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The Morning Record, October 05, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
PDF Text
Second Tear-No 445
SehooB^r Palmar Want Down Sunday
Off Ooaat of South Oarohna.
General Wheeler Backs np
Bpoelal to the HOBBIXS Kacoao.
CbarIratOD. 8- C., Oik «■—The blf
acboooer Palmer aprany a leak In the
In h» TeaUmony Before XavasUyatloB
JLboUmt of W-ei» Sam** »t» Fi»ht«»
Oonuniaaion — Santiago Campaign
Took to «raur at JTowpon. Hewa afloat br pnapiof. finally r>>»(
off Stone Point.. Capt. Whittier, the
Xoat XffeetlTe that wnaSvar Da.
T»»rdw-n" O'”*
ud «co.d m.U.. .Uw.rd ud
Tiaed—SnppUw and Xedldnea in
Vaney Letar
aerau nee ware drowned.
Special to Tat Moatitu Rtcoao.
Special to tbcMouns naeoao.
Waablngtoo, Uct. 4.—The war inveaKewpon Newa, Oct. t.—The Battlettgating commiiaion began lU eaaminablp lUlnola wae ancceaafalty launched ,
a of wltneaaat today by placing
.atlS:3S thlk afternoon, amid the cn- |rint Dsy Of Fall Heetlng S
Wheeler oc tbe aund. Ex.Oor-• •
ernor Beaver eondneted the eicaminaSnocess
and blaste of hnndreda of s
tlon. General Wbeeler'a teatimony
10:J0 o’clock Mlaa Nancy Ultar,
___ ^_____ prieked the bobblea
.ortdrtli. im.Pl.
. O^ddp'ddl-^lnwl
Sbowednp WeU-BxoitlBg HeaU in |criticlam. He backed up the admindlallnynUhed party from Chleafio,
Big BntUeship nUnois Soocessftilly lAonched.
aaeended the ebrUteniny atand. When
the anpreme moment came Miaa Letter
polled a gaily decorated bottle of
U>. S:d4 CIu. Which „ Wo. hr I •*•»*'” '""h * "■ *
aayatbatoo more rff*ctive campaigB
, than Shafter'a before Santiago waa
Tbe meeUng of tbe Tmverae City ,
auppllee and
J. T. Hannah^ X” 0. K.
fa""" r
Lioutenaata Cl£mB 6S Out of 104
Hominatlona for LegiaUtnre.
.peelal u> Tat Hoaaix* EtroaB
Grand Baplda. Oct. 4.—Senator Bur
row.’ lientenante in thia city are claim
ing bia re-election on the fir.t ballot.
They baae their claim npon the fact
that of the 104 nomlaatioDi already
made for tbe legiaUture, 83 are aolid
for Berrowa.,
Offlolally ApprUed of Bia Mominatlon far Governor.
Spwiml (oTatUeMiike Kaoeu.
New Vork. Oot. 4 —Tbe committee
appointed to ootlfy tbe caodidataa
inated by tbe aUte Republican
convention went to the home of Colon
el Roaaevelt at Oyator Bay today- Dr.
Depew made tbe noliflcatioo addreaa
to Colonel Rooeevelt. eomplimenting
him on the ananimity of him eboice by
the eoBventioD, Colonel Rooeevelt re
plied in a ringiog apeeeh.
Because we are selling
them cheaper than they
have ever been sold be
fore in the city.
ladies' Sbus,
CAffURtt Bf mnuRs.
R9c, 9Sc, $1.19, $1.48.
Bor's Shoes,
75c, 98c, $1.12.
Maa s Shoes,
Half Price.
Popular Shoe House.
man. Firat Dltirict: WillUm Jndaon.
Second: Joaepb McCanaey Third; Ar
An Bxeuaable Error Kade by a Wo
thur M- Rood. Fifth: John Holbrook.
man in Judge Oorbett'e Oonrt at
WillUm Aiken. C. a Vaughn, Eighth; | Kan who Broke hie Fnther-U-Uwh
TasUrdajr’a Saosion.
H. W. Carey. Ninth, and Cbaa. E. & Oaad by a Jury.
It waa during tbe tedium of the
born. Twelfth. The chairman
The jury in the
I of the .people
hMriDg in the Jay Csnant trial, or
polntea the committea. Tbe meeting yprvui Djugla* Brower, who waa acche»
what baa come to be known aa tbe
araa a pablic one.
ed of auaull and battery on hla father- ■-See-aaw’- case, in the Circalt oonrt
io-law, John G'-av. tbe hlory of whoee yeeterday. that a woman oxeUimod to
| trUl wan told in tbeae colnmna Tneein a boshed voice: -My!
day morniog. returped a verdict, yca- do yon bear thai?"
Tbe Dppar PenlnauU Congrasa*onal terdayofnolgailtyi and Douglae left
“Wbatr atked the h
tbe court bonao^accompanied by bU
Fight in Oonrt.
“That aoore: the judge is asleep,’’
wife, a very bapfir man. Preceding tbe
BptclalioTasMraasBe Baceao.
and a sound that reaemblgfi the WagapparenUy happy coup', were tbe
Lanalng. October 4.—Tbe Supreme parente of the wile. Mr. and lira Gray nerioo mu.ic made by a person aaieep
with hia month open, was pUinly au
oonn thU afternoon granted an order
and tbe expreaaioo of tbe countenance
in tbe
of tbe Utter betokened anything bnt a
The man gazed toward the bench
fight, dtrecUng the commlaaionera to oonteotad frame of mind.
and then ttimed toward hU wife.
Show eanae why they ahould not put
‘■Pshaw; yon must be dreaming. The
S.tepbenaoo'B name on tbe ntguUr RaHunaw^y Indiana
judge is wide awake: don't yon aee hia
pnbliean ticket. The order U retnmTeeterday a repreaentativa of the la eyes open?"
able next Thnraday. Uct. 13. when the
dian aebool at Ml. Pleaaant waa in the
Just then the eoand like a snore waa
«aae will be airned on ita meriu.
cUy in aeareh of three Indteea who repeated, and the vigiUnl buabaod
had run away from that iaatitntioD. added to hi. wife with a look of dl.H
One Hundred Drowned.
“Thaf. hU ^airr aqaeakiag."
I.',..* .
Onni.nh «n
I-!■—*l>""—““” >“l
*<‘"1p™. U..
like what tbe womaa termlodli.
; by hill
Robect Priee. am
Oompaoy X. Boy Karried.
alater. Ura I,.franler. went to.Cbioago
Bmeat Irish and Miaa Mand Taaael,
ycaterdayto inveetigate the matter qf
Mr. Utfranier'a death and net that all both of Traverse dtr. were married at
Placed In year reeideaee, for to tt done Uiat tt poealble to bring to the home of the bride on Monday after
. day by tbe Northmn TelefAeae
noon by tbe Rev. Hr Reufch
joatiee the men who abot him.
■c." 440-Ct
A Warm Welcome
Will be • ztended to all tbe visUiDg knigbte < f K
morrow, but
not any more hearty
than tbe one that all will reeeiva that
call and look over our new Hnll'
Holiday goods.
We are onnaeking
goods every day. They are tbe fi
finett that the city markhU have tamed
out thla year. Shall be pleased
----- ....
thcM goods—BO trooblc
at all.
Holley & Connable,
290 Front Street
“Olty Bookstor*.’*
We are
Selling the
. ,,rr,bo.,
tbe river, caat it againat the receding;
There were comp'amta of the medbow. The botUe craobed t»to a tboua-j
dep*rtm.«t, but theae wara not:
and fragment, and the wine
Onocca.ion. there wa. .abort-; Tha Ladiaa' Library AaaoeUtion are
nation’,|inew degreateat interaat "M , ^ *,f anrgeona. aome of the aurgMna liacuaaiog the matter of patting eteam
down the
.Hie of
the nation
a #e de^^e S:« claea. wh«e |
According to heat In thrlr bnilding.
i Ueoeral Wheeler*, belief tbe wounded
Chicago and Waahingtou werereprea- (here were •«»«•»’•
eapeeUlly between L. C S. and Fred
promptly cared for. After the ff.L. IvaiTeilttLetieiu
enUd by Urge delegatio&a of promin* Almont, L. C. K winning by abenta
Can be procured of Kra. C. B Rector
fight of July let. all the wounded were
oat men and womea and naarby oltlea
at 144 Lake Avenue.
U the firat heat. There were 7 oarrled frem the field that nigbk
and vUlagea praetleally emptied tbem- aUrtere in thla raoe.
aelvee of their populatloa to aealat tbe
During tba S:S4 elaaa raca there waa a
atate of IlUaoU In honoring the great good deal of difficulty In getting a etart
ahlp’a baptiam. The weather waa ideal. and a Borie# of aecidente throatesed to been aeleeted aa a camp alU alter tbe
Aaeiatant Sreratary of the Navy Alien mar what flaally Urmlnated in the fin- beginning of the war.' and waa Inelcame dowa from Forlamsath, where eat and moat exciting race of tha day. ,denUl to the intended movement oa
he had been Inapeeting the navy yard. Th* firat aoddant waa the pnn'etarUg of Havana. In June it waa nnobjaetioBa
He waa aboard tba diapaich boat Dol- one of Ue Uree of tbe aalky of L. C. E- bin, bnt It became wot Utor. There
waa, ha wid. at timaa aoma abnrtage •
A ehanga waa effected and aaotber trial
The ateamar Newport Newa bron^t made. When the final aWrt waa made anpplUaatthe camp, ”bnt nothing,'
4ow« from WaablngVM Commodora the horaeg aped away In good ahape, he added, “that a eoldier oonid oemlira. Kndioou. Oaptaln Crawnla- bat wbon on tha firat quarter atretch pUlB of."
They had oomfortabU tenta. anffiahiald, PaymatUr Uoneral Suwart, Little Barahia waacrowdad to the oatEngUeer-in-Cblaf MalvIIIa. Sargeoa alda feaea by Frank M. and pet oat of eiant eommUaary aapplUa and good
Oaoeral Van geypoa aiuj wlfa. Chief tba beat, with both Urea torn from tha water.
Raferrln^ ag^o to tbe Saatiago eamOonatmcHn Bt^boma and vifa. Sec whoeUof the aniky. LitUa MarahU
retary of Apieylture WUaoa ,aad waa driven by Frank Thlwoed aad palgn, OcMTal Wheeler aald that only
(wo ragimenta reported a ehortage of
othan. Governor Taaaer'a party ar
Frpak H by C. InonoU.
rived at old Point laat night.
Today'a program promleea tome
*Qm flnt kaal pUtn of tU» eUp m more aorprlMB, eapeeUny In the tree to the roar.and tha ahorUgs.which waa
dden^ fm Si||iM94. There wee
Uld Peh. 10.1897. The veaaeU of the for all. whleb givea promiee of Mag a
4jhe WW w«SS compeUniinoia eUaa have the eame demenalons very hot nnm^.
ed to Ab ip tAt hr*MtVflf)B.
sa the Keaiaage and Kantaelry. Thera
The track wUl bf put U thf pink of
haa been a radleal departnre frem tha mdition in Ume for the opening raoe. meat w]«pper,«pd they had go bread
fUrtlma modal both In rogard to tha a foree having been emplt^ed Utt batha^tscA They wm fisreed to
aamber of gsna and to the apaoa aa- evening. Some new reeorda nre oo«and necaamrily there waa mneh alcksigned to them. Th« maU batury oon- fidasUy egpoetod to be ^e today.
WkUa they bed a fnU fiapu of
sUtaof fonr thMson-lneh guns and
Rod Deer pUaaed the orowd yfttW- doctoffi ssd Sanaa, ha thonght that
foortoen aU-lDch rapid firtgg rffiea.
4ay by trotUag an pzUbttion aaiU with
fnraUh^ tbe men
Following are the dimanalona of the a mnatng mate In 3:84 h and be will If more
would have bm boMar earOd lor. Aa
and try to
for the rations there waa three day*a
Length ever all. «37 feet e Uehee;
aapply geoenlly iaaned. Whenever the
VoAdth, Tt teat tH Inehoe; troebabrd
e;L.C.K. firat
troops west iaio a«tios thiey wonld
iorwart. 10 feet; freeboard aft. 13 feet ^oney. Fred Almont eeeond. Frank U.
throw their food away, aa waU as tbolr
% U<A«; freeboard amldahlp. 19 feet 10 ^
Tima t:»9.
packs, aad often they did net recover
Inehsa: laoan draught with MO ton. of
ooal, two-Uirda atores and two-tkirda
Program for Today.
u fset 0 Incfaea.
Race, atart at 1:30 abarp.
- She U to have a apeed of aUteen
8;4S vLaaa.
Itnota u boor, and bar enginea aro ex
ns RoM8;4S claaa-first race-EatrUt Dan D. Two Oflleefs are
pected to ahow an Indicated borae
Von 4o, 4oab. Eiaer. Knater.
by PlUger
povrer of 10.000.
Free for all elaaa, aeeond i m-Bell.
Bicycle Girl and Sybil B.
SpMlAl to Tbs Hmvik. Bscosb.
Baaning event, third race—Boy Dia
Wslksr. If Un., Oct 4 —United States
mond. Lillian Wilkea. NellU B, Harlan
MsnhsI O'Connor and Inspector TUkcr
the KaentlTe
have bssn captured by the Bear ItUsd
Wlsneta of tba Day.
Ohoeon by State Obairpao Xanb
Pilager' Indiasa and held sa boatagea.
Tba winoara of the peraaa in tbe S;»5 The officers were advised not to trust
eU« were aa lollowa: BUly C. firat. IbereproaenUUveaof the Indiana, who
SroMai u> Tas Uouina KicoutLoniaa H. aeeond. Dogwood, third. Bat atipoUlad that they wonld not treat
Detroit, Oct. 4.—Tbe federal machine
tle Swift, fonrtb. Uneea. fifth plaea.
with the whitee it any .other oeraona
^pablicans got a terrible throw down
Winoara in the 4-year-old ooit race— than the marshal aad inspector
at ^a meeting of tbe aute eentral
Maud C, firat money; Joah. aoeond to the iklpnd. Tbe two effleera went
- oommittee tbla aitemoon. Not one
money: Reaben Wrlgbt, Utlrd money. bat are held aat prlaonera.
waa given a place on tbe executive
Tha beat time made U tbe 8:33 elaaa
committee of ten eelected by Chairman
te given by baaU: 8:34 >4. 8:8c.
Marah. The ten are all true blue aupS:3aK. Beat time In tbe colt race,
porten of the governor. Their namei.
areiCharlaaFloweraand Bohert Oak- throe mlnntea.
In One!
(tore on Bast Front street, U
I bkve combined
Fancy and
Staple Groceries.
The crowded c:ndition fonsee
roe to sell a large quantity of
goods at
Greail; Reduced Prices
To make room fpr new goods. Ton
should take advant^ of tbe
226 Front StrMt.
—Bard or soft.
—All for bnrelng.
to etart yonr firda
Ink, Mucilage and Paste-mond —Thomas-r-Am
—A full line—at
Markham Block.
please noticel
Believing we can eerve the pnbiic better by not giving ^premlnma, vre have decided to diaoMUnne same at the and of THIRTY
DATS from thla data—October sih. im. Fartiaa wishing prominma will plMae sec that they soenrs the aetcuary nambor tA
tickett aad bring them U wtUln thte length of Ume. Anyone
having tickett end not wteblng a preminm. can um them ia
making pnrehaam of SB (to aad over—we wiU allow Si-M pm
baadred in part ^ymeat of any gooda yon bny to this amonat.
Will poaiUvelj;.:'refaae to accept Uekatt oa any amouts lam
than SB.OO.
Baliatale Dry Goods. Carpet ^ dothiag He«M.
Traversa OMy. Mieh.
Tight Heaters
Heat up quick, bold fire 24 hours or mors sotl make IriMjfi
wbersver they go. If yon ^u’tjselieve it buy one o4
Plfica-IOT Front Wtfk.
Larger Store-Double Stock..
Elegant Hew LfpM..
Jewelry, Silverwarel
Inor««sed dtepiay Fine Watches. Fine line Silk
8tHn«od Maaiofil laetnmenU. Strings fw all inatraoenta.
land China Wara. Bvarytking new.
