The Morning Record, May 15, 1898

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The Morning Record, May 15, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

PDF Text





SMond Tmt—No 8SS






The Wall Paper
Days Are Not Over Yet.

Oa* Bh*!! Bzplo«*d i*'* Beho*l H*bm
BtTBlMd vaottoa* Bid«**o VlMM
Md XiU*d * KubW «f OhUAM*
**dVii(U>d^Uy Xarolr*
-I.o**«rXilb Wm BrMh
BOvxBnnra or tbes wiinOoMml War.
«s Tu li«*> I«
TSS V. •. VAMBXMrow XB ▲TSHsap.
May U.-Th« Viweh
Wa^lBCt**. May.l4.-The ■Ma*d We l;ave pa«r that will please you both in quality and
ly »rri*«d bm tod*y'
price. See our goods, get our prices and we will get
reUUM* b*tw**a Fr**** aad Qraat
your trade.
(nuBBanJnu. BarafflectBaad «r*w
Britain are riewed with deep latent
witBCwed tb* teBb*rdB**t **d taaA
It i» th* feaUaf *f aaay that a
MMble ol th* p**yU tor **t*ty.
leriak b a*ar.
Great Britain will
Th*y **y thaaiiaharlriUed **d Injarad
. white qawp^
230 Front Street.
HoUejr ft OobbbU*
,Att»pt to Ot th* Oobu «M Bm- WB* wary Urf& 0a« *h*ll cxolodrd i*
aad “••'•'T
afreeahte to th* Uatted
*eh*oI h*u*. hllllBr m*By «kUdr**.. Veariy SOO Bpaaiah Killed—After: ^ta*. woald be dlficalt to aceept.
OMfol-XOTtibl* Hotoo Wl*u(kt
»r 0«M 9nm th* Wtodon, Haai- A**th*r eoapletaly ^aolbhad th*' Fortiflcation* wei* SUeaoed the j Maay her* belie** that thirty dayawUl
tommy aad Vatldehead—The Town ]
pf <4, oamaeadaBt of Marlaea
Toern waa BheUed and Fired—Hot *** Oieat BritaAo and FraaetL fiyhtiay.
Waa Bet «a Vlr* .hy Vwwttac whea th* UMOolUy left th* iahahi-1 - 8in»te Shot SJroch th*
•------- «----------- ..
taob wet* berianlar to retnre.
leoBplieatioaatBBydeeelopaad pioar*
•peektu Tee Mouitae Rwsiw.
The eraiMr Miwtfoaer)-learee h*^ *pwiai<«TuMoiixi>«a*c<«s
' all Barop* late a war.
of aamplee on MondHv afternoon and Tooeday. It yon wooid like to
Key W«*l. May 14—Both th* Ba*a- toaifbt tor Key We*t- The eralaer' New York. May 14 -Th* Wiatlew
want somethin*:
somethin*: different
different from
i rr want
what yon bavar
vu- Bee the latest
It b well baowB that Bapetar WUaa aad a**f*qro* cable* •«** been Yate alao eaU*d hare and will aeoaar-1 dtaaater at Cardena* ha* beMi a**aywl |
«»en will be pleased to have you call and see ns whether von wish to
'llbabipoUlayfcraa <
«*t aad <hibab»*we*l o* fro* fd)
pnrcbtse or not, at
. I., U.
TW ... .,W. U .. U.
rwaiiaialfetVnt with th* aatMde world.






ur circH the Oregon.

New York. May 14.—4 Kry Weet
•pedal to the Jeamal lay* that th* Bpanbh Fleet Bald to bi X<ayinc fur
Wladora h** Jut retaraed frwa the
theBlyBattleabtpairoeaat .
•onthera eo**t *t Oeba aad loportt the
Ct*afa«*o* b**bard«eot by An»*d<»ii
SpMial <0 Th» Mariner hoeoa*.
Waahlaytaa. May 1 —Th* beard of
The offlcM*-*ay Uat the ll»htho»ak
•laeaal and.fort were deetroyed and itrat^ oay* aa eOelal caMe a*a*aaee*
that the Spaabh aqaadroa waa
the town eat OB Are. Kyht Amerioaaa
war* w*aBded aed two hilled. Few alyhted off th* eoaat of Vei^aiaate. It
th* Spaabh we heplar t*
baadred Spaalard* were killed.
TWWtodo-,.Me*tco»eryaad Mar- latareept th* Or^oa. which waa laat
leported at Bahia. It b abe repwted
Vtl—■* were eagayed In tb* ^t.
Law reporb ladbat* that the Awei- that Spain ha* aeraial bly oollbi* load­
lean ahtp* foacbt at yreat odda at ed aad waitlBf far the fleet off Veae-

A Few Seasonable Facts
About Seasonable Goods:—

Jas. G. Johnson.

were killed la tke tpwa.) The Wllmiaytea waa not aaee W by U* Are
of tk* Spaabk.

ar^r B. B. elab yae*

« Wheel Enameled For 52.5D


V** ^cierteaa. lea*tmg the pU«e ia ralaa. the d«d and

Waahlaytoa.iMay 14.—The Spaabh
Ombar Karvard b Braated Pombfleet ha* ayaU boon aiybted aboat oae
aloa to lay at St. Karr* B*v*a
baadred mllea off tbe eoaat of VeaeXMyp for Xepal^
•»T<lal to Tu Hu»i»* lU.oati.
aary department oSdal* wb* enrabe
Saw Y«wk, May 14.-The O. S. Crubthat the Spaabh Admiral dealiaa to ■ Bareard {ebtaiaed permbotea u lay
avoid an eoyayeeaeat aad b waltiny aa
1 8v Pierre. Ulaad *f Martisiqa*.
Mareilee* Sro.
make a daab at Cieatae- eevea day* far repairiey. It b repert• riddled aad :
The Shrapnel beaU
:yoa*r Baraiia. Tbe fleet w la yoiay at ed that aiyhi Spaa^ warahip* aad
atwat «Mi aevea torped* beau are layiny for her
ah* water. Thea tbe Mai
! milt* aiace heard from laat.
•abide tk* lhce*-mlte limit.
Haakvilb'aa aaeaybly attacked Ue
Wa>hteytM ofiiebla are iacUaed M
maaked baturte* they were otterbeyratcfol to the Kreaeh aalhoriUm
ly deelreyea. They t^a tamed their
CBM ^oa the city ereatlay fc^l


dyinr 6Ui«» tk*
The A«erieaai under erdeie attewptod t* eet'theeablelBaeataecaa bay
aad woald ba*e anceaeded bat for the
rAtaralay of th* Mked b*lt*rtea oa
both aldM of Ih* kartw who opened a





MarUiu Block.

Tt..S»r. ol U>. nUo,l.,Uo -O-ol,„.,
mate three headred Spaabk lulled.:
-------------------------The Spaabh pmrw, feaybt hard, bat j
||E| Hm£Q.
wlthoat aeeuraey.^ Tbe bembardowatj
*f th* maaked batteriea waa kept ep Saw ^iU Hear Petoekey Bl*wa Up
Teatarday—Two Fatdiy Hart
eeaataatly with awfni affeet aed wh*a I
' aad Thirtem lajamd.
tb* b
As iuual we are to tbe front with tb« outp«l from ooi aodn
the town aad eat Are (* It. ereatlay a Swbl to Tea Moaaii* Bkob*.
ain, Riving to oar patnms the btot aavorp, ttie beet ice cra^ tk
^ Petookey. May M.-MeParland'*
deetnoU** eoeflayratlon.
pbo^hatos. Don't fewgst ilmt lefi
Behind th* maaked batteria* th*
last season after patronizing our fonntnin. This Stacn oar soda
laadiay partba foand oae baadred aad afuraooB. Twa men warn kilted oatporatuB will not be open for basinas Sonday’s.
dsTN^ae baadred riyht, two fatally kart aad thlrteaa la-


PETANDER’S, iL"i^ss*o2*

to the Public.



We have decided to make a chaoge iu our location And have chosen Grand Rapids as our future
home. We have already pleased a building. WiU
occupy .same by August 15. 1898. In order to avoid
expenses of packing ^nd freighting, we have coneluded to close out our mammoth stock of

Shoes t

1’. J": JKOST.

Are Handsome.


Waabiayton. Mar U.—It u altqyetb•OOD K>B BUXZABDS.
prabable^that there will be a call baned far'one baadred thenaaad addi-;SteTred Bacosoeatrado* Taken >
onal TolQBteera la a few day*.
Haar Havana by Oart Lead*.
Layiac Babotarine Viaea.
Il b current belief at th* war de-.speriai
•cwlalioTai MowiKi nacvaa.
Key AYeat. «ay> 14
I —Major Lieea.
New york. 3itj 14.-Tbe French partment that al leaat that maa* rayaUner LaTourlne. outward houad,' ran laia and veluutrei* will be Beaded at LBsector of th* northern eoaat af
down ciyht men la a row boat off tb* outtat fer Ue aabjuKetloa #f Cuba. jC»h* for lb* Cuban army, arrived her*
It tanryedthalaaummer campaiy* today with dbpatchea. U* aay* ihar* '
Sandy Hook thb
J E.-erything will be sold regardless of cost. See large
ooaditioB et tkiuy* near
twee? them. Tae mw war* emsloy-■ la Cuba and tbe Philippia** would
» bills for prices and further particulars.
t load* of recooeaalrado*
a lam of many
troop* fraia aleked by tb# Uni
layiny eubmaria* mine*. LaTaartee | aeaa Geattal /klyer. therefor*, haa mo tekan dally through lb* Spanbb
been earnestly pressed to orye anethar Ibee aad pil*d up for the buaaards to
teadered ae aoabtai
call tor valnateera
aa her way-'
I Arc proDiinnwHl to b* the nicest in
City of Mexico. May 14.—Leadlay
town. .All tbe'late patterns.
Spaaiarda here claim that
Mo Xvideac* ta Shew That Praao* 1)1* Squadron b Ofl-Herth ,Oaa*V-of b breoybt by the steamer La Fayette '
Haiti Headad WeMwnrd. i
ta Vara Crus that Blsnoo U provided
Has Dtecnmloaud In Faeor ot
Bpeeial to Tut Moairaie Rbcobd.
abnuda*Uy wiU Spaabh triiopa la Ba. Spain at Hartiblqua.
-Waeblnytoa.May 14.-Admlral Samp­ vaaa.
•pedal Ui Tai Uuaiiav karoiu.
WaabinytoB. Mav 14.—State aad na- an'a fleet b at Puerto Plat*. He oomTha coaditteu of tha reeoacoBtrmda*
not obliged to ta>ll meat at war prices. We have a
4-nr load n
mlofflebbaay there I* ao evldaaee .f|municated with the Amcricaa eeaaul b ptUfuL Tbe Spoaiarda Uunt them
* ' ' ck and cao faniab joa thff
beet ('hicago beef kili^ at home.
aay dtapoalttea on the part *f the ;*» Cape Haitien today.
about their Yaakee frieada. Ulaaee
Franeh colonial omdala of the Heal
8t Thomas. May 14.—Tke Uaited
ladim to dberimlMte ayaiuat tbe Uni-'! State* anzlllsty ember Nt. Loab mlled thresteas to ridlenl* tha Americaa
' tad Slate* In favor of Spate If thera'{today, yoiay waaterly. Th* H*at:lt pays to trad* here and people;
has been aay daisy ia the iraaaaiiuh ' j yomary aftired today for coal.
Key Went. May I4.-The new* .from j
finding it oqL
- *f eablayrama from dfartlalque to the
Bsvaaa ahow* tbe coadiUoa af tha re-1
United Statm yovernmaat or te the re«ld Potel Comfort, May 14.—Tbe eoBGcatndas U fearful, they are dylayi
r St Paul p
1 ol aay evtdeaee teadlny lay. She has yonetojola the flylay
t* show that abstaelaa i
Fraaeh lAner Bai^

Our Hew

I leg's. Boys’ud CUIton'sClothinl
i ■ and Gat's FirnishingGoods its Grnt Sicrilot


We do not

ALFRED V. belong to the combination
Bingham Bros., Front RtreoL

Aa far a* ocallny b ec
b aa entlr* abseam at aay aridoaoe
that the Spaabk fl**t waa aeemdad aa
nndaa advaataye la thb respaet.

Naw Yartt. May 14.—A Waahiaytoa Jaha Aah Ha* Bmtyht tk* Boolaaa
I db^tch aaya th* flylay aqaadroa b
«f Faoab Oulmaa. oa Fraat Str«*t.
lylay off ih* cosat ^ Booth ChroUab
A dMl was affaeud yaatentey wh«r«
thbavoatey awaiU^^ Wai
Joaah Oulmaa. Hr. A^
City Bakery of Ji

.irpi Lear* Oamp Baton te OtoenBddb HeXbfB* Daftatad Fr*d Tltna
mauyp Tonl^
b RAM hub Fao* At B*st*a.
•pasta) VD Vu Moaau. Baooan
IMtr*it. May 14.-Th* Thlrty-Br
Brntan. May 14.-fMdle HcDuSe delUrt—rr* «f Mlcblyan valoatewe
iaatad Fkad TUw b th* flftem mU*
•o^dmbty mceited *«ar atdote ‘
ram b tTA t-t.bmtiay tto world-*
tea** Camp Balsa Saaday alykt for
Cblaamaaya. bat all ar* aailaoa t* go. raemd by faar meomb
H^0ct*d That S.OOO Bpanbh Soldbta wui Xmav* Cndte Hmaday.

Itetitdt Woo Aa*tb«r.


mak* tb* huMaaaa a auauam B* will
la tb* eeatois by hb


II llae of BierL I ab* bav*
1 yoaraatec all work tohe
ths heal aad U* lowest la price. '
huUd wh**b teurdar. th*y ar* b*a*i
lea. CkU aad *ee tb«m.

Enanelji{ ond Doeoratiig
if) the Utost Slylos.

de ha y^ aa aaw. Tke aaly ap-toir*hop ia th* city. All wiA gmr^
teBartJohMM. .
sad fl^ly will raldr* «o clca aad TsdAmm i
It atm Oaba
th*ir fla* farm oa th* pealaa*te, •’
ate BiUe* aarth «f the city, were a
attraetiv* aafl valaahla Improvam

H. E. GIIBS, Prop.

Pjuas and Dtgais

Bmustar BrwaU D*eU»*A
Iwvalne. May it-lb* DatroU •perial V. Tat Meaam* kaoma
baU bam dalmbd vnwaaha* loJbF b
Waablayum. May 14. flwatnr Sa>
waUatNawJan^kaataflgBBaUr to- Azamadala th* tetymt tmUmy lath*
warid. hmated la Ctoeayo. Braaah
•tar*Ba W fMatat«TVa<a(MClty.
H. X-.Bnom, maaaffw.

K*w Ym-k. May 14^ Bamaloaa a««rypr*by ffama.
•pmlal te the Joaraal a^^that flve
W <M1«Nhi!^ te Ito PMUnbm. MUwankM...............


Grand Millinery OpeoiDg

Friday and Saturday, May 13-14.
th* fleet *p*aiay whbk om
nearly oU dbpamod of. ladaoed w to o
a aaeato apaal*l apmlaydd
th* aaasoa. aad tor thb
fherad aador a heavy otrala
torthelaattw* weatotepia** MBeeth* pmplia h**ad am*mtealba

wJiCnIwyonaUtopartip• hRMlath!
------ oar yraad opealay day*. Friday,
. aoBvaoin will he pr^atad darlay th* eacaiioa.
a My *kmA af ta^ paiavab aad amtealbk

The Boston Store,
Promt BtTBBt .



Tax Koxinao xxoobd, BinrDAT.icAT 15. leee.
• CBX xoxinaQ

ADOm sora, VtA»MAM.


rollowlac M a Itotef thoaa who have

•Mt StfMk Si01>t»4 ONMl«c^ Oood

heea arieetod. aad from tUa oamher
will he takea, to



kol examlaatloem at eaaip.

I. W.


look oat for the «f<-y of the pablle ot of thoee who hare paeeed the ezamlaattetteocMVW place U Adolph Klaf. UoB meet wait the reeolu of the laat


aa old-time eorlBeer of U« Mad aad

axamieatioa at camp.

OM who will make a eorofiil aad faith-

J. V. Meleteeb. Captaia.
Joe. KlaeaeD. let Llenteaaot.

fal cte"****
who uee that eraMlaf.


eloaer ete ^seed • flerteii *t Uie <tee M, laclodlar eflloan aad oteii are re•t»et er«rier Tb. »te who wf^ qeliod for a fall qoota, thmofore maay


Mr. Eiac le a

Ever See a

eetena aad he wae the Aiot earl
Oorpoi^le-O. B. Thomu, Otu Eywlka.

who raa a trala oa the aorthara braaoh
of the O. a. A I lallread.

X Tro»»r»» Ciir, |

U. Alexander.
Bari Bell.
Chat. Broadfoot.
Wm. BreltbarpU
Cbarlee Boutoao.
Brneet Cooper.


Wm. ClnBe.
C. C Corbett.
Georpr Dorle.
Ben Dunhern.
Kor Oarnihon.'

