The Morning Record, October 02, 1898

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The Morning Record, October 02, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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Awful Holocaust at Biool^o

Aerkma and Spantoh Peace OommiMioBera Bare Began Work.
Spaetalieibc KM*i>a Baoaan.

Parte, Oet l.—The American nnd
fipanlah peaoe .
Km Md Wo«i« Wm Orem.Ud- bled for the bnelaeM aemion nt t
Xtm Anlm«1a OodM Hot Soeapo o'clock thU nftoraooa in tbe moma
from ^ TUunt^rtrm Mow Bag- nmlgned to them for their dellberat.
ioc iB B^vood Timber taada and taaa, nt tha French fwelgn ofiee ra
goal d’ Onay. A apnetel entraaoe ia
XlUa are nnt Down.
aet apart for the naa of the
apri-1r' toTu MoMno Rmou.
ere in order to fnralah them with ercry
Mllwaokea. Oct. 1.—A social to the priraoy and oonrenlenoe poaelMe.
Jonmal, from Biea Lake. aeja> "Belief
parUee are ao« out through the bum«d dlatricu aosth aud went of tbU cltj.
The lorn of life from the diwtroa* for«»t flree eaniioi norr be eetlmated. but That Is the Story Given out
it wUI be great The worit of getUdg
to Ohineee Papere.
to the burned dUtrteu la alow, aa all
the bridgea are down. Orer 100 pernona
Butttia aald that Bueato XndleaU
»rc m-aaing.
That The Bmpecor Waa
“Maoj-dead bodiea hare been found
and they are burned beyond rdcognlAaataai ated.
tioa. The bod; of a man named NelLindon, Oat. 1 —A apeelal dlapateh
•on waa found at &e bottom of. a well, from dhangtoi aaya that telegrama
where he had gone to eaeape the fire. fnmiahedbg^he Taotal or local gorAt another place a woman and two erncir, to a Cbineae paper there, allege
children were found in a well. The that the emperor of China, Rwangau,
woman waa no badiy burned that abe eommitted auielde on SepL SI. after
wilt die. Another place where a man ■Ignlngthe deereea which placed the
had been plougfaiag in the field hia dowager empreea at the head of affaire
charred remaina and the eareamee of in China. Thia, >t la added. U underbte boreaa were found today.
atood to mean that the emperor wm
“All the cattle, honea and other
atoek In n large dUtrict hare been
All tbe Boglbh apeaklng aecretari «
. burned to denth. Bren the nnimaU and the principal mernben of the
eonldDotwenpetheflamce. The wind Chlneee foreigB office, it U further antodny waa aootheaat and blowing 40 nonaeed. hare been eelxed and banmlUa an honr.
“Fireoare now raglag in the hardKwnngea, tha dead emperor, waa on­
■wood timber laads between thU «ity ly S7 yean old. Be bad bean regarded
.and Cumberland, bat fortunately the aa a rery weak mlar, totally under the
diatrlet U lightly popniatod. The mUla control of the downger. Boeentiy nnder
in thU dty hare been ahut down and the lafiuence of educated and progrecasoUmr rpaerre fire department haa cire Chinameu ha began to grow more
bean otiUred out.*'
and to make efforU to re­

an Xeening
Met laataat Death
WhUa Unoonpling O a at Walton—
c(doyec of tbe
Oaaoftha 3
O. B * X. BaUroad.—Be X«aeca a


Goods Well Bo.ught
Are Half Sold.

Death Game at 11:80 O'Oloek Xmai
Louia Buiner. who waa diMbarged
from tbe aayium teat ThnrWay, baring
been in that'inatltotion for thi paal
-year with a mental aOietloa, died at
hb home on Front etreet laat night at
11:30 o'clock. Tbe nnfortnbata young
man would bare bean SO yean <dd iannary 3. Formerly he waa a mem­
ber of the Boy.' Band, and rery popurrerywhare. The fanenl will mke

Wife and Two Touag Ohlldren.
A frightful accident at fire o'clock
yeaterday afternoon ended tbe life of
Charlca Braden, one of tbe moet popu­
lar freight coodueters on the ti. B. A
I. railroed. While awltehlng can at
Walton Conductor Braden waa in tha
act of pulling n pin from tha cocplinga ZateBd of Forte Blco WUI Soon be
of two can, when It la
Tnrbod Over to Amerfootalipped nnd he was dragged beitb tbe moringrar aud hia life oruahSpMlal
HoaxuB Rseoao.
ed out.
It ia not known en‘!tly how it hap­
San Juan, OcL 1.—Tbe Spantah anpened. other than the mengre deUil tborUln are working day and night in
giern nboee. aa the other train men order tbnt they may be ready to torn
were engaged nt oppoeite ends of the tbe gorernmrnt of the bland orer to
the American commander aa eoon as
Tbe unfortunate man waa horribly poaeible. Two traasporta are expected
mutilated and inaiantly killed. Bii to arrive hare Sunday for the purpoee
right arm was completely cut< ff. both of toning on bonrd of tbe Spnnbh
were cmahed, the ear having troope. Thb will eo rrdnee tbe Spanpnaeed orer them, and nearly taken i;ff, bh garrboB that tbe bland will be
while hU bend wac almnet aevr^.
turned over to tbe Americana ns eoon
Tbe neeideat gave a terrible aboek to na they depart.
the train crew, and the balance of tbe
General Brooke'a tro<^ are moring
trip to TraverM City waa abandoned, ia. They now occupy two-thirda of
prepaiutionc being nt once made to the bland.
convey the remaina to padillae, where
the famUy of Mr. B-nden live.
Fred J. Leggett in Jail.
Deeeaaid had been a
Fred J. Leggett was arreetad about
the local freight between hare and
Cndllbc dx yenra, and the run waa fa­ three mUee from Klagaley
by Sheriff Slmpaon. oc a charge of obmiliarly known as “Braden'a run.
bad beea in tbe employ of tbe O. B. 4 |
goods under faUe preteneen.
I. oompany
ipany 10 yaare and was a unlver- The eompteinaat U George Iterkar. of
Ml favorite, not only with bb fellew Kingsley. Tbe accused was |skan be­
railroad men but everyone who knew fore Jnstice Brown yMterdsy afternoon
and Ue examination was aet for Ue
form. Beoentlyhe iaaoed drereee de­ him. Be was well known In Trnverne ,ltth. tu default of t300 bnU be waa
claring Uat he wac about to adopt Ue City, as he atwaya took dinner here, remmitled to JalL
beat featcrec of Western cirilization.
One partienlarly and feature in the
and to grant numerona righia to bit
eaae was tbe fact that thb vrns fab laat 0. L. Ives ToUct Leticu
wm Dome Into United SutM
Can be procored of Mrs. C. B. Bector
time from the Ironclad eutloou that ran, he having prepared to take a vacnAs A Territory.
at 144 Lake Avanne.
44? S6t
•eparated him from petiilonerc and tiOD of six months, and hbiervice with
the company for that length of Ume nt
I Hare Be- the dasirm of bb people. Tbeee'bffieto least,would have o -used when the train Short 9tai aai Typnrritiag.
were bb dMtb frarrunto.
Soon nfur
turned and WUI Boon be Prepared
Parties desiring this work prompt*
another edict waa pnblbbed banding reached Tiaverse City. Pm- the first
ly and accuiwtoly done, will be MTo Submit Their Beport.
orer all power to the dowager empreee, time in several montba Ci
' at the law office of Man'
yesterday look dinner witk bis wife
SauFraneiM. Cbl.. O.-t-l.-Hawali tbe emperar's aunt, and revoking the
and little family atOadillae and looked
Utocomelntotbe United Sutea aa a reform deereea
JCTTltory. with all the goremmenl mawas said at that Ume that there forward with pleuMnt aotieipatloo to
Snttitry—High grade at moderate
^Inary of an embryotlc atate. acoorda plot In the palnee to atMMinate kis vacation nnd n new life on their
Du. Sswirr.
. log to plana reached by tbe
the emperor, nnd place upon the throne farm.
II. L. 4Co.’s block.
Deeeaaed was abont 38 yean of age
Which returned yeaterday from lu vbit, ^oUier man. whom tha dowager had
and a wife and two young children are
to the Islands. In a dbpatch bo*. ,^,^^ n j, thought that tha
left to mourn his untimely end.
which ta carefnlly guarded by a aergeanttet-arma. lies tbe draft of a bill
for tbe government of tbe new terri­
tory. It waa carefully considered by' ’
the entire commiMloo.aeelioD by
Captain temton of U. 8. Oemmlaaary
■ tion. and while it bna not passed to
Attacked and fionulted a Member of
Department Detachefi From
final approval, it ooDtolna all the sal­
Britiah Legal os and Ai
ient fentnrea which wUl be found in
Duty at MouUuk Point. .
ioaa Kiaaionariee.
the report which the
epcelalto ibr Mossisn Rtcesii.
m nt the opening of Uie sea- aseetsl toTus Mossise Rscosc.
OcL^^ptoin Fenton, of
London, Oct. 1 —Tbe Britiah foreign
akm la December.
Ue Uottod States commissary depariThe Amwlcan members of the com- office today received a dispatch from
roMived a Ulegram from
muaion nrrivedyeeterday by tbe steam­ her Majesty's minister nt Pekin. Uat
Gallagher, the depot quartennaBter at
er Gaelic, after aMrty two months' Mr. Mortimer, a membw- of Ue British
Montouk Point. Uls afteraoen, inform­
nbsenoe. and storied for the East. They legation, en returning home yesterday
ing him Uat Adjutant Gcaeial Carter
will meet again in Wnahington Bov. 14, wlU a lady, was insulted and attoekhd
had forw^rdad aa order detochlt^g him
when they wiU be Joined by the Ha- by a mob. which atoned him and cow
ared him WiU mud. Later in Ue day, from dn^ at Moptonk Point
eigateg him to duty at Cicnfqegoe.
o tbta country about the • first of
Too will never get a chance
where he is to have entire charge of
mUariy i
Ue Cbineae secretory of the United the ekppliea and purchasing dspartwill Insist on the work of the body be­
to do it cheaper than now.
ment. Be is directod to prooaed UlUer
ing flnbhed by Dec. 1.. as they beUeve Stotoa lotion. The latter's ribs were
wiU a duly anUorixed clerk, at the
We have a kind that ner.
that the anomalous condition of affairs broken.
Sir Claude MacDonald. Britiah min­ expiratun ef hU teave of abaeaoe,
- must be altered as soon as possible.
about Oet. is.
er fails to wear.
The returning suteamen would only uter at Pekin, reports that Uere U a
Steps have
fibeutoUie result
their labors in
. general tenms. saying they are perfect­ beea token to call Ue attention of the
ly entiefled with developmecU. Aside Chinese government to these eutragea.
Arrived Last Bvt
from a geoeral determination to make
the form of the new government a terBoysl Welcome.
ritoriai one there were many qnesUons
Lest night Uent. H. I. Knapp of
which were diflfoatt of aettlement and BxbibitarBin.Diekonnae and Bra. Company M. Tblrty-fonrtb Michigan,
•ome of theee are still open.
Golden Took Pitot Fremlum at tha
retarned from Island Lake.
It was
learned by wire Uat the UeuteaaBt
Sia^Fair. .
Mrs. a. E Goldenof Old MUaion and was to arrive on Ue G. B. 4 I. train
in Ue evening a large crowd of soldiers
X>r. Haney Oullford Taka on a 8«r- Mrs. J. W. Diekermanot Solon havereLnrnad from Ue state fair la Grand and oUer friends were there to meet
... ion» Charge.
Baplda bearing tha first premiaia offer­ him. ' When he alighted from Ue train
SpeelsI u tbe Uoasue Escoao.
he was carried upon the
See the boy’s shoes at 75c,
txindon. Oa. l.—Dr.NaueyOoUford, ed by tbe C. 4 W. M. railway company
nee and hb
the midwife of Bridgeporti Conn.. for Ue flueat exhibit of fruit- The exrtoepUon was joyoua
89c, 9gc, 91.12.vranted by tbe American pollc* on the UuotMra. Oiekermanaud Mrs Golden
Knapp did not go to Cuba but was de­
charge of having been connected with were Joined and it waa Ue finest over
tailed at Camp Alger to remain in eoma GUI, haa bean ar- seen tbera- They eapUired the 130 prise
the death of E
in eompetition wiU sixteen eompeti- mandof a laigedetocfamentofraerolu,
afterwords going to Camp Meade.
WhUe at Camp Alger and Camp Meade
aecretaty Alger Hot a Oaadjdsta.
Liewtonant Knapp gained Ue confi­
•#Mlsl ts Tas HosKisu Rsocaa.
dence of his enperior officers and tbe
Washlsgtoe, Uet. I —Secretory Alger CoUision wlU .Mother WheM Caused
respeetof tbe men under hU
haa put a quietus upon the uacotbia
Ber Death br a Street Oar.
to enoh an extent that he became a
same for the sesate in ease SenatM Bperial to T»s WessiKt, Btoesn.
prime favorite, with boU officers and
MeMUIaa is sent abroad as the amDetroit, Oct- I.—Au aged woman rid.
While in Virginia Ue aeatenant
o Englaad.
ing a wheel, was run into by another
a Inxnriant crop of whiskers
female cyelbt at the ooreer of Chester which he bronght home aa a souvenir
Oonferenoe of Ohriaitana.
and Casa streets tonight and knoekMl of his army experieaee.
^i»IMelsIU)T» Mossisa Bsc«ip
down on Ue truck. A Myrtle street
Stondlah..'Oct. 1.—A big confcrei
car passed over ber killing ber instant­
of Christiana U in aesalon al Standish,
Btosu is Evnythisg.
ly. The other woman escaped.
—Hard or eoft
from all over Michigan. They preach
____________ en's Fine F*ll 8uiU-at
on tha street at nlght'and ting to large ASev Xcdiita.
qualities—best of linings and trim­
. crowds.
Kor the next few days I will be premings—perfectly tollored^iew and
—All for burning.
live eallete interested-in
■i are worth
made anito, and' also
Also Ue Always Brady Fire Kindlere
dreM making. Mra. Ida SmiU. CerThey are as fine as Uey make them.
to start your fires.
Peaay cudim too numerous to men­
iwer of Uis bosiM s that doM Ute


Two Gently '



Wa nerar bought to better adrnnUge than n
ea, with coneordanee. mapdnnd cngrnrlnA bt
A TeeUment tor T nente

HoUey & Connable,
290 Front Street


Up The







Popular Shoe House.



“City Bookstora.t

When in Doubt=



HdgIi Is Said
About Ice Greai and Soda Fountain DiMs.
Therefore we will s^ that you will find our Ice
Cream delicious, our Soda1 ^Water true to flavor, our rari*
ous Phosphates refreshing. New drinks are added to OUT
list from time to time.
Fountain open week days only.


Jas.-G. Johnson.

Tight Heaters
Best np qoidi, bo'd fife 24 hoars or more and make friends
wherever they go. If yon don’t believe it bay one of

Place-127 Front Street.



-Oxford TrndcM

As Advertised,

For women.


3 Our complete Fall and Winter Line is in.
Call and inspect them.


The Old Reliable Shoeman.
t 118 Front Btrset
Worzbnrg Blook

\ Clothing Department"
Baglanteg with Monday. October 3rd we o

„A Special Sals..
On eeveral linea of bew. etylieh and aabetontlil elothlag.
We Ornta:—
30 men's Black Clay Wofutod Salto, gtu--------- *
rat fir - -----------________
I Kereey Overopata. well lined and
trimmed, regular SIO.OO coal for fin 73.
25 youth's All -Wool Tweed Baits, aotesl value fT.SO. for fi4.9S.
Only 35 Cbild'eu's Sniu left of Isfil week's sale, atfil.39. fromfil-W v
and S3 30 goods. Wr continue this sale until Uey are all gone.
50 dozen men's Wool Underwear, mads to sell tor fil.OO, but are
thrown oa tbe ms-kev through bankruptcy at 50 cents on the dollar..
We place them on kM -Pday's sale at 39 cents t
' rala In all ef our depaatments
New arrivals
A eboioe Une <■' men's Unlo
An elaboraU aelection of men's fall Capa i

Dry Goods Department
We show new silk and oorduroy Waisto, silk and wool moire

Dor Millinery Department
la Ue talk of the> town. .We reeeive many oompiimento daily on ,
Stock is large. qnaUty numat^ble and prteaa \

Dur Shoe Department


Is re6eleing more patronage avery day. it ta being eoBceded f
our Stock ta new and up-to-date and pricca the loweet In tbe city, f

Our Cloak Department
■aeisewaerv. our seleetiOB ifi
t filled WiU bargains not
larga and our prices right.
• It. Ton
To* make no mtatoke by buriBg year Jack­
ets. Capee and CoUsretu of us.

