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The Morning Record, July 30, 1898
American newspapers--Michigan.
Grand Traverse County (Mich.)
Traverse City (Mich.)
Issue of "The Morning Record" Newspaper.
Contributors to the newspaper.
Microfilmed reproduction of this newspaper issue is held at the Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.).
Bates, Thomas T. (1841-1912) and Hannen, John W. (1863-1940)
Traverse Area District Library, Traverse City (Mich.)
Excluding issues now in the public domain (1879-1923), Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. retains the copyright on the content of this newspaper. Depending on agreements made with writers and photographers, the creators of the content may still retain copyright. Please do not republish without permission.
Grand Traverse County, Michigan
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SeeoDd Tmt—Fo 880
Reply To Bpeln'e
Peeoe Propooltion.
And Cube Shall Be Free And
StopoaMoB of rhilippiBM Hot BMtUdBatHottod Butaa Moat Hava
• OaallBC Bt
Hap PaMn&iaa tBa Baa't ■ Oaa of
tAa tadroBM to Ba Oiraa TJp Alae.
epaelki to T*B KoBSTsa Saosab.
Waakiartoa. Jnly t».-Tka eaWaat
«adar diaeataadtiM
to Bpaia'a paaoe gropaalUai
xaaehad Uta foUawtae daclaloaa
"Tba abaolota aarrt>adar of Porta
Biaa taika United Btataa. Baoocaltifta of tka ibdcpendaaoa of Caha. Tka
otMiaa of ana of tka l^dreae ialaada
to tka Uaitad Btataa aa a eoaUar ata*
tioa, aad tka oaatlaa ta tka Uaitad
SUM of at laaataeaaliadautSaa U
tka Phnippiaaa."
Tka«aeationiiBdaddadia.«bat diepwitlaa akall ka aada of tka PkUipptna ialaada aa a wkoia. Tkaraiapraencallr aodiflaraaeaof oplalaa in tka
eaklnat oa tka qaaatioa of rataatloa of
' tka PkiUp^ lalaada aa a wkola. all
tka uastkara kaUe oppoaad to ov
aeqaiaitiOB of tkaaa ialaada. Tkerakaa
Waa BO daeiaioa. kawarar, aa yaV m
tka axtaat U wkick tka rorermaaaat
will to in itt daoiaioB raapaetinf tka
fatara of tka tolaada. kot It ia proba
dantly atreng to hold tka eity agalnat
tka Americana.
Ponee cammnnda tka beginning of
tke fine military road that laada U San
Jnaa. tka a^ital af the bland, aad il
b, tkarafara. probakU that Oanaral
MHaa will aeon take and hold Fence,
that there wUl be no danger of a Spanbk attack in tka rur when kb army
atarb to eraaa tba lalaaA
It brepartadthataatmng farea of
Bpaalab artUlaiy b preparing to dbpnU tba Amarlaaa advaaoa acreaa
Gnna are being plaoad
atmag pcaitloni U tka high klUa in tka
middle of tka bland, aad Ua Bpaai
daalara that they will defend tke roU
inch by Inch and pravaat tka Amert«a from roachlng San Jean.
Eaparb from a Spanlak aonrca are to
tka affect that tka Spaabb miUUry
antkariUaa are net aa oonfidant aa they
r formally of having a large num
ber of tka naUva volantears to aaabt in
rapailing tke Amariean Invaaian. It
appears that fears are entertained that
who have bean
plied wlU
by tka govanm
wiUdaaert at (ka first fai
who waatka Amariaan
aananl at San Jnan nntU tka breaking
ant of tka war, bu Joined Oanaral
Milan Ha b tbarongUy familiar with
Peru Rioa, and will be able u give tka
irlaaB eomsaander valnabta informatkm. Aeearding to Mr. Banaa. GanaralMUaa-army akoald have aa vaiy
bard teak to capUra San Joan. All
tka dafanaea of that place faea the aaa.
wkieh b ckaraetoriade of many Spnaiab dtloe. Ualcaa airang eartkworiia
have baaa thrown np lately to defrad
a. wbteb b hardly
llkaly, Mr. Hanna balaivea a land at
ble tka aaawer ofUe praaidaat wUl
expraaa tka wimncBaaa of tUa (orara-
moat U laara tka matter of their fatnre coverameat aatiraly U the haada
•f a jriat oommlaaion to ba an>aiai«d BaddaaU Aak Praaidaot McHioley
Met to Band Ua laland Over
bj'thia faTammenl and tba gaTarato Spain Again.
nant of Spain Tka probakiUtp ia that
tka United SUtaa will InaUt open a Special to Tsa noaxiB • Bsooaa
WaUlngien, Scly t6.-The aeatlgnaraatea af eartaln reforma U tka
lent tnrna here favorable to Ua redCorammaiit in tka FkUipplaa Ulanda.
denb who kava. Urongk aganU in BaBor aaawer will make no maaUM af
. patltionad Praaldant McKinley
• uonaj Indamnitp. Neither will
net to akandoo tkam to Spalab aaUortkare be anr armbtioa at alt- The
ity. ‘Iba paUtton uya: "Oar layal^
‘ nwwer will be In tba aatnra af aa
and traat In Ua honor of America ennitiaaatiaa aad USpaiadoaanolaoaapt
Uttaa BB to year ooBsldaratloa aad aapaka will fare woraa in the f«tnra.
port. To haad over oar aonatry again
The BOU from Spain waa a rtrj
to Spdn b oontrary to Ua kamantUradroit bad aqulwal doenmanV from
ian proaaadinga of yov noble natlaa
readUg of wktok one woaU UUk tba
nndUawiakaa of all riamea of dvilianir qaeatioB Uraired waa Cnba.
mtion. Trade aad wder wiU be laat
if Spanmk aaUority b ta-eaUbUahad
Haplg Xag So Ta Spain Todnp.
SpMtai la Tat Hoesun ki^iit
In any form."
WaahiagtoD. Jalp
Tka eabiBat
Senator Davb aaya it must net be
taemban after tka maatlng today left t<w Spain to caatrol tka PbUipdaeUned to apeak lagarding tba aaaaioB ^c
bnt it is balierad to kara aimoat roach•d aantaaUnUal agraemont. and that
ntlomrrow’smeeUar tba doenmant
to ba aant to Spain will ba laid before
tka members for fnrtbar oonaldaratioe
Erarytking appaara aattied except
tke tntnraofthe PblUpplacB. wkicb ta
sntker a tongk ant. but it ia bapad it
wai by eraeked ao aa U aaad a reply to
Spain tomorrow before nlgbl.
srAHI8B wnx naKT teb
Tnaaaa of tka Hnamy in tba Birat
Battle are Oraaiar than Tint Re
ported—Volantaara on Torto Bioo
Bxpactad to Xiaaart and /ole Hilaa'
New York. July »9.—A 8nn Bt. Tboaaaa diapatck aaya tba aeboanar Eoma
bna arrived from Paaea. Porto Cieo.
Ska r^iorw that OB TBcaday sight aa
AaMrioan ararabip fired aaroaa bar
bowa nia Roma atoppad and waa
banifiad. examined and w» allowed to
Raporta any that IS.OOO
i Ponce, but
tka Roma eayt that they had not land
«d when aka lefv Tke loaaaa anauinad
by tka Spanlak in tba first fight oa
Monday ware twenty-tkrae killed U4 ntead of lonr.
AU tke Spanlab foroaa in the vicinity
•t Ponee are now being eooaeottn'od
in tknt elty to defend it ng^nat an a>pactadat^kby'tbalPreaaM Gananl
SorrendBrsd To Comnutnder
Davla Tharsdsy.
Wsleomed the ArriTRl of tha
AmBrioan Army.
This 16 and 26
Per Gent Discount Sale
Ob Bfiae Ball Ooodg will only ran *lfll :
the gorptu vtock i« nold. Wa wob^
•ell it *11 fit CDcfa rnlnoof pricM, bsi ^
oar eorplu goe* Bt 16 find 26 per emt, >;
off of regfiUr priceA
City Bookstore,
OenabtingofB.llBKsB amd IBO Offloan. YFIU Beach Porto Bloc
Toroaa of Oanaral Xilaa Hava Easdad
BafUy by Zd^urs Oaptnrod Prom
Haxt Tnaaday.
tka Spasiarda—Ho Beeiaunea Wm CpMbl le Txt Meaxiaa Ssceae
Offered aad OoadltiooB ef BarraadWaUlagtoo, July 30.—A tolograa
Tkoaa at Santiago.
waa roealvod at tha war dopartmaat to
SpMlal loThe Menloc BwetC.
day from Majar General Braoka. anTbanaey da- nopnelng Ua dapartora of hb axpadlpartouDt kaa poatad the following kel- tia« from Newport News fee Porto
Rlao yaalarday. Tha expedition
“Bt. Thoaua, Jely
Ponee, Porto abbot IM oaeers and S.llO anlblad
and will reach Porto Riao next
Rieo, Jaly M.
tka Dixie, AnnapoUa, Weep and Gloa- Tnaaday.
Tka axpedltlsB iaclndad all tha Baoahaater Uft Onanela Jsly 37 to block
ade Ponca and capture llgbtrr* for tba ond brigade of Ue Pint army ai
•mmaad of Gaaaral Halaea. Major
United SUtaa army. Tba elty
Ganaial Broaka and staff are oa Ua
Ponca and Playa anrrenderad to «
maader Davbnpon damaad at 13:M 8L Loab.
. Jsly 3t. Tba Amaricao fiag waa
Bt Paul Balled Taatardey.
kabtad at e a.m. Ua »U. lYia Bpaaiah
bOB'avanatad. ProvUloaal artlNearport News. July 39.—Tha
elaa of Ua aarrandar, nntil oceopa
Paul Bailed today, being Ue last af
by Ua armyura: Piist, Ua garriaon ba General Broekab axpaditloa to gat
allowed to ralira; aaeond. Ua elvU
governmant to remain in forea: third,
a police and fire brigade to ba malntaiaadwiUoatarma: fr>arU. tha apofUe port not to be made a prla- Wkaalar'a Kcma Bon Haddad tha
Ooatoat in Favor of Ua HoaUats
•-Ganeral Miles aad Gaacral HUaon
>Ml«l to ibv Houiso Bacon.
arrived at Peace fromOaaiilea wiU
Maabtee. July 37.—Ike BuaUais
MaacadiOBatta. ClaelaBati and traaawaa a praltEly played game from Ue
porual«:>oa m. Jely 38. They comOalb today. Following b Ua aaora by
maaoad to laad Ua araiy in eaptarad innlaga:
angar llghUta. There waa ao raaian H B
Uaee and Ua troopa were welcomed by Haatlara.. 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3—e B t
Ua InhablUaU wlU graataaUaaiaaa Colb.......... 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0—4 7 3
Battoriaa, RaUarford aad Bnat; BafThey eapurad U lighters, so aaUia
fiager aad MaOonnaU. Whaalar'a home
veeaelaand 130 tons of ooaL
dadded Ua game in ibe nin A.
(Sigaad) "Hioeuaox."
iaalda'a Agaat in VaUiagtoa Baa
Bad aa Hava ef PnU ef
apoeiel to Tae HoeRn Baeon.
WaUingtoa, Jaly 39.—Aa agent of
Agalaalde baa raoeivad a eahla from
One of Grand Traversa Oonatyb Baa- tba iasargant chief, bat-no meatiaa b
pactad Oitixana Hat an Vntimdy made ^ the aarrandar of Maaila.
Bad at Sra vn Tcstaidi^ Afumoon
Baflttad tha Xall Boat
—Team Was Trightanad
Pralght Eaginc—Inquest Bald Last
Frank Priadrich ratoraad yaatarday
mamlag from Ue Maaitoaa in earnMight.
One of the moat Urrihle accident maad of tha mail boat which pUaa baHa
which has bean recorded in thU aoanty tweaa Ua ulaada and Lalaad.
oecaradyaatarday at OrawD. Tba vic piloted tka boat bare to he refitted
tim was Mareaa L. Maoraa. aaa of Ua with a new eaglaa. which waa aooomIbhad yaaterriay. Capbla Carlaoa
proaparaoa farmera at Monroe Caatra
iU leave Ubmoraiag for Us blaada
and ana whose Mcrgiaa have beea a
mompaaiad aa far aa NorUpori by
ooBBidarable factor in Uai
Dame who came la'on Ua boat
OamUg HarU oa Board tka XAana- of Uraad Traverse eoentyAll are of the Thirty-Third TolnnMr. Mearoa wee tbrowo from hb
Bhaat Xaaie at w«if PHoa, ^
agoa U a raaaway aeddeat aad
every place of Ur laievt pepelar mnaic.
striking apoa hb head waa laaUatly W. \Y. Kimball Co.. 331 Front street
apMlelteTssHoextse Bseosn.
N. B. Strong, maaager.
New York, July 3# —Tha foUawlng killed.
Tke aafonanaw man bad tasea to
b Ua Ibt af sick aad wounded HlebUa city wiU a load of iambar far hb
igaa aoldiara on board tha Laona; haadaome new realdeace. beiag
Ckrl Moeller. Bay City, yellow fever: oa the comer of Bleveath aad Union
Ro»aiHOudll,Bifid]« B«L
Kydary Lake. Saginaw, yellow fevan stTMia. which heexpecUd to ooeapy
Cor Praot nd C'a*> a».
-Bvtvnl, Min
Fred Fawler. Beaten Harbor, yallew wiU hb family thb fall. Ha left' the
WJ P. WblW
elty'abcat four o'clock, after doing
fever: Frank Jeffery, Obaga; Joseph
M. WUbel
knslneas at aavaral plaeaa and apeadiag
Miller. Sand Beach, all af Ua Thirty- coma lime In vbltiag frieada Whan
Third Michlgaa.
he raaehad Drawn a freight train waa
Thera was no aonriaa an tba Leona there and Ua pujUag of Ua <
and Ua men
attendad by UajfrigkUaad kb a^ud Ua- Jut^a.
they were t'raaaiiig Ua track. Tha
ship's hoaplul and tbalr own olBeara
team Smehed away at frightfal rata af
iradea. Dr. Daty daeidad to apaad and Mr. Monroe, who waa riding
Haa added a foU
ramava Ua lever patieab to awin- on tha hoanda ef Ue wagon, waa
baina Island and ibeeanvalaaeaBt and thrawn vtolanUy lathe groaoA Hb
X waa urrikly eraahed aad daaU
wounded aoldlers to Hoffman blanA
was iBatanunaona
If at Ua aad of twaatyfonr hours it b
Tka remaina were eared for by
found Uat none show aymptoma of friaodaand bb ralaUvaa notified by
yellow fever Ue datninad Leona pas- tel^r^b of Ue aad oocorranea. Judge To hto undertaking eetabliehJames U. Moaroaof Ub ci^ reoatvad
aengata wlU be relaaaad.
ment. The forniture will ooUe aad tidiaga
j OrawB. Ooronar Meon waa anmmoaad oupy the front of the building
nndnr-taViwy Ktiaiwn^
------------I a jury and Coroaar Meoe bald an In- the rear.
Trnnspan Bt. Tnol Zmft Teaterdny | qccat. Tka verdict waa "aecidantal
With Bakotn, KlnaeaoU and
i deaU in a ranaway.” The Jury was
' oompoaad of G. A. Brigham, Q. B. Dye.
Oalocade Yolantoata.
U. C Bart, Irvlag Cook, John Sawyer
apw-ua ta Tbb busnva nmeso.
and WUliam Hem.
Baa Fraacboe, July ».-Tha toanaImmediately altar Ua tnqaaat Ua
port atanmer St. Peal banring Ua first body waa seal to Ue family rcaideaea
batuUon af Ike NorU Dakota valan- at Monroe Caatra. and H. a Anderaon
toera. aad Ua Minnaaoto and CdUando waa seat far to peeimre for Ua karlaL
Tba aaws of U|a frightfal aocidaat
laoralb aaUod for MaaDa today.
came aa a great ahoek to aaorea of
Maada af daoaaeed in Travaisa aty.
where ba was highly raapieUd. Sa
waa aboat fifty ysars ef age and laavm
a wUa and Urea ebildran to manra hb
tragic daaU. Daeaaaad had baaa oaa'
af Ua laadlag dtlsaea of Ua oeanty
many years and bad lived at Monroa
Oeatra Biaea boyhood. Hakadaoeamalatad a oomfartohla fortana by tada*try aad earafai bnai^ BMUods aad
Ue family waa laoklag forward to a
rasidaaea la town, n fine dwelling be
ing baill on Union atraat. as kefora
220 Front SL
to see 4a?oSrplre7,S.k®".Vl'S’LTe'w
m the city.
Try ps.
MarUiam BlocL
Ladies’ Fine Dress Skirts.
Ooma aad aaa Uam.
Relinble Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing HooBCe
Remembef lb Rea Place-
312 SoBtli UaioB Street, Opposite C. t W. i. Unit i
H. E. GIBBS. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
OorrMpond with the Trnverte City Lumber OompAny.
We hntre for nnleGood,
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood,
Hill Mnehineryof nil d«aeriptioiu,inclsding Two Rngitwig,
Set Work*, Onrrugee nnd Sawn. A oompkto Saw Mill Plant
for Bale.
Hastings’ Rsal Eslata Agencjfe
Trafeise Cit; ScM of lisic!
A starter
Fine Woven Wire Ref Sprieg
We Must
Sell Laige QuaatIRes.
Large sale,s are our only Salration. We sell too
cheap to be contented with ao ordinary trade. We
must tnm'our slock many times a year, otherwise.
we are in the soup.
Supposing yon knew, positively knew, that we
close out a good many of our summer goods at cost,
throu|;hout our departments, would you. not be in
quisitive to know what they were.
We are at your disposal. See them—examine
them—perchance you may boy them.
To be convinced will cost j'on a walk only. We
are glad to wait on you at all times.
Your money savers,
The Boston Store,
Front etraet
THB xoumro 1£B00BX>, BATUBDAT, 7ULT so, IBM.
om, - MiomoAii
im «mj artnovnoi
tee u
She Bk
1 tor tbe dip by
B. J. Maryan. whUb wneunnw. Mr..
toe team and bad no ekanee to Ud m
» T. Bjona
J. W. Hamm.
A «. HAJon, nutor mad MABAfv
V OH^CtteBUtw
ii th» Jo»mBb« ■«
laA-.MMAsA elMBMOar.
HcKurunr ud hto «MMt
SMtMedtkAivfly «f U\i ffovmto tbt prciy—ili «t 8p^ towArdt
BMM a^otiAtionA. Tba doouaeat it
brlaf ABdlothtpolak UaaionBtAtoAa
mltfBAtam aad ito Uraw wiU be oa*
a br tbe adadaiatraUoit with at
Mcb rtffCM- M that etbar alUmatan
vUeb Spain refawd to eo«4der latt
MciBf.aadtbenaaltof wbkh it tbe
iMtraetlaa of the Bpaaltb naiy and a
with. TbetnrmenponwbiehtbeOnltod
Blatm wiU eoaeider peace propeeala are
nmeoMbte end perfeetly lair to Bpala
Oder tbe dreaMtaneea.
Onha maet
katma. Thatwaa wbatthie ro«»'
mentatartedoattoaooompliab and it
■m eaetiid. Tben. Porto Kleo mnet
%n ended to toe United Statoa We did
ant Mart oat with meterie! axpanatoa
«< te^tory in view: bat ««aato bare
Mdealartbermerlfteeby Spain neeanmiy.
