The Morning Record, September 09, 1898

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The Morning Record, September 09, 1898


American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)


Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.


Contributors to the newspaper.


Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).


Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)




Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)


Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.












Grand Traverse County, Michigan

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^ iAe«otid r«fwKe 4S4





That ie the Plaa tar the TblrW-Tbiid
Klehicw WOl Xmn
aad Pbirty-Mrih.
1>. 0. X. X. D«
Spedel *» TV
OontlnoM Troobk
Detrelt. Atevt. « —1W TMHy4ftt
KlebtcM at 0m» l^tea reeeireA ev Preparatiam fin the Hineat Di^Uy Alterdooe aot totok it aeeaaaery tar!
gwtiMt U»mS4m ■ItOAttoe Ml«iwttr«MT«toX«v* LUf* VOTM 4an today <M tba war doyarta
Sver Beid to Ihtt X.efaaU^-«raBd tbaappar pmtoaela naaaben of tbaj
«rT<autMn»r«vttMaM Ko**M to leave fee Oanp Meade. Pa., aa i
Baplda WiU Sewi BOO Belecatea TUiW-tblrd aad Tkirty-toartb terinaiMa 06L Harry finltb. a
aamtt to ratwn aithar to Detottt ar I
Prom Xeaba Tenpla
MwlU Kay be I
taat ^aarteranater c«*e*Al< toye it
lalaad laka to be mael^ oav Major t
wfllbcMoBday. pmbape Wedaeeday.
Laat Bipht there waa a neetlar of Beadbolta, tba naato^ oat effiaar.
Kew Terk. fteptewber 8.-^ Waeb- before tba rerlauatcaa ret away, tba the loeal nnaben of Eaaba Tenple, wlU probably
tactoa to Ue ioantal BtyK
driay betor dee to the feat that tba D. O. K. K.. to toaarerato preparaUoaa dataUad to help bln mb Tbdy nay
far the Mr
Pratideat MeKlaley lean toeoble, railroad ratapaiilae eaaaot yto can
e ofltaon af the two rarto
Urn of tba order to take plaae to thie
wUa Afatoaldo. tbe PbUiptdae
tbarp eooMr. Bide are aU to bet tba oltr oa the atotk of Ootober. Oa tba
••BtekioL Todaybetelaraoeiytof a omtratt bae »ot yet bam nada
other ead of the Itoe. Oraad BapMa,
ntwuredmb Than ie no tow to c
neeeeretfWB Major Ctoaeral Olte ia -It la eapaetod that the atarttor of
oonwead of tbe Anertoaa treope at the Tblrtymeoad wOltakeptoea with- oaiy the tenple at that potot it toepar- filet with Uk idea.
tof to briar aloar tb« enmoaiUoa md
Kaalla. that Arvtaialdo hme beea ytoea to the aen few daya. the rerinmt
toe loeal nenben are to aaalat to eatAwea^foar boon to wfatok to retire will rvato Oanp Baton about the tine tlur off toe pyrotoebaioa.
drontbeaabarbeottbatidty. Bboald
The Araba will gather aboet MO
atroar to Orasd Bapidi aad proceed
ha toU to do eMtoaeral Otie wUl drive
yolmteen WIU be Kept
tbraarb toe deaart by oanele to the
him oat by for\^
Oeaia of Traveree City. The oaravm
If a ebot it fired ofatoet the toeai> aahier af a Cbioaco Btook Tarda will eoaeht of vlottou booBd la obalM
L 8 —The foUawtor
Beaaa the toueediato reaad laabed to tba etroarcet eaneU.
Bank Poreed to Z>raw a Big Draft
riven oat ycetarday at the war datt o* Geaeral 6Wm' eotto
a trato of eliailar anlnato bnarinf the j partnrat:
. by a Km With Two Havolven.
of torture md ell led ay j la mpama to the raqaeet of tba J
hr at leaet •O.Mt volaatoan. Ma
lac oat wiU be etoyped. aad aa amy
CUoago. Sept.
WllUan Mefbr- Ormd rizUr Lao A. Caro md bie *toff [ rovenon of aona af toe etatae for too
of aapart wrtarendlraet fron Arabia.
will be harried aoroee the ooatlaeat to laae. a St. Loaia borae dealer, today
There will be a treat bme ead avearn Fraaeieee aad (rtm 8aa rtaaelaeo
rad Kewgaai A Smb baak at tba arytotor wUi ba mw eze.-pl -The Old
•to KaaUa aa rapidly aa etcan eaa e
aaloaatoek yard aad .
Tawa aad a Hot Tian." The towa
lb Oaea befaa. tbora la ao tolltoff eaaUn to draw a draft for •10,418. tba wUl bo faU of nanben of tba order fartboneelaraatof your rerinmta,
r>l> wUI imll _ .U
whaa tUe war wUl ead.
awemt ba elalnad aa bit dee fran a Malta.pKUt
aa.1 kat.laaa
.Laaa'...^___•____ _
bridrae, laeludlar
toe velutoen eball be nevtered mt
Beporta litoB lUaOa bare abowa for a aala of bona^ MePariam aaad two
waebed away oa the Weet Side by tba of toe eerrloe. Thie becaeee to
•OM tine that Araiaaldo waa •
Ivan to mtarae hie dcnaad.
Jadrnmt. that annber eea be epuwL
mUeoa'aad toellaed to paeb blnatlf waa aneatod whlU oaahtor tba draft.
ra will be a rvand dmoeetratlm Abmt 100,000 will remule. ae tor
to the evealar. toeludinr aU the ea- ennmt aow re«it
arbare be ie met waatod. Whoa Oea
baited potoatetve to eoetame aad the • pim
«al MniiU arrived at Kaalla with tba



J^iwtoo^ Phy^l Oaem
•^itl e



HoU«7 * Oouftklr

We Always Have
Ini in inw fu; cash for secoii-bui schal boob, it


MarUiam BlocL




Just unpacked toda7- Prices range from $L2S to

$6.00. Call in And see tbem.'at



Reliable Dry Gooda, Carpet
and Clotblng Boose.


OomferPnolt Batstog.
Ooed for Stock Balaleg.
Good for Omen! Farml^.

laat lelafefnemeati Jaet before tto
nmt ufforda. Tbe nuetor rat. Uke
PradH Bartm rf Xariatto Oaptartd Oaodto
«1^ waa eaptared, be fooad it
After toa'viatiBa' have been weU toemaatorto, will be ae aearty
aearad aad aaototod wiib boUtog aU a
•ary to deal vrltb the toennceat ehief

to toe mpuKtlea
toattoo at Part Karan,
Joyoae baa^eel will be giv. a to Stela- af tbe-toveral etotea Tbe ■etrge'tim
with a fim baad. Ha ordered hie •
apiclel M Tee Howme keoem.
berg*! ball, atwbieheovenwIU be laid t> muter oat ell of toe volea
•otoUbotreaehn aad aaarebed to tba
Pori Haroa. Septonber A—ftad K. for 400.
from year eute eeaaoi tbervfor-.
OnO. EA1E.B.
Aatn battery aad tba OtUforala v«d- artm of MarUtto, waa aontoatai
Ou at toe tAiafaUraettou of toe eatertaleel Tbeeeeretaiy ef war bu
watoere. fitooa then troeblae ^eve
Ten tola eftemo^ by tba Dene- ooeaeioB wiU be MayorOaorge B Perry already iaqalrel of tor
bom aoeamalattoy ead Iron tba tmer erate of the Bevmtb dtotrieb Hie i
of Oraad Baptda,wbo bu bem corraled | the eevmf etatee what ngirnoat. to
aad will ba plaeed OB eahlbitioa. aad | tbelr Ju<lgenmt caa. with toe leut to^ •eaeral OUa’ e^tofran they have
met neatimed aatU tola attorsoow
'to tortarw the moat arUatie
remeto to tbe swrice.
vtoobed a potot beyoad eadeiaaoe.
ba wee regarded aa e dark md flaiabed that toe mtod of
Their adriee will, ee tar u <
The Prealdeat today wee ioceedto bone.
with the public toteneta, be <