.lEAjrVAH BirLBS wnj. nova


• ! Oeerre Kroinholx.
I Hen Care.

'ooob PBOBPEot MOW lOE AO1
|o. Mlfrirer.




TrdTerae City Will Bee the Soldier* off

84 wm Oo Out Of 138


I. Hill.
1. Holmes.

FuU auota of Men aad OScu* are
The followinir li aa aeenrau record
•f the Imne of tbe MoMiKU Rkc^iro for

Beady for AcUee Duty.

The Haaaah RiBoa ha*e at laai re-

each day last week:

William BateeoB,
Roland Kouyhioa.
Clare Barkner,
A. Ullladean.
Ueerre Cnlmaa.
JuUue C. C.«ok...
S C Champnry,
Michael Cotter.
A. S Clark.
Alfred Day.
.lamee Dourbeny.
Alex. DlL-keeeon.
Kraek Kiillar.
Will liaoc.



Well, not exactly, per­
haps, but you may hat-e
noticed people whose walk
made you thiuk of wooden
You can't wa^ well nn» ,
less you are wen ~ShDd— J
5el2 ^

Tbe dale o! I'omoaa yranre has been j

, changed fnim June

2nd. aad



' Wedaewlay and Thurbde.v .lune f<th and

by requret of B!k Hake (rranyr

Kd. lismeit.
Whooping Cough.
Lf-onartl Ursyaon.
iUbert K llerkner, i
I had a
whiKipinirI. Thomas Henils,
dead froim an dtteek of
M.r nelpkibors recomuiended
llargraTea. Chamberlain's Cougn Elemedy. I dM
Kugeee llanrn
not think that any luediciae would
Richard Huater.
hrlp'him. bat after girio? him a few
L. J .loaes,
doseeof that n-medy 1 entierd an im-‘
'J II McMeekaa.
! bolUe cored him .
Sles-arl Mills.
Arthur Needham.
Ceorge. ..e
Wm Saab.
C W Hetlla.
Wm Uoberu.
Frank Riley.
Frank M Reed.

John .N. Nolan.
W: C I'erry.
John Ranaom.
John Riley.
Ed. R.>se.
C. J Reeignal.
Frir'rK SncaTmita. Chari
J. R tinedley.
W. II. Smith.
John SootC
Arthur Soott.
Andrew S. Sleder,
Kmeai Sriensky.
Verlin C. Thomas.
Ueorfe Thirlby.
Waiter Thlrlhy.
J. O Tajjnao.
Claode Vaaderrem. J. WwWilhelm.
Robert Wallera.
Ed. Whatherk.
The news spr^ like wild fir* aad John A Wood,
N J W«hoff.
J. C. W^worth
when the meeasge was read
F Weather*.
eompsay, wbick was -drilling at tbe Perrr Warner.
Frank Parks.
WUIiard Campbel
Twelfth street park the air wae rent
Cbarlea F. Smith.
Tom«urTr...riCL„ .111 oil. to -Ub Jojoovrh... fro. U.. V.J. .1.
te he real soldiers in tbe
a dlriae terriee is beoor of oar yonag
terrioe of Uncle Ssm. When Ue eomalUsM Boldiers who hare been called
paay marched dowa to tbe armory the
; to array tkemfelvea in defeam of
Accompllahad by Board of PubUe
atreeta wer* crowded ani the beys
honor and in the eauec of huWorka Lmi Eight. - '
wer* cheered all along the rente in a
MBily. When they shall go forth to
At the meeting of the Board ef Pnbiner which lent them addtSMwer their couBtry-s call Uey will lusty
llc Worka last night, A. F. Bndbagen
keetrengtheaed in their lofty .pnrpaM
re-eqgagod uwston of
ArriTlag at the armery Old Glery
by a onited prayer from a oommnaity
lery at a aalary of 8S50 per year, aa
bconght out aad as it was waved ai
'Which folly appreciates the pauiotic
Ue ball raair with cMtinned chqerlog adranec of
eeteed order* le march to the froat.

Sinilaj.lllajS.......... I,400i"‘;tl______yaaU-rdar, fi
Taasda* Mai 10.........1,325i-p““Mici™
Wedaesdai, May 11...... 1 ,37S i..i„
Island Imka. May 14. 18U8-—CapL J
Tliursday, May 12........1,325 V. UclBtosh. Yon wUI more.yenr
Lake Monday. May
Friday May 13............ 1,450 eempany fer Island
.ewer rente deslcnated
Satarday, May 14............ 1,350 0,Un.rlorM...rGenerml.

on your feet means tlic comforTOiit
lends spriglitliness to >-our gait 'Hiey
cost no mote than poor shoes. Onr
assortment is large enough to insoie
a fit fox emy style of foot .


St^nkrg’s Grand
Opera House.


If You Have Logs to Sell

Total far Hie week...... 8^
Snndsy, H«y 16th.


br themseUes to haitle for the aatien
The Hannah Billaa will leere tomorrow
bearing tbe eaUem and


Ti>e board paaaed a reaeiullon asking
At soon asqeiet canid be restored
Capuiif MclnMeh addreeeed the boy*< ne •-'UDcil to appropriate a iuE.-irot
and instructed tham aa to wbst was , sum for graveling ceruin driees in tbe

necessary for them to Uke along to i cemetery. It was decided also I# tile
the aatire Grand Travana rogian. and ,
Ur trd of Ue west biancb of Mill!
lUetfgan will bare reaaoo W be pr«udi®‘“P'
*** eaumaiateo towels
crerk. which was turned ioio SrvenU !
mf them in conraae and oonaeien- »»“•
underwear, eomh aud brush,
strert by the recent improvement.
duty: 0.41»>-•«>
_____x-r_________.m 6,,i«.].«ftlestobe*oppUadbyih**iate when
ikeaoM ufU
Snrpnsed'Bo*. WeUa
! they reach camp. . In this coaaeciiiui
boopr hi Michigan and tbe fair i
I the captain r«ad the following letter
A largr i-iimpanr of members of thr i
they rcprcMDl.
- i from Inspector General Cose:
Fraternal Mystic arcle surprised Rev. I
l.antiog, May 13, lows. '
E. Weils, at his borne on WaahingWXLX BAVX -H0UBXW1VE8.
toa street last night. Mr. Wrilv Is the
'I'.aTCroe Cityr Mioh..
cbB{iIsia of Traverse City Baling and
Tba Imdiea Ara Prepartog Something


Vneial for the J^annab Eiflea.
LMt eToninf between forty and tfly


met 4n




yooma ta deriaa aome means to provide
•be Bonnah Ri
. ini for their life la the field.

They de-

Of light oU cloth, provided wlU an ontfft of pins, needlca and a apoal


The <mae> wUl be lined wiU

pretty eilk and Will be erDankestoI es
oroll as oeefal.

These UtUe ortielee

your departur* from

will be negeeeiry- fur yoor mea to bring
oaderwesr and

toilet articles

BuppUed on yonr arrival lu camp.



to • foreUk

Goethe s immorul

EferjUitiil Cirried Coiplete.
i City ProdncUon.

Inspector General.

4t'i; July.


In package or balk.

Priooa for Ihia eugagemeut—75,; •

50 and 35c.
on sale Tuesday momingjj

2« Front SIrecL

: smrmmmiminmmnmmmmimnmmi?

aad will ha left in charge of Ue mem­

tv. »s;< July, aoisc: Se|>
teniber, Sfi*.- .........
Usis-Mav. 2UVc: Julv.
Fork—May. 811.SSL: July. 811.2a

bers of tbe board of dlreclora who ore

Grand Rapid*. May U.-Wbeat, 81.10.

All‘of Ue mamhara wera Instrncted
which ore oompeay


Once More

The order for the eempany to move

has excited great eaUnslaam in the


parade will start at 7 a. m. eo oa to al­
low plenty ef Urns fer fareweUa 'of
friends at Ue depotThe

eoldlera leave la tw#


She Wants

eoeebm at • a. m. ohd go dlroet to Isr

mferaabwtUMierUl* J


at the box uflice.

F. B. Cass.

DntM u Ue C. A W. M. depot.


complet* stock of Flowpr, OArdan and Field

Very roapaetfnlly.

stTMta OB Front to VniM. Uenoa on

: tbat they and Uelramyl<9« oa*

If you are going to makp gardei^o not &11 to see onr £

10 new eleolrie effecta.

of l ade Sam.

udioc Two EuRinaa.
A complete Saw Mill P{iAt


:i tons of apeeial scenery, prop-i*'
. .
el.-ctncal apparatus,

to the boys when Uey.enter Ue aerrice

ba from Ue eomer of Pork aad Front

A large namberof 1
hsva Blgetfied their Intention W c
ttairbtoreenBtUfiUOa. m. tomoi

Min Machinery of slid
8et Worka, Carriages and Sawn.
for Bale.

Joyabir party last night la

rations The Avent will be a pleasant memory*

Leave overoonu at

M U* right end Ua lie# of march will

•tors* Hbonld Olaoe.


In a oemp’.ele prodnctloB of

danehurs pf Mayor Smith, gave an *ir:

ny old aoldlrrs now -feel Ue efuf tbe hard service they endured
(luring the war. Mr. Geo. S. Aadcroco
nf Rie-tville. York oonutv, IVnn , who
d of s<-ri
IKrrt.lL,,. cr U Ctti.

There will be n parade Just bef^uWed* V.U !
toob 893. which be bed collecUd br
e deparinra of Ua train which rbrumatism.
"I bod a seven, attack i
popnlar suheeripUe. fer the benefit of^
.. kuL
i.1*hX IaI.*
In Istnir." ha ssVK. end nm-nrad a iHkttla '
wbe were fereed Ca «i*e aa Ueir'
..___ _______ _
X..I1 _______ .,..1 which nearly all Ue local sociellea will
paaHInni ia ardor to drill before Ue
I participate, aa many of the membera af
Mata W CDtey Ua aute service.
' Ue llanaeh Bifiae ere member* of
docen'bettlaa." Hr. Aoderton wanted
goaeroelty is fnlly appiodaied byUe
•r more of Ue eecietlee.
The fermo- it both for hU own ese and to supply it |
to Lis frieada and eelghbors. as svery '
tloD ef Ue column will be ea follows:
family ahenld have a bolUe i.f it In !
their home,
e. not only Ifor rheamsH.*. '
Boys' Band.
----------------haek.aprains................. ........................
Salph BaatUg* aad Byron Botda- MePhenon Post. No. 1*. G. A. E. ea- braises aad buma. for which It I* uaeqaaled.
For aala by «. E Walt, drogcork
worU Worn Hraor* On rioU Pay.
Hannah Rfdea.
iB Ua field day oontoat between tbe
oe aty Lodge. Ne. 73, K. nf P.
Entrlotio Hong* of America, word*
Miehigna Agricniurol Coll^ and OUwClty Teat. Na. 871. iL'O.T.M. and mosic for piano or organ. Jnst
oat leet h>idey two Treverae Cfty boys
a Bey Uat. No. 13r.. K. O. T. M. what you want, fi ooote per eopy.
bdped the M. A. Ca defsat Ollveu In
~ ae qaiek before Uey are all sei<L—
Croaeent Beod.
dbe hall mile ms Byroa BoldawarU
W. kimhall Co.. S3S PreetatreaU
It Order of Foreeteto.
was firat In t:l4. Ha aloe toek first In
Independsat Order of Odd Fellows.
«h* mile ran. Time.
Sotroit Fro* PiMB or Trib«
naalliilT WM Ue half mUs hlcyolc
The Una wUl form oa Front street llverod for lOc per week.
City Nev
waet of Ua armory wlU Ue tl. A

r of the HABBoh- Blfiee.

Porter J. White,

no nnrortnnate os to be left behind.

When the Hannah Rifles depart for

Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.^


enroote to camp.


Ottaana Ooatrtbute for-Xesafit of Ua

enengb to anpply yeur company whGa

U retaim Ue nnlferms of Ue lioanah



honor of
Inclndiag officers oonsiltnie ea la- BCTerai niriBvmi/i
Uannab oiues
ssr usuosu
fantry company at tbu time.
Take Who leava for U* front ^morrow |


•ppreeiatod by Ue boys.


May 21st. Sound Memloclt Lumber,

The Misses Jennie aad Ada Smith,

wUl aloo be supplied with rangea, cook.

tbn aoldlara while Uey'ore endarlng
tbe soldier, and Uey will be greatly

a genuine snrpriae and greatly

ConvapoDd with the TraTerse CSty Lumber CompADy.
We have for sale Good,



l oUorma.lndndlngoTercoaU. wiU be

will eolM many a dlBenlt prehlem for
fite Inaonvcnieecea and hardahipa

tbe Ur members planned ea event that

home atatlon fer Island Lake Comp it

EUIS, 3IIFmtSt,fitt
Cycle Works.

Brutus a Bpedalty.
Cheapest and most reltaUo place to get yoor bicycle repaired aod
pot in good ronning order. Hare had acTeral yean experience and
know how it sbooid be done. Satisfaction guaranteed. I am eelling
bicycle siiodries at abont ooeU Kew and second band wheels for sale
and to rent. Please give as a trial.
811, Front EL, East.


bon aatu lotana are had from the

^ C * W. B. Ky. Oo. W
with the orter of the rellrote eQAalf



the fiamlnattoa, hot all

Lake, where Uay will

remain lag Ua papering done at a time to____
her. What aha wanU la a paper hang­
ar who wUl do Ue weob right and
eoma when he agreee to. Qls name ia
Winnie and his oddreoa lit Front Bk,

la SHIP nntU cedored U more for oe-■



J lU have pnuad
te: .



^ Sas invaded the land In the interest of humanity, and once
more in tbe interest of those who intend getting

IA New Carpet Or a Floor Covering


We mention the fact that we offer the oest, have the :
^ largest stock to select fi-om, sell cheaper and give better satIsfaction than is to be obtained elsewhere.
Let lu convince you.







tUca. M>fi* Sattery. e
arn-ef *n harbor. »*
point of the attar*.
Bampaoa anS Captatba lowvf bHdfc of
from flriBS apllotera
•o* men. The Iowa
1 Injnred
I. but the ehclla made
lit elfht tl

Sampson Rains Shot and Shall
on ths Forts That Guard


SpaaM^farpeda BooU ap WaU*.





of aeau

(or l<orter


hehuol at 11:50.


nea are iaeitad lato the atody tor a
pracUoal atsdy of the leaaoo.

Join In the hyama aad I

apoDaire raadlafa

Si. nerre, Martinique. May H.—One
SraiBiMi lor|>edo boat la at Port da
Frnnee and alx otbera are hoeertne
around the eeaaL



DunlrtMa hr BaapaeUTa Aanbaa.
At the aerviea at lOiW a. n. the paetor will flra a report of the laeeiUir of
the OraadTra

JnaiorCbriailaB Bndaaeorats p. a

I (or the Wya aad pirla.
J. |
V. F. fi. C & will aaei at 0:15 p.


But this fact does not seem to cheapen it as a

Wblte'a Kauat will berln at the box Take part aaenc the flrat
Bbv* tkr Vm1 m«>l. Tp>. fUcarSlM^ •ffiee^ •( bie^ober'^Graod Toeaday j
Vvwwrar.or Itopc^
*aU Bow Much
There will beVWpnlar neetlap of |
aaauitw.^t II W«* Mooit ASoal Two
, Uyo>L«i>oo lh«






nanT uimiouiaT rHi'acB,


at IU:S0 a.

: 001111110(111)3^ Witill t/llG 116 WSP&<PG1*S.

No eerv^ oa Sunday evcolog on ae-1

. eouat of Abe



A team belonpinf le C. N. Hapen

tnor If in circulation here that "after ;


Krool aVreel yeaterday. and ^

tu defeai befara l*orto lll.-o tbe Ameri- | a*t*r lakiaK the walk aome diaiaaoe ,
eaa aguadrun enconni. rvd the E|>anlah | the bonry waa amaebed.
. which inllMed cooalderable {
m the (dlemy."


A'1 membera of Uonrt Traeeree. lade-

( 1 pendanl Order




.f- ;

'N^asblnEUin. May.14.—At 7:50 yeater- ! qnaatfd to meet at tbefr ball at

Thuraday prayer aeetiDF at 7;3
n. pnd normal claaa at tbe uloae.

I' mornlnF tbe Due}- department re- | Moaday DorpiniT to participate la ea-.

All are cordially Ineiwd.

a -dlapatch frotii Admiral Earap- , cortiaf tka Uannab Klflea ta tba depot. I

wRAi-K inriM-orAi.i
Trseerae City t<«d»e Xo..T3, K. of P. ' l»». Charle. T. aioel. rercr.
m^t^on No. -Mi. f. R- Ik of

U U dated Bu Thomaa. May 11, ,

•ad la aa followt:

"A ponton of the ,

•qnadron under my command reached j p

^ nquealed to laecl at Caallo Hall

Saa Juan thla rooWIna at daybreak. ■ jj,,,

; 1

u,. bu.

chi hcii.