Beeidee tbie,
ten one of tbe Imdrone Uiande
tbe PaeiSA. at
Tbie waa net expected
Am. bat tbe prayrem of tbe war baa
teowa tbeadraataranfea^aaaoqat.
Mten and we are eatiUed to that far>
Iter ronrrmlrf from Spain, by reaaoe
a She tom eSeire barn taken alnee
Ste ararbecan. The yrnt problem U
«te Pbfllpptnaa It la oettaln that we
fvtU beve e parmaaent eoallny authm
ma the ielende, bat toe fatare forem.
■Mt le a mettor yet to be detor>
Mted. Wbelber it wUL W wiee to
tote tbe Uiande U a , .
nd grare momeat, and it U nM
pM aettled whether we want them
nrnet. Bet one tbiny ia apparmv
•mrvtoatlU that Spain-e
nenr toe Uiande mut oeaee. Tbie
•aanee u be toe eantimet of toe
fnepla of toU ooantry and it U be.
Ifnrndtoattoe ...........................................
mat lU ooame eoeordiny to toe wUbee
M toe peopUoftoU oeantry aad in
Mantd with tbe deeiree of toe reel4mUoftoePI>
lay B75 Buds.
The MtsUyu Baaket Fbetory wae
wear bnaUr tona it U thU anmmar.
mrr depertmut bMay rnahed to iu
fnlUMoepaaitylotUtoe ordeneanaed
by theUyfreUvopeinMlehlyaa aad
iny etntaa Prue thU time
uUlUtote toe tall there wUl be no
let ap la the work, and toe year wUl
be am of toe laryeet la toe bUtory of
toe factory. »T5 buda are em^oyed
and they are bnay from
—rainy to niyht. teeterdaT'e oatpat
of Climax peaeb aad r<ap« batkete waa
ts.OOO, and tbere bat bean M anataal
demand for berry eratee, of whteh *000
are made daDj. Tbe loeal demand baa
been bearier than erer before, abowlaf
that tbe fralt cro»*rt •*
raieinr more berriee and tmaU <mlte
than in preeioat yeara
The baebel baaket department bae
bees eo erewdad «ltb nrden that
a aamber
bare beea added, aU two
loadeof noodoteaeaebare tamed oet
daUy. le tbe Gllmex baeket departt tbe work in yeeie past bae beea
done eatliely by band, bat the eompany bee Wan axperlmenttnf for name
Ume with maebinee, wbiob bare at
laet beea perfeeied, and twenty ar
atien tbU eammer, addlay laxyely
to tbe eapaeiey of tbie department, la
addltton to Ueee neariy eerenty baade
goUy rtcnic Tnny.
A jolloy erewd ujoyed yeeterday
ptulcklag at Aema ^ They wwt oat
la toe merainy ud retamed laet even*
lay. after heelay had a ymeml good
Tboee preeut were Hiemm
Edith aad Oraoe Baatinga. Grace ead
Mary Bdred. Pranc Palter. Puay
Oetty of Ealkaaka. end Bids 9Ui
Of Ana Arber. Meaera Roy ud Jeek
Parry. L 3. Plane. CUrk AUea, Lewranee Bank. Theru Morgu ud Harry
Parker. Tbe party wm ebapew
by Nia H. A. Perry.
OfMt XaMcel BvMt.
Then U e Atrong probability that
I That Beadere
traeeree Oty wUl bare tbe plcesaia of
ae Hoed Hot
lUlning to tbe renowned Mr. and Mra,
Bdgau K. DeeU' Grand Coaeart Co. ef
ObUaye Jeiy *e.-Jndyo Tbley of New York In toe aear tatnra. TkeU
Ite dreaU ooort today raled In leror baeiaem manager, baa promUed to
nftWeblppeialnetoet oeee broaykt briny the oompaay to tbU elty if a rea>
by toe lUiooU Manatecterera* aae<
aouble decree of interest U mulfasted.
A etrony efTert U bciny
BUa. yranUny e writ ef mande
made to aeeare toem. MteOUalla
Webber, premier lady enlinUt of .
•U paekayea for ebipment wltooet toe rope. U with toe oiguUaUoo.
' payment of one eeet la exeeea of toe
pnyalar rato. The caae will be ap-
The MUem Oraoe Moryu. Oertmde
a Ponad aad Mariu
HAHHOW BBOAPX at bat TIBW Heatagna, Clara
Boberte. drove rertoSic Baplda yeeBnr. aad Him. B. L Xelloyy ^ An
U vUirOld Mlmton toterday They will
Vnpleaaaat Bxpcrteaoe in a Bterm.
day. driving from Elk Rapids tbU
Tbe DaUy Reeortorof Petoekey esya: efteraooD.
“*«T, E. h Kellayy and wife of TrarMr. and Mre. a W. CTuduing of
seae City bad a narrow eeeape from •priagfleld 111.. Utt for Petoekey today
tenth in' their Bay View teat Wedeee- after a akort vlrit with Mr. aad Mi>
tep night. Abonlalerea o'clock, when O. W. MeWetby. Mr. audealag U
She etorm wee at tu belybl, a beech pmrieter of toe State BegUtrr ud
Srae ton Inohea la diameter
hU wife U u old college friend of Mra
sbhppad by toe wind and eraebad MeWetby.
Shtonyfe toe tut betwew Mr. Kellayy
There will be e meetiog of Oraoe
ate wife. One of toe bruebee elraek eberch Oaild thU eftenoon at two
Mre. Kelloyf in toe forehead laflletlny o'eloek, at toe borne of Mia. Dnder^
• nliybtwonnd.
TheU tut wae pitched U tbe edge
Joba A. lioranger ud MUe Core Tre•( -toe wooda along Poreat arraae. vU rajoyed a day's flaking at Lake Ann
Aroneed trmo toel, cou by tbe wild yeatorday garnU of Mr. ud Mm. U. L.
ywiB of wind ud toe ereakiag of the tAkr.
Hnee, Mr. Kellogg wae eUndlog :
MUi BnUer of Orud Baplda baa ac
one aide of tbe teat while bU wife etptod a paelUoB with Uudriekt A Oa
WM near tbe oppoelto elda The
feetlonara adjoining MiUor’e drag
smabed torengh toe middle of toe ust
baSweu toem and tdl eqaarely a<
Next Boaday aftomooa aad ovulag
tee Klderb pUlow. jrbere hU bead bad toe B«y»' Bend will give exeareloaa
maud only e few momreU before. on toe Qaeen of the Lakes, Inataad of
The plUow wae eo tightly pinioned by the^reacoat band aa formerly aui
the torn trank which preeted it down
npM toe eot thajf It ooeld not be
P. E. Strable baa moved bU barber
paltodoat nnUltoelogweareidoTed.
shop from Front Strut to tbe balldPm. Hlrnr, the well known cancer
and blood epeeialieia. will rUlt TreemwOityMxtTaeeday. Tbelrioeg unertanoe inearce eaeeeee In toeb- pao.
Ctem. A oenmltaUon with Dta. MUer will eoetyoa nothing add may renalt la grew good. (See large ad. la
SUl Uue.)
. SbeUmu wtU ramaia la the Mty
cr P. DaeU mestrrd woM yeeterday
uamnalay toe dmto of bU mother at
Maekegon. He left forihat plaoe last
eeulag Md wae aoeompuled by hU
wife aad daayhter. MUe Mabel. After
epending a few wetoa at Motoeyw
they wUl eUlt mlatieae la tbe eemthem'
part of toe ataU.
lUe Vera Bmltb of Muton U vlelW
While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of all.
It will pay you to .try onr 13c bulk, coffee —a good
wholesome beverage at a small price.
*Pbone 167.
248 Front Street.
Watch This Golumn For Bargains I
arrived at Vurouver. B. C
A Tecuniseb. Mleh., man has been
lag Mra Caaatngbam of Wasblaytoa
shipping b«»ilhls year tn Sngtud.
ScotUnd and the B-nnuda tsluds.
Charles S.cklea while Uadiug grain
to her b^ la Cbknyo after a visit near MeUmora. Mb h.. was bad.y bitten prime wlU be right. A. S. PRTMAN. SBOB8,
with her pareaU Mr. ud Mra V. In tbe wrist by a rattleenUe. He wjU
Plneb. Ska was aecompeiiied by bar
dugcr of e etrlka in tbe Iron n
deagtter, Miaa Selaevlva
PETTERLY. OtS Monru street, Wmt 814^
Mm. Fred Plneb of Onion emet U ng dl
Ask Us For Prices,
lis Front street.
Do You fact a Boat?
A.CiMorgwbaaretoraedfrom ChL
eayo aoeompuled by Mlm Franc Olbaoa wbo will spend e few weeke with
her eliter. Mra Mergaa
T. A. Conloe arrived to the dty toat
evening from Au Arber to spend severel weeks in rut ud insnrenee work.
J. F. Homer of Cbtoeygu U to tbe
dty being entertained by C A. Bagbea
De^ Selber of Satwas Bey I
tosm'oB baalnam and pleaeara
Beeert Hotaa
Mra NteboUud MUi WyiU wbo have
rafewWMki at Omeaa
retamed to their borne at Grand BapIdtyeetordey.
Mr. Altmd Mewboaae and famUy of
Sa LmU. Ma. are rmerfltig to toe
H.C.Aner end tomlly of ChdUUe
went to Omem yeeterday.
Mr. aad Mra. C. B. Brans arrived ia
toe dty ymterday from Clsdnaati and
win spend seme time la toe dty.
G. & Cmmrncr ud wife arrived last
evaaiag from Grud Baplda ud etopped over night at tbe Park Plaee. They
wU laavw toU moralng for a rUit
among tbe rceorto farther north.
Wallers. Tramboll of Old Miselu
took dlaner at toe Perk Plaee ymterdey.
Mm. J. C. Cook and daagbtor of Chioayo. aeeampenUd by Mr. J. C Piextin of Chicago, retamed to tbelr bt
erday after ep'niing some Ume
raaorUng at Old Mietow.
Mm. B. H. Ontebeon came down
Omeca yeeterday to amet
Oeneral Catebeoe who arrived from
Orud Rapids to eejoy e few sroaka’
rmi at Omeaa.
W. S. gobaeon of MUwanku took
dloiiar at Park Plaee ymterday.
Mra J. A. Braes, meneyer of toe
Omeu Inn. sputa tow hoam to the
dty yeeterday.
Mra 8. & Walker eeaw down from
OlaHiaaiuymtaHeyudsputa tow
boom ebopplDy to the dty.
Oar baby has .. _________ _______
led with ooUe ud d^eta Intutam
'nee bis birth, ud all that we conld
do for bin did not seem to give more
edy be bes not been
want to give yoe thb tesUn
evideoce of oar yraUtade. not that you
Ingeppoaiielbe MereutUa OCa bloel^ need U to adverUse year meritoitou
on Union street.
Tbe Cbicayb Bdyare will be bare
Monday ud Teaadey far two yamm of
On ^oeunt of toe oonttoaed i
beeebaU with toe BaeUnm. Today
ud tomorrow they play at MenUtee.
bare nnUl Tneedey afta
U toe writo-ap of tbe' new efacmioal
Cbeepast and most reluble place to
yoor bicycle repaired aad
pat is good nissuig order. Hava bad aereial yeara experience and
know bow it aboald be dooe. Setiefactioo gsarasteed. I am aellkig
bicycle aosdriea at abost coet Xew and second band vfaeeU for aa
and to rent. Pleaae give tu a trial.
Biaxing a apecialty.
BLLIB. 811 TroBt At, Bast
MUe May Shlra ef Mai
Uag a few weeks eUltlng Mr. and Mra
Jamae Bblia ef Beat Xl^to atroet.
r. Baumbexr posttBseter at 8t. Louia
Him team Daeidau ef Tarameek,
D. K. Hdmm «-ee asmed for goverfdrmer Traeeiaa City toacber, U tU- or of NorUi DekoU by Uie PopulUU.
Chicago morning papers are—moct of
inji toe family of Wm. London.
them—to sell for Z'cesta after next Sun
M. B. HoIUy rotamed Uat oeenlng day.
from a two weeke’ eUit at bU old h
e powder mill of E. T. gebneon. at
in aioeerariUe, M. T.
Troy, Pa- was blown np ud the owner
Mra M. A. Ponnd of Owenae. ee
leph Sebetxmau.dr Arpleton.WU .
of one of toe Samt and moat eneeemfal
job prinUag offiem In that part of toU
aute. U spending a taw days In the
who, thoagb aewattoU wnrb,are t
utoruinieg her mother, Mia Pruk
ing u exeallut record aed proeiny Lo^ioebi ef Grand Baplda
eery aptntbandllay toe baakato.
Mlw Puny Gct^ of Kalkaska U the
ya.atof MUeKiitoHaatlays of Kan*
dolpk street.
C. A. Barker of CUeayo U to the
Aad a Tnnay Kan term Oh
Wh Hat a Xhiet
J. W. MUliken UatOryetd lake eeA yoaay mu named BUken
Ineilag a camping plaea
Mlm Juaie Smith of Biybto strut U
aberiff Aebton at tbe iMtuee of toe ntertalalag MUe LottU Dengjerty of
utoorllee ef Chertuoix. who bed a Blk Baplda
warrut tor hiaametua eherye of
Barnaul WUbelm aad family are ueteaUny a bicycle beloayiay to A.
jejiayetu day's ntlnget Tuba
Cmlur. It waa allayed that the acDr. J. O. Maaeon and eu Fred are
l toe wheel to ride to uje^ a few <toye leblng at Carp
tatUd to ratnm it as Lara
t be rode toe
Mrm. M. B. McIntyre U eatertaintog
wheel tn thU city ud wbu ^aaetloned her sUtom Mra 6. Lynn of Ctodnuii
be etatod that he bad at oaoe erat it aad Mra P. Carie of PUtowell. Hleb.
beck to toe owaer. OBeer Aabton InP. M. Wilson of Klagaley wae a vU<ialmd of CbarteecU by
itor here ymterday.
toat waa toe cam ud wee netlSmi that
W. F. OUl came in from OilU Pier
TbeBpwertb Laayae of tbe Fliat
KetodUt toarrli are preparing for a
■utexearaiuutoebby Monday
been averted.
D. J. McDonald, the torvinu of tbe
8aw>-er A Oooim^n saw mlU,Mar1netie,
WU. Cell into the saw pit. badly cutting bis thigh.
Oeneml fibsfter haepleued thenaUve
Cubus hr pennitung them to occupy .
and rule over tbe town Cf S'lngn. n'ar |
Santtago. surrendered by the Bptn^eh. '
NearBprlng Artxw. Miefa.. there bae
just been tbresbid TT« bushels of Amer
icas hronse whtat nn nineteen acres, an
tvemxe ct f«irtr-ons buabels per acre.
SpecUcIes, iSc to $S.OO.
S cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-S cents
Bmt Five Cent CSgnr Made. THB GILBERT CIGAR 00.
Guard Chains SSTu5i.“.;&.1.'^mSSSIS?S-WS‘.
Fine Piano for $140.
tf«S. will sell to yet room, at 1140.
Manager. SU Front eUesL
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
HIRAM COOK. Star Groemy, MS Prut Street.
Bon Bods, Choice CoDfcctions.
Kme to tbe world flper tbu tboee mede
?B0. B. MeLBLLAH, eoraer Prut
ud Park streets.
Zaza, the Clairvoyant. Furniture Bargains
Zaxa. toe world's yreatmt eUlrvoynnt ud medinm U here. She telU
yur fell name. tolU namm of frteeda,
tells wbatym called for. roads yonr
uUrelife loalutly udeorreeUy wiibUt eskieg n fnmtion. Tke peat vivid
ly reeelled. toe present nomUtak*
nb'y given, the fntnre eleerly foretold.
Do not eelm toU greet oppottnnlty to
oenenlt Baaa, as she rrmains la Trevvne Cfty thU wmk only. Zasa baa de
veloped tbU wonderfnl power la But
ladU. She bu beea tnagkt by toe
greet adepu the dovelopmeat of toe
e ubUe forem of toe bamu
yuUm or whet assy be termed tbe
eeienee of the eul. ThU etody lends
SotoeaeijaAHtoaef powem which ap
pear myetotiene to tbe ordinary eeneea,
bnt wbleb are only toe rosnlt of know
ledge at aataral lews of e more delieate
klad toen toom which are more yeaernnderstood. Here one week only,
dell lU Stole street, comer of Cme.
No More Atlas Coupons
udredrnspberrim. foreenniag pnrpoaen. THUBTELH A GAKB. PALACB
BAKERY, eomer Union ud 7th e
Columbian Restaurant
renalaa article, mede at
Bakery. tSi Front sMcet.
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-tiHlate Paiater
aid Paper Haager.
Shop Opposite Bagle Offioo.
; Whichever you may wish when salting yourself with a pair ■
: of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to.date stock ; of Hen’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th<s season of ;
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy- cle Siding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable :
and the
Knows Just What Ho
Wonts In This Poaeo Nogotiatien with Spain.
H*Wm Ha*« Nnc mt Um PU^iteM
£sc«pt ■ Coaliflc SuUoa,
JWylty. a»w>r«r. BmmUs U «h*
mUpplM MIHUM-Chv«» mt M
Vklth bum. Ap«M»7yh>l or m Ua. Par.
Imp* I'Hwd far SpaaUh Kmm Omw
iOaptlMi — BaM* iMPlac Op
WMkljgton. J0I7 2*- — AltbovKb It
«• atateO WrOneaday that au an*
ouMennrnt ol fhe loa Ucd aaauniLd tor
tSa L’altad BUlea Id tb* matter of tbc
peace twcotlaifana vltb Spain aoold be
(oniwoinlnc before It bad bean formaliy dJararaed la the cabinet, there la the
beii reason to belUve tbat after the
ifereocea the prealJeat baa bad
iadlvldually with the members of ble
DBbbjei he has already made up hia
awd mind, and that Secretary Day baa
evee DOW tiractlcaUr reduced to form
the reply that the L'nlivd States yovaramrat win make to the Bpanifb B->y*
araiBMit'e oeertnre through AmbaanaOorCamboa. Ab ut tbc • aly polni that
: I aaema to be upea to amendment of aa
o axteativr rharacier la the dlspoaitloa
; of the PblUpdoea.
Whlleihrkdiii.nieirtftli-nhaBaot failed
tatakeDotlmoftbeeauaiof the damead
for thaJracquialUOD by ibeUnttedSiatea
aa axblUted in certain eert-ons of the
aDuntry It can be eta:ted that the coa-elarlon has bees roacbed to a dde by
tha diat deeUloD on lUa point—lamsiy.
to rallDoulab the islanda reuialny
a ooallny atatlofa tbera aarrounded by
a Bufflaent nose of land to maka
It aelf-aupportlar
Tbc daclal a it
able. may be acain chanced berorr tbt
cabinet dlrpo-aa of the mauer teday. aa
MroiK tnfloehcca are at work to induce
the president to laalat upon tha subatltuUoDof at least aa indccp^ndcni covarnment ovrr the Philippines fur Spaalah rale. Xr this point aball be difficult
of settlement Jhc answer to Bptin may
»M be readered today, but may hare
to wait upon another cabinet meitlny
Mat Tuesday.
That Charce er Bad FaHb.