tall -eoarmunea who were piaadtor
There wQl be eeveral other big guM wtto.”
reaeat aad apacial beeplul traiu will
r ont of oert^nvolbe provided after toe faUeity bu bem
Deatirisy-Hlgb grade at moderate
that It woald be toiCoondeeatat Kmtaak Point, They fiaiahad. CaadUUln wUI be here from prices.
Da. ^Awran. «
poaeible Jett aow to graat tbelr roiw
B. L. A C.K'e block.
Oeald Mot Dofeet Dlaome.
all toe large towu to aartoera Mlebl«iaeeto. beoeaea of the gravity of the
gm aad tbe number wUl reach folly
Is sometiiiiig terrible.
capw aa'i Jeeinm
Tbe eu Been of a ulmllar avmt
Mmtaak Potot. Sept. A—la the gm1« BOW eomplete. Cell and levpeet
There is no maaonrj,
eral boapital, Joaepb Keea and Eldm ben laat year wu only a
them before baying eUewbe e. O’ r '
to tbe remit ef the evmt now in coane prioev are always right Tbe B at a
b no sted or iron,
Keea. hie brother boUi cd Oo. B. Mtoto
Only Kalgbtt of Pyto
even if it'a a foot thick,
Menerhneene. died wltoto aa boar iu are eligible md toU region affords
KbaldOB Vonlaatod to Twelfth Dto- of each other of nalarial fever. Today lutartal of tbe right eort for e demoatiiAt con vritbatsnd tbe
trto^ Bat ike Kattar Kay Ho
e aere76ipattmtato the geaeral stntiaa oa a grmd scale.Tbe eommlu
poaiiding of runs iriiidi
appototed lut sight ter toe meetInto Ooar^
boapltolaadawvaemeiea. la toe delOduJOulil,
shoot 15 miles.
Special te Taa Moenm BaDoea.
toatim boepHal then were 150. md tog era u followa:
Oor. rt«st aB4 Cam Sw.
EMCOtiva-B. B. MeCey. J. T. Bmlahaemtog, Sepb 8.-Sbeldm i
T Bobem.
ramatbeda OmeraltVheelerwUl aab, M. B. Holley, C. 8. Oaria, F. O. KlM
bel P. Whit
eboam the aoadaee for Twelfth die- go weet tomorrow with the body of
M. WUb.
Dr A. U. Holliday.
criew by a vote of 98 to U. TbeStopb-W. W. Bmito, J. W.
'eoa, who wae drowned whUe
Even SBLf SH0E5 conld not with­
..aaam nm vrUl probably bold a eoa bathing.
aea, Fruk Hawitton. O. P. Oarver, J.
stand BQch
but thej afo withstand
W. Mimkea.
more wearsBd more abuse than any otiur
Tm' harictog tbelr aettoa oa m Irrogmlarity
shoes, ^d we are selling them on our own
Fleet, Ed Baaaar. James Mnrekie. Pat
>. 4a ebooeiag e ebalmaa af the fint em- FartberTrouble Averted to O^erade
snd the makers' guarsntee to that effect
Bpriage by Kutnal Agreammt
;^amtioa. Th* ntatier wUl probably go
Ball md Deooratfon—F.O.Heuw
apeaol te Tae Hoaame kecem
A Newmm, W. B. Arma.
Oolorado Spriage. OcA. Sept. A—Foar
a Cavis. O. E. Bema
tote ooavmtloau. rapraamUag Deato- E Bolmd.
Masic-A H. Holliday, a C. Ingrlg,
Faeloa, Aatt-faelm A W. Riekwd.
•at Two Kaadred Pereone Were
K McCoy. H. W.
Sfllod to the Blouagof Kaatoie dty today, caob to a aeperato ball. Cnaatogbam, John Lonager. W. O.
A farther omfiiet over tbe poeinelBB
; •penal wTtonarelarAMwe.
lab. M. B. OatM.
of tbe opera boaae betwem the war­
Oaadia. Creto. Srpt 8 -The detach ring feetioaa of the SUver aepebUean
wmt of totoraattoael troope wbicb party araa avertad by aa agreemmt,
hae Jaet arrived bore, hasooeapled toe reached by the bold aepafortifieaUoae aad reetond order.
rate oonveatione to other bulla.
Itie new oatteaud that too people
The aUef of the DerrtsbM Fled
Bat Oae Bnadred Oamela
■wan killed dortog the rtotieg. Tba
Were Oapturodaaa tocope protrctod Cbriettaae ShoeklBg Tragedy Mear Oambridg*.
Loadoa. Sept 8.—Tbe war efltoe baa
^eoed oBder tbc<r care, bat did not
Ohio. Wednesday Might
recalved toe following dknatob from
nttonpt to prevmt the pUlage of
1 leTas Koanve aerauu.
Omeial Sir Herbert KUetarDer,
(kmbridge. Ohio. Sept 8 —Sqatre
CbrlMiaa booeae. wl
Btoader of toe Aagle-Ecyptlan ezpeJobs Boyd, bia daugbiar aad am-la- dltloa to tor Soudm:
tU the toteraadcaU
at laat for tboae Boffering
tow, liviag foar mUw eut of here.
'Iha Khalifa ia mortoc with tbe
from Coma, Bnnioos, CLilOVLT POOK DAHOXBOtrSLT XXJ;..
d laat Bight Boyd's lit- Veed of toe wlaA Seme of els wine
blaiDs or Sore, Feet
reUe grmd-daagbtcr nported toe fact to
All who have worn tfaeae
Oae bnadred camale that bad
Koldlen la Detro^ Beapltato WiU
Ibenalgbbonmdtoa.plaee wu ranaboea give them the highest
Urn to ble
Bom be Oat.
led. Uoyd wpa wealthy, a drug flight kave bem ceptarm.
BpctlelwTeP Mepanv Ua<«iu>.
wed by toe marderere. The po­
“Our oKeen have cooatod 18,800
Detroit. Sept. A-^3nly foar aoldien
dead dervlskea. Tbe wouaded are win tbe Detralt beepital* are deriarad lice have gone to tbe seeac.
l•■lR fdFtd]
tinoatedat le.OOO. Wa have betwem
•aagerou tooigbL They are, Prlvatea
8.000 aad 4.
Walderaiaa of FUat; Jacob Saro of
---------- ^
"A gunboat bu been dUpatched up
Ironwoed; Prank MaHoa of Tolrdo: S O. FtohM>a Big Mertgage WiU ba; toe Blue Nile to traaquIUae toe dle■We have them for both
trieta along that rieer. Hia darriabea
Albert Maekalwasky of Three Blven.
ladies aitd geotlei
ameiel u Tu Meunn KaoBU.
are reported to be looUng.
Deuxdt Septombar e.—S. O. Fiab«ria
tbm and get relief.
"Nambere of people aro eomtog to
Sbaftrr Otdarad to Weshlagtoa.
big mortgage wlU be tnatod ea Ulegal. from the soiropadlng ooantry. live
Tbe eredlton sut here this aftaraom hundred AraU with oamela are
.. Waabtogtoa. Sept. 8 -Qraeral Sbaftog the Eballfa.”
aad decided oa a big fight m
bae bem ordered ben for a eonfergrouada that toe bank bu ao right to
Teatorday on toaeireet potateai aold
»with tba prealdmt Hemayrcarii
IfyouwsatagoodbatgritbeEnewellc. If
you wmt a bet that k felly
for twmty-flvc emta a buibel, a raise
gmrutoed gat tb» B»-welle. ft bu every qeality end

earrin the mme guarBerata Ume to see Seerttary Alger,
astoe m the bast S1.H bat over made, and toe pricL b
ia only m 80.
•f five omu over tbe prise paid far
avtaa toavaa toalgbt. aceompaatod by
Tbi Setten Stot bu jut reeeived aa them toe day before. From Sl.OOto
, acajm Bopktoa, for Kiabigaa, via camp
They an beautlfal ganamts aad felly ,Sl.Upm bprml ia batog paid forapMmdA
Tr.Terrf Citj, Hick


•>,1The Force
of Modem


Tnyme Citi Sebool *T Mosic!

We art
nclnsire agents
in this citf




The Roswelle Hiri








Popolar Shoo Hoosa. .







TKjfi jcuumro ABOoms. nn>AT, BsmicBSft «»t*M




dealer in^ic^clesiBicycle Sundries

Tba High a^aol feet ball a
Vte -M* OM if 0«M^
an toeattag'wiib aoaaUaraUa dlMasl-'
Ovlfl Omv Blspm hM wUUid tp Uto paM-lagatltogmaa, far Ibatr

M T. >ATw MtD .3. W. ^,mnt.



tktM UlUitMtr MhAlff lOhKk M

Mr vork ia fintolMm] price* tint •!« in ftm
pKpnr«lat alltiinaatfltdu ctKflt lbflln<le. I make • qnciaH; in
Bracing, Vnknnicing and EnnineUng. A Bne line ol nlieela for aalfl
*” "“*■
r.-O. BLLIB, 811 Front alreflt, e..U

Last pear Uasa wan Una High
aehoaltaaaiaaadBaiUerof Ucmconld '
TMtOTtor uf ttw r
aaeon oaongh dataa far games wiU J2« UmAv* bo kHwBr MtBokM of tte aalaiia teams.
This pear teams at FatoUap. Charto-'
SbarlS Slaapaaa baa appotatad Tbo> reto. Kalkaaka. Maaeekiaa and OadUMa Moaltoa to tba paaitien of aadar- lae^ an aU analdai to seenre gamaa
abariVand Mr. MoaltM will prabablp with Us loosl Htob school teams, hot
aarra aaUl Jaanrarp L
Ua b^ an haring tnnbla la fading
Tka appototaaat of dapn^ baa
man enonght to fill ont oaa good team.!
pM boaa Mda, bet BbarlH Swpaoa To gat good pnetieatfean ahenld ati
wUl probaWp appototOhaitoa Jobaaaa toast badwoolireai, If It to poaaibla'
of tba Third ward to aarra to
aa* to gat op agoodtaam. Us to^ wUl
paaitp dartog the eoatog term of Oir* pUp Ua High school uam at Cadillac
esU cenrt. at least.
oa Friday Ua mh. loataaA of Ua UU,
Mr. Aabtoawasaaaadldata for tka
la ofdar for
aoaSaattoa of abartff agatoat Sbarlfl
Slmpaoa aad ha was aapportad bp Mr.
Marrto far tba «««>«»««■ which
ShariH Slapaon aaeared bp a torga toa*
jgrltp at ttt i«ea|t ooBraattoa.

Bo, llteUrBBClB. th* Rboobb 4om
>^T* tlMt H WM » DMMeni
UaIb*. Dettomii
hBTi ton knowB to Mow o rood 4m)
•boat » grm.i May tUB«« but ikelr
MowiBcfekBowntoWpwtcoUr kamUrn. At WB rBBMrirad Wforo, boworar,
abteBOBldboBfoodUnetoBtUBd to
A» MB wkodiddMtray tkebtt batUMhlp. Bat U tbo abaasoa of tba
f«^t pBrtrtba.BopobllcBM will be
Mat to doToU aom atteotioa to tbe
Xteoenta, aad tba fau of
Bpamtoh will ba raMsborad aa oaly a
a of lb# Daaoeratie far^ apoa
rauB avarp stata in tka Dalos eo«a
taporU of lairelr iaeraaaad aambaca
•f BOB and woaea ampiopad asd Urre
• of iacfaaii la tka a
F wafaa paid. Thaaa raporta akow
lA a Taat iapravaniant ta tba iodaa
lat tka adBlniatratioB of OaralaBd
«l»t mu>7 of Uoaa wbo favorad tba
. pdUap tbaa pracUead are bow eoairlMadthMapraUaUaaBeliepi* «kat
dkla aaiiBttT doMada Baaa tka «eat
^■oaacad fraa trada adrecataa ara
MalMakeJlBdpUaaibla arruesttlo
Ittoet BoUea to their tkaory.