The Boston Store,

Tsjc Muumro «boou>, sttvdat, ootobeb s. itss.
ncB xOBvnro bsoobd



IfODg Oalindor To Be Die.
posed Of XU* Term.



Xmpertaat CiTil Oaaca
be Tried.
t. W. Hums, Editor utd
The Circuit court will meet Uouday
moralng vrith the longeat calendar la
aoma time. There are 14 criminal
aea, five of them for alfeged violation
of the liquor law. The following is
Hat of
Cnmiaal Caaot.

0*n (kacvuras
People' va- Douglas Brower, assanll
and batury appeal. J. J. Twaddle
for the People; Palehln A Crotaer. dafendaau
Peoplavs Jay Conant, larceny appeal;
t< Bt the reatoaec »t T
J. J. Twaddle.
Mleh..MMe«ad cUmi
People vs Donglaa Browar. aaaault
and battery appeal; J. J. Twaddle.
Patchin A Crotaer. defendant.
People vs Jay Conant, larceny appeal;
J. J. Twaddle.
People va Jay larceny; J. J.
People va Jay Conant, Imroeoy: J. J
People va Eugene M. Cornell, embeulement; J. J. Tweddle
People va (Hen Blddleeomb, lareeny;
HUM PreMpts aad PbIbo TttMrwB J. J. Tweddle.
la im the Boa.
People vs Iru McRitl. aaaanlt with
t the liodM of Intent te rnnrder. J. J. Tweddle;
Patchin A Crotaer. defendant.
'•That U the iatplratioB of the DenoPeople va Blbart O.
oratic Party; that la lla aim and its eh* of liquor law; J. J. Tweddle
>oet. If it oomea, Mr. Chairman, into
People va Fred Wursburg, vlolatioa
power In ail of the departsMU of this of liquor Uw; J. J. Tweddle
foremment it will not dentroy InPetrie va Fred Woreburg, violation
.daatty; It will not Ininre labor; bnt It •t liqaor law; J. J. Tweddle
•rill aare to tb« men wbb prodnen the
People vs Ivan Duan, violation of
•wnnlth of the country a larpe portion liquor law; J. J. Tweddle
«d lb wealth. It will biiop proaperity
People va Philip
nod joy and bappineia, not to a few of liquor law: J. J. Tweddle
iMt to erefj one without reo»l to
Issues of Fact.
•tntioB or condlUon." and In line with
BlitabetbMeOUI va August Keitner
tbtopropheticBtatemeatof Mr. Bryan a. at ai. trespass on the case, Underwood
PrealdentClereiand. on Hareh ito. IBVS, A Dmlor: Pratt A Davis.
la hia inanrural addreaa aald: -The
Warren Pierce vs Bebecen Pierce
peopleof theUnltod BUMa hare decreed
Tweddle A Crcaa; Pratt A
that on this day the control of the ire*- Davie
ornmeat in iu lapialatlve and ezaenliee
MeOraw, replevin,
hcnnehela ahaU be jtItm to a political Patchin A Crotaer; Pratt A DavUparty pledced in. the moat poaitire
Lonia Warwwski vs Edward P. Saytonaatotbe
■tof unll der, replevin. Pratt A Davis; Patchin A
Aiter one year of experience under
Annie Biddlecnmb vs Jamee A. Dv
the chanced conditiona foretold by Mr. planly. John D. King and E. D. (ruff,
ared by PrealdentClere- trespass on the caaa, Underweod &Innd to have but a alnple pnrpoee. we Umior; Tweddle A Crtwe
note, on4he fonrtb day of March. Itut,
Sarah Murphy vs James A. Deplanty,
that for the first time in thirty years John D. King aad E D. (Jeff, trespass
the national dabt was increased moi an ease. Underwood A Umior: Tweddle
than »50,000,000 in one year.
A Ooae
For the llrut time in the history of
Gaorge Gray. Sr., vs Donglas Brower,
.the governmot for more than a quar­ trespass on the case, Underwood A
ter of a century the public rercj
Umior; Petchin A Crotaer.
failed to meet the deraunda of the gov
The Oval Wood Dish Company A Mal­
acament, uad a defict of more than colm Winnie vs the Traverse City Lum­
H70.000.000 was found in the autional ber Cdbipany. trespass on the cue.
treMury! The factory eyatem extend Gilbert A Gates and Samrtbwaite A
lag from ChUfomia to Mains was pros- Fowler; Un-(erwood A Umior and Mc­
jgated, mllla were cloeed, and tbona- Intyre A WeUnore
pads who one year before March 4ib.
George Payn, et al vs Howard B.
Itn. were peaccfnlly aad hH>pIlJ em­ Gldley. etal, replevin. Pratt A Davis:
ployed la the every ladnslriea that
C. G. Tomer.
troaght thrift and happiaeee to the
Jennie E Waldron va Mary M.
aaUliona of men in this country, were
Walker, asaumpait, John A. Loifnger.
pODgreguted iu the greet centrea in Pratt A Davla.
The increasing nomben,
Blixabetb Sayera vs Nick Kaiser,
nnrwbclmed with hnngsr and deepou- trenoas on theeaae. Underwood A Um­
deacy, ware threatening the public ior; Patchin A Crotaer.
■afety. In the large centrea. where
Myron S. Browwa va Goorge Helm,
labor was most actively employed, Ue assumpsit, Patchm A CkoUerj Gilbert
.eritdom and beneficence of the people A Gates.
was taxed tc iu utmoet in taking care
Margaret Rtenkner vs Henry D
fit t^CK oependeni and relying wholly Dreves. trespuM on the eue..(Jilbeft A
^ eiiarity.
Gales; Pratt A Davia.
On the same day. March 4th, 1604.
George F. Moore vs Philip Bernstein.
Dun's A Brudatreet's commercial aganMoDpait: Pratt A Daria
«toa reported that the loaa to the boaiThe CompoUng Scale Company vs
•SM InteresU of the country for the
moe E Bingham and>WaUer N. Binggear then jnsl ^oeed amounted to am, aasompalt appeal. Underwood A
twelve bllliona o(%oHara The coat of Umior; Tweddle A Crcaa
owe year'a uperimenting In governJohn Sironach va Henry D Taber,
•teotal charts
Ibua tninmed up ejectment motion for new trial; Manly
Tbe adminiatration of Preaidenl Cleve- ^ Dodge.
Usd through tbe four years' terra left ^
Chancery Pro OenfeiM.


r, ^

• si

. 1„. u, It.
,.u,rau „l i
^ U.™.,.,.
Fannie Green vs Alexander Green,
the country amounting to mure than
ivor.-e; Tweddle d^roas.
tweaty-fonr bUliona of. dollara it ia "
Albert Atkinsoffm U>ura Atkinson,
to be hoped that tba voters of this
divorce: Tweddle A CrosaOOOBtry will look to- the promises upon
Augusta Brayton hriilice va Robert
which they baae their suffrage ia tbe
Brisbee. divorce: Manly .C- Dodge.
Intnre. u tbe lessons of the put will
Cbaries*Durga vs Maggie Dnrga, di­
tort be easily forgotten.
vorce: Manly C. Dodge.
Henrietta Besow vs Victor Beeow,
' Hcbbaska bu a ta.TOO.OOo corn crop
divorce: C. G. Turner.
this year. Perhi^ this explains Col.
Lillie M. Merrilt vs John F. Merrill,
Bryan's anxiety to get home and bow
divorce; C. G. Turner.
the seeds of discontent among the
Frank E Brown vs George Henray,
bUl to caeeel deed; I'rett A Davis;
Tax Arena, tbe magazine which de­ Patchin A Ootaer.
voted it^f to the cause of free silver.
George E Graham va Myrtle R. Grn1 publication. However.
ham, divorce, C. G. TnTner: G. W. Curthe talk about the growth of the eanae
(oea loudly on.
- Sarah J. Grady vs Henry Grady, di­


Dealer in Bicyclesi Bicycle Sundries

It Doesn't ^
Cost Inphint


Ur, K. Y. He rxpecU to be nbeent
nbont two weeks. A. J. Helm will take
Murray will leave Tseeday
morning for Richmond. Ind.. to accept
position in an uyli
Lieut. Joe. Klaaaen retnmed yeelerday from a viMt at Northport.
Mrs. P. LaBOnto bu retnmed from a
visit St Pravement.
J L. Gibbs of Mayfield, spent a few
honre In this city yeaterday.
D. Cox and wife returned yeeterday
■om a visit with relatives in Indiana.
John Wiluo arrived yeeterday from
dt Joseph. Mrs. - Wilson hu been in
the city several days.
Mrs. J. O Duncan and I-anra Voice
of SottoM Bay were here yeaterday.
and H. dtack of
Lake Ann, spent yesterday in tbe city.
C W. dwarerly of the Swaverly Tele­
phone Company of Kalkukn, called
yes'orday on city acquaintances.
George Wellman of Elk Rspids, trans­
acted business here yesterday.
Will Clnne of Company M. is now
rapidly recovering from hli Illness. Ue
u on the street again yesterdav.
Rev. d. dalsbery will attend tbe dedi­
cation service of the Evangelical ebnreb
at Bingham today. Rev. J. A. Frye of
Grand Rapids, will havp ehar^ of the
aervicesM. Blakeslee and wifeof Webster
street are entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
^ Warren of 8t Lonis.
Frank Ksfin accompanied by Arch
Cameron of Torch Labe were in Cadilac yesterday. *
Hobart LewU went to Elk Rapids
yesterday, where he bu accepted a
position in the Iron Works Company's
store, having resigned his position ut
the uyinm.
W. P. Ootaer and wife have returned
from a visit with Mrs. Crotaer's rela­
tives at Fulton.
Riley Sweers returned yeaterday from
Philadelphia and a trip on buaineas in­
to Ohio.
Prix-a for Ad WriUztg.
S. Benda A Co., tbe clothie'ra of tba
Friedrich block are offering prir.n to
n and others who write tbe beat
advrrtisemenu within a given tiraeThe first prize U tio. for tbe beat and
most onginal sdvertiument. Toe aacond is 6.1 for the best humorous ad.
aad the third. 63 for tbe amalleat and
most catchy ad. The ads are to treat
the goods sold in tbe store and are to
be in by November Isk

Mrs. Mirfaa<-> CurUin. J’lamfieid. Ill . [
makes tbe auteracut ibsi she cangbt:
cuUI. n-hicfa oeiited on her laogs; she
Was treated for a montb by her family I
phyGclan, but grew worse.- Ue told i
herahe was a hop* less victim of coo-1
>Uon and that no medicine could I
Her druggist
druggist auggested Dr.
Ki> g’a Sew Duenvery forConsumptibn;
sh> bought a b’ltUe and to ber delight
' hers- If beoi filed from tbe first
She continued its uae and after
tat lag aiz l>oUleK foend heraelf aonnd
and well; now does ber own bnuaew. and is a wt.Il aa ahe ever w

But rrery doy—all the time—you ■

lay—or ary other
vorce. Tweddle A Ouaa as; Pratt &
day that it'* coovrnirnt for you.
are glad to show Ibeae goods—'
nobby styl
Dao E OarUr vs Emma H. Perrin
at al. bill to -enforce U«n. Tweddle A
Crois: Pratt A Davla.
Ella U. Uidity vs (ieorge Payn and
Julia Psyn. iejonction. C. 0. Turner;
Pmtt A Dsvis.
Suu Lumber Co. vs Simeon Hoyt,
bill to quiet tlUe. Prntt A Davis; GUbert &. list
1 gloves with
Union Central Life InsatanwCo. vs
not a Pqcid. Thomas A. ConJon et al. ,f(
teavea no odor and can be used: wtall
tbe glove is on the band. For ule only moUon for writ of naeistance: Fratt^
I Shop opposite Eagle office.
}. Johtaaon.
by James O.

Wbkx President HeRtnley decided
ooan iuTeaiigatlon of 'tbe condnelof
the war (he men who were instmMental in making the charges threw
•very obstacle in his way, bnt tbe
' President atnek to tbe task nniil be ae•Bred u eommlssioD tbe connuy has
* iu and tbe examination will
be thorough and impart'*'-


OuaeroBS Oontrlbuti n Itada bjr E;
Ifi. WoUTAOc. of Barra. Yt
Tbs foUowUg oornmnnleatloB. sUt-1
ing a generou offer, wu received lut'
evening from E M. Wolff A Co. of !
My work U first dam and pric« that
iolvach of all. I ao
Barren. Vk, the monnmentaad granite ;
prepared at all time« to take rare of (be trade. I make a apeclalty in
firm represented In Michigan by Riley
Knameling. A fine line
.. of
__ wheels
for sale
Barre, Sepk SO, 1H98.
J-O. BLIilS, 3il Front street, east.
J. W. Haxxkx.
- Dkau diB—At the request of Mr. Rl-!
ley dweers who hu been with uafor u
few duys, we will ship to yon within u
abort.time, froe of any expeoee, a mar­
ker which Mr. dweers will place at tbe
grave of Hiram A. Dlokinson,
lember ofXiompuBy M. Tbirty-foortb
Hiebigan volnuteera. We are pleased
to be enabled to assist in so worthy ua j
object and tmst the work may pro<
fitting to tbe reeling place cf a defend­
er of Old Glory.
E. M. WokFP A Co .
By C. U. WUilson.
Lneky Gueuera in tba Boaton Store
General manager.
HcAB Oontaak
This is in reaponu to a kindly offer
Tbe bean contest at tbe Boston Store
made by Mr. dweers in behalf of Com­
pany M a short time ago, and tbe act­ wu decided yeaterday. The fortnnate
ion is one which will be fully appre­ gneaaer of tbe number of beau in the
jar in tbe big display window wu
Frank Bennett of Glen Uaren, who
To knom how good ■hors
. ir ib«pvu|>lvvlio«ldlakv lUnioibvir Uad>
geua box eontaieing OOO bright new
to pool op oq oliova. I„ ■tody about 1'alk*ra sod aorkBSOthlp and
Ihv OUwr c
O. M. Barker of Sonar, wu in town pennies. The second prise. 64 in pen­
srau at vkov Picvllvuco. trv vould >top ■rUlox and otan a orbool Wv aiAsi
on bnsinees yeeterday.
nies. wu won by Bhoey Case of Lake
(or It: oar >tovk U as cvpoalUuo u( all that !■
an of abovmaktsg. We
P J. Davis of tbe afyinm, hu started Ann.
posld gtre pveplv
asd (ally lllualrated roarer of (kl> k|ad:4a
o»a week's vacation.
(art. av are so* delog It Id a «on o( iodlrrrt way Wr gir* patrooo all thr hrip aad
Lut evening f enty.flve of the lady
Morgan Page, driver of one of the
loformatluo VC rie. Wc try to make abac eiprnc ot Ibrai. You vlll do yuorsalf u
Mercantile company'e delivery teems, aad gentleman alundanis of tbe
lajDkllcc tl yea dooT om oar sew llac o( oliur. sod kdow oar pHcm.
will leave Monday morning tor Boehes- uylum enjoyed a bicycle rnn and nfier-

Geo. R. Winnie
Dp-to-diite Painter
and Paper Nanaer.

m Front Street.
Bobbto tna tHsvs.
A startling incident of which Mr.
John Oliver, of Pbiladeipbia. wu tbe
subject, is narrated by bim u follows:
The Hormat lutiinte.
"1 was in a most dreadful oondition.
My skin wu almost yellow, eyes sunkThe Rev William Bvingof Lansing,
Dr. Mizvr'e
eonlionally in 'suu Sunday hchool anperintendent of i
and sides, no appetite—gradually
ing weaker day by day. Three Congrvgntlonal cbntchea, will give tbe I
physicians bad given me up. Form- principi# evening lecture of the Xor___ r-(ricd JS^rs
nately. a friend advised trying 'Eli
Elec- mal institute week i I Tneadsy <



bSKr. m

' r'"-'

*uadj wlibout a

I continued their u«e *“«•,wawgll
President Geoige B Csiton of Bra• ' - re,
I know they ured
life. and zonia College, ia expected to speak Satirday and Sunday.
So one should fall to try them. Ooly
50oenup->r bouie at B E Waifsand
A wbola week of go-vd things instore.
J. G. Jobnton't Drag Storm.
Watch for tbs program this week The
dates are Oct. 10 to 10.
Placed in
Mias Lisle of Honor called on Mrs. {
day by th
Will Winana yesterday.
Co 440 ot

Call in aad

see our No. 1536

Scroll Seat
Isn't it a beauty? Large, deep vv-;*
peered seat and back. Five thichnemes. ! *
Warranted not to crack Dr apHL Tbe •
; comforUble rocker yon ever ut •
Nice qnaner-sawed oek and me-' !
hogany for only 64 25.
We have the ! •
finest line of roeken ever shown
Traverse City. Over 800 different styles ^ j
from TSe up.