Take a look throogb our ^egaot new qnaiiefA
______ BARNUM & EARL, S3T
Glothing Department"
r with Monday. October 3rd wao
■A Special Sale..
On Mvenl lineaof L-...___ _
We Orvea:—
50 men'. Black Clay Worsted Suita.
No belter suit Belling ai 8l8.00,forf7.35.
30 men'. All Wool black and blue Eeraey Ovarcoatt. weU Uaad aad
tarimmad. regular 910.00 coat for fo 73.
83 yoaib'. All Wool Tweed Suitt. actual value 97.30. for 94.96.
Ouly 83 Children. Suite left of iMt week’, sale, at 91.89, from WOO
and 93 30 goods. We coDtlDne tbl. sale until they are all gone.
50 dozen meu'i Wool Underwear, made to eell for 91.00, bnt nre
thrown on tbe market through baokruotey at 30 ceeU oa the d^lar,
Wc place them on Mooday'. sale at 59 oeau each.
New arrivals in all of onr depaaUneota
A choice line of men'. Union Suit
An elaborate .eleetiOB of n
Dry Goods Department
We show oow aUk and oordoroy Wattts, aOk and wool motra
Our Millinery Department
la the talk of the town.
We ri
_____ __________________
oamatohabU aad prtea
Our Shoe Department
I. receiving more patronage every day. ills being eoneofiod
that our block i. new ud up-to-date acd pricea the ioweatTn the dty.
Our Gioak Department
I. filled with*bargain, not obtained ettewhere, onr mlectioo tt
large and onr prieee right. To. make ao mistake by bnying yonr JackOtt, Oape. aod CoUaretU of na
-a /
The Boston Store.
W'-'' ■
tmm uobstsq bboobd
Httmdrom Incidents of Oon.
ant Trinlin Oirenit Oonrt.
PrieoBcr Peond OnUly and ▼nine of
i. T. BAtaa a» 9. W. HASns.
•aw Fixed »t M. Caklnp tbe Mme
Petty Xmrorty—Pnaoaer
#, W. a*jnm. Bditor and
on Bis Promwe to Betnm today
JayConant was convicted byajory
lam oifbt. of tbe larceny of a
which, the Jury mid. vras valecd at «8.
This paU the crime la the catofory of
petty larceny. The verdlel
tamed after cetul had adlonmcd tor
the day and Jadfe qprbeU had fone
booM for the nifbt. Oonaat will prob
ably be senwnood this mornlnf.
• the prisonto fo home with hU wife last nlfbl,
on his own reecpnloance. Coaant promklnf to relnm for ssounee this mom-
Tn jrvUow JotinwU w «UU r«Jrtrinf orcr the briUiat praepeeU of
n end Popnlieu nre »l«r»^ Is
hi(h fenther whes Ue
■OMthlsr- Demoeretic ndmlnietiS'
4toet hnve nlweje bees soted for
m»n- Dols( Mthlsr end dolsc U
OecAB Sisreox, the Sheri# of tinnd
Ekneiee ooenty, ehowed. the food
OmUllee of hU bif benrU yeeterdej,
whes he permitted Jay Cosest. the
ief, to r>
•i^t os hie own rcooroiEuee, thu
bioft one nl£ht of libertyrorJeypromlMdto reters to Clrcsl*.
eoert Ula mornlns to receive eestesce.
eetioB of the dreslt ooort jery
1b retsmisr e verdict of rellty ecsioet
iiij Omest ud then plectnc the veloe
edtheetoleneewetSd. looks as If it
WMserry for eoBvieUsf the priM>ner
sad threw a sop toiu coaaieses by beMtliar the enormity of the erlae.thos
e Oerbett a loophole for
f • 4rht sentesee. .
Kcw You bei h^me *'Uie enemy's
•onstiy” more and mere fiace the el*
.Mtton of 18M. since the Tnsunany
nflme has floated bonds payable
<<Bold cidB of the
ire^t ad fioMcsa.
This partly ends a loaf-drawn oni
iM in a verdict of fntlly. conflrminf a
like verdict of e Justice court.
Two others are to be trieo on the same
eberfeand for the tbefl of tbe tome
kw. es is told farther alonf.
The buuinf of tbe saw was not andtble. bet everbodv In the circuit court
yesteHay saw tbe eaw. and it reqoi^
but a simple etretcb of the Imaflnatton
to hear, in tbe words of the eounsel
and tbe homdram of the evidence es it
droned forth by the wltnesess.
familiar buzsinf of the clrenlar disc of
etocl eutUnf Uroufb wood. It was In
the sppeal trial of tbe case of the Peo
ple VI. Jay Conant. which wea heard
before Jodfe Corbett and tola Jury on
appeal; Charles Monlton. James Wise,
S P. Newhonse, F. O- Campbell. Cbai.
Sachtelben. A.F. Hopklas. T. J. Cama.
Frank Mackey, A. B. Bralnerd, Frank
Hmi^, Benry Constade and L. Van
ThU Jury cat for bonre tn tbe insnftorable beat and patiently listened to
the lonf BUinf of evidence, as to bust
saws, circular saws, rfp saws and all
otherfradee and oondltlons of saws. Ex.
pert evidence was also beard aa to tbe
-lof side' of a MW as dUtinfuUbed
from other sides, and a spot or blem
ish on tbesurfsee of the saw, was varloaslydeflaed as a “scale.r and a "flak
inf or-eanacd by mst. It and the ii
teeth of ths Implement and metoods of
were all made the topics of exhaustive
dieeoveee br Ikwyere learned in lefal
bat woefully dense in
of towmill htoratnrc.
order to five the
demonstration -oi
J. C. KUL.1S
X.OOX out FOB THB O. O. X. X.
Sifl Tins# Proniaed Teoiorrew After*
neon and Seealag
There SrUI be a ep^ maatlac of
ke local mamhen of the D. O. K. E.
this eveoinf toe
for ths die peace Jnbiiee and the recep
tion of the vtsltore from Oraod Baplde
aod other points. Tbe epeelal train
from Oraod Rapids will brief aboot
of tbe order, ar*
livlnf here on tbe O. R. A 1 at 1:S0
will be escorted to Stein*
terf s Grand, which will be bead*
qnariers. After dinner the whole
crowd will attend tbe races at the fair :
Tbe preparations for the parade will
be made in the We-qce-toBpelob honse {
In the early eveoinf and tbe line will;
form on Front street and Wellinxton
at that point Prom there the march 1
Footba'l Tomorrow
will be throufh Wellinfton to fltote.'
A game of foot ball bss been erwest on fltato to Cass, sooth to East
raoged for between tbe Maneelons
Blfhih. to Uoloo, thence north
eleven and the Traverse City team.
Front and to the place of siartiof.
Thu will bo tbe most elaborate Tbe contest will takr place
street display ever cceo In Traverse afternoon in the ISib street base ball
park, and a bot game to expected.
City, with brilliant
Ufnl and fantastic costumes and spec Meaeger Brown bee kept bto team in
training and srill give tbe rtoitorseome
ial featurea
Tbe iniUatorr work will take place goodeport.
la Steinberg's Grand and at 11 o’clock
AmuMment Xotea.
abont 400 will eit down to aa alabo rate
Batch’s tiwape of Midaay Daneere
banquet in tbe City Opera Bouse.
opened tbeir week's engegem-nt at
racetrack yeaterdey lua good at
The Grace church Guild will meet tendance. It will give perfori
with Mre. Avery Thursday afternoon. every afternoon doriug tbe continuA full attondeoee to desired at the
Mission Circle meeting to be held this
afterooon with Mrs- Carmso. No. SST
Webster streek Topic; "Bannab of
Tbe Woman's Auxiliary of Grace
church will mset at Mrs Garland's this
afternoon st two o'clock. All having
articles for the mtoeion ere reqaested
to bring them totbU meetlog.
There will be e regular meeting of
the W. A. 8. B Thursday evening.
The sloop yacht Doris, owned by J.
8. Jenoiags of Detroit, was brought
over from Ncahtawanta yesterday by
Victor Montague, to be leid ao for
the winter.
There will be e dance in Stelnberg'e
ball tomorrow evening.
Ed. Hogan has teken op quarters for
bis esrpenter shop io Victor Monta
gue’s boat building eeubltobmenl
East Front street.
The carpets for the new Columbiso
Botel are being fumisbed bv J. W.
William Decker, an employe io tbe
ehiogle mill at Sllgble. bed bU foot
igbt in a revolving belt yesterday
and had tbe inembcr badly bmtoed and
leeereted. Dr. KeeelsDd-wasea'led.
Mrs. G. A. Johnson of Scnih Cnion
street, met with s painful accident yeslerdsf. Sbs fell down s flifbt of euire,
but fortunately susiaioi-fl no serions
The first to exhibit fine D. 0 K K.
decorations are Bolley A CdshaVit and
Julius Stelubcrg.
Both stores have
very sttreetlve deeoraticoa
Willita Abbott has taken a position
IB the new carriage works of A. J.
t'etertyl. Be formerly was in the em
ploy of V. Peieriyl.
Tbe annual meeting end electioe of
Dealer in Bicycles s Bicycle Sundries
My work is finit cUm mod prieee that are in reach o( all. 1 am
prepared af all timea to take card of tbe trade. 1 nuke a ape^tv is
Bmziag. Valcaoizing and £aameliog. A fine line of wheels for sale'
and to rent.
J. C. ELL18, 311 Front street,
atreet, east.
As Advsrtissd,
onr UneofFlsgrse
For women,
^ V-
Our complete Fall and Winter Line is in.
Call and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Shoemao.
118 Front Street.
Wurxbnrg Block {
Robbed ths Oravs.
A stertling iecidso; of whi-th Mr.
Jukn Oliver, of Fhllsdelphla. vaa the
ibject, it narrated by
"1 wsa in a most dreadful conditli
phyaieiens bad given me up. Fo.-tuDstelr.a friend advised trying 'Eee- _
>r^ w««ke. .end am now e well i
1 know they saved my life, sad I
ive of sontber victim." J
trytbem- Only;
8 E. Wall's sQd
Don’t Have To
a Bock Soot
For any of them when it comes to selling Cookies.
We*ve got abont—well, anyway enough grades to
salt everybody. ‘Prices reaeonable.
d., tj ti
Co. 444) «l
946 Front Street
I Is Tie Best Policy.”
wbst a MW really was aad to also
show them tbe saw sllsfed to havs
bean stolen from the mill of William
llKlded to eo Oispoee of BabeeriptioBS Beitner, the identical saw. Ufe-slse aod
for Propoeed Company M
rusty looklnf. bcarinf the 3S teeth,
marks of tbe die and the "spot" on the
Lest evenloB there vras a meetin* of ••loff-side'' awd all was drafged into
That is one reason wbj we make tbe
Ihe board of directors of the Bannab court and placed in evidence and the
pie~ ad the exeootlve committee of jurora were further adacated into saw
“BEST” Ftour. Another is that we
the demonstration that was to have lore to each an exunt, in fact that the
^e*h iiven to Oompaay U. for tbe par- eaw. which its owner Beitner told he
have the BEST winter wheat in Micbie for the re* wouldn't take #ng for. wu fhlded at l«
Uef of the aoldlera who arc still sick by the Jdiy. In lu verdict of flailty
gan. We also have, not the largest,
and tbe defnylnfl of the exprnsea afalnstJhy Conant. and tbe aettunee
but one of the BEST mills in Michigan.
Blready inenired- OeaslderabU money of the court, today. wUl he fixed
Are the best mstt'eeeee on earth •
hM been paid ent of the fond fllveo by eordlBfly, the crime bcinf, aceordinf
for the money—every one gnsran- •
Therefore it von want good dour buy
to this verdiotoaly one of petty lareeuy.
4b!»* Perry Hannah and In
Thsevideatoof the esse
gational church ^
with an..................................
the "BEST."
tbsD the coniBon $2, 4250,1^175 T
Redded that the subeeripUons taken down to a BoUhaU. is to the effect chereb parlors t
fnr the demonstration abonld be tom* that Conant stole Beitoer's saw and o’clock.
One-third of yoor life is spent in <
Tonight tbe Sliver family will
•d Into tbe relief fend. This dUpoel* some filtUnfa connected with it and
tain a Urge sudiraee in the City Opers bed—that outrht to bt> eomfurtable. j
don of tbe foods has met with the ap put them in operation in a small
mill a few miles distant from the Beitproval of all the
tatter. The sentiment ncr mill; thU Conant denied, and
•••••••••••••••••••••■••••MASSMSSSAylewi, will be severul reprodqcllona of
prevalliDfl U that every aicans poavlble aoafht to prove that be p
Involved the officers of the Benneb Rifiea wbo
•honld be adopted to relieve tbe sick saw from a stranfcr for
iMtoadof expending the money tor in tbe larceny of the saw are two went to Cuba; alto of tboee wbo now
others. Frank Bankloand Glen Blddle- Ue Id Cuban gravw. Everyone ebould
fuand display.
oomh. also ebarfcd with laroeny. Tbe witneae thto eDtertaiument.
termiostion of the Conant case in a ver
Juallcc Brown yeaterday united in
dict of f allty meaus that these men marriage Fred Ediek of Long Lake,
ABO'.her of Company ITu Blok Soldiers wlllalsosUnd iriai, bot their
and Fraucea Webr of AcmeAfflonf Friends Afain.
I will fo over to tbe next term of court.
Tbe Fortotera will give a dance in
BertOafeof Company M, who lias in January, im BoU are at liberty tbeir bail tonight.
on tbeir own reeafnissnoe. Jsy
• MckloSL Francis hospital
aemorkabto RaMaa.
Haw York since bis arrival from Cuba,
arrived In tbe city last nifbt on tbe 11 Bberlff dirapeon, ieet nifbu on bis pro
Mrs. Michael Curtain. I'lainfleld. til
akes tbe etetenient tfaai she caught
o'cloek traln.accompanisd by hH sister. mise tc retsrn to court this mornlnf
crH, which settled OB ber lungs: ehe
Him Franc Gofe. Btoides Lieutenant for senteace,
' waa treated for a month by her family
(>ae of tbe incidente of tbe tri^
inai-f* there were quite a number of
phyaldan. but grew worse. Ue told
bib friends and oomrudee at the depot this sentence by Froeecotlng Attorney her abe waa a bopvleoa victim of coneottld
to welcome him borne. Aside from be- Tweddle.who said It fnmlsbed the key tumpiionand that no medicine eaul<
cor - her. Her druggint anggeatedi Dr.
iaf thin and quite pale,he looked mnefa note of the mst^ in bis addrcai to the
New DiMovery for ConanmpU<
Jury; "ThieinXa Conant saw thU
Wttor thad his fri '
ahr bought a bottle
.le end to her detig
a the bat that acrvbd him dnrinf
found herailf beoifltedfmu
, tbe Cuban campalfn and it plainly in bis mill. Besot only needed ano do>r She continued ICk use ..
ther MW, but this saw fitted his needs UkiDg six bottlea. found herself sound
ahowad the effects of bard usus^.
aod will: now does her own houaeTbe invalid and his sister left Nsw and be wanted ft. WanUng tbe
work.and is aa well aa she ever waa
int the getUng of tbe saw. Night 10 ct. trial bottlea of tbis Great DtoeovYork Moodey night at elz o'clock and
ery at tbe drug atorea of 8. E- Watt
game aa farms Detroit in a aleeper and , came on and Conant got ibe saw."
>fanaon. Large
Ml '
'bottlea- "•
To give the readers of tbe RbcoUi and J.il Johi
flrom Detroit to this city to a parlor ear.
an idea of the amount of the cosu in oenta and SI.
. TtolenleT at Grand Rapids be
AerOBse Wilhelm, Don Morgan end a volved. In wiineea feeu. mileage expend glovea with | g
Ladiee, dean your kid
a liquid. S
large number of Traverse City ezenr- SM and Jury payment, it may be Inter- Miller Glovehne. It to not
etting to give the list of witneeeea leaves r o odor aod eao be
to need while 3
a^itts. Be reports that Uaxei
-glove to on ibe band.
For telei]
soamoeed by both sides; For tbe peo
Ftar>««wondeie for
drug- ,
HMlganeoldlere in New York and ple—David C. Eaton. Albert PiUburg.