Tbara was a dAplay of indlcnaUcn la
•ffieui circles yea.trday upon the pu.4;cotton of what was reported to be a
•uumoat from tbc Spanish premier
tmpatlBS bad faith to the United States
la puraulay the war ana conUnulny to
make eon<iuesu. However this feallay
BOOB wore off as It became apparent
spoB reflecuon that the aiatemeni was
w ■*«nply
movas OB the tward of SpanUh polities,
and was intended for purely borne conanmptloB. The report from Madrid to
wards the close of the day that the
aewapapera there had irlven their approeal to the lerma of peace de«crihed
by the prerldent went towards rel.ewlny
■paJalUyBe Baey aaS tbe Caltad. SMys
auvate Olflfaalt,
U It Shalt appear (bat this Madrid
atatement Is well-founded and d)fti the
Madrid paper* fairly reflect the views
of the mesa of the Sp.;aUb people, then
It aeema probable that the •dIffleuiUet
that will lie before the admlniatmtion
la acc< mpHablay pMte would be rather
latemwl than exumal. and will be
baaed upobthe preparation of a treaty
that *faall aecurr the satUfsctlun of the
United Stata aenaie. u any be pedaled
out In ihU connection that If we are
really as near u> peace aa many p.O].U
sappo*e It Will l.ecome neceMOry to Ume a tall tor aa extra session of the
seaate to act ui»n the peace treaty
with all.of tbe prump-ma* that the laportane* of the subject demtnda
It l^s been ru«Sfj.ted In a me quar
ter* that ^leln ij.i been dl. ny.auoua
la msklhg the advante td I si Tu-.aday.
and that Itrr real purpose was to de
velop ihe position of the United Elaie*
rrapect’ny jhe Phllipp.ne., hortny la
_ way (aoeeurc Uj. art vr sup;-ori of
asa wQl baaS with bis aqnadroa tor Ua
van ASK PDB AJtmAnoK.
OBsa BetUyees aS Atlaam Pswsc Osba
OMitay late the UalM.
Atlanta. Oa.. Jnly tt.-AUaata barbera many Cnbaa refuyeea, and acarly
all of them faror aaaealny tbe Island U>
tbc Ualtsd mates. Many of them seer*
baolabed from the Islaad a year aye by
the Spaniards and they coaSdeatly expeet to return aoon. Dr. Praadaco Pla.
one of tbe moat promlnenterefuyees lb
town, said last nlyhti "I have always
bpileyed that aDaeratlon meant tbe aalvation of Cuba, and while the maiorliy
of native Cubans favor aa ladcpeodeet
ynverameat tberc are yreat aumbers
who arc anaexatlonlsta. B. Uorcai had
this to say: "I think the maioritr of tbe
Cubans on the Islaad favor a ynvemmeat of their oa-a. but I BouM be sat
isfied wlib aa American form of yovemmeat. as 1 believe It would work
yreat yood.**
Euyenln Crabb: *1 am for aanezatkA.
I I iBlend
yolny bark to Cuba
peace has been restored. Those who
have ylvea tbe matter any tbouyht at
Hsr Psepis Only FssI 8stisfeo>
tion and Rtlisf at tha Ap*
preaeti of Paaea.
tkm aysLian tbe United States Exprem
eempaay—a tuK case oa tbe uaeatlon
whether tbe shipper or tbe
paay should
... ---------------------------..r
ped^ i
Tnley yester
day ruled la every polat ayalnst tbe
company. Tbe case wiu be carried to
hlyber trlbuaala pi the defendants li.
tbe salt.
Judye Tuley's opinion covered ever>
^aac presented by tbe orlylaal blU and
tbe answer, except tbe criastltuUonel
question raised by tbe defendants. Upi>i>
this the court refuses to rule, hut not,
however, without expressiny bis optaloB that there was ao yround for tbe
■vaa the CMIsle IMvMed on the Oaartlea
of BaWay CWIs-Ke l>Ul«rboo«> Ukaly
Ko Mauev Mow Capaleteble the Term*
er IWe-PrellmlaaHM to tbe ttyMlay
I-oDdoB. July
The Madrid correSTH-ndeni of The Dally Mail remarkiny
OB the "feellax of aatlafacUon and re
lief the peace overtures have produted"
Bold Tb^r State Ceovootleh aa Dotratl
saya: "Thfre U lUOe probaWUty of
Oa aepl. SI Mast.
popular dlacohtecl. sad none at all If
Detroit. July 2».—At a met day of tbe
Spain Is allo^ to reUla the Ph:iippines, and Is not compned to p»y In- Repoldican xiatr central
held here yesterday afierBOoa. It was
de^cd to bold ibo atate convcatloa for
another refuyee, "are flyhtlny for an
Domlaatlon of state officers In LH-troli
and they
been flybtiny f«'irfor'7~rsT"^t“«
cbout the aUv.eaiiMcy of rlslny,
who have lived here any lenyth of time U>* Marquis de Orralbo aad oiner ^ i^e committee—particularly the Plaand have studied tbe American form of leaders op|«' Iny the a ep Neverthelee* ‘ pi^e men —urclny aa early convention
yovemment are of the opinion that an- tt U feared that Don Car.oa will insist while tbe antla. amony them D. M. FernexatloD wUl be the beat tfalny for tba up«»i K."
ry. tbe atate chairman, desired a abort
The Usdrtd correapandrat of Tbe' campalyn
Teleyraph aaye: -However, un-1 Senator Bnrrowa who la a candidate
twuuhle (he term* of p-ace may be | for re-electloa before the next leyltUm have favored the later
Hlseevaat Who MaltMed Bie WlSeVtaal- they will not provike the t.lybiest dls-1 (nre. m
turbanev In Spain, where llaticas la-! date for the coaventloa Oovemor PlnlyMaidet* Her.
; yree baa not yet anaounced hit persoaB.^amea X.. difference 1* pre iom'aaiit •'
aa to United Butca aeoRempton. of tbU diy. shot sad la-
atantly k.lled hU wife and then at- •erV^^teT^rn^“.o^n?4l7h7;
tempted to take his own Ufa by shootIny bimaalf In the head with the saaw
ipon. HeraptoD had lived unhappily
with bis wife for aeme time aad It la
alleyed oHea maltreated her and on a
number of occasiona tbresiened to take
her life. The murdered woman had
several times Irfi her husband w th Ito
tntectii-n of yetcay a divorce, bui Up a
bis tvnewad promlaes to reform she
would return to bit roof. About ten
days ayo be threw her vlclcnt y to tbe
floor and attempted to stranyle her.
Tbe nelybbora iaterferi-d. took her to
the home nf her brother and ahe heyna
pmceedinyv for a divorca
„ h„!i«ed tor some day. to yo beyond
aa unoffiriBl explnrail..n at Waablnyton. t^nee the d-p'otrailc airenta
ployed to make the souadl ya yave con-' I
Btctiay a<»-.-uoi. ot Preaideat McKIn-1
^ ^position. When, bowevqr. it j
'that the Amerl^n war prep-1
arnib ns cont'aned Duke ‘Ivo^ovar de
Wo. minuter of foreiyn affatra. wae In
structed to rend ih - note Tne cab'nst
met Wednesday evertnx to delllieratc
as to the bv«i means and channH ol
neyottation. Part, and I/mdoa wer I
boih dlacuased. N« decl.loff vs* arrived !
at. hut a majority favored *eodiny t
Sr nor Moret. former minister of tht
coltmlea on a special trim on to Lnndoi
CabU to Oee Oelaalee.
8aa Fraariscp. July
Tbe Evealnx
Post Saya that the United SUies wli;
______ L_________...
_____________ ...
ecled by cable
^ ^
cable w ill connect the United State*
Hawaii, the Ladronea. tbe Philippinea and Hony Kony.
Tbc paper eaya that accordiny torthe
terms of the ronlracl tbe work muerbe
The price
•• sisted to be nb.OW.oM. The
ct’mbsny has been opemtiny very qulel>y
co-operaUoa of IhU yov>
»«« s«d tbe Hawatlaas. pendiny the
............... ..................
— -TrooM*taaalUU<rf*B««te*nt. «
Waahlnyton. July 2>.-There U aome
confualon at Camp Alger In tbe BevenU.
minoli reylmenl owing to a multlpllcID' of ordera Oovemor Tanner or
dered that a lieutenant colonel should
__ Waal a Speed raetjlameot
feellay favor, direct ney.t’a
'nt-rfe cnee from out
«« ‘t«‘
There I. mile doubt that l
"eaWent McKinley'* reply prove, at
■<^tahle baal. the nryotlatlon* will
“®* *»• protra< led since Spa a. for mtay Major C. C. Ballou to take command cf
I» desirous < f a «i*edy aeit>- Uw ballallon In ebatye of Lieut Col.
»<’ *»cfat»fe at the MorUrty. _________________
P^nt mo:, ent l uM c opinion I* calm
ycterday * . al Ir.ei council Kenor
Oshkosb. Wla. July a.-Tbe Indica
Sayasta *ald he had around, for h«ption* are ttst a re'tlemmt of the 0«hkosb strike moy soon lie accomplished.
The POater-Hafnrr lorapsny. «me of the
th•tHketaal Pans BeleaMd. There Betay Va Etimiean caMcfti had Iven Informed aUt flrmt who have net succeeded Ir
nf the step
«tep Seala
Si.sla had taken,
taken. rm ntit a. making term* w ith their men. has ac-.
Pena. lUa.. July
The trial of tbc to tj,, ,ejti of ibv n te • nt t > Pr>*Id r cording to the general secretary <rf the j.
seven union miners arrested at tbe In- McKinley. The cab net .o,.nrtl am mt oryanlsatlon of wo'dwvrkcra asked for
atlyaUoD of Mayor Warren Penavll for meet ayair cntl' Krt-’ev vn ny, hy a coramlUec of suifcer* to meet with
the slrrtl* leadlny to the which time lb- aljent McKinley**'reply the mhnacen «r.t. In:erd.ny to d.acuat
■■peace mia.ure*.*' ________
Peawell mine, of which he Is one of the ** expocied."
owners. ua« brouyht to a sudden andniKKa ni-a vs-itwa win nawn
Got fp to viioa* SB f>wl.
iny ymrrday aftcrn.«m. when only half
TBlhK* OLB Ttk«« TOO Babo.
Masenatah, Ills., July n.-rfJe«ryeMnp.
of the erldtnce for the pr. accUtlon was Tl*« oraOermaa Kdhor-J'weope to Oaa- a prcmlnem and wealthy farmer resldIB. City Attorney Morgan di.ml.sed the
ler M^rdiay the PMiippiam.
lr.y enc mile from Mascouatb. commit
caaejad the mliHr. were rel,a«-d from
^..^he Vienna corre- ted suicide Tuesday ntyfat. He got UX',
ir.;‘.irin'r7V of tJ.e^'ml^;'.^
Teleyraph aaya. at mldntyht. uninslbly to shoot an owl.'
and the only prortedlny for the city ^‘■ project d a Jhtropean conference took down a shotgun and went out on
was to dismiss the case.
reyardlny Ihe Philippine* was bnniyfat tbe lawn, where he placed the gun tohl*
Tbc airrsicd miners have Instituted forward Ion* ayo. and there Is every bead and pulled the trigger with hi*
suit ayalnsi Mayor Pennell and hla prospect that the tonference will meet
bondsmen for XU.COO damsye* for Ula* in Parts."
Omaha. Jnly T’.—Tb* alatb annua'
Imprlaoamem and defamation of charThe nrrtJn rorreepodnent of The
Time* a«yw; 'The l*rm* erf peace which •easioB of the Unll.-d Stale* League of
Building and U.un asKmut
nesreeoB lb* Rail FteM.
Amerlta lmt»*e* occasions' surprise Local
dooed yesterday v(th the eleetlea af
Chleayo, July D.—Pollowiny are base here as mui b t.>o hard- The KaUoaaJ officer* for tbe nest ye.r. rrtie olll'er^
ball recorJs made by Laayue club, yea- Cacetie remarks that the Unlled States chooen were: Prmident.. Frvd Bader.
t.rdiy; Al St. Loul*-B:»ton •, 8L h,ve not w«n a victory slynal eoouib Clsrlnnail; secretary. U. F. Cellarlus
L.UU l: at Plusbur^^ll^elphla T.
hard ,er!Sl .jn*- ClnclnnaU.
PItlsbury 0; at 1-uulsvllle—New York presaes the opinion that the preapecta of
«. toulsv.lle «; at CinclBrutl—Brooklyn ■peace are. In conaequicee. yloomy."
1. Cincinnati *: at PhlladelpbU-CleVeTh* Time*, commentln* editorially
Isnd-Raltlmorv yame
upoB tbe ruygcalUm «f Tbe National July 2*.—The bedy of Kart Anderson,
tiasette that ihe t'niled SUles have not seaman, of the Unlled Slate* rrulser
West.ra League: At St. Jc* ph-M I............
rtetory alynal enough to warrant Brooklyn, was buried aahor* here yesvaukee I. Bl. Joseph 6: at K.nea* City
momlny. Anderson wa* killed
accldeniial dlachanre of a Span
Paul—Detroit X. St. Paul Ji a
nf Hpalh merely ehon-s that these crlt- ish on>-p-und shrll, smucyled from on*
l<* entirety fall lo yr**p the military of tbe destroyed Spanish cruiser*
slynlAcaacc of America* sea power. against the order* of ^puin Cool^
Th> sh<U exp oded while Anier.-en was
hammering It In *tl elf.irt to aeparair
tjie cartridge and rbe L Several of the
Pacinc. I BrtKjklyn'*
1 were around at Ihe
newspsper* for the Drnufratlc American Impertal fK.llry
oralpeiion tat
in ilie bexf'Jbf adtantagr* of which
part of them. A little before S o'clock
p. IB. Bempion drove up to b't bouse
and aeni hla little Ifr-year-od dauyhter, EU. over to her aupmother. requeatlny her to come after the remalalay clothes, aa he bad unlocked the
room for her. Tbe woman met her
hnshaad at the door aad he talked to
her in an aaaurtny manner and In no
way Indicated that he Intended to do
her any bodily harm. The moment,
however, that ahe stepped into tbe parlor the dastard shot her.
1K..™ c..... Si .':s,:rSSro“^‘™r.TEr^'^’;
3tch ffa’m Berlin a newspaper there
...................... . ,\(ofes*>* to knew that the Porto Rican
. .1.1. -___,.« r*.____ ..
. , ! next cSh.nalrti.
r*r.,p*rgn. h?ncv-Ve aedvi.tf
actlvi:y or
of ' olonh
olonUI l.glrlolur. I.ss ad^rte^ auton1 Pvrr.j'i frirnd*.
''my anJ 1* ree.-l* ><i to priest ayalaii
; APttaS.hr. ocpupat! r <.....................
She deslie* sea^e. It la nut likely that
-------------Mall motto-at Chleswa.
the Europe* . power* could profit Im
Chicago. July
Thousands of win- state* went to war to enforce.
properly by leim.ay wbat the BjtHi- Jow panes wer* broken during a heavy, 1.,^,. j„|y S»._Al the ckhlnet council
tloas wf.thtj united StateC ajv. hut at hall Sturm in this city last evening. Th* yesieitlay M. Voloama. minister of forany rau IT Is due to the trort^J at l*>*e hfavy rain
which foiiua-eil dM great dgn affatra. aubrnmed to hU ctdloagues
and In th* interest of fair dealing in | daiMge
damsye K. the Inieri.uw ot apartmrat rertaln questions arising out of Spain's
fhtematlonal matters that our sute- bulUlhk* end school bausea
Th* overiurv* for peace. It Is believed that
flient should be maJe.
shrubbery tn tbe parks «a* cut up and
dlacusrt. n turned mainly on tb>
krecn house* damaged In the auburba
.nualUm of FTencbmen in Cub*,
^ aatertalAcd that Siain at one* ^ tbe trolley line* at* down in many ,„«ng rut ol tbe sugnailon of boalneas
setept the Urma proposed. On the bA- places. Many hones were kllltd by con- uiDoe the war l.cgail.
trarr 4 wave of popu'ar IndiynaUon Is Uct with live wlrea. Aa far a* learned
Madrid. July »,-»ptaln Aunon.mlnexpeued to sweep over the penlnsuU no penoB was aertuusly injured.
„ut of marine, baa received a dispatch
JX^n (pe aenouDtement of (he eondlAcM to a Ughtulny Itod.
fr<'R> Admiral Camara annuunclng that
ttths, thkl will cause lb* BpanUh yovColorado Sprthg*. Ctdo.. July tk**"=‘”7
ernment to drop the neyouatlonf and
**cMrr. who came
~— her* IB
•ullenly fight on. It there were any DurlM An electrical siurm here young
horsehoy* of an Intemlew with Senor Pariianrv to prommiinate—to secure an Artbiir
, boll of llghtnlay nnick
hchalf of peace Started for
armistice witliout r .mmittiny themirl* las; evenln*.
•elvrsi In HA to adopt any euur*- t*-at
would postp rte the evil aay .if a>ttle•efcrBatlwyT
nienl—the SaynaU minl.try undoubted body, makln* a aeaied me k.and t' enee
Mich.. July D.-N^la
ly would turn quickly lowe.da It. But entering tbe bone, which wa< last Stiy
from that point of view tb.lr case u
coBstn and Michigan, the Ann Arbor.
bopeP«a Meeting the Sad lab over
tbe Dunmar and WauMukee and tbe
ture « ilh franknea* the Un tel S a.e*
Banltog Psuvwd aa AUbL
Hulnies A Bon raUroids—the last twu
win i mend that It sheuld be treot.d
St. La>uls, July B.—tlic police are - exclusive logging roads—whereby the
. in the same spirit.
without a clew aa to the murderer* ol three are to have terminal* her*. If
It* .'lapdamon I* shown to parley at Charles A. BranL who was killed 4ton- thr deal i.s made the Wlsconaln and
'lenyih ibl* will net be encouragt-d. nor dsy night, rteorge Harding, brother ot Mlohfgwn w III remove lu eight nrilet ot
la It b 'levcd that the French ainbna- the murdered man's divorced wife, who rail* between Pe*hU«o and tbe harbor
aador onid be a party to any such was arrevtcd cn sueplclcn. ha* been re- to s m w line to be hum from Bjy. y
fspyra me. If there must be talk In- leased, aa he proved a complete aliU. Jurrtica to this city, a like dlrt:Bc«.
atsad c; action upon tbe United Slates'
Twtto PopalUts Ktoataala,
Swiri k Ca. Get sCsatfMk
the dleciuslon may proceed.
Austin. Tex.. July fS.—The Ft9*dl«
Washington. July *9.—Th* war detardlit .mtlHary or naval operatloaa xieie convention aomlaated Barney parunent yesterday awarded tbe conDewey and derrltt will proceed unln- Gibtaa of Dallas county, for sovemor. tract for fumlshiny beef to the troop*
terrup.-.dly to execute their pr.«raajne and W. Klrwpatrtck. of Cellliis eonnty. |a porto Rico to Swift • Co., of ChlH the PbUltpines; MI'es wli paUau* for lieutenant yovenujr. wUbont «r- cay». The price lo be paU M tkJI per
kis advaaee t^on Por.o H.co anJ Wat. posiijon.
SM-Mlehlgaa Men at WoeSsIk.
Norfolk. Va.. July D.-Th* innaport
Concho has arrived In Hampton Roads
with sick and wounded soldier* on
hoped, aim ny them Captain J. J. AnoersuB and Lieutenant W. R Case.