House Furolsher.

New Store 120 Front Street.

m Ult lUinim. Hlc*.
isrrh. sad otl blood di»


rite (or pampblct.
-BvwatT o( bogat C ft
L .Vvarrmair/aalesB
Mile wtsppcr bean tbe

What one of our customers has to say
about our “BEST.”
Cause—Tbe Flour has given the best
of satisfaction.
Efkkct—And a good trade will be tbe


If you have a picture that you -want quick^ ly and neatly framed, and don’t want to pay
^ two prices for having it done, bring it to us.
We are the^only concern in the city who can,
► or will, do it for you right and at the right
!g- prices -Try us arid see for yourself. We mean
^ just what we say.
We have a large variety oi room mould^ ings ranging from IJ^c to 5c per foot If you
^ need ansrthing in this line, see our stock before
^ purchasing elsewhere and so save your money.






««««««» ******* r r CJ"


^ < when o rnmnniemUoTE Err rCEtored.

0 Some Good Stories of Fact and Fancy Condensed ^
For Busy Readers.

The dock clotUor

»t Statloiro.

smtll pleeet end


I. .vt
\ sue


Serrt. T. F. Bark* ] i

Second r*tii
miih« ui«
bit > elotbet »t Seotioiro.




Sbedh soeored the error In • j right foot toe. ootwnrd; the dog Uket i ^
got • phytielM there


Colwtnictor ‘ 2

been cov Into ; 4

dietriboted to p*«plejj

jlB Springflrid. Ume
Molly W«b»l«r Of M»ple R%pI4e r»«! h*» Uo£lH hit dof to poll bin


HebtoD. worn when be EOBk the Meni-1 ^

the; ^


He hoppeoed to|4

heedgoerterm when Hob-

ihefdbtinhW mouUh nod nw»y they oon nnd hit-‘.....................................■--'
into camp after their exebaoge. There '
ge.—Alpena Argon

1* ttae to Mve her metber’e life.

was at once a rath for aoneeolra by tbe j


As nnderuker In n toothern

Mary Serelce, a widow. IT yetrt old.
eoldlera and Burke became the pctaaaeIlrisg near Wetton,
found ucvwudrown- „,v_u .u. h
ne*wn, wat
om iwuDO
ed In a water tank at her barn Fridar
**" clolhea. bergeant Burke b> d ,


Rns town reeeotly received the followtag lettw; -Sar. my trite It ded and

moroinJste^mmUmrtn^e r^w^

wdsu to be berried to-morrow st wsn-

morning. Sbe commuted aauude ratner.,
than die of cancer.

aer elok ya no wber to dig the bole, bl
' the mid of my other i

wyfe—let it be





Orand Bapide A Indiana depot at Sloe-j
At Saginaw Dan Brady, the

W-year- gla. waa aeriooaly

•Id aon of Sergt Brady, of the
foroe, wae ahot throogb
with a iS-calibre

He wae

ths hack. ' Tbe lt>Jary


Tbe Piret Chriaiian Reformed ehnreb
log Friday morning
badly damaged.



Batrire for tbe races will close Mon­

Yesterday a large namber of boraca

Injured while leading a team of hormea , ground stablea and more areeoming.


to the barn.

They became unruly and ' Preparatioos





the pulpit pinnged on him. onubing two ribs and I and everything poinU to a great race



time lightning hae etrack




caselng other Id juries which it U fear­

eaam ed will result fatally.


tempted anleide by taking Iodine

turns each week from




braUon proposed fiw the UanDab Rifles


Harbor svill meet with the board of direetora

and St. Joseph pwle at not leas than of the company in the Rn-uBii office at

ter taking the drag abe became frigbt- S80.UOU from peachee alona.

7:30 Tneaday evening.

tened and told one of her

bir of tbe eoldlera have been very ill


wboanmmooed a pbyaiclan

Jerry Snllivan. a minerrworklng in
ehe the Tamarack mine at Ca'smet, bad


No reaaon


• it.

;»eec of failing rock.


penses of tbe two recent funerale. tbe
idea of

At UAondaga.while George Burdette.

wi^e tbivo


were making thv home stretch
bicycle track Fridiy a bmall


the cart from

freight car tbe long handle caught on
a bolt and dew npward so quickly that

trying to dodge tbe boy. Schrader «

it caught him on the neck, jsmi

hlmarif thrown high Into the air com-1 him agalaat A poat.
ing down bead Brat on bis face.
doeiora ^-ive no hopes of hie



A geuUeman with a brand new hat
waa eomiag from tbe Benton

Harbor ^


The Iron ebeeting on tbe new Colum-


He conld not re-

At bis apetiOD aale of boraea yester­
day afternoon, J. O. Jenson sold six­
teen fine animaie.

Detroit. J. C. Robinaon, a awiteb,
A new sign is being placed on tbe
tbe Michigan Gen­
was crashed by a train and in- front of B J. Morgan's livery barn.
George R Winnie Is the artUt

pnetolBoe when tome fellow grabbed staDt'y killed.
It and took leg ball Immediately.



taak of catching the thief, ao he

msde I vidaoa. U dead.

good bU eaeape.

Hereafter it will ewt ten cents for a

Friday at Muskegon, the fonr

loaerof ibebat. belnga gentleman of * year old eon of Baua Hermanaon.
atoot proportions, waa not tqoal to the aailor on the achouner Lyman M.




of Job. Bdword.,
..j ,br„ ,o.n.


to poworf.l oooobb to hold Imob tbo ;
ttoUtomtd tbojrotbml dowo Cb.roo j

tbo blllood loodod ,o 0k front


A little




boy of

R taenthal baa


ordered of

face will be baoly

Charles H-aden. who was ki led oo

'garrison Cuba m*y begin about (JcL J6.

evoli-nt Soclply through the agency of

ihia ci'y sn*rred for life.





Drop in during the week and look at the clothing.


the Mercantile
Front aireet

for the timely arrival of the hired m.n ! Manager Barry a telephooe for hU reaand one for tbe Boatou Store.
the boy would probably bav* been iJence



The sldewmlK near

Umf it dot boo.

We shall give an opportunity to many to select a suit '
tor immediate or future delivery, either &-om their mammoth
stock, or fi-om their extensive special order department—the
price of the latter to bo but a small advance over the former
—Either guaranteed to bo right.
Many there are who will avail themselves of this chance
to get tbe best there is for a moderate price, while others
W'O care to have unusual patterne, not always found in
stock will gladly welcome such bn opportunity to invest—
Order them now—take them when needed,
In addition to our offer suggested we shall exhibit our
own stock of suits now in, and the finest ever shown,
While others may make careless or viciotu representations of tbe advantages they offer by the way ot largest ,
stocks and goods at 60 per cent, less than other dealers—no
man of ordinary intelligence believes either when a casual
compsrison Is msdo.


to? "li,. otto 11

Tbo dod. 00 0,10 bmo. Immod- Cnmpary'a store
, „„„ .t,’ .
being repaired.

Tlie latest iaabieycle propelled bylk.livd.
dog power.

Hreabt-t^rlBB ehBr,.h.


for too omwlod loto tbo do, boo.

„ . borriblo «.m,oor.


tbe local C. B Cmon. will

bo bold tbi. moroiD, ot oo.oo o'ciooh
at the


toStoto.UooU ot . btottoto of 0,1.
opood Jompod tbo uoob ot lb. fool of


Tbe regular monthly eunriee prayer

S-fld, to, otbo. do, tbo o.olon»,o ,„„o,d„,of ibi, olooo, bod . nuTbo motor -to


ayatem waa commenced yesterday.

fractured ie a runaway.

bod o norntw o«opo.

Ulk over tbe telephone

with Bingham or Snttons Bay.


Tbe child's aknll waa

WhU. .
wu Ukioi t«o j
A liD, r«. oM
to., Wlour cr. do-n . hUJ io tood ,
j,.,., .


hinn boul it now being pnt on and the

choked to death.

The email boy waa nniojured.


building will soon present an impoaing

lease himeelf or call for help and



to relef.wlU bedincassed.

tbe depot platform into a

boy Step­

devoting a

funds eubscribed for the celebration,

a gr^n weigher, wae puebing a loaded

ped Id front of Cbarlee W. Schrader In


and a lerge amount of money ie re­

He U not ex­

pected to live.


At Hadley

As a large nnm-

by a quired to defray tbe expenam of the
csre of tbe aick ones, and the ex­

bis back broken by being etrack

he enrmiaed for her act. eioce her bomv
raUtionabadalwayebeca very

October 3rd to 9th

Tbe executive oommittee of tbe cele*

A reliable etilmaie plaoee

Aliee TibbiUa aged it, of Albion, at­

will probably recover.

Also special display of samples ready made suits fi-om
a large eastern manufacturing concern represented by Qeo.
L. Miller. During the entire week, Monday,

to be ! day evening.

At Hndkob S. H. Oaka* waa aerionely ; were added to the airinga in tbe lair

at Orasd Haven wee etreck by



among hU:|^^


on a

is liable

amnelng himtelf with tbe weapon and
did not know it wae loaded,

diatribate them

injured by a beary |

police; nmple trank falling from a pile

the left legr track and etriking him in tbe tmall of '


iropblea. bnl be pre-'
ferred to

the |

IheG B A1


yeaterd>y csrrit-d an ac.

oidi'Ot p-lley iu tbe L'nited States KenABOOMD TEB WOELD.

Blakealee A McCormick.

thought that all danger of yel••saral

Haws Huiea



low feverevIU be passed by that time.


At a special seasioo of

The Circuit court will meet Monday,

At Chicago. Mrs John Pollle and her court at Geneva. dwitEerland. the trial
daughter Minnie,'&0 years of age. were

of Lneebiol. tb-; fltliao anarcaiat, who

•Treated on a charge of



Their flat waa psoked with goods of
•vary deaeription whicn had


fared from down-town sUirea

The po- sl.ier ln-'aw in a .jjarrei at Maryville.

llded because BogineerRlgbUioiuediso





Monduy nigi-t

K K.peact jubilee to take nlaee Tburs- ;

Walter Garwlck. Wmiarn Hodge and
DeM'a Msynew. whn


were aentenced

afieeudsys in jkil fordlaorderty coo- .

Uehaajtist rviurned with

duct, wl'l b- rVIrsseJ Monday.

Re sought - ol bU ex-w-fe.

showed ber tbe e.dor of bU gold dost.

pashiog : InaUted that hU luteoiluns bad always

WiMic tbe Banks and Isading nusinvkv . ^

to another aiding at Cjchrans ' been right aod at an outc >me. a llcenpc'

Tbeve men were ktlied.

.Van uf kalamsruo iblnk of the

‘ has beeo Issued for tbe re marriage of

Dr. F. A. Todd, tiip assistant phy-

the divorced couple.

MdwtorthrOUioSteU ssylninfor ^e

At Alameda, Californls. ou


Insaoe at Toledo, aufferins from ao at-

Mrs. Biith U»v>urst was killed by a

tack of bydrpphobia. died Friday even-

live wire


a special meeting of i

B A.or. pool...

more ok Ubio Soothwestern near Dllla-; and she procured a divorea after bis

•keyed ordbfsiu not kide-lracking at



A, Hn»b. ko . II

Two freight trains col- dvpartare.


t » e.»mplete a'rsi.gcmenu for ihs D. <

Mo., it ste’-.-ag Oerself to death in her

A bad wreck oecored oo the Bsltl- the Rlondykp against bis w.fc's wlslita
boro. Indiana.


the Kn!ght<of l‘y<hias

The flat held enoogh goods to agony of rem-ir-e.

nook, d,, rxXbbodtolob .too.


There -r-il be

Mrs. Ge.>rge Bwing. wbo shot ber

Hoe reeoyered goods worth about fls .


hotel will open for buBioesa abcni a

the emorras of Anatria.

here on S-pi. l«i. was flxed for Kov. 3.



with B long caleodar.

tbe aastze


!Hic!ii$iD Accident Association, ii

which was hanging from an

Ksls'nszuo. Silrb ..

He waa bitten while endeavoring e ectrie light poie «.ver a vsk-ant l-il

I p. ihp laKlPp-UEUPtl, bpTp|..< P rilf, iLsi
to protect patiehu from the aitauk of whicffshe
whii-rshe wascroasing.
was croiwing. She was liter *p srpi--r«.nBiir si-nnsin'pd sin.
III. isp
..flii-«r> 4
a mad dog.
•11,00,,.. d U, dooli. ior 0101.00 l,lo,
Thesnrgi,, boooo. o.d .or too uooi.i, M.t-to.
Park report Ike tutsi number of deaths

lirr busbaad. who reaidied tbe scene of | uno.iiip, ins> I'npur

mp from uie arrival of the regu
lara. April

14, to date. 425 i

and one regular.

the tragedy Iajo late t.

Of thU number 14

ware deaths from aocident.

be of any aid, '

become deranged through grief,

Thssa flg-

In Rsppahsnnock conntv,


'partlclpanu were ladles.

American troops


I prtiK-lplPS. Aieoor s isrup mpo,tu-r.lii|> in ' 1
Ibis city -p hsGuPVPrl.Psr.l».-<.ini.lstnlurun- S
tslr IrrsitnpBi or fallan- lo mrci ell leal
tbe oMhralluiis.

They rode

t-pp.ldpot nr.1 Kslloual Bank.
K-f. Usrrtii.
V. T. Bssksa.
i-tohipp Romp MsTlnys Bank.
Js« Mu>bt>«..

occupy . <» koroubsek at a fasigBilop.aacb hold-

fnlly two-thirds of I>»rto EJeo.
Spanish line,


Tbe;‘ng a ulnner

running In a semi circle , The one who

aontb of San Juan. Is narrowing daily . the arena

spoon with an egg In’iu
rode thri.-r times around

without dropping the egg

and the Spaniards are rmmdtng towards; was crowned queen of tbetpoonament. j
tbe capital.

American business men

A world of fun had both participanU;

are flocking there, seeking for markeU , and spectatora.
or looking for bnaincM ehaooea.


ib-Eutpruf pPeds. HalanazooCo.


Tailor sn.l Ofol's roraisbhix.

Spain evident^ appreciates the qual-!

are Inveatigsting tbe ^revaillngeondl-’ ity of tbe Am-rican bugle abd has or-1
tiona. boh-the Island
koalnesB operations of

Tsi» P. Olkami
iwasno'rvb. Co.
a Brr

yet ripe for diirod 2..M)0 of them lor her army from j
anV great im- a New Ymk firm.

pjTAnec.and m^ny t/l ih>m\rk-reiuin-


Cry on iM-aid tibe«:arm"d

at the'

tog disappointed te their.'hinea. Ru I news that the world will end next yesr j - ,
mors of outlawry in the western part and that the beginning will be the tub-1
offhe island continue,
buralpf of bouses

including ibq mergence of Ceyl m..

and tbe maiming of

The villagers op I

to tbe temples,

Colorado, have taken ;

l„ anjaoging some
ib^lrcular saws

, *bile it was in motlonTwas caught by

Adrices just received at Coastaotlno- ia saw and culln two.
pla'from Van say flfhliog has occurred i

Govercor Scofleld of Wisconsin, has

the Tnrks acd' ro wired a telegram from J. H. Banker,

n anmber of Armenians from Russia. {prssldent of tbe village of Turtle Lake,
About 50 Avtteolsns were killed,
t«ui of Amiriosn ir • <ps t-)


Wilhelm Bros.

Occupied Territory,


Sampsel olCenteryllle, Snydereounty

fresh life owing to high winds and bid ' p,„ ,hile
flair to dsvaatete the greater part of gearing at one of
to* forastsof the state.


APto.«*.'nr.«*«A In TTw'
Agent* Wanted in UH>

sins by acu of charity aod by fl joking

Tbe Brea in the monoUios near (>Ien-

•I Alashgorb. bdtween

In addition to our own stock, one of the largest weetem znanafaotorers of
Lfldiefl'Rnd ICisfles' Cloaks will display their entire line of latest noreltles In onr
Onr cloak opening was a splendid encceee and we predict that a great many
more will again take advantage of the enormous Msortment end the special prices
on October 4tb.

tbe island are trying to atone for Uie<r


wood Springs,


.res: 11

Va., they

•IWS also include deaibs in the Cbalta-. lately bad a -sDoonsment.'’
•OOga hospitals.

nv m..i>.l (uniiprsst

Vu?'«Iehr^ AcLldenl

0.0.1.P1.0.00. ..d .io Plod to! s“ "J"”-." “ iss.s-


’ W s , saying that TS

faml'W are l.-ft

as a result uf the fur st


£rcf-l/at tbis store.
The verr
cbolcvM siylCT-ibe pick of tbe best
thing* 11
ibis season are now abown In
r of fashin
delight—prices that«

I please yon.

