Lady Commandsr.
they went in for a good time. They j a. V. Friedrich. In addreaaJng the
enjoyed themselren and the people of; audience aald be would cat the prellmthe city enjryed haring them here aad '■ tnariee abort, owing to the latenM of
the citlaeoa spread tfaemaelrea to make ]
hour, and in a neat speech introIt pleaaaut for Uieir friends from duced Mayor Smith who said:
-Offieera of the Great Camp, ladies
It was a great fraternal demonatra- „d gentlemen. Maceabeea and fellow
tlon and oae which eaempUfiea that dtUena: I bare been told that there
brotheri^l»e-<R^ makra all men
mimun, of Maccabees In the waV
era ef Grand Trarerae hay but I nerer |
200 pairs Children’s Tan
knew before that there were ao maay
Shoes, lace or button, size
ia the woods In behalf of Trarerae
City 1 extend the hand of fellowship to
S}4 to lljt Compare with
yon and hepe yon will riatt ua soon
any $1.23 shoe sold.again.”
Mr. Friedrich, deeming an explana­
tion of the sally upon the “Maecabeea
in the bay,” not being clearly apprecia­
ted by the rUlVera. explained tbaf^the
city held a worthy clUsaa who in hia
200 pairs of Misses* Tan
sHorts to explain that the bar was fnll
Shoes, lace or button, sizes
of Blerobea. called them Maocabeea.
After the laughter, following this ex- is not the whole thing, hot he is the 11^ to 2.
Better than lots
planaUoD had subsided, Great Lady head of the whole tblng.”
of Shoes at $1.50.
Llenleoant Bailey replied to the may­
Addraaa of Commander Boynton.
or’s walcoming speech.
Great ConMnander Boyatoa addrcaeed
Kn. Bailey's Addresa.
hlmaelf to the friends, both Inside and
She said that such gatheringl on onttide the order of Maocabeea as fol­
beauUrulJnue days b^ped lower the lows;
■■I am glad to br with you. My readeath rate of the order.
150 pairs Men’s fine Shoes,
hava been given by Lady Buraa
laapeaklng of the auxllllary or^
$3.00 goods at
of the ladles of the Maccabees ahe.l have always believed UMt ak lady
lad; in Vici Kid.
maker, ofiiee bolder aMl boaineai man- { her in secret my age aad she has given
ager ia geoer-l. She said that the i ■( »«»y. »»d noloaly that, but she
eBoUonal frminlne naiareneTerihrewiaayal'm aladles'man. (Laugbtar.) If
hau in the air. bowled, tore coau and j
pour mayor, you will
yelled -He', all right! " as the legal i’^y hU build, that he la mots
125 pairs Men’s fine Shoes.
kin. Tha order was largely represent­ male man does, hence her ability to j of a ladles' man than I am; bnt I am.
Regular $3.50 goods,
ed and thU oalebrAtlmi marks another
illy eonducl business meetings, j and hope I will always be. I bars <me
e^ la ita success find popularity in : 4 woman when overjiM«l will sing! at home, and ahetbioks I am the bandMfiibigatt. The Maccabi-es^ a great
from WnoB dll Bleaalngaeomeal man on earth.
people, numbered by the tens of tbona- ^

1 laughter )
anda, and
and a
a people
people whoa, ranks are
xmdy Commander Burn." Talk
! •'CaUnnln,. Maj,r Boynton .poke of
being swelled every day. The order U
Mr. Friedrich introduced Great Lady I
theeaj^ and of the
growing beoanae it la good for men aad
Many other special prices,
women to belong to it and they are commander Burns, who explained tha\ i but not being content hr said the Lord
n good shoes.
the rally tod^ was in celebration of
SndioK it eat every day.
I created woman, and since then, neither
We want yong trade.
Traverse City left nothing undone to the birthday of Father Boyaton. Not God or man bare reeled. The Lord
make it pleasant for her gneata and kaowlng bis age she thought he must need np all the material in hla Aral
while there is always some confusion be sweet sixteen- In the eight short creation and had nethiag
wnere ao many are gathered together,
womaa. ao be took out hia pocket kaifs
have inall of them wi»l be glad to again enjoy i exUtenee, the L. 0. T.
aad ent a rib oot of man. A woman is
«e bnplulity which was diapenaed
Popular Shoe House.
nothing bnt a rib. That is why mea
are to load of spare rib. iLaughUr
The buklnes* block*, office* aod *tora*
and applaitar )
were gaily decorated in honor of the
-Ha mid of the L. O. T. M.. ”1 knew
Aay and many dwcKiug* along the
; when the anxiUlary branch was sug­
rente of tha parade displayed the colgested to me. that it would be a good
wra of the order and the national color*.
We are again ready, r^U a large
thing. The ladba emme to me and said,
There waa *port lor everybody. All
stock of lee. to deliver the same U> any
■Mr. Boynton, we want to be your help
kinds of game* and evonu to *uit
rt of tbe city.
: males in your orgbnUttion. as well as
the fancy of the hour. The hotels
Maple block wood also for sale.
in your home;' I said. -Whail orgaawere thrikiged. and despite the im­
Ue a branch separate from the order?
mense (gowds they were cared for with
Telepbcoe No. »4.
'You can't do U because you can't keep
close attention, though at diunvr the
a secret, and if yea have a grip yea’ll
crush was so great tha*. unavoidable
be gripping every one you see. Yon
delays wera rxparienced, but therv was
' bsvea't even boslneas capacity,
enough to eat aad none went hungry.
borne and rock your cradle. Sew the
The day was superb. It could net
j bnttons on your hnshand's panta. Yon
have bees better If made to order and
cannot run a lodge.' But they came
the favorable conditioaa auggeat that
three Umca. A woman, you know,
Providence manifested a special Inter­
always throe times and onk They
est ia the Maeenbeea Tha parada was
ir': ;eamo the laat time fifty strong aad
a great feature aod the degree teams
: planted themselves in the anUroom.
in imposing cottume and tha inspiring
My knee* shook, as they said to me;
strains of music from many bands ex
’’ 'We are going to eUy ia this ante­
A V rajBauoa
cited an interest in the orgaaUatlsa
which will be lasting and of beaefit U Prv»i.1vBl t>f iVolral aa.4 Konhern HicbUao room Ull we are part and parcel of
Blood Orasge, Apricot, Peach,
your great IncUtoUoB.’ 1 wnt hack
K.O. T M. ass 1.0. T. M.
It aad to the new members which are
Raspberry, I^eapple and every
and mid:
bound to ally tbemselecs with It be- creased over lO.UOO annually. tb<
other kaovQ flavor.
Boys, we have got to
eanae ef the i
iag as.OOO in the state alone and ns.ooc | We
d and gave them authortke oceaaion.
*11’ liy to orgaaise thU auxllllary branch.
Great Public Keeling.
They are seooad to the Sir Kaighu.;and that U oae of Ue grandest thlaga
Owing to the delay in tha passing of I'hia. aha said, demdeairatcd eosclu-lwe sordid. I have found Uay coold
Ua parade. Ue afternoon public meet- slvaly, that women could euccomfully ‘ all keep secrets, all bnt Ua Grand Lady
tag in the High school grow did not conduct an independent otgnnizaliao, Commander Burns.’ iLaogfater.) Why,
bagla till 4 o'clock. The tedious wait would not have been poealble, but they are really better than we are.
of two konn was Iceaeoed somewhat In this great demoeratie republic. It Bight yean age a UlUe habdfal of
Try one of them.
by several aeleeUoaa from the Kingsley would be impomible in the Bnrooeaa women, laboring men'* wives, fonbded
band, aaarly S.SOO Brea aad their countries where Ue eavlroameats ef this anilllary farsaeh aad from that
friends forming the andienoe.
ISO are •• different.
they have sprung atrong in Mich­
On Ue apeaker'a t-tand were
The feat of reaching Ue mmmU of igan. and lOU.OOO atrong oat and in it.
Great Commander Boynton of Port Job Fran, which bad
They kava managed tbelr bnainam af­
Enron. Mayor W. W. SrniU. A. V. for ymra, was accoa
I by an faire Jest as well as we ooaid. They
Friedrich, pteaidant Of the aaaocUUan, Amerievi woman In 18»7. and thare do it methodically and deet show as
406 South Union Street

M of Soinliioe, M of Color,
M or Artistic Desigis, M of fioiat Yoiis!
That’s what yon will find in that new stock of Wall J
Paper that we are selling so much of. Better have;


S90 Front Street


Holley ft OonshUe J

All new—No old ones carried over, at ,


MarUiam Bloat.

cycle Events—Complete Detail of


Two Important Things
For 7onr interest in these items.


Udres' Suits.

Men's Suits

All new styles Bpedat aal.
prices Today. See them anyway.


'I For This Week.

Strong Points


Are our $6.88 suits—competltioii pries is
$9.60, and $2.62 saved is a
strong point



Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing Bonse.

J Stock le going down, but there are many bargains lett.
The sooiier you oomo the hotter ooloctleiia you get



z 124 Front Street

Friedrich B\oA.

Don’t Buy a Bicycle
Or Get One Repaired

ratllyimeMMli Vlibwv. I Imp smh aaeswwlvv Um m urtocls and
Tnrte<>.*«^lm.BOTH OLD AND NBW.that I (asl aura I eaa plmas ihv

i -- —u — - a—

p -- inj- -rnii la Tit

Oty. IlrMvaaiawbcalbuUimtitOarurrn earrataarad.«kM is ibsplaeaMma.

Alfred V. Friedrich Reiinmber My312Re*SoutliPlaceUeiai Street, Opposite C. { W. M. Dapet



Soda Water
Ice Cream Soda
Some of the Fla>ors:


Delicipes Bpiei|dB.
For TIk» fine Days.

G. A. Johnson,


H.E.OIBBS, Propr.


Block Beori^ Three Timm a Wo«h
nuQt*. 40c per quart
Sundanla, 30c per qeutrt
telid Mmfo

213 Front St.


R^hsT's Oyster Depot sod RestaBrtiL

■ We have just received a

Ladies’ Shirt Waists
Made of fine Madras and Zephyr Ging­
hams. Some tucked fronts, others trim­
med with insertion and embroideries.

We carry a beautiful line of imported
Ginghams. Organdies and Mouseline deLoie. For stylish goo.'.s at moderate
prices call at

The Boston Store,
Front StruUt




OB. T. E&ni AJR» i. W. HlBKBI.
W. BiUnu. Bailor Md Itennr.




display of yaeht
tbe top of tba buUdiay to tbe ddewalk.
In tbe wtndowa were biM of Adminle
Dewoy nnd Sampeoa.
wof Oaoa aad
Tba oalj dlSwoM fa tk»t wbw the
CbCApeet aod moat reluble place to get yonr bicycle repaired and
doan Bad tba Froot atreeta waa an areb tiabdral
pot in good mnniog order. Hare bad aereml years experience and
ka^Aol* M FMdUy m Uia womu da buntlny and ororyraana bcarlny tba
know how it sboold be done. Satisfaction gnarsbieed. I am aeltiog
Bat U«B. «• sea will a«w baufaU. Utters K. O. T. M. outUnod In aloctrii
Ucycle anndriea at aboat coat. New and second, bsod wbeela. for nla
BCrer aaw a plotare of a Ma liybte.
sod to rent. Please give ns a trial.
That at tba oeraar of Front and
aar*I Tbo oaly oa* I erar ■** |detBracing a epecialty.
arad waa BarUatoab with wlajra, bu Union atreot preaented a woU
£1X18,811 Front dt. Bast
faa baa eloren faetaad a foAad Uayaa. atrocted tout ia tbe lody* oaiora ootWbal kiad of aa aofel do yoa aoppoae lined la electric Uybta, natioaal oolore,

Hayar SailU woold ouka «>tb fiaai
fla^lar wiap. A b«U-baadad aacta. of tbe pretUestofarobaa.
E E Miller bad aeeurod for Ue oe*
aad yoar ebalraaa PriedriebY Wby.a
Bbitapoke af oaena. aad I woald ba eaaicB tbe flimt Maeeabee U bto sriy
.m.obowiay that area in primUire
takea for a nyiay-balrplB. Wa bare
tbe colors wore lUtown. The key
fot to take a back teat aad letthacirta
•Btbe Uwn made of bloe ritrol we
fly around.’'
la eoacladtnr. Major Boystob rare tbe window for tbe nae of tbe riaitora.
thia biatea
tbe orraalzatinn. f ‘>Oo Oubaa aad Amarienn Flays Intertbe ntbof Jane, lYyeare ayo rrt Were mlnyled in tbe deeoraUon.
Tbe arch on Uaiea street near tbe C had red. white and bine aa back [
Joat a hand'fal of nteo. We oryaniaed
yronnda In UMr dteplaya
on tbe fotlowfor Jannary aaB Joat
Betel WbitUy's earanda showed
atoad op to be eoonted. Tbe Idaa of
M. nnd also one bcarlny "weieoma forth biyb oeloriny. Park Plaoa
pateint tba hat to tabe np a death
At tbe aides were K. O. T. M. and L. O. yloriad In many flsxa.
elain waa ridlcnlad but I
Aknoat erery store not prctenllone
today, eontlealaf to t row ae4 we now IT. M. It lodye colors.
' welcome were dhamrsdly piMsad by lb deeontiny abowed IU patriottem by
•nabor S10.00Q. The life
be tDtVtomt.
\ut>e 400A1—
flaatUr flays. Many boaeea eloay Ue
pare» Are years to Ure. We tired nil wboaaw them.
lies af parade were prettily draped,
fire years and it was enlled pbenomi*
&00&S \o uVV.
«on«Yl \o «wertA
and Ue briybt eolora amuay Ue yrrea
nal. We doabled tbe years and were colon.
J W.SIeter bad a Urye abield bcariny trees of Ue door yarns made a pleasiny
nyain onUed pbeaomlaal aad sUll we
me CATV mAVtt U \o tj^oor A&nut\&%e.
yooa. Tbe biatory of life UsarsBoe tbe inacrlpUon "Welcome Keiyhu and addition le tbe yeoeral nU army.
baa been tbU; Ont of 8U benerolent
b. E Walt abowed Old Glory ia fes­ MEET KEBTIVO IM OAPIT.T.AO.
only 48 are lirlay. I want
Vi or rvo moit«Yi
\o &ee igon. \}t
yoa to oederstand that thU order ia toons and flaya, aad the Maccabees A Tetal Kemberahip of 4ABS Bep
w< re represented In tbelr own door by
Ate Aa KkAtcabetA
anted—Offloeta Elected.
n tent made of Inmpe of red. white and
Tbe baalncsa meetiny of Ue eaeoeibine cbemleala also tbe leuats E. O.
aUoa seas held In Montayne ball. Ue
T. M. of tbe
Wilhelm Broa' store was elabecate keadqBarters of Trareree Bay Tent. Na
There wea a Urye represeotelioa
la patrloUe colon pretUly festoonod.
,Mr. Campbell's bicycle ebop ehowod of deleyetee aad Ue meetli« wee fllled
wlU Interest. Secretary M. E Belly
i ibr eemeloyaltr.
I Jacob Furtaeb bad tbe. pietnrea of reporten that tbe L. O. T. M. blTaaj
] AdmlraU Dewey aad Sampson draped
» needed U UU
Uy a I
na brfltted tbeee praat yeaerala.
i Thnrtell A Oane ahewed taste In T. M. tenU.
at Ue aUri on# rider fell eff and I
p of S.IS0. maklny a teul
Tbe Borne BaecA
Itbair deeontieB. A teat la lodye
I’.rew foureUera. At Ue finish of Ute !
inutiaa of 4.»t. rtedi'Ue aad
$:!7 nwT on raix.
loolora wea shown, e peep into which
roU ware tbe caadMsu s for Ua beat when Ue riders were abent 10
{rerealed tempUay dclieaclee onUintny
bol Cadillac won
from Ue line a Urye d«r >
j E. O. T. M.
I Undertaker Andenen'e
! abowed n leryc "A" in lodye colors aad lowiny oSeera were elected;
Piualdeat—Perry F. Pewera
; the i-ffect was striklny aad benatlful.
Beeretery— C. B. Stewart.
Tbe Bennab. Ley A Ce. bloek plllan


©vxv S\oTe

n« ftiMt ■noenboe Erent
. The Reooso tbla Aomlny predanu
• flowpleto report of tbe (rant Mi

. landinc oflteete and an IntereaUnc
dory of the order and tbe etory ol
jnrwtb and aaoeeaa. For taota in tbe
htetery of tba or(anlaaUon and aketcb•a of tbe prinelpal effieera we are laBobtod to tbe Detroit Tribune.
The oalebraUM waa a (rand auoeaea
In (enerol detail, altbonyb tbe lon( dotey of tbe oKOurulon train front
wotb eauacd a te*perary diempUon of
- ^ oiirinal plana Howarer, oeery
flbiof went off eaeotbly aad tbe •
»Uteei are deaerrinc of (rent emdlt
tm tba mannor in whleh they planned
Md earned out tbe demonatratlon.
. The orent wUl lire lonf U tba biatory
«| tbe dty aa one of Ua moot Import*
•Bt aad aueoeeafuloror bold bora Tba
^mi aiii Ibronyaof rtaitora were oor*
4lally r«*irji
laJMlre to c
•hie dty.^ oroaUa
•fBln, andTrareraa aii wui1 be <only
floo (lad o (Toet erery one of them at;
{were draped ia national eelen nnd
fatare Ume. The Maeeabeea bare
The mUe open srna won by Faery. '
i Bowen, of Mb Pleaefrom all windewa floated tbe red,
•Boat a plaaaaat day with na and ortry
Cboa. Bennie eeewnd. Cbna. Back Ulid.
S;«. S:44b.*:M.
white aad bine. Tbe Fnnitaiu daMO feela that we are the bettor for
flhoiroemla(. We bare endearored to
triotic colors, beb depertmeat bad
it pleeMtfcrthe riaitora and
lU dreorsUona nnd buntlny and flays
(May oortainiy honored ua by cbooaiK
were in reideace ererywbera
BxeltUy Bicycle Eaoee and Good
Tbareroa City far tbe celebration, an
I nderteker H. L. Onrterh window
feMor which ia appreciated at lU Uae OcccrlVT o< Monbeni sod CenUel K O. T. M.
was nrtUtieslIy drsped In bantiny.
In Ue afternoon at Ue Fair ytonnd
Mr. Trombly showed a patriotic Ue belt mile open bleyeU reoe came
not an iasuraaoe order. Tbeccrtlfleote
front of red. white and bine ontlininy first. Cbaa. Bennie of tbte dty took
yon bare iaa't worth tbe paper it U bis windosrn.
written on- TbU ia a co partnership.
is said of people who
Bamlln A Miller’e second band
Von won't realize on it notil yon ore
are apAodste asd are
OB by Traeoroo City Toan in a dead, then yon won't need It, but yon etare and J. C.'Elite' blcyeU ehi^
recogmzed wherever
ahowrd tbe stem and stripes.
Good Oompetion With
ehonid realize tbe force of an obliratbe>- go for their correct
Buybee A Bozbaryfa bad an nttraci
tion. Don't forpet your p’edye. We
knowledge of life aad
iee Window with the neUoaal eoloet U For yonr money? That's what yon yet
thore waa a apeolal reriew of tbe L don't need any reeerre fond, jest etand a backyroaad.
^ 0.T, M. at tbe bfadquartera of tbe
Ganaett Brotben made a pleasiny yonr money's worth la good booest
Pecmle in the swim
beP^Ttareiea City Tent, Ho. B7i, in tbe
display of K O. T. U. battoni on a
*re the people who
t of the Inst mao? Look at tbe
; Jboaoh block, laat ereniny. at which
Urye shield with red. white and bine
Opposite Esgle Office.
• flha aeoret work waa exempllfled by boys around na. Tnere will nerer be
ly it
any lust man.''
hecanse they are posted
ffntm* Bay Hira. Ka 71.
Baskell's Book Store showed
on what is best for the
and taste la iu decoration. Admiral
At the City Opera Heuae tbe eompeti*
' (lea doyrea oontael waa bald at 8 p. m.,
(Iw Oadiliae Teat, Ka tit, and tbe
TrnTene Oity sna Benntifully D<
lanterns also ^btened tbe windows
Tbarorae aty Tent, Na 871. belny tbe
orated sritb the K. O. T. K. and
J. G. JobMoe exhibited ymeefni
made last year alone.
MBtootlny toama. Tbe prUe waa
Matioaal Oolors..
folds of Old Glory feelooned in bis wUIn ofiering yon these dues we declare
•wardad to tbe Trareroe City team
Tbe atreete in yala amy were in­
them the 1^ in the world hw the
■ Tont Na >-il. oompoaed of the deed bannUfoL On seery band
M'satore waa also yurowiaymembem: Kiny, Sir Knlyht
mooey, no matter wheuer tbe price is
tbe UtermUgUny of patrioUam
[ Alfred V. IMedricb.
for ow oonatr]l and loyally to tbe
"Tbe Famoae**diowed lu eelets by
Biyb Prieat, Sir Snlybt Herbert
Titsllsed Al. _
ul <<
Front street preaented n aaoat yer- from the bntldiay.
... 4vr
4«» ntrwslee
af tertii vil
Boater, Blr Kniybt M. E Oaten
telml sad m______ _
yeona appearseee. Paaainy nndei tbe
J. A. Montayne nnd Mr. Martineh
BSWi (is Bsfciss extnetico M
Andaa Meceabena, Jamea G. Birdaall. arch of welcome at the oorser of Parii
Mdiate: WiUiam Falroblld. Ed aad Front street which weleocned to
Tbiir WiUiam Uanka and E A. Erana TrneureeCity Tteitlny Meeeebeea. they
the beadqnarters. Forresters Hall
Pkkat. CbarlM Weic
feateoned In bnntlny aad lookiay eery
Tha Jndyca were W. Q. Dary, dape^ boaidtabla.