Tblrty-thlnl Michigan, and Ueutenant
J: A. Lelsen. Thirty-fourth Mlctlgan.
-I bsva and CbaBbcrlala's Oonch
R Cooper of
Bio, Oalltoniia. -For
email children wa find It eapeeialljeffaetlva*' For sale by 8. B. Wail.
a«ntaR Brows Brand—Tba ival.
main* article, made at John Aabb
Bakery, m Front etreeL
Why ahoaM
ywB carry iMUtsace
ertUi tbe------
floDU ProtectlTe issKiition
wacM If yo* are tick It *ye or
we paryon from the «r»t day you
are taken kck. also from tbe hour yon
meet wiU an abcMcnt. dl for 81 00 per
either aJeknes* or accMent. and
•o have the mODCy lo pay you with
Rton aed thm-k- l^k with us before
you yet Insured and yon will have no
District ayent for NwtberaMmn MtaUCai.'A^aty.Mteh.
Total Issue
The Morning ReennI
From Msy 1, to July 26,
1898, was
Daly Awrage, 1367,'
Guaranteed Gireulatiou!
TM CoiClisin Is nilil
The Record Reaches The People.
That is tliB reison it is a
It Coiers tUe Cltj ind Simiuidlag Oraatij Ior PoUj
Thu iaj Other Dillj.
The reason the Record la so widely oiroulated Is becatue it
Prints AM Tiia Naiu.
FnUy and up to the time of yolny
to press every morniny.
Uieicelled TsIegrafliHi lews Ssrrice.
Fitelr lllsstraM Feaiwrt ti Siiday.
Social aiteitisi Gins Local Hipieoiifs.
Tit ttt VART DEPABTIEIIT or The loriliig lecni
8hafl»r’« Whel* Amiy T* B*
8hipp«d Back Horn# as
Boon at Poaaibla.
Tilt—I ntV* obb^ •« iMc
B.4 SMtlMVCBiTlM. ». BrCM
WaahiDKtOB. Jnir 9—The war deaartmew lut anht poated the follow
tac from aantlafro de Cuba: ‘^ondtUoh
1 r the nth: Total alck. 4.1S: total (et
Mi:: eiew raseo.CS: caaea (ever re>
■>. ’-.t.
.1 H. FarelU Coma UaMCfauaettavoliuiteera.
at Bibener.. rellow (ever: £orporal
Thotnaa RoUoa. company p, Twentr*
fosrth infanlrr, BlliuneT. yellow (ever;
Pitvate William H. Byet*. cumrany D.
SevenleeDth Infantry, cerebral apoplexy.
-IfaJoT CeneraL"
Bow Any haiwoowe EaplaU Baltora.
Secretary ’Alaer la deeply concerned
aver the welfare of the icallant troopa
wader Bbefier’i rorr.n:and. now ea>
camped nn the ooteklrta of Fantiaira.
• The health report ahowa a aun'ruansly
(arse number of caaea of alckneaa. but
army MirKrona authuiiae the vtatemeat
that tbeae fisurea are tnialeadinii in a
certain aenae. and that the aliuatlnn
anay not be nearly ao bad aa they would
. aeefo to Indicate. The ■Hahteat allrrent
af the moat temporary nature aufflrca
to place a aoldlet'a name on the tick
taporta which. In their preaeot .abape.
aacta a cane and one of mortal Ulnesa
The Inference la that many of tbeae
eaaea in Bbafter’a camp are of a trivial
aatore. but yo to awell Its yrand total
af atek and woonded.
Shaaor^ Mm ea Cone Banw.
Kotwithatandlny tbia TnlllgaUny tael
•ecrotacy Alctr la colny to remime the
aoldlera at the very aarileat opportunity
to a more healthy clime. The time tot
hbeir removal la left to General Shatter,
the only UmltatioD placed upon him be>
toy that he aball cot delay the home*
ward eallias of hla troopa beyond the
■tomect when it aball be aafe for them
to leave Sar.tlayo. havlni reyard to the
while details arc
bdas made of troops to anpply theforce
that BhaU evrUon Baatlaro ao ionic as
It aball be found necossarr to contlnne
troopa there. This force wttl be made up
army wiU occopy a aplendid
•coOLDd on Loni Inland.
sun Kelhlax ttWB HUB.
Ko word came from General IDlea
yeaterday and the war department asovmea that be U punwtns bis adVanee
acroas the island of Porto Biro towards
■an Juan. They sitsrh llUla credence
to the SpaiWab account of a faatilc at
Tanca. resties confidence In the lellef
that when the (scu are toiown It wtu
be Imind that tMa was a vtr1or>- of the
asnaJ Spanish type rvsulUaj; in the com
plete achievemeni of the object of the
Amertcaa comandera.
V amlvln* t o sop.
port MUea and before the week Is over
the campaign tbepe ariU be In full swing.
' WashingtoA July 9.—Tbe war de2y that Colonel Cui«er. of the Fifth Il
linois voluateera aa CfaLkamaugA Is an
innocent victim of miarrrrvseaUUon.
It la reported from ('bivkama-uga that
heeaaae this regiment was turned hack
from the Pertu Kican expedition
Jxui deserted. Ihe^-Doni. •( the '
r^taMBt MT-bAn daMrayaS. and the
(allare to aoewre aeUvo nerrlet had
bCM ehaiBod up to the aecret efforu of
Coloaol Caivar w kaop It from sotnc to
tht frimt. It B aald at the dopartmest
that aa a matter of (act the coloaal
has been the vtctlm of rireumataacai
over which he had no oontroL
When the Fifth PUnote bad bMB or.
dervd to Porto Bkso a delecaUaw of Ip.
dlaaa people waited m the prealdent
and preoented the taA that althontb
(here were throe Indiana reKlmenta
fully equipped and ready for aerrtoo
none bad been ordered to tbe front. It
happened that of three lllinota reel,
menu avallaWe two bad been aent (orward In advance o( the Fifth, ao that
the department felt obltyed (to avoid a
charge of dlacrimlnation) to aaboUtuU
aae of the Indiana rv«lm«nU for this
r liUnoli r
With thB
nothing to do and did
aras In ooalemiristlnn.
Chlrkamaoga Park. Ga. Jnly th-The
disappolnuneat of tbe Fifth Illinois at
being turned back Wedaeaday after It
had marched to RaaavlUe b4i ao d:aboartened many that they have no fur
ther ambtUon for millUry life. Colonel
Culver den;ea any reaponalbll.ly for the
ordere calling the men back to camp,
and tialma that be «as analnns to go
with the reglmrat to Pono Rico. Uav
tng twice been shifted from brigades
that were ordered to the from the Fifth
nunota naturally feels greatly irriUted.
and altbeugh the men were muab more
tractable yesterday they were by ao
means plac'A
Private H. 3. Reeder, company A.
Firth nilaola. died at divtaion hospital
after two
days of great
Tbe uofortBiiate mas'a few
days since ate po son root ha dug up In
the woods. mlfUklft^lt for aaaaafrasa
*There art W.WO regular soldiers and
B,dW rolBBteers In the dty. *
day St
, Bpaaiah prisoaen coaflaed at Seavers
■ paid off by tbe Bpasish govenunent yeaierway. the
me mone;
money being reevtved from Admiral Cervera
personal direction of General Blasco. A otla, the mea rvcviviBg from M ■ luap0 tie
few days bafore 1 qolUed the city the each la Amertcaa correacy.
taptaln general told roe Hevana would
tte well-Blgh Impregnable, and that talk
E IF"'
:;S ••
li Bicycle Riders.
Bemember that I de aU kteds •( fw
pairing and sBamellag. and (hat t e»a
and do give yoa tbe beat work of sag
in the ettyfar
city tew the rntmey. Daa't
bat otbeiauU yoa J
tbe eoBtrary,
Igaarai ilae all my work «a be ilchL
and Jf it dost not prove no I make
In «0l i o'eiodt eaaiy aveaiar
except Saaday. in (be OaldweU A LoadoB bailding. at aortb ead of UaiCB
John R. Santo,
Eelieral lasuraacB.
Badaead Bamc on O. B. * I
Pereona troubled with diarrbon arill
I per wilA BaU
Traverse City, '•tsfc Vlnlersaledlntbeexparicace of Mr. Kc^tamber td, go^ to ratarn October
W. M. Beab. clerk of Ho
Indiasapilis. coa (are for roaad trim
Sell August Btb.ratara AagaatlSth. *
'oafor roaad trtpi
.ngnat 8tb, ratara
About two
)b«rlain*aCoMA Cholera and Diar
lady. Moeb to my surprise
Dr. A. B. Gmaney, of Detrcrit. also i and dell
eltght ‘U effects were immediata.
proprietor of Seed City Sanitarinm. i« I Wbeeav
aver ( frit sympUimt of tbe d(ooming to your town, where 1 e will • seaae I _____
. myself agaiast
Temain for one daj only to give the ; tbe attack wit
Itb a few doasa of this va!^ek aa opportnmty to consult hl* ;«aWe remedy. Tbe
rMslt has been
tbatcancot sechimathUSaniUrinm. Ivery asUataetory sad almoat complete
Tbe doctor baa ao much faith is tbe ; relief from the sflUcUon** Foreale by
experience ba baa had in treating A & WaiL Dragglst
chronic dlaeaaca that be wUl give one '
month's treatment and medicTnc frcA
We have aU Idsd* of aewtag maAiao rxEX ttracicaLoncxaTioxs to
AU. TBOSX TBAT SAS TOO tOOB TO PAT. ebtne naedlea. J. W. Slatkx's hanae
AUthat be asks in return Is that
every padeot will state to their friends
_ .. by ______________
« results
his t
AU forms of chronic diaeasesdand de> ganutne article, made at
(onaldes treated. Ko man in this Bakery, til Front atcaet.
State has had anch extended expa>
rienen is tbe treatment of CATARI^
DISEASES aa the doctor. He gradu l.ir.Puckia.
ated 87 years ago from ClereUnd,
Ohio; waa 15 years in general prac
tice; after that lectured as Professor
of Anatomy and Physiology in Detroit
Attonw* M Law.
Homeopathic Medical College for t
years; was8years Superintendent of >«aB Is Boatags* PtevA TmvsvB ntr. MMA
Alma and Vpsilaati SsnitarinmA
This experience, combined with many
years' study in tbe best boapitals in
camming a
and treating loouaanas
ox cnronic
sas _
chronic cases,
prepared him to cure when tbe general J . ni
pracUtionar failA Have yon been atek -------for years? Are yon discouraged?
divonraged? C j.
*- BXOVX. anervey »ee oeaseM------will tell you whether
we can core you or not. Ifwecasnet
cere you, we wiU tcU yon what relief
we can give yoA
AWRemember, one month will be
absolutely free-medicincA surgical
opmtions. and the benefit of all oar
akiU to ail who are too poor to pay.
Our methods of treatment i. aU that is
known br all the scbooli, with the aid
sf electricity, that most wonderful of
all agents in ParalysiA Loss of Power,
Rheumatism, and all diaeases of the
nervona system. Go early, aa my
ifficc is always crowded.
SI Lew. Sgerial
B. B.^saem, Taaers, Bleed aad 8Ue
Toronto, Ontario, ona fere fer roaad
trip. b»1l Aagaat 84th. SSth. aad TTA,
go^ 'orstnrn SepL fith.
VermiilioB. o.. osc faia for roasd
trip. Sell Aagaat Itt, gsod to rataiB
Aagaat ItsL
Bedneed rates to other points. PbOM
U C. E- Many. AgML
C. L. Lroakwood. O. F. A..
Orand Bapido.
Gnif BipMi t bdiut L E
I ss
SBSSSS ssee eee
sssets £8S8 S8«
I sseeeeeeeaeeeeeee
« SS8B88
.......-........... 8:15 •*
Daily XurulBr Xm
of tbe foremast merchants of Cuba, who
an Interview Grape said: -When 1 left
Havana two weeks ago tbe Inhabitants
were ml In the slightest fear that the
city would U« bon bardad. In fact, ev
erything s-as going the same as usual
Tb: theatrea. dsn'lng halla and busi
ness of every character, were flourish
ing. and but for the presence of troopa
U city y 1 would never hnon a war
□ the
was in progrraa.
rrhe blockade at Havana baa tbui
far not proved very effeeUve. Tbefanni
around fnrnlab all the aupplleo necesaary. Tlte soil Is ao fertile that erops
produced In ihlrtr days Thera
has lived In Havana (or twenty-fonr
yeara, stopped here iwsterday en route
to Germany on a visit. In the course of
8 00
, 4 W
UondoA July 9.-The Dally Graphic
this morning points out that tfa're it a
fwbaWUty of aa iniernat o.'wi qucitl>.n
arising x\er the dlAculty of dealing
with tbe Cuban debt. aCnce a maj>rty
of tbe Sranisb bondholdcrB are Fcaoch-
Tnierse Bij Line ofStemen.
Ootnir Borth dally except Baaday.
ite did not go wlib this expedh
UoA but expect to sail with General
Fred OraaVa brigade next week. Tbe
First Kentucky regiment, vanguard of
the Third brigade. Fim division. First
army corps. In command of General
Fred Grant, which la to make up the
second P.-ro Rican cxr-eBUoB arrived
here from Chlckimauga yerterday and
la new In camp Generci Grant arrived
on the last tralr.. uavellrg In a prtvslcar with hla sUff. Tbe Thirl battallne
of the Elxtceatb Pennsylvania arrived
Ut« last evening sfid will be foltowed
by the Third Kentucky and tbe One
Hundred and Fhit etb IndUna
8L ItOBla July 9.—August Grape, one
Cette It a BeBurhaMe np«MA
Two Weeks Age the CUy Wes PIcaUfsIly
BwpplM with Torn*. .
Ever Baraed OStt
LMdon. JulyJ».-The Dally MUI stys
this morning: "With the remsrkable
speech of United FUtea Berator t>ar a
of Bl. Pad. two peoples have buned
U>e past. Bena-or Davis' speech ts a
flua'. and complete ar.aaer to the s;»«m
of M:. Chambera'a at Blrmlr.gbsm '
__ ___ .aave: tbe
tbe Met
Block. aoUlWhlUag____________
at S:I0 p. m. 'Boa will also CMuect
with boat at tI:Jd a m. FruH ear will
ba at Best Bsad OB TueadsjrA Tburadaya and Saturdaja Pamasgsre aud
U aoFOB kaow
O- P. CAKTXB. Awmt
at Uthla Springa. near AiUnu, that ,
be wtu see her Monday aexL
the Third minots Infantry; batter}' A,
sf miDola and tbe Twenty-seventh batUry, of IndUnA
Batteries A and C of Pennsylvania
SBd fltfl-
Hotaeon has wjred hla mother, who Is
Bast«( Ottu HslsB- Brisade Lmvb Xewport hew»-Orwat'a KesL
Newport News. Va. July 9.—With
(he excepuon of the Fourth Ohio regt*
ment the Sc.-ond brisade of the First
army corps, in command of Brig. GgA
HalBCA aalled for Porto Rl.-« yeaurday
afumoon at » u'clocE General Haines
and Ms staff and tbe Fourth Ohio raglment are on the auxlllair crulaar St.
Paul, and this ship left (Md Point about
daybreak today. The transports that
got cC yesterday are the City of WSahitaSeaaca and Boa-
Btfow is a Uit e( lha
Take ntaamar at 8:40 a m. (or K«abita where you will coanect with
er Creseent retnraiug to TravrCitv at 10:45 A m. This arill give
you a pleasant lida of >4 mtlss on tbe PinnweendbysevvTsfA PliBcv
bay and cau be made every aioralng. fraw i lo B derm witbeel tbe kalla Fi
U yon wtah a longer ride the boat ^1 M^r^terrm^t.Vtetc
WM^nr. M.errstIut.tbstcseBe
land you at Uoena or Nortkport where a bone CSV b. eend st eer Staltar
a le ebarre ol tbe ben of aweicsl eUll.
you will coanect with staamar return tbe
docior'e diraetles.
___ _________
torboard aed
ing to Traversa City at 4:00 p. m.
treat weal tbe inveei
o^ of My
bey sssUarisiB
or bee* ' Arnoon axeuraioBS from Travaiae “.Sutlio.Tir
, take the steamer Crescent every
Remember, w
we „
glre a written rnai
afternoon at 1:00 for Ncabtawaata antee to cure every case of PILES ao
where yon will oonneet with steamer RUPTURE. Also,
we t ive a lying-in
retnrnlag to Traverse Qty at 4:00 p.
OR. SPIRHET K,.;si'jh':,.%r
«Li™vlslona H. Havai
sssss e
8sbs« a
-=£= = »s->-g g
essssssasssssss s
i* if
lise: « s
S8=8SS«R8SS£89S 8
=g- a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
888E E ifasailll
sass s eaeaeeeea
SSSn 8 8SM886SS
IbeObeu ef Title.
1 beSvi ear ee tbW wala.
n teintt car Crew Dvtretl ea
unmE lu nmauiai li
Drs. Mixer
Cancer and
Blood Disease
B in Ihe State.
OriRS Tears Eiperience
Goiraiitees Success.
7avnCX>-Olrt fer beaeeverk.
r 1
,De iClIxeP'S Coaevnoa
ann wso B w OMXSA tCaorUASV
^-SSSSSteUESE. fcooiwaii.
K HALB-U»dtr.- Moaarrb Meyrlr. 1
vsrbvbev fer Tr«T»r-» CJIy rei
Beaairv ef Man B. Tevnas.
Rntace W SwA^^SbdsWnlSdArsMmBBd
/£hS77M7S Me//.
. WOM.K -..U.. .
"W© C-cLo?© "W±tjln.o-CL*t
Has no oqnal as « Blood Purifier. Trsverse City Pooplo osn Attoot its msrits.
.Mra. t.|^
Traverse City. Mieh, June SI. 18«S
Dra Mlxar. BmUagm. Mich.—Dear Sira-My wife retaraed home a few days ago. after being thrae i
I at Hastings, under trvaUnent for Caaeer of the
Breast by Dr. CharlM W. Mixer and It is with grent pleasnre that t write you of the improvement la her
I wbils nader yourperaonal attention. She has VWXBLOOKflUmiraLK nAXK—Pwes
bera slMicted with Cancer for some time and the medical smistaaes she bae r«
Tbe renalt of JatbeTrararaeCUyLaBberOa
than pleased
pleased with it
yonr Ueatment is very _____
and «
And what makes your treatment all the more aatiafaetory is beeanae
II pM^a affliated with eaag te tnc pernonal
personal attention of Dr. Charles W. Mixer who bu
hu the management
of Dm. Mlxar s dancer nnd Serofnia Syrup. I would nlio ndvlae
^great care in using thU valuable remedy tenes t^t tbey^procno^a^whlch^rara^ Ue
Mixer os every botUs
A rxv GOOD LOO BXXwbbMA CHrLambvCa SB-tf
Jar. Thanking yon for past eoarb
1 am, very respectfully yonrs,
Router of Deeds. Travena City.
■ws?gi‘.:s£rs.— "*“.53'
Drs. Mixer will give FREE CONSULTATION at Park Place Hotel
ir. B.—B6Wsr« of bogus Csnesr and ScrofUlA Syrup. Ho medioine or
correspondencs gonuine without ths sigsAture of Drs. ICLzer, ss hers giifsn.
LPLX WOOD lor awls Trawne OUy IM-Laaber.