Placed in yonr rroldmee, for Ic
* dtv *-v the Nnrtbern Telephoes
G). 4«UG-o


Morning Record Want Ad!








Below to a list of tbs b«f lag and •sU'
War sevnea. to btantUnI i
•etna on Rverrilai
in ThU I views, aoud bnroee. patbetle lllnatraP
■errv Wnrifi.
Ibe popeter rapposlOon thst a poUM
I ad songB had a fine minstrel and apoe• City:
‘•Why, bow do yon do?”
flfiker to qevnr. ne\er on hand wbeobo to
k It in brief tbe 1
' Bmiliogty Or tiwii iu tbs brtodl* snlt
wantod aad that tbr ntuid of alarm to hto Bs*. i. C. CafSOB. Psswir.
inreof tbeattraetlon to be presealed Clear Pork per btal, o
. «n«»
signal of mrsat reoelvcd a aeveie shock
10:30 a. m. Pnblte woisblp.
Clear Pork per M....
to the little woman in tbe gray (ravel­ V tbe Silver fismily. beaded by (bs Short Cut Pork..............
X.abor OenuDiuloaCT C«k OItm Xatw- when the Mury of .tergeant tiowud's
11 00
. Paa. 38:6. ing drim
talented voeslist, O. Lots Silver, at the
chase after tbs manlarer Rohan waS
Short Cut Pork pert...
11:4$ Bible School
Mtiac tsfomatloa SteowiDf
*‘Wel], this to a furprire," fetnnird City Opera Bonso next Wednsaday Flour. H L. A Co. beat..............
«:45 Yonng people's meetiug.
the little women, sbaking him by the i evening. P< puUr prioss of admission, Bye Flour, H. L. A Co. Boat....
to herself: "I oogbt

jlfwl, B. L. AOo. Beat...............
rerulver. ovucbtiiK on one sldu of a gar­
' to know Uito man . When bsva 1 n>et
haa aeenred 0-yH. L. A Oo. Beet................,
bage box. on the other side of wktcb other Uoapel.
Notice tbe ebangn of bonr for the; Mm befonif"
Stooped an evoaiad raarderor with thru
Labor Cot
an-s Comedians for an “Wssent |
Pall and Winter.
“1* *“■ b>«n abont a year sitioe I mw
tb»tabftt«r iadnatrtel coadiUon haa
not eziatod In Miehlfma tor aevomt
Butter per B> Dalre...........
b*... played eneb a eoeeestfal <
P-i»rl.„ SJ7 W.tattr
rg'e Grand laet epring. Their jCreuie^
jmn thaB at tbc praaaat time, thla
appeareaoe la this city will be
- ,
•tatement being baaedM man; reliable Utbur n-esrt-rsof niilfonnebsvc inM^onued Wednesday afternoon. Hubjeet, “Bor-; ^on living nowi”
ooaroea of iaformatlon and comparbon stmllsrly twrvy fesis and have made tbe rnnh.”
I "Bnme uld ptoae.” be replied, wav- come oewa to patrooe of tbo theatre,
at bii command. Hnndreda of reporte silver star a «i;rn of valor.
log bis baodL
and to tbe gdberal amasement loving
Iraa tbe indnatrial oeoten of tbc atate,
•sv. D oeekiie aaswv
hadn’t made any progrem. She poblic.
As. for iDetanoe, Tom Ormsby.
Onushy was a potmliiian In tbe days
aad eapeeUlly from tbe Tarioaa tndM
Baok'ea*a Amtes Salva.
aaloBa are moat encooraglng. They wbon the poUn* dfiiartiiirnt of Ibe city of at 10:30 a. in.
pnsTsk But 8At.n is the world for
indicate an Imororemeot in tbe eondi>
Snndny Sehooi at eobn.
id aiqiyas before. "Wasn't it too Cato. Brntow, Soree. moera, Salt
eoor of a"waK<>n " Noa-adays tbo jotrol
tion of the wage-workers and Inereaaea wagon has Uk own crew juvt the aatin' as
Yonuff people's aoeiety of Christian
A tbe way *hey treated yonr'
Ehenm. Fever Sores, Tetter,
Wheat, new.
la wagoa and percentage of men eat- a railruad'-traln-Its condm-ttir to convey Bedeavor at S;4.t p m.
"Yon mean that—that time"—
Bands. Cbllblaina. Cores, aud ail
Oato, No I. per bn
Ibi- prisoner to thv station with proper deplored.
BrnpUons, and poaltivety carae Ptlea, Core, per bn..........
"Yex that time, you know. Xtwa
At 7:30 p. m. will___________.
be Hte song ...
oornm—but at tliat llnit- the iiuccaiilty for
There haa been adeeided improvement
of favorite hymns. An hour spent in
krHiwo. ar^
singing the great hymns from the bean I
••Oh. yea,” sbeffejoinod. "It wna to give cerfect aattofaction or money
in tbe wagca of tbe more common la- hsiing oflkvT rode to tbc elt.r
>lt.v J«
refunded. Price S3 cenu per box. For Eggs, perdosen...
ed th______
tbe. uianattboBdiSk wUlfurntoh inspiration enough for h,
borara, who- appear to be the first to thv culprit aud h<'l|ied
-------------B. B Wait
sale bT
<f- O. Johnson and
Potatoes, per bn...
Teap the benefit of better timea.
in to lamk tbc oBrtidtT. Oniii
iloracbir who was wauted wholeweek. They are a part of God's gjod tohavewetyooegsio; Goodda^
aome insUneea tbe wage* of akillad fora rather serious olfenw eliwwhctc,
core forcare. Please ioviteyonrfrieDdsi ••Tbenkyon. Gogdday."
Bow to Prevent Oronp.
Placed in yonr rrsidenre f
great giant of a man. big enough to mt aad neigbbers to come and sing.
[ "I don't think I could bsye ben
day by the NonberD Tele
We have two children who are anbThe apeeial eanvau of the S3 oono- two or three ordinary j>oll<vinea. Tbe
Please notice tbe evening services mlnokai.” be mnUenid as be wslked
1. 44<Mt
jeet to attacks of croup. When* ver an
ttee of the state for mortgage and in­ wagon Iwlng under way, tbe prisome •re a half hoar earlier now.
hlong. "and y«"—
loukid alsial him. and. srolng thn maoattack is coming on my wifr gives them
"1 wander, now." mued tbo little
terest atatlatle* is nearly ewpleted, tier of man with whom he was uavriing—
Cbamberlain's Ck>ugb Bemrdy and it
Busisesa VAHUS.
there being bat foar more coantica to a mtlii-rsiimll riad IndhlduHl. Whn
always prevents tbe attack. It to a
rr. B. Sotobrrr. Paalor.
sbe harried down
bonsebold ueereaity in thlsooDotryand
hear from. Tbe tabaUUoo tbowa that
Cbaren on tbe coraer of Ninth and did meet tb^t man before, and I'd give %i . Block.
DO matter what else we run oat of. it
mortgagee upon farm property
wurJds to kuow who the people were
would not do to be without CbamberWadsworth aUeett ,.’
have b ea d:v -v'a«ed tfauhaands In
that patrol Wagon was the rrtvjttai lo
laia's Cougb Remedy. More of it to
that treated tne eo badly and when and
Sunday services ate SK follow*:
R’lmb'ts aid rn‘ f vi. in '’■‘'lam aa of a muA tuagnlUcciit tight. Tb<' iioIn- of
sold berr than of all other coo|« madlThere
will be i
'"• ---------"
Sunday where they did U!"—Cbicago Tribane.
nines combined.—J M Nil-klx. of Niedom^areu. w 4 tn
..c tue rate of tiw ondaught slarttd tbc luirNcw end
tbvni tosweneout of tbeir uiurw. The
kle Bros, merebanta. Nicklevdle, Pa.
tlaUreat l\iI b
been materially redaeed jivk «h« V .Ihn O'Rrlcn. the driver, to the pastor.
For sale by H. E. Wait.
Ereots in tbi-mselvce uf little Impor- lO.Wem^la <'«. Block^
Ib-bf inaUBces. The nam Btm-i. Muniilug bitu, snd m the louM.'n(.d
In a nnmbdlebl
Old fa»blon in dress may be revived,
Sunday acbool at 11:30 a. m.
tnnoo we often etfU-em of tbe greatest
bat Doo'd-fosbioned medlelne can rebar and amoant oi mortgagee upon rrins fluppid over thu bsuiichiw of ilie
town and eiiy property haa inereaaed. bon«a slrvndy uervou* buesuvo of tbc un­
usual cUnior behind tlititi, they bntled
Preaching at T:B0 p. m.
Tlila fact ia believed to prove that tbe furiously. Woavlog amiss ond zigzagging
B MOON. PhrMcton sa
Mid-waek prayer meeting at •..ff) or oor worldly intcrenx Oppartnnitire xrr
W . (smt of tbr »r* »nS 1
aerchanta and manafactnrers nre more back along tbe wMu Mtveel th<-y thundered
ct life we geitmlly vslnc ia stmnge oner.
Urwbw Booxl ot Poe
Opp-irtnniiie* placed ONU-rrUdrieh bloeka. 'Pboc
ready to inoeaae tbeir riaka for tbe on. dragging tbe swaying wagon load of «: “
All are welcome.
fight after them. One or two other polleewithin easy roacb< by which tbe bluMpnrpoee of extending U
Placed in yonr rMldenee, ior .le^
onacB (Ki-uuorAL) cbl'Sch.
meo. Hvlng^e runaway as it Oashid un­
ingx of spiritual life are made pnscable
a day bv tba Northern Telepbone
or to o^ake new vcntarea.
der tbe gaslight and then fiitbd into ihe
Oo. 440-6t
Commlaaioner Cox fartker aaya that darkiMM lx
Board, oUJwU>«tAlaztitlas.
the repcwu of tbe eute factory ioapeot- the team, b
abont it, while tbe chsuce for a little
XBlgU T«^ fiaelan at Pittatarg.
oenter of tbe street tbe «
AD avenue.
^ora abow a large inereaae
gain of a wreJdly kiud. a little advan­
were far away.
One tare for round trip. Sell Get. Sth
Morning service aad aermern at 10:30.
amonnU inveated in mannfactoring
tage over oor fellow txuiti. we ralce in
They were hastened on tbeir fogltlve
to Iktb letttrn Oct. 17lh. Can extend to
oor tbuoghts as a remarkalJe pi(«-e of -Q C. MOFPATT. AhRfart* of THJo.^ M Oek 31st. Most direct ronte. sbzrrtert
A eaavaaa of wagea in ronrse by the ever Im-reaslog noise Iwhlnd
Sands? acbool at 1S:00«. m.
od Ifurtano. And do we not cougratntlma.
'thla brnncb ahowi a marked improve­ from which thty were flwlng, but frutn
which tb<7 swnicd Unable to withdraw.
Vesper service at 6:is p m.
C. E. MvauAr.
aasr. Agent
tote Ioor frieoito np>m all tbe good
ment. and indicatee that the child la­ Tleroer. florrer the battle belwivn the two
C. I« tsnwooD, O. P. A T.
All are cordially invited to these ser- earthly fortnoe that conics to them, bnt
bor problem to being rapidly aoived in ibeDn-aged In tb.-narrow cnflm-* bets wn
Oread Ba^a
bow little do we have to say to them on
tbe teals of tbe pstml wagon, the huge tore.
Michigan. Many
-placed os tbe department records tor bulk of tbe aroused crook ttMciIng the
lives. Even oor good will for onr
stanch grit and courage nf Ortiisliy, she. rv.J. A. BrcsCj pa tor.
6 East Ninth stmL
Arbor, •
tbc first Ume this year. wbUe bat <
friends to ont (d perspectivel-wHelper.
IvsiKT man ; blow s wen* listtctid U[sm the
X S(bMn
Salidsy4ireaebingatn:Ma. m. and
tew have aaspended operations.
face of tbe mniggllng pollcvinan. but still
Tbe repoT^ from incorporated eltiea
Morning snbjeet: •‘Thr-Tcinll>.'’
Miss Tackaberry will receive ber
Oor own {salts and failures '-onU
and vUIages demoostraU that millions wagon, but the uiliucr fought bark
at tbe opening ol
of ber new
ofdoUsn have been InvMted in van- wrap{xd bliuself closor. 'VVIlh bis own This will be an introdnetion to a serifir •BHtljE^oBe would think, sr'..icnl ^C*tWAST*X»—Applr s
-lors in the
' £Smith bntid
•asmaiiicipal improvementa. the bnlk club Ormsby was Unleii. and the glgnntlc of sermons on The Holy Spirit. Even­ pangs of pcBtie&ce to tecup;.- 1 h. t jairt
and Saterday. Elegant pattern
item bate.
of it having gone into sewemge nnd prisoDiT Mntonxl every effort on reaching ing subject; "'The Prodigal Son." of ctmscienco which todcvoi .1 : - lament
aniion aad tbe iatcal beantifnl ef(be polle-ftuan's revolver, his own having This has been called tbe pearl and over sburtcomingx Ft-w of na bare
Revsrd oltsrrd. Ptsdrr
fecta. 466-51.
already twen lo»l tix-rbrsird. Ho caught crown of all tbe parables of eeriptnra. reached tbut happy state of pcrfcctioo sod
Irsrr St B
Money is very easy in all aectiona as a tl.s-tlng gnisji upon It onre—s grasp
Todsy we commence a special line in which we can gi’
have to watch onr own coudnet,
- compared with recent yearaamall deal­ wbieh was I iiough to send a InsII flying at
random through the air, senrring «>rmsHrDce we give a special is- gnard against lemptation, and when
er* and operators that dare not ask for IT.'s I'-k In Its intiisii and Ibo
Tttation to all not attending lellgions overcome ooufeai oor siuB to oar heav­
a loan two year* ago having no difiienl- fear of the horso by Us ilis.-hurgv. But
enly Fatbtffwiibbeartfcltsorrow. Om- .lUlTraiaSBastMiDtbatrral. til Si.
the pnliceiuan. ivfxtgnizing bis own in­ serviers elsewhere.
tj la finding neeommodatiost now.
Thorsday—General Prayer meeting •clcnce holds n red to check ns when ^^Aimnwiood r-U^ble
feriority In mivngth. with a Jerk of his
There has been a great increase in the wrist threw the weapon nut from falm. It I 7:30 p.m.
erriug aud to drive ns iu tbe right way
renlrs5!^rr*plir'hrtoa"4 rolIrrt'wiU. Wn«I
prodncUoD of coal in Michigan over fell on the stone p-tv-i^ueiil. and aiicrtb-r
Please Uke notice that tbe time of shonld tbo kindly impahie of doty fail
former years, and it to claimed that tbe
reniog serviee to changed from 7:3o to
rod conscience to-'.cmea a acoorge to riser.Cblraso- 4IIA.
best wages paid to coal miners is tbe
They flew through the town and struck
a« In
ptuiisb os with rciuorse for onr die' United SUtes are received by those of
obi-dii'tice. Tbto is task aon^ fdr con- nrirslr fa'orrr •nurfhlns tx
e *dMicblm. Moat favorable reporu have
drr-.JaboA.TI.*r.7SWr.l -d PUcr. Cblc-s•Ai" Writlag Ceatett
-been received from tbe npperpeninsolt, ger of It bnitul. clour jiiidnlgbt
-k reeeired by oapraw direct bM
many iliues muUlpIltd on the narrow dirt
Parents ol school children are very
where there bsve been new discoveries roBiU cut by gulli<-s nnd brazen by ridges.
BtreM Cars la Maaua.
rpo BVjer-No a» W*,blo*W>n «trr
Keaeiaberncieber>OysterBonM la lb
often at a lees tc know how to keep
All tbo riKct ciiis iij [itouiyof Ma­ t qnlrvofCeorire WilkiBiu 4404f
of iron and copper. Tbe depnty who But all the danger HViiied Insullkicnt to
only beodijuarters ( r good. Sret elsis oysteti
Ibek- cblldren onl of mischief in the nila were iua<le iu America. Tbe open
has charge of thU sectino closet hto ooi'l Ihr ardor of ihetaUilng men In the
afternoon Soma chTldre
FkUligt MUHU loUDIlL
bloc wag<io. nrujsby b.srd the hollow
IS JU...
feet ..
fl .x.-ura
iiK-hes autiK
Iodr over O r»prrtrn«» 10 ..., ,------ -r.-- — report with tbe sutement that mud sound
play on tbe street against tbeir.
of tbeir ixissagoover wooden bridgos
eels' wishes, olbers muoe 'sbou<,4 'S,'; dashere and have a ecutiag repachy of |
diflleulty Is being experienced in seeor- and felt tbe canvmingof the Idg vehicle as
80 passengeni. Tlusi-enrrare
mto drawn
ujaipu by----uj ,
—. i
boDse sll tbe time crying. "Mai-----ing needed help in several commnsi- It crashed troni ride to side. Mumeniorlly
I want tometblng U> do." bchooi.
ties. and that the lombermeo complain be caught dizzy glliupeos of idght lamps
c^ldren. and for that matter moth I size
In the outlying huuxec which shot post
that tbey cannot find enyogb men will- them as they progruased. He
sisters and ! was Ibcreforu ueausMirT to luske them ■nsolB »AL*-BoUer aed stesw e^ee. al
lie lM«ud
Iwwid IUie
may be in a | extremely light and at the same time r Omesa. Ireoire or »4dr»i» SA bat
-ing to go into the woods,although Ihcv yelping of the dc«sr xbich. rous.d fr.mi
profeaaion. in bosii
I •trrel. Al'reC Dsteakolb.
or whether! of tbe rts«lnd sirenglli. 'fbe street
are offering from S:15 to SSO per month rniiti'iuiilallon of Ihe moon, tailed Ixdiliid
nnd boardWhile the war scare early the wagon, luirking new frenzy Into tlxUnwiuriid horM S. He heard the ehiilleiigo
W * w^~lngoilns’ »r*im VeJT.oilm'are
in tbe year brongfat mattera to a tern of the sentry at the gate of the fort, and
sure aad at the aame I
porary standsUU, tbe declaration of almost before the hnil was UtP-nd the
atldOe'elooba si.
nALx-Weal workn. ooto bnlliller oa4
......................•Till M-n "t
war and the activities which foltowed wagon with its uiundsnt clamor was In­
oonro MOBTW.
the lines of tlx- garrison and was over
M J, ror»r. ae^Trs
greatly Improved many lines of trade. side
io do it: Write J._ I Will Opes ny Btw tters
1 dlt' h nnd nrros n sidewalk and out Into
uT'f^r 8. Beada A Co., tbe I
tbe inrnde ground and, crashing against
i .fp Horsesrsod• re>-.. . ...
clothiers and men's farnishers Tbey i for business about Tiiesdsy with
a tree, was shattered ami ov<-nurnid and
Three l>octon in Ub&milUtloa.
offer ihies prizes in. ad-writlag con­
looM-msl from the trapjiiugs of the horses,
eboeolates. tine creams as nine ns fa-paroiml oa^ liwo g1»m »n balaa
test. namely, SIOOO in merchandise
which, with a lost boiiibardimml of kick,
fron BeslsaU PraekllB. *
there are sold
>ld and as Tne a* there___
for tbe best and most original ad;
made. Cirar* and ‘lobaccos of alt,
$5.00 la meretaandise for the best aad
'‘When you are sick, what yoa like
Tableu. eniiveinpes.
^ tberoraerof EtoSlbond biesotreeu. Ne» Oneksaig............... Arr
' and $3.00 io
ebnee for a mediclisera i“e*as tbu singletrees and the i
best is to be ebneen
stdevslk Io (root ol lot. Ftmteosue* lakes It.
sod -nueiiage.
OMkoma ............. Lre
la cf vcbiclu struck Ihe flagstones.
tbe first place:
place; cvbat
experience tells
et to look over my line of
1 tabtets Io.julr« of Ttaoa T. Botes Keeord oSo*.
Each sd entered >0 the
Onakaaa Jet........ Lre
a is
Is bwl.
beat, to be ebuaen
in tbe second
Oklsf Lake............ **
ition the lines
place: what reasooli.
BeorOreok............. **
imelv; clothing,
It btft U> be ciursen in tbe last^plMe. Mulis, remaining sirangvdy clmw ingr-ther
logs and bats. All ads must
Bat if yon exn get ; . laclinsUoD, Or. through It all. Tbe ofllottf of the guard