Williem Beitner. C. W. Ashton, Oseay
Himpeon, Chleb Becnett. Glen Biddle- AlnlephOM
cowb. For the defendant—Mrs. Jsy
Plaad in yonr reeidenee. for Ic I
Baiertolned by Xias Blanc.
e day by the Northern Telephone i
Oonast, Dao Biddleeomb. Dan Gilbert
Ab>nt tweety young p«ple wen
Co. 440 Ot
ii^tfully entertaioed Monday evening and Frank Piankin. In eddiUon
at the home of Miaa Nettle BIsdcob tbe expeoaee of tbe wltoeeaea eta dol
All Fresh and at Very Lowest Fricea. The Place ,
■tot Eighth street. Music, games
tnfreebmeots were tbe order of the he added the feaa of tbe twelvel Jarore.
irmto. of
avening. Ui« Blanc will-soon leave and eome ellgbt idea may be lormi
• bare eo maeb of the tazee the-people
•for her borne la Obla
American Eagle
Brand of
J.I.slater, Boise Faroislier.
The first of the season—Fresh ground at.
our own miU. Do you want a sack? It will ■
^ cost you only 20 cents.
Try our Breakfast Foods.
Duaker Rolied Oats
Cracked Wheat
Califoinia Breakfast Food
Wheat Germ Meal
Shredded Wheat Biscerts
Rolled Oats aod Steel Cat Oat Meal
Up-to-date Painter
aad Paper Haaeer.
pay go.
Elgbty-iwe Uebeta to Detroit and
Cbtauro were aoU yeetordey over 'the
Oeeorate for the D. O K. K pease
JaMlee. Oolo(«arered.UoeaadyeUow,|Shop Opposite Eagle Office. ;
O. B. A L
Geo. R. WHinie
moxiTiVB or
tbb oonx.
• termiae to MJO. L
aovlacirlibtaapyrUlw._______ ___
wUcra XoiatBc lik* ihea. goer
Ber. Paytoe of Alaa. la rWaag hta
daochter, ooeof the tcachen of the
Trial rf Bageo* K. Ooraell.
1 fVomi vith aan(Jr> of au toar iiooa* fiw.
Blgh fehool.
The foliowlag jnry was partly awom ofS»‘p22«*^S«»-*T5ip^r?rart
j Ibttan oi iBtamt From AU |
Will 8. • Aadene* wQI leave thU
Para of Kiehic«a.
S Bornlag for a week or tea day* rialt * laat nlwfat for the trial of Eogeae M.
Corbell, the <
■Km-mwmwwm-m-m-mmmf: at bla birth plaee la eeotral Ohio. He
chyged with
trill rialt the oaly brotherof bla fathsr.
ovc orvC'C *4who U aliBoat 80 year* old. It baa been Sl.OOO from a parcel of atoaey eoa- pnvatve Bw«Miaarttaii«
tweotT Mrc* o( nsU thU 7#»r which SS yeer* tbla fall alae* Mr. Aoderaoe algaed to hlaeair: Fred F. Steam*, s. |
•vm^ed olQcty bnchett to the »ei«.
Coartade. George
OMrga 8.;
8. -q utKT-K^ » waHier
jy coartade.
*ra* at the old home. Cha*. KlpUager B. Sayler. Henry
John FaUu Md hi* wli«.^ Lowell. and Balph Aoderaoa wilt hare eharg* Godard. Jamea Lamaoc. Aaguatn* B*r-| i s«irrol«eorev wUtma
• hove lived to^eUier for thirty ycorw. of Uie bnaiaeat dnrieg Mr. Aaderaoa'a
Frank Dolph, Aaa Boynton, Talb.tjJrt^"
Mtd hare joet oome to the eoaelB*loii
OrWl,,. Mml. A- El.ioa
that the; are Botaclied to eaiii other.
OBroa.. Irqulnr
Irqulrr or ■addmM >«t Exrt
The impaneling of the jory pro- 'r
8be ha* broerht aall for dlrorce. •
Ufrrd Dekriik
greaaed meat awimmingly, the entire ; —l.!L__
The tout DOBber of patieot* whore-[few days
eaired treatmeot at the ho»p:tal* ofj G*e. Moir I* doinf boelneaa la Chifrom either Froaeentiag .Attoniry I «> «t»_______________________________
the Cnlreralty of Michigan doriag the ■ cayo tbU week
year endior Jo>y 1.
waa t.tSS.
| Mi» Bertha Petertyl left forGhicago Tweddle or Attorney John W. Fatchir, I TpoK 8.tLE~Mrat B*rfcr«.«totvhBi<diogaua
of coaaarl for Coraeii; aaUl Judge Cor-1
’gil.oTi o'?
TTje ladle* hare charge of one »treet'y«»*«^»y
Valleaw of Boaor. «raa In b«U aanoonood aHjonmmeat of the_______________________________
. in Blrmlagtoo. aod It la the beet kept ’ Charle* ''.n-------court until 8:1S in the moralng. when ifTix.AM. IIabxesm mrqj innior >t.
town OD batipee* yeateiday.
had eleaoeat ooe la the rlllage.
Clarenec Pox. C. Ralph E-tea and pro«CTWrT.«>«„owaA.»b).«u„n 'i .s*'p^vs;.'S-’TS’.."'.;:.
Near Yale i* a farmer who had aerer
«’"» '££££•
al baadrad barbel* of wheat for which Alfred Umiag. of Bat«*.pa**ed throagh UibD. ..rl, »■)
be waa offarad gl U per baahel.
Oae the city yeaterday morolog earoote
aad a half wa* bU fitnire. ao he refated for a ten day*' rialt at Detroit.
BoKloidman and wife left on the early Mr. T«»ldi,-. „Pi.cUo. U..
the offer. HI* feellog* can aow be Irnwa* *vttadra«n
*rilbUra«n and
‘•'Tbo. t. iuir.6*«.ra
Martin A. Elliott waa
moralng train yeaterday for Chicago.
lit If
At Laaaing Oeorge Eraaa went after
M. Gate* came la yeaterday from that of C. Sbaw anbuilnted.
WILR PLtXK-Tra i<>(« >ldviralk
right to challenge, however, in theiS
Ai!«tor»»ir. Trsrvrx CKj
qaall 8aad*y. aad abut all the flageni i Copemtah aad atteadad tha racaa.
William W. Holdaworih went to momieg. wa* reaetved by M-. Twaddle.
from hi* right hnaA
Be palled the
•oC vo
' ^
*— J W
to VO Into
—*p t^ptemt ir
gaa toward him. Jaate* dbatiaek wa* Laamlngyeaterday for a rialt with reUCiivnlt eonrt. yeaterday. with Judge | Pam*-. Forvaao.tor j. L.uibbi*
oat on a atmllar Btaaioa, and a- com- tlres.
fist.x-Hoo~lotoo the ■
Mr*. Ball i* enjoying a rialt with CorbettoB the bench, waa Uken np in !
paatoB aeeldantly ahot him IB the
tbeeohclnsloaof the Donglaa Brower f.
left leg. AmpntaUon wiU not be aecea- friend* aad reUUv'e* at Oraad Bapid*.
aaaanU and battery ease, in a verdict rnO RESCr **rrgn rome I
She left here' yeaterday.
J. bam ®n lot. No. m »
C. B. Mnrray and wife returaad laat of aeqnittal as told elsewhere in the OravB.
Its WoMbroctue »na
A Three Bir<
I bMa freak in
Rneuxu'a eolnmos this morning, and in
the way of a pear tree. The tree waa Bight from Cadillac, where they at the bearing of the Jay Conant lareeny
VO*-™ oofl tiro
iBSrrCo ISqr
aet onto
oat oAly t*ro yean ago. aad la only
Mre. U. W. Harrington left yceteriwg,aad a halt feet high, bat tbi* aamTXSVH*NCa-Wb.B you noot flrv or IH* loRbcoru'.
A •urauir'-. rv(BvBilM>rtOot i oa ir ibv boo),
Mr it ha* b^e
le three
ennrBona peara, day moralng for a rialt at Oetnrtt.
fx-vv Bojvl Ktrlu-sre bovurvoer. Sarrieoa
Edward Seymonr waa among the axof Nvv Y-rt.TburlarlO Fltv. Peoip.ulo Xututhe largeat oa^^
nearly eleven
MiMionnry Society Meeting.
»l. rn»nk«'-f1 Plair
mrh.. Huiaol Flvlv
fay for Olci
Inchea la eircnmferene*.
(iUoo. A«:t.o U(e 't Coon, oo-l otber rxiwn
The mootbly meeting of the Wo
A a. AllfO. rrtoCHrb Block.
Near Nile* Wllaon Womer. a promi*
Mleae* Linda and Sarah Baraett left man's Foreign MiaaiODSry society of A KARTKX BOILER ter oo]«. loqair* of
■eat farmer, canght a alight cold laat
yeaterday tor a rialt with friend* at the H. B ehnreb will be held in the A, Ttowrovruy tnwbvr CO;____________»MI
freek. which aff.-cud hi* jaw* aad LaPort*. lad.
ebnreh parlors thl* afternoon at 2:30 ^IMWK 8IDWA« l^^-Forool^»i»
ean»*d 1 >ekj iw. He died Sunday aigtat,
AUie Smith hea gone to Detroit for a' o'clock. Ladies are requested to at
■afferlog terrible agony.
short visit with frieoda
tend In time to enjoy the program, |^|-AP^JgOO^Ptor oote. Trowtoo City LaaAt Flint Warren C. Fbota, aged S3
Dob Morgan, ooe of the boy* of Com- which will be under the aapervlsion of
otb ■
[.OBberCo. I
year*, dropped dead Monday Btoralng paay M. left yeaterday far a viait with Mra. W. T. Koxbnrgb. The monthly
«f apoaleay. He waa bora la Flint and relatives at Lakeside. Mieh.
lOoent sapper* vrill be reanmed. EiVot‘ce to Tax Payara.
alway* retided there.
Mra. C. B Docker*; nod eoe Pkyette erybody will be made welcome, wheth
IvtUbe In'ior oacc astU Korviol
Albert Borta. aoa of Charle* BoHx of hkrc gone to Umad Baplda for a visit er membeta of the society or not.
IM. tortkr purpomt of roHec-lDe (bv ______
aodrlirixrvnod apwial owrova ololvrlea
Semptee, while oat hanUng Sunday. with frieada
(B Ibv <«ty for (bv prwBI flacbl rvmv.
OSev boun fn>B Oo'clevh (o 11 3B o'clork b.
Bueklan'a Arnica Salve.
waaBoeidentally ahot la the leg. abont
m Bbd Irea I o'rlork to 4 o vlork p, m.. oBd ee
Thx Bxst SA1.TX in the world for TvrvdoT OBd Frtdoy vrveloev of rock wovk
eighty ehottakiag effect. The aboot- Broifn were vlslior* here yeaterday
CnU. Bmlaee, Sore*. Dicer*. Salt fr-m ToVlort loenVIorb
lag. it 1* aald. **a« doB* by a eompaa- from Kingsley.
Ov oa to>m poM U-forv Ovtober Ivi. <•••.
Bhenm. Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped tbvrv
Bill bv rhorr-4 oBV► pvr evnt. pvavlly
pvnvily for
ion who didn’t aee Boru, owing to
Hands. Cbllblalna. Coma, and alT^to rolIvvUon ABd VB oil lo»w
iw po'd
0(1 OBd oflvr
kaa gone to Detroit o« a two .weeks Brnptione, and positively enres Piles, Octobvr
aome baabe*.
I«l MB'll NoWlObvT
vT Ivt.
tbe-v will
VO evr
pvr veot (or oollveA Birmiagbam child awallOwed a Wg vacation. He wUi riait aeoeral cities or so parreqnlred. It is gnarenteed bv Vborevd o wiuAllr of Ivro
poid Korvabvr
11 >v rviui
-CltrCIwk tor
pin with which be wa* pUying.an'd for le the soalbera part of the state before to give cerfect satisfaction or money loL'in^!”'
raided. Price » cenU per boa. For TVBAAWMI ni on (bv wiBier loi rellv.
Are day*, aatil it wa* removed, aofferDblvd Sv
Alderman and Mt*. George W. Lar- sale bv J ol^Johneon aad 8. C Walt
ed great agony, hi* Hte befog deapairdie aad two children and Mr* Lardle's
CHr Trvonnfvr•dot.
M8V JCeairtT~
A«-naoath'aold child of Theodore mother Mrs Green, left yesterday for
Ladles desiring tailor made neits are
requested to call on
D Mr*.
Id* .Smith
Xcnbener, of Detroit, waa fonad dead a rialtat North Adam*. Mieb.
ai 3«l—corner Boardi an svenne *nd
ta It* cradle Monday. The child bad
Froei street
been laid dowa to aleep in perfect stvamer Charlevoix for Chicago. He
done alan. 444-«i*
heallb and when the mother aexilook- will porebasea quantltT of bicycles
«d after it It waa deed.
Nsv Luch 0CB2tsr.
W. J. Forth came op yeaterday from
SelbOD & Saiebiger.eew loach eoantThe b g Catholic aammer acbool at
er and fifiern rent meals. .*»3 SontD
Madiaon. Wlaconaia. 1* to change its
“ rt-f «• I “re'^urr.^
Elch.o.J. I.i.
Union Street. 44SA’.
Return Engagement
A ;tl>phau
P auert in yonr realdepre for . 3c
Bert Slayton and Madge Sheldon
a dav hy the Northern Telephone
were visitor* here yesterday frum Lake
MlseA M. JoniiKOD. who baa been
thegneat of her euter. Mr*. Siereoa,
went to Oetr-y yeaterday. bnt will re
turn here to visit her aistera.
g M. BROWN. Aitocvey bBO OooB^lo^'
Mra. Walter ranriell 1* nailing In
vBd ro?«ijoovlB«**ni*rnrol8«'*’
Grand Raptda.
The world'* greatest song illnstrato**
Mrs. ti-*ner and Mr*. Wiley K.
DltnavoPvob^proctlee. RaoBv«i
to attend
assisted by the
j the atate meeting of the Woman'*
to deliver aapplle* Thl* H rmeand Foreigo MU*i‘-nary eoci>-ty
N.D-rfutvroitrPmn Ofieo la Eaam BkU.
1* great
itber for the beeU and the of the Preebyie'ian chnn-h.
'Pboew 1«. CU. It*
deairoas of letting them
E VOOV. PhtWvUo Wtd deiSM. irvot.
IV BB fol|.>WV!-<
MUa Minnie K >eing of the W. at S de TTT
W . mwt of (bv v)v M»d voT. r«iBtiror. Mlii.trrl, Sr>i BBVt: I-lv li DB(vb BuU Ml
grow •• much longer a* possible, The
Mt^lnery store, weal to Coicago yea •uivr. Hvnbvr B>M(d •■t Penvlaa Esoaltivrv. Cpwialovv.
factory ttill atart up in abori two terday to buy ber winter atoekOfBm Fri-lfieh bi«*«. 'PIko.*. boeo* ond o(Rr. BB-1 Mr. <i L.qv MJwv aw eirvvt (roB
.Rev.’S_____________________________ plvjlny tliv tva'llny tO'viwvof (Bv worM w«h
ereeka. a* all the machinery is In plaee.
Amnng tboac who went te Grand
• rvpvrtvirv of owr hf IIIa»tr«tvC vmigv. Ib.
vluUisiy iviriTBjiv of
Banida yesterdar t» attend the meelii.g
of the American U mrdof Missiona wre
Attoyoer ot l^w. 8p«eUI
.Bar. n. Cochlin. Mr. and M'e J. W.
Oaneral Me* ra.Mo e* of Gnlrenal Mllllken. Mrs Wa.ter Thortell. M.a.G.
shown on canvas.
A. Latbrop
The Caban geoeral. Demvtrin C«*tnlo, has aecep’ed a pnsiiinn ander Gen- is Drayton I'ialp* to vloU Mr Btaer’* I vnoi'c m-gk.**
-vln HsmtlioB
eralWond at Sl.aoo a year, aad the father
to II a. B. I HkovlBC •wav* of RBBtl
IrsB voldlnv
Ebner and daughter
i ictlon between Cabans and Arnerlcao*!
BBd Clll«RV
have gone to Pontiac
at Santiago la rapidly d«or^a*’ng.