oommaodar. of Baat Tbwaa,
Steinbery'a store preaeBted windows
OMriaa B. Stewart of
ud whieb shewed taste in tbelr deootnl
. Stmm A. Montayua
in rlbboiia. roods and clolhlny briny
Tbe prize of <50 yirea by tbe Great lay eat tba K. O. T. M. oolors in beanAmp wUl preUbly ooaaiat of eome- tlfnl effect
flhlny in tbe ehape of a bannar or flay
Tbe Bead’s black bad itt pilUre
or wbatorer tbo toam may ^ooaewound In Old (Slory and eolcre of tbe
same floated from Its windows.
Parker's eboe stotu bed Old Glory
bnny in yenerons folds In its windows.
Brootod WitbaOroat Oratioabytha
Holley A Connable's City Boole Store
ICeUyan Beldiotm.
waa s eerlteble bower bnny Utide and
ont with briybt eoleriny. Oeer tbe
Tbmpa. PIW, Jooo U.—OororM
nralk wea e triacynUr drapiny In
IS paper of tbe lodye'e oolors, and
flayiee airlrod here at noon today.
Tho onlire Mleblyan reyimoat and tbe whole piece bespoke wetcema
Frekop Eyeelkn's yrreary store was
hand enoortiny him to mUiiary bendelaborately festooned In patriotic eolMbrtma. A (rent oration wae yiroa ra
^ Elm. Bo wlU inapecl tbe Mkhiynn The HamUtoo and Millikan block
abowed foataoniny abent tbe balldiny
IVdiora ______________
and the windows, lastefatly decorated,
Etrudt by o FaUiny Limb.
shewed Ue yeoda displayed to adTsoBoyae City. Mieb. Jane 2i. -WUliam tayein Ue prerallinA celera
fBaoU waa injured In e lumber camp " lUtOB dtepISTed in hte windows Ue
__ w mUee tren here tbk afternoon
Everything new and a few
E O. T. M. yonta. very mild lookiny
flalUny Umb while be wae at work In Udeed, probably abosrlny Uelr beat
new people, and
•Immbareamp. lie wai struck 00 tbe oempany manners for Ue day.
, EMd and bia Injoriaa wUl probably
Ur. Pleteber abowed hte pntrtotten^
in Ue form of Old Glory printed on
cards wblU be dtetribnted to
Two Oalebintioa Weddlnya.
will bare a budget ef new
► ^wtice Brewn performed two a
The B-aton Slora waa yor|
work for yon.
bnatlay and dainty yoeda displayed U
WiUiam HonybtoD and Hka Addle itasriadewe. amooy faatbe^ palms. Oor SisglDg Excel*.
of Klayaley and WUUam Welab Worda of welcome were also ia eriDanoer* are Orwat ,
toot Bay to Miw Aaaie Wolf of deaee and Ue whole effect was pUoa-



In the


Want Work




stBinbers’s Grand


Juns 30111
HcKanlass & Randoipb

OtenedlauB Fanny.

I. V. Friedrieb'ei
ylfla «B tbe O. E A. L came U on Ue abont Ue pleMe «f Father Boynton.
Frank Friedrteh waa patrlotte in hte

Cime aid laaili witli Us.
Prices, 16,26 & 86c.


In the way of Bummer Hardware' is our Ice Picks, Lemon '
Squeezers, Grass Hooks, Garden Trowels, Ice Tongs, Axes,!
Watering Pots, Foicelain Door Knobs, Spring Hinges, for
Screen Doors. Bulb Plant Sprays, Hammock Hooks, and
evenrtbing from a Wheelbarrow to a Carpet Tack you will find in our

Hardware Stock.

THB Mounva icsooBD, rioDAT, jmn m, ism.

laniards Admit That They Were Forced To
Retire By The American

Oovemor of Bantlaso Claims That United
States Troops Were “Victoriously
Bepulsed” by Spanish.

■«sUm Put TTp Oo«4 Work Ooa•idortiaC Tko FUM SzporionM ond
Xod* tko ▼toitcrs' Xora'Thoir
TIm tall fOBie ?Mt«r4A7 w» the oetmdoa of Ah immesM fstheriof ood
I it it Ukelj tbot thero was mbcmt the
lorfoot crowd over
rothored thrre.
There was » etrasr wiod which rether
lotertercd with toot work, hot it was a
rood rAse. evAA if the Colto did wio

Washington. June 2.^.—(Special)—Nothing official has
|>een received from the military situation at Santiago this
^emoon. It is believed the troops are resting. pre|>aratory
to an assault. There is no doubt oflhe intention of an early
Attack on Santiago from both sides. General Shafter has a
military map showing every rock and boulder and point of
ambush along the line. General Garcia is given much credit
for the manner in which he has obeyed his instructions from
Washington concerning the landing. He has also exhibited
great strategy in preventing the massing of additional Span*
ish troops around Santiago.
Everything is apparently now in readiness tfor he inevit­
able conflict. The Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Michigan,
which leave Newport News tonight by the fast cruiser Yale
will arrive at Santiago Sunday morning to reinforce General
Madrid. June 23.—(Special)—News of serious fighting
acar Santiago de Cuba has been received here. The gover­
nor of Santiago admits that the Spaniards have been obliged
to retire, but a Spani^ victory is claimed.
The minister of war, General Correa, it is announced,
lias received an official dispatch from Santiago de Cuba, an
xiouocing that an American attack on Punta Berraco has been
repulsed after a hard fought and bloody engagement.
Puenta BepBiflTls^uated a short distance from Baiquiri,
where the Uf^'d Sut^ troops landed yesterday. It is nearthe coast, and more completely under the guns of the
American fleet, from which it is judged highly improbable
tiiat the army has been repulsed, as ahnounced from Madrid.
Madrid, June 23—CSpecial]—Cable dispatches received
here from Cervera sa>’s that the crews of the Spanish warahips at Santiago have joined the land forces in defence of
the city. He added that the situation is critical, but a later
vdispatch affirms that the Spaniards victoriously repulsed the
.Dispatches from the Governor of Santiago de Cuba says,
**The attack on Seboney and Baiqukjcontinued until night•all. The enemy was repulsed exceptoiM^e left at Baiquiri,
where the Spaniards were obliged to retire in consequence of
a flanking movement upon the part of the enemy who landed
•geveral kilometers east of Baiquiri. The Spanish forces<re:tired into the mountains. Seboney and Beracco were des­
troyed by American shells."
Washington, June 23—[SpecialJ—A bulletin from Mad
rid announcing fighting near Santiago was shown by the
Associated Press to Secretary .Mger and General Miles.
“They expressed satisfaction but had no additional informa­
tion. General .Miles remarked that he expected fighting to'day and news showed the carrying out of what he anticipated
would be today's developments.


I track faeL J. R. Bush and M. W.
I Lon of >>w York, qualified la tbe
TbeBeadlook Wee Broken cm the |
beat ef tbe luo-yarde run. Tlffie.
888rd Bnllnt nt the KnUmnano
,.5 ^conda Wefere dM not eterv
J. H. Maybury of the C. A. A. aad F. J.
e^eetAl toTss UOAXIX.; Kbcoao.
OAlified in Ue eacoad beat.
'SalABAxoe, Jeee S3.—Protraeled;
TlBe, 10 3-5 secopda
, Y.y the Kalai
eenferracM amenr the leaderuj The abot-pnt was won by K. Sheldon
other couaUes were prodneUve of [ of New York, dietanee. 43 feet I 5-8
|iDcbea Tbe walk was won by W. R
The 30«tb ballot shewed that Btanrb FetterBaa of New York. Tii
aooaty bad taken away froB Stewart uiee. 40 4-8 aecoada
aad Oardaer tetbe ei^t of Y>^af|
^Uo D. Caapbell drbt votes, tbe
aatniny eirbt talnp divided equally
tatwMB Gardner end Stewart. Gard- Vot Batiaflod With the Oraad Baplde
Bsrie toul ea tbe ballot was 40. StewOonveatiM and WUl Put a State


•rt M. Smith l». asd OhtepTwU 8-

Ticket in the PleM.
^»ctol M Tni Mousirs Kscuan.

Jnae 33.—WaBhiactsa
Gland Bnplds, June 11.—Tbe Sound
Gardner of Albion won oat on tho 333d Money DsBoerato wiU pnt a ticket tfi
taUot. reeeiviar 53 vetea
the field this fall taeanM yesterday's
•oaVOailoB endorsed the Ckieaco platfOTB and left no ledfe for tbe yold
to kany upon. Cbainaan Shelby
Ule afternoon he would letne tbe
'Wm the Great Boat fcaee Afloat
eall iBtoedlately.
Tale and ifiarvnrd et Vew X«adoe. Conn.. YeetenUjr
•paeBRtoTUsMosvivo R«t>ad.
Mew London. Conn., June S3.^43or>
'adU won the yreat.boat race tbla after- Oblacee Torpedo Boat Brine Aaboto
ao^ after a spirited eonteeU Yale
aad 180 Men BrovneS. BnMiaa
aeeood. flarrard UM. Official tiae.
Warahip also Pamaced
OoraeU firat. 33:48; Yale second, :4:08; BpMlsItaTus Mosnsv Bseoim.
Barrard Third. 24:t».
liL Peterebury. June 33.-Infonaa-



tiloB has Just been received here Uat
durtay tbe reccat typhoon at Port ArUur a ChlasM torpedo boat d-etroyer
■anlta of Field Bporte in Obleayo
was drivea ashore sad 130 men drows­
ed. Tbe Rusaian warahip Simol Ue
•p^ai toTnUmise Rscuad.
Great, was damayed durti^ Ue
Ohteayo, Joae M.-Tbe aaaual etametorm.
ploMhip atoaveur athletle ualaa tans
•ft Park Ride this afternoon. A light
The Leelanaa fed aboat 800 |
nhi <eU before tbe yuBce and left tbe for dinner yesterday.



Will^’d at our store a full assortment of Kaccsbes
Fins and Caps—Ton will also see there the largest line
of Clotnlnx and Fnmishings in Northern Kichlgan—
Just now our “Special Sale” Suits at $7l60 interests all
who see them—Extra value—A cordial welcome to alL

the MAAOD, Asd only for a sport of
nos by the Colto In tto uloeky
AevABth the score wonid beve been
More even. The teAm work of the
nuBUere was rood except la ttat
leelor AAd while there no pArtlealerly
cxcitinc feetnres. the interret waa
held from the etert.
Cetee occupied tbe box end pitched
A c«od cAmA. MAstetee bee a etrona
teAm hot when tbe baeOen aet in awd
ferm with a IStUe more work toaetber
tbe Colto win be evenly mAtcbed At
TrAveree City went to tat first bat
BAde nothina in the first Innina. le
tbe eeooad Miller jtATtad tbe tail roUloa with A iwO'bAeer And mAde the
cmly eem of tbet innina on a pAseed
In the third, fourtb ad4 fifth no mns
ere BAde bat Miller ernBid tbe pen
Aaal* in the elxtb After avlBfi ta
oa tails. He scored after steallaa Mcead neeUy, aad profited by a line bit
by SnlfkA.
There were no more nans nnUl tbe
ninth Inainr. when a etrenk of heavy
hittina swelled the ecore of the hose
teAB by three Bore rune. Dye was
tbs firat to hit tbe tall and be poaoded
ont an eleanet two-taar«r- Pitman
WAS tbe next to do eometblna and sent
A fast one to center, eearlna Dye.
Boat bit to ebort and eeored Pitman.
WbeeUr Bade a drive to center and
eeored Horn. The side was retired
hex Miller wee cut At first.
The Colto storied in In tbs first Inntna and secured two rune. Moriesy
sinaled and WAS advanced to third by
AD error of Sovotuy end scored apoa
WUeon'e ebort one to Ceiee. W|,li
the plate later en a tardy threw
by Wheeler. la the eecond. third and
fourth there were no eeoree but two
were made in the fifth.
Morrlsey started in with a poach in
the ribu by a pllebed ball and want to
third aad home oa a paeeed ball.
Flynn sent a fiy to rlybl fo- two
einyle. There were no roes in tbe
sixth, bat in tbe seventh they piled up
five. Tbie was ao yreat yurpriae as
tbe eeventb is tbe place where UI luck
ttrikee tke KnetUra.
Conrad was tbe first up aad leaehed
first OB Teay'e error. Morrlsey latouied
out a three-bayyer aad Conrad was
It boma WUbon sent a eiuyle to
riybt and Morrlsey eeored.
first on FitBan's error, sdvaaclny WiikoB to eeomid. Ue scored
Binotee later.
knocked np n fly. wbick was foBbled
by bnifka. and allowed Flynn to ecora.
Tben Tbompeon saw a yood opportuniiy to steal acroes the pan. There
were no runs In tbe rlybU.
There were yeod plays by boU
MABA. includiny a fine doable by
Wheeler to Tony, retiriay two men.
Tbe Celts made a pretty doable when
were oat by Morrlesy's taut threw
to Behan and his sharp play to 8l
Clair. Tbe foltowiny summary aad
ecore by inniaye tell tbe story of tbe
A.a a. la p.a A. a.






\ iini

' Bert Wlaaie, was
! tor of tbe baton.
VUe Baade of Xuaic Famished la- ■airincten's Bead of Cadillac Carried | Barriaytoa's Military Bead of
off First Frim.
spiratlOB—BUberste Fleata aad
lilac to one of the bee*
Ooetnmed l>^ree Teams.
Tbe Band Coateet took place at tbe i etate. Nv. e--.
Owlny to dcisy la the arrieal of Ceatral eebool yrounde, after the bi,-‘i d-• . their
sktiiful .—.v—tres ..ocral a^
trains the parade was qalte late in epcrthii
stnrtiny. bat when tbe line cobThere were three bands contes-Jac . plauss jesterdsy.
Bsneed to move it made a brilliant ap- for tbe prises of »50. 8*5. and 810,
Creeeeat Band are sUll waltlay
and tbe delay only seemed
These reetrtetieas were pnt apoa ) fo, 0,^1, newyreen and eUver aalfecM
to make tbe epec'aton tbe
tbes; They were to each play, firat a bufYkey came ont i
qalekstep. tbm a march. There was
aUin yesterday. They are all
The fioato which carried tbe deyree to be ao Mcred Basic aorNatlenalalrs.
yeany boys but they know hew to
SABS were elaborately draped aad
The first to take tbe stand .was tbe play "to beat tbe band.”
decorated with buatlny and tbe MacHarrlnytoa MiUtary Band of >CadUlac.
Oelebraton Voua.
,bee colors, and tbe teams In their old
and varied eoetuBee were aa unique which played a meri insplrUy qulckCadillac did beraelf proud with aa
elep, aad In exeeUent Ubo. Tbe next IsaBcnae ouwd of yood people from
aad pletarvsqe featnre.
Another part of tbe parade that was pieee was eae In which the soft mellow ttat city. The Baaiyers ef tbe biy
macb eejoy ed was tbe Basic, there be- partA coatraaied vividly with tbe brOl Fourth of July eolebratioe to be ytvea
iny nine first elase bands In line.
lABt finale. The solo by tbe leader
there aad of Ue etoeet fair
Tbe line-Bpef tbe parade, ae well
place la September, seised the appBr
eepecially weU reeeived.
could be aotod in tbe yreat crowd, w
Tbe Petoakey baad was next in or­ tanity to tot ns know where n yood
as follows:
der. Ito quickstep was ealiveniBy aad Uiny to to be bad if we desire to take
(.'nele Sam on
heartily ci^rsd. Tbe next seleeUon edvaataye ol it.
Lorin Bebertt, maretal of the day.
was oa< in'which tbe totaeole. which
First Divisloo—Boys' Band of TmvTbe^loeal ehareb eoctottos fed baaCiij. 1. -kii. < ,.iu.
— "" "■.•-a. -U • —> pi— dreds to yood meals aad pat ceasMerd,. dmn. m.ior.
—iw *We Bouey is tbelr treasuries. Th^
The Kinyaley band
tbea eAlled-. ^ ^
^ .MUfiad aU
bera ef city oenaell and city officers in Their quickstep broayht iorlb considerTbe second piece with
open backs.
slowBovemsat endiay in a briUiaal
DlTlsioB Twa—Barrinyton's
.mule many new
tary baad of CadUlac, taditlac deyrto | strain was also very pleasiay.
friends yesterday b7 their efforts for
team oa float. Ctodillac tent aad rep-1 Tbejndyee, Messers White, Carver,
tbe coafort of tbe vtoltora. They aU
resenutlvcs of tents at ML Pleasant. | Howard and Thomas bronybt^la the did yood boAiseas, too.
Frankfort. HarrietU, Copeaisk. Lake ■ j—ee veii«»m:
Ann, fibenann asd Manistee. NorUCadUlae rated WH: Petoebey, 84^:
Thr swars of wild bees that “bivad”
port band and tooL
Rlaystoy. 80Hon Pat Barry's fish wayon Wedaeed^
OivUloa Three-Fetaakey band. PeCadillac tberefeee carried off Us firat must bare beea attracted by Ue widetoekey lent, repreecataUvee of Btospreed news that Us “Bees" woold
worU, Bastpori deyree team and Clar­ prixe.
swarm at Traverae City yesterday.
ion. Elx Rapids deyree tcaa on float.
Blk Rapids aad Williamsbury tento.
Kalkaska Bilitary band. Kalkaska de­
Mauy ladlca eontritatod u Ue yala
Xaay Oatae U oa Beory Ballraul aad
yree team oa float. Kalkaska tonL
^pearaaoe of the etreeu by drilay
by Boat
DivisioB Foar.—Maaoelona band,
O. T. M. colora The effect of the
exaocelooa deyree team on floau ManThe crowds Uet <a
white dreeaes and Mack aad red eankm
anpre- was very strikiay aad preuy.
ceioas L. O. T. H.. Guards on float,
Maneelona teat. KinyUey band. SIlyfat. oedsatod. aad tboayb it bad beea sapteat. repreaenUtires of Kinysley, Man- peeed Uai Ue railroads bsd made am­
Mot only ware i
to^, Fite Uke. Urawa. Maple City, ple aecomedatioas they proved all toe
Miwton, Empire, talon and Oton amall for the larye numbor who wtobed and prirato reeideaees prettily deeited bat many earriayes and Mcyelea
j to take la t^« yreat Boetiny.
Dirtoion Five—Croecent baad, Trav-, The reynlar G. R. A 1. train from tbe came ont in yay cedoa. flays and baateree Bey tent No. 136 aad deyree tasB jeooU at 8:35 broayht la 150. and Ue iny Ulny need wiU fine effecL
on horseback and In float, two floats japacial at 11:15 froai norUera poinu.
from Trarsrse Bay Hive. Ne- Tl. one WiU ton eoaehea, bad 500 paaeeayara.
The reyioa has reaeom to ta proedof
There were aereral specials on Us C. ito bram banda There was ecareely a
prettily decorated wtU ereryreene
and daisies and earrylny pretty ^to in A W. M.. oasfrwn Elk Rapidsbrinyiny mlaute wbea oae or aaotber was aoi.
wblto, bound toyeUer by a yellow eoab; 900. and ene from norUani points. playiay. aad Ue mnric woe of a btyh
Ue oUer earrylny Ue L. O. T. M wiU eleven ooacbea. crowded wlU 7<X> yrade. and exeeutod in a way Uaft
An imprortoad epecaal would do credit to Ue best a
yuards ia eaetame. carriarca with L
U. T. M. effijM>rs. Old Mission band, from Maatotee Crosalny aad aloay Ue yanisaiioat In the eenntry.
y of n r^ular eoaeb. way
deyree team. Traverse City teat. No.
871 wlU deyree team in eoaUme on ear and a asmber ef flsteaia,
iBpromptn eoaeerte srm a featanaf
botueback. Gnarde of Amanda Bive. crowded, evea Ue tope of Ue way car
Ue day and never taUed to attraeft a
No. 53S, on float, L. O. T. M. officers belay loaded wlU }oIIy


aad meaberu In decorated eamayea.
It to to almost iapoealble where ao
many unto were reprtseatod that
Btotakee la rsporUny sbould aot oecnr
but aa near as could be
above to a correct UsL

their friends. There were about Uree
hundred on board.
Tbe M. A N. E and T. A A. A. spec­
ial froB as far eooU as ML Pleasant
was crewded W saffocatlCB. Unre be­
lay over 1000 people in Ue fourtoen
The lead was so heary Uet tbe
traia was stalled eereral tiaee and ar­
rived two bonrslato.
Tbetay boats brouybt 150 passenyera. aad hundreds drove In from the
conatoy for ailee around,
iber of Ue epecial
y^y decorated, yivlay Ue trains «

