The Morning Record, September 07, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, September 07, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text








wmsflK or m u vxnoa

City of Ofcndlfc Bombarded by

at An*c«d TaTjriitam Okon *e«u^ OkitoMus aiSM rpwm Aa
•UMd OMtral-Saifccr Oftnd M
M tk* a«Bn>« BaewB.
r-n.», lalMdotCraMS^pk a3Cudla
isbalackomWrded. Th* British troofw
<^kh hsTe hsea MUsr u p«Uos >t»os
the Greek «»r. ere firtatinr Ue Mee«el»aes. Blots ere la pfotrees aad
ares hare hrakea oet la wieesperts
«t tbs sUp.\Ths Mesealaisas »U
tbs auterhAsse. Crowds at tbsa.
tsdl; BBsrMd,
tbs prtaoipal sqsares of the eitp to
pretest soldt tevori^ whkh
*Usn (Be powers are skowtaf to
CartottsM. Thep tbreaUa to hera
boeeee aad dsstrof tbs pcoper^ of tbs
CbrteUaas aalsss tbs etaU el affairs
. pomplaissd of w teasdisd. Tbs Tarkleh roserameat offered to help tbs

^ Tbsrs'wsrs so deaths aboard
tbstrstsbatfoarKSB are la a pcssarlaasooaditioB.
Oaaaad Oiaamrr Ouu of


Tbs stsato'
sr State of Mkbtraa y— P>ek«d «p apd
lowed la hers this foreaoos. with her
steam obeat barstsd. Rspatrs ars bSInf mpds. aad sir will pet awap. t»


msadsrtiG tobel. SfdlUBe^aBd OspaW oommaadsr Batriek. Thej wUi
oeoapp tbs Fifth diritlca'b tbs parade
Ooneral Brooko in Sabnrbo Tbs raaks of tbs two posts will be wmof Porto Blean OapltoL
solidated aad tbs Detroiters sxpret to
make aa Impression.
D-trMi will
OaptalB Osascal Maoblae Oraeioaslp esaks a stroar effort to re ore tbs aa-


tbs Bss of Bis BaeMsaos.
Spsslsl to TPt Msmme Becnaa

Sea Jaaa De Perto Rleo, Sept. «.—
LMdoa. Sept. 6.»Tbers ta ae deaht Ooaatal Brooke, kts etaS aad eaoort,
dbat OaadU Is helnf bombarded bp bass oempistsd two-tbiids ef' their
araishipa at tbs powers wbleh bass ioarasp across tbs ialaad tosrard this
bees etatlopsd la the waters of tbs el^. TbsmsrsbbasbsniUksamarok
. Jslaod at Crete sloes tbs powers took tbroaph frissdlp tsrritorp. Oa Sstsrdap OsBsral Brosbs stoppsa at tbs
Joiateeatiol at that telaad.
Cbpsp. Snadap bs raoebad Csrbas,
two mllss tram bars, psstsrdsp Bio

JPtMlippiase to Xttaos Zaeatveals
WUl be Befbsod.
•esew to Tbs aes»oe Bbdosb.

w saeampmsiU of tbs O. A. R. is a
msec far as atteadaass is
id. Briers ssoriss lodsp tbs deeaserowdsd wiU arriraU. Spseial
tnias arriesd faster than thep ooald
bebaadledat the termlimU.
tralas stopped at Camp Shermaa aad
other soharbaa potato where street

isrsisasapedtptorlS.OOO la the
taato at Camp Shermaa. It to well
Pledrsa, osa of tbs aristoerstle ssbsrbs fl'ied sears also tbs smallsr cai
ta Jsao. wbsrs he wOl sstsbliah
lie bsadqnarters. .
tats aad tbs i
i eqaaUp
GsaarsI Brooke has ascapted tbs bos- laritb.
pitaUtp of OaptalB Ooasral Baelsa. who: The Rstiimal Baral AasoeisUoa garr
rariooalp effsrod him tbs oas of bis
grand parade tbto rnoraiag. aad
prisate rsridaaos at Rio Piedraa
afterwards tbs aaral sataraas aatsrtalnad oa alaamboata aad esatarod
Ooaep tsUad. Tbs faatares of the dap
Ul aad brigade rs safirad af War aad Lack of Food, BOO
Applp to Ooaeral I* otoa
Tbe W. R. C. aaditi
ffer Woric.
Saatiato da Caba, Sept. A-Tbs first dimetora of tbs And

VasblaftoB. Sept. A.—Tbs t^slsb
pprstpiasat bss rsqsssted tbs pririlsffs
«f sendleir s lew smsU roaboats to
asrtato of the PhUippias Isiaods where
tasarcsatsare parUraUrlpsetivs, with
tbo Tlsw lonaiatafa Spa^sh sow
•Itatp there.
Tba teatter^ disesstad at todap^
paUastsissliiic. ItUopdersiood that
rolaoUrp aarreadsr of araw oa the
tbs ragsast will aot be fiaatsd.
part of tbs Csbaaa sloes tbs AmariCBSS oeeaoisd 8satla«o ooearrsd pastordap. wbsa too msa bal
Gsaoral Cobroeo’a dirisloa
AUAroItaiBg VeU aad Boas Btors from tbsir samp asar Bl Cobrs aid earreadsrod Ueir arms to Osasral Law:
Bsaa Serioas^Vm be Boms
ton. Tbs msa said thsp wars bangrp
la a Few Dapa'
aad derirod to go to work. Tbs bead
was somposed of wbitos aad across,
Detroit. SspV 6.—Prisata Ralph aad was beaded bp aa olBeer bsloagiag
Oordt of loaia, died this afterBooB. He to Ooaeral Cobroeo's staff. Osasral
bad bsoa fradoallp rrowiaf weaker, Lawton pat tbs msB to work oa tks
bat was Kitrirsaap till tbs wp laat water froBV paping them la rations.
Bs told them bs ooald aot pap them U
Tks foUowiaffSsriees oases ars rsBMFBep.
noried toaiffht:
Tbs Cttbsa oflleer told OsBsral Law- O.-aos
Bosplul-^bsri Wsltort. ton that bis policp of psplag no attoaMmksffoa. Companp 0. TUitp-foartb: tioa to the Cabans bad uksa awsp all
brag sod blaster. The/ wars
Harrp 8. Cooper, loaia, Oompaap I.
TBphilp growiag tired of loefleg la tba
Talrtp-teartbt.SMYt. O. P Drpsr, Mas
bBU. aad be axpeetod to ass tbs armies
baton. Compasp C. Thirtp foartb: BoB' bsglB to molt awap
cp 0>waa. 8>s, Cjmpsap 6, Thirtp- waU as iaaeUoa was bariag its sffeet
Varasp Badlep. Maatotea, OB the Cnbaaa Tbsp bars no eommis
Compaap B. Thlrtp-fourtb; Kaad Jma- ssriat. forage to seares, and Hriag off
itrp which aaotber armp has
firasap, Vaakaffaa. Oompaap C, Tkirtp.
picked clesB to Bc casp task. Tbs
foartb: C. B. Merriok. Companp M. reallM that war to orer. aad all ex
TUrtp-thlrd. Datroiti Q. H. W. Slmp- a few who wish to compel ibc Amsri•oo.Oompaap M, Tbirtp-tbird, Detroit mas to reeagetos tbalr fores of
St. Harp’s BospHat»dU raportod do- ars bogiaalag to sraat to go bom
Coloael Ds Mssdnlep of OeBsral Oar”iar w«'lda's staff Birired bare todap from
CUldraa's Frlsad Bospltal-Chsriss GIbara. Colonel Dr Msndclep to as old
A. Baaooek, Maskefaw.
restdect of Sactlago. Bs gars np aa
Graos Bs^lul-Cspt^ Melatoab Importoot plaee Is the prorlttoial coart
here to
paasadaeomforlablsdap. Ha to bow
■a ealb
oomfortoble aad doing waU.
arriral to delUcr afrieadlp msassgs
Childreu' Friead Baapltol raporto IromCeaorsl Garcia. Osasral Lawtoo
Oaorga Di^ls tetUaf aloog aieelp; be WiU girs him his old pises as socm as
to wa^ bot boildiar A\m> Oaira the courts are rc-mublisbed. - This bs
will do ia order to eaconrags tbs CoBadcasr as maoh bstur, aad sriU I
baas to disperse and go to their bomss.
•bis U issee for borne ia a few daps.
Oeneral Lawton has seat word to lbs
Bt Harp’s rSports Chsrlss Slade rap- sbaas that be wlU issae rations to all
(dp improriat. UrlBg passed a ssai- who sarmpdar ^Ir arma bot be wUI
ier applioetloBS from moa
with arms ia tbsto h^da.
WashtourtoB Sep ft.-Tbs rmsraar at
Bcbnwkatoartiat that Ooloasl Brp- Detoolt Tmm Bads Bo Bs-isp Bot



•b's rsfitoMBl ^ mastored oet. Tbs
IwiTatas ia tbs rarlatoot ars aiss aaxleas lor ralssssi bat tbs tmrsrpmsat
bss thus far rafassd.^
Ambsosader Baparo bo Battoa.


. Wilt be StraBgtbanoA
Detroit, Sapt. 6.-Tha base ball
msoB doasd bare todap. Dstroithas
mads BO taoBcp tbto pear owing to tba
roiBbla sbowlag at tbs team.

Dedham. Sapt. 6.-^Tbs ooDdltioB of
Oimar Ambaaaadsr Iboma* F. Bspard, bat the rioclag oam aaw oalp sUm
: srhb to esrioaslp U1 bars, was aaelmBf* arowda. Tba team wiU bs atrsagib•and for aazt ssasem.