TIRAINFD Nrit8B-VI- R«vIIe Hniroe-------ohort timr with Hr*. Ebner'»| X prvd.-iiivof ibvrnlwTs.itrBovp<iol. Abb
Ote Indians arean«pectcif of aettlng :***^*“*
- -lit vwnoBd to volU (or aoralox- *t1
Il'ftkfore«t Area in Idaho.
C. M Prall has gone bn a visit to i____
Cbili it threatening war with both j rjaiiac and DeirolL
Argentina and Peru.
j George J.meson returned last night
Snow and rain have checked the CoV from padiilae.irbere be attended the '^^^ANTRD—tovxvhBBr<^v cond hlM CM^
orado for«at ffree.
| funeral ot Cbarlc-* Br*deo.
Nt-Bih VoVon lurAl. City.
Cyclone* and flood* ravage the Oeor-1 Mr. and Mr*. George Gaoe and son*
n HAVE on bBB<l fnnnvr 10 l••■D ee (avn
r aoil Hiy pro|.vrir. Nu BBitlsir (i-r Bonw
gla coast. The damage to the rice -Bmee and Will went to Detroit yeovr loan I- bWVtHce
roCvrwoort * CIb-w
crop waa great. At Bmnswiric, Ga, terday. Will will hare hi* eye* treated. BUprovyv.
prBvr«. Ttbtvtvv City. Hlvb
"a.OPO people
Mr*. J. G. Johoonn- wilt leave tbla
eaitwv a Ivrr
• Y c.mv nron my pr«B(<
nrv by apnlri>B.'k voir. C
morning tor a viiii at Ann Arbor.
feared tha lea* of Ufa la large.
VnU-B vtrvx>. tVrirbl. «
L. A. Pratt returned last night from
According to the atatement of Coramander SebUl. of the United SUte*
Mr., H. ^
gnnboat Wheeling, there is no dauger i Steward are attending a convention
off atarration
etarration In
in Alaska thU
tbla winter.
1i the Woman’*
Woman's MI»»ionary
Mlseinnary Asaoclatioo
Aasocistioa -j^r kai.k-chv*,. (.4 vvJi, or
One hundred former Cuban and Span-' "< the Prevbvterlan church in Detroit. J
Uheoldiers^are working amicably aai L. T. Peneingion. Mr*. E E. WhUe i l.u-ov-; *l-,vov.r.-iv«wl-r«BPd
Cali ursddrwMli. Loiveilvcr, Brnv.
l.b»r.™o.,k. Sp.nl.h clxr M.ri. i W-J-I""-"-P—l-irW, |
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors.
Diamond J-IO Cts.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.
Still on top. Best cigars for the money on the market
—Union made, too.
Sold by all dealers.
Tonnelier Block.
If You Have Logs to Sell
. Corresp'-od irith the Trarerae City Lamber CoiupRoy.
We have for sale Good.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W ood.
Mill Maehioery of alt deacriptionfl. including Two Emrinea.
Set Works. CarriagrB and Saw*. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for aale.
City Opera Hou$e
Mr*. Ed. hllen. of Detroit. «ms ter
ribly-bamed by the exploaipn of a
ollne stove MondayAo nnknown mao hanged himself in
B'msroodotmeteryat Detroit on Monday.
deary Brewster of Detroit, commit
ted aeleide by taking laadannm on Mooday
Al ^y City the Michigan Sngar Co.
did not aiartlt* factwy Monday. Tfa>
318 L’nion Street
Telc|)hoihe No. 43.
Wednesday Evening,
October 5.
Mr. and Mrs. G. late Silver,
Silver Fami y.
Heroes Of Company H
W. "...'SEl'.i'SC.
Scenes of the Present War.
lu) In Wir VIns.
' /1
rt—l.. be- h.« ..d
.bnilding deck*.
Anxiety is frit at Sso Francisco for
Dnifd State* transport Senator, tnirty-flfe days ont from M*nila.
General Blanco U coneent'sting the
Bnahlsb troop* In Cuba, preparatory to
embarkation for Spain.
At Su-veni Point. Wia. Joaepb Stort*
•rbaeb. 72 year* old. ba* been robbed
of SI5.G00 lo government bonds and
caab. an bis poMecaion*. which he bhd
kept buried In a Un box In hb woodDnrlog hb abBcnc* the box w«a
gxbnmed and ibe coa’aaU takev. u>gvther wi<h a Ibt af tbr b >ad 0Dmbvr«.
ntK. lu—X >..-:uav' uuurco of lau
J. C. Lowlv X.t*lo. kliebu.
'•'--.‘.I—.H-plaee to the dbtriet eonventioa which ;
will occur 0-1. ^Ist. at Manceic
Mr*. J W. raichiDXDd a>m are v.»U. |
w.xTsi»-Apptr t 110 Park (trovl.
Bg r»
rvlativvs.in koutbern Micbigan.
,j ----------------------- :—
MU* Lvni* of EHgewood loft vrstar-' T wt-a «
Bicycle Riders.
Bemembcr that I doaU W-nd* of n
pairing and enamrlit-g. and that
! and do give yon the beat work
rri f oae in the city for the m.
la-; be deceived by what otherI- toil yon
itrxry, bnt eotce uad aee frMr. and Mt*. L*rd e their t«o ehll- ——-------- . rnnraelf
dr.. ...1 Ur, Urdu-. m.Ui.r. lo..V -nr.CTiO.-o-..1 J”™"
•dVvotare of the exen—‘— -----friend* in- •onthamMiebi
Miva riars Chase want to Datrolt yaaStop la till 8 o'clock every aventag
;e"lar muniag.
oxeept Soaday, In the CWldwell A TdOn
Mrs. S. J. Higgins of eit WaahlagtAa gOUl
WANTTO-^^kw or
doB ^aUdlBg, at aorth and of Daiu
e'veet hav gnov to Grxnd Rviiidv and for ('bvl^ABTiu^^Bvb wi kav fsar tnek*
*i vv-'eta on a a-..lv.l (..r 111 Ir « rv. ((■ irr-TPO Bp 'olhv Rack
v-ait ,>r a e npte o' w<-ek* or laager.
book chatBiuaxlv lytittul.vapll(*lli>a Priw*
FamoDS Baltimore Counts,
Selects anil Stanilarils.
ir» Of
WUk I.V4"I MtM^.
Alt mock rvwlved by v
FWdars coibmu Bounui ;•7■i^;f>r?S7r^„:rr"
John R. Santo.
General Insurance.
WnrxtiBrc BlpaX
aut pvnryiBi .
WvR BSkbu to nil (bcald Brut mat
laUB<R*B|>.*Bamv>Tv aaeamoltM.
ThoMBdt van4 i '
Tf.nvjTVeCItT. ■
rn. drirh-. vtiov .low
Mr»; H**nrv McMsBa* and childrvti i------------------W4ni to D^uili on the excur*ion for a . W*P*^l*'
..i.. -.»k.v,
......... ........
At The Cottage Home.j
Or. Srinnct will et at Hotu
XCxm. J. ». Oo-wvly.
a.«B<4i«*CM*r*rt.CreM eyev
■ T«)kv SvM iVwv
wef the
-neo*] e*rv vbkh *
All torBiof A
Dr. Pv(vT*. A
DR. SPIHND .'■.V'A.W.S.ffiT.St.
: ATskpheM
placed in yoev realder
a d*y
day bv the Northara
Co. 440 81
is the
When it comes to introducing new, original and popular t»shlons for men's and boy's wear. Our display
HOST EXTENSIVE and veri d in town. Wo make a study of styles aud reserve for curse:;ves
the f rst shipment of the newest creations of
Clothiers, Hatters and Haberdashers!
We are running a good men’s and boy's Outfitting Establishment, but wilhbe better if you will give us a trial—
which n^eans a regular customer for ue, and perfect satisfaction for you.
Some dnthicrs think we are runni:'^ a funny pctaMishmenl;
\fi€cai/se we are not selling for
“less than cost."
'Bfcatise our salesmen have posi
tive instractiotts to sell at the same
price to all and tell the truth.
.because you can get your mon
ey back, if yon so desire.
•' Because we run a good clothing
store, and hope, by your help, to be
better----- -
We have made onr bow but a
short time ago and are climbing the
rounds of the ladder fast.
Clothing bought of os
You F-m find it just as easy and just
■s satisfactory to boy foods throat
the mai's in tbts, store es
ss if you were
We make the aeleetion—shop just as economical, and If
aoythinf is not satisfactory we relun
tbe m n-y without a whimper, vm
red ti'pr spun here.
wo press soil tepoir 0's")
Clothing... Fur Men.
Oor atock of Aiitdiao and Winter Cl itbltigr
ia BOW coiaplrte. It embraeaa all the laleat
«yllas—ibe best nakaa—aod tbe flnast laaterUli
kootra to tbe___
__ EveryihiaffdaaUabla la Suiu,
. cimee
'fop CoaU, Orcrcdau,
etc. Aay
Mnoe «bo
here expeclinjr to
an ordUiarjr ready-otade
atdck of clottalniT wliTfia
will be airr«Mbly •urprUrcl whan
we meet Ibrm with __________ __ .
&eady.u>-wear el^penee wiUtoat the worrleeaad
"AtUar" triale of tbe cuitow abop. Tbeae are
tbe advaaiasea to which we lavlie yonr patrbaafe with the moat paeaiWc eaetar to yoa.
Men’s Suits
IB Waraleda. CBevioia. Seotcbea, Sarfca. ate., aia*
Kle and double braaeted—pUla and eilk faaeddo
the bntton-holea—awwed to Osaka'ata hold iorothar,
aad well worth Sfi per cent. Bore ntoBey. We
have all tbe sew Fall Style*, at
$7.60, $10,818, $16, $18.
can enter our atock but the very
best-If yon want the beat'come to na.
Clothing... For Boys.
rEEBt.BSS 8HIBT8-Sew pamm» in
Madras, aeparate Colls to match. Me.
mId^AS SHIBTS, aeparate cuffs to
match, 7Se.
KIOHT ^IBTS. faoey trimmed. «0c
ONDEBWEAB-Men’a Kaioral Wool,
SI oo.
UKOBBWEAft—Men*a fisc Amstrallaa
Wool. In BaM^ color. Un asd tdaa,
UKD^BWBAR—Mea'aflne fullfaefaloB•d. taa and nataral color—freat
O^BBW^B—American full fash.
loDod—riae foods ndaeed fromfiS-U
d have yonr boy well dressed
brisf bim to o-. We can fit bim with weli.i
If that naat
caat be excelled in
ap-to.date Qntblof
asd finish and Have you money, too
We have e]««atit Slufle and DOUBLE{BASTED SUITS is Blue and Black.Diarosaland
.^hcy Cheviots, Serfes. Wmatvd. Tw.eds. UaaalPae
meree, and M- Itons for boys 14 to !» years at
$4, 85. $7.60, $10.
Also fine aaeortment of Kobbv Suits for tbe S-yearold toddler, tbe 14-yoar.old school boy aad all area
I. Our line of Veatee 8olU Is constantly
•c satisfied
Itylos and1 prieea.
Oar Doubie-Breasted Tm Piaca Saits
Can't be oqualod In tbe city. Any* s^le or fabric
Uat may be dseired will be foasd bera- Look at
iiris.”'“SS” raVs;f«.os
siso. *s, S8.60, $kso, ss, S8
8C1T8, $2.00
So mnch
for snits, now for
\ Collars-Linen.
Top Coats
Ouratylea In theee foods are atrietJy ap-hf----Bsybody who wean a topcoat wasU'emeo. They
- ......................
-- ler* alwayaiBaUt
»f DomeaUe asd
rt Cloths, and Whip Corde—all
Ui^ea-iaalre op wlU doable •tlteblar and strap
teaaw—Workmaaebip first elaea, yat we aell 'am at
Non« b«tt«r
Knee Pants
Tka kind ^t'e aawod rlffat........
Pretty pbtwrne all wool PaoU..
Price §1.00,
$7.60. $10.$18,$16,$1&
..Hats For Men..
Onr spMial is tbe NEWLAMO
b, tbe beet in tbe city for $1.00
We carryall the $s Afeasy fitylea
iB Pall Darbies. Inelndini <..
lap. Knox. Yotfman. Miller and
ToanfabareKeorree ly copied) $2.50
Onr $:.00 Derby in black.brown.
and French brown. *tc.. is’a World
See onr new styles at $1.00. 1.50.
and $1.75, in nil the ('aabionabla
Tbe latest in men's
Crash and Fedora Hats
50c and $1.00.
MIskf' and Cblldrena'
Capa. Tama. etc.. I5e. asc, 4Sc. and
Our Umbrellas..
K«n &nd boy'i.
Onr assortmaot of Mens' and
Boys* Box Coats sod MaeWintoshea
ia wmpleU. We eell all kinds and
colors at from $1.50. $S, $3 M. $4. $5
Oil Clething...
We have all the fond kinds asd
•ell 'em dt
8Bc and $1.00.
Duck Ceats....
Black and brown.
a%ey ar* positively tbe Best' that
nonej can buy. Fall cnt. rubber
lined, double sMms. made of best
hear? dock. We start'em at $1-00
up toll 25,12 00. 2 W and warrant
each' one.
Gloves & Mins...
Do not buys Keefer for yonr boy
before von see onr fine lh»e—efc 4 to
K,—Blue. Black. Green. Brown mix
ed, with Storm or Srilor collar irlm•d with Braid etc. $2 50 up to $o.oo.
We sell the )«v«ede»r Colton S.H!k
in Mir.biran—we ret them m de to
order—3»c We also haves fn lline
I. 15. 25. 35. 50c.
We have ererTthiDf In this line
from the cheap 25c Mole Skin tolhe
finest ellk lined French Kid.
atbt< -,
R, B. men we have
heve OaunUeu
75e and one that's fire pimof atfl.'.J.
ids of Jereey and Wool gloves
All kinds
and mitu. Pricearlfbt.
—'•Bom ta Sett York,
Tfiited vocryU'lMTe-"
Oar $1.00 Umbrella hM the hMt
rolled eteel frame and U warranted
not to fade. Fa»^ handle too. L<^
.V w«
$2 W
00 roods. Lots w,
of Umbrellaa
. sue aad 75c. We have tbe betUr
aad the beat Umbnllaa at from $2.00
to $6 00.
Pants & Overalls
Union made
Have you ee*n onr All WoeX
Pant at $2 00. Oood Workinr^U
from 75e op. • Oarharrt!U)vMaU»- •
all Site* at lest thaneonld bny
'em elMwhem_ Overalls—bUck,
blue, brown, whke. ^
White Goats lip]
Butcher's and Walter’s Aprons at
25c. White DuekCoaU at 75e . $100.
While Vests. P-srl Buttons. 75c. and
$1.00. Fancy Vests in Silk from $3
up. French Lawn Usa at 10. 15 and
S,«c per drxeo.
LcggliHi 'or Msn and Boys in
Canvas. Leather, Jetoey, "tc
llay Wort ter Bcheol (nilUbas.
Parroie at arhool children are wry sTWe al a loan to
kao* bow u> keep ihalr ckUdiva eat e* wUerWf ts
Si the Uw, u/lag "Maamv I want er-a-lblas le
lehoal chUdm. and tor that waller Uwlr axHaatn aad
fvmiUwB of Maofo ^TSf'inS. can b}'
helee apead ibvir spars wome-ta ia pieasorr sad ai tec
-----s i£ws waks tkeir play tesyctlTs aad prsOuUc.
rvtsusvarwdsu: S
a A Co . ten ehnklera a
leprtavolaad-vrlUaceoBisst. aawcly. awoo —
disc for tbs hew and wool or glaai ad; ISOS la
haadled by
— ^ .- -------------- — . wsnOoa tec Uses
■ ' -aad
Wc gunrsotne sweet dreama in uoe of our
Night Shirt«-50c-76c-$l OO.
or loag -cart
d iatcoi BirW arv her*—
-r lor *
U^fact our ahb^ arv praetleaUy rqiijlo
easy prices for
Qasy Suspenders I
0, 16. 86. 86, eoo
A. V. Friedrich Block.
T. J. Host’s Old Store.
194 Front Street
Traverse City, Vicbigaii
Second Tear-No 445
SehooB^r Palmar Want Down Sunday
Off Ooaat of South Oarohna.