. BBgoHsnvenow BBOinr.
t IB Satioaa Bap Talaoldmatoba (
October 1st.
Habaffar Banp of the talapkoaa
aaakiTirn ia baay arrasriar for tka tonliyrnTiMint nf Ttm itniiiai Bap tale^heoaliBa. which baa reoaatlp com
lalepoMaaiaaoftba Miekiraa Talaaheoa Oo. Mika Obarlia of Blarbaw
W beea firaa aa order for tka polaa
kobanaadiatbaraooaatmeUoBol the
lisa aad work oa reballdlar it will
aart weak. Aa oaaa aa the liaa
ia ta akapa loap diataaaa UatraMata
arfil be pUead at Sattoaa Bap aad
mmbaae. Iba toU apatem will barlo
Botwaea tka potato OB tba llaa aa the
Hat of Octobar. Mika Obarlia baa
feaaa appointed aaaaacar for BtapbaM
andB. E. Dailp far Sattoaa Bop. Wbea
MBplatad tbto llaa wilt ri*a mob batd« aaTTtoe than U baa faaratofora.

aapplp the aiek aoldiaia of CoMpaap M
arito aoft bararacaa wbeaever tbap daaita ratraabMBtt of that klad.
Oo ta U>a Citp Opera Bouaa toalpbl.
oa)op a fiaa perfom^aea aad help
■1^ tbe aoldlar bopt fron Caba.
Tba aotartalBBeot to he rl*«a la tba
dtp Open Hanae tbia orealsr for tba
baaedt of tba Baosab Biflea bp tba
surer diaUp and tbe talaated O. Late
surer. wUl be worthy of a pocicad
boaae. Prof, a E. Botat wUl raadar
■ iaa rloliB aala darlnr tbe araolar.
A large coal abed to baiag boiU
«ba 0. A W. M. Bp. kwiteb oa Waat
Broai atroat bp J. M. Larkla.
Jaliaa Stalahair’a dry gaoda atwa
ariU be alaaad Friday, Sept. lA at Are
o'clock p. ». and iomIb eloaad astU
tba tolloarlag Monday, oa aecoaat of
tbo Hebrew bolldapa
A letter fro* Cbarlaa B. Hale paaterdap atataa that hto brotbar EUawortb
to gattlag aloag'aioalp aad to ^wlag
fratifyiagaigaaef l■prorelaaat, to tba
boa^tal at New Barea.
Gland Datoatl, wbo waa alek wbea
C^a^aap H arrirad froa DeUoit, was
eat paetordap far the firet ttona Maee
hto arrirat.
Bop Doridaoa, one of tba Cowpany
M aeldiera Wbo waa alek, waa oat lor
tbe drat Uma paatardsp.
OUH>rd ThaAaIr, of tba Coaipaap M
bopa of WllUawbarg. ia atUl qaita
Btok and will not be aWa to laara bto
Dr. Eraaa waa called adrip paatmtap

, ^ ^
laan operaOoB fur appandicitis.
Lesteavenliigab'.at flftp e>npla an.
j'i«>d a dance at Paraskar'*. bs ' gfr•e bp Dynsar aad L»Uamaaf Ueaagtom.
Gap Leonard of Sk tgnaos to Ua new
aderk to & Bawto A On.'b stem.

Mia. Joaala Salaaak. agaf 71 paara,
died paatardap dftenooa of old kfi, al
111 BaatBigbtkalraat. Daoaaaadwaaa
kaUra of Moraa^ Aaatria Baba
aad bad raaldad la Uto dtp It paara.
Bbatoarwtwa daagbtara, Mia. Jaba
WUbal« aad Mia. Frank Bbreabargar
of this dtp. and one son. Jacob KalatA, of Moraael. Wtooanda.

«ew Otffar BBalaaaa.
TraTataa Qitp ii to kara asotbar
eifar maklar oatabUakmaak P.
CUaeoB. of tba flm of ^bald A
OlaBaea. of OadUlae, baa aold oat U
iataraat ia tba firm at that pUoa asd
wm leaata la tbU dtp.
Ha will Maafaetara eirara is tba
Breack bBOdtar. Ill Booth Daiaa
atraet. aad axpaeta to eouwBoa I
Beat weak. Ha will aaiplop alx
MB aad aaU to tba wholaaala %i
Mr. Claaaaa to wdl acqaalatad ia
tkto eitp aad aa doabt will do a thrl?-

II You Have Logs to Sell
Oorreqpood with (he Trarerfle City Lnmber Coupuy.
We-hflYe {oTMleGood,
Klpllagar Beard From.

W. 8. Aadaraon has ratalrad a Utter
from Charles B Kipliagar. who went
toOubawiU Oompaep M. bnt kss not
beea with the bops sines they laadad
OB Ua tolanA Be was stoUenad with
a ho^tql oorps and oalr arrirad at
Moataak i'otot Baptamber 3rd. Ha it
OB datp to Ua r->aaral boaplta).
and aalda from tbe rSeeta of a Uort
Tonight tba surer famUp beaded bp
Ulaaw with the farer, be to ia fsfrip
Ua weU knaaa roealtot O. laOla su­
gaad haalU.
rer. will pnaaat a-flae aaUrtolnmaat
if Ue Clip Open Boaae. Tbto wUt ha
Bahaa's Amtaa Baiom
a benefit for Us Haaaah Biflra aad
Taa But SakTi ia Ul world for
arefg seat to Ua kosaa Uoald be fiUad. Oats. Bntou. SoM. Dloan, Salt
Tba aatartatomaat will eoastot of a BbottS. Forar Bona, letter, ChsMsd
ilnstnl first part, feUowad bp Q. Hands. Cbilblatoe. Corns, and ^ISkto
end poaiUrali^ eares POas^
Lota surer to bto famoaa Ulaatnted orno parn
aenga, unp of tbaa being appropriate togire Esrfeet aatisfaetton or moMp
to tba oeaaaioc, War aeaaea will be nfasdad. PrinTSeantoparV- **abairo. tagethar with tka portraits of aal* br ’
Ua laeal team to ataad asp show at all
a large amasatof hard piaettoa wUl
hare to be gone Urongh wiU befon
that time arriraa, as tba CadUlae team
hare bean praetidBg for a moaU past.

tbe faiBooe ohaiaetera wba bare flgnrod to tba war <rlU Spain. Tbaklo#tog op of tba Maine and battla aoaata
to Caba ana upon tba aaa will alas be
taa featnraa. Tba aoaga wUl be Ulna-

Miss Doyle
win el'ea bar dtoptop of

Sound Hemlock Lumber,
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood.

a AT.-m

Mil] Maehiaery of ill deaeriptioDi, incliidiog Two Enginw.
Ret Workfl, Carriagu and Saws. A c<»ni^eto Saw Mill PUat


We Would
Like to Call Your Attention

Art Embroideries To the nice Bacon and Picnic Hattin we are

bar apaeial featara wUl be np-toapaelalUca bp talented arilata.
This aggr^llon to ana of tba flnaat of
lUn Wflflk.
chaiaatar arar aaan bara and taa
paopU will form tba eoapaap. AdatowUlba bnt Id. tO and Meenu,
and tka Hannah Biflaa. who bare Joel
ralnraed fros tka irar, will reap a
dt Mn. Lawrence's Millinarp Parlor*.
laoM baneflt. This will oter a
Aaa opportuaitp far ararphadp to help
atoag a good eaasa aad eojop a firet
claas antertalameal at Ue same timaDalkart Wltom. of Oaaa. Maatotea Tba prooaada will go fflr the relief of
aoaato. la «bo«aaat af Bor.SkUbaiT Us aoldian to aeod.
for a few daps.
J. C Lewis aad bis Ulasted oompasp {
L H. Gaga baa baaa aajopiBg a rldt
from his mUmt. Mrs. L A. Oaga. of of e> medians to the Isaghtog epeleae.
Harbor Sprton. flba ntnraad paatar­ -SI FlankaTd.~ will be at dUlobrig-s
Oraerl Opera House oa Sstantop.
dap to bar bona.
Haarp Braekal will baeowa a atadaai Don't faU to see tba Yankee farmer
and hU fun makers. 81 aad bU Ysoat OUrat oaUaga Uto aaaaoa.
LoaaarcaM orar iron Kalkaska kee farmer band will anaonaea Ucir
paatardap aad called e« <itj aeqaatot- nnirsl os tba dap of eshlbition bp a
grand straat parade- Watch far it
Lonto Orarlp. of Good Harbor, waa and • nj >p the amusement tba tsmoo#
at tka WktUng last night.
band panda will offer. It's funsler
Pater PataTaaa was a rldtor Iron than a clrcns. Seaerred aeau now on
BIk Baplda in tkto dtp paatardap.
sale at Ua box afflee.
d. J. Mapaard. of totarloebea, to to
the dtp on bwinaaa.
MtoaHarp Baltoer to aatartatotog
Mtoa Barak MoOUL
a for tbe Elereatb <
MlM Maada Taader aad atotar. Mra. gressioaal district, tbe Tweatp-aerenth
Maas Moody, kara ratomed from a
itorial district aad for Ue Uraad
We have a few of those
two weeks' rtoit to Cklaago.
Trarersa repreaealatire diatrlU, will
Archie OlUrtt «IU laara tkto afur- he brld at Uraa^ HsU Sepiamber T7. fine shaped seat. Arm RockIM bp boat far Chiokgo.
Tbe oonatp oonrantlM will also be
that we are selling for
George H. Cross to «n]apto( » held on Uat data.
$1.50. Don’t delay — it is a
week's moatioB to Grand Baplda.
Mr*. Leri Peoalagton has been elect­ bargain.
L. A. Pratt waat to Ana Arber Waded irassorer of Ue Friends ebareb (or
aaadsp aigbt.
Mtoa Loalae Frledrtcb waat to Hortb- tba eaanlog pear.
ort paatardap.
B. M. East ratnmad leal nlgkt to
HeoM Fumibbing Htore.
bto boms at Nilas, Mieh.. after enjoplip no trick sbaut iv Anybody can
tog a M daps' rtoit with tba Wright try it who bss Lami; Rack and Weak
bmtban aad tbair faaiUiM.
Wneps. Malaria or nerrouB tronbles
We mean be can care bimself right
Mrs. Oorrdp of the Cottage H<
aatarutoing bar alatar. Mrs O Read <S ws> bp Uking Eleeiric Bitters. This
atrdiciae tones up Ue whole spsum.
Indianapolis, Ind.
sots as s stimolant to the Lirer
Mr. aad Mrs. W. H. Jsass sad son Kidneps. to a blood purtflerand
are gnasUat Park Place.
t^ic. It enres Coosltpst>o«. UaadBCbe. Fsintisg
FainUsg SpeUs. Siaeplassnem
snd Melsacholv. It is pnrelp rrceiamild Iswstlre, ssd