880 Front Street__________ HoUsy dfc OomiAbJs .

An Oilcloth School Bag
Given with every purchase of School
Booka, at,aoi.ct

tbs rssalt of a ooafanmoe



Tba Bop Who Wee Shot Wee Sarlooelp Bart.
The oeadltloa of poaar William
TUel. wboes aesideatal tejaip hf the
disebarco of a abot «ma I
Moodap. wsa aotleed ia peaUrdap!
Detroit Pooto 'W’Ol OoasoU. racratap's RenaBD, la more aarioat
at first tboaibL Tbs bop was j
4»to to JCake Good Display.
tbirtasa pears old. Hsstood oa a loc'
td>arrri af the paa I
Aa Sflbrt WiU bs Bade bp Botrolt
■baa bs slipped fr^
tbs )s( aad tbs
to Boearo tbs Batloaal Baeaaprlaptbslsft Isra few iaehea ba­
mamt Beat Tsar-OariBBatl Batar-1
ths bip, Soarn of the abot bast
t1aia,.«. Crowd oC H-nm. of j ^
I part of tbs I
tbs War of 1861.
oralrbt laebos, haa aot base loeated
aad It la feared U baaaBtarsd the boae.
Dra Omraar aad MarUa amda aa effort
here O. d. R ars hasp prepsriar far to! pastardap. bot had aot soeeeedsd last
morrew's (read parsds. Detroit sad srsslBff ia sxtrisatiaff all tbs shot.
Fairhaak's posts bees affrasd to march

IDoUcon DMabm WiU Form
FartofToduy^ Porwlb.

rplacei^ soldiers of tie B^U Maasaebssetu rarimsat. lakaa fros tbs
stoamsr Lewistoa wbso she was wi
adlastalrhtatRswpori. has rsssbsd

Bntiah Troops Hwl a
With Kn—Tilwana



vnxxAM raas/B amxMT.

densAtlonfil Newspapers Besponalblm
Osasral Oorbia Speaks
tbs DaJtwt
Affainat tbs War Dej


^ 3^e-w T.lia.e of


Ladies’ Wrappers

Pbttenu, nlosly nutde and nlosly

Prioas range from 69o to $1.60.

A. look at then is appreciated, at
Reliable Dry Goods, Carpet
And Clothing House.


Hastings’ Real Estais Ageflcy,



Good forPrait Batoiag.
Good for Sto^ Batoiag.
Good for Osasral Famlag.

WUl be sold St low prism fsr cash: or. oa UagUms wttbsssppap_mto aad verp low Ulsrmt.
—v •-/

Oa 0. R A I R. R.



Tmeru Citj ScM «f lusic!
IMU10 Ul <1, lalll IKL
Cer. Pnnu and Cum Ota


tbUk that Ue llbertp a
i to tbs
prass meaas license to sap aapthiag
witboat regard to tratb aad witboat
regard U eommoa deesaep.
“Tbs aaaeatioaal aawapapar arms to
la pan reap asi.Ms tat tbs kpsUrU
that at present provalto tbroagboct tbs
oouawp ever camp life aad tbs eoadtUoaoftbs Mldisrs. It to admltUd
tbattbere to ma^ safferiag la the
armp,bat whp lap aU tbs bUms oa tbs
War Dspartmsatr
“If tiito tirade of abase aad dstama-!
tliic of repnutioas coatiaam it to ai
tion la mp miod whstbsr It wUl I
not sad la dlsorgaaixlag tba mUittrp \
forem of tbs eonaup. aad parbapa;
prove aa obetaele U tatolag aaotbm *
volantosr snap U oae aboald aaddsalp


DlAealtpLoadoa, Sapt. S.—Tba Dallp HaQ
sapa It iearas that aa aadaratoadiag
bstwoea Raeato aad Orsat Britain oa
tbs Cbiasss qnmtica to praetimllp
complete. Orest Brllala raoogatom
Resaia-e poaiUoa ia Manebooria aad
Raasu nsdariakm to faldll the gaareatp Orsat BriUla kse demanded.;
She stoa aadertakm to ossss her ob■traetloB of tbs New Cbaag raUwap
Tbs arMtratlatial claaas la
Pakia-Baakow raUsrap ooatract to to
ilod at Orsat Sritala’s rsqamt,
tbs Uttar aot oppoalog tba emplo/meat at Fraacb, BslgUa. aad RnsaUa
m^ial la Ue coastnietioe of the line
RamUagrrsa to rsapect Great Brltaia'e
epbetc of latermt ia the Tecg-taeKUageaUep.
■n»e Dallp Mall mps It anderaUads
that the Aaglo-Osnnaa agraeBri t baa
eompletrlp aettlsd all the diff-wr
of the two eoaaUim la Africa, aad laclndm an arraagemrat whlcb will aaable Portagal to ratoa a laaa, bp meaas
of which sbe wiu aaeara faU control of
Dalagoaa Bap raUwap. Cecil
Raodaa. la behalf of Tarioas 8-mtb
African latermta, baa alreadp opeaad
Utloaa to bap the raUwap,
Brimio aad Oermanp not offerlag sap objecUoae


ssblngtoB, D. O. Sept, e.—Armp
officers are watoblag with moeb ooaI the effect of all the cUmor of the
pellow prem ngaiasi tbs war depart­
ment, the eamps, aad the armp.
mtb some of them it to a rerp serleas qsmtton as to whether tbs tnfiasaos of this bpsteria wlU no
oomplatslp demoralixs tbs present solaousr snap os to asaks it Impom
to ratos anatksr soeb armp in lbs i
fotors. dr mske a To'.cntoer armp pnetisallp nsslem as a miliurp force, siaos
bp the dsTslopment of arms aad millUrp tactics wars arc now of short
“Tbs clamor of the saasatloaal bewspapers to bqgiBBlag to bear Irait." said
itaat-Osasral CorUa. ”Ttas aV
tempt or a Hitetoslppl regimeat to aalaato Ito eolvoel U an iUnatratioa of
the dsBMralUisg tnflaaace of tbto aarsaaoBlag clamor.
*'Not long since s esrtaia Bastm
•wApapsr beadwl a tirade on the War
epartmeat with -Sboot the Offlesrr

t Just Received

Baos Cams to aa Amleabla AgraamaataadSatUad tbsCblasse

New fall walking ba>a aad sailors ia
abcadaBce. Call aad see them
propsrW>tbsdlrestofsof tbs national
Tat Bostus Stomc.
eorpsaadtitodirsetoreof lbs aatioasl
fipsdil dale uo violins for (s daps at
ooaacU of tbs W. R. C. wars la asasloB W.'w. KimuallOa-s 4U-4t



For the want of iiooJ fittiug
sboss. There’s do need of it.
■Our new fall shapes are not
only comfortable fitting bnt
are made of the kind of leather that wears evary time.


The Shoes
We Srig About.

$1.60, $2.00,
$2.60, $3.00.
Prices tbst wiU ssll them
on siffht.




k of the -Tsako-Spsa]
I yon”wsrwassBidtohs«c
r been “beard the whole
world ’rooDd” becaase it
wasan boaest abot fired
for an boneat parpose.
All 'round the world
8ELZ SHOES have fired
the same sort of boneat
shot into the camps of


sad now the victories of SBLZ SHOES are
cesnted by the minkma, becatme millioos
wear SBLZ SHOES. We sell them becaase
ibtj express onr idea of honest footwear .
and we want yon to try a pair on oar ytonn*
tee of “moat wear for the money.”

Shoe Department
One of the
most model shoe stores in thu region.
Hardtp a tree - nf Its foraaar being to left. It to over a pear slacs ws
atarud to dispow of tbs sboa stock from tbs old aiora rsgsrdUm of
ceat. aad we b^ •mtoesdsd adotiraWp. Aad now ws bars fiUed Uto
dspartmect with fr--ab. raw faU goods of tbs latest dmlgas. omds aspscUllp to oar ceder bp some of tbs bmt maanfaetaran cast.

Alen and
Women’s Footwear
Strletlp np-to-dats. asw Uats aai aobbp toss, " tosh aad workmaaaUpgaanatasd.



Our Boy’s and GirFs
. Bmldmtssfiasliaw ws«a*rp BOW, ws bavsaditod tbs
' bnIcdacbooIabosiBtbsconatip.caUsdtbs “ UCAXTBlf
_________ ^IPEM.** We
gcsraatssJnstwbMtbeaams imj^ias. Made of ales sett_etosk
----------- --------- h style, which to maesoal (rir bssvp ioot<

Ws* Block.



Travene City, Hioh.


ttum> nAVnsB °"**’-*^


iJs i;VLI3
fBaler in Hc^sUlicyclB tonics

«aac «» ftr Jka
tareatoiariait tba dar
AaTtarm Ot7 Dririaf Qab to
aaUra la praparaUoa fw iha toU
tar^tolK'^aeaOnabw-4. *-««4 4.
fcraf noaSapbltnaaiTaMtor
Atowlrttto afaar^
iWWrtfl** aaa too btoMatoiwrawa reaebad lOS.
bUffaadbonafiMb'wlUba bm <roa
liOBdar tba -lamparatara of WUl!
akfoO. sa4 Uft bHt Mtlaa ia jaaia
Bobarta waaaa blfb aa IM. bototaxa'
•ato aa>M«t of parMo haac a|» to asts, tbaa be baa «ateed Baofa la atraaptb'
aadyaetarday area able to tot
a* follows;

My work U fit,. oUm ud priors that are ia reaek of all lam
piaparrf « all tijDes to take rare of tba trade. 1 make e epeeUIty fo
Brraiog, Vnlcmdaing end EoemeUny. A See line of wheeU tor lelw

r O. BMJB, DU Frmrt etrerd, nK.