Pretty Bieycle Featuie.
Tbe bicycle parade was an interestlay tenure. Nearly 100 wbeele beiny
line nad difficnlt evoluUoas were
1 n w s 1 in
pertoraed. The Traverse City fire det ^ I partmeat brought up Ue rear and
closed the parada
Maruhal Rcberu was ably iMtsUd by
a number of sides os horaebaek.
A feature of Ue bicycle parade was
Voaleal Motoo.
Ue larye number ol handsomely deoorated wbeds. Prises were awarded as favorite with Ue visitors .vsetorday, Ha
31. » I S 15
fellewe: Firet.—Unra Furtsch. piak
rtloas belay briybt and attracUre.
eostome. wheel eatirely blddea la pink
The Old Mtolon tand is a eompaiaroses; ArUor Earl, yellow aad white
new oryanlsation, bat it has
eoetume, wbMl trimmta la Ue sums
colora and decorated WlU marruerita. mdfie admirable proyruea nnder and yel­ dlreeUoa of ito leader. J. C Cnmmlnys.
> liefaAD lu 8L I'Utrv.
low coeume aad wbeeL yeUow rosea;
, Maneelona Maccabees bed yoed
PriedrieH. repreeaotlny Darie
■ iotaprondof Ueir bead. The
Ham oa patrtoUeally trimmed wheel.
quality aad qnaaUty of Ito maaic
Tbird.-Julla Kelley, as ebarmlay lllDeaU ^ Aa Old Settler.
wlU umbrella; alike eaeeUesL
Jndeaa Aadrui. a pioneer setUer ef
Carroll Bale, Coeua»e and wheel la
aot M larye
The Kinyaley band
Inland, died Wedneeday at Ue ad­
Tbe Judyen
I sosse of Ue oUeca, bat tbe qaallu
vanced aye of 77. Mto wile died many
Mtoecs Alma Deapres aad .
of ito mnslewasasyoodee tbonyb it
yeate ayo. but be leaves five dauybtora
Vader and Ralph CenaaUe.
.tatnd twine ae maay.
•ad four eons. Funeral
----------- -be beM today at Inlai.d. The taaeral
The Kalkaska baad to an old Urorite
Xxenniona oa Ue Bay.
wUl be conductodby W. 8. Jtado-----to Traverae aty and ito friands were
Tbe Qneea ef Ue Imkae ran two
of Uto city.
ylad to Usum to ito fine mnsle ayain.
enieioBS OB the bay ysMerday. one ;
Aboat •
4 p. m. and one at 8 p. a
Bobbery at OfeQlekrilla.
Tbe otore of Waltor OrelUck at Nor- baadred and fifty paeeei
meat aad yare eocue yood n
rtovlUe. was enured by barylare Wed-. rtod each trip.
The Oolnmbla ran Uree axenratonA
aeeday alybt and aboat 85.00 In ebanye
The Boys' Bead, la Uelr natty white
from Ue drawer. Tbe bnrylar U Ue aftoraooa At 3- p. m.. 4 p. m.
brake in a wtadow to yala natranee. aad 7:30 p. m. Tke eraaiay eaeurrion
to Neabtowaato aad 100 took adThe Store waa eatored U eeme way
«ay, aad Ueir Baste, as atnal. was
aboat tvro weeks ayo. bat Ue lorn Uea vaataye of Ua oppartaalty to ririt
yreaUy ea)c9«d. The dram major.
that pepntor reeorL
srae UyhL If toV-

. ............ 4
Nurouir, ih. ........ .. .4
Boirks, rt........................ 4
l>,r. l.f .......................... 4
.............. 4
Cates, p.






! J ! ;

! i 'i

; :

ifeli 5 m !:

Will A. Waite of lUntotoe. Uairmaa
of Ue PonrU of Jaly exocative eommittoe, aad P. T. Olemmlra. a member
of Ue
from Manistee yeeterdoy to yive TrarUily eolleettvaly and indivtoanUy
a cordial invtution toattoad the 8alt
City's celabraUoa.
a River Electric Llybt
r of Delon aad
trie teat at Ue <
FrMt streets, aad a larye electric elya,
E. O. T. M.. at. Ue
Front nad Ctom streeta. suaktay aa
evealny dtopley Uat added to the
brilllaaey ef Ue streeL These were
erTanyed by WUl Love.
Boteto Wen Boabed.
The Park Plane eerved aboat 300
people yeeterday for dinner.
8. Boyatem of Port Barna, Qrent Commaadar L. O. T. M. Fraanee E Baraa
Loato. MIeb.. W. O. Durey Bast '
Tawas, Great Reenrd Keeper, Rental
RalleyGraadBapida. J. C Tbnmpmm,
& L. Reed. B. C. Barm. OadlUae, a
Krayyer aad wlfa, KalkaUa, M B.
bw Petoakey.
for dlaaer.abent 100 belay from OsdB100 from Kalkarim aad 50 from
Amoay Ue yaeeto i
A. P. BnaUay. Bmplre. J. M. OaritU,
Ptotatarh rastaraat
JobaOniy. B. P. MtfhU. Chm BiBBUlmaa aad Oulver, aU ef
Cedar dlalay ttare.
TtaBerUportOnraetBaad Ulrtow
•treayfaratobedmaeken Ue Oelam,
bto amtalea from peiatooa Ue bay.

Edser B. SiDlib. of Detroit. Demoermt:
etteroey caoerwJ. KoyeJ A. Hewley. ol
-......... lead oommle■loaer, Cerlton i*eck. of Lapeer. PopuLet. euperlotendent of public laatruetlon. hirw. Florence Rcnkee. of Berry
ronnty. Kllver Repuhllcea: member
■tete board of eduretlon, Oeorye B.
tfUletta. of CelhouB county, Pupullet.

Ohio Ropublioani Sot a Now Pog
in ttio Way of Huatiing

Having for Its Objact Raaiatanee
to Aggraaaion by tho
United Statea.


lAKonre or aaAFrKS’ii rsoon.

Bwalla oi tha Btraat Oamaa.
Dstoltod Assswsi >7tC rtm Keve at laTlu ifMM ware atartad aa Froat
ativat shortly after 10 a'eloek.
Cafat* Station.
Flrat came the runalaff raee for boya
Cuba. JuM a—(Copyrtyht. im. by Aa- aadar ll jaaia of s«a. la this nsee
soetoted Prem.}—The army l•eaan toad- Allto CampWll won the Aral
iDx at Aquadorea. fifteen miles east of
Santlaito de Cuba. It is not expMted Ptaak Sladcr aaeead. sad Tony Pra«ll
that the disembarkation will be flnUhed I
for several da^a The fieri of tranaporu
^ »ollowo4 by a sad
which arrived off FaiolUac. on Monday 'race, which was woa by Fred Babin
disappeared Tuesday mornin* fur the aeti; Bay LaFarffs aaaoad and WU,
purpose of toakln* a demonatratl<» at! h.ifh. third.
polDiB east and west of Santlaco to d»- ®
eelve the Spaalarda rerardlnc the point
raea. asd
of actual landing. The demonstraklnn ! Jaah Probart won Arat, Lewis Swaia
;ward war made
aeoond and Frank Bakus third.
and that I o the westward t a point
The hartel race was won by Lonla
Swnio. with Fred Boblitoon a cioat aae’clerk, the hour supposed
ond and Moxie SteiabeiT third.
aaec been fixed for commenclni; thedlsIn the inyyard dash Levi T. Panalnr
tmbarkstlan. came and passed the exl>e<liil<>n w-aa in susjwni-c. but the ton eaany won Aral. Boy LaForga seosquadron lay rm-klne c<>ni|.lacently out­ oad and Will Snifka third.
side the little lay. About >;I8 a. m.
Next eama the alow blcyele race, la
the (ximbardmtot of the bills surroundihe vlllaRe of Juraxua. some alx which 11. U. Hill took Arat prtoc, aad
Berbert Hentacoe aeoond.
In the iwo-mile blcyele raee. which
rings of
. .
speeding to and fro was from the corner of Front nnd
atnunx the tran«|H>ru and xraduaUy. Onion airceto''to the comer of Front
though InpcrreptlMy. filling up with atTMt and Klmwood avenoe and back.
troops. At *;« Culan srv.uls a|.|H Bred Dan Feury of OadUlac. won first.
west of Dahiulri. and Immedlati ly the
New Orleans. Uachlan. Detroit Suwancs Charles Smith of Kaatpert. aeooad. and
N. B. UUl of this city, third. Tima, e
and Wasp Iwgan lonibardlng.
Portj--fl\e round* were fln-d Into the minnies 2 eeconda.
bush durtoB the iiisi rjuart.v of an
ThU ended the etreet rmnes. which
hour, and many round* In-m the quick- ware followed by the parade.
firing guns. Not a shot was fired In
reolxmse. At •:80 the first boat load,
cuntainlni; the men of the Eighth and
Stood Around aU VighL
First Infantry, surti*) fur the shore,
Last night for eome unknown reaaon
the Kaikarka deiefatioa of di were
foroed to wait all night At the depot,
on aeooont of aoine unexplainable dcr aeeident.

■a Haa4* tke ladlaae DemeeiwUc HUM
TMM-aywopelc of Platbinw.
ledleaapoHe. June B.-8imuel M.
RaletoB beede thi Democtatlr state
la WkMi the tn.h I rather to the
VrtMipBl Work fwlnc tkc SMtloc Dow* ticket aomlneted >-esterday. The conreotloa hed for tie prrstdinc offleer
«r tkc MrKUcocIlr*—Tbrrc Pantac U
Fona a herret AllUonr Attalast Tear
wichirtB nop Tocctkcr I'odor • oa*» Senator Turple end there were 1.82*
I'BcleMaai la Whlcb hpalw I> T> »• tadelecalea present Turple's speech was
_Womaa I'poo tkc Ttrkrt—Icaioac Oo. loudly cheered. He Indlrsted distrust
Lajxled Hartoe. at Maatto.
■wraer Mccta 0««r t,»oo Mnas mmd
London. June «.-The Madrid correZ>f«U>M lt» View.
Bpnndent of The Daily Mall says: "ReCalumbui. O.. June tt.—The RepublicItoUe Information has l«n received in
or sute convi'Bilon }^Utrday wu u
diplomatic ctrcles here from South
pecord bn-Lker. lu WMlon iMted lea
America that preliminary- slci>a are beIten two
(«o noun,
houri. era
ud nuici
uoct oi
of ithat Uree
Iny taken to summon a cunfervmc of
wss devted
dpvtcd tp Jtnai-attng
jt'pci-cUng e
• Bcmaii mU
all South and Central Amerltan repub­
, After the
the contmt
lics to consider the advlaablllty of
t'wi^ onmaadoptlnr defensive measures apainst

“ ’
Five ttomfuture ayKresaioQ by the United Slates.
c made «ithln twelve min­
The HlKimno-Aroerlcan repulillcs see
utes, iBcIudlDA the pmenUUna end the
danirer In the prospect thatshe moment
eecoBdlEK B|k«ches. The delecetea.
the I'nlled Slativ has erected its pur­
After the ronvcntlui. perfcttediupennepose In t'ubn It will week to extend Its
Beat on;anlu(l<m. were ell Henne men.
liiTluenee and aulhorltf over the Finn­
If the teetinne were not comptetrly
ish si-eakina tvpuldii-o. In countries so
wiped out they were et lee*t ebut out.
subject to rrvoluiloiuiry uutlreaks It
^bere wee wimi- doubt ezprreeed ee
would be an .way task for the I’nlted
to two of the twenty-one membere of
the elate tenlral c.mmltlee-Rrown, of 1 -Coacemlnp the dl.puaal of our mUl- Stales to foment liuurrertli.nnr)- moveToledo, end CrwUthold. of Deyt..a-but I ^ ac<julaUJ>.na. and of the aubjecte aienls—as (he H]«nisrds claim has lieeTi
done In' Cuba—with the obleci of finally
incident I
! pendlQK, the} may well be remitted to Iniervf nine and ahsorbinx these stales
ln>llvii}tia]ly or ilarlny them under Its
the future lu which they l*l..nK."
The piatiorm uhUb was adopted ef- l•n•l^<•tlon
Will Dellberste la Brevet.
arms that the | n sent war' w
ith Spain
Uaana for the nezi year. Whll- In auch U Just and rl«; fsv<.
**T^ l.Mln rei>uhllis an.- ftrmly re>'<ira such a
full sway there wtrv some who wanted permanent s(Teni.*lbt.nlne of the navy soU'ed to resist. Hence the conference,
to remove Charles 1.. Kurts aaj.he Ohio of the United Stotio and (uaal dehnses the drliberatbins of which w.ltl be con­
member of the naUunal hepul ll> aao>m- as shall Insure adequate ppUwUon, ducted in s<-(Tel. The conterenre w-|t1
Dlttee, but Hanna'a closrt frttnd* per- ecwlns' furtlitn acRressiun; liberal pen­ not meet until after the (x>ncluiilc)B ol
vented even consideration of aveb ac­ sions an- advcK-au-J fur the sur­ the prevent war. The Latin republics
vivors of the edvll and present war. wish to sec how the Ameticans will
Basbaell Coacplraoas by At-Mwerw
On the ensDclBl quesUuD tb>' i>lalform treat their Culan pralexea, and also
Oovernur Busbnell was not in the atflnns with emphasis loyally lu the whether they will extend their opera­
convention hall yesterday, and none of Cbicaco platform, and the tariff plank tions In Porto itlcn, a territorial aphere
hla app'dntees was present to hear the reasserts ' the DemoerwtU d-wlrlne that which. It Is contended, should be kept
readJne of the last reooluiloD in the all tariff taxes shall Iw laid for revenue apart from the Cul>an question, as the
platfomi. which Is Kenerally acce|>ted as as their sole object and purpose." The Porto lUcana
aatlsfled with Sfmnoairrn svavas Barvt.asrip <n
uncoffipllnientary to the imvemur and Dlnirlcy l•lll is necrsaarily denounced.
lah rule. Should the dntnits of the Amer­
the dlBseiillny Republicans In the leicls’
The platform cmphaslaes "our re­ icans In Cuba and Porto lUco confirm
Ulure Dunn* the recent leylslallve In- treated dKlaralloni In favor of t^e elec­ the belief that they wish first to con­
vesUretion Cyrus Hullnc and H. H. tion of I'nited Stales aenaturs by the trol and utllmately t« dominate the PrxKlIgloua cheering frutp
flyIlaucherty were the ettome}-s of HaO' people." Bryan was thus Indorsed: "We American continent, the whole of the
- the
sa. Hullnc
j yesterday niade'cbalr- express our undlminlshed corndence la Br.uth nnd rentraJ Amertcan republics Ing from vessel to
aquadrnn. snnuunre
the miimentous
man of the i
William J. Bryan, our pe- rlriis leader wilt form themselves into a federation. fact that the AtT>pri<-an army had begun
TVi.ehrrty Is ►
; for thi rhalrman- la the national campalcn of Itat. and afTTeelnic (n make common cause with
ve lUiiBilllie. we note with much cratincatUin hla any one of them which may c»>me Into a landing on Cuban skII. the honor of
setting the first foot on the Island fall­
s dtfralrd for ■ alrktlc course In leadinc lu the de­ conflict with the Cnilrd Slates.
ing to a detachment of the Eighth In­
Ot bouse last fense nf his country a reclmenl of olUHpala Uhely To He a Party.
fantry that was towed ashore by the
>ted by sen soldiers "
‘T hate reason to believe should the tug Wampatuck.
the- RtpuUleaa
slated for
The fuU ticket nominated was as fol­
This Important operatl-n thus sue•ecretary of the
lows: Secretary of state. Samuel U.
cecsfyllr completed without loss of life
neb«4 and nattorm Kamaiary.
Ralstno. Itofine county: auditor of state, elusion of an anrevment btndinir each or accident. lbe\roo|« on land formed
sue iii-sei lua. was nominated U John W. Minor. Martun ronnty; lre«s- of Its units to keep Up a certain mill- and moved up and away to quarters
as follows: Pecretary of aute. Charles urer of slate, Much Doueberty. of Welle tan and naval forte. Thus the leaaue without eunfusion. A force of mounted
Kinney; supreme Judee, W. T. P|>esra; , county; attumey cenerml, John O. Me- would be aUe to dispose of the confed­ Cubans, which had t>ern ui|der cover
cktk of supreme ourt.J.»lahB. Allen: 1 Rult. Vl*c cuMy; clerk of suprrmt erated army and navy In case of con. during the bomhardirent. no.w arrlv>-d
food and dairy comrolmloDcr. J..esph JL I court, Henry Warrum. Marh.r. county; filet with the rnll.-d States. So doubt and congratulations were exchanged.
Blackburn: memlrer of the board of pub- ] auperinicndeDt of imbllr instruction. W. Is entertained that Siatn wilt take a The InhabiUnts of the village, assured
works, a. Jt^rs ’■--------''
i B, Sinclair, Klarke county; state sutls- lively ImerrsI In the srhi-me. It It even that the worst was over, came outThe platfcwm outside of reafllrmlnc Udan. James R Cuthrle.
thrle. Brawn Min­ consld-nd likely that she may
colored wiinen and cblldran erveptng,
the St. I-ouls dcclaratIpD romes out for ty: state ceoluylst, Edward Barrett, the league, ennirifauting the weight of,. into
sul t-e**-..'
sight from rubU-rrancan
a laryer na\-y; Indorses the priwidem's Hendricks county.
. ind nav,-. How r:ir •h.-r^.ject) At Il:» a detachme
pollo'. furelcn and dnmcstlc: favort
Judees of the BUpreme court—Pecond will
realised It is Int] • «*li ) to say. Mamarhuactis volun'
yuffrace-fnr f.ldlers: haves the dlsp-sl- district, 1-rar.ard J. Hackney. Phelby The rivalry of Chile aru ,Vr; .tine for . the shore, and by noon pralaUy AM*
tlon of comtuerrd terrltcny to the wis­ county: Third. James MrCat«. Warren suiramao In South Awj^^lrr^t^sy^Wp^^
ju,a tanded. Other delarhmrnts
dom uf conyresa. and advocwlrs a mod- d-unty: Fifth. Timothy E. Howard. St.
Mcatlnn of the lat<«t of Cli vrland's Jos'ph county.
i certain ezliTt
extensions nf the <UI1 service law. The
Moalnc res-ilutloB culnclies Marcus A.
lltANCO rolt'LAR I
a and approves the actUm of those
Ilmyir. BartboluHla
rapaWlslaitors who voted for him. and
. Edyar Brown. MAS GEKHAMT l.AM>KD ■ARI^WHr Altoged AtlempI to tto HtosTplsa
commend tarty loyalty
a. •
Havana. June 2S.—|<'..pyright. ISM. by
eveo’where as essential to the triumph
In Her Oar at Manila.
of our crest .
saoelattd I’raaa.J-There I* absolutely
London. June 21-The Itally Near
the wise administration of the executive
o fuundaili n for the rnwrt published
>AKOTA rt-bioxitm
Btenieot. alleg'd to come
affairs of this state by the beads of the
tempt to
from a cu.Tr*,«nuc.ik aev.iis
various departments. pUrr^l In authur- Aym* oo rtaUonm That Ate Ft
Ity by the RepuWI:an_party.
g.«d information, timt the occupation
fa Uari»o.a).


eal eonvoy, "Oar Ooblias or Fan on
the Bhlaa." waa rlraa brfaro a very
large andleaee U St^abcnFgQraad last
eveBlBg. The eompany. which to
jBt of Bhojamin
lalt'es during tho aeUoa of the play.
The orehoatra of Staii>borg*o nndar the
fIroeUon of Prof. Horaf gara a
The Cohan Crealaa, who rare aneh n
ami entertainment at Ataiabarg^
Sraad eome time age will play a eooond angagameat Joae ao.
the Boys Band gave a bop U 8t^eerg’s dancing ball laat ovealng, aboat
oae hondtvd coaalae wore preoeat.