CnyLewtevOa I
J. w. oAuvTunr
wtu be wltb Bart tbe Jewteer ■stO.Oember Uk
wbm be will raten w utlmv-
SeeoDd Tmt—Fo 880
Reply To Bpeln'e
Peeoe Propooltion.
And Cube Shall Be Free And
StopoaMoB of rhilippiBM Hot BMtUdBatHottod Butaa Moat Hava
• OaallBC Bt
Hap PaMn&iaa tBa Baa't ■ Oaa of
tAa tadroBM to Ba Oiraa TJp Alae.
epaelki to T*B KoBSTsa Saosab.
Waakiartoa. Jnly t».-Tka eaWaat
«adar diaeataadtiM
to Bpaia'a paaoe gropaalUai
xaaehad Uta foUawtae daclaloaa
"Tba abaolota aarrt>adar of Porta
Biaa taika United Btataa. Baoocaltifta of tka ibdcpendaaoa of Caha. Tka
otMiaa of ana of tka l^dreae ialaada
to tka Uaitad Btataa aa a eoaUar ata*
tioa, aad tka oaatlaa ta tka Uaitad
SUM of at laaataeaaliadautSaa U
tka Phnippiaaa."
Tka«aeationiiBdaddadia.«bat diepwitlaa akall ka aada of tka PkUipptna ialaada aa a wkoia. Tkaraiapraencallr aodiflaraaeaof oplalaa in tka
eaklnat oa tka qaaatioa of rataatloa of
' tka PkiUp^ lalaada aa a wkola. all
tka uastkara kaUe oppoaad to ov
aeqaiaitiOB of tkaaa ialaada. Tkerakaa
Waa BO daeiaioa. kawarar, aa yaV m
tka axtaat U wkick tka rorermaaaat
will to in itt daoiaioB raapaetinf tka
fatara of tka tolaada. kot It ia proba
dantly atreng to hold tka eity agalnat
tka Americana.
Ponee cammnnda tka beginning of
tke fine military road that laada U San
Jnaa. tka a^ital af the bland, aad il
b, tkarafara. probakU that Oanaral
MHaa will aeon take and hold Fence,
that there wUl be no danger of a Spanbk attack in tka rur when kb army
atarb to eraaa tba lalaaA
It brepartadthataatmng farea of
Bpaalab artUlaiy b preparing to dbpnU tba Amarlaaa advaaoa acreaa
Gnna are being plaoad
atmag pcaitloni U tka high klUa in tka
middle of tka bland, aad Ua Bpaai
daalara that they will defend tke roU
inch by Inch and pravaat tka Amert«a from roachlng San Jean.
Eaparb from a Spanlak aonrca are to
tka affect that tka Spaabb miUUry
antkariUaa are net aa oonfidant aa they
r formally of having a large num
ber of tka naUva volantears to aaabt in
rapailing tke Amariean Invaaian. It
appears that fears are entertained that
who have bean
plied wlU
by tka govanm
wiUdaaert at (ka first fai
who waatka Amariaan
aananl at San Jnan nntU tka breaking
ant of tka war, bu Joined Oanaral
Milan Ha b tbarongUy familiar with
Peru Rioa, and will be able u give tka
irlaaB eomsaander valnabta informatkm. Aeearding to Mr. Banaa. GanaralMUaa-army akoald have aa vaiy
bard teak to capUra San Joan. All
tka dafanaea of that place faea the aaa.
wkieh b ckaraetoriade of many Spnaiab dtloe. Ualcaa airang eartkworiia
have baaa thrown np lately to defrad
a. wbteb b hardly
llkaly, Mr. Hanna balaivea a land at
ble tka aaawer ofUe praaidaat wUl
expraaa tka wimncBaaa of tUa (orara-
moat U laara tka matter of their fatnre coverameat aatiraly U the haada
•f a jriat oommlaaion to ba an>aiai«d BaddaaU Aak Praaidaot McHioley
Met to Band Ua laland Over
bj'thia faTammenl and tba gaTarato Spain Again.
nant of Spain Tka probakiUtp ia that
tka United SUtaa will InaUt open a Special to Tsa noaxiB • Bsooaa
WaUlngien, Scly t6.-The aeatlgnaraatea af eartaln reforma U tka
lent tnrna here favorable to Ua redCorammaiit in tka FkUipplaa Ulanda.
denb who kava. Urongk aganU in BaBor aaawer will make no maaUM af
. patltionad Praaldant McKinley
• uonaj Indamnitp. Neither will
net to akandoo tkam to Spalab aaUortkare be anr armbtioa at alt- The
ity. ‘Iba paUtton uya: "Oar layal^
‘ nwwer will be In tba aatnra af aa
and traat In Ua honor of America ennitiaaatiaa aad USpaiadoaanolaoaapt
Uttaa BB to year ooBsldaratloa aad aapaka will fare woraa in the f«tnra.
port. To haad over oar aonatry again
The BOU from Spain waa a rtrj
to Spdn b oontrary to Ua kamantUradroit bad aqulwal doenmanV from
ian proaaadinga of yov noble natlaa
readUg of wktok one woaU UUk tba
nndUawiakaa of all riamea of dvilianir qaeatioB Uraired waa Cnba.
mtion. Trade aad wder wiU be laat
if Spanmk aaUority b ta-eaUbUahad
Haplg Xag So Ta Spain Todnp.
SpMtai la Tat Hoesun ki^iit
In any form."
WaahiagtoD. Jalp
Tka eabiBat
Senator Davb aaya it must net be
taemban after tka maatlng today left t<w Spain to caatrol tka PbUipdaeUned to apeak lagarding tba aaaaioB ^c
bnt it is balierad to kara aimoat roach•d aantaaUnUal agraemont. and that
ntlomrrow’smeeUar tba doenmant
to ba aant to Spain will ba laid before
tka members for fnrtbar oonaldaratioe
Erarytking appaara aattied except
tke tntnraofthe PblUpplacB. wkicb ta
sntker a tongk ant. but it ia bapad it
wai by eraeked ao aa U aaad a reply to
Spain tomorrow before nlgbl.
srAHI8B wnx naKT teb
Tnaaaa of tka Hnamy in tba Birat
Battle are Oraaiar than Tint Re
ported—Volantaara on Torto Bioo
Bxpactad to Xiaaart and /ole Hilaa'
New York. July »9.—A 8nn Bt. Tboaaaa diapatck aaya tba aeboanar Eoma
bna arrived from Paaea. Porto Cieo.
Ska r^iorw that OB TBcaday sight aa
AaMrioan ararabip fired aaroaa bar
bowa nia Roma atoppad and waa
banifiad. examined and w» allowed to
Raporta any that IS.OOO
i Ponce, but
tka Roma eayt that they had not land
«d when aka lefv Tke loaaaa anauinad
by tka Spanlak in tba first fight oa
Monday ware twenty-tkrae killed U4 ntead of lonr.
AU tke Spanlab foroaa in the vicinity
•t Ponee are now being eooaeottn'od
in tknt elty to defend it ng^nat an a>pactadat^kby'tbalPreaaM Gananl
SorrendBrsd To Comnutnder
Davla Tharsdsy.
Wsleomed the ArriTRl of tha
AmBrioan Army.
This 16 and 26
Per Gent Discount Sale
Ob Bfiae Ball Ooodg will only ran *lfll :
the gorptu vtock i« nold. Wa wob^
•ell it *11 fit CDcfa rnlnoof pricM, bsi ^
oar eorplu goe* Bt 16 find 26 per emt, >;
off of regfiUr priceA
City Bookstore,
OenabtingofB.llBKsB amd IBO Offloan. YFIU Beach Porto Bloc
Toroaa of Oanaral Xilaa Hava Easdad
BafUy by Zd^urs Oaptnrod Prom
Haxt Tnaaday.
tka Spasiarda—Ho Beeiaunea Wm CpMbl le Txt Meaxiaa Ssceae
Offered aad OoadltiooB ef BarraadWaUlagtoo, July 30.—A tolograa
Tkoaa at Santiago.
waa roealvod at tha war dopartmaat to
SpMlal loThe Menloc BwetC.
day from Majar General Braoka. anTbanaey da- nopnelng Ua dapartora of hb axpadlpartouDt kaa poatad the following kel- tia« from Newport News fee Porto
Rlao yaalarday. Tha expedition
“Bt. Thoaua, Jely
Ponee, Porto abbot IM oaeers and S.llO anlblad
and will reach Porto Riao next
Rieo, Jaly M.
tka Dixie, AnnapoUa, Weep and Gloa- Tnaaday.
Tka axpedltlsB iaclndad all tha Baoahaater Uft Onanela Jsly 37 to block
ade Ponca and capture llgbtrr* for tba ond brigade of Ue Pint army ai
•mmaad of Gaaaral Halaea. Major
United SUtaa army. Tba elty
Ganaial Broaka and staff are oa Ua
Ponca and Playa anrrenderad to «
maader Davbnpon damaad at 13:M 8L Loab.
. Jsly 3t. Tba Amaricao fiag waa
Bt Paul Balled Taatardey.
kabtad at e a.m. Ua »U. lYia Bpaaiah
bOB'avanatad. ProvUloaal artlNearport News. July 39.—Tha
elaa of Ua aarrandar, nntil oceopa
Paul Bailed today, being Ue last af
by Ua armyura: Piist, Ua garriaon ba General Broekab axpaditloa to gat
allowed to ralira; aaeond. Ua elvU
governmant to remain in forea: third,
a police and fire brigade to ba malntaiaadwiUoatarma: fr>arU. tha apofUe port not to be made a prla- Wkaalar'a Kcma Bon Haddad tha
Ooatoat in Favor of Ua HoaUats
•-Ganeral Miles aad Gaacral HUaon
>Ml«l to ibv Houiso Bacon.
arrived at Peace fromOaaiilea wiU
Maabtee. July 37.—Ike BuaUais
MaacadiOBatta. ClaelaBati and traaawaa a praltEly played game from Ue
porual«:>oa m. Jely 38. They comOalb today. Following b Ua aaora by
maaoad to laad Ua araiy in eaptarad innlaga:
angar llghUta. There waa ao raaian H B
Uaee and Ua troopa were welcomed by Haatlara.. 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3—e B t
Ua InhablUaU wlU graataaUaaiaaa Colb.......... 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0—4 7 3
Battoriaa, RaUarford aad Bnat; BafThey eapurad U lighters, so aaUia
fiager aad MaOonnaU. Whaalar'a home
veeaelaand 130 tons of ooaL
dadded Ua game in ibe nin A.
(Sigaad) "Hioeuaox."
iaalda'a Agaat in VaUiagtoa Baa
Bad aa Hava ef PnU ef
apoeiel to Tae HoeRn Baeon.
WaUingtoa, Jaly 39.—Aa agent of
Agalaalde baa raoeivad a eahla from
One of Grand Traversa Oonatyb Baa- tba iasargant chief, bat-no meatiaa b
pactad Oitixana Hat an Vntimdy made ^ the aarrandar of Maaila.
Bad at Sra vn Tcstaidi^ Afumoon
Baflttad tha Xall Boat
—Team Was Trightanad
Pralght Eaginc—Inquest Bald Last
Frank Priadrich ratoraad yaatarday
mamlag from Ue Maaitoaa in earnMight.
One of the moat Urrihle accident maad of tha mail boat which pUaa baHa
which has bean recorded in thU aoanty tweaa Ua ulaada and Lalaad.
oecaradyaatarday at OrawD. Tba vic piloted tka boat bare to he refitted
tim was Mareaa L. Maoraa. aaa of Ua with a new eaglaa. which waa aooomIbhad yaaterriay. Capbla Carlaoa
proaparaoa farmera at Monroe Caatra
iU leave Ubmoraiag for Us blaada
and ana whose Mcrgiaa have beea a
mompaaiad aa far aa NorUpori by
ooBBidarable factor in Uai
Dame who came la'on Ua boat
OamUg HarU oa Board tka XAana- of Uraad Traverse eoentyAll are of the Thirty-Third TolnnMr. Mearoa wee tbrowo from hb
Bhaat Xaaie at w«if PHoa, ^
agoa U a raaaway aeddeat aad
every place of Ur laievt pepelar mnaic.
striking apoa hb head waa laaUatly W. \Y. Kimball Co.. 331 Front street
apMlelteTssHoextse Bseosn.
N. B. Strong, maaager.
New York, July 3# —Tha foUawlng killed.
Tke aafonanaw man bad tasea to
b Ua Ibt af sick aad wounded HlebUa city wiU a load of iambar far hb
igaa aoldiara on board tha Laona; haadaome new realdeace. beiag
Ckrl Moeller. Bay City, yellow fever: oa the comer of Bleveath aad Union
Ro»aiHOudll,Bifid]« B«L
Kydary Lake. Saginaw, yellow fevan stTMia. which heexpecUd to ooeapy
Cor Praot nd C'a*> a».
-Bvtvnl, Min
Fred Fawler. Beaten Harbor, yallew wiU hb family thb fall. Ha left' the
WJ P. WblW
elty'abcat four o'clock, after doing
fever: Frank Jeffery, Obaga; Joseph
M. WUbel
knslneas at aavaral plaeaa and apeadiag
Miller. Sand Beach, all af Ua Thirty- coma lime In vbltiag frieada Whan
Third Michlgaa.
he raaehad Drawn a freight train waa
Thera was no aonriaa an tba Leona there and Ua pujUag of Ua <
and Ua men
attendad by UajfrigkUaad kb a^ud Ua- Jut^a.
they were t'raaaiiig Ua track. Tha
ship's hoaplul and tbalr own olBeara
team Smehed away at frightfal rata af
iradea. Dr. Daty daeidad to apaad and Mr. Monroe, who waa riding
Haa added a foU
ramava Ua lever patieab to awin- on tha hoanda ef Ue wagon, waa
baina Island and ibeeanvalaaeaBt and thrawn vtolanUy lathe groaoA Hb
X waa urrikly eraahed aad daaU
wounded aoldlers to Hoffman blanA
was iBatanunaona
If at Ua aad of twaatyfonr hours it b
Tka remaina were eared for by
found Uat none show aymptoma of friaodaand bb ralaUvaa notified by
yellow fever Ue datninad Leona pas- tel^r^b of Ue aad oocorranea. Judge To hto undertaking eetabliehJames U. Moaroaof Ub ci^ reoatvad
aengata wlU be relaaaad.
ment. The forniture will ooUe aad tidiaga
j OrawB. Ooronar Meon waa anmmoaad oupy the front of the building
nndnr-taViwy Ktiaiwn^
------------I a jury and Coroaar Meoe bald an In- the rear.
Trnnspan Bt. Tnol Zmft Teaterdny | qccat. Tka verdict waa "aecidantal
With Bakotn, KlnaeaoU and
i deaU in a ranaway.” The Jury was
' oompoaad of G. A. Brigham, Q. B. Dye.
Oalocade Yolantoata.
U. C Bart, Irvlag Cook, John Sawyer
apw-ua ta Tbb busnva nmeso.
and WUliam Hem.
Baa Fraacboe, July ».-Tha toanaImmediately altar Ua tnqaaat Ua
port atanmer St. Peal banring Ua first body waa seal to Ue family rcaideaea
batuUon af Ike NorU Dakota valan- at Monroe Caatra. and H. a Anderaon
toera. aad Ua Minnaaoto and CdUando waa seat far to peeimre for Ua karlaL
Tba aaws of U|a frightfal aocidaat
laoralb aaUod for MaaDa today.
came aa a great ahoek to aaorea of
Maada af daoaaeed in Travaisa aty.
where ba was highly raapieUd. Sa
waa aboat fifty ysars ef age and laavm
a wUa and Urea ebildran to manra hb
tragic daaU. Daeaaaad had baaa oaa'
af Ua laadlag dtlsaea of Ua oeanty
many years and bad lived at Monroa
Oeatra Biaea boyhood. Hakadaoeamalatad a oomfartohla fortana by tada*try aad earafai bnai^ BMUods aad
Ue family waa laoklag forward to a
rasidaaea la town, n fine dwelling be
ing baill on Union atraat. as kefora
220 Front SL
to see 4a?oSrplre7,S.k®".Vl'S’LTe'w
m the city.
Try ps.
MarUiam BlocL
Ladies’ Fine Dress Skirts.
Ooma aad aaa Uam.
Relinble Dry Goods, Carpet
and Clothing HooBCe
Remembef lb Rea Place-
312 SoBtli UaioB Street, Opposite C. t W. i. Unit i
H. E. GIBBS. Propr.
If You Have Logs to Sell
OorrMpond with the Trnverte City Lumber OompAny.
We hntre for nnleGood,
Sound Hemlock Lumber.
Maple Flooring,
Short Maple Wood,
Hill Mnehineryof nil d«aeriptioiu,inclsding Two Rngitwig,
Set Work*, Onrrugee nnd Sawn. A oompkto Saw Mill Plant
for Bale.
Hastings’ Rsal Eslata Agencjfe
Trafeise Cit; ScM of lisic!
A starter
Fine Woven Wire Ref Sprieg
We Must
Sell Laige QuaatIRes.
Large sale,s are our only Salration. We sell too
cheap to be contented with ao ordinary trade. We
must tnm'our slock many times a year, otherwise.
we are in the soup.
Supposing yon knew, positively knew, that we
close out a good many of our summer goods at cost,
throu|;hout our departments, would you. not be in
quisitive to know what they were.
We are at your disposal. See them—examine
them—perchance you may boy them.
To be convinced will cost j'on a walk only. We
are glad to wait on you at all times.
Your money savers,
The Boston Store,
Front etraet
THB xoumro 1£B00BX>, BATUBDAT, 7ULT so, IBM.
om, - MiomoAii
im «mj artnovnoi
tee u
She Bk
1 tor tbe dip by
B. J. Maryan. whUb wneunnw. Mr..
toe team and bad no ekanee to Ud m
» T. Bjona
J. W. Hamm.
A «. HAJon, nutor mad MABAfv
V OH^CtteBUtw
ii th» Jo»mBb« ■«
laA-.MMAsA elMBMOar.
HcKurunr ud hto «MMt
SMtMedtkAivfly «f U\i ffovmto tbt prciy—ili «t 8p^ towArdt
BMM a^otiAtionA. Tba doouaeat it
brlaf ABdlothtpolak UaaionBtAtoAa
mltfBAtam aad ito Uraw wiU be oa*
a br tbe adadaiatraUoit with at
Mcb rtffCM- M that etbar alUmatan
vUeb Spain refawd to eo«4der latt
MciBf.aadtbenaaltof wbkh it tbe
iMtraetlaa of the Bpaaltb naiy and a
with. TbetnrmenponwbiehtbeOnltod
Blatm wiU eoaeider peace propeeala are
nmeoMbte end perfeetly lair to Bpala
Oder tbe dreaMtaneea.
Onha maet
katma. Thatwaa wbatthie ro«»'
mentatartedoattoaooompliab and it
■m eaetiid. Tben. Porto Kleo mnet
%n ended to toe United Statoa We did
ant Mart oat with meterie! axpanatoa
«< te^tory in view: bat ««aato bare
Mdealartbermerlfteeby Spain neeanmiy.
Beeidee tbie,
ten one of tbe Imdrone Uiande
tbe PaeiSA. at
Tbie waa net expected
Am. bat tbe prayrem of tbe war baa
teowa tbeadraataranfea^aaaoqat.