ee'Ung. We never had any nicer, nor did any­
Special Closing Prices
body else.
on Seta Pillow Manrials.
■Fbflne 1S7.

SIS Frflat Stnet

This space for what we have to say about

Only $1.50.




g Our Offerings

.1 Uey
Uop Oac. aa attendant at Mia arplnm,
irery bottle
■e s <uL
luiraule worker. Ererp
raaeirMl a measagc aestardsp cdUng
Only; »0c a brittle
him to Elkhart, Ind . tba b-.meofbla
parrnia Be left last nlgbt on tbe drug ft.ires of B.1. E. Wait.and J. O.
C A W. M. flyer. HU wife praoadad

Geo. R. Winnie

A fanny aosna ooevrrad nmiip raara
ago in coognm. A (raent of Aiabton
bones, a sword, eta. arrlred trean tba
toiain of Usskst for

_______ zDember with amoe beat
norad that the gift Stonld be seat
back, with a letter from oengna. to(omlag U-a mler cd Maskat that tba
prasident of tba United States waa ao


Up-todate PalctB
aad Paper Haapi.
Shop opposite Eagle office.

WE ADE QUnWiNP Many pieces exclusive with ua.tbat
WC lioc onunmu for beauty have not been equalled.
We mahe particular mention of BEED and BATTAN rOB’ mTUBE Aside from a floor fUll of beautiful creations in
: t-U material we make prices equally »s et'ractive.
Whether you Intend to refurnish your house this faU or
Just contemplate the addition of a few pieces to make your
rooms look rich and handsome we offer youths opportunity
to do
at a very little cost We want you to see the goods
^ soevent.

No Comnarison.

a “SoobalasIw. Mr. Spaaksr.' baaalA "cancadlp
ts vrittan. Bnt when la it to be eentf

Wbera to Maakntr’
There was no re^nasa Apparast^
not a mentber (d tbe bonsa was prepared
to answer, nor ooeld Maafcat than be
fOQod to nnpatlsi pnbltobed to Uds
cooncip. It waa foond at last <n a QvMB map A dril aonrerwaaretanied,
^‘ sen Uaakat in tba next edition
■■ ■ <d*-•


I - N FupnituFe


S^doM^«dTw d^^"d*irtoT^7i
8.8,1. TK,. I

Tmk« no stock to (ske prtimtoe* mads
bp oUera. Wc are here p -rmanraUp
_______ beck errrvUirg .ve t«p. ____
deal dirrct wlih o- ;p esse of accident
orciokoi-es. There ia no numpsrtson
wiU oUer oompenica. ]^k np onr
Lvllaa. elean ponr > I glcrca wiU etanding then compare Uem. Bettw
Millar aiovrllna. Hi not B. IkiuU. take out e poUcr: it dneanT eoet much.
leaves no odor and «aa b>
Blakbblvx a MuTobbicx. DUt. Mngre..
tbe glove to on <be band. For m
Branch efflee Johnson block. Travbp Jamm G. iobhaiw. Oraggtot.





•sffay. Bxrcmi^s.g. isvs.