TUBce i-AimyK gkt togktiirb.
Ucaai to Michlcsa.
Grand Rapids. Mich., June 2*. — la
their stale conventions yesterday the
Democrats. Silver HepubUcana and
SHtpullfts had less trouble Ic CelUnc
tOffeUier than Usual. Tbcre was very
little controven'r over division of the
ticket, and the platforms do not conmet
on any easenilal point. The hamonluua
aillon U due mainly lu the InOusnoe of
Daniel J. Camoau, of Detroit, who to


r mile, whlc
stained Py i
fur c
p right
of .-oi-sollda:
It Initogutal
. . .
lot low ever enacted In the state deSlgUi-d lu plevenl Coercion of the votes
of Workingmen by corporaloms: It en­
acted the nrni piuclical and effective
* law fur ihr protection uf mithanlca'
liin*: It n-icaled the law which practiesUy exempted mining companies
from taxation, sr.d curniwlled them to
pay their Just share of lax.a "
The war with S|«li> Is Ind'irsed and
Its vigorous pr. «c«-ull<>n adtocaied. and
greetings are sent to Hon. WUIara J.
Rtyan. our standard haarsr In the great
national c*«ie« of 1M«. and we assure
biro that he h«* to the fullest extent
•or confidence and regard."
•nie nine i-lacea on the ticket were
divided equally between the three jartles and the nomlnsllon* wciv ratified
In Joint convention last nlgm. the com. pleie ticket leading as follow-#: Oovernof. Justin It Whiting. «f Pi. Clair.
Peroocrai. lieutenant guveronr,Michael
T McDonald, uf Fault Ste. Marie. Ucraotrut: secr.iarj- of state, D E. Ixwkvood of Coldw-ater. Populist: auditor
general. John U Friable, of Hlllsdala.
AOm Republican: tUlc treasursr. Or.

ErikL'S: rrs."

flclal news arrives l-y way uf Hong
Havsna-^ctodKung. The communU-aiU.n p uce.ds to Ing the volunteers, and Is reEurdriffwIth
aaj-. "Over a month ago Admiral Dei e>utmost . onfldence as the represenpre|<ared to IsimUrd Manila. Aims tollvc df Ppanlah sov reljnty. The Cuover, a new factor was i hans admit that they are under obJuncturi
BltuaUun. The Oerroi.n : Ugutlvna to (Jeueral Itlanco for the esadded 1
un precla.' instructlusis '^taliltsbment uf autonomy In (he Island.
Which had Just arrived by th. GtnnaD
w aniilp Irene. sUungly uppuiu d a b.'m.
. ^
bardmenl. Tm-we inatruillons wer.l>«"’l’l‘‘cIcsT dnd categorical and 'meDated dte frequently the o
s of .patriotic
r«-*-lly from i:mper<ir William’s oabtoet
"It was then that Admiral Dewey demonsiroilnns. and that be has no feat
'!y lnd..raed, Afte
asked fur reinforcements and supplied ! of o»assln*tl.m Is shown by the fact
It an (Mual ai Trage plank i
Agulnaldo with arms. While Oermaay - Diat fie often rid*-* out without escort,
gathered a nax-al fon t- uie IntentloB at vis ’lng the fortifications about Havana
Derlln was. ll nut to lak. porsesaiod ofliriU'ul the attendam-e of the usual
Mwulla. ut K-asl tu • ..oiaTalc in the b"':y uard.
The BUD Of Fred llsnson. of Holland, landing. Admiral DeAcy'* forie not t'*- • retons In Havana. The preatesl con­
ing suHlclent tu pru':-vi ( Inter- llu.ov. Ih f'-1t that the Pi«r.l*h forces
Wla. has disappeared.
the AroeriOne nion rase uf yellow fi-ver at Uchls part inform.-.! his gov ernment dl i ‘wn soldier* w ho are ret-rlcd to have
lieiiiy. Mies.. Is rep .rtcd.
The National InstUuteuf Homeopathy the situation, and jwveral Interviews ; urtlv.-d on 1.uar4 transports off the hartiw'k
Is great
Is In wesaton at Omalia.
Joi n Thomas'hurts was banged at ambassaaor. the result Wing that It I Mitl.ustasm among the iraoia and voU
was d.cid,-d that Captain General An-! unt'-era. who are all anxious to fight
St. D'Uia He was Mrangled to daatb. gustl
should appeal l<x ihe furvign war- iogainrt Ihe ’’Invader*."
The official idurulltj of Geer Utep)
al Uanllw. excluding the Ameri- i *'aptBln General Rlanfo denies that
• fi>r govi-rn-v of Or*'gun sras lO.SK; shl|« u
rmsjorlly, L.KS
I! foi'iie. It i;. A. Crafton. retired, of
I' the ari.iy. <..■- ! at U'ashliigtun. aged
’•It was an Indirect waj of cspltulai- giueral ssj* he ear.not allow- the ex­
change of IJeulenant Hobson and Die
' ih* ltusB:un Bhlp
doubt Admlraf von Die- j .'ther mernWra of ihe-iiuriy who sailed
' .-1 Noumea. N. dcrl. Its has taken ommnnd of the 1 the M'-rrtmac into the nv-uih «'f the
*r..;-ira were delanded, althnagh he has not harUtr at Bantiago de I'uha. for the
lieutennni nnd h's *^>mp-oaesal.'n In liealf of German I n-sson that t
-vn-yt Edwarta'
eelng the
. when the
I'., rii' d to Itarun fon-emt
r-ngi. provided the hla fur.-s to re-emlt#rk? The whole
_____ _ ____ ___ __ ___
u d-.esr,question lies ihcre."
lllierty aa pr«'pfq"-d hy the
H..- iwir-.-.s teading into InWUI Fight Hawaii 'n>nmg1t.
rnli'-d Stat.s- Captain Grmral lilanoo
a rale uf I cent
Washington, June 22.—The antl-na- eddud that he had not forbl<ld<-n the api< doriag t;i. Ki-.igbt* of Pythias
ncxallnnlsts lu the srnate privately proarh of vcssi-ls beariag flags of truce,
mpmmu ."-xl A'vuat.
w :dciy knowii as m auggesled to the Hdx*K-ati« of the Ha­ but had only <>rd*r*d that no vessel be
■t andeniomoUglst, waiian n-s.-luti.m that the must prac­
nd a <:i
of Bulllt
111 van tical method of diBixHi ng of thequesilon

... p.-..--.--;.!

___ promises ..
make an aggressive campaign. The
popuiisis made their platform less
radical than heretofore, and SI thi-lr
regu'Sl the Democ-rata Inserted a |^nk
in favor of the Initiative and ref.-rsndum. though it to aot In the usual
language iisrd on that subject. The
Silver Rci>ui4lrans also modified their
plallo rtn. s.i.d,n* the fim npori ba<k
to the commltKe for revision to make it
n aii.irdance with thuIK-raocratlc
deriarati. n*.
The lo-inocratic platform roalfirma alIcglarre to the rhirago platform of
IKM and makes the Mluwlng decUrutlon on Slate affairs: "We call atten­
tion tu the fact that when the Drmo.
crall^ party cam*- Into j*.w. r In this
Blale In HM.' f.'r the first lime In many
year*, ll
• • • passed a law com-

Aberdeen, B. D.
21—The Pnpplist. Ih-murratic and Sibver Repufean
centlnns hat e adopted
d plaift
pracilcallv the same. They favor
free eolnace of silver at 1« to i. are un­
alterably cpisnwd lu the ISBUantv ut
bunds In times of |>eace or war; opprMu d
to banks of lasu.. arid In favor of yov-'
ernnuiil Isauaiuv of money. They opprore of the war iwlnc waited and de­
mand Its enerceiir pruw-i-utlon: de-


s dead.
Net*., totally de«n-y.-d the J-llxc'-rald building, ocrupled by H. I>.
i, wholeMle grocery,
an*1 tbi- HeMrtcr thtoisiij c-umpany.
iial luoa Is roughly estimated at

has not
tally dri-llnrd. the
Topeh*. Kaa.. June 21—Governor
they V
Lardy has aunoimccd that Jaroee Itoek.
of Riley county, and John U. Drowo. of
Lotidun. June S —Reporia from Ma­ Topeka, will be the majors of th* two
nila any a spcrial dispatch from tthaeg- nvgro liauallons to be raised lo this
Apitalllng desuu. lloD was caused by hal Indicates the cxlsienfc of fears that stau. The tltvutenant ccvlonelcy has
a recent snow- >t .rm In I’aui-aala. In' Benina Augustl. wife <>f Cactoln Gen­ been offered to iJt-uirnant Toui
uing. of
adrtIUon tuthe loss .if tlilrtj -five huraxo eral Augustl. and her children, have Ohio the sacend nvi
lated at
UV.-S uvfT *.W burses, nearly 30.000 been maaaarred by the rebels on the Wes* I'oiat.
cattle ard ii.v(u sheep, gnau. etc., were
• Metrltl IS Mari oa Meoday.
The Inier-BtMte Fberlffs’ assucUUoa
Ran Francisco, June 2L—It to now
.................................................. 22.—Will.
at Its Cuuot ll Uluffa. la., mi-eiiiig elect­
procttcally decided that General Merritt
ed the fudowlng offirers; I'rcsldent. J. tom Ald?n Hmith was yesterday rvnom- aad hit ataS and headquartets, InctodJ. Trorapen of Lm.-oln, NeU.; sccre- Insted by acs-lamatlon as ivpresi-ntaiH
tng a large force of clcriw. win take
If- the -----Firth Michigan
dl»- passage on the Newport with the fleet
tarr-treasurer. W. G. Davenport, of
Btonx Oty.
that is to Ball next Monday for Mawii.

Attomaya at Law.
Nhess IB MoeterM Slock. Tiatowftty, Hlch

Id HereasUlr Oo. Block.



'PbtoMo tea. 191. W;________________ •


Mr. aad Mra. A. P. Hoogb, who have
been viaiUng frienda in the city tot, ^
aome days left yeeiarday for Grand,C. WalltoandmS
Bapida and Jackson.
' " '
P.U... « Kon». I.
I btelle_________
lArior. wtUrei
Mr. aad Mra. Wia. Porter of the Popter Ilona* of Korthport. came up from
NorthpoH Oh the Maoeabae cxenraloa ___ HI8CELLANBUUB WA*TB.
Among Ue visitors from the North- ^
port L. O. T. M. were Meedamm Chet

L.ok., .bd 0.8 Bddd. F 'f„;sd7;.'a5ir‘rf'srtyri.'’£
Arthur Volee.auditor of the Stager !lywu.itowa*hiagtoe*-r<ei. »»tt
Sesrlag Machine Co., aad wife«wer* in |’■vrncx sov wAjrTXt>—gppB to
town yeeierday during the oelebratloa.'cnyUi-beeOo. iw-n_______

-------------------------------------------------■WMI*. Or. a O Ashlow.

Win Btwle .the popular fruit oomie-1
■r of Korthport, w
It yesUrday.
Mrs John Saabern of
•d lows yestarday.
___ ___

Marie NeUoa
Lee __
aad her
Mra Netoonof Maaisiae. railed en frienda In the city yesterday.
Mr. aad Mra F. A. Mitehal and child :


:tfPtO\-*D—We Cl
iMeOraw BalMlog. Detrehi

cxcuralanretDraiag after the parade. i W ^^^^‘chy^uss^'o!
Arthur Oehbard leaves le4»y
• tpoR a*Lg-otw .wt«
two week’s vUit in B^ Rapids.
r_oLHas-ard wkiimg.
BOILXK for sals, luqalfw sf
Uls and Charlotte. Hto (dace
placa on Ue' A
aty Uiaber Co._________ taf
mall rout* will be taken by Jra Skiar.'
Mtos Vl^iaia Garnou of Nortbpart ^
waa a neat la the city yeaUrday.
MotrAUr flakfAmaaf &e Lelaad vtoitora wars M ibeTrwvciweOUyLaiBbsrOck
Couaty Traaanrar L. B. bogfe. Past wryaMTuy-A lew booTb . Apply tojtov
Commander K. O. T. M. W. C. NeW ■ W rrwe oty Lwber Cc_______________
Uhuuaant Will Cook.
Oouaty Oommiaolonor Goo- W. Meoja- OW MMoo. taraal*- VUItokeualacamberad
min, Mra JamM WalU, Mm. Lewto
n m»
Grobbin. Mtoa Bthal aad FaBuy Ulalaw. Napoleon Pantua. Cbariio Paolos.
Dr. Payaoof Sutton* Bay aad Mira { If JOB don't
Jack Litaey came up on the Columbia
5 see what you want
Among the Korthport vtoltma ware
Bar. P. Whitman and wife. Geo. Dama
aad wifa. Sobe Dame aad wife. Maratoa Dame, Will Kelsaa. Walter NelIn the Want Column of
aoa. Oecar Bwbblaa. Waltw Lackio
The Record.

and th*Mto«M Millie Buenanrar, Ger­
Don't eo*t ntueh.

tie Voioa. UlUaa Pataraon, Mra Mserto


u*. J**



Oolnmbia left
for oorwpora
lo uoiamoia
leiv lor
loat Umtsv :neddee Can oe or sddM F. F. BcOlinf at 10 o’clock and roturaad Im- dm%
modiataly. beinr In the dock randy
forkarroffular trip this morniaf. The
Cremmat left Vorthpart T-Urday
morniaron her uenhl Umo. earryl
notbiny but frelykt, the Col
Ukiay the paaaeayer traffic.
f''^Tranra^iy*^Bbes^. *
The Wffe Aliee M. <U11 caiaa la
last nlyht from Baal Bay Icavlny taBaaled Propoaala.
Koti««Ub*rrbT yirva >*** sealsd peepoMls
wUI to secritsu aoiU 3ulr I’. * p ta^ tor all tobsraad ■Bterialtor a *rboc4 bouw »i OM

-- sioplaos aadsprvUIrsttOM
-Chicago. June zi.—itecoros
23.—Records at base
i>as« so* oe til* at ay ol9<^
oBrr #i
»l ri|.
ri|.1 Mta*loa. Tas
clubs yesterday :rtgkt urajaet any aad oil Md*
ball mad* by lo-agur

mri>unr-New Turk 6. Pitts- »» *'
wi rr: At Pitt
bbrg J®: at Cblmgo-Boolon 1 C
D—fourteen Innings;
' timer* t, Cincinnati 8:
' I waatlhlny palrsof sto
m 0. X»ulsvm* 8; i
en day; 3 of as ar s
shoes; woriide
—Philadelphia «. 8t. Louis 2; at Cleve- bring
your s^;_worii
dose w^ yon


1. ci.v,i«a t
Wester. Leagur: At Columbna-MH- =1------- Ftyao. im rrom swoet.--------------

Omaha—Bt. Paul
Good Shinff ftir MaooabaM.
•titnUona aad halp to buUd Uen ap.
and the Panlaaular
. . Mutual Fire Inenrif Jaekeon.
Mick., to ona
aaoe Oo. Ltd. of
Han. B. J. Whaley to iu
a. D. I). Aitkeu aad D.
P. Markey are membere af iu Board of
Diraetors and are naiag thair I
to make it a sneeeaa. Geery member I
of ita board an firatdlaaa etUxena aad
erall kaewa.
Call 0* Ua afent at Travera* CIW for
tnauranee on
churehaa. eto
B. H. Alltf, AffaaU


with Sari, the Jewelvr.

John R. Santo,
Senral lisiruct.



8«ond Tear-No 367


, PARTtt
Two C«atfi,

Miebirnn bonae of repreeenutires, [ Jnne. isn, In Port Hni
In list be I aaoney in tbe letter b
wnaelect«lten*d*err*dtwo t*rm.*ajw*nl to Weakemn. 111. nod pemodiit ap^lly: beenme diaoonmcod Utd
nad aberUy nfter I tbronrb the blrb aebeol of tbntelty. | dkaraetod with tbekceennaaof b
wet admitted to ttbe Bapreme Teat In IMS. after tbe war broke onL
MMlved to fratlfjr
out. tbe
tbe'' MBmetltioB
eompoUtioB. ead
and reaoleed
and aleetod aapreme
_____ war apirlt broke ont and be ! bla yeotbfal ambtUoa hj eemlnflo
which offioe ha Itea einoe and now fill* i retnmed
bU natlre home la tbU Ue BUtee. Ue Unded In New York
wlU front ability.
Ue bea become igUle end ..
after ealiated ea e pri- end bled bU war te Keeoommoo. Kleb^
e tztnre la tbe order, nad all tbronyb | eate la Co. C.
bU of&eiai Urma baa bean a freat aid | ry. He wae
dto tmtUeataot. a wetl-knewa li
to tbe toBBder of Ua Maixabaaa.
| aai of Ce. L of the eame refii
kefoa, and ooatlaned as ■aporlatoa'
fore leariof Ue atete: la 16«S bn i
dent of bU lamberinr operatSooe tbacw
Boa. W. B. Lintaa, of Saflaew,
to eaptain of bla eoaape
aatU Oetobar, 18»4. when be wae ap­
od two termae. rraat comma.der
pointed to bU preeeat eSoe.
marked ability. Tbe freaUet nnmeri.;
pB^maat, mak- married nod bae a family of two beya
ealfrowih et tbe order la any
lay an honorable rmmrd ae a wsldiar.
and two flrU. Be balooga uUeor>
year wa. dnrlaf hU laat year-i admla-. He ha. held lheoa« of eupreme tee- danof P. A A. M.. 1. O. O. F.. Wood*
Ulrailon. bir Kalfbt Llatoa earred i. ^
orfaalatiea of Bten of Ue World and K. of P. Bo
eoDfreae Uree Mrm. after bU retire-' Uie aopreme tent. He wee neemimooe- I became a Jdaoeabee aerea yoaib afOr
meat na freat commander, and
ly elected Tice preeident of Ue aetloasleeted yreat first mastar oF
a., po.1-,
I. i.«.
1rarJ. i., .cd.«U«. .1 lUM Im
enpreme tent. lOMle iu leedeib blind lion
Tb« •t«i7 of tbe
MMwbM* I tb« Bm
I ho«M ml*i Bode
imi. p.,t
(. im. .
h. b- .1» p^-ded » okai, „„„ „ „„„
.. (W
lurmi oa« of Ue paott thrUliar »»d ' trotled tkie dcBUslM ot Use nee ter ITS to tbe order’s fotore. Ropnton end .kieh
tbe Ulcblrnn lender* went to the andnBBtle ebepter* le ell bUterj. esd !
***“ ’*■
jone of tbebestejcecalir-Uat cityerer; Baplda in ISOS, and re-eleeted final
precae teal for one purpose
t reed tbe
•TORT or rma mookuc rneTtuunTT.
Father Boynton ehowed hi* kaewl-'
Be la a wUly, eontlaclaf epeak- lleuteadant-oemmander at Laaalnf la
iof* nfBrdiof tbeee Bseleat protoThe hUtory of Ue modern M*«en- naked for no offiee, They oaty desired edfeofmea when he reUred from Ue
deeplte Ueflfir yearn of kUMIM. which office be aaoa after raalfa'
nad they pot it.
typee u reeorded In tbe Piret end See- beee baa been one of toU end etrapyt*
it at acUre aed riforona as' ed.and m
1 by Great Oeu>
•nd •eoke of tbe Mnocebeee wltbont ecnlntt isunrmonaUble difiealtles. .
>der Boynton to fill n raeaney is