Dl^ Baater to dolaf wall, tbeach
TModv. Oatotar 4.
«tM,bMt>laB; (tttaa, atm aoadaad to hto bad.
Corporal Haatian <• ttlU 4tole toek
X:B7-*1toao«r trot, bast S ^ ^araa, bat rredaallp teprortarWmiaaBetaaoawaalaftla Datnit,!
■WCamdmj, Ootabto «.
batarrired boma Moadap. Ha ato<fbeo«r«ot,bMt|laB; pana.
ptota olak. tboDgb aet aarleaely aa.
Mora floldlara Motam.
Foor^aanoa ar andar, beat I U B;
Word waa raealead yeetaroay that
Oaaega Xsrbaek. Bvaael Iriab aad
HaUoa Wyckoff aad Jaa»«a 0, Woodtbaadajr. •aaebar 6.
wortk, bothofSaasltCUTWoraforead W. h BUUker af Co^aay M arrived ‘ ‘
Fraa for aU. beat BUA; paraa, fisa to take to their bade aa aeoa aa they yeatarday moralag from Detroit. Bort'^
Doaham of tbe aama oompany arrived ]
' S:»B—Paaa «r tret, beat B la B; paiaa. arrived hose aad tbpr
last night.
tra of a phytotoaa.


Capes awd SacKets. i
!£(») &ooto\


B:«t .Paea or trot, bwt B la 8; pane.
& O Oorbtot. who to aB Oottaga
teMmrtkctfpMUMi McKlali^ f78.oa
Send jnnr addren to H. E Backlen
*rlU_»h« v«>|iU M the nali^ Stette
tbaraoeatriUbaealladatl J* ^ m.
A letter a
|iCrawiarudd«*i>toplBr awr 6v
■atrtM ^ alaaa Moadap, Ootobar OhaaB Ha]«(BKewHav^Ooin.
IlMofkU-'------------- Brd. at B o’eleab p. at
ei^r that hie btatber EUdwor^ ase tr^ will eoBvinee yon of their merits.
Thm pills are easy in action aad are
•( poUtlMl afiiiuiau an
tkr took etodlan of Coapaay M, left: partteolarly effective la tbe care of
I OF ooidV oAWknm. of
kaem ia tkto parvlar aprMaff ia U*
hebUd, to lsprevlac la a vary eatlw CoBsUpation aad hiek Bcadacba Fm
<H«r. Aa lasidMt whlA owan^ at
factory n
Malaria and Uver bonbln they ban
ived Invalaable. They an
Oaoipaay JL
d to be p*Tf«;Uy tree from
dariag bU Blay la Caba, bat apoe bU
ant to
* ■
It blfbly eatifad by eaea el appaUla
WbUafaOabaVbaak Parha aaeatad
aiTlvta at Now Toric tba goad tblnpe
-------------------- Tbeydoaotyreakea
baadeoeea pair af partaiaa.
fdUttoe eoMiar area fra»tbe far eoeth.
their action, bn t by giving looe to the
provad a graat tasptatloB aad ba par­
Itoriaptba iinnetitlan of tba «at»
lie graatiy
greatiy lavigoraU

Aae^ tba saay anteae tbiaga took fraely. Ba woe abortly aftar- stoBiaeb and bowel,
tbe system. Begnlartosa fee. p« bo*.
breagbt bean'from Oaba,
ward tabra alek pad bee aot yat folly Sold by J.
J. Iti. Johanon, aads. E Walt
Tblrlby to axblbUtog a traab baard. It
BrtstotraUoate aouaettoa with
doaa good aartoee aad Oearga
WalUe Parry bad the fevrr ia Oaba
dPpaaiHnirae. Saataaly bad tba apaab- waaMaatpart»ltb&
re bu joe« reel
bat rrfeeed to go to the Hoepital. Afu
«r Bttmid tba worda trbaa Btr. K. B.
mine.' and c
wui itaab IM a*e boadtai
er bis arrival home beenffered aevercly. JaelKto M-d eapre
>e of tbe Uteet
Jibaea.efOaarfto a pre»laaat I
rldgea wklcii. ba bad with bis ia Caba.
bat last night wa* macb improved.
t, ^raap to bto^eat and eaU:
Wtoh araadataayeftba beya MoaFrank Parka was eocaewhat bettw
'"ifoarbttBtbarabal army, aad
tooTaraaratabedtbaDeaoarat^ ttokal day algbt waa tba aaaaad tlae last evsalag.
to«plUa.b«t Iepmldfatotbail bat thtybadatoptlaaraal bad alaeo Bh^
WIU aaae baa Improead la bealU
bM» a.aaward aM afraid of ny da^r Urt bara la May. fiaeatal af titos
at bto home eoatb of tba
OiTu Ttm ZyMibllS
If b&Uad U raeant tkat lapaUttaa katbaebr. oedid aat Btodp oB tba feaib* toty.
aititmt tb. aditoalatrattoe of FnalC Baaigaal waa ahto ta aona down
OaargePawItt. altbaagb eat a
toaetMeKialpy. Tbtoto Mt tom ttee
towa yaafarday.
«ar tba plaeo for aay sacb laeiaaa* W af Ooaipaay M. waa U tba Tblr^.
Xa Boaor of Mra. fr. ti. Ba'aa.
BfM aa Uo «aetl«ua baa attarad
ItlwracaiMtef Art Bwer«>4«rt*sa»M»
Mies Lrcttte Bavlland gave a raoep*
Atoboacblwaaarabtoaadama Oato>
U. LswiweaV mat atnet■Phono
erai^ ta-axpraoe aty. oMtia. rataraad to hto haaM bara aad to la tioa yaeterd.y afunooa la b.
dMafaatiaatrlth tba eoaiapaMt a«I flaa- abapa. He galaei fear pbaala Mra. Q. O. Batae of Cbleaca. Abont
. . jUy Jaet abd aaMibla eeauer la dpnag bh eojoara ia Ceiba. Hia broth­ forty gaeats wan praent, aad the
aXau"a BMt eaji^ble
. toMab FtatodaatlCeXlatoybaaeeadaet- er Ottogbt Jeat tea poaada bat to
•t tbto war, aad I eraat to add Ibat it lagadsirabU.
lieloak icee ead cakes ware earrad.
mriag tbe battia of Saatiage. wbUa
toaet aely my paiaaaal eoaeietleB.
^aatlraaoBtblaaleael da. I Uea Oonpaay M waa anppartiag a faatUry
Mrs. Pemno—Tbat piotare la tbs
fli)tbtb« peeplB pf tba aoatb.aad I aadar tba heavy Ira of tipaaiab abtola
a^ Btanar rUaa om of tba bpya can. corner te hy ao old master.
Mr- Swartlelgb-ladeed. 1 waald
ap with a wet
aernr have gneseed it
- hoMOtootadoUara are reporta freci tba Moaaixc RacoBD wbleb bad Joat
Mrs. Pnrveon— Tea
g»^- aoaoaraa wbtea aspleyed 4.7S« arrived by mall. The wbiaUlagof bal- boogL-i it fr.aa gave me a writtaa rearfeMda la iB»s aad 6.ess ia I8»a. Ike lela aad ahriaking tinlla ware fargot- aatee tbat tba painter waa paat 76 be­
iAg0tpaUlalBMwm»BW.4Tl.<l; la taa for a tiiM aad a half dona of tbe fore be dooa a Btzoto oa It—Ckloago
Sdn.fBU.lBS.B4. Bara waa aa lacmee Tnvarae City aeidton aaaght ahaltar
aB4BparoaM.lBtbaaambarof baada babiad aone .tonbaa, lay «a tb*
la Cw.
totoployad: bat aaeb laaa raaeived a
groaad tad fronadad to devaar tba
M*:3ma (at the breakfato table)—
Yoaalwys ooglit to an yoor Bap^
IlfSBperaaBt.Biorawacea thpa tbeee aoataata of tbe paper from bona
g^FleyodlBlBNtaaelved. Tbleoadar
F. O. Babaaa. femarly oirihto toty.
dy Pudto tbrifi law aad a BepaMleaa ta a lattor to bto Blan. Hriaa Haaitaa. ^GeS^e—I am atoa It. ammaa. IW*
got tbe dog tied to tbe leg of tbe table
wrlttaa Aogaat Mad. atatea tbat ha la with ib^Chloago Tribniie.
3 ■
atUl attaahad to tba divltooa faoapital
tou Barer Wanaiaos tade U aaeaarpa at (toattoga aad that bo ba* not
Macb of tbe ardfitoal oolorlng of
^ryto poke taa at Laadar Bailay
food! ie tradltkaial and DOC uMaat to dw
gjld other atataanoa who an high la
e BB patteUe aadar hie otova. ThuoaodtoeanoolorwlobriooeWe have a few of those i
Bkeaaaatolaef tba Daaaaratto partyty
to plean the eye aad add co tbe alear*.
_«^IU8gfertbeDaasaeratto party to
nibatwbea Raotiraaen of tbe oeaifeatiaoer'a toow- fine sbapeil seat. Arm Rock- j
Gaae,.bDd Hfcawln botter and manard
. 4* to to go baok aad taka * iraak atari.
.part beariag Ckrepapy M are oolored sritta no iataat to spoil tbair ers that we are selling for |
raaahad Moataak PeUt tba ataasar
parity- V_________________
$1.50*. Don’t delay — it is a
Tba average age at wbiota wnneo bargain.
Masben «f tba
marry la tovlltoad oonatrtoa to
ooBeoatta tba traasport •lib a aap-