raiue nuhlng and found thivn gory
Uittered tle7. hud fulleii, the
handle «re«h ystore diiect from Bal
•S iwst o^es that can be taken.” I "'"n m:’-on« imi. fn.m thcoonrussloq and
and see me. as you are
Uipiugb tbs
When you have a bad cold Dr. la-j
niar'sBvIi^....... "
welcome. 's»nt forget the plsca.___
n him.
will be publUhed in tbe daily papers,
wponnaan IZItl.
l^t evety one try, tbe young and old
bke ya............... “
Union iftre‘1. H. B. Tatuan
i.rtrt,.. ,.Jd .4
rpo BXNT-Sereo rooei bonso wi*b small
,____ Jtand
k barn on im. No. »S Hiaie street. C. T.

cnee won1d recommend U beeanae it
OraWD. r:: WXsblorton sireett tj; tl
Botch's Oresmsg.. “
never fails to effect s speedy and orr- ifiitid he mi ;bt g.t ugitii lop.y bead and
manent -care. Dr, Beaaon would rnebe SUP-that.
ommend it because it to prepared t a
M aad tbe J. X tirellieh foetonr. risd- Trarenoaty....... Are
....■sli;:! t p
I by at Rsreaa of•cientific priaciplea. and acta ou nastun-; -si
flee, m tf____
tare's plan in relieving tbe Inng*. mil i;.e
opening the aecretions and reatoring .iut Iu ilx’lmTTyl
'liiiTTyl g..i
g'.i fcl- I >.thsnd locked
the ayatem to a nstoral and healthy
my rt.:hl
II. gild 1.0 kvpi ri;.bt onI putting
coDditloo. For sale bv ti. E. Walt
op lot. i.iiui
iiu L fight for Ini'. Mill. U dli
rashiDgtoo street.
worry iix- louch. for 1 (hat even if
t wos klllisi hi- coi.hl:i t g<-l away. I
Tbe W. W. KimbnU FUno.
Uireu' till- Ixys away with my gun.”
<SpProf. Weilenstem never performed
on a piano in n more arUstie mnnner lain, end wiio bi.d Uvn thiough ix-srly Hu
(lisas. ArtBS U«e of Coco, sad otber comyothan be baa tbit week on tne Kimball years of tU-hii. g looked auuilriugly aS
Un; little scrub of 3 puliivmuii.
oles. X a. Alton, rrledrleb Block.
"tVonld ycuicind.’ vviiiurcdOniuby,
guaiilloi iattmi
D me
past few years and today
rrsdn) (or
rreon tip (oiks Kae$
little onre 'o p
standiI (we-emlnently as oi leof tbe very I'll have to go with him on uceuuut uf
Isxjk ebarimBxAe'Wfal,
ebarimBxAe'lirW(al.e»pllrailne. Prirrs
beat plAos mannfactured These who the
p'ace oae of these instnimenta in their
dotis sellem. Nottalnx flkr
anilth s tool tu thUiwrl.” hold the luilitory
guldeo borrestfor eoergeile work
man. and. slthougii tbchu^I iial wiu-con­
gireo Freisbi t«ld. Blgeest
. 'momenU than
venient, be Indeed that Ormsby lx- c»iOaifll witb samples ol all four
ving tbe instrameot and listening rt<d to bis oW <;ur.n<!rs for silicbli.i:.
AendlwslreTeeoc slamps.lor ua.n
to iu
bamlaglog ojra tying up.--Ciilcngo Beca Bioixb with our earloslre ynrvnUm.
ald of Sept »
___NsTioxAL Boos CosrsBs, JcmiLS Dsrr.
N E btrong it msnager rt W. W.
Kirabsll branch store. ?35 Front street,
Uvlug C.S
IMaverse City.
"le acniit to iix-llgit you make ratbrra
•TtacMcUeas. fTt___ ______ ^
bruad ■tMeuiciit wlxvi you sii half the
migcx eip^A^ nA.^—ri
people in ibis • on wind. Wbo
are sum.-of thimr”
“Well, tbe lax-yers, tte dnnnibcn. tbe
Placed In your 1
book ogvntJ, the ■
............... - .
_____________ . *.A.IOt*BUe
t a day by the Nor
s- w-e-riiniasAM,.
^ Co. no 61

The Indnstrial Oonditloiia in
lUchig&n Improring.

Fnrntobod by the Bmpartiw OhttrAka

.. I






Oysters! Oysters!

Famois Baltimore Coujits,
Selects aat Staailinls.


IVbT.EJ'.'ST’° I





wrihr^i ^icVtharii




UkVo.-- \

Practical Embalmers
•-* Funeral Directors.
318 Union Street F>;,fiSS5rS:x,‘S.




A Complicated Condition of Affairs Brought
About by the Ambitions of the Various
Leaders of the Insurgents.

hand, but from reporta he ia loalns more
than he la ftalnlns. He baa a very formidahle rival for leadenblp ia the perbe settled there, so tar aa they are con­ aon of General I’lo niar. who until re­
cerned. a new aource of trouble baa'kris- cently had never been beard of. He
SB among the native chiefs, which has waa one of Aftulnaldo'a irenerala until
cauaed the American offleera In com­ he conceived the Idea that hr wanted to
mand some little anxiety and has also he the rullns power. Both he and Airulbeen the R)eaas of keeping the people of naldn are ahrewd and cunnlnc and will
nil the Islands in an unsettled condition, atop at nothing In order to attain their
There Is no telling at the present mo­ ambltiuj. They aeem to fear no cunaequencea. The maneuvering and achemment Just what
B-Ril the
uie outcome win De.
The cause
ir for the unemslDeM Is the Ing of these two men In order to get
struggle hel
eotV-n the mure prominent control of the tribe# and the smaller
« the native# in a conInsurgeat ctaii
ctaie\fcr control of the nafear and unseitlednesa
Inrldebtally'conlml of the
Uves and Inci
until now they do not know which way
. which they appear
cpUmlstlc enough to believe that they to turn for retlet.
One la aa Incompetent as the otbar.
wlU be allowed to esUbllah for themaalvea. In fact, tbey have no.t taken In­ Both are half breed# and have little ed.
to conalderetlon the VoUed Plates or urnticn. yet they seem ts have magnetwhat this country la.going to do with lam enough to draw the people to them
s iB^lhe far east which and to do with them iuat about a# ey
please. Much I# knomn of Aguln. to
and bis ambitions. He baa shown ve.v
Ever sipei
_ the
_ clearly
what he wants to do. and ho
1 in <be Philippines
tgVe been under the Impreiislcn that j <■ using all the power he can muster
-'■'what the Americana Old In the way of ■ among the tribe# and IheIr chiefa to
bringing the Spanish to terms waa being - urge them to assist him in gaining recdone for them. They offered little as- ! ognltl..n as •'dictator of the Phlllpplnea."
alstance to the troops, aod it la a well '
la known of hi* moat formidublt
known fact that they-dld not gain one | rival. Plo Pilar. It la certain, however,
of .the point! of vantage during the l that he is a shrewd native and by bla
before Uanlla. the chief city of the | cunning has gathered around him many
tslanda and the stronghold of the dona. | of those who formerly arcoided alleYet when It waa all over they expected glance K> Agulnaldo. Then Is little
to be< allowed to enter the town and In I permanent advantage In this, however,
their half aatvge way loot and plunder | fur the underchiefs are not to be trustthe inbabltanU.
M any more than are Pilar and AgulAgulnaldo, a half breed, has been I naldo, and they are cunltnuatly ahlfting
looked upon as the leader of the Inaur- from one faction to another, keeping
centa. He baa until recently ruled them their tribes people in a constant state
aa he chose. Now it la different, and If of restlessTiess and the country la an
ha la anxious to hold his poeKJon be ! unsettled condition.
wUl have to make a hard fight for It | Another Insurgent chief who haa reMany of the leaser chiefs have begun > cenUy come lo the front as an aay 'rant

of riches have cajoled them into all
kinda of dangers and kept the country
lo a state of ferment.
The chiefs of the smaller tribes are as
bsd ss the lesdets. snd they will stop
at nothing to acquire wealth. They are
unstable and unreliable, and they go
from one aide to the other, according to
the best temporary promises made
them, and It may be stated right here
that these promises are seldom lived
up to,
Hazv writers assert that the Philip­
pine Islands contain the richest lands
In the world. They are largely In a
crude aute. and their great poaslbimk-s
have been undeveloped. The virgin fore exceedingly valuable In them-

Und of LusoB are T^ls. They are
undersized and from their appearance
Are lacking In brain power. They are
Indolent, docile, light hearted, exceed­
ingly good naiured and wonderfully
brave In emergcnclea. At times they
seem lo be devoid of fear and when
once stirred wlU fight until the last
drop of blood Is spent if they can be
made to believe that (hey are strugsllrg
against oppression, and Incld.ntally It
may be menlloned that tbelr anger is
easily aroused.

from the lam cities and coast tosrns
are little better than savages. They
have tbelr own forms of •governroenl,"
which la of the-tmudest possible type.Tbe chiefs are virtually kings and ruis
with rods of Iron. They do not bother
the coast people, but when tbelr terri­
tory Is encroached upon tbey resent It.
aa did the Indiana of our own country
until tbey were forced lo submit lo the
wishes of the government at Washing­
ton. These people hare little or no use
for Agulnaldo and his followers.
Nsturally dUbonest themselves, they
assume that everybody else Is afflicted
with the same Idiosyncrasy. Tbey are
sallsAed with themselves and are witl­
ing to be let alone and not to twther the
other tribes. They are supcmitious
and while being of a retiring nature are
easily angered and led to destruction
and disorder when Infuriated.'
The riaayaa have their own-chlefa
and govern themselves. They fight
their own battles, and while they were
enemies of the Spanish tbey did not
combine forces with either Agulnaldo
or any of fats chiefs The Ulndanaoa
sad Uotlem Ualars cannot be calletf
Insurgents. They have never acknowl­
edged Spanish dominion.
Agulnaldo has adopted peculiar meth­
ods In getting rid of some of his gea-

themselves. There is no doubt thM
when the time comes to act Cncle 8MI
will have some difficulty la making tbS
Insurgent chlefa understand that b#
and not tbey will direct affairs In tbt
Pblllpplaes and th'at. like the Indian^
he will have to subdue these samldvle
Used pMple before peace will finally bfi
obtained. There can be no question as
to wbai would be the result of a conflict
between the United BUlet and tbC
tribM of savages that Infest the richest

as weU If i
-real of the laaurgent oblefs who asrlgSto became leaders would Uke Vncl*
Bam into consideration, tor be Is. after
all. the one who will decide as to who U .
and who la not going to rule over tbs
. Aa Basllah Raboaa. .
The deed of heiolsm performed OS
the Herrtmac In Santiago harbor re­
calls I be act of an English boyl of thg
same name sbo lived in the Isle of
Wight. One day news came that tbs
Uritlab fleet was In the offing. Touac
Hobson ran down a back lane lr> tbs
Bhc'cc. shored off the first rowboat bS
found bandy, pulled for the neansk
ventel and enlisted In what proved to

abound lo mlnerala. and the.«artb needs
very UtUe cultivation lo make It bring
forth nearly every kind of fruit or veg­
etable known to man. Aa has been al­
ready suted. little has been done In the
way of calllvatlng the flelda. This Is
owing to. the Indolence of the natives

\ \
The two fleets engaged In ttaeehaansl,
and the admlrel'B ship waa locksA
yardapn to yardarm with the leading
vessel in the French fleet. While the
battle raged the Ud Hobson asked aa
able seaman, "What are we trying ta
••Do you see the ftsg Up there?" sat4
the sailoT. lo the Frenobmaa'a
•Tes." said the boy.
"Well. »e want lo get that down."
said the man.
Presenlly the Bngliah crew raised •
mighty shout of exuiution. snd/tba
French saw that their flag was gOBS..
Instantly the order to board was obey-'
ed. and after a short reslsUnce UM
French ship surrendered.
•Who saw Ibe French colors sbak
away?" Nobody could answer till a
mue figure was seen sliding down tba
shroud* with something wrapped undea
m hit o«l
to the enemy's masthe
ind'ln tb
heat of Bct>on had cut
r Frencbm
halyards and taken possession of It. The b
boy was promoted ts
tbe quarter deck, and by continued gal-