belBf iiBipreMed wUb the rnndeor et Few meaabara of the order of tbe Mae-1

be now bold*) in ay ...............
~ Kaiybt •I
1 Ue o«ce of yroal rooord kpepar.
tbeetwp nod the lenone It tencbee. enbees, eitber in tbe Supreme Tenter I®' Flint, nod A. Basaett. of Detrolv
Tboma* Waleoa, Ue preeeat yreat ro-; Past Commander U. D. AiUen, of *°^’^^ uarrKJiAtrTKXMiHaJtOSB nau.
Jndw Uneenbes*. tbe lender of Unt Or«,
..uld. .1 tk. TO. .k. ■["
cord keeper, to bU present poaitioa. Flint ex-oonyremman from Uia state. I One «f the moat fortnaato appoint'
naeleBt people,
a warrior and a eoaaUtnted Ue entire membmbip of They secured tbe pawmc« of as amaadwhich at that time became racaoi. Ue < aad wbe was prominently mentioned ! Bsnta of late years In Us yrsat
rnler, wboM o^r more modeni bUtor> Ue latter branch In IMl, reallia to­ ment of tba Uwa proTldiar for a aspaeonld not hare found a more competent: two year* ayo for yoremor. is too well next to Uat of Great Record Keopor
Uoe of tedep ere p1eetni< beeide Alex- day. afUr a decade and a half, what rate jarisdlctioB wlU full oootrol of
man for that Important oUos bad ba kaowa U U* past htalory of Hiebiyan Thomas Watsmi, which it
•nder end JoUne Certnr.
Ue etrofflea made afaiaat o*«r> tbe deaU benefit food.
Great Commander Boynton's dn^ *0
aearched U* entire atoto CTer. Ndt-1 Maaoabeelam to need IntrodneUaa.
Briefly eUUd tbe etory of Ue an-) whalmlnf ohataclac. what pnttenon.
It was largely due to tbe nntlrUf wlUsundlny Uat 81r Knlyht Wateon { Hs was bom Sspt 5. llSi. U Flint
olant Mneonbeee U UU; Aftor Ue [ peraereranoe aad
work of Father Boyntop that Ue yreat wa* an aellT* a*piraal lor yrsat com-1 Mich., and hit »rly life was spent on
deaU of Alexander Ue Great an In- waa required to brinf UU kaifbtiy
Dsrere HaU. of Bay City (to fill
oaae «orU naamd AaUeobiie ruled Ua order ont of Ue paths of fallurs and camp woe lu way to a sare fooilny mandsr ayminst KaUer Boyston. the * f^rm. and attondlny Ue district
cy). and Us yreat eamp appi
eastm world, aad aaanmed to oenUol place ft ea the klfb road thatled oa to Be beUered it bed Ue yerm of eeme- Utter Urew .aWe all feeliny. if nay ,ebooU AlUen beyan Ue atady of
UU faet two yean aye by electiny his
aaeh existed, and coaaiderod only the u*. and after
Ue empire that bad beea ae majeaUe- tnoeeee. Few of Ue air kaifbto Urday,
worU aad mine of Ue man. and exerUmoaeot aneUat Mi
book-keeplay. by aa orarwhelmlay majority.
aUy ooaatraeted and ably cementod by anjoyiaf Ue protoetien afforded, pareleed kla yood jndyment in maklny Ue school teaebiay. etc., b* ayaU rsad Tore HaU U Ue maa wbe stand* in Un
Alonandar. The^wp^ had anbmitud UdpaUnf U tbe beoefiU haatowed. that bad premptod^ts oriyinal fonadappointment AU eonoede be made no Uw aad wa* admlttod to Ue bar U front rank ns a leadlay lawyer at thn
U Alaai^toMDaejUa Uttar bad abariaf Ue broUarboed extendod, ers, and more Uaa that be knew, ae
Bir Kaiybt AUkM eomes of Micbiyaa bar aad baa sneeamfoly eonaaror Ulfirferad wlU 4e rellflena or have nay ooneeptlon of Ue etormy eveata bare prored. what was naeded
Bis appoUtmeat also of Sir Kaiybt Beotoh porsntaye oa bis faUer's aad dnctod Impertant UUyation for U*
olril forammant ot Jodaa. Oa Ua trlala. Ue dleoenrafiaf and dUbeart- to ylve it a aoand boiiaeaa basla. He
OMtrary Antloohaa. ImmadUtely npoa aolBf aet-faacks that came to Ue fona- prepared new Uwa and a new ritnal. Deeere Hall, an abU and piwmlaant IrUb on his moUerUalde. HUaa- order. It U safe to my that no
bated open tbe blMory and tradiUoaa lawyer of Bay Qly. to Ue oflUe of oostoia. bewsTor. earns to UU conn- Us eoontry U bettor intorased npoa aH
bin inin'- te Ue throae. iaaUtod oa taU of tbe m
matten psrtnlalny to questions of lav'
robbing. plnndarUf and mardartaf
It woald bare been i
rsyardlny aad iarnlriay Us Mm
Uo Jew, aad forelaf him U throw easy fer a man to deTUe n pUn apon
bees and almllar orders.
away Ue rallfioa of Meaee aad Ua wkieb to foaad a new order, to start a
OUST rctxxcn kumm wkaut.
woiahlp of Jeborab: to replaee Ue new fraternity and to win aaccea* from
Robot J. Whaley, Us yrsat flaaoo*
holy alter wlUia Ue Seraaalem temple an nndertoulnc which had aeTar met
eriU o»c dedleatod to Janitor Olympus, WlU f^lare.
ksspor of Nlchiyaa. may wsU be saBod
Bat It wm an entirely
Ue tried. Ue trns. Us faiUfeL
to eoase ebaerraaee of all former Uwa different reatare that was made by
yrsat eamp Uloki so and from Us way
aad eaetome and. im fact, to oempletely Father Beynioa when be eet Ue Order
Uat body keeps rs-slsetiny klm it M
tarn abont from tbe lefty ideal of oae of tbe Maembeee upon lU feet in till,
STidsnt Uat membsn bsliers
God. and tbe moral ooda banded down aftor it bad praeUeally become defunct
tnra dcasrrss anoUsr. Slaes 1181 UM
from Ml Binal. and to eeeare life and
IB16T8, afew yentlemea la UoadOB.
liberty only tbreafb embraelnf Ue Ontario. UmUlar wlU tha biitory of
officer has soecemfulty held UU
eitioB and faiUfsIly
relifloB of Ue Qreeian empire. tbe aneieet Xaeembeca. fonadad Ue
Men were mardered. women ontrafed. medera order. Tbe first tent wae iadntim derelriay upea him In looUaC
aftor Ue inascss ef UU yreat body
cbUdrea tortured; Jemaelom became etltotod in London. Oat, aad was
of 7S.O00 msmbon Be was bora te
•jebarael boo**, and Ue (raTa dan- named Adam. In boaar of Ue firet man
CsatUs. Wyominy' oonnty. N- Y., te
fer aroae that Ue relifUb which created, as tbe eld
Uo muU of December. 1140.
wae afterwards Baaclfled
Tbs order yrsw in tws years to 10,000
’comes from yood anorntry wkieb datoa
mortolUed by ChrUt, mlfbt be awept membsia. Carefnl buslBees men wbe
back as far as Kiny Charles I.
fore*er frem
Ue face of
bad joined It saw Uat it was not asRobert J. was B ysan of ays kU
earU aad from tbe beorU of
tsbUshed OB a souad basiaase baeU.
enu resided in Pike. New York,
VUirad from a hUtorIcal
Mand Uerefore eoald act Uat Tha
rsmaloed Usrs nntil Robert ram
Ibere U litUe donbt that at that Urns.' deaU aasemmento ware fixed at ton
bU olsrenU year. Tbe family than
whea AnUoebps Ue Med was paraainy . geaU fer member* of all ayca. and no
moTsd to Hodsoa. WU-. 18 miles
bit oonrse of exterminslioa. Ue com-i medical examiastions were roqalred.
of fit. Paul.
HU father eayaysi te
iny of Jndae Maoeabena was what Confusloa noon preeaiied. Deaths
moreantilo bnsiasss. and nntil Rnbor*
made poMible Ue cominy of Ue Sarlor
rsnebed hU elyhtoenU year hs elvkaft.
of Ue world about ITr. yean later.
ia bU faUer's store, when be Isannd
Certalaly, In God's proridesce. If Juda- sonyht to ebanye Uia eoaditioa of
Us art of bastaesa. which in bU latmr
Urn bad not been rsacned by Ua Has- Uinysand place Uanoeiety on a firm­
years prorad to be at so mneb raloo to
moasan family (Ue leaders of Ue Hae- er batU. Micbiyaa had qniteaUrye
caboes) at Ue time jn»i referred to,
him. Aftor much uperienes ba asUM
tbe time woald not bare been ripe for
la Flint. MIcb., latv bee
InUesprinyof iSMayraad rerlew
Ue eemlny of Christ at Ua date wbea
nsetod WiU Ue atisou' National hnite.
be did some, and no one' kaowa bow wae held U Buffalo, N. Y., to reriae
wbsn It was fintoryanlxed. aad ter
many more eentnriee it wonid bare Ue Uwa and eenstitntiea. The Meseme ysan was a diroetOT of Us bonh.
beea poatpooad. MatiaUUs, a renorable
la 1878 be was aleetod pnMdeat of tho
bnak. ud be has held Uat oAso JewlU priest dwalUny In Ue lilUa
city of Media, near Jernaalem. was Ue meetiny that Father Boynton became
slaee. It U oae of Uestnpls Insttta'
dm promiaeat Jew to defy Ue anUor- latermtod in Ue order. He wae aleetod
tlons of Us eoantry.
He hu alwsyo
ily of AalUebaa, and refuse to obey bU
boon no aetira. sntwprislay bnsinsw
maa. pnbUc spirited and UberaL te
mandatee. He not only would net enef elyaed aad Beyntoa, nader Us Uwa,
riflee OB Ue OlympUn altar,
Us wlntor-of 1180 be jriasd VsotH ImI
Ue bribes aent to him, bat slew a ran-. filled Ue raeaney. He eneeeeded In
and boeame an aeUrs asmbm'.
«ysfie Jew wbo dared to aaeiifiea. andj rsnnillny tbe order In Jaanary, 1»8I,
1881, when Us yroat eamp ter MIteP
Uaa kill an eflieer of Ue klay's army.
yu waa orRanUsd. aad Usrs
These were submit- j yreat lieutoaaal-eommaoder. to fill tbe try before ike rCTolotionary war
FleeUyW Ue moanuiu UU yreat fellowlny. tbe Supreme Tent wkieb
fosad a racaacy la the office of ynafi
tod to the Great Camp at lu spscial, Taeancy eecasieasd by Us resiyastion kenee be U well Amerieanitod.
ebaraetor yaUered bli followers aboat met in Toronto. Ont.
fiaanes keeper, ks wu tonderod tteA
ae to proride Great Camps. Im- asaaiOB. bald U I’ort Huron. Bsp.t 8. j of Thomas Watoon to take the position
Sir Kaiybt AiUen ontanlsed Venna posltiea. wkUk be aeosptod, and wkUfii
him. Ue bad a remarkable family ef
1181. and adopted, and he waa nryed | of yrsat record keeper, was anoUar ad- teat. Flint, Uteb.. to IBH.
became ks has bald sTsr aiaos. balny (exou*
Blalwart sons, fsremost ef whom, on modUtoly aftor Us adoptUn of
a ebarter member.
He has alsray oa oae oeeasioa) elnetod wtUont oppv
•eoonnt of bit physical, iatelleetnal amendment Micbiyan tonU a
aad moral atranyU. waa Jadaa Mae- for a_^jpat CUmp Ckartor. which er, which bedid. He was Uea em-[ hUtory of Ue yreat camp FaUer Boyn- beea an aetlra. eaeryetlc member ot sitioa. faU eanfnl boslaam habit*. UiFaUer Boynton and ployed by a New York PablUbiay, ton has abowa marked abllitr in hae- Ue order and promiaeat in aU Its psnonal wealU aad rsaponalMUty aat.
eabsaa. Bleaaiay Usm all be eaUed was yranteil.
yaUerlnye. In isoS be wae elected hU hlyb finansial standlny U Ue stote
^nJudna first to coDSMrato
consocrato bU Ufa ether sir kalybts wsptod to yat Us konae at a liberal salary and expenses. lay as bU amopistca ia Ue yrand w
It Commander, aad is mow
--AuUeesase ef Jndea's freedom. aadiBl* Micbiyan Groat Camp nader a BU baaloem took him all orer Micbi- ia which be baa bMn cayayed for
hare beu to tbe K. O. T. M. fer KleUibVro-sstoblUhmsnlof Us rsliyien of' separate sad Udspsadsat jnrUdlcUoA. yan. Ia apare hours be preached Ue years, men of ability, tnteyrity aad prsme Cenaaellor of tbs Supreme TmV, fua bsiwaricof stranyth, whQe Uo
the U»e 6od. How marreUnsly UU ; because Uey foremiw Ust Ue Supreme yoed yospel of MaceabeeUm. ylrlay prominenee. He aever has permitted Be enj<7B a laeraUTe praelteo In bis eoeial. eompaatonable ways hn*«
yMt eon performed bU duty. hU work | Tent as it was tnse iastitutod aad eoa- kU time and meuey to build up Ue bU peraoaal feelinys to yorera him.
dnwa to him. u deeo frianda. ormy
iTa wluw. In one batUe alone. wiU | ducted could not snrrlre. owiny to Ue order, aad adTaneiay considerable cash
Skotebeo of Ue Oblof OOooifi.
mnmbar of the order who hns oru SM«
No oneomiam can speak kiybor him.
only 5,000 raw rocruito. be met the; etill Imperfect system of toa-eent as- to pay for Beaded sappliee aad Ue eoa"rSTBKB " BOVSTOS.
flewer of Ue Grecian army of orer 40.-1 eosemsata and Ue factional diffareaeoe dnet of Ue basiaeee of bU office.
N. S. Beyntoa baa josUy won Ue words of praise fer a maa
yaUered around him
OOO. kUllny orer 6.000 and pnttiay Ue which had ayaU sprony op. On April
title of -PaUer of Ue Maoeabeea.” aad work aad Ue rasolte Uat be shews
Dr. Edwin Bntoo. yront msdieni snwhea oeenpylay a poeltioa of troot and usinor nf Uo yraot enmp. has mv
rMt to fiiybt Neror ia hUtory were »«. nil. . _tlu ™
yet Mkbiyaa’e
Of tbe Micbiyan tonU aad
Idenee. Two years ayo Us M
there more remarkable rtetorias. Sneis bettor kaewa to the boys as “Daddy
oomd In thateanad^y im two torM,
Royntoa called Ue names of Ue iollewiay;
eees after saeceea came to tbe Maeea- was held in Detroit.
Boyntoa." simply beeaoas It soils kli Iran yrsat camp was esUod on to sloet
~ or yean. Hs U a Mala# boy by
First. Uare was D. D. AiUen. of
lieaa arsae, Ueuyb bla. wars were all Ue meetlay to order. There were two
yo^-naurs and happy-yo-lncky dispo­ a record keeper. This was neUinyan- WrU. bolny born In WUten. FranUte
defensire. TVn* was formed a yreat factions also elrirlny to eeenre eoatrol Flint, who
sition bettor. He is also famUlariy
•ty. that state. Not. e, IHL H4
fraternity. ' Certain portloas of Ua of Ue proposed Great Camp, ^be De­
kaowa as Uncls Bam. on aeoeunt of kis ord keeper bad prsriontly to be ap- ycadwtod from the mod ini depart'
upolU ot batUe were aet aside for Ue troit meeUay resulted In Ue election of in Ue conneiU ef Ue order. Be eorr- close rcMmblanoe to Uat mythical per poiatod. Thomas Waiaon had been ap- mnatof Bowdoin eolleys U 1173. prao'
peintod by Gnat Commander Boynton
widows and orphans of tbeee wbe bad tSBiporary officer*- Boynton bad tbe ed two terms as yreat com mandsr.
medieine U hewUton. Ma, nntH
Tbers are few men wbe bars pamsd at a time when mrions dlmanelno
spilled Uelr bleed ior liberty and natter In ebarye of seenrimy a charter
I Urooybt Ue ploaeer work of an order; Ursatened Ue yrsat camp. So slynalriybtoeasaeas. Tbe reliyloa of Ue from the atoto and reported Uat Ue .
-------------------------------oe. For 10 you,, i like Ue Msoeabtes wbo cu point to, ly abla was Mr. Watoon's
k.U. kou.. M
HnteM, and hn
of Uatolty.
j enU aiynal
aebleTomeau. tneb splen-------------------------------------------------r— tien as yrsat roontd keeper, that Ue U etato enutor fram hU dUtriet.
awaited Us yorsmer's slynatnro,
A. B. Arery, of Fort lama, the ,
g,gb far-rsackiay Pea-1 yreat camp elected him by a ananiooee more aad cItII and rellyioas liber­ which was slyssd May 11. Articles of
Fer ysan Dr. Baton has been an
Ue efaetioBS to their fellewmsn. NeiU’• ef *'■"
ty was retnraed to lUd's c hcees peo­ incorporation were at once drawn np prseent eoUeetor 'of enstoma
rots nod raised bis salary in Ue netire and loyal Maeeabaa. and klfi
dUtriet of Unron. was Ue firat yroot er are Usrs many men. wbo. aftor tbs
ple. The bUtoty of tbeee aacUnl Mac- and June 11 Boynton hnrried to LaaMmlnUtnUna as yroat madleal enuv
of Ue Greet Camp for toll and battles of orer half a oentnry.
Wateon is a Seotobmaa 1^
cobees U faacUatlny. btiay toll of siny and filed Ucm with Ue eocretoiy
nv has been ebaraeUrimd wiU Ute ^
UrUliny deeds of ealor and heroism. of stole. Jnne 15 aoeUer meetiny ** RSiSnd Connor, at that Urns a Unl- eaa stop wiU a liybter foot, yreol yon MrU aad has been to UU eeoatry over iffieleaey. attoaOon ate. abOlty at '!
Jadas Maeeabens bimself fell upon Us
held In Detroit and otranlxatien tartaa eleryyman at Sayinaw, aersed WlU a briyhtor eye. lanyh wlU more 15 yean. Ha was bem at WUbaw. Biiiiiiry to tba proper eeteaM of bU
battlefield. fiybUay onill tbe last fer perfected so that Ue yreat camp eonld
mors heariny ef tbs rim and fire of Hs rsonind a eammea whool edacnhU people, nntil be was closed ia upea
menekdolny bnsiaeas. One Ulny
Thnodors Rearer, of NUea, eerrod
yooU than UU present yrsat comman­ tinn, esmmsaoed Ufa oaafarm and
Tbeee are some of Ue men wbe
aad orerpowerod, in mack Ue eame more was neeeeeary and that eras to me term.
wayaswaaUeyallaat Cuetor by Ue seenre Ue rlybt to Indepondsat JnriaJ. S. Ayeia, a prominent morehant der and mpreme record keeper of Ue afterward drifted Into the yaaeral see made-Ua order atrooy. At pnm
lodaklaa. HU broUer* took np Ue dieUon and oontrol of lU own life benK. O. T. JL
■taro bosloom. Jemwallsm and yiain eat and for Ue past two yean serriny
sroU aad pswmed It wiU riyor. aad
Mn}. Wynton was been Ue Urdof. trade. In tito ordnr named.
HsmaAs tannoBoial enpaetty as mnmbmn U
Bem'D. P. Markpy. eat-apeakar ot Ue
. Tbe aorambU for offioe in the


§ Storr of tto OrgMizatioo and Deielo|iinent of a Great Beneficlarf Soclety-Sketcli of Its
Chief Officers and Results of Thalt Work-Somathine Abootthe
R. 0. T. M. and L 0. T. M. in Tratatse City.



m Mojunio moomd, fbidat. jvtn m. less
tfmdj mwM «ra (Ur Knight Vni
(OnOw, o( lonln. and J. D. Long of De«mH.
fnd OoUor kM owTod U tho port
•nnOrMt Chap offlMr, karUg boon
CnatekapUla. B* wmnlw tor aanj
lanto, and helped %o aake It one of tbr
Jaigwtaad beet in Ua eate.
i. D. Long, for aaag /eaie bae been
Mentlfled «rltb Hiebigaa teat, oj^ De­
toft. haring been Ito e
Knight Long bee been a Maeeabee fa
■otael peaie, le e good werkw, and ie
aipreeont In the United Sateeoneteme
Mrrke. and loeated in tble oitr-

atg dMM book to drptoa(NT. IMt, wbM s gooitoktng lodge
Tk« Bret aroting
btld la Odd FeUawe’ baU. aad twentg'
mambea idgnad tha ehartar roll.
IhaBal oaeaa wea alaeMd a foh
P. C.-C. B. Paige.
Otm.-J. A. Matagna
Li. Oom.—B. L. Aabton.
B. K-—A. & Cook.
F. K -O. L Ball.
Pal.—Bar. J. B. Uafl.
Phge.—Dr. J. K. Blme.
Sergb—F. B. Aebtoo.
M. at A.—W. D Bimen.
lat M. of U.-C W. Aabton.
Sad M. of U.—W. J. Parker.
Bent.—L. M. BeaMti.
Pieket-A. W. MeBlebean.