"Kew Stg\es\ "Kexn TtteesV


St«k tm4» 5«r sow
'rVouet to Aucioutot foots

Miss Doyle

til Kinds af Emaraiderp


Ukt MlaaSe kUar af tbto toig aad
M^.fiavid MeOalMaa af M
Im, Mfo, F. O. Darfaa, oa Waahlagi
itoaet, at BdXl o’elock yaatarday aftar•aae. TbobeoaawaabeaatlfoUy daw
Mbtad with eBllax, reata aad parea*
Btoae. Tba hrUe waa attlied la a
paatty trmvallag aalt.
Oaly a few friends aad tbe Issadl•U rtoaUvas of the bride aad graea
wnrapreeeat. Tbe oaremany wh perderated by Rev. J C Oaraua.
Tba bride hae always lived la Travarea Oty and baa taany IrUada. who
erill regret vety seek bar
ires tbie plaoa.
Mr. UeUalnaaaiaaatonager bora.hie
hosa being la Maaiatae. bat ha baa
Made Brat frianda of all who hava net
ktelaUeTitiukehaenadeto TravareeCliy
Mr. aad Mre. MeOalaeae left InnedIptoly for Menletae where tiny wlU ba
Mhonato Uwirfrtoada aftar Maptan' rfOtb.

ply af broad wbleb waa acftd to taa
haU' tastobod aoldicn for M oaaU a
Tbaoo wara emppUae totaadad
far the
While roanlag aboat tba atraato af
Baattago the Tkavarsa City taaya wara
gfMtlylBlaraatad la tba battartoan of
.ratodcaooawhltoc are bailt of
In aaarly all eaan tba doors af
tbe baUdlags war* open aad oftaa the
boye ware taviud ia aad oordUlly
ao tba eoldlert fi

miarad the ml-

nalqae and valuable faraitara aad earonetlnnbtoag treatod wiU raaad a,;aiB allowed to make thenat hoBM eaUrsly naaoUead.
Oae of tbe Tnvoree City boye waa
npaolally attraeted by tba baaatUal
Bpaatob wonaa mt rank aad high eoatol poeltioa, wbaaa attlra ha daaerfbn
atbtoagaaitaAnerieaa ia etyla, aad
af tin riakeet tobriea. Theae ladtoe be
daelarad were eloUlag of the ramt
material la their promeaadee oa the
asreet aad ia thalr drlvaa Uroagh
Opaaklsg of tbe water tbe Anarteaa
Paata tbe Xteatoke.
Mr. A, C. Tbonaa, af Murrerma, eotdlers were obliged to drink, oae of
9aa., hae foaoe a atora valiaVa dto- tb* boye BUtee ttiat a oraefc lovriag
y tbaa hae yet been saoe la '
near Ue camp of tbe Thlrty-foarth
For years be eoffrred
•Hpwr uvai GuuBuispuaD.
ptioo. ace
a<!eom waaai «m tiam damned ap by the
to by hanorTbagea; aad eraa
itatooSpaatorde. baton tba aarraadar, which
raarod by Dr. Eiagk
. New
Diaoovmade tba water aearea. Aa laveaUgaB.CoaybtaaJOolds.
• itbaaeoiMoftbcateek
■adetoam that gold U of little rslee
n-anapartooa with lb(e amrvrloos waaobetraetad by a heap of dead main
•apes weald bavelt.evwa |i Ueoata,------,— --------------aad Spaniards,
and throat tbie flowed
LtartbeeoWlan ware forced to
lien to Btate that ao
Kiog’e New fetocovrrr for Oooesmo- ■'«»
••• drank from tbat
son. Trial bo»Ues to e<a at ihr drag'
evam'rf^. E. Wail aad J. U JohM-dc.
E*nlar ««s* so ew sod Sl.ea G<iarSUk fleldtoea Xnprevitg.
•atMd to car* n rwfvrtded.
^(a a aamber of the aaldiar beya
Oaba, ateahaklag
bands wiib Meade oa tbe street, tbara
isllH. U.
4"Ha a aambar aabl* to leava
{lUalrbonaa. Bowenr.towlUgnatly

Deatiitry—Bigb grade at noderata
Da Sawraa.
B. L. A Co.*e UoeV.

■> •>

We Would
to Gall Your Attetilion
To the nice Bacon and< Picnic Wwm..


Be ling, We never had any nicer, nor did eny'
body else.
aw r»,m> *h»o»



This space for what wa have to say abont

Only $1.50.





Hnose Foroiehine Stortj.

Geo. R. Winnie
Up-to-dau Paiottr
aad Paper Hanger.
Shop <>ppof^ite Ea^le office.

Good Words.
BuiKntn A Bferomnea. DistrfaB
United Sta
S^iaaw for
rvolisit SodrtT of Saginaw
-ly stxyears. and have aiwaye fnaad
there'prompt acd jn«t Aeeept thaake
for check «or HI 7« Id eetUemeat of
ty ba
daot ao>l stekom enmpantea, bat tba
Dalted Atatea can always be depeodad
to folfll their ooBtraet. I will al­
ways suod ready to help yon when
yoB ooaubere.
Beapeclfel'y Ynnra.
Wu J. MrTasem.**.

g Our Offerings



*1/1 "



Kany pieces ezcluelve with ns, that ^
beauty have not been equalled.

We make particular mention of ItESD and KATTAB PDBNTTITBE. Aside from a floor full of beautifU' creations in
^ th is materia! we make prices equally as at ‘ ractive.
Whether you intend to refurnish your house this fall or
Just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
look rich and handsome we offer yon the opportunity
Ortr BeXwaara-e Ahoe Star*
to do so at a very little cost. We want you to see the goods
in any event.



Vet a “dined" tblag Vh.- matter with
----- fai«.y eotma m—lail llambMl


Si.'VS- KlvWikeu.

„ ««««

■ i



^ t- V-

iBMiummii KiooM,. w«)»mdat.


•WatirpopiiWian dmAnlj-ffiy:


bad tsMbad. ipaady aetioa beaafbt
tb* yooarpaoploootod tbadIMiy.
Tb* asbsiailar Amid aeal

teaud. tba flUrota act i
Uta^popriaronr;. tlatbkol>T.
3. 0. Uwk, tbe Yaakaa ■oharaelv
a*tor. aMla&ampaayoCtwaatypHpto
vUlboatfltelabarrkOnad oa flatarday- Aaaaobaateaaya:
atappod before aay.dkmar* traa 4*m.
"Wb*a*«m- tbe aa*a* of « Planltard
Tbo Wowa'* Mkrioaary florie^ of i ,
------ ----------------------------------wbere It ba* baea belar*.
lb* Bsptlat ebarob w!H m**t at tb* 1 *>•
faeebaeca*** bnrht wiU
r«rid*ae* of Mr*, flaato on B<rbtb [ ^ ^M^tof Ui* rood astarod YaaMraot tbk aftersoea at S o'clock. A' ^ ^Mr. wbo ba* nasad *o maay to
to all.
tbrir. aide* la iaerbW at bk
8omo flaaaow rim* bar* boom placml 1
H.kaot aa imariaary
oa tb* front of J. W. haler'* n*« f«r-1 ”^***“*'‘
ritar* atom. Aldermaa 0«a P. Osrri-! ^*7
^ Tklilar eonntty towna
aoa did the work.
, Be 1* not a man of •dneatloo. bet elm‘ ply a SImonpara Yaokn faiaMr, who**
team brioar<a« Vo Petor Canlkett
bom* k alwaya opi* for lb* weary
raa away yniorday, Wbean.yoam*
tranlar. >«l Ptankard’ knot a J«a>tb* near bank B«arJ. B. M.Ooarb'*
Me, bat a well derked and akcaptnoMed srareboan they w*rr aa.b
ally atrocr aad latarraUar oomrdy,
•top aad rolled dowo tb* taana into tb*
"witb a plot taken from t*. ry day llffc
rlnr. Bo*«rio**damare rrMilted.
It show* tb* trap* and scarM *et for
A earload of Oold Medal fl.HU>aa* ar- tbe inaoeect and
rt**d for Tbartell A Oaar.
'It k a play that an; oa* can tab*
Aoolleeiion of *oQ**afr* and re'te* a )«*Km from.- Tbeoompaoy earrk*
from CaU pltoed in tb* *bow window aa orebMtraaad band nod wiitrtr* a
at frank Prtodrlok's k attraeUnff tb*
oo lb* stroct sa woU aa * p*.
nptlo* of poMereby. The maeb*M beloor* to Blkwwih B*l*; u>* romrinder of lb* oollectloa k tbe property of
Bant Dpea a*AewI4w.
Then U a rilUyr ta «agt«~t
Tbr famDy of C. B. Cbrittandoa af apem an euemems bowlder of "iwiw
Frankfort *nli U tb* aaar fnurabero Tbk bowlder 1* ball a mile Jony ud
msR bare been ctnied ooaKwsrd a dieIt* of tbk ritp. Hr. Cbritteadoa
ttnoe of SS t:ii»m by aome ymt ioeboK.
ba* taken a poritioa with Tbartril A R w*i dropiod to tb* bottom of tb*
Uariri sea. wbm it became jnitly oorDr. M. A. Kraapa k atotly aattlad ta d?,T^ ■**”“‘**^ by hloe yray bowl* new daotal 6Ma*o ow tb* Ftiot

Bay’s Sebii$iii!