Holy bommualoB ti:4Un. a

,t S p. m.. to arraaye to

Ko armed veaaels were found 'n thel^^ the Uannab
port. Aa eoun aa It waa auRIrlrnlly llabt! opralnff

It costs money to advertise, and all we hope to
dp in our newspaper advertisements is to call your
'"'|attention to leading facts about^r goods, asking our
to call and get information more in detail.
We have been heating all previous records by
the superb values offered in our $7.60 suits-they
simply are not approached by anything else offered
in this region for the money.
JtiSt now We are glad to note the demand is for a
little better class of goods—suits at $10 00, $12.00
and $15 00—and we assure customers that, our repUr
tatiou shall be maiutained equally well on these lin­
es—As for black Clay Worsteds, in square cuts, cut­
aways and frocks, we carry an immense line of the
very best grades of cloth and makes—You are at lib­
erty to look through our stock at any time—We will
sell you nothing that an honest guarantee does not
go with.

meeting io the City '

I Opera Huusc.

Hadrtd. May H.—An onecnflrmed m-I

Morning aerrlee and acrooB 10:30.

Kideo on Monday

bondayaeboel and liible claaa at


The eTCDiof aereicc umiltcd on ae-

junt of tbe UBloD aereloe at the Opera
tba Traeerae lUy Hlee. No. Tl, laat Hooac.

waa largely attended.
ladle* aold nearly eleren dollara worth
of tkketo, and could bare aold mara Kec.J C. Canoan. Paaier.
but ran abort of MUblen.
10:yo a. B. 8p«eUl aerrlea of prayer
Mra. C. T. Htonl'a bretber.
Iber. Flrat!
Flrat. for a deeper aptritoal life. :


Lieut. Fred 8. Strong. 4ih f..................
L'. 8. artll* I
lery. bat been proSioted


i’oblle worahip. '’'T$wb)|DK

i be major | by tbe paator Rer J C. CkrmaV

]witb thedutieeof Aaalauot Adjutant jeet: "A man of faith."


A melB6rial

I Ueneral and expeeu aaon ur-beordered joddreB on the life of lieorrc Mailer.
I to the frooL

I me of tbe greateat men of the century.

MieiUayleqriawold Uiaking a two

Uaptlaa will follow tbe eerBon.

iwoekf racatton from ^be Mermitlle



|Co'a etore. and h Tiaitlng her pnrenla I


roloo ecretee in City Opera

I Id Vermoairille

m to all.

Claude Puleer

College la tiling ber place aa ttenograpber.

esmi OK* or TBt pucHiie
tSilee derciidinx ihe olcy. Tlila attack

Amoaemrot Botea.

i'orterJ.'Wbitc will preaent hit earKauat at Su-iaber*'. Grand

lo another oolomn to prilled the report of the State Bank, I which it *■ snurday, Miy Slat, appearing
shown that tbe aetnal
: faeorite role of

at tkla time are S35S,«»l-7a.
Ibi Olga Verne to _
tbe "Marguerite.'
lasted al>uut three hours and rt-iultrd
•‘‘‘‘‘‘’"•iThe enMre V-^amlion to liberally
in much dumuKe
making the total StaT.lw. 10. Thto toa ,,^
Ivldcniali} u> a i>.-nii>n <>f the cay
propertied, electrical apparalue,
•dfacent to the l.aUi-rl.-B. The hattarlet aplendld tbowi.g and exblblu Ue „
sonodnem of tbto bank.
etc., for each act. Theatoryof Faoat!
replied to our lln-. but without maierial
York and F,-ren sllchily wounded In
tbe aquadron. ' No aenoue damace. to
•ay nhlpB-r.ViiUrd.



to the embodiBCDtor a most remarka-1'

•Sect. One waa klll.-d on Uurrd the New

_ ble
Bjatoln of belief which found He
Was 8UU Krlnkerbcff and
me^of Elk RapiJs. rbited friend! in
»hc Middle Agna. Wbat

chy Krida, and Saturday, iblom- “•» '««*
»»vh ad>rodaol.on. hamVew Boute to Chlaago.
though it were b, tbe inanfBcleot
ill be eslahliHhed
Mr. HarveyJDurkje and Mr. RenneU ***** effecU of ihoae day*, must have : through ci
' Md •“
on an
between Chicago
and Grand lUpida.
The hav.:^'*
an audience
audience Vrhich
V.hich faithfully
faithfully !| between



m* Oae af Thel
Cnimihe tUlreme

/ rUir«bl|. I-'Un.'olT 8an Judn de Porto
..^Blco. Mat
via St. Thomas, Danlah
’ -West Indie,. May ll.-IfopyriBbted,
ISM. by the Ataoriat.'d Prewal-Ttu
bombardment uf the forts at Kan Juan
fia Porto Uln> “niureday by |*rt of
Bampaon a ft. el iveulled. It 1a Iwlleved.
■ la heavy Iuh, to t*e 8idr.lar.le. The
American Inn I* twti nun klll.d and
•even men Injuredr Afur ihn-e hour,'
flghtlnr Ibe admiral wlihdrew Uje fle.-i.
•nd beadlDR f..r Key he said: "I
am aailsfled with the momlnx'a work.
Could have taken San Juan, but 1
have no form to hold It. 1 only wanted
to administer puntehmont. Thl;i baa
been dom-. I oame^for the Sranlab fteet
and not -fur San Juan."

were in tbe city yralcrda.v.
'oe^ed to Elk Us^idi

,4a Railway; via V.rkaburV
Itoa Marion Pirka.'of
Pirka.'c ^k Rapid,, to I maniac pueacaa.on and rompacta
tbe evil UBC. wa are utterly UMblc|
Traini. will at/ive at and d.-parl from
vtoiUng MUt Grace Wilhelm.
to conceive. With tribunal, all oeei Hearborn alalion. Thlrago. This «Ut-l
Clayton lagrig haa returned from
bntiaca, trip to Grand Rapida
Mrw Vandem and Mra. Reltk of tbe
asylua laft yeaterday tor ConaUntiaa
on a raealion.
B. 8. Pratt retomed from Charlevoix



ing home yealerday altcmoon.
»• l ltllM rHKNKtr TOItK.

Engtaod and Germaov
f*""* ''”**• between Siat*
CDgiano an* ..ermaoy. nay.

Q,rk atreeU, I* only three bliwka
America. tealKylng iJ bi5 evil comthe Poatofllce. 4nd near tbe
pacis and combinalmai with rarioua : down town bualneaa and hotel diatricU i
unfortunate membera of aocletv, and Other rallr^a Ueing tbU ala'iooare,

Tb* CflUbnUd SpwUUftt,


w.vh L-thcr throwing an lak-bott.e


IdOU^vUle and Brie
circuit hia bead, hia Saianic Majeaty oUfhl I
He was accumpaniod by bto aon think himaelt a mere acliee factor in ! Xo tranvfer will, nrv»a- /
botnan affaira Ihaa he to today.
We i aary for paaaengera to or from the ,
L- A. Pralt-


.VMUrdsy where he attended

R J. Tn-eeUek. manager of Porter J.
YVbite'a Faust, to in tbe city ooBpleV

FBIOAT, HUY 2Q, 1898.

flatter ourmalvee that we have *»*»*“ :‘^**p,“J^nl°"i7tioBa“on th'i, through
beyond all that, but human naturaj^,
Chicago and Gr^d
Kanattoat oaoe si-, Rapid, are Valparaiso, Sooth Iteorl aod
wayi old and always new
Man , aoul ^ Mlahawaka. ind . Vicksburg, Kalama-

on the Slat lb Stetoberg'a Grand.

atlll chafe, within tbe iron r^tfa'oto ;
Batioa to Tent 671. E. 0. T. X.
• Am|.hllrils.
Tbe latter
died fr.>m
■ efte. ,a ..f the extreme
AU BgBbera of Traverse City Tent.
heat f>r I
II three were on
No. B71. K. O. T. M.. are requrMed U
hoard the
d four.*.n board the
JJeu York. Th.- ram.-s .<f thmw Injured meet at C:50 a. m. aharp. Monday to
•O Ihe l..wa
■wa ate:
ate Private Marine Mer- .participate In tbe farewell demnnstra. kle. Seaman Mli.-hell and Ahiirrnilre tton Mid parade for tbe Hannah R-flea.
mil—all -ItEliily- The injur.-d on the
8y order of T. J. Hoat. Com.
Kew Yoik aie: S.aiian Samuel Felttnan.
S.-ai.inn Ml. hael 51ur.
•.pby and two oth.r erlU'.-d meneUsbUy.
X. A If. B. Connactiona.

lie eft). ,.


in which It to bound; atill aaeka, aa
then by aoperaatural Influeace. so sow
by meaai uf ihroaophy, aplritnallam.

-w. keroel of tbiaga.

eaisted. wbether




'>“*‘^*** ^>

name o* F,o»t. Promelheos. Titoo. or


ife™.... .


worked "motber" interest, or are concernad wlA aome leas Blial motive, are
jest at preaeat a drag oa tbe market.
AH the song writan with any talent in
have baeaturalaf Uair
negro melodies
There to a oharm. a eatchlaeaa, to 'the

melodies of aor



"Old Folks at DoBe." "Msaaa’a la the


will live in memory attar aim from
grand oparns have paaaad away.


Bongs will form a promlaeat part lo
the parformaneaof "Itorkeat AmorieL’'
which will ea»a to btalaberg’s Grand
OB May *7th^_____________ • Xottoa to Odd Fallow*
Mauben of Oraad Traeana Lodga,
e.'»0. 1, O. O. r. ara orgad to BMk
at 0:50 Moaday Bonhif to partidpato
In ewmrtiag tba Hswbab Elftoa to the

Noble OoMd.

nao aea, at ua m. *. oanrea. a, >:4

lU wiiU.ui tbv «M at’ kai-------------------------------------knife. eauaUc or Ugsmr«p C

To Young, Middle Aged, and Old Men
. SStsInivrS f«a casra

TI-Wh-. AVO CASCkIto rutsd will

I will buy 160,000 pounds of Micliigaa and Indiana
[Ktohlsaa Praiurattj


Will ?»i Bostoi Market Price.

By order,
W. D. BoLUsne*


Baarruii from ssr •


Soath. poaaeMad by no other music.
oold, ebld grnnliA"


^ » k»jnd)oaod ached- aal. ;,ei.lM.o.l

wbauver it may have been called: and lule:

ballads, wbttber they involve the over­

r. Tbrnat aad Iomb.

vvte their sltestloe to DiAaw
. kn.l ,11 •YiPMuk Prlvstp ssd K'
IhB-lisrue.lf tbe Ears. Rmte-bi

It Ik believed tb*t
I equipment and ih
This type has; of ibr kchcdule* wilj b

field of bumao knowledge and en-

deavor. to atlaia at a bouod the iauer- I of

a( any otbig kiid.-aad the aeatimeolal


nmacion Fre« anti Strictly

aiM wbat not. to escape from the aar-

la this toDM Kaust may still be CODThe M. A N. R. traiea le*ving Trav­
erse Cily at 9:33 a m. aod 3:fu p. m. aldered true for os. aad always will ra•v.ooect at Copemisfa with the A. A A.
raaia true.___________
R It. for Arcadia. The 3:40 p b. train
'Iba poporariiy of aegrosongs dariog
also oonecUat Unrkama Junelloo for
Tbntugb tickeia an aale.
tbe put two wiaters baa practically
- H. W Cl K.viM.MaM. Agenlruioed tbe demaod fur popular vfforls

«n ecTitoiT. T&i t
All ihuac o
injun d oi The Condition of the TraverM aiy
by ihv bursllDK . f a shell. Tin,
State Batik.
complete Hit of ihe killed and wounded.
rr..rrsr<-|i. Ulchlgao. at tbselow ot baslTbe Ameriran ahii>B Mu unlnjur.vl.
The FiicaR.'iii.'i.t began at 5:1D a m.
•nd ended at s.lS a. m. The enemy's
bxlteiie* wer.- n.*t aU« nt-..d. The town
In tbe resr ..f the r>.riin('aiLuo,pr.>bably
The ship, taking iiart In the
action were ih.- l-wa. Indiana New
York. Terror. AmphluKe. DetrertUMootgomen, Wampalnck and Portet The
•nemy', ftrlng waa b4e>. but wlIA and I
tbe Iowa and New Turk were probably
tbe oiil> aliitu hit. They went rtetat up
•Oder the gua* In column, delivering
bmdetdea. and then n-tumed. The line
pMsed thrice In fmn|..r the furls, pour­
ing In tons of Hteel. It I, impoatoble to
yddgc the am,.uni cf dnmaKe done to
the buildings and forts They appMred
to be riddled with shoi; but the 8puilards were plucky.
After the flrat passage before theforta
tba Itotjolt and the. M.inigomery retlred. their guns being t..o email to do
mudi damake. Tbe Porter and Wagip•tuck also stayed ont of range.
aaoke bung over everything. w«mng
tbe aim of the gtianen and maklBg It
I.J.T. HaaBaa.Cai iMvet-tbe stow naw,d
Impassible to tell where our shAa
Tbe mea of the low* who were hart
Aurlag the nctlun were Injured byApllonV btaete w, UUs ISU
- tore thream by aa cUbt-lorh KeU
which came through a boat Into tbe
Motaty PuMle.
•nperstrueturc sad aaattered tragmeata
Ib nil dlrccuoiB The ritot's courM waa
f—~r atotad ou as Iroo piMa an tooh
• OAKlAirS,

OaqX^Oaly Xaeb Xoath.

The equipaeul oaed la providing th
>rvice will consist of new aUndar
veatlbuled day coacbea. Pullman I

Lewis Morris,
m But Fmt Stmt



dtSenlt vasn so4 to raa,i
Mfot wiUplvaw briaatwoor
fur ssalysw
Tbw wboar, OBsblvioFaU ran
raa writ* ts
Kit U] Fipivm. u|ia full InurupilM
•iloa* bow M
Til, Bno of Dr». *. 8. a O. wss
cacF v»c tskV-Du rvsDMs If you bib

DRS. B. S. & CO.
Vock Box 160.

in78EE(K>Ny ItlOHk

Hastings' Real Estate Agency.
IOtooVlal.swaUhoiwa.aBcla«aeloa.5ibstfwM.«aBtab8B«hrtKM(*an tea to«. food dwvUla*. Fsrawqpl,» a*w« aoS WOpar wbaU amiU pato tar.
41 acrasUtrav-torn BMlh aad w«& tram itootif.
vbaM. mttoabarxau foraalyBJM
a>q.ctB>lwUFW«si.aU4Bptwv*a.wlllboaaUlaatopito«or41ytoa*<oo»>- A
ay. attovptoco.Jut>aatoalraUearsi«ao.
' tokaado BlaeK. Fkoc

213 Front St

Bnltiaon Sliwk BwMoad^ Tktw Timm a #•*
ouBta, Me per quart

Fletelai's Oftler Dspit aef leslaiieit

TBM Mpymre mmoo^p.



Captain CrMIvy. tha Coi
«f tha Olympia.


laMaatlaw oral

C056BES&X15 C0KU8&

TTilnk of Tom Thumb mahl^race#
.mces at
John I- Svimanl

to patriot
.t If blown
b,i,|„hlp one's family «

Dot going lato .he nag w7tf,'' .'^Irrinrorn^uv -

A>«ht<V •( (*r Mtrhaiu. HMortog »•aMU^ JWm
Wuhinstoxi. kar 14.—Er^rr b«i« ot
tb« Iwiile i>r Uanllk «iU ^upy
» ucle at bom«. aa did tbr mroibcra ot
.the o|fi guard ta Knsce. after tbe batUa of Waterliw.
Tbe Hkcblaan aenaloru and rcpi*.
•eeutlves are proud of CapUU Ondtar. bad a'hencver coaveraaiJon revcrta
M the heroic acbteveateot ot our fltti
«adcr command of Commodore De«er.
they rrouJly inlerject:
"One of our
Micbican Iwya was ibere. la command

may u. ism.

I htn weat of Manet. Tor aom* mtsnica
^ t^rtreenaat the caralry sratciMd «. tbea galloped
Qt^aghMenacJaha U-Wartwi inytMiW .
________ over the hlU In the direetloa we were
Borne otaw
■ Bay • month, to which atk ta enilUcd by heading. By the ruined waUa of aa old
ghrt-1 *•»
•“ uaworthy Btand for «
Brahl oaUob at such a moment, when

Llttla by Utile we at* getting light
Kneuatw erith (he Mesrlwiws.
upon the otherwise Ini^celvable Infat- :
. tTi
uauo. or the Bponlsh people
,t U aW
Imagine _____
t that the newa came that the valiant
elellon that Spain It the aupertor.
monitor, wtib her (nrxperlenoed
lUry or otherwise, of this enor
young oaptaln, bad.. after a voyag
illeled dai
. reachrd Ham
I fought

SiBTaeMOttgr Marfeat.