General Wheeler Backs np
Bpoelal to the HOBBIXS Kacoao.
CbarIratOD. 8- C., Oik «■—The blf
acboooer Palmer aprany a leak In the
In h» TeaUmony Before XavasUyatloB
JLboUmt of W-ei» Sam** »t» Fi»ht«»
Oonuniaaion — Santiago Campaign
Took to «raur at JTowpon. Hewa afloat br pnapiof. finally r>>»(
off Stone Point.. Capt. Whittier, the
Xoat XffeetlTe that wnaSvar Da.
T»»rdw-n" O'”*
ud «co.d m.U.. .Uw.rd ud
Tiaed—SnppUw and Xedldnea in
Vaney Letar
aerau nee ware drowned.
Special to Tat Moatitu Rtcoao.
Special to tbcMouns naeoao.
Waablngtoo, Uct. 4.—The war inveaKewpon Newa, Oct. t.—The Battlettgating commiiaion began lU eaaminablp lUlnola wae ancceaafalty launched ,
a of wltneaaat today by placing
.atlS:3S thlk afternoon, amid the cn- |rint Dsy Of Fall Heetlng S
Wheeler oc tbe aund. Ex.Oor-• •
ernor Beaver eondneted the eicaminaSnocess
and blaste of hnndreda of s
tlon. General Wbeeler'a teatimony
10:J0 o’clock Mlaa Nancy Ultar,
___ ^_____ prieked the bobblea
.ortdrtli. im.Pl.
. O^ddp'ddl-^lnwl
Sbowednp WeU-BxoitlBg HeaU in |criticlam. He backed up the admindlallnynUhed party from Chleafio,
Big BntUeship nUnois Soocessftilly lAonched.
aaeended the ebrUteniny atand. When
the anpreme moment came Miaa Letter
polled a gaily decorated bottle of
U>. S:d4 CIu. Which „ Wo. hr I •*•»*'” '""h * "■ *
aayatbatoo more rff*ctive campaigB
, than Shafter'a before Santiago waa
Tbe meeUng of tbe Tmverae City ,
auppllee and
J. T. Hannah^ X” 0. K.
fa""" r
Lioutenaata Cl£mB 6S Out of 104
Hominatlona for LegiaUtnre.
.peelal u> Tat Hoaaix* EtroaB
Grand Baplda. Oct. 4.—Senator Bur
row.’ lientenante in thia city are claim
ing bia re-election on the fir.t ballot.
They baae their claim npon the fact
that of the 104 nomlaatioDi already
made for tbe legiaUture, 83 are aolid
for Berrowa.,
Offlolally ApprUed of Bia Mominatlon far Governor.
Spwiml (oTatUeMiike Kaoeu.
New Vork. Oot. 4 —Tbe committee
appointed to ootlfy tbe caodidataa
inated by tbe aUte Republican
convention went to the home of Colon
el Roaaevelt at Oyator Bay today- Dr.
Depew made tbe noliflcatioo addreaa
to Colonel Rooeevelt. eomplimenting
him on the ananimity of him eboice by
the eoBventioD, Colonel Rooeevelt re
plied in a ringiog apeeeh.
Because we are selling
them cheaper than they
have ever been sold be
fore in the city.
ladies' Sbus,
CAffURtt Bf mnuRs.
R9c, 9Sc, $1.19, $1.48.
Bor's Shoes,
75c, 98c, $1.12.
Maa s Shoes,
Half Price.
Popular Shoe House.
man. Firat Dltirict: WillUm Jndaon.
Second: Joaepb McCanaey Third; Ar
An Bxeuaable Error Kade by a Wo
thur M- Rood. Fifth: John Holbrook.
man in Judge Oorbett'e Oonrt at
WillUm Aiken. C. a Vaughn, Eighth; | Kan who Broke hie Fnther-U-Uwh
TasUrdajr’a Saosion.
H. W. Carey. Ninth, and Cbaa. E. & Oaad by a Jury.
It waa during tbe tedium of the
born. Twelfth. The chairman
The jury in the
I of the .people
hMriDg in the Jay Csnant trial, or
polntea the committea. Tbe meeting yprvui Djugla* Brower, who waa acche»
what baa come to be known aa tbe
araa a pablic one.
ed of auaull and battery on hla father- ■-See-aaw’- case, in the Circalt oonrt
io-law, John G'-av. tbe hlory of whoee yeeterday. that a woman oxeUimod to
| trUl wan told in tbeae colnmna Tneein a boshed voice: -My!
day morniog. returped a verdict, yca- do yon bear thai?"
Tbe Dppar PenlnauU Congrasa*onal terdayofnolgailtyi and Douglae left
“Wbatr atked the h
tbe court bonao^accompanied by bU
Fight in Oonrt.
“That aoore: the judge is asleep,’’
wife, a very bapfir man. Preceding tbe
BptclalioTasMraasBe Baceao.
and a sound that reaemblgfi the WagapparenUy happy coup', were tbe
Lanalng. October 4.—Tbe Supreme parente of the wile. Mr. and lira Gray nerioo mu.ic made by a person aaieep
with hia month open, was pUinly au
oonn thU afternoon granted an order
and tbe expreaaioo of tbe countenance
in tbe
of tbe Utter betokened anything bnt a
The man gazed toward the bench
fight, dtrecUng the commlaaionera to oonteotad frame of mind.
and then ttimed toward hU wife.
Show eanae why they ahould not put
‘■Pshaw; yon must be dreaming. The
S.tepbenaoo'B name on tbe ntguUr RaHunaw^y Indiana
judge is wide awake: don't yon aee hia
pnbliean ticket. The order U retnmTeeterday a repreaentativa of the la eyes open?"
able next Thnraday. Uct. 13. when the
dian aebool at Ml. Pleaaant waa in the
Just then the eoand like a snore waa
«aae will be airned on ita meriu.
cUy in aeareh of three Indteea who repeated, and the vigiUnl buabaod
had run away from that iaatitntioD. added to hi. wife with a look of dl.H
One Hundred Drowned.
“Thaf. hU ^airr aqaeakiag."
I.',..* .
Onni.nh «n
I-!■—*l>""—““” >“l
*<‘"1p™. U..
like what tbe womaa termlodli.
; by hill
Robect Priee. am
Oompaoy X. Boy Karried.
alater. Ura I,.franler. went to.Cbioago
Bmeat Irish and Miaa Mand Taaael,
ycaterdayto inveetigate the matter qf
Mr. Utfranier'a death and net that all both of Traverse dtr. were married at
Placed In year reeideaee, for to tt done Uiat tt poealble to bring to the home of the bride on Monday after
. day by tbe Northmn TelefAeae
noon by tbe Rev. Hr Reufch
joatiee the men who abot him.
■c." 440-Ct
A Warm Welcome
Will be • ztended to all tbe visUiDg knigbte < f K
morrow, but
not any more hearty
than tbe one that all will reeeiva that
call and look over our new Hnll'
Holiday goods.
We are onnaeking
goods every day. They are tbe fi
finett that the city markhU have tamed
out thla year. Shall be pleased
----- ....
thcM goods—BO trooblc
at all.
Holley & Connable,
290 Front Street
“Olty Bookstor*.’*
We are
Selling the
. ,,rr,bo.,
tbe river, caat it againat the receding;
There were comp'amta of the medbow. The botUe craobed t»to a tboua-j
dep*rtm.«t, but theae wara not:
and fragment, and the wine
Onocca.ion. there wa. .abort-; Tha Ladiaa' Library AaaoeUtion are
nation’,|inew degreateat interaat "M , ^ *,f anrgeona. aome of the aurgMna liacuaaiog the matter of patting eteam
down the
.Hie of
the nation
a #e de^^e S:« claea. wh«e |
According to heat In thrlr bnilding.
i Ueoeral Wheeler*, belief tbe wounded
Chicago and Waahingtou werereprea- (here were •«»«•»’•
eapeeUlly between L. C S. and Fred
promptly cared for. After the ff.L. IvaiTeilttLetieiu
enUd by Urge delegatio&a of promin* Almont, L. C. K winning by abenta
Can be procured of Kra. C. B Rector
fight of July let. all the wounded were
oat men and womea and naarby oltlea
at 144 Lake Avenue.
U the firat heat. There were 7 oarrled frem the field that nigbk
and vUlagea praetleally emptied tbem- aUrtere in thla raoe.
aelvee of their populatloa to aealat tbe
During tba S:S4 elaaa raca there waa a
atate of IlUaoU In honoring the great good deal of difficulty In getting a etart
ahlp’a baptiam. The weather waa ideal. and a Borie# of aecidente throatesed to been aeleeted aa a camp alU alter tbe
Aaeiatant Sreratary of the Navy Alien mar what flaally Urmlnated in the fin- beginning of the war.' and waa Inelcame dowa from Forlamsath, where eat and moat exciting race of tha day. ,denUl to the intended movement oa
he had been Inapeeting the navy yard. Th* firat aoddant waa the pnn'etarUg of Havana. In June it waa nnobjaetioBa
He waa aboard tba diapaich boat Dol- one of Ue Uree of tbe aalky of L. C. E- bin, bnt It became wot Utor. There
waa, ha wid. at timaa aoma abnrtage •
A ehanga waa effected and aaotber trial
The ateamar Newport Newa bron^t made. When the final aWrt waa made anpplUaatthe camp, ”bnt nothing,'
4ow« from WaablngVM Commodora the horaeg aped away In good ahape, he added, “that a eoldier oonid oemlira. Kndioou. Oaptaln Crawnla- bat wbon on tha firat quarter atretch pUlB of."
They had oomfortabU tenta. anffiahiald, PaymatUr Uoneral Suwart, Little Barahia waacrowdad to the oatEngUeer-in-Cblaf MalvIIIa. Sargeoa alda feaea by Frank M. and pet oat of eiant eommUaary aapplUa and good
Oaoeral Van geypoa aiuj wlfa. Chief tba beat, with both Urea torn from tha water.
Raferrln^ ag^o to tbe Saatiago eamOonatmcHn Bt^boma and vifa. Sec whoeUof the aniky. LitUa MarahU
retary of Apieylture WUaoa ,aad waa driven by Frank Thlwoed aad palgn, OcMTal Wheeler aald that only
(wo ragimenta reported a ehortage of
othan. Governor Taaaer'a party ar
Frpak H by C. InonoU.
rived at old Point laat night.
Today'a program promleea tome
*Qm flnt kaal pUtn of tU» eUp m more aorprlMB, eapeeUny In the tree to the roar.and tha ahorUgs.which waa
dden^ fm Si||iM94. There wee
Uld Peh. 10.1897. The veaaeU of the for all. whleb givea promiee of Mag a
4jhe WW w«SS compeUniinoia eUaa have the eame demenalons very hot nnm^.
ed to Ab ip tAt hr*MtVflf)B.
sa the Keaiaage and Kantaelry. Thera
The track wUl bf put U thf pink of
haa been a radleal departnre frem tha mdition in Ume for the opening raoe. meat w]«pper,«pd they had go bread
fUrtlma modal both In rogard to tha a foree having been emplt^ed Utt batha^tscA They wm fisreed to
aamber of gsna and to the apaoa aa- evening. Some new reeorda nre oo«and necaamrily there waa mneh alcksigned to them. Th« maU batury oon- fidasUy egpoetod to be ^e today.
WkUa they bed a fnU fiapu of
sUtaof fonr thMson-lneh guns and
Rod Deer pUaaed the orowd yfttW- doctoffi ssd Sanaa, ha thonght that
foortoen aU-lDch rapid firtgg rffiea.
4ay by trotUag an pzUbttion aaiU with
fnraUh^ tbe men
Following are the dimanalona of the a mnatng mate In 3:84 h and be will If more
would have bm boMar earOd lor. Aa
and try to
for the rations there waa three day*a
Length ever all. «37 feet e Uehee;
aapply geoenlly iaaned. Whenever the
VoAdth, Tt teat tH Inehoe; troebabrd
e;L.C.K. firat
troops west iaio a«tios thiey wonld
iorwart. 10 feet; freeboard aft. 13 feet ^oney. Fred Almont eeeond. Frank U.
throw their food away, aa waU as tbolr
% U<A«; freeboard amldahlp. 19 feet 10 ^
Tima t:»9.
packs, aad often they did net recover
Inehsa: laoan draught with MO ton. of
ooal, two-Uirda atores and two-tkirda
Program for Today.
u fset 0 Incfaea.
Race, atart at 1:30 abarp.
- She U to have a apeed of aUteen
8;4S vLaaa.
Itnota u boor, and bar enginea aro ex
ns RoM8;4S claaa-first race-EatrUt Dan D. Two Oflleefs are
pected to ahow an Indicated borae
Von 4o, 4oab. Eiaer. Knater.
by PlUger
povrer of 10.000.
Free for all elaaa, aeeond i m-Bell.
Bicycle Girl and Sybil B.
SpMlAl to Tbs Hmvik. Bscosb.
Baaning event, third race—Boy Dia
Wslksr. If Un., Oct 4 —United States
mond. Lillian Wilkea. NellU B, Harlan
MsnhsI O'Connor and Inspector TUkcr
the KaentlTe
have bssn captured by the Bear ItUsd
Wlsneta of tba Day.
Ohoeon by State Obairpao Xanb
Pilager' Indiasa and held sa boatagea.
Tba winoara of the peraaa in tbe S;»5 The officers were advised not to trust
eU« were aa lollowa: BUly C. firat. IbereproaenUUveaof the Indiana, who
SroMai u> Tas Uouina KicoutLoniaa H. aeeond. Dogwood, third. Bat atipoUlad that they wonld not treat
Detroit, Oct. 4.—Tbe federal machine
tle Swift, fonrtb. Uneea. fifth plaea.
with the whitee it any .other oeraona
^pablicans got a terrible throw down
Winoara in the 4-year-old ooit race— than the marshal aad inspector
at ^a meeting of tbe aute eentral
Maud C, firat money; Joah. aoeond to the iklpnd. Tbe two effleera went
- oommittee tbla aitemoon. Not one
money: Reaben Wrlgbt, Utlrd money. bat are held aat prlaonera.
waa given a place on tbe executive
Tha beat time made U tbe 8:33 elaaa
committee of ten eelected by Chairman
te given by baaU: 8:34 >4. 8:8c.
Marah. The ten are all true blue aupS:3aK. Beat time In tbe colt race,
porten of the governor. Their namei.
areiCharlaaFloweraand Bohert Oak- throe mlnntea.
In One!
(tore on Bast Front street, U
I bkve combined
Fancy and
Staple Groceries.
The crowded c:ndition fonsee
roe to sell a large quantity of
goods at
Greail; Reduced Prices
To make room fpr new goods. Ton
should take advant^ of tbe
226 Front StrMt.
—Bard or soft.
—All for bnrelng.
to etart yonr firda
Ink, Mucilage and Paste-mond —Thomas-r-Am
—A full line—at
Markham Block.
please noticel
Believing we can eerve the pnbiic better by not giving ^premlnma, vre have decided to diaoMUnne same at the and of THIRTY
DATS from thla data—October sih. im. Fartiaa wishing prominma will plMae sec that they soenrs the aetcuary nambor tA
tickett aad bring them U wtUln thte length of Ume. Anyone
having tickett end not wteblng a preminm. can um them ia
making pnrehaam of SB (to aad over—we wiU allow Si-M pm
baadred in part ^ymeat of any gooda yon bny to this amonat.
Will poaiUvelj;.:'refaae to accept Uekatt oa any amouts lam
than SB.OO.
Baliatale Dry Goods. Carpet ^ dothiag He«M.
Traversa OMy. Mieh.
Tight Heaters
Heat up quick, bold fire 24 hours or mors sotl make IriMjfi
wbersver they go. If yon ^u’tjselieve it buy one o4
Plfica-IOT Front Wtfk.
Larger Store-Double Stock..
Elegant Hew LfpM..
Jewelry, Silverwarel
Inor««sed dtepiay Fine Watches. Fine line Silk
8tHn«od Maaiofil laetnmenU. Strings fw all inatraoenta.
land China Wara. Bvarytking new.
Take a look throogb our ^egaot new qnaiiefA
______ BARNUM & EARL, S3T
Glothing Department"
r with Monday. October 3rd wao
■A Special Sale..