Monday tb* i
hi* yara^oU la tba mUti of tba ataU
WlUt*! peiaoa aatoor Iba aoaeleta at work, a
TU iv Mat wbM b* probably ooold aot baaa
parfoTMed if b* bad triad to.
pirfflSMd by tniapetAt Adriaa oa Monday Biabaid Batb«n fM»(bcermJUtMltoww««i U«, away, a yoany maa aotployod by tb*
*f« trMtokanbMtaAMinteM. Id Waablaytao Mdlitty On., ioat bk rlpbt
•tte BwatiBi Um crowd* took po*i- arat aaar tb* tboolder \fy briar oanybl
ttMM to *i*w U«rojr»l protwtep to is ib* 00* whaaU, It briar ton oaa
platriy 6ft aad tbrowa oo Ua floor at
At UhU lb* prtsMly fsmtltc* of 8«»>
oa* dktaweo from bikt.
Winor ud WM drorc to Ui* ebareb.
Bar, W. 8. Ameat. D. D . left Owe***
■aeoibod by CbVbliy'wUb bead* pUyMaadayoabit ratam j^nay to Pali«. draas* baatiag ud troop* praarav
Ua. Cbiaa. to taka ap bk mkrioo work
latpra*- iBMdlaUly afterward tb*
aader the direettno of tb* Kmerii
^aeaa notbar appeared in tb* *tat*
Beard of Oommkrionar* of Mkrioaa
eoaeh with tb* royal erowa apoa a
^-JOaro Dr. Amaat mad*
arlauoB ooblpa.
Tm tDlaat** latar tb* dniM aad bk flr*t trip to tb* eriaat and the yaara
ifawe ha** aaea apeat ia Oblnaa* mi*traapat* alcaaUad tb* tact that Qaeaa
WObaUalaa bad left ^ palaea At aloa flalda Ba apeat tbk anmmer la
iL*t *oai>«t tbraaa bartt from tb*
At Ooodrlrii. Monday momlar. Aloload* in b tUiaaey. wbi«b w*^ r«card.
bart Lkoomb. a wril-t»do aad birUy
a bardTb* prueoNloB w** beaded by kiafswar* ■tore and naked to •••
of-ana* witb baraldt la i
Tb* r^ ware *bosrB blm
tlqar------- ^
b* aabat aU «ye* 1*^ crowds w
apoa tb* CMtaal flrer* to tbk Inpooiiy lactadoaa aad atkatf tba clerk to abow
taaetiaa. tb* yoanr fa***, oa toot blm bow to pat tb* cartridr** la.
Mtdat bar paepir, decked la all tb* Whan (WO bolieii war* pat ip place
ealb—Try a
«Bbl*m of royalty. Upoa bar b«ad Lkoomb arid that woald do. took tb*
wao a .diedta of dlaca ad*, orowa rcTolrar (ram tba marobaal* bead,
abapad. Her robe we> of wbUa ailk, plaoad it acalaat bk Uft tompi* aad
arltb loap tiala and aa nader aaaUa aaat Ib* ballet tbroarb bk brain. ■*
lamlsqaium atbk hot
at cMk rad **!**!, oa wbleb tb* Uom fall iattantly and waa dead bafora be Mtau aweav
odMaaaaawaradtoptoyad la coU mm- r*a<badbba floor.
Tb* dau for tb* Hanaab Biflc*:
brodiaiy. Bar «aaU*' traa bordared
Tba larra farm boBio aad two barn*
tioB ba* aot bam And. Time will b*
S«'t 9p«a year rood nit by aa
taaralaa. Tba aword of aute waa brioBftar la WllUam Martin of Ooodylna Mr tb* boy* wbo an aow 01 .. style bai. The kind that matrb a ml
darriad bafar* tba yaaap qaaaa by a land near Imlay City, war* antifriy
bam*, to tala airaayib. and for tVa re- Food aalt yea flad at Bond* A Ca.. tba
aoaaamad by flr* Saaday aftoraoo*.
aralta tontarn from Ckmp Meadi
Bar M}«Bty earriad haraelf witb WUU Mr. Martin waa apdeatorinr M
Tba Cmry and Uldaoa Gombiaatioa
fftaae aad lurtUad*. bat bar blaaebad *«M* a apaa of koraaa oo* of them
will ylra tbalr esoalleat prodycUaa
abaaka ware aa esWrooe of tb* pro- UekW blm into tb* flia aod b* was
In tbe aty Opera Boaee Uk mealay,
foaad *MoUoa iaapirrd by tba
badly baraad that bk taoonty
"APairofLonatlca," "Bemrmbrr tbe
oartaa. Ib* Jewate won by tba qi
Matnri'aadaeertaaafeo* apeeklUaa
■war* part of tboa* stolen ta BntMete la
ap> TaniinUi
J. W. Slnur ncrired three larf*
tS*». ao»* of tbcai w*r* reooTwad by
polio* of Hew York a yaar later.
dray ioadaafaonebcayeatorday for bk
' Tb* roar* aad rbatHaj iaarraaad
Os wlthesTt e
A pair of draft borMa, oolor baj’, weight 3100, s little w^y, «it.eer. R ceres CsaboTKaJaaty praoaaded to tbeoba-eb. ead Mr*. C. W. dr>y**, of Gb*t Waab• adraaoadaaU of aeats Mr
tm Bice pair, well broken.
- .
iaytoa etraet.
Vhteb ia tbaaaaawbilabad baa* Atlad
PlBBbard'’'wfU brirtaal tbe boa oMo*
Cbe*. L. Wolf* ba* ratarMd t* CU- of atriabonr.* Omnd tbk omrataif.
A fine bay iBAre. bipbky bnilt, 1650 in wei(^t.
Olrfl villtary aatborltl**, atTal offlaar* cayo after a few worim' ririt wftb bk
An extra good gmy mare, 5 yean, weight iSOO, bkwk bailL
oMI aemban o< tb* dlplomaue oona mother. Mr*. M. 4. Wolf*, of Board. tb* Banasb Bldm a^ Friday aiybt
One bay mate, 6 ye^ old, weight W50. blocky baih.
In Mam of tb* ohaawrl wMtbetfarodb ■an aeaaae.
tbore wiUbeaaopportoalty. O. Low
old ^^®^***y^*‘^***^^*"^y*»^‘’ wm^t 8W, 5 *nd 7 yem
Sd. A. Wrifo, of Iadlasapcik.kib* iflUcr aod taa dileer family will ytse a
Of ertmaoa rrid meet witb «Mwm. orb.
oe^tor aod asrord. Oo tb* rirbt of. yneotof Mra M. Wolf*.
Am onterutament tor tbe beaeflt of
A Bice black mare, blocky bailt, 7 yaan old. weight ISSa
(ba tbroa* ware tb* maaiban of tb*
F. M. Oardner. wife aad daarhter lAe aoldlera in the Ctiy Opttm Boimt.
A low bailt grey mare 7 yaan old, weight 1600.
taybl faaU«»: oa Ue left tbe ladiaii left yeaterday tor Mortbpert Mra few
Admkaien l«. M aad M oeaU. Be*lkAn extra Bioa ch^at hi^ Uoeky bailt with arched Back,
pribon from tbe Doieb posmariea*,
weight 140a
TU awW* of boMT bbd Mieo to
Oaear Cbaae Irft jStarday Mr H(
Osptaia Webb, owner af tbe Trar•aBiOar foUrMred tb* q*eca mother, port to rkU frieoda
pair of blocky bailt bay marea, weii^t 3400.
ree Bsy line of snaeaera, bat (tftared
wbo took b«r poritioa to tb* Uft Of
A fine cheataot mare, 6 years old, rangy bailt, weight 1400;
Qaorye Dewitt, of Oo. K. Mom Ah the free nso of tbe C .lambU for i
tb* tbraaa aatll tb* afrieal of bar
loyaa. came ia yaet-^rdsy
bay gelding. 5 yaan old, blocky bailt. weight I36a
Aaarbler. the aorarrira. wabrimtaa
•atarad tb* betldlnc eaeortad by a tklt bk paTvott aad broUer, W^t M at any time they darita to erj >y
An extra gi^ cbeatDBt hone, 8 yean old, freight 116a
Dewirt. of Company M.
trip OB tb* bay.
brown mare, blocky'bailt. weight 116a
train«fr*MTalaa*riibtoriaran«BFOR THE
Walter Parryk baseraack. Xo. SO, k
Waaoaed baaner. Tbe eholr, which. E M fleotai arrirri heme yeoter• '^’7 *ow price, and a whole barn full of

