The Morning Record, April 14, 1898

Dublin Core


The Morning Record, April 14, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





Flint Tmt—Ko 295



^4ntet o <s e4ie
'sad Oi^da^
2b. VHy ef Tttaeobjeetod to tV
oearidetsOaB of tv roaelatiaas CVr-

or X.XTTU sxoEOB i^Lnnsnr
LAffT aVBvnro.

TwoOenti, .

Paper Your Housp

All Bt Hanr

sei eed
Too rerelj win wIot too own bo, imw pow ot the pricoo w. ore
the Boor eadelet'Btht oa tV Soar XaslMUy Milled by MMolrt^^TutB- Bellii^ ft at Kew Wall nper ct 4}c a <£>acde roll, end tbe bettor
followed. TVepeefcv crdend tV
TebtoV A *-----oofliu prc^iertian. See the goode bden joa biqr,

Este-bllali Oab«n Independence. .

Vejorlty Honse BescInUon Peesed by Vote Of
see to 19-Senate Beport Demands tbe
■ Withdrawai of Spanish Forces
Trom OdlMa Watan and Favota Immedlata Armed Inter^(mtfonDi Ia^Cetabilahment of Independent Form of (}oy>
r the Island—Piyinff Sqnadron Sailed Tester.
" day Afternoon, it 4 Beliered With a DcAiUte Fazi>ooe to
be Bevealed Later On.
•psHil seTnMewwBeooan.
Weehiistee. April la.-r-Tedsy was
-br Bosestoea s»d exeltbc
«nab U eoocreM. Not b pesra heae
k Mr«eed b the <
ea'tlnt bn«rbtbs«ere tbm teSsj.
X Both eoBBtOeM hBrias b efauf*
Urslsa sflTsiia reported reeoIatioM,
She M W whtoh ie'beUeeed to
MM W ertth 'bpsb The &sms
pMae4 ■ the
•ed hr the Bsjeri^ •( He eeasBlt.
tM mM the MMte hefsa i dehsb
1^. iatheasrlr pert of th^ 4sr it

ported to the Beosto s reeobttoe
imtoeitale srBed btorreattae sed the
ecbbltahtoeet of s etsMe sed b^
peedaet forefeBeet b Cabe. A^erieorllp ef fire Besbern bror the Cebee
ere the Bejoritp reaebtboa. Tk»f
wore reports apoo tbe «ee«Mbr d
the eeoeto et aeee:
wbtoh here exbted Bore tbM thrM
yeere b Cobe here abeehed tbe Borsl
• of thepa^ of the Deitod 8Bt«
ead ha^ hoae e il^raoe to Chitotba
eiriilBtloe. colwieeUnr b tbe do• of the Oettod a
ahipsrithSMof Ibofiem Md enw.

«be Bicht be had b both hriiea skd whnoonetrbadlyrtaH btbo herber
id Hereae. ead aeeaat bofer be ew
dared. «e bu beea eM been eetfortb by
1 Mi Bberity reperta tbe preeideet b bie Beenfe to eoafnaa npu wkieb theeptloa oleoasreB
The hoBSa powod the Bsjortty ree- lebTolred: Teeretore.
«tatb* 4 A MU «< ef m to It.
tfapt the peepb of
“•jnii ■buen tv- "
-----DeB* Cabeeieeedpf rifbtoerbt to be tree
asm to.
ri^Beereb. Bsskhesi end bdepeedeek
«i AbhsBannkUep of OeerckBreW*‘BeecBd. Tbet It la tbe da^ of the
«r «f Ab.sBe. CUrtoe of AbbsBs. Deitod Stetee to deotoed. eed tbe (or^
dM mt Tieeiiii BQtott of.Booth Cbro- •TMtoOt Of the UDitea BbtM doB hetw
liM. driste ot Oeof^A Baersii of by deseed tbet Bpeb et oeee reUer ef Ooorrb, Lewb of i qatab Ito eethorlty eed ro*er«Mt b
diBfb. Meddos ef Oeor^ SweU of Cohe,end withdrew its^eed arel
flMlh Oeaolbe; Teto of Oeorcb. ead fareae from Cabe ead Ca^ weure.
■'Third, That tbe preaideat be eed
•da of ladbae. Beatolleot Melae end hereby b direet^ sed eBpewered w
iMdoeOetilacato. ftopollat. Bbipeea M the aatire les*d ead aeral foreea of

UA foovkt IflM
-Llw.’'••Mmdi^" sod oUMr«t$lUMU w*r* ap^ied

tbw* wmlMlfra&iM ptnomt is

Uet oreabr little Oeorfe Beeaea
sbMt ik» stabs. M«»W« Twhcd be- ■ee InteaUy IdUed opaa tV tera
toWe aaar tV roend hoeae b tV M. A
twmm tbe eoBbstuib yrUh eltoebed
N. E. yards IV UtUe fallow wee
Tbe7«rmdnwaspsrts»4 tbe pUyi^ et tV tora-teble eed hk
ker'shoetedfer sll le take their
as. .The tmbb ereee owtr ss oV b reeolriBr tV pU^ora eaed to tor*
encbes Oeecyi eUeoapled to
ieetiM asde
Mr. BsUry lo the «osjesp «P<w tV ttble wbee hta foot
sldersUea of tbe reeoteUoM witbeat
caofht eed V wee' throws bto the
^eatobe laefth apeea Vtwers the Uble sed the willd
etroeture. Hta bead wea forced ef^aat
tV pad of the Usek on tV pleUene.
■h^ wea royelriny ao rapidly that It
eooid not V atopped very qoiekly. Tbe
heed of tv eafortaeete child was
WQX nnsMT Ajrr oTSMTinss forced leto erateet with the eed ef tV
track Iredlar froB the table ead wsa
UtoreUycreabV.kimaf Urn laatsatly-,
TV child wsa aene ycera of sye ssd
Preeidenth Mseec* l70ell«d InprfUneat eed so leenit Bpsetah Csb. wsathaeoe pf Jcaeph Klaeeee. head
riuk. Friedri^-B aboe
bat Ofseto Sstnordiaary Credit
atora. TV aympstby 41 s Isrye eirele
PerPvdBMOf XnatttoM of Wsr
of frtepda ud seqasbtseeea ia ezteadead Prihaeto
ad to tv psreett b their asd affltettoa.
Bpsetai <• tk* KeSBiM eaccee.
I tVt Mr.
Leodea. April n.-The Madrid eom- aetaressd oaBo to
I torriWy
Mrs Kleeaa
apeadoat of tbe DsOy MsO aays:
ieobOea. Oerae, MUjeter ef .Wsr, Voeked.
Thta wsa tv first tloM tVt tV bey
ead OoMt Xleqoee*. MbleMr of Pnb- bed ptojed war tV tom-tsbls After
»e Werhe. both told Be b eoaeenettoa
ar V Vked his paraeM'ir V oeold
titorBOOB tbet tbe foremeet had yo'oet ead ploy s wbUe, aad «kaa aaxt
fiaeUy reulved to repel prery etle^ MS V was bicofkt beaae tif -leB.
Ooroaar Moos eSd Bbcriff Kiapaoa
direet or bdireet on the aorerelfaly of
were aoUfied eed e Jory wae eBpeaelSpeb b Cabs. Thry esid slao they ed. TV tx^ocet wEU be held thta
sore ttia Ibeof eoodeet weold be Boreby et » o-eleck, '
eehiartodtby tbe Sarepeee pewefs.
Bympt^r ** Bueet- Mlfles.
Iwt aiybt wbu tV Ruoeb Bifiee
leet tbe loeabars capraaaad. tV Boat
I ayspethy. fer Lieut. Jos
Madrid. April lA—TV wbbet Bset- Kleaeee sed hta IsBily. wV eafferod
ieytbtoBorabyUetodfireboara eed tv loea of tbeir eoa b each e torrtUe
Bto lest eveeiay. TV aaeet drill
wee Bsbly derotod to tbe covlderattoa ef PreridMt McKbleyh Bierays
Aa offieiel beta wae laeoed aettby
offsrieye eed draft eoluble roe
lerthtVttVeabbrtVs yiaated exUaardbary credit fir war porpeaea alathBB of eympethy.
ud iBweeeed tV yrut for ertillary el
Meriffettoa aa Oerp Labs
Porto Bias
After raediey e perttoa of tha BeeNeriye^ wOlepnoe Cbrp Lake
ByetVcebbetdecldedto retoaa the toBcifcw ead koiyht will V reeefeed
riybt to tbe Ueitod Btetoe to btarfere Vytaaby et tVl tlBS by tV M. A M.
b CaV eddbr tbet tV deetrlaae eoe- -B. laUwey for pobte oe tV bks
tobed la tV Beaaeye ere beaBpa«IMe
with tbe eerereiyBty ud riyfaB of the
tiae et BUvers’
aettoa. ead are ietorfBcaee b
tarael eflelre of tkta oouatry.
The Bputab ywreraowst e
let the mlatatare ere aet cUled epoa
to Bshe e declerattoe to leaf - u iV
afeoayrees cr tV bltlatire of Preridut MeSl^. do aot lead

290 Front Street



"At-sw-irv--' ss.


31ay Styles are



MteUloy tha cxpeodltora of BlUioea
TV Bbority report eordblly
b the petf^lnc of ear eeeete ead tbe
earred b the rep^ Vt fsrcred iBni^tobr of tbe
lo order to BabtebdhrBeotrsllty: eed
^ dbto recocalttoa oftV VpohUe of
••Whereaa, Tbta loae uriae of Iobb. Ochs.
ipjerlB ead herdeoa for which ^Bpab

toaV steoatbers pelnte for order
itheeaotetreedybewerdered to dart
eeroee Ui ere direct to Porto Bioo.
Bsaptoa iceds Hta about l.M* Bllee
frew tbettalud.. It taey etoeoi eooth
to Key Week Vt erea V tbet piece It
would hardly be eeerer to tbe pobt et
srbtah It ta to strike eoeerdley to VtsI
a OoBt to Miowe Oear
It to mot VproVble tbet it will ye
■ •fXr.MeOey Which
ee far M tv Bshsma toleeds before
Which Wm
etoppby for foAber orders There it
wooUVbeeey etriktay dlsteace eif
WeahbtMa, April Ih—Tbe . Wbr PwtoBies
•srept tv hcaaa off IB feet bto thta
stteraeoB b s aeri paeolier sad eree
S. a Tu neet, tV Beolh Side )nri
dtarrscefol aeMdr. Itwvletowhea alto, has rtoired ftM tV besbaB eea
Mr. AdsBe,aeiii«M Aairaea of tV wtUyo bto the portrait bedbaM wfih
eoBBittoeea feratca eflBrs. eatorad a Bertoaof Beylvw. They wOl V
beetod b IV Bhltooa baUdlay, next
with tV wsr 'iewlattoae. lastoatty
deoreoabof tVSbltoca Beato.
aUeoM esM oat of ooafadca for be
Met Thtieea. fenv eelBBu for
ftrettlBob throe hoars TV Bepab- ThartoU A Oeee. will opea e caafeeUoepa ef the coBaittoe oa rolM sed ttcMryaVciyereureb tV batldby
tVepeeVr breedlately held s brief eantoihyVMFIeek



Paoleed. that tbe
he Mtbuteed eurdtraetod to btereene
aiaaeetoetopthewerbOeba. totbe
ead eedwhhtheporpou of aeearbr
plan—' —there, mad
the Mtabltahiaff by tha free aetlca ef
peepb tBerewf a etobb ead bdepMdeat conrsBtrt at ^thalr owe b
^be: aad the prisMeetM henby aathariaed ead aBpowwad to OB'" tbe
laM eed aerel tesB af tbe Deitod
Slatoe tosseoetotlB patyou ol 1^

■Mrica' to terBobto tV role aeda
wktefa tV hcaae ehoald oparato. Thu
Chtoayo. April M-TV Twutj-fftlh
Weehbttoa. April It.—TV oneto IV Bpeekar noovalaed M
4luteye»ilTed today aad left flttou
MpMsarabMoae eeBBlttM todiW **■ AbMdato Xlnea yrerBled while <V

The Abbott



X hsTB a n^ber of odds nnd onds in the sroodrjr
I FMmitlF bon^t of Xa. DnnUln. 998 Front tr—t,
wUelt I mnst dfspo— at to mske room for n«w stodk.