On Mvenl lineaof L-...___ _
We Orvea:—
50 men'. Black Clay Worsted Suita.
No belter suit Belling ai 8l8.00,forf7.35.
30 men'. All Wool black and blue Eeraey Ovarcoatt. weU Uaad aad
tarimmad. regular 910.00 coat for fo 73.
83 yoaib'. All Wool Tweed Suitt. actual value 97.30. for 94.96.
Ouly 83 Children. Suite left of iMt week’, sale, at 91.89, from WOO
and 93 30 goods. We coDtlDne tbl. sale until they are all gone.
50 dozen meu'i Wool Underwear, made to eell for 91.00, bnt nre
thrown on tbe market through baokruotey at 30 ceeU oa the d^lar,
Wc place them on Mooday'. sale at 59 oeau each.
New arrivals in all of onr depaaUneota
A choice line of men'. Union Suit
An elaborate .eleetiOB of n
Dry Goods Department
We show oow aUk and oordoroy Wattts, aOk and wool motra
Our Millinery Department
la the talk of the town.
We ri
_____ __________________
oamatohabU aad prtea
Our Shoe Department
I. receiving more patronage every day. ills being eoneofiod
that our block i. new ud up-to-date acd pricea the ioweatTn the dty.
Our Gioak Department
I. filled with*bargain, not obtained ettewhere, onr mlectioo tt
large and onr prieee right. To. make ao mistake by bnying yonr JackOtt, Oape. aod CoUaretU of na
-a /
The Boston Store.
W'-'' ■
tmm uobstsq bboobd
Httmdrom Incidents of Oon.
ant Trinlin Oirenit Oonrt.
PrieoBcr Peond OnUly and ▼nine of
i. T. BAtaa a» 9. W. HASns.
•aw Fixed »t M. Caklnp tbe Mme
Petty Xmrorty—Pnaoaer
#, W. a*jnm. Bditor and
on Bis Promwe to Betnm today
JayConant was convicted byajory
lam oifbt. of tbe larceny of a
which, the Jury mid. vras valecd at «8.
This paU the crime la the catofory of
petty larceny. The verdlel
tamed after cetul had adlonmcd tor
the day and Jadfe qprbeU had fone
booM for the nifbt. Oonaat will prob
ably be senwnood this mornlnf.
• the prisonto fo home with hU wife last nlfbl,
on his own reecpnloance. Coaant promklnf to relnm for ssounee this mom-
Tn jrvUow JotinwU w «UU r«Jrtrinf orcr the briUiat praepeeU of
n end Popnlieu nre »l«r»^ Is
hi(h fenther whes Ue
■OMthlsr- Demoeretic ndmlnietiS'
4toet hnve nlweje bees soted for
m»n- Dols( Mthlsr end dolsc U
OecAB Sisreox, the Sheri# of tinnd
Ekneiee ooenty, ehowed. the food
OmUllee of hU bif benrU yeeterdej,
whes he permitted Jay Cosest. the
ief, to r>
•i^t os hie own rcooroiEuee, thu
bioft one nl£ht of libertyrorJeypromlMdto reters to Clrcsl*.
eoert Ula mornlns to receive eestesce.
eetioB of the dreslt ooort jery
1b retsmisr e verdict of rellty ecsioet
iiij Omest ud then plectnc the veloe
edtheetoleneewetSd. looks as If it
WMserry for eoBvieUsf the priM>ner
sad threw a sop toiu coaaieses by beMtliar the enormity of the erlae.thos
e Oerbett a loophole for
f • 4rht sentesee. .
Kcw You bei h^me *'Uie enemy's
•onstiy” more and mere fiace the el*
.Mtton of 18M. since the Tnsunany
nflme has floated bonds payable
<<Bold cidB of the
ire^t ad fioMcsa.
This partly ends a loaf-drawn oni
iM in a verdict of fntlly. conflrminf a
like verdict of e Justice court.
Two others are to be trieo on the same
eberfeand for the tbefl of tbe tome
kw. es is told farther alonf.
The buuinf of tbe saw was not andtble. bet everbodv In the circuit court
yesteHay saw tbe eaw. and it reqoi^
but a simple etretcb of the Imaflnatton
to hear, in tbe words of the eounsel
and tbe homdram of the evidence es it
droned forth by the wltnesess.
familiar buzsinf of the clrenlar disc of
etocl eutUnf Uroufb wood. It was In
the sppeal trial of tbe case of the Peo
ple VI. Jay Conant. which wea heard
before Jodfe Corbett and tola Jury on
appeal; Charles Monlton. James Wise,
S P. Newhonse, F. O- Campbell. Cbai.
Sachtelben. A.F. Hopklas. T. J. Cama.
Frank Mackey, A. B. Bralnerd, Frank
Hmi^, Benry Constade and L. Van
ThU Jury cat for bonre tn tbe insnftorable beat and patiently listened to
the lonf BUinf of evidence, as to bust
saws, circular saws, rfp saws and all
otherfradee and oondltlons of saws. Ex.
pert evidence was also beard aa to tbe
-lof side' of a MW as dUtinfuUbed
from other sides, and a spot or blem
ish on tbesurfsee of the saw, was varloaslydeflaed as a “scale.r and a "flak
inf or-eanacd by mst. It and the ii
teeth of ths Implement and metoods of
were all made the topics of exhaustive
dieeoveee br Ikwyere learned in lefal
bat woefully dense in
of towmill htoratnrc.
order to five the
demonstration -oi
J. C. KUL.1S
X.OOX out FOB THB O. O. X. X.
Sifl Tins# Proniaed Teoiorrew After*
neon and Seealag
There SrUI be a ep^ maatlac of
ke local mamhen of the D. O. K. E.
this eveoinf toe
for ths die peace Jnbiiee and the recep
tion of the vtsltore from Oraod Baplde
aod other points. Tbe epeelal train
from Oraod Rapids will brief aboot
of tbe order, ar*
livlnf here on tbe O. R. A 1 at 1:S0
will be escorted to Stein*
terf s Grand, which will be bead*
qnariers. After dinner the whole
crowd will attend tbe races at the fair :
Tbe preparations for the parade will
be made in the We-qce-toBpelob honse {
In the early eveoinf and tbe line will;
form on Front street and Wellinxton
at that point Prom there the march 1
Footba'l Tomorrow
will be throufh Wellinfton to fltote.'
A game of foot ball bss been erwest on fltato to Cass, sooth to East
raoged for between tbe Maneelons
Blfhih. to Uoloo, thence north
eleven and the Traverse City team.
Front and to the place of siartiof.
Thu will bo tbe most elaborate Tbe contest will takr place
street display ever cceo In Traverse afternoon in the ISib street base ball
park, and a bot game to expected.
City, with brilliant
Ufnl and fantastic costumes and spec Meaeger Brown bee kept bto team in
training and srill give tbe rtoitorseome
ial featurea
Tbe iniUatorr work will take place goodeport.
la Steinberg's Grand and at 11 o’clock
AmuMment Xotea.
abont 400 will eit down to aa alabo rate
Batch’s tiwape of Midaay Daneere
banquet in tbe City Opera Bouse.
opened tbeir week's engegem-nt at
racetrack yeaterdey lua good at
The Grace church Guild will meet tendance. It will give perfori
with Mre. Avery Thursday afternoon. every afternoon doriug tbe continuA full attondeoee to desired at the
Mission Circle meeting to be held this
afterooon with Mrs- Carmso. No. SST
Webster streek Topic; "Bannab of
Tbe Woman's Auxiliary of Grace
church will mset at Mrs Garland's this
afternoon st two o'clock. All having
articles for the mtoeion ere reqaested
to bring them totbU meetlog.
There will be e regular meeting of
the W. A. 8. B Thursday evening.
The sloop yacht Doris, owned by J.
8. Jenoiags of Detroit, was brought
over from Ncahtawanta yesterday by
Victor Montague, to be leid ao for
the winter.
There will be e dance in Stelnberg'e
ball tomorrow evening.
Ed. Hogan has teken op quarters for
bis esrpenter shop io Victor Monta
gue’s boat building eeubltobmenl
East Front street.
The carpets for the new Columbiso
Botel are being fumisbed bv J. W.
William Decker, an employe io tbe
ehiogle mill at Sllgble. bed bU foot
igbt in a revolving belt yesterday
and had tbe inembcr badly bmtoed and
leeereted. Dr. KeeelsDd-wasea'led.
Mrs. G. A. Johnson of Scnih Cnion
street, met with s painful accident yeslerdsf. Sbs fell down s flifbt of euire,
but fortunately susiaioi-fl no serions
The first to exhibit fine D. 0 K K.
decorations are Bolley A CdshaVit and
Julius Stelubcrg.
Both stores have
very sttreetlve deeoraticoa
Willita Abbott has taken a position
IB the new carriage works of A. J.
t'etertyl. Be formerly was in the em
ploy of V. Peieriyl.
Tbe annual meeting end electioe of
Dealer in Bicycles s Bicycle Sundries
My work is finit cUm mod prieee that are in reach o( all. 1 am
prepared af all timea to take card of tbe trade. 1 nuke a ape^tv is
Bmziag. Valcaoizing and £aameliog. A fine line of wheels for sale'
and to rent.
J. C. ELL18, 311 Front street,
atreet, east.
As Advsrtissd,
onr UneofFlsgrse
For women,
^ V-
Our complete Fall and Winter Line is in.
Call and inspect them.
The Old Reliable Shoemao.
118 Front Street.
Wurxbnrg Block {
Robbed ths Oravs.
A stertling iecidso; of whi-th Mr.
Jukn Oliver, of Fhllsdelphla. vaa the
ibject, it narrated by
"1 wsa in a most dreadful conditli
phyaieiens bad given me up. Fo.-tuDstelr.a friend advised trying 'Eee- _
>r^ w««ke. .end am now e well i
1 know they saved my life, sad I
ive of sontber victim." J
trytbem- Only;
8 E. Wall's sQd
Don’t Have To
a Bock Soot
For any of them when it comes to selling Cookies.
We*ve got abont—well, anyway enough grades to
salt everybody. ‘Prices reaeonable.
d., tj ti
Co. 444) «l
946 Front Street
I Is Tie Best Policy.”
wbst a MW really was aad to also
show them tbe saw sllsfed to havs
bean stolen from the mill of William
llKlded to eo Oispoee of BabeeriptioBS Beitner, the identical saw. Ufe-slse aod
for Propoeed Company M
rusty looklnf. bcarinf the 3S teeth,
marks of tbe die and the "spot" on the
Lest evenloB there vras a meetin* of ••loff-side'' awd all was drafged into
That is one reason wbj we make tbe
Ihe board of directors of the Bannab court and placed in evidence and the
pie~ ad the exeootlve committee of jurora were further adacated into saw
“BEST” Ftour. Another is that we
the demonstration that was to have lore to each an exunt, in fact that the
^e*h iiven to Oompaay U. for tbe par- eaw. which its owner Beitner told he
have the BEST winter wheat in Micbie for the re* wouldn't take #ng for. wu fhlded at l«
Uef of the aoldlera who arc still sick by the Jdiy. In lu verdict of flailty
gan. We also have, not the largest,
and tbe defnylnfl of the exprnsea afalnstJhy Conant. and tbe aettunee
but one of the BEST mills in Michigan.
Blready inenired- OeaslderabU money of the court, today. wUl he fixed
Are the best mstt'eeeee on earth •
hM been paid ent of the fond fllveo by eordlBfly, the crime bcinf, aceordinf
for the money—every one gnsran- •
Therefore it von want good dour buy
to this verdiotoaly one of petty lareeuy.
4b!»* Perry Hannah and In
Thsevideatoof the esse
gational church ^
with an..................................
the "BEST."
tbsD the coniBon $2, 4250,1^175 T
Redded that the subeeripUons taken down to a BoUhaU. is to the effect chereb parlors t
fnr the demonstration abonld be tom* that Conant stole Beitoer's saw and o’clock.
One-third of yoor life is spent in <
Tonight tbe Sliver family will
•d Into tbe relief fend. This dUpoel* some filtUnfa connected with it and
tain a Urge sudiraee in the City Opers bed—that outrht to bt> eomfurtable. j
don of tbe foods has met with the ap put them in operation in a small
mill a few miles distant from the Beitproval of all the
tatter. The sentiment ncr mill; thU Conant denied, and
•••••••••••••••••••••■••••MASSMSSSAylewi, will be severul reprodqcllona of
prevalliDfl U that every aicans poavlble aoafht to prove that be p
Involved the officers of the Benneb Rifiea wbo
•honld be adopted to relieve tbe sick saw from a stranfcr for
iMtoadof expending the money tor in tbe larceny of the saw are two went to Cuba; alto of tboee wbo now
others. Frank Bankloand Glen Blddle- Ue Id Cuban gravw. Everyone ebould
fuand display.
oomh. also ebarfcd with laroeny. Tbe witneae thto eDtertaiument.
termiostion of the Conant case in a ver
Juallcc Brown yeaterday united in
dict of f allty meaus that these men marriage Fred Ediek of Long Lake,
ABO'.her of Company ITu Blok Soldiers wlllalsosUnd iriai, bot their
and Fraucea Webr of AcmeAfflonf Friends Afain.
I will fo over to tbe next term of court.
Tbe Fortotera will give a dance in
BertOafeof Company M, who lias in January, im BoU are at liberty tbeir bail tonight.
on tbeir own reeafnissnoe. Jsy
• MckloSL Francis hospital
aemorkabto RaMaa.
Haw York since bis arrival from Cuba,
arrived In tbe city last nifbt on tbe 11 Bberlff dirapeon, ieet nifbu on bis pro
Mrs. Michael Curtain. I'lainfleld. til
akes tbe etetenient tfaai she caught
o'cloek traln.accompanisd by hH sister. mise tc retsrn to court this mornlnf
crH, which settled OB ber lungs: ehe
Him Franc Gofe. Btoides Lieutenant for senteace,
' waa treated for a month by her family
(>ae of tbe incidente of tbe tri^
inai-f* there were quite a number of
phyaldan. but grew worse. Ue told
bib friends and oomrudee at the depot this sentence by Froeecotlng Attorney her abe waa a bopvleoa victim of coneottld
to welcome him borne. Aside from be- Tweddle.who said It fnmlsbed the key tumpiionand that no medicine eaul<
cor - her. Her druggint anggeatedi Dr.
iaf thin and quite pale,he looked mnefa note of the mst^ in bis addrcai to the
New DiMovery for ConanmpU<
Jury; "ThieinXa Conant saw thU
Wttor thad his fri '
ahr bought a bottle
.le end to her detig
a the bat that acrvbd him dnrinf
found herailf beoifltedfmu
, tbe Cuban campalfn and it plainly in bis mill. Besot only needed ano do>r She continued ICk use ..
ther MW, but this saw fitted his needs UkiDg six bottlea. found herself sound
ahowad the effects of bard usus^.
aod will: now does her own houaeTbe invalid and his sister left Nsw and be wanted ft. WanUng tbe
work.and is aa well aa she ever waa
int the getUng of tbe saw. Night 10 ct. trial bottlea of tbis Great DtoeovYork Moodey night at elz o'clock and
ery at tbe drug atorea of 8. E- Watt
game aa farms Detroit in a aleeper and , came on and Conant got ibe saw."
>fanaon. Large
Ml '
'bottlea- "•
To give the readers of tbe RbcoUi and J.il Johi
flrom Detroit to this city to a parlor ear.
an idea of the amount of the cosu in oenta and SI.
. TtolenleT at Grand Rapids be
AerOBse Wilhelm, Don Morgan end a volved. In wiineea feeu. mileage expend glovea with | g
Ladiee, dean your kid
a liquid. S
large number of Traverse City ezenr- SM and Jury payment, it may be Inter- Miller Glovehne. It to not
etting to give the list of witneeeea leaves r o odor aod eao be
to need while 3
a^itts. Be reports that Uaxei
-glove to on ibe band.
For telei]
soamoeed by both sides; For tbe peo
Ftar>««wondeie for
drug- ,
HMlganeoldlere in New York and ple—David C. Eaton. Albert PiUburg.