- W*

"Dewey's firmness has astonished Germany."—Berlin
Press Dispatch,
the addition of the battleships Iowa and Oregim. l»-th of which v
Jewey will have the largest and moat p<iwerful i
id and Japan, wli' *

to feel (bat they have as much right to
the higher places as he has. It la not
that they want to rule for the ben^t
of the people of their several tribes.
Qaile the contrary, tor they care noth­
ing for them. Tbelr ambitions are to

for the leadership Is General Uakabulos. He is the chief of the Insurrectionlsu Id three provinces—Pampanga,
Zambales and Tarica—«nd haa bis head­
quarters at Ban Fernando. While bla
ambltlnna. tike those of the others, run
la the dIrecUon of premiership, be Is not
yei sufficiently strung to make himself
felt He refused .to attend the meeting
of Aguinaldo's cabii
and has lemporaniy taken sides with General Plo Pl! lar against tbelr
| The majority of the
several tribes are In ai sMisavsge
and are now easily >kclted into the
commission of acts that under s strict

tunes for themselvea. In this they
not unlike the SpanUh officers w ho
.. have ruled over the islands, and, ns It
. is saia that the pe^rple of the Phlllpplna are apt scLolor£. there Is little
doubt that they have uhen lessons
grom some of the higher officials who,
when leaving the Islands, took all they
could carry safely. They not only loot­
ed the treasury, bat compelled the peo­
ple to |>ay heavy tribute.
would l>« given them by the United
nth thi' idea of amasslDE fortunes States they wuuld not dare attempt.
In their present condition roost of them
of mllng the people, nearly every
can be eatifly led Into anything when
of any prominence and many of the they arc u.ld by their chlett that It Is
omalter one* have become csandldates for their U-noOt. In reality it Is usnally
for the ixmltinn of ruler of the pro- the chief who hopes to curry favor with
f apeeUve republic, which. Uke Ponce de fats superiors and receive some of the
' Lteon's fountain of everlasting youth. spoils If the undertaking la saeeeasfoL
This selflah policy baa Injured the caUM
o at present bolds the whip of the nallvea very materlaUy. Both

and addltlon^ly to the heavy bur-

tl la this class of setnlsavaywhich. In a great majority, the forces '
that have been lighting under the lead­
ership of Agulnaldo snd General Pilar
A new electric sign Is fitted with a
are composed. These two men seem to of tbe chiefs hsve shown in whst dlree- I
*»>lch an operator eiu
have complete control over Ibeir follow- ' tlon their smhl.lon. rua. ^>ariy all of!
era, and they obey their com>nan>ls Uke them want to l.e leaders, aHhough only i ‘"Uches the keys to clow
letter■ •
so many trained anlmala They seem a few have been bold enough lo declare : •“« 'f.
to have no minds of tbelr own. They themselves. It Is the plan followed by [ «>» sn adtertlsemepl or mesaage.
have been in. subjection no long that ' Agulnaldo to dampen the ardor of thess { BtereopUcona are being used for •
they have come to (eel that they have : aspirants to the position he has selected I new purpose In Europe, a frameworE
no rights other than those the leaden for hlmaetf that shows how much of being made to fit over the shoulden
choose to extend them.
cUiUsatlon he has In his make up. |
^ser and auBPort tbe lantwiC^
The middle islands of the arrhipelagn Borne of tbe few who have been bold | rhlch may be carried around to throw
are Inhabited by another class of peo- enough to sp<-ak ihetr minds have n
I advertu-menu on walls or buildtngi.
usly dlsap
ippeared after having been I Surgeons' tools, rasora, etc., ran ba
le. who, although far from being civnoned by the chief •Tor a conierIsed. are a much superior race lo the
Tagals. These are the Vlaayas. In
ure they are ii.ore powerful than foollah enough to visit the wily iraneraJ
the top of the coveVtThol4
of the other tribes and are serinua
I tbe tools, while a dMnfectant Is dtsdignified. cUnnIsh and deep thinkers.
ichstged Into the chamber by an atoia■
' only on very rare oceaslons
(hat they have anything to do with
their neighbors. Tbey spend tbelr time
in tilling the soil and reaping the re­
----------- ------------- i nasr,
sults of their labor. They. too. like (he let It become known that they an
curving rods extending up on a lias
Tagals, have been conquered, but. tin- bitlous and seek the premlenhlp are with (be waist to throw tbe side wbsMg
held by Agulnaldo as prisoners, while It Into action as soon as tbe rider isaas CS
the foraer, are not so oaxloui
Is said that others have been executed one side.
revenge. Tbey sre very friendly
af traitors on trumped-up i
Americans and English and wot
Cigars and cigarettes are being atsaoAgulnsido. whatever else
willingly be governed by either nf Cbrae
fsetured In England with a plug of ab­
I nations. E'ben a counclt was held
sorbent material located near the ea4
! renily for the purpose of getting all t^e
Co he placed In the mouth to Intercept
D qome under the I
tbe poisoDout nicotine, a mouthpisea
I. the ViBsyas. Papuans* and prove bis cmdUlon. There Is nothing being also provided composed of apOl
straw cemented to a reUInlag h«ws

brought about by some of the more
bltloiy DsUvea through efforts ostensi­
bly designed to relieve Ibe people of a
galling yoke, but which are In reality
arranged lo afford the leaders the op­
portunity to amass private fortunes.
Besides -oelng rich In natural re-;
has fouad means to effectually dispose
sources tbe Islanda and there are hun­
of the sspiratlons of some of tbe
dreds of them, are large In area, l-uamong tbe Filipinos who
soD, tbe principal one of the group and ed. The two latter peoples are the best have come between him and thf end be
the one on which the most Important of the lot. Tbey are better educated Is struggling to obuin.
cities and seaports are situated, con­ and are. In abort, (be finest cUsa lo be
The Insurgents under bla command
tains as much territory as the sUtes of found Is that section of the world, with have succeeded In intrenching them­
Vermont. Haasachusetts. Rtaode.lsland, the exception of tbe Japanese. It Is tbe selves In tbe towns and fortified chles
Connecticut. New Jersey, Delaware and doubt ss to tbe ultimate poslttcm of vacated by or captured from the SpanMaryland. There are nearly as many these natives
tarda They have not bc-en Interfered
different types of people In the various
has restrained the chiefs from with by tbe American troops, and the
Islands SB there are Islands themselves. open demonstration* against each other teadera, especially Agulnaldo. who had
All are In a semisavage atate.and fewof to determine in whose bandi tbe real already proclaimed himself "dictator."
the natives have bad any Aucaflon at Btrength Ilea,
but wi
all. Tbey are in many respects like the
lake all tbe rest of tbe
Indians of our own country, with the people who inhabit that pan of tbe command, believe that It was through
difference that the Indians are nataral- glot*. tbe natives of the FhUlpplnes are. their work that tbe Spanish were beat­
ly a brighter people.
not capable of governing themselves,. en and that tbey have the right to oc­
Two-tHIrds of tbs residents of the is- Those who live In tbe Interior and sway cupy the Islands and ran them to suit

Eueer Freak •( s IhcU.
"Sbelto are queer things," sags Ad­
miral Schley. "I noticed one man
standing wii> his hands graaptng a
hammock rail as a obeli struck tha
ship, ricochettrd and burst. One piece
of the metal cut the rail on one side o'
bla hand. Boolber on tbe other side, s
that be waa left standing with a short
section of the -all still grasped In his
hand. Another portion of the sbeB
passed over bla shoulder sad aaoihsr
between his legs. He waa sarprlSsfc
but wasn't hurt."
Portage stamps came ixSf -utetaaea



VbUebntUnJcof tangiblepnoticanaRlatino waa enacted at the recent acaalon of < g*~'
« anprciiw lease, yet the meanitw olTorod , ^
td lesulutlonr dlacuaed. as they were, {

tnaod that Is growing MtoninT and sUtmpvr In nil ports of the cuntry for the most
«M« HMt«r «r tlw Oa»! CMM4I •! Blringcnt cootioiiiy on the part of grand
and su|itvtnc IsnIIos and for a eoDsIderable
mlueilon Id the alee of tbese badlcaand
mwt«rcpftb«irru>^eouncllar R
the iNir dieroaud iDU«ageall«waneea made
and Seloot
to ropn-aenl^lrm. It
fraltray* takes tiioe
tun o( thi< iitate of aod agliailon to acom
New Torb, was
born ID Holm- siun of the aorcrrlsn body clearly demon|
•ledt, Gomuinj-.lD stratos tbat the avurage meinher fenlt that ' pe­
186S. Hi. Komcr tite tloic Is ripe for a radical roform in I
WM made • Ua•OD In Kane lodge
in IiIkS, waaezalt/ ad to the K<val
Arch in Adt-lphI
1«M of paying beoofllo.
Hon. Wmiain B. Gale of Boston rceigii'
affiliated with
h Jeruailcm chapter
He wa» bnlithtud a^iron
Id Civur de Lion
nt sossloD from Are to three n
oomraandcry In bers.
ISSN and n-aa t«ccivea
ccirrd ana
and gmtf
greet- { The RathhoncSIstcrs Is a lirlght gem In .
nEbSBICX CAIC1TB. ed a Rsiyal and the Hytblan galaiy and able to take earo
e8t6Cl-~B>rO t06 jUQftd.
Meet Uastor In Adel■Inblo council iDlofltwIf- Tho order has IH grand temples ^
•. Kanb r bos boon | «>d 0T8 suixsnilnsto temples, with 40.«00
IMS. Intheootmcll Mr...............................,
1. and after sera Ing In sub- i nicmbers. of which 84.1AW
..............- ’
Mrs. J.


ftt this advertisement, until you have called and seen the goo Is we tell you about. ^
Then we won’t need to ask you to believe these statements, because your own judgment -»
will tell you that what we Bay is true—every word.
.pom»o ™ S,
offering the greatest values in siriotly new and desirable articles of wear, 3
"“thS'Sa! it Ihdt have ever been shown in Northern Hichigan. A big boast, to be sure it la, but the 3
It goods and the prices we have put on same will back it up. Ton—the one most Inter- ^

t Who Looks

wrvad as grand marshal, grand <•
One iDcasuro which m<«t inembeni will ^
of the eonnell, grand oaptaln of Ibo guard
and os deputy grand master. At the last
tbercsoMmion of thes grand council he was duly Inllun gflenti to reduce the mileage to t
claotcd and installed grand master of the tents a mile Instead of B amts. As the
council of Royal andMwIect Mas_
----- railroads rarely charge over 8 cenU
Beta. Mr. Kantar is also grand repre-j mile for tickets to such |
MCtatlve of ths grand eouncil «if Hbode | mem a wsst^ul fonn o
bland andadclegatetotbe board of relM. | give the members afi allowance of » cenH
The Masons who Intend to attend
tend the I! IIT* 8 nnts morn for each mile traveled than
amount paid by them to the railroads.
triennial conclave at Plttsbutg. which j
» daring the second
week In Octo- j John S. (irahom Is now grand chancel................................
ber, will be pleasanUy surprised liy Um ' lor of Pennsylvania and O.wrge Uawksa
•plendl^ floral welcome that awuits them. ; grand ka<per of records and seal.

The Ladies Are
More Than Pleased

^i| After The Boys
—Th‘ littio follows—like the moth­
ers dol* They’re the ones who sre
loterested in correct clothes—correel in quBlity--coiTect in durabih
ity—and correct in price. All Uiis
is bad in the soits yon buy at this
store. Sec ths new




— (H to R years)—Sjp-cial styles at
*2.00. $2.46, $3.00, $3.50, etc.



I Reefer Suits


. ,I Double Breasted

d at Huiie-



loln. to be oallcd Alexander LlboUbo
eonnell. No 1
j that Is la-lng brlrOy dlsruiMd b.v Kime of
Tbere are aevcral English lodgea. a ’
of «•*»
pmeh lodge, a Malar lodge, an Irish lodge I believe e g«-i>eral rule or Uw of U>ls kind
•nd a negro bidgo In Ca|f Town. An i
l»nefl« to the order.
>BserlrnD Mason can travel all ovit that • O'" imwt efflolviit nK-mbers In the work
taglon Hi |*r:.s!t sal. ty In Egypt o Ma- • "* **«>“•
dcr.rte rm«t time to the
•on Is csiitelully bou..r»d and piwa-fvd
;Stody of the work, who have the ls«t

Sew .............
York Dmiv are IT.OKB Rebekahs
TbeScottlsh Bite of Portland. Or., sub’In "
•nibed for lA.VOO of the war loan, having —T.lkM men. U.tmr women—a gain of
1.S83 for the year.
tha ready funds for tbat purpoaa. '
From a formal statement ntently mada
'to the bondbulderv of tliemugiilQoent Odd
Fellows' ^••Il1pV tn Pbiladeljihl
shown that there was an Indeliudneas on
s of ths Order 1:
the building of fl.ine.8IS. and that the
for Ibo year 1K«7 was bn*
I per cent on the


to $5.00.

Choice styles.

I Underwear

T%e yalticsare tl8 50 totia

<e:a<oelo'h* gl ”>^70
jB -ne'e cloths ^*7^ °
1 Far.ry cloths


Men’s Suits-


At 112.00. $13.50. II5.00,ete. asfine ^
as any man wants to wear.
faultless manner.


Top CoatsKstra fine garments at $13.50 to


Ladies’ Dress Skins, a:.""

For the men, women, boy’s and
children. All new styh



At $5.00, $6.50, $8.50, etc., that are 3.
extra nice at the prices.

Big line of

i Furnishing Goods

I £L.


Men’s Suits-

Meu's, ladies’, boys, girls’, child

' _

lost Received
^. 3
From the Makers.^.^'''3’



B Reefer Overcoats

The question ot r
u, ™ a*-,

$3 00
to flS.OO.


—(4 to 16 yeare)—Desirable styles,
PKitema, durable cloths, 8^ up to


The best values ever offered any*
when, any time, by anyone, are
now here, at this price.
Smooth or rough goods—elegantly
tailored, perfectly correct in cut, style, ^5 •
and finish.

59c to

la all klddstrfFur.

-(,3 to 8 years)—Nobby tbimis at
$1.25, $1.50, $2 00, riOO, $3.25. $4,
$4 .60, etc.



Imn^ense Line

% Vestee Suits

blratuTSoseof thateshlbitlonlnCbloaP^**"™*^** " *” «*'
go and has today the flneet display of tbat.
gort to be fonnd In America.
Blslng Sun Icslge af Ashtabula has an
10 lodges
eabrnken line of past masters covering a
period of 48 years, or from IKU down to
•he prceent day. The lodge was organised
iB 1818, and not a master from that date i
•0 18S6 Is alive, hot of the 80 men who 5
have been oallcd to the chair between the
jmtt IBUand 18H8 every one Is aUve and I
8,.80 members,
gstjoylng fairly good health today.
| The total tales of anpplles by the snThere are 80 residents of the Ohio Mb- rrern® *«>«•
dccroaiwl OS.B per ted*
«nlcbome_46 men. IS women, II gIrU
the pa« ria yoora
•ad 17 boys Slzdkddurtngthepast year. I During the last two years 100 new oemCallfornla knlghu will be very muA In 'of the unifom rank had been - •ridenoe at the-triennlal concUve. as Ren- , *»*■•«*•
"‘'Ich the number mend
ban B Lloyd of California eon.mandery I"
•rUlbeelectcdgrand masterofthegraadt'.‘.'’K*”‘^ lUlnolfc New *>-------nipment o! the L'nltcd^totca.
De Malay commaiHlety of LoalevUle
■ iriie drill at PlttsU act as csoort to
r. which has bam



A line of choice valoea
your eyes good.