L. C—Bnab Vadar.
P. K.—Ma. K. Beedbnm.
Lt. C.-OaUie lhaektr.
Cbap.-Ma. C. Winner.
OToederonldgendolf gea
B K.—Martha Cook.
Berg.-Him AddU MeMnnu.
eran foorad t' go I’ tbe <n»t nnd
F. K-—Alia Baeken.
M. at A—Ha Smith.
Pa.—Con Kenneg.
Sent-Ma B. Redder.
O’Bnea—Begmh. Oi’d nooner be
M at A —Ubhie ReUg.
P.-Ma M. Oaen.
abowldberin a fnin than a bod nr brick
Berg.—Loniaa Batner.
la tbe four gcaaeiBM ita orgnaia ■g dag.—tJp to Onto.
Sent.—Inbella Bennie.
tkm the membenbip bu inereneed t
P—Jnlie DeCow.
*S and ererg merUng
Him Bwid»-And whi« g
Iu. bject. err eimtlnr to the K. O. T. reeepiloB of new meaO>ea. Kolodfe
thebridgi'of Toorgallant'ebip. wbHe
M. nod the eoeial
faUrce bea
bea been
been a la the eltg can ehow
dal faurca
a.'moa acUr<
aeUa. np- I the Spanieb gone nnred in front of
K— I u. .
"Itk-tke-tlma lot Sfiadiea, and theglgon. how did 5^00 fecD
bea It bu inmued nnUI to deg it aa eontlnullg derUiog eome plan
fu ,
Caj*ain>Uinba«» (0. 8. N.>-Stto.
a tor
aamben JS«. The ladirn eoM after j adranelag tbe good of the order,. whom
lnt4|mu tbeg hdd eJgeeIg at heart. |
Uelodge wuetarmd porebaeodaBne bent
pUno. which adde to tbe effecti'
Tbe offioen at tbe preunt time aa.
of tbe initotorg work u well u the
P. U C-Marg Brane.
‘ flowen. What did that bench (djaoqtteaoclaleide. A flanrUbingeewInn dale
L. C.—Tarenu Jobnaon.
■ mlntSB m«nn that goo amt me?”
iamainuUied in oonaation wiW’
Lt. 0—Er* Kidder.
He—I dm't get tbe tamlatian froen
lodge- The preunt nffiaa aa:
R. K.-^eaele Uriatb.
tbe fkeist nntil tbv end of the month.—.
P L. C.-Mag Sommea
F. K.-Alfu Mnrpbg.
L C.-CalUe Hiecker.
Lt. C->-Llnde Muniwe.
B. R —Fane (lege.
F -K —Amanda BmlU.
Cbep.—Anna Hammond.
Srrg.—Clna Kator.
U at A —Marg Barmond.
Bent -Martha Uawn.
K—Marion Bound.

Erer Bained Orntt
a BO yon know:


Bicycle Riders.
Remembu that I do idl
of ropairing
aad nnnmellBg. and
ni that I CM
and do gia goo the bent: work of I
one in the dtg for the moneg.
bg whet othea tell goo to

It le not our porpoee here to npeak
«f the epleadld braocba of the order.
An In the work of making the great
cnap enooeeafel. Father Bognton bed
From ita inoepUon to tbe preeent
I gneantM nil mg work to be right,
' diepleged bU geniiu fa the Mtabliek- tioMthe membenbip beeateedilg inand if it doee not proa ao I make It
annt o( a fatemal brneflelarg aoelely, ereaeed anUl it now nnmben Kli. The
*^top in tilt 6 o’clock earg eanlng,
M he had allied good men around him lodge bee at diffrant Umee occopied
Mcept Snndng. in tbe Caldwell A Lon* '<
9 ball and roome lo tbe Madnw belldlng, at nortb end of Union
eoaie and Citg Opea Ball blocka, bot
far the put a geaa it bu been pleeeantlg lecated in raome of iu own in
tbe Hoatagne block, ooaaleting of a
large aad nicely furniehed beU nnd
two nnto-rooma. \Mille the boeineu
rnavKuan nrv ix>dok so S71.
and fateael futum of tbe oaer
It ie a oommeniarg on tbe »;ze of the
ceire prompt atteeUon tbe eoclat aide cliv acd tbe inlerat manifated in tbe
of tbe lodge le not forgotten, m mang „nirr that the
pleaaant gatberlng* can teatifg, Tbe
'lapicly ae to make a eecond lodge
preaeat oCcm aa:
] adrieab'.e bea. On Uarcb
18V1. an
P. C-C.8. Veder.
' orgsoizatioa wu rBreu-d bg depntg
C.—J. A. Montagne.
orgetiixer Uriah llLffmuter. wiihfortgPiaVelau Riga. Earything now
and DuV Rate* u reaaonabla uaay
Lt C.—J. J. Bhler.
firr cbmrier members
Tbe fiat
flnt-clam barn in the city. Ola n*a
P. K—C. 1). She
. ofliare wetr:
Oall and get oar pricea.
R. K—A. Robineon.
: -.H. C — ibel 8. Smith.
-Chap.—PealD Whitman.
I l.-r. H.ffna>.ier.
Berg.-Ed. Welle.
I L . C~J<>bn Tuee.
In that wak. to be did In agaia fonadM. at A.—Albert Brim,
I K K —W E Hall,
Ing the Sopreme Tent. Both branebee
tat M. of O.—A. Fox.
i : F K -A B. iiirgbam.
mt the order aofr etaad pearleee In tbeir
ndnogib aad eabllltg. The grat
damp ie the aat iaIeraUng Uaecabana theme to oar reader*, beeatue it ie
tholr orda and a giant bg italf. Mug
fnopie get the rariou brueba of the
On M. & H. S. B. B.
mior eompleteig mnddled. The gea«ml pUa af the orda le ai»ny u, ju
lagielatla (noaeba to that of the aa
All baggage, bos and hack work
dinn. Thea ie tbe eaprrme. grat and
Cbep.—Blleii Brwtol.
(or said road should be left with
•hhordlnaU. jo^^ertteto U a federal,
Serr.--Jnlie P^nkia
Office £19 SUte streeL tele­
•Inta aadjndntg gore^meat. Tbea
It i« mated bg bu tamilg that AdM. et A.-Belle Moon.
phone 3. All orden left with me
Tbe Orat
nural Oeweg ii a commnulcant of tbe
Bent.—Liuie Fox.
prompt attoition.
> tor Uicbigaa, harlag ban orP.—Anna Delta.
^Blned prior to the ergaaimOon of
The Rer. Beiuoci Clinton Hood of
Miwiinri bu been el<
dhn Bapremn Tent, prorida fa nnd
Scmeeneaekaibeqaeatlon; -Whetia Hoarue College For Women et Foregth.
•nka aa of ita own fionncial eflalte,
tbie egstamr- In euweriog aneb e ^
■nine ite own Uwe ned aatrele lU
qoeeUon we daia lo ug emphetiarr
Walter Fom, tbe pnet, wbo bu
•WB dath and dbnbUitg fnnda Tbe
It U not -chap inearance.- lunrnna ^ *“ Bi-w,.papi, woth for tbe peat
omlg tia that bind tbe grat amp of
yeu*. bu Uvn eppointed librarian of
bu grown to mean (peenlatloa. Thi
•Mleblgaa to the enpreme teat aa the
Ibc imblic library at SimierviUe.
aa three sgetome of amorance. The
tatornal aad rltnelieue boada Tbie
Tto- .•elate .if Jtihn W. Carroll, the
old line iDeoanee. tbe open aueumeni
Ja dna to tbe manna in wbicb tbe arlg
origiuafor <if tbe Lone Jack brand of
and the faternal beneficiary. The, mt<AtBg tohiCc<i. wbo
_ died
_ _ ramUT in
I mlTiat.
Untorg wu made a we bare ebown.
1 r. a.
_____ f.
Added te tbe Knigbu of tbe
ibae belong to tbe UtUr The i Lynebl'arg.
Va..'I - U istinutrf
*«{ Wall
: order i> e fraternal one. It bu a moat | frOO.ooO.
Maoabae who oonspoee tbe member­
I CT| r m I
bseniiful Htuei. lu teaching* inen;-! It U geowallg known that Adship of tbe grat amp for
eate I-it- for borne and coaDtrr. anO [ tniral C.Tvera, tbe oummander of tbe
Bia the anx'liarg budg of Sft.ouej
4 to H M Hu)
t IA
for cur fellow->nen. It alao proridr^ !
'’''•'1 at &ntiago de Cuto. wu
ImdSuof tbeMecoebea, who ooeeii-j
that for tbe ooatribatlon of a n'm!-.*! i *
in Waabingtm abont 15
•■te the great bia for tbie eute. m^-:
ajm tbe order will pag «1 noo or Sl.'iOb
a total membenbip of lue.OU).
The Micbigaa great
serttficaU in tbe wbo i\«eiv.d tbe V
•••,•18,000 worth of mrtiflata in force |
Bmu 1681, the gear of iu birth, it bu j
il.-T biwpical
Tbe membm now dnwtUK a ealery of #l25pwiHe is
fnU to the widowa. orphaoe and other
• are bonnd together in a great cr-p«rt- for piping in a Laud.m mnaic hail.
c of iU memberc bea ia the
nershlp. .tll are eqxallg ioteie-ted in
■lata of Michigan alone 8S.SU.168 4V,
Cbari« Dana <5U»oo
ri. Wayu
the welfare of the order: all are e^na! riiau.>-« of mlded UnieLi a* adepicter of
nnd to diubicd member* PIM.MT W.
ander iu law*. Heing eo oporatire in the .Aiwrican girl in tbe garb <4 an
Thau figareeaeem, and tbeg aa etoplan, proieetioa U tbu farsitfaed
arniy uurw by deciding to remain in
puiiooe. Tbeg mean tbet Michigan
BiMiip fur a time. He bu
flnirbed bis
I than bigfa-priced Ebimiip
hu within lU bonfinee n brotherhood
ork in Egypt and now ia going to noinearanoe can « ■ ba. and being fraronlgin tbeae two banUfnl
jonm in
u Vienna.
In iu
, ternal IU
..a auauicatauoo,
iv naa, line
gentnalai that bu glan to thou wbo
all tbe greet frau rUUes. rurrieed ererg
WPoM baa been left In
Ofeet Cc<Bia..iiXrr.
Wedieiina of iuenemi.t end bM»me chine tomUy bu auld hie 800 ton yeebt
itbat bu
Bunina to tbe Duke trf Orleans, wbo o-uLotmwoop o i
Head and ataagtbeaed them in their
!nd. M. of «i -W, B K .rn.
Pre —M. D. Morgan.
will bernifter nee it instead of a r^Atoet Ume of need.
Sent.—Frank Ueedricha
! I'hg.-Dr. F. E CorWn.
Urpaemtiger eteamerin going loPorShe anpama teat in the name Ume
P.-Cbaa. Vader.
| -M at A -W. J 151.. r,
tngal to viidt bi* tister. tbe qneen, cr
to Bpaiu. where, near Seville, be <
hu paid ont In the other etotee of the
TnivnuK BAT Hive so. 71
j Ut M of U —J Kidder.
Urge twtaua.
Onion nnd in ttie Damlnioo of Cknadn
Tbe Ladle* ..f tbe Maeeabeea have: 2nd M. oft}-A. a. Palmar.
mrr Bia* tVaelUac.
Frank James tbe noted bandit, bad
aenrlg r.oM.ooe In datb elaima, and tbeprond dUtioction ofbeijg among
••Deriing. 1 love yial! - Tbe wnrt
oono HOWIB.
S-ni -L. H Eagleton.
bU pbotograph Uken in St. Louii the
In todng dieUIboUng beneBte in datb tbe few aecret o.-ganimlioD* entirelg | P —C Kclderfaonse.
wi- Bpuki-n with fervor nnd inteuMti
other dag aua Imd it copyrighted to
Md diubllltg claim* at tbe ate of oarried oa hg women.
aen. The
i-ae birth
birth ofl
Tbe eodelg
aoeielg occupied
MeSemera hall ,1.
*'‘>li«bt. and tl
keep It fruni queading over tbe coun­
^1«,000 per menlb.
thU wide opread order
rder wu In Michigan for aeveral gear*, but on tbe completion I
« I’ ^Kht .4 love vow.
try. It in tbe first lime be bu
and a» lu nnmbcr
with a 1.1-lt ,.f nJdier bonooi.. tbi- die- Lnv the cauMTB riuce tbe day
ifitlawry. wbt-n detective* offerod #500 '
a picture of him.
«to the Work end Workea
^ citg April 4. l«»l by tbe ureat phenomenal growth of the lodge mem- In e newly volnuieeitrd o^pan^!^
lAird Romlgn, wbo idnoe hi* bank­
•r X. O. T. V. and X.. O T. X.
Ladg Commaniler, Loots Becker, with ber.bip. which in four year* bu ip. tbeir iiawtemng of tbe aopmue uimiiefit ruptcy bu been trying bi earn bi* lir-____
na men BAT iaii>ozbu iso.
lwenu-aix. harirrmembet*endoSMr» ee*»«-d to Sts msking one of tbe larr-1 «f rapture wu due to ibecali to tbe iug u an actor, bu started a weekly I
juunial called Scottidi Life. Ri* wife i
Tha Uetorg of the Maeeabee* in
nianagee the woman’■ column, while '
hi* lii.t of ooncriboton Include* tbe
Docbeai of Butberland, Imdy fiandolFb
I panic* are
___ _______ ueTou«
“L .*
i-Jd. Mem and nnrrmpn: Cburcbill and tbe Harqni* of LocoL
, order, and os tbew occatiou tbe large j tbki^
d from a tall flgaro that
Mr. Jaiuet Balfour-Melville, wbo had
lod^ room and rePerie* are crowded { Wood in the background.
tieen a metnlicr of tbe Royal and An­
InrtanUy tbe liiven. ■prang apart aad cient (lulf club since 1646 and bad wen
aoe eblH'g end freiemltg
were tm oppraiu- nides of tbe runn. u iu gold medal, wu oboked to death by
! moue terai* with them.
if blown ibiiber by a Spanub Urpeda a piece of beef while at dinnerrecently.
Tbe guilty luma never mumurwl a He wu tbe father of Ur. Leslie Bal1 The preunt effieer* are
fonr-Mehrille. wbo hu held tbe ama“Merie.”midthestemvoice, ’’didn’t
80 yean of
. —T J Beet
I bear aoroe one mg that be wu going
Vlv C.—<5eorg# Fox.
to prcM goo to hii bean?”
•‘n»c tomilyof Admiral Sampaon Uvea
R. K.—J. T. Shields
•’Yea •• wu tbe weak reply. “U waa D Glen Ridge, N. J. The membera of
F. K,—J. (}. Birdaall.
Ueutenant HoMnpb here. He ie joei
Cb*p.-Wm. Edmond*.
rdng to the front to fight tbe Span- ter*. Olive and Hannah, and two m
Pbga.—Dr. tv. B. Moon.
Ralph and Harold. Two d
“lue. AndthuisabaMywarmeu.
Bargt.-Ed. Pnaaa
-Margaret to Lientenant Roy
ma, eh? Well. elr. before you
C. Bmiib of tbe Indian* and Kate to __________
M. alA.—Wm. Hank,
to IM her to your heart agaio kindly to.^
Ensign R tt JufaS^SL^SdS
t£ 5T**
...... .
let V. of <; —L. RegletoB.
omnnmnding tbe,
2nd M. of (i.-FVed Moran.
pacts etc.”
aent.-Merm* Smith.

“And who ai« goB. alrr wu tbe
P--Bmer Hnflf.
—Do yon pretood to
fiUiet query.
n _
”I am tbe pmaceoanr of this bourn.
with tbe rapid
growth et the don’t
. __________“d
yon forget it" And be
O. T. M. I. dge It toon became arldaat
lihrarr. followed ;-_f“**®*T“*
by tbe young Lothario to hive bi. r«- *
I will my that the 1
^ tb.l
. ..„,d bl..
--------------------------------------- *-------j al'y, end on Jnly Jl. isw, one wu suc- ced Woe penciled—Ke
have to pay for.”
At tta first mut­
MWUhu MutU*.
ing twelve* were signed to U*
fbtriofc Gleaaan ia cmplnynd In a
••Have yon beard of tbe great viotofy
>^elry bonae in John atinet u porter.
Tbembrndaythe riavatorman aaU to of tbe captain of tbe Teanerarior”Ka Wbat hu be dener'
The fim effieero alat tod weru
••Why. he's bottled bimaelf op In a
P. L. C.—Mr* tiertruda HalL
"Wbowu Bmladyl
tbaladyl m<
■ittralpqrt where the Amcrioawami’t
pamwday at notnP*
!<-' C.—Mr>. T. Jobnaon
L.L.r._Mr« Wutbm'a.
"Sure tbu wu ito tody." mid Plat. •etat him mitil tbeww toovu.’*—
a t-ii™. wki
»T^wu mawoifa''—BmtFtuMtom



Horse Hotel.
UteiT, Sale and Feed Ban.
Bmltam t IliOiinU,

B. J. Morgan,


Grud Bipldt t hdiiu L I



!S !SV.











a:—Lil—. ..A



•ntlf U boottd U b« A dr7 rmt.
nOn U to Ml dwii« Uw
THK ORECNBACK A DISTURBING ELE­ nest twolmnanth. At IcMt tbet is
wh»tthe"old mmn <rf the
wty. And U>e ladUiw «iy Hat be new

fail* AS A ir«Atber prophet.
\ The old B»n <rf the moentninisA
• u mwt o
appciof at Bsnehreih, n emlled on noouont rf the soft irmy top tfast tacns
cat it io the fell of the y««r. lu aonte
SenAtor linday of Kaitnc^ is a PAtIb of the stAW it i» simpiy cslled
" and is others ■■
t 0* COWAIfA. In- ‘



-Ghaitey." saM yotme Mra Torklaa," the nxwe I think of it the ntcre
1 am cyrtnoed that this poeemincnt to

Tbe namea of the mosMy winalnt
borwa in the l;SS trot at Bebnont.
PbiUdelpUa. Jnne 1, aU oasnincmnd
"What's happening nowr’ be In- withM.
It to mid that theflm tlaeVanea
" Von know what a lot of males we KnekoU ever bad bis photograph taken
ate ready to eblp to Cnta.
was when be was famed into it by the
"I bare i
t tnthatoon- lioeese rale.

Ice Cream Freezers, Screen Doors

M>wt.- t'ntter, Wlaehmdon. Mam.
paw that Am


•eUiceooeAndpAtnotlssi. HepnU
try Ahore party, and in the preaent
firfsis takes exoepUon to the policy of dlAB oribes ot this state hate looked
ttie Democrats respectiiiE tb«> m««ns to npcm this plsut as the Rreatfvt weather
he employed for raiidii* the sinews of, pf,,phi.t that er« existed. The aU man
war. His reoimt qxwch iu the RDAto spu^s with bis rxnts. When there is
WAS an lHamltMtiSR pnMiiiati(«i of the to be plenty of rain, his itiota are short,
danperii aittudant apm the fonher is- and when there U to be little rain his
.ter Litelay confuted hi. utechili.
Thi'old ictei know. then, wfll bn no
bTJHitelnn the Dooioantlc cU.nrc of d*!*'tnnn •hone, ..ho
hoi™ lor

and Windows.