They Will be Mid out at low poiees.
W. W. IffTT.T.TgTt

Tm a Pair Of Our School ^
Qood solid leather counters, eoles and up-'
pere--that is the kind that wears.

404 Union Sttoet.

Sooth «do Shoe Btan,

If yon sro going t6 make gordon do not
to ose a
oomplote stock of Flower, ChmdM sMd Field

Tw peokege or bnllc.

346 l^nt StTMt


Qpaa Gonpany.

For ou week oily lnsiiiii( April lAlt »* will sow n<
li) aoy of nr III cool ligrilo Cu|nts
Fm Bf GAuae


Tbl. b M eitnotdiiiu, oBer, oonaderiiig our kw pncM
in tiiie depaitoient Aj we do not fedd tbe east of eSwing sod
byingento tbe prim of tbe carpet oor prioee beii« joetM low
Merer. TakeadwantagooftiiboppastnnUxM^^ne>
bl offer win not bat long.

BtoteOaBeb ^bBHMw lit


Wheel Enamfiled For S2.51)

Steinberg’s Grand



- BeileUe Dry «oeds Carpet had


•tnettoa ef tbe battlaabip Mebe b
haihar ed-BereaaaiU b Ua death c^



^ Cnited Btetse ead to cell ieto setael .aarriae the BUitteof the eevatal
atetoe to each ee estoet ea is aacMBezy
abto effect.'
»tV daetraettoa of the Melee wee o
It 414 nol Uhc IW Trs^rM City propta
by tbe official eet ef tbe Bpeniah eeto B -4 o-t *ho WM ihr oelr enietiMj a: .
tberitbe or made pcaelble by eacli-. eolti Bpab by ssyby ha bed raei
—-----yeeee oe toatr pert eo wUller sad edriM of the eoepeaeloa ef hapaiitiaa
IlsHwaienrthB by tbebhebiBBto thereof with
e M to V KtlMleat b catpsbIUW erithoat eltariey e Word of IV
«st Bekbr
BAtoMtlel pri«Teai
lor aa«ard ora wbrata. which AU mm W BbtohMi. as4 I iBTlia (hr |mblir to raU eed 1btoward the aappreBton of aald rerele. tesporitlTaeiVbelacttoa, sad far­
apan tbr wo^iubMIp aa ihiaa wharla^te'i
ttoa.eedhMeaadBetodthewBrfera b ther state:
•TV time ef ^e
e BeMB eoetrery to the bwa^f
hare beea esleobud for tbe
tloM be
bheBee eed nadril*
rhM the Msbe aboold ewiar wlthb
is Beliewed far e DeffaiU
i~J, ceitobc dMth by atereetlM ef
tbet yoa esa yet eeywbere. eed for Ibc
V deetraoUre rodioa of the
ieeet noeey.
The report ef the coBBlttae oa larWeebbytoe, April IS.-Il ta oSdslIy
CoBe Id Bod aee esniples
beteeto. tbe rieUBa hebs Boatly helpelCB rebtiona wee BaV by Beostor aaouGOd tbet tbe flylay eqae<
B. S. C3-XS338,
leB woaeo eed ^Ih
Daria. tV ^irBsa. It wsa s tber- aeiied tbia efteraoMoa -e fcrtyeiyht
lie OalcB Bk.aaer Freak
btolcrable iejory to the oommercisl
a’ preetiee craiss Thta ta yeoerbtoreata of
Ueltad Btetoe. brolr- oech rerle<r of the eoUre altosUoa, elly reoided si s eabterfoys w it ta
sad s foreetal preeeatoUoa ef Ue facte beliered U# equsdran will next V
Uur the deatmetloB ef the Uru ead
preperty ef msoy of oar ritbeae Md which led the oea

w«at otto, aader the relea u batatod
apeahy the boue.
reltowbsM tbe raeolettaa adopted
hr the hoeae:
“Whareaa, Tbe foeersBeat et ^eb
-*or thrB yeere haa heea wefbc war
oe thetale^ofOebesiebtotererofa-


neyby V be Mm T^ua tV

Front eWMt




.^1V. Ha——, Bditor ud


Sow tba BiB«l07 TuttfAfetotB Show
••d iMLthor.
Tba aaiffUooi that the daliaa Ibpa^ »po« Udaa-ood laoibar bp tba
pibflaj Uw wo«U odTBbea tba prtea
«f bob* aad aboaa. wbleb
dwtor tba oaoAOorattoo of tba tariff
MU, bto praoao oa talaa w otbar elaiMt
«l tbia cbanetor iaada bp tboaa OTpoaOd
to toa protoetlra tariff apataaa. Tba
•boo aad Laatbar Baportor. aa a
raparta that aat oalp are tba
aalao ia tbefirotqoortorof lOM baartor
«baa o*or botoro teowo bat that prtaaa
an aataaUp lower U tba M«bU wootb
of tba afcntlnto of tba Dlaflap law
«baatbepworootfhtMitbabofo(;» it
(rbolotola priowoa Kareb U. 'isw. to
bo 0 rodoattoa io praetleallp aU.Umca of
'daaoofp. ItoT. daoplta tba owerl
■oda'tbat prioaa to eoooomtte 1
•iaoMO bpwoooaoftba doty plaobd
mm blAoa aad laatbor bp tba Dlaflap
law. Tbalr flfoioa. aa wUl ba ioao bp
tba fMlowtor table, laeloda all rndaa
mi booM aad aboaa aad ia tba aotira
Itot tbaro It oot a aiapla pnda la wbleb
<ban boo
aap adroaea to priaa.
aiaaUp all tbore boa booa
Tba Uvtm qaowd bp

WboltoaU prieaa, booU aad aboaa,
^HoaiT 1. ItoT. aad April 1. ItM.



or A uzLOft





FOR ONLY $2.50

to That of XaOfMd Heo.

Ibo i^alar Mootlap ot the Jnaiar
Lyeeaa waa bold peatoritop abortlp
• Will elton it tbonrapblv, tme tbe wheel*, ffire «ny color om*urtka^loraooooaBaioaofaabooi aad
miatal woA yon wish, onamol or r*mi»b yoor rinu for above prioo.
raaea)oy*^ bp a fair olaad aadltooo.
Cdl ADd toe ounple.
TbafintoaUaproffraw waaa anaWe *1*0 Bolld WhMla to Ordor, do It cheaper and pive betdoUa aad palur daot bp Caara Fonael
r nwtarial and work than aay shop in tbe dty. Have had sereral
and Clan Bataw. followed bp a raM
.Uoa, “Bnaklap tba Ka^” bp BaaPlea*e give o*
ELLIS, 811 Trent BWEant.
la QyaMtaod.
■'UfaofBlrJabaPraakliB,*' waa aa
laatroeUn bloprapbtoal aaaap wrtttoa
by WUl SaoahaU.
A toe nprodaetian of a abort peon
eatltito, “Tba Traooan UiffW." by
non Caldwell, waa aa aatertatoiap
Haaolnd. That tie ariloria life it
preferable to that of a ntlnad ana.'*
waa tba eabjaet of a olaaa aad raip iataroAtlap dlaentoiao.
Tbe afflnaatira waaaironply arpaad
by Ctkall^ Uatebal and Can Waltan.
^awa Bo-Boewd and WUl
The napaUra waa dafaafod by Boy
Appolto^tba braiBiittaaa To^—
BllUkar and UUlla Bebbat. Darid
Oobatp OooK Kmoa Voto.
Jlekliap toak part Id tba piooral diaanatloB, aad atwr tba cloaiap epaaebca
Tba-daw board of aoparriaon wet to
by tba leaden aix pirU aanp a eery facial aeaaloa yaaterday to aowldar
or o«t coanlcTb ntvh Sa\«
pleaaiap aeap.
aportaaoe, oaa of which' la
Krd \8 A1V& \%, tX
The jodpea daoldod In(to«to>^ ^
oaty ooori boaaa pnject,
aflintotin. Tba CrlUaV'toport', waa whioh will aaw aaaana definite abape.
owt .
piraa by Miaa MeUartUa.
The board oMtatSrW aad imnadiatoly orpaalaad. , Boparrlaor Bnwa
Tbaotriaal Xatoa.
waa n-aloctod ehairwaa by a vote of
Manapar Btolabarp baa flaally ar- 16 tooaa. wbleb todkaUdtbatba dU
napad for an aapapaoMat for the eela- not rata for blaaelf.
Ob motioa of Baparriaor P^pbar it
baatod AbboU Open Oo. for Maaday
mlpfct. April 16th. The oawpaay U 'aa doeldad tbe We'oaaualttoto on
eary .larpa, bariap to people U tba elaiwa aad aaaosato aad eqaaliaatioa
'lariadlep tba oclabnWA-^- Bball eaaalat of fire BMaben aad tb^
Aloe rropooUtoa in Addttloaal Tom wadoaaa, Fn
Vpoa rartoiio Afttolao.
alao decided that tba baildtop ODoaaappartad by HIm VIriaa Boaaator, A.
Waablaptoa. April 1»-Tbe Bapeb- Bldnay Bhona, Moamijoy Walker. Gbrl BlUaa aboold aoaalat af one laawbar
of the waya aad
Kiap. Mito Oarria Nalaoa, 1. 8. Bnllb. frow Tranraa Olty aad two troa antooulttoa ban opned apoa a plaa far Mr. Jack Baaey, Blaaoba Gala and aidatowaa.
Tba board adjoaned to neat tUa
otban.wlU a ekoraa at to troleea. Tbto
ralaiap renaoo la eoaa at aeod. to
Fnd Baehtol rotanod fran Cktaapo
rp oa ww wHb ApMo. Iba plaa will la tba finvbipb elaaa open ootapaoy tonlap, wbea Cbainaaa Bnwa wilt
raiaa mmn tbaa ploo,ooo,oM addlttoaal iatradaoad ben to a loap Una aad it appotot tba ropalar atondlap and apao- toaiBl^t
Aldbmaa OnUlek arriead frdn Cbi“Bald
nnaaa aaaoallp aad la Uoo dia> wlU ba Ubanlly aappartad.
Tba city aapnriaan na t to aapanto oepaMiUlOlaMBipbt
Paaba" M tba blU aanoAead, bot
ktldoaUktoda -Of