Ever Burned OiitT'

by. the gunboat Mannlag end preteaUy
BO Itoopa were visible. It bad beea
derided lo laad Bear here, but the depth
of water was net .favorable. Just west
Port Cabaaaa harbor the Onaale
anchored, the Mannlcg covering the
landing ptate with her guas, and the
toH'edo boat Wasp came up. The Brat
Ainertcaii soldier to step on the Cuban
shore from this eapMltluo was Lieu-


o. P. CABVKR. A««(

John R. Santo,
Eenral Insaraice.

ahsrp nnsg I. Nsm Meerd.
reef near the beach threw tbe men_____
Cheese per ft. ...............
and they etumUed
through the I Oat*
Oat* per ba (Old).........
I M'arsharg aioefc.
■r up to their breasla. When they Com
Com per hu.. old..........
reached dry land they Immcrliately we'nt Salt per bbl.....................
Ibtu the bush lu form a p'. ket line, sud­ Bran per 100....................
denly a rifle shot, foliot. ed 1.) von- BnckwheatFloor____
abarp tlnng. warned the men Potaioea. per ha..........
• enemy bad been In walling.
BOTT DIALThe Uannlng fired Into Ihe woods be­
yond uur picket 'tine. The Wssp o{^ned Wheat, old. per bn....................
with her small guns. The iwnnonade Wbeav aew. per ba'..................
began at SAh and lasted a
a quarter of sn ' Oats. Tto- t. per ba. (aew)..
then i.uf pickets appeared, and ; Com. per bu...................................
irted that none of <.ui
• hurt. I>outoes par ba.
but th
Span- Bye. par bu. ..
nally detlded to re-: Buckwheat
made . Batter, ^r' 1> .. .'.Lll'.
•urgent ; Br«a. per dozen...............








attaetioB of teeth,
for extneboa of teeth
------------ - I without pai
.............. and wnM
aatiafaMory preparmtioa yet
_______ , makiag extracuoa easy.


Q M Bkoant. Anarsey aae CMaseuersi
j O. le- Bp«Ul sueuiioe u. eoltecUeak
[ •■XcQseeywseisg til Pew iw_______________

i^ JL„.

B. J. Morgan,

'^ILBgVr * oim.Aivorpeys. apeelslMVT i*oiUmu>Prokawprwetlcs. aaowstaed.
»U-aerisptlle Co. Bloek_______________________,



that terrlllv combat so far fioin home,
with modem, auatlgg .'nglnes of warfarr."
Cungresaman WlllUm AJdeo Smith
Win not gu to the war as he had in­
tended to do. He took the giJld pen
sed by the s[»iikvr. the
vice presidentI 1and the president in
the loin
b 6t«ln. . i with that p
ne wrote a hner to
th.- presi­
dent lendertne his servlces-ln hu matter how humble The pr.aident r. |.)l-d saying; "J am exceeding­
ly gTaiifl’d with Ihe tender of your
•ervices. hut I think that you <^n best
serve your country at i rvr-ni In the I

loading their heavy ordnajice. as black
or hrown powder v-annot be used effecpo-lpswek fsr Awhile.

•Then the stages which
e counted
on to furnish Hit m-n for
themselves hsndlcnpped Pv s threat­ post
Cabanas. Cut«. ilay IL
ened Indian upnaUig
e regula
army has been wlibdrai
If the eav
May If —In an effort 19
havr already taken the warpath | panlea F and U of the «twt Cniied
In the states of Oblu. Illlnbla and Iowa States Infantry on the -shore of 1‘mar
Ihe citizens have already been called I gel Rio this ariemooti. with M ritle.
out tc protect their w«,em frohUera j , 600 rounds of ammumuoh a^ i^me
from the raids of the wl!d men.

rd wad TaxesTsees.
"Xa the IWsiTlct of OolumUa tbe ti
Each aid. may claim.a victory

t guard has refused I
fnisirated the e
gusrd was ordered < 1 by the preslhouse cf, r-pres-Maiiv...
The young !: Scft'.'and
dent, and whm
when ii
It V;rdl77-..v7r*d
a ‘tha«
that !
of th.- country an- now oflerlng I u was to go Info rwmp and drill for war. “A*
■■•umbers, purpos.-s U disobeyed the ivlTLers and | .Battle, killing
f emergen
I relumed 1.- tbe capital. The »M.OOO,tWI enemy, and
n jiart suffering
owmiw- B aia,y was| voted for the war has not been .-ollected. not a woun
After d
Senator Luit'-os. ar u member of Uie ' ami a blit Is m.w- Uforv eongr.-ss proCOmmlrtee cn linsncv of the senate, has
Cussl.; <.f ih- M-.isgn line w:tn the
been a hus> man. and an influepriaij
irt-Ts and - aego B<niion-d. started foi
•I'an. during the <or.Mtleistl..n xjf the.
theCuiian .oastwrar tariff HIP In the .ommliiA-, His-!
WasKlcatadby Horev fiMle.
long services in the h'.us<- of redr-sema- j atyze
AU night sl,e aJl..n.-d the lug os
0 d.vubl believed .
'former and flJgh pro- .
• •
- your .vrres,. .n.lenl to pilot
teclloiilsl I
L-annol Hi
ilm such prohk(nence |
I'..* U|H>n him aupSn { 0 disturb
1 gunboat Vu-k»; ur
authority jn ru.h nisuers. and hence;
nuied on
he has Iven consultiHl on every schedule i
the h..p
®f the new bill That he has tvvn able ;
n wh..h s
to rei;d.-r valuable servne Is ap|>ari-ni. 1
but li lias ukeg so (iiu.'h «i Ills lime arid,
work has been veo* ex- ! vantts...veap not -mtv a sallnsi
n 1-acey u Iowa reivntl;
mtly .
le of '
iiivex that the c IrhrateJ ret.- !
1 F.Ttesl. could nsllher read
This rallrd forth a 'i..mi of j
r. in ex-f.inf.'d, rat- .
111* siorv was refiib-d entirely ,
il Spaulding of Ml.'hlgaii. who
■f had colriiiaiid In life

he porttuy-.! in tb- ai-sur l.dhr
fhr ins'an. ti-’ly i.n.l th- h.'nural
ure ,.f I»..n ijuixi-i.- the . harac
the d-itn of modern ttpsm.
U lx ITmHcs of Majvrliswsn
>YI»-l)' and well has tiu- pi
acted In ch.svsitig the ^mmis
our v—lunteer sflmy. Th- msj,

•trangi h..w' I

•ourres of inr.rmatiun e«
mlag Uichevvntg
In puruuance of his dcterralnatino to
•Mown Hurrows" Ihe rorrrspondynt has
log the I'rdly Indlfferenc* of Burrow*
to callers from Michigan, and some of
tbeae stories ar* founded or fact. * It
Is a weakness of the man from Kalaznatoo thnt he doc* not easily remem­
ber names, although he remembera
fa««s WO' dearly. Many a public man
*««« suffered from this weakness. Prob•bly Blsine was the only man In a
gcherauon who remembered all of th*
Bgate* and faces in a wide circle of ac^rugintances. It-1* exceedingly dtfflrulL
btkdy to Peel Rrsewtfal.
lUetUgan men w ho come to Washingtea. and who And that they are not at
«oea called by name, are likely to feet
raawitfol unleas they are aecusiomed to
public aSaln. Whether they would
•lordly Indlffereno*** la •■other matter.
natter. That
^etanfbe to
tor himMit
I lo Inclined to

»t Comimny. W. P. j

tj. MOyrm. *>-um


,r.i: r.-z'.


!s ia”“

• M » a» hnawkey

ill. J J ■
111 l>«rd ai-sit Park si
rk. Irvi
lL* -<trot's ■■Wayor" Uryetr guodas L
lti.|Ulrrsi lOHtoTe strvrv. hrlveeq ^
a . or at Basket faetair atver < w. m..
Heck, Ireorgc Hipley.
ik Campaigu.'•les lliplev. Adam
S boll. Ma
...J p*OK a*Lf-morZ
leery Youker. Jsmea Bodge.
A Estep tl J Morgao. E
cesreal buaxwoTk.
Elijah Mniv. Maggie CarlUie. Chicago '-T t.


V Indiana Railroad Com- W 'll7«'i
Ilhrra iutervaled there
. That the roll of l
kpec^ aa*c*»jiyot heretofore usdr by
tbe Euard of axiOiaorw fur tbe purpoae lo raas J w Bh
o( defraying that part of Ue e<mt
fbi.-h U>c cn

rs. tons aBdlChteagu
aphU- uor, af ; Us-al
teals arrive* at Itiao m m
liewe.i . tells ' t«area*
ivesai Itxup.m.
C. B. dCBBAT. Agaal.
> ,0. L. UyCKWOOB G -P. A..«rma1 BaMds.

*“ MWHsistni

peri, uius'




St Twta

Traverae City to Maaicieeoo Suaday.
Hay liCnd, aod everv other Sunday esw-nr vsosiiiseii
Trala* lea*. Traverwe Citr
“.t-?,' *
at » *11 a in. Ectuming irainx leave
! Manistee at SMU p. B rkuall.
, UoBud trip fare aot more than SI 1

PU*r-B awiich
teurmsa't MtU.

OOUfO aooTM.

Office and wareltoose, cor. Barlow and east Front street. Traverse City.

^Mayl^Tlh. Bnbj«cl.'^Y!I^!li,'5S-

afford ta mias tela lectara.

My Line
of Silverware


Bamambar teat I do ail kinds of re­
pairing and enamaUng. and teal I can
and do give ym tea best work of any
OM ta tea city for tea monay. Don’t
ba daoeived by what otean tall yon to
tee^^Uaiy, bat eoiaa and aM tor
w all my woric
' to
o be right.
and U It does ant prove an 1 Bteke It
in tm 8 o'eloek every avMtag,
la tta (MldaraU A Low................. ml UnioB

Is the finest in Northern Kichigan. Come and
secure an Ornamental Clock or a fine Gold

F.A. EARUeweler.^l?HS



W’ssf.iss'i'y" ’
(ana mu**tj. V'r.crvu-'’ *
aeya Traverw Oily. Idea

rnsAiKBD Krg___


aoer a r»ev btey.
-X Will par a
p's PuniltereMUH

i». and isa-'.«»-*•—

Bev F. Is Tbonpaoa of Laastngi A
Ceatral M. E. ohurcb. will leclarv^
tba SMOBd M. E. ehurck Tuasday evaa- i;v>b




H. Sc;^oxcLl>©d?g©3r,



Boohr. Amelia L Arnold. Anthoav No- S'rr >cor iieir os iwo-tSirdso- t-arekasr prVre. ;

at prices from 13c op to 23c per lb., acocrdin^ly.
Please caU

•Mh tadlTteual

a talktag ma^M far tia* to 0


M a «. S. B. R. Summer JExcuraiena '


: IX can


jC." A. cTwwfo^
! F- Vogrelton. Jamas Blrnsall, A R Mei»Uana. J. B. IVioa. Wells Rigmaa Comt»n,.O^Voo^ Duh 0*-pany. Bannah A Uy Co . WUlia. Beithw, *
f ,T.
. Saaahall, Michael Bob'
R. JUhsuh. W. S llilltIU. Dan
.Sharkey. ...______________________
I Henry J- SmIU. Chrt. Uloneb. Hra.
I Suaie Vogl, F. O lireenooffh. Conr»d y
Waialer. tioorye R <oxh. Ed. Bonnur. M. i Dff»'>»T PSopgsTv roRKSL^^^^ i

idiuan lake
t.e agents. a>
aiiaDe'etscka a.
Hit Irrr. Write ______________
oa the weal
bloikadlng veasel. cam* ,
aecording lu vhc tvpl I-, IM Oeart-om streel.rhVagv
'"'vv-M ! "•■‘■■''’U'- culler record-H plat i.r,eo.,
Manning. Cap m^i M. Hunger
public ins:
. was JeUilcd !• convoy Ihe <.us»le, anJ . j* *1*0 herubv ffjven, t
' three al-resst I t m. v.-d
btvard or'aasi-s-s>n,.
the City, of
the coast No
-rai aeoxai
Trarerse City.,wilt met
«. Dr. AB I
yoms in said city on I
S‘ nt thy al irm ahead- ttp-.nlsn soldier*
dIVif Oawpg................
---------- OMkamsJei.
■ w. rr
. n gii u|.ed .m ti - shore near
. Two
---------' Mkric l, anil Ih.- Manning's guns were
trained ui-.n Ih. m. suspev tmg a masked
.So shot* were Bred, bowever. I he^
I StLErkrjpk.l V.
y <■ H.u.
IHted dav
Tot May A. U
ri. gikhart I
A hotly of cavalrr was otmervut 01
A. t^*. Kiokiii


took -r dri.iiima S.-nator Lurrowt for'
Is I? e flngular fact Ihsl '
Burrows p.-v* was a eisd man 1.. give I
«jew* ic Ih- .•iff-»i-.r,.|.ni* and ma
■ nine th>> liave denounced Mm I
fats tndIBereiR-e This seems strange
tha writer, wh- has 'slwaya found Bi

On M. & B. E. B. B.

I All hagsage, bos aad hack worit
aws eos^-' for aaid rcMd abould be Ipft with
A. Nalaos. M.C. OeiatL Jafaa Carroll. I'
T_ , . ;|me. Office 239 State atnet. tele_. FOBTEE. Attoeasr S
Owye Jaaaraoa. T A. Coaloa. F. A. i Wt sitawilue
to t*i titles.'
phooe 3. AU orders left with m*
obert B '
will, receive prompt attentifm.

tor the coBKinietioa of a maia aewer
'Vellington-street, from tVashingto.
street to Eighth street, le newer Ilia,rict No- Three i3. of theCity of Trav- e City, said sewer dlslncl beiag
inded oa the north by the alley be-.
- Wasbiagtoa street and Webster

Iclnlty <

: dispatches
paigns There 1
_ dIspBii
.rlll-r by Ferrest
a.lf. Llhem.
•hows '.Uat F.-rrest was a splendid
rid:d all ha
It read somelhlng ’ike (hik 1 such ns
T bay I'rr -arv :i»ort tiv r-rv frhuns.,' can tv
but iucklry
f-av ipst kapnir-d a drov | thought
a lArttiR
uv hogs " CeneralI FjuiuMinj;
................ ...............
audtd: ' 'heir
•*—- seleviion,I, Mi:lltary r It for oalU- J ot t
vitliten tsiy w..ik is ih«
h..ur, and
•ueb a plain dispatch as ih.
j in drciinlDs- ic

Unwlwg la NswiiB-i
'The <.lllci..-eki-rs are vn’ntpg
•tnlmiim th" •'Hneers of mistakes.
•ur army gi>es ml" srtual service
BOmlver.' s-.js S nai r M >l.!l,
nett vvho wanted oflice at tb<- b-glnniii
ve iid.-li.te l n-.y olh- r i-siicy would
of ibr admlnlsli ai
is-r-n -i-pl- r ible In the extreme.
tster*. consul zr the apiwel to arms and ptun-.lviltan ..ftlces.

Tmveras Ctiy. Hlah

Dr. Higgins,


twtan Uncle Sam and
’ the&paniarda.