4 anori*. aa4
.4»c aad I




i, tef►

tcsshlp JniraSO, 18H7.
726; adopted ;fnriBme, the receipts should
during the year, 890; admiti
»»; reinstated. W
The town of Wlntera In CalttornU. has
a very arllve and flourtslilDg Kebekah ‘



piWnt foods, aei.avi. 75: paid
•or relief. fl6.B4s.50 The aitinell metU' lows out there should wake up.
berobip June 80. 8.006: adopted during
r, 881: admitted by oani. 8t>; ivlnstatDdtd 666- ,«»‘«‘ffOhlo alooo lost year »665.87 per
. IIW;
8..S54; re^ 1^
I It Is the doty of the flnancisl orrretary ^ We ask you to look at the
ton-|ort membi'rs when one yrar in arpKBsmt f
; rears, but the lodge may aury thorn Id- ^
The prospeets for an inerease In mem- dcflnltelT If Itoododn*.
Tbuhonnrs must lie eerned fay service,
harshlp the mmlng year are cnn«l<l>-red
very good, ami nimsartK were adopud at and the lodge has bn right bi vote them.
•Us sewloD to begin artiva work.
The grand eeeretnryand assUtant grand
Poquol tribe of llroekum, having a new. oeerelary of the Jurisdiction of New Y'urk
Vp M date wlgwaiti, ho* apiNiliiled a rain- iveelvr jointly a salary of f3.100.
mlttee u> amingeaHcriteof danoisfor tbe
No servloe oould he rendered by the offl•all and winter.
^ oers-of the lodge that would yield a richer
Attho liiennlii] eleetlon of the great sun reward than to pendstmtly and kindly
raverse ity
Mtimcll. held at Iiidlaiutp-plis: George K work to save from dropping that gnat
Oreen, ex-mayor
-mavor <of liinghainton, was

eleoted) to the highert
ei.<-utlte chief- I
•aluey ThU Is
U the first time In the hU |
, f the order
friends of the homo and b
id the position
widow and urjihan.
Among the d.-atSs at Camp Thomas,
The relief furnish
Cblckani'iusa. i
_ ...........................
l*a«t Sachem digeut
mi-mheni. ......... ... _
John K i.-hii of Osceola trllie. No. 4. a'amounts h> f7 every minute.
______ ____ 1
1. '___ .....
1 _•
of .1..
rb:i Nl’.th New m.___
volun- ^ If
„ all the ril unis hi exlstenoe wore to be
He W..S ortg‘n;.lly a iiM-mU-r of d<-«troy<d. Imw would 1*
.trlU-aud unli<-<l With OMsitaat aff«l till- »<irk of your lodged This Is nut
•nxoxxo xes.
liable to hap|a-n. but n-iie-mher that your
As;-.-t.t: .toga, eotiiprlul
Iidgi- is tiut all that it should bo nnUI the
ofr* Hlf ri..
Laud, with a sulwtamlal ritualistic work It tneiiionud.
lanuliom" tb.-n-'ii, 'ha* Uer. ______ .
I'asi n-h-.-m J.-vv- StlK«, lui owner, fora
Bed .Meu's plane lor agni and Inflnu
recmlKws of i|k' •
d New York
propu-'d If the ol
otTi r
am iptud to ■
•heliiiti(iitl(i:< ai'lf mipi-irttiIng tir«
•fa nilm-nil spring. >he water
watei Iniui whl<:b |
that your oi
IStObesoM thmighh ihe
the ag.-tiey
agi-tiey or
or HeJ
Ktij ; I. paid pramirtly. You did nid^h^o to ’ ... ., ..
The]rui<ityi. with-^{uiy one In August: therefore Irn tiroiiiiit ‘ i,7r
TIfT-rih-------K- n l. I'ongreas I ,hi, n.onU
j ‘Tuo.iXT to
.f. (reth oi
id within th.' Uiiiiu of Saratoga
_____ i>fsrtorTl><
I^^ J. ll. Bibbrn. Whj. U bead phyririan <w«T.
g Oregon a< well n« kanni>. has laeu In



p T


It’s possible to be madeany where
reliable qualities of KOods


new goodt, learn the price*, and wa’ll be pleased to have ]^ted yon on values.


best Dry Goods, Cloak and Clotltinff House

. M


Reliable and Popular Trading Centre.



ft t I

The atmreiDc lodge .if i
lie de|jVtli> report mneb gwd m.ulliag
made a call upon iIm-> grand juris- fruiu bis rlall
SWIuasnnd.vUforap.vt-aikatax..f80j Opiy
freteroal, wrtety haaa larger
Do Dot oaaiB working Maki-your ludge inen <if Amerirn. and that
haveacoaUnnal linni
' dlvldol inte M-}»rate jurlKjIclIotta
Nebnitkn mak - a gain of C67. the |arDr. F. A. Smith has l.«i hrad physl•wt f.>- ihe month, foli.iwed by C-il irauii. <dan for Ohio wort Oian one voar. awl nnt
io> and Ariiuii.i with 181 'All onr d.'ath hn» ^owi.m-d of an appUeapt
'• ing gains are under luu
Iwbow uidii:^ examination be I
be. ... i>blp lu g.-<l standing at last '
saoutbly report. 8'i:i.U4i
t Tli-dii y hrad connila are n
TbegraMi raeorJor of Oklahoma raya •'
meets there will
**Wa are preparing to organise ocw lodges



Bioycle Riders.

Ever Burned Out
If »o you know
the value n*

B<-meixiber that I do all binds of
do give
ive vou
you t_._
1‘ * ■_ ___ ____ .
Ip the
be city for
f( the mnney. Don'
be deceived
hy w;
what other* tell yon V :
•ed >7
the contrary,
but come aad are. (o
; yourself


John R. SantOr
General Insurance.
a nrytarg Klock


ie eeieb

; aascassseseoe aa aaaae
fi5S=««i«3SB3ll «S SS6«S

« all my wor^ to be right
aad*H^It does not prove ao

Travsraa C<ty. titat

' Stop hi till 8 o'clock every evenlog
•except Snaday, In the Caldwell A Lon
.•-w. XfllMIrg, •• n'rts end' n* r«l--


Specialist it Diseases of the Eye

Via Ann Arborr rallwav.
railway, Wedneadsy.
October 5th. IBBr.
ipr.' Tnr.n
Thr.mgh wenra
* s—
*ve M. A N. E.
ru. Tickets to .
XII at f>::
one fare froi
Wheeling A i

Ohio Cen-1
rot 1

ro<» .»i..

I la the Sir ter ibv (rrseo. flscal resr.

At The Cottage Home.
ACM. jr, X*. oowav.

iedo and”Lima *
Ohte 'fvTt^ Md '
_ Poor ronte between Toledo and asreacaswavsiltbeawirraor
.0 as u> arall tl»aw-)ra
-------- DsJrarv whlrti >.0118 Is
rms of disease of the ey
Tickeu goi to veto
ter*. Alseemw
lar train voUl Nov. I
Isssss tnralabed.




t eVlork
ISIIW paid tolore Ortoher 1st. m,
alt isii^
br ebarredonr per real. peSally tor
aaSenall isxsa paCra aad after
UaB(llXovraiberl«t. iete,tae-e wDl





Trato«arr4ep(rw8-La«l*. l„
Oraad BaoMsalTAt p. St.
Local braeeh into arvtrea at I

•T Im




Some clothiers think we are runfling a funny establishment:
Becauae we are not selling for
‘'less than cost."
Because our salesmen have posi­
tive instructions to sell at the same
price to all and tell the truth.
Because you can get your mon­
ey back, if you so desire.
Because we run a good clothing
store, and hope, by your help, to be



Is the mix-up of goods you find in some stores. Devoting our entire time to one busi­
ness pieces us in a position to attend to it properly. A man woo thinks a moment be­
fore he buys a suit, bat. shirt, etc. would never go to a store where everything ts hand­
led—an exclusive men's outfitting store wili at ail Mmes be bis choice.

We Are the People You Are Loeking For!
With nothing but JJew Goods—Grand Variety—Lowest Prices—
there can be but one result:—Certain Satisfaction!

Clothing bought of os

Yob will find n jest as easy and jest
aa sat'sfautory to hay goods thr.>agb
tbe mails in this •^v>re aa If yoa were
ike tbe wiecthere In peri
lon-ebop ji
economical, and if
anything la not ssliafacory we return
the m->n*-y witbooi a whli
red Upe a^n here.

we press sod repair

Clotlling*** For Men.


We have made our bow but a
short time ago and are climbing the
rounds of the ladder fast.

Oar atock of Antemn And Winlsr CloUili
now eonpiete.
.wlea—tb« beat makee—
D to tbe trade. Erei
Tnp Coau, OrercoaU. etc
Any peraoo wbo cornea
here especUog to flod an ordinary readymade
etock of clothine will be agreeably aarprieed when
we meet tbrm with coatom.made excellenee
Eeady-to-wear eiegaoee wittaoni the worriea and
-flttinf" trials of tbe eniUila abop Tbeae are
tbe advantagea to which we Invite yonr pat­
ronage with the moel gmealble eavlng to yon.

Alen’s Suits
In Worttedt, Cnevinu. Seotebra, Sergee. etc , ein.
gle and doable breaated—plaia and ci'k faced to
tbe bnttoD-holee-wwrd to make 'em bold together,
and well worth
per cent more money. We
have all the new Fall 8tylr«. at

$7.60, $10,818, $15, $18.
6o much
for •utu, BOW for

PEERLESS 8UIR r»-Kew pattema in
Madras, scpi ate Cbfta to match, Me,
MADRAS SHIRTS, aeparate eaffs to
match. 75c.
NIOHT SHIRTS, fancy.trimmed. Me
ann >1 00.
UNDERWEAR—Men's Natural Wool.
fit U(l
USDEEWEAR—Men's fine Anstralian
W.«l. in natural color, tan and bine,
UN DERWEA R-Men'e fine f«lI fashion,
•d. tan and natural color—great
DSDERWEA^American fall fashlooM—Piac gonos reduced fmm«3.M
—yoa can bar them aow for fif.OO
All line of MBS'b UOMBI.VaTION

$7 60, $10. $12, $16, $18.

None better
-Latest Stylea

The latest in me- 'a

Crush and Fedora Hats
50c and $i.00.

Di»'t bnjaUei'ferforyoupHoy
hefnre rou see oo'- fine liae— ge a -o
lA-n-n-. H'ari/-. fCeeen. Bmwn mix•d. wlUi Storm or S>-lor collar trlm•d with Braid etc. »2 .W ap to W.OO.


If yon woald bare yonr boy well Hrmsed
bring him to na We can fit him with well-unade
op-to.«iate Clothing that can't be excelled In style
aad floUb and aave yoa money.
We- have
elegant -ingle

In Bln*and Black.DiarPoal
_ _
Fhney Cbevlou.
Serges. ■"
Worsted. Twreda.
, ____
- ■
aaerM. and M Itona for boys 14 to IP years at

$4, $6. $7.60, $10.
Also fine aasortment of N ibby Salta for the (•year*
old toddler, tbe 14-yeart>1d achool bov and all'ages
between. Oar line of Vca'.ee Malta* la eooauntly
Ineraaalng—nil tastes can beaailafled here—eolora,
styles and prices.

Our Double-Breasnd Two Piece Solis
Can't beeqaaled In the riiy. Any style or fabric
tbat may be dsalred will be found here. Look at

»1.60, *2. mo, as.60. $6, *8
Knee Pants

Tk. Vl.< Ik..-. —ed
.............................. !«.. It.
Pretty patterns all wool Pant*........................ 50c. '.Sc

.S-'" ■
12 for 25c. i “FITZ”
Price Si.0().

Mackintoshes..... Our Umbrellas....
Men and ,boy*e.

—■• In Sfr Fork,

Our Bsaortotet t of Mens' and
Boys' R'X Coats and Mackmtnshes
■a <W>mplete.
We *el'all hi'd- and
r« ora at from fil.M). fiS. fi3 &i\ «4. C5

Oop epeclal ts the NEWl.AND
Us I the b.-*' ir the c ty
It'eca ryeil 'hrt.'p Arero, xylee
Id Fall l)-rl>i. a. inelurtiDr the Datilap Kofx V- iimen. M '
and the
Voun 's* a;e« ic- rrec iy eo dedin.S'i
Oar K.on Demy ip pit
end Frei

can enter 6or stock but the very
best—If you want tbe best come to ns.
Clothing... For Boys

I Collars - Linen, f

Top Coats
Oaratyles in the«e goode arc etrictiyap-to-date—
ybody who weara B too coat want*'em an. They
e the kind that faetldioas
etldioBs dres«er«
dree«era alwaya
on baying. Excellent qualillea of Domeatle and
Imptorted C'lverl CI<>tbi. and Wnip Cords—all
ebades—make no with doable a'ltehlog and atrap
—Wnrkmaoahip Brat rlaat. yet we aell 'em at

Jats For Men.,



Oil Clothing..

rnteoi enryu-here "
Our fil Ou L'lnbrr la baa tbe beat
rolled aierl trame and is warranted
not t..fadr^Fabey bandlrto-t. Look
H'nr S2 cq roods l«'t< o' Umbrellas
Wc uavr Ibe belter
and the beat Uaibrellaast from fi2 (M

Union made

Vre'- aod boy'* cMh.
Ic( «4>1C by m.

85c and $1 00.


Pants & Overalls

Duck Goats...

Black and brown.

-aUlvely• tbe
lb B at that
Tbe are p -aitl'
buy. Fall <
lined. doabh eearar, made of best
avT duck We start'em at fil.oo
. tofil fs' fiJ 00. 2 50 aad warrant
each one

Gloves & Mitts...

We have ers'rlblog In Ihle line
from the cheap 05c Mill. Skin to the
finr«i,i<k Hoed French Eid. For
R. R. mm we l.atr tisuntiet. at 5u.-.
75.- and one thafr fire proof a> fil.oO.
A<: kinds of Jerary and Wool glorrs
and nuitts Prices right.

Have yon seen oar All Wool
Pant at fi2 UO. Good Working PanU
from 75c ap • tArbar-l" Overalls—
all site* at Iras ihac yoa eoald
em eUevhere
bine, brown, wbiu.

White GocUs^ipus.
Batcher'* and Waiter's Aprons at
2S-. WhiteDurkCyat.alTSc .fil 00,
Whit- Vo*u. pearl BnttoDs.75e. and
). Fancy Vest* in Bilk from »3
F'rerrh Lawp tie* at 10. 15 and
per d> t-K.
invss. L- atii


plai^ Work for Icheol ChlMraet
threat > o> arbeei s-SIldrvs *r. r.ri *l a lot* to
kooa bow tokFrpiarIrebIMrrBvei of wkw Irf Id tbe
atlrrb<«B. Son* rSUUree tram to pU> oa Ibe suvet
acaiart tbvir ps—nu vlabr* olhera mu,*- aboat the boaaa
all Ur ttareryleg "MaviB*. I waot a-wirtbUtr to do '■
arbeol rbliUrva. ud for that matter toair isouwa aad
fatamt. aed btc ataim. asd brotbrr*. a beUrr tary be tn
a nrrfrvaloD. ta baaloraa. or vhettM-r I*«t «w ladl-a **d
C-Bilrsi of loU.raob tbe plau aatolM
briuvf.p>B4 tbrlr aparr ei «tr ts n ol a-ar .Bdal the
aaar ilai* wakr Unr play loatni.-tira aod proOtablr.
Urrr I. the way to do II Wnu -o adTrnlariBent fpr P. * Co , tbreiotbirr* and nra'a turT..»brra They
peer-.hrr-p-ti'tlo ad-orfUBcrooiea!, n.aely. IIUW ta
Bi>rraat.dlar for lb* brat ai.d ■oat or rmaJ ad; »C0 In
B'rrbaodlar for lh« beat bad BoM btiBnn>aa ad: aad lb inerrbatidla- lur ibr aBbJlrat pad ralrhlcot o4.
Earh ad *et*r*d Is Ibr ron.eai p meaibsu tb* liar*
bb 'dld by Urw. SSBcly: eMbUig. f-ir..labiaxa mod
baU AlladsBV* b Bai.edtoUr -.rmlaarDrpanBrtil of d. 8*ada A Co^TrawncC.iy.aSd Boat b* la bf
n'onu'viaBlBCBdTrrtlarBma vlllbr pnbUabrd in
l^^dally paper*. Let every oae try, tbe yonnt aad old
c Ruarantec awed Jreatna In one u
XiRhi Shlrt*-SO.:-7ftc-$l DO.


Why our ahlrt* arr auperlor. rr^r for (yade aad
price lot prlr-. a II be tolly ■l-tnc^'rated ai tbe cvmoter.
Tbr pro-fofehr *bl t !• In tb- la bln/aad Ur e-llcblar.
Wr clvrfallrrlo-b oir*.or-; arf .c roira of adtcl.lor.
Wbl.-b all oirans valor: all leorib sWvr ra.)iitrrd; iti. ylt-.peclalrootcalrorr* for mra f heavy wruiit
or loai; racb To fact oor obtna arr practically oqttaT|o

pasy prices for I
llasy Suspenders!
10, 16. 26, 86. 60o
JJ-”* j^ET HfiR


A. V: Friedrich Block.

T. J. Host’s Old Store.
194 Front street

Traverse City, Michigran


UoRmf Caraon baa anmBged to wriM
I pls7 vitta btoz Betfrl-obm.
Uiaa Ada Bebao has arrived to New
York after a eBinmcr to Euglaod.
Mta. Flake la to preaeot a one act
)>ia7 h7 Horace B. Fry. eDtitled-“Uttla
j ’'Bnogh Hldera” waa prodnoed for
^ . I copyright pnrtxMca lo Hoboken. N. J..
' Secator Pairtnuki nf Indii
"“4,1.1. ij.
d telliufi aboat au tovaeinu of the Boa„ ; George Bancroft baa writw
written a play
taaooonsbya ' _
forld Say?”
tfarae yearaaga A bto litlaation waa 1“Wbai Viill the War

Wertar «f aiM Pom.
IfBiy poUciciana are to tbe baUt d
laying it down aa a aell evident' propoaitian that uo people oagbt to be free
till they are bt to nae their froedom.
Tbe maaini is worthy of tbe fool to tbe
old Btoiy who teaulvod not to go into
tbe water till be bad learned to swim.