toeladod tbe rmaUet artisu la Bol- dayfrim Tasila. wu.ra be ba* been mbainy, and be will be yraWol for he
all kind* of boraea to sail all kinds of cusUMaera.
mare to tbe hardware eicre of J. A.
Mad. Htor .“Wribrima* Van )iaaStock taken in ext hange for boraea. Tim'- gtren with good ae.
weeks. Be wii; ret*n a «t weak.
cany, Satisfactioa guaranteed or money refnoded. Pleaet- bear iu
W ki aai bis brither at
Ib* qnaea paaaad oa to tbe ttroae.
Oa aeoaimt of tbe beoedl to be yUea
tbat yon c-n boy cheaper ud better lioraea bere,.ai»d know
•od reaeblar It. bowed and tool, her Oroan Bey. Wi*.. are •tsiiiny ibair ral. tbe Baoaac Bifles by ta* Saleer family
whet yoa are getting before yon buy than any aoclion Rale.
•aaV A moaaaat later abe aroa*. and ptirea at tbe Chla«*e laaaoij.
Friday aiybt tbe aoe'ri t j bare bean
Mirifreinie Anders^ left yaaierday
ta riear. calm eolaa adflraai
yteoabyAmaadaMlsaoB thatercalny
oaatripv>Mi;waahe^ Bbewdlt oUo
WiU be pOBC<<oaed one weak.
eUlt frkads Ic Cblcar* before ratarnThe raosptlon to ha*» beaa yieaa by
iny totbkrity.
Claade Vano.Twcra of tbe Oammb tbe Baptls Yimay People*' Cnioe neat'* Tbe world'* yreatest aony iilutratom.
BUUe. wbo lately retarwad tram Caba. Friday enatay to tb* pablk aebool
aerisiad by tbe
went tr* MeyfeM yceterday to call np taaehma. wiU ba poaipoaed aa aeeoaoi
onbUhieada. Be will rawra today. of'tke aolertricment to be ylrea for
Xattara of^tarwt Prom AQ t
Mim Biakaoa woo for aam* Um*
snivel •eemtes# a.*el»v-.:-Bvaed
Oapt. A. B JobM-«o aad family ar*
Part* of Mifiilcaii,
? past bas be«c tb* yaaet of Mbc Berths
Brddra of Weahioptoo otroat. rataraed ec>oyiaya«kilfrom Tbrodare ElrU ft
yesterd^ to bar ho*M at Brand BapLad of cmeaytx Mr. Kirmft k corporal ia
awpenalM ot esw tb tUuirnwdeaoc*. leObaria* CraDdsIl. raa oeer at MsriMU* Mayyie Bandmaa ratarned ym- Troop C. let eriaoteer Cavalry of lUi.
•aw by a train oa tS« Fllat A Pare
tarday to bar borne i« SoUa aftrn- a
MnrqaatU road oa Friday died on HoaMr* J. u Woodward acd dsayMar,
few days* Tielt witb tneod* in this
At flactaaw. Cart Plekal. ayed Is.
Hoy Utbbs treat to Mayflrid y>Mcr- their b.-m>- at Cbieayn. «
waodrawaadln tb*Flia( riearoo Mob day.
etiamat Petaakry aad Meekinae
day. Ha traa batbiay aad fot beyond '
dka Emma OtMrila of Btaykam yaefckdopib.
tarday called na friead* 4a Trarersc
Of ell the aycaU of the Dolteo Kuu .
The lonr draatb In iheooatborn pari Ci.y.
BoceVu'eai ifoelety la f-urt.*ea state*
W Kin,b.ll’.Muric(itore,2SoFrm.t Steel, t”®
-le .tw,
Of tbe sute ha* been brokn by ooA. W. Weils arrired yeaurday »ram Rlake^lee A McUormlck did tbe Urycat
ptone rain*
flt. Joarrb.
basinem la Auyast of any.
at tbk city.
-Cbarles Browa. ayed *1 nf fCloderlion. P>rry,Baon*h d*-«irm tbat all
kook. U dead from the cCooto 'at an and D n. Usrmtre ratarned yesterd..y
mhe'n »*f Compacy M who base not
8om«’ of these inatramenta are ntore worn and alighar damawedtiv
oa their Mryrice to Pelmbey.
•eardose of marpbine.
drawn the «7 par mootb which be set
ahlpping and will therefore be sold at
Mr. aad Mra K. C. Oiwa* arrtead laat arid* for them from bis private fend*.,
Foreatilree are rayiny n«ar Wakenlffht
ftrid. ta the apper peaWria. ACany
mein arecral dsy* at Farit Plaoa.
1*C> hare been baraed.
MimBerb. Holdaworib k riaiUny
Bet ramrved aaata for Ibe Has
FaUy soo.ooD poanda of wool ar* frlaads in hly Bapida
B-fle*' bearflt at tba City Kewe atand
•tarad in nortbwestara MUhiyaa to
wy. Ol* Ban aad PraMaol Cedar sras in tb* city tbk moralny.
•wall ae adrsoee ia price.
lha Toong Character
Mra A. Hard, of Earbor Bprioy*.
Mlm Bally H. Oook paaeed tbroayh
■ tbe slate to pay her for a
hilUd by a bock dnr; and face pit ta !
Everrbody ta tbk locality >*ow* G.
barririm to tbe board of aUttaadl-. Up .enral werimammy tbe »o^ L'ltv Solvere aod tbe enttm Silver famtoea Abe says tbe deer ebaaad her retorts.
N. E. STRONG, Manager.
235 Front Street.
M‘y. ibvreforv vxwiided prvm'awocm
•ow aad killed It, and Inasmoeb aseb*'' Mra. J. M. Blakeelee trill ft)
___ _ tbvir floe eotertolrmeot ae*
.. aadhtaa(faacMdrS«h«t

He frelit tbe best llee sbme is bsre frcB J2.00 ia~. uf. >
See our Two Special Leaders.


Horses for Sale
At Pioneer Livery Stable*


B. J. KOBOAK, Prop.

How I have a fine lot of them. Fifty hoad
to select from.

Grand Benefit

Hannah Rifles
It Ciijr Opera lloest.

oa 1 and examine m>- stock wiieth.
Friday Evening, Sept 9. youPlease
wish to buy or no*.

llr.aiHl MR.G.U)te Silrar,


B, J-.

S|ie|!ial Sale.....

* llTTlE«t|||SSTflMES. I

Swobs oliliBPreseBi War,
Ik Sddlfti A Urge induct


t Less Than Factory Cost!

fdfBlsr Priees of 18, 28,3Bc.

Steinberg’s Grand

15 Days Only.

Opera House.

Saturday, Septemlier 10 One-Half to Tyo-Tliirds of the Regnlar Price.


to aa vettr*.y orw re-wrltivn »»-«!« of Ibe
rural Owaccawtoy.
At Manbte* ObrkUaa Laaterbaeh: today oa bnUoam with th* [jalibd
haagblmaelfatataaearly boarMon------dsy morataf. He wa* oat lat* flonilay
Ooaaty Treaearer Lara Sofge aod W.
•igbt, sad golag borne aboat 4 o’clook IC Mriaon of Lriaod. wrlvad ta tbe
■'xtBMwt^wrBitauiaBnpperBoaD. rity Jaatavaatagframa Wfp tbroagb
bhed bedroom wttboat- w*kior tb* Lael
•elaoav ooanty.
Mmliy. It was a ease of drliberata
Employe* of the Oaskat faciory
Owoaeo had aBartowaacapa from death1 Proat etraat.
Moaday. On aeoooiit of tba reaervoirs
Tm had battar 4nm for laaghtar It
ranalne low at tbe Mf faraltar* faetoty flr* tbe river sratw waa raa ta aad yia gotoaaeibeCraryAOidaoa Comriaattoa ta tkalr ortglnal aad natqne
•bk made tbe drtaktag eratar bad. prodaettoB of -HamUt la Btaak aad
Aftar aavaral yooair men aad womaa Wbita." Yoo wmbaretolai«b-yoa

bfoams- vary eiefe aad oubla to. aoa- dan'tbelpU. ,

Baanah Blflm. Tbrir arogram aoaStott of
liDaWcl Srat part,
epeeiatUea, lllaetratad soan
eelactiooa aoeompaatod by
opticoB views ot naval and
from tb* Mliwaubco Daily R*i
Patrtoiie spirit k eanaln to
a warm wrlooma which appeal* to it
Jori nt the prvaeat Urn* aod tbe Albacebra Tbaatr* patrana w«it wild
yeaterday ovvrO. Lota StIvarM aoag oo
the Mata* dkastar, ttlutratad with
dcoolviag Ttow* ot tbat lU-fatod ship
bafora aad attar tbe
ia H-vrsBA harlNir. bat aot oaly ta this

\V. W. Kimball Co.

Watch This Colymn For Bargains 1

For Your Scbool Boots

“Si Plunkard.” Fifty Cents
rcaUesle pletbrv at aennt
OowBMMt. A rearlar rouela*

^1 FUN 11=

Guard Chains

HhoJob Tried Hie limbill?

wbleb baa baaa eadoraod W.

t ia_ Asm*. Kew is etwo «mta>

lilOtrtti OmeaptoMthnOi. Furniture Bargains
Columbian Restaurant
Admlulon, S6. SB, BOc.

Where W. B. Fte






TbefelloTingatot^ __________
Ptbm and ^ to do vlth.

Ever Bmcd OirtT

Olr «« BMi

r 8MB7 <M>tWMi. It i« »-

10m bj i>}tay «> A. D. to 76 A. D.)
■liMt daring tbenign o( tbe£mgmr
ItMn* (41 B. a to 87 A. D.) • oar‘ r in aMtb (Ckfaer) appMoed
tfaataKdBaliboMtw.- Whan tfaaartUD tba Boor of tbe
« goblet waa ao bmfwd by
>- ;^«be tall that it amad to ba irtatriar4bly iojorrd. bat tba ararkman took bla
.^baamcr and in tba prmiica cd tba
aonrt ra]M4rad tba dantaga witbont da'tag. It waa eridant that tfaia metal waa
aot diTer. tboQgb it bad alnmot tba
aama brliUaney, baaidM-being maoh
more doctile and oooaidetably ligfatar.
Tbe en-pmr <tnaatica»ad tba artiflos
■ doaeiy mud kamed tram blm that ba
b'.i ATtractad tbe metal tronanargillaceoBfoartb—profanblytbe civ kaown
to modem cdtemiataaaaiamina. Tibari•a then naked If any one baddea bimaelf Imew tba pi u.urn and raodvad tbe
pmady^T that tbe aaoet waa known
aniy t^immU and Jcpiter. Tbii anawerwaa cntBolenL Tbe emperor bad
e aa day tbe Taloe of gold and dliroold ba greatly tednoad. no be da-