Pork per bbl. t

Pork peril...
i BkortCat
> Short Cat Pork imrfc....
i Fkmr. B L.ACo.b«t. .
] Bye Ploor. B. L. A Co. &
' Meal. H. 1> * Co. Beat.
Feed. B. U * Co. Beet,
per duz...
OodBsTiwr tb..............
longer ' Lard per lb.......................

we are a BaM.m of sordid shop. tr.,„ desiruciloti Our fleet lying In
keepers, timid, cowardly, shrinking' Hampton U-sds, crippled by the Mers iremlde
... i.. ...- Mmsr
1. .
aground, looked aghast “as
proapeci of ?i«nlsh eco
a Hpan- ''t hr <}ue
vrsseL afte( her tetnI violeare it is rldUuluus but there |.miui
loyage. wiihoul a moment for
seething pathetic about It for lbe|^i
ctinsullallon. weni Into the
orlually serious, slid j flghi. I
brave young* capialn shut up
they believe it a* devoutly as the Jap- -in I
n bus with a uuanertnaster.
believes In Uuddha.
! Igaurtng Ihe signals from the flagship
nore or less sailsfsnory twinkle, to wlthdi-..
a» _
and save herself. After
ot light Is thrown upon this perplesing : the shell strvck
bis place
«f the Olympia'
Aad then they
lyslery by the uiteraoces uf Spanish | was taken by Lieutenant _______ ___
deaeaal upon ihe heroism of (be enure newspapers, eeperislly where those the victory w..n ■■
aUIair.. altkays cUlmlns. boweter.
'papers are informed by currespoa- I
When Captain Worden came toWasb.
llon-s snare of the (pon for iheOlympia deals In this country.
K..r example,’'Ington. President Lincoln called oa hire
c-.inalder the ftiHe.1 Ssai.e cor- ■ at Ihe hivspusl It was a never-lo-b*.
•nd her Michlean sailer hero command­
reai>onden.-e of the Usdrtd Imparclal of forgotten scene, the presideni going
er. CaiUuln Charlea V. Urli^r.
Of <Miir*e, u v> as sent I forusid with both hands ouisircirhed
"I am iryiiu: lo gel a list of the

e ktcblgan met amonc the enlltied aadc receive
s .Spaniard wfo.
ora and marines of the Asmuc OecC."
to thank
h feeble slobW-l
.aayi Coiiynssman Corllaa. "I want to
dr Wor.
............................ ...
cci the . tllcial Ua: from
■vy dc- ward. Thee
panment. i
t I may bavc It Benor Julio Oonatiles y AIl>a. ao<
bsrlain's Coli
quoted thus:
rd-lor pi
Ptvm Misled tbe Peopto.
e Uicbil
igan HI
La. For sale by
d that I
"The I'nilcd (tiales heslUU-s to fight. |
aoen on nearly i. ... _.
• 'waiting iK'llcy la due lo timidity, j '
«f that fleet. That Oelcp th.
■pkea el Bewar Aa
a fleet hov ers around the ahorea of :
ttames sh.'Uld l» iiiacribed up. • • »>e' • , vuna am mov-w up and down 1
To Jpbo Fowle. Jr.. If
■naneni roll of honor for futu.- genera-] Amenewn
oing no greater dam- L«avM Honorg About Even as B«s
dwaeg Wells. Ueiee B. trawn. J- w.
tiuns of our Michigan peo(>.e to ses and
' ' age lban4iere
capture of
c' j’ liboi.........
F. tdmeiwB.
for the chilCirn
a defenseles*
Tbe reaMrs,
a. JJ. K. Thus, School Wslrivt -No.
■on for this is
Amerlcae govburg. John
ernment Is not preimred
• J. Moody.
was not thought that .tpaia would of­
" sa>s Congmsii
Inrray. Jus'A. P. Bncllmai.t . Bryan Hurray.
The pres* of
'*The cungrvss has passed a fer any real resistance
urvUle Bretherw.
vote of thanks lo 0> Dewey, this republic has misled the populace
and I think that the leglslaiurea of the as to Ihe poser, resourtea. and military
various siates ought to adopt resolu­ virtue- of the B|>snisb |vofde.
•The only powder mill on the Amrri. DwCswIed by Hlsars<s (tshlterj.
tions thanking their heriwa for their
TvsIve.lUiW Uuriag
participation in the grandest ha'val bai­ can lonUnent capable of pruduclng
Aecownt of Ux BsSlie ever fougbL The battles of former smokil-ss p<.wder has been destroyed.
CedarholB. rHattie E. Coouto
dki'S were skirmishes as eoini.ared with Thus the Americans havr no way of re­


crwdusxeof ifeeUDh
I PDlraswnyteiiWil. Oom
u> ewUs tor aasmv ■>
eato. TiaxseeeOHyLi


with Bsri, ta, Jsvslw.





r the cMtle. and >

mounted by Hera i
give she eastle the appearatMe of beta#
buUt m nsany stsrtea The color effect
Is a light yellow, almost cream, except
chat down by the sea level, where tM
water har worn caveros In the mck, tbs
color Is a dark green
On a low pblBl oppoalie Is a smaS'
bsre. an ezrellent porta I
fort and there are other minor forUflr
e wtldemew
Jururu. Barlay. Naran- I ratloos on every available elevauoa
long neck of la
)o. Sama Bane* sad Kipe. the last They are many la aamber. plcturasquee
I from the etty.
aamed being large rooogb to float a ly antiquated and can support each
d by
b rail with Matanii s aDd Ha- aavy. Beyond the coast Is clean and other In aa eagagemenV bat lack tbe
bsblad the reefs are some magnlfleent emcleaer of modem goss sad up t*
and with Tocarro to ti
large proportion of Its nbrmal mercan­
nmpis. Ktvae. wbieb date equlpmetKTbr hay. well mined with torpedoed,
tile community are Amartcasa. to whom
widens to a roartdemble stie as the city
the place baa mainly owed its impor­
U approached, aad the water Is dsep^
tance. proapertiy and grewib. and for
except at the wharfs.
that renaon It baa been oommoely call.
There may be aeep the ribs of ah oM
ed -the Atoertean city."
A notable am rwtremlty of Cuba, thste Is tbs Sae
adommeat of the place te a bronae bartwr of Baraeoa. dtsoovered by Co- ship silrklBg osl of the mod. all Ihnl
or irro etorlea la balcfat. are of ateii«. atatuc of Columboa. which itaads in ibe Ibmboa on bis flrwt voyage » Ktt. IS left of tbe SL Paul, one Of tbe great
public square.
Above Baraeoa nees the eurtoue mesa ships of the Spanish armada at ItML
plaatered over and painty in various large pubi
To the e
iward anther lea mtlee ts or table mountain, called the Tunqaa Bui U years ago she was almodt lae
bHIilant shades, wbich. combined with
visible « miles at sea. and which tarns tact after an exlsteoee at tH centurlssk
the abaence of shade treea. cauaea a
been a
The city, with lu popnlglloa of a.ett,
Is situated at the head of
cUre In the brl(bt sunllcbl e^iecUlly
IgatloB to the river from whicb It lakrs narlly r
U a curious mixture of decay and grwse
tryinf durlnc the beat at the day.
e shipped f
dear. The antiquity Is generally ontbg
On the plaaa are the Caaa dc AyuntaIs
outside and Iberefprr most apparent.
mlento—the residence pt the «ovet»or-^
oae of tbe principal alrceU ts aa olS
the cafes and the clubs. There are two
df the latter nest door to each other— veasela and the eert-icea of a good pilot and fertile region and Is one of the stone building, with former haDdsom*
ports whir' have hftn unlnttmiptedly pillars and arches that are aow cUppeft
the Casino, patronised by the Spanish. are necesury to enter It.
Stretching along eeveral bnndred in direct communication with the In­ and crumbling and a wide entraaeg
miles easterly from Sagua Is a coast so surgents since the outbreak of (he Cu* ibal has been aa oblect of graadear.
n. In the _................
wild that It has always been the chosen ban rebellion. The locality It beautiful, bul Is now greasy aad In.a Pithy cotiule
Hon. and yet It Is the leading cli)l»
recka the hospital and the castle of resort of the buccaneer and the Dlibua- aad the cIlBiate Is bealthhil.
On the sootheastem coast of the Is. house. Inside It Is of sparkling beaatp
San Severlno. an anclenl fort now osed ter, who alone know how t.. enter the
as a military prlaon. which Is a< the end numerous smaJI bays. The largest ael- land Is Santiago He Cuba or St Jago. and bniliancy The poors aad watM
of a lone, dusty mad railed the Ala­ ilem>-ni In that region is Nueviias. gen­ as Its iBbghiunu generally call it. for. arc of colored marble, a large toaaiais '
meda. lined with • double row of stunt- erally called Las Nuevltas del pmirtpe.
which Is Ibe port of entry for the Im-

The Defenses of Her Numerous
Seacoast Towns.
SantiagoHe Cuba tlie Most Strongly
Fortified City In the War
Stricken Island.
(Co0m«bi. IM I
how little li known la

tbU covatry
nortbere ahore of Cul
have already been beaieted by the war.
ahips of our navy or wOl in a ahun

er The port of Cabanai which war re.
cently rhelled by the rhipr of Sampson ■
ssoadroB. I
alted. and 12 miles beir<-r Havana. Is\he sfilen.
' load that,
MurleU which Is conspic­
uous from Its - Pan de Uunel.'* or labir
topped hill immediately behind It
heaviest marine puna.
Approarhlni Havana harbor, aallon
or Havana, or Habana. as the SpanUrds ipell tv ao much has been^nt.
Can that any farther details are aaem-

Uoneerrat. upon which Is the church (
Our Lady of S1uns.rrat which ovei
looks the city the plains in the dire*
tlon of Cardenas to the esstw-ard smJ
tbe Yumurl
- when they are .getting within
Iter is I celebrated spot
long range of tbe port by the natural arard. The latter
Cuban scenei
hills near It called from their shafv
Under the low hills. Just beyond the
Tetas de Managua. " or the Msiden't
Breasts- If the light on Uorro Castle limits of New City, the southern
mgly superfluous Its Uorro CMtle. at
urb are the famous caves of Hellamar.
IS burning. It can be seen M miles sway
She left of tbe entrance leading Cu the
as the tower, though only T* feet high, which, though not of great i-xieni con­
aemlclrcuiar harbor. Is far famed
Uistandi on a bluff as much higher, on tain some fine specimens of stalartltes
roctly opposite le thf lialcrla de la Punhistoric fortrea Is biiilt
It and stalsgmit-w.
ta. on a projeciir
Cardenas 103 miles sast of Havana,
Inculshed at the first appriwch
La Punta
On i
hated Yankees,
Yankees but the iSpan- with a-populatlon of 14.000. Is regarded
le the grtm, fort
s have Clever been noted for their as the first town that virtuaUy came
castle La Cabanaa. u
Into the poaaeasiun of the Untied States
Ilberntity to seamen, and the wonder
prlaon houae. Thr
It Is In - ne of tht flneet sugar
that they have maintained any lights at
»d uixm .ibrupi h
producing sections In Ihe W-si Indies.
all on the roast.
ward la tbe Caaa Blanca, commanding
d the headquarters of the n
The small harbor of San Antonio le While It I*
tbe city, aad beyond, in regular succealion around the bay. are seen the* forts al (he extreme western end of thr la.Vumrro Cuatro. Principe. Ban Iszaro
There Is a lighthouse lOT feet high above
and Pastora. tbe toner of Chorrera and
It an<l a spring of fresh water furnish­
the fortreas of B^io Domingo, lleinivn
ing an ndr-quete supply for a large fleet.
tbe forts NumWo Cuairu and Casa
The tnienor country there Is a part of
Blanca stands tbe email town oi Regia,
the celebrated Pinar del Rio province,
with Its vast warehouses built of stone
long held and oo bravely defended by
aod corrugated Iron, as handsome and Mncen
futisianciaj as any in the world, and
t to the eight of Ha­
ar has been stored i
vana offers some farllltlee for landing,
tbe Ulaad's angar prehut the first eliy of Importance is Ha(bat got
Bahia Honda, meaning "deep bay."
Ire when
ts CO miles west «HiUiwe« of Havana
ibalcava and Point
and tbe most direct natural objective Maya were slleneed and (hose of the
point lor the landing of United States two cnatlee. Ban Sevrrtno and Penaa
erwope from Tampa or tbe aealern peh- Atlas. Just Inside the spacious skull
Insular coast of Florida, as a glance at shaped harbor, were rendered mute by
the map lastanlly reveals. There are the guns of Sampooh's wershlpa The
city lire at the apex of tbe bay, Ibe
-hundred harbored Maine." on tbe. frontal bone of the watery- caput
Sdrthern shore of Cuba, but thr best of lots Identify this port by its ubie lop­
all is that of Bahia Honda, w hich Is safe. ped MU railed Ibe “Pan" or "Loar’ of
Amp aad — ally cwlered. Some of tbe Mstangaa.
bays are as large as that of the capital
Tbe "City of tbe Two Rivera." as H la
designated, ts a strongly forUBed seaIhe Ban Juan and Tumurt Tlvera. these atreama dividing It into Versalllea. Halsnzas and New City. It has
a casile. fine barracks, a hospital, thea­
ter and the Inevitable cock pit Among
Uie schools, which


Cuba. Is thr Empresi
best educanonal rsubllahan
e by which pUota fa.
West Indies. It bM long be
jlaad can enter any of tavorlie residSBce for Americana,
them even at night. This to true of tbe
..................................... > Bahia Boada. one of
A wtu a nagtdto (on-

I'portant Inirrlnr town of Puerto PrlnclI I-, r.: mil.-p s.iuthw.-st
It Is virtually
unforiifi-'Hi and lies al the head of a bay
ti miles in length Sy half as much In
breadth, the entrance being only threearly noiod as ihe landi
place uf mihusleying expedliluos ai
AmerUan sympatMaers and^re
iiisis who'hiive gone im T"ln i
insvrxents. Tbe popi4aU°t> '■ ‘rsa than
East .if Nuevltas In the provlnre of
Bantiagu. are the northern harbors of
Nuevas lirsndes Uanktl and Ualanueta. lyin^ behind sheltering coral reefs.
One of the ivst in that se.-iion is oibtra. wilt) IIS three bllle. known as Ihe
Table Ibe Sugar Lqaf and the Saddle
The great range of Cry
Crystal hills, far In
I’an de Bama serve


merl> (he capital and tbe aecond city
of the pearl of the Antilles in site and
population. It Is built principally on a
hillside 100 feel abovb Ihe hay and Is
perht|>s the most strongli fortified
town In the entire Island. Hemmed In
hv mountains and with no sanitary
regulations, it has aptly heen called the
pesthole of Ihe western hemisphere, fo?
yellow fever IS bred here constaatly.
Like Havana it has all Ihe other mod­
ern accessories of civilised life
ed in lilt by ticego Velasques it is.
after Baraeoa. tbe oldest town In Cuba.
- The principal buildings are Ibe calbedral. se..-ral churchea a college a hos.
pHaJ and
numerous convents and
s.hools Two railways lead from it to
the north end west. The harbor, said
to he the most beautiful in the world. Is
four miles long, well sh-lleri-d Snd deep
enough for ehips of Ihe greatest draft.
The hay entrance Is narrow, wKh low
land on the left and a towering hill of
rock on thr right, upon which a Morro
CaaOe la built Tbe rock Itself la a part

la the center cools tbe air with sbowos*
Ing Jets of water. ahlmmeriDg ebaadte
Hers covered with glass pendants haaC
froiii“tl»e rellint. and arttottr tabtoa <«
bronae Aid marble stand to the etocaat.
dining room.
A mai'iflty of the houses hare keavp
timbers set deep In the ground to raito
der them as safe aa poaolMe to OMe
If was at Ra
ber. latl. that Captain Pry and several
of (be crew and passengers of the Vlr«
gtolttf were sitol to
o death by orte
order A.
the auihnrillea. f
d been capturoC
by the Bpanish s
r Tornado, a^
m was made t bat she a
ing men supplies and ammuailMa to
the then flchling Cubans In rebelllog.
To the northw'est If Santiago de C
» miles away. I
good harbor and a large trade, but aa
especial mesne of defense The'pdpalgs
(Ion is-sbout i.MW ' Trinidtd Is another
minor seaport on the south shore of
the proMnee of Pants CUra. aenfoegoa. also In the same province, la a
city from which freight ts shipped to­
ward Ihe center of tbe Islaad aadlbeoea
on to Havana. It la located on the bay
of Jagua and poea'eteee a fine harbor,
whirh Is rapactous and safe and Is de­
fended by Ibe fort of Los Angetoa The
city IS tbe most beauUful on the Is­
land The etreeta are wide andstratgbt.
and many of the houses are sumiuaded by beautiful gardena Railways cottnccl It with Cardeoaa aad Sagua la
Oraade. The city, founded to UU. was
named tir honor of the captain gMcral
of Cuba. It haa a large' local asA ca- .
port ltrade. Tbe IsU of Plato to uttarig
There are Mvcrul targe'totertor tortlSed towns, tike Saata Clara. Puerto
Piinctpg and Baa Crtotofaal. but thoas
tbe long Cuban eoaat tlae. la tbe hornbardmenu. while the only inlenUoa to
to deeirtty mverameDt property, buildIngs aad resldepcto may be injured, and
to case of determine reatotaaec a diy

or wju» umM be iliBlkd gAd Uto teOMS
aad hOBsewor;!tfac people shattered mad
cruabed lf>^(boald .be dseased aacto-



Aad what are tbeae hoBei? -Tbe
bouaes of Havana are typical of tbOM
throughout the Ulaad. though there arsome wooden dereUInga and otbera,
especially to tbe laterior. Hke our atedern vlltoa They are aoUdly built «f .
steme. with very thick sralla. oftoo
palated wltbla aad without la abowy
colort. topeeuny blue, gruca or yallov
aad sometimes to aU thrue. They are
either of one story aad roofed srtih
tiles or rsro Marled wRb a roof e< aobs


U -.

totelateTbw It wm to men that PHOTO0RAI»HIC AUR'/EYINQ.
«hUe aflate ganerally. both tn tba order
andlnboriMaa lib bate beta at a aMndttUI, tblatopvtnientatnolUMhMtaUad
t»m>«anaa.-Pythlan Knight



hai bwo a atroDS
(one Id Ih adTaiKMDeDt

W cd apoD In tba off Scial dlaobatan at
puUle addnaaea.
At tba dedication
tb» Odd Fdlow«- V

smcK Mnrxux

Maw tauipte of BathboM ririma hate
baan erganlaed In Santa Boaa. Cab. and
Mount SnamU. Ind.