IBMii of lUrial fmr. H* »m oik
of tko lioya-'l^ tiMfM 1U IM
MoBUak with the ooaipuy Moata^.
tkoape WM a ivUtor m4 a troMboaht
Hoaao cTtaploMoa of ttao
ia the rocbaOBt haa4.
$18,000,000 0«pltU.
al aotoov.
The F
: for thk
5ew Tortc, Sept.
A Loadea dlaVlu totaPnmta XUsitriM u« Or«c«7< Otoff* Wafaer and WillUa
Kala, the allefwl Biahlaad baakMh> pateh npa: The report la pabltobed
ViMle hMtpHMts
ben. ia ander wa/ at Kalaonaeo. here of a dariair plot to aenntaato the
of —
Eeaota at Haac
—-“ —
I ■ ■ ■.
I wsi
aaaranaia, lev
— -•
awv cw
Mn. M'au
Sank MM'/iiw/,
Mahoney, VI
of tCai^ntl.
tea- I enr
PUladelpUa. Pa., Sepi. S —U the I tiM that lo Jaaaarx ebe waa eaffaffed , >4»^tore alloared tae to eaeape into
. tohenarrled to Kelp, aad waa at hie hoBse oa the rente of the estr*s proeeaodXaaadapiaVaw
obtain the
of bh BOlberi that •ioa, until the atmoapbere waa satura­
«ia Cvba and Porto » »*» eaa« there who wai eaUod ted.
Oa* tamaiaed ia the bonaa tc strike
tdsatUee u
UeollwiUbeooeofthelarfat tredoryi that the two
nlked of a Urht when the e^ waa poMlnr with
Ur aad pnootlar hoaeera. erer forar
robblec the Blehlaad haak aad the the ezpeetaUoa that the bon>«----- '*
ad U thie ^eU7. The ee^ul ie
The werUI'n rrenunt so^ illn.tratoiv,
000.000, and the ergaaiean are eapltal- Tom National bank and tbat they eald be blown into pieces aad the eat
nsstoted by the
Ule of thie dtp aad New York. It to the beak* woald pay **a pood beadle" by the debris.
The explosion was mittimrd. A suff
aadenteod that the pebite will aot be and “wonld be dead nsy." Calp wne
oflker aad bto wife w«re killed and
Baked to ubaeribe to the etock. the or- toptt 10 per oent.
hswria'Bsrst reesM* s«fcHov*:—OrssC
raalean faratohUr all tae eapital aeoThe ICehtpaa Beet Safar ooapaay thlrW othera Injured, bat tha eur llls«r«l. Ct-t part: irtsa. DewS ss4 KMrel
of Bay City, to ont with as a
pisrtsc >Sc taedtsc tsrsuvk v( iSs wo M with
Cader Ite ekarter the Aaertoae !«.
AeeordUc te the plan theooi
it that iu now factory will beria
s rncrieu* ef over W UlBetrstoSaeBcs, la-i
dUe ebspeap haa power to t—waba.
tnafaetnre of |HsnUied anpar wonld pirieb hlmarlf aa a saerlflec to
aonwalate. dtotribate. aed eapptp oo Monday. Oct. 3. The factory haa a the esnse.
Thiadety tell to Ue lot of Alexander
aloetrtd^ for Urhu heaV power, aad oapaeity for tnrninp oat from TO.OOO to
■ortsesMSssof BsaUseo. amertesesotdUrs
alraaUnr parpoaea; bowbatraet, own, SO.OMpoeadaotsaparperday. llwUl Kolaacff. la hto BfrllatioB K-ianoff
pk aad Ulepboae be kept io operatlM eaUl all of the seems to haw made as error, ne the
Uaat aad «
sBcar beet crop to ezhamsted. Thto explosion was mlsUmod.
KoUnors body wae tonad aawar
aad eapolp tae tor foal aad illawlaal- will be the dm Uae in the btotory ef
Uf parpoan: to Ilrbt elUea. baildiar*. UU aute that beet aefar has beea the rains.
aad plaoea. both pab'ie aad prirate, by nada within lie bordara.
TheCxsr and Ctnriaa drove by jnet
Caa aad deetrieity; to aiqtilr*. owa,
The Aides Ware eeps that a freat twenty mtentes Inter.
aad waure real eaiata. Uiober, nla- deal of spa rieos cola to flcatlsp ar
The Hnnorona Bide of the Wnr.
end. an^il propertie* aad rirh^ to
The work
oarry oa t» betinen of miefov. anell- ship oo the pieoM <d f
elUn Smsrthwnite.soB ef NsntoLittle OoTemor Buin at.........................................$6.00
iar, retalBir. aadookce naaafactariar laaCiosa to very (ood nod la
tee'sMda-ipsyor, to
is the city, n
------------------They poaea everytblnc Uat roes te make a fint-clnes
to baUd, owa, aad opnnte
etaaeeeUto diffieelt te detest It from by Frank Dempsey. Mr Hmartbwalte
•alt—Try oete.
>. draint
drainare. etottary, water, the zeneiae. Thto to near hone aad waa In Caha with Company B ef Masaad all other pgblle aad prirate ln> it will be weU to look a little out.
totee, aad while heipinr V«aiara San'
prontaeate; to beild aad panhaae
While at work U Oraad Raplda
Oteaanhipa aad other eeeeelt: tocolabBmeet Bmory. ofed. W, waa thrown loxorlaat crop of dineralls that ever
Uah ead otalatala Uoee of eteanehipe
Ihe Toan* ChmrBet«r
varoa and aDmewhat bmtoed. rrnoed the face of a aoa of BrU.
aad ether teeeela, aad to eater ieto
He ease to hto hocac in TnaUn to re- Bto ordinarily rralal
ooatneu for the earriare of peaeeafrUrnd with a rrowte of early, anbnra
oover, taoezh not anppoaed
COTB, laalto, aad rood*, to, fron, aad ia
badly hnrt. but Intemal lajnrim de­ veretetim, which affords a pleteraqae
the Weet ladlaa tolaade. either by ite
view te Ue catnal ohaerver aad e«era
veloped and be died qnlu eaodenly.
•wa rinelt. railways or eooreyaaoea.
aoC Us SWOBC soc eBeWsi
Of the clrhty-fonr men Musket
or br or oa the ninli or raUways o
Wa. BmnrUwaite bronrbt many csriaa
•then: ta eoastraet, eotBire, iaprora sent to the front In Oompany C. TblrtyI fiaatiaro, bat left behind wiU
derelop, operate aad aaaare tieaa fonrth Miehi«aa. thirty-seven returned tha Spantonu Ue memory of a faos
oUetrto or other Uaee of rallwaye le in what U called ••health." Two died, that wiU beUeaabjeetofabent ail the
the Weet ladia tolaade; to boild walk, aboet twenty are sick U that dty aad knaer Ue Dons bsve extracted :
To bam yonr aboea half aoled c r tops
heeli ra
twenty aiek U ho^itaU at Hew Terto.
ptora. doeka. harbors, eaaals. tai
Ue late nnpleaaanUrM.
palfvd. JOBSAfiLlH.tMBaatFmteermt.
bridcea, dadaota. pipe liaao aad other Toledo. Detroit and Urnad
Wilhalldlars or werfcs^or the tiaaefer of
Oeod Year For Tetephonea
mmm Tvansie ptet arc «i csmii
paeaearen aad freipht; to carry oa the •oa. loat forty-three poeada. while
Htto year Uee fsr has beea a busy
dews vaw. s tniriac nwsSac
baalaew of railway ooatraetors. ablp- Frank Cavnaanzh rained eirbteea. CM far Ue local telephone enbaara
owaers aad eaciaeen. aad to naBafso- dome of the sick are la a acrlona eotodl Uirty-five new lastramente havinr
t«ra.adlaaddtotrihatelae tor rate
been added elnee Ue find of Ue year.
In a certain town, aitnated on the
Maaarer Barry bee received mders for
W. W. KIMBALL 00.. N.*.^
aborea of Lake Baron, aad noted for
, 338 Frcmt street.
The ooBwaay haa been la preeen
I more Instraments. lo bo placed
iortaatiea foe aeroral noaitae. aad wae iu lovely scenery, pretty homea aad iu U Ue residemcc of J. W. Aster. W. L
OCiaaited for the porpoee of takia« hcalthfalaess. there eztou a Mato of Brown aad la the oflee of John Lar­
THOMAS, eoraer Bute and Onion ete
aCalrs that bordenoetbe deeperata.
adraatoveof the eatnordiaary e«
kin's ennl and wood yard.
Id that town there are. by aetoaleoant.
owto traBatenaatioo adw at work
AdmiuiOD. 86.85, 60c.
fortytiirht widows aad Bfwlwo firls
Oaba aad Porte Bice.
rtopUw meals for 38c sad Bent
It iateads to rvaorau old eatorprtoee ef marriacoabW are—that to. betwesa
Laaebf* ie Ue world for Uc. Open all iiirbt.
aad eraate aew oaee in tboee prodip- 18 aad 31 ym—oat of a poaaUUon of
TOO eoBla Aad herein lies the ml
Uasly rich tolaads.
-.are not afraid lo be rrrnerens
Ovw HeSsBsrs * Sbos tea*.
Ue needy and snSeiinr. The propriethere are only foarteee elirlMs yom
Under the ed
'^ULOXLa X06. f *
Dr. Kinr's New DlKcovery for
la the whole villaye—1<
iadostriea, especially those conceme
ytioo. Conrbs and Cold*, have
operatiaf pobliefra- ohisee. will need
riven away over tee milHon trial hotrcadjastneat. reerpsaiiatjan. and deA la-yeer old yoaorster. Atehle Mat- slesof tbi» rreat raedwlee. anC have
action of knnwliir U has abrel^nuBL ThlaJs the work the Amer •hews by asme. who claims to hsll
nred tbon«snds of bopelem
Uaa IiKttes eoapaay was orzaatoed to from Rapid Criy.csiae to BIk Espkta
ktbma. Rraiebitto. HoerseTneedsy. weet to the saw mill and ap­
s<I disesMs of the Threat.
«tv rw. MUl bmm.teeotos. ite-ras. a. te boMte ter ••
»r« he, rood cm.,.
propriated a bike owaed by one of the Chest and Lanes are sorely enmd ^
Call on the Dmrriste
rpriste s
!> G. Wait i
----------------- tojaLtoe.jMjiLtoijAue werkmea. aac with hisawly aeqaired it.
41 serv. larM wllss
s»4 sw. fm, u. eUy. tes* ,$$a.
aad J U. Johnsoa andd rvt
r a trial bet-1 TltsUMdUra«wt<ilM«vvdlfv snwdsw p
WMMVt. msf aft
property took passsrr for Old Hiasloa tie, 10 eu. R-Yulsr sin.
srd. msIsstierrsiBferaalrlUH.
oa tbcOoeksms. Offi -rr Uiwre took the ^er^botilo rnaraateed.
eveainr host ■ ver sod found the yennr
- -—
3oal. Utock te-ri
H Itattom of iBtareot Fran All .
ideala n l»ra. The wheel was
Fate of Kicbtgan.
? nlto fi-nccl. bet bad naderrone i
raarh Dssre—<be name bad bara
to wiwwrwrwr wnwwc wrwnwwcto
-s ebcd < If. pedaU rone, tires pna<
Oddwater toboldlnp its first street tarro. etc A ei>U U ni'preaept. U the'
fair. JtopeaedTnesdsy with a fine vtiiare loekap
lot of ezhibita Is all elsnes and a larpe
crowd.Ihe asoeen of tha fair to aeaared
Uthe weather Mdafair, nenanallet
of fakes, side-shows, dance fl-iora and
aanaement qnsrten are found on the Oeaeral Wbeclerto fion Swept ont i
■Uln street end the elty preeenie a
first etsaa.aloalr
•<« at IfioBteak
olpht aeoerelas the midway at the
world's fair. Tne priaeipaJ featore of
Montank Point. N. Y.. September 8.
the proirsin yesterday was the floral
-Tberewas intle donbt that Ucserar
parade, whieh wssequai losoy erer 'oaeph Wheeler's seeoad son, Tbomss
neon la the state.
3. Wheeler, was swept ont to s a yee"The directors of the G. R, A I. By. terdsynad drowned, tervtber with
• are feeUnp psrtiealarly pood o»er the Lieatenant N'ewtvn D. Kirkpatrick of
report of the eemingi of the n sd for tue First cavalry, while bstbiaj^ln Uc
■ «mu otberv da fsr anode
the taonth of Aapost. The psss.-iirer >sean.
eaminps for the last wmI, la Aupusl
Their clethinr waa foeod on Ue
s fiSO.m, ebowinp aa Increase of -irech. jest abrve hiph-wster mark,
•m.wni. The freirhi ca-Dioys for Ue , iMe iotee aftemeoo.aboui a qaarier of
week were $Sl.M8. The total emmliirt ' s ««* c*t of the U.wh Piste l.t-sav
(or Ue week, which terdede peesenrer.: m, .uiloo, where they am kaown te
fneirbl, mall and express bsslness. I have rone te«swimmifr about two
amoonutefilOS.TW.aaincreaeeolKl.-lhonre before. This mornlar General
is i
•oa. The
The total
total camlnreferue menu Wheeler hImeeU had Jnet aboet rl^
wen ese. 04B, with as Inereaac of Mu.- np hope, when Ue body m
873. The aamlar* for Ue last week of
the moaU were Ue larfest sines the
We rss shew yen s verklsw clevr
0.0 icm dsm. mseleci from Mte
SI Pc, Md i< • aw.- «uii iisrt
mad has baea In operation.
n< ws SI It»
A tie to knot or s knot
M (he hmvy eusy ma m nja
I aad Sen­
The kind that **kaocka,"
At Birmlnrham Beary O. Hooper,
tenced to Five Y<
to tie at 26 nod 60c—Mort bnt isn't to -Knox'’—It’s a
who left for the Klonkika on March is.
catnmed home. “Yon ean'A aUadcr
exquisite pstterps — Will “Newland" aod sUrts at
Ue Klondike coonlry." says Booper.
be boseewoe try lo be Isir Ie sCS-OhsMaaoora, Teen., fieptn,—Private
you have s tie or knot?
60c to tS.cO.
todsi UM lo e am elcU w hearlion, min ee mean- stmetlilBc
"UpackinrnpUc summit a can of Kinney, of ,Ue Flat Mimtuippl. wbo
BOte tbaa » were Inst seC aoDlta
ay vf M snip* you
ssd CMhot ciff.-e sheltered uder my coat tried to aasekelnau Colonel Uoven of
bir wlllBC se nsot (ooCe lor eo
sslly ptekMi Uw arei iblscosalsc
ISM losbelike U. DesHaly
froM solid In SB hear. All Ue wey te tbat rerlnaai a few nlrbts aro, has
• Oar modern methods sre winners. Tbe pet^le want oe base
s SS
nST ?^«llilor
Lake Beanett ae met parttoe carryler becD aeuteneed te weive a d'sbanor.
writ so4 here ccsulse steHl. l!
reason rather than rank We conrt criticism and combstffc^les'lo
A l.,k- R nur'.t atj'.r J;»elia-.-e -..jil.
...jf r«ln- '"'I •- o-i«
in; r.
ufltew y-m bsre c ■sWAmi'* Is hlai.
t.a»l*^ M. -11
..'L- ll
praepeeiors vrho vrere buildter boaU
t In Ue Strikaads' barr^
mease rlvtof tbe pstrao tbe aCna. : iwriovn ol etanuruiteuui and pcicite,. £very day's mer(acv of sa odd eool or s mi pnei
were dyinrofl like sheep with eenrvy,
yew Co Is -ii.iiii, Mlisbto^M
wbee So te rntllM lo U Heaslsf
ebaodising brinp^ os into closer toocb with the reqnii^
a^nal mentagltto and dysentery. Oud
all iboee eslsci li mease us. lor oar
menta aod tartea of the people who reoognue and apprahelp Ue pec^le in Dawson Clly.
ose iaaaee'k roods, but lor year>;
amelto u> Ue beavene snd reeks wl^tb
eiate oor efforts to pleaae, coupled triUi tbe saving paidM ricbi yewas. iom
aod as ll It tbe mord cf yeata ihal
« OB ThMr Vay
filth. The besphal to crowded and
cousin, so we Ulot sotform fair
iwwiowBioe oor ppiTOBM has eeitbilitiee of shopping in oor eetiOjlisbmrat.
to Oonter ViU Ue FmnUent.
they ST^bnUdiDr aooUer one. It.eoate
•sepe to OUT cyeMm. tbsi It u rsm
fTade/to lay np is Ue bcepiul.
Every day brings new patrons to this atoru.
Lopdon. Sept. A—The Bopf Konr
About an avemre ef twenty-five die enble anoonnees that Uree Filiplooa,
mrrrt day in Dawaon City- Goinr to appoteted by ArBl<>*lfio. bare left
theKiaodiketsaimptya form of sol- Bonr Kodt to ounfer with Pneldcat
McKinley npon Uc futare ef Ue PhiliOompany G, Ttol
•f Marquette, ket iU first man yaeter8r. Aym’ Sese Tmtauat for ladlw
AnF teeminr bjr Ue daaU of Private tetl
. - at
- Ite
.. Best NteU ssmt Mrs. B
Arehibald Tranpe. who died from Ue Brtotol.