Kan, a vallad «ltj of taate, —nh« indiffacaBt
. ; “«
MOQod to Hcnbad in Mootitj. on no•omit ct tte toinou ifariaa of Manna
Ftrtlnia, aionr of tba Imam Bina, a ta- laaMBoat balcuin*[ to^
to tba CbtlBne'
CStlnnB* ^ ** “* ^ ** *».
. tboagb tUe woold be meb like
awu Mint of tba U<d>a imadana., ootnpany, tba otbar a Bail tonramaot
While Ueateoant Bawlisaea vaa cn , One daj tba man bad
>«. to oaa tamoTing We coat abd waldoaat and
bia waj to Tabann ba beard nra^ of 'ttieOitiaena'Iloa andatafgiadacttMt tba
thUaacred dt7 and tba.gloiieaof tba, ball lotba lad7’t eOea.
that a ttrangor. ndng i
it waa aaid. no Saio-, “Hara
i CStiaena* pboneT* be
aba tapUed in tba aSmatito. ering in a ooU wind, admd hhn:

! rn^S'iS^Trhn
“Saody. are yoB odd wUh tbe klltr’

$18 00


U 00
4 00
8 U
1 88



etaflH nn
.nrf aaaart
- - - - kl.-..i
dlity tn
to Kand
op and
hladd-;.memaMI •

nafaip in tbia way. for tome of her

d aa a Perdan
pilgrim, tbotimnda'd whom anfaoal^ tab"
jonmey to ibeaacredeity. be joined tbe; aocoubi with bim.

taaian and of tbe onatoDiaof tbe CL_ _______________________ try enabled blm to paw ondetecud! not try to deny it.
thraogb tbe temple gates and tomake
"Well. I'm a belle. Hv I ow
bla way to tbe tomb of tbe saint. Tbe
-------------------guardian gate Mm tbe cottomary form
Th* a«w*u lemeCa.
of worda and be repeated them.
Oommodare John A. HoweU. who
Bot his cnrimlty aimed mnaed bla baa Jnat been promoted to tba rank of
detectian. Attracted by magnlfloeot, rear admif1, y
loTentor of a aelf
aolu of Bteel armor wbiefa bong on tba propeUing torpodo tbat diffm In earwalla be waa gaaing at them, when | oral rev«cta from tbe WbitebenA The
a^^y_i» fOTudjbat^ be tad tnitied chief uorelty of the AmericH wfatm
bU teok upon toemored abrlne wbmo-, reUtea to tbe'modetf driTlng thewm.
in tbe mint was enhuibcd.
j Wbitebmd stored —air in
A thrill of alann stahled blm, bat' • chamber in bis torpedo and pi»~.t in
tbe dianoortesy, iminaaible Co a "trae 'an adjoining oom|artmeait a wnaU eotaberer," had not been noticed. U it! gine wbieb ahonld be opemted ibemby
had been, tl^ would probably bare at tbe right jnnotwe. Howell employa
been no fotther mreer few tbe yoang a beary BywheeL which is pnt in rapid
•‘-imnaav wbo sotnenoenUy become remlniion. jnat before tbe torpedo U
errf Awyrlan and fiabylo- laoncbed. by ■■■w'woMwf. Ug pn^ting
nlan inacriptimis and texts, aad died tbe axle with a steam engine that is entlreraownod^ orimUiiiKt, Sir Henry Baw- ^ indepestdeut cf tta torpedo. Tbe
hnson.—Vootb’e Ooc
Bowel] system has been improred linoa

aotaatiopfac- Be eaued tbe workabopa■ ,
of tbe dioooraw to be wholly deatroyad. and tbe locklesi artifioer waa aeiaad
, anddecapitatad. aoibat biaaa
peaiab witn bim. M. bamie-CJaiio Oa▼ilia had no donbt tbat thi« metal waa
it was first patented in 1871. aad it baa
alominiam. and be aaacrted that tbe
exunaisely naed in tbe Onited
▼rantoa cmalty of Tibeiiiu had deiriTed
I nary
- tbe world of thia Talnabla metaL which n«s WIsea aS »Wh DtoMU M4 Olw
. remained nnknown for 18 oentnriaa
Cba axtraeting of aJnmininm. dlaeomrOnce When Gladiue waa mafclL^ _
- ________ _.
ad by tbe Boman craftaman in the flrd ontdoorapeech
it began to rain- Qniotly I tain kind of pheasant In Annum. For
aeotiiry of tbt Ohriadan eta. thna ba- Mia. Gladatoue, With her sweet, moth- { n>W years iu existence was known
came ene of tbe bat atft.—A
erly faew and wbo always aocompaaied only by tta tact tbat its longest and
and Ceetrolyda.
bar bosbaud. stood op. and. opening a! bkc* splendid plwna was in moeb t»-

W. 3. Bprarley, -tbe Bgyptologiat,
donbt that
- tbat
. "tbera can. be no


and if the arerage qaeationing man
adta wby be iwpllea with tbia, 'Becaoee
Boo Ba,<ln tba longoe of tba Bamnarai)
maana *tba king, Uwking, tbekingl' "


John R. Sanjo;
General lisiraiiee.
'erstarg Woek.
TWreva* CHg. lUta

City Opera House
One Night Only.


BUsnrEss Cahvs.

A pbyalciaa praffete some adTlee to
poHoaa abont to start on tbeir annual standing togetba was oo (ooobing and
• in captivity.
Mp to tbe leaside. He aayi that each appealed so tboroagbly to tta good feel­
man osghi to learn for bimaelf tbe ing of tbe crowd, bscanae of tbe strik­
Osw *( tta vaa la gapsw.
• langtfa of time It ii adrimble for bim to ing picture of Darby and Joan domeaTbe awa cf tba tan are many and
day In tbe water wbm bathing. Many tidty. that when a bnrly caatermauger, ▼ariooi in Japan, where it te eacrted
A farce eemedy.
. payday in balf an boor wbsn they wbo tad been loodcat Id bla eatealla by men, women and ebtldran. Abnt. ahonld not be more than five mlnntet and booting of Mr. Gladstone op to 1 terfiy shaped fan tbe bands of tbe
. “AsBi'HwFatker."
or lew, and tta barm they tboa do to that momeni, soddeoly sbooted. "Three | empire at srreetllng and fencing
and a dramaUe aeme In OM ael
' thtnwlTca may in tbe long mo be
cbeera for tbe grand old womanl” evtryl >• niade torxprma annmberctf mewages
on*. Peraonswbo base lowvitality__ one responded sritb a wlU.
I perfertly naderwood aad promptiyat' • Mow reaction after tbe bath aboaid
dio by ttaa
make tbeir bath aborter. nnUI they ae- radon to Gladahme’s great rival on
' eare a reactionary glow immediately more than one ooomlcai. Sbe. too. was
Ooean wnvea bare on a nnmber of
Popalar prioeo. Beoerred eeats
on IcBTing the srater. Another bad devoted to ber bnabnod, and many old 1 <
tbe tope of light-! qq ^ale Monday,
1 practioe that many people iodntge In U parliamentarians recall tbe story of bow ! 1
^ high. __
an 160 feet
Aa a
to take a drink of wbi^ or otbea spir­ after taring bad ber hand terribly ! srave In tbe open omd is' aocompanied
it as soon aa they can gel into tbeir wnahsd m tbeoarriage doorwblle driv-1 t>y a deprewico as deep as tta ware is
' clothe* for tbe perpoae cf taking out of ing down to tbe boose of parliament; high, a ship Is tbe tnogh of tbe aw
tbeir moeeba tbe taste of tbe sea water with Disraeli abe refrained from utter-1 flnowteriag
„ eooh
____ woold

they may tare aoddeotelly ewallowed. ing a oy «r from mying a word abunt banked by bilk of water, if tta term
----»r TBB---In thia way they are ondoing a great ber injury lest bU mind
mint ahoold bedivsrt- may be uaed. 800 feet high.
deal of tbe good tbe batb is intended to ed from tbe great aad important speech
. dotbem. As a matter of fact, one of tbe rbicb be was to deliver tbat night. It
Bacnomy is half tbe tattle of Ufa ft
moat lK.-neflclBl features of a aea bath la ras not tmtil ta renebed borne and
not ao hard toeara money •• to spend
. tbe aak water inadrertenUy swallowed foond tbe doomr at ber bedside that be tl
u welL-Spurgeon
by the bather. It la a wonderfol tonic
made aware tbat abe bad aostatiied
. for tbe liser, stcmacb and kidneya It any bnrt.—Kew York HezalA
Bneklea's Aniloa fialra
ia aaid that in many caaea it will core
Tna BasT Satra In the world ter
•cvEMAt venr
Ulionanew when all drag prepazatioca
CaU, Braise*, Sores, nioera. Salt
have tailed. It ia pecnliaily effeotire in
One of tbe. many otrange sights oa Ble^m, Fever Sore*. Tel
ordinary caaea of iodigestian, disorder- tbe plains of aootbera Africa U a party Hands. Chllblalaa.
Be. Coma.
\,urBB. BBB BU OKU) ,
positively enrea Piles, .<»■ Onto* «tw«
o* wieia atwet
: «d atomaob and Inminia and baa been of waltsing oetritaeo. Tbeir qneer an- ftnptkma,and poe
or no par required.
«d^^ gnaranttad Od WMhlOSIO*
know to prodoce eacalienl reaolu in "ca bare been dcocribed thus:
many cases of ebronio dyapepela. Olmn
"When there are asmmber of them, rflfondel. Prtoetseeata perbox. ft Ose bnitliBirrel
iib «tr^l
flea water is full of tonic and sedative they will start off to tbe morning and sals br J- O. Johr-ami apd 8. B Wait On fv.pstb euw
»b Et«blbatrc«t
mnrtlea, and two or three big swal­ after rannitig a few bnodred yards will
Ab4 a* -T Mbvr
lows <tf it. far from berting anybody, atop and with raised wings will whirl
"SomathlBgtolotblbf"! Xiti
fa. of positire and distinot taoefit to rapidly ronnd till tbv are stnpcfled or
BiM batben oBt of tm.
The way some peuple do
perhaps break a leg. The males pose

At PioaeerUnry stable.

i,DnsU«.0-c«la II

B. J. KOBOAir.Ptap^Mor.

A piUr of nice youog
Oxen, weight 3,800,
xrith a good yoke, price

auteruBclBe' turveatm.