-I XirMtete. ______ _

meeting this year, as the track has
passed into the hands of Hon. Wiiliam

Kiles Balridge, Ooldwater. Mitdt.,
Pilnuvr. S:t8V. by Pilot MeI dinm. to Henry Vervecke, the well
known FXpcsIw «if hunsn The inioe
' paid is given as t'lK;.
U J. Melcum F<ahm* (Kew Yak)
colt Adniinil Dew.y. by Binnen. ont of
8«teM.n Otete iiro|.ted the. Itenc of
f™., U.,, „cted .,d o.d. lo l»
Naary Hanks, pts away with a field
Kich note. PTMT Dittoiernt in the honte u,tek udonj n iouk. o.Id .inter, .hilc
11 as K»xl as hU usns-sike at Ma-1
of feprvsDntativi»Tot«l in thencgatirc. they am thin when the winter is to bo
nilla. be will do to have a ticket tax
and but thnv Ik-iuorratic wnators voted mild.
A Philadclphik oirhauge tnys a high
for the lepnl tender provisi*. The sn-1 All orer the hillsidi* .tf Marin e«,n.
.'piMDecoDTt. with Chase awcAief Jos-•, ty con Uf fwmd si«Ti
compliment to C. Bandciltdi Snowden
s of .dd man.
.dtete A--- n»...
—1 -| ||[^f fTI
when it says that "a» aridnruf jnmpctx
- and its r»>tK are l»ii|
heiswiihoota peer. hariiiK iubwiied
upon rearpuiisation hare «\vr
kn<m_....... .....................
I bis Idvetif boixM from hisfsmoossire."
nvtTsed this owusum.
dccisum. ana
and tne
the uemoDemo- the Ustiduiutf of a «win thenxj
crats d.-n.muced tbo new decision and of a plant
li inches hijth arc
aUnit s
, Scarc-itj-of f<*mtp and grain in Oalideclaitxl that the court bad ix-en par- inches long. This yw the-same plant
funiia has wrooght many chaogis in
powly loconrtnicted to estoUish the will U-found to have nxiu
home ..tetete
fwxL ..A Uuliivtes'Uvorrmau
Uollivter Uvej
....u. as
». mneh
U.U.1U as '^ F*auA.—hothat syoarnewhiiiihand?
ralMlty of the greenback.
j IH iuclwsi long.
• «—.....
Frunciwo Ubron. i AI
tbonght ytm his boairlemchoppixl wheatwraw wixod
i were gmng to marry that tall
wUh middling*, and the bitfiw are
Thegrrcnback was an absoIntoBeces- icla
sity of war. l>nt it was not an id>«l
-— ---- ——
thriving npem their new diet
Caei* rwaw pi*ewy.I Fran E—Oh, that---------- '----------cnrraicy. Thu weretary of the Umsory
In IbBh, three years after the war. deolan'd that ao far has the lt««a tem^r er and
who last fall foretold I
«*>e ibs
enrreney b«-cn from ix-rformlng the the r=paui*ii-.iim.Ticmn war. weather
ur.i«uxd for the witm.-/of the
^oableand barntuoions fonctious of onditinus for six mimihs and a nnmbrr
81i«uie had fire monnts that day
» to trade and in-; of «bcr iucidenta is
again with a
and landed every one iu front.
doKtrythatit has Ixxn the grvat dU- prophecTfia-ihecmiiing
, mmmiT. Cudo
“What." imioirtsl the rabosdi
Oolooel Bdwards uf CleveUnd has
tnrbingdero«mt:byit allivlativcvaloea Fnd drjws bis insjrir____
insfrirution ____
Spanish. ufllcx^r. "is meant by'a o
exchanged the spnxly mare Mamie, by
have been nnsetthd and Tiolcncflnctna- crmditbai of regetatimi andafcwfarHVrr.ifh.«rtilitiL»'
Simbrino. furtbv bay gelding Kmery,
Uops hare cfaMactaiaed the market for bearing auinuds which he mys carry
k:87'4, brtiiher to Brown Ikauia,
OTwy commodity.
j unfailing signs of omuiug cventA
|8:8J'4- Ooxi-y’s tamuns show yard
Sesmtor Lindsay said with force:
| TIk' pn-Mmt war. be myx. will be
■male, and Violet Wilk<«, by Brown
Tbs enwramwit bad i.,j rrdn^.*%'*** practically cliwd Is-fore July 4. iluiagb
- akiie. It aa. admltM. lQi.ia.-d tte
»ri>temUT. Tbf.' will cauw
set. The Imuniry m-Tn vooU dm rIrrnUt*. many alarms io this cimtitrr thniagh

^onihc^fdohdcc^teh wh„ sj'rn,rn:r.”rr,,;'^'r.r

E Btata.


thxt .t ibsi im>s Conl«l,r,t. onm-allKd. tbi.ngh ibe-icssfi.m will lias- g„,..


‘New Process” Vapor Stoves.

14S i-ront StTMt

If You Have Logs to S^'IV 1
Correapond with lh« Tr-w-ae Ch^ !.
U',- have foi s-hIv

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
•Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.



Mill Hachioeryof aUdeac

iUoDB. iaclndtag Two EncinM,

Bet Worka, Carnages and Saw
for aale.

A complete Saw HiU Plaat



and Kn»ia. growing
stand »VI»rtlUg
the Ph-lippme ts^tliL
,-d 1.^ ^0, ,i,„ Ooghlan i miditete a joint apptaiaiicie in
.. «»p «>f gram

will be a Ui*o
and .............
nwt ofr................................
Tim. bat it's diffenait
with me.
Sronsiin Hnwanl is said to have rennu- "_
_ I'l.i.te...,. |k,wt
will kivp up the yon know.
MW, rtSi do Ibst
_ d<in^*w
tbin. to l«l
oeivtd iu ruraltiot upward of |;!&0,000
a- Ibr ovi-n>lK-UuiD|i mooslly abKA U
Jaly and Angu
igust Will bn
war Imsinem is a | Annie UmM-U played with great sneig under on odministmtiiui pKdgid to;
l-irtiou. T.-getaUou will be I gotxl
■oil thing f.ufiir you newspaper mtm.
tin- tide nde iu ihuL<iud<iqpnidDrdtesu in gold the W-lC.OOO.OOti of i^™'^'* oi*-t«»» the gcotaul m.p proa-j Didiugnixhtd
Didiugnixhod Kdit<r—More
Uiau yon tinu »f Bri-t Harti-'s

Lillian KqswII i. a|i]>all<d by tbo


wtablhM, at.h rnjtoirtlFWls. *lUi n.
• el lyi^.

Is jtisl the ibiog to help yon bay good,
honaai and tueio-datc aooea chsap, Wa
have redaeod the price on aU footwear tor
a few nays on aecoant of Iha K. O. T. M.
-celrbratioo. and if you need anythiag in
tbit ilae come iu and look the sboea oror.
We can please yen in strle. qnallty i
price. Our tl \!> Viei Kid sboea are «
mra Our II S4 Chocolate cloth top abooa
arc beauties Oar TV womee's (heterda
sell all over fortl 1.0, aad oar bSsahoca for
men and women are warranted all aoUd
and.good woarrra. C-ome and boy abi
of n«. We will surely save you moft
More bargains here.

toaned omler the Sbmiiiin act. and now I ««N-» «d frt*tsMill not oomo nmil j,„w ».,...a,doct niiliury oiierationa.— .laught.T is ripi-uiug fi
CiucitiiiBii Kni|oirvr.
,M.* j ....r. m '»|»«- ■
- .
ll«i and filverites re ini-n-mx: the Tol^
l>r«»q>ecta Cucle,
- Fred d.«liu.-s
dttcliutu to kit
say ouiil Ihe can cui- •
To lb- iBriodiia.
j Mabel Bert bux bvn tmgagt-d to pli^T
of uotw to U- redmni-d to mjI
gred L“’5;'.^'';*
gregate of umn.- ana - “V
-------------— —.........
—• ■ ' mu.
w rmw luoue.
Hsio uic
_u..te» XI.
t:-------------- :

. e
Swift '' lh»- i-li.nxi-ti.p r<>Fn>..rlv .xiu,-....!
kave in the tre asury only #100,OOO.OOO ?'^"^'-*"- wbffP Mr Oarl.-y lir«t. n>i-,but ,re mu«t icav for the ?"*{''
F«m.-rly oiaci^
togoldfor tbiir mh-mptiuu. Tbesil- de^ii.-. |.b«-unph. ii fiuch to
sm«x»,if ibe arm... but Us my optoi-m
uur cxTtilicat.-s mid tlie ire-osury notes Hous-—l^nFMBiiit*m
\.» Letter to *-e ort.-r remi-mU-r tin- togs, i.«i. fi-r
Mi-# Wli-n Terry is said to have
bare ooto or imlliiai bebind ibem in the'
* "*■“
mv fort hnrttu.d had two shut off the "arhi.-Mil b.T first rtage disiinriicw i>y
trewiuryas MxuriiT. but the pr-ixwtxi.-------------------------Inrt battle he wns in." —Chicago *tT.-«uuiig"iuaplayUwriuKthc-ooiIteuoof #l50.W>'i.iM>0of a.liiitiiaiall.«al;
■••lag at Aw.rrM.e Vairereluw.
, Tiuu-e-HcnUd.
landish title of "Altar UixJL"
tsoder note* it i- jirnpoMxl shall N |mP I <mt;siiter that rowing at iw nnl- \-------------------- —
1 Atxx#.|itig to French pa]x-rK .Sanlon
•••••••••••^•••••A •••••••••••• •••••<
ont without a -togle dollar additional Tersiikw ix iu it trcnKiiitsinl state at]
i has re-lunnxl to bis country ixxit at Mor­
in gold nr i-ilrer i-> n-cutc tbi-m.
' ]re-f»-iit. It is gniwingfre-m sMiuH-wfaat
The borre-re. «if war ore mitigattd by I.t tuid is nt w->rk (xmiplt-tiiig n play
Benator Liudsay dtv-iured that as be- div-pinxl aud lix-nlib-.l s-purt i^u one of rticb t-moIu> iits .-i« tills;
. oalbd "Uobrapierre,*' fiw Sir Henry;
tworn the Is-iul proposiiiiai of the Re- the firrt niugr.itud--. It is i:>«aiiuiug its Hicks—lin-y are givingMtuvenirs eo Irriug.
tboNo the stTvet
' licziiis and ibcfiatniiincT
ibefiatDioncT jroisisitiuu
jotiisiKitiuu ' p^'per phice.
phic)-. Rut
But the idi-js
idms of
uf tba«o
strvet niilnsid
reilriBid now.
[ "The Ragjrtd Regiment "anew
^ tbeop]Kisitiiuiii isatiui-rtitm wbi'ther. wbu Lavo guiibxl it bcA-toforej have' Wick*—V»», a ring gons with t-vury by R. X. Bieph-Ii*. f-iuiidcd cai an iii.-iI jvirt. enide and
ride.—Bosi.m Trau-cripL
m shall re-11 bonds to
; dent of tite ire-n-nt war. was ircslDix-d
. ttic expi-ure-s of the war or whether viindal.
tb.y arv'toxxmiiugbhxuii-r'

at the New York Hi-reld Srinore (fat
________ _
jWe shall iucreaiw the volume of green- and fnnn«l. A uiiif-irm syi
^backs anil force the govenmn-nt to sell j iug is slow ly but surely taking
ilbonda midi-r tbe act of Ib7&. to put placcof then :itiy "rtr-iktc"af thc|
f gold in the tn-asury to keep Un- grexn-1 It is o
■backs at par with p Jd. when the gold' to but
- apoculators cLooml- to raid the tzwasniy' niost t
,86 years
after we have increawd ihi-ir facilities | And I Ix-llove
Ix-liove that in spite
spii of the son.”—Chioigo RwonL
-------------------------1 “r*. k'lxke's performance in “OiTorE6 pit cxoit by the bill which theUeiuo-l oviTwh. lmiug. exciumieut
excitement tif
«»f the war
' | with SimtoX’rewtog'iwaw
! c«M..rto«s.
j coof at tbo Fifth Avenue th.siwr, New
als jireixxw'to
]ire>|xxic> to make a Uw.
Bimiu the rowing season
’Phone 167.
848 Front Street.
On ani'ilHT point Beoatar Lindmy. particularly the rmv
mv t<rtween
between the var-,
varBtgloy—Di von think worn* wilLthe wide scope of
■was e.tnully felicii.ina Hesaid tlrnt the «ty trea-s <# Harvanl, Yale and Ctr- mcr qnit wearing rorre-ta*

* m<«tde1. will have an i
_ pi-ndiiig Lill'oailcmpiale* that we shall
. long as there
ior laying exiMUdi'nres all the| in ct7*tollixing the many diverse idtss any
ireiuud to main
now in the trianiiy,
trianiiy. escrix
esctnrt tbs i of the last, whichever crew wins May that the ibings are- detrimmitBl to
llIHl.tSHi.iViX) tn Is-heldaM a rodeiuptiosi ; the IkM crew win—tho trew that has buatb.—Chicago News.
While aalt is beneficial to tree* it
and. mcliKmig tii, of sil- worked mint faitbfally. most niux-Ifish-------------------------must he applied in amail quantitieo, or
«r <vrctlu-.ii. • end the of lyt How to incnais- inicmg to re>wiug
A WartAr Furposa.
TWUtacks i.r.,is#.-.1lpy till- I,ill nndei ' *od the number of participants therein
‘'Say. look here. What in thuudv do it will kill tbi-m.
—*ioB, thns l«-a\ iiig
_ at
... the «-ud *• the prublelu tSat all our nuirendties
Rciaiii and tallow in equal parte make
»loot let. small bouss. fle« laralloL. Hk street, caa be boa«bl to* SWU.
f aftbey.xir only EKki.odu.odo g..b] lu
V.— ...,.
. tele of the beat coverings for wounds in j
the tre-nsmy, sobjre-t n- a raiilwli.-u.-ver th.
w foM lot. rood d ovuiag. rerewoed. CS Vxre aad DM per moaib QM'i paid tor.
toward a high standanl of oan- Why. We wnnt it for a Sag polo." ‘fniii and other trexw,
opeculuton dix-iti II to ibi-ir udvuiiugti mai
—etbasu Mellen to Outtog.
MaereolhrwmllMsealha^oMtromtboeUr. Load rrexi. vvU watered, peoto «*
"That's all right. <io obuad.• With nnall freitA if the best quality
■to resort to that coure*'. Wiib lit.-(reus-j
--------Cleveland Plain Dcalur.
, i, seenre-d. it is issa-uttol that the weeds ebard. Tbte m a barrala ter ealp DIM.
ory <bi<1«lrd of its gold iln- uf'
—--------- ———
I and grurei to- ki-ix down.
arret I mlk «re^ all Imprered, wUl bt sold to ao* ptore or dirtdrd Ui nh. IiOeMMa
tor ireasurr would iii<-v i(;iUy I.- o.m
*n.« „ .......i i
n is that oil U
Better thin the fruit on toe treca ap. OtbOTplsere}u*taadMlreWrer»ore*e.
JohSM Bleeb. Pbeo* te.' .
you kmre’ that a I Tta Elder Matrem—You abouldn't „tber than to jreip npibellmbatu keep
pend g..ldj.ajmn-nts witholiib«i which u„vhalf mme rial «rf the Inhniant »to)d Uw baby cr>-iug a lltUa It tfa,.Qj from bre-nkiug down.
wcmld. ntuil (rf d.shoniir toourcre-Ui wbi.-h On-wutchmak.r <» re-pain-rau- strengi
T ..
.Whiii w e reflect that the mwi I.Uiont
The Yimnger Matron—Oh. no doubt, I Vuam Imli tm. ,111
^ tend ,------FRILLS OF FASHION.
Jtagoei m reuigre-M were the frex-.ilvor {...fa.i
i. w.uth^n^mtrt.o .d hot it hto failKT's lulurtou.—
H»mt tooq^d be tnmmed off as
, toeii. ana that they clamored fur war. « dollar^ Tni-- a gnlbai
kensxau.- can ' Indianapolis JotinuU.
““r int-tr apixamuae.
Black pi^iffe*, Tcrea and.Tlcilete are
toe prevaUing Uomouis Intbeuc-w hata.
A woman never becomea eo rich that
, afleebd limbs and bum them.


A. S. Fryman,

EepiMn Don Bwe.



Asparagus, Lettuce. Radisbes, Rhubarb
Fresh Every Day.

Hastings’ Real Estate Agency. |


ebongi-s 111 i.-niix-rmtnn-, >as a market i CuUiu UisuiventH ore- mtx-'ly culobed.
idianiom <>
Mi-toh M.e.—I
Mis*^—1 duu'b'ieub
dtai'b'lvub iL
iL nig.
iI Mtotah
Th»- .-ngunx-r siiiiug iu Ibe cab of hto gah. Dot maehete don* look «
^ that out of a condition uf war they locomoii.e. ev.-TKlau. iug at the dial of , a pteer.—New Yorii'JnumalJ boixxi to bury the gold
H faeyood bis wut.-h. kiiowiiig i|,«t it lu-ver makire
^ —listakix
—-- ••
is csifid.-ul ...
..f ,uithe nao-tV
mfely of
of I V J
II 1. I bl. F., .1.1. I, ...rt .1,,, i....;,,,. I . its. .\™..n l»K.«ibB oookl-B.™
i (oTtunate for tin- country that
tnis giTt ahonU] giv.- ilionks to the blackti-di you had mueli (.-x|x-rienoof
n. 1..
I-., Ir...,-.... ........
T i" *'■*’ r‘“**“«' !"'‘'*‘“'P'n»'i'««hai.«,x.swanitoibe! UxA-Yre. mmu. I're worked for

^ uMMio
m a^rt.r^,nr"7: '‘ii
^tnocio cuoagii ii. rully to the





iu th' Usht two wakea—

aamxt-| Tbiwntanue aumials rnmidi what is Barium Lite.
of the admiuisiration and save ihn ; known as "hind" oil. a i■rexln(-l which '
Lnitertauiirelrum ^-riU ti-nfidd in vtry hinall (juaigitiis is extna-i.-d i
Tba iteiiirrea.i la Clever.
........ borrors of war it- solely fremi the nnA-rjaw
a- and the p,.. I Th* Jeabmies. tbu Jim
•elt—Philadelphia laxlgiT.
^ cnliar fatty
atty growth usi the rurtnm . I
toe aknll
U iu
' front
of the blowboie,— Tbe P|m»l,-ca aB UwUrDwton has left 11
a In iuin-r.
|ab tbi-p'n- rtn^tot as fampoi amp pork
^ We reytard the Ore-g-ai eliv-tion as
j da wr'llaUgitMilItted to Umanmal
dOear proof that the guld rtamlorel will
' Win the hiariT support of the mnj,n-ity
map is
Wlllixmm* e rUinu-U. the Brava* a
><ff tho peo}>]i< io any sdite iM-rei.ifim-»i.«
I-Wgardcd os donblfnl when it is pn- , Insig and 10 foi-t wide, and shows tho
-ited in a clear and bemert fashion.— Atlantic oexan, with its islamte and datbrpun-ieetoru prii • lattaebbUetoto
York Times (lad. Dem.).
| both oauu. fnim Newfoundland t. the
ith of the Amaaun river. The port ; aae^^UeUnteolmedtotheatoralal
I tioo uf war mm-U U marked by UUA. ' *®*’^*°,*“ *h* «iM«i.aB tbr drrll take tb*
Ripaign was o
paper abips stock to the map with pins.
The rarioi places wbfse the Bpaniah **‘"■*7*^ “mtotil tor flay, tw we oU ^
■eBepab- fleeto have been repeated are ao full iff ^
smy vh- tkip htov
d.—New pin boles that the ahlt> cannot be made
As v*'U aU «» ealtoted to the rewatol
I to stay where they an- put
-Oureau 'Hme* BmeM.

The mfret rule is to keep all dead or
caL-->' toin waists
: faulty limba cut off toe fruit trees to
Many of the new velvet belts are I . , Atoanienevvrctitirelyaititocdwtto
order to prereut further decay.
i-in-law, and a woman's dsoghI ,itt
te^ - .1.
While toe tree Is yiamg and growing
the top may be aha]iMl to alrouet any must to cuver the vvlwi bend.
bahiL inTwtiway that is dcoirud.—BL Ismis Bepub*
Dototog could be more toamifnl.


An Atehisoo woman mya toe wnr

IF...sSiTjsas -

you are buried.
Jimllar. mu- fm- the finishing touch at
edltrees of a newqaipm
Don't roil yourre-lf by oalling atho' nrvm or cstd of necktie and om tor toe "eldacu lasn. more than a year. At tha
I tod of a year all the womm hate her.
people bard n
Don't chink that a mlf i
It I* well to I
Avoid the "window pane pattma."
can't be re-lf undmie.
BometinMa are . 6ri«ndt think yoa are a charming conas the too tdg plaids) eometinMd
1 at called. More modest oiee are qnite as vermtionahst year memica regard yoa
Don't aoqcire a toainleat
IK-«P. and that they mgy to
the expMiee of a watchbxw chi
iatylltb and certainly i re rhfined in
Dtei't ounsidcr a task impoerible be„ pretty effect iu hate U of urei*
canse you are unable to purfurm iL
btoek | An Atehlren young lady weut attoy
for a week's visit and took
Don't encourage Ihe man who owns a
ban drum in his efforts to beat the irc- crown, overlaid with aequina At the *
aide are white plumea held with toirred “‘***^ *« »w. weeki and took an caoid.
loeettea iff three tonre of watermelon
***‘“ W»M»d ap io a BCwqpiipK.—
IXn'l keep your hand in your pocket
• and faatened with a jeweied bnc- Atohiatn Globe.
when sympathiBiiig with a man in hard
Don't be akrvenly in your dr«aa Tbia
applies to women only, as mm are not

ES“_____ _____________

Wall*—'Bre's the Mil cf ton, cto
•xtravaganre in Brimming at Ant, bat , nnscr Hayrick—Well, no. thank y«.
DOW both of good black lace to bands <
* care (o read till after I've '•4
Mad qdnato on wotaid arpund the
«■«.—New York World.