Ao oAdItloaol toKoabotoof »1 per ba ahaapad to Fn Dla^la. aa tba n^
J. M. Loapaaakar of Della. 0.. * •alriapaadi
aaUap. aad that I can ^
baml, totlBOtod to ptaU tU.OeO.OOe; naaatatln did aot know aatil ba beard aawrr dbtriet Na 6, for a nato tower nanbar of Un Oval Wood Obb On. b
tbe beat work Of aap
WalUaptoo atnat fron Waablaptoa to tba otosp tax. oaUiaatod to pioM Iron tba obaspaoy. bat to either oaaa
ka daodved bj wbat otben tall pon to
atraat to Beat Biphth atmt aeeordlop
$10,000,000; a datp ot tbno eonta par tbP opana on poad. Md bai
tba eaatrarp. bat esna aad aao far
pooed tjm ooftaa. bad tea eaata par boan aeoa to Tneena City- Tba «aau
itoiMSennM Tra—CSj
poead on tea. oetitoatod to plaid pM.- far tbia aopapawaat wUl ba aa aalr apa Tbb Inpronnaat wiU aaat $m
MretPea leer eeeka, Kr ito
If ttdotoaolp
pad tba dW wiU defray nsa third of
Batarday tocratop.' aad.ep«i<
aaat* an alnady apakaa far. It weoM
pootod to pUld $16,600,000. to UUSo’doakonrp on
I will toka ap the
Tba aaattoltioa'alao yoad u aather- baadvitoblatoaeeantbatDcarlp- Tba
oxeept Bandap. to tba CbldwaU A
prioaa an bat M eoala for
ooaaw eoort booaa natter at osoa.
iM tba Maolap ot $600,000,000 b
dooNboUdl^. at aorth csd of I
7%a boade an to ba offered tortola at
oU peatofllMa ia tba Ualiod tUtoa la
A Dap of rroyar.
Over 400 aaatt ban alaaady baoa naBtoaatt of $60 aaefa, naldap a pnat
Adayof pnyeroadtaaUap wIU ba
papalar lean to ba aboorbod bp tba peo­ awnd for tba ntoatnl abow for tbe
ebaarvad bt the Baptbt ehorek tonorbaaaflt
ple. To tide onr the awarpaaeiu; toe
Bdrion wVl..bapto at 10 a. n.
•tarp of tba toaoeerp wlU ba ao- Tba narit of tba •atertatoaeat wlU aad eontiaaa Ull 4 p. n. Tba paapla
aaaan a paokad boaaa.
of tbe dtp paaenUy an laritod to atThe npatatioa of Col. L K. Cope- toad all or a part of tbe dap. tbe ob­
o>»c« xniroBAL or xxnru. land,
the aotod laetarar. ia aa wall ject of tbe naatlap b prayer for a
OMrMpOnd with the Jn
6 City 1
kaewa aoMsp tba lonn af krUliaot paataeaatal neival ta the city.
OUMof PoUoa Boo^ Oal
Wet^ve for nle Oood,
enterp that to eontinaa hU pnlaaa b
Qa wiH appear
Inn April Maad'dallnr hb faawna
Chbape. April 18.—Wheat—May.
bapitop of rriaaa to yard* aad allapa
laetan. “fiaatop the Blepbaat,” to tbe •t.ib: Jaly.
*7Ke; Ba^nbar, T6<ke;
ly. r75
as aeaooat ot daapar ot fin. bot tbwo
Otp Opera Boaaa. FoUowtop bacllp- i.«ceae«r, VPlia
ban bean rialatioai Utolp- Chief
Oora-ApriL tOKe; May. tOHc: July.
ptop fnn aa exekaapa;
ot P^laa Baaaia atotaa that tba ordl“OaL Oopalaad, over aad abon Ua UMe: Saptonber. 61Sa.
OaU—April, tOHe: May. Mite; Jaly.
aaaoa wUl ba aaforoad and adda that'
laattor of oian aloq'
“eplanbar. sr than to a rapalar proaeribad netbad of
power of totanaa patoiog, which wiaa
diapaotop af aaob nfaaa; wkiob nari
and bold* tba attoatioa of bb aadlaaoa
Oraad Bapida. April i8.—Wba^ ftxu
Bb baada an nan expraulv
Of neat naa, aad tba
BooaOo Bo. IBlaottoa.
to hbkaaaa aad coat-tail-b todaaerib'
Uai Bachinery of *U dmaiptiaiM. inelodiiig Two Engine*.
BOM Coaapaap Mo. 1 owt to aaaaal
abla. Tba laetan wat ndlaat wiU
oitoloa UU oraatop aad olaetod tba
Set WorkA Oerriagee and Saw*. A complete Sew MUl Plant
nra.oriptoaltboapbt.aad tbroopb it
for able.
all na a aetotUlattoa of kaas. pan
wit, like a plltUrinp Ibrood ot aparka,
aad tba noactobraaea of it b a 1
i-lj. 1
Oppoalte EacM om«a.

aaaxaal pleaaan, aad a npnt that wa
caaaat bear it •pain.'*

rbrtau rsnw win »• m»4 t»

Oeomud of Oononl U* for
VaiWMU OoniM.
WMblac^, AprU t».-“W>thla M
bow kfUr tha daUmttoa of <—r.** a»M
m Mibtr of tba 1011110(7 oftoln
aduea, •'ooofwaa wUl Uka atofo to
MtbarlMthaTnatdaottoaoU for rri*
VBtaeii, oai to rive kla powtr to 07tba ofBean for tba
Tba oxiatlac
arill W fontolly «i««to(od loto tba b«xiUai|7 ora7. Tba offloara froto eolosala
t tolUetoaaatawUlba c
ad of thair rerlo
Blao aad platooaa. la aU probabiUtp,
bot tba brifodiwo aad dlriatoaa iriU be
^roa‘to oflieon of
a rale."
It woa laaraod tbW woralar that tba
..trenar .of Vlrrlola wUl plaea tba
BiUtarp foreao sadar tba codon
K.Ubufh Lea aa ujor rooaral. Tba
ballet of Virplalaea ben la that eocb a
eoene w
the Old DooiloUa baa aot kaowm alaoa
be war.
Ia tba oaoat of war, owlap to tba
> ritobopb Lao baa
oeblend, oodprtoa will
aatborlea tbo>prcridoBttotlTe bUa a
1 aa bripadiar paaeral. Xe
la a pradoato of Waet Polat aad -baa
AooMoatratod fitatoa fv milltarp ootonaad. Abon aU be ja today a pepalar
b««. .






Bicycle Riders.




Barrewe oad Plofroo.

If You Have Logs to Sell

•Mop otbor tblapa, aipht aapanto
ftotiVirr la arpanaat apaloat tba
MWBto. Thaartialaalao.oontoiaa a
•to ot a aaoatorial ballot, baariap tba
I-------of A W. KUlikaaea a Bapeblleaa
•aadidato, eodar a ripaatw at UoaoU,
mmi tba noma ot B. D. OaapbaU
Oho ripaatw of Piaproe, laholed: “Ba­
rer BopeW lean TtebeV"
U ooUlalap the prepeaed Uae
batOlo apalaet Oonroor Plaprae, the ar•Meetotad;
•Tbe neat Imporiast pea to be fired
to'tbe oottet wfll eoae troat TTanne
when a apadal eleeUea waa baU
Ipat week to cb^ a anaeaaaer to Beo-"toMOaorpaOenU. who nolpaad to oe•opttbe OalMd Btotaa dlatrlA ottorMpahlp. Aod tUa pun wUl ba find ot
Ttapnak BapsbUcaotatt. It will bock
VoUoa to KePboraoa Peat.
op the ahorpa that Plapnolia M a ReMoPbenaa Pari. O. A. B, wlU neat
poblkaa. that be ia eppoard to tba
at Onaxe ball at 1 p. na today to atp^plaa of tboWapeWUoa partp ood
Xaniad Taotordap.
taad tbe faarral of Banoal Aadanoa.
that bo ia balpiop tba ooeoip. At tba
Ytotarday Bar. J. A. Breadp aaitad All nanbm an rvqnaatod to ba nraaTronroa atp alactkw.tban aMba Fraaaea 'Bmn aad eat pronpUy aa Una.
ia the field. Jototo
Anpaav Da Knunt. ^»tb raoMaBU ot
A. J. McHxxar.'Ooap
baooDd HoofpD.Oa«pbeU. JUlUkao BIk Bapida aad well kaowa to Tneena
woa a atraipht eat BrpoWleaii aad aa City. Their Iriaada will eospntolaW
. Depot at Hatobb Ontoiap.
Aab-Plapreaite. Alter hie
tbaa with wbbea for their foton bapOlea. Oatopbell. who ta
A da^ baa )«* bean amud at
B^Micao. waa pot ap. aod Fnak
Batcb'a eraniar oa tbe H. A K. E. tbi t
rriodrieb. who U-tbo Fiopno opoot
erillpronayraat ooanalaooa u tba
-op-toto«kodCa«pbolL -rto
patroae of the nad at that ptaoa. 7ha
••eial boUot oaod ot tbe olecUeo waa data Raw Mar raaar.
eltUaa* feel nook ladabtod ta Oaptato
Tba raak of KMpbt wOl ba eastomd
paeallar. Onr Mllllkoab
'Labe forbb efforta to aaonria$ it.
tba r^iiW BapaUleaa ripaotta, with oa ripht caadidatto toaipbt by tba
Oha head of Liaeolo. while onr Oaap- Caiphu of Pythlaa
■odal rnUama.
Barbart Joyat ta potttop m
boU woa tba taoe of naproo mod tba
A vary iatoroattoy aaadoa of the
faaadatloa nadar bb boaaa oo
enrda: “BUnr BapebUeoafriekat.
Wonaak Qab b aattdpatod Friday,
ofidAleo to thia^ban woa a airoalor woad aeanaa aad nnodallinp it
whan tba aodal problana ot tba dap
Ototwnd bp tba Piapno people la tba
Tba MIobipaa eeataraaac of'tba
totoreata of Ouapball. HiUlken wab Eeaapallaal aMaelatloa baa ntarood WiU ba diaaatoad aader tba. laadanblp
otonad bp aboet 6,000 plaralltp. The Bar. A Salabarp to bb praarat field of of Mn. M. XCBatoa.
Mtt-Pinpneltaa an ooW bar^
labor ta «kb dtp. Hblek wlU ba partieSaWheBaa* XapBea*.
•laetntppto oiade of that ballot, abow- alarly pnUfylap to tba nonbt
tap Piapna.oppoaUp a np«^ Bepab- tbaaboreb.
Aldanaaa OorriaoB to oaffayod
Itaaa aaiBlaatioB. apd o^rfM
Wn. 'natt'^dwalltop boaaa, twa patottoy waralv •>€» le oooapiea
tollot, tt«ethar with tba clrealar, wUl ntlaa nathwaat M Klapalay waa plaoa* am tbaatraata when ridtayrf
>e aeattarad broadeaat abiwt tba atoU.” boraad Tatoday: eaaaa aMnowa. Mba Wepdaa oa tba walk* to prahibitod bp
Tba aitoatioa la tbU diatriet.
JaaUas O'Briaa. who Una with the
.friatod abo^ baeowaa coon taler
.faaUy, bat waa elalttop to tba.edw at
tt laa wire
lap aa the article la etadled aad U qnlte tba Una. faffarad a loa of *16.
'at a pbraletoB la ladlaaapdU. think*
•ridoot that tbe oonlrennp wtaleb
aoula and hoaiea aboold ba admiaOwlaptotha
•Olwisatod la tbe eleeUoe of Mr. MU•d to lolattjr. aad- baa
Oanpaay to tba preaeblBX e
Abkott Open

llkea wUl renal'tblape that will be
Oroad^t Moadpp onalay and tba
Tba editor o
loeaiatteBM arw toeowe of .tboee difren Waa
Oopalaad laetan to ^ Biyb aohool
taatlp Mteraetod aa waU as to tbe peacalled npoo tba wwaker of tba baoaa.
laetan oporoa next
«Bl pablle bereabeate. Bewenr. it
’*Mr. Bnd waa perracUr at eaaa
-■ " iMt. it toto bns doeldad to poatpnto act at all dtocoaaartad ta'oarpmai

Me Bath*. Tkrktob, Bontoa.
Btoetrie Batba tt poo ban oolda.
rbeanatton, pamlpoto. awr tom of
Memab .fact naaralyta. or akto toaobloa of wbav •ritoof r«ctoa.Xa 16 Mvkhan Block,
wbara todtoa wfU nerin daltoato aad
MwMor. aiU a fno» tovotlM
tape le tbaUvarp bom.i».dtad(tart^t.jwmaaartoaatoan*at ilii|lliil?^J oaA noa *M boja kp ■
to to* oanpaiym ayalaa* Piayraa.