Mime of bite inDet be
be arrayed.'
aot,end beneenoablng pntalnIng to tbe earasnony ahuuU bare even tbe
appaaranea of tnalibearlty. Apropoa lo tbb
tbe tfNttdMjwri Iowa myt; ‘‘Wben any
lodae p-eaanti a^nawly leUlaled farotbar
with a bmbaUs or wblia laatber apron
and takaa It away from blm flva mlontaa

afteward. togive to aomebody ete orto

be laM op anMmg the areblves of tba ,
lodge. II obeala. wrosgt and dabaods bin. j
It b a poor rale that won't work both <

wars. UmnTSF. tha Mwl Ussnn wnnU
7ZJ:^ regiment in
r tbe poaelbmUes In caw of war
iln. Oreod Ulouior Tbomas Flu“
V has Doariy 8,000
oogfat lobe tbro. .wermlng. and tb~
new co^em^ ,n ^ aUW
e day which id te
nlgb aupreme in tbe Ulo of Bobert
Bunia. tbe poet, waeJulyt.
wai Jv
1781. fpoh
tbit date ba
luadea knemason.
Tbere are I8.8US Hasooe lo '
M lodgea

[tola la

tbe way od pbotograpblo lorreyiiig baa
bees aooompliabed on any tote toale
anywhere else in tbe world.
Tbe oanaes of failere on tbe part of
many who bare tried tbe metbod and'
dlaeatdad it lo dlsgnri an ebially two.
One of tbeae It a deteetire kaowlad^
io deeeriptive geoxnetry and penpeotire.
wbicb are ewentlalt of tbe idotUng pb»tograptalcaorreyiiig. Tbe other dlOcnltf Ilea lo tbe tnanipolatioo of tbe pbotograpbic apparatus ItaeU and tbe mak­
ing of a proper negative. Tbia it by no
meast tbe easy thing it aeemt, ainee
probably be lb euleeel. .
pboiograpbi ibat would be faigbly ao_ Tbe supreme lodge inerii In Jone next. ceptuble tu tbe average pbntograpber,
' '
' every pKwpcct that it will I pr^etrional or amalenr, might be quite
: oteleas for tbe pnrpoae of (be rnrreyor.
iJr t:
j For eumple. the sorveyor'i piotnnt, in
! order lu b<> of ate, moet be taken with
u,ue In the prerioos year.
j tbo oaraera in piwitely tbe boritontal
• poeitioD. tilling never a hairbreadth
:»»<«« d‘^tioD or
. Tbelembe
mure special eseewmenu will br wiled.
BAjastigmat and abeoI
Oleati lodge le one of New York s mott : ,
image mar

Mias Maggie Holder, a gradi
lucky, li
Bio da Janeiro. Brnxll. to lake Iherge uf aoiaicn In the event of war with bpaln.
1 new todaee bare bann acaaotlr tbe klndergartenof tbe Uatbodlsl mteloo .
1 in New Jan
«t that plso
Inlb annlaena)? of tba
*llr obaornd.
have “ladles’ nights " a
Id this eountry to have public Id--J
... .
>w colonies end S.&M new
------ ,.«-------------------... by b,o. „
added lo tbe order last year.
•nMODtalDln.ftO per
. _________iber; total re- atea! and literary entertalnmenta.
Tbe running expuons ware 77 ctmia par
Uaf.te per member (dck
(lit and
foneral beeTbe Preemason of London
idoD oloace a tyh>hur tbe pest year against tui ibe pw•flu. donatlona etc.);
tbt other expeneea. opals of
^); th
. _
tba order of tbe
#«.10per member, abovmi that 11.40 |
umpla In tbe linlted Stairs with them
Member U added to tba Inreetad tunda.
very elgnlllaeDt words. “Suck [mgi™ la,
Rm nemeteat.
lo my tbe least, wtoundlag.*'
■ew Dnmban.ovar IW membert.
"Ton/majesty willVemember." Mid


Tbere are abovt 10.000 pairtaroba is 1ST
«eampmeota In Kew
m York.
Conaldemble Intereat la bMOD arooaed
•MODS tbe Odd Fallows of Maaeaebutetu
tb refard to tbe annual aeasluo of tbe ao«MelfB vrand Mice of tbe order, wbkib
kriU be held to Beaton bezt St^mber.
Lodcea. encampmenu and eantona all orer
aw a
uriuuuvmbivn. anu it is pxoo•ble that tbe parade will be tbe Urctet
f*^^*la^ Odd FeUcwa eeer aaen In
Tbare U eearr reatos to beHera that
Grand Uaatar Pfallps will tnaUcuM tw
Men new lodgea before tba aaxt maelo
«f tba grand lodge of Qoebee. .

plate most be of a epecial kind and ad­
justed in the camera with a degree of
Dioely of wbiob tbe ordioaiy pbotograpber bat no conoeption.
Mr. Deville. wbo bad in tearge tbe
Canadian work, poinia oat in a pinctioal way how many of tbe worst ditRcnlties may be easiiy overooisA Thus tbe
simple device of having a net snspraded betfseen tbe

[S of
uf tbe

wbicb stones are placed to elaady tbe
aninen. wootd mve many a negative In
wdndy weather that now is lost tbroogh
tbe Cblneae pblloaopber.
"I told yon tbe vibration of tbe inatratneoL And
tbe tare wbicb is ocmoseled la deter­
y of Kiligble Tem-'loag ago Mata
mining tbe exact period of proper
s will oelebrau tbe jbondred before g>
of Ind
iven plate, iena and lig
annlToraaiy of lie
iperor wearily
d ont wlib iar lew aolenMay 14.
laa be looked over'tee.-rinlanuiity
Hemoity elobe
teoisloa Itian ie I
In tba year 1779 General SollivBB. •! in hli cbeokbook. ^yonr *dvioe was I
amateur wbo
New Hampshire officer and a senlout
lenlouiMa-lgood ai far as it went, bat yon onghi i
aoD. was sent Into tbe Susquebanna ei
wanes Mveral plateafor every good
'tohave made it •e>eralmdtriou."»Maw
try by General Wasblngcoa to cbeok tbe y_w World
negative to reverse tbe proportions at
inratds o! tbo Indteia. Colonel Ppooto»|''®*'^"‘“failnretandsnoowsea.—St. LonisaiobeDemoorat.

Now WithiSampaon's Fleet.

V la War.

Tbe Indloailooa are that 1808 will ba
tenner r«er lo Odd Fallowablp
Can yoo
aot aeoure a good oandidate for yonr lodger
imal and bloa,
wonaoff than



Watere been among tboae wbo li
dtcaabare been oppow^ Ui kpislalloo.^kfidtlng payuiont uf prountion Id^mi of
rowing «i
«i|] U ao pro. 'Mielda but tbe Kruwing
■ ^ •ennced tbet wo ere
are funwd
furuMl t
lotteeoncluo abet
that eui|a
euita should Iw token b the su^JDO lodge to cbwk thl> IncmokL,____
dany to dclf murder Ip order to natiee^be
tevDty tbet tbe eootety iirovldm. UdrTng
dte past ten years I.SIV eawa of eulolde
tetd oeeomd In tbe A- U. t*. W., and tbe
gate baa paid S2,4W.uDtl to tbair dependdBM. Over 4S per cent of tbe eoUta payMaota made by tbe Older has KoMlntfelb
aireotloD.—Keyaione Workman.



One bai oolrte look back a few boadred yean tn binary and note tbe abaolaie ttaorformatioa wroogbi in warfare
der and fire artillery
pliabid fact. Tbe tnuned knigbt, bred
to arma and bouenly believing that in
him Uy all tbe icieuce of warfare that
oonid ever be poaslble, was nddenly.
transfonxid intoa ridicolous DoaQoIxote. belplew before tbe rade band of
peawnta wbo. with tbeir “villainou
saltpeter.''made all bis knowledge of
tbe art at war obsolete. Today we are
nndoDbiedly on (bo verge <d animilar
trauif<vma(iiiD. aod tboold tbe miafortooe of war Is-oome a dire oeeeaiity
tbere is every reason to believe that tbe
ingeunity'of Ameriuui eoglDeers. connroclors and iavenlort would evolve
devii-es of d.-«trocliiin before which the
exisliiig liatllrabips aud fortiecatioDs
woold aoou be relegated lo obsenrity.
Twu insianrcsof must receot oocurreuca

' modem warsbip*. one tbe <nae with
wbicb the single blow of a ram sent tba
, VIciuria to tbe bottom uf tbe McditerI rau(«u, tbe o(ber tbe havoc wbicb a
igbi Dpon tbe
la harbor. Tbe moderti

.S'ortbweet Tcrrilorta

- tbe akill of tbe eounbine fane and morapidity for sIm and


She grand lodge of Ulohlgao at lu n«MI Maaloo aboUabed tbe beneflolary eerdSloate fee of $1. and eerUQeaM are now
MMad lo now membara fr^ of cbarga

N ia OM of tbe modern double raireled n
tended fos eo^ dafwae. Bbe earries foot 10 inch rifles mooi.ted in pairs in
beg heavily annared torreta Beaides tbis she bai several smaller riflw of ito
rapid fl» variety moanted <m tbe aopsttractara.

- l«t tba ofBeera of each lodge get togetbm and make out a list of tbe young men or tneartlllery baa saooru awahwiftrram
. llB tbelr town tbeywooldllketobaTeJoln- ' grand lodge of Peoaiylvanla to form
tea order.
Hugo Oentbe, tbe Engliab traveler,
ilillarylodga Almcn every sight after
neteportc of tbe grand ofBeenof Call- .tbe bait and refirahments this lodge was wbo reeeotly visited tbe grave of Dr.
tenia abow that tbe order has been very opened. At Tioga Point a Urge lent,was Livingstooe,
iDgstooe, nnder tbe old mpnnda
d for Ibis porpoae, a
gnaiidrous during cbe paet yeer end bas
eterfng : tree, in Afrira. found that______________
aalnad atveral tboutaod membara. bring- away the
he leavaa^
leaves an old Iron
lioi squera. very
i^noe. apparently not many monttaa
fag tbe total up to ovar M.uuo.
rusty. was found, which
wtakb oolncldence 00 1^^ ^..! been
D erected around the tree.
J tbe brethren that they uaed It for
A net gelD for tbe past two moatbe of
I When Mr. (ieatbe aaked ,h.
4,dM over all losme shows the A. O U. W.
wbo bad done it. ba was told that "a

tbtudeecribed in Moodes: Tbe wood U
first immened (or three or four daya.
aooordlng to Its permeability, in a eanatki alkaline lye at a tamperatnre of
from 76 lo CO degree.. From tbeooa it
liasaei immediately into a bath of bydratolpbite of calcium, to wbicb It added,
sf UT 24 or 80 bonrB.'e

.S S'.V'“ I™"”
iaod ilstempentara. is




from 66 to SO
degreee. Finally (be wood li ii
fToin 80 to 40 boors in a bot Holocion of
acetate of lead. Tba pruceat. as may
aecn. is a long one. bot tbe rnsnIU a
snrprisiug. The wood thus
after bating u
ta. Oresr-ateft Talks.
at a moderate lempurnlDrc. acquires
kht u> ralniute within AO days tbe Identity of the mysteriooe and nnTbe nmnerous amuaemenu wbiob bava I
Tbe rikl
' der a boniiiber of bard wood o polished
place durlDu tbe put two monUis, ‘from date>of suspeosloD it guaranieed a boown ooopie ftom the other aide of
surface and araumes a very brilliant
Mtnngud by trIlMs and ouuurlls and dls- ' Neigbbur by paying lo bis clerk all ari
tbeLuapala.wbo traveled ao far id order
____ .
meisllio luster.
tots iDsier
iaster IS
Is siiii
•rtet gatherings in
'I and general,
agra. iwnabl
and tbo ■
*■ further iDcreaeBd If (besurtao* of tbe
Bftletta scnnlVerksiy of tbe InsUtoUon of meiiixbes ounant by tbe furnlahlot
wood is first rubbed with a piece of ;
ooUDcll of tbe
>e Cuitud
Cuikid Stsira, warranty of good health as nqute

-------i lead, (in or tine and is afterward pol- i
uju'in luoiwased sootiuD 61. - •
•Modance of (be members at ibv cuuuul]
ranty is furni
' Ubed wltb a glass or porcelain boroiah- |
•tea, graatar Interest In tbe devol
It j.and , ,
No further ai
« Tbe wood tboi aasumee tbe appear-1
There was
reqolred lo be taken by any ona
anee of a traa metaJIie mirror and is
between Cbu veoeral
.. .
very solid aod rasMant.
tor, Hod. Jamra R. Oowan. aod
from VerI moot, tbe bonored Mr. MorrilL An lo
ProfeaiCT L. B. Meodel rvporwremlu
ew ooenrred tocweao
In a renent speecb Past G
of reaearchm apoa tbe oompociclaD and
L Mr. HorriU raferrad
a K. Uonnalley ssM be “hoped tbe Um order.
natritive valae cf mate edible Amari■u was not tar dlsiaui when the aiars
Mloblieo U rapidly forglog lo tbe fraot. to bit foormareand eight years with
rantbrooma Cbearioal analyme
Md stflpBS would be displayed lo tbs wlg- and. jodglv from tbv entbuiUun menl- mme pride. Mr. Oowan it (oar yoort
b experim lU l£ar*ram of every tribe. “
framd. Um mark propberite by bit jaolor.
tifldal digeetloo, aad epeeiai
“1 nppom you have no
The tiribw of New York reaervatlon Bmie Deputy ByrtM wUl niraly to luacbod
wat^ given to tbe amooat of available
•ant a ebaagv In' tbe law tMurdlng snter- by JDly 1, 189S.
year mnaU wbo u
IX my equal ia yaanV’
preeeat. Tba latter
SUM Dwraty J. B. MaitlB hM bran «M- qaeried Uu Vormui
UDgUieWarit Mealy aurtad laWmiVirTtoBad Hee'aA
“Oh. yea." replied Mr. Oowan, '‘one
iif^rexb Boibrooau. wblte afaowt that
Maia. up to April 1 I
of oar mnatote it 94."
allins 1dm c^-tbe great notrlOeorev B. Albert ef Iowa Ud to Uw
Bf aod bensdu ament
Tbe reoqitloo of UiU Informatiim did
oteTpomt U not yat Jtodeputy work for Febraary, toving mound aot mem panionlarly pleasins to Mr.
tbe adofitloo of 144 mambera M. B.
y be Woable ax dletxtio
Matrill, aad be began to talk «f otb«
IbaBes.—Watelagtoa Pott.
— -Kte rigbt boedrad and flMelb aiiBlvcrterm “vegeUblx bxeCxttok.’’ TMrMglgrof tbe gtvte. which ooeori oo St.
[cagntd a
tragen U largely in tba form of aenfooteba'a day twit, June St. will be ralebratmeoUWyt
teid bodim. Tbe aa>oant cd fat, teolmgd by many eoumaiula on Saturday. June
A oarrmpoodestof tbe Loadoa Ghroeiterla. aoJable carbobydmim. made Obm
Me et Mantcne myt tbet tbe eloeiag
OiUMilii onmmaiwtey. No. 90. at PbllstMMt in Anbrey Beeidiley'x life ware
telslphli, U doing eonUnBOQtaadaaniam
exceedingly pstbetio. Be tnSered great
pain, bat wat iavarlably genUe aad peINM, «n end potstoxa—Popnlar UtUot. Wbeo very near tbe end. be mid
be WM wy aorry to iMve tbe bright
werid to yonng and Ua work to inoomDteta^andiovMMd fi
pleta; bnt. Binoa it wax Ood't will, ba
> tba esdowBMat rank.
BqwasfnUof Mj- BM of etotoAfl mlxtoiMix not a lam
B lBBfiMi in added metkme tn laoraamd
U <rf fatore work al
Idas by sny aMsnx, the tsvemta tesI. la laiaa aseraaoM to
TbeptweiitgrandMlgaofBooUandwMi**"*® ““
who bad
fonnod W
tram the northwest of tbe Lnapnla. bad vlaited tbe gl*'
grave and caused the
fence to be made. Mr. Uenlbe'e dlaoovery taai eicited great interest
tbe European oommooliy at ^otnba and
rrwn tae Woods.
1 Blatityre. and speculation ia rife as to


or TanWell, they’re here, in all the latest styles.
Qualities to suit everyone. La4ies*, genu’, boys’, miss­
es' and child’s sires.
Best assorted line of work shoes we have
ever shown. Prices $1.00 to.$2.00.

u«>. :

Mew tdaa raablon UweM far Jsne are now bmw.
Call aod get one. Free for tbe aaking.

This Store is Full
New Cheice Geeds


Silk Waists
Eeceived jost Friday from
the mniHifactiireif. A large
variety of styles. Not s ons
of them bnt ia strictly tsilormade throaghoot. Cot right,
mede right—and will 8t right.
Prices ere $2.75 to .18.66.

Bicycle Skirts

Men’s Stack
Giay Suits
That would be termed low
St $7.60, for $6. Sack styls.
pore worsted clsy. Extn
qnality lining, ent, trimmed,
and made right in every way.
Tonm pay $12A0 for the
equal <h these enita in other
stores. We rightly call it
onr " World-Bteter. ” Any
^le yon wantr-nck, cats*
way or D. B. square cnt.