Williem Beitner. C. W. Ashton, Oseay
Himpeon, Chleb Becnett. Glen Biddle- AlnlephOM
cowb. For the defendant—Mrs. Jsy
Plaad in yonr reeidenee. for Ic I
Baiertolned by Xias Blanc.
e day by the Northern Telephone i
Oonast, Dao Biddleeomb. Dan Gilbert
Ab>nt tweety young p«ple wen
Co. 440 Ot
ii^tfully entertaioed Monday evening and Frank Piankin. In eddiUon
at the home of Miaa Nettle BIsdcob tbe expeoaee of tbe wltoeeaea eta dol
All Fresh and at Very Lowest Fricea. The Place ,
■tot Eighth street. Music, games
tnfreebmeots were tbe order of the he added the feaa of tbe twelvel Jarore.
irmto. of
avening. Ui« Blanc will-soon leave and eome ellgbt idea may be lormi
• bare eo maeb of the tazee the-people
•for her borne la Obla
American Eagle
Brand of
J.I.slater, Boise Faroislier.
The first of the season—Fresh ground at.
our own miU. Do you want a sack? It will ■
^ cost you only 20 cents.
Try our Breakfast Foods.
Duaker Rolied Oats
Cracked Wheat
Califoinia Breakfast Food
Wheat Germ Meal
Shredded Wheat Biscerts
Rolled Oats aod Steel Cat Oat Meal
Up-to-date Painter
aad Paper Haaeer.
pay go.
Elgbty-iwe Uebeta to Detroit and
Cbtauro were aoU yeetordey over 'the
Oeeorate for the D. O K. K pease
JaMlee. Oolo(«arered.UoeaadyeUow,|Shop Opposite Eagle Office. ;
O. B. A L
Geo. R. WHinie
moxiTiVB or
tbb oonx.
• termiae to MJO. L
aovlacirlibtaapyrUlw._______ ___
wUcra XoiatBc lik* ihea. goer
Ber. Paytoe of Alaa. la rWaag hta
daochter, ooeof the tcachen of the
Trial rf Bageo* K. Ooraell.
1 fVomi vith aan(Jr> of au toar iiooa* fiw.
Blgh fehool.
The foliowlag jnry was partly awom ofS»‘p22«*^S«»-*T5ip^r?rart
j Ibttan oi iBtamt From AU |
Will 8. • Aadene* wQI leave thU
Para of Kiehic«a.
S Bornlag for a week or tea day* rialt * laat nlwfat for the trial of Eogeae M.
Corbell, the <
■Km-mwmwwm-m-m-mmmf: at bla birth plaee la eeotral Ohio. He
chyged with
trill rialt the oaly brotherof bla fathsr.
ovc orvC'C *4who U aliBoat 80 year* old. It baa been Sl.OOO from a parcel of atoaey eoa- pnvatve Bw«Miaarttaii«
tweotT Mrc* o( nsU thU 7#»r which SS yeer* tbla fall alae* Mr. Aoderaoe algaed to hlaeair: Fred F. Steam*, s. |
•vm^ed olQcty bnchett to the »ei«.
Coartade. George
OMrga 8.;
8. -q utKT-K^ » waHier
jy coartade.
*ra* at the old home. Cha*. KlpUager B. Sayler. Henry
John FaUu Md hi* wli«.^ Lowell. and Balph Aoderaoa wilt hare eharg* Godard. Jamea Lamaoc. Aaguatn* B*r-| i s«irrol«eorev wUtma
• hove lived to^eUier for thirty ycorw. of Uie bnaiaeat dnrieg Mr. Aaderaoa'a
Frank Dolph, Aaa Boynton, Talb.tjJrt^"
Mtd hare joet oome to the eoaelB*loii
OrWl,,. Mml. A- El.ioa
that the; are Botaclied to eaiii other.
OBroa.. Irqulnr
Irqulrr or ■addmM >«t Exrt
The impaneling of the jory pro- 'r
8be ha* broerht aall for dlrorce. •
Ufrrd Dekriik
greaaed meat awimmingly, the entire ; —l.!L__
The tout DOBber of patieot* whore-[few days
eaired treatmeot at the ho»p:tal* ofj G*e. Moir I* doinf boelneaa la Chifrom either Froaeentiag .Attoniry I «> «t»_______________________________
the Cnlreralty of Michigan doriag the ■ cayo tbU week
year endior Jo>y 1.
waa t.tSS.
| Mi» Bertha Petertyl left forGhicago Tweddle or Attorney John W. Fatchir, I TpoK 8.tLE~Mrat B*rfcr«.«totvhBi<diogaua
of coaaarl for Coraeii; aaUl Judge Cor-1
’gil.oTi o'?
TTje ladle* hare charge of one »treet'y«»*«^»y
Valleaw of Boaor. «raa In b«U aanoonood aHjonmmeat of the_______________________________
. in Blrmlagtoo. aod It la the beet kept ’ Charle* ''.n-------court until 8:1S in the moralng. when ifTix.AM. IIabxesm mrqj innior >t.
town OD batipee* yeateiday.
had eleaoeat ooe la the rlllage.
Clarenec Pox. C. Ralph E-tea and pro«CTWrT.«>«„owaA.»b).«u„n 'i .s*'p^vs;.'S-’TS’.."'.;:.
Near Yale i* a farmer who had aerer
«’"» '££££•
al baadrad barbel* of wheat for which Alfred Umiag. of Bat«*.pa**ed throagh UibD. ..rl, »■)
be waa offarad gl U per baahel.
Oae the city yeaterday morolog earoote
aad a half wa* bU fitnire. ao he refated for a ten day*' rialt at Detroit.
BoKloidman and wife left on the early Mr. T«»ldi,-. „Pi.cUo. U..
the offer. HI* feellog* can aow be Irnwa* *vttadra«n
*rilbUra«n and
‘•'Tbo. t. iuir.6*«.ra
Martin A. Elliott waa
moralng train yeaterday for Chicago.
lit If
At Laaaing Oeorge Eraaa went after
M. Gate* came la yeaterday from that of C. Sbaw anbuilnted.
WILR PLtXK-Tra i<>(« >ldviralk
right to challenge, however, in theiS
Ai!«tor»»ir. Trsrvrx CKj
qaall 8aad*y. aad abut all the flageni i Copemtah aad atteadad tha racaa.
William W. Holdaworih went to momieg. wa* reaetved by M-. Twaddle.
from hi* right hnaA
Be palled the
•oC vo
' ^
*— J W
to VO Into
—*p t^ptemt ir
gaa toward him. Jaate* dbatiaek wa* Laamlngyeaterday for a rialt with reUCiivnlt eonrt. yeaterday. with Judge | Pam*-. Forvaao.tor j. L.uibbi*
oat on a atmllar Btaaioa, and a- com- tlres.
fist.x-Hoo~lotoo the ■
Mr*. Ball i* enjoying a rialt with CorbettoB the bench, waa Uken np in !
paatoB aeeldantly ahot him IB the
tbeeohclnsloaof the Donglaa Brower f.
left leg. AmpntaUon wiU not be aecea- friend* aad reUUv'e* at Oraad Bapid*.
aaaanU and battery ease, in a verdict rnO RESCr **rrgn rome I
She left here' yeaterday.
J. bam ®n lot. No. m »
C. B. Mnrray and wife returaad laat of aeqnittal as told elsewhere in the OravB.
Its WoMbroctue »na
A Three Bir<
I bMa freak in
Rneuxu'a eolnmos this morning, and in
the way of a pear tree. The tree waa Bight from Cadillac, where they at the bearing of the Jay Conant lareeny
VO*-™ oofl tiro
iBSrrCo ISqr
aet onto
oat oAly t*ro yean ago. aad la only
Mre. U. W. Harrington left yceteriwg,aad a halt feet high, bat tbi* aamTXSVH*NCa-Wb.B you noot flrv or IH* loRbcoru'.
A •urauir'-. rv(BvBilM>rtOot i oa ir ibv boo),
Mr it ha* b^e
le three
ennrBona peara, day moralng for a rialt at Oetnrtt.
fx-vv Bojvl Ktrlu-sre bovurvoer. Sarrieoa
Edward Seymonr waa among the axof Nvv Y-rt.TburlarlO Fltv. Peoip.ulo Xututhe largeat oa^^
nearly eleven
MiMionnry Society Meeting.
»l. rn»nk«'-f1 Plair
mrh.. Huiaol Flvlv
fay for Olci
Inchea la eircnmferene*.
(iUoo. A«:t.o U(e 't Coon, oo-l otber rxiwn
The mootbly meeting of the Wo
A a. AllfO. rrtoCHrb Block.
Near Nile* Wllaon Womer. a promi*
Mleae* Linda and Sarah Baraett left man's Foreign MiaaiODSry society of A KARTKX BOILER ter oo]«. loqair* of
■eat farmer, canght a alight cold laat
yeaterday tor a rialt with friend* at the H. B ehnreb will be held in the A, Ttowrovruy tnwbvr CO;____________»MI
freek. which aff.-cud hi* jaw* aad LaPort*. lad.
ebnreh parlors thl* afternoon at 2:30 ^IMWK 8IDWA« l^^-Forool^»i»
ean»*d 1 >ekj iw. He died Sunday aigtat,
AUie Smith hea gone to Detroit for a' o'clock. Ladies are requested to at
■afferlog terrible agony.
short visit with frieoda
tend In time to enjoy the program, |^|-AP^JgOO^Ptor oote. Trowtoo City LaaAt Flint Warren C. Fbota, aged S3
Dob Morgan, ooe of the boy* of Com- which will be under the aapervlsion of
otb ■
[.OBberCo. I
year*, dropped dead Monday Btoralng paay M. left yeaterday far a viait with Mra. W. T. Koxbnrgb. The monthly
«f apoaleay. He waa bora la Flint and relatives at Lakeside. Mieh.
lOoent sapper* vrill be reanmed. EiVot‘ce to Tax Payara.
alway* retided there.
Mra. C. B Docker*; nod eoe Pkyette erybody will be made welcome, wheth
IvtUbe In'ior oacc astU Korviol
Albert Borta. aoa of Charle* BoHx of hkrc gone to Umad Baplda for a visit er membeta of the society or not.
IM. tortkr purpomt of roHec-lDe (bv ______
aodrlirixrvnod apwial owrova ololvrlea
Semptee, while oat hanUng Sunday. with frieada
(B Ibv <«ty for (bv prwBI flacbl rvmv.
OSev boun fn>B Oo'clevh (o 11 3B o'clork b.
Bueklan'a Arnica Salve.
waaBoeidentally ahot la the leg. abont
m Bbd Irea I o'rlork to 4 o vlork p, m.. oBd ee
Thx Bxst SA1.TX in the world for TvrvdoT OBd Frtdoy vrveloev of rock wovk
eighty ehottakiag effect. The aboot- Broifn were vlslior* here yeaterday
CnU. Bmlaee, Sore*. Dicer*. Salt fr-m ToVlort loenVIorb
lag. it 1* aald. **a« doB* by a eompaa- from Kingsley.
Ov oa to>m poM U-forv Ovtober Ivi. <•••.
Bhenm. Fever Sore*. Tetter. Chapped tbvrv
Bill bv rhorr-4 oBV► pvr evnt. pvavlly
pvnvily for
ion who didn’t aee Boru, owing to
Hands. Cbllblalna. Coma, and alT^to rolIvvUon ABd VB oil lo»w
iw po'd
0(1 OBd oflvr
kaa gone to Detroit o« a two .weeks Brnptione, and positively enres Piles, Octobvr
aome baabe*.
I«l MB'll NoWlObvT
vT Ivt.
tbe-v will
VO evr
pvr veot (or oollveA Birmiagbam child awallOwed a Wg vacation. He wUi riait aeoeral cities or so parreqnlred. It is gnarenteed bv Vborevd o wiuAllr of Ivro
poid Korvabvr
11 >v rviui
-CltrCIwk tor
pin with which be wa* pUying.an'd for le the soalbera part of the state before to give cerfect satisfaction or money loL'in^!”'
raided. Price » cenU per boa. For TVBAAWMI ni on (bv wiBier loi rellv.
Are day*, aatil it wa* removed, aofferDblvd Sv
Alderman and Mt*. George W. Lar- sale bv J ol^Johneon aad 8. C Walt
ed great agony, hi* Hte befog deapairdie aad two children and Mr* Lardle's
CHr Trvonnfvr•dot.
M8V JCeairtT~
A«-naoath'aold child of Theodore mother Mrs Green, left yesterday for
Ladles desiring tailor made neits are
requested to call on
D Mr*.
Id* .Smith
Xcnbener, of Detroit, waa fonad dead a rialtat North Adam*. Mieb.
ai 3«l—corner Boardi an svenne *nd
ta It* cradle Monday. The child bad
Froei street
been laid dowa to aleep in perfect stvamer Charlevoix for Chicago. He
done alan. 444-«i*
heallb and when the mother aexilook- will porebasea quantltT of bicycles
«d after it It waa deed.
Nsv Luch 0CB2tsr.
W. J. Forth came op yeaterday from
SelbOD & Saiebiger.eew loach eoantThe b g Catholic aammer acbool at
er and fifiern rent meals. .*»3 SontD
Madiaon. Wlaconaia. 1* to change its
“ rt-f «• I “re'^urr.^
Elch.o.J. I.i.
Union Street. 44SA’.
Return Engagement
A ;tl>phau
P auert in yonr realdepre for . 3c
Bert Slayton and Madge Sheldon
a dav hy the Northern Telephone
were visitor* here yesterday frum Lake
MlseA M. JoniiKOD. who baa been
thegneat of her euter. Mr*. Siereoa,
went to Oetr-y yeaterday. bnt will re
turn here to visit her aistera.
g M. BROWN. Aitocvey bBO OooB^lo^'
Mra. Walter ranriell 1* nailing In
vBd ro?«ijoovlB«**ni*rnrol8«'*’
Grand Raptda.
The world'* greatest song illnstrato**
Mrs. ti-*ner and Mr*. Wiley K.
DltnavoPvob^proctlee. RaoBv«i
to attend
assisted by the
j the atate meeting of the Woman'*
to deliver aapplle* Thl* H rmeand Foreigo MU*i‘-nary eoci>-ty
N.D-rfutvroitrPmn Ofieo la Eaam BkU.
1* great
itber for the beeU and the of the Preebyie'ian chnn-h.
'Pboew 1«. CU. It*
deairoas of letting them
E VOOV. PhtWvUo Wtd deiSM. irvot.
IV BB fol|.>WV!-<
MUa Minnie K >eing of the W. at S de TTT
W . mwt of (bv v)v M»d voT. r«iBtiror. Mlii.trrl, Sr>i BBVt: I-lv li DB(vb BuU Ml
grow •• much longer a* possible, The
Mt^lnery store, weal to Coicago yea •uivr. Hvnbvr B>M(d •■t Penvlaa Esoaltivrv. Cpwialovv.
factory ttill atart up in abori two terday to buy ber winter atoekOfBm Fri-lfieh bi«*«. 'PIko.*. boeo* ond o(Rr. BB-1 Mr. <i L.qv MJwv aw eirvvt (roB
.Rev.’S_____________________________ plvjlny tliv tva'llny tO'viwvof (Bv worM w«h
ereeka. a* all the machinery is In plaee.
Amnng tboac who went te Grand
• rvpvrtvirv of owr hf IIIa»tr«tvC vmigv. Ib.
vluUisiy iviriTBjiv of
Banida yesterdar t» attend the meelii.g
of the American U mrdof Missiona wre
Attoyoer ot l^w. 8p«eUI
.Bar. n. Cochlin. Mr. and M'e J. W.
Oaneral Me* ra.Mo e* of Gnlrenal Mllllken. Mrs Wa.ter Thortell. M.a.G.
shown on canvas.
A. Latbrop
The Caban geoeral. Demvtrin C«*tnlo, has aecep’ed a pnsiiinn ander Gen- is Drayton I'ialp* to vloU Mr Btaer’* I vnoi'c m-gk.**
-vln HsmtlioB
eralWond at Sl.aoo a year, aad the father
to II a. B. I HkovlBC •wav* of RBBtl
IrsB voldlnv
Ebner and daughter
i ictlon between Cabans and Arnerlcao*!
BBd Clll«RV
have gone to Pontiac
at Santiago la rapidly d«or^a*’ng.