We have got'

All Kinds of

Polaw Per PareeU.

Don't poison yonr home life with
-orry and fret whenever Ibiugs go
Many a fibbing mother baa been pnaalod to make out bow ber children
learned to lia
Wbat folly few a father to wan bia
bays agBiuM tobaono, if be duee It wiib
a breath that aniella of atuoka
Bow fooliab fgr a mother to talk to
ber children aboot rvligicTi, oulusaabe
can show them what it ia
If the parental example it a sowing
of bad ee^ how abanrd to luu:t for a
good fruitage in tbe livea of the chil­
itb. c
Man of Forty," which will be prodnoed
If yon claim to dinrch that tbe Lord
thealtf. London, this it yonr rest and peace, let tbe children
aec that yon told tbe truth about it
when yon get bouia
did^^pM*Mi°7i*^a^^wri noj
I Think of a father talking nrligion to
bit eon on Snnday and going to the
to do bnaiutaai with a abort yardd
hotel daring tbe noon boor
etiek on Monday I—Selected.
efaockling to Cbemaelvea aboot tbe easy '
»er in which
w- ■ • they

were going to '| Mr.
and Mra Emdal
dtqxMe of wbat tbi-y bad feared might their wasOD at tbe St. James thwter
beaverywdiona andlTonblcaome llti-; to London with tbe comedy in three
r'riocL Senatrr Fairbanks was present acta by Ernest Hendrie i
Minnie Polmer ia to prodnee a sew
,{uinueal ooiuedy to Lrodca called "A
isarieaof tbe largest i ..
, Sbownan'eSweetbeark"
fiewton were there to repreiient
bondtaolden and tbe ''
Jamea O'Kell'a new play for tbia
a and the manage- aeaeon ia "Wben Greek Meet^ Greek."
(Iranatited by Joseph Hatton from bis
tbeir own preaerratii
novel of that ume.
, ^
Hme. Jennno Grenier bat promiaed
ODBll town in Ohio, who appeared to Emile Simon of tbe Varietea tbeaue to
delioate health and waa an entin atran- j Martelllet that she will go there to De­
fer to BoMoa. Aa be came into conrt' cember for a abort «»<■»»
be madestlv took a hank *wt witbnnt! ......

he Va,^ li.

Got it to sell and will sell it if LOW PRICES |
will do IL Will quote you a few:
Six wood seat Chairs................ .........'$1.96
Six cane seat oak Chairs...................... 3.76 '
I Wood seat Rocker..........................................................................76 ,
High back, solid oak. cane seat Rocker....................................... 96 <
As goo-* an Arm Rocker as there is in the state for
$2.00, our brice................................................. ............... 1.60 '
' A nice Bod, carved headboard.............................................. 1.60 '
' Cheap. Plain Bed for................................................................. 126
When you are in don't fail to visit onr Couch room. Over 60 different
styles, from $3.65 up. We can save you money on Furniture.

i J. W. Slater’s House FumisMui Store!
New Store 120 Front Street.

beard tbeir 1
amntry lawym who had appeared to
^ judicial officials from riding
reprearot tbe other aide.
{iu omnibosea.
"Gentlemen,'" said tba senator after < Priraie bnllflgbU an ooaaiimally
awfaile, "I have bad a good deal of ex- given by tbe very rich people to Madparirnoe with country lawyers and have r.d. and gnests ate tovited to them as
learaed not to despise them. Yonr con- they wonld be to a dinner.
Ibis CM U of oonrae not my afTbe mnalc anng to St Peter's M
fait' bnt I advise yon «o he on yonr Borne ia entirely to mannacript. No vote n Ui.t cotete
<*« «!.»« mu.icl.. 1, pained U ten
tnm ID toe emm of tbe oonrtroom uu ji«t«
bia band itnlirw be ia actntea np, be M likely to give yon t
I kept my eye on him this m<
Banes of long deoeased Indians bava
and I have onme to tbe oooelni
be«» taken out of the groondoearProvne knows bU boriDess."
ideuoe, and it la now mailed that tbe
Tbe oraamniu of the New England
plaoe was an todlan burying ground
bar iangbed to derisian. and when tbe
over too years aga
ooori adjonisod that aftmiiMn they
Pwitserland’a greutest indnstry, tbe
•taanted Benator Fairbanks with bia
Warning, for tbe coontry lawyer bad eniertatoment of toorists, has be«-n offi­
not opened bis lipi dnrtog the day. And cially compnted to bring to 11$, 000,000
t on,
ra occopyieg all tbe time, onbmia- wkole revenue of tbe r<
g motions, suggeatioos and pli
tbe cuorideration «f the oonrt, which
Beggar—I wants « qnarter, bona, an
were entirely in the Interest of their I wants it bad.
dlenta and barii-g everything tberr
MeSwattere—I'mearry. but I haven't
own way.
any bad quarters.—
Aboot tbe fonrtb day, however, after
" bad disclosed tbeir
whole eebeme and committed them
A claaa of peraous who profeas to love
aelvM to a line of procedure which left tbe Bible excoHe their utgJcct of it by
they have


e oonutry lawyer oatue forward reading., Bnt is tbere any person in this
land who cannot cummatid the time to
read a chapter from the tjeripturesevery
day? It may be doubted whether ttatre
dnwn with a rneb, but be qcietly is such a peraoa. There an.- many who
plnnged hit epcar into tbe weak spota caxuxit do this and at tbe aami- time do
of tbe armor cd every ate of them and all that they dtnire to do in other direcdrew blond at every tfamai. Before tbe tioDA Bnt that Ik not a reason fur neg­
day was over be
f bem all tboroogb- lecting tbe BiUf. Onr Bil le reading
ly demoraliasd and qnarreling among abonld be one of thefinldciiusuf every
res, while be anbmilted slew day. Agoodmie is to rvad nothing
niotiooi to tbe coon, which were im­ else util we have read a portion of tba
mediately annained.
Aripinrea. if we adopt this rule, and
Tbe rcralt. as Smatcr Fairbanks tells rigidly adhere to it, wt- shall never lack
it, wsK that wbeta tbe
the time to i^d at least a tew vei
antry lawyer walked off from tbe Bible.
This can u^
be .It:....
done at
with tbewbolesthiog.
thing. Iravtog tl
tbe lights borne and it oan be done abroad; it can
of tbe Bc<ston bar in a
be done oo a jonrney. The man of the
eenditioD and wundering what bad hap­ world uin toad his oewspapeni on the
pened to them. Tba aMistor mid it was cars. If wo ure as moefa inieivated in
as keen and romplete a case of legal
- strategy aa be bas ever known to bis
long practice at the bur. and that tbe road train. And if it is always in mind
eonutry lawyer was William R. Day of w-e snail find uo day too short to read a
Oaiiion, O., late ncrcury uf Rate and lesson from tbe ticriptnrea.—National
now a rnember of tbcpeaouoanimiasian. Ptust^terian.
—Cbirago Boenni.
. Aa, BVeellve tbat.

There is a good old prayer in tbe
Bible to be l^t from prenomptnons
tina _^lt
It it
is well tor men to '—^----- “
'p-jat it when tbe temptations to i

gnn, be cautioosly entered tbe sbed-to
M»oot tbe animal. The gira was loaded
with a heavy charge of Na 4 shot and iu a proniineut cborcb luembcr erase
from bisown jfreRimptinn that be could
ifoly Of a aniall pert of a troR fond
wood Ftrack Capnrro aimnlta■eonsly on neatly every inch of bis
body. A fiying splinivir deMroyed bis took more, and bo soou fonnd bimsclf
eye, tbe gun was turn from his bands, on a toboggan slide that oairied him
and the ends of the abed were blown down todostrnctiuo. Venturing on God
may be a nable act of faitb; ventortog
Tbe men wbo rasbed to tbe spot fonud on self is often au act of fatal folly. A
him half Inirled iu the nius and bleed­ good mle is never to do wbat
ing profusely, while a dwp bole was not couscicntioasly ask God to prosper,
dog in tbe grooud aetaoct distance from and nev9 to go where we cannot ask
him. Gspnrro seemed aegnewbat dazed onr Master to go with na—Evangalist.
and asked whether the earthquake bad
killed anybody. In-firing at tbe cat be
rt and B planet.
bad strack a package oootatoing 1$
crratal and B oi-ll.
•ticks of dynamite. No trace
tbe cat
A}ellr&*h andBanjIan
oonld be found.—Ssn Francisco ArgoAnd cave, •rbsrs tbs esvasea fiiral
a the Knife.
Jaat I
1 t-r tbe unitary
Tbfduwectlug I
tbe remscitatioD of a sold:..----- ------> been supposed to be dead to'tbree daya
It was at tbe very moment when tbe
profbseor of snigety was about to dis­
sect tbe snppowd corpse that tbe soldier
suddenly awoke from a prolonged leth­
argy. Tbe three persona wbo witnesiied
e were sirnck with sneb ami
ment that (bey were at firR nnable to
do adytbing
It WBf not till aflw
• they
-the suppiised corpse quid
. allp off tbe
marble slab on which lie waa to have
been diFsected and go into an adjoiaiog
room to write a few werda on a sheet
af paper to assorc himself that be was
leally alivs and awake that the doctor
•nd hu asaiRani came to bis aid. It is
Rstod that tbe recovery of the soldier
babsolniely cotpplRe.—Paris Letter to
. London Standard.

Ttveb a Bimw uf law aad bcwaly
And a tans lomsd frtxn Um dud—
Sums call U wvlcuon.
And uUsra enll u Uod.
AhaasonthelarbonncBA '

Tte niv. rt-h nna ol
And tbe wUd «oeaa aalUns blah.
And aU orsr npland and lowland
- - KoIttargoldiBrud-

tbs tides on n enweent aenhaad
m tbe exam B new and this.
mr heart. M^ysajiuasa
w Bvdllnv aae anrsiDi; to.
fnan the mystic omn,
•r rin. iv^ test ha* trod—
«>ibU tt Uod.
A picket from on duty.
A nxpilxv alarrsd fur ber trood.
Socmt» driDklBK the hemlock
And $i-,c(u> on the rvuL

ntamlUiuDH-ho. houiUs and nnaRt
^Tb«atml>hi. Urd ^Utway irod-

Kl otberBcSunM'
-V. H.C

himself is not more popular than

The Beanty—Yon'le a coward. Why
didn't you go to iha front?
Tbe Boy—Go 'Icasg. Do yer t'tok 1
wanted ter git a callin down from da
lady nv de bonne.—New York JonmaL


"My yoong frieud,' eaid Mr. StonnIngtoo Baroe^ "1 have anme tboogbt
of engaging yens in my company for
oext aearan. Bnt I dexire to apeak aerionsjy with yon npno me msttar Yoo
isrcwtowaeciitr CiiF. r‘--------1 '•-y--------- *
take especial peios in bring to my a(- lev,
irlirf lactnv c»)i tet him ana ixcAw «—dm- i
tentioo yonr belief (bat
with fellow
‘•Yen. sir.
alight vanity on that point.
' "Never yield toil again,
have been wore dipliunatic
pIiuDBtic to make me I jf yim •
think yiio weie eu good that everybody j fSSi. •o.?yV^SrSiluS3'To2Sta,“r^K
else wasjralouA '—Waabingtoo Star.

I have them at all prices from
$3.60 up. Save fuel and money
by buying one of


awMriao by Praxy.
Inoktog dtisen. wbo had ^lippc<l "ffi
fallen onn moddy croering and spoiled
asnitof broadcloth, as he slowly rose j
to bis fret and si
yon tellmetbeoamonf that small r
island in the North a
IfllSS t^iru^
D tbe mciotb of the Elbe?"
' hazarded the yoong
bereuiuaMVi. nuu f;—dr -wr*.
man to whom ho hod spoken.
"TbnukA" ferroDtly rsclaimed tbe
e1d(riy diizcn, liuipiog slowly away.—
Chicago Tribiiue.

ChjiriM rmoin-

Carpwnte of
Toiuuiy—Wbat are eluctric correnta
things that ruu about where mS*pS?.7cf:;?,:?JS2r
we canU B-e them, baming things and irKea>.Bl>rr. all wbe are eonr and hot* no
twistin^ibem up. and sometimes they
kill pe<^e or make them fed dreadful­ (toMna lump, and ncetre
ly bad.
at boor b« -imauiianmia
Tummy (with canrictioa>—I think atb^S?Vi'i‘^ieaae B ume ibat can ba uaBtad
tboao most bare tieeo electric enrranu
to that cake yesterday.—Comio Cuts.


On Slow.


MHn frienda, I'ni hinylbt. M you k
Ce kjfelr. llf.-i.v pleeolo.
Kit trill, and ahakea uf aemga or pm
aUte aa anralne ot BrahBS'.
Ath act Acb aol
Main kdalr. tUcly ploeolol
Id L Bcts........................................
rriend.. Bake made Octw
PTJB out Buln cumet wH or low
Or abrtll nnd loud: l■uB. can Ib ho.

Kit all BH InraalprafclyUow
h<s u mb.«« lortUalBo.
Ond vban >ua-'.. b.wrd ma play him. a*l
Ton rill not vidi tor sIbr by Bach.
Aeh ao! Arh aot
Kata Uy traanbona (ortMBOl
Cnd 1 nit tBoylava to and fro
Mein diroa'a .w.<ot BOrie I rill RmW.
It Bay be P-nd or ■..(■, b<-1b Irtanfin
1 bans It Ull ae noiilr endn
Aehao. Auh aol
Mein dnim la hradiat 1 rill abow.
T«7I play s« ••Wachl am Rbrin."
Tun ■■'em lo.vUh sat Ve aboalU p
hi Vat
Vatjyoo ay aat VI

Or yen rill f>4cb n. aa p>

W. J". ;E3I0!BBS,

146 Front Street.

If You Have Logs to Sell


There is no more oainnns word than
"faR,” which means a great deal more
tbaudomauy ^ng words. It means
tbat it is |>o«ble to get tbroogfa life in
•acta a burry as to rurtiiil thst which
one wonld rappote it wonld be to onr
intereR to lengthen. Whiii tbe end is
reached, tbim is oollapse—all is lost
Do we not do well toaiik if tbisis tbe best
thing that life can do for us? Is there
nothing higher than Ibiafeverish baste,
ootbing better and more manly than
dof frivolons exdtoment? Kernovnber that he wbo tims
throws his IKc away throws away a
chance wholly unique. Only onoe there
is given to ns tbe paaribility of living
out this brief life as God inteuded that
Bis creatornmanKbocId live.—Cborcb-

Air Tight


Correspond with the Tntrerse City Lamber Coupany.
We have ‘for sale Good,

Sound Ilemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.
T.ATVPS FOE SAT.-niHill Uachioeryof all deacriptiona, inclading Two Enginoa,
Ret Works, Carriggea and Sawa.

.A complete Saw HiU Plant



OR. SPiONET r.v'i?:i5:?a:7<5



Return Engagement

City Opera House
Wednesday Evening,
October 5.

Mr. and Mrs. G. lute Silver,
Tbe srorld's greatest song iUnatraturs,


We Don’t Have To
Take a Back Seal
For any of them when it cornea to selling Cookies.
We’ve got sbont—well, anyway enongh grade# to
enit everybody. Prices reasonable.

S4S Front StTMt


ih« fimU^ui^lo theri^.'^oawTD
dealyn Tbin raa br boDybl at • banrala It takesM ewc«
Worth lookiDX up tor as iDTeataeol.


Silver Family.
Hlbairrl, (IrM partl; IrUb. Dutch and Mkl
dltrri from
"»lr» o
pUylna tbeleadiBg tbratrraofibr world with
a rrprnolre oV urrr SO iUualralad aoBga. to.
clDdliisponmta ot

Heroes Of GompanyH

Watch This Column For Bargains I

shown on esnvas.

Scenes of the Present War.
Shawtnc acmra of BnaUaco. Aaeriens aoldtem
and Oafenaa.

Itij In Vu Vtns.

Morning Record Want Ads
Bring Large Returns.


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