Mten and we are eatiUed to that far>
Iter ronrrmlrf from Spain, by reaaoe
a She tom eSeire barn taken alnee
Ste ararbecan. The yrnt problem U
«te Pbfllpptnaa It la oettaln that we
fvtU beve e parmaaent eoallny authm
ma the ielende, bat toe fatare forem.
■Mt le a mettor yet to be detor>
Mted. Wbelber it wUL W wiee to
tote tbe Uiande U a , .
nd grare momeat, and it U nM
pM aettled whether we want them
nrnet. Bet one tbiny ia apparmv
•mrvtoatlU that Spain-e
nenr toe Uiande mut oeaee. Tbie
•aanee u be toe eantimet of toe
fnepla of toU ooantry and it U be.
Ifnrndtoattoe ...........................................
mat lU ooame eoeordiny to toe wUbee
M toe peopUoftoU oeantry aad in
Mantd with tbe deeiree of toe reel4mUoftoePI>
lay B75 Buds.
The MtsUyu Baaket Fbetory wae
wear bnaUr tona it U thU anmmar.
mrr depertmut bMay rnahed to iu
fnlUMoepaaitylotUtoe ordeneanaed
by theUyfreUvopeinMlehlyaa aad
iny etntaa Prue thU time
uUlUtote toe tall there wUl be no
let ap la the work, and toe year wUl
be am of toe laryeet la toe bUtory of
toe factory. »T5 buda are em^oyed
and they are bnay from
—rainy to niyht. teeterdaT'e oatpat
of Climax peaeb aad r<ap« batkete waa
ts.OOO, and tbere bat bean M anataal
demand for berry eratee, of whteh *000
are made daDj. Tbe loeal demand baa
been bearier than erer before, abowlaf
that tbe fralt cro»*rt •*
raieinr more berriee and tmaU <mlte
than in preeioat yeara
The baebel baaket department bae
bees eo erewdad «ltb nrden that
a aamber
bare beea added, aU two
loadeof noodoteaeaebare tamed oet
daUy. le tbe Gllmex baeket departt tbe work in yeeie past bae beea
done eatliely by band, bat the eompany bee Wan axperlmenttnf for name
Ume with maebinee, wbiob bare at
laet beea perfeeied, and twenty ar
atien tbU eammer, addlay laxyely
to tbe eapaeiey of tbie department, la
addltton to Ueee neariy eerenty baade
goUy rtcnic Tnny.
A jolloy erewd ujoyed yeeterday
ptulcklag at Aema ^ They wwt oat
la toe merainy ud retamed laet even*
lay. after heelay had a ymeml good
Tboee preeut were Hiemm
Edith aad Oraoe Baatinga. Grace ead
Mary Bdred. Pranc Palter. Puay
Oetty of Ealkaaka. end Bids 9Ui
Of Ana Arber. Meaera Roy ud Jeek
Parry. L 3. Plane. CUrk AUea, Lewranee Bank. Theru Morgu ud Harry
Parker. Tbe party wm ebapew
by Nia H. A. Perry.
OfMt XaMcel BvMt.
Then U e Atrong probability that
I That Beadere
traeeree Oty wUl bare tbe plcesaia of
ae Hoed Hot
lUlning to tbe renowned Mr. and Mra,
Bdgau K. DeeU' Grand Coaeart Co. ef
ObUaye Jeiy *e.-Jndyo Tbley of New York In toe aear tatnra. TkeU
Ite dreaU ooort today raled In leror baeiaem manager, baa promUed to
nftWeblppeialnetoet oeee broaykt briny the oompaay to tbU elty if a rea>
by toe lUiooU Manatecterera* aae<
aouble decree of interest U mulfasted.
A etrony efTert U bciny
BUa. yranUny e writ ef mande
made to aeeare toem. MteOUalla
Webber, premier lady enlinUt of .
•U paekayea for ebipment wltooet toe rope. U with toe oiguUaUoo.
' payment of one eeet la exeeea of toe
pnyalar rato. The caae will be ap-
The MUem Oraoe Moryu. Oertmde
a Ponad aad Mariu
HAHHOW BBOAPX at bat TIBW Heatagna, Clara
Boberte. drove rertoSic Baplda yeeBnr. aad Him. B. L Xelloyy ^ An
U vUirOld Mlmton toterday They will
Vnpleaaaat Bxpcrteaoe in a Bterm.
day. driving from Elk Rapids tbU
Tbe DaUy Reeortorof Petoekey esya: efteraooD.
“*«T, E. h Kellayy and wife of TrarMr. and Mre. a W. CTuduing of
seae City bad a narrow eeeape from •priagfleld 111.. Utt for Petoekey today
tenth in' their Bay View teat Wedeee- after a akort vlrit with Mr. aad Mi>
tep night. Abonlalerea o'clock, when O. W. MeWetby. Mr. audealag U
She etorm wee at tu belybl, a beech pmrieter of toe State BegUtrr ud
Srae ton Inohea la diameter
hU wife U u old college friend of Mra
sbhppad by toe wind and eraebad MeWetby.
Shtonyfe toe tut betwew Mr. Kellayy
There will be e meetiog of Oraoe
ate wife. One of toe bruebee elraek eberch Oaild thU eftenoon at two
Mre. Kelloyf in toe forehead laflletlny o'eloek, at toe borne of Mia. Dnder^
• nliybtwonnd.
TheU tut wae pitched U tbe edge
Joba A. lioranger ud MUe Core Tre•( -toe wooda along Poreat arraae. vU rajoyed a day's flaking at Lake Ann
Aroneed trmo toel, cou by tbe wild yeatorday garnU of Mr. ud Mm. U. L.
ywiB of wind ud toe ereakiag of the tAkr.
Hnee, Mr. Kellogg wae eUndlog :
MUi BnUer of Orud Baplda baa ac
one aide of tbe teat while bU wife etptod a paelUoB with Uudriekt A Oa
WM near tbe oppoelto elda The
feetlonara adjoining MiUor’e drag
smabed torengh toe middle of toe ust
baSweu toem and tdl eqaarely a<
Next Boaday aftomooa aad ovulag
tee Klderb pUlow. jrbere hU bead bad toe B«y»' Bend will give exeareloaa
maud only e few momreU before. on toe Qaeen of the Lakes, Inataad of
The plUow wae eo tightly pinioned by the^reacoat band aa formerly aui
the torn trank which preeted it down
npM toe eot thajf It ooeld not be
P. E. Strable baa moved bU barber
paltodoat nnUltoelogweareidoTed.
shop from Front Strut to tbe balldPm. Hlrnr, the well known cancer
and blood epeeialieia. will rUlt TreemwOityMxtTaeeday. Tbelrioeg unertanoe inearce eaeeeee In toeb- pao.
Ctem. A oenmltaUon with Dta. MUer will eoetyoa nothing add may renalt la grew good. (See large ad. la
SUl Uue.)
. SbeUmu wtU ramaia la the Mty
cr P. DaeU mestrrd woM yeeterday
uamnalay toe dmto of bU mother at
Maekegon. He left forihat plaoe last
eeulag Md wae aoeompuled by hU
wife aad daayhter. MUe Mabel. After
epending a few wetoa at Motoeyw
they wUl eUlt mlatieae la tbe eemthem'
part of toe ataU.
lUe Vera Bmltb of Muton U vlelW
While The
Price of Tea Has Gone Up
We will endeavor to keep it within the reach of all.
It will pay you to .try onr 13c bulk, coffee —a good
wholesome beverage at a small price.
*Pbone 167.
248 Front Street.
Watch This Golumn For Bargains I
arrived at Vurouver. B. C
A Tecuniseb. Mleh., man has been
lag Mra Caaatngbam of Wasblaytoa
shipping b«»ilhls year tn Sngtud.
ScotUnd and the B-nnuda tsluds.
Charles S.cklea while Uadiug grain
to her b^ la Cbknyo after a visit near MeUmora. Mb h.. was bad.y bitten prime wlU be right. A. S. PRTMAN. SBOB8,
with her pareaU Mr. ud Mra V. In tbe wrist by a rattleenUe. He wjU
Plneb. Ska was aecompeiiied by bar
dugcr of e etrlka in tbe Iron n
deagtter, Miaa Selaevlva
PETTERLY. OtS Monru street, Wmt 814^
Mm. Fred Plneb of Onion emet U ng dl
Ask Us For Prices,
lis Front street.
Do You fact a Boat?
A.CiMorgwbaaretoraedfrom ChL
eayo aoeompuled by Mlm Franc Olbaoa wbo will spend e few weeke with
her eliter. Mra Mergaa
T. A. Conloe arrived to the dty toat
evening from Au Arber to spend severel weeks in rut ud insnrenee work.
J. F. Homer of Cbtoeygu U to tbe
dty being entertained by C A. Bagbea
De^ Selber of Satwas Bey I
tosm'oB baalnam and pleaeara
Beeert Hotaa
Mra NteboUud MUi WyiU wbo have
rafewWMki at Omeaa
retamed to their borne at Grand BapIdtyeetordey.
Mr. Altmd Mewboaae and famUy of
Sa LmU. Ma. are rmerfltig to toe
H.C.Aner end tomlly of ChdUUe
went to Omem yeeterday.
Mr. aad Mra. C. B. Brans arrived ia
toe dty ymterday from Clsdnaati and
win spend seme time la toe dty.
G. & Cmmrncr ud wife arrived last
evaaiag from Grud Baplda ud etopped over night at tbe Park Plaee. They
wU laavw toU moralng for a rUit
among tbe rceorto farther north.
Wallers. Tramboll of Old Miselu
took dlaner at toe Perk Plaee ymterdey.
Mm. J. C. Cook and daagbtor of Chioayo. aeeampenUd by Mr. J. C Piextin of Chicago, retamed to tbelr bt
erday after ep'niing some Ume
raaorUng at Old Mietow.
Mm. B. H. Ontebeon came down
Omeca yeeterday to amet
Oeneral Catebeoe who arrived from
Orud Rapids to eejoy e few sroaka’
rmi at Omeaa.
W. S. gobaeon of MUwanku took
dloiiar at Park Plaee ymterday.
Mra J. A. Braes, meneyer of toe
Omeu Inn. sputa tow hoam to the
dty yeeterday.
Mra 8. & Walker eeaw down from
OlaHiaaiuymtaHeyudsputa tow
boom ebopplDy to the dty.
Oar baby has .. _________ _______
led with ooUe ud d^eta Intutam
'nee bis birth, ud all that we conld
do for bin did not seem to give more
edy be bes not been
want to give yoe thb tesUn
evideoce of oar yraUtade. not that you
Ingeppoaiielbe MereutUa OCa bloel^ need U to adverUse year meritoitou
on Union street.
Tbe Cbicayb Bdyare will be bare
Monday ud Teaadey far two yamm of
On ^oeunt of toe oonttoaed i
beeebaU with toe BaeUnm. Today
ud tomorrow they play at MenUtee.
bare nnUl Tneedey afta
U toe writo-ap of tbe' new efacmioal
Cbeepast and most reluble place to
yoor bicycle repaired aad
pat is good nissuig order. Hava bad aereial yeara experience and
know bow it aboald be dooe. Setiefactioo gsarasteed. I am aellkig
bicycle aosdriea at abost coet Xew and second band vfaeeU for aa
and to rent. Pleaae give tu a trial.
Biaxing a apecialty.
BLLIB. 811 TroBt At, Bast
MUe May Shlra ef Mai
Uag a few weeks eUltlng Mr. and Mra
Jamae Bblia ef Beat Xl^to atroet.
r. Baumbexr posttBseter at 8t. Louia
Him team Daeidau ef Tarameek,
D. K. Hdmm «-ee asmed for goverfdrmer Traeeiaa City toacber, U tU- or of NorUi DekoU by Uie PopulUU.
Chicago morning papers are—moct of
inji toe family of Wm. London.
them—to sell for Z'cesta after next Sun
M. B. HoIUy rotamed Uat oeenlng day.
from a two weeke’ eUit at bU old h
e powder mill of E. T. gebneon. at
in aioeerariUe, M. T.
Troy, Pa- was blown np ud the owner
Mra M. A. Ponnd of Owenae. ee
leph Sebetxmau.dr Arpleton.WU .
of one of toe Samt and moat eneeemfal
job prinUag offiem In that part of toU
aute. U spending a taw days In the
who, thoagb aewattoU wnrb,are t
utoruinieg her mother, Mia Pruk
ing u exeallut record aed proeiny Lo^ioebi ef Grand Baplda
eery aptntbandllay toe baakato.
Mlw Puny Gct^ of Kalkaska U the
ya.atof MUeKiitoHaatlays of Kan*
dolpk street.
C. A. Barker of CUeayo U to the
Aad a Tnnay Kan term Oh
Wh Hat a Xhiet
J. W. MUliken UatOryetd lake eeA yoaay mu named BUken
Ineilag a camping plaea
Mlm Juaie Smith of Biybto strut U
aberiff Aebton at tbe iMtuee of toe ntertalalag MUe LottU Dengjerty of
utoorllee ef Chertuoix. who bed a Blk Baplda
warrut tor hiaametua eherye of
Barnaul WUbelm aad family are ueteaUny a bicycle beloayiay to A.
jejiayetu day's ntlnget Tuba
Cmlur. It waa allayed that the acDr. J. O. Maaeon and eu Fred are
l toe wheel to ride to uje^ a few <toye leblng at Carp
tatUd to ratnm it as Lara
t be rode toe
Mrm. M. B. McIntyre U eatertaintog
wheel tn thU city ud wbu ^aaetloned her sUtom Mra 6. Lynn of Ctodnuii
be etatod that he bad at oaoe erat it aad Mra P. Carie of PUtowell. Hleb.
beck to toe owaer. OBeer Aabton InP. M. Wilson of Klagaley wae a vU<ialmd of CbarteecU by
itor here ymterday.
toat waa toe cam ud wee netlSmi that
W. F. OUl came in from OilU Pier
TbeBpwertb Laayae of tbe Fliat
KetodUt toarrli are preparing for a
■utexearaiuutoebby Monday
been averted.
D. J. McDonald, the torvinu of tbe
8aw>-er A Oooim^n saw mlU,Mar1netie,
WU. Cell into the saw pit. badly cutting bis thigh.
Oeneml fibsfter haepleued thenaUve
Cubus hr pennitung them to occupy .
and rule over tbe town Cf S'lngn. n'ar |
Santtago. surrendered by the Bptn^eh. '
NearBprlng Artxw. Miefa.. there bae
just been tbresbid TT« bushels of Amer
icas hronse whtat nn nineteen acres, an
tvemxe ct f«irtr-ons buabels per acre.
SpecUcIes, iSc to $S.OO.
S cents-Smoke Cracker Jack Cigars-S cents
Bmt Five Cent CSgnr Made. THB GILBERT CIGAR 00.
Guard Chains SSTu5i.“.;&.1.'^mSSSIS?S-WS‘.
Fine Piano for $140.
tf«S. will sell to yet room, at 1140.
Manager. SU Front eUesL
Soaps-12 Bars for 25c
HIRAM COOK. Star Groemy, MS Prut Street.
Bon Bods, Choice CoDfcctions.
Kme to tbe world flper tbu tboee mede
?B0. B. MeLBLLAH, eoraer Prut
ud Park streets.
Zaza, the Clairvoyant. Furniture Bargains
Zaxa. toe world's yreatmt eUlrvoynnt ud medinm U here. She telU
yur fell name. tolU namm of frteeda,
tells wbatym called for. roads yonr
uUrelife loalutly udeorreeUy wiibUt eskieg n fnmtion. Tke peat vivid
ly reeelled. toe present nomUtak*
nb'y given, the fntnre eleerly foretold.
Do not eelm toU greet oppottnnlty to
oenenlt Baaa, as she rrmains la Trevvne Cfty thU wmk only. Zasa baa de
veloped tbU wonderfnl power la But
ladU. She bu beea tnagkt by toe
greet adepu the dovelopmeat of toe
e ubUe forem of toe bamu
yuUm or whet assy be termed tbe
eeienee of the eul. ThU etody lends
SotoeaeijaAHtoaef powem which ap
pear myetotiene to tbe ordinary eeneea,
bnt wbleb are only toe rosnlt of know
ledge at aataral lews of e more delieate
klad toen toom which are more yeaernnderstood. Here one week only,
dell lU Stole street, comer of Cme.
No More Atlas Coupons
udredrnspberrim. foreenniag pnrpoaen. THUBTELH A GAKB. PALACB
BAKERY, eomer Union ud 7th e
Columbian Restaurant
renalaa article, mede at
Bakery. tSi Front sMcet.
Geo. R. Winnie,
Up-tiHlate Paiater
aid Paper Haager.
Shop Opposite Bagle Offioo.
; Whichever you may wish when salting yourself with a pair ■
: of Shoes, you will find in our handsome and up-to.date stock ; of Hen’s Shoes. Tan Shoes are the favorites at th<s season of ;
the year, and we have them in all shades for Walking, Bicy- cle Siding or Working. They are easy, cool and comfortable :
and the
Knows Just What Ho
Wonts In This Poaeo Nogotiatien with Spain.
H*Wm Ha*« Nnc mt Um PU^iteM
£sc«pt ■ Coaliflc SuUoa,
JWylty. a»w>r«r. BmmUs U «h*
mUpplM MIHUM-Chv«» mt M
Vklth bum. Ap«M»7yh>l or m Ua. Par.
Imp* I'Hwd far SpaaUh Kmm Omw
iOaptlMi — BaM* iMPlac Op
WMkljgton. J0I7 2*- — AltbovKb It
«• atateO WrOneaday that au an*
ouMennrnt ol fhe loa Ucd aaauniLd tor
tSa L’altad BUlea Id tb* matter of tbc
peace twcotlaifana vltb Spain aoold be
(oniwoinlnc before It bad bean formaliy dJararaed la the cabinet, there la the
beii reason to belUve tbat after the
ifereocea the prealJeat baa bad
iadlvldually with the members of ble
DBbbjei he has already made up hia
awd mind, and that Secretary Day baa
evee DOW tiractlcaUr reduced to form
the reply that the L'nlivd States yovaramrat win make to the Bpanifb B->y*
araiBMit'e oeertnre through AmbaanaOorCamboa. Ab ut tbc • aly polni that
: I aaema to be upea to amendment of aa
o axteativr rharacier la the dlspoaitloa
; of the PblUpdoea.
Whlleihrkdiii.nieirtftli-nhaBaot failed
tatakeDotlmoftbeeauaiof the damead
for thaJracquialUOD by ibeUnttedSiatea
aa axblUted in certain eert-ons of the
aDuntry It can be eta:ted that the coa-elarlon has bees roacbed to a dde by
tha diat deeUloD on lUa point—lamsiy.
to rallDoulab the islanda reuialny
a ooallny atatlofa tbera aarrounded by
a Bufflaent nose of land to maka
It aelf-aupportlar
Tbc daclal a it
able. may be acain chanced berorr tbt
cabinet dlrpo-aa of the mauer teday. aa
MroiK tnfloehcca are at work to induce
the president to laalat upon tha subatltuUoDof at least aa indccp^ndcni covarnment ovrr the Philippines fur Spaalah rale. Xr this point aball be difficult
of settlement Jhc answer to Bptin may
»M be readered today, but may hare
to wait upon another cabinet meitlny
Mat Tuesday.
That Charce er Bad FaHb.