Sound Hemlock Lfimber, .
Maple Flooring, (J)
Short Maple Wood.





awaits the person who examines our mewr


away dissatlsfled^



OrMt D«y «f Oratortoal EiereiM
in tha ChambM^ of tho

aad vkB* tten «««
«beatMd '»® «*• ■•»*»•-««»* ••««»«
ent traiponfilr for »or« ^rotwoncad .
of lol«r«Bi-loa« (Mr raliM to
aetloa on the line of rm^ltlos tb«r Bpaln henuae of falaeboed npon wblcb
annilr oar«»<l on the ncoultr for uni* ■ they are taued. »or do they aet out ;Ui^
fylQK the coi.i'.(Uoa flnnily ndoplad. •hin* IbMM •'btch (be court of UsUapktu of UUboU rreMded.
oulrv did.
people of (tw Vlilted



_ duty. No aover^mcnl can cuarmnteo
I the •Bfety of a fhlp aboM offlccra are
not on board, aa
afteniooa tha ataartaa
p reaaon why ntwHy all tbe offleera
e (he F
j can membem of the bouae fore
le a rail at
ronimltiee and a
'vQaMtlaa-.Orv^veaer haalB date at ih* ■Utemeat of their puatUoO. Tbe mem* [
rnaMaaCt laterpreW (a (he Baaoe. hat, l>en oT that roirnniUea etaled that Iheyj
AkUey Atteehe the Ibi i rpri iall..a
had acreed on a reaolutlon'to be re*'
the forrcolw. With the exception of the ;
oranl'e uploKm (bat Cuba la not
worda and Indepenflenf Borne of, the | prepared to lahe tha etatua of an Indememben thousht the rravlutlun with
and (bat therefore. If
that om'ltKlon would accorapilab the {^e Vnited Biatea interfered, it a ould do
"— -nd* as with the aperlflc mention ^ »ith
^ind'e^ndente. and mlirhi avoid un* |
pleaaaal compUcationa that might poa-1 A.oerlean yoke
U they
albly arise with
its uac. Tha'epot,,^ ,Pe I**!,,
t« flnl»n
■‘eertng mmmlttae dwtgread with
view. a<.d*
iDo.‘in<atlon of the
.omaue terlme." r '
make It road "and Indrpcndi, The
Is In chane
te. devo^
-«n eiii.
quieting tbe American
‘he .leering rommlUeVe vWt ; .ene who wanted toI leave.-me
leave-the uiana,
weow be oecurad: the qecond by Wii- aaa reported. Jt waa annotmeed that "eHii b«.|Dg oodcr the
M alatW-Thflu•OB of Waahinrioh. directing (he. pra«- (he reaoiutlee the foreign con.mltiM {•n<.e of the staiemenu
lU mad?% LeiMwt at oBcc tp «i*7 such Btepa as will • propoave waa aallefti tury and would j GoUan.
_ • R] DtariW
_ . _de/u
•genre to tbe Cuban people an Inde- «««npllsh the purpcM eought and re- I Martha, aaeured everybody thaV-(ier.
mof gorenuDcnt. suits deemed beat. Tbetv
i _____________ whatever
.••« Um third by AUen decUrlng the
*** I^
•KtotMC* M war to Cuba, and dimrilna
committee had seen fit to change h|a staS had done this la all truth and

«r aubaeuueiu aeaeloo. and aertouaneaa. the «f
ihe praaldeat to take au-pa to atop i. anything abort'ef that stated should be woald have b^n bet|er
B«a secure to the people of the taland anally propewd. it ahotild not
At CkmuJanI and other towns lb the
B atable and independent gov.-mment. cepted by the conference, which
Ihterior hjcal Spanish authoriiies ar*
VoUowing the lbtrt>ductum of the reao- prm-eed to work out lu oem ends taking tbe lead In the- tonnatlon of
M&I made
- a dratnatli
. e deiored by Pel* kfCiah
„ Islu defend tbe
tM of Alabama. Ma«.>h of tutnuLs and be held that tbe action propoMd waa
d In the case of war. <

Waahloylcn. April U. —.Pbr i
three beura yeaterday the
__ ___
^Oobah ooe«ion to ua aevaial phaaia
^er dia uaaloB. Three rMulutlon*
: Wnag upon-the qucatloD were iniro*
«»oed—one by Undia* of Kentucky,
dlracUag that tbe citotemplaied opera
uoaa agalnat tbe FpSirt artnv In Cuba
h qcnemi
d to iw
. rooted
to the

Butler of North Carolina.
TWaarefth. Three nneechM.
Jtalge Pettua pteaeoled an argivnent
that foogreaa could not d.legaic to ih B^Mldem tbe power to make war alihvr
th a ganeraJ or m a •O.eclal aetme. and
declared that the making of any wai
without an rxpreaa diwlaratlon by cv>oSrsM would be a fUagrave to (he nation
— oMae.y
speech waa
largely .
a .e,a,
la favor-bf the recognition of
(be todapeadenoe or the Cuban republic
and waa delivered with charactertaUv
Sra and vebem.-nre. Holler spoke for
the"oppoamo»,- onthefloorof iheaen•ta. maintaining that It had thus far
UpbeM (be bands of the administration
b> tho -preoent crlala and would con" M'to do oo for a deltoueaad Tlgorous
He rogrelted that the prealdant
rt presepied such a policy to con*
and held that dnierventloo with/out tbe recognition of InAependeno
/ would almply mean the crushing of the
Caban patrioU. Conalderailou of the
«an^ civil bill waa raauined. bat no
progreaa was made.
Trim ,T inete

not enough, that he believed (hat eon*
grtaa should at once declare that aataU
»>ctweeB the United States and

Just what we have been looking after—Just what the wearer
wants. Seethen^ Bead:

To He Wearers of He Berkshire Pants:

raoted not to rip. and we an-'
thonze the merchant selliog them to make onr warrant good, viz; -By payine
J2.cents for ea^ suspender button that comes off. 60 cents if tbe Waistband riph:
or a new pair if they np elsewhere within two months from date of sale


| Paul y.-e^a> en route lo
I BiKwR. The -nIUted men are
The>*Hmental and ermn:
company ..r.-,re are all while.
: Whom anw •ervlec
eervu In Ihc rivll war. AJ'
number of the oflicc-rv have their wU-ea i
utcumpanylng th'itk___
Sw Mem Malle-Cabs.
New Tbrk. April 11.—With the de- ] ^

213 Front St.
XM ■ ■

BalUmore Stock Bc^ieod Three Times a ITMk
Counts. *Oc per quart
tStandarils, aOc .per quart

Fletcher's Ofster Depot aed^Bestaerael



service from tbe United Stales to
will eloae for_tbe presenL__

The aaaet of baeliif croquettaa fifB.
Um to their beinf raised for a hi^
tima Tbe UMl dmuld ba eboppud eerr
floe after being freed from ell tot uod
Cardinal Taacbereau-ated g|-^uebec <«» *ta teoll. it does what many otbw grUtie. end about a baU pint of adlk
at CIS o-. tock laai nigtt.
I teeUSib do—it ibedt it. eawrgiag with ullowad M ebnb pint of meuL Tha milk
Oraaahopper* have been reported al- it* paw aball already (armed, but at
■ ‘


a of tats ta ehe

Wb-U«d«.™u.,el —.. Ur

" I u.~

1» iro-U. 1.1UM. ud «»

T.»TT "'..a I th.


tuls of flour ere rubbed togutfaer. The
bot milk U (ben added, aod (ba whole
Society of America will hold Its ninth riMU Stela it la I
iiof tbewayofotbtr ooofcad Ml a thick, nnootb puta. ,-Jfima*
r OTATteg TO I
DemocraOc membera of the for­
Charles Reep. a cc
tealliUb If it OM. but in mw abaO dma. to a pint cf chopped BMt to added
McKinley. Is dead at t'rawfocdavllle. •ago b^dcxia uod tb«o it goas about to u toblespooefsl of chopped pantey. mil
adopted unanUnouBly a raaoluUoa
and pepper to tame, ifaa gn^ riad of
lad. Hr waa «T year* old.
-------------iU aeeuiitomad tnanoer.
which they will offer In oommittoe as
Hon. C. H Orbavenor was renomina­
drarator tncreuaaa gratly. par­ e lamoB. nod e teespoonfel of ooioa
a aubaUtuie for the naierity report.
Washington.' April U.—The ovation te yesterdy far the Sixth Ome by tbe i Tha
iuto^ if that U Uked. or aoma ooofcs
•uha‘MUa«y OS Tollowa: -The railed that baa folluwed Cunsul Ganaral Fltsly after iteTtog Its old'shdU. which it imply rub a balead oaiau over the
hugh Lae alm-e be set teui on Americem
^verumem bereby
lUiogbowt. The*
soli on hla return from Havana,
cul­ Med the Importation of American freab •earoely aaaaa ponible it
into tbe —*■» and tbe wh^
That, moved Iberei.. by many minated last night to Waahlngtoe to
of humanity, of lol
what waa In many ways ote
«M ut
of the
the *c^. ________ ______________ ____
pnn-ocatlon. among wbk±