bovBpanr pi«wiMd with


Haonah Rifles

Boy’s Selliiel Suits!



Scaaes Of the Preseat War,

Pspolar Prices ef 10.20,30c.

8o doibt tlie best lice sbcwi is here frem $2.00 too ap.

Steinberg’s Grand

See our Two Special Leaders.
UttleOsputo Sluat..................................... S400

Opera House.

SatDTday, September 10


J. C. LEWIS Watch This Celmn For laigainsl
. For Yew Selwol Boots

“Si fliiiilard.”?^^^!???:


Guard Chains
Him Yei Tried TtelinMl? IbsS'iirJT-.’:

wektihi iM^FMvme. Furniture Bargains

Columbian Restaurant



Hasflogs’ Real Estate Agaacir.

i unit HEWS STflBIES. J


S. BENDA & CO., Fasliflable Ouiters.



1 Clothes bougiit of us we keep ie gooil
^ Px t“ t" 1
P™” them free of cherge.
h^w ■ Beer ii mind thet hr deeline with es

Ull uPiitir
JLllilf G lien aimiR III 1UWII



Canit H , ipli ud ifiU.




1 *



TaimgerliukltilleuUU. Ti ilnjs dt u n pimla.







fashionable OulfiKers, $. BENDA & CO.


THa MOBvara kioobx> nuDAT, bxptxxbxk 9, ima

llTM« €xtwm» IWtWMd rtf*HOL ■wil.VbO WMM^ (low
to tUsk M k rmle. x«kliKd that laataatAtn)^<wtiBtb«dai9radwvl><7
• (vmlra- lUU hot lod moUag tnm
«i ditohuga, the npat at wUdi had
IvlatartMae qniet at thMaooattj
ana, while not 40 feet away fnan m
by in the road the body <f a maa who
feadtalkafrona ~
And the woot
a who lay then in
Wnor at tbe diadiante of the piatol, and
•ilia ertion throw tbe «"ti, dead or
woonded. tam tbe cart Tbe gnnn.
who waa eittlng bade to bade with hla
toaater. )ninped from tbe TeUcle and
ran toward tbe pnatrate flgnre, while
toe bene, left entirely to bli own dovtoee. came toward and went paat ma
to a mad “
to that bhff
iff period. Wben tbe groom
*oac4««> tbe bedy of ble meater, be aaw
ill un toatant that tbe man waa dead.
Ibin be looked at ne. Iwae atiU re­
viewing tbe aitnatioa. Btotberewan’t
nndi ilmetuqiare.
. It waa not I who Area tbe fatal abot.
Tbe toed at tbli polni waa lined on one
aide with a high bedge, artd 1 knew that
tbe murderer had fired from tbia ambnab
and dexterotuly tbrbwn the rerolver to
where it lay inat at my feet But I waa
^nkh enonirti to renliae that no Jury to
toe world wonld eTerbclierethla nnleae
tbe real mnrderetoanld be pn>lnatantl:A{lQWW that my only hope
lay In hie «Sptnre, and t ittimediately
daabed through the hedge iu rearcb of
' bim, while tbe groom, thinking no
doubt that 1 war attempting to eaonpe,
came in bot ptumit of me.
Inaide of tbe hedge there wae no aign
at any lirlng being. Tbe fair, green
AeUa atretebed away to tbe biUaide, be.
yoBd wbito the white walla of a faimbemw were jnat vitible. aa pcwaefnlly aa
if torn oonld be no aoob thing aa tbe
. tragedy which bad Jiut-taken pleoe npcB
toe other aide of the hedge. 1 looked up
and down tbe long bedgetow in vain.
Them waa not toe eligbieat clew to toe
tourderer to be aeea.
Bowerer, 1 detmnined that toe man
might poanblymaka tw tbe railroad
otatiam .ficBi wbeoee I had iaat aarne.
tot I knew toat there wea a train to tbe
n catch itr And oonld 1 o
tiOB and bate him apprehended.
I waa mnning all tbe time aa bard aa
I eonld inaide of the hedge and toward
tbe railway Aatian. Tbe groom bad
given op pnraaitof n>A doobUoea thinktog it bla dnty to return to hia maater'a
body. It wanted ax minottn before tbe
tain wae dne. ea I aaw by a baa^

I did tSUTtoat» a
te CWttiag to <k-


What probably oonatitataa tbe bandaotoeat and awat original aat «d aalnar'a
laqniied l^t he Bboald M Bw; and that
psbqa be waa anable traa tllaeaior
aome oOier oatiK to Icare hie borne.
Cbia brief espUaatieo of tbe oanae <4
■yTiaitto HnpmiUewaa onlyaamaU
part of tbe tbo^ia which cmwded n>y
faraia wben I wai aately aeated in tbe
train and wfaicUng toward Jeraey Ci^.
Aa I bare aaid, Raadolpfa Onttinit aad
I were bitter eneialca. and the erideoca

abowa and made each article of tbe
eoUeotion taimmlf. and were be anytfaing bat tbe modeat man be U tbe
praiae which erety ezhibltitm of the
tooU «TokM would torn hla bead to aa