TIRAINFD Nrit8B-VI- R«vIIe Hniroe-------ohort timr with Hr*. Ebner'»| X prvd.-iiivof ibvrnlwTs.itrBovp<iol. Abb
Ote Indians arean«pectcif of aettlng :***^*“*
- -lit vwnoBd to volU (or aoralox- *t1
Il'ftkfore«t Area in Idaho.
C. M Prall has gone bn a visit to i____
Cbili it threatening war with both j rjaiiac and DeirolL
Argentina and Peru.
j George J.meson returned last night
Snow and rain have checked the CoV from padiilae.irbere be attended the '^^^ANTRD—tovxvhBBr<^v cond hlM CM^
orado for«at ffree.
| funeral ot Cbarlc-* Br*deo.
Nt-Bih VoVon lurAl. City.
Cyclone* and flood* ravage the Oeor-1 Mr. and Mr*. George Gaoe and son*
n HAVE on bBB<l fnnnvr 10 l••■D ee (avn
r aoil Hiy pro|.vrir. Nu BBitlsir (i-r Bonw
gla coast. The damage to the rice -Bmee and Will went to Detroit yeovr loan I- bWVtHce
roCvrwoort * CIb-w
crop waa great. At Bmnswiric, Ga, terday. Will will hare hi* eye* treated. BUprovyv.
prBvr«. Ttbtvtvv City. Hlvb
"a.OPO people
Mr*. J. G. Johoonn- wilt leave tbla
eaitwv a Ivrr
• Y c.mv nron my pr«B(<
nrv by apnlri>B.'k voir. C
morning tor a viiii at Ann Arbor.
feared tha lea* of Ufa la large.
VnU-B vtrvx>. tVrirbl. «
L. A. Pratt returned last night from
According to the atatement of Coramander SebUl. of the United SUte*
Mr., H. ^
gnnboat Wheeling, there is no dauger i Steward are attending a convention
off atarration
etarration In
in Alaska thU
tbla winter.
1i the Woman’*
Woman's MI»»ionary
Mlseinnary Asaoclatioo
Aasocistioa -j^r kai.k-chv*,. (.4 vvJi, or
One hundred former Cuban and Span-' "< the Prevbvterlan church in Detroit. J
Uheoldiers^are working amicably aai L. T. Peneingion. Mr*. E E. WhUe i l.u-ov-; *l-,vov.r.-iv«wl-r«BPd
Cali ursddrwMli. Loiveilvcr, Brnv.
l.b»r.™o.,k. Sp.nl.h clxr M.ri. i W-J-I""-"-P—l-irW, |
Practical Embalmers
and Funeral Directors.
Diamond J-IO Cts.
Traverse Belle-5 Cts.
Still on top. Best cigars for the money on the market
—Union made, too.
Sold by all dealers.
Tonnelier Block.
If You Have Logs to Sell
. Corresp'-od irith the Trarerae City Lamber CoiupRoy.
We have for sale Good.
Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple W ood.
Mill Maehioery of alt deacriptionfl. including Two Emrinea.
Set Works. CarriagrB and Saw*. A complete Saw Mill Plant
for aale.
City Opera Hou$e
Mr*. Ed. hllen. of Detroit. «ms ter
ribly-bamed by the exploaipn of a
ollne stove MondayAo nnknown mao hanged himself in
B'msroodotmeteryat Detroit on Monday.
deary Brewster of Detroit, commit
ted aeleide by taking laadannm on Mooday
Al ^y City the Michigan Sngar Co.
did not aiartlt* factwy Monday. Tfa>
318 L’nion Street
Telc|)hoihe No. 43.
Wednesday Evening,
October 5.
Mr. and Mrs. G. late Silver,
Silver Fami y.
Heroes Of Company H
W. "...'SEl'.i'SC.
Scenes of the Present War.
lu) In Wir VIns.
' /1
rt—l.. be- h.« ..d
.bnilding deck*.
Anxiety is frit at Sso Francisco for
Dnifd State* transport Senator, tnirty-flfe days ont from M*nila.
General Blanco U coneent'sting the
Bnahlsb troop* In Cuba, preparatory to
embarkation for Spain.
At Su-veni Point. Wia. Joaepb Stort*
•rbaeb. 72 year* old. ba* been robbed
of SI5.G00 lo government bonds and
caab. an bis poMecaion*. which he bhd
kept buried In a Un box In hb woodDnrlog hb abBcnc* the box w«a
gxbnmed and ibe coa’aaU takev. u>gvther wi<h a Ibt af tbr b >ad 0Dmbvr«.
ntK. lu—X >..-:uav' uuurco of lau
J. C. Lowlv X.t*lo. kliebu.
'•'--.‘.I—.H-plaee to the dbtriet eonventioa which ;
will occur 0-1. ^Ist. at Manceic
Mr*. J W. raichiDXDd a>m are v.»U. |
w.xTsi»-Apptr t 110 Park (trovl.
Bg r»
rvlativvs.in koutbern Micbigan.
,j ----------------------- :—
MU* Lvni* of EHgewood loft vrstar-' T wt-a «
Bicycle Riders.
Bemembcr that I doaU W-nd* of n
pairing and enamrlit-g. and that
! and do give yon the beat work
rri f oae in the city for the m.
la-; be deceived by what otherI- toil yon
itrxry, bnt eotce uad aee frMr. and Mt*. L*rd e their t«o ehll- ——-------- . rnnraelf
dr.. ...1 Ur, Urdu-. m.Ui.r. lo..V -nr.CTiO.-o-..1 J”™"
•dVvotare of the exen—‘— -----friend* in- •onthamMiebi
Miva riars Chase want to Datrolt yaaStop la till 8 o'clock every aventag
;e"lar muniag.
oxeept Soaday, In the CWldwell A TdOn
Mrs. S. J. Higgins of eit WaahlagtAa gOUl
WANTTO-^^kw or
doB ^aUdlBg, at aorth and of Daiu
e'veet hav gnov to Grxnd Rviiidv and for ('bvl^ABTiu^^Bvb wi kav fsar tnek*
*i vv-'eta on a a-..lv.l (..r 111 Ir « rv. ((■ irr-TPO Bp 'olhv Rack
v-ait ,>r a e npte o' w<-ek* or laager.
book chatBiuaxlv lytittul.vapll(*lli>a Priw*
FamoDS Baltimore Counts,
Selects anil Stanilarils.
ir» Of
WUk I.V4"I MtM^.
Alt mock rvwlved by v
FWdars coibmu Bounui ;•7■i^;f>r?S7r^„:rr"
John R. Santo.
General Insurance.
WnrxtiBrc BlpaX
aut pvnryiBi .
WvR BSkbu to nil (bcald Brut mat
laUB<R*B|>.*Bamv>Tv aaeamoltM.
ThoMBdt van4 i '
Tf.nvjTVeCItT. ■
rn. drirh-. vtiov .low
Mr»; H**nrv McMsBa* and childrvti i------------------W4ni to D^uili on the excur*ion for a . W*P*^l*'
..i.. -.»k.v,
......... ........
At The Cottage Home.j
Or. Srinnct will et at Hotu
XCxm. J. ». Oo-wvly.
a.«B<4i«*CM*r*rt.CreM eyev
■ T«)kv SvM iVwv
wef the
-neo*] e*rv vbkh *
All torBiof A
Dr. Pv(vT*. A
DR. SPIHND .'■.V'A.W.S.ffiT.St.
: ATskpheM
placed in yoev realder
a d*y
day bv the Northara
Co. 440 81
is the
When it comes to introducing new, original and popular t»shlons for men's and boy's wear. Our display
HOST EXTENSIVE and veri d in town. Wo make a study of styles aud reserve for curse:;ves
the f rst shipment of the newest creations of
Clothiers, Hatters and Haberdashers!
We are running a good men’s and boy's Outfitting Establishment, but wilhbe better if you will give us a trial—
which n^eans a regular customer for ue, and perfect satisfaction for you.
Some dnthicrs think we are runni:'^ a funny pctaMishmenl;
\fi€cai/se we are not selling for
“less than cost."
'Bfcatise our salesmen have posi
tive instractiotts to sell at the same
price to all and tell the truth.
.because you can get your mon
ey back, if yon so desire.
•' Because we run a good clothing
store, and hope, by your help, to be
better----- -
We have made onr bow but a
short time ago and are climbing the
rounds of the ladder fast.
Clothing bought of os
You F-m find it just as easy and just
■s satisfactory to boy foods throat
the mai's in tbts, store es
ss if you were
We make the aeleetion—shop just as economical, and If
aoythinf is not satisfactory we relun
tbe m n-y without a whimper, vm
red ti'pr spun here.
wo press soil tepoir 0's")
Clothing... Fur Men.
Oor atock of Aiitdiao and Winter Cl itbltigr
ia BOW coiaplrte. It embraeaa all the laleat
«yllas—ibe best nakaa—aod tbe flnast laaterUli
kootra to tbe___
__ EveryihiaffdaaUabla la Suiu,
. cimee
'fop CoaU, Orcrcdau,
etc. Aay
Mnoe «bo
here expeclinjr to
an ordUiarjr ready-otade
atdck of clottalniT wliTfia
will be airr«Mbly •urprUrcl whan
we meet Ibrm with __________ __ .
&eady.u>-wear el^penee wiUtoat the worrleeaad
"AtUar" triale of tbe cuitow abop. Tbeae are
tbe advaaiasea to which we lavlie yonr patrbaafe with the moat paeaiWc eaetar to yoa.
Men’s Suits
IB Waraleda. CBevioia. Seotcbea, Sarfca. ate., aia*
Kle and double braaeted—pUla and eilk faaeddo
the bntton-holea—awwed to Osaka'ata hold iorothar,
aad well worth Sfi per cent. Bore ntoBey. We
have all tbe sew Fall Style*, at
$7.60, $10,818, $16, $18.
can enter our atock but the very
best-If yon want the beat'come to na.
Clothing... For Boys.
rEEBt.BSS 8HIBT8-Sew pamm» in
Madras, aeparate Colls to match. Me.
mId^AS SHIBTS, aeparate cuffs to
match, 7Se.
KIOHT ^IBTS. faoey trimmed. «0c
ONDEBWEAB-Men’a Kaioral Wool,
SI oo.
UKOBBWEAft—Men*a fisc Amstrallaa
Wool. In BaM^ color. Un asd tdaa,
UKD^BWBAR—Mea'aflne fullfaefaloB•d. taa and nataral color—freat
O^BBW^B—American full fash.
loDod—riae foods ndaeed fromfiS-U
d have yonr boy well dressed
brisf bim to o-. We can fit bim with weli.i
If that naat
caat be excelled in
ap-to.date Qntblof
asd finish and Have you money, too
We have e]««atit Slufle and DOUBLE{BASTED SUITS is Blue and Black.Diarosaland
.^hcy Cheviots, Serfes. Wmatvd. Tw.eds. UaaalPae
meree, and M- Itons for boys 14 to !» years at
$4, 85. $7.60, $10.
Also fine aaeortment of Kobbv Suits for tbe S-yearold toddler, tbe 14-yoar.old school boy aad all area
I. Our line of Veatee 8olU Is constantly
•c satisfied
Itylos and1 prieea.
Oar Doubie-Breasted Tm Piaca Saits
Can't be oqualod In tbe city. Any* s^le or fabric
Uat may be dseired will be foasd bera- Look at
iiris.”'“SS” raVs;f«.os
siso. *s, S8.60, $kso, ss, S8
8C1T8, $2.00
So mnch
for snits, now for
\ Collars-Linen.
Top Coats
Ouratylea In theee foods are atrietJy ap-hf----Bsybody who wean a topcoat wasU'emeo. They
- ......................
-- ler* alwayaiBaUt
»f DomeaUe asd
rt Cloths, and Whip Corde—all
Ui^ea-iaalre op wlU doable •tlteblar and strap
teaaw—Workmaaebip first elaea, yat we aell 'am at
Non« b«tt«r
Knee Pants
Tka kind ^t'e aawod rlffat........
Pretty pbtwrne all wool PaoU..
Price §1.00,
$7.60. $10.$18,$16,$1&
..Hats For Men..
Onr spMial is tbe NEWLAMO
b, tbe beet in tbe city for $1.00
We carryall the $s Afeasy fitylea
iB Pall Darbies. Inelndini <..
lap. Knox. Yotfman. Miller and
ToanfabareKeorree ly copied) $2.50
Onr $:.00 Derby in black.brown.
and French brown. *tc.. is’a World
See onr new styles at $1.00. 1.50.
and $1.75, in nil the ('aabionabla
Tbe latest in men's
Crash and Fedora Hats
50c and $1.00.
MIskf' and Cblldrena'
Capa. Tama. etc.. I5e. asc, 4Sc. and
Our Umbrellas..
K«n &nd boy'i.
Onr assortmaot of Mens' and
Boys* Box Coats sod MaeWintoshea
ia wmpleU. We eell all kinds and
colors at from $1.50. $S, $3 M. $4. $5
Oil Clething...
We have all the fond kinds asd
•ell 'em dt
8Bc and $1.00.
Duck Ceats....
Black and brown.
a%ey ar* positively tbe Best' that
nonej can buy. Fall cnt. rubber
lined, double sMms. made of best
hear? dock. We start'em at $1-00
up toll 25,12 00. 2 W and warrant
each' one.
Gloves & Mins...
Do not buys Keefer for yonr boy
before von see onr fine lh»e—efc 4 to
K,—Blue. Black. Green. Brown mix
ed, with Storm or Srilor collar irlm•d with Braid etc. $2 50 up to $o.oo.
We sell the )«v«ede»r Colton S.H!k
in Mir.biran—we ret them m de to
order—3»c We also haves fn lline
I. 15. 25. 35. 50c.
We have ererTthiDf In this line
from the cheap 25c Mole Skin tolhe
finest ellk lined French Kid.
atbt< -,
R, B. men we have
heve OaunUeu
75e and one that's fire pimof atfl.'.J.
ids of Jereey and Wool gloves
All kinds
and mitu. Pricearlfbt.
—'•Bom ta Sett York,
Tfiited vocryU'lMTe-"
Oar $1.00 Umbrella hM the hMt
rolled eteel frame and U warranted
not to fade. Fa»^ handle too. L<^
.V w«
$2 W
00 roods. Lots w,
of Umbrellaa
. sue aad 75c. We have tbe betUr
aad the beat Umbnllaa at from $2.00
to $6 00.
Pants & Overalls
Union made
Have you ee*n onr All WoeX
Pant at $2 00. Oood Workinr^U
from 75e op. • Oarharrt!U)vMaU»- •
all Site* at lest thaneonld bny
'em elMwhem_ Overalls—bUck,
blue, brown, whke. ^
White Goats lip]
Butcher's and Walter’s Aprons at
25c. White DuekCoaU at 75e . $100.
While Vests. P-srl Buttons. 75c. and
$1.00. Fancy Vests in Silk from $3
up. French Lawn Usa at 10. 15 and
S,«c per drxeo.
LcggliHi 'or Msn and Boys in
Canvas. Leather, Jetoey, "tc
llay Wort ter Bcheol (nilUbas.
Parroie at arhool children are wry sTWe al a loan to
kao* bow u> keep ihalr ckUdiva eat e* wUerWf ts
Si the Uw, u/lag "Maamv I want er-a-lblas le
lehoal chUdm. and tor that waller Uwlr axHaatn aad
fvmiUwB of Maofo ^TSf'inS. can b}'
helee apead ibvir spars wome-ta ia pieasorr sad ai tec
-----s i£ws waks tkeir play tesyctlTs aad prsOuUc.
rvtsusvarwdsu: S
a A Co . ten ehnklera a
leprtavolaad-vrlUaceoBisst. aawcly. awoo —
disc for tbs hew and wool or glaai ad; ISOS la
haadled by
— ^ .- -------------- — . wsnOoa tec Uses
■ ' -aad
Wc gunrsotne sweet dreama in uoe of our
Night Shirt«-50c-76c-$l OO.
or loag -cart
d iatcoi BirW arv her*—
-r lor *
U^fact our ahb^ arv praetleaUy rqiijlo
easy prices for
Qasy Suspenders I
0, 16. 86. 86, eoo
A. V. Friedrich Block.
T. J. Host’s Old Store.
194 Front Street
Traverse City, Vicbigaii
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