For those wbo don't care to
have the bother and worry of
malupg their own coatumes,
or of hiring them made.
Skirts, $2.00, t.S.25, $3.75—
Suits »t.00 and $6.Sa

Men’s and boy’s—the very
latest idess in cloths
shapes. Prices 25o to 50c.

Street Suits

Cotored Shirts.

or 6ne flannela, wool av.
ert cloths, etc. Prices start
at $5.00 for a well made dannel suit, then others at $6-50,.
$7.60, $10 and $12.

Shirt Waists
To suit the Isdiss^to suit
those who like pretty things
to wear.

"‘"Wash Goods
Dress Goods
Is alt tbe late handsome
effects, at prices that will
please yon.

White, with colored bos­
oms. all over colored, and soft
^goods. New effects, new oolorioga. Every shirt will fit.
60e op.



Black and colored, in theseveral gr^ea. 50c to $12$.

8tiU more keep a oomiim.
Oar all wool Inpains at 4fic *
and Wc, in a big variety eff
patterns,, are proving great
trade bringers to this depart­
Ingrains at 371
sod 45c. Cheaper ones at 2o
and 30c.



Bdiibli Drj Mt, Ura lii QnUiiil Bum

! We Meke and Hang
i Curtains ef All WidMs..
We cany in stock all the wide
goods BO that we can make you a wide
curtain without having to.,Bend for the
goods. Then, m have all ths Cheap Cur­
tains, too.






220 Front Strest.

HOLLiY e ooraABi,a.


»H» MUMOJtQ aaeoED. SUSDAT.KAT 15, 15(8.






a dijtbatadaot
B*«taalB« Her U.
. .
fKiBf IN <
•«y far doi^ rape. r-» tk.
"de an
.h.. kr K^. A K. ItejU.
nerwcwiJd bare been done
Or. W.
«<> »•*« «* *>• Mato—W. B.


n tbe ScripIt if well
for Bf to nmenibrr that not cnly aa
ehnrobee bet aleo ae Indiridoalf we are
God'e tempira. Tbe Oc^tbiant wen

Ufte ralBei HmoM be wc
The bang IseoDlng into
I the dreering
of Mr. K U a
enBlI affair now, bnt pramtee (o hare
a larger and (peatat fatare.
Wide eoilan of.Iaoe or plaited mooeMlioe de aoia oonjlng oot (rom a nar> —FoweU Bonom
tower collar at relret or allk are one ol
(be featoiM of drMo trimnlna.

Are scarce but we have a good
assortment, at

Tbf didut meiawtf tba inMcfdL
^ tan
tb« b«M uooox tb« floweiA
SMdt ID* toe] UiT. ADd, UrlDg uide
Cbrlat. and Paol aaka them if they did
not know that (bey, aa a cborcb, wan
m Mdag rod, I etnubed b>7kU on.
tbe temple of Uod. and reminded them I
(be nft eprlBB gtmm ooder e we«iBf
tbatliod dMtroyed OuMe wbo defiled |
irillow ^ wawbed the bine. <j«*d'
wobis templa We may forpel that <nr I
^Mkedekr. lh«late.oetfanen..le«p.^^*”‘»‘*«’‘>“«
>en Iba: on bearing of tbedeparton at bodin an the templea of Ood. God's
when 1 w4e arooert by a roioe inqnli-, **• *“
lilllnera. all tell tbe mme tala
i a eervant■ from any
any bonaabold inreeti- babitation. God's dwelling place, and
lag. •■Sotebfd <«ny flab, ml
In (harp ocotraft to tbe hata which'
bunaewife instead of tbp eerr- may defile ibem. hot we sboold not for­
LooUagop I
get It. It is too lmpuruo( a tact to be
tip down over tbe
a ibc
be face and op at
rhiob tnro back directly;
Tbe'lawa of
JiaryUnd do not limit | Inrgotteu,
if Jdaryland
and iit
its oonrtut
constant remembrance
'1 «7, niitet, tbif bare it a power- back an tboae whiob
--------------------fel bad kentry for atakea One bit Jim |
trobt with a eort ol balo
effect io ,
--------------^t which may be inflicled i
*» defilement.
! forlbe desccntitai of |iia*ea and oeme-' ”ko.-itber by meal or drink coalddeflle
A novel Creatmat <rf a brocaded ailk toriei. e«*p» that sooh deaecratiaB U | ^s txdy while he remembered that it
odiceshowstbepattamintbe DolaoapitaloffensB.
, was the temple .rf «.nd?
iDt around the neck and emThe town of Dornstettln. in Warty
a yerself. I'd more brolderedln bottonholestitchforafin- temberg, h,« iU lunde-o well Invested
neatb, it a frill of chiffon.
Added to tbe variety of cravata and
moot git Tloiooa”
neckties wbieb sre one of ibe season’s
Long befon fbat apeeeb
fads is a large buw of white gave de
badlBtaedaareneaaoll faBcI ^ wmon ; *4e trimmed across the ends with mmiy
I caased tbe m
a gnat daal at rowi of tartan checked baby ribbon
.... ,h. M.
" <Jnilled. Spotted net
is anotbtp fancy.
wltb a Hick
iSd'ntof^h^T I
ny satin is a (avorite material
' ~™~; for tea gowua which an made very
down tbe
aaeUT ODdwat^ar wh^l**^^ '“*>
appi^B* down
lu. jirjjijul 1 I iTiV~~7~i~~r-_'.._ .») I *™“‘ kreadtb. a frill of lace aroond tbe
te erpootod
aklrt and a flebn of ehlffon tied with
(ailing to OM wbat that a
with my landable fiadn
r bM 1




’'‘“'I’ "*

cates, receive a banns of |r6 each anDually, bnidn free firewood
nse of land for raising vegetables,
A EKnasian wooing cnlminates lo the
betrotbsl feiut. at which the bride elect
easts off a long tress of hair and glvM
U to ber bettothed, wbo la turn preood oke and

I lilver ring act with

Karkham Block.


temple were detlicated to (ind when
completed. Tbe body sboold be dedicat­
ed to U<id. It ^cold be owd in Mis
service and for His work, and if so dedi­
cated and au ns^l it cimid oot become
tbe tis)l of apiwtitr or of passion. It
wocld be need teni]irra(ely in all tba relaDcos of life.
8. Tbe body as God's temple abonld
I tbe dwelling place of God in tbe perbetbedwelll
son of His Holy hpirit. Tbe temple
tbe dwelling of God. It was not erected
as a place of meeting for the people,
bat as a bciue for God to dwell in and
there at tbe mercy seat in tbe holy <d
holies He dwelt ' "The ipirlt of God. ’’
PsbI. "dwelletb in yoByon." God’s
y;Bpirit makes oorvreak and imperbodies His babitatiim. Hisdwelling

If you hare read Mane CorelH's great work you can­
not help but admire the character of the heroine—”Tbefma."

Ttis is also true of the latest perfume earned “Thd-

ma.” . You cannot fail to admire its exquisite and'lasting
odor once you have tried it.

For sale only by


man anzioosly.
"If yon wants me. GMge." mid
Trsv.roe City,
taka my
for a plUow, 1 asked him I
rprlng capes an covered with (be yonng lady from tbe banks of tba
for as explaoatice.
i !•<» <* ohiffco tx both. Frills of lace Wabaab decidedly, "fww wui't take no
••Ait it pc^Ua yswtown felks dnnan ! «n lined with Other frills of chiffon.
Pbw wUl
Seal"—How Tork can He dwell when there is Bin cr de­
BO barm to BBtbin, 'ceptin snaksa, an > ^<wis tb« notln garment, with a Uule j
t. Oat bodies as God's templw
ha don't paner tbam aa bain'c pisan.
aboold be free from defilement "If
Bat ha do leva a eoppv an a rattler,
any man defile tbe temple of God. btm
which la tba worn gnakea ov them digwUl God destroy." Tl^ was tbs law
gin'a an be'a death on 'em.
in Old Testament tlmim Those wbo de­
"T'other day I was gwine long a old
filed God'sdwelling place were paoisbed
(«ad. an all Bv a aadden 1 beerd a singin
by Him. Tbe sacrednees of God’s tem­
aa tboDgb a camp meetio bad Inst tank
honest test.” Tbie ie the reason onr etore k alwsya to the froet
ple bad to be emphaiiaed. end it always
to. 1 knowed it wu a rattier, an lookin
waa WbeteverGod dwells there aboold
We have elwaye given you gooda, good inqoalily and low in price,
fooBd 1 saw him on a knoll, an a powbe no defilement and no ODcleanncaa
arfal big BD bewBt. BewnstiiiUled op
Uka a corkaoraw. an bis rattlsa was
»-makin tbe air jingla Bat at first I
tongoe. tbe bands (be bean, every tw-, And we want everybody to have a share of tbe
eoBldn'l 'aeover tbe eanae. an 1 knowed
gan of Ibe body, sboold be kept clean
rattler never got rea
and pore for (fad's splnL This would goods we offer at this Special Sale.........................
(Brnotbin. Prmently 1
.... ^___
io s
a-oeraylD an s beDdtn, an tben the ntJbv
tier, be geu oervms aa sheered, an oospeech or actiem. It would forever de­
qoUlis biaaelf be made a break to mn.
stroy drnokeunem Inst, paiolun. e:
"Bot it was too late, fnr on cams the
ive worldlimvB or wbalnx-ver woald
king like a bmrlcane. an poitin hisaeU
tend Id mske nncltwo or lo dt-file,
ia« ahead tbe nttler abowed him bia
May tbiK be r>or aim—lo live a life of I
(IgwBSop heeiu be uonldn't 'acape,
socb pomy that cor bodies may ba a fit 26 Diecos RlTersids ShirtiDiT
tbe tattler qoUled ag'ln an showed
dwelling pla.-e f.» God e Holy f^plrit.
^.t rtAF VAvH
SgbL Tbe king, be commenced to run
Bible Hesdiogw —Ituv ax. 1; axiii.
XOBDd bia inimy in a wide circle. tOe
Sk.'Cl; lea. 1. 16. v. II. 12; zzvui. I
10 }Wdg tO CIMtOiner.
tattler waicbin. lickiu cot bis tongne
T-IU: Roiu. xiii. 12-14; I Cor. vi, B '*
•nmakioiiis rattle dng like a Asanje^a Oot. VI, u-jK; Eph. il. ili-22;
Olomr an clcacr tbe king drawed.hli
V, ID 26, Heb. iii. 6; 1 Bel
circle as be dashed mood
10 srmrds to cagtemar.

_rw'j toSu.,?bra

toubS SI iSiJur



One of New York’s Coast Defenders^

fe 4rM

...Just as We Advertise...

Looli, Read Wonder.



"Then tbe rattler, thinkio be^aB. .
tbs last show to eove bid bacon, made r
powerful rpticfal longe at the king,
■n that ii wbar be slippvd op. for U>a
king be dodged, an qoirker'D goopowdar wm on to the tatOer Thar wnsnt
BOthin bat d ball or anakes in sight fnr
faodingHevv York, ifbecarries two IS ii
IS and sevvat rapid
atewminotes at ibey fongbt an toafire gans. Her tarrat bean the marks of aomeroiia Ooc
alod over lbs gram, bat erter a lltda 1
eoBld see (be rad an black striped king
vrcaind round (be big raiUer jott like
wi5n by his wit.
a grapevine on a Bee.
"Tben I aeed tbe king bold 'Im by
tba back ov (be neck, an 1 oonld bear
klm erotbin tbe rattler as be tightmed
"firady wit o i„>i . ......
on blm. ItwaiaUdverlnbaUanbeBr,
MtBtrcai bai abipped faUy t.500 moat any kind of a"bgle." rat'd tbe visaa tbe king, nirwiDdin hiiselt tram bu bones to England (bis winter.
I Ulng westernw to eoue ol tba boys at
vlocim. got behind as waited far tea
King of Diamonds,
will ba ! «» '>»b.
tolnotea. Tben be crept op an pnl bis
unpaignad by Levi Tnraer, Chicago. I "
Powerly was a strapping yoang
Bpai on tbe nitler'a to-are U be waa'll U said that B.T60 stomas nf nw.. l««Ter when 1 first waoi ^o Brtoko]
braatbia. Ye see. other snakes know
tbe king an soraetimee poasam on bim
by pretendln to be diod.
•'Bot tbe nttler wo* sbeta *iiaff gooe.
Tt. Hn.1.. pn.I,.oU
Sdllrf h...
b“ “I.
AiiAii •*L>UK .uie
by Kremlin in
an when tbe king wn> mtisfied ov this •ylv
ially I
be crawled io a old mamp bolt 'an iss;18. sold tar|IB.OOO.
- bat despite b
--------- smeooiwiib a moasa'a mil
Barley, tbe principal boras
feed in favorim one fall be seonred tbe
t bis moot, tint be soon '
11 bringing «;'26 a ten. witb inatiou for pruM.-cnnug sltorney, and
liDbisoom '
pitted agalnat bi
le only otber
u fur mora i Tbe boiwM of tbe German cavalry law:


pieces American Flint at-



Bed Print
................................................................................................ ..

for lb"- rbarcb. wi il»re is a fairer form |

|26 .pieces Luceme Gingham at........ ..
an ideal of individoal cbarecter.wbicb '
atlnrls bim and lifu him np w
witkunt L
I i.ercviving (hat ibe individoal
: Ideal iociodes a social ideal, and if he
i be a tn)f man be will Lv> irae to both.
I If as be h-aros mnra of Chnst be disoov' era that tbe uolv rigbietios (ooisa it one
I (bat will dimioub prufita, leaaeo infloI enoe and alienate frieoda. will be bedI Ute? Not fur a-momenL Hr will reec«'
•]>« «•'*
'be cruaa and gofnriI ward, toiliot op *a new Cdv.ry.*m tbe
i 2^.* cr^«fi*ion.-Eev. Frank G.
The Cerfew Csstsm.

10 ywwAa tO COStoABT.

60 pieces Scotch Lawn
at........................................... .............
Skirt Lining, all colors—black, gray,
, brown, at...........................................
and Fancy Colors at..............
10 ^BTd« to castora«r.

LL Cotton—extra fine—10 yards limit—

_____ '..

“Fruit of the Loom” at..............
10 TBrdg to eoMnner.


; ■•capitor cotton
yvaraof I
clock in ai
o'clock in winter.’ Tb.- redonion ol
resU of yuoug people has in some places j


.......... .........


wrappers, remlar
value 89c, for..........

give J
wboleeoniv atlention which (bry a
for the next on.
7 bed Joint meeiioga for westerners mneb on-d. Y'oong people wbo receive •
A looatic. •recently
committed mi
lo tbe
■•'An now. misior, I cunld trll ve a ' “
inust »««>‘be»<>olitu»l
aa "tongbe" and j
Bowerful lot mon- u tbsL inrr II hnnw^
koowa ;
l“Nt'D«d “•
"dirts" will mske poor citixeoe.—Mo-1
have just received twenty-five cases of new
tom 1 moat bnpy on aftw my oieii. tolpped from Montana to Edmanton. bnt be was bones; wiT bis cli
t wom.n. any siDoer. ! ^OOds, including PriUtS. ShirtiU^, TOWSUllg, COt_1... 1V----*hat i Nattbwoat TerriUirits. for nse 1 tba bad never Uken s fee no butb ddes uf i
wwf---------------bantin when I1
oDie lu (be Klondlka
ease as Mr. Fuwerly bad doua
^ OrgandiesDon’t miss this opportunity
WalibiTwill ride inEogli
. ....................... ....................
divif, i-vei. that niue God will dwell to save your money.
He’li wril over «o
age and can ant abase, bol Jimeameap auili
witb bid Biiii be liio t;od and fnlfill tar
WitovS^TodeSMI^idU/*^; go W icale « light «» Bi poo^
bim all lb-' tmiiiwe written Id tbis
^6 ' b-J uny^^^i
imtnito’ i -rellow cltixea^ 1 «reo In condemning book, wipe away all uars from bis eyea,
the.Obu Of tbe raraiuge drawn by »bli practice of taking a fae from both gi««‘iiiii iu drink of (be water of life
freely. I<«d him in by (b« gaiee into tbe
city, hot. abtTve sil. will im|sut lo bim
Kllrabrto FrobablTtbls^niereSS ' .
was'^nM tbe wri
Hit own life of oim-l&sb love. J'
bit biwrl of beans Ibn tree of.
244 Front St,—Broscli Bit.
B told today t
eppropriamtbe name of
, [S^'^d•iJ:^::o^:d’^.'b•“wm


- s,..,....


Lawns, Dimities and some very stylisfi

Money Saved is Money Earned.

.■;T.!irr “The Fair.