moat -remarkatoe demunstretluns tbe j The Repu)>Ucan, coewre«>slottol,
I (ore it ia molded I
deliberate mooring of our battle- city hu aver aeeu. From the momeul »*»«'«>
‘he First Kansas diatrict la moat Ufelike form.
■‘>»P •“•I”’
• aubmarlne mlpeand
Tbe dMoraiotu at (be uqHffinm ore flreiteegga than to tnud owmba
he alighted to tbe rCilroad sutiun in '
<rharlte Ourtla and
“■ <leatrucUon to the barborof Ha
tod aepaintely. so that eteb will bu aura
Prealdcnt of tbe I'nited States la the afternoon he waa^ surrounded by a
btoealto will be found b pltomwl
<lr*rted to emidoy Immediately the land cheering crowd that followed him lo the'l lowftt and cKIfS throughout New Jer* to got itsportian. The food it put daws TBiiety^o tbe bruBd enimba It its
to tb«D on the tip of a little «i^
*'>'» »•«'
t'nited Stales state department and 'the.■,.BpvA-te
I eey; The IVntfx-rata have made very wbirb i* abakte gentiy over ibem, and CBnUon. by tbe wsy, to tbe nm to tbMi
•“ «l<Uwf ‘he republic of Cuba, to main, army and navy offleerv and g
tbe food, thus deteebed. tolls witbtottag biMJUite, wbare tusod ernmbe an nyes . cheviltif
Independence hereby racogTb' preaWem of _the United
the aecreiarr u( stale was I runner (>?T*tJvnt Beniamin Harri- ereba' grasp. Tbm ii oo uorrMit to the quired, ibat tbey mre very uinuuuwtonl
****»• Y» herebyauthortaed and directed wholly unprecedented to the history j BOO. s-bo has been to New Tork for the batoooad tauka to wbiob tbe mnaitor te MDBUopMi tomBioM. Tbey an wo
! past ten days aii-nding to legal bustatereby, f^tdeuUy. w be to n» (bteii
extend Immediate reJief to tbe atarv* of that staid department.
left for hla home In Indtanapulis deeaenton are. and •sythlug dreppad te end they form a gammy iubh (bal Id
>V people of Cuba, and for this pur* City turned out to thousands wfae*. . ,
the water drops Kzuigfat down. Tb*
pOM the sum of tLMe.SM la hi '
aervnade was given CeeeraTLae at hla !
not BFpattotog.—New Yok Pam.
hotel and stood for hours la the strwl I ‘ harles tMle. of Maiuton. fonnerly other day tbara were lonad to obb
waiting a gllfhpae of him.
; ■—Ktoiit clexk of Use llllnots bouse of
wbiob were npplied. aa
Tbe nUhi demuhslratlon was aUausi 1 ci'PCeMhlatP^.
TneuroeOt^ Htetot.
Meat on tbe Aoor of tbe houie. late yes­
Oovernor Tdiner custudlen of the state [ nnuii. by placing tbeir food to tbe sraterday afternoon In reply to an atuck
eottotaWaeAbM (bagteia aa quick and unprsmedltoied aa I
Below to B Uet of the buyteg and Ballarsenal at Springfield
j t«r
ter When
wbare they would be aore to gM Ik
upon the pulley, of the admlniairaiion
of jMterteyjter groMrtos,
The threatened wage troubles In the ' BeiBg aomewbet prcasd for timu that
tetarpreted tbe recommendaUuna In the
Washington. April It.—Tbe Republl*
Mttabure .-'sl district are aU.ut an- ; day. howarar. tbe man who fed
proaldent'a mcaeage to mean a request can member* of the ways and meant
ired from the barrm ka aud the Seven­
-The nrieretur* after eonstderable did not wnii lo aee the mte acrwOly
lorily t«i
lUr autborily
to oae tbe army And navy committee have agreed upon a plan ter
«( the United
_______ on the raising revenue, to .see of need.'to ear- ty-Brat Regiment band under tbe leadeat. He ptoeed tbeir food srltbu rmqb
d B
Butes to. establish
itp of Prulesaor fanoluJll. formerly
toland of Cuba a goremmem 1___
and trnaied them to do tbe raM.
• rr on war with ttpnlu. Tbe ^n will conduiiur uf the Marine band, came
date Of Spain. It frae regarded^as a
Bot glaoclBg in al tbU tank on bl*
•re than additional over from New York on 'an afternoon
cuceedlngly important and algnlflcam
retan from toedtog tbe email flabe* and
train. Th* crowd assembled witbou
•anouncement. In the tuHef debate yea- '
thing* to tbe tuber balanoud tonka be
terday the opening guns of the coolest '
. , c un beer of tl per bar- calling, and by 1 o'clock was kWO
MW tbe two dauorsicn ttal be bad
that • begiDs
‘ yield gJ^.en.we: bank strung III the sirrela abust tbe Fborehulel. where General l-ee was |
»e line* ..f tbe Uw of
. fuuDd OB tbe ulva Mill them and to p
Broadaldea were exchanged and
WMU then

• yield KU.OOO.COO; doty quartered. Before tbe chisr It was twice I
Ml* wvMW
Umta WW
an \AUiU
Ohio , « “'J®
™. A,»U H-Tl,,

“ >”•“» •
Democrat, who drew the Are of Orue*
M pound on and TO that Slav.

venor last Thursday. retOmed to the ^
• smaU corner balcuniem. ec- “rtv- “■ «»*»«> '
« agato yeuierday. a

by a oummlUre of the Union ' ofTli-ee under tbe
: ^coffee and tea on band In the I'nited
_ ,
. d tS.v; ad- Veteran Legloo and tbe Cuefedernle J has railed upun
. the -midnight
- at tbe White Houaa with Elktoa
v»P«-‘ed lo Veteran*- amuciatlun. which was Joint- , tberxecutlve deiartm^mr (or s aUto- Optn (be fragment of food whieb be
ly In charge of the affair. Tb* band* ; m^it of au<-h olHce* th their mmcilv* bad dropped tor it. wbiob bad tollen
and John J. McCook, and aaaertlng
ttet the presldenra recpmmendatloni
««"ml.tee wl«. agreed lo aaUrar* «ryc* up the -Mtar Spangled Banner-- | Oepertn.enta aa in their Ju^tnenl may into it Ibrougb tbe opealng between
’•nally meant that the United Sutes
Imuln* ..f tsoo.too.eoo bonds and {here was a burst «( Brww^s from ' be removed -trom tbe cUaalfled eervice. tbe upper end tbe lower part of (be
ubould eoerce the Cuban InaurgrnU Into
'»■ ""»red for sale
Ikdvernvd b> the ruh* of tbe civil ser- teell wbiob tbe crubbad
of red. white and blue lights flamed ax , vice**lon as I. eiamloatlon. etc. UBROUkcepianee of Rpato’s scheme of ad- ..........>.atuffl<-ea in tbe rnlled States
mu of «:« «a< h. making a gn-M Interval* along tbe alreei. ibrewlng tbe ; all the report* are iw« In.
It may be that tbe twod<
pup,illar loan to be abaorited by tbe crowd OB the balcony Into abarp relief I Although It ie.k* ortlctal authority mrely rWiilIng tP
« .k-li. w
Lackgrouud uf flags. The
... {(here la goixl gM'urMl for the atai-ment Houre to
diMaul port at tbe tonk
Hcpbaia of
"«TVUry of tbe lrv,«„y *m be au- crvjwd yelled Itself hoarse, calling for i
ahuiftreaeurr certincalea. General Ur« by name and
poUcy aa lltUe •bun
These certm.aiee (or debentures) ar* •iwecb. The speech waa brief and se 1
^ Sio. *" **
running expenses
(hlef* and aisIManl chiefs of dlvtslons.
"uT^ir !«. w
*** revenues do net meet the etmessenger* and
aod eoalMant
.oaiMant msaaen- tain that tbe men Who fed tbea Mailed
and me*aefiger»
pendlturea. Th~e preparations am
get*.in the exe.-utive depanmenta and I •• *»« arranged ttaem for preserratioa la
tered. uktng ^
IfteUnclly war meaeurv. and wuuM be
many outside »m<-e*. im tbe steins they . tk* aquarinm's ooUeoticna—New York
president had meant to declare for the put to operation only should a
held before President Oevriand In- ^ BUk
todependenee of Cuba be would have
said ao In aprcifle -worda The measage
In PeHl tor Three
this Isdoi e all th- offl<-rei n
was clear and lut-ld. I* said, except as
New York. April It—Th* Norwegian
well worth it
te the recommeadaltona and tc had re- ________ Vw-u-—. t
Bteam-r Herman IVedel Jarlimrrg ar­
uulred all the Icgenully of General "TTfvt
a^a^ t
las Bed Breght a Oeld Bette, bat ■*
HatanQroavenor lo torture aorti aa inter„ ...
Mdsv Csfo.
pretatlon from them. In conrlualan be
»<»drid, April li-Prer^ 1
aas bringing ifalrt-eo |•BssengerB who
Many paopto gatoee tbens by foili^
deciaiad that the president who wpuid «> leaviag the paUce after b
“•Bey. bow much iatbUwuthr-ukad B beod tbo (earntog seat oot by dte
n«d from Ihal port la evade tbe Fpao■e the Cuban i«tr ou would not live «iaU to tl • queen regent, it
Ish mutw. The parsengetw were I'nltnl
.Jj. Bile* UTMufoddM. praductog gn
(n survive tbe odium Of tbe Americaa newstaper repiveenlaUves that
RUite* f..n*ul l:ri.e and his staff and PIEB THAT WIPES OUT $75aOOa <«>«« pnn«] from hi* porkrtaBd bobd•
govertidienl was waiting for the full tbeir families, tronsui Rrtce said that
I tog 11 to tee ofbrial addreewiL
>e(ila**CM>asa«SPtosl *1 Irwis.
M Of kteney and b____
AN* '***
President •McKhilry * message for three dare before 1-avliic Matansas
f'-Hum-m!-- retBO^ tbe mini Ba­
eke Utai- Kidnev Bean* stoi acting on Us coott-nfit He said (be pq<>pi* ihrestrned hi* life, and at ail
il tbougbtfnUy. “I
Irwin. Pa., .(prti IJ.-The XU.I..IV, I
U1 core vrei--lbry have cared tbteL*Umes hla properly was in danger. Hi*
know wbat Um cnirant ard* of ntberw. ‘Tax Tt'BKgB's or Pti.
serretary w** ..bilged lo n*.- fur his pUnt of: ihd
thd Pennsylvania plal- '^“''-.rket
moles Utah Kwiney BsuM.
life, as the mub (hresi. ned lo dreg him company( In >ui th IrwlB IS tn <-»mpl-te
Washington. April U.-B) aprecdeal-“palu.
"Ibea it
through th* street. During the three
,a . ^'--rted
tried last
las. night
nite. ne„ .a, ' .
ly onanlm..u. v..,.. the Uubaa confer«» “>• prseldent U day* the run»ut stuck manfully at hi*
Oeyly, Oto^' l£si^,^*H!?US».°tterta
hall, caused by the blowing
ence of Hep).l.l„s.. rerrreentaUvte de- SSV'a"!^cm^r‘?;e'^a*‘’“p;^'a gas run>«ctar. The flames
Usi night to wetk lit harmony v«.ov* li is known that the membets Ing reconrenlredos and tTIIrvIng tbeir apreod with great rapldny from uo« ; ia popularly known a* B 'goM brick, ‘ ”
with (he house I,.reign affairs earn- of the government and .leneral Wopd- nccesaltiea At 7 p. m. of (be <th ln*l Minding to another. ai>d in on- hour replied tbe aaMyet
ne got notice from Havana
to sitbdmw
••Ka be. bn! N
Btlltee on repTeM-ntattons of tbe |J(»- ford do not consider It so. but are cuntl- he
ter'a Ann' pooltl..n. u. iw iiu-orpcrated dent of a permanent i>eate. Tbe gov- ^ hto re-t Tbe J.rtob^ we* th- ^ u,* totgest and moat successful
ba dDBQMdr (UK
dependent plate • glare work* of tbs
In a r«pm tu the ii..use; expected to- ersunent has greatly strengthened Us
day. This to tb- n. ai »!t:nm.ani step Po*IUon by the manner la which it re- .KJi'iiand served to take the ronaul . united States. Tb* fir# DrotscGon was
Now, tbs toflotel amayer bu^ man
yet taken'by the b..l> ..f eboul three
-after Moodav a eventa
teany manlfostatitou to dtomay. grlto
the party embarked and the sttomrr the Bremen could do nothing
toore aggreeMec «e„u..,iren
tely aalleA Tbe consul left all | u
la, t^u,m and quickest Are ! and de^ir upon annonseing bisda
hto baggage and none of the party,
^^ole country, sod eiaicai in such cosaa. but never btows
be witnewed hilarity. So be jump
action, -mry were in s-sston f.v an g,r,
srst UnpresstoBs since the re­
n'™ ^',.1..
arday at the adjuummeoi uf cepUun of tbe cabled atftracu of Prte- Tb* consul rev* thgt the eondltlne of .re.., tvothlag couM i
ad to a bamy otmclmdt
hear yesterday
tbe bouse and after
"Uh, tbsn you to
qedsage. It eatd:
a medsage.
“ sollmated at »IM.•peecbsn and the submiaa,ioB
"Prectdenl McKtaley^ lastotrnce on lb*
•M. With on Insurance of about teW.OW. ys*r- ba mid.
port on bos the foreign affairs mmii- right of American {nterferenve in Coti*
Tbe concern MOployed about WO men.
•■Yea. 1 have too. fbid fll.!,M0,s
tee nwod decided that the, would be i. ii„)e agreeeWe to Spain, while hU
who with tbsir famine* belpte largaiy I’ve Hvad te 40 ysar. for Ik Bo,b
nellaflcd with the report from the for- . omplalnts against theApril It-Aceordlng te n dto- to make up the populauon of tbe
bat Ho. bo. bo! GoBb; bte
pelrh from V-itkv Don Carica. the pre­ of north Irwin.
good nnr refdisd Mr. Gn
cbezige lo .tbe p.alih* It ennount-ed u- in bluer treny In view of America *
tender to the Fiantoh throne, has de­
grtenteg happily.
. Ibrel Fit* to Tbi
tbe atre^ committee, nbatanually *i,t*oce lo causing tb* prekwigailon.'
clared hla Intention to 'bold aloof frtwn
'’Wall, wbat-s Ml funny ubow latiag
aa follows:
' The mintoters have been In eaUnet boBtlle n
fl,»oor-daatoBdsd tbe puBBlodamuyto.
"A preamble (scHtog tb* ecmdltion* In seesiua to .exmnloe th* catd*d digest*
“Why, it's wsth it. yo«« fottor, it's
Cub*. conMetlng Uyly of quotatiuna of the mMSan. all reaervteg tbeir opla- of toe-nation;" otherwise be wlH "take Jured that there to MU Might hopn et
which I __ ____________________
P«-^f* b
JuH after Maricr on ms WM
r MoreL aacretan- for
step* be d*ara* oeccMary to oup- the morning in the dwelling bouae of
constitute* a arellcftlng artslgnmeni of the eoloni**. who has decUred _ _
bitehnd 1 fao^bt s born far MOO tea*
ib* dignity qf tbe country."
George tvugan. Mt Bonth 'niirtocutb wuMi't wuib MO. on far 40 yter Martor
epoalah misrule and the barbarities of document does nut shut the door oa bto
BlrveL Tbe dead are: Gerege Dugan,
th* war, a vlgoroue reference to tbe hopes for pear*.
Mowing up <.f tbe Mato*, and a rewilu-1
.Jeffereoo at. Mo.. Apttl "U-Adjutant aged • yson and Richard Barry, aged she’d bren a-coMln it op to ms. Now, I
Ua« authurixlng. emposrering and dl-* **weraPMM ta^ at MATaVa
Oeorral BaO staied-taot nigbt that be I year*- Belef. Dugan, aged U ycara. didn't noways want te buy thte teM
Matter sbs Bwde ms: said it wus tea
bed received Importoai leiegrem* fretn was badly burned oMui tbe foc«.
rccUng the predldent to InterreB* at
-n is ni Wiji
WggMtfcted to a bafgain.'>uiy>tatead
(ba war department wbtefa be refOM te
MK* for (he purpoa*-of reBtortac peace j
PHreerM-teto. Mteleg^lasaw
moke pubUc. Governor Btepbere has
Mr.tintaforidto. "HsiuafMrwbsa Ma­
Donrute. lUa. April IL-The mocblM her sta ‘trmwiDad boas' to ms I’m
. ajable end independut
,«tortal outUled -Fa:** end Cono.Mtonl
•0 prctenlBory orrengetnenu for war operators and miners hMd a mectong ■gote w say ‘gold brick' to Mariar, aa
RsaMmlag." aays: - preeldaai McKla- os tor M tbe town of tbe state wUl here yeaterday tt> fix the ocale tor ms!’• ttOlB to bS IMS te
rtlbc reining for tbe otote. PrestdMit rU bM tbwu’s
tay** memags U a step behtod what bed psrmit te times of ptece.
Raicbterd. to tbe rnltad Mie* Worker*
besB aiinounced. K to wttb tb* United
to Antartte. (sUed to come on nccennt Tea. sir. H'l wMh^'tt ^M^mss
States aa with an otbar naUoH wbee
Mer Metal htintl»fni. romtateg
to sMkns te Pcansyivaaia. and a da- i btote Ufto”>.Aki BinkMli te Mm wTteklsa. „btafkbauds, sta., mu at
t IWly-Or* repreaenutlTB* p
•PtedM* te gte orw trmtory. Amwtea
JuMUMoubm-nitertengreun-a Tb.