Tbe tools are aeveo in nnmber and
«Ml« of three pole pitta of tbe kind
tbe (Time aetmeri ao blackly caocIttMTe >
experts to break off —of
that I ocmid almost feel tbe rope tighten nmk and fonr candleaticks. Tbe eym
abont my nock. Wb« toe tain etopped and wraps of two of the picks are fergat tbe ne« etatirai. 1 trembled In every ! «d from one piooe of etoel. and toe manlimb, fully expn-ting to eee tome om . ner In'whlcb tbe wo6d of tbe handlw
oomeintotbecartoamMme. Kothing u worked Into tbe straps U qalto a
of tbe eon happraed, however, and I puxale. PartlcnUrly is this tbe eato
putod aerwal more Marions in safety,
one of the picks, which has foitr
However, X did not allow myself much ; strafu and shows tbe mme oomber of
hope, tor I Mt Mire 1 would be appre- ! appweot dlvlalosu in tbe banule. One
bended at Jersey City. After some ' nrtning man. after curefolly examining
thought-1 Otmeloded that it would be the tool, gave it at his opinloc that tbe
toe beW plan to go right in tntber than | wood waa slmplv inlaid. Tbe prompt
getoSat anyof tbe out of town sta- [ offer of Ur. Bray to bet A 0 that tmly
tioaa, aa there wonld be moch kw risk coe piece of wind
ef being noiiced in tbe crowd
gi* ,nd the strapa were forged aroaod,
w^d gM off tbe train them.
I ,ad bis wiliingneat to allow tbe tool to
When tbe train pulled into the Jersey ^e cot toplecwlD proof of bla aawrtioa..
City depot, I made my way with all, «*naed tbe other mao to
to c'
change bis
possible bafte toward tbe waiting room. ^ind. and be declined to bet.
and. greaUy to my snrpnse. 1 was not |
Aa much Ingenniiy as ia displayed in
molested. Boddeuly I beard tbe tram- j tbe mannfaetoro of tbe picks, it Is oomman call oat a train for PhiUdelpbta, j pleteiy ovembadowed by that nfHfiHand. acting npem Impulse. 1 hastily m- 1 od In tbe compositicsi of tbe candlecored a ticket midwiiaaoan comfortably
ooe of them it made ao that it
ensesmeed in a la
i»rlor oar on toe way to ^ be taken apart and fiu into toa end
toe Quiitor City.
, , .,
cf tbe handle of one of tbe picka —IranneTrrnescTfbetbatnigbtofbar- other baa a reenlar nistol Brin in nlaoe
wwWchlspentinPbiJudRpbU. Some | of toe ordlnery loop or ring end oiTbe
Idea of my feeliuga may be unagined ;
^jamthlag after tbe
wbenlaawia an evening paper a die-i rf , elaim knife. A oovw working with
patch telling of the murttoof Budolpb ' .
over tbe socket into which
Cotring, a well known hew Toikin, '
intmH and if “t arrsTtgetl
near bis conntty place, at Hopeville. M.
«ndle la oonnmed
J. Tbe aocount in tbe paper aaid toat
deteetives from Kew York were at work
1900 tbe case and that, altboogb tbey candle.
refuMd to give oat any «rf tbe faeta. tbey
In eddirion Mr. Bray has trill oaothin pcMssiao of a clew which tbey «r folding candlaMlck made to be oarfelt snre would enable them to oaptnie ried in toe pocket It is so arranged
tbe mnrderer wiibin a few boars.
toat eitoer tbe book or eplke <nn be
I eought a quiet hotel uptm a side need, or both can be folded baok and
atreet, registering nader on assumed tbe stick carried ia tbe band. Brill nname, and then endeuTored to compam other Miok, which ie oovered by a pat­
myoelf to await resultR. 1 hardly think ent, baa a knife Ataehment conneoied
I alept a wink that nigbt, bat towd fe- with tbe book fer cutting fum, aa ar­
veriably upon my bed,. wooderisg wbetfa- rangement for splitting lbs tow and
er I bad not acted veryfcoliablyln thus ripping open tbe paper that ooven
running away wben 1 was perfectly in­ giant powder In ease it U found neeeenocent Cndoabtedly by eo doing I bad mry to crowd U into a tmall bole, and
BtiengtbMied tbe chain of eridenee also an applianoe for crimping tbe cap
This stick U also proridad with tbe
Maueea, I did not aee what elm 1 could tosnatio extiugniaber.
da There was adll a cbance for me, 1
Bo tar aa novelty la oonoerned tbe
thought Cntting'sgraamwaa, oodoubt, gem of tbe oollection perbapa ia e fold­
a new cne. aa bit face was not familiar ing Mick with a born handle and ia
to me, and be probably did not know called ”tbe pnmler.” A poxiler It la
wbo 1 waa No one elm in Hopeville
hM been
1 Mr. Biv. folly e.OOO people

Bakrw U a UM of the bniv Md mU• BaAVaak.
I and Miitra doaaty
I baa daddad to have

Etcp Burned OnT'

SSSSSrS^.r.:;;;::: "’.S

U oo
Short Oat Pork par
O. P. OARTXK. A«aa<
pnewi to give tbe Irienda of tbe boya a
ebanoe to meet them and have a rugular JolUfieatlon. The axeeutiva uommittee hae extended an invitation to
Oaveraar Piagree and expect that be
will be in atuodanee.
The fair will be the graadeet aaes«aa
teimambar that I doall ktnda'of rpof any aoeh exbiWtlaa ever attempted
ia nortbera Uleblfan. Tbe ettra "Hoot
for tbe tour days will be mnltHadineni
” ^deeelve^^t others^ yen ^
both day and uIgbL The ferme-t are
leading snbeiaatlal aid to toe eesoeUtioa and wUI be there with a fiae array
uoTtaa nansoPTnavnaBorTT tmu<'
of exklblu of tbe prwlueu of tbeae
aertbem eountles.
8t^ in tin ■ o'eloek ovary avaoing
exoept Sunday, ia tbe Chid well A Imueewm will be ebown at night.
doB bunding, at north aad of Dnloa
Bpreiai exenralan tains will be run
on the P. A P. M. and U. A N. B. niiraada to tbe fair.
. U toM
Potatoes, per bu...



“My taber," mya a Umdoo testnnrant keeps, "waa a milkman, and bla
New fall walking baU and toUors In
. pUoe wna in tbe oeigbboritood of Har­ abandHioa. Call and saw tbem.
Tna Boerox Bronx.
ley street. He npplied tbe Gladstone
family with milk, and 1 deMvered it.
One Hay when on my ronndaa tonnder0I7S/NffS8 CANDfl.
storm came on as I had jnst reached Mr.
Uladftooe'a bonee, and the rain deaoendediotcnenti. 1 nog tbeservanu'bdl,
bot it was not promptly answered, and
apeeial aMsttoa w <
meanriffle 1 waa being eouked with tbe
acluc. ttl tvaim
rain. Tbe front door opened, and a
kindly voioe asked me to step into the
doorwey, so that 1 might be abellered.
Mr. Gladatcme had seen me from tbe
window and opened toe door bimselL
He alto rang for toe eervant, ao tbat 1
might be attended to witboot fonber


UoM a#4 AttUemi
Tbepradnetionof clood by tbeaetian
of ultra violet ligbt waa demonataled
at a soiree at tbe Boyal sooiety by C. T.
B. Wilson. Tbe beam from an uru tamp
waa fooneed by a quarta Uaia In a tnbe
I air free from
Inntee a bine fog was aeento
form ia the illu
cODw and this
fog oonld be made to move by applying
beat to the tube locally. Wb«i tbe altra violet raya were oat off hy a ofaeet of
mloa, no each famati<ai took plaoe. and
______________ nrBelsamb. s
it U tberefue snggeMed tbat tbe sm.n maAninn mntxs-KiasBasrnr
1 anMaaSsMttoOslw——
partlelee wbiob give rise to tbe bias of Artor.
wOlnw-mSte sails
tbe sky are prodneed by tbe nlcn violet B.Kbi
rays of simlight absorbed in tbe upper
r»sp«»4 a eaUs tor
am Wait

o. sjK»a..'s=s“‘dS'T.w

Sick or Well, a ^luh
Night and Day.


Few people
prubably aware what
an excellent haromr i.r is aSurded by a
hire of bees Even
Ibe lineal day
Id all of a tnddeo, t-. tm tboogb tbt?re be
not a olond in .tbe sky, you may bn sure
that there will be a great sbnui beltew
lung. If, on toe other hand, you m-c
them goabOQt their bnaineas nuaouccniedly on tbe clunuioit day. yun
stake wbat yon likeoutheehanci! of toe
rain keeping off. If/ihc winter it likely
to be severe, toeyjibtn up tbe mitnnce
to toelr hive wit£a thick wall of wax.
leaving an opening only large tmongb
to let them in and out onr at a time. If
toe winter fa to be mild, they put no
wax against toe eatance.—PtailadalpbU Tiniaa.
Tom—I've lest addeen pairaof glow
to toat girh and 1 haven't a son to buy
town vrtth.
XHok—Tell her no one keeps toe atas
mmllettocgbtoholittkbands. Bbe'U
fie jnot oa pleoaed—Plofc Me Dp.

Tnvsroa Cttg. Mta

Oommenelnr on September tbe Itth
lie L_______
Micbtan TiaoeporttitonOo.
ton Oo. vrUI
vrill ouU
oeU rround trip tlukala
from Travurue City to ChleogoforgS
ago for ft oa
TlekMa good nalil October isu.
ThtaM on Mlu at toe doto cfliga os
abovadato. ’X>bone 3S
K. H. Pont, Agent.

Gnit lUfifl * fiiAiut 1.1

fillfififi fIM
aaaaaa aass *su
«sgs«« SBSS IBS

lifiMfilifl*■■■If If
Ti-------- n“i“i—fi" fiiiiia
u saaaaa
8 &888B8


5?. rai



Mifl I ■

as*: a s

89as« 8
»w.-g a

S8:882»a8S8Sa»S I
■Ifil • BOIfiglllfi
aaaa a sasassssa
asttfi: 8 888888888
, weew a


TralBs arrive trow at. Leals, LerievtUs, Xa*
- sasiKills, CiBrtBBBU. OWeoee. SrnroU aad
OraMnapUsaMa. m. Bsepmg ao4 dIsiM


~ alas onlvv tram BlebwaS, gen Wsrna.
___ >t Md OtweS Bs|OSs.7hB pm gutlsr
aa« bate* car from SvwoU ea this nola
O. n.MUUAT.Opeo'
O. L. LOOKWOOO O. P. * T. Ate OreoS Koslda.


si. Prssk'on Plstr OUss. Ktoh-.Mi
Olsss. artss Utr -t Cots. aa4 stS
Bias. X. B. AUya, Pr^artob '


lUBin OD NiniliRII LI
AtlJOCsleska m.

o^HlswlBa wllbSspsy UlsitTsUcgs TrrmsaaC.srllrrs. XolSlsa <1kr Ibvw. Pour
ai>n>o bsrrsstfsr suriiitw workers. Crsait



And that waa ihi- neanwt I ever came
to being hanged.—Alft.-d Btoddart in
Pnikdelpbis Times.


m« BaoSsipb strsM. *. W. asaaags._0»-*'
O-im. W*VTVi>-»or Oss«Tsl Ssusr i
VTosU at go am W. a* rusts awst «g


with bia rrinto be Ucamc paiuestricken
and ni-sde a loll runfemicn. ”

John R. Santo,
Genril liMriita


During the Battle
of Santiago.