L u
i i“
“>® *"•»• l>»‘ ‘l»l* «"ly “dded
•e minds of mi oy (Uiristians, ctmlo tbe
”1.** : ‘o
*hh- “d tbe Incident, aa U flew
toe CL__ _ ____.________________ tbroogb tbo.coanty.asDaredJimaroaa- gregatloa begus witb a oapiul C and
cborab witb a small c. Notbing to need­
addlUonal tariff of »4U per bead, if im- ing majority. "—DetndtFreaPnm
Ja^-el pramnt as to Uoeb
aUooi poaaeaaed <ff toe be- porad by Franoe. wiU not affeul that
tbam (be reveres of tbis ditrincthm.
nditaiy pradUections which one might maakat to toe Irato—EormtiiatL
Tbe obnreb is tbe greater thing and tbe
have expected, aeeiag (bat bar faUMT.
coogiagatioD many timee toe leraer.
toe late King William UI. was an enTbe one is tbvwbole of wbiob tbe otber
ttnaigmie aaairiaa. Indeed bis devoto bat a part, and a part aboald nevra
torn to tbe amottonal an was eocb that
PeopIedoDOtlaoketreBgth; tbaylabk
aeem greatw than tbe wbola—Lothba U raid, wbea Pltooe of Orange, to wia—Victor Haga
have dl^irad himself in order to play
coaiae tor man to to ecDaede to wamaa
oaooBd violin tn MaUtran’a crebratn.
fiat tben tbe ptinee was aD^ to ba weak to Bot been sritb him.—LowaU.
"Bat what dora sbe really wantT'
Trast Him to a way wbra tbara to
Things dcai’t tan ap to tbto worid
to love witb MaUbran at Uie time. It
•‘Ab. DOW yoa bava got down to tba
wey. to ligbt wbea tben to no light,
tm KBDabedynnutbmD op.—QaiMd.
r ail tbings wbea )
While wa antooBtidtrtag wbra to
And so
toe wtoe nan toowed
■Kbetio laMaa. 8ba ttora tba gnateat bagla II to ofara toe tote to aot—QatoUs wtodoiB by making a qatot Braak,
tetaratoln painting and tonlptaraand tilian.
to (ban
ora toBW tolBga tool ara be- That yoa <
« ara
I faith to
krabraralf a pcatty talsst'far toattoDora iboB love Ufa? thra do set y«Bdtoi
t batUfaaod )qy
a k« of mn—ObtoM>
| boI eoly ri
•OOMdsrttora far that to tbe staff Ufa

The Finest Line
of Fishing Tackle


in the city, at

W. Js H0BB3’.
Hardware. 146 Pttmt St



"Tfeih. yMMPyoe'U IM ■ea4«m^

•0 tod (b« ncfat t»th. W* MB't MV

NOBd OT» tb» koc leral of pM lUj ^ter a mcBWOt wbtle 1 es
pl«« to tba ri^tf In



BO ricB of anr of ow pan; 1 Mt the
tnt Utrill of a Boc u; '
BM. 1 gUBoad at aj >
waawaUriBC tn»i» «>
A itiMte Mald«at («mU7
ia Clinton
CUaton and Fittiibo«ii»anoh<<
Pittdibaci t
- tba New Toak. Now Bafta and Hnt*«di»llwad. ThrengblbeBtgiaotofa
• r.«yiLocon»oU*eBD*toaaring, ao engtnawlth •
pBMd the ftntloowbNfe a M^odw
tod __
ba« -----------------_...
reoeieed and met. a milk trainI
«B«tba nad. The angina «d the milk
tola wne leoapfd ap on tba Ixdlcr of


^ there
_______ . ^
tag *«. Pormite <■ either band the
iforL On eaBetdereiK
.tretobed to the lowhortaoo.
le to the eooeloaioo that 1 bad a
Th,d^traokaw«efe»andUldetoed „tB*,„aBofiiiyaelt Another hnn,nd already t Ught white miat wae ria-^
and atlU no path. I paoaed
isg orer uie
the nemwoee
nUDetoiu etnuBOk
etraigbl w»»orwater-:. ana
and laaaea
looked uaca.
back. i1 w*uu
ooald ^
eee •
a •alight.
^ jcgBed at Kim Paacoe again. I dark lignre moaing toward me eeiy
— nntieainrei Bave place to a kind oarefnlly and alowly.
■ Bren nppoeiBg;
aaooe'a Toiee anaweied: “Tea '
the porfto ehowB Botil mkan ta an ^
bbC then waa no act^ danron if roo don't
gm. and the great mnaeof^t-d. that
^ STl fel^:: ionato aod^t
*T|" hMg ahoatnegtTeinaatoeliagef poe- „ ,o«i
.inwet afreii"
S^el^^et Jhe^nft^ ^
mtooB ftat waekrenlydeligUtfat Kim
more eorty than I oan tefl
SnffiSij^^i>dni£wrwithoLikJo *'»“»*•
o* «T doobtfni
I mid. "to bare got yoa into
w ^h?lto2«rSfmllk to^ mgitalicn.. atiU walked on «thoagh meb an ewkwmd to
wiM waa knocked from the mb into tba bar feet were open a familiar road, and rery earefolly. Abl" Bbe bad atepped

fool into a patch of wet
miow, and be moaped with a few aUgbt iadaed. m far aa I eonld Jodge. we were
— bend." 1 eald. ' — troton The engineer of the top engine Baking in the right directiun. To bare
<re 1 am itaudiag Will.
•Bd the twglDeer of tba bottom englDe topped woald bare beea like a confee- 2!i
fortbie?" tibetook [|^
both remained at tbeir poata and nel- don of Inoompetenoe on ny pan. and rx»
and I goided ber




twilight deepaoed. and the miet trailed wewentforward^tber in Uiatplaae____________
in deneor wiepa asom the ehirering, '
toenkt loom, which are all of too den - read bed*
■mint a ebararter to be aniadug. not- ___________________ ____ -----------------iD tbeir 0
_____ _____.
re be wi
tn a mile of tbem. writee (leotge J. ^
Taney lb LIppiDoolc'e Ii duee not el-1
whytooenr to oar tuladalbat eleoiririty
la pliylng a little iriek when wi« take a
abeet of writing paper from e pile and
- ;8nd it dom not oome alone, bnt drega
■long aootber ibeet or more, "ctiekiog ,
eloeer tbao a brother." Similar action '
of tbe Immenm cbeete of book paper on >
• IwlatlDg pcem In oectaln etalm of tba
BtnMepbete—when m U ilid on to tba
'ggm of type and baa onaor axna otben !
HHtiaUy adbaring to it for a moment. I
•ton lakii« flight away from tbe prem
to mma dingy Mating placa-fr
iMpB tba prewmen in an ddcoii
•Uta of fldgau. dneb notion rcanlli


Th. niooiwr Moii«lnock bM (on. of tbM. 10 locb Buoo Tb.y MO '*T*'
bl«llo, rtO« .od 0.0 b,o «o.l pb>i«lU« ^Ojbbbl 0,0b, Iboo 500 poood. »
a dituuca of I i toilre. aliboogb it la probabla tba gnonm woold tnafca mm
mlaam than biia at ibat raog*.

a thing bad not oocnrrtd to her at all :


We carry a fine line and are selling them |
close. We have the following: Barnes’ Famous i
White Flyer. Steams, Eagle, World, National \
and Psrramid, besides a cheap wheeL
We have a few of the ’97 Eagles left—They \
are bargains. I got an order from one of the [
clerks in the senate chamber at Lansihg for one j


I J. W. Slater’s House FumisMug Store!
X28-132 ^>i?03n.-bSt.i?©©b.

“Ko." fagid. "1 manre yon that I
bad DO idea of it. Wa aball be in Isat! P
aa tbe rtme party b preparing i
And aba fogata me.—Black and
At gold iatMter pnt inio droniatioii j
wiibout aotue alloy, ao perbapa for tbU 1
wotld’a oae acaDe alloy ia needed in tba:
•6! laballuyio
answer the tiDeation -m to kind and
leave to iodiTldoal diaeratkas tba qnaatiuo aa to qQaudty.
A great actor Once aaid that all men
have vauity. bat atana conceal it more
focremtDliy than otbarm. U taoity be a
acivermi trait, we may take it af
that alloy which U neeemary to oor aotite m>d circolating tuafnlnem.
It la decried by all
D all polpita. and erarywl

To Cure
That Spring Gold
Use Rose’s Pine Expectoranl

E BMdle Buildins.

«i ****»***»A»»«»*»**»»*«H«»

docU.-d wfaeiiter any of ca ran bear tbe

j who had reveali-d to bltu nuqealilltd j
I by tbe chafing of tba
I*''*' “ roganla tins life and tbe
1 cannot
rev. iMion melted |
I tba loUtiug glau disk in •told,
tbeVrelled •'rleetncal
cal m
■ ■'
'■ ■ “
«sperimeDi with tba aama kind W e.ev- now toe way. ana mat maa<« »u ujo •
, „ k e .
rather Ibun inivitL And it uia} U
tri^y. wl^ob can eaKly be tried, i. to gifferenc^ " ^
i ^~
IV hi, u
apply gemU friciion to a tbiu plec- of
j, dore.”Ianswcrad. with
I with all truth. UoM of n. are ordiu
cloth or pujwr. when on briDgiog it »glmmieriog Jauw; of sbaiue. ^__
k.^.n-i hii nrmn
" she
-- -

blod 01 oi«. boo^‘i.“o^“^ sir’ll ^

wood, plaster o
for a brief 11
Tbe Popular {science Newi mys (bat
M iotenstiag diioovery. from a log­
ical pQiiit of view, was reontly made;
by an uspiorfr in Ibe nunDtsina of
riuief Huek. Naul, mys U Uenit
Otil. Ud tbe aniuiuit of an extinct to1>
«ano. on the edge of a lako that oon*
Jdm tbe cralir. snandiDgs revealed »
layer of mdcI iuclfitiug aiuall dianiunda
ll woold tie iniereaiing to know wbetb.
«tbeae diniuiiods were there acciden*
tally—that la as the reanlt of waihing


idaretay,"laaid at
throngh tbe low lyuin vnisf in a wide
blind huaard.
lomiuoas t-m le of misty silv.r. Right
••Thais uothi
above us a aiar or two bliukid.
|| Cast ana the llanar Part a« a tr«a» W
-I suppoe." 1 raid, atiikiug a match
to look at my watch, "that the a»o^ 1
boarded an eaat borad Market
nvu.uu 5
4 U»®e‘™r»* Foriy-Bral atrrel. It wya
Qm alA pendsted in walking < atthat
auuibor b.nir will h.- • hue and'j
tn tbe mornldg. and be
nriup ing paoe of beta.
aoTT? few tbii a ^,ui.d to baviof probably InM
‘ "KTen if I waiitid to roe there'a C*!
momeut lan-r. beeanse in order to strue dined ^
or aupisd
aup|ied at
. a ball which waa beoothiug to rett on." abo aid.
mitcb I bad had to relinq.
my ni
ing given in tbe neighborbood.
'*l'm rarv I oonld tod a fence
hand. We bad both paused and 1
didn't vrant to smoke and ab« didn't
want to be wpenied from biot
..| *»n beliere yon coold.
"Come 00 inside tbe ear." aba plead-

"Ko.’’he answered. "I am go&g »o
w„ walked on aUently lor another ^
Vi..n w„^ nuP'
tooka (>u inside yo^rrelf. and when 1
,bd then Kim Pa«-oe |
have finished my cigar I will join yon."
„d UatenevL leaning forward ; .
OT^7to." tbe aid.
Rot tbit didn't aolt ber.
.iighuy. with her hair blowing about
"It woold be nlber fnn to let
"If yon stay ont here to smoke."
bei face.
tod na btre. wonldn't itr- I mid. letorted, ..,-u
“ril atay right with yoo.
-i, u,at tbe maP' ibe aaked.
,i be? a
Land then
ibe aca tmmiatnkably, the
look. «»Din* glinting over tbe martii- j
that m.
alow roll miiuiUd with tbe rostle of
u»e wind ona ibu rnabm. And tiwn it
u-caiue qsite obriooa to me that I bad
ming ber fact- qoickly toward ma. 1
(be dashboard of tbe ear. be bewcrloHy gone aatraj. for the aeawm . **"»>
„ i( bii life depended
bciure na instead of almoet at out backa _iw tbe gleam of ber c' es and tbe orel ^
Koiblng daanied. tbe took a
-ii must bu ibu aca.” 1 said, alter a abadow of her face, and all at onca 1 ^
realiaed that tbervwaa only one thing
«ioegaida of him and calmly foldahow of bard listening.
ing ber arms started op a lively con"Bat itaboaldu'i la-tbrie," she mid
••Why noir’ 1 answered rather feebly
Tba speotaele wsa ao odd oe
in Oder to gain uma "It always hai
aaid. "ll meaua that 1 1
traetad tba attention of every .
in Ae car aa weU aa of Aom wbc got
jecu In midair, jwoduom whirlpool! tn ^oSiTi* IoSSb/’ abe aaid. "Too ‘
f ffP"**.,.
(B at eartons comera Be tried to arge
toter and kills bnoimla. Kami and ton* what 1 mean. Va maat bare got 1 heyond all hope?
to wm t)«im ftiU. ber taside to oar a nmnber of tlmtfi’
slam tben-by
ca ba chaned^tb elec- * tba wrong path/Kr. Tbirlmere.” 1 ?«f J •
bat to refoaed to ga- In tbU fadiitm
griedty. and tbe mag,
dpiution. bnl to cirenmatanom
to two rode amom to bridge and baN
dinetion onder Ua Inflaenoe.
I eaielemT'
way ta city hall before be weakmed.
••KydearMim Pmooe."! mld."if tba lime and place bad aU fnread me
The BBtlolpBUd jems cd tba people ha
II bare made a mUtato ^ •>» *«>7
"Yea tblnk.^' to mid, afim AU hBowwenldto ooKarkeiaUeatlnto
Kynoob of Bln
eanlm c( to dty were too mneb lor
time past bean engaged in pm•And yon aotd all akmgttot yon
him. Bad. Umiwiag away the blggam
a^new qni^ knew to way," to panted, trying to all ymr offmsea at once and be ft
and « hU cigar, ha nUenly mid.
igti<B from Jim aym at or eandemD«d cn all eoanta 1
Bring gnn. and toy bare
"Wall. If yoo won’tgo Inaida wltbmM
grotoeiBg a wmpoo a long way ahead
N in to'dmknem
ruhare to traaakng."
^ any otbm gnu of a dmllar type. By , "Tonaae." taald."! golay AltoThan ha look a aeat away ap ta tba
_______ _
ttom from yonr bwtbar—from lim— tn year haada**
Kmtworking. and 600 magadna bnl- ud ba'a cton ao recy Inaoonmm, im’t
front aod. and to mttlad harmlf
him. Kaanwhila tba whole oar toUad
tern an dtesbargad par minote. Tba baT
"It'a a bargain, then," 1 aaid. 1 took
eraiglit. is dngla banelad . . while In ' to. "U I’dl
a atop forward and brongbt my fooS
la kept oool by a water jacket,
aim. I wonldn't hare aotoat abar^
Thajndgapar amallmwacf 8k B«against mmctblng wtaiw
ia filled antomatlcally. Tba firaard dega m thU eenBOT U aaid to ba
d with cawl^^ I
■And ton I aboald bare mlmad to mood a few inebea abore tba gmn
KUa Anna a Wbitnay c< Uamtorn.
•‘Why," 1 cried, bendiiig to eta
St deUghtfrU walk 1 ever had."
Bba U a faimmtod a nmabm o(
oi ridgen Tha i Jba tamed away from me a Uttk. ft, **tbU maat be tba laiikea poat tot
_________ ___
m dIU fclU at Una mtlaa and m to '____________
VIA a patoant morementof tba aboal- yim told BM to look «a* (or What 1
aknotorraryoir motor Ul TkUl
buiellamadatofwing from ilghtto tom tot piaaaad me mightily,
gBamai4,aad haring I
lafr tt ^^^hly pro^ba w at ^ w«»
ban," to mid to path tot leads straight te heme."
~¥m fenaw It aU totoa" to aaid

«n aotnal mine of dlanionda. for tbe
hill, of WluicHuok are D..t aiinatcd
in regjon. kuemn to be diamood bearing. On this IIasi bypotbesii the pree_mof premnoa stonen in tbe crater of
n voluaho wuald dnabtlem throw aome
ligbt on Ibv formaiioa of tbe gem. iu
Byeboowaki. Ibe eieotrician of tom. tomg. ciaima to have diaoovered an elantrie flnid. which be ealU "elaotrold.”
The dlaeovery baa canard a gfVat aKom>
dan oe l^e continent Ue obtains it by
•leotrolyais. bnt it la not idcniicnl witfc
wleenriclty. lu effecU aredeclaied to be
rtling. prodnoiug light and cnoting
imler tabm to emit flnoreaoent nya


' Ll'

Ib taking many bookkeepars, Sten* ographen and Teachers from their pom eltlona. Some one must dll these places.
5 Upon are not prepared for
i enter the Traverse Olty Business OoUegre
A at ones and be ready to fill one of these
^plaoea For terms, address






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