Built upon a rock.'! ‘ beware of the volts.

t UgbdBS At A thM Of
••Sbotlj After (1m mbotaI
• VMM tho «d alcagdde. Tba old f<
Ita preMOt OQM b pranlaed if tbe poari- cieMlaad family to PrtooetOB ab »•
I dx chamMl pbn bad been nmorad to bb imivoremaDta soiRaMed by Prate- nairied lady. A dam friend ^ Mm
Tba dURfr
to alenrttmJ f(B>
—- - pwnliar
.--------------------- r,-------------of nodera I tbe bottom of tbe ritm, and it was oec I or Noust of Oottlufm should prore ciereland. was rbitiajr -bev.'* wrlUa a
f works li tbe UafaiUty tn shock, aolrttoe qm jwt prrfeioted by M. Jloa-1 ematy that the xlrar bed sbonld be care-'' to be practicablA Instead of oartsm Alafrlmd of tbe for&.« ndstram <€
trhlchI M
Is oftrti fatal 11 by
hj aoddeut, any efaa, profoaav of pbyait* at tbe Tottrs j folly lereltsL Tbma was little time In moota, be tau> rads of chalk, magnesia tbe White Boase in Tbe Ladlm’ 'Bcme
Ite CmMvt
te(M«4 VpM a War
H with
see comes intn contact
with the
tbe oonooti- lyoesm, in Fnaoe, is, according to tbe wblcb to make them prepantloDa. and and kaolin, which are yetoarimble (or JotinaL ‘'One day while tbe two woTW Wm
with Mom Fmtmdactm wh«i ebai^^o a h^
I Kew Tock World. <me of tba most won- ’ the soondioRs bad t$tbe speedily made, the large propcirtioD of visible light (bcs were in tbe noreerr with tbe thim
Mto CoadlUoo* W Cm4M. CiaAilHa
y* the Ueidtai EbsTdedan. The | dertnl If it prnvee the socmm Ite in- i Aftnr it had been dredg^ tbe bottnn ' rays in tbeir radiaiion. no matter by
CloveUnd girls,............................
WaoHh ao4 Priiairttj.
need nriibM W vmy perfrm nor , venter antidpstm. it is dmtinod to i wss explotud by nKwns td a borinaita] what hh«i» the maurials
laised to jokingly
i-nais an laimd

. ..............................-Tbe lime
^*«^ bow are yon
light and,
me. Pranoen
It bmonM man friimt artwj wnk direcc Pt.w«adtw,.ri«..dtbebo.^i«i^„irt.|7,^rf,*aining».;hm-of^, abontf- *
to g« all :
ttat the ooaoRT Is aw raapiiv tbe wbMUw
wdi'Wia pnamre by | M. Moo^ot's idea is to gather tbe { work nuiting two Asthosts catamaran ; baaed ta this principle. The material^
urf the
J.OOOtndu «» misv
by ■«*
mmfa , hmt mys of tbe tan
to dimintnot do it in New York.'
*■ * svrei1 Iff
san by means of s large fashion.
* "
' *b«w was lowered clu* to sUgbtly wartnvd.......................
• ^
Tailing at the twgianing uf tbe a
lem lilbeerMtart t.uh tbeaMh UT«y lenodensm and f<*.-ns them npnn otie the bottom, and the Unts were gnuln- tboxr very great naisiance. can betaistn • •• •Rsactly.' naliod Mra aeveUad.
fbm tbo effects of tbe policy <d |*w
point. Byuunniof solar action alcae ally moved nlwig in the direction trims-' n. a high temjieratar. tU-i'trioaUy.wltw- ‘B«t what betterr plaoe oonld there b*
tico were distinctly manifest in alnioet' ““■J?
! the sun. millints of miles away, will Terse to tbo Itagtb of the bur. When : natiug enmuu being ns..l to avoid
town U
like Ptinoetan, I
mry Ivauch of tpiudnces and in nearly
V I| *'>'• wound. e^sHally If dmap, is terra all tbepnipowaof man. Altboagb the wraper laoumtctwl no auoveuness. ; ebxTtrolytic aotiuu <« the tuaimai *•..........................

ihoald like to knowr
tbe oootaeu. damp the iHvaram ai^mra oompllcatad tbe tbo wsiwudiag ebaius bnug vertically,' rvmsins t«. be seen wbolbtr there «
•reTT iidnstrial
industrial eatcrprlse.
Kiterprlse. CimAdimoa
CemAdimoa \ •«» ietilfor
* ao ividortlim. so ^ principle is simple. ItoooslBtsof a large hat as wsai tu> ciiber cud a-os dcticctcd diflionltics in operating lamps uf this:
fat Auancial oooditions wu reAerted in
<* UM
the griHind
groond or
or | ------------------------by contact with any otMiractiim su vleo-' *' kind
• • that caumn be uTorceme.
tiia «t»dr aammalalim of mid bv tbe
WMlingf on
Middle aged toerfats who know tbslr
trie cirmii was closul. which oanM<d
ffenlos will no doobt Isarn with regitd
Made tn^cw were
^,toa ilaiigtroas pnasara. If. bonw?
According to Dr. Souhonin, a snln- of tbe death of Antonio Mambki. tbe
■MMOver insund of ooUecting oar in- b, should be standing apon a diy indU
edbymeansofionndiagpulM. In this Utm id oat pert picric acid to 75 parts famoni goudoliw.
ma^ Osnte the
debtidm-ss at it accnrd we were ostab-1 rabbor mat. whMi is an oxndI<«t m«- j
way small sU»<«. down to a cabe of 4 : of watm will saivly and speedily mre «»<ly
b^ reordved po
1‘M^c en -m» St Loodem. tbe trade | omdaniw. he will omie t» no harm on I
InchM, wew cesily looited, and tbe bed tb.. went hnmf and sislda H« warm- ,
b*» by dint
reading tU
• fvnter of tbe world, for , toadiing any nnnilar of dsngoratuly I
of the river was leveled to within that mends that bamds of tbe aUniion be
Flarentine over and over again be
, . j chargrel bodies which are at the none'
amoant of imignlarity.
, kept in fomidriu.. itc., in which worka sort of intoltlM in^bt into
-----------------------------------! men coaid he immer««d in «»e of «w- «»e subtle mmuiug of the poet that
.oe dimsSBT to the Maine in Havana j alcetrioal praamre, bat if be shuald I
dent. Tbe psin is instantly ramoviA, Awnelimes ratpriwd ev«n ouftnred «nbarin' Feb. 1& had only a temporary almnltaw«>oslr tonch. even thrmnd> hiei
1 Wistors
1 vented and a i-ore **“*■
- _
. goodoU was alInAneooe apon bnuneae and trade oon-; clothes, two bodies which differ from ,
.liMcrs in
ditiona. tbo events simply obeoklng ' one another in invasare by aUmt l.DUO
oumplotcd in fourorAve daya—Pop*
nlar &ienc« Newa
* " “ *
i... ~-u.« ua .
hrieAy the imirovvment then in prog- j volts, tlie actual amount dc|>mdiug
I and is very pri
lo. The Almadcn
teas. Evidfuce of this fact was amply largely «a Uio pcrfecliou >f the ovitiu-l,
I miuca. im the a
•itr of Mr. Becker
I topography and traditions of tbe city
gappUed by the bonk rleeriag house re-! or if. w hUe aaf.dy lonchiug higlily
ofthoUniUrf 8tnU-« gordogical sur+cy,
■ tbe dogiw. With nearly all tbe eminent
tnras and it was sliowu in an article in j charged uietal. be shoalil toiwh or loss
K.w Palat Vsr I
“are not only the gnatcet qoicksilva
hi. h,
isin oloM
n>r American Economist of April 8 ! by baud any coudnetiug aniclc to auue
mitMT in tbe world, bnt hare yielded a
A bright work paiui for machinery I
ton DuksjJ-^a
that untwithstandiug the deiotaslao | otto else who U nut sl-« tnsnlau.<l Ukd
product exceeded in value bv verv few lu tran.port is said to have lately been
him m.
oansod liy tbe diKistor to tbo Maino' a fatal shuck may follow,
lines rf any kind. ” I^rtbmu.ire. a re- adopted in Gi rmanyft^^
Jni ih^
there was an tneroase of fTO.OOaoou in
_ _ was
________I gisd qualities are c
maricabkfact, which
bank clearings of the oiiiirc country in
ooppcrreArcturtowboacnaturfaplared after tbeoi«in^ with the BntbsdUlds coniposiiiuii is not stated, lut grease
tbe foar weeks following that cr«tiL
tndisn ink, or oocru de chine, as it
boiler made of tcmpenvl glasa Oon- ^was signed, tbe minus grow richer as sod Tulatib- oils at* Mid to vuier into
Bad rachadisasu>ras that toiheMslue fa m<»e correctly oaH.d. says iho Eng-1 nocted with this fa'a sham engine 'don hlncrease*. FYom l,49o,OOOponnds *«• Applie.1 to iron it provides an air-j
Haalai*s Pn Lamp.
oocurred at may time dnriuK the Clco-o-, ifah conml s« Wtkn. t^hins. is mtdo at! whoso nwriment sett in motion am- of quickwlvira yiar the product has ttglit skin, which adheres lightly lo the
tbe Amerimn inventland free trade sdnimistratiini it would follows: Thoebtef mati-rial osod ispnre ..........................................................
—iched tbo Agure of 8.000.000 poonds «•-*“*
>* proof sgaiust salt water, |
is now M«irt
doabtloss have had a fsmaching sud cnlsa oil. or Uie oil exprossfO from tbo jeot of these wliw is M. MoochoCs and is still Incraunug. It is estimatid
s‘r. ruin, anew, steam, gases and ,.w and .scicuUM who
^ ng
— his
■wre prnlnngid deprossigg iiiAaenoo, tolpolsonooi seeds of a I roe exmoslvoly gn«l triumph. By their aid the beat
bv El Etamamisia Fjtiannl tliat in the the fatm-ii of acid or ammooia It is ab- I******. ^^“****"^- **“ tovwjtid a new
any the l«u«, for tbero was no period tn ealtiTsted in Ubint and Japan. To ibis obtained fa kept in pusKssicn
punwssicn to bo tmed
used *8
Aoltitely muirsi
neutral and
and leave,
ksvea no mark
‘ tocaudi“~"i
important step to advanen, prpthat admluistration when trade or inat will. Tbe wires lead toooilsof a ^ilds have made s net inoAt <f gSO.-''"'heu removed. It is Iransp
IS were sufficiently o
the Ismpblsrbji^oecd by
noucraidncttog sabstoiioe, and ben tbo Oo0,00a Public opinion in Spain was' ^oet not crack nor rub off in baoditog. vided tbe cahltd nynri it true. The Alament U ootnpiaed of a mineral snbfahliabed to withstand sDch a tcrrihle tioo of Ibrsp mfaniols is cli
•uperAuotti beat is kept. A lever en- atnngly aroused last year against the I —Engineering Newa
■tSDce Instead of a viwetable Aber. Tbe
Aook. foreshadosring, as that event did, ing to tbe materlAfa and grade of Ane- abli* tbo rcAector to move backward ! ,—------proposed
ot tbe detract. The
----------------al of
............ .......................................
nitww of tbe material used in tbe Ala•B onttevsk <d war.
nes and time of combustion. Tbe paste and forwardhorisoDtally. whUoatooth-' minfatm of Ananoes anneunced that if
Bvidmice ef tbe
made from this lampblack has some ed tack elevates cr depreseus it v«g«oaI- the contract vras rooewed an advaiioe of
Thc Johnson Stwl enupany of a«v*- ■ “** fa Mid to he a socret. Mr. Maxim
d tbe oountty, Ananclal. oommercial glue added and fa then beaten on wnod- ty, Kilhat it always faces tbe st
■■ dwcriliing tbe lamp as folmcaey fttjm tbe Rot
U for a period land has rw-ived orti-rs f.r *0.<g)0 tims
and industrial, as tbe nmill of tbo Am
auvlli .................
(f steel rails for elwtric roads to ire1-®®®
of *0 years could be obts
tandatian laMJgntoe protective policy. ee Weighing sbout half e pound oech A
land. The Arm undirbid n.4 only Amer- '
mMiaUtiatO. The watts p«r «tomtNW.OOa This*
eertaiuqusntityof musk orBatoosoamA rapid metbodof ecinn ding has prov-____
tom mills nearer tbe m«b.«rd. but aU I
■rate of ^•1,700.000 a
pbor fa added for ■eenting. and
ed very sncoeerfnl to Pranoa On a line '
tbe English cunemu „ well.—Ameri- “*‘* *“ “ ^«***‘
can M.™i,.k^m _
I QDe-tentb of a orntt each.
bal- times gold leaf fa usmI to give
<f ridlway between Haris and Hstmu;
iff tbe oaot'*>r at tbo end of April. metallic luster. This malcrisi Is then
i-idi<dii.nis lem- uui..:stsk»bly
:ably molded in carved wooden molds, dried
imo-'rtont uMitinu to that' b r al nut 10 days and then gilded. Tb*
It u
' J iL"- < am-ui
mouth.. price to China ranges from lem than fid
cents to gas per pound, in the doaen ol
more different grades
This iuk is only made in toe Anhor
to show Impurtant gains. Tbe returns provinee of China, and to 1895 ahont
I for April from all tbeclearingtaoiisesof two tons of it valned at M.8*0, were
tbe oouncry showed an increase of more exported from BbougfaaL
than tl per oent oompared with the
■ante month to 189*. and too statistica
A KoMi
Indicatid a decided tvi'.>viT>-in the prin­
A novel gaug)ilauk is being employed
cipal cities. This result was tin- more by the Inti-niatimud Ktiamshifi
remarkable because uf the fact timt war
Was dw-lared in April. an<l the gains in
tbe oliaring house tvtunis sbowi-d that and the fact that lumling is oixvimpli
and only a trifla to try some of the good things that we are offering
the country was not in the hast dis­ ed by trucks, cniridenble trouMu has
in oar Clothing Department
turbed by toe outbreak of fauniliiica always to the past }■«« expiTuaioed in
The lait
may N- uoitsl in this e>«mcc- I___
loading and Mjbu"
v t“Ay
iwliug. and at tini<«
tion that cltariug hiiuse tvtonis for funr; K',.-:a4
wv.-i•ral men
would Is- wquired to |iush
toonths ending
« April
Ap "
t only shoi
how!! the trucks up the st.vT> gangiJouk. The
an tocn-aw for the entiiv country
of; mssiii umugeuituii is to brief
a revita■
84- per
tbuj. cd (n^wuuiii
Intwlntill u|s-raiisl
u|>-rat<d by
clivtric nils

— V.
M. ,roniimnil
.....jM.. • with
M ..u
' -I tbe....................
an I'iis-inc
1 time to 1M*7. when couAdei>oe| tor tliraugh iniitablegairing. The gang.
Judb»m rvMiured
ito- i-bvtiuo uf plsuk is a framingsupponiiig a muring
Prwid.-Ut McKinley and ail c-Biililions Aoor nO f.s-t l«ig nud 4 wide, niwo
ere pruiqsTons, but aliu<»-t every clear­ hich the st«-vi«lan<s stoitilv
iilJy run \helr
Y<m would think them to be worth double what we ask, but they
ing boui« tvp'jrted more nr lias Uupur- loedid trucks and stand until;i they
are not. They are simply values that will bring you what you have
taut gatoa
carriid to toe top uf the incline. It is
• a right to expect for your money-that is a lot of good aatiafhetory
liMt the imptuvemeoi in buiinem foiutd tliat the couv.yor is in eiivyway
eoodiriims bas been {ir<igr<v*dve to ala sueem and cffi.-ts a gnat mving in
wear and oomfort We keep no other kind.
’ ■* *
isshowu byCbej time and money.—Kngtoivrtog Ncoi-a
s fur tbe
-------------------------May. Tbrae Indicate
<W*W Vs* of OeeaMs.
1..-.:-!;- Th,p™,ic or .ppijiL, ™coio.M
^ entire eountiy wauiared with loWj the eyes of Aremm in order to reduce
the sensibility of the liyeball
Taking a sn^of l^ tmodiof smoke bas been stnmglv oouMousa.rrAret.d
bank ckaringa. of,detuned by the New York board of
Anoncisl situtioQ as sfauwu by the boaUh. Dr. Fletcher Eogalls. in comaluiostuuoampled ease in money all! meotiug on .bis custom. ss.vs that not
Wtbewontry.of tbeastablisbedotn-ionlr is it likelv lo pradnee victims to
Adeuo- as inditakd by patient waiting the cocaiu.- habit, tmt tost, wheu used
f«c event, in ColBu watora of tbg for- often, cocaine kills tbe Aue aeusibilities
^gu tmd.- as shown by 'he unpn.Nlli*t- [ upon which thecy, sd. pi nd. But to any
and mcr,«,iug favorable balsnoe. iff, case tbe applicstion of cooait
<be condition of tbe treasury as rKdeofad | .eea noder such ciraumstances is quito
U^tbeiiu-rvsMMrf more that. ♦lOO.hOO.-} wrong. If it does deaden tbe i
of gold to tbe circulation within A for tbe time being, it
r. and in the quite gvmral payment injury to them tar th«
of gold torcum-iit> fur toe!
Arst timi-sinoe tii.- p-riid presvding tbe^
War of the rabi'lliini—n-vi. trinp tbciss'
The Fifth Avenue Btogrevwcb crenpa-




I ..Costs Nothing to Look.. ;

Salts $3.76, 4.00, 4.60,6.00,6.00,6.60,
7.00, 7.60, 8,00, 8.60,0.00,10.00, U.OO to 20.00.

BICYCLE SUITS, S2.75, S4. S5 and S7.50. |
Caps 26c to 60c.

to II...
<t O... Mm u.,.™. In
OM n...l

x,,M I.

BU... .IB.* to
mn ito 0,000,OM.

to ,


a., rc to


Golf Hose 25, 35, 50 to 85 Cents. I

toft,' to»

,L, to,™, hto KBm,™,.


imito, TV >•«« I- rb.1 .Th.n tn. t,„,
S.od,o,m,w,l«aOoliarfn,™n>,t j,,
bj lU, inln.bito. oT U» to
toait.nn.>, n- _f..rMI,,a ,
j,,, AT«Wi, ml. «r,i™ to/v>
Irr . «Boa i»™l ua tonmn„,
n. L,,.a.« .irfrt.
ua u»
m.v,™a bj .
pundvut whu insptrwi ounAdenoe.
1—Electrical Rctk-w.

The ctidit of tbe United States at'tbe
rjrte from
frum this
this country
Btessmt time is next to that if Gnwl ^ «.«diir toavwsing and oe e large
firitato. Our 4 per oent bonds
itb .*>
it> fai tirv u.
to m
a cetitral
k'«k doe, to ‘ j<„uiianv w
— .,w
!»• —ki-k
u. m
1926 are selling
1*8. which mskw
nvwit ortiri for 16 comtbe totensd eqnivabvt to that of a
",?Vlpl'de stnsc railway equipments and
famd ».UtoK for 8t 18-ie
18-le per OH
onit. .Bril 1 fully 16.000 hon-T-twiT to railwar moItb consols are selling[ at 111 and
wWllors boBld.» oclirs for lighting niatit u
i fI7 ]
9- cent. Our famded
bunded debt
^ railway
nulwav gimi
gtVKnUors aluoo.
pm hiad, while that of Orewt Britain
.j^ers <amc fro
rp«u .England.
•80 to each iiilmbiiaiiL Whenitbi
tbe last; pMnee. Germany. Bilgim
, mu. Ital.v,
ig forced
f........... tngal. JapAn. south
fear of the United Elates k-ing
Ainirica and ermi
to a silver famik sliall have died.L Ibej
nredit of tbo Unitiyl States should be
Ibe best if any gurerumctit in tbv world.
Tbeinase if rigging and ropes
far^v disipiieared from ew won go­
■ As tbe luik- joker if the anti-Hawmi- ing nafl, but tl has been rejdsced bj- a
fan gang Champ Clark is funny, bnt mase of wins and piping below the
not qnlU- su grotesque s^tbi' onti-Hs- dre-k. The nivibrn steamer is not siniwaiiati uraiore who taketHiiuwdveescri- idiv thf
than the miltog idiip—AtuiTlcan
ously.—kbiladuliihia Prvw
TAs Dewvr Tvaa.
K.UC Wilhjlm 1. . linl, Itoto
*,», 1.
. ntoUl, tn, U,hln*.
IM „-o. b. tonw. l»n. rton,pM j, »,u
Ui, lnih.a.tb. Into to
hl. «np, U U» lUnilk
. hto., ■>> to ol l.WOki
knows tlM D«wey binge works witb,^,^



I iiiiiiWiiri

We claim the beet line in the
clQr at and between the above
Our 86 cent ahlrte are douUe
■titofaed, 36 inches long and give
good emtiefaotion.


Onl, 25c, not 39c.
The right thlnge in Straw and
- Crash Hate.

Oor owo 'special, "Little Eoiereer"
Never telle to give eetietection.
Leatherlne Lining, sewed with
Silk and Linen, Doable Beat and
Knee. Beat all wool tebrloa, price

“UttleCaptaiB" Slit $3.75.


Cheaper snita yet good onea at
$8, 68-60 and $3. Bvery garment
free from shoddy and will not


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