vzw cim sskyict

-I .

mMM: I

________ __






i sszf'.S"




Dr. I^ns,






pm oiri ocEim
Twthr* M»n Engulftd by th* BOlew* or Die Bott of



m amBin* e< IWl that tka


iB a iMttr to tbaMllnr
the LoBdoa
•eolhaMm Kamarkr «I»»IUet baiwM B«tboril7 aad Obroafad^. BanMidBbawtrriM:
It wai MarHd bj the bmob1 rilOfld MT* 1boo||bt, BOw |tia« *t*

talBMv.aad tbemoDCtnlBew tiartMl It ba-1 ba*eaD wd«oj; id WUtn. thatiimisM
BBUM be bad t«Mi drlnklst*. Tbe'ntoM
rmcoeUtiaa tba ((<

lalbMr b alira7«ar>«i abat.4niBk ar
• aobw. Vbea be t* dftuklBg. bewrrw, b*
lOSBOFTHE 8EIF KiSIfOBOireE. i^>«t^*baeitb*i>i>at.
r do IKA reeaU IbemouotalMW'a MM.
-- -------------------I bat aUl-MlI bJtn iSinlth. He wae feUiad

>Hr vriR to roe to axplalB
ilucliata ■hoolrl be vtitten. Sofae tiam
Mfo foo tat lo «e aa anhappy eraatni*
rbott Kme coBipaiest ^Mfraon bad
toeaortowly wdnted eat m oonwwB

‘“IbluBdar 1. iiTm. o( -Wrf wbteb.»eOMetePtMta the ■
c tba matter, be be«aa
—ranetthe C<«w URa 4

1' *~On
eotani n dee
!«>«««■►*«•*• *«»—
vana and eaDibllir
OUmm la a----------I
---------------------------------------- Ja»»ar\. jiB iesiI Sajltb
ancy vriu* la wbow w«ta
StuKb mum to UMdlwMamicb
AjMkai Vp Later •wHM hat T«. Haa aad thank bad whUky. Hi- bad hb rtfle be could diweer “aad wbiob’ et
illea Attar TMtata' *attwtac (nr the
‘ ‘ '
.............................................. * —
shM lultiuoa. 1 hsea i
oBeadce. la mere braradu. juat to sbow inot Rooa been beard of. Tbere
Mew -Toib. AprU JL-Tbe North Garthat be wna glad te wae alive and that
p^oee for (bat pour wretch,
■wa Llord auamer Saale. Captain
ttawewaewbtaky In
there WKioeeClanab!^ a wrtU
Metike. which arrlTcd raaterday from
tbebla. .... ofMlttgwbittt.” botllM^
'd. Ht ■wr«n-»< I
wlbK *«»d which.’ hot 1
Oano*. reporta .that eat Bunday laat the
pleked np a llfrb<«t ccntalalna two bcb (o-aieJlSmUh. Uw111 MM
£e^at!l^ 4
«««. u BothlB« wbatcrar to
wt ttie crew of the eUp Mariborousta, of
iBtotbealr. If be It trnnMlcMJ. be haa ' mtelBad him eiwpt Wi own natara If
-Wlttaaer. K-8.. who prabahir are all
tbe baMi of (enooukly trying to put a ‘ any man w^ to objeetta a ^ilil tadiotbAt anmre of tbe ship * crew of fourboUet tbtoogb a {nan'i bat. and ba bae atiee neb aa “1 greatly regret.*' or
teea. Tba Mariboroasti Bailed from 8L
-'rtat oot in a.^ apHi aobiaaonve eoob ae “1 Humid
Ma. N. a. bUrrb 1< (or SharpaW rwlnplng tentom Ly n
wUb a caivo of deal*. There waa expe- !, He llkm to display bi*
Mea^ a aaceemlob of tacarr **!•• bi i‘ wU)
*IU alwot
tlwol tbe
the button «
wbicb the afalp labored bearily. rauttn^,
B leak badly. Oa April A during
tbe height oT the gale, the ship «eot to
pleeeA The crew attempted to latm&
the.lUeboat but It waa dashed te plecec
befot* It rtached the water. Tbere wad
beta other boat. Tbe men went to work
mahtag life rahe from the cargo, ot

cmbtella v
iw.Snrtib bad enough wbUk* in
In blm,
blm . Infinitive
infinitive noQMaaia
oimMna ia Uken
Ukan i|nit
i|nite wriJiow.
that daytowauttodUcleybleekiU. Tbe | enaly by cditore wbo ards^
«man wai • goud targvt, and the |orapaatodly Ofc it
l«-1 good writers to rapaa^y
ikemaD weard^nSrltb a'rlk ball
aide. Tba
-------------- ------------------------------- - lusi
Tbe inllnltlTe la a mood In wbiab
lab tba


and MteMvcIy fin^
\ pn^ou
tbe adewb oannol piMibly
would fttand by eimltb. (nd tb<?
maaqtwntly tbe
prodnoe amhignity; ooeaaqtwntly
ready ler the (oa.
: . rn a jew juauMoia
■ 1 Abe tvmu
town mmm order of tbe wade U not a matter of
I alnnocd. Word went up Coiiiberlaod aie- gnunmar, bn't of atylA of which tba ear
CapL Coebran and four
were the no* lUt a depMto 'crowd of armad ie tbe only arbiter. Tbe ear often daISBt to leave In ibe other luat. Shortly ;___________
w«ee In the tower end of mandi tbeeplitlnfinlHeeand will have
after the lifeboat loM alght of tbe re- ,,______
tows. ________
.So ofwwae eafa The mayor borIt In epite of all tbe (illy people wbo do
..1- _____ _
. ..
.. . .
mainder of.......................
........ ...................
ctfw. The
ww ' riidly
the town man^ to ble
not know wbat atyle mceiu.
aulrefwd fearfully from Ulret. apd later I affloe. Pdlacuieo armed tbrroeelvea Tbe
When tboae infinite inwnU an HieCram hunger. On April ‘ Capi. Cocb- j mwn afflelal* wise mo (rw to rope with
poaed of. yon will no donU be attaoked
. ant died of exhauBttoD and espoeure: {tbearmcdmountalneera Tbe Airsadllgfat'; .
ttti folloaing day another occupant of, isteDtry of tbe Mate mlllUa hod an w-1 “
«*»»»* by tba areo mure im|m(be boat died, aad on Easter momtng at nery tnhlMdloHMratwb. Capiaiu Kd**dfie
Impostom wba tbcmgfa they prodagUght another of the crew died.' bwTkdiy called In bb mea. They put on I nemnee Qm wad “ookr'* aoaeto rbyma
There were now left-ln tbe boat Chief tbetr onltorM el___________ .
- »aiMllwiib"doUef.'' and new baar it and
OOcer George V. Masters and Bcamah waited for tbe governor s mi»mg» calling never have beard it and nrvwwUI
Aamre Fannoa. Both were well mgh them ouv Thai memage dhl nut enma
it prooogneed ta any otber -way. <>«■>
waea out Crotn banger aad thirst. Thay
That WBi one of tbe mmaorable days lima to time iratiod to ba ebooked
Ttie nsta
Had almoat dropatred of being rwoed In Mld(ib«bDroia bUuiry.
wbeoltUapellwllboMa“B.” 1 trato
rnimta aatteU to be failed «ot in detenae
when the Basle picked them up.
of the town oOaUls aad of the town ItseU. yoo will alwaya laalst on tbeee aoiNo aathcirlty waa feeeivsd Horn Fiank- aueea definitely mating wbetber tfa^
fort. and tb- gallant boys. atlU wearing proooanoe U <r “boDor" «r “nMgbbor**ClevelanA Aprtl IL—The operaUvea of the atau onlfoem. and eairylng tbe state or “IsTor” or “babavior” so ae to
(be blast fahtaces producing foondry gdM.'weai out to a csrtala blUslde to rfayM witb "oor“ or “poor,
and mill (rao in the district embracUtg flgbL They fought saindlvldaBldtlsaDa. oamAsy be. or wbe^ they art meteiy
eeeelattd aad the MabonJog and Shea- not ai state traota.
ainge vaUeye met fa Cleveland yeaierSmith and bit friends briAa (or tbe
tS to anKrtnt a delegate to a national wooda The mllllla boyi followed. Joel
^fersBce which win be held in New. ontaide tbe rellnad track* opoo a riae
-'^Torlt. April S.
Similar meelinge of that overtooked tbe town, they baited.
. Mast (uraaoe men were hHd yesterday Tbetr captain eoul^ noi lead them. He lelatfvea and artrireeging tbetr bob/
la aU parts of tfie country, aad tbe ceabUng*
(Srenee In New Tor* will probably resnlt In tbe formation of a national orBlnek and white effaote again llgera
ganlnatlon. Tbe reason for the actfon
aborted. “Uome oo. hoyt!
largaly in tba doBmto of, bocb laahlimThey (ollewed blm. not aetbelroaipotnl, abla dTM aAd mllllW- Bbrnk mtd
' mUl pig Iron has exceeded tbe demand. but as Ibelr leader far tbe moment.
white Mika, mtlns and farooadsa JoM
They were now oomhU tbe city UmHa broogbt from ovm tbe aea or* set forth
Tbe polknues bad no autbority to
by leadiag imparterm. Bla.^ and wbila
bol tbe onUertDe of the etate wera t
taffecaa. aarplm. laillea and otber fancy
Scott Heywnod. who went to Dawson
WM a noe between the ignorant moon' allki and libtfty taxtilea appear. Blaok
aty. Alaaka. last summer, has atrnck
tsloew and tbe blgbly trained militia and white cbeeke and plalde are belag
M rich, and that be has taken out shout
Tbe taotloe of war prvvelled. Formli
formed into styllMi ^lag oomomea
gTAM* worth of golA
ebva* tbe Kcnocky '
by tbe faMiioMble dreeeniakera. and
rl7 drawing that clreto FttoKhwommi an now wearlag black
Bkwr. In nnkm ibera Is etreogtb. Tbe and white mMa bracadetbtrtwaieteerltb
onUormed taoyekoewthlA Tbe mountaintbair styliak black clotb ekirta -WalMa
e<r did not timiifa was deearted. Tto
ereo Aacoaouao.miMT o< black and white or gray and white
«*0 Tew WM» a Little piaM Oaw to

rnnwl op tn him.


getttle plisUe ebapaa la felt and fairly
bristle with wmtb over come triOe. boi
Sill enough to otaecnra tbe etso in tbe
little world for many a weary day. per

chance, are it le aeeniingly forgotten.
“Tbere ie no erne woman but will rey ber boetond over and over agaii
lor kind, tbongbifol treetmeol
He i*

*--------■* It had l«en maddening I
to listen (u the toQiul of dbtaot sbou.
eoiitd Iraagioe oor own boyp waundad and
soOerlng oot there uj tMcuony moun­
tain siOa. Tbere wai a teVnam to our owo
prace to that euddrn. tciwful. ripping
tuond of sboto. and wr anv glad -wbeo
our tx>ya came back u> us with thttr prto-

»oui-b. ebudub, „d
to liim; bot one thing ia

I millito hm
buya k«nt
kept lu anlrlL
eplrlv Thrv
Tbry tnrncd
-• wuman D<-vrr forgetA
(Wlr priaaoen utcr to tbe town autouri•*AU little dt«ds of leva or tboagbt-1w«,t
** I bc>. went m
to U»
(to armory, turned to tbelr
tnlocm snwc by fall band yield a certain j am.uruif and arms and went pMoeluHy
and abundant harveat. bbe may lure | to t.bclr botme. .No one
ber borne bettor than rnyotbvT spot 00 blame to itowe mitlib boya
OMtb, yetabe nmetliueegeuao-wraiy
It b a md thing to relate, but It to

«f U.*
tb* dMly

. ,
Angered by Ibe sbuotlng of tbepolloeman. outraged by tbe aimed roebtaaca
hot help
goal foellng tf «»vy to tow. tbe cltuans of..................................
tot those wbo have more lime for recrotttiiB. for goiog abroad, tar all tbe littla
(hlnga dear to tbe bean tf every woman,
I toiler, took Smith out 1
kot wbitfi tbe Stern band tf duty m<M


while Kandall nppuaed it vigoruasly.

Wfil, Now!



; airabte plae*; con bo boegbum merntbJ.W. FatrauB.
M Bit. .
itgbi In tbedace. “Yea mott nut love
me B^ mace>ow ym ate goiog tobe

ly imymcntA


Attoraeye at law.
brlbra bw eyvaf Claeda
drvw tlw Uny (artu elwwr to him and
kiwvl.bei as be bed kberd RsM. aoermoring:
“Valeria. wbelcvvT bapprus, whstevw J
do. 1 iovv you to that nothing een evet
•Aangemy afleotloofer yoo. my dsMing.”
Rena Mr««l away aod burrlfvJ
b«v . — ,
I. AiMv.Mr aov Oto
ruom. b<v heart ibrubldng eltb emotion. 0< Imv. sc ■ctsl ei.rauaa w 1
Tralousibst bevtbomtbe loved ao inucb bus Mwvmacl >g til ProMto

O. -

Ateo good booee and M teMloLOnk
Park. Waabingtoo atoeoL


abeold prisr anutbev pD»ra than bw.
1ujiakT a
“tTbr decs be Dot marry bar. thcaf" Mb 1 O'uwSa i
sikvd kcrtolf ovvreDd over again. “1*«t- | l*r........................
beiB sbr b poor.^bd he b as odveoturav
and wanb ray (ortuo* Ob. bow ceo I
give blBJ UpV'
Tbe toond oft tbe pra^lrHniralng fram
u arouSad her.
tfavuloli _
“I mott pv down stairs.” told tba. "ana
ba meet not *«bow muobl eamlerhlm.” reeatyrratw-r nOe-Pil-driebWerA.'Aeoa.
Pb« carvinily errangvd-fart draa and
went down to meet bra (atbra.
TY<iDOg A onrru. Atson
“Fetber. pfanse eeud Claods to M I AJ leva ai bvr. Ottrae.Ony
moamebba atone.”
Hens gUdodlnloibepariiw
bar bvart to matt blm.
ri^A o.‘
“Kcoe.’ told a madly vbk
W UtaaA
“wfaMbIt. deeraetf"
“Sir.” Bbe told. rialBc aod
Claude, “take lack your ring. After
has pMtd thbevonlng It b Impoattbbtor
me to keep IV I want do axplaneHoei;
none ta oavdrd. I centrutt Biyowneyea**
“Urtr. vrbai have 1 done to offend yeef
Why do yoo aprnk u me tbusf”

Ut tokso la etebn^.


argfN’ess carm.

AtAratti tt Titto.

Hack, Bus and Bagga^i
1 of anything in thin

Thone No. 8.


—Watch Sei»iriiig.

dutrvie It Ton have aettd aa vo gwtlemaa wHbsnyrrlncIpb would have acted.”
“Hov Heoa. I do not niittnilmr dol^
snythlag to vex yool Toil me wbei have
“OA wen. U you do not ramonber."
ebe wid trooke)ly.“I-saiToaeltbnotb- fXBM^ OlttL WAITTM^^
tng more ttea wbat you bare been oocob- aVb to talk svedOevtoaaaal watt‘the -004'
totuedtodovandyao and I mayaawMl toJrara^tMtlaMeye. tt. Hy>sa. Ha Watoi


—Front Street.

blMlllMi t MbU L I

T or FOB UALB-Oa E. Mk streeV btt_____

TTO* OAIX-Br-ae avw Bwvwes Fai.
r tie-. SeaMbw.aVte; abe a te* tomd tt
uir-tw. -t-M wsaSeits. wttb ease, aasd bat
llttb: teuao PttElUawem Ht-U

rpwo ircw w
X stMvtbvw

IB ay biryeb repair abet
b—l pat b thoretwa evS*


DstoKIVtdL T B-isnea. Batt VaSa, BUeh.
T oar o* enurgn—Jertoy raw.
Aj watbebaeiwM ter rseraray er e
toaseutvairaet wUlteUtevany rewMt
A e Fryttsa
tPt tf




eettvae at UOa o. te

O.ULOCKHQO» O.F.A-OraMttnalis
TTrsWTBl>-Omk ler be la
W Otty Laaitev Co. H:-tl


umni iDNumiBn LI

WAMTED-hy yttaag ttse wUk
era' espiwtraev la grettry butt

. Vr£S5TTSirV».


Bbm and bor«iTT*?Jf*^-i—.- BBXIermb at
w Travtttt enr


“Doctti’t the Bible eay that il ie Iswfnl i bb ara.«. 'Velrato was my
onlT It . Iran Iwreivlve Fruai atirat. Travvm Oiy.
to poll your ox or ass uot tf (lie pit on 1 Hv marrl«l bra wbm ate
8uiUlB«Z.zea.t«o>tu2m^tauvwrM ^
tbe babbaib day* Yoo have 7( amen on I
u lODM
er. end b two years rraai by IWfevtSrap. AStBtbv k rt ot (te
your cMe of this bouse Ibsl I want to,”*V
>toa( av.
olOrr than I am
I haw always lovrid ber ciiy. atorra. Pwr Baoerra
get oot uf (bis ditch tomorrow, nod 1
demlyisOol oqj as I low ynu. deritog.”
1 TravvT.»cvv, Hive raPtt
think 1 nm engnged in a buly work.”
■ Ce:. you wor forgivwmv. Claudel”
“Ooi-I do it. Boiler.'- plandod Ran­
• Vvs. lnd«si.''.te- eniwcftd, “for I , iKl tevCe HT-tf
dall. *‘I bare some respect ter yoo that Mwuld batt- told yoo Vahwic iras ray uep- .
1 don’t want to lose. I expeot
day motbur—eod yuuag- t>ul 1 wished I
to meet yoo in n better world.
Mr Ladle jutt then Jotoed tbem,”Bo( yoo'll be there, aa yon are
” This U wbat 1 sent yon. Rena. Ic
bate, ” retorted tbe sly Benjamin, qsidt
. toautrv tt OvBl W
aa a flash, “a meiefaer tf tbe lowm
bona*”—Lsmtorille CoorierNjoBnwL

vatad car aboot
Jnetrend. “Now. that ia aotaally fanDy," nod tbeo be tend it over again.
Tbe ioterenoe from this Is. tf oonna,

,btf lovelevtfsaU

TmeerwCtty. Hiatt

beatbca tcmlit«-ta-tb*

“Mefclng love 10 me. you badtny.and
Jf^ged to Mbs Uelbr
Aran* yoe

tnnfl cbaniiuoii. “and 1 don’t think it (
rigbltobold a aemion onibeSabUib.'* 1 lotoW*

•ffetfeally debate ber from enjoying.