Grud SApidi t iBdiisi I. K

MtaftiediM blnafcs, 'Phoea. hat

domeotic looking nmbrvlla of tbe Gamp, qtieat by mandarins fw tbeir headgear,
•pedea, held it over bim Tbe epectaoie A single akin is worth #400, aad tbe

Step la fill 8 o'eteek every «


algbiage we would haw all Uie tnda
ie tta ei^. 8. Benda A Oo.. m Prm t

Grary and

Bicycle Riders.
Bemember that I do ail kind* of r«pairlag and enamellnc. and tbat 1 mmand do give you tbe beat work of «“T
one in ,tba dty tor the monv Bob'*
ta deerived by what otbert tell you lo
the eontrary, bat oobm and ase for

Mil'll £.”3£i,ss^s.nisns:

‘A Pair of Lunatics’ W.“,ii25SS,SS3i“‘“-

88I8II ISIB an


asfisfit SS8S 188



u-Mta flamn* Bnleemh. >
■ fiBtvmttrBaapIta}. Ase.
leaulls tar Bnrstac- at

* urM 4it iBcbm. will te s^


Grand Traverse
Land Gompany



aiaBaanini a

170a BALB—Twa sen-faM lublas uud one ris
mbie auUuhIa foe clatlslag


iBfli a aaflaiaan

AA ..


T oer-


88Sk 8 888888888


mt-gm • i.-«-ti«tM.B

Wn«kn swaMsr et vslae,
ta bsw beau lost (a fraet at Um
I tba W. W. KIwbuU G*. tta
' by lauTlne nt KaeeaB


I TOO trual era or DW laPT stall am Is tea taMS»aa Barnl Enrtanra <_______
af Baw Torh. risuHtata Tta. PwiSl
al. Fvaakien Plata OUaa. Illefc.. If
Olaaa, xatta Ufa ..f Oeun. aad <HI
Btaa. g a. Anya. PiHadrtab Black.



tinyg.a Ck-b CwrcUva.


Tbe ore ui oyyuui: rm. either pure or
dilowd uitb puit. s,r. is regarded ity
Dr. Gevrge StUccr—ubo
•me icuisrtal'le knbUs irf bis long experieuw to Tl-e A.iiinb Medlrsl Journsl—AS tbe spe cUbbt UiCtbod of bmllng
Oronnili and more eoouomicul as re•pecte both snSiiriogsud monry titan
«ny otber'Usamubut.
st^ sbowk tiist oiygsm deetruys soius
micro organikiue ‘ol woonds sud encoarsges tbe growth of oihen In ererr
hesltby and raiddly bcsllng wonud or
■ore oeruiu micro oigaulsms deemed
ItrMSble to reoi-ecry sir f.'tAjd. while
otben sn> bdd to be untsvonble. and
when bealinc i* arMsced or r«<arded in
s orgoiKl (r< sled-by ovygre s cureepciadlagdecRmsDOt IsvmLleur increase of
•ntevsjcsble micro crgsulsms tellows.
To meu fill* tbteir cbsracter Is speedily
-------- ■ • the strsogUi of

A iBBSsriisble tsle of taumsn trranditr 1* told by tbe London Doily .<ews
An ItslUn peiusstit woman usmud Gisnsts. msrriod st 88 years, bos borne 68
riiildren ribo bogso with s tingle
dsngbter. followed by sis boys st s
birth, then by five more, end tbeue by
triplets twece and (emrst s Urtb. Afte
Uils tile limited fairwU, like ardiosry
woueo. (otini................................

woood Bp witfa

Tbe firm rsilrood In Sweden was
opened in ISjft. and tbe oooDtrr bos
now in preperriob to its popslstion
more rsliwsys ttan emy tjtbir ouuolv
m fiorupe- They ore owned portly iWv
ibe state end partly by private oarpoHitkms. tivredeo bae tbe only railway In
tta orcrld wbiefa pusses tbe p-dsr cirelo
—4. A tbe etnm line from Lnlsn toOolhvM, in the Lsplsad dlatriet,..

TbsHaelmarand handhertibiefa we
are aellteg at 8» and »Oc eanaet be had
at other store* et say priee—tbe pat­
terns are ex<lusive. 8 Benda A Co-,
FnaklonaUe Outfitter*.



Extra N1o8 Bed Clawson.
ATtavMaaCHy- ■

If You Have Logs to Sell
1 with the Trav«i*e City Lamber Cotnphiiy.
We have for aale Good,

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
r*A TTP& NX3B «


M'g.WOOD tor aaie. Truwra* OUy Low
Vettee to Xsx Fayors
twIUbelB ay odSr* ustU. Keveakar 1st,'
ime.forttac parpcM W eaUeeUof tta at-b«ti.

Taaaday aad griday availngs tieaek wwk Wiiimta
... P!!'.™,


padflu aad afMv
____ Gt. us*, tkaa wtU
,___ _ eeiwui^/wBi fMcmua.

”taafaedd wttaatyoi
Mr lax roUa.

Mfll Maobineryof defleriptiona, Incioding Two Enginefl,
Ret Worfcfl, CsmogM and Sows. A eom|dete Saw Mill Plant
for anle. -



S8S8aSfi88S88a«S 8 J

hd ill it Waste sm ns Tlis.

Seed Wheat for Sale!

Biif ■ a anil a
sea* s A AASAA e
88«S ■ a 88888 8



___ try to do it brlnn to our •alod Bavalw> before figtating aad
to make tbeir
kn-fw dlcWm: -People
eoort. They kneel cm tMr ankle* “.?■’•
.-“.1^ ! »ka <0 ta bambugged." Bowever.
A writer in L'Cnion Hedlcaie rethere are only a few wbo are eo gulli­
^ourrroK* w*(rteD-imd^_M itaMte
npon tbe fact that oa a geoemt
ble that they can teliere vagn* prom­
backward or to t»e aide or tbe other, ise tKat they eaa gel...........................
h MS ba* tour banka
*•3 boae Tery dnt'SMr aeruuse. «a Mel
^btng ter
> gtosns np (Olka. Back
while tbe neck is stretebed ee a levd aotbing." If you bav moneyr to bar rraal Miws sad udiuMot ihema.
aiM s ('« *M> TuUuble loU as tarW*------------------ wry f« ritb tbe back and tbe bead atrikee tbe good*—tbe beet goods—come to the t nb. ash. Ssb mat >»b suwu.
from the great absorptiou of fatty fooBa Idea now on tbe right now 00 tbs newemre: that'* the place, all parUeolU, etc., this raperaboodaoM of sodi left while tbu fmtbcni are brlotUag. nlar and fwonomical. penpir dsal new;
preferable m dealing at a
food, with tbe Increasing nm of alco­ Tbe bird BMNare at this time ao ebeorb- It's
^tor* whlrii IseomMtIed to give prisea.
In LMlaue Cauetr
hol and a more indom llfp favoring ed in Ito ocenpation asm forget all tbat j lottery
•welT«*ewni '
aeaemea. delusive 'snar^
lb B«b*l« eoamr
tbe prodnetion of fat Oo the other ii going OP around him and cm» be a,^ | TiItThe^uuJ^
In KulkMkn ceunr
Wiik oar Cielualw loveallea.
• See (nil
Tas KnnoBAt, Boos CcBcaaa. JamiLS Dsrr.
band, tta intabitauti of tbe torrid aona ^bed„d_oa^ta_T^^
irUrld usd I ,__________ _
who live os a buast fnsit diet and exer- !
• cry. wfairb aoondi mneb like go^,ds if for any rrasoo tbry wish to Bay.rsar__________
Hardwood itAbrrLada.aiiiapUada**t
Ciae oonstaotiy in tbe open ain ramly I
the mootb abnt' - irn them in good order and iraaoaW
steady a
abis time Oome and sec us. We want vTM City, M|ch.
fatten. Again, while all anicrrkiea
, m getaequalnied aud give you at tbe
that alimentation plays a strong i
.......... _
w-— -#
same time, a few poleten U the art of
pan in obesity, opiuiusa vary
monry-aaring. S. BendaACte.. Faebparticular tooda In tta normal
notri-1 .
tenable Outfltterv

and fatty acida and
oxidltc-d iu 1
multlng Irow tbe couibuation—vrhile
«»tnry a a.
b„. I»,rl»lb.clg .-»t»..ll
file eumll

• tbe
- ■ ot hndt and are covered with jangle
SuAie^e (rm.tu-iii.n acvaninlaCus
aud so oxtounve that tbeir exploratioo
raiicua iiK^yssai.ii coiuiirate* a res
uill nxjoire years. Ibe city vraa de­
wbicii t-.u*> d ivc.n Ibeeu]
stroyed doring Caddba's Ufetlnm. It
of lut lio:.i wUbm.i fulls If (ben .
wimamamof rains in A D. 410.
fools r:e- Dpo.-.l.oi.<i.,url« amoont
tbe first BudaWetObioemitdlgriffl
■ff l' -i • ...i -a a: ircotri
roirpirto, t
t^ttaera. Tta buildings
lings ttatsto
..I I
I aud the i




"Reaemlier the Haiie."





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