Cutting, toe man whom 1 hud just eeeo
mnrder^ aak'iit: ru<- to rrine uown im. madiaiely to h<.|eviiie, and iiinbedirtMe
• to Ihi? Kcaiiiir u- I hull lakt-ii im early
nn:.;; tr.i.u i.'-v ii !.< m New Yorih
Jk •• iiigly unprown• Iiiiiv .V'.w JR-:- y.\i..iu:«', if indend
arou ry-I.B :
r >iiiall bOtlSM
b' -■ - ;< :i'' •ll••n’dll■sodeseriV«'.
W;-:. i -V ,-,..0-ui rfrlM-train. Hooked
alrnt 11 v.utj for Keudolpb Cntritig's
rc-'i--i\ /.lit um in be sMUi at-d
as auyi|ji:ii: in tli- »l;.:r>i'oi a hired conve^-au'-e w.> on ni:.r in.| o-ribility at
fi^viQe, 1 MS out !ti a bnrk walk *a
toe dine ti'iu of K--udoIph Cnfting*i
plaoe, wliiib 1 kii<^ itoiuofnnier visit
vraa shoot 1 ^ tuih-* fium the ‘lation.
Baodolpb Cnttim- ;.jd X wttre evrmd
enudna. and thvteo- slipht degree of
affection which alw tvs rxiatnl bi-twi-oa
St wo-o not iixnwaed mat<-nal.'y st the
death of an nnrle cf oun. wbo left h‘a
tneney to me, and whose will was *o
Involved that «b>-r<- wsa a laweoit be
turem Catting aa.' myself. As it hap­
pened, by the toiuis cf ibe will miwt ri
toj noclic's iroix-rty waa left to mu. ard
Ontrittg rrinl tohi tt the will biokm
upon cert.'iin grounds which
«rs not eanntii.1 to this Mi^. Tb*
coorts upheld tae, b-'«c\-er, and dr^ored
toe will piriu il* velid. As a routeqnenoe Bondiupb Cutting and myae’i
bod pot epekrn to 'five yvuiu. and 1. rf
uounm, bad not farvo pear hit bemr until
that evmtfol day. wbw I bunied down
tosswinruantxiieniLiateleginm, True.

Bicycle Riders.


kevplDg perfectly aecloded notil tbe j eooies of
first mentioned foldinx
Rimler nccorred.
complete tbe oolleerian One*^
I never ran eo bard in my life before, thing bad blownorer, and toiaitbooght
bat 1 felt that my life depended on tbe I ^ do » "SJ”
botd to
.o 1.^
ebanoe of aomring tbe
... 'to Itototo .Odom to .on. m .
Then when I wonld irrive at tola
point in my reasoning tbe tbnaght of
that clew tbat tbedetectiva were woA:1 waa jest wood«alng vagnely bow long iug on would come to me. and I wonld
WM Man
1 oonld keep It np wben 1 came npon toe break into a cold penpiratioo from nervTbe ntiliaarion of wind in tbe gatempty dog cart, \Titb tbe runaway boiw otunem and anxiety. How I ever got erarion of electricity tons far has been
The Packers st the Battle of
ijalAly cropping gtoae by tbe roadside.
Bantla^ de Oaba Were All
Here was lack Indeed. I jumped into
tbe. cart aa speedily as my exhaostod
Heroee — Their Heroic Bfsttengtb wonld let me, and, gathering
In these cases it hsa been combined ncforte in OettiDR Ammaniup toe reiuB. 1 struck tbe whip, and we lug acooant of tbe mnrdcr, most at, comfnlly with stcrage batteries, which
tioD and Badons to the
wm off to fast aa tbe animal oonld which 1 akinuued thrnugta hurriedly wenriiarged during tbe working hours
until I reached tbe following winds:
run toward the etotiOB.
of toe mill and made available during
Proot Sawed tbe i>ay.
"Detretivea Warden and BeabnryOf tbe night fur tbe lighting of bouses and
I eetimatod tout there waa stiU two
P. E. Bailer, of pack tala No. I.
minntea before tbe train was due, and toe Pinkerton force reoebed Hopeville
1 felt anre that the station eoald not be .dtotoir .to. to«n,b.,iM tood toi. i
S te more or less violent form, and when
more than a tblid of a mile distant. pmM te b, Hr. edited', tedil,. ;
Snddenly 1 btotd tbe whistle at tbe
we landed we bod «o tlm> u see a doc­
kwomotive. and with it came an iiOpitor. fur it was a ease of rush and rash
nigbt and day t<
Tbe mnrderer wiph* never be found.
pUMl wito am
At all erents, 1 coaid not ley bands on with hia ba<k to Mr Cutting, but bap- blngea While the wind ia driving two bnt thunks to Cbsmbrr'ain’a Colic,
him jnn then. Why not
tbe train pecing to look toward tbe ajde of tbe oftbemitllfM tbe other two, ae tbat Cholera and Dlairboea Eemedy. we
were able to keep at work and keep
and mskr good my own eecape while rood be saw a man. whom bereoogniaed they offer tbe
tbf oppoTtnuity ptfvented Itacin It as a discharged amrant of bis ixnploy' tbe air ptmure. It is claimed that tola •nr bcelib: In fact. 1 aiooeraly believe
that at one critical time this laedielBc
aemned a terrible thing to thus flee from er, level a pistol at .Mr. Cutting’s bead machine cusu only one-fifth aa moch as wsa tbe Indirect aavior of onr army,
jnstiee bucauae of a crime which 1 had and fire. Ur. Catting fell to tbe ground, toe ordioarr windmill to pot np and for If tbe packers hod been unable t«
not conunitted. hat 1 ctmld not for iny and Davis Juuiped to bia master's oasist- gives a groat deal more power for a giv- work there would have been no way of
life aee any otbur oonr»‘ open. Bo 1
ibe front There
cn Mil area. It ooMa hardly aoytbtog {retting soopHea to the
urged the animal to still greater speed, Tbe borae bad taken fright and run ; beyosMl the first ontlay for tbe inatalla-1 were ao roads that a wagon
train eould
and, polling op at a bend iu tbe road away, when Daria, happening to !»k
, : tioD of too plant, m any cme can do tbe
oomrade and inyaelf bad tbe
___ supply of toU
before X reached the Marion, I jumiKd op aaw a figuiv in the roudway.
small amaantof oiling, which U ti,e ,.
rtoinclively be ran toward him, but tbe |
medirioe for our pack-train before we
Irtt Tampa, and I knew ia four caaee
man darted behind tbe hedge and Davis I .uj
It absolutely wsTed life-’’
loM sight of him. He waa unable, bow- |
Tbe above tetter was writtra to tbe
manofacturrra of tbit medieinr. toe
Cbamh-'r’aie Uedicine Co.. Den Uoiaea,
Iowa. Por sale by S B. Walt.
“ I in clothes wasbing and irming. dish-

SSL ss; 'Lto^Lsrr


PsTraas a Csonsa

Opentrg of Burinoaa College.
The fall term wlUeniamcDce BeptamUE talUW wsaW^ eooM^,
ber >6 Instad of Beptember -1! as an'
TbeaaJ&of alnminiom being inaolnreplr^^ » SlSb*«
ble in water, tbe couiioi,nenco ia tbat of Ibe October term of Circoli c urt,
wben aoob mlu are farmed toe water toe ecbool will be held at lU Bast
can be smined and the impoririee re- Bigfatb airest and after tbat will
moved therefrom. What u regarded as j bsid at nmnrs ball ouiU tkrns v Uuntbe moat proctioable melbed of porify- eon block U complrtod. when we aball
...................... oempv toe aeoond flw of that build­
ing. Onr rooms In this block will be
Trarorse OUr Ie>w.
as fins aa any In tbr state and we sVall
make every effort
- • to
• tbe front
------- Ip
all oor work. We bave ba<‘
for book-keepera aad ah
to toe volnme cf water, which p
than we coaid fill but hope
Mot'oe to Tax Poyora
eindrau enougb wbo will prepere
toemeelvee to take every poeltiao which
practicable by ibe fact that the elevn- may be offered.
tion of tbe severui platee ia diflerenh
with this lank, or trongfa.
■^STl^ls-etorfilsSsck-J-- - —




not form toe negative pole <ff a ounent
tbe other plates used will. Now. it be­
ing aiwaya tbe ose toat when an eleetrio oommt oomei in ooutact with wa­
ter in this manner it deoumpota a cer­
tain porrion of tbe fluid, aa it were, the
ruanlt of soch deeampodrion ia toat
tion of life in any microbe or organic
matter which tbe water might contain,
leaving it—wfHr meeting tbe purifioation which tbeaUMof alnmfailomooand beallbfnl oa tba
ntoat flow) from toe poroot airing.

A * «. L I. B. rain and AiUta «t Om
ran Or Lam.
Manistee and Mason county fair st
Haniaiee. Mleb.. Hepteaber II. 1«. 15
ondie. ftW One fare for'the round
trip from all M. A N. E atationa Tlekeu win be told oa September 12. ]l, 14,
IS and )0 retaru limit September 17,
IMS All talas atop at Fair OroumU.
Itoaiatee eouuty day at Manlatee. Beptemborlt A special tain will leave
Tnvurm City st ?;P0 p. m . tore fit and
arrive at Moniateo at P:40. Betara
tain will louve Manlatee at MMriatee
»t 10 p. as. F. A. MlUtoeU, O^ral
PamengST ugaaV lUalatoa. B. W.
Cunnlngbom, ogoat Ttavofoa aty.


-... ....

. psr rest <sr ceOee-

t. V. oAxmLarr



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