Xf a teem gen a doltor ready &pm awny
ter a raiBy day. be matte two penpto aellIntttokaasto amoteuabom wbao onAlt
way to tbe hank ta dapaete It. Atebl^

Tbe tar|t«et

Oa tbe italMy abe paaM the parlor «c|d ia la HeritiGB|tttM. sad n turnTbe Moad o< eolore ametad ber petaet a aqoara. aaeb aide ba(B( «m mils
Taode'I "
' are au otber
IcMBMps. amt. lorning. the
briwM Ctsode
|n -l«Bgtb. wMde of which
-ym. fleude. ber luvrv, bar dartlnit. wtih I1 aqaarm. The
Tbe walla are U feet
(eat btgb
bigb and
sraund a llnle Udy wbo was! ^
Bee lae( tbHek. and
sod the
tba ball
baU wbme
wbae* |dJstandlttg bcalde blm Prveeotlv ib* young i
. ,, , ,► 4,
. i.OOO
lady lui^ away from blm. laughing and
«®Bfe«>i« *• wppartad ^
pUlar* web eta tnw a mogle block M Wbot am 1 offered ter a good bottw naff
laying In a iweeL dcflaai DAnnm-

1.1 you at Ibe door tost nlgbv and. tblaking ' coeevr UnSi Sr*
. ' yoo were ooratog In. dhl not eboBKe ray i ----------- 1------ ::-----------------------------------------:---------------I poaiUon.
^ 1 have always been tongbl never
____ . :

8ttu. (or aU tkaL abe wosldjMf for tba
Whole worid axebaogd plaoea. even If
pended from VaJlow oreak bridge. 1
gbaeonld. with any otber woenan. leav. tba body tf a nun ewlnging gemly in the
ll« boma and Joba—dwr old Jobn-raa morning hrami liwasbultb.—bvLoub
ttte prioo tf IMT fraa^om fitan oaoe.
^■tf ySerwife baa been a teiUrfnl and
A Big BeapttoL
(roe .wile tojteo, tell bar ao. Do no(
Hosnewbaeaboaidtsi tergeaBoagb te
think it lowen you manUnete any to
bold T.uOO'jptteooA U woe foawted la
ht bar know that aba etill has a pdaoa
iTUaod tf prwaatukaa ta ebUOtettat
in you nffeotiOBA Sbe baa tolled rarly
tbe nteaf'tu a day. ocaboot lAwc ayaar.
and late
FOB wd yoo ohlldien. Tbsra an fit pbyiietoiis and aboot *00
tbroogb MMmaaa nod banltfa. bad calf muem Dortog tba diet aeouay tf tte —
ftttui bae grown to be bar atotto. D
eivedaod I:
totew hat little tram bar loved obm to
ovr la
laake ber happy, ao do not bagrndg* bar ...............................
tbto beUdlog
• word tf praiw now and tboa M bar
Joil reward, and tf te more eilna to Uoold bBwued.
bar altfvlng heart than gold. Tbm on
sotee tbingp wbiofa monay omm Mvu
bay, and woonds wblob it oaBBOttiaal.

John R. Santo,


ridfiu bill, the q-etti- at tbe ndjown- SfVot wHl i^e
meoi of oongreae was tmder discoaMco I
••jjtae Lrttb." he mid. with a erwrovrfal
one tiatBrday nfleroooo. Beo Botlm, I rkA Id bb cyca. ”U U beraote I have! ooBtTH
that burs wiv bad etep^ over to Sam ' lelndub that 1 cume to exptolo. 1 mw ftorra
a^ndaire deak for a privi
tioD. BnUcr favoied a boiiday

o. P. OA&VZ&. A

wcrewiUioutcload-wewuiildMnrtalm ad to apptdlebopeeatarltrtte^ Ub*
tba anasbitia.
| mda **Tv tbe AvtBai.‘‘-tbe oaber “To
Aa the Mpper ball mb Rena weM the Cemetery. •’


Wto i^^.b pR^ttiM f^
a secood ijjtn Uiat day.
>c were glad in Mlddlrabonagh that
MOOD. Our galtoot boyscame imek to J

If ae yoa knew

.Sat pet U oorUvaa JntapoaUiooofCwotiDgfrpcMBattBcb-



Ercr Barned OotT


■wbMi bedicd. Bena bad DO dMbU or:
A tarrerpoedaot o( tbs Wtemlaater
Olaode'i love (or b«r. Il« wbole eeti] wao Gaaetteoalle Bltsetkai to (be oarteoe


Boniag—a Jolly, guod bamond look it
be went away {des^ti il asgry. a
grofl, defiant, attend to yoor own boeiaasi air takes tbe plaoe of ^ so lately


•Biyaildef e mirnouira »«««***:
dead, sad ao.cdeourea.abe wae pected P”; P“®* _
bybw ladBliteattatber. wbowaa plaaaedi
la Attmlia^atog baflae Attg. *0.
to bare her marry Oaade Howard, at ba, «mmer Kot NJ. aatama Pab *0 aad.
wooM im ibaa bare w ^are bar alone wiater May 10

**^'\cn^Mia!" be mid softly.
-bilrneai Good cvrailngr And. rlMck.
^ glided from tbe room.
Hcbb dte not appear agala tbM nlgbv
Tbe oast itojrtilDg >er Uibra s«R fur bar
to take a «Wk with Ms before break'
“Keoa.” bv qetottouad as they '
dowa tbs tome path that ttw and Clsnae
bad ttralled tbe eight befom. “what ia tbe
traoble bstvraBo you aad Oaodef”
■■FattMT. bebamotaeiad rightly. Ha
batrayrd ray mttt la blm. and 1 gnv# bta
bock bb ring last aigbv"
Tb«> tbe told btto abool bar dtaeevtel
Cbude kMrag a young tody.
"Icapool cmil bteagm.ahboogbi
wte youog looking and bcauuCul. w
•» always good style. dark balr and ryea ^be looked ooly t
hkM Several got ewAT. but two of them i
At leugib they eloaed in wbetber made in tbe manner of tba —
or tbrae yean younger than ba. wbo b
*^U batoands ooly knew. or. tf know- ware captured.
of tbeo ten shirt vralatt t* with foil fronte 8ba looked him ttralgbt In Um toce at if
lag. ettly cAKd, bow eery mneb tbalr opon^SiuI •
...______________ ,--------------- --------------tbe mil- j toraed back with white reven over •
the toted film very much. end. ob. pegtt I
wordf and manbera affect tbe tenpersitte boyv They ttood tbe fire aod ad- ‘ tneked obemisetta of tebrio to msteb. •aw tbean. aod be was tolne!”
•nre of tbr taome world, tfaey wonld
1 A loll blouse of tram White Mlk «
“Did yoo ask CtotMe wbo Utt lady
sever by w«d or deed leave it esSoddeaty one of tbe
>.*■’ m
UI the fatter.
fulMr 1,
wtlni covered every a'bere with a dra­ wast”
ibraaded la gloom.” argaee Mre. A. ttwaag forward oot of line and tbrost bb
“Na.(tt|svlam glad 1 did
pery or vMling. metely of Jetted blnek
Mairion in ab artaole entitled moakat la front of blm. Tbera was a
afraid of brmktog^i
oeL dfun proves tbe marl becmnlng of
*‘Praies Yoar Wile” ia WoBaa*e Home ellnking of guo barrel sgalaet goa barrel
' be bad doDc oothin
All waiata a Maodrr woman of indiffert knew be
1 bo very wicked, e
Oonisnian. “To moot wivae tbe boe- aod a ebov Then ttie uniformed boy. wbo
ait oomplexiim eon aeleeV . Sometimes
baad la Ibe aaa aroand which every bappemd to be a MUaouH boy as vretl,
enwb^ down upon tbe cboolden of tbe cream ribboos matching tbe bloom are
--SU bera s (ew mlnuisa." wM Mr. Leothought revolve* Then ie arareely an
and beM blm.
tbe moM wtiatsctcry additiooe abe cu lb. "and I will aend you tometblof yea
iMtaBt in wfaiob file presenoe U not felt
, make to tbe waltt; again, a bow of need wry moob ' - And. polntint to a
aa fbegoeeabootbar wtekoreveo wbett
soft piak or brilliant ocriae wtin weeks baneb. bv walked ofl to (he boom
Bt rnrt. If abe i« preparing the mcoU
1 Stulth’i btodaad a
Tbere was no aUeraauve bol w obey.
wmuten W ImiTOTteiittiLoIiew York
IdiMI place aitxiog the laarea
tte way Jt^n likes ibie or tfau or aomo
Bttmrfc ba has made aboni eome artiria Not ^ng t$e unlfunucd boy at hb left.
Wm U adrtomordtd'ttMTwny beboM
Soilt£ aUiNrf
aimed evih^m^
aVebetusD illtwU^
tiln<clly to
Id f^
c«rag aw-nb la tte Oram.
bar lover hraWe bra* BecoUealng bar pO:
'~^ood ie 1*01.0.1 to mind. U eb« l«>fca Snd^
•bool ber. ^e aeea bir ban and coota
battging on (he b(wkA and tbe bsu inearial'ly wrmr
tba Mine eiprreelai
Joba'e face were wboi he left in tba



ttmr eay tog: -Girls ot KabooMnotbeJmloHoftfd
woravo of fill. ‘
uSTi Ato L Vte
Yun are righv Vabrln” eaM Cteada.

that xnany tf tbe tbia^ wrlttaa in ton
an nos rmlly fonay. ■!>& making dao
sllswenee for lack tf npjBeoiatiaB. it te
ch tf tbe matter
wrinett ae fo^aotBaUj doM laA tba
tTM ^nriv U may ba well intetteDed,
good ttatared. even obearfnl. and yet
ImA tba peooliar fllUag. mttefyteg. «».
ergteing. rateeahliv, VflttktBg qaalUy
tf ranlfim.
Tbe man wbo baa tfite klad tf (on IB
fate benit nod wbo bne baMdm tba powm

b^.boyevwtbteef BahM
Mre. aywInkA-Tee; koka tl£a hte
matter, dao Y yoo ihtakf
Mra. Oeaete—1 teY know, tehom bay
Mra Slywtnks — MtoA — Kaw TeA

tf MttimnnieBtlng it to hte noigbfafr

Celmni Peed le TtoaOv

aaodaotgoto tboKtendlfca tebtetewuiL^Kaw York Udgat.

Il te M aeerst that tbe FTmeh eollMry
espert aaptoys cea de cotegM to

» hai eoverad hr mam baaaaa la
m Lottfiite

every ymr te



St deltolOM fiavror ae ofiaa «tt<
aatedeaad other cookery eoefett
•kovenTtateeokgnatbem la era

tea WAX. ncCTO









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