Tbara was a dAplay of indlcnaUcn la
•ffieui circles yea.trday upon the pu.4;cotton of what was reported to be a
•uumoat from tbc Spanish premier
tmpatlBS bad faith to the United States
la puraulay the war ana conUnulny to
make eon<iuesu. However this feallay
BOOB wore off as It became apparent
spoB reflecuon that the aiatemeni was
w ■*«nply
movas OB the tward of SpanUh polities,
and was intended for purely borne conanmptloB. The report from Madrid to
wards the close of the day that the
aewapapera there had irlven their approeal to the lerma of peace de«crihed
by the prerldent went towards rel.ewlny
■paJalUyBe Baey aaS tbe Caltad. SMys
auvate Olflfaalt,
U It Shalt appear (bat this Madrid
atatement Is well-founded and d)fti the
Madrid paper* fairly reflect the views
of the mesa of the Sp.;aUb people, then
It aeema probable that the •dIffleuiUet
that will lie before the admlniatmtion
la acc< mpHablay pMte would be rather
latemwl than exumal. and will be
baaed upobthe preparation of a treaty
that *faall aecurr the satUfsctlun of the
United Stata aenaie. u any be pedaled
out In ihU connection that If we are
really as near u> peace aa many p.O].U
sappo*e It Will l.ecome neceMOry to Ume a tall tor aa extra session of the
seaate to act ui»n the peace treaty
with all.of tbe prump-ma* that the laportane* of the subject demtnda
It l^s been ru«Sfj.ted In a me quar
ter* that ^leln ij.i been dl. ny.auoua
la msklhg the advante td I si Tu-.aday.
and that Itrr real purpose was to de
velop ihe position of the United Elaie*
rrapect’ny jhe Phllipp.ne., hortny la
_ way (aoeeurc Uj. art vr sup;-ori of
asa wQl baaS with bis aqnadroa tor Ua
van ASK PDB AJtmAnoK.
OBsa BetUyees aS Atlaam Pswsc Osba
OMitay late the UalM.
Atlanta. Oa.. Jnly tt.-AUaata barbera many Cnbaa refuyeea, and acarly
all of them faror aaaealny tbe Island U>
tbc Ualtsd mates. Many of them seer*
baolabed from the Islaad a year aye by
the Spaniards and they coaSdeatly expeet to return aoon. Dr. Praadaco Pla.
one of tbe moat promlnenterefuyees lb
town, said last nlyhti "I have always
bpileyed that aDaeratlon meant tbe aalvation of Cuba, and while the maiorliy
of native Cubans favor aa ladcpeodeet
ynverameat tberc are yreat aumbers
who arc anaexatlonlsta. B. Uorcai had
this to say: "I think the maioritr of tbe
Cubans on the Islaad favor a ynvemmeat of their oa-a. but I BouM be sat
isfied wlib aa American form of yovemmeat. as 1 believe It would work
yreat yood.**
Euyenln Crabb: *1 am for aanezatkA.
I I iBlend
yolny bark to Cuba
peace has been restored. Those who
have ylvea tbe matter any tbouyht at
Hsr Psepis Only FssI 8stisfeo>
tion and Rtlisf at tha Ap*
preaeti of Paaea.
tkm aysLian tbe United States Exprem
eempaay—a tuK case oa tbe uaeatlon
whether tbe shipper or tbe
paay should
... ---------------------------..r
ped^ i
Tnley yester
day ruled la every polat ayalnst tbe
company. Tbe case wiu be carried to
hlyber trlbuaala pi the defendants li.
tbe salt.
Judye Tuley's opinion covered ever>
^aac presented by tbe orlylaal blU and
tbe answer, except tbe criastltuUonel
question raised by tbe defendants. Upi>i>
this the court refuses to rule, hut not,
however, without expressiny bis optaloB that there was ao yround for tbe
■vaa the CMIsle IMvMed on the Oaartlea
of BaWay CWIs-Ke l>Ul«rboo«> Ukaly
Ko Mauev Mow Capaleteble the Term*
er IWe-PrellmlaaHM to tbe ttyMlay
I-oDdoB. July
The Madrid correSTH-ndeni of The Dally Mail remarkiny
OB the "feellax of aatlafacUon and re
lief the peace overtures have produted"
Bold Tb^r State Ceovootleh aa Dotratl
saya: "Thfre U lUOe probaWUty of
Oa aepl. SI Mast.
popular dlacohtecl. sad none at all If
Detroit. July 2».—At a met day of tbe
Spain Is allo^ to reUla the Ph:iippines, and Is not compned to p»y In- Repoldican xiatr central
held here yesterday afierBOoa. It was
de^cd to bold ibo atate convcatloa for
another refuyee, "are flyhtlny for an
Domlaatlon of state officers In LH-troli
and they
been flybtiny f«'irfor'7~rsT"^t“«
cbout the aUv.eaiiMcy of rlslny,
who have lived here any lenyth of time U>* Marquis de Orralbo aad oiner ^ i^e committee—particularly the Plaand have studied tbe American form of leaders op|«' Iny the a ep Neverthelee* ‘ pi^e men —urclny aa early convention
yovemment are of the opinion that an- tt U feared that Don Car.oa will insist while tbe antla. amony them D. M. FernexatloD wUl be the beat tfalny for tba up«»i K."
ry. tbe atate chairman, desired a abort
The Usdrtd correapandrat of Tbe' campalyn
Teleyraph aaye: -However, un-1 Senator Bnrrowa who la a candidate
twuuhle (he term* of p-ace may be | for re-electloa before the next leyltUm have favored the later
Hlseevaat Who MaltMed Bie WlSeVtaal- they will not provike the t.lybiest dls-1 (nre. m
turbanev In Spain, where llaticas la-! date for the coaventloa Oovemor PlnlyMaidet* Her.
; yree baa not yet anaounced hit persoaB.^amea X.. difference 1* pre iom'aaiit •'
aa to United Butca aeoRempton. of tbU diy. shot sad la-
atantly k.lled hU wife and then at- •erV^^teT^rn^“.o^n?4l7h7;
tempted to take his own Ufa by shootIny bimaalf In the head with the saaw
ipon. HeraptoD had lived unhappily
with bis wife for aeme time aad It la
alleyed oHea maltreated her and on a
number of occasiona tbresiened to take
her life. The murdered woman had
several times Irfi her husband w th Ito
tntectii-n of yetcay a divorce, bui Up a
bis tvnewad promlaes to reform she
would return to bit roof. About ten
days ayo be threw her vlclcnt y to tbe
floor and attempted to stranyle her.
Tbe nelybbora iaterferi-d. took her to
the home nf her brother and ahe heyna
pmceedinyv for a divorca
„ h„!i«ed tor some day. to yo beyond
aa unoffiriBl explnrail..n at Waablnyton. t^nee the d-p'otrailc airenta
ployed to make the souadl ya yave con-' I
Btctiay a<»-.-uoi. ot Preaideat McKIn-1
^ ^position. When, bowevqr. it j
'that the Amerl^n war prep-1
arnib ns cont'aned Duke ‘Ivo^ovar de
Wo. minuter of foreiyn affatra. wae In
structed to rend ih - note Tne cab'nst
met Wednesday evertnx to delllieratc
as to the bv«i means and channH ol
neyottation. Part, and I/mdoa wer I
boih dlacuased. N« decl.loff vs* arrived !
at. hut a majority favored *eodiny t
Sr nor Moret. former minister of tht
coltmlea on a special trim on to Lnndoi
CabU to Oee Oelaalee.
8aa Fraariscp. July
Tbe Evealnx
Post Saya that the United SUies wli;
______ L_________...
_____________ ...
ecled by cable
^ ^
cable w ill connect the United State*
Hawaii, the Ladronea. tbe Philippinea and Hony Kony.
Tbc paper eaya that accordiny torthe
terms of the ronlracl tbe work muerbe
The price
•• sisted to be nb.OW.oM. The
ct’mbsny has been opemtiny very qulel>y
co-operaUoa of IhU yov>
»«« s«d tbe Hawatlaas. pendiny the
............... ..................
— -TrooM*taaalUU<rf*B««te*nt. «
Waahlnyton. July 2>.-There U aome
confualon at Camp Alger In tbe BevenU.
minoli reylmenl owing to a multlpllcID' of ordera Oovemor Tanner or
dered that a lieutenant colonel should
__ Waal a Speed raetjlameot
feellay favor, direct ney.t’a
'nt-rfe cnee from out
«« ‘t«‘
There I. mile doubt that l
"eaWent McKinley'* reply prove, at
■<^tahle baal. the nryotlatlon* will
“®* *»• protra< led since Spa a. for mtay Major C. C. Ballou to take command cf
I» desirous < f a «i*edy aeit>- Uw ballallon In ebatye of Lieut Col.
»<’ *»cfat»fe at the MorUrty. _________________
P^nt mo:, ent l uM c opinion I* calm
ycterday * . al Ir.ei council Kenor
Oshkosb. Wla. July a.-Tbe Indica
Sayasta *ald he had around, for h«ption* are ttst a re'tlemmt of the 0«hkosb strike moy soon lie accomplished.
The POater-Hafnrr lorapsny. «me of the
th•tHketaal Pans BeleaMd. There Betay Va Etimiean caMcfti had Iven Informed aUt flrmt who have net succeeded Ir
nf the step
«tep Seala
Si.sla had taken,
taken. rm ntit a. making term* w ith their men. has ac-.
Pena. lUa.. July
The trial of tbc to tj,, ,ejti of ibv n te • nt t > Pr>*Id r cording to the general secretary <rf the j.
seven union miners arrested at tbe In- McKinley. The cab net .o,.nrtl am mt oryanlsatlon of wo'dwvrkcra asked for
atlyaUoD of Mayor Warren Penavll for meet ayair cntl' Krt-’ev vn ny, hy a coramlUec of suifcer* to meet with
the slrrtl* leadlny to the which time lb- aljent McKinley**'reply the mhnacen «r.t. In:erd.ny to d.acuat
■■peace mia.ure*.*' ________
Peawell mine, of which he Is one of the ** expocied."
owners. ua« brouyht to a sudden andniKKa ni-a vs-itwa win nawn
Got fp to viioa* SB f>wl.
iny ymrrday aftcrn.«m. when only half
TBlhK* OLB Ttk«« TOO Babo.
Masenatah, Ills., July n.-rfJe«ryeMnp.
of the erldtnce for the pr. accUtlon was Tl*« oraOermaa Kdhor-J'weope to Oaa- a prcmlnem and wealthy farmer resldIB. City Attorney Morgan di.ml.sed the
ler M^rdiay the PMiippiam.
lr.y enc mile from Mascouatb. commit
caaejad the mliHr. were rel,a«-d from
^..^he Vienna corre- ted suicide Tuesday ntyfat. He got UX',
ir.;‘.irin'r7V of tJ.e^'ml^;'.^
Teleyraph aaya. at mldntyht. uninslbly to shoot an owl.'
and the only prortedlny for the city ^‘■ project d a Jhtropean conference took down a shotgun and went out on
was to dismiss the case.
reyardlny Ihe Philippine* was bnniyfat tbe lawn, where he placed the gun tohl*
Tbc airrsicd miners have Instituted forward Ion* ayo. and there Is every bead and pulled the trigger with hi*
suit ayalnsi Mayor Pennell and hla prospect that the tonference will meet
bondsmen for XU.COO damsye* for Ula* in Parts."
Omaha. Jnly T’.—Tb* alatb annua'
Imprlaoamem and defamation of charThe nrrtJn rorreepodnent of The
Time* a«yw; 'The l*rm* erf peace which •easioB of the Unll.-d Stale* League of
Building and U.un asKmut
nesreeoB lb* Rail FteM.
Amerlta lmt»*e* occasions' surprise Local
dooed yesterday v(th the eleetlea af
Chleayo, July D.—Pollowiny are base here as mui b t.>o hard- The KaUoaaJ officer* for tbe nest ye.r. rrtie olll'er^
ball recorJs made by Laayue club, yea- Cacetie remarks that the Unlled States chooen were: Prmident.. Frvd Bader.
t.rdiy; Al St. Loul*-B:»ton •, 8L h,ve not w«n a victory slynal eoouib Clsrlnnail; secretary. U. F. Cellarlus
L.UU l: at Plusbur^^ll^elphla T.
hard ,er!Sl .jn*- ClnclnnaU.
PItlsbury 0; at 1-uulsvllle—New York presaes the opinion that the preapecta of
«. toulsv.lle «; at CinclBrutl—Brooklyn ■peace are. In conaequicee. yloomy."
1. Cincinnati *: at PhlladelpbU-CleVeTh* Time*, commentln* editorially
Isnd-Raltlmorv yame
upoB tbe ruygcalUm «f Tbe National July 2*.—The bedy of Kart Anderson,
tiasette that ihe t'niled SUles have not seaman, of the Unlled Slate* rrulser
West.ra League: At St. Jc* ph-M I............
rtetory alynal enough to warrant Brooklyn, was buried aahor* here yesvaukee I. Bl. Joseph 6: at K.nea* City
momlny. Anderson wa* killed
accldeniial dlachanre of a Span
Paul—Detroit X. St. Paul Ji a
nf Hpalh merely ehon-s that these crlt- ish on>-p-und shrll, smucyled from on*
l<* entirety fall lo yr**p the military of tbe destroyed Spanish cruiser*
slynlAcaacc of America* sea power. against the order* of ^puin Cool^
Th> sh<U exp oded while Anier.-en was
hammering It In *tl elf.irt to aeparair
tjie cartridge and rbe L Several of the
Pacinc. I BrtKjklyn'*
1 were around at Ihe
newspsper* for the Drnufratlc American Impertal fK.llry
oralpeiion tat
in ilie bexf'Jbf adtantagr* of which
part of them. A little before S o'clock
p. IB. Bempion drove up to b't bouse
and aeni hla little Ifr-year-od dauyhter, EU. over to her aupmother. requeatlny her to come after the remalalay clothes, aa he bad unlocked the
room for her. Tbe woman met her
hnshaad at the door aad he talked to
her in an aaaurtny manner and In no
way Indicated that he Intended to do
her any bodily harm. The moment,
however, that ahe stepped into tbe parlor the dastard shot her.
1K..™ c..... Si .':s,:rSSro“^‘™r.TEr^'^’;
3tch ffa’m Berlin a newspaper there
...................... . ,\(ofes*>* to knew that the Porto Rican
. .1.1. -___,.« r*.____ ..
. , ! next cSh.nalrti.
r*r.,p*rgn. h?ncv-Ve aedvi.tf
actlvi:y or
of ' olonh
olonUI l.glrlolur. I.ss ad^rte^ auton1 Pvrr.j'i frirnd*.
''my anJ 1* ree.-l* ><i to priest ayalaii
; APttaS.hr. ocpupat! r <.....................
She deslie* sea^e. It la nut likely that
-------------Mall motto-at Chleswa.
the Europe* . power* could profit Im
Chicago. July
Thousands of win- state* went to war to enforce.
properly by leim.ay wbat the BjtHi- Jow panes wer* broken during a heavy, 1.,^,. j„|y S»._Al the ckhlnet council
tloas wf.thtj united StateC ajv. hut at hall Sturm in this city last evening. Th* yesieitlay M. Voloama. minister of forany rau IT Is due to the trort^J at l*>*e hfavy rain
which foiiua-eil dM great dgn affatra. aubrnmed to hU ctdloagues
and In th* interest of fair dealing in | daiMge
damsye K. the Inieri.uw ot apartmrat rertaln questions arising out of Spain's
fhtematlonal matters that our sute- bulUlhk* end school bausea
Th* overiurv* for peace. It Is believed that
flient should be maJe.
shrubbery tn tbe parks «a* cut up and
dlacusrt. n turned mainly on tb>
krecn house* damaged In the auburba
.nualUm of FTencbmen in Cub*,
^ aatertalAcd that Siain at one* ^ tbe trolley line* at* down in many ,„«ng rut ol tbe sugnailon of boalneas
setept the Urma proposed. On the bA- places. Many hones were kllltd by con- uiDoe the war l.cgail.
trarr 4 wave of popu'ar IndiynaUon Is Uct with live wlrea. Aa far a* learned
Madrid. July »,-»ptaln Aunon.mlnexpeued to sweep over the penlnsuU no penoB was aertuusly injured.
„ut of marine, baa received a dispatch
JX^n (pe aenouDtement of (he eondlAcM to a Ughtulny Itod.
fr<'R> Admiral Camara annuunclng that
ttths, thkl will cause lb* BpanUh yovColorado Sprthg*. Ctdo.. July tk**"=‘”7
ernment to drop the neyouatlonf and
**cMrr. who came
~— her* IB
•ullenly fight on. It there were any DurlM An electrical siurm here young
horsehoy* of an Intemlew with Senor Pariianrv to prommiinate—to secure an Artbiir
, boll of llghtnlay nnick
hchalf of peace Started for
armistice witliout r .mmittiny themirl* las; evenln*.
•elvrsi In HA to adopt any euur*- t*-at
would postp rte the evil aay .if a>ttle•efcrBatlwyT
nienl—the SaynaU minl.try undoubted body, makln* a aeaied me k.and t' enee
Mich.. July D.-N^la
ly would turn quickly lowe.da It. But entering tbe bone, which wa< last Stiy
from that point of view tb.lr case u
coBstn and Michigan, the Ann Arbor.
bopeP«a Meeting the Sad lab over
tbe Dunmar and WauMukee and tbe
ture « ilh franknea* the Un tel S a.e*
Banltog Psuvwd aa AUbL
Hulnies A Bon raUroids—the last twu
win i mend that It sheuld be treot.d
St. La>uls, July B.—tlic police are - exclusive logging roads—whereby the
. in the same spirit.
without a clew aa to the murderer* ol three are to have terminal* her*. If
It* .'lapdamon I* shown to parley at Charles A. BranL who was killed 4ton- thr deal i.s made the Wlsconaln and
'lenyih ibl* will net be encouragt-d. nor dsy night, rteorge Harding, brother ot Mlohfgwn w III remove lu eight nrilet ot
la It b 'levcd that the French ainbna- the murdered man's divorced wife, who rail* between Pe*hU«o and tbe harbor
aador onid be a party to any such was arrevtcd cn sueplclcn. ha* been re- to s m w line to be hum from Bjy. y
fspyra me. If there must be talk In- leased, aa he proved a complete aliU. Jurrtica to this city, a like dlrt:Bc«.
atsad c; action upon tbe United Slates'
Twtto PopalUts Ktoataala,
Swiri k Ca. Get sCsatfMk
the dleciuslon may proceed.
Austin. Tex.. July fS.—The Ft9*dl«
Washington. July *9.—Th* war detardlit .mtlHary or naval operatloaa xieie convention aomlaated Barney parunent yesterday awarded tbe conDewey and derrltt will proceed unln- Gibtaa of Dallas county, for sovemor. tract for fumlshiny beef to the troop*
terrup.-.dly to execute their pr.«raajne and W. Klrwpatrtck. of Cellliis eonnty. |a porto Rico to Swift • Co., of ChlH the PbUltpines; MI'es wli paUau* for lieutenant yovenujr. wUbont «r- cay». The price lo be paU M tkJI per
kis advaaee t^on Por.o H.co anJ Wat. posiijon.
SM-Mlehlgaa Men at WoeSsIk.
Norfolk. Va.. July D.-Th* innaport
Concho has arrived In Hampton Roads
with sick and wounded soldier* on
hoped, aim ny them Captain J. J. AnoersuB and Lieutenant W. R Case.
Tblrty-thlnl Michigan, and Ueutenant
J: A. Lelsen. Thirty-fourth Mlctlgan.
-I bsva and CbaBbcrlala's Oonch
R Cooper of
Bio, Oalltoniia. -For
email children wa find It eapeeialljeffaetlva*' For sale by 8. B. Wail.
a«ntaR Brows Brand—Tba ival.
main* article, made at John Aabb
Bakery, m Front etreeL
Why ahoaM
ywB carry iMUtsace
ertUi tbe------
floDU ProtectlTe issKiition
wacM If yo* are tick It *ye or
we paryon from the «r»t day you
are taken kck. also from tbe hour yon
meet wiU an abcMcnt. dl for 81 00 per
either aJeknes* or accMent. and
•o have the mODCy lo pay you with
Rton aed thm-k- l^k with us before
you yet Insured and yon will have no
District ayent for NwtberaMmn MtaUCai.'A^aty.Mteh.
Total Issue
The Morning ReennI
From Msy 1, to July 26,
1898, was
Daly Awrage, 1367,'
Guaranteed Gireulatiou!
TM CoiClisin Is nilil
The Record Reaches The People.
That is tliB reison it is a
It Coiers tUe Cltj ind Simiuidlag Oraatij Ior PoUj
Thu iaj Other Dillj.
The reason the Record la so widely oiroulated Is becatue it
Prints AM Tiia Naiu.
FnUy and up to the time of yolny
to press every morniny.
Uieicelled TsIegrafliHi lews Ssrrice.
Fitelr lllsstraM Feaiwrt ti Siiday.
Social aiteitisi Gins Local Hipieoiifs.
Tit ttt VART DEPABTIEIIT or The loriliig lecni
8hafl»r’« Whel* Amiy T* B*
8hipp«d Back Horn# as
Boon at Poaaibla.
Tilt—I ntV* obb^ •« iMc
B.4 SMtlMVCBiTlM. ». BrCM
WaahiDKtOB. Jnir 9—The war deaartmew lut anht poated the follow
tac from aantlafro de Cuba: ‘^ondtUoh
1 r the nth: Total alck. 4.1S: total (et
Mi:: eiew raseo.CS: caaea (ever re>
■>. ’-.t.
.1 H. FarelU Coma UaMCfauaettavoliuiteera.
at Bibener.. rellow (ever: £orporal
Thotnaa RoUoa. company p, Twentr*
fosrth infanlrr, BlliuneT. yellow (ever;
Pitvate William H. Byet*. cumrany D.
SevenleeDth Infantry, cerebral apoplexy.
-IfaJoT CeneraL"
Bow Any haiwoowe EaplaU Baltora.
Secretary ’Alaer la deeply concerned
aver the welfare of the icallant troopa
wader Bbefier’i rorr.n:and. now ea>
camped nn the ooteklrta of Fantiaira.
• The health report ahowa a aun'ruansly
(arse number of caaea of alckneaa. but
army MirKrona authuiiae the vtatemeat
that tbeae fisurea are tnialeadinii in a
certain aenae. and that the aliuatlnn
anay not be nearly ao bad aa they would
. aeefo to Indicate. The ■Hahteat allrrent
af the moat temporary nature aufflrca
to place a aoldlet'a name on the tick
taporta which. In their preaeot .abape.
aacta a cane and one of mortal Ulnesa
The Inference la that many of tbeae
eaaea in Bbafter’a camp are of a trivial
aatore. but yo to awell Its yrand total
af atek and woonded.
Shaaor^ Mm ea Cone Banw.
Kotwithatandlny tbia TnlllgaUny tael
•ecrotacy Alctr la colny to remime the
aoldlera at the very aarileat opportunity
to a more healthy clime. The time tot
hbeir removal la left to General Shatter,
the only UmltatioD placed upon him be>
toy that he aball cot delay the home*
ward eallias of hla troopa beyond the
■tomect when it aball be aafe for them
to leave Sar.tlayo. havlni reyard to the
while details arc
bdas made of troops to anpply theforce
that BhaU evrUon Baatlaro ao ionic as
It aball be found necossarr to contlnne
troopa there. This force wttl be made up
army wiU occopy a aplendid
•coOLDd on Loni Inland.
sun Kelhlax ttWB HUB.
Ko word came from General IDlea
yeaterday and the war department asovmea that be U punwtns bis adVanee
acroas the island of Porto Biro towards
■an Juan. They sitsrh llUla credence
to the SpaiWab account of a faatilc at
Tanca. resties confidence In the lellef
that when the (scu are toiown It wtu
be Imind that tMa was a vtr1or>- of the
asnaJ Spanish type rvsulUaj; in the com
plete achievemeni of the object of the
Amertcaa comandera.
V amlvln* t o sop.
port MUea and before the week Is over
the campaign tbepe ariU be In full swing.
' WashingtoA July 9.—Tbe war de2y that Colonel Cui«er. of the Fifth Il
linois voluateera aa CfaLkamaugA Is an
innocent victim of miarrrrvseaUUon.
It la reported from ('bivkama-uga that
heeaaae this regiment was turned hack
from the Pertu Kican expedition
Jxui deserted. Ihe^-Doni. •( the '
r^taMBt MT-bAn daMrayaS. and the
(allare to aoewre aeUvo nerrlet had
bCM ehaiBod up to the aecret efforu of
Coloaol Caivar w kaop It from sotnc to
tht frimt. It B aald at the dopartmest
that aa a matter of (act the coloaal
has been the vtctlm of rireumataacai
over which he had no oontroL
When the Fifth PUnote bad bMB or.
dervd to Porto Bkso a delecaUaw of Ip.
dlaaa people waited m the prealdent
and preoented the taA that althontb
(here were throe Indiana reKlmenta
fully equipped and ready for aerrtoo
none bad been ordered to tbe front. It
happened that of three lllinota reel,
menu avallaWe two bad been aent (orward In advance o( the Fifth, ao that
the department felt obltyed (to avoid a
charge of dlacrimlnation) to aaboUtuU
aae of the Indiana rv«lm«nU for this
r liUnoli r
With thB
nothing to do and did
aras In ooalemiristlnn.
Chlrkamaoga Park. Ga. Jnly th-The
disappolnuneat of tbe Fifth Illinois at
being turned back Wedaeaday after It
had marched to RaaavlUe b4i ao d:aboartened many that they have no fur
ther ambtUon for millUry life. Colonel
Culver den;ea any reaponalbll.ly for the
ordere calling the men back to camp,
and tialma that be «as analnns to go
with the reglmrat to Pono Rico. Uav
tng twice been shifted from brigades
that were ordered to the from the Fifth
nunota naturally feels greatly irriUted.
and altbeugh the men were muab more
tractable yesterday they were by ao
means plac'A
Private H. 3. Reeder, company A.
Firth nilaola. died at divtaion hospital
after two
days of great
Tbe uofortBiiate mas'a few
days since ate po son root ha dug up In
the woods. mlfUklft^lt for aaaaafrasa
*There art W.WO regular soldiers and
B,dW rolBBteers In the dty. *
day St
, Bpaaiah prisoaen coaflaed at Seavers
■ paid off by tbe Bpasish govenunent yeaierway. the
me mone;
money being reevtved from Admiral Cervera
personal direction of General Blasco. A otla, the mea rvcviviBg from M ■ luap0 tie
few days bafore 1 qolUed the city the each la Amertcaa correacy.
taptaln general told roe Hevana would
tte well-Blgh Impregnable, and that talk
E IF"'
:;S ••
li Bicycle Riders.
Bemember that I de aU kteds •( fw
pairing and sBamellag. and (hat t e»a
and do give yoa tbe beat work of sag
in the ettyfar
city tew the rntmey. Daa't
bat otbeiauU yoa J
tbe eoBtrary,
Igaarai ilae all my work «a be ilchL
and Jf it dost not prove no I make
In «0l i o'eiodt eaaiy aveaiar
except Saaday. in (be OaldweU A LoadoB bailding. at aortb ead of UaiCB
John R. Santo,
Eelieral lasuraacB.
Badaead Bamc on O. B. * I
Pereona troubled with diarrbon arill
I per wilA BaU
Traverse City, '•tsfc Vlnlersaledlntbeexparicace of Mr. Kc^tamber td, go^ to ratarn October
W. M. Beab. clerk of Ho
Indiasapilis. coa (are for roaad trim
Sell August Btb.ratara AagaatlSth. *
'oafor roaad trtpi
.ngnat 8tb, ratara
About two
)b«rlain*aCoMA Cholera and Diar
lady. Moeb to my surprise
Dr. A. B. Gmaney, of Detrcrit. also i and dell
eltght ‘U effects were immediata.
proprietor of Seed City Sanitarinm. i« I Wbeeav
aver ( frit sympUimt of tbe d(ooming to your town, where 1 e will • seaae I _____
. myself agaiast
Temain for one daj only to give the ; tbe attack wit
Itb a few doasa of this va!^ek aa opportnmty to consult hl* ;«aWe remedy. Tbe
rMslt has been
tbatcancot sechimathUSaniUrinm. Ivery asUataetory sad almoat complete
Tbe doctor baa ao much faith is tbe ; relief from the sflUcUon** Foreale by
experience ba baa had in treating A & WaiL Dragglst
chronic dlaeaaca that be wUl give one '
month's treatment and medicTnc frcA
We have aU Idsd* of aewtag maAiao rxEX ttracicaLoncxaTioxs to
AU. TBOSX TBAT SAS TOO tOOB TO PAT. ebtne naedlea. J. W. Slatkx's hanae
AUthat be asks in return Is that
every padeot will state to their friends
_ .. by ______________
« results
his t
AU forms of chronic diaeasesdand de> ganutne article, made at
(onaldes treated. Ko man in this Bakery, til Front atcaet.
State has had anch extended expa>
rienen is tbe treatment of CATARI^
DISEASES aa the doctor. He gradu l.ir.Puckia.
ated 87 years ago from ClereUnd,
Ohio; waa 15 years in general prac
tice; after that lectured as Professor
of Anatomy and Physiology in Detroit
Attonw* M Law.
Homeopathic Medical College for t
years; was8years Superintendent of >«aB Is Boatags* PtevA TmvsvB ntr. MMA
Alma and Vpsilaati SsnitarinmA
This experience, combined with many
years' study in tbe best boapitals in
camming a
and treating loouaanas
ox cnronic
sas _
chronic cases,
prepared him to cure when tbe general J . ni
pracUtionar failA Have yon been atek -------for years? Are yon discouraged?
divonraged? C j.
*- BXOVX. anervey »ee oeaseM------will tell you whether
we can core you or not. Ifwecasnet
cere you, we wiU tcU yon what relief
we can give yoA
AWRemember, one month will be
absolutely free-medicincA surgical
opmtions. and the benefit of all oar
akiU to ail who are too poor to pay.
Our methods of treatment i. aU that is
known br all the scbooli, with the aid
sf electricity, that most wonderful of
all agents in ParalysiA Loss of Power,
Rheumatism, and all diaeases of the
nervona system. Go early, aa my
ifficc is always crowded.
SI Lew. Sgerial
B. B.^saem, Taaers, Bleed aad 8Ue
Toronto, Ontario, ona fere fer roaad
trip. b»1l Aagaat 84th. SSth. aad TTA,
go^ 'orstnrn SepL fith.
VermiilioB. o.. osc faia for roasd
trip. Sell Aagaat Itt, gsod to rataiB
Aagaat ItsL
Bedneed rates to other points. PbOM
U C. E- Many. AgML
C. L. Lroakwood. O. F. A..
Orand Bapido.
Gnif BipMi t bdiut L E
I ss
SBSSSS ssee eee
sssets £8S8 S8«
I sseeeeeeeaeeeeeee
« SS8B88
.......-........... 8:15 •*
Daily XurulBr Xm
of tbe foremast merchants of Cuba, who
an Interview Grape said: -When 1 left
Havana two weeks ago tbe Inhabitants
were ml In the slightest fear that the
city would U« bon bardad. In fact, ev
erything s-as going the same as usual
Tb: theatrea. dsn'lng halla and busi
ness of every character, were flourish
ing. and but for the presence of troopa
U city y 1 would never hnon a war
□ the
was in progrraa.
rrhe blockade at Havana baa tbui
far not proved very effeeUve. Tbefanni
around fnrnlab all the aupplleo necesaary. Tlte soil Is ao fertile that erops
produced In ihlrtr days Thera
has lived In Havana (or twenty-fonr
yeara, stopped here iwsterday en route
to Germany on a visit. In the course of
8 00
, 4 W
UondoA July 9.-The Dally Graphic
this morning points out that tfa're it a
fwbaWUty of aa iniernat o.'wi qucitl>.n
arising x\er the dlAculty of dealing
with tbe Cuban debt. aCnce a maj>rty
of tbe Sranisb bondholdcrB are Fcaoch-
Tnierse Bij Line ofStemen.
Ootnir Borth dally except Baaday.
ite did not go wlib this expedh
UoA but expect to sail with General
Fred OraaVa brigade next week. Tbe
First Kentucky regiment, vanguard of
the Third brigade. Fim division. First
army corps. In command of General
Fred Grant, which la to make up the
second P.-ro Rican cxr-eBUoB arrived
here from Chlckimauga yerterday and
la new In camp Generci Grant arrived
on the last tralr.. uavellrg In a prtvslcar with hla sUff. Tbe Thirl battallne
of the Elxtceatb Pennsylvania arrived
Ut« last evening sfid will be foltowed
by the Third Kentucky and tbe One
Hundred and Fhit etb IndUna
8L ItOBla July 9.—August Grape, one
Cette It a BeBurhaMe np«MA
Two Weeks Age the CUy Wes PIcaUfsIly
BwpplM with Torn*. .
Ever Baraed OStt
LMdon. JulyJ».-The Dally MUI stys
this morning: "With the remsrkable
speech of United FUtea Berator t>ar a
of Bl. Pad. two peoples have buned
U>e past. Bena-or Davis' speech ts a
flua'. and complete ar.aaer to the s;»«m
of M:. Chambera'a at Blrmlr.gbsm '
__ ___ .aave: tbe
tbe Met
Block. aoUlWhlUag____________
at S:I0 p. m. 'Boa will also CMuect
with boat at tI:Jd a m. FruH ear will
ba at Best Bsad OB TueadsjrA Tburadaya and Saturdaja Pamasgsre aud
U aoFOB kaow
O- P. CAKTXB. Awmt
at Uthla Springa. near AiUnu, that ,
be wtu see her Monday aexL
the Third minots Infantry; batter}' A,
sf miDola and tbe Twenty-seventh batUry, of IndUnA
Batteries A and C of Pennsylvania
SBd fltfl-
Hotaeon has wjred hla mother, who Is
Bast«( Ottu HslsB- Brisade Lmvb Xewport hew»-Orwat'a KesL
Newport News. Va. July 9.—With
(he excepuon of the Fourth Ohio regt*
ment the Sc.-ond brisade of the First
army corps, in command of Brig. GgA
HalBCA aalled for Porto Rl.-« yeaurday
afumoon at » u'clocE General Haines
and Ms staff and tbe Fourth Ohio raglment are on the auxlllair crulaar St.
Paul, and this ship left (Md Point about
daybreak today. The transports that
got cC yesterday are the City of WSahitaSeaaca and Boa-
Btfow is a Uit e( lha
Take ntaamar at 8:40 a m. (or K«abita where you will coanect with
er Creseent retnraiug to TravrCitv at 10:45 A m. This arill give
you a pleasant lida of >4 mtlss on tbe PinnweendbysevvTsfA PliBcv
bay and cau be made every aioralng. fraw i lo B derm witbeel tbe kalla Fi
U yon wtah a longer ride the boat ^1 M^r^terrm^t.Vtetc
WM^nr. M.errstIut.tbstcseBe
land you at Uoena or Nortkport where a bone CSV b. eend st eer Staltar
a le ebarre ol tbe ben of aweicsl eUll.
you will coanect with staamar return tbe
docior'e diraetles.
___ _________
torboard aed
ing to Traversa City at 4:00 p. m.
treat weal tbe inveei
o^ of My
bey sssUarisiB
or bee* ' Arnoon axeuraioBS from Travaiae “.Sutlio.Tir
, take the steamer Crescent every
Remember, w
we „
glre a written rnai
afternoon at 1:00 for Ncabtawaata antee to cure every case of PILES ao
where yon will oonneet with steamer RUPTURE. Also,
we t ive a lying-in
retnrnlag to Traverse Qty at 4:00 p.
OR. SPIRHET K,.;si'jh':,.%r
«Li™vlslona H. Havai
sssss e
8sbs« a
-=£= = »s->-g g
essssssasssssss s
i* if
lise: « s
S8=8SS«R8SS£89S 8
=g- a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
888E E ifasailll
sass s eaeaeeeea
SSSn 8 8SM886SS
IbeObeu ef Title.
1 beSvi ear ee tbW wala.
n teintt car Crew Dvtretl ea
unmE lu nmauiai li
Drs. Mixer
Cancer and
Blood Disease
B in Ihe State.
OriRS Tears Eiperience
Goiraiitees Success.
7avnCX>-Olrt fer beaeeverk.
r 1
,De iClIxeP'S Coaevnoa
ann wso B w OMXSA tCaorUASV
^-SSSSSteUESE. fcooiwaii.
K HALB-U»dtr.- Moaarrb Meyrlr. 1
vsrbvbev fer Tr«T»r-» CJIy rei
Beaairv ef Man B. Tevnas.
Rntace W SwA^^SbdsWnlSdArsMmBBd
/£hS77M7S Me//.
. WOM.K -..U.. .
"W© C-cLo?© "W±tjln.o-CL*t
Has no oqnal as « Blood Purifier. Trsverse City Pooplo osn Attoot its msrits.
.Mra. t.|^
Traverse City. Mieh, June SI. 18«S
Dra Mlxar. BmUagm. Mich.—Dear Sira-My wife retaraed home a few days ago. after being thrae i
I at Hastings, under trvaUnent for Caaeer of the
Breast by Dr. CharlM W. Mixer and It is with grent pleasnre that t write you of the improvement la her
I wbils nader yourperaonal attention. She has VWXBLOOKflUmiraLK nAXK—Pwes
bera slMicted with Cancer for some time and the medical smistaaes she bae r«
Tbe renalt of JatbeTrararaeCUyLaBberOa
than pleased
pleased with it
yonr Ueatment is very _____
and «
And what makes your treatment all the more aatiafaetory is beeanae
II pM^a affliated with eaag te tnc pernonal
personal attention of Dr. Charles W. Mixer who bu
hu the management
of Dm. Mlxar s dancer nnd Serofnia Syrup. I would nlio ndvlae
^great care in using thU valuable remedy tenes t^t tbey^procno^a^whlch^rara^ Ue
Mixer os every botUs
A rxv GOOD LOO BXXwbbMA CHrLambvCa SB-tf
Jar. Thanking yon for past eoarb
1 am, very respectfully yonrs,
Router of Deeds. Travena City.
■ws?gi‘.:s£rs.— "*“.53'
Drs. Mixer will give FREE CONSULTATION at Park Place Hotel
ir. B.—B6Wsr« of bogus Csnesr and ScrofUlA Syrup. Ho medioine or
correspondencs gonuine without ths sigsAture of Drs. ICLzer, ss hers giifsn.
LPLX WOOD lor awls Trawne OUy IM-Laaber.
CnyLewtevOa I
J. w. oAuvTunr
wtu be wltb Bart tbe Jewteer ■stO.Oember Uk
wbm be will raten w